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Sophia Palumbo
English 110 Hnrs
16 October 2011
Lipson Summary
Doing Honest Work in College Summary
The first three chapters of Doing Honest Work in College emphasize that
academic honesty is of high importance, because it paves the road for truthfully learned
education. Charles Lipson provides tools and techniques for students to use in order to
uphold their academic integrity. Citation is a major part of academic honesty. Lipson
expounds the ways students and faculty of universities can properly use citations and
avoid plagiarism, which occurs when one uses the thoughts or works of another person
without citing the source. Lipson gives instruction on how to correctly quote and
paraphrase sources as well. Sources should be cited in essays, research papers, lab
reports, and open-book tests. Besides citation, students should also be honest about the
information they attain during lab experiments. All procedures, data, and results, whether
favorable or unfavorable, must be included in lab notes. The incorrect data can help
pinpoint the mistakes in an experiment (Lipson 23). Academic integrity must also be
maintained in efficient group work. Efficient group work is conducted in a proper, quiet
environment with people who are determined to share their ideas. If an idea from a
fellow student is used in an assignment, one must cite the student to avoid passing the
idea as ones own. Doing Honest Work in College explains the importance of academic
integrity, and offers instruction on how to maintain honesty in different academic


Works Cited
Lipson, Charles. Doing Honest Work in College. Pgs 1-1 in English Course Reader on
Writing. New York: CCNY Publishing. 2011. Pgs 2-48 in CCNY Library
Electronic Reserve. CCNY Publishing. 16 October 2011. <>

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