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Dedicated to the Worlds Most Important Resource

ANSI/AWWA D121a-14
Addendum to
Standard For

Effective Date: March 1, 2014.

Approved by AWWA Board of Directors Jan. 19, 2014
Approved by American National Standards Institute Nov. 26, 2013

Revise the compressive strength requirement in Section to read as follows: strength. The initial, unaged ultimate compressive strength of the
FRP panel in the weakest direction when measured in accordance with Sec. shall be no less than
23,200psi (160 MPa).

Copyright American Water Works Association

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Copyright 2014 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

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Bolted Aboveground Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced

Plastic Panel-Type Tanks for Water Storage

(First Edition)

The Authoritative Resource on Safe Water

Bolted Aboveground
Thermosetting FiberglassReinforced Plastic
Panel-Type Tanks for
Water Storage


AWWA Standard


Effective date: June 1, 2012.

This first edition approved by AWWA Board of Directors Jan. 22, 2012.
Approved by American National Standards Institute March 27, 2012.

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Copyright American Water Works Association

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Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

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AWWA Standard
This document is an American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard. It is not a specification. AWWA standards describe
minimum requirements and do not contain all of the engineering and administrative information normally contained in specifications. The AWWA standards usually contain options that must be evaluated by the user of the standard. Until each optional
feature is specified by the user, the product or service is not fully defined. AWWA publication of a standard does not constitute
endorsement of any product or product type, nor does AWWA test, certify, or approve any product. The use of AWWA standards
is entirely voluntary. This standard does not supersede or take precedence over or displace any applicable law, regulation, or
codes of any governmental authority. AWWA standards are intended to represent a consensus of the water supply industry that
the product described will provide satisfactory service. When AWWA revises or withdraws this standard, an official notice of
action will be placed on the first page of the Official Notice section of Journal - American Water Works Association. The action
becomes effective on the first day of the month following the month of Journal - American Water Works Association publication
of the official notice.

American National Standard

An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An American
National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an
American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether that person has approved the standard or not,
from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review, and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions. Producers of goods
made in conformity with an American National Standard are encouraged to state on their own responsibility in advertising and
promotional materials or on tags or labels that the goods are produced in conformity with particular American National Standards.
Caution Notice: The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approval date on the front cover of this standard indicates
completion of the ANSI approval process. This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. ANSI
procedures require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of
ANSI approval. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036; (212) 642-4900,
or emailing [email protected].

ISBN-13, print:978-1-58321-888-4
ISBN-10, print:1-58321-888-2

eISBN-13, electronic: 978-1-61300-146-2

eISBN-10, electronic:1-61300-146-0

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quotations for review purposes, without the written permission of the publisher.

Copyright 2012 by American Water Works Association

Printed in USA


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Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

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Committee Personnel
The AWWA Standards subcommittee that developed this standard had the following personnel at
the time:
Owen Stevens, Chair

General Interest Members

P.A. Sharff, Simpson Gumpertz and Heger, Waltham, Mass.


Producer Members

S.D. Curran, Fiberglass Tank and Pipe Institute, Houston, Texas

O. Stevens, Fiber Technology Corporation, Lorton, Va.


The AWWA Standards Committee on Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Tanks, which

reviewed and approved this standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval:
Phillip A. Sharff, Chair

General Interest Members

J.J. Cusack Jr., Bryant Associates Inc., Boston, Mass.

M.W. Grimm,* Standards Council Liaison, The Cadmus Group Inc.,
Happy Valley, Ore.
R. Lewandowski, Corrosion Resistant Composites, Timonium, Md.
D.M. Flancher,* Standards Engineer Liaison, AWWA, Denver, Colo.
P.A. Sharff, Simpson Gumpertz and Heger, Waltham, Mass.
C.J. Waters, CDM, Tampa, Fla.


Producer Members

S.D. Curran, Fiberglass Tank and Pipe Institute, Houston, Texas

J. Small, Darco Inc., Bennett, Colo.
S.A. Khan, Amiantit Fiberglass Industries Ltd., Dammam, Saudi Arabia
O. Stevens, Fiber Technology Corporation, Lorton, Va.


User Members

C.J. Patla, Connecticut Water Service Inc., Clinton, Conn.

C.N. Strother, Denver Water, Denver, Colo.
* Liaison

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All AWWA standards follow the general format indicated subsequently. Some variations from this
format may be found in a particular standard.


I. Introduction......................................ix


I.A. Background.......................................ix

1.1 Scope.................................................1

1 General

I.B. History..............................................ix

1.2 Purpose..............................................2

I.C. Acceptance........................................ix

1.3 Application.........................................2

Special Issues......................................x


II.A. Purchase.............................................x

Drawings to Be Furnished..................2

2 References.........................................2

II.B. Design and Construction..................xi

II.C. Manufacturing Method....................xi

3 Definitions........................................5

II.D. Foundations......................................xi

4 Materials

II.E. Annual Inspection and


4.1 General..............................................6

II.F. Disinfection Procedures....................xi


Bolts for Panel Connections...............6


Foundation-Reinforcing Steel.............7


FRP Panels.........................................7


Structural Shapes...............................9

II.G. Recommended Items to Be

Furnished by the Purchaser
and Manufacturer.......................xi

4.6 Castings.............................................9

III. Use of This Standard........................xii

4.7 Forgings.............................................9

III.A. Purchaser Options and

III.B. Information to Be Furnished by the
Manufacturer or Constructor....xiii


Galvanized Coatings..........................9


Structural Bolts for Steel Footing


4.10 Electrodes...........................................9

III.C. Items for Consideration by the


4.11 Gaskets and Sealants..........................9

III.D. Modification to Standard................. xv

Tank Design

Major Revisions................................ xv


Design Methodology........................10

V. Comments....................................... xv


Design Loads...................................11



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Seismic Design.................................12



Strength and Resistance of

FRP Panels and Connections.....28

Anchor Bolt Placement and



Steel Footing....................................41


Strength of Welds.............................28


Types of Joint...................................42


Foundation Anchor Bolts.................28

9.7 Bolting.............................................42


Roof Panels......................................29


Bolt Tightening Requirements.........42


Foundation Design...........................33


Gaskets and Sealants........................43

Sizing of Tanks...............................34

9.10 Cleanup...........................................43

Accessories for Tanks

9.11 Marking...........................................43
9.12 Protection.........................................43

7.1 Manways..........................................34


Pipe Connections.............................34

10.1 FRP Panel Damage..........................43

7.3 Overflow..........................................35

10.2 Testing............................................ 44

7.4 Ladders............................................35

10.3 Disposal of Test Water.................... 44

Safety Devices..................................36

10.4 Repair of Leaks............................... 44

7.6 Vents................................................36


10.5 Disinfecting.................................... 44

Additional Accessories and


8 Fabrications

10.6 Inspection and Maintenance........... 44

Metric (SI) Equivalents....................45

Compression Molding......................36

8.2 Steel FootingsWelded Work..........36


Inspection and Testing

Assembly and Subassemblies............37

Seismic Analysis Example.................47

8.6 Shipping...........................................37

Curves for Obtaining Factors
Wi /WL and Wc /WL for the
Ratio L /HL................................. 23


Curves for Obtaining Factors

hi /HL and hc /HL for the
Ratio L/HL (EBP).......................24

Curves for Obtaining Factors

hi /HL and hc /HL for the
Ratio L/HL (IBP)........................25

8.4 Welds...............................................37

Manufacturing Tolerances................37
Quality Standards and Control........37

9 Construction

9.1 General............................................40


Foundation Installation....................41


Anchor Bolts....................................41

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Curve for Obtaining the Factor

2p/l for the Ratio L/HL............. 26

Curve for Obtaining the Normalized

Wetted Width, Xf /0.50 L, for the
Ratio da /dmax.............................30

Wetted Width on the Roof When

the Required Freeboard Is
Greater Than the Actual



Curves for Obtaining Factors

hi /HL and hc /HL for the
Ratio L/HL.................................54
Curve for Obtaining the Factor
2p/ for the Ratio L/HL.............59
Curve for Obtaining the Normalized
Wetted Width, Xf /0.50 L, for the
Ratio da /dmax.............................60
Curves for Obtaining Factors
Wi /WL and Wc /WL for the
Ratio L/HL.................................61
Curves for Obtaining Factors
hi /HL and hc /HL for the
Ratio L/HL.................................63
Curves for Obtaining Factors
hi /HL and hc /HL for the
Ratio L/HL................................ 64

Elevation of Concrete

Sealant Detail at Panel



B.1 Given Tank Dimensions...................47


B.2 Curve for Obtaining the Factor

2p/l for the Ratio L/HL.............49
B.3 Curve for Obtaining the Normalized
Wetted Width, Xf /0.50 L, for the
Ratio da /dmax.............................50

Physical Requirement for
Sealant Material.........................10
Load Duration for Loading
Nut Rotation From Snug-Tight
A.1 Metric (SI) Conversion

B.4 Curves for Obtaining Factors

Wi /WL and WC /WL for the
Ratio L/HL.................................51

B.5 Curves for Obtaining Factors

hi /HL and hc /HL for the
Ratio L/HL.................................53

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This foreword is for information only and is not a part of ANSI */AWWA D121.


I.A. Background. This standard covers bolted aboveground thermosetting

fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) panel-type tanks for water storage and is based
on more than a decade of accumulated knowledge and experience from installations
worldwide, as well as engineering procedures and analyses generally accepted in the
tank industry. Bolted FRP panel-type tanks are typically field assembled from factoryproduced modular panel units. Tanks ranging in size from 260 gal to 2.5 mil gal have
been constructed.
I.B. History. This is the first edition of ANSI/AWWA D121. In June 2007, the
Standards Council approved this new standard and assigned it to Standards Committee
370, Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Tanks. A subcommittee was formed
to prepare this standard. Applicable publications, such as ANSI/AWWA D120, ANSI/
AWWA D103, BS EN 13280:2001, SS245:1995, and JIS R3411-3417 were consulted
in forming this standard, and seismic design procedures are based on current practice
as reflected in ASCE/SEI 7-05, ANSI/AWWA D110-04, ACI 350.3-06, and Technical
Information Document TID 7024, chapter 6 and appendix F, US Atomic Energy
This first edition was approved by the AWWA Board of Directors on Jan. 22, 2012.
I.C. Acceptance. In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF
International (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a
certification program for direct and indirect drinking water additives. Other members of
the original consortium included the Water Research Foundation (formerly AwwaRF)
and the Conference of State Health and Environmental Managers (COSHEM). The
American Water Works Association and the Association of State Drinking Water
Administrators (ASDWA) joined later.
In the United States, authority to regulate products for use in, or in contact with,
drinking water rests with individual states. Local agencies may choose to impose
requirements more stringent than those required by the state. To evaluate the health

* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Persons outside the United States should contact the appropriate authority having jurisdiction.

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II.A. Purchase. When tanks are purchased using this standard, the purchaser
must specify certain basic requirements. The purchaser may desire to modify, delete, or
amplify sections of this standard to suit special conditions. It is strongly recommended
that such modifications, deletions, or amplifications be made by supplementing this

* NSF International, 789 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.

Both publications available from National Academy of Sciences, 500 Fifth Street, NW, Washington,
DC 20001.
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effects of products and drinking water additives from such products, state and local
agencies may use various references, including
1. An advisory program formerly administered by USEPA, Office of Drinking
Water, discontinued on Apr. 7, 1990.
2. Specific policies of the state or local agency.
3. Two standards developed under the direction of NSF, NSF*/ANSl 60, Drinking Water Treatment ChemicalsHealth Effects, and NSF/ANSI 61, Drinking Water
System ComponentsHealth Effects.
4. Other references, including AWWA standards, Food Chemicals Codex, Water
Chemicals Codex, and other standards considered appropriate by the state or local
Various certification organizations may be involved in certifying products in accordance with NSF/ANSI 61. Individual states or local agencies have authority to accept
or accredit certification organizations within their jurisdiction. Accreditation of certification organizations may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Annex A, Toxicology Review and Evaluation Procedures, to NSF/ANSI 61 does
not stipulate a maximum allowable level (MAL) of a contaminant for substances not
regulated by a USEPA final maximum contaminant level (MCL). The MALs of an
unspecified list of unregulated contaminants are based on toxicity testing guidelines
(noncarcinogens) and risk characterization methodology (carcinogens). Use of Annex A
procedures may not always be identical, depending on the certifier.
ANSI/AWWA D121 does not address additives requirements. Users of this standard should consult the appropriate state or local agency having jurisdiction in order to
1. Determine additives requirements, including applicable standards.
2. Determine the status of certifications by all parties offering to certify products for contact with, or treatment of, drinking water.
3. Determine current information on product certification.
II. Special Issues.

standard rather than by rewriting or incorporating sections from this standard into a
separate specification.
II.B. Design and Construction. The details of design and construction covered
by this standard are minimum requirements. A tank cannot be represented as adhering
to the provisions of ANSI/AWWA D121 if it does not meet the minimum requirements
of this standard.
II.C. Manufacturing Method. Tanks covered by this standard shall be
manufactured by compression molding with SMC (sheet mold compound) using
the hot press method. Tanks requiring no internal or external coating and bolted
construction have a long life expectancy. Regular inspection and repair of damaged or
deteriorated areas may be the determining factors in the length of tank life.
II.D. Foundations. Tank foundations are one of the more important aspects
of tank design. Detailed requirements for tank foundations are covered in Sec. 5.8
of this standard. This standard does not require the manufacturer or constructor to
be responsible for the design of the tank foundation unless otherwise specified by the
purchaser. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, the purchaser must obtain an
adequate soil investigation at the tank site, including recommendations of the type of
foundation to be used, the depth of foundation required, and the design soil-bearing
pressure. This information, as well as specifications for an adequate soil investigation,
should be established by a qualified geotechnical engineer. The top of the foundation
strips should be 20 in. (500 mm) minimum above the finished grade, unless otherwise
specified by the purchaser. The tank manufacturer shall provide the loads that the
foundation beams will have to support.
A drainage inlet structure or suitable erosion protection should be provided to
receive the discharge from the tank overflow. The overflow shall not be connected
directly to a sewer or a storm drain without an air break.
II.E. Annual Inspection and Maintenance. Inspection and maintenance is
important if maximum tank life is to be attained. Inspections should be performed
II.F. Disinfection Procedures. This standard does not cover tank disinfection
procedures. ANSI/AWWA C652, Standard for Disinfection of Water-Storage Facilities,
should be consulted for recommended procedures for disinfection of water-storage
facilities. If the disinfecting is to be done by the tank constructor, the purchaser must
specify how such disinfecting is to be done.
II.G. Recommended Items to Be Furnished by the Purchaser and Manufacturer. The following recommendations on items to be furnished by both the


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III.A. Purchaser Options and Alternatives. The following information should be

furnished by the purchaser when taking bids for a tank:
1. Standard usedthat is, ANSI/AWWA D121, Bolted Aboveground
Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks for Water Storage, of
latest revision.
2. Whether compliance with NSF/ANSI 61, Drinking Water System
ComponentsHealth Effects, is required.
3. Affidavit of compliance, if required.
4. Tank capacity and dimensional restrictions if any.
5. Maximum flow rate, either in or out.
6. Desired time for completion.
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purchaser and the manufacturer are considered good practice, but are not requirements
of ANSI/AWWA D121.
When a bolted FRP panel-type tank is to be purchased under the provisions of this
standard, the purchaser should provide the following:
1. The site on which the tank is to be built, including sufficient space to permit
the structure to be erected by customary methods.
2. Foundation design and construction unless otherwise specified.
3. Water at the proper pressure for testing, as required, and facilities for disposal of waste water after testing.
4. A suitable right-of-way from the nearest public road to the erection site.
5. Materials furnished by the purchaser to be used by the constructor for construction of the tank.
The manufacturer should furnish the following:
1. Foundation layout and loads to be supported for the intended tank.
2. Anchor bolts, if required, for wind, earthquake, or other lateral loads, or if
specified to be furnished.
3. All materials, except materials furnished by the purchaser that are necessary to assemble the structure components, including the accessories required by this
Variations in the responsibilities of both the purchaser and the manufacturer as
previously outlined may be made by contractual agreement. The purchaser and the
bidder should each furnish information identified in the sections that follow.
III. Use of This Standard. It is the responsibility of the user of an AWWA
standard to determine that the products described in that standard are suitable for use
in the particular application being considered.

7. Site location.
8. Type of road available for access to the site, and whether the road is public
or private.
9. Name of and distance to the nearest town.
10. Name of and distance to the nearest railroad siding.
11. Availability of electric power; who furnishes it and at what fee, if any; what
voltage is available; whether direct or alternating current; and, if alternating current,
what cycle and phase.
12. Availability of compressed air and at what pressure, volume, and fee, if any.
13. The bottom capacity level of the tank when empty if different from the level
when the tank would be emptied through the specified discharge piping.
14. The type of pipe and fittings for fluid conductors and the type of pipe joint.
15. The required freeboard.
16. Details of other federal, state or provincial, and local requirements (Sec. 4.1).
17. Any additional accessories required (Section 7).
18. The number and location of pipe connections, and type and size of pipe to
be accommodated.
Note: Connections to the piping furnished by the constructor are to be made by
the purchaser (Sec. 7.2).
19. If the roof ladder for providing access to roof hatches and vents is to be omitted (Sec. 7.4.3).
20. If safety cages, rest platforms, or other safety devices are required, and on
which ladders (Sec. 7.5).
III.B. Information to Be Furnished by the Manufacturer or Constructor.The
following information shall be furnished by the manufacturer or constructor for a
1. Dimensions of the tank, including the vertical load, lateral loads, and overturning moments imparted to the foundation by all loads should also be identified at
the time of the bid.
2. The number, names, and sizes of all accessories. This includes the type of
roof ladder if an alternative method from that required in Sec. 7.4.3 is proposed.
III.C. Items for Consideration by the Purchaser. The design, construction,
and final placement of a storage tank into service require cooperation between the
purchaser, manufacturer, and constructor of the tank. Various practices are used to
ensure successful tank placement. The following items are suggested for inclusion in
the purchasers requirements, unless local practice dictates otherwise.



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Please note that this material is not stipulated in the text of ANSI/AWWA D121.
1. The purchaser may want to provide for field inspection to be performed
either by the purchaser or by a commercial inspection agency, the cost of which shall
be paid by the purchaser. As an option, the purchaser may require the manufacturer
or constructor to perform the inspection work and, at the conclusion of the work, to
submit a written report. The report should include a statement indicating that the tank
has been erected according to the manufacturers instructions, that the required testing
has been performed, and that any leaks have been repaired.
2. This standard assumes that the purchaser (owner) provides sufficient water
replacement and circulation to prevent freezing in the tank and riser pipe. Where
low usage may result in the possibility of freezing, the purchaser shall waste water or
provide heat to prevent freezing. The purchaser is referred to National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) document NFPA 22, Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection, for
heater sizing. Purchasers are cautioned against allowing ice to build up for use as insulation because the ice may break loose and damage the tank. Where reference to ice
damage is discussed in the standard, it is in anticipation of improper operation rather
than approval of an icing condition.
3. On completion of the tank erection, it is recommended that the constructor dispose of all rubbish and other unsightly material caused by the operations and
leave the premises in as good a condition as found at the start of the tank erection. It
is recommended that the purchaser provide appropriate containers for placement and
removal of disposed materials. Sec. 9.10 of ANSI/AWWA D121 does not list requirements for cleanup.
4. ANSI/AWWA D121 does not require the manufacturer or constructor to
blind (i.e., temporarily seal all openings) and fill the tank to top capacity level. It is
common practice for the purchaser to provide this effort. Should the purchaser require
that the constructor provide this service and a supply of water, this must be provided
for in the purchasers requirements.
5. ANSI/AWWA D121 does not require the constructor to furnish foundation
plans (only foundation layout drawings with directional details to support the tank).
Should the purchaser specify submission of foundation plans; the purchaser must furnish adequate information relative to the type of foundation, foundation depth, and
allowable soil-bearing pressure. (see Sec. II.D of the foreword and Sec. 5.8, Foundation
Design, for further information.)
6. ANSI/AWWA D121 does not require the manufacturer or constructor to
construct and install a foundation. Should the purchaser require that a foundation be

provided by the constructor, any information other than that contained in Sec. 5.8 of this standard
must also be provided by the purchaser.
7. It is recommended that the purchaser retain a qualified geotechnical consultant to conduct a proper soil investigation. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, ANSI/AWWA D121
does not require that the manufacturer or constructor provide this service (see Sec. 5.8.5).
8. The purchaser may want to provide for shop inspection, to be performed either by the
purchaser or by a commercial inspection agency, the cost of which shall be paid by the purchaser.
III.D. Modification to Standard. Any modification to the provisions, definitions, or
terminology in this standard must be provided in the purchasers documents.
IV. Major Revisions. This is the first edition of this standard.
V. Comments. If you have any comments or questions about this standard, please call
AWWA Engineering and Technical Services at 303.794.7711, FAX at 303.795.7603, write to
the department at 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235-3098, or email at standards@



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Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.

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(First Edition)

AWWA Standard

Bolted Aboveground Thermosetting

Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic PanelType Tanks for Water Storage

Sec. 1.1



This standard describes the design, fabrication, installation, inspection, and

testing of bolted aboveground thermosetting fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP)
panel-type tanks for potable water storage. Requirements for the fabrication,
handling, construction, and testing of FRP panels, concrete and steel foundation structure, foundation, and accessories are included. Site elevation and procurement, tank sizing; post-commissioning inspection and maintenance; and the
design, operation, and control of the water distribution system that connects to the
bolted aboveground FRP panel-type tank are beyond the scope of this standard.
1.1.1 Tank roofs. Tanks storing domestic or potable water shall have roofs
conforming to the requirements of this standard. Tanks storing nonpotable water
may be constructed without roofs.
1.1.2 Items not covered. This standard does not cover all details of design
and construction. Details that are not addressed shall be designed and constructed
to be as adequate and as safe as those that would otherwise be provided under this
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2 AWWA D121-12

1.1.3 Local requirements. This standard is not intended to cover storage

tanks erected in areas subject to regulations more stringent than the requirements
contained within this standard. In such cases, this standard should be followed
where it does not conflict with more stringent requirements. Where more stringent
federal, state, provincial and local government requirements exist, such requirements shall be specified, and this standard shall be interpreted to supplement them.

Sec. 1.2


The purpose of this standard is to provide minimum requirements for the

design, manufacture, installation, and inspection of bolted, aboveground thermoset fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) panel-type tanks for the storage of water.
This standard is only applicable to tanks with a base elevation substantially at
ground level.

Sec. 1.3


This standard can be referenced in project documents that address the design,
fabrication, construction, inspection, and testing of bolted aboveground FRP
panel-type tanks for water storage. The stipulations of this standard apply when
this document has been referenced and then only to bolted aboveground FRP
panel-type tanks.

Drawings to Be Furnished

Construction drawings for the bolted aboveground FRP panel-type tank and
foundation shall be provided. Drawings shall show all features of the work, including the size and position of structural components, the required length or grade
of materials, and construction tolerances. Where foundation and tank designs are
performed by separate parties, each party shall provide construction drawings.
Details of bolted joints shall be referenced on the drawings.



This standard references the following documents. In their latest editions,

they form a part of this standard to the extent specified within the standard. In any
case of conflict, the requirements of this standard shall prevail.
ACI* 301Specifications for Structural Concrete.
ACI 318Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.
* American Concrete Institute, 38800 Country Club Dr., Farmington Hills, MI 48331.

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Sec. 1.4

Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 3

AISC* 360, Specification for Structural Steel Buildings.

ANSI/AWWA C652Disinfection of Water-Storage Facilities.
ASCE /SEI 7-05Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
ASTM A36/A36MStandard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel.
ASTM A48/A48MStandard Specification for Gray Iron Castings.
ASTM A123/A123MStandard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products.
ASTM A153/A153MStandard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip)
on Iron and Steel Hardware.
ASTM A194/A194MStandard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel
Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both.
ASTM A216/A216MStandard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon,
Suitable for Fusion Welding, for High-Temperature Service.
ASTM A307Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs,
60,000 psi Tensile Strength.
ASTM A325Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat
Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength.
ASTM A490Standard Specification for Steel Structural Bolts, Alloy Steel,
Heat-Treated, 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength.
ASTM A563Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts.
ASTM A572/A572MStandard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy
Columbium-Vanadium Structural Steel.
ASTM A668/A668MStandard Specification for Steel Forgings, Carbon
and Alloy, for General Industrial Use.
ASTM C581Standard Practice for Determining Chemical Resistance of
Thermosetting Resins Used in Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Structures Intended for
Liquid Service.
ASTM D395Standard Test Methods for Rubber PropertyCompression
ASTM D412Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic ElastomersTension.


* American Institute of Steel Construction, One East Wacker Drive, Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60601.
American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191.
A STM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

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4 AWWA D121-12

ASTM D573Standard Test Method for RubberDeterioration in an Air

ASTM D638Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics.
ASTM D695Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid
ASTM D732Standard Test Method for Shear Strength of Plastics by
Punch Tool.
ASTM D790Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials.
ASTM D792Standard Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity
(Relative Density) of Plastics by Displacement.
ASTM D883, Standard Terminology Relating to Plastics.
ASTM D953Standard Test Method for Bearing Strength of Plastics.
ASTM D1056Standard Specification for Flexible Cellular Materials
Sponge or Expanded Rubber.
ASTM D1171Standard Test Method for Rubber DeteriorationSurface
Ozone Cracking Outdoors or Chamber (Triangular Specimens).
ASTM D2240Standard Test Method for Rubber PropertyDurometer
ASTM D2290Standard Test Method for Apparent Hoop Tensile Strength
of Plastic or Reinforced Plastic Pipe by Split Disk Method.
ASTM D2563Standard Practice for Classifying Visual Defects in GlassReinforced Plastic Laminate Parts.
ASTM D2583Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Rigid
Plastics by Means of a Barcol Impressor.
ASTM D2584Standard Test Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins.
ASTM D3567Standard Practice for Determining Dimensions of Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Pipe and Fittings.
ASTM F593Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap
Screws, and Studs.
ASTM F594Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Nuts.
ASTM F1554Standard Specification for Anchor Bolts, Steel, 36, 55, and
105-ksi Yield Strength.
ASTM G152Standard Practice for Operating Open Flame Carbon Arc
Light Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials.


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ASTM G153Standard Practice for Operating Enclosed Carbon Arc Light

Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials.
ASTM SI10 IEEE/ASTM SI 10American National Standard for Metric
AWS* A5.1Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal
Arc Welding.
AWS D1.1/D1.1M-2010Structural Welding CodeSteel.
FTPI 2007-1Recommended Practice for the In-service Inspection of
Aboveground Atmospheric Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Tanks and Vessels.
FTPI RP T-95-02Remanufacturing of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Underground Storage Tanks.
ISO 9001:2008Quality Management Systems Requirements.
NFPA 22Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection.
NSF/ANSI 61Drinking Water System ComponentsHealth Effects.
OSHA** 29 CFR 1910Occupational Safety and Health StandardsGeneral Industry.
RCSC (Research Council on Structural Connections)Specification for
Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts.



Unless otherwise indicated, the plastics terminology used in this standard

is in accordance with ASTM D883. The following definitions shall apply in this
1. Capacity: The net tank volume measured as the difference between the
total tank volume and volume of the freeboard. (Note: The usable volume of water
may be less than the capacity depending on the location of the tank discharge.)

* American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126..

Fiberglass Tank and Pipe Institute, 11150 South Wilcrest Dr., Suite 101, Houston, TX 77099.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse, Case postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva
20, Switzerland.
National Fire Protection Association, One Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169.
NSF International, 789 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
** US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 200 Constitution Avenue,
Washington, D.C. 20210
Research Council on Structural Connections, One East Wacker Dr., Suite 3100, Chicago, IL 60601.

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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 5

6 AWWA D121-12

2. Constructor: The party that provides the work and materials for placement or installation.
3. Freeboard: The difference between the top of the tank and the top of
the water surface.
4. Manufacturer: The party that manufactures, fabricates, or produces
materials or products.
5. Purchaser: The person, company, or organization that purchases any
materials or work to be performed.
6. Resin: A thermosetting polyester or vinyl ester that is crosslinked with
styrene. The physical and chemical properties of resins vary greatly. Each type of
resin has particular strengths and weaknesses for a given application, which require
7. Sloshing: The movement of water in the tank that is attributable to external forces, such as earthquakes, that cause dynamic loading on the tank.
8. Supplier: The party that supplies materials or services. A supplier may or
may not be the manufacturer.
9. Surface veil: A fine reinforcement-mat layer applied to the laminate surface.
10. Tank: A chamber used for water storage. Tanks covered by this standard are typically square, rectangular, U, or Lshaped.

Sec. 4.1



Materials to be incorporated in any structure to meet the provisions of this

standard shall be new, previously unused, and in first-class condition, and shall
comply with the requirements of this standard.
Material shall comply with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act
and other federal regulations for potable water, wastewater, and reclaimed water
systems as applicable.

Sec. 4.2

Bolts for Panel Connections

4.2.1 Bolts. Bolts for joining tank panels shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A307, ASTM A325, ASTM A490, or ASTM F593 and shall
comply with the requirements of AISC 360. Nuts for these bolts shall conform to
ASTM A194, ASTM A563, and ASTM F594.


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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 7

4.2.2 Anchor bolts. Anchor bolts shall conform to the requirements of

ASTM A36, ASTM A307, or ASTM A572, grade 50.

Sec. 4.3

Foundation-Reinforcing Steel
Reinforcing steel in foundations shall comply with the requirements of
ACI 318.

Sec. 4.4

FRP Panels


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Panels shall be manufactured using Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) in

accordance with Sec. 4.4.1, 4.4.2, and 4.4.3 by compression molding using a hotpressed method with a minimum molding pressure of 2,470 psi (17 MPa) and
a curing temperature of 284F (140C). SMC used in the manufacture shall be
from an approved NSF/ANSI 61 supplier, manufactured panels shall conform to
ASTM: D638, D695, D790, D792, D953, D2563, D2583 and have greater than
40 percent glass content.
4.4.1 Resin. The resin shall be a commercial grade, thermosetting plastic
resin that has been evaluated in a laminate by test in accordance with Sec. 4.4. The
resin shall not contain fillers or pigments except as specified in Sec.,,,, and Thixotropic agent. Up to 5 percent (by weight) thixotropic agent
that will not interfere with visual inspection may be added for viscosity control. Resin
pastes used to fill crevices before overlay shall not be subject to this limitation. Ultraviolet absorbers. Ultraviolet absorbers may be added to the
final resin coating to improve weather resistance. Pigments. Resins, catalyst, and other additives may contain pigments, dyes, or colorants, provided their concentration does not prevent detection
of visual defects or adversely affect performance of the FRP panel. Fire-retardants. Fire-retardant agents may be added for improved
fire resistance. Fillers. The structural filler may contain particular fillers, provided that the fillers are compatible with other laminate constituents and do not
adversely affect the performance of the laminate. The glass volume fraction in the
filled laminate shall be no less than the glass volume fraction in an unfilled laminate based on the glass content requirements.
4.4.2 Reinforcing materials. Fiberglass. The reinforcing material shall be a commercial-grade
glass fiber having a coupling agent; it shall be compatible with the resin used and

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8 AWWA D121-12

suitable for the particular fabrication technique. The reinforcing material used to
fabricate the tank shall be comparable to that used to generate environmentalresistance and physical-property design data.
4.4.3 Surfacing materials. Surfacing veil. The surfacing veil, when used in the interior layer,
shall be commercial grade and chemical resistant, having a coupling agent.
4.4.4 Physical and mechanical properties. Wall thickness. The average wall thickness of the FRP panel shall
be measured in accordance of ASTM D3567. No FRP panel shall have a thickness
of less than 0.1181 in. (3 mm). Surface hardness. The surface hardness (interior and exterior)
shall be at least 90 percent of the resin manufacturers minimum specified hardness for the cured resin, when tested in accordance with ASTM D2583. Glass content. The glass content of the structural layer, when
measured in accordance with Sec. shall be no less than 90 percent of the
design glass content. Modulus of elasticity. The modulus of elasticity of the FRP panel
measured in either tension or flexure in accordance with Sec. and Sec.
shall be no less than 1,200,000 psi (8,274 MPa). The initial, unaged flexural modulus
of elasticity shall be determined for evaluating the laminate for environmental exposure and quality control. Tensile strength. The initial, unaged ultimate tensile strength
of the FRP panel in the weakest direction when measured in accordance with
Sec. shall be no less than 14,500 psi (100 MPa). Flexural strength. The initial, unaged ultimate flexural strength
of the FRP panel in the weakest direction when measured in accordance with
Sec. shall be no less than 23,900 psi (165 MPa). Shear strength. The initial, unaged ultimate shear strength of the
FRP panel in the weakest direction when measured in accordance with Sec.
shall be no less than 13,500 psi (93 MPa). Compressive strength. The initial, unaged ultimate compressive
strength of the FRP panel in the weakest direction when measured in accordance
with Sec. shall be no less than 42,768 psi (295 MPa). Bearing strength. The initial, unaged ultimate bearing strength
of the FRP panel in the weakest direction when measured in accordance with
Sec. shall be no less than 29,000 psi (200 MPa).


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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 9

Sec. 4.5

Structural Shapes
Hot-rolled structural shapes for use under the provisions of this standard shall
conform to AISC 360. Material shall conform to ASTM A36.

Sec. 4.6

Iron castings shall conform to ASTM A48, class 30. Steel castings shall conform to ASTM A216, grade WCB.

Sec. 4.7


Forgings from plate and sheet materials shall conform to ASTM A668.

Sec. 4.8

Galvanized Coatings

When hot-dip galvanized coatings are to be supplied, they can only be used
on external steel footings, reinforcements, and/or external ladders in accordance
with the recommended practice of the American Hot Dip Galvanizers Association
in compliance with ASTM A123 and ASTM A153.

Sec. 4.9

Structural Bolts for Steel Footing Connection


4.9.1 Bolts. Steel bolts shall be ASTM A325 or ASTM A490, meeting
the requirements of RCSC Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325
or A490 Bolts.
4.9.2 Foundation anchor bolts. Foundation anchor bolts shall conform to
ASTM F1554, Grade 36, 55, or 105. Unless otherwise specified, anchor bolts shall be
supplied with unified coarse (UNC) threads with a Class 2a tolerance, as permitted
in ASTM F1554. Nuts for anchor bolts shall be furnished as heavy hex nuts, ASTM
A563 Grade A (for Grade 36 and 55 bolts) or Grade DH (for Grade 105 bolts).

Sec. 4.10 Electrodes

Manual, shielded-metal, arc-welding electrodes shall conform to the requirements of AWS A5.1. Welding electrodes shall be of any E60XX or E70XX classification suitable for the electric current characteristics, the position of welding, and
other conditions of intended use.

Sec. 4.11 Gaskets and Sealants

The manufacturer shall use gaskets, sealants, and patches, or any combination, in accordance with the following requirements.
4.11.1 Gaskets. EPDM roof gasket material shall be of adequate tensile
strength and resilience to obtain a leak proof seal at seams and joints. Gasket
material shall be resistant to weather and ozone exposure as designated by ASTM
D1171 and comply with ASTM D412 (Die A) and D1056.

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10 AWWA D121-12

Table 1 Physical requirement for sealant material

Strip and Extruded
Sealant Material

Tensile strength, initial, psi minimum, ASTM D412 longitudinal direction

1,030 psi (7,100 kPa)

Tensile strength, initial, psi minimum, ASTM D412 cross direction

1,348 psi (9,300 kPa)

Ultimate elongation, initial, percent of minimum, ASTM D412 longitudinal



Ultimate elongation, initial, percent of minimum, ASTM D412 cross direction


Hardness, Shore A, ASTM D2240

75 5

Hardness change, Shore A, after oven aging, ASTM D573

4.11.2 Sealants. Sealants shall be SEBS (styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene)

an elastomer with enhanced performance and excellent resistance to aging and NSF/
ANSI 61 approved. SEBS shall comply with the following: ASTM D395 Method B,
D412, D792, and D2240. Physical requirements are described in Table 1.
4.11.3 Patches. Patches shall be self-adhesive EPDM cellular rubber, a
sealant used at main SEBS sealant intersections. EPDM resists aging from weather,
ozone, and water with superior UV resistance and complies with ASTM D412
(Die A) and D1056.
1. Resistance to temperature. The sealant shall remain flexible when in continuous operation over a temperature range of 4F to +212F (40C to +100C).
2. Weatherability. The sealant shall be resistant to hardening and cracking. The sealant shall be essentially solid and contain no plasticizers or extenders
that could cause shrinkage caused by weathering. The sealant shall be resistant to
ozone and ultraviolet light.
3. Chemical resistance. The sealant shall be chemically resistant without
extraction to water and shall not swell or degrade under normal water-storage
4. Material specification. The sealant shall be NSF/ANSI 61 approved.

Sec. 5.1


Design Methodology
Structural elements for the tank shall be designed for all imposed loads based
on accepted structural engineering practice. Specified factored resistances shall
exceed the response resulting from specified factored loads. Loads and load factors

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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 11

shall be as specified in Sec. 5.2. Seismic loads due to earthquake shall be as specified in Sec. 5.3. Strengths and resistance factors for FRP panels and connections
shall be as specified in Sec. 5.4.

Design Loads
The following loads shall be considered in the design of tank structures and
foundations and shall be used in Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) load
combinations of Sec. 5.2.7.
5.2.1 Water load (F). Water load shall be the weight of water when the
tank is filled to its capacity. The static water pressure is to be treated as a long
period load. Unit weight used for water shall be 62.4 lb/ft3 (1,000 kg/m3).
5.2.2 Dead load (D). Dead load is a gravity load due to the weight of permanent components of the bolted FRP panel-type water tank and is to be treated
as a long period load.
5.2.3 Roof live load (Lr). Roof live load is the load attributable to weight
of the persons during maintenance and is in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-05. The
minimum roof live load shall be 12 lb/ft2 (0.58 kN/m2) and is to be treated as a
short-period load.
5.2.4 Snow load (S). Snow load shall be in accordance to ASCE/SEI 7-05
chapter 7 and Table 1.1 of chapter 1.
5.2.5 Wind load (W). Wind load is the wind pressure acting on the wall
and roof of the tank and is in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-05, chapter 6.
5.2.6 Earthquake load (E). Earthquake load takes into account the
impulsive and convective (sloshing) actions of the liquid. Tanks shall be analyzed
for earthquake loads in accordance with Sec. 5.3 of this standard.
5.2.7 Load combinations. The tank shall be provided with strength adequate to resist the critical effect resulting from the following combination of loads:
(Eq 5-1)
1.4 ( D + F )
(Eq 5-2)
1.2 ( D + F ) + 0.50 Lr
1.2 ( D + F ) + 0.50 S
(Eq 5-3)
1.2 D + 1.6 Lr + 0.80 W
(Eq 5-4)
1.2 D + 1.6 S + 0.80 W
(Eq 5-5)
1.2 D + 1.6 W + 0.50 Lr
(Eq 5-6)
1.2 D + 1.6 W + 0.50 S
(Eq 5-7)
1.2 D + 1.0 E + 0.20 S
(Eq 5-8)
0.90 D + 1.6 W
(Eq 5-9)
0.90 D + 1.0 E
(Eq 5-10)

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Sec. 5.2

12 AWWA D121-12

Table 2 Load Duration for Loading Types

Types of Loading
Load Duration

Load Condition

Long Period


Short Period

At time of maintenance

At time of storm

At time of earthquake

At time of snow



*Will not be considered when the tank is enclosed by other structure.


D = dead load
E = earthquake load
F = load due to water
Lr = roof live load
S = snow load
W = wind load

5.2.8 Duration of load. The duration of load shall be considered in the

design, as shown in Table 2.
5.2.9 Temperature load. Where applicable, the structural effects of temperature change shall be considered in combination with other loads. The load
factor on temperature effects shall not be less than 1.0.

Sec. 5.3

Seismic Design

5.3.1 Scope. The seismic design of bolted FRP panel-type (BFRPP) waterstorage tanks subjected to seismic loads includes two aspects: the loading side,
which is the determination of seismic loads based on earthquake spectral response
accelerations and the geometry of the tank; and the resistance side, which is
the detailed design of the tank structure to resist the seismic loads. This section
describes procedures for determining the loading side.
The seismic loads for the design of a BFRPP water-storage tank are based on
ASCE/SEI 7-05. Seismic loads of the building code, with jurisdiction over the area
where the BFRPP tank will be located, shall be used if they exceed the requirements of ASCE/SEI 7-05.
The resistance side is covered in Sec. 5.3.8, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8 of this

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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 13


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5.3.2 Notation.
B = inside dimension (length or width) of a rectangular tank,
perpendicular to the direction of the ground motion being
investigated, ft (m)
Cc, Ci , and Ct = period-dependent seismic response coefficients
dmax = required freeboard (sloshing height) measured from the water
surface at rest, ft (m)
EBP = excluding base pressure (datum line just above the base of the
tank wall)
Fa = short-period site coefficient (at 0.2-sec period) from
ASCE/SEI 7-05, Table 11.4-1
Fv = long-period site coefficient (at 1.0-sec period) from
ASCE/SEI 7-05, Table 11.4-2
g = acceleration due to gravity [32.17 ft/s2 (9.807 m/s2)]
hc = height above the base of the wall to the center of gravity of
convective lateral force for the case, excluding base pressure
(EBP), ft (m)
hc = height above the base of the wall to the center of gravity of the
convective lateral force for the case, including base pressure
(IBP), ft (m)
hi = height above the base of the wall to the center of gravity of
the impulsive lateral force for the case, excluding base pressure
(EBP), ft (m)
h i = height above the base of the wall to the center of gravity of
the impulsive lateral force for the case, including base pressure
(IBP), ft (m)
hr = height from the base of the wall to the center of gravity of the
tank roof, ft (m)
hw = height from the base of the wall to the center of gravity of the
wall, ft (m)
HL = design depth of stored water (i.e., tank height less freeboard),
ft (m)
Hw = wall height (inside dimension), ft (m)
k = stiffness of the wall, lb/ft (kN/m)
I = importance factor
IBP = including base pressure (datum line at the base of the tank
including the effects of the tank bottom and supporting

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14 AWWA D121-12


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L = inside dimension of a rectangular tank, parallel to the direction

of the ground motion being investigated, ft (m)
Mb = bending moment on the entire tank cross section just above the
base of the tank wall, ft-lb (kN-m)
Mc = bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above
the base of the tank wall (EBP) due to the convective force Vc,
ft-lb (kN-m)
Mc = overturning moment at the base of the tank, including the tank
bottom and supporting structure (IBP), due to the convective
force Vc, ft-lb (kN-m)
Mi = bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above
the base of the tank wall (EBP) due to the impulsive force Vi,
ft-lb (kN-m)
Mi = overturning moment at the base of the tank, including the tank
bottom and supporting structure (IBP), due to the impulsive
force Vi, ft-lb (kN-m)
Mo = overturning moment at the base of the tank, including the tank
bottom and supporting structure (IBP), ft-lb (kN-m)
Mr = bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the
base of the tank wall (EBP) due to the roof inertia force Vv ,
ft-lb (kN-m)
Mw = bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the
base of the tank wall (EBP) due to the wall inertia force Vw,
ft-lb (kN-m)
pfL = hydrodynamic pressure on the floor due to lateral acceleration,
lb/ft2 (kPa)
pfv = hydrodynamic pressure on the floor due to vertical acceleration,
lb/ft2 (kPa)
pvy = hydrodynamic pressure due to the effect of vertical acceleration,
at water level y, above the base of the tank, lb/ft2 (kPa)
P = total vertical dynamic force at the base, lb (kN)
Prv = vertical inertia force of roof, lb (kN)
Pwv = vertical inertia force of walls, lb (kN)
Pfv = vertical dynamic force acting on the floor due to vertical
acceleration, lb (kN)

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R = response modification factor, a numerical coefficient

representing the combined effect of the structures ductility,
energy-dissipating capacity, and structural redundancy
(Rc for the convective component of the stored water;
Ri for the impulsive component)
S1 = mapped maximum considered earthquake 5 percent damped
spectral response acceleration; parameter at a period of 1 sec,
expressed as a fraction of the acceleration due to gravity g, from
ASCE/SEI 7-05, Figures 22-1 through 22-14
SD1 = design spectral response acceleration, 5 percent damped, at
a period of 1 sec, as defined in Sec., expressed as a
fraction of the acceleration due to gravity g.
SDS = design spectral response acceleration, 5 percent damped, at
short periods, as defined in Sec., expressed as a fraction
of the acceleration due to gravity g.
Ss = mapped maximum considered earthquake 5 percent damped
spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods,
expressed as a fraction of the acceleration due to gravity g, from
ASCE/SEI 7-05, Figures 22-1 through 22-14
tw = average wall thickness, in. (mm)
Tc = natural period of the first (convective) mode of sloshing, sec
Ti = fundamental period of oscillation of the tank (plus the
impulsive component of the stored water), sec
Tv = natural period of vibration of stored water in the vertical
direction, sec
v = effective vertical spectral acceleration defined by Eq 5-31 that
is derived by scaling an elastic horizontal response spectrum,
expressed as a fraction of the acceleration due to gravity g.
V = total horizontal base shear, lb (kN)
Vc = total lateral convective force associated with Wc, lb (kN)
Vcy = lateral convective force due to Wc, per unit height of the tank
wall, occurring at water level y, lb/ft of wall height (kN/m)
VfL = lateral inertia force of floor, lb (kN)
Vi = total lateral impulsive force associated with Wi, lb (kN)
Viy = lateral impulsive force due to Wi, per unit height of the tank
wall, occurring at water level y, lb/ft of wall height (kN/m)

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VrL = lateral inertia force of roof Wr , lb (kN)

VwL = lateral inertia force of wall Ww , lb (kN)
VwL = lateral inertia force of one wall (Ww), perpendicular to the
direction of the earthquake force, lb (kN)
Vwy = lateral inertia force due to Ww , per unit height of the tank wall,
occurring at level y above the tank base, lb/ft of wall height
Vy = combined horizontal force (due to the impulsive and convective
components of the stored water, and the walls inertia) at a
height y above the tank base, lb/ft of wall height (kN/m)
Wc = equivalent weight of the convective component of the stored
water, lb (kN)
Wf = weight of the floor, lb (kN)
Wi = equivalent weight of the impulsive component of the stored
water, lb (kN)
WL = total weight of the stored water, lb (kN)
Wr = equivalent weight of the tank roof, plus superimposed load,
plus applicable portion of snow load considered as dead load,
lb (kN)
Wt = total weight of the tank, including the tank bottom and
supporting structure; does not include the weight of stored
water, lb (kN)
Ww = weight of all walls, lb (kN)
Ww = weight of one wall perpendicular to the direction of horizontal
ground acceleration being investigated
y = water level at which the wall is being investigated (measured
from tank floor), ft (m)
gw = density of water, 62.4 lb/ft3 (9.807 kN/m3)
e = effective mass coefficient (ratio of equivalent dynamic mass of
the BFRPP wall to its actual total mass), Eq 5-47
l = coefficient as defined in Eq 5-49

5.3.3 General criteria for analysis and design. Dynamic characteristics. The dynamic characteristics of a BFRPP
water-storage tank shall be derived in accordance with Sec. 5.3.7. Alternatively,
a more rigorous dynamic analysis that accounts for the interaction between the
structure and the stored water may be used. However, the total base shear and base
overturning moment determined from a more rigorous dynamic analysis shall not
be less than 80 percent of the values obtained from Sec. 5.3.4.

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16 AWWA D121-12

Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 17 Design loads. The loads generated by the design earthquake shall
be computed in accordance with Sec. 5.3.4. Design requirements. The walls, floor, and roof of a BFRPP water-storage tank shall be
designed to withstand the effects of both the design horizontal acceleration and the
design vertical acceleration combined with the effects of the applicable static loads. Regarding the effect of horizontal acceleration, the design shall
take into account the effects of the transfer of shear between the adjacent walls,
the roof and the walls, the floor and the wall, and the wall and the base; and the
dynamic pressure acting on the walls and the floor. Regarding the vertical acceleration, the design shall take into
account the transfer of the vertical inertia force of the roof to the walls and columns, the vertical inertia force of the walls, and the accelerated weight of the stored
water acting on the floor. The design shall take into account the lateral pressure of
the vertically accelerated stored water acting on the walls. The effects of horizontal and vertical acceleration shall be combined as follows:
E = 1.0 (horizontal acceleration effects) + 0.3 (vertical acceleration effects);
E = 0.3 (horizontal acceleration effects) + 1.0 (vertical acceleration effects);

E = the earthquake load in combinations with other design loads used in

strength design

5.3.4 Earthquake design loads. Earthquake loads. The BFRPP water-storage tank shall be
designed for the following dynamic forces in addition to static pressures and loads:
1. Horizontal inertia forces of the roof VrL , walls VwL , and floor VfL;
2. Hydrodynamic impulsive force Vi of the stored water;
3. Hydrodynamic convective (sloshing) force Vc of the stored water;
4. Hydrodynamic pressure of the horizontally accelerated stored water acting on the floor pfL;
5. Vertical inertia forces of the roof Prv , walls Pwv , and floor Pfv;
6. Hydrodynamic pressure of the vertically accelerated stored water acting
on the floor and the walls pfv. Lateral inertia forces due to horizontal ground motion.


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18 AWWA D121-12 Lateral inertia forces acting above the foundation due to horizontal ground motion shall be determined as follows:
Laterial inertia force of roof due to self-weight of roof, plus 25 percent of the
design live load, and 20 percent of the design snow load where the flat roof snow
load exceeds 30 lb/ft2:

VrL = Ci I (Wr /Ri )

(Eq 5-11)

Lateral inertia force of walls due to self-weight of walls:
VwL = Ci I (eWw /Ri )
VwL = Ci I (eWw/Ri )

(Eq 5-12)
(Eq 5-13)

Stored water:
Lateral inertia force of stored water due to impulsive component of stored
Vi = Ci I (Wi /Ri )

(Eq 5-14)

Lateral inertia force of stored water due to convective component of the stored
Vc = Cc I (Wc /Rc )

(Eq 5-15)

Lateral inertia force of floor due to self-weight of the floor:

(Eq 5-16)

Ci and Cc = the horizontal seismic response coefficients determined

in accordance with Sec.
I = is the importance factor
I = 1.25 for BFRPP tanks that are part of lifeline systems, or
in accordance with applicable building code;
I = 1.0 for all other BFRPP tanks.
Wr , Ww , and Wf = the weights of the BFRPP tank roof, walls, and floor,
Ww = the weight of one wall of the BFRPP tank that is
perpendicular to the direction of horizontal ground
acceleration being investigated.

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VfL = Ci I (Wf /Ri )

Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 19

e = the effective weight coefficient of the BFRPP tank walls

determined in accordance with Sec.
Wi and Wc = the weights corresponding to impulsive and convective
(sloshing) components of the stored water, respectively,
determined in accordance with Sec.
Ri = the impulsive response modification factor = 2.0.
Rc = the convective response modification factor = 1.0.

V = [(Vi + VwL + VrL + VfL )2 + Vc 2 ]

(Eq 5-17) Dynamic vertical forces and moments due to horizontal ground

motion. Moments at base. The bending moment Mb on the entire
BFRPP tank cross section at the base of the walls, excluding floor pressure (EBP),
shall be determined by
Mw = VwLhw
Mr = VrLhr
Mi = Vi hi
Mc = Vc hc
Mb = [(Mi + Mw + Mr )2 + Mc2]

(Eq 5-18)
(Eq 5-19)
(Eq 5-20)
(Eq 5-21)
(Eq 5-22)

The overturning moment Mo at the base of the BFRPP tank, including the
BFRPP tank floor pressure (IBP), shall be determined by
Mi = Vi hi
Mc = Vc hc
Mo = [(Mi + Mw + Mr )2 + Mc2]

(Eq 5-23)
(Eq 5-24)
(Eq 5-25)


Base = elevation at the top of the supporting steel members.

hw = height from the base of the wall to the center of gravity of the
hr = height from the base of the wall to the center of gravity of the
tank roof.
hi and hi = respectively, the height above the base of the wall to the center
of gravity of the impulsive lateral force for the case excluding
base pressure (EBP) and for the case including base pressure
(IBP) determined in accordance with Sec.

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--``,```,`,``,,,,``,``,`,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Total base shear. At the base of the BFRPP tank walls, the total
shear due to horizontal earthquake forces shall be determined by

20 AWWA D121-12

hc and hc = respectively, the height above the base of the wall to the center
of gravity of the convective lateral force for the case excluding
base pressure (EBP) and for the case including base pressure
(IBP) determined in accordance with Sec. Dynamic pressure on the floor due to horizontal ground motion.

pfL = 6[(Mi Mi )2 + (Mc Mc )2 ] /BL2

(Eq 5-26) Dynamic vertical forces due to horizontal ground motion. The dynamic vertical forces acting above the foundation due to
vertical ground motion shall be determined as follows:
Due to self-weight of roof, plus 25 percent of the design live load, and 20
percent of the design snow load where the flat roof snow load exceeds 30 lb/ft2:
Prv = Ct I (Wr /Ri )


(Eq 5-27)

Ct = the seismic response coefficient determined in accordance with

Due to self-weight of walls:

Pwv = Ct I (Ww /Ri )

(Eq 5-28)

Due to self-weight of the floor:

Pfv = Ct I (Wf /Ri )

(Eq 5-29)

Stored water:
Due to vertically accelerated stored water, the pressure above the base shall be
determined by

pfv = gw HL v

(Eq 5-30)

v = Ct I/Ri

(Eq 5-31) Total dynamic vertical force on the base.

P = Prv + Pwv + Pfv + pfv BL

(Eq 5-32) Dynamic horizontal force due to vertical ground motion. Due to

vertical ground motion, the dynamic pressure acting on the wall above the base
shall be determined by Eq 5-30.

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5.3.5 Earthquake and load distribution. General. The walls of a BFRPP tank shall be designed for dynamic
shear forces and dynamic pressure distributions in accordance with Sec.
The floor of a BFRPP tank shall be designed for the dynamic pressure distribution
in accordance with Sec. The roof of a BFRPP tank shall be designed for
the dynamic pressure distribution in accordance with Sec. Alternatively, a
BFRPP water-storage tank may be designed for shears and pressures determined
from a rigorous analysis that takes into account the complex vertical and horizontal
variations in hydrodynamic pressures. Shear transfer. The wall-to-base, wall-to-wall, and wall-to-roof
joints of a BFRPP tank shall be designed for earthquake shear forces using the following shear-force transfer mechanism:
1. Frame-reinforced walls perpendicular to the direction of the horizontal
ground motion being investigated shall be analyzed as plates supported by the
frames and subjected to the horizontal pressures determined in Sec. The
shears along the wall-to-floor and wall-to-roof joints shall correspond to the plate
reactions. The distributed loading on the frames shall correspond to the reactions
of the plate.
2. Walls not reinforced with frames that are perpendicular to the direction
of the horizontal ground motion being investigated shall be analyzed as plates
subjected to the horizontal pressures determined in Sec. Shears along
the wall-to-base, wall-to-wall, and wall-to-roof joints shall correspond to the plate
3. Walls parallel to the direction of the horizontal ground motion being
investigated shall be analyzed as plates subjected to in-plane and out-of plane forces
determined in Sec. Shear in walls perpendicular to the direction of ground motion.
Leading and trailing halves of a BFRPP tank wall perpendicular to the direction
of ground motion being investigated shall be loaded perpendicular to its plane by
the walls own inertia force VwL , one-half the impulsive force of the water Vi, and
one-half the convective (sloshing) force of the water Vc .
The dynamic force on the wall, due to horizontal ground motion, at any given
height y above the base shall be determined by

Vy = [(Viy + Vwy )2 + Vcy2]


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(Eq 5-33)

22 AWWA D121-12

(Eq 5-34)
(Eq 5-35)
(Eq 5-36)

The dynamic pressure on the wall, due to vertical ground motion, at any given
height y above the base shall be determined by

pvy = gw(HL y)v

(Eq 5-37)

The effects of the horizontal and vertical ground motions shall be combined
in accordance with Sec. Shear in walls parallel to the direction of ground motion. A wall
parallel to the direction of the ground motion being investigated shall be loaded
in its plane by the walls own in-plane inertial force VwL , the in-plane forces corresponding to the edge reactions from the abutting walls (see Sec., Items 1
and 2), and roof shear force VrL .
The dynamic pressure on the wall, due to vertical ground motion, at any given
height y above the base shall be determined by Eq 5-37.
The effects of the horizontal and vertical ground motions shall be combined
in accordance with Sec. Dynamic vertical force distribution on floor. The dynamic vertical force on the floor due to roof inertial force Prv , floor inertial forces Pfv , and
accelerated stored water pressure pfv , due to vertical ground motion, shall be uniformly distributed over the area of the floor.
The effects of vertical ground motion shall be combined with effect of pfi due
to horizontal ground motion in accordance with Sec. Dynamic vertical force distribution on roof. The dynamic vertical force Prv shall be uniformly distributed over the area of the roof.
5.3.6 Freeboard. Provisions shall be made to accommodate the maximum oscillation of the free surface of the stored water generated by the earthquake. The maximum vertical displacement of the oscillation dmax shall be
determined by
dmax = 0.50L Cc I

(Eq 5-38)

5.3.7 Dynamic model. General. The dynamic characteristics of BFRPP water-storage
tanks subjected to earthquake acceleration shall be computed in accordance with
Sec.,, and

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Viy = (Vi /2)[4HL 6hi (6HL 12hi )(y/HL )]/HL2

Vcy = (Vc /2)[4HL 6hc (6HL 12hc )(y/HL )]/HL2
Vwy = VwL (Hw y)/Hw

Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 23


WI /WL and WC /WL



















L/HL Dynamic characteristics of the impulsive and convective actions of

stored water. Equivalent weights of the accelerated stored water. The impulsive
fraction of the stored water shall be determined from Figure 1 or from the following equation
Wi /WL = tanh[0.866(L/HL )] / [0.866(L/HL )]

(Eq 5-39)

The convective (sloshing) fraction of the stored water shall be determined

from Figure 1 or from the following equation
Wc /WL = 0.264(L/HL ) tanh [3.16(HL/L)]

(Eq 5-40) Height to centers of gravity EBP of the stored water. The height of
the center of gravity of the impulsive part of the stored water, excluding pressure on
the floor (EBP), shall be determined from Figure 2 or from the following equations.
For a BFRPP tank with L/HL < 1.333
hi /HL = 0.5 0.09375 (L/HL )

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(Eq 5-41)


Figure 1 Curves for obtaining factors Wi /WL and Wc /WL for the ratio L /HL

24 AWWA D121-12




hi /HL and hc /HL





















hi /HL
hc /HL



Figure 2 Curves for obtaining factors hi /HL and hc /HL for the ratio L/HL (EBP)
For a BFRPP tank with L/HL 1.333
hi /HL = 0.375

(Eq 5-42)

For all BFRPP tanks, the height of the center of gravity of the convective
(sloshing) part of the stored water, excluding pressure on the floor (EBP), shall be
determined from Figure 2 or from the following
hc /HL = 1 {cosh[3.16(HL/L)] 1} / {3.16(HL/L) sinh [3.16(HL/L)]}

(Eq 5-43) Height to centers of gravity IBP of the stored water. The height
of the center of gravity of the impulsive part of the stored water, including pressure on the floor (IBP), shall be determined from Figure 3 or from the following
For a BFRPP tank with L/HL < 0.75
hi /HL = 0.45

(Eq 5-44)

For a BFRPP tank with L/HL 0.75

hi /HL

= [0.866(L/HL] / {2tanh[0.866(L/HL )]} 1/ 8


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(Eq 5-45)

Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 25



hi /HL and hc /HL (IBP)






















hi /HL
hc /HL




Figure 3 Curves for obtaining factors hi /HL and hc /HL for the ratio L/HL (IBP)
For all BFRPP tanks, the height of the center of gravity of the convective
(sloshing) part of the stored water, including pressure on the floor (IBP), shall be
determined from Figure 3 or from
hc /HL = 1 {cosh [3.16(HL /L) 2.01} / {3.16(HL /L) sinh [3.16( HL/L)]}

(Eq 5-46) Effective mass coefficient e for wall. The effective mass coefficient e shall be determined by
e = [0.0151(L/HL )2 0.1908(L/HL ) + 1.021] 1.0

(Eq 5-47) Periods of vibration. For use in determining the seismic response

coefficient Ci , determine the period of lateral vibration of the BFRPP structure and
impulsive part of the stored water using a generally acceptable method of dynamic
analysis. As an alternate to computing the natural period of vibration, the structure
of the BFRPP tank may be, conservatively, considered rigid and Ci determined in
accordance with Sec.

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26 AWWA D121-12

























Figure 4 Curve for obtaining the factor 2p/l for the ratio L/HL

The natural period of the oscillating free surface of the stored water shall be
determined from

Tc = (2p/l)L

(Eq 5-48)

l = {3.16gtanh [3.16(HL/L)]}

(Eq 5-49)

or (2p/l) may be determined from Figure 4, and L must be in feet.

Fundamental period of oscillation of the tank (plus the impulsive component
of the stored water).
Ti = 2p [(Wi + Ww ) / (gk)]

(Eq 5-50) Seismic response coefficients Ci , Cc , and Ct. Design response spectrum. Construct the design response spectrum in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-05 as follows:
1. Classify the site in accordance with site class definitions of ASCE/
SEI 7-05, Sec. 11.4.2;
2. Determine the maximum considered earthquake spectral response
acceleration at short periods Ss and at 1 sec S1 from ASCE/SEI 7-05, Figure 22-1
through Figure 22-14;

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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 27

3. Determine the acceleration-based site coefficient Fa and the velocity-based

site coefficient Fv from ASCE/SEI 7-05, Table 11.4-1 and Table 11.4-2, respectively;
4. Calculate the design spectral response accelerations for short periods Ss
and for 1-sec period S1 from
SDS = (2/ 3) Fa Ss
SD1 = (2/ 3) Fv S1

(Eq 5-51)
(Eq 5-52)

5. Construct the design response spectrum for lateral acceleration in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-05, Sec. 11.4.5;
6. For the design spectrum for vertical acceleration, use 2/ 3 of the design
response spectrum for horizontal acceleration. Determine Ci as follows:
For Ti TS
Ci = SDS

(Eq 5-53)

Ci = SD1/Ti SDS

(Eq 5-54)

Ts = SD1/SDS

(Eq 5-55)

For Ti > TS

Where: Determine Cc as follows:

For Tc 1.6/Ts

Cc = 1.5SD1/Tc 1.5SDS

(Eq 5-56)

Cc = 2.4SDS /Tc2

(Eq 5-57)

For Tc > 1.6/Ts

Ct = SDS

(Eq 5-58)

Alternatively, Ct may be determined from the vertical response spectrum at

the vertical period Tv. Tv may be calculated by a generally accepted rational method
considering the vertical stiffness of the floor, roof support columns, and the roof;
and the mass of the floor, roof support columns, roof, and stored water.
5.3.8 Resistance due to sliding and overturning. Overturning. The resistance to the overturning moment about
the edge of the tank at the bottom may be provided by the weight of the tank and
its contents and shall have a minimum safety factor of 1.50.
M = L/2 (Wt + WL )

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(Eq 5-59)

--``,```,`,``,,,,``,``,`,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Determine Ct as follows:

28 AWWA D121-12 Sliding. The resistance to sliding shall be determined by the shear

stress of anchored bolts against the actual shear at base of the tank and shall provide a minimum safety factor of 1.50.

Sec. 5.4

Strength and Resistance of FRP Panels and Connections

5.4.1 Nominal FRP panel strength. The nominal FRP strength for panels and connections shall be determined in accordance with Sec.,,,, and of this standard.
5.4.2 Resistance factors for FRP. Unless otherwise specified in this standard,
Resistance Factors f, for the FRP in panels and connections shall be as follows:
Short-Term Loads only: f = 0.50
Long-Term Loads or Combinations of Long- and Short-term Loads: f = 0.25
5.4.3 Stiffness for FRP. The short-term modulus for the FRP in panels
and connections shall be determined in accordance with Sec. of this standard. Unless otherwise determined by tests, the modulus of elasticity for long-term
loads shall be taken as 50 percent of the short-term value. Where applicable, the
modulus values shall account for the anticipated service exposure and temperature
in accordance with Sec.
5.4.4 Deflections of FRP panels. Panel deflections due to both short-term
and long-term loads shall be limited to L/360, where L is the span between points
of support or fixity.
5.4.5 Bolt strength. Design strengths for steel bolts shall be based on the
nominal strengths in AISC, Table J3.2, multiplied by the Resistance Factor f,
specified as follows:
Bolt in tension: f = 0.75
Bolt in shear: f = 0.65
5.4.6 Effect of gasket and sealant in bolted joints. In the design of bolted
joints, the effect of the gasket and sealant shall be neglected, provided the compressed thickness of the gasket or sealant does not exceed 1/ 16 in. (1.6 mm) and shall
conform to the requirements of Sec. 4.11 of this standard.
5.4.7 Minimum spacing. The center-to-center distance between bolts shall
not be less than 5 in. (125 mm).

Sec. 5.5

Strength of Welds
Welds shall be designed in accordance with AISC 360, Table J2.5.

Sec. 5.6

Foundation Anchor Bolts

5.6.1 Tension in anchor bolts. The anchor bolts shall be designed in accordance with ACI 318 appendix D for the factored load demands of Sec. 3.2.1b,
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augmented by the overstrength factor o = 2 in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-05,

Sec. 15.7.3a.
The tensile strength of an anchor rod is equal to the breakout strength of the
concrete anchorage of the anchor bolt group (or those anchor bolts participating
in tension in the case of tension due to moment) or the sum of the steel tensile
strengths of the contributing anchors bolt. For anchor bolt connections in tension,
the design tensile strength of contributing anchor bolt is taken as the smallest of
the sum of the steel tensile strengths of the contributing individual anchor bolts or
the concrete tensile strength of the anchor group. Breakout and pull-out strength
of anchors in tension are calculated in D.5.2 and D.5.3 of ACI 318.
5.6.2 Shear in anchor bolts. For the typical cast-in-place anchor group
used, the shear capacity determined by concrete breakout is evaluated and calculated in D.6.1 of the ACI 318.
5.6.3 Development by lapping with concrete reinforcement. If an anchor is
designed to lap with reinforcement, the anchor strength can be taken as fA se ,N Fya
as the lap splice length will ensure that ductile behavior will occur. A se ,N A se is the
effective cross-sectional area, which is the tensile stress area for threaded rods.
f = 0.90, as prescribed in ACI 318.

Sec. 5.7

Roof Panels

5.7.1 General. This section establishes design standard criteria of the roof
5.7.2 Definition. The roof panels shall be supported by side panels and
pipes as per the instruction and drawings supplied by the manufacturer conforming to the dimensions of the tanks. The roof surface shall be designed as a watertight system under design load conditions.
5.7.3 Notation.
B = inside dimension (length or width) of a rectangular tank,
perpendicular to the direction of the ground motion being
investigated, ft (m)
Ba = bearing stress due to critical load combination, lb/ft2 (N/m2)
Br = bearing strength of panels, lb/ft2 (N/m2)
da = actual freeboard, ft (m)
dmax = required freeboard, ft (m)
E = modulus of elasticity, psi (N/mm2)
Fa = bending stress due to M, lb/ft2 (N/m2)
Fr = flexural resistance of roof support plate, lb/ft2 (N/m2)

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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 29

30 AWWA D121-12

I = moment of inertia, in.4 (mm4)

M = bending moment, lbft (Nm)
Pcr = critical compressive load, lb (N)
Pu = compressive load due to critical load combination, lb (N)
SAc = convective spectral acceleration, g
Pmax = maximum uplift pressure on the roof panel, lb (N)
Wcm = convective (sloshing) mass within the portion confined by the roof
r = mass density of water, lb/ft3 (kg/m3)
Xf = wetted width
Z = section modulus, in.3 (mm3)
gw = density of water, 62.4 lb/ft3 (9.807 kN/m3)

5.7.4 Roof loads. Roof. Roof load is determined in Sec. 5.2 and roof pressure due
to convective (sloshing) mass will be the basis for the design load. Wetted width. When the actual freeboard, da is smaller than the
required freeboard, dmax, a portion of the roof panel will be wetted by the sloshing
wave which will cause uplift forces on the tank roof panels. The normalized wetted
width, Xf /0.50 L is read from Figure 5 as a function of the ratio between the actual
and the required freeboard, da/dmax . Uplift pressure. The maximum uplift pressure on the roof panel
due to sloshing wave is determined a follows:
Pmax = rXf SAc

(Eq 5-60)

Normalized Wetted Width, Xf /0.50 L Convective (sloshing) mass. The convective (sloshing) mass

within the portion confined by the roof should be considered in the design of the



Actual/Required Freeboard, da /dmax




Figure 5 Curve for obtaining the normalized wetted width, Xf /0.50 L, for the ratio da /dmax

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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 31








Figure 6 Wetted width on the roof when the required freeboard is greater than the actual freeboard
roof and supporting structure and becomes part of the impulsive mass. The hydrostatic head is equal to the required freeboard less the actual freeboard.
Wcm = w Xf B (dmax da)

(Eq 5-61)

5.7.5 Method of analysis. Roof panel. A roof panel restrained at its roof support assumes no
rotation. The roof panel strength is compared with the applied load in accordance
with Sec. 5.2 of this standard and with the sloshing effect when the actual freeboard is less than the required freeboard, as seen in Figure 6. Roof panel and panel connections. In computing the actual
strength of the roof panel and panel connections, computations below will be
Flexural Strength
f Fr Fa
f = strength reduction factor, 0.90 for bending

Fa = M / Z

Bearing Strength


f Br Ba

f = strength reduction factor, 0.70 for bearing Roof support pipe. The roof support pipe should be designed in
accordance with AISC 360 for factored loads of Sec. 5.2.7 of this standard.

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32 AWWA D121-12

The roof support pipe is subject to lateral load computed as the sum of the
weight of the pipe and the virtual weight of water surrounding of the pipe times
the impulsive acceleration at the period of the pipe from the response spectrum and
axial load in Sec. 5.2.7 of this standard.
Design of Support Pipe (Combined Axial and Bending Loads)
a. For Pu/fPn 0.20
Pu/fPn + 8/9 (Mux /fbMnx + Muy /fbMny ) 1.0
b. For Pu/fPn < 0.20
Pu/2fc Pn + (Mux /fbMnx + Muy /fbMny ) 1.0

Pu = required axial compressive load from LRFD load combination, kips (N)
Mu = required moment using LRFD load combination, kip-in. (N-mm)
Pn = nominal axial compressive strength, kip (N)
Pn = Fcr Ag
(a) when KL / r 4.71 (E / Fy ) (or Fe 0.44Fy );
Fcr = [0.658 Fy /Fe] Fy

(b) when KL / r > 4.74 (E / Fy ) (or Fe < 0.44Fy );


Fe = p2E / (KL/r)2
Ag = gross area, in.2 (mm2)
Fcr = flexural buckling stress, ksi (N/mm2)
Fy = yield strength of material used, ksi (N/mm2)
K = effective length factor
L = laterally unbraced length, in. (mm)
r = governing radius of gyration, in. (mm)
Mn = nominal flexural strength, kip-in. (N-mm)
Mn = Fy Z
Z, (Zx, Zy ), = section modulus, in.3 (mm3)
x = subscript relating symbol to strong axis
y = subscript relating symbol to weak axis
(Note: for pipe or tubular section, x and y axis are reversible,
i.e., x = y)
fC = resistance factor for compression (0.90)
fb = resistance factor for flexure/bending (0.90)

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Fcr = 0.877 Fe

Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 33

Steel Footing
Steel Footing

Concrete Beam

18 in.
450 mm

Concrete Slab

Figure 7 Elevation of concrete foundation

Sec. 5.8

Foundation Design

5.8.1 Foundations. Tanks shall be supported on a concrete slab with integral concrete beams at a maximum interval of 6.5 ft (2 m). The top of the concrete
beams shall be a minimum of 18 in. (450 mm) above the top of the concrete slab,
unless otherwise specified by the purchaser. (See Figure 7.)
5.8.2 Concrete design, materials, and construction. The design of the
concrete foundations, the specifications for the cement and aggregate shall be in
accordance with ACI 318, except as may be modified by agreement between the
purchaser and constructor.
5.8.3 Water load. Water load, as defined in Sec. 5.2.1, shall be considered
as dead load.
5.8.4 Soil bearing value. The purchaser shall specify the allowable soilbearing pressure using an appropriate factor of safety as defined in Sec. 5.8.6.
However, in no case shall the specified bearing pressure exceed that which would
cause intolerable settlements and impair the structural integrity of the tank.
5.8.5 Soil investigation. A soil investigation shall be provided by the purchaser to determine the following:
1. The presence or absence of rock, old excavation, or fill.
2. Whether the site is a suitable place on which to build the structure.
3. The classification of soil strata, after appropriate sampling.
4. The type of foundation that will be required at the site.
5. The elevation of groundwater, and whether dewatering is required.
6. The bearing capacity of the soil, and the depth at which the foundation
must be founded.
7. Whether piling will be required for support of foundations, and the
length of such piling.


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34 AWWA D121-12

8. The elevations of the existing grade and other topographical features that
may affect the foundation design or construction.
9. The homogeneity and compressibility of the soils across the tank site, so
that the possibility of total and differential settlement of the structure may be
5.8.6 Factor of safety. The following minimum factors of safety shall be
used in determining the allowable soil-bearing pressure. The ultimate bearing
capacity should be based on sound principles of geotechnical engineering. See the
foreword, Section III.C, item 7, for additional information. A factor of safety of 3 shall be provided, based on calculated ultimate bearing capacity when direct loads and wind are considered. A factor of safety of 2.25 shall be provided, based on calculated
ultimate bearing capacity when direct loads and earthquake loads are considered. A factor of safety of 1.5 shall be provided, based on calculations for
sliding and overturning as determined in Sec. 5.3.8.



The standard capacities for tanks shall be as published by the manufacturer

and shall be calculated to the nearest 1,000 gal (3.8 m3).

Sec. 7.1



1. The roof manway panel shall have a minimum 24-in. (610-mm) diameter
opening and access door fixed with stainless steel hinges and lock device.
2. The access door shall be designed to be nondetachable and opened to
3. The access door shall be hermetically closed and light-, dust-, and insectproof.

Sec. 7.2

Pipe Connections
7.2.1 Connections. The pipe connections shall be of the size specified by
the purchaser. They are usually attached to the tank bottom and sides. Point of
attachment shall be designated by the purchaser.

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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 35

7.2.2 Flexibility. Sufficient piping flexibility to accommodate seismic

movements and settlement in the piping system shall be provided to protect the

Sec. 7.3

The tank shall be equipped with an overflow of the type and size specified by
the purchaser. If an overflow to ground is required, it shall be brought down the
outside of the tank wall and supported at proper intervals with suitable brackets.
The overflow to the ground shall discharge over a drainage inlet structure or a
splash block. The intake shall have a capacity at least equal to the pumping rate as
specified by the purchaser and overflow pipe at least twice the capacity.

Sec. 7.4



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7.4.1 Outside tank ladder. The manufacturer and/or constructor shall furnish a tank ladder on the outside of the wall beginning 8 ft (2.4 m), or as specified,
above the level of the tank bottom, and located to provide access to the roof manhole.
The minimum clear width of step surface for rungs shall be 16 in. (406.4 mm), and
rungs shall be equally spaced not less than 11 in. (279.4 mm), nor more than 15 in.
(381 mm), on center. The perpendicular distance from the centerline of the rungs
to the tank wall shall not be less than 7 in. (177.8 mm). Rung size shall not be less
than 3/ 4 in. (1 mm) in diameter, or equivalent section.
The maximum spacing of supports attaching the ladder to the tank shall
not exceed 10 ft (3 m). The minimum design live load shall be 2 loads of 250 lb
(113.4 kg), each concentrated between any two consecutive attachments to the
tank. Each rung in the ladder shall be designed for a single concentrated load of
250 lb (113.4 kg), minimum. The design loads shall be concentrated at such a
point or points as will cause the maximum stress in the structural ladder member being considered. Side rails may be of any shape having section properties
adequate to support the design loads and providing a means of securely fastening
each rung to the side rail to lock each rung to the side rails.
7.4.2 Inside tank ladder. Inside tank ladders are recommended and shall
comply with the requirements of Sec. 7.4.1.
7.4.3 Minimum requirements. Minimum requirements for ladders and
hatches can be found in OSHA 29 CFR Part 1910. Note: Regardless of the access
protection provided to tank roof hatches and vents, weather conditions on tank
roofs are extremely variable, and workers and their supervisors are expected to exercise good judgment in matters of safety. Among other things, this may include the
use of safety lines when windy, icing, or other hazardous conditions exist.
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36 AWWA D121-12

Sec. 7.5

Safety Devices
If a safety cage, rest platforms, roof-ladder handrails, ladder lock, anti-climb
device, or other safety devices are required by federal or local laws or regulations,
the purchaser shall so specify. None of these are recommended for use inside the

Sec. 7.6


If the tank roof is of tight construction, a suitable vent shall be furnished

above the maximum water level. The vent shall have a capacity to pass air so excessive positive or negative pressure will not develop and the maximum rate of the
water, either entering or leaving the tank is possible. The overflow pipe shall not be
considered a tank vent.
Warning: An improperly vented tank may cause external pressures to act on
the tank, which will cause deformation even at a low pressure differential.
7.6.1 Location. Even if more than one vent is required, one tank vent
shall always be located near the center of the roof; the vent shall be designed and
constructed to prevent the ingress of birds or animals.
7.6.2 Screening. Screens shall be provided when governing health authorities require screening against insects.

Sec. 7.7

Additional Accessories and Exceptions

Any additional accessories required to be furnished shall be specified by the

purchaser. Exceptions to the provisions of this section may be specified by the purchaser to suit special situations.

Sec. 8.1


Compression Molding

FRP panels shall be formed in matched metal molds by compression molding using the hot-pressed method with a minimum molding pressure of 2,470 psi
(17 MPa) and a minimum curing temperature of 284F (140C).

Sec. 8.2

Steel FootingsWelded Work

The steel footings may be prepared by shearing, machining, chipping, or oxygen or plasma arc cutting.
8.2.1 Oxygen or plasma arc cutting. When edges of plates are oxygen or
plasma arc cut, the surface obtained shall be uniform and smooth and shall be


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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 37

cleaned of slag accumulations before welding. Cutting shall follow closely the prescribed lines.
8.2.2 Shearing. Shearing may be used for material 3/ 8 in. (9.5 mm) or less
in thickness.

Sec. 8.3

Assembly and Subassemblies

The field assembly of tank panels shall be by bolting. Welding shall be limited
to the shop fabrication of steel footings in subassemblies.


Welds in the structural members shall be made according to the minimum

requirements of AWS. Manufacturers shall maintain a welder training program
and shall be able to certify, if requested, that these welds were made by AWSqualified welders and inspected according to AWS standards. These welds are to
be made to ensure complete fusion with the base metal, within the limits specified
for each joint.

Sec. 8.5

Manufacturing Tolerances

8.5.1 FRP panel tolerance. FRP panels shall have dimensional tolerance
of not more than 1/ 32 in. (0.8 mm) from their intended design dimension.
8.5.2 Top surface welds. Welds on the top surface of steel footings should
be ground flat and the top surfaces of the beams shall be within 1/ 64 in. (0.4 mm).
8.5.3 Steel footings. The steel footing framework shall be level within
1/ 200 in. and shall be supported on concrete beams with a maximum span between
beams of 6.5 ft (2 m) to ensure maximum deflection of the steel footing is no more
than 3/ 16 in. (5 mm).

Sec. 8.6


Material shall be loaded, transported to the site, unloaded, and stored in such
a manner as to prevent damage.

Sec. 8.7

Quality Standards and Control

The tank manufacturers quality management system shall comply with the
international standard ISO 9001:2008.
FRP panels used in the assembly of a tank shall be individually bar-coded
and information such as manufacturing parameters, raw material batches used in
manufacture, etc., recorded and maintained.
8.7.1 Physical and mechanical properties of FRP panel. Physical and
mechanical tests shall be conducted in accordance with Sec. to
Tests shall be conducted at temperatures representative of the anticipated service

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Sec. 8.4

38 AWWA D121-12

conditions. Additional tests may be required by the manufacturers third-party

quality control and quality assurance program or the purchaser. Specimens. Physical and mechanical tests shall be conducted on
specimens cut from any FRP panels determined by the engineer to be representative of the materials and methods of fabrication used in the tank. Glass content. Determine the glass content of the structural layer
of the FRP panel in accordance with ASTM D2584. The specimen shall be prepared by cutting or grinding away the inner surface and exterior surface. Test a
minimum of three sets of three specimens each. Sample sets shall be taken from
separate, representative locations on the panel. Tensile properties. Determine tensile strength and modulus of
elasticity in accordance with one or more of the following methods: ASTM D638
or ASTM D2290. The test specimens shall be the actual thickness of the fabricated
FRP panel and shall not be machined on the surface except at the ends to facilitate
uniform gripping. Tensile properties shall be determined in at least two orthogonal
directions. Test five specimens in each direction unless otherwise specified. Flexural properties. Determine flexural strength and tangent
modulus of elasticity in accordance with ASTM D790. The test specimens shall be
the actual thickness of the fabricated FRP panel and shall not be machined on the
surface. Flexural properties shall be determined in at least two orthogonal directions. Test five specimens in each direction unless otherwise specified. Shear properties. Determine shear strength and tangent modulus of elasticity in accordance with ASTM D732. The test specimens shall be the
actual thickness of the fabricated FRP panel and shall not be machined on the
surface. Shear properties shall be determined in at least two orthogonal directions.
Test five specimens in each direction unless otherwise specified. Compressive properties. Determine compressive strength and
tangent modulus of elasticity in accordance with ASTM D695. The test specimens
shall be the actual thickness of the fabricated FRP panel and shall not be machined
on the surface. Compressive properties shall be determined in at least two orthogonal directions. Test five specimens in each direction unless otherwise specified. Bearing properties. Determine bearing strength and tangent
modulus of elasticity in accordance with ASTM D953. The test specimens shall be
the actual thickness of the fabricated FRP panel and shall not be machined on the
surface. Bearing properties shall be determined in at least two orthogonal directions. Test five specimens in each direction unless otherwise specified.


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8.7.2 Environmental resistance. Environmental resistance tests shall be conducted in accordance with Sec. to Additional tests may be required
by the manufacturers third-party quality control and quality assurance program or
by the purchaser. If deemed acceptable by the engineer, tests conducted in accordance with ASTM C581 may be used to meet the requirements of this section. Specimens. Resistance to environmental exposure of the FRP
panel laminate shall be determined on specimens cut from laminates that are
determined by the engineer to be representative of the materials and methods of
fabrication used in the tank. Specimens for testing of mechanical properties after
exposure may be cut either before or after exposure in the test media. The edges
of all exposure specimens shall be coated with paraffinated resin. When tests are
conducted in liquids intended for internal containment only, a corrosion-resistant
barrier may be added to the exterior surface of the specimens. The number of specimens for exposure testing shall be as specified for the required mechanical tests. Immersion tests. The FRP panel shall be evaluated by immersion
tests in accordance Sec. to The laminate shall exhibit no loss of
color, erosion of resin, or surface defects as the result of immersion. The thickness,
weight, and hardness shall exhibit no change greater than 10 percent. The extrapolated flexural properties (strength and modulus of elasticity) at 100,000 hr shall not
be less than 50 percent of the initial properties. Immersion periods. Immerse specimens for 30, 90, and 180
days, and 1 year in the required test media. Also prepare and obtain initial test
properties on a control set of specimens immediately following fabrication and cure
of test laminates. Immersion media. Immersion media shall be representative of
the anticipated service environment(s). Immersion temperature. Immersion temperature shall be representative of the anticipated service environment(s). Immersion procedures. Specimens must remain completely
immersed during the test interval. Specimens shall not be stacked. Maintain a
minimum 1/ 8 in. (3.175 mm) between specimens and between specimen and the
container wall. Change test media as often as needed to maintain the original composition and concentration. Use methods to maintain test temperature within 5F
(3C) of the specified value during the test. At the end of the immersion interval,
remove specimens, clean and dry them by blotting with a paper towel. Cold tap
water may be used to facilitate cleaning. Unless otherwise specified, allow specimens

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40 AWWA D121-12

to cool to room temperature before conducting required mechanical tests. All tests
shall be completed within 4 hr after removal from the test media. Physical examination. Examine all specimens prior to immersion and at the end of each immersion interval. Record visual appearance, including color, texture, and surface features. Thickness change. Measure and record the thickness to the
nearest 0.001 in. (0.0254 mm) at two locations on each specimen before and after
immersion. Weight change. Measures and record weight to the nearest
gram before and after immersion. Hardness. Measure and record Barcol hardness at five locations
on each specimen. Flexural properties. Conduct flexural tests for strength and modulus in accordance with Sec. Plot the test results with respect to time for each
immersion interval on a semi-log time plot. Extrapolate flexural strength and modulus to 100,000 hr and report the values as a percentage of initial properties.
8.7.3 Light and water exposure. Expose ten specimens to 360 days of light
and water exposure in accordance with ASTM G152 and ASTM G153, Method I,
Type D or DH apparatus. During each operating cycle of 120 min, the specimens
are to be exposed to light alone for 102 min and light and water for 18 min. After
exposure, test five specimens for flexural properties in accordance with Sec.,
exterior surface in tension. The flexural properties (strength and modules of elasticity) shall be at least 80 percent of initial properties.
8.7.4 Impact and cold exposure. Condition five specimens for 16 hr in a
cold box at 20F (29C). After conditioning, remove each specimen one at a
time and immediately clamp between two steel rings having an inside diameter
of 41/ 4 in. (108 mm). Drop a 1.18-lb (0.536-kg) steel ball from a height of 6 ft
(1.83 m) to strike the exterior surface of the specimen. Specimen shall exhibit no
visible signs of cracking or fracture.


Sec. 9.1


The manufacturer shall provide instructions for the assembly of the tank, and
the tank shall be assembled in accordance with these instructions. Special care
shall be taken to ensure correct panels placement, for its intended position.

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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 41

Sec. 9.2

Foundation Installation
The earth around the foundation shall be sufficiently graded to permit efficient work during tank erection and to prevent ponding of water in the foundation
area. The tops of the foundation beams shall be accurately located at the proper
9.2.1 Tolerances on concrete foundations. Slabs and beams, after grouting,
and before placing the steel footing, shall be level within 1/ 16 in. (2 mm).
9.2.2 Finish. The top portions of foundation concrete beams shall be finished to a smooth form finish in compliance with ACI 301. Any small holes may be
troweled over with mortar as soon as possible after the forms are removed.

Sec. 9.3

Anchor Bolts

It is the responsibility of the constructor to locate the anchor bolts between

the steel footing and the concrete beams within 1/ 4 in. (6.35 mm) of the manufacturers anchor bolt layout design.

Sec. 9.4

Anchor Bolt Placement and Tolerance

a. The variation in dimension between the centers of any two anchor bolts
within an anchor-bolt group shall be equal to or less than 3 in. (7.62 cm).
b. The variation in dimension between the centers of adjacent anchor-bolt
groups shall be equal to or less than 4 in. (10.16 cm).
c. The variation in elevation of the tops of anchor bolts shall be equal to or
less than plus or minus 2 in. (5.08 cm).
d. The accumulated variation in dimension between centers of anchor-bolt
groups along the established column line through multiple anchor-bolt groups shall
be equal to or less than 4 in. (10.16 cm) per 100 ft (38.48 m), but not to exceed a
total of 1 in. (2.54 cm).
e. The variation in dimension from the center of any anchor-bolt group to
the established column line through that group shall be equal to or less than 4 in.
(10.16 cm).

Sec. 9.5

Steel Footing

It is the responsibility of the constructor to level the steel-footing framework

within 1/ 16 in. (2 mm) in conformance with the manufacturers design.
9.5.1 Welded joints. Welding may be used to join shop-fabricated steel
footing subassemblies that are subsequently bolted into place in the field. Welds
shall meet the design requirements of Sec. 5.5.


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42 AWWA D121-12

EPDM Patches
SEBS Sealant

Figure 8 Sealant detail at panel intersections

Types of Joint

9.6.1 Bolted joints. Vertical and horizontal panel joints shall be field
bolted. Bolt holes shall be shop drilled for field assembly. The bolted joints that are
required to be watertight shall be sealed with suitable gasket material, sealant, or
gasket material and sealant (see Sec. 9.6.3 and Figure 8).
9.6.2 Alignments. It is standard practice for field-assembled tanks to
require fit-up alignments of a panel according to a panel layout chart provided by
the manufacturer. The manufacturers erection procedures shall be followed.
9.6.3 Sealant requirements. Main SEBS sealant shall have 4 ribs (O-ring
type compression strips) and pre-punched holes that align with the tank panel
bolt holes. Sealant is to be placed between the panels, and panels shall be bolted
to the required torque setting as specified by the manufacturers assembly guide to
provide leak-free connections. Bottom and sidewall panels shall be fitted with the
combination of main SEBS sealant and EPDM patches at intersections to provide
leak-free joints. A roof panel will have EPDM gaskets all around the panels to provide weatherproof joints.

Sec. 9.7


Bolts, nuts, and washers shall be located and installed in accordance with the
instructions on assembling the tank provided by the manufacturer.

Sec. 9.8

Bolt Tightening Requirements

See Table 3.

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Sec. 9.6

Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 43

Table 3 Nut rotation* from snug-tight condition

Bolt Length, in.
(as measured from
underside of head
to extreme end of point)

Both Faces
Normal to
Bolt Axis

One Face Normal

to Bolt Axis and
Other Face Sloped
Not More Than 1:20

Both Faces Sloped

Not More Than 1:20
From Normal to
Bolt Axis

1/ 3


1/ 2


2/ 3


Over 4 diameters but not

exceeding 8 diameters

1/ 2


2/ 3


5/ 6


Over 8 diameters but not

exceeding 12 diameters

2/ 3


5/ 6


1 turn

Up to and including
4 diameters

*Nut rotation is relative to bolt, regardless of the element (nut or bolt) being turned. For bolts installed by 1/ 2 turn
and less, the tolerance should be 30 degrees; for bolts installed by 2/ 3 turn or more, the tolerance should be
45 degrees. All materials within the grip of the bolt must be steel.

Gaskets and Sealants

Gaskets and sealants or both shall be supplied by the manufacturer and

installed between all joints in compliance with the assembly instructions. The constructor shall exercise care in properly locating and installing any gaskets supplied
by the manufacturer.

Sec. 9.10 Cleanup

On completion of the assembly, the constructor shall, if required by the purchasers documents, dispose of rubbish and other unsightly material and shall leave
the premises in as good a condition as found at the start of the tank construction.

Sec. 9.11 Marking

Tank components shall be given a piece mark number for ease of assembly, in
lieu of marking, the tank manufacturers standard practice may be used.

Sec. 9.12 Protection

Coated parts shall be protected from damage during shipment and storage.


Sec. 10.1 FRP Panel Damage
FRP panels shall be visually inspected before assembly and shall be free of
cracks or crazes to the surfaces. If found, the panel should be replaced by the
manufacturer and/or contractor before assembly.

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Sec. 9.9

44 AWWA D121-12

Sec. 10.2 Testing

Once assembled the tank should be slowly filled with water to just beyond the
first horizontal joint line, which is normally at 3.3 ft (1 m). A walk-around shall
be performed and all joints and penetrations inspected for leakage. The tank shall
continue to be filled slowly and the process of a walk-around visual inspection
repeated at each horizontal joint level until the tank is full. The tank shall be left
full for a period of at least 24 hr and a final leakage/general conditions walk-around
inspection shall be done.

Sec. 10.3 Disposal of Test Water

The constructor shall provide a means of disposing of test water with a connection to the inlet pipe or drain pipe.

Sec. 10.4 Repair of Leaks

Leaks or damage to bolted, aboveground FRP panel-type tanks are to be

repaired by replacing an affected panel or component through unbolting the
affected part and replacing it with a new part by the manufacturer and/or contractor, taking general safety and entry considerations of FTPI RP T-95-02 into

Sec. 10.5 Disinfecting

Regardless of the sequence used for testing the tank, the tank shall be disinfected after the final test and it may then be filled with potable water and placed into
service. Disinfection shall not be the responsibility of the constructor or manufacturer unless otherwise specified by the purchaser (Refer to ANSI/AWWA C652).

Sec. 10.6 Inspection and Maintenance

Tanks should be inspected and maintained as prescribed in FTPI 2007-1,

taking notable exceptions into consideration, such as the manufacturing method
being compression molding. In addition to inspection procedures described, the
tightness/torque of the over-roof tie-rods should also be checked annually for slackness and adjusted if required.

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Metric (SI) Equivalents
This appendix is for information only and is not a part of ANSI/AWWA DI21.

Metric units used are those of the International System of Units (SI), which is
officially recognized by all industrial nations. This document may be supplemented
by ASTM* SI 10, Metric Practice Guide.
Table A.1 lists selected SI conversions for the convenience of users of this
Table A.1 Metric (SI) conversion factors

To Convert US Customary Units

square inch (in.2)


square foot

To Metric (SI) Units

Multiply by*

millimeter squared (mm2) 6.451 600*E + 02


meter squared (m2)

6.451 600*E 04


9.290 304*E 02

meter squared

pound-force (lbf)

Newton (N)

4.448 222 E + 00

kip (1,000 lbf)

Newton (N)

4.448 222 E + 03


pound-force/foot2 (lbf/ft2)

newton/meter2 (N/m2)

4.788 026 E + 01

Impact strength

foot-pound force (ftlbf )

joule (J)

1.355 818 E + 00

Linear dimension

inch (in.)

millimeter (mm)

2.540 000*E + 01

foot (ft)

millimeter (mm)

3.048 000*E + 02


pound-mass/cubic foot (lb/ft3)

kilogram/meter3 (kg/m3)

1.601 846 E + 01


degrees Fahrenheit (F)

degrees Celsius (C)

C = (F -32)/1.8

Tensile strength

pounds per inch2 (psi)

Pascal (Pa)

6.894 757 E + 03

kilopascal (kPa)

6.894 757 E + 03

megapascal (MPa)

6.894 757 E + 06

kips per




miles per hour (mph) (US statute)

meter per second (m/s)

4.470 400*E 01


gallon (gal) (US liquid)

meter cubed (m3)

3.785 412 E 03

*An asterisk (*) after the sixth decimal place indicates that the conversion factor is exact and that all subsequent
digits are zero. The number is followed by the letter E (exponent), a plus or a minus symbol, and two digits that
indicate the power of 10 by which the number must be multiplied to obtain the correct value.

* ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428.


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Seismic Analysis Example
This appendix is for information only and is not a part of ANSI/AWWA D121.

The following is a seismic analysis. For this example, the following information is provided (see Figures B.1A and B.1B):
Tank height
Tank width, B
Tank length, L
Live load
Snow load
No. of roof panels

= 13.12 ft
= 16.40 ft
= 22.97 ft
= 16 lb/ft2
= 20 lb/ft2
= 35

Water Level

0.85 ft - freeboard

12.27 ft

22.97 ft

16.40 ft

22.97 ft

Figure B.1 Given tank dimensions


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13.12 ft

48 AWWA D121-12

No. of side panels

No. of bottom panels
Freeboard provided
Depth of stored water, HL
Total weight of the tank, Wt
Tank content, WL
Weight of the floor, Wr
Weight of the roof, D
Weight of the wall, Ww
Weight of the wall, Ww
Weight of the wall, Ww
Number of anchored bolts
1-in. Bolt (A325)
Response modification factor, Ri
Response modification factor, Rc
Density of water, gw


= 96
= 35
= 0.85 ft
= 12.27 ft
= 17,397 lb
= 288,684 lb
= 4,616 lb
= 761 lb
= 12,020 lb
= 3506.50 lb (along B=22.97 ft)
= 2503.50 lb (along B=16.40 ft)
= 12 pcs.
= 48,000 psi (nominal shear strength)
= 2.0
= 1.0
= 62.43 lb/ft3

Determine the design response spectrum

Site Class = B
Ss = 1.974 g
S1 = 0.712 g
Fa = 1.0
Fv = 1.0
SDS = 2/ 3 Fa Ss = 1.316g
SD1 = 2/ 3 Fv S1 = 0.475g

Sec. (1)

Sec. (2)
Sec. (2)
Sec. (3)
Sec. (3)


Analysis for lengthwise shock (L = 22.97 ft )


Determine Tc , Ti , and Ts

Determine Tc , based on the formula


Tc = (2p/l)L
Tc = 0.64 (22.97) = 3.09 sec


l = {3.16gtanh [3.16(HL / L)]}

l = 9.745


2p/l = 0.64


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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 49

L/HL = 1.87


2 /


2/ = 0.64 approximately


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

Figure B.2 Curve for obtaining the factor 2p/l for the ratio L/HL

Based on Figure B.2, when L/HL is 1.87, then 2p/l = 0.64 approximately
Determination of Ti

Ti = 2p [(Wi + Ww) / (gk)]

Ti = 2p [(190,418.94 lb +2,503.50 lb) / (32.17ft/s2) (73,644 lb/ft)]
Ti = 1.79 sec


For externally reinforced water tank with four members external bracing
(Steel Section = W10 15)
k = 3EI / L3
k = [3 (29,000,000 psi) (68.90 in.4) / (157.5 in.)3] 4
k = 6,137 lb/in. = 73,644 lb/ft

Determination of Ts

Ts = SD1/SDS
Ts = 0.475/1.316 = 0.36 sec



Determine the Cc , Ci , and Ct

Ti > Ts
Ci = SD1/Ti
Ci = 0.475/1.79
Ci = 0.27


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Normalized Wetted Width, Xf /0.50 L

50 AWWA D121-12

Xf /0.50 L = 0.90

da /dmax = 0.26



Actual/Required Freeboard, da /dmax




Figure B.3 Curve for obtaining the normalized wetted width, Xf /0.50 L, for the ratio da /dmax
Tc < 1.6/Ts



Determine the sloshing wave height

dmax = 0.50L Cc I
dmax = 0.50 (22.97 ft) (0.23) (1.25)
dmax = 3.30 ft


The freeboard provided da = 0.85 ft < dmax

since dmax > da, convective (sloshing) mass must be considered (Figure B.3)


Convective (sloshing) mass within the portion confined by the roof, Wcm
Wcm = gw Xf B (dmax da)
Wcm = (62.43) (10.34) (16.40) (3.30 0.85)
Wcm = 25,937.24 lb



Determine the Wi /WL and Wc /WL based on the formula

Wi /WL = 0.57
Wc /WL = 0.46

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Cc = 1.5 SD1/Tc
Cc = 1.5 (0.475) / 3.09
Cc = 0.23
Ct = 2/ 3 (1.316) Sec. (6)
Ct = 0.877

Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 51

L/HL = 1.87


WI /WL and WC /WL


Wc /WL = 0.48 approximately



Wi /WL = 0.56 approximately



Wi /WL
Wc /WL

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

Figure B.4 Curves for obtaining factors Wi /WL and Wc /WL for ratio L/HL
Determine Wi /WL and Wc /WL from Figure B.4, when L/HL is 1.87, then
Wi /WL is approximately 0.56
Wc /WL is approximately 0.48


Determine the Wi and WC

Wi = 0.57(288,564.39) + Wcm

ASCE/SEI 7-05, section

Wi = 164,481.70 + 25,937.24
Wi = 190,418.94 lb
Wc = 0.46 (288,564.39)
Wc = 132,739.62 lb


Determine the weight of roof, Wr , plus 25 percent of design roof live load and
20 percent of design snow load where the flat snow load exceeds 30 lb/ft 2 .
Wr = D + 0.25 Lr + 0.20S
Wr = 761 lb+ 0.25 (16 lb/ft2 16.40 ft 22.97 ft)
Wr = 2,267.83 lb

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52 AWWA D121-12


Determine the VrL , due to self-weight of the roof

VrL = Ci I (Wr /Ri )
VrL = (0.27) (1.25) (2,267.83 / 2.0)
VrL = 382.70 lb


B.10 Determine the VwL , due to self-weight of walls

VwL = Ci I (eWw /Ri )

VwL = (0.27) (1.25) [(0.72) 12,020/2.0]
VwL = 1,460.43 lb
VwL = Ci I (eWw/Ri )
VwL = (0.29) (1.25) [(0.72) 2,503.50 lb /2.0]
VwL = 304.18 lb

= [0.0151(L/HL )2 0.1908(L/HL ) + 1.021] 1.0

= [0.0151(1.87)2 0.1908(1.87) + 1.021] 1.0
= 0.72




Due to impulsive action of stored water

Vi = Ci I (Wi /Ri )
Vi = (0.27) (1.25) (190,418.94/2.0)
Vi = 32,133.20 lb


Due to convective action of the stored water


B.11 Determine the VfL , due to self-weight of the floor

VfL = Ci I (Wf /Ri )
VfL = (0.27) (1.25) (4,616 / 2.0)
VfL = 778.95 lb


B.12 Determine the total horizontal base shear, V

V = [(Vi + VwL + VrL + VfL)2 + Vc2]

V = [(32,133.20 + 1,460.43 + 382.70 + 778.95) + (38,162.642) ]

V = 51,617.02 lb

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Vc = Cc I (Wc /Rc)
Vc = (0.23) (1.25) (132,739.62 / 1.0)
Vc = 38,162.64 lb

Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 53

L/HL = 1.87



hi /HL and hc /HL






hi /HL
hc /HL

hc /HL = 0.59 approximately

hi /HL = 0.37 approximately

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

Figure B.5 Curves for obtaining factors hi /HL and hc /HL for the ratio L/HL

B.13 Determine hi /HL , hc /HL , hi /HL , hc /HL based on the formula

when L/HL > 1.333;
when L/HL > 0.75;

hi /HL=
hc /HL=
hi /HL=
hc /HL=


therefore, hi = 4.60 ft
therefore, hc = 7.24 ft
therefore, hi = 9.20 ft
therefore, hc = 10.06 ft


Determine hi /HL , hc /HL , hi /HL , hc /HL based on Figure B.5; when L/HL is
1.87, then
hi /HL = 0.37
hc /HL = 0.59

Based on Figure B.6, when L/HL is 1.87, then

hi /HL = 0.75
hc /HL = 0.80


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54 AWWA D121-12

L/HL = 1.87


hi /HL and hc /HL (IBP)







hi /HL
hc /HL

hc /HL = 0.80 approximately

hi /HL = 0.75 approximately


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

Figure B.6 Curves for obtaining factors hi /HL and hc /HL for the ratio L/HL

B.14 Determine moment at base, Mb

Bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the base of the
tank wall (EBP) due to the wall inertia force, Mw
Mw = VwL hw
Mw = (1,460.43) 13.12/2
Mw = 9,580.42 lb-ft


Bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the base of the
tank wall (EBP) due to the roof inertia force, Mr
Mr = VrL hr
Mr = (382.70) (13.12)
Mr = 5,021.02 lb-ft


Bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the base of the
tank wall (EBP) due to the impulsive force, Mi


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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 55


Bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the base of the
tank wall (EBP) due to the convective force, Mc

Mc = Vc hc
Mc = (38,162.64) (7.24)
Mc = 276,297.51 lb-ft


Bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the base of the
tank wall, Mb
Mb = [(Mi + Mw + Mr )2 + (Mc )2]
Mb = [(147,812.72 + 9,580.42 + 5,021.01)2 + (276,297.51)2]
Mb = 320,497.54 lb-ft


B.15 Determine the overturning moment, Mo

Overturning moment at the base of the tank, including the tank bottom and
supporting structure (IBP), due to the impulsive force, Mi
Mi = Vi hi
Mi = (32,133.20) (9.20)
Mi = 295,625.44 lb-ft


Overturning moment at the base of the tank, including the tank bottom and
supporting structure (IBP), due to the convective force, Mc
Mc = Vc hc
Mc = (38,162.64) (10.06)
Mc = 383,916.16 lb-ft


Overturning moment at the base of the tank, including the tank bottom and
supporting structure, Mo
Mo = [(Mi + Mw + Mr )2 + (Mc)2]
Mo = [(295,625.44 +9,580.42 + 5,021.02)2 + (383,916.16)2]
Mo = 493,591.26 lb-ft


B.16 Resistance to overturning moment

M = L/2 (Wt + WL)
M = 22.97 / 2 (17,397 + 288,564.39)
M = 3,513,966.56 lb-ft

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Mi = Vi hi
Mi = (32,133.20) (4.60)
Mi = 147,812.72 lb-ft

56 AWWA D121-12

Factor of safety:
F.S. = M/Mo
F.S. = 3,513,966.56 / 493,591.26
F.S. = 7.12 > 1.50 o.k.

B.17 Anchor bolts

12 pcs. 1-in. diameter (ASTM 325)

fVr V
f = 0.75
fVr = 0.75 [p (1)2 / 4 (12) (48,000)] 51,617.02 lb
fVr = 339,292 lb 51,617.02 lb

Resistance to sliding
Factor of safety:

F.S. = Vr/V
F.S. = (339,292/0.75) / (51,617.02)
F.S. = 8.76 >1.5 o.k.

B.18 Hydrodynamic pressure on the floor due to lateral acceleration


B.19 Dynamic vertical forces due to vertical ground motion


Prv = Ct I (Wr /Ri )

Prv = (0.877) (1.25) (2,267.83/2.0)
Prv = 1,243.05 lb


Pwv = Ct I (Ww /Ri )

Pwv = (0.877)(1.25) (0.72) (12,020/2.0)
Pwv = 4,743.69 lb


Pfv = Ct I (Wf /Ri )

Pfv = (0.877) (1.25) (4,616/2)
Pfv = 2,530.15 lb




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pfL = 6 [(Mi Mi )2 + (Mc Mc )2] / BL2

pfL = 6 [(295,625.44 147,812.72)2 + (383,916.16 276,297.51)2] /
(16.40) (22.97)2
pfL = 126.78 lb/ft2

Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 57

Due to vertically accelerated stored water: pfv = w HL v

where v = Ct I / Ri = (0.877) (1.25) / (2.0) = 0.55
pfv = (62.43) (12.27) (0.55)
pfv = 421.31 lb/ft2


B.20 Total dynamic vertical force on the base, due to vertical acceleration

P = Prv + Pwv + Pfv +pfv BL

P = 1,243.05 + 4,743.69 + 2,530.15 + 421.31 (16.40)(22.97)
P = 167,227.74 lb


B.21 Dynamic pressure on wall force due to vertical ground motion, at y = 3.281 ft
(for example)
pvy = w (HL y) v
where v = Ct I / Ri = (0.877) (1.25) / (2.0) = 0.55
pvy = (62.43) (12.27 3.281) (0.55) = 308.65 lb/ft2


B.22 Dynamic force on the wall due to horizontal ground motion at the height of
y = 3.281 ft
Viy = (Vi /2) [4HL 6hi (6HL 12hi ) (y/HL )]/HL2
Viy = (32,133.20/2) [4(12.27) 6(4.6) (6(12.27) 12(4.6)) (3.281/12.27)]/12.272
Viy = 1,766.65 lb/ft
Vcy = (Vc /2)[4HL 6hc (6HL 12hc )(y/HL )]/HL2
Vcy = (38,162.64/2)[4(12.27) 6(7.24) (6(12.27) 12(7.24))(3.281/12.27)]/12.272
Vcy = 1,164.21 lb/ft
Vwy = VwL /Hw y)/Hw
Vwy = 304.18(13.12 3.281) / 13.12
Vwy = 228.11 lb/ft
Vy = [(Viy + Vwy )2 + Vcy2]
Vy = [(1,766.65 + 228.11)2 + (1,164.21)2]
Vy = 2,309.64 lb/ft





Pressure on wall at y = 3.281 ft

Vy /B = 2,309.64/16.40 = 140.83 lb/ft2

B.23 Dynamic vertical force distribution on floor, due to vertical acceleration (Sec.
Prv + Pfv + pfv = 1,243.05 + 2,530.15 + 421.31 (22.97) (16.40) = 162,484.05 lb
Dynamic pressure on floor

= 162,484.05 / (22.97) (16.40)

= 431.33 lb/ft2


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58 AWWA D121-12

B.24 Dynamic vertical force distribution on roof (Sec.

Prv = 1,243.05 lb
Dynamic pressure on roof

= 1,243.05 / (16.40) (22.97)

= 3.30 lb/ft2

B.25 Effects of horizontal and vertical acceleration (Sec.


E = 1.0 (horizontal acceleration effects)

+ 0.3 (vertical acceleration effects)
E = 0.3 (horizontal acceleration effects)
+ 1.0 (vertical acceleration effects)
Base shear:
E = 1.0 (51,617.02) + 0.3 (0)
E = 0.3 (51,617.02) + 1.0 (0)
Base moment:
E = 1.0 (320,497.54) + 0.3 (0)
E = 0.3 (320,497.54) + 1.0 (0)
Overturning moment:
E = 1.0 (493,591.26) + 0.3 (0)
E = 0.3 (493,591.26) + 1.0 (0)
Vertical force:
E = 1.0 (0) + 0.3 (167,227.74)
E = 0.3 (0) + 1.0 (166,227.74)
Dynamic pressure on floor:
E = 1.0 (126.78) + 0.3 (431.33)
E = 0.3 (126.78) + 1.0 (431.33)
Dynamic pressure on wall, y = 3.281 ft:
E = 1.0 (130.19) + 0.3 (308.65)
E = 0.3 (130.19) + 1.0 (308.65)
Dynamic pressure on roof (without sloshing):
E = 1.0 (0) + 0.3 (3.30)
E = 0.3 (0) + 1.0 (3.30)

= 51,617.02 lb
= 15,485.11 lb

= 320,497.54 lb-ft
= 96,149.26 lb-ft

= 493,591.26 lb-ft
= 148,077.38 lb-ft

= 50,168.32 lb
= 167,227.74 lb
= 256.18 lb/ft2
= 469.36 lb/ft2

= 222.79 lb/ft2
= 347.71 lb/ft2
= 0.99 lb/ft2
= 3.30 lb/ft2

Analysis for transverse shock (L=16.40 ft)

B.26 Determine Tc , Ti , and Ts

Determine Tc , based on the formula
Tc = (2p/l) L
Tc = 0.63 (16.40) = 2.55 sec

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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 59

L/HL = 1.34






2/ = 0.63 approximately


















Figure B.7 Curve for obtaining the factor 2p/ for the ratio L/HL

l = {3.16gtanh[3.16(HL/L)]}
l = 9.99


2p/l = 0.63

Based on Figure B.7, when L/HL is 1.34, then 2p/l = 0.63 approximately
Determination of Ti

Ti = 2p[(Wi + Ww) /(gk)]

Ti = 2p[(224,578.38 lb + 3,506.50 lb) / (32.17) (110,466.12 lb/ft)]
Ti = 1.59 sec


For externally reinforced water tank with external bracing (Steel Section =
W10 15)
k = 3EI / L3
k = [3 (29,000,000 psi) (68.90 in.4) / (157.5 in.)3] 6
k = 9,205.51 lb/in. = 110,466.12 lb/ft

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60 AWWA D121-12

Determination of Ts
Ts = SD1/SDS
Ts = 0.475 / 1.316 = 0.36 sec


B.27 Determine Cc , Ci , and Ct

Ti > Ts

Ci = SD1/Ti
Ci = 0.475/1.59
Ci = 0.30


Cc = 1.5 SD1/Tc
Cc = 1.5 (0.475)/2.55
Cc = 0.28
Ct = 2/ 3 (1.316) Sec. (6)
Ct = 0.877


B.28 Determine the sloshing wave height

dmax = 0.50 L Cc I
dmax = 0.50 (16.40) (0.28) (1.25)
dmax = 2.87 ft


Normalized Wetted Width, Xf /0.50 L

The freeboard provided da = 0.85 ft < dmax since dmax > da, convective (sloshing) mass must be considered


Xf /0.50 L = 0.83

da /dmax = 0.30



Actual/Required Freeboard, da /dmax




Figure B.8 Curve for obtaining the normalized wetted width, Xf /0.50 L, for the ratio da /dmax

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Tc < 1.6/ Ts

Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 61

L/HL = 1.34
Wi /WL = 0.71 approximately


Wc /WL = 0.35 approximately




WI /WL and WC /WL


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

Figure B.9 Curves for obtaining factors Wi /WL and Wc /WL for the ratio L/HL

B.29 Convective (sloshing) mass within the portion confined by the roof, Wcm
Wcm = w Xf B (dmax da)
Wcm = (62.43) (6.80) (22.97) (2.87 0.85)
Wcm = 19,697.66 lb


B.30 Determine Wi /WL and Wc /WL based on the formula

Wi /WL = 0.71
Wc /WL = 0.35


Determine Wi /WL and Wc /WL based on Figure B.9; when L /HL is 1.34, then
Wi /WL is approximately 0.71
Wc /WL is approximately 0.35

B.31 Determine Wi and Wc

Wi = 0.71(288,564.39) + WcmASCE/SEI 7-05,

Wi = 204,880.72 + 19,697.66
Wi = 224,578.38 lb
Wc = 0.35(288,564.39)
Wc = 100,997.54 lb

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62 AWWA D121-12

B.32 Determine the weight of roof, Wr , plus 25 percent of design roof live load and
20percent of design snow load where the flat snow load exceeds 30 lb/ft2
Wr = D + 0.25 Lr + 0.20S
Wr = 761 lb+ 0.25 (16 lb/ft2 16.40 22.97)
Wr = 2,267.83 lb

B.33 Determine VrL , due to self-weight of the roof

VrL = Ci I (Wr /Ri )

VrL = (0.30) (1.25) (2,267.83 /2.0)
VrL = 425.22 lb


B.34 Determine VwL , due to self-weight of walls


VwL = Ci I (Ww /Ri )

VwL = (0.30) (1.25) [(0.79) 12,020 / 2.0]
VwL = 1,780.46 lb
VwL = Ci I (Ww/Ri )
VwL = (0.30) (1.25) [(0.79) 3,506.50 / 2.0]
VwL = 519.40 lb


= [0.0151(L/HL )2 0.1908(L/HL ) + 1.021] 1.0

= [0.0151(1.34)2 0.1908(1.34) + 1.021] 1.0
= 0.79

Due to impulsive action of stored water

Vi = Ci I (Wi /Ri )
Vi = (0.30) (1.25) (224,578.38 / 2.0)
Vi = 42,108.45 lb
Due to convective action of the stored water
Vc = Cc I (Wc /Rc)
Vc = (0.28) (1.25) (100,997.54 / 1.0)
Vc = 35,349.14 lb






B.35 Determine VfL , due to self-weight of the floor

VfL = Ci I (Wf /Ri )
VfL = (0.30) (1.25) (4,616 / 2.0)
VfL = 865.50 lb

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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 63

L/HL = 1.34

hi /HL and hc /HL


hi /HL
hc /HL

hc /HL = 0.65 approximately


hi /HL = 0.38 approximately

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

Figure B.10 Curves for obtaining factors hi /HL and hc /HL for the ratio L/HL

B.36 Determine the total horizontal base shear, V

V = [(Vi + VwL + VrL + VfL)2 + Vc2]

V = [(42,108.45 + 1,780.46 + 425.22 + 865.50)2 + 35,349.142]
V = 57,365.15 lb


B.37 Determine hi /HL , hc /HL , hi /HL , hc /HL based on the formula

hi /HL = 0.375 therefore,
hi = 4.60 ft
hc = 7.97 ft
hc /HL = 0.65 therefore,
hi /HL = 0.58 therefore,
hi = 7.12 ft
when L/HL > 0.75;
hc = 8.96 ft
hc /HL = 0.73 therefore,
Determine hi /HL , hc /HL , hi /HL , hc /HL based on Figure B.10; when L/HL
is 1.34, then
hi /HL = 0.38
hc /HL = 0.65
Based on Figure B.11, when L/HL is 1.34, then
hi /HL = 0.75
hc /HL = 0.80

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when L/HL > 1.333;

64 AWWA D121-12

L/HL = 1.34

hi /HL and hc /HL (IBP)


hi /HL
hc /HL

hc /HL = 0.75 approximately

hi /HL = 0.50 approximately

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

Figure B.11 Curves for obtaining factors hi /HL and hc /HL for the ratio L/HL

B.38 Determine moment at base, Mb

Bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the base of the
tank wall (EBP) due to the wall inertia force, Mw
Mw = VwL hw
Mw = (1,780.46) 13.12/2
Mw = 11,679.82 lb-ft
Bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the base of the
tank wall (EBP) due to the roof inertia force, Mr
Mr = VrL hr
Mr = (425.22) (13.12)
Mr = 5,578.89 lb-ft
Bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the base of the
tank wall (EBP) due to the impulsive force, Mi
Mi = Vi hi
Mi = (42,108.45) (4.60)
Mi = 193,698.87 lb-ft


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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 65

Bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the base of the
tank wall (EBP) due to the convective force, Mc
Mc = Vc hc
Mc = (35,349.14) (7.97)
Mc = 281,732.65 lb-ft
Bending moment of the entire tank cross section just above the base of the
tank wall, Mb
Mb = [(Mi + Mw + Mr )2 + (Mc )2]

Mb = [(193,698.87 + 11,679.82 + 5,578.89) + (281,732.65) ]

Mb = 351,960.77 lb-ft

B.39 Determine the overturning moment, Mo

Overturning moment at the base of the tank, including the tank bottom
and supporting structure (IBP), due to the impulsive force, Mi
Mi = Vi hi
Mi = (42,108.45) (7.12)
Mi = 299,812.16 lb-ft
Overturning moment at the base of the tank, including the tank bottom
and supporting structure (IBP), due to the convective force, Mc
Mc = Vc hc
Mc = (35,349.14) (8.96)
Mc = 316,728.29 lb-ft
Overturning moment at the base of the tank, including the tank bottom
and supporting structure, Mo
Mo = [(Mi + Mw + Mr )2 + (Mc)2]
Mo = [(299,812.16 +11,679.82 + 5,578.89)2 + (316,728.29)2]
Mo = 448,163.75 lb-ft

B.40 Resistance to overturning moment

M = L /2 (Wt + WL)
M = 16.40 / 2 (17,397 + 288,564.39)
M = 2,508,883.40 lb-ft
Factor of safety:
F.S. = M/Mo
F.S. = 2,508,883.40 / 448,163.75
F.S. = 5.60 > 1.50 o.k.


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66 AWWA D121-12

B.41 Anchor bolts

12 pcs 1-in. diameter (ASTM 325)
fVr V
f = 0.75
fVr = 0.75 [p (1)2 / 4 (12) (48,000)] 57,365.15 lb
fVr = 339,292 lb 57,365.15 lb
Resistance to sliding
Factor of safety:
F.S. = Vr /V
F.S. = (339,292 lb / 0.75) / (57,365.15 lb)
F.S. = 7.89 > 1.5 o.k.

B.42 Hydrodynamic pressure on the floor due to lateral acceleration

pfL = 6 [(Mi Mi )2 + (Mc Mc )2]/BL2

pfL = 6 [(299,812.16 193,698.87)2 + (316,728.29 281,732.65)2] / (22.97) (16.40)2
pfL = 108.52 lb/ft2

B.43 Dynamic vertical forces due to vertical ground motion

a. Roof

b. Wall

c. Floor

Prv = Ct I (Wr /Ri )

Prv = (0.877) (1.25) (2,267.83 / 2.0)
Prv = 1,243.05 lb


Pwv = Ct I (Ww /Ri )

Pwv = (0.877) (1.25) (0.79) (12,020 / 2.0)
Pwv = 5,204.89 lb


Pfv = Ct I (Wf /Ri )

Pfv = (0.877) (1.25) (4,616 / 2)
Pfv = 2,530.15 lb
Due to vertically accelerated stored water, pfv = w HL v
v = Ct I / Ri = (0.877) (1.25) / (2.0) = 0.55
pfv = (62.43) (12.27) (0.55)
pfv = 421.31 lb/ft2


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Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Panel-Type Tanks 67

B.44 Total dynamic vertical force on the base, due to vertical acceleration
P = Prv + Pwv + Pfv + pfv BL
P = 1,243.05 + 5,204.89 + 2,530.15 + 421.31 (22.97) (16.40)
P = 167,688.94 lb


B.45 Dynamic pressure on wall due to vertical ground motion at y = 3.281 ft


pvy = w (HL y) v
v = Ct I / Ri = (0.877)(1.25) / (2.0) = 0.55
pvy = (62.43) (12.27-3.281)(0.55) = 308.65 lb/ft2


B.46 Dynamic force on the wall due to horizontal ground motion at the height of
y = 3.281 ft

Viy = (Vi /2) [4HL 6hi 6HL 12hi ) (y/HL )]/HL2

Viy = (42,108.45/2) [4(12.27 6(4.60 6(12.27) 12(4.60)) (3.281/12.27)]/12.272
Viy = 2,315.08 lb/ft
Vcy = (Vc /2)[4HL 6hc 6HL 12hc )(y/HL )]/HL2
Vcy = (35,349.14 /2)[4(12.27 6(7.97 6(12.27 126(7.97))(3.281/12.27)]/12.272
Vcy = 839.18 lb/ft
Vwy = VwL (Hw y)/Hw
Vwy = 519.40 (13.12 3.281)/13.12
Vwy = 389.51 lb/ft
Vy = [(Viy+Vwy )2 + Vcy2]
Vy = [(2,315.08 + 389.51)2 + (839.18)2]
Vy = 2,831.79 lb/ft
Pressure on wall at y = 3.281 ft
Vy /L = 2,831.79 / 22.97 = 123.28 lb/ft2





B.47 Dynamic vertical force distribution on floor Sec. 3.6.3

Prv + Pfv + pfv = 1,243.05 + 2,530.15 + 421.31 (22.97) (16.4)
Dynamic vertical force distribution on floor

= 162,484.05 lb
= 162,484.05 / (22.97)(16.4)
= 431.33 lb/ft2

B.48 Dynamic vertical force distribution on roof Sec.

Dynamic vertical force distribution on roof

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= 1,243.05 lb
= 1,243.05 / (16.4) (22.97)
= 3.30 lb/ft2

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68 AWWA D121-12

B.49 Effects of horizontal and vertical acceleration Sec.

E = 1.0 (horizontal acceleration effects) + 0.3 (vertical acceleration effects)
E = 0.3 (horizontal acceleration effects) + 1.0 (vertical acceleration effects)
Base shear:
E = 1.0 (57,365.15) + 0.3 (0)
= 57,635.15 lb
E = 0.3 (57,365.15) + 1.0 (0)
= 17,209.55 lb
Base moment:
E = 1.0 (351,960.77) + 0.3 (0)
= 351,960.77 lb-ft
E = 0.3 (351,960.77) + 1.0 (0)
= 105,588.23 lb-ft
Overturning moment:
E = 1.0 (448,163.75) + 0.3 (0)
= 448,163.75 lb-ft
E = 0.3 (448,163.75) + 1.0 (0)
= 134,449.12 lb-ft
Vertical force:
E = 1.0 (0) + 0.3 (167,688.94)
= 50,306.68 lb
E = 0.3 (0) + 1.0 (167,688.94)
= 167,688.94 lb
Dynamic pressure on floor:
E = 1.0 (108.52) + 0.3 (431.33)
= 237.92 lb/ft2
E = 0.3 (108.52) + 1.0 (431.33)
= 463.89 lb/ft2
Dynamic pressure on wall, y = 3.281 ft:
E = 1.0 (108.83) + 0.3 (308.65)
= 201.42 lb/ft2
E = 0.3 (108.83) + 1.0 (308.65)
= 341.30 lb/ft2
Dynamic pressure on roof (without sloshing):
E = 1.0 (0) + 0.3 (3.30)
= 0.99 lb/ft2
E = 0.3 (0) + 1.0 (3.30)
= 3.30 lb/ft2


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