Prospects & Future of Integrated Marketing Communication Techniques in Global Marketing Services

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Journal of Exclusive Management Science May 2016 - Vol 5 Issue 5 ISSN 2277-5684

Prospects & Future of Integrated Marketing Communication Techniques in Global

Marketing Services
*Dr. Subhash M.V Adgule
*Principal, Toshniwal college of Arts, Comm & Sci., (S.R.T.M.University, Nanded), TalSehgaon Dist- HINGOLI
The opening vignettes how the roles of advertising and other of promotion are changing in
the modem world of marketing. In the past, marketers such as the U.S. Army relied
primarily on advertising through traditional mass media to promote their products. They
integrated their advertising efforts with a variety of other communication techniques such
as web sites on the Internet, direct marketing, and sales promotion. They are also
recognizing that these communication tools are most effective when they are coordinated
with other elements of the marketing program.
The various marketing communication tools used by the U.S. Army as part of its
recruitment efforts exemplify how marketers are using an integrated marketing
communications approach to reach their customers.
Promotional expenditures in international markets have grown as well. Both foreign
and domestic companies spend billions more one sales promotion, personal selling, direct
marketing, event sponsorships, and public relation, all-important parts of a firms
marketing communication program.
"Integrated marketing communication - IMC, is the process of developing and implementing
various forms of persuasive communication programs with customer and prospects over
time". -He, also, states, "the global of IMC is to influence. IMC considers all source of brand
or company contacts which or prospect has with the product or service as potential delivery
channels for the future massages. IMC makes use of all forms of communication which are
relevant to the customer and prospects, and to which they might by receptive
The American Association of Advertising Agencies defines integrated "recognizes the added
value of a comprehensive plan that evaluate the strategic role of a variety of communication
disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency and maximum
communication impact".
Marketing depends heavily on an effective communication flow between the
company and the consumers. Manufacturing a product and making it available in the
market is only a part of company job. It is equally important, or perhaps more important, to
make it known to the consumer that the product is available in the market. In a competitive
market, where several firms are striving to win over the consumer, it is not enough if the
availability of a product only is made known to consumer. It is also essential to propagate
the distinctive features of the product. The process does not end here, either. The firm
should also get the feedback on how the consumer accepts its products and interpret its
This multidimensional function can be carried out only through an effective,
continuous and two way flow of information between the firm and the consumers.
The firm attempts to communicate with the consumer through quality product,
colorful packages, written messages, pictures and symbols, attractive show rooms and
efficient salesmen. When these various stimuli are received and interpreted by the
consumer, marketing communication takes place. The communication also involves
feedback from the consumer to the company on how the total product offering of the
company is received by the market.


Journal of Exclusive Management Science May 2016 - Vol 5 Issue 5 ISSN 2277-5684
Components of integrated marketing communication
1) Sales Promotion
2) Advertising
3) Direct Marketing
4) Public Relation
5) Sales Force
Sales Promotion:
In the case of services, the sales promotion techniques, which are used, are varied
and varies in number. In services, sales promotion techniques are used to offset there
perish ability characteristic for e.g. family discount offered by hotel in off season in which
two children under twelve are allowed free of charge and to overcome the problem faced by
customer in evaluating and judging the quality before making the purchase.
Advertising is the art of influencing human action, awakening of the desire to
possess product. It is a mass persuasion and it is any form of publicity given to product or
service at the expense of the person who wants such publicity for bringing his product and
service to the notice of the general public. The real objective of advertising is effective
communication between producer and consumer.
Direct Marketing:
Without using marketing middlemen selling goods to consumers is called direct
marketing. Direct marketing includes telemarketing, E-mail, catalogues, interaction ect.
Now many direct marketers use direct marketing to build a long-term relationship with the
customer, i.e. Relationship marketing marketer sends birthday card, small gifts,
information materials, etc.
Public Relations:
Public relation (PR) involves a variety of programs designed to promote a company's
image or its individual products. Most companies have public relation department that
monitors the attitudes of the public towards the organization and distributes the
information and communication to build goodwill.
Sales Force:
Companies spend huge amounts on business and sales force promotion tools. These
tools are used to gather business leads, impress and reward customers, and motivate the
sales force to achieve greater heights through increased efforts.
Role of IMC branding
One of the major reasons for the growing importance of integrated marketing
communication over the past decade is that it plays a major role in process of developing
and sustaining brand identity and equity.
Brand identity is a combination of many factors, including the name, logo, symbols,
design, packaging, and performance of a product or service as well as the image or type of
association that come to mind when customer think about a brand. It is the some of all
points of encounter or contact that consumer has with the brand, and it extends beyond
the experience or outcome of using it. These contacts can also result from various forms of
integrated marketing communication activities used by a company, includes mass-media
advertising, sales promotion offers, sponsorship activities at sporting or entertainment
events Internet and direct-mail, brochures, or videos.
Marketing recognize that in the modem world of marketing there are many different
opportunities and methods for contacting current and prospective customer to provide
them with information about a company and brands. A successful IMC program requires

Journal of Exclusive Management Science May 2016 - Vol 5 Issue 5 ISSN 2277-5684
that marketers find the right combination of communication tools and techniques, define
their role and the extent to which they can or should be used, and coordinate their use.
Process of Integrated marketing communication (IM C):
Integrate Marketing Communication basically involves market segmentation. Hence
the Integrate Marketing Communication process means actually the process of market
Market segmentation:
A 'Marketing segment' is a meaningful buyer group having similar wants.
Segmentation is a customer oriented marketing strategy. Market segmentations gives
formal recognition to the facts that wants and desires of consumer are diverse and so there
is possibility of formulating of a specific market offering to a specific category or segment of
the market. So that supply will have the best correlation with demand.
Varied complex buyer behavior is the root cause of market segmentation.
The Evolution of IMC
During the 1980s many companies came to see the need for more of strategic
integration of their promotional tools these firms began moving toward the process of
integrated marketing communications which involves coordinating the various promotional
elements and other marketing activities that communicate with a firms customers. As
marketers embraced the concept of integrated marketing communications they began
asking their ad agencies to coordinate the use of variety of promotional tools rather than
relying primarily on media advertising agencies and use other types of promotional
specialists to develop and implement various components of their promotional plans.
Many agencies responded to the call for synergy among the promotional tools by
acquiring PR (public relation), sales promotion, and direct-marketing companies and
touting themselves as IMC agencies that offer one-stop shopping for all their clients'
promotional needs. Some agencies became involved in these non-advertising areas to gain
control over their clients' promotional programs and budgets and struggled to offer any real
value beyond creating advertising. However, the advertising industry soon recognized that
IMC was more than just a fad. Terms such as new advertising, orchestration, and seamless
communication were used to describe the concept of integration. A task force from the
American Association of Advertising Agencies developed one of the first definitions of
integrated marketing communications.
Reasons for growing importance of IMC
The move toward integrated marketing communication is one of the most
significant marketing developments that occurred during the 1990s, and the shift towards
this approach is continuing as we begin the new century. Both large and small companies
are adopting the IMC approach to marketing communication planning and strategy and his
become popular among firms marketing consumer product and services as well as business
to- business marketers. There are a number of reasons are that they understand the
value of strategically integrating the various communication functions rather than having
them operate autonomously.
The move to integrated marketing communications also reflects an adaptation by
marketers to a changing environment, particularly with respect to consumer, technology,
and media.


Journal of Exclusive Management Science May 2016 - Vol 5 Issue 5 ISSN 2277-5684
Tools for IMC












Advertising is defined as any paid form of non personal communication about an
organization, product, service, or idea by any identified sponsor. Advertising is the best
known and most widely discussed form of promotional tool, particularly for companies
whose products and services are targeted at mass consumer markets.
Direct Marketing
In which organization communicate directly with target customer to generate a response
and a transaction. Direct marketing tools and companies that distribute their products
through traditional distribution channels or have their own sales force are also using
Internet Marketing
While the Internet is changing the ways companies design and Implements their entire
business and marketing strategies, it is also affecting their marketing communication
programs. Thousands of companies, ranging from large multinational corporations to small
local firms, have develop websites to promote their products and services, by providing
current and potential customers with information, as well as to entertain and interact with
Sales Promotion
Sales promotion is generally broken into two major categories: consumer-oriented and
trade-oriented activities. Consumer-oriented sales promotion is targeted to the ultimate
user of a product or service and includes couponing, sampling, premiums, rebates,
contests, sweepstakes, and various points of purchase materials. Trade-oriented sales
promotion is targeted toward marketing intermediaries such as wholesalers, distributors,
and retailer.
Public Relation
It is important to recognize the distinction between publicity and public relation. When an
organization systematically plans and distributes information in an attempt to control and
manage its image and the nature of the publicity it receives, it is really engaging in a
function known as public relation.
Personal Selling
The final element of an organizations promotional mix is personal selling, a firm of
person-to-person communication in which a seller attempts to assist and persuade
prospective buyer to purchase the company's product or service or to act on an idea. Unlike
advertising, personal selling involves direct contact between buyer and seller, either face-toface or through some form of telecommunications such as telephone sales.
Developing the Integrated Marketing Communication Program
Developing the IMC program is generally the most involved and detailed step of the
promotional planning process, each promotional mix element has certain advantages and
limitations. At this stage of the planning process, decisions have to be made regarding the
role and important of each element and their coordination with one another.
For example, the advertising program will have its own set of objectives, usually
involving the communication of some massage or appeal to a target audience. A budget will

Journal of Exclusive Management Science May 2016 - Vol 5 Issue 5 ISSN 2277-5684
be determined, providing the advertising manager and the agency with some idea of how
much money is available for developing the ad campaign and purchasing media to
disseminate the ad message.
The Integrated Marketing Communication Process
Integrated Marketing Communication Process







Marketing Communication
Sales Promotion Agencies


Public Relation Firms

The integrated marketing communication process can be divided into five major
The advertisers, or client, are the key participants in the process. The advertiser
also assumes major responsibility for developing the marketing program and making the
final decisions regarding the advertising and promotional program to be employed.
However, many organizations use an advertising agency, an outside firm that
specializes in the creation, production and placement of communication message and they
may provide other services to facilitate the marketing and promotions process.
Media Organizations are another major participant in the advertising and promotions
process. While the media perform many other function that help advertisers understand
their markets and their customers, a mediums primary objective is to sell itself as a way for
companies to reach their target markets with their messages effectively.
The next groups of participants are organizations that provide specialized marketing
communications services. They conclude direct marketing agencies, sales promotion
agencies, interactive agencies & public relation funds these organizations provide services
in their areas of expertise.
The final participants shown in the promotions process are those that provide
collateral services, the provide range of support functions used by advertiser agencies,
media organizations & specialized marketing communications firms.
Advantages of Global Marketing
A global marketing strategy and advertising program offer certain advantages to a
company, including the following:
Economies of scale in production and distribution.
Lower marketing and advertising costs as a result of reductions in planning and control.
Lower advertising production costs.
A consistent international brand and company image.
Advocates of global marketing and advertising contents that standardized products
are possible in all countries if marketers emphasize quality, reliability, and low prices. They
say people everywhere want to by the same products and live the same way. Product
standardization and global marketing also enable companies to roll out products faster into
world market.
A number of companies have been very successful using a global advertising
approach, including Coca-Cola, Xerox, American Express, and British Airways. The
advertising theme for the global campaign was "The Best a Man Can Get".
Prospects of Global integrated Marketing Communication:
Marketers are continually searching for global consumer markets segments to which

Journal of Exclusive Management Science May 2016 - Vol 5 Issue 5 ISSN 2277-5684
products and services can be advertised in a similar fashion all over the world. Many
companies are recognizing that the most global segment of all is the youth of the world as
they amazing similarities in tastes, interests, languages, and attitudes.
The same trend that exists among advertising agencies in the united state aloe
occurs in the international arena. Instead of being called IMC, however, it is known as
GIMC, or a globally integrated marketing communication program. The goal is still the same
- to coordinate marketing efforts. The challenges are greater due to large national and
cultural differences in target markets.
In the past, marketers could employ to different strategic for global companies. One
was to standardize the product and massage across countries. The goal this approach was
generating economies of scale in production while creating global product using then same
promotional theme.
The second approach to global marketing was called adaptation. Product and
marketing massages were designed for and adapted to individual countries. Thus the
manner in which a product was marketed in France was different they in Italy, India, or
Integrate marketing communication takes advantages of the effective management of the
communicational channel. Within the marketing mix of product, price, distribution
systems, and promotion firms that speak with and clear voice is table to coordinate and
integrate all marketing tools. The goal is to have a strong positive impact on consumers,
businesses, and other end users.
From the development of a marketing plan, the IMC program expand to include
ethics and social issue; a promotional analysis program; brand and firm image
management; understanding of customer and business to business buyer behaviors; other
traditional marketing activities such as trade promotion, consumer promotion, and
personal selling, as well as tactical promotion; and the completion of the evaluation
process, which begin the planning process again.
An additional challenge is the decline in effectiveness of mass media advertising.
IMC helps camp any leaders find new ways to contact consumers with a unified message.
When a firm is involved in an international setting, a GIMC, or globally integrated
marketing communication system, can be at great value.
* Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communication
- Kenneth E. Clow and Donald Baack.
* Advertising and Promotional
An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective
Sixth Edition, George E. Belch and Michale A. Belch


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