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Sam Media Sdn. Bhd.

Talent Test
Junior IT Operations Engineer
Your details
Skype ID

First of all, we would like to thank you for your application for
the position of Junior IT Operations Engineer at Sam Media!
As part of our recruitment process, we require all candidates to
complete a talent test.
This talent test consists of several questions. Use as much
space as you need to answer the questions and don't worry
about the document formatting.
We'd appreciate it if you could complete the talent test per first
opportunity but try not to take more than ten working days.
Please send your completed talent test and corresponding files
to [email protected]
Should you still have any further questions, don't hesitate to
get back to us.
I hope you enjoy the talent test and I am looking forward to
hear back from you!
Edwin Raspe,
IT Director

Question 1: SQL
One of the things you will be doing is working with our MySQL
databases, for example when there is a reporting discrepancy
or when we want to analyse certain datasets in a little more
Question 1a:
Please look at the description of the mydb database, which you
can find in the file mydb-account_mt_servicetable_definitions.sql In this file you can also find sample data
that would fill each table.
You can see that the mydb database has three tables, account, mt
and service
Prepare an SQL query to extract information from this database
according to the following criteria:
Mphone = 223823456789
ShortCode = 33663
ServiceID = 646

The output format should be: Mphone | Status | CreateDate |

ShortCode | SmsKeyword | Description

Question 1b:
Prepare an SQL query to count the number of success DNs
(DnStatus = OK and Status = OK) per day in the mydb
database based on the following criteria:
Mphone = 223823456789
ShortCode = 33663
ServiceID = 646
Status = OK
DnStatus = OK

The output format should be: Date | total_charged | ServiceID

| ShortCode

Question 2: Microsoft
Microsoft Excel is an important business tool that we use on a
daily bases throughout the company.
Question 2a:
Please open Worksheet1.xlsx
In this worksheet, on a new sheet, filter all unique MSISDNs from
Sheet1 and count how often each MSISDN occurs.
Question 2b:
Please open Worksheet2.xlsx
In this worksheet, using the data from Sheet 1, create a pivot
table on a new sheet that shows the weekly values for:
1) The SUM of SUCCESS DNs,
2) The SUM of FAILED DNs

The date/time column is using the GMT +0800 time zone. Please
convert all date/times to the GMT +0100 time zone (which is the
time zone of our office in the Netherlands)

Question 3: Tools
In our day to day work, we use a variety of tools to make our
life easier.
Have you ever worked with any of the following tools and if so,
please briefly describe what you used that tool for.
1. MySQL Workbench (Yes/No)
Used for:

2. VirtualBox (Yes/No)
Used for:

3. Vagrant (Yes/No)
Used for:

4. Kibana (Yes/No)
Used for:

5. GIT (Yes/No)
Used for:

Question 4: Linux
Our production environment uses Linux as the Operating
System of choice.
Which Linux commands or tools would you use in the following
1. Count the number of occurrences of a specific word in a
text file, for example the word ERROR in the text file

2. Compare 2 csv files, for example file_1.csv and

file_2.csv, to find the differences between these files.
3. Search for a specific file, for example, in a
folder (and all its sub-folders)

Question 5: Scripts
Being able to write small scripts to help you analyse or work
with data is something that you may expect to be doing in this
Can you write a script, preferably in PHP, but you may also use
Perl, Python or even Bash script that connects to a MySQL
database server ( and executes the SELECT
query from question 1b. The output from that SQL query should
be written to a file.

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