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[Vide notification No.M.598/X-503, Dated March 25, 1942]
In exercise of the powers conferred by Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (II of 1899), and in
pursuance of the powers conferred by the notifications of the Government of India Finance
Department (central revenues) no.9/stamps, dated November 13,1937 and in supersession
of all previous notifications of the government of india and provincial Government of India
and the Provincial Government on this behalf; and in exercise of the powers conferred by
section 21 of the United Provinces court-Fees (Amendment) Act 1938 (XIX of 1938), and
in pursuance of power conferred by notifications of the Government of India. Home
Department no. 158/38, dated February 15, 1939, and in supersession of all previous
notifications of the Government of India, and Provincial Government in this behalf, with
the concurrence of the Honble Chief Justice of the High Court of Judicature of Allahabad
and the Honble Chief Judge of the chief court of Oudh at Lucknow, where such
concurrence is necessary, the Governor is pleased to make the following rules namely:
1. Short title These rules may be called the United Provinces Stamp rules, 1942.
2. Interpretation of rules In these rules, unless there is something repugnant thereto in
subject or the context :
(a) The Act means the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (II of 1899), or the court fees Act,
1870(II of 1870) as in force for the time being in United Provinces, according as the
rule is under the one or the other of the Acts.
(b) Accountant General means the Accountant General, United Provinces.
(c) Controller means the Controller of Stamps, Nasik road, G.I.P. Railway.
(d) High court means the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad of the Chief Court of
Oudh at Lucknow.
[(e) Suprintendent of Stamp means the following officers who have been appointed
by the Uttar Pradesh Government to perform the functions of the Superintendent of
Stamp for the purposes of the Stamp Act and rules made there under :1) Personal Assistant to the Junior Secretary or the Joint secretary (as the case may be)
to the Board of Revenue, Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad.
2) Treasury Officer, Meerut.
3) Treasury Officer, Kanpur.
4) Treasury Officer, Lucknow.

5) Treasury Officer, Agra.

6) Treasury Officer, Faizabad.
7) Treasury Officer, Bareilly.
8) Treasury Officer, Puri (Garhwal).
9) Treasury Officer, Nainital (Kumaun).
Treasury Officer, Gorakhpur.
Treasury Officer, Jhansi.
Treasury Officer, Varanasi.
Treasury Officer, Raebareily.
Treasury Officer, Aligarh.
Treasury Officer, Saharanpur.
Treasury Officer, Etawah.
Treasury Officer, Moradabad.
Any other officer appointed to perform the functions of Suprintendent of
A- General or non- Judicial stamps
[3. Description of Stamps- (1) Except as otherwise provided by the Indian Stamp Act,
1899 or by these rules(i) all duties with which instrument is chargeable shall be paid and such payment shall
be indicated on such instrument by means of stamp issued by the Government for the
purposes of Act and,
(ii) a stamp which by any word or words on the face of it is appropriated to any particular
kind of instrument shall not be used for an instrument of any other kind.
(2) There shall be three kinds of stamps for indicating the payment of duty with which
instrument are chargeable namely
(a) impressed stamps, that is to say, stamped papers bearing the words India nonJudicial printed thereon, which have been sold by person duly authorized in that
behalf as hereafter provided to any person for his use in accordance with these rules :
Provided that no stamp shall be deemed to be sold unless it clearly bears the name and
address of the authorized vendor thereof and of the person to whom it is sold;
(b) impressed stamps bearing the word Hundi printed or embossed thereon; and

(c) adhesive stamps bearing the word Special adhesive Insurance Foreign Bill,
Share Transfer, Notarial, Brokers note, agreement, or Revenue printed
thereon : Provided always that the stamps of the above descriptions overprinted with
the words Uttar Pradesh or the letters U.P shall continue to be used for payment
of duty till such time as the State Government does not prohibit their use.
3-A. [Deleted]
II of Impressed Stamps
[3-AA. (1) Payment of duty is not to be normally made in cash. If however, the
Collector is satisfied that there is temporary shortage of stamps in the district or that
stamps of required denominations are not available, he may by a general order issued in
this behalf permit the duty to be paid in cash and authorize the officer-in- charge of the
treasury or the sub-treasury, as the case may be, on production of challan evidencing
payment of duty in Government treasury or sub-treasury to certify by endorsement on the
instrument the amount of duty so paid in cash.
(2) The order so issued, if it is general, shall specify the period for which it shall remain
(3) Upon issue of the order reffered in sub-rule (1) the amount of duty in question shall
be deposited under the head 30- stamps and Registration fees. C- Stamps- NonJudicial- Sale of stamps by filling in ordinary challan forms in duplicate. One copy
of challan shall be retained in the treasury/sub treasury or the State Bank of India, as
the case may be, and the other shall be given to the depositor in token of receipt of the
amount. The challan shall clearly show the nature, value and names of the parties to
the instrument in respect of which the amount is required to be deposited.
(4) The depositor concerned shall than submit the unexecuted instrument together with
his copy of treasury challan aforesaid for the amount receipted by the Treasury officer
or the State Bank of India, as the case may be to the officer-in-charge of the Treasury
and the sub-treasury as the case may be where the amount has been deposited.
(5) The Treasury officer shall, upon any instrument being presented to him before it is
signed and accompained with an application for the purpose, endorse thereon a
certificate in the form given here under showing the amount of stamp duty paid in
cash :
In pursuance of the order of Collector No. ..dated
.passed under section 10-A of Stamp Act, it is certified that an
amount of Rs(in words
Rs) has been paid in
cash as stamp duty in respect of this instrument in the State Bank of India /Treasury/Sub
treasury ofby Challan No..,
dateda copy of which is annexed herewith.


Officer Incharge,

The challan referred in sub-rule (4), shall be retained by the Treasury Officer and
cancelled so that it may not be used again.
(6) In the registers maintained in treasury and the collectors office for recording the
transactions of stamps, a separate column under the heading Stamp duty paid in
cash shall be inserted.
(7) The Treasury officer shall maintain a separate register of instruments certified by him
under section 10-A(1) of Stamp Act, which shall contain the following columns :

Date of presentation of application.

Name of full address of depositor.
Names of parties to the instrument.
Class of instrument.
Amount of consideration or value when expressed.
Amount deposited.
Number and date of challan.
Date of return on instrument.
Signature of the recipient of the instrument.

The Collector shall at periodical inspections or otherwise satisfy himself that duly
cancelled treasury challan exist for each such investment.
(8) The endorsement of the Treasury Officer made on any instrument under sub-section
(1) of section 10-A of the Stamp Act shall be deemed to be non-Judicial stamps shall
mutatis mutandis apply to it.
(9) All officers empowered to impound documents under section 33 of the Stamp Act in
the same manner as other instrument coming before them in discharge of their duties.
In case of doubt as to the authenticity of the certificate recorded on any instrument or
the challan attached thereto, they may verify the fact from the Collector.
Explanation- Treasury Officer for purpose of this rule shall include officer-in-charge, sub
treasury in the district.
4. Hundis (1) Hundis, other than hundis which may be stamped with an adhesive stamp
under section 11, shall be written on paper as follows, namely :(a) A hundi payable otherwise than on demand, but not at more than one year after date or
sight, and for an amount not exceeding rupees thirty thousand in value, shall be
written on paper on which a stamp of the proper value bearing the word hundi has
been engraved and endorsed.

(b) A hundi for an amount exceeding rupees thirty thousand in value payable at more than
one year after date or sight, shall be written on paper shall be supplied for sale by the
Government to which a label has been affixed by the suprietendent of stamps, and
impressed by such officer in the manner prescribed by rule 11.
(2) Every sheet of paper on which a hundi is written shall not be less than 85/8 inches
wide and no plain paper shall be joined thereto.
(3) The provision of sub-rule (1) of rule 7 shall apply in case of hundis.
5. Promissory notes and bills of exchange A promissory note or bills of exchange shall,
except as provided by section 11 of Stamp Act or by rules 25 and 30 be written on paper on
which a stamp of the proper value with or without the word hundi has been engraved or
6.Other instruments Every other instrument chargeable with duty shall, except is
provided by section 11 or by rules 10,12 and 25, be written on paper on which a stamp of
proper value with or without the word hundi has been engraved or embossed.
7. Provision where single sheet of paper is insufficient - (1) Where two or more sheets of
paper on which stamps are engraved or embossed are used to make up amount of duty
chargeable in respect of any instrument, a portion of such instrument shall be written on
each sheet so used.
(2) Where a single sheet of paper, not being paper bearing an impressed hundi stamp, is in
sufficient to admit of the entire instrument being written on the side of the paper which
bears the stamp, so much plain paper may be subjoined thereto as may be necessary for
complete writing of such instrument :
Provided that in every such case a substantial part of the instrument shall be written on the
sheet which bears the stamp before any part is written on plain paper subjoined.
8. Ten naya paise and fifteen naye paise impressed stamps (1) Skeleton forms of
undermentioned instruments (unless the duly chargeable exceed ten naya paise), may be
denoted by a coloured impression of ten naya paisa by a suprietendent of stamps :

Impressment of
Skeleton forms at
the office of the
Board of Revenue or
of the district officer
of Meerut,
Lucknow, or Kanpur
with ten naya paise

(a) Acknowledgement of a debt exceeding Rs 20.

(b) Agreement or memorandum of an agreement
relating to a sale of a Government security or share
in an incorporated company or other body corporate
not exceeding in value Rs 10,000.
(c) Delivery order in respect of goods sold or
transferred exceeding in value Rs 20.
(d) Mortgage of a crop when the loan is repayable not
more than three months from the date of instrument
and the sum secured does not exceed Rs 200.
(e) Note or memorandum sent by a broker or agent to
his principal, intimating the purchase or sale on
account of such principal of any stock or marketable
securities exceeding in value Rs 20, but not
exceeding Rs 10,000.
(f) Policy of Insurance against railway accident valid
for a single journey only, life insurance policy
where the sum insured does not exceed Rs 250. and
the policy is drawn on Duplicate, and insurance by
way of indemnity against liability to pay damages
on accounts of accidents to workmen employed by
or under the insurer or against liability to pay
compensation under the workmens Compensation
Act, 1923, where the sum payable as premium does
not exceed one hundred rupees.
(g) Promissory note payable on demand when the
amount or value does not exceed Rs 250.
(h) Receipt for any money or other property the amount
or value of which exceeds Rs 20.
(i) Shipping order for or relating to the conveyance of
goods on board of any vessel.

Number of Article
of Schedule I of






Note - If any of the other instruments become chargeable with the duty of fifteen naya paise it will be
treated as if it were an instrument mentioned in rule 8(b).
(B) Skeleton forms of the undermentioned instruments (unless the duty chargeable exceeds fifteen naya
paise), may be denoted by a coloured impressions of fifteen naya paise by a superintendent of stamps:
Number of Article
of Schedule I of Act.
Impressment of certain
Skeleton forms at the office
of the Board of Revenue or
of the district officer of
Meerut, Lucknow, or Kanpur
with fifteen naya paise

(a) Agreement or memorandum of an

agreement relating to the sale of (i) of a
bill of exchange and (ii) of a government
security or share in an incorporated
company or other body corporate
exceeding in value Rs 10,000 but not
exceeding Rs 20,000.
(b) Certificate or other document evidencing
the right or title to any share, script or
stock in or any incorporated company or
other body corporate.
(c) Letter of allotment of shares in any
company, or in respect or any loan to be
raised by any company or proposed
(d) Letter of credit, authorizing another to
give credit to a person in whose in favour
it is drawn.
(e) Note or memorandum sent by a broker or
agent to his principal intimating the
purchase or sale on account of such
principal (i) of any goods exceeding in
value Rs 20 and (ii) of any stock or
marketable securities exceeding in value
Rs 10,000 but not exceeding Rs 20,000.
(f) Promissory note payable on demand
49(a)(ii) when the amount or value
exceeds Rs 250 but does not exceeds Rs
(g) Proxy empowering any person to vote at
any election or meeting.





C. If any of the instruments mentioned in sub-clauses (A) and (B) becomes chargeable with
a duty of twenty or twenty five rupees naye paise, the duty of twenty naye paise may be
denoted by means of two coloured impressions of ten naye paise each and that of twenty
five naye paise by means of two coloured impressions- one of fifteen paise and the other of
ten naye paise.
9. The Proper Officer- The superintendents of Stamps in the United Provinces are
empowered to affix and impress or perforate labels. Each of them shall be deemed to the
proper officer for the purpose of act and these rules.

10. Affixing and impressing of labels by proper officer premissible in certain cases
Special adhesive labels may be affixed or impressed or perforated by the proper officer on
(i) The following instrument and the counterparts thereof Number of
Article in
Schedule I of the

Administration bond . .
2. Affidavits .
3. Appointments made in execution of a power . .
4. Articles of association of a company . .
5. Articles of clerkship . .
6. Bills of lading . .
7. Charter parties . .
8. Declarations of trust . .
9. Instruments evidencing an agreement relating to (1) the deposit of titledeeds or instruments constituting or being evidence of the title to any
property whatever (other than a marketable securities), or (2) the pawn
of pledge or hypothecation of moveable property.
10. Leases partly printed or Lithographed in an oriental language when the
written matter does not exceed one fourth of the printed matter.
11. Memorandum of Association of companies . .
12. Mortgages of crops . .
13. Notes of protests by masters of ships . .
14. Revocations of trust . .
15. Share-warrants issued by a company in accordance with section 43 of
the Indian Companies Act, 1913 (VII of 1913)
16. Warrants of goods .
17. Note or memorandum . . .
18. Transfers of the descriptions mentioned in Article 62, clauses (a) and
(b) of schedule I, when the duty payable exceeds Rs10.
19. Instructions referred to in items (b), (c) and (e) (I) of rule 8(B).


62 (a) and (b)

(ii) The following instruments and the counterparts thereof when written in any European
Language, and accompained, if the language is not English, by a translation in English:

1. Agreements or memoranda of agreements which, in the opinion of

the proper officer cannot conveniently be written on sheets of paper
on which the stamps are engraved or embossed.
2. Instruments engrossed on parchment and written in the English
style which, in the opinion of such officer, cannot conveniently be
written on sheets of paper on which the stamps are engraved and
3. Awards .
4. Bills of exchange payable otherwise then on demand and drawn in
British India.
5. Bonds . .
6. Certificates of sale .
7. Composition deeds . .
8. Conveyance . .
9. Debentures . .
10. Instruments imposing a furthur charge on mortgaged property .
11. Instrument of apprenticeship . .
12. Instrument of co-partnership . .. .
13. Instrument of dissolution of partnership .
14. Instruments of exchange .
15. Instruments of gifts . ..
16. Instruments of partitions .
17. Leases . .
.. .
18. Letters of licence .
.. .
19. Mortgage deeds
20. Power of attorney
21. Reconveyances of mortgaged property .
22. Releases .
23. Settlements . ..
24. Transfers of the description mentioned in article 62, 62(e), (d) and
(e),(d) and clauses (c),(d) and(e) of scheduled I.

Number of
Article in
Schedule I of the

13(b) and (c)

Provided that special adhesive labels may also be affixed to agreements of the kind
mentioned in items (1) and (2) of the above list which written in any recognized language
out if they are written in any language other than English, Hindi, or urdu they shall be
accompanied by a translation in English;
(iii) the following instruments when written in Hindi or Urdu and on forms approved
by Provincial Government and printed by the Superintendent, Printing and
Stationary, United Provinces(a) Bonds described in section 40 of United Provinces Agriculturists Relief Act, 1931.
(b) Deeds of transfer executed under section 5 of United Provinces Regulation of Sales
Act, 1931
(c) Deeds of transfer executed under section 28 of the United Provinces Encumbered
Estates Act, 1934.
11. Mode of affixing and impressing labels: - (1) The proper officer shall upon any
instrument specified in rule 10 being brought to it is executed and upon application being
made to him, affix thereto a label or labels of such value as the applicant may require and
pay for with reference to the amount of transaction shown in instrument and impress or
perforate such label or labels by means of a stamping machine and also stamp machine or
perforating machine and also stamp or write on the face of the label or labels the date of
perforating the same. In the case of instruments written on parchment the labels shall be
further secured by means of metallic eyelets.
Provided that where such instrument consists of more than one sheets the date of
impressing or perforating the label or labels thereon shall be stamped on all sheets by
means of cold die.
Provided further that where a bill of exchange is drawn in sets the proper officer
while stamping the first part, shall record on its second and subsequent parts the amount of
transaction involved and the amount of duty paid on the first part, without charging any
additional fee therefor.
[Vide U.P Government Notification No. AST-1845/X-506(2)/61Dated August 27,
1970 published in the U.P Gazette, dated September 12, 1970. (Part I-A, Page 2952) which
is also the date of enforcement].
(2) On affixing any label or labels under this rule, the proper officer shall where the duty
amounts to rupees ten or upwards, write on the face of the label or labels his initials and
where the duty amounts to rupee forty or upwards shall also attach his usual signature to
the instrument immediately under the label or labels.
The label or labels his initials, and where the duty amounts to rupees forty or upwards,
shall also attached his usual signature to the instrument immediately under the label or

[Vide U.P. Government Notification No. ST II 1321/X 500(32) 74, dated

August 12, 1975, published in the U.P. Gazette, dated August 30, 1975 (Part I-A, page
12. (3) The Superintendent of the Stamp Department in the office of the Board of
Revenue is empowered to discharge the function of the Superintendent of stamps in the
absence of the Personal Assistant to the Junior Secretary, or the Joint secretary (as the
case may be). to the absence of the Treasury officers of Meerut, Kanpur, Lucknow, Agra,
Faizabad, Bareilly, Pauri (Grhwal), Nainital (Kumaun), Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Varanasi, Rae
Bareilly, Aligarh, Saharanpur, Etawah or Moradabad, the officers who acts as Treasury
Officer shall also discharge the function of the Superintendent of Stamps.
13. Certain instruments to be stamped with impressed labels.- (1) instruments
execute out of British India and requiring to be stamped after their receipt in the United
Provinces (other then instruments which, under se.11 or rule 25, may be stamped with
adhesive stamps) shall be stamped with impressed labels.
(2) where any such instrument as aforesaid is taken to the collector under sec. 18, subsection (2), the collector shall send the instrument to the proper officers, remitting
the amount of duty paid in respect thereof; and the proper officer shall stamp the
instrument in the manner prescribed by Rule 11, and return it to the collector for
delivery to the person by whom it was produced.
14. Procedure for impressments of stamps in stamping offices.- Persons who desire
the impressments of skeleton form or affixation of special adhesive labels to instruments
should pay the amount of stamp duty into the nearest treasury and transmit the skeleton
forms or instruments together with the treasury challan for the amount receipted by the
Treasury Officer or State Bank of India, as the case may be, to the superintendent of
stamps in the office of the board of revenue, Allahabad or in the office of the District
Officer of Meerut, Kanpur, Lucknow, Agra, Faizabad, Bareilly, Pauri (Garhwal), Nainital
(Kumaun), Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Varanasi, RaeBareli, Aligarh, Saharanpur, Etawah or
[Notification No. AST-915/X 501(4)/62, dated 30 April, 1971].
15. Duplicate challan forms.- The amount mentioned in the foregoing rule shall be
deposited by filling in ordinary challan forms in duplicate. One copy of the challan shall
be retained in the treasury or Imperial Bank as the case may be and the other shall be
given to the depositor in token of receipt of the amount. Subject to the provisions of the

next following rule, more then one copy of a treasury challan shall never be given to a
16. Triplicate challans- Municipal Boards, District Board, Improvement Trusts,
Notified Area Commotions, Town Area Committees and court of wards Offices are
permitted to use specially prescribed challan forms in triplicate. The original shall be
retained in the treasury, the duplicate shall be retained by the depositing office for record
and the triplicate shall be retained by the stamped office along with the document.

17. Separate challans for coloured impressions and labels : to be signed by

Treasury Officer or Agent.- There should be separate challans for embossing of
coloured impressions and affixation of special adhesive labels. All the challans
irrespective of their value shall be sign by the Treasury Officer or the agent of the
Imperial Bank as the case may be.
18. Acceptance of cash for affixing of labels in very exceptional cases.- Cash shall
never be accepted for impressments of colored impressions on skeleton forms. But when
labels are to be affixed to instruments, the superintendent of Stamps or the officer
empowered to discharge his function, may, in exceptional and urgent cases, accept the
amount of stamp duty in cash. In other cases the production of treasury challans should be
insisted upon.

19. Documents to be marked.- Before a document is sent to a stamping office to be

stamped each forms or unexecuted instrument shall be marked by stamped is desired to be
affixed. Only the instrument to be stamped shall be sent and not the specification or tender
20. Certain challans to be cancelled other to be presented at the treasury.- Challans
for amount deposited for embossing of colored impressions shall be by the superintendent
of Stamps when the skeleton form have been embossed. The challans for amount
deposited for affixing of special adhesive labels or cash shall be presented in the case of
Allahabad office, at the Allahabad treasury with a requisition in form No. 36 (Appendix
B) signed by the personal assistant to the junior Secretary, or the joint Secretary (as the
case may be), Board of Revenue, Uttar Pradesh for the special; adhesive labels required to
recoup the Boards permanent advance of stamps, and in the case of [notification No. ASt915/X 501(4)/62, dated 30 April, 1971] to the Treasury Officers of the places for the
issue of the levels.

[Notification No. AST-915/X 501(4)/62, dated 30 April, 1971].

21. Verification in the Treasury.- The Treasury Officers concerned shall after
satisfying himself that(1) the receipts are in order,
(2) They are duly signed by the Treasury Officer or the agent of the State Bank
where the money was originally paid,
(3) They, together with the cash, if any, are accounted for in the required signed
by the Personal Assistant to the Junior Secretary (as the case may be) or are,
in the case of Meerut, Kanpur, Lucknow, Agra, Faizabad, Bareilly, Pauri
(Garhwal), Nainital (Kumaun), Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Varanasi, RaeBareli,
Aligarh, Saharanpur, Etawah or Moradabad, entered in the register
mentioned in the next following rule, issue the requisite stamps and credits
the amount received in cash direct to stamp receipts.
[Vide Notification No. SR-1487/X 501(4)/62 CA -2- 1899- Rule- 1942-AM 36 -1979, dated 22-8-1979].

[21. Register of impressed labels affixed and skeleton forms embossed.- All receipts
for affixing impressed labels or for embossment of skeleton forms as also all cash
received and remitted to the treasury shall be entered in a register (Form No. 37,
Appendix B) immediately on receipt. In the stamp Department of the Board of Revenue
or in the offices of the district officer of Meerut, Kanpur, Lucknow, Agra, Faizabad,
Bareilly, Pauri (Garhwal), Nainital (Kumaun), Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Varanasi, Rae Bareli,
Aligarh, Saharanpur, Etawah or Moradabad. In the case of cash received in the stamp
department of the Board of Revenue, the assistant Dearing with the cash transaction shall
initial the register in token of the receipt of the amount. The number and the date of the
treasury receipt on the requisition in from No.36 (Appendix B) shall be given in the
register in the case of each cash remittance. When cash is received in the office of the
District Officer of Meerut, Kanpur, Lucknow, Agra, Faizabad, Bareilly, Pauri (Garhwal),
Nainital (Kumaun), Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Varanasi, Rae Bareli, Aligarh, Saharanpur,
Etawah or Moradabad, each cash entry in the register shall be initialed by the Treasury
Officer in token of receipt of cash by him.
22. Checking of the register mentioned in previous rule.- The register mentioned in
the foregoing rule shall be checked daily, or at least on the days on which cash transitions
occurs, by the superintendent of stamp. The register in the stamp department of the Board
of Revenue shall also be checked and initialed by the superintendent of stamps on the
days when the special adhesive labels are indented for from the Allahabad Treasury. The
assistant (treasurer) in the board offices dealing with cash transaction shall furnish

security to be determined by the Board of Revenue with reference to the bulk of the
23. Plus and minus memo of impressed labels.- A plus and minus memorandum of
impressed labels shall be submitted by the Treasury Officer of Allahabad to check the
account of special adhesive labels supplied to the stamping office at Allahabad. This
memorandum shall be submitted to the Board of Revenue through the Accountant
24. Plus for the next year.- On or before the 1st days of December of each year the
superintendent of stamp shall send the plugs of the cold die for the previous year to the
superintendent, Printing and Stationery, United Provinces, as specimens for preparing the
plugs for the next calendar year. The superintendent, Printing and
-----------------------------------1. Substituted by vide Notification No. SR-1487/X 501(4)/62 CA -2- 1899Rule- 1942-AM -36 -1979, dated 22-8-1979].

Stationery shall send the new plugs along with the specimen plugs to the Officer
concerned on or before the 15th December each year. If the superintendent of stamps
concerned finds the new plugs satisfactory, he shall have the specimen plugs destroyed In
his presence before the end of the year.

III Of Adhesive Stamps

25. Use of adhesive stamps on certain instruments.- The following instructions may
be stamped with adhesive stamps, normally :(a) [Deleted].
(b) Transfers of debentures of public companies and associations.
(c) Copies of maps and plans, printed copies and copies or extracts from register
given on printed forms when chargeable with duty under Articles 24 of
schedule I.
(d) Instrument chargeable with stamp duty under Articles 5 (a) and (b) and 43 of
schedule I.
(e) Instrument chargeable with stamp duty under Articles 47 of schedule I.

(f) Instrument chargeable with stamp duty under articles 19, 36, 37, 49(a) (ii)
and (iii) and 53 of schedule I.
(g) All printed Central Excise Bond forms to be executed under the Central
Excise Duty Rules, 1944.
[Vide G.O. No. M/283/X- 505- 43, dated April 10, 1944.]

26. One Anna revenue or court fee stamps for odd fractions.- Notwithstanding
anything contained in these rules, whenever the stamp duty payable under the act in
respect of any instrument cannot be paid exactly by reason of the fact that the necessary
stamps are not in circulation, the amount by which the payment of duty shall on that
account in be defect shall be made up by the affixing of ten naya paisa revenue stamps.
27. Making up deficit duty on transfer of shares.- When any instruments of transfer
of shares in a company or association is written on a sheet of paper on which a stamp of
the proper value is engraved or embossed and the value of the stamp so engraved
embossed is subsequently, in consequence of a rise in the value of such shares, found to
fall short of amount of duty chargeable under Article 62 (a) of schedule I, one or more
adhesive stamps bearing the wards Share Transfer may be used to make up the amount
28. Enrolment of Advocate, vakils or attorneys.- [Deleted].
29. Adhesive Revenue stamps.- Except as otherwise provided by these rules, the
adhesive stamps used to denote duty shall be the stamps, bearing the wards ten naya
paisa together either the wards India Revenue.
30. Particular kinds of adhesive stamps to be used in certain cases.- The following
instruments when stamped with adhesive stamps shall be stamped with the following
description of such stamps, namely :(a) Bills-of-exchange, cheque and promissory notes drawn or made out of British
India and chargeable with a duty of more than ten naya paisa with stamps
bearing the wards Foreign Bills
(b) Separate instruments of transfer of shares and transfers of debentures of
public companies and associations: with stamps bearing the wards Share
(c) All printed Central excise bond form under the Central Excise Duty Rules,
1944, with stamps bearing the wards Court Fees.

[Vide G.O. No. M/283/X- 505- 43, dated April 10, 1944.]
(d) Not Arial Acts: with foreign bill stamps bearing the wards Not Arial.
(e) Copies of maps or plans, printed copies or copies of or extracts from registers
given on printed forms certified to be true copies: with court fee stamps over
printed with the wards For copies only.
(f) Instrument chargeable with stamp duty under Articles 5(a) and (b) or 43 of
Schedule I: with stamp bearing the words Agreement or Brokers Note
(g) Instrument chargeable with stamp duty under Articles 47 of Schedule I: with
stamps bearing the word Insurance.
(h) Instruments chargeable with stamp duty under the rules framed under
Section 8 of the Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) Act,
1948, with stamps bearing the word Consular.
[Vide Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Revenue division),
Notification No.3 dated April 1, 1950.]
(i) Affidavits including affirmations or declaration, in case of persons by law
allowed to affirm or declare instead of swearing, when made for the
immediate purpose of having filed or used in any court before an officer of
any court and chargeable with stamp duty under Article 4(9) of Schedule I-B
with adhesive stamps hearing the words India Court-fees or non-judicial
stamps overprinted with the words Uttar Pradesh or letter U.P..
IV- Miscellaneous
31. Provision for cases in which improper description of stamp issued.- When an
instrument bears a stamp of proper amount but of improper description the Collector may,
on payment of the duty with which the instrument is chargeable, certify by endorsement
that it is duly stamped :
Provided that were the stamp borne on the instrument is a postage stamp and the
proper description of stamp is a stamp bearing the words India Revenue the
Collector shall so certify if the instrument was executed before, and shall not so
certify if it was executed on or after, April 1,1935 :
Provided further that where the stamp borne on an instrument is a non-judicial
stamp purchased in the United Provinces before April 1, 1942, and would come
within the proper description of stamp if it were overprinted with the words United
Provinces or U.P., the Collector shall certify it as duly stamped if the instrument

was executed before April 1, 1943 and shall not so certify if it was executed on or
after that date:
Provided also that where the stamp borne on an instrument is a stamp used in the
merged States of Tehri-Garhwal, Rampur and Banaras prior to January 1, 1950 or
in the enclaves absorbed in the Uttar Pradesh prior to January 1, 1950, and would
come within the proper description of stamp if it were over printed with the letter
U.P. the collector shall certify and shall not so certify it if it was executive on or
after that date.
[Vide Miscellaneous Notification No. S- 2838/X- 524- 49, dated Lucknow, May
28, 1950.]
B-Court Fee Stamps
32. Kinds of stamp.- There shall be two kinds of stamps for including the payment of
duty on documents under the Court Fees Act, namely :(a) Impressed stamps, that is to say, sheets of paper bearing impression of
stamps of different values and the words India Court-fee. Engraved there
on sold to the public for use by them in accordance with these rules ;
(b) Adhesive stamps bearing the words India Court Fee and sold to the public
for use by them in accordance with these rules.
32-A. Not with standing anything contained in these rules the judicial stamps in use in the
merged States of Tehri-Garhwal, Rampur and Banaras prior to January 1, 1950, and in the
enclaves in Uttar Pradesh prior to January 25, 1950, shall after they have been overprinted
with the letters U.P. be deemed to have been prescribed under these rules and may be
used throughout Uttar Pradesh.
[Vide U.P. Government Notification No. AST- 802/X- 510- 62, dated May, 3,
Except that the former Banaras State Judicial Stamp may after being overprinted
with the letter U.P. be used in the entire district of Banaras.
[Vide Notification No. AST- 1930/X- 525- 53, dated February 1, 1956.]
33. Number of stamps to be used to make-up fee.- When in the case of fees
amounting to less than Rs. 25 the amount can be denoted by a single adhesive stamp, such
fee shall be denoted by single adhesive stamp of the required value. But if the amount
cannot be denoted by a single adhesive stamp, or if a single adhesive shall be used, and

the deficiency shall be made up by the use of one of one more additional adhesive stamps
of the next lower values which may be required to make up the exact amount of the fee.
34. When, in the case of fees amounting to or exceeding Rs. 25 the amount can be
denoted by a single impressed stamp, the fee shall be denoted by single impressed stamp
of the required value. But if the amount cannot be denoted by a single impressed stamp, or
if a single impressed stamp of the required value is not available, an impressed stamp of
the next lower value available shall be used, and the deficiency shall be made up by the
use of one or more additional impressed stamps of the next lower value available which
may be required to make up the exact amount of the fee, in combination with adhesive
stamps to makes up fractions of Rs. 25.
35. Any adhesive stamps which may be used under rule 34 shall be affixed to the
impressed stamps of the highest value employed in denoting the fee.
36. When two or more impressed stamps are used to make up the amount of the courtfee payable a portion of the subject-matter may ordinarily be written on each sheet and the
writing on each sheet shall be attested by the signature of person or persons filling the
document. But where the above requirement have not been complied with, the official
whose duty it is to cancel the stamps under section 30 of the Court Fees Acts shall make
on the first sheet of the document a note of the full court-fee having been paid and of the
values of the stamps composing the fee, and the note shall be signed by the presiding
officer of the court.
37. Provision where single sheet of paper is insufficient.- when one or more
impressed stamps used to denote court-fees are found insufficient to admit of the entire
document being written on the side of the paper which nears the stamp, so much plain
paper may be joined there to as may be necessary for the complete writing of the
document and the writing on the impressed stamps and the plain paper shall be attested by
the signature of the party filing the document in court.
38. Additional court-fee on probates and letters of administration.- The additional
court-fee payable under section 19-E of the court fees Act, on probates and letters of
administration shall be denoted either(1) By impressed and adhesive stamps in the manner prescribed in rule
34, or
(2) Whole by adhesive stamps.
38-A. Payment of court-fees in cash.- (1) Payment of court-fees is not to be normally
made in cash. If however, there is temporary shortage of court fee stamps of required

denomination, court fee due on a document may be paid in cash in the manner provided
for in the following sub-rules.
(2) Payment of court-fee in cash when the amount does not exceed fifty rupees. - In
case the court-fee due on a document does not exceed fifty rupees, the some may be paid
in cash to such subordinate officer or clerk of the High Court of the subordinate court or
of the authority or officer receiving the document, as may be specified by such court,
authority or officer.
(3) The subordinate officer or clerk mentioned in sub-rule (2) above shall issue a
receipt for the amount of court-fees paid in cash in Treasury Form NO. 385.
(4) The receipt issued for cash payment of court-fees shall be fully affixed by
pasting to the document concerned and not merely partially attached to it by means of a
pin, thread or any such other device.
(5) The account received by way of cash payment of court-fees shall be deposited
by the subordinate officer or the clerk concerned into the treasury/ sub-treasury/State
Bank of India under the head 030-Stamps and Registration fees B- Judicial 1 Stamps-1Court Fees realized in stamps on a fixed day in every week or earlier if given shall the
total collection exceeds rupees one hundred.
(6) The account of the amount of court-fees received in cash shall be maintained in
every court/ officer in a separate register in the form given in Schedule A to those rules.
The treasury challans evidencing periodical deposit of court-fees referred to the sub-rule
(5) above shall be kept secure along with this register and a certificate of the amount
deposited during a month into the treasury shall be obtained in the first week following
month, for which the register shall be sent to the treasury/sub-treasury officer who shall
initial every deposit made during the previous month.
(7) Payment of court fees in cash where the amount exceeds fifty rupees. - In case
the court-fee due on a document exceeds fifty rupees, it may, in like circumstances, be
paid in cash into the treasury/ sub-treasury/State Bank of India by the party concerned
under the head 030-Stamps and Registration fees B- Judicial 1 Stamps-1- Court Fees
realized in stamps.
(8) After such payment the document concerned together with the treasury
challans evidencing the payment shall be presented by the depositor to officer-in-charge
of the treasury/sub-treasury, who shall certify by endorsement on the document, or where
the document consists of more than one sheet, on the sheet which bears a material portion

of he document, the amount of court fee so paid in cash. He shall also write the treasury
challan Number etc. in his endorsement which shall be in the form given below:

Certified that in accordance with section 25-A of the Court Fees Act, 1870, as
amended up to date in its application to Uttar Pradesh, Sri___________________
s/o________________, r/o___________________ has paid in cash an amount of
Rs._________________ (in words Rs.______________) as court-fee in respect of this
document in the Bank/ Treasury/ Sub-Treasury under challan of this document in the

Treasury/ Sub-Treasury


The challan referred to in the preceding rule shall be retained by the treasury/
Sub-treasury officer and cancelled so that it may not be used again.

(10) In the registers maintained in the treasury and the Collectors office for
recording the transactions of stamps, a separate column under the heading
Court Fees paid in cash shall be inserted .Simultaneously the account of the
Court Fees paid in cash shall be maintained in a separate register in the treasury
/sub-treasury in the form given in Schedule B to these rules.
(11) The receipt affixed to a document in terms of sub-rule(4) shall, except as
provided in rule 229, be deemed to be an adhesive stamp for all on any
document in terms of sub-rule(8), shall be deemed to be an impressed stamp for
all purposes.
[Inserted vide Notification No.S.R.!427/X -525(3)/75, Dated 30 April, 77,
39. Stamps for realization of copying charges.- Copy stamps, known as copy folios,
are impressed stamp sheet, with the words, FOR COPIES ONLY printed on the stamp
in English, Hindi and Urdu. Only one denomination of copy folios, viz., of twenty five
naya paisa, is printed for use in the United Provinces. These stamps are used for payment

of copying charges only in court or their offices. For payment of charges exceeding
twenty-five naya paisa, court fee adhesive labels overprinted with the words, FOR
COPIES ONLY, are affixed to a twenty-five naya paise folio.
These stamps are not intended for payment of stamp duty or court-fee.
D-Legal Practitioners Certification Stamps
40. License fees from certain Legal Practitioners. - These stamps are used for
realization of license fees from legal practitioners other than advocates. For advocate
See Article 30, Stamp Act.
E - United Provinces Entertainment Tax Stamps
41. Entertainment Tax stamps. - These stamps are used where payment of tax is
made by means of stamp under the United Provinces Entertainment Tax Rules, 1937.
F - Postage Stamps
42. Central Revenue Stamps (Postal).- Postage stamps and postal stationary
constitute source of central revenue. They are stocked in Government treasuries in the
United Provinces and are supplied from there to the Posts and Telegraphs in the United
Provinces and are supplied from there to the Posts and Telegraphs Department. Indents for
postage stamps and postal stationary should not be sent by Treasury Officers through the
junior Secretary, Board of Revenue: they should be sent direct to the Controller of
Stamps, Nasik Road, G.I.P. Railway.
G - Match Excise Banderols
43. Match Excise. - These stamps are used for payment of excise duty on match- boxes
and the income derived from them is credited to Central Revenue.
44. Application of the Rules and Explanations.- The Government of India have
framed rules for the supply and distribution of stamps [copies received with G. O. No. M2509(2)/X 455, dated October 23, 1939]. Under section 74 of the Indian Stamp Act.
1899(II of 1899), and section 21 of the United Provinces Court Fees (Amendment) Act,
1938, the Governor of the United Provinces has elected extend the provisions of rules 121
to 372 of the Government of India Rules to Judicial and non-judicial stamps which are the

property of provincial Government, to the whole of the territories under his

administration. The Government of India Rules have, therefore, been incorporated bodily
in this chapter. Supplementary and additional rules have been framed where necessary and
they are given after the appropriate Government of India Rules. In order not to break the
continuity of the serial numbering in this Manual the Government of India. Rules have
been given serial numbering in this Manual. These are mentioned in the left hand corner.
For the facilities of correspondence with the Controller of Stamps and Master, Security
printing, India, Nasik Road, And with other officers outside the United Provinces, the
serial numbering of the Government of India Rules is given within Brackets in the righthand margin.
45. Extent of application and explanation.- Extent of application.- These rules apply
to the extent set forth therein to all classes of stamps and to all states included under part
A, part B, part C and Part D of the first schedule to the Constitutions of India that is

------------------------------------------------------------1. Rule 13 corresponds to rule No. 63 of United Provinces Stamp Rules.

2. Rule 38 corresponds to rule No.102 of United Provinces Stamp Rules.


I-Printing and Supply
A-Security Printing press
46. Functions of Security Printing Press (Central Revenue Stamps).(INTRODUCTORY PORTION OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIA RULES FOR THE
I- Printing and Supply
A- Security printing Press

46. Function of Security Printing Press (Central Revenue Stamps)- Postage

stamps, match excise banderols, tobacco excise duty labels and all revenue stamps, both
judicial and non-judicial, which form sources of central revenues, shall be printed only at
the Security Printing Press at Nasik Road.
47. Provincial Revenue Stamps- The Press shall also print and supply such revenue
stamps as may be required by the Provincial Governments, the Government of Burma and
Indian States on such terms as the Government of India may determine from time to time.
48. Master, Security Printing, India- the officer in-chare of the Press is designated
Master, Security Printing, India. He is also ex officio controller of Stamps and in that
capacity works under the immediate control and direction of the Central Board of Revenue.
49. Administration of Press regulated by separate rules- These rules do not
regulate the administration of the Press by the Master. Such administration shall be
regulated by the rules and orders both general and special issued by the Government of
India from time to time.
B- Central Stamp Store
50. Central Stamp Store in the charge of Deputy Controller of Stamps- Attached
to the Press shall be Store, which shall be called the Central Stamp Store. That Store shall
be in the immediate charge of the deputy Controller of Stamps, who will work under the
Master, Security Printing, in the latters capacity as Controller of Stamps.
51. Stock of stationery and stamps in the Central Stamp Store. the Central
Stamps Store shall ordinarily maintain a reserve stock of stamps and postal Stationery based
on the probable monthly consumption as follows:Maximum Minimum
(Months) (Months)
I. Postage Stamps(1) Postage stamps other than one-anna
Stamps booklets ..
(2) One-anna stamp booklets
(3) Postal stationery
. ..
(4) Tobacco excise duty labels ..


II. Non-postal stamps which form sources of Central Revenues(1) Adhesive stamps
.. .


(2) Impressed stamps

(3) Match excise banderols




III- Non-postal stamps which form sources of Provincial

As may be settled
between the
Provincial Government concerned
and the Controller of Stamps.
Note- In the case of items I (1), (2), (3) and (4), if the annual consumption is very
low the maximum stock may be increased to 12 months consumption at the discretion of the
Controller of Stamps.
52. Stock for United Provinces- The Central Stamp Store shall ordinarily maintain a
stock of stamps which are sources of provincial revenue in the United Provinces as shown

. 6
. 3

months consumption
months consumption.

53. Unemployment Insurance Stamps. The Controller of Stamps shall also

keep stocks of Un-employment Insurance Stamps to be obtained from time to time from the
United Kingdom for sale at certain sea ports.
C-Forecasts, etc.
54. Responsibility of Controller of Stamps- the Controller of Stamps shall be
responsible for regulating the supply of all kinds of stamps to Central areas. As regards
Governors Provinces his responsibility will be confined to supplying the Stamps that are
required by the Provincial Governments.
55. Kinds of stamps for use in the United Provinces.- The Controller of Stamps is
required to supply the following kinds o non-judicial and judicial stamps for use in the Uttar
Non-Judicial or General Stamps
Fiscal stamps, Special adhesive, Insurance, foreign Bill, Share Transfer, Notarials,
Brokers not, Agreement stamps, Hundis or bills of exchange, General stamps and Revenue


Adhesive and Impressed
Copy folios and adhesive stamps overprinted with the words for copies only.
[Substituted vide Notification No. S. R. 1075/X-509 (59)-76, dated 25-3-77 w. e. f.
56. Consolidated forecast to be sent to Controller before 15th June. (i) to enable the
Master to provide for adequate stocks of raw materials )e.g., paper ink, etc.), in the Security
Press, a consolidated forecast shall be sent to the Controller of Stamps, Nasik road, not later
than the 15th June each year in the form prescribed under rule 56 (ii) by the officers noted
below:(a) Officers-in-charge of local depots in Central areas will sent a forecast in respect of
non-postal stamps (excluding match excise banderols, central excise revenue stamps
and tobacco excise duty labels) which should also include the requirements of branch
depots, if any.
(b) Officers appointed by the Provincial Governments will send a forecast in respect of
non-postal stamps (excluding match excise banderols) after obtaining the necessary
information from the various local depots.
(c) Officers appointed by the Central Government (vide not below), will send a forecast
in respect of match excise banderols, central excise revenue stamps and tobacco
excise duty labels after obtaining the necessary information form the local depots

Each of the following officers shall be deemed to be an officer appointed by

the Central Government in respect of the Provinces noted against each for the
purpose of submission of forecasts and indents for give shall match excise

The Collector of Central Excise


. The United Provinces and the Province

of Bihar

The Collector of Central Excise . The Province of Bombay and the

Central Provinces and Berar
The Collector of Central Excise . The Provinces of Assam, Bengal and



The Collector of Central Excise . The Provinces of the Punjab, the

North-West frontier, Baluchistan,
Delhi and Ajmer-Merwara
The Collector of Central Excise The Province of Madras
(d) The Heads of Postal Circles will send a forecast in respect of postage stamps, both
public and service, after obtaining the necessary information from the various local
(ii) All forecasts shall in separate columns for each denomination of stamps (whether a
supply is required or not), the actual issues during each of the preceding three year, the
average annual consumption based on the issues of the preceding three years, the balance in
hand on April 1st, the estimated issues for the financial year, and the forecast of stamps
which the Central Stamp store will be required to supply during the ensuing year.
57. Forecast to be submitted by local depots to Junior Secretary, Board or
Revenue, United Provinces, Allahabad. - The forecast required to be submitted under
Rule 56 shall be submitted in the United Provinces by the Junior Secretary to the Board of
Revenue, United Provinces who shall obtain the necessary information form the various
local depots.
Officers-in-charge of local depots shall submit forecasts of all judicial and nonjudicial stamps to the Junior Secretary so as to reach him on or before the 15th April each
The purpose of district forecasts is to inform the Junior Secretary regarding the
requirements of each district. The forecast should, therefore, be for the whole district, i. e.,
the local depot as well as branch depots (including branch depots receiving supplies direct
from the Central Stamp Store).
Directions for the preparation of forecasts. The forecast shall be prepared neatly
in ink in manuscript (Form No. I, Appendix B) according to the following directions:Column 1 shall show all denominations of stamps, including newly introduced as
well as abolished stamps which are or have been in the treasury during the last three years
whether a supply of the same is required or not. If, however, some of the newly introduced

stamps have not been in the treasury before and it is expected that they will be required for
consumption, their estimated requirement shall be shown in columns 8 and 9 of the
Columns 2 to 4 shall the actual issues in the district during the preceding three
financial years. The quantity transferred to other treasuries outside the district during the
preceding three years shall be shown in column 11 of the statement and shall not be
included in the figures shown in columns 2 to 4.
Column 5 shall show the total of columns 2 to 4.
Column 6 shall show the average annual consumption based on the issues of the
preceding three years. For verification it maybe note that the quantity shown in column 6
will be on-third of that in column 5.
Column 7 shall show the balance of stamps both in single and double locks on the
First of April.
Column 8 shall show the estimated issues for the current financial years if these
figures differ from the average shown in column 6, full reasons shall be given to explain the
Column 9 shall show the quantity required for the ensuing financial year. The actual
number of sheets and labels required should be shown. The estimate shall be worked out by
adding the reserve stock required for the treasury to the figures shown in column 6. If for
any reason it is necessary to alter the estimated requirements, detailed reasons shall be
given to justify the alteration.
Column 10 shall show the surplus stock, if any.
Column 11 shall show the quantity transferred to other treasuries in each of the
preceding three years. The years shall be noted against each quantity shown.
58. Preparation of consolidated forecast. (A) The consolidated provincial
forecast prepared on the basis of the district forecast shall be forwarded by the Junior
Secretary to the controller of Stamps, Nasik Road, not later than 15th June, each year.
(B) In the case of labels which are issued in sets as laid down by the controller of
Stamps the consolidated forecast shall show the number of sheets and not the number of
labels. In other cases the number of stamps required shall be shown.

59. Indents when and how to be prepared. (i) Indents for replenishment of stock
shall be prepared as below by officers-in-charge of local depots:(a) In respect of non-judicial and impressed court-fee stamps of the denominations of Rs.
25 and above, all non-judicial adhesive stamps (other than half-anna, two-annas and
four-annas revenue stamps), adhesive court-fee stamps of the denominations of Rs. 5
above annually to meet the estimated consumption during the twelve months as
specified below:Latest date before
which indents
Indenting officers Province of should reach the
Central Stamp
Store, Nasik

Year covered by the


Bombay, Sind, Central Provinces

And Berar, Central areas and

30th November .
Year commencing
from 1st April

United Provinces, Orissa, Bihar

And the Punjab.

31st March .. Year commencing

from 1st August

Bengal, North-West Frontier

Province, Madras and Assam.

31st July


Year commencing
from 1st December

In respect of postage stamps (public and service) of the denominations of Rs. 5 and
above, the officers-in-charge of the local depots in all Governors Provinces and Central
areas shall submit indents annually to meet the estimated consumption during the twelve
months commencing from 1st July following so as to reach the Central Stamp Store not later
than the 15th April each year together with their indents for July to September quarter for
postage stamps of the denominations lower than Rs. 5 and for postal stationary.
(b) In respect of all non-postal other than those mentioned in (a) above, (c) and (d)
below, to meet from months estimated consumption as specified below:-

Latest date before which indents

Period covered by the indent

should reach the Central

Stamp Store.

1st April to 31st July

30th November

1st August to 30th November

31st March.

1st December to 31st March

31st July.

Note- The latest date by which non-postal stamp indents referred to in

(a) and (b) above should be submitted by officers-in-charge of
(b) local depots to the officer appointed under rule 56 (1) (b) hall be
fixed by the Provincial Government.
(c) In respect of match excise banderols, postage stamps of
denominations less than Rs. 5 and postal stationary, not later than the
15 t h of the first month of every quarter, to meet the estimated
consumption during the next quarter.
(d) In respect of central excise revenue stamps and Tobacco excise duty
labels to meet the estimated consumption during the next quarter as
specified below:-

Period covered by the indent

1 s t April to 30 t h June
1 s t July to 30 t h September
1 S t October to 31 t h December
1 s t January to 31 s t March

Latest date before which indents

should reach the Central
Stamp store.
---31 s t January
---30 t h April
---31 s t July.
---31 s t October

The indent shall show in separate columns for all denominations of

stamps irrespective a supply is required or not:The balance in the local depot, on the first of the month in which the
indent is due for submission;



The quantity due against previous indents pending compliance with

the Controller of Stamps;
The quantity sold during the proceeding year or four months or
quarter according as the indent the requirements for a year or four
months or a quarter, respectively, including issues to branch depots;
The quantity required for the next year or four months or quarter, as
the case may be; and
The quantity passed by the scrutinizing officer.

Indents for postage stamps to be sent to Controller direct.-Indents
for postage stamps should be sent to the Controller of Stamps direct for
scrutiny and supply, those for non-postal stamps and match excise banderoles,
central excise revenue stamps tobacco excise duty labels being submitted to
him through the officer appointed under rule 56 (1) that are the property of
the Provincial (b) and rule 56 (2) (b) respectively.
Notes- Indents for other stamps through proper officer (1) For the
definition of Local Depots, so far as relates to stamps that are
the property of the Central Government, (see rule 63) So far as
concerns stamps that are the property of the Provincial
Governments, the Local Depots shall be such as may be
appointed by those Government.
The Presidency Postmasters of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay may
indent direct on the Central Stamps Store; the Postmasters of the
Philatelic Bureaux may also indent direct on the Central Stamps Store
for their requirements of commemorative stamps and stationery.

Detailed directions for the preparation of indents- The indents for

stamps shall be submitted to the Junior Secretary, four-monthly and
annually Four monthly indents shall be submitted as follows:-

Four monthly indents


Last date by which they should reach

Office of
August to November
--15 t h
December to March
--15 t h
April to July
--15 t h
Annual indent shall be incorporated
to November which is to reach the Junior

the Junior Secretary

February each year
June each year
October of the previous year
in the indent for the period August
Secretary by the 15 t h February each

Indents shall be prepared in ink form (No.2, Appendix B) Under the

Personal supervision of the officer-in-charge of the depot.
Three copies shall be made in the heading of the column Quantity sold
during the preceding twelve or four months The indenting officer shall note
the sales of the previous twelve months against items for which annual
demands for which four-monthly supplies are required.
Even if the supply in respect of any denomination of stamps is not
required the information required in columns 2, 3, 4 and 5 shall always be
Column 2 shall show the total balance of both single double locks on the
first day of month in which the indent is due for submission to the Junior
Secretary. This balance should always be verified with reference to the
previous annual or four-monthly indent as the case may be.
The balance shown in the previous indent, receipts of stamps (from the
Controller, other depots, stamps vendors or any other sources) sales of stamps
during the period concerned and transfer to other depots shall be taken into
account in the verification. If there is any difference, it should be fully
Column 3 shall show the quantity passed by the Junior Secretary: this is
the quantity due on the basis of the previous indent or indents.
Columns 4 and 5-In filling up column 4 the date of the balance in
column 2 of the previous indents should invariable be borne in mind
Quantities transferred to other depots, outside the district or branch depots
within the district receiving supplies direct from the Central Stamps Store,
should not be shown in this column but in column 5 which is meant for the
Column 6- In filling up this column the balance shown in column 2
should be kept in mind. Then quantity required will naturally be calculated on
the basis of the figures in column 4. But if figures in column 4 are abnormally
high or low owing to any court vacation, etc. allowance should be made for
that factor. The figure thus calculated may be verified as follows:In respect of annual indents, calculated the requirement for 18 months
(i.e. from 1 s t February of the current year to 31 s t July of the next
year) and add the reserve stock for two or three months as the case
may be. From the total of the above figures subtract the total of the
quantities show in columns 2 and 3.
In respect of four-monthly indents calculate the requirements for ten
months (e.g., in the case of indent for August to November
calculate the requirements for the period 1 s t February to 31 s t July
plus the period covered by the indent) and add the reserve stock of

two or three months as the case may be. Subtract the total of figure
in columns 2 and 3.
If the requirement exceed or fall short of the figures thus worked out,
full reasons should be given in justification of the demand.
While drawing up demands the following instructions should be carefully
(a) Adhesive court-fee stamps and fiscal stamps (viz. Special Adhesive
Foreign Bill, etc.) There are received in the Central Stamp Store
from the Security Press in original packets of 200 sheets each, 20
such packets (viz. 4000 sheets) being the contents of an original case.
Quantities to be indented should, therefore, be in multiples of five if
they are less than 100 and in multiples of 10 if they are above 100;
the figures being rounded to 100 or 200 sheets wherever possible.
When the demands are small, less than 5 sheets may be indented. In the case
of high-value fiscal stamps, where a few labels only are required, fractions of
a sheet may be indented provided that such fraction is equal to one-third or
two-thirds of a sheet.
(b) Impressed stamps (viz. non-judicial, court-fee, copy folio and hundis
etc.)-These are made in packets of 1000 sheets, 16 such packets
(10000 sheets) packing and original case. In the case of impressed
stamps of the naye paise values, the consumption of which is
appreciable, quantities in multiples or 1000 should be indented should
be in multiples of 100.
Non-judicial stamps of the rupee values up to denomination of Rs. 25
should be indented in multiples of 10, the figures being rounded to the
nearest hundred wherever possible.
Demands of stamps of the value of Rs. 25 and above should also be
rounded to the nearest hundred wherever possible, but if the
supplies required are very small, as in the case of higher value,
quantities in multiples of 5 should be indented.
Column 7 is to be filled in the office the Junior Secretary.
Column 8 is meant for remarks by the indenting officers. Remarks
should not be written in any other column.
Column 9 is meant to be filled up, if necessary, in the Central Stamp
Store at Nasik Road.
The name of the nearest railway station and of the officer to whom the
consignment is to be sent instructions for dispatch should if
variable be given in the space provided at the foot of the indent

Abolished stamps should under no circumstances be indented for. If the

stock of any such stamps exists in the treasury their sales and
balance should be shown on a separate sheet of paper. In place of
abolished stamps, other stamps to make up the required value
may be indented.
All discrepancies pointed out in the previous indent must always be
reconciled before the submission of the next indent. If for any
reason this is not possible, a letter reconciling the discrepancy in
respect of the previous indents must be sent along with the next
Emergent indents shall not ordinarily be entertained and transmitted to
the Controller of stamps except in special cases when it is shown
to the satisfaction of in Junior Secretary that the stamps required
could not be indented for the normal manner and are urgently


Discretion of Controller to comply with indents- The Controller

shall have discretion to comply with an indent partially. As regards
indents for non-postal stamps for Governors Provinces, however, he
will comply with indents as received without question if he has the
necessary stocks in hand.
Copies of invoices of monthly issues to certain officers- The
Controller of stamps shall furnish the officers mentioned below with
copies of invoices relating to the issues during each month from the
Central Stamp Store to each local or branch depot:



the heads of Postal Circles- copies of invoices relating to supplies

of postage stamps;
the officer appointed under rules 56 (i) (c)- copies of invoices
relating to supplies of match excise banderols, Central excise
revenue stamps and tobacco excise duty labels; and
the Superintendent of Stamps, Bombay-copies of invoices relating
to supplies of non-postal stamps made to the local branch depots in
the Province of Bombay.

The copies of invoices should reach the officers noted above not later
than the 15 t h of the month following that in which the supply is made.
63. Local Depots- Every treasury, including those attached to the
political and salts agencies be a local depot for the custody and sale
of all description. The Philatelic Bureaux shall also be a local depot

for the Governments and Local Administrations may establish local

depots at places where there is no treasury.
Provided that match excise banderols and tobacco excise duty labels
shall be stocked at the local and branch depots selected by the
Provincial Government and Local Administrations for the purposes.
64. Local depots in the Uttar Pradesh. - All the treasuries in Uttar
Pradesh shall be local depots.
[Vide G.O. No. ST-II-2030/X-501 (15)/63, dated April 27, 1973].
65. Reserve stock in local depots.- Each local depot shall, unless the
Provincial Government otherwise directs, maintain a reserve stock of
stamps not less than the probable consumption of three months in the
case of postage stamps and other stamps which are the property of the
Central Government, tobacco excise duty labels and match excise
banderols and four months in the case of non-postal stamps in
addition to the stock required for the quarterly or four-monthly or
annual consumption as the case may be. The Provincial Government
may direct that the supply to be maintained either generally or in
respect of any particular kind of stamp or in certain local depots,
shall be equal to the probable consumption of such other period as
they deem expedient.
66. Reserve stock for three months in certain treasuries and two
months in the remainder.- The reserve stock of general and courtfee stamps to be maintained under rule 65 shall be equal to the
probable consumption of three months in the local depots of :(1)
Allahabad, (2) Lucknow, (3) Kanpur, (4) Agra, (5) Banaras, (6)
Bareilly, (7) Meerut, (8) Aligarh, (9) Gorakhapur, (10) Fysabad, (11)
Moradabad, (12) Naini Tal, (13) Ranikhet in Almora, (14) Garhwal, (15)
Etah, (16) Saharanpur (17) Muthura (18) Jalaun, (19) Mirzapur, (20)
Rae Bareli, (21) hardoi, (22) Hamirpur and (23) Bijnor, and of two
months in the rest of the local depots.

Procedure if supply of stamps in any local depots runs shorts.- If

the supply of stamps in any local depot should run short before the
receipt of the supply from the Central Stamp Store, the officer-incharge of the local depot should indent for a supply from a
neighboring depot, sending a copy at the indent to the Controller of
Stamps, Nasik Road, or to the officer appointed by the Government





71. A.


concerned under ruler 56 (i) (b) or 56 (i) (c) as the case may be who
controls the supply of stamps o required.
Copy of an indent to be sent to Junior Secretary.- A copy of the
indent for the supply of general and court-fee stamps from a
neighboring depot shall be sent to the Junior Secretary to the Board
of Revenue.
Emergent indents.- Emergent indents on neighboring depots, as
authorized in rule 67 ordinarily be made on a depot in the same
province or administration. If the depot is in another province or
administration the general or special orders both of the Provincial
Government or Local Administration controlling the indenting depot
will be necessary.
Branch depots. - Subject to the proviso to rule 63 every subordinate,
branch or tahsil treasury shall be a branch depot for the sale of
stamps of all descriptions. But in any case where the sale of stamps
from such a branch depot is insignificant, and equal facilities exist
for the supply of stamps from a depot in the same station as the
branch depot, the Provincial Government or Local Administration
may direct the closing of the branch depot: provided that without the
previous sanction of the Government of India, the provincial
Government or Local Administration may not order that the
maintenance of a stock of postage stamps of Central excise revenue
stamps in a sub-treasury may be dispensed with even if the post office
authorities do not require it.
No postage stamps to be kept in Chail Sub-Treasury. - The Chail
Sub-Treasury situated at Katra (Allahabad Municipality) is relieved
of duty of maintaining stocks of postage stamps.
[Vide G.G.O. No. D. Dis-159-Stamps/27, dated November 17,
1927, Finance Department, Central Revenues, and Finance
Department G.O. No. C-5009/X-464, dated December 1, 1927].
No entertainments tax and postage stamps to be kept in the SubDivisional Treasury, Chakrata, while at Kalsi.- The Divisional
Treasury, Chakrata, while at Kalsi during the cold weather is relieved
of the duty of maintaining stocks of entertainments tax and postage
[Vide G.O. No. A-1447/X-133-41, dated the 19 t h June, 1941 and G.O.
No. 2401/X-133-1941, dated the 7 t h October, 1941, based on G.G.O.
No. C-44 Stamps/41, dated the 9 t h September, 1941].
Stock of stamps in branch depots obtaining supplies from local
depots.- The supply to be kept in branch depot should be not less


than the probable demand for three months in respect of postage

stamps and other stamps which are the property of the Central
Government, tobacco excise duty labels and match box banderols
and four months in respect of non-postal stamps; but the chief
Controlling Revenue Authority appointed by competent authority for
the purposes of the Indian Stamp Act, 899, may direct that the supply
shall be equal to the demand of any other period instead of three
months in respect of postage stamps and other which are the property
of the Central Government tobacco excise duty labels and match box
banderols and four months in respect of non postal stamps, which it
may consider expedient. The stock should be kept up to this amount
by indenting and obtaining supplies from the local depot from time to
time as may be necessary.
Reserve stock of Revenue stamps in branch depots.- The reserve
stock to be kept at branch depots shall be equal to the probable

For two months except in the branch depots of the Gorakhpur District, where it shall be
equal to three months consumption.
74. Procedure if supply of branch depots runs short.- as soon as the number of stamps
in the branch depot not receiving its supplies direct from the central stamp store falls below
the number issued from the depot in the preceding four months, the officer-in-charge of the
depot shall prepare an indent for a supply equal to the probable consumption of two
months. The indent shall show, in separate columns for all denomination of stamps,
whether supply required or not, the balance in the branch depot, the quantity sold in the
preceding four months and the quantity indented for, which should be approximately onehalf of the quantity sold in the preceding four months. The period of four months and
two months in this rule may be altered by the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority
appointed by competent authority for the purpose of the Indian Stamp Act. 1899, to such
other period, as it may deem expedient.
75. Reserve stock in branch depots which obtain supplies direct from Controllers.branch depots authorized to receive supplies direct form central stamp store should keep as
reserve stock quantities approximating to the consumptions of three months in the case of
postage stamps and other stamps which are the property of the Central Government,
tobacco excise duty labels and match excise banderols and four months in the case of nonpostal stamps in addition to the quarterly or four-monthly or annual demand.
B-Acounts, Returns, Storage, etc.

76. Examination of boxes and their contents.- As soon as possible after the arrival of
supply of stamps from the central stamps store and from other local depot, the officer-incharge of the local depot shall personally examine outward appearance of the boxes or
pockets and satisfy himself that they bear no marks of tempering. He shall then have the
boxes or packets opened in the presence, and the contents of each box or packet counted
either by himself or in the presence, immediately on being opened in accordance with rule
77. Where the treasury is the local depots, the boxes or packet should invariably be placed
immediately on arrival in the strong room of the treasury and three opened, one at a time, in
the presence of the treasury officer, who must be watching all the time the boxes or packets
are being opened and their contents examined and counted. In no case must a second box or
packets be opened until the contents of the first have been completely examined and
verified and placed in proper receptacles as required by rule 82.
The number and value of stamps received shall be compared by the officer-in-charge with
the invoice submitted and a receipt shall be sent to the officer who sent the stamps as soon
as may be convenient and no case later than fifteen days arrival of the stamps.
77. Detailed counting of stamps.- The Provincial Government and local administration
may issue such order may be thought necessary regarding the detailed counting of stamps
received in a local depot and as to the description of stamps which the officer-in-charge
himself must count. Such order may include instructions that a certain percentage only of
each denomination of sealed packed marked as containing a certain number of stamps need
be opened and counted at the time of receipt and the remainder, if the percentage opened
are all found correct, left with seals unbroken to be counted, as they are required, on being
given out from double lock.
The officer-in-charge is responsible for observing any such instructions, and for satisfying
himself as to the number of stamps received before signing the receipt. Therefore, he shall
be deemed to the have taken over, on behalf of the Government or Department those source
of revenue the stamps are, full responsibility for the correctness and custody of the
quantities received and the consigner shall be exonerated from liability in respect of any
discrepancy noticed subsequent to the taking over of the stamps and the return of the
receipts unless. It is conclusively proved to the satisfaction of the Government of the India
in the Finance Department (Central Revenues) that the discrepancy occurred prior to the
dispatch of the stamps from the Central Stamps Store and that notwithstanding the strict
observance of the rules and order of subject the discrepancy could not be detected at the
time of taking over. Any such discrepancy should be immediately reported by the officerin-charge both to his Administrative head and to the controllers of the stamps which bear
the initials of the officers through whose hands the packets passed before issue from the
Central Stamps Store souls invariable be preserved till the whole contents of the packets
have been examined and found correct.

78. Instructions regarding detailed counting of stamps.- On receipt of a supply of

stamps in a local depots, the packets or boxes containing such stamps shall be opened, one
at a time, and not later then the day after their receipt, in the presence of the officers-incharge, who shall himself count every stamps of the value of Rs. 10 and upwards. Stamps if
the value of less then Rs. 10 shall, with the exception given below, be counted in the
presence of the officer-in-charge. The number and value of the stamps received shall then
be compared with the invoice, so that any deficiency may at once be detected. Packets
containing stamps of the value of eight annas and less shall be closely inspected by the
officer-in-charge in order to ascertain that they have not been opened or compared with in
transit, and, if they do not presence any suspicious appearance, only 5 percent, need be
counted, and, if they are found to be correct, the rest may be taken as containing the full
number of stamps stated in the invoice.
79. Invoice of non-postal stamps (except match excise banderols).- In respect of
supplies of non postal stamps (other then match excise banderols), the controller of stamps
shall send an invoice in triplicate to the local depot to which supplies are sent from the
Central Stamps Store, showing their in the denominations, the quantities, the face value, the
manufacturing rate and the manufacturing value of the stamps supplied. The original copy
of the invoice will be retained in the local depot and the duplicate returned to the controller
of stamps with the acknowledgement of the officer-in-charge of the local depot ordinarily
not later then seven days and the special case not later then fifteen days after the receipt of
the consignment of the stamps. The triplicate will also be acknowledge and forwarded at
the same time to the officer-in-charge of the local depot shall read as follow :
I certify that the stamps invoiced above have been duly checked on receipt in accordance
with the rules. I have satisfied my self as to their correctness, and I hereby acknowledge
receipt of the stamps amounting in face value to Rs.... (In words)
Invoices relating to supplies to branch depots shall be returned to the Controller and to the
officers appointed under Rules 56 (i) (b) through the officer-in-charge of the local depot
concerned who shall countersign them. A consolidation bill in quadruplicate shall be sent
by the Controller of stamps to the officer appointed under Rule 56(i) (b) by the 10th of each
months showing therein the total manufacturing cost of all, non-postal stamps dispatched
during the previous month together with the spare copies of all relatives invoices and the
summarized statements showing the amount of each invoice. On receipt on the relative
acknowledgment copies from the invoices from the local depots, the officer appointed
under Rules 56(i)(b) shall accept the controllers bill and send the duplicate thereof to him
with his acceptance of the debit and forward at the same time the triplicate and
quadruplicate copies of the bill duty accepted to the account officer concerned who, in
Provincial Government concerned by credit to the Central Government to the credit being

passed on the Accountant General, Bombay, through the exchange account and shall
forward a copy of the bill to the accountant General, Bombay. It shall be incumbent on the
part of the officers appointed under Rules 56(i) (b) accepting the debit to see that copies of
invoice are submitted to him by the officer-in-charge of local depots after acceptance
without delay and that the amount of the Controllers bill is adjusted in time before the
close of the financial year.
Note (1) In the case of Bombay province with the exception of Bombay City, the
triplicate copies of invoices shall be sent by the officers-in-charge of local depot to the
Commissioners of the Divisions concerned and not to the officers appointed under rules
56(i)(b). The consolidated bills or the manufacturing cost of supplies of non-postal stamps
shall similarity be sent by the Controller of stamp to the Commissioners of the Divisions
concerned to be disposed of in accordance with the procedure laid down in the above rule.
As regards Supplies to the Superintendent of Stamps, Bombay, an invoice and a bill, in
triplicate, shall be sent to him by the Controller of stamps; the duplicate copy of the invoice
and their of the bill shall be return by him to the controller of stamps after acceptance and
the triplicate of the bill also accepted and forwarded by him direct to the accountant
General, Bombay for adjustment.
(2) The procedure enunciated in rule 79 above will not apply to local depots in central areas
obtaining supplies of non postal stamps from the Central Stamp Store; instead the procedure
laid down in rule 80 shall apply to such depots.
80. Invoice of postage stamps and match excise banderols.- In respect of supplies of
postage stamps and other stamp which are the property of the Central Government, tobacco
excise duty label and match excise banderols the controller of the stamps shall send an
invoice in triplicate furnishing the details referred to in Rule 79 to the local depot to which
supplies are sent. The original copy of the invoice will be retained in the local depot, and
the duplicate and replicate returned to the controller of stamps with the acknowledgment of
the officer-in-charge of the local depot in the form stipulated in Rule 79. Officers-in-charge
of branch depots shall return the duplicate and the triplicate copies to the controller through
the officers-in-charge of the local depot concerned who shall countersign them. The
acknowledgment duplicate copies of invoice shall be collected in the Central Stamp Store
and the forwarded once in a month to the account-General, Bombay along with the
monthly cash account of the master, Security printing, India, for the purpose of raising
debit against the department concerned.
81. Stamps unfit for issue.- If any of the stamps received are found unfit for issue due
of faulty manufacture, they should be returned at once to the Controller of Stamps, Nasik
Road. The press will not be liable to replace free of charge stamps found unfit for issue

from causes other then faulty manufacture. Stamps that are through any cause rendered
unfit for issue at any time after receipt shall be disposed of in accordance with Rules 116,
117 and 124(b) and the rules framed by a provincial Government under Rules 117.
Faulty manufacture of stamps means Defective printing, defective paper, insufficient
gumming, bad perforation, cutting etc. The sticking of stamps is not due to bad gumming
but to bad storage, conditions and exposure or damage in transit by water.
82. Custody of stamps under double lock.- Immediately after the stamps received
have been counted, they shall be placed in proper receptacle in the store under double lock
in the presence of the officers-in-charge, arranged in percales and packets containing
known quantities, the amount and value of each denomination being entered in the same
time in a register maintained to show the receipt and issue to and from the store under
double lock. These entries shall be checked by the officers-in-charge at the time when the
stamp are deposited, and the corrections of the arithmetical calculations of addition to
balance, as well as of the value compared with quantities, shall be verified and initiated by
him at the time. The register shall then be placed with the stamps in the double lock
receptacles and shall not be removed there from, nor shall any entries be allowed to be
made there in except in the presence of the officers-in-charge.
Note. - In all cases where stamps register have to be checked, the actual check of
quantities against value is a very important one; the correctness of the calculations of
the value must be tested in detail either by actual multiplication or by use of correctly
prepared table, and this check should never be omitted. This remark applies also to
such of the following rules as prescribe a check of this kind. It is not necessary that
the complete checking should be done by the officer himself. It will be sufficient if
the officer personally check 10 percent of the entries in each class of stamps leaving
the remaining entries in each class of stamp leaving the remaining entries in each
class to be checked by a subordinate under his supervision.
83. Procedure when anew treasury officer takes charge.- (a) Whenever there is a
change in the personnel of the officers-in-charge, the new treasury officer when taking over
charge shall count the number as well as check the value of the stamp kept in store under
double lock and verify them with the entries in the register and initial them at the same
(b) The ex officio stamp vendor shall never be allowed to assist in the counting of stamps.
C- Sales

84. Ex-officio vendor: - The treasurer, or such other officer as the District Officer may
direct, shall be the ex officio vendor of all descriptions of stamps in each local depot.
Except as provided in the note below or in Rule 93, sales to Government departments,
public or to licensed vendors shall not be ex officio vendor from the supply entrusted to him
for this purpose, to be kept by him under single lock, as prescribed in the following rules.
Note: - The officers in charge of such local depots, in the Provinces of Bombay and
Send, as have no hazur treasurers, may issue postage stamps from the double lock store for
sale to the public or post offices.
85. Ex officio vendors stock and indent: - The stock to be made over to the ex officio
vendor to be kept by him under single lock should ordinarily be sufficient for the probable
demand of one month. The ex officio vendor will maintain a register of receipts into and
issues from single lock in the begging of each moth he will prepare and indent for the
quantity required for the month in a form showing the balances in his hands an average
months consumption and the quantity required. When this indent is presented to the
officer-in charge, he will examine the single lock register and check the correctness of the
arithmetical calculations made therein. If has approves the indent, he shall then give out the
quantity required from the store under double lock, check the correctness of the entries
made in the double lock register, see that they correspond with those made in the single
lock register, initial both registers and return the double lock register into the double lock
store. The same procedure should ordinarily be followed when stamps are issued from
double lock at any intermediate date, but when it is necessary to make issues more than
once in one day, the prescribed checks need be applied at each time of issue only to the
particular descriptions of stamps given out from double lock. There shall be a fortnightly
verification of the balance of stamps in the hands of the ex officio vendor unless the
Provincial government or local Administration desires that such verification should be more
frequent in the local Administration desires that such verification should be more frequent
in the local depot of the province or area concerned, e.g. on every day on which stamps are
issued to the stamp vendor from double locks.
Note:- The Provincial Governments and local Administrations may reduce the period
of one month mentioned in this rule to one week, or any other period less than a
month, if they consider this desirable with reference to the amount of the treasurers
security or for any other reason,
86. Verification of the balance of stamps in single lock.-(a) The Officer in-charge of the
depot shall verify the balance of stamps in the hands of the ex officio vendor four times a
month at irregular intervals without giving any notice to the treasurer. In token of this
verification he shall write the word Checked or Verified against the balances of stamps

in the hands of the ex officio vendor at the time the verification is made and sign and date
the entry (Vide Paragraph 457-B of the Financial Handbook, Volume V, Part II.)
(b) The period of one month fixed by Rule 85 is reduced to fifteen days but the stock of
stamps in the hand of the ex officio vendor shall at no time exceed the amount of the
treasurers security. The Treasury Officer shall be responsible to see that this condition is
never infringed. In case of necessity he can issue stamps from double lock at and
intermediate date and in case of emergency even more than once in a single day.
(c) The Treasury Officer shall either give out the stamps from the store under double lock
with his own hands or shall count every sheet taken out and scrutinize the value before
making them over to the ex officio vendor.
(d) If the district treasurer so desires, the Collector may allow him or his authorized agent to
verify the cash and stamp balances of the sub treasuries in the district at the time he
examines the books to the tahvildar.
87. Sale of stamps by ex officio vendor:- From the stock so made over to his charge and
kept by him under single lock the ex officio vendor shall sell stamps to the public and to
licensed vendors for cash. He shall maintain the single lock register in the form mentioned
in the Rule 85 in such language as the Provincial Government or local Administration may
direct, entering therein both in quantities and values the receipt from double lock, the daily
sale and the balance in his hands of each denomination at the end of each day. He shall pay
daily into the treasury the cash received by him for stamps sold, the amount realized on
account of each of the various descriptions of stamps-namely, non-judicial, court-fee,
postage, match excise banderols, India, and match excise banderols, Burma, central excise
revenue stamps, tobacco excise duty labels, insurance agent licence fee stamps, Defence (or
National) Saving Stamps, etc.-being paid in separately. The account of the daily sales
should be inspected and the correctness of the calculations shown therein checked very day
by the officer-in charge of the depot.
Note.- This rule shall remain in force at the local and branch depots to which the
Provincial Government or local Administration concerned do not extend the provisions of
Rule 87^A.
87-A. Challans to be presented to ex officio vendor with cash From the stock so made
over to his charge and kept by him under single lock, the ex officio vendor shall sell stamps
to the public and to licensed vendors for cash. Challans separately for each class, i. e., nonjudicial, court-fee and postage stamps and match excise banderols, will be presented by the
purchase to the Accountant, who shall check the correctness of the particulars thereof,

especially the discount claimed and note in a simple register the check by the Accountant
should be present with cash to the ex officio vendor for the issue of stamps.
Post office requisitions for postage stamps and other stamps required to be sold
through Post Office shall be presented first to the accountant who shall check and note them
in the register of challans and then to the ex officio vendor along with challans for the issue
of stamps.
The ex officio vendor shall enter the sales chronologically in his single lock register
which shall be maintained in such languages as the Provincial Government oif local
Administration may direct, the receipts from the double lock and the daily sales, both
quantities and value being entered therein and the balance in hand of different
denominations of stamps being struck at the end of each day. The register should be
inspected and the correctness of entries made therein checked every day by the officer-in
charge of the depot who should initial the register in token of having exercised this check.
The ex officio vendor shall return the challans and post office requisition the
Accountant daily who shall prepare the daily accounts on their basis; through the register of
challans, the Accountant will watch the return all of the officer-in charge of the depot.
Notes.- (1) In places where there is a branch of the Imperial Bank of Indian doing
Government business the challans and post office requisitions shall be presented in
duplicate, the extra copy being required by the Bank for making up its daily account.
(2) Treasuries banking with a branch of the Imperial Bank of India maintain a register of
challans prescribed in Article 322 of the Civil Account Code, Volume II. The same register
may be use for noting the challans and requisitions for stamps.
88. Procedure regarding sale of stamps.-(a) The procedure laid down in Rule 87 shall
also apply to copy stamps.
(b) The register of receipts and issues of stamps under single lock may be kept in English,
Hindi or Urdu.
(c) While examining the daily accounts for the previous day the Treasury Officer shall see
that the stamps issued from the double lock for sale in his depot are correctly etched in the
single lock register. In order to ensure a comparison of actual credits in the treasury
accounts with the value of the sales of stamps shown in the single lock register he shall
examine the single lock register daily and see that treasury challans exist for all the sales
shown therein and also compare the entries in the single lock register and the treasury

challans with the register of stamp receipts, and commission paid (Treasury Form No. 39).
He shall then initial both the registers.
(d) It is not necessary that each and every transaction of sale should be entered in the single
lock register separately and in detail. For this purpose a subsidiary register in Form No. 30
(Appendix B), shall be maintained by the ex officio vendor from which the totals of daily
sales of each denomination of stamps shall be carried to the single lock register.
Note. - In the case of sale of judicial and non-judicial tamps other than hundis of Rs.
Or above, the ex officio vendor shall take the signature of the purchaser in the remarks
column of the register.
(e) In the case of all banking treasuries the cash received on account of sale of stamps shall
be sent to the Bank immediately after the opening of the treasury on the forenoon of the day
following that on which the sale took place. The account of the sales in questions shall,
however, be closed in the treasury on the same day to which the sales relate.
(f) The Treasury Officer shall be held personally liable for any loss that may occur to the
Crown owing to his neglect to observe any of the above rules, specially flues 85, 87 and
100. [See paragraph 1487, Chapter LXIX of the Revenue Manual].
(g) District Officers shall exercise a strict supervision over their treasuries in this
department, and Chief Inspector of Stamp shall, in their inspectional visits, pay particular
attention to the state of the stamp accounts.
89. District Officers to fix limit of sale of stamp by ex- officio vendors. - A district
officer may direct that the sales to the public or judicial and non-judicial stamps by ex
officio vendors shall be limited to stamps of a value higher than a named amount, the sale
to the public of stamps of lower value being left to licensed vendors.
90. Ex officio vendor at branch deposits. - The sub-treasurer, or such other officer as the
district officer may direct, shall be the ex officio vendor of stamps at a branch depot.
91. Supplies of stamps to branch depots.- The Officer-in charge of the branch depot shall
obtain his supplies from the local depot to which the branch depot is subordinate, in the
same manner as the ex officio vendor at the local depot obtains his supplies, except that the
indent and the stamps must be send by post or messenger to and from the local depot, and
that eh examination of the balance in hand and the comparison of the amounts shown with
those shown in the indent shall be done by the officer-in-charge of the branch depot. In case
where there is likely to be a distinct saving of cost of greater security of the stamps in

transit, the Provincial Government or local Administration may empower the board of
Revenue or other superior revenue authority to sanction, subject to timely notice of such
sanction being given to the Controller of tamps, the dispatch of stamps direct from the
Central Stamp Store to a branch depot, such supplies being passed through the accounts o
the local depot and treated by the Controller of Stamps, as supplies to the local depot to
which the branch depot is subordinate.
The receipt and examination of stamps on arrival from the Central Stamp Store or a
local depot should be conducted in the manner laid down in Rule 76.
Except where the officer-in-charge of the branch depot has been appointed ex officio
vendor, the ex officio vendor shall obtain his supplies from the officer-in charge- of the
branch depot in the same of the branch depot in the same manner as the ex officio vendor at
the local depot obtains his supplies from the officer-in-charge.
92. Certain sub treasuries authorize to receive stamps direct from the Controller of
Stamps.- The following sub-treasuries are authorized to receive stamps direct from the
Controller of Stamps.
Amroha, Aonla, Baheri, Bilari, Champawat, Charkhari, Dhampur, Faridpur,
Ferozabad, Ghaziabad, Gunnaur, Haldwani, Hapur, Kasganj, Kashipur, Kichha, Mahoba,
Maudaha, Mussoorie, Nagina, Najibabad, Nawabganj, Ramnagar, Raniket, Rath, Sambhal,
Shikohabad and Rishikesh.
93. When sales may be made direct from the double lock.-(i) Where the officer in charge
of the branch depot has been appointed ex officio vendor, sales to the public or to licensed
vendors may be made direct from the double lock, and the register of receipts into the issues
from single lock prescribed in Rule 85 of these rules need not be maintained.
(ii) Custody of stamps in single and double locks in branch depots. In all other case
Provincial Government and local Administration shall fix the period, a supply for which
shall be kept under single lock by the ex officio vendor and the remainder of the stamps in
the branch depot shall be kept under double lock o the officer-in-charge of the Branch depot
shall be kept under double lock of the officer-in-charge of the Branch depot and of the ex
officio vendor, and given out to single lock as required.
94. Stock in single lock for a period of seven days only. - The period under Rule 93 (ii)
for which a supply of stamps shall be kept under single lock by the ex officio vendor shall
be seven days.

95. Sales from branch depots. Except as provided in the foregoing rule, sales from branch
depots shall be made subject to the same rules as those from branch depots shall be made
subject to the same rules as those from local depots.
96. Verification in branch depots. - The officer in charge of the branch depot shall (except
where he has himself been appointed as ex officio vendor) under Rule (9) verify the balance
of all kinds of stamps including copy stamps in the hands of the ex officio vendor four
times a month at irregular intervals.
97. Certificates of Half Yearly verification of stamp balances. On the lass working day
of September and March each year, the officer-in charge of each local depot shall count, or
have counted in his presence, the stamps in his depot both those under double lock and
those under single lock, and shall require the officers-in-charge of the branch depots
subordinate to him similarly to count the stamps in the branch depots. He shall attach to the
plus and minus memoranda for September and March rendered to the Audit Officers
concerned, a certificate in the following form :I do herby certify that I have personally examined and counted or had counted in my
presence, the stamps of all descriptions in state in this local depot, on the September/March,
19 . And found by actual calculation of numbers and values, not less than 10 per
cent of the entries having been checked by me personally, that the value of each description
is as stated in the margin. Also that I have received similar certificates from the officers- incharge of the subordinate branch depots that they have similarly counted the stamps in their
branch depot on the last day of the month of September/March, 19 .., of which the
accounts are incorporated in the head Treasury accounts and that they have made a similar
calculation of numbers and values and that these certificates show the value of each
description of stamps in all the branch depots to be as stated in margin.

Court- fee
Central Excise Revenue Stamps
Tobacco Excise duty labels
Insurance agent license fee stamps
Defence (or National) savings Stamps
Match excise banderols, India n
Match excise banderols, Burma


The total values of stamps in this depot and the branch depots as found by the above
certified examination are therefore-

Court- fee
Central Excise Revenue Stamps
Tobacco Excise duty labels
Insurance agent license fee stamps
Defence (or National) savings Stamps
Match excise banderols, Indian
Match excise banderols, Burma


which amount agree with the balances shown in the plus and minis memoranda for
September/March to which this certificate is attached. (If there is any difference, add with
the exception of the following differences the explanation of which is a follows.)
98. Form of certificates. The local depot certificate should be in B. R. Form No. 358 and
branch depot certificate in the form prescribed by paragraph 1526, Chapter LXXII of the
Revenue Manual.
99. Plus and minus memorandum. Officers in charge of local depots shall forward to
the local Accountant General may direct, in the form of plus and minus memoranda or
otherwise. A copy of the returns shall be sent simultaneously to the heads of Postal Circles.
100. Verification certificates - The verification certificates on the treasury plus and minus
memoranda and the treasury accounts shall not be signed by treasury officer and district
officers without actually referring to the single and double lock registers and register of
advances prescribed by Rule 160 (Form No. 28, Appendix B) and without verifying the
actual stock in the ex officio vendors hands. The certificate may be signed by a senior
gazetted officer other than a treasury officer instead of the district officer.
101. Account to Account General from Controller:- The Controller of stamps shall send
to the Accountant General concerned such accounts of the transactions of the central and
local depots as the Auditor General may prescribe.
102. Disposal of accounts. - The Auditor General shall prescribe such rules
as he considers necessary for the disposal of the accounts mentioned in the
following rules, and for the check of the receipts issues and sales.

103. Rules for discount, etc. on sales of stamps. - The rules regulating the
grant of discount and the grant of licensees to licenced vendors for the
Central areas and are prescribed by the Provincial government and local
(For such rules see chapter IV of these rules)
D-Postage Stamps
104. Sales of service postages stamps.- Service stamps shall be sold by local depots to
Government officials and semi-official bodies and institutions mentioned in clause 54 of the
Post and Telegraph Guide, who will be required to certify in writing that the stamps will be
used on prepaying postage on communications bona fide on the service of His Majesty or
for the purposes stipulated in the said clause of the Post and Telegraph Guide and for such
other purpose as are authorized by the Post Telegraph Department.
Notes. - (1) Service postage stamps may also be sold to the public, provided that the
value of the stamps sold to any person at one time, shall not less than ten shillings or Rs.
6.80 and that an extra charge of half percent, calculated on the face value shall be made to
cover incidental expenses. This extra charge shall not, however, be recovered from officers
of Indian states, authorized to purchase service postage stamps by the Director General,
Post and Telegraph.
This extra charge shall not however be recovered from the post master in-charge of
Philatelic Bureauax authorized to purchase service postage stamps for sale to philatlists.
(2) For rules regulating sales to Government officials, see Articles 98 and 429 of the
Civil Account Code.
(3) Government officials authorized to obtain service postage stamps from local depots
may exchange such stamps either for service stamps of different denominations or
with the previous approval of the Director General of Posts and Telegraphs for
ordinary postage stamps provided that the stamps returned to the local depots are in a
serviceable conditions.
105. Sales of postage stamps to post and to licensed stamps vendors.- Ordinary Postage
stamps, shall be sold for case from local depots to officers-in-charge of post offices, at
which letters are received for dispatch, to persons licensed to sell non-judicial stamps under
the rules framed under the India Stamp Act, 1899 (II of 1899) , and to the public, provided
that the value sold to any person at one time shall not be less than five rupees, and shall not
include any fraction of a rupee, and that embossed envelopes and post cards shall be sold in
complete packets only. No discount is allowed in any of the above cases.
Notes.- (1) As a partial exception to this rule payment for postage3 stamps may be made by
cheques by officers in charge of post offices who have been authorized to issue cheques on
the Reserves Bank of India or the Imperial Bank of India.

This Extra charge shall not however be recovered from the post Master in charge of
Philatelic Bureaux authorized to purchase service postage stamps for sale to philatlists.
(2) Except on the special authority of the Government of India or the Director General,
Posts and Telegraphs, no free supplies of ordinary postage stamps and stationery shall be
made by the Collector of Stamps, Nasik Road. Under a special arrangement sanctioned by
the Government of India, the accountant General Jammu and Kashmir State, holds and
imprest of ordinary Postage stamps of the face value of Rs. 150000 temporarily increased to
Rs. 500000 with effect from March 1, 1944 for the duration of war for supply on payment
to the imperial post offices located in the Kashmir State Territory. This imprest is recouped
by him by indents on the Sialkot and Rawalpindi Government treasury accounts. The
treasuries should separately show in their plus and minus memoranda the issue to the
Accountant General, Jammu and Kashmir State. Debits for the face value of stamps should
be raised in the treasury accounts against the State as soon as stamps are issued from the
treasuries on receipt of indents by the Treasury Officer concerned to the Deputy Accountant
General, Posts and Telegraphs, Delhi to enable him to verify the credits afforded by the
Accountant General, Punjab.
106. Supply of Postage stamps to post master by cheque on Imperial Bank. - At Agra,
Allahabad, Bararas City, Kanpur, Lucknow and Meerut where the cash transaction of
treasuries has been taken over by the Imperial Bank of India in the United Provinces, the
Postmasters are authorized to issue cheques on the Bank and to obtain the supply of postage
stamps, etc. from the local treasuries by means of cheques.
107. Exchange of damaged, spoiled and unsaleable stamps and stationary in stock at
post Offices for serviceable stamps and stationary from treasuries.(i) Post Masters in charge of Head Post Offices are authorized under the amended Rule 44
of the Post and Telegraph Manual, Volume VI, to obtain serviceable postage stamps,
revenue stamps, embossed envelopes, wrappers and post cards from treasures in exchange
for useless (That is defective or spoiled) and obsolete ones in stock at the post office, and
(ii) to exchange with the sanction of the Superintendent of Post offices or first class
Postmasters, as the case may be, postage stamps and stationery for which there is no
demand for those of a different denomination.
Provided that, in both cases embossed envelopes, wrappers or post cards which it is desired
to exchange are in complete packets.
108. Supply of postage stamps to Telegraph offices.- Heads of Departmental Telegraph
officers shall obtain supplies of ordinary postage stamps from the local depots, subjects to
the same conditions in regard to the quantity supplied at one time as those of the preceding

rules and shall sell to the public ordinary postage stamps of all descriptions and to any value
no discount is allowed to heads of Department Telegraph offices for the sales of stamps; but
they are allowed offices are made only on case payment. But when the local duration,
Officers in-charge of local depots are authorized to issue ordinary in excess of the value
permanent advance, these temporary stamps, or the payment of their value, if sold.
109. Post and Telegraph Officers to keep one weeks supply of postage and revenue
stamps.- The officers in charge of each post office at which letters are received for dispatch
and of each telegraph office is required to keep a supply of postage stamps for sale to the
public sufficient for the probable demands of one week. A supply of India Revenue stamps
and other Central Government stamps required to be sold through post offices sufficient for
the probable demands of one week is also required to kept for sale in post offices.
110. Procedure for supply of revenue stamps to post offices- The officer-in-charge of
every post office shall obtain his requirements of adhesive stamps of ten naye paise
domination in cash or by cheque as in the case of postage stamps vide Rules 105 and 106.
111. Post offices to keeps accounts of revenue stamps.- The officers in charge of post
officers shall maintain accounts of sales, etc, of India revenue and other stamps which are
the property of the Central Government required to be sold through post offices stamps in
the same Audit officer. The difference between the balance in hand at the end of any month
and at the end of the previous month shall be debited or credited, as the case may be, to the
Civil Accountants General concerned through the exchange accounts.
112. Procedure for disposal of unused loose revenue stamps found on counters of post
offices or in letter boxes. - The following procedure shall be followed regarding disposal
of unused loose revenue stamps found on counters of post offices or in letter boxes, namely.
(1) Such stamp will be kept out of the accounts of the post office but retained at the post
office till the end of the month following that in which they or found. If the owner submits
his claim within this period and is able to establish his claim, the post office will return the
stamps to him; but where no claim is received by the post office within this period, the
stamps shall be sent to the treasury for disposal, and thereafter if any claim in respect of the
stamps is received by the post office, it will refer the claimant to the treasury concerned
with details of the stamps sent to the treasury.
(2) If the value of the revenue stamps is less than one rupee the stamps may be defaced by
the treasury officers and affixed in a register, the necessary particulars of the stamp being
recorded therein. Stamps of value exceeding one rupee, should be entered in a register
specially maintained for the purpose and entries should be attested by the treasury officer

concerned. If the claimant does not appear within one month, the stamps should be sold and
the sale proceeds credited to the dead IX-Stamps-A-Non-Judicial-Miscellaneous-Other
items and if the claim is preferred subsequently the value of the stamps should be treated
as refund of revenue.
113. Examination of stock of postage stamps.- Superintendents, and Inspectors of post
offices within their respective jurisdictions and any other officers of the post office
authorized in that behalf by the Heads of Postal Circles, are empowered to examine the
stock of stamps kept by any of the persons required to keep postage stamps for sale to the
public under rule 109.
E-British Unemployment Insurance Stamps
114. Unemployment Insurance stamps where sold.-Unemployment Insurance, stamps are
sold to masters of vessels from the local depots, madras, Malabar, Tanjore, South Arcot,
East Godavari, Vizagapatam, Calcutta, Karachi, the branch depot at Tuticorin and the
Shipping Masters officer Bombay. No discount is allowed.
115-A Stamps which are the property of the central Government which are required to be
sold to the public through post offices, e.g., Central Excise, Revenue stamps, Defense (or
National) savings stamps, shall be obtained by post offices from local and branch depots
and sold to the public in the same manner as ordinary postage stamps.
Tobacco Excise duty label and insurance agent license fee stamps shall be sold to the public
at local and branch depots at which they are socked.
116. Unserviceable (i.e., defectively manufactured, damaged or sold) obsolete and
unwanted surplus stocks of postage stamps and postal stationery, revenue stamps, central
excise revenue stamps, Defense or National saving stamps and other stamps which may be
introduced from time to time held by post office shall be exchanged for serviceable ones of
the same kind, i.e. belonging to the same department from the local or branch depots as the
Case may be. The local or branch depots shall refer to the controller of stamps doubtful case
of defective manufacture before exchange is effected.
116-A. Disposal of damaged and obsolete postage stamps .- Damaged and obsolete
postage stamps that can be counted and identified shall be sent once a quarter to the
controller of stamps , Nasik Road, for destruction. The necessary entries on account of
stamps sent shall be made in the plus and minus memoranda. Damaged adhesive stamps in
loose labels shall be pasted on a sheet or of paper to facilitate verification before

transmission to the Controller shall, after examining and verifying the stamps and satisfying
himself that they are genuine, destroy them and grant a satisfying himself that they are
genuine, destroy them and grant a destruction certificate. The destruction certificate shall
show the quantity and the face value stamps destroyed. At the beginning of each month the
controller of stamps shall furnish the civil Accountant general concerned with copies of
destruction certificates granted by him during the previous month to enable him to verify
the entries in the plus and minus memoranda. Postage stamps that are damaged beyond
identification and cannot, therefore, be checked by actual counting, shall be disposed of
according to the procedure laid down in rule 124(b).
Notes.-(1)A stamp which does not clearly indicate its value or a remnant of a stamp from
which it cannot indubitably be verified that it is all that remains of a complete stamps shall
be treated as stamp that cannot be counted or identified for the purposes of these rules.
(2) Losses in transit of match excise banderols and non-postal stamps which are the
property of the central government from the central government from the central stamps
store to a local or branch depot or from one local or branch depot to another shall after due
investigation be written off by the controller of stamps up to almost of Rs.100 calculated to
terms of manufacturing cost, in any individual case. If the value of such losses exceeds Rs.
100 in terms of manufacturing cost, the matter shall be reported by the Controller of Stamps
after due investigation to the central Board of Revenue.
117. Disposal of non-postal, obsolete, unserviceable, spoilt stamps and those cancelled
on payment of a refund.- the provincial governments, in consultation with the auditor
general, shall prescribe rules for the disposal of non postal stamps which are the property of
the provincial governments and which are obsolete, unserviceable, or spoilt or have been
cancelled on payment of a refund.
In central areas, non-postal stamps that are spoilt or unserviceable or that are obsolete
and cannot be rendered serviceable by overprinting, etc., or that have been cancelled on
payment of a refund shall be sent to the Controller of Stamps. This procedure shall also be
followed in the Governors Provinces in respect of non-postal stamps which are the property
of the central government or that of the government of Burma, e.g., match excise banderols.
The procedure laid down in rule 116 shall be observed in the case of these stamps also.
117A. Disposal of obsolete, unserviceable or spoilt non-postal stamps(1) The officer-in-charge of the local depot shall send to the junior secretary to the board of
revenue, united provinces, for destruction all non-postal stamps, which are the property of
the provincial government, that are obsolete, unserviceable, or spoilt, after entering the
particulars of stamps, i.e., their description, number and value, in a register maintained for
the purpose in his office, quarterly, i.e., in the first week of the month following each
quarter of the year. The Personal Assistant to the Junior Secretary shall examine these

stamps and enter them in a register kept for the purpose and have them burnt in his
presence. Thereafter he shall make a note in the register to the effect that the stamps have
been s\destroyed in his presence and shall, at the same time, inform the local depot
concerned accordingly. The officer-in-charge of the depot shall them write off the value of
the stamps destroyed and give the number and date of the letter of the junior secretary as
authority for writing off the value of the stamps. Necessary entries relating to the destroyed
stamps shall be made in the plus and minus memoranda and a copy of the Junior
Secretarys order shall be sent to the Accounts officer in support of those entries.
(2) Non-postal stamps that have been cancelled on payment of a cash refund or exchanged
for new stamps of the same or other denomination shall from the voucher fro such refunds
or renewals and shall be sent with the list of payments, or the stamp plus and minus
memoranda, as the case may be, to the Accounts officer in the usual way.
B- Losses of stamps during transit or from stocks in the central stamp store, Local or
branch depots, or Post offices.
118. Losses of stamps during transit-The terms of supply from the central stamp store are
for Nasik Road and once the stamps are dispatched from the store they become the property
of the Department or government which would be entitled to their proceeds on sale. When
shortages occur in the consignments of stamps dispatched from the central stamp store,
whether occasioned by theft, accident or other causes, the resultant loss represented by the
manufacturing value of the missing stamps, etc., as well as the potential loss shall fall on
the Department or Government owning or receiving agency.
Note.-Losses in transit of stamps returned to the controller of stamps or transferred from
one local or branch depot to another, shall similarly be borne by the Department or
Government concerned.
119. Procedure for transmission of stamp from central stamp store.Consignments of non-postal stamps from the central stamp store to local depots or
branch depots authorized under rule 91 to receive supplies direct should ordinarily be sent
uninsured by goods train. In cases of emergency, however, stamps may be sent by
passenger train also.
Where the parcel is a light one or the stamps are very urgently required they may be
sent by post. When stamps are sent by post, the parcel should be insur4ed for a nominal
value of Rs. 100, if the face value exceeds Rs. 100 and for the actual face value of the
stamps if such value is less than Rs. 100.

120. Procedure in the case of discrepancy between the quantity of stamps received and
that entered in the invoice. - The officer-in-charge of the local or branch depot shall
carefully observe the instructions in rule 76. in case of any discrepancy between the
quantity of stamps received and that entered in the invoice he shall enter the shortage in red
ink on the invoice and accept the invoice for the face value of the stamps actually receiver.
He shall also attach to the invoice a certificate noting therein the number and date of the
controllers invoice, the quantity and face value of the discrepancy and explain the
circumstances in which the invoice as originally made out was not accepted in full. Debits
will be raised by the controller of stamps against the parties concerned for the
manufacturing clue of the stamps actually received as shown in the receipted invoices.
Notes: - To the officers explanation shall be added answers to the following questions:(1) What was the number stenciled on the case in which the shortage was found?
(2)(a)Was the case weighed before taking delivery and its weight checked with the weight
noted either in the invoice or in the list attached thereto?(b) if so, was there any deficiency
in weight?
(3)(a)Did the case show signs of tampering?
(b)Dies the officer personally examine the outward condition of the case and the seals and
satisfy himself that it bore no marks of tampering?
(4)If the case was tin-lined, was the tin-lining intact?
(5)Was the case placed in the strong room immediately on arrival?
(6)Was the officer present all the time the case was being opened and the contents were
being examined and counted?
(7)On what date was the case (a) received and (b) Opened?
[1] In the case of excess, if any, found in a consignment of stamps received from the central
stamp store, Nasik Road, the officer-in-charge of the local or branch depot shall satisfy
himself that the excess actually exists and then report the matter to the controller of stamps,
Nasik Road, forwarding at the same time the wrapper of the packet in which the excess was
detected and furnishing other relevant particulars, e.g. case number. If the excess is not
admitted by the Controller of Stamps, it should be brought into treasury accounts and the
administrative head of the local or branch depot and the accountant general concerned
should be informed.
[2]In the case of excess, if any, found in the consignments of stamps received from the
central stamp store, Nasik Road, the officer-in-charge of the local or branch depot shall
satisfy himself that the excess actually exists and then report he matter to the controller of
stamps, Nasik Road, forwarding at the same time the wrapper of the packet in which the
excess was detected and furnishing other relevant particulars, e.g. case number. If the
excess is not admitted by the controller of stamps, it should be brought into treasury
accounts and the Accountant general concerned shall be informed.

121. Shortage in a consignments to be reported at once.-The officer-in-charge of the

local or branch depot shall report any shortage in a consignment immediately to the
Controller of Stamps, Nasik Road, to the Board of Revenue, to the railway authorities and
to the railway police for investigation and send a copy of his report to the department of
Government weaning the stamps (Head of postal circle in the case of postage stamps). A
copy of such report shall be endorsed to the Civil Accountant general concerned. The
officer-in-charge of the local or branch depot shall keep a close track of all cases of losses
in transit and communicate the result of the investigation to the Controller of Stamps, Nasik
Road, to the Commissioner of the Division or higher authority, and to the Civil Accountant
General concerned; also to the Department or Government concerned.
Note:- The procedure laid down by this rule shall also be observed in cases where stamps
returned to the controller of stamps under rules 81, 116 and 117 or transferred from one
local or Brach depot to another are lost in transit.
122. Collector to take immediate action in case of loss of a consignments containing
stamps.-In the case of loss or a consignment containing stamps the collector shall see that
immediate action regarding preference of claim is taken within six months from the date of
booking of the consignment so that the claim in respect of the loss is not time blared under
section 77 of the Indian Railways Act, 1890(IX of 1890).
123. Recovery by Controllers of value of stamps lost in transit.-The Controller of
Stamps shall submit half-yearly to the Director General of Posts and Telegraphs, a debit
note for acceptance to cover the manufacturing value of the postage stamps lost in transit.
The debit note should be supported by a statement of the losses and the explanatory
certificate of the officer-in-charge of the local or branch depot. The debit note accepted by
the Director General of Posts and Telegraphs will from the supporting voucher to a debit for
the manufacturing value of the lost stamps against the Posts and Telegraphs Department. In
the case of losses of non-postal stamps the value will be recovered by the Controller from
the Department or Government concerned.
124. Losses of stamps while in stock.-(a) Losses of stamps while in stock in the security
printing press or the central stamp store will be borne by theirs concerns. All such losses
shall be reported by the master, security printing, India, to the central board of revenue and
a copy of the report shall be sent to the Accountant-General, Bombay, and also to the
Director General of Posts and Telegraphs if the loss relates to postage stamps or postal

(b) Except as provided for by Note-2 below all losses whether by theft, fraud, accident or
any other cause, of postage stamps while in stock in a local or branch depot shall be
reported by the officer-in-charge of the depot to his administrative head, and a copy of the
report shall be sent to the controller of stamps, the Civil Account General and the Head of
the postal circle concerned. The report shall explain in detail (1) the quantity, the face value
and the manufacturing value of the stamps lost; (2) the cause and the responsibility for the
loss; (3) whether in the opinion of the officer-in-charge of the depot the loss was
contributed to by the negligence of any individual or individuals; (4) the amount proposed
to be recovered, if any, from person or persons at fault; and (5) steps taken or proposed to
be taken to prevent the recurrence of such loss. The administrative head shall on receipt of
the report institute such further enquiries and pass such orders as he may consider necessary
with reference to Note 3 below, and shall forward copies of his orders to the controller of
stamps, the civil accountant-general and the Head of the postal circle concerned. The
officer-in-charge of the depot shall, on receipt of the orders, forward the damaged stamps if
they can be counted and identified to the controller of stamps for destructions as required by
rule 116.
Notes.-(1) If the postage stamps to which the loss relates have been damaged to an extent
that they cannot be counted or identified, report to the administrative head who shall pass
them on for destruction to the controller of stamps with a copy of his orders. In such cases,
the Controller of Stamps shall not grant certificates as to the quantity and value of the
stamps destroyed. If, however, the consignments of the damaged and in countable postage
stamps are bulky they need not be forwarded to the administrative head but a detailed report
should be sent to the authority.
(2) In the case of damaged postage stamps which can be identified as complete stamps and
can indubitably be checked by actual counting, if the manufacturing value does not exceed
Rs.10, no report shall be made to the administrative head if the opinion of the officer-incharge of the depot he damage could not have been avoided with proper care. The stamps in
such cases shall be sent to the controller of stamps for destruction with a letter furnishing
information on the following points-(1) the quantity, the face value and the manufacturing
value of the damaged stamps,(2) the date on which the treasury stock was last examined;(3)
the date on which the damage was first noticed;(4) steps taken or proposed to be taken to
prevent such damage in future. A copy of this letter should be endorsed to the civil
Accountant-general and the Heads of the postal circle concerned. It shall be opened to the
controller of stamps in any case to draw the attention of the administrative head to the
damage with a view to instituting enquiries as to the causes of the damage etc. fixing the
responsibility ther5efor and taking necessary action.
(3) These losses will in general be borne by the posts and telegraphs department, but in
case, in which individuals having been found futility of contributory negligence are ordered

to make good the whole or a part of the total loss ( equivalent either to the manufacturing
value or the face value of the stamps, the former only in cases where the stamps are spoilt
but not lost, or, if lost, cannot be used) the recoveries shall be credited to that department.
(c) Losses of stamps, etc. (excepting those which are the property of the Provincial
Government) shall be written off by the Commissioners of Divisions, and in provinces
where there are no Commissioners of Divisions, by the secretary to the Board of revenue,
and if there is no board of Revenue e.g. Sind, by the provincial government up to the limit
of Rs. 500 only calculated in terms of the face-value in any individual case. Losses
exceeding this limit shall be written off under the orders of the central government or the
director general of posts and telegraphs as the case may be. Losses of stamps, etc. which are
the property of the Provincial Governments, shall be written off in accordance with the
rules prescribed by the Provincial Government concerned in this regard.
The same procedure shall also apply to cases of loss or damage to match excise
banderols, tobacco excise duty labels, and all stamps which are the property of the Central
government in local or branch depots in provincial areas.
(d) The procedure laid down in Rule 124(b) and Notes 1 to 3 thereunder in respect of
postage stamps shall also be observed in the case of loss or damage to non-postal stamps in
local or branch depots in central areas with the exception that no intimation to postal
authorities will be necessary and the loss will be borne by the Government to which the
stamps belong.
125 Commissioners of divisions to be Administrative heads regarding postage stamps.The board of revenue shall be deemed to be the administrative head in respect of postage
stamps referred to in rule 124(b) and Notes 1 and 2 thereunder.
126. Civil Accountant general to report such losses to Accountant general, Posts and
telegraphs.- On receipt of a report referred to in rules 121 and 124(b), the civil Accountant
general shall send a copy of it to the Accountant general, Posts and telegraphs, in whose
office all such reports will be consolidated for all the provinces for inclusion, if necessary,
in the appropriation accounts and for the information of the Director General, Posts and
127. Losses of revenue stamps in sock at post offices. - The officer-in-charge of post
offices shall report all losses of India revenue and central excise revenue stamps in sock at
post offices immediately on their occurrence to (i) the head of 4the postal circle concerned,
and (ii) the officer- in-charge of the local or branch depot concerned, and shall at the same
time show the face value of the stamps in their accounts as Advance Recoverable.

Postmasters who do not get their supply of stamps direct from a local or branch depot
should submit the above reports through the Head or sub-Postmaster concerned. The Head
of the circle shall investigate the matter and submit a report of his investigation and findings
in detail, on the matter and submit a report of his investigation and findings in detail, on the
lines of the report prescribed in Rule 124(b) to the Provincial Government or local
administration, or (in the case of Madras) to the Chief Revenue Authority of the district. A
copy of the report shall be simultaneously of rewarded to the posts and telegraphs audit
officer, the Provincial Accountant General (Civil) and the Controller of Stamps. On receipt
of the sanction of the Provincial Government or local administration to the writing off of
the loss, the Posts and Telegraph, Audit Officer shall, after writing off of the loss, the posts
and telegraph audit officer shall, after clearing the head Advances Recoverable, pass on
the debit for the full face value of the stamps (as charged by the officer-in-charge of the
post office in his accounts) to the Civil Accountant-General concerned through the
exchange accounts. In cases, where recoveries are made from the postal officials at fault,
the amounts recovered shall be credited to the Provincial Government or local
Administration through the exchange accounts.
128. Supply of stamps to branch depots under guard, by post or by special
messenger.- Stamps shall, whenever possible, be supplied to branch depots (tahsils) under
guard in the same manner as cash remittances. Opportunity shall be taken, whenever
possible, of utilizing for this purpose the services of a guard which has either brought or is
to take away cash remittances to or from the headquarters treasury. [n cases of emergency,
stamps may be sent by post or by special messenger, as provided in Rule 91 in which case
the cost of remittance by post (insurance charges) or by special messenger (actual railway
expenses), shall be debited to the district stamps (contract) contingent grant.
When stamps are sent by post, the procedure laid down in Rule 119 should be
District Officers shall, however, be responsible for seeing that such charges are not
incurred, except in cases of unforeseen and bona fide emergency owing to sudden and
unexpected demand for an unusually large number of any particular denominations of
stamps, and are not due to want of care and consideration on the part of the officer-incharge of the branch depot or ex officio vendor in the submission of timely and adequate

indents on the local depot. With ordinary care the necessity for sending stamps by post or
by special messenger should seldom arise.
129. Letters or parcels containing stamps of Rs. 500 and up-wards to be kept at post
offices and delivered to authorized peons.- A letter or parcel

containing stamps of Rs.

500 and upwards shall bear the words "To be kept at the post office till called for by the
addressee", a letter of advice being sent to the addressee and it shall be necessary for him to
send an official (one of his authorized peons will be sufficient) for the letter or parcel with a
docket empowering him to receive and to give a receipt for the letter or parcel on behalf of
the addressee.
130. Preparation of packets,- Stamps intended for despatch shall be placed flat, between
board, wrapped in paper, folded in wax cloth, and then carefully scaled, after a slip of paper
has been placed in each packet naming the treasury at which it was packed and giving the
number and description of the contents and the name of the treasurer who counted the
contents. The Treasury or Sub-Treasury Officer shall satisfy himself regarding the contents
of the packets in the manner indicated in Rule. 78.
An invoice showing the stamps despatched in each case shall be prepared in duplicate
at the time the cases are packed. The Treasury Officer shall cheek the invoice with the
contents of the packets despatched and with the double and single lock issue registers
before the consignment are despatched, and certify on the invoice that the cheek has been
made. One copy of the invoice shall be placed in the consignment but when stamps are sent
by railway parcel the copy of the invoice shall be sent along with the railway receipt by the
post in a registered cover to the destination of the consignment. The other copy shall be
retained for record in the office of despatch.
131. Packing and despatch of boxes.-Stamps may be packed in treasure tumbrils or
smaller wooden boxes which shall be nailed down and bound with iron, without gunny
covering or ropes and the hoops shall be riveted or nailed together where they cross. Every

box shall bear the name of the despatching treasury out into or painted on it with a number.
The packets and boxes shall be weighed before despatch and the weight entered in the
invoice or letter of advice. Before delivery is taken on arrival at destination, the parcels
shall be re-weighed and any discrepancy in weight found on comparison with the railway
receipt or otherwise, shall be brought to the notice of the railway authorities or other
carrying agency.
132. Supply of stamps from one local depot to another or to the Controller or Junior
Secretary- All non-postal stamps from one local depot to

another, to the Controller of

Stamps or to the Junior Secretary shall either be sent by post in accordance with the
procedure given in Rule 119 or by rail insured for their intrinsic value.
In deciding whether a parcel is to be sent by post or by rail due regard should be paid
to economy and safety of stamps.
In very exceptional cases parcels may be sent by special messenger under police
protection in the same manner as cash remittances particularly if the total face value of the
stamps is unusually high or the consignment consists of several bulky boxes which, with
due regard to economy, can best be despatched in this manner. As laid down in Rule 128,
the District Officer is responsible for seeing that the emergency is bona fide.
133. Transmission of postage stamps and postal stationery- Parcels containing postage
stamps and postal and telegraph stationery sent to the Controller of Stamps or from one
treasury or sub-treasury to another shall be sent insured on postal service free of postal
charges. These parcels shall be insured for their intrinsic value. The charges in connexion
with the packing and conveyance shall be debited to the Posts and Telegraphs Department.
134. Rules for counting of stamps, etc., to he hung up in treasuries.- Rules for the
counting of stamps shall be hung up in treasuries for ready reference.

135. Restriction for entering the strong room- The entrance to the, strong room when
opened shall be restricted to authorized persons only. The Treasury Officer in consultation
with the treasurer shall prepare a list of persons who should be authorized to enter the
strong room and after its approval by the Collector it shall be hung up at the door of the
strong room in order to enforce its compliance.
136. Reference to Master, Security Printing, for the report of an expert about a
stamp.- In any doubtful cases where the opinion of an expert may be required on the
question whether a stamp is genuine or forged, reference should he made to the Master,
India Security Press, Nasik Road for his or his nominee's report.
Scale of fees of the expert.- (1) Rs. 20 for each stamp, Non-Judicial

Stamp paper,

embossed envelope, Post Cards, etc. examined consist of a block or blocks from the same
sheet, this fee will be charged for the examination of each block, as any of the stamp is
representative of the whole block;
(2) Rs. 40 for each stamped document (irrespective of the number of Stamps requiring
examination on a document), Non-Judicial Stamp paper, embossed envelope, Post Cards,
etc. examined on commission, provided that where more than one document etc., relating to
the same case is to be examined on the same day the charge will be, Rs. 40 far the first and
Rs. 20 for each subsequent document, non-judicial stamp paper, embossed envelope, Post
Card, etc.
The fees will be credited to "IIX-stamps central India Security Press".

Legal Practitioners' Stamps

137. Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, to distribute Legal practitioners'
Stamps.- Non-judicial stamps of the requisite denominations for over-printing Legal
Practitioners' Certificate shall be supplied by the Controller of Stamps, Nasik Road, to the

Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, United Provinces, who will be responsible for
distributing the over-printed stamps on indents submitted by treasury officers through the
Junior Secretary, Board of Revenue, United Provinces.
138. Rules for supply and distribution of stamps to apply mutatis mutandis.- Subject to
the provisions of these rules the rules which regulate the supply and distribution of stamps
shall mutatis mutandis, apply to these certificate stamps also.
139. Three copies of indents- Three copies of the indent shall be prepared. Two copies
shall be sent to the Junior Secretary and one copy shall be retained for use in the office.
140. Indents - Indents for replenishment of stock shall be submitted as follows (a) In respect of half-yearly certificate stamps to meet the estimated consumption for six
months as given belowPeriod covered by the indent

Latest date before which the indent should

reach the office of the Junior Secretary, Board
of Revenue, United Provinces.

January to June ...............

10th October of the previous year

July to December..............

10th April of each year

(b) In respect of whole year Le2al Practitioners' Certificate Stamps to meet the estimated
consumption during the calendar year so as to reach the office of the Junior Secretary by the
10th October along with the Six-monthly indent for January to June.
141. Statements from Superintendent, Printing and Stationary- The Superintendent,
Printing and Stationary, shall submit to the Junior Secretary, Board of Revenue, United
Provinces, a half-yearly statement in the months of January and July each year showing the
receipt of non-judicial stamps for printing Legal Practitioners' Certificates and distribution
of the over- printed stamps to District Officers.
Entertainments Tax Stamps

(See United Provinces Entertainments Tax Rules, 1937- Payment of tax by stamps).
142. Rules for supply and distribution of stamps apply mutatis mutandis. Subject to
the provisions of these rules the rules regulating supply and distribution of stamps shall
apply mutatis mutandis to the United Provinces Entertainments Tax Stamps.
143. Recommendation Of United Provinces Entertainments Tax stamps.-


following denominations of United Provinces Entertainments Tax Stamp shall he printed

and supplied by the Controller of Stamps Nasik Road, for use in the United Provinces :Ten naye paise, fifteen naya paise, twenty-five naye paise, fifty naye paise, one
rupee, one rupee fifty naye paise, two rupees and twenty five naye paise, three rupees and
fifty naye paise, four rupees and fifty naye paise and six rupees and fifty naye paise.
144. Separate indent for Entertainments Tax stamps.- A separate indent

shall be

prepared for these stamps which should not be included in the indents for judicial and nonjudicial stamps.
145. Only four monthly indents.- There shall be only four-monthly indents for
Entertainments Tax stamps. The indents shall be submitted to the Junior Secretary on the
following dates :August to November

15th February each year

December to March

15th June each year

April to July

15th October of the previous year

146. Four-monthly statement from Collector to Junior Secretary.- The Collector shall
submit every four months to the Junior Secretary, Board of Revenue, a statement in Form
12, Appendix B, so as to reach the office of the Junior Secretary at least one month before
the dates fixed for four monthly indents in the foregoing rule.

147. Bills for manufacturing Cost of Entertainment Tax stamps.- The Junior Secretary
shall scrutinize and pass the bills on account of the manufacturing cost of the United
Provinces Entertainments Tax Stamps.
148. Procedure for scrutiny of bills.-Of the two copies of' the bills received, the original
shall be retained in the office of the Joint Secretary, Board of Revenue, Uttar Pradesh,
Allahabad and the duplicate shall be returned to the Controller of Stamps with an
acceptance of debit and the payment of the bills shall be made by a demand draft drawn on
the State Bank of India, Nasik Road, in favour of General Manager, India Security Press,
Nasik Road.
[Rule 148 changed with effect from May 28, 1979 under Notification No. SR-2663/X500(11)-77, dated May 28, 1979].
149. Quarterly statement of expenditure.-The Board of Revenue shall submit to the
Provincial Government a quarterly statement of expenditure incurred in the province under
head "13-Other taxes and duties-Collection charges- Entertainrnents and Betting Tax". The
return should reach the Government by the 10th of the month following each quarter.

150. Only authorized persons to sell stamps, exceptions. No person, who is not duly
authorized in the manner hereinafter provided, shall be entitled to sell stamps of any
description other than ton naye paise revenue stamps. This, prohibition shall not apply(i)

to a legal practitioner or a banker, who buys a stock of stamps for uses in his own
business, and affixes them, when occasion requires to the documents he has to draw
up in the course of that business, the cost of the stamps being recovered from his
client or customer with the rest of his charges;

Provided that every court-fee label affixed by a legal practitioner to a document shall
be enfaced by him in the name of the client on whose behalf the document is presented to
the court. A label once so enfaced shall not be enfaced a second time.

to Government offices or Incorporated Companies or other body corporate in respect

of stamped paper used for printed forms of instruments for use by the persons
concerned with the business of that office, company or body, the cost of the stamp
being recovered from those persons.

151. Classes of vendors. There shall be two classes of vendors, namely (a) ex officio
vendors and (b) licensed vendors.
(a) The following persona shall be deemed to be ex officio vendors.

the treasurer of each district, with his salaried assistant or the agent of the
treasurer approved on his behalf by the collector. When the treasure's approved
agent in appointed as ex officio vendor, the treasure shall remain in every respect
responsible as surety for the said agent;


The Tahsildar of each Tahsil;


any salaried vendor who may be appointed by the Provincial Government.


the officer-in-charge of every Post Office at which letters are received for
despatch (for the sale of adhesive revenue stamps of ten naye paise denomination

(b) The Collector may grant a licence for vend to any of the following persons, namely;

lambardars of villages;


bakshis in towns under the provisions of the United Provinces Town Areas Act.,
1914 (II of 1914);




kuk amins;


Postmasters at places other than the headquarters of a district or a tahsil;


village school masters;

(vii) the Nazir, head copyist or other responsible official attached to a Civil, Criminal
or Revenue Court at which no salaried vendor has been appointed and where there
is not other licensed vendor;
(viii) an official on the staff of a Presiding Officer of a Court in camp;

patwaris in the districts of Almora, Nainital and Garhwal; and


any other person deemed by the Collector to be a fit and proper person for the sale
of stamps;

Approved to appointment required in certain cases - Provided that in the case of the
appointment of postmasters and school masters the previous approval of the "PostmasterGeneral" and the "Chairman of the Education Committee of the District Board" respectively
shall be obtained.
152. Sale of stamps by licensed vendors and restrictions therefor. (a) Licensed
vendors shall sell to the public such stamps as are indicated in their licenses.
(b) Licensed vendors shall ordinarily be allowed to sell:(i)

court-fee stamps not exceeding the aggregate value of Rs. 500/- for one


non-judicial stamps not exceeding the aggregate value of Rs. 500/- for one

The Collector may, for special reasons, to be recorded in writing raise the said limit to












Rs.1,000 may be authorised in special cases by Board of Revenue, Uttar Pradesh,

(c) Any person aggrieved by an order of the Collector under sub-rule (b) may, within
thirty days thereof, prefer an appeal to the Board of Revenue, Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad or
any officer authorised by the Board in this behalf, whose decision thereon shall be final and
153. Form of license- There shall be two forms of licences for vend of stamps (1) for use of
official licensed vendors, and (2) for use of non-official licensed vendors.
B.R. Stamp form No. 360
Licence for the sale of stamps by official vendors under the Indian Stamp Act., 1899 (II of
1899) and the Court Fees Act, 1870 (VII of 1870).
Licence is hereby granted toName_____________________________________________________________
Place of vend_______________________________________________________
Description of stamps_________________________________________________
Value of stamps_____________________________________________________
Commencing from___________________________________________________
subject to the rules framed on this behalf by the Governor of Uttar Pradesh under the Indian
Stamps Act, 1899 (II of 1899), the Court Fees Act, 1870 (VII of 1870). The infringement of
any of these rules shall render the licensee liable to the penalty prescribed in Sec. 69 of the
Indian Stamp Act/34 of the "Court Fees Act", viz., imprisonment for a term which may
extended to six months, or fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or both.
(1) Description of stamps

(Her enter description and value

of stamps which may be sold)

(2) Value of stamps_________


Note: A combined license may be granted for the sale of general and court-fees stamps.

B.R. Stamp form No. 360A
Licence for the sale of stamps by non-judicial vendors under the Indian Stamp Act., 1899
(II of 1899) and the Court Fees Act, 1870 (VII of 1870).
Licence is hereby granted toName_____________________________________________________________
Father's Name______________________________________________________
Place of vend_______________________________________________________
Description of stamps_________________________________________________
Aggregate amount up to which the vendor may sell for one document or
Court fee___________________________________________________________
For the period of_____________________________________________________
Commencing from___________________________________________________

subject to the rules framed on this behalf by the Governor of Uttar Pradesh under the Indian
Stamps Act, 1899 (II of 1899), the Court Fees Act, 1870 (VII of 1870). The infringement of
any of these rules shall render the licensee liable to the penalty prescribed in Sec. 69 of the
Indian Stamp Act/34 of the "Court Fees Act", viz., imprisonment for a term which may
extended to six months, or fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or both.
(1) Description of stamps

(Her enter description and value

of stamps which may be sold)






vendor may sell one document or instrument.

Court fee___________________________________________________________


Date of inspection of accounts by the Treasury or Sub-Treasury Officer concerned.



of Date of which Signature

licence expires collector

of Date of inspection
of sale accounts by
Treasury or SubTreasury


Note: A combined license may be granted for the sale of general and court-fees stamps.

154. Revocation of licence. A license may be revoked at any time by the Provincial
Government or by the authority who granted it.
155. Duties of ex officio vendors- Ex officio vendors shall supply stamps to the public and
to licensed vendors and shall allow discount to the latter at the rates and under the
conditions hereinafter prescribed.
156. Sale of stamps to non-official vendors weekly. Licensed vendors shall be allowed to
purchase stamps from the local or branch depot ordinarily once a week, equal to their
estimated demand for one week, based on the average sales of the last few weeks. If after a
weekly purchase, the sales of any vendor have been heavy and his stock have run short
within the week, he shall be allowed to purchase on another day of the weak when the
treasury is open, equal to the probable consumption for the remaining part of the week.
157. Method of supply of stamps to licensed vendors.- Licensed vendors shall obtain
stamps from ex officio vendors at local and branch depots on payment of ready money
(less the discount hereinafter prescribed) Provided that persons in the service of the Crown licensed under Rule 151 (b) may
obtain stamps as an advance, without payment, in accordance with rule 158.
158. Method of supply of stamps to official vendors.- A person in the service of the
Grown on being licensed, shall receive an advance of stamps not exceeding in value one
months' pay or, with the special sanction of the Board of Revenue, of greater value. He
shall, on receiving such advance give a receipt for the money value of the stamps advance
and the receipt shall be renewed half yearly in the manner provided for permanent advances
by the Accounts department. When he ceases to sell, he shall refund the value entered in the
receipt either in money or in stamps of any kind, which he has been authorized to sell, and
the receipt shall then be returned.

159. Advance of stamps to he made from doable lock.- Advances shall be made from the
stock of stamps under double lock and shall, therefore, be shown in the Treasury Officer's
double lock register.
160. Advance register.- The advances shall also be shown in a separate register in Form
No. 29, Appendix B, and every item entered in it shall be initiated by the Treasury Officer.
This register shall be inspected every month when the treasury plus and minus
memorandum is prepared, and the Treasury Officer shall see that he possesses all the
receipts duly renewed whenever necessary, and that the unadjusted advances are correctly
included in the balances shown in the plug and minus memorandum in which details of
such advances shall invariably be furnished.
161. Discount.- Every licensed vendor who purchases non-judicial, court-fee or copy
stamps from the Government treasury by payment of ready money shall receive the same at
a discount of Re. 1.00 per cent of the face value of the stamps.

If the discount

permissible contains a fraction of 4 rupee, any such fraction, in excess of the nearest lower
multiple of five paise shall be ignored:
Provided that no discount shall be allowed
(a) on any stamps supplied on any material furnished by the purchaser himself ;
(b) unless stamps of an aggregate value of not less than Rs. 5 are purchased at one
time ;
(c) on the fraction of only one rupee ; and
(d) on account of purchase or adhesive revenue stamps.
162. Special challan form.- In order to introduce a departmental cheek over the
rates of discount paid to vendors of stamps, at Places where stamps are sold by Government
and at other places a special form of challan (form No. 8, Appendix B) is prescribed to be
used by all licensed vendors in making purchases from a treasury or sub-treasury.

163. Cheek of discount and quantity indented at the local depot.- The challan shall be
filled in by the vendor in triplicate according to his requirements and signed by him and
made over to the stamp clerk, who shall, before presenting the same, to the treasury or subtreasury, cheek the quantity indented from the sales of previous weeks on the principle laid
down in Rule 1-6 and the discount to be paid at the rates admissible under the, existing
orders and sign the certificate as to its correctness at the foot of the challan. If the quantity
indented is substantially more than the average weekly sales, the matter will be brought to
the notice of the officer-in-charge, who may, after examining the circumstances under
which greater quantity has been indented, have the quantity fixed accordingly. One copy of
the challan shall be retained by the vendor, the second by the treasury and the third by the
stamp clerk for use in the preparation of monthly and quarterly accounts.
164. Cheek of discount in branch depots.- In the case of sales of stamps to vendor of
tahsils the tahsil official responsible for stamps shall carry out the cheek prescribed to be
made by the stamp clerk at the headquarters of a district, and, after the transaction has been
effected in the sub-treasury, shall forward the challan intended for the stamp clerk to that'
official, without delay, for final verification and incorporation in his accounts.
165. Exchange of stamps.- A licensed vendor may be allowed to exchange unsold stamps
which are fit for use for other stamps of the same value.
166. Arrangement for transmission of stamps and cash cases of certain vendors.- In
cases where it is out of the power of an official or authorized vendor to arrange himself for
the transmission, of stamps or cash, one or other of the following agencies may be
employed as may be found suitable and economical individual cases (1) transmission of either stamps or cash by tahsil chaprasi
(2) supply of stamps through the post in insured parcels ; and
(3) remittance of the sale proceeds by postal money order.

The charges on account of money order commission and postal and insurance
charges shall be debited to the district stamp (contract) contingent grant.
167. Stamps to he delivered on demand by Collector.- Every licensed vendor shall, it any
tirce, on the demand of the Collector deliver all stamps, or any class of stamps, remaining in
his possession together with his registers.
168. Stamps received back from a vendor to he restored in stores.- Stamp sheets or
labels which are received back from a vendor, or his heirs, and are fit for re-issue, may be
replaced in store.
169. Stamps received back from a vendor to he restored in store.- When

stamps are

returned into the Collector's store on:

(a) resignation of licence by the vendor ;
(b) revocation of licence for any fault of the licensee
(c) application of the vendor for leave to restore any stamp
the stamps may be taken back at their full value. less a deduction of ten

naya paise

in the rupee but when they are returned on(d) death of the vendor
(e) expiration of licence ;
(f) recall of stamps by the Government
(g) revocation of licence for any other cause than any fault of the licensee
they may be taken back at their full value less only any discount allowed on their sale to
the licensed vendor.
170. Signboard of licensed vendors.- Every licensed vendor shall at all times keep affixed
at a conspicuous position outside the place of vend, a signboard bearing the name of the
vendor with the words "Licensed vendor of general or/and court fee stamps" as the case

may be, in English, Hindi and Urdu. He shall also keep in his place of vend the Acts of
Legislature referring to stamps sold by him and their Schedules, together with these rules in
English, Hindi and Urdu, placed so that they may be readily seen and read by purchasers.
171. Stock of stamps with licensed vendors.- Every licensed vendor shall keep such stock
of stamps including one ton naya paise adhesive re- venue stamps as the Collector may
consider sufficient to meet the demand likely to be made upon the licensed vendor for their
172. Restriction in the sale of stamps by vendors.- No vendor shall sell any stamps the
use of which has been ordered to be discontinued by competent authority nor any stamp
received from any other source than a Government treasury in the United Provinces.
173. Over charge strictly prohibited.- No vendor shall demand or accept for any stamps
more than the actual value denoted thereon, and ever vendor shall without delay deliver
any stamp which he has in his possession for sale on demand by any person tendering the
value in currency which would be accepted on behalf of the Crown by the Collector.
174. Supply of requisite stamps.- When a person applies for an impressed sheet of a
particular value, a sheet of that exact value shall, if in stock be furnished to him.
175. Procedure when the stamp of the requisite value As not in stock.- Should no sheet
of the particular value required be in stock, the officer-in- charge of the treasury, or the ex
officio or licensed vendor as the case may be, shall be bound to supply the smallest number
of sheets which he can furnish so as to make up the required value.
176. Restriction regarding making up of value of stamp.- A licensed vendor shall in no
circumstances supply a number of sheets or labels to make up a stamp of a value exceeding
the hi-best value for which he is authorize to sell stamps.
177. [Deleted].

178. Particulars to he entered on impressed sheets - (a) Every vendor, of stamps shall
endorse on the back of each impressed sheet (other than impressed sheets bearing the word,
Hindi') sold by him to the public, in English, Hindi or Urdu character, the serial number, the
value of stamps in full in words, the name, parentage and residence of the purchaser, the
nature and value of the instrument or document for which the stamp/s is/are sold. If the
vendor supplies more than one stamp sheet of smaller denomination to make up the value
actually required by the purchaser, he shall note down on the first sheet, the above
particulars and also the number and value of other sheets so supplied by him for the
purpose. Every other sheet so used, shall be shown as enclosure to the first sheet and also
shall contain the value, date of sale, serial number and name and parentage of the purchaser.
The Stamp vendor shall legibly write or stamp on each sheet sold by him his name, license
number and the place of vend. At same time he shall make corresponding entries in a
register to be, kept by him in the form hereinafter prescribed.
(b) When an adhesive court-fee label with or without the words 'for copies only' inscribed
thereon, is sold, the vendor shall insert at the time of sale the name and residence of the
purchaser and the date of sale on the blank space on the face of the label for that purpose
and also shall legibly write or stamp his name, licence number and place of vend on the
label sold by him and shall sign the same '

Provided that in the case of a purchaser whose

identity can be clearly indicated, the vendor need not record his parentage but shall give his
designation in such a manner as to leave no doubt about his identity.
Notes-(1) Mahajani character shall not be used in place of Hindi in making the
endorsements on impressed sheets or adhesive court fee labels. A person must not he
licensed to sell stamps unless he can write the Hindi or Urdu character.
(2) By the word "PURCHASER" is meant the person who actually pays for and receives the
stamps from the hands of the vendor. If such person represents that he is purchasing the
stamps on behalf of some other person, the names of both the persons shall be entered in the

endorsement on the stamp and in case of sale of impressed stamps also in the register meant
for entering the sale of impressed stamps.
179. Register of sales.- Every vendor shall keep two registers (1) for impressed general stamps (other than impressed stamps beating the word "Hindi);
(2) for impressed court-fee stamps.
The register shall be in the following form :
Register of daily sales of Stamps


of Description of value
of Name, percentage,
in residence
full in words purchaser

In the beginning of each volume shall be entered the name of the vendor, the date on
which the register is brought into use and the number of pages it contains, each page being
numbered. On completion it shall be deposited in the Collector's office.
In the case of sale of stamps of the value of Rs. 5 or above, the vendor shall take the
signature of the purchaser in column 5 of the register.
180. Closing of accounts.- Every vendor shall every day total up the entries on account of
sales of impressed stamps and shall also show the balances at the close of each day.

181. False endorsement or enforcement or entry prohibited.- No vendor shall

knowingly make a false endorsement or enforcement on a stamp sold or a false entry in his
register of sales.
182. Inspection, of vendor accounts.- Every vendor shall allow the Collector, or any
officer duly authorized by the Collector, or by the Provincial Government, at any time, to
inspect his accounts and registers and to examine the store of stamps in his possession.
183. Cheek of the sales of stamps from the single lock.- The Treasury and Sub-treasury
Officer shall occasionally inspect the sale-accounts of the licensed stamps vendors and
check them with the sale account of the officio vendors to see that the stamps entered as
received from the treasury in the registers of the licensed stamp vendors are also entered as
sales in the accounts of the ex officio vendor. A test check of about 5 per cent of the officio
vendor total entries in a register should suffice. The Treasury and Sub-treasury officers
shall carry out the above cheek at least once a year in the case of each stamp vendor.
184. Register of licensed vendors.- A register of persons licensed to sell stamps shall be
maintained in the Collector's office. It shall contain the following Headings.
(a) date of licence
(b) name of licensee
(c) permanent address of licensee
(d) place of vend ;
(e) description of stamps to be sold under the licence
(f) highest denomination of stamps which the licensee is authorized to

sell ;

(g) remarks (this column will show any changes that may take place
the year).


185. Revision of register in Collector's office.- The aforesaid register shall be revised
annually. At the time of revision the lapsed licences should be, called in and destroyed and
the sale registers kept by the vendors should be inspected to ensure that they are properly
kept up.
Note- For rules for the sale of postage stamps see rules 104 to 113 in Chapter III.


186. District Stamp Officer- The Collector shall place, subject to his control, an officer-incharge of the Stamp department in the district, who shall be designated the District Stamp
Officer. The names of all the officers who have been in-charge during the year should be
mentioned in the Collector's annual report on the stamp administration.
187. Duties of District Stamp Officer.-The District Stamp Officer should understand that
the duty of administering stamp law includes (a) the supervision of vend and arranging that proper facilities for obtaining stamps are
provided ;
(b) ascertaining that the requirements of the law are generally known ;
(c) watching the extent to which the different kinds of stamps are used, noting where there
is any decrease, and ascertaining the cause by inquiry in the proper quarter, so that it may
be verified that it is not due to neglect of the law ;
(d) ascertaining from time to time by examination of a few files in the record room, taken at
random, that the directions for punching stamps contained in Section 30 of the Court Fees

Act and in the rules in Chapter VIII of these rules are properly carried out by the officials of
the Civil, Revenue and Criminal Courts in the district.
188. Note-book.- The District Stamps Officer shall maintain a note- book for recording a
brief abstract of his proceedings month by month, in the book being transferred to his
successors in order to show, at a glance how the results on which the annual note is to be
sent, have been obtained. The Collector shall see, by periodical inspections or otherwise,
that the rules and orders relating to stamp matters are strictly observed.
189. Inspection-book.- The District Stamp Officer shall also maintain an inspection-book
in which he shall enter the result of his periodical examination of the different record rooms
in the district. The Collector shall satisfy himself at the close of each quarter that the
inspections of the record rooms have been effective.
190. Habitual over-stamping.- When a Collector finds that a class of documents is
habitually over-stamped, he should notify the fact to the persons who are likely to fall into
or lead others into such mistakes.
191. Acceptance of cash in lieu of stamp prohibited.- The acceptance of money in lieu of
stamp duties or court-fees by all persons in the service of the Crown is strictly prohibited
unless they are specially authorized to do so by law or rule having the force of law.
192. Report of injury or damage to stamps.- When non-postal stamps that are the
property or the Provincial Government in store, in double or single lock, ire injured by
vermin, damp or other cause, or are rendered unfit for issue through the mistake of any
official, the officer-in-charge of the local depot shall report the matter without delay to the
Collector of the district with the following particulars :(1) the description, number and face value of the damaged stamps;
(2) the date on which the treasury stock was last examined
(3) the date on which the damage was first noticed ;

(4) the circumstances under which the injury occurred

(5) the cause and responsibility of the official for the loss, if any ; and
(6) steps taken or proposed to be taken to prevent recurrence of such damage in the future.
193. Partially injured stamps to he sent to Junior Secretary.- The officer-in-charge of
the local depot shall also send the partially injured stamps to the Junior Secretary, Board of
Revenue, United Province, together with the particular referred to in Rule 192, in
accordance with the provisions laid down in Rule 117-A, for destruction and writing off
the value from the stock accounts.
Damaged adhesive stamps in loose labels should be pasted on sheet or sheets of paper to
facilitate verification before transmission to the Junior Secretary.

194. Report of injury or damage to stamps by Collector to Commissioner "[Deleted].

195. Action to be taken by the Commissioner on the report received by him under
Rule 194.- On receipt of report from the officer-in-charge of the Local Depot in accordance
with Rule 192, the Collector may institute such further enquiries as he may deem necessary
and shall make a report to the Board of Revenue of action taken by him or suggest such
action as he may consider suitable for writing off the loss under Rule 196.
196. Writing off of irrecoverable value in such cases.- The power to write off the
irrecoverable value of completely destroyed stamps in store, the values of which cannot be
distinguished, is vested in the State Government who have delegated to the Board of
Revenue the power to writ off the loss of such stamps up to the value of Rs. 200, subject to
the condition that the loss does not disclose(1) a defect of system the amendment of which requires the orders of higher authority; or

(2) serious negligence on the part of some individual officer or officers which might
possibly call for disciplinary action requiring the orders of higher authority.

197. Writing off of loss to Central revenues.- The State Government have delegated to
the Board inter alia the power to writ off up to a limit of Rs. 1,000, the irrecoverable value
of stores or public money lost by fraud, or the negligence of individuals or other causes,
when the loss in each case falls on Central revenues. They have also delegated the power to
write off up to a limit of Rs. 100, advances made from Central revenues subject to the
conditions specified in Rule 196.

198. Writing off of loss to Provincial revenues.- The State Government have also
delegated to the Board inter aria the power to write off up to a limit of Rs. 1,000, the
irrecoverable value of stamps lost by fraud or the negligence of individuals, or other causes
when the loss in each case tails on Provincial revenues, subject to the conditions specified
in Rule 196.

199. Procedure on discovery of deficiency or embezzlement.- In the event of any

deficiency or embezzlement of stamps coming to light the Collector shall at once send up a
preliminary report to the Board of Revenue. Simultaneously a copy of the report shall also
be submitted to the Accountant General. Later on when the Collector's inquiries are
complete, he shall submit a full report on the case to the Accountant General who will
forward the report with any remark which he might desire to make for the orders of the
Board of Revenue or the State Government, if necessary.
Note- Rules 196, 197 and 198 as reproduced above have to be read keeping in view G. 0.
No. A-2-1637/X-14 (1)-75, dated June 26, 1975, laying down that irrecoverable

losses of stores of public money (including loss of stamps) can be written off by the
Administrative Department up to a limit of Rs.10,000 and by the Head of Department
up to a limit of Rs.5,000.
200. Forgery or fraud- On the occurrence of any forgery or fraudulent alteration or
fraudulent re-use of stamps, the case shall be reported in the manner described in Rule 199.
Full particulars must be given of the nature of the forgery or fraud perpetrated, and,
whenever it is possible, specimens should accompany the report.
201. References to the Board of Revenue.- References by Collectors to the Chief
Controlling Revenue Authority under See. 56 of the Stamp Act shall be made in strict
accordance with the procedure prescribed by the law. The statement of the case should be
full and clear. The Collector should not whether he is acting under See. 31, 40 or 41 of that
Act and should specify clearly the point on which he feels doubt. The Collector should
express his own opinion and his reasons therefor, quoting any ruling or order on which he
may rely. The document itself, together with an English translation, should be submitted
along with any such references.
202. Vigilance required to enforce the use of receipt stamps.- Officers authorized to
impound documents under Section 33 of the Stamp Act, when on tour and encamped near
towns should take steps to explain to the traders and shop-keepers the necessity of
observing the law regarding stamping of receipts for sums exceeding Rs. 20. Should any
instance come to notice in which persons oil that classes have failed to comply with the law,
exemplary punishment should be awarded and not merely a nominal fine.
203. Use of Foreign Bill stamps.- Collectors should bring to the notice of bankers and
traders, specially in large towns which are adjacent to Indian States, that Foreign Bill
Stamps are meant to be used on bills of exchange or "hundis" drawn out of, but negotiated
in, British India but not on those drawn in British India for negotiation beyond it.

204. Notice to he given when order under Section 40 (b) made in the absence of party
concerned.- Whenever a Collector exercises power under Section 40 (b) of the Stamp Act
in the absence of the party concerned or his properly authorized counsel he should he
careful to serve a notice on the party from whom the stamp duty and penalty are due, fixing
a reasonable time within which they must be paid and drawing his attention to the provisions of Rule 205 also.
No process fees shall be realized on notices served for the realization of stamp duty
and penalty.
205. Instruments to he kept for three years from date of notice.- Instruments in respect
of which the Collector makes an order for levy of deficit duty and penalty under Section 40
of the Stamp Act, shall when the duty and penalty are not promptly recovered, be kept in
the Collector's office for three years from the date of a notice to be given to the party
concerted. If the deficit duty and penalty are not paid within three years the document shall
then be destroyed, the Sub-Registrar being informed of the Collector's order.
206. Instrument stamped in stamping offices to be examined; these offices do not
determine duty.-All officers empowered to impound documents under Section 33 of the
Stamp Act, should examine instruments stamped in a stamping office in the same manner as
other instruments coming before them in the discharge of their duties. The stamping offices
do not determine stamp duty. They merely affix a stamp of the value desired by the

Sugarcane Inspectors to be empowered.- Collectors should empower Sugarcane

Inspectors under Section 73 of the Stamp Act, to see that agreements entered into by Sugar
Mills are properly stamped. These Inspectors should consult the Chief Inspector of Stamps,
when they are in doubt about the duty chargeable on any instrument.
208. Register of demands and collections.- When a Collector passes an order under
Section 40 (b) of the Stamp Act, it virtually creates a demand

in respect of which

recoveries might be made by distress and sate of movable property of the persons from
whom the same are due or by any other process for the time being in force for the recovery
of arrears of a land revenue. A register in Form No. 29, Appendix B, showing all demands
and collections imposed under Chapter V of the Stamp Act shall he opened and maintained
in the office of the Collector and the progress in realization and the arrears shall be reported
in the annual note.
209. Power to write off.- The Collector is empowered to write of as irrecoverable any
amount due on account of duty, penalty or otherwise under Chapter IV of the Stamp Act, if
it appears to him that the amount cannot be recovered.
210. Courts to confine themselves to instruments under notice.- When a book of
account or similar series of papers is produced before a court as evidences. Regarding any
instrument contained therein, the court should ordinarily confine itself to the instrument or
instruments actually under notice. This rule does not however apply to Collectors, District
Stamp Officers and the Chief -Inspector and Inspectors of Stamps or any other officer
whose duty it is to prevent and detect every evasion of stamp duty.
211. Applications under Section 61 of the Stamp Act.- When the Collector makes an
application under Section 61 of the Stamp Act to the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad
or the Chief Court of Oudh at Lucknow, a copy of the application together with a copy of
the document concerned should always be sent to the Junior Secretary to the Board of
Revenue for information and necessary action. It is not necessary to send such papers
relating to similar applications to District Judges.
212. Intimation by Collectors to Sub-Registrars.- When Collectors levy

duty and

penalty on deficiently stamped registered documents they should give intimation thereof to
the Sub-Registrars in whose office the document was Presented for registration irrespective
of the fact whether the Sub-Registrar impounded the document or not.

213. Duties of record-keepers etc. -Rewards- All subordinate officials should ascertain
that documents which it is their duty to examine are properly stamped. When detection of
deficit duty is made outside the course of the routine duty of the officials, or when it is
made by record- keepers, rewards may be given fox the special service under Rule 249.
214. Infringement statement.- All infringements of stamp law and action taken in respect
of instruments brought to notice as unstamped or insufficiently stamped during each month
shall be shown in a monthly statement to be submitted by the Collector to the Board of
Revenue. The statement should be in Form No. 10, Appendix B1. The instructions printed
at the foot of the form should be carefully observed in preparing the statement. Cases
undisposed remaining at the close of month should invariably be continued in the statement
of succeeding months until decided.
215. Non-judicial stamp sheets for payment of duty or licence fees to he cancelled.Non-judicial stamps filed in payment of stamp duty in

partition cases or in payment of

licence fees under the Arms Act, Poisons Act, Explosives Act, or any other Act, should be
properly cancelled as soon as the stamps are filed or utilized. Omission in this respect is
likely to lead to fraud.
216. Prohibition of use of the police.- The police should never be employed to realize
stamp duty or court-fee in respect of under-stamped documents presented in courts.
217. Departmental action against officials negligent regarding court-fee.where it is not possible for the court to recover any deficit court-fee

In cases

from the party

concerned on account of the court having parted with the seisin of the case, the case should
be deposited without the recovery of the deficiency but departmental action should be taken
against the official who was responsible for causing loss to Government. The official found
to be at fault may be given an opportunity to make good the deficiency before departmental
action is taken against him for causing loss to Government by his negligence or ignorance
of the lawyer rules.

A-Stamp duty
218. Reference to provisions for refund in Stamp Act; period of limitation extended in
cases of special hardship.- The refund or renewal of the value of spoiled stamps shall be
made strictly in accordance with Section 49 to 55, Chapter V of Stamp Act, and the
applications must be made within

the periods prescribed by See. 50. But in cases where

the period allowed by the Act for refund or renewal has operated as a serious hardship and
the holders of spoiled or useless stamps, or stamps not required for immediate use are,
without any fraudulent motive, unavoidably prevented from applying for relief within the
prescribed period, the Collector is authorized to allow refund or renewals of spoilt or
useless stamps or the repurchase of stamps not required provided that the application for
refund or renewal is made within two years from the date of purchase of the stamps or
within two years from the date on which the stamps were spoiled or rendered useless .
Provided further that the State Government may, irrespective of any time limit,
dispose of applications for relief in the cases contemplated in the above proviso in which
the period of two years has expired.
219. Evidence as to circumstances of claim to refund or renewal.- The Collector may
require any person claiming a refund or renewal under Chapter V of the Stamp Act, or his
duly authorized agent, to make an oral deposition on oath or affirmation or to file an
affidavit, setting forth the circumstances under which the claim has arisen, and may also, if
he thinks fit, call for the evidence of witnesses in support of the statement set forth in any
such deposition or affidavit.

220. Evidence to he taken before refund orders are passed. -A Collector is not
authorized to delegate to any other officer the power of administering an oath or affirmation
in inquiries such as are referred to in Rule 219.
Necessary evidence should generally be taken before refund orders are passed, and
reliance should not be placed solely on the stamp officer's report or the unsupported
allegations of claimants for refund.
221. Unavoidable circumstances.- Clear proof should be required that the failure to apply
for relief within the period prescribed by the Stamp Act was really due to unavoidable
circumstances. For instance, it is not sufficient that an applicant should merely state that he
was unwell; he must produce satisfactory evidence that he was, as a fact, incapacitated by
illness from applying for the refund.
222. Refund of stamp duty and penalty.- Refund under Section 45 of the Stamp Act
should be by application in writing to the Collector who should forward it to the Chief
Controlling Revenue Authority. Such application should bear court-fee as an application to
a Collector. While forwarding the application for the orders of the Chief Controlling
Revenue Authority, the Collector should submit the file of the case containing the original
document bearing the endorsement of the payment of duty and penalty and an English
translation of the same. The Collector should also express his own opinion on the merits of
the application.
223. Refund of value of court-fee paid on application.- The Chief Controlling Revenue
Authority when ordering a refund of excess stamp duty under Section 45 of the Stamp Act,
shall, at the same time, order the payment to the applicant of an amount equal to the courtfee paid on his application for the refund.

214. Renewal of damaged or spoiled stamps.- If any person possessed of a damaged or

spoiled impressed sheet, delivers up the same to the Collector for cancellation and applies
for its renewal within six months after the

stamp has become damaged or spoiled, the

Collector may, if satisfied of the sufficiency of the grounds of the application, cancel and
renew such stamp.
225. Renewal defined.- For the purpose of Rule 224 the renewal of damaged or spoiled
stamps means the supply in lieu thereof of a fresh stamp or stamps of a similar kind and of
equal value ; or, if required, and the Collector thinks fit, stamps of any other description to
the same amount in value.
226. Stamps when to he deemed damages. [Under Section 21 (1) of the Court Fees Act,
1870, as substituted by the U. P. Court Fee (Amendment) Act, 1938 (XIX of 1938)].A stamp shall be deemed to he damaged or spoiled in the, cases hereinafter mentioned
(i) When the stamp or the paper on which it is impressed or affixed has been inadvertently
or undesignedly spoiled, obliterated or by any means rendered permanently unfit for use
whether the said paper be written on or not ;
(ii) When by reason of some material error in the writing or copying of a stamped document
it shall have become of no avail;
(iii) When the purpose intended to be effected by a stamped document has been effected by
some other document duly stamped;
(iv) In cases in which the plaint for filing a suit has been written on the stamp but has not
been presented to the court, the necessity for doing so having ceased to exist;
(v) When an instrument chargeable with duty under the Stamp Act, is by mistake executed
on an impressed court-fee stamp and has been endorsed under Section 42 of the Stamp Act.

227. Refund of the value of court-fee stamps and labels.- (i) When any

person is

possessed of impressed court-fee stamps for which he has no immediate use, or which have
been spoiled or rendered unfit or useless for the purpose intended or
(ii) when any person is possessed of two or more (in the case of denominations below Rs. 5.
four or more) court-fee adhesive labels which have never been detached from each other
and for which he has no immediate use the Collector shall, on application repay to him after
deducting ten naya paise in the rupee, the value of such stamps or labels in money, upon
such person delivering up the same to he cancelled unless it is a document mentioned in
clause (v) of the Rule 226, and proving to the Collector's satisfaction that they: were
purchased by him with bona fide intention to use them, that he has paid the lull price
thereof, and that they were so purchased, or in the case of impressed court-fee stamps, so
purchased, spoiled or rendered useless, within the period of six months preceding the date
on when they are so delivered endorsed'
Provided that the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority may, in special cases, allow
refunds when the application is made within one year from the date of the purchase of the
stamps or labels, or also in the case of impressed court-fee stamps, within one year from the
date on which the stamps were spoiled or rendered useless.
228. The Chief Controlling Revenue Authority may sanction the refund or
replacement of detached as - well as spoiled court-fee adhesive labels in cases of special
hardship after a deduction of ten naya paise per rupee, provided that the application for
refund is made within one year.
229. When adhesive labels are attached to impressed court-fee stamp sheets, in accordance
with the directions contained in Rule 34, Chapter 11, such labels, or where a receipt is
affixed to a document in terms of sub- rule (4) of Rule 38-A, such labels or receipts as the
case may be, shall be regarded as impressed stamps for the purposes of refund under these

Procedure in cases of refund to stamp duty and court-fee

230. Power of District Stamp Officer in refund cases.-The District Stamp Officer shall
exercise the powers of a Collector in respect of refund and renewal of stamps (including
replacement of stamps into store) not exceeding Rs. 100 in value.
231. Record of reasons.- When a Collector grants an application for refund or renewal he
shall, then and there, record his reasons for so doing.
232. Proceedings.- No part of the proceedings taken on an application for refund or
renewal shall he recorded on the stamped paper, tendered with such application, except as
specifically provided by these rules.
233. Order for renewal or refund.-The order for renewal, or for the payment of the
amount to be refunded, shall be conspicuously endorsed on any available space or the
stamped paper itself and shall be signed and dated by the Collector. It shall be addressed to
the officer-in-charge of the local treasury and shall Endorsement on the stamped paper-(a)
in the case of renewal, state the numbers and values of stamps to be issued in exchange,
(b) in the case of refund, direct the payment, in words and figures, of the actual sum due,
after all deductions required by the existing rules have been made, and
(c) shall name the recipient
234. Punching of stamped paper.- Before delivery to the applicant the stamped paper shall
be impressed with a special rubber "cancelled" seal supplied for the purpose and shall be
fully punched at four different places, the punched portions of all figure-heads being,
removed in the process.
235. Mode of cancelling original debenture on refund under Section 55.- When the
Collector makes a refund under Section 55 of the Stamp Act, he shall cancel the original

debenture by impressing for writing on or across it the word "cancelled" and his usual
signature with the date thereof.
236. Receipt of payee and treasurer's "paid" seal.- The applicant shall then endorse on
the stamped paper an acknowledgment of the receipt of fresh stamps or of payment, as the
case may be, and present it to the Treasury Officer. The treasury order for renewal or
payment shall he written on the same paper which shall also bear an impress of the
treasurer's "Paid" Seal.
237. Non-postal stamps on payment of refund to he transmitted to Accountant
General.- Stamps that are the property of the State Government and that have been
cancelled on payment of cash refund shall be transmitted to the Accountant General by the
treasury officer with his "List of payments". In the case of renewals, i.e. exchange of stamps
for new stamps of the same or other denominations the value of stamps given in exchange
shall be shown in column 12 of the pits and minus memorandum and the cancelled stamps
shall be attached to it in support of the entry.
238. Court-fee stamp endorsed under See. 42 of Stamp Act.- When a court-fee, stamp is
endorsed under Section 42 of the Stamp Act, Rules 233 to 237 shall not apply but a copy of
the order sanctioning the refund, with the applicant's receipt for the money endorsed on it,
shall be transmitted to the Accountant General as a voucher,
239. Application of rules to impressed and other adhesive labels, etc.- The above rules
shall apply mutatis mutandis for the refund of impressed adhesive labels (i.e. labels affixed
in the office of the Board of Revenue or of the District Officer of Meerut, Lucknow or
Kanpur), to foreign bill, notarial and share transfer stamps affixed to instruments, and to
labels affixed to impressed sheets.
240. Destruction of detached adhesive stamp- In cases in which a refund of the value of
adhesive stamps is admissible the Collector shall destroy them by burning at the time he

signs the refund voucher, and shall thereupon endorse on the voucher a certificate to the
effect that the labels have been destroyed in his presence.
241. Order sheet.- In order to systematize the procedure in regard to the disposal of
applications for refunds, and with a view to facilitating the labours of inspecting officers, an
order sheet in Form No. 9, Appendix B, shall be used; it should be attached to the
vernacular record of the case before deposit in the record room. This form should be filled
up in English by the District Stamp Officer before submitting the case to the Collector.
242. Procedure when refund is not taken or evidence not furnished with- In one year
of Collector's order- When an application is made for refund or renewal under the Stamp
or Court Fees Acts in respect of a stamp which has been spoiled or misused or for which the
applicant has had no immediate use or on the renewal of a debenture and an order is passed
by the Collector sanctioning the allowance or calling for further evidence in support of the
application, then. If the amount of the allowance or the stamp given in lieu thereof is not
taken, or if the further evidence required is not furnished, as the case may be, by the
applicant within one year of the date of such order, the application shall he struck off, and
the spoiled or misused stamps (if any) sent to the Junior Secretary, Board of Revenue,
United Provinces, for destruction. The Personal Assistant to the Junior Secretary shall have
the stamps destroyed in his presence and shall certify in writing in token of his having done
243. Deduction of ten naya paise on stamps filed for payment of licence fees.-The
refund of the value of stamps paid for the payment of licence fee under the Arms Act,
Poisons Act, Explosives Act, or any other Act shall be subject to a deduction of ten naya
paise for each rupee or fraction of a rupee.

244. Plea of ignorance.- The plea of ignorance of the requirements of the law should not
he lightly accepted ; although mere negligent evasions do not call for the application of
criminal penalties, yet, it is so difficult to (distinguish between negligent and intentional
evasions that to include all doubtful cases within the former category and abstain from
putting the criminal penalties in force in their case is to impair very seriously the protection
to the interests of the revenue which the Stamp Act was designed to afford.
245. Collector not to try cases as Magistrate.- A Collector who has sanctioned a
prosecution under the Stamp Act should not himself try the case in his capacity as a
Magistrate. This rule also applies to District Stamp officers who are Magistrates.
246. Statement by Collectors regarding prosecutions stayed and cases compounded.The power of staying prosecutions and compounding stamp offences under section 70 (2)
of the Stamp Act has been delegated to Collectors who shall sub[nit to the Chief
Controlling Revenue Authority annually a statement of the cases in which the power has
been exercised. The statement shall be in Form No. 13, Appendix B. It should be prepared
for the financial year and after due scrutiny by the Collector and with his remarks, if any,
shall be forwarded by him to the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority not later than 31st
247. Procedure of compounding and stayal.- If the Collector is satisfied

that it is not

desirable to launch a prosecution in respect of an under-stamped instrument he may

compound the offence and realize such amount as he deems fit as composition fee, If a
prosecution has been already started the Collector may stay the prosecution and after
realizing the composition fee in his discretion, may inform the Magistrate that the accused
person might be discharged.

248. Rewards.- On the conviction of any offender under Chapter VII of the Stamp Act the
Collector may grant to any person who appears to him to have contributed thereto a reward
in accordance with Rules 249 to 251.
249. Rewards to persons in the service of Crown.- Rewards may be given to a person in
the service of the Crown in cases where it is no part of the routine duties of that official to
bring to light any infraction of stamp law. Rewards may be given to record-keepers for this
special service Provided that the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority may also grant certificates of
good work to the officials contemplated in the above rule whether a reward has been
sanctioned or not.
250. Sanction for and amounting of rewards- the rewards shall be awarded after
obtaining the sanction of the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority. Non-realization of any
fines imposed shall not be a bar to award or rewards. The amount of the reward paid shall
be debited to the head 119-Stamps-Judicial and Non-Judicial- A Superintendence Allowances and Honoraria-Rewards". Criminal penalties realized under Chapter VII of the
Stamp Act shall be credited to the head "XXI-Administration of Justice".
251. Rewards to informers- Collectors should give liberal rewards to informers. They
should mention in their annual administration reports to what extent action has been taken
by them in this respect.

252. Ways of cancellation.- On the presentation of any document requiring to be stamped
under the Court-fees Act, or the furnishing of any such document the impressed stamps or

labels shall be immediately defaced as provided by section 30 of the Act. Cancellation may
be classified into(a) initial








presented before any court or office competent to receive the same;

(b) cancellation of stamps on copies, certificates or other similar documents by any
court or office from which such copies, certificates, etc., are issued;
(c) cancellation by record keeper when records are consigned to their custody.
253. Cancelling Officer.- Every court or head of an office shall appoint, by an order in
writing, an officer for the purpose of cancelling the court-fee stamps under Section 30 of
the Court-fees Act. That officer should, ordinarily, by the reader for the documents filed in
the court and the ministerial head of the office for the documents presented before him. The
officer so appointed shall personally attend to and by personally responsible for the strict
fulfillment of the duty or receiving the documents filed and examining the correctness and
adequacy of the stamps attached thereto and recording legibly below the stamps, their
aggregate value and number and immediately cancelling the stamps.
The ministerial officer, so appointed, may employ a trust-worthy sub- ordinate,
subject to the approval of the court or head of the office, to do, under his immediate
supervision, the mere manual work of cancelling the stamps, but it must be distinctly
understood that the ministerial officer shall remain personally responsible for the due
execution of the duty and/or any defalcation or fraud that may occur in connexion with it.
254. Rubber stamp.- A rubber stamp in the following form may be used in offices
where a large number of court-fee labels are presented
Dated .................

The rubber stamp shall be applied across the adhesive stamps and upon the paper on
either side but not in such a way as to obliterate the entries thereon or render the detection
of forgeries more difficult. In offices where there is no such rubber stamp the word
"cancelled" shall be written in such a manner as to be partly on the label and partly on the
sheet of paper to which the label has been affixed.
255. Strict compliance by officers of See. 30 of Court Fee Act.- (a) Too

strict a

compliance with the provisions of See,. 30 of the Court-fees Act cannot be enjoined.
Impressed court-fee sheets used for depositing court-fees need not be cancelled or punched
otherwise than as required by that section. Rules 252 to 258 should be carefully observed in
the case of labels in all cases it should be carefully seen that the figure heads' of the courtfee stamps are punched out, that the pieces are destroyed, and the value of stamps entered at
proper places and in the register if any, maintained for the purpose, before the documents to
which stamps are attached are filed or acted upon.
(b) Every presiding officer of a, court shall see that the punching is done immediately
on presentation of the plaints, petition or other documents in court. Every officer should
inspect the work of his subordinates from time to time so as to ensure attention to their duty
and to limit opportunities for fraud. A very efficient cheek can be kept on any attempt to
defraud the Government if each officer examines daily some of the records he handles and
it he also examine periodically bundles of records of cases dealt with by him, taken out at
random from the shelves in which they are placed.
256. Court-fee stamps on certificate etc. to be cancelled before issue.- Court or offices
issuing certificates or other similar documents liable to court-fee shall, before issue, cancel
the labels affixed to them by punching out the figure head in such a manner as riot to
remove that part of the court-fee label upon which its value is expressed. As an additional
precaution the signature of the official attesting the document shall be written across the
label and upon the paper on either side of it.

257. Cancellation of copy labels.- When copy labels are filed in any court or office, they
shall be cancelled and punched in the manner prescribed in Rule 254. They shall be again
punched on being consigned to the custody of the record-keeper under Rule 258.
258. Second punching by record-keeper.- When a case is decided and consigned to the
record room the record-keeper shall punch a second hole in each label distinct from the
first and note the date of his doing so at the same time. The second punching shall
invariably be made in the middle of that part of the label on which its value is printed in
eight principal Indian languages but shall not remove so much of the stamp as to render it
impossible or difficult to ascertain its value or nature.
258-A. The provisions of Rules 252 to 258 both inclusive shall mutatis Mutandis apply to
cancellation of receipts and endorsements referred to in., sub-rules (4) and (8) of Rule 38-A.
However, punching of the endorsements shall not be necessary and while punching the
receipts care should be taken that no written portion is removed.
259. Personal responsibility of record keeper, All record keepers shall be held personally
responsible to see that all stamps, receipts affixed to documents and endorsements recorded
on the documents under sub-rules (4) and (8) respectively of Rule 38-A are preserved, duly
cancelled in the file. They are bound of bring to the notice of the head of the office i.e.,
Commissioner, Collector, District Judge, Assistant Collector, Civil Judge, Munsif or
Tahsildar etc. as the case may be, any case in which, the above instructions as regards either
initial punching or defacement of labels on copies have been neglected.
260. Inspection by District Stamp Officer.- The District Stamp Officer in each district
shall personally examine files in the record-rooms every month in order to see that the
provisions regarding cancellation have been properly observed.
261. Value of stamps to he noted in the fly-index.- The officer of each court whose duty
it is to consign the records to the record-room shall, before sending the record to the
record-room, note in the list of papers in the fly-index the value of the stamps or receipt

attached to each paper and also the total number of labels, the total number of receipts, the
total value of stamps and the total value of receipts or endorsements under sub-rules (4)
and (8) of Rule 38-A in the, record. Should any stamps or receipts be abstracted or others be
substituted in the record-room the record keeper shall be held personally responsible for the
value of all stamps or receipts missing.


262. Procedure in cases filed in district courts.- Where an application or probate or letters
of administration is made to any court, other than he High court of Judicature at Allahabad
or the Chief Court of Oudh the Court shall send to the Collector along with the notice
prescribed by Section 19-H (1) of the Court Fees Act, a copy of the valuation of the
property) of the deceased in the form prescribed by Section 19-J (1) of the Act, if the
valuation is filed at the same time as the application or, if the valuation is filed at a
subsequent date, as soon as the same is filed. This is to relieve the Collector of the necessity
of sending a subordinate to the court concerned o inspect or take a copy of the record of the
263. Procedure in cases filed in High Court.- Where such an application, as is mentioned
in Rule 262, is made to the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad or the Chief Court of
Oudh at Lucknow, the court will, when giving the notice prescribed by See. 19-H (2) of the
Court Fees Act, end to the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority a copy of the application
and of the statement of valuation filed under Section 19-1 (1) of the Act.
On receipt of the aforesaid information the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority shall
communicate with the Collector within the local limits of chose revenue jurisdiction the
property of the deceased is situate.

264. Reference to other Collectors in respect of properties situated in overall districts.If any estate includes properties situated in several districts, he Collector of the district to
whom notice has been sent by the District Judge, shall, if he decides on any inquiry, make a
reference to the Collector within the limits of whose revenue jurisdiction any part of the
estate is located to obtain a valuation of that part.
265. Valuation to be arrived at independently.- The Collector should be that the
valuation is arrived at independently of the information given by the petitioner himself.
266. Reports to he detailed and to give basis of calculation.- The Collector should see
that the reports regarding each item of Annexure A of the application for the grant of
probate or letters of administration yield detailed Formation in respect of rent, profit or
dividend due to the estate on the ate of the application and also the basis on which the
calculation of the value is made.
267. Valuation how to he calculated.- The valuation should be based n the market value of
property wherever it is ascertainable, and not calculated in accordance with the provisions
of Chapter III of the Court Fee Act. That chapter does not apply to valuations for probate or
letters r administration.
268. Valuation of securities, etc. at rates current on date of application- Stocks, shares
and marketable securities should be valued at the, rates current on the date of the
application for probate or letters of administration.
269. Procedure when property is under-estimated.- If after examining e valuation in
accordance with the foregoing rules, and after obtaining any farther information which may
appear necessary, the Collector finds reason to believe that the value of the property has
been under-estimated, but not otherwise, he should make an enquiry under the Act. The
stamp revenue should be protected, but care should be taken to avoid undue harassment of
petitioners for probate or letters of administration.

270. Officers whose services may be utilized in acquiring information.- the services of
Assistant Collectors, Tahsildars and other subordinates may be utilized in acquiring such
information as may be necessary to determine whether an enquiry under that Section 19-H
(3) of the Court Fees Act, is desirable, but the duty of making format enquiries under that
section can only be entrusted to an officer invested with the powers of a Collector.
271. Procedure to be followed after the completion of enquiry.- When the enquiry has
been completes and the Collector finds that the property has been under-valued, he my
require the petitioner for Probate or Letters of Administration to amend the valuation, and
should at once intimate his action to the Judge with the request that he may be informed
whether the amendment has been made or not. Should the amendment not be made, the
Collector may move the court to make an enquiry. If an inventory has been exhibited under
Section 317 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925, special care should be taken that such
motion is made within one year from the date of such exhibition of the inventory. If the
valuation is amended as required by the Collector, under Section 19-H (3) of the Court Fees
Act, 1870, but the additional fee is not paid into the Court or tendered to the Collector, the
Collector shall report the case to the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority foe an order
under Section 19-G. When, after the completion of an enquiry by the court, any additional
fee due, or when, after the passing of an order under Section 19-G, any penalty or forfeiture
adjudged, is not paid, the Collector shall apply for a certificate of the Chief Controlling
Revenue Authority under Section 19-J.
272. Applications by Administrator General.- Applications by the Administrator General
shall be made to the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority in Forms Nos. 44, 45 and 46,
Appendix B.
273. Verification by Administrator General.- The Board of Revenue may dispense with
the use of affidavits in applications filed by the Administrator General in connection with
the payment of court-fees due or refund of excess fees paid on Letters of Administration.

Section 29 (2) of the Administrator General's Act (III of 1913) says that no Administrator
General shall be required to verify, otherwise than by his signature, any petition presented
by him under the provisions of that Act, and if the facts stated in any such petition are not
within the Administrator General's own personal knowledge, the petition May he
subscribed and verified by any person competent to make the verification. Sections 19-A
and 19-E of the Court Fees Act, have not, the effect of over-riding Section 29 (2) of the
Administrator General's Act, 1913. They are general provisions not professing to deal with
the Administrator General's at all and they should not, therefore, be read as controlling Sec,.
29 (2) of the Administrator General's Act which is special enactment dealing with the
Administrator General alone.
274. Register of probates and letters of administration in Collector's office.- A register
in Form No. 47, Appendix B, shall be kept in the Collector's office.


275. Registers for stamp departmental accounts.- The following registers for keeping the
stamp departmental accounts shall be maintained in the office of the Collector (i) Register of daily receipts of all kinds
(ii) Register of daily charges;
(iii) Register of advances of stamps
(iv) Register of demands, collections and balances of stamp duties and penalties;
(v) Register showing daily sales of each denomination or stamps.

276. Keeping of registers.- Registers (i) to (iv) (Form Nos. 26 to 29, Appendix B) shall be
kept by the stamp clerk at headquarters. Register No. (v) which shall include entries
regarding watermarked paper and every description of genera (and court-fee stamps, shall
he kept by the treasurer at the headquarters and by the sub-treasurer at tahsils.
277. Detailed beads of receipts in the treasury cash accounts.- The detailed heads of
receipts in treasury cash accounts under IIIX-stamps" are as follows -.
1. Stamp duties on Bills-of-Exchange, cheques and other commercial documents: Bill-ofExchange or hundis.
2. IX-A-Sale of other non-judicial stamps
(i) Other adhesive stamps;
(ii) Other non-judicial stamps
(iii) Sale of revenue stamps of one anna denominations
(iv) Impressed labels or special adhesive stamps.
3. IX-B-Duty on impressing documents:
(i) Duty recovered under Rules 8 and 11 of the United Provinces Stamp Rules, 1942 ;
(ii) Duty on documents voluntarily brought for adjudication. [Section 31 of the Indian
Stamp Act, 1899 (Act 11 of 1999)]
(iii) Duty on unstamped or insufficiently stamped documents levied under Chapter IV of the
Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Act 11 of 1899) ;
(a) Duty imposed by Collector
(b) Duty imposed by Courts and persons receiving evidence.

(iv) Other items.

4. Fines and penalties (i) Imposed by Collector;
(ii) Imposed by Courts and persons receiving evidence.
5. Miscellaneous.
6. Total, A-Non-Judicial.
7. Deduct-Refunds.
8. Net-Total, A-Non-Judicial.
9. B-Judicial Court-fees realized in stamps.
10.Sale of stamps
(i) Court-fee stamps.
(ii) Stamps for copies.
11. Fines and Penalties.
12. Miscellaneous
13. Total B-Judicial.
14. Deduct-Refunds.
15. Net-Total, B-Judicial.
16. Grand total-IX-Stamps.
278. Quarterly statements.- Statements showing the receipts and charges under the Stamp
and Court Fees Acts (as well as water-marked paper) shall be submitted every quarter by
the collector of each district to

the Board of Revenue in Form No. 11 (B. R. Form No.

346) of Appendix B. All sums brought to credit under the Stamp Act or the Court Fees Act
should be shown in them irrespective of the fact that the payments are in some cases on

account of other districts. The chares under the above Arts are drawn on bills prepared in
the collector's office and the necessary particulars are readily available.
279. Figures in quarterly statements to correspond with treasury figure. - The figures
of receipts and disbursements in collector's quarterly stamp statements should invariably
correspond with those of the treasury account. The headings in the statements do not cover
exactly the same ground as those of receipts under stamps in the treasury cash account, and
certain items are shown in the statements as "charges" which are debited in the treasury
cash account to the general head of "Refunds".
280. Departmental accounts to he maintained independent of the treasury.-The
departmental accounts of the Stamp department should be maintained independent of the
treasury. As soon as the departmental accounts for the quarter have been completed they
should be forwarded to the Treasury Officer for verification and signature to the certificate
printed at the foot of the quarterly statements.
281. Discrepancies between departmental and treasury accounts to he inquired into.Any discrepancies between the departmental and treasury amounts as disclosed by the
treasury certificate should be made the subject of inquiry and report. Collectors should see
that the departmental accounts are not prepared in collision with the treasury officials, as
the cheek contemplated by the system of separate accounts is thereby entirely frustrated.
The departmental accounts should-moreover, not be amended to secure correspondence
with the treasury returns without full inquiry.
282. Abstract monthly statement.- An abstract statement shall be prepared in the
Collector's office showing the opening balance of the previous month, receipts from and
issue to outside districts, advances, if any, total sales and the closing balance. The headings
may be as follows;






The closing balance thus obtained should tally with the total of the figures in the various stock registers maintained at Sadar and at sub- treasuries.
283. Checking statement.- To cheek whether the closing balance and the totals referred to
in Rule 282 actually tally, another statement shall be prepared. In this statement figures
should be actually copied out from the double lock and the single lock registers and the
certificates received from sub-treasuries. It should be in the following form:
Kinds of
Double lock registers


Single lock registers
















This statement will correlate the abstract statement prepared by the stamp clerk and
the plus and minus memorandum prepared by the treasury. The grand total of the statement
should be the same as the closing balance of the abstract statement while the headwise
totals should tally with the closing balances of the plus and minus memorandum. The
correctness of the statement in regard to these matters should be certified by the officer
signing the plus and minus memorandum.
284. Actual refunds to he shown.- Accounts actually disbursed on

account of refunds

during the quarter and which are so shown in the treasury cash accounts should be shown as

refunds in the quarterly statements. Apportionment of charges shall be made in those

statements in accordance with Rules 285, 286 and 287.
285. Direct charges.- Charges that can be traced directly to either source of revenue, such
as refunds, discounts, remissions, rewards, penalties remitted, pay of salaried vendors of
general stamps and pay of salaried assistants appointed to sell court-fee stamps shall be
charged against that source, general or court-fee, as the case may be.
286. Transit charges.-Transit charges of stamps and water marked paper, except postage
and insurance charges on account of the transmission of stamps to, and of the sate proceeds
of the same from, post office officials who have been appointed stamp vendors, should be
apportioned in the proportion of three-fourths to general and one-fourth to court-fees.
287. Other common contingent charges.- Contingent charges common to both classes of
stamps (general and court-fee), other than transit charges, mentioned in Rule 286 shall be
apportioned in proportion to the revenue raised from the two sources for contingencies.
288. Budget estimates.-The budget estimate should be prepared in Form No. 15 (B. R.
Form No. 367) of Appendix B in accordance with the instructions contained in Chapter III
of the United Provinces Budget Manual, Second Edition. It shall be submitted to the Junior
Secretary, Board of Revenue by 1st August, each year. Any special instructions that may be
received from the Government or the Accountant General regarding the preparation of the
budget will be communicated to the Collectors by the Junior Secretary.
289. Schedule of new demands.-The schedule of all new demands involving expenditure
in the ensuing year shall also be submitted to the Junior Secretary, Board of Revenue,
before 15th August in each year in Form No. 39 (manuscript) of Appendix B.
290. Preliminary statement of anticipated excesses and savings.- The Board of Revenue
shall submit to the State Government in the Finance Department a preliminary statement of
anticipated excesses and savings in Form A (being Form No. 40, Appendix B). This

statement should reach the Finance Department not later than 25th November each year.
Only those items in which any excesses or savings are anticipated should be shown in the
statement. If there are no such items a blank statement should be submitted.
291. Final statement of anticipated excesses and savings.- On 15th January each year the
Board of Revenue shall submit to the State Government in the Finance Department a final
statement of anticipated excesses and savings in Form 13 (being Form No. 41, Appendix
Savings ascertained after the despatch of the above statement shall be separately
reported to the Finance, Department as soon as they are known.
292. Monthly statement of expenditure.- A monthly statement of expenditure
under the head 119-Stamps-A-Non-Judicial and B-Judicial and 56-Stationery and PrintingDiscount on plain paper, etc." should be submitted by the Collector to the Junior Secretary,
Board of Revenue by the 7th of each month in Form No. 31, Appendix B.
Expenditure on account of the traveling allowances and contingent bills of the Chief
Inspector and Inspectors of Stamps should not be included in the monthly statements of the
districts in which they are sometimes cashed.
No extra expenditure should be incurred without first securing the necessary funds.
Application for such funds should be made to the junior. Secretary and should give the
necessary particulars.

293. Contingent charges.- Contingent charges are of two kinds
(a) contract contingencies,
(b) non-contract contingencies.

294. Contract contingencies -Contract contingencies are those for which a lump provincial
allotment is made in the annual departmental budget and to which the total expenditure
under the various sub-heads of such contingencies must be restricted. No regular allotments
from the provincial grant shall be made in favour of District Officers, but at the beginning
of each financial year they shall be informed of the share of the provincial grant assigned
the their district. Care should be taken to limit expenditure to the sum so fixed.
295. Heads of charges.- The charges to be covered by the grant for contract contingencies
are the following
(a) postage charges,
(b) country stationery,
(c) hot and cold weather charges,
(d) purchase and repair of furniture,
(e) carriage of records and stationery,
(f) cloth for bastas,
(g) other petty contingencies and miscellaneous charges
(h) railway freight for carriage of stamp boxes, except the boxes containing postage stamps.
The charges, if any, in connexion with the packing and conveyance of the postage
stamps shall be debited to the Posts and Telegraphs Department.
296. Money how drawn.- Money to contract contingent charges shall be drawn from the
treasury on bills in such forms as may from time to time, be prescribed by the Accountant
General for contract contingencies.' No sub-vouchers are to be submitted except for service
postage stamps, and no details need be stated beyond the total figure opposite each of the
printed heads in the bill form. If any charge is incurred, which the Printed headings do not
provide for, the general nature of the charge should be entered in manuscript under the head

"Other petty contingencies and miscellaneous" in the blank space provided. The submission
of detailed countersigned bills to the Accountant General is unnecessary.
297. Vouchers must be preserved in certain cases.- In the case of con-


contingencies, the sub-vouchers for more than Rs. 25 should be retained in the office. But
all such vouchers including those for Rs. 25 and less should be so defaced or mutilated that
they cannot be used again.
298. Final bill for the year.- A bill must always be drawn on or immediately before 31st
March of each year for all expenditure up-to-date. It is contrary to the principle of the
contract grant system that expenditure incurred in one year should in any way be held over,
after being incurred, to be paid out of the grant for the next year.
299. Extraordinary expenditure- No extraordinary expenditure, such as the purchase of
almirahs, books etc., should be incurred without the previous approval of the Board of


300. Collector's Indent- Collectors shall submit by 1st April each year and indent to the
Junior Secretary, Board of Revenue for all registers and forms for the requirements of the
district for the period from June to May each year. The indent shall be in Form No. 14,
Appendix B. This form gives a complete list of the sanctioned printer forms of the
301. Indent to he Punctually submitted.- To insure regularity in supply, indents shall be
punctually submitted on or before the prescribed date so that they may be checked and
sufficient time allowed to the Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, United Provinces for

their printing and supply by the end of May. This rule must be carefully observed, as in
attention to it is liable to frustrate the Press arrangements for economical working.
302. Supplementary indents- No supplementary indent shall be permitted except in the
most urgent and explained. When, however, the submission of the supplementary indent
becomes necessary it should be drawn up in the necessary entries regarding balance, etc.,
shall be made in respect of the books or forms required.
303. Consolidated Provincial indent.- A consolidated provincial indent for registers and
forms for use in districts shall be prepared by the Junior Secretary to the Board of Revenue.
It shall be sent to the Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, United Provinces, by 1st May
each year for compliance.
The Superintendent, Printing and Stationary shall supply the number of forms
prescribed for the district direct to the Collectors.
304. Forms to be carefully checked with advice note.- In the collector's office the forms
received from the Press should be carefully checked with the advice note before the latter is
returned to the Superintendent, Printing and Stationery.
305. Custody of forms.- Forms shall be kept, as far as possible, in open racks and in
separate compartments. A note of the number of forms received and issued, and of the
balances in the compartment after each receipt, or issue, should be placed in each
306. Stock book of forms and registers.- A stock-book of forms and registers shall be kept
up in the Collector's office in Form No. 25, Appendix B.
307. Use of other than sanctioned forms prohibited: No forms or registers, other than
those sanctioned, shall be brought into use in the department without the express sanction of
the Board of Revenue and on no account whatever should forms or registers be printed at a
private printing press.

308. Prescribed forms of other departments:- Forms for use in the account and other
department must be indented for under the order of the department concerned.
309. Guard Book:- A guard-book containing specimens of all registered forms and
registers shall be prepared and maintained in each Collector's office. The name of the return
of the officer prescribing the return, the date of his order and the dates from, and to, which
the return is to be submitted shall be entered in a table of contents prefixed to the guardbook.
[ For heading and specimens for forms see Appendix B.]

Nature of report or return

of Monthly statement showing
Collector's action in respect
of instruments brought to his
notice as unstamped or
insufficiently stamped during
the month.

Registered Number
of forms


Due date

Number of forms in
Appendix B


Reference to United
Province Stamp

310. Return from District Officers to the Board of Revenue:- The following statement
exhibits the returns prescribed for submission by District Officers to the Board of Revenue.
The necessary reference to rules prescribing the forms to be used, registered number of the
forms, as well as the dated of submission have been recorded against each.






Due date


7th each


Nature of report or

Four-monthly statement of
Entertainment Tax
Annual indents of stamps

Four-monthly indents of
February stamps,
Four-monthly indent for
Entertainments tax









Registered Number
of forms


Plus and minus memorandum

for impressed labels (through
Quarterly statement showing
receipt and charges under the
stamp and Court Fees Acts as
well as water-marked paper,
for October to December.

Number of forms in
Appendix B


Reference to United
Province Stamp
Rules, 1942





















Due date

Nature of report or















Registered Number
of forms



Number of forms in
Appendix B


1st April Annual indent for registers

and forms.
1st April Annual
watermarked paper over- Appendix
printed with the words "for
Government use only."
5th April Quarterly
showing receipts and
charges under the Stamp
and Court Fees Acts.
Six-monthly indents for 140(a)
Certificate stamps for July
to December
Four-monthly indents for
water-marked paper for Appendix
June to September.
On or
Forecasts of non-postal
stamps (including United
Provinces Entertainments
Tax stamp).
Reference to United
Province Stamp
Rules, 1942


exhibition of losses in
Government accounts and
appropriation accounts.




Annual statement Nos. II

to V and VIII relating to
the administration, of the
Stamp notes on really
important variations.
1st June Triennial report on the
third year Stamp Department, with
brief notes on really
important variations.
Four-monthly statement of
Entertainment Tax stamp
for January to April.
31st May Statement of stamp cases
in which prosecutions
were stayed or cases
15th June four-monthly indents of
stamps for December to
Four-monthly indents of
Entertainment Tax stamp
for December to March.
5th July Quarterly
showing receipts and
charges under the Stamp


17 to

348 and


17 to

348 and











371 and






30 th


1st June







Para 82A
Vol. V,
Part I.









Nature of report or


all new
expenditure in the ensuing
Stamp budget estimate

Registered Number
of forms

Due date

Number of forms in
Appendix B


Reference to United
Province Stamp
Rules, 1942

and Court Fees Acts.

















Four-monthly indent of
water-marked paper for Appendix
October to January
Four-monthly statement of
September Entertainment Tax stamps
for May to August
October showing the receipts and
charges under the Stamp
and Court Fees Acts as
well as water-marked









Annual indent for Legal 140 (b)

Practitioners' Certificate
stamps for January to June
Six-monthly indents for 140 (a)
October of Legal
Certificate stamps for
previous January to June.
Four-monthly indents of
October of stamps for April to July.
Four-monthly indents for
stamps for April to July.
Four-monthly indent for
December water-marked paper for Appendix
February to May





371 and






311. Returns from the Board of Revenue to Provincial Government:- The following
returns shall be submitted by the Board of Revenue to the State Government :
Quarterly statement showing the 10 January, 10th
expenditure on account of the January,
manufacturing cost of Utilized April, 10th July,
Provinces Entertainment Tax stamps and 10th October.
incurred under head "13-other taxes
chargesEntertainment and Betting Tax."
Final statement in Form B (No.41- 15th January



Appen- 15th January Appendix B)

anticipated excesses and savings under
"9-Stamps" and " 56-Stationary and
Printing- Discount on plain paper, etc."
for the current financial year.
Quarterly list of memorials addressed 15th January
to the Government of United Provinces 15th April, 15th
and withheld by the Board of Revenue. July and 15th
Final application for re-appropriation 25th
of funds and statement of surrender of
savings under "9-setting" (and "56Stationery and Printing- Discount on
plain paper, etc." for the current year.
Annual note on the Administration of
15th July
the Stamp Revenue together with
Statement No. I (Form No. 16,
Appendix B)
Schedule of new demands
15th September
Budget estimate of water-marked
15th October
paper for the next financial year.
Provincial stamp budget for the next 10th November
financial year.
Revised estimate of receipts under 25th November
"IX- Stamps" for the current financial
Preliminary statement in Forms A (No.
40- Appendix B) of anticipated
excesses and savings under "9-Stamps"
and "56-Stationery and PrintingDiscount on plan paper etc." for the
current financial year.







321. Return from the Board of Revenue of Officer other than Provincial
Government:- The following returns shall be sent by the Board of Revenue to Officer
other than State Government :
Consolidated (annual) indent of stamp
1st May.
forms .
Printing and
Annual consolidated indent for watermarked paper overprinted " For
Government use only".
Statement regarding exhibition of
31st May.
losses in Government accounts and
appropriation accounts.
Consolidated forecast of non-postal
Controller of
15th June
313. Return to the Board of Revenue from other Officer:- The following return
shall be sent to the Board of Revenue by the Officer in the month noted against
each :Returns
From whom
Monthly statement of receipts under
Accounts General
Every month.
"XI- Stamps".
Monthly statement of receipts from the
sale of water-marked paper.
Half-year statement showing the
receipts of non-judicial stamps for
printing and
printing Legal Practitioners Certificates
and distribution of over-printed stamps
to district (July to December)
Four-monthly statement showing
February, June
receipts and supply of water-marked
and October.
Half-yearly statement showing the

receipts of non-judicial stamps for

printing Legal Practitioner' Certificate
and distribution of overprinted stamps
to districts (January to June).
314. Triennial Report:- [Delete].
315. Annual Note:- The District Officer shall send annually statement in form Nos. 17 to
20 and 23, Appendix B, with a Brief explanatory note on really important variations.
316. Annual return un Form No. 12 should be signed by the Treasury of Stamp
Officer:- Annual return in Form No. 23 of Appendix B should be signed by the Treasury of
Stamp Officer. They need note countersigned by the District Officer.
317. Figures in the appendices to the Triennial Report:- [Deleted].
318. Correspondence:- [Deleted].
319. Direction for the preparation of the Triennial Report:- [Deleted].
320. Fixed standard for the Triennial Report:- [Deleted].
321. Special pints to be noticed in the report:- Special mention of the following matters
should be made in the stamp administration report:a)
Increase or decrease in sales of stamps compared with those on the preceding
year. Endeavors should be made to ascertain and report fully and clearly the
causes which have been at work and by which the sales of the various
descriptions of stamps have been affected;
Rewards to informers in case of infringement of the Stamp law. If no rewards
were given, or if the amount paid during the year on this account is small,
some explanation should be given.
Paucity of cases in with document were impounded and of prosecutions,
should be fully explained;
The sufficiency or otherwise of the number of licensed vendor;
The inspection of record rooms by the District Stamp Officer Should be
Inspections of licensed vendors' registers. it should be particularly stated if the
Rules 33, 34,328 and the rules in Chapter IV of these riles are observed by the


Total income from impressed labels (special adhesive stamps) affixed and ten
naye pais and fifteen naye paise coloured impressions embossed should be
furnished by District Officer of districts where embossing machines have been

322. Destruction and retention of records: The following records may be destroyed after
the expiration of the periods specified against each computed from 1st April next following
the date of the records, provided that the Collector may, at his discretion direct the retention
for a longer period of permanently of any record which he may consider likely to be useful
in the future.
Descript on of papers
Period of retention
File-book of stamp circulars
Stamp Officer's note-book
Stock-book of articles
Unit a revised stock-book duly
procured under orders of the
attested by the Head of Office is
Stamp Department
Establishment bill-book of
-- Bills prior to 1st April, 1932, to be
Stamp Department
- retained for 35 years and those
from 1st April, 1932, and onwards
for 6 years after services have
been verified and a note made in
the service-book concerned laid
down in the note to Subsidiary
Rule 137, Chapter X, Financial
Hand-book, Volume II.
Register of stamps (Double
35 complete account years.

and single lock registers.)

Register of daily sales of
stamps kept by ex officio and
licensed vendors
Register of skeleton forms
embossed and impressed
labels affixed in the officer of
the Superintendent of Stamps
at Meerut, Kanpur, Lucknow,
Allahabad and Agra.

Stamp Inspection-book


Register of refunds on
accounts of spoilt stamps
Stamp contingent register


Register of files (mislband)

Descript on of papers
Register showing action taken
in respect of instruments
unstamped of insufficiently
Counterfoil certificate for
refund of copy and court-fee
Register of stamps sent of

15 years.



6 years.
5 year after completion.

3 years.

Period of retention








Register of licensed vendors

Register of daily receipts
under the Stamps
Register of daily charges
Register of demands,
collections and balance of
stamp duties and penalties
Register of sales of each
denomination of stamps
Officer copy of the monthly
statement of postage stamps
submitted by Treasury Officer
direct to the Controller of
Stamps, Central Stamps Store,
Nasik Road.
Inquiry regarding fluctuations
in the sale of stamps.
Supply of stamps
Stock-book of blank forms
Rewards in stamps cases
Applications relating to stamps
of documents with imposed
Impounding of documents not
sufficiently stamped after final
decision of the case
Refund of value of spoilt and
unused stamps after refund



3 years.




1 year





Register of stamps-single lock

register (stock register
showing receipts from the
double lock and issue to public
and licensed vendors)
Register of daily sales of
stamps by licensed vendors
Vernacular register of stamps
cases in Hindustan tani2
Treasurer's register of indents
for stamps from double lock
Register of refunds of process
Monthly and quarterly stamp
monthly statement of sale of
stamps at tahsils

Description of papers
Monthly statement of receipts
and sales by the salaried
stamp-vendors in the High
Court at Allahabad
Monthly statement showing
receipts and issues of stamps
kept by tahsildars
Notes, return and appendix of
the Stamps Department of no
permanent value
Stamp budget estimate
Register of letter dispatched in


35 years


3 years


Period of retention


3 years.



2 years


Invoices of stamps sent to
Invoices of papers in
Return of Government stores


1 year


Documents chargeable with a
duty of 1ten naye paise only or
bill-of-exchange or a
promissory note, when not
duty stamps
Triennial Report (Deleted)
Counterfoils of receipts for
money deposited in treasury
on account of skeleton forms
to be stamped by the
Superintendents of Stamps
Uttar Pradesh
46-A The documents referred to in
Rule No. 205
Order sheet of stamp refunds
Letters calling for records in
cases of infringement of
Stamp Laws
Indents for general and court 49
fee stamps
Indents for stamp forms
Indents for stamps in



12 years

3 year (after completion of the


--3 years


Certificate for the refund of
--- 1 year
the value of court-fee stamps
on petitions, etc.
Dockets returning duty
Certificate of half-yearly
verification of stamps balance
Indent for water-marked
Indent for stamps by
treasurers, officers -in-charge
of branch deport and tahsildars
Note:- For weeding of other records, if any, the rules laid down in the Revenue Manual
should be followed.
323. Preparation of weeding list:- During the month of April in each year a list shall be
prepared by the clerk in the Collector's officer, of the records and papers which under the
preceding paragraph are liable to destruction. The list shall be submitted to the Collector
thought the District Stamp Officer, for order, and, as soon as sanction is recorded thereon,
the records of papers shall be destroyed and a sanction recorded at the foot of the list that
this has been effectually done. This list shall then be permanently preserved for future
324. Inspectorate of Stamps:- There shall be an Inspectors for the inspector and
supervision of stamps which shall consist of a Chief Inspector of Stamp who is also Junior
Secretary, Board of Revenue, United Provinces, and as many State Government may
appoint in this behalf. The Inspectorate shall assist the Chief Controlling Revenue

Authority in the general control and superintendence of the levy of stamp duties and courtfees.
325. Powers of the Chief Inspector and Inspectors:- The Chief Inspector of Stamps and
Inspectors of Stamps and registration shall be deemed to be persons in-charges of public
officer under clause 3 (b) of Section 33 of the Stamp Act. They shall have the powers of a
Collector for the purpose of Sections 40, 42 and 61 of the said Act. The deficit duty and
penalty levied by them shall be credited into the treasury by the party concerned under the
head "30-Stamps and Registration Fees". Cash shall under no circumstances be accepted.
326. Functions of Chief Inspector:- The Chief Inspector of Stamps shall, under the
general control and superintendence of the Chief Controlling Revenue and Registration. He
shall also be responsible for the Stamp department of the officer of the Board of Revenue.
327. Duties of Inspectors:- The Inspectors of Stamps and Registration shall, on the lines
laid down by the Chief Inspector of Stamps, make periodical inspections every year of the
stamp work if :(1) all the Civil Courts and officers;
(2) all the Revenue Courts and officers;
(3) all the officers of Municipal and District Boards and other local bodies ;
(4) the work of stamp vendors;
(5) stamp accounts at treasuries and sub-treasuries;
(6) all other Government officers of all descriptions;
(7) all the registration officers in the State;
Provided that the records of the records of the High Court of Judicature at
Allahabad, Chief Court of Oudh at Lucknow and Secretariat shall be inspected by the
Chief Inspector of Stamps:
Provided further that the Chief Inspector of Stamps shall tour in all the districts
of the State to supervisor the work of the Inspector of Stamps and Registration.
328. Inspection of stamp vendors:- (1) In request, the District Officer shall furnish the
Inspector with a list of the licensed stamp vendors in the district, a statement of the
advances, of any, held by each official vendors and particulars regarding any matter which
may require special attention.
(2) In particular, it shall be the duty of the Inspector to see:

(a) that the verification of the balance of stamps in the hands of the ex-officio vendor of
stamps four times a month prescribed by Rule 85 and 86 (a), Chapter II, Part IV of the
United Provinces Stamp Rules, 1942, is, duly carried out by the officer in-charge of the
local deport and whether the word "verified" has been written and initialed by him against
the balance;
(b) that the accounts of the daily sales of stamps mentioned in Rule 87 of the said rules,
is inspected and the correctness of the calculations shown therein checked every day by the
officer in-charge of the depot;
(c) that the Treasury Officer, in order to ensure a comparison of actual credits in the
treasury accounts with the value of the sale of stamps shown in the single lock register,
examiner as required by Rule 88 of the said rules, the single lock register daily and sees that
the treasury challans exist for all the sales shown therein and whether he also compares the
entries in the single lock register and the treasury challans with the register of stamps
receipts and commission paid (Treasury From No.25) ;
(d) that as invoice showing the stamps dispatched are reburied Rule 130 of the said rules
is checked by the Treasury officer with the contents of the packets dispatched and with the
registers showing the issue, from double and single locks before the consignments are
dispatched and whether this check as certificated on the invoice -(as examination of the
officer copy will show whether this has been done);
(e) that the verification certificates on he treasury plus and minus memorandum and the
treasury accounts are signed, as laid down in Rule 100 of the said rules, by the Treasury
Officer and the District Officer after actually referring to the single and double lock
registers and register of advances prescribed in Rule 160 of the said rules and after
verifying the actual stock in the ex officio vendors' hand;
that very vender of stamps in the localities which he visits holds a Licence from the
District Officer and that the conditions of his Licence are being observed. He shall examine
the registers of sales of general and court-fee impressed sheets and the store of stamps in
the possession of each Licence vendor, and shall ascertain whether any, and, if so, what
description of stamps have been sold by the latter since the last inspection. He shall enquire
whether any vendor
demands or accepts for any stamp more than the actual value
denoted thereon ; and

(g) that facilities for meeting the demand for stamps of all kinds exits at every place he
visits, or which might be provided for meeting that demand. He shall also enquire as to the
use of impressed general stamps and receipt stamps by persons who are likely to need them,
such as banias, money-lenders, bankers, and others, and should directly question them as to
whether they are able to readily procure such stamps as they require. He should satisfy
himself after the examination of the stamps in the hands of licensed venders whether they
keep a stock of receipt stamps law, its observance by all classes in the district and the
sufficiency of the facilities for obtaining stamps o fall descriptions which the public may
reasonably require.
329. Inspector of treasuries:- The Inspector shall 1also verify the stock of stamps in the
treasury or sub-treasury with the balance shown in the stock register ; and shall satisfy
himself if that separate register are properly maintained for both double and single locks ;
that they are written up-to-date and are free alternations and erasures; that the are written
proceeds are correctly shown in the siyaha ; and that the stock in hand is sufficient (nothing
when in was last verified and by whom); that indents on the sadar treasury for stamps are
promptly complied with (this can be done by comparing the date of the indent with the date
of the receipt of stamps in the sub-treasury) ; and that the tahsildars understand the rules
regarding discount ; lastly, the payment of discount should be carefully scrutinized in order
to ascertain whether the rates admissible to each class of vendors (headquarters and rural)
have been observed, and in this connation it should be ascertained whether stamps issued at
the higher rates of discount find their way back to the headquarter town.
330. Procedure regarding inspection notes:- (i) Inspectors of Stamps shall send their
inspector note to the court or officer concerned as soon as they finish it and, shall, at the
same of the inspection note pertaining to any officer, a copy therefore also to the Collector
of the district. If, any case, immediate action is necessary, he shall report the matter at once
in a separate communication to the court officer concerned. In order to ensure that the
inspection note has been received in the court or officer inspected, the inspector may make
a request for an acknowledgement.
(ii) The presiding officer of the court or the head of the officer should examine the report
soon after he receives it, and should send a report of action taken thereon to the Chief
Inspector of Stamps and a copy therefore to the Inspector of Stamps concerned as soon as
possible. In cases where he does not agree with the Inspector or were he considers it

necessary to hear the party concerned before passing orders he should, were possible,
discuses the matter with the Inspector or hear the party in his presence.
(iii) Any point on which the court or officer does not eventually agree with the Inspector
should be reported to the Chief Inspector of Stamps who shall submit the same for the
consideration of the Chief Controlling Revenue Authority.
(iv) The Chief Inspector may return the note with his criticism for the information and
guidance of the Inspector and were there a difference of opinion between the court and the
Inspector on a question of the proper stamp duty or court-fee be levied on a document shall
either himself move the appellate court or advise the Inspector to do so.
[Substituted under G.O.No. S.T.-2- 4903/X-500(3)74,.dated 5-6-75, w. e. f. 5.6.75)
331. Impounding of deficiently stamped documents by Inspector of stamps:- When
during the inspection of an office other than that of the Collector, an Inspector, finds any
document which is not in his opinion duty stamped, he should impound in under Section 33
and proceed to act under Section 40 of the Stamp Act. If the Inspector considers that there
has been an international evasion of duty he should forward the document to the Collector
with a request that officer may consider the advisability of instituting a criminal
332. Realization of deficit duty and penalty:- The head of the officer in which an
insufficiently stamped or unstamped document is discovered by an Inspector, shall realize
the deficit duty and penalty and shall credit the amount into the treasury under the head
"030-Stamp and Registration Fees-Duty and Penalty". He shall then submit the document
together with the treasury challenge to the collector for an endorsement under Section 42
he should send the document to the Collector for action under Section 48 of the Stamp Act.
Where the head of the officer fails to send such a document to the Collector on the expiry of
the period prescribed, the Collector may suo moto or on a reference by the Chief Inspectors
of Stamps or the Inspector of Stamps concerned call for it for action under Section 48, ibid.
The Collector shall enter all such documents in the infringement statement (Form
No. 10, Appendix B)
333. Appeals to Board of Revenue:- If the executant of the document or any other person,
from whom the amount of duty or deficient duty and penalty is demeaned, is not satisfied
he may proceed under Section 45 of the Stamp Act.

334. Facilities to be accorded to Inspector:- The presiding officers of all courts and
officer shall give the Chief Inspector of Stamps and the Inspectors of Stamps and
Registration access to all records, accounts etc.
335. District Stamp Officers to inspect record rooms:- The above system shall relieve
the District Stamps Officer of the duty of examination latter's relining to stamps in courts
and officers so far as pending files are concerned. They must, however, continue to inspect
the record-room of all courts according to the rules and standing orders.
336. Copy of a note a Collector:- The Chief Inspector may, where necessary, send a copy
of any inspection report to the Collector for information and necessary action.
337. Touring by Inspector of stamps:- Inspector of Stamps are required to remain on
tour for at least 20 days in a month expect in the month of June when under the order the
Chief Inspector of Stamps, they, or any of them, may be allowed to suspend touring and do
such officer or other work as is entrusted to them, or may be required to inspect, during
their circles, any of those district where Civil Courts remain open during that month.
338. Mention of activities of Inspectorate in Annual note:- A summary of the work done
under this system shall be given by the Board in their Annual note on stamp administration.
Special Rule for the Inspector of Government Officers
339. Inspection of stamp work Inspectors of Government Officer in certain officer:Inspectors of Government Officers, shall, in addition to their ordinary duties, inspect stamp
work in criminal and revenue courts, Collector's Officers of local bodies and in all other
officers inspected by them in the discharges of their duties as inspected of Government
They shall be deemed to be persons in charge of public officers under clause 3
(b) of section 33 of the Stamp Act.

Procedure for payment of Additional Stamp Duty

353. Additional stamp duty.-The additional stamp duty due under Section 3AA and the duty under Article 25-A of Schedule 1-B of the Stamp Act, shall he
paid by affixing ten paise adhesive revenue stamps.
354. Cancellation of adhesive stamps.-The Stamps so affixed shall be
cancelled in the manner laid down in Section 12 of the aforesaid Act for,
cancellation of adhesive Stamps.
355. Statement of valuation Section 9 of the Court Fees Act. - In every suit
falling under sub-sections (iv) (a), (iv-A), (iv-B), (v), (vi), (viA), (vii), (.viii) and
(x), (d) of Section 7 of the Court Fees Act, 1870 (Act No VII of 1870), where
the subject matter of the suit is immovable property, the plaintiff shall file with
the plaint a statement in the following form
(Portion not applicable may he deleted)
1. If the subject matter is
(a) land (i) area of the land
(ii) land revenue payable thereon, if assessed to revenue
(iii) where no revenue is payable, average annual net profits that have
arisen from the land or, if no such profits have arisen, average annual net
profits arisen from similar land during 3 years immediately preceding the
date of presenting the plaint
(iv) present market value.
(b) building (with or without land appurtenant)


assessed annual rental value (if assessed to local taxes) for the
preceding assessment year ;


actual annual rent for the preceding Year, if the building

is let out on rent ;

(iii) assumed annual rental value for the preceding year if tile
building is not let out on rent ;
(iv) present market value.
Note: If the building is only partly let out on rent, information requested
by sub-clause (ii) shall be given in respect of the portion let out on rent
and information as required by sub-clause (iii) shall be given in respect of
the rest.
(c) garden:(i) area of the garden (in square metres);
(ii) present market value.
(d) hat, bazar, mela or ferry:the average annual net profits that have arisen therefrom during the three
yeas immediately proceeding the date of presenting the plant;
Declaration: I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true and
complete to the best of my knowledge.
Notes - (1) Where the suit relates to property which falls under Plaintiff
different categories mentioned in clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, full
particulars in respect of each category shall be given separately in each clause.
(2) When the suit relates to more than one units of property, full particulars shall
be given separately in respect of each unit.

356. Statement not necessary when particulars contained in the plaints- In

case full information, as required in the form of statement under Rule 355 is
contained in the plaint itself, the statement in the said form may to be filed.

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