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HRM 531 Final

1._____ proceeds from an oral warning to a written warning to a
suspension to dismissal.

Positive discipline

Progressive discipline

Procedural justice

Due process

2. Which question should not be important in evaluating the value

of training?

Was the cost of training within the budget?

Did change occur?

Is the change due to training?

Is the change positive related to organizational goals?

3.________________ include everything in a work

environment that enhances a workers sense of selfrespect and esteem by others.

Social responsibilities

Nonfinancial rewards

Internal pay objectives

General business strategies

4. Because practical considerations make job tryouts for all

candidates infeasible, it is necessary to __________ the relative
level of job performance for each candidate on the basis of
available information.





5. Which of the following is a distinctive feature of the U.S. system

compared with other countries?

All agreements are of unlimited duration

Low union dues and small union staffs

Exclusive representation

Wages set by arbitration councils

6._____ implies that appraisal systems are easy for managers and
employees to understand and use.





7._____ analysis is the level of analysis that focuses on employees






8. What can affirmative action assist organizations in achieving

that diversity initiatives cannot?

Maximizing creativity

Increased productivity

Correcting specific problems of the past

Maximizing workforce commitment

9. Title VII of the _____________ states that top

executives in companies receiving government
support can retract bonuses, retention awards, or
incentives paid to the top five senior executive
officers or the next 20 most highly compensated employees
based on corporate information that is later found to be

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009)

SarbanesOxley Act (2002)

Pay for Performance Act (2009)

Equal Pay Act (1963)

10. Which is not a quality of Generation Y?

Short attention spans

The constant need for stimulation/entertainment

A blurring of the lines between work and leisure time while

on the job

Inability to handle numerous projects

11. When conducting a performance feedback discussion, active

listening requires

Interruptions to get your point across.

Verbal communications only.

Summarizing your key points.

Summarizing what was said and what was
agreed to.

12. Training that results in ______ is costly because

of the cost of training (which proved to be useless) and the cost of
hampered performance.

simulation of training

applicability of training

reinforcement of training

negative transfer of training

13. Employee demotions usually involve

A reduction in pay but no loss of opportunity, status, or


A decrease in status and privilege but no loss of opportunity

or pay.

An increase in pay and more responsibility.

A cut in pay, status, privilege, or opportunity.

14. What is our countrys income maintenance program?

PPA (2006), 401(k)

ERISA (1974)

COBRA (1985)

Social Security

15. For organizations, _________ is an indirect cost associated with


an increase in the unemployment tax rate

administrative processing

severance pay


16. ____________ is the biggest hurdle to overcome in a pay-forperformance plan.

Merit-pay increases


Salary cap performance level

Compensation equation

17. To avoid legal difficulties related to performance appraisals

and enhance credibility in court, employers should

Present only the employees perspective.

Have friends testify.

Present only the managers perspective.

Document appraisal ratings and reason for

18.___________ is the process where managers

provide feedback to the employees regarding their past and
present job performance proficiency, as well as a basis for
improving performance in the future.

Performance management




19. If objective performance data are available, which of the

following is the best strategy to use?



summated rating scales

work planning and review


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