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Certificate Music Technology Option

Aengus Ryan

The software used with this handout is Sibelius 5. You can download a free demo version from the Sibelius website:

If you are doing this option as part of 2 activities ( 4 instrument pieces+Music Tech ) :
You can chose to input one 4 part score or two 2 part scores..The score youve been practicing with is the score you
bring into the exam.
Music to be input should be at least 16 bars long and of an appropriate degree of difficulty. Not in C major with basic

Sequence of events in exam using a 4 part score: Setting up the score

1. Double click to open the program from the desktop. This screen below will appear:

2. Click on Start a new score and hit ok.

3. Next; decide on what arrangement you want to
choose e.g. string quartet,SATB, wind trio etc in
this example our arrangement is for Clarinet Quartet.. In
this case we also need to change instruments to 3
clarinets and 1 bass clarinet.

4. Select Ok and hit Next.

5. Select the style .Unchanged will do for


7. Select your key Maj/Min. In this
example Gmin is used.

6. Select time sig.,upbeat type, tempo and metronome mark.

1. Make sure you are in input

notes mode .
Go to Notes, click input notes

2. You should also
be able to see the
keypad window.
This is the palatte
from which you will
take your note
and ties etc.

If you cannot find this look for the menu at the top
of the screen. Hit the keypad Key.

We need to change the treble cleff to

bass for the Bass Clarinet. Right click
on the Treble clef and go to the clef


Entering notes onto the score

Now you are ready to enter the
notes. This section takes a good
deal of time, show the examiner
that you can do it quickly and
without hesitation. Using
keyboard shortcuts looks
impressive so it may be worth
your while learning them but
entering notes with the mouse/or
midi keyboard is acceptable.
Dont forget to include any
accidentals, dots ties etc exactly as
they appear on your score.

Click on the semibreve and place it on the score

.Now carry
on entering notes (this is the part you need practice entering


The examiner will ask you what 3 edits you are going to perform.

This part of the exam is where most of the marks are awarded.

Examples of edits (Remember the edits MUST make musical sense)

1. Inserting a tie between 2 notes. Look for 2 adjacent notes with the same pitch.Click on the first then click on the
tie symbol on the keypad.
2. Inserting articulation marks (Staccatos,trills,ff,mp,fermata , slurs etc). These are on your keypad.
3. Inserting Dynamics (Crescendos, decrescendos). Select the note you want to start on, right click, go to Line
then select the crescendo/decrescendo. Once its placed on the score you can click and drag to extend it.
4. Change of Key signature/Transposing to a different key. Be careful to transpose all of the 4 or 2 parts so that it
makes musical sense e.g. it will not make musical sense if the Flute is playing in the key of G and the recorder is
transposed into F#. Select Notes-Transpose- then select what key you want to transpose to.
5. Inserting a repeat sign at the end of a bar. Click on bar where you want repeat to go(the repeat will be placed to
the left of this) next click Create-Barline-End Repeat. Try and put this at a cadance point!
6. Inserting your own lyrics/text under the tune. Edit-Select System Passage then Click on passage and begin
7. Insert accidentals. Click on the note first then find the accidental on your keypad.See bar 4 below where weve
cadenced on to g major instead of Gminor to create a Tierce de Picardie.

When Edits have been completed:

Now the examiner will ask you to 1. save your file 2. shut down the program - and 3. re-open it again.
Remember what folder you saved it to. The easiest place is to put it on the desktop.Some free softwares have the save
or print disabled but you can show the examiner how you would do it.
You may also be asked to show how to print it . Select File- print -click Ok, the examiner will probably stop you before
you click Print).

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