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by Swami Sivananda
1. Time and Gunas
The past and the future exist in their real nature due to the difference in the
condition of the characteristics or qualities.
The objects have the three experiences of the changes of past, present and future.
As the effect is contained in a subtle state in the cause itself, that which is in a
state of Sankocha (contraction) attains Vikasa (state of expansion), just like the
tree from the seed. Vastu exists always. The outer coverings change, according to
the changes of coverings of Gunas or qualities. As Gunas change, difference in
Bhava also occurs. Changes take place like a Pravaha or continuous current. The
future is a manifestation which is to be. The past is the experience which has been
experienced. The present is that which is in active operation. We have these three
periods of time with reference to a marked indicative point. The seeds of
everything exists in a subtle state. That is the reason why Samyama on the three
Parinamas produces knowledge of the past, present and future (vide Sutra III-16).
2. Nature of Characteristics
They (the characteristics), whether manifest or subtle, are of the nature of Gunas,
These characteristics are of the nature of the manifested, when they exist in the
present and are of the nature of the subtle when they are passed into the past or
yet unmanifested. They are all from Mahat down to any object of the nature of
Gunas. The Gunas change every minute and produce the various phenomena of
nature. Past and present are due to the different modes of manifestation of these
Gunas, Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. The whole manifested universe is made up of
these three Gunas. Modifications of these Gunas constitute all sorts of Sthavarajangama (immovable and moving things). In truth, the world is only Gunas.
3. Reality of Things
The reality of things is the result of the unity of modifications.
As one Guna is prominent and the other two are subordinate there is only one
Parinama. When the Sattva Guna is predominating, and Rajas and Tamas are under
subordination, the organs of knowledge are formed. When Rajas is preponderating
and the Sattva and Tamas are under subordination, the organs of action are
formed. Each of these modifications is always known as one.

The strong current of Vrittis of the mind will be directed along the virtuous path if
Sattva is predominating in the mind. The man will be doing virtuous actions. If
Rajas and Tamas predominate, the mental current and mental energy flow along a
vicious path and the man will be doing vicious actions. Sattvic mental current will
make you inward (Antarmukha) and take you to Kaivalya or Moksha. Rajasic and
Tamasic currents will throw you down in Samsara.
Sattva, Rajas and Tamas are the three Gunas or qualities of the Chitta. Sattva is its
inherent quality. Chitta is born of Sattva Guna. But when it mixes with Rajas and
Tamas, all the worldly taints manifest. Sattva is purity, light or knowledge.
Rajas is passion or activity. Tamas is inertia or darkness. By checking Rajas and
Tamas, you can increase the Sattva. When Sattva increases, the mind becomes
steady like the flame of a lamp in a windless place. He who is Sattvic can do real
concentration and meditation, and can enter into Samadhi easily. A Rajasic man
loves power and objects of senses. A Tamasic man does vicious actions on account
of ignorance. No quality can stand by itself. Sattva is mixed with Rajas and Tamas.
When there is preponderance of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas are controlled. They lurk
themselves for the time being. When there is preponderance of Rajas, Sattva and
Tamas are controlled. When there is preponderance of Tamas, Sattva and Rajas are
controlled. Your important duty is to increase Sattva and to control the senses and
the mind. Other duties are secondary. A sensible man only can understand this
point. When there is increase of Sattva, there is brightness and brilliance in the
face, lightness in the body, joy, purity, strength, peace and illumination.
Intense Rajas takes a Sattvic turn. Dacoit Ratnakar became the sage Valmiki. Jagai
and Madai, who were intensely Rajasic and who pelted stones on Lord Gauranga,
became his first disciples.
4. Stages of Gunas
The stages of Gunas, qualities, are the defined, undefined, indicated and nonindicated.
The Visesha Tattvas which are 16 in number are the effects of Ahamkara and the
five Tanmatras. The Avisesha Tattvas which are six in number are the effects of
Mahat Tattva. These six Avisesha Tattvas are called Prakriti-Vikriti, because they
are the effects of Mahat and the causes for the 16 Visesha Tattvas. These are the
producers and the produced. The Visesha are the produced only. As the Mahat gets
dissolution in the Alinga (Pradhana), it bears the names Linga. Pradhana is
Trigunasamyavastha, wherein the three Gunas exist in a state of equilibrium. Read
Sutra I-45. Mahat is the effect of Pradhana. That is the first manifestation.
Mahat is the cause for Avisesha Tattvas, Ahamkara and Tanmatras. It is also a
producer and the produced, the defined or specialised.

Tattvas (Visesha) get involved into the Avisesha (undefined). The Avisesha along
with the Visesha get involved into Mahat (Linga). Then, Avisesha along with the
Visesha gets involved into the Mahat (Linga). Then the Avisesha along with Mahat
gets Laya into the Alinga or the Pradhana. Pradhana is the final state of latency of
the phenomenal world. Purusha is above Prakriti. He is not material. He is not a
compound and therefore, He is Immortal. Vedanta is only an amplification and
fulfilment of Sankhya Philosophy.
5. Hints on Gunas
If Sattva predominates in the mind, thoughts of God, Brahma Vichara will
manifest. This mind will be one-pointed. The meditative mood will come by itself
without exertion.
In spiritual neophytes the Sattvic state of mind will not last for a long time. Rajas
and Tamas will try to rush in. You will have to be very vigilant. You will have to
watch the mind through thoughtful introspection. A Sattvic man will be ever Godloving, dispassionate and powerful.
A Rajasic man will be ever engaged in worldly activities. He wants to lord over the
people. He has domineering attitude. He wants powers. He is much attached to
wife, children and property. Rajahs, Pandits and rich people are full of Rajas.
Just as you squeeze out the tooth-paste from the collapsible tube, you will have to
squeeze out all Rajas from this bodily tube and fill it with Sattva. Then you will
become a Dhyana Yogi.
The doors or impurities of the mind - Rajas and Tamas, should be removed by
heating the mind with the fire of Vairagya and Abhyasa. This is referred to in Sutra
I-15 and 16.
By increasing the Sattvic modifications of the mind as Kshama, love, mercy,
magnanimity, generosity, truthfulness, celibacy, you can destroy the Rajasic and
Tamasic mental Vrittis.
Although mind is one, it passes into many conditions or states, as it is made up of
three qualities or Gunas. All these qualities enter into a variety of combinations.
The modifications or Vrittis of the mind also are various. Peace of mind is a Sattvic
Vritti. Lust is a Rajasic Vritti. Laziness is a Tamasic Vritti.

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