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Napoleon R. Gonzaga and Ricardo R. Gonzaga vs. Atty.

P. Realubin
A.C. No. 1955
March 14, 1995
The Gonzaga brothers, Napoleon and Ricardo, filed a complaint for
the disbarment of Atty. Crisanto P. Realubin on grounds of malpractice,
gross misconduct and violation of oath of office. Complainants claim
they never appeared before respondent for the notarization of their
authority to Atty. Villanueva to handle the criminal case. On the other
hand, respondent claims they appeared before him.
Complainants positively testified that they signed the questioned
authority at Forbes Park in the afternoon of August 1, 1977; that they
never met respondent before said date and it was only during the
instant investigation that they met respondent; that they did not
appear before respondent for ratification, first because the document
did not contain a jurat when they signed it; second, because it was
already 6:30 in the evening of August 1; that there was no hurry for
them to have the document notarized; third after signing the
document, Atty. Villanueva took the same from them, without giving
them a copy; fourth, if they wanted it notarized, they could have gone
to Atty. Arturo Alafriz who offered his help to them. Dionisio Jakosalem
Buencamino also positively testified that he saw Napoleon signing a
piece of paper, which Napoleon told him later, was the authority for
Atty. Villanueva to file the criminal case against the killers of
Napoleon's parents.
As against said three (3) witnesses, Jakosalem Buencamino, is the
lone testimony of respondent. Respondent's lone denial cannot prevail
over the positive testimonies of said three (3) witnesses. Furthermore,
the evidence is indisputable that respondent was in the practice of
leaving blank spaces between entries in his Notarial Register. He did
not note on said spaces why they were left blank. From August 2,
1977 to August 11, 1977, he left no less than eleven (11) spaces blank
between entries.
Issue: Whether or not Atty. Realubins act of leaving blank spaces
between entries in his Notarial Register is proper.
Ruling: No. Atty. Realubins act is not proper.
Said act is clear violation of Section 246 of the Revised
Administrative Code, which states:"No blank line shall be left. between
entries." This practice would make easy the ante-dating of documents
for the convenience of the parties and of the Notary Public.It is clear
that the respondent has violated the oath he took as a member of the
Bar that has resulted in extreme delay, inconvenience and damage to
the complainants. There is no justification for this violation and
corresponding penalty is called therefor. Respondent's act of falsely
certifying that complainants Napoleon and Ricardo Gonzaga personally
appeared before him and acknowledged that the document was their
free and voluntary act and deed is reprehensible, constituting as it
does, violation of law and gross misconduct on his part.

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