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Guide : Is it your first visit to Bali?

Mr. Blake : No. I ... here twice.
A. am
B. was
C. will be
D. must be
E. have been
Instead saying: The travellers were so
They didn't continue their journey.
We can also say ...
A. The travellers were tired because
they didn't continue their journey.
B. The travellers were so tired that they
didn't continue their journey.
C. The travellers were so tired if they
didn't continue their journey.
D. They didn't continue their journey so
they were tired.
E. They didn't continue their journey but
they were tired.
Toni : Vera, are you going to go to Yanti's
birthday party?
Roni : If she invited me I would go.
From Roni's answer we know that
Yanti ... him.
A. invites
B. invited
C. did not invite
D. does not invite
E. will not invite
Mother ... the food by the time the
children come home.
A. cooks
B. cooked
C. will cook
D. has cooked
E. will have cooked
Dina : Roni, that is the most popular
Roni : Oh ya. It must have been write by
a distinguished professor.
From the dialogue we know that Ani is
sure distinguished professor ... that
A. wrote
B. would write
C. should write
D. planned to write
E. wanted to write
Ani : What would you like to drink?
Irwan : ... will do.
A. Everything
B. Something
C. Anything
D. Nothing
E. None

Bona : Can you help me to answer this
question, Tony?
Toni : I would rather you answered it
The underline sentences means. That
Bona ... the question herself.
A. answers
B. answered
C. has answered
D. did not answer
E. does not answer
Ani : There is a good film Murni Theater.
Will you join me, Hen?
Heri : Certainly.
Ani : Please, come to my house at 4.00
p.m. If you want to.
The underline sentence means that ...
A. Heri wants to join Ani to see the film.
B. Ani wants to see the film without
C. Ani doesn't want to join Heri to the
D. Heri doesn't want to go with Ani.
E. Ani wants to see the film with Heri.
Roni : Father, my type write is out of
Father : Don't worry, I'll get it mended.
The sentence underlined has the same
meaning as ...
A. Father will mend it him self.
B. Father wants my sister to mend it,
C. My father will ask someone to mend
D. My sister ask father to mend it.
E. Someone will ask father to mend it.
"Do you borrow this book from the
library? " asked Deni.
Deni wanted to know whether I ... that
book from the library.
A. borrow
B. borrowed
C. will borrow
D. have borrowed
E. am going to borrowed
Ani : You promised to return my book
now. I need badly?
Dian : ... I left it home. I'll give it you
this afternoon.
A. I'm sorry
D. I'm so pleased
B. I don't mind
E. I'm very
C. I'm very terrible
Irfan : The test very difficult.
Toni : Hopefully, you can.
The underline utterance is an
expression of ...
A. showing disappointment
B. giving instruction

C. admitting something
D. complaining something
E. showing expectation
Johan : Are you working here, Ivan?
Ivan : Yes, I have been working here for
a month.
Johan : Oh, really ...
A. I'm very surprised
B. I'm very anxious
C. I'm confused
D. I'm terrible
E. I'm worried
Father : Where's Helen? It's already
20.30 now.
Mother : She's going working to the
Jakarta Fair.
Father : I'm afraid. She gets lost.
The underline phrase express ...
A. hope
B. attention
C. surprise
D. worry
E. disappointment
The teacher : ..., please, we'll start the
The student : All right. Sir.
A. Be quiet
B. Be careful
C. That right
D. Take care
E. Be a good class
Ronald moved to this town last year.
We can say that he ... in this town for a
A. lives
B. lived
C. has lived
D. had lived
E. was living
Rina ... a bath when I phoned her.
A. is taking
B. has taken
C. had taken
D. was taking
E. has been taking
Father : Are you sure you will pass?
Riana : Believe me, Dad. I'll do better in
the next
From the dialogue we know that
Riana ... to do better
in the next examination.
A. hopes
B. likes
C. wishes
D. decides
E. promises

A. I had
B. I have
C. he has
D. he had
E. he'd have
Ofan : How did the students pronounce
the words?
Gatta: They pronounced them ...
A. because they always did it
B. as long as they liked to do it
C. whenever the teacher was there
D. since the teacher had suggested
E. the same way as the teacher had
If I had a lot of time, I would study
From this sentence we know that:
A. I have a lot of time, so I study
B. I studied German because I had a lot
of time
C. I want to study German because I
have a lot of
D. I would like to study German, but I
don't have
much time
E. I don't want to study German
although I have a lot
of time
Alfred visited some countries in Asia,
Europe and
America. He bought luxurious things for
his wife and
He ... a lot of money.
A. could have
B. would have
C. ought have
D. must have had
E. should have had
All the students can operate the
computer but ... of
them knows how to repair it.
A. one
D. none
B. each
E. either
C. some
"Rini would rather live in a country than
in a town."
From this sentence we know that Rini ...
A. likes living in a town
B. hates living in a country
C. prefers living in a country
D. doesn't like living in a town or a

E. likes living in a town better in than a

Risma : What is it? (touching her nose)
Dian : Well, I smelt something ...
Risma : Go and-check the kitchen!
A. burns
B. burnt
C. to burn
D. burning
E. to be burnt
Abas : Did you paint the wall yourself?
Boby : I got Amir, to paint it.
From the dialogue we know that ...
A. Amir liked to paint the wall
B. Abas wanted to paint the wall
C. Boby asked Amir to paint the wall
D. Abas asked Boby to paint the wall
E. Boby wanted to paint the wall himself

Director : You are late again.
Secretary : ..., Sir. I was caught in a
traffic jam.
A. I'm sorry
B. Forget it'
C. Never mind
D. That's right
E. It's all right
Andi : I am feeling well now. May I go to
Mother : Andi, you'd better stay in bed
and rest for
three more days.
From the dialogue we know that Andi
is .asking for his
mother's ...
A. reason
B. opinion
C. agreement
D. permission
E. information
Vina : When did you get the letter?
Fani : Yesterday. My family ... when the postman
A. have lunch
B. will have lunch
C. were Having lunch
D. will have had lunch
E. have been having lunch
Mother : Don't be so noisy, Herman. The baby is
Herman : Okay, mom.

Rudi : What did your mother just tell you?

Herman : She told me ... because the baby was
A. I wasn't so noisy
B. not to be so noisy
C. don't be so noisy
D. I am very noisy
E. to be not so noisy
Sinta : Will you come with me to the cinema tonight?
Nia : ...
Sinta : All right, I'll fetch you at five o'clock.
A. I'd be unhappy to accept it.
B. Yes, that would be very nice.
C. Thank you Thanks anyway, but some other time,
D. I'd like to very much, but I am afraid I am busy
E. That's very kind of you, but I have much work to
A : Do you know the result of the test?
B : Not yet. The announcement ... twice.
A. was postponed
B. was being postponed
C. will be postponed
D. has to be postponed
E. has been postponed

Burhan : Do you know how to plant sea weed?
Rahman : No. I don't. I don't have any experience
The underlined utterance expresses ...
A. inability
B. uncertainty
C. displeasure
D. disagreement
E. impossibility
If we don't hurry, the meeting ... by the time we get
A. would have started
B. will have started
C. will be started
D. will start
E. starts
Doctor : Open your mouth!
Mother : What did the doctor tell you?
Son : The doctor told me ...
A. that I opened his mouth
B. if I opened my mouth
C. whether I open my mouth
D. to open my mouth
E. opened my mouth
Ramli : Why do you plan to resign from your job?
Ratna : Well, if the company ... me more I would not
quit my job.
A. has paid
B. paid
C. is paying
D. will pay

E. will have paid

E. they enjoyed it very much

Mr. Hasan : Last Sunday, I took my children to
Mr. Aribowo : How did they like it?
Mr. Hasan : Well, I think ... It was unforgettable
experience for them.
A. they couldn't go along with that
B. there was a chance for them
C. they would go along with that
D. it was a good time for them

Secretary : Here is the report on the implementation
of the planned parenthood program.
Chief : ... Well done.
A. I can understand it
B. I'll join the program
C. I am happy with your work
D. You don't have to type it
E. You'll have to make a little correction

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