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Consumer Behaviour Group Assignment 2

Body modification as viewed by others

B. Aakash
Debayan Sinha
Kaustubh Behere
Bhyrav mirle
Priya Jha
Md Shams

By Group 5


Body modification has been around as long as humans have lived and in almost every culture,
there are modifications that are done purely for aesthetic reasonsadornment and
beautification of both sexes and all genders, striving towards an accepted goal or standard of
human perfection within their culture In the simplest terms, Body modification means to
deliberately alter ones physical appearance and is quite a common occurrence today wherein
in almost all of us engage in some form of body modification or other. We have broadly
considered 4 types of Body modifications for our study:
Body Cutting

Cosmetic Surgery

Objectives of the study:

We have tried to analyse how Body modification is viewed by those who have not engaged in
it so far. We have tried to answer the following questions using our study:
The reasons why do they think people engage in body modification, internal and
How does this vary by type of body modification as listed above?
How do people who have not engaged in body modification view people who do
engage in body modification?

How do they behave with people who engage in body modification, and
How can marketing managers use your results?
We interviewed a sample of 8 people including 3 from earlier generations to get some variation
in opinions and their view as an outsider. Gender diversity was also maintained to know if the
response varies as per the gender.

Data collection:

The sample was asked question as listed below:

1. Do you know what body modification is? What do you think, why people go for it?
2. What would motivate you to get a BM done?
3. Why did you not engage in BM? (social/personal)
4. Why do you think BM customers want to go through this process?
5. What do you think consumers feel before and after BM?
6. What are your views on BM customers?
7. Do you know the process of BM? (Yes: ok/ if no: is the reservation because of your
We did a word cloud and graph analysis to interpret the mixed response.
Below is the Word-cloud for why people go for the process of Body-Modification. We prepared
a word-cloud for each type of body modification under consideration.

One of the major reasons for people to opt for tattoo according to the other people is
that it looks good and it is associated with their beliefs.
People who do not involve in body modification feel that body-cutting gives them an
individuality and also gives some of them a chance to display their courage.

People usually go for Cosmetic surgery to either enhance/hide their imperfections or

some of them may also opt for it owing medical reasons.
People usually associate piercing as a part of tradition rather than to look cool as per
the general perception.
Since the sample size was very small, not much variance in the opinion according the age
was identified. However the scepticism was observed with people with higher age group.

Perception / View:

Give the look of a high class society

Professionals- music, inspirational, sports, gang (bikers)
Very low class people for whom only looks matter.
Traditional purposes?


Only if its absolutely necessary?


Just for additional attractiveness?

Not Fine


Ok with it on most occasions

Its their choice, nothing wrong with it
Individuality uniqueness

Cute and beautiful-small changes are more acceptable

Making an attempt to appear cool, stamp individuality
Generally young, find means of expression

Reasons for undergoing the painful Body Modification Process:

We prepared the word cloud for the same and got the following response:

Most of the people had a common opinion that the payoff is worth the pain they go through
during the process. Many also believed that they become more fashionable and acceptable
which increases their confidence thus they dont mind undergoing a temporary pain.

Changes before and after the process:

The response collected was changed to word-cloud to interpret the data better.

We found that people generally do not observe a big change in the person who has
undergone body modification process, however they generally see them a little high
on individuality and confidence.
Also people find the person more satisfied and content with themselves after
undergoing the process.

Reasons for motivation if interested to undergo the process:

We prepared a response to know if people who have not undergone the body modification will
be willing to go for the same and what would be the reasons behind it:


Body cutting


Plastic Surgery



We got a unanimous response on body cutting wherein no one was willing to undergo
the process ever in the future however they do not mind working with people who have
undergone this process.
Plastic surgery had a mixed response where 50% were willing to undergo for minor
corrections and medical reasons.
Piercing also had a unanimous response as people do not want to indulge in the
process apart from cultural/traditional reasons.
Maximum people were willing to try tattoo in future if they get a proper motivation.

Word-Cloud for Motivation

The biggest motivation for people to undergo tattoo or Cosmetic surgery would be the
associativity or something that is linked to their memory or closed ones.
People might go for it if it becomes a part of fashion to look cool.
We also found that people do not find enough information on body modification as
compared to other things which are readily available. Thus their apprehensions and
doubts related to the process dont get addressed.

Marketing Implications:

Masses are not well informed about the processes for Body modification. Hence the marketing
managers can run a campaign about the body modification processes.

The credibility of the body modification facilitators is lacking. The masses are not aware of the
regulations and health & safety requirements which are furnished by the body modification
Out of our sample size of 8, 7 were interested in getting a tattoo in future. Hence we imply that
there is a big untapped market for this art-form in India. These tattoo centres lack credibility
as they are frequently associated with the gang culture. The campaigns needs to be run to
break this perception- possibly with the help of celebrity endorsement.

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