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TCJ24UNVK5 # Smart Planet Level 2 Teacher's Book ~ eBook

Smart Planet Level 2 Teacher's

By Garan Holcombe

Cambridge University Press. Paperback. Book Condition: new.

BRAND NEW, Smart Planet Level 2 Teacher's Book, Garan
Holcombe, Smart Planet is a secondary-level course which
appeals to students' curiosity about the world around them.
Stimulating materials complemented by fascinating videos
from Discovery Education help bring classes to life and are the
ideal starting point for successful language learning. The
interleaved Teacher's Book includes clear, at-a-glance
teaching notes and video lesson plans, together with
suggestions on how students can exploit the videos at home. It
also provides background information sections, with useful
extra facts about the lesson content. It also offers key
competences and CEF mapping for every unit; warm-up,
reinforcement and extension activities; teaching tips and a
games bank. There is also a Spanish version of the Teacher's
Book available separately.
[ 6.38 MB ]

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ANSPJ9TCLM // Smart Planet Level 2 Teacher's Book ^ Kindle

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