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Guidance 47
January 9, 2017
Chapter 2: Building Your Career Success Profile: Discover Your Personal Power
Exercise 2.3: Your Fantasy Careers
Wouldnt it be great to be a What?
Current Fantasy Careers
List your current fantasy careers below. Then think back chronologically to earlier age levels and
try to recall some of your past fantasy careers; list them as well. We develop fantasy careers at a
very young age. Most children see cartoons, television dramas, and movies about doctors,
lawyers, police officers, firefighters, astronauts, teachers, and scientists, to name a few popular
careers. Books about solving mysteries create an image of excitement about being a detective.
Current movies influence many to dream of being a jet pilot or a gifted performer. What have
you read about, seen in the movies, or dreamed about doing as a career?
1. For each career on your list, ask yourself this question: What about this career appeals to
me? Many of us might have the same fantasy career but for different reasons.
Current Fantasy Career: What About This Career Appeals to Me?
a. Lawyer. I like the idea of knowing the law like the back of your hand and nearly debating
about whether the ethics of the law leans more toward my client or yours. One thing that
got me into it was watching Law & Order: SVU. I loved the role the district attorney
would play in helping victims of sex crimes and I want to live that role. Plus, I would like
to start my own nongovernmental organization on cracking down on sex trafficking in the
US and other countries like India and Brazil. Especially Brazil because for the longest
time, I did not think, believe, or know that Brazil was not a first world country. I learned
so when the Olympics were held there and I want to help push the favelas there closer, if
not into, nonexistence.
b. Doctor. I like to watch House. I dont want to be the type of crazy doctor that Dr.Gregory
House is, but I do like when him and his team brainstorm. They have so much
knowledge. Theres so many degrees you can get. Theres so many options in the medical
field. The only downside is that I nearly faint every time I get my blood drawn. I heard
there are some classes I could take to help with that, so if my passions change Maybe.
c. Full-Time Minister. It used to be on my mind all the time, but as the doors started to close
on this choice, other doors for other choices began to open. Its a hard life to imagine
since Ive never really experienced it before, but it takes a lot of sacrifice. One of the
sacrifices being having children. I understand the joys and aches of raising children and I
think its something Id be up for when Im older.

d. Traveling chef with own Food/Travel Network semi-reality television show. In short, I
want to be just like my culinary dad, Anthony Bourdain. A profession like his combines
the two best things in life and makes you a household name among people, young and
old, who like to watch food on television. Along with the food, he brings you knowledge,
through his show about the hardships of the countries hes visiting, both past and present.
And in every episode, he drinks. Sometimes real hard. Now who doesnt want to be able
to drink on the job. Thats goals. And if he gets drunk, not a problem. Goals one hundred
Past Fantasy Careers
Take time to think back any fantasy careers you had in earlier years.
Past Fantasy Careers: What Appealed Most to Me about This Fantasy Career?
Ages 1 10: OB/GYN, Anthropologist. All I have to say is that I was a more realistic kid than
others. I didnt want to be President though and my fifth-grade teacher, in retrospect, made it
seem like being President in the future would be a breeze for me. I didnt know what exactly an
OB/GYN did I just knew that it had to do something with babies, not where they came from. I
wanted to be an Anthropologist because of the movies The Nanny Diaries and The Sisterhood
of the Traveling Pants 2.
Ages 11 15: Princess, Dancer, Actress, Director, Writer, Playwright, Anthropologist. I think I
was more in touch in the arts during these years. Except for the princess one. Because my parents
got divorced I had to grow up fast and never really allowed myself the chance when I was
younger to indulge in the thought of being a princess. Im finally starting to grow out of it.
Ages 16 20: Lawyer, Professor, Journalist, Writer, High school Debate Teacher. In my mind,
these careers are all interconnected. I know Im going to get a law degree and Ill do something
with that. I kind of want to become an activist or at least inspire others through awareness and
my actions. I really enjoyed having teachers and professors like that so I know that if I teach like
that, perhaps my students will be more involved and motivated. Thats how I would feel. I just
want others to have the same good experiences as me
Ages 21 30: TBA
Ages 31 40:TBA
Ages 41 50:TBA
Ages 51 plus: TBA
2. Now choose the one fantasy career that is most appealing. Use your social networking
sites. Try to locate someone who earns a living in this career. If you are part of a class,
ask your instructor and classmates if they can refer you to someone. Otherwise, try to

make a connection by asking people you know at school, work, and social gatherings. Do
your investigative work to determine how well this job fits you.
The fantasy career that is most appealing is lawyer. On College Board, I was matched up with
the careers of Journalist, Poet, Lawyer, and Video Game Designer. Honestly, all of those careers
are appealing to me, but they have their cons too. Everyone wants to be a lawyer and/or
journalist. Poets are struggling with their careers. I can barely get through 3 hours of a video
game, let alone design it. Plus, I dont like computer geeky stuff as much as the rest of the world
does but it seems like thats where all the moneys at. Personal experiences led me to lean
towards lawyer. But I think Id like to me a legal analyst for a new company or come up with
different ways people can be prosecuted in GTA if thats possible
Making a Fantasy Real
1. Find a newspaper or magazine article that describes a job that seems like a fantasy job to
you. Or find a story about a person you consider to be truly successful. (Remember: Go
beyond the societal stereotypes of success. Develop your own definition of success.)
2. Summarize the features that make the job or the successful person appealing to you. What
are the personality traits of the person holding the job? What adjectives best describe this
I consider Erin Brockovich to be a successful person because she became and is still the one who
brings people a voice. Shes all about awareness and change. Shes tough yet caring. When she
discovered that a company had been poisoning a small for some 30 plus years, she, along with
legal help, began a law suit against that company for the people of a small town. What I like and
find successful about her is the fact that she saw something bad happening and spoke up. She has
guts to stand up against something thats wrong, even if it didnt affect her. I aim to be that type
of activist. That type of person. She has priceless qualities that make her who she is and a role
model. My role model.

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