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QUICK & EFFECTIVE COLD READING RICHARD WEBSTER BROOKFELD PRESS OTHER TITLES BY RICHARD WEBSTER INCLUDE: HOW TO BUILD UP A PSYCHIC PRACTICE WITH FULL LENGTH COLD READINGS QUICK READINGS WITH NUMEROLOGY PSYCHOMETRY FROM A TO Z AURA READING FOR FUN AND PROFIT CASHING IN ON PAST LIVES ‘THE MAIL ORDER PSYCHIC PENDULUM POWER FOR THE PSYCHIC ENTERTAINER HOME PSYCHIC PARTIES FOR FUN AND;PROFIT GOOD LUCK FROM BEDING (Close-up Mental magic): First published 1985 by BROOKFIELD PRES! 22 Marriott Road, = Pakuranga, Auckland, New Zea © Richard Webster 1985, 8th impression 1991 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may. duced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by i mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, Brookfield Press, 22 Marriott Road, Pakuranga, Auckli ISBN 0-86467-035-4 CONTENTS Introduction How to Begin First Steps The Heart Line The Girdle of Venus The Wead Line The Life Line The Destiny Line Plain of Mars The Thumb The Fingers Psychic Abilities Money Loops of Humour and Common Sense Marriage Lines and Children Finale Sample Reading Number One Sample Reading Number Two Sample Reading Number Three Non Palmistry Readings Sample Reading Number Four How to Get Work Publicity Conclusion Recommended Reading 10 10 13 14 19 22 25 27 28 30 32 33 35 38 4a 50 53 34 62 69 72 73 | dbisgem preyory MoUs. }pInoYs #10308 NOISIAST ounwo} 7 e sAep —yonw MoH CE eS ge ce) | pF itu (PRS Why another book on cold reading? Mainly because I think cold reading is far and away the most important skill a mentalist needs, and consequently the more different viewpoints there are available the better for anyone interested. when 1 first became interested in mentalism I thought all that was necessary to find fame and fortune in this field was the ability to do a few mind reading tricks effectively. After all, people seem to enjoy this type of magic, and I got a thrill out of seemingly being a mind reader. However, it didn't take long before people starting asking “do you tell forcunes?", "can you read my palm?", or even "I have a problem with my daughter. can you advise me on what to do?" After a few of these questions had been thrown at me I got the hint and bought a couple of books on Palmistry. These were not of much help as they taught me how to tell a few basic things about someone's character, but told me nothing at all about putting it all together ta make a satisfying reading. Consequently, I bought all of the Robert Nelson books on cold reading and memorised one of the stock readings. (This was "Dante's System of Life Span Reading") This was 2 start, but still was not of much help if more than one person at a time wanted a reading. Despite the advice of one book to tell everyone exactly the same, 1 found people were a little brighter than that, so, rather than learn a dozen standard readings I devised the system that follows for cold reading with Palmistry. Once I had mastered that, I found it easy to transfer the same readings onto tea leaf reading, Tarot cards, Numerology, Rune stones, the Aura, and even the erystal ball. Why Palmistry in the first place? Mainly because almost everyone has at least one hand, so it is convenient, and people put great faith in it because the lines on their hands are highly personal to them - in fact I do believe that they are a map of the individual's mind. Also, of course, the mere fact of holding the other person's hand creates a feeling of intimacy and trust - not to mention the muscle reading opportunities it provides. Before we get on to cold reading proper, I must emphasise that you, as a reader have a great responsibility. You must send your client away feeling better about themselves, confident that the future will be enjoyable and happy. People who come for readings are generally very vulnerable, so you have a definite duty to emphasise the positive. Don't be ridiculous about it though. If you tell an obviously poor, uneducated lady that she will marry a European prince and live on the Costa Brava it is unlikely 5 that she will believe you, and your reading then degenerates into a farce. This is like one of those four ace card tricks where you tell the lady that if she turns up an ace she will be happy, if she turns up two she will be very happy - and then she actually turns up all four. I feel there is a big credibility gap with a lot of mental effects of this sort. Robert Nelson's “Phenomenal ESP" is a tremendous effect, but is to my mind too perfect. I perform this effect often, but end up with three cards correct rather than all five. This seems to make the effect stronger - after all, if it was a trick, I would have succeeded in getting all five. Consequently, when doing readings, I look the person up and down and make predictions in line with what that particular person could possibly achieve. For example, for the lady mentioned above, I would tell her that she will marry a good man who will, through hard work, ultimately be a very good provider. They would have @ modest starc but will gradually get ahead and will be very happy. If a sophisticated young lady came to me I would possibly tell her chat she will marry an ambitious professional man who will be an excellent provider and will take her on many overseas trips. Both of the above would be definite possibilities for the people concerned, so I have a good chance of being correct in both cases. Your long term success depends on you being right reasonably often, so make your predictions within the realms of possibility. Resolve at the outset to be @ good reader, and you will be amazed at the success you. will achieve. | Your new skills will make you a great deal of money, and you will be able to help a large number of people at the same time. HOW TO BEGIN The best way to start is te read as much as you can on the subject (See list of suggested reading at the end of the book) and then start by doing a few brief readings. Opportunities will present themselves everywhere if you simply mention that. you have been making a study of Palmistry. Until you get a bit of experience mention that you are a beginner, so that people will not expect too much From you. | Initially, just make a few pertinent comments about some factor on the hand as this will help you remember the fundamentals as well. 1f you spend one week looking at - say - people's heart lines, the next week beart and head lines, the following week heart, head and life lines, you will gradually be building up your knowledge without having to memorise too much at any one time. My own start in the field happened rather differently. 1 had bought a pile of Horoscope books which took several months to reach me in New Zealand. As a result they were almost out of date when they finally arrived and were consequently impossible to sell. To get rid of them 1 hired a stall at a local flea market and offered a free palm reading with every book. ‘This worked like magic, and in no time I had a long queue of people wanting to buy my previously unsaleable merchandise. To my amazement everyone appeared very happy with their readings, and I had found for myself e new career. However, I do not really recommend that you start this way. I am mentioning it only so that you will realise that even a complete beginner can give satisfying readings. Obviously, like anything else, the first reading is the hardest, so 1 suggest that you begin by looking at the hand of an acquaintance rather than a friend or member of your own family who know you too well. You will get disparaging comments from people who have known you for years, and think you have suddenly gone crazy, so it is best not to start with chem. actually, 1 much prefer reading for strangers anyway. If you score an amazing hit on a friend they are likely to think you found the information in some other way rather chan simply through the palm. (You wouldn't stoop to do anything like that, would you?!) On a stranger, though, 2 direct hit can be real dynamite, and you are immediately raised up several levels to rank with Nostrodamus! And don't think your hits are not going to be talked about. They will be told again and again, each time more and more embellished ~ and each time this happens your reputation and name grows. ~beaned cocaine Once started you will find word will get around and you will be asked to do readings everywhere you gow The enormous advantage of cold readings over any psychic trick is that, once learned, you are always prepared to demonstrate your psychic abilities. You don't have to back out because you left your swami gimmick at home, or - even worse - have to make a lame excuse, as 1 did once at a Party, when the host unexpectedly handed me a large needle so I could show his friends how I could push a needle through my arm. I had to back out of that, but did a quick Numerology reading which was probably just as impressive and made everyone forget ail about the needle through arm trick. A Pelee Ulidlive w peek at the future By Brenda Hawkes ‘ eee ee Soe se oe we oo a tg lo a Js the ae ‘Sun E Picraaies Seite ne gente a ‘reading pls since he was Teyears-og. He never reveals bad for tunes unless eis specifica. yanked, Continued on Qur reporter Brenda Hawkes has Richard Webster in the palm of her cS wand. MAIN LINES ON THE HAND The lines are read in the order indicated: 1. the Heart Line 2. the Head Line 3. the Life Line 4. the Destiny Line The lines are read in the direction indicated h by the arrows. &~ MARRIAGE ‘—~ LINES FIRST STEPS It is important co use a set system as that way you will give a full, logical and complete reading by always going ground the hand in the same way, This means that you never forget to mention, say, money or health when you are doing the reading. 1 begin by asking the person if they are right or left handed. If they are right handed I take their right hand, if left handed, their left. 1 explain that this is their major hand, the hand of everyday life, and thar the other hand represents their imagination and inherited characteristics. (If I am wanting to obrdin the person as a customer for a full palm reading, 1 smilingly say that this hand (the minor hand) is actually more interesting as jt covers the persons real aims and desires, rather than what they dow I say {¢ is a shame that I can not do justice to it now, but will happily look at their major hand. Most people are intrigued with this, so often ask at the ond of the reading how they can get hold of me to do it properly — so remember to include it if you intend to do full readings. Full readings are outside the scope of this book, but will hopefully be covered in the next.) T then hold their major hand gently in mine, look at it intently for a few moments and say "You have an interesting hand." 1 personally do find people's hands interesting, so have no difficulty in saying this as if I mean it. It doesn't mean anything, but everyone likes being told that they are interesting in some way, so it starts the reading off in the right manner, THE HEART LINE The next step is to ask the person how old they are. This is not necessary, but 1 find it adds credibility - even though you will sometimes get unlikely answers! once T have this information, I point at a spot on the Heart Line and say, “In that case you are right here." (The Heart Line is the major line running across the hands nearest the fingers, See illustration.) After another pause in which I gently run a finger backwards and forwards along the Heart Line from the point they are at, I say "Well, you are not exactly at the high point of your life. It looks as if you are looking back and looking Rhead, reevaluating everything. This is @ necessary part 10 of your growth and puts you onto a slightly different level. Because of this the future is going to be more even and happier than the past.” You can safely say the above to everyone. We are all generally looking back into the past and wondering about the future, and it is certainly nice to be told that we are going in the right direction. So far we can safely say all of the above to everyone, but at this point we have two alternatives. If the Heart Line forms a gentle curve, Starting at the side of the palm under the little finger and ending between the first and second fingers, we have what is known as a Physical Heart Line. When I see this 1 sayy "You have a strong Heart Line which ends at the perfect spot between these fingers (trace the line with one of your fingers as you talk and indicate the ending). This makes for a strong, ongoing relationship that builds and grows and is still going strong in your old age. You won't be lonely in’ your old age. Some people worry about this but you will have no need to." You will note in the above that I have not said when the relationship begins, so, even if the person has had a succession of disastrous marriages or affairs, it still holds true as it could all be in the future. ‘Ie is also equally as accurate for someone who has been married 10, 20 or even 40 years. It can even be true for an elderly Person who has lost their spouse after a long and happy marriage, as 1 can always add, "You won't be lonely because of family and friends, particularly one good friend.” The other type of Heart Line most frequently encountered is the Mental (or Humanitarian) Heart Line. This runs in a straight line right across the hand. When I see this 1 sayy “You have what is known as a Humanitarian Heart Line. This gives a slightly detached concern for everyone. You like People, but you need a bit of room around you at the same time. This may have made it hard for you to express your innermost feelings early on in life. Fortunately, this becomes easier and easier all the way through your life. With the extra line here (indicating any small line near the end of the Heart Line) you won't be lonely in your old age, which is an indication of a strong and stable relationship that gradually builds and grows all the way through your life. It may sound funny, but ultimately you will be friends as well.” The above holds true as the so-called Mental Heart Line is ay PHYSICAL HEART LINE Perfect place to end is between first and second fingers, as in illustration. Gan also end under first finger (= idealistic) or under second finger (= selfish) MENTAL HEART LINE Runs across the hand end does not curve up to the fingers. It may have a slight curve, but remains largely a straight line. 12 called that because it gives a Mental type of sexuality to the person. This person needs the right partner, the right setting, the right everything to perform properly. Someone with a Physical Heart Line might be happy in the back seat of a Volkswagon with someone picked up a few minutes earlier, but with a Mental Heart Line the person needs not only the right partner, but soft music and candlelight as well. Consequently, the Mental type person does find it hard to express his feelings - which is really about all I said in the above paragraph. Sometimes you will find a Heart Line that ends below the first finger, rather than in between the first and second fingers. This makes for an idealistic person, so I say, Your Heart Line ends just here under your first finger. This makes you rather idealistic at times, so you have probably been let down at times in the past. Fortunately, not too much so ~ you can live in this world.” I then go on with the usual piece about the long lasting relationship as outlined under Physical Heart Line. If the Heart Line ends under the second finger, it indicates a selfish person who puts him or her self first, second and everywhere else. In a quick palm reading I completely ignore this and give the reading for a Physical Heart Line. However, I make a mental note of it and may slightly slant other parts of the reading because of it. Tt is an extremely useful clue to character, though the individual would not thank you for pointing it out to them. THE GIRDLE OF VENUS Every so often you will find what is known as a2 Girdle of Venus on a hand. This is a line, often made up of a series of disjointed small lines, running parallel to the Heart Line, between the Heart Line and fingers: This is an indication of extreme sensitivity, s0 when I see it, I say, "This is known as a Girdle of Venus (indicate it with a finger, running it along it a couple of times). It shows that you feel things very deeply. Other people may be able to hurt you at times and not even know that they have done it. Fortunately, although it will always be present it gets more and more under control, through effort on your part, all the way through life. tt is wonderful if you are doing something creative (pause here, because if they are doing something creative you may be told, or get a positive clue through holding their hand), but it can be a hindrance 13 in daily life." The Girdle of Venus is seen much more frequently in women's hands than in men’s. This could indicate that women are the more sensitive sex, or possibly that they feel things more deeply. In a man's hand it could be an indication of homosexuality, though be careful - he-may just be a sensitive person. Many homosexuals have a Girdle of Venus, but many don't. If J have any doubts at all about a person's sexuality I talk in terms of relationships, rather than marriages. GIRDLE OF VENUS An indication of extreme sensitivity Can be useful if the person is doing some- thing creative. These people feel things very deeply. THE HEAD LINE Now we move up a line to the Head Line, which is the second major line crossing the hand (see illustration). | This is an indication of the person's mentality. | long Wead Line is supzosed to indicate a highly intelligent person, whilst & short. line apparently indicates someone not so well blessed: In practice I have found this not 100% accurate. Someone with a short Head Line who uses his brain is invariably brighter than someone with a long head Line who Goesn't use his. However, if someone has @ long Head line Sogiways say that the longer the Head Line is the brighter the person is, so you must be pretty bright. (!) 14 15 PRACTICAL HEAD LINE Goes across the palm in a virtually straight line. Makes for a practical, down-to-earth, unimaginative type of mentality. of the palm known as the Mount pf. Lumar (imagination). Gives ‘an. inaginative, creative mentality. ‘These people need variety and stimlation in their lives. Before I start reading the Head Line I have a quick look at the length of the fingers. If they are short the individual is quick, impatient and more concerned with the overall picture than the details. The longer the fingers the greater the love of detail. 1 rely on a glance to test the length - if they look short compared to the rest of the palm, they are short; if they look long, they are long. (If you want to do it properly, which is difficult in a quick reading, ask the person to close his hand and extend the fingers. If they reach more than three quarters of the way down the palm they are classed as being long). Although 1 look briefly at the fingers at this point, I do not mention them, but use the length as a help when reading the Head Line. There are two main types of Head Lines ~ ones that go straight across the palm, and ones that move up the palm as they go across (see illustrations). If the Head Line goes straight across the palm, I say, "You have a practical brain, and think things through in a logical, down-to-earth manner.” A Head Line like this belongs to a practical, unimaginative sort of person who thinks in this way, so will fit his personality. If the Head Line curves upwards T say, "You have a creative, imaginative approach to everything you do. It covers all areas of your life. It is imporcanc that whacever you do has quite a bit of variety in it, as you tend to float away otherwise." This type of Head Line is sometimes known as the Creative Head Line as ic ends in the area of the palm known as the Mount of Lunar, which governs the imagination, so therefore, the above will fit this person. As a follow on from this 1 use the length of his fingers, still, though, outlining the person's Head Line with a finger as I talk. If he has short fingers I comment, You like to get things over and done with. You hate things that go on and on for ever. You might get a bit impatient with people who take all day. You are going to be busy always, in fact you'll be just as busy in your retirement as you are now ~ or at any other time. You might be a bit hard to keep up with as your interests vary, 16 and you'll probably end up knowing a little bit about hundreds of things rather than a lot about one. You'Li even be taking up new interests on the day you die, so really you will never grow old mentally. | You'll always be young at heart." If he has long fingers, it is a different story: "You like to get down to the bottom of things and work them out for yourself. Whatever work you do should have a loc to it, the more involving the better. If you take something up you take it all the way - you don't dabble. You are very responsible and conscientious. You like the details of things and invariably try to finish what you start. Sometimes, just for fun, I add to either of the above: "It's funny, but you seem to have used your brain more once yeu left school rather than when you were at it. Nost People do it the other way round." This is so much nonsense, of course. I think everyone uses their brain more once they have left school, but everyone nods and agrees whenever I remember to include this line. IMPULSIVENESS ~ This is indicated by the gap between the Head and Life Lines (see page 18). The bigger the gap, the nore impulsive and reckless the person will be. 17 Occasionally you will see someone with what appears to de two Head Lines, one stronger than the other. | When 1 see this T say, "You have a double Head Line. This may have given you a little bit of indecision in the past. Fortunately, you are largely out of its reach, now, though it may pop up from time to time." Well, who isn't even a little bit indecisive at times? At this stage 1 look at the start of the Head Line. It will begin either joined to the Life Line or separate from it. If it is joined, it makes for a cautious individual, so I am able to say, "You have a fairly cautious approach to everything you do. You feel the water first. This is good as it will Keep you from landing in hot water. You think things out before you act.” If the Head Line starts at a distance from the Life Line 1 know the person is impulsive, the degree of impulsiveness being gauged from the size of the gap. When I see this, 1 have a useful few lines: "You are inclined to be a little bit impulsive at times. You may jump in and think about it afterwards. You are also gradually becoming more and more outspoken the older you become. This is good, as even though it may get you into hot water at times, people know where they stand.” You will notice that when I read the hand I comment that it is good regardless of whether they are cautious or impulsive. With a quick reading of this sort, the aim is to send the client away happy, so although I briefly cover ups and downs and negative traits I do it im such a way that the client goes away smiling and feeling positive. I finish off my words about the Head Line by saying to everyone: "You are not as trusting as you used to be. You tell people enough, but maybe not always the whole story. There are reasons for this, of course." Obviously I can't go into the reasons, but the client ~ hopefully - assumes that I know all the reasons, and could elaborate if I wished. So far no one has ever asked me to, and 1 would be surprised if someone did, but I could always get out of it by indicating the person's past emotional ups and downs, or even say that we all become less trusting as we grow older. 18 THE LIFE LINE After the Head Line I move on to the Life Line which is the line which goes around the raised mound at the base of the thumb. This is the one line that everyone seems to know and you will frequently be asked questions about its length. For all practical purposes, T tell everyone that they have a good Life Line, but people will ask you questions such as, "My Little boy has a Life Line that only goes half way around his thumb. Does that mean he will die young?" This is quite a worry for some people, judging from the number of times I have been asked the question. When I am asked that L inquire as to the person's age. If they are under eighteen I say, "Just ignore it. The hand is not fully formed until about the age of eighteen and a lot of young people have short Life Lines. By the time he has grown up it will a normal length." If the person they are asking about is older than eighteen I say, “Well, the Life Line is only one thing to look at. Its depth and strength is more important than its length and you also have to look at the person's Health Line. You can't tell when someone is going to die just from the Life Line alone, so you have no need to worry about it. You can't tell when someone is going to die from a brief glance at a hand, anyway. 1 think it is possible te gauge periods of ill health from a more detailed study of a person's hands, but remember that the hand is a map of the person's mind, and as such, can change, so it impossible - and highly irresponsible — to tell someone when they are going to die. I get asked this quite often and always reply: "You have a good strong Life Line, so will be around for a good long time. In fact, it is so strong, that I think you must come from a long lived family." Most people would have to admit that on at least one side of their family someone has lived to a good age. After all, what is a good age? To some people 70 is a good age, so you can not really be contradicted. As I live in the British Commonwealth 1 can also add: "It looks as if you could ultimately get a message from the queen." This is because Queen Elizabeth sends a telegram to everyone in the British Commonwealth on their 100th birthday. I'd 19 THE TWO TYPES OF LIFE LINE ENERGETIC Strong line that comes well across the palm, denoting plenty of energy: and stamina. Can go on and on indefinitely LETHARGIC Very little energy. Tired, listless approach. Needs plenty of rest always. 20 hate to think how old the Queen would be when some of the People 1 have told this to get their message! The ideal Life Line is tong, clear, well marked and comes as far across the palm as possible. ‘1 always tell people who have this fortunate occurence: "You have a tremendous Life Line. It is good and long, so you will be around for a long time, and, on top of thar it comes well across your pain. This gives you plenty of energy and stamina. If you were doing something you enjoy you could keep on doing it more or less indefinitely. You have great reserves of energy, good staying power. | Your Physical fitness varies quite considerably, but the underlying energy remains constant.” All the while I am saying this, I am moving a finger up and down the Life Line, indicating its length and pausing at Gifferent places as if to indicate a point I am mentionings I also emphasise the word ‘tremendous' making three long syllables of it - ‘tre-men-dous' - to emphasise how impressed I am at seeing such a Life Line. Well, the above is the ideal. What about a Life Line that thin, wavery and hugs in closely to the thumb? This is the opposite to the above Life Line and belongs to people who are always tired and listless, half alive — “weary Willie's" we call them here in New Zealand. 1 dont tell them that, though. Instead T say, "You have a good strong Life Line that shows you reaching a good age. It funny though, but you seem to be getting more energy and stamina the older you become. You may have needed plenty of rest early on in life, but you now have more staying power, and this is actually increasing. It is the opposite to most people Tt may mot be strictly honest as these people never have much energy, but the above sounds much nicer than baldly stating just thar. The ideal Life Line should ultimately curve slightly around the base of the thumb near the wrist. If it is noticeably shorter I conventently ignore that, but if it {s very long 1 always comment on he fact. Many people possess a finer Life Line inside the Life Line Proper. This is called a Sister Line and is @ protection. When I see it I interpret it this way: "You have what is known as a Sister Line here. It forms a 24 sort of double Life Line and is a very fortunate thing to have. It if a protection, and means that things that would affect other people physically would not affect you to the same extent. $0 you are very fortunate. Incidentally, it also means that you will never jump off the Harbour Bridge." Substitute your own favourite suicide spot. I only use the last sentence when it looks as if the person has a sense of humour. Almost everyone has a number of Worry Lines on their hands. These are lines that radiate out from the bottom of the thumb across towards the Life Line. (See illustration on page 9) If the person has very few of these I comment favourably on that, saying "I wish I had as few worries as you!" Tf they have a lot I comment on the fact that they are worrying less the older they get: "You have had your share of worries but these are largely behind you now. You have it more under control and are gradually worrying less the older you become. These are mainly family worries.” I pause at the end of this, and wait for some indication that the worries are actually ‘family’ worries. 99 times out of 100 the lady will nod her head, say yes, or in some other way indicate that I am correct. If I get no response 1 bear that in mind for the next line we come to - the Destiny Line. THE DESTINY LINE The Destiny Line (some people call this the Fate Line) runs from near the wrist down towards the fingers (see illustration on page 9). Te shows the person's path through life, and is a necessary line to have if the person is to achieve any degree of success. People without 4 Destiny Line are like a boat without a rudder - they drift all over the place and never get anywhere. Most people's Destiny Lines end near the second finger, though you will see Destiny Lines ending all over the place. You will even see Destiny Lines that disappear for part of their length and then teappear again. When you see this it is an indication that the person did not know where they were going during the period of time when the line vanished. The Destiny Line starts in two main positions - actually joined to or inside the Life Line or away from the Life Line. If it starts inside the Life Line and the person i a lady I say: Someone had an important influence on you when you were 22 DESTINY LINE starting inside Life Line DESTINY LINE starting outside Life Line very young, giving a sense of what is right and wrong, moral values - that sort of thing. It was a strong influence and remains all the way through life. Your Destiny Line comes right down to your Heart Line. This makes you a family person, happiest married with a family. (1 only say this if I had a positive response to the family worries discussed in the section on the Life Line. If 1 had no reaction to that, I would amend the last line to say: "This makes you @ peopie person, a family person in the widest sense." This does not really say anything, but manages to include family if the person does end up having a family after all. It also sounds pleasant.) For a man with a Destiny Line starting inside the Life Line I would say: "Someone had an important influence on you when you were very young, giving a sense of what is right and wrong, moral values - that sort of thing. It was a good influence and remains always. Your Destiny Line comes right down to your Heart Line making you a family sort of person, However, it also crosses your Head Line showing that you would be happiest working for yourself, or in a situation where you were left to get on with it. Incidentally,, your family would always come first, which shows your priorities are in the right order. This is good for home and family life, but makes it that much harder to become a millionaire." The above is not strictly correct in a Palmistry sense, but, as everyone thinks they would like to work for themselves at some stage in their life, sounds accurate. In fact, you can tell with Palmistry if someone would be able to succeed at working for themselves - but you cannot say categorically that they will. If the Destiny Line starts outside the Life Line I say the gay thing to both men and women: “you have always liked co be # bit independent, right from the day you were born, _ Someone used to keep giving you advice all the time. | Tt was meant well, but it doesn't look as if you took much notice at the time.” If the Head Line and Life Line are also separate (which you will remember makes for an impulsive person), as well as the Destiny Line starting outside the Life Line, I can also add: “Your Destiny Line comes right down to your Heart Line, emphasising family, so you will want them close. But, at the same time, you need a lot of room around you to do your own thing. $0 you will be very busy always - with a close 24 | | family life coupled with lots and lots of outside interests. You'd be pretty hard to keep up with at times.” PLAIN OF MARS AND THE THUMB At this point 1 press lightly on the two points indicated on the illustration. | These are the two areas on the hand known as the Mount of Mars. Ideally, it should be feirly firm when pressed. If it is soft and spongy, you have a person who finds it hard to stand up for themselves. If it is fairly firm you have someone who is easy to get along with but does not let himself be imposed upon, and if it is extremely hard you find someone who can be aggressive. Often I ask people with a very firm Plain of Mars if they ever thought of taking up the Armed Forces as a career, and many times they have. These people tend to gravitate into fields such as the Police, Armed Forces, Prison Officers, Traffic Officers, ete. The area to press to see if the person can stand up for themselves. Press both spots a few times before deciding if it is firm, very firm or soft. Push against the top part of the thumb to see how stubborn your subject is.

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