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P. Koeze and A.H.B.Th. van Gelder
De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

May 1985
Digitised February 2007

This paper was presented at the Madrid meeting of the Banknote Printers
Conference, 7 9 October 1986. This digital version was composed in February 2007 and follows the original text with minor emendations, with the
exception of two papers dating from the nineteen fties which were added
to the list of references.
Both authors worked in the Banknotes Technical Development Department of De Nederlandsche Bank N.V., Amsterdam, at the time this paper
was published. Dr Peter Koeze retired from the Bank in 2004; Ing Alwin
van Gelder is still employed by the Bank in 2007.
E-mail: [email protected]
List of Publications:
Curriculum vitae:
De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.
P.O. Box 98
1000 AB Amsterdam
E-mail: [email protected]

The eect of three dierent coating materials (UMC, CAP and Mowital
B3OH) on the durability of Netherlands f 25-banknotes has been investigated. Test series with the coatings were produced together with a test
series without coating and put into circulation. With the aid of the Banks
sorting system the gradual withdrawal of the banknotes has been continuously recorded for two-and-a-half years from the day of issue. It appears
that coated banknotes have a remarkably longer mean time to failure than
banknotes without coating. Of the coating materials tested CAP turns out
to be superior. On basis of this circulation trial, if CAP-coated banknotes
are used instead of uncoated banknotes, only 30% of the number of banknotes needs to be issued in order to keep the circulation at the same quality


The inuence of a surface coating on the durability of banknotes has been

a controversial point among central banks and their printers. A well-chosen
coating material should, in principle, retard the soilage of banknotes while
in circulation. In the belief that such an eect is real, Netherlands banknotes are coated since 1957 [1] [2]. Belgium abolished coating after many
years of application. Other countries were and are considering coating their
banknotes but are not sure if the savings are worth the trouble and the costs
to be incurred in the printing works.
As is known [3] [4] [5], De Nederlandsche Bank is able to measure the
mean life of banknotes reasonably accurately by means of circulation trials. In 1981 our printing works proposed to test three dierent materials
suitable as a coating and to measure their eect on the durability of Netherlands banknotes. The coating materials were: UMC, CAP and Mowital
B3OH. Banknotes coated with UMC were produced in two varieties: one
coated with normal layer thickness and one with an extra-thick layer. For
comparison, uncoated banknotes were issued also. So, in total 5 varieties of
banknotes were issued. The denomination chosen was f 25. The necessary
banknote paper was produced and printed as one batch in order to eliminate
unintended dierences in paper quality. Table 1 summarises the details.
Table 1. Summary of details of the test series. The denomination is f 25.
number fraction
(gram/m2 )
at 30-11-84
6757 6780 UMC
297,700 0.7524
6781 6804 none

297,000 0.9576
6805 6828 Mowital B3OH
294,300 0.7556
6829 6852 CAP
296,600 0.7146
6853 6876 UMC extra-thick 1.60
296,300 0.7256
The banknotes were issued in the period from Monday 19 April 1982
to Friday 30 April 1982. In the following evaluation Friday 23 April 1982
is taken as the date of issue. On Friday 30 November 1984, the last day
covered by the trial, the notes had been in circulation for 136 weeks and of
each variety 70% or more had been withdrawn.
For details of the method of calculation one is referred to the reports
mentioned [3] [4] [5].


The return rate

The return rate o is dened as the ratio of the sum of t banknotes s and
unt banknotes v returned during a week t to the number of banknotes in
circulation c at the beginning of week t:
o (t) =

s (t) + v (t)
c (t 1)


In gure 1 the return rates o of the test series as a function of circulation

time t are plotted. For comparison, gure 2 shows the return rate for the
entire circulation of the same f 25 denomination. The correlation coe cients
between the data sets are given in table 2. As mentioned, all banknotes in
circulation (except for the test series issued in this trial) are coated with
Table 2. Correlation coe cients between the return rates of the test series
and the entire f 25 circulation after 136 weeks. Coating 1 = UMC;
coating 2 = UMC, extra-thick layer; coating 3 = Mowital B3OH;
coating 4 = CAP; coating 5 = no coating; coating 6 = entire f 25
circulation (UMC).
Coating 1
0.9654 1
0.9816 0.9688 1
0.9735 0.9875 0.9857 1
0.7029 0.6671 0.7069 0.6615 1
0.7433 0.6729 0.6975 0.6674 0.3909 1
Using the method of least squares straight lines were tted to the data
sets. Under the hypothesis that the slope of the lines is zero the t-statistic
has been calculated for a few selected circulation times. The values are
shown in gure 3 for the test series coated with UMC and CAP and for
the test series without coating. The 0.01 and 0.05 signicance levels of the
t-statistic are also shown. From gure 3 it is clear that the hypothesis is
not rejected for t 6 110 weeks in the case of the test series with coating and
for t 6 66 weeks in the case of the test series without coating. Further, the
hypothesis that the data sets are independent, normally distributed random
variables with equal means has also been tested in the same intervals. That
hypothesis is not rejected either. All further results given below are based
on those intervals.

Figure 1. Return rates of the test series.

O = UMC; X = UMC, extra-thick layer; H = Mowital B3OH;
Y = CAP; V = no coating; > = coinciding points.

Figure 2. Return rate of the entire f 25 circulation (UMC).

Figure 3. t-statistic of three test series under the hypothesis that the return rate is constant. The 0.01 and 0.05 signicance levels are

The conclusion is that the mean return rates of the test series are equal
and constant in the intervals mentioned. The exact values are given in table
3. Beyond those intervals the return rates decrease as a result of cullings
and rejects during sorting on the sorting machines [4] [5].
Table 3. Mean return rates of the test series and the entire f 25 circulation
mean return rate
(week 1 )
0 110
UMC, extra-thick
0 110
Mowital B3OH
0 110
0 110
no coating
0 66
f 25 circulation (UMC) 0 110
Finally, gure 4 shows the dierence between the return rates of the test
series and the entire f 25 circulation, giving further evidence that the return
rates of the test series and the entire circulation are equal in the intervals

Figure 4. Dierence between the return rates of the test series and of the
entire f 25 circulation.
O = UMC; X = UMC, extra-thick layer; H = Mowital B3OH;
Y = CAP; V = no coating; > = coinciding points.


The withdrawal rate

The withdrawal rate q is dened as the ratio of the number of unt notes v
to the sum of t notes s and unt notes v returned during a week t:
q (t) =

v (t)
s (t) + v (t)


Figure 5 gives the withdrawal rates of the test series and gure 6 of the
entire f 25 circulation. Approximately 80% of the notes without coating
against only 25% of the coated notes are withdrawn in the asymptotic case.

Figure 5. Withdrawal rate of the test series.

O = UMC; X = UMC, extra-thick layer; H = Mowital B3OH;
Y = CAP; V = no coating; > = coinciding points.


Figure 6. Withdrawal rate of the entire f 25 circulation (UMC).



The withdrawal curve

The withdrawal curve is dened as the cumulative fraction of unt notes as

a function of circulation time t. In gure 7 the withdrawal curves of the test
series are shown using linear scales. If the withdrawal curve satises one
of the usual statistical distribution functions, it is possible to calculate the
mean time to failure. In the previous circulation trials it was shown that the
gamma distribution provides an adequate statistical description. Using the
method of Wilk et al. [6] the maximum likelihood parameters of the gamma
distribution are estimated as given in table 4. Also given are the resulting
mean times to failure.
Table 4. Parameters of the gamma distribution and mean time to failure of
the test series.
gamma parameters mean time
to failure
(week 1 )
UMC, extra-thick 1.74
Mowital B3OH
no coating


Figure 7. Withdrawal curves of the test series.

O = UMC; X = UMC, extra-thick layer; H = Mowital B3OH;
Y = CAP; V = no coating; > = coinciding points.


Discussion of results and conclusions

As shown, coated banknotes have a remarkably longer life than banknotes

without coating. Of the coating materials tested in this trial CAP-coating
turns out to be superior.
Two eects may account for this result. In the rst place new banknotes
without coating reect incident light in a lesser degree than new, coated
banknotes: The coating forms a glossy layer on top of the banknotes. That
is of inuence because the Dutch tness detectors employ the reected light
intensity as a measure of the degree of soiling of banknotes. Using one of our
tness detectors as a measuring instrument the overall reection coe cient
of new banknotes without coating was determined at 91% of the overall
reection coe cient of new, coated banknotes. We found evidence that a
dierence in reection coe cients remains present throughout the life of
the banknotes. However, within the attainable accuracy we did not nd a
dierence in reection coe cients between the coating materials.
The second eect which can explain the longer life is, of course, the
sought-for eect of retarding the soilage of banknotes while in circulation.
In the laboratory it has been shown that coating in general and CAP-coating
in particular on top of banknotes repels a mixture of oil and ink.
Taking the mean times to failure given in table 4 it is easy to calculate
potential savings with coated banknotes. If two varieties of banknotes have
mean lives M T T F1 and M T T F2 , the change-over from variety 1 to variety
2 will lead to a decrease (or increase) of the consumption of notes by
100 (1

M T T F1 =M T T F2 ) per cent.


Accordingly, issuing banknotes coated with CAP instead of uncoated

banknotes should reduce the consumption of banknotes with
100 (1

29:9=99:4) = 70%:

In the case of Netherlands banknotes, which are coated with UMC already
since 1957, the change from UMC to CAP should reduce the consumption
100 (1 85:5=99:4) = 14%:


[1] N.E. Servatius; The last news about our one guilder notes treated with
Ultramid, Proceedings Banknote Printers Conference, Helsinki 1955.
[2] N.E. Servatius; Final conclusions about the series of one-guilder notes
treated with Ultramid, Proceedings Banknote PrintersConference, Vienna 1956.
[3] P. Koeze; An accurate statistical estimation of the life-length of f100banknotes. A circulation trial with two qualities of currency paper, Int.
Stat. Rev. 47 (1979) (3) 283297.
[4] P. Koeze; The life-length of banknotes. A case study, Statistica Neerlandica 36 (1982) 187207.
[5] P. Koeze and A.H.B.Th. van Gelder; The e ect of paper bre direction on
the durability of banknotes, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam 1983.
[6] M.B. Wilk, R. Gnanadesikan and M.J. Huyett; Estimation of parameters of the gamma distribution using order statistics, Biometrika 49
(1962) (3 and 4) 525545.


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