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Palka Chhillar1
Pradip Banerjee2
Institute for Financial Management and Research, India
Indian Institute of Management, India

This study presents a systematic review of research on the relationships
between various management control system (MCS) components as a
package with corporate governance and on their impact on organizational
performance. The motivation for the study originates from the past studies
who suggested a dearth of research on the configuration and inter-linkages
among all components of MCS package: cultural control, planning,
cybernetic control, reward and compensation, and administrative control.
A thematic approach is followed to conduct a systematic literature review.
The review builds upon existing literature and contributes toward identifying
research gaps, which may contribute to the existing body of knowledge
through theory building and empirical testing.
Keywords: management control systems, corporate governance,
organizational performance, cybernetic control, administrative controls,
rewards and compensation, cultural control, planning

Management control philosophy and corporate governance (CG) are
related to the sharing of power among stakeholders and the protection of
shareholders interests. CG mechanism includes overseeing the activities
of the board of directors and the auditing committee, and ensuring the
integrity of the financial reporting process. Conversely, management control

Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 10 Issue 2

philosophy includes the activities and attitudes of management related to

controls and actions that convey importance throughout the organization
(Cohen & Hanno, 2000). The activities related to the management
accounting in the organizations must be implicated in CG (Seal, 2006).
This study presents a systematic review of studies on the relationships
between various components of management control systems (MCS) as
a package with CG and their impact on organizational performance. The
literature survey addresses the research question on how various components
of MCS are linked to CG in extant literature. The motivation for the review
originates from the suggested lines of inquiry by Malmi and Brown (2008).
The authors suggest a dearth of research on the configuration and interlinkages among various components of the MCS package, which offers
an opportunity to present a review on the suggested lines of inquiry. This
systematic literature review is conducted following a thematic approach. The
argument behind studying the inter-linkages among the various components
of MCS with CG as reference point is that CG forms the fundamental
building block of administrative controls, and it provides the basic structure
for other MCS components to operate in organizations. The review is based
on the frameworks of Malmi and Brown (2008) that identify five types of
controls that consider MCS as a comprehensive package: cultural controls,
planning, cybernetic controls, rewards and compensation, and administrative
control. Gillan (2006) classifies governance mechanism into two categories:
mechanisms internal to the firm and mechanisms external to the firm. These
frameworks are considered the basis for the present review of literature given
that the typologies present a broader scope by including the majority of
control parameters, which have been suggested by researchers in this field.
A plethora of studies is available in this field. However, minimal evidence
establishes the relationship between various components of MCS and the
different mechanisms of CG.
The remainder of this paper is organized into the following sections. Section
II presents the theoretical background of the inter-linkage between MCS and
CG. Section III reviews the definitional and evolutionary characteristics of
the MCS literature. Section IV reviews the extant literature on CG structures.
Section V includes the review of literature on the relationship between MCS
and its components and CG. Section VI addresses the research gaps based
on the review and discussion.

Management Control Systems and Corporate Governance

The objective of MCS is to alter and influence employee behavior toward the
achievement of organizational objectives. Positivist agency theory identifies
the need for governance mechanisms in the principalagent relationship,
which limits the self-serving behavior of agents (Eisenhardt, 1989). The
principalagent literature on the agency model emphasizes the need for
and the requirement of managerial accounting policies and procedures,
such as budgeting, performance measures, and monitoring (Baiman, 1990).
The link between management accounting and agency theory originates
from the information economics literature (Lambert, 2006), in which the
author suggests that management accounting is a domain that focuses on
the performance measurement and information issues in the organization.
Contingency theory (Lawrence & Lorsch, 1967) provides a common ground
for the two constructs under discussion, namely, MCS and CG. Contingency
theory asserts that designing the CG system has no best way. The design
of governance structures is contingent upon the external environment and
context, such as national, industrial, and organizational level disparities
(Huse, 2005). Contingency theory suggests that control systems are
dependent on the organizational setting and concludes that a better match
between the two can improve organizational performance (Fisher, 1998).
Studies on the linkages between contingency-based research and MCS
extensively have examined the influence of contextual variables, such as
the nature of the environment, technology, size, structure, strategy, and
national culture in contemporary settings (Chenhall, 2003; Fauzi, Hussain, &
Mahoney, 2011). Therefore, agency theory and contingency theory provide
a common thread between the two constructs under study.

The main focus of the systematic review is the control and governance
mechanisms, which are internal to organizations. Distinct themes are
identified within the scope of topic, and the thematic approach is followed
to conduct the systematic literature review process, which integrates
theoretical and empirical literature (Cronin, Ryan, & Coughlan, 2008). The
major search strategy includes conventional subject or keyword searching
combined with journal hand-searching and reference list checking. Table
1 in Annexure I presents the broad themes of the literature review along
with the constructs.

Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 10 Issue 2


In the early 19th century, Du Pont and General Motors devised various
control systems that evolved with the growth of the organizations in the
form of organizational structures, i.e., from unitary/functional form to
multidivisional form, return on investment, target pricing, profit sharing
plans for senior managers, bonus plans, and market based transfer prices
(Kaplan, 1984). The control systems evolve from being market resultoriented to controlling through standards and cost centers, reporting
and profit centers, plans and investment centers, and mutual goal setting
(Greiner, 1972). Therefore, the definitions of the term Management Control
Systems have also evolved in the academic literature through a variety of
authors given that control systems have also evolved in practice. Anthony
(1965) defines management control as a process used by managers to utilize
resources effectively and efficiently to attain organizational objectives.
Flamholtz, Das, and Tsui (1985) develop an integrated organizational
control model that defines control as an effort by organizations to enhance
the possibility of employees behavior that leads to the achievement of
organizational objectives and also to identify four control mechanisms:
planning, measurement, feedback, and evaluationreward.
Another important strand of literature examines the relationship between
MCS and strategy, in which the literature supports both the directions of
causality, i.e., MCS affects strategy (Dent, 1990; Langfield-Smith, 1997) and
vice versa (Henri, 2006; Kober, Ng, & Paul, 2007). The study by LangfieldSmith (1997) focuses on the importance of control in organizations
and explores how MCS can affect the process of strategy formulation,
implementation, and change using the comparative case study approach. The
authors also point out the importance of managers perception in influencing
the strategic change process and the MCS design. Abernethy and Chua
(1996) consider the control system as a package and empirically study how
the strategic choices of dominant coalitions and institutional environment
affect control system design apart from technical environment. Simons
(1994) defines MCS as formal, information-based routines and procedures
used by mangers to alter the activities in the organization. Simons study
also suggests a comprehensive framework of how managers in organizations
control strategies with four levers of control: belief systems, boundary
systems, diagnostics control systems, and interactive control systems.

Management Control Systems and Corporate Governance

Diagnostic and interactive controls are the two complementary uses

of MCS (Henri, 2006). Diagnostic controls are related to monitoring
performance variables. These variables measure variances to achieve the
intended organizational outcomes and are generally considered to have a
negative approach. Interactive controls are the use of positive enforcement
through dialog and interactive learning among managers. Bisbe and Otley
(2004) study the moderating effect of the interactive use of MCS on the
relationship between product innovation and performance and find support
for the relationship.
Most of the literature on the field of organizational control systems has
been categorized under MCS, but performance management systems is a
broader term that encompasses all aspects of organizational management and
control (Ferreira & Otley, 2009). The most common techniques identified
in the literature on performance measurement have also evolved over time
from the reliance on accounting-based controls having financial figures
as their base to innovative techniques such as economic value measures
and balanced scorecard, which also take into consideration non-financial
information (Eccles, 1991; Ittner & Larcker, 1998).


The principalagent relationship is applied to various contexts in the
corporate finance literature, including contracts between shareholders
(owners of the firm) and managers (agents appointed by the owners). Both
parties are responsible for various activities in the firm, such as investment
activities, operational activities, governance activities, and other managing
activities. The nexus of contracts (Jensen & Meckling, 1976) among various
parties to the organization, such as suppliers, employees, creditors, and
customers, articulates the rules of the game in the organization. These
rules affect the various components of the system, such as performance
evaluation system, reward system, and the assignment of decision rights
(Jensen, 1983). Parties specify who has control over various dimensions
of assets because of the inherent conflict of interest in the relationship and
the problems in designing contracts. The allocation of residual control
rights between managers and owners has to be carried out efficiently and
effectively (Grossman & Hart, 1986). The presence of such allocation issues

Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 10 Issue 2

among parties in the contract gives rise to the need for having a governance
mechanism to address the conflicts.
The corporate world and researchers often focus on CG models and
mechanisms that can prevail in various economies for decades. CG
mechanism varies a great deal around the world depending upon the
micro and macro-economic variables and institutional and political setups.
Therefore, different countries have adopted various models of CG, which
lead to the enforcement of different CG codes, to promote fair dealings and
communicating quality information to investors. The distinction between
the two types of financial systems, the market capital-dominated and bankdominated, indicates that two types of distinct CG models exist: the AngloSaxon type of CG system and the GermanJapanese type of CG system.
The models represent two extremes of the continuum with a stakeholder
model, which is the internal control exercised by the various stakeholders,
such as creditors, bankers, and employees, and the stockholder model,
which is the external control exercised by the stockholders in the firm.
The Anglo-Saxon type, capital market, or stockholder model (Jeffers,
2005) of governance mechanism is prevalent in the United States and the
United Kingdom. These countries have a long tradition and history of
democracy and capitalism, which in turn promotes private ownerships in
business. In the stockholder model, firms work toward the maximization
of the shareholders wealth, and the main dimension of analyzing the firm
performance is its market value (Jeffers, 2005). Another CG model is the
German-Japanese model, bank-based model, or stakeholder model
(Jeffers, 2005), which is prevalent in Germany and continental Europe. In
the German society, the emphasis is on the shareholder value maximization
and the costs and benefits that accrue to the society out of the operations
of a corporate house.
Researchers consider the governance mechanism to be classified into two
categories: mechanisms internal to the firm and mechanisms external to
the firm (Gillan, 2006). Internal mechanisms include the composition of
the board of directors (Nikolic & Erk, 2011), board structures (Jensen,
1993), managerial incentives (Tuschke & Gerard Sanders, 2003), and
capital structure (Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, & Shleifer, 1999). External
control mechanisms include legal and regulatory mechanism (Lazarides

Management Control Systems and Corporate Governance

& Drimpetas, 2010) and financial systems (Anderson & Gupta, 2009).
The CG models adopted in various countries over decades are different in
various dimensions, such as board structure and ownership patterns, due to
the unique set of socio-economic, cultural, legal, and political dimension
of the countries.


The various mechanisms of CG and the components of MCS achieve the
objective of controlling managers behavior in organizations. Therefore,
the two concepts are intertwined and give opportunities for researchers to
explore inter-linkage in further detail.
This section reviews the literature on inter-linkage of the various components
of MCS package: cultural controls, planning, cybernetic controls, rewards
and compensation, and administrative control with the various mechanisms
of CG. The various CG mechanisms are spread across the continuum, such
as board structure, composition of boards, audit committee, executive
compensation, board independence, and pay for performance sensitivity.
Governance structures form a component of the administrative controls
of the MCS packages proposed by Malmi and Brown (2008). Governance
structures consist of the formal lines of authority, accountability, and
systems (Abernethy & Chua, 1996). The administrative controls along with
governance structures also include the organizational structures, policies
and procedures, and other controls to affect the behavior of employees of an
organization. Therefore, the various components of the MCS package form
a part of the governance structures and affect organizational performance.
Culture as a Control and Corporate Governance
The fundamental variable of contingency research in MCS is cultural
control. Earlier research on cross-cultural systems in some forms, such
as participation studies, focused on the relationship between MCS design
and culture (Juralewicz, 1974; French Jr, Israel, & s, 1960). Owing to the
expansion of organizations in different geographical locations in the last 20
years, culture has become an important element affecting the design of MCS

Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 10 Issue 2

(Chenhall, 2003). The portability of domestic MCS design across various

cultures has remained an important area of research. Earlier research (Chiu
& Chang, 1979; Daley, Jiambalvo, Sundem, & Kondo, 1985; Whitt, 1979)
in the 1980s on the relationship between the cross cultural diversity and
MCS was generally criticized by many studies (Bhagat, Kedia, Perez, &
Moustafa, 2004); Kraut, 1975; Pascale, 1978; Rohner, 1984) for the lack of
specificity for the term culture. Hoftstede (1980) defines the term culture
as an aggregation of four dimensions: power distance, individualism,
uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity. The relationship between MCS and
culture has also caught the fancy of empiricists, and many empirical studies
have been conducted at various points in time (Chow, Shields, & Chan,
1991; Chow, Shields, & Wu, 1999; Harrison, 1992; Harrison, McKinnon,
Panchapakesan, & Leung, 1994). Strong cultural hypothesis (Denison,
1984) suggests that positive cultural traits boost performance in proportion
to the strength of their manifestation. Saffold (1988) critically reviews
the hypothesis that suggests that the inter-linkage between culture and
organizational performance is complex and emphasizes the development of
more comprehensive models of the research. Gordon and Di Tomaso (1992)
study 11 US insurance companies in 1981 and conclude that a strong culture
based on adaptability is associated with better organizational performance in
two to three subsequent years. The results of these studies are in accordance
with the Denisons argument, but the author also suggests that more complex
contingent models could explain the relationship better. Wilkins and Ouchi
(1983) claim that some specific dimensions of the local culture are more
critical to organizational performance for some organizations than broad
background cultures.
Many studies (Webley & Werner, 2008; Mintz, 2006) in the academic
literature relate CG to ethical sensitivity and suggest that a corporate culture
with well-defined policies that pertain to ethical behavior of employees is
needed to have a good governance structure. Chan and Cheung (2012) study
the variations in CG practices in 271 firms across 12 countries and find that
among the five dimensions of Hofstedes cultural dimension framework,
individualism, uncertainty avoidance index, and masculinity are significant
in explaining CG scores across countries. Pizam, Pine, Mok, and Shin
(1997) contribute to the literature by examining 192 hotel managers in
Hong Kong, Japan, and Korea and conclude that managers behavior is more
significantly affected by national culture than industrial culture and that a

Management Control Systems and Corporate Governance

positive relationship exists between work value and managerial behavior.

Private control benefits and earnings management activities are closely
related to agency problems that lead to dysfunctional CG, and the same
are found to be related to culture. Zhang, Liang, and Sun (2013) recently
study 41 countries and regions to support dysfunctional CG, in which
the form of extracting private control benefits and earnings management
activities is found to be more intense in regions that have a collectivist
culture than in those with an individualistic culture. Studies on the domain
of CG and culture are dominated by a national culture perspective (Licht,
Goldschmidt, & Schwartz, 2005; Licht, Goldschmidt, & Schwartz, 2007;
Stulz & Williamson, 2003).
Planning as a Control Mechanism and Corporate Governance
Planning is usually considered the most fundamental and ancient control
mechanism, and it forms the basic building block of most organizations
control system. Planning is regarded as a fundamental constituent of a core
control system, which is the starting point of the operational sub-systems
given the operational goals and standards as outcomes, and the systems
performance is evaluated continuously against the established standards
and goals for correcting any deviations (Flamholtz, Das, & Tsui 1985).
Malmi and Brown (2008) categorize the approaches for planning as longrange planning, which has a strategic and long-term focus, and action
planning, which has a tactical and short-term focus. Planning has adopted
a strategic nature given the growing organizations, increased competition,
and increasing effect of externalities. Many studies have linked planning
to organizational performance. Literature on the relationship among
work-related goal setting, standard establishment, and organizational
performance suggests that specific goals, difficulty in achieving standards,
and participation of employees in goal setting lead to better performance
(Campbell & Ilgen, 1976; Ivancevich, 1977; Mitchell, 1973). Many studies
(Brews & Hunt, 1999; Delmar & Shane, 2003; Miller & Cardinal, 1994) have
supported the relationship between strategic planning and organizational
performance. Nevertheless, some studies (Pearce, Freeman, & Robinson,
1987; Shrader, Taylor, & Dalton, 1984) also provide no evidence of such


Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 10 Issue 2

The relation between CG and strategic planning as a control mechanism is

intertwined with the ethical sensitivity of managers conducting the strategic
planning in organizations. Bonn and Fisher (2005) draw an analogy between
strategic planning and CG and find three weaknesses: bureaucratic approach,
lack of implementation, and lack of integration. These weaknesses prevent
the integration of ethics and governance practices. Governance structures
and control mechanisms are used to direct employees behavior toward the
achievement of organizational goals, but planning as a control mechanism
also helps in building the right attitude among employees through increased
participation and engagement. A dearth in the literature on the direct link
is found between planning and CG, as most studies have connected the
concepts through strategic planning, audit planning, and taxation planning.
Cybernetic Control and Corporate Governance
Fisher (1998) defines cybernetic control as a system in which standards
of performance are determined, measuring systems gauge performance,
comparisons are made between the standards and actual performance, and
feedback provides information on variances. Otley and Berry (1980) study
the applicability of cybernetic control systems with a focus on accounting
information systems. Green and Welsh (1988) define control as the
cybernetic regulation of iterative activity within dependence relationships.
It provides a framework that integrates cybernetics and resource dependence
to identify the constituents of control, differentiate control from other
organizational processes, and suggest the criterion to assess effectiveness. A
cybernetic control system consists of formal financial budgeting techniques
and incentive compensation systems. The control system literature defines
the four types of cybernetic systems: advanced budgeting (Bunce, Fraser,
& Woodcock, 1995), financial measures, non-financial measure, and
balanced scorecard (Ittner & Larcker, 1998). The hybrid control system
contains the combination of one or more control systems, such as a mix
of financial and nonfinancial measures. For instance, a balanced scorecard
uses a combination of financial and nonfinancial measures to assess the
performance. The literature suggests that organizational performance
improves with the use of various cybernetic controls, such as budgets,
financial measures, non-financial measures, and hybrid systems (Anthony,
1965; Hoque, 2004).


Management Control Systems and Corporate Governance

Governance can be considered a cybernetic concept as it is concerned with

providing the firm with structures and systems that drive the organization
toward organizational goals (Rwegasira, 2000). Cybernetic controls in
organizations provide a mechanism of self- governance, and thus it makes
governance structures fundamentally more robust. They also establish
stringent rules for designing self-regulating mechanisms in firms or social
institutions that can achieve self-governance objectives and operating
advantages by internalizing the cybernetic criteria in their control systems
(Turnbull, 1997). The participative model of governance also emphasizes
the cybernetic nature of a system and considers the cybernetic governance
mechanism to be more adaptive and flexible to the needs of the dynamic
external environment, which depends on autonomous, self-governing
systems instead of deriving control from hierarchies (Collier & Esteban,
1999). The cybernetic controls of a management system are related
to internal governance mechanisms. The control systems also aim to
achieve employee engagement by participating in goal setting and setting
challenging task goals. Therefore, governance mechanism is also cybernetic
in nature as it has feedback and control mechanisms, which are responsive
to dynamic external environments.
Rewards and Compensation and Corporate Governance
Managerial remuneration is the principal tool for aligning the interests
of managers and shareholders to reduce the conflict of interest between
the two parties and minimize agency costs. Organizational theory makes
rewards implicit, whereas agency theory emphasizes on the explicit nature
of rewards to control employees behavior (Eisenhardt, 1985). Therefore,
agency theory and organizational theory are both complementary and relate
to control strategies but with different approaches. Given that executive
compensation cannot be determined in isolation, Barkema and Gomez-Mejia
(1998) conceptualize a framework for the factors determining the executive
compensation and categorize the factors into criterion-based governance
structures and other contingent factors. Apart from the determinants of the
compensation structure, debates among the practitioners and scholars on
the composition of the managerial compensation are on-going. The major
discussion relates to the balance among fixed compensation, variable
compensation, and option-based compensation. Option-based compensation
aligns the interest of shareholders with that of managers to reduce the agency

Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 10 Issue 2

cost and develops short-termism and excessive risk-taking behavior among

managers to increase firm value. Therefore, CEO compensation should be
a mix of base salary and variable pay, including bonus, performance-based
incentives, and equity-linked compensation (Ippolito, n.d.).
Extant literature on the linkage among managerial remuneration, top
management compensation, and company performance provides evidence of
a positive relationship (Coughlan & Schmidt, 1985; Lewellen & Huntsman,
1970; Murphy, 1985). However, the linkage between economic performance
and directors pay is significantly affected by corporate growth (Gregg,
Machin, & Szymanski, 1993). Problems on governance mechanisms
in an interdependent fashion empirically prove that organizations with
weak governance mechanisms have higher principalagent problems, and
organizations with higher principal-agent problems pay higher executive
compensations; thus, the corporate performance of such organizations
eventually worsens (Core, Holthausen, & Larcker, 1999). The form and
quantum of compensation are important to motivate an agent toward
the organizational goal of value maximization. Therefore, a positive
relationship exists between firm performance and the presence of equitylinked compensation (Mehran, 1995). The major discussion in the literature
on compensation structures relates to the determinants of compensation
structures, the trends of the quantum of compensations in various regions,
the composition of managerial remuneration, and the effect of the same on
corporate performance (Dittmann & Maug, 2007; Dow & Raposo, 2005;
Lilienfeld-Toal & Ruenzi, 2014; Ofek & Yermack, 2000). Nevertheless,
a scope for the direction of causality in the relationship between the
compensation structure and the economic performance of the organizations
Administrative Controls and Corporate Governance
Administrative controls are generally considered explicit management
control mechanisms used to direct managers or agents behavior toward
achieving organizational goals, and they include structures and policy
frameworks. Malmi and Brown (2008) categorize administrative controls
as organizational design and structures, governance structures, and
procedures and policies within the firm. Many previous studies emphasize
the role of organizational variables in management accounting systems

Management Control Systems and Corporate Governance

(Anthony, 1965; Cyert & March, 1963; Simon, Guetzkow, Kozmetsky,

& Tyndall, 1978). The design of organizational structures is considered
to be contingent on organizational context. Therefore, the characteristics
of a specific control mechanism for a specific organization are dependent
on organizational structures, which are in turn dependent on other
organizational variables, such as environment and technology (Waterhouse
& Tiessen, 1978). Research on the effect on the controllers department
of the organizational variables suggests a high and positive correlation
between two organizational variables: size and unionization. Therefore,
the structure of controllers department is significantly affected by overall
organizational structures. Two types of organizational structures, organic
and mechanistic, are greatly recognized in the extant literature. They differ
in parameters, such as the level of hierarchies and centralization (Burns &
Stalker, 1961). A study conducted on Taiwanese firms indicates empirical
evidence of the significant effect of organizational structure: the competition
for performance measurement system (PMS) with specific reference to
two parameters of PMS, namely, the use of hybrid integrated performance
measures and the position of development of PMS in the organization. This
effect is significant in mechanistic organizations in terms of organizational
performance (Lee & Yang, 2011).
CG as an administrative control is an essential part of MCS. Various
governance models differ in their internal governance systems to a huge
extent because of various factors that are internal and external to the
organizations. The major components of internal governance mechanisms
are composition of board of directors, board structure, managerial incentives,
and capital structure.

Policy and procedures are essentially the written rules in the organization
to direct employees toward the overall objective of the organization. As
Macintosh and Daft (1987) explain, The set of written rules, procedures,
policies, and operating manuals (SOPS) are used to guide managers as
they administer their departments. The SOPS also include general policy
guidelines, job descriptions, and prescriptions for how managers should
handle operational situations that might arise. Policies and procedure
establish the standards of performance, workflow, scope of authority, and
responsibility of the employees, which facilitate managers analyses of
deviations and correcting them. Administrative controls as a package works

Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 10 Issue 2

with all interwoven components, such as organizational structure and design,

governance structures, policies and procedures, and managerial incentives,
to induce agents behavior toward the value maximization objective of the


The study of the MCS as a package of various control systems, such as
cultural controls, planning, cybernetic controls, rewards and compensation,
and administrative controls, motivates researchers to examine the
interrelationships among various components and their effect on governance
structures and organizational performance (Seal, 2006; Speckbacher &
Wentges, 2012). Malmi and Brown (2008) conclude that governance
structures may vary across different organizations, and thus studying the
linkages of governance systems to other control systems is important. The
critical review throws a light on the relationships between the various
components of MCS and CG and their effect on organizational performance.
First, the research gap proposes a theoretical model that suggests
that governance structures, which form an important component of
administrative controls, have a moderating effect on the relationships among
other forms of control and organizational performance. Cybernetic controls
categorized as the budgets, financial measures, nonfinancial measures, and
hybrid systems have a positive association with organizational performance.
Cultural controls, planning, and administrative controls have a positive
effect on organizational performance. The literature suggests that the
components of governance structures categorized as internal governance
mechanism, such as board structure, board composition, organizational
structure, organizational design, and managerial incentives, and external
governance mechanisms, such as financial systems and legal systems,
affect organizational performance. Therefore, CG can be proposed to have
a moderating effect on the relationship between MCS as a package, which
includes all the control mechanisms, and organizational performance. The
present review provides the direction for future empirical testing of the


Management Control Systems and Corporate Governance

Second, the review suggests that MCS and CG share the common objective
of directing the employees and managers behavior to motivate them toward
organizational goals and minimize the rent-seeking behavior among them.
MCS and CG, as concepts, are intertwined, and a dearth in the literature
on the direction of the causality of relationship exists. The review proposes
to test the direction of causality of the relationship between governance
and control mechanisms. The causal relationship can be argued in both
directions. Good governance mechanism leads to robust control systems, or
the presence of robust control mechanisms leads to the better governance of
firms. The research can be further extended to explore the characteristics of
MCS in the context of two governance models lying on the extreme sides
of the continuum focusing on the compositions of internal control systems
in different governance mechanisms.
Finally, considering the individual components of the MCS package, the
critical review of the literature suggests that a scope for research on the
relationship between corporate culture and CG exists. Studies on culture
and governance focus mostly on national and industrial cultures, which
show a gap in the relationship between organizational culture and CG that
can be explored. The relationship between planning as a control mechanism
and CG is also relatively unexplored. In the literature on individual control
mechanisms, studies on the direction of causality between executive
compensation and firm performance are also sparse, and thus researchers
are motivated to explore the area further.
Several limitations of the study must be acknowledged. The review focuses
on internal governance mechanisms given that MCS pertains to control
systems, which are internal to organizations rather than external. Both CG
and MCS concepts under review are complex in nature, and thus they give
rise to definitional problems. The review is based on particular frameworks
given by Malmi and Brown (2008) for MCS and Gillan (2006) for CG. The
frameworks are chosen because they are the most comprehensive and cover
maximum dimensions pertaining to the constructs. The review identifies
research gaps and adds to the existing body of the knowledge through theory
building and empirical testing.


Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 10 Issue 2

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Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Volume 10 Issue 2

Broad Themes of the Literature Review and their Constructs
S. No.

Broad Themes


Management Control Systems (MCS)

Cultural control
Cybernetic control
Reward and compensation
Administrative control


Corporate Governance (CG)

Composition of board
Board structure
Managerial Incentives
Capital structure


Organizational Performance (OP)

Accounting-based measures
Market/valuation based


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