Task 1: Lesson 4 - Installing and Uninstalling Software

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Lesson 4 Installing and uninstalling software

Task 1
The internet has made it easy for computer users to download software straight to their
computer and other digital devices.
Go to g:\Year 10\VIM\2014\Word and operate PC\Lesson 4\Install and uninstall programs
Use your headset to view the video.
Task 2
The text boxes below contain information relating to the installation of software from the
internet. Place them in the correct order. Use an autoshape arrow to show the correct
sequence of installation.

Access the website where the

software can be downloaded.

Follow the websites

instructions for download.

Follow the instructions on the

screen as directed by the

When prompted to do so, choose

a directory/location where the
software is to be installed. It is
usually best to install into
C:\program files.

Ensure your computer will be

able to support the downloaded
After download is complete,
go to location of software and
double click the file to open it.

Restart your computer at the end

of the installation.

Task 3
In the space below, list three reasons why software is uninstalled:

Not used
Hard drive space
Better performance

Task 4
The text boxes below contain information relating to uninstalling software from a computer.
Place them in the correct order. Use an autoshape arrow to show the correct sequence for

Go to the Control Pane and

double-click on the Add or
Remove Programs icon.

Scroll through the list of

programs and select the software
that is to be deleted.

Check that the software you want

to uninstall does not have
programs that rely on it for

Run the disk defragmenter to

eliminate the gaps on the hard
drive and thus improve the
computers performance.

Click Remove or Uninstall


Task 5

Open a new word document.

Save as Microsoft.
Convert the document.
Word process the following information, ensuring that you follow any formatting

Tick where indicated when you have completed the activity. To tick, use the insert, symbol



Have you saved your document in the

appropriate folder?
Watched video on install and uninstall
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5 document saved and
Task 5 font size and style adjusted
Task 5 margins adjusted
Task 5 windows logo adjusted
Task 5 main heading text effects and
size 26
Task 5 highlight tool used where
Task 5 bold and italics used where
Task 5 paragraphs to 1.5 line spacing
Task 5 table inserted
Task 5 column sizes adjusted
Task 5 column headings centred
Task 5 table centred and design
Task 5 row inserted, merged and
centred main heading
Add a header with your name 1 cm
from top
Add a footer with the file name and
path 2cm from bottom
Proofread your work and run spell
check ensure the correct use of upper
and lower case!
Print your document and submit to
your teacher
REMEMBER, the document must conform to industry standards ie
be error free.
Do it right the first time and avoid having to resubmit your work.

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