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city of virginia beach

design standards
a component of the virginia beach outdoors plan

virginia beach parks & recreation

planning, design & development division
august 2011 update

Design Standards Manual

City of Virginia Beach
Department of Parks and Recreation
Cindy Curtis

Contributing City Staff:

Planning Design and Development
Brian Solis
Barry Frankenfield
Barbara Duke
Rob MacPherson
Brian Phelps
Chris Kennedy
Greg Newman

Parks and Natural Areas

Rick Rowe
Susan Topping
Sharon Godfrey
Amy Woodson
Shawn Hopson

Lifecycle Maintenance
David Walker
Mike Barlow
Ray Emerson

Contributing Consultant
Land Studio

Table of Contents

Park Development Standards

Signature Parks


Metro Parks


Community Parks


Neighborhood Park


Natural Resource Areas


General Open Space


Special Use Sites


Linear Park


Feature Requirements by Classification


Specialized Facilities

Dog Parks


Disc Golf


Skate Parks


Design Principals
Parking Lots


General Standards








Planting Design

Design Principles


Details and Specifications



Baseball / Softball


Multipurpose - Football & Soccer


Multipurpose Field Goals


Play Courts









Playground Systems

Play Structures


Boundary Definition/Surfacing/Access


Walkways and Trails

General Guidelines


Asphalt Trail


Concrete Trail


Crushed Stone Trail


Natural Trail


Foot Bridges


Prefabricated Bridges










Shade Canopies


Street, Parking Lot, Path, &


Area Lighting


Perimeter Fencing


Security Fencing


Wooden Guardrail




General Guidelines


Informational - Entry


Informational - Way Finding


Informational - Educational


Graphic Components




Site Furnishings




Bike Racks




Picnic Tables


Trash Receptacles


Water Fountains


Dog Waste Receptacles


This document was developed with extensive input from various City Parks and Recreation staff. Its
goal is to establish a unique identity for the entire Virginia Beach park system, where individual park
components relate to each other as well as to the Citys park system as a whole. This manual covers a
wide range of park elements and systems, identifying specific types, materials, and installation

It is the Citys standard that all sites should be easily accessible to the public by all modes of
transportation: vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian. Standards for ADA accessibility are incorporated
throughout this document. ADA accessibility should be accommodated at all sites to the fullest
extent practical.

The preparation of this document meets the following three objectives:

The development and utilization of a single standards document by all Parks and Recreation Divisions.
The establishment of a pattern of common elements and an identifiable quality throughout all the
citys parklands.
The utilization of consistent, safe and cost effective elements that are easily maintained and managed
and are implemented system-wide.
Key Components:
The Design Standards Manual identifies standard elements, materials, product information,
specifications (as needed), and implementation practices. The main components of the manual are
listed below. Each section includes text, images, and details to communicate the citys standards.
However, the details provided throughout the manual are not to be used for construction, but for
general guidance as to common practices and design elements.

Park Development Standards

Specialized Facilities
Parking Lots
Planting Design
Play Courts
Playground Systems
Walkways and Trails

Section One

Park Development Standards

Park Development Standards

Section One

Signature Parks (SP)

Mount Trashmore Signature Park

Definition: A municipal outdoor recreational facility that is unique
to the Virginia Beach municipal parks and recreation system. These
parks should service a variety of ages and emphasize family and
organized group activities. Many times signature parks will have a
special use facility or single purpose recreational activity, such as a
fairground, outdoor theater, or festival area. These parks are typically designed for a full-day experience and are capable of
holding large scale special events with supporting amenities.
Kids Cove Playground at
Mount Trashmore

Size: Greater than 100 acres

Service Standard: 3 acres / 1000 residents. Generally serve the
entire city, however their location may be more dependent on the
unique environment present rather than being sited for
Staffing: Staffed full-time with municipal employees
Utilities: Water, electric/power, telephone, sewer
Existing Signature Parks: Mount Trashmore and Little Island
Unique Amenities: Substantial waterfront or other distinctive
Typical Amenities: Multiple athletic fields and/or special events
area, basketball, tennis, and volleyball courts, multiple playground
areas park trails, benches, multiple restrooms, vending machines,
or concession areas, multiple picnic areas, large shelters, and grills,
large parking areas, specialized facilities staff and maintenance


Design Standards Manual

Park Development Standards

Section One

Metro Parks (MP)

Great Neck Metro Park

Definition: A municipal outdoor recreational facility that provides a
high level of outdoor recreational amenities that may include those
amenities found at community parks, but may also include multiple
game-quality athletic fields, skate parks, and/or disc golf courses. A
metro park serves various ages, with emphasis on organized sport
group activities and potential protection of natural areas. Metro
parks are built and designed typically for a three to four hour
experience. Metro Parks may be capable of holding special events.
Size: 50.1 to 100 acres

Playground at Great Neck Metro Park

Service Standard: 3 acres/1,000 residents

Staffing: Staffed full-time with municipal employees
Utilities: Water, electric/power, telephone, sewer
Existing Metro Parks: Bayville, City View, Great Neck, Munden
Point, Marshview, and Red Wing
Unique Amenities: Multiple athletic fields, skate parks, and/or disc
golf courses
Typical Amenities: Basketball, tennis, volleyball courts, multiple
playgrounds, large open play areas, park trails and benches,
restrooms and vending machines or concession areas, multiple
picnic areas, large shelters, and grills, large parking areas, kiosks,
and staff/maintenance buildings

Design Standards Manual


Park Development Standards

Section One

Community Parks (CP)

Woodstock Community Park

Definition: A municipal outdoor recreational facility that provides a
mid-range level of outdoor recreational amenities that may include
amenities found at neighborhood parks and at metro parks. A
community park would service various ages, with emphasis on
organized sport group activities and potential protection of natural
areas. Community parks are built and designed typically for a two
to three hour experience.
Woodstock Skate Plaza

Size: 15.1 to 50 acres

Service Standard: 3 acres/1,000 residents
Staffing: Most Community parks are not generally staffed full-time.
However, these parks may be staffed during programmed events
by municipal staff or private/non-profit organizations.
Utilities: Water, electric/power, telephone, sewer
Existing Community Parks: Beach Garden, Carolanne Farms,
Dunwoody, Lynnhaven, Ocean Lakes, Plaza/Northgate, Providence,
Three Oaks, Williams, Woodbridge, and Woodstock
Typical Amenities: Multiple athletic fields, basketball, tennis, and
volleyball courts, playground areas, park trails, benches, restrooms,
vending machines, or concession areas, multiple picnic areas, large
shelters, and grills, large parking areas, specialized facilities staff
and maintenance buildings


Design Standards Manual

Park Development Standards

Section One

Neighborhood Parks (NP)

Holland Woods Park

Definition: A municipal outdoor recreational facility that provides a
basic level of outdoor recreational amenities.
Limited nonorganized sport group activities are encouraged. This park would
service various age groups with emphasis on the youth. In some
cases, limited parking is provided in existing neighborhood parks.
A neighborhood park is built and designed typically for a one to
two hour experience and should be customized and designed for
the demographic groups who use the park.

Haygood Point Park Playground

Small Neighborhood Park (SNP) .25-5 acres

Large Neighborhood Park (LNP) 5.1-15 acres
Service Standard: 2 acres / 1000 residents. Desirable location
characteristics of a neighborhood park would be within a half-mile
radius of residential neighborhoods and in close proximity to multifamily complexes. Ideally, these facilities should be located in
conjunction with schools and centered within safe walking and bike
access. They should serve a population within a comfortable
walking distance of the park.
Staffing: These parks are not staffed.
Unique Amenities: Unlit practice diamonds and rectangular athletic
fields, basketball, tennis, and/or volleyball courts, playground
equipment, open play areas, park trails, benches, small shelters and
picnic tables

Design Standards Manual


Park Development Standards

Section One

Natural Areas (NA)

Stumpy Lake Natural Area

Definition: A municipal preservation area whose primary purpose
is to preserve the indigenous vegetation and wildlife in order to
serve as green infrastructure and as a scenic environment for
Virginia Beach residents to enjoy. Natural Areas include areas for
protection and management of the natural/cultural environment
with recreation use as a secondary objective. Recreational use
might include passive recreation activities such as hiking, birding,
and environmental education, but may also include public waterway
access improvements, public fishing opportunities, and trail
Water Tupelo Trees at Stumpy Lake

Size: There are no specific standards for size or acreage other than
they should be sufficient to protect the resource and provide for
appropriate usage.
Service Standard: 1 acre / 1000 residents
Natural Areas are not generally staffed full-time,
however, these parks may be staffed during programmed events or
activities by municipal staff or private/non-profit organizations.
Utilities: Water, electric/power, and sewer as needed
Unique Amenities: Natural or cultural elements to be preserved
Typical Amenities: Park trails, overlooks, benches, water access,
picnic tables, shelters , kiosks


Design Standards Manual

Park Development Standards

Section One

Open Space Preservation Areas (OSPA)

Potters Road / London Bridge Creek Open Space

Definition: A municipal preservation area whose primary purpose
is to preserve the indigenous vegetation and wildlife in order to
serve as green infrastructure and as a scenic environment for
Virginia Beach residents to enjoy. The difference between OSPA
sites and Natural Areas is that OSPA sites are generally smaller in
size and interspersed throughout the city in order to provide a
natural setting and visual relief from the built environment. OSPA
sites include dedicated watersheds or natural/non-developed
areas. Recreational use might include passive recreation activities
such as hiking, birding, and environmental education, but may also
include public waterway access improvements, public fishing
opportunities, and trail connections.

Little Neck Road Open Space Site

Size: There are no specific standards for size or acreage other than
they should be sufficient to protect the resource and provide for
appropriate usage.
Service Standard: 1 acre / 1000 residents.
Staffing: General Open Space sites are not staffed
Utilities: Water, electric/power, and sewer are not needed
Unique Amenities: Natural or cultural elements to be preserved
Typical Amenities: Park trails, overlooks, benches, water access,
picnic tables

Design Standards Manual


Park Development Standards

Section One

Special Use Park (SU)

Lynnhaven Boat Ramp and Beach Facility

Definition: A municipal recreational facility that serves a specific
recreational purpose. Special use sites include athletic complexes,
golf courses, recreation centers, and water access sites. Each type
of site may have specialized design and facility service standards,
which are addressed more specifically in the Department of Parks
and Recreation strategic plan. However, the buildings and fixtures
should incorporate the standards and recommendations here in.
Size: Varies

31st Street Park Playground

Service Standard: Generally 1 acre / 1000 residents, however,

service standards vary depending on the type of facility.
Staffing: Most of the special use sites are staffed full time with
municipal employees. However, certain water access sites may not
require staffing.
Utilities: All but the water access sites shall have water, power,
telephone, and sewer.
Special Use Site Types:


Design Standards Manual

Athletic Complexes

Recreation Centers

Water Access Sites

Resort Area Parks

Park Development Standards

Section One

Linear Park (LP)

Norfolk Avenue Trail

Definition: Linkages are built connections or natural corridors that
link community destinations together. Typically, the linear park is
developed for one or more modes of recreational travel such as
walking, jogging, biking, in-line skating, hiking, and horseback
Size: The size of the overall corridor varies, although where a trail is
proposed, a minimum corridor width of 30 is recommended.
Service Standard: 1 acre / 1000 residents. Ideally, these facilities
are located throughout the city in conjunction with a variety of
natural, cultural, and community destinations.
Staffing: Linkage sites are generally not staffed full time. Ideally,
adjacent municipal or non-profit staffed destinations could serve as
periodic staff for these areas.

Cape Henry Trail

Utilities: None required, however along certain areas lighting, call

boxes, and/or other utilities may be desired.
Typical Amenities: Trails, overlooks, benches, bike racks , picnic
tables, kiosks and shelters (if appropriate)

Design Standards Manual


Park Development Standards

Section One

Feature Requirements by Classification

Park Perimeters: Parks are located in areas of varied topography with diverse environmental qualities
and should be designed to avoid adjacent land use impacts.

Accessibility: All sites should be easily accessible to the public by all modes of transportation:
vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian. ADA accessibility shall be accommodated at all sites to the fullest









Water Fountains


Trail Linkages






Trash Receptacles

Bicycle Racks

Park Benches

Security Lighting


Picnic Tables


Play Ground

Walking/Jogging Path

Maintenance Building






Signature Park



Metro Park

OSPA Open Space Preservation Area


Community Park


Special Use


Neighborhood Park


Linear Park

Design Standards Manual


Natural Area

Section Two

Specialized Facilities

Specialized Facilities
Section Two

Dog Parks

Typical Bull Pen and Pet Fountain Detail (Not to Scale)

Definition: Enclosed fence area where dogs are able to freely run
off leash.
Location: Staffed Parks
Service Standard: 1 site / 50,000 residents
Size: 1 acre minimum. Where additional space is available, it is
recommended that 2 acres be utilized in order to rotate the open
play area, as needed, from one acre to the next to allow for lawn
Woodstock Dog Park Entrance

Water: Pet fountains should be located

within each dog run area near the entrance bull pen as shown on the above
diagram. The fountain should also have
a hose bib attachment.
Benches: A minimum of three benches
shall be located within the dog park
Trash Cans/Bag Dispensers: Trash cans
and bag dispensers shall be located
within the fenced dog runs.


Design Standards Manual

Fence: A 4 high black vinyl coated chain link fence shall enclose
the dog park area.
Entry/Exit: Bull pen design, generally a 10x10 fenced area with
two gates. The bull pen area should be concrete or crushed stone.
The surface material should also extend out at the entry/exit points
in order to minimize the high use impacts on the area. All gates
shall be ADA accessible.
Lawn: Within the dog park the lawn shall be mowed, irrigated,
fertilized, aerated, and seeded on a regular basis. Where feasible,
the dog park area should rotate as needed between two areas
allowing lawn areas to recover.
Shade: Shade trees shall be located within the perimeter of the dog
park area. Canopy coverage should ultimately shade at least 1/3 of
the dog park area otherwise shade structures are required. When
tree canopy is not available structured shade for each fenced are
should be considered.

Specialized Facilities
Section Two

Disc Golf

Typical Hole Element (Not to Scale)

Description: Disc golf is played much like traditional golf, except
players use a flying disc instead of a ball and clubs. A golf disc is
thrown from a tee area to a target, which is an elevated basket.
Area Required: Ideally, a well balanced course has a mixture of
holes that go completely through the woods, partially through
woods, and mostly in the open. Typically, fairways in the woods
range from 20-40 feet wide. Small recreational courses can usually
fit 2-3 holes per acre depending on the terrain.
Layout: Fairways should not cross one another and should be far
enough apart so errant throws are not constantly in the wrong fairway. Avoid installing fairways that are close to public streets, sidewalks and other areas where non-players congregate.

Disc Golf Course

Length: Courses for recreational players should average less than

250 feet per hole, although, no hole should be shorter than 120
Hole Count: Most courses are either 9 or 18 holes.
Existing Courses: Are located at Bayville Farms Park and Munden
Point Park

Design Standards Manual


Specialized Facilities
Section Two

Disc Golf

Typical Tee Pad Slab Detail (Not to Scale)

Tee Pads: Two 5 x 12 concrete tee pads shall be located for each
hole providing opportunities for players of varying skill levels. Tee
pads shall be level from left to right. The maximum slope from
front to back shall be 1%.

Target Base Detail (Not to Scale)

Disc Golf Target with Base: All parts of disc golf targets shall be
hot dipped galvanized steel or stainless steel. Targets shall have 24
-chains, minimum 2/0 straight link. Poles shall be minimum 1 7/8
OD. Collars for attaching basket shall be a minimum of 5 long, and
chain rack collar shall be a minimum of 4 long. Locking bases for
disc golf targets shall be 18 long minimum.
Weatherproof locks: Weatherproof locks shall have 1 3/8 wide
laminated steel body, 3/8 hardened boron alloy shackle, high
security solid iron shackle shroud, removable 5-spool pin tumbler
cylinder, and a dual ball bearing locking mechanism.
Signs: Install a rules sign prominently before the first tee. The
shortest tee on each hole should have permanent signs indicating
the hole number, length, and recreational par.
ADA Compliance: Efforts should be made to provide a legitimate
opportunity to play for those with disabilities. If all holes can not be
made accessible, a several hole loop on part of the course may
provide that opportunity.


Design Standards Manual

Specialized Facilities
Section Two

Skate Parks

Mount Trashmore Skate Park

Type: Above ground street course on a concrete slab. Depending
on the site, custom concrete skate parks and skate plazas may be
Service Standard: 1 / 50,000 residents
Acreage: Signature/Metro Parks should have minimum 1 acre;
Community Parks should have minimum 1/2 acre. All shall have 50
% rideable area
Slab Finish: Power trowel to a smooth finish. After curing, allow
concrete to air dry. Apply one coat of industrial grade sealer.
Design: Skate parks should be designed by an experienced and
qualified skate park designer.
Location: Staffed parks. A minimum of one city employee shall be
located on site during all hours of operation.
Perimeter Fencing: 6-foot tall black vinyl coated chain link fence
surrounding the skate park area with one gated entrance point
Buildings: A small building providing shelter from the weather

Above Ground Street Course

should be located at the skate park entrance for city staff. Power
for attendant building and special events.
Viewing Areas: Viewing areas around the skate park shall be
included in its design. These areas shall include such items as
bleachers, picnic tables, shelters, benches, etc. Shade trees shall be
located to provide shade over these areas.

Design Standards Manual


End of Section

Section Three


Section Three

Design Principles
Description: Buildings located in parks include restroom facilities, park offices, storage buildings, etc. All
buildings located on a site should complement each other and the surrounding environment in scale, materials
and placement and always meet or exceed ADA compliance.
Building Orientation/Entry: Entrances should face or be clearly visible from an adjacent public street or
associated parking area. The primary entry shall be clearly identified by articulation of the building mass or
other architectural design solution. The main entry should be more visually dominant than service area entries.
Building Massing: When possible park offices, restroom facilities, and storage needs should be incorporated
into single buildings. The massing or three-dimensional form of larger buildings should be broken into smaller
components that more readily relate to the human scale.
Building Faade: The design of the building faade shall incorporate elements that help to break up long,
undifferentiated walls or sides. Buildings should also incorporate design features and architectural elements
that relate to the scale of pedestrians such as covered entryways. Split face block or hardy plank should be
used on all facades. (Tan or Gray in Color)
Roof Materials: Standing seam aluminum roof (Gray or Blue in color)
Building Types
Park Offices: Park offices should be conveniently located adjacent to the primary parking facility/entrance
drive and be heated and cooled.
Restrooms: Restroom facilities may be located within the park office
building or located strategically throughout the park. These buildings
should be heated.
Storage Buildings:

Where storage needs are not able to be

accommodated within other buildings on the site, separate storage

buildings can be constructed. However, these buildings should be
constructed in a similar style as other buildings of the site and
associated outdoor storage areas should be screened from view.
Multi-Use Building at Providence Park


Design Standards Manual

Section Four

Parking Lots

Parking Lots
Section Four

General Standards
Description: Parking lots should be designed to provide safe and convenient access to the site and its facilities. A
variety of paving options exist within the Virginia Beach park system. Parking requirements will vary from little to no
need for off-street parking at many neighborhood parks, to the need for large off-street parking lots at more active
community and district parks.
The design of parking lots should be in conformance with the following:
1. City of Virginia Beach Zoning Ordinance, most recent edition
2. AASHTO's policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, most recent edition
3. Americans with Disabilities Act/State and Federal Handicap Standards
Low Impact Development (LID) Guidelines: Parking lots should incorporate methods for storm water management
utilizing LID techniques. These include:
End of island bioretention cell(s) with underdrain(s) and landscaping
Bioretention cells or drainage inlets (or curb cuts) in the end-of-island bioretention cells and bioretention strips to
collect runoff
Bioretention cells between lines of parking stalls to increase the total treatment surface area of these systems
One-way drive aisles to reduce impervious surfaces, where appropriate
Permeable paving systems where appropriate. Where it is not feasible for the entire parking lot, it should be
considered for portions of the parking lot such as overflow areas and/or parking stall areas.
Safety: Pedestrian movement in parked vehicle areas must be
planned to provide the highest degree of safety and convenience.
Plans for parking lots shall include pedestrian circulation
incorporating walkways, narrowed crossways, and striped paving.
Proposed landscaping should ensure the visibility and separation of
pedestrians from vehicular paths. Refer to the Americans with
Disabilities Act/State and Federal Handicap Standards.

Typical Park Parking Lot

Entrances/Exits: All entrances and exits shall have a clear visibility

zone. The zone will vary due to adjacent street widths and speeds.
Entrances and exits shall be located either directly across from or as
far as possible from street intersections.

Bicycle Accommodation:
Bicycle lanes and parking shall be
provided, where appropriate, on ingress and egress routes and
shall be consistent with standards identified and adopted by the
City. Refer to the citys Bikeways and Trails Plan for the location of
existing and proposed bicycle paths.


Design Standards Manual

Parking Lots
Section Four

Asphalt Parking Lots

Asphalt Parking Lot Section (Not to Scale)

Use: General standard for most applications

Edging: Encroachment barriers such as wheel stops or continuous
concrete curbing of at least six (6) inches in height shall be
Stall Widths: Standard 9 x 18. Utilize standard white
thermoplastic striping to delineate all stalls.
Handicapped Spaces: Provide a minimum of two 8 x 18 parking
stalls with a central 5x 18 accessible area.

Asphalt Parking Lot

Design Standards Manual


Parking Lots
Section Four

Gravel Parking Lots

Gravel Parking Lot Section (Not to Scale)

Use: Gravel parking areas should only be utilized for low traffic and/
or temporary parking areas.
Edging: Encroachment barriers such as wheel stops of at least six
(6) inches in height shall be required for parking spaces.
Stall Widths: Standard 9 x 18
Handicapped Spaces: Provide a minimum of two 8 x 18 parking
stalls with a central 5x 18 accessible area.
Gravel Parking Lot


Design Standards Manual

Parking Lots
Section Four

Pervious Parking Lots

Pervious Parking Lot Section (Not to Scale)

Use: For use in environmentally sensitive areas or where a pervious
pavement application is desired.
Edging: Encroachment barriers such as wheel stops or continuous
concrete curbing of at least six (6) inches in height shall be
preferred. However, wood timbers may be acceptable in some
Stall Widths:
Standard 9 x 18.
Utilize standard white
thermoplastic striping to delineate stalls if paving material allows.
Otherwise, utilize contrasting color pavers, or alternate patterns to
delineate stalls.

Pervious Parking Lot

Handicapped Spaces: Provide a minimum of two 8 x 18 parking

stalls with a central 5x 18 accessible area. Delineate stalls as
stated above.

Design Standards Manual


End of Section

Section Five

Planting Design

Planting Design
Section Five

Design Principles
Description: Plantings within city parks should focus on creating a simple and natural design that blends with
the site and area rather than an elaborate and formal landscape solution. Plants should be located in random
groupings to reflect natural environments. Avoid linear plantings except where special circumstances warrant
that placement. The overall landscape plan should address conditions of the site such as controlling erosion,
filtering storm water, screening of unsightly elements, creating shade and softening the appearance of
structures. Avoid plantings that would restrict sight distance, require unusual maintenance, or interfere with
already established indigenous plantings.

The following documents are hereby incorporated as part of these standards:


Refer to the City of Virginia Beach, Landscape Guide or Integrated Site Design Guide, or most recent
edition, for parking lot, foundation, screening and buffering, specifications and standards.


Refer to the American Nursery and Landscape Association, American Standard for Nursery Stock,
most recent edition, for various nursery stock standards.

Plant Materials: Park landscape plans should focus on the use of

tree and shrub massing with limited perennial/annual beds.
Playgrounds: Landscape plans should utilize large canopy trees
(particularly on the south and west edges) of playground areas to
provide and average of 50% shade coverage at maturity.
Wooded Areas: Within wooded areas, do not remove the organic
debris on the forest floor.

Typical Park Planting

A 20 minimum vegetative buffer should be
incorporated around all water edges. Pedestrian access to the
waters edge shall be limited to pre-determined areas. The
vegetative buffer can either be a planted area utilizing bayscaping
principles or an area where mowing is limited to two times a year at
a 6- 8 mow height. For waterways that are included in the
Chesapeake Bay Resource Protection area, a minimum of 50
vegetative buffer shall be provided.
Safety: Safety and security of park patrons shall be considered in
all plant selections and placement. Designers shall keep in mind the
principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.
Species Selection: The use of native and drought tolerant plant
materials is preferred. Species that produce litter problems should
be limited to naturalized areas. Refer to the Citys Landscaping
Guide or Integrated Site Design Guide for recommended plant


Design Standards Manual

Planting Design
Section Five

Details and Specifications

Shrub Planting Detail (Not to Scale)

City Standards: For more detailed and complete information refer to the Citys planting and turf specifications.
Bed Preparation: Place topsoil in areas where seeding
and planting is scheduled. Topsoil shall be sifted, friable
loam; free of subsoil, roots, grass, excessive amount of
weeds, stone over 1 in any dimension, and foreign matter; acidity range 9 (pH) of 5.5 to 7.5; containing a minimum of 4 percent and a maximum of 25 percent organic
matter. Topsoil can be prepared on site, or off site as
needed. Provide imported topsoil as required to complete the work.

Trail Entrance Planting

Topsoil Depth: Seeded grass - 4; shrub beds - 12;

flower beds - 12.
Mulch: All planting areas should be completely mulched
with 3 of shredded hardwood mulch. Mulch should not
be mounded up around the trunks of trees. This can
cause disease and decay, and shorten the life span of the
Planting Dates: Planting of containerized trees, shrubs
and ground covers shall normally be performed between
September 1 and May 15 and under favorable weather
conditions. All other dates will be considered out of season.

Shoreline Stabilization

Design Standards Manual


Planting Design
Section Five

Tree Planting Detail

Tree Planting Detail (Not to Scale)


Design Standards Manual

Planting Design
Section Five

Bed Edging Details

Typical Bed Edge (Not to Scale)

Typical Bed Edge at Concrete Curb (Not to Scale)

Design Standards Manual


End of Section

Section Six


Section Six

Baseball / Softball Fields

Typical Infield Grading (Not to Scale)

Field Layout (Not to Scale)

Lights: Metal Halide with timed lighting control system
Backstop: 30-foot long center panel with 40-foot long wings on each
side. Height: 30-feet.
Dugout Area: The dugout area shall consist of a 36 x 8 concrete slab
with two 15-foot long aluminum players benches. O
Orientation: A line running from home plate to second base should
point east-northeast. However, consider time of day for games and
months when played.
Grading/Drainage: Minimum slope of outfield turf is 1% with
adequate subsurface drainage. Maximum slope 2-1/2%. Drain away
from home plate. The infield should be graded so that the baselines
and home plate are level.

Typical Field and Backstop

Safety Buffer: 10-foot minimum around the perimeter. No obstacles

should be located closer than 50-feet to a field.

Field Dimensions

Little League Baseball

Pony League Baseball

A. Pitching distance




B. Home plate to backstop

25 min.

25 (optional dist)


C. Baseline

55; (50 women)



D. Radius of skinned area




E. Foul line

250 (200 women) 200


F. Home plate to pocket


250 (200 to fence)


10 (raised 6)

15 (raised 8)

4 x 8

8 x 16

G. Diameter - pitchers mound 16

H. Size of coaches box

3 x 15

Design Standards Manual

Section Six

Baseball / Softball Fields

Typical Bleacher Framing (Not to Scale)

Bleachers : 5 Row 21 long aluminum with picket railing center stairs.
Bleachers are to be bolted to a 30x20 concrete slab.
Service Standards:
Youth Competitive - 1 / 5,000 residents
Adult Competitive - 1 / 18,000 residents
200 Outfield - 1 / 3,125 residents

Typical Backstop

300 Outfield - 1 / 18,000 residents

Field Specifications - Field specifications are broken out into three tiers based on intended use.

Tier 1


Soil Specifications



Loamy Sand Infield Mix





Quality Fields
Tier 2

League Fields

Loamy Sand Infield Mix



Tier 3


Native Topsoil




* The installation of field lighting is desired but will vary from field to field depending on the surrounding
land uses.
Design Standards Manual


Section Six

Baseball / Softball Field Dugout Covers

Dugout Cover (Not to Scale)

Materials: All new pipe railings shall be ASTM A53, grade B, Frame
shall be 4 deep C joist (20 gauge galvanized steel) spaced at 16
on-center. Sheathing shall be 3/4" HDPE sheathing covered in 30#
felt paper. Roofs shall be constructed of 1-1/4x 1/4" corrugated
galvanized metal (20 gauge). The metal roofs and exposed metal
fascias (all sides) shall be powder coated to match faade of the
site. All hardware shall be galvanized.

Dugout Cover (Tier 1)


Design Standards Manual

Construction: Metal C joist to be attached to 2-5/8 O.D. fence

railing by using 3/16x2-5/8 I.D. U bolts. (16 O.C.) Attach
continuous 2x4 pressure treated timber to the sides using self
tapping galvanized wood screws and attaching the ends of C joist
with 14 gauge 90 degree clip angles. Attached continuous hook
strip to 2x4 timber at 6 O.C. insert end cover into continuous
hook strip and attach to 3/4" HDPE sheathing at 4 O.C.

Section Six

Multipurpose - Football & Soccer

Multipurpose Field Layout (Not to Scale)

Orientation: Long axis north to south
Grading: Long central axis should serve as high point with 1% slope
draining to each side.
Dimensions: 160-feet wide x 360-feet long including two 10 yard
end zones. There are no official dimensions for soccer.
Safety Buffer: 15-foot minimum of clearance from end lines and
sidelines to vertical fixed objects.
Soil Specifications: Field specifications are broken out into two
tiers based on intended use.

Multipurpose Field

Goals: Utilize the portable soccer/football goal. In-ground single

use goals are also options for these fields.
Service Standards:



Youth - 1 / 4,000 residents

1 / 6,000 residents

Regulation - 1 / 6,000 residents


Soil Specs.


Tier 1

League Play

Sandy Loam


Tier 2

Informal Field

Native Top Soil


* The installation of field lighting is desired but will vary from field
to field depending on the surrounding land uses.

Design Standards Manual


Section Six

Multipurpose - Field Goals

Standard Soccer Goal Section (Not to Scale)

Use: Portable combination goals are for use on multipurpose
fields as needed. Combination goal must have removable
football posts.
Fabrication: These goals are manufactured by city staff in
park maintenance. The cross member with attached uprights
is bolted to the standard aluminum soccer goal frames.
Materials: Aluminum pipe
Installation: Install per park maintenance staff guidelines.
Combination Portable Goal (Not to Scale)

Standard Football Goal (Not to Scale)


Design Standards Manual

Section Seven

Play Courts

Play Courts
Section Seven

Basketball Court

Basketball Court Layout (Not to Scale)

Service Standard: Outdoor Basketball - 1 / 2,500 residents
Orientation: Long axis is north to south
Drainage: Drain end to end
Dimension Options: Full court 35 x 70; half court 35 x 35
Court: Concrete slab with 2-inch wide white markings
Safety Buffer: 10-feet, or a minimum of 8-feet, unobstructed
behind the back boundary line and a minimum of 6-feet on each
Basketball Court

Pavement Area: Allow a minimum of 3 additional from sideline to

edge of pavement
Goal Post:

In-ground pole, 3 1/2 O.D. min, with a galvanized

Backboard: One-piece cast aluminum alloy backboard with 1

deep supporting flanges
Net: White nylon

Court Slab Detail (Not to Scale)


Design Standards Manual

Play Courts
Section Seven

Horseshoe Pit

Horseshoe Pit Layout (Not to Scale)

Location: Staffed parks
Court Construction: Court construction shall consist of the pit, pit
box, and backboard.
Orientation: Long axis north to south
Pit: The pit area shall be filled to a depth of 4 to 8 inches with
either clay, sand, or soil.
Safety Distance:
stake to stake.

Space courts at least 12-feet apart measured

Stakes: Each stake shall be centered between the platforms with a

minimum of 21-inches from the stake to the front and back of the
pit. Stakes shall be 1-inch in diameter and shall extend between
14 and 15 above pit level. They shall have an approximate 3
lean toward each other.

Horseshoe Pit

Backstops: Backstops are recommended and should be 3-feet high

and 6-feet wide.

Design Standards Manual


Play Courts
Section Seven

Horseshoe Pit Details

Backboard Detail (Not to Scale)

Pit Detail (Not to Scale)


Design Standards Manual

Play Courts
Section Seven

Tennis Courts

Tennis Court Layout (Not to Scale)

Service Standard: 1 / 5,000 residents

Orientation: April-October play, long axis is north to south. Year
round play, long axis is northwest to southeast 22 degrees off true
Drainage: Drain side to side (preferred) or end to end at 0.8% to
1%. Never allow a high point at the net.
Multiple Courts: Allow a 10-feet minimum between courts.
Surface Material Color: Green court area and border area with 2
white stripes for court markings

Typical Tennis Court

Net: 42 long and 3 1/4 (39) high and otherwise conforming to

the regulations of the United States Lawn Tennis Association
Net Posts: Black Schedule 40 steel pipe 3 O.D. fitted with rustproof cast aluminum caps
Lights: If provided, timer for lights shall be located on pole near
court entrance.
Fence: 10-feet tall chain link fence, 1 3/4 mesh, 9-gauge core mesh
minimum. All fence posts and hardware shall be black polyester
coating 3-mil color powder electrostatically applied (powder coated
finish). Fence mesh shall have a black vinyl coated finish.

Design Standards Manual


Play Courts
Section Seven

Volleyball Court

Volleyball Court Layout

Orientation: Long axis north to south
Net: Nylon
Net Height: 7 4 1/8 measured at the center of the playing court
Net Dimensions: 39 wide and minimum of 36-feet long
Net Poles: 2 1/2 O.D. schedule 40 galvanized pipe, wooden poles
used at beaches. 3/8 diameter holes drilled at 2, 14, and 50 for
Typical Sand Volleyball Court

eye bolt assembly.

Safety Distance: 10-feet minimum unobstructed behind the back
boundary line and on each sideline or between courts
Sand Court: A minimum depth of 12 of sand with a filter fabric
placed underneath the sand bed

Net Pole Detail


Design Standards Manual

Section Eight

Playground Systems

Playground Systems
Section Eight

Play Structures

Typical Playground
Description: For the purposes of this document, the term play area shall refer to any place or space
physically defined and specifically and primarily intended for recreational use by children, generally between
the ages of 2 and 12.
For these areas, the Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation department adheres to the standards of several
nationally recognized organizations where the design, construction, and maintenance of play areas are
involved. The following documents are hereby incorporated as part of these guidelines:
1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification
for Playground Equipment for Public Use, F1487 (most recent edition)
2. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Handbook for Public Playground Safety, Publication
No. 235 (or most recent edition)
3. U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities; Play Areas; October 2000, amended November 2000
(or most recent edition)
Service Standard: 1 play area / 1,500 residents
Color: Colors shall be determined based on the parks overall character and community aesthetics.
Earth Tone Colors: dark green, brown, or beige
Primary Colors: red, green, blue, yellow


Design Standards Manual

Playground Systems
Section Eight

Boundary Definition/Surfacing/Drainage

Playground Border and Drainage (Not to Scale)

Boundary Material: Pressure treated timber

All fastener hardware will be hot dipped galvanized

Surfacing Material: Engineered wood fiber carpet chips

Uncompressed Depth: Recommended depth depends on fall
heights. For general use, an 8 uncompressed depth is standard.
Where equipment is being installed with fall heights in excess of 6
feet, contact the surfacing material manufacturer for recommended
Drainage: Each playground site demands that the inner area of the
playground shall have 4 of material excavated and graded,
maintaining a 1.5 % slope toward a newly installed dry well. A layer
of filter fabric shall then cover the space enclosed by the timbers. A
4" layer of #57 stone shall then cover the area enclosed by the
timbers and then another layer of filter fabric will be installed over
the entire enclosed playground area prior to installing the wood
fiber mulch.

Typical Playground Entrance

Playground Entrance (Not to Scale)

Design Standards Manual


Playground Systems
Section Eight

Play Surfacing Details

Playground Access Ramp Side View (Not to Scale)

Typical Pour-in-Place Surface

Pour-in-Place Surface Detail (Not to Scale)

Typical Pour-in-Place Surface

Pour-in-Place Surface Detail (Not to Scale)


Design Standards Manual

Section Nine

Walkways and Trails

Walkways and Trails

Section Nine

General Guidelines

Trail Clearance Requirements (Not to Scale)

This section establishes standards for public
walkways, trails, and internal pedestrian circulation systems that will
provide user-friendly pedestrian access.
Width: Primary walkways - 12; secondary walkways - 8. In certain
circumstances the use of 6 wide paths may be appropriate for
minor connections.

Typical Shared Use Path

Connectivity: Continuous internal pedestrian walkways, no less

than 8 feet in width, shall be provided from the public walkway or
right-of-way to the main entrance of all buildings and active amenity
areas on the site. Walkways shall connect pedestrian activity such
as, but not limited to, transit stops, street crossings, buildings, and
major site amenities.
Adjacent Plantings: Walkways shall feature adjoining landscaped
areas that include trees, shrubs, benches, etc.
ADA: All pedestrian amenities shall meet ADA guidelines, except
where such amenities travel through environmentally sensitive
Other: For additional information related to the development of
safe trail facilities, refer to the third or most recent edition of the
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (ASHTO)
Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities.


Design Standards Manual

Walkways and Trails

Section Nine

Asphalt Trails

Asphalt Path (Not to Scale)

Use: ADA accessible pedestrian walkways, trails, and light vehicular
service access
Width: Primary walkways - 12; secondary walkways - 8. In certain
circumstances, the use of 6 wide paths may be appropriate for minor connections.
Base: The aggregate base should extend beyond the pavement
edge so that the edge will be structurally reinforced.

Typical Asphalt Path

Design Standards Manual


Walkways and Trails

Section Nine

Concrete Sidewalk

Concrete Sidewalk (Not to Scale)

Use: ADA accessible pedestrian walkways, trails, and light vehicular
service access
Width: Primary walkways - 12; secondary walkways - 8. In certain
circumstances, the use of 6 wide paths may be appropriate for
minor connections.

Typical Concrete Sidewalk


Design Standards Manual

Walkways and Trails

Section Nine

Crushed Stone Trail

Crushed Stone Trail (Not to Scale)

Use: For use in environmentally sensitive areas where pedestrian
access is desired
Width: Primary walkways - 12; secondary walkways - 8. In certain
circumstances, the use of 6 wide paths may be appropriate for
minor connections. Areas where horses will be utilizing the trail, a
4-foot wide shoulder is recommended.
Construction: All trail construction shall include standard clearing
limits as follows: brush and branches shall be removed to a height
of 8 feet within 3 feet of the trail. Remove all roots and organic
debris to a depth of 4 inches, where appropriate. See modified
detail to the right for applications where less disturbance is desired.
Establish a design cross-slope in sub-grade materials. Provide
complete mechanical compaction. Where this is impractical or
impossible, compact by hand with an appropriately weighted

Typical Crushed Stone Trail

Modified Crushed Stone Trail

Design Standards Manual


Walkways and Trails

Section Nine

Natural Trail

Natural Trail Section (Not to Scale)

Use: For use in environmentally sensitive areas where pedestrian
access is desired
Width: Primary walkways - 12; secondary walkways - 8. In certain
circumstances, the use of 6 wide paths may be appropriate for
minor connections. Areas where horses will be utilizing the trail, a 4
-feet wide shoulder is recommended.
Construction: All trail construction shall include the removal of
stumps, exposed roots, and branches within the trail section and to
a height of 8 feet.
Typical Natural Trail
Stumpy Lake Natural Area


Design Standards Manual

Walkways and Trails

Section Nine

Foot Bridges

Partial Deck Framing Plan (Not to Scale)

Use: For pedestrian and light vehicular use
Dimensions: 6 to 14 widths; clear spans generally less than 20.
Where steep and unstable banks exist, the bridges overall length
should be determined accounting for the re-grading and stabilization of the banks. The maximum recommended slope for banks is
Materials: Southern yellow pine
Decking: Pressure treated solid sawn wood decking
Fasteners: Hot-dipped galvanized steel

Typical Foot Bridge

Approaches: Approaches shall meet ADA requirements. Side

slopes should be stabilized and should not exceed 6 to 1. Where
steeper slopes are necessary, wing walls shall be utilized to stabilize
the approaches and minimize erosion.
ADA: All bridge designs should meet ADA requirements.

Typical Foot Bridge with Railing

Design Standards Manual


Walkways and Trails

Section Nine

Foot Bridges

Section One (Not to Scale)

Typical Bent Detail (Not to Scale)

Section Two (Not to Scale)

Curb Splice Detail (Not to Scale)

Section Three (Not to Scale)


Design Standards Manual

Walkways and Trails

Section Nine

Foot Bridges

Optional Railing Detail Front View (Not to Scale)

Optional Railing Detail Side View (Not to Scale)

Design Standards Manual


Walkways and Trails

Section Nine

Prefabricated Bridges

Prefabricated Bridge Profile (Not to Scale)

Use: For pedestrian and light vehicular use
Dimensions: 6 to 14 widths; clear spans from 20 to 100; span-towidth ratio generally 12:1. Where steep and unstable banks exist,
the bridges overall length should be determined accounting for the
re-grading and stabilization of the banks. The maximum
recommended slope for banks is 3:1.
Materials: Southern yellow pine
Beams: Glued laminated wood beams
Typical Prefabricated Wood Bridge
West Neck Creek Natural Area

Decking: Pressure treated solid sawn wood decking

Connectors: Hot-dipped galvanized steel
Approaches: Approaches shall meet ADA requirements. Side
slopes should be stabilized and should not exceed 6 to 1. Where
steeper slopes are necessary, wing walls shall be utilized to stabilize
the approaches and minimize erosion.
ADA: All bridge designs should meet ADA requirements.


Design Standards Manual

Walkways and Trails

Section Nine

Prefabricated Bridges

Concrete Abutment Section (Not to Scale)

Cross Section Abutment (Not to Scale)

Design Standards Manual


Walkways and Trails

Section Nine

Prefabricated Bridges

Timber Pile Wall End Abutment (Not to Scale)

Cross Section Abutment (Not to Scale)


Design Standards Manual

Section Ten


Section Ten

Wood Shelters
Description: Wood Shelters are available in a variety of sizes and configurations (square, rectangular,
hexagon). All structural members, support columns, beams, and arches are made of pressure treated
laminated wood. Sizes range from 12 x 12 to 30 x 60; hexagonal shelters range from 20 to 45 in diameter.
All shelters shall comply with the following guidelines and standards:
1.The manufacturer of the structural glued laminated wood components shall conform to the manufacturing
requirements of the American Institute of Timber Construction Standards and the Standard Specification
or Glued Laminated Timber, AITC 117.
2. Quality Control shall be provided in accordance with the American National Standard of Wood Products
Structural Glued Laminated Timber (ANSI/AITC A 190.1) and the American Institute of Timber
Construction Inspection Manual (AITC-200).
Service Standards: Large rental shelters - 1 / 2,500 residents
Laminated Lumber: All lumber shall be kiln dried Southern Pine graded to meet the requirements of Standard
Specifications for Structural Glued Laminated Timber, AITC 117. Adhesives shall be wet-use (waterproof)
complying with ANSI/AITC A190.1 latest edition.
Beams and Columns: All beams and columns shall be embedded glued laminated wood. Column sizes range
from 6 x 6 to 8x8. Beam/column spacing ranges from 8 O.C. to 10 O.C. for larger shelters. Glulam
beams/columns are to be pressure treated in accordance with American Wood Preservers Association
Roof Decks: All roof decks are to be 2 inch (nominal) #1 grade,
single tongue and groove with V-joint bottom face, kiln-dried
Southern Pine.
Fascia: All fascia will be 2 x 6 Southern Pine, #1 SPIB Grade,
pressure treated in accordance with American Wood Preservers
Association Standards.

Typical Pre-fabricated Wood Shelter

Roof Surfaces: Architectural shingles or standing seam aluminum

roof with one layer of 30 lbs. felt (a minimum 25-year written
warranty is required) (Gray or blue in color)
Fasteners: All steel and hardware fasteners are to be hot-dipped
galvanized unless stainless steel is specified with purchase order as
required by site location.
Exposed Faces: All exposed faces of glulam members are to be
coated with one coat of factoryapplied clear penetrating sealer.
Column Footings: All column footings are to be 24 to 30 O.D. x
4 depth concrete encasements (see detail).

Typical Pre-fabricated Wood Shelter


Contractor will excavate 6 of soil and compact

subsurface prior to pouring class A3, 3000 psi fiber-reinforced

concrete slab. All concrete will be finished by a process of floating
and toweling to a smooth non slip light broom finish.

All outer

edges shall be finished to a 1/4 radius. Surfaces shall have a

positive sheet drainage with no greater than 2% cross slope (see

Design Standards Manual

Section Ten

Wood Shelter Details

Prefabricated Roof Framing Details -Square & Rectangle Shelters (Not to Scale)

Footing And Foundation Detail

Design Standards Manual


Section Ten

Metal Shelters
Description: Metal shelters are available in a variety of sizes and configurations (square, rectangular,
hexagon). Sizes range from 12 x 12 to 30 x 60; hexagonal shelters range from 20 to 45 diameter.
All metal shelters shall comply with the following guidelines and standards:
All material and fabrication shall comply with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) guidelines
and specifications as related.
Service Standards: Large rental shelters - 1 / 2,500 residents
Structural Framing:
Columns, rafters, tie-beams, purlins, etc. shall be Hollow Structural Sections (HSS)
meeting ASTM A500 grade B. I beams tapered columns, open C channels, cold-formed box sections or
wood products shall not be accepted.
Compression Rings: Compression rings shall be made of structural channel sections or welded plate sections
that meet ASTM A36 grade steel.
Structural Connections: Structural connections shall be made with A325 high-strength bolts and A563
structural nuts, ASTM A307 grade anchor bolts, self-drilling screws and pop-rivets.
Metal Roof Panel: 24-gauge galvalume roof panel with a Kynar 500 paint finish or similar. The ribs shall be 13/16 high and 12 on center. Roof panel coverage shall be 36 wide; all angles shall be factory cut. The ribs
shall run with the slope of the building for proper drainage.
Roof Color Options: Gray or Blue

Typical Metal Shelter

Typical Metal Shelter

Footing Detail (Not to Scale)


Design Standards Manual

Section Ten


Gazebo Roof Framing Detail (Not to Scale)

Description: Gazebos are available in sizes ranging from 14 to 35.
Laminated Lumber: All lumber shall be kiln dried Southern Pine
graded to meet the requirements of Standard Specifications for
Structural Glued Laminated Timber, AITC 117. Adhesives shall be
wet-use (waterproof) complying with ANSI/ATIC A190.1 latest
Beams and Columns: All beams and columns shall be embedded
glued laminated wood. Glulam beams/columns are to be pressure
treated in accordance with American Wood Preservers Association

Gazebo at Great Neck Park

Roof Decks: Two-inch (nominal) #1 grade, end matched, single

tongue and groove with V-joint bottom face, kiln-dried Southern
Pine. Galvanized 16d nails shall be provided.
Fascia: All fascia shall be 2 x 6 Southern Pine, #1 SPIB grade,
pressure treated in accordance with American Wood Preservers
Association Standards.
Roof Surfaces: Class A fire rated black fiberglass shingles with
one layer of 15lb felt (a minimum 25-year written warranty
required) or standing seam metal roof (Gray in color).
Options: Gazebos can be purchased to include flooring, rails and/
or benches if desired.

Design Standards Manual


Section Ten

Shade Canopies

Shade Canopy Detail (Not to Scale)

Description: Shade Canopies are available in a variety of sizes and
configurations. The preferred configuration is the T-Cantilever
All shade canopies shall comply with the following guidelines and
All material and fabrication shall comply with the American Society
for Testing and Materials (ASTM) guidelines and specifications as

Typical Shade Canopy

Use: Shade canopies provide relief from the sun installed above
bleachers and in areas where little to no shade exists.
Structural Framing: Columns, rafters, tie-beams, purlins, etc. shall
be Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) meeting ASTM A500 grade B.
I beams tapered columns, open C channels, cold-formed box
sections or wood products shall not be accepted.
Structural Connections: Structural connections shall be made with
A325 high-strength bolts and A563 structural nuts, ASTM A307
grade anchor bolts, self-drilling screws and pop-rivets.
Shade Material:
Post Color Options: Green, Gray or Blue


Design Standards Manual

Section Eleven


Section Eleven

Street, Parking Lot, Path, and Area Lighting

Typical Path Lighting

Description: Lighting standards are chosen based on products
available at a reasonable cost, continuously stocked, and easily
maintained through Dominion Power and Public Works Building
Path Lighting
Type: Black Shoe Box or Bell Shaped
Lamp: LED (Preferred)

Typical Path Lighting

Pole: 10 or 14 mounting height; round tapered, fiberglass pole;

finish dependent upon site, LED

Street and Parking Lot Lighting

Type: Cobra Head Flat Lens
Lamp: LED (Preferred)
Pole: 25 or 30 mounting height; tapered concrete or fiberglass
poles with 6 to 12 arms; gray finish

Area Lighting
Type: Colonial
Typical Street & Parking Lot Lighting

Lamp: LED (Preferred)

Pole: 10 or 14 mounting height; round tapered, fiberglass pole;
black finish


Design Standards Manual

Section Twelve


Section Twelve

Perimeter Fencing

Two Rail Wooden Fence (Not to Scale)

Type: All perimeter fencing shall be constructed using 2-rail post
and rail wooden fencing.

All posts shall be 4-inches in diameter by 5-feet long

pressure treated pine that are mortised to accept rail ends and a
chamfered post top.

All rails shall be 4-inches in diameter full round by 8-feet

long pressure treated pine with the ends tampered to form a tenon
that will be seated in the mortise of the posts and then fastened
Typical Two Rail Wooden Fence

using #10d galvanized nails. All nail heads will be left protruding
out 1/8 inch during installation.

All fastener hardware shall be hot dipped galvanized

Finish: All fencing members shall be made from pressure treated
pine in its natural condition.

All footings for post installation shall be a minimum

depth of 24-inches below finish grade surface. All post holes shall
be backfilled with #57 stone and tamped to compact the material
around the post (see detail).
Optional Weld Wire: Weld wire may be specified to be attached
to the inside of rails for added protection in select cases. For this
purpose 36x2x4 14-gauge galvanized weld wire shall be utilized.


Design Standards Manual

Section Twelve

Security Fencing

Chain Link Fence (Not to Scale)

Type: All security fencing shall be constructed using 4 - 10 tall
black vinyl coated chain link fence.
Top Rail: 1-5/8 O.D. galvanized metal
Bottom Rail: 1-5/8 O.D. galvanized metal
Line Posts: 1-7/8 O.D. galvanized metal
Terminal Posts: 2-3/8 O.D. galvanized metal
Fabric: 9-gauge mesh core minimum
Fasteners: All fastener hardware will be hot dipped galvanized.
Finish: Posts, rails and hardware shall be black polyester coating 3mil color powder electrostatically applied (powder coated). Fence
mesh shall be vinyl coated.

Typical Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link

Footings: All footings for post installation will be a minimum depth

of 24-inches below finish grade surface.

Design Standards Manual


Section Twelve

Wood Guardrail

Wood Guardrail (Not to Scale)

Use: Wooden guardrails shall be used wherever there is a need to
channel pedestrians.
Posts: All posts will be 8 x 8 nominal by 4 long pressure treated
pine with a chamfered post top.
Rails: All rails will be 4 x 8 by 10 long pressure treated pine.
Fasteners: All fastener hardware will be hot dipped galvanized fasteners.

Typical Wood Guardrail

Finish: All fencing members will be made from pressure treated

pine in accordance with the standards of the American Wood Preservers Association left in its natural condition.
Footings: All footings for post installation will be a minimum depth
of 24-inches below finish grade surface.
Safety: If guardrail is located within 6-feet of road edge, a 2-inch
diameter hole should be drilled through each post 6-inches above


Design Standards Manual

Section Twelve


Folding Bollard (Not to Scale)

Use: For use where occasional and/or emergency vehicular access is
Material: Powder coated steel
Posts: All posts shall be similar to the drawing above, no round
posts are acceptable.
Fasteners: All fastener hardware will be hot dipped galvanized
fasteners. All bollards shall be fastened to concrete.
Finish: All finishes shall be powder coated.
Typical Folding Bollard

Design Standards Manual


End of Section

Section Thirteen


Section Thirteen

General Guidelines
Description: Signs are an important element in a park system. They identify, inform, regulate, protect, and
educate. The goal for these standards is to establish consistency throughout the Virginia Beach park system,
reduce the overall number of signs placed at park sites, and develop easily recognizable sign panels that
efficiently relay the necessary information. For the purposes of this document, signs have been broken out
into two main categories: informational signage and regulatory signage.
Informational signs include three sub-categories: entry or identification signage, way finding signage, and
educational signage.
Regulatory signs include two sub-categories: standard MUTCD Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
signs, and site specific warnings and regulation signage.
Site Signage Plan: As new park sites are being developed, a site signage plan should be an integral part of
the sites development. The plan should identify the location and design of all site signage. Additionally,
developed sites that are becoming overrun with the addition of numerous signs over the years should evaluate
their signage, develop a site signage plan, and implement it as opportunities arise.
Multiple Signs: The placement of multiple signs on fences, trees, light poles, etc. should be avoided.
Landscaping: All entry or identification signage shall be planted as the base. A minimum of a 75 square foot
planting bed shall be utilized.

Description: Several graphic components make up the building

blocks for the Virginia Beach sign program. These components are
used in specific ways to simply and effectively communicate
consistently throughout the park
system. They are listed here
and then further discussed below and on the following pages.

Typography (font style, size)

Recreational Symbols

City Seal


Directional Arrow Graphics

Font Type
Times New Roman - Type face utilized on all signs for the park
Sans Serif - Type face utilized on all signs for other supportive text
located on the sign

Entry Signage
Princess Anne Athletic Complex

Font Style: The utilization of both upper and lower case letters
increases the legibility of text and is standard for all signs.
Font Heights: Heights of the dominating text shall be either 5, or
6. In general, most neighborhood park signs will utilize 5 tall
letters and larger community and signature parks should utilize 610 tall letters depending on the surrounding environment and sign
placement. The size of all other graphic components will be based
off of the font size of the dominating text.
City Seal
Material: Seals can be manufactured in a variety of materials and


Design Standards Manual

Color: The full color version should be utilized for all signs. On dark
backgrounds the seal should be outlined with a thin black line just
outside of the dolphin ring.

Section Thirteen

Informational Signage - Entry Signage

Typical Park Sign Layout (Not to Scale)

Description: Heights of the dominating text shall be 5 or 6. In
general, most neighborhood park signs will utilize 5 tall letters and
larger community and signature parks should utilize 6 tall letters.
The ultimate determination of letter height should be based on the
surrounding environment, the signs placement and the viewing
distance. The size of all other graphic components will be
proportionally related to the length of the name and spacing from
the edge.
For long park names, the use of two lines is
recommended. The following depicts the graphic layout for entry
Sign Panel Material: All sign panels are to be HDPE recycled
plastic. (Green/White/Green)
Sign Panel Colors: Green (Pantone # 342 C)
Background shall have white letters and graphics; double sided,
flush-mounted Virginia Beach City seal.
Sign Base / Support Structure: Signs shall be either post mounted
at the ends with chamfered tops or attached to a base monument

Standard Support Structure Options

Post Mounted Signs: 6 x 6 recycled plastic post. Recycled

plastic posts shall be gray in color with 1 chamfered top.
Monument Base Signs: Monument style bases should reflect the
character of the site. (i.e. Split Face Block and Brick)

Design Standards Manual


Section Thirteen

Informational Signage - Entry Signage

Typical Routed Panel

Landscaping: All entry or identification signage shall be planted as
the base. A minimum of a 75 square foot planting bed shall be
Site Address: The sites numerical address shall be located on the
entry sign.
Marquee Signs: Marquee signs shall be used at designated special
use and large parks where advertising is needed regularly. Support
structure shall be made of brick or split face block.
Typical Entry Sign

Typical Marquee Sign


Design Standards Manual

Section Thirteen

Informational Signage - Way Finding

Description: Heights of the dominating text shall be either 2-5,

Although the size will also depend on the site and the viewing
distance. The size of all other graphic components will be
proportionally related to the height of the text.
Sign Panel: Aluminum is the standard panel material, however,
high density urethane (sign foam) can be utilized in special


Colors: Green (Pantone 342 C) background with white letters and

Sign Support Structure: All way finding signs shall be post
mounted either at the ends or a single post located in the center.
Sign Support Material: 6 x 6 recycled plastic post for park
related regulation signs and 2 x 2 metal posts for traffic and other
regulatory signs. Recycled plastic posts shall be gray in color and
have 1 chamfered top. Signs can also be mounted to structures.
* Along roadways, the height to the bottom of the sign shall be a
minimum of 5-feet. Along walkways and trails, height to the
bottom shall be between 4-feet and 5-feet.

Typical Wayfinding Sign

Design Standards Manual


Section Thirteen

Informational Signage - Educational

Typical Informational Sign Template

Format: Header should occupy approximately 1/8 of the panel
height. The dimensions of the sign are typically 2x3.
Sign Panel: Exterior grade high-pressure laminate fused with antiUV layers and graffiti resistant technologies
Header Color: Green (Pantone 342C) background with white
letters. Color Virginia Beach City seal.

Typical Low Profile Support Base

Sign Base / Support Structure: Educational signs can be either

mounted on the original National Park Service (NPS) style low
profile exhibit base or mounted upright at eye level.
Sign Base / Support Structure Material: Support structure shall
be constructed out of high strength aluminum extrusion.
Sign Base / Support Structure Color: Flat black
Sign Base / Support Structure Size:
3x3 1/8 square steel
posts. Posts are to be 30 tall plus a 24 extension on a 45 degree
Location: Signs shall be located on either a paved or decked
surface adjacent to a walkway or public space.

Typical Low Profile Support Base


Design Standards Manual

Section Thirteen

Graphic Components

Typical Graphic Symbols

Graphic Standard Symbols:
Nationally recognized graphic
symbols should be used whenever possible to relay information. A
full list of recreational symbols can be found in Chapter 2H of the
Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Recreational
and Cultural Interest Signs. The manual can be found online at:
Where an activity is prohibited, the standard red circle with slash
should be utilized.
Directional Arrows: Standard MUTCD directional arrows shall be
utilized. The dashed box surrounding the head of the arrow should
be used for positioning on the sign, not for print.

Typical Sign with Graphic Symbols

Design Standards Manual


Section Thirteen

MUTCD Regulatory and Warning Signs

Typical MUTCD Signs

Description: The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or

MUTCD defines the standards used by road managers nationwide
to install and maintain traffic control devices on all streets and
highways. The MUTCD is published by the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA). All regulatory traffic control signage shall
conform to the standards set forth in Chapter 2B of the Manual of
Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Regulatory Signs. The
manual can be found online at:
Sign Panel: Aluminum
Support Posts Material: Posts shall be 2 x 2 break-a-way metal

5 min

Standard Support Structure


Design Standards Manual

Section Thirteen

Other Regulatory - Combined

Standard Regulatory Sign

Text Height: Heights of the text should be 1-2,

although, the size may vary slightly depending on the site and the
viewing distance. The size of all other graphic components will be
proportionally related to the height of the text.
Text Style: San Serif
Sign Panel: Aluminum
Header Color: Green Pantone 342 C) background with white
letters and graphics
Sign Panel Color: White with black letters
Sign Support Material: 6 x 6 recycled plastic post. Recycled
plastic posts shall be gray in color and have 1 chamfered top.
Sign Support Material: 6 x 6 or recycled plastic post allowed to
weather naturally. Recycled plastic posts shall be gray in color.
Location: Signs shall be located at the entrance to the facility on
either a paved or decked surface adjacent to a walkway or public

Standard Regulatory Sign

Design Standards Manual


Section Thirteen

Other Regulatory - Individual



Typical Regulatory Signs

Text Height: Heights of the text should be 1-2, although, the
size may vary slightly depending on the site and the viewing
distance. The size of all other graphic components will be
proportionally related to the height of the text.

Text Style: San Serif


Sign Panel: Aluminum


Header Color: Green (Pantone 342 C) or red (Pantone 187 C)

background with white letters and graphics
Sign Panel Color: White with black letters
Sign Support Structure: Individual regulatory signs shall be post
Sign Support Material: 6 x 6 recycled plastic post. Recycled
plastic posts shall be gray in color and have 1 chamfered top.
Along roadways, the height to the bottom of the sign shall be a
minimum of 5-feet. Along walkways and trails, height shall be
between 4-feet and 5-feet.

Standard Support Structure


Design Standards Manual

Section Fourteen

Site Furnishings

Site Furnishings
Section Fourteen


Vinyl Coated Bench (Not to Scale)

Type: Vinyl coated bench
Use: For use within the timbered border of play areas
Seat Boards & Backs: All seat boards and backs will be decking
mesh constructed of 9 gauge expanded metal or 11 gauge punched
steel with a staggered pattern of 3/8diameter holes at 5/8 apart
center to center.

Typical Vinyl Coated Bench

Frame: The frame shall be fabricated from 2-3/8 OD galvanized

steel pipe that must conform to ASTM A-135 and ASTM A-500. All
open ends will be capped with 16 gauge galvanized steel with dieformed and welded caps.
Fasteners: All hardware shall be corrosion resistant stainless steel
Finish: All seat board and back assemblies shall be

Standard Color
Dark Green or Similar


Design Standards Manual

finished in a standard blue polyvinyl chloride coating.

assemblies shall have a black polyester powder coating.

All leg

Site Furnishings
Section Fourteen

Benches - Installation

Typical Surface Mount Installation (Not to Scale)

Location: All benches should be located on a concrete or asphalt
pad directly adjacent to a pedestrian walkway or public area.
Surface Mount: All surface mounted benches will be fastened to a
concrete or asphalt slab with ground space dimensions not less than
8-feet long and 3-feet 6-inches wide (see detail sheet). Generally, 4inch cast in place concrete slabs shall be installed except where
asphalt, crushed rock, decking, or other paving method is approved
through the design review process.
In-Ground Installation: All concrete footings for in-ground
installation will be a minimum depth of 24 below finish grade
surface. If an in-ground bench is to be installed inside a
playgrounds timber borders, the length of the posts will be
extended to allow for the thickness of the safety surfacing material.
(Inside playground borders is the only acceptable location for inground installation.

Typical Bench Buddies Plaque

Bench Buddies: Plaques may be attached to the back portion of

the bench if the bench is installed as part of the Bench Buddies
donation program. Plaques shall be 3h x 8w brown plastic plaque
with white letters centered and securely attached to the bench.

Design Standards Manual


Site Furnishings
Section Fourteen


Teak Wood Bench (Not to Scale)

Type: The all teak wood bench shall be used, as approved, for
special or unique situations.
Length: 6 feet
Wood Material: 100% kiln dried solid teak wood
Joinery: Teak benches should be manufactured with tightly fitting
mortise and tenon joinery.
Finish: Teak garden furniture should be extremely smooth to the
touch with no rough edges. Teak benches should be allowed to
weather naturally.
Standard Teak Bench


Design Standards Manual

Site Furnishings
Section Fourteen

Bike Racks

Two-Point Bike Rack (Not to Scale)

Description: All bike racks shall be made of aluminum. Various

lengths are available to accommodate the needs of different sites.
Frame: 1-5/8 steel pipe frame with 1 galvanized tubing. Bike
racks are available in a variety of sized ranging from 5 to 10.
Location: Locate bike racks in the vicinity of the activity areas of
the park facility. It is essential the racks be visible from areas such
as entries, offices, recreation rooms, ball fields, and play areas so
that security will be maximized at all times. If lighting is available,
locate racks nearby.

Standard Bike Rack

Installation: All bike racks shall be placed on and secured to a 12 x

12 (maximum) pad that is installed flush with surrounding grades
on all sides. Extend pad in all directions around the racks so that
mowing can be accomplished around racks and bicycles. Generally,
4 cast in place concrete slabs shall be installed except where asphalt, crushed rock or other paving method is approved through
the design review process.

Standard Bike Rack

Design Standards Manual


Site Furnishings
Section Fourteen

Description: All park grills are manufactured in-house by park maintenance staff. Three grill size options are
available depending on the intended location. A utility shelf is standard for both the medium and large size
Location: Grills should be conveniently located to picnic tables/shelters but away from overhangs, low
branches, eaves, or other overhead obstructions. A minimum clear space of 5-feet shall extend in all
directions. Place grills at a safe distance from foot traffic and play areas.
Installation: All grill posts shall be surface mounted. Ground space dimensions of the pad shall at a minimum
allow for a 3-foot standing area in front of the grill. Generally, 4-inch cast in place concrete slabs shall be
installed except where asphalt, crushed rock, decking, or other paving method is approved. A minimum
clearance of 27-inches shall be maintained between the finished grade and the bottom of the firebox.
Mini - 280 square inch cooking surface
Mid-Size - 532 square inch cooking surface
Super - 900 square inch cooking surface
Firebox: 1/4 side steel plate with integral slots to allow grate to be adjusted to different heights; 12 high
firebox walls
Grate: 1/2 round steel bars welded on 1 centers
Handles: 5/8 round steel bars welded through the sides of the
firebox to prevent grate removal; coiled wire hand grips
Pedestal: The super and mid size grills are stationary. The mini grill
rotates 360 degrees.
Finish: Non-toxic heat-resistant flat black enamel

Typical Super Grill


Design Standards Manual

Site Furnishings
Section Fourteen

Grill Dimensions

Mini Grill

Midsize Grill

Super Grill

Design Standards Manual


Site Furnishings
Section Fourteen

Picnic Tables

Vinyl Coated Picnic Table (Not to Scale)

Type: 6 vinyl coated picnic table
Use: For use within parks and within certain specialty sites as
approved by the Planning, Design, and Development Division
Table Tops and Seat Boards: Mesh will be constructed of 9 gauge
expanded metal or 11 gauge punched steel with a staggered pattern of 3/8 diameter holes at 5/8 apart center to center.

Vinyl Coated Picnic Table

Frame: 2-3/8 O.D. steel pipe that conforms to ASTM A-135 and
ASTM A-500. All frames will have corrosion protection by a hot
dipped zinc galvanized coating followed by a chromate conversion
coating and a clear polymer coating.
Diagonal Braces: All diagonal braces will be made of 1 galvanized
tubing or an approved bracing system.

Standard Color
Dark Green or Similar

Finish: All table top and seat board assemblies will be finished in a
polyvinyl chloride coating.
Size Options:
Rectangular - 72l x 30w x 30.5h table top with 72l x 12w x
18.75h seats
Round - 46 diameter x 30h table top with 12w x 18.5h seats
Square - 46 sq with 38l x 10.5w x 18h seats


Design Standards Manual

Site Furnishings
Section Fourteen

Picnic Table Installation

Concrete Pad Dimensions

Installation: All tables shall be placed on and secured to a pad with
ground space dimensions not less than 10 long and 9 wide, 12.5
long by 9 wide for HC tables. Generally, 4 cast in place concrete
slabs shall be installed except where asphalt, crushed rock, decking,
or other paving method is approved.

Fasteners: All hardware will be corrosion resistant stainless steel

fasteners or hardware.
ADA Vinyl Coated Picnic Table

Design Standards Manual


Site Furnishings
Section Fourteen

Trash Receptacles

Trash Receptacle Installation (Not to Scale)

Type: Recycled metal drum

Use: Trash can standard for most circumstances
Size: 55-Gallon
Finish: Painted green or gray
Options: Receptacle enclosure (dark green or gray)
Installation: All trash receptacles shall be placed on and secured to
a pad with ground space dimension not less than 3 long and 3
wide (see detail).
Receptacle Enclosure and Recycle Bin


Design Standards Manual

Generally, 4 cast in place concrete slabs shall be installed except

where asphalt, decking, or other paving method is approved
through the design review process.

Site Furnishings
Section Fourteen

Water Fountains

Water Fountain Details (Not to Scale)

Free standing water fountains shall be used
conservatively. When possible, the incorporation of wall mounted
fountains into existing or proposed site buildings is preferred.
However, freestanding fountains should be used in isolated active
parks where no other potable water source is available. Pet
fountains shall be used at all dog parks. All fountains shall be
designed to be easily winterized.
Type: ADA accessible with optional pet fountain
Use: To be used at isolated active parks where no other potable
water source is available

Typical Pet Fountain

Finish: Black powder coated

Options: Locking hose bid assembly
Installation: All free standing water fountains shall be surface
mounted to a pad with ground space
dimensions not less than 8 wide and 5 long. Generally, 4 cast in
place concrete slabs shall be installed except where asphalt,
crushed rock or other paving method is approved.

Design Standards Manual


Site Furnishings
Section Fourteen

Dog Waste Bag Dispenser

Dog Waste Dispenser Placement (Not to Scale)

Use: Dog waste bag dispensers are to be utilized for encouraging
pet owners to clean up after their pets.
Dog waste bag dispensers are made of
polyethylene plastic material that is durable to outdoor use and UV
Options: The dispenser may be stocked with two boxes (400 total)
of biodegradable bags, or where deemed appropriate a
neighborhood may supply bags as directed by operational and
maintenance staff members.
Installation: Dispensers shall be attached using stainless steel
fasteners to 2 x 2 standard metal posts. Installation shall be
located directly next to a trash enclosure at all times.

Dog Waste Bag Dispenser


Design Standards Manual

virginia beach parks & recreation

planning, design & development division
2408 courthouse drive, building 21
virginia beach, va 23456
(v) 757.385.1100 | (f) 757.385.1130 | [email protected]

printed on 100% recycled paper using soy-based inks

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