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G.R. No. L-38753, August 25, 1982, FERNANDO, C.J.
The information in this certiorari, mandamus and prohibition proceeding to quash an
information for libel against petitioner for the alleged offensive telegram he sent to respondent. A
motion to dismiss was filed by petitioner Ramon Mercado on the ground of the telegram being a
privileged communication, which was denied by the lower court. Thereafter, through another
counsel, came a motion to quash, alleging that the facts charged do not "constitute an offense,"
but, the same was denied.
In respondents comment, the stress was on the absence of any privilege, there being
malice and bad faith. As stated therein: "The communication in issue was made by the petitioner
with evident malice and bad faith, a matter explicitly stated in the information filed with the
respondent Court, and the pretense that it was made allegedly in line with the President's appeal
to give information on undesirable employees in the government service, cannot cover up such
fact. Malice in fact and bad faith on the part of the petitioner, and/or that he was motivated by
vengeance and ill-will in making the said communication, is shown by, and can be established by
the prosecution thru the testimony of the private respondent and the following documentary
Prior to such hearing, there was a motion by petitioner to file memorandum in lieu of oral
argument, which was not acted upon before the hearing where the parties appeared. Instead of
just filing a memorandum, petitioner had a motion to admit amended petition enclosing with
such motion the amended petition. The memorandum filed by him was on the basis thereof.
Whether or not the telegram being qualifiedly privileged should be the basis for the
special civil action for certiorari, mandamus and prohibition.
The Court held that certiorari to annul the order denying the motion to quash as well as
the motion for reconsideration does not lie. Neither should respondent court be ordered to
dismiss the criminal complaint for libel against petitioner. Nor should the court be prohibited
from hearing the aforesaid criminal action.
1. In United States v. Bustos, a similar doctrine announced by the United States Supreme
Court, to the effect that a libel prosecution must likewise survive the test of whether or not the
offending publication is within the guarantees of free speech and free press. To keep such
guarantees, if not inviolate, at the very least truly meaningful, certainly calls for such an
2. Justice Malcolm pointed out that qualified privilege, and this is one such instance, may
be "lost by proof of malice." He also continued by saying that 'A communication made bona
fide upon any subject matter in which the party communicating has an interest, or in reference to
which he has a duty, is privileged, if made to a person having a corresponding interest or duty,
although it contained criminatory matter which without this privilege would be slanderous and
actionable. He then gave what was referred to by him as a "pertinent illustration of the
application of qualified privilege," namely, "a complaint made in good faith and without malice
in regard to the character or conduct of a public official when addressed to an officer or a board
having some interest or duty in the matter. Even when the statements are found to be false, if
there is probable cause for belief in their truthfulness and the charge is made in good faith, the
mantle of privilege may still cover the mistake of the individual. But the statements must be
made under an honest sense of duty; a self-seeking motive is destructive. A further element of the
law of privilege concerns the person to whom the complaint should be made. The rule is that if a
party applies to the wrong person through some natural and honest mistake as to the respective
functions of various officials such unintentional error will not take the case out of the privilege."

3. The Court ruled in favor of respondents. In one case, the Court made it clear that
malice can be shown. It "simply puts the burden of doing so on the prosecution." The ponencia
distinguished the Bustos decision, thus: "That case is not here applicable, because the acquittal of
the accused therein on the ground that the defamatory imputation was qualifiedly privileged was
adjudged only after trial, wherein the prosecution tried to establish, although unsuccessfully, the
element of malice." Further, the opinion stated: " It need only be added that in the instant case the
information alleges that the defendants, appellees here, wrote and sent the subject letter to the
President 'with malicious intent and evil motive of attacking, injuring and impeaching the
character, honesty, integrity, virtue and reputation of one Jose J. Monteclaro ... and with
malicious intent of exposing (him) to public hatred, contempt, ridicule, discredit and dishonor,
without any justifiable motive.' Under the foregoing allegation, the prosecution is entitled to go
to trial and present the necessary evidence to prove malice; and the denial, to it of the
opportunity to do so, upon the defendants' motion to quash, constitutes reversible error."

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