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QlikView for Ninjas

The first and ultimate step to the exciting world of QlikView

Rajesh Pillai
This book is for sale at http://leanpub.com/qlikviewforninjas
This version was published on 2014-10-10

This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors and publishers with the Lean Publishing
process. Lean Publishing is the act of publishing an in-progress ebook using lightweight tools and
many iterations to get reader feedback, pivot until you have the right book and build traction once
you do.
2014 Rajesh Pillai

This book is dedicated to my son Rohan, my nephew Tanuv who being just 9.5 years has started
with CSS3, HTML and JavaScript, my wife Radhika and my parents and well wishers. This book is
also dedicated to all the participants who attended my QlikView training and has given some really
constructive feedback based on which this series of books have been structured.

Chapter 0 - Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Case study - Adventure Works Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 - Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 - QlikView Development Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 - Developer Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4 - Data and Scripting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

QlikView Data Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5 - Connect, Select and Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7 - Green, White and Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


SECTION 2 - Programming for QlikView Ninjas .

Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For..Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If..then..elseif..else..end if . . . . . . . . . . . . .

























Chapter 0 - Agenda
Lets quickly glance through the table of content in a nutshell.
SECTION 1 - QlikView Developer

QlikView Development Methodology
Data and Scripting
Connect, Select and Load
Loading Data from SQL Server
Executing Stored Procedures
Reading XML Data from SQL Server
Green, White and Gray
The Magic of Preceding Load
Loading Data from XML file
Loading Data from Excel and CSV files
Data Modelling Issues
Referencing external files
Basic Data Transformation
Data generation in the QlikView script
Scripting Best Practices
Master Calendar
Mapping Tables
Data Model Optimization
Link Tables
Interval Match
Cross Tables
Advanced Calculations
Alternate States
Set Analysis
Generating QVDs
QlikView Security
Additional Load Types
How to use QlikView Extensions

Chapter 0 - Agenda

Performance Tuning
SECTION 2 - Programming for QlikView Ninjas
SECTION 3 - Advanced Development
SECTION 4 - QlikView Designer
SECTION 5 - Basic Server Administration

Case study - Adventure Works Cycles

This case study is adapted from the Microsoft Sample database files. The detailed description can be
found here.
Adventure Works Cycles, the fictitious company on which the AdventureWorks sample databases
are based, is a large, multinational manufacturing company. The company manufactures and sells
metal and composite bicycles to North American, European and Asian commercial markets. While
its base operation is located in Bothell, Washington with 290 employees, several regional sales teams
are located throughout their market base.
In 2000, Adventure Works Cycles bought a small manufacturing plant, Importadores Neptuno,
located in Mexico. Importadores Neptuno manufactures several critical subcomponents for the
Adventure Works Cycles product line. These subcomponents are shipped to the Bothell location
for final product assembly. In 2001, Importadores Neptuno, became the sole manufacturer and
distributor of the touring bicycle product group.
Coming off a successful fiscal year, Adventure Works Cycles is looking to broaden its market share by
targeting their sales to their best customers, extending their product availability through an external
Web site, and reducing their cost of sales through lower production costs.
In all the subsequent chapters, we will cover various scenarios which will address some of
AdventureWorks concern. We will build our datamodel for them and also build some visualization
around this area.
The reason I have taken AdventureWorks as a case study is because it is widely available and
accessible, the domain is pretty much familiar to most of the people and the data structure is pretty
significantly complex to understand various issues when we will transform from OLTP to OLAP
kind of schema.

1 - Introduction
Welcome to the QlikView for Ninja series of book. This book will be a handy step by step
introduction to most of the QlikView features that will help you become a better QlikView
Developer. This book is in early access mode and chapters will be published every week. Also,
the readers constructive feedback, will help form the structure of the book as well apart from the
core agenda.
QlikView is a Guided Analytical BI tool developed by QlikTech(now Qlik).
QlikView is more of a business discovery platform. It helps you find data quickly and get out meaning
from it to make efficient and quick decisions with minimum support from the developer team.
Though mostly the business user or the end user can directly work with QlikView but for efficient
administration and management the support of the IT team is required.
Also, QlikView is one of the foremost in memory analytics, i.e. everything, all data, including filters
eveything is stored in RAM once the document is loaded. This makes it very fast from user experience
perspective. Also, with more power comes more responsibilities(remember the Spiderman movie).
The application needs to be tuned as it scales and many aspects of performance needs to be taken
into account beginning from chart optimization, data model design, server configurations, user loads
Associative Technology
How QlikView refers from other BI products the associative user experience. Traditional BI tools
has a fixed navigation path to explore data, but in QlikView, you can start any where, any column
or field and this gives your mind more opportunity to explore and deduce meanings from data.
The below diagram visualizes the two experiences.

1 - Introduction

Some of the benefits of associative technology is outlined below

Works the way the mind works
The user is not limited to follow a predefined path to access the data. The business user can
see hidden trends and make discoveries like with no other BI platform on the market.
Delivers direct and indirect search
The user can conduct both direct and indirect searches. For e.g. if a user wanted to identify
a sales rep but cant remember his/her name, he can just use some other attributes to do the
search. If the business user remembers that the said sales rep sells laptop in APAC region, e
can search on the Sales Rep list box and search for APAC and Laptop to get the names of
sales reps who meet those criteria.
Delivers answers as fast as users an think up questions
There are many ways in QlikView in which a user can asks question, such as putting data in
charts and graphs, maps, tables, sliders, calenders etc. The user can quickly see relationships
and find meaning in the data.
Puts in the meaning to the gray
In QlikView unassociated data is represented in gray color. The user can easily see the data
not associated and this gives them additional insight into their data. Sometimes the Aha
moment comes up by looking at data that is not directly associated.
** Components of the QlikView Business Discovery platform **

1 - Introduction

The below figure depicts a simplified view of QlikView deployment diagram containing the products
that take part in the deployment.

1 - Introduction

The QlikView Desktop is a windows based desktop tool that is used by developers and business
analysts to create data models and to build the graphical user interface for QlikView apps. This is
the swiss army knife for the QlikView developer and Designer who can use all the features to create
robust data model and a very efficient user interface for the clients. All the scripting is done through
this application.
The file type that is created using the QlikView Desktop is known as QVW (.qvw or QlikView file).
One can also create a readonly QVD (QlikView data) file, which is a format which QlikView uses to
store its compressed data.
The QVS is a server product that contains the in-memory analytics engine. The QVS handles all
client/server communication between a QlikView client (i.e. desktop, AJAX, IE plugin or Mobile) and
the server. It includes a management environment i.e QlikView Management Console for providing
administrator access to control all aspects of the server deployments including security, distribution,
clustering, authorization etc) and also included a web server to provide front-end access to the
documents within.
The web servers user portal is known as Access Point. Also, its important to note that while
QVS contains its own web server, once can also utilize Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Sever) for

1 - Introduction

this purpose as well. The QVS handles client authorization against existing directory providers like
Microsoft Active Directory, LDAP etc and also performs read and write to ACLs (Access Control
lists) for QVW documents.
The QlikView Publisher is also a server-side product that performs two important functions:
1. It is used to load data directly from data sources defined via connection strings in the QVW
2. It is also used as a distribution service to reduce data and applications from source QVW file
based on various rules, such as user authorization or data access privileges (these rules are
based on fields from the data model) and to distribute these newly-created documents to the
appropriate QlikView servers or static PDF reports via email.
QlikView publisher is not a mandatory server component though, but is useful for large scale
enterprises. When QlikView Server is installed the publisher component is also installed, but it is
only activated when the publisher license is enabled in the QlikView Management Console.
** How QlikVIew Works: A peek under the covers **
When a QlikView document is published to a QlikView Server, the content it contains become
available for consumption by any user with the required privileges to access it. The flow is outlined
When a user first opens a QlikView document, data is loaded in memory (server memory).
The compressed and unaggregated dataset is loaded from the disk into QlikView Servers
RAM. This in-memory repository serves as the based dataset for this initial user and all other
users requesting the same document. This repository stays in memory until no user activity
has occurred within a defined time-out period.
Users explore data via selections. The concept of user defined selection state is central to
QlikVIew. As user clicks around in a QlikView document trying to demystify the maze of
data, they indicate which subsets of data they are interested in analyzing and which subsets
should be ignored. QlikView takes advantage of the highly indexed nature of the unaggregated
dataset. QlikView dynamically presents a subset of all the data available to the QlikView
document based on the selection state. This happens in real time.
Upon selection, aggregates render instantly. On the fly, QlikView renders aggregates as
intuitive and interactive user interface objects via, charts, graphs, tables, listbox etc. Users
interact with objects in QlikView documents through any supported client. Also users can
create their own objects using collaboration features of QlikView.
We will have a look at how data is structured in QlikView memory model in later

2 - QlikView Development
Each and every company and may be individuals have their own development methodology.
Now QlikView doesnt put a hard and fast rule as to what kind of methodology works, but its
recommended to go with any kind of agile methodology to get the most from the project in time
and budget.
Irrespective of the selection of any specific methodology, some coding practics and development
guidelines needs to be strictly followed to get optimum result These practices are spread across the
following major activities.

Scripting Guidelines
Requirements Gathering,
Understanding the key metrics and KPIs
Source control integrations
Understanding the source data et el.

We will cover these topics incrementally over the next series of chapters.

3 - Developer Roles
For any successful QlikView implementation it is very essential to have the correct team structure.
This team structure could compose of single person to start with but eventually for all different roles
there could be specialist appointed.
Lets look at roles available in any QlikView implementation.

The QlikView team structure consist primary of a backend developer, a designer, a visualization
expert and an administrator. Each and every role has its own responsibility, but as I said, when you
are starting up with QlikView implementation, may be a single person could be playing all the roles.
But as you move forward into the project, a dedicated team needs to be setup to deal with the chores
of each roles.
A successful implementation consist of a fine mixture of the above roles. The responsibilities of each
role is outlined below.
The various roles are summarized the the below table.


3 - Developer Roles




QlikView Developer is responsible for

building the data model and for
scripting the ETL tasks. The Business
Analyst (BA) role is kind of common and
is either played by developer or
designer based on the team structure.


QlikView Designer works with charts and

user interfaces. In small firms or when
QlikView is being evaluated the
developer and designer role is usually
played by a single person.


Visualization expert deals with the over

UX of the QlikView application.
Sometimes the designer and visualization
role is played by the same member
depending on their skill set.


Administrator is responsible for

managing the QlikView server
environment, managing licenses, reload
tasks, security etc.

Business User

They work with QlikView applications

mostly through browser interface (access
point) or even desktop interface.

4 - Data and Scripting

All the data files used with this book will be available shortly. In the meantime you can grab the
primary source from CodePlex. We will be using the AdventureWorks 2012 OLTP database for all
our demo code. The required files can be found in the leanpub QlikView for Ninja home page.

QlikView Data Modelling

A data model is a conceptual model that describes how data are related and accessed in a system.
The two main concepts in a data modelling is that of dimensions and facts.
** Dimensions and facts **
A dimension is used to categorize data, such as products, customers, region or ara etc. It consists of
one of more tables containing keys and attributes that describe the data values.
A fact table on the other hand generally contains the foreign keys of dimension tables along with
measures (numeric data). Each row of the fact table is defined by the set of dimensional keys that
contribute the measurements or measures. An example of a fact would be sales revenue, number of
issues resolved etc.
** Star schemas and snowflake schemas **
A schema is a way to graphically represent a model through a diagram. A data model with merged
dimensions can be represented by a star schema. The name derives from the fact that, a full fledged
star schema resembles a start, with a central point and other other nodes erupting from it. This
structure contains a single fact table surrounded by a set of dimension tables.

4 - Data and Scripting


Snowflakes on the other hand more of a relational strucute, in which the dimension tables are not
fully merged.

4 - Data and Scripting


The general rule of thumb is to use star schema for analysis purpose and snowflake schema for
transactional database.
We will be build a data model that initially represents the first figure below and then through data
modelling activities we will make the model look as in the second figure.
Figure : 1

4 - Data and Scripting


Figure : 2

Wishing you best in your data modelling adventures and we will use many of the ninja like tools to
achieve our end objective.
At any point you can press Ctrl+T to bring up the table viewer in QlikView. Table
viewer is a handy tool that shows the struture of tables laid out in QlikViews memory.

4 - Data and Scripting

It shows both the source structure and the internal table structure. We will use the
internal table structure view for troubleshooting most of our data modelling issues.
AdventureWorks Sample Database


5 - Connect, Select and Load

Connect, Select and Load is the basic mechanism through which data can be loaded into QlikView.
Data can be loaded from various sources like flat files (csv, excel, tab delimited), RDBMS or any
other systems.
You can also get/buy or write custom providers for data sources which QlikView doesnt provide
the connectors.
Exercise 1. Load an excel file. This will be the only most elaborate step, starting with creating a new
doucment. Rest of the exercise will contain on the required screenshots for understanding.
1. Fire up your QlikView and click on New Document.

2. You will be greeted with the Getting started wizard. Close this by clicking on th X button
or by pressing the ESC key.

5 - Connect, Select and Load


3. The next thing to do then is to save this document. QlikView will automatically add the file
extension as .qvw.
4. Open up the Script Editor by clicking on the Edit Script toolbar or by pressing the Ctrl+E
key on your keyboard. The following screen will show up.

5. Create a new tab by clicking on the Tab menu and then click on Add Tab and enter a
friendly name.

5 - Connect, Select and Load


6. Click on the Relative Path check box and then click on the Table Files and select the

7. You will be presented with the File Wizard:Type dialog. Look at the File Type section on
left side. The file type Excel(xlsx) should be automatically selected.

5 - Connect, Select and Load


8. Click on the Finish button for now and the following screen should be presented to you.

9. Click on the Reload toolbar menu to load the data into QlikView. You will get a progress
dialog, which will be automatically closed or you have to manually close based on User

5 - Connect, Select and Load

settings. We will see these settings in later chapters.

10. On the subsequent screen click on Add All and then click on OK.


5 - Connect, Select and Load


11. The following will be the output of your hard labour. (Dont despair, this will get better). Click
on Layout menu and then click onRearrange Sheet Objects.

7 - Green, White and Gray

The color green, white and gray, has significant meaning within QlikView. Green color represents
the current selection or filter. White color represents records matching the current selections and
Gray color represents records not matching the selections.

Dont worry about how things are related. We will talk about relations in detail. For now
understand that if the name of the field matches, QlikView creates an association between the tables

SECTION 2 - Programming for

QlikView Ninjas
Programming is a way to control the computer or rather in this case your QlikView applications.
Programming is nothing more than a series of step by step instructions indication the computer to
do a specific task.
The following figure depicts the basic element that constitutes any given program.

Lets dissect each of the above elements. In any way the above elements doesnt represent the entire
thing, but
they form the most important part from the whole.

SECTION 2 - Programming for QlikView Ninjas


Variables are placeholders in memory. They hold whatever value (number, strings, date) you put in
them. You can
set a variable to a specific value and also read values from them. In QlikView there are two ways to
define a variable, by SET and LET statement.
SET statement can be used to define variables for lazy evaluation, i.e. variables assigned with SET
is not immediately evaluated and is stored as is. This is useful for substituting strings, paths, drives,
evaluating formulas
SET x = 3 + 2;
In the above statement the variable is evaluated as 3 + 2.
The LET statement on the other hand evaluates whatever is on the right hand side and store the
result in the variable.
For e.g.
SET y = 2 + 2;
In the above statement y contains the value 4.
Variables are a very powerful construct in QlikView (rather any programming environment). It
is variable that makes the system dynamic. You can change the behaviour of the application by
changing the variables. We will be heavily using variables when creating master calendars, qvd
generators, in reusing expressions, even multilingual design etc.

A loop represents repetition in the program. Loop is yet another powerful construct in any
programming environment. This helps us maintain our program/script and keep it small by avoiding
repetition. A loop executes so long as the condition defining the loop is met. There are various ways
in which loops can be defined. Lets examine one at a time.
The do..loop control statement is a script iteration construct which executes one or several statements
until a logical condition is met. The syntax is:
do[ ( while | until ) condition ] [statements]
[exit do [ ( when | unless ) condition ] [statements]
loop[ ( while | until ) condition ]

SECTION 2 - Programming for QlikView Ninjas


is a logical expression evaluating to true or false.

is any group of one or more QlikView script statements.
The while or until conditional clause must only appear once in any do..loop statement, i.e. either after
do or after loop. Each condition is interpreted only the first time it is encountered but is evaluated
for every time it encountered in the loop.
If an exit do clause is encountered inside the loop, the execution of the script will be transferred to
the first statement after the loop clause denoting the end of the loop. An exit do clause can be made
conditional by the optional use of a when or unless suffix.
Since the do..loop statement is a control statement and as such is ended with either a semicolon or
end-of-line, each of its three possible clauses (do, exit do and loop) must not cross a line boundary.
Simply the below figure illustrates the logic.

Though the above program does nothing apart from looping 9 times, but the concepts can be applied
to any area. Inside the loop you can load files, create variables, automate script creation etc.

The for..next control statement is a script iteration construct with a counter. The statements inside
the loop enclosed by for and next will be executed for each value of the counter variable between
specified low and high limits. The syntax is:
for counter = expr1 to expr2 [ step expr3 ]

SECTION 2 - Programming for QlikView Ninjas



[exit for [ ( when \| unless ) condition ]

counter is a variable name. If counter is specified after next it must be the same variable name as
the one found after the corresponding for.
expr1 is an expression which determines the first value of the counter variable for which the loop
should be executed.
expr2 is an expression which determines the last value of the counter variable for which the loop
should be executed.
expr3 is an expression which determines the value indicating the increment of the counter variable
each time the loop has been executed.
condition is a logical expression evaluating to true or false.
statements is any group of one or more QlikView script statements.
The expressions expr1, expr2 and expr3 are only evaluated the first time the loop is entered. The
value of the counter variable may be changed by statements inside the loop, but this is not good
programming practice.
If an exit for clause is encountered inside the loop, the execution of the script will be transferred to
the first statement after the next clause denoting the end of the loop. An exit for clause can be made
conditional by the optional use of a when or unless suffix.
Since the for..next statement is a control statement and as such is ended with either a semicolon or
end-of-line, each of its three possible clauses (for..to..step, exit for and next) must not cross a line
** Exercise: Loading variables defined in excel**
Lets create variables dynamically which is defined in excel. Later on we will see how to extend this
For this use the file variables.xmls in the datasource folder.
Look at the figure below for the code. The full code in text format is given at the end of this section.

SECTION 2 - Programming for QlikView Ninjas


Heres is a line by line explanation.

Line 1 indicates that the file that is loaded uses relative path. This is optional, QlikView adds this
whenever you check the Relative Paths checkbox.
Line 2 gives a new name to our table, i.e. VariableTable
Line 3 to 7 is the load statement
Line 10 is a comment statement. Comments are ignored by QlikView and the only reason for their
existence is for documentation purpose.
Line 12 starts a for loop with variable i which starts with 0 and continues upto the count of rows
present in the excel sheet. The NoOfRows(tablename) funtion takes a table name as a parameter
and returns the count of rows. So, in our case there are 2 rows in the variables.xlsx file.
Line 13 creates a variable called vname that contains the name of the variable form the excel
sheet. The peek() function in QlikView is used to read records from already loaded table. The first
parameter is the name of the field to read, the second parameter is the record number (record no.
starts with 0 in QlikView) and the third parameter is the name of the table.
Line 14 creats a dynamic variable using $ sign expansion, which contains the value of the variable.
So first the when the loop is executed the following will be the state of the program.

Let vName = "vSourceQvdPath";

\$(vName) = "c:\\qlikview\\apps\\qvd\\";

Line 15 will continue the loop.

SECTION 2 - Programming for QlikView Ninjas


Line 18 and 19 removes the unwanted variable.

Line 21 drops the table (as it is no longer needed and the variables are already created).
When you reload this script and inspect the variable (by clicking on Settings->Variable Overview)
you can see the variables that you created in the script.
Here is full code.

LOAD VariableName,
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Variables);

// Set variables for each row in the sheet

for i = 0 to NoOfRows('VariableTable') - 1
LET vname = peek('VariableName', i, 'VariableTable');
LET $(vname) = peek('VariableValue',i,'VariableTable');
next i
DROP Table VariableTable;

If..then..elseif..else..end if
The if..then control statement is a script selection construct forcing the script execution to follow
different paths depending on one or several logical conditions. The syntax is:

if condition then
[ statements ]
{ elseif condition then
[ statements ] }
[ else
[ statements ] ]

SECTION 2 - Programming for QlikView Ninjas




end if

condition is a logical expression which can be evaluated as true or
statements is any group of one or more QlikView script statements.

Since the if..then statement is a control statement and as such is ended with either a semicolon or
end-of-line, each of its four possible clauses (if..then, elseif..then, else and end if) must not cross a
line boundary.
** Exercise: Lets only do an actual reload of the document only if the reload parameter is set in
reloadflag.txt file **
The reloadflag.txt file can be found in the DataSources folder. In actual case, this file may be stored
in a remote accessible shared location.

Please go through the line by line explanation of the above script.

Line 1 assigns a tablename to the load statement.
Line 2 Since the text file doesnt have any header we are indicating to QlikView that we only need
to load the First 1 record. QlikView will automatically assign a column name [@@] 1 if no column
headers is present.
Line 15 creates a varaible named reload, which contains the value from the text field.

SECTION 2 - Programming for QlikView Ninjas


Line 17 Trace simply outputs whatever is feeded to it. This can be viewed in the Script Execution
Progress Dialog.
Line 19 check whether the reload value of the reload variable after coverting it to upper case is equal
Line 20 Will exit the script if Line 19 statement is evaluated to true (reload is false)
NOTE: Sometimes the Script Execution Progress Dialog just closes of automatically after the reload.
You can change this behaviour by setting the Keep Progress Open After Reload value checked in
the Settings->User Preferences menu.
Here is the full code.

First 1
(txt, codepage is 1252, no labels, delimiter is '\t', msq);
LET reload = Peek('@1',0,'ReloadFlag');
// Just for troubleshooting.
rogress Dialog

This value will be shown in the Script Execution P\

TRACE reload;
if upper(reload) = 'FALSE' then
exit Script
end if

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