VJC Resume

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Vincent J.

Project Design Architect - Software Engineer
Milwaukee, WI 53211 - (414) 276-3773
[email protected]


 Problem solver
 Project Design Architect
 Project Administrator/Manager.
 Concept person, organizer, abstractor
 Skilled Communicator, Team-Oriented
 Self-starter, learn readily from manuals
 Work within any current organizational procedures
 Experienced in all facets of system design and development
 Manage software development projects from concept to final product

Technical Skills

Languages: C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, Pascal, Basic, FORTRAN, BP2COM, and ladder logic.

Software Applications: professional-services invoice generators (client/server), "expert" document

builder, LAN, neural network, image editor, electronic "magazine" and cartoon generator, transactional-
user base and user interface, pro forma generator, residential and retail internet (videotex) field trials,
retail internet (videotex) service, virtual packet communication switch based on X.25, RSTS/E management

Hardware: IBM-PC compatibles, AT&T 6300, AT&T 7300, PDP-11, image-capture board, video display
board, touch-screen keyboard, graphics tablet, DSU, modems, printers, digital audio board, process

Operating Systems: Win95, NT, MS-DOS, PC-DOS, CPM, MPM, RSTS/E, RT-11, UNIX.

Technologies Director, Cataldi & Associates, Milwaukee, 1990 - Present
Design and implement commercial projects for various clients, developing a series of Windows-based
systems that incorporates C++, relational databases, embedded SQL, and case development tools.

 Architectural Management System. Collects employee time-charges per project and per phase and
automates invoices by individual or by group. Highly transportable and modifiable. Base: Microsoft
Access, Visual Basic, and DLL support using C, C++.

 Accounting Management System. Automates invoices/schedules. Base: C++, Windows, embedded SQL.
 Substance Abuse Management System: Manages drug-testing records. Base: C/C++ and DOS.
 Legal Scheduling System: Identifies/sets deadlines via a rule-based scheduling. Base: C++, Windows.

 Classification Analysis Systems: Classifies data by K-Means, Isodata, Bayes classifier, LMSE,
preceptron, feed forward-back propagate neural net. Base: C, DOS.

 Special Education Form System: Generates state-required forms. Base: C++, Windows.
 Also: Primary technical advisor in planning implementation of a Civil Defense Siren System for Quatar

Software Development Director, Cataldi & Associates, Milwaukee, 1985-90.

 Automated production of complex documents by designing and developing Documator, an "expert"

document-building switch. A knowledge base removed application specific values from the code,
Objectified coding resulted in highly compact, highly flexible, very simply code. Product reduced
production time of multi-part banking contract by 98% and reduced clerical errors 99% over previous
production methods.

 Increased efficiency of producing system upgrades by analyzing historical debugging efforts, and by
objectifying an ‘information process’ void of the document specifics. Strict programming formats,
procedures, and reports permitted learning from historic development statistics. A proprietary
objectified-c library decrease redundancy within the code and reduce its size by 80%. Result over three
years was increased efficiency of scheduling, developing, testing, debugging, and modifying code;

 Trained and directed technical and production staff.

Engineering and Technical Director, Telcom Industries, Milwaukee, 1982-85

 Designed and developed a videotex system--an Internet forerunner--that provided an electronic
"magazine" for residential users and a point-of-sale advertising service.

 Ran field trials for 18 months in Milwaukee: system demos won Teleprompter a technical award for it's
cable bid and won Telcom a value-added rep agreement with AT&T.

 Point-of-sale field trials in Gimbels-Midwest received multinational press as industry leader and
queries from as far as Paris and Sydney.
 Designed and developed preliminary specifications for proprietary virtual packet switch, designed to
inter-connect 50,000 interactive cable sessions concurrently..

 Designed and developed cost-effective synthetic-video generator to easily construct a ‘commercials’

database.; dynamically constructs and formats information, incorporating high-resolution
imaging/alpha-geometric graphics and presenting them as an "electronic magazine" cartoon.

 Mapped and directed installation and operations of hardware and software components during public
trials of both applications.

System Manager, Telcom Industries, Milwaukee, 1978-81

 Installed and managed DEC PDP-11 running RSTS/E for time-sharing service

 Designed, Implemented, Managed field trials for residential internet services (before Source or

 Developed non-standard access security and resource allocation sub-systems for hostile environment.

 Designed and developed transaction-based user-interface to securely provide user requested services
and to construct objectified audit trail reports from raw usage data.
 Developed methods for data analysis to estimate videotex-user requirements, and developed a highly
detailed business plan (technical & financial) based upon the analysis.

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