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A.C. No.

Spouses Eduardo and Teresita Garcia,

Garcia v. Bala

Panganiban, J.

November 25, 2005

Atty. Rolando S. Bala,

Spouses Eduardo and Teresita Garcia filed a complaint against Atty. Bala for his failure in rendering legal
service contracted.
According to the findings of Investigating IBP Commissioner Herbosa, complainants engaged the services
of respondent (sometime in May 1998) to appeal to the CA the adverse Decision of the Department of
Agrarian Relations Adjudication Board (DARAB). Instead, he erroneously filed a Notice of Appeal with
the DARAB. Under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court, appeals from the decisions of the DARAB should be
filed with the CA through a verified petition for review. Because of respondents error, the prescribed
period for filing the petition lapsed, to the prejudice of his clients.
Furthermore, Atty. Bala refused to the return the money paid by Spouses Garcia.
Thus, the IBP recommended the respondent should be reprimanded and suspended from the practice of
law for six months; and that he should return, within thirty days from his receipt of the Decision, the
amount of P9,200, with legal interest from the filing of the present Complaint with this Court.
Whether or not Atty. Bala is guilty of negligence and conduct unbecoming a lawyer.
Negligence for Wrong Remedy
o The Code of Professional Responsibility mandates lawyers to serve their clients with competence and
diligence. Rule 18.02 states that a lawyer shall not handle any legal matter without adequate
preparation. Specifically, Rule 18.03 provides that a lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted
to him and his negligence in connection therewith shall render him liable.
o Once lawyers agree to take up the cause of a client, they owe fidelity to the cause and must always be
mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in them. A client is entitled to the benefit of any and
every remedy and defense authorized by law, and is expected to rely on the lawyer to assert every such
remedy or defense.
o Evidently, respondent failed to champion the cause of his clients with wholehearted fidelity, care and
devotion. Despite adequate time, he did not familiarize himself with the correct procedural remedy as
regards their case. Worse, he repeatedly assured them that the supposed petition had already been
o Since he effectively waived his right to be heard, the Court can only assume that there was no valid
reason for his failure to file a petition for review, and that he was therefore negligent.
Conduct Unbecoming
o Having become aware of the wrong remedy he had erroneously taken, respondent purposely evaded
complainants, refused to update them on the appeal, and misled them as to his whereabouts. Moreover,
on June 17, 1998, he uttered invectives at them when they visited him for an update on the case.
o Rule 18.04 of the Code of Professional Responsibility states that a lawyer shall keep the client
informed of the status of his case and shall respond within a reasonable time to the clients request for
information. Accordingly, complainants had the right to be updated on the developments and status

A.C. No. 5039

Garcia v. Bala

November 25, 2005

of the case for which they had engaged the services of respondent. But he apparently denied them
that right.
Quantum meruit -- meaning as much as he deserves -- is used as basis for determining a lawyers professional
fees in the absence of a contract.[33] Lawyers must be able to show that they are entitled to reasonable
compensation for their efforts in pursuing their clients case, taking into account certain factors in fixing
the amount of legal fees.[34] Based on the circumstances of the present case, the legal services actually
rendered by respondent were too insignificant for remuneration because of the uselessness of the remedy
he took.
This Court has imposed the penalty of suspension for six months for a lawyers negligence in failing to
perfect an appeal.[35] Considering the similarity of the circumstances with those prevailing in this case, we
find the imposition of the same penalty reasonable.
WHEREFORE, Atty. Rolando S. Bala is found guilty of negligence and conduct unbecoming a lawyer; he
is hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law for six months, effective upon his receipt of this Decision.
Furthermore, he is ORDERED to pay Spouses Eduardo and Teresita Garcia the amount of P9,200 -- with
legal interest from April 8, 1999 -- within 30 days from his receipt of this Decision. He is further WARNED
that a repetition of the same or similar offenses will be dealt with more severely.

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