Feudal System in Pakistan

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Feudal system in Pakistan

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The feudal system in Pakistan consists of landlords with large joint families possessing hundreds
or even thousands of acres of land. They seldom make any direct contribution to agricultural
production. Instead, all work is done by peasants or tenants who live at subsistence level.
The landlord, by virtue of his ownership and control of such vast amounts of land and human
resources, is powerful enough to influence the distribution of water, fertilizers, tractor permits
and agricultural credit and, consequently exercises considerable influence over the revenue,
police and judicial administration of the area. The landlord is, thus, lord and master.
It`s considered that almost half of Pakistan's Gross National Product and the bulk of its export
earnings are derived primarily from the agricultural sector controlled by a few thousand feudal
families. Armed with a monopoly of economic power, they easily per-empted or hire political
For the further explanation of feudalism as a major problem of Pakistan we can take the
example of the Pakistan Muslim League the party laying Pakistan's foundation 53 years ago, was
almost wholly dominated by feudal lords such as the Zamindars, Jagirdars, Nawabs, Nawabzadas
and Sardars. Pakistan's major political parties are feudal-oriented, and more than two-thirds of
the National Assembly is composed of this class. Besides, most of the key executive posts in the
provinces are held by them.
Through the 50s and the 60s the feudal families retained control over national affairs through the
bureaucracy and the armed forces. Later on in 1971, they assumed direct power and retained it
until the military regained power recently. Thus, any political observer can see that this
oligarchy(govt.by few), composed of different men at different times, has been in power since
Pakistan's inception.
This feudal elite has migrated into politics, where it exerts huge influence. And just as the
heartlessness of feudal and capitalist barons in the 19th century created space for Communists,

so in Pakistan this same lack of compassion for ordinary people seems to create space for
The feudalism is not emerged in Pakistani society instantaneously in short time it`s roots are in
the era of Mughal rulers who empower some families on cast base system and for their own
personal benefits and luxuries. After Mughals British rulers also reinforce those families by the
unequal distribution of land property on the base of favoritism before the division of sub
continent . At the time of division of subcontinent they attached with the ruling and dominant
parties, like before the existence of Pakistan
Feudalism is so much effectively applied in Pakistan it affects almost every field of life in
Pakistani society. This system is responsible of present situation of Pakistan
Education, Politics, wealth and other law making and enforcing institutions are so much
important institutions and play a vital role for the development and prosperity of country but
unfortunately in Pakistan all these are under the control of feudals.
According to the present situation of Pakistan it is so necessary to get rid the feudalism by
eliminating the whole structure of feudal system from Pakistani society , because it`s necessary
for the social solidarity and prosperity in the society .
It might be possible by creating the awareness and intellectual motivation among the individuals
of society.Education is the main factor which can creat the intelletual motivation against the
feudalism so there is intensse need to improve the education level by making suitable
progams.NGOs should also play theire role in this aspect.
There should be dictatorship ruling in Pakistan which might be able to eliminate this system.

Merits of Feudalism:

Feudalism had many merits. At first, it saved the common men from the foreign invaders. By
saving people from the clutches of invaders and plunders, it created a healthy society.
Secondly, the feudal Lords were able to save the common men from the tyranny of the King.
The common men get respite. A healthy society was created in Europe by feudalism.
Thirdly, slavery could not thrive in Europe due to feudalism. Since the Vassals were under a
Lord, they could not be sold as chattels. Thus, feudalism gave a terrible blow to the slavery
system in Europe.
Fourthly, the Knights showed their Chivalry. They considered saving weak from the strong as
their prime duty. They also showed honour to women. Due to the Knights, feudalism became
popular in Europe.
Fifthly, feudalism put an end to the worriness of the people. Their duty was finished when they
paid their Homage to the Lord. Then the Lord had to give him fief and save him.

Last but not the least, the relation between Lord and a Vassal was Cordial. They fulfilled the need
of each other. The European Society breathed a healthy atmosphere due to this feudalism.
Demerits of Feudalism:

The demerits of feudalism were many. At first, it divided the society into two classes, viz, the
feudal class and the peasantry. The Lords acquired more wealth and power In due course of time
they hated the Vassals and did not do any good for them. This created dark clouds in the mental
horizon of common men.
Image Source: pearlsofprofundity.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/feudalism-1.jpg
Secondly, feudalism discouraged nationalism. As war became a regular feature among the Lords,
it created hurdles in the formation of nation state.
Thirdly, due to feudalism, the political unity of Europe was lost. This gave way to war and
conspiracy among the Lords in Europe. Thus, the dream of the creation of sovereign states was
shattered on the rock of frustration.
Finally, this feudalism made the condition of peasants deplorable. It became difficult on their
part to earn their livelihood from a small quantity of land.

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