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The Return of Rizal after five years


-After 5 years of stay in Europe, Rizal decided to come back to the Philippines but was
warned not to by the following:
Paciano (his brother)
Sivestre Ubaldo (his brother in law)
Jose M. Cecilio (Chengoy), and other friends.
-Rizal wanted to come back to the Philippines to:
operate on his mothers eye
serve his people who had long been oppressed by Spanish tyrants
find out for himself how Noli and his other writings were affecting the people in the
find out why Leonor Rivera had stopped writing to him
-Rizal left Rome for Marseilles (a French port) on July 3, 1887 and boarded the steamer
-There were about fifty passengers (4 Englishmen, 2 Germans, 3 Chinese, 2 Japanese, and
the remaining Frenchmen).
-He acted as interpreter for his companions.
-At Saigon (July 30) he transferred to another steamer Hayfong which was Manila bound.
-Rizal arrived in Manila in the evening of August 6, 1887.
-Stayed for a short time to visit his friends.
-Found Manila the same as when he left it five years ago.
-Rizal reached Calamba, Laguna on August 8, 1887.
-Upon reaching Calamba, rumors spread that he was a German spy, an agent of Otto Von
Bismarck (liberator of Germany), protestant and a mason.
-Rizal established a medical clinic in Calamba.
-His mother Doa Teodora was his first patient and was successful in removing a double
cataract in his mothers eye.
-People call him Doctor Uliman because he came from Germany.
-Opened a gymanasium and introduced European sports like gymnastics, fencing and
-Also took part in the towna civic affairs, painted several beautiful landscapes and
translated poems of Von Wilderneath into Tagalog.
-His sister Olimpia Mercado-Ubaldo died of complications from childbirth.
-Rizal failed to see Leonor Rivera in his 6 months stay in Calamba.
-Tried to go to Tarlac just to see Leonor but was forbade by his parents since they know
that Leonors parents are against him.
-Rizal received a letter from Governor General Terrero asking him to come to Malacaan.
-Governor General Terrero asked Rizal for a copy of the Noli but Rizals only copy that he
brought home was given to a friend.
-Rizal visited the Jesuit Fathers especially his professors (Fr. Francisco Sanchez, Fr. Jose
Bech, and Fr. Federico Faura) to ask for the copy he sent them.
-The professors did not give Rizal the copy but fortunately, he found a copy from a friend.
-Gov. Gen. Terrero assigned a young Spanish lieutenant, Don Jose Taviel de Andrade, as
bodyguard of Jose Rizal.

-Msgr. Pedro Payo (Archbishop of Manila) sent a copy to Father Recto Gregorio Echavarria
of UST for review.
-Gov. General Terrero was dissatisfied with the review so he asked the Permanent
Commission of Censorship (priests and laymen) to review it again.
-Fr. Salvador Font (Augustinian cura of Tondo) found the novel to contain subversive ideas;
recommended the prohibition of the reproduction, importation and circulation of the book.
-Filipinos became curious about the book; What the hated Spanish masters did not like,
the oppressed masses like.

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