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Written by: Andrew

The small under the protection of the great

A fan based Net Book for Palladium Books RPG Rifts

The fictional world of Rifts is quite violent
and deadly. It is an exotic realm where magic is
as real as technology and demonic creatures
plague humankind.
Some parents may find the violence and supernatural elements of the game inappropriate for
young readers/players. We suggest parental discretion.
Note that none of those at Palladium, the
author or us at KJH STUPH Productions condone
nor encourage the occult, the practice of magic,
and the use of drugs or violence.

Net book for the Rifts series Compatible with the entire
Palladium Book Megaverse!

Copyright 2000-2001 Andrew as part of Palladium Books Inc. copyright policy under derivative works.
This book may be freely copied and distributed as long as it remains in its entirety and proper credit is
given. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is strictly coincidental.
Palladium Books, Rifts, RECON, and Megaverse are registered trademarks owned and licensed
by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. Nightbane, New West, Federation of Magic, Lone Star,
Psyscape, and other names, titles and likenesses of characters are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda
and Palladium Books, Inc.

Palladium On-Line

WorldofRifts On-Line
Contact the author at [email protected]
Crimson Republic is published by KJH STUPH Productions, Middlebury, VT 05753
and has no affiliation with the author. Nor do we accept any responsibility or take any
credit for anything written in the following pages. For more information about us, visit
our web site at the above address. For more information about this book, contact the

Table of Contents
The Juggernaut Awakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Crimson Flag & General Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Birth of a New Nation- Crimson Republics History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Pre-rifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Dark Ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Todays Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Republican States & Provinces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Crimson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Freeport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Jewel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Hammersmith & Forge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Newton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
New Seattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Alaskan Territory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Eugene Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Rural & Wilderness Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Caste System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Labor Caste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Religious Caste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Warrior Caste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Daily Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Religion in the Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Magic in the Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
New Magic Spells & Circles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Crime & Punishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
The Underworld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Science & Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
The Republics Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
The Senate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
CriSec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Way of the Gun- CriSecs Mercenary Guild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Crimson Republics Military . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Quatoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
AirCorp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Navy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Military Bases & Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
New R.C.C.s & O.C.C.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Draconian R.C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Sivak- Draconian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Kapak- Draconian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Bozak- Draconian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Baaz- Draconian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Wererat R.C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Legionnaire O.C.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Damage Conversion Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Weapons & Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Ageous Arms & Weapon Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
12.5 mm Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
The Crimson Republic

15.5 mm Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
18.5 & 20.5 mm Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Energy Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Machine Guns, Grenade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Launchers, & Missile Launchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
EXCELeration Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
MLA & Rail Weaponry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Combat & Power Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Standard Combat Armor Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Combat Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
The Judge Exo-skeleton Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Point Blank Power Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Law Martial Power Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Avernus Power Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Centurion Power Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
Valkyrie Power Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Predator Power Armor (Navy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
War Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Combat Sleds & Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
APACS (Navy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
UPACS (Navy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Seek & Destroy Assault Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
Piloted Robot Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Standard Piloted Robot Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Hades Combat Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
Herald Recon Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
Violator Combat Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Splasher Anti-Air Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
Mechanized Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Standard Combat Vehicle Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Apocalypse Heavy Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5th Horseman Heavy APC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Aggressor Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Flash APC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Hailstorm Towed Artillery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
Hellspawn HAWP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94
SkyFire A-AWP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
1st Strike MRLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96
RDF Earthquake Super Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
Drones- Non-piloted Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Gallu Demon Combat Drone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Harbinger Recon Drone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Skullbot Infiltrating Drones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
City Patrol Drone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Odds, Ends, & TW Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
Mimics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Stratosorb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Mesorb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
EMP Grenade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Antiochs Grenade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Freak Grenade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Mage-Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

The Crimson Republic


The Juggernaut Awakes

here has always been rumors in the

New West of a city named Crimson,
but most just dismissed it as another
fledgling mining town. They were mistaken. The few who did not dismiss it, either chose to stay, or were thought to be insane when they returned home with stories
of a growing industrial nation made up of
five cities. Any reconnaissance team sent by
the Coalition that was unlucky enough to
stumble onto the Crimson Republic never
returned to tell what they had seen. The
Coalition deeming the New West to be to
hostile stopped sending reconnaissance
teams that far west, and so ended the threat
to the young republic.
Crimson Republic remained isolated on
the western side of the Rocky Mountains cut
off from the rest of the continent. Left alone
and unhindered by the rest of the world the
republic grew slowly, but grow it did, and
after years of hard work and persistence it
became a nation as powerful as any other on
the continent. Neither the Coalition States
nor the Federation of Magic is aware of the
juggernaut that awakens. The Crimson Republic has been slowly, cautiously, preparing for the time when they are ready to expand. That time is now.
What lies within this book is a detailed
account of the Crimson Republics society,
beliefs, people, and government.

Gnome- 1% (60,000)
Elf- .1% (6,000)
Other humanoid- 5% (300,000)
Government: a Republic set in a caste system
1. Warrior- 35% (1,890,000)
2. Labor- 57% (2,878,000)
3. Religious- 8% (610,000)
National Language: Elven
Other Common Languages: Wolfen,
Dwarven, Latin
Capital City: Crimson
Major Religion: Jesuit
Military: 1.62 million active troops

General Statistics of the

Crimson Republic
Location: Northwestern corner of North
America (Oregon, Washington, of
Idaho, & northern California)
Total Area: 262,473 square miles
Population: approximately 6 million
Racial make-up:
Wolfen- 52.9% (3.2 million)
Human- 40% (2.4 million)
Dwarf- 1% (60,000)
The Crimson Republic

Birth of a New Nation

Crimson Republics History

he Crimson Republic sits on the

northwest corner of the ruined empire
once know as, the United States of
America. This great country toppled when
the rifts came, its powerful armies and
incredible technologies could not save it.
When magic reentered the world of Earth it
tore the empire apart, and out of the ashes
crawled the surviving humans. They were
not the only ones to come out from the ruins
however, and the humans soon found themselves besieged by new and alien races. The
survivors and the new comers struggled to
build new cities, countries, and even empires. The Crimson Republic is one of those
The Crimson Republic occupies the old
American states of Oregon, Washington,
Idaho, and northern California. It is small in
comparison to the empires of the pre-rifts
era, but in this new and hostile world, the
Crimson Republic is an amazing accomplishment of ingenuity, cooperation, and
hard work. The Crimson Republic is 155
years old, but only for the last 98 have they
truly been able to say they are a technologically advanced society. What follows is a
chronological history of the trials and tribulations of the Crimson Republic.

Before the coming of the rifts the
northwest corner of the United States was a
thriving mixture of great forests and huge
sprawling cities, but after the rifts came
none of those cities were left standing and
the forests seemed to magically double in
size. New mountains grew out of the
ground and the already imposing Rocky
Mountains became even more hazardous
and hostile. The northwest corner was cut
off from the rest of the country, which in
hindsight might have been a blessing for the
not yet born republic. The people in this
The Crimson Republic

area had no way of knowing that the rest of

the United States suffered just as bad, if not
worse, and all they could do was find a way
to survive.
The survivors of the rifts were a mishmash of humans made up of mostly Native
Americans, Asian Americans, and believe it
or not, catholic Jesuits. When the rifts
came they destroyed everything in their
path, they changed the terrain as they rolled
over it. It seemed no one was safe or immune to the chaos and raw magic that the
rifts brought, except for the Jesuits. It was
understandable that many of the Native
Americans survived, because so many lived
in rural areas away from the greatest destructive forces. One can also understand
why so many Asian Americans survived;
after all, they were the predominant ethnic
make up in many of the cities. However, for
years to come it would be pondered as to
why the Jesuit priests and brothers were
spared. About fifteen years before the
coming of the rifts the Catholic Church
bought 150 square acres of land near the
Washington/Oregon border that was used as
a training seminary for all Jesuit priests and
brothers. When the rifts came it was the
only thing for hundreds of miles around that
seemed untouched. Many people said the
dead god had returned or that Jesus was
coming, but no one truly knows. They can
only believe that it was saved by the grace
of god. At the time of the coming of the
rifts, there were approximately 16,000
Jesuit priests, brothers, and other clergy
from all over the world gathered for a peace
seminar and yearly training, every one of
them survived the coming of the rifts.
It did not take long before people started
flocking to the Jesuits for help and sanctuary. It was at this same time that the people
realized what strange and horrible creatures
were starting to emerge from the wreckage

of what were once their cities and their


The Dark Ages

Sometime during the dark ages, two
major events happened that made the birth
of the Crimson Republic inevitable, but
when they happened is not certain. It was
also during this period in history that humankind chose not to give up and die, but to
fight and struggle against the supernatural
predators that stalked their new world.
The first major event was that of a rift
near the city of Seattle. This particular rift
swallowed a significant population of
Wolfen from another world and deposited
them here in this world. History at the time
was not being written or kept tract of in any
form, so the exact number of Wolfen is unknown. These Wolfen came from a world
rich in magic, but no modern technology.
They were about as technologically advanced as that of the Roman Empire, and
were very militaristic. For the next many
years the Wolfen fought to survive and get a
foot hold in their new world. They had
some magic, but no modern weapons. The
fighting was bloody and took its toll. On top
of the fighting against supernatural beings,
they had to endure the natural hardships of a
new and alien world. In the world where
they came from the Wolfen were often at
war with humans, so they were untrusting
and did not want to make contact with the
humans here. The humans were very hesitant to reach out to any new race, and they
had very little knowledge that the Wolfen
even existed. Therefore, it was that the
Wolfen lived in their community, and the
humans lived in theirs without any real
communication or contact.
Then came the event that truly set into
motion the birth of the Crimson Republic. It
is guessed that approximately fifty years
after the Wolfen arrived a large spacecraft
came hurtling out of a rift and crashed to the
earth. The massive spacecraft happened to
be a CCW military exploration vessel that
had mistakenly entered a flux dimension
immediately after emerging from FLT as
they were approaching a planet designated
The Crimson Republic

for study. At least one third of the crew,

scientists, and military personal were killed
on impact, and many more died in the days
to follow because of injuries. Both the humans and the Wolfen witnessed the awesome spectacle and sent parties to investigate. It was this gathering that brought the
three groups together, and forever changed
the history of all three peoples. The CCW
ship had technology far more advanced than
that of the Wolfens or the humans, and the
CCW ship had both humans and Wolfen as
the majority of their crew. It did not take
long for the survivors of the CCW vessel to
take charge and unite themselves with both
the Wolfen and the humans forming one
large community trying to survive in the
hostile rifts world.
Not to long after the union of the three
peoples was it realized that this new alliance
would need to build a city they could protect, and for that they needed raw materials.
Parties were formed and sent out to salvage
any thing useful from the dead cities, and
search for new raw materials such as ores,
quarry pits, and lumber. It was during this
time that a young community of Dwarves
and Gnomes also sent out salvaging parties.
The two groups met and formed an alliance,
more out of necessity than compatibility or a
like for each other. The Dwarves and
Gnomes did not have the numbers, or the
weapons to survive against the supernatural
predators that stalked this world, and the
young republic did not have the mining and
forging skills of the Dwarves, or the science
and mechanical understanding of the
Gnomes. The fledgling republic joined together with the Dwarves and Gnomes, who
were only slightly less advanced than CCW
survivors, and began to build their first city.
That city became the city of Crimson. At
first the Gnomes and Dwarves helped to
build the new republic because they felt it
was their only chance for survival, but in the
years that followed they fully integrated into
the society and found a true kinship with the
other people of the republic.

Todays Republic
The Crimson Republic was born fiftyone years before the current PA (post
apocalyptic) calendar of today, but before
they officially named themselves and
formed a government of elected officials,
they formed castes that differentiated the
different peoples. The Jesuits implemented
its use to stop budding racism between the
different races. The different castes are the
warrior, the laborer, and the religious, and so
far, it has worked very well.
It is now one hundred and fifty five
years later and the Crimson Republic is one
of the most powerful countries in the rifts
world, and only just now are they starting to
show their true might.

The Crimson Republic

Republic States and Provinces

Republic States: These are the original
states, or states that the Crimson Republic
builds. They have full rights, privileges, and
citizenship of the republic.
Member States: These are existing cities
and states, or states others build that become
part of the republic. These states have full
rights, privileges, and citizenship of the Republic. These states receive full funding for
schools, Quatoria, infrastructure, and other
public benefits. They also receive the full
military support and protection of the republic. These states do not have to follow
the caste system, but must follow the laws,
regulations, and constitution of the Republic, and they must pledge 10% of their
population to the republics military forces.
Petitioning States: These are states that the
Crimson Republic feels could make Member
States, but for any number of reasons are not
yet ready. These states must hold Petitioning State status for at least five years, during
which time they must adhere to all laws,
regulations, and the constitution of the republic before they can become a Member
State. These states receive military support
and protection from the Crimson Republic,
but they do not receive the public funding or
support that Member States do.
Republic Provinces: These lands are under
the permanent protection and watch of the
Crimson Republic. These lands and people
are either not considered capable of participation in the republic and government, or
they are unable to organize themselves into
a formal government. When and if they
would become capable of participating in
the Crimson Republic they would become a
Petitioning State.

The Crimson Republic

Crimson: Capital & Republic State
Location: Built on top of the pre-rifts city of
Yakima, Washington
Population: 1.2 million
Racial breakdown:
64% Wolfen
34% Humans
1% other humanoid
.5% Dwarves
.3% Gnomes
.2% Elves
Crimson is the largest of the walled cities within the republic. It is the center of the
government, and houses the senate, congress, and all other important governmental
agencies. Crimson is also a center for
learning and education. This city is the example of everything that the republic has
accomplished in the last 98 years. A two
hundred-foot mega-damage wall surrounds
the city enclosing 49 square miles of urban
area. At the heart of the city is the Democratic building. This impressive ten story
three-block long marble building is where
the senate and congress hold their legislative
sessions, and where most of the day-to-day
government business is done. The new intelligence agency CriSec is located two
blocks away. Besides being home to the
most influential people in the republic, it is
also a city for the common man and the student. The city is filled with theaters, nightclubs, restaurants, and stores. There are four
colleges, two law universities, Laying Hands
University of Medicine, and the University
of the Eleven Elven Sages. Along the inside
of the city wall is a park. It stretches out
from the wall for two blocks and runs the
entire length of the wall. The park is filled
with outdoor theaters, monuments, picnic
areas, and playgrounds. There are a few

factories and manufacturing plants in Crimson, but they are few and far between.
Crimson is also the financial and banking center for the republic. All the money
within the republic flows in and out of here.
The black market credits are also managed
from here. Third party representatives influence and buy interests in other economic
markets (NGR, Coalition, Black Market,
ect) from these financial institutions. The
Crimson Republic for many years has been
securing a significant interest in the black
market. They secretly make loans and buy
markers, which they use to get wealth and
influence outside the republic. From the city
of Crimson, the republic currently controls
about 15% of the Black Credits in North
America. Crimson is the heart of the republic. The power of this awesome country resides within this city and in the hands of
politicians and businessmen that live in it.
Located outside of the two hundred foot
wall are the suburbs and outer city. They
stretch eight miles at some points and
twenty-five miles at other points. They have
become a latticework of walls and gates that
enclose the still growing area. The walls are
thirty-five foot high and fifteen foot thick,
and with each new growth period they are
added on to or tore down and rebuilt to enclose the new area. This is where the bulk
of the Crimson citizens live.
Crimson is patrolled and protected by
the Quatoria and one full army. They are
very heavily fortified and very well armed.
Crimson is the most powerful city in the
republic, but at the same time, it is also the
weakest link, because if it were destroyed it
could realistically plummet the entire republic into chaos. Therefore, it is the most
heavily defended city in the republic.

Freeport: Republic state
Location: between Tacoma and Olympia,
Population: 1.2 million
Racial breakdown:
45% Human
The Crimson Republic

54% Wolfen
.5% Dwarves
.5% Gnomes
Freeport is just that, it is a port city. Its
surrounded on three sides by a two hundred
foot mega-damage wall, and housed within
that wall is 49 square miles of city. Freeport
is a manufacturing and fishing metropolis.
This is the city of industry, and the city of
the Labors caste. Almost the entire city is
dedicated to factories and manufacturing, or
canneries and fishing. Most of the factories
are privately owed and operated, but many
have government contracts, or manufacture
products exclusively for the Crimson government. The factories are many stories tall
and stretch for blocks. They run twenty four
hours a day, except on holidays and Sundays, and even then many of the factories
have sophisticated automation programs so
some work can still be done. Freeport is a
city that never sleeps. A person would think
that with all this industry the city would
have enormous pollution problems, but even
that has become a vast and complex industry
in itself, with many small companies dedicated solely to keeping the city clean and
pollution free.
There is another part of Freeport that is
as important to the manufacturing as the
factories are. It is the entertainment complexes in the very center of the city. These
were built exclusively for the laborers so
they would be more productive. The theory
is to keep them happy in their off time and
show them that the corporations and companies value their hard work. The complexes
are massive buildings of modern technology
and state of the art entertainment systems.
No matter what your hobby or interests are,
they can be indulged within these great
complexes. There is everything from movies and holodecks, to gambling and gaming
halls. Restaurants, theatres, shopping malls,
and you name it, can be found there. There
are games of chance like poker, and games
of thrills like laser tag or splat ball. Professional sports, music groups, acting troupes,
and circuses all come to perform at the entertainment complexes.

The bulk of the population lives outside

the city walls in the suburbs and towns that
surround Freeport. These suburbs are fairly
safe, and very rarely do they have any
problems from crime or the ley lines. The
people of Freeport make a good living and
the families do well for themselves. All the
schools, churches, and government buildings
are outside the city walls as well, but that
was not how it was when Freeport was first
built. As the factories and canneries grew
and took more and more space, more and
more people started to move outside the city
walls, and shortly after that came the
churches and schools, and now finally, the
decision was made to move the government
buildings outside too. Within a few years
the only thing behind the city walls will be
the manufacturing plants and the entertainment complexes, but the people of Freeport
dont seem opposed to it, in fact most seem
to favor the idea.

Jewel: Republican state
Location: 30 miles south west of old Portland
Population: 1 million
Racial Breakdown:
75% Wolfen
25% Human
500 Elves
Jewel is a beautiful white and emerald
green city that is surrounded by a 200-foot
mega-damage wall. The wall encloses 36
square miles, and was the last defensive wall
built in the republic. The city is the perfect
mix between modern industry and the old
fashioned; it has the laid-back hustle bustle
feel of the old American Midwest. Forty
percent of the population farms and ranches,
and the other sixty percent work in a variety
of occupations from manufacturing to operating small businesses. The city inside the
wall is as diverse in architecture and activities as any pre-rifts American city would
have been.

The Crimson Republic

This is the only city that has prisons. It

has two 100-bed super-max prisons, two
200-bed close/medium custody prisons, one
80-bed magic/psionic prison, and five 400bed hard labor farms. The lockdown prisons
are located on the north side of the city near
the wall and the labor farms are all outside
the city walls.
Jewel is also known for their agricultural
research, and is the center for study and application of genetic engineering of farm
crops and livestock; it is also where sixty
percent of the farm equipment is manufactured. Jewel manages and keeps track of
consumption and the food needs of the republic. They are responsible for the purity
of the livestock bloodlines and the breeding
of the livestock. The University of St.
Bernard Vienne is the leader in education
and research in botany, biology, and genetic
engineering of plants and animals. All of
the research so far has been done for agricultural applications only. Jewel is also the
home to the only other magic school in the
republic, St. Ignatius Loyola seminary &
college. It is at this college that the Jesuit
priests and brothers are trained and ordained.

Hammersmith &
Hammersmith & Forge: Republic states
Location: Rocky mountains of Northern
Population: 100,000 in each city
Racial Breakdown:
35% Wolfen
25% Dwarves
25% Gnomes
15% Kobolds
25% Wolfen
45% Dwarves
30% Gnomes

Hammersmith and Forge are called the

twin cities because they are only fifty
miles apart from each other, and are almost
completely identical. Both cities are built in
the side of the Rocky Mountains and are
80% underground, appearing more like fortresses than cities, and both are dedicated to
mining and all operations involving mining.
The Dwarves, Gnomes and Kobolds all live
in the under city, while the Wolfen live in
the upper city. These two cities produce the
bulk of mega-damage ores, gold, silver, and
gems used by the republic. They also mine
tungsten, platinum, solamite, and other minerals. The Kobolds have been developing a
way to mine the ocean by extracting the
minerals and ores from both the seawater
and the ocean floor. So far this only accounts for 13% of the over all raw ores sent
to the manufacturing plants, but it is believed once the operation is up to full speed
they will be able to account for nearly 37%
of the total mining production. Both cities
are built from a rare metal not native to this
world. The metal is a mithrill alloy that was
mined from another realm when the
Dwarves opened a dimensional rift in 35
PA. That rift was closed in 88 PA due to an
unexplained series of deaths and mutilations
near the opening.
Both cities have the most advanced
mining equipment the Crimson republic can
afford, and at the heart of both cities are giant smelting and forging plants. There are
also enormous mining complexes with every
type of tool or machine needed to do the job.
This is the true heartbeat of the twin cities,
and this is where the Dwarves, Gnomes, and
Kobolds are most at home. Some Wolfen
work in the underground mines, but they are
by far the minority. Most of the Wolfens
mining is done above ground in strip mines
and gravel pits.
Hammersmith and Forge have all of the
conveniences and necessities of a modern
city, but yet both Forge and Hammersmith
are unlike any other city in the republic.
Both are distinctly Dwarven and Gnomish,
and so far, only the Kobolds have been able
to fully adapt to these unique cities. The
Wolfen do not like the idea of living underThe Crimson Republic

ground, hence the 20% of the city that is

above ground. It can also be a very harsh
environment for the people transplanting to
these cities due to the mining and surrounding wilderness. Even though many humans
and Wolfen would not like living here, they
respect the Dwarves, Gnomes, and Kobolds
and appreciate their hard work and contributions to the republic.

Newton: Republic State
Location: Dalles (built on top of the ruins)
Population: 900,000
Racial Breakdown:
39% Human
56% Wolfen
5% other humanoid
Newton is the latest, but smallest (25
square miles), city to be built by the Crimson Republic. In 90 PA the senate approved
the bill to start construction and the city was
inhabitable in 102 PA. There is no megadamage wall surrounding the city, and there
is no plan to build one. Newton is an agricultural city dedicated to raising livestock
and growing grains and feed corn. There is
some industry in Newton mostly in the area
of food processing, the manufacturing of
household appliances, and medical supplies.
The city itself is very modest with western
style architecture and very few large multistoried buildings. The center of the city is
mostly office buildings and banks with outer
portions of the city dedicated to quiet neighborhoods and strip malls. The little industry
that is in Newton is on the west side of the
city, while stockyards and rail stations cover
the east and south side. On the north tip of
the city is Merciful Healer hospital, the second largest hospital in the country. Newton
has all the normal attractions and businesses
one would expect to find in a city of this
Newton has the largest rural population
of the Crimson Republic cities with a full
one third of its inhabitants living more than

twenty five miles outside the city proper.

This is due mostly to the large amount of
ranchers and farmers residing in the state.
All in all Newton is a quiet place to live and
good place to raise a family.

New Seattle
New Seattle: Member State
Location: The ruins of pre-rifts Seattle
Population: 800,000
Racial Breakdown:
61% Human
8% Nithian (see Aliens Unlimited)
7% Gallopas (see Aliens Unlimited)
7% Maeus (see Aliens Unlimited)
5% Minatour (see Rifts Conversion
3.5% Rotharr (see Aliens Unlimited)
3% Wererat (see R.C.C. section)
2% Naiden (see Aliens Unlimited)
2% Draconian (see R.C.C. section)
1.5% Oni (see Phase World II)
New Seattle is the first Member State of
the republic, and the only state that does not
follow the caste system. The refugees that
came to the Crimson Republic and squatted
outside the republic states of Crimson,
Jewel, and Freeport built New Seattle and
then petitioned for statehood. The Crimson
government gave the refugees loans and
grants to help them build the new member
state, but they did not use Crimsons labor
caste to build the city nor did they commission New Seattle to be built like Newton
was, and therefore they are not a republic
The city has no mega-damage wall and
is larger in square miles than any other city
in the republic. The city presently covers 64
square miles and is the most diverse city in
the republic. Many different architecture
types are used in the city to accommodate
the many different races. For example, the
entire north side of the city has been rebuilt
with giant skyscrapers with no doors on the
first five floors for the Gallopas. The Wererats, for their community, have built interThe Crimson Republic

locking underground complexes throughout

the center of the city. The Draconian tore
down an old coliseum and four large office
buildings in the old downtown area and built
a castle. The Minatour, Oni, and Rotharr
have made impressive fortress like homes on
the coast and along the bay of the city. Most
of the humans, Naiden, Nithian, and Maeus
live in normal apartments or housing, and
none of these races have complained or argued about the special housing for other
races. All of the different peoples are just
happy to have a place to live that is safe, and
as important, that is their own.
The largest industry right now is construction and the manufacture of machinery
and tools. However, as the city becomes
more and more complete that industry will
hopefully move more towards fishing, and
the manufacturing of military hardware.
Gorgon Munitions is looking to build a factory and storage depot in the city, and the
Maeus are talking of starting a high tech
research center and laboratory that will invent and design everything form medical
implants and electronics to chemical compounds and explosives. In time, New Seattle will rival any of the modern technological cities and many of the magic based ones,
Governor Phamathong and his special
military consultant, Hector Cruz, have been
laying the groundwork with the Crimson
Republic government to become the center
for Special Forces and operations personnel
and training. They hope to start a Juicer
augmentation center for the Crimson military, along with a D-bee commando recruitment and training center, human special
forces training, assassin and counter intelligence training center, and a cybernetic augmentation and borg conversion facility.
Governor Phamathong plans to build all
state of the art facilities, and has recruited
some of the finest cyberdocs in North
America to run them. He wants New Seattle
to excel in the Special Forces field and he
believes New Seattle needs to find their own
niche in the Crimson society to earn their
keep, and respect as a member state. He is
also hoping with the very diverse racial

make-up of the state that New Seattle can

compete in other fields both civilian and

Alaskan Territory
Alaskan Territory: Republic Province
Location: All of Alaska
Population: 34,000
Racial Breakdown:
99% Human- Inuit
1% Dragon Wolf (see Rifts Conversion
The Alaskan Territory is 656,424 square
miles, but only about one third of that is under the watch and protection of the Crimson
Republic. The territory was discovered and
claimed when field operatives from CriSec
went there to investigate a pre-rifts military
base. The operatives found a single being
inhabited the base. This beings race was
unknown, but he was on the power level of a
Gene-splicer and the people of the Alaskan
Territory were under his protection. The
Being told One Eyed Pook (CriSecs Director) that the Crimson Republic was welcome
to the military base and all of its lost treasures on two conditions; one, that the native
inhabitants be looked after and protected,
and two, that The Being be allowed to finish
his work without any interference or questions. The Crimson Republic agreed to the
conditions. That was in November, 103 PA,
it is now 105 PA and the Being has left this
realm, and left the Alaskan Territory in the
hands of the Crimson Republic.
The inhabitants of the Alaskan Territory
are a very simple people and live much as
the Inuits did back in the 1800s. There are
some villages and small towns, but no cities
and most of the inhabitants live in nomadic
tribes of 100 to 175 people. Councils of
elders lead both the villages and the tribes,
and both groups are for the most part peaceful. The natives survive by hunting and
fishing, and they barter for goods they cant
make for themselves. There is no monetary
system or currency; the things considered
valuable by the natives are sled dogs, huntThe Crimson Republic

ing weapons, furs, and things of that nature.

Their society has shaman and religious leaders, but no powerful magic users. The human inhabitants have survived the inhuman
invaders because of two things, one, the
Being was a very good and vigilant protector, and, two, because theyve befriended the
Dragon Wolf population that lives in this
area. The Dragon Wolves will go out of
their way, and even put themselves in
harms way, for the peaceful natives. The
natives are very uneasy and tentative when
dealing with the Crimson people, and they
have not made much of an effort to befriend
The Alaskan Territory is rich in natural
resources and raw materials, and Crimson
Republic has every intension of exploiting
that, but at the same time they take very seriously, the promise they made to the Being
to protect and care for the native people. So
far, the Crimson Republic has stationed
three battalions of Army, one battalion of
AirCorp, and ten teams of scientists at the
pre-rifts military instillation. There is also
one battalion of Army there to explore, map,
and do geological surveys of the territory.
All the Crimson personnel stationed in
Alaska are charged with protecting and
helping the native people.

Eugene Ruins
Eugene Ruins: Republic Province
Location: The old city of Eugene, Oregon
Population: 227,500
Racial Breakdown:
100% Ratlings
The Eugene Ruins is a wasteland of decay and rust eaten metal as far as the Crimson Republics government is concerned,
but for the Ratlings that live there it is the
kingdom of Netterbowen. The Ratlings of
Netterbowen live in clans of 5,000 to 10,500
people, and a duke or duchess leads each
clan. There are currently twenty-nine different clans. A king rules all twenty-nine
clans, and presently that is King Rumrucker.
Life in Netterbowen is good when there is a

king; its when a king dies that things go

bad. When a king dies all of the clans go to
war to find out which duke will become the
new king. This ritual warfare helps to keep
the population at acceptable levels, but it
also makes for a very unstable society, especially since the average lifespan of a king is
only ten to fifteen years. This is king Rumruckers sixth year as king and so far it has
been an uneventful six years. The Ratlings
use mostly late 20th century pre-rifts technology or whatever else they can scavenge.
Somewhere they must have found a military
storehouse, because they have an arsenal of
pre-rifts guns and hardware, but nothing
from the pre-rifts golden age its all gunpowder based weaponry and old obsolete
combat vehicles. The Ratlings do use some
magic and psionics, but those skills are not
as common or as practiced as they are in the
Crimson Republic. There is no monetary
system or industry in Netterbowen. Everything is done by means of the barter system
and new goods are found among the ruins or
gotten from outside of the kingdom.
King Rumrucker would love to join the
Crimson Republic if only to get his hands on
newer technology, but he does not want to
be made to live with all the laws and rules of
the republic. This is ok with the Crimson
government, because they dont think that
the Ratlings could organize themselves long
enough to take a family picture let alone live
within the laws and constitution of the republic on a daily basis. The Crimson government does have a treaty of nonaggression with King Rumrucker even
though one Crimson battalion could lay their
whole kingdom to waste. The belief in the
senate is that if they dont bother us they can
have the ruins, and the Crimson Republic
will even protect them from outside aggressors. Therefore, it was decided to make the
Ruins of Eugene a republic province and to
let the Ratlings live anyway they wanted to
just as long as they stayed to themselves.

Rural & Wilderness

The Crimson Republic

The Crimson Republic states are more

than just the cities that give them their
names. Each state has both rural and wilderness areas in its territory. The one hundred to one hundred fifty miles that surround
the city is the rural area. It is in this area
that the people build small towns, farms, or
large estates. The rural areas of the Crimson
Republic are a thriving and growing community. Freeport and Newton have the largest populations living in rural areas, with the
capital of Crimson being the third largest
rural population. Many citizens choose to
live in the rural areas because there is not
enough room in the cities to build large, expansive homes, or the city is just to crowded
and noisy for there personal liking. In the
city of Freeport, almost the entire population
lives in suburbs outside the city walls or in
small communities within commuting distance to the city. They choose to do this
because the industry keeps expanding and
the housing has become increasingly
cramped. Newton has vast farms and
ranches covering hundreds of acres that fill
their rural lands, and it has become very
popular, even a bit trendy, in Crimson to
build massive estates outside of the city
walls. There are also many large, welltended parks and recreation centers throughout the rural areas of the republic.
Regardless of the state a person
lives in the rural areas are relatively safe
because of the Quatorian patrols and the
large quantities of patrol drones that monitor
and police the area. However, all Crimson
Republic citizens living anywhere in the
rural areas are strongly encouraged to own
weapons and armor, and 95% of the people
also have sentry bots or robotic guard animals for added protection. The most dangerous part of the rural area is the fringe
between the rural area and the wilderness
area. Most of the attacks by supernatural
creatures happen here. The invaders see it
as an easy target and a quick escape back
into the wilderness
To think of the states as just large
cities would be selling the whole state short.
Rural areas are a large part of the Crimson

Republics society and culture.

having a healthy and thriving rural community, the Crimson Republic would parish. It
would not be able to produce the food it
needs to feed the people and the cities would
become cesspools of overcrowding and
crime that would eventually destroy the
country. In many ways, the rural areas are
the provider and the backbone for the Crimson Republic.
Outside of the rural areas are the
wilderness areas that cover almost twothirds of the republic. These are not always
safe, but with Crimson Republics military
patrolling them the supernatural creatures
and dangers are kept in check. The wilderness areas are the undeveloped and unused
portions of the republic. The military has
mapped and surveyed most of the republics
wilderness and there are many untouched
natural resources throughout the country.
The only signs of civilization in the wilderness areas are a few highways, railways and
the occasional military fort. The most hostile wilderness areas are the northern
Rockies and the California territory. The
lands in the middle of the republic do not
have as many openly hostile invaders as the
north and south regions do, but it still has
many dangers both natural and supernatural.
The raw magic and ley line activity in wilderness area make it impossible to totally
clean out all supernatural predators, but the
military does the best it can. Citizens are
strongly encouraged to stay out of the wilderness areas unless the military or other
armed force escorts them, and for the most
part the citizens stay in the civilized areas.

All the cities and rural areas are powered by nuclear fusion power plants and they
all have elaborate sewer and water systems.
Throughout the Crimson Republic is an extensive communication network that uses
fiber optic, laser, cable, and radio wave
technology. They also have small satellites
throughout the republic. These satellites do
not orbit the earth; they are based on hover
The Crimson Republic

technology and are launched into the stratosphere where they can stay for roughly four
to six months before they must be brought
back down. This is a fairly new technology
and not all the bugs have been worked out
yet, but they do greatly increase the republics communication abilities when they are
operational. Each state has roads and highways that run throughout its territory, and all
the cities have a public airport and rail station. The airports are not as large as 20th
century airports, but the rail stations are
much larger than those of the pre-rifts era,
and most of the traveling done within the
republic is done by rail. Highways and railroads connect all the cities, rural communities, and most of the military installations.
There are not many places in the Crimson
Republic that you cant reach by road or
railway. Each state also has a very efficient
waste management and recycling system.
Very little in the Crimson Republic goes to
waste and almost everything is recycled
which is necessary to ensure they do not use
up the limited resources they have.
Each state has a kindergarten through
14th grade public school system that is run
by the Jesuits and is over seen by the Religious caste. The Jesuits also oversee the
public library system and the public health
care system. Each city has a major hospital
and multiple care clinics, and the military
bases all have hospitals. Each city has a
least one republic college, and two technical
schools. There is also the Republic Postal
Service (RPS) that covers the entire republic
and handles all the mail and bulk packages.
They deliver over one million pieces of mail
a day, and are over seen by the Warrior
caste. The fire, medical, and emergency
responses are handled by the Quatoria. The
Quatoria also has a biohazard and hazardous
materials response team for each city. All in
all the infrastructure of the Crimson Republic is much like that of any nation of the prerifts era only the Crimson Republic has
magic and alien races to take into account
when creating any public service or public


Castes System
The Crimson Republic is a caste society,
which means each person is born into a
caste, and at the legal age of adulthood that
person can petition to change their caste or
chose to remain in their present caste. Your
caste dictates your secondary educational
background and your role or service within
the republic, not your social, economic, or
political standing in society. The three
castes are; Religious, Labor, and Warrior.
The caste system was started by the Jesuits
as a way of relieving budding racism in the
republic during its early years. The Jesuits
felt the castes would take the focus off what
race a person was and allow everyone to feel
part of something while still being able to
use their abilities and skills to help the republic. Very quickly, the various races
within the different castes did just that, and
over time the different races found they had
much more in common then they first realized. As time went by each caste saw that
they depended on the other castes for survival, and that one caste was not better or
more important than the other was. The
Jesuits had succeeded in giving each member of society a sense of belonging and a
sense of individuality, and so the people of
the Crimson Republic accepted and kept the

Labor Caste:
This caste literally built the Crimson
Republic. It is also the wealthiest and most
influential of the three castes. Eighty five
percent of the people that belong to the labor
caste are skilled laborers, blue-collar workers, and farmers. The remaining fifteen percent of the Labor caste are the bankers,
businessmen, and white-collar workers. The
Crimson Underground also belongs to this
caste. The Labor caste is responsible for
any construction, upkeep, manufacturing,
and/or business related thing that happens
within the republic. It is because of that fact
that the Labor caste monitors and controls
the flow of money within the republic. It is
The Crimson Republic

part of their job to keep a handle on inflation

and the economy in general. There is also a
significant population of Labor caste members in the military. They have positions in
the supply units, engineering units, farm
units, and highway/railroad upkeep units,
just to name a few. The Labor caste is in
many ways the backbone of the republic,
and they are the largest and most politically
powerful of the castes.

Religious caste:
These are the moral guides, teachers,
healers, and spiritual leaders of the Crimson
Republic. The Religious caste is the smallest and the poorest of the three castes, but
they wield incredible political and social
power for their size. The Religious caste is
responsible for all the moral and ethical decisions within the republic. They hold a lot
of influence over the common people, because many look to them for spiritual guidance. Most of, but not all of the Religious
caste are Jesuits, a small percentage of the
caste are priests and religious people of
other faiths. Both the Dwarves and Gnomes
still worship their native worlds Gods, and
there is a small but growing faith in the prerifts eastern philosophies. There is also a
small, but dedicated few who worship a host
of other alien gods and religions. All of
these priests and religious followers are welcome in the Religious caste as long as the
god is benevolent and the religion does not
threaten the well being of the republics
people. Gods of Darkness, Old Ones, and
Demon/Devil worship is illegal in the Crimson Republic, and any who wish to follow
those dark creatures are not allowed in the
caste or the republic. That is another area
that falls under the control of the Religious
caste, the investigation into and extermination of any coven or cult worshipping those

Warrior caste:
The Warrior caste is the second largest
and wealthiest of the three castes. This caste

makes up eighty percent of the military.

The Warrior castes role in the Crimson Republic is safe guarding the people and lands
from all aggressors, both foreign and domestic. They are the police, the armed
forces, and the spies of the republic. The
majority of the Warrior caste is Wolfen,
with second largest population being humans. Every member of the Warrior caste
has served, is serving, or will serve in the
military. In the government, the Warrior
caste does not wield a lot of power during
peacetime; instead, they have the role of
maintaining the peace and purposely staying
low key. In time of war, however, the military has supreme authority and power over
the country and its people, and it receives
the full backing of the other two castes.
This is the trade off for being in the backseat
during peacetime. The Warrior caste as a
whole does not try to influence political
trends or the moral guidelines set by the
other castes. They, instead, will follow and
support the decisions of the Labor and Religious castes believing it is that castes job
to run the country and the Warrior castes
job to defend and protect it. Out of the three
castes the Warrior caste is by far the most
humble and least powerful in the political
arena, unless it is wartime.

Daily Life
Daily life in the Crimson Republic is
usually non-eventful and normal. People go
to work and they raise families. The Quatoria keeps the peace and the military protects
the citizens from all aggressors who would
otherwise disrupt their lives. People in the
Crimson Republic know they enjoy a better
lifestyle and standard of living then most
people in the Rifts world, but they dont
truly understand how good they have it. The
average citizen leads not a sheltered life, but
a much protected one. The republic is run
and exists on law and order, which is an
oxymoron in a world over run with chaos,
struggle, and death. The republics people
take for granted what many others believe is
only a pipe dream, not even the mighty
The Crimson Republic

Coalition States can boast to have such a

way of life. In many ways, the Crimson Republic is out of place in the Rifts world, but
in other ways, it is just like any other country.
People in the Crimson Republic use
magic and psionics, but they depend mostly
on technology during their daily lives.
Magic is not openly flaunted, and psionics
are used cautiously, both are considered a
tool used by the military and government.
People dont view it as proper or socially
expectable to use those powers during the
normal course of a day. People are also very
reserved about showing off mutant or super
abilities. Technology and all of its wonders
make the republic go round.
For the most part the people of the republic have worked very hard to build the
society they have and do not want to see it
fall into chaos. The average citizen pays
their taxes, follows the laws, and leads a
fairly simple life. They do this not because
they are morally better than people of other
countries, but because society says this is
how it is supposed to be, and the consequences for doing otherwise are extremely
brutal. Many of the Crimson Republics
people have adopted the Wolfens hard work
ethics and militaristic attitudes, and the Religious Caste keeps the society moving in
strong moral direction. People born in the
republic are raised to believe in morality,
ethics, and law, and it is understood that a
person will go to school, follow the laws set
by their elected officials, get a job, raise a
family, and enjoy a fulfilling life. And so,
the people do what they were raised to believe.
During the week, the average person
works forty to sixty hours at their job and
they send their kids to school where they put
in forty to sixty hours depending on their
grade. On the weekends, single men and
women go looking for fun, and families go
to the parks or go to the movies. Professional sports, circuses, and fairs come to
town and people amuse themselves by going
to those events. People go for drinks after
work, or go out to restaurants, kids play
sports in the street and parks, and teenage

boys raise a little hell trying to impress teenage girls. The varied races celebrate their
ethnic holidays, the whole country celebrates national holidays, and everybody goes
to church on Sunday. And life in the Crimson Republic is uneventful outside of the
everyday ups and downs that person has,
and the people are happy.

Religion in the Republic

Religion in the Crimson Republic is a
major influence among the citizens. At least
sixty percent of the population is Jesuit. The
Jesuit religion is a spin off of pre-rifts Catholicism that still teaches most of the old
beliefs, and follows the old customs. The
major differences are the use of magic, and
the recognition of other gods and other
worlds. The Jesuits have adopted many of
the 15th and 16th century practices and beliefs; they are not as disbelieving of the unexplained, exorcisms, or demonology as the
20th and 21st century Catholics were. They
also believe in, and follow many of the preVatican II customs and teachings. Some
non-believing scholars and mages outside of
the Religious Caste say that there is an alien
intelligence or other god, maybe even an
Old One, posing as the Christian god. This
is obviously not a popular or well-received
theory. Who or what ever it is that grants
the priests magic and sends angels to help
the faithful has shown itself to be a gracious
and benevolent god so far. The god that the
Jesuits follow does not actively interfere
with its followers lives. He is as much an
enigma now as he was in the past, and the
people rely on faith and belief rather than
miracles and direct action. The Jesuits comprise the majority of the Religious Caste and
account for most of the political influence
and power.
The common citizen can speak Latin,
and one out of every four people can read
and write it. The majority of people consider themselves devout Jesuits and has a
strong faith and belief in the religion. The
Jesuits give the people a unity that spans
race, color, and gender. It unifies them as
The Crimson Republic

equal in the eyes of God, and reinforces a

belief system that is fundamental to the
countrys maintaining of justice and peace.
The people want something to believe in,
something greater than themselves that justifies their meaning and existence. Quite
simply they want a God.
Jesuit, while being the most popular belief, is not the only belief or religion in the
republic. From the time that the Dwarves
and Gnomes first helped to build the Crimson Republic, they also chose to worship the
gods of their home world. This caused tensions in the early years, but in time the Jesuits learned to respect and understand their
beliefs. There are also a small number of
humans and Wolfen throughout the republic
that chose to worship the Dwarven/Gnomish
gods. The Dwarves and Gnomes worship a
pantheon of gods with Moradin the Soul
Forger as its patriarch. Moradin is the god
of creation and the god who gave life to the
two races. He is depicted as middle-aged
muscular dwarf with a long, bushy, white
beard. The other gods of the pantheon include Clanggedin the god of battle and war,
Garl the god of invention, Inanna the goddess of love, marriage, and family, Clegis
the god of sleep, dreams and the protector of
departed souls, Geb the god of the earth,
mountains, and elements. The Dwarves and
Gnomes are a devout people that strongly
believe one needs to pay homage to the gods
that provided for them. Their day of worship is Wednesday, because they felt it
would be disruptive and disrespectful to the
Jesuit God to worship on Sundays. They
have their own religious holidays, but they
also combine and celebrate many holidays
with the Jesuits.
There is also a growing faith in the prerifts eastern philosophies of Buddhism,
Shinto, and Islam. Its a relatively small
number, only a few thousand throughout the
whole republic. These new beliefs are accepted and respected because they are benevolent and teach the respect of others.


Magic in the Republic

Level 2
Jump (4) pg. 18

Supernatural Strength (20)

pg. 21
Supernatural Speed (20)
pg. 21
Teleport Tag (30) pg. 21

Level 3
Watchful Hound (15)
Level 8
pg. 18
Prying (8) pg. 18
Blink (50) pg. 22
Bonebreak (45) pg. 22
Mind Bomb (40) pg. 22
Level 4
Armor Patch (15) pg. Mystic Volley (60) pg.
Grease Fire (12) pg.19 Sulfuric Frog (40) pg. 23
Seal Self (8) pg. 19
Teleport Stop (35) pg.
Teleport Trigger (12)
pg. 19
Level 9
Maze (40) pg. 23
Level 5
Mystic Explosion (18) Ransack (45) pg. 24
pg. 19
Repair Mechanics (15) Sterilize (50) pg. 24
pg. 20
Teleport Trance (18)
pg. 20
Teleport: self (50) pg. 25
Level 6
Flamestrike (15) pg.
Level 11
Heart Attack (25) pg. Meteor Storm (125) pg.
Napalm Cloud (25)
pg. 20
Protection Circles
Teleport: self pg. 25
Level 7
MMP-Discharge (10) Teleport: structure pg.
pg. 21
Reverse Gravity (30) Teleport: area pg. 25
pg. 21

Magic is not as prevalent or as popular

in the Crimson Republic as it is in Tolkeen,
but on the other hand, it is not treated with
contempt as it is in the Coalition States.
However, magic is treated with respect and a
little fear. Citizens are allowed to study arcane knowledge and they are allowed to use
The Crimson Republic

it as long as it does not harm anyone else.

The penalties for abusing or misusing magic
are extreme, and the Quatoria have no tolerance for people that do either. The common
citizen knows magic exists and knows that
there are many who use it, but most citizens
choose not to learn it or they dont have the
means to learn it. There are only three ways
to learn magic in the republic: 1) get an apprenticeship, 2) go to the University of the
Eleven Elven Sages, or 3) go to the seminary. The University of Sages is extremely
expensive for a single individual to pay for,
and only those of the Religious Caste are
allowed to attend the seminary. It is most
common for a young person who wants to
be a mage to join the military, apply for
MageCorp, and have the government pay for
the University of the Eleven Elven Sages.
There are also Legionnaires or exMageCorp that will teach their own children
or take on apprentices, but becoming an apprentice can also be very expensive in its
own right. The only forms of arcane knowledge that are forbidden to the citizens of the
republic are witchery, worship of the Old
Ones, and necromancy. Summoning is not
forbidden, but it is illegal within city limits
and only the Elven Sages are allowed to
teach that knowledge.
The Elves are the core of the magic
knowledge and teaching within the republic.
There are literally eleven Elven families that
oversee the university, but there are many,
many teachers of all different races that
teach at the university. It is the Elves that
are responsible for making sure that magic is
taught and used responsibly. They set the
guidelines and the practices that others have
to use to teach. The Elves are also responsible for watch guarding the forbidden arts
and protecting the republic from those who
are willing to make pacts with evil forces to
gain quick, easy power. The Elves meet
once a year to review, update, and change
the practices in which all magic users must

adhere to. This meeting is known as the

Arcane Counsel. Any mage that chooses not
to follow the guidelines and practices set by
the counsel, or chooses to explore forbidden
arts is exiled from the Crimson Republic.
The Elves do not hide or hoard magic and
the knowledge of magic, but it is their
charge to keep the common citizen safe
from the horrors and atrocities that have
made people and places like the Coalition so
anti-magic. Not all the Elves in the Crimson
Republic are saints, but they have served the
republic with honor and integrity and have
kept the republics mages from becoming
the corrupt monsters you find throughout the
Federation of Magic.
The University teaches all forms of
magic and is dedicated to all forms of magical research. The University is a massive
collection of marble buildings within the
city of Crimson. It looks much like what
most people would imagine a 20th century
university to look like. A person can study
and learn any of the magic O.C.C.s at the
university, but the most popular two are
Techno-wizard and Line Walker. There is a
church dedicated to all four elements in the
center of the campus for young warlocks to
pray and learn at. The university also has an
enormous library with every thing from ancient magic tombs from other worlds to prerifts vid disks and contemporary books from
the republic. Psionics are also studied at the
university and there are courses and study
groups to help people grow and become
more proficient in the use of them.
Then there is St. Ignatius Loyola Seminary & College, which is located in the city
of Jewel. This is the other school that
teaches magic, but only to the members of
the Religious Caste that are going through
the seminary to become priests. The architecture of the seminary and college is very
similar to that of 16th century European
churches and schools. The Jesuit priests are
taught all about magic, but they do not cast
spells like mages do, nor do they understand
magic in the same way that mages do. Their
power comes to them through faith and belief. They channel their Gods magic energy
and power through themselves by chanting
The Crimson Republic

prayers and then releasing that energy as

spells. Jesuit priests are the same as Priests
of Light from the Palladium Fantasy
book and use that as their O.C.C. The Jesuit
Priests will often aid the Elven Sages in
protecting the republic from anyone that
makes a pact with an evil intelligence or
practices necromancy. There is a small but
very well educated group at the seminary
that specialize in the occult, Old Ones,
witchery, and all other forms of supernatural
evil. This group also studies existing alien
intelligences on the Rifts world, and is considered the most knowledgeable in the republic. The group is Umbra Domini, which
means the lords shadow. Not many citizens
outside the Religious Caste know about this
group, and those who do know of them say
they are very secretive. Some of the people
that do know about them oppose them, and
believe they hide or hoard knowledge that
they feel is bad for the general public, or
knowledge that could corrupt the common
citizen. There has never been any real proof
of these accusations, but no one really
knows for sure.
Lastly, there are a small percentage of
magic users that grew up in the Crimson
republic and then went abroad to learn and
study the arcane arts in other areas of the
world, or sometimes other worlds altogether.
Of this small percentage only a few ever
return to the republic. Most prefer the adventuring life, find their niche somewhere
else, or are the type of mage studying the
type of magic that either gets you exiled or
killed. The Crimson Republic has had a few
bad seeds return to the republic to exact revenge for imagined wrongs or to try and
spread their corruption and hate, but the
Elves are always vigilant and take care of
the problem quickly. There is also the opposite situation of mages that have tired of
adventuring or have decided to come back to
study for a while in peace. This group is
always welcome by the Elven Sages, and is
a great source of information, new spells,
and new ideas.
And so the republic is very diverse in its
use and knowledge of magic, but it is also


cautious and weary of any who would misuse their powers or serve dark masters.

New Magic Spells &

Range: 20 feet (6.1m) by 20 feet (6.1m) +
5 feet (1.5m) per two levels
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 4
This spell allows the caster to make
amazing jumps of great distances. The
caster can make one jump for every two levels of experience, but they must all be used
within one hour of the casting or the mage
loses the remaining jumps.

Watchful Hound
Range: Special
Duration: 1 hour per level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 15
This spell summons invisible Wolfhounds that only the caster can see. One
hound can be summoned for every three
levels of experience. These hounds are able
to see invisible, astral, ethereal, out of phase,
or duo dimensional creatures. They can
sense evil and/or any supernatural creature
within 50 feet of the area they are guarding.
If the hounds see or sense any of the above
mentioned, or any persons not known to the
mage, they will start barking vigorously.
Only the mage can hear them. If at any time
the creature or creatures that alarmed the

The Crimson Republic

hounds come into the protected area the

hounds will attack.
The hounds have:
Hit Points: 15
SDC: 45
PP: 19
PS: 20
Attacks: 3
Damage: 3D6 + strength (from bite)
+4 strike & dodge (in addition to PP
Critical strike from behind
The hounds have to be given a specific
place to guard (example: our camp, the
cave entrance, this room), and the mage
must stay within 100 feet + 25 feet per level
of the hounds, or the magic is broken and
the hounds disappear.

Prying Eyes
Range: 300 yards + 100 yards per level
Duration: 3 min per level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 8
This spell creates a floating, human
sized, magic eyeball that allows the mage to
see everything it sees. This eyeball can be
mentally controlled and sent forth by the
mage. It has a speed equal to the casters ME
(receives both the dodge and initiative bonus
of that speed), and 3D6 + spell strength for
SDC. The eye has night vision for 90 feet,
and/or infrared vision for 60 feet.
If the eye is destroyed however, the
mage will suffer 3D6 direct to hit points,
and be blinded for 1D6 melee rounds.

Armor Patch
Range: 5 feet (1.5m)
Duration: 1 hour per level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 15


This spell allows the caster to temporally repair the SDC of almost any armor.
The more time the caster spends patching
the armor the more the SDC is repaired.
1D4 x 50 SDC can be replaced for every 2
minutes spent repairing the armor, but it can
never exceed the armors original maximum.
This is a temporary fix though, and after the
spells duration the armor will revert to its
original condition before the mages
patch. Armor can include composite body
armor, power armor, or even the armor of a
vehicle. It cannot be used on any living
sentient being, only inanimate objects.

Grease Fire
Range: 20 feet (6.1m) by 30 feet (9.1m) up
to 90 feet (27.4) away
Duration: 5 melees per level
Saving Throw: Special
PPE: 12
This spell creates a thin, extremely slippery, highly flammable, carpet of grease
over any flat surface. Anyone entering the
area of affect who is moving faster than a
cautious walk must roll a successful maintain balance of 12 or better, or fall down
losing their next melee action/initiative.
Once covered in the grease it is extremely
hard to hold anything or even get back on
your feet. Each time a victim tries to get up
they must roll another maintain balance of
12 or better, or fall right back down suffering the same penalties. If the grease is ignited anyone in the area of affect will suffer
6D6 points of damage per melee, and anything they have that is flammable will catch
fire. Once the grease is ignited it will burn
for 1D4 melee rounds. Once the fire burns
out the area is no longer slippery.

Seal Self
Range: Self
Duration: 5 minutes per level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 8
This spell allows a mage to seal themselves off from any kind of spell or psionic
The Crimson Republic

such as; See Aura, Sense Good/Evil, Telepathy, Sense Magic, or Empathy. The person trying to read the mage only has a 3%
chance per level of experience to get any
kind of feeling or aura from the mage. This
spell will also protect the mage from any
type of magic or psychic seeing. The sealed
mage is invisible to any spell such as; Prying
Eyes, Locate, or Astral Projection, nor can
the mage be seen by using any kind of
scrying device like a crystal ball or other
magical locating tool.

Teleport Trigger
Range: Self/ mile (.8 km) per level when
Duration: Until set conditions are met, or
one month
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 12
The caster places this spell on themselves, and when a set condition is met the
caster will teleport away to pre-set place.
(Example- caster sets condition to if I go
below 10 hp I will teleport back to camp.
As soon as that person goes below 10 hp
they will teleport back to camp.) The
teleport is only one way, and only for a limited range. If the destination of the pre-set
condition is out of range then spell will fail
and caster will not teleport. If the spell fails
the caster will have to recast Teleport Trigger.

Mystic Explosion
Range: 300 feet (91.4m) + 25 feet (7.6m)
per level
Duration: Instant, or 10 minutes per level of
spell caster
Damage: 1D4 x 10 + 1D4 per level of caster
Saving Throw: Dodge
PPE: 18
This spell creates a small golf ball sized
orb of magical energy in front of the caster
that they can then mentally throw up to 300
(+ 25 per level) feet away, but the target area

must be within their line of sight. The orb

can be made to explode instantaneously or
have a time delay put on it. When the orb
does explode all those within a 15-foot radius take damage (victims can roll with impact for half damage). The orb moves much
faster than a thrown grenade, but victims
that see it coming can still attempt a dodge.
The orb is a +3 to hit, plus the casters ME
bonus as a strike bonus.

1 hour to 1 day since the teleport occurred:

1-35% knows exact location
36-65% knows within 20-mile radius
66-00% unknown
1 day to 1 week since the teleport occurred:
1-15% knows exact location
16-30% Knows within 30-mile radius
31-00% Unknown

Repair Mechanics


Range: Touch
Duration: 5 minutes per level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 15


This spell allows a mage to temporally

fix a broken machine, vehicle, or any other
mechanical devise. In large machines and
vehicles it will fix one system or devise per
spell casting. The spell does not actually fix
the broken mechanics, instead it uses mystical energies to bypass or override the broken
mechanics for a short duration. When that
duration is up the machine will still be broExample: the mage
ken and unusable.
needs a car, but the only one he finds had its
engine destroyed by a rail gun burst. The
mage can then cast this spell, and the mystic
energy will make the car temporally drivable
by magically powering the wheels, throttle,
and steering. When the spells duration ends
the cars engine block will still be utterly
destroyed and useless.

Teleport Trace
Range: 20-foot (6.1 m) radius from teleport
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Varies
PPE: 18
This spell allows a caster to try and trace
where someone teleported to.
1 minute to 1 hour since the teleport occurred:
1-50% knows exact location
51-85% knows within 10-mile radius
86-00% unknown

The Crimson Republic

Range: 300 feet (91.4 m)

Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 15
This spell calls down a column of flame
from the sky upon a desired victim within
range, and in the line of sight of the caster.
The column of flame covers a 15 foot radius, and strikes automatically. It does 2D6
x 10 + 1D6 per level + spell strength.

Heart Attack
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 initiatives
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE: 25
The mage touches a victim causing his
heart to beat rapidly and irregular. The victim must roll a successful save on each of
the next three initiatives (1st initiative standard save, 2nd initiative +1 to save, and 3rd
initiative +2 to save). If any one of the
saving throws fail the victim immediately
goes into cardiac arrest, and drops to the
ground defenseless. A victim that goes into
cardiac arrest has a 5% accumulative chance
of dying for each melee round they do not
receive medical, magical, or psychic help.
This spell will not effect anyone in
greater than normal combat armor (i.e.
power armor, robot vehicle, tank, ect.), and
the mage must be familiar with the biology
of the victims race, or know where the victims heart is.

Reverse Gravity
Napalm Cloud
Range: 20 feet (6.1m) by 20 feet (6.1m) +
5 feet (1.5m) per level
Duration: 3 melees + 1 every 2 levels
Saving Throw: damage
PPE: 25
Upon casting this spell a thick reddish
black cloud of smoke rolls forward from the
mages outstretched hands. The cloud can
be cast up to 90 feet away. Any one who is
caught in the cloud, and not in full environmental armor, loses all visibility and is
choked with dense smoke and hot vapors (-9
strike, parry, and dodge). On 1D6 initiatives
following the casting of the spell the cloud
will erupt into a large fireball. It will continue to burn for the duration of the spell
doing 1D6 + spell strength x 10 per melee to
everything within it. Victims caught within
the cloud are able to save vs. magic for half

MMP Discharge
Range: 10 foot (3 m) increments per level
of spell caster
Duration: 1D4 melees +1 melee per level of
spell caster
Saving Throw: Special
PPE: 10 per 10 foot (3 m) increment
The mage can emit a magic-magnetic
pulse radiating in 10-foot increments from
him. This pulse renders all electrical devises
inoperable. Military and Emp protected vehicles, equipment, and weapons get a standard save. Unprotected machines or machines that fail their save will be totally disabled for the duration of the spell. The
Mage must use 10-foot increments only (10,
20, 30, etc.). After the duration of the spell
electrical devises will operate normally.
(Large robots and combat vehicles that fail
their save lose 1D4 critical electrical systems)

Range: 10 feet (3 m) per level/ area effected

1 foot per level
Duration: 1 initiative per level
Saving Throw: dodge at natural unmodified
PPE: 30
This spell reverses gravity in a small
area causing all things not anchored down to
fall upward, for the duration of the spell, at a
rate of 16 feet per initiative (480 feet per
melee). If an object strikes something solid
when it is falling upward it is the same as if
it were falling down for the same distance
(1D6 per 10 feet). At the end of the duration
all objects will plummet back down taking
damage again (1D6 per 10 feet), lose remaining attacks, and lose initiative for the
next melee.

Supernatural Strength
Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: 2 melees per level of caster
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 20
This spell bestows the recipient with
supernatural strength giving them +10 to
their PS and +5 to their PE and 30 SDC for
the duration of the spell. The recipient also
does hand-to-hand damage as a supernatural
creature and radiates the magic aura of a
supernatural creature. All actions performed
during this period are done without fatigue.

Supernatural Speed
Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: 1 minute per level of caster
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 20
This spell bestows the recipient with
supernatural speed giving them +1D4 x 10
to their Spd and 1 extra attack per melee.
All actions or movements during this period
are done without fatigue.

Teleport Tag
Range: 50 feet (15.2 m)
The Crimson Republic


Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: -4
PPE: 30
This spell allows the caster attempt to
tag along with someone teleporting. This is
a snap spell, but the caster must have a least
1 spell attack left in the round. The caster
spends the attack and casts this snap spell,
and if the person trying to teleport away fails
their save vs. magic (at -4) the caster will
follow their teleport.
1-60% lands within 10 feet of tagged person
61-85% lands within 100 feet.
86-00% lands within 1000 feet

Range: Self only / 100 yard radius
Duration: 1 melee (15 seconds)
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 50
This spell allows the mage minor
teleport abilities. The mage casts this spell
on their attack and on the following initiative they will teleport away up to 100 yards,
but not reappear until their next attack. On
their next attack they will reappear on the
spot they chose, and can carry out their desired action. Then on the following initiative they will teleport away again to anywhere they chose within 100 yards of their
first teleport. This will continue until the
mage has no more attacks. On the initiative
following the mages final attack of that melee they will teleport away again to anywhere within 100 yards of their first teleport,
but will not reappear until the first initiative
of the next melee round.
When using this spell the mage cannot
cast any spells that take more than 1 initiative. Both teleport stop and teleport tag will
work against this spell. Teleport tag will
allow its caster to follow the other mage
each time for the whole melee round.

The Crimson Republic

Range: Varies
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE: 45
The intention of this spell is to cause
one of the victims bones to instantly fracture. A mage can do this one of two ways:
1.) The spell can be cast at a victim up to 90
feet away, but the victim must be in the
mages line of sight. The mage rolls a
percentile to see which bone is broken.
1-20% compound fracture the right arm
21-40% compound fracture the left arm
41-60% compound fracture the right leg
61-80% compound fracture the left leg
81-90% 1D6 ribs (each broken rib has
10% chance of puncturing a
vital organ doing damage direct to hit points)
91-00% neck (roll another percentile,
1-79% instantly paralyzed, 8000% instant death)
If they fail their save the spell fractures
the bone. The victim suffers 1D4 x 10
points of damage and the use of that
2.) The mage can touch the exact bone they
wish to fracture (example: touching the
left thigh will fracture the tibia, or
touching the middle of the back will
fracture the spine). A failed saving
throw means the bone is fractured, and
the victim suffers 1D4 x 10 points of
damage. Additional effects will be at
the GMs discretion depending on which
bone was broken, but at minimum the
victim will lose the use of that limb or
effected body part.
This spell will not affect anyone in
heavier than power armor. (i.e. robot
vehicle, tank, ECT.)

Mind Bomb
Range: Self, or other by touch
Duration: 2 months + 1 month per level
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE: 40

This is a last resort defense against mind

scans or deep mental probes by either a
magical or psionic means. Basically the
mage hides a spell bomb thats intertwined
with the knowledge they are trying to protect, and if anyone tries to probe their mind
for that information the spell goes off utterly
destroying their mind, and killing them instantly. Its certain suicide, but it guarantees
that the secrets are destroyed along with the
person. The person doing the probing must
also make save vs. magic or suffer 1D4 x 10
direct to hit points (a successful save vs.
magic takes damage). Only the mage that
cast Mind Bomb or a successful remove
curse can rid a person of the spell.
This spell can be done on ones self or
others, but if the other person receiving the
spell is either unwilling or unknowing they
get +2 to their saving throw. See Aura cast
on a person who has been Mind Bombed
will make that person read as having an abnormal aberration.

Mystic Volley
Range: 3,500 feet (1,067 m)
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1D4 + spell strength x 10 + 10
Saving Throw: Dodge
PPE: 60
This spell creates missiles of magic energy in front of the spell caster that are then
mentally aimed and launched at their intended victim. The caster can create two
missiles plus one missile for every two levels of experience (example: 1st level can create 2 missiles; 2nd level is 3 missiles; 4th
level is 4 missiles; ect...). The missiles
move at incredible speed, but the victim can
still attempt to dodge with a 4 and any spell
strength the caster has. Victims that are
struck can attempt to roll with the impact for
half damage.

Sulfuric Fog
Range: 20 feet (6.1m) by 30 feet (9.1m)
Duration: 5 minutes per level
Damage: Special
The Crimson Republic

Saving Throw: Standard

PPE: 40
This spell allows the caster to create a
20 foot by 30 foot greenish-yellow cloud of
highly corrosive poisonous gas. The cloud
billows out of thin air directly in front of the
caster, and can be moved forward up to 120
feet at a maximum speed of 12. The gas is
highly toxic and anyone not in environmental armor must save vs. lethal poison or
die in 1D4 rounds. Any armor that was in
the cloud longer than one melee round will
suffer 6D6 points of damage per round until
the armor is decontaminated or the spells
duration runs out, even if after that initial
melee round the person got out of the cloud.
Toxic filters and vulnerable seals suffer the
worst damage, and must be changed or repaired if they are to protect the wearer from
a second contamination.

Teleport Stop
Range: 100 feet (30.5m)
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Special
PPE: 35
This spell allows the caster to try and
stop a person from teleporting. This is a
snap spell and the caster must have a least 1
spell attack left in the round to attempt it. If
the spell caster does have a spell attack they
can cast it regardless of what their initiative
is. The caster and person teleporting both
roll a 20-sided die and add level of experience and any spell strength, the highest
number wins. If the teleport was stopped,
then the one attempting to teleport will randomly reappear 1D100 feet away from the
spot they attempted to teleported from. That
person will also lose their next attack and/or

Range: 1/2 foot per level/ single creature
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Standard

PPE: 40
An extra dimensional space is brought
into being that surrounds and traps the victim. The victim inside the space is faced
with a maze of shifting, changing planes of
force for a period of time that is dependent
upon the victims I.Q. A failed saving throw
means the victim is trapped for the full duration of the spell and a successful save
means the victim is unaffected.
Time Trapped
1-12 2 to 16 rounds
13-15 1 to 8 rounds
16-18 5 to 20 melees
19-21 4 to 16 melees
22-24 3 to 12 melees
25-27 2 to 8 melees
28-30 1 to 4 melees

Range: Touch
Duration: Varies
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE: 45
This spell enables a mage to extract information from a persons mind. Although
doing so is extremely painful to the victim,
and rather dangerous for the mage. The
mage is able to extract the information by
placing both hands on the victims head and
mentally ransacking their mind, stealing
thoughts, memories, and personal knowledge. This is an extremely brutal and risky
way to extract information, but it can also be
very effective. Depending on how personal
or secret the information is determines how
long the mage remains in the victims mind:
Relatively common knowledge- 1D4 melees
Personal knowledge and recent memories- 1D6 melees
Secret knowledge or old memories- 2D4
Hidden knowledge or repressed memories- 2D6 minutes
Secondly, depending on how long the
mage remains in a persons mind determines

The Crimson Republic

how much damage is done. If a save vs.

magic fails, then the mage is able to extract
the information they want. For every one
minute the mage was in the persons mind
the victim will suffer 2D6 damage direct to
hit points, a temporary loss of 1 academic
skill (any non-physical skill for 1D6 days +
1 per level of caster), and they must make
one random roll on the insanity table. If the
person makes their save vs. magic the mage
is unable to glean the knowledge they
wanted, and are forced out of the victims
mind after only 1D6 melees. But the victim
takes 2D6 damage direct to hit points, and
has to roll once on the Phobia (1-50%) table, or once on the Obsession (51-00%) table. The Cure Insanity spell will get rid of
the insanities, but one Cure Insanity must be
cast for each insanity received. A person
with mind block or auto mind block gets +3
to save. If they save there are no ill effects
or damage done to the brain. If they do not
save they suffer the same effects as above.
This is not only very taxing on the
mage, but it can also be very dangerous.
The mage must rest five minutes for every
one minute they spend ransacking the victims mind, and for every two minutes spent
they must make a save vs. insanity. If they
fail they must roll once on the random insanity table. If the victim being ransacked
is possessed, extremely insane, or a totally
alien life form there is a 10% chance per
minute spent in that persons mind of the
victim taking control of the mages mind.

Range: 10 foot (3m) radius + 5 feet (1.5m)
per level
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 50
This spell allows a mage to permanently
eradicate all physical evidence or trace of
their having been somewhere, or done
something. Every hair, drop of blood, fingerprint, or DNA sample is gone, including
any physical evidence on the mages person.
No amount, or level, of technology will find


a single shred of physical evidence within

the radius of the spell, because it will have
been sterilized and is gone! The spell also
removes magic and psychic traces, or impressions form everything in the spells radius. Not even old impressions from before
the mage was present are likely to be found.
Only a mage or psionic user of higher level
has any chance of finding any magic or psychic evidence (5% per every level higher
than the person who cast Sterilize). But
even than there is a 40% that any impression
or evidence found will be to fragmented
and/or old to identify anyone in particular,
or be any kind of help at all.

Teleport: Self
Range: 5 miles (8 km)
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: + 2
PPE: 50
This spell allows the caster and 25 lbs
per level to be instantly teleported up to 5
miles away. The caster must know the place
or area that they are teleporting to. The
caster is able to teleport others with this
spell, but only if the caster is holding them
and they fit within the casters weight limitations. Any unwilling person gets a save vs.
magic at a +2.

Teleport: Self
Range: Within the circle
Duration: 1 hour per level of caster
Saving Throw: Standard
Unless their saving throw is made no
one can teleport, passwall, mystic portal, or
gate into or out of the circle.
Components- circle sealed in casters
blood and sprinkled with rose petals

Teleport: Structure
Range: Special, but less than 1 mile
Duration: 2 months per level of caster
Saving Throw: -2
This actually takes four circles, and the
circles must be equally spaced throughout
the structure (in 4 corners or equal amount
of feet between each circle). Once activated
no one can magically appear within the
structure using such spells as gate, teleport,
mystic portal, passwall, etc. Demon &
Devil Lords, Demigod, Lesser Gods, And
Greater Gods will not be affected by this
Components- seal circles in an equal
mix of holy water and casters blood

Teleport: Area
Meteor Storm
Range: 1,200 yards / 50 yards per level
Duration: Twice per casting
Saving Throw: Standard for damage
PPE: 125
From both of the mages hands erupts a
fireball, these fireballs will travel half the
desired distance then splinter into five
smaller fireballs. Over the remaining distance the five fireballs will grow to normal
size, each one doing 1D6 + spell strength x
10 damage. The fireballs can be targeted at
one or two targets, each target taking five
fireballs or one target taking all ten.

The Crimson Republic

Range: 1 mile per level of caster to a max of

20 miles (32 km)
Duration: 2 months per level of Caster
Saving Throw: -2
Like teleport structure the caster of this
circle must draw four circles equally spaced
along the perimeter of the area to be protected.
Same limitations apply as in
Teleport structure. Note: If one of the circles in the structure or area are removed or
destroyed, the circle and protection will not
Components- seal circles in an equal
mix of caster's blood and holy water, also
each circle must have holy symbols draw in
silver and gold dust.


Crime & Punishment

he Crimson Republics leaders and

people realize that there will always
be a certain amount of crime within
the republic, but they strive to keep it to a
tolerable level. The Quatorias main focus
is on person crimes and crimes of violence.
Property crimes are considered to be unlawful and a detriment to society, but they are
not dealt with the same swift and final justice as a person crime is. Person crimes are
defined as any crime directly involving a
victim or victims, whereas property crimes
are crimes where no victim was present.
The most heinous crimes are child molestation, child abuse, rape, murder, treason,
and the abuse of political or police powers.
Illegal drug trafficking, armed robbery,
home invasion, assault, and domestic abuse
are also considered severe crimes. All
crimes are judged on a case-by-case basis,
but person crimes will almost always result
in hard labor or death. Criminals will either
be charged with a petty misdemeanor, misdemeanor, or felony. A petty misdemeanor
is usually a stiff fine and/or 1-year hard labor; five petty misdemeanors equal one misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is usually punishable by three to five years hard labor.
Two misdemeanors equal a felony. A felony is punishable by ten years hard labor or
death, three felonies is an automatic death
Once a suspect has been charged with a
crime the Republic Interrogator will interview them, and if sufficient evidence is
found to move forward, the charged suspect
will then go to a public interrogation where
he/she will be faced with three Republic Interrogators. It should be noted that these
are not trials they are interrogations and
judgment will be passed based on the findings of the interrogations. In the Crimson
Republic all suspects are assumed innocent
until they fail the interrogation. Magic,
psionics, and if needed, drugs are used to
interrogate suspects. Their black and crimson robes and the Elvin staffs they carry
easily identify the Republican Interrogators.

The Crimson Republic

When an interrogation is over and sufficient evidence has been found to convict, the
now guilty person will be sentenced by a
Quatorian Judge (a major or higher in the
Quatoria). Sentencing of the guilty party is
also public. Once sentenced the punishment
is carried out swiftly, usually within twenty
four to seventy two hours. Those sentenced
to pay fines must pay within a reasonable
amount of time, which is determined by the
Quatorian Judge. Criminals sentenced to
hard labor are taken to prison immediately
after sentencing, and working outside the
city walls within a week. Criminals sentenced to death are executed within two days
of sentencing. There are three ways a
criminal can be put to death. The first way is
by hanging. This is used on all humanoids
that can be killed in this way. The second is
to be shot in the head and killed. This
method is used on humanoids and creatures
that cannot be hung. The third way is reserved for only the most heinous and vile
evildoers the republic has, it is meant for
those that a simple hanging or shooting will
not satisfy the Crimson peoples justice. The
method for death is to nail the creature to a
cross and pound the cross in the ground at a
nexus point and let whatever comes out of a
rift have the victim, and if nothing takes the
victim they stay nailed there until they die.
The Quatoria watches these crosses to ensure no one is able to escape or be freed.
The first two executions are made public, but they are not a rowdy festival like
atmosphere. The crowds are very somber
and respectful, because it is meant to be a
witnessing of the Crimson Republics justice
not a mob celebration of vengeance and
death. The third form of execution is sometimes displayed on national TV, but it depends on the crime and the Quatorian
Judges discretion.

The Underworld

here is a very active and extremely

powerful crime organization in the
Crimson Republic. They have existed and thrived since the republic first be26

gan, but they have also always tried to serve

the interests of the republic. The Syndicate,
as it has been named, is allowed to continue
for two reasons, first, the government needs
them, and second, they do ninety percent of
their dirty work outside of the Crimson Republic. The Syndicate owns three banks,
which control 15% of the Black Credits in
North America, and they own a variety of
businesses throughout the new west. For
many years they have been the governments
eyes and ears in the new west, and at times
they have also been its enforcer.
Outside of the Republic, the Syndicate
runs every kind of illegal operation you can
imagine. They are involved in the drug trafficking, hijacking, prostitution, robbery,
bounty hunting, and murder. There are even
rumors of them being involved in the slave
trade, but if they are they keep it very quiet.
That is the one crime the government will
not tolerate even if it is outside the republic.
The Syndicate has a guild in almost every
city and decent sized town in the new west.
Its from these guilds that they run the dayto-day operations and carry out their work.
Every guild member is a citizen of the Crimson Republic and they all follow two simple,
but very strict rules. One, never under any
circumstance betray the republic, and two,
never bring your work home to the republic
unless its sanctioned by the Executives.
The Executives are the leaders of the Syndicate. They run the whole operation from the
city of Crimson, where they are known and
respected bankers. Next are the Directors;
they run all the operations within the Crimson Republic. Then there are the Supervisors; they run the individual guilds outside
the republic, and at the bottom of the hierarchy are the Laborers. The Laborer can be
any of a number of occupations from street
dealer, to assassin, to thief.
Inside the republic is where it gets
dicey. The Syndicate legally controls about
sixty percent of the gambling, drinking, and
whoring that goes on in the Crimson Republic, and they own a host of legal businesses mostly catering to vices and entertainment. All of which are funded with
money gotten through illegal means outside
The Crimson Republic

the republic. The Syndicate is able to bring

prostitutes and strippers in from the new
west to work in their clubs for a few months
and then rotate them out, and bring in different ones. They sell stolen property from
hijackings or robberies, and bring in new
and exotic alcohol and drugs from the new
west. All of these things, while being immoral and wrong, are technically legal.
None of the crimes were committed on
Crimson Republic soil, and since other governments dont have any kind of treaties or
open communication with the republic how
are they going to complain about the Syndicate committing crimes in their countries?
And so the Syndicate continues to operate
legally within the safety and protection of
the republic.
Not all of the work done within the
republic is legal however; there are things
they do that are outright felonies. They will
do contract murder, theft, or commit other
felonies in their own country, but it is very
expensive and must be approved by a Director or Executive. The Syndicate knows
not to anger the Quatoria, and that they exist
only as long as the government allows them
to. So they are very, very careful and use
the best psychics and mages to cover their
tracks. They also go to great lengths to use
middlemen and people who are not citizens,
or who can disappear without being missed.
The Wererats of New Seattle play a vital
role in the Syndicate, especially in this area.
They are natural thieves and assassins, and
are extremely good at leaving a sterile crime
scene. The Wererats are also invaluable as
agents in the new west. They are able to do
things that others cannot. All in all the government, the citizens, and the Syndicate
have found a precarious balance that all
three groups can live with.
Other than the Syndicate there is not much
organized crime in the Crimson Republic.
The employment rate is high and the economy is good, that alone discourages many of
the would be thugs. The Quatoria and the
severe punishments also discourage crime in
the republic. Many criminals would rather
go somewhere else where there are easier
marks and less law enforcement.

Science & Technology

he Crimson Republic invests a lot of

time and money into advancing their
technology, and the teaching of math
and science is a priority in the school systems. Much of the republics research and
development goes into non-military applications that they believe will benefit society.
Areas such as bioengineering (for farm and
medical application), medicine & cybernetics, mining, and robotics receive the most
public funding. The next largest amount of
funding would be for military applications
such as weapon systems, sensory systems
and robot/power armor systems. The republic is slightly more advanced than the
Coalition States in the area of robotics and
mechanics, but is woefully behind in human
augmentation. Outside of medical applications minimal research has gone into human
augmentations like the juicer or MOM programs. This is very likely a result of the
republics religious attitudes and beliefs, but
since accepting the member state of New
Seattle this attitude is slowly beginning to
change. The government is also pushing for
more serious research and better funding in
these areas.
In the private sector most research and
development is done in the area of computer
systems and robotics, because this is what
makes a profit. The second largest area
would be medicine, cybernetics, and bioengineering. The republic, especially the state
of Freeport, has hundreds of companies and
corporations dedicated to the research and
development of better technology and science. What follows is a list of the fifteen
largest technology companies in the republic.
1.) Ageous Arms & Weapon Systems:
Ageous Arms is a corporation that
manufactures projectile and energy
weapons. They also manufacture armor, weapon accessories, ammunition,
and design and develop weapons for
the Crimson military. They have been
in the arms business for more than

The Crimson Republic

ninety years, serving both the Crimson

military and the private citizen alike.
Ageous sells a small percentage outside
of the Crimson Republic, but only in
the new west. Most Ageous weapons
are a combination of projectile, energy,
and/or explosive weaponry (grenade
launcher or mini-missile launcher).
The projectile weapons fire a 5 round
burst of explosive titanium-jacketed
depleted solamite projectiles at extremely high velocities. The weapon is
powered by an e-clip. An average eclip will fire 10 energy blasts and
power 10 100 round magazines of caseless ammunition, or fire 30 energy
blasts, or power 20 100 round magazines of case-less ammunition. The
advantage of these weapons is that the
average unaugmented human or
Wolfen has the capability of fighting
with a weapon that does the damage of
a rail gun with less weight. The
Ageous projectile weapons have better
range than graviton weapons, and these
weapons are less cumbersome and
easier to fight with than most rail guns
or large energy weapons.
2.) EXCELeration Technologies: This is
a company that specializes in designing
and manufacturing I-beam weapons
and rail guns, and have recently started
experimentation with graviton technologies.
Although the weapon aspect of graviton technology does not
seem profitable, the idea of grav packs,
and grav based power systems will
most definitely pay off when they perfect the technology. Exceleration has
designed and manufactured most of the
large cannons and rail guns used in the
Crimson military, and are especially
involved in both the light and heavy
mechanized unit development. They
never deal with other governments or
military units, which forces them to
depend solely on Crimson government
contracts. They manufacture about
20% of the ammunition used by the
Crimson military.


3.) Gorgon Ammunition & Ordnance:

This young but growing company
manufactures all and any kind of ammunition or explosive you can name.
If it loads into, shoots out of, or generally causes harm to life forms theyre
into it. They are the exception when it
comes to the isolationist attitudes of the
republic. Gorgon sells munitions all
over the New West, and even a little
way into the eastern territory. Gorgon
just made a deal with Tolkeen through
a third party to manufacture a large
amount of ammunition and e-clips for
Tolkeens mercenary army. Gorgons
sales people, however, are very careful
to always use middlemen and make
themselves out to be black marketers.
If they didnt the Crimson government
would shut them down. Gorgon produces about 60% of all the munitions
and explosives used by the Crimson
military, and near 95% of that used by
the citizens of the republic.
4.) Matrix Contractors: This is the true
designer and builder of many of the
Crimson war machines. Matrix works
with the other three companies and
hundreds of smaller companies to build
all the militarys hardware. They over
see and safe guard all the different aspects of building the complex machines. Everything from the electrical
systems to the mechanics, they are involved. Matrix supervises all the work
from many different companies from
the start of the project to the final product. They act as the go between for the
government and the business man, they
are the security force on all projects,
and many times they are the bankroll
until a product or weapon system can
be sold to the military. If you have an
idea in mind for a destructive or deadly
system they are the people to have design and build it.
5.) PowerTech: This company specializes
in the development and manufacture of
power systems.
They concentrate
mostly on nuclear, electrical, and hydrogen fuel cell systems, but they have
The Crimson Republic

designed other systems as well (solar,

gasoline, jet fuel, ect...). PowerTech
built most of the power systems for the
republics military and are currently
working on power systems that the
Navy will use in their new battleship
and aircraft carrier. PowerTech also
has a division in the company dedicated to techno-wizardry and the use of
ambient PPE as a power source. They
were the designer of the Centurion
Power Armors power system.
6.) Bio-rad: They are the largest medical
research and development company in
the republic, and realistically North
America. They have facilities and hospitals in every state and in every city.
They mostly design and manufacture
surgical tools, medical nanobots, and
medicines. A large portion of the research facilities are involved in studying the biology of the different races
that live in the republic. They also do
quite a bit of research in cybernetics
and replacement limbs and organs for
most humanoids. They also have a
psychic/magic division that does a lot
of the groundwork for new medicines.
7.) Warcraft Computers: You name the
type of computer, or military system
thats computer assisted and this company has someone trying to develop a
newer, faster, more efficient model.
They are the cutting edge for military
hardware and sensory systems. Warcraft has been in business for 52 years
and they have helped design some of
the finest war machines the military
has. Their specialty is targeting and
weapon systems, but they develop
every other aspect of the combat computer, and produce a very reliable
8.) Gnome Grown Robotics: The largest
robotics company in the republic.
They design and build every kind of
robot from factory labor bots to heavy
combat bots. The companys corporate
headquarters is in the city of Forge, but
their largest factories are in the city of
Freeport. They also have a large divi29

sion in the city of Jewel that is dedicated to designing and manufacturing

cybernetic implants and bio-systems.
They specialize in the large labor bots
used in mining, but they can also make
combat orientated bots. Gnome Grown
Robotics is a leader in robot optic systems, robotic fine motor skills, and
over all maneuverability.
9.) Lythe Computers & Robotics: Their
niche in the technology field is neural
systems for drones. They were the designer for all the drones that the Crimson Republic employs in its military.
They also design and manufacture civilian sentry bots and robotic animals
for protection in the rural areas. They
are a leader in Borg conversions, sensory systems, self-diagnostic systems,
and robot communication systems.
More than anything this young company hopes to be the first to create artificial intelligence and build androids
and household bots. They pump a lot
of effort, money, and manpower into
being the first to achieve artificial intelligence in a robot. They also have
started work on designing a medical
drone and a more advanced civilian
sentry bot.
10.) Sequence Bioengineering: Genetic
engineering is what they do best,
mostly in the area of plants and animals. They have done contract work
for medical companies in the area of
humanoid genetic research, but up until
the last 10 years that kind of research
was not popular. Much of the religious
populace frowned on it and it was a PR
nightmare waiting to happen, but it has
become more acceptable lately, so Sequence has become more and more involved in it. They are heading up the
research to find a way to destroy the
Xiticix, and they have quietly been
doing genetic research in the area of
cloning and bio-weaponry. Its still
their farm applications of bioengineering thats their bread and butter though.
11.) Spartan Designers: These guys specialize in two areas. Communications,
The Crimson Republic

whether its is laser, radio, TV, or microwave it does not matter, they are the
experts. Second, large computer systems like the ones that run factories or
large corporate office buildings. They
design and install the computer systems
that control the environment, the communications, the security & surveillance, and whatever other system a
company wants. This is a fairly new
company, but they have recruited and
hired the very best computer programmers and communications experts in
the republic. They are extremely competitive, and knowledgeable in these
two areas. Most of the work they do is
civilian, which is not to say they wont
or havent worked for the government,
its just they dont need to.
12.) Mincore Surveys: This Dwarven company specializes in geological surveys
and mineral studies. They design and
manufacture some of the most effective
sensory equipment produced in North
America. They also manufacture mining equipment and machinery. Mincore has been in business for 100 years
and has been a leader in the mechanical
engineering field for 75 years. They
also do contract work for the government in both the mechanical engineering and sensory systems designs for the
military. Mincore was vital in helping
with the design of the RDF super
13.) Labor Robotics: This is the third largest robotics designer in the republic.
They manufacture mostly large construction and farming bots, but the
strength of the robots, and their computer systems are excellent. Their
main government contracts are for
building the construction bots that have
been used in hostile areas like Fort
Skyhawk, and the California wilderness. They also sell a lot of bots to the
lumber companies and farmers at the
edges of the civilized republic.
14.) Aerosystems Inc: This company is the
leader in new and experimental communication systems and hover-based

vehicles. They have pored bundles of

money and man-hours into designing
Stratosorbs are lower atmosphere satellites that orbit with the earth not
around it. They are presently being
used on trial basis for communications
systems, but if they succeed there are
plans to make them into weapon systems for the military. Aerosystems Inc
also does a lot of design work with
flight and hover systems, and at times
they are contracted to help design stabilizer systems for large bots and military vehicles.
15.) Repo System Engineers: This company is a large jack-of-all-trades company. They buy patens or get contracts
to improve on existing technologies.
The company does not manufacture
anything, but they have often been the
difference between an idea becoming a
success or failure. Repo System Engineers perfect good ideas and make
working machines better. They hire
and educate the finest engineers in the
republic. They employ engineers of
every kind from mechanical to weapons, and architectural to electrical.
They also staff the finest inventors, scientists, and computer gurus the republic can produce. They are often contracted by other companies to work out
the bugs in new or experimental designs of everything from robots to
nanobots, and vehicles to aircraft.


very citizen of the Crimson Republic

pays a flat quarterly tax on their income, and all corporations and publicly traded companies pay a flat by-annual
tax on their reported profits. The flat rate
for citizens is 20% and the rate for corporations and publicly traded companies is 25%.
There is also a property tax that is paid at the
end of the year, which is 5% of the propertys value, and a republic sales tax, which

The Crimson Republic

is 4.5% on all nonessential merchandise

purchased. Essential merchandise is considered food, clothing, and medicines. The
Republic Revenue Authority (RRA) is responsible for the collecting, auditing, and
penalizing of all taxes. The penalty for tax
evasion is very severe; it can be up to 10
years of hard labor and/or death. To cheat
on ones taxes is considered high treason,
because everyone must pay his or her fare
share in order to keep the Republic running.
On the other hand the government must be
accountable to the citizens for every penny
spent. What the government spent the
countrys tax dollars on is all public record.
There are no hidden slush funds or soft
moneys for politicians.
Each state also has taxes that must be
paid to maintain the schools, public institutions (libraries, parks, museums, ect), and
the infrastructure of the state. These taxes
are paid bi-annually and are called citizen
taxes. Creating a projected budget, and then
dividing that cost among the population is
how the tax is figured. The State Tax Examiner (STE) is responsible for the colleting, auditing, and penalizing of this tax. The
average citizen pays approximately 9.8% of
their yearly income to the citizen tax.

The Republics

he Crimson Republic is democracy in

which the citizens elect members of a
senate and a congress, which in turn
make the decisions that run the country.
There is no one person who has absolute
power or the final say in the republics government. The government was modeled after the free empires of the pre-rifts era and
Consortium of Civilized Worlds government. Any citizen with no felony record and
over the age of seventeen is legal to vote in
any election. Voter turn out is about 93%.
What follows is a general breakdown of the
Republican Central Government (RCG):
1. 48 senators

A. 15 from each caste & 3

from each Member State
that does not follow the
caste system.
B. 6-year terms staggered
every 2 years.
C. One caste holds the executive position and one caste
holds the secondary position
within the senate, which is
based on the needs of the
republic. The senate is the
only group that can write
bills and proposals that
amend the constitution or
change laws in the republic.
2. 70 congressman
A. 10 congressman from each
Republic state & Member
B. No caste requirement
C. 4 year terms staggered
every year
D. Congress is to keep the
castes in check and to keep
a balance of power. All
new bills and proposals
must be ratified first by
congress then by the senate.
They also oversee all budgeting and spending.
3. Each state
A. 1 governor & 14 council
B. No caste requirements
C. 4 year terms for the council
members & 6 year term for
the governor
D. Together the Governor and
the Council Members write
laws and bills that affect
their individual state and
oversee a budget. The Governor has the power to veto
bills; the council members
can override a veto with a
two-thirds executive vote.

The Senate
The Crimson Republic

he senate is by far the most powerful

body of government in the republic.
They are the only ones who can write
and propose new laws or changes to the constitution, declare war, or create new governmental agencies. The republics people
look to the senate for guidance and leadership, and depend on them to keep the republic strong. Depending on what the republic
needs is what decides which caste holds the
executive and secondary positions within the
senate. During peacetime, the executive
position is either led by the Religious caste
or the Labor caste. The Warrior caste can
only hold executive position during times of
war. The caste in the executive position
then sets the tone and the direction that the
country will follow. When the Religious
caste controls the executive position, its
usually a time of reorganizing and a time to
cut waste or increase education and social
welfare. When the Labor caste is in control,
its a time of building and expansion for the
republic, a time of prosperity. The members
of the senate that have no caste affiliation
have it the hardest because in essence they
are always in the minority, but they are still
able to affect change that will benefit their
state. The executive caste is able to affect
the greatest amount of change, because they
control the budget and disperse money to
pay for new programs and cut funding to old
or obsolete programs. The executive caste
obviously funds their agenda first, then the
secondary castes agenda, and finally the
remaining caste and senators are funded.
Senators can be any gender or race, but
must be at least thirty years old and be a
citizen of the republic to run for office. The
current senate is diverse in gender, race, and
age. Because of the staggering terms the
senate is constantly changing, which depending on a persons viewpoint can by either a good thing or a bad thing. From July
until March, all forty-eight senators live in
the city of Crimson while the senate and
congress hold session. During that time, all
senators and congressman work out of the
Republic building. For the most part the
system works and the people are served well
by their senate. Only twice in the Crimson

Republics history has a senator been impeached. First, in the republics early years
it was discovered that a senator had been
stealing from republic, and the second was
shortly after the intelligence agency, CriSec,
was started a senator was found to be a
Splugorth witch and a spy. That senator fled
before he could be officially impeached and
tried for high treason.
Currently the Labor caste holds the executive position and the Warrior caste holds
the secondary position. The republic is finishing a long period of new growth that
started with the construction of Newton and
Fort Skyhawk, and ended with the construction of Battleport. Along with these new
military instillations, the republic also built
new roads and railways and commissioned
the building of three new capital ships and
ten combat vessels for the navy. The executive, secondary, and minority positions
can change at any time. The congress and
the citizens can institute a vote to change the
positions within the senate if they feel the
current positioning is not what the republic
needs. Senators wield an extreme amount of
power within the republic no matter which
position their caste holds.

Crimson Intelligence Section
Consilio Et Armis
(by counsel and by arms)
CriSec is responsible for national security, intelligence gathering and analysis, and
diplomatic relations for the Crimson Republic. It was commissioned by the senate in
March, 103 PA and was made operational in
November of that same year. The Crimson
Republic had always held the policy of being isolationists and it wasnt until 100 PA
that they started to see a need for an intelligence agency, so after giving the go ahead
for the agency in 103 PA they hired One
Eyed Pook to head the operation. The Pook
brought in a team of very experienced opThe Crimson Republic

erators to head up the department, and hand

picked people from both the military and
civilian sector to staff the agency.
Its main facility is a highly secure block
within the city of Crimson. CriSec is a very
active agency, but it is young and does not
have a lot of assets in place around the
rifts world. It does, however, have the full
backing and funding of the Crimson Republics government and people to work with.
Chain of Command:
Secretary of Intelligence: One Eyed Pook
Director of Intelligence: Mr. Smith
Director of Foreign Policy: Alias- also
known as Elias or Alexis
Director of National Security: Mr. Andren
Assets: 60 legionnaires (reclassified as
centurions), a fully operational mercenary
guild, 2 heavy air transports (converted
Sky Castle bombers) 2 platoons of special
forces soldiers, and 1 company of mixed
mechanized and air units.
National Security:
Director Andren heads this department
and is responsible for all things that pertain
to national security. The departments main
function is to protect the nation from spies,
espionage and internal dissident groups.
CriSec also protects any new technology or
research and development, but because CriSec has limited resources they do this in
conjunction with the Army. The greatest
threat to the republic is still from outside
aggression and CriSec spends a great deal of
its assets making sure that the republics
communications, technology, and national
secrets are safe. Mr. Andren will not hesitate to use any means at his disposal to ensure this. This is the oldest department in
CriSec. It used to fall under the militarys
responsibilities, but was given to CriSec
when the agency came online. Since the
conception of the Crimson Republic, national security has been a priority, and secrecy is paramount.
Mr. Andren has
changed very little related to the security of
the nation. This is by far the most complete
and operational of the three departments,

and there is still much work needed to get

the Foreign Intelligence and Foreign Policy
departments totally online and operational.
Diplomatic Relations and Foreign Policy:
Director Alias heads this department and
is responsible for making all official treaties
and policies that deal with any foreign government. So far, the Crimson Republic has
not made many treaties or opened dialogue
with many foreign governments. They have
been very limited in their contact with anyone. It was not until this last year that the
decision was made to try and set up diplomatic relations with any government. The
Crimson Republic had always had a strict
policy of secrecy and isolationism, but they
have realized that they need to expand, and
that means they must learn how deal with
other governments. So far, they have sent
emissaries to the NGR, Tolkeen, and some
of the cities in the magic zone. They hope
to make allies of these cities and nations, or
at least negotiate trade agreements with
them. Currently the Crimson Republic has
ambassadors in the cities of Lazlo and
Dweomer, and they hope to open a dialogue
with the Manistique Imperium and Ishpeming through the Lazlo ambassador. Because the Coalition States and Free Quebec
are such human supremacist the republic
decided not to try an open a dialogue with
There are four types of diplomatic treaties:
1.) Treaty of Free Trade & Economic
Growth. The Republic has this treaty
with the free city of Lazlo and the
city/state of Dweomer. The diplomatic
representative in Lazlo is a 10th level
human Ley Line Walker named Fidelity
Winstrom. She runs the Crimson Sun
Inn, an upscale eighteen-bed hotel and
restaurant. She is a Crimson Citizen
and an employee of CriSec. The republic finances the Crimson Sun Inn.
The republic has many diplomatic
ties to Dweomer. Almost ninety percent
of the Elves living in Crimson City have
The Crimson Republic

family in Dweomer, or do business with

the Elven families of that city. They
also have ties to the Dweomer government in the fact that a retired Battle
Magnus named, Miracle, is the commander of the Legionnaire forces here in
the republic.
2.) Treaty of Protection & Assistance.
The republic has this treaty with the
Lough Gar Millennium Tree (see Rifts
England) and the Millennium Druids
that live in the area. One Eyed Pook
made the treaty when he traveled to
England to help an old adventuring
companion. Pook offered his assistance
to the Millennium Tree, and the surrounding inhabitants who were being
slaved by the Splugorth. The Crimson
Republic now garrisons two platoons of
Legionnaires at the tree. The platoons
are rotated out every six months, and
two new platoons are brought in.
3.) Treaty of Non-Aggression.
treaty was made with the Splugorth, of
all creatures, but it was after the Lough
Gar treaty, and in many ways because of
the Lough Gar treaty.
Both the
Splugorth and the Crimson Republic
choose not to view any hostilities on
that end of the world as an overt act of
aggression. Lord Splyncryth does not
wish to go to war and weaken himself
against the many other enemies he has,
and the Crimson Republic will not back
down and let the Splugorth slave the
faerie folk and druids, so an uneasy
truce has been made. Besides, the
Crimson Republic and the Splugorth
believe the Coalition and Xiticix are a
much greater, and much more real threat
than each other are.
The Crimson Republic also has this
treaty with King Rumrucker, and the
Ratlings, only because it makes the Ratlings feel better. At any time, the republics army could obliterate the Ratling city and theres nothing King Rumrucker could do about it. Fortunately for
the Ratlings, the republic has no desire,
or anything to gain by such actions.


4.) Treaty of Full Alliance. There are no

treaties of this kind with any foreign
government at this time.
Foreign Intelligence:
The director of this department is Mr.
Smith, and the departments responsibility is
to gather and analyze intelligence information. This is also the department that the
Pook is most involved with. Pook and his
directors had to build this department from
the ground up with minimal assets in place
and no real intelligence network. Recently,
CriSec was approved for funding to equip,
train, and strategically place one hundred
field agents throughout North America, but
it may take up to five years before all one
hundred agents are in place and operational.
For now CriSec must depend on the few
agents it has, the military, and informants
for gathering all its intelligence data. When
they receive any intelligence data it is
brought back to CriSec and analyzed by the
foreign intelligence staff, and recommendations are made to the senate or the military.
CriSec currently has forty agents in place
and working. Twenty-five of these agents
are stationed at the Way of the Gun Mercenary Guild (a front for CriSec operations),
five are in Chi-Town & the Coalition States,
five are in and around Tolkeen, and five are
posing as an adventuring group in the magic
zone. They also work with the Syndicate to
gather intelligence in the new west, the Pecos Empire, and the southwest. CriSec is
growing and each day their intelligence network gets better, but it will take at least another five years before they have enough
agents in place or enough assets to get reliable and timely information.

Way of the Gun

CriSecs Mercenary Guild
Primary Mission: To gather intelligence
information, and to create income for the
financing of covert operations for the
Crimson Republic.

The Crimson Republic

Secondary Mission: To create a private

military force with the ability to deploy a
heavily armored response without using
the Crimson Republics name or military.
The Way of the Gun is an honest mercenary guild that is financed and operated by
CriSec. The guild hires out for legitimate
missions throughout the Midwest and performs legal mercenary work. They hire real
mercenaries, who are kept unaware of the
true purpose of the guild. There are only
forty (twenty-five are Crimson military and
are kept secret from the guild members)
people at the guild that know its true purpose, and of those forty people only fifteen
are field agents. The guild occupies five
square acres outside of Kingsdale, and is a
fully functional military base. The guild
gathers intelligence through gossip, rumors,
and official reports received from the mercenary officers and personal. Every building and every room on the compound is
rigged with hidden microphones and miniature cameras that record everything thats
said or done. Mercenaries, much like old
women at a bridge club, will gossip and tell
stories of all kinds when they get back from
a mission or when therere sitting in the
chow hall. Underneath the main complex a
is secure level where everything the mercenaries say and do is monitored and recorded.
The secure level is manned twenty-four
hours a day by crimson military intelligence
soldiers. Anything interesting or important
is documented and sent back to CriSec along
with copy of the tape and a full report. So
far the guild has been a success as both an
honest business and an intelligence source.
The guild employs one hundred thirty five
members plus the fifteen field agents. It has
also started to earn the respect of the city of
Kingsdale and has good reputation for the
missions its completed.
Assets and Base description: All mercenaries that join are issued Nunari weapons
and armor and are paid a fair wage. The
base has a fully function hospital and cybernetic clinic. Security for the base is
very tight with at least one third of the

mercenary force on base as security at all

times. The base has an arsenal of heavy
weapons and power armor for its defense
and use on missions. Also, the guild will
employ both psionics and magic users as
combat troops. There are six permanent
buildings on the compound: the chow hall,
motor pool, barracks, supplies building,
armory, and school/main briefing building. The barracks can accommodate three
hundred people, and the chow hall and
training grounds are large enough for all
three hundred potential mercenaries. The
Crimson Republic keeps the base well
funded, and makes sure that the equipment
is top of the line and in good repair.
The following is a list of military hardware and power armor at the guilds disposal:
20 Glitterboys (presently there are only 10
qualified pilots) (Rifts RPG)
15 Samson power armor (Rifts RPG)
20 Flying Titan power armor (Rifts RPG)
5 Titan Combat Bots (Rifts RPG)
12 Iron Fist medium tanks (Rifts Mercenaries)
12 Iron Maiden APCs (Rifts Mercenaries)
5 Iron Bolt missile vehicles (Rifts Mercenaries)
10 Sky Kings (Rifts RPG)
10 Grey Falcons jet fighters (Rifts Mercenaries)
25 refitted humvees
Nunari equipment
25 Mecha-Knight power armors (Rifts Mercenaries)
2 Death Knight assault robots (Rifts Mercenaries)
2 Nomad scout robots (Rifts Mercenaries)
2 Carnivore Mark I light hover tanks (Rifts
1 Juggernaut heavy hover tank (Rifts Mercenaries)
CriSec and Crimson Army Personnel stationed at the Guild:
1. Lt. Kull- Human legionnaire and leader
of the mercenary guild.
The Crimson Republic

2. 1st Sgt. Warkiss- Wolfen legionnaire and

Lt. Kulls 2nd in charge.
3. Storey- Wolfen legionnaire
4. Amedea- Wolfen legionnaire
5. Collins- Human legionnaire
6. Reece- Human legionnaire
7. Mitchell- Human doctor
8. Abress- Wolfen cyber-doc.
9. Jullian- Human doctor/dentist
10. Mr. Stubblegrowth- Gnome computer
11. 5 military nurses
12. 10 legionnaire adventure group
13. 25 military intelligence soldier
Notable Guild Members:
Gundar- 8th level Dwarven headhunter
Bender- 7th level Borg
Glimmer- 6th level Elven line walker
Irish- 5th level human crazy
Bloodbath- 5th level Orc juicer
Marion- 5th level Burster
Tallance- 4th level human cyber-knight
Micha- 4th level human headhunter
Damark- 4th level Gromak fire warlock
Paxton- 4th level Elven Glitterboy pilot
Zabal- 3rd level human juicer
Roman- 3rd level Psi-stalker
Hunter- 2nd level slayer-slayer
Jamison- 2nd level human Glitterboy pilot

Crimson Republics
Deo Volente Semper Victoria Pro Patria
(God willing always victory for ones country)
Troop Strength: 1.69 million
Reserve Strength: 500,000
Draft Strength: 1.2 million
Primary purpose and mission of the Military: The purpose of the Crimson military
is to protect the citizens from all enemies,
be it on the ground, in the sea, or in the
air. The Crimson Military is one of the
largest in the Rifts world; it is also one of
the finest trained, and most highly moti36

vated armies, because every member of

the military is a free citizen fighting to
keep the way of life they believe they deserve. This is a very diverse military, both
in racial make up and gender. They are
also surprisingly self sufficient; they farm,
make many of their own clothes, manufacture many of their war machines, and
build their own forts and bases. Besides
being responsible for the protection of the
republics people, they are responsible for
maintaining the roads and railways outside
the cities, exploring and finding new lands
and resources, and making areas safe for
new settlements and towns.
Branches of the Military:
1. Army- 1.43 million active troops
2. Navy- 50,000 active troops
3. Air Corp.- 80,000 active troops
4. Quatoria- 130,000 active troops
Special Sub-branches:
1. Psi-force- Mens Regnum Bona
Possidet (a healthy mind in a
healthy body)
A. 52,000 active troops (26
a. Master Psionic
b. Burster 20%
c. Mind Melter 15%
d. Psi-Warrior 10%
e. Zapper 8%
f. Nuliphier 5%
g. Bleeder 5%
h. Psi Slayer 1.2%
i. Dog Boy .5%
j. Psi Stalker .3%
2. Mage Corp. Ars Longa, Vita
Brevis (art {magic} is long, life is
A. 30,000 (15 battalions)
a. Line Walker 38%
b. Techno Wizard
c. Warlock 18%
d. Mystic 16%
e. Shifter 8%

The Crimson Republic

3. Legionnaires- Ad Infinitum,
Summa Cum Laude (to infinity,
with highest honor)
A. 26,000 active troops (13
B. Once a Legionnaire, always
a Legionnaire. Can be
called into duty long after
retirement if one is still
physically able. All Legionnaires have a tattoo of
their name and service
number with the Latin
phrase Semper Fidelis.
These are special and elite soldiers that
are spread throughout the Crimson military;
Army has 10 battalions from Mage Corp.,
20 battalions from Psi-Force, 10 battalions
of Legionnaires. The Air Corp. has 1 battalion from Mage Corp., Psi-Force, and the
Legionnaires. The Navy has 2 battalions
from Mage Corp. and Psi-Force and 1 battalion of Legionnaires. The Quatoria has 2
battalions from Mage Corp., 3 battalions
from Psi-Force, and 1 battalion of Legionnaires.
Military Bases and Forts:
1. Fort Vigilance
2. Fort Surveillance
3. Battleport
4. Fort Skyhawk
5. Fort Legionnaire
6. Fort Constantine
7. Fort Republica (first military base
built in the Republic)
8. There are about 62 other forts and
listening posts throughout the Crimson Republic. Average population is
500 to 5000.
1. 1 air group
2. 1 naval fleet
3. 12 armies (11 of Army / 1 of Quatoria)
One Army has:
13 legions
65 battalions

325 cohorts
2,600 maniples
13,000 squads
26,0000 fire teams
130,000 soldiers
1 army = 13 legions (130,000 men)
1 legion = 5 battalions (10,000 men)
1 battalion = 5 cohorts (2,000 men)
1 cohort = 8 maniples (400 men)
1 maniple = 5 squads (50 men)
1 squad = 2 fire teams (10 men)
1 fire team = 5 soldiers

Crimson Army
Virtute Et Armis
(By courage and by arms)
Insignia of the 1st thru 10th Army
In Hoc Signa Vinces (in this sign (cross)
you will conquer)
Primary purpose and mission of the
Army: To defend the republic against all
invaders, and to keep the interior of the
country free for all hostile creatures and
supernatural forces. The Armys mission
is simple: be the best, and do the best that
a person can as a free citizen of the republic, and protect freedom and the constitution at all costs against any who would
dare threaten those ideals.
Average Troop make up of the 1st thru
Mechanized Calvary
25 cohorts Apocalypse heavy tanks
5 cohorts 5th Horseman heavy APCs
15 cohorts Heavy Infantry
5 cohorts The Judge exo-armor
5 cohorts Gallu Demon Drones
6 cohorts Hell Spawn heavy artillery
10 cohorts Hades heavy combat bots
5 cohorts Point Blank power armor
4 cohorts 1st Strike MRLS
5 cohorts Avernus power armor
Mechanized Infantry
5 cohorts Aggressor tanks
10 cohorts Flash APCs
The Crimson Republic

25 cohorts Regular Infantry

5 cohorts Point Blank power armor
5 cohorts Violator combat bots
3 cohorts Hailstorm artillery
10 cohorts Herald recon/combat Bots
3 cohorts Seek & Destroy hover vehicles
1 cohort Point Blank power armor
2 cohorts Splasher combat bots
5 cohorts Regular Infantry
5 cohorts Mage Corp
5 cohorts Psi-Force
Air Calvary
8 cohorts Wyrm attack helicopters
1 cohort Hatchery transport helicopters
3 cohorts Drake light attack helicopters
5 cohorts Valkyrie power armor
3 cohorts Blood Hawk jets
3 cohorts Firefly VTOL transport
Recon/Special Operations
5 cohorts Legionnaires
5 cohorts Psi-Force commandos
Combat Support/Supply Units
130 cohorts of various support troops
(MPs, engineers, medical, supply, armorers, ect)

Insignia of the 11th Army: Arma Non Servant Modum (armies do not show restraint)
Troop make up of the 11th Army:
19 battalions Infantry
20 battalions Non-Combat support/supply
25 battalions Combat support/supply
1 battalion Point Blank Armor

Munit Haec Et Altera Vincit
(One defends the other conquers)
Insignia of the 11th Army: Salus Populi
Suprema Lex Esto (let the welfare of the
people be the supreme law)


Primary purpose and mission of the Quatoria: The Quatoria is the 12th army, and
is actually a subdivision of the Army, but
like the Marine Corp of the American
Empire they are for all intents and purposes their own branch of military. The
job of the Quatoria is to protect and serve
the people and the cities of the Crimson
Republic. They are a very well armed and
trained police force and city/state defense
unit. The Quatoria has more active members of Psi-Force than any other branch of
military; they also have almost all the Dog
boys and Psi-Stalkers working for them.
The 130,000 Quatoria are spread among
the seven cities of the Crimson Republic
and it is their job to patrol the cities and
surrounding outside area. The Quatoria is
also the cities defense in time of war.
Average Troop make up for each city:
Inside police force:
28 squads of Mage Corp*
85 squads of Psi-Force*
28 squads of Legionnaires*
10 cohorts Point Blank power armor
12 cohorts Law Martial power armor
3 battalions regular infantry (policeman)
2 maniples City Patrol drones
*These troops work both in and out of the city

1 maniple Splasher bots

2 maniples City Patrol drones
1 maniple Wyrm attack helicopter
1 maniple Drake light assault helicopter
1 maniple Valkyrie power armor

Crimson Air Corp

Alis Volat Propiis
(He flies by his own wings)
Insignia of 1st Air Corp: Arma Tuentur
Pacem (arms maintain peace)
Primary purpose and mission of the AirCorp: The purpose of the AirCorp is simple; to protect the republics air space
form all aggressors and to assist the other
military branches from above when ever
war or aggression is waged on the Crimson Republic. The mission is much more
complex. The Crimson Republic has one
of the largest air forces in the world and
coordinating with three other branches of
military, and maintaining and up keeping
roughly 8,000 aircraft and other equipment is a tremendous responsibility. It is
their mission to safeguard the skies and
the airways from all who would threaten
the lives of the citizens of the Crimson
Republic, and it is a duty they do with
pride and enthusiasm.

Outside police force:

Troop Strength: 80,000
Mechanized Calvary
2 maniples Apocalypse tanks
1 maniple 5th Horseman APCs
2 maniples heavy infantry
3 maniples Hades heavy combat bots
1 maniple Hellspawn artillery
2 maniples Avernus power armor
2 maniples Point Blank power armor
2 maniples Harbinger drones
2 maniples regular infantry
1 maniple Aggressor tanks
1 maniple Flash APCs
2 maniples Boom Gun Troops- anti armor
and air
1 maniple Seek & Destroy combat hover
1 maniple Herald recon/combat bots
The Crimson Republic

Total Assets:
1 battalion of Legionnaires
1 battalion of Mage Corp.
1 battalion of Psi-Force
VTOL Jet Fighters (10 battalions)
3 battalions of Grey Eagle fighters
3 battalions of Blood Hawk fighters
2 battalions Robojets fighters
2 battalions of Interceptor fighters
Nunari Crescent Moon fighters (1 squadron)
12 Jets
Bombers (3 battalions)
1 battalion of Deathknight stealth bombers

1 battalion of Skycastle heavy bombers

1 battalion of Surgeon long-range bombers

Crimson Navy

Helicopters (6 battalions)
2 battalions of Drake combat helicopters
2 battalions of Wyrm combat helicopters
2 battalions of Hatchery transport helicopters

Esto Perpetua Amari Usque Ad Mare

(Let it be forever from to sea to sea)
Insignia for the 1st Fleet: Ense Petit
Placidam Sub Libertate Quietem (with the
sword she seeks peace under liberty)

Transport aircraft and troops (4 battalions)

3 cohorts of Leviathan bot transports
2 cohorts of Hades combat bots
1 cohort of Herald/Violator bots
30 Glitterboy power armor
3 cohorts of Firefly troop transports
2 cohorts of commando troops
2 cohorts of heavy infantry
1 cohort of regular infantry
2 cohorts of Stealthports cargo transports
2 cohorts of Skycastle transports

Primary purpose and mission of the

Navy: It is the navys primary purpose to
defend the Crimson Republic against all
aggression from the sea, ocean, rivers, and
lakes. The bulk of the Crimson Navy is
based out of Battleport Naval base, and it
is their duty to protect and serve the Crimson citizens, and fisherman that live in the
small towns all along the coast. The
Crimson Navy is also involved in exploring the west coast of North America.
Presently there is only the 1st Republican
fleet, but as the navy grows exploration
will become a more significant mission.

1 battalion of Watchers
Accompanied by Valkyrie power armor
Medical airships (1 battalion)
Air base security (10 battalions)
2 battalions Point Blank power armor
2 battalions Point Blank power armor
2 battalion Valkyrie power armor
2 battalions of Splasher combat bots
2 battalions of heavy infantry with 5th
Horseman APCs
1 battalion of Hades heavy combat bots
1 battalion of regular infantry with Flash
Air defense (2 battalions)
1 battalion of Trumpeters
1 battalion of SAM batteries
Drones (3 battalions)
2 battalions of Gallu Demon drones
1 battalion of Harbinger drones
1,000 Mimics

Total Active Navy Troops: 50,000 sailors

and soldiers
Ships of the 1st Republican Fleet:
CRN Morrigan - Super Carrier
CRN Taranis- Aircraft Carrier
CRN Salacia- Submarine Carrier
CRN Tethys- Submarine Carrier
CRN Ragnarok- Wasp class transport
CRN Tangaroa- Battleship
CRN Belatu-Cadros- Battleship
CRN Nuada- Missile Cruiser
CRN Cautha- Missile Cruiser
CRN Yu Qiang- Missile Cruiser
Inland & Bay Patrol Craft of the Crimson
4 Seawolf Class Stealth Submarines
9 Smertrios Class Submersible Patrol boats
20 Black Eel Patrol Boats (Iron Heart
Troops Stationed at Battleport Naval
6,300 permanent soldiers
21,800 alternate crews and troops

The Crimson Republic


Every ship has an alternate crew and

troop compliment, so she can always be
ready and fully operational. One crew and
troop compliment is the green team and the
second is the red team. If the green team is
at sea then the red team is on post and vise
versa. If a green team member were injured
or sick then a red team member would take
that place on green team. The missions are
usually set at three-month tours and the team
that is on post trains, runs base security, and
takes care of upkeep. The 6,300 permanent
troops are made up of Shore Patrol (MPs),
ship maintenance crews, base maintenance
crews, base commanders, and other post
Each of the capital ships has full compliment of troops, power armor, jets, bombers, or whatever else may be needed.

Military Bases &


Base. Like all the bases in the republic, Fort

Surveillance, is very self-sufficient having
both agricultural and industrial facilities.
When units are not in the field on maneuvers
or patrol they are working in one of those
two areas.
Fort Vigilance
Location: Where Boise, Idaho used to be
Stationed Troops: 1 army
Fort Vigilance also guards the southern
entrance to the republic, although it is significantly smaller than Fort Surveillance.
Fort Vigilance is also the home of both RDF
Earthquakes. Vigilance plays a back up role
to Surveillance in regards to patrolling the
borders; instead the personnel at Vigilance
concentrate more on manufacturing and
farming. Any extra manufactured goods and
farm crops go to supplement other military
bases. Troops are rotated through Vigilance
every twenty-four months. Fort Vigilance
has a full arsenal of mechanized and power
armor units, and a small military airfield. It
also has one of the largest military hospitals,
which helps in servicing both Fort Surveillance and Skyhawk AirCorp Base.

Fort Surveillance
Location: Built on top of the pre-rifts city of
Stationed Troops: 2 armies

Battleport Naval Base

Location: 35 miles north of New Seattle
Stationed Troops: 5 legions

Fort Surveillance guards the southern

entrance to the Crimson Republic. Surveillance is the largest fully active base in the
republic housing two full armies. The base
is a minor city and has all the amenities of
any large suburb or town. The base has a
large military airfield and a small civilian
airfield along the back western side. It also
has multiple divisions of heavy and light
mechanized units.
Troops are rotated
through Fort Surveillance every eighteen
months, and at any time up to one third of
the forts personnel can be out in the field.
There are listening posts, radar instillations,
and large mobile bases spread throughout
the area surrounding Surveillance. Surveillance and its personnel work in conjuncture
with Fort Vigilance and Skyhawk AirCorp

At one time Battleport Naval Base was a

fully functional United States naval base,
but a two thirds of the base was destroyed
during the coming of the rifts. The Crimson
Republic discovered the base in 101 PA and
started reconstruction of the base shortly
after finding multiple ships in near perfect
condition. The ships were found in protected concrete bunkers deep under ground,
but that was not the only thing found. They
found that what had killed the troops stationed at the base was not the rifts, but an
alien xenomorph that slowly took over the
entire base. The coming of the rifts just
sealed the xenomorph underground until the
republic rediscovered it. The already crumbling base was not helped by the vicious
battles that ensued while trying to reclaim

The Crimson Republic


the base. The republic was able to destroy

the infestation and close the rift to the
aliens home world, not to mention gain
possession of ten capital ships and 4 patrol
vessels. Reconstruction is almost three
quarters complete, and when finished the
naval base will be state of the art. The base
is massive with nine underground stories,
enough underground docking and repair facilities to house an entire fleet, and an incredible research and development plant.
Currently the Crimson Republic does not
have a very large navy when compared to
other countries or pirate companies, but it
does have an extreme amount of firepower
and a small fleet of mint condition ships.
SkyHawk AirCorp Base
Location: Rocky Mountains, Stretching
from the northern tip of Idaho to the
southern tip
Stationed Troops: 8 legions
SkyHawk is a marvel of Dwarven and
Gnomish engineering. The base stretches
over hundreds of miles and is connected by
both underground and above ground highways. Their are six basic components to
Skyhawk; the main underground airbase
near the middle of the Idaho Rockies, the
bomber base located at the northern extreme
of the mountain range, and four other medium above and belowground airbases strategically positioned throughout the mountains. This does not include the many and
various radar instillations, SAM positions,
or rapid response stations throughout the
mountains, all of which are connected by an
interlocking above and below ground tunnel/highway system. Skyhawk, like Battleport, is also not complete, but it is about
sixty-five percent operational. The Labor
Caste estimates it will take another eighteen
to twenty-six months, and thirty thousand
more troops to be fully operational. Thats
assuming the Xiticix dont cause to many
major problems. Shortly after commissioning the base to be built the area was found to
be being patrolled by the Xiticix, and it was
also found that this hive may very well be
larger than the Tolkeen hive.
The Crimson Republic

Fort legionnaire
Location: Wenatchee National Forest
Stationed Troops: 3 armies
Fort Legionnaire is a huge, 2.2 million
acres, with a massive collection of large and
small fortifications at the center of that wilderness. The base is easily large enough to
accommodate two full armies, and has all
the necessary equipment and housing for
that large of a population. Fort Legionnaire
is the home of the famed Legionnaires, but
more importantly it is the training center for
active army troops and all new recruits.
This fort never rests, at any given time
somebody is doing some kind of training,
and people are always arriving or being
shipped out. Fort legionnaire is one of the
toughest, most comprehensive training facilities in the world. The Legionnaires go
through a six-month boot camp here, and
then attend the University of the Eleven Elven Sages for a year, only to return for another six month advanced training course.
Regular army boot camp is eighteen weeks,
and then the soldiers go to various military
schools anywhere from six months to eighteen months depending on what their MOS
is. Fort Legionnaire is often referred to as
the College, because of all the various
training programs and military schools.
Three armies are dispatched from, and overseen by Fort Legionnaire, but there are usually only one and a half armies on base at
any given time.
Fort Constantine
Location: 15 miles south of the ruins of
Stationed Troops: 2 army
Fort Constantine is in essence the headquarters of the military. People from all
four branches are stationed here. The fort is
very much like the pre-rifts NORAD, or
equivalent. This is where the Intelligence
Division and the ranking strategic command
is housed. There are more officers per capita here than any other military base. During
a time of war Fort Constantine is the brain

center of all operations. Its out of this fortification that all orders are given, all Intel is
reviewed, and all battle plans are made.
Knowing that a person can then understand
why the base is built the way it is. Fort
Constantine is eighty percent underground,
and the twenty percent that is above ground
is made of the same mega-damage mithril
alloy that Hammersmith and Forge are made
of. Constantine is the most structurally
sound and fortified of all the Crimson Republics bases.
Out of the two armies stationed here
there are at least twenty legions patrolling
throughout the interior of the republic,
though these legion are still considered to be
stationed out of Fort Constantine.
Fort Republica
Location: Pre-rifts Yakima Reserve Training Grounds
Stationed Troops: 2 armies
Fort Republica is the oldest fort in the
nation. It was built in 55 PA and has served
as the home for the 1st and 2nd Republican
armies ever since. Unlike the other bases
both the 1st and the 2nd armies are stationed
at Fort Republica full time. These armies
are the defense for the capital city of Crimson, and for the government of the Crimson
Republic. The other function of fort Republica is training grounds for the Armys reserve troops. Every member of the army
reserves will spend at least one month of
their year here. Seeing the base for the first
time its hard to tell that its a military base
at all, because one can hardly tell where Fort
Republica ends and the city of Crimson begins. The two are have grown so much and
so fast that the base appears like just another
suburb, until you see all the people in BDUs
driving camouflage vehicles. The actual
land that base has is much larger than most
people realize, because the only part of the
base they see is the populated areas near the
capital. The actual amount of acres controlled by Fort Republica is just shy of what
Fort Legionnaire has, but most of that is
woods and wilderness on the opposite side
of the base from the city of Crimson.
The Crimson Republic

Alaska Military Instillation

Location: 150 miles southwest of what use
to be Fairbanks
Stationed Troops: 4 battalions of army
1 battalion of AirCorp
10 teams of scientists
The Alaskan Military Instillation is a
joint venture between the Army and the
AirCorp. This instillation was discovered in
101 PA, and is in absolutely pristine condition. Its as if the rifts didnt destroy it, but
instead preserved it. The Instillation itself is
massive, and the entire thing is underground.
It is unknown what happened to the original
inhabitants. When the republic discovered
the base there was but a single Being there.
He offered no explanation as to where the
original people went to, nor did he offer any
insight as to what the base was for. The
Being simply said that he wanted to finish
his work, and when that work was completed he would leave. As for the base, The
Being said that the republic was welcome to
it. Its now 103 PA and the Being has left.
The Crimson Republic has sent three battalions of army and one battalion of AirCorp, along with teams of scientists, to investigate the massive military instillation.
Theyve also dispatched one battalion of
army engineers and geologists to explore
and map the Alaskan frontier.
There are fifteen underground levels in
the instillation, and each level has approximately nine hundred thousand square foot of
area. There were many very interesting
things still left in the base from the previous
owners. The republic has just begun to
thoroughly investigate this massive structure, but so far they have found 100 Glitterboy armors, 20 new Juggernaut separating
tanks, 200 Robojets, and 1,800 Mimics, and
thats only what theyve removed. Still left
in the base are 12 new style stealth bombers,
and whats believed to be 5 experimental
space fighters, three experimental space
transports, and 8 new troop transport/combat
robots. All this was found on levels two,
three, and four. Level one appears to be a
security checkpoint and intake area. There

are massive hydraulic loading docks, and

warehouse storage areas for non-secure supplies. On level five theyve found what the
scientists are calling an experimental cloaking devise like on the pre-rifts Star Trec
vids. Levels 6 thru 9 appear to be living
quarters and chow halls. Level 10 is the
command center for the whole operation
along with VIP and officers quarters. On
level 11 they found a new weapon prototype. No ones sure, but it may be an experimental rift weapon. Levels 12 thru 15
are extremely secure. As a matter of fact the
army has not been able to override the security codes to get onto those levels, and they
dont want to cut or blow theyre way threw
the security doors and barricades just yet.
However, they think they may have figured
out what is down there from hacking the
computer systems. They believe that there
is experimental technology based dimensional portals, or stargates housed on these
Aboveground surrounding the base is
old dilapidated razor wire fencing, and inside that are a few scattered mega-damage
military buildings. They were probably the
guards housing, and/or maintenance buildings. Theyve found that there are six
weapons towers that hydraulically rise out of
the ground and reach three hundred fifty
four feet in height. It only takes five minutes for these weapons towers to reach their
full height and be fully operational. The
weapon systems that were originally in the
towers are long gone, but the republic has
put new weapons systems in. They are also
repairing all the above ground structures,
razor wire fencing, and implementing a better security system. It will take some time,
but soon there will be four full legions stationed at the instillation.

The Crimson Republic


New R.C.C.s & O.C.C.s

Draconian R.C.C.
The Draconian are a warrior race of humanoid dragons that once served Takhisis,
the Queen of Darkness, on the world of
Krynn. She had them magically created
from the stolen eggs of good dragons to
serve her Dragon Highlords during the War
of the Lance. On their home world the Draconian were one of the most feared races
ever known. During the War of the Lance
they were responsible for more atrocities
and human deaths than any other of the Dark
Queens minions. The evil forces, led in the
most part by the Dragon Highlords and the
Draconian, were winning the war. Then the
good dragons found out that it was their
eggs that were used to create the Draconian,
so they joined the fight turning the tide
against the Dark Queen. During one of the
final battles, that included an almost totally
Draconian army, the good dragons and three
powerful human mages summoned a rift
right in the middle of the Draconian force.
More than two thirds of them vanished into
the rift; the Solamnic Knights destroyed the
remaining one third. It was that rift that
dumped the Draconian here on Earth.
At first the Draconian were as evil and
hateful as the Dark Queen they served, but
after years of watching thousands of their
own kind dying for the gains of other people, and then getting rifted here only to see
even more get slaughtered, they began to
change their ways. Originally, the bulk of
the Draconian landed in northern Canada,
but after years of fighting Xiticix and other
supernatural foes they migrated south into
the Crimson Republic. Here they found a
kingdom like no other theyd ever heard of,
with incredible weapons, and war machines
of inconceivable power. The fierce Draconian knew they could not win a fight against
this amazing and powerful country, so they
decided to swear loyalty to its king, and
The Crimson Republic

serve it. They were beyond shock to find

that no emperor or king ruled it, and the
concept of democracy and free choice was
mind boggling to them, but still they were
determined to serve it. So for the next fifteen years the Draconian studied and learned
the laws and the constitution of the Crimson
Republic, and obeyed them to the letter.
They did everything they could to adapt and
integrate themselves into the republics society, and they were finally rewarded when
the city-state of New Seattle was accepted as
the first member state of the Crimson Republic. The Draconian are now full citizens
of the Crimson Republic and they all serve
as loyal soldiers in its military.
Do to their intense study of the laws and
constitution when they first arrived almost
every Draconian is an expert in both areas.
They are also very well versed in the history, the society, and the military etiquette
of the Crimson Republic. The Sivaks and
Kapaks are especially knowledgeable in all
things political, and every Draconian votes
at every election, be it city, state, or republic.

Draconian: Sivak R.C.C.

The Sivak are species of Draconian that
were created from the corrupted eggs of Silver Dragons. They are the largest of the
Draconian standing almost nine foot tall and
weighing five hundred plus pounds. The
Sivak have gleaming silver scales and coal
black eyes. They emit a mild odor that
smells like hot metal and smoke. Sivaks are
very intelligent creatures and extremely
competent tacticians. They are intrigued by
modern technology, and love modern weaponry and weapon systems. They have a
natural knack for things mechanical and
electrical, they are especially good with
computers. Sivaks are the leaders within the
Draconian society, and they are also the disciplinarians among the other Draconian sol45

diers. Sivaks are experts at the law and the

constitution, and most are also experts in the
military penal codes.
R.C.C.: Supernatural warrior
Alignment: Any, but lean toward aberrant
Attributes: IQ 2D6 + 12, ME 3D6, MA
2D6 + 12, PS 2D6 + 18, PP 2D6 + 12, PE
3D6 + 10, PB 3D6, SPD 1D4 x 10 (Glidespd x 2/ Flying- 2D6 x 10 + 20)
Hit Points: PE x 5 + 1D6 per level
SDC: 1D6+2 x 100 + 50 + PE and physical
PPE: 1D4 x 10 + 5 per level
Horror Factor: 13 (14 in combat)
Natural Abilities: Immune to disease/
drugs/ poison, keen sight/hearing/smell,
night vision 350 feet, detect ambush 85%,
track by smell 68%, resistant to fire &
cold, can eat virtually anything, resist
hunger and thirst an amount of days equal
to their PE
Shape Changing Powers: When a Sivak
slays a humanoid its size or smaller it can
assume the form of that humanoid. The
Sivak does not gain any of its victims
powers, abilities, or memories, but it does
mimic the form and voice of the victim
perfectly. The Sivak still radiates magic
and see aura will reveal the Sivaks true
nature. The Sivak can remain in this form
for as long as they wish, but to assume a
different form they must slay a new humanoid. They can revert back to their
Draconian form at will.
Death Rattle: Depending on the size of its
slayer the Sivak will do one of two things
at the moment of death. If the slayer is the
Sivaks size or smaller the Sivak will assume the slayers form for three days, after which time the Sivak decomposes into
black soot. If the slayer is larger than the
Sivak then the Sivak will explode into
flames doing 4D4 points of damage to
everything in 10 radius.
Magic Powers: The Sivak at will can sense
magic, sense evil, or see invisible as if
they were a 3rd level mage, but they must
use PPE same as if they were casting the

The Crimson Republic

Psionic Powers: ISP ME + 20; mind block

and bio-regenerate
Combat: Chose either hand-to-hand expert
or hand-to-hand martial arts from the Palladium Fantasy book. In addition to
physical skills and attributes the Sivak receives the following bonuses: +2 attacks,
+3 to initiative, +3 to strike, +2 to roll
with fall/punch/impact, +6 vs. horror factor (+10 vs. dragons), +2 vs. magic, critical strike from behind, body/block tackle,
Grab/knee or slash (sword strike), leap
attack, +3 levels on large sword proficiency
R.C.C. Skills: WP- knife, WP- large sword,
WP- large shield, WP- longbow, 4 WPs of
choice, basic- math, radio- basic, recognize weapon quality, intelligence, military
fortifications, military etiquette, heraldry,
magic lore, demon/monster lore, faerie
lore, demolitions, weapon systems, field
armorer, read sensory equipment, prowl,
track humanoid, land navigation, climb,
speak- Dragonese 98%, speak- 5 languages of choice, literacy- 3 of choice, 3
physical skills of choice. Choose three
additional skills from any category except
physical. Choose 2 more skills at levels 3,
5, 7, 9, and 11. All R.C.C. skills receive a
Secondary Skills: Choose 8 from any category except physical and then 2 more at
levels 4, 8, 10 and 13
Experience Levels: Use the Knight experience table in the Palladium Fantasy
Lifespan: 1,000 to 1,500 years
Size: 8 to 9 feet tall
Weight: 450 to 650 lbs

Draconian: Kapak R.C.C.

Kapaks are a venomous species of Draconian created from corrupted Copper
Dragon eggs. They were bred to be assassins and archers for service in Takhisis
Dragonarmies. They stand six foot tall and
usually weigh two hundred to three hundred
pounds. Their scales are dull copper tinged
with green, their eyes are greenish brown or

orange brown, and they have reddish brown

hair hanging from both sides of their mouth.
Kapaks are the most evil of the Draconian
here on Rifts Earth, but the Sivaks keep
them in line and out of trouble. Kapaks will
sometimes hire themselves out to the Syndicate to do assassinations or murders outside
of the Crimson Republic, but only if they
can accomplish the mission without the Sivaks knowing about it. They are extremely
knowledgeable in all areas of the law and
military regulations. They also make it a
point to stay very involved with current
events and politics. Kapaks dont show a lot
of interest in modern technology, but they
are willing to learn what they need to know
as far as doing their job, or completing a
Surprisingly, Kapaks are not
greedy and dont hoard money or magic, but
instead they believe strongly in using whatever they earn for the common good of the
Draconian community.
R.C.C.: Supernatural warrior
Alignment: Usually aberrant or miscreant
Attributes: IQ 3D6, ME 2D6 + 12, MA
3D6, PS 2D6 + 12, PP 2D6 + 12, PE 3D6
+ 10, PB 3D6, SPD 1D4 x 10 (Glide- spd
x 2)
Hit Points: PE x 3 + 1D6 per level
SDC: 1D4 x 100 + 50 + PE and physical
PPE: 1D4 x 10 + 5 per level
Horror Factor: 12
Natural Abilities: Immune to disease/
drugs/ poison, keen sight/hearing/smell,
night vision 350 feet, detect ambush 65%,
Prowl 85%, track by smell 68%, chameleon 3/day, resistant to fire & cold, can eat
virtually anything, resist hunger and thirst
an amount of days equal to their PE.
Venomous Glands: Kapaks have poison
glands located under their tongues that
continually secrete a thick, yellowish poison. The glands are magical in nature and
can secret an almost limitless supply of
poison. The Kapaks will lick their weapons to coat them with this poison. The
poison lasts 3 melees before it evaporates.
A short sword or larger can strike three
times before it must be recoated, but anyThe Crimson Republic

thing smaller than a short sword is only

good for one strike. It takes the Kapak
two actions to coat a small weapon (dagger, throwing star, arrow, ect), or one melee for a large weapon (short sword or
bigger). Victims struck with the poison
must successfully save vs. poison or be
paralyzed for 2D6 turns (20 to 60 minutes).
Death Rattle: At the moment of death a
Kapak will instantly dissolve into a 10
foot wide pool of magic acid. Any one
within that pool will take 1d8 points of
damage for 1D6 + 4 melees (no saving
throw). The pool will evaporate in 1D6 +
4 melees. All items the Kapak possesses,
including magic items, are rendered useless or destroyed.
Magic powers: None
Psionic powers: ISP 1D4 x 10 + ME + 1d8
per level; auto mind block, catatonic
strike, pyrokinesis, hypnotic suggestion,
see invisible, see aura, bio-regenerate, detect psionics, object read, sense magic,
sense evil, presence sense
Combat: Chose either hand-to-hand assassin or hand-to-hand martial arts from the
Palladium Fantasy book. In addition to
physical skills and attributes the Kapak receives the following bonuses: +2 attacks,
+3 to initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to roll
with fall/punch/impact, +6 vs. horror factor (+10 vs. dragons), +1 vs. magic, critical strike from behind, body/block tackle,
leap attack
R.C.C. Skills: WP- knife, WP- short sword,
WP- small shield, WP- longbow, 4 WPs
of choice, track humanoid, land navigation, pick locks, conceal, detect conceal,
sniper, intelligence, radio- basic, basic
math, faerie lore, demon/monster lore,
magic lore, military etiquette, climb,
speak- Dragonese 98%, speak- 4 languages of choice, literacy- 3 of choice, 3
physical skills of choice. Choose three
additional skills from any category except
physical. Choose 2 more skills at levels 3,
5, 7, 9, and 11. All R.C.C. skills receive a


Secondary Skills: Choose 8 from any category except physical and then 2 more at
levels 4, 8, 10 and 13
Experience Levels: Use the assassin experience table in the Palladium Fantasy
Lifespan: 1,000 to 1,500 years
Size: 6 feet
Weight: 200 to 300 lbs.

Draconian: Bozak R.C.C.

Bozak were created from the corrupted
eggs of Bronze Dragons. They are just over
six feet tall and weigh an average of two
hundred fifty to three hundred fifty pounds.
Their scales are deep bronze in color, and
they have dark green eyes. Bozak are very
quick-witted and shrewd, and they have a
natural gift for spell casting. On their home
world of Krynn, the Bozak served the Dark
Queen as both warrior mage and priest.
They are the ones that taught the other Draconian Takhisis religion, and how to worship her.
Being the most devote of all the Draconian its rather surprising that it was them
who first saw the Dark Queen for what she
was, a self serving and hateful demigoddess.
After getting rifted to Earth the Bozak
prayed and built shines to Takhisis in the
hopes she would hear them, and come save
the Draconian, but if she heard she did not
care what fate befell them. In the first five
years over half the Draconian were slaughtered by other supernatural foes, and the
Dark Queen did nothing. The Bozak continued to lead them in prayer, but those
prayers were never answered. Then on a
day the Bozak call the Day of Truth they had
a vision of a dragon god who showed them
the folly of their beliefs. This god showed
them that Takhisis not only had the power to
save them, but also instead chose not to save
them because she blamed them for loosing
the war. Since that day the Bozak never
again worshipped Takhisis, Queen of Darkness. Now they live their lives repenting for
the evil and death they brought to their
world, and many Bozak have found solace
The Crimson Republic

in the all-forgiving god of the Jesuit faith,

and have become devote followers.
R.C.C.: Supernatural warrior
Alignment: Any, but lean toward good
Attributes: IQ 2D6 + 12, ME 3D6, MA
3D6, PS 2D6 + 12, PP 2D6 + 12, PE 3D6
+ 10, PB 3D6, SPD 1D4 x 10 (glide- spd x
Hit Points: PE x 3 + 1D6 per level
SDC: 1D4 x 100 + 50 + PE and physical
PPE: 1D6 x 10 + PE + 3D6 per level
Horror Factor: 12
Natural Abilities: Immune to disease/
drugs/ poison, keen sight/hearing/smell,
night vision 350 feet, detect ambush 85%,
track by smell 68%, resistant to fire &
cold, can eat virtually anything, resist
hunger and thirst an amount of days equal
to their PE, at will sense magic or evil, see
invisible (always active)
Death Rattle: At the moment of death the
Bozaks flesh and all their possessions
turn to dust blow away leaving only a
skeleton. This takes one full melee round
to happen, and then the skeleton explodes
showering anyone in 20 foot radius with
razor sharp bone fragments. All those in
the area effect take 5D4 damage (no saving throw).
Magic Powers: Bozak start with following
spells and cast all spells (including spell
strength) as a wizard of equal level: Cloud
of Smoke, Shadow Meld, Levitate, Armor
of Ithan, Call Lightning, Globe of Daylight, Fireball, Fly as Eagle, Invisibility, &
Magic Net. They can learn spells like a
normal wizard and receive the O.C.C.
Psionic Powers: ISP ME + 20; mind block
and bio-regenerate
Combat: Starts with hand-to-hand expert
from the Palladium Fantasy book. In
addition to physical skills and attributes
the Bozak receives the following bonuses:
+1 attack, +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +2
to roll with fall/punch/impact, +6 vs. horror factor (+10 vs. dragons), +2 vs. magic,
critical strike from behind, body/flip
throw, leap attack

R.C.C. Skills: WP- knife, WP- short sword,

WP- small shield, 4 WPs of choice, intelligence, basic math, faerie lore, demon/monster lore, magic lore, military
etiquette, chemistry, biology, basic electronics, radio basic, land navigation,
climb, prowl, religious lore, D-bee lore,
speak- Dragonese 98%, speak- 5 languages of choice, literacy- 5 of choice, 3
physical skills of choice. Choose three
additional skills from any category except
physical. Choose 2 more skills at levels 3,
5, 7, 9, and 11. All R.C.C. skills receive a
Secondary Skills: Choose 8 from any category except physical and then 2 more at
levels 4, 8, 10 and 13
Experience: Use the wizard experience table in the Palladium Fantasy book
Lifespan: 1,000 to 1,500 years
Size: 6 plus feet tall
Weight: 250 to 350 lbs.

Draconian: Baaz R.C.C.

The Baaz are the smallest of the Draconian standing at an average of five and a half
feet and weighing about two hundred
pounds. They have mottled scales in various
shades of bronze to deep green, and their
eyes are blood red. The Baaz make up the
majority of the Draconian population. They
are the most chaotic and unruly of the Draconian, but the Bozak and the Sivak are very
good at keeping them in line. On their home
world the Baaz were at the bottom of the
Draconian social order. They were the foot
soldiers and shock troops that made up the
bulk of the Dragonarmies. They served their
Dragon Highlords well, and were responsible for more human deaths than any of the
other minions, or Draconian. Still, their superior officers and other Draconian, specifically the Kapak, made no effort to hide their
contempt for the Baaz, humiliating them at
every opportunity. The Baaz deeply resented this treatment, and its a feeling that
still lingers. The Baaz dislike and distrust
the Kapak even to this day, but they very
The Crimson Republic

much like and respect the Bozak and will

follow them almost unquestioningly. The
Baaz follow the Sivak out of fear and respect and will not willingly disobey or anger
The Baaz like alcohol very much and
are easily gotten drunk, but even when
drunk they are still fierce fighters and not to
be trifled with. They also still like the regal
uniform dress of the Dragonarmies and will
go to great lengths to recreate that appearance. The Baaz are cruel and sadistic fighters when enraged, and will stop at nothing to
win. They are extremely talented hand-tohand fighters and have adapted very well to
modern weapons.
R.C.C.: Supernatural warrior
Alignment: Any, but lean toward selfish
Attributes: IQ 2D6 +12, ME 3D6, MA
3D6, PS 2D6 + 12, PP 2D6 + 12, PE 3D6
+ 10, PB 3D6, SPD 1D4 x 10 (Glide- spd
x 2)
Hit Points: PE x 3 + 1D6 per level
SDC: 1D4+2 x 100 + 50 + PE and physical
PPE: 1D4 x 10 + 5 per level
Horror Factor: 12 (13 when engaged in
Natural Abilities: Immune to disease/
drugs/ poison, keen sight/hearing/smell,
night vision 350 feet, detect ambush 85%,
track by smell 68%, resistant to fire &
cold, can eat virtually anything, resist
hunger and thirst an amount of days equal
to their PE
Death Rattle: At the moment of death the
Baaz turn into a stone statue and will remain in that condition for three days. After three days the statue deteriorates into
black dirt. Anyone in hand-to-hand combat, who strikes the final blow killing the
Baaz must roll a successful parry against
their own strike, or have whatever they
struck the Baaz with also incased in the
stone statue.
Magic Powers: Same as the Sivak only at
twice the spell cost and 1st level proficiency
Psionic Powers: ISP ME + 20; mind block
and bio-regenerate

Combat: Chose either hand-to-hand expert

or hand-to-hand martial arts from the Palladium Fantasy book. In addition to
physical skills and attributes the Sivak receives the following bonuses: +2 attacks,
+3 to initiative, +3 to strike & parry, +2 to
roll with fall/punch/impact, +6 vs. horror
factor (+10 vs. dragons), +2 vs. magic,
critical strike from behind, grab/kick,
paired weapons, leap attack, death blow at
3rd level
R.C.C. Skills: WP- knife, WP- short sword,
WP- small shield, WP- ball & chain, 5
WPs of choice, basic- math, radio- basic,
recognize weapon quality, intelligence,
military etiquette, heraldry, magic lore,
demon/monster lore, faerie lore, field armorer, read sensory equipment, mechanicbasic, prowl, track humanoid, land navigation, climb, speak- Dragonese 98%,
speak- 4 languages of choice, literacy- 2
of choice, 3 physical skills of choice.
Choose three additional skills from any
category except physical. Choose 2 more
skills at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. All
R.C.C. skills receive a +10%.
Secondary Skills: Choose 8 from any category except physical and then 2 more at
levels 4, 8, 10 and 13
Experience: Use the soldier experience table in the Palladium Fantasy book
Lifespan: 1,000 to 1,500 years
Size: 5 to 5 feet tall
Weight: 200 to 275 lbs

Wererat R.C.C.
Wererats are race of humanoids that
have the ability to shape-change into giant
rats, humans, or a hybrid mix of the two.
They are carries of the rare disease, lycanthrope. The Crimson Republic allows the
Wererats to live within the republic and enjoy full citizenship only as long as they follow the strict laws put on their race. Any
Wererat that willingly inflicts or spreads
lycanthrope is punished by exile or death.
There are two ways to inflict someone with
lycanthrope: one, through a bite and two,
The Crimson Republic

through the exchange of bodily fluids.

Therefore, to mate with any humanoid outside of their race is illegal. Most Wererats
find this to be acceptable, because they
know there are very few places in the world
where they would not be hunted and destroyed in the first place, and secondly, they
prefer to mate among their own kind. In the
short time that the Wererats have been a part
of the Crimson Republic there have been
very few problems with either of these restrictions being broken.
Wererats are natural thieves, assassins,
and spies and have many qualities valuable
to the Crimson Republics government.
They also play a very important role within
the crime syndicate. The Wererats are very
loyal to the Crimson Republic and have a
strong sense of patriotism, which has also
made them a valuable asset. They are very
good at many very bad things, but because
there are ways to use these natural talents to
benefit the republic they have been able to
find their own niche in society, and are able
to follow the strict laws they are governed
The Wererats primarily live in New Seattle, where they have built a complex underground community. Some of the other
races are fearful and untrusting of the Wererats, but there has been no open hostility
towards them. Outside of their own community the Wererats get along best with the
Draconians and the Minatours.
R.C.C.: Supernatural shape changer
Alignment: Usually selfish
Attributes: IQ 3D6, ME 3D6 + 6, MA 3D6,
PS 2D6 + 8, PP 2D6 + 20, PE 4D6, PB
2D6 + 3, SPD 5D6 + 5
Hit Points: PE + 15 + 1D6 per level
SDC: 2D4 x 10 + PE
PPE: 1D4 x 10 + PE + 1D4 per level
Horror Factor: 12 as a giant rat or
rat/humanoid hybrid
Natural Abilities: Prowl 75%, swim 75%,
detect ambush 80%, track by smell 60%,
climb 75%, acrobatics 80%, gymnastics
60%, immune to poison and disease,
keen hearing/smell/movement detection,
night vision 350 feet, bio-regenerate 2d8

hit points per hour (x3 SDC), natural

thief and scavenger
Limited Invulnerability: Energy, fire, bullets, wood, cold, and explosives due
only damage, and their natural regeneration heals those wounds at double the
normal rate (4d8 per hour).
Shape Changing Powers: At will a Wererat
can assume the form of a human, a giant
rat (size varies with individual Wererat,
but at least 3 feet long and 1 foot tall up
to 7 feet long and 4 feet tall), or an
upright rat/humanoid hybrid.
rat/humanoid hybrid is a monstrous
form usually only assumed for combat,
or when trying to horrify someone.
Shape changing takes about 15 seconds
(1 melee), and can be done as often as
the creature desires.
Magic Powers: Can casts the following
spells like a wizard of equal level at the
normal PPE cost: cloud of smoke,
shadow meld, see invisibility, sense
magic, and teleport object
Psionic Powers: ISP 6D6 + 10 + ME; sixth
sense, see aura, mind block, presence
sense, and psi-dagger
Combat: Chose either hand-to-hand expert
or hand-to-hand assassin from the Palladium Fantasy book. In addition to
physical skills and attributes Wererats
receive the following bonuses: +2 attacks in hybrid form/+1 attack in human
form, +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +1 to
parry & dodge, +1 to roll with
fall/punch/impact, +6 to save vs. horror
factor, +2 to save vs. psionics, +2 to
save vs. magic, auto dodge, leap attack,
and critical strike or knockout from behind.
R.C.C. Skills: Streetwise, radio-basic,
tracking, land navigation, basic electronics, detect concealment, escape artist, concealment,
read/write 1 of choice, speak 3 of
choice, and choose 7 other skills from
any category. Also choose 2 more skills
at levels 3, 5, 8, 10, and 13. All R.C.C.
skills are at +15%.

The Crimson Republic

Secondary Skills: Choose 10 from any

category and then choose 2 more at levels 4, 6, and 9.
Experience Levels: Use the Cityrat experience table in the Rifts RPG
Lifespan: 95 years
Size: Same as a human
Weight: Same as a human

Legionnaire O.C.C.
The soldiers stand at attention while a
large Wolfen in black BDUs addresses them.
Congratulations ladies, you were lucky
enough to bullshit a couple of Dandelion
Eaters into believing you might have some
magic talents. And the assholes in personnel would give a pass to any moron, who
had the seeds to come to my hellhole for six
months! So wipe the proud looks off your
mugs, cause as far as Im concerned they
sent me a bunch of washouts, the Wolfen
barks. So you think you got what it takes
to be killers? Legionnaires? Goddamn
magic wielding heroes for the Crimson Republic?
In one unified voice the soldiers bellow,
Yes we do, Drill Instructor!
Well then, welcome to Fort Legionnaire, the most brutal, grueling military
training post in North America. My name is
Drill Instructor Ennison, and youd better
be prepared for six months of hell, because I
will show you no mercy, and no remorse. I
will break you down, and then I will push
you until you break and run, or stand and
fight. Either way, youre gonna have to dig
deeper inside yourself then ever before to
survive my mental and physical onslaught.
By four weeks into this training one forth of
you will have washed out, and like a shark
who smells blood in the water, I will come at
you harder and stronger.
While you exist in my world you will be
hungry, cold, and tired, but to be a Legionnaire you will have to endure these hardships. You will learn to ignore pain and
fatigue. Goddamn it, you will revel in 'em. I
will work you in the cold and the rain until
your whole body shudders with agony. I

will make you run until you puke. I will

make you eat mud until you shit enough
grade A black dirt to give a farmer a hard
on! I am going to hurt you!" Ennison
pauses and stares at the soldiers a moment
to emphasize the point, and then he begins
barking again.
"You better get used to the constant
noise of gunfire and explosions, because
that's what will lull you to sleep at night,
when you are able to sleep. And you had
better sleep light, because it will be the silence of your enemy that wakes you in the
mourning. But I alone will teach you how to
kill your enemy. I will teach you to fire a
weapon in the most stressful of situations
with deadly accuracy. You will learn to
fight and kill with your bare hands. You will
learn how to creep through the woods and
eliminate your enemy, and all his friends. I
breed commandos here, real live killers! Do
you understand me, Pukes?
Again in unison, Yes sir, Drill Instructor
Then rather abruptly Ennison stops. He
looks over the formation of serious young
soldiers with very determined looks on their
faces and sees one face that does not look
determined. It looks scared.
"You! Rabbit boy, front and center."
The young soldier runs forward and
stands at attention in front of the drill sergeant.
"Does my yelling scare you son?"
"No sir, Drill Instructor."
"Then why do you have that "I just
pissed myself" look written all over your
face? I think I do scare you. I don't think
you are a killer, boy. I think you're prey.
You got eyes on the side of your head, boy?
Does the thought of thrusting a knife in a
man's chest while you stare into his slowly
dying eyes make you want to wet yourself? I
bet it does. I'll bet combat in general gives
you a weak bladder. Do the doc's at central
know you're a bed wetter? Cause I think the
smell of urine is familiar to you, boy."
"No Drill Instructor, I'm not scared,
Drill Instructor"
"Well, goddamnit, you should be!
Cause I'll be watching you, Rabbit. Now get
The Crimson Republic

out of my face." Ennison returns his focus

back to the formation. "Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, if you
bunch of wannabe's can pass my boot camp
then the Dandelion Eaters might just teach
you magic. But don't get all excited cause
there is no way in hell you ladies are gonna
pass. Hell, I expect to lose half of you pansies during the supernatural threat assessment training." Ennison pauses and takes
another long look at the formation of legionnaire hopefuls as he walks up and down
the ranks. After three or four minutes of
silence and a lot of studying he continues,
"Those lucky few who do survive, and I literally mean survive, will be born again
hard! They will be able to hold their heads
high and say they are real life fucking killers, and soon to be Legionnaires. Now go
stow your shit in the barracks and I want
your asses back in formation in fifteen minutes".
Six months later
Ennison looks the soldiers over one last
time. Out of the original maniple only sixteen soldiers remain. Thirty-four men and
women washed out, got injured, or even
worse, got dead. These sixteen are all that
remains, and today they graduate from Fort
"Well, ladies, phase one of Legionnaire
training is over, but don't you think for one
minute that this means your hell is over.
Cause now you get to go to the University
where your truly punishing training begins.
This was just a warm up. The next twelve
months will be spent with an Elven Archmage, who makes me look like a real fun
guy. What I taught you was easy! What
they teach you will be the most trying ordeal
of your lives. You thought I was inhuman?
Well, you ain't seen nothin' yet. I taught you
how to be killers, and now the Elves will
teach you how to be Legionnaires! And if
you can survive their training the Senators
of Crimson are gonna send you on a well
deserved vacation. You'll get to spend six
months in merry-o-England defending the


Lough Gar tree from the Splugorth hordes.

"Yes, Drill Instructor!"
"Your not scared of those Dandelion
Eaters, are you?"
"No, Drill Instructor. I'm not Drill Instructor"
"How 'bout the Splugorth hordes, Rabbit?"
"Drill Instructor, Maybe a little, Drill
"Well you should be, but I will say
you've proven you got guts. Who knows
Rabbit, you might make a Legionnaire yet.
Well, ladies it's time to find out whether you
got what it takes."
The Legionnaire O.C.C. is a combination of a wizard and a Special Forces commando. They are the most highly trained
troops in the Crimson Republic. They go
and do all the missions that normal troops
cannot or would not survive. The Legionnaires are experts in combat and warfare.
They are in every way equal, maybe even
superior to, the famed and feared Battle
Magnus. The training is incredibly tough
and the mental will power that a trooper
must have to get through it is tougher. They
must pass both psychological and magic
aptitude testing before even being considered. And then the training is brutal, taking
a total of two years to complete. The wash
out rate is high because mentally or magically many just dont have what it takes.
O.C.C. Abilities & Bonuses:
Physical: Do to the intense training and exercises Legionnaires go through they receive bonuses to their physical stats and
combat skills. Legionnaires are some of
the best physical specimens the Crimson
Republic has to offer to the battlefield.
Legionnaires physically train for an average of four to six hours a day. A Legionnaire knows their limitations, and just how
far they can truly push their bodies. They
know every muscle and every tendon.
They are in perfect combat form, or they
are not Legionnaires for long. They can
The Crimson Republic

hold their breathe twice as long as a normal human, they fatigue at one third the
normal rate, have superior balance (+2
maintain balance), and can leap 10% farther. Legionnaires receive +1D4 x 10
SDC; +1D4 PE, PS & PP; +1 attack per
melee; +2 parry, dodge, and roll
w/fall/punch/impact; +20% save vs.
coma/death; and +1 on initiative. They
also receive +2 to strike with all modern
weapons and on all called shots.
Mental: Legionnaires go through grueling
mental tests. Their will power and mental
endurance are pushed to the limit, and
then to the breaking point. They are
trained with no sleep, food, and very little
water at times, and other times they must
face extreme weather and harsh living
conditions. Only the mentally tough are
able to complete the training. The Drill
Sgt.s purposely deprive them of sleep, and
keep them wet and cold to gauge how they
will react under adverse or stressful situations. To pass the training it is important
to be in good physical shape, but not
nearly as important as being in perfect
mental condition. The stress levels during
training are as close to real combat as possible, and it lasts for 6 months. The failure rate is extremely high, and to pass this
training the Legionnaires must have high
MEs. These are the most mentally disciplined troops in the republic. They show
very little emotion when doing their job
and, they have no conscious or remorse
when dealing with the enemy, or completing a mission. Legionnaires receive a
+3 to ME; spells & psionics that cause
confusion, dizziness, or dull the mind are
at duration and effect; +2 or +20% vs.
pain, mind control, fatigue, hunger, or any
skill that must be accomplished under extreme stress. They also receive a +1 vs.
possession at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, 15 and +1
vs. horror factor at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,
and 15.
Magic: Legionnaires are trained in magic.
This starts immediately after the 6 months
of basic training and lasts the rest of their
military career. For the first five years an
average Legionnaire will spend 20 to 40

hours a week studying magic if they are

not in the field. This is one area where the
mental training and discipline pays off.
The military teaches the Legionnaires new
spells at the beginning of each new experience level, but at any time a Legionnaire
can use scrolls, learn new spells, or study
arcane books to gather more magic
knowledge. For all intents and purposes
they are wizards, and will use the Palladium Fantasy book wizard O.C.C. for
spell strength, recognize enchantment,
recognize magic, and magical bonuses.
Their PPE and spells are as follows: base
2D4 x 10 + PE and they receive 2D6 per
level. The Legionnaires spell progression
is as follows:
1st level: Super Natural Strength; Supernatural Speed; Breathe Without Air; Impervious to Energy; Magic Shield; Lightblade;
Call Lightning; Fuel Flame; Light Target;
2nd level: Armor of Ithan; Deflect; Distant
Voices; Levitation; Chameleon; Energy
Bolt; Crushing Fist; Powerbolt; Carpet of
Adhesion; Fire Fist
3rd level: Chromatic Projection; Negate
Magic; Winged Flight; Watchguard; Energy Disruption; Chose 2 spells between
1st level and 6th level
4 level and above: Choose 3 new spells
between 1st level and 9th level
Alignment Restrictions: Miscreant or diabolical
Racial Restrictions: Any who cant learn
Psionic: Only if received from racial abilities
Attribute Requirements: PE & ME of 17,
IQ of 15
MOS Skills: choose one of the skill packages below (all skills are at +20%)
1.) Weapons Expert: WP- heavy; robot
combat-elite (choose 2 types); weapon
systems; read sensory equipment; radar/sonar operation
2.) Medic: field surgery; paramedic; biology (choose 3 races); chemistry; holistic

The Crimson Republic

3.) Recon: detect ambush; detect concealment; trap/mine detection; sniper; demolitions; electronic counter measures
4.) Commando: WP- heavy; interrogation
techniques; trap/mine construction; sniper;
demolitions; robot combat-elite
5.) Engineer: military fortification; weapons engineer; mechanical engineer; computer programming; surveillance systems;
basic electronics
6.) Demolitions: demolitions disposal;
demolitions; underwater demolitions; nuclear/biological/chemical
trap/mine construction; homemade explosives
O.C.C. Skills: character receives all the
skills below and can choose 2 new skills at
levels 2, 6, 10, and 12. All O.C.C. skills are
at +15%.
Wilderness survival
Radio- basic
Language (select 3)
Land navigation
Literacy: Latin
Lore- magic
Literacy: Dragonese
Lore- demon/monster
Literacy: (select 1)
Lore- D-bee
Native Language:
Computer operation
(Dragonese 98%)
Robot combat- basic
Math: advanced
WP- e-pistol
Select 1 technical
WP- e-rifle
Select 1 science
WP- 2 of choice
Select 1 domestic
Athletics: general
Hand-to-Hand Combat: Legionnaire:
Attacks per Melee: 3
Escape Moves: Roll with punch/fall/impact,
Maintain balance
Defensive Moves: Auto-parry, Multiple
dodge, Disarm, Circular parry
Hand Attacks: Strike (punch), Knife hand,
Palm strike, Backhand
Foot Attacks: Kick, Round kick, Crescent
kick, Jump kick, Backward sweep, Axe
Holds/Locks: Neck hold/choke, Arm hold,
Elbow lock, Wrist lock
Special Attacks: Auto body flip/throw,
Body block/tackle, Grab/kick, knee, elbow

Modifiers to Attacks: Knock out/stun,

Critical strike, Critical strike from rear,
Martial Art Powers: Chose 2 from Body
Hardening and 1 from Arts of Invisibility
Level 1: +3 strike, +2 parry & dodge, +1
roll, Critical strike & knock out/stun from
Level 2: +1 maintain balance & disarm, +2
body flip/throw
Level 3: +1 attack, +1 parry & dodge,
Choose 1 new power from either Body
Hardening or Arts of Invisibility
Level 4: +2 strike, +2 body block/tackle, +1
Level 5: +1 attack, autobody flip/throw,
Critical strike on natural 18-20
Level 6: +1 maintain balance & disarm, +1
body block/tackle, +2 parry
Level 7: Critical flip/throw on natural 18-20
(does 2D6 damage), Choose 1 new power
from either Body Hardening, Arts of Invisibility, or Atemi
Level 8: +1 attack, +1 strike & parry, +1
body flip/throw
Level 9: +1 dodge & roll, Critical body
block/tackle on natural 18-20 (does 2D6
Level 10: +1 attack, +1 maintain balance &
disarm, +1 body block/tackle
Level 11: +1 strike & parry, +1 body
flip/throw, Choose 1 new power from either Body Hardening, Arts of Invisibility,
or Atemi
Level 12: +1 dodge & roll, +1 body
Level 13: +1 attack, Critical strike on natural 17-20
Level 14: +1 strike & parry, Critical
flip/throw on natural 17-20
Level 15: +1 dodge & roll, Critical body
block/tackle on natural 17-20

supplies. They receive seven sets of

BDUs, two sets of formal dress, a standard
military backpack w/gear, a spell book
(blank), one suit of light and one suit of
heavy armor, AWS-55 Barracuda e-pistol,
AWS-60 Backup e-pistol, AWS-430
Grunt infantry assault rifle, and a choice
of one of the following weapons- ET-450
Armorbane assault weapon, AWS-TPL01
Striker assault weapon, AWS-422 Devastator assault weapon, or the AWS-340
Metal Storm gatling weapon.
Money: 42,000 credits a year
Cybernetics: none; cybernetics interfere
with casting magic

Secondary skills: Choose 4 skills from any

category, and choose 2 skills at levels 3, 7,
11, and 15. Secondary skills receive no
Standard Equipment: A Legionnaire starts
off with Crimson Republic military issued
The Crimson Republic


Damage Conversion Table

I have chosen to do damage different than the original Rifts RPG system. Everything is
based on SDC and Hit Points instead of mega-damage points. The concept of mega-damage is
used insofar as there are composite (i.e. mega-damage) materials that have a greater SDC value
than non mega-damage materials. Example: a pre-rift Ford Explorer and a suit of standard Dead
Boy armor may very well be able to take the same amount of damage, whereas a mega-damage
vehicle would have significantly more SDC than both of those things. In this world it is not 100
SDC to every 1 MDC.
Next I have changed the values of gun and explosive's damages drastically, because there
again I wanted modern weapons to pose a real and believable threat to characters and NPCs. I
tried to find a medium where energy weapons and modern explosives were more realistic, and
also in a way that a person would not have to be constantly figuring out SDC vs. MDC values. I
felt modern weapons should be a threat to anyone or anything no matter the level or power of
the character. After all guns are the great equalizer. This system is also more magic friendly
when using spells that affect SDC or Hit Points directly. Lastly it enables me to bring fantasybased creatures into the rifts world without having to convert those creatures from SDC to
MDC. The Table below is for converting damages out of other Rifts world books to work in
my damage/SDC system
2D4 = 6D6 + 10
2D6 = 1D4 x 10 + 10
3D6 = 1D6 x 10 + 10 4D6 = 1D6 x 10 + 20
5D6 = 2D6 x 10 + 10 6D6 = 2D6 x 10 +20
1D4 x 10 = 3D4 x 10 + 10
1D6 x 10 = 3D6 x 10 + 20
Book damage x 5
HE = 2D4 x 10 + 20 (15 foot area)
FRAG = 2D4 x 10 + 20 (1-15 foot area)
1D4 x 10 + 10 (16-20 foot area)
5D6 + 10 (21-25 foot area)
PLASMA = 3D4 x 10 +10 (12 foot area)
MICRO-FUSION = 3D4 x 10 + 20
(15 foot area)
EMP = special damage and effect
HE INCENDIARY= 2D4 x 10 + 45
(25 foot area)
(Anything flammable with in
25 feet bursts into flame)
INCENDIARY= 2D4 x 10 + 15

The Crimson Republic

HE (liquid explosive) = 1D6 x 10
(10 foot area)
AP = 1D4 x 10 + 30 (2 to 3 foot area)
PLASMA = 2D4 x 10 (8 foot area)
HE = 2D6 x 10 (15 foot area)
FRAG = 2D6 x 10 (1-15 foot area)
1D6 x 10 (16-30 foot area)
6D6 (31-45 foot area)
AP = 3D4 x 10 + 10 (10 foot area)
PLASMA = 3D6 x 10 (30 foot area)
HE = 4D6 x 10 (30 foot area)
FRAG = 4D6 x 10/ 3D6 x 10/ 2D6 x 10
(1-40 foot/41-80 foot/81-120 foot)
PLASMA = 5D8 x 10 (30 foot area)
AP = 4D8 x 10 (15 foot area)
MULTI-WARHEAD = 6D8 x 10 + 100
(120 foot area)
NUCLEAR = 3D6 + 12 x 100*
(1000 foot area)
HE = 5D6 x 10 + 30 (40 foot area)
FRAG = 5D6 x 10/ 4D6 x 10/ 3D6 x 10
(1-80 foot/81-160 foot/161-240 foot)


(3 foot area)
CS/SMOKE= no damage
HE PLATIQUE = 3D6 x 10 + 20 (12 oz)
FUSION = 3D6 x 10 + 20 (6 oz)
LIQUID = 4D6 x 10 + 60 (10 oz)
NUCLEAR = 1D4 x 100
HEAVY = 4D6 x 10 + 40
MEDIUM = 2D6 x 10 + 2O
LIGHT = 1D4 x 10 + 10
ANTI-PERSONNEL = 1D4 x 10 + 20
(360 and covers 35 foot radius)
CLAYMORES = 2D4 x 10 + 30
(180 and out 50 feet)
SUPER = 2D4 x 100
HEAVY = 5D6 x 10 + 50
MEDIUM = 3D6 x 10 + 30
LIGHT = 1D6 x 10 + 10
* All mines can be made smart mines
60 mm to 115 mm
HE = 3D6 x 10 (30 foot)
FRAG = same as SR-missile frag
PLASMA = 3D8 x 10 (30 foot)
AP = 4D6 x 10 (15 foot)
120 mm to 195 mm
HE = 4D6 x 10 (30 foot)
PLASMA = 4D8 x 10 (30 foot)
SUB-MUNITIONS = damage is same
as MR-missile frag
NUKE = 1D6 x 100 + 50 (150 foot)
200 mm and above use the following
HE = 5D6 x 10 (45 foot)
PLASMA = 5D8 x 10 (60 foot)
PROTON = 2D4 x 100 (300 foot)
NUKE (CLEAN) = 3D6 x 100 (300 foot)
SUB-MUNITIONS = use LR-missile frag
MEDIUM = 3D6 x 100 (300 foot area)
HEAVY = 4D6 x 100 (500 foot area)
(1500 foot area)

The Crimson Republic

AP = 5D8 x 10 (20 foot area)

PLASMA = 6D8 x 10 (30 foot area)
MULTI-WARHEAD = 6D10 x 100
(300 foot area)
PROTON = 6D10 x 100 (1000 foot area)
NUCLEAR = 3D6 + 12 x 1000 (5 miles) *
MULTI-NUCLEAR = 3D10 + 20 x
(50 mile area)
*Pre-rifts style nuclear weapons
(dirty nukes)
HE = 2D4 x 100
PLASMA = 2D6 x 100
PROTON = 3D6 x 100
NUCLEAR = 2D6 x 1000
HE = 2D4 x 10 + 20
PLASMA = 3D4 x 10 + 10
AP = 3D4 x 10 + 40
HE = 2D6 x 10 + 20
PLASMA = 3D6 x 10 + 10
AP = 3D6 x 10 + 40
HE = 3D6 x 10 + 10
PLASMA = 4D6 x 10 + 10
AP = 4D6 x 10 + 40
HE = 4D6 x 10 + 2O
PLASMA = 6D6 x 10 + 10
AP = 6D6 x 10 + 45
SUPER = 1D4 x 100 + 40
PROTON = 2D4 x 100 + 40
NUCLEAR = 3D6 x 100 + 100
LIGHT = 4D4 x 10 + 15
MEDIUM = 5D6 x 10 + 25
HEAVY (NUKES) = 3D6 x 100)
(300 foot area


Weapons & Armor

Ageous Arm & Weapon
12.5 mm Caseless Rifles &
Assault Weapons
AWS-150 H-Tech Assault Rifle
AWS-150 H-Tech is a lightweight assault
rifle that is easily used, cleaned, stored, and
used again. It can also be equipped with a
detachable shoulder stock.
Weight: 10.8 lbs. without stock.
Damage: 4D6 x 5
Range: 3000 feet (914.4 m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 or 100 round
Market Cost: 11,000 credits

AWS-180 Assassin Long-Range

Sniper Rifle
Designed to give maximum performance at
extreme ranges, the AWS-180 can accomplish any task necessary. With multiple options available, the Assassin can quickly be
altered to accomplish whatever the job may
be. Comes equipped with a standard highresolution telescopic scope (+2 to strike on
an aimed shot) and collapsing bipod.
Weight: 12.8 lbs
Damage: 4D6 x 5
Range: 6000 feet (1828.8 M)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 round
Market Cost: 75,000 credits for the basic
There are several optional packages
available for the AWS-180 Assassin:

The Crimson Republic

AWS-180 with Gas Shroud Bedding option and Silencer option - Gas Shroud
Bedding adds an additional +1 to strike,
while the silencer enables the weapon to
be totally silent past ten feet. Add 15,000
credits to base price for the Gas Shroud
Bedding option. Add 10,000 credits to
base price for the Silencer option.

AWS-190 Whisper Silenced

Takedown Sniper Rifle
This rifle comes standard with a highresolution telescopic scope (+2 to strike on
an aimed shot), a collapsible bipod and,
most importantly, a built-in silencer that
eliminates all sound past ten feet of the
weapon firing.
Weight: 9.6 lbs.
Damage: 4D6 x 5 per shot
Range: 6000 feet (1828.8 m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 round
Market Cost: 90,000 credits for the basic

AWS-120 Mauler Automatic Rifle / Grenade Launcher

A heavy, hard-hitting combination piece. A
laser designator mounted over the barrel is
standard (+1 to strike on an aimed shot).
Weight: 18 lbs.
Damage: 4D6 x 5
Grenade- varies
Range: Rifle - 3000 feet (914.4 m)/ Grenade
- 1200 feet (365.8 m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Grenade- bursts of 1 or 3
Payload: Rifle- 50 or 100 round magazines /
Grenade Launcher - 20 round
Market Cost: 32,000 credits


AWS-125 Mauler II Automatic

Rifle / Grenade Launcher
An improved version of the Mauler with a
lighter weight, increased reliability and increased range.
Weight: 15.5 lbs.
Damage: 4D6 x 5
Grenade: varies
Range: 3000 feet (914.4 m)/ Grenade - 1200
feet (365.8 m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Grenade- 1, 3, or 5 round burst
Payload: Rifle 50 or 100 round / Grenade
Launcher - 20 round magazine
Market Cost: 33,500 credits

AWS-160 Streetsweeper Automatic Carbine / Laser

A squat, heavy weapon about the size of an
Uzi with a laser weapon under the barrel.
This weapon has no conventional sights, but
it does have a laser indicator. This weapon
was designed to be fired from the hip.
Weight: 12.2 lbs.
Damage: 4D6 x 5
Laser- 3D6 x 10 + 20
Range: Carbine - 3000 feet / Laser - 2000
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 or 100- round magazine/ 20
shots per e-clip
Market Cost: 28,000 credits

AWS-170 Julius Submachine

gun / Laser
A light submachine gun capable of inflicting
good damage. A light laser is mounted under
the barrel, and either a fixed or removable
stock is available.
Weight: 6 lbs.
Damage: 4D6 x 5
Laser- 1D6 x 10 + 10
Range: 1500 feet / Laser - 1500 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: SMG 50 or 100 round magazine
Laser 20 shots per e-clip
The Crimson Republic

Market Cost: 22,000 credits

AWS-210 The Jack Automatic

Rifle / Laser
A general-purpose weapon that can accomplish almost any task required of it. Comes
equipped with a high-resolution scope (+2 to
strike on an aimed shot).
Weight: 8.8 lbs.
Damage: 4D6 x 10 + 10
Laser- 3D6 x 10 + 10
Range: Rifle: 3000 feet / Laser: 3000 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: Rifle: 50 or 100 round magazines /
Laser: 20 shots per e-clip
Market Cost: 27,000 credits

AWS-212 Reaper Assault Rifle /

A shortened version of the AWS-210 The
Jack, the Reaper was designed to function as
an all-around weapon that could be comfortably carried for days at a time in the wilderness. Comes with a standard telescopic
sight (+1 to strike on an aimed shot).
Weight: 6.8 lbs.
Damage: 4D6 x 5
Laser- 2D6 x 10 + 10
Range: Rifle: 2500 feet / Laser: 2000 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: Rifle: 50 or 100 round magazines /
Laser: 20 shots per e-clip
Market Cost: 24,000 credits

AWS-214 Bulldog Assault Carbine / Laser

A further shortened version of The Jack that
has proven popular in close combat situations.
Weight: 6.0 lbs.
Damage: 4D6 x 5
Laser- 2D6 x 10 + 10
Range: Carbine - 1000 feet / Laser - 2000
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks


Payload: Rifle: 50 or 100 round magazines /

Laser: 20 shots per e-clip
Market Cost: 22,000 credits

Payload: 50 or 100- round magazines / laser

- 20 shots per e-clip (short only)
Market Cost: 24,000 credits

AWS-230 Cannibal Submachine

gun / Laser

AWS-432 Pit Bull Assault Submachine gun

A submachine gun that is capable of firing

full-house 12.5mm AWS ammo of all types.

Lightweight and easily concealed. One can

see why its a popular model.

Weight: 5.5 lbs.

Damage: 4D6 x 5
Laser- 2D6 x 10 + 10
Range: SMG: 1000 feet / Laser: 1000 feet
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: SMG: 50 or 100 round magazines /
Laser: 20 shots per e-clip
Market Cost: 20,000 credits

Weight: 4.2 lbs.

Damage: 4D6 x 5
Laser- 2D6 x 10 + 10
Range: 1000 feet / Laser: 1600 feet
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 or 100 round magazines / Laser:
20 shots per e-clip
Market Cost: 21,000 credits

AWS-430 The Grunt Infantry

Assault Rifle

AWS-140 Avenger Automatic Rifle / Grenade Launcher

A solid infantry weapon that is equally as

good as any other nations model of infantry
rifle. The Grunt is the standard issue infantry weapon in the Crimson Republic.

An excellent combat rifle that has one of the

most advanced weapon sights ever designed
as standard equipment. This assembly includes telescopic, infrared, ultraviolet,
thermo graphic and passive night vision capabilities.

Weight: 8.8 lbs.

Damage: 4D6 x 5
Laser- 2D6 x 10 + 10
Range: 3500 feet / Laser: 2200 feet
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 or 100 round magazines / Laser:
20 shots per e-clip
Market Cost: 28,000 credits

AWS-130 Martial Assault Rifle /

The AWS-130 is designed to be a reliable
and effective weapon for use in urban CQB
(Close Quarters Battle). Featuring a detachable shoulder stock and standard telescopic
sight, this weapon is proving popular with
both military and urban peacekeeping forces
all over the Crimson Republic.
Weight: 7.2 lbs without stock.
Damage: 4D6 x 10
Laser- 2D6 x 10 + 10
Range: Rifle - 1000 feet / Laser - 2000 feet
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
The Crimson Republic

Weight: 9.5 lbs.

Damage: 4D6 x 5
Grenade- varies
Range: Rifle - 3000 feet / Grenade Launcher
- 1200 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Grenade- bursts of 1, 2, or 4
Payload: Rifle - 50 or 100 round magazine /
Grenade Launcher: 8 rounds in an internal
Market Cost: 28,000 credits

AWS-320 Stubby Gatling Assault

A short Gatling cannon, this weapon is capable of unloading an incredible amount of
damage quickly, but it does not allow for
large capacity drums. The barrels over heat
and will be ruined if its not allowed to cool
after firing 1000 rounds.
Weight: 15 lbs.

Damage: 4D6 x 5 x 5
Range: 2000 feet
Rate of Fire: 4 bursts per round
Payload: 100 or 200 round drum
Market Cost: 48,000 credits for the complete
unit (with stock of choice) or 34,000 credits for the barrel and receiver assembly

AWS-320 Stubby Gatling Assault

A short Gatling cannon, this weapon is capable of unloading an incredible amount of
damage quickly, but it does not allow for
large capacity drums. The barrels over heat
and will be ruined if its not allowed to cool
after firing 1000 rounds.
Weight: 15 lbs.
Damage: 4D6 x 5 x 5
Range: 2000 feet (609.6 m)
Rate of Fire: 4 bursts per round
Payload: 100 or 200 round drum
Market Cost: 48,000 credits for the complete
unit (with stock of choice) or 34,000 credits for the barrel and receiver assembly

AWS-340 Metal Storm Heavy

Gatling Assault Weapon
This massive piece of equipment is one of
the power armor pilot's weapons of choice.
Using belt-feed systems with these weapons
has given them a sizable edge in damage and
firepower over their adversaries. An e-clip is
able to power the barrel motor for 10 magazines.
Weight: 30 lbs.
Damage: 4D6 x 10
Range: 2500 feet (762)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
(fires 10 round bursts per shot)
Payload: 100 or 200 round drums
Market Cost: 75,000 credits for the complete
unit (comes with AWS-20 Heavy Stock)
or 60,000 credits for the barrel and receiver assembly

AWS-351 Lynx Assault Rifle

The Crimson Republic

A compact, fully automatic weapon, the

Lynx is the most common model in the
Predator series.
Weight: 5.6 lbs.
Damage: 4D6 x 5
Range: 1000 feet (304.8m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 or 100 round magazines
Market Cost: 16,000 credits

15.5 mm Caseless Rifles &

Assault Weapons
AWS-417 Splitter 15mm Caseless
SMG / Laser Blaster
Splitter has become very popular with Special Forces units and special Quatoria units
with in the Crimson Republic.
Weight: 5.6 lbs
Damage: 5D6 x 5
Laser- 2D4 x 10 + 20
Range: 1000 feet / Laser - 2000 feet
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 or 100-round magazines / Laser
- 20 shots per e-clip
Market Cost: 31,500 credits

AWS-425 Hailstorm 15mm Extended Caseless SMG

Another design popular with Special Forces
groups, the Hailstorm is a potent weapon for
its small size. When equipped with a telescopic sight, the Hailstorm is easily the
equal of most rifles.
Weight: 7.2 lbs
Damage: 5D6 x 5
Range: 1500 feet (457.2m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 or 100 round magazines
Market Cost: 31,000 credits

AWS-420 Jackhammer 15mm

Extended Caseless Assault Rifle

Jackhammer has excellent range, which

means that it can stand up against any of the
best infantry weapons sold today.
Weight: 7.8 lbs
Damage: 5D6 x 5
Range: 2500 feet (762m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 or 100 round magazines
Market Cost: 36,000 credits

AWS-421 Aggressor 15mm Extended Caseless Assault Rifle /

Laser Blaster
Another infantry weapon firing 15mm Extended Caseless rounds but with a laser
blaster under the barrel.
Weight: 11.8 lbs
Damage: 5D6 x 5
Laser- 2D6 x 10 + 20
Range: 2500 feet / Laser - 2000 feet
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 or 100-round magazines / Laser
- 20 shots per e-clip
Market Cost: 39,500 credits

AWS-422 Devastator 15mm Extended Caseless Assault Rifle /

Grenade Launcher
Another design for the infantryman. The
Devastator is equipped with a pump-action
grenade launcher under the barrel for antiarmor or anti-personnel use.
Weight: 12.3 lbs
Damage: 5D6 x 5
Grenade- varies
Range: 2500 feet / Grenade 1200 feet
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 or 100 round magazines / 5
shots in the grenade launcher
Market Cost: 41,000 credits

AWS-427 Blazer 15mm Extended Caseless SMG / Laser


The Crimson Republic

Also a popular special forces weapon, the

Blazer is selling even better than the Hailstorm because of the presence of an under
barrel laser.
Weight: 9.9 lbs
Damage: 5D6 x 5
Laser- 2D6 x 10 + 10
Range: 1500 feet / Laser - 2000 feet
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 or 100 round magazines / Laser
- 20 shots per e-clip
Market Cost: 34,500 credits

AWS-428 Jaguar 15mm Extended Caseless Sniper Rifle

The pride of the 15mm Extended Caseless
line of weapons, the Jaguar is a heavy
sniping weapon that can accurately strike a
target at the astounding distance of one and
a half miles. Equipped with a highresolution telescopic sight (+2 to strike on
an aimed shot), the Jaguar is a well-made
weapon that is popular with the armed
forces and Special Forces.
Weight: 10.2 lbs
Damage: 5D6 x 5
Range: 8000 feet (2438.4m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 round magazines
Market Cost: 90,000 credits

18.5mm & 20.5mm Rifles and

Assault Weapons
All the following weapons fire single shots,
3, or 5 round bursts.

AWS-361 18.5mm Tiger Assault

The Tiger is the most common heavy model
in the Predator series and is capable of delivering a major beating to anyone unfortunate enough to cross its path.
Weight: 10.4 lbs.
Damage: 6D6 per shot

6D6 x 3 per three round burst

6D6 x 5 per five round burst
Range: 3000 feet (914.4m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 30 shots per magazine
Market Cost: 40,000 credits

AWS-200 20.5mm Shiva Assault

This is the infantryman's answer to heavy
armor. This heavy weapon fires 20.5mm
micro-fusion tungsten slugs equipped with
impact detonators. The Shiva is also one of
AWS's few products not combined with another weapon type.
Weight: 14 lbs.
Damage: 1D4 x 10 per shot
1D4 x 10 x 3 per three round burst
1D4 x 10 x 5 per five round burst
Range: 3000 feet (914.4m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 30 rounds per magazine
Market Cost: 45,000 credits

AWS-202 20.5mm Kali Assault

An improved version of the AWS-200 Shiva
Assault Cannon, the Kali was designed expressly in response to military demands for a
lighter version of heavy weapon. With improved recoil dampening system and a standard telescopic scope (+1 to strike on an
aimed shot), the Kali can handle almost any
task required of it.
Weight: 10.2 lbs.
Damage: 1D4 x 10 per shot
1D4 x 10 x 3 per three round burst
1D4 x 10 x 5 per five round burst
Range: 3500 feet (1066.8m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 30 rounds per magazine
Market Cost: 43,000 credits

AWS-205 20.5mm Kharga Heavy

Sniper Cannon
The Kharga was designed for long ranges
against armored targets such as power armor
The Crimson Republic

and combat bots. Capable of incredible accuracy at a range of over one mile, the
Kharga is equipped with a high-resolution
scope (+2 to strike on an aimed shot) and an
advanced recoil-suppression system.
Weight: 14.5 lbs.
Damage: 1D4 x 10 per shot
1D4 x 10 x 3 per three round burst
1D4 x 10 x 5 per five round burst
Range: 6300 feet (1920.24m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 30 per magazine
Market Cost: 65,000 credits (very rare!)

AWS-207 20.5mm Wee Killer Assault Cannon

Taking its name from one AWS employee's
opinion of the weapon (She's a wee killer,
ain't she?), the AWS-207 Wee Killer is a
cut-down version of the AWS-202 Kali.
Even though its barely larger than most rifles, the Wee Killer can more than even the
odds in the deadliest of situations. Equipped
with a telescopic scope and a recoildampening system, this weapon has already
a success. This is a very popular heavy
weapon for close combat situations.
Weight: 10.7 lbs.
Damage: 1D4 x 10 per shot
1D4 x 10 x 3 per three round burst
1D4 x 10 x 5 per five round burst
Range: 1200 feet (365.76m)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 30 round magazine
Market Cost: 40,000 credits

Energy Weapons
AWS-58 Viper Triple Pulse Laser Pistol
Small, reliable and powerful, the Viper is
quickly becoming a weapon of choice for
urban bodyguards and Special Forces operatives.
Weight: 3.3 lbs.
Damage: 2D6 x 10

Range: 2000 feet (609.6m)

Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 20 per e-clip
Market Cost: 27,000 credits

AWS-44 Pulse Laser Pistol

Standard issued side arm for the Crimson
military, but is also very popular with hired
bodyguards and adventurers.
Weight: 2.9 lbs.
Damage: 2D4 x 10
Range: 1000 feet (304.8m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 20 per e-clip
Market Cost: 20,000 credits

AWS-55 Barracuda Ion Pistol/

Single Shot Grenade Launcher
This weapon has proven very popular with
the military and the Crimson citizens living
outside the cities. The grenade recoil is severe; a user must have a PS of 16 or greater
to fire the grenade launcher. If not, he takes
2D6 SDC to the firing arm and there is a
10% chance of fracturing his wrist.
Weight: 3.4 lbs.
Damage: 1D4 x 10 + 10
Grenade- varies
Range: 800 feet/ 550 feet
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 20 per e-clip, and 1 grenade.
Market Cost: 25,000 credits

AWS-65 Broomhandle Ion Pistol

A small, slim pistol that is often used as a
backup weapon that can be placed comfortably in a large pocket or clipped to a belt
if desired. This small backup weapon does
not use an e-clip; instead it has an internal
battery that must be recharged after fourteen
hours or 14 shots.
Weight: 1.3 lbs.
Damage: 1D4 x 10
Range: 400 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 5 shots per charge
Market Cost: 3500 credits

AWS-68 Swashbuckler Laser/Vibro-knife

Essentially a Broomhandle combined with a
fibro-knife on the same frame. A built-in
power cell provides the energy for the blade
and laser for up to 10 hours or 10 shots before a recharge is needed.
Weight: 1.8 lbs
Damage: 1D4 x 10 + 10 / 2D4 per vibroblade strike
Range: 400 feet / hand to hand combat range
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 10 shots
Market Cost: 4200 credits

The Crimson Republic

AWS-60 Backup Plasma Pistol

A little weapon with good damage but not a
lot of range.
Weight: 1.6 lbs.
Damage: 6D6 + 10
Range: 250
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 3 shots than internal battery must
be recharged (does not use e-clip)
Market Cost: 10,000 credits

AWS-352 Leopard Assault Laser

A heavy laser weapon, the Leopard is fed
from both a grip-mounted e-clip and an internal battery similar to those found in AWS
pistols, only with a much greater capacity.
The Leopard is also one of the Predator series weapons.
Weight: 5.2 lbs.
Damage: 3D4 x 10 + 20
Range: 2500 feet (762 m)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 20 shots per e-clip
Market Cost: 17,500 credits

AWS-TPL01 Striker Triple Pulse

Laser/ Micro missile launcher
A devastating energy weapon that also has
the added firepower of missiles.

Weight: 16.5 lbs.

Damage: 2D6 x 10 + 20
Micro-missiles- varies
Range: 2500 feet/ mile
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Micro-missiles- volleys of 1, 2, or 4
Payload: 20 shots per e-clip/ 20 micromissiles
Market Cost: 62,000 credits

AWS-LI19 Deliverer Pulse laser

& Ion Cannon
The Crimson militarys heavy infantry and
some Quatoria units use this cannon.
Weight: 17.9 lbs.
Damage: 2D6 x 10 + 20
Ion Cannon- 2D6 x 10 + 10
Range: 2000 feet/ 1600 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 20 shots per e-clip
Market Cost: 47,500 credits

AWS-HIB18 Wrath Heavy Ion

This is the most commonly issued hand
weapon for the Point Blank power armor. It
is also employed by heavy weapons units in
other parts of the military.
Weight: 16.8 lbs.
Damage: 2D6 x 10 +10
Range: 1600 feet (487.7)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 20 per e-clip
Market Cost: 32,000 credits

AWS-364 Holyfire Plasma Cannon

Reliable and powerful, the Holyfire is essentially the same as the C-27 plasma cannon, only more streamlined and more efficient.
Weight: 17 lbs.
Damage: 3D6 x 10 + 30
Range: 1200 feet (365.76m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
The Crimson Republic

Payload: 10 shots per e-clip or 20 per ecanister

Market Cost: 35,000 credits

AWS-220 Arch Angel Full-Auto

Possibly the most devastating weapon that
AWS has ever created, the AWS-220 combines a grenade launcher capable of firing 5round bursts with a heavy particle beam
cannon on the same frame.
Weight: 45 lbs, fully loaded
Damage: 3D6 x 10 + 20
Grenades- varies
Range: 2000 feet/ 1500 feet
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Grenades- bursts of 1, 2, or 3
Payload: 20 per e-clip or 40 per e-canister/
30 grenades
Market Cost: 75,000 credits

AWS-224 The Beast Full-Auto

Particle Cannon/ Grenade
Very similar to the AWS-220 Arch Angel
but with shorter barrel, the AWS-224 Beast
can deliver tremendous firepower in a small
package. Comes with a standard telescopic
sight (+1 to strike on an aimed shot).
Weight: 40 lbs, fully loaded
Damage: 3D6 x 10 + 20
Grenades- varies
Range: 2000 feet/ 1100 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Grenades- bursts of 1, 2, or 3
Payload: 20 per e-clip or 40 per e-canister/
30 grenades
Market Cost: 80,000 credits

Machine Guns, Grenade

Launchers, & Missile Launchers
AWS-260 Terminator LeverAction Grenade Launcher

A simple, rugged weapon capable of delivering multiple grenades in a matter of seconds. With its lever-action design and durable construction, the Terminator has rapidly
become popular among travelers in the New
West. AWS-260 comes with stock or without.
Weight: 6.7 lbs. with stock, 6 lbs. without
Damage: Varies
Range: 1100 feet (335.3m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Can fire bursts of 1, 2, or 3
Payload: 10 grenades
Market Cost: 22,000 credits

AWS-270 Boomstick DoubleBarrel Grenade Launcher

The simple design and compact size make
the Boomstick highly prized, especially
among the adventurers of the New West.
Available in standard and compact versions.
It fires 25mm grenades of any type.
Standard Version:
Weight: 6.3 lbs.
Damage: varies
Range: 1000 feet (304.8)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 2 grenades
Market Cost: 15,000 credits
Compact Version:
Weight: 4.3 lbs.
Damage: varies
Range: 800 feet (243.8m)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 2 grenades
Market Cost: 12,000 credits

AWS-240 Leviathan 12.5mm

Heavy Machinegun/ Full-Auto
Grenade Launcher
Extremely popular with power armor pilots
because of its versatility, the AWS-240 Leviathan can perform tasks most rail guns can
only dream of. It is capable of firing any
standard grenade and having an M.D. capable heavy machinegun as a secondary
The Crimson Republic

weapon. This weapon is powered by two eclips that can fire two 1,000 round drums or
four 500 round magazines.
Weight: 68 lbs., fully loaded
Damage: 25 rounds- 4D6 x 5 x 5
Grenades- varies
Range: Machinegun- 3000 feet / grenade
launcher 1500
Rate of Fire: 4 25 round bursts per round
Grenades- bursts of 3, or 5
Payload: Machinegun- 500, or 1000 round
drums / grenade launcher- 75 rounds
Market Cost: 100,000 credits (military

AWS-280 Punisher 12.5mm

Dual-Action Heavy Machine
With this drum fed machine gun Ageous
Arms has created a weapon capable of inflicting massive damage for sustained periods. This weapon has already proven popular among Borgs and power armor troops of
the Crimson Republic. This weapon is also
powered by two e-clips that can fire two
1,000 round drums or four 500 round magazines.
Weight: 70 lbs., fully loaded
Damage: 50-round burst: 4D6 x 5 x 10
Range: 3000 feet (914.4)
Rate of Fire: 4 fifty round bursts per round
Payload: 500, or 1000 round drums
Market Cost: 72,000 credits

AWS-HMLS10 Thunderbolt
Mini-Missile Rifle
This rifle is the bane of power armor and
combat bots. Heavy infantry troops and
commando units prefer this weapon for engaging armored troops.
Weight: 18.3 lbs.
Damage: Varies
Range: 1 mile
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Can fire volleys 1, 2, or 4
Payload: 24

Market Cost: 12,000 credits

AWS-HMLS20 Lightning Bolt

Micro-Missile Pistol
A chopped down cousin of the AWSHMLS10 thats used by special forces and
commando operatives. This pistol is fairly
easy to conceal, but the small gun can do
enormous damage to its targets. It is slightly
larger and heavier than a Desert Eagle .50
Weight: 8.3 lbs.
Damage: varies
Range: mile
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Can fire volleys of 1,2,3, or 4
Payload: 20
Market Cost: 50,000 credits

MLA & Rail Weaponry
ET-400 Armando 0.8mm Wire
A unique development in firearms history,
the Armando rifle is named for its inventor,
a former Crimson captain named Joseph
Armando. He conceived the idea of taking a
spool of pre-stressed wire and magnetically
accelerating it to hypersonic velocities,
much like a rail gun. The wire is made of
depleted uranium, resulting in extremely
dense projectiles for their size. The acceleration would fracture the wire into snippets
4 centimeters long; when fired in 10-meter
lengths, this would create a line of lethal
flechettes capable of penetrating almost any
body armor and even some power armor.
Wound in a 500-meter spool with its own
power source, the ammunition is extremely
effective... and expensive. The Armando
comes equipped with a telescopic sight (+2
to strike).
The Crimson Republic

Weight: 7.3 lbs.

Damage: 6D6 x 5
Range: 4000 feet (1219.2m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 10-meter bursts (500 meters)
Market Cost: 58,000 credits - very rare!

ET-402 Lasher 0.8mm Wire

A shortened version of the Armando, the
Lasher was designed for easier handling and
better balance for quick deployment. The
Lasher can be easily concealed under a
trench coat or similar garment.
Weight: 6.3 lbs.
Damage: 1D4 x 10 x 5
Range: 3000 feet (914.4)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 10-meter bursts (500 meters)
Market Cost: 55,000 credits - very rare!

ET-405 Bull Whip 0.8mm Wire

Rifle / Laser
An improvement on the original Armando,
the Bull Whip adds a laser weapon to the
original package, resulting in a more versatile weapon.
Weight: 8.2 lbs.
Damage: 1D4 x 10 x 5
Laser- 2D6 x 10 + 20
Range: 4000 feet / Laser - 2000 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 50 10-meter bursts (500 meters) /
Laser - 20 per short E-clip
Market Cost: 63,000 credits - very rare!

ET-450 Armor Bane MLA Disk

Assault Rifle
Based on ancient pre-Rift technology unearthed and reverse-engineered by EXCEL
scientists, the ArmorBane is a compact and
powerful weapon that fires bursts of extremely thin, extremely sharp metal discs by
means of magnetic acceleration. The burst
is 10 disks, and they are so sharp that they
can often penetrate body armor severing

limbs or even killing the occupant. The telescopic sight adds +1 to strike on aimed
Weight: 7.3 lbs.
Damage: 1D4 x 10 x 5, and on a natural 19
or 20 a person in body armor takes
damage to their personal SDC. The disks
will not cut through force fields but will
do normal rail gun damage.
Laser- 2D6 x 10 + 20
Range: 3200 feet / Laser: 2200 feet
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 25 or 50-disc magazines (burst is 5
disks) / 20 shots per E-clip
Market Cost: 46,000 credits

ET-460 Genocide Heavy MLA

Disk Rifle
A heavy weapon suitable for enhanced soldiers. This weapon is easily capable of laying waste to an average CS squad in body
armor or a normal power armor trooper. A
telescopic sight gives a +1 to strike on
aimed shots.
Weight: 21 lbs.
Damage: 2D4 x 10 x 5, and on a natural 19
or 20 a person in body armor takes
damage to their personal SDC. The disks
will not cut through force fields but will
do normal rail gun damage.
Range: 4000 feet (1219.2m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 25, 50, or 75-disc magazines
Market Cost: 75,000 credits

ET-462 Homicide Heavy MLA

Disk Rifle
A lighter version of the Genocide, more
suited for use by infantry troops. A telescopic sight gives a +1 to strike on aimed
Weight: 12 lbs.
Damage: 2D4 x 10 x 5 (same damage rule as
the ET- Homicide)
Range: 3000 feet (914.4m)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 25, 50, or 75-disc magazines
The Crimson Republic

Market Cost: 60,000 credits

ET-250 SledgeHammer MLA

Disk Rifle / Laser
A recent weapon that EXCEL hopes will
become popular with the enhanced human
infantry troops coming out of New Seattle.
This weapon is unique because of its lightweight and maneuverability. The rifle is
still somewhat awkward for un-augmented
humans to use, but it is possible.
Weight: 26 lbs.
Damage: Rail gun 1D4 x 10 x 5 per shot
Laser- 2D6 x 10 + 20
Range: Rail gun - 5000 feet / Laser - 2500
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: Rail gun - 20 slugs per clip / Laser
- 10 shots per E-clip
Market Cost: 60,000 credits (rare)

ET-290 Freedom Fighter rail

gun/ mini-missile launcher
A devastating weapon used by power armor
troops and Legionnaires. It combines the
raw power of a rail gun with the explosive
power of mini-missiles. This weapon has
proven effective against flying opponents
such as the Xiticix.
Weight: 85 lbs.
Damage: Rail gun 1D6 x 10 x 5
Mini-missiles- varies
Range: Rail gun - 4000 feet / Mini-missiles
1 mile
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Mini-missiles- volleys of 1, 3, or 5
Payload: Rail gun - 50 bursts (2000 rounds;
drum fed) / Mini-missiles - 25
Market Cost: 120,000 credits

ET-300 Warmonger tri-barrel

rail gun
This heavy weapon is used either on a tripod or as a mounted weapon. It has three
rotating barrels all firing rail gun bursts
causing a mass amount of damage to a very
small area. This was designed to be used

against heavy infantry and combat robots,

but has proved equally good against flying
Weight: 26 lbs.
Damage: 3D4 x 10 x 5
Range: 3500 feet (1066.8m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 20 bursts per drum (3000 round
Market Cost: 150,000 credits

ET-1000 Trumpet Gun rail gun

The Trumpeters use this gun, a special unit
that defends the cities, also known as the
Boom Gun Troopers. It is very much like
the Glitter Boy boom gun only on a smaller
scale. The Trumpeter fires slugs containing
60 explosive titanium flechettes at speeds up
to mach 1.3 using the same basic technologies and principles as the Glitter Boys
boom gun. It can also fire depleted uranium
flechettes, but this will reduce the speed to
mach 1.
Weight: 400 lbs.
Damage: 3D6 x 10 x 5
Range: 9500 feet (2895.6m)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 150 rounds

Combat & Power Armor

Standard Combat Armor Systems:
1. Short wave encrypted radio: 8 mile
2. Full environmental: with gas filtration system & spare O2 supply
3. Radio beacon and med kit
4. Full optics & HUD system
5. Laser targeting and FFI
6. Loudspeaker & universal translator
7. 12 hour video and audio recording
8. Radiation shielding, sound damping

Combat Armor

The Crimson Republic

Model: CR89-01L/ CR91-01M/ CR93-01H

Crew: 1
Height: Varies with wearer
Weight: Varies with wearer
Power Source: Electric- battery will last 72
hours continual use before needing to be
Light: SDC- 200 / Weight- 35 lbs./ Colorwhite, red, black, gray, or camouflage/
Cost- 35,000 credits
Medium: SDC- 350/ Weight- 48 lbs/ Colorwhite, red, black, gray, or camouflage/
Cost 55,000 credits
Heavy: SCD- 500/ Weight- 61 lbs/ Colorwhite, red, black, gray, or camouflage/
68,000 credits
Force Shields: any Force Shield can be
combined with the combat armors. All
force shields run on a standard e-clip and
can take a X-amount of damage before
burning up, or over loading. The shield
must than have the fuses repaired or replaced (5 minutes) and be allowed to cool
down (1 hour) before it can be used again.
Light: SDC- 200/ Weight 7 lbs/ cost22,000 credits
Medium: SDC- 300/ Weight 12 lbs/ cost32,000 credits
Heavy: SDC- 400/ Weight 16 lbs/ cost56,000 credits
Power Armor:
1. Standard Power Armor Systems
2. The Judge Exo-skeleton
3. Point Blank Power Armor
4. Law Martial Power Armor
5. Avernus Power Armor
6. Centurion Power Armor
7. Valkyrie Power Armor
8. Predator (Sea & Ocean) Power
Standard Power Armor Systems
Sensory systems:
1. Full optics: thermo imaging, infrared, telescopic sights x 8 (6,000
feet), ultraviolet, auto polarization
and brightness damping, and passive
night vision.


2. Short range radar: 15 mile range and

can track up to 45 targets
3. Long range radar: 30 mile range and
can track up to 65 targets, but the
power armor must be at 100 feet or
higher. All power armor can link
with the CR-Watcher for greater
range and intelligence.
4. HUD in helmet: the heads up display can be broken into 2 to 8 separate screens and viewed on the visor
of the helmet, it can display any information from any of the armors
systems by voice command.
5. Black Box: all armor has a video,
audio, and statistical recorder that
records information while the armor
is operating for later analysis and
recovery if an armor goes down for
any reason.
6. Flood lights: located in the chest
7. Amplified hearing (directional)
Combat systems:
1. FFI programming: friend or foe identifier can recognize 2,000 different combat bots, vehicles, power armor, and aircraft, 10,000 different animals, birds,
fish and reptiles, and 4,000 different
races, and/or monsters. Anything the
FFI program does not recognize automatically has multiple pictures taken for
later analysis.
2. Laser Targeting
3. Combat computer: this computer integrates all power armor systems for optimal performance. It can target and
keep track of 100 targets and automatically does a preliminary threat assessment that the pilot can change or use by
verbal command. The computer assists
in targeting and shooting of targets,
keeps track of ammo, shield strength,
and power usage.
4. Self destruct program: all power armors
have the ability to have the nuclear
power system go critical and utterly destroy the armor. This can be done by
the pilot from inside the armor or by
remote, or the military command can do
The Crimson Republic

it via remote control. The range to activate the self destruct by the pilot is 2
miles, and the Republic is 150 miles.
Communication systems:
1. Long range radio: 100 miles or 500
miles directional, transmission is
encrypted and the frequency is randomly changed every 4 seconds.
2. Short range radio: 10 mile range
and same as long range radio
3. Receiver/decoder: automatically unscrambles frequencies and encryptions.
4. Laser communications: point to
point secure transmissions.
5. Radio/radar jamming: range is 5
miles, but can be boosted to 12
miles if pilot transfers extra power
from the sensory and combat systems.
6. Audio/Video computers: able to record or transmit real time visual and
audio. Automatically records everything the pilot sees, hears, and
says in combat or crisis situation.
Computer can record and store up to
24 hours of continuous footage after
that the pilot will have to use vid
7. Language translator
8. Loud Speaker: up to 80 decibels
Life support systems:
1. Auto radiation shielding
2. Auto sound damping
3. Climate controlled
4. Vital stats beacon: range 100 miles.
Transmits the operators vital life
signs (heart rate, blood pressure,
body temp, ect) to unit or squad
5. Gas and toxin filtration system: also
has a toxic analyzer and air content
6. Spare O2 supply
7. Sealed full environmental suit
8. Back up 2 hour battery support: only
the life support systems, long and
short range radios, black box, optic
systems and half shields work. The

armor loses flight, most sensory,

communication, and combat systems, but the pilot can still manually
fire weapons.
9. Med kit: standard field kit plus
RMK (robot med kit), IRMSS (internal robot med surgeon system),
protein-healing salve, one vial of
potion of healing (4D6 HP/x 3
SDC). Usually in a concealed leg
compartment or in the pilots compartment.

The Judge Exo-skeleton Armor

Model: CR-X25/101
Crew: One
Height: 7 feet (2.13m)
Width: 3.75 feet (1.14m)
Length: 1.5 feet (.46m)
Physical Strength: Varies
Power Source: Electric- battery will last 72
hours continual use before needing to be
SDC: 700 w/shields 1000
Running: 35 mph and fatigues the normal
rate, or 70 miles per but fatigues normal
Leaping: +20 feet long and +10 feet high
Underwater: Swim at 20 mph and fatigue at
normal rate.
Physical Bonuses: The Judge Exo-skeleton
armor gives the +5 to PS and +3 PP but
only to maximum of 40 PS and 30 PP.
Armor Systems:
Sensory Systems: 1, 4, and 7
Combat Systems: 1,2, and 3
Communication Systems: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8
Life Support Systems: All
Weapon Systems: The Judge does not have
any built in weapon systems, but a soldier
can plug in almost any of the large weapons (ones not usable by unaugmented humans) used by the military, or have
smaller weapon systems added to the armor.

Point Blank Power Armor

The Crimson Republic

This is the Crimson Republics main

power armor, and has proved itself to be
extremely versatile time and time again. It
has good speed, maneuverability, and firepower, and can stand toe to toe with any
other armor out there.
Model: CR-100TARDOS (Tactical Armored Rapid Deployment Offensive System)
Crew: One
Height: Human- 8 feet Wolfen- 9 feet
Width: 4 feet/ 11 feet with wings extended
Length: 5 feet (1.5m)
Physical Strength: equal to 40 PS
Power Source: nuclear, lasts for 15 years.
SDC: 1000 w/shield 1,300
Running: 75 mph
Flying: max 400 mph, cruising 150 mph to
250 mph. Max altitude 6,000 feet, hovering
500 feet to 1,000 feet
Flying Range: 10 hours above 300 mph, 28
hours at 100 mph to 300 mph, or indefinitely
with frequent stops
Leaping: 15 feet high and across, with
thrusters 100 feet high and 175 feet across
Underwater: max depth, swimming 15 mph
Max Depth: 2,000 feet (609.6m)
Weapons Systems:
1. Tri-barreled mini-rail gun mounted on the
left forearm
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel
Damage: 1D6 x 10 x 5 or 4D6 x 5
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 3,500 feet (1066.8m)
Payload: 3,300 rounds (110 full bursts
or 220 half bursts) contained in an internal feed drum takes 10 minutes and a
weapons tech to reload gun.
2. 2 Mini-missile batteries concealed in
boxes on each shoulder
Primary Purpose: anti-armor or power
Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: 1 or volleys of 2, 4, 6, or
Range: 1 mile

Payload: 10 in each battery

3. Grenade launcher mounted on the right
forearm and upper arm
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel
Damage: varies with grenade type
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 1,500 feet (457.2m)
Payload: 60 and can store, and shoot
up to 4 different types of grenades
by verbal command. Takes five
minutes to reload and needs weapons tech and specialized equipment.
Ammo is stored in an internal feed
4. Chaff-flare decoy dispenser located under
the propulsion system
Primary Purpose: Missile defense
Damage: None
Rate of Fire: 1, or 2, 4, or 6
Range: 150 feet (45.7m)
Payload: 24- decoys have 15% cumulative chance to detonate a missile or volley of missiles.
5. Hand held weapons
AWS-HIB18 Heavy Ion Cannon
Primary Purpose: Offensive assault
Damage: 3D6 x 10 + 20
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 1500 feet (457.2m)
Payload: effectively unlimited
Claymore Energy Sword
The energy sword is equivalent to a
light saber. Its hooked to the hip of
the armor.
Primary Purpose: Offensive handto-hand weapon
Damage: 1D4 x 10 + 3D6 and
strength bonus
Payload: Effectively unlimited when
hooked to nuclear power supply or
15 minutes per e-clip; these are special clips and cannot be used in any
other energy weapon.

Law Martial Power Armor

These power armors are used by the
Quatoria for law enforcement and city de-

The Crimson Republic

fense. The armor has both lethal and nonlethal weapon systems built into it, making it
very effective in both day-to-day use, and in
heavy combat or riot situations. The Law
Martial is usually painted silver and black,
or silver and blue when used inside the city,
and camouflage when used outside the city.
Model: AWS-100LEA
Crew: One; pilot
Height: 11 feet (3.35m)
Width: 5 feet (1.75m)
Length: 4 feet (1.2)
Physical Strength: 42
Power Source: Nuclear
SDC: 1000 w/shield 1300
Running: 85 mph
Leaping: 16 feet high 25 feet across, add
100 feet to length and height with thrusters
Flying: max 325 mph, but cruising speed is
50 mph to 110 mph. Max altitude is 3,000
Flying Range: six hours at max speed, 16
hours at cruising speeds, or indefinitely with
frequent stops.
Underwater: 60 mph, max depth is
Max Depth: 2,500 feet
Weapon Systems:
1. NAIL (neural toxin, adhesive, immobilizing, liquid) gun on left shoulder. The
NAIL gun shoots a high-pressure stream
of liquid adhesive that becomes expanding foam adhesive after being exposed to
air. The adhesive also has a mild neural
toxic to help subdue violent or dangerous
suspects. The effects of the toxins are
not permanently damaging.
Primary Purpose: Non-lethal offensive weapon
Damage: None, but does incapacitates the victim
Range: 1200 feet (365.7m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to hand-to-hand
Saving Throw: A successful dodge
against the adhesive stream, and
save vs. non-lethal poison for the
neural toxin. Strength of 30 or bet72

ter is needed to tear free of the expanding adhesive foam, but it takes
1D4 rounds.
2. Six non-lethal chemical dispensers. Three
dispensers are located along each side of
the chest.
Primary Purpose: Riot or crowd control
Secondary Purpose: defense
Damage: varies with chemical
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
Range: 1500 feet
Payload: 18
3. Electric stun gun on the left forearm
Primary Purpose: non-lethal offensive
Damage: 4D4 + 15 and a save vs. nonlethal poison or victim is stunned losing
initiative, suffering 4 to combat skills,
and lose 2 attacks
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 200 feet
Payload: effectively unlimited
4. Laser blaster on the right shoulder
Primary Purpose: lethal offensive weapon
Damage: 2D4 x 10 + 10
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 20 shots; takes the nuclear power
system hour to recharge the weapon
5. 15.5 mm assault weapon on the left forearm
Primary Purpose: lethal offensive weapon
Damage: 5D6 x 5 per five round burst
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 3000 feet
Payload: 50 five round bursts
6. Mini-missiles on each thigh
Primary purpose: anti-power armor
Secondary Purpose: lethal offensive
Damage: varies (usually armor piercing)
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 4, or 6
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 3 concealed on the side of each
7. Hand weapons:
Neural baton
Primary Purpose: non-lethal incapacitating
Secondary Purpose: riot control weapon

The Crimson Republic

Damage: 3D6 plus strength- acts just like

a neural mace
Retractable Vibro claws on both hands
Primary Purpose: hand-to-hand defense
Damage: 4D6 plus strength

Avernus Power Armor

The Avernus power armor is the republics answer to heavily armored mechanized
units. Its one real purpose in life is to attack
and destroy other armored war machines.
The Avernus has an enormous amount of
firepower all geared toward that one goal.
These are the largest and most powerful
power armor units made by the Crimson
Model: CR-102HA-APA
Crew: One; pilot
Height: 10 feet (human) 13 feet (Wolfen)
Width: 4 feet
Length: 2 feet
Physical Strength: 50
Power Source: Nuclear
SDC: 1,500 w/shields 1,900
Running: 57 mph
Leaping: 20 feet high 28 feet across, add
100 feet to length and height with thrusters
Flying: max 375 mph, but cruising speed is
150 mph to 265 mph. Max altitude is 3,000
Flying Range: six hours at max speed, 12
hours at cruising speeds, or indefinitely with
frequent stops.
Underwater: 13 mph, max depth is
Max Depth: 2,500 feet
Weapon Systems:
1. Short-range missiles mounted on the right
Primary Purpose: anti-tank and heavy
Secondary Purpose: anti-air defense
Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: 1 or volleys of 2, 3, or 4
Range: varies with missile type
Payload: 4


2. High powered MDC plasma drill/grenade

launcher in place of a right hand
Plasma Drill
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and
heavy combat vehicles
Damage: special; the armor or robot
vehicle need to roll a saving throw
of 14 or higher at the end of each
melee round to see if the armor has
been breached.
Rate of Fire: 1; the attack takes an
entire round to be successful
Range: touch
Payload: effectively unlimited
Grenade Launcher
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel
Damage: varies with grenade type
Rate of Fire: 1 or volleys of 2 and 4
Range: 500 feet
Payload: 50
3. 100 mm flechette rail gun mounted on left
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and robot
Secondary Purpose: anti-personnel
Damage: 2D4 x 10 x 5 to large targets/
1D4 x 10 x 5 to human sized targets and
incoming missile volleys in 30 foot area
(+2 to hit missiles)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand to hand attacks
Range: 4,000 feet
Payload: 2,000 rounds (200 shots)
4. Thunder Hammer hung off the left hip.
The thunder hammer is unique power war
hammer that discharges an intense EMP into
the vehicle or power armor disrupting its
electronics and computer systems.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and robot
Damage: 4D6 x 10 + 50, and large victims (armored and robot vehicles) must
save with a 12 or better or lose a critical
electrical system (weapons, environmental, targeting, pilot and navigating
ect), if three systems are lost the vehicle is considered immobile and dead.
Smaller victims (power armor and such)
must save with a 14 or better or they
lose all combat systems and are shut
The Crimson Republic

Rate of Fire: 1 per melee, the EMP and

Avernuss shields need to recharge between uses
Range: touch
Payload: effectively unlimited
5. Mini-missile battery on right rib cage
Primary Purpose: air and armor defense
Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: 1 or volleys of 2, 4, and 6
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 12
6. Shape charge nukes concealed in left
Primary Purpose: anti armor and robot vehicles
Damage: 1D4 x 100 (100 foot area)
Rate of Fire: 1 per melee
Range: touch to attach the nuclear
weapon, but can be detonated up to a mile
Payload: 2
7. Smoke dispensers in the ankles of the armor
Primary Purpose: defense and evasion
Damage: none
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 100 feet
Payload: system can produce a thick covering of smoke for approximately 20 minutes.

Centurion- Magic Power Armor

This armor was designed as the standard
combat armor for Legionnaires and CriSecs
Centurion troopers. It is much less bulky
than normal power armor and was made to
allow the troopers to cast magic while
wearing it. It is more a magic armor than
power armor, but because of its abilities and
powers it is comparable to normal power
armor and considered as such.
Model: CR-104MA
Crew: One; pilot
Height: 7 to 8 feet
Width: 3 feet
Length: feet
Physical Strength: + 10 to wearers


Power Source: magic/PPE

SDC: 900w/shield 1250
PPE: 150
Running: 75 mph (wearer tires at normal fatigue rate)
Leaping: 30 feet
Flying: With spells only
Flying Range: As per spell
Underwater: As per spell
Physical Bonuses: +3 to strike, parry, and
dodge; +1 attack; +3 initiative when targeting and radar systems are active.
Spell casting: the armor allows the wearer
to cast spells both from the armor and
1.) Deflect- 5th level
2.) Magic- Adrenaline Rush- at 5th level
3.) Sense Magic- 5th level
4.) Sense Evil- 5th level
5.) Chameleon- 5th level
6.) Invulnerability- 5th level
7.) Mystic Alarm- at 5th level
8.) Winged Flight- 6th level
9.) Ballistic Fire- at 6th level
10.) Mystic Volley- at 10th level
Techno-Wizard Devices & Systems:
1. Force Bolter located on the right forearm.
The Bolter has an internal battery but can
also be fired using straight PPE.
Primary Purpose: self defense
Damage: 2D4 x 10 + 20
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 2,500 feet
Payload: 20 shots from battery or 6
PPE per shot
2. Frequency Jammer/ Smoke Dispenser
located on the back of the armor. This is a
unique techno-wizard device that can be
used in two ways:
1. The wearer can frequency jam enemy
communications & equipment
Range: 100 foot radius (all electronics),
by line of sight for 425 feet, or two machines by touch
Duration: 10 melee rounds
PPE Cost: 15
The Crimson Republic

2. The wearer can dispense a cloud

of reddish black smoke in a 100 foot
radius that interferes with optic
systems, sensory systems, and
communications. Technology devices register only blurry screens
and static, magic seeing is hampered
and the caster must successfully
save to see, psionics are unaffected
(although Dog Boys and Psi-stalkers
will sense a 100 foot radius of
magic and will not be able to pinpoint the caster through normal
sensing abilities. They would have
to use presence sense or equivalent),
and normal vision is a 9 (blind).
Range: 100 feet
Duration: 15 melees
Saving Throw: Tech- none
Magic- 10
Normal vision- standard for
PPE Cost: 25
3. Telepathic HUD/Radar system &
Tongues Translator
1. Radar: can track up to 36 targets
out to max range of 75 miles depending on terrain
2. Targeting Computer: lock, target,
and track up to 36 targets out to a
max range of 75 miles depending on
3. Presence Sense: 50 feet, always
active, and linked to main targeting
4. Secure Radio: 20 mile range and
uses magic to scramble the frequencies and encrypt transmissions.
5. Optics: See Invisible, see aura,
and full MOH helmet
6. Universal translator: uses a tech
translator and the tongues spells
Range: as stated above
Duration: 30 melees per activation
Saving Throw: none
PPE: 10 per system
Technology Features:


1. Internal Bio-Scan & Repair System. This

system monitors the wearers vital statistics
and life signs. If at any time the armor is
breached by any means, normal or other
wise, and the wearer sustains damage the
system can release RMK nanobots, inject
the wearer with IRMSS nanobots, or use a
micro compu-drug dispenser to stabilize or
heal the wearer. If the wearer goes unconscious, into shock, or into a coma the system
will attempt to stabilize the wearer and start
transmitting a long-range beacon for retrieval.
2. Built in loudspeaker
3. Universal energy pack: with adaptor that
allows the wearer to plug in any Crimson
energy weapon, and is good for 75 shots
before a recharging
4. Combat web gear: built into the armor, an
electro-adhesive pad for a combat backpack,
and ammo drum harness.
5. Video and audio camera: mounted on
right side of the helmet, and can transmit
encrypted live feeds (via burst transmissions
up to a 20 mile range) or record up to 24
consecutive hours of footage
Centurion Power Armor looks like medieval plate mail armor with an alien twist.
Each helm is slightly different and the
wearer chooses the color the armor will be,
or what designs will be on it. Most designs
and colors are chose to reflect unit, rank, and
service. The plates of the armor blend together at the mid section and flare out
slightly at the edges giving it a wicked razor
like appearance. The armor also appears as
if the metal is supple and bendable, because
it shows no cracks or breaks between the
plates. There are no rivets holding it together and the armor smoothly moves with
the owner. Plate mail is usually bulky and
awkward, but the Centurion armor appears
graceful and light.

Valkyrie Power Armor

The Valkyrie armor is the newest of the
Crimson power armor. One Eyed Pook got
the technology in Atlantis, when he pur-

The Crimson Republic

chased three Silver Hawk power armors on

behalf of the Crimson government. The
Valkyrie is direct product of those three
power armors. The Crimson scientist, who
were already familiar with grav technology,
were able to reproduce a very reliable copy
of Silver Hawks grav paks and power systems. The gun that accompanies the armor,
however, was not reproduced as perfectly.
The Crimson design is still pretty fantastic
though, and has proven more than adequate
for the job its supposed to accomplish.
Model: CR-102
Crew: One; pilot
Height: 9 feet
Width: 4 feet/ with wings 11 feet
Length: 2 feet
Physical Strength: 40
Power Source: graviton
SDC: 1000 w/shield 1200
Running: 27 mph (fully loaded)/ 57 mph
(with wings empty & folded down)
Leaping: 10 feet high /15 feet across- add
100 feet with thrusters
Flying: Max- Mach 2.3, but cruising speeds
vary from 300 mph to 600 mph
Flying Range: Effectively unlimited
Underwater: 15 mph
Max Depth: 800 feet
Weapon Systems:
1. Medium range air-to-air missiles under
the wings:
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Damage: Varies
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1 or 2
Range: 5 miles
Payload: 2 missiles under each wing
2. Medium range air-to-surface missiles under the wings:
Primary Purpose: anti-armor
Damage: Varies
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1 or 2
Range: 5 miles
Payload: 2 missiles under each
3. Cluster bombs under the wings:

Primary Purpose: destroy infantry

and soft targets
Damage: 3D6 x 10 + 40
Rate of Fire: once per action
Range: 1 mile; effects a 50 foot area
Payload: 1 bomb under each wing
4. Mini-missiles on top of the wings:
Primary Purpose: anti-power armor
& assault weapon
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 6, 8 or
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 5 mini-missiles on the top
of each wing
5. Valhalla hand held weapon system: This
large three-barreled energy weapon is able
to dole out awesome damage at staggering
ranges and velocity.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and
Damage: Laser cannon- 4D4 x 10 +
18.5 mm auto cannon- 4D6 x 5 x 3
Grenade launcher- varies
Rate of Fire: Laser- equal to handto-hand attacks
18.5 mm auto cannon- equal to
hand-to-hand attacks
Grenade launcher- 2, 3, or 4 round
Range: Laser cannon- 6200 feet
18.5 auto cannon- 4200 feet
Grenade launcher- 2000 feet
Payload: Laser- effectively unlimited
18.5 mm auto cannon- belt fed from
a 600 round drum (40 bursts)
Grenade launcher- 40 round drums
The Valhalla weapon can only fire from one
barrel per action.

Predator Power Armor

Predator Power Armor is the most
heavily armored power suit the Crimson
Republic makes, but that is because of the
incredible depths and pressures it has to
The Crimson Republic

withstand on a regular basis. The pilots who

use this armor are conscience of how deep
they go and how much pressure they can
make the suit withstand, but on the other
hand they are also very aware of how truly
far they can push the armor. Some pilots
even claim to have been as deep as 1
miles before their armor started showing
signs of possible systems failure. So far
this massive power armor has done very
well and has earned its place as the Navys
main power armor, replacing many of the
Point Blank suits.
Model: CR-102OWA
Crew: 1
Height: 9 feet
Width: 5 feet
Length: 4 feet
Physical Strength: 42
Power Source: Nuclear
SDC: 1,500/ 1,900 with shields
Running: 63 mph
Leaping: 10 feet high and 15 feet across/
+100 feet while using thrusters
Swimming: 58 mph
Max Depth: 1 mile
Flying: Max speed is 200 mph, but 100
mph is cruising speed
Flying Range: Short distances (less than
150 miles), or 2 hours continuous use before engines start to overheat.
Special Systems:
1.) Sonar system: can identify and track up
to 40 possible targets up to a range of 20
2.) Stealth System: besides the normal
screw drive propulsion system the
Predator also has a MHDD (magneto
hydro dynamic drive) propulsion system
that is virtually silent and registers on
sonar as a marine mammal. It also has a
re-breather that leaves no bubbles, or
any other sign of breathing air. The
stealth system can be used for 8 continuous hours before the re-breather
needs clean oxygen, and the pilot can


travel at a max speed of 38 mph while

using the MHDD.
3.) Depth gauge and gyro compass: linked
to the heads up display, this system allows the pilot to know his depth and
general direction at all times. It also has
an audio alarm that warns the pilot when
his depth becomes dangerously deep.
4.) Decompression System: this system
keeps the pilots safe from the water
pressure outside the suits and keeps
them from getting the bends. It also
regulates the oxygen and nitrogen levels
in the pilots air.
5.) Towed sonar/communications array:
from an armored spool attached to the
pilots rear is a 250 foot sonar/communications array that can be
trailed behind the pilot for receiving
better sonar findings and better communications with land and ships.
Weapon Systems:
1. Light torpedoes under both small wings of
the armor. When the pilot is in a stationary
position (not flying or swimming) the wings
can rotate 360 degrees and still fire. While
swimming or flying they can only fire directly forward of the pilot.
Primary Purpose: anti-ship
Secondary Purpose: defense
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, or 4
Range: 5 miles
Payload: 4
2. On both thighs are retractable selfreloading mini-torpedo batteries.
Primary Purpose: anti-ship or power
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 4, or 6
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 3 in each battery and each
thigh holds 9 more
3. Limpet Mines in armored compartments
on the armors waist. The limpet mines
have electro-adhesive pads and can be set
for a 30 sec to 16 hour delay, or they can be
detonated be remote control up to 1 mile
The Crimson Republic

Primary Purpose: anti-ship

Damage: 4d8 x 10 + 30 ( on land)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: touch; must be attached by
Payload: 3
4. Vibro-blade/spear gun on top and under
the right forearm. On top of the forearm are
three retractable vibro-blades, and underneath the forearm is a vibro-spear gun with
three spears.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: 2D6 x 3 (blades)
1D6 x 10 + 10 (spears at 1-500 feet)
3D6 + 10 (spears at 501-1000 feet)
3D4 x 10 + 10 (explosive tipped
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: touch (blades)
1000 feet (spears)
Payload: unlimited (blades)
3 (spears)
5. Left forearm has a sonic gun.
Primary Purpose: defense from marine animals
Damage: 2D6 x 10 ( on land)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 300 feet
Payload: effectively unlimited
6. Rocket-grenade launcher is mounted on
the left shoulder. The rocket-grenade can be
used like small depth charges or they can be
propelled through the water for short distances before exploding. The pilot can set
the detonating parameters by voice command. The onboard computer will then set a
single grenade or a burst of three to detonate
in that manner. This weapon can also
launch sonar sensors if the pilot has them
loaded in the launchers ammo bin.
Primary Purpose: defense
Secondary Purpose: as a depth
charge assault (always a -2 to strike)
Damage: 2D4 x 10 ( on land)
Range: up to 1 mile as depth charge
1000 feet as grenade launcher underwater


2000 feet as grenade launcher above

Rate of Fire: 1, or bursts of 3
Payload: 30 grenades
7. Hand weapon. The standard issued
weapon is an ET-231 Sea Ray, blue-green
laser/rail assault rifle. The over barrel is a
high-powered blue-green laser and the under
barrel is 16 mm rail gun.
Primary Purpose: assault weapon
Damage: 2D6 x 10 + 20 (laser)
6D6 x 5 (rail gun)
Range: 2300 feet (laser)
1400 feet- underwater/ 4000 feetabove water (rail gun)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Payload: effectively unlimited when
plugged into the armor, or 30 shots
per e-clip (laser)
40 bursts from the guns ammo
drum (rail gun). Pilot can carry an
extra drum, but it takes a minimum
of 1 minute to change drums and
8. Located on the back of the shoulders,
lower back and the legs are small jets that
can spray out a black inky substance, and
will saturate 100 cubic feet of water around
the pilot as a smoke screen or cover. There
are also small tubes on the bottom of both
feet that can discharge decoy noisemakers
(used against in coming torpedoes). The
decoys work the same as the chaff does for
the Point Blank power armor.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: none
Rate of Fire: once per melee (ink
2, or volleys of 4 and 6
Range: 100 cubic feet (ink jets)
500 feet or until they burn out (decoys)
Payload: 3 ink discharges
18 decoys

War Machines
Combat Sleds & Cycles:
1. APAC System- combat sled
The Crimson Republic

2. UPAC System- combat sled

3. Seek & Destroy Assault Cycle

APAC (Aquatic Power Armor

Combat) System
Model: CR-103ACS
Crew: 1
Height: 8 feet (2.4m)
Width: 6 feet (1.8m)
Length: 6 feet (1.8m)
Cargo: Minimal; enough for a soldiers
weapon, ammo, survival pack
Power Source: Nuclear, 5 year life span
SDC: 1000 w/shields 1300
Water Surface: 125 mph
Underwater: 55 mph
Range: Limited only by air requirements of
the pilot, but on average can be submerged
for 12 hours, or ride on top of the surface for
five years before the nuclear power gives
Max Depth: 2000 feet
Jumping: Using thrusters the pilot can make
the sled jump 20 feet high and 40 feet long
Sensor Systems:
1.) The combat sled has a forward and rear
camera/sensor turrets, which can rotate
360 and have short range sonar/radar
(25 targets/5 miles), laser targeting &
distancing, both radiation & heat sensors
(1200 feet/4000 feet), and directional
long & short range radios (500 miles/20
miles). Both turrets also have complex
camera systems with a zoom range of
4000 feet (x10 magnification), and record up to 12 hours or transmit real time
visual and audio data.
2.) The combat sleds combat computer
links the camera/sensor turrets and the
weapon systems to a HUD display,
which also give audio warnings. The
FFI is also wired into the HUD display.
3.) Homing beacon that can transmit up to
24 hours with a range of 500 miles
4.) Sonar/communications array that can be
trailed behind the sled (300 feet), which

adds 10 miles (double the targets

tracked) to the sonar and 150 miles to
radio transmissions, both sent and received.
Weapon Systems:
1. Pair of forward rail guns mounted either
side of the sled that can rotate 180 up and
down and 45 side-to-side.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel and
Secondary Purpose: anti-air
Damage: 5d6 x 5 (x 2 if both guns
fire at the same target)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 1200 feet (underwater)/
4000 feet (above water)
Payload: 40 bursts each gun
2. Forward blue-green lasers turrets located
just underneath the pilots viewing-shield.
The turrets can rotate in 180 semi-circle in
a forward direction.
Primary Purpose: defense
Secondary Purpose: anti-ship
Damage: 2d6 x 10 + 25 (x 2 if both
are fire at the same target)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 1400 feet (underwater)/
2200 feet (above water)
Payload: effectively unlimited
3. Grenade depth charge bay located on the
belly of the sled. These depth charges are
about the size of hand grenades are used
against monsters or small subs.
Primary Purpose: anti-sub or marine
Damage: 3d4 x 10 + 30 per depth
Rate of Fire: clusters of 1, 2, 3, 4, or
Range: 1 miles
Payload: 60
4. Mini-missile or torpedo battery located on
top of the sled near the tail.
Primary Purpose: anti-ship and armor
Damage: varies

The Crimson Republic

Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 4, 6, or

Range: 1 mile
Payload: 24
5. Retractable vibro-fins (3), one located on
each side and one on top of the armor. The
blade of the fin is 5 foot long and can rotate
180 front to back. The blade can be used as
both a slashing weapon and piercing or
lancing weapon.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel
Secondary Purpose: defense
Damage: 5d6 + 20 per blade that
strikes (critical damage if used as a
ramming lance)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 10 feet
Payload: effectively unlimited

UPAC (Underwater Power Armor Combat) System

Model: CR-103ACS2
Crew: 1
Height: 9 feet
Width: 6 feet
Length: 7 feet
Cargo: Minimal; enough for a soldiers
weapon, ammo, survival pack
Power Source: Nuclear, 5 year life span
SDC: 1200 w/shields 1500
Water Surface: not possible
Underwater: 65 mph
Range: limited only by air requirements of
the pilot, but on average can be submerged
for 12 hours
Max Depth: 4000 feet
Sensory Systems: same as the APAC System
Weapon Systems:
1. Light torpedo launcher on the belly of the
sled. Primary Purpose: anti-ship
Secondary Purpose: defense
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, or 4

Range: 5 miles
Payload: 8
2. Tri-barreled rail gun in the front of the
sled just underneath the battering ram. The
gun can rotate a few degrees up and down
and side to side, but it is always firing in a
forward direction.
Primary Purpose: anti-ship or monster
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 1200 feet
Payload: 40 bursts
3. Rear & side blue-green laser turrets.
There are a total of three turrets: one facing
the rear and one on each side of the sled.
The turrets can rotate 360.
Primary Purpose: defense
Secondary Purpose: light assault
Damage: 2d6 x 10 + 10
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 1400 feet
Payload: effectively unlimited
4. Dual mini-torpedo launchers located on
the top near the rear of the sled.
Primary Purpose: anti-ship or armor
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 4, 6, or
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 16 in each launcher
5. Retractable vibro-fins and frontal battering ram. There are two blades on each side
of the sled. The vibro-fins are used to slash
an opponent as the sled goes speeding by
and the battering ram is used puncture the
hull of a ship after it has been weakened by
the rail gun or torpedoes. The battering ram
is located just underneath the pilots viewshield, and is reinforced with an extremely
hard mega-damage alloy. The sled also has
special shock absorbing systems so the pilot
is not hurt.
Primary Purpose: close combat assault
Damage: 6d6 + 20 per blade that strikes
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 10 feet
The Crimson Republic

Payload: effectively unlimited

Battering Ram
Primary Purpose: anti-ship
Damage: 2d6 x 10 + 1d8 for every 10
mph over 20 mph
Rate of Fire: 2 per round
Range: touch
Payload: unlimited

Seek & Destroy Assault Cycle

Iron Heart Amenities technicians designed the S&D Cycle. They were commissioned by the Crimson military to develop a
hover cycle to compete with the Coalition
Skycycle. This heavily armed hover vehicles main purpose is to hunt and destroy
enemy ground assets. They also fly as light
support for both light and heavy mechanized
units. The same technicians that designed
this hover cycle were also the ones who
helped redesign the Castle Bombers bought
by the republic, and integrate them with
Crimson weaponry and sensory equipment.
These techs were still in the republic when
Iron Heart Amenities was wiped out by the
Model: IHA-3000-AC
Crew: 1
Height: 9 feet (2.7m)
Width: 8 feet (2.4m)
Length: 14 feet (4.3m)
Cargo: Minimal; enough for a soldiers
weapon, ammo, survival pack, and med
Power Source: Nuclear, 20 year life span
SDC: 1000 w/shields 1300
Hover (15 to 100 feet): 120 to 400 mph
Flying (anything above 100 feet): 700 mph,
cruising 75 to 150 mph
Flying Range: 24 continuous hours at max
speed before overheating occurs
Max Altitude: 5000 feet
Underwater: not possible
Sensory Systems:
1.) Communications: long range radio (500
miles), short range radio (15 miles), la-


ser encrypted point-to-point transmissions, universal language translator and

loud speaker (100 decibels)
2.) Camera/sensory turrets: there are three
turrets on the cycle: 1 in front, 1 in back,
and 1 underneath. The cameras can record up to 14 hours of video & audio or
transmit real time data. They have x10
magnification (6,000 feet), thermo imaging, infrared, and passive night vision
(1000 feet), motion and radiation sensors (600 feet), directional microphones
(can pick up a whisper at 150 feet, quiet
conversation 500 feet, normal voices
800 feet), radar (30 miles/ 45 targets),
jamming system (5 miles), and laserdistancing system.
3.) Combat computer: pilots helmet plugs
into the main consul giving them a HUD
and FFI. The radar and other sensory
systems are relayed through the combat
computer to the pilot. The cycle has a
targeting system that can lock and track
40 total targets. The FFI and the sensory turrets are used in conjunction with
a new TAS (Threat Assessment System)
that will warm the pilot of any possible
threats, the order of urgency, and highlight any known weaknesses.
Weapon Systems:
1. In the nose of the cycle is a rotating minimissile launcher that can rapidly fire and
Primary Purpose: armor assault
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 48
2. On each side of the pilots seat are rail
guns that rotate 180 up and down or sideto-side. When not in use the guns lay flush
against the cycle and are barely noticeable.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel or aircraft
Secondary Purpose: defense
Damage: 1d4 x 10 x 5
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 4200 feet
The Crimson Republic

Payload: 30 bursts for each gun

3. On each side of the cycle are fold down
medium range missile launchers.
Primary Purpose: anti-aircraft and armor
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, or 4
Range: 20 miles
Payload: 2 in each launcher (4 total)
4. At the back end of the cycle is a heavy
particle cannon that can rotate in a 200
downward semi-circle.
Primary Purpose: strafing ground targets
Secondary Purpose: defense
Damage: 3d6 x 10 + 20
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: effectively unlimited
5. In the rear behind the retractable landing
gear is a small bomb bay that is loaded with
hand grenade sized bombs.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel
Damage: varies (use grenade damages)
Rate of Fire: clusters of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Range: 1000 feet/ any higher altitude
gets 5 to strike
Payload: 40
6. Rear smoke dispensers.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: none
Rate of Fire: 2 per melee
Range: releases 150 cubic feet of
dense black smoke
Payload: 4
Piloted Combat Robots
1. Standard Piloted Robot Systems
2. Hades Combat Robot
3. Herald Recon Robot
4. Violator Combat Robot
5. Splasher Anti-Air Robot

Standard Piloted Robot Systems

Sensory systems:
1. Full optics: thermo imaging, infrared, telescopic sights x 8 (6,000
feet), ultraviolet, auto polarization
and brightness damping, and passive
night vision.

2. Short range radar: 30 mile range and

can track up to 45 targets, depending on terrain
3. Long range radar: 65 mile range and
can track up to 75 targets, but the
vehicles must be at the proper vantage point, and take terrain into account. All vehicles can link with the
CR-Watcher for greater range and
4. HUD: the heads up display can be
broken into 2 to 8 separate screens
and viewed by the pilot, it can display any information from any of
the vehicles systems by voice
5. Black Box: all vehicles have a
video, audio, and statistical recorder
that records information while
theyre are operating for later analysis and recovery if a vehicle goes
down for any reason.
6. Flood lights: location varies on individual robot
7. Directional microphones: usually
more than one, and location varies.
Can hear whispers at 300 feet.
Combat systems:
1. FFI programming: friend or foe
identifier can recognize 2,000 different combat bots, vehicles, power
armor, and aircraft, 10,000 different
animals, birds, fish and reptiles, and
4,000 different races, and/or monsters. Anything the FFI program
does not recognize automatically
has multiple pictures taken for later
2. Laser Targeting
3. Combat computer: this computer
integrates all vehicles systems for
optimal performance. It can target
and keep track of 105 targets and
automatically does a preliminary
threat assessment that the pilot can
change or use by verbal command.
The computer assists in the targeting
and shooting of targets, keeps track
of ammo, shield strength, and power
The Crimson Republic

4. Self-destruct program: all vehicles

have the ability to make the nuclear
power system go critical and destroy
the armor. This can be done by the
pilot from inside the vehicle or by
remote, or the military command
can do it via remote control. The
range to activate the self destruct by
the pilot is 2 miles, and the Republic
is 150 miles.
Communication systems:
1. Long range radio: 500 miles or 800
miles directional, transmission is
encrypted and the frequency is randomly changed every 4 seconds.
2. Short range radio: 65 mile range and
same as long range radio
3. Receiver/decoder: automatically unscrambles frequencies and encryptions.
4. Laser communications: point-topoint secure transmissions.
5. Radio/radar jamming: range is 10
miles, but can be boosted to 25
miles if pilot transfers extra power
from the sensory and combat systems.
6. Audio/Video computers: able to record or transmit real time visual and
audio. Automatically records everything the pilot sees, hears, and
says in combat or crisis situation.
Computer can record and store up to
24 hours of continuous footage after
that the pilot will have to use vid
7. Language translator
8. Loud Speaker: up to 120 decibels
Life support systems:
1. Auto radiation shielding
2. Auto sound damping
3. Climate controlled
4. Vital stats beacon: range 100 miles.
Transmits the occupants vital life
signs (heart rate, blood pressure,
body temp, ect) to unit or squad


5. Gas and toxin filtration system: also

has a toxic analyzer and air content
6. Spare O2 supply
7. Air tight: can seal full environmental protection.
8. Back up 2 hour battery support: only
the life support systems, long and
short range radios, black box, optic
systems and half shields work. The
vehicles loses flight (if it has flight),
half shields, communication, and
combat systems, but the pilot can
still manually fire weapons.

Hades Combat Robot

Model: CRHCR-150
Crew: 2- pilot and gunner
Height: 26 feet
Width: 13 feet
Length: 11 feet
Strength: 70
Cargo: Minimal; enough for the soldiers
weapons, ammo, survival packs, and a
med kit
Power Source: Nuclear, 20 year life span
SDC: 4000 w/shields 4500
Running: max is 90 mph, but normal
speed is 5 to 45 mph
Leaping: the Hades Bot is not especially
good at leaping, but it can leap 10 feet
high and 12 feet across
Underwater: max 25 mph
Max Depth: 1 mile
Weapon Systems:
1. Located on the right shoulder is a heavy
particle beam cannon.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel
Damage: 4d6 x 10 + 20
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 2200 feet
Payload: unlimited
2. Located on the left shoulder is a heavy
rail gun.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel

The Crimson Republic

Secondary Purpose: anti-air

Damage: 2d4 x 10 x 5
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 4000 feet
Payload: 50 bursts
3. Right forearm has a grenade launcher.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel
Damage: varies
Range: 2000 feet
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Payload: 100 grenades
4. Left forearm has a pop-up mini-missile
battery that is self-loading. After firing five
missiles from the forearm battery it takes 5
initiatives to auto-reload.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and assault
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 5 in the battery/ 25 in the reload chamber (30 total)
5. On the bots back are short range surfaceto-surface missiles. A laser designator in the
bots right eye guides these missiles, but
because the missiles have to have that laser
signature to strike accurately they also have
a shorter range than normal.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and structure
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
Range: 8000 feet
Payload: six
6. The bot has a ball laser turret on each hip
(2 total). Both turrets can rotate 360.
Primary Purpose: defense
Secondary Purpose: anti-personnel
Damage: 2d6 x 10 + 20
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: effectively unlimited
7. The right index finger has a flamethrower
and the left index finger has a plasma ejector.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel
Damage: 5d6 x 5 (30 foot area)/
3d6 x 10 + 20


Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand

Range: 500 feet/ 1500 feet
Payload: effectively unlimited
8. Just under the knee on the outside of both
legs are mine throwers. These throwers
eject mines like you would throw clay pigeons, and they can be controlled for quantity and distance.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and personnel
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: 1 or volleys up to 25
Range: 10 feet minimum to 1500 feet
Payload: 25 in each leg (50 total)
The pilot or gunner can set the combat
computer to stagger the mines when
throwing them in clusters, and most
teams operating the Hades bot already
have multiple scenarios set up for the
computer to use.
9. On the lower back of the bot are smoke
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: none
Rate of Fire: 2 per melee
Range: releases 250 cubic feet of dense
black smoke
Payload: 4
The Hades combat bot is the largest of
all the republics robots and is used as their
primary assault robot. The crew is a pilot
and a gunner/communications specialist.
The gunner controls the left shoulder and all
the left arm and hand weapon systems, while
the pilot controls the right shoulder, arm,
and hand weapon systems, so it is possible
to fire multiple weapons at once. The gunner also controls the missiles, throwing
mines, and smoke dispensers, and the pilot
does all the hand-to-hand fighting. In any
non-combat situations the gunner usually
runs all the sensory equipment and communications.
The Hades bot looks like a giant demonic creature from an H.R. Giger drawing.
They are usually metallic gray/silver or
black in color. They also have very alien
curves and plating that gives the giant bot an
The Crimson Republic

even more unsettling look. The designers of

this robot wanted it to inspire fear and intimidate the enemy. They felt if they could
design something extremely alien and even a
little disturbing to look at, that it would psychologically give them an edge when fighting humans or other humanoids races.

Herald Recon Robot

Model: CR-RR-250
Crew: 2- pilot and communications officer
Height: 21
Width: 14
Length: 10
Strength: 50
Cargo: Minimal; enough for the soldiers
weapons, ammo, survival packs, and a
med kit
Power Source: Nuclear, 20 year life span
SDC: 3500 w/shields 3900
Running: max is 110 mph, but normal
speed is 5 to 45 mph
Leaping: the Herald bot is an excellent
jumper, and can leap 20 feet high and 25
Underwater: 26 mph, because the bot was
not meant for water it moves slow, and
water interferes with its sensory devices
Max Depth: mile before the sensory
systems fail, and 1 mile before the crew
compartment is in danger of collapsing.
Special Sensory Systems:
1.) Enhanced radar detection: range 20
2.) Scientific sensory array on the left
shoulder: this includes a smaller version
of Doppler radar, atmospheric analyzer
(humidity, temp, wind velocity, atmospheric chemical make-up, ect), advanced thermo-imaging camera (greater
clarity and better imaging)
3.) Audio/Video turrets: the bots right eye,
both shoulders, lower back, and top of
the head have these turrets. The turrets
include video cameras; still shot telescopic digital cameras, and extremely


Range on the video cameras is 7000 feet
(x10 magnification), the still shot cameras are 15000 feet (x20 magnification),
and the directional mikes can hear a
whisper at 1000 feet. The cameras can
see in infrared, passive night vision, ultraviolet, and normal vision.
4.) Communications array on the right
shoulder: this includes laser, microwave,
and radio wave systems. The array has
retractable antennas that can expand to
30 feet for better reception. The bot also
has a stronger transmitter and receiver
than normal, which enhances range
(+200 miles) and reception. Lastly it
has a very advanced scanner system that
intercepts and attempts to decipher radio
transmissions. It will work against almost all non-military radios and most
Bandito Arms, Northern Gun, Iron Heart
Amenities, or black market equipment
(60% chance). Against encrypted or
protected transmissions the scanner is
able to intercept, but only has a 10%
chance to decipher.
5.) The bot has sensory mines that it can
lay: the mines will transmit data back to
the bot (range 10 miles). The mines are
rigged with seismic & motion detectors,
unidirectional microphones (range 500
feet), and infrared video camera (range
1000 feet) linked to the motion detector.
See weapon systems for how the bot
plants the mines.
Weapon Systems:
1. 20.5 mm machine gun ball turrets located
on both collarbone areas. These weapons
can fire simultaneously at the same target or
at different targets.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: 1d4 x 10 x 5
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 3500 feet
Payload: 500 bursts per gun
2. On the right forearm is a large plasma
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: 4d6 x 10 + 20
The Crimson Republic

Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks

Range: 1500 feet
Payload: effectively unlimited
3. On the left forearm is a grenade launcher.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 75
4. Sensory mine throwers on the outside of
both thighs. The mines are shot out the
same way as the mines in the Hades bot.
When the mines hit the ground they inject
seismic probes into the ground and then the
topside of the mine telescopes up to about
one foot, this is where the camera and motion sensors are. The microphones are all
around the inside edge of the mine.
Primary Purpose: reconnaissance
Damage: none
Rate of Fire: 1 or 2 per attack
Range: 5 feet minimum to a maximum
of 2000 feet
Payload: 25 in each leg (50 total)

Violator Infantry Combat Robot

Model: CRHCR-300
Crew: 2- pilot and gunner
Height: 19 feet
Width: 11 feet
Length: 9 feet
Strength: 60
Cargo: Minimal; enough for the soldiers
weapons, ammo, survival packs, and a
med kit
Power Source: Nuclear, 20 year life span
SDC: 3700 w/arm force shield 4200
Running: max is 105, but normal speed is
5 to 45 mph
Leaping: the Violator has a special
thruster and shock system to enhance
leaping and jumping. It can leap 25 feet
high and 30 feet long.
Underwater: 34 mph
Max Depth: 1 mile
Weapon Systems:

1. The left arm does not have a normal robotic hand, instead it has a reinforced metal
fist, and on the front of the fist between index finger and ring finger is large bore ion
cannon. The fist can be used as blunt
weapon or the pilot can point the fist at a
victim and shoot them with the ion cannon.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel assault
Secondary Purpose: hand-to-hand combat blunt weapon
Damage: 4d6 x 10 + 30/ 1d6 x 10 +
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 2000 feet/ hand-to-hand combat
Payload: effectively unlimited
2. Right forearm has three retractable vibroblades (5 feet long) that extend past the
right hand.
Primary Purpose: hand-to-hand robot
Damage: 4d6 x 3 + strength
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 10 feet
Payload: effectively unlimited
3. Under both arms are 18.5 mm gun appendages that extend out 4 feet and maneuver like small arms.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel
Damage: 6D6 x 5
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 3500 feet
Payload: 35 bursts per gun
4. On the upper right forearm just above the
vibro-blades is a grenade launcher.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Range: 1400 feet
Payload: 150 grenades
5. Located on the upper left arm and shoulder is a short-range missile launcher. It can
be loaded with either SAM or SSM rockets
depending on what is needed for the mission.
Primary Purpose: anti-air or armor
Damage: varies
The Crimson Republic

Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, or 4

Range: 5 miles
Payload: 12 total missiles
6. Mounted on the robots back is a 65 mm
mortar. The mortar fires over the left shoulder and the robot must be kneeling on its left
knee when firing.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel
Secondary Purpose: infantry support
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, or 3
Range: 500 feet minimum to 2 miles
Payload: 40 mortar rounds
7. On the sides of both thighs are smoke dispensers.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: none
Rate of Fire: 2 per melee
Range: releases 250 cubic feet of dense
black smoke
Payload: 4
8. The bot can form an 8 foot by 10 foot
force shield in the shape of an ancient Roman long shield on its left arm. The bot can
parry physical blows or absorb the damage
from energy weapons, rail guns, or explosive.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: none
Range: self
SDC: 500
Payload: effectively unlimited, but if the
500 SDC is destroyed the circuits overheat and fry the board which must be
replaced before reusing. It takes the pilot or gunner approximately 5 minutes
to replace the circuit board.
The Violator looks like a bulky, robotic,
gladiator wearing Roman style armor and a
full helm. Although they are not as chiseled
and precise as a statue, they are more humanoid looking than many other combat
robots from other countries or weapons
manufacturers. They are usually painted
crimson and black, silver and black, or white
and black. Many of the pilots and their gunners will detail the helm and armor, and will
often give their bot a Roman name.


Splasher Anti-Air Robot

Model: CRA-AR125
Crew: 4- pilot, radar specialist, and 2 gunners
Height: 26
Width: 16
Length: 10
Strength: 67
Cargo: Minimal; enough for the soldiers
weapons, ammo, survival packs, and a
med kit
Power Source: Nuclear, 20 year life span
SDC: 4000 w/shields 4500
Running: 75 mph, but normal speed is 5 to
45 mph
Leaping: can not leap
Underwater: 20 mph
Max Depth: 1 mile
Weapon Systems:
1. On the Splashers back is a self reloading
heat-seeking mini-missile launcher.
Primary Purpose: anti-aircraft
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 8
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 56
2. Located on the left shoulder is short to
medium range, self loading, SAM launcher.
Primary Purpose: anti-aircraft
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, or 3
Range: varies
Payload: 24
3. Located on the right shoulder is a 22.5
mm flack gun
Primary Purpose: anti-aircraft
Damage: 1D4 x 10 x 3 or x 5 depending
on burst
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 5000 feet
Payload: 6000 rounds (2000 three round
bursts or 1200 five round bursts)
4. Located two feet above the waist on middle of the main body are a pair of 12.5 mm

The Crimson Republic

gun appendages. The appendages move like

small arms, and 360 firing range.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor or personnel
Damage: 3D6 x 5 per gun
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 4000 feet
Payload: 6000 rounds per gun (1200
5. Located on the outside of the left leg is a
ball turret grenade launcher and smoke dispenser. The ball turret can rotate 360.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel and defense
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 3, 6, or 9/ smoke
dispenser is equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: up to 2000 feet for the grenades/
smoke will cover 40 feet by 30 feet by
30 foot area
Payload: 450 grenades/ 25 smoke fields
6. Located on the outside right leg is a ball
turret plasma flame thrower. This ball turret
can also rotate 360.
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel and defense
Damage: 3D6 x 10 + 20
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 20 feet wide and 100 feet long
Payload: unlimited
7. On both forearms of the main arms are
22.5 mm auto cannons.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor or personnel
Secondary Purpose: anti-aircraft
Damage: 1D4 x 10 x 3
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 5000 feet
Payload: 6000 rounds each gun (2000
8. Located on top of the Splashers head is
the most advanced radar, early warning, and
radar jamming equipment the Crimson Republic could produce. This is what makes
the Splasher bot so effective as an antiaircraft weapon.
Primary Purpose: anti-aircraft

the radar/early warning
equipment- 75 miles, and can track 100
radar jamming equipment- 25 miles radius
The pilot and radar specialist control the
mini-missiles, SAMs, and 22.5 mm flack
gun, while one gunner operates the right side
of the bots weapon systems and the other
gunner operates the left side weapon systems. In Hand-to-hand combat with another
robot the pilot operates the movements and
hand attacks, while the gunners operate the
weapon systems.
Mechanized Units
1. Standard Combat Vehicle Systems
2. Apocalypse Main Battle Tank
3. 5th Horseman APC
4. Aggressor Tank
5. Flash APC
6. Hailstorm Towed Artillery
7. Hell Spawn (HAWP)
8. 1ST Strike MLRS
9. SkyFire (A-AWP)
10. RDF Earthquake Super Transport

Standard Combat Vehicle Systems:

Drive & Propulsion Systems:
1. Nuclear: all of the following combat
vehicles have both a main reactor
and battery backup. Most of the
larger combat vehicles will also
have a secondary or backup reactor.
2. Hover Systems: all of the following
combat vehicles use hover technology for their main drive system.
The Republic does have some track
and/or wheeled vehicles that are not
Sensory systems: same as the piloted robots
Combat systems: same as the piloted robots
Communication systems: same as the piloted robots

The Crimson Republic

Life support systems: same as the piloted



Model: CR-101HT
Crew: 5; 1 pilot, 1 copilot, and 3 gunners
Height: 14 feet
Width: 20 feet
Length: 30 feet
Cargo: Minimal; enough for the soldiers
weapons, ammo, survival packs, and a
med kit
Color: camouflage, olive green, or slate
Power Source: nuclear; last 15 years
SDC: 2200 plus 800 from Force Shields
(total 3,000)
Land: 67 mph
Water: 13 mph
Weapon Systems:
1. Main turret: 205 mm I-beam cannon with
a heavy Ion cannon on top to the right
205 mm I-beam cannon
Primary Purpose: anti-tank and
heavy armor
Damage: 2D4 x 100 + 50
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 25,750 feet
Payload: 400 rounds and the gun is
self loading
Heavy Ion cannon
Primary Purpose: anti-tank and
heavy armor
Damage: 4D6 x 20 + 20
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 4,000 feet
Payload: effectively unlimited
2. 80 mm flechette cannon on top of the tank
Primary Purpose: anti-air and antipersonnel
Damage: 1D4 x 10 x 5 to large targets/
5D6 x 5 to human sized targets and in-


coming missile volleys in 30 foot area

(+2 to hit missiles)
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 3,000 feet
Payload: 4,000 rounds
3. Retractable MRLS at the rear of the tank.
Bottom half of the battery are medium range
missiles and the top half of the battery are
short-range missiles. The MRLS rises out of
and retracts back into the tank for reloading.
Primary Purpose: anti-air and power armor
Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: varies with missile type
Payload: 10 medium range missiles / 12
short range missiles in the battery. 50
medium range missiles & 80 short-range
missiles in the tank.
4. Mini-missile batteries (2). Retractable
batteries are located on the front of the tank.
Primary Purpose: anti-power armor and
Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 30 missiles each battery, does
not reload from inside the tank.
5. Retractable mini-rail gun/plasma ejector
located on both sides of the tank, unique gun
that has twelve barrels surrounding one
larger center barrel. The twelve rotating
barrels are mini-rail guns and the center gun
is a plasma ejector.
Rail gun
Primary Purpose: point defense
Damage: 5D6 x 5
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 4,000 feet
Payload: 4,000 rounds
Plasma ejector
Primary Purpose: point defense
Damage: 3D6 x 10 +10
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 2,000 feet
Payload: effectively unlimited
The Crimson Republic

The two guns cannot fire simultaneously.

6. Smoke dispensers at (2) rear and (2) front
of tank
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: none
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 1000 feet
Payload: 50 each


Model: CR-100HTC
Crew: 11; 1 pilot, 1 copilot, 1 weapons officer*, 1 Borg commander**, 7 gunners*
Height: 10 feet (nose & 1st half of body) 16
feet (2nd half of body)
Width: nose is 10 feet and the body is 26
Length: 70 feet
Cargo: Minimal; enough for the soldiers
weapons, ammo, survival packs, and a
med kit
Color: camouflage, olive green, or slate
Power System: nuclear, last for about 25
SDC: 2000 plus 800 from Force Shields
(total 2,800)
Land: 70 mph
Water: 25 mph
Troop Capacity: 30 heavy infantry (full
environmental body armor, heavy projectile or energy weapon with either minimissiles or grenade launcher, 3 incendiary
grenades, 3 emp grenades, vibro short
sword, LAPW rocket- 4D6 x 10 to 10 foot
area), 10 Judge exoskeleton armors, 5 Avernus armors, 5 Violator bots, 1 Borg
commander, and 10 heavy combat drones.
Weapon Systems:
1. Turret style 200 mm flechette cannon (2;
front and back). Turrets can rotate 360
around and 110 up and down. The guns are
+2 to hit incoming missile volleys.


Primary Purpose: anti-armor and antipersonnel

Secondary Purpose: air defense and missile defense
Damage: 3D4 x 10 x 5 to large targets/
1D4 x 10 x 5 to humanoid targets and
missile volleys in a 30 foot area.
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 4,000 feet
Payload: 100 rounds each gun
2. Retractable short-range missile battery
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and anti-air
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 8
Range: that of missile type
Payload: 8 in battery; 64 in the APC
3. Retractable mini-missile batteries (2) located on top where the APC goes from 16
feet to 22 feet
Primary Purpose: close range and power
armor defense
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 16 per battery; 190 in the APC
4. Side turret rail guns with plasma ejectors.
2 are located on the side of each side hatch.
This weapon cannot fire both the plasma
ejector and the rail gun at the same time.
Primary Purpose: cover fire disembarking troops and defense
Damage: 1D6 x 10 x 5 for the rail gun/
1D6 x 10 + 20 for the plasma ejector
Rate of Fire: 5 per melee
Range: 4000 feet for the rail gun/ 2000
feet for the plasma ejector
Payload: 50 bursts per each rail gun/
plasma ejectors are effectively unlimited
5. Rear 20 mm flechette guns (2) on ball
turrets in the upper corners of the APC
Primary Purpose: troop cover fire and
Damage: 6D6 x 5 per turret to a 25 foot
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 2500 feet
Payload: 30 bursts per gun

The Crimson Republic

6. Plasma flamethrowers (2) on the rear underneath the flechette guns, also ball turrets
Primary Purpose: troop cover fire and
Damage: 1D6 x 10 + 35 to a 35 feet area
and 1D4 x 5 for 1D4 rounds to anything
Rate of Fire: 3 per melee
Range: extends out in a cone shape up to
a 1000 feet long with a 35 foot radius
Payload: effectively unlimited
7. Smoke dispensers located at the front (2)
and rear (2) of the APC
Primary Purpose: defense and cover
Damage: none
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: up to 90 foot radius
Payload: effectively unlimited
The APC has three separate exits that
the troops can dismount from, 1 at the rear
of the APC, 1 on the right side just behind
cockpit, and 1 on the left side in the middle
of the main body of the APC. There are also
four humanoid size hatches for the crew to
exit or escape out of if there is an emergency.
*The weapons officer controls the shortrange missile battery and the mini-missile
batteries, but during battle the co-pilot may
assist him. 2 gunners control the 200 mm
flechette cannons, and 4 gunners control the
rail gun/plasma ejectors (1 gunner per turret). 1 gunner controls both 20 mm flechette
guns and both plasma flamethrowers at the
rear of the APC, but at times the Borg commander will assist him.
**Once the combat drones have disembarked the APC the Borg commander will
move to the tactical/communications area of
the APC to take charge of the drones combat

The Aggressor Tank

Model: CR97-MCT
Primary purpose: Mechanized Infantry
Crew: 3: 1 pilot and 2 gunners


Length: 18 feet
Height: 11 feet
Width: 12 feet
Cargo: Minimal; enough for the soldiers
weapons, ammo, survival packs, and a
med kit
Color: camouflage, olive green, or slate
Power Source: nuclear
SDC: 3,800/ with shields 4,300
Land: 70 mph
Water: 20 mph
Weapon Systems:
1. The main gun is a 105 mm I-beam cannon.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and assault
Damage: 1D4 x 100 + 25
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 18,000 feet
Payload: 100 rounds
2. Underneath and to the left of the main gun
is a large particle beam cannon.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and assault
Damage: 6D6 x 10 + 10
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 2200 feet
Payload: unlimited
3. On top of the tank is a Warmonger tribarreled rail gun.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and assault
Damage: 3D4 x 10 x 5
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 4500 feet
Payload: 60 bursts (9000 rounds)
4. At the rear of the tank is a retractable,
self-loading, short range, SAM battery.
Primary Purpose: anti-aircraft and
power armor
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
Range: 5 miles
Payload: 6 in the battery/ 30 more in the
tank. It takes 2 melee actions to reload.

The Crimson Republic

5. Retractable, self-loading, mini-missile

battery on the left side of the tank. The battery can rotate 360 in any direction.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and assault
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 8
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 8 in the battery/ 56 in the tank,
and takes 2 melee actions to reload itself
6. On the right side of the tank is a heavy,
ball turret laser. The turret can rotate 360
in any direction.
Primary Purpose: assault
Damage: 3D6 x 10 + 20
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 4000 feet
Payload: unlimited
7. Located on both sides in the middle of the
tank are smoke dispensers.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: none
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: up to 60 feet radius
Payload: 12

Flash APC
Model: CR97-APC
Primary purpose: Mechanized Infantry
Crew: 3: 1 pilot, 1 communications specialist, and 1 gunner
Length: 18 feet
Height: 10 feet
Width: 10 feet
Cargo: Minimal; enough for the soldiers
weapons, ammo, survival packs, and a
med kit
Color: camouflage, olive green, or slate
Power Source: nuclear
SDC: 4,000/ with shields 4,500
Land: 130 mph
Water: 40 mph
Troop Capacity: 6 heavy combat troops, or
10 regular infantry troops.


Weapon Systems:
1. Located on the front of the APC next to
the cockpit is a 40 mm auto cannon. The
gun can move 45 left to right, and 45 up
and down.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and assault
Damage: 6D6 x 5 + 20
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 4300 feet
Payload: 3000 rounds (600 bursts)
2. Located on top, to the rear of the APC is a
heavy ion cannon turret. It can rotate
around 360, and 35 up and down.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and assault
Damage: 4D6 x 10 + 30
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: unlimited
3.) On the top middle of the APC is a retractable, self loading, mini-missile battery.
The battery can rotate around 360, and up
and down 45.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and assault
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, or 6
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 24 in the battery/ with 2 full
housed within the APC
4. At the top right and left hand corners,
above rear unloading door are ball turret
plasma flamethrowers. The turrets can rotate 360 in any direction.
Primary Purpose: defense for unloading
Damage: 3D6 x 10 + 20
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 20 feet wide and 100 feet long
Payload: unlimited
5. Located on both sides of the APC are
flash/stun smoke grenade launchers. They
can rotate 90 left to right, and 45 up and
Primary Purpose: troop offloading
Damage: none, but anyone within 20
feet of the flash/stun grenade detonating
must save vs. non-lethal poison. A
failed roll means the person is stunned

The Crimson Republic

and can only defend (parry or dodge) for

1 melee round.
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 10 feet to 500 feet
Payload: 30 each launcher

Hailstorm Towed Artillery

The Hailstorm is a towed artillery hover
craft that carries three detachable, self loading 105 mm I-beam cannons, two missile
batteries, mortars, and an arsenal of shells.
This unit is used as fire support for both
heavy and regular infantry. Its deployed as
both an offensive and defensive weapon on
the battlefield when enemies are in combat
range to strike the Crimson forces. These
cannons can use a wide range of munitions
ranging from HE to sub-munitions loads, to
nuclear and chemical.
Model: CR100LAP
Primary Purpose: Offensive infantry support weapon
Crew: 10; 2 men for each detachable 125
mm cannon, 1 communications officer, 1
pilot/weapons officer, 1 copilot/weapons
Sgt, 1 radar/targeting officer
Length: 48 feet
Height: 10 feet
Width: 10 feet
Cargo: Minimal; enough for the soldiers
weapons, ammo, survival packs, and a
med kit
Color: camouflage, olive green, or slate
Power Source: Nuclear
SDC: 8,000/ with shields 9,000
Land: 80 mph
Water: 20 mph
Weapon Systems:
1. Three self-loading 125 mm artillery cannons are towed at the back of the hovercraft.
They are detachable and able to be moved
and fired by two man teams. Each artillery
piece is self-anchoring using laser drills and
metal pylons.


Primary Purpose: infantry support

Secondary Purpose: defensive fire
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: 4 shot per melee (16 shots
per minute)
Range: 5000 feet minimum to 16 mile
Payload: 64 (it takes both soldiers and 2
melee rounds to reload the gun)
2. Retractable medium range SAM battery
located on the main body behind the troop
compartment of the cab of the hovercraft.
Primary Purpose: anti-air defense
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, or 4
Range: 5 miles
Payload: 8, another 32 are carried inside
the hovercraft. (It takes 1 melee to reload the SAM battery)
3. Retractable short range SSM (surface-tosurface missile) multiple launchers located
at the back of the hovercraft right before the
detachable cannons.
Primary Purpose: anti-armor and anticombat bot
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, or 4
Range: 5 miles
Payload: 24, with 48 more missiles in
the vehicle
4. Four 40 mm mortars on the right side of
the hover craft concealed behind sliding armored doors. The mortars are self-loading
from an internal feed magazine.
Primary Purpose: infantry fire support
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: 5 shots per melee
Range: 600 feet minimum to 21,000 feet
Payload: 100 rounds per internal magazine (400 total rounds)
5. Three 95 mm mortars across the top of the
hovercraft between the two missile batteries,
concealed beneath armored doors. These
mortars are also self-loading from an internal feed magazine.
Primary Purpose: infantry fire support
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: 4 per melee
Range: 1,200 feet minimum to 49,000
feet maximum
The Crimson Republic

Payload: 100 rounds per internal magazine (300 total rounds)

6. Warmonger tri-barreled rail gun mounted
on a turret in the front of the hovercraft next
to the pilots compartment.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: 3D4 x 10 x 5
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 4500 feet
Payload: 60 bursts (9000 rounds)

Hellspawn HAWP
This heavy artillery weapons platform
was designed for long range artillery barrages and infantry support. The Hellspawn
is not heavily armored, but it does have an
awesome arsenal of weapons and capabilities. Once the Hellspawn is in position it
can be operational and firing in less than 3
minutes. The Hellspawn anchors with its
left side facing the enemy position, or advancing direction when it anchors in the
Model: CR101HAP
Primary purpose: infantry fire support
Crew: 11; 6 men for the two detachable
cannons, 1 pilot/weapons officer, 1 radar/targeting officer, 1 copilot/weapons
Sgt., 1 communications officer, and 1
Stratosorb officer.
Length: 22 feet / with towed trailers 48 feet
Height: 12 feet
Width: 16 feet
Cargo: Minimal; enough for the soldiers
weapons, ammo, survival packs, and a
med kit
Color: camouflage, olive green, or slate
Power Source: nuclear
SDC: 5,000/ with shields 5,500
Land: 55 mph
Water: 15 mph
Weapon Systems:


1. Two auto loading 205 mm artillery cannons on top of the main body in between the
two missile launching systems. Laser drills
and metal pylons anchor the Hellspawn in
the ground when firing. Both I-beam cannons have a 360 rotation and 90 elevation
Primary Purpose: to weaken entrenched
infantry & destroy advancing armor
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: 3 per melee
Range: 3500 feet minimum to maximum
of 50 miles
Payload: 150 rounds for each gun
2. Two detachable 125 mm artillery cannons
towed at the rear of the platform (Same as
the Hailstorm Towed Artillery)
3. Heat/radar seeking long-range SAM battery mounted behind the cockpit of the vehicle
Primary Purpose: air defense
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Range: up to 150 miles
Payload: 15 in the battery/ 60 more in
the vehicle, takes 1 full round to reload.
4. On the side of the platform four 200 mm
mortars retract down.
Primary Purpose: destroy advancing armor units
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: 6 per melee
Range: 3500 feet minimum to maximum
of 35 miles
Payload: 150 rounds for each gun
5. Retractable long-range surface-to-surface
missile (SSM) battery at the rear of the platform.
Primary Purpose: destroy ground assets
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 4, 6, or 8
Range: up to 150 miles
Payload: 24 in the battery/ 96 more in
the vehicle, but it takes 1 full round (1
minute) to reload.
6. Towed on a separate hover trailer three
launch ready Stratosorbs. Each orb takes 1
melee round to launch, and can be in position in as little as 2 minutes. For full capa-

The Crimson Republic

bilities see the Stratosorb description on

page 104.

SkyFire A-AWP
The SkyFire is anti-air weapons platform that is used for defense against enemy
hovercraft, power armor, and jets. The SkyFire is deployed in the field and used at both
hardened and mobile military bases. In
combat the SkyFire is deadly as an anti-air
gun, but it does not have the armor or the
firepower to stand against other mechanized
units alone. In the field it is usually accompanied by Aggressor tanks, Avernus power
armor, or one of the combat robots. The
SkyFire is most affective as defensive unit,
especially against incoming missile volleys.
Model: CR101-AAWP
Crew: 4; 1 pilot, 1 communications/radar
specialist, and 2 weapons specialists
Height: 12 feet
Width: 13 feet
Length: 18 feet
Color: camouflage, olive green, or dark
Power Source: nuclear; last 15 years
SDC: 4,200 w/shields 4,500
Land: 50 mph
Water: 18 mph
Weapon Systems:
1. 200 mm Flechette guns (2). Both are located at the front of the platform, which pivots just like a tank would. Each gun can
move up or down 90, and they can fire at
the same target or separate targets depending
on the situation.
Primary Purpose: anti-aircraft
Damage: 3D4 x 10 x 5 to large targets/
1D4 x 10 x 5 to humanoid targets and
missile volleys in a 30 foot area.
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 4000 feet
Payload: 400 rounds per gun
2. Short range SAM battery at the back of
the platform. The battery is able to rotate

360, and is retractable and can be reloaded

from within the vehicle. It takes 1 melee
rounds to reload.
Primary Purpose: anti-aircraft
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10
Range: 5 miles
Payload: 30 in the battery/ 120 in the
3. Self loading, retractable mini-missile
batteries (4). Located on both sides of the
platform are a pair of mini-missile batteries.
These batteries can auto-target recognized
threats or be manually operated by one of
the weapon specialists.
Primary Purpose: anti-aircraft
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: 3 times per melee round
when on auto-target. Auto or manual it
fires volleys of 1, 2, 4, or 6
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 24 per battery/ with 48 per
battery more in the vehicle. It takes 2
initiatives to auto-reload
4. Located directly behind the main 200 mm
Flechette guns is an extremely powerful radar system that is used to track, target, and
jam enemy air units. The radar jamming has
a range of 25 miles. The radar also tracts
and targets possible threats for the minimissile batteries to shoot down. The over all
range of the radar is 225 miles, and it can
tract up 175 separate targets.

1ST Strike MRLS

The 1st Strike is a multiple rocket launch
system that is designed for just what the
name says. It is a long-range offensive
weapon that is designed to take out hard targets and enemy mechanized units before the
Republics mechanized units arrive. The 1st
Strike will often work in conjunction with
the AirCorp, Special Forces units, and
Stratosorbs to find and light enemy targets. The 1st Strike relies mainly on longrange missiles and cruise missiles, but also
has a variety of other missiles at its disposal.
Like the SkyFire, the 1st Strike is not meant
to fight armor units or even fight one-on-one
The Crimson Republic

with the enemy, instead it relies on speed,

stealth, and reliable intelligence to strike
first and then get out before it can be retaliated on.
Model: CR101-MRLS
Crew: 3; 1 pilot, 1 communications/radar
specialist, 1 weapons specialists
Height: 9 feet
Width: 14 feet
Length: 20 feet
Color: camouflage, olive green, or dark
Power Source: nuclear; last 15 years
SDC: 4,000 w/shields 4,500
Land: 75 mph
Water: 28 mph
Weapon Systems:
1. Warmonger tri-barreled rail guns (2).
They are located at the front corners of the
MRLS. Both are able to rotate 180 side-toside and 90 up and down.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: 3D4 x 10 x 5
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 4500 feet
Payload: 9000 rounds for each gun
2. Retractable Mini-missile batteries (2).
One is located on either side of the MRLS,
and both can rotate 360 up, down, and sideto-side.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 8
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 48
3. Retractable cruise missile launcher. Located toward the middle of the MRLS.
Primary Purpose: long-range offensive
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2 or 3
Range: up to 1,200 miles
Payload: 30
4. Long range radar and missile battery.
This is located at the back of the MRLS, and


it can rotate 360 around and 90 up and

Primary Purpose: long-range offensive
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 10
Range: up to 500 miles
Payload: 50
5. Retractable medium to short-range missile
battery. This is located directly behind the
cruise missile launcher in the middle of
MRLS. It can rotate 360 around and 90
up and down.
Primary Purpose: long range offensive
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10
Range: varies from 5 to 50 miles
Payload: 120
6. Smoke dispensers (4). These are located
near the bottom of the MRLS. Two are in
the front and two are in the back near the
each corner.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: none
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 30 feet
Payload: 10

RDF Earthquake
The RDF Earthquake is a rapid deployment force, super transport. It is capable of
transporting a large battle group by air at a
moments notice to just about anywhere in
the world. The transport has four separating
parts: 1) Special forces and command post
transport (CPT); 2) a mechanized cavalry
transport (MCT); 3) an air cavalry and AirCorp transport (ACT); 4) a combat robot
and supply transport (R&ST). The RDF
Earthquake super transport can fight without
support for approximately one week before
supplies and reinforcements are needed.
Presently, there are two Earthquakes, the
Destroyer and the Persuader. This is by far
the largest and most expensive piece of
equipment used by the Crimson Army.

The Crimson Republic

Model: CR-102RDFT
Crew: CPT- 34; MCT- 20; ACT- 20;
R&ST- 20
Height: 96 feet
Width: 225 feet
Length: 400 feet
Color: slate gray
Power Sources: nuclear; last 25 years
SDC: 40,000 plus 10,000 from Force
Shields (total 50,000)
Land- The RDF can hover 50 feet over
land and move at a speed of 200 mph.
The individual transports can hover 5 feet
off the ground and move at a speed of 400
Water- The RDF can hover over large
bodies of water and can move at a speed
of 90 mph. It cannot submerge or move
underwater. The separate transports can
hover over water and move at a speed of
125 mph, but only the CPT can submerge
and move underwater. It can move at a
speed of 40 mph and go to a maximum
depth of 400 feet.
Flying- The RDF can fly up to Mach 1
and the separate transports can fly at a
speed of 500 mph. They can maintain
these speeds for up to 36 hours before the
transports start to over heat.
Troop Capacity: CPT- 2 maniples of Point
Blank power armor, 2 squads of Valkyrie
power armor, 6 cohorts of Legionnaires, 1
maniple of MageCorp, 1 maniple of Psibat, 25 Glitterboys. MCT- 30 Apocalypse
tanks, 11 5th Horseman APCs (with full
compliment), 42 Aggressor tanks, 20
Hailstorm towed artillery, 5 Hellspawn
(HAP), 10 1st Strike MRLS, 15 SkyFire
anti-air, 2 battalions of heavy infantry.
R&ST- 4 squads of Hades combat bots, 2
squads of Splasher bots, 2 squads of Herald recon bots, 4 squads of Violator bots, 1
maniple of Avernus power armor. ACT3 squads of Grey Eagle jets, 1 squad of
Wyrm attack helicopters, 3 squads of
Drake light assault helicopters, 3 maniples
of Seek and Destroy hover cycles, 3 maniples of Point Blank power armor, 4 maniples of Valkyrie power armor.


Cargo Capacity: Enough armor, ammo,

food, and other supplies to survive in a
combat situation for 1 week.
Sensory Systems: The four separate transports have the same sensory capabilities as
all combat vehicles, and the RDF when
whole has the most advanced sensory and
targeting systems available to the Crimson
Weapon Systems:
1. The RDFs main defense is the ability to
launch 2 squads of Valkyrie power armor
and 2 maniples of Point Blank power armor
from the CPT and the ACT. The Point
Blank drop from multiple hatches on the
bottom of the RDF, while the Valkyrie fly
from hatches on the top and sides of the
RDF. It takes approximately 1 melee to get
100 power armors in the air (20 every 3 seconds).
2. Retractable, long range, missile battery
located on the top of the MCT. The weapons control officers within the RDF are able
to launch at up to five separate targets per
attack. The battery can rotate 360.
Primary Purpose: strategic 1st strike
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 8, 16, or 24
Range: up to 800 miles
Payload: 48, takes 2 melees to be reloaded.
3. Retractable, air-to-air medium missile
batteries (4). Located on both the ACT and
R&ST. The batteries can rotate 360.
Primary Purpose: anti-aircraft and
power armor
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 10
Range: 40 miles
Payload: 30 per battery, takes 2 melees
to reload a battery
4. Retractable, mini-missile batteries (10).
All ten batteries are on the underside of the
RDF. 2 are under the CPT, 2 are under the
R&ST and ACT, and 4 are under the MCT.
All ten batteries can rotate 360.
Primary Purpose: antipersonnel and armor
Damage: varies
The Crimson Republic

Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 10

Range: 1 mile
Payload: 30 per battery, takes 2 melees
to reload a battery
5. 200 mm turret flechette cannons (6). Two
are located to the nose of the CPT these two
turrets can rotate 90 up, down, and side-toside. There is one turret on top of, and toward the front of the R&ST and the ACT,
and two on top of the MCT, one at the front
and one at the back. These turrets are able
to rotate 360 around and 90 up and down.
Primary Purpose: anti-air and antipersonnel
Damage: 3D4 x 10 x 5 to large targets/
1D4 x 10 x 5 to humanoid targets and
missile volleys in a 30 foot area (+2 to
hit missiles).
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 4,000 feet
Payload: 8,000 rounds.
6. Triple Pulse Laser turrets (25). 4 on either side of the MCT, 3 on either side of the
R&ST and ACT, and 1 on the front and 2 on
either side of the CPT. Only 11 are able to
fire when her RDF is together as one transport. The turrets can rotate 90 up, down,
and side-to-side.
Primary Purpose: point defense
Damage: 4D6 x 10 + 40 per blast
Rate of Fire: 5 per melee
Range: 4000 feet
Payload: unlimited
7. Smoke dispensers are located all over the
four transports, and can disperse enough
chemical smoke to cover a 300 yard radius
when the RDF is together, or 75 yard radius
as separate parts.
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: none
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 10
Range: varies
Payload: 720 (180 per transport)
Drones: Non-Piloted Robots
1. Gallu Demon Combat Drone
2. Harbinger Recon Drone
3. Skullbot Infiltrating Drones
4. City Patrol Drone


Gallu Demon Drone

This non-piloted robot is used in conjunction with infantry units as shock troops,
and light weapons support. The Gallu Demon has limited artificial intelligence. Their
combat tactics and strategies are programmed into them, but field tests have
shown that over time the artificial intelligence can learn new tactics and adapt to
previously encountered enemy strategies.
Comparatively, though, their ability to learn
is quite limited next to real infantry troops.
They have state of the art sensory and
communication systems, and are well armed
and armored. The drones can work with or
with out a humanoid commander, but here
again field tests have shown the drones are
much more effective when led by a humanoid or borg commander. The drones have a
limited vocabulary, but they can speak it in
many different languages.
Model: D102-1
Primary purpose: enhance & aid combat
Height: 12 feet tall
Width: 5 feet
Length: 4 feet
Weight: 1200 lbs
Strength: 43
Power Source: nuclear
SDC: 1,000 w/shields 1,300
Running- up to 75 MPH
Jumping- 20 feet high 20 feet long with
Water- 14 MPH
Maximum depth- 1,200 feet
Weapon Systems:
1.) Mini-missile launcher encircles the right
Primary Purpose: anti-armor
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 3, or 5
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 10
2.) 22.5 mm sniper cannon located on the
left shoulder and back. When the weapon is

The Crimson Republic

not being used it flips back over the shoulder

much like a Glitterboys gun does.
Primary Purpose: sniping weapon
Damage: 1D4 x 10 per single shot, x3 or
x5 per burst
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 6000 feet
Payload: 300 rounds
3.) The left forearm has a multiple hand-tohand combat weapon system built into it.
The system has three retractable vibro
blades on the top of the forearm, underneath
the forearm, underneath the forearm is a
concealed micro-missile launcher, and from
the side of the forearm a small, concealed
ion blaster can be fired
Vibro Blades
Primary Purpose: hand-to-hand combat
Damage: 1D4 x 10 + strength damage
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 2 feet
Payload: unlimited
Ion Blaster
Primary Purpose: close quarter combat
Damage: 1D6 x 10 + 10
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 1000 feet
Payload: unlimited
Micro-Missile Launcher
Primary Purpose: anti-personnel
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2 or 4
Range: mile
Payload: 8
4.) Demon Bull horns are a re-enforced
mega-damage alloy, piecing weapon.
Primary Purpose: charging attack
Damage: 2D6 x 10 + strength damage
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand
Range: 2 feet
Payload: unlimited
5.) Hand-to-Hand Combat: The Gallu Demons speed, agility, strength, and programming gives it 6 attacks, and +8 to
strike, parry, & dodge. It has a +5 initiative
and an additional +4 to strike when it uses
its charge attack (critical attack that counts

as two attacks). The Gallus programming

also allows it to perform a leap attack, which
does critical damage, an axe kick, round
kick, and body tackle/crush (4D6 + strength
damage, and victim loses an attack/action).
An 18-20 is a knockout with this attack.
Sensory systems:
Optics: passive night vision, infrared,
thermo-imaging, ultraviolet, normal light
spectrum, and telescopic. The telescopic
is x200 and can see as for as 2 miles away.
video/audio recording capabilities, both a
long and short range radio receiver &
transmitter, a microwave burst transmitter,
and point-to-point encrypted laser communication capabilities. When transmitting field data they have up to a 350 mile
range depending on which transmitter is
used. Range for receiving data and commands are dependent on the senders
transmitter, although the drones do have
extremely sensitive receivers that are able
to pick up even the weakest signals. They
have a built in universal translator that enables them to speak and understand a limited vocabulary.
Combat computer: they have IFF (identify
friend/foe) hardware and programming,
plus a targeting and tracking computer.
Motion sensors: they can sense the smallest movement within a 200 foot radius depending on terrain.
Radar: can identify and track up to 15
separate targets, but the targets must be
100 feet or higher in the air. The radar
does not work well on ground targets because of terrain, and when terrain does
permit, it only works for large robots or
Speech: they have a very limited vocabulary, and understand simple commands

Harbinger Drone
The Harbinger Drone is a reconnaissance drone that looks almost exactly like a
Xitxic Warrior. Of course, up close a person
can tell that it is a metal robot, but from a

The Crimson Republic

distance it would be very difficult to tell the

difference between the drone and a real warrior. The drones are used to scout unknown
areas or areas that the republic wants information about without having to reveal themselves. The drones are programmed to flee a
fight and not engage anyone close up.
Thats not to say they cant fight when necessary, or when cornered. They have a good
arsenal of weapons at their disposal if the
enemy is not content to let them flee. The
drones have recently been used as far north
as Tolkeen and Free Quebec, and as far
south as the Mexican border. These are a
new model of drone that use grav paks for
flying, but since that technology is still new
to the republic not all the bugs have been
worked out of it. The Harbinger drone also
has state of the art sensing systems, with
both scientific and military applications.
Model: D-105R
Primary purpose: reconnaissance
Height: 7 feet
Width: 4 feet
Length: 3 feet
Weight: 550 lbs
Strength: 40
Power Source: nuclear
SDC: 1,000/ with shields 1,300
Running- 95 mph
Jumping- 25 feet by 30 feet using thrusters
Flying- up to 250 mph
Maximum Range- unlimited, the grav
paks dont over heat
Water- 20 mph
Maximum Depth- 1,000 feet
Weapon systems:
1. 18.5 mm assault weapon built into the
right forearm
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: 6D6 x 3
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 3000 feet
Payload: 300 rounds (100 bursts)
2. Concealed mini-missile launcher in the
left shoulder
Primary Purpose: anti-armor

Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
Range: 1 mile
Payload: 6
3. Retractable vibro blade in the left forearm
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: 1D4 x 10 + strength
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 2 feet
Payload: unlimited
4. Triple pulse laser rifle. The rifles were
made to look the Xitxics TK-rifles
Primary Purpose: defense
Damage: 3D6 x 10 + 20
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 4000 feet
Payload: unlimited, connected to nuclear
5. Hand-to-Hand combat: The Harbingers
speed, agility, strength, and programming
gives it 5 attacks, and +6 to strike, parry, &
dodge. It has a +5 initiative and can perform a leap attack that does critical damage.
Sensory system:
Optics: passive night vision, infrared,
thermo-imaging, ultraviolet, normal light
spectrum, and telescopic. The telescopic
is x200 and can see as for as 2 miles away.
video/audio recording capabilities, both a
long and short range radio receiver &
transmitter, a microwave burst transmitter,
and point-to-point encrypted laser communication capabilities. When transmitting field data they have up to 350 mile
range depending on which transmitter is
used. Range for receiving data or commands are dependent on the senders
transmitter, although they do have extremely sensitive receivers that are able to
pick up even the weakest signals. They
have a built in universal translator that enables them understand a limited vocabulary.
Combat computer: they have IFF (identify
friend/foe) hardware and programming,
plus a targeting and tracking computer.

The Crimson Republic

Motion sensors: they can sense the smallest movement within a 200 foot radius depending on terrain.
Radar: can identify and track up to 25
separate targets up to 20 miles away, but
they must be 100 feet or higher in the air.
The radar does not work well on ground
targets because of terrain, and when terrain does permit, it only works for large
robots or vehicles.
Speech: none
analyzer (humidity, temp, wind velocity,
atmospheric chemical make-up, ect), advanced thermo-imaging camera (greater
clarity and better imaging), radiation detector, radar detector, and scanner system
that intercepts and records foreign radio

Skullbot Drone
The Skullbot is an infiltrating bot
designed to be used against the Coalition
Army. Early last year members of the Syndicate working in the New West bought four
partially destroyed Skelebots and two Dead
Mans rail guns from an undisclosed
source. They were told the Skelebots were
part of a Seek & Destroy unit sent into the
New West to eradicate a group of feral Dog
The bots were returned to the Crimson
Republic and handed over to the Armys
R&D department. They were not able to
retrieve much data from the internal computers or AI, but they were able to design a
replica of the Skelebot using their own robotic and AI technology, and manufacturing
began immediately. The Skullbots programming is slightly different from that of
the other drones used by the republic, because it is geared more toward infiltration
and sabotage. Skullbots are programmed to
seek out large groups of Coalition troops or
expensive hardware and then self-destruct
by making their nuclear power source go
critical. They will seek out targets of opportunity like unattended vehicles or robots
that they can easily destroy. They are also


programmed to try to infiltrate and travel

with units until the unit is either engaged by
or engages an enemy, and then the Skullbots
turn on the Coalition troops. The Skullbot is
an almost perfect replica of the Skelebot,
and only a very close inspection will tell the
Model: D-105SI
Primary purpose: infiltrator
Height: 7 feet
Width: 3 feet
Length: 2 feet, 9 inches
Weight: 390 lbs
Strength: 30
Power Source: nuclear
SDC: 950
Running- 90 mph
Jumping- 6 feet high or across
Water- 25% of running speed
Maximum Depth- 1,000 feet
Weapon systems:
1. Pair of wing style vibro blades on each
Primary Purpose: assault
Damage: 1D4 x 10 + strength
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 1 foot
Payload: unlimited
2. Replica of the Dead Mans rail gun
Primary Purpose: assault
Damage: 5D6 x 5
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 4,000 feet
Payload: 2,000 round drum (20 bursts)
3. Nuclear explosion. The Skullbot can
make their nuclear power cell go critical and
Primary Purpose: sabotage
Damage: 2D6 x 100
Rate of Fire: once
Range: 100 foot area
Payload: one
4. Hand-to-hand combat: The Skullbots
speed, agility, strength, and programming
gives it 6 attacks, and +8 to strike, parry, &
The Crimson Republic

dodge. It has a +5 initiative. It can also

strike with a round kick, punch, knee, and
body tackle/crush (4D6 + strength damage,
and victim loses an attack/action). An 18-20
is a knockout with this attack.
Sensory systems:
Optics: passive night vision, infrared,
thermo-imaging, ultraviolet, normal light
spectrum, and telescopic. The telescopic
is x200 and can see as for as 2 miles away.
video/audio recording capabilities and,
both a long and short range radio receiver
& transmitter, a microwave burst transmitter, and point-to-point encrypted laser
communication capabilities. When transmitting field data they have up to 150 mile
range depending on which transmitter is
used. Range for receiving data or commands are dependent on the senders
transmitter, although they do have extremely sensitive receivers that are able to
pick up even the weakest signals. They
have a built in universal translator that enables them understand and speak in almost
any language.
Combat computer: they have IFF (identify
friend/foe) hardware and programming,
plus a targeting and tracking computer.
Motion sensors: they can sense the smallest movement within a 200 foot radius depending on terrain.
Radar: can identify and track up to 15
separate targets up to 10 miles away, but
the targets must be 50 feet or higher in the
air. The radar does not work well on
ground targets because of terrain, and
when terrain does permit, it only works for
large robots or vehicles.
Speech: limited to simple phrases, responses, and commands

City Patrol Drone

The City Patrol Drone is the oldest of
the Crimson Republics drones. It has been
used as a security drone inside and outside
of the republics cities for the last ten years.
Of all the drones used by the military this is


by far the most common, and most widely

accepted by the citizens of the Crimson Republic. The City Patrol drone has very different, and to some extent more complicated
programming than any of the other drones.
They have a greater vocabulary, better person skills, and a more advanced threat assessment program. Because they have so
much interaction with the citizens of the
republic they also have a more appealing
humanoid appearance than the other drones.
In combat they are extremely effective tools,
and in the cities they are reliable assets.
Model: D-94P
Primary purpose: patrol
Height: 6 feet
Width: 3 feet
Length: 2 feet
Weight: 400 lbs
Strength: 30
Power Source: electrical- battery will last
for 72 hours of continuous use
SDC: 700/ with shields 950
Running- 90 mph
Jumping- 10 feet by 15 feet with thrusters
Water- 20 mph
Maximum Depth- 900 feet
Weapon systems:
1. Stun gun. The left hand can deliver a jolt
of 50,000 to 400,000 volts depending on the
race of creature they are trying to stun.
Primary Purpose: non-lethal weapon
Damage: victim must roll a save vs.
non-lethal poison or be incapacitated for
1D4 minutes
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 10 feet
Payload: unlimited
2. Retractable vibro blade in the right forearm.
Primary Purpose: hand-to-hand combat
Damage: 5D6 + strength damage
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: 1 foot
Payload: unlimited

The Crimson Republic

3. Concealed micro-missile launcher in the

left shoulder.
Primary Purpose: assault
Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 8
Range: mile
Payload: 16
4. Hand weapon- The Grunt infantry assault
Primary Purpose: assault
Damage: caseless rounds- 4D6 x 5
laser- 2d6 x 10 + 20
Rate of Fire: equal to hand-to-hand attacks
Range: caseless rounds- 3500 feet / laser- 2200 feet
Payload: 10- 100 round magazines / unlimited
5. Hand-to-hand combat: The City Patrol
drones speed, agility, strength, and programming gives it 5 attacks, and +6 to
strike, parry, & dodge. It has a +5 initiative
and can perform a leap attack that does critical damage.
Sensory systems:
Optics: passive night vision, infrared,
thermo-imaging, ultraviolet, normal light
spectrum, and telescopic. The telescopic
is x200 and can see as for as 2 miles away.
video/audio recording capabilities and,
both a long and short range radio receiver
& transmitter, a microwave burst transmitter, and point-to-point encrypted laser
communication capabilities. When transmitting field data they have up to 150 mile
range depending on which transmitter is
used. Range for receiving data or commands are dependent on the senders
transmitter, although they do have extremely sensitive receivers that are able to
pick up even the weakest signals. They
have a built in universal translator that enables them understand and speak in almost
any language.
Combat computer: they have IFF (identify
friend/foe) hardware and programming,
plus a targeting and tracking computer.


Motion sensors: they can sense the smallest movement within a 200 foot radius depending on terrain.
Radar: can identify and track up to 10
separate targets up to 5 miles away, but
the targets must be 50 feet or higher in the
air. The radar does not work well on
ground targets because of terrain, and
when terrain does permit, it only works for
large robots or vehicles.
Speech: limited, but much greater than
any of the other drones
Odds, Ends, & TW Devises:
1. Mimics
2. Stratosorbs
3. Mesorb
4. EMP Grenade
5. Freak Grenade (TW)
6. Mage-phone (TW)

Model: CR105-NPA
Primary purpose: decoy for military operations
Crew: none
Height: 4 ft
Width: 4 ft
Length: 7 ft
Weight: 400 lbs
Power Source: electric engine/ combustion
engine (hydrogen fueled)
SDC: 450
Flying: electric engine- 250 mph/ condensed hydrogen power cell- Mach 2
Maximum Altitude: 50,000 feet
Maximum Range: electric engine- 900
miles/ condensed hydrogen power cell1,500 miles
Mimics are a non-piloted aircraft that can
be programmed to give radar, and/or heat
signatures of almost any power armor,
plane, large transport, or large flying beast.
It is basically a large cylinder made of composite plate and plastic armor, with small
wings and an engine. Its filled with electronic, radio, radar hardware. Its flight plan
The Crimson Republic

can preprogrammed, or it can be flown by

remote control. The Mimics job is just that,
to mimic another type of aircraft on radar.
Their radar systems can also jam enemy
communications and radar. The mimics
were discovered, and copied from ones
found at the Alaskan Military Instillation.
Techno Wizards are working on giving the
Mimic the ability to create a visual illusion
of the mimicked aircraft as well.
Weapon Systems: none
Sensory Systems:
1.) Radar: the mimics radar is able identify
and track up to 125 different targets in a
200 mile radius. It can identify and
track atmospheric distortions and
anomalies, and it can project a radar
signature of anything up to a 9,000
times its size, or 4 times smaller than itself.
2.) Heat: the Mimic can produce a heat signature 300 times greater than its normal
signature, or mask its heat signature to
no more than that of a bird.
3.) Communications: the mimic can put out
enough electronic interference to jam
enemy communications and radar for 50
mile radius.

Model: CR105-SO1
Primary purpose: communications
Secondary purpose: reconnaissance
Crew: none
Height: 8 ft
Diameter: 5 ft
Weight: 1,200 lbs
Power Source: nuclear
SDC: 2,000/ with shields 2,500
Flying: up to 750 mph (during launch)
Hovering: up to 450 mph
Maximum Altitude: 30 miles
Maximum Range: unless its shot down
malfunctions it can be piloted by remote
control from over 1,200 miles away.
The Stratosorb is an upper atmosphere
satellite. It uses state of the art hover tech-


nology to keep aloft for long periods of

time. The orbs are launched into the stratosphere and controlled by remote control.
Right now they are only being used for
communications and reconnaissance, but the
military is working on designs that will employ both laser and missile weapon systems.
The technology is not yet perfected so there
are still malfunctions and other bugs that
need to be worked out, but the republic currently uses the Stratosorb for both military
and civilian purposes.
The orbs are launched in to the stratosphere because it is very stable and there is
no weather in that layer of atmosphere. Unfortunately this is also the layer of atmosphere where most aircraft and large beasts
fly for the exact same reasons, and therefore
the Stratosorbs are very vulnerable. If the
orbs are left unhindered they can remain up
for three to six months before overheating
occurs or the needing of general maintenance.
Weapon Systems: none
Sensory Systems:
1.) Radar: have both military and scientific
radar systems. The orbs can identify
and track up to 200 targets at a range of
300 miles. They use a powerful Doppler type radar system that can track
both weather patters and flying objects.
2.) Optics: The orbs have advanced optics
systems that allow thermo-imaging, infrared, and normal light photographing
and video. They also have powerful
telescopic cameras with x 4000 magnification that can see hundreds of miles
3.) Communications: the orbs have long
wave and short wave radio receivers and
transmitters. They also have encrypted
laser and microwave communication
capabilities. The range for radio transmissions is 1,500 miles. The microwave
and laser are dependent on the sender or
receivers relative position to the orb, but
normally at least 500 miles.


The Crimson Republic

Model: CR105-MO1
Primary purpose: communications & reconnaissance
Secondary purpose: offensive 1st strike
Crew: none
Height: 12 ft
Diameter: 7 ft
Weight: 3,500 lbs
Power Source: nuclear
SDC: 3,000/ with shields 3,500
Flying: up to 750 mph (during launch)
Hovering: up to 450 mph
Maximum Altitude: 55 miles
Maximum Range: unless its shot down
malfunctions it can be piloted by remote
control from over 1,800 miles away.
The Mesorb is not currently in use. It is
still in its experimental stages. The republic
hopes to get the Mesorbs online and functional within a year, as of now they are behind schedule. The main problem has been
a microscopic alien parasite that thrives in
the upper atmospheres above the mesosphere. These parasites attack and feed off
the nuclear power cell of the Mesorb. So
far, the seven orbs that have been launched
have all had their power cell go critical
within a months time. The Crimson scientists are working on force shield that will
protect the orb from these parasites. The
military is pushing very hard for funding for
this program, because they have been extremely pleased with the performance of the
The Mesorb is significantly larger than
the Stratosorb and will be built with weapon
systems from the start. The scientific and
sensory systems will be almost identical,
except that the reconnaissance and communications capabilities will increase because
of the greater height in the atmosphere.

Emp Grenade
Weight: 12 ounces
Damage: 2D4 x 10
Rate of Fire: one can be throw per action


Range: can be thrown 120 feet/ 10 foot blast

The explosion creates an extremely
powerful electro-magnetic pulse that radiates out 100 feet. Any electronic devise or
system that is currently turned on, and in
that radius when the grenade goes off will
overload burning out circuits and wiring.
Electronics that have Emp shielding are the
only ones that receive a saving throw. Large
heavily armored vehicles and robots must
roll a saving throw of 8 or better. If the
saving throw fails 1D4 critical systems will
shut down. Small military vehicles and
power armor must roll a saving throw of 10
or better or be rendered totally inoperable.
Other Emp shielded equipment such as
guns, radios, computers, or other small devises must roll a saving throw of 12 or better
or be rendered inoperable.

Antiochs Grenade
Weight: 10 ounces
Damage: 3D4 x 10 + 10
Rate of Fire: one can be throw per action
Range: can be thrown 120 feet/ 12 foot blast
Market Cost: not sold on the black market
This is TW grenade developed by a
MageCorp Lieutenant named, Charles
Antioch. The grenade is a standard plasma
grenade that has been modified with a fuel
flame spell. There is a small toggle switch
next to the detonation plunger that has two
settings. Setting No. 1 intensifies the heat
doing x2 damage to the normal area of affect, and setting No. 2 does normal damage,
but to twice the normal blast radius. Outside
of the toggle switch the grenades look like
normal plasma grenades.

Freak Grenade
Weight: 10 ounces
Damage: none
Rate of Fire: one can be throw per action

The Crimson Republic

Range: can be thrown 120 feet/ 30 foot radius of effect

Market Cost: not sold on the black market
This is a TW grenade that is often employed by the Legionnaires and other covert
operatives. This grenades looks like an old
pre-rifts pineapple grenade, only it doesnt
explode doing damage, instead it explodes
covering a 30 foot radius in thin black
smoke. The smoke causes the same effect
as the spell frequency jam. The thin black
smoke is magical in nature and cannot be
blown away, but it does dissipate after 1D6
melee rounds.

This is a TW device used by the Crimson Republics special forces to communicate with command posts and soldiers in the
field. The Mage-phone is a notebook computer and transmitter that have been modified to send ley line transmissions. The device encrypts the message and transmits
them via the ley line network to receiving
stations within the republic, or vise-versa.
After they receiving the message it is decrypted. The mage must be within 10 miles
of a ley line to transmit or receive, and they
must be able to plot a course by entering the
coordinates of intersecting ley lines into the
computer. After the coordinates have been
entered the computer encrypts the message
and transmits it. Because the ley lines that
criss-cross the Earth have never all been
charted, and do fluctuate somewhat the
mage-phone is not guaranteed to work with
100% accuracy. The base chance of success
is 88% for the first transmission, with 1%
for every intersecting ley line the message
must turn at, -2% for every nexus point the
transmission must turn at. If the first transmission is successful the reply has a base
chance of 98%, with 2% for each nexus it
must turn at to reach the mage.
P.P.E. Cost: 120.
Spells Needed: Globe of Day Light, Locate,
Frequency Jam, Tongues, Ley Line


Physical Requirements: one small clear

quartz worth 1 to 2 credits and one psistone (rare) worth 1,500 credits.
Duration of Charge: sends five 120 or less
word transmissions.
To Recharge: casting another ley line transmission, 30 I.S.P., or 30 P.P.E. will charge
the Mage-phone for 5 more transmissions.
Time: 2D4 days.
Cost: not sold on the black market.

The Crimson Republic


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