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How the Mighty are Fallen

by slade
Author: slade
Editor: Jim Butler
Project Coordinator: Thomas M. Reid
Concept: Mark Anthony, Jim Butler, Julia Martin, Steven Schend, and Jim Ward
Cover Illustrator: Nick Jainschigg
Interior Illustrator: Ned Dameron
Graphic Designer: Dee Barnett
Art Coordinator: Bob Galica
Typesetting: Tracey L. Isler
Prepress Coordinator: Dave Conant
Playtesters: Deneen Olsen (DM); John Creech, Robby Duncan, Eran Edwards, Rich Jenkins, Dave Kelsay,
Leonard McGillis, Jeff Pashke, Marty Ruger, Ethan Schazenbach, and Victor Semlek

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T HE T IME HAS C OME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

T HIS A DVENTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notes to the DM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Synopsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


T HE G RAND WELCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Y EOMANS L OFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
A. Neth Gatehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
B. Constable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
C. Dock Hand Guild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
D. Taverns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
E. Hostels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
F. Grocer Cartel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
G. Supply Vendors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
H. Bathhouses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
I. Courthouse/Jail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
J . T e m p l e o f A m a u n a t o r . . . . . . . . . . . 12
K. Temple of Mystryl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
L. Temple of Tyche. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
M. Shipwrights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
N. Oberons Laboratory. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
O. Spacefarers Guild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
P. Warehouses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
THE JOURNEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
R a n d o m E n c o u n t e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Eastern Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3
Gods Legion Mountains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
P LANNED E NCOUNTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Summons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Varied Tracks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
F r o z e n B o u n t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sound of Glory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2
Elven Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
T HE G RAVEYARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
On the Trail of the Dead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
The Orc Retreat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
The Elusive Illithid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6
S IDE T REKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7
THIEF IN THE NIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
C e n t r a l C o u r t y a r d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Table of Contents

A T HOUSAND F ISTS K NOCKING . . . . . . . . . 31
B REAKING AND E NTERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
IN JAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
THE SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
The Gold Dragon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Entrance to the Lair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
T h e T a r r a s q u e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
K ARSUS M ARKETPLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
L i b e r t y o n m y M i n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Nether Here Nor There . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Quelling the Serfs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7
Robin Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Scrying the Orcs Through . . . . . . . . . . . 40
T HE L ICHLORDS C ASTLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
E ND OF THE J OURNEY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
D e a d D e n i z e n s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3
Castle Approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
The Lichlords Castle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6
Within the Castle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6
The Array Moves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
The Conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Wrath of Karsus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
E P I L O G U E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
S PELLS & M AGIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6
N EW S PELL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Chevics Tracer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6
N EW E Q U I P M E N T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
C o n s u m p t i o n A r m o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
D e f l e c t o r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dr. Killdrums Wand of Fireballs . . . . . . 57
D y i n g W o m a n s L e a t h e r E n s e m b l e. . . . 57
Edies Cloak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Floating Bubble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8
Krystaufers Spell Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Lichlords Spell Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Neth Tattoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
P r o t e c t o r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
S e p a r a t o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
T w i n r a z o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
W a r m t h s t o n e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0
RUMORS & H OOKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61




now ye the events before they shall come to pass. Let them lend thy
heart to gladness and ease for in them ye shall know future and
nigh thine heart to concern.

This Adventure
How the Mighty are Fallen allows player-characters
the opportunity to participate in the final days of

Netheril. Characters are given the opportunity to aid

in the empires destruction or seek to prevent what

must come to pass. The Netheril: Empire of Magic
boxed set is required to fully utilize the
adventures within these pages.

Some of the abbreviations used
within this product might confuse novice DMs during the
course of play. These include:
NPC short-form descriptions, such as Karsus (CN
hm A41): The first two letters
in parentheses refer to alignment (chaotic neutral), the middle
two refer to race and sex (human
male), and the final letter and number
refer to class and level (41st-level arcanist). An extensive list of these are included in the
F O R G O T T E N R E A L M S Campaign Setting.
A#: Arcanists are the wizards of Netheril.
Complete information on them can be found in the
Netheril: Empire of Magic boxed set.
P#: Priests are likewise detailed in the boxed set.
Clerics do not exist in Netheril except as specialty

Notes to the DM
This adventure is not extraordinarily linear in nature;
players can choose to follow a variety of paths that lead
to the Fall of Netheril. As such, the DM should read the
entire adventure and understand the directions that the
heroes can take before game play begins.
Additional magical items and spells are included
at the end of the adventure. The DM is encouraged to
add additional elements from the Empire of Magic

boxed set to alter the adventure to fit into his own

campaign. Encounters with tomb tappers and the
sharn are obvious elements that should be considered for inclusion into this adventure.
The DM should be generous with common information if players are running characters who are
native to Netheril. Time-traveling characters
who jump into Netheril at its Fall should
be at a disadvantage in terms of
common knowledge, available
contacts, and reputation.
Spelljamming is mentioned
at several points in this
adventure (as well as in the
Empire of Magic boxed
set). Knowledge of the
spelljamming vessels, rules,
and equipment isnt necessary to run the adventure;
its provided strictly as background for those Dungeon
Masters who are currently
Campaign Setting (#1049) and
Realmspace (#9312) supplements.

The adventure begins as characters enter the spelljamming city of Yeomans Loft, the heart of Netherils
Realmspace activities. Here they meet Nopheus, a
jeweler whos looking for some adventurers to
retrieve the body of his wife from her resting place
in the Gods Legion Mountains. Characters can
choose to explore the city, get involved in the
thieves guild, or simply investigating the bargains to
be found in the citys many shops.
The heroes can also take a trip to the floating city of
Karsus for an opportunity to do some Neth-style shopping in the side trek Karsus Marketplace. They can
choose to join the constabulary in Quelling the Serfs
as they attempt to rid the city of rebellious people.
Once all of the enclave business has been taken
care of, the party most likely sets out to locate the

The Time has Come

body of Nopheuss wife, Amanda. Again, though, forces

conspire to deter them, this time in the form of a summons by the great Archwizard himselfTarsus. It seems
he needs a few spell components, and he thinks that the
heroes are just the ones who should undertake The
Of course, talking a gold dragon out of its gizzard and
asking the Tarrasque for its pituitary gland are not easy
tasks. Itll take more than a strong sword arm before the
characters can get back on task to locate Amanda.
When the characters enter The Graveyard they
encounter some elves whore disturbed by the complete
loss of dead bodiestheyve all been dug up and carried off.
According to the map that Nopheus gave them, Amandas
grave was here somewhere. Hopefully, with little prompting
from the elves and the DM, the characters are soon On the
Trail of the Dead, the real meat of the adventure.
They encounter their first undead in Faerns past and
are probably be surprised to find that the zombie is intelligent and can carry on a conversationand probably a
tune if asked. If they assist the zombie and help mend his
fractured leg, they make themselves an ally that might just
save their life later on in the adventure.
While following the trail of the undead, the heroes run
into a berserk ranger whos grieving over the loss of his
family and friends. If the characters resist the urge to
swing their swords, they make another friend. As their
friend departs on a mission of his own, the sounds of The
Orc Retreat greet their ears. The furor is just an army of
orcs running from something terrifying. A captured orc
gives the characters their first report of an opponent
known as the Lichlord.
If the characters are carrying any magical items, they
attract the attention of the phaerimm, who have extreme
prejudice against humans (especially Netherese) and their
gluttonous use of magic. The phaerimm gate into the scene
to attack the owners, hoping to steal the magic as well as
a few of the humans carrying them. If they manage to capture one or more of the characters, the phaerimm carry
them down into the Underdark to their mind flayer comrades, There, The Elusive Illithid delves into their minds
to excavate any information. Escape is not impossible
though fate may prove kinder to them should they stay.
The Deads Denizens, in the form of three evil and cruel
arcanists sent by the Lichlord himself ambush the characters. This can be used as a major clue that the characters
are getting too close in the eyes of the Lichlord.
As they near the end of the adventure, they come across
an eerie castleone constructed of the bodies of skeletons
and zombies. This is the home of The Lichlord himself.
Thousands of corpses form the walls, floor, and roof, and
hundreds more participate every hour as undead flock to the
area. The characters, however, are not alone in this adventure. Karsus himself has been preparing for this ever since he
first heard of the Lichlord and speculated on his actions.
What better but to have the Archwizard himself as your personal ally (even if he is hundreds of miles away) preparing
the greatest magical concoction in human history!
The Epilogue tells the happenings immediately after
the Fall of Netheril.

4 The Time has Come


n every dawn, the sun welcomes the kind soul to the new day, and in
every dusk, the iniquitous souls unwelcome in the light dig their
way to the surface.

Yeoman's Loft
Lured by reports of great wealth and prosperity, the
adventures have just arrived at the city of Yeomans
Loft, the heart of Netherils spelljamming activities.
From here, merchants distribute rare fabrics, ores,
and other Realmspace treasures throughout
But the people are disgruntled, the result of a
lack of food and the continued decadence
of the archwizards. Riots, once
unheard of in Netheril, are now a
regular occurrence. Murder, a sin
once viewed as a temporary
inconvenience, is now a serious, nightly dilemma that cannot be curedthanks to the
insipid phaerimm and their
magic thats laying waste to
the fields and streams
throughout Netheril.
At the citys main gate, a
large wooden sign with a red
arrow cant help but attract attention to itself. If the characters
inspect the sign, they notice a small
wooden box attached to the post which
reads Touch ye here and receive a gazetteer of
Yeomans Loft. If they do so, they receive a small
piece of parchment with streets labeled and a few
important buildings noted in sepia-toned ink. (See
the map on page 7 for a detail of Yeomans Loft.)
As the players travel through the city, refer to
the Yeomans Loft map. When they approach the
corner of Oak and Pleasance, read the following:
The fierce high-noon sun beats down upon the
streets and buildings of Yeomans Loft. To the
southwest, huge ships hover in the air as workmen carry goods to and from their holds. Some of
the ships look like those youve seen in the
Narrow Sea, while others appear almost insectlike in their construction.

Hundreds of people rush about as well. A few

have stopped to chat at a nearby street corner while
the remainder carry messages, lead heavily laden
horses, or just casually stroll along the street.
Everywhere, however, can be seen the local militia
as they stand guard and scour newcomers to their
city. About a dozen guards are throwing your group
suspicious stares.
From a shadowed alley stumbles a man dressed in
tattered green robes with dirty golden trim.
His hair is disheveled and his face
shows a few weeks worth of ragged
growth. Dark circles highlight his
eyes, but he appears to have
not so long ago been part of
the wealthy.
Alas, he cries, agonizing tears staining his face.
Gazing into the sky, he
raises his handsone of
which is clutching a wine
bottleand cries out.
Amaunator, my lord, what
did I do to deserve such misfortune? Tyche, have you abandoned me? How is my beloved to
come to me now?
If characters approach the man, the first
thing they realize is that hes been drinking for quite
a while; the bottle of wine he holds is nearly empty.
If theyre kind and not threatening, the man
explains to them the reasons behind his sorrow.
He introduces himself as Nopheus (NG hm F8), a
jeweler by trade. A few months ago, a quasimagical
item was implanted in a popular tavern that imitated the effects of a Noanars delayed fireball. Nearly
a hundred people were killed in the resulting inferno, including his beloved wife.
Nopheus claims that he spent thousands of gold
performing the death rituals and preserving her body
for the possibility of a resurrection. He saved every
coin he could, sold his business and chateau, and
released all his servants. After selling the rest of his
belongings, he finally had enough to have his wife
brought back from the dead, but no one will now help

The Grand Welcome

Adventure Flow

Adventure Flow Chart

The Grand Welcome 7

him exhume her body, for theyre all too consumed with
their own problems.
If the heroes seem interested, Nopheus invites them all
back to his house, explaining that he can go into more
detail there. Nopheuss house (on the north corner of the
intersection) looks run-down. Made of stonework and
moldering wood, the window coverings are rotting, hanging by a single hinge, and waving in the slight wind.
Nopheus leads the party into his home and silently closes the door behind him. The furnishings within are very
nice but show great wear. All the furniture has small tags
with prices attached with straight pins or stuffed into a
tight corner to assure they are visible. He offers them a
seat before the fireplace in his den.
My wife, Amanda, was the only possession I cared
about. Yes, I had everything a man would want or even
care to have, but without her by my side to enjoy it with
me, it was all worthless and trite. When she died, I had
most of my money tied up in investments. I barely had
enough required to have her body preserved and buried.
In the intervening months, Ive sold my business and valued possessions, liquidated my investments, and rented
this shack because it was the cheapest thing I could find.
I now have the funds necessary to bring her back to life
and to pay those who would help me.

8 The Grand Welcome

Everyone seems to be tied up in their own troubles,

says Nopheus. Few are willing to brave the wilds for
someone they dont know. Ive thought of going out to
her gravesite and exhuming her myself, but Im a jeweler, not an adventurer, so Im not well-equipped to do battle with orc raiding parties and other ground-dwelling
Ive managed to collect 2,000 gold pieces and have held
on to a few magical items that Ive collected over the
years. Are you interested in doing such a task for me?
If the characters demand 2,000 gold per person, he
tries to negotiate with 1,000 gold per person plus any furniture or other furnishings still in the house. If theyre
nonnegotiable, he agrees up to and including 12,000 in
gold (and any home furnishings the PCs desire), for
thats all he has to spare. Throughout the negotiation
process, Nopheuss sword, Twinrazor, remains hidden
and magically protected from detection under the couch
he sits upon. The blade never comes into the equation,
and the character cannot detect the blades presence in
any way. See the Spells & Magic chapter for information on Twinrazor.
If asked, the money set aside for his wifes resurrection is not in his house, but in a bank here in Yeomans Loft.

If the characters look at the map and do not see any
banks, he says the banks arent listed on the tourist maps
for security reasons.

If the party wants to make sure he has the money, the

bank Nopheus uses is located on the corner of Shadowtop
and Aeroroad.

If the characters decide to rob the bank, refer to

Robin Banks on page 40.
If they refuse to help him, or its obvious that he cant
work out a deal with them, Nopheus cries out to the gods
once again in anguish, cursing Tyche at his poor fortune.
The player characters can then continue their exploration
of the city; adventure can present itself in many ways. If
the characters agree to find his wife, read the following:
Amanda was buried in the Gods Legion mountain
range several miles to the southeast. I was given permission to bury her in the Shadowtop Clans holy burial
grounds located in the Eastern Forest.
Heres a map of the general area. Her headstone is a
heavy stone tablet with the words, Amanda, beloved wife
and mother, 3482-3519 etched upon its surface. Inside,
youll see a beautiful woman of 36 years. She has long
brunette hair and was buried in a white death gown and
wore a necklace with a large blood red ruby surrounded
by the silvery web of a black widow. The necklace is
unmistakable because its one of a kind.
The map Nopheus refers to is supplied on page 14 of the
adventure. Unfortunately, the characters have to sneak
into the funeral grounds in order to exhume the body, but
Nopheus forgets to tell that to the characters; and the
ground is neither consecrated nor holy, as discovered later
in the adventure.
With that, he bids the characters a fond fare well and
good luck. Proceed to the next chapter, Trek Through
the Eastern Forest

A. Neth Gatehouse
Netherese gatehouses serve as a port of call for those who
seek magical transport to other Netherese cities. Since
theyre used to seeing a large number of visitors, street
merchants and guards make themselves noticeable to
The courtyard is crammed with small cart vendors selling spell components, altered magical items, and preserved meats. The people here are clothed in the finest
clothing youve ever seen. Some people wear robes and
cloaks that seem to shimmer with a power of their own,
producing prismatic effects across their surfaces. Their
hair, perfect in every detail, is neatly combed; the skin is
perfectly toned and free of blemishes.

Characters are free to purchase common food, silver

pins, and other memorabilia from the city of Yeomans Loft
here. As they wander around the gatehouse area, they
notice a series of columns that seem to hold the interest of
well-armed individuals.
Carburys mouth spells etch their way along the surface of a circular row of columns. As the mouths speak
their messages, groups of people move from one to the
other, listening and taking notes on parchment. Some
speak tales of bravery from annals of histories unknown
to you, while others spout legal nonsense about the laws
of Yeomans Loft. One set of pale gray lips speaks this
My name is Nopheus. Please help me. My wife was
murdered in a vicious attack and I finally have the funds
necessary to resurrect her.
I can pay 2,000 pieces of gold, five items of magic, and
one Book of Mythal to those who would bring her body
to me. Please contact me at Yeomans Loft, on the northern corner of Oak and Pleasance Streets.
If characters proceed to the specified location, refer to
the start of this chapter for their encounter with Nopheus.
Another constantly repeating Carburys mouth, also
close by, calls out to all in hearing range.
A call to arms, my friend. Were in dire need! The
groundlings are incessantly procuring arms to wield
against the archwizards! The magical nature of Netheril
requires the constant vigilance of the archwizards to
assure everything stays intact. Without their care,
Netheril shall come crashing down upon our heads, leaving us open to attack from our ancestral enemies: the orcs
and their lackeys.
For those who wield magic or steel, please register thyself with the Karsus Enclave constabulary to fight in the
war against subversion.
If the characters begin searching for a means of travel to
the Karsus Enclave, they dont have far to look. A long line
of people has formed outside a small wooden building
nearby. Guards stand all around this structure, and more
guards stand next to an iron strongbox that is being filled
with gold one customer at a time.
The guards explain to the patrons that travel to the
Karsus Enclave (or any other floating city) costs 50 gold
pieces per person. Its roughly a one-hour waiting time for
each departure, since they dont want their patrons teleporting onto some cargo (each city follows a specific
If the characters enter the shack and pay their fee, they
arrive in Karsus, slightly disoriented from the journey.

The Grand Welcome 9

A beautiful landscape stretches out as far as the eye

can see. Picturesque, it almost seems that the colors
have been modified and intensified. A certain electricity
fills the air, causing an immediate sense of activity,
excitement, and lucidity in your body.
An island of land hangs in the sky like a minaret with
ivy, roots, and waterfalls flowing off its undersides.
Buildings of all shapes and sizes reside on the topside of
this floating island, but one thing stands clear: The
buildings are well cared.
The other travelers that entered the gatehouse with the
heroes immediately begin walking toward a small building
a few hundred feet away. If the PCs ask, one of the other
travelers mutters something about Scryers making sure
were not an invasion force and angrily waves his hands
into the air.
If the characters approach the building, the door opens
and a disembodied voice springs out of nothingness and
enters their head.
Welcome! Pleasant travels and journeys, friend.
Knowledge of the Great Planar Archwizards to ye all.
One thing non-native characters notice immediately
is the language difference, a noticeable change in
dialect and accent. The accentuation can be picked up
and mimicked in 20 weeks (subtract from this time one
week per point of Intelligence, eventually giving the
character a chance to appear and sound like natives of
If the characters enter the building, they reappear in
the midst of a busy courtyard. A few people notice their
appearance, but think nothing of it, walking past them,
their minds focused on their own course. Much like the
gatehouse in Yeomans Loft, numerous peddlers and
guards roam the streets here, looking for profits or trouble. Different buildings here promise instantaneous
transport to the other enclaves; all for a 50-gp fee, of
If the characters enter the marketplace to purchase
things, refer to Karsus Marketplace on page 36.
If the characters decide to join the constabulary in the
fight against the subversive groundlings as told by the second Carburys mouth in Yeomans Loft, refer to Quelling
the Serfs side trek on page 37.

B. Constable
The Constables office serves as the headquarters for law
enforcement for the city of Yeomans Loft. Its a hectic
place filled with people with problems they cant handle
on their own. Unlike other Netherese cities, the courts
here never closetheres simply too much work to do.
If player characters find themselves here, its most
likely due to one of two reasons. The firstand more
pleasantreason for visiting the Constables is that
theyre looking for work. If thats the case, a gruff human

10 The Grand Welcome

male points them toward another office filled with books

that bears a brass plaque that reads Bounty Office.
Here, player-characters can get workand earn
rewardsby capturing some of Netherils most wanted
criminals. In addition, priests of Amaunator (or any
other individual that can prove he is fair and impartial)
can solve disputes for the courts, earning 100 gp per successful resolution.
The second reason for a trip to the Constables is
because the player-characters have broken a law, such as
robbing the bank or breaking into Nopheuss home.
Characters are held in jail for no more than a day before
they get their case heard in court.
Trials which resemble quick hearings decide the fate of
the accused; justice is quick and mostly irreversible. Those
accused of nonlethal crimes are generally sentenced to
hard labor (typically 1-4 years for most offenses), while
murderers are either sold into slavery to a visiting spelljamming vessel or executed within a day of sentencing.

C. Dock Hand Guild

Located right off of Helm Harbor, this guild serves the
interest of the spelljamming community of Yeomans Loft.
The workers of this guild are well paid, but the work is
hard and time consuming. The guildsmen are typically
organized into groups of four men who use their minor
magical abilities (cantras) to make their lives a little
Visitors to the guild hall are given a cold stare by the
workers gathered in the small (private) bar here.
Adventurers who wander inside are approached by a
member and asked their purpose in coming here. Money
talks. This guild has little time or patience for charity.
The guild is a good source of rare alcohol from the
depths of Realmspace. Spelljamming captains understand
the need for keeping the dock workers happy, and many
of them bring in cases of wine, ale, and mead from their
journeys. For 500 gp or so, an interested party of adventurers can purchase such rare beverages.

D. Taverns
Its rare to go more than a few blocks in Yeomans Loft
without running into a tavern or two. The influx of traffic
from spelljamming vessels frequently brings weary spacefarers into the city who are tired of being aboard ship.
The farther away from the docks one gets, the more quiet
the tavern.
There are two taverns quite popular in town. The first
is the Spacers Line, a rowdy establishment right off Helm
Harbor. This is a favorite hangout for the more dangerous
of the citys visitors. Its run by Eleron Mistif (CN hm F7),
a retired spelljamming captain.
At the corner of Harbor Lane and Elm Street, the
Captains Fancy sits alone. Its a calm and restful tavern
surrounded by a garden that serves only the finest drinks
and food available. As the name implies, its a favorite
resting spot for spelljamming captains.

E. Hostels
These are simply single-person sleeping quarters for crewmen weary of life on board spelljamming vessels. The
rooms are generally good quality, but no food or drink is
provided. Most of the hostels provide a hot bath for a nominal fee of 1 silver piece. Rooms go for between 1 and 5
gold pieces a night.

F. Grocer Cartel
With the exception of the headquarters on Helm Road, all
of the other buildings associated with the cartel are used
solely for storing goods collected from the spelljamming
traffic. The Grocer Cartel makes sure that all negotiations
conducted for spelljamming goods are to the benefit of the
city, but its main goal is to prevent price wars that would
be bad for business.
The guild is led by Ravenar Andarlis (LE hm T15), who
also owns Andarlis Transport, one of the largest magical
shipping companies in Netheril. He is a fair but unforgiving
man who favors contracts (but only those agreements
which are favorable to him). Many suspect that Ravenar is
head of the thieves guild of the Loft as well, but thats not
the case. His brother, Silvin, is actually head of the guild.

G. Supply Vendors
These shops hold a variety of spare parts, raw materials,
and other miscellaneous goods that the spelljamming vessels have come to expect. Theyre primarily warehouses
that prefer dealing only with other businesses.

H. Bathhouses
The various bathhouses of the Loft are communal bathing
pools for all manner of folk. Private baths are also popular,
but a great deal of idle gossip and rumors also circulate
through these structures, and the most common way folks
learn whats happening is by listening to others talk about
current events.
Silvin Lissender (LE hm T13) owns most of the bathhouses in town, and he also runs the thieves guild from
them. His real last name is Andarlis, but thats a secret only
he and his brother, Ravenar, share.
No thievery occurs in the bathhouseand its a rule that
Silvin enforces ruthlessly. More often than not, rich
patrons have their belongings checked while theyre taking
a baththen theyre robbed at a more opportune time.

I. Courthouse/Jail
The courthouse is a magnificent structure that was obviously constructed with a great deal of magic. Huge slabs of marble form pillars that form an arc over the entrance. A golden
luminescence surrounds the structure at night, providing an
aura of light that serves as a beacon for the citys residents.
Within the halls are six huge court rooms that are always
busy with cases (each of which take 1d4 hours to hear). Each
court is administered by a sunlord or sunlady (priest of

The Grand Welcome 11

Amaunator) of at least 12th level. As witnesses and the

accused are brought forward, each is checked for magical
emanations. Once purged of magic, each person involved in
the trial is given a dose from a potion of truth (which acts like
the ring of the same name and has a duration of 1d4 hours).
The jail is a bright and cheerful facility that is mostly empty
during the day. Prisoners are taken to a mining camp a few
miles outside of the city where they proceed to haul dirt,
rocks, and other debris from nearby mines. At night, prisoners eat a hearty dinner and speak with a priest of Amaunator
(or other court-appointed counselor) about the reasons
theyre in jail, what they did wrong, and similar topics.

J. Temple of Amaunator
Located a block away from the courthouse, the temple to
Amaunator is nearly as large as the Lofts hall of justice. The
temple serves not only as the headquarters for Amaunators
religion in the city, but as a school of law as well.
The temple is led by Sunlady Margaress (LN hf P13), an
expert in Netherese and elven laws and procedures. She
seldom participates in cases any more, however, preferring
to teach in the temple.

K. Temple of Mystryl
This building is actually a small structure surrounded by a
garden. Inside its stone walls is a small chamber consisting
of around a dozen wooden pews and a raised stone dais
upon which rests an altar.
The temple is run by the highest-level Dweomerkeeper
who happens to be in the city at the time. This leads to a
wide range of official church policy for the temple, but it
also keeps the faithful apprised as to the activities elsewhere in Netheril.

L. Temple of Tyche
The most popular church in Yeomans Loft, the Lady of Smiles
is a favorite patron for those engaged in the dangerous business of transporting goods into Realmspace. Spacefarers likewise pay at least lip service to Lady Fate, reminding any who
ask that a little luck can mean the difference between survival
and disaster in the skies above Faern.
The temple is led by Kismetic Shantress Porstalle (CG hf
P15). Shantress won a fortune in gold and platinum at a
gambling den in Karsus five years ago, and she decided to
settle down in the Loft and invest some of her wealth in
Realmspace activities. She currently owns a small spelljamming vessel (40-ton) named Lady Luck that remains in
Helm Harbor for her use.

M. Shipwrights
Each of these buildings is home to a different craftsman
who specializes in the creation and repair of spelljamming
vessels. The facilities in the Loft are capable of repairing
only the more human spelljamming vessels (like hammerheads and wasps), and dont have the resources to
repair elven vessels.

12 The Grand Welcome

N. Oberon's Laboratory
This small, nondescript building is set apart from others
on the block by a small wooden sign which reads:
Yeomans Loft Historical SiteOberons Laboratory. A
rickety set of steps lead up to a brass-bound wooden door
that is always open during the day.
Upon entering, a visitor immediately realizes that the
interior dimensions exceed those of the outside by a factor
of at least two. On a pedestal at the entryway, a raised
plaque reads:
Oberon (2839-2905) was the founder of Netherils
aerocosmology industry, the father of Realmspace. The
son of a shipbuilder who grew up in Harborage, Oberon
quickly put his magical skills into the creation of spelljamming vessels that sailed over Netheril. A powerful
and respected arcanist, Oberon led the other archwizards
of Netheril into the Skies Above.
This museum is dedicated to what survived of Oberons
work. The one-silver-piece fee for the tour goes to the
upkeep and protection of Oberons legacy.
Yeomans Loft Historical League
Tours begin every half hour, and there are always people
wandering around the laboratory. Hundreds of items lie scattered around, protected under walls of force and stood watch
over by around a dozen guards. These items range from
small, hand-held accelerators (devices which hurl anything
placed within them at tremendous speeds) to portable spelljamming helms (devices draped over the back that provided
movement equivalent to a fly spell). All of the items in the
museum are quasimagical prototypes, however, as Oberon
didnt want to lay waste to his body as he experimented.
Despite all of the advances that Oberon was undoubtedly responsible for, there is no sign of a true spelljamming
helmthe device needed to make a ship capable of travel
through Realmspace. That particular invention was in the
sole realm of the Arcane, who controlled the purchase of
all spelljamming helms during the time of Netheril.

O. Spacefarers' Guild
Much like the dock hands guild, the spacefarers guild is
composed of those who make their living by working on
spelljamming vessels. They have little time for tourists to
ask them questions about how a particular device works.
The guild does accept new members, but learning the
craft of spelljamming is a time-consuming task. It takes
more than a year to go through the course of studies
offered at the guild, and initiates must pay a 500-gp fee for
the schooling. The Complete Spacefarers Handbook has a
complete listing of proficiencies for DMs who incorporate
spelljamming into their Netheril campaign.

P. Warehouses
These large buildings are primarily used as holding areas
for the goods brought in from Helm Harbor. Theyre typically guarded by 2d6 guards at night and 3-6 guards during
daylight hours.


uarded and sanctified, the wood hath delivered in labor the elf.
Guardian and keeper, these souls, as everlasting as the woods of
their birth, protect with the lives of the wood.

Netheril may be known fondly as the greatest

time of human existence, but all is not well with it.
The Neth leaders are losing control of the wilderness. The phaerimms incessant barrage of
antimagic and life-leeching magic has caused much
of the land to contort into a desert. The antimagic is nullifying the weather-controlling
magic set up in the early years of
Netheril, creating a growth in the
northern glaciers (The High Ice)
that has been held back for millennia. In recent years, the
winters have been more
With the loss of control
over nature, the monsters
are coming back. The orcs
and the gnolls, once only a
mere nuisance, were easily
controlled and removed by the
archwizards whenever the call
for help from the surface cities
arose. Now, however, the archwizards ability to assist the groundling villages is severely limited, and the lower cities
are suffering greatly. This is creating a disdain
that cannot be curbed; a rift is growing between
the flying enclaves and groundling civilization,
and revolt seems to be on the horizon.

The Journey
With Nopheuss map in hand, the characters can set
off to their destiny. As they travel through the
mountains and the forest, the DM should roll for
random encounters. Remember that parts of this
adventure can be rather lethal, so the DM shouldnt
rely on random encounters to weaken and tire the
characters too much, otherwise no one will survive.

Random Encounters
Not every random encounter results in an armed
attack against the player characters. Intelligent monsters normally try to determine the relative
strength of a party before charging headlong into combat. Likewise, weaker
creatures tend to run the moment
its clear that they are facing a
superior foe.

Eastern Forest
Encounters in the Eastern
Forest are checked once
every four hours by rolling
a 12-sided die; on a roll of 1
an encounter occurs. Roll a
d20 and consult the Random
Encounter table, then find the
creatures listing below.

Characters get their first warning of trouble when
the lead character nearly falls into a large hole in the
forest floor (successful Dexterity check to avoid).
Within 1d4 rounds, the ankhegs arrive.
Ankhegs (1d6): AC 2/4 (underside); MV 12, Br 6;
HD 5; hp 30 each; #AT 1; Dmg 3d6 (crush) + 1d4
(acid); SZ H (15 long); ML average (9); XP 600 each.

SA: Can squirt a stream of acid to a distance of 30 feet once

every six hours. The acid causes 8d4 points of damage (half if
a successful saving throw versus breath weapon is made).

These patrols are either barbarians providing their
children a chance at entering adulthood (by defeating a chosen enemy, most likely orcs or goblins) or a
patrol sent in to retaliate against orcs, kobolds, or
goblins for a previous raid.

Trek Through the Eastern Forest

The barbarians are led by a 5th-level fighter; the remainder are 1st-level fighters. Theyre not dangerous to the party
unless provoked, but their manner is somewhat distant.

Choke Creeper
Attentive characters have a 15% chance to notice that the
particular trail theyve been following is less traveled than
others. Rangers can detect that no creatures have passed
this way for at least three weeks (the orcs were smart
enough to avoid this area after they lost a few hunting parties). If characters continue, they run across the choke
creeper, which immediately attacks.
Choke Creeper (1): AC 6 (main vine)/5 (branches); MV
; HD 25; hp 200; THAC0 7; #AT 64; Dmg 1d4; SZ G (160
long); ML elite (14); XP 18,000.

SA: 10% chance per round of strangling a struck creature.

Strangled creatures die in one round. Immune to torch fire.
Lightning attacks double movement for 1d4+1 rounds. Each vine
that attacks has 16 hit points of its own.
SW: Suffers only 1 hp per die versus cold damage, but affected
areas are stunned for 1d4+1 rounds.

Cloro, the Green Dragon

The trail the adventurers have been following begins to
become very dense, blocking out the light from above.
Soon, the party finds themselves walking through a tunnel
of branches toward a clearing far ahead.
The last 120 feet of the tunnel is trapped every 10 feet
with either a magical or mechanical device designed to
warn Cloro of unexpected visitors in addition to delivering

At the end of the tunnel stand two men clad in chain mail
armor. The moment they see or hear the characters, one of
them rushes off to inform Cloro that she has visitors. Its
very unlikely that the party can sneak into Cloros lair
When the party enters, the dragon confronts them at the
exit to the tunnel, keeping as many people inside the tunnel as possible (that way she can get more of them with her
breath weapon). Shell engage in some idol talk until someone makes a move to attack her, in which case she uses her
breath weapon first as she orders her two charmed servants to attack.
Cloro, very old green dragon: AC -5; MV 9, F1 30 (C),
S W 9; HD 18; hp 104; THAC0 3; #AT 3 + special; Dmg
1d8/1d8/2d10; MR 40%; SZ G (160 long); ML elite (16); XP

SA: Can use her chlorine gas breath weapon that delivers 18d6+9
hit points of damage to all creatures in its area of effect, which is 50
long, 40 wide, and 30 high (a successful save vs. breath weapon
reduces the damage to half). Casts all spells as if she was 15th level.
Can cast suggestion, water breathing (at will), warp wood (three
times a day), and plant growth once per day unless otherwise
SD: Immune to all gases.
Spells (Dragon magic works normally and is not subject to the
rules presented in the Netheril: Empire of Magic set): 1st Level:
charm person, magic missile, shield, shocking grasp; 2nd Level:
mirror image, web

Reliton and Gnarish, hm F3 (charmed): AC 5 (chain

mail); MV 12; hp 22, 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8 (long sword); SZ M
(6 tall); ML n/a; AL CG; XP 65 each.

Random Encounters
Eastern Forest
2d4 orcs (Thousand Fists)
1 choke creeper
2d8 gnolls
5d4 orcs (Thousand Fists)
1d6 wyverns
9d6 orcs (Thousand Fists)
5d4 Netherese merchants
5d4 kobolds
2d10 large spiders
6d6 Netherese fighters
2d10 ghouls and 1d4 ghasts
6d6 orcs (Rocktroll)
1d6 ankhegs
2d4 owlbears
1d4 ettins
4d6 goblins
6d4 elves (Cormanthyr)
3d4 barbarians (Angardt)
2d10 ogres
1 very old green dragon (Cloro)

d20 Roll

Gods Legion Mountains

2d6 dwarves
2d10 ghouls and 1d4 ghasts
5d4 Netherese merchants
2d10 hobgoblins
3d6 werewolves
9d6 orcs (Rocktroll)
1 beholder
1d4 mountain giants
3d4 barbarians (Angardt)
1d4 manticores
2d8 wights
6d6 orcs (Thousand Fists)
2d8 hippogriffs
6d6 orcs (Thousand Fists)
2d10 hobgoblins
1d4 galeb duhr
1dl0 stone giants
5d4 orcs (Thousand Fists)
2d8 gnolls
1 old red dragon (Pyrothraxis)

Trek Through the Eastern Forest 15

All of Cloros treasure is in a small lake that is at the center of the clearing. About 60 feet down (buried under more
than 23,000 copper pieces) are: 30,000 silver pieces, 16,000
gold pieces, 2,500 platinum pieces, 54 gems (use Table 85
in the DMG to determine value), a mistress mask*, 3 ioun
stones, a rod of multiport*, a ring of protection +3, a long
sword +4 defender a mace +3, and 3 potions of extra healing. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are detailed in the
Encyclopedia Arcana from the Netheril: Empire of Magic
expansion set.

Each group of elves consists of warriors and mages
(though the Netherese still call them arcanists). Each band
is led by a 5th-level fighter/mage and also has at least two
mages of 3rd level.
Theyre very interested in the activities of the orcs,
kobolds, and goblins in the area. They are aware of the
massive orc city in the Gods Legion, but they explain that
theyre not ready to handle that problem just yet. After
exchanging any information they might have with the
party, they continue on their patrol.

These giants have spotted the party from a nearby hill or
clearing and are now moving to intercept the adventurers.
They normally attack only at night, though they could have
been disturbed by the heroes trek through the wilderness.
Ettins (1d4): AC 3; MV 12; HD 10; THAC0 10; #AT 2; Dmg
1d10/2d6 (if disarmed) or 3d6/2d6 (spiked clubs); SZ H (13
tall); ML elite (14); XP 3,000 each.
SD: Surprised only on a roll of 1. Infravision to a range of 90 feet.
Each ettin is carrying 10d4 copper pieces and 10-30 silver. If the characters track the ettins back to their lair, they
discover 2,014 silver pieces, 407 platinum pieces, and three
gems (an amethyst worth 100 gp, a topaz worth 500 gp, and
a fire opal worth 1,000 gp).

Ghouls & Ghasts

Silence isnt one of these creatures finer points, and characters can hear them tramping through the forest from 100
yards away (though they wont actually see them until 30
yards or so).
Ghouls (2d10): AC 6; MV 9; HD 2; hp 10 each; THAC0 19;
#AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1d6; SZ M (5-6 tall); ML steady (12); XP

SA: Successful attack causes paralyzation in humans (except

elves) for 3+ 1d6 rounds unless the target makes a successful saving
throw versus paralyzation.
SD: Immune to sleep and charm spells.
SW: Protection from evil prevents a ghoul from attacking the
protected creature.

16 Trek Through the Eastern Forest

Ghasts (1d4): AC 4; MV 15; HD 4; hp 23 each; THAC0 17;

#AT 3; Dmg 1d4/1d4/1d8; SZ M (5-6 tall); ML elite (14); XP

SA: Creatures within 10 feet must make a saving throw versus

poison or fight with a -2 penalty. Successful attack causes paralyzation in humans (including elves) for 4+1d6 rounds unless the
target makes a successful saving throw versus paralyzation.
SD: Immune to sleep and charm spells. Only a protection from
evil spell cast with cold iron components can keep them at bay.
SW: Cold-wrought iron weapons inflict double damage.

The ghouls carry no treasure, but each ghast is carrying

5 gems of varying values. One of the ghasts has a potion of
sweetwater in a small sack. If the party tracks the creatures back to their lair, they discover an additional 1,250
gold pieces, two small figurines of archwizards (each
worth around 500 gp), and a long sword +2.

Gnoll Patrol
These creatures have a small cave complex theyre guarding against orc incursion. While they dont particularly like
the Netherese, they are more concerned about orcs in the
area. Roughly half of any patrol is armed with polearms
and missile weapons.
Gnolls (2d8): AC 5; MV 9; HD 2; hp 11 each; THAC0 19;
#AT 1; Dmg 2d4 (broad sword), 1d10 (halberd), or 1d6 (short
bow); SZ L (7 tall); ML steady (11); XP 35 each.

Each gnoll carries 3d4 gems (all ornamental stones

worth 10 gp each). The gnolls treasure lies protected back
at their camp, a community of 350 gnolls that is northeast
of the current path the party is taking by one full day.

The goblins guard their area of the forest jealously,
attacking any and all intruders they encounter. This particular group is just a small patrol sent out from their village
to make sure the elves, kobolds, orcs, or Netherese arent
planning an attack against them.
Each force of goblins attacks first by hurling their spears
at the intruders. After that, goblins mounted on worgs
charge in to attack, followed by the remainder of the force.
Goblins (4d6): AC 6; MV 6; HD 1-1; hp 5 each; THAC0
20; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 (spear and mace); SZ S (4 tall); ML average (10); XP 15 each.
Worgs (6): AC 6; MV 18; HD 3+3; hp 20 each; THAC0 17;
#AT 1; Dmg 2d4; SZ M (6 long); ML steady (11); XP 120.

Each goblin carries 3d6 silver pieces. Back at their village lies the bulk of their treasure, but such an endeavor
would be an adventure of its own, the details of which are
left to the DM.

The kobolds wont attack the adventurers unless they outnumber them at least two to one. Theyre much more concerned about the orcs and goblins in the area (though if the
party has gnomes in it, the kobolds are 75% likely to attack,
throwing everything theyve got at the gnomes).
Kobolds (5d4): AC 7; MV 6; HD 1/2; HP 3 each; THAC0
20; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 (claws) or 1d6 (weapons); SZ S (3 tall);
ML average (9); XP 15 each.
SA: Infravision to 60 feet.
SW: Suffer -1 on attack rolls when in bright sunlight.
Each kobold carries 3d4 copper pieces and 1d4 silver
pieces. Farther east into the forest is the home of these
kobolds, a community some 300 strong.

Large Spiders
The path the players have been following slowly begins to
fill with thick webs to either side of the trail. Characters
with the observation proficiency can make a check with a
4 penalty to notice the webs; a ranger who makes a successful tracking check likewise detects the webs.
If the spiders presence isnt detected, the lead character
blunders into a thick web that has been set into the shadows. A character in the webs can escape in a number of
rounds equal to his Strength score subtracted from 19
(character with 19 or greater Strength can walk right
through the web). As soon as a character strikes the webs,
the spiders leap out to attack.
Large Spiders (2d10): AC 8; MV 6, Wb 15; HD 1+1; hp 7
each; #AT 1; Dmg 1 + poison (type A); SZ S (2 diameter); ML
unsteady (7); XP 175 each.
SA: Creatures stuck in a web are attacked with a +4 bonus and
lose any benefit from a high Dexterity score.

Hidden nearby under a heavy blanket of webs is the treasure hoard of the spiders (actually whatever they couldnt
eat off of their victims). There are 16 cp, 12 sp, 7 gp, and 11
pieces of electrum.

Netherese Fighters
A force of 6d6 warriors from the nearby cities are making
a patrol of the eastern shores of the Netheril Empire.
They greet the PCs warmly, since theyre the first signs of
human life theyve seen in many weeks. They talk to the
PCs about one or two other encounters theyve had in the
last week (primarily orcs).
The force is led by Lord Grehnar (NG hm R9). The
remainder of the warriors are between levels 24.

Netherese Merchants
A caravan of slow-moving merchants is slowly working its
way up one of the trails. If approached by the player-characters, the caravan is very happy to see such brave souls
scouring the Eastern Forest of evil. They gladly equip the
party with whatever nonmagical items they need and provide a hot meal to the heroes. The caravan is guarded by 50
warriors and arcanists of levels 1-3.

These ogres hail from the massive orc city in the Gods
Legion Mountains. Theyve been sent out on their own to
patrol, since they frequently get into altercations with the
leaders of the various orc patrols.
Ogres (2d10): AC 5; MV 9; HD 4+1; hp 23 each; THAC0
17; #AT 1; Dmg 1d10 (fist) or 1d6+6 (clubs); SZ L (9 tall); ML
steady (12); XP 270 each.
SA: Gain a +2 bonus on all attack rolls due to high Strength.

Each ogre is carry 2d4 gold pieces. The remainder of

their treasure is back at the orc city (under the kings protection, of course).

Orcs (Thousand Fists)

These orcs are patrolling their homeland, keeping it safe
from Netherese incursions and raiding parties from rival
orc clans, goblins, kobolds, and other humanoids. They
tend to attack on sight, retreating only when faced by powerful magic. Each group encountered always contains at
least one shaman of 3rd level.
Orcs (any number): AC 6 (hide armor); MV 9; HD 1; hp
5 each; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 (short swords); SW -1 to
attack and morale rolls while in sunlight; SZ M (6 tall); ML
steady (11); Int avg (8); XP 15 each.
Orc shaman (1): AC 6 (hide armor); MV 9; HD 3; hp 17;
THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6+1 (mace); SW -1 to attack and
morale rolls while in sunlight; SZ M (6 tall); ML steady (11);
Int avg (8); XP 175.
Winds available (4): Transcendent, sporadic, wandering. Favorite
spells: protection from good, hold person.

Each orc is carry 1d4 pieces of electrum. The orcs city

is nestled against the slopes of the Gods Legion Mountains
and is home to 12,000 orcs.

Trek Through the Eastern Forest 17



These creatures rush out of the underbrush as the characters travel through the forest, gaining a +2 bonus on their
ability to surprise. They do not retreat regardless of the
actions of the party.

Just as the party is climbing a slight embankment, this awesome creature floats into view, letting out a roar. Moments
earlier, it thought it heard something outside its cave. The
players just happened to be in the wrong place at the
wrong time.

Owlbears (2d4): AC 5; MV 12; HD 5+2; hp 33 each;

THAC0 15; #AT 3; Dmg 1d6/1d6/2d6; SZ L (8 tall); ML n/a; XP
420 each.

SA: On a roll of 18 or better, an owlbear drags its victim into a

hug, inflicting 2d8 points of damage per round. The trapped creature is entitled to a single attempt at bend bars/lift gates to escape
the hold.

Tracking the owlbears back to their lair is the only

chance the adventurers have of obtaining any treasure off
of them. Their lair is about three miles away from where
the battle with the characters took place (successful tracking proficiency checks or similar abilities are required for
each mile). Within the lair is 2,470 silver pieces, 210 platinum pieces, one magical item (DMs choice), and a quasimagical item (DMs choice).

As characters enter a light clearing in the forest, these
creatures swoop down and attack. Theyre used to the orcs
in the area, so it takes two failed Morale checks before
they actually realize the danger theyre in by a well-armed
group of adventurers.
Wyverns (1d6): AC 3; MV 6, Fl 24 (E); HD 7+7; hp 50
each; THAC0 13; #AT 2; Dmg 2d8/1d6; SZ G (35 long); ML
very steady (14); XP 1,400 each.
SA: Tail attack injects poison (type F) into the target upon a successful strike. Creatures must make a saving throw versus poison or
die. Prefers to swoop down from the air and carry victims away
(during which time it gains a +4 bonus to all attack rolls).

The wyverns dont carry any treasure on them; their nest

is many miles away (and since the players cant track flying creatures, there is little chance they can find it). If they
do manage to track it down somehow, its contents are left
to the discretion of the Dungeon Master.

God's Legion Mountains

Encounters in the mountains are checked once every four
hours by rolling an 8-sided die; on a roll of 1 an encounter
occurs. Roll a d20 and consult the Random Encounter
table, then find the creatures listing below.

Barbarians (Angardt)
This group of barbarians is just making a sweep of the
mountains to try and find a band of orcs that raided a barbarian encampment a few days ago. Theyre not aware of
the huge orc city at the northern end of the mountains and
will be quite surprised to learn that the orcs exist in such
large numbers (they thought they eliminated the orc threat
years ago).

18 Trek Through the Eastern Forest

Beholder (1): AC 0 (body)/2 (eyestalk)/7 (eyes); MV Fl 3

(B); HD 70 hit points; THAC0 5; #AT 1; Dmg 2d4; SZ M (6 in
diameter); ML fanatic (18); Int exceptional (16); XP 14,000.
SA: Eyestalks can fire magical spells; charm person, charm
monster, sleep, telekinesis, flesh to stone, disintegrate, slow,
and cause serious wounds.
SD: Central eye projects an area of anti-magic to a distance of 140
yards in a 90 degree arc in front of it.

Within the lair are seven gems (determine value randomly by using Table 85 in the DMG) and five works of art
(Table 87 in the DMG). There are also a variety of lifelike
statues in the chamber, one of which is an artist who
claims that the pieces of art were his before he was
ambushed by the beholder (assuming the characters try a
flesh to stone spell on the lifelike statue). He grudgingly
gives them up if the party seems affronted, since they did
rescue him, after all.

From time to time, the dwarves of Delzoun sent out groups
in an attempt to establish trade with the various elven
nations in the area. This is one of those groups, returning
home somewhat dour from their latest failure. The
dwarves are all 1st to 3rd level and not in the most talkative of moods.

Galeb Duhr
The party is alerted to the sounds of danger ahead by the
sounds of a boulder crashing into the ground. As they
round a bend, they notice an orc slowly disappearing into
a pool of mud. Within moments, the scene is peaceful.
The galeb duhr dont desire contact with the party. So
long as the party doesnt make an extensive search of the
area, the galeb duhr ignore their presence.
Galeb Duhr (1d4): AC -2; MV 6; HD 10; hp 73, 67, 64, 60;
THAC0 11; #AT 2; Dmg 4d6/4d6; MR 20%; SZ L (12 tall); ML
fanatic (17); Int very (12); XP 10,000 each.
SA: Can cast move earth, stone shape, passwall, transmute rock
to mud, and wall of stone once per day at 20th-level of ability. They
can cast stone shape at will. They can animate 1-2 boulders around
SD: Gain +4 versus fire-based attacks.
SW: Suffer a -4 penalty to saving throws versus cold, in addition
to suffering double damage from cold-based attacks.

Beneath a nearby rock are 3d4 gems and two potions

(extra healing and fire resistance).

Ghouls & Ghasts

Mountain Giants

A priest of Jergal came across this group of ghouls late at

night and decided to take control of them and order them
about. They were performing various chores for the old
priest when Jergal finally came to claim himin the form
of ghasts that feasted upon his body. The group is wild and
uncontrolled now, searching out new victims. Their statistics and treasure are identical to the Ghouls & Ghasts
entry under the Forest Encounters.

As the party is traversing a path, these giants suddenly

stand at the edge of a nearby cliff and begin tossing boulders at them. Each giant is far enough away from the other
so that area of effect spells like Noanars fireball cant get
them both.

These are identical to the gnolls listed in the Eastern
Forest section.

Mountain Giants (1d4): AC 4; MV 12; HD 15+3; hp 115,

107, 99, 92; THAC0 5; #AT 1; Dmg 2d10 (boulders) or
4d10+10 (clubs); SZ H (14 tall); ML champion (15); Int average (9); XP 7,000.

SA: Can summon other creatures, but this takes a full turn to perform and requires a wait of 1d6 hours before the summoned creatures arrive.
SW: Strong stench reveals their presence for hundreds of feet


The mountain giants are not carrying any treasure. Their

lair is a large cave a few miles away from the ambush.

These creatures are out looking for orcs that raided their
nest, killing one of their young in the process. The moment
they see the party, they take them to be their enemies and

Netherse Merchants

Hippogriffs (2d8): AC 5; MV 18, Fl 36 (C, D); HD 3+3; hp

20 each; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1d6/1d6/1d10; SZ L (10
long); ML average (9); Int semi (2); XP 175 each.

Back at their nest is the remainder of their treasure; 3d4

gems (refer to Table 85 in the DMG for values).

This force of hobgoblins is scouting the trails for orcs, goblins, and kobolds who are infringing on the hobgoblins territory. They more than happily attack anything they think
they can dominate, as they try to demonstrate to the
heroes the moment they catch sight of them (concentrating their initial volley of missile attacks against elves).
Hobgoblins (2d10): AC 5; MV 9; HD 1+1; hp 7 each;
THAC0 19; #AT 1 (melee) or 2 (missile); Dmg 1d8 (long
sword) or 1d6 (short bows with flight arrows); SZ M (6
tall); ML steady (11); XP 35 each.

Each hobgoblin carries 3d8 copper pieces and 2d4 gold

pieces. Their weapons are well cared for, however.

These fierce creatures fly into view, scattering small rocks
and twigs as they land nearby to attack. They always
release a volley of tail spikes as their first attack and then
close with their prey.
Manticores (1d4): AC 4; MV 12, Fl 18 (E); HD 6+3; hp 48,
42, 37, 33; THAC0 13; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1d8; SZ H (15); ML
elite (13); Int low (5); XP 975 each.

These fortune seekers believe that there is a vast wealth to

be made in these mountains by opening up trade with
gnomes, renegade halflings, a new dwarven kingdom, and
the giants. Unfortunately, they havent been able to find
anything except for the giants (who have attacked them
each time theyve met).
Theyre led by Danvren Goodsale, a human merchant
from Yeomans Loft. Hes absolutely convinced that these
other lost tribes exist out here, but theyve decided to
return back to Yeomans Loft and resupply before venturing out once again.
There are around 30 guards and 20 merchants remaining
in the caravan, and virtually all of them are in need of healing. Danvren agrees to pay the party 1,000 gold pieces if
they escort them back to Yeomans Loft (he cant afford to
lose any more men or wagons to the monsters).

Orcs (Rocktroll)
The actual Rocktroll orcs reside toward the southern end
of the Gods Legion Mountains, but they frequently send
out groups to watch the movements of the Thousand Fists
orcs and to make sure armies are not gathering to attack
their own city. There is a 75% chance that these orcs attack
the party; on a roll of 76% or higher, they ignore the heroes.
Orcs (any number): AC 6 (hide armor); MV 9; HD 1; hp
5 each; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 (short swords); SW -1 to
attack and morale rolls while in sunlight; SZ M (6 tall); ML
steady (11); Int avg (8); XP 15 each.

Each orc is carry 2d6 pieces of electrum.

Orcs (Thousand Fists)

These orcs are simply out patrolling their homeland,
attacking any creature they think they can defeat. At the
first sign of trouble, however, at least one of the orcs runs
back to the city to report the partys presence.

Trek Through the Eastern Forest 19

Orcs (any number): AC 6 (hide armor); MV 9; HD 1; hp

5 each; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 (short swords); SW -1 to
attack and morale rolls while in sunlight; SZ M (6 tall); ML
steady (11); Int avg (8); XP 15 each.

Each orc is carrying 2d6 pieces of platinum.

Pyrothraxis, Red Dragon

The trees in this area are mostly burned stumps, and the lip
of a long-extinct volcano can be seen in the distance.
Looking down into the volcano, the party sees the sprawling lair of Pyrothraxis, an old red dragon.
The only way into the lair is by climbing or through use
of magic; there are no side tunnels that lead into the area.
Pyrothraxis is lightly dozing near a large pile of gems and
gold pieces (and will awaken the moment anyone begins
climbing down or starts casting a spell).
Pyrothraxis, old red dragon: AC -7; MV 9, Fl 30 (C), Jp
3; HD 19; hp 132; THAC0 1; #AT 3; Dmg 1d10/1d10/3d10; MR
45%; SZ G (130); ML fanatic (18); Int exceptional (16); XP
SA: A cone of fire breath weapon that is 90 long and 30 wide at
the end that inflicts 16d10+8 (saving throw versus breath weapon
for half) points of damage. Can affect normal fires (3 times/day),
pyrotechnics (3 times/day), heat metal and suggestion (both
SD: Immune to fire.
Spells: 1st Level: m a g i c m i s s i l e , s h o c k i n g g r a s p . 2 n d L e v e l :
Melfs acid arrow, web; 3rd level: lightning bolt.

A favored tactic of Pyrothraxis is to wait for creatures to

begin scaling the side of the volcano and then web them
into place. Once the creatures have been webbed, they
automatically fail their saving throw versus his breath
Despite the fact that dragons arent subjected to the
Netherese spellcasting system, their spells still inflict damage without a cap. For example, Pyrothraxiss lightning
bolt inflicts 19d6 points of damage.
The precise treasure of Pyrothraxiss lair is left to the
DM, but it should be considerable. If the party chooses to
take on this old dragon, it should be a fight that costs a few
of them their lives (if not the entire party).

Stone Giants
These giants are standing motionless among the rocks as
they watch the party pass. Elves have a 1-in-6 chance (a
roll of 1 on a d6) to notice the giants watching them. The
giants do nothing unless the party begins to move toward
their cave a few hundred yards away.
Stone Giants (1d10): AC 0; MV 12; HD 14 + 1-3 hit
points; hp 95 each; THAC0 7; #AT 1; Dmg 3d10 (boulders) or
2d6+8 (giant clubs); SZ H (18 tall); ML champion (16); Int
average (9); XP 7,000 each.

20 Trek Through the Eastern Forest

If the party begins moving toward the cave, the stone

giants first cause an avalanche, which inflicts 4d10 points
of damage against all creatures in its area of effect (120
feet long at the base). All of the giants treasure is stored in
the cave (where another 20 stone giants await).

If this encounter is rolled during the day, wait until the second watch is half-completed that night before the werewolves attack. The werewolves charge into camp and
attack for four rounds, retreating if they havent totally
dominated their targets. Depending on their success, they
trail the party and attack each night.
Werewolves (3d6): AC 5; MV 15; HD 4+3; hp 23 each;
THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 2d4; SZ M (6 tall); ML steady (12); XP
420 each.
SA: Damage caused by a successful attack has a chance to inflict
lycanthrope on the victim (1% per point of damage caused; check at
the end of the encounter).
SD: Can be harmed only by silver or magical weapons.


From what appears to be the site of an avalanche, these

undead emerge and immediately charge at any living creature in the area, picking elves and other nonhumans over
humans when possible. The wights appear to have once
been orcs.
Wights (2d8): AC 5; MV 12; HD 4+4; hp 28 each; THAC0
15; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 + 1-level energy drain; SZ M (5 tall); ML
elite (14); Int average (9); XP 1,400 each.

SD: Can be struck only by silver or +1 or better magical weapons.

Immune to sleep, charm, hold, paralyzation, poison, and cold-based
SW: Holy water inflicts 2d4 points of damage. A raise dead spell
totally destroys a wight.

The wights have managed to gather a decent horde of

treasure since their death many years ago. Beneath the
rubble is: 3,500 copper pieces, 600 platinum pieces, 6 gems
(use Table 85 in the DMG to determine value), a suit of
chain mail +2, and a long bow, +1.

Planned Encounters
During their trek, there are five planned encounters that
occur. The Summons occurs first, with the remainder taking place as the DM deems appropriate.

The Summons
Just as the PCs begin their journey, they are met by a group
of arcanists along the trail. There are no tracks anywhere
around the three individuals save on the path itself, seeming to indicate that they used magic to arrive.

Ah, right on time, smiles an older man in red robes

that have a flaring K embroidered upon them. Karsus
does reward those who are prompt and faithful to
Netheril. The old man bows low.
I bring you greetings from the great Archwizard,
Karsus himself. He desires your services in tracking down
a few elusive spell components. Are you interested?
If the characters say theyre interested, the old arcanist
states that his name is Jaston Willonay, Third Arcanist of
Netherilan honorary titled bestowed by Karsus. He goes
on to explain that Karsus has need of such experienced
Karsus has need of two materials to prepare spell
components. The first is the pituitary gland of the
Tarrasque. The second is the stone-filled gizzard of a
gold dragon. Jaston stops and studies your faces for a
long moment.
Some of you might have reservations about slaying a
gold dragon just to get its gizzard for a spell component.
I dont blame you. But Im not here to compare ethics; all
I can tell you is that these components are vital to the
survival of Netheril.
The gold dragon Dracolnobalen can be found in the
northern reaches of Moanders Footstep. To the west of
here in the Flats is the lair of the Tarrasque.
Jaston doesnt offer payment immediately; its widely
known throughout Netheril that Karsus is a man whose
generosity has its own rewards. If the characters request
any magical or quasimagical item in exchange for their
services, Jaston accepts their terms. Likewise, if they
request a reasonable sum of money, he also accepts.
If the player-characters try to extract an archwizards
ransom in exchange for the spell components, Jaston
declines. He states that other adventuring parties have
been sent on similar missions, and the partys assistance
while desiredisnt worth the price.
If the characters accept, they can continue their trek
through the Eastern Forest, into the Gods Legion
Mountains, and finally to the base of Moanders Footstep.
Once there, proceed to The Search on page 33.
Its important that the characters complete the first part
of their quest (obtaining the spell components) before
going after Nopheuss wife. If the party strays, Jaston reappears once or twice to urge them toward the gold dragon.
If the characters are intent on rescuing Amanda first, then
Jaston departs (and another adventuring party obtains the
necessary components).

Varied Tracks
The party discovers humanoid tracks (dragged boots, bare
feet, and evening slippers) heading east through the snow.
More than 20 tracks can be seen, but if a ranger is in the
group, he is able to determine that exactly 46 humanoids
passed through the area sometime between two and five
days previous.

Trek Through the Eastern Forest 21

If the characters decide to follow the tracks, proceed

to The Graveyard on page 22.

Frozen Bounty
A frozen skeleton, mostly flayed of its meat, reclines
against an ice-covered evergreen, though fragmented
breeches still cling to his naked hip bones. Rotted clothing
(a coat, a scattered backpack, and a brown, wide-brim hat
bearing the symbol of a snake entwining a scepter of gold)
is also scattered around the snow.
Inside the backpack is a crumbled menu of items the
deceased wished to purchase at the next city, a sevenday
ration pack (partially consumed and showing the scrapings
of small carnivorous teeth), a scroll tube (labeled For
Karsuss Eyes Only) sealed in wax and kissed with the
mark of a signet ring, three folded and unused waterskins,
and a small diary.
The ration pack is safe to eat, in spite of the teeth marks.
The scroll tube is easily opened, having no protective
magic and contains a small map detailing a path to a stash
of hidden nether scrolls in western Netheril. If the characters follow the path outlined on the map, proceed to
Nether Here Nor There on page 37.
The diary contains a variety of letters, characters, and
symbols that dont make any sense whatsoever. Its actually protected by a Raliteffs illusion script spell, which
allows only arcanists from the Karsus Enclave to read it.
Other creatures making the attempt must make a saving
throw versus spell or be affected by a suggestion spell that
causes them to believe that the book is filled with the last
few days of life for the skeleton (and rather boring at that).
The diary is actually a journal of the movements of the
Neth Underground for Freedom as well as a chronicle of
the wrongs inflicted onto the people by the reigning archwizards.
If the characters decide to bring the writings to the
authorities on the Karsus Enclave, proceed to Quelling
the Serfs on page 37.
If the characters read the diary and decide to join the
ranks of the freedom fighters, proceed to the Liberty on
my Mind side trek on page 36.

Sound of Glory
Just before the party is ready to camp for the evening, they
hear loud voices and the clamor of metal against metal
from about 1,000 yards ahead. If the characters decide to
investigate the din, start a fire, or otherwise draw attention
to themselves, proceed to A Thousand Fists Knocking
on page 31.

22 Trek Through the Eastern Forest

Elven Proposal
The PCs run into a group of elves who greet the characters
as though they were longtime allies. They invite the heroes
to share their fire with them for an evening of story-telling,
merriment, and safety. The elven group consists of three
rangers, 12 arcanists, four priests of various elven faiths,
and six thieves.
The evening starts out with the elves sharing stories with
the characters. Eventually, the elves bring out some fine
wine and begin playing games, challenging one or two of
the heroes to a game of chance (creyala, a form of elven
poker using cards) or skill (such as darts). Slowly, the
elves begin to try and pry the loyalties from the characters,
deciding whether or not they are loyal to Karsus and the
other archwizards.
If the elves find out that the characters are not of
Netherese origin (time travelers) or that they hold no love
for Karsus and the archwizards, they invite them into a
business proposition. The elves immediately stop their
merriment and get down to discussing the fine points of
their deal with the heroes. Proceed to the Thief in the
Night side trek on page 27.
If the characters are loyal to Karsus (or at least perceived to be), the elves still provide a night of fun and merriment. When morning dawns, they bid farewell to the
heroes and then continue on their way.

The Graveyard
DM Note: The players should have retrieved the spell
components for Karsus by this time, or else have been
warned by Jaston that they are delaying the Archwizards
Hundreds of years ago, a shaman declared this grove of
trees by the voices of gods in his head to be a holy place,
and he cast a variety of spells across the area in an effort
to shield it from necromantic magic. The area is surrounded by four soft, rolling hills, each being halfway between
the points of a compass rose. In the center of the valley
created by the hills, a huge shadowtop tree (probably as
old as the forest or even the world itself) sits in supreme
dignity; hundreds of animals make their homes in its
branches in complete impunity.
For centuries, the elves of Shadowtop have used this
special and holy area to bury their dead. Since the original
consecration, many elves have been buried here, their
lichen-covered driftwood or stone grave markers telling
the tale of their tragic deaths.
The burial site, some 300-feet in diameter, is surrounded
by a grove of Shadowtop trees so thick that walking twoabreast isnt possible. Weaving and writhing branches, fern
growth, sun-starved underbrush, and oddly placed grave
markers make travel extremely difficult.

As the characters pass into the grave site, they behold a
sorrowful sight: piles of dirt next to every tomb marker.
Each of the graves have been unearthed, and some appear
to have been excavated not from the outside, but from
within. Nothing remains in the graves, not even small personal items that would be of no value.
As the characters investigate the area, they suddenly
hear footsteps all around them. Appearing out of trees,
dozens of elves surround the characters. As more elves
appear, one says, See. I reported the truth. Someone has
raised our ancestors to perform malicious deeds. Perhaps
it was these humans, he says, pointing at the party.
The elf suddenly marches stiff-legged and angry
toward [lead human character], reaching up and reddening [his/her] left cheek with a well-placed backhand
slap. The elf is immediately set upon by the other elves
before anyone can react, who tackle him to the ground.
There is a lot of arguing and shoutingall of it in
elvenas the elves restrain one of their own.
An elf wearing elven chain mail and a purple cloak
utters a word and suddenly all of the bickering stops.
Obviously the leader of the elves, he speaks in common.

Humans, as a whole, are our ancestral allies. Until we

know otherwise, theyre to be treated with respect and
dignity. The leader pulls a dagger out of a scabbard and
hands ithilt forwardto [lead human character], saying, Its our custom to slay one who has wronged us
intentionally, This is now your right. His life is yours if
you choose to take it.
If the character kills the elf, he does so with the first
blow and nothing more is said of the matter. If the PC
chooses not to kill his attacker, the elf is in the PCs debt
for life.
If the PCs investigate the area, they discover a great
number of tracks heading off in two separate paths
toward the east. If they do not investigate, an elven ranger
searches for tracks instead, finding the same results.
The leader of the Shadowtop Clan, Solocrian, suggests
the characters take one path while a group of his finest
warriors take the other, that way both avenues can be
explored simultaneously. Regardless of the path the characters take, the results detailed below apply.

On the Trail of the Dead

The path heads east deep into the Eastern Forest. It winds
over sharp hills, around steep cliffs, and through deep brush

Trek Through the Eastern Forest 23

and rivers. Occasionally, the path is joined by additional

footsteps that merge with the current tracks, strengthening
the path and making it easier and easier to follow.
The path carries the characters through areas where the
ground has been dug up to expose a rotted wooden crate
large enough to hold an average-sized human. No possessions remain, except the moldering remains of an elven
death shroud.
As characters follow the trail of footsteps deeper into
the forest, they begin to notice an abnormal number of flies
in the area feasting upon what appears to be hunks of old,
rotted meat. As evening approaches, characters come
across the following:
The decomposing body of an elf lies sprawled out on
the trail. Its right leg is severed and more than a dozen
teeth lie scattered around it. As you approach within 20
feet, the remains push themselves upright and the elf
turns its head to face you with one empty eye socket. A
smile seems to crease its way across the decaying skin.
I cannot go any farther, and my companions have left
me behind to rot. You see, I seem to have broken my leg.
He looks down at his lower limb which resembles an
inch-think branch snapped across a knee; few sinews of
meat remain. Can you help me?
Just about anything can aid the undead: a bit of sovereign
glue to join the break, a nearby stick and a length of rope to
bind the disjointed piece with the rest of the body, or a carefully placed Aksas repair spell. Regardless of method, if the
characters help the zombie, it shows its gratitude by standing, thanking the characters, and walking awayin the
direction of its companions. (If allowed to rejoin the ranks
of the dead, the zombie, Derf, warns all the others not to
attack the characters and to consider them friend.)
If the characters attack, they gain a +4 bonus to attack
and the zombie suffers a -4 penalty (prone). Its an easy
kill, even for low-level characters, and the zombie cries out
No, no, its not my fault, for the duration of the combat.
After a few days travel, the characters approach a small
village. The tracks pass through the main avenue, leading
them directly into town. The town is deathly quiet; unusual for a frontier village. Most of the doors are open, but the
windows are battened down. The street, showing the path
of the undead, tells a horrifying tale.
In this town, the undead apparently entered every building and pulled the inhabitants from the ranks of the living
to that of the dead, strengthening their numbers and taking
the new recruits with them.
As the party searches around the town (or tries to leave),
they are confronted by a berserk ranger who comes at
them in a fever of hatred and fear, wildly wielding an axe
head polearm glinting the rays of the cold afternoon sun.
He screams something about wanting the skulls of the
dead and then advances menacingly toward the heroes.
Anything can happen here, If the characters keep their
distance and try to negotiate their way from this predicament, a flickering of sanity begins to fill the mans wild
eyes. If they unsheathe their weapons and attack, his rage
takes control and he attempts to kill everyone.

24 Trek Through the Eastern Forest

Anointus, hm, R15: AC -3; MV 12; hp 118; THAC0 6; #AT

2; Dmg 1d8/1d8 (polearm); MR 15% (from armor); SZ M (6
tall); ML fearless (19); AL NG; XP 8,000.
STR 22, DEX 15, CON 18, INT 18/3, WIS 15, CHA 17.
Special Equipment: Separator (polearm), Deflector
(shield), and Protector (armor). These belongings are
detailed in the Spells & Magic chapter.
Spells (16/3rd): Anointus worships Selne and gains
access to the terrestrial and wandering winds.

Anointus, a ranger of some repute, is best known as a

knowledgeable guide through the Wildlands of the NethSoutheast. He had family and friends who lived in this
town. The loss of his wife and child, along with an unnatural increase in Strength and Constitution, has partially
snapped his mind, explaining the two Intelligence ratings. When hes faced with undead, his Intelligence drops
to the lower rating, but in situations away from undead,
his Intelligence returns to normal.
Anointus looks almost prissy in both attire and appearance. His blonde hair is perfectly cut, combed, and
styled, and his teeth are as pearly as the brightest cloud.
His boots are spit-shined at least once a day, and all of
his gear is meticulously cleaned, oiled, and sharpened (if
applicable) every time its pulled from its scabbard or
used. After combat, he can typically be found sitting on
the nearest rock or stump, cleaning his gear and resharpening his blades.
If the characters manage to calm Anointus when they
first meet him, he tells them the following:
I was commissioned by seven merchants from Spiel
who wanted to enjoy the life of their ancestors: hunting,
fishing, sleeping out of doorsall without the use of
magic. This in itself wasnt unusualIve taken many
out into the wilds to rough it for a whilebut traveling
without magic was an unusual request.
I was amazed. Usually I have to hire a spellcaster
who takes half my profits, but this time, each of their
2,000 gp charges went directly to me. We set out five
days ago into the Eastern Forest with backpacks,
waterskins, crossbows and bows, arrows and bolts, and
enough flint for a year.
A few days into the trip, we heard a horrid crashing
through the trees. At first I thought it was either a lazy
and vastly overpopulated orc patrol whose confidence
overstepped all manner of prudence or the migration of
a rhea herd moving toward better water and available
food. In either case, I didnt want to be in the way, so we
climbed trees and silently waited for the noise to dissipate. Imagine my surprise when I found a migration of
undead passing directly under my tree!
I fought the urge to attack them on sight, especially
when their numbers just kept coming. Hundreds of
them, or even thousands. They were as thick as grass,
practically touching each other as they went, darkening
the ground below them. I looked over at the merchants
who were ashen. I decided it was time to head back to
town and see if they left the town unscathed.

Apparently when the zombies entered the town, then

whisked everyone away with them. The tracks lead to
every building, and in each building signs of struggle is
apparent. It looks like the undead just killed everyone in
town, turned them into additional undead, and brought
them along on their journey. Tears well up in Anointuss
eyes, a glimmer of rage and sorrow reflected in them.
Most undead arent that bright, so these must either be
in the control of a god or an archwizardbut no archwizard that I know of would dare such an attack on
Anointus declines any offer to join the heroes, explaining that he works better alone and that he has some things
he needs to check onand he cant do it with a bunch of
noisy greenhorns trailing along behind him. Hes friendly
about his reasons, but he cant be convinced to change his
mind. He promises that hell see them later, probably closer to whatever final destination the undead have in mind.

The Orc Retreat

The characters hear a great thrashing through the bushes
ahead of them. Squeals of fear and grunting of hard labor
are discernible as well. Within two minutes, a group of 30
orcs pass through the area where the characters are. If the

PCs are in the open, the orcs attempt to run around them
in their panic. If the characters attempt to kill the orcs,
they dodge and parry whatever blows they can in order to
continue their flight.
If the characters capture one of the orcs, hes willing to
talk in order to continue his retreat:
Havent you all heard? The Lichlord, Master of the
Undead, Murderer of the Masses, Dread of the
Archwizards, and Terror of the Earth, is amassing an
army of the unliving in order to kill and take over everything! He believes that only the undead will treat the
world with respect and discontinue the misuse of the
environment. This means the extermination of all orcs,
humans, gnomes, dwarves, and even those vile and irritating wood-huggersyou know, the elves.
Weve chosen life, and were trying to get to our homelands in order to move our families and friends to the holy
lands in the Spine of the World. Hes amassing an army of
dead so vast, it can crush any army it comes in contact
with. It feeds on the war dead, making itself stronger as it
moves west. Nothing can compete with that. If I were
you, Id turn my back on the east and join us in flight.
If the orc is asked where the Lichlord can be found, the
orc points due east and replies, The Lichlord is that way

Trek Through the Eastern Forest 25

about three days travel. But be forewarned, the

Omniscient One knows you approach and is prepared: flee
while you can and turn west. This is the only way you can
save what life you have. Hell take it from you and give you
the mindless euphoria of the living death if you continue
your journey. After speaking with the characters, the orc
wrestles free of their grasp and continues on his way.

The Elusive Illithid

Hungry for magic and seeking revenge, the phaerimm
(detailed fully in the Netheril: Empire of Magic boxed set)
have laid a shaky foundation of peace with the illithids.
The pact between these two races is essentially a sharing
of resources. The phaerimm turn over all humans and
humanoids they capture to the illithids, and the illithids
probe the minds of the humans for any useful information.
If the characters and their companions are carrying any
magical items, the phaerimm are able to detect their presence.
Once they discover the characters, the phaerimm follow them
(while remaining underground and out of phase in order to
reduce their chance of discovery) and wait until nighttime
when humanoidsin their experienceare less active.
Phaerimm (1-3): AC 1; MV Fl 9 (A); HD 9; hp 63; THAC0
11; #AT 6; Dmg 1d4x4/3d4/2d4; MR 44%/77% vs. polymorph
and petrification; SZ L (12 tall); ML fanatic (17); Int supra
(19); AL NE; XP 10,000.

SA If the tail attack roll is 16 or better, the victim takes usual

damage plus 1d6 more as the sting injects a fluid. The victim saves
vs. poison three times: for paralyzation, to determine if victim is
levitated three feet off the ground, and to see if a fertile egg is injected. If so, it begins growing in 1d6 days, internally eating the victim
for one hit point per day until death or a cure disease is cast.
Meanwhile, victim attacks, AC, and statistics are penalized four
points. An egg or larva can be cut from a victim, requiring a System
Shock and 2d4 damage during the process.
SD160-foot infravision also sees in astral and ethereal planes
90, normal vision functions as detect magic for 90, reflect resisted
spells back at source or use them as healing (excess points are caried for 12 rounds to offset later damage) while spells doing no damage heal one hit point per spell level.
Spells: (200/10th): These phaerimm cast spells as a 22nd-level
arcanist (spells are at the DMs discretion).

If the phaerimm subdue one or more of the characters,

they take the bodies with them to their allies, the illithids,
in the depths of the earth (using planar travel spells to
move into either the astral or ethereal planes).

26 Trek Through the Eastern Forest

Illithid (Mind Flayer) (4): AC 5, MV 12; HD 8+4; hp 61;

THAC0 11;; #AT 4; Dmg 2: MR 90%; SZ M (6 tall); ML champion (15); Int genius (18); AL LE; XP 9,000.

SA: Mind blast is a cone 60 long, 5 wide at the illithid, and 20

wide at the opposite end; all within the cone must save vs. wands or
be stunned and unable to act for 3d4 rounds. Can cast the following
spells as a 7th-level spellcaster: suggestion, charm person, charm
monster, ESP, levitate, astral projection, and plane shift; all saving
throws against these are made with a -4 penalty.
Psionic Summary (Only if used in the campaign): Level 10;
Dis 4; Sci 5; Dev 15; Att EW, II; Def all; Score=18; PSPs 314, 307, 300,
Psychokinesis Devotions: control body, levitation.
Psychometabolism Sciences: body equilibrium.
Psycoportation Sciences: probability travel, teleport.
Psychoportation Devotions: astral travel.
Telepathy Sciences: domination, mindlink.
Telepathy Devotions: contact, ESP, ego whip, id insinuation,
posthypnotic suggestion.

The illithids, being creatures of great brain and psionic

power, delve into their victims minds and extract any useful information they can find. Once all information about
Netheril and humans in general is extracted, the illithids
eat the empty, wanting brains or feed the awake but unconscious character to their pets and watchdogs, the intellect
Intellect Devourer (2): AC 4; MV 15; HD 6+6; hp 48
each; THAC0 13; #AT 4; Dmg 1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4; SA Psionics,
stalking; SD; MR Nil; SZ T (6 long); ML Fanatic (17-18); Int
Very (11-12); AL CE; XP 6,000.

SAEach successful hit causes an additional 1d4 points of damage unless the creature makes a successful saving throw versus poison.
SD+3 or better weapon to hit (even then, the devourer only
suffers 1 hit point of damage), immune to cerebral parasites and all
mental attacks except psionic blast; immune to normal or magical
fire; electrical attacks cause only 1 hit point per die of damage.
Psionic Summary: Level 6; Dis 3; Sci 3; Dev 11; Att EW, II; Def
M-, TS, IF; Score=Int; PSPs 200.
Psychometabolism Sciences: ectoplasmic form.
Psychometabolism Devotions: body equilibrium, chameleon
power, expansion, reduction.
Psychoportation Devotions: astral projection.
Telepathy Sciences: domination, mindlink.
Telepathy Devotions: aversion, contact, ESP, ego whip, id insinuation, telempathic projection.

While its possible that characters could somehow

escape the illithids, such an adventure is left to the DM. If
the players managed to survive the encounter with the
phaerimm, continue with Dead Denizens (page 43).

eace is the way of the wise man, but is war always the path of the
imprudent? Belief in the lie that one is the only justifiable ruler of
a people is often the path of the folly, and the lie blinds him.

Throughout the adventure, there are several

points where the Dungeon Master can send the characters on a little side quest. These are all listed here.
The DM can choose to thread these throughout the
adventure at the appropriate time, or he can simply
use them as separate adventures. A rough experience point total is provided.
Side Trek Name
XP Totals
Thief In the Night
A Thousand
Fists Knocking
and Entering
In Jail
The Search
Karsus Marketplace
On My Mind
Nether Here

Nor There
Quelling the Serfs
Robin Banks
the Orcs Through



Thief in the Night

The elves are approachable, stretching their arms
out in friendship. The rangers claim to be on a mission to gain magical knowledge and ask the characters if theyre citizens of Netheril. If the PCs say
theyre not, the elves ask if they wish to join in their
search. The elves promise to share the information
they gain if the PCs promise the same.
If the heroes agree to the terms, the elves claim
that theyre going to the Karsus Enclave to discover
the secrets of Netherese spellcasting and invite the
characters to go to Delia and enter the magic vaults
of Lady Polaris. They give the PCs a map showing
the details of the Polaris Vault and sketchy informa-

tion about the protective magic therin. The elves

claim that archived information about ultrahigh
spellcasting is contained in this repository, while the
Karsus Museum holds valuable magical items and
recipes for elixirs can grant just about anything
one would wish.
If the characters take the map and
attempt to infiltrate the repository
on Delia, they must first get to the
Delia is a large city that
houses between 375,000 and
400,000 people. Mostly
human, a smattering of
other races can be found
here, but these nonhumans
account for only 3% of the
population. The city is perfectly circular, with the main
arteries traversing from the
central court in the center to
the outer rim of the city, each
street approximately one-half mile
long and decreasing slightly in elevation. The lesser streets are circular, orbiting
the central courtyard like a satellite.

Central Courtyard
In the central courtyard surrounded by the street
named Central Court, Lady Polaris has her castle,
the Great Library, and the Polaris Vault. Along the
perimeter of the courtyard, a two-man-tall wooden
palisade is a deterrent to keep the common folk
from entering the plush grounds of the palace.

Theres one entrance to the courtyard, and thats
through the guardhouse on the northernmost part of
the palisade. Thirty guards (all between 2nd and 7th
level) and seven arcanists with Smolyns seer and
detect lie spells permanently cast upon their eyes

Side Treks

question everyone who enters or attempts to enter the

grounds. Those who do not fit the bill are ordered to
leave, and arrested if they do not (should someone attempt
to resist arrest, theyre killed on the spot, with the body
being sent to Rendans Apothec for assimilation into
grotesque and unusual potions and powders for use by the
army stationed in the barracks).
The 12-foot-tall palisade, wooden in construct, is magically strengthened to the tensile strength of steel, meaning
that its immune to both mundane and magical fire and
lightning. Magical cold, however, turns the wood brittle,
allowing someone to smash it with a simple warhammer
A magical current flows through each piece of wood in
the palisade, originating from the eastern guardhouse and
flowing around to the western guardhouse. If the current is
broken, the guards send a unit of seven warriors and one
arcanist around the inside of the fence to investigate the disturbance. If they find a break in the fence, the northern barracks (on the corner of Central Court and North Avenue) are
alerted, and five units (35 warriors and five arcanists) are
dispatched to find the intruders. Please note that a simple
dispel magic disrupts the ward for 1d4 rounds.
If the fence is climbed and the villain carries magical
items, three things can happen: quasimagical items are
instantly relieved of their dweomer, true magical items
must save vs. disintegration to maintain their magic (both
done without the knowledge of the owner), and the
climber must save vs. spell or be paralyzed until removed
from the fence.
Magical means can be used to enter the fence, since this
is one way that Lady Polaris enters and exits the compound whenever she wants to get away without the
guards, the House of Commons, or the people knowing any
better. Such ways include, but are not limited to: Oberons
blinking, Oberons teleportation, Shadows walk, and
Oberons extradoor.

Great Library
The Great Library is an absolute font of information. All
documents (or copies thereof) made since the height of
Netheril in 1964 NY are held here. All known spells, potion
recipes, and religious and philosophical pamphlets and
books created by Netherese are contained herein. As
ordered by Lady Polaris, the library is categorized and
indexed to death, making the location of desired information easy and quick.
During evening hours, the library is left unguarded by
man. Instead, magic is used to maintain security. All windows are protected by an Aksas disintegration spell activated by the decrease in light from the sun (easily overcome with a Brightfingers light spell), the front door acts
as an Oberons extradoor that opens up into a high-security cell in the constabularys jail house about seven blocks
directly north of the Delia Courtyard (easily overcome by
another Oberons extradoor).
Once inside, all the PCs need to do is find the index
books kept by the librarians a few dozen yards away from
the front door to locate whatever information they require.

Please note that information about 11th-level spells and

higher are not contained here. Instead, these high-level
documents are kept in the Polaris Palace.

Polaris Palace
The only way into the Polaris Palace if the front door is not
used, is through the use of a gate spell from another plane.
Any attempt to magically teleport is met with a very
unpleasant jaunt into the 43rd plane of the Abyss. If one
climbs the walls to enter through the windows, they are met
with a very unpleasant side effect: the walls and the roof
are completely covered with an Aksas disintegration
effectsay good-bye to finger tips (or even whole bodies if
one is thrown or pushed into the wall). One way past this is
to a Stocas wings or Yturns levitation spell to a window
or the roof. However, if the window is touched from the
outside, the violator find himself securely glued to the window (much like the effect of sovereign glue); then its only
a matter of time before the magic that got the PC to the window wears off and he falls, striking the wall on his way
down, disintegrating his body (up to the arm, at least, since
his hands and fingers are still be attached to the window).
The front door is continually guarded by five warriors
and one arcanist (again with Smolyns seer and detect lie
spells permanently adhered to their corneas). Five other
groups of guards of equal numbers and profession walk
about the palace, making sure no one attempts to gain
entrance through thieving or magical skills.
Since no one has ever entered Polaris Palace without personal permission from Lady Polaris herself, its unknown to
this day what happens when a thief enter uninvited. One
thing is known, however: seven known attempts from master thieves have been attempted, and the thieves were never
heard from again. The DM is encouraged to be especially
creative and cruel while maintaining one way to succeed
after all, thats one thing Lady Polaris personally made sure
of. (By the way, all information regarding the 11th-level
spells are always kept in her bedchamber. Good luck!)

Polaris Vault
The Polaris Vault has no windows and two doors on the
eastern part of the central hub. Once inside, a visitor finds
five different exhibits: the Warriorward, the Thiefs Den,
the Dweomercraft Auditorium, Divinetabla, and Polariss
Divinetabla: This section mostly details the gods known
in Netheril, including several worshipped by the nonhuman races Netheril has dealt with in the past. The remaining third of the exhibit details the magic and quasimagical
items in use by the priesthoods throughout Netheril. This
even includes the holy symbols and totems held dear to the
religious icons of the gods followers. Also included is a
synopsis from Karsus of Netheril who claims the gods of
Netheril are nothing more than frauds, which, by no surprise, has caused a great deal of stress among the religious
sects. Many believe this single seven-page writ is the cause
of all unrest in Netheril, since Karsus made it very clear
that all archwizards believe the same thing.

Side Treks 29

Dweomercraft Auditorium: This, the most crowded section of the vault, shows all the items, scrolls, and books
usable by the spellcasters in Netheril. None of the nether
scrolls are included in this exhibit.
Polariss Exhibit: This special section in the center of
the Polaris Vault displays the magical items created by
Lady Polaris herself (though small in number), and all new
exhibit pieces procured by the vault librarians. One interesting thing about this particular exhibit is that there are a
number of books that detail the exact way to create spells
in classic Netherese stylespells that contain no somatic
components (Note: these five book are what the
Cormanthyr elves desire to fulfill their quest.)
Thiefs Den: This section of the Polaris Vault contains
the least number of magical items and its the only one that
contains nonmagical items. Herein are all the items that a
thief would use in his career. A section that takes up a third
of the exhibit in the back contains the magical varieties
known to Netheril. The remaining two-thirds shows the
nonmagical varieties, from lockpicks to fantastic wallclimbing apparati. This is truly a study of the subversive
when one steps in his hall.
Warriorward: This auditorium features all the magic and
quasimagical items useful to the warrior, the soldier, and the
nonspellcasting adventurerat least those that are available in Netheril. Over 3,000 items are on display here, each
with a description of the known functions and the creator.
As an extra level of security, Lady Polaris hired the
help of some planar beings. About seven years ago during
her planar travels, Lady Polaris discovered Mechanus and
gated five decaton modrons from their home plane into the
Polaris Vault, but she just couldnt figure out how to keep
them contained in the building. For some unknown reason,
the decatons would be in place for no less than five days
before theyd disappear. She believed that Primus or one of
the Secundi were responsible for the continual extraction.
She loved their lawful neutral attitudes and decided
theyd be the perfect beings to use as security. The only
thing she had to do was to find some other nonessential
being to use for her security forces. On a return visit to
Mechanus, she discovered the pentadron modron, and
decided these beings could serve her needs. After gating
them to the Prime Material Plane, she trapped them in the
Polaris Vault, and there they remain, seven years later.
If someone enters the Polaris Vault during the off hours
(sundown to dawn), the modrons attack.
Pentadron Modron (5): AC 3; MV 18; HD 5+5; hp 40;
THAC0 15; #AT 5; Dmg 1d4+4(5); SZ M; ML fearless (20);
Int very (11); AL LN; XP 2,000 each.

A Thousand
Fists Knocking
If the heroes investigate the noise, they see a group of 78
orcs10 of whom are of huge stature and three who are
dressed in wild, obnoxiously colorful clothing (shamans).
The orcs apparently are going to sleep under the stars, but
there are nearly 15 fires burning, each with a two-day supply of wood..
Spoken in Orcish, the characters hear these clips of
speech: . . . death to the Neth . . . , . . . the only good human
is medium rare . . ., . . . if we swings south at Yeomans Loft,
we can easily raid Spiel in a fourday . . . , . . . Me hears theys
got pretty no-hairs [human females] there . . ., . . . wish
wedve brought the dogs. . . , . . . me swords hungry; me
needs t feed it . . . , . . . ever tried their eyes served oer iced
gruel?. . .
Orcs (65): AC 6; MV 9; HD 1; hp 6 each; THAC0 19; #AT
1; Dmg 1d8 (sword); SZ M (6 tall); ML elite (14); Int high
(10); AL LE; XP 175.
Orogs (10): AC 3 (plate mail); MV 6; HD 3; hp 21; THAC0
17; #AT 1; Dmg 1d10+3 (sword + Strength bonus); SZ M (67 tall); ML elite (14); Int high (11); AL LE; XP 65 each.
Orc Shamans (3): AC 6; MV 9; HD 5; hp 37, 33, 29;
THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 (club); SZ (6 tall); ML elite (14);
Int exceptional (15); AL LE; XP 650 each.
Winds available (12/3rd): Transcendent, sporadic, wandering.
Favorite spells: command, protection from good, sanctuary; hold
person; dispel magic.

The orcs refuse to negotiate with humans, preferring to

kill them on sight and use their possessions against the
next batch of humans they run across. They believe all
humans are Netheril citizens or simply descendants of the
Neth, and as such, theyre considered holy enemies, giving
them a +4 attack bonus, much like the ranger special ability. This bonus is never applied to any opponent except
If the PCs rush in to attack, the orcs create a horseshoe
defense, hoping to surround the characters, with each PC
suffering at least one orc strike per round. If the PCs
attempt to attack them from the safety of the underbrush,
the orcs rush in all directions, hiding in the bushes, trees,
and just sneaking about.

SA: A save vs. paralysis is required to maintain motor control

when attacked by the modrons paralytic gas stream (usable once
every five rounds that extends 5 away from the modron with a 2foot diameter); the gas stream can also be used to levitate the modron (as the 5th-level wizard);
SD: The modron saves vs. cold, fire, and acid with a +1 bonus;
damage from such attacks have a -2 modifier per die; cannot be
never surprised; they never roll for initiativethe DM determines
when they attack; they have an effective 18/00 Strength; they have
180-foot infravision; immune to beguiling, charm, domination,
emotion-altering effects, fear, hold, hypnosis, illusions, mind-affecting effects, sleep

Side Treks 31

Breaking and
The characters are at the front door of Nopheuss home.
The front door is the only solid-looking obstacle to the
house. The five windows across the four walls all are covered with single-pane glass and dilapidated slats to help
reduce winter draft.
If the characters break down the door, theyre met with
a glyph of warding that inflicts 20d4 points of electrical
damage to all within 20 feet. If the windows are opened,
one of four things can happen (depending upon which window is broken).
1. An alarm is set off, and the constabulary (1d8 5th-level
warriors) appear within 1d4 rounds.
2. A glyph of warding teleports the violator 20-80
(2d410) feet into the air over the sharp rocks of the harbor. Damage is calculated using a single d6 for every 10
feet the character falls (8d6 maximum for this fall). In addition, the sharp rocks each inflict 1d8 points of damage, and
the character strikes 1d4 of those when he finally comes to
3. A glyph of warding teleports the violator directly into
a cell of the Yeomans Loft jail house on Helm Road north
of Pine Forest Road.
4. A glyph of warding drains three levels from the violator. The victim is allowed a saving throw for each level
Nopheus (NG hm F8; 72 hp) arrives (or wakes up), grabs
Twinrazor, a +3 bastard sword (refer to the Spells &
Magic section for information on Twinrazor), and seeks
out those who would rob his home.
If the characters kill Nopheus, theyve successfully
destroyed the adventure, but in the process, theyve
gained Twinrazor, a fairly good Netherese weapon.
They also gain the 2,000 gold he was planning on
rewarding those who would return the body of his wife.
Also, stashed in a safe behind a picture above the fireplace, the characters find three magical daggers, five
other random quasimagical items, three scrolls bound
into a book with five random 1st-level spells and the formulae for six additional cantras, and a gold foil etching
of a beautiful woman (presumably his wife shortly
before her death).
If the characters leave Nopheuss body to rot in the
house, the constables find the remains three days later and
investigate the death by means of a speak with the dead
spell. With it, they discover and formulate well-rendered
drawings of the murderers. If the characters are still in
Yeomans Loft, they discover their likenesses posted on
trees, the doors of every tavern, and on the Neth
Gatehouse. Within another threeday, their likenesses are
scattered all across Netherils enclaves and 30% of the
ground-based cities. Another three days is all thats
required to get their picture scattered throughout every
Netheril city.

32 Side Treks

For the murder of Nopheus of Yeomans Loft, the bodies
(dead or alive) of the villains pictured above are desired
by the constabulary of Yeomans Loft; for the price of
1,200 pieces of gold per face pictured herein.
So heinous was their crime of mutilation and death,
these Criminals of Society must be considered highly
dangerous and vile; though alive is desired, death is
viable, for they can be resurrected to face the pain and
long-suffering warranted by their actions in life.
Days one to three: the PCs have a 10% chance per day
of being spotted and recognized in Yeomans Loft.
Days four to six: Theres a 20% chance per day of
being spotted and recognized anywhere in Netheril.
Days seven through nine: The PCs have a 40% chance
per day to be spotted and recognized anywhere in Netheril.
As the days move forward, the characters can expect to
meet more and more bounty hunters hungry for the
reward, all intent upon killing the characters.
If the characters are still in Netheril after 12 days, an
arcanist-turned-bounty hunter places a Chevics tracer
spell on the characters, allowing other hunters to gate right
behind (or in front of) the characters at inopportune times.
This treatment continues until they finally leave Netheril.

In Jail
If the characters end up in jail, chances are very good they
deserve it. Below is a synopsis of the jail-term possibilities,
depending upon the reasons they ended up in the jail in the
first place.
l If they attempted to rob Yeomans Bank, they were subjected to an Oberons teleportation spell and transported
to jail, arriving in a special cell dedicated to the thieves of
that bank. When they appear there, they find seven others
in the cell with them. The cell is cold and damp, with moisture clinging to the walls and a small pool of murky water
sitting in the corner. Its safe for them to assume theyre
underground. The seven others (five males and two
females) say theyve been there for various terms: three of
the men have been there for six months, the female and
one male have been there for two years, and the remaining
two have been there for five years. Each of the seven
believe they have a full 10-year term to suffer through.
If the heroes got involved with the assassination
attempt on Karsus, they spend only three days in prison,
for thereafter, they are rendered unconscious, all information about the underground sapped from their brains, and
their essences (or whats left of them) relinquished to the
planes of their deities.
When the cell door is inspected, a lock is discovered, but
the lock isnt engaged. It doesnt need to be; two bars on
the outside of the cell door have been welded into place in
seven spots each, and an iron golem sits idly, across the
hall, constantly vigilant, watching the prisoners with
unblinking eyes.

Golem, Iron (1): AC 3; MV 6; HD 18; hp 80; THAC0 3;

#AT 1; Dmg 4d10 (fist); SZ L (12 tall); ML fearless (20); Int
non (0); AL N; XP 13,000.

SA: Breathes out a cloud of poison gas once every seven rounds
(save vs. poison or die) that fills a 10-foot cube directly in front of
SD: Can be struck only by weapons of +3 or better enchantment.
Immune to all spells except those based on electricity (which slow
the golem for 3 rounds) and fire (which heal the golem on a one-toone basis).

If someone attempts to break the welds (each requiring

100 points of bludgeoning damage), the golem reaches
into the cell (its hand and arm fit perfectly though the cell
doors grating) and tries to steal the weapon. If its
attacked as it attempts to steal the weapon, it withdraws
from the attack and waits for swords and the like to be
poked through the bars. Should this happen, the golem
swipes at the blades; a successful hit snaps the blade at
the bars, converting the weapon to a dagger with an
extra-large hilt. If its attacked a second time, the golem
renders a heat metal spell, causing all metal, including
the bars, to heat dramatically (see heat metal spell).
When the heat metal spell is cast, it causes the welds and
the bars to return to full strength.
When its time for a prisoner to be released (10 years
for attempted or successful robbery), the constabulary
casts Prugs hold human spells on everyone in the cell,
removes the welds, pulls out the newly-freed prisoner,
reinstates the welds, and then simply allow the Prugs
hold human spells to wear off. Meanwhile, the prisoners
are fed twice per day and allowed water whenever they
want through a small spigot in the wall.
The DM should come up with a way for the characters
to escape, though no official way is documented here.
Ideas range from teleporting to gating. Of course, if the
PCs escape, so do the other convicts (and some of the
heroes with more ethical outlooks on life might have a
problem with releasing a thief into the streets).

The Search
To activate his 12th-level spell, Karsus needs the stonefilled gizzard of a gold dragon and part of the epidermis
of the pituitary gland of the Tarrasque just to enchant one
of the material components of the spell. Depending upon
how evil the DM wants to be, he can choose to either
send the PCs after the gold dragon or the Tarrasque (or
even both).

The Gold Dragon

To reach the aerie of the gold dragon, the characters must
expend a great deal of energy. Nonweapon proficiencies
such as fire building, mountaineering, rope use, and survival (mountains) should be considered essential, whereas animal lore, cooking, direction sense, endurance, fishing, herbalism, hunting, jumping, set snare, and weather
sense makes life on the hard mountains a great deal more
comfortable. Several days hanging by ropes along cliff

Side Treks 33

faces, sleeping in nooses and makeshift shelters with

nothing but open air below makes the experience a memorable one.
When the DM has characters roll for mountaineering or
rope use while climbing cliffs and the like, dont just
assume that the character falls to his death immediately
upon a failed roll. Instead, make his life just a bit more miserable. Items could fall out of backpacks, potions could get
broken when the character smashes into the cliff face, and
other calamities could befall the hero.
The journey to the lair of the gold dragon should take
three or four days. The climb should be hard and tiring;
player-characters should be truly grateful upon reaching
the top of the mountain.

Entrance to the Lair

When the characters finally reach the lair of the gold
dragon, theres a cloud giant named Dnascus asleep just
inside the mouth of the cave. If the characters are wearing armor, try to don their armor, or are carrying armor,
the sound of the clanking metal awakens the guardian. If
they dont wake the giant and immediately attack him,
they all have a free round of attack. Thereafter, however,
combat runs in normal Initiative order.
If Dnascus awakens and the characters havent
attacked him yet, he demands that they state their purpose. If the characters admit that Karsus sent them, he
grabs his morning star and prepares for battle. (Many
adventurers have already approached Dracolnobalen in
hopes of acquiring her gizzard, and Dnascus would
rather die than let his companion fall to greedy humans).
Dnascus is willing to listen to the adventurers if they are
both honest about who sent them and admit that they
arent comfortable attacking Dracolnobalen.
If the PCs attack: The confrontation turns into a
free-for-all, with Dracolnobalen arriving on the third
round of combat to lend her breath weapon, spells, and
claws to the combat. No quarter is given; its a battle for
Dnascus Cloudburst, male Cloud Giant: AC 0; MV 15;
HD 16+(1d6+1); hp 119; THAC0 5; #AT 1; Dmg 1d10 or 6d4
(huge morning star); SA + 11 on all physical combat damage,
hurl rocks for 2d12; SD Surprised only on a 1; SZ H (24 tall);
ML Fanatical (17-18); Int Very (12); AL NG; XP 11,000.
Special Equipment: ring of fire resistance
Spells (9/2nd): 1st animal friendship, cure light wounds,
invisibility to animals; 2nd heat metal, slow poison.

Dnascus Cloudburst has been a friend and companion

to Dracolnobalen for several centuries. Back in their
younger years, the two adventured throughout the continent, eventually graduating to the planes, having a particularly good time in the Elysium Fields and the Happy
Hunting Grounds.
During one such visit to the hunting grounds, Dnascus
fell victim to an aerial assault that left him for dead.
Dracolnobalen scooped her fallen companion and flew
him to the safety of a nearby mountain range and knitted
his wounds. After three weeks of recovery, the dragon

34 Side Treks

gated back to Faern and continued to nurse the giant for

four months.
Dnascus never forgot the deed, and vouched that day
to remain with Dracolnobalen as companion, protector,
and confidante for the remaining years of his life; thus far,
hes thwarted 17 attacks from adventurers and gem-seekers in the last century and a half.
If the characters slay the dragon, it takes about one
hour to cut through the dragons skin, sift through the
organs to find the gizzard. Please note the gizzard is the
size of a medium bag (three feet long and two feet in
diameter), weighing 150 pounds. If the characters dont
have a magical item that can store the gizzard or a way to
preserve it, they attract the attention of carnivores and
scavengers throughout the trip back to Karsus.
Dracolnobalen, female, 397-year-old Gold Dragon:
AC -4; MV 12, Fl 40 (C), Jp 3, SW 15; HD 20; hp 140; THAC0
-2; #AT 3+special; Dmg 1d10/1d10 (claws), 6d6 (bite); SA
fire and chlorine gas breath (16d12+8 ea.); SD fear (90
radius); MR 50%; SZ 100 (body) + 93 (tail); ML fanatic (18);
Int genius (18); AL LG; XP 20,000.
Notes: Dracolnobalen gains a +8 to all combat modifiers
(THAC0 listed above takes this modification into account); she
casts spells as a 16th-level spellcaster; all of her spells have a
Casting Time of 1 and she cannot perform any other function in the
round when she casts. She can stall to create a dust cloud equal to
her fear radius with a duration of one roundno combat or spellcasting is possible as all are blinded.

If the heroes negotiate: Dnascus agrees to lead the

characters to Dracolnobalen so long as they place all of
their armor and weapons into a large sack (that he carries). He warns the player-characters that draconic runes
in the walls of the tunnel and in the lair itself spell certain
death for spells cast by non-dragons (which isnt true; the
runes are merely decoration).
When the heroes arrive at the lair of Dracolnobalen,
theyre greeted to the sight of an immense, glittering gold
dragon that looks out at them with deep, wisdom-filled
eyes. The ancient dragon allows the PCs to make the first
offer, but she has no intention of laying down her own life
for the human kingdom of Netheril.
If the heroes cant come up with something of their
own, Dracolnobalen offers a different path.
My mate, Argence, has gone to die. Unfortunately, we
were not able to deal with the threat of the Tarrasque
down in the valley of the Angardt barbarians. It will awaken soon, and when it does, many of the gentle barbarians
will die. All will be forced to flee their lands.
Dracolnobalen digs around in her treasure horde and
produces an iron flask that contains a thick, syrupy liquid.
After battling the Tarrasque, pour this over its body. That
will return it to its state of slumber.
Once this is done, Dracolnobalen promises to obtain the
stone-filled gizzard of her mate. Its obvious that she finds
this distasteful, but shed rather suffer a little bit of
heartache than to sit back and allow the barbarians to die.
Dracolnobalen wont pay the PCs in any other way;
after all, they came to her for help. She isnt aware that

Karsus requires the pituitary gland of the Tarrasque to

complete his latest spell. If informed of this, shes
shocked that Karsus would awaken the creature just for a
spell component. Still, that doesnt change the terms of
her agreement.

The Tarrasque
On their way to the Angardt lands, the PCs run into
groups of barbarians that can easily direct them to the
lair of the sleeping beast. Angardt legends claim that the
creatures awakening spells doom to their people, and in
recent months the barbarian shamans have been predicting the beasts awakening.
If the heroes state that they are returning from
Dracolnobalens lair with a gift from the dragon to make
sure that the beast continues its sleep, the barbarians
cheerfully lead the party to the burial mound containing
the Tarrasque. The barbarians attack the heroes immediately if the PCs relate how they killed Dracolnobalen,
whom they view somewhat as their protector.
The lair of the Tarrasque is an underground chamber
surrounded by barbarian totems (set there to warn of the
great evil within the mound). The site can be viewed from
many miles away, as it sits on the low grasslands of the
Neth Southwest. A variety of barbarian tents are situated
around the lair of the Tarrasque.
These tents house shamans and warriors of the
Angardt barbarians. Their duty is to keep an eye on the
Tarrasque, fleeing to warn the rest of the tribe should it
awaken. Part of their task entails keeping the torches in
the beasts chamber burning, and this feat has grown into
a test of bravery for both warrior, shaman, and arcanist
There are 100 warriors, shamans, and arcanists at the
mound, and theyre not simply going to let anyone hop
into the beasts lair and risk waking it up. PCs can convince the eldest shaman there to let them relight the
torches. If theyre arriving as part of an entourage with
Dracolnobalens gift, the shaman quickly agrees to let the
heroes enter the lair. Of course, as the characters enter,
most of the guardians withdraw a safe distance.
Once characters enter the mound, read the following:
A giant chamber opens up into the earth below, a flickering of torch light casting haunting shadows along the
walls. A slow, heavy breathing reverberates throughout
the chamber.
Laying upon a large dais in the center of the room is the
huge form of a scaled creature. At least 50-feet long, its
scales reflect the light of the torches and both of its white
horns look strangely out of place in the gloom of the
chamberyet deadly.
The pituitary, located in the neck, can be accessed from
the Tarrasques current sleeping position, but if the characters begin to cut away at the creature with a nonmagical
weapon, they discover that the only thing they do is wake
the beast up. Magical weapons are required to affect the

Once the Tarrasque has been awakened, its a battle to

the death. Should the characters decide that theyre in
over their heads, their only choice is to flee. If thats the
case, the Tarrasque charges into the barbarians tents,
killing anyone it finds. It likewise pursues the heroes for
five rounds, abandoning the chase whenever a more convenient target makes itself available.
Dracolnobalen is watching the player-characters
progress. If the Tarrasque goes berserk, she teleports into
the air nearby and aids the barbarians with a few wellplaced breath-weapon attacks against the beast. The
dragon only shows up as a last resort, however, most likely after a few of the player-characters have died.
Tarrasque (1): AC -3; MV 9; HD 70; hp 300; THAC0 -5;
#AT 6; Dmg 1d12/1d12 (front claws), 2d12 (tail lash), 5d10
(bite), 1d10/1d10 (horns); SA sharpness bite, terror; SZ G
(50 long); ML champion (15); Int animal (1); AL N; XP

Notes: The tarrasques bite acts as a sword of sharpness, severing a limb on a natural attack roll of 18 or greater; once every turn
it can rush at MV 15, doubling horn damage and gaining a trample
attack causing 4d10 points of damage; on sight, the tarrasque causes beings of less than 3 HD are paralyzed in fright and 3 HD or
greater get a save vs. paralyzation to keep from fleeing in panic; its
carapace reflects lightning bolts, all cone spells and effects, and
General Maticks missiles one in six reflect back at the caster
causing normal damage; its immune to all heat and fire: it regenerates 1 HP per round; only weapons enchanted + 1 or higher can successfully strike the beast; its immune to all psionics; the tarrasque
must be brought below -30 HP for it to truly be dead and then a
wish; spell must be used (the wish spell isnt created until a century after Netherils fall, so its impossible to effectively kill the tarrasque at this time).

To begin cutting the pituitary gland out without the use

of a magical item requires the beast to be brought below
-30 hit points. Until its dead, magical weapons and magical attacks are the only way to harm the beast. The task
of pituitary removal takes approximately one hour.
If the characters use Aksas disintegrate to vaporize
the remains of the Tarrasque once the pituitary gland is
removed, theyve created a problem for themselves. It
regenerates from the largest existing piece of remaining
flesh, which in this case is the pituitary gland, at the
rate of one hit point per round, meaning that in 300
rounds (five hours) the Tarrasque is whole once again.
The pituitary gland itself weighs 17 pounds and takes
up about three large backpacks of space (its pretty
spongy material), which poses a small transportation
problem for those who dont possess magical holding
If the characters obtained Dracolnobalens gift, they
simply pour the flask over the Tarrasque (after its been
brought below -30 hit points, of course). Placing the body
back on the dais might be a nice thing for the heroes to do
as well, since if they leave it in the open its bound to be
disturbed earlier.
Once they bring both of the spell components back to
Karsus, they can continue with their journey to rescue
Amanda. They become Karsuss very special friends for
a few days, and then the Archwizard commits himself to
more research and experimenting.

Side Treks 35

Karsus Marketplace
The marketplace in the floating city of Karsus is full of
vendors selling a multitude of goods. The streets are filled
day and night; during the day, there are hundreds of people, while during the night, there are simply dozens.
People of all standard PC races are found here as follows:
Below is a list of the types of vendors one finds here:
Most prominent are peddler of quasimagical items
(items that function only on floating cities). All these
items can be bought for half the price listed in the
E NCYCLOPEDIA MAGICA volumes. These vendors allow a
bit of haggling, but never reduce their price more than
10%. Ninety percent of all vendors are magically protected versus charms and enchantments that force them to
negotiate in a fashion positive to the buyer; 70% have
audible alarms that activate a siren that screams whenever a spell or spell-like effect is activated against the vendor, which brings the city guards within 1d4-1 rounds.
Real magical item vendors sell their items for 50%
more than the price stated in the E NCYCLOPEDIA MAGICA
tomes. They have audible alarms and protection just like
other merchants.
Exotic meats and vegetable sellers sell their meats
for one-tenth the Experience Point total for defeating the
creature for each pound. This price is negotiable by 25%.
Spell component distributors sell their wares by
spell level. Simply tell the vendor what spell is desired,
and the components for that spell are sold in a small
wrapped-and-tied packet at the price of 10 gp per spell
level per spell. If specific components are desired, determine which spell the component is for and charge 2 gp
per spell level for the component (ingredients bought in
this way are sold loose). Spell components like gems are
purchased elsewhere.
Weapon vendors are somewhat popular, but whats
for sale differs from enclave to enclave. Yeomans Loft,
for instance, does not allow the sale of polearms. Karsus
Enclave allows the sale of all weapons, since its so near
the western frontier of Netheril.
Clothes wholesalers are commonplace here as well.
All the clothes are priced three-times the value stated in
the Players Handbook. The enchantments cast on the
clothes reduce wear and tear, cause prismatic effects to
dance across their surfaces, emanate magical colors,
have magical properties to protect the wearer, or cause
magical effects at the will of their wearer. (All such
enchantments are quasimagical; treat the cost as 50 gp
per spell level per spell).
In the marketplace, a number of opportunities arise for
the characters:

36 Side Treks

Karsus, always looking for dupes to perform his

dirty work, sends a messenger for the powerful-looking
strangers to see if theyll go on a quest for him. (Please
note that he doesnt tell the characters who he is unless
he thinks thats the only way for him to convince them to
do the work. Refer to The Search on page 33.
They see a note from the city of Vandal Station
whore in need of the bravest souls in Netheril. If they
decide to answer the call, refer to Scrying the Orcs
Through on page 40.

Liberty on my Mind
Theres a group of people on Karsus whove been looking
for peace and freedom for nearly a decade, and their
efforts have been fruitless. Only recently have their
attempts turned desperate and violent. (The DM should
refer to Quelling the Serfs on page 37, for these two
adventures, though diametrically opposed, share much of
the same information.)
If the characters have been sought-out by the constabulary, the Underground searches the heroes out and
invites them to join their ranks. To prove their validity as
freedom fighters, the characters are asked to perform a
few jobs.
A corrupt politician named Hrothard (NE hm F10)
needs to be silenced, for hes forever spitting venomous
rhetoric about the Underground and how theyre nothing
more than ruthless vagabonds without a goal. Adrian
Freeman gives the characters a magical apple that theyre
to feed to the politician.
Once consumed, the politicians vocal chords are permanently silenced and his hands forget how to write. This
effect is permanent and cant be removed short of deific
intervention or the casting of a wish or alter reality spell
(which havent been invented yet).
An important member of the Underground has been
captured and his torture and mental probe is imminent.
To maintain the security of the Underground, the PCs are
asked to break the woman out of prison. Unfortunately,
the jail house is manned by five members of the constabulary (NG hm F13, NG hm F12, LG hf F9, CG hf F8, CN hm
F12) and one spellcaster (NG hf Variator10) who fight
until their Morale (13) is broken. If the combat exceeds
12 rounds, the constabulary gains reinforcements of 2d4
more warriors of 2d4 levels and 1d2 spellcasters of 1d6+4
If captured, the characters gear is taken and theyre
placed under heavy guard and sentenced to death (with
the lethal task taking place in three nights). However, the
Underground comes to their aid by digging a tunnel under
the street to the cell. Theres an 80% chance that the eight
guards in the jail house notice the characters as theyre
leaving and they pursue them. A warrant and bounty for
the PCs arrest is issued.

If the PCs manage both tasks (while the Underground

keeps a close eye on them through the use of divination
spells and crystal balls), theyre brought into the fold.
Theyre given a book called the Diary of Atrocities to read
that explains why the Underground exists. Through well
documented and cross referenced sources, the book
details the audacious crimes committed by the archwizards against the people of Netheril. Topics of murders,
exiles to random planes and continents (and remote
islands) of Toril, and segregation of impure humans to
slums and rat-infested regions of the enclaves fill its pages.
Every archwizard in Netheril has at least one such crime
documented in the diary.
Once part of the team, theyre brought into the
Undergrounds greatest plan: the assassination of Karsus.
At the point, the DM should refer to Quelling the Serfs on
page 37.

Nether Here Nor There

The characters find a female woman adventurer dressed
in a black leather outfit designed to thwart the effects of
cold, heat, lightning, and other elemental, paraelemental,
and quasielemental effects. (See New Equipment on
page 56 for more information on the Dying Womans
Leather Ensemble.) The lady carries a small satchel on
her left hip that appears undamaged and a severely
nicked long sword that has a broken tip and a shattered
hand guard.
The once-beautiful lady (LG, hf F13) bleeds from several holes and slashes in her body, most of which are
along her face, neck, and midriff. She states that she was
fighting a tanarri and managed to kill it before she fell,
but theres no evidence of the fiend anywhere (since it
returned to its home plane once it was destroyed on the
Prime Material Plane). She declines all offers of healing,
choosing instead to make sure she is pure for the afterlife (by not accepting healing magic).
She claims that she was on a mission from Lady Polaris
to recover a cache of scrolls on the edge of the Far Horns
Forest. Supposedly, the scrolls there were none other
than the nether scrolls. As she passes from this existence,
she asks the characters to finish her quest.
In her satchel, the characters find a one-foot square
sheet of papyrus with a map, written in red ink. The map
shows a small section of the Far Horns Forest with the
city of Wreathe and the Purple Mountain Range as a guide
and scale (no other scale is available on the map).
When the PCs get to the place on the map, they find a
secret monastery dedicated to the worship of Mystryl.
The magical monks arent too happy to see the characters, but theyve been expected for about 12 years. They
serve the PCs a good meal and provide baths to break the
road fatigue.
In the morning, the monks bring the characters a small,
ornate chest (6W 4H 13L), and request they dont
open the chest until they get to their destination. The
monks state that by opening it, the scry-defeating magic
will be dispelled, and anyone looking for the scrolls can
able to find them.

During their trip, the DM should roll for random

encounters once per day until they pass the Shinantra
Mountains region when the random encounter rolls
increase to twice per day. If the characters open the chest
during their journey to Delia and Lady Polaris, theyre
met with daily (or even twice-daily) attempts on their
lives by everything from tanarri to bandits in the employ
of greedy arcanists who want the nether scrolls. If they
dont open the case, the only thing they meet are the occasional wandering beast.
If the characters return the scroll case to Lady Polaris,
she gives each one a magical device of their choice (up to
the discretion of the DM). If the characters decide to hide
the scrolls in order to have access to them in their own
time period, its up to the DM whether the scrolls survive
discovery until then. He should keep in mind that over
one millennia passes before the characters can hope to
recover the scrolls, and a lot happens in the interim.

Quelling the Serfs

Karsus is always looking for adventurers, those who love
law, and those who love Netheril and want to make sure it
stays the way it was envisioned. Especially now, Karsus is
looking for help in quelling the rebellion that seems to
hover in the immediate future.
Karsus is convinced the rebellious nature of the new
generation of Netherese is being instigated by a powerful
lizardman from the Marsh of Simplicity. Many believe this
lizardman (whose name has never been discovered) is as
powerful a sorcerer as any archwizard, making him the
most dangerous threat to Netheril in its long history.
Karsus hopes to bring the characters to his side and have
them infiltrate this subversive Underground, determine
who the leaders are (at least in his enclave), and bring
them to a swift and lethal justice.
Karsus offers each character, regardless of alignment
and profession, 3,000 pieces of gold for this duty. As an
added gratuity, Karsus promises to provide a salary bonus
of 2,000 gold for each criminally treasonous individual they
bring to justice. At this time, Karsus believes there are at
least 40 persons that are riling the sentiments of the general populace, and the number could be well over ten-times
that number. He makes his point that if the characters are
completely successful, they could stand to make 800,000
gold pieces.
Karsus also warns the PCs that the group of instigators
will undoubtedly lie to them in order to sway them to their
side. He also tells the characters to watch out for the constabulary, because the guards are going to be looking for
them, believing they are truly part of the rebellion. If
caught, however, Karsus assures their escape which, in
turn, will heighten the constables awareness of the PCs.
Karsus also warns to never kill a member of the constabulary, for their vengeance at that point becomes lethal and
he wont be able to intervene in time.
While out in the streets, the characters see posters bearing their likenesses. Stated in the papers, the characters
are wanted alive for crimes against the state. Many citizens who see them turn their faces and walk quickly away.

Side Treks 37

38 Side Treks

Each turn the characters remain on the street, they have a

20% to make contact with the constabulary who immediately give chase. To make matters easy, the DM should
have each character roll a Constitution check. Rolling
above a characters C ON indicates capture. Each day the
PCs are running from the law, the chance to meet the
Underground increases 10%, beginning with a 20% chance
the first day.
If a PC gets caught, Karsus uses Oberons teleportation
to excise them from prison during the night when none of
the members of the militia are there to witness the escape.
The destination point of the teleportation is the same location where the characters were arrested.
When the Underground finally approaches the PCs,
they invite them to a little-used warehouse on the southern section of Karsus and search the PCs physically and
magically for divination devices. If they find no such
device or spell, they lessen their security and heave a
sigh of relief. Adrian Freeman, the leader of the
Underground, introduces himself to the heroes and
begins speaking.
Welcome, brethren, Its good to see others who seek liberty and justice from an oppressive dictator. Its good to
see that some of us have read the banned and burned
Diary of Atrocities.
If the characters are not familiar with this book and say
so, the Underground members present seem shocked.
Adrian Freeman then continues with his talk.
Its hard to believe that youve joined the ranks of the
Underground by your own fruition, but I guess it shouldnt be surprising. Netheril, after all, has created some of
the most brilliant minds in the history of the world.
As you apparently dont know, the Diary of Atrocities
spells out the wrongs against the people of Netheril caused
by the archwizardsmurder, exiles, and segregation of
impure humans to slums and rat-infested regions of the
enclaves. Every archwizard in NetheriI has at least one
such crime documented in the diary.
Adrian Freeman gives them a copy of the book for
them to peruse. If they decide to read the text, it takes
three hours per individual. During this reading, they find
details of crimes the archwizards executed against the
people of Netheril. Some of the crimes include assassinating other archwizards, murdering people who questioned the authority of the archwizards, subjecting whole
communities to magical diseases and ailments to see
what would happen, giving powerful quasimagical items
with hidden effects to one side of a conflict in order to
assure the extinction of unwanted enemies, and using
venerable and infirm persons as guinea pigs in horrid
If the characters maintain the illusion that theyre on the
side of the Underground, the rebels accept them into their
inner chambers, located in the basement level of Adrian
Freemans home. Here, 45 people live, work, and plan their
attack against Karsus.

The Underground plans to attack Karsuss castle in a

threenight, hoping to catch him in his sleep so they can quietly assassinate him. Once the Archwizard is out of the
way, the Underground plans on establishing their own
leader (probably Adrian Freeman) to rule the people of the
Karsus Enclave in a way the Underground believes is just
and fair to all citizens.
Three days gives the characters plenty of time to warn
Karsus and the constabulary of the plans. The exact plans
are as such:

The Underground teleports into Karsuss bedchamber.

Four priests, one in each corner of the bedroom, cast
silence 15 radius on themselves. Once cast, they all
approach Karsuss bed and stand at each corner, effectively silencing the Archwizard.
The five burliest warriors of the Underground each
grab one of Karsuss appendages (each leg, two arms, and
the head) and hold them down so he cant move or cast
An amulet of life protection is placed around Karsuss
Adrian Freeman, using a magical dagger +5, assassinates the Archwizard.
Once death occurs, Karsuss essence is transferred
from the body into the amulet. The amulet is then
smashed, utterly and irrevocably destroying the psyche of

Between the time that Karsus hired the characters and

the planned assassination, Karsus seers spot the clique of
subversives and learn their plans. If the characters do not
report their findings to Karsus before the day the plan goes
into effect, he assumes (and possibly rightly so) that the
Underground has poisoned their perceptions, and he
writes the PCs off as new enemies. If the characters report
this information to Karsus, theyre given the job described
for the constabulary below. If the characters join the
Underground in the assassination attempt, theyre considered part of the Underground.
A loyal servant to Karsus is dressed up in robes of state
and is subjected to a Quantouls othermorph, disguised to
appear exactly like Karsus. This poor fellow is allowed to
sleep in Karsuss bedchamber the night of the assassination,
while the constabulary and a league of high-level spellcasters wait outside the bedroom. While lined outside the bedchamber, they whisper to each other until they feel the
effects of the silence. Once this occurs, the spellcasters run
to a room across the hallway and don mantles containing
three dispel magic effects each that immediately disperse
magical effects they contact and burst into the room.
The Underground has enough time to kill the impostor
Karsus, trap his essence, and destroy the amulet of life
protection before the constabulary and the spellcasters
enter the room.

Side Treks 39

Underground (20): 1 F16, 3 F13, 2 A8, 8 F5, 6 F3

Constabulary (16): 1 F13, 2 F12, 3 F11, 4 F10, 6 F9
Spellcasters (8): 1 A15, 1 A13, 1 A10, 3 A9, 2 A8
As the constabulary and spellcasters burst into the
room, the casters first fling themselves toward the
Underground, dispelling all of the silence spells in effect.
Normal combat ensues at this point.
If the characters are on the side of the Underground and
they survive, they must find a way to escape. Refer to the
Karsus Enclave map in the Nether & Empire of Magic
boxed set for information about the physical layout of the
enclave. They are now wanted criminals with a 2,000 gp
per level price on their heads! Refer to the end of
Breaking and Entering for details on handling wanted

Robin Banks
Nopheuss bank is located on the corner of Shadowtop
Road and Aeroroad. The building looks rather small; a
two-story stone-framed business with thickvery
thickwindows on the store front and none on any other
face. The second story contains two windows on each
wall and a fire escape on the southeastern wall (the fire
escape can be reached if a character can jump up or be
boosted nine feet in the air).
The front door is locked with a lock which imposes a
-20% penalty to a thiefs open locks skill check. All the
windows are thick glass that require 20 hit points of bludgeoning or 40 points of slashing damage to break. If the
PCs break the glass on the first floor, they set off an alarm
in the office of the nearest constabulary (eight 4th-level
fighters), who respond to the intrusion in 2d4+8 rounds.
If the characters merely slip tools into the door lock or
break the windows on the second floor, theyre able to
gain entrance.
If the characters break into the second floor, theyre
relatively safe. Nothing can get them into trouble here.
They can root through the desks, shuffle the books about,
and walk down the stairs in complete safety. If they have
lamps and pass by any of the windows, however, theres a
5% chance per incident that a guard notices the light in
the window and sets off a general alarm.
If the characters are downstairs, things become a bit
more dangerous. Behind the teller windows they find
three, two-tiered cabinets. They can safety rifle through
these, finding papers about the personal finances of those
who use the bank to store their personal property.
The main safe has a tumbler lock mechanism that is
magically enhanced, which creates an additional -20%
penalty to any lock picking attempt. If the thief fails, hes
immediately teleported to the jail. Anyone who reaches
into the safe to pull out a set of 266 keys, 1,500 gold, 1,000
platinum, 4,575 copper, or 2,800 silver pieces without first
whispering I work for Yeomans Bank, is likewise teleported to jail.
In the main lobby, the characters see a metal grating
door that protects the main vault. Through the grating,
they can see hundreds of safety deposit boxes. Theres

40 Side Treks

another magically enhanced lock on the door. Touching

the lock or the door during nighttime hours without saying I work for Yeomans Bank causes the thief to teleport to jail.
If the characters manage to safely bypass the grated
door, they face 266 safety deposit boxes. Each box has
two locksone key for each is kept in the safe behind the
teller windows, and the other is kept in the hands of the
safety box renter. Touching any of these boxes causes the
character to teleport to jail. If any of the Bigbys hand
spells or nonliving items (dagger tips) are used to touch
the boxes, however, the PC is not teleported; though all it
takes is the slightest touch during nighttime hours to teleport the thief.
If the characters manage to break into the safety
deposit boxes, roll on the table below to determine the
% Roll

Paper (deeds, contracts, wills)
Paper (business documents)
2d20 gold pieces
1d4 platinum bars (5,000 gp each)
3d100 sp, 2d100 cp, 1d100 gp
1d4 gold bars (each worth 1,000 gp)
1d4 random, yet small, magical items
2d100 Gold, 4d20 platinum pieces

Scrying the Orcs Through

An outpost in the Neth Northwest, Vandal Station, has
noted orc movements north of the Narrow Sea. It appears
that the orcs are planning to head south when the Narrow
Sea freezes over in midwinter. Over 4,000 strong, these
orcs can inflict a great deal of damage as they pillage food
from the laborious Netherese farmers and ranchers and
supplies from the merchants and general populous.
The outpost sends word out to all of Netheril, looking
for brave souls to avert this impending doom.
To the Brave and Adventurous
The sentinels of Vandal Station plead for your assistance! Never in the last 20 years has a horde so large and
so menacing been at our northern border! Should they
succeed in their quest, thousands of Neth shall starve in
the winters fury and hundreds more of Netherils hardest
working farmers and ranchers shall lie dead in the snow,
assuring light harvests and even more deaths in the
upcoming winters.
We plead your assistance! If you have spare time and
a strong sword arm, we beg of you to head north or enter
a Neth Gatehouse to Vandal Station and aid us in our
time of need!
When the PCs arrive at Vandal Station, they find a
small, quiet community dedicated to guarding Netherils
interior from orcs and other invaders. The merchants sell
the best crystal balls and divination equipment (at only
75% the normal prices found in the ENCYCLOPEDIA MAGICA

tomes or the DUNGEON MASTER Guide) that can be found

in Netheril, and all of these accouterments are used by
the diviners.
When the adventurers tell someone why theyre in town
(to do away with the orc threat), theyre immediately sent
to the center of town to a building called the Scry
Conclavence. In this large, five-story building most of the
seers (herein called Scrymasters) perform their activities
in seclusion from the rest of the town.
When the characters are led into the building, the seers
are fascinated by their heroism and ruggedness and
demand (in awe) to hear their stories. Once the character
tell them of their feats, the scrymasters settle down to
The orcs in the Rengarth Tundra are planning a huge
offensive gauged to begin once the thin sea between
Northreach Sound and Annagoth Bay freezes over,
allowing their dogsleds and their siege equipment to be
safely transported to our side of the sea. Scrymaster
Barren states that the orcs are planning to besiege the
city of Northreach first, killing all the citys inhabitants
in order to take their winter supplies. Northreachs
destruction will feed the orc horde until they can reach
our citytheyve always hated us because weve kept an
eye on their movements.
Once Vandal Station is taken, theyll head south
through the Rengarth Ancestral Lands where they have
an open path to our grain fields and silos. When they
take what they want and burn the rest, Netheril will be
in terrible shape.
We need a group of adventurers to enter the ranks of
the orcs and assassinate their leaders. This will create
dissension and panic in the ranks which willhopefullycause them to rethink their diabolic plans. Will you
help us?
If the characters agree to aid the scrymasters in this
quest, they set the characters up with crystal balls which
will aid them in discovering who and where the orc leaders are. Theyre also given warmthstones (detailed in the
Spells & Magic chapter), warm gloves and clothing, and
enough supplies (in a bag of holding) to feed all the characters for three weeks.
The PCs are led to a high-keeled boat lined in sealskin
and they set afloat in the Narrow Sea, heading northnortheast toward the Rengarth Tundra about 30 miles
north of Annagoth Bay. Even in late autumn, the weather
is cold.
The trip across the water takes a little more than two
days, and they arrive near dusk. The ground is slushy and
partially solid with iced mud. Frozen reeds stick up from
this liquid base, breaking off whenever the characters
brush against them (creating a path behind).
Islands of solid ground can be found, and the PCs
guide, Denias Fangkiller (CG hm F12/A14), leads them to
one such isle and sets up camp by activating the warmthstone and pulling out his bedroll and climbing into it. Its
plain to see that hes planning on letting the characters
set up watchunless hes asked to participate.

In the morning, Denias wakes up, deactivates the

warmthstone and eats a small meal from the bag of holding. When everyone is ready to begin, Denias heads
north-northeast at a fast pace (nearly running). At the end
of the day, the characters and their guide again bed down
for the night, but this time, Denias offers to keep first
During the next day, the PCs travel for only six hours
before Denias stops and declares that the orcs are holed
up about one hour ahead. They can continue for another
half hour before Denias stops and gives the characters
the opportunity to do one of two things: they can either
continue forward as they are, or they can use Quantouls
othermorph on themselves to change into orcs in order to
fit it better (though explaining why theyre not of the tribe
may be a bit difficult). If the PCs have a better idea,
Denias is willing to trust their judgment.
Going in as orcs: The PC-orcs approach the camp and
are immediately intercepted by the orcs. Theyre taken to
the leader once theyve been stripped of their packs and
weapons (though a suitably haughty PC can probably
bluff his way out of surrendering his weapons, demanding to see the chief instead). As they make their way to
the leaders tent, they see thousands of orcs scattered
around. The leader and his council of eight elite warriors
ask why theyre there.
If the characters stand dumbfounded (since many of
them probably dont understand the orcish tongue),
Denias Fangkiller interjects and states. Great leader,
were here because weve heard that youre going south to
bring down the infestation of humans under the Great
Sea, and we want to lend our lives in this pursuit.
If the characters say something along these lines as
well, the orc leader looks at them for about two minutes
before he says, Prove your prowess... At that instant,
theyre led outside, given their weapons, and then beset
by a number of orcs equal to their numbers. If they all
succeed and none are killed, the orc leader allows them
to join once they take this oath of fealty:
I, [name], hereby promise by life, my soul, and
my arms to the service of the Great Deathdealer,
Graskar, and vow to follow his every word and command as though it came from the great orc god,
Gruumsh. To this I avow!
If they say this with conviction, theyre accepted into
the ranks. Their remaining possessions are returned, and
the heroes are given a place near the center of the orc
If the characters refuse to speak the vow (or just dont
put much fervor behind their words), one or more of the
PCs fall in the battle, or they admit that theyre going to kill
the orc leaders, theyre met with wave after wave of orcs
whore intent upon slaughtering each and every one of
them. There are 4,000 orcs in this encampment, and each
fights to the death in this instance. The PCs will have a
huge fight ahead of them if they choose this path (and the
orcs will try to overbear the heroes first, resorting to melee
combat only if they cant succeed in overpowering them).

Side Treks 41

Going in as themselves: If theyre spotted by sentries, the orcs scream out an alarm that would wake the
dead, alerting all of their compatriots to the whereabouts of the human invasion. Half of the orcs in the
camp move toward the heroes while the other half surround the tent of their leader, filling the tent with about
70 orcs to protect Graskar in case teleportation magic is
used against them.
If the character are careful and sneak in like good little thieves, they can elbow up a small tor to look down
upon the camp and use their divination items given them
to find out exactly where the leaders arethe leaders
are about seven tents from the exact center, in the third
largest tent in the camp. From this vantage point, the
characters can either use Oberons teleportation spells
to enter the leaders tent, or await darkness to enter and
perform their task.
When they enter the tent, they find one huge orc (the
leader), eight large orcs (shamans) and 10 normal orcs.
Graskar, Orc Chief: AC 4 (10); MV 9 (12); HD 3; hp 21;
THAC0 17; #AT 2; Dmg 1d10/1d10 (sword); SA +2 Strength
bonus on all attacks; SD 45% hide in shadows and natural
surroundings, +1 save bonus to charm-related effects; SZ
M (6 tall); ML champion (16); Int exceptional (16); AL LE;
XP 65.
Orc Shamans (8): AC 6; MV 9; HD 5; hp 27 each;
THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6+1 (mace); SA +2 attack bonus
when they have surprise and/or their opponents are on
lower ground, spell use; SD 45% hide in shadows and natural surroundings, +1 save bonus to charm-related effects;
SZ (6 tall); ML elite (13-14); Int exceptional (15); AL LE;
XP 650.
Spells (12 winds/3rd): Treat the orcs as priests of Targus.

Orcs (10): AC 6; MV 9; HD 2; hp 14; THAC0 19; #AT 1;

Dmg 1d8 (sword); SA +2 attack bonus when they have surprise and/or their opponents are on lower ground; SD 45%
hide in shadows and natural surroundings, +1 save bonus
to charm-related effects; SZ M (6 tall); ML elite (13); Int
high (10); AL LE; XP 175 each.

If the PCs manage to kill all of the leaders without
setting off an alarm, the orcs are sufficiently demoralized and the scheduled attack is averteduntil next
If the PCs attempt to murder the leaders but fail, the
orcs move up their attack to pre-winter, launching their
assault from boats instead. During this time, all the orcs
have a 16 Morale.
If the PCs slay the leaders but are caught, theyre
beset by every orc in the community. They send out the
call to all the other orcs in the Rengarth Tundra, telling
them of the atrocity. This doubles their number, and they
march on Netheril, beginning their assault in nine days.

42 Side Treks


estiny in and of itself is a strange and powerful force. More
adventurers have died trying to escape what must be than have
ever died at the hands of some terrible monster. The trick, of
course, is choosing ones one fate while fulfilling ones destiny.

End of the
By the time characters arrive at this point, they
should have already been given the opportunity to obtain Karsus spell components for his avatar spell. As noted
previously, Karsus sent a number
of adventurers out to retrieve
spell components; if the party
refused to work for Karsus
then one of the other adventuring groups succeeded in the
heroes stead.

Dead Denizens
As the characters near their destination, they run into three spellcasting followers of the Lichlord.
The arcanists, intent on stoppingor
at least delayingthe characters, have
covered themselves in dust of disappearance.
Even with this advantage, the arcanists still hide in
the trees and for the first few rounds, project spells
and magical item effects toward the PCs from the
safety of height to weaken them and make their
chance for success that much greater.
Dr. Killdrum, hm, Inventor 15: AC 0 (bracers of
defense AC 2, cloak of protection +2); MV 12; hp 45;
THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4+3 (dagger +3); SZ M (6

tall); ML 15; AL NE; XP 10,000.

STR 14, DEX 13, CON 18, INT 19, WIS 17, CHA 11.
Special Equipment: Dr. Killdrums wand of fire (see
the Spells & Magic chapter) is imbedded in his right arm,
a wand of lightning (16 charges) hides under his tunic, and
a staff of the magi (20 charges) serves as a walking stick.
Spells (94/7th): 1st General Maticks missile,
Primidons burners, Carburys servant, General Maticks
armor, General Maticks shield; 2nd Tolodines stinking
cloud, Primidons sphere, Polybeuss illumination,
Fahrens darkness, Shans web; 3rd dispel magic,

Primidons arrow, Gwynns vampirism, Noanars fireball,

Volhms bolt; 4th Luckes contagion, Noanars shield,
Noanars wall, Veridons storm, Stocas feign; 5th Mavins
iron wall, Mavins stone wall, Shadows door, Tolodines
cloudkill, Veridons cone; 6th Detheds spell, Volhms
chaining; 7th- Detheds death finger, Noanars delayed
fireball, Valdicks force cage.

Dr. Killdrum is a man who looks out for

two things: his personal comfort and
revenge. His loyalties at this point
are with the Lichlord because he
hopes to sate his greed for
knowledge of magic thats
currently out of his reach.
Dr. Killdrum once was an
apprentice to the great
Lady Polaris, but his fight
for personal power and
greatness eventually forced
Polaris to eject the fledgling
archwizard from her home.
Revenge now sits in the forefront of his vicious mind.
Dr. Killdrum joined with the
Lichlord because he was led to believe the
lich was planning to attack Polariss enclave
(Delia), and he planned to set himself in her throne.
Unfortunately, his plans are now on hold, because the
Lichlord is going after the Archwizard: Karsus.
Krystaufer, hm, Mentalist 14: AC 5 (ring of
protection +2); MV 12; hp 42; THAC0 16; #AT 1;
Dmg 1d6+4 (staff +4); SZ M (5 tall); ML 14; AL CE;
XP 9,000.
STR 12, DEX 17, CON 16, INT 17, WIS 17, CHA 12.

Spells (85/7th): 1st Keonids charm human, Quantouls

changer, Trebbes scry magic, Trebbes scry identify; 2nd
enfeeblement, Keonids forgetfulness, Smolyn's blindness; 3rd
dispel magic, Keonids suggestion, Mdhals missile shield,
Mdhals dispel evil II, Zahns hearing, Zahns seeing; 4th
Berthots blunder, Keonids fear, Oberons extra door,
Trebbes minor invulnerability; 5th Berthots disorder,
Hamrings feeblemind, Prugs dominate, Undines avoidance; 6th Smolyns eyebite, Trebbes invulnerability;
7th Trebbes turning.

The Lichlord's Castle

44 The Lichlord's Castle

Most people never know how to act or react around this

man. His motivations and responses seem to change more
than his eyes blink. One moment hes calm and collected;
the next, hes wildly out of control.
Edie Savage, hf, Variator 13: AC 4 (bracers of defense
AC 4); MV 12; hp 39; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4+2 (dagger
+2); SZ M (5 tall); ML 13; AL NE; XP 8,000.
STR 15, D EX 13, C ON 14, I NT 17, W IS 18, C HA 16.
Spells (78/6th): 1st Nalevacs spray, Primidons burners, read
magic, Veridons chiller, Yturns feather fall, Volhms grasp; 2nd
Aksas shatter, Fahrens darkness, Quantouls strength, Undines
extra portal pocket, Vilates restriction; 3rd dispel magic,
Nalevacs deep sight, Quantouls fastmorph, Tolodines gust of
wind, Quantouls slowmorph; 4th Quantouls manymorph,
Quantouls othermorph, Quantouls selfmorph, Luckes contagion;
5th Fjords animation, Oberons teleportation, Proctivs rockmud transmution, Undines avoidance; 6th Mavins stone-flesh
transmution, Aksas disintegrate.

Edie Savage was the apprentice and lover of the archwizard Ioulaum, but a spat over the dispensation of overpaid taxes rendered their relationship useless. Once they
split up, Edie still haunted Ioulaum, pulling petty pranks in
order to get the people of his enclave to distrust or hate the
Father of Netheril. Still angry with the split and the fact she
received nothing in the breakup, she takes her anger out on
anyone who poses as a victim.


Krystaufer casts Keonids charm human.

Edie Savage casts Quantouls fastmorph.

Round 5:
Dr. Killdrum casts Noanars fireball.
Krystaufer casts Keonids forgetfulness on a PC.
Edie Savage casts Quantouls slowmorph.

Round 6:

Dr. Killdrum casts Noanars delayed fireball.

Krystaufer casts Craghs Deafness.
Edie Savage casts Aksas Shatter.

Round 7:
Dr. Killdrum casts Veridons cone.
Krystaufer casts Prugs dominate on a PC to force him
into performing unusual tasks, like attacking someone in
the PCs party.
Edie Savage casts Aksas disintegrate on a player-character weapon.

Round 8:

Dr. Killdrum casts Noanars fireball, centering the
effect on as many PCs as possible.
Krystaufer casts Berthots blunder.
Edie Savage casts Luckes contagion.

Setting Up The Ambush: The three wizards are in the

branches of the trees along the characters path, invisible
even to one another. As the characters approach, they each
have a detailed attack sequence. The DM should follow
this plan as close as possible.

Round 9:
Dr. Killdrum casts Tolodines cloudkill.
Krystaufer casts Enollafs aimlessness.
Edie Savage casts Quantouls othermorph hoping to
transform the PCs into snails.

Round 1:
Dr. Killdrum casts Noanars fireball. He moves onto a
different branch in case someone noticed him, but he stays
in the same tree.
Krystaufer casts Trebbes invulnerability on himself.
He jumps downquietlyfrom his tree and approaches
the PCs from their left flank.
Edie Savage casts Tolodines gust of wind shortly
before the effect of Dr. Killdrums fireball has ended. This
helps fan the flames as well as its normal effect, allowing
the flames to engulf more of the forest. She climbs down
and approaches the characters from their right flank.

Round 10:
Dr. Killdrum casts Detheds spell.
Krystaufer casts Keonids fear.
Edie Savage casts Quantouls manymorph, hoping to
turn the PCs into harmless rabbits.

Round 2:
Dr. Killdrum casts Polybeuss illumination, on a spellcaster (someone not wearing armor).
Krystaufer casts Smolyns blindness.
Edie Savage casts Hamrings enfeeblement.
Round 3:
Dr. Killdrum casts Mavins stonewall.
Krystaufer casts Smolyns eyebite.
Edie Savage casts Mavins stone-flesh transmution in
its reversed form.

Round 4:

Dr. Killdrum casts Volhms bolt.

Round 11+

If the characters havent died or turned tail and run by

this time, the DM has the option of continuing the combat,
or having the NPCs leave the combat area to establish
another ambush later. So long as the Lichlords servants
remain alive, they continue to attack the heroes, augmenting their attack plan each time based on their experiences
with the player-characters.

Castle Approach
As the characters begin ascending a large hill in the forest,
they come across a battalion of 12 undead, all lead by a
ferocious (once-female) human. She has long and tangled
brunette hair, whose tresses are held together by the web
of some forest spider whose home is deep within her
disheveled mane. Her clothing, resembling harlot livery, is
a tattered and dirty gown of white. She displays a beautiful necklace over her crumbling frock that possesses a
large blood red ruby surrounded by the silvery web of a
black widow.

The Lichlord's Castle 45

For the astute character, the necklace is a sign that the

undead zombie woman they face is Amanda, Nopheuss
wife. When she was resurrected from the ground into the
ranks of the Lichlords troupe, the preservation magic
Nopheus purchased was eradicated, rendering his former
wife to the wills of the elements.
When Amanda and her troop of zombies notice the characters, they attempt to surround the heroes and attack.
Amanda (Zombie): AC 6; MV 9; HD 9; hp 63; THAC0 12;
#AT 2 or 1; Dmg 2d4/2d4 (fists) or 1d10/2d6 (halberd); SA 30
control of nonthinking undead; SZ 6; Int 10; AL NE; XP 650.

Personality: Amanda remembers most of her former life in the

realms of the living, but she knows shes dead and she knows there
no way back and shes accepted her fatein fact, she likes this new
state of affairs. After all, shes not the bored housewife of a rich merchant and just the mother to unsavory children any longer. She doesnt have to go to business parties and dinners as a object of beauty
to help make a sale, and her life is no longer dedicated to her former
husband and their three children. In this new lease on life, shes now
a leader of 12 zombies who do her every bidding without regard to
limb and unlife. Shed rather have her unlife ended as opposed to
going back to that kind of self-enacted oppression.

Generic Netherese Zombie (12): AC 6; MV 9; HD 6; hp

42; THAC0 15; #AT 2; Dmg 2d4/2d4; SA can control any nonthinking undead within 30 feet; SZ 6 tall; ML n/a; Int 9; AL
NE: XP 650.

Capturing Amanda

The characters have a feisty undead on their hands. She

attempts to break her restraints at all times, planning to
crush the skulls of every character if she gets half a
chance. When they near the Lichlords castle, she commands all undead within her 30 radius of control, by silent
will, to attack the PCs.
If the PCs cast a resurrection spell on her, she is
returned to the realm of the living. This puts a temporary
hold on her connection to the Negative Material Plane.
This partial link remains throughout her life unless a
remove curse spell is cast on her. This link causes Amanda
to transform into a Neth zombie upon her death (regardless of the cause).
If the characters kill Amanda and then cast a resurrection spell on her corpse, she returns in all her beauty, her
link with the Negative Material Plane forever severed. She
thanks the player-characters profusely for their thoughtfulness, but she really has no idea what lies beyond her station (this is as far as she has traveled).

The Lichlord's Castle

As characters finally crest the hill where they fought the
zombies, read the following:
The crest of the hill opens onto a valley that is bathed in
gloom and fog. Deep within its center rests a huge castle
made of some multicolored substance that emits a somewhat obscured glow in the embrace of the misty vapors.
A walled pathway curves through the valley, leading to
the main gates of the castle.

46 The Lichlord's Castle

Travel into the valley is free of encounters; all natural

wildlife and lesser monsters have been driven away by the
Lichlords presence. As characters approach the castle,
read the following:
A horrifying revelation strikes your tired minds: the
castle is not constructed of standard materials. Instead,
its assembled with the bodies of the living dead.
Without blinking, the decaying bodies stand about
unmoving; pillars wrapped in the flowing mists. Their
collapsed, mustard-drooped eyes keep a constant vigilance on the landscape.
The cadavers stand in two rows, shoulder to shoulder and
each carrying bladed pikes, outlining a crooked pathway
that leads to a roughly circular wall three bodies deep and
two high. The castle, also constructed of undead, towers 13corpses tall within the wall. An unearthly, eerie blue light
permeates the gaping chests and leg bones. As you look at
the disgusting sight, eyes in the pathway, the wall, and the
castle all turn to watch your every move.
The undead that create the castle cannot be turned or
destroyed by any means save physical combat; clerical
turning has no effect on them. If characters approach the
castle, one of two things can happen, depending upon
their actions earlier in the module.
The PCs helped Derf (page 24): The heroes have
aided themselves in their quest. When Derf returned to
the ranks of the Lichlord, he reported that the PCs were
his friends and should not be attacked. As the PCs
approach, the zombies nearest them smile, bow their
heads, and say, Derf sends you his best. Theyre able to
walk through the front door unmolested. While they tour
the undead castle, theyre watched, but not told where
and where not to go.
The PCs did not help Derf: As they approach the
undead-lined pathway, the lead zombies move to stop the
heroes. The Neth zombies ask in a ghastly chorus, What
do you seek?
If the PCs say that they want to speak to the Lichlord,
the undead pause for a moment (as their message is
transferred to the Lichlord) and await a response. After a
few moments, the undead allow the party to go through.
As the characters walk through the castle, the zombies in
the walls, floor, and ceiling instruct them where to go in
order to find the Lichlord.

Within the Castle

The Lichlord uses his castle as an area from which he can
operate without fear of interference from any archwizard
who might come to investigate. Hes already assimilated
many of the troops sent against him, and any creatures
who venture too close can easily be transformed into Neth
zombies, which just makes him that much more powerful.
Attacking the zombie walls: If the characters decide to
attack the zombies used in the castles construction, they
find that the undead are able to reconstruct the castle
changing the formation of the rooms and hallways. They
can even open up the floor (either right from under the PCs

or to stop their flight). They can change the height of the

ceiling in order to give the undead six forms of attack:
above, below, to both sides, the front, and from the back.

A. Entrance

mass of zombies part to reveal a pathway roughly 10wide that stretches off into the heart of the castle.
strange blue light that hovers within each of the zomprovides the only means of illumination.

The first large cell to the left of the entrance hall is barely visible as the player-characters walk past. Treat the
entrance into the cell as a concealed door.

B. Throne Room
The mass of twisted zombie bodies parts to reveal a large
chamber that is mostly empty of furnishings. A huge, skeletal
throne wrapped partially in rags is its only object of interest.
Seated upon the throne is a skeletal creature dressed in
a tattered gray robe. Its eyes blaze with an orange-red
light and rings adorn its fingers. Its voice, ancient and
commanding, echoes forth in the eerie chamber.
What can I do for my esteemed and brave visitors? I

must admit to a lack of courtly manners, as I see and tend

to few guests. It seems that few are able to see past the
castle gates to visit me. The creatures cold and lifeless
gaze slowly settles upon each of you.
The Lichlord has allowed the player-characters this far
because he wants to know where their loyalties lieare
they for him or against him; perhaps theyre ambivalent
about the entire matter. So long as he feels theyre up front
with him about their intentions, the Lichlord answers virtually any question put to him.
Why the undead army: I am able to control an army
of undead to do my every bidding. The living, especially
humans and elves, tend to view their personal agendas and
greed with more importance than the needs of the many.
This means they cannot be trusted. Therefore, I was forced
to create my own army. These bodies were not being used,
and I hate to see anything go to waste.
Are you going to attack Netheril: Yes; I plan to
attack and overthrow Netheril. The decadent humans of
Netheril are controlled by wastrel archwizards whose
greed is unequaled to anything else in the history of the
world. Even the dragons, as they ruled the world millennia
ago, never achieved this state of avarice. When Netheril

The Lichlord's Castle 47

falls, it shall be subjugated under my control, and the gluttony that threatens the nations very existence will be put
to death and Netheril will forever live.
Why do you hate Karsus: Karsus is the prime
example of magical greed. His vices far exceeds any
10,000 people you can lump together. Hes currently
experimenting with magic far exceeding his power to
control. Should he succeed, he will surely cause the
whole nation to crumble and fall, killing everyone in his
precious nation with a single breath.
Who are you: My name has been forgotten in historyI am the oldest living human in history. In lich form, I
have lived thousands of years alreadyand I plan to live
thousands more. Who better to rule a nation of magic
than someone whos nearly seen the whole evolution of
human magecraft? Even if I knew my real name, I could
never tell you, for that would give you a certain amount
of power over me.
If the characters do not attack the Lichlord, he finally
grows bored with them and teleports them to the hill at the
edge of the glade. If the characters attack and kill the
Lichlord, his essence is transferred back to a specially prepared amulet deep below the castle. In a matter of minutes,
the Lichlord has taken control of a Neth zombie and is using
his special abilities to teleport the characters out of his castle to the hill where they met Amanda. Once teleported, the
DM should refer to The Army Moves on page 51.
The Lichlord: AC -3; MV 9; HD 28; hp 196; THAC0 9; #AT
1; Dmg 1d10 (frigid touch); SA save vs. paralysis with touch
or be unable to move until dispelled, creatures less than 5
HD must save vs. spell or flee in terror for 5d4 rounds, the
Lichlord can unleash a death ray after enduring 50 points of
magical damage that requires those within 20 to save vs.
death or be permanently killed (once per day); SD at least +1
weapon or 6 HD (or levels) to hit, immune to charm, sleep,
enfeeblement, polymorph, cold, electricity, insanity, or
death spells; SW 13th-level priests and 15th-level paladins or
greater can attempt to turn the lich as though they were five
levels lower; SZ M (6 tall); ML fanatic (18); Int godlike (22);
AL neutral evil; XP 10,000.

Notes: The Lichlord can see with normal vision even in complete
darkness and is unaffected by bright light (even the magical variety). He radiates a 20-radius aura of cold and darkness (darkness
equivalent to dusk, even in magical light) forcing all his opponents
to suffer a -2 on their Morale checks.
STR 13, D EX 13, C ON 18, I NT 22, W IS 19, C HA 1.
Personality: The Lichlord no longer carries any humanity (in
the sense of sympathy and understanding) in his magically
enhanced essence. He has one goal, and one goal only: to increase
in power and knowledge at the expense of alleven at the expense
of Prime Material existence.

The Lichlord has discovered that Karsus is working on

a l2th-level spella height in magic he once thought
impossible. Since a human arcanist is creating it and cant
possibly understand the dangers involved, the Lichlord
plans to take the information and, as a greater magical
essence than any living being (especially Karsus of
Netheril), study the incantation and use what he can of
this new magical apex.

48 The Lichlord's Castle

In order to achieve this goal, the Lichlord has erected

his own mythallar, allowing him to control an army so
huge and so terrifying, nothing of its ilk has ever been
seen on the continent of Faern before. Once he recruits
enough forces, the Lichlord plans to march them unceasingly through Netheril to the nearest Neth gatehouse and
enter the Karsus Enclave. Once on the floating city, his
forces will pour into the streets like rats from a drowning
ship and take over every aspect of life thereincluding
the position held by the Archwizard.
The Lichlords clothing, surprisingly, has maintained its
dweomer in spite of their outward appearance. (Strangely
enough, the Lichlords own dweomer has created the
facade of decomposition and the putrefying rot in his
clothing to make them unfit for human use.) The clothing has several very powerful dweomers cast upon itall
deactivated if the clothing isnt surrounding the body of a
creature of unlife.
The known protection involved in the clothing include
complete immunity to all elemental, quasielemental, and
paraelemental forces; Pockalls invisibility to all magical
scrying (a stronger form of the nondetection spell); the
clothing creates a one way mental mirror, allowing the
Lichlord to use his mental powers, but reflecting all mental powers back at the source. The known offensive powers associated with the Lichlords clothing include spell
reflection of all spells 5th-level or less; 17 Undines extra
portal pockets in the clothing allow him to store a variety
of wands, staves, and rods (which he does, but the actual
number and the properties thereof change from day to
day). There are no known weaknesses in the clothing.
The Lichlord can call upon any of the following spells. His
spell book is hidden below the castle near his phylactery.
Spells (290/10): 1st Carburys servant, General Maticks
armor, General Maticks missile, General Maticks shield, Lefebers
mark, Niquies reflection, Nobrows fire effect, Quantouls climber,
Veridons chiller, Veridons wall, Yturns feather fall, Zahns familiar; 2 n d A k s a s s h a t t e r , C a r b u r y s i m p r o v e d f o r c e , C a r b u r y s
mouth, Fahrens darkness, Jarms summon swarm, Polybeuss
illumination, Primidons sphere, Ptacks knock, Ptacks locking,
Quantouls strength, Veridons cloud, Yturns levitation; 3rd
Aksas object, Dates tongue forms, dispel magic, Gwynns vampirism, Hersents sigil, Noanars fireball, Quantouls fastmorph,
Quantouls slowmorph, Quantouls wraithmorph, Volhms bolt;
4th Carbury killer, Fourfingers enchanted weapon, Lefebers
first creation, Luckes contagion, Noanars trap, Noanars wall,
Quantouls manymorph, Quantouls othermorph, Quantouls selfmorph, Xanads shout; 5th Jarms magic jar, Lefebers second
creation, Oberons telekinesis, Oberons teleportation, Proctivs
rock-mud transformation, Shadows demimonster, Shadows door,
Shadows summons, Undines avoidance, Zweis second extension;
6th Aksas disintegrate, Carburys stalker, Detheds spell,
Fourfingers weather control, Lefebers enchantment, Mavins
stone-flesh transformation, Tolodines death fog, Volhms chaining, Zweis third extension; 7th Detheds death finger, Enollafs
isolation, Noanars delayed fireball, Sadebreths undead control,
Shadows walk, Trebbes turning, Undines door; Xanads stun,
Yangs dissipation; 8th Aksas morphing, Detheds clone,
Primidons cloud, permanency, Toscudlos dominance, Valdicks
submerse, Xanads blindness, Yangs truss; 9th Anglins sphere,
Chronomancers stasis, Chronomancers time stop, Stocas
shapechange, Valdicks astral form, Valdicks gate, Volhms drain,
Xanads killer, 10th Lefebers weave mythal, Mavins create volcano, Mavins earthfast, Proctivs move mountain, Tolodines
killing wind, Valdicks spheresail.

C. Cell, Occupied
These locations are jail cells that contain a prisoners that
the Lichlord has not dealt with as of yet. The table below
depicts who (or what) is in the cell.

Roll Prisoner

1d4 arcanists (between 2nd and 8th level; roll

2d4). All are Netherese wizards whove come to
destroy the Lichlord. Of good alignment, these
wizards join the PCs if asked. Theres a 25% chance
per prisoner rescued that 1d12 zombies, wights,
wraiths, or spectres (equal chance of each) appear
and attack the PCs in order to prevent the prisoners from being freed.
1d6 Angardt barbarians (all warriors of 1d4 levels). Theyre kept here to test the vitality of the
Angardt people. Theyre starved, skinny, and dirty,
and have been given only water and a small
amount of food to keep them alive. If the characters give them food to eat, the barbarians follow
and obey the characters to the ends of Toril.
Theres a 10% chance per barbarian freed that 1d12
zombies attempt to stop them.

Talin Crolas (TN hm D17 [Jannath]) is sitting in

here deciding his options after being captured earlier today. Hes tried escaping a few times by
changing into an earthworm and a snake, but hes
been stopped each time by minions of the
Lichlord. If released, Talin desires to leave the area
as soon as possible to warn others of the
Lichlords army.
1d4 Netherese fighters of 3d4+4 levels reside in
the cell. If freed, theyll help the characters.
Theres a 30% chance per warrior freed that 2d12
zombies attack.
2d6 goblins. The goblins have a Morale of 3, but
they promise to help the PCs if they free them. The
goblins must roll a Morale check with the first
indication of battle. If its failed, they flee in random directions, searching for a way out.
1d8 orcs. Even though theyre of an evil alignment, the orcs will help the PCs destroy the
Lichlord (they have a Morale of 10; roll this with
the first Initiative roll). Theres a 5% chance per
freed orc that 1d8 zombies in the walls will attack.

The Lichlord's Castle 49

D. Cell, Empty
Empty cells are difficult to spot within the castle; treat
each of them as concealed doors. Theres a 25% chance
(rolled each time the party passes one of the doors to the
empty cell) that the cell is actually occupied by one of the
Lichlords minions, who immediately attacks with a +2
bonus on its surprise roll if the PCs havent discovered
the door. The DM is free to select one of the creatures
below or roll randomly.

Roll Creature

2d6 wraiths (AC 4; MV 24, Fl 24 (B); HD 5+3; hp

30 each; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 + 1-level experience drain; SD can be struck only by magical
weapons; SZ M (6 tall); ML champion (15); XP
2,000 each)
1 ghost (AC 0; MV 9; HD 10; hp 64; THAC0 11;
#AT 1; Dmg age creatures 10-40 (1d4 10) years;
SA magic jar, sight causes creature to age 10
years and flee for 2d6 turns unless a saving throw
vs. spells is made; SD magical or silver weapons
required to hit; SZ M (6 tall); ML n/a; XP 7,000).

50 The Lichlord's Castle

2d10 shadows (AC 7; MV 12; HD 3+3; hp 21 each;

THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4+1; SA Strength drain;
SD magical weapons required to hit; SZ M (6 tall);
ML n/a; XP 420 each).
1-3 gray oozes (AC 8; MV 1; HD 3+3; THAC0 17;
#AT 1; Dmg 2d8; SA corrodes metal; SD immune to
spells (except lightning); SZ L (10); ML average
(10); XP 270 each).

Each of these creatures passes through the walls to

attack; they dont need to wait for the zombies to move to
allow them to attack.

E. Mythallar
This room holds the Lichlords mythallar. If the characters
enter this room and stay longer than 10 seconds, the zombie
walls and ceiling close in for the attack. Seventy zombies
gain attacks from all sides and from the floor and ceiling,
giving them at least four attacks per character. As zombies
are destroyed by the PCs, others from different parts of the
castle merge with the attackers, maintaining their overwhelming numbers. Meanwhile, the zombies form a wall
between the characters and the mythallar, making sure they
dont gain any opportunity to strike the mythallar at all. If

the PCs back out of the room the attacks stop. To destroy
the mythallar, the characters must inflict 100 points of nonmagical damage (all magical damage is absorbed).

F. Laboratory
This is the Lichlords laboratory. It contains tables, cupboards, shelves, and a single chair made of living zombie
bodies. Alchemical equipment, three traveling spell books
(they contain the same spells as his master spell books hidden below the castle), and two vats of unholy water are all
that remain in the chamber.
If characters investigate, they get the distinct impression
that whatever magical research was being conducted here
has recently been completed. A few experiments look like
theyve just begun, but its hard to tell what their ultimate
goal is supposed to be.

The Army Moves

From a distance, the castle fluidly collapses upon itself,
spreading out onto the landscape like diseased mold. The
mythallar can be clearly seen now that the walls of the
undead have moved to the ground. Hundreds of zombielike beings reach down and hoist the blue, glowing ball
upon their shoulders and begin to walk westward, following the line of death that stretches out like an asp
ahead of it. Ninety or so of the undead climb upon each
other, creating a pyramidal throne that looks like a giant
siege machine; once constructed, the Lichlord blinks into
existence atop their folded and stacked bodies, his glowing mythallar carried immediately behind him.
Thousands of these walking corpses head toward the
fertile lands of Netheril, all intent upon murdering every
living being they come across, converting them to unlife
to strengthen their numbers.

The Conversion

No matter what direction they take or what they do, they

have a run-in with Anointus, The first announcement of his
arrival is a crossbow bolt from behind that causes 1d8
points of damage to one of the partys arcanists.
They see their old friend Anointus behind them, but
theres something strange about him. As he approaches,
they notice that hes dead; a former human converted to a
Neth Zombie by the Lichlords army.
Anointus, hm, Neth Zombie: AC -1; MV 12; F10; hp 57;
THAC0 11; #AT 2; Dmg 1dW1d8; MR 15%; SZ 6 1/2; ML 20; AL
N; XP 7,000.
STR 16, DEX 11, CON 13, INT 13, WIS 9, CHA 12.

Even in his undead form, he still maintains his pristine

style. His clothes, boots, and equipment are in perfect
order; his skin, on the other hand, is a different story. His
blonde hair (at least the hair that hasnt rotted from his
scalp) is perfectly styled, and his teeth are still pearly
while, although the initial signs of his undeath are starting
to shine through.

He arms himself with his polearm, Separator, and prepares for battle. Ive brought 57 people over to the
Lichlords side, and now its your turn. Ive been looking
forward to this for many days now. Prepare to meet the
bliss of rebirth. Anointus truly believes hes doing the
characters a favor by converting them to unlife, and hes
going to do his best to assure their alteration. Whenever a
character falls in combat, he immediately uses his raise
dead ability to bring defeated characters into the
Lichlords fold.
As the characters prepare to battle Anointus, they
notice that the front ranks of the Lichlords army have
arrived. All characters are immediately faced with fighting creatures on every exposed front. Waves of undead
(wights, wraiths, spectres, Neth zombies, and others)
engulf the player-characters.
The PCs should feel like theyre fighting for their life;
that no matter how good they are or how many spells they
have in their arsenal that its just a matter of time before
the undead overcome them. Keep track of hit points for the
undead normally, but as one falls another immediately
takes its place. During the battleat its darkest moment
Karsus sends the characters a message.

Wrath of Karsus
Your minds fill with a vision of the Archwizard Karsus
standing on a podium that overlooks his enclave. His
voice fills your minds.
I have joined your battle. Prepare to see a sight so
wondrous and joyous that your hearts will burst with
The vision of Karsus begins to flicker and swell before
your eyes, but you doubt the Archwizard has any idea
what is happening to his body; his thoughts and energies
are focused elsewhere. With a wave of his hand, the
mythallar carried by the Lichlords army explodes, sending a cascade of blue fire and ash everywhere.
As the Lichlords source of power explodes, there is a
numbing surge of electricity that sends chills down your
spine. Your vision of Karsus suddenly winks out, and you
hear the Archwizards scream fill your minds.
If the characters are in hand-to-hand combat with the
zombies, they are bathed in the intense heat. They must
save vs. death magic or suffer a loss of 1d4 levels each.
Whether they save or not, they suffer 4d6 points of magical
fire damage.
At this point, all magic upon Faern ceases to exist.
Spells wink out, magical items lose their enchantments,
and quasimagical items are rendered forever inert. Even
creatures that normally require magical weapons to be hit
are affected by normal weapons.
When the cascade of blue fire clears, the players see that
all of the undead have been turned to ashexcept the
Lichlord. Stumbling through the landscape in a daze, the
Lichlord begins to run away from the heroes.

The Lichlord's Castle 51

The Lichlord has lost half of his hit points and can only
move half as fast as human (Movement Rate 6) under the
best circumstances. Without his spells and magical abilities to help him, he has more to lose than to gain by challenging the player-characters. And if he dies now, his phylactery wont do him any good (his spirit wont be able to
go from his ruined form to another; hell be dead forever).
For the next five rounds, the player-characters have a
chance to destroy the Lichlord forever. Its going to be a
straight melee combat, with the Lichlord reduced to striking physically with his bone-chilling touch (which still
works because his tie to the Negative Material Plane
remains intact). If the Lichlord survives for five rounds, he
regains the use of his spells and fear aura and teleports
away at the earliest possible opportunity.

With the heroes standing among the charred ashes of the
Lichlords army, a great calm descends over the battlefield.
Everyone gets the feeling that something significant has
just happened. Priests lose contact with their gods, all
spellcasting is impossible, and quasimagical items are rendered inert. Character abilities are likewise altered.

From the moment Netheril falls, the rules that allowed Netheril
to rise to such fantastic heights are changed forever For spellcasting classes, these changes are viewed as catastrophic.

Bard Progression Table



Level Title


Druid Spells by Level




Master Bard
Master Bard
Master Bard
Master Bard
Master Bard
Master Bard
Master Bard
Master Bard
Master Bard
Master Bard
Master Bard
Master Bard




52 The Lichlord's Castle



Bard Colleges & Abilities Table


None (Probationer)
Magna Alumnae


For DMs who desire to be historically accurate, game

play reverts to strict original AD&D rules (not 2nd
Edition). This means that clerics and druids are two separate classes, as are mages and illusionists. Specialty priests
and specialist wizards no longer exist. Cantras are no
longer available to the everyday folk.

Those most responsible for the Fall are stripped of spellcasting ability until they figure out how the Weave works
again. This time period is a base of 30 days, modified by
their Intelligence score. Thus, an arcanist with 18
Intelligence requires 12 days of hard work to figure out
how the weave has been changed by Mystra.
During this time, the arcanist struggles to rework his
spell book, memorize the arcane runes required to cast
spells, and generally re-orient himself with the magical
world around him.
Arcanists also change the name of their profession to
match that of the elves, and they begin calling themselves
mages. This was brought about by the intense hatred many
arcanists faced after the Fall by those who blamed them
for the catastrophe.
Arcanists now use the spell memorization tables as listed
in the Players Handbook. While there are still no damage
caps on spells, 10th-level and higher magic no longer exists.
Arcanist spells merge together to become mage spells;
specialization in a particular school of magic doesnt exist
until the Time of Troubles.







Priests immediately lose all of their special abilities, the
gods having removed specialty priests granted powers.
Until the Time of Troubles, only clerics and druids walk the
land (though specialty priests begin to emerge about 30
years before that time). Quest spells are likewise stripped
from priests.
The priests of former Netheril begin to pray for spells
each morning, but the lengthy relearning process that
arcanists face requires but a single week for priests, who
are guided by their god. After that week, clerics of Netheril
discover that they have access to only the Transcendent
Winds; druids have access to only the Terrestrial Winds.
Clerics and druids advance as detailed in the Players
Handbook, memorizing spells and gaining bonus spells for
high Wisdom as detailed.
The priests of Netheril are the ones responsible for
telling the people the truth behind what happened to the
empire. While the arcanists tried to hide from the public
view, priests were there to tend to the survivors both physically and emotionally. The dedication of the priests paid
off in terms of magnificent temples and a healthy following
for their gods.

Thieves mostly celebrated after the Fall, grateful that the
powerful archwizards had been removed from power. They
migrated south with the other survivors, blending into the
new civilizations that formed in the wake of Netheril.

The Lichlord's Castle 53

Of course, there were a great many enemies that survived the Fall, and assassins were hired from the ranks of
the thieves guilds to perform these dark deeds. Soon, the
assassins had a guild of their own.
The reformation of the bards after the Fall of Netheril
nearly destroyed the profession. Bards left their dependence on wizard spells behind, instead opting to learn a
bit about everything. They became fighters (until 5th level
or so) and then became thieves, remaining so until they
had achieved at least 5th level in their new class. Finally,
they left thievery behind to study with the druids, gaining
druid spells as they advanced.
Player-character bards who survived the Fall advance
as detailed below, but they gain druid spells instead of
mage spells.
Bards begin as Rhymers, but they dont gain any hit
points for achieving first level. Instead, they use the hit
points they acquired as a fighter and thief. Upon achieving 2nd level, bards get to roll a single six-sided die for hit
points. After achieving 10th level as a bard, they gain one
hit point per level.
Bards also belonged to colleges based on their level.
These colleges served as a matter of great personal
achievement for a bard, and they hardly ever associated
with bards of a lesser college. The exception to this rule
were the Magna Alumnae bards, who freely offered
advice and suggestions to bards of all levels and colleges.
Bards also gained the ability to cast a charm person or
charm monster spell through music. Saving throws apply
(as does magic resistance).
As students of the world, bards learned many languages. Their travels frequently brought them into contact with many races and different cultures, and those
that learned new languages brought back the information
and passed it along to others. As a bard advanced in level,
he learned these languages.
The final ability that bards gained was legend lore, the
ability to know something about an item from merely
handling it. This worked exactly like the wizard spell of
the same name.
The chart below details the colleges, charm percentage, bonus languages, and legend lore percent as the bard
advances in level.

Fighters, rangers, and paladins were mostly responsible
for Netherils survival. Gathering the people together,
these brave souls led them through the Wildlands to the
more tame lands of the south. Still, rangers and paladins
were affected by the restructuring of magic.
Paladins benefited a great deal from the change in
magic, being allowed to cast any cleric (Transcendent
Wind) spell available to them after they achieved 9th
level. Like clerics, they were required to pray each morning to have their spells bestowed to them.

54 The Lichlord's Castle


Ranger Spell Progression





Clerical Spell Level





* Maximum spell ability

Rangers branched out from their normal activities as
well, casting both druid and mage spells as they advanced
in level. While they had to pray for their druid spells each
morning, magic-user spells had to be discovered and then
memorized (they were not granted by their god). Rangers
gain spells as detailed below.
One of the biggest advantages that rangers received after
the Fall is that they gained a +1 damage adjustment versus
all giant-class monsters (giants, bugbears, ettins, gnolls,
goblins, and others) for each level of experience.

Paladin Spell Table

Paladin Casting


Clerical Spell Level





* Maximum spell ability

Spell Names
Mages quickly tried to forget about the arcanists of
Netheril, dropping their names from spells and magical
items. Noanars fireball became known simply as fireball,
and other name spells suffered a similar fate. This made
room for a new class of mages to make their mark upon the
world, including such notables as Tenser, Bigby, Elminster,
the Simbul, Khelben, Mordenkainen, and others.

Where to?
Where the player-characters go from here is largely a matter
of personal preference. If they travel north into the heart of
the empire, they run across battered refugees fleeing south.
Many of the survivors are running from bloodthirsty tribes
of orcs that are preying upon them during their flight.
To the east, the elves of Cormanthyr offer a brief, unwelcome refuge for the survivors. Arcanists unknown to the
elves receive a bitterly cold welcome (with some downright hostility in some cases), while those who are friends
of the elves are received slightly better. After all, the elves
arent happy about the changes brought about by Karsuss
arrogance either.
West of Netheril is the Savage Frontier. Some floating
cities, which never really considered themselves part of
the empire, fell to the ground there as well. Many of the
survivors chose to build small communities instead of
migrate with the other Netherese survivors.
Since the player-characters are already in the south,
waiting for survivors to arrive takes around two weeks.
From there, the survivors split to form the countries of
Anauria, Asram, and Hlondath. Of course, it will take
strong leaders to bring the people together again (and
those nations have their own fates that a wise and just
ruler has to deal with).

At the end of this adventure are a variety of rumors and

adventure hooks that the DM can integrate into a postNetheril campaign. Use the ones that suit your specific vision
of Netheril and discard the rest. If the PCs are time travelers,
they need only survive until the beginning of the year to be
whisked through the time conduit to present-day Faern.
With the fall of Netheril, one can only blame the
Netherese fate upon themselves. Decadent and completely
reliant on magic and spellcraft, the refugees of the crumbled empire scatter to the four corners of the world, hoping to find some vista of safety from the threats of the real
world around themthe threats theyve been able to
ignore for many millennia because of the power and might
of their archwizard leaders. Their dependence on their
spellcasting leaders have led them to a form of retardation;
survival techniques and ways to handle the threats their
ancestors dealt with on a daily basis are sadly lacking. Its
surprising to historians that the Netheril survivors were
able to endure at all.
Netheril as a civilization has left its mark on the world.
Its magic, the height of its spellcasters, and the discoveries made throughout the planes are unparalleled. Only in
the future do humans regain their mastery of magic. In
this far future, humankind looks back on Netherils reign
with awe and pride, mostly due to the cloudy stories and
songs of legend.

The Lichlord's Castle



undreds even thousands of magical items and spells exist in
Netheril, and few of those creations survived the fall. In addition
to those described in the Empire of Magic boxed set, the
following spells and magical items made their mark in some
small way in Netheril.

New Spell
As terrifying and powerful as high-level spells are,
much of the true research in spellcasting occurs at
lower levels, at a depth in the weave that a
common spellcaster can achieve.
These are also the spells that the
common people talked about
with more spirit, having witnessed their effects from time
to time in arenas, schools of
magic, or happenstance.

Chevic's Tracer
Level: 4
Field: Mentalism
Range: Touch
Components: V, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: One Person
Saving Throw: Neg.
The tracer spell was designed by a bounty-hunting arcanist who was tired of running into a mark
and having them escape at the last second, only to
have to hunt them down again. The spell he
designed allowed him to spot a target and place a
dweomer on the victim. Once the tracer was set,
Chevic was able to teleport to within 10 feet of the
victim in order to try and bring the criminal in to
face justice.
Up to one tracer can be placed on victim for
every five levels of the spell caster. By simply willing it, the arcanist is able to break the tracer, freeing up a spell for yet another bounty target. The
spell requires vocal components as well as a cube
of lodestone.

Spells & Magic

New Equipment
A few pieces of equipment in the adventure are oneof-a-kind items, while the remaining were known to
be in wide use throughout Netheril. Unless
otherwise noted in the items description, all of these magical items operated at 12th level of ability.

This armor can be of any type,
from plate to leather. When
its used in defense against
normal, nonmagical attacks,
treat consumption armor as
normal armor. When it defends
against magical attacks, however,
its true nature becomes apparent.
When a magical attack strikes the
user of this armor, the armor gains the ability to ward later damage. For each level of spell cast
at the wearer, the armor stores one point of physical
damage. The user still suffers normal damage from
the magical attack, however (standard saving
throws apply).
For instance, a Noanars fireball cast at the user
of the armor stores three hit points of damage. If an
orc later causes 5 hit points of damage with a club,
the damage is reduced to 2 hit points. If only 2 hit
points of damage was inflicted, the wearer wouldnt
suffer any damage.
The amount of damage that consumption armor
can absorb and the length of time that the damage
can be stored is based upon the level of its creator.
Armor can absorb up to one points worth of damage
per level of its creator, holding it for a number of
days equal to one-third its creators level. Some commonly found sets of armor appear below:

Absorption Storage
Roll Type
5 days
01-20 Banded mail +2
21-30 Leather +3
5 days
6 days
31-35 Chain mail +3
36-42 Plate mail +1
6 days
8 days
43-45 Plate mail +3
5 days
46-52 Scale mail +2
5 days
52-60 Ring mail +2
8 days
61-70 Leather +4
5 days
7 1 - 7 7 S t u d d e d l e a t h e r + 3 15
7 8 - 8 5 B a n d e d m a i l + 3 21
7 days
7 days
86-92 Scale mail +3
93-97 Chain mail +4
8 days
98-99 Any available +4
7 days
13 days
0 0 Plate mail +5
Once the armors absorption capabilities are reached, it
affords its wearer no further protection.

Anointuss shield, Deflector, is a beautifully restored body
shield from the earliest days of Netheril. Many antique
dealers believe the shield was forged in the year 14 NY, but
art and weapon collectors believe the date to be about 20
years later.
Deflector has a small engraving on its lowest point
showing a symbol of a hammer crossed with a sword,
believed to be the sigil of the master craftsman Yryic
Friothyn. Most historians agree that the shield was probably never held by Nether the Elder himself, but by his
son, Nether the Young.
Deflector is the envy of many art, antique, and weapon
collectors. Its surface is engraved with the original sigil of
Nether the Elder, the first king of Netheril. Its believed by
scholars and collectors alike that Nether the Young commissioned the work to have something to instill pride in his
warriors during time of battle.
Deflector has a time-looping effect on it that constantly
returns the shield to its original condition and look. No
amount of tampering, hammering, or slicing has a permanent effect. Within minutes, any gems, studded emblems,
or melee-induced marring disappears, and the original surface shines through.
Due to its incredible history, the shield is a heavily
sought-after item. Many collectors have sent scores of
mercenaries looking for Deflector, and many have succeeded. At least 17 collectors (and their heirs) have held
the shield in their collections, only to be stolen by lecherous peddlers and craven warriors (usually at the expense
of the previous owners life). Anointus gained ownership
of the shield when he was on his first adventuring tour
with his father, who was a prized ranger in Ioulaums
court. His father was commissioned by the Father of
Netheril to take a group of businessmen who desired a
prized piece of property in Ioulaum.
Where Deflector ended up after the fall of Netheril is
unknown. Anointus was killed shortly before the Fall, and
the whereabouts of all his gear is unknown. Its believed

that someone near him, perhaps a traveling companion,

took all of his equipment and either claimed the items as
his own or buried them in a safe place for later extraction. For centuries, many adventurers and hired explorers
were commissioned for unbelievable sums of money to
find the equipment and return them to the survivor state
of Hlondath, but nothing was ever discovered. The only
thing they found was a lone tombstone close to the
Eastern Forests former western borders (which by that
time had receded to nearly nothing).

Dr. Killdrum's Wand of Fireballs

A variation of the wand of fireballs, this wand is set under
the skin and bone of the right arm. Unlike other wands, the
strength of the enchantment is under the direct control of
the owner.
Its owner must expend part of his life force (in the form
of hit points) to power the wand. For every hit point
expended in charging the wand, the creates a one-die
Noanars fireball. The only limit known for this is the number of available hit points in the owners body. For
instance, Dr. Killdrum has 45 hit points, so he could create
a 44d6 Noanars fireball, rendering him nearly dead (only
one hit point remaining).
An interesting side effect has been discovered through
adventuring and other unfortunate incidentsDr. Killdrum
and his gear have become immune to magical and natural
For the wand of fireballs to be implanted, the recipient
suffers a total of 20 hit points of damage and loses the use
of the arm for 20 weeks (subtract the recipients
Constitution from the debilitative time period). Until this
time for healing is complete, the wand cannot be used.

Dying Woman's Leather Ensemble

This unknown woman had one of the most powerful
leather armor outfits created in Netherils history. A real
magical item (as opposed to a quasimagical device), the
leather can function outside the area of effect of a
Paranoid of a dream she suffered as a young girl, this
woman had a fancy black leather suit of armor enchanted
to protect her from all the elemental forces known to
Netheril, including paraelemental and quasielemental
forces. The leather, in spite of its use and age, looks brand
new (probably a side effect from the elemental protection
magic instilled into the leather). The leather protects the
user from the following effects, including attacks from
elementals of the stated kind:
Elemental: air, earth, fire, and water (including magical waters and water-based potions and poisons).
Paraelemental: ice (and ice- and cold-based spells),
magma, ooze, and smoke (including smoke spells and
Quasielemental: ash, dust (including magical dusts),
lightning (magical and mundane), minerals, radiance
(including all light spells), salt, steam, and vacuum.

Spells & Magic 57

Edie's Cloak
A gift from Edies teacher, Ioulaum, this cloak was a magical item that continued to gain power as it aged. When
she first received it, the magic in the cloak was a simple
cloak of displacement. Since its creation, Edies cloak has
gained the following powers:
Acts as a ring of spell storing
It has seven permanent Undines extra portal pockets
scattered throughout the inside of the cloak.
It acts as an elemental compass
The wearer is rendered invisible to those who are
invisible, displaced, or planar (ethereal and astral).
Twelve weapons of small size, six medium weapons,
four large weapons, or any combination thereof, can be
hidden away in the sleeves of the cloak. (Use the following guide to determine if theres room in the cloak: 1
large=3 small; 1 medium=2 small.) All hidden objects cannot be discovered by a casual search.
Acts as a lens of charming
Whenever death magic (magic that could cause
instant death) is used against the wearer, theres a
chance that an ability score is raised (assuming the
wearer survives the death magic attack). Roll 1d6 to
determine which ability is affected (1=Cha, 2=Con,
3=Dex, 4=Int, 5=Str, and 6=Wis). Once the ability is
determined, the wearer must roll a 1d20 against the ability score. If the die roll is greater than the ability score,
the score is raised one point. (No score can be raised
above 19 in this manner.)

Floating Bubble
Floating bubbles are a common way to transfer objects or
living beings from one location to another. When they
were originally made, each one, depending upon the purpose it served, had a different opaque color. For instance,
chocolate floating bubbles carried precious cargo, and
both fuchsia and walnut held animals. When thieves discovered the color schemes, they took advantage of this
knowledge and often chased the bubbles downoften
for hoursin order to capture the cargo (or release it in
the case of transported prisoners). Floating bubbles alter
their size to the cargo they carry (theyre all perfectly
When thieves began stealing transit cargo, the bubbles
were improved, given better speed and evasive capabilities (all this is taken into account with Movement Rates,
Hit Points, and Armor Class).
The first table below depicts the original meaning of
the colors. This information, however, is effectively useless after 2107 NY when the color scheme was given up
and random colors attached to each bubble.
The second table shows the changes and improvements
made on the floating bubbles throughout Netherils history. This information should be given to players using
characters created specifically for the Netheril setting.

58 Spells & Magic



Personnel transportation
Precious cargo
Nonperishable products
Animals (horses)
Perishable products
Nonprecious cargoes
Animals (food)

Year (NY) HP AC








MV 12; Moves directly
toward target.
MV 12; +1 AC
bonus vs. bludgeoning.
MV 15; +2 AC
bonus vs. bludgeoning;
+1 vs. spell saves.
MS 18; +2 AC
bonus vs. bludgeoning;
+1 AC vs. slashing and stabbing
weapons; +2 vs. spell and
rod/staff/wand saves.
MV 21; immune to nonmagical
attacks; +3 bonus vs. all
magic-related saving throws.

Krystaufer's Spell Book

Krystaufers amazing spell book is a small notebook-sized
booklet measuring one-half inch thick, two inches wide,
and three inches tall. However, when the cover is lifted to
reveal the pages within, the book instantly expands to 12times its size, rendering the above dimensions in feet
(instead of inches), allowing the user to easily read the
pages. When the covers are closed, it shrinks back to its
original size.
The spells found in this tome are: Berthots blunder,
Berthots disorder, Craghs deafness, Enollafs aimlessness,
Hamrings enfeeblement, Hamrings feeblemind, Keonids
charm human, Keonids fear, Keonids forgetfulness,
Keonids suggestion, Mdhals missile shield, Mdhals
remove evil II, Oberons extradoor, Prugs dominate,
Quantouls changer, Smolyns blindness, Smolyns eyebite,
Trebbes invulnerability, Trebbes minor invulnerability,
Trebbes scry identify, Trebbes scry magic, Trebbes turning,
Undines avoidance, Zahns hearing, and Zahns seeing.
On the last seven pages of Krystaufers spell book, he
keeps careful notes on 17 poisons of his own, personal
concoction. These powerful brews often put alchemical
professionals to shame, raising his fame among thieves
and assassins. Most of the mixtures are two and three
stage poisons, with one four-part poison thats hard to
manage and, more often than not, fails. An alchemy background (in the form of the healing and/or herbalism nonweapon proficiency) is necessary to produce results,
though success is not guaranteed. Without this ability, the
user simply must roll an Intelligence check at one-half in
order to achieve the desired results from the poison.

Number 17
Primer, The
Venom 12c


1d3 hrs
2d6 hrs
1d4 min
2d6 min
1d4 hrs
2d12 hrs
2d6 min
2d4 min
1 min
10d3 min
2 min
1d4 min
2d4 min
1d2 min



Lichlord's Spell Book

The Lichlords spell book is one of the biggest tomes dedicated to the ways of magic that can be found in Netheril.
The covers are dried and preserved maple wrapped in the
skin of a Shadowtop Clan member, showing his contempt
for the elven race.
The spell books pages are pounded and dried ogre
tripe discolored to a mute beige with the use of bleaches
and lye. In spite of their construction matter and the fact
that the book is at least a millennia old, the pages are pliable and bend with turning. An old ink recipe borrowed
from the nether scrolls allows only the undead to read the
magical concoction written on the pages. Even a read
magic doesnt reveal the spells. (Casting read magic,
comprehend languages, and vampiric touch allows a living creature to be able to read the spells.)
The Lichlords spell book contains an extensive interpretation of the necromantic sections of the nether
scrolls (incomplete, since there were subjects within the
scrolls that the Lichlord had not yet mastered). His spells
1st Carburys servant, General Maticks armor, General
Maticks missile, General Maticks shield, Lefebers mark,
Niquies reflection, Nobrows fire effect, Quantouls climber;
Veridons chiller, Veridons wall, Yturns feather fall, Zahns
familiar; 2nd Aksas shatter, Carburys improved force,
Carburys mouth, Fahrens darkness, Jarms summon swarm,
Polybeuss illumination, Primidons sphere, Ptacks knock,
Ptacks locking, Quantouls strength, Veridons cloud, Yturns levitation; 3rd Aksas object, Daces tongue forms, dispel magic,
Gwynns vampirism, Hersents sigil, Noanars fireball,
Quantoutls fastmorph, Quantouls slowmorph, Quantouls
w r a i t h m o r p h , V o l h m s b o l t ; 4 t h Car bu r y kille r , F our f i ng e r s
enchanted weapon, Lefebers first creation, Luckes contagion,
Quantouls othermorph, Quantouls selfmorph, Xanads shout;
5th Jarms magic jar, Lefebers second creation, Oberons
telekinesis, Oberons teleportation, Proctivs rock-mud transformation, Shadows demimonster, Shadows door, Shadows summons, Undines avoidance, Zweis second extension; 6th Aksas
disintegrate, Carburys stalker, Detheds spell, Fourfingers
weather control, Lefebers enchantment, Mavins stone-flesh
transformation, Tolodines death fog, Volhms chaining, Zweis
third extension; 7th Detheds death finger; Enollafs isolation,

Noanars delayed fireball, Sadebreths undead control. Shadows

walk, Trebbes turning, Undines door, Xanads stun, Yongs dissipation; 8th Aksas morphing, Detheds clone. Primidons
cloud, permanency, Toscudlos dominance, Valdicks submerse,
Xanads blindness, Yongs truss; 9th Anglins sphere,
Chronomancers stasis, Chronomancers time stop, Stocas
shapechange, Valdicks astral form,, Valdicks gate, Volhms
drain, Xanads killer; 10th Lefebers weave mythal, Mavins create volcano, Mavins earthfast, Proctivs move mountain,
Tolodines killing wind, Valdicks spheresail.

Neth Tattoo
Designed in 3150 NY and perfected in 3490 NY, the Neth
tattoo is a magically inscribed drawing. Usually placed on
the forearms or the exposed flesh of the neck, chest, or
legs, the tattoo is designed to release a magical effect at
the will of the wearer. Only a few documented instances
show the use of a Neth tattoo, so the complete process is
a relatively secretive one, though its known that several
archwizards and many other high-level arcanists (as well
as their trusted friends) used them.
When a Neth tattoo is placed on the skin, it takes the
form of a moving shape desired by the recipient. Often,
the shape seems bathed in mist, making it appear as a
noncorporeal silhouette. As the tattoo is inscribed, additional spellcasting is done in order to give the tattoo life
and power; any arcanist spell can be inlaid into the tattoo.
To release the spell effect, the recipient simply activates
it by mental command, and points at a target with his
Up to one Neth tattoo can be safely placed on a body
per two points of Constitution. The magic thats inherently active in the tattoo can cause great physical stress
should more be attempted, requiring a Constitution check
(modified as a penalty by the number of tattoos placed on
the body). If this check fails, the spell effect contained in
the Neth tattoo is immediately released.
Skull of Quietusmagia: This is a protective enchantment that disables magic that touches the flesh (or enters
the body) of the one emblazoned with this Neth tattoo.
For instance, enchanted weapons (blessed or cursed)
lose their bonuses when used against one with this tattoo.
Personal-effect spells and effects are rendered impotent
against the character possessing this rune. Each quietusmagia tattoo placed on the body renders the character
immune to magic for one hour. The tattoo is activated
when the wearer is attacked by a magic effect, and the
one-hour-long protection begins at that time. If more than
one quietusmagia is tattooed on the body, only one activates at a time. Note that magical healing, invisibility,
and similar effects arent possible while protected by this
rune, so its ownership is somewhat of a mixed blessing.
Any tattoo placed on a creature exacts its price, however, permanently reducing that creatures Constitution
score by one. The procedure for placing a tattoo requires
1d4 hours plus one hour per spell level.

Spells & Magic 59


Anointuss armor, protector, is a fantastic piece of work,

though it does show the age of centuries (either that or
the short lives of its previous owners) upon its surface.
The armor is constructed of a refractive, blue metal that
splits white light into its separate colors (resembling rainbows). Forged by a craftswoman in Yeomans Loft, the
artisan refused to tell Anointus what metal was used in
the armor, and no manner of convincing, bribery, or magical augury would pull the information out of the womans
The armor renders the wearer immune to all light
spells and spells that use light as an attack form. The
armor renders the user invisible to other planar sources
and creatures (the user is invisible to ethereal, gated, conjured, and planar beings, for example).
The armor also grants a certain immunity to weapons,
for the wearers opponents find their target a bit harder to
strike than one would seem (granting a +4 Armor Class
bonus). Along with this bonus, the armor removes one hit
point of damage from each and every blow against the
wearer, with a minimum amount of one point of damage.

Anointuss weapon is an axe-headed polearm standing 6
in length. The head is forged from pure adamantine,
given to him as a gift from the dwarves at Delzoun in
appreciation for his work in an assault by fiends in the
year 3500 NY. Enchanted by an archwizard (some believe
this friend was none other than Lady Polaris herself), its
a true magical item, as opposed to being quasimagically
bewitched. Being a +2/+3/+5 weapon, the polearm grants
a +5 attack and damage bonus vs. gated or summoned
creatures, +3 vs. evilly aligned targets, and +2 vs. all other
nongood targets.

60 Spells & Magic

The polearm is not intelligent, but it possesses the ability to perceive the emotions of the wielder (used to prepare itself), granting the possessor a +2 Initiative modifier in the first round of combat (so long as the opponent is
nongood). By mental command, while the shaft of the
weapon is in direct contact with skin, the wielder can
have Separator empathically perceive the emotions of
any one target and transmit the results to the owner. Only
one target can be chosen in any round, and only five such
readings can be done in an hours time.

This is a +3 bastard sword that can easily be wielded one
handed due to its near-weightless properties. When the
sword is brandished before a battle and before it draws
its first blood, it leaves long, drawn-out traces of light and
releases a terrifying tone requiring all who oppose the
wielder to make a saving throw vs. spell or run in fear for
1d4+2 rounds.
Twinrazor has the following additional powers: it
allows the wielder to attack first in every round (as a
scimitar of speed) and allows the wielder to call upon a
haste spell once per day.

The warmthstone is a three-inch-diameter rock created
by an unknown arcanist about 150 years before the Fall.
The warmthstone creates the heat of a medium-sized
campfire when activated by voice command for as long as
its in use. It creates no light, though infravision detects
the rocks presence. When deactivated, the stone immediately disperses all of its heat and its owner can safely pick
it up and place it in a pack. The stone weights three
pounds, comes in any natural stone color, and is generally flat on one end to keep the warmthstone from rolling


eres a list of rumors and myths the Dungeon Master can throw
into the mix in order to increase the adventuring potential for the
Netheril boxed set.

The characters experiences in Netheril are

only illusions created by the venom of a poisoned
arrow fired by the heroes last opponent before their
entrance into Netheril. If the DM wants this rumor to
be true, this is an easy way for him to bring the characters back to their normal time without any trouble
whatsoever. All theyve got to do is wait for the toxins to wear off.
While unconscious in this manner, time
does not necessarily flow at the same
rate. This means a whole month
could pass in their tainted dreams
while only moments have passed
in real time. If the DM decides
to use this as a campaign
escape route, he should create some doubt. This can be
done by allowing the characters to keep one item (magical or not) from their time in
Netheril in order to make
them wonder if it was truly a
delusion brought on by poison!
Karsus is really a frail yet
shockingly beautiful woman disguised to look like a man in order to
appear fearsome. This poses an interesting situation. Is Karsus really an archwizard, or is he/she nothing more than a puppet for
a greater being who shuns the limelight, manipulating events from the backstage?
The Lichlord is a time-traveling personality
from the future who wants only to capture enough
magic from Netheril to facilitate his return through
7,000 years of history. Hes not going to let anything
stand in his way.
The Abbey of the Moon has rebuilt itself. Sages
from Karsus Enclave believe that the Abbey has
somehow absorbed the personalities of the apparitions who have been haunting its charred halls.
Apparently a dozen human monks (ranging in age
from 12 to 106) are planning to make a walking pilgrimage to the old holy site in order to take up residence there. Theyre looking for guides and guards
for this long, five-month journey.

An adventurer has found the nether scrolls. The

explorer is returning to Holloway to put the scrolls
up for public auction, where she hopes to gain a
tremendous amount of money for them. Shes invited Cormanthyr elves, the phaerimm, and high-profile
Netherese to the auction to create the biggest bidding war in history.
The phaerimm have taken notice of the playercharacters and have sent six assassins to eliminate
this new threat. The assassins, Netherese
warriors and arcanists from the city
of Gers, have placed a tracer on
the characters in order to maintain vigilant surveillance.
Ioulaum, the arcanist
who created the first flying
city, is really a lizardman
who resides in a swamp
somewhere in Neth
Central (the central portion of Netheril). Hes trying to remove all the other
archwizards in order to gain
control of the whole nation.
Once hes entrenched in power,
he plans to outlaw further magical research, beginning with the murder of every theoretical alchemist and
magical savant he can lay his hands on.
Adrian Freeman is under the complete control
of phaerimm who are attempting to bring the magical nation of Netheril down from the inside
through corruption and high-level spell research.
Illithids are keeping a close synapse on Adrian,
alerting the phaerimm should anyone discover his
little secret. The phaerimm will undoubtedly save
Adrians life at the expense of those who should
attempt to kill him.
Tanarri are humans who were evil in their living days, and their essences were altered physically to match the ugliness that stained their souls.
Enough bless spells cast on the tanarri causes the
poor creature to revert to goodness. Then, and only
then, the essence of the former evil human can rest
in peace.

Rumors & Hooks

The illithid and the phaerimm are working together to

bring down the Netherese people. Still, theres a certain
amount of distrust between the races. The phaerimm have
heard a rumor that illithids are merely mutated humans
whove undergone severe physical changes because of
their diet. Apparently, early humans thrown into the
Underdark were forced to feed upon whatever they found,
and one such food creature was the intellect devourer. If
this is true, a human can become an illithid simply by consuming an intellect devourer; is it possible to reverse this

After the Fall
Characters who seek to continue adventuring in the remnants of Netheril can continue exploring the fragments of
that society. Many of the rumors and fears of the survivors are unfounded, the product of nightmares brought
on by long days and nights of worrying for ones own survival as the survivors of the Fall set up new kingdoms.
An arcanist from one of the old enclaves was working on a completely new style of magic before the Fall
and is in the process of setting up a brand new enclave
with it. The source of the magical power will be even
more potent than a mythallar, allowing quasimagical
items to function at ten times the distances of before,
This arcanist is planning to create the most massive
enclave Netheril has ever seen and rule the entire nation
from it.
The DM can use this hook in one of several ways. The
information could actually be true, and the arcanist might
hire groups of adventures to spread the word and encourage the people of Netheril to flock to him and return to
the life they knew and loved. The arcanist might also
need protection from rival arcanists who want the secrets
of this new form of magic, or from the phaerimm, who
obviously do not want to see the arcanists get back into
Alternatively, the arcanist might be particularly
unpleasant and has hired thugs to act as press gangs and
force citizens to join this new enclave. The heroes then
might be urged to protect the common folk from these
thugs. Other arcanists might hire the PCs to help them
steal the new magic or to destroy it.
If the information is only a rumor, there is still quite a bit
of chaos that will certainly ensue, and the characters might
get caught up in something of a range war between former arcanists who each think their rivals have this new
magic. The phaerimm might show up en mass and begin
seeking out this new form of magic by whatever means
they deem necessary. In fact, one of the rumors might be
that this new type of magic is so radically different that it
is undetectable by the phaerimm. This would certainly
cause that race to take drastic action.

62 Rumors & Hooks

The second set of the nether scrolls are being

brought back to the ruins of Karsuss enclave in order to
revive magic. Again, the competition amongst the arcanists would be fierce, and the phaerimm would get in on
the act, too.
Karsus is alive and well and is traveling incognito to
other parts of the world. The Fall was actually masterminded by him as a means of escaping his duties as head
of the enclavehe was sick and tired of the day-to-day
issues that constantly interrupted his work. Karsus is
truly dead, but this new impostor shares many of Karsuss
attributes, including an uncanny knack at spellcasting. A
former student of Karsus, the young man was somehow
altered by the magical forces of the Karsus Enclave at the
time of the Falland he truly believes that he is Karsus
(and so does everyone else who meets him).
Karsus might ask the heroes to join him as he travels
far away, fearing that if others notice who he is, they
would wish to exact revenge upon him. Conversely, they
might interact with him without ever realizing who they
speak with, and only later learn the truth. The PCs might
be asked to track the Archwizard down and bring him
back to Netheril to face public wrath.
The Lichlord survived the Fall and is hot to exact his
revenge on anyone and everyone who was responsible for
it. This could certainly include the characters, whether
they aided Karsus in acquiring his spell components or
not (and whether or not they defeated the Lichlord at the
end of the adventure). Regardless of the conclusions the
Lichlord drew before the Fall, he may have rethought
them now that this disaster has struck. Thus, he will
make the characters lives a living nightmare as he begins
sending minions of all numbers and abilities to capture
them and bring them before him, where he will personally mete out his retribution.
Even if characters were sure that they defeated the
Lichlord, they could still be faced with his wrath. Perhaps
his defeat merely catapulted his essence into the Negative
Material Plane. Hes made his way back to Netheril now
to exact his revenge upon the heroes.
The surviving arcanists are hearing rumors that the
phaerimm are massing to the north, planning to complete
the final step of their plan to annihilate the Netherese.
Arcanistseven those highly protected by magical means
and bodyguardsare disappearing at an alarming rate,
the victims of the phaerimms ruthless master plan.
In truth, the arcanists are being systematically killed
off by the growing power of the thieves guild. As playercharacters investigate the disappearances, they discover
an ever-growing influence of thieves and assassins. Soon,
the PCs become embroiled in a power struggle within the
survivor states.
If the heroes investigate north, they find themselves
stuck in the middle of a battle between the sharn and the
phaerimm. Both sides are unleashing the full force of
their magic in an attempt to annihilate the other, and the
geology of the land is mutating under the magical forces.
The characters must discover a way to put an end to the
war and get out alive.

Netherese Zombie

Avg (8-10)
Neutral evil


Raise dead, control undead
Spell immunities
M (6 tall)

Netherese zombies are undead creatures resembling normal zombies that move about the surface of Netheril on
various errands for their master, the Lichlord. While a few
of these creatures are independent of their creator, most
are known to serve the Lichlord in one manner or another.
These undead are frequently encountered wearing the
same clothing as they did in life. Its not uncommon for
Neth zombies to be wearing fine robes and jewelry, death
shrouds, or other clothing that they happened to be wearing before they were converted into undeath.
Theres a sparkling of intelligence in a Netherese zombiethe last vestige of humanity left in its body. Each
zombie speaks whatever languages it knew in life (typically common) and also communicates telepathically with
the Lichlord.
Combat: Neth zombies typically attack in force, seeking
to overwhelm any opposition quickly. While a few servants
of the Lichlord have been known to hurl daggers or flaming oil, most Neth zombies prefer the direct approach.
Once a direct attack fails, however, the Lichlord is quick to
inform other bands of his zombies to attack with ranged
weapons, wait until night to attack, or simply ambush
opponents. Netherese zombies are turned as spectres and
attack during their normal Initiative (they dont always
attack last in a round).
While engaged in melee, these zombies seek to pummel
or claw their opponents to the ground. The Neth zombie
that defeats an opponent can then choose to raise dead on
that creature, transforming him into a Netherese zombie in
1d4 turns. As the transformation comes to fruition, the skin
slowly turns a pale white, fingernails become sharp, and
the eyes sink in a bit.

A successfully cast remove curse

versus 12th-level magic stops the
transformation, returning the victim
to the ranks of the dead. From
there, a normal raise dead or resurrection spell can be used to
bring the creature back to life
as described above after
being defeated in combat.
Zombies of Netherese
variety can also control
nonthinking undead
(skeletons, normal
zombies, and others) within 30
feet. Such control is equivalent to that of
an evil
priest who
Neth zombies are
immune to sleep,
charm, hold, death
magic, poison, and
cold-based attacks.
A vial of holy water
inflicts 2d4 points of
Habitat/Society: Most
Netherese zombies are loyal
servants to the Lichlord.
These creatures roam the
lands of Netheril searching for new recruits to
add to the Lichlords army of
undead. Each zombie possesses a burning desire to kill any
human it encounters.
Neth zombie retain most of their Intelligence (10 maximum) and the ability to speak. They also keep the personality and memories that they had in life, typically using
these to their advantage in service to the Lichlord. Overall,
creatures retain two-thirds of the abilities they had in life
(so a fighter with 18 Strength would be reduced to a
Strength of 12).
All of these undead answer only to the telepathic will of
the Lichlord, though he may from time to time appoint a
wraith or spectre to command in his stead.
Ecology: As zombies swell their ranks with those they
defeat, it becomes increasingly difficult to oppose this
wave of undead as it ravages the countryside. In short
order, entire villages are absorbed into a growing mass of
destruction that sweeps up anything it encounters. Fertile
fields are trampled flat by their passing, and animals flee as
they approach.

Netherese Zombie 63

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