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60 Seconds To Weight Loss Success

Copyright 2006 Carolyn Allen

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

ISBN 0-9777913-0-0

Please note that this book reects only the views, opinions, suggestions and
experiences of the author.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information contained in this book is for informational

purposes only. The author is not a medical, nutritional or psychological professional
of any kind and cannot, nor will be held responsible as such. No guarantee is offered
in any way. Professional medical advice should always be sought when starting any
healthy eating and exercise plan. The author accepts no responsibility for resulting
health and weight conditions for any individual who reads this book.
Cover Design: Kelly Reed-Escobar
Book Production: Renee Dexter/Michaela Gaaserud
New Hope Publications
P.O. Box 523261
Springeld, VA 22152

60 Seconds To Weight Loss Success

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking,
Your Weight and Your Life

Book 1:
New Hope for Weight Loss Success Series

Carolyn Allen

Authors Note
This is not your typical weight loss book. There is no specic diet to follow. It is
especially written for women who already have a healthy eating plan from previous programs or books. Chances are good that you probably already have all
the information and material you need to get up and going again. Whether your
program involved meetings or not, 60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success is written to
provide the benets of a motivating and dynamic weight loss meeting. Think of it
as your very own private meeting-in-a-pocket to make a favorite old program
feel fresh and new again.
A balanced diet which includes lots of non-starchy vegetables and water, limited
servings of fruit, whole grains, dairy products, proteins and a bit of fat is always
the best approach. It should promote an average loss of not more than two pounds
per week. There are some wonderful program recommendations on my website.
I strongly encourage you to get your doctors blessing for whatever plan you
As women, we are often the primary gatekeepers of what comes into our homes
and the lives of our dear ones. This is the perfect book for getting the whole family
healthier! All of the stories are suitable for sharing with partners, children, teens
and seniors. Read the messages aloud and discuss how they can inuence eating
choices. Print out the poems, listen to the CD, say the empowerments together and
have fun getting healthy and t!
You can also share the thoughts here with friends and diet buddies at your own
small weight loss gatherings. (Please just give me credit and send them to my website to sign up for the free newsletter.) In addition, many women use 60 Seconds
to Weight Loss Success to help them maintain their weight loss after reaching their
goal. Its time for little old Y-O-U to join them and reach your goal too, so lets get
Carolyn Allen
Spring 2006

My website and this book would not be possible without my wonderful husband,
Bob, who has clapped and cheered endlessly for the past several years as I have
established my writing. He is truly the wind beneath my wings, and I cannot
imagine my life without him. Many thanks go to our married kids and our patient
and supportive younger children, Emily, Spencer, Cooper, and Kelly. Thanks also
to my beautiful sister, Susan, and my precious mom who have listened, prayed
and encouraged in ways too important and dear to describe.
I express gratitude to the lovely ladies who have attended my community weight
loss meetings and read my newsletter over the past ve years. They are beautiful
women who have given me a reason to start writing and much to write about.
Thanks go as well to the many Internet friends, both old and new, who read my
words online each day and who have conrmed for me that, indeed, with God all
things are possible. I hope you will take some time to see their pictures and read
their stories on my website.
My deepest thanks, of course, go to my generous and kind Heavenly Father. Each
day I kneel down in prayer, and then sit down to writeoften with no idea of
what will spill out. Im as delighted, surprised and strengthened each day as my
readers are with what I create and send. It is my continuing and deepest desire
to be His servant in helping those who struggle with eating and their weight as I
do to lose weight and nd peace. I tell anyone whos interested, Im just a very
willing little word processor for Him!
I believe in you! Using this book and the tools here is an exciting, fresh start. Id
truly love to hear from you.
Angels are near!
Much love,
P.S. All the stories about my own weight loss struggles are at my website. All the
stories in this book are true, though names and details have been changed where

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for bringing my products into your life
and pray that they will be a light and a comfort for you. It is with much joy that I
offer them to you now.
For those of us who struggle with our weight, at some point reality comes crashing
into viewthere is no such thing as quick weight loss. There never has been and there
never will be. There is no diet, pill, food or potion that will help us lose weight
rapidly and permanently. Fad diets dont work for long. Even with prescription
medication or extreme surgery, smart eating and the importance of exercise
quickly become the name of the game and the only path for long-term success.
Its not easy. People who are naturally slender dont get it. Unlike overcoming a
dependency on tobacco, alcohol or drugs by giving these things up completely,
food is essential for survival and is a permanent part of daily life.
Accepting this reality is sobering. Like children, we want to eat as much as we
want of whatever we want, whenever we want! Believe me, I know.
Throughout my life as I have struggled with achieving a healthy weight (you
can read my story at my website), I have often attended community weight loss
meetings for the support and encouragement I need. I still do and will for the rest
of my life. Once or twice Ive been blessed with lecturers who provided that extra
something which made the meeting the highlight of my week. Id listen for a
story, a phrase, a quote, a thought or a shared personal experience from them to
sustain me throughout the next week. Often I would write it down on an index
card and live with it, hoping and praying that this lift would last until the next
In my heart, I know that this extra something made my eating plan come to life
and was the difference between success and failure.
In 1998, I lost my weight for the very last time. In 1999, I became a lecturer myself.
My meetings were such fun that I started sending a follow-up weekly e-mail
newsletter with my thoughts and a healthy recipe that others forwarded to friends
and family. The newsletter grew into a website, then a daily newsletter, a CD, this
book, a Christmas book and CD and more to come. It has been my goal from the
very beginning to provide the extra something to make healthy eating do-able,
enjoyable and valuable on a deep level for a lifetime.

While an excellent, healthy eating and exercise plan are the foundations for weight
loss success, the ability to stick with your plan and make the thousands of tiny, 60second daily choices that will carry you to your goal matters as much, or almost
more, than the plan itself. Thats what this book is all about.
Here are 101 of my best daily e-mail newsletter messages to help you with the
choices we must each personally make every day to build health and peace. I
hope youll read the messages, think about them, personalize them, laugh, cry and
ponder. Read the empowerment statements out loud and see how good it feels
to declare your personal strength. Then spend a few minutes writing down your
reections and action plan in the accompanying journal. Carry the little cards with
you as friends and reminders of your abilities and goals.
May these messages bless you with cheer, comfort, hope, courage and inspiration
to make 60-second choices that will establish peace, health and lifetime weight loss
Today is a new day and you can do it!
I think youll be surprised and impressed with the magic that has always been
within you!
May God bless you on your continuing journey. Send me an e-mail, and Ill be
happy to put your name in my little prayer book. Plan now to send me your
pictures, and Ill be happy to create a beautiful before-and-after web page to share
with your dear ones and to inspire others.
Much love,
Spring 2006
P.S. Please check out my website,, for the success
stories and to subscribe to my free newsletter. Its a one-minute quickie with a

Table of Contents

Part I: The Inspirations ...................................................................... 1

Part II: The Journal.......................................................................... 119
Part III: The Pocket Power Cards.................................................. 171
Part IV: The CD Guide.................................................................... 173
(Note: Please make sure to read this section before listening to the CD for the rst time.)

Additional Resources....................................................................... 181

How to Make the Most of

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success
There are four tools to this product: the book which contains 1) the inspirations
and 2) the journal; 3) a CD and 4) a set of 101 quote cards. If you purchased
only my book, the CD and cards may still be ordered separately from www.
Part I: The Book
Read these one-minute inspirations one or more at a time to lift your thoughts
and inspire your own visualizations of success. Feel the emotions and use them
to transform thought into action. The empowerment statement at the end of each
entry will help you target particular behaviors and healthy choices.
Part II: The Journal
Respond to the essays and empowerment statements with a sentence or two in the
space provided in the back of the book. For more detailed entries, you may want
to copy the quote and empowerment into a bigger journal or create a computer
document for a very special journal.
Pat III: The Pocket Power Cards
After reading the inspirations and writing in the journal, take these little cards
with you to reinforce the thought and your emotions. Repeat the statements out
loud to yourself. To do so in front of a mirror is especially helpful. Tuck them in
your purse or a pocket to glance at during the day. Post them on a mirror, on the
fridge or at your computer. Read them before you go to bed and put them under
your pillow. Youll be tapping into your subconscious and creating success even
as you sleep.
Part IV: The CD
Before listening to the CD, it is very important that you read the guidebook and
article The Power of Repeated Words.
I Also Recommend a Motivating Photo
While I cannot provide this for you, there is nothing like carrying motivating
photos of yourself at either a high or low weight to keep yourself on task. I strongly
encourage you to glue one on cardstock, have it laminated and then place it where
youll see it often. A friend of mine put a small, laminated photo of herself at her
highest weight on her keychain and lost 60 pounds over the next year.

1. Good things are not done in a hurry.

(German Proverb)

e were blessed late last summer with a bushel of fabulous fresh peaches
from friends who make a two hour drive to get them from an Amish
farmer in western Virginia. Maybe tree-ripened peaches are not a treat where
you live, but they are for us. These were as big as softballs, sweet as candy,
juicy as watermelon and lled the room with their divine fragrance. We were
in peach heaven for days!
They were beautiful to look at as well. If I could paint, Id have been tempted to
try and capture their graceful globe-like shapes, soft, fuzzy skin and delicately
blushing orange and pink hues.
Twas not always so! Last winter these delicious, perfect peaches were locked
as promises within the icy branches of a tree. As we sang Christmas carols,
hot summer days with fresh peaches to eat seemed as far away as the moon.
There was not more than the slightest suggestion of buds on the trees, yet
these perfect peaches were already there.
Several months later, quite late in the winter, came true buds. At this new stage,
they were still perfect and hoping for time, warmth, sunshine, rain and a little
human TLC. The buds developed into small blossoms, which miraculously
bloomed into darling little owers. More perfection!
Sadly, the petals died, and fell off, yet the peaches, in a more advanced mature
state remainedperfect! Now it was time for nature to really go to town.
Throughout the late spring and early summer months, the tiny remainder of
the bud began to grow into hard little green pebbles. With time, the pebbles
became perfect marble-sized peaches, which grew into perfect ping-pong,
then baseball and nally softball-sized peaches. Like chameleons, their lime
green color gradually transformed into peachy pinks and rosy oranges. Hard
as a rock in May and June, by August they had become soft and tender.
The law of the harvest was fullled! After months of imagining, waiting and
watching, it was nally time to harvest and savor every juicy bite.
Isnt it a marvel? The actual fruit in August was no more perfect in its reality
than it was way back in January. The only difference was that we could
physically see, feel, smell, taste and touch rather than just imagine it.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Can we make the law of the harvest work for us and our weight loss plan
today? Can we vividly imagine success? Can we quietly accept and make the
most of our 60-second choices, while picturing three months, six months or
one year down the road?
Of course! For with a peach as proof in our hands of Gods beautiful ways,
nothing is impossible.

Empowerment: Now is the perfect moment to embrace my needs and make

decisions. Now is the perfect moment to know that this stage of my weight
management is truly perfect! Now is the perfect moment to slowly develop.

2. To have a curable illness and to leave it untreated

is like sticking your hand in a re and
asking God to remove the ame.
(Sandra L. Douglas)

Several friends and I had gone to lunch and were talking about our weekly
weigh-ins. Im sure anyone passing by would have blushed overhearing our
Oh, my goodness! Once I start, I just cant stop! Theres something about it that
just sucks me in. I promise you, when were alone, Im as helpless as a kitten!
Youd have thought this cute friend was talking about falling in love for
the rst time. Actually the object of her affection that week was not a new
sweetheart, but a box of chocolate avored cereal shed bought for her kids.
As she elaborated about why she couldnt resist and why the scale was up,
we all laughed and joined in with our personal stories of the forbidden. At
last one of the gals, whose weight was down that week, said with a touch of
impatience and not much sympathy, Charlene! Its cold cereal! Its just food!
Get over it!
That caught all of us up short and the topic changed.
As I went through the rest of the week, however, I found myself looking at
food in a whole new way. When tempting foods called my name, I heard
my friends voice in my mind again saying with impatience: Get over it! Its
just food! With her voice ringing in my ear, the passion and intensity were

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

signicantly reduced. The desire to cheat melted like an ice cube. I walked
away time and again with a sense of ownership and self-mastery.
How often we wax eloquent on why we cant resist this or that, when in
actuality, it really is just food. Interestingly, these romances are rarely with
crunchy, fresh vegetables. Usually they are baked goods, processed snacks,
fast food or sweets. The ingredients are our, processed fats, butter, sugar,
dairy products, cocoa and lots of articial avors/ingredients, etc.nothing
that youd eat by themselves. If its a main dish, its meat or protein, vegetables,
pasta, etc.nice, but nothing that merits undue attention, time and affection.
Its just food. Its important and signicant, but so are other things. Face it!
Eating is a one-sided affair. Theres no bad-boy lover. No paperback romance
novel. No passion. No climax. Just food.
Whew! We call the shots on when to break up, and doesnt it feel good to be a
swinging single on this one? You go, friend!

Empowerment: It feels good to put food in its place. I am stronger than any

3. The last chapter hasnt been written yet.

(Don Jenks)

Get out your Kleenex and read between the lines in this inspiring story that is
shared with permission from Gloria, a teacher who is teaching far more than
academics. At this writing, she has lost over 90 pounds and has no doubt that
sometime in the next year or so she will eventually reach her goal to lose well
over 100 pounds
Soon after she started reading my daily e-newsletter, Gloria ordered inspiration
bracelets from my website and requested the words Today and I Can.
(See how to order these bracelets at the end of this message.)
How powerful! I thought as I made them and tucked her package in the
mail. Within the next few days shed e-mailed a thank you and an explanation
of how these words are changing her life.
With her permission, here is her story:

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

It literally took me 40+ years to learn that I am not stupid and that it is okay
to do things that are good for me! I must say that my life is certainly on a
different course than the one of a few years ago.
Im a single mom with a grown son. I went to college (while working full time)
when he was in high school. I am now enjoying the job of my dreams teaching
Family and Consumer Science at a middle school to about 400 students in
grades 6-8.
Over the past year and a half, I have lost over 90 pounds. I started with a
weight loss group in my community and learned their balanced-diet plan,
which I still follow. Now I lead my own health focus group at the school where
I teach. Each morning three to four of us meet to walk a mile around the halls
or the parking lot before the students arrive.
I love my new beginning and my new life! I am excited to see what comes
next. In that same timeframe that I returned to college, lost the weight and
began teaching, I began attending church. I became a member and now teach
an adult Bible study.
Now that Im at over 90 pounds, my weight loss has slowed to a crawl. It
doesnt matter. Eventually I will lose it all. I know that today matters and that
I can do it!
Wow, Gloria! Thats an A+ in my books! The empowerment below is Glorias
personal mantra that we can make our own:

Empowerment: Today I can have control over my weight. Today I can forgive

myself for making bad choices in the past that affected my weight. Today I can
care enough about myself to make good, informed choices. If today is a bad
day, I can move on and not berate myself.

Special Note: You can order your own pretty glass bead bracelets that say Today,
I Can or any other word that inspires you from www.MyWeightLossFriend.

4. He who laughs, lasts.


Its said that one of the ways comedienne Lucille Ball stayed so slim is that she

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

refused to become food centered. What a wonderful decision. She lled her
life (and ours) with beautiful laughter and we can do the same.
Now, the following idea may sound crazy, but it works. Get out some Readers
Digest magazines for a bunch of good jokes or go to the library or online and
print some. When its time to stop eating, get out the jokes. Read them aloud
to your companions or keep yourself company with something funny. It only
takes a second to kick food out of the central spot and satisfy yourself with
laughter and a smile instead of more to eat.
Heres a cute one to get you chuckling and started. Anyone who has ever
dressed a child will love this and its easy to imagine Lucy being the one
dressing this child on an old I Love Lucy show. Here goes:
A teacher was helping one of her kindergarten students put on his cowboy
boots. He asked for help and she could see why. Even with her pulling and
him pushing, the little boots still didnt want to go on. Finally, when the second
boot was on, she had worked up a sweat.
She almost cried when the little boy said, Teacher, theyre on the wrong feet.
She looked and sure enough, they were. It wasnt any easier pulling the boots
off than it was putting them on. She managed to keep her cool as together they
worked to get the boots back onthis time on the right feet.
He then announced, These arent my boots.
She bit her tongue rather than get right in his face and scream, Why didnt
you say so? like she wanted to. And, once again she struggled to help him
pull the ill-tting boots off his little feet. No sooner had they got the boots off
and he said, Theyre my brothers boots. My mom made me wear em.
Now she didnt know if she should laugh or cry. But, she mustered up the
grace and courage she had left to wrestle the boots on his feet again. Helping
him into his coat, she asked, Now, where are your mittens? He said,
I stuffed em in the toes of my boots. Her trial starts next month.
Too cute! Well, its time to end our own kind of stufngfood into mouths
that have had enough and bodies into clothes that are too small. Right now is

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

a new moment. Its the perfect time to make a 60-second choice to add many
generous servings each day of the most delicious 0-calorie, guilt-free, fat-free,
sugar-free indulgence of alllaughter.

Empowerment: I nd something to laugh about every day. Im increasing my

personal power, weight loss success, health and peace by making laughter a

Special Note: Permanent weight loss success is a form of true healing. You may

want to learn more about laughter for losing weight by reading, Laugh It Off:
Weight Loss for the Fun of It by Katie Namrevo.

5. Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion.

You must set yourself on re.
(Reggie Leach)

Over a year ago I bought a little hurricane oil lamp to use as a kitchen table
centerpiece. I even lled it with oil, but we didnt use it that often until I put
some matches in plain sight close by. Aha! All of a sudden we were using and
enjoying the lamp every night. Its charming icker softens the mood and the
rough edges of long days and makes the simplest meal on a weeknight feel
No big deal or is it? I bought and lled the lamp, I moved the matches and we
use it every night. Simple as that. However, because of the pleasure it brings,
conversations are softer and last a bit longer, people enjoy the meal more and
sweet memories are made. Is this not success on a very small scale?
Funny, when you think about it, how nothing happens until somebody moves
and makes things as easy as possible. Sometimes, 1 + 1 = 2. Sometimes 1 + 1 =
11. It all depends on where you put things. Get smart and get more by putting
things beside each other. In other words, put the matches close to the lamp.
Its just the same with healthy habits, theyre right there waiting to bless us,
but the lit match must be brought to it. Rare are the days when were thrilled
about the required actions to lose weight. However, just like I changed where
we now keep the matches, we can change where we keep fundamental weight
loss tools and foods so that theyre visible, close to us and easy to use.
Are your journal and pen close by to write things down? Are your exercise

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

videos and athletic shoes in plain sight? Do you have motivating pictures
(either at high or low weights) where you can see them often? Whats front
and center in your fridge and in the pantry? Is it food that will bless or confuse
your body? What can you move today?
Here are some more 60-second tricks to make a difference:
On an index card list your personal gateway foods, (i.e., foods
or snacks that start the spiral down. Any food where one is too many
and the whole box is not enough should be on this list. Memorize
this list and keep it handy for quick identity. Isolating these
troublemakers will give you authority and power to handcuff,
arrest and lock em up the minute they appear.
Where do you go hunting (fridge, pantry, etc.) when youre in the
mood to binge? Place index cards or Post-it Notes that say What
youre looking for isnt here! in those places to nd at low
moments as reminders of what youre really seekinga healthy body
and self-mastery.
Keep warm, soapy water in the sink or a big bowl while cooking.
Immediately place mixing beaters, bowls and spoons in it to avoid
extra licks and tastes.
Keep disposable gloves in your kitchen and purse. Wear them while
cooking or at the movies to stop mindless nibbling.
Keep small, hard sugarless candies, sugarless gum, or extra
strong breath mints on the kitchen counter, in your pockets, desk
drawer, purse and car glove compartment to keep your mouth busy.
The avor of cinnamon is especially powerful and a natural appetite
Keep an extra toothbrush and toothpaste in your purse, desk drawer
and the bathroom closest to the kitchen. Quickly brush your teeth
after all meals and snacks.
Oh, were changing the equation and our losses will really add up at the scale
as we persist.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Got your matches placed close to the lamp? Good! Its time to light it now!

Empowerment: It is easy to keep myself motivated and progressing because

the foods, tools, exercise gear and reminders of my goals are easily within

6. To reform a man, you must begin with his Grandmother.

(Victor Hugo)

My dear sister-in-law, a marvelous cook, created her own cookbook as a

Christmas gift for her dear ones several years ago. LeeAnns Breads and Broths
includes a sweet preface that starts:
The only thing I had of my Grandma Allens after she died was her grape
jelly recipe. I really treasure it.
She had loved Grandma Allen for much more than recipes or possessions, of
course, for Grandma Allen had left a legacy of memories, faith and fortitude
precious intangibles that will bless her posterity for generations.
No matter your age, or whether or not you are a grandmother, grandmas
matter! We live each day in ways well never know or understand as a direct
result of our grandmas. To continue the thought, the nature of our own present
and future grandchildren is (and will be) a natural result of our own lives.
One of my favorite before and after stories is of a beautiful woman who keeps
off 100 pounds. For her before picture, she uses a photo taken of herself sitting
on the couch while on the phone receiving the news that her rst grandchild
had just been born. When she saw that photo for the rst time (at 100 pounds
over the high-end of her ideal weight range) she knew shed never be able to
get off of the couch and onto the oor to play with the baby. She decided that
very day to change. And she did. This decision changed both her future and the
future of that precious grandchild. She chose the physical and mental health
that comes from wise eating and exercise. She chose to create the potential of
memories and joy that come from being able to lift and carry babies, play on
the oor and at the playground with little ones and to hike, swim and go on
outings with bigger ones.
Oh, for a crystal ball! While theres much we dont know about our own
futures, we can decide today to be healthy for ourselves, our children and our

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

grandchildren. Theyll want and need this from us as much as any gift or toy
we can purchase at a store. What could possibly matter more?
God bless grandmas and grandpas!

Empowerment: The lives of my grandchildren begin with me. I choose to create

the priceless memories that come from being t, healthy and an active part in
my children and grandchildrens lives.

7. Write kindness in marble and write injuries in the dust.

(Persian Proverb)

Obituary for a Lemon Cake (The Poor Little Thing!)

Time: A Friday afternoon not so very long ago:
Purchased with the greatest intention of avoiding trouble, the remains of a
thickly frosted yellow cake now smeared the sides of its squashed plastic
container in the trash. My stomach, which contained most of the cake, groaned
in distress.
Id bought it that morning to avoid having to make a cake and getting
kidnapped by the beaters and the bowl. Our elementary school fun fair was
that night, and Id hidden it in the van so I wouldnt even need to see it until
I delivered it later that day. I thought it was out of my life when in one giant
teenaged footstep, my lofty intentions popped like an over-lled balloon.
It was Spencers fault, really. Yes, this heavy-footed teenaged son had
unknowingly stepped on the grocery bag containing the cake and crushed
this regal creation, poor little thing! (The cake, not Spencer.)
I heard the cake cry in despair and pain, gasping its nal breaths. Now
dethroned from its day of glory as a showstopper at the Fun Fair Cake Walk, I
knew I must do something to make it feel wantedand quickly.
Determined to treat it with some measure of human kindness, I made my rst
mistake. Instead of taking 60 seconds to quickly carry the ruins to the garbage
can in the garage, I carried it into the kitchen. I made my second mistake by
putting it on the counter instead of in the trash or disposal. I made the third by

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

opening the crumpled plastic container. I made the fourth by dipping a nger
in the smooshed frosting. I made the fth by licking that nger. I made the
sixth by continuing and the seventh by deciding I could save the cake for a
family snack. I made the eighth mistake by never telling the family about the
smooshed cake treat, and in the end, of course, I ate nearly the whole thing
alone, in the kitchen, over a very short period of time. Aaarrrggghhh!
I think Mark Twain said it best, It is easier to stay out than to get out. To this
I add, Smooshed lemon cake is to be buried without a funeral as soon as it is
dead. Poor little thing, my foot!
There are turning point memories for each of us that are equally unforgettable.
Go back now, not to a sad time, but to a happy time in your life when you were
eating and exercising wisely and well. Perhaps it was yesterday. Perhaps it
was a long time ago. Perhaps its never happened. No matter, you can create
it in marble with a powerful thing called visualization. (I have several easy-to-use
articles to help you learn this skill at my website. The CD will also help.)
Do it now! Write down what you remember or want to experience. For
example, the physical sensations of recognizing when youre full and using
your personal power to stop eating; the delight of zippers that zip and buttons
that button, the increased ease in daily activities, the great pleasure in eating
delicious, nutritious, low-fat food and easily leaving unnished portions on
the plate to be thrown away.
Then, follow-up with the wonderful emotional memories (or future experiences)
of an accurate drivers license I.D., not postponing an important visit to the
doctor because of your weight and the enormous satisfaction of knowing the
clothes in your closet t without special pins, tugging or ddling with.
This personal reality (be it actual or vividly imagined) is written in marble.
Take 60 seconds and experience it now.
The mistakes and injuries of events now past? Let them be gone with yesterdays
sunset and two cleaning clothsone to wipe off the dust of the mistake and
one to shine the marble of the lesson learned.

Empowerment: I cherish the past for precious lessons learned and for the
motivation it gives me to move forward on my journey right now.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Special Note: Helpful articles about how to visualize can be found on my

website. Go to the Site Map link, then click on Visualize Success.

8. The difference between nowhere and

now here is just a little space.

Its hard to believe that just a little space could make the difference in our
health and weight, but its true. Just as true is the fact that your little space is
already there. It is waiting for you now, calling your name, asking you to nd
the power to separate things.
Ssshhh, listen. Can you hear it? It expects an answer.
Maybe its a little space to breathe deeply 10 times each morning as you visualize
losing just the next ve pounds. Maybe its a little space of conrmation with
the waiter at a restaurant to make sure your salad dressing and sauces are
served on the side. Perhaps its a little space of time to exerciseeven if its
just a quick, brisk walk around the block or the perimeter of the parking lot
at work.
How about a little space in the glove compartment of your car to keep a box of
raisins as an emergency snack, or a little space on the bathroom mirror to post
your written plan or an inspiring thought or picture? Create a little 60-second
space of time for a quiet prayer of gratitude and a little space in a notebook
to plan two or three nutritious meals for the next week or to jot down an
inspiring quote. How about a little space of time for an overdue phone visit
with a friend or family member instead of standing over the sink with the ice
cream container?
Little 60-second spaces are everywhere! Theyre sparkling jewels that are
waiting to be discovered and cherished today.
Nowhere or now here? No one can create success for us. Stop, look and listen.
Then act!

Empowerment: I make it a habit to take 60 seconds to center my thoughts and



60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

9. The most common way people give up their power is

by thinking they dont have any.

Heres a workout that will burn fat and calories without you breaking a sweat
or even leaving your seat at the dinner table! This exercise is painless, simple
and effective, takes less than 60 seconds and can be done in any location.
Lets start the workout with music and warm-ups. Ready? Okay! The perky
music is playing. With arms relaxed at your side, quietly inhale, count to 10,
now exhale.
Slowly (but rmly) turn your head to the left until it almost reaches your
left shoulder. Without pausing and while keeping the head level, pivot your
head to the right toward your right shoulder. Good! Good! Keep breathing!
Keep smiling and continue the movement by rotating the head back to the left
shoulder. Keep that chin level and rm!
Alternate head turns right and left two to three times more at a moderate
speed while speaking out loud the words: No, thank you. Arms and hands
stay relaxed at your side and away from the table and food.
Build strength by repeating several times each day until natural reexes and
muscles are strengthened. Desired tness level will sharply increase while
weight decreases.
Youre looking great, so keep it up! Keep smiling! Keep breathing! Youre
doing it! It feels so good to turn food down. Arent you proud of yourself?

Empowerment: My No, thank you muscle is getting stronger every day. I

exercise and use it often.

10. I dont measure a mans success by how high he climbs,

but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.
(General George Patton)

How long has it been since youve seen George C. Scott in the movie Patton?
Whoa, friend. Theres a leader! Imagine him telling us how to lose weight!


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

How do you think hed respond to this true situation with two women? Both
have lost 70 pounds and started their healthy eating plan on January 1. (I have
changed their names.)
Sarah lost her 70 pounds in one year. She started her healthy eating plan the
rst week of January and had reached her goal by Christmas. I dont think
there was one week when she didnt lose at least a little. No plateaus. She
worked very hard. She is thrilled, healthy, strong and beautiful!
Jeanne lost her rst 50 pounds by June. Then it took nearly one more full
year (with the same tremendous, consistent commitment) to lose the next 20
pounds. There were lots and lots of discouraging weigh-ins with her friend
who continued to lose at a steady pace. Now that she has nally reached her
goal, she is also thrilled, healthy, strong and beautiful.
How do you think General Patton would rank their success? 100% successful!
Im sure youd agree with that. Perhaps wed rank Jeannes success at a 110%
for her dogged determination.
Hear ye, hear ye! Speed is not the issue when it comes to changing our weight.
Nor is comparing ourselves to others who are also committed to losing. Well
be eating/exercising right for the rest of our lives, so why the rush or need to
What is the same for all is our need to accept and embrace two things: 1)
ourselves where we are; and 2) wise eating as a constant need in our lives to
be faced one day, one meal and one 60-second choice at a time.
We can do it! No matter how long it takes.

Empowerment: I do not compare. I do not compare. I do not compare. Even

as each snowake is unique, I graciously accept my body and each non-scale

Special Note: Non-scale victories are all the challenging things we accomplish
that may not show up immediately at the scale, (e.g., journaling, exercising,
getting enough veggies, saying No to food-pushers, etc.) Read more about
them in the next message.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

11. The good Lord gave you a body that can stand anything.
Its your mind you have to convince.
(Vince Lombardi)

Welcome to the classroom of Personal Discovery 101.

A lovely neighbor is down nearly 40 pounds. Hoorah! Her biggest challenge,
however, is not losing the weight but that this is the third time she has lost and
found the same 40 pounds.
Courageously recognizing that both the scales on her heart and soul as well as
the scales for her weight needed extensive TLC, she started a personal journal
to accompany her calorie/food journal.
It felt awkward at rst, she shares with clear and sparkling eyes. In the
evening Id write a sentence or two about how my day went and my feelings.
Id list my eating victories as well as my non-food victories. You know, the little
things that might not show on the scale, but made me feel great, like being able
to wear my jeans all day, or being able to zip them up when they were just out
of the dryer or choosing a salad instead of a carbohydrate snack.
Before she knew it, sentences became paragraphs that grew into pages. As
she continued to lose her weight, she continued to nd herself in her journal
Thoughts, joys, desires, fearseven a secret plot to self-sabotage her success
and more were all there. This written journal of personal discovery is as real,
tangible and visible as her former extra weight. At the end of each days entry
are her eating victories and her non-food victories. Every one of them shows
on her vastly improved physical body and in her mental health.
Whether you use a simple spiral bound notebook, something pretty and
bound from a store, or a computer document, what have you got to lose? More
importantly, what have you got to nd?

Empowerment: I have the courage to challenge my inner-self by starting a


Special Note: If you dont have a copy of my free e-booklet, Write Away the


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Pounds, its a great place to start. Another wonderful resource: Write Yourself
Thin by Toni Lynn Allawatt. Learn more about both at my website.

12. If you cant be a good example, then

youll just have to be a horrible warning.
I hope youre chuckling and seeing the humor here! Were all holding up the
mirror with this one and ready to change our health for both ourselves and
those we love. Please just laugh with the joke and nd two very special mirrors
to use in 60-second intervals as you work toward your goals.
The rst mirror is the literal one youre going to enjoy and use in a marvelous
new way as the weeks go by and your progress really starts to show. Heres
a sneak preview: Itll be in your eyes and your smile immediately and your
gure and style very soon thereafter.
The second mirror is imaginary and reects the trim and healthy you at your
goal weight. In your mind, make it a beautiful, gilded, full-length mirror that
has been lovingly created for a princess. Use it often to visualize yourself
slowly emerging like a buttery from its cocoon. Youre going to spend the rest
of your life at this weight, so its important for it to start feeling comfortable
and real now.
You need both mirrors. Start practicing with them for the compliments,
questions and future that are coming. Heres how to use them:
Several times a day, stand in front of that golden, imaginary mirror and
project yourself forwardseveral weeks and several months into the future.
See yourself standing straight and tall, with toned muscles, sparkling, clear eyes and a
happy smile. See yourself wearing something tted and attering. Wow! Arent you
excited? Tell your reection that this is right and good. Tell yourself that you
deserve to be this healthy and attractive. Tell yourself that this is the real you
and truly possible. Then ask yourself in the mirror what people are going to be asking
you about your success and how you did it.
Now go to the real mirror and answer those questions with what you did, with a
gracious thank you and a smile. (My mom was a big one on practicing in front


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

of the mirror for giving speeches at school. If you can say it to yourself in the
mirror, you can say it in front of anyone.) Youll be planting the seeds for 60second choices and actions today that bring your future, one day at a time.
I guarantee that as you progress, others will be inspired. Many will want to
mirror your success, extend compliments, and ask questions. Youll answer
with great things like, Thanks for the kind words. Yes, its challenging, but its
worth it. No more excuses for me! or Yes, I still have cookies for breakfast,
but just once in a great while and only one instead of three, or I exercise
at a gym thats right around the corner from my ofce. It has to be easy or it
doesnt get done, or Once I started spending a little more time cooking and
made sure their favorites werent left out, my family was more supportive, ll in the blanks.
Cherish both mirrors and what they reect! You are beautiful both today as
you make the 60-second choices to become the healthy person within, and in
the future when your success becomes somebodys favorite inspiration. Who
knows? It might be someone that means the world to you.

Empowerment: Although I can change no one but myself, I can inspire them

with my own healthy choices and success. I actively envision my future health
and success.

13. Gray skies are gonna clear upput on a happy face!

(From the musical, Bye Bye Birdie by Charles Strouse and Lee Adams)
My mother-in-law was a joy to everyone who was blessed to spend time with
her. She struggled with her weight on and off throughout her life, starting
at birth where she came in at nearly 11 pounds. Delivering this huge baby
left her mother bedridden. She gave the job of naming the baby to both the
grandmothers. They were delighted and promptly chose their own names
Caroline and Elizabethand she was called Carlie from moment one. Her
mother soon recovered, and the party began.
From the time she was a little girl, she had a way of making everything and
everyone feel special. Her musical laughter brightened any day. She was
famous for always wearing lipstick, perfume and prettythough usually
inexpensivejewelry on even the lowliest, the rainiest or dreariest of days. She
offered spearmint avored breath mints to one and all several times a day.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Everyone dressed up a bit more for any occasion where Carlie Allen might
be, simply because thats what you did. As a result, gatherings with her were
exceptionally fun and special, as things usually are when everyone goes to a
little extra effort to look their best.
Although her mind faded as she reached her 80s, her kindness, beauty and
friendliness did not. She graciously accepted moving to a lovely nursing home
near our home when the time came. With her still radiant smile, shed often
stroll the halls using one hand to steer her wheeled walker and the other to
regally wave to the nurses and residents like a beauty queen on a oat in a
parade. We made sure she had pretty colored outts, some earrings and some
lipstick to wear to the very end.
She died on a raw, blustery, January day six years ago during a nap after lunch.
We buried her in a sparkling white dress and new, matching earrings. She had
a roll of breath mints tucked in one hand and her favorite perfume in the other.
Im quite sure it was squeals of laughter we heard from the other side during
her funeral as she was welcomed home.
What a legacy she left. One of the most important lessons: Getting xed up is
easy and important! It brings out everyones best self.
So often we think we need something special to justify putting on a bit
of make-up, fresh lipstick and to do something cute with our hair. In a selflimiting way we sometimes even hold back until the scale presents the right
number before we add a soft scarf or fun necklace and earrings to what were
wearing around the house or to the store. Its almost as if we have to deserve
the pretty things. Nonsense!
Carlie taught me by example that when we dress up a bit, no matter our mood,
our weight, the circumstances or the weather, we are instantly prettier both
inside and out. We treat ourselves and those around us differently. All because
of a little 60-second effort to put on a little lipstick, some costume jewelry and
a spritz of cologne.
Funny, these items will never be found on an eating plan, yet have everything
to do with creating health and peace, dont you agree?
How I miss her! Im off to get a tissue and a pair of earrings and some perfume.
How about you?

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Empowerment: Every day is a good day for being my prettiest. I deserve and
have time to make myself attractive, no matter what the scale, my mood or the
weather might say.

14. The beginning of wisdom is to call

things by their right names.
(Chinese Proverb)

Carlie, this beautiful mother-in-law of mine, spent her last two years just 10
minutes away from us in a gracious nursing home decorated in soothing jade
greens and soft, rosy pinks. On our way to her second oor room, we often
passed the recreation center with its prominent and cheery bulletin board that
was updated each day.
Our son, Cooper, a rst and second grader during her last two years here
on earth, practiced his reading from the bulletin board each time we visited.
Hed sound out the words while we waited for the elevator. For example, hed
read: Today is Tuesday. The weather is cold. The season is winter. You are in
One day as we waited and Cooper read, I quipped to one of the workers at the
elevator, Life goes so fastI could use something like that bulletin board in
my own home!
I know, she replied. It actually has an important function at facilities like
this. Its called Reality Therapy and helps the residents know where they
Bells went off for me. Reality therapy. Hmmm. Each day. Written reminders
updated regularly to help us know where we are and what comes next. While
old age and dementia may not be a part of our lives, our healthy eating and
goals are often forgotten as easily as if they were. Maybe we do need reality
How about taking 60 seconds to write a few statements on an index card or
Post-it Note, then put them where we can see them often (at the kitchen sink,
bathroom mirror, computer, etc.) for our own reality therapy bulletin boards?
Heres a few to get us started:


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Today is a new day.

I focus on losing ve pounds at a time.
I am successful and have lost X (number of pounds).
My healthy eating plan works when I do.
When I keep my food journal, I lose weight.
The food that goes in my mouth is put there by me.
I feel happy when I exercise.
No doubt about it, facing reality and taking action is the best therapy of all!

Empowerment: As the saying goes, You gotta name it to claim it. I specically
identify achievements, challenges and goals to dene my reality.

15. In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday.


My dear friend and walking partner moved to South America last summer. In
the throes and stress of selling her house and making an international move,
I gave her my standard advice for coping with something as short-term as a
dreaded dentist appointment or long-term like moving to another country.
Just think, Debby! I said as we walked one morning, By this time next year
youll be looking back on this all and thinking I made it! (For shorter term
stress, I use by this time tomorrow, this time next week or this time next
month. While the challenge is usually over much sooner, its neat to use the
exact date as a comparing point.)
Somehow things always resolve and work out so we can look back on them
with a sigh of relief. This quote (mentally forwarding you beyond a difcult
point) is a good non-food coping strategy for all kinds of stress. Heres a
chuckle to get your thoughts projected in the right direction:
A school teacher noticed one of her rst-graders diligently sticking out his
stomach throughout the morning and nally called him up to her desk to ask
if there was something wrong.
Well, teacher, I woke up this morning with a stomachache. My mom said if I
stick it out til lunchtime Ill probably be okay. So Im sticking it out!

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

I hope youre laughing! You know the chorus of the Hokey Pokey? where
everybody sings Thats what its all about? Well, what if sticking it out
with your healthy eating changes is what its all about? Not in terms of getting
overly hungry or obsessed (or depressed), but in terms of cheerfully nding
something to do rather than something to eat when you nd yourself grazing.
Simply get out of the kitchen or away from the food. Sneak a peek at your
motivating photo.
Heres another 60-second trick: Its called drink of water and think. The next
time an old habit nds you with something in your hands, heading to your
mouth, that you know youll be sad about later, get a tall 16-ounce glass of
water. While slowly drinking it, think to yourself: In just two days tomorrow
will be yesterday. I do not trade what I want most for what I want at the
Another excellent 60-second strategy is to literally keep track of your most
challenging times each day on a wall calendar or in your food journal. Chances
are that youll see a pattern. These difcult times are usually fairly regular,
and probably not more than two to three hours total. Now that you know
what to predict, its much easier to project yourself past them as you work out
a strategy.
The little girl inside us may demand cookies, chips and candy bars today, but,
were the moms! We can discipline that precious child to stick it out and steer
away from the wrong foods today toward the right weight to receive strength,
energy and joy both today and tomorrow.
Six months later Debby came back to visit on a business trip with her husband.
Things are settled and wonderful. Shes hoping their assignment will last for
at least ve years.
See? Moms are right! Things do work out when you stick it out!

Empowerment: Since there will always be food to tempt me at stressful times,

small, smart choices are what its all about. I use the drink of water and think
strategy before eating.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

16. People are born with two eyes, but only one tongue in order
that they should see twice as much as they say.

Very true and I think Ill add this too, We are born with two eyes and often
see twice as much as we need to eat.
Wouldnt it be great if we could close one eye to the vast quantities and
overwhelming varieties of food around us? I think it would be much easier to
focus on our healthy eating plan.
Heres some food for thought. Until the late 40s, Americans had maybe 6-8
or 10 choices of cooked and cold cereal. Now, a common American grocery
store has 270 feet (90 yardsthink of that on a football eld) of eight-feet tall
shelves lined top to bottom with cereal alone. Then move into the galaxy of
snack and junk food choices, with new ones being created and advertised
continually. Now consider how average portion sizes have grown over the
years. No wonder were in trouble! Even food banks report large contributions
of candy and snack food, no doubt a reection of how things have changed.
We cannot go back in time, either in the history of food production or with
what the scale and snug clothes are personally telling us. However, its a 60second choice to close one eye to oversized portions/non-nutritious junk food
while leaving the other open to see the healthy choices that are just as visible
when we want to acknowledge their presence.
An eye closed to too much food is an eye open to exciting self-improvements.
Its a happy way to live. Heres to winking at the world with a healthy

Empowerment: Although an overabundance of food may surround me, I

cheerfully accept the fact that in order to lose weight, my share is limited.
Whats unlimited are my choices.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

17. You dont drown by falling in the water.

You drown by not getting out.

I love last straw momentsthe deciding experience that convinces you

its time to do something now about the weight. I especially love stories from
people whose last straw moments give me something to stay on my own
A reader named Janine (name changed) has lost and now keeps off over 35
pounds. She told me that much of her success has come from adopting No
Excuses as her middle name.
Her last straw was seeing photos of herself with some cousins at a family
wedding. Shed always thought of herself as quite a bit slimmer than them
throughout their adult lives. This was no longer true and the pictures proved it.
These photos were a big wake-up call to a lot of excuses shed been indulging
for a long, long time. It was time to get out of the water!
Shed watched two good friends commit to a simple-to-follow balanced diet
(no fads, no quickie stuff) and promised herself to follow their program 100%
for six weeks to see if it worked. No excuses! It did!
With a six week proof of success jumpstart, she established her goal. It wasnt a
number at all. Rather, it was a commitment to weigh in only once a week and to
give up her excuses. When her attention drifted and food and exercise choices
became questionable, she challenged herself to say JanineNo Excuses!
Lets see, my name is now CarolynNo Excuses! It feels so good just to say
it out loud. Do it and youll see what I mean!

Empowerment: My middle name is No Excuses. I am learning to recognize

when I am drowning in excuses and start swimming immediately.

18. Either you reach a higher point today, or you exercise your
strength in order to be able to climb higher tomorrow.
(Friedrich Nietzche)

What a goooood story!


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

It took a cute mom I know four years to lose her 45 pounds. She started her
plan when her baby was four months old. She reached her goal just after he
turned four years old.
Yes, it took four whole years. Time and again she could have quit when the
scale refused to budge. Like me, she is very short (barely ve feet), so although
wed like to eat as much as everybody else, our bodies just dont need that
much food. Everyone has their own challenges.
When I asked her how shed kept at it for so long without quitting she replied,
I just watched my baby growing. Each days developments didnt seem that
signicant, but they added up. So, I just started telling myself that I could do
baby steps now, and maybe Id be able to do more tomorrow. I decided that
quitting was not in my vocabulary. The one thing I could always do was drink
my water and take the stairs.
What a thrill! Her story reminds me of comparing weight loss to a craft project.
Some are completed all at once, while others take quite a bit longer. The beauty
and pride at its completion is virtually the same. The important thing is for it
not to be one of those projects that become entirely abandoned.
One day at a time and move on!

Empowerment: I cannot do this all at once. The secret of success is constancy

to purpose and persistence, not perfection.

19. When we cannot nd contentment in ourselves,

it is useless to seek it elsewhere.
(La Rouchefoucauld)

Id never heard of the meowies until I got married. One Sunday evening I
watched my new husband searching through the fridge and cupboards for
something to eat, then around our cute newlywed home for something to do.
Ive got a bad case of the meowies! he said as he nibbled on some leftovers
from dinner and then some brownies while glancing through the Sunday
newspaper that hed already nished hours earlier.
What are the meowies? I politely asked.

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Well, its knowing you want something, but not knowing what! Kind of like a
cat thats arching its back and circling your legskeeping you frozen in one
spot while it meows its head off. Its an empty spot you dont know how to
This was an A-ha! moment for me. Id had bouts of the meowies all my life!
I had often temporarily cured them with eating fudge sauce from the bottle
while standing at the kitchen sink. Or, with leftover cookie dough eaten while
standing at the refrigerator door, or picking icing off a cake from the pan while
standing at the counter, or, or....
For those of us who ll any void with food because we dont know what we
want, the meowies can be very, very dangerous.
A minor case of the meowies can be a bad few hours or days, which may lead
to a denite detour in a healthy eating plan. Recovery is challenging, but not
A deeply-rooted major case of the meowies, however, may very well be the
heart-and-soul reason for why we can lose weight, but only so much before
we hit a brick wall. They also explain the yo-yo syndrome of losing weight
only to gain it back.
Its a powerful step forward when we recognize the meowies for what they
are (i.e., that even at a healthy weight, life is life, work is work, and families are
families). When losing weight doesnt change things we thought it would, we
slide back to the familiar comfort zone of food and old habits as good answers
and quick relief from the hum-drum days, disappointments and problems.
If we dont know what we really, really want, we let other circumstances decide
for us. If this rings a bell for you, I suggest reading a powerful article posted on
my website at this link:
you_want.html. I hope youll take time to read it now to help you understand
this important thought.
Whether your meowies are major or minor, heres a favorite recipe to keep
them in check while you solve the deeper issues. Try two or three of these rst
before eating another thing the next time the meowies strike! They help me
every time.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Six Cure-Alls For the Meowies:

1. Do a little something for someone else.
2. Do a little something special for yourself (manicure, trip to the
library, start a new craft project, etc.).
3. Do a little something that you dont want to do, like clearing out a
closet shelf.
4. Do a physical exercise (go for a walk or do 15 minutes of an
exercise video).
5. Do a mental exercise (memorize a sweet poem or scripture).
6. Do a blessing listname 10 blessings and express thanks.
Oh, theres more than one way to skin a cat! Well cure those meowiesboth
major and minorby nding something to do rather than something to eat.

Empowerment: Empty spaces and voids are a normal part of every life. Since

food will not ll these places, I open my mind to other options and move forward
with forgiveness, service, love and activity.

20. The more responsibility you exercise toward yourself,

the more responsible you can become toward others.
(Dr. Phil)

Id made a terrible mistake. My 12 year old was home from school with a sore
throat, and Id left him home alone while I ran scheduled errands for an hour
or so. This was before we all carried cell phones and I returned to nd him
distressed and most anxious to meet me at the door. While I was gone, a nasty
daytime talk show had snagged him with a sick and shocking family story far
beyond anything hed seen in our home or his sweet life.
Mom? Dont those people have anything else to do or talk about?
Now there was a true question. It was also a wonderful opportunity to talk
about making choices, accepting their consequences and the lack of choices
when the consequences of certain choices start rolling in.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Have you ever noticed the lopsided percentage of overweight people who
share their sad stories on these shows? To me, thats a true symptom of more
problems than the ones theyre actually talking about.
And the true answer? Thus saith Dr. Phil: Its all about the big P-R. Personal
Responsibility. It all boils down to truly loving and controlling the one person
you can changeyourself!
Oh, how much more possible it is to both inspire and to let go of dear ones
when we feel good about ourselves and our own self-control challenges!
Unlike many talk show participants, we do have good things to do and to talk
about! Were going to do them today for ourselves (and in an indirect way for
those we love) with wise food choices, exercise, forgiveness and a smile.

Empowerment: I can change no one but myself. I choose to change.

21. Part of the happiness of life consists not in ghting battles, but in
avoiding them. A masterly retreat is in itself a victory.
(Norman Vincent Peale)

My husband has a friend from work who frequently entertains him with tales
of her niece, Anna Lee, aged 7 1/2. Unfortunately, little Anna Lee has gotten
uncharacteristically physically aggressive at school. When Bobs friend called
her on the phone last week and asked how school was going, she responded
with pride, Really good! I didnt choke anybody this week! Well, thats
I laughed and laughed when Bob shared this because it reminded me of us.
While our challenges may seem like no big deal to those who dont struggle
with food and weight issues, its very real and very difcult for us. These
small retreats are really, really good and add up.
What are your 60-second victories over the past little while? Even if they are
just small steps of progress and seem a little obvious, count em up! Write
em down. Like Anna Lee, choose to feel good and congratulate yourself, at
whatever level.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

The good Lord knows theres a higher level and were working toward that
too. In the meantime, whatever action weve taken today is positive, a step in
the right direction and worth counting.
God bless little Anna Lee for being able to cherish baby steps of progress and
God bless us to do the same.

Empowerment: Every victory counts! One step in the right direction leads to the
next and the next. I am happy to take each and every one with pride and care.

22. Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.

(Nathaniel Emmaus)

The eye-popping weight loss success stories in magazines like Shape, Womens
World and Weight Watchers are exciting to read. As interesting to me as the
before and after pictures are the expressions of peace in their faces and
How do people lose 10, 20, 50 or 100+ pounds and nd this peace? The same
way we are, by lovingly accepting themselves, changing their eating and
establishing new health habits with the philosophy that if we always do what
weve always done, well always get what weve always had.
Easier said than donedont we all know! Heres a 60-second trick to either
snap us into focus or take us to the next level. Be brave. Write out the word
HABIT on a piece of paper. Post it where you can see it. Read through the
thoughts below and let it work in your subconscious for several hours or a day
or so. Then spend some quiet time behind a locked door very, very soon with a
pencil and ve sheets of paper. Write one letter on the top of each page:
H: HOLD up a mirror. Make a list of the unproductive health and
eating habits that are slowing down your weight loss. Remember that
inconsistency is a habit too!
A: ADD several weeks, several months or several years of continuing
ACTION with this bad habit to ASSESS the consequences. With this
visualization in your head:

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

B: BACK-UP to the present to determine BABY STEPS you can do

now. Dont get overwhelmed! BOIL down your list to just two to
three habits that are the most BASIC to BRING the BLESSINGS of
tness and abundant health.


will make these baby steps possible. Maybe its a food youre missing
that you need to nd a low-cal version for or a new scale or measuring
cups to check your portions more effectively.

T: Dene how youll TRACK it for THIRTY Days. Maybe its a chart
or a calendar. Maybe its a log on the computer. Remember that
without some written commitments, its not a goal, its just a wish.
When we get into the habit of changing habits, we become the masters rather
than the servants. Bravo! We can do it!

Empowerment: I am the master of myself! I am in the habit of effectively

changing bad habits.

23. The physical world, including our bodies, is a

response of the observer. We create our bodies as we
create the experiences of our world.
(Deepak Chopra)

Do you really believe that powerful message? I do. So does Suze Orman, the
popular personal nancial expert. Have you seen her on TV or her books at
stores? Hard not to! Shes very popular.
What doesnt show, but makes her so authentic, is that her dad ran a roadside
fried chicken stand to provide for his family. She got herself to college, but was
working as a waitress when, through a crazy series of events, she somehow
landed a job in the world of high nance on Wall Street. (Probably to ll a
quota for women employees, she believes.)
Utterly terried but determined, she went to work with the big guys. Just
listen to how she battled down the fear and stress of transforming herself from
small-town waitress to big-time, successful Wall Street broker:


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

She spent a few minutes each morning writing down the words I am a
successful Wall Street broker 20 times in a notebook. Did you hear that?
Twenty times. She did this every morning, calling out to success, until it
answered back. And did it ever. Her books, her name and her TV show on
PBS are obvious indicators.
We can do the same thing to create our own success. Paper? Pen? Sixty
seconds? What could cost less and what have we got to lose? Only the pounds
and stress that not taking action brings. Quick! Grab a notebook. Write down
todays date at the top and number from 1-20. Then write:
I am successfully and healthfully losing weight and loving life. Establishing
a healthy weight is attainable, and Im excited!
Then do it again tomorrow. And the next day.
Thanks, Suze. Youve taught us more than money management!

Empowerment: I am successfully and healthfully losing weight and loving life.

Establishing a healthy weight is happening right now and I am loving it! Go

24. Its not how many hours you put in, but how
much you put into the hours.

My teenaged son, Cooper, was recently ill with an awful stomach virus.
Funny, no matter how big they are, theyre still your babies when theyre sick.
As I sat beside him quietly on the couch, sweet memories of when he was
much younger came to my mind.
He was a big Harry Potter fan and had carefully saved his newspaper money
to be able to buy the third of the books on the rst day it was released several
years ago. He was so excited when he nally got it that I was extremely
surprised to nd him later that day reading another book.
When I asked him why, he replied, Oh, mom. Ive waited so long for it that I
cant rush it. If I read it too fast itll be over too soon, so Im just going to read
some of it every day and make it last as long as I can.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Theres a lesson there for us! I remember an extended, hilarious demonstration

from a darling gal on how to make one cup of popcorn last for 15 minutes by
holding each piece, looking at it carefully, thinking of it growing on the corn
stalk, being harvested, etc. and then sucking it rather than munching it.
Then another friend followed with how she eats animal crackers, First I look
at it and think how cute it is and how they make it, with the little eyes and
such. Then I bite off the head and enjoy it. Then the legs, one at a time. Then
I wait for a minute, before eating the next one in the same way. When theyre
all gone, I know Ive had something!
Learning to slow down and savor each tidbit, whether its a word in a juicy
book, a kernel in some delicious popcorn or an animal cracker, is a good trick
to master and not all that difcult. Well just decide that weve got all the time
in the world to enjoy every little thing, because we do.
The only thing to rush is the decision to act. One day, one pound, one 60second choice at a time. Thats us!

Empowerment: I am learning to make things last and to savor every taste. My

imagination is a wonderful weight loss tool that I depend on.

25. Dig a well before you are thirsty.

(Old Chinese Proverb)

I love that American Express commercial with that commanding voice at the
end, Dont leave home without it! We can do the same for ourselvesnot
with a credit card, but with a snack and water bottle.
To not become overly hungry when were away from home is an essential
habit to both losing weight and keeping it off. We need to take a lesson from
our favorite Boy Scout, Be Prepared. When we carry something small to
eat as a matter of course, were far more equipped to deal with temptations.
Good 60-second choices in addition to the absolutely necessary water bottle,
are a small energy bar or snack-size can of sodium-free V-8, some crackers, a
piece of fruit, a bag of crunchy vegetables or a small box of raisins. Popping a
bag of fat-free microwave popcorn to enjoy in the car on the way home from
work can save you from the disaster of eating everything in sight when you
rst walk in after a long day.

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Little things make the big things possible!

Empowerment: Im a doer. Im a planner. I plan for weight loss success by

carrying water and a small snack with me.

26. I have a simple philosophy.

Fill whats empty.
Empty whats full.
And scratch where it itches.
(Alice Roosevelt Longworth)

I know us. I know me. When something throws our day off, its easiest to
grab for something to eat as an automatic distraction, stress relief or solution.
Good news. Were changing! Were going to take 60 seconds and start asking
questions instead of eating as a rst response. Its as easy as 123. Here
we go!
1. What needs lling?
2. What needs emptying?
3. And what needs scratching?
Is it your tummy or your need for company (or something to do) that needs
lling? Is it too much on your agenda that needs to be emptied or a Ben &
Jerrys carton that needs to be emptied straight down the sink? And where do
you itch? Where do you need a good, deep scratch?
In other words, what are you really hungry for? Have a big drink of water and
then analyze what youre missing. Are you hungry? Is it really food? If not, go
nd something else.
If it is something to eat, thats okay too! Deprivation is the most fattening thing
around, so make sure you work the most important and personally satisfying
foods into your plan. But gure it out! What do you really want? Think,
honey, think! Something with a citrus kick? Warm and gooey comfort food?
Something sweet and creamy, smooth and cold? A good, salty crunch?
A small portion served in a pre-portioned bag or container is a wonderful
solution and so is nding a substitute. There are low-cal, fat-free choices and
recipes for every craving. Choose wisely, enjoy to the max, brush your teeth
and move on.

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Heres another good 60-second trick for success. Once again, just ask and
think, honey, think:

Take a step back.

Am I hungry or is this a habit to change?
Is it worth it?
Saying No, thank you is a muscle that gets stronger as it is used.
Know the foods that set you off in the wrong direction. Save them for
special times with company.

Now go nd something to do instead of something to eat.

Empowerment: I do not eat as an immediate response to boredom or stress. I

ask questions and think.

27. A certain awkwardnesss marks the use of borrowed thoughts, but as

soon as we have learned what to do with them, they become our own.

Will we ever tire of Peter Pan movies? Whether its the animated Disney
classic, Dustin Hoffman in Hook, or the more recent Finding Neverland, theres
something so fascinating and satisfying about Peter, Wendy, Captain Hook
and the Lost Boys. We recently saw an updated Peter Pan movie. Not to be
compared with the animated Disney classic, it was still most enjoyable with
talented children performers. The scene where Peter tries to attach his shadow
with a needle and thread was especially charming.
Almost as awkward to attach as a shadow and just as important are the thoughts
and actions required for permanent weight loss success. For example, coping
with a sweet tooth. This is a big deal for me. My best strategy comes from a
very special person who has lost and keeps off over 100 pounds.
Its simple! she says. Let one day of the week be your Sweets Day. For me
its Sunday. Just tell yourself (and anyone who wonders) Sunday is my day
for treats. I let myself think about brownies and decide that if I still want them
by Sunday, Ill make a batch of real ones, with frosting and nuts. I enjoy one,
and maybe another small treat or two, then move on into the new week.
While awkward at rstlike Peters clumsy efforts to sew on his shadowit

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

soon became a habit for me. I let enough people know that this was my
way, and they believed me! A wonderful thing happened. As I lled myself
with nutritious and building foods, my body kindly responded with a
decreased demand for addicting sweets and carbs. A treat or two on Sunday
is enough.
I knew Id arrived when my daughter Kelly, now 12, recently saved a favorite
treat for me from a party shed attended. There it was on my desk with a little
note that said For you, mom! Eat it on Sunday. It felt so good to know this
is how she sees her moms eating habits. Shes discovered how much better
she feels herself without a lot of sugar and often tells people when treats come
around, No, thanks! Its a sugar-free week for me.
It will happen this way for you too. Before you know it, admiration, respect,
self-discipline and weight-loss success are everywhere you are. Just like a
natural shadow!
Sorry, Peter. Were with Wendy and my Kelly. Were going to grow up after

Empowerment: I enjoy special foods at special, scheduled times.

Special Note: Cravings for sweets and carbs are big red ags that your body
needs some basic nutrition, (e.g., veggies, a little protein and 16 ounces of

28. Though voices from past shores may call,

sail forward, mate!give this your all!

Ahoy, matie! Whos calling your name today from the shores of your former
eating? Is it a favorite candy bar, fries or soda? Childrens cereal? Bagged
chips or buttered bread? Wrapped snack cakes or over-sized hamburgers?
Now, where are these voices calling from? Our own kitchen cupboards, the
grocery store shelves or the kitchen at work? Whoever they are or wherever
theyre calling from, we know them and their voices well. They know us, too.
I believe they even know and call us by our nicknames because weve spent
so much time together.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Sometimes the voices begging for our return arent imaginary, but very, very
real. They are often the voices of our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers
who dont want us to change or rock the boat. Sometimes the voices are loud
and sometimes theyre soft. More often than not the voice is our very own,
especially when were tired, discouraged or overwhelmed.
Press into the wind! Courage! No turning back today! By recognizing the
voices for what they are, we can sail forward by being accountable to our
highest selves and visualizing our future health and appearance. Here are
some quick strategies for silencing those voices from the past. We sail into
success when we:
Consciously and respectfully manage real-life food pushers with answers
like Thanks, but not right now. Maybe later (meaning never). Better yet, ask
for their loving, supportive help in a kind, non-threatening way.
Stay full with a balanced diet. Foods rich in ber and nutrients (e.g., veggies
and fruit), but low in calories help make us happy and strong voyagers.
Get enough sleepenough said.
Keep a food journal. Journals are lifejackets to be worn at all times. There will
still be room for food of the past in small portions.
Drink 6-8 glasses of water. Surrounded by water, we cannot neglect how
much our bodies need it today.
Listen! From the new land of weight loss success, new voices are calling and
welcoming us now. Its going to be worth it!

Empowerment: Although leaving the past is challenging, I keep my eyes on

the future and respectfully separate myself from the voices of the past that
would love to hold me back.

29. You can do anything you want, but not everything you want.
(Terri Jensen)

Some people quietly teach lifes best lessons just by example.

I admired an extremely attractive, talented and accomplished woman from a

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

distance. One day I found myself needing her artistic talents for my own large
assignment involving several hundred people.
This was before computer graphics were readily available and all I needed was
one special master certicate to duplicate for the participants. Her lettering
was beautiful, so I gathered my courage and called her.
Hi! You dont know me, but Ive admired you and your talents and hope you
can help me out.
As I explained the project, which was really very little for someone of her
abilities, she was very sweet with me and then replied, Oh, Id love to. Its just
the kind of project I enjoy most! Im so attered that you would ask. However,
Ive promised my husband and girls that I wont take on anything new this
month, and I need to honor that commitment rst. Im so sorry.
And that was the end of the conversation. She was so darling, it would have
been impossible to feel offended or put-off.
I got my certicate from another source and the entire project turned out well.
Later on, I was blessed with the chance to get to know her well and learned
even more from her. It was a sad day when she moved. Recently as I was
cleaning and sorting, there was a handout (adorable, of course) from a class on
self-management shed taught that included the quote above. There it was! The
secret of her personal success (and wonderful relationships) was her ability to
prioritize and say no in a kind, gracious and effective way.
The commitment youve made to honor your relationship to yourself (and
your body) is a priority that takes time. Write down exercise times and treat
them like appointments. Schedule 15 minutes to plan meals and snacks for
several days. Grocery shopping and meal preparation takes time. Schedule it!
Got the picture?
Opportunities abound to make 60-second choices that create health and weight
loss. Some require a yes and some require a no. When we remember our rst
commitment, its easy! Doesnt it feel great to be in control of ourselves and
our lives?

Empowerment: I say yes to success when I kindly say no to activities and

people that are not top priority.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

30. Its easier to keep up than to catch up.


Jesus mentioned the poor always being with us. Im quite sure of a few others
as well: bills, taxes, dishes, laundry and managing our weight. Im equally
sure I drove my mom nuts as a child. From the time I could comfortably read
the newspaper in about second or third grade, I devoured the daily newspaper
columnists: Dear Abby, Ann Landersand especially Heloise, the queen of
housekeeping tips. When I turned 12, one of her books was a favorite birthday
present. Weird, I know, but true! Forty years later, her never-ending stream
of cheery hints to keep homes in tip-top order still inspires and entertains me.
How I wish I was a straight-A student in Heloises Better to Keep Up Than
Catch Up school of thought. The merits are undeniable when it comes to
housekeeping, dishes, laundryand losing weight!
How can we apply this principle to eating challenges? With little 60-second
health laws I call The Keep-Ups.
The Keep-Ups
Drink six glasses of water.
Take your multi-vitamin.
Climb the stairs at home half a dozen times when theres not time to
Always carry some low-cal salad dressing to use while eating out.
Order rst at a restaurant to avoid changing your mind to what
others choose.
Decide on which days and which events youll eat sugarperiod.
Post your weekly weigh-in where you can see it as a constant
Sauces and salad dressing on the sidealways.
Two fruits a day is plenty. Fill the strive-for-ve requirement with

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

See what I mean?

The Keep-Ups add up to a great big deal when its time to weigh in! Hooray!
Were keeping up!

Empowerment: I am nding success, security and peace by keeping up with

simple health basics that will serve me all my life.

31. It is always wise to stop wishing for things long enough

to enjoy the fragrance of those now owering.

I have a Snoopy poster that means a lot to me. There is old Snoopy himself,
bigger than life and happily dancing with his eyes closed. The background
is a rainbow done in bright tropical colors and the caption reads Theres
something about me I really, really like!
I love it! This poster is an inspiration and a tool for me.
All of us have events in our youth that dene who we are. For me it was ages
12-18 with a genetic problem that left me without my top front teeth. (My
story, All I Want for High School is My Four Front Teeth, is written on my
As an adult, I have had many opportunities to speak to teenage girls about that
experience and the importance of self-discovery and self-esteem. After I talk,
we get out the poster of Snoopy to inspire us, pass out a matching worksheet,
and get to work with pencil and paper.
One of the written exercises is to list three to four things about their bodies that
they really, really like. You can imagine the chattering and moaning as they
immediately vocalize what they do not like about their bodies. Nevertheless,
I put on some sweet music and softly encourage them to listen to their hearts
and then to start writing.
Could you do the same? Maybe its beautiful eyes, great nails, obedient hair,
pretty feet or a super smile. Think of Snoopy dancing and get happy about
yourself. Surely there are three or four things to name!


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Come on! Do it! Make a list of three to four physical assets you really, really
like and make the most of them today. You neednt lose another pound to take
60 seconds and dress up what youve already got. Appreciating and accepting
what has always been ours is an important part of weight loss success and
allows us to think positively about our bodies.
Its a 60-second choice to be aware and appreciative. Its a choice to make the
most of what weve already got.

Empowerment: I have been blessed with a wonderful body. I appreciate my

own beauty and assets.

32. No individual who has resolved to make the most of

himself can spare time for personal contention.
(Abraham Lincoln)

Date: The present

Time: Rush hour
Location: Crowded subway train in a large city
Characters: One angry woman, many quiet passengers
Scenario: Passengers overhear angry woman on cell phone with boyfriend
Woman on cell phone: I cant believe you! Thats not what I said! You werent
listening to meyou never listen to me! You just go ahead and make decisions
and plans by yourself and pretend you dont know what Im talking about
when Im upset about it!
On and on she rants. I listen with rapt attentionthis argument is waaaayyy
more interesting than the newspaper Im pretending to read. Oh, no! Shes
getting off! Wait! Dont get off the train now! Dont leave me hanging! I want
to hear how this one ends!
Out the door and into the crowd she vanishes. Gone! Bummer! I didnt get to
hear how it ended!
Theres a far more important one-sided, un-ended conversation going on that
will also never be over, one that has nothing to do with a cell phone. Its the
internal dialog inside our heads. When we listen carefully to the countless

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

dialogues of our own 24/7 conversations, there are injuries real and imagined,
good and bad messages, false and true perspectivesall created endlessly in
our minds as we sort out our relationship to the world and people around us.
Some internal conversations are beautiful friends with voices that nurture
every love-based need we have. Others are fear-based, contentious devils that
effectively drain personal peace, progress and a healthy eating plan.
How to stop the destructive ones? Replace them. Computers can multi-task,
but human minds can only think one thought at a time.
When the negative inner-dialog starts, replace it immediately with whispering
a positive thought, counting blessings, repeating a quote, an empowerment,
mantra or a song. (This is the purpose of the CD that comes with this book.) If
it seems overly simple, I challenge you to give it a try. Can you think two
thoughts at the same time? No!
Here are the words to a song that will help you conquer the stomach churning
demons of fear and inner contention. Create the right voices to support wiseeating choices, and were on our way for another few steps forward. God bless
Rodgers & Hammerstein for this memorable classic:
Whistle a Happy Tune
(Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein)
Whenever I feel afraid, I hold myself erect
And whistle a happy tune
So no one will suspect
Im afraid
While shivering in my shoes,
I strike a careless pose
And whistle a happy tune
So no one will suppose
Im afraid
The result of this deception is very plain to tell
For when I fool the people Im with,
I fool myself as well
So I whistle a happy tune and every single time
The happiness in the tune
Convinces me that Im not afraid

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Now thats a way to end a conversation! End those unproductive dialogs by

taking 60 seconds to get a big drink of water and just start talking, humming
or whistling. We can do it!

Empowerment: I have only positive thoughts and conversations about my

body. I release all negative thoughts now.

33. The patient who constantly feels his pulse

is not getting any better.
(Hubert van Zeller)

In case you dont have a six year old around to provide a daily riddle (almost
as important as a daily vitamin), heres one for you:
Riddle: When Im up, youre down and when Im down, youre up. What am I?
Answer: The bathroom scale.
Ah, the perils of a daily morning date with the scale. Although I abandoned
the ritual years ago, diamonds are forever and so is this memory: Standing
totally naked on an 18-inch square box (not unlike an exotic dancer?!?), each
morning I did a little dance as I shifted my weight from the front, to the back,
to the see-saw side.
Not pleased, Id start again. Hop on, pausebend at the waistpeer down,
then step off to the left. Hop on, pausebend at the waistpeer down, then
step off to the right. Precisely setting the dial knob to 0 one last time, Id try
one more time and bend at the knees to get closer. Like an old Crazy-8 ball, the
answer, though milky as it emerged, would nally, indisputably, undeniably
be mine to live with for the day.
And the verdict is:
A) The scale is DOWN. Party! Weight Loss Success! Celebrate with
donuts! or
B) The scale is UP. Funeral! Weight loss failure! Console with donuts!
Body weight uctuates far too much on a daily basis to provide any real

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

measurement of weight-loss progress. In addition, the price in lost resources

(time, momentum and your good mood) for a daily weigh-in is often sky high.
Once a week is often enough.
Purple Heart Time! Replace a daily weigh-in with a daily commitment to
your healthy eating plan. A weekly weigh-in at the same time of day in the
same outt (or lack thereof) is one giant step forward in long-term weight
management. Heres another excellent trick: Dont let the numbers take over.
Choose one dress (or a pair of specic jeans and a snug, tted top just out of
the laundry) to try on at the same time each week as well. This is an even truer
indication of whats going on.
You know those big cones a veterinarian puts on a dogs head to prevent
licking and to allow a wound to heal? Now theres a new product for the
weight loss industrya device to keep us from checking the scale!
Save 60 seconds and a days worth of frustration. Leave that scale alone!

Empowerment: The scale is a merely a tool to be used once a week. It does not
determine either the level of my success or the happiness of my day.

34. A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.


When was the last time you spent time with identical twins? Fascinating, arent
they? Many are the complexities and fantasies of twinsand who doesnt still
get a kick out of the truly entertaining Parent Trap movies?
Well, believe it or not we all have twins in our lives! There names are Excuse
and Reason. While they may appear the same, they are not at all the same.
Here are some typical responses at weigh-in time:
Weve had nothing but company all week.
The kids are out of school .
The boss brought in treats.
Too many social gatherings.

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

My kids have been sick.

Ive been traveling on business.
Too much bad weather.
And, of course, a hundred or more we could easily name. Do they bear the
name of Excuse? or Reason? In our hearts, we always know what we can
change and what we cant.
A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. So do we when were as responsible as
possible and then move on.

Empowerment: No more excuses! I am accountable for my own life and choices.

I nd peace in doing the best I can and moving on!

35. If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner.


I recently overheard the following conversation at a restaurant (which serves

typically American oversized meals) between an older teenaged girl and her
Mom! I just cant eat all of this food.
Then you shouldnt have ordered it, the annoyed mother snapped.
I couldnt help it! the daughter defensively replied. It just came with this
Well, we paid for it. Just eat it. So she did.
Amazing, isnt it? How much food just comes to us at a restaurant, at a
church potluck, at a party, at the teachers lounge, at the ofce kitchen?
Personally coming to terms with the reality that much more food than we
need or want usually just comes when eating out is a big deal. Measuring,
learning and eating wise-size portions at home is the education for smart
eating away from home.

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Here are some more beautiful 60-second eating out choices:

Move the bread basket to the far end of the table or ask that it be
Always request dressings and sauces to be served on the sidedip
your fork into the dressing, then the salad.
Share an entree with your partner (or have the waiter save half in
the kitchen to bring out at the end already wrapped and ready to take
Order an appetizer as a main course; choose only clear soups.
Generously sprinkle pepper on any remaining food when youre full
so you wont pick at it while others nish.
Say No, thanks and bravely leave behind what you dont need.
Order one dessert and spoons for the whole group. Everyone gets a
Make it a habit to leave a bit of unnished food at every meal
out. One of my friends does this and says it makes her feel
sophisticated and elegant. Dont you love it?
After saying Yes! so many times, it feels great to take 60 seconds and say

Empowerment: There will often be too much food served. I am not required to
eat it. I stop when I am full and use all my tricks.

36. All that we are is the result of what we have thought.


I have a tiny garden out my back kitchen window that I really put some love
and work into several years ago. Im excited each spring to see it come to life.
It was just an ugly, root-lled slope where nothing would grow. I removed
much of the clay, added some topsoil, enriched the whole slope and got a

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

terric upper-body workout over several days. Not knowing what, if anything
would grow, I packed it with seeds of all kinds. It looked a lot better that
summer, but it has been through the following years that the treat has come.
I never know whats coming up! Last spring there were delightful wildower
blooms of crimson and golden orangewho knows what they are, but theyre
charming. Ill take them! Especially since they came, or so it seemed, from
Nowhere? Nothing comes from nowhere. Whether we consciously know it
or not, every lovely bloom is planned and planted long before it is seen. It is
no different with managing our weight. Future health conditions are being
created right now. By thinking, imagining and planning ahead, we create
health for ourselves and our future in 60-second increments throughout each
passing hour. Good for us!
Take 60 seconds and ip your calendar forward three months. Pencil in an
anticipated, realistic weight loss (not more than one to two pounds per week)
and projected dress or jean size. Then do it for the next three months. And the
next. God schedules beautiful, miracle-lled seasons several times a year and
so can we.
Unlike nature, we dont even need it to be spring to plant the seeds of health
and success, so plant lots and lots! We want, need and deserve every healthy
blessing that will grow.

Empowerment: I lavishly plant seeds of health and positive thoughts. I vividly

picture my body systematically losing weight and increasing in strength and

37. You are your thoughts. Dont let

anyone have dominion over them.
(Shad Helmstetter)

While waiting at the light of a busy intersection recently, there was a big
delivery truck parked in front of the convenience store to my right. It was
parked at such an angle with another large vehicle beside it that all I could
read were the words Food for the Fun of It above the cab. I couldnt see
the rest of the truck until the light changed and I could move forward. Was it
beer? Soda? Candy? I wasnt far offit was potato chips.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Later I logged onto their website which was done in party colors. Would you
believe they have a Chip of the Month Club? and a March Madness Party
Pack basket? Im asking you, whos having the fun here? Is it us after weve
eaten too much and are paying the priceor them laughing at us for making
their fortunes by winning the bet that we cant eat just one.
Step aside you worthless old junk food. The fun comes in knowing youre at
your best. The fun comes in the pride of accomplishment. The fun comes when
you can play on the oor with your little ones. The fun comes when, well, you
ll in the blank! For me, the fun comes in knowing that true fun doesnt have
that much to do with food at all.

Empowerment: I decide whats fun. For me, fun is self-control and right foods
in right amounts at right times.

38. Pleasure doesnt just come in slabs or chunks or big

thick increments of time. It also arrives in hints
and whispers and slow installments.

So much of the pleasure in losing weight and gaining health is not at the
scales or in a dress size. There is enormous satisfaction in hearing the small,
pleasurable thoughts and voices of a fresh, new reality that actually starts
within several hours, days and weeks of smart eating. Truly theres much
more to both lose and gain right now than just pounds.
Try these authentic pleasures on for size (from successful women who are
slowly winning the game) then nd some of your own today.
A 70-calorie Gala apple tastes better than a whole slice of apple pie.
Carrying laundry baskets doesnt leave my heart pounding anymore.
I crave crisp salads. Who would have suspected??!! Its awesome!
My headaches are denitely going away.
My doctor is so impressed! It feels so good to please him/her.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Im making a dress for my daughter to distract me from evening

My knees and back have stopped aching at night. What a relief.
Mayonnaise, 2% milk and ice cream are starting to taste slimy now.
If Im upset, Im learning to talk about it or exercise rather than eat.
Even though Im just starting, my family is so proud of me.
Ive kicked my addiction to diet soda!
My big splurge wasnt as delicious as I thought it would be.
If I really want something not in my plan, it feels good to wait 15
minutes to decide, then gure out how to work it into my plan.
My little boy is so excited. Its more important to him than I thought.
Having lost even 15-20 pounds made a huge difference in how I
healed after emergency surgery.
When we went on vacation, I gained a couple of pounds, but was able
to snap back into gear as soon as we got home. This is very different
than the past.
My thighs have stopped quivering when I lower myself to the potty.
Whats that great perfume ad, If you want to get someones attention, just
whisper? Shhh! Listen! There are whisperings all around you giving you the
green light for wise 60-second choices todaylittle choices that bring pleasure
for a lifetime.

Empowerment: There are many ways to determine success. The scale is only
one. I make a practice of noticing every little step forward.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

39. A truly great man never puts away the simplicity of a child.
(Chinese Proverb)

Bob and I recently had a weekend holiday. The airports and ights were
remarkably crowded for our late evening ights. Its always fascinating to see
how many people now insist on bringing their bulky carry-on. This reminds
me of our own recent past where it seemed easier to haul the excess weight
with us rather than to spend the time and energy to get it where it safely
belongsoff our bodies and in the past.
Some very fussy children at the airport made me wish that wed all been at
the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport where some obvious needs are
addressed in a delightful way. A couple of years ago I had a four hour layover
there. I took a long brisk walk to pass the time, stretch my legs and burn some
calories. In the middle of countless arrival/departure gates was a playground.
Yes! A playground.
Enclosed within a three foot high fence of plywood painted to look like clouds
and sky was a childrens play airport. Two little girls were happily climbing a
12-foot tall air trafc control tower to see the world below. A stationary trainlike luggage carrier with a real steering wheel was serious business to three
little boys. The open cross-section of an airplane with a cockpit and attached
emergency exit slide was clearly great fun to several other children. Happy
toddlers rode the airplanes of a tiny merry-go-round and two babies crawled
on colorful mats. Relieved parents visited and relaxed with each other on
comfortable couches while they all (children and adults) made new friends.
How obvious is the need. How obvious is the solution!
Back to us. Though busy schedules, excuses, mind games and procrastination
provide a tangled maze of delays and stress, the answer to most healthy eating
dilemmas is as easy to nd as putting up a little playground at the airport for
Take 60 seconds now and choose just one obvious thing that can be simply
changed in an instant. For example:
Mindless eating: Declare no more than two acceptable eating places in your
home and ofce: (e.g., at home: the kitchen table and the dining room table; at
work: your desk and the employee kitchen). This virtually eliminates snacking

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

while watching TV, grazing and nibbling while preparing meals, eating from
ofce-mates candy bowls, etc. Let others know about your zones and let them
do whatever they will with their own lives.
Walking around with food: Use the above and/or decide that the only food that
travels with you while youre on the go is ice water or zero-calorie herb tea.
When we decide its simple, it becomes simple. Maybe not easy, but simple
and we can do it.

Empowerment: I am open to change! Simple and obvious answers to past eating

problems appear for me. I gratefully act on them immediately.

40. He who has health has hope, and

he who has hope has everything.
(Arabian Proverb)

Did you read the story several years ago about the woman receiving a $7.4
million settlement after suffering a stroke and brain damage from taking the
drug ephedrine that was in a diet supplement?
Is there a price to be put on a healthy mind and body? The sadness and expense
on all levels for this kind of loss is staggering. To be honest, I think weve all
been there at one time or another in our desire to lose weight quickly, whether
weve actually taken drugs or not. Its a safe bet to say that there will always
be gimmicky and enticing advertising for quick weight loss. When we reach
the point of understanding that those unbelievable ads with articial photos
are worth more in laughs than anything else, we know were making progress.
Its a happy day when we nally accept that losing ve pounds a month is a
very respectable step toward health and reject the notion that fast weight loss
is permanent and good.
A funny co-worker once shared with me, My doctor says I have ve pounds
to losenine times. Now theres good advice. Those big numbers are just too
We cannot say it often enough: No matter how much we may have to lose,
an average body weight loss of not more than one to two pounds per week is
plenty and that truth is worth $7.4 million to us. (An important consideration

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

is to divide the pounds lost by the number of weeks on the program. That
makes the small losses less disappointing and the larger losses more realistic.)
Take 60 seconds and do the numbers. Five pounds a month is 60 pounds in a
year. Whats so slow about that?
We can do it without drugs, without gimmicks. Say it loud and clear! Make it a
ashing, neon sign inside your forehead to see every time you close your eyes,
I have ve pounds to lose, and I can handle that!

Empowerment: I have ve pounds to lose. When that is gone, Ill then move on.

41. The sun with all those planets revolving around it and
dependent on it can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if
it has nothing else to do in the universe.

In my grubbies and running at least an hour behind when I planned on

nishing my errands, I stormed through the super-discount grocery store.
Im sure I was a sight to see as I rushed through the aisles lling two carts
for my family of six. When I got to the checkout, a white-haired senior citizen
positioned her modestly-lled cart behind my pair of unwieldy, overowing
carts. I offered to let her go through rst.
No, no, she said sweetly, My days of shopping like you are gone. Ive got
nothing else to do today and its very clear you do. Her gracious patience was
a bit of sunshine and perspective for the rest of my busy day. God bless her!
Life at each stage can be an inspiration.
For most of us, the genuine time required to exercise and to provide/prepare
healthful food must be squeezed into not near enough hours. When were
squeezing into our clothes, its time to squeeze weight loss action into our
Heres a bunch of good ones. Wear a pedometer every day. Get in your 10,000
steps by taking the stairs and parking far away. Pushing heavy shopping
carts and hauling groceries count as exercise. So do gardening and many
household chores. You can do isometric exercises (such as butt squeezes) at
every red stop light. Are you by yourself or with just the kids in the house?
There are many exercises you can do in a limited space while holding a

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

telephone and waiting on hold or chatting with a friend. Try deep squats,
lunges or bicep curls with contracted muscles for starters. Another good idea
is to keep a stretchy cord in your kitchen or in the car for a quickie upperbody workout.
Its within our power to re up like the sun and decide to cheerfully and
consciously adapt what we must do within each 24 hours into what we are
already doing.
Through the long months and days of spring and summer, a bunch of grapes
slowly forms, ripens and is harvested. The visible reality of our own weight
loss success will happen in exactly the same way. Isnt it delicious?

Empowerment: I am creative in nding ways to double-up my weight loss

activities with my necessary chores.

42. Friendship with oneself is all-important, because

without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.
(Eleanor Roosevelt)

I have a friend named Eleanor. Although she is now dead, she speaks to me
quite often. We may never have met, yet her priceless example is a cozy quilt
I use to guide and comfort myself on difcult days. Her own life was never
easy, but she valued it as a gift and gave of herself until the day she died. I owe
much of my own peace and self-acceptance (hard come by for nearly all of us
for a thousand different reasons) to her. I am speaking of Eleanor Roosevelt,
the much admired wife of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt who led us
through World War II.
Finding peace with our physical bodies and weight involves so much more
than losing weight. So very often the peace we seek through weight loss slowly
begins to come when we nally begin to nd and respect ourselves as our own
best friendsno matter what the scale says.
Eleanor struggled as we all do with her appearance, marriage, family and life
itself. She wrote a great deal to gure things out. True wisdom and insight
often come this way. Her challenging, painful personal experiences became
abundant, rich fruit on the vine for a bountiful harvest for us to feast upon
through her books and writings. The very writing itself is an important part

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

of self-discovery and we can follow her example of this by writing our own
Thank you, Eleanor! Though long dead, today you are helping us become our
own best friends.

Empowerment: Personal reection and journaling are among my most valuable

tools to create and maintain my success. I trust myself, and I am my own best

43. Happiness is acceptance.


For the past two years I have served as the nursery leader at my church. I love
the children, and I love the toys. One of their favorites is one from my own
childhood, a good old jack-in-the-box. The tinny music box and explosion of
a happy clown face is guaranteed fun. Faster and faster, again and again, out
springs the perpetually smiling Jack.
To tell you the truth, as much as I get a kick out of him, Ive always felt kind
of sorry for himconstantly pressed into that little box, always dependent on
someone else to let him out. I was quite surprised with Jacks answers when I
interviewed him recently at the church nursery.
Carolyn: Jack, how do you feel about living in a box?
Jack: Ive come to terms, its all in your perspective. My box is my home and
is actually a safe and controlled environment that really works for me. I safely
get out often enough, and Ive learned to smile and be happy whether Im
alone in my cozy little box or out in the open.
Carolyn: Have you ever felt squashed or wanted to run away from your life?
Jack: Of course, dont we all? However, since I dont have legs, that is not an
option. As for feeling squashed, each of us is born with limitations that either
defeat us or bring us to life. Its Gods gift.
Carolyn: You always seem so happy. What advice can you give?


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Jack: Trust your inner springs and listen for the music. It always comes. Its
always there.
Carolyn: Thank you, Jack.
Now I turn the question back to us. What is your perspective of your healthy
eating plan? Is it a conning box or a safe environment to bring health and
miles of smiles?
Its a 60-second choice to listen for the happy music. Success is ready to pop,
so bring on the delicious veggies! Bring on the fresh, crisp salads! Water is
refreshing and wonderful! Exercise is fun!

Empowerment: I now accept that healthy eating, limited portions and regular

exercise are not a conning box, but a happy way to live and the perfect way
to play well in the game of life.

44. Goals are like postage stampsyou gotta

stick rmly until you arrive.

While Im no philatelist (one who studies stamps), stamp collecting is a

fascinating and popular hobby. That itty bitty tiny piece of paper stuck to the
right hand corner of an envelope tells a thousand stories. (Kind of like our
weigh-in record booklets.)
Just as important as stamps glued on an envelope, we need our weight loss
goals glued rmly in our hearts and on paper. Please! No Post-it Notes for this
important job because we need something that will stick for good.
Trivia Time! Lick n Stick (or water activated as the Postal Service calls it)
stamps have had their share of problemsespecially in the tropics where they
quickly stick to themselves.
After much experimenting, self-adhesive stamps were rst issued for the
Christmas 1974 stamps. There were many problems and it was not until 1992
that they were issued again. Stamp collectors were especially unhappy with
the original self-stick stamps because the adhesive used for that rst issue
quickly yellowed the face of the stamp. Back to the drawing board. The postal

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

service spent nearly 20 yearsdid you read that? Nearly 20 years perfecting the
bonding that goes with the now popular peel n stick stamps. Yup. Nearly 20
years of sticking to it to nd the right stick-to-it glue.
Theres a message here for each of us, so here is my favorite Stick To It
poem. Take 60 seconds to jot it down and memorize it as a mantra:
Stick To It!
(Author Unknown)
Stick to your goal til it sticks to you
Stick to your goal like paper to glue
Beginners are many, though nishers are few
So stick to your goal til it sticks to you!
Heres a 60-second trick to get health goals to stick for the next several days.
List three to four goals for the next several days on an index card or in a small
notebook. Make three to four columns for the next three to four days beside
the list and put it in your calendar or where you can see it often. Check off each
item for each day.

Empowerment: God blesses those who persevere. I persevere.

45. When youre feeling out of control, focus on the

one thing you can control: yourself.
(Sean Covey)

I love how self-esteem soars in direct relation to being on top of what were
putting in our mouths. Thats why I always say that a successful weight loss
program is felt within 24 hours after starting. Learning to take control of our
time, appetites and circumstances lifts us up to where were supposed to be in
more ways than one (e.g., our clothes t and feel better because our spirits t
and feel better too).
Wouldnt it be marvelous to be able to sustain this continually? Since no
one I know is scheduled to y off in a state of perfection with the angels
anytime soon, its a blessing to have some quick pick-me-ups to pull out for
emergencies. If you dont need this today, mark this page to keep the following
soul-aerobic exercise handy for the next time the blues and the blahs start to
drift in. Before starting, roll your head clockwise 10 times. Then reverse and

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

roll counter clockwise 10 times. Take a deep breath. Hold for a count of 5
and release. Repeat this breathing once or twice, then close your eyes for this
mental exercise and go!
1. LOOK IN AND RELEASE food and overeating as a source of stress
and pain relief. No need to spend a long time. In your mind and heart, just say,
Food has never xed anything other than being hungry.
2. LOOK OUT AND RESPOND to a higher need. Whether its a bit of
quiet service or listening to some uplifting music while you clean or work
on a hobby, let your soul and hands respond to life outside yourself rather
than to your physical appetite.
3. LOOK UP AND REJOICE in the beauty of life around you. Whether your
weight, food choices or dear ones in your life are where youd like them
to be or not, there is still perfection all around. Enjoy the majesty of a
sunset, the mystery of how the stars appear, or the marvels of flowers
and babies to recognize that there are miracles in store and divinity
within us.
Look in, look out, and look up! Its as easy as 1-2-3 to snap foods, moods and
attitudes into place.

Empowerment: It feels so good to have non-food strategies to cope with the

blues and the blahs. I am learning to breathe deeply, then: 1) Look in and
release; 2) Look out and respond; 3) Look up and rejoice.

Special Note: I adapted the look exercise from Christian author Charles

46. Are you singing the songs you were sent to sing?
(Joe Sabah)

Our family enjoys Christmas so much that we celebrate twice a yearonce

with the rest of the world in December and then again with our own little
family tradition of Christmas in August. A week or so ahead of the chosen
night, we draw names for the gift exchange (price limit: $7-10). I cook a turkey
breast in the crock pot so the house smells right. We mash a few potatoes and
make sugar-free Jell-O in Christmas colors. Then we close all the curtains, light

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

the candles and turn up the music! These are memories worth remembering
for our family.
Whether its Christmas in August or December, its tradition to listen to the
entire Carpenters Christmas album from beginning to end as we eat around
the candle-lit table. Their music brings so much joy and love into a room and
into our lives. It still breaks my heart to think of the many songs Karen never
got to sing, the many songs that well never get to hear.
Karen Carpenter was in the height of her non-stop popularity by her early
20s and won 3 Grammys, 8 Gold albums, 10 Gold singles, and 5 Platinum
albums before she died at age 33 from long-term complications with Anorexia
Nervosa. The music she made was so terric that she created a record for the
most top ve hits in one year in the very rst year she was in the recording
And yet, with the world bowing at her feet, she could never accept her body
shape or the family genetics that put her in a bigger-boned category than other
young singers and celebrities. Anorexia and an obsession with achieving an
unrealistic body shape and weight ended her life at age 33. She was very,
very far from The Top of the World when she died over 20 years ago in
1983. Everyone I knew cried when they heard the news. Our family personally
misses her again every Christmas.
Well, there will only be one Karen Carpenter. Her untimely death brings to
light the curse of unrealistic desires and expectations for mortal bodies. While
our own issues may or may not be as extreme, we can ask ourselves this 60second question right now:
Am I singing the song I was meant to sing? Are thoughts about my weight
and body the harmony or the melody for my life?
Be of good cheer! Even as theres only one Karen Carpenter, theres only one of
each of us! When we eat to nourish our bodies and cheerfully accept whatever
package the Lord has bestowed us with, then we can sing and sing.

Empowerment: The beauties of nature come in all shapes and sizes. I now

gratefully accept the shape I was given and honor the body I am blessed with.
I now move on to the more important songs I am meant to sing.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

47. Success is a journey, not a destination. Just

being a part of the process means youre succeeding.

Our family has found a great tool for guring out a lot of thingsthe 1-10
scale. Instead of saying, Do you want to do this, that or the other? well ask
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you want to do this, that or the other? For
so many things, a yes or no just doesnt work. This strategy prevents a
whole lot of miscommunication and eliminates many frustrating moments.
A scale of 1-10 can measure lots of things, including danger zones that sabotage
healthy eating. Ive determined that a No. 10 danger zone (with 10 being
most dangerous) is when Im procrastinating tasks. Its not that Im hungry;
Id just rather prowl around the kitchen eating than get organized and down
to business. Cleaning up after a meal is another No. 10 for me. So is placing
leftover goodies on the front seat of the car when returning home from an
To avoid eating in my danger zones, Im aggressively challenging myself to
listen to my hunger, watch the clock and to schedule meals and snacks three
to four hours apart so that when I do eat, theres a real reason. As one of my
friends says, When hunger isnt the question, then food is not the answer!
How do you know when youre really hungry? Heres a 1-10 scale. The time
to eat is the mid-range, 4-7, when were hungry but still in control. The low
1-3 numbers are dangerous because we eat too much too fast. The upper 8-10
range is dangerous because were eating on a destructive emotional level.
The 1-10 Scale of Hunger:
1. Starving, dizzy, headache-y
2. Ravenous, irritable, headache is starting
3. Stomach pangs and growling
4. Slightly hungry, mouth feels stale
5. Neutral, its okay to wait a bit longer

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

6. Satised, clothes feel ne

7. Somewhat full, pants are snug
8. Feeling like I ate too much food, need to loosen belt
9. Stuffed and uncomfortable, when can I take my pants off?
10. Extreme nausea, stomach churning, feeling regretful
Well, I know the whole range intimately and you probably do too! No nger
pointing! No guilt! Instead, well make eating in the 4-7 range scale second
nature in our healthy eating lifestyle.
On a scale of 1-10, its a 12 to help us succeed. We can do it!

Empowerment: Im developing the skill of looking at the clock, listening to my

body and responding wisely. Theres progress and satisfaction in learning to
eat right amounts at right times.

48. Let us be happy with that we have, since oft

what we have is not what we wish.

I know a lovely mother of three busy teenagers who has reached her goal and
has lost just over 20 pounds. She looks fabulous, her doctor is thrilled and she
is the envy of so many, but shes quite disappointed. Why? Because she had
truly hoped to lose at least another 5-10 pounds. To be honest, its not her goal,
but her bodys goal.
Her weight loss journey has been extremely slow and often discouraging. In
frustration she hired a personal trainer to help rev things up a notch. This
has helped her in more ways than youd think. As important as assisting in
toning and strengthening her body, the trainer has been able to persuade her
to accept her body type. Her last visit to her doctor conrmed that she was at
goal. He convinced her to see that since her cholesterol and blood pressure are
in excellent shape, her weight is within a healthy range (though at the very
high end) and that everything else is equally good, shes at goal!


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

She had very much wanted to weigh less and wear a smaller size. However,
with the help of her trainer, her doctor and her loving family, she is doing the
most important exercise and change of allgratefully accepting herself and
her hard-won success.
The last time I saw her she was accompanied by a proud daughter on each
side. She was wearing slim black slacks and a beautifully tting, snug knit top
that showed off her curves. Her glowing smile said even more. Does it get any
better? I dont think so!
Gratitude is the beginning. Life is beautiful! So are we!

Empowerment: I am beautiful. I gratefully accept the body that is mine.

49. Wisdom is common sense to an uncommon degree.


We may have focused too much on the how-to and not enough on the why.
Martha Stewart speaking to her loyal employees as she returned from prison
in March, 2005.
No matter how you feel about her or how many times youve laughed or
shared a Martha Stewart joke, shes an undeniable presence. When her prison
sentence was over she had learned a great deal and wisely chose to apply
those lessons. From this experience came a deeper compassion for why we
need to nurture and care for each other. This love has become a much more
authentic inspiration for the next step of how to entertain and decorate. She
and her products will not go away, for her work is sincere and comes from
the heart.
Bravo, my dear! God bless you! These are my sentiments exactly for weight
management, too. Oh, how the how nds its way, when the why comes rst!
When we focus on the why we need/want to lose weight rather than
get caught up in the how, a healthy lifestyle can easily be created into
something as comfortable, appealing and beautiful as an Ethan Allen room
with everything purchased at affordable prices from K-Mart.
Why do we want to lose weight? Easy! To get healthy and happy. To set an
example for our families. To make life easier. The list goes on and on.

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

The how can be just as simple. While theres a wonderful place for acquiring
knowledge, support and skills at expensive weight loss meetings, exercise at
the gym from personal trainers, deluxe kitchen tools and organic food from
special stores, theres an equally important place for weight loss success at the
neighborhood grocery store, common library, discount stores, thrift-stores,
pawnshops, your garage and the dollar store.
FOOD: What day do the newspaper ads come out? Gear your menu around
the ads and the coupons. Shop primarily the outer perimeter of the store.
Avoid the inner aisles where expensive snacks and processed foods are found.
Whole grain, unprocessed cereal is the least expensive and the best for us. Plain
old frozen veggies in a little box or bag are also inexpensive and extremely
nutritious. Start an herb garden in pots in your kitchen window for the best
avor boosters ever.
COOKBOOKS: The best cookbooks in the world are at your library. Whether
we check them out or buy them at a library sale, theres a wealth of happy,
healthy cooking for next to nothing. Secondhand stores often have great
cookbooks too.
SHOES: Theres nothing like new shoes to make you feel happy. We go out of
our way to wear them. We need athletic shoes that were excited about! WalMart, Target or K-Mart will do for shoes that t and support well. They can
affordably be replaced when the soles wear out, which is much faster than the
rest of the shoe, as you may have noticed now that youre exercising regularly!
Happy Bonus: Youve got a new pair of shoes to feel excited about again.
CLOTHING: Ditto the above information about shoes. Exercising is a lot
more appealing with something cute to wear.
BRAS: Side-step the expense of super-duper expensive support bras by
simply wearing two at once while you exercise.
EXERCISE CLASSES and GYMS: If the gym is impractical, bring the personal
trainer into your living room. A variety of exercise videos or DVDs makes
exercising novel and fun. New ones purchased from Ross discount stores are
always in the $5 range. Get a complete library of these at your local thrift store
or pawn shop for $2 to $3 each. I still enjoy exercising with Richard Simmons
Sweating to the Oldies with my 50-something peers. This tape was purchased for


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

less than $3 at a thrift shop years ago. It feels great to be among hair-dos and hips
that look a lot like mine. eBay is a great place to shop for these items as well.
EXERCISE EQUIPMENT: Rowing machines, treadmills and stationary bikes
are always in rich supply at a thrift store, yard sale or newspaper classieds.
If it isnt your favorite, sell it for what you paid for it and try something
new. Make your own hand weights with soup cans or by lling gallon-sized
containers with water and weighing the lled containers. Jump ropes are as
good as free. Never forget that walking, one of the best exercises of all, is a
true freebie.
COOKING EQUIPMENT: While Williams Sonoma has its place, so does
spending $5-10 at a dollar store for measuring cups and fun cooking utensils.
New tools make cooking more appealing and become an excuse to play around
in your kitchen. Get some cute new dishes that will make your own meals
more attractive and interesting. By saving your money in this way, youll soon
be able to buy excellent non-stick pots and pans.
KNIVES: Although I have expensive knives, my favorites are the Miracle
Blade Knives ordered over the Internet for $39.95. Details are at my website.
Well, Marthayoure better than ever and so are we.

Empowerment: All the resources and help I need to lose weight and gain peace
are coming to me now. Taking care of my health is fun and affordable.

50. Standing still does not mean going nowhere.


I got a wonderful phone call from a dear friend not too long ago. Carolyn,
she said, Im so excited and my news doesnt feel real until I share it! She
had just received early acceptance into a nursing school with very limited
enrollment. This is especially rewarding because she is in her 40s and has
worked full-time for many years at an unsatisfying job while taking college
and nursing prep classes at night.
So many things with big question marks for years have all resolved themselves
in the past several months! she exclaimed.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Although when you think about it, she added reectively, Ive been
working at these issues in a quiet way for a long, long time. My efforts just
didnt show until now.
Sound familiar? When thoughts of my efforts just dont show so forget it
create false justication for the return of unhealthy eating habits, take heart
and take a deep breath.
Heres something to remember the next time it feels like nothings happening:
A pound of muscle is about the size and rmness of a baseball while a pound of fat is
three times that size and appears like wiggly Jell-O. Wow! More than once in my
weight loss coaching, Ive watched women ght back the tears for weeks on
end as the scale refused to budge, even while they were losing inches and dress
sizes. Soon enough, it all evens out. When this happens, its more important
than ever to use your clothing as your progress guide. Now thats comfort
food for thought!
Take 60 seconds and prepare for frustrating weigh-ins or a plateau by
memorizing todays quote, Standing still does not mean going nowhere.
Guess what? By simply not giving up were moving forward at this very
moment whether or not a single thing shows on the scale.

Empowerment: Progress does not always show. That does not mean it isnt

51. When things are steep, stay level-headed.


Remember the last time you walked across the room balancing a book on
top of your head? You were probably at a party or learning the blessings of
posture at an etiquette class a long time ago. Whether it slipped off a time or
two before you reached the goal line or whether you came in rst or last was
secondary to the fun of being involved and completing the challenge.
Try it again now while you read this. Come on! Imagine the book on your head
and see what naturally happens: The shoulders push back, the neck lifts, the
spine straightens, the upper body centers itself over the hips, the chin points
forward and most importantly of allthe eyes brighten and focus straight ahead
on the goal across the room while distractions to either side are ignored.

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Our weight loss goals are no different. The winning posture and stride are always
there when the rules are in place, the goal is marked and the distractions
ignored. The best part? No penalties for slipping as long as you catch yourself
ASAP and just keep walkingjust keep moving toward your goal.
Put that written short-term goal where you can see it every day. Now, ready,
set, go!

Empowerment: Head up! Eyes forward. I tune out distractions while carefully
moving forward.

52. We make our lives difcult or simple.

The amount of work is about the same.
(Carlos Castenada)

Class, this is just ridiculous!

I was a high school freshman about to learn an important life truth in Mr.
Johnsons biology class. Many of us had done poorly on a test after being
negligent on an important homework assignment that was to have prepared
us for the test.
When you choose to be as creative about the ways to complete your work
as you are about the excuses to avoid it, then you will achieve success! Take
your choice! Succeed or failboth are demanding, he sternly announced.
Funny, nearly 35 years later, thats the only thing I remember from high school
The challenge to get the job done comes up again and again with raising
my own children and dealing with my own tendencies to procrastinate. It
takes true maturity to accept the truth that the excuses, delays and the faulty
cover-ups we create from being irresponsible are just as difcult to deal with
as the challenges of simply getting the job done in the rst place. The selfrecrimination, guilt and lost motivation are additional prices that we pay for
not nding ways to change behaviors.
Quick! Take 60 seconds. List ve legitimate challenges of living your healthy
eating plan. Now list ve challenges of not living your plan, including how
you feel physically and the mental/ emotional drain on your spirit.

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

See what I mean? Thanks, Mr. Johnson!

Empowerment: When challenges surround me, I take a moment to creatively

challenge myself to nd solutions. No more excuses!

53. It is not necessary to hope in order to undertake,

nor to succeed in order to persevere.
(Charles the Bold)

Who in the world is Charles the Bold? Its time to nd out.

Charles the Bold: (143377) was the last of the great dukes of Burgundy, whose
story is told in Sir Walter Scotts Quentin Durward. He was strong, industrious,
and pious. He was also a proud and ambitious man who tried to establish an
independent kingdoma strong state between France and the German lands
over which he could rule as king.
Now, Charles conquests in his brief 44 years of life dont have much bearing on
our own weight management issues, but the quote above makes him valuable
to us today. Becoming healthy takes time, stamina and the patience of Job.
What if we added the Bold to our own names to help us persevere with
our weight loss goals today? Say it both out loud and quietly to yourself,
(e.g.,Carolyn, the Bold!). Try it! Now again, with passion. Dont you feel
stronger? Say it again. Theres a wonderful lift to our spirits when we see
ourselves as bold and powerful.
When the next 60-second choice comes around, remember the feeling and use
it to say a bold Yes, please! to the good stuff or a bold No, thanks! to
anything that will hold you back.
Come on, add the words the Bold! to your name right now and feel the
strength that comes. God bless Charles and us, too.

Empowerment: I redene myself and my strength with power words. I

persevere by being bold in my choices, actions and decisions.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

54. When we have accepted the worst, we have nothing

more to lose. And that automatically means
we have everything to gain.
(Dale Carnegie)

Denition time!
Hoover: (noun) the rst suction sweeper contraption (also known as a
household vacuum) created in 1907 by a night-time janitor aficted with
asthma to solve the problem of dust in his face as he swept.
Hoover: (verb) to eat everything in sight not nailed to a surface.
Oh, how we know hoovering. Hoovering is a part of us. Weve hoovered
before and its possible we may hoover again. Not too often, not for too long
and not like before is our constant prayer. Yes, we know hoovering.
Accepting, acknowledging and withdrawing from the literal suction power
of food when we are either bored or emotionally extended is a daily/hourly
victory that is not always won. No funerals are necessary, however, for defeat
is not death.
The trick? To accept both victory and defeat as temporary, for the battle to eat
wisely is one that never ends. When defeated by hoovering, we simply unplug
the cord and put the vacuum back in the closet again. Its not a big deal. We
simply get going again.
Got the closet door locked tight on that vacuum? Good! Grab your journal and
your sneakers and make something positive happen.

Empowerment: Food has lost its power to suck me in. If I slip, I do not wallow in
self-pity or defeat. I simply unplug, take a deep breath and get going again.

55. The person who seeks all their applause from outside
has their happiness in anothers keeping.
(Claudius Claudianus, Ancient Egyptian Latin Poet)

Where is your drivers license? In your wallet or purse where it belongs, of

course! This I.D. is yours alone to carry and it is inconceivable to think of
giving it to someone else.

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

We do just that, however, when we fall prey to those around us who do not
notice our weight loss success and efforts, those who do not care or those who
are too jealous to say a thing. Others may have comments or remarks that are
insensitive and uncalled for. These reactions and conversations can tarnish
our focus. At critical moments, we need an independent I.D. to identify who
we are.
Make a healthy achievement personal I.D. now. On a small card, list your
weight loss achievements. Put the date when you started on the top and
list both the things you can see (sizes/pounds) and things you cannot
(new habits/new food preferences/new attitudes). Fold it up and tuck
it behind your drivers license and keep it updated. Youll be happy you
Some things (and people) never change. And some things (and people like us) do.

Empowerment: I create my own happiness. While encouragement and

compliments are nice, they are not necessary for my success.

56. The right angle to approach a difcult

challenge is the try-angle.

I have no idea how to pronounce it or cook it, but I bought this crazy vegetable
at the grocery store, and Im going on the Internet to nd out what to do with
it! said my buddy Janet with a lilt in her voice.
She was down over 50 pounds and looked fabulous in brightly colored
spandex running pants and a tted sports top. Although there was no denying
an extended plateau and extreme frustration with the last stubborn 10-15
pounds, Janet was as resilient as an Olympic athlete.
Ive gotten to this point twice in the past, she conded. But I gained it all
back and then some. This time Im keeping a daily self-discovery journal as well
as a food journal, so Ill never have to lose this weight again. Its working!
Her journal revealed many secrets, including why she had run out of steam
in the past before reaching her goal. Plain and simple: The healthy eating
honeymoon was over, and she was bored. Her journal revealed this need for


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

a sharper try angle. She needed some instant personal success that could
easily come from setting and meeting smaller goals.
Would you believe that simple goals like trying new vegetables once a week
and new scrapbooks along with a folding table for organizing family photos in
the evening instead of snacking while watching TV did the trick? Ha! Success!
Its all in a 60-second choice to choose something new.

Empowerment: Theres always a choice. My choice is to try something new.

57. For the diligent, a week has seven days.

For the slothful, a week has seven tomorrows.

Diary of a Bad Morning: 11:00 a.m.

1. Finally get dressed. Put on brown stretch pants, baggy grey sweatshirt
and my husbands shing hat. No make-up. No breakfast.
2. Grab a diet soda and four wrapped snack cakes to eat in the car.
3. Run errands to return overdue books and video rentals. Stop at bank
to pay bills due today.
4. Bump into every person I have ever known.
5. Make up for embarrassment by stopping for drive-through donuts for
the kids, but eat them myself on the drive home.
6. Note to self: Less is not more. More is more.
I hope youre laughing. This is me. This is you. This is all of us. Angels y
because they take themselves lightly and because they have progressed.
We can too. It feels great to get organized! One day, one meal, one, 60-second
choice at a time.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Empowerment: A schedule and plan is a blessing. I get things done. Im a


Special Note: If you havent done so already, please log on to

to get on top of your entire life and schedule.

58. Self command is the main elegance.

(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

It had been a beautiful summer day. Our family was walking to the
community pool for an evening swim when we were stopped en route by
our neighbors, three-year-old Danny and his mom, dad and big sister. They
had been planning on a pizza supper at the pool and an evening swim, but
were now returning home because the pool had been closed for the evening
due to a chemical problem. We were all disappointed. Danny was especially
upset and crying.
As his mom and I visited for a minute, Danny, in three-year-old fury, headed
straight for his moms beautiful bed of marigolds and started to stomp on
them for all he was worth.
Instead of scolding, I watched with admiration as she kindly, but rmly, said,
Honey, its okay to be mad and sad. Were all very disappointed that we cant
have pizza at the pool tonight. But its not okay to stomp on the owers. They
take too long to grow and are too special.
She then suggested jumping up and down 20 times in the driveway or to let
her watch him run as fast as he could back and forth to the corner, ride his big
wheel or jump on the trampoline.
She then hugged him and clearly repeated her message, Its okay to be upset.
But it doesnt mean we can break or ruin things. He listened to her and took
a few moments to collect his dignity, and then we all watched him safely
discharge his anger by riding on his big wheel.
Wow! What a different world this would be if we were all taught to respect
negative feelings as acceptable and then taught how to deal with them in a
constructive way.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

I shared this story with some women a few days later. Within a day or so, I
received an e-mail from Jeannette, whose mom had died suddenly several
months earlier. Her eating was out of control, and she was very concerned.
As you shared this story, she wrote, I knew that I was as mad, upset and
disappointed as that little boy. I cried again, then washed my face, looked
myself in the mirror and said Its okay to be sad and mad. Its not okay to
regain all the weight youve worked so hard to lose.
It was a new stage of healing and weight management. She took on Dannys
mothers suggestion of coping through energetic physical exercise and started
taking power walks in the evening, either by herself or with anyone whod
go with her. She signed up for an aerobics class and made it a point to spend
more time with people who lifted her spirit.
While there are surely more levels to understanding overeating than this,
perhaps this acceptancethat negative feelings are okay and actually of
valueis an important step forward.
Jeannette, Danny and his moms marigolds survived a difcult time and so
will we!

Empowerment: Its okay to be mad. Its okay to be sad. Its NOT okay to ruin
something important, like my healthy eating, when Im upset.

59. There are three ingredients in the good life:

learning, yearning and earning.
(Christopher Marley)

Guess what? said my 83-year-old mom on the phone. She sounded as

excited as a little girl on her birthday as she shared her news. Ive bought a
plane ticket for your sister Susan and asked her to come and teach me how to
surf the web! Shell arrive tonight! From one day to the next, Mom was ready
to learn to cruise on the World Wide Web.
She is something. My dad died 15 years ago on her 69th birthday. At age 80,
she sold her home in Southern California and most of her belongings to start
a new life on the East Coast, closer to my family and a beautiful opportunity
to work as a full-time church volunteer. She bought her dream car (a new

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

cranberry red Pontiac Grand Am with all the bells and whistles) and decorated
her adorable new apartment with her dearest treasures. She is happy, she is
healthy and she is busy. The challenges of a lifetime are water under the bridge
as she joyfully lives and serves each day.
One of the few remaining frustrations of her life has been the Internetit
having been added as one of lifes major components after shed learned basic
computer word processing and e-mail. Now shes even learning that!
My darling sister, Susan, came and left three days later. By then mom was
hooked up on the fastest speed available and cruising the Internet with much
more condence. She was bouncing from site to site, cutting and pasting like
a pro and had joined an e-greeting card website to send birthday cards to her
many grandchildren and great grandchildren.
From one day to the next, it is time for us too. Time to refresh our yearning for
health and tness, time to learn whatever skills are required, time to earn the
rewards of wise choices and patience.
The clock is ticking! Take 60 seconds to adopt and incorporate a health principle
from a magazine or other information source you know will make a difference
for you. Yearn, learn and earn!

Empowerment: I yearn for health and energy! I learn about how to attain
health and energy! I earn health and energy!

60. Dont worry about the world coming to an end today.

Its already tomorrow in Australia.
(Charles Schultz)

Newsash: Failure Personied: Charles Schulz, the famous cartoonist and

creator of Peanuts succeeded at almost nothing until launching his worldfamous cartoon strip.
If youre thinking No way! then listen to this:
Charles Schulz grew up as a shy and lonely boy who loved to draw. Rejected
by his peers, the hurts of his early years provided a lifetime of material for
the Peanuts gang. At Central High School in St. Paul, Minnesota, he unked

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Latin, English, Algebra and Physics. He was poor in athletics and went out
for only one sport (golf) and did not make the team. The cartoons he drew
for his high school yearbook were rejected. The red-headed beauty he loved
and wanted to marry also rejected him and chose to marry a muscle-bound
reman instead.
And look what he achieved, what he created and the legacy of joy he left. God
bless the man who made us laugh and who never gave up.
The world does not come to an end when a healthy eating plan takes a
temporary holiday. Losing or gaining makes you neither a good person nor
a bad one. Planning for the inevitability of short-term eating detours is an
important part of long-term weight loss success.
Start from where you are and move forward now. Rats! No more excuses!

Empowerment: There are no failures. There are only opportunities to improve,

to learn and to get going again.

61. Human beings can alter their lives by altering

their attitudes of mind.
(William James)

I recently bought a small assemble-it-yourself bookcase for my daughters

bedroom. Packed in a compact and at box, I was shocked at how heavy it
was when I lifted it off the shelf to put it in my shopping cart. My knees and
lower back immediately strained under its weight. Later as I struggled to get it
out of the cart and into the van, I saw its weight printed on the box: 32 pounds.
Only 32 pounds?
Was it a need or a want to put it down? No doubt about it! It was a genuine
need, and I breathed a sigh of relief as I slammed the van door shut. I thought
of us and our extra weight. It will never be packaged neatly in a packing box
to quietly discard. Bummer!
Whether we have slowly gained weight or its been a part of our lives for a
long time, somehow we get used to carrying it. We may want to lose it and
even know how, but its still fairly optional. After all, were moving, were up
and taking care of our lives, and well get around to it, thank you very much.

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

If not this week/month/year, then next. Furthermore, at this time there are so
many overweight and obese people around, it is no longer as conspicuous as
it used to be.
Often it is not until we feel a separate, heavy weight in its entirety that we
recognize the difculties of carrying our own extra body weight. If you havent
done this convincing 60-second trick, go to the grocery store and lift a 25 pound
bag of dog food. Go the second mile at home and load four, ve-pound bags
of sugar or our into a backpack and carry it around on your back for a couple
of hours. I guarantee youll be surprised. CAUTION: No guilt, no despair,
no tears with this exercise. We subscribe only to optimism, opportunity and
persistence, so be sure to do the follow-up below:
If youre even ve pounds on your way, ip this exercise into some personal
congratulations. Put the amount of weight youve lost (once again in ve
pound bags) into a backpack or box and carry that around. When you put it
down, give yourself a great big hug because you really have lost that much
weight. Be proud of yourself!
My special friend and reader Karen is down over 100 pounds, with a goal of
losing 125 pounds. Early on, she decided that a 25 pound bag of kitty litter
would be an additional, consistent standard for measuring her success besides
her weekly weigh-in. I have loved getting her notes, Im down three kitty
litter bagsonly two more to go! or I carried around a bag of kitty litter for
a while today. Boy! Im so proud of myself for sticking with my plan.
Heres one more. The next time youre at the grocery store, go to the meat
section and pick up some chicken, hamburger or a roastsomething eshy.
Look at the weight on the package, feel it in your hands and picture how
much youve lost. Now thats exciting! Make it a 60-second habit to regularly
feel the weight and see the volume of even just ve pounds of margarine
sticks, hamburger or meat to literally see and feel whats happening with your
When we lovingly box-in and alter a wishful I want to lose weight into the
nuts n bolts I need to lose weight were on our way. Almost immediately the
mental wheels start turning to establish a plan and alter troublesome foods
and behaviors from too much trouble to change into too important not to


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

If youre not getting the results you need from your plan, take 60 seconds. Go
back and review the instructions on your eating plan. What ne points have
you missed? In your heart are the honest answers. What are you doing that
just requires more patience and perseverance? What are you not doing and
making excuses about?
Well, Kellys bookcase is completed and makes a real difference in her room.
Its a reality. All the nuts and bolts were there just like they are to build our
own health now.

Empowerment: I have all the nuts and bolts I need to assemble better health. I
am actively putting it together.

62. Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you
have and only you can determine how it will be spent.
Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
(Carl Sandburg)

My son, Cooper, and I often stop for a treat or snack after his music lesson. As
if there isnt already a feast of bad choices at our favorite drive-thru (as well as
a few healthy itemshooray!) theres now yet another poor choice to be made
at the cashiers window with a new sign that reads:
Eat What You WantPay How You Want! There are pictures of all the
major credit cards along with the menu selections. I dont know about you,
but this spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E right here in River City to me.
Had you ever thought that the result of years and months and days of poor
food choices and not enough exercise are like eating on credit? Weve eaten
what we wantedeven if we couldnt afford it calorie-wise or health-wise.
Now were dealing with the accumulated and very tangible debt in terms of
credits (extra pounds) and debits (energy, health and well-being).
As a result, we live 24/7 with the big time debts of both overspending and
overeating. The only difference is that theres not a written bank statement
each month for our health. Maybe it would help if there were.
But then again, a statement and easy access is readily available! Just call it The
First Bank of Me and visit it often. Although its not wise to check balances on
the bathroom scale more than once a week for the most accurate accounting,

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

you can make regular, healthy deposits in your food journal and other journals
throughout the day, every day, at the First Bank of Me.
You can even get an actual checkbook register to carry and use as a deposit
book for noting all the little, but signicant, improvements youre experiencing
day by day.
Can we get out of debt? Oh, yes! The answer is a budget. Well just live on the
allotted cash (i.e., limited calories) for each day. Are there special occasions
when we can still charge just a bit? Of course, since this is a long-term banking

The First Bank of Me is a wonderful bank. It is conveniently located right

where you are and it is open 24 hours a day, all day, all week, all month, all
year. It liquidates debts beautifully when the debt is acknowledged and then
paid off with safe, small deposits made one at a time. Theres even a cheerful
teller just waiting to serve you, the healthy person thats always been inside.
Who could ask for more?

Empowerment: My extra weight is a debt that I am paying off one day at a

time. I look forward to being debt free. I live on cash, and I am saving and
earning interest for my future.

63. Deep in their roots, all owers keep the light.

(Theodore Roethke)

Kathleen (name changed) is a special education teacher who keeps off her 25+
pound loss by counting both calories and fat grams. She also trains for and
runs in marathons, a passion she indulges to support her healthy eating plan.
She has also picked up a strategy from her teaching that is extremely helpful.
I was having difculty with a special education student. His therapist
suggested a technique of STOP (stop what youre doing); FOLD (fold your
ands); FOCUS (eye contact on the teacher/ears listening). Its a great technique
for teaching, and Ive found it very good for my entire class. They are so proud
of gaining control over themselves with this technique. I love it too!

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

She continues. I am using it on myself when I feel stressed. I even fold my

hands! I ask myself what the real problem is when I am focusing. Its very easy
to feel overwhelmed and not realize where you are. This little thing allows me
to get a handle on what is important and keeps me from mindless snacking
and stress eating.
Well, theres a new one and who knows what those around us might think when
we stop, fold and focus? But what have we got to lose? Just those extra pounds!

Empowerment: The need, goals and ability to lose weight are alive within me.
I take the time to focus and stay on task.

64. The ability to prepare to succeed is as

important as the will to succeed.
(Bobby Knight)

Ive seen some very amusing t-shirts recently. With a sense of respect to the
importance of humor and irony, what do you think of these two? Shop til you
drop...Eat til you pop! and Drop the chocolate and no one gets hurt.
Of course there are all the old t-shirt jokes that are pretty stale by now with
weight loss messages, the Im on a seafood dietI eat whatever I see. etc.
With perfect understanding for the life-essential need to laugh with and at
ourselves, I keep having this thought, As a man thinketh, so is he (James
Allen). Jokes like the ones printed on these shirts send a dangerous, bingestarting subliminal message that over-indulgence is fun and that chocolate is
more important than almost anything else.
Whether we are fully aware of it or not, we act on our subconscious thoughts.
In the case of these t-shirts, the destructive actions have been literally pasted on
those who wear them. Our subconscious selves are extremely sensitive servants
who take things very literally. The inner self is not capable of discerning that
were just joking or being sarcastic. They will believe whatever we tell them,
so statements and jokes like these send black-and-white communication that
portion control and healthy eating are boring and foolish.
This, of course, is not true! Once we get the sugars and nasty fats out of our
systems, our miraculous organs clap for joy. They get to function as they

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

were meant to. Our stomach and digestive systems process, nourish, cleanse
and digest with efciency as they get the ber and nutrients to do their job.
Without added salt, sugar and articial ingredients, our taste buds leap into
activity. We can soon enjoy natural avors that are incredibly delicious. One of
my readers told me that after a month with no sugar, she could literally taste
the natural sugars in all her vegetables, even lettuce! Another reader shared
that the cavities that had plagued her as an adult ended when she started to
eat healthfully.
Its all in what we decide. My one-cup serving of strawberries and yogurt were
more delicious than ice cream last night. I told myself it was so, and it was.
If youre not having these experiences yet, you will soon. Just tell yourself
that healthy food is delicious food that makes you happy and youre on your
Now, what do you think about this for a t-shirt, I used to eat my rewards. Now
the reward is self-respect. Its worth it. Vividly imagine yourself wearing that
shirt tucked into a pair of slim-tting slacks or jeans and watch out, everybody!
Its going to happen.

Empowerment: Healthy, happy food makes a healthy, happy me!

Special Note: If youre interested in reading more about this fascinating
concept of wearing words and the results they bring, I recommend the book
Hidden Messages In Water by Masaru Emoto and David Thayne.

65. Q: When is the best time to plant a tree?

A: 20 Years Ago
Q: Whens the next best time?
A: Now.
I live close to Washington, D.C. where the Cherry Blossom Festival in the
spring is an annual event that draws tourists from around the world. Although
the Yoshino cherry trees that bloom around our historic national monuments
are incredible and a treat worth traveling across the globe to see, theres an
equally impressive display in an extraordinary residential neighborhood in
nearby Maryland.
In the early 1930s, excited new homeowners in this new development (just

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

20 minutes away from downtown Washington, D.C.) decided that they also
wanted the exact same Yoshino cherry trees to line their streets and bloom
each spring. They bought and planted thousands of the baby trees while their
homes, the neighborhood and their own families were very young.
Fast forward to the present. In late March and early April, blocks and blocks
of this Maryland neighborhood, called Kenwood, are lined with the mature
cherry trees in full bloom. It feels like walking through a winter, snowy
fairyland of pale, pink blossoms, blossoms and more blossoms everywhere.
While they are in bloom, residents of the neighborhood invite and greet
thousands of visitors who slowly drive or walk along the streets. Dazzled
guests are bathed in the beauty of the cherry tree blossoms and the detailed
gardens surrounding many of the homes. They take pictures, buy lemonade
from the childrens corner stands and enjoy picnics beside the gurgling stream
that ows through the center of the neighborhood. They adopt the trees and
peace as if it were their own for just a few hours.
My eyes ll with tears just thinking about our own special afternoons there
with Bob, my mother and our children, knowing that it must be a glimpse into
the celestial neighborhoods of heaven where God lives. Its easy to imagine
the angels themselves enjoying the sights and a healthy picnic.
Needless to say, something like this doesnt happen without a detailed plan
created many years ago, nor is it maintained without a long-term schedule that
is reviewed and acted upon regularly. Residents who buy into the community
know what theyre getting into and sign a contract. Old or sick trees are
removed and new ones are planted regularly to prepare for the future. Is the
plan and continual effort worth it? Oh, yes. Oh, yes!
Back to us. Creating healthy lifestyles and t bodies is no different! While
we may wish that we had started long ago and were enjoying the shade and
blooms, nature is kind. Things will start to grow today too, which makes right
now the perfect time to get going and get planting.

Empowerment: Although I cannot re-do yesterday, I can create tomorrows

health and weight loss success with my actions today.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

66. To get out of a prison, you must become

aware that you are in one.
(Mark Victor Hansen)

Zig Zigler, author of the best-selling book, See You at the Top, is a famous
and wealthy motivator who changed his own life when he wrote this book.
He now changes countless other lives with his books, videos and tapes on
motivation and self-improvement.
It takes one to know one is the starting point here, because dear Zig knew
that no one would take his books and subject matter seriously if he were
overweight and out of shape, which he was.
He spent his youth and early adulthood calling himself Fat Boy. It was not
without a good reason. Born in the South and raised on ice cream and fried
chicken, he was, in very deed, a fat boy. How could he lead others to personal
success when he couldnt manage himself? With this epiphany, he realized
that changing the very real and powerful Fat Boy self-denition was almost
more important than changing what he ate.
He knew he needed more than an excellent eating and exercise plan. He
needed something visual to make the invisible, internal change. He found a
magazine underwear ad of an attractive man at a realistic, healthy weight. He
clipped it out and taped it on his bathroom mirror with a photo of his own face
covering the models. With a program, diligent exercise and a perfect mental
image he was on his way and lost 35 pounds in six months.
His day-by-day weight loss success fueled the discipline necessary to write his
rst book, which opened the doors to the success he now enjoys. God bless his
healthy, happy heart! Hes made a difference in my life.
Want to see someone else whos making a difference to me and many others?
Its my friend and dear reader Holly, who has lost and keeps off 128 pounds!
Holly is the mother of four very young children. You can see her pictures and
read her stories from the Success Stories link at www.MyWeightLossFriend.
When Holly realized she was in the prison of too-much Holly, barely able to
get off the couch and care for her children, she started a long-term healthy
eating program. Her husband was stationed in Iraq, and she was unable to

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

leave her young children, so she exercised with videos on TV and started
visualizing success. (Her favorites are Leslie Sansones Walk Away The Pounds.)
She maintains a delightful daily blog and has posted very clear pictures and
word images of what shes all about.
Now its our turn. We dont have to be famous authors or create a website
to do something simple to get out of jail free. Just clip out a magazine ada
healthy weight, please, nothing too unrealistic. Replace the models face with
a photo of your own and get that subconscious to work!
Its going to happen! We can get out of jail any and every time we choose to.

Empowerment: Im out of jail! With pictures posted in my mind and on mirrors,

I literally see myself as a successful, healthy happy person at a healthy, happy

67. I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends.

(Abraham Lincoln)

I wished Id had a camera, but sometimes the best camera of all is the one right
in your heart. It was a beautiful day. After several hours indoors, I left my work
at the community center and was welcomed by a sun-drenched afternoon. The
small park that surrounds the building was impossibly green and lush with
new grass ourishing after several days of rain. It sloped to a small meadow
that had been generously kissed with newly-opened golden dandelions.
Two sweet little girls, no more than three or four years old, were quietly
kneeling there making dandelion bouquets. Their mother, engrossed in a
book, was at the top of the gentle slope. More than a Kodak moment, this was
a bit of heaven to peek in on.
Quick as a camera lens snapping, the picture changed as the older of the two
ran to her mother with the bouquet in her outstretched hands. Knowing how I
love to read and hate to be interrupted, I watched to see this mothers response.
I was in for a treat. With a smile of joy, this lovely mother put down her book,
reached for the bouquet of weeds as if they were long-stemmed roses, then
smelled them as if they were exquisite perfume. The child curled up in her
mothers lap, and the two of them shared a private, magic moment in the early
afternoon sunshine.

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Weeds never die, a German proverb says. So it is with dandelions and so

it is with managing our health and weight. Extra pounds are often viewed as
enemies. On the ip side of the coin, the acceptance of things as they are and
then the brave loss of each pound (one at a time) may open the door to health
and self-understanding that become the best friends well ever have.
Thanks, President Lincoln, for your great quote today.
Heres a 60-second trick: Lets put a shiny Abe Lincoln penny on the kitchen
window sill to remind us of our ever-present true Kodak moments: The
opportunity to choose the ip side of the coin by turning dandelions into roses
and enemies into friends.
Get out the cameras! Were going to need them for before, during and after

Empowerment: I accept and embrace my need to lose weight and gain health
as a positive opportunity. Now is a perfect moment. I peacefully move forward
from the present.

68. With God as my witness, Ill never be hungry again.

(Scarlett OHara, End of Act I, Gone With The Wind)

Bob and I recently sat down and watched a DVD of Gone With The Wind. Kelly
came home from babysitting just before the end of the rst half. Intrigued with
how we could be so enthralled, she opped down and tried to gure out what
was going on.
As Scarlett stood against the sunset and deed the world around her in her
famous quote, Kelly rolled her eyes in pre-teen pretend anguish and left the
room muttering, Whatever! Little did she know how much shed have in
common with Scarlett within just a day or so.
You see, Kelly has gured out that she follows my side of the family genetics
for weight. Over a year ago she consciously decided on her own that she
wanted to eat right for many reasons. Shes learning to read labels and very
much enjoys the healthy things that are best for all Gods children and doing
a good job of avoiding the junk. Without knowing it, her body has gotten very
accustomed to this.

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

The very next day she went to a movie with a friend where they bought a
big tub of popcorn, soda and some candy. She came home just miserable,
nauseated and wanting to throw-up. I knew in an instant that her digestive
system simply could not handle this kind of eating any longer.
An hour or so later, she was able to get rid of it and felt much better. The
second round, even more severe than the rst, hit a couple of hours later. As
I washed her face with a cool cloth she uttered Scarletts immortal words in a
healthy eating context that will stick with me forever:
Mom, Ill never eat movie popcorn again! Im quite sure she wont. Nor will I.
To carry it one step further, years ago, a favorite weight loss meeting lecturer
shared that after losing 50 pounds, she and her husband celebrated with a
fast-food fried chicken n xins dinner. She was sick for the next several days
with a digestive system that no longer knew what to do with fried chicken and
greasy biscuits.
Yes, indeed, things can and do change! Ill bet youve got your own experiences
with foods that you no longer enjoy or digest comfortably. If this hasnt
happened yet, I promise it will! Those donuts will be heavy and slimy, real
mayonnaise will stick to the roof of your mouth, 2% milk will be as thick
as a quilt in your mouth and heavy, fried food will leave you in a pitiful
With God as my witness, I believe this and know we can do whatever is required
to serve and respect our bodies today! God bless Scarlett, Kelly and us!

Empowerment: With God as my witness, my body is changing and now rejects

unhealthy foods that do not nourish (other than small portions for special

69. Its not what you are that holds you back;
its what you think you are not.
(Dennis Waitley)

Our three teenagers recently sang in a church youth music recital where
I accompanied them. I spread out my ve sheets of music across the music
holder of the grand piano as they gathered around the podium in the front of

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

the chapel and we started. The rst few chords were in place and Kellys sweet
voice had started when disaster struck. The rst sheet of music quietly drifted
off the piano onto the oor at my left. The kids couldnt see me, but I was in
trouble! I did not have the music memorized and had to stop. Aaaarrrrr
ggggghhhh! How embarrassing for all of us.
A saint and good friend who has lost and keeps off 30+ pounds quietly slipped
up and held my music in place. We started again and as the song progressed,
another piece of music slipped off on the other side. She actually got down on
her hands and knees and crawled around the piano to get it off the oor so
she wouldnt distract the audience. God bless her heart! Well, the whole thing
took me back to a bad, bad day in high school.
I was in the middle of my adventures as a teenager with no front teeth. (If
you havent read the story, you can see it on my website on the Meet Me
link. The story is All I Want for High School Is My Four Front Teeth.) I was a
chubby, odd little mist and felt very much entitled to my feelings of life being
I had been feeling extra sorry for myself all day. That evening there was a
piano recital at my teachers house. I was in no mood to go, but there was no
backing out of it. I have no recollection of what I played or how well I did, but
I do remember the lesson I learned that night.
I was busy nursing my resentful feelings when another student (with front
teeth and a nice gure, I noticed jealously) started her piece. Her music book
would not stay open. Again and again she tried to get it to open at while still
playing, but the music book would not cooperate.
A little voice inside of me said Go up and help her! Youre so close! Just slide onto
the bench and hold it open for her!
But I wasnt brave enough and besides, Id had a very bad day and was doing
enough just to simply be there, I justied to myself. At last a girl that I had
never seen before got up from the other side of the room to help.
To my surprise, she was disabled. On bent legs and braces, she made her way
to the piano and quietly held the music in place for the other student to nish.
There was a quiet, remarkable glow about her that I remember to this day.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

I was so ashamed. The sad look on my moms face only deepened the hurt. I
could have done it. My pity party had taken over common decency and my
ability to do what I could do that night. Ive never forgotten it and have shed
a tear or two just putting it all into writing on paper as an adult.
Back to us: How often do our feelings of Poor Me! or Ive done enough
and no one should expect more! take over literally getting off our chairs and
doing the decent, honorable, helpful thing for our weight and health.
If you hear that whining voice insisting that you cant do more, its time to put
a wet blanket on it and just get out of the chair. Its really not that hard. Were
sitting right there beside that girl who truly needs our help.
Todays the day and nows the time to progress with simple 60-second things
like enjoying the broccoli instead of the cupcake, taking a quick walk instead
of watching another TV show, choosing two big glasses of water instead of a
handful of candy or leaving the room instead of picking at the frosting while
no ones looking.
We can do it or not. Doggone if there isnt always a 60-second choice!

Empowerment: I serve others and myself by releasing self-pity. I have

positive things to do and take action now.

70. ... for myself, I am an optimist. It does not seem

to be much use being anything else.
(Winston Churchill)

Have you noticed that when stress goes up, so does our weight? I guess there
are a few lucky people who stop eating when they are stressed, but not me or
anyone in my immediate circle.
For many years, I renewed healthy eating in January. I did well through midMay, and then lost my grip for the rest of the year. Id regain what Id lost and
start all over the next January. Why?
Heres a clue. Between about ve weeks from mid-May until mid-June our
immediate family celebrates four birthdays (May 15, 17, 19 and 26), Mothers
Day, Fathers Day, Memorial Day and innumerable baseball games for our
teenaged baseball fanatic, Spencer. There are end-of-school-year projects,

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

concerts, recitals and festivities for four children. One year we upped things
a notch with both our daughter Emilys high school graduation and a trip to
Utah for our oldest sons college graduation. Whew! I know you have periods
like this too.
How to cope when life is too much? The Optimist Creed to the rescue! Last
May our family printed a copy. We talked about it, and then signed the bottom
as a family pact to rise above our demanding May-June schedules without
getting crabby. We posted it on the refrigerator, and I do believe it made a
signicant difference.
Although you may be familiar with it, its inspiring concepts never fail to give
me a refreshing lift. I hope you feel the same. Here it is for the next time you
need an anchor.
The Optimist Creed
Promise Yourself:
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the
best and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success
of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to
the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a
smile to every living creature you meet.
To give so much time to improving yourself that you
have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud word, but in great deeds.
To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side,
so long as you are true to the best that is in you.

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Isnt that beautiful?

Empowerment: When I change my mind, I change my body.

Special Note: Check out for details about this outstanding

71. Give me your tired, your poor your huddled

masses yearning to breathe free....
(Staten Island Ferry Plaque)

My wonderful husband surprised me with a fabulous three-day trip to New

York City for my 50th birthday a couple of years ago.
Although Id lived there for a time after graduating from college, I felt like a
brand new tourist as we went down the list of must sees. As we took the
ferry out to see the Statue of Liberty, I couldnt help but notice the names
for the Circle Line ferry boatsthe two in use that day were Miss Liberty
and Miss Freedom. Of course those are awe-inspiring names to consider as
Lady Liberty herself lls the view while visitors sail into the docking area at
Ellis Island. Her massive, quiet glory is manifested in the reverence of not only
the visitors and workers, but the land and ocean itself that surround her.
While visiting Ellis Island, I was thinking of usof me and you. Almost as
big as the Statue of Liberty and denitely as permanent in our lives is the
need to properly create and establish a home for a healthy weight, healthy
living and eating. If weve had that home and have lost it, then like the ferries
that circle Lady Liberty, we literally miss the freedom of doing and wearing
what we want, and miss the liberty of the self condence, health and peace
that naturally come. If youve never had it, isnt it about time to be free in this
beautiful, free country where anything is possible and dreams do come true?
I saw a cartoon last week, meant to make one think, with Lady Liberty holding
fries, a shake and a hamburger that brought to light the crisis in our nation.
The caption read, Give me your tired, your poor, your hungry masses needing
to lose weight.... and I felt such gratitude for those of us who are choosing to
change. Were making a difference. Our families, our communities and our
nation need our strength and example. If our kids arent healthy, who will
be the next generations policemen, remen and soldiers? Its hard to believe,

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

considering the meager, starving conditions of many of our countrys rst

immigrants that an abundance of food could become a burden, but it has.
No matter for us today! Theres a lamp lifted and a golden door that were
proudly walking through, one day, one pound, one 60-second choice at a time,
and setting an example for the others. Isnt it wonderful to be fullling your
own dreams in the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Empowerment: I strengthen others, including my country and fellow citizens,

when I strengthen myself. I claim the liberty and freedom that come from
being healthy and t.

72. Time is everything.

(Abraham Lincoln)

With her melodic southern drawl and an animated sparkle in her eye, my
friend had me in hysterics with her tale about the German chocolate birthday
cake shed recently served at a family party.
I declare! That cake taught me a lesson that money could never buy! It was
gorgeous, I repeat, a gorgeous creation! I couldnt bear to say goodbye to it,
although my daughter was brave enough to take home only one piece for their
little family to share later. So, I pretended I was going to give it all away to my
neighbors. What a little bber I am.
Now, Im a widow and live alone. Would yall believe me if I said that this
cake sweet-talked and sang me love songs for the next three days? Kept me up
at night, yes sir it did!
At last, I decided to have a piece, but to enjoy it like a lady. I got out a pretty
plate, poured myself a glass of skim milk and went to slice myself a piece.
Imagine my surprise when that big ol cake was too stale to cut. I threw it all
in the trash and laughed myself silly!
When she nished with a sigh, she emphatically added, I do hope I have
learned to say goodbye to the guests and the leftovers at the same time!
Well, thats a darling story, and she came out the victor over the cake. Good for
her! We can skip the drama with an easy 60-second strategy to keep ourselves
moving in the right direction:

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Its easy to mentally project or reverse tempting foods to an undesirable state.

For example, move a chocolate cake backwards to the raw ingredients stage
in the kitchen or sitting in containers on the shelves at the store. Would you
really eat the raw eggs, our, butter and other ingredients for a chocolate cake
before it was baked? Of course not! Then move the food forward. For example,
imagine ice cream after sitting on the counter for several hours. Ick! Could
somebody please wipe it up?!
See what I mean? Time is everything!

Empowerment: My imagination is a powerful tool that creates powerful

strategies to help me lose weight.

73. To get what you want you have to be willing to remove

the tag that says, DO NOT REMOVE.
(Kate White)

Come on, admit it. How many of your pillows still have the Do Not Remove
Under Penalty of Law tag stitched rmly in place?
I know most of mine do. Somehow those tags are as sacred as the location for
the bank lockbox key. Hogwash! Look carefully at the tag. Under the command
Do Not Remove youll see Except By Consumer in small print.
What could possibly happen by simply snipping the useless thing right off?
Do we really need to see it every night and every time we change the sheets?
Mind you, were very grateful that the materials used are new, and well be
careful when using it with our babies. Washing instructions do have their
However, were the consumer, and it is not a crime to remove the tag. By the
same token, it is not a crime to eat a sandwich with mustard instead of mayo,
and with baby carrots for crunch instead of chips. It is not a crime to enjoy a
movie with a couple of 30-calorie lollipops instead of buttered popcorn, and
it is not a crime to eat sugar-free ice cream in the evening instead of Ben &
Jerrys, no matter what anyone else is eating.
Most importantly, it is not a crime to schedule and take the time required to
care for little old number one: Y-O-U!

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

What is a crime (relatively speaking of course and perhaps its just a

policemans warning?) is to let the tag and the extra pounds stay rmly
Were brave! Were strong! Were getting the scissors out of the drawer and
snipping off the unnecessary tags, along with some poor habits that are ragged
and worn out.

Empowerment: I am consciously snipping away useless habits that have

seemed untouchable until now.

74. If we are facing in the right direction,

all we have to do is keep on walking.
(Buddhist Proverb)

One of the best parts about losing weight, conded my friend who was
down almost 50 pounds is being able to face my doctor! Ive been putting off
routine tests for several years because I didnt want to hear a lecture about my
weight. I still have quite a ways to go, but Im headed in the right direction
and I know the doctor will be pleased.
Oh, its a relief to know that the scale, even if its not where you want it to be
quite yet, is moving in the right direction and that youre in control.
How many routine, but lifesaving, exams are missed simply because of the
dreaded weigh-in with a stone-faced nurse and a doctor who make you feel
like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar? Theyve often got weight to
lose themselves, yet there we all are. Not fun.
Courage! Regardless of what your weight is today, get out your calendar. How
long has it been? When are you due? As you read this, hear the bells going off
and call now. If nothing else, you can tell your doctor youve started a new
program, that youre headed in the right direction and determined to keep on
walking. For all you know, there may be a medical condition that is slowing
your weight loss progress down that your doctor can help you with.
Take 60 seconds and just do it!

Empowerment: Im a doer. I keep up with important exams and include my

doctor in my health improvement plan.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

75. All glory comes from daring to begin.


Look! giggled my daughter Kelly to her friend sitting with her in the backseat
of the car. Its a bride and groom on a motorcycle!
They were caught in a terrible t of giggles, trying to out-do each other with
ridiculous jokes. Kellys friend and I rolled our eyes as she insisted it was true.
Really! Just look behind us!
Sure enough, the sound of motorcycles behind us as we came to a stop light
made us turn around and look. Six large motorcycles driven by a formallydressed bridal party of groomsmen revved their engines impressively. Sitting
behind her new husband on the last motorcycle was the glowing bride,
resplendent in a lacy full-length wedding gown and veil. Strapped securely
on top of the veil was a heavy-duty black motorcycle helmet. The others were
wearing their helmets too. Important things, those helmets.
The surrounding drivers did our best to wish them well, honking horns and
calling congratulations from open windows until the light changed. Then,
with white lace billowing on the afternoon breeze, there were smiles for miles
for all of us as we each went our own way.
There are miles of smiles ahead of us (and weight loss success too) when we
dutifully wear our healthy eating helmets by preparing for the unknown in our
own busy days. Its a trick to keep those engines revved up and to recognize
that our own gas tanks need premium fuel 24/7, no matter the cost.
Whats our best protective helmet? The knowledge that today counts and is
a new beginning. Strapping the knowledge into place with a planned menu
(even for just three to four days out of the week), a snack in your purse or car
(to prevent hunger/stress binges) and a freezer meal or two for emergencies
is also a good start. So is a scheduled time for exercise and a back-up plan for
One of my favorite safety helmets is to repeat a mantra during my most
difcult hours (from 3:00 p.m. to dinner time) I can lose weight, I am losing
weight, I will lose weight is a good one.
Well, got your healthy eating helmet strapped on tight and ready to go? Me too!

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Empowerment: Each day is a new beginning. It takes less than 60 seconds to

strap on a symbolic safety helmet and repeat to myself I can lose weight, I am
losing weight, I will lose weight to actively protect my choices.

76. To give and receive are ultimately the same.


Have you ever wondered, like me, if there will ever be any end to what we
must do to get healthy and stay healthy? Or, how does Monday and beginning
again roll around so fast? Or, perhaps that losing weight and maintaining
our loss feels like were busy little hamsters running around in circles with the
same cycle to repeat again and again?
Well, maybe we are like busy little hamsters. And whats wrong with that
if one healthy choice leads to another and another? And one pound or inch
lost leads to another and another? And one new habit leads to another and
Take 60 seconds and memorize this little poem as a reminder that to receive
health for ourselves, we must rst give health to ourselves.
Circles of Creation
(by Carolyn Allen)
The earth with all its beauties
The sun up in the sky
The clock with hands that circle
As every hour goes by.
The foods that build or weaken
The thoughts that go or stay
The health for my tomorrow
Is mine to choose today.
We can do it! One day, one pound, one 60-second choice at a time!

Empowerment: When health routines seem monotonous, I remind myself that

every beautiful thing on the earth and within my body repeats itself in an
endlessly perfect circle of seasons and new beginnings.

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

77. Only the wise possess ideas, the greater part of

mankind is possessed by them.
(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

I often do my exercise video workout with another little TV perched on top

of the VCR so I can watch TV while Im working out. As I did my routine one
recent morning, my news program zeroed in on yet two more stories relating
to Americas obesity crisis.
They know what sells: depressing stories about Americans being overweight
and the problems it causes. The journalists do their best, I guess, to relay
the facts and stories of the nations bad habits and the resulting unfortunate
state, although we hardly need anyone to tell us. Its like were almost
The rst story was about high school students who walk to nearby fast food
joints at lunch and eat junk instead of what the cafeteriaswhich are trying
very hard to improve nutritionally, thank youare serving.
Next came the story of a 250-pound woman who is being treated for both
diabetes and heart conditions. Both her doctor and the cardiologist had kindly
and often told her that her weight was the crux of her serious health problems.
When she was not conscientiously following through on any plans to lose the
weight, he appealed to her vanityhow she looked. She was offended. She is
His defense? When a patients not listening, yet paying you $75-100 an hour,
youre obligated to get through to them any way you can. (Now he prefaces
his counsel with, If you dont want to hear this, I wont tell you, but dont
hold me responsible for not trying to help you.)
So, Im listening, pumping my own hand weights, thinking about these things
when WHAMMEE! Here comes the kicker. As soon as they concluded the
interview with the doctor, on came a commercial forare you ready? Snack
cakes! The 30-second spot featured delectable, mouth-watering pictures of
the fattening, frosted cakes while the appealing male voice-over listed their
pleasures and ended with a powerfully potent subliminal message about them
being a quick way to unwrap a smile.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

As I stood there sweating, my mouth fell open, and I felt like throwing one of
my hand weights at the TV screen. A little research on the nutrition for these
cakes shows them at 310 calories and 45 grams of fat per serving (about 4-6
small bites). This is hardly a smile. Its a very fattening, very deceitful little
monster. What a travesty!
Heres my opinion: The media is possessed by continually feeding us
informational stories about obesity while accepting sponsorship from the very
companies who count on our bad habits to keep them in business. I think this
is an offensive conict of interest and immediately red an e-mail to my local
TV station.
When I cooled down, I reminded myself of the best way to proceed. Sticking
with my healthy eating plan and reaching for the best helping hand Ive got
the one at the end of my own arm. Now thats a smile.

Empowerment: My own best helping hand is always right where I need itat
the end of my own arm.

78. The ame of inspiration needs to be encouraged.

Put a glass around the small candle and protect it
from discouragement or ridicule.
(Mary Higgins Clark)

Have you read a Mary Higgins Clark mystery recently? This popular and
prolic author has been publishing best-sellers for years, and I have enjoyed
many of them. Her recorded books have kept me company on road trips and
throughout many a household project. When you read the book jackets for
successful people like this, you just think Wow! Shes got it made! What would
it be like?
Thats how I felt until I read her autobiography called Kitchen Privileges. Out
spills the story of how her father died when she was only 10, leaving her,
her mother and two brothers. She married young and submitted more than
40 stories over six long years before anything was published. Her own rst
husband died leaving her with ve young children to raise alone. Her rst
book was a total failure. (


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Now we know why we love her characters and stories. They are real because
she is real. Her source for the quote above is the lengthy period (with little
publishing success) when she, as a young widow with ve kids, got up at 5:00
a.m. each morning to write at the kitchen table while her children slept.
While it is not easy to lose weight, it is easy to treasure her quote and to picture
our efforts as the rst valiant ame of a roaring campre. Stoop down and get
close. Tell the naysayers to move back. Careful, not too much kindling. There,
put your hand around your goal and blow gently. Protect it from the wind and
give success a chance. Do what you must, but dont let it go out! There! Its
catching. Its going to be okay.

Empowerment: When discouraged, I look to others as an example and nd

something positive in my own day to build on.

79. Abundance is not something we acquire.

It is something we tune into.
(Wayne Dyer)

Finding peace with the ever-present state of an over-abundance of food (part

of being an American these days) calls for an abundance of coping strategies.
Heres a helpful, 60-second strategy that lends itself wonderfully to taking
control: Before tasting anything, recite a blessing.
How about this one for an unplanned portion of fudge cake? Notice that I said
unplanned. If you really want it, work it into your plan! Here we go:
The Fudge Cake Prayer
Bless this fudge cake, Lord I pray
Send its fat grams far away.
Make its calories disappear
So the scale I will not fear.
May the ice cream on the sides
Leave no trace upon my thighs.
Grant this blessing, hear this prayer
Next time I will leave my share.

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Just joking! Seriously, how about this little prayer to whisper many times a
day with our beautiful 60- second choices?
My Prayer For Health and Strength
As this food now leaves my hand
Help me Lord to live my plan
As I eat this may I nd
Physical strength and peace of mind
Thank you!
Ive got a feeling well be reciting new blessings as the pounds disappear!

Empowerment: Each bite is a blessing. I stop, give thanks and truly savor each
and every taste and morsel.

80. Only actions give life strength; only moderation gives it charm.
(Jean Paul Richter)

Oh, honey! said my mom with love and concern in her voice. I was 16 or 17,
in tears and embarrassed after a clumsy telephone conversation with a cute
boy I had a crush on. I wasnt really dating and just didnt know how to talk
to guys. I always said too much, too loud, too fast.
Compare the display windows of a ne jewelry store and the Dollar Store,
she continued with a hug. The jewelry store puts out only a few lovely things
to entice you in, while the dollar store continually displays everything. Youre
a jewel! Learn to hold back, she said reassuringly. It will only make you
more interesting.
It was a hard lesson to learn. Most lessons in moderation are.
Welcome to the charm school of health and tness! We know the twice-blessed
charm we wantthe charm of our bodies looking their best and the charm
of our health being at its best. How to get it is easily dened: Moderation
in portions (measure at home so youll be familiar and skilled at eye-balling
correct sizes when youre out) and moderation in selection (choose foods as
close to nature as possible. Shop the perimeter of the store. Leave the highly
processed and rened foods alone).

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Its a 60-second choice for life at Tiffanys or the Dollar Store.

Empowerment: Less is more. Less is more. Less is more.

81. I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.

(Vincent Van Gogh)

I recently watched a TV program where several women shared how they had
overcome incredible odds to both lose their weight and change their personal
circumstances. One of the women had lost over 100 pounds and her thought is
now engraved on my heart. She said, Just like we exchange the foods we eat,
we can exchange the words we use. One of the most empowering exchanges is
to honestly use the word unwilling instead of I cant.
For example, honestly admitting to ourselves Im unwilling to keep a food
journal today instead of saying I cant keep a food journal today brings
integrity and progress.
This is an excellent thought. To carry it one step further, heres the follow-up
question to ask: Honey, why are you unwilling? When we use affectionate
terms with ourselves, were going to get somewhere and open even more
doors. Maybe the answer is as easy as getting yourself better organized and
efcient. Maybe it goes much deeper. The point is that you dont need all your
inner answers to go ahead with your healthy weight loss plan. Just be willing
and do it!
Heres a 60-second safety net for the next time youre ready to say I cant.
Simply stop and say HALT! Then ask yourself: Am I:

Lonely? or

Between those four feelings are precious God-given, 60-second instructions

to: 1) get something nutritious to eat; 2) release some feelings; 3) connect with
a friend (or write in a journal); and 4) take a break or a nap. Whew! Check
off even two of those items, and the world is a nicer place where we have the
strength to be brave and honest. Before you know it, youll be saying I can,
Im willing and Im on my way again!

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Empowerment: I am honest with myself and others. I use the words I am

unwilling instead of I cant. No more excuses!

82. A decision delayed until it is too late is not a decision.

Its an evasion.

What do you think? Is it a weed or a plant? my mom and I asked each

other as we sat on her apartment balcony admiring her owers. We had so
much moisture throughout the two previous weeks that the weeds were out
of controleven in the potted owers. One was bigger, leaer and greener
by far than the others plants. She did not remember buying or planting
anything promising to be this shape and size. We agreed that it probably
was a weed.
Well, its such fun to watch something grow so fast. I know I should pull it
out, but I think Ill just leave it for awhile, she laughed. She knew this weed
would be easy to pull or die by itself within the limits of the pot.
Too bad it isnt the same for those equally easy-to-sprout pounds of ours!
Just as there are vast varieties of garden weeds, there are an equal number
of weight loss weeds. There are false alarm pounds that show up as water
weight from monthly cycles or medication, or weekend pounds from brief
indulgences that are gone within a day or so.
Dont panic! These are not really weeds and they do not warrant much
attention. Like my moms weed, theyll die by themselves within the connes
of a temporary situation.
Then there are the real weeds: pounds appearing from old habits that are
creeping back in, pounds from too many exceptions for too long and pounds
from food eaten too often for comfort rather than nourishment. We dont need
to be master gardeners to know the difference.
Make a 60-second choice to be brave and not obsess over false pounds. If
theyre real, make a 60-second choice to start pulling them now.
Its a choice to have a garden or a patch of weeds. Its a choice to act or to

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Are you ready? Whether theyre weeds or evasions, out they go! One by one
well dig the darn things out by their long, hairy roots and laugh as the victory
pile continues to grow, no matter how slow.

Empowerment: I am diligently pulling weeds as they sprout to keep my

garden growing. I do not pay attention to false alarm weeds and enjoy my
gardening today.

83. Before we set our hearts too much upon anything,

let us examine how happy they are, who already possess it.
(La Rochefoucauld)

Remember the old song Happiness Is from the old Broadway musical, Youre
a Good Man, Charlie Brown? Everything from nding a pencil and coming home
at the end of the day to having a friend to sing with is canonized in this tender
little tune.
Eating is in there too: pizza with sausage, two kinds of ice cream and sharing a
sandwich. A careful analysis of the lyrics reveals that food is but a small part of
overall happiness. Theres a much bigger emphasis on learning, relationships
and activities. Hmmmm! This is delicious food for thought.
Will losing weight make you happy? Now theres a loaded question! Why
not take todays quote to heart and check out the success stories at my own
website,, or, or my
absolute favorite for inspiring stories of women who have lost 100, 200 and
even more than 300 pounds at Is it just me or do
the smiles and pictures exude a peace and happiness that is never found in a
box of cookies?
For you and me, happiness is weight loss success, loosening pants and the
great satisfaction of turning down the donuts one day after another. We need
this, we deserve this and we can have this through one 60-second choice at a

Empowerment: I choose to be happy. I choose to be healthy. I choose to accept

whatever the day may bring with love, self-mastery and forgiveness.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

84. A constant guest is never welcome.


When was the last time you were forced to be polite to an unwanted guest?
Thats a miserable experience, common to us all at one time or another.
Often the extra pounds have been sticking around for so long that they consider
themselves to be a welcome part of your life. This is a bit far-fetched of course,
but the weight really is easily compared to a really obnoxious guest who never
takes a subtle hint or leaves on its own. Yup, one of those unwanted guests
that keeps the whole household in a stied uproar.
Its a huge step forward when we accept the fact that weve been too nice for
too long. Its time to assertively say goodbye.
Spend 60 seconds in the bathroom in front of the mirror. Summon your power
and your rage to say, Enough! You must go now! Say it out loud and with
feeling to those unwanted pounds. When temptations arise later in the day,
say it again. Feel the emotion that you felt when you were alone in front of the
To clarify it even further in your heart and mind, spend a few minutes and
write a letter to those pounds. With the sound of Gloria Gaynor singing I
Will Survive in your head, write something like, This is goodbye. Youre not
welcome any more. Ill do what is required to get you out the door. Thanks for
the lessons, the, goodbye! Ive got all my love to give, Ive got
all my life to live. So, go! I will survive! I will survive!
Then continue your letter with This is what Im going to do without you
(and make a list). This is what Im going to wear without you (and make a
list). This is why I must say farewell (and make a list).
Put this letter in an envelope with a copy of your motivating photo. Open and
read it when your plan and progress get fuzzy.
Okay! Weve said goodbye! Now its time to envision and focus on saying
hello to the very welcome, very healthy you whos walking through the door
even as you read this.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

With a hug and a smile say Hello, honey! Welcome! Let the good times begin!
Ive been waiting, Im ready and Im ever-so-glad youre here for good!
Then quickly review your eating plan for the day, embrace those nutritious
foods, water and exercise and youre on your way again. Bring on the good

Empowerment: What I focus on expands. I focus on saying goodbye to the

me of the past and hello to the healthy new me.

85. When you chip a teacup, dont throw out the set.

Years ago, a dear college roommate and her husband (Jane and Steve) had a
three-year military assignment in Europe. There was no need for a car, so they
dutifully saved what they would have spent on normal auto expenses for the
whole three years. Several months before returning to the U.S., they ordered the
family van of their dreams and paid cash for it. We picked them up at the airport
and drove them the next day to get their beautiful new van. They had three
young sons, all under the age of six. Needless to say, there were many stern
warnings to be careful and absolutely no food was allowed in the new van.
We had several fun days together before they headed off to their new
assignment and traveled everywhere with all our kids in their new van. We
returned home well after bedtime one night and as Steve lifted his sleeping
four-year-old son to his shoulder, there was no mistaking that thered been an
accident. Hed wet his little pants on the seat of the new van. (This was before
car seats were required for older children.)
I was ready for a big reaction, but instead watched Steve in amazement. He
winked at Jane and said, Well, now we can enjoy the van! And they did.
Back to us and a healthy eating lifestyle. Perfection? Not us! Way too much
Consistency and nding success in small, 60-second ways? Enjoying what
weve got and how hard weve worked to get this far? Absolutely.

Empowerment: I am peacefully learning to accept imperfection and exibility


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

as an important part of my long-term healthy eating lifestyle. I immediately

make up for detours with extra exercise or by reducing calories for a day or so,
or a combination of the two.

86. To be upset over what you dont have

is to waste what you do have.

Im sure your days and weekends are much like mine, not enough hours
in the day to do what needs to be done. My husband has a cute mantra for
overwhelming days, It always gets done, and we always have fun. Often
the rst thing that gets tossed out when life gets hectic and we get tired are
the behaviors, convictions and positive self-talk that keep healthy habits front
and center. When schedules, stress or personal challenges hit the fan, were
like kids playing the board game of Chutes and Ladders. Right when we were
going to win, we roll the wrong number and nd ourselves sliding down,
down, down.
Spend 60 seconds now and make a note to remember the following examples
to change your choices on your next overwhelming day:
Negative Self-Conversation: (Self Sabotage)
I dont have time to sit down for a low-fat meal/snack. Ill just eat as I
I dont have salad or healthy xings in the fridge. Ill just order pizza
or pick-up Chinese on my way home.
I dont have the discipline to lose weight. Whats one brownie? Ill
just enjoy it now.
No one but me notices or cares about what I eat, my weight or how I
look. Why bother?
I dont have the energy to exercise. Its been such a long day that Ill
just relax tonight.
Eating always makes me feel better. I need something right now.

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Wait a minute! Theres an angel knocking at the door asking you to take 60
seconds and go back for some self-correcting positive self-conversation.
Here we go:
Positive Self-Conversation (Self-Afrmation):
When I dont feel I have time to sit down for a meal/snack, I
remember the high price for meals on the run. I have a drink or low-cal
snack to tide me over and remind myself that there is nothing that
cannot wait for 10 minutes while I eat properly.
When I havent had time to get to the store, I buy a grilled chicken
salad at the fast-food drive-thru (with non-fat dressing) to eat with
some tomato soup or vegetarian chili from a can for an easy meal after
a long day.
When I dont have the energy to exercise, I bring ice water to the
TV. I chair-walk* during the show, then do my abs workout during the
Although I feel I dont have discipline, I do have a healthy eating
plan and goal. I have a treat often enough so that there is no need for
feeling guilty or deprived.
Self-mastery always makes me feel better. I need it right now, so
Ill put on some pretty hand lotion and straighten a drawer instead of
See? Theres always a choice to move life forward.

Empowerment: Theres a silver lining in every cloud when I make the effort to
nd it. Success comes to me as I ip negative thoughts into positive action.
*Special Note: How to Chair-Walk: Dont get out of your chair! (But do sit on
a hard seat.) Leave the TV on and sit straight up. Alternately lift each leg as if
youre walking. Youll bring your target heart rate up and this qualies as true
exercise. This is an excellent way to exercise with leg, hip and knee injuries or
weaknesses since you do not have to put any weight on your joints.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

87. Ones task is not to turn the world upside down, but to do what is
necessary at the given place and with due consideration of reality.

As permanent residents in the Washington, D.C. area, we are the minority

among the many government and military folks who come for a short time
and then move to another part of the country or world.
One of our favorite military families with several children found themselves
being transferred to a tiny apartment in Japan after spreading out for several
years in a very roomy home here in Virginia. Joanie spent months sorting and
analyzing each item to be taken and used in their small new home for the next
three years.
Every items got to double-up or triple-up on what it can perform! If it
doesnt function in at least two ways, its going in storage or being sold! she
announced rmly while I helped her sort one day.
The tone of her voice reminded me of another no-nonsense woman in my life,
a classy banker and the mother of three children in New York City. I was her
live-in nanny after graduating from college. She was as determined as Joanie
regarding what she allowed her children to eat during the school week.
Its delicious! Its nutritious! It makes you feel ambitious! I can still hear
her saying at the breakfast table as they nished their hot cereal and bananas
before they went to school and she headed off to work. She was right. What
great kids, smart kids she had.
Its a trick to get in all our nutrients and an occasional treat without going over
our allotment to lose. Its time to take both Joanie and my boss seriously as we
decide that at least 90% of what we put in our mouth must fulll a function
besides entertainment. Here is a set of 60-second questions to help t everything
Does this food t into my plan?
Am I taking care of business with this?
How will my body use this?
Will this satisfy me in any important way?
Am I wasting space with this?

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

I think Im speaking for all of us when I say that eating the right stuff with lots
of ber works! It doubles up on function by both lling us up and by being
nutritious. A baked potato and broccoli with a cup of skim milk keeps me
going for hours. The same holds true with raisin bran, oatmeal, sweet potatoes,
legumes and lean proteins. Think to yourself delicious, nutritious, makes me
feel ambitious while eating and youre even further down the road.
Cookies and candy? I just want more. Now. And some more. Now. The cycle
is very difcult to break. Since it doesnt provide any nutrition, its denitely
what Joanie would have left behind as not being worthy of the space it takes.
While there will always be a place for sweets and treats, its important to
internalize that their value is that of wallpaper or an extra set of china
decorative and nice, but not essential for basic functioning. We save them for
special times with special people. Theyre precious because theyre limited. We
keep the portions small because theres literally not a lot of room for them.
Well, well just remember Joanie packing for Japan and my boss getting her
kids off to school with what we choose to eat todayand count it all as a very
good thing.

Empowerment: Im determined to do what I can. Saying delicious, nutritious,

makes me feel ambitious helps me make smart choices.

Special Note: That special family in New York City relaxed their eating
somewhat on the weekends. This was a great lesson too.

88. If you got a slug to swaller, dont look at it too long.

If youve got more than one to swaller, swaller the big one rst.
(Danny Cox)

Seven months pregnant and just getting out of the shower on a steamy summer
morning, I heard my four year old crying hysterically from the sidewalk out
front. Its bad! Its really, really, really bad! Helllpppp! he wailed.
Fearing the worst but slowed down by my enormous tummy and swollen
ankles, I frantically wrapped myself in a towel and threw on my husbands
large robe. I clumsily waddled down the stairs and out the front door.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

There he stood, bare-footed, completely frozen with fear and utterly terried
as a huge, brownish-grayish slug made its way across one little bare foot,
leaving moist trail marks as it slid along. I got a stick and icked the slimy
offender off, then comforted my cute little guy with a juice pop and hugs until
he nally calmed down.
Later in the day I said, Honey, slugs are pretty slow. And youre a really fast
guy. Why didnt you just move your foot before he got on it?
This was, of course, a poor question with no good answers. There simply are
no answers for letting a slug immobilize you. What there are good answers
for is recognizing that a slug is a slug and the time to get rid of it is now.
Icky things like slugs are a part of life and part of taming the scale. Dont think
about them, just do them. Dont like crunches? Quick! Do 25 when you get
out of bed. Dont like all that water? Quick! Drink 16 ounces before breakfast,
16 more before and after lunch, then another 16 before dinner. Youre done.
Dont like journaling? Come on! It takes 60 seconds or less and the benets
far outweigh the challenge. Bad habits creeping back? Quick! Flick em back
where they belong!
Whats your little slug lingering from yesterday or the day before? Name it
now and ick it off! After all, were way faster and smarter than slugs.

Empowerment: Identify your current slug and say the following empowerment
three times in a row with a smile: Slug, go away. I do not delay. Slug go
away. I take action today.

Special Note: Are you getting your multi-vitamin each day? No? Its such an
easy slug to deal with. We need our vitamins!

89. What lies behind us and what lies before us are

tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

What if your life depended on it? Losing weight that is. Without minimizing
the well-documented physical life threats of true obesity (being more than
20% above ideal body weight), there are often other genuine drawbacks to
the quality of our lives and relationships when we feel second-best because
of our weight.

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Heres a terric 60-second strategy. Like actively visualizing a smaller clothing

or jean size, try these statements on for practice and let them be motivation for
your next ve pounds and a step to life:

As I lost weight I gained the self-condence to speak up for things I

thought were important at my childs school and in my community.

As I lost weight I gained the strength and vision to say Can we

talk? when I was upset with someone at home or work.

As I lost weight I gained the ability to be myself and relax at social

gatherings. I no longer needed to always be the clown as a cover-up.

As I lost weight I discovered the desire to date and have a signicant

relationship (or the courage to leave a destructive relationship).
As I lost weight, I experienced the joy of actively playing with my
kids and grandkids instead of watching from a chair.
As I lost weight, I found the courage to go to the doctor for important
annual exams.
As I lost weight, I found the energy and motivation to stop
procrastinating other things, like organizing my home.
As I lost weight, I found the courage to take a community education
class that is giving me the skill to get a better job.
Ask yourself now, What if my entire, authentic life depended on losing
weight? You know the answer and you know what to do. Sing it for us,
Tevye! To life, to life, Le Chaim!

Empowerment: Both my physical and emotional well-being literally depend

on my healthy choices.

90. You are who you are. Not who you used to be.

A number of years ago I became friends with an extremely attractive and dynamic

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

young woman. She and her married daughter were successfully maintaining
losses of well over 35 pounds each. Toned and t, with an outrageous sense of
humor, she was remarkable and she knew it. Whenever she was asked how she
was doing, her response was Im fabulous, thank you!
As we got to know each other better, she shared how she had used the word
fabulous to help with losing her weight through increased self-esteem. She
had been intrigued by the advice of a popular self-help guru who suggested
greeting yourself in the mirror each morning with the words, Hello,
She was open and took the instruction to heart. Each morning she obediently
and sincerely said, Good morning, fabulous! to herself in the mirror. She
even put up a cute little sign to remind her. At that moment each morning she
recommitted to eating wisely for the next 24 hours. Since she was fabulous,
she deserved nothing but fabulous treatment, which meant smart eating
for health and beauty. Although she felt foolish for the rst few days, it soon
became a habit, then a personal quality. Before too long, her dream was quickly
becoming a fabulous, physical reality.
It takes less than 60 seconds to post an index card that says I am fabulous on
the bathroom mirror to greet you in the morning. Each time you see it, say it
loud and clear, I am fabulous!
Truer words were never spoken and they will make a powerful difference in
your choices now. Doesnt it feel good to lift yourself?

Empowerment: Since God allows U-turns, so do I. Powerful, self-talk literally

changes my identity. I am fabulous and remind myself of that fact many times

91. Theres a big difference between a rut and a groove.


Where are your thoughts and eating behaviors today? In a rut or in a groove?
Delighted? Or bored? One of the most important lifestyle changes were
making is to regularly dene where were at and where were headed.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

1. rut: (noun) a xed routine or procedure or course of action, thought, etc.,

especially one regarded as dull and unrewarding.
2. groove: (noun) a long narrow hollow or depression cut in a surface with a
tool to create a slick working track (e.g., the track cut in a phonograph record
for a needle to follow) in the groove (slang) performing well with smooth,
effortless skill.
Here, Here! Fewer ruts and more grooves is our mantra! Quick! Take 60
seconds!! Identify one mental or eating rut thats holding you back from
weight loss success and hop out of it. Now identify a groove that works for
you and get into it today.

Empowerment: I stay in tune with my actions and thoughts. When food or

exercise choices get boring, I make some changes.

92. Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is

no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the
midst of these things and still be calm in your heart.

Bob and I had taken our kids on a little weekend getaway. As a mother and
one who loves to observe other mothers, I was delighted to watch a doting
mom and her own little boy at the charming motel restaurant.
What would you like? the waitress asked this little guy who was all dressed
up in a white shirt, tie and slicked back hairunusual attire for a Saturday
Ummm, some cereal and some fruit and some milk, he shyly answered.
What?! No jelly donuts? No wafes and syrup? No biscuits n gravy n
sausage? she asked in mock surprise. No, thanks, he politely responded.
His mother beamed and nodded.
As their conversation with the waitress unfolded, it turned out that they
had traveled to West Virginia from South Carolina. The little boys beloved
Grandpa had died unexpectedly four days before, leaving a tangled web of

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

heartbreaking and difcult circumstances. He was six and it was his rst
funeral. A long day lay ahead, with many uncertainties for all.
Oh, baby, said his mother in her soothing Southern drawl as the waitress
returned with his Raisin Bran and a banana, Those are really good choices.
Look at you! Look how many of your food groups are here already and its
only breakfast. Youve got a milk and a cereal and a fruit/vegetable. Im so
proud of you. Those good choices are going to really help you today.
With his moms affection, approval and something decent in his tummy, the
day ahead with its questions and a sad agenda could be securely faced.
My heart and thoughts went out to them, then drifted to us on our own sad
days. So often on these difcult days, we use and expect food to provide
instant protection, instant comfort, instant distraction and instant pain relief
from the feelings that life brings.
The truth is, of course, that food can never protect or comfort us, for it is simply
food, not medicine or God. Here are some specics for why food will never
help on any real level:
1. The hurt will still be there after the food has been eaten.
2. Eating lls your stomach, not your heart or your life.
3. After overeating, there are now three problems: a) the one you ate
to run from; b) your physical discomfort; and c) the guilt/frustration
and disappointment with yourself for turning to food again.
4. No matter how much you eat or for how long, the feelings and
reality will always come back.
5. Food and eating will never make illness, rejection, sadness,
loneliness or fears of any kind go away.
You know what? Even with that information, were still little kids needing
that voice of approval and support for difcult days, as well as nutritious food
to help us cope. It doesnt matter whether or not your mom provided the right
words for you in times of need. As adults we can become our own moms to
provide direction and affection. Its a 60-second choice to choose foods that
build on difcult days and then to step back and say, Oh, baby! Im so proud of

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

you! Those are really good choices that are going to help you today. And they will.

Empowerment: It feels good to provide peace through my smart food choices.

I am building physical strength to cope with emotional needs.

93. When you change the way you look at something,

the nature of the matter itself is changed.
(Wayne Dyer)

I was taught a powerful lesson a number of years ago by a vivacious 15-yearold babysitter for my young children.
She had been diagnosed with juvenile diabetes before she was 10 and gave
herself insulin injections every day. She had beautifully come to terms with
her bodys lifelong limitations. She had the cutest gure, the loveliest skin and
radiated an enchanting tranquility that was far beyond her years.
One day I complimented her on how adorable she always looked and asked
if her dietary restrictions were hard to live with. I have never forgotten her
I know it sounds weird, but Im almost glad for my condition. I know what
I can eat and what I cant. Its an easy excuse for staying away from the foods
that are not really good for anybody. I dont stress about my weight like lots
of my friends. Maybe what theyre eating tastes good, but thats all. Im not
Voila! What a dear she was and so are we. Heres to taking 60 seconds to
simply change the view.

Empowerment: Eating healthy is not a punishment. It is a precious responsibility

that I cheerfully accept.

94. When a man has not a good reason for doing a thing,
he has one good reason for letting it alone.
(Sir Walter Scott)

How many times have you looked back over unplanned eating and thought to

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

yourself Now why did I eat that? I wasnt hungry, it didnt taste that good, it
was not that satisfying, it wasnt in my plan for today and no one would have
cared if Id passed it up. What was my reason?
For me, the reason more often than not turns out to be in the word bite

There, you

Whether its the bread basket at a restaurant, unexpected snacks from the boss
or a plate of cookies from a neighbor, there is no law that you must eat anything
you hadnt planned on. Much of learning to manage our weight arrives in
the gift-wrapped box called being accountable for unexpected bites of all
Quick! Take 60 seconds to get away from the bad bites or choose something
else to bite (e.g., sugarless gum, a cinnamon mint or some crunchy veggies).
Take a quick glance at your motivating photo. Next, get a big drink of water.
After that, get your hands busy. Get a friend on the phone. Start a load of
laundry or do some ling. Get out the door for a walk. It doesnt matter what.
Just get going and do something positive that doesnt involve food!
In other words, dont give up what you want most for what you want at the
moment. After all, weve got a better life to live and thats a good reason!

Empowerment: My health is mine to create. I choose not to waste it on unplanned


95. Victory is won not in miles, but in inches. Win a little now,
hold your ground, and later win a little more.

Ready for a fable? Good!

A man traveling through the country came to a large city, very rich and
splendid; he looked at it and said to his guide, This must be a very righteous
people for I can only see but one little devil in this great city.

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

The guide replied, You do not understand sir. This city is so perfectly given
up to wickedness, corruption, degradation and abomination of every kind
that it requires but one little devil to keep them all in subjection.
Traveling on a little further, he came to a rugged path and saw an old man trying
to get up the hillside, surrounded by seven great, big, coarse-looking devils.
Why, said the traveler, this must be a tremendously wicked old man! Only
see how many devils there are around him.
This, replied the guide is the only righteous man in the country. There are
seven of the biggest devils trying to turn him out of his path. Even all together,
they cannot do it.
Well, what do you think? Are we frequently surrounded by devils in the form
of foods we dont need? People who dont help? Temptations and conicts to
minimize the priority of creating and maintaining personal health? Yes. Is it
challenging? Absolutely. However, were surrounded by other thing as well.
With each sunrise we are blessed with the miracle of a new day and our own
ability to choose to change. In addition, besides the devils, there are precious
angels dancing about us continually. Although we cannot see them, they are
clapping and cheering for us to make choices that will bless not only our own
health, but the lives of those who are dear to us who will directly benet from
us at our best.
Devils, be gone! You cannot bother us because there is no one and nothing
that can rob us of our progress and the power to choose foods, moods and

Empowerment: I will always be surrounded by challenges that threaten my

determination and my progress to achieve excellent health. I see these devils
for what they are and move past them with clear vision and a smile.

96. Good things come to those who walk.

(Carolyn Allen)

I often walk with my darling across-the-street neighbor. On one recent walk

(which was also trash day) we came across a lovely little mini refrigerator
placed beside the familys trash with a sign taped to it, I work great, but

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

my owners are moving. Please take me home before the trash men come!!
Wow! said Linda. Do you need this? I dont.
Me neither, I replied. But somebody must. We walked on. My mind went
to townwho could use this? Not anybody I could think of right off the bat,
but I couldnt let it just go! The clock was ticking because the trash men would
be there in less than an hour! I felt like I was on a TV game show and in my
mind I heard the theme music start.
We got home, and Linda asked if Id like her to drive me back and help get it.
Nahtoo much work. Ive got enough stuff in my garage. I said, trying to
convince myself not to play. I heard the studio audience groan and the emcee
say, Carolyn, are you sure?
As Linda went in her front door, the intensity increased. I simply couldnt
leave it to be crushed in the trash truck, could I? The clock ticked louder and
the studio audience started to cheer as I dashed into the house for my purse
and car keys. While the studio audience applauded, I hopped in the van, drove
over, loaded it up by myself, came home, plugged it in to make sure it worked
and popped an ad on, an online free classied ad service
that is both local and nationwide. It all took about 15 minutes. The ad started
to run immediately. Whew! I was breathless. The studio audience went wild!
By 5:00 that afternoon, I had sold it for $20 to a lovely elementary school
science teacher for her classroom. She was thrilled. Me too! Theres something
about an unexpected $20 bill in my pocket that speaks to me in very loving
Im not the only one who makes money while walking. Another walking
partner had exactly the same experience with a discarded high chair in
beautiful condition that she sold for $25. My husband found a $100 bill
while out exercising. No kidding! He turned it into the police, who returned
it to him as unclaimed property three months later. We had a ball with that
Here are some more good things (besides money) to nd while youre walking:
1. A visit with a friend
2. Stress relief


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

3. A chance to enjoy the changing seasons, fresh air and nature

4. See the neighborhood gardens and home improvements
5. With no partner, a personal/meditation time
6. With no partner, a chance to listen to a novel on tape, MP3 or CD
7. With a doga precious time and exercise for you both
8. An opportunity to say hello to neighbors
9. A break from the house/phone/TV/family/computer/work
10. A time just for you!
Of course we know that good things come to those who wait, but especially
good things come to those who walk.

Empowerment: Good things are coming to me now! Especially good things are
coming as I walk and exercise!

97. It takes nine months and one woman to have a baby.

Nine women and one month just doesnt work.
(John Petit)

Female dogs need 61 days to produce puppies while goats need 151. Humans
need 265 days, while the poor mama elephant is pregnant for 645 days, a full
year beyond our own nine months. Mice need a mere 19 days, squirrels 44.
Not surprisingly, rhinos (380 days) and giraffes (425 days) require much more
time than smaller animals.
Our Question Today: How long will it take to lose your weight?
Our Answer Today: As long as it takes!
Heres a true story about my friend Karen who has lost 100 pounds. I hope
youll cherish it as I do and hold her example in your heart as you make smart
60-second choices.
Shortly after the one-year anniversary of starting her plan (at about 85 pounds

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

and in the early fall) her doctor announced that her left knee needed to be
replaced. The surgery was scheduled for the rst of December.
Not only was she overwhelmed, frustrated and discouraged with the news
of the mandatory surgery, she also faced the pressure of his request to lose as
much more as she possibly could before the surgery. He restricted her exercise
to avoid stressing the knee, which made her situation even more challenging.
Rather than head for the donuts, chips and ice cream, she doubled up on
exercising her mental attitude and became even more vigilant about following
her plan. She plodded on and in November she reached 100 pounds. Both she
and her doctor were thrilled.
The surgery was performed the rst week of December, at about the same
time the holiday goodies started arriving. Shed spent time preparing in every
way, however, and did the best she could.
When January came, things should have been perking up for her. Instead, an
infection set in that required more medication. She caught bronchitis, then
cold sores broke out around and inside her mouth.
Throughout this time, the scale headed north, despite carefully following her
plan. She and her doctor knew it was from the medication, so she chose to
ignore the numbers, remaining as determined and as optimistic as possible as
her 100-pound victory receded into the background.
Nearly three months after the surgery, the scale nally started to head back
down. She is looking forward to getting back to her pre-surgery weight. A
promising new job, a new quilting project and her family and beloved pets are
occupying her thoughts. She is still frustrated about not moving more quickly
toward her goal, but knows that it is still there and the old way of turning to
food will not x a thing.
Recently a new acquaintance learned that she had lost a great deal of weight.
His enthusiasm and admiration helped her take a fresh look at her success and
the reality that she has not quit, and will never quit. Ninety pounds is still a
remarkable accomplishment and she will reach her goal. Its just a matter of
With Karen to inspire us, we can do it too. Heres to our wise 60-second choices.
Bring them on! Were in this for as long as it takes.

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Empowerment: Just as there is no end to sunrises and sunsets, there is no end

to my persistence.

98. Challenges are what make life interesting.

Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
(J. Marine)

History is always a wonderful teacher. Take a trip back in time to help you
embrace your own eating and health challenges.
The year was 1826. In cities across America and even Europe you might have
seen an ad that read, Laborers Wanted! Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Company
Seeks 500 men. Wages of $8-12 per month. Room/Board. Meat three times a
day. Plenty of bread and vegetables. Reasonable allowance of whiskey.
Sound interesting? It was. The C&O Canal, a major transportation system in
Maryland and Washington, D.C. for nearly 100 years, was soon to be born.
The advertisement attracted workers to help make it all happen.
Novels have been written about its history and construction, but heres a
Readers Digest condensed version. As a young man in the 1750s, George
Washington envisioned the C&O canal, as its name suggests, to be a major
water system connecting the Chesapeake Bay to the Ohio River. He pictured
nearly 400 miles of a smooth running canal that would efciently transport
goods and people through the newly expanding country from Maryland to
It would take 75 years to turn his dream into a working plan. When work
nally commenced, continuous setbacks of every kind slowed the work to
a snails pace. Rough terrain, problems with acquiring a right-of-way, labor
shortages, and too little capital consistently delayed the work. The project
took a full 22 years to complete, although the most extreme challenges shut
down work entirely for several years. At 184.5 miles, it was nally nished
in 1850 at half of its projected length of nearly 400 miles. The original plans for
it to reach much further west were eliminated by the progress of the railroad
system while the canal was being built. Even so, the C&O Canal changed the
way this region in Maryland and the District of Columbia functioned and
transported goods for nearly 100 years.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

It no longer operates, but there are beautiful parks and historical spots along
its winding course. Several of those spots are right here where I live and we
have visited them often. Way fun!
There are two lessons here. First, any progress with your health and weight is
signicant and helpful. Five pounds matter and so do 10. If you dont believe
me, ask your doctor or someone who is on blood pressure medication.
Second, we each have a personal C&O. What am I talking about? Challenges
and maintaining a burning need to overcome them! Whats yours? Stress
eating? Portion control? Lack of desire? A particular food or diet soda? Family
members who sabotage your plan? How will you overcome it? With a vision,
working plan, perseverance and time!
Dene your goal with a vision (like George Washington did) and dene how
youll overcome it , then all we have to do is keep on digging! I guarantee itll
be worth it and that todays contribution matters, no matter how small.
Nothing worth having happens without challenges and overcoming them.
Heres to a C&O day!

Empowerment: Setbacks are set-ups for come-backs. I am up to the challenge

of visualizing and overcoming difculties with persistence.

99. Safety doesnt happen by accident.

(On a sign seen at our re station)

Our school district has a big yellow school bus that is painted with the most
adorable childrens graphics that say Safety First! Its a traveling classroom
to educate sixth grade students about after-school safety when they are home
alone. I had an opportunity to tour it and was tickled with so many things.
The seats had been removed to create a wonderful learning center, with little
curtains at the window, computers, games, bulletin boards and more. I was
especially delighted by a giant poster in the Safety Bus that said:
When you have a problem: 1) Talk it out; 2) Leave; 3) Be with trusted friends;
4) Call an adult.
Bells starting ringing for little old me because I need home alone safety skills in

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

the eating department. To be honest, theres danger not only when Im home
alone, but also when Im tired and when everybody else is casually eating
large portions of unhealthy foods that will always call my name.
Like sixth graders who are growing up and moving on, were also maturing
and getting smart about our health and weight. I have adapted the Safety Bus
poster to help us get healthy and stay that way:
1. Talk it outwith someone special, or even yourself using the think
technique. (Once again, its T- take a step back; H- Are you hungry
or is this a habit? I- is it worth how youll feel about it at weigh-in?
N- now is the time to act; and K- know the foods that are trouble
2. Leavethe house, the room, the kitchen, the table, if necessary, even
the people.
3. Be with trusted friendswe arent the rst to need a different
group to hang with as we change our habits and our lives. (For those
we cannot leave, we say a little prayer for both them and ourselves.)
When theres not a friend to be with, let your journal or some exercise
be your safety buddy.
4. Call an adultI love this. Were supposed to be the adults, but I have
to admit, when my eating is out of control, its denitely a maturity
and an adult accountability issue! Its even childrens food like candy,
packaged cookies and sugared cereal that gets me into trouble. Do call
a friend or a partner, look at your motivating photo or read something
inspiring if a friend is not available.
With emergency strategies in place, our safety is in the bag. We can do it!

Empowerment: Since accidents are often possible, I plan ahead. Im a doer and
a planner.

100. Its a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one

link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.
(Winston Churchill)

True Confessions: My appetite has no off switch. Whether its lingering at the

One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

table while preparing or tidying up after a meal, going about my work or

whatever, Im the Ever-Ready battery that just keeps going. The bottom line
is that I love to eat, even when Im full, so out of necessity Ive created a 60second strategy that helps.
It all goes back to when my Emily (now a college student) was about eight
months old. We had moved into a delightful home that had a playroom built
underneath the basement steps. It was perfect! There were little shelves for
toys and lots of details, including a working light switch exactly two feet from
the oor, the perfect height for a baby just learning to stand.
Using the shelves, shed pull herself onto her little feet and then stand there
ipping the little light on-off-on-off-on-off as many times as Id let her before
physically moving her to something else. Shed fuss and cry for a bit and then
nd satisfaction in playing with something new.
I relate to this. With no off switch for my eating, its easy for me to continually
eat in the same way Emily could continue playing with that light switch. Since
theres no one to move me (wouldnt it be nice if someone else would take
the responsibility?), heres my trick: I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth.
While Im there brushing, I mentally picture a little switch at the center of my
lips. I picture ipping it off and then picture my true goals for a moment. In
this way I literally detach from food. Sometimes I actually look in the mirror
and say out loud after ipping the switch Meal time is over. Youll be able to
eat again soon. Go get busy with something else.
Then its time to read the little poem and go DO something with my time and
hands that wont accommodate food.
(E. H. Coe used by permission)

Busy, busy, busy

Keeping busy is a must
Busy, busy, busy
It agrees with gals like us
For when were keeping busy
Into mischief we wont be
So just keep busy, busy
And you will see

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

Oh, we can do it! It feels so good to isolate that switch, turn it off and take control.

Empowerment: I use the power of my imagination as a tool to turn my eating

on and off. I do not eat as a way to pass time.

101. We cannot do great things. We can only

do little things with great love.
(Mother Theresa)

I love this quote. It comforts and directs me when life gets too big, which is
more often for most of us than we want to admit. Little 60-second things like
drinking enough water add up to great success when it comes to health and
weight management.
Did you know that 66% of the human body and 70% of the earths surface
consist of water? How very comparable those two statistics are. I think both
Mother Theresa and Mother Earth are telling us something important!
When you think about it, its such a little thing and such a gift of love for
our bodies to drink at least six glasses of water each day. Clear, fresh water
to drink in great supply is a great and mysterious gift from Mother Earth.
The mysteries of our own physical inner workings are equally mysterious
and marvelous. Well leave the details and scientic explanations for another
time and simply embrace the truth that each body function and organ requires
water to do its job properly.
Go get a big drink! Show great love for yourself by doing this one simple
60-second thing. As you drink it, know that with each replenishing swallow
you are loved and will always have everything you need. Picture each organ
responding to the water like owers in a garden being watered after a long,
hot afternoon...revived and refreshed, at their best and restored once again.
Doing little things with great love. What a great thought for getting healthy!

Empowerment: Its a little act of love to drink the water I need. I count on
water to refresh my body and spirit often.

Special Note: For a wonderful guide to healing through water, you may be
interested in Water: for Health, for Healing for Life by F. Batmangheldj, M.D.

Part II
The Journal
Life renews for body and soul
When thoughts are clothed in ink;
Mysteries are solved and dragons slain
As words with paper link.
(Carolyn Allen)
Oh, the great why of it all. Even when we know how to lose weight and there
are no medical complications to hold us back, the why is probably the biggest
challenge of creating lasting success. Keeping a journal is a wonderful tool to
release the past and to establish success for the present and future.
Getting Started: Do you know the denition of a dream? Its a wish thats not
written down. Achieving health and tness is yours alone. No one can lose weight
for you. No one will put the right food in appropriate amounts in your mouth. No
one will put on your athletic shoes and get your workout started. Only you can
light the candle within and keep it glowing. To understand whats going on inside
your heart and head is almost more important than whats going on inside your
stomach and body. To do this, you need a journal to put thoughts and feelings into
The good news: youre ready or you wouldnt be reading this now! A wonderful
resource for self-discovery through journal writing to lose weight is Toni Allawatts
book, Write Yourself Thin.
In the meantime, use these pages to write down small, short-term goals after
reading the messages. Hourly and daily goals count. You may also want to jot
down thoughts and feelings after reading the messages. Even writing down key
words or phrases will trigger your heart and plant the seeds of action.
You may want to get a pretty journal for more space, or create a document on your
computer to add to each day.
Grab a pen and go for it and get ready for your loveliest personal adventure ever.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

1. Good things are not done in a hurry.

(German Proverb)
Empowerment: Now is the perfect moment to embrace my needs and make
decisions. Now is the perfect moment to know that this stage of my weight
management is truly perfect! Now is the perfect moment to slowly develop.

2. To have a curable illness and to leave it untreated

is like sticking your hand in a re and asking
God to remove the ame.
(Sandra L. Douglas)
Empowerment: It feels good to put food in its place. I am stronger than any


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

3. The last chapter hasnt been written yet.

(Don Jenks)
Empowerment: Today I can have control over my weight. Today I can
forgive myself for making bad choices of the past that affected my weight.
Today I can care enough about myself to make good, informed choices. If
today is a bad day, I can move on and not berate myself.

4. He who laughs, lasts.

Empowerment: I nd something to laugh about every day. Im increasing
my weight loss success, health and peace by making laughter a priority.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

5. Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion.

You must set yourself on re.
(Reggie Leach)
Empowerment: It is easy to keep myself motivated and progressing because
the foods, tools, exercise gear and reminders of my goals are easily within

6. To reform a man, you must begin with his Grandmother.

(Victor Hugo)
Empowerment: The lives of my grandchildren begin with me. I choose to
create the priceless memories that come from being t, healthy and an active
part in my children and grandchildrens lives.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

7. Write kindness in marble and write injuries in the dust.

(Persian Proverb)
Empowerment: I cherish the past for precious lessons learned and for the
motivation it gives me to move forward on my journey right now.

8. The difference between nowhere and now here is just a little space.
Empowerment: I make it a habit to take 60 seconds to center my thoughts
and actions.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

9. The most common way people give up their power

is by thinking they dont have any.
Empowerment: My No, thank you muscle is getting stronger every day. I
exercise and use it often.

10. I dont measure a mans success by how high he climbs,

but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.
(General George Patton)
Empowerment: I do not compare. I do not compare. I do not compare. Even
as each snowake is unique, I graciously accept my body and each non-scale


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

11. The good Lord gave you a body that can stand anything.
Its your mind you have to convince.
(Vince Lombardi)
Empowerment: I have the courage to challenge my inner self by starting a

12. If you cant be a good example, then youll just

have to be a horrible warning.
Empowerment: Although I can change no one but myself, I can inspire them
with my own healthy choices and success. I actively envision my future
health and success.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

13. Gray skies are gonna clear up -- put on a happy face!

(From the musical, Bye Bye Birdie by Charles Strouse and Lee Adams)
Empowerment: Every day is a good day for being my prettiest. I deserve
and have time to make myself attractive, no matter what the scale or the
weather might say.

14. The beginning of wisdom is to call

things by their right names.
(Chinese Proverb)
Empowerment: As the saying goes, You gotta name it to claim it! I
specically identify achievements, challenges and goals to dene my reality.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

15. In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday.

Empowerment: Since there will always be food to tempt me at stressful
times, small, smart choices are what its all about. I use the drink of water and
think strategy before eating.

16. People are born with two eyes, but only one tongue in order that
they should see twice as much as they say.
Empowerment: Although an overabundance of food may surround me, I
cheerfully accept the fact that in order to lose weight my share is limited.
Whats unlimited are my choices.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

17. You dont drown by falling in the water.

You drown by not getting out.
Empowerment: My middle name is No Excuses. I am learning to
recognize when I am drowning in excuses and start swimming immediately.

18. Either you reach a higher point today, or you exercise your
strength in order to be able to climb higher tomorrow.
(Friedrich Nietzche)
Empowerment: I cannot do this all at once. The secret of success is constancy
to purpose and persistence, not perfection.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

19. When we cannot nd contentment in ourselves, it

is useless to seek it elsewhere.
(La Rouchefoucauld)
Empowerment: Empty spaces and voids are a normal part of every life.
Since food will not ll these places, I open my mind to other options and
move forward with forgiveness, service, love and activity.

20. The more responsibility you exercise toward yourself,

the more responsible you can become toward others.
(Dr. Phil)
Empowerment: I can change no one but myself. I choose to change.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

21. Part of the happiness of life consists not in

ghting battles, but in avoiding them.
A masterly retreat is in itself a victory.
(Norman Vincent Peale)
Empowerment: Every victory counts! One step in the right direction leads to
the next and the next. I am happy to take each and every one with pride and

22. Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.

(Nathaniel Emmaus)
Empowerment: I am the master of myself! I am in the habit of effectively
changing bad habits.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

23. The physical world, including our bodies, is a

response of the observer. We create our bodies as we
create the experiences of our world.
(Deepak Chopra)
Empowerment: I am successfully and healthfully losing weight and loving
life. Establishing a healthy weight is happening right now and I am loving it!
Go me!

24. Its not how many hours you put in, but
how much you put into the hours.
Empowerment: I am learning to make things last and to savor every taste.
My imagination is a wonderful weight loss tool that I depend on.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

25. Dig a well before you are thirsty.

(Old Chinese Proverb)
Empowerment: Im a doer. Im a planner. I plan for weight loss success by
carrying water and a small snack with me.

26. I have a simple philosophy. Fill whats empty.

Empty whats full. And scratch where it itches.
(Alice Roosevelt Longworth)
Empowerment: I do not eat as an immediate response to boredom or stress.
I ask questions and think.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

27. A certain awkwardness marks the use of borrowed

thoughts, but as soon as we have learned what to
do with them, they become our own.
Empowerment: I enjoy special foods at special, scheduled times.

28. Though voices from past shores may call,

sail forward, mate! give this your all!
Empowerment: Although leaving the past is challenging, I keep my eyes on
the future and respectfully separate myself from the voices of the past that
would love to hold me back.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

29. You can do anything you want, but not everything you want.
(Terri Jensen)
Empowerment: I say yes to success when I kindly say no to activities
and people that are not top priority.

30. Its easier to keep up than to catch up.

Empowerment: I am nding success, security and peace by keeping up with
simple health basics that will serve me all my life.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

31. It is always wise to stop wishing for things long enough

to enjoy the fragrance of those now owering.
Empowerment: I have been blessed with a wonderful body. I appreciate my
own beauty and assets.

32. No individual who has resolved to make the most of

himself can spare time for personal contention.
(Abraham Lincoln)
Empowerment: I have only positive thoughts and conversations about my
body. I release all negative thoughts now.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

33. The patient who constantly feels his pulse

is not getting any better.
(Hubert van Zeller)
Empowerment: The scale is merely a tool to be used once a week. It does not
determine either the level of my success or the happiness of my day.

34. A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.

Empowerment: No more excuses! I am accountable for my own life and
choices. I nd peace in doing the best I can and moving on.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

35. If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner.

Empowerment: There will often be too much food served. I am not required
to eat it. I stop when I am full and use all my tricks.

36. All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

Empowerment: I lavishly plant seeds of health and positive thoughts. I
vividly picture my body systematically losing weight and increasing in
strength and tness.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

37. You are your thoughts.

Dont let anyone have dominion over them.
(Shad Helmstetter)
Empowerment: I decide whats fun. For me fun is self-control and right
foods in right amounts at right times.

38. Pleasure doesnt just come in slabs or chunks or big thick

increments of time. It also arrives in hints
and whispers and slow installments.
Empowerment: There are many ways to determine success. The scale is only
one. I make a practice of noticing every little step forward.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

39. A truly great man never puts away

the simplicity of a child.
(Chinese Proverb)
Empowerment: I am open to change! Simple and obvious answers to past
eating problems appear for me. I gratefully act on them immediately.

40. He who has health has hope, and

he who has hope has everything.
(Arabian Proverb)
Empowerment: I have ve pounds to lose. When that is gone, Ill then move


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

41. The sun with all those planets revolving around it and
dependent on it can still ripen a bunch of grapes
as if it has nothing else to do in the universe.
Empowerment: I am creative in nding ways to double up my weight loss
activities with my necessary chores.

42. Friendship with oneself is all-important, because

without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.
(Eleanor Roosevelt)
Empowerment: Personal reection and journaling are among my most
valuable tools to create and maintain my success. I trust myself, and I am my
own best friend.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

43. Happiness is acceptance.

Empowerment: I now accept that healthy eating, limited portions and regular
exercise are not a conning box, but a happy way to live and the perfect way
to play well in the game of life.

44. Goals are like postage stampsyou gotta

stick rmly until you arrive.
Empowerment: God blesses those who persevere. I persevere.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

45. When youre feeling out of control, focus on the

one thing you can control: yourself.
(Sean Covey)
Empowerment: It feels so good to have non-food strategies to cope with the
blues and the blahs. I am learning to breathe deeply, then: 1) Look in and
release; 2) Look out and respond; 3) Look up and rejoice.

46. Are you singing the songs you were sent to sing?
(Joe Sabah)
Empowerment: The beauties of nature come in all shapes and sizes. I now
gratefully accept the shape I was given and honor the body I am blessed
with. I now move on to the more important songs I am meant to sing.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

47. Success is a journey, not a destination. Just

being a part of the process means youre succeeding.
Empowerment: Im developing the skill of looking at the clock, listening
to my body and responding wisely. Theres progress and satisfaction in
learning to eat right amounts at right times.

48. Let us be happy with what we have, since oft

what we have is not what we wish.
Empowerment: I am beautiful. I gratefully accept the body that is mine.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

49. Wisdom is common sense to an uncommon degree.

Empowerment: All the resources and help I need to lose weight and gain
peace are coming to me now. Taking care of my health is fun and affordable.

50. Standing still does not mean going nowhere.

Empowerment: Progress does not always show. That does not mean it isnt


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

51. When things are steep, stay level-headed.

Empowerment: Head up! Eyes forward. I tune out distractions while
carefully moving forward.

52. We make our lives difcult or simple.

The amount of work is about the same.
(Carlos Castenada)
Empowerment: When challenges surround me, I take a moment to
creatively challenge myself to nd solutions. No more excuses!


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

53. It is not necessary to hope in order to undertake,

nor to succeed in order to persevere.
(Charles the Bold)
Empowerment: I redene myself and my strength with power words. I
persevere by being bold in my choices, actions and decisions.

54. When we have accepted the worst, we have nothing more to lose.
And that automatically means we have everything to gain.
(Dale Carnegie)
Empowerment: Food has lost its power to suck me in. If I slip, I do not
wallow in self pity or defeat. I simply unplug, take a deep breath and get
going again.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

55. The person who seeks all their applause from outside has
their happiness in anothers keeping.
(Claudius Claudianus, Ancient Egyptian Latin Poet)
Empowerment: I create my own happiness. While encouragement and
compliments are nice, they are not necessary for my success.

56. The right angle to approach a difcult challenge is the try-angle.

Empowerment: Theres always a choice. My choice is to try something new.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

57. For the diligent, a week has seven days.

For the slothful, a week has seven tomorrows.
Empowerment: A schedule and plan is a blessing. I get things done. Im a

58. Self command is the main elegance.

(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Empowerment: Its okay to be mad. Its okay to be sad. Its NOT okay to
ruin something important, like my healthy eating, when Im upset.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

59. There are three ingredients in the good life:

learning, yearning and earning.
(Christopher Marley)
Empowerment: I yearn for health and energy! I learn about how to attain
health and energy! I earn health and energy!

60. Dont worry about the world coming to an end today.

Its already tomorrow in Australia.
(Charles Schultz)
Empowerment: There are no failures. There are only opportunities to
improve, to learn and to get going again.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

61. Human beings can alter their lives by altering

their attitudes of mind.
(William James)
Empowerment: I have all the nuts and bolts I need to assemble better health.
I am actively putting it together.

62. Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have
and only you can determine how it will be spent.
Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
(Carl Sandburg)
Empowerment: My extra weight is a debt that I am paying off one day at a
time. I look forward to being debt free. I live on cash, and I am saving and
earning interest for my future.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

63. Deep in their roots, all owers keep the light.

(Theodore Roethke)
Empowerment: The need, goals and ability to lose weight are alive within me.
I take the time to focus and stay on task.

64. The ability to prepare to succeed is

as important as the will to succeed.
(Bobby Knight)
Empowerment: Healthy, happy food makes a healthy, happy me!


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

65. Q: When is the best time to plant a tree?

A: 20 Years Ago.
Q: Whens the next best time?
A: Now.
Empowerment: Although I cannot re-do yesterday, I can create tomorrows
health and weight loss success with my actions today.

66. To get out of a prison, you must become

aware that you are in one.
(Mark Victor Hansen)
Empowerment: Im out of jail! With pictures posted in my mind and on
mirrors, I literally see myself as a successful, healthy, happy person at a
healthy, happy weight.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

67. I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends.

(Abraham Lincoln)
Empowerment: I accept and embrace my need to lose weight and gain health
as a positive opportunity. Now is a perfect moment. I peacefully move forward
from the present.

68. With God as my witness, Ill never be hungry again.

(Scarlett OHara, End of Act I, Gone With The Wind)
Empowerment: With God as my witness, my body is changing and now
rejects unhealthy foods that do not nourish (other than small portions for
special occasions).


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

69. Its not what you are that holds you back;
its what you think you are not.
(Dennis Waitley)
Empowerment: I serve others and myself by releasing self-pity. I have
positive things to do and take action now.

70. ...for myself, I am an optimist. It does not seem to

be much use being anything else.
(Winston Churchill)
Empowerment: When I change my mind, I change my body.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

71. Give me your tired, your poor your huddled

masses yearning to breathe free
(Plaque at the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, New York)
Empowerment: I strengthen others, including my country and fellow
citizens, when I strengthen myself. I claim the liberty and freedom that come
from being healthy and t.

72. Time is everything.

(Abraham Lincoln)
Empowerment: My imagination is a powerful tool that creates powerful
strategies to help me lose weight.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

73. To get what you want you have to be willing to remove

the tag that says DO NOT REMOVE.
(Kate White)
Empowerment: I am consciously snipping away useless habits that have
seemed untouchable until now.

74. If we are facing in the right direction,

all we have to do is keep on walking.
(Buddhist Proverb)
Empowerment: Im a doer. I keep up with important exams and include my
doctor in my health improvement plan.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

75. All glory comes from daring to begin.

Empowerment: Each day is a new beginning. Today is a new day. Now is
a new moment. It takes less than 60 seconds to strap on a symbolic safety
helmet and repeat to myself I can lose weight, I am losing weight, I will lose
weight to actively protect my choices.

76. To give and to receive are ultimately the same.

Empowerment: When health routines seem monotonous, I remind myself
that every beautiful thing on the earth and within my body repeats itself in
an endlessly perfect circle of seasons and new beginnings.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

77. Only the wise possess ideas, the greater part

of mankind is possessed by them.
(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
Empowerment: My own best helping hand is always right where I need itat
the end of my own arm.

78. The ame of inspiration needs to be encouraged.

Put a glass around the small candle and protect it
from discouragement or ridicule.
(Mary Higgins Clark)
Empowerment: When discouraged, I look to others as an example and nd
something positive in my own day to build on.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

79. Abundance is not something we acquire.

It is something we tune into.
(Wayne Dyer)
Empowerment: Each bite is a blessing. I stop, give thanks and truly savor
each and every taste and morsel.

80. Only actions give life strength; only moderation gives it charm.
(Jean Paul Richter)
Empowerment: Less is more. Less is more. Less is more.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

81. I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.

(Vincent Van Gogh)
Empowerment: I am honest with myself and others. I use the words I am
unwilling instead of I cant. No more excuses!

82. A decision delayed until it is too late is

not a decision. Its an evasion.
Empowerment: I am diligently pulling weeds as they sprout to keep my
garden growing. I do not pay attention to false alarm weeds and enjoy my
gardening today.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

83. Before we set our hearts too much upon anything,

let us examine how happy they are, who already possess it.
(La Rochefoucauld)
Empowerment: I choose to be happy. I choose to be healthy. I choose to
accept whatever the day may bring with love, self-mastery and forgiveness.

84. A constant guest is never welcome.

Empowerment: What I focus on expands. I focus on saying goodbye to the
me of the past and hello to the healthy new me.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

85. When you chip a teacup, dont throw out the set.
Empowerment: I am peacefully learning to accept imperfection and
exibility as an important part of my long-term healthy eating lifestyle. I
immediately make up for detours with extra exercise or by reducing calories
for a day or so, or a combination of the two.

86. To be upset over what you dont have is to waste what you do have.
(Ken S. Keyes, Jr.)
Empowerment: Theres a silver lining in every cloud when I make the effort
to nd it. Success comes to me as I ip negative thoughts into positive action.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

87. Ones task is not to turn the world upside down,

but to do what is necessary at the given place and with
due consideration of reality.
Empowerment: Im determined to do what I can. Saying delicious,
nutritious, makes-me-feel-ambitious helps me make smart choices.

88. If you got a slug to swaller, dont look at it too long.

If youve got more than one to swaller, swaller the big one rst.
(Danny Cox)
Empowerment: I identify my slugs and often repeat three times with a smile
Slug go away, I do not delay. Slug go away, I take action today.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

89. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters
compared to what lies within us.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Empowerment: Both my physical and emotional well-being literally depend
on my healthy choices.

90. You are who you are. Not who you used to be.
Empowerment: Since God allows U-turns, so do I. Powerful self-talk
literally changes my identity. I am fabulous and remind myself of that fact
many times today.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

91. Theres a big difference between a rut and a groove.

Empowerment: I stay in tune with my actions and thoughts. When food or
exercise choices get boring, I make some changes.

92. Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is

no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the
midst of these things and still be calm in your heart.
Empowerment: It feels good to provide peace through my smart food choices.
I am building physical strength to cope with emotional needs.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

93. When you change the way you look at something,

the nature of the matter itself is changed.
(Wayne Dyer)
Empowerment: Eating healthfully is not a punishment. It is a precious
responsibility that I cheerfully accept.

94. When a man has not a good reason for doing a thing,
he has one good reason for letting it alone.
(Sir Walter Scott)
Empowerment: My health is mine to create. I choose not to waste it on
unplanned eating.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

95. Victory is won not in miles, but in inches. Win a little now,
hold your ground, and later win a little more.
Empowerment: I will always be surrounded by challenges that threaten my
determination and my progress to achieve excellent health. I see these devils
for what they are and move past them with clear vision and a smile.

96. Good things come to those who walk.

(Carolyn Allen)
Empowerment: Good things are coming to me now! Especially good things
are coming as I walk and exercise!


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

97. It takes nine months and one woman to have a baby.

Nine women and one month just doesnt work.
(John Petit)
Empowerment: Just as there is no end to sunrises and sunsets, there is no end
to my persistence.

98. Challenges are what make life interesting.

Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
(J. Marine)

Empowerment: Setbacks are set-ups for come-backs. I am up to the challenge

of visualizing and overcoming difculties with persistence.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

99. Safety doesnt happen by accident.

(On a sign seen at our re station)
Empowerment: Since accidents are often possible, I plan ahead. Im a doer
and a planner.

100. Its a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one

link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.
(Winston Churchill)
Empowerment: I use the power of my imagination as a tool to turn my eating
on and off. I do not eat as a way to pass time.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

101. We cannot do great things. We can only

do little things with great love.
(Mother Theresa)
Empowerment: Its a little act of love to drink the water I need. I count on
water to refresh my body and spirit often.


Part III
The Pocket Power Cards
Great things come in little packages! Using the pocket power cards will enable
you to sustain the emotional lift of the stories and empowerment statements.
They are a fun and easy way to create and maintain a healthy new identity
and permanent lifestyle change. These cards can be ordered from www.
The pocket power cards are also a wonderful way to encourage those around
you who also want to improve their health. You may share the thoughts in
your own community weight loss meetings, give several to a friend, enclose
in a greeting card, post on a work bulletin board or place in the lunch bag or
pocket of a family member.
How To Use The Pocket Power Cards
After reading each story and writing in the journal, take the matching pocket
power card and read the empowerment statement out loud to yourself several
times. You will immediately be strengthened with new determination to make
small, wise choices. You may want to take this one step further by standing in
front of a mirror and repeating the empowerment out loud to your reection.
Say it rmly and with conviction. As you hear your own voice, your mind and
heart will hear the commands, accept the new you and learn to obediently
follow the statements as a happy way to live.
You may want to get a little notebook and write down each empowerment
several times to further unleash your personal power, as Suze Orman did in
Inspiration No. 23.
Next, carry these little cards with you as a reinforcement and reminder.
Tuck them into your purse, wallet or a pocket to glance at during the day.
Post them on a mirror, a wall calendar, the fridge or at your computer. Use
them as bookmarks or in your personal journal or calendar. As choices and
temptations present themselves throughout the day, the little cards will serve
as loyal friends to remind you of your own power and what you want most,
(self-mastery and a healthy weight), not what you want at the moment.
It is also helpful to go through them as a stack, like ash cards. You will soon
have them memorized. Once the cards are memorized, it is extremely helpful

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

to visualize the words on each card surrounded in beautiful white light, or in

ashing neon lights. Think of each card as a billboard that you can see each
time you close your eyes.
The last step is to review a card or two before you go to bed and put them under
your pillow. Some people like to record the statements again in a notebook
beside their bed. Let those statements be your last thoughts as you drift off to
sleep. Youll be tapping into your subconscious and creating success even as
you sleep.
To make the empowerment statements and your own visualizing powers
fully come to life, please consider my good friend Danas experience. She had
lost over 35 pounds twice, about 25 pounds from her goal, then regained the
weight both times. On her third attempt, she hit a discouraging plateau at
exactly the same point 35 pounds lost and 25 to go. Her doctor was concerned
and sent her to a special class where she was challenged to uncover what was
holding her back
Through questioning and journaling, Dana discovered that although she
believed she could lose some of the weight, she did not believe shed be able
to maintain her loss. She had even said to her husband when starting for the
third time, Ill try, but I just cant imagine reaching and living the weight theyve
put on my goal sheet. Her mind and body obeyed this belief by cutting off her
success long before she reached her goal to create the reality that was in her
Dana learned to use empowerment statements to create a vivid movie of
herself not only reaching her goal, but happily and comfortably living at her healthy
weight goal. Within two weeks she had dropped seven pounds and was on her
way again. Visualizing made the difference. She lost the rest of the weight and
is happily living there now.
Make the most of your pocket power cards to nd the power that has always
been yours!


Part IV
Making the Most of Your
60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success CD
Special Note: Its very important that you read these pages before listening to
the CD for the rst time. This CD can be ordered from www.MyWeightLossFriend.
Did you know that every time you mentally or audibly say I cant lose weight,
or Nothing works for me, or Im a failure! that those very messages are
encoded on your subconscious mind? You have literally told yourself not to
lose weight and that nothing worksand thats exactly what happens. Just as
you are now choosing to change food choices to gain health and peace, it is
just as important that you change your thought and inner-dialog choices. This
CD will help you change negative words and the consequences they bring into
positive actions that make a difference in your health and weight.
The three to ve minute tracks on the 18 tracks include recorded empowerment
statements, meditations and uplifting thoughts and stories that will give you
something new to think and something new to say to yourself. The statements
will provide both your conscious and subconscious with the ability to
reprogram your eating behaviors and habits. The lovely music will soothe and
lift your spirits. Each statement is repeated three times for you to memorize
and incorporate into your life.
This CD is meant to be played over and over again while driving, working in
the kitchen, doing quiet work at the computer, during morning and evening
grooming times, etc. You may want to put a CD player beside your bed.
Listening to these messages is especially powerful while going to sleep and
during the rst stages of waking up when your subconscious is the most open
to new instructions. (See the story of Dana on the previous page.)
Please make sure you read the following article to have a better understanding
of the importance of repeating these empowerment (or afrmation) statements
many, many times.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

The Power of Repeated Words and Thoughts

By Remez Sasson
Thinking is usually a mixture of words, sentences, mental images and
sensations. Thoughts are visitors, who visit the central station of the mind.
They come, stay a while and then disappear, making space for other thoughts.
Some of these thoughts stay longer, gain power and affect the life of the person
thinking them.
It seems that most people let thoughts connected with worries, fears, anger or
unhappiness occupy their mind most of the time. They keep engaging their
mind with inner conversation about negative situations and actions. This inner
conversation eventually affects the subconscious mind, making it accept and
take seriously the thoughts and ideas expressed in those inner conversations.
It is of vital importance to be careful of what goes into the subconscious mind.
Words and thoughts that are repeated often get stronger by the repetitions,
sink into the subconscious mind and affect the behavior, actions and reactions
of the person involved.
The subconscious mind regards the words and thoughts that get lodged inside
it as expressing and describing a real situation, and therefore endeavors to align
the words and thoughts with reality. It works diligently to make these words
and thoughts a reality in the life of the person saying or thinking them.
This means that if you often tell yourself that it is difcult or impossible to
acquire money, the subconscious mind will accept your words and put
obstacles in your way. If you keep telling yourself that you are rich, it will
nd ways to bring you opportunities to get rich, and push you toward taking
advantage of these opportunities.
The thoughts that you express through your words shape your life. This is
often done unconsciously, as few pay attention to their thoughts and the
words they use while thinking, and let outside circumstances and situations
determine what they think about. In this case there is no freedom. Here, the
outside world affects the inner world.
If you consciously choose the thoughts, phrases and words that you repeat in
your mind, your life will start to change. You will begin creating new situations
and circumstances. You will be using the power of afrmations.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

Afrmations (or empowerment statements) are sentences that are repeated often
during the day, and which sink into the subconscious mind, thereby releasing
its enormous power to materialize the intention of the words and phrases in
the outside world. This does not mean that every word you utter will bring
results. In order to trigger the subconscious mind into action, the words have
to be said with attention, intention and feeling.
Afrmations have to be phrased in positive words in order to obtain positive
results. Consider the following two sentences:
1. I am not weak anymore.
2. I am strong and powerful.
Though both sentences seem to express the same idea, but in different words,
the rst one is a negative sentence. It creates in the mind a mental image of
weakness. This is wrong wording. The second sentence awakens in the mind
a mental image of strength.
It is not enough to say an afrmation a few times and then expect your life to
change. More than this is necessary. It is important to afrm with attention, as
well as with strong desire, faith and persistence. It is also important to choose
the right afrmation for any specic situation. You need to feel comfortable
with it; otherwise the afrmation may not work or may bring you something
that you do not really want.
Afrmations can be used together with creative visualization, to strengthen it,
and they can be used separately, on their own. They are of special importance
for people who nd it difcult to visualize. In this case they serve as a
substitution to creative visualization.
Instead of repeating negative and useless words and phrases in the mind, you
can choose positive words and phrases to help you build the life you want. By
choosing your thoughts and words you exercise control over your life.
Article printed with permission of Remez Sasson. Check out his website at


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success CD Tracks

Each empowerment is repeated three times. Listen again and again. Soon youll
have them memorized and be living them! They are organized by the days of
the week. Listen to as much as you can, as often as possible, but even just one
short track each day will make a difference in your choices and success for the
day. Its an easy 60-second choice to listen for just a few minutes each day.

1. Introduction
2. Sunday: Chapter One
My body is a miracle. It is a blessing to care for and
nourish it with healthy foods.
It is my right and my joy to achieve a healthy weight. I now expect and
receive the blessings of tness and abundant health.
I am attracting all the sources and help I need to lose
weight and live a healthy, energetic life.
When I think about my body, I think positively.
What I focus on expands. I focus on my weight loss success.
I bless those who are already at a healthy weight and
picture myself standing with them.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

3. Monday: Renewal
When I think about my ability to lose weight and achieve health,
I think positively and get excited!
Health, vitality and peace surround and ow through me.
I was born to succeed.
I am actively improving my health and weight.
I release all negative thoughts regarding my
body and past dieting failures.
I am in tune with God. He gives me the power to master
my appetite, procrastination and bad habits.
I abide in His eternal peace and health.
God gives me powerful ideas and the burning desire
to continue on my journey.
Day by day, in every way I am achieving a healthy weight.
I can lose weight, I am losing weight, I will lose weight.

4. Tuesday: Renewal
I am accountable. It is a pleasure to keep track of
what I eat throughout the day.
All the strength and time I need to eat right and exercise
are owing to me today.
God rewards those who persevere. I persevere.
I am divinely blessed with a wonderful body, mind and spirit.
I accept only thoughts that heal, bless and inspire my mind and body.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

5. Wednesday: In My Heart
Ive replaced every worry with positive empowerments for the
blessings of health and permanent weight loss.
My best helping hand is the one at the end of my own arm.
What I choose to think about is as important as what I choose to eat.
I see never-ending energy, health and terric feelings
about how I look and feel.
My favorite foods are within my healthy eating plan to enjoy.
My feelings of guilt and regret are gone, melted like an ice cube.
God is the source of all of my supply. He wants me
to be healthy and happy now.

6. Thursday: Honeysuckle Day

I choose to be happy. I choose to eat the foods that
will make my body and spirit happy.
God, who watches over the entire universe, now watches
over me; my life, my body and the wise food choices
I make to nourish and nurture myself.
God watches over all my choices and whatever I do, it is for
health and the highest good for myself and those I love.
I ll my heart and mind with the fruits of the spirit:
peace, gentleness, patience, endurance, kindness,
goodness and charity for allincluding myself.
As I think, so I am. I am at a healthy weight and comfortable in
my clothes and with my body. I am truly beautiful.
God is the source of all my strength, and that strength comes now.


One-Minute Inspirations to Change Your Thinking, Your Weight and Your Life

7. Friday: Dreams Come True

I can change no one but myself. I choose to change.
God helps my body process the many right choices I make
today in order to lose weight for a lifetime.
I release my concerns and worries about my weight and health to God.
I welcome God into my life with my wise food choices.
Activity and exercise are fun for me.
I make food and exercise choices that I know will please God,
my mind, my body and my spirit.
God is my strength and my comfort. I now release food from
playing this important role in my life.

8. Saturday: Lasting Image

I use the power of my imagination. I vividly imagine
my body releasing pounds and inches.
I vividly imagine smaller clothes that feel comfortable and beautiful.
I vividly imagine toned muscles and a wonderful appearance.
I vividly imagine being comfortable, attractive and nding
joy in my t body at a realistic, healthy weight.
I vividly imagine my success as an example to
inspire those I love to lose weight too.
I release, again, all negative thoughts and words about
my body and my ability to lose weight.
I have ve pounds to lose! I focus on these ve pounds and
choose to not be overwhelmed. The rest will come.


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

9. Bonus Track: Day By Day

I feel happy, healthy and energetic.
I am a great doer. I do things now.
God is inside me and He helps me succeed.
I have an intense desire to succeed. I take action!
The difference between fat and t is I. With Gods help,
Im making the change from fat to t.
I look fabulous, I feel fabulous, I am fabulous!
Day by day, in every way, Im losing weight and gaining peace.

10. Energizing Meditation

11. Soothing Meditation
12. and 13. Picture This* (music only)
14. Forever (A Success Story from September 11, 2001)
15. Belling the Cat (Finding Ourselves)
16. See Us Smile (Accepting Responsibility)
17. Safety for the Lamb (The Blessing of Boundaries)
18. Taught by the Daffodils (Live for Today)

*Use this music and time to create a vivid and detailed movie of yourself
making wise choices in difcult circumstances, achieving your goals and
living your goals at a wonderful, realistic weight, like Dana did on page 172.


Additional Resources
Here are some of my favorite books. All are available through,
or through the authors websites. For more helpful resources, please check out
my website. Im always adding new books.
Psycho-Cybernetics, by Maxwell Maltz, M.D. When this plastic surgeons
patients couldnt see the facial improvements he had made, he knew that the
most important changes had to be made internally from the mind and heart.
Its no different with us and our weight! This is an old classic from the early
70s but as true today as it was then. This book is extremely valuable for both
losing weight and permanently keeping it off.
Write Yourself Thin, by Toni Allawatt. I treasure this book and its unique
approach to understanding why we overeat. After struggling for a lifetime,
the author lost and keeps off 45 pounds. Her success started with a notebook
and paper. The case studies and writercises to help you discover and release
the thin person within are excellent.
The Quest for Peace, Love and a 24 Waist, by Deborah Low. Her subtitle on the
back says it all; Happiness is not found in a 24 waist, nor in the number you
see between your toes. Lots of case studies make it very interesting.
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, by Karol Truman. My well-worn copy is proof
of my genuine affection and appreciation for this book. The author presents
a very useful strategy to resolve many physical illnesses (including obesity)
by discovering and healing the emotional roots of the problem. Check out her
website at
I Dont Have To Make Everything All Better, by Joy and Gary Lundberg. In a
marvelous way that Ill never quite understand, this book effectively gives
you the tools for embracing your own life by letting everyone else go. Your
loved ones will only love you more for the relationships youll create with this
dynamic book. While its not about weight loss, youll get to the heart of a lot
of things that have probably been feeding overeating. Their website is www.
All books by author Geneen Roth. She is a much-quoted, much-read, and
excellent resource for coming to grips with emotional eating. Check out her
website and her many books at


60 Seconds to Weight Loss Success

All books by author by Dr. Joyce Vedral. The author is now in her 60s and
started her successful career after losing weight and getting back into shape as
a middle-aged woman. Her videos and books for toning and sculpting your
body through light hand weights are very helpful. Check out her website at
Passing For Thin, Losing Half My Weight and Finding Myself, by Frances Kuffel.
This is the fascinating, detailed personal story of a woman who had been
overweight her entire life, then lost 150+ pounds with a healthy eating plan
and community meetings.
Thin Within, by Judy Halliday, R.N. and Arthur Halliday, M.D. The authors
present more excellent insights into emotional eating.


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