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August 2002 Number 38


Thermal Properties of Log Homes

By Dalibor Houdek, Ph.D., Forintek Canada Corp.

The International Log
Builders Association is
pleased to provide you
with this free reprint
from our newsletter,
Log Building News #38.
The ILBA is a not-forprofit, educational
association dedicated to
furthering the craft of
log home construction.
It publishes books,
articles, Log Building
News, and the Log
Building Standards (the
building code for log
homes), and conducts
annual conferences and
workshops for log home
customers and log
home builders. Contact
information for the ILBA
is at the end of this

In the last few years, as I became more involved with

ILBA, I noticed an increased number of requests for
reliable technical information on the thermal performance of log homes.
As I studied this topic I came across various reports
and articles that said everything from log homes are
very energy efficient to log homes are energy inefficient. So, what is the truth? Are log homes energy
efficient or not?
While there is no definitive answer to such a general
question (considering the number of various log
building systems), I will bring up some points to help
you understand the basics and the complexity of the
The energy efficiency of a home is determined by
so-called R-values (resistance to thermal flow) of building segments such as walls, floors, roof, windows,
etc., and by the air tightness of the building envelope.
In log homes (and other heavy structures) there is also
the heat mass that influences the heat-holding ability
of the structure, thus influencing heating bills.
Lets start with the basics. Log homes are made of
wood (well, parts of the walls are anyway). The cross
section of the log under the microscope appears like a
bundle of straws. Those straws are filled with air
when the moisture content of the wood is lower than
so-called fiber saturation point (somewhere around 28
It is common knowledge that air is a very good
thermal insulator, and the more layers of air in the system, the better its insulating properties. Therefore,
wood seems like an ideal material to separate the warm and
cozy interior of your house
from the freezing winter conditions outside, right? Bigger is
not always better except in log

Dalibor Houdek
Number 38

walls, where the thicker wall provides better thermal

performance. At least the R-value (thermal resistance)
of the wall will be higher. By the way, even in this case
the larger the number, the better the wall should perform. I am using should because it is only one of the
features needed to achieve energy efficiency.
Thermal resistivity of different softwood species
varies, but not significantly. Generally speaking, the
higher the wood density, the lower the thermal resistivity. In the following table, please compare the R-values of common wood species used in log construction. Values in this table are approximate and should
be used with caution; actual conductivities may vary
by as much as 20 percent.. Note that the resistivity
increases with decreasing moisture content. The specific gravities also may not represent species averages.
Comparing thermal resistivity of 1" of wood (ranging approximately between 1-1.5) with 0.00067 for
aluminum, 0.0032 for steel, 0.167 for concrete, or
0.143 for glass indicates that wood is not doing all
that badly. Even when comparing wood to mineral
wool insulation with a resistivity of approximately 4,
the wood is still quite competitive.
It is apparent that the logs used for log homes are
only as large as is practical for a log builder. In my
experience the majority of companies use logs averaging between 12-16 inches in diameter at midrange.
That, combined with the average width of the lateral
groove between ranging between 2-4 inches, almost
predetermines the maximum R-value one can expect
from such a log wall.
The National Research Council of Canada (NRC)
conducted a study 1 on R-values of log walls for the
National Energy Code in 1996. To facilitate the calculation of the R-value for log walls using a simple hand
calculation, the NRC introduced an adjustment factor
called profile factor to accommodate the profile of
scribed log wall (thickness of the wall at the joints is
less than the diameter of the logs). The profile factor
for scribed fit log walls was found to be dependent on


the log diameter and the wall joint detail

and to range between 0.7 and 0.84. The
air close to the wall (Interior and exterior)
contributes to the total R-value of the wall
by approximately 0.88.
The R-value of a round scribed wall can
be then calculated by using following
equation: R-value = [(mean log diameter x
wood resistivity) + resistivity of air films] x
profile factor.
It is important to understand that this
very simple calculation is based on numerous simplifications and assumptions (e.g.
disregards the contribution of the mineral
insulation in the lateral groove). Therefore,
the results should be used with caution.
Here I want to share a story with you.
Once I was approached to provide technical information to a builder who was
questioned by the building official
regarding the R-values of log walls. The
builder sent me a slick computer-generated picture of a log house that I would put
in the category of a glass structure with a
log infill. Beautiful home, but what kind
of R-values are we talking about here? One
half of the house was made of material
(windows) that has thermal properties
equivalent to 2" thick cedar blank. In that
case, the importance of R-values of log
homes was overestimated.
According to research studies conducted
in Canada and the US ,2, 3 the heat loss
through handcrafted log walls represents
approximately 17 percent of total loss for
the structure. On the other hand, the air
infiltration/leakage can account for up to
50 percent of all heating losses in a handcrafted, chinkless log home. Although the
reports are not conclusive, the pattern for
a large population of homes is quite clear.
The lateral joints were not identified as
the main pathways for the air infiltration/
leakage but, rather, each of the following
items were shown to account for larger
portions of the total heat loss :
the ridge area of vaulted ceilings
the joint between the plate log and the
the protrusions of logs through the exterior walls (both frame and log)
the connections between the floor and a
sill log
the connection of the log wall with the
Number 38

Table 1 Thermal Resistivity of Various Softwood Species Used in Log Construction



Thermal Resistivity
Oven dry

At 12% MC

Western Red Cedar




White Spruce




Eastern White Pine




Western White Pine




Lodgepole Pine




Eastern Red Cedar




Red Pine




Douglas Fir



(Source:Wood Handbook-Wood as an Engineering Material, USDA, 1999)

frame wall
the window/doorto-wall log interfaces
the log-corner interface.
It is very important to pay attention to
these structural details during design and
construction, as they make a large difference in overall energy efficiency of a log
structure. It was shown that gasketed walls
with tightened through-bolts perform better than those just using fiberglass, and
that exterior/interior chinking reduces air
infiltration even further.
Last, is the issue of thermal mass; a difficult subject to address.
While it is a relatively simple exercise to
calculate the thermal mass (heat storing
capacity) of a log wall, it is rather difficult
to estimate how this affects the overall
energy consumption of a particular building. Nevertheless, the effect of heat mass
was confirmed by long-term testing in a
study4 conducted by the US Department
of Commerce.
In the 28 week-long test, the test house
with nominal R-10 log walls consumed
the same amount of energy as a light
frame building of the same size and shape

with walls rated R-12. It was determined

that the log wall performed 17 percent
better than its calculated rating and it was
concluded that the relatively large thermal
mass of log wall is an energy-conserving
The Model Energy Code (CABO 1992)
gives log walls thermal mass credits but
these credits are dependent on the site
specifics and regional climatic conditions,
including Heating-Degree-Days (HDD).
According to the Model Energy Code, a
building in a climate that has a 6600 HDD
(for example Buffalo, NY, falls into the category of 6500-8000 HDD) must have walls
with a combined U-value of 0.12.5 The
combined U-value is reciprocal to summation of the R-values of each component in
the wallsdoors and windows included.
This means that the required combined Rvalue for a house in that particular region
is R-8.3. For buildings with a significant
amount of mass (at least 20 lb. per square
foot of the wall) the combined R-value in
these climactic conditions (6500-8000
HDD) can be lowered to R-7.7. This means
that the log walls are given the thermal
mass credit of about 8 percent.
In reality, it means that the R-value of
the log wall is granted a credit of 8 percent to acknowledge the effect of thermal
mass. For example, in the climactic region
with only 2000 HDD, the thermal mass
credit would be as high as 42 percent.
The idea of combined R-value for the
wall including the windows and doors


seems very logical to ensure conservative

estimation of heat consumption in a particular environment. However, it can also
be a cause of the problem that many log
builders have experienced. If the house has
half of the wall area filled with high efficiency windows (R-3 would be a very
good window) the rest of the wall has to
be beefed up to bring the overall combined R-value to the required level.
As you can see, this whole issue of thermal properties of log homes is quite complicated due primarily to the influence of
many factors. Additional research is clearly
needed in order to better understand
these complex relationships between
materials and construction methods.
ILBA is currently pursuing several initiatives to address the technical issues of the
log building industry and Thermal
Performance will definitely be one of

1 Life Cycle Costing of Log Walls for the
National Energy Code for Houses,
Institute for Research in Construction,
National Research Council Canada,
2 Air Leakage Performance of 11 Log
Houses in Eastern Ontario and Western
Quebec, CMHC, 1996
3 Stephen Klossner: Energy Related
Performance Testing of Minnesota Log
Homes, 1990.
4 A Field Study of the Effect on Wall Mass
on the Heating and Cooling Loads of
Residential Buildings, National Bureau of
Standards, 1982.
5 Thomas Gorman: The Thermal
Performance of Log Home Walls, Wood
Design Focus, Fall 1995.

Cathy Hansen, Executive Director

[email protected]
Robrt Savignac, Executive Director
[email protected]
Ann Miks, Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
International Log Builders Association
P.O. Box 775
Lumby, British Columbia
V0E 2G0 Canada
800-532-2900 toll-free
250-547-8776 phone
250-547-8775 fax

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