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Karen Sheila B.

Special Section-2

Nat Res Law

Mon, Sat.


G.R. No. 145328
March 23, 2006
In 1996, NAPOCOR constructed a 29 decagon-shaped steel poles or towers with a
height of 53.4 meters to support overhead high tension cables in connection with
its 230 Kilovolt Sucat-Araneta-Balintawak Power Transmission Project. The
transmission lines passes through Sergio Osmena, Sr. Highway (South
Superhighway), the perimeter of Fort Bonifacio, and Dasmarias Village proximate
to Tamarind Road, where petitioners homes are. Petitioners, alarmed by the
exposure of electromagnetic fields that could possibly affect their health with such
illness from cancer to leukemia, aired their growing concern to the NAPOCOR,
which conducted a series of meetings with them. However, the negotiation with
NAPOCOR did not go well as the petitioners contend for the relocation of the
transmission lines to Fort Bonifacio while the NAPOCOR insists on a 12-meter
easement widening.
Petitioners then filed an action against NAPOCOR in which it restrained
NAPOCOR from energizing the power lines and enjoined them until there is final
judgment. The CA however set aside the order on the ground that the proscription
on injunctions against infrastructure projects of the government is mandated under
PD 1818. Upon appeal, the petitioners contend that PD 1818 was not construed to
apply in cases of extreme urgency such as their right to health issue.
Whether the trial court may issue preliminary injunction to enjoin the construction
of steel towers of NAPOCOR in accordance with PD 1818.
YES. The court ruled that although PD 1818 prohibits any court from issuing
injunctions in cases involving infrastructure projects, the prohibition extends only
to the issuance of injunctions or restraining orders against administrative acts in
controversies involving facts or the exercise of discretion in technical cases. On
issues clearly outside the dimension and involving questions of law, the courts
could not be prevented from exercising their power to restrain or prohibit
administrative acts.
In the case, petitioners sought the issuance of a preliminary injunction on the
ground that the NAPOCOR Project impinged on their right to health as adduced in

Karen Sheila B. Mang-usan

Special Section-2

Nat Res Law

Mon, Sat.

copies of studies linking the incidence of illnesses such as cancer and leukemia to
exposure to electromagnetic fields. The respondents also violated the Local
Government Code provision for failure to conduct prior consultation with the
petitioner, as the community affected by the project.
Thus, the evidence on record justifies the conclusion that the project of NAPOCOR
probably imperils the health and safety of the petitioners so as to justify the
issuance by the trial court of a writ of preliminary injunction.

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