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Detailed Lesson Plan

Teaching Arnis

Submitted to: Prof. Alvin B. Liad

Submitted by: Iszelle Marie J. Soriano

Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Arnis


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a.Determine the 12 striking basic skills in Arnis
b. Apply the 12 striking basic techniques in Arnis
c. Demonstrate the12 striking basic techniques skills of Arnis.



Subject Matter:
Topic: Arnis
References: PNU Let Reviewer (Prof. Julio victor B. Santarin) PP.242
Materials: Lcd projector, Laptop, Bond Paper, and Rattan stick
A. Preparatory Activities
Teachers Activity

1. Review
Good Afternoon class!
I am pleased to meet you all again this afternoon.
Class! . Before we start our discussion lets have a
review regarding the past lesson. Jeril! discuss
about exercise ok class what is exercise again
Thank you for participating class

Students Activity
(Good afternoon too Maam)

(Exercise bodily enhance wellness and


B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of the Lesson
Class! Who among you have an idea about our
Yes, Charlene?
Absolutely correct!
I am going to discuss arnis and I will demonstrate
the 12 striking techniques in arnis
2. Discussion
Anyway, who among you can define arnis?

(Arnis maam)

Yes, Shine?
Very Good!
Arnis is one of the oldest Martial arts of the
The Basic Skills of Arnis
Hand Grip
Hold the stick one fist away from the
butt of the stick close the grip with the
Reverse Triangle
Left and Right side stepping
Stance and Posture
Straddle stance
Forward stance
Back stance
Fighting Form
12 Striking Technique
Defensive stance
Single Sinawali
Double Sinawali
3. Application
Lets have some activity to prove whether you
really understand our lesson. I will group you into
four, One of the member of each group will pick
the activity that you are going to present here in
front .First group will perform a role play using the
basic skills of arnis, Second group will do the 12
striking technique, Third group will do the double
sinawali and Lastly will do the single sinawali and

Do you understand class?

4. Evaluation
Perform the 12 striking techniques

(They defend their selves

using a stick)

(Its all about Arnis Maam)

(Arnis is also known as Eskrima

or Kali is generic term for deadly
Martial arts of the Philippines.)

Left temple
Right temple
Left shoulder
Right shoulder
Left chest
Right chest
Left knee
Right knee
Left eye
Right eye

(Yes Maam)

Proper Execution 50%

5. Generalization
To sum up what we have discussed, what are the
different striking techniques in Arnis?

Yes, May-ann
Very Good!

(Left temple, Right temple, Left

shoulder, right shoulder, stomach, Left
chest, Right chest, Left knee, Right
knee, Left eye, Right eye and Head



In playing arnis, what are the essential elements to become a Good

References:PNU LET REVIEWER PP.243
( Prof. Julio victor B. Santarin)

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