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Pizzagate: How 4Chan Uncovered the Sick

World of Washingtons Occult Elite

November 15, 2016
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Posters over at 4Chan and Reddit have been conducting an extremely bizarre investigation following
the John Podesta e-mail leak (Hillary Clintons campaign chairman) and the results are surreal: Theyve
apparently uncovered an elite child trafficking network which celebrates its tendencies using code
words and disturbing artworks.

Warning: This article contains disturbing material

In my article Clintons Campaign Chairman John Podesta Invited to an Occult Spirit Cooking Dinner by Marina
Abramovi, I explained how a mundane dinner invitation found in the Podesta e-mail leaks was actually a clear
link to bizarre occult ceremonies happening at the highest levels of power. While that by itself was rather
shocking, it appears to only be the tip of a very disgusting iceberg.
4Chan effectively unearthed a strange network of high-powered people who, through art, events and social
media, actually celebrate a culture that revolves around death, torture, cannibalism and child abuse. Most of
this disturbing material was not even hidden, it was out there in the open, exposed on business walls and
posted on social media.
Furthermore, an analysis of the Podesta e-mails revealed that the network appeared to communicate using
code words to coverup their shady dealings.
The epicenter of this entire thing is, believe or not, a hipster pizza place named Comet Ping Pong.

Comet Ping Pong

Comet Ping Pong is a family friendly pizzeria where people can eat, drink and play ping-pong.

The Comet Ping Pong menu contains a logo that is strikingly similar to the child lover logo
used in these circles. Also, Play Eat Drink = PED.
The owner of Comet Ping Pong is James Alefantis who is, for some reason, ranked #49 in the top 50 Most
Powerful People in Washington of GQ magazine.

Alefantis as featured on the GQ website. He is described as D.C. Radical Chic.

Alefantis boyfriend is David Brock, the founder of liberal media watchdog group Media Matters for America. He
was described by Time magazine to be one of the most influential operatives in the Democratic Party. The
power couple was heavily involved in Hillary Clintons campaign.

An invitation to a Clinton fundraising

event featuring Chef James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong, Clintons campaign chair John
Podesta and others.
Heres an e-mail sent by Alefantis to John Podesta.

A leaked John Podesta e-mail from James Alefantis sending Hillarys pizza logo. Alefantis is
therefore in direct connection with some of the most powerful people in the world.
In short, Alefantis is very connected to very powerful people. Now lets look at his Instagram account, which
was publicly accessible until 4Chan began prying in. The account is filled with bizarre and disturbing pictures
often involving small children. Here are some examples (I cant even post them all).

A young girl with her arms taped to a table with a man standing behind her. One of the comments
say This is pretty creepy bro. This is beyond creepy bro.A young girl inside a basket as if
she was about to be bought. Many pictures allude to buying and owning children while preying
on this innocence.

A closeup picture of another baby. Alefantiss (aka jimmycomet) posted #hotard which is slang
for being a ho and a retard. Yes, he posted this next to the picture of an INFANT.Another
strange pic involving a child and a weirdly placed yellow beads necklace. Also, notice the
hashtag #chickenlovers.
Heres a definition of chicken lover found with a basic web search.

A pic of a German baby doll for sale. Buying babies appears to be an important hobby.Pills n
bills before a trip. The comment Ping Pong in London sounds tempting is obviously code for
something else.A picture posted by the barman at Comet Ping Pong. It heavily alludes to the fact
that pizza means something else in their strange code.A screenshot of child beauty pageant girl
wanting pizza.

A baby holding Euros. Why?Making out with a dead dog. Dont google babybirding.

A closeup of the eye of a dead pig.For some reason, Alefantis posted a picture of a cavernous
room. EVERY SINGLE comment next to this picture is EXTREMELY CREEPY, almost as if

they knew that something awful was about to happen there.

A bizarre, ritualistic, Eyes Wide Shut-style pic involving young people.This is the mural p
rominently on display at Comet Ping Pong by artist Arrington de Dionyso. It depicts strange peo
ple holding the heads of smaller people.This is another painting de Dionyso. His work often
contains MKULTRA-related themes such as dual
A regular guest at Comet Ping Pong is the performer Majestic Ape from the group Heavy Breathing.

A screenshot from a video of Majestic Ape

hosting a birthday party at Comet Ping Pong.A screenshot from one of Majestic Apes music
video where she jokes about sigh.
Heres another video of that Ape joking about sigh.
Another radical artist that is close to Comet Ping Pong is Marina Abramovic.

A picture of Marina Abramovic posted by Alefantis holding a bundle of sticks.Abramovic on the

cover of dust magazine covering the eyes of a shirtless child.A screenshot from Marinas Spirit
Cooking video where she throws pig blood at a statue shaped like a small child.Lady Gaga and
Marina at the 20th Annual Watermill Center benefit in a place called Devils Heaven (cant

make this up). They are partaking in pretend cannibalism.Lady Gaga with a friend during the
same event. Why are there children there? RUN AWAY KID!
The Podesta Wikileaks dump revealed that John Podesta and his brother Tony were personally invited to
Marinas Spirit Cooking event.

John Podesta
A screenshot of John Podesta sitting in his office during an interview. Hanging on the wall is a
painting that clearly alludes to cannibalism.
John David Podesta was the Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. He previously served
as Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton and Counselor to President Barack Obama. Wikileaks released
thousands of Podestas e-mails and it was soon discovered that an inordinate amount of messages referred
to pizza and hot dogs. Often times, these words were used in bizarre contexts and in sentences that did not
make any sense.

One of many e-mails where pizza clearly alludes to something else.Some observers believe that
handkerchiefs are used as mementos in MK abuse. This is a painting from Monarch mind
control survivor Kim Noble depicting a victim being abused. Theres a piece of cloth underneath
the child. The body appears to be levitating, which represents dissociation after extreme trauma.
Read my full article about Kim Noble here.

This is an ad for Comet Ping Pong which appears to use the same dissociation symbolism.
Then theres John Podestas brother Tony, whose strange taste in art has even made the news. Heres an
article from the Washington Post describing how guests were horrified by the art inside Podestas bedroom.
Podestas most notable piece is Louise Bourgeois The Art of Hysteria a sculpture of a headless man
violently arching back. This sculpture was posted by Alefantis on Instagram. He apparently visited Podestas
The sculpture depicts the violent physical reaction of patients suffering from hysteria.
The physical tension of the hysterical arch an intense muscular contraction, resulting in immobility and
paralysis of the limbs is emblematic of an equally extreme emotional state. Bourgeois makes this highly
vulnerable position even more so by suspending her male figure from the ceiling.
National Gallery of Canada

Bourgeois was inspired by studies on hysteric women. The subject of her art is however a man.
The sculpture is also strikingly similar to one of Jeffrey Dahlmers headless victims. I wont post the picture in
this article but it can be found here. Dahlmer was a serial killer who abused and cannibalized young men. He
often placed his victims in symbolic positions and took pictures of them.
An article from Washington Life describes Podestas love from Marina Abramovic (do see the links
connecting?) as well as under-the-radar artist named Biljana Djurdjevic.
If youve ever dreamed of strolling through a museum with a slice of pizza and glass of wine in hand, you need
to befriend superlobbyist Tony Podesta. Known about town as a legendary political fix-it man, Podesta has

turned his Kalorama home into a shrine to contemporary art, ranging from relatively under-the-radar artists
such as Serbian painter Biljana Djurdjevic to those who are much better known (like French sculptor Louise
Bourgeois). ()
Currently he has collected from 40 different artists in some depth, with his top five being Marina
Abramovic, Vik Muniz, Bourgeois, Olafur Eliasson and Antony Gormley.
Washington Life, Inside Homes: Private Viewing
Podesta has a large paint of Djurdjevic in his living room. Heres another painting by Djurdjevic.


ze it all you want, but this is a painting of a child being tortured.

In Conclusion
This article only contains some of the findings uncovered by private investigators online. What has been
exposed is, most likely, only the tip of the iceberg of a huge, complex network that has many ramifications.
Each thread could probably be investigated further and lead to even more disturbing facts connecting even
more high-powered individuals.
Going through the material of this article is a difficult and painful process, but it exposes the true mind-state and
philosophy of the occult elite. They publicly celebrate a specific culture of death, abuse and dehumanization
through their art and events, leaving us to only speculate about what they do behind closed doors. The
symbolism in the above images is in perfect accordance with the occult elites culture that I have been
describing on Vigilant Citizen for years.
The Pizzagate investigation reveals, at best, the disturbing culture of the elite and, at worst, an all-out child
trafficking ring. And dont believe that only Democrats are into this. This is the true culture of the occult elite, a
circle of powerful people who operate far above political parties, and far above the law.

Huge Breakthrough in D.C.

Pedophilia Ring
TMR Editors Note:
Dear Reader,
It is truly imperative that every person of conscience watch the
following video. It provides essential context which is necessary to
correctly understand the great volume of information posted below the
broken line.
Only after watching the preceding video will it be possible to make
sense of the Democrat pedophilia ring that has been broken in
Washington, D.C. When this [ORGANIZED] Satanic ritual child sexual
abuse is finished being investigated, it will make the Franklin Scandal
and Cover-up look like a garden party.
The Franklin Coverup Scandal: The Child Sex Ring That
Reached Bush/Reagan White House

That Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta finds himself at the

very center of this exploding Beltway scandal only complicates matters
for so many. Podesta was President Bill Clintons Chief of Staff and
President Barack Obamas Counselor to the President.
The Millennium Report
November 8, 2016
Huge Breakthrough in Podesta Pedophilia Ring and
Beltway Sub-culture

Democrat Child Sex Ring Appears to Revolve

Around Washington DC Pizza Parlor Comet
Ping Pong Owned by James Achilles Alefantis
by PleadingtheYif
BREAKING: From the anon who brought you the Laura
Silsby connection: I have uncovered a pedophile with
links to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, David Brock,
George Soros, Marina Abramovic and the
Podestas (self.The_Donald)
submitted 4 hours ago * by PleadingtheYifUSA
The individual I have mentioned is one James Achilles
Alefantis. Mr. Alefantis is the owner of the Washington DC
pizza parlor Comet Ping Pong. There are disturbing
indications that Mr. Alefantis is running some form of
pedophile ring that involves quite a few public figures in
Washington D.C. It would appear that he is the Achilles heel
for all these people of stature.

Since the investigation began, Mr. Alefantis has deleted many

of his posts and set his social media to private. We have
archived the entirety of his online presence however. Links
posted here are both archives and screenshots I took while
helping to investigate.
First I will discuss Alefantis links to powerful people, then
outline the preponderance of evidence that he is a pedophile
and uses Comet Ping Pong as a front for his sex trafficking

I. Connections between Power

Brokers and Alefantis
David Brock, director of Correct the Record
James Alefantis is the owner of pizza joint Comet Ping Pong,
he is the romantic partner of former CTR director David
Brock. Here is a link confirming this and showing them caught
up with another individual in some kind of blackmail love
Here is a photo of Brock on Alefantis Instagram:
Hillary Clinton
Here is a letter Alefantis posted from Hillary thanking him for
helping with a fundraiser that involved the Podestas:
An FEC search also shows payments made to Alefantis from
the Clinton Campaign and pro Clinton PACS
Barack Obama
Here is a photo Alefantis posted showing Obama playing ping
pong with a young boy:
Obama has also been identified in the Wikileaks Podesta
dump as having held phone banks at Comet Ping Pongs
Alefantis is also listed in White House records as having
visited a few times:
George Soros
Yes, George Soros even is involved with this pizza parlor. He
is listed as a major donor to the American Bridge 21st
Century PAC:
This PAC is on record with the FEC as having made several
donations to Comet Ping Pong:
Marina Abramovic
Alefantis appears to have some form of relationship to spirit
cooking artist Marina Abramovic as he references her in his
He also posted a photo which appears to possibly make a
Moloch reference:
Here is Alefantis posting a photo of Tony Podestas house:
You may remember this Arch of Agony statue from the
house of Tony Podesta, as seen in this Washington Post
Keep in mind that this house contains art showing child abuse
by Biljana Djurdjevic:

II. Implications James Alefantis is

running a pedophile ring out of
Comet Ping Pong
A. Sexual references made in Comet Ping Pong and by
Alefantis online
First. Comet Ping Pong advertises itself as a family place for
parents and their kids
This website here shows that a reviewer mentioned the
presence of hidden doors in the establishment (it also
revealed that the Food Network show host Guy Fieri has done
an episode there). Link and screenshot of relevant portion
Despite its claim to be family friendly the restaurant has a
number of disturbing sexual references inside and James
Alefantis makes a number of references to pedophelia both
overtly and implicitly online. Alefantis actually posted a
photo of an art photo piece which appears to show a
man vaginally penetrating what could be an underage
girl. I have decided not to share it here but it has been
archived. He has since deleted the photo.
EDIT: People suggested I post an edited version of the photo.
Here it is, with all NSFW parts removed:
Here is a photo showing the inside of Comet Ping Pong where
graffiti saying shut up and fuck and Amen are clearly

He posted a disturbing image of a little girl taped down to a

table in Comet Ping Pong:
He joked about purchasing infants:
Here he posted a photo featuring a man wearing a shirt that
says I love children in French:
Here he reference a boom boom room which sounds
disturbingly like a play on the phrase boom boom used by
foreign prostitutes to describe sex:
More on the above photo:
A photo showing children engaged in some strange ceremony
or ritual:
Another odd photo someone tagged at Comet Ping Pong:
Here Alefantis posted a photo of a man with a yellow bead
necklace around the head of a young boy. A quick search
reveals yellow sex bracelets imply analingus, and the hashtag
#chickenlovers in the instagram post is a pedophile reference
to adult men who are attracted to underage boys. Links
B. References to pizza in a was that is either sexual or
involved children
Alefantis and others clearly use the term pizza to allude, at
the very least to sex (I believe it to mean sex with minors).
Here are a number of references from Alefantis and others
tagged at Comet Ping Pong making sexual innuendos about
pizza and children:
C. Innuendos to systematic child abuse and trafficking
Comet Ping Pongs posters for the concerts played at their
venue show references to abuse and pedophilia.
Here is an poster which may refer to the out of body
experience children have when experiencing extreme abuse:
Here is one showing a band called the Lolitas played at
Comet Ping Pong:
More disturbingly Alefantis has posted a number of photos
showing very suspicious rooms, construction of underground
chambers and openly joked about filling them with his
friends on Instagram.
Here is a photo Alefantis posted showing men digging a hole.
Him and his friends joke about filling it and a commenter

claims his hole has been full for quite some time now. They
also joke about doing a line up at the hole in the near
Another photo he posted appears to shows a large freezer,
which could appear to be a location used for some kind of
imprisonment or torture. Commenters on the photo joke
rinse it off when youre done and kill room.
The man who commented kill room on the above photo has
a number of images on his Instagram appearing to show he
makes child sized coffins:
Here is a disturbing Wikileaks email where a torture
chamber is referenced:
Finally, people have noticed that pro-Hillary groups own ALL
the properties on the block where Comet Ping Pong is
As noted in the previous picture, some of the company logos
of nearby groups who have offices near Comet Ping Pong look
similar to known images used by pedophiles as per this FBI
What can we do about this?
It seems fairly likely that the DC police and FBI will not do
anything about this situation. Raise public awareness! Our
best tool to combat the people in power on this issue is to

build publicity until the public demands a change. Get the

word out!
Credits to all the anons on /pol/ who have been working
around the clock on this, as well as our own nimble
navigators, especially /u/dota2_scrub who found the
Soros/Obama documentation.
EDIT: /u/omfgzlolz has pointed out that ping ponging is
sexual slang for a threesome.

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