Vera v. Fernandez

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[TAX 1] General Principles of Taxation 02

Vera v. Fernandez
G.R. No. L-31364 | March 30, 1979| De Castro, J.:
Petitioners: MISAEL P. VERA, as Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, and JAIME ARANETA, as Regional Director, Revenue
Region No. 14, Bureau of Internal Revenue
Respondents: HON. JOSE F. FERNANDEZ, Judge of the Court
of First Instance of Negros Occidental, Branch V, and
FRANCIS A. TONGOY, Administrator of the Estate of the late
LUIS D. TONGOY respondents.

A motion for allowance of claim and for payment of taxes
was filed in a special proceedings entitled: "Intestate
Estate of Luis D. Tongoy," The claim represents the
indebtedness to the Government of the late Luis D.
Tongoy for deficiency income taxes in the total sum of
P3,254.80. The Administrator opposed the motion solely
on the ground that the claim was barred under Section 5,
Rule 861 of the Rules of Court. Finding the opposition
well-founded, the respondent Judge dismissed the motion
for allowance of claim filed by herein petitioner. A MR
was filed, but was denied. Hence, this appeal on

W/N the statute of non-claims Section 5, Rule 86 of the
New Rule of Court, bars claim of the government for
unpaid taxes, still within the period of limitation
prescribed in Section 331 and 332 of the National
Internal Revenue Code. NO
A perusal of the aforequoted provisions shows that it
makes no mention of claims for monetary obligation of
the decedent created by law, such as taxes which is
entirely of different character from the claims expressly
enumerated therein, such as: "all claims for money
against the decedent arising from contract, express or
implied, whether the same be due, not due or contingent,

All claims for money against the decedent, arising from contracts,
express or implied, whether the same be due, not due, or
contingent, all claims for funeral expenses and expenses for the last
sickness of the decedent, and judgment for money against the
decedent, must be filed within the time limited in they notice;
otherwise they are barred forever, except that they may be set forth
as counter claims in any action that the executor or administrator
may bring against the claimants. xxx

all claim for funeral expenses and expenses for the last
sickness of the decedent and judgment for money against
the decedent." Under the familiar rule of statutory
construction of expressio unius est exclusio alterius , the
mention of one thing implies the exclusion of another
thing not mentioned. Thus, if a statute enumerates the
things upon which it is to operate, everything else must
necessarily, and by implication be excluded from its
operation and effect.
The reason for the more liberal treatment of claims for
taxes against a decedent's estate in the form of exception
from the application of the statute of non-claims, is not
hard to find. Taxes are the lifeblood of the Government
and their prompt and certain availability are imperious
need. Upon taxation depends the Government ability to
serve the people for whose benefit taxes are collected. To
safeguard such interest, neglect or omission of
government officials entrusted with the collection of
taxes should not be allowed to bring harm or detriment
to the people, in the same manner as private persons
may be made to suffer individually on account of his own
negligence, the presumption being that they take good
care of their personal affairs. This should not hold true to
government officials with respect to matters not of their
own personal concern. This is the philosophy behind the
government's exception, as a general rule, from the
operation of the principle of estoppel.
Furthermore, per Section 315 of the Tax Code, payment
of income tax shall be a lien in favor of the Government
of the Philippines from the time the assessment was
made by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue until paid
with interests, penalties, etc. By virtue of such lien, this
court held that the property of the estate already in the
hands of an heir or transferee may be subject to the
payment of the tax due the estate. Before the inheritance
has passed to the heirs, the unpaid taxes due the
decedent may be collected, even without its having been
presented under Section 2 of Rule 86 2 of the Rules of
Court. It may truly be said that until the property of the
estate of the decedent has vested in the heirs, the
decedent, represented by his estate, continues as if he
were still alive, subject to the payment of such taxes as
would be collectible from the estate even after his death.

Section 2. Time within which claims shall be filed. - In the notice

provided in the preceding section, the court shall state the time for
the filing of claims against the estate, which shall not be more than
twelve (12) nor less than six (6) months after the date of the first
publication of the notice. However, at any time before an order of
distribution is entered, on application of a creditor who has failed to
file his claim within the time previously limited the court may, for
cause shown and on such terms as are equitable, allow such claim
to be flied within a time not exceeding one (1) month.

[TAX 1] General Principles of Taxation 02


Even assuming arguendo that claims for taxes have to be

filed within the time prescribed in Section 2, Rule 86 of
the Rules of Court, the claim in question may be filed
even after the expiration of the time originally fixed
therein, as may be gleaned from the italicized portion of
the Rule (see footnote 2)
In the instant case, petitioners filed an application
(Motion for Allowance of Claim and for an Order of
Payment of Taxes) which, though filed after the expiration
of the time previously limited but before an order of the
distribution is entered, should have been granted by the
respondent court, in the absence of any valid ground, as
none was shown, justifying denial of the motion, specially

considering that it was for allowance Of claim for taxes

due from the estate, which in effect represents a claim of
the people at large, the only reason given for the denial
that the claim was filed out of the previously limited
period, sustaining thereby private respondents'
contention, erroneously as has been demonstrated.
Petition is GRANTED.

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