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2013 UF Water Institute Faculty Fellow

Dr. Matthew Cohen

The UF Water Institute would like to congratulate Dr. Matthew Cohen on the
completion of his inaugural UF Water Institute Faculty Fellowship term!
Thank you, Matt, for your commitment to the UF Water Institutes mission.
As an ecosystems hydrologist, Dr. Matt Cohen
is one who understands the intricacies of
waters role in ecological systems. His research
focuses on growth, nutrient cycling and pattern
formation within ecological systems with a
recent interest in the development of federal
policy on regulations of waterways.
In a national and international context,
Cohens work with sensor technology
has produced in-depth insights into the
environmental, chemical and biological
complexities of rivers. Cohens research
focus broadened to include policy issues in
2013, coincidentally the same time of his
appointment to the University of Florida Water
Institutes inaugural class of Faculty Fellows.
It was pretty early in my career, and I look
around at some real giants on campusto be
nominated was cool, but to be selected was
even cooler, said Cohen on his selection as a
2013 Water Institute Faculty Fellow.
Cohen credits projects that he has worked
on, conversations that have happened and
collaborations that he has been a part of
directly to the multi-disciplinary approach of
the Water Institute.
I feel like the Water Institute tries to be
relevant to policy makers in a way that pure
academia doesnt always have to answer
to, said Cohen. We look for issues that are
academically interesting, but also matter to

Cohen currently serves as the chair of the

Faculty Advisory Committee of the Water
Institute. In the future, he looks forward to
continuing his work with the Water Institute
specifically with the biennial symposia and
distinguished scholars seminar series. Overall,
Cohen has valued the partnerships and
relationships that he has developed through
his three-year term as a Water Institute Faculty
Its easy when you are a faculty member to
imagine your work is anonymous, said Cohen
about his work prior to his involvement with
the UF Water Institute. You dont know whos
paying attention or learning anything, but the
idea that we have a community of researchers
at UF gave me the notion that this is real.

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