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Health and Safety


The bulk transfer of dangerous

liquids and gases between ship
and shore
This is a free-to-download, web-friendly version of HSG186
(Second edition, published 1999). This version has been adapted for online
use from HSEs current printed version.
You can buy the book at and most good bookshops.
ISBN 978 0 7176 1644 2
Price 10.50
This book provides information on the fire, explosion, toxic and environmental
hazards associated with the bulk transfer of dangerous liquids and gases
between ship and shore.
It sets out practical measures on the design, construction, operation and
maintenance of the equipment, pipelines, jetties, etc, used in the bulk transfer.
These measures are designed to protect people at work (including shore staff
and ships crews) and others who may be affected by the operations.

HSE Books

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Crown copyright 1999

First published 1986
ISBN 978 0 7176 1644 2
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written
permission of the copyright owner.
Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to:
The Office of Public Sector Information, Information Policy Team,
Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU or e-mail: [email protected]
This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety Executive. Following the guidance
is not compulsory and you are free to take other action. But if you do follow the
guidance you will normally be doing enough to comply with the law. Health and
safety inspectors seek to secure compliance with the law and may refer to this
guidance as illustrating good practice.

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Preface 4
Introduction 4

General 4
Legal requirements 4
Definitions 6
Applying the standards 8
Environmental protection 8
Additional advice and information 8

Hazards during bulk cargo transfer 9

Main hazards 9
Hazardous properties of dangerous substances 9

General safety precautions at installations 11

Introduction 11
Health precautions 12
Maintenance and modifications 13
Information and training 15

Precautions in the design of jetties and berths 15

Introduction 15
General 15
Control of ignition sources 17
Equipment design 20
Prevention of spillage 21
Control of spillage 26
Precautions against fire or toxic gas release 29

Operations at installations 34

Precautions before cargo transfer 34

Precautions during cargo transfer 38

Emergency procedures 39
Appendices 40

1 Legal requirements 40
2 Hazardous area classification 44

References and further reading 45

Glossary 51

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This book provides information on the fire, explosion, toxic and environmental
hazards associated with the bulk transfer of dangerous liquids and gases between
ship and shore.
It sets out practical measures on the design, construction, operation and
maintenance of the equipment, pipelines, jetties, etc, used in the bulk transfer.
These measures are designed to protect people at work (including shore staff and
ships crews) and others who may be affected by the operations.
The guidance is aimed at those directly responsible for the safe transfer of
dangerous liquids and gases between ship and shore. Those responsible include
the harbour or port authority, and the owners, operators or users of the berth.
It applies to all berths used by seagoing ships and to those used by inland
waterway traffic.
The book replaces the previous HSE guidance note The loading and unloading of
bulk flammable liquids and gases at harbours and inland waterways, first published
in 1986.
While references to British or other standards made in this book, including codes of
practice, specify their year of issue, it is recognised that they are regularly updated
and many are harmonised into a common European Standard. Invariably, any such
replacement standards or codes may be used in place of those quoted.

1 This book provides guidance on the control measures for the safe transfer of
dangerous liquids and gases between ship and shore. It describes how to control
the risk of fire and explosion, and the risk of toxic releases affecting both people
and the environment.
2 The objectives of the book are to:





help in the assessment of the risks from the transfer of dangerous liquids and
gases between ship and shore, and advise on how to control these risks;
increase the awareness of the potential fire, explosion, toxic and environmental
hazards associated with the transfer of dangerous liquids and gases between
ship and shore;
advise on safe management procedures and appropriate precautions to
prevent or reduce injuries and damage caused to property or the environment
associated with the transfer of dangerous liquids and gases between ship and
give guidance on the appropriate standards for the design and construction of
berths, pipelines and associated equipment used for the transfer operations;
advise on the need for maintenance, training and information where dangerous
liquids and gases are transferred between ship and shore.

3 It is aimed at all those directly responsible for the transfer operations. In this
context, where the text mentions you, it means the operator or company engaged
in the transfer.
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4 The guidance applies to all transfer operations at berths used by seagoing

ships and those used by inland waterways traffic. It applies to new berths, and to
existing berths if it is reasonably practicable to apply it.

Legal requirements
5 The book will help you in your assessment of the risks arising from the transfer
of dangerous liquids and gases between ship and shore, and it gives advice on
how you may control the risks.
6 Assessment by employers, of the risks to employees and others who may be
affected by the work activities, is one of the requirements of the Management of
Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992.1 These Regulations have recently
been amended by the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 19972 which
require an employer to carry out an assessment of the risk to employees in case of
fire while they are at work.
7 This book also advises you on how to comply with the relevant parts of the
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 19743 and, where applicable, with the Highly
Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum Gases Regulations 1972,4 the Docks
Regulations 1988,5 the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 19876
and other relevant legislation (see Appendix 1).
8 Current legislation, guidance literature, and the standards and codes of
practice referred to in the text are listed in the reference section. They are subject
to amendment from time to time. You need to ensure that these standards, at the
time any work or alterations are carried out, reflect the current legal requirements
and good accepted practice.
What is risk assessment?
9 A risk assessment is an organised look at your work activities using the
following five steps:


1: Look for the hazards.

2: Decide who may be harmed and how.
3: Evaluate the risks arising from the hazards and decide whether existing
precautions are adequate or if more should be done.
4: Record your significant findings.
5: Review your assessment from time to time and revise it if necessary.

Advice on carrying out risk assessments is contained in an HSE leaflet.7

10 The remaining sections of the book will help you to identify many of the hazards
associated with the transfer of dangerous liquids and gases between ship and
shore, and it gives guidance on how to both assess and reduce the risks.
11 The guidance describes many of the issues you should consider when carrying
out your risk assessments. It will help in deciding which precautions are needed
concerning the transfer of dangerous liquids and gases between ship and shore.
A complete risk assessment made under the Management of Health and Safety at
Work Regulations 19921 also has to consider other hazards, for example manual
handling and transport safety, which are not within the scope of this book.

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12 For the majority of installations handling bulk dangerous liquids and gases,
there are five main events which individually or jointly have the potential to cause
significant harm or damage:

release of a toxic substance;
release of a corrosive substance;
release of a marine pollutant.

Your risk assessment needs to consider how the above events could occur.
Examples include:




ignition following a spill or release;

hazardous activities - welding, smoking, etc;
external events - lightning, impact, fire at an adjacent



ignition following a spill or release.

Large spills


containment failure;
human error.

13 The precautions needed not only include engineering design and installation
standards, but also good management practices and operational procedures. The
remainder of this book considers the various precautionary measures that can help
to ensure safety during the transfer of dangerous liquids and gases between ship
and shore.
14 You do not have to do anything if the risks are already low enough. However,
if there is a significant risk that people may be harmed from an incident, you may
have to consider additional measures.
15 If the CIMAH Regulations8 apply at your installation, then your risk assessment
needs to be very detailed, covering off-site risks to people and the environment.
HSE has issued guidance9on these Regulations, and in particular on what
information should be included in a safety report under regulation 7(1). The CIMAH
Regulations will be replaced in early 1999 by the Control of Major Accident Hazards
Regulations (COMAH). The COMAH Regulations will have much in common with
the CIMAH Regulations.
16 Essentially you need to identify the pathways to those events which could lead
to a major accident. The safeguards in place to minimise the likelihood and the
consequences of a major accident need to be of a high standard.

17 Certain terms in this guidance have a specific meaning or legal interpretation.
These are explained in the following paragraphs. The glossary at the end of the
book explains some of the other terms used.

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Dangerous substance
18 In this guidance, a dangerous substance is any liquid or gas that is classified
as flammable, toxic (poisonous), corrosive or marine pollutant in the International
Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code.10 You should note that the Dangerous
Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 19876 do not apply to marine pollutants
unless they are also hazardous to health or safety.
Flammable liquid
19 In this guidance, flammable liquid means a liquid of Class 3 stated in the
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)11 and the Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code).12
20 This definition includes:


any liquid classified as flammable, highly flammable or extremely flammable for

supply according to the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for
Supply) Regulations 1994;13 and
a highly flammable liquid as defined in the Highly Flammable Liquids and
Liquefied Petroleum Gases Regulations 1972.4

21 Any liquid with a flashpoint above 60.5C (as measured by an equilibrium

closed-cup method) is therefore not covered in this book.
Flammable gas
22 In this guidance, flammable gas means a gas of Class 2 in the International
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (IGC Code),14 the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk15and the Code for Existing Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases
in Bulk.16
Bulk cargo
23 The definition of bulk cargo in this book means cargo which is carried in
the ships hold, tank or any cargo space that is a structural part of the ship, or
permanently attached to the ship. The definition also extends to cargo which is
loaded into or unloaded from such areas.
24 This definition therefore excludes mobile containers, freight containers, drums
and cylinders, and as such, they are not covered in this book.
25 The definition of berth includes:


that part of a dock, pier, jetty, quay/wharf or similar structure (whether floating
or not) at which a ship may tie up; and
any plant or premises within the berths boundary, other than a ship, which is
used for purposes ancillary or incidental to the loading or unloading of
dangerous substances.

26 It does not, however, include a monobuoy or a sea island.

Berth operator
27 The definition of berth operator is the person or company who has day-to-day
responsibility for the running of the berth. This definition includes the lessee of a

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28 The definition of a jetty is a pier projecting out into the waterway, with facilities
for mooring ships at its head or along its flank.

Applying the standards

29 The advice in this book provides suitable standards for the design and location
of bulk transfer facilities for moving dangerous liquids and gases between ship and
30 It may be inappropriate or impractical for you to adopt all the recommendations
in this book to existing berths. However, you should make any improvements
that are reasonably practicable, taking into account the risks at the berth and the
cost and feasibility of additional precautions. Providing adequate facilities and
procedures is a continuing responsibility rather than a one-off exercise. A definition
of the term reasonably practicable is given in the glossary.
31 The book describes a number of ways of achieving an adequate standard
of safety. Further advice on how to use it at specific sites can be obtained from
whoever inspects the site for health and safety, usually HSE.

Environmental protection
32 The spillage of dangerous liquids or gases can have environmental
consequences and may be subject to controls under the Environmental Protection
Act 1990.17 Under this Act, the statutory harbour or port authority has a
responsibility to develop plans to deal with pollution incidents.
33 Although this guidance does not attempt to cover environmental issues in
detail, the advice it contains for safe transfer conditions will generally also provide
some protection for the environment by minimising the risk of spillage.
34 Further guidance is available from the Environment Agency (in Scotland, the
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)) or the Marine and Coastguard

Additional advice and information

35 You can find additional advice in documents listed in the Further reading
section at the end of the book.

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Hazards during bulk cargo

Main hazards
36 The main hazards from the transfer of dangerous bulk cargoes between
ship and shore occur when there is a release of a dangerous substance. Loss of
containment leads to the release of the dangerous substance with the potential
consequences of fire and explosion, or toxic release to air, sea or land, resulting in
damage to the health of people, property and the environment.
37 Common causes of such incidents include:

inadequate design, installation or maintenance of installations and equipment;

inadequate management of operations;
operator error, due to lack of training and/or supervision;
lack of awareness of the properties of the dangerous substance;
arson or vandalism.

The dangerous substance can be released in a number of ways: tanks can be

overfilled; hoses can burst.

Hazardous properties of dangerous substances

38 Fires or explosions are likely to occur when flammable gases, vapours or liquids
are released from a controlled environment to areas where there may be an ignition
source, or, alternatively, when an ignition source is introduced into the controlled
39 Combustion occurs when the gas, or the flammable vapours released from the
surface of the liquid, ignite. The extent of any fire or explosion hazard (see Figure 1)
depends on the amount of flammable vapour or gas present. This is determined by:

the temperature of the liquid;

the volatility of the liquid;
how much of the surface area is exposed;
how long the liquid is exposed;
the initial pressure of a gas release;
the size of the release; and
the air movement.

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Flammable gases
Flammable liquids
Flammable solids
General combustible materials



Always present in the air

Additional sources from
oxidising substances

Hot surface
Electrical equipment
Static electricity
Smoking/naked flames

Figure 1 The fire triangle

40 Other physical properties of the liquid or gas give additional information about
how vapour/air mixtures may develop and about the potential hazards. These
physical properties include:

auto-ignition temperature;
boiling point;
vapour density;
lower and upper explosion or flammability limits.

41 The flashpoint is the lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off vapour in
sufficient concentration to form a combustible mixture with air near the surface
of the liquid, under specified test conditions. Generally, a liquid with a flashpoint
below the ambient temperature gives off a vapour that can mix with air and be
ignited. Liquids with a flashpoint above the ambient temperature are less likely to
give off flammable concentrations of vapour unless they are heated, mixed with low
flashpoint materials or released under pressure as a mist or spray.
42 Explosion or flammable limits define the range of concentrations (normally
by volume) of vapour/air mixtures at a specified pressure and temperature that
produce a flame, and if confined, generate an overpressure (explosion). Explosion
limits vary greatly for different substances, but for many, they are in the range 1%
to 10%. Above the upper explosion or flammable limit, flammable mixtures still burn
at their interface with the surrounding air.
43 In many cases, the flammable vapour is heavier than air, and therefore it tends
to accumulate in low areas or in depressions such as gullies, pits and drains. You
need to bear in mind that the vapour can spread away from the liquid spill, and that
if the vapour is ignited, the flame can travel or flash back to the liquid.

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44 Toxic substances vary widely in the hazard they create. Acute hazards arising
from short-term exposure are more likely to arise than chronic effects from lowlevel long-term exposure.
45 Exposure to a chemical substance through inhalation, ingestion or skin
absorption can lead to poisoning or other ill health. Among these routes of
exposure, inhalation is generally the most serious as the probability of exposure
to vapours during routine operations and incidents involving spills is much greater
than from skin exposure or ingestion.
46 Corrosive substances include acids and alkalis that can quickly destroy human
tissue and corrode normal construction materials at an excessive rate. Acids often
react to emit toxic fumes when exposed to other chemicals such as sulphides and
phosphides. Hydrogen, which is an extremely flammable gas, can be produced by
contact between acids and many common metals.

General safety precautions at

47 Although this book describes ways in which you can achieve an adequate
standard of safety, variations from these may be appropriate to meet local
conditions. You may use therefore alternative designs, materials and methods
where your risk assessment shows that they provide an equivalent or higher overall
level of safety.
48 The precautions outlined are designed to minimise the risks from the bulk
transfer of dangerous liquids and gases between ship and shore. There are four
basic principles for safe operations at transfer facilities:




the provision of adequate equipment, engineered to an appropriate standard

and positioned in due regard to separation and access;
a high standard of management control, to ensure that the operations
are carried out in accordance with safe operating procedures by trained and
experienced personnel;
regular maintenance, inspection and testing of all equipment to a pre-planned
schedule; and
periodic refresher training and drill practices for employees.

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Responsibilities between authorities

49 One of the underlying characteristics of the precautions, concerning the
transfer of dangerous liquids and gases between ship and shore, is the number of
authorities which have a controlling influence. These include:
n the harbour authority;
n the berth operator; and
n the master of the ship.
50 Virtually all the harbours used at the present time for the loading and unloading
of dangerous substances are managed by statutory harbour authorities. The
duties of the harbour authority are stated in the Dangerous Substances in Harbour
Areas Regulations 1987.6 The harbour authority controls the marine traffic into and
through the harbour, and controls the berthing and mooring of ships. The actual
movement of ships in the harbour, for example if the ship requires the use of tugs,
are often operations which are sub-contracted out to other companies. These
tugs may also provide fire-fighting facilities. Similarly, many mooring operations are
carried out by sub-contracted companies.
51 In some cases, the actual berths are owned by the harbour authority and
leased to the user company.
52 The master of a ship is responsible for the control of the normal shipboard
activities carried out by the ships crew. The ship, under this control, is regulated
by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions under the
various Merchant Shipping Acts18 including the Merchant Shipping Act 199519
and the Merchant Shipping (Dangerous Substances and Marine Pollutants)
Regulations 1997.20 Enforcement of this legislation is carried out by the Maritime
and Coastguard Agency. The Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations
19876 also place duties on the master of a ship when the ship is carrying
dangerous substances in a harbour or harbour area.
53 Clearly the major requirement to ensure the safe transfer of dangerous
substances is communication between all parties. The many forms of
communication necessary are described fully in this guidance. The requirements of
each party need to be considered and defined in writing.

Health precautions
54 Many of the precautions needed to control the release of dangerous
substances also control the health risks. However, additional precautions may be
necessary since the concentrations of those vapours capable of damaging human
health are significantly below the levels needed to enable, for example, combustion.
55 The Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 199221 require employers to
provide suitable personal protective equipment to employees who may be exposed
to a risk to their health or safety while at work, unless the risk has been adequately
controlled by other means which are equally or more effective.
56 The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 199422(COSHH)
require employers to prevent or control exposure to harmful substances. Guidance
on these Regulations is contained in the Approved Codes of Practice (ACOPs).23

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57 Many dangerous substances are harmful to health if they are inhaled, ingested
or come into contact with the eyes or skin. An obvious precaution to take against
skin and eye contact is to provide such items as gloves, protective clothing and
eye protection (goggles). Decontamination facilities such as eyewash stations and
showers should also be made available. Personnel may need suitable respiratory
protection when the transfer of toxic gases takes place. Such protection may
be needed in emergency situations to deal with spills and leaks, and possibly to
enable evacuation.

Maintenance and modifications

58 Many incidents occur as a consequence of maintenance and repairs. The
likelihood is increased if the work is done by staff or outside contractors who have
little knowledge of the hazards associated with the liquids or gases handled. You
need to ensure that any contractors who work on the berth and the associated
transfer systems are competent to carry out the work required.
59 The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 19743 and the Management of Health
and Safety at Work Regulations1 place duties to ensure safe working practices on
both the company using the services and the contractor. Guidance on selecting
and managing contractors is available in an HSE publication.24
60 It is essential that no maintenance work is started before:

the potential hazards of the work have been clearly identified and assessed;
the precautions needed have been specified in detail;
the necessary safety equipment has been provided; and
adequate and clear instructions have been given to all those concerned.

61 Certain maintenance or repairs may require entry into confined spaces. In

such cases, the Confined Spaces Regulations 199725 apply. The Regulations
address those hazards that arise from the confined nature of the work and from
the possible presence of substances or conditions which, if taken together, could
increase the risk to the safety or health of people. The most likely hazards are:
n flammable substances and oxygen enrichment;
n toxic gas, fume or vapour;
n oxygen deficiency.
HSE has produced guidance26 and a leaflet27 on the Regulations.
62 In most cases, a permit-to-work (PTW) system28 should be used to control
maintenance operations, particularly maintenance or repairs involving hot work
on systems which contain flammable materials. A PTW is a formal management
document. Only those with the relevant authority should issue a PTW, and the
requirements of the PTW must be complied with before the permit is issued and
before the work covered by it is undertaken. A PTW needs to relate to a clearly
defined individual piece of work. A PTW (see also Figure 2) should normally contain:


the location and nature of the work intended;

identification of the hazards, including any residual hazards and those
introduced by the work itself;
the precautions necessary, for example isolations;
the personal protective equipment required;
the proposed time and duration of the work;
the length of time for which the permit is valid; and
the person in direct control of the work.

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Further advice on PTWs is available in an HSE leaflet.29

63 The Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 19876 state specified
activities which should not be carried out on board ship without the permission of
the harbour master and berth operator.

2 Permit number. Reference
to other relevant
1 Permit
permits or isolation

3 Job location


4 Plant identification

6 Hazard identification - including residual
hazards and hazards introduced by the work

7 Precautions necessary - person(s) who
carries out precautions, eg isolations, should
sign that precautions have been taken

5 Description
of work to be
done and its


8 Protective

9 Authorisation
- signature confirming that
isolations have been made and precautions
taken, except where these
can only be taken during the work. Date

and time duration of permit
11 Extension/shift handover
procedures - signatures confirming

checks made that plant remains safe to
be worked upon, and new acceptor/

workers made fully aware of hazards/
precautions. New time expiry given

10 Acceptance signature confirming

understanding of
work to be done, hazards
involved and precautions
required. Also confirming
permit information has
been explained to all
workers involved

12 Hand back - signed by

acceptor certifying work

completed. Signed by

issuer certifying work completed
and plant ready for testing
and recommissioning


13 Cancellation certifying work tested and

plant satisfactorily

(Signatures - names must be legible)


Figure 2 PTW

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Information and training

64 Adequate training and knowledge of the properties of the liquids and gases
handled are essential for safe operations. Training is a requirement of the
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992.1 Carrying out risk
assessments required by these Regulations will identify how much information,
training and retraining are needed. Further guidance on these Regulations is
contained in an Approved Code of Practice.30 HSE has produced two leaflets
concerning training and identifying training needs.31,32
65 You need to inform all staff on the site about the hazards of the various
materials handled, and about the precautions needed for ensuring safety. Those
directly responsible for the operations at the berth should also receive specific
training in emergency procedures. Periodic retraining will normally be required. The
training should include the following aspects:

the types of cargo handled, their properties and hazards;

general procedures for safe handling;
use of personal protective equipment and clothing;
reporting of faults and incidents, including minor leaks and spills;
emergency procedures, including raising the alarm, calling the emergency
services and the use of appropriate fire-fighting, dispersal or anti-pollution

There should be written procedures for controlling the risks from the cargo handling
operations, and these should be used as the basis for training. These procedures
should be updated when any modifications have taken place. Also they should be
audited at regular intervals to ensure that the procedures are still valid and that they
are being complied with.

Precautions in the design of

jetties and berths
66 There are many different designs of jetties, wharves, docks, etc. However, for
those installations handling bulk cargo transfers of dangerous liquids or gases,
there are a number of common issues concerning layout and equipment provisions.
These issues are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Means of access
67 In all cases, access to the berth is needed so that various operations can be
carried out. You also need to remember that access is important in emergency
68 You need to ensure that access to the berth is adequate for the rapid
deployment of any additional fire-fighting equipment or pollution control equipment.
On long jetties, passing places may be necessary.

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69 Obviously such access needs to be available at all times when ships are
at berth, which may not be possible if other non-essential vehicles are allowed
in the area, or parking on the jetty is not controlled. Where vehicles cannot be
accommodated, you need to consider alternative transport (eg rail tracks or trollies)
for the rapid deployment of emergency equipment, particularly on long jetties. In
these cases, you need to provide vehicle access for the emergency services close
to the jetty foot.
70 The fire brigade may require access to open water for their pumps. You are
recommended to consult the local fire authority to discuss their requirements, and
once access points have been agreed, you need to clearly mark them and keep
them clear.
71 Just as important as access to the berth are escape routes from the berth for
use in an emergency, particularly involving fire or toxic gas release.
Means of escape from the berth
72 The underlying principle of a means of escape is to ensure that people do not
become trapped by fire, or enveloped in a toxic gas cloud. This is most readily
achieved by providing two independent routes to safety from the berth. From any
point on the berth, the question to ask yourself is: If a fire or release occurred here,
could I turn my back on it and escape to a place of safety?.
73 If the answer to this question is No, then you need to consider providing
alternatives. These may include:

additional walkways;
the provision of boats;
water sprays to protect the means of escape;
breathing apparatus to allow the means of escape to be used; or
shelters for people awaiting rescue, to protect against heat radiation or
exposure to toxic gas.

74 In the case of fire, you should discuss the means of escape with the fire
authority. Once the routes are determined, you need to maintain them so they can
be used at all necessary times. To achieve this, the means of escape need to be
kept clear of obstructions and, if the berth is used at night, adequately illuminated.
75 In some cases, such as T-head jetties or long jetties where berths are present
alongside the jetty, alternative fixed walkways may not be reasonably practicable.
In this situation, if fire broke out during cargo transfer at the ship moored alongside
the jetty and you are positioned at the jetty head, your means of escape down the
jetty towards the shore may not be useable.
76 The only alternative then is to provide rescue boats. Such boats may be kept
permanently at the end of the jetty, or kept within the vicinity and capable of being
crewed and made available for immediate use at all relevant times. In deciding
which option is adequate, the following matters need to be considered:

the distance between the berth and shore;

likely winds and currents;
the number of people who may be at risk;
the distance the boat may need to travel;
the nature of the cargo, particularly the fire hazard if it is spilt into the water.

In all cases, you need to provide access ladders or steps from the jetty to the
water, and keep them serviceable and free from excessive marine growth.

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77 You need to consider the security arrangements at the jetty area. Physical
control measures allow the risks from fire or explosion, toxic release or pollution
incidents to be minimised. But such controls can easily be defeated if trespassing
or tampering, whether deliberate or otherwise, is allowed to take place. Security
arrangements, both during the working day and outside normal hours, should take
into account the possibility of arson.
78 The standard of security required depends, among other factors, on the
consequences of a major incident. Where security fencing is installed around the
area, its design needs to take full account of the general fire precautions required.
79 While a berth is in use for cargo transfer it should not be possible for an
unauthorised person to enter the jetty area unchallenged. Visitors to the ship should
be checked and given authorised access. They should also be given information
on the safety precautions to follow, and on the precautions to take in the case of
leakage of cargo.
80 Where the cargo consists of liquefied flammable gases or flammable liquids
there is always a risk of fire and explosion. One simple means of protection from
the effects of fire and explosion is to have separation distances between the cargo
transfer facilities and the site boundaries, occupied buildings (except small shelters),
storage tanks and fixed sources of ignition.
81 These separation distances are designed to:



minimise the effect of heat on the transfer facilities from a fire outside the site
minimise the effect of a fire at the jetty operations on buildings, plant and
people inside or outside the site boundary; and
facilitate the safe dilution of flammable releases.

82 The distances quoted in Table 1 are based on what is considered to be good

practice and have been widely accepted by industry. Although they will not provide
complete protection from a major incident, they will normally help to prevent the
risk of injury by making the evacuation of people in the area easier.
Table 1 Minimum separation distance between cargo transfer facilities and:
occupied buildings, storage tanks and
fixed sources of ignition

20 metres

site boundaries

30 metres

passenger ferries and their associated

assembly areas

75 metres

Control of ignition sources

83 The main objective when handling flammable liquids or gases is to avoid
the creation of flammable concentrations of vapours, by using containment and
ventilation. However when flammable concentrations of vapour do occur, either
during normal operations or during accidental spillage, etc, there must be controls
to counter the wide variety of potential sources of ignition (see Figure 3).

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84 Hazardous area classification is widely used to determine the extent of

hazardous zones created by releases of flammable liquids, vapours or gases. This
type of classification is discussed further in Appendix 2.

Naked flame

generated sparks

Hot surface

generated sparks

Figure 3 Sources of ignition

85 The concept of hazardous area classification has, in the past, been used
solely as the basis for selecting fixed electrical equipment. However, you can use
it to help prevent the introduction of potential ignition sources, such as portable
electrical equipment, vehicles, hot surfaces, etc, into areas which may contain
flammable atmospheres.
86 Obviously any hazardous area classification needs to take full account of the
operations at the berth, for example the size and type of ship and the venting
arrangements during handling of cargo and ballast.
87 Potential sources of ignition include:


naked flames, including welding and cutting equipment;

electrical lighting, power circuits and equipment which are not suitably
protected against igniting a flammable vapour, eg not explosion protected;
processes or vehicles that involve friction or the generation of sparks;
radio frequency emissions;
hot surfaces; and
static electricity.

88 Examples of controls for some ignition sources are given in the following
Smoking and naked lights
89 Smoking and naked lights are obvious ignition sources and should be
prohibited except in places designated by the berth operator. You need to
prominently display No smoking and other suitable signs that comply with the
Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996,33 in addition to your
management systems.

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90 Maintenance and other work activities should not be carried out in the
area around the cargo handling operation until you have made a suitable risk
assessment and introduced the appropriate control measures. Where the work
introduces ignition sources into the area, such as with welding, cutting or grinding
operations, the necessary control measures need to be implemented using a
written permit-to-work system28 (see paragraphs 58-63).
Electrical equipment
91 Where possible, electrical equipment should be located in non-hazardous
areas. However, if such equipment needs to be in a hazardous environment, and
so exposed to flammable substances, it should be constructed or protected so as
to prevent danger.
92 This is a requirement of the Electricity at Work Regulations 198934 and might
be achieved by selecting equipment built to explosion-protected standards or
equipment that is intrinsically safe. Advice on selecting, installing and maintaining
explosion-protected electrical equipment is given in BS EN 60079-1435 and in a
short guide published by the Institution of Chemical Engineers.36
93 There are also regulations which apply to both electrical and non-electrical
equipment: the Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially
Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 1996.37 These are aimed at manufacturers and
suppliers, requiring them to ensure the equipment is safe. Such equipment should
carry CE marking. From July 2003 you will have to select CE-marked equipment
but, until then, you can select equipment that does not carry CE marking provided
it is safe.
Jetty earthing
94 The ignition of flammable vapours can be caused by static electricity.
Adequately earthing the jetty will prevent the build-up of electrostatic charge. Any
electrical cables passed between the vessel and shore need to be adequately
insulated and supported, and protected against overload and mechanical damage.
Where necessary, you should make sure that adequate earthing connections are
present at the jetty. More details on this matter is contained in the ACOP to the
Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987.38 Further precautions
necessary during cargo handling are detailed in paragraphs 248-252.
Protection of vehicles
95 Vehicles with internal combustion engines should not be permitted within a
hazardous zone on a berth during cargo transfer, unless they are protected and not
able to ignite flammable vapour. The general view is that petrol powered internal
combustion engines can not be made safe.
96 Where only flammable liquids with a flashpoint above 32C are present, vehicle
protection is not required.
97 The HSE publication HSG11339 provides further advice on the use and
protection of lift trucks in potentially flammable atmospheres.

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Radio frequency ignitions

98 During medium and high-frequency radio transmission (300 kHz - 30 MHz),
significant amounts of energy are radiated. This can, at distances extending
to 500 metres from the transmitting antennae, induce an electrical potential in
unearthed receivers (derricks, rigging, mast stays, etc), capable of producing
an incendive discharge. Transmissions can also cause arcing over the surface
of antenna insulators when they have a surface coating of salt, dirt or water. It is
recommended that:
n all stays, derricks, and fittings on the ship are earthed; and
n transmissions are not permitted during periods when there is likely to be a
flammable vapour in the region of the transmitting antennae.
99 Low energy transmissions, such as those used for satellite and VHF
communications, do not produce the same source of ignition. A guide40 is available
on the prevention of inadvertent ignition of flammable atmospheres by radio
frequency radiation.

Equipment design
100 The actual equipment used to undertake the cargo transfer needs to be
engineered to an appropriate standard. All equipment used for the transfer of
dangerous substances should be:


suitable for the cargo to be handled at the appropriate temperatures and

regularly inspected; and
maintained, tested and replaced as appropriate.

101 The major connections between a ships manifolds and shore pipelines consist
of articulated metal cargo arms, flexible hoses or both. Tidal variations and changes
in displacement during cargo transfer mean that these engineering systems must
be flexible.
102 If pipelines or hoses are positioned such that they could be damaged by, for
example, impact with the ship or a vehicle using the berth, then there is a need to
consider re-routing them, where reasonably practicable, to a less vulnerable part of
the berth. An alternative precaution against vehicle impact is to provide barriers or
bollards and to restrict access to essential vehicles only.
103 The size and layout of the transfer lines between ship and shore storage are
clearly dependent on the operational requirements necessary. In some cases, the
storage tanks may be located a considerable distance from the berth. However
most pipeline and associated systems have similar requirements in terms of the
precautionary measures required to ensure safe use.
104 These requirements form the basis for the following section in this guidance,
but it is important to note that a risk assessment of the system as a whole should
be carried out. The risk assessment should follow a structured approach and
consider all aspects of the design or installation with respect to the hazards
involved and their potential consequences.41,42
105 The results of the risk assessment may require additional precautionary
equipment to be installed, or the improvement of written procedures, etc.

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Prevention of spillage
Cargo arms
106 Articulated metal cargo arms can be operated manually or hydraulically. They
need to be suitable for the berth, taking into account the berth size and structure,
ship sizes, tides and weather conditions.43
107 They need to be able to move fore, aft and outward within safe limits, ie the
cargo arm envelope configuration. You can install alarms or visual indicators on
the cargo arm which are activated when the envelope configuration limits are
approached. You need to decide what action should be taken if the alarms are
108 This may involve temporarily stopping the cargo transfer until adjustments to
the mooring of the vessel have been carried out, or until bad weather has ceased.
Temporarily interrupting the cargo transfer may mean that the pumps should be
stopped and the isolation valves closed at the berth and on the ship, but the action
necessary should be considered as a result of a structured risk assessment.
109 Flexible hoses should be manufactured to a standard suitable for the
application and should be compatible with the substances to be handled. They
need to be adequately supported (for example, by slings or saddles) so that the
bend radius is not less than the minimum recommended by the manufacturer (see
Figure 4). Single rope slings and wires are not considered acceptable as these
can easily cause kinking of the hose. Suitable cranes or hose rigs should be used
where an assessment under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 199244
concludes that manual handling of large hoses is not safe.
110 When the hoses are not in use they need to be stored to avoid accidental
damage, extremes of temperature and direct sunlight.45 It is good practice to
provide blank ends for the additional sealing of couplings that are frequently broken
and remade. Further details on the handling and care of flexible hoses is given in an
Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) guide.46
111 You should externally inspect all hoses for damage and deformation on each
day that they are used, and preferably on each occasion they are used. More
detailed examination, including appropriate internal inspection and hydrostatic
pressure testing should be carried out at least annually.
112 More details on hose testing can be found in the Approved Code of Practice
for the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987.38
113 In some cases, the Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers
Regulations 198947 may apply, which require a competent person to draw up, or
certify as suitable, a written scheme of examination which defines the scope and
specifies the nature and frequency of examination of equipment and pipework. This
requirement applies to all pressure systems onshore, not just the hoses.

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Dont allow a hose to become overbent or to let

it hang between the ship and the quay

Use slings to support a hose

Figure 4 Supporting a hose between ship and shore
Breakaway couplings/emergency-release couplings
114 Further safeguards against spillage can be provided by emergency-release or
breakaway couplings with automatic shut-off valves installed at the berth.
115 Their use is particularly recommended when the cargo consists of liquefied
gases, or when there is a significant risk of drift-off due to the location of the
berth. Such situations may arise when the berth is subject to particularly extreme
weather conditions and strong currents, or when there are problems with excessive
Pressure relief
116 Pressure developed from the thermal expansion of liquids, particularly liquefied
gases, can build up in the pipework. Over-pressurisation can cause damage to the
pipework resulting in the release of the liquid.

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117 An assessment of the likelihood and consequences of thermal expansion

should be made, and the system can either be designed to withstand the pressure
rises, or be fitted with a pre-set hydrostatic relief valve. The liquids should normally
discharge back to the storage vessel, or discharge via lines to safe places, such as
slop tanks, sumps, flare stacks or other vessels suitably designed for the recovery
or disposal of the substance.
Fire engulfment relief
118 To prevent catastrophic failure of pipelines, particularly those containing large
capacities (ie greater than 10 m3) of liquefied flammable gases, the installation of
fire engulfment relief is recommended. Such relief needs to be designed and sized
according to an appropriate standard, for example API Standard 2000.48 You need
to ensure that the relief vents discharge to a safe place.
Pressure surge
119 Pipelines, especially vulnerable parts such as hoses and flanges, can be
ruptured or damaged by a pressure surge in the line. This can be caused by rapid
closure of the valves, setting up a pressure wave in the enclosed liquid as it is
brought to a sudden halt. Factors which affect the pressure generated include:

the density of the liquid;

the number and type of valves in the system;
valve closing times;
pipeline length; and
the overall pipeline geometry.

120 An assessment of the pressure surge which might occur in the pipeline should
be made using, for example, the procedures given in the ISGOTT49 or the SIGTTO50
guides. If the assessment results in a requirement to reduce the pressure surge,
you can take the following measures:


reduce the pumping rate, and hence the flow rate of the liquid in the pipeline;
increase the valve closure time. Slow closure over the last quarter of the valve
port area is particularly important;
use surge tanks or other pressure relief devices.

121 To ensure its mechanical integrity, the pipework should be constructed
in accordance with an appropriate standard, for example ANSI/ASME B31.3
Chemical plant and petroleum refinery piping.51 Welded joints are preferred
to flanges for minimising leakage, and for keeping the number of joints and
connections to a minimum.
122 All parts of the piping system, including valve seals and flange gaskets, need
to be manufactured from materials compatible with the substances being handled.
123 Pipework should be sized and routed to restrict the contents to a minimum
(consistent with pressure-drop requirements). It needs to be positioned or
protected to minimise the risk of impact damage, particularly from vehicles. You
may need to provide barriers or bollards.
124 You need to ensure that any pipework supports are designed to suit the piping
layout and to withstand any anticipated vibration and other stresses. BS 3974,52 or
equivalent, gives guidance on this matter.

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125 BS 171053 recommends the use of a suitable marking system to identify the
contents of individual pipe runs. Marking of pipework is particularly important at
filling and discharge points, or where there is likely to be confusion with other piping
systems. This is a requirement of the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals)
Regulations 1996.33
Ancillary equipment
126 Pumps, motors and other equipment forming part of a piping system need
to be located in a well-ventilated area, preferably in the open air, with weather
protection where necessary. Any small leaks from pumps need to be contained by
a low sill or drained to a safe place. Where pumps are controlled remotely, local
stop buttons should be provided at the pump itself, as well as at the control point.
Vapour emission controls
127 Many cargo transfers now take place at jetties which have vapour emission
control systems installed. During loading, the displaced vapours are collected and
transferred ashore for treatment or disposal, rather than being vented direct to the
atmosphere from the ships venting arrangements.
128 Although such systems reduce emissions to the atmosphere, the ship and
shore become connected by a common stream of vapours, which introduces into
the operation a number of additional hazards which must be effectively controlled.
129 Detailed guidance on the technical issues associated with vapour emission
control and treatment systems are available from a number of sources.54,55
130 The primary hazards associated with the use of vapour emission control (VEC)
systems are:


misconnection of liquid and vapour lines;

under and over-pressurisation;
introduction of air into the system during the making and breaking of
cargo tank overfill;
sampling and gauging;
fire, explosion or detonation of flammable vapours;
liquid condensate in the vapour lines;
electrostatic discharge.

131 If flammable vapours are present, the design of the jetty vapour collection and
treatment system should have the necessary precautionary controls to ensure safe
operation. But unless adequate protective devices are installed and operational
procedures adhered to, a fire or explosion occurring in the vapour space of a cargo
tank onboard ship could transfer rapidly to the shore, and vice versa.
132 Precautions may include provisions either for making the vapour stream inert,
or for enriching or diluting it, and continuously monitoring its composition.
133 The installation of a flame or detonation arrestor, fitted in close proximity to the
jetty vapour connection, can protect against the transfer or propagation of a flame
from ship to shore, or shore to ship. Further guidance on flame and detonation
arrestors is available.56,57,58
134 The introduction of VEC reinforces the importance of good communication
between ship and shore. Before commencing operations, details must be agreed
on, for example, the maximum transfer rates, maximum allowable pressure drops in
the vapour collection system, alarm and shutdown conditions, and procedures.

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Overfill protection
135 Preventing tanks from overfilling is essential. The simplest means of
preventing tanks and tank compartments from being overfilled is to ensure that
there is adequate ullage to receive the quantity of cargo being transferred. This
is best achieved by having a way of monitoring the contents of the tanks or
compartments. The method chosen depends on many factors, in particular the
properties and hazards of the liquid or gas.
136 Automatic gauging allows the quantity of the liquid to be determined without
the need to open the tank and take manual dip readings.
137 During transfer, the tank levels need to be monitored to prevent overfilling.
High-level alarms and pump cut-off devices can be used, with any alarms able
to sound at a staffed control point. All alarms, gauges and cut-outs should be
regularly tested, and where necessary, recalibrated to ensure accurate operation.
138 Where topping-off of a tank is required, the flow rate to the tank should be
reduced to allow adequate control of the flow.
Line draining/purging
139 To prevent spillage when transfer is completed, the cargo arms or hoses need
to be drained or purged clear before disconnection. Blowing through with air is not
recommended when the arm or hose has contained flammable materials. Means
for the safe collection and disposal of residual product (eg sills, drip trays, drainage
gullies, slop tanks) should be provided. For this, closed systems are preferable.
140 When cargo transfer is completed, the pipelines on the shore side of the berth
shut-off valves may remain full of material. It may be necessary to clear these lines
by water washing, by use of a pig or by blowing through. If a closed system is
not employed, a drain valve is needed at an appropriate point in the system, with
suitable arrangements to collect the drainings.
Pigging operations
141 One of the most hazardous activities associated with operational pipelines
involves pigging and in particular, pig trap isolation and opening the closure door to
insert or remove a pig. There are a wide range of existing pig traps. The following
guidance gives advice on the minimum standards considered as acceptable.
142 The design, operation and maintenance of the pig trap, and any associated
equipment, should meet the standards consistent with those for the pipeline
system as a whole.
143 The pig trap needs to be adequately supported to withstand the imposed
loads due to pigging operations with heavy or fast moving pigs or when large
quantities of liquids are being moved along the pipeline.
144 To prevent the build up of static electricity, the pig trap requires bonding to
earth. This is particularly important where there is an insulation joint and the pig trap
is mounted on sliding supports with, for example, PTFE pads.
145 You need to consider the means of isolating the pig trap. Guidance on the
safe isolation of plant and equipment is available in an HSE publication.59 One
acceptable method is to use double block and bleed valving arrangements.
Alternatively, single pig trap isolation valves may be used if the valves are of the
type with double seats which have a vent or drain point between the seal faces.

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146 Pig trap isolation valves should not be capable of accidental operation. You
could label the valves and ensure that the state of the valve, ie open or shut, is
clearly indicated. Closure safety devices can be installed to prevent the opening of
the closure door until the pig trap has been properly isolated and the internal fluid
pressure is reduced to ambient conditions in all parts of the trap.
147 You need to produce written procedures for the operation and maintenance of
the pig trap. Certain operations may be carried out by specialist contractors, and
the systems of work of both the operator and the contractor should be integrated
before and during the operations. You need to consider methods for dealing with
any potentially hazardous events, for example, pigs stuck in a pipeline.
148 You need to consider the means of purging or flushing the pig trap of
hazardous fluids, for example, flammable or toxic fluids. Even after the bulk of these
fluids have been cleared from the pig trap, there may still be flammable or toxic
vapours given off from wetted surfaces. An assessment is needed of the personal
protective equipment required, which depends on the nature of the materials
149 All pig traps and associated equipment should be subject to a scheme of
inspection and maintenance. If an onshore pipeline is conveying a relevant fluid,
as defined in the Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers Regulations
1989,47 then there is a requirement for a written scheme of examination. This has to
define the scope, and specify the nature and frequency, of the examination of the
equipment and pipework. The scheme has to be drawn up, or certified as suitable,
by a competent person. For offshore pipelines, there are similar requirements under
the Submarine Pipe-lines Safety Regulations 1982.60
150 Any scheme should periodically call for the inspection of the pig trap closure.
You need to pay special attention to potential defects in bolts, nuts, nut housings
and their method of attachment, etc. The scheme should include guidance on
the frequency of inspection, which may depend on pig trap usage and on when
worn parts should be replaced. You need to take due account of manufacturers
instructions and recommendations.
151 All personnel involved with pigging operations and maintenance need to be
adequately trained so they are competent to carry out their duties safely. The
training needs to be designed to ensure that the personnel are familiar with the
pipeline system, pig trap and pigging equipment and associated hazards, as well
as with procedures and instructions.
152 You need to remember to ensure the training includes the proper use of
permits-to-work, protective clothing and equipment, emergency procedures, fire
fighting (if necessary) and first aid.

Control of spillage
Emergency shutdown (ESD) and remotely operated shut-off (ROSOV)
153 The berth pipeline system should be designed and installed to good
engineering and process design practices. The design should be subject to a
structured hazard and operability41 review as part of the overall risk assessment.
154 Any valving installed in the pipework needs to be capable of being quickly and
safely shut down in an emergency, so that spillage on the berth or ship is minimised.

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155 Good practice dictates that shut-off valves are fitted at the end of each
pipeline at the berth. With pipelines used only for ship discharge, a non-return valve
should also be fitted. If necessary, a manual override can be provided to allow
back-flushing through the non-return valve, but you need to ensure that this valve
is reset afterwards.
156 In the case of long pipelines on a jetty or on shore, the installation of at least
shut-off valves at the jetty foot should be considered, to minimise spillage if a
pipeline fails.
157 There may be a risk of gravity discharge of the contents onto the berth from
long pipelines or from shore storage tanks during an emergency (for example, in
the event of manual shut-off valves becoming inaccessible as a result of a fire or
major spillage). Additional shut-off valves in safe positions are recommended in
these situations.
158 Remotely operated shut-off valves (ROSOV) can be installed for shutting
down transfer operations and isolating the berth from the ship, shore tanks and
associated equipment. Due attention should be paid to the effects of a pressure
surge (see paragraphs 119-120). Any ROSOVs need to be capable of being
operated from a place of safety.
159 You should consider the use of a single-button system to operate the various
emergency systems, ie shutting down cargo transfer and, where flammable gases
and liquids are involved, operating the fire alarm and starting the fire pumps.
160 It may be desirable, particularly for liquefied gases and large cargoes of
flammable liquids, to provide a way of shutting down shore pumps from the ship.
This can be achieved by placing pendant ESD controls onboard ships, or via
the installation of removable electrical, pneumatic or fibre-optic connections. The
results of your risk assessment will help in determining the requirements of the
emergency shutdown systems.
161 With pipelines used for loading and unloading liquefied gases, good practice
would also require:


a non-return valve, an excess flow valve or a ROSOV at or near the shore

tanks, so that in the event of an emergency, the line can be isolated;
a ROSOV at the jetty foot; and
a ROSOV on the berth, at or near the point where connections are made.

162 For large capacity jetty pipelines (more than 10 m3) conveying liquefied gases,
good practice would require the fitting of intermediate automatic or remotely
operated shut-off valves for limiting the quantity of material released during
an incident.
163 All ROSOVs should have fusible links or other means of closing the valves in
the event of fire. They should be fail-safe and be capable of being closed manually.
Gas detection systems
164 Automatic detection of leaks and spillages, particularly if the hazardous
material is flammable or toxic, can have the advantage of allowing fast remedial
action to take place.

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165 The siting of gas detectors in the following locations may be appropriate
bearing in mind the physical properties of the gas, but you should seek the
guidance of the suppliers/manufacturers of the equipment:


remote or inadequately patrolled areas where leakage would remain undetected

for long periods;
for flammable materials, areas near to sources of ignition;
for toxic materials, those areas most likely to give rise to concentrations above
the occupational exposure limits (OEL).

166 If a loss of containment occurs which results in a large spillage of flammable or
toxic vapour, there needs to be precautions to prevent the gas cloud either:
n reaching a source of ignition which would result in a flashback; or
n endangering employees or other people in the vicinity.
167 The greatest risk in such incidents results from leaks of liquefied gases.
Generally in such incidents, when the liquid is spilt, the following occurs:



some of the liquid evaporates, which cools the rest to the boiling point at
atmospheric pressure and then chills the ground; during this initial period gas is
formed rapidly;
after the first few minutes, the gas evolution rate is reduced, depending on the
heat that can be drawn from the surroundings;
the gas cloud formed spreads according to the wind direction and other local

168 There are a number of methods available which may be used to control the
evaporation of spilt liquid.61 Clearly the properties of the substance will determine
the method chosen. You should take advice from the suppliers/manufacturers of
the material.
169 All the methods require effective containment so that the liquid can be
covered. The use of booms, sandbags, etc, can help to contain the spilt liquid.
Covering of spilt liquid can be achieved by:



applying high-expansion foam when, for example, dealing with spillages of vinyl
using plastic sheeting to cover the spilt liquid when, for example, dealing with
spillages of chlorine;
applying a very fine water fog when, for example, dealing with spillages of
ammonia or other water miscible liquids. The fine water fog has the effect of
creating an ice crust over the surface of the spilt liquid.

170 Sheeting can also be used to cover leaks of liquefied gas from flanges, etc,
which causes the knock-down of the liquid, hence reducing the evaporation rate.
171 Although the application of a wet foam or fog reduces the rate of gas
evolution, water alone should never be poured onto a spillage as this merely
provides the heat to evaporate the liquid more quickly.
172 Use of a very fine water fog can also help to disperse gas clouds.
173 The method chosen, if any, should result from an assessment that takes into
account the hazards of the material and the likely consequences. Any actions,
determined as a result of the assessment, should be developed in the emergency
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Pollution controls
174 Regulations made under the Prevention of Oil Pollution Act 1971,62 eg the
Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Oil Pollution) Regulations 1983,63 implement the
MARPOL64 Convention and essentially require oil carrying ships to have oil pollution
emergency plans.
175 The International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness Response and
Co-operation 199065 lays down the principles of prompt and effective action to
be taken in the event of an oil spill. Ships, offshore installations, ports and other
facilities which handle oil are required to establish emergency plans, and report all
pollution incidents. It would be good practice for similar anti-pollution plans to be
drawn up for other bulk liquids.
176 You can avoid pollution during transfer operations by good engineering design
and operating procedures. Since many of the precautions discussed in this book
are concerned with avoiding the loss of containment, they will also be applicable to
avoiding pollution incidents.
177 Additional safety precautions can be taken, and it is useful to include these in
a pollution checklist. Many of the items necessary are contained in the ISGOTT49
ship-to-shore checklist. The checklist would contain checks on:




ensuring, via written agreement, the quantities of cargo for transfer and their
ensuring ballast water, that contains dangerous or polluting materials, cannot
be discharged;
ensuring loading arms and hoses are drained before disconnection;
ensuring drip trays, etc, are placed under flanged connections;
when topping off, ensuring the tank valves on the next tank to be filled are
cracked open in good time;
ensuring all flanged joints and reducing spools, including manifolds not in use,
etc, are bolted correctly with the full number of correctly sized bolts.

You need to develop the necessary response should a pollution incident occur.
This will need communicating to all the parties involved, and training and periodic
drills will be necessary.

Precautions against fire or toxic gas release

178 Much can be done to prevent fire or the release of toxic materials. Following
the advice in this book should greatly reduce the chances of this occurring.
Unfortunately, the possibility of a fire or a release always remains. It is therefore
important to have in place a pre-planned response to such emergencies, including
the appropriate actions to take in the event of a fire and efficient arrangements for
calling the emergency services.
179 At jetties handling dangerous liquids and gases, you need to assess the
possibility of a fire or a toxic release and its uncontrolled escalation. The incident
can be minimised by:

good berth design and location;

good engineering design of transfer systems;
good operating and management practices; and
proper instruction of workers in routine operations and in the actions to take in
an emergency.

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Emergency and fire-fighting equipment

180 One of the main purposes of emergency equipment is to protect the means of
escape for shore staff and ships crews. Another purpose is to contain an incident,
and prevent it from escalating into one which threatens neighbouring people or
property. You need to consider the manner and speed with which an incident can
develop when determining the type, number and location of the emergency and
fire-fighting equipment required.
181 Fire-fighting equipment should be provided:


to contain and possibly extinguish a fire;

to safeguard people while they make their escape or await evacuation, pending
the arrival of the fire brigade;
to limit damage to the facility, neighbouring property and the environment; and
to protect means of access for fire and emergency services.

182 Similarly other emergency equipment should be provided to:

n contain spillages; and
n help disperse and dilute gas and vapour releases.
183 You need to carry out an assessment to determine the level of capability
required for these two situations. The equipment necessary depends on a number
of factors. The scale of the provisions should be discussed with the fire authority
and the environmental agencies.
184 The Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 19876 require
precautions to be taken against fire or explosion. These matters, which include
the process fire precautions and the general fire precautions (see the glossary),
are enforced at present by HSE. The Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations
1997,2 which came into force on 1 December 1997, also deal with the general fire
precautions at jetties, etc. These regulations are enforced by the fire authorities,
and it is therefore important that you also consult with the fire authorities when
carrying out a risk assessment concerning fire precautions.
185 The main requirements of the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997
are for an employer to carry out a risk assessment to determine the necessary
general fire precautions for safeguarding people within the workplace in the event
of fire, and to implement and maintain these precautions. The matters you need
to consider as the berth operator when undertaking the risk assessment should


the escape routes for shore staff and ships crews;

the size, nature and frequency of cargoes;
the size of the berths and of the ships, and their distances from other industrial
hazards and population centres;
the availability of off-site emergency services, including fire tugs; and
the time needed for the local fire authority to turn out, and for reinforcements to
arrive from a distance.

186 It is good practice to have on permanent display at the berth, a plan showing
the location and type of all fire-fighting and emergency equipment on or adjacent
to the berth, along with instructions on fire and emergency procedures. The ships
emergency and fire-fighting plans should also be given to the shore terminal.

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187 An adequate number of portable fire extinguishers should be provided at

the berth. Their primary purpose is to tackle fires that have just begun, thereby
reducing the risk to people and enabling them to make their escape. Similarly, there
should be suitable fire extinguishers to deal with fires which may affect the berth,
for example in control rooms or jetty shelters.
188 They need to be positioned in conspicuous locations along the escape routes.
Unless the location of an extinguisher is self-evident, you need to identify its
location by appropriate safety signs. Such signs should comply with the Health and
Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996.33
189 To reduce the risk of corrosion, it is sensible to keep extinguishers off the
ground and to protect them from the weather.
190 Extinguishers should be to a recognised standard such as BS EN 366and be
suitable for tackling fires involving the dangerous substances. Anyone expected to
use a fire extinguisher should receive proper training.
Provision of water
191 Water is essential for cooling purposes, and it can be used in fog or spray
form for fighting oil fires and for screening fire brigade personnel. It can help
disperse vapour clouds and clear away spilled liquid.
192 A fire main, which extends to the jetty head or berth, is an appropriate source
of water in this situation. The pipeline may be dry or charged, but should be
capable of being pressurised at short notice. Where necessary, it needs to be
protected against impact and freezing.
193 Your risk assessment should determine the capacity of the fire main. The
factors for determining the required flow rate of water include:
n the size of the hazard at the berth (eg ship size and storage capacity);
n the need to supply fire brigade appliances; and
n the capacity of any installed emergency equipment.
The diameter of the fire main needed depends upon the pump rating and frictional
losses in the system.
194 Water take-off points (hydrants) need to be positioned along the fire main at
regular intervals. They should be suitable for couplings used by the fire authority,
and need to be readily accessible. Isolation valves should be fitted to maintain the
efficiency of the system in the event of a fracture.
195 Your risk assessment should consider the means of supplying water to the fire
main. This depends on the size, nature and frequency of the cargoes handled and
on the time for mobile fire appliances to arrive. In some cases, it may be sufficient
for the local water company supply or a fixed fire pump to feed the main.
196 Larger installations may require a number of pumps, suitably backed up so
that the main can be supplied effectively at all relevant times. If the fire main is
pressurised from the local water company, there needs to be sufficient supply to
operate the equipment and it should be secure against loss of pressure. If the sea
provides the water, the fire pumps should be capable of providing sufficient suction
at all states of the tide.

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197 You need to consider where to locate the operating points for the pumps.
An obvious solution is a staffed control point, either on the berth or in the control
room. It is also preferable to have another at the jetty foot. You can further improve
the situation by setting the pumps to operate automatically if the fire alarm is set off
from one of the call points.
198 At berths used for vessels of 500 tons gross tonnage and over, an
international shore fire connection should be provided to supply water to a ships
fire main from the shore or vice versa. Details of this connection are given in the
ISGOTT guide.49
Application of water
199 Your risk assessment should consider the means of applying water from a fire
main. This is normally achieved by providing at least two water monitors at each
berth so that, in the event of a fire, equipment may be cooled and a protective
water curtain provided between ship and shore. In deciding the number of monitors
needed, you need to consider:
n the maximum size of ships using the berth;
n the area to be covered; and
n the nature of the cargoes.
200 The monitors should preferably be permanently mounted and fitted with jet/fog
nozzles. The minimum capacity of each monitor is considered to be approximately
108 m3/hr (400 gallons/minute). The monitors need to cover the vulnerable
locations, ie ship and shore manifold areas, connection points and the full length of
any hoses used. You should remember to consider foreseeable weather conditions
when assessing the effectiveness of any monitors.
201 You must be able to operate the monitors from a safe location. The separation
distances of monitors and the positions of remote controls need to take account of
the possibility of vision being obscured by smoke and of the control points being
enveloped in a toxic gas cloud.
202 Remote controls should be standard for all elevated monitors so that people
do not have to remain on elevated platforms to operate them. Oscillating monitors
and those with remote control of both water and movement are an advantage. The
heights of tower installations for water monitors are determined by:

their location;
wind effects;
monitor capacity;
the size of ships handled;
the maximum freeboard in laden and unladen conditions; and
local tidal variations.

203 You need to consider the effect of a loss of power to the monitors. Preferably,
the power supply for the monitors should be independent of the normal electrical
supplies (eg by using separate protected cabling, water-powered motors, or for
hydraulic pumps, a back-up hand pump).
204 In some circumstances, mobile monitors may be adequate. However, monitors
should always be connected to the water or foam supply during cargo transfer,
other than in exceptional cases and only with the formal agreement of the fire
authority. For monitors that require the position of the nozzle to be set manually,
this should be carried out before any cargo operations start.

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205 It may be necessary, particularly at terminals regularly handling vessels with

high freeboards or carrying liquefied gases, to provide additional means of applying
cooling water. One solution is to mount a third water monitor in an elevated
206 For refrigerated LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) or LNG (liquefied natural gas),
the insulation around the tanks, pipelines, etc, may provide some protection against
overheating, but cooling water is still necessary, particularly for the protection of
pipework and fittings. You should not apply water directly to pools of LPG or LNG
as it increases vapourisation of the liquid. For the same reason, water should not
be allowed to enter any tank containing refrigerated liquid.
Use of fire-fighting foam
207 Foam is of considerable value in extinguishing liquid spill fires provided that the
liquid spill can be contained and prevented from spreading. For cargoes of crude
oil and other flammable liquids, where the risk of spill fires is greatest, consideration
should be given to using suitable foam (or dual-purpose water/foam) monitors.
Aspirated low-expansion foam is the most useful for maximum protection against
208 However, where the maximum throw from a monitor is essential, you may
prefer to use film-forming foams, which can be used unaspirated. The use of an
alcohol-resistant foam may be necessary when handling cargoes of alcohols or
similar compounds.
209 Foam has a limited heat absorbing capacity and is largely ineffective for
cooling purposes. It is not generally used where cargoes are limited to liquefied
gases, apart from bunded areas. Fixed foam equipment is also not normally
required at berths handling only high flashpoint liquids.
210 If fire-fighting facilities using foam are present, you need to consider how much
foam concentrate to store on site. This depends on a variety of factors. These
n the availability of back-up supplies;
n the ease of access to the berth; and
n the cost.
Sufficient foam should be stored on site to supply all the monitors covering one
berth for enough time to carry out the evacuation of the vicinity.
Emergency/fire training
211 All terminal staff should receive instruction in fire prevention, the action to
take in case of a fire or release, and using the emergency/fire-fighting equipment
212 Staff should be aware of the hazards of the substances being handled.
213 The training should include the means of raising the alarm, and the evacuation
procedure. Staff should receive periodic refresher training at least annually, and
take part in regular drills. Records should be kept of any training given and drills

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Operations at installations
Precautions before cargo transfer
Requirements for entering harbour
214 The Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 19876 require
the master or agent of a ship carrying dangerous substances (or an operator of
a ship coming from inland) to give advance notice to the harbour authority. This
notification has to include details of the dangerous substance being carried, and in
the case of ships entering from the sea, about the ship itself. The information may
be used to determine the navigation, etc, of the vessel into the harbour area and to
215 In some instances, navigating the vessel into and within the harbour may
require pilotage. Pilots are usually licensed to the harbour authority, and generally
must be ordered by the ships agent for both inward and outward journeys. Some
harbour authorities operate a pilot exemption scheme, which allows masters to
berth their ships without the advice of a pilot, although masters need to meet a
stringent set of criteria in order to qualify.
216 You should note that under the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas
Regulations 1987,6 the harbour master has powers to regulate or prohibit entry of
vessels into the harbour where the condition of the ship may create a risk to the
health or safety of any person from the dangerous substance being carried.
217 Clearly communication is also necessary between the ship and the berth
operator. For example, you may need to know the positioning of the ships
manifolds, the state of the cargo holds, or the temperature of any refrigerated
product, etc.
218 You may also wish to stop the vessel berthing if, for example, the cargo holds
are not satisfactorily inerted, or the temperature of a refrigerated product is not
Stern lines Breast

Spring lines

Breast lines

Bow lines

Figure 5 Typical mooring arrangement

219 Assuming that everything is satisfactory, and that the ship can be safely
navigated to the berth, the first precaution for preventing an incident is the correct
mooring of the ship (see Figure 5).

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220 The berth owner or operator is responsible for providing adequate facilities for
safe, secured mooring. The necessary facilities are dependent on:

the size and type of ship;

local tidal conditions;
foreseeable weather conditions; and
the nature of the cargo and ballasting operations.

221 The ships master and the harbour master should control the actual mooring
operations. For large ships, a mooring plan should be supplied, with calculations
of the mooring systems performance for specified weather conditions. However,
the master is responsible for the safe mooring of the ship, regardless of who
supplies the mooring pattern. They also take responsibility for supplying suitable
mooring lines and ensuring that the ship remains safely berthed. At many harbours,
contractors managed by the harbour authority carry out the running of mooring
lines, and the release of mooring lines, except in an emergency.
222 While the ship is alongside, the crew of the ship should keep an adequate
watch on the moorings, particularly during cargo transfer.
223 Some berths may have small under-keel clearances for moored ships at
certain states of the tide or when ships are fully or almost fully laden. Passing ships
can then cause problems of ranging and place increased stress on the mooring
224 The risk of ranging can be reduced by ensuring that the mooring lines are
properly tended, and if necessary, by the ship increasing the number of mooring
lines and by the harbour authority limiting the speed of passing ships. Ranging and
drift alarms may be appropriate.
225 More detailed advice on mooring is given in other publications.67,68
Mobility of vessels
226 While berthed, the ship should be prepared to move away at short notice, tidal
conditions permitted. This normally means that the engines, steering gear and other
manoeuvring equipment should be kept ready for use.
227 For some ships, including those carrying flammable liquids and liquefied gases
as defined in paragraphs 19-22, the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas
Regulations 19876 require that the ship can be moved away from berth, tidal
conditions permitted.
228 At some locations, tidal movement may leave a ship isolated in a dredged
pool, or completely grounded. At others, the dock is closed off from the open
water by gates. It may not be reasonably practicable to carry out cargo transfers
only when the vessel is afloat and able to move into open water. If this is the
case, your risk assessment will have considered these restrictions and determined
whether you require any additional precautions or control measures, for example a
higher standard of means of escape and emergency equipment.
229 Any maintenance work or repair work, which may immobilise a ship that is
otherwise able to move, should only be carried out with the agreement of the
harbour master, and should not take place during cargo transfer unless adequate
provisions are made.

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230 In some cases, it may be undesirable for a ship to cast off in an emergency.
Examples include harbours with restricted channels to open water and those with
many ships using the waterway. Casting off will also mean losing the benefit of the
berth emergency control measures, such as fire-fighting equipment, and there may
be a risk of injury to people and damage to equipment during hasty disconnection
of hoses and moorings.
231 You and the ships master should agree the procedure in the event of an
emergency before cargo transfer starts. Where ships are subject to the legal
requirement in paragraph 227, the harbour master can give an exemption
certificate provided they are satisfied that no ones health and safety is prejudiced.
The harbour authority also control the movements of other ships in the vicinity to
ensure that cargo transfer operations are not put at risk.
Ship to berth access
232 Once the vessel is safely and effectively moored, there needs to be good
means of access between the ship and the berth.
233 In some cases, for example with barges on inland waters, a combination of
low freeboard and no tidal movement may mean you can easily access all parts of
the vessel at all times. In other cases, however, you may require additional access.
A correctly rigged and secured ships accommodation ladder or gangway, set at a
safe angle, can achieve this. Alternatively, you may provide similar gangways.
234 In all cases, the means of access should begin and end at a safe place, or
lead onto other safe access. It is important that the means of access between ship
and berth is considered together with the means of escape in case of emergency
or fire.
Means of escape from the ship
235 For the same reasons as quoted in paragraph 72, there should be two
separate routes off the ship where reasonably practicable. Since the manifold area
is the most likely point of an incident, means of escape are recommended from
either side of the ships manifold area to the berth and at a remote distance from
the manifold.
236 For large vessels it may only be feasible to provide one route. In this case it
needs to be as close as possible to the ships accommodation, since this is where
the majority of the crew will be located.
237 In all cases, lifeboats should be kept available as an alternative means of
escape for the ships crew.
238 As mentioned in paragraph 53, effective communication between the ships
deck watch and the berth personnel should be maintained throughout operations
at the berth.69,70
239 You should provide the means of communication, and there needs to be
continuous contact between the ships duty officer and the responsible person
ashore. Two-way portable radios or a ship-to-shore telephone system are normally
necessary. You need to consider the use of back-up systems if the normal means
of communication fails. This may mean having sufficient numbers of fully charged
batteries on standby for the radios. In some cases, the portable radio supplied by
you can be supplemented by another portable radio, provided by the ship. This
radio should preferably operate on a different frequency.

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240 When the cargo being handled is flammable, the communication system used
should be suitable for operation in potentially flammable atmospheres.
241 In some cases, radios or telephones may not be necessary. The factors to be
considered include:


the distance over which communication is needed;

whether the crew members on deck watch and the personnel on shore can
see and hear each other easily;
weather conditions;
noise levels.

242 Whichever method is used, there needs to be a clear understanding between

the ships crew and the shore personnel regarding who is in charge of each group,
and who is in overall command. Where there are language problems with nonEnglish speaking crews, a responsible person with sufficient technical knowledge
and wherever possible an adequate command of a language understood by the
ships personnel, should be on board to liaise between ship and shore.
Information exchange
243 Before establishing the connection for cargo transfer, safety precautions
should be drawn up to cover the periods before, during and after cargo transfer.
244 A ship-to-shore checklist usually fulfils this function. The checklist is completed
jointly by the berth operator and ships master, or people designated by them.
In some cases, this is carried out as part of a more detailed survey of the
ship and cargo by independent ship surveyors. The Dangerous Substances in
Harbour Areas Regulations 19876 actually prohibit the transfer of bulk dangerous
substances unless a ship-to-shore checklist has been completed. A suitable shipto-shore checklist is included in the Approved Code of Practice to the Dangerous
Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 198738 or in the ISGOTT guide.49
245 Any faults found during the completion of the ship-to-shore checklist should be
corrected before beginning cargo transfer. However, in some minor cases, cargo
transfer may still go ahead provided an assessment of the risk has been carried
out and a decision made between the ships master and senior shore personnel on
how to proceed.
246 If a major infringement of the ship-to-shore checklist is discovered, you or the
harbour master can decide to refuse cargo transfer, and even require removal of
the ship from the berth.
247 Additional information which needs to be discussed between you and the
ships master before cargo transfer includes:


shipboard/shore emergency procedures;

tidal range;
ballasting arrangements;
procedural arrangements;
check of agreed loading rates;
topping-off procedure;
loading plan sequence;
agreed maximum loading rate (dictated by emergency shutdown valve closure
times - if fitted);
emergency shutdown systems;
condition of ships inerting system, if required;
actual or pending weather conditions and operational limits.

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Ship-to-shore electrical continuity

248 Many berths are protected from corrosion by cathodic protection systems.
Such systems are capable of producing electrical currents or voltages.
Consequently, precautions need to be taken to prevent any sparking during the
making and breaking of connections between ship and shore. Static electricity
can also be generated during the cargo transfer due to the flow of liquid along a
249 The build-up of electricity can be prevented by switching off the protection
system and ensuring that the hoses and pipelines are electrically continuous,
except for an insulating flange or one short section of non-conducting hose. Further
guidance on such systems is contained in BS 7361, Part 1.71 It is generally not
feasible to switch off cathodic protection systems, particularly at berths frequently
handling flammable liquids or gases.
250 If an insulating flange is used, you need to position it at the jetty end of any
flexible hose where it is less likely to be disturbed. An ISGOTT49 guide provides
details of a suitable flange connection. You should take precautions against shortcircuiting the flange, for example, by using insulated hooks for handling hose
251 The risk of electrostatic sparking can be minimised. On the shore side of the
insulating flange or hose section, the piping and other metalwork should be suitably
bonded to the berth earthing system. On the seaward side, the bonding should be
to the ship.
252 The earthing system should be checked periodically, and any other metallic
connections to the ship or berth should be bonded, as appropriate. The use of a
separate bonding cable between ship and shore is ineffective and can introduce its
own hazard (see ISGOTT49).

Precautions during cargo transfer

253 The operations which offer the greatest risk of loss of containment are:
connecting the transfer systems between ship and shore; transferring the cargo;
and disconnecting the systems following cargo transfer.
Monitoring of cargo transfer
254 Continuous monitoring should take place during cargo handling. A competent
representative of the berth operator and a competent ships officer should be
present, with sufficient crew on board to deal with the operation and safety of the
255 The representative of the berth operator should ideally remain close to the
ship-to-shore connections, for carrying out any duties effectively. These duties may



supervising the cargo transfer (including flow rates and pressures);

ensuring the cargo hoses or articulated cargo arms are kept properly adjusted;
preventing unauthorised access to the jetty by other people;
controlling the activities of personnel on the jetty including off-duty members of
the ships crew;
assisting in preventing unauthorised approach by other ships;
ensuring the immediate raising of the alarm and shutdown of shore-based
cargo handling equipment in the event of an incident;
preventing minor incidents escalating into major ones;
monitoring the ships position in relation to the jetty and moorings.

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256 It may be possible for one representative to supervise the cargo handling
for two ships simultaneously. This may be acceptable, for example, where a
finger-pier jetty is being used by two ships, one either side of the jetty. The
person concerned should be positioned between the land and the ship-to-shore
connections so that their means of escape are not prejudiced.
257 In some cases, particularly at large jetty complexes, monitoring by closedcircuit television and control of the cargo transfer is carried out remotely from a
control room. This has the advantage that no shore-based person is present at the
site of any incident. On the other hand, someone in the vicinity can often detect
problems at an early stage, by noticing unusual movements or noises, etc.
258 The option chosen should depend on the results of an appropriate risk
assessment. The information that needs to be fed into the risk assessment

the level of automatic control present;

the management systems in place;
the emergency systems in place;
prior knowledge of the capabilities of the ship and its crew, etc.

Emergency procedures
259 Initiating emergency procedures at the earliest stage of an incident can
significantly reduce the impact of an incident on people and premises. You
therefore need a written procedure for dealing with fires, spills or leaks. It should

raising the alarm;

calling the emergency services;
evacuating the area and providing safe havens; and
tackling the fire or controlling the spill or leak (when it is safe to do so).

260 You need to consider the range of possible events which take into account the
n the nature and quantities of the cargoes involved;
n the location of the berth and its design; and
n the people, both on site and off site, who may be affected.
261 When they arrive, the fire brigade will assume responsibility for fire fighting and
rescue operations. At the discretion of the fire brigade incident commander, they
may undertake other appropriate emergency operations to prevent or limit any
environmental damage the spillage might cause. It is therefore important that they
are aware of the facilities and capabilities at the berth.
262 Where large numbers of employees on site or people off site may be at
risk, one person should be nominated to carry out a risk assessment and, in
consultation with the emergency services, prepare an emergency action plan.
263 For those sites subject to the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas
Regulations 1987,6 the harbour authority must develop an emergency plan for
dealing with incidents involving dangerous substances. An associated Approved
Code of Practice38 gives advice on the requirements for emergency arrangements.

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264 Formal on-site and off-site emergency plans are required at sites subject to
regulations 7 to 12 of the Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazard Regulations
19848(CIMAH) - see guidance booklets HSG2572 and HSR21.9

Appendix 1: Legal requirements

1 It is a legal requirement under health and safety law that those responsible for
work activities ensure that:
n hazards are adequately identified;
n risks are assessed; and
n suitable control measures are put into practice.
2 Measures must be taken to eliminate or control the risks unless doing so
involves a sacrifice (time, trouble or cost) which is grossly disproportionate to the
level of risk. However, the ability to pay for additional control measures is not a
deciding factor in whether they are necessary.
3 Where it is not possible to remove the risk then the arrangements for managing
the activity safely are particularly important.
4 The following paragraphs outline the various health and safety legislation
applicable to the bulk transfer of hazardous liquids and gases between ship and
Confined Spaces Regulations 199725
5 These Regulations apply when hazards exist because of the confined nature
of certain work activities, and the possible presence of substances or conditions
which, if taken together, could increase the risk to peoples safety or health.
6 Guidance26 on the Regulations and a leaflet27 are available.
Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards Regulations 19848 (as
amended 1989/90)
7 These Regulations apply at two levels to certain premises where specified
quantities of particular substances are stored or used. The main aim of the
Regulations is to prevent major accidents occurring; a secondary objective is to
limit the effects of any which do happen. A major accident is a major emission,
fire or explosion resulting from uncontrolled developments which leads to serious
danger to people or the environment.
8 The general requirements apply at both levels and require the person in control
of the industrial activity to demonstrate that the major accident hazards have been
identified and that the activity is being operated safely. The additional requirements
that apply at the second level include the submission of a written safety report,
preparation of an on-site emergency plan and provision of certain information for
the public. The HSE publication HSR219 provides guidance on the Regulations.
9 The CIMAH Regulations will be replaced in early 1999 by regulations
implementing a new European Directive, the Seveso II Directive. The new
regulations will have much in common with the existing CIMAH Regulations.

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Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 199422

10 These Regulations require employers to assess the risks arising from substances
hazardous to health at work and to decide on the measures needed to protect the
health of employees. The employer is also required to take appropriate action to
prevent or adequately control exposure to substances hazardous to health.
11 Substances covered by the Regulations include carcinogenic substances and
those which, under the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply)
Regulations 1994,13 are labelled as very toxic, toxic, harmful, corrosive or irritant.
The Regulations also cover those substances assigned occupational exposure limits.
The Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 19876
12 These Regulations are concerned with the safe handling and storage of
dangerous substances in harbours and harbour areas. The Regulations also
give harbour authorities the powers to make bye-laws relating to the dangerous
substance, subject to certain conditions.
13 A guide73 and an Approved Code of Practice38 accompany the Regulations.
Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions legislation, and
Merchant Shipping Acts18
14 Control over the normal shipboard activities of the crew of a ship, under
the direction of the master of the ship, is regulated by the Department of the
Environment, Transport and the Regions under various Merchant Shipping Acts.
15 Because of this, certain duties under the Dangerous Substances in Harbour
Areas Regulations 19876 do not extend to the master or crew of a seagoing ship
or to the employer of such people in relation to their normal shipboard activities.
These activities are covered by, for example, the Merchant Shipping (Dangerous
Substances and Marine Pollutants) Regulations 1997.20
The Docks Regulations 19885
16 These Regulations contain safety requirements for general dock work. They
impose duties on employers and employees on the shore and also on a ships
owners, master and crew. The duties include requirements for lighting, access,
maintenance, and rescue from the water.
17 An Approved Code of Practice74 accompanies the Regulations.
Electricity at Work Regulations 198934
18 These Regulations require precautions to be taken against the risk of death
or injury from electricity in work activities. They require electrical installations and
equipment to be properly constructed, maintained and fit for the purpose and
environment in which they are to be used.
19 Advice is available in guidance booklet HSR25.75
Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially
Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 199637
20 These Regulations are aimed at manufacturers and suppliers. They apply to
equipment, protective systems, safety devices, controlling devices, regulating
devices and components for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
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21 They require the equipment to be safe, to meet the essential health and safety
requirements, to have undergone an appropriate conformity assessment and
to be affixed with CE marking. There is a transitional period until 30 June 2003.
Manufacturers can, in the meantime, continue to ensure their equipment is safe by
other means.
Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 19972
22 These Regulations control what have become known as the general fire
precautions, covering:


means of escape in case of fire;

means for ensuring the escape routes can be used safely and effectively;
means for fighting fires;
means for giving warning in the case of fire; and
training of staff in fire safety.

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 19743

23 This Act is concerned with securing the health, safety and welfare of people at
work, and with protecting those who are not at work, from risks to their health and
safety arising from work activities.
24 The Act and its relevant statutory provisions also deal with controlling the
storage and use of explosives and highly flammable or otherwise dangerous
substances. The general duties in sections 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 of the Act apply to all
work activities covered in this book.
Highly Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum Gases Regulations
25 These Regulations apply when liquids, which have a flashpoint of less than
32C and which support combustion (when tested in the prescribed manner), are
present at premises subject to the Factories Act 1961.76 The Regulations include
provisions for these highly flammable liquids relating to:

precautions during storage;

precautions against spills and leaks;
controls for sources of ignition in areas where vapours may accumulate;
means to prevent the escape of vapours;
dispersal of dangerous concentrations of vapours; and
controls on smoking.

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 19921

26 These Regulations require all employers and self-employed people to assess
the risks to workers and others who may be affected by their undertakings, so
that they can decide which measures they need to take to comply with health
and safety law. The Regulations go on to require employers and self-employed
people to implement appropriate arrangements for managing health and safety.
Health surveillance (where appropriate), emergency planning, and the provision of
information and training are also included.
27 An Approved Code of Practice30 gives guidance on the Regulations.

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Manual Handling Operations Regulations 199244

28 These Regulations implement the directive on the minimum safety and health
requirements for the manual handling of loads where there is a risk to employees.
29 They require employers to first consider alternatives to manual handling. If
the alternatives are not practicable, employers must assess the manual handling
operations and, where there is a risk of injury, take appropriate steps to reduce the
risk so far as is reasonably practicable.
30 HSE has produced guidance on the Regulations77 and a leaflet.78
Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances Regulations
(NIHHS) 198279
31 These Regulations require premises with specified quantities of particular
substances to be notified to HSE.
32 Following the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 199080 and Regulations
1992,81 the presence of NIHHS Schedule 1 substances and quantities, together
with some from CIMAH Schedule 3,8 on, over or under land requires consent from
the hazardous substances authorities. Similar provisions also apply in Scotland.
The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 199221
33 These Regulations aim to ensure the safe use and the free provision of
personal protective equipment (PPE) where the risk has not been controlled by
other means. They include general duties covering the selection of suitable PPE,
maintenance, information, instructions and training.
34 Guidance on the Regulations82 is available.
The Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers Regulations
35 These Regulations require the users of installed systems and owners of mobile
systems to know the safe operating limits of their pressure systems before the
systems are used. They also need to ensure that a suitable written scheme of
examination is in place.
36 A written scheme of examination is a document containing information about
selected items of plant or equipment which form a pressure system, operate under
pressure and contain a relevant fluid.
37 The term relevant fluid is defined in the Regulations and covers compressed
or liquefied gases above 0.5 bar pressure, pressurised hot water above 110 C and
steam at any pressure.
38 A guide83 and an Approved Code of Practice84 accompany the Regulations.
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 199885
39 These Regulations aim to ensure the provision of safe work equipment and its
safe use. They include general duties covering the selection of suitable equipment,
maintenance, information, instruction and training, and they also address the need
for equipment to control selected hazards.

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Appendix 2: Hazardous area

1 The first approach should always be to control the storage and use of
flammable materials to minimise the extent of any hazardous area.
2 The concept of hazardous area classification has, in the past, been used solely
as the basis for selecting fixed electrical apparatus. However, it also can be used
to help eliminate potential ignition sources, including portable electrical equipment,
vehicles, hot surfaces, etc, from flammable atmospheres.
3 Advice on classifying hazardous areas can be found in BS EN 60079-10:
4 Hazardous areas are classified into three types of zone: Zone 0, Zone 1 and
Zone 2, which are three-dimensional spaces in which flammable concentrations of
vapours may be present.
5 The higher the zone number the lower the likelihood that a flammable vapour
will exist within the zone.
6 Electrical equipment suitable for use in Zone 0 is produced to a higher
specification (that is, it is less likely to produce an incendive spark on failure) than
that suitable for use in Zone 1, which in turn is produced to a higher standard than
that for use in Zone 2.
7 The aim is to reduce to an acceptable minimum level the probability of a
flammable atmosphere coinciding with an electrical or other source of ignition. The
three zones are defined as follows:

Zone 0
An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is present, either
continuously or for long periods.
A Zone 0 classification is probably appropriate for enclosed spaces that are
likely to contain a flammable vapour continuously or for long periods. Examples
include the inside of vapour emission control equipment and storage
containers. It may also apply in the immediate vicinity of exposed liquid
surfaces and during continuous releases of flammable material.

n Zone 1
An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is likely to occur in
normal operation.
A Zone 1 classification is likely to be appropriate if either of the following apply:
- The area contains plant which may, as part of normal operation, release

sufficient flammable material to create a hazard.
- The area fulfils the requirements for Zone 2 but the ventilation or drainage

is inadequate to ensure a flammable atmosphere is quickly dispersed. This

is likely to apply to pits, trenches and similar depressions in the case of

heavier-than-air vapours and to enclosed roof spaces for lighter-than-air


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n Zone 2
An area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not likely to occur in
normal operation and, if it does occur, is likely to do so infrequently and
to exist for a short period only.
A Zone 2 classification can be applied if all of the following are satisfied:
- In normal operation, there is no flammable liquid or vapour in direct contact

with the surrounding atmosphere.
- The plant concerned is constructed, installed and maintained to prevent, in

normal operation, the release of sufficient flammable material to create a

- The area is ventilated and drained well enough to disperse any flammable

atmosphere quickly in the event of a release, so that any contact with

electrical apparatus is only for a brief period.
n Areas outside these zones are defined as non-hazardous.
8 It is good practice to draw up a plan which shows the extent of each zone.
This will vary on the layout, the design of the plant, ventilation and the type of
materials handled.
9 Further advice is available in industry codes BS EN 60079-10 Part 10:
199686 and the Institute of Petroleums model code of safe practice part 15 Area
classification code for petroleum installations.87

References and further reading

1 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 SI 1992/2051
HMSO 1992 ISBN 0 11 025051 6
2 Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997 SI 1997/1840
The Stationery Office 1997 ISBN 0 11 064738 6
3 Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 Ch 37 HMSO 1974
ISBN 0 10 543774 3
4 Highly Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum Gases Regulations 1972
SI 1972/917 HMSO 1972 ISBN 0 11 020917 6
5 The Docks Regulations 1988 SI 1988/1655 HMSO 1988 ISBN 0 11 087655 5
6 The Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987 SI 1987/37
HMSO 1987 ISBN 0 11 076037 9
7 Five steps to risk assessment Leaflet INDG163(rev1) HSE Books 1998
(single copy free or priced packs of 10 ISBN 0 7176 1565 0 Web version available
8 Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1984 SI 1984/1902
HMSO ISBN 0 11 047902 5 (as amended) (Out of print)
9 A guide to the Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1984
HSR21 HSE Books 1990 ISBN 0 11 885579 4
10 International maritime dangerous goods code International Maritime
Organisation 1994 ISBN 92 801 1314 3

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11 International code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying

dangerous chemicals in bulk (IBC Code) International Maritime Organisation 1994
ISBN 92 801 1315 1
12 Code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous
chemicals in bulk (BCH Code) International Maritime Organisation 1993
ISBN 92 801 1302 X
13 The Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations
1994 SI 1994/3247 HMSO 1994 ISBN 0 11 043877 9 as amended by The
Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) (Amendment)
Regulations 1996 SI 1996/1092 HMSO 1996 ISBN 0 11 054570 2 and The
Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) (Amendment)
Regulations 1997 SI 1997/1460 The Stationery Office 1997 ISBN 0 11 063750 X
14 International code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied
gases in bulk (IGC Code) International Maritime Organisation 1993
ISBN 92 801 1277 5
15 Code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in
bulk International Maritime Organization 1983 ISBN 92 801 1165 5
16 Code for existing ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk International Maritime
Organisation ISBN 92 801 1051 9 plus supplement ISBN 92 801 1101 9
17 Environmental Protection Act 1990 HMSO 1990 ISBN 0 10 544390 5
18 The Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions has issued
an amendment to the Merchant Shipping (Dangerous Goods) Regulations 1981,
and prepared as an Annex to the associated Merchant Shipping Notice, a Code
of Practice to provide guidance on those aspects of the handling of dangerous
substances in harbour areas which are the responsibility of the master of a
ship. This Code of Practice complements the Approved Code of Practice to the
Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987.38
19 Merchant Shipping Act 1995 HMSO 1995 ISBN 0 10 542195 2
20 The Merchant Shipping (Dangerous Goods and Marine Pollutants) Regulations
1997 SI 1998/2367 The Stationery Office ISBN 0 11 064955 9
21 The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 SI 1992/2966
HMSO 1992 ISBN 0 11 025832 0
22 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994 SI 1994/3246
HMSO 1994 ISBN 0 11 043721 7
23 Control of substances hazardous to health (Fifth edition). The Control of
Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended). Approved Code
of Practice and guidance L5 (Fifth edition) HSE Books 2005 ISBN 0 7176 2981 3
24 Managing contractors: a guide for employers HSE Books 1997
ISBN 0 7176 1196 5
25 Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 SI 1997/1713 The Stationery Office 1997
ISBN 0 11 064643 6

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26 Safe work in confined spaces Leaflet INDG258 HSE Books 1997 (single copy
free or priced packs of 20 ISBN 0 7176 1442 5 Web version available at
27 Safe work in confined spaces. Confined Spaces Regulations 1997. Approved
Code of Practice, Regulations and guidance L101 HSE Books 1997
ISBN 0 7176 1405 0
28 Guidance on permit-to-work systems:A guide for the petroleum, chemical and
allied industries HSG250 HSE Books 2005 ISBN 0 7176 2943 0
29 Permit-to-work systems INDG98 HSE Books 1997 ISBN 0 7176 1331 3
(Out of print)
30 Management of health and safety at work. Management of Health and Safety
at Work Regulations 1999. Approved Code of Practice and guidance L21 (Second
edition) HSE Books 2000 ISBN 0 7176 2488 9
31 Five steps to information, instruction and training INDG213 HSE Books 1996
ISBN 0 1716 1235 X (Out of print)
32 Health and safety training: What you need to know Leaflet INDG345 HSE
Books 2001 (single copy free or priced packs of 15 ISBN 0 7176 2137 5 Web
version available at
33 The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996
SI 1996/341 HMSO 1996 ISBN 0 11 054093 X
34 Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 SI 1989/635 HMSO 1989
ISBN 0 11 096635 X
35 BS EN 60079-14: 1996 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
British Standards Institution
36 Electricity and flammable substances: a short guide for small businesses
Institution of Chemical Engineers 1989 ISBN 0 85 295250 3
37 The Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially
Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 1996 SI 1996/192 HMSO 1996
ISBN 0 11 053999 0
38 Dangerous substances in harbour areas. The Dangerous Substances in
Harbour Areas Regulations 1987. Approved Code of Practice COP18
HSE Books 1987 ISBN 0 11 883857 1
39 Lift trucks in potentially flammable atmospheres HSG113 HSE Books 1996
ISBN 0 7176 0706 2
40 BS 6656: 1991 Prevention of Inadvertent Ignition of Flammable Material: 1991
British Standards Institution
41 A guide to hazard and operability studies Chemical Industries Association 1981
42 Guidelines for hazard analysis as an aid to management of safe operations in
port SIGTTO 1992 ISBN 1 85609 054 X
43 Design and construction specification for marine loading arms (Third edition)
OCIMF 1999 ISBN 1 85609 071 X
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44 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 SI 1992/2793 HMSO 1992

ISBN 0 11 025920 3
45 Guidelines for the handling, storage, inspection and testing of hoses in the field
OCIMF 1995 ISBN 1 85609 070 1
46 Hose standards OCIMF 1978 ISBN 0 900 88637 4 (Out of print)
47 The Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers Regulations 1989
SI 1989/2169 HMSO 1989 ISBN 0 11 098169 3
48 Venting atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks. Non-refrigerated and
refrigerated (Fifth edition) API 2000-1998 American Petroleum Institute 1998
49 ICS/OCIMF/IAPH International safety guide for oil tankers and terminals
(ISGOTT) Witherby 1996 ISBN 1 85609 081 7
50 Guidelines for the alleviation of excessive surge pressures on ESD SIGTTO
1987 ISBN 0 948691 40 9
51 Chemical plant and petroleum refinery piping ANSI/ASME B31.3 American
Society of Mechanical Engineers 1990 (with amendments 1991, 1992)
52 BS 3974 Pipe supports British Standards Institution
53 BS 1710: 1984 (amended 1989) Identification of pipelines
British Standards Institution
54 Guidelines for the design and operation of gasoline vapour emission controls
Institute of Petroleum 1992 ISBN 0 85293 105 0
55 Recommendations for oil tanker manifolds and associated equipment OCIMF
1991 ISBN 1 85609 017 5
56 Flame arresters: preventing the spread of fires and explosions in equipment
that contains flammable gases and vapours HSG158 HSE Books 1996
ISBN 0 7176 1191 4
57 Revised standards for the design, testing and location of devices to prevent
the passage of flames into cargo tanks in tankers MSC/circ 677 30 International
Maritime Organisation Dec 1994
58 US Coastguard Federal Register Marine vapour control system: final rule 1990
55 (120) 25396-25427
59 The safe isolation of plant and equipment HSG253 HSE Books 2006
ISBN 0 7176 6171 7
60 Submarine Pipe-lines Safety Regulations 1982 SI 1982/1513 HMSO 1982
ISBN 0 11 027513 6
61 The controlled dispersal of liquid spill and vapour emission incidents by water
spray Information Paper No 3 SIGTTO
62 The Prevention of Oil Pollution Act 1971 Chapter 60 HMSO 1971
ISBN 0 10 546071 0

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63 The Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Oil Pollution) Regulations 1983

SI 1983/1398 HMSO 1978 ISBN 0 11 037398 7
64 Pollution prevention equipment required under MARPOL 73/78
International Maritime Organisation 1996
65 International convention on oil pollution preparedness, response and
co-operation International Maritime Organisation 1990
66 BS EN 3-7: 2004 Portable fire extinguishers. Characteristics, performance
requirements and testing British Standards Institution
67 Effective mooring OCIMF 1989 ISBN 0 948691 88 3
68 OCIMF Mooring equipment guidelines Witherby 1992 ISBN 1 85 609088 4
69 The ship/shore interface - communications necessary for matching ship to
berth Information Paper No 5 SIGTTO 1997 ISBN 1 85609 128 7
70 Human error in communications SIGTTO 1991 ISBN 1 85609 100 7
71 BS 7361 Part 1: 1991 Cathodic protection. Part 1 Code of practice for land
and marine applications British Standards Institution
72 Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1984 (CIMAH): further
guidance on emergency plans HSG25 HSE Books 1985 ISBN 0 11 883831 8
73 A guide to the Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987
HSR27 HSE Books 1988 ISBN 0 11 883991 8
74 Safety in docks. Docks Regulations 1988. Approved Code of Practice COP25
HSE Books 1988 ISBN 0 7176 1408 5
75 Memorandum of guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 HSR25
HSE Books 1989 ISBN 0 11 883963 2
76 Factories Act 1961 Ch 34 HMSO 1961 ISBN 0 10 850027 6
77 Manual handling. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended).
Guidance on Regulations L23 (Third edition) HSE Books 2004
ISBN 0 7176 2823 X
78 Getting to grips with manual handling: A short guide Leaflet INDG143(rev2)
HSE Books 2004 (single copy free or priced packs of 15 ISBN 0 7176 2828 0
Web version available at
79 Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances Regulations 1982
SI 1982/1357 HMSO 1982 ISBN 0 11 027357 5
80 Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990 HMSO 1990 ISBN 0 10 541090 X
81 Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 1992 SI 1992/656 HMSO 1992
ISBN 0 11 023656 4
82 Personal protective equipment at work (Second edition). Personal Protective
Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. Guidance on Regulations 1992 (as
amended) L25 (Second edition) HSE Books 2005 ISBN 0 7176 6139 3

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83 A guide to the Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers

Regulations 1989 HSR30 HSE Books 1990 ISBN 0 7176 0489 6 (Out of print)
84 Safety of pressure systems. Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.
Approved Code of Practice L122 HSE Books 2000 ISBN 0 7176 1767 X
85 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 SI 1998/2306
The Stationery Office 1998 ISBN 0 11 079599 7
86 BS EN 60079-10: 1996 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres.
Part 10 Classification of hazardous areas British Standards Institution
87 Area classification code for petroleum installations Model code of safety
practice part 15 Institute of Petroleum 1990 ISBN 0 47 192160 2 (under revision

Further reading
BS 5908: 1990 Code of practice for fire precautions in the chemical and allied
BS 5378: 1980 (amended 1995) Safety signs and colours
Industrial and process fire safety FPA compendium of fire safety data Vol 2 Fire
Protection Association
Occupational exposure limits EH40/98 HSE Books 1998 ISBN 0 7176 1474 3
The safe use and handling of flammable liquids HSG140 HSE Books 1996
ISBN 0 7176 0967 7
The storage of flammable liquids in tanks HSG176 HSE Books 1998
ISBN 0 7176 1470 0
Guide to contingency planning for marine terminals handling liquefied gases in bulk
ICS/OCIMF/SIGTTO 1989 ISBN 0 948691 81 6
Tanker safety guide (chemicals) (Second edition) International Chamber of Shipping
Tanker safety guide (liquefied gases) International Chamber of Shipping 1996
Inert gas systems International Maritime Organisation 1990 ISBN 9 28 011262 7
Recommendations on the safe transport of dangerous cargoes and related
activities in port areas International Maritime Organisation 1995 ISBN 9 28 011329 1
Refining safety code Model code of safety practice part 3 Institute of Petroleum
1991 ISBN 0 85501 663 9
Loss Prevention Council Fire and hazardous substances Library of fire safety Vol 2
Fire Protection Association 1994 ISBN 0 902167 61 8
Loss Prevention Council Guide to fire safety signs Library of fire safety Vol 4
Fire Protection Association 1996 ISBN 0 902167 87 1

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OCIMF Guide on marine terminal fire protection and emergency evacuation

Witherby 1987 ISBN 0 94 869128 X
OCIMF Safety guide for terminals handling ships carrying liquefied gas in bulk
Witherby 1993 ISBN 1 85 609057 4


The minimum temperature at which a material

will ignite spontaneously under specified test
conditions. Also referred to as the minimum
ignition temperature.


The connecting together of metal parts to ensure

electrical continuity.

Cathodic protection

The prevention of corrosion by electrochemical



Capable of burning in air when ignited.


Capable of destroying human tissue and causing

normal construction materials to corrode at an
excessive rate.

Enforcing authority

The authority with responsibility for enforcing the

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 19743 and its
relevant statutory provisions.

Flame arrester

A device fitted in gas vent pipelines which is used

to prevent the passage of flames. Most flame
arresters consist of a permeable matrix of
metal, ceramic or other heat-resisting material
which can cool a flame and any other combustion
products below the temperature required for the
ignition of the unreacted flammable gas or vapour
on the other side of the flame arrester.


Capable of burning with a flame.


The minimum temperature at which a liquid, under

specific test conditions, gives off sufficient
flammable vapour to ignite momentarily on the
application of an ignition source.


The vertical distance from the waterline to the

uppermost continuous deck of the ship where
there are permanent means of closing all deck

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General fire precautions

Those precautions taken to safeguard people the

event of fire, ie:





the means of escape;

the means for ensuring that escape
routes can be used safely and effectively,
at all material times;
the means for people in the workplace to
fight fire; and
the means for giving warning within the
workplace in case of fire.


The disposition of a thing, a condition or a

situation to cause injury. The injury of concern
is physical injury and/or ill health to people,
though this may be accompanied by harm to
property and the environment.

Hazardous area

An area where flammable or explosive gas or

vapour-air mixtures (often referred to as explosive
gas-air mixtures) are, or may be expected to be,
present in quantities which require special
precautions to be taken against the risk of ignition
(see Appendix 2).


Having sufficient energy to ignite a flammable


Lower explosion limit


The minimum concentration of vapour in air below

which propagation of a flame will not occur in
the presence of an ignition source. Also referred
to as the lower flammable limit or lower explosive

Occupational exposure
limit (OEL)

The limit of concentration in the air of a substance

hazardous to health, averaged over a specified
time period.

Pressure surge

A sudden increase in the pressure of a liquid in a

pipeline brought about by an abrupt change in
flow velocity.

Process fire precautions

Those precautions taken in a workplace to

precautions reduce the likelihood of an outbreak
of fire and its escalation should it occur. The
terms general fire precautions and process
fire precautions overlap and may affect each
other in practice. For example, the means for
fighting fire required in connection with the
handling of flammable liquids and gases will also
form part of the general fire precautions. Similarly,
the general fire precautions may be affected by
the presence of the flammable substances and,
for example, improved means of escape in case
of fire may be necessary.

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Reasonably practicable

The degree of risk in a particular job or practicable

workplace needs to be balanced against the time,
trouble, cost and physical difficulty of taking
measures to avoid or reduce the risk. Measures
must be taken to eliminate or control the risks
unless it is clear that the cost of doing so is
grossly disproportionate to the level of the risk.
However, the ability to pay for additional control
measures is not a deciding factor as to whether
they are necessary.


The chance of something adverse happening

where something refers to a particular
consequence of the manifestation of a hazard.
Risk reflects the likelihood that harm will occur
and its severity in relation to the numbers of
people who might be affected, and also reflects
the consequences to such people.

Risk assessment

The process of identifying the hazards present in

any undertaking (whether arising from work
activities or other factors) and those likely to be
affected by them, and of evaluating the extent of
the risks involved, bearing in mind whatever
precautions are already being taken.

Topping off

The operation of completing the loading of a tank

to a required ullage.



Upper explosion
limit (UEL)

The maximum concentration of vapour in air

above which the propagation of a flame will not
occur. Also referred to as the upper flammable
limit or upper explosive limit.


The gaseous phase released by evaporation from

a material that is a liquid at normal temperatures
and pressure.


The classified part of a hazardous area,

representing the probability of a flammable vapour
(or gas) and air mixture being present (see
Appendix 2).

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Further information
For information about health and safety ring HSEs Infoline Tel: 0845 345 0055
Fax: 0845 408 9566 Textphone: 0845 408 9577 e-mail: [email protected] or
write to HSE Information Services, Caerphilly Business Park, Caerphilly CF83 3GG.
HSE priced and free publications can be viewed online or ordered from or contact HSE Books, PO Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk
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are also available from bookshops.
British Standards can be obtained in PDF or hard copy formats from the BSI online
shop: or by contacting BSI Customer Services for hard
copies only Tel: 020 8996 9001 e-mail: [email protected].
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