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4 unidentified homicide victims found.

Barrel #1 found in 1985

Barrel #2 found in 2000

November 1981 Denise Beaudin goes missing shortly after

Thanksgiving with her 6 month old daughter, Dawn Beaudin
and her boyfriend, Bob Evans from Manchester, NH.

Denise Beaudin - 1976

New Hampshires Bob Evans

appears in California
November 2002 The man known in New Hampshire as Bob
Evans is arrested for homicide of Eunsoon Jun.
June 2003 Evans is convicted of Eunsoon Juns murder and
sentenced to 15 years to life. He died in prison in California in

Last seen
together in
Fall of 1981


Denise Beaudin
Missing from
Manchester, NH

Allenstown Victim
Child 2 Found in
Barrel #2 May 2000
Convicted of murdering
Eunsoon Jun in 2002
Richmond, CA

4 Allenstown victims (1970s early 1980s)

Mother of middle Allenstown child
Denise Beaudin New Hampshire (1981)

Eunsoon Jun California (2002)

Late 1970s 1980 As Robert T. Evans worked at Waumbec

Mills in Manchester, NH.
Late 1970s 1981 Lived as Robert T. Evans at 925 Hayward
Street, Manchester, NH.

1985 Booking Photo

Digitally Enhanced Image

November 1981 Denise Beaudin goes missing shortly after

Thanksgiving with her 6 month old daughter, Dawn Beaudin
and her boyfriend, Bob Evans from Manchester, NH.

Denise Beaudin - 1976

Missing since November 1981

23 years old
Brown hair
Brown eyes
54 56 tall
120-140 pounds
Noticeable overbite
925 Hayward Street, Manchester, NH
Goffstown High School Class of 1976
Carol Cable (General Cable)
The Demers Nursing Home

On January 9, 1980, a certified letter addressed to

Bob Evans was signed for by Elizabeth Evans.
During two Manchester PD arrests (February and
June, 1980), Bob Evans listed his spouses name
as Elizabeth.
When arrested by MPD in October of 1980, he
does not list a spouse.


March 1984 May 1985 Bob Evans is hired as an electrician

using the name Curtis Kimball in Los Alamitos, CA area.
May 1985 Evans is arrested in Cypress, CA as Curtis Mayo
Kimball for DUI, Endangering a child, hit & run of property.

Cypress, CA
1985 Booking Photo

Digitally Enhanced Image


Abandoned Child Investigation

January July 1986 Evans is living & working at the Holiday
Host RV Park in Scotts Valley using name Gordon Curtis Jenson
(Jensen) and in the company of a young female child known as
June - July 1986 Evans abandons Lisa, leaving her with a family
known to him from the Holiday Host RV Park.
August 1986 Evans investigated by
Santa Cruz/San Bernardino County
authorities for Desertion of a child
Lisa. Evans no longer in the area.
RV Park


Abandoned Child Investigation

September 1986 Investigators confirmed a latent fingerprint
match between Gordon Jenson (Jensen) and prints obtained from
individual arrested as Curtis Mayo Kimball in 1985.
October 1986 3 felony arrest warrants issued in Santa Cruz
county for Gordon Curtis Jenson (Jensen) regarding crimes
involving Lisa.
November 1988 Evans arrested by San Luis Obispo PD, CA
related to a vehicle theft using name Gerry Mockerman. Vehicle
was stolen from Preston, ID.

Suspect October 1986 News Article


March 1989 Evans arrested on the warrants out of Santa Cruz

County, CA. Sentenced to 3 years incarceration.
October 1990 Evans was paroled & absconded the next day.
November 1990 Parole warrant issued under the name Curtis
Mayo Kimball. He is a fugitive for 12 years.

1990 Parole Photo

Digitally Enhanced Image


Missing Person Investigation

August 2001 Evans had an unofficial backyard marriage
ceremony with Eunsoon Jun in Richmond, CA as Lawrence
William Vanner.

September 2002 Contra Costa COSO initiated a missing person

report for Eunsoon Jun.

Eunsoon Jun


Missing Person Investigation

September 2002-Eunsoon Jun found buried in her basement.
Lawrence Vanner is fingerprinted and found to be Curtis
November 2002 Evans arrested for homicide of Eunsoon Jun.
June 2003 Evans convicted of Eunsoon Juns murder and
sentenced to 15 years to life.
December 28, 2010 Evans died in prison.


August 2003 DNA testing determined Evans and Lisa were not
biologically related. San Bernardino COSO initiated an
investigation into the true identity of Lisa Jenson.

2014 San Bernardino COSO enlisted the assistance of and one of their Search Angels, a genetic
genealogist to identify links to relatives of Lisa.

2016 First cousin and grandfather of Lisa

were identified in New Hampshire which led to
proving that Lisa is Dawn Beaudin daughter
of missing person, Denise Beaudin.

Denise Beaudin - 1976


Summer 2016 San Bernardino COSO contacts NHSP and

Manchester PD regarding the identification of Dawn Beaudin
and connection with missing female, Denise Beaudin and
suspect convicted of homicide in 2002.
Summer/Fall 2016 Multi-agency investigation begins to
determine Bob Evans connections to Manchester/Allenstown.
October 2016 Evans DNA profile compared to all 3 minor
female victims from Allenstown case. Results showed Evans was
the father to non-maternally related child (middle child) found in


Investigative Agencies

23-33 yrs old
52 58
Brown hair

New Hampshire Attorney Generals Office

New Hampshire State Police
Manchester Police Department
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)
National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NAMUS)
San Bernardino County Sheriffs Office
Contra Costa County Sheriffs Office
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Allenstown Police Department

5-11 yrs old
Brown or Blonde hair
Pierced ears

2-4 yrs old
33 -39
Brown hair

1-3 yrs old
Brown or Blonde hair

Adult Found in
Barrel #1 Nov. 1985

Child 1 Found in
Barrel #1 Nov. 1985

Child 3 Found in
Barrel #2 May 2000

Adult victim is maternally related to oldest and youngest child

The 3 related females show consistent isotope values for the region
where their bodies were found, suggesting they could be from New
Hampshire or from a nearby state. The values suggest they were
from an area closer to the Atlantic coast versus further inland.
Results indicate that the 3 related females grew up together.

Chemical Isotope Map : possible geographic origin

Chemical Isotope Map : possible geographic origin


No relationship with the other

child victims

DNA results: Bode Cellmark
paternally matches Child 2
with Bob Evans

Child 2 Found in
Barrel #2 May 2000


Suspect 1985 Booking Photo


Late 1970s 1981 Bob Evans lived and worked in Manchester, NH.

Late 1970s 1980 Worked at Waumbec Mills in Manchester as a mechanic /


Evans worked at Waumbec Mills with the owner of property in Allenstown where
the barrels with bodies were found in 1985 and 2000.

Evans also provided electrical work at the Bear Brook Store located on the
property in Allenstown (245 Deerfield Road) where the barrels with bodies were

Allenstown adult and oldest child were wrapped in material and electrical wire
(Carol Cable).

Allenstown victims and Eunsoon Jun all died of blunt force trauma.

Allenstown adult, oldest child and Eunsoon Jun sustained some dismemberment.


Evans was known to dump materials on the Allenstown property.

It is confirmed that barrels from mill were dumped on the
Barrel #1 found in 1985

Barrel #2 found in 2000


Born between 1936 1952

Died in Prison in 2010

Changed names frequently

Confirmed Aliases
Robert T. Evans
Curtis Mayo Kimball
Gerald Mockerman
Gordon Curtis Jenson or Jensen
Lawrence William Vanner

Occupation: Electrician / Mechanic

-May have worked at Manchester, NH VA

Maybe former military (Navy)


Transient lived in campgrounds, trailer parks and motels


2001 - 2002
Contra Costa, CA
Lawrence Vanner
Felton, CA
Unknown Alias
Scotts Valley, CA
Gordon C Jenson

Preston, ID
Unknown Alias

Late 1970s
Manchester, NH
Robert T Evans

San Luis Obispo, CA
Gerald Mockerman

1984 - 1985
Anaheim, CA
Curtis M Kimball


1986 - 1989

Quebec, Canada
Late 1970s

1986 - 1989
Early 1940s

1940s 1950s

Early 1950s

1970s 1980s

1968- 1970


NH State Police Cold Case Unit

[email protected]
Manchester Police Department
[email protected]

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

[email protected]


I am so thankful to be re-united with my Grandfather and cousins

after all these years!! I want to send out a heart-felt Thank You to
all the organizations and tireless individuals who made this
As a victim in this incredulous story, I would like to ask that the
media respects my privacy.
Currently I have three beautiful children and a loving husband,
and would like our presently happy and secure life to remain intact
and protected through the release of this story. Please turn your
focus toward the un-identified victims, and other potentially
unknown victims in this case, and hopefully their families will also
be offered some closure as this investigation continues.

Thank you, Lisa


Timeline of Bob Evans
Confirmed Events
1977 (approx.)

BOB EVANS works at Waumbec Mills as head electrician.

1980, February

BOB EVANS arrested in Manchester, NH as Robert T. Evans for

Issuing a bad check on 12/21/1979 (insufficient funds).

1980, May

BOB EVANS arrested in Manchester, NH as Robert T. Evans for

Theft of services (electricity).

1980, October

BOB EVANS arrested in Manchester, NH as Robert T. Evans for diverting electric


1981, November

Denise Beaudin goes missing shortly after Thanksgiving with

her 6 month old daughter and her boyfriend, Bob Evans from
Manchester, NH.

1984, March 1985, May

BOB EVANS was hired under name Curtis Kimball by electrical company in
Los Alamitos, CA

1985, May

BOB EVANS arrested in Cypress, CA as Curtis Mayo Kimball for DUI.

1985, November

First barrel found at Bear Brook State Park, Allenstown, NH containing an

unidentified adult female (23-33 yo) and female child (5-11 yo).

1986, January -

BOB EVANS in Santa Cruz County, CA living & working at the Holiday Host RV
Park in Scotts Valley under name Gordon Jenson.

1986, June

BOB EVANS abandoned child (Denise Beaudins daughter) in California and fled.

1986, September

Fingerprints match between Gordon Jenson and Curtis Kimball confirming they
were the same person (Bob Evans).

1988, November

BOB EVANS pulled over in San Luis Obispo, CA under the name Gerry
Mockerman, driving a stolen vehicle from Preston, Idaho.

1989, March

BOB EVANS arrested in California on warrants from the child abandonment and
sentenced to 3 years.

1990, October

BOB EVANS was paroled and absconded the following day in California.

2000, May

Second barrel found at Bear Brook State Park in Allenstown, NH containing

two unidentified female children (2-4 yo) and (1-3 yo).

2002, June

BOB EVANSs girlfriend, Eunsoon Jun disappears from Richmond, California.

2002, November

BOB EVANS arrested for Eunsoon Juns homicide and parole violation.

2003, June

BOB EVANS convicted of Eunsoon Juns murder and sentenced to 15 years to


2003, August

DNA testing confirmed that the BOB EVANS was not the biological father to the
child he abandoned (Denises daughter).

2010, December

BOB EVANS dies in prison in High Desert Prison in Susanville, California.

2016, July

San Bernardino County Sheriffs contacts New Hampshire authorities ref. BOB
EVANS and his connection to New Hampshire.

2016, October

DNA confirmed the BOB EVANS is the biological father of the unidentified 2-4
year old little girl found in Allenstown, NH in 2000.

Names and Information Used by Robert Bob Evans
Confirmed aliases:
1. Robert T. Evans
a. Robert C. Evans
2. Curtis Mayo Kimball
3. Gordon Curtis Jenson
a. Gordon Curtis Jensen
4. Gerald E. Mockerman
a. Jerry Edward Mockerman
5. Lawrence William Vanner
Other alias variations:

Jerry Edwards Gorman

Ulos Jenson
Curtis Rollin Kimball
Don Vannerson

General characteristics:
1. Died in prison in 2010
2. Caucasian
3. Tall
4. Slim
5. Brown hair
6. Blue eyes
7. Skilled electrician and mechanic
8. Lived in trailer parks or motels
9. Alcoholic
10. Changed names frequently
11. May have spoken a foreign language.

1. Red Dodge pickup truck with a light colored camper, 1965-1968 model.
2. White Ford Van, 1978 model.
3. VW Van, two-toned, light color on top with a blue or green color on bottom.
Evans possibly attended the following schools (unconfirmed):
1. Lowell Elementary, Phoenix Arizona
2. North High School, Phoenix Arizona
3. Devry Institution of Technology (Electronic Engineering and Design) Phoenix,

References to Family (from witnesses):

1. Seen with an unknown woman in her 20s-30s, and four small children in a
dark four door sedan in California during the 1980s.

NOTE: Much of the below information was provided by Evans himself in various
communications with others. The veracity of the information below is unknown:
1. Evanstown, WY
-Possible place of birth.
2. Denver, CO
-Possibly spent time here.
3. Roanoke, VA
-Evans claimed he married his wife Denise LaPorte here (cannot identify
or locate female).
4. Quebec, CA
-Evans claims he met his wife Denise LaPorte in here (cannot identify or
locate female).
5. San Pedro, CA
-Possible place of birth.

6. Anaheim, CA
-Possibly employed here.
7. Bay City, TX
-Possibly spent time here with family and was employed here.
8. Ingleside, TX
-Possibly employed here.
9. Houston, TX
-Suspect claimed Denise LaPorte died here, was possibly employed
10. Austin, TX
-Suspect attempted to call someone here living in an RV park.
11. Corpus Christi, TX
-Suspect stated his wife was murdered in Corpus Christi.
12. Honolulu, HI
-Possible association to the International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers, based in Honolulu.
13. Greensboro, GA
-Possibly arrested under another alias name here.
14. Phoenix, AZ
-Possible place of employment.
15. St. Louis, MO
-Possible place of employment.
16. Louisiana
-Possible place of employment.
17. Washington State
-Possible place of employment.
18. Oregon
-Possible state of travel/employment.

References to Family (from Evans):


Born as Ulos Jensen in Wyoming with a Norwegian/Danish background.

He was the youngest son in his family.
Ran away as a teenager.
Referenced having a 2 year old and a 6 month old child in the 1980s.
Listed Elizabeth Evans as spouse on 1980 arrest report.

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