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Hi All,

I did learn a lot from reading Samael Aun Weor's document on Sex least it made me
think and put some things in perspective.
From this, I did some research and drafted some of his work with Ann Besant, Taoist Tantra and
my own ideas into a church document (attached).
Should you have any interesting comments, I'd appreciate them.
[Runar, this is a later draft than the one I sent you last night.]
The Deer Exercise really worked for me and I also enjoyed reading esp
the parts about the thyroid's role, and properties as a chakra (the
throat area really). I am still getting used to Synthroid and my period
was 2 weeks late. Before, it used to come at the Full Moon - this month
it was the New Moon, and horribly painful. I walked 3.3 mi and drank
raspberry leaf tea (which worked well before) to try to feel better, but
it didn't help much. However, right after I did the first step (there
are 2) I immediately felt better. The cramps were virtually gone and my
period is almost done, not to mention there is no more tenderness. And
I'm getting a little better each
Re: the glands - I was wondering why my third eye chakra (pineal gland but the head is also home to the pituitary) was weak, and after I called
PJ I was able to put 2 and 2 together. Since I have no thyroid gland, it
will have to be compensated for - by the pituitary gland (which
recognizes thyroid hormone in the blood and in its natural state,
regulates the thyroid's production of it), but I think since it is close
to the pineal (and surgery being a physical invasion or violation) it is
affected too on a psychic or etheric level. Kind of like when one has a
kidney removed and the other gets bigger to do double the work. At the
same time, there will be no potential blockage in the throat area. Not
only this but the Thelemic Middle Pillar (both of which I've been doing,
having started the Deer Exercise yesterday) and Magickal Passes will
help a lot. In other words - my body is
still catching up to get used to the fact that there is no thyroid. It
will adjust, but it's true that emotionally I really wanted to keep my
thyroid, at least for as long as possible.
Btw, the doctor said that the dosage was a little high and lowered it a
notch. He said that some people are sensitive to it. The people I had
read that are sensitive to it are the old (who don't have as much
energy, and if they believe in ageism are more depressed), so it can
only mean to include those who are developing intuition.
Hi Cammy,
I think your situation can provide us with an interesting insight into
the nature of the relation between chakkras and glands. It will be
interesting to see how your magick develops.

Dear Brother Rovelli,

It is nice pice of work.Exspecially interesting are reference for 7 Churches of Asia,this have
alusions that I find when I am initiated in the Order of EASIA-EASIE.
Do you have some more ,and Libers that you mention in the text?

Hi Aleksandar
I'm glad that you enjoyed the document. Yes, the other document(s) cited in the text are
available in the GCL Breviary on the GCL website. But I'll attach them here for your
What is the EASIA-EASIE? I've not heard of this before.

Dear Brother Rovelli,

thank you for documents .I didn see GCL web site now,only in the past.
EASIA-EASIE=Eques a Sancti Johannes Apostolicca -Eques a Sancti Johannes Evangelista.
It is very secret and old Order that some consider as the apex of the Western Hermetic
tradtion,exspecially in France.
When you pass Gnostic Church,Martinist Order,Elect Cohens,Kabbalistic Order of the R+C(with
outher and inner Order),Memphis Misraim and Rectified Scottish Rite,you reach R+C d Orient,to
be precise Freres d Orient of 2 external and 7 inner degrees,and after this you go to the 4
degrees of EASIA,as a true Gnostic Theurgic descendant of Johannite-Templar Tradtion.
Hi Aleksandar
Thanks for the info; I'm real curious about this group.
Is there any website with info on the group?
Dear Brother Rovelli,

no this Order is very discret.In France,Italy,Sweden,Brasil,Luxemburg,exsist brothers but they

have only 1 degree.
Only in Greece,Serbia and Montenegro,we have full 4 degrees.
Fraternally Yours

Sperm retention: I am surprised how strong this belief in "nonpollution" shows to be.
Despite we have billions of males not practicing it, it serves as no proof that it is not
harmful, because we have hardly any idea of how it could have been. The same billions
which could have been proof of its harmlessness, can also serve as proof that it is
harmful, as the state of humanity is of course terrible.
The power, might and glory of the practice of spermretention is but a vague rumour. Do
some search on Ojas and you probably find something. Ojas are the magickal component
of sperm which energy is accumulated through extended practice. Its use? Heard from
hindu gurus: "It builds up new charisma and makes you irresistable by females". Exactly
what you dont need anymore.
And i have heard females complain of their guys being so unwilling on release that they
have felt cheated, insulted and abused.
I am also very sceptic to any direct physical manipulation of these fluids,as when it
comes to the practice of retention, like the use of hands to manipulate the flow. Ideally it
should be done directly by means of the bodys inner functions.
The way to learn this is to get down to the level of the body and its spirit, and thereafter
hook up to the better fields of the human collective consciousness. Then the body is
taught. Its as easy as being human. Or a Beast.
I also feel more and more aversion against writing about sexual matters. Particular sex
magick. It becomes a paper thing. Making sex magickal seems anyway to be the best
guide, instead of getting ceremonial magick turn sexual. Therefore do i stop here, and
rather say something very unpleasant.
Why doesnt girls scream for big dick? Is it because they they dont want it, doesnt matter
or what ?
It matters. It may be a "one size fits all" complex here, but they are supposed to get
humans out of the same place. They are often not capable of that, and more and more
people are born by knife. Earlier, birth surely was a very dire event. The cause of death is
mostly not given, though fever is mentioned, but its quite so understandable.
What I would like to point out, is that we have a extended responsibility for our bodies,
and the extension goes by having children, and also being connected to humanitys
collective consciousness.
Born by knife? In my society, you wouldnt have got permission to have kids.
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Hi Aleksandar
This sounds very interesting. I'll hope to learn more about the group over time. In the meantime,
I'm glad you're participating on the list and hope to hear more from you.
Hi Runar,
I think the most important thing that SAW (the pun on his initials...past tense of an
interesting doesn't understand is the nature of Alchemical 'Circulation.'
Whether it's the initial ingestion of sperm by the sexual partner or the auto-ingestion of one's own
sperm (either through withholding, utilizing sublimation processer or oral consumption of the
And your point about praxis is right on the mark. One must begin by setting up a laboratory
procedure; nothing can be accomplished with theoretical fantasy.
The various Ojas, et al and their nature are covered well in Liber Laiad. Liber Congregus
Restituo was created to set up another avenue of research into the practice. It was not meant to
be the 'be all' and 'end all' on the subject.
As in laboratory Alchemy, there is the inner and outer circulation...or in actuality the lesser and
greater circulations. Because so much knowledge has been lost and is only slowly being
rediscovered and restored in the West...and because the Black Brothers now reveal themselves
openly and without shame (cf. Liber Trigrammaton), there is much yet to do in revitalizing this
Per women feeling cheated and abused; I wasn't trying to convey in CR that one should not
ejaculate at all. I was more interested in the idea that this withholding is but the beginning of the
process. Then per the Formula of ON, when the working couple has a good practice at this, they
can then efficiently time their mutual orgasm, with perfected concentration on the Bud-Will, to a
more potent effect.
Joined with Liber Laiad, Liber LH, Liber Ta-Pente, Liber V.V.V.v.V and Liber Immortalitas (and
even the forthcoming Liber Eugenia), we have a variety of laboratory procedures for the
application of the Formula of ON. These are the basic skills that make one competent in the
Once acquired and from there, it is the working couple that must determine the next steps to be

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