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Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

Why clinical risk is relevant to patient


medication errors and the strategies in place to

manage and avoid them.

Risk management is routine in most

industries and has traditionally been associated
with limiting litigation costs. Many corporations try
to avoid financial loss, fraud or a failure to meet
production expectations by implementing
strategies to avoid such events. Hospitals and
health organizations use a variety of methods for
managing risks. The success of a risk
management programme, however, depends on
the creating and maintaining safe systems of care,
designed to reduce adverse events and improve
human performance [1]. Many hospitals have wellestablished systems in place for reporting patient
falls, medication errors, retained swabs and
misidentification of patients. Nevertheless, they
are only beginning to focus on all aspects of
clinical care to see opportunities for reducing risks
to patients.

Research shows that nurses are more likely to

report an incident than other health professionals,
certainly more so than doctors. This may be
because the blame culture in medicine is a strong
deterrent to reporting. Today, most risk
management programmes aim to improve safety
and quality in addition to minimizing the risk of
litigation and other losses (staff morale, loss of
staff, diminished reputation), but the degree of
their success depends on many factors.
Clinical risk management specifically is concerned
with improving the quality and safety of healthcare services by identifying the circumstances and
opportunities that put patients at risk of harm and
then acting to prevent or control those risks. The
following simple four-step process is commonly
used to manage clinical risks:
1. identify the risk;
2. assess the frequency and severity of the risk;
3. reduce or eliminate the risk;
4. assess the costs saved by reducing the risk
or the costs if the risk eventuates.

A medical student, along with everyone else who

works in a hospital or clinic has a responsibility to
take the correct action when they see an unsafe
situation or environment. Taking steps to ensure a
slippery floor is dry and preventing a patient from
falling over is as important as ensuring that the
medication a patient is taking is the correct one. In
the event of a patient falling on a slippery floor or
receiving the wrong medication, it is equally
important for a student to report these events so
that steps can be taken to avoid future incidents.

Medical students, along with all other health

professionals will be mainly concerned about the
risk to patients. The first topic in this Curriculum
Guide outlines the extent of the harm done by
health care. It is against this backdrop that
organizations are concerned about managing
clinical risks. Clinical risk management allows
identification potential errors. Health care itself is
inherently risky and although it would be
impossible to eradicate all harm, there are many
activities and actions that can be introduced that
will minimize opportunities for errors. Clinical risk
is relevant to medical students because it
recognizes that clinical care and treatment are
risky and incidents may to occur during clinical
care and treatment. Students (as well as all other

Effective risk management involves every level of

the health service, so it is essential that all healthcare workers understand the objectives and
relevance of the risk management strategies and
their relevance to their own workplace.
Unfortunately, even though a hospital may have a
policy of reporting incidents such as medication
errors, the actual reporting of them is often
sporadic. Students can begin to practise reporting
by talking with the health-care team about


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

health-care professionals) must actively weigh up

the anticipated risks and the benefits of each
clinical situation and only then take action.
Students should seek out information about past
risks and actively participate in efforts to prevent
them recurring. For example, compliance with a
handwashing protocol so that the spread of
infection is minimized. In this sense students are
acting proactively to avoid problems and not
merely reacting to a current problem.

after an adverse event;

respond appropriately to complaints.


What are the activities for gathering
information about risk?

Medical students working in hospitals may

not be immediately aware of a risk management
programme in their hospital or clinic.
Nevertheless, most countries today will have a
range of mechanisms to measure the harm to
patients and staff as well as avoid known
problems. Some countries have well-developed
state and national data sets of incidents. In
Australia, the Advanced Incident Management
System is a comprehensive approach to reporting
incidents and analysing the various types of
incidents. The Veterans Affairs Administration of
the US Department of Veterans Affairs has
established a National Center for Patient Safety
that uses a structured approach called root cause
analysis to evaluate, analyse and treat the
problems. See topics 5 and 7 for more
information about the root cause analysis

Clinical risk, reporting near misses, reporting
errors, risk assessment, incident, incident
Learning objective
Know how to apply risk management
principles by identifying, assessing and reporting
hazards and potential risks in the workplace.

Learning outcomes: knowledge and

What students need to know (knowledge
the activities for gathering information
about risk;
fitness-to-practice requirements;
personal accountability for managing clinical

The principle underpinning root cause analysis is

that the actual (root) cause of a particular problem
is rarely (immediately) recognizable at the time of
the mistake or incident. A superficial and biased
assessment of any problem usually does not fix
the problem and more incidents will occur
involving others in similar situations. An essential
part of any root cause analysis is the
implementation of the findings of the root cause
analysis process. Many hospitals and
organizations fail to complete the process
because either the recommendations involve
resources that are not available or there is no
commitment by the senior hospital management to
carry through the recommendations.

What students need to do (performance

know how to report known risks or
hazards in the workplace;
keep accurate and complete medical records;
know when and how to ask for help from a
supervisor, senior clinician and other healthcare professionals;
participate in meetings that discuss risk
management and patient safety;
respond appropriately to patients and families


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

Some health-care organizations that mandate

reporting of incidents can become so overloaded
with reported incidents with the consequence that
many remain unanalysed due to inadequate
resources. Even the introduction of a triage system
to distinguish serious incidents from others has not
resolved this dilemma in some systems. Many
systems now have borrowed from the Veteran
Administration and introduced a severity
assessment code to help identify those incidents
that indicate the most serious risk to the

make a report again. Even when this happens,

students should be encouraged by faculty staff to
continue to report. One day the student will be a
senior doctor and their actions will be highly
influential on younger doctors and students.
Facilitated monitoring is designed to identify a
greater proportion of incidents and to produce
reports that are aimed at improving care. This type
of monitoring is a continuous activity of the clinical
team involving the following actions:
discussion about incidents is a standing item in
the weekly clinical meetings;
there is a weekly review of areas where errors
are know to occur;
a detailed discussion about the facts of an
incident and follow-up action required is done
with the team;
the discussion is always educational rather
then attributing blame;
identifies the system issues so they can be
addressed and other staff made aware of the
potential difficulties.

Below are some common activities used to manage

clinical risk.
Incident monitoring
Incident reporting has existed for decades. Many
countries now have national databases of adverse
events pertaining to different specialties such as
surgery, anaesthesia, maternal and child health.
WHO defines an incident as an event or
circumstance that could have or did lead to
unintended and/or unnecessary harm to a person
and/or a complaint, loss or damage. The main
benefit of incident reporting lies in the information
about prevention rather than the frequency of the
incident; other quantitative methods are required for

As well as reporting actual incidents, some

organizations encourage the reporting of near
misses because of the value they bring about new
problems and the factors that contribute to them,
and how they may be prevented, before serious
harm is done to a patient. A near miss is an incident
that did not cause harm. Some people call near
misses near hits because the actions may have
caused an adverse event, but corrective action was
taken just in time or the patient had no adverse
reaction to the incorrect treatment. Talking about
near misses may be easier in some environments
where there is a strong blame culture because no
one will be able to be blamed because there was
no adverse outcome to the patient. See Table 14 for
more analysis of incident monitoring.

Facilitated incident monitoring refers to the

mechanisms for identifying, processing, analysing
and reporting incidents with a view to preventing
their reccurrence [2]. The key to an effective
reporting system is to have staff routinely reporting
incidents or near misses. However, unless staff trust
that the organization will use the information for
improvement and not to blame individuals, they will
not report. Trust includes the belief that the
organization will also act upon the information. If a
medical student reported an incident to a senior
nurse or doctor who dismissed their effort and told
them not to bother, then the student is less likely to

Sentinel events
A sentinel event is an unexpected
occurrence involving death or serious physical or


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

Table 14. Types of issues identified by incident monitoring

% of reportsa

Type of incident


Injuries other than falls (e.g. burns, pressure injuries, physical assault, self-harm)


Medication errors (e.g. omission, overdose, underdose, wrong route, wrong medication)


Clinical process problems (e.g. wrong diagnosis, inappropriate treatment, poor care)


Equipment problems (e.g. unavailable, inappropriate, poor design, misuse, failure, malfunction)

Documentation problems (e.g. inadequate, incorrect, not completed, out of date, unclear)

Hazardous environment (e.g. contamination, inadequate cleaning or sterilization)

Inadequate resources (e.g. staff absent, unavailable, inexperienced, poor orientation)

Logistic problems (e.g. problems with admission, treatment, transport, response to emergency)

Administrative problems (e.g. inadequate supervision, lack of resource, poor management decisions)

Infusion problems (e.g. omission, wrong rate)

Infrastructure problems (e.g. power failure, insufficient beds)

Nutrition problems (e.g. fed when fasting, wrong food, food contaminated, problems when ordering)

Colloid or blood product problems (e.g. omission, underdose, overdose, storage problems)

Oxygen problems (e.g. omission, overdose, underdose, premature cessation, failure of supply)

More than one type of incident may be assigned to a report.

Source: Runciman B et al. [3]

psychological injury to a patient and includes any

process variation for which a recurrence would
carry a significant chance of serious adverse
outcome [4]. The current trend in many countries
in analysing adverse events is to rank the
seriousness of the event. A sentinel event is
reserved for the most serious ones.

The role of complaints in improving care 9

A complaint is defined as an expression of
dissatisfaction with their health care by a patient or
a family member. Because medical students will be
treating patients under supervision they may be
named in a complaint from a patient or family
member. Students may feel exposed when this
happens and may feel that they will be blamed for
their actions. Students and all health professionals
may feel embarrassed, remorseful, angry or
defensive if they are the subject of a complaint.
While complaints from patients or their families may
be uncomfortable to deal with, they are a very good
opportunity for improving clinical practice [5] and
restoring a trusting relationship between the patient,
their family and the health-care team. Complaints
often highlight problems that need addressing such

Many hospitals and clinics have mandated the

reporting of these types of events or events
because of the risk of a repeat. These are often
called never events that should never be allowed
to happen because of the potential for death or
significant harm. Catastrophic event is another
term used and these make up half of all the
sentinel events reported in the United States and
over two thirds of those reported in Australia [3].


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

as the common problems of poor communication

or suboptimal clinical decision-making.
Communication problems are common causes of
complaints as are problems with treatment and
diagnosis. Students are learning about clinical
decision-making and patient management and are
seeing just how complex these tasks can be. So it
is not surprising that miscommunication or
suboptimal care may sometimes occur. Patient
complaints help to identify areas in the processes of
care that could be improved. The information from
complaints can also used to educate and inform
health professionals about problem areas.

Complaints and concerns where the

individual is responsible
From a patients perspective individual patients
should be able to have their concerns examined
to see if there has been a departure from
professional standards. After examination or
investigation it may be that system issues are at
the heart of the problem but the treating doctor or
health-care team may also have been at faultfor
example by cutting corners and breaching
accepted protocols. The standard of care may be
low resulting in suboptimal care. Guidelines may
not have been followed or hospital rules broken.

Other benefits of complaints include that they: [5]

assist to maintain standards;
reduce the frequency of litigation;
help maintain trust in the profession;
encourage self-assessment;
protect the public.

An example is failure of a staff member to wash

their hands, resulting in transmission of infection
from one patient to another. While the initial
approach to the investigation should adopt a
systems-based view, individuals are also required
to meet their professional responsibilitiesit may
be that the staff member was indeed directly at
fault through failing to adhere to accepted
standards of care. Reason [6] defined a violation
as a deviation from safe operating procedures,
standards or rules.

Students should be aware that most doctors will

receive complaints in their careers and that it is
not an indication of incompetenceeven the
most conscientious and skilful clinicians can and
do make mistakes. Medical error is a subset of
human error; all humans make mistakes. Legal
and ethical obligations are reinforced when a
complaint is in the hand.

Coronial Investigations
Most countries have some system for establishing
cause of death. Specifically appointed people,
often called coroners, are responsible for
investigating deaths in situations where the cause
of death is uncertain, or thought to be due to
unethical or illegal activity. Coroners often have
broader powers than a court of law and after
reporting the facts will make recommendations for
addressing any system-wide problems.

If a student is involved in a complaint, or if they

receive one when they are doctors, they should
be open to discussing the complaint with the
patient or family. It is a good idea to have a more
senior person present during these discussions. If
a student is required to provide a written
statement about their actions, it is important that
the statement is factual and relates directly to the
students or doctors involvement. It is important
to always check with a supervisor if a written
complaint is received and a statement required.
The hospital or clinic will most likely have in place
a policy for managing complaints.

Fitness-to-practise requirements
Medical students and all health professionals
are accountable for their actions and conduct in
the clinical environment. They are responsible for
their actions according to the circumstances in
which they find themselves. Related to


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

accountability is the concept of fitness to

practise. Why is fitness to practise an important
component of patient safety?

Hospitals and health-care organizations also have

responsibilities to ensure that only competent and
qualified doctors treat patients. They are required
to check that a doctor has the right qualifications
and experience to practise in the area they
nominate. The processes for doing this follow.

Of the many factors underpinning adverse events

one factor relates to the competence of clinicians.
Many mistakes leading to adverse events are
associated with the fitness of a doctor to practise.
Are they competent? Are they practising beyond
their level of experience and skill? Are they unwell,
suffering from a stress or a mental illness? Most
countries will have a system for registering doctors,
dealing with complaints and maintaining standards.
It is important that medical students understand
why it is important to be vigilant about their own
fitness and that of their colleagues. Medicine as a
profession places duties and obligation upon
doctors with the aim of keeping patients safe.

Credentialling is the process of assessing and
conferring approval on a persons suitability to
provide specific consumer/patient care and
treatment services, within defined limits, based on
an individuals licence, education, training,
experience and competence (Australian Council on
Healthcare Standards). Many hospitals have
credentialling processes in place to check whether
a doctor has the required skills and knowledge to
undertake specific procedures or treatments.
Hospitals will restrict the type of procedures offered
at a hospital if there are no qualified personnel or if
the resources are not available or appropriate for
the particular condition or treatment.

Selecting the right students to study medicine is

the first step in making sure that the people who
are choosing medicine as a career have the
professional attributes for safe and ethical
practice. Many medical schools now have OSCEtype (Objective Structured Clinical Examination)
processes to help identify those students who in
addition to their examination results also have the
attitudes and behaviours best suited to medicine
and patient safety. Doing medicine because of
family expectations or a desire for high status or
money is often insufficient to sustain a career in
medicine. Attributes such as compassion,
empathy, a vocational aspiration to do good and
to provide benefits to society are the sustaining

Accreditation is a formal process to ensure
delivery of safe, high-quality health care based on
standards and processes devised and developed
by health-care professionals for health-care
services. It can also refer to public recognition of
achievement by a health-care organization of
requirements of national health care standards.
Most countries require medical practitioners to be
registered with a government authority or under a
government instrument. The principal purpose of
a registration authority is to protect the health and
safety of the public by providing mechanisms
designed to ensure that medical practitioners are
fit to practise medicine. It achieves this by
ensuring that only properly trained doctors are
registered, and that registered doctors maintain
proper standards of conduct and competence.

The duties of a doctor (and medical student)

extend to reporting a peer or colleague who is
unsafe because of either incompetence or
unprofessional or unethical behaviour. Some
countries require mandatory reporting of
practitioners if they are unfit, while others rely on
individuals to use their conscience in this regard.


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

Personal accountability for

managing risk
More senior medical students will begin to
establish clear roles and responsibilities as
members of health-care teams when they spend
more time on the wards, clinics and in the
hospitals. Close to the completion of their medical
training they will be required to demonstrate
competence in a number of basic clinical tasks.
The following activities are not exhaustive or
indeed prescriptive. They are offered to give some
idea of the competencies students require when
they complete their medical degrees and start
working in a hospital or clinical environment.
Know how to organize a request for
consultation from another doctor or healthcare team. These skills include using correct
identification procedures, accurate summary
of the patients background and the reason
for admission, current clinical problem and
the results of any investigations. Only include
relevant and necessary information and write
Know how to make a telephone call to a
primary care doctor. The student should
make sure they are supervised during this
activity. Practising providing accurate
information about the patient, correctly
pronouncing medical terminology, using
techniques to ensure the person on the
telephone has understood what the student
was saying, seeking information about
concerns and writing a summary of the
telephone conversation for the medical
Know how to write a prescription accurately
and following the hospital policy. It is a good
idea to routinely check with pharmacists who
may be working in the hospital.
Know how to write a letter when a patients
care is being transferred to another health
provider or team. The letter should contain

the relevant patient identifying information,

dates of admission and discharge, and the
name of the doctors responsible for the care
of the patient while they were in hospital,
accurate summary of the patients stay in
hospital, the final diagnosis, key
investigations, reason for admission, and the
status of the patients clinical problems,
describe the therapeutic interventions
undertaken, the outcome, follow-up
arrangements and outstanding investigations.
An accurate and complete list of medications
including dose, route, and planned duration
of therapy and be completely legible.
The role of fatigue and fitness to practise
There is strong scientific evidence linking fatigue
and performance. Students should be aware that
when they are fatigued they will be less alert, and
not be able to perform as normal in a variety of
psychomotor tasks because of poor quality sleep
and inadequate time for them to recover.
Studies in the Ireland and the United
Kingdom also show that fatigue can impact
on the well-being of residents affecting their
mood (depression, anxiety, anger and
confusion) [7];
Recent controlled studies have confirmed the
findings that sleep deprivation can negatively
impact on clinical performance [8];
Fatigue has also been linked to increased risk
of medical errors [9] and motor vehicle
A 2004 study by Landrigan et al. [10] was
one of the first to measure the effects of sleep
deprivation on medical errors. They found
that interns working in the medical intensive
unit and coronary care unit of Brigham and
Womens Hospital (Boston, United States)
made substantially more serious mistakes
when they worked frequent shifts of 24 hours
or more than when they worked shorter


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

shifts. Other studies show that sleep

deprivation can have similar symptoms to
alcohol intoxication [11].

overtime that have been noted to have an

association with increased errors. The factors
underpinning these errors can range from lack of
supervision to tiredness. Students should be extra
vigilant during these times.

Stress and mental health problems

Students are also prone to stress caused by
examinations, part-time work, family and
workplace concerns.
Strong evidence suggests physicians are prone
to mental health problems [12], particularly
depression, in their first postgraduate years as
well as in later years. Students also suffer from
stress and associated health problems that
they carry with them when they start practising
as doctors;
While rates of depression and mental health
problems among doctors are higher than
those experienced by the general population,
the literature shows that when interns and
residents are supported by fellow house
officers and senior clinicians, and are
members of well-functioning teams, they are
less likely to feel isolated and suffer stress;
Performance is also affected by stress;
There is strong evidence indicating that
inadequate sleep contributes to stress and
depression, rather than the number of hours
Other stressors identified in the literature
include financial status, educational debt and
term allocation and emotional pressures
caused by demands from patients, time
pressures and interference with social life.

Good supervision is essential for every student
and the quality of the supervision will determine to
a large extent how successfully a student
integrates and adjusts to the hospital or clinical
The failure of senior clinicians to supervise or
arrange adequate supervision for medical
students and interns and residents makes
them more vulnerable to making mistakes
either by omission (failing to do something) or
commission (doing the wrong thing).
Students should always request supervision if
it is the first time they are attempting a skill or
procedure on a patient. They should also
advise the patient that they are students and
request their permission to proceed to treat
them or perform the procedure.
Poor interpersonal relationships between
students, other health-care professionals,
interns, residents and supervisors have also
been identified as factors in errors. If a
student is having a problem with a supervisor,
they should seek help from another faculty
member who may be able to meditate or help
the student with techniques to improve the
The literature also shows that students who
have problems with inadequate skills
acquisition also have poor supervision. Many
health professionals have learnt a procedure
while unsupervised and were judged by
supervisors to have poor technique and
inadequate mastering of procedures. Students
should never perform a procedure on a patient
without sufficient preparation and supervision.

Work environment and organization

Hospitals and clinics can be very stressful places
to the newcomer. Unfamiliar work practices and
rosters can make it very difficult in the early phase
of a new workplace. In addition, long hours cause
There are well-known situations such as changeovers of shift, shift work, nights, week ends and


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

Keep accurate and complete medical


Communication Topics
Communicating accurate information in a
timely way between the multiple health workers
(consultants, registrars, nurses, pharmacists,
radiologists, medical records and laboratory
personnel) is not easy, nor are there standard ways
for communicating within hospitals. The role of
good communication in the provision of quality
health care and the role poor communication plays
in substandard care are both well documented.
How successfully patients are treated will often
depend on informal communications among staff
and their understanding of the workplace [13].
Treatment errors caused by miscommunication,
absent or inadequate communication are well
known and occur daily in hospitals.
The quality of the communication between patients
and other health professionals strongly correlates
with treatment outcomes. Checklists, protocols and
care pathways are effective for communicating
patient care orders.

A medical record is a term used for a document

that stores the different kind and types of
information about a patient. Students should be
aware that good quality medical records are
essential to the medical care and treatment of
patients. Medical records will be subject to a
number of government and hospital requirements
in relation to who can have access to them, who
can write in them and where they are stored and
for how long.
Medicals students have an ethical and legal
obligation to accurately record their observations
and findings to ensure good patient care. When
writing in the records, students should
provide sufficient information to identify the
patient to whom the record relates so that
other members of the health-care team can
continue caring for the patient;
keep note down any information relevant to
the patients diagnosis or treatment;
notes about information or advice given to the
patient by the student.



Know how to report known risks or

hazards in the workplace

Know when and how to ask for help

from a supervisor, senior clinician or
other health professional

Students should seek information on the incident

reporting system used in the hospital where they
are practising or placed. There will usually be a
specific method for reportingeither an electronic
or paper form. Students should be familiar with
the system in place and seek information about
how to report an incident.

Many medical students fear that if they admit to

not knowing something that their teachers will
think less of them. It is important for students to
recognize the limitations caused by their lack of
knowledge and the importance of seeking help or
asking for information. Students should be clear
about who they report to in the hospital or in the
clinic. This person will be able to assist them if they
get into a situation beyond their current knowledge
and skills. It is essential that students ask for help
even if they feel uncomfortable about doing so.
Supervisors and senior clinicians do not expect
medical students or junior doctors to have the
depth of learning required to independently treat


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk


patients. They expect students to ask for help.

Asking for help in unfamiliar environments can be a
bit daunting for students, nonetheless they should
still ask a senior health professional. Students
need to be clear about who their supervisor is and
when they are available. It is very difficult having a
supervisor who is rarely in the hospital. If this is the
case the student should seek out another
appropriate person who is on the wards or in the
clinic. This can be discussed with the supervisor
so they are aware of the local arrangement.

Doctors are responsible for the clinical outcomes of

their patients. One way for doctors to manage this is
to identify areas prone to errors and adverse events.
The proactive intervention of a systems approach to
minimizing the opportunities for errors can prevent
adverse events. Individuals can also maintain a safe
clinical working environment by looking after their
own health and responding appropriately to
concerns from patients and colleagues.


Participate in meetings that discuss
risk management and patient safety

Teaching strategies/formats

It will not be obvious at first which risk

management programmes exist in a particular
hospital. Students can request from senior
hospital management the risk management
programmes in place and whether it is possible to
attend a meeting to see how the system works to
protect patients.

An interactive/didactic lecture
Use the accompanying slides as a guide,
covering the whole topic. The slides can be
PowerPoint or converted to overhead slides for a
projector. Start the session with the case study and
get the students to identify some of the issues
presented in the story.

Respond appropriately to patients and

families after an adverse event

Panel discussions
Invite a panel of respected clinicians to give a
summary of their efforts to improve patient safety.
Students could also have a list of questions about
adverse event prevention and management and
have time scheduled for their questions. Experts
on risk management outside health care may also
be invited to talk generally about the principles.

Students will not be expected to accept

responsibility for disclosing adverse events to
patients or their families. If they are asked to do this
they should immediately seek assistance from a
faculty member or senior supervisor. Many places
are now introducing open disclosure guidelines. It is
vital that any open disclosure process is not rushed,
is transparent and involves taking steps to make
sure the same mistake does not happen again.

A small group discussion session

The class can be divided up into small
groups and three students in each group be
asked to lead a discussion about one of the types
of incidents described in Table 14. Another
student can focus on the tools and techniques
available to minimize opportunities for errors and
another could look at the role of mortality and
morbidity meetings.

Respond appropriately to complaints

All students who are involved in a complaint
should write a complete and factual statement
about what happened. They should be honest
about their role or actions but it is important to
also minimize subjective or emotional statements.


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

The tutor facilitating this session should also be

familiar with the content so information can be
added about the local health system and clinical

maintaining continuity of care.

Brian was being treated by a new specialist and
needed his records from the orthopaedic surgeon
who operated on his knee two years earlier. When
the records finally arrived, Brians new doctor
informed him that they were not up to scratch.

Simulation exercises
Different scenarios could be developed
about adverse events and the techniques for
minimizing the opportunities for errors such as
practising the techniques of briefings,
debriefings, and assertiveness to improve
role play using a person approach and then
a system approach in a mortality and
morbidity meetings;
role play a situation in theatre where a
medical student notices something is wrong
and needs to speak up.

The records were poorly documented with no

meaningful notes concerning the consent
discussion for Brians operation. There were also
gaps in the information recorded in the operation
report and there was no documentation of the
orthopaedic surgeons verbal advice about the
risks and complications of the operation. Brian
was dismayed to discover that the surgeon had
not followed up on a missed postoperative review.
Case adapted from Payne S. case study:
managing risk in practice. United Journal, 2003,
Spring, p. 19.

Teaching activities
Administration, theatre and ward activities:
students can observe a risk management
students could meet with the people who
manage complaints for the hospital or clinic
part of the exercise would be to ask the
hospital policy on complaints and what
usually happens if a complaint is made;
students could take part in an open
disclosure process.

Acknowledgment of medical error

This case shows the value of open disclosure.
Frank is a resident of an aged care facility. One
night, a nurse mistakenly gave Frank insulin, even
though he does not have diabetes. The nurse
immediately recognised his error and brought it
the attention of the other staff, who in turn
informed Frank and his family. The facility took
immediate action to help Frank and arranged his
transfer to a hospital where he was admitted and
observed before being returned to the aged care
facility. The nurse was commended for fully and
immediately disclosing the incorrect administration
of the insulin. Following this incident, the nurse
undertook further training in medications to
minimise the possibility of a similar error occurring.

After these activities students should be asked

to meet in pairs or small groups and discuss
with a tutor or clinician what they observed and
whether the features or techniques being
observed were present or absent, and whether
they were effective.

Inadequacy in orthopaedic surgeons
practice management systems
Accurate and legible records are essential for


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

Open Disclosure. Case StudiesVolume 1.
Sydney: Health Care Complaints Commission,
2003: 1618.

Alexandra had been seeing a psychologist who

was practising in a private hospital. On both her
first and second consultations, the psychologist
breached patient confidentiality by discussing
personal details about his other patients.
Alexandra decided she should raise her concerns
with someone at the hospital. She attended one
meeting with hospital representatives about a
number of concerns she had with the hospital,
including those with the psychologist. Many
months passed with no written response from the
hospital detailing the actions they had promised to
take. With the help of the Patient Support Office,
Alexandra attended a meeting with an official of
the office and the chief executive officer and
deputy chief executive officer of the hospital. The
hospital made an apology to Alexandra and a
commitment to ongoing staff training in
complaints management. They also encouraged
Alexandra to lodge a formal complaint with the
Psychologists Registration Board regarding the
psychologists behaviour.

General practice rooms not up to standard

This case shows the importance of complaints to
improving health care.
When Denise visited her local medical practice,
she was shocked to see that the practice was not
as hygienic as she expected. It was so bad that
she complained to the New South Wales
Department of Health. A health inspector noted
that Dettol was stored in a drink container, drugs
were stored beyond their use-by date, there was
no adrenaline in the surgery to treat a heart
attack, patients at times had unsupervised access
to the doctors medical bag containing injectable
narcotics and a prescription pad, paper sheets on
the examination table were not changed between
patients and the doctor did not wash his hands
following examinations. There were also no sinks
in the consulting rooms.

Patient Support Service, Health Care Complaints
Commission, New South Wales. Annual report
19992000, p. 3746.

The Health Care Complaints Commission

recommended counselling by the New South
Wales Medical Board and an on-site visit to advise
the staff on Department of Health guidelines on
infection control and make sure the appropriate
steps had been taken to protect public health.
Denise was glad to learn that the centre made
improvements as a result of her complaint.

An impaired nurse
This case shows how health professionals need to
maintain their fitness to practise.
During Alans operation, a nurse knowingly
replaced the painkiller fentanyl, which was ordered
to treat Alan, with water. This nurse placed Alan in
physical jeopardy because of the nurse's
desperate need to obtain an opiate drug to satisfy
his drug addiction.

Review of investigation outcomes. Health Care
Complaints Commission, New South Wales.
Annual Report 19981999, p. 3940.

This was not the first time that the nurse had
stolen Schedule 8 drugs for the purposes of selfadministering them. A number of complaints had
been made about the nurse while working at a

Inadequate complaints management

This case shows the importance of timely
attention to complaints.


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

private hospital including professional misconduct,

impairment for drug addiction, lack of good
character and that which rendered the nurse unfit
to practice.

Commission for Safety and Quality, 2006.

Swain D. The difficulties and dangers of drug
prescribing by health practitioners. Health
Investigator, 1998, 1(3):1418.

Complaint or concern about a clinician - principles

for action. Department of Health, New South
Wales, 2006

A junior doctor with bipolar disorder

The case shows how important it is to refer
colleagues who are unwell and to protect patients
from clinicians who behave unethically.


A range of assessment methods are suitable for
this topic including observational reports, reflective
statements about surgical errors, essays, MCQ
paper, SBA, case-based discussion and selfassessment. Students can be encouraged to
develop a portfolio approach to patient safety
learning. The benefit of a portfolio approach is that
at the end of the students medical training they
will have a collection of all their patient safety
activities. Students will be able to use this to
assist job applications and their future careers.

Irene was upset because her new doctor verbally

abused her during the consultation at the hospital
clinic. She asked for another doctor and made a
complaint to the hospital administration. Irenes
complaint was just one of a number of complaints
against the doctor including others concerning a
refusal to treat a patient, making sexual advances
to staff and patients and neglecting his own
diabetes condition. He also refused to comply
with psychiatric treatment suggestions. One year
earlier, the doctor had been investigated for
prescribing errors and sexual advances to
patients. At that time, the doctor was reviewed
and diagnosed with a long-standing bipolar
(manic depressive) disorder. He had made
undertakings in relation to treatment of his mental
illness, which he was obviously not observing


The assessment of knowledge about clinical risk

management is assessable using any of the
following methods
case-based discussion;
written observations about a risk
management activity, such as an pen
disclosure process or incident monitoring
reflective statements (in particular) about
- how complaints are managed at the
hospital or clinic;
- the systems in place for reporting healthcare errors;
- how clinicians learn from errors.

Better practice guidelines on complaints

management for health care services. Australian

The assessment can be either formative or

summative; rankings can range from

Case studiesinvestigations. Health Care
Complaints Commission, New South Wales.
Annual Report 19951996, p. 35.


Topic 6: Understanding and managing clinical risk

unsatisfactory to giving a mark. See the forms in

Appendix 2 for assessment examples.


Evaluation is important in reviewing how a
teaching session went and how improvements
can be made. See the Teachers Guide (Part A) for
a summary of important evaluation principles.


1. Reason JT. Understanding adverse events:
the human factor. In: Vincent C, ed. Clinical
risk management: British Medical Journal
Books, 2001, 914.
2. Barach P, Small S. Reporting and preventing
medical mishaps: lessons from non-medical
near miss reporting systems. British Medical
Journal, 2000, 320:759763.
3. Runciman B, Merry A, Walton M. Safety and
ethics in health care: a guide to getting it right,
1st ed. Aldershot, UK, Ashgate Publishing
Ltd, 2007.
4. Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations. Sentinel event
policy and procedures. In: JCAHO, ed.
Chicago, JCAHO, 1999.
5. Walton M. Why complaining is good for
medicine. Journal of Internal Medicine, 2001,
6. Reason JT. Human error: Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press, 1999.
7. Samkoff JS. A review of studies concerning
effects of sleep deprivation and fatigue on
residents performance. Academic Medicine,
1991, 66:687693.
8. Deary IJ, Tait R. Effects of sleep disruption on
cognitive performance and mood in medical
house officers. British Medical Journal, 1987,
9. Leonard C et al. The effect of fatigue, sleep
deprivation and onerous working hours on the
physical and mental well being of pre-


registration house officers. Irish Journal of

Medical Sciences, 1998, 176:2225.
Landrigan CP et al. Effect of reducing interns
working hours on serious medical errors in
Intensive Care Units. The New England
Journal of Medicine, 2004, 351:18381848.
Dawson D, Reid K. Fatigue, alcohol and
performance impairment. Nature 1997:388
Tyssen R, Vaglum P. Mental health problems
among young doctors: an updated review of
prospective studies. Harvard Review of
Psychiatry, 2002, 10:154165.
Spath PL, ed. Error reduction in health care:
systems approach to improving patient safety.
San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1999.


Didactic lectures are not usually the best way to
teach students about patient safety. If a lecture is
being considered, it is a good idea to plan for
student interaction and discussion during the
lecture. Using a case study is one way to generate
group discussion. Another way is to ask the
students questions about different aspects of health
care that will bring out the issues contained in this
topic such as the blame culture, nature of error and
how errors are managed in other industries.
The slides for topic 6 are designed to assist the
teacher deliver the content of this topic. The slides
can be changed to fit the local environment and
culture. Teachers do not have to use all of the
slides and it is best to tailor the slides to the areas
being covered in the teaching session.


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