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Calibre 2120/2808










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The Manufacture Audemars Piguet


2. About time

p 56

The units of time
The calendars
The earths coordinates

3. Watch description

p 62

Views of the movement

Movement technical data
Watch indications and functions

4. Watch indications
The perpetual calendar
The astronomical moon
The time equation
True noon and mean noon
Indication of sunrise and sunset times


5. Basic functions

p 78

Setting the time

Time-zone adjustments
Winding the watch
Adjusting the perpetual calendar indications
Corrections if the watch has stopped for less
than 3 days
Corrections if the watch has stopped for more
than 3 days
Procedure for corrections


p 49

Table of contents

1. Introduction

1. Date, day, month and leap year

2. The moon phase
3. The day
4. Sunrise, sunset and the equation of time
5. Setting the time

p 66

6. Accessories

p 83

Rotating presentation case

Setting stylus

7. Additional comments

p 85



The Manufacture
Audemars Piguet

1. Introduction

The Valle de Joux: cradle of the watchmakers art

n the heart of the Swiss Jura, around 50kilometres

north of Geneva, nestles a landscape which
has retained its natural charm to this day: the
Valle de Joux. Around the mid-18thcentury, the harsh
climate of this mountainous region and soil depletion
drove the farming community settled there to seek other
sources of income. With their high degree of manual
dexterity, inexhaustible creativity and enormous
determination, the inhabitants of the valley, known as
Combiers, were naturally drawn to watchmaking.
Due to their high quality, the movements they produced
acquired great popularity with the Geneva firms which
used them to create complete watches.
From 1740 onwards, watchmaking developed into the
principal industry of the Valle de Joux. This region was
thus transformed, as an 1881 chronicle put it, into a
land of milk and honey, in which poverty has rapidly



n 1875, two young men passionate about

Haute Horlogerie Jules-Louis Audemars and
EdwardAugust Piguet decided to pool their skills
to design and produce watches with complications
in the Valle de Joux, the cradle of Haute
Horlogerie. Determination, imagination and
discipline led them to instant success. A
branch in Geneva was their next move in about
1885 and new commercial links were forged
at the 1889 Paris World Exposition, where
they exhibited complication pocket watches.
The Audemars Piguet factory continued to
expand as the years went by. Its creations
represented major milestones in the history of
Haute Horlogerie, like the first minute repeater
wristwatch in 1892 and the smallest
five-minute repeater movement ever
made in 1915.
From 1918 onwards, the founders passed
the reins of the business onto their sons,
who in turn perfected their expertise
in manufacturing men's and ladies'
wristwatches as well as designing new
sophisticated, ultra-thin movements.
Perseverance and initiative were the watchwords: while
the Wall Street crash in 1929 was a bitter blow, the
company directors were soon designing so-called skeleton
watches before embarking on chronograph production.



But this new momentum was abruptly interrupted by

the Second World War. Re-organisation was necessary
in the aftermath of the conflict. The factory focused
on creating top-of-the-range items in keeping with its
tradition of innovation. A strategy that would
prove its worth, especially since it was backed
by outstanding creative daring.
Audemars Piguet continued to build on its
now international reputation with creative
designs. 1972 saw the launch of the Royal
Oak, the first, immediately successful
high-quality sports watch in steel, followed
in 1986 by the first ultra-thin tourbillon
wristwatch with automatic winding. The
creative spirit of the Manufacture has
not faltered since, offering aesthetically
original timekeepers with outstanding
movements. Thus it brought watches with
complications back into fashion at the end
of the 1980s, launching its extraordinary
TraditiondExcellence collection in 1999.
All the signs of a bold spirit rooted firmly in
tradition and auguring well for the future.

1. Introduction

Two names for a great adventure



1. Introduction


The very nature of highly complex watches is not to

reveal all their secrets and their subtleties at f irst
glance. What the most ingenious master-watchmakers
have taken years to develop cannot be easily grasped,
even by the keenest minds. Understanding an exceptional timepiece, penetrating its mechanical genius and
realising all its attractions calls for a certain amount
of effort.
Ranked among the greatest of all watch complications,
the Equat ion of Time represent s an astonishing
compendium of human craft and technical skill.
What we call the equation of time is the dif ference
between apparent solar time and mean solar time. If
one knows the value for the equation of time and the
local longitude, one can determine precisely when the
sun reaches its zenith at a given point on the globe.
Audemars Piguet has thus chosen to go beyond all
the equation of time models that have been created
throughout horological history. The Equation of Time
is the only watch able to thus indicate precisely when
the sun reaches its highest point (apparent noon) in the
locality in which you find yourself.
This feat has been made possible by drawing on the
historic know-how of the Manufacture in Le Brassus in
the field of perpetual calendars. Right from its founding
in 1875, Audemars Piguet presented a pocket-watch
with a perpetual calendar. One hundred and three
years later, the Manufacture distinguished itself by
presenting the first ultra-thin perpetual calendar to
appear on a selfwinding wristwatch. The Equation of
Time descends from a line of illustrious ancestors. Its



perpetual calendar is programmed to mechanically

reproduce the complex leap-year cycle. Corrections
are made automatically for months with 28, 29, 30 or
31 days. The wearer will only have to make one manual
correction by pressing the corrector twice on the evening
of February 28, 2100.

1. Introduction

The Equation of Time is an absolutely unique timepiece

for several reasons in addition to the remarkable
complexity of its movement, the Calibre 2120/2808.
Unique in its extreme degree of customisation, since
every watch matches exactly the precise coordinates of
the purchasers chosen location.
The transparent case back of The Equation of Time
reveals the oscillating weight of the self-winding
movement. The weight may be openworked
and engraved with a personalised motif as
preferred by the owner, within available
technical resources.
By integrating this touch of emotion and
personalisation within one of the most
prestigious horological mechanisms,
Audemars Piguet is opening up whole
new v istas in the histor y of Haute
Horlogerie. The Equation of Time has
written one of its first chapters.




Time zones follow political borders


At a given place on Earth, it is solar noon when the sun

is in the meridian plane for that locality. In other words,
in any other place in the world, solar noon (when the
sun reaches its highest point) occurs at some other
moment. If you move from east to west or vice-versa, you
would have to constantly reset your watch if you wanted it
to always display apparent solar time (true local time).

That is why an international system of meridians at

15 intervals has been adopted. It is used to measure
an average for apparent solar time, referred to as mean
solar time. The earth was divided into 24 time zones
(see map, below) with a central meridian.

2. About time

Apparent solar time does not lend itself very well to

human relations, because it differs from one location
to the next. It also varies slightly according to the time
of year.

In 1884, at the International Meridian Conference

in Washington, D.C., it was decided to set up a global
system of time zones. The meridian passing through
Greenwich in Great Britain was chosen as the prime
mer idian, i.e. the reference axis for Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC or GMT) on which all time zones
would be based.
Theoretically, all of the points on the globe with the
same longitude should be in the same time zone. In
reality, each country has defined its time zone(s) as a
function of political borders, among other considerations
(see the map of time zones based on political borders).

The 24 time zones



Apparent noon occurs when the sun reaches its highest

point (in the tropics, it is even at its zenith) and enters
the plane of the meridian. This also corresponds to
midday, or noon. Shadows are shortest at this moment
of the day.

Apparent solar day

The apparent solar day is the time that elapses between
two, successive culminations of the sun at the longitude
of a given place, in other words, the time elapsed between
one apparent noon and the next.

Apparent solar time (LAT, local true time)

Apparent solar time is based on the apparent solar day:
at the moment when the sun reaches its highest point,
it is exactly 12 noon LAT (local true time).

Mean solar time

(MST, the time displayed by watches)
The duration of the true solar day is irregular; this is
because the terrestrial orbit is an ellipse and the Earths
axis is tilted in its orbit. The apparent solar day cannot
be used as a unit of constant time.
The length of the mean solar day exactly 24 hours is
the annual average of all apparent solar days. The mean
solar day is based on mean solar time.

The equation of time is the dif ference, for a given

day, between mean solar time and apparent solar
time. This difference is shown in a graph (known as an

Central European Time (CET)


Apparent noon (culmination of the sun)

The equation of time

Central European Time is the mean solar time measured

in the time zone whose meridian is 15 degrees east
of the prime meridian in Greenwich. This is the time
shown on our watches.

2. About time

The units of time

Local time difference

Mean midday corresponds to 12.00 oclock plus or
minus the local time difference, which can be read off the
watch bezel. In Le Brassus, for example, mean midday is
at 12:35 hours every day. To calculate
true midday from the local mean midday,
you need to add (or subtract) the figure
given by the equation of time hand.
It can be read in the middle of the day
when the equation of time hand coincides
with the minute hand.

On 15th April in Le Brassus true noon

is at 12:35 (equation of time 0 min.).
Mean noon and true noon coincide.

On 11th February in Le Brassus

true noon is at 12:49 pm
(equation of time +14 min.).



The earths coordinates

The Julian calendar

The meridian

The Julian calendar takes its name from Julius Caesar

who established it 45 years before Christ. It is based on
365.25 days, generally accepted as the average length
of a year. It allows three consecutive years of 365 days,
followed by one leap year to which one day is added in
February. A leap year occurs if the millesimal can be
divided by 4.

A meridian is a great circle that goes through a given

location and both poles of the earth. In 1884, the
meridian going through the observatory of Greenwich
(GMT) in England was fixed as the prime meridian.

The Gregorian calendar takes its name from Pope Gregory

XIII who made a change to the Julian calendar. The
solar year is actually shorter than the Julian year by
approximately 11minutes, or 3 days in 400 years.
In 1582, the Julian year was already ten days behind the
solar year. Pope Gregory XIII corrected the error and
that year the 4October was followed by the 15 October.
To keep this from happening again, he ordered that, in
future, years evenly divisible by 100 would not be leap
years unless they were divisible by 400.The remaining
error is just 1 day in 3000 years.

Longitude is the angle between the local meridian and
the Greenwich meridian. It is measured in degrees.
The position is shown as being east (E) or west (W) of

2. About time

The Gregorian calendar


The calendars

Latitude is the angular distance of a place from the
equator, measured in degrees. The position is shown as
being north (N) or south (S) of equator.

Leap years
A leap year is a year div isible by four (a year when
the month of February has 29 days).
For example: 1916, 1920 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020.
The years that are evenly divisible by 100 are not leap
years, unless they are also evenly divisible by 400.
For example: 1600, 2000 and 2400.



Movement technical data

Bridge side

Thickness of the basic movement: 2.45 mm

Total thickness: 5.35 mm
Total diameter: 28.40 mm
Frequency: 19,800 vibrations/hour (2.75 Hz)
Number of jewels: 41
Minimal power reserve: approx. 40 hours
Bidirectional automatic winding
21 carat gold rotor turning on 4 ruby runners
Balance with variable inertia blocks
Flat balance-spring
Mobile stud-holder
Number of parts: 425


Calibre 2120/2808

3. Watch description

Views of the movement

Dial side


Extra-thin movement
Suspended barrel
Height end-shake for oscillating weight provided by
a peripheral ring and four bridges fitted with jewel
bearings, all of which provide this automatic system with
globally-unique efficiency, durability and tone
Manual finishing of the bridges (ctes de Genve, polished
bevels, satinbrushed edges, perlage on the recesses)
Hand crafted decorative engravings on gold segments
and weight supports
Moonphase made with Physical Vapor Deposited metal
onto sapphire
Equation of time, sunrise and sunset can be customised
according to the location
Oscillating weight can be custom decorated upon
customer's request

1 Hour hand
2 Minute hand
3 Date hand
4 Day of the week hand
5 Month hand
6 Sunrise hour indicator hand
7 Sunrise minute indicator hand

Your watch has a two-position or three-position


A Crown in "screwed down" position (Royal Oak

models only)

B C rown in position for winding movement manually

C Crown in position for setting the time


(see figure on the inside cover)

Caution: On Royal Oak models, the crown must

be unscrewed to access the different settings.
Afterwards, carefully screw it back into position A
to ensure water resistance.

3. Watch description

Watch indications and functions

8 Sunset hour indicator hand

9 Sunset minute indicator hand
: Time equation indicator hand
; Time equation indicator sector
< Sector indicating the reference city for sunrise
and sunset as well as the moment at which the
sun reaches its highest point
= Moon phase indicator
> Leap-year hand
d C orrector for the date, day of week, month, leap year
cycle, sunrise and sunset, and equation of time
e Moon phase corrector (exclusively)
f Day of the week corrector (exclusively)



The perpetual calendar is easy to read: all of the

indications are aligned along an axis running from
twelve o'clock to six o'clock. The month and moon
phase are indicated at twelve o'clock, and the
date and day of week at six o'clock. The perpetual
calendar drives all the other complications.


Taking inspiration from the 1925 pocket

watch, Audemars Piguet decided to position
the indications perpetual calendar, day of
week, date, month and moon phases along
an axis running from twelve o'clock to
six o'clock. The first Audemars Piguet
watch to feature this design was
presented in 2006.

Perpetual calendar and leap year cycle

4. Watch indications

The perpetual calendar

Theoret ically, there is no need

for date corrections before the
beginning of March 2100, at which
time the wearer will press one of the
corrector pushbuttons to bring the
date and day hands for ward from
February 28 to March 1. This keeps the
watch in line with the Gregorian calendar.
The leap year hand gradually completes one
quarter-turn between January 1 and December 31.
In the example below, the leap year is indicated
when the hand is located in sector B.



The new moon is when it is invisible (1).

It is waxing if partially visible in the left-hand side
of the aperture (2).
When centred, this shows a full moon (3).


The moons usually found on the perpetual

calendar mechanism require correction every
two years and seven months. With this watch,
the technic ians at
A u d e m ar s P i g u e t
introduced an ultraprecise moon phase
mechanism that only
needs to be adjusted
e v e r y 122 y e ar s
and 44 days. It is
corrected by pressing
the corrector twice.

Phases of the moon (in the Northern Hemisphere)

It is waning if partially visible in the right-hand

side of the aperture (4).

4. Watch indications

The astronomical moon

The duration of a lunation is 29 days 12 hours

44 minutes and 2.8 seconds.

Astronomical moon mechanism



Apparent solar time (LAT),

which is only displayed on
sun dials, varies from one
day to the next, because
t he ear t h f ol low s an
elliptical orbit and its axis
of rotation is tilted. Mean
solar time(MST) disregards
these parameters: time is
div ided mathemat ically
into minutes with exactly
Equation of time mechanism
60 seconds. Four times a year, 15 April,
13 June, 1 September and 25 December, these
two times are the same. Between these dates the
variance changes from minus 16 min. and 45 sec.
on 3 November, to plus 14 min. and 21 sec. on the
11 February. The Equation of Time hand, centred
in the dial, gives a precise reading of the daily
variation to be added or subtracted from the mean
time to obtain true solar time.
Var iations of the equation of time may be
obtained by using a cam shaped like a kidney
bean. The equation is based on two of the
famous laws of planetary motion formulated by


The equation of time is the difference, for a given

day, between mean solar time (MST) and apparent
solar Time (LAT).

Johannes Kepler (15711630) and on a principle

whose inf luence was
fundamental: that of the
inclination of the Earth's
a x is of rot at ion in
relation to the plane of
its orbit (23.44).
Kepler's first law (the
so - c al le d "L aw of
Orbits"): Planets move
in ellipt ic al orbit s
with the sun at one focus of the ellipse.

4. Watch indications

The time equation

K epler's second law (the "Law of Areas"): A

line connecting a planet to the sun sweeps out
equal areas during equal intervals of time.
The cam radius varies between 1 and
3 mm. This difference of some 2 mm
sets a 31 min. and 16 sec. travel for the
equation hand (-16 min. and 45 sec.
to +14 min. and 21 sec.), i.e. in the
order of one second per thousandth of
a millimetre.
In the Equation of Time mechanism,
the cam is identical regardless of
location; only the hand-f itting and
the indication on the graduated ring
are adjusted dif ferently for each
longitudinal coordinate.
The time shown always relates to the
universal concept of winter time.



True noon and mean noon

Let us now turn to true noon at different times of

year. When solar time indicates that the sun is in its
culmination at Le Brassus on 11 February, it is 12.49
CET (Central European Time). The minute hand is
superimposed on the equation of time hand and an
equation of time value of +14 minutes is noted.

On 11th February in Le Brassus true noon is at 12:49 pm

4. Watch indications

The "Equation du temps" indicates true noon

accurately. The mean noon at Le Brassus (612'O)
is indicated on the engraved bezel of the equation
of time, at 12.35 CET (Central European Time). The
equation of time hand adds or subtracts the value
of the equation of time corresponding to the
day of the year to indicate true noon. The sun's
culmination corresponds to the moment when the
minute hand is superimposed on the equation of
time hand. True noon is when solar time corresponds
to noon, local time.


You can see a tremendous dif ference when

observing the exact time on a wristwatch at which
true noon occurs for several days in a row. Over
the entire year, true noon occurs sometimes at the
mean noon, sometimes earlier, sometimes later.
This positive or negative difference between mean
noon and true noon is called the equation of time.

On 15th April in Le Brassus true noon is at 12:35

On 15 April, true noon occurs at 12.35 at Le Brassus

(equation of time 0 min.). True noon and mean
noon (indicated on the equation of time bezel)
On 3 November, true noon occurs at 12.19 CET
(Central European Time) at Le Brassus. The equation
of time value is -16 minutes.

On 3rd November in Le Brassus true noon is at 12:19


Indication of sunrise and sunset times

The length of days and nights varies according to
the season, except at the equator.

humidity and air temperature levels may cause

this refraction to vary.

March 21st

September 22 or 23

4. Watch indications

June 21 or 22


At the spring and autumn equinoxes (March 21st

and September 22 or 23), day and night are of
equal length. In the Northern Hemisphere, the
shortest night of the year occurs at the summer
solstice (June 21 or 22), and the longest at the
winter solstice (December 21 or 22).
Atmospheric refraction curve of the suns rays

The indication on your watch corresponds to

actual sunrise and sunset times at sea level. If
the observers horizon is cut off by mountains,
the true height of the sun when rising or setting
is increased, which may modify the sunrise or
sunset times by several minutes to as much as
several dozen minutes.

December 21 or 22

The equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices

Our perception of sunrise and sunset on the ocean

horizon is misleading.
Distorted by the atmospheric refraction of light, a
sun dipping beyond the sea horizon is in fact already
completely hidden beneath the sky line. The


Moment of true sunrise as displayed on the dial


The posit ion of the

sunr ise and sunset
hands indicates the
time, to within 2 or
3 minutes, when the sun will appear on or
disappear from the horizon. These hands therefore
move imperceptibly day by day, clockwise or
anti-clockwise. These indications rely on the
longitude and latitude of the location and are
calculated individually for every place on earth,


Sunrise cams - Moscow and Nairobi

4. Watch indications

Located at 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock, the subdials

of The Equation of Time watch indicate the
actual times of sunrise and sunset throughout
the year, for an altitude of zero meters (sea level)
and for the latitude of
the city for which the
watch is set and whose
name is inscribed on
the dial ring. For these
periods, the legal time
is always displayed.

provided the chosen location lies between the

56th parallel North and the 46th parallel South.
The hands on the sunrise and sunset dials are
driven by two cams machined to a thousandth
of a millimetre. This precision is necessary to
correct the times displayed for each day.
Standard cams, calculated for the latitude and
longitude of Geneva, can be replaced by cams
made to order for each locality (with limits in
terms of latitude at 56 North and 46 South).
In this way, a watch can be adjusted to the
individual needs of its wearer (see examples
showing two cams used to indicate sunrise in
Moscow and Nairobi).

Sunrise and sunset time mechanism



Setting the time

Winding the watch

On Royal Oak models, always unscrew the crown

before use.

On Royal Oak models, always unscrew the crown

before use. The unscrewed crown will automatically position itself at B .

Time-zone adjustments
Time zone differences can be corrected without
risk of harming the mechanism or indications.
If it is necessary to move the hands back af ter
midnight, the date and the day of the week will
remain one day ahead. This difference is temporary
and does not require correction. The indications
will be correct again on the next day.
Caution: when you travel, the times indicated for
sunrise, sunset and the culmination of the sun
(apparent solar time) are only valid for the city for
which your watch was set.



Turn the crown at least 30 times (in position B )

to wind the watch. The movements of the wearer's
wrist will activate the automatic system and keep
the watch running.
On Royal Oak models, always screw the crown back
to position A to ensure water-resistance.

5. Basic functions

Pull the crown to position C . You may now set

the time by winding in either direction without risk
of damaging the movement. Recommendation:
make sure to set the time precisely by carefully
moving the hands forward to the time desired.
Warning: do not confuse noon and midnight.

Adjusting the perpetual calendar

Preliminary notes
Indicat ion set t ings may be disturbed if the
correctors are not used properly. These correctors
sh o u l d onl y b e u s e d w h e n n e c e s s ar y an d
following the instructions below closely.


Corrections if the watch has stopped

for less than 3 days
On Royal Oak models, always unscrew the crown
before use.


With the winding crown in position C , turn the

hands clockwise until the correct date is reached.
All the other dials are synchronised.

5. Basic functions

N.B.: If the dials are ahead by one or two days

by accident, it is recommended that you allow
the watch to stop during this time lapse rather
than using the correctors.

Corrections if the watch has

stopped for more than 3 days
On Royal Oak models, always unscrew the crown
before use.
Before using the correc tors, place the crown
in posit ion C , turn the hands unt il the date
indicator jumps a day and, still turning clockwise,
move both hands to 3 a.m. In this position the
mechanism is at rest and the correctors may be
activated with no risk of damaging the calendar
Use the correc tors w ith great care (use the
setting stylus delivered with the watch). Press on
them until the adjustment has been completed.


Correct and set the following indicators, in order:

1. D ate, day, month and leap year cycle using
corrector D at 10:00.
N.B.: It may be necessary to correct one or
more years for the leap year indicator.
2. The moon phase using corrector E at 8:30.

do not need to correct it. The indications will be

accurate again at the start of the following day.
To set the time accurately, we advise using the
crown to move the hands forward to the desired
Caution: when you travel, the times indicated
for sunrise, sunset and the culmination of the
sun (apparent solar time) are only valid for the
city for which your watch was set.


Procedure for corrections (at 3 a.m.)

Method for adjusting the moon phase:

a) Position the moon indicator at the centre of
the aperture in the full moon phase.
b) D etermine the date of the last full moon.
Move the cor rec tor t w ice for each day
between the date of the last full moon and
the present day.

6. Accessories

C aution: Press the corrector twice to change

the lunar indication.

Rotating presentation case

To ensure that your w atch is rewound on a
continuous basis, it comes with a watch winder,
powered by two batteries, that winds the watch
by means of rotational movement.

3. The day using corrector F at 04:00.

4. Sunrise, sunset and the equation of time,

Setting stylus

There is no operat ion to be carr ied out to

adjust these indications. These three dials are
synchronised when the perpetual calendar date
is adjusted.

Important: the only instrument that you should

use to adjust your watch is the stylus delivered
with it.

5. Setting the time:

If the actual time (before midnight) is earlier
than the time shown on the watch (3 a.m.),
then you will notice, when you want to set your
watch, that the date and day of the week are one
day fast. This difference is temporary and you


Guarantee and care

7. Additional comments


All details concerning the guarantee and instructions

on caring for your watch are provided in the enclosed
certificate of origin and guarantee.



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