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Congress of the United States Washington, BC 20515 February 1, 2017 The Honorable James Mattis Secretary US. Department of Defense 1400 Defense Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301-1400 Dear Secretary Mattis: We are writing to request that the Department of Defense conduct a review of a potentially serious violation of the Emoluments Clause by retired Lt. General Michael Flynn, As aretired Army officer, General Flynn was prohibited from accepting direct or indirect payments from foreign governments. Since his retirement in 2014, General Flynn has made regular appearances on Russia Today (RT), that country’s state-sponsored propaganda outlet. He has admitted to being paid on at least one of these occasions—at an RT gala in Moscow where he dined with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Defense Department Guidance on Emoluments Clause Violations ‘The Emoluments Clause, which is set forth in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution, prohibits any person “holding any Office of Profit or Trust” from accepting gifts or payments from any foreign country. The Department of Defense has made clear that this restriction applies to retired military officers because they continue to hold offices of trust. For example, in June 2013, the Defense Department highlighted this restriction on retired officers in particular Significantly, retired regular military officers are also subject to the Emoluments Clause because they are subject to recall, and, therefore, hold an “Office of Profit or Trust” under the Emoluments Clause.” According to the Department of Defense, a “foreign state” includes commercial entities that are owned or controlled by a foreign government or are considered instruments of the foreign government: ' Department of Defense, Summary of Emoluments Clause Restrictions (online at ‘ emoluments clause_restrictions.pd0). 2 Department of Defense, Application of the Emoluments Clause to DoD Civilian Employees and Military Personnel (June 2013) (online at (emphasis in original) The Honorable James Mattis Page 2 AA foreign state includes any organization that is owned or operated by a foreign government, including federal, regional and local level governments. ... Thus, foreign governmental entities, such as commercial entities owned or conttolled by a foreign government and foreign public universities controlled by a foreign government, can be considered instrumentalities of “foreign states” for purposes of the Emoluments Clause? ‘The Department of Defense has also warned its retired officers against accepting “indirect” foreign payments, including from pass-through companies in the United States: There are several types of scenarios in which an employee will be deemed to have received an “emolument” where the payment is indirectly received from a foreign state. Such scenarios include consulting, law, or other partnership distributions, as well as payments (such as salary) from domestic professional corporations, Federal personnel, especially retired military personnel, need to be aware of these potential traps for the unwary.! “The Kremlin’s Principal International Propaganda Outlet” On January 6, 2017, the National Intelligence Council issued its report detailing Russia's attack on the United States in an effort to undermine our election. This report described RT in stark terms as the “Kremlin’s principal international propaganda outlet.”* It explained how the “Kremlin staff's RT and closely supervises RT's coverage, recruiting people who can convey Russian strategie messaging because of their ideological beliefs.”° In 2015, RT reportedly received 15.38 billion rubles ($400 million) in state funding from the Russian government.’ General Flynn has acknowledged that he was paid on at least one occasion to travel to Russia and speak at a gala hosted by RT.* He stated that the funds were paid through a speaker's bureau in the United States, Leading Authorities (LAAD, which also took a portion of the funds, He had the following exchange with the Washington Post: Q Tell me about the RT relationship? A: Iwas asked by my speaker’s bureau, LAI. I do public speaking. It was in Russia, It was a paid speaking opportunity. 1 get paid so much. The speaker’s bureau got paid so much, based on our contract. Sid. “Ad. (emphasis added), 5 National Intelligence Council, Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections (Ian. 6, 2017) (online at wwvw.dnigovifilesidacuments/, ld. ” Looking at the West, Russia Beefs Up Spending on Global Media Giants, Moscow Times (September 23, 2014) (online at siants-39708), " The Kremlin's Candidate, In the 2016 Election, Putin’s Propaganda Network is Picking Sides, Politico Magazine (May/June 2016) (online at www. politico com/magazine/story/2016/04/donald-trump-20 16-russia-today- rt-kremlin-media-viadimir-putin-213833), The Honorable James Mattis Page 3 Can you tell me how much you got for that? No. No? Because you don’t want to get your fees out there? Yeah, I don’t? Pore Request for Documents and Information It is extremely concerning that General Flynn chose to accept payment for appearing at a gala hosted by the propaganda arm of the Russian government, which attacked the United States in an effort to undermine our election, according to U.S. intelligence agencies. Even more concerning is that General Flynn, who President Trump has now chosen to be his National Security Advisor, may have violated the Constitution in the process, Itremains unclear how much General Flynn was paid for his dinner with Viadimir Putin, whether he received additional payments from Russian or other foreign sources on separate occasions, or whether he sought the approval of the Department of Defense or Congress to accept any of these payments. To investigate this matter, we request that you provide, by February 16, 2017, all documents in the possession or control of the Department of Defense from the date of General Flynn's retirement through January 20, 2017, relating to: 1. direct or indirect communications between General Flynn and Russian government officials representatives, affiliates, or agents, or those of any other foreign state; 2. direct or indirect interactions between General Flynn and RT officials representatives, affiliates, or agents; 3. direct or indirect payments received by General Flynn from any foreign source; 4, efforts by General Flynn to seek permission or approval for the direct or inditect receipt of payments from any foreign source; and 5. General Flynn’s contract with LAI, as well as any documents relating to his work on behalf of LAL. ° Trump Adviser Michael T. Fiynn On His Dinner With Putin and Why Russia Today is Just Like CNN, Washington Post (Aug. 15,2016) (online at www.washingtonpost com/newa/checkpointwp/2016/08/15/iramp- adviser-michael-t-flynn-on-his-dinner-with-putin-and-why-russia-today-is-just-like- enn/utm_term=203417052c59), ‘The Honorable James Mattis Page 4 Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. ‘ENjah(Z. Cummings Ranking Member Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in Conyers, J Ranking Member Committee on the Judiciary A ‘Adam Schiff Ranking Member Adam Smi Ranking Member Committee on Armed Services Bennie G. Thompson Ranking Member Committee on Homeland Security Eka tk. Eyl Eliot L. Engel Ranking Member Permanent Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Committee on Intelligence ce: ‘The Honorable Jason Chaffetz, Chairman Committee on Oversight and Government Reform ‘The Honorable Mac Thornberry, Chairman Committee on Armed Services The Honorable Bob Goodlatte, Chairman Committee on the Judiciary ‘The Honorable Michael McCaul, Chairman Committee on Homeland Security ‘The Honorable Devin Nunes, Chairman Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence ‘The Honorable Ed Royce, Chairman Committee on Foreign Affairs

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