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Stat 200

Quiz: 8.1 8.3

15 Points


SHOW ALL WORK FOR FULL CREDIT! Simplify answers where appropriate.
1. (5 points) For each conjecture, indicate by letter (A) (D) which is the appropriate formulation of
the null and alternative hypotheses. An answer choice may be used more than once, or not at all.

The average amount spent at the movie theater concession

stand is $9.



The average age of students on the little league baseball team

is less than 9 years.


H0 : 9
H1 : 9
H0 : 9
H1 : 9
H0 : 9
H1 : 9

D. None of the above.

2. (5 points) A consumer organization reports that the mean price of 7.5-cubic-foot refrigerators is
greater than $300. A random sample of 18 such refrigerators has a mean price of $318.60 and a
standard deviation of $27. Do the data provide convincing evidence of the claim? Use a significance
level of 0.01. You may assume that the population is normally distributed.

H0 : 300
H1 : 300 (claim)

Since this is a right-tailed test with = 0.01 and d.f. = 17 the

critical value is:
t = 2.567

Compute the test value:

X 318.60 300

s n
27 18

DO REJECT H 0 . There is enough evidence to support the claim that the mean price of 7.5cubic-foot refrigerators is greater than $300.

Stat 200 Quiz 8.1 8.3

Pg. 1

3. (5 points) The College Board reports that in 2009, the mean score on the math SAT was 516. A
random sample of 20 students who took the test in 2010 had a mean score of 521. At a significance
level of 0.05 , can it be concluded that the mean score in 2010 differs from the mean score in
2009? Assume that the population is normally distributed and has a standard deviation of 116 .

H0 : 516
H1 : 516 (claim)

Since this is a two-tailed test with 0.05 the critical value is:
z 1.96

Compute the test value:

X 521 516

n 116 20



DO NOT REJECT H 0 . There is not enough evidence to support the claim that the mean
score in 2010 differs from the mean score in 2009.

BONUS (Up to 1.5 points): Consider a z-test at 0.05 for:

H0 : 22

H1 : 22
with a population standard deviation of 4.5 and a sample mean X 23.2 . For what minimum
sample size n would the conclusion be to REJECT H 0 ?
At 0.05 , for a right-tailed test, the critical
value would be z 1.65 . Thus, to be in the
rejection region, the test statistic must be
greater than 1.65:

23.2 22
4 .5


1 .2
4 .5
4 .5
n 1.65

n 6.18752 38.3

So to be in the rejection region, the sample size must be at least 39.

Stat 200 Quiz 8.1 8.3

Pg. 2

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