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Antonio Tan vs.

Court of

Antonio Tan vs. Court of Appeals/CCP

GR No. 116285

1. Petition for review.
1. Executed a promissory note in amount of P3,411,421.32; payable in 5 installments.
2. TAN failed to pay any installment on the said restructured loa.
3. In a letter, TAN requested and proposed to respondent CCP a mode of paying the restructured loan
i. 20% of the principal amount of the loan upon the respondent giving its conformity to his proposal
ii. Balance on the principal obligation payable 36 monthly installments until fully paid.
4. TAN requested for a moratorium on his loan obligation until the following year allegedly due to a substantial deduction
in the volume of his business and on account of the peso devaluation.
i. No favorable response was made to said letters.
ii. CCP demanded full payment, within ten (10) days from receipt of said letter P6,088,735.03.
3. CCP FILED COMPLAINT collection of a sum of money
1. TAN interposed the defense that he accommodated a friend who asked for help to obtain a loan from CCP.
i. Claimed that cannot find the friend.
2. TAN filed a Manifestation wherein he proposed to settle his indebtedness to CCP by down payment of P140,000.00
and to issue1 2 checks every beginning of the year to cover installment payments for one year, and every year
thereafter until the balance is fully paid.
i. CCP did not agree to the petitioners proposals and so the trial of the case ensued.
4. TRIAL COURT ORDERED TAN TO PAY CCP P7,996,314.67, representing defendants outstanding account as of
August 28, 1986, with the corresponding stipulated interest and charges thereof, until fully paid, plus attorneys fees in an
amount equivalent to 25% of said outstanding account, plus P50,000.00, as exemplary damages, plus costs.
i. Reason of loan for accommodation of friend was not credible.
ii. Assuming,arguendo, that the TAN did not personally benefit from loan, he should have filed a 3rd-party
complaint against Wilson Lucmen
iii. 3 times the petitioner offered to settle his loan obligation with CCP.
iv. TAN may not avoid his liability to pay his obligation under the promissory note which he must comply with
in good faith.
v. TAN is estopped from denying his liability or loan obligation to the private respondent.
5. TAN APPEALED TO CA, asked for the reduction of the penalties and charges on his loan obligation.
1. Judgment appealed from is hereby AFFIRMED.
1. No alleged partial or irregular performance.
2. However, the appellate court modified the decision of the trial court by deleting exemplary damages
because not proportionate to actual damage caused by the non-performance of the contract

WON there are contractual and legal bases for the imposition of the penalty, interest on the penalty and attorneys fees.
TAN imputes error on CA in not fully eliminating attorney fees and in not reducing the penalties considering that he made
partial payments on the loan.
And if penalty is to be awarded, TAN asking for non-imposition of interest on the surcharges because compounding of
these are not included in promissory note.
No basis in law for the charging of interest on the surcharges for the reason that the New Civil Code is devoid of any
provision allowing the imposition of interest on surcharges.

WON interest may accrue on the penalty or compensatory interest without violating ART 1959: Without prejudice to the
provisions of Article 2212, interest due and unpaid shall not earn interest. However, the contracting parties may by stipulation
capitalize the interest due and unpaid, which as added principal, shall earn new interest.
TAN- No legal basis for the imposition of interest on the penalty charge for the reason that the law only allows
imposition of interest on monetary interest but not the charging of interest on penalty. Penalties should not earn

WON TAN can file reduction of penalty due to made partial payments.
Petitioner contends that reduction of the penalty is justifiable under ART 1229: The judge shall equitably reduce the
penalty when the principal obligation has been partly or irregularly complied with by the debtor. Even if there has
been no performance, the penalty may also be reduced by the courts if it is iniquitous or unconscionable.

CA DECISION AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION in that the penalty charge of two percent (2%) per month on the total
amount due, compounded monthly, is hereby reduced to a straight twelve percent (12%) per annum starting from August 28,
1986. With costs against the petitioner.

1. WON there are contractual and legal bases for the imposition of the penalty, interest on the penalty and attorneys fees.
1. ART 1226: In obligations with a penal clause, the penalty shall substitute the indemnity for damages and the payment
of interests in case of non-compliance, if there is no stipulation to the contrary. Nevertheless, damages shall be paid
if the obligor refuses to pay the penalty or is guilty of fraud in the fulfillment of the obligation.
i. The penalty may be enforced only when it is demandable in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
2. CASE AT BAR: promissory note expressed the imposition of both interest and penalties in case of default on the part
of the petitioner in the payment of the subject restructured loan.
i. If the parties stipulate penalty apart monetary interest, two are different and distinct from each other and
may be demanded separately.
ii. If stipulation about payment of an additional interest rate partakes of the nature of a penalty clause which is
sanctioned by law:
1. ART 2209: If the obligation consists in the payment of a sum of money, and the debtor incurs
in delay, the indemnity for damages, there being no stipulation to the contrary, shall be the
payment of the interest agreed upon, and in the absence of stipulation, the legal interest,
which is six per cent per annum.
4. CASE AT BAR: Penalty charge of 2% per month began to accrue from the time of default by the petitioner.
i. No doubt petitioner is liable for both the stipulated monetary interest and the stipulated penalty charge.
1. PENALTY CHARGE = penalty or compensatory interest.

2. WON interest may accrue on the penalty or compensatory interest without violating ART 1959.
1. Penalty clauses can be in the form of penalty or compensatory interest.
i. Thus, the compounding of the penalty or compensatory interest is sanctioned by and allowed pursuant to
the above-quoted provision of Article 1959 of the New Civil Code considering that:
1. There is an express stipulation in the promissory note (Exhibit A) permitting the
compounding of interest.
a. 5th paragraph of the said promissory note provides that: Any interest which may be
due if not paid shall be added to the total amount when due and shall become part
thereof, the whole amount to bear interest at the maximum rate allowed by law..
2. Therefore, any penalty interest not paid, when due, shall earn the legal interest of twelve
percent (12%) per annum, in the absence of express stipulation on the specific rate of
interest, as in the case at bar.
2. ART 2212: Interest due shall earn legal interest from the time it is judicially demanded, although the obligation may
be silent upon this point.
3. CASE AT BAR: interest began to run on the penalty interest upon the filing of the complaint in court by CCP.
i. Hence, the courts did not err in ruling that the petitioner is bound to pay the interest on the total amount of
the principal, the monetary interest and the penalty interest.

3. WON TAN can file reduction of penalty due to made partial payments. YES. BUT NOT 10% REDUCTION AS
i. PARTIAL PAYMENTS showed his good faith despite difficulty in complying with his loan obligation due to
his financial problems.
1. However, we are not unmindful of the respondents long overdue deprivation of the use of its
money collectible.
4. The petitioner also imputes error on the part of the appellate court for not declaring the suspension of the running of the
interest during period when the CCP allegedly failed to assist the petitioner in applying for relief from liability
1. Alleges that his obligation to pay the interest and surcharge should have been suspended because the obligation to pay
such interest and surcharge has become conditional
i. Dependent on a future and uncertain event which consists of whether the petitioners request for
condonation of interest and surcharge would be recommended by the Commission on Audit.
1. Since the condition has not happened due to the private respondents reneging on its promise,
his liability to pay the interest and surcharge on the loan has not arisen.
i. Running of the interest and surcharge was not suspended.
ii. CCP correctly asserted that it was the primary responsibility of petitioner to inform the Commission on
Audit of his application for condonation of interest and surcharge.

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