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Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 XVII, Edition 147

Brief hold
travel ban
U.S. judge temporarily blocks
executive order nationwide
By Martha Bellisle Inside

SEATTLE A U.S. judge on

Friday temporarily blocked
President Donald Trumps ban
on travelers and immigrants
from seven predominantly
ANNA SCHUESSLER/DAILY JOURNAL Muslim countries, siding with
Kimberly Wadycki, managing director of the Dragon Theatre in Redwood City, with founder Meredith Hagedorn on stage. two states that urged a nation- State Department: Fewer
wide hold on the executive order than 60,000 visas canceled

Helping artists share their work that has launched legal battles by Donald Trump order
across the country.

Robart in Seattle ruled that

Iraqi speechless after
seven-year wait to get
U. S. District Judge James into the United States
See page 6
Redwood Citys Dragon Theater sets its eyes on being a community resource Washington state and Trump hits Iran with new
Minnesota had standing to chal- sanctions for missile test
By Anna Schuessler lenge Trumps order, which gov- See page 7
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF ernment lawyers disputed, and Trump launches attack on
said they showed their case was banks financial restraints
Its safe to say that Meredith likely to succeed. Trump inherits healthy job
Hagedorn has learned a thing or two The state has met its burden market, with solid hiring
about bringing live theater produc- in demonstrating immediate and See page 10
tions to life on a shoestring budget. irreparable injury, Robart said.
Hagedorn started the Dragon Theatre Trumps order last week sparked protests nationwide and
in 2000 with a dream to produce plays confusion at airports as some travelers were detained. The
telling the stories she wanted to tell, White House has argued that it will make the country safer.
and without a physical location. Seven It wasnt immediately clear what happens next for people
years later, she found herself entering a who had waited years to receive visas to come to America.
five-year lease on an office space in
downtown Palo Alto with $12,000 in See TRUMP, Page 18
the theaters bank account.
Now in the theaters fifth year in
Redwood City and 17th year since she
started it, Hagedorn and her team have
New program aiming to
been unlocking stories their audience
members might have never encoun-
tered otherwise, showcasing an aver-
connect seniors, services
age of eight lesser-known plays at the
Kristen Kaye Lo,Michael Champlin,Janine Evans and Brian Flegel star inDead Accounts. Partnership strengthens community connections
65-person theater each year. As the By Anna Schuessler
theater prepares for a packed season in
2017, she and her team are ready to
share what they have learned with
American cultural values clash DAILY JOURNAL STAFF

As San Mateo County prepares for a growing population

aspiring artists and other community Issues raised among laughs at Dragon Theatres Dead Accounts of older adults, an effort to strengthen connections between
organizations. seniors and programming and services for older adults is
It took a couple years for people to By Judy Richter class issues and the cultural differences
DAILY JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT between the Midwest and East Coast. gaining steam among health care providers.
say, Oh yeah, the Dragon Theatre, Lee Michelson, CEO of the Sequoia Healthcare District
It all starts with Jack Leonard
Ive been meaning to go, she said. since 2009, has seen the impact these connections can
Why is this man back in his familys (Michael Champlin), who has returned
Just as the theaters name recogni- kitchen eating ice cream late at night? have for the aging population.
to Cincinnati after several years of
tion has spread among its supporters, Thats what his sister wants to know. As weve been funding a lot of older adult programs, you
working in a New York City bank. His
it has also spread throughout commu- Thats just the start of what she and see people in their 80s and 90s who are really thriving and
estranged wife, Jenny (Janine Saunders
nity organizations and even small others want to know in Dragon doing well. Those are people who are really active, they are
Evans), isnt with him.
startups looking for a space to meet. Theatres production of Dead showing up for classes, he said. And there are a lot of peo-
Jacks 30ish sister, Lorna (Kristen
Kimberly Wadycki, the theaters man- Accounts by Theresa Rebeck. ple doing very little. That happens because people stop
Kaye Lo), lives in the family home to
aging director, has been with the the- As the play continues, it raises working, maybe they lose a spouse, maybe their children
moral and legal questions as well as See PLAY, Page 24
See DRAGON, Page 24 See SENIORS, Page 18

Smaller rm more attention.

650-363-2600 XXXUIFEFTRDPN
611 Veterans Blvd., Suite 209
Redwood City

Thought for the Day

Life is doubt, and faith
without doubt is nothing but death.
Miguel de Unamuno, Spanish philosopher

This Day in History

Electors chose George Washington to

1789 be the first president of the United


In 1 7 8 3 , Britains King George III proclaimed a formal

cessation of hostilities in the American Revolutionary
In 1 8 6 1 , delegates from six southern states that had
recently seceded from the Union met in Montgomery,
Alabama, to form the Confederate States of America.
In 1 9 3 2 , New York Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt opened
the Winter Olympic Games at Lake Placid.
In 1 9 4 1 , the United Service Organizations (USO) came
into existence.
In 1 9 4 5 , President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime
Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin
began a wartime conference at Yalta.
In 1 9 6 2 , a rare conjunction of the sun, the moon,
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn occurred.
In 1 9 7 4 , newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst, 19, was kid-
napped in Berkeley, California, by the radical Symbionese REUTERS
Liberation Army. Workers carry a giant figure of Francois Fillon, former French prime minister, member of the Republicans political party and
In 1 9 7 7 , eleven people were killed when two Chicago 2017 presidential candidate of the French center-right, during preparations for the carnival parade in Nice, France.
Transit Authority trains collided on an elevated track.
In 1 9 8 3 , pop singer-musician Karen Carpenter died in *** Ragweed plants produce almost a bil-
Downey, California, at age 32. Rinse bacon under cold water before lion grains of pollen per year. The
In 1 9 8 7 , pianist Liberace died at his Palm Springs, frying. When you fry it the bacon allergenic pollen causes hay fever.
California, home at age 67. wont shrink as much. ***
In 1 9 9 7 , a civil jury in Santa Monica, California, found *** Tony Curtis (1925-2010) played mas-
O.J. Simpson liable for the deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole In Korean culture, similar to Japanese ter escape artist Harry Houdini (1874-
Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. culture, people commonly greet each 1926) in the 1953 movie Houdini.
other with a bow. Traditionally, His wife Janet Leigh (1927-2004) also
Korean men bow from the waist with starred in the movie. Curtis and Leigh
Birthdays the hands at their sides. Korean women were married from 1951 to 1962.
put their hands on their thighs while ***
Lincoln Logs were invented in 1918
The average American is 10 pounds *** by John Lloyd Wright (1892-1972).
heavier than they were 10 years ago. Rhode Island is 1,231 square miles. It He was the son of architect Frank
*** is the smallest state in the United Lloyd Wright (1867-1959).
Gary Erickson (born 1957), an avid States. Alaska, the largest state, is ***
bicyclist and mountain climber, did 570,374 square miles.
*** In 1897, an employee of the Joseph A.
not like the taste of energy bars so he
Campbell Preserve Company invented
made his own. Erickson founded Clif The Canadian flag is known as the
Maple Leaf Flag because it pictures a a way to condense soup. By eliminat-
Former Vice Rock singer Alice Olympic gold Bar Energy Bar in 1990, headquartered
red maple leaf. ing the water in canned soup, the com-
President Dan Cooper is 69. medal boxer Oscar in Berkeley. He named the company
*** pany was able to sell their product for
Quayle is 70. De La Hoya is 44. after his father Clifford.
*** Fitness guru Richard Simmons (born less. At the time, a typical 32-ounce
Actor William Phipps is 95. Former Argentinian President The trio singing group The Supremes 1948) once weighed almost 300 can of soup cost 30 cents, but a 10-
Isabel Peron is 86. Actor Gary Conway is 81. Movie director started out as a quartet called The pounds. He was motivated to lose ounce can of condensed soup sold for
George A. Romero is 77. Actor John Schuck is 77. Rock musi- Primettes. weight when he received an anony- 10 cents. The company is now known
cian John Steel (The Animals) is 76. Singer Florence LaRue *** mous note that read Fat people die as Campbell Soup Company.
(The Fifth Dimension) is 75. Actor Michael Beck is 68. The worlds deepest lake is Lake Baikal young. Please dont die. ***
Actress Lisa Eichhorn is 65. Football Hall-of-Famer Lawrence in Siberia. The lake has a depth of 1 *** Ans wer: The Beatles sang Twist and
Taylor is 58. Actress Pamelyn Ferdin is 58. Rock singer Tim mile. There are no wild deer of any kind in Shout in 1963. Twistin the Night
Booth is 57. Rock musician Henry Bogdan is 56. Country *** Australia. Away was by Sam Cook e (1931-
singer Clint Black is 55. Rock musician Noodles (The Chubby Checkers (born 1941) hit *** 1964) in 1962. Joey Dee (born 1940)
School buses in America must be and the Starlighters sang Peppermint
Offspring) is 54. Country musician Dave Buchanan (Yankee songs The Twist (1960) and Lets
Twist Again (1961) inspired other painted in a color called National Twist in 1962.
Grey) is 51. Actress Gabrielle Anwar is 47. Actor Rob Corddry
is 46. Singer David Garza is 46. Actor Michael Goorjian is 46. twist-themed songs in the 1960s. Do School Bus Glossy Yellow. Bumpers
TV personality Nicolle Wallace is 45. Rock musician Rick you know who sang Twist and Shout, must be glossy black or reflective. Know It All is by Kerry McArdle. It runs in
These are requirements of the U.S.
Burch (Jimmy Eat World) is 42. Singer Natalie Imbruglia is Twistin the Night Away and
Peppermint Twist? Remember the National Institute of Standards and the weekend edition of the Daily Journal.
42. Rapper Camron is 41. Rock singer Gavin DeGraw is 40. Technology.
Questions? Comments? Email
years the songs came out? See answer knowitall(at) or call 344-
Actor Charlie Barnett is 29. Olympic gold medal gymnast- at end. *** 5200 ext. 128.
turned-singer Carly Patterson is 29.
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Lotto Local Weather Forecast
Unscramble these four Jumbles,
Feb. 1 Powerball Fantasy Five Saturday : Mostly cloudy. A chance of
one letter to each square, showers. Highs in the upper 50s. South
to form four ordinary words. 9 43 57 60 64 10 16 18 21 27 34
winds 10 to 20 mph.
ORPGU Feb. 3 Mega Millions Daily Four Saturday ni g ht: Mostly cloudy. Lows in
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

the upper 40s. Southeast winds 5 to 15

2 9 3 6
3 6 29 30 64 3 mph.
2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Mega number Daily three midday Sunday : Rain in the afternoon. Rain may
All Rights Reserved.
Feb. 1 Super Lotto Plus be heavy at times in the afternoon. Highs
RWONB 5 9 1 in the upper 50s. South winds 10 to 20 mph. Gusts up to 35
3 8 10 27 31 16 mph in the afternoon.
Daily three evening Sunday ni g ht: Rain. Lows around 50.
Mega number

1 2 1 Mo nday : Mostly cloudy. Breezy. A chance of rain. Highs

in the upper 50s.
LICOSA The Daily Derby race winners are Money Bags, Mo nday ni g ht: Mostly cloudy. A chance of showers.
No. 11, in first place; Lucky Star, No. 2, in second Lows in the upper 40s.
place; and California Classic, No. 5, in third place. Tues day thro ug h Wednes day : Mostly cloudy.
The race time was clocked at 1:43.92.
Now arrange the circled letters The San Mateo Daily Journal Phone:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 344-5200 Fax: (650) 344-5290
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon. 1900 Alameda de las Pulgas, Suite 112, San Mateo, CA 94403 To Advertise: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]
Publisher: Jerry Lee Editor in Chief: Jon Mays Events: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]
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Jumbles: ONION UPPER NUGGET ACCRUE As a public service, the Daily Journal prints obituaries of approximately 200 words or less with a photo one time on the date of the familys choosing. To submit obituaries, email
Answer: Before her upcoming speech to the legislature, information along with a jpeg photo to [email protected]. Free obituaries are edited for style, clarity, length and grammar. If you would like to have an obituary printed
the senator did much PREP-ORATION more than once, longer than 200 words or without editing, please submit an inquiry to our advertising department at [email protected].
THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 3
Police reports
Car burglary suspects arrested Trashy neighbors
Carjacking and foot chase leads to apprehension of two of three men A neighbor was reportedly dumping
garbage on a lawn on Roosevelt Avenue
By Keith Burbank Mercedes, which went north on Highway in Redwood City before 2:30 p. m.
BAY CITY NEWS SERVICE Comment on 101 until it became disabled on the highway Tuesday, Jan. 31.
or share this story at near Oyster Point Boulevard.
Two of three suspects connected to sever- The suspect got out of the vehicle and
al vehicle burglaries in South San Francisco started running. Officers established a FOSTER CITY
were arrested Wednesday following a car- perimeter and following a second chase, the Res i denti al burg l ary. Items valued at
Responding officers saw the minivan in a suspect was arrested in a train car.
jacking and foot chase, police said. parking lot of a warehouse store on South $400 were stolen from an unlocked garage
Pinole resident Brandon Barrett and At the warehouse store, a second suspect on Centaurus Lane before 12:01 p. m.
Airport Boulevard.
Fairfield resident Aloyouis Bruce were was arrested when he was found hiding in the Wednesday, Feb. 1.
When the officers tried to speak with the
arrested and booked into the county jail on parking lot.
suspects, the driver allegedly ran away. An Di s turbance. Someone was pounding on
suspicion of offenses such as felony vehicle officer ran after the driver, who allegedly A third suspect is still at large, according someones windows and using a vehicle to
burglary, felony carjacking and obstructing carjacked a Mercedes-Benz from an employ- to police. block the reporting partys vehicle on East
officers. ee of a rental car company. Officers found stolen goods from at least Hillsdale Boulevard. Police mediated the
Events leading up to the arrests began at The employee escaped injury, according eight burglaries in the suspects minivan, situation, it was reported at 9:30 a. m.
7:30 p. m. when officers responded to to police. police said. Barrett is being held on
Wednesday, Feb. 1.
reports of vehicle burglaries that occurred Another officer saw the alleged carjacker $200,000 bail while Bruce is being held on
$50,000 bail. Petty theft. Two people wearing dark
recently in hotel and business parking lots drive away on South Airport Boulevard. He
on Airport and South Airport boulevards, clothing and possibly chasing cars on East
collided with two vehicles at a red light and Anyone who witnessed the incident or
according to police. kept going. Hillsdale Boulevard fled when officers
who was a victim is asked to get in touch
A witness in one of the burglaries alleged- No one was injured in the collision, with police at (650) 877-8900 or on the arrived. One juvenile was cited for petty
ly saw the suspects drive away south on police said. anonymous tip line at (650) 952-2244 or theft and released to a parent before 2:34
South Airport Boulevard in a red minivan. The officer began following the by email at [email protected]. a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1.


Lillian Victoria (Mount) Fleming

Resident of San Mateo, California
February 22, 1920- January 31, 2017
Lillian Fleming, 96, passed away in her home of ve years in San Mateo on
Marjorie James Cranstone Tuesday morning.
Born in Lyerly, GA on February 22, 1920, she was the daughter of the late
Marjorie James Cranstone died a year ago, age 94, on January 1, 2016. Lillian Pearl (Lipham) Mount and Paul Hill Mount of Summerville, GA.
Raised in Colorado, Marjorie moved to California seeking post- She was preceded in death by her husband, John Lewis Fleming and sons Raymond Fleming and
WWII opportunities. An avid ballroom dancer, she met and married Gary Fleming.
her beloved husband of 50 years, Alvie Cranstone. They raised Lillian took pride in having raised her three boys; Raymond, Gary & John and was a loving
their beloved daughters, Charlene and Jeanne in Belmont. After her grandmother and great-grandmother to their children and grandchildren.
retirement, Marjorie and Alvie moved to South Lake Tahoe enjoying
precious years together. After Alvies death she enjoyed neighbor A long-time resident of Middletown, CA, Lillian was a woman of great faith and a parishioner of
visits and travels and stays with her sister Lola and husband Carl. Middletown Bible Church.
Her beautiful smile and her strength of spirit will be remembered by all who knew and loved her.
After a fall in 2010, she moved to Palo Alto where she became her daughters photographic model
and loved Roaring Camps steam train in Felton.
She is survived by her daughters, Charlene Gibson and Jeanne Nahs, and her sisters Lola Hissman Obituary
and Beth Jarrell. She is predeceased by her husband, Alvie Cranstone, brother Gail James, and
sisters Bonnie Linberg, Ava Nance, and Patsy James. It is with great sadness that the family of Paul R. Amaya
announces his passing after a courageous battle with cancer
Marjorie and Alvie were buried together Jan 26, 2016 at Sacramento Valley Natl Cemetery after a on Friday, January 27, 2017 at the age of 85.
private ceremony. Forever they wished.
Paul will be lovingly remembered by his wife of 62 years,
In lieu of flowers, please send a donation in Judiths name to the Capuchin Retirement Fund, 1345 Helen, and his two sons Paul (Kathleen and children Paul
Cortez Avenue, Burlingame, California, 94010. Internment will occur privately, with family only, and Sarah) and Mitchel (Karen and children Allison and
at the Italian Cemetery in Colma the following day. Danielle with former wife Marianne). Paul will also be
fondly remembered by his sister Amelia Kissling; sisters-in-
law Marilyn Amaya and Barbara Porata; and brother-in-law
Joe Bozzuto. Paul was predeceased by his mother Maria del
Obituary Refugio; his father Augustine Amaya; brothers Fred and Art;
and by sister Beatrice.
Pearl S. Lee-Hing Paul was born in Redwood City on June 26, 1931 where he graduated from Sequoia High
August 28, 1914 January 15, 2017 School in 1950. He proposed to Helen Bozzuto on February 14, 1954 and they were married
August 29, 1954. Paul served in the United States Army from 1954 to 1956. Paul worked as a
Pearl S. Lee-Hing, a longtime Burlingame resident, with journeyman sheet metal worker, eventually owning his own company, Rountree Sheet Metal.
deep commitment to her faith went home on January 15, He was a dedicated senior softball player, playing for over 30 years. Paul enjoyed fishing,
2017 in Chico, CA. Pearl was 99 years young. traveling with Helen, his Bay Area sports teams, Giants, 49ers and Warriors and spending
She was the devoted mother of three children: Garrick time with his four grandchildren.
(Galina), Anthia Hauffman (Charlie), and Collin Friends are invited to visit at Crippen and Flynn Woodside Chapel at 7:00 pm Monday, February
(Sheryl). Grandmother of Shelly (Ryan) Spratt, Mindy 6. A Funeral Mass will be held Tuesday, February 7 at 10:00 am at Our Lady of Mount Carmel
(Tarik) McFall, Katie Lee and Kristi (Adam) Blazewick. Church.
Her great grandchildren are: Tyler and Ayden Spratt, Ava Donations in Pauls memory can be made to any of the following organizations or
Lily McFall, Remmi, Yuno and Lillith Blazewick. She your favorite charity. Heartfelt thanks from the Amaya Family.
is also survived by her sister Diana Yuen, step daughters Sherri Fong and Trina Hing-De
Bottom, many nieces and nephews and friends. Sequoia High School Girls Softball
Sequoia High School
Born Pearl Seid on August 28, 1914 to Seid Pak Sing and Chow Siu in San Francisco. 1201 Brewster Ave.
Her father was a respected civic and business leader in Chinatown. Pearl worked as an Redwood City, CA 94062
interpreter for immigration, commuting by ferry to Angel Island. Pearl married Wallace Attn: Varsity Girls Softball
F. Lee in 1940, they were married 47 years. They built their home in Burlingame in (please write in check memo Girls Softball IMO Paul Amaya)
1952 where she enjoyed raising her children, participating in her church, the Chi Matean
Womans group, and Asian Senior group. Pearl also worked as a key-punch data processer Redwood City Seors Softball Club
for various companies including the San Mateo school district. . Pearl married Henry PO Box 3904
Hing in 1990, they were married 15 years. She enjoyed traveling throughout the U.S, Redwood City, CA 94064
Canada, Europe and Asia. In 2010 she moved to Chico to be near her sons. Pearl touched (please write in check memo IMO Paul Amaya)
everyone she met with her kindness, spunk and love of people. Friends and family are
invited to her memorial service Saturday, Feb. 11 at 1:00 pm at the Community Baptist Prostate Cancer Foundation
Church, 15 S. Humbolt St., San Mateo. In lieu of flowers, family requests donations be 1250 Fourth Street
made to the Community Baptist Church. Santa Monica, CA 90401
Online Donation:
4 Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Charles Charlie G. Ruocco Obituaries South City man gets 18 Local briefs
Charles Charlie G. Ruocco, born Nov. years prison for sex assault
17, 1919, died Jan. 31, 2017. Hermann Karl Horn A man convicted of repeatedly sexually
In delivering Laurons sentence, Judge
Leland Davis said he lacked true remorse and
He was born in Boston, Hermann Karl Horn, born Nov., 22, 1937, assaulting his daughters young friend over a
Massachusetts, one of insight into the wrongfulness of his conduct,
in Netphen, Germany, died Jan. 30, 2017. three-year period in his South San Francisco according to prosecutors.
three siblings to Italian One of 12 children of home was sentenced to 18 years and 8 months
immigrants. The family Lauron has 60 days of credit for time served
Ferdinand and Anna Horn, in state prison Friday, according to the San in jail, and will be required to pay $6,408 in
journeyed to San he immigrated in 1957 at Mateo County District Attorneys Office.
Francisco then to restitution to the victim, with further
the age of 19. Within two The defendants family and supporters were amounts to be determined. He was also
Redwood City where he years, he met the love of in attendance in the courtroom, and the vic- ordered to register as a sex offender for the
learned the barber trade. his life Judy Milla. They tims mother addressed the court and the rest of his life, according to prosecutors.
When World War II were married in San defendant describing the impact the defen-
broke out, Charlie was Laurons defense attorney could not be
Francisco on July 30, dants actions had on her daughter, and that
proud to serve in the reached for comment.
1960. They raised three she had found it in her heart to forgive him,
Pacific Theater with the 41st Army Infantry children, Karin said District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe.
Division. His skill at barbering won him the (Richard), Edward (Mary) On Dec. 15, a jury found Ronald Somoza
Bay Area home sales drop, prices climb
personal assignment to Maj. Gen. Horace and Jennifer (Jeff). He is survived by his wife Lauron, now 45, guilty of 28 counts related December Bay Area home sales and prices
Fuller while in the service. Charlie chose the Judy, five siblings, his three children, their to the assaults, including forcible sexual pen- moved in opposite directions on a year-over-
Sunnyvale, Cupertino area to raise his family spouses and 11 grandchildren. etration, unlawful sex with a minor and dis- year basis, research firm CoreLogic
of four daughters. His barber business flour- Hermann was incredibly passionate about suading a witness. announced.
ished in Palo Alto with his first shop on the his family and friends. He was renowned for The abuse started in August 2011, when the New and existing home sales fell 9.1 per-
Stanford campus in 1949. He soon became spending time with his loved ones, writing victim, then in eighth-grade, would routinely cent to 7,136 sales while the median home
well known as the Crew Cut King. He con- letters and making numerous well-wishing visit Laurons home to have sleepovers with prices jumped 4 percent.
tinued his career into his 80s and always phone calls daily. his daughter, according to prosecutors. Last month, the San Francisco Bay Areas
found time to give haircuts to our Veterans at He was a devoted parishioner of the The sleepovers happened weekly when the housing market posted its largest year-over-
the Palo Alto Veterans Hospital. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Belmont victim was in the ninth- and 10th-grades and year sales decline since last July, but theres a
He loved dancing and golfing. We want to singing in the choir, throwing his annual the abuse included masturbation, digital pen- caveat, CoreLogic research analyst Andrew
thank the wonderful staff at Encina Care Oktoberfest and cultivating a beautiful etration, oral copulation and sexual inter- LePage said in a statement.
Home for the loving care for the past seven church memorial garden. Living life to the course, according to prosecutors. The number of deals recorded in December
years. fullest, he enjoyed golfing, hunting, fishing After the 10th-grade, the victim stopped 2015 was artificially high the result of
Visitation will be 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday, and trips to his beloved cabin. going to Laurons home to visit his daughter then-new federal mortgage rules that caused
Feb. 6, 2017, at Crippen & Flynn Woodside Services will be Saturday, Feb. 11, at the and, several months later, she reported the delays for many transactions that normally
Chapel, 400 Woodside Road, Redwood City. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Belmont abuse to a school counselor who informed her would have closed the prior month.
Interment to follow at Gate of Heaven with a 9:30 a.m. visitation, 10 a.m. rosary parents. LePage also attributed the decline to one
Catholic Cemetery, 22555 Cristo Rey Drive, and 10:30 a.m. funeral mass. Lauron was arrested in October of 2014, but less business day in December 2016 com-
Los Altos. Send condolences to the family at For full memorial and to sign the guest- had been out of jail on $750,000 bail until pared with the previous year and possibly to book visit the guilty verdict was delivered last month. the increase in mortgage rates in November.


Plans for 250-apartment

building under review
Redwood City Planning Commission to weigh
development proposal at downtown edge
By Anna Schuessler
or share this story at
Plans for a multi-story apartment building
at 801 Brewster Ave. are up for review at the
Redwood City Planning Commissions Feb.
7 meeting. along Brewster Avenue under three stories
The developer, the Anton Development and use a specific architectural style to stay
Company, is proposing a four- to six-story consistent with the surrounding areas his-
structure to hold 250 units on a 1.6-acre plot toric buildings. The developer is requesting
bordered by Arguello Street, Warren Street that portions of the building height along
and Brewster Avenue, according to a staff Brewster Avenue be allowed to reach four
Betsy DeVos testifies before the Senate Health, Education and Labor Committee confirmation
report. stories, and that other portions along
hearing to be next secretary of education.
The structure will replace an existing Arguello and Warren streets, where the max-

Betsy DeVos moves closer toward two-story office building and parking lot
with a mix of studios as well as one- and
two-bedroom rental units in a 379,502-
imum is five stories, be allowed to reach six
stories, according to the report.
Attorney and downtown resident Geoff
Carr has previously opposed proposals for
education secretary confirmation
By Maria Danilova education and divert taxpayer money to char-
square-foot building. If approved, the
citys housing stock of market-rate units
will increase by 200 and the number of
new developments reaching heights he feels
are inconsistent with the historic qualities
of the area and increase congestion through-
below-market-rate units will increase by
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ter schools and private school vouchers. 50. This will leave 30 market-rate units and out the city. Though he is unsure if he will
Two Republican senators, Susan Collins 149 below-market-rate units remaining attend Tuesdays meeting, he said his views
WASHINGTON Betsy DeVos moved of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, under the cap for the maximum number of on tall buildings in the downtown remain
closer toward confirmation as education sec- have said they would vote against her nomi- allowable resident units downtown, accord- largely unchanged.
retary Friday after clearing a major hurdle in nation, and others are being bombarded by ing to the report. Four [stories] would be much preferable
the Senate, even as Democrats and labor phone calls and letters from parents and The first floor will have residential units, for the environment than six, he said. If
unions fervently sought another Republican teachers across the country. If all Democrats a lobby and parking. An additional level of they had done a plan where they had kept it
vote against her. vote against her and no other Republicans underground parking will bring the total at four to five stories throughout the down-
Tensions flew on the Senate floor during dissent, Vice President Mike Pence would number of parking spaces to 320. A land- town plan area and paid more attention to
an early-morning session, with a senior have to break a 50-50 tie to gain DeVos con- being more historically accurate around the
scaped courtyard and two rooftop courtyards
Republican saying DeVos will make an firmation. courthouse, I probably wouldnt have got-
above the fourth floor will provide recre-
excellent secretary and a top Democrat Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, chair- ational spaces, according to the report. ten involved.
calling her one of the worst nominees. man of the Health, Education, Labor and
The site lies on the western edge of the
Republicans overpowered Democrats, vot- Pensions Committee, praised DeVos work The Planning Commission will meet 7
downtown, and is bordered on the north by
ing 52-48 to cut off debate on the nomina- in reforming the school system through p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7, at the Redwood City
charter schools. the Mezesville Historic District. The devel-
tion, setting the stage for a final vote Council Chambers at 1017 Middlefield
oper is required to keep the building height
Tuesday. Teachers have more freedom and parents Road.
DeVos, a billionaire Republican donor, have more choices, they are public schools
has faced fierce criticism from labor unions and Betsy Devos is in the forefront of help-
for her promotion of school choice. ing create that opportunity for public educa-
Democrats and teachers organizations have tion, Alexander said shortly after Fridays
accused her of seeking to dismantle public vote limiting debate.

Man gets probation, Local brief

treatment for stealing cop car Houchen and told him to stop, Houchen
A transient man was sentenced to three jumped into the car and drove it two blocks
years of supervised probation and admis- before abandoning it and hiding his van,
sion to the Veterans Treatment Court pro- which was parked nearby. Houchen was later
gram Friday after he pleaded no contest to found and struggled with police officers
misdemeanor charges related to resisting a before being taken into custody. All three
police officer and stealing a police car last men were drunk in public and a female friend
year, according to the San Mateo County was found close to unconscious in the van.
District Attorneys Office. The four had allegedly gotten drunk at a con-
Anzac Houchen, 26, was arrested Feb. 17 cert earlier that night, according to prosecu-
after he and two other friends got into a tors.
fight with a San Mateo police officer late at Gomez already pleaded no contest to a
night. The officer stopped at an area on 19th misdemeanor charge of resisting a police
Avenue where several homeless individuals officer and was sentenced with an 18-month
had gathered and detained one of Houchens court probation. Houchen was sentenced to
friends for urinating in public. Another one 264 days at the county jail and was given
of Houchens friends, Joseph Gomez, credit for time served. He has no additional
advanced toward the police officer and told jail time to serve, according to prosecutors.
him to leave the friend alone. Houchen Houchen is required to abstain from drugs
approached the officers car, honked the and alcohol while in the Veterans Treatment
horn and yelled for help, according to pros- Court program. He will next appear in
ecutors. Veterans Court March 3 for an update on his
When the officer pointed his gun at progress, according to prosecutors.
6 Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017

Iraqi speechless after seven-year

wait to get into the United States
By Julie Watson and Frank Eltman

NEW YORK Munther Alaskry first bonded with

American Marines over a shared love of Metallica. He later
cleared roads of bombs for U.S. troops and translated for
them, helping the military navigate his war-torn country.
The 37-year-old Iraqi engineer spent nearly a decade work-
ing for the U.S. government in his home country and
received death threats for doing so.
On Friday, a bespectacled Alaskry, his wife and children
stepped onto American soil to begin new lives. His arrival
ended an anxiety-filled week in which he was initially
banned from the United States because of President Donald
Trumps immigration order.
His life, he said, had suddenly turned into a feel-good film.
I dont believe this is real, he said. We always watch
American movies, and this is just like my life is in one now.
Im speechless.
Behnam Partopour, a Worcester Polytechnic Institute student from Iran, is greeted by his sister Bahar, left, at Logan Airport
Alaskry waited seven years for a special visa to the United
States. But the last week seemed the longest: He and his fam-
after he cleared U.S. customs and immigration on an F1 student visa in Boston, Mass.
ily were booted off the final leg of their U.S.-bound flight
only hours after Trumps Jan. 27 executive order halted trav-
el from Iraq and six other Muslim-majority countries to the
State Department: Fewer than 60,000
United States for 90 days.
His wife was shaking as she was escorted off the plane in
Turkey. Their children were crying.
visas canceled by Donald Trump order
By Alicia A. Caldwell visas had been revoked. a nationwide hold on the executive
When they returned to Baghdad, the ordeal kept him up at THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The State Department clarified that order.
night. Alaskry thought their hopes of living free from death the higher figure includes diplomatic The Virginia hearing was focused on
threats had been shattered. Then the U.S. Embassy called and WASHINGTON Up to 60,000 for- and other visas that were actually the states efforts to join a legal chal-
told Alaskry he would be welcome. eigners from seven majority-Muslim exempted from the travel ban, as well as lenge from legal permanent residents.
After arriving in New York at last, the family filled out countries had their visas canceled after expired visas. Erez Reuveni, a lawyer with the Justice
paperwork for five hours. Alaskry said he felt like emotion- President Donald Trumps executive Trumps order, issued last week, tem- Departments Office of Immigration
ally he had gone between hell and heaven. order blocked them from traveling to porarily bans travel for people from Litigation, urged U.S. District Judge
Less than a week ago, he struggled to console his 7-year- the U.S., the State Department said Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya Leonie Brinkema to keep the lawsuit
old daughter, who had asked him through tears Why the Friday. and Yemen. It also temporarily halts the focused only on lawful permanent resi-
Americans dont want us? That figure contradicts a Justice U.S. refugee program. dents, who were the subject of the ini-
On Friday, his daughter clutched a colorful paper sign cov- Department lawyers statement In Seattle Friday, a U.S. judge tem- tial lawsuit. Virginia sought to inter-
ered in hearts and the words Welcome Munther and family. Friday during a court hearing in porarily blocked Trumps ban on peo- vene in the case and expand it to
It was given to the girl by a woman from a New York syna- Virginia about the ban. The lawyer in ple from the seven countries after include other people traveling to the
gogue who volunteered to give the family a ride to a hotel. that case said that about 100, 000 Washington state and Minnesota urged U.S. on visas.

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THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 7

Trump hits Iran with new sanctions for missile test

By Vivian Salama and Matthew Lee capable of delivering nuclear weapons.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Washington, under Obama and Trump, and
its Western allies agree the matter is sepa-
WASHINGTON The Trump administra- rate from the nuclear pact but maintain that
tion ordered sanctions against more than the missile tests violate the U.N. ban.
two dozen people and companies from the Irans foreign ministry decried the new
Persian Gulf to China Friday in retaliation U.S. sanctions on Friday as illegitimate.
for Irans recent ballistic missile test, It vowed counter-sanctions on American
increasing pressure on Tehran without companies and firms.
directly undercutting a landmark nuclear deal Iran already has a formidable arsenal of
with the country. thousands of short- and medium-range bal-
Those targeted by the Treasury Department listic missiles capable of reaching Israel and
include Iranian, Lebanese, Emirati and other U.S. allies in the Middle East, as well
Chinese individuals and firms involved in as American bases, and has undertaken a
procuring ballistic missile technology for series of tests in the year and a half since the
Iran. They are now prohibited from doing nuclear agreement. The U.S. said the latest
any business in the United States or with launch was of a medium-range missile, and
American citizens. The overall impact is an American defense official described it as
likely to be minimal on Irans economy, failing re-entry into the Earths atmosphere.
though some of the people and companies In a tweet Friday morning, Trump wrote,
have relationships with Irans hard-line Iran is playing with fire they dont
Revolutionary Guard military forces. appreciate how kind President Obama was
The days of turning a blind eye to Irans to them. Not me.
hostile and belligerent actions toward the Despite the tough talk, the new sanctions
United States and the world community are White House spokesman Sean Spicer holds a press briefing at the White House.
represent a continuation of the Obama
over, Michael Flynn, President Donald Irans recent missile test and Iranian-backed Iran, and he vowed to crack down if elected. administrations limited punishment for
Trumps national security adviser, said in a rebels in Yemen firing on a Saudi naval ves- Iran has acknowledged that it conducted a Irans ballistic missile activity and avoid a
statement. sel. missile test. But it insists the test didnt direct showdown with Tehran over the
Although White House spokesman Sean It is Trumps first package of penalties violate the 2015 nuclear accord it reached nuclear deal itself. The sanction targets were
Spicer acknowledged that much of the leg- against Iran, reflecting his insistence on a with the United States and five other world drawn up before Obama left office and dont
work had occurred under President Barack tougher stance toward Tehran. Throughout powers, or a subsequent U.N. Security affect Iran Air, a big Iranian bank or any
Obama, he told reporters the Trump adminis- his election campaign, Trump accused the Council resolution extending an eight-year major government entity, making it unclear
tration acted swiftly and decisively after Obama administration of being weak on ban on ballistic missiles designed to be how effective theyll prove as deterrents.

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8 Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Reporters notebook
Santa CruzsLuke Abbottwas 150th anniversary year. instructor and guide To m Taber will be

luegrass traditionalistsBean
Creek of Santa Cruz repeated namedBes t Banjo Pl ay er. Li feti me The high-quality, glossy publication leading a fun and informative course that
asBes t Bl ueg ras s Bandat Achi ev ement Awards winners included will include stories written by former combines history with a 4-mile walking
theTenth Annual No rthern locals Mi ke Rus s el l of San Mateo and newspaper reporters and experts on tour Saturday, May 20. The convoluted
Cal i fo rni a Bl ueg ras s Awards Jan. 28 Mi chael Hal l of Redwood City. Redwood Citys history; as well as pho- route includes frequent stops to view
in Redwood City. Meanwhile, younger The Northern California Bluegrass tographs, including some never before beautiful historic homes, churches, com-
and older musicians split the individual Awards are presented by theNo rthern published; spotlights on sports, church- mercial and public buildings, and public
honors at the ceremony. Cal i fo rni a Bl ueg ras s So ci ety as es, schools and community. art from the 19th through the 20th cen-
part of theBl ueg ras s On Bro adway Ad space is still available but commit- turies. Interesting stories will be told
Two college students from Santa Cruz
ments must be received by March 1. For and old photos shown along the way. If
took the vocalist honors.Sul l i v an Fes ti v al in Redwood City. The festival
information or to receive a media kit, the May 20 tour fills up, Taber said he
Tuttl e was namedBes t Mal e is supported by theRedwo o d Ci ty call Gene Fi rpo at (650) 464-1838 would offer it again the following
Vo cal i s t, whileA. J. Lee was Ci v i c Cul tural Co mmi s s i o n and by (email [email protected]) or call Saturday.
namedBes t Femal e Vo cal i s t. The two other Redwood City-area businesses, Redwood City 150 editor Janet The tour begins at 10 a.m. and ends at
were longtime bandmates inThe Tuttles agencies, organizations and individuals. McGo v ern at (650) 366-3173. 3 p.m. You can enroll online at commu-
With A. J. Leeand are now in the newly- *** ***
organizedBlue Summit. Redwo o d Ci ty 1 5 0 , a special-edi- More history for you. The city of San
Sullivan Tuttlealso wonBes t Gui tar tion collectible magazine, is being pro- Mateo has a fascinating history that
Pl ay er, while his younger duced by a team of more than a dozen goes back to the 18th century Spanish The Reporters Notebook is a weekly collection
brotherMi chael Tuttl e, also a college writers, photographers and history explorers. Through the Co l l eg e o f San of facts culled from the notebooks of the Daily
Journal staff. It appears in the weekend edition.
student, wonBes t Mando l i n Pl ay er. experts, in celebration of the citys Mateo Co mmuni ty Educati o n,


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Around the nation
El Chapo lawyers say jail
conditions are too strict in NYC
Soldiers thwart attack on Louvre
By Sylvie Corbet, John
NEW YORK Hes locked up 23 hours a day. His wife Leicester and Raphael Satter
cant visit him. He cant call anyone, except his lawyers. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
He even was denied water, his lawyers
say. PARIS Paris was plunged into
The strict jail conditions for notorious panic again when soldiers guard-
Mexican drug lord and escape artist ing the Louvre Museum shot an attack-
Joaquin El Chapo Guzman were out- er who lunged at them with two
lined on Friday by defense attorneys in a machetes on Friday and shouted
failed bid to get a judge to loosen them. Allahu Akbar! as the historic land-
Guzman smiled at his common-law mark went into lockdown.
wife, Emma Coronel, as he was led into The threat appeared to quickly recede
Joaquin the Brooklyn courtroom under heavy after the assailant was subdued, but it
Guzman guard by deputy U.S. marshals at his sec- cast a new shadow over the city just as
ond court appearance since being tourism was beginning to rebound
brought to the United States on Jan. 19. after a string of deadly attacks.
This was so far the only way she has been able to see Coming just hours before Paris final-
him, defense attorney Michelle Gelernt said afterward with ized its bid for the 2024 Olympics, it
a silent Coronel at her side. also renewed questions about security
Guzman, 59, has pleaded not guilty to charges of running in the City of Light.
a massive drug trafficking operation that laundered billions The soldiers quick action put an end
of dollars and oversaw murders and kidnappings. Hes being to what French President Francois REUTERS
held at a high-security federal jail in Manhattan, with U.S. Hollande said was no doubt a terror- French police secure the site near the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France.
officials mindful of how he twice escaped from prison in ist attack at one of Paris most iconic exercise around the Louvre. the UAE, Molins said. He said the sus-
Mexico, the second time via a mile-long tunnel dug to the tourist attractions. Molins said the attacker was not car- pects return flight to Dubai was sched-
shower in his cell. French prosecutor Francois Molins rying any identity papers but investi- uled for Sunday.
said the assailant was believed to be a gators used his cellphone and a nation- Fridays attack targeted an entrance
Cliffs collapse at Hawaii 29-year-old Egyptian who had been al data base of visa applicants contain- to a shopping mall that extends
volcano, stopping firehose flow living in the United Arab Emirates, ing their photos and fingerprints to beneath the sprawling Louvre, a
though his identity has not yet been determine that he was a resident of the medieval former royal palace now
HONOLULU A section of sea cliff above a massive formally confirmed. United Arab Emirates who arrived in home to the Mona Lisa and hundreds
firehose lava flow on Hawaiis Kilauea Volcano has col- Everything shows that the Paris on a tourist visa on Jan. 26. of other masterpieces.
lapsed and splashed into the ocean as tourists and geolo- assailant was very determined, Two days later the suspect bought Waving two machetes over his head,
gists watched. Molins told a news conference, adding two military machetes at a gun store in the assailant lunged at the soldiers
A large crack in the section of cliff above the gushing that the attacker, who was shot four Paris, the prosecutor said. He also paid patrolling in the mall, shouting
molten lava stream gave way Thursday afternoon as scien- times, was in a life-threatening condi- 1,700 euros for a one-week stay at an Allahu Akbar! or God is great!
tists stood just yards away. Geologists with Hawaii Volcano tion in a hospital. apartment in the chic 8th arrondisse- Molins said.
Observatory were at the site to monitor the crack when it Anti-terrorism prosecutors took ment of the French capital, near the One soldier fought him off and was
collapsed and captured the scene on video . charge of the investigation as police Champs-Elysees. slightly injured in the scalp. Another
Later in the day, a tour boat was cruising by when anoth- carried out raids near the tree-lined In the apartment, police found an soldier fell to the ground as the
er section of the cliff collapsed. Video shows guests gasp- Champs-Elysees linked to the attack, Egyptian passport and 965 euros, as assailant tried to slash him, then
ing and screaming as the huge piece of land splashes down which came two months after authori- well as a residence permit, drivers opened fire, shooting the attacker in
in front of them, sending debris high into the air. ties carried out a special anti-terrorism license and a credit card all issued from the stomach.
The collapse stopped the heavy stream of lava that had
been arching out from near the top of the cliffs for weeks.
The lava stream, dubbed a firehose flow because it shoots
lava outward from the source like water from a hose, had
GOP mulls repairing Obamacare law it vowed to repeal
recently increased in intensity. By Alan Fram or simultaneously with a replacement Its repairing the damage
The massive Kilauea flow came from a lava tube at the and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar effort. Obamacare has caused. Its more accu-
Kamokuna ocean entry on the southeast side of the Big THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Republicans triumphantly shoved a rate than repeal and replace, said Sen.
Island. budget through Congress three weeks Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., who chairs
The lava was gushing from a tube that was exposed when WASHINGTON Republicans are ago that gave committees until Jan. 27 the Senate health committee. He noted
a huge, 26-acre lava rock delta collapsed into the ocean at increasingly talking about repairing to write bills dismantling the law and that President Donald Trump and many
the site on New Years Eve. That collapse triggered massive President Barack Obamas health care substituting a Republican plan. Republicans like popular provisions
explosions and giant waves in the area. overhaul, a softer tone that comes as Everyone knew that deadline meant lit- like requiring family policies to cover
their march to fulfill a keystone cam- tle, but now leaders are talking about children up to age 26 and said, Were
Sanctuary cities bill paign promise encounters disunity, moving initial legislation by early not repealing all of Obamacare.
advances in Texas, despite outcry drooping momentum and uneasy vot- spring. Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore. , who
ers. And as the party struggles to trans- chairs the House Energy and
AUSTIN, Texas A Texas Senate panel shrugged off 16 late its long-time political mantra into Commerce Committee, said
GOP lawmakers insist they havent
hours of sometimes tearful pleas and defiant opposition to legislation that can pass Congress, Republicans are laying the founda-
abandoned their goal of repeal, though
approve a sanctuary cities proposal that would withhold some Republicans are using gentler tion to rebuild Americas health care
they face lingering disputes about
grant funding from local jurisdictions that dont hand over language. markets as we dismantle Obamacare.
whether that should come before, after
immigrants already in custody for possible deportation.
A 7-2 vote around 12:45 a.m. Friday from the chambers
powerful State Affairs Committee sends the bill to the full
Senate, where a vote could come as early as next week.
Hundreds of Texans traveled from all over the state to tes-
tify on the bill and proceedings were repeatedly disrupted
by protesters. Supporters say the measure will impose the
rule of law, but civic groups, immigration lawyers, church
leaders and Hispanic activists oppose it, fearing it will lead
to racial profiling and promote mistrust of law enforcement
among minority communities.
The committee voted along party lines and the hotly con-
tested bill should clear the Senate too, since Republicans
control 20 of its 31 seats.

Around the world

Paris attack raises new
security concerns over Olympic bid
PARIS On a day Paris Olympic bid leaders wanted to
show off the French capital, a knife attack on a soldier
raised more security questions about the citys ability to
stage the 2024 Games in a safe atmosphere.
News of the attack outside the Louvre Museum on Friday
broke hours before bid officials hosted a ceremony near the
Eiffel Tower to coincide with the final submission of their
110-page dossier to the International Olympic Committee.
Despite the joyful atmosphere at the Musee de lHomme,
the morning assault, the latest in a wave of attacks that has
left more than 200 people dead in the country over the past
two years, again highlighted the threat hanging over the
In an interview with the Associated Press, a member of
French parliament who wrote a report on the fight against
terror warned that France will likely be targeted again.
10 Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Stock surge as investors hope for regulation cuts

By Marley Jay JPMorgan Chase added $2.59,
DOW JONES INDUSTRIALS or 3.1 percent, to $87.18 and
High: 20,081.48 Goldman Sachs rose $10.54, or
NEW YORK Banks and other Low: 19,964.21 4.6 percent, to $240.95. Morgan
financial companies made big Close: 20,071.46 Stanley gained $2.30, or 5.5 per-
gains Friday after President Change: +186.55 cent, to $44.43. Smaller banks,
Donald Trump moved to scale which could find it easier to lend
back regulations on the financial
OTHER INDEXES money if regulations are cut, also
industry. Other stocks also rose as S&P 500: 2297.42 +16.57 traded higher. Texas Capital
investors were also pleased that NYSE Index: 11,310.75 +95.36 Bancshares picked up $2.85, or
employers hired workers at a Nasdaq: 5666.77 +30.57 3.4 percent, to $86.10 and East
faster pace in January. NYSE MKT: 2465.14 +24.20 West Bancorp rose $2.26, or 4.5
Financial stocks made their Russell 2000: 1377.84 +20.41 percent, to $52.72.
biggest gains since shortly after Wilshire 5000: 24,052.79 +201.71 U.S. employers added 227,000
the presidential election as Trump jobs in January, according to the
took his first steps to reduce regu- 10-Yr Bond: 2.49 +0.02 Labor Department. Thats more
lations, which could boost profits Oil (per barrel): 54.49 +0.32 than last years average monthly
for investment firms. Gold : 1,221.70 +2.30 gain of 187,000. The unemploy-
The Labor Department said hir- ment rate ticked up to a low 4.8
ing sped up last month, a positive Thats why we see the rallies composite picked up 30. 57 Treasury Secretary to look for percent from 4. 7 percent in
sign for the economy. Small-com- every time they talk about regula- points, or 0.5 percent, to close at potential changes to the Dodd- December as more people started
pany stocks, which stand to bene- tion. a record high of 5,666.77. Frank law, which reshaped finan- looking for work. That helped
fit more than others from stronger Cavanaugh said a reduction in The Russell 2000 index of cial regulations after the 2008-09 smaller companies and industrial
economic growth, make sharp regulations could also help banks smaller-company stocks climbed financial crisis. The order does stocks, both of which would ben-
gains. lend more and speed up economic 20.41 points, or 1.5 percent, to not have any immediate impact, efit from faster economic growth.
Financial companies have made growth, which could benefit many 1,377.84. Smaller, domestically- but investors applauded its intent. Visa said shoppers stepped up
huge gains since Trumps elec- other industries. focused companies may have Trump also signed a memoran- their use of debit and credit cards
tion, and his pledge to cut laws The Dow Jones industrial aver- more to gain than their larger dum that delayed an Obama-era in the latest quarter, and the pay-
and rules that govern the industry age jumped 186.55 points, or 0.9 peers from faster growth in the rule that requires financial profes- ment processing company also
is a major reason. percent, to 20, 071. 46. The U.S. The Russell made big gains sionals who charge commissions benefited from its acquisition of
Theyre going to benefit from Standard & Poors 500 index at the end of 2016 based on those to put their clients interests first Visa Europe. Its profit and revenue
not having all of this onerous red advanced 16.57 points, or 0.7 hopes. when giving advice on retirement were stronger than analysts
tape, said Karyn Cavanaugh of percent, to 2,297.42. The Nasdaq On Friday Trump directed the investments. expected, and Visas stock jumped
Voya Investment Strategies. $3.78, or 4.6 percent, to $86.08.

Trump inherits healthy job

market, with solid hiring
By Christopher S. Rugaber number of people working part time who
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS would prefer full-time work climbed.
The January figures reflect hiring that
WASHINGTON President Donald Trump occurred mostly before Trump was inaugurat-
has inherited a healthy-looking job market ed on Jan. 20. Still, it was the first employ-
from his predecessor, with the U.S. economy ment report to be released with Trump in the
registering a burst of hiring in January and White House.
an influx of Americans looking for work. The president expressed satisfaction with
U.S. employers added 227,000 jobs last the jobs report and suggested that the sharp
month, the Labor Department said Friday . hiring gain reflected confidence among
Thats the biggest gain since September, and employers about his administration.
it exceeded last years monthly average of Great spirit in the country right now,
187,000. Trump said as he began a meeting at the
Unemployment ticked up to a still-low 4.8 White House with corporate CEOs and other
percent from 4.7 percent in December. But it business leaders. Were very happy about
rose for an encouraging reason: More that.
Americans started looking for work last As a candidate, Trump frequently argued REUTERS
month. that the governments jobs data exaggerated Donald Trump signs an executive order rolling back regulations from the 2010 Dodd-Frank
The unemployment rate counts only those the health of the economy. He called the law on Wall Street reform.
people who are actually trying to find a job. unemployment rate a hoax and said it
All told, more than a half-million Americans
began looking in January, and the vast
majority landed a job.
That suggests the job market could grow
declined after the recession under President
Barack Obama mainly because many
Americans stopped working or looking for
Trump launches attack on
more quickly than expected in the coming
You could have a faster pace of job
growth, because you have more people out
there looking for work, said Michelle
Fridays figures also represent a final
report card on Obama. The economy added
jobs for a record 76 straight months, or near-
ly 6 1/2 years, and gained 11.5 million jobs
during his two terms in office.
banks financial restraints
By Jill Colvin and Marcy Gordon clear. The law has been a disaster in restrict-
Meyer, chief U.S. economist at Bank of That puts Obama fourth in job-creation THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ing banks activities, he said earlier this
America Merrill Lynch. among the 12 presidents who have served week. Were going to be doing a big num-
Investors appeared upbeat about the jobs since World War II, according to Hamilton WASHINGTON President Donald ber on Dodd-Frank.
report. The Dow Jones industrial average Place Strategies, a consulting firm. Trump launched his long-promised attack During a meeting with business leaders,
rose 187 points to lift the index back above Many employers appear to have adopted a Friday on banking rules that were rushed including JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie
20,000. more positive outlook since Trumps elec- into law after the nations economic crisis, Dimon on Friday, he said, Frankly I have
Yet some of the economys softness tion. His promise of tax cuts, deregulation signing new orders after meeting with busi- so many people, friends of mine that have
remains: Average hourly wages a weak and infrastructure spending has increased ness and investment chiefs and pledging nice businesses that cant borrow money.
spot since the Great Recession ended 7 1/2 their confidence that the economys slug- further action to free big banks from restric- They just cant get any money because the
years ago barely rose last month. And the gish growth will pick up. tions. Wall Street cheered him on, but banks just wont let em borrow because of
Trump risks disillusioning his working- the rules and regulations of Dodd-Frank.
class voters. Those regulations unnecessarily cramp
He directed his Treasury secretary to the U.S. economy and job creation, he
review the devilishly complex 2010 Dodd- declared. But many Democrats see it differ-
Frank financial oversight law, which was ently, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who
signed by President Barack Obama to over- was behind the formation of the Consumer
haul regulations after the financial and Financial Protection Bureau, formed as part
housing crisis of the past decade. It aimed to of the Dodd-Frank law.
restrain banks from misdeeds that many Donald Trump talked a big game about
blamed for the crisis. Wall Street during his campaign but as
The new president also signed a memoran- president, were finding out whose side hes
dum instructing the Labor Department to really on, Warren said in a statement. The
delay an Obama-era rule that requires finan- Wall Street bankers and lobbyists whose
cial professionals who charge commissions greed and recklessness nearly destroyed this
to put their clients best interests first when country may be toasting each other with
giving advice on retirement investments. champagne, but the American people have
While the order on Dodd-Frank, named not forgotten the 2008 financial crisis
after its Democratic sponsors, wont have and they will not forget what happened
an immediate impact, Trumps intent is today.

<<< Page 12, MLB is, again,

seeking ways to speed up games
Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017

Stanfords VanDerveer joins elite club with 1,00Oth win

By Janie McCauley Krzyzewski is the only chants of Tara! Tara! changing offenses multiple times to best fit
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Division I mens coach her roster.
In her 38th season as a head coach and 31st
with 1,000. on The Farm after previous stops at Idaho and More than anything, she loves her players
After the game ended, Ohio State, VanDerveer had former stars like and you bet she still loves winning and all
STANFORD Tara VanDerveer became confetti sprayed and play- the work and preparation it takes to do so.
just the second NCAA womens coach to Jennifer Azzi, one of her first marquee
ers moved to midcourt to recruits, among the 4,490 fans in attendance Karlie Samuelson made three second-half
reach 1,000 career victories Friday night, hold up cutout numbers to
when No. 8 Stanford beat USC 58-42 to give and perhaps the biggest of all in 89-year-old 3-pointers on the way to 21 points while
form 1,000. The team mother, Rita. Erica McCall added 18 points in Stanfords
the Hall of Famer a major milestone to share presented her with a
with the home crowd at Maples Pavilion. seventh straight victory, an unbeaten run
framed jersey with the VanDerveer almost didnt accept the
Tara that included last Sundays win at
VanDerveer joined the late Pat Summitt, a Stanford job all those years ago, unsure she
VanDerveer number 1,000 on it. Washington. Brittany McPhee contributed
dear friend who died last summer from early- Our team wont could turn the Cardinal program into a peren- 10 points for the Cardinal (20-3, 10-1 Pac-
onset Alzheimers disease with 1,098 wins believe this but I am really speechless, an nial powerhouse. Instead, she has groomed 12).
to her name, as the only other womens emotional VanDerveer said, greeted by so many future WNBA stars while doing so
coach in the elite club. Dukes Mike with class and humility. She has adapted by See STANFORD, Page 16

Bearcats stay hot

By Nathan Mollat

What a difference a week makes.

The San Mateo and Hillsdale girls basket-
ball teams faced off against each other Jan.
27, with the Knights coming away with a
63-45 victory on San Mateos home court.
Because of a quirk in the schedule, the two
teams met again Friday night a week later
and it was a very different result. The
Bearcats jumped out to a first-quarter lead
and led virtually the entire way, but needed
overtime to top Hillsdale 46-44 on the
Knights home floor.
We fought hard, said San Mateo coach TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL
Nancy Dinges, who set Hillsdales scoring Half Moon Bay senior Ryan Yerby, left, defends
record during her high school years. We had against Jefferson senior CJ Garon in the
a game plan of working our offense. Cougars 62-40 win at home Friday night.
Working the ball inside and out. They did a
good job of staying composed for the
most part.
Three weeks ago, it appeared the Bearcats
were content to play out the string. After
HMB takes
going just 2-8 during non-league play and
opening Peninsula Athletic League South
play 0-3, there didnt seem to be much hope
charge atop
for San Mateo.
But with the win over the Knights, the
Bearcats have now won five of their last six
PAL North
and are challenging for a spot in the PAL By Terry Bernal
tournament and possibly a Central Coast DAILY JOURNAL STAFF
Section berth.
Theyre finally used to running every-
thing (we have implemented), Dinges said. Have a quarter, Sam Treanor.
Theyre trusting each other and the offense With the Half Moon Bay boys basketball
more. team looking to put a hammerlock on its
San Mateo (5-4 PAL South, 7-12 overall) first-place standing in the Peninsula
trailed 20-19 at halftime and when Athletic League North Division standings,
Hillsdales Lauren Izumi scored a layup with the Cougars junior point guard erupted in
1:08 left in regulation, the Knights led 39- the second quarter with 11 of his game-high
37. 17 points to lead a 62-40 dismantling of
But San Mateos Alyssa Cho knocked second-place Jefferson.
down a base-line jumper with 46 seconds After Jefferson junior Daniel Benjamin
left to tie the game at 39 to force the extra drove to hoop for an athletic lay-in to start
period. the second quarter, giving the Grizzlies a 13-
In overtime, Cho and fellow senior Mimi 12 advantage, juniors Gavin Tomberlin and
Shen took over for the Bearcats, combining Danny Mack gunned a 7-2 run to put the
Cougars in front.
San Mateos Anaseini Fakava, right, wrestles the ball away from a Hillsdale player during the
See MATEO, Page 14 Bearcats 46-44 overtime win over the Knights. Its San Mateos fifth win in its last six games. See COUGARS, Page 15

Was this the year fans started tuning out the NFL?
By Eddie Pells to blame. Many of the leagues highest-pro- big-league team. on players, a domestic-violence problem
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS file contests were boring blowouts, includ- A key segment of fantasy football, as big that hasnt abated, Colin Kaepernicks
ing eight of the 10 playoff games leading to a driver of NFL growth as anything in recent national-anthem protests and the leadership
Sundays Super Bowl between the Patriots years, saw its massive numbers plateau. of a commissioner, Roger Goodell, who is
HOUSTON It may have been a blip, and Falcons. often portrayed as heavy-handed and clue-
explained as much by the must-watch presi- According to Eilers & Krejcik Gaming,
entry fees for daily fantasy games increased less on some of the leagues most pressing
dential debates as by some wholesale turn Two NFL teams abandoned fan bases in St. problems. Exhibit A: Deflategate, which
away from football. Or, decades from now, Louis and San Diego in favor of their origi- by 4 percent in 2016, compared to 222 per-
cent the year before, as several states led to the four-game suspension of arguably
2016 could be remembered as the season nal home, Los Angeles, where neither team the leagues best-known player, Tom Brady.
fans started falling out of love with the had played for decades. And the Raiders are explored the legality of what some perceive
NFL. as gambling. Brady will close the season going for his
considering leaving Oakland for Las Vegas , fifth Super Bowl ring in a game that will
TV ratings declined 8 percent, with the which, for all its renown as Americas gam- All this was piled on top of ongoing nar-
presidential election partly, but not solely, bling capital, has never supported its own ratives about concussions and their effect See NFL, Page 16
12 Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Patriots locked in to proven approach

By Kyle Hightower Its a brotherhood. Its like a family here.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I do what I think is best for the team. We love each other and we always have each
Bill Belichick, New England Patriots head coach others backs, Blount said. It is a resilient
HOUSTON Ten words have driven team, but were going to continue to do
Patriots coach Bill Belichick since he arrived everything we can to put ourselves in a good
in New England 17 years ago. And they are 10 Thats kind of the mantra thats kind of its a very steep mountain to climb. situation.
words that he leans on whenever he is queried bestowed around here. What will aid that journey Sunday is a com- Thats not to mention the latest group of
about whats gone into making his team an Its a program thats led to four Super Bowl bined passing and rushing attack that may be Patriots newcomers who have made an
annual threat to hoist the Lombardi Trophy. rings for Belichick and Brady. And this years the best the Patriots have had under impact. Receiver Chris Hogan has become
I do what I think is best for the team, he team is strong enough to bring them a fifth Belichick. Bradys most-trusted deep threat and had a
says. title. Brady is continuing to defy his age at 39, huge AFC title game. Tight end Martellus
For the better part of those 17 seasons, that The reasons are plentiful, but it starts with ancient for a football player. He threw for 28 Bennetts production has plugged the offen-
approach has worked out well for the the experience at the top. touchdowns and helped the Patriots set a sive hole created when Rob Gronkowski
Patriots. Belichick is preparing for his 36th playoff record by throwing just two interceptions underwent back surgery in December.
They will make their seventh Super Bowl game, and is an expert at shielding his team during the regular season. He has two picks And as they prepare to face an Atlanta team
appearance under Belichick on Sunday when from distractions . Bradys four-game in the playoffs, but they have been blips that scored the most points per game in the
they take on the Atlanta Falcons. Along with Deflategate suspension couldnt send them compared to the five touchdowns and 671 league, the Patriots have jelled at the perfect
quarterback Tom Brady, Belichick already is off track. Neither could the surprise depar- yards hes compiled this postseason. time on defense. New Englands defense is
part of the winningest coach/quarterback tures of defensive stalwarts Chandler Jones On the ground, LeGarrette Blount has taken allowing 16.5 points per game in the play-
combination in NFL postseason history, tak- and Jamie Collins. a lot of pressure off him. Blount established a offs after allowing a league-low 15.6 during
ing 24 games together. Brady said playing in a place that doesnt franchise single-season record with an NFL- the regular season.
The 64-year-old coach has done it by hav- tolerate allowing outside drama to creep into best 18 rushing touchdowns during the regu- The group will also had to endure questions
ing an uncanny ability of getting his teams its walls has helped everyone inside the lar season. Hes also finally clear of an ill- this week about the level of competition its
to buy into a program that has become Patriots bubble to lock in. For him, its ness that limited him at times in New faced so far. Think that will provide some
known as the Patriot Way. crystalized so that even at this stage in his Englands first two playoff games. motivation?
A lot of people talk about the Patriot career hes experiencing a once in a life- Blount will also have plenty of support I dont care. Yeah, I heard it. But it doesnt
Way. Theres not a straight definition of it, time opportunity. from backfield mates Dion Lewis and James bother me and it doesnt bother us,
but here you know that were going to work You cant take these things for granted, White. Lewis has surged in the playoffs after Hightower said. Were just going to go out
every day, linebacker and defensive captain Brady said. Weve been very blessed, as part a stint on injured reserve, and White may be and execute our game plan. Were in this
Donta Hightower said. Around here youre of this organization, for the guys that have New Englands most-improved offensive game for a reason. Its really just on us going
either getting better or youre getting worse. been on these teams to make it this far, but player. out there and executing.

Falcons young defense could be key

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS knows many observers thought the defense play. It doesnt matter what happens on the that Ive ever played against.
was too young. The lackluster overall statis- play, youre going to have 11 guys chasing the I think they cover well, Brady said.
ATLANTA The popular thinking is the tics, including a No. 27 ranking in scoring guy with the ball. Thats impressive. Thats the Theyve got a great scheme. They played a lot
Atlanta Falcons only path to their first Super defense, disguise the recent improvement that sign of a team that is very well coached. Theres of great teams this year. They beat the Packers
Bowl championship is to win a high-scoring made Freeney proud. no question that they are. They hit and tackle twice, beat Seattle pretty good in the playoffs,
game against New England. We went through issues and problems early very well. won at Oakland. They beat a lot of good
After all, big offense is the Falcons big in the year, Freeney said. It was expected And the young guys have taken the lead. teams.
weapon. when you have three or four guys that have Rookie defensive back Brian Poole led the Still, the Falcons strength is an offense
The best reason to think Atlanta can beat never played in the NFL before. We had to catch Falcons with seven tackles and two quarterback which hasnt been held under 30 points since a
Tom Brady and the Patriots, however, may be these boys up, and the offense was rolling hurries in the win over Green Bay. Two more 29-28 loss to Kansas City on Dec. 4.
the Falcons improved defense. while these guys were catching up and under- rookies, linebacker Deion Jones and safety Atlanta led the NFL in scoring and is the first
Atlantas defense was on an upswing even standing what they need to do. Now those boys Keanu Neal, each had six tackles. Jones and team to advance to the Super Bowl by scoring
before holding a shocking 31-0 third-quarter are playing. Neal each had more than 100 tackles this sea- at least 30 points in each of its last six games
lead over Aaron Rodgers and the Green Bay Atlanta allowed fewer than 20 points in four son to lead the team. all wins.
Packers in the 44-21 NFC championship game of its last six regular-season games. The fourth rookie starter, linebacker While most of Atlantas defensive players are
win. The Patriots noticed the turnaround. DeVondre Campbell, could play a key role on still establishing themselves, the Falcons
Atlanta started four rookies and four second- New England offensive coordinator Josh Sunday against tight end Martellus Bennett . stars are quarterback Matt Ryan, wide receiver
year players on defense against the Packers. McDaniels said the Atlanta defenses length at Vic Beasley, a second-year linebacker, led the Julio Jones and running backs Devonta
The unit played with the toughness and speed of corner, the aggressive strong safety and the NFL with 15 1/2 sacks, production that finally Freeman and Tevin Coleman.
the celebrated Seattle defense Dan Quinn coor- speed on defense in general all remind him of solved the Falcons long-term pass-rush woes. The Atlanta offense is on a roll, but even the
dinated before becoming Atlantas coach two the Seattle defense the Patriots faced in the Brady called Beasleys season incredible high-scoring Falcons may not be able to
years ago. Super Bowl two years ago. for a second-year player and said Freeney is extend the run of 30-point games against New
The greybeard of the Atlanta defense, 36- McDaniels said the Falcons all run to the one of the greatest pass rushers Ive ever played Englands defense, which allowed the fewest
year-old pass-rush specialist Dwight Freeney , ball as well as any team that were going to against. Hes one of the best defensive players points in the league.
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 13

Baseball owners look to speed up game, again

By Steven Wine to 26 years through be focused on, he said. The we there is President Donald Trump, Manfred said.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 2021, addresses issues players, owners, umpires, everyone who is Obviously our foremost concern is that
such as smokeless tobac- invested in this game. players that are under contract with our
PALM BEACH, Fla. For those rooting co and World Series I dont think theres a magic bullet that organizations be able to come and go,
for baseball to speed up the game, home-field advantage but is going to come one year to be the solution Manfred said. As of right now the countries
Commissioner Rob Manfred says: have not on-field rules. to pace of play. Its going to be an ongoing that have been mostly affected are not
patience. Given the really seri- effort to make sure our game moves along in places where we have players.
Owners and players ratified a new collec- ous big economic issues a way that is most attractive to our fans. The new CBA eliminates the provision
tive bargaining agreement in December, but on the table, I think its Miami Marlins president David Samson that gave World Series home-field advan-
theyre still negotiating innovations Rob Manfred unrealistic to think that said Major League Baseball is aware that tage to the All-Star winner, but Manfred said
designed to improve the pace of play. youre going to get an despite much talk about the need to speed up players will still be motivated to win the
Owners discussed the issue during two days agreement (regarding pace of play) when games in recent years, the problem has got- All-Star Game. I am a believer that when
of meetings that concluded Friday. youre doing the overall agreement, ten worse. our players go out on the field they want to
We did review some rule changes largely Manfred said. As is the usual course in the Pace of game is critical, Samson said. win, whether its in the All-Star Game or
related to pace of game that are being dis- offseason, were turning to the playing rule We know that from our fans and TV part- any other game, he said.
cussed with the players association, issues now. ners. We have to recognize the reality of life The quality of players taking part in the
Manfred said. More to follow when those Management would like to tighten restric- today, which is that attention spans are World Baseball Classic will be high,
negotiations are complete. tions on trips to the mound and introduce a going down and choices are going up. Manfred said, even though the event takes
Manfred has pushed for faster games since pitch clock, which has been used in Triple- Whatever business youre in, you have to place during spring training. I am pleased
he became commissioner two years ago. But A and Double-A the past two seasons. adjust. with the level of cooperation weve had
the average time of a nine-inning game last Players generally have resisted such Among other issues Manfred discussed from the teams, he said.
season was 3 hours, a 4-minute increase changes, and many say theres no problem following the meetings: Houstons Jim Crane and San Diegos
over 2015. One playoff game took more with the length of games. Major League Baseball is monitoring Ron Fowler replaced Minnesotas Jim
than 4 1/2 hours. Manfred disagrees. the developments regarding recent Pohlad and St. Louis Bill DeWitt Jr. on the
The new CBA, which extends labor peace Pace of play is an issue that we need to changes in U.S. immigration policy by executive council.

St. Louis bans smokeless tobacco at venues

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Flowers, the sponsor of the bill. Todays vote products at all organized sporting events, tract bars smokeless tobacco use for any player
is a win for the health of our kids and our com- including Tropicana Field, home of the Tampa with no current major league service.
ST. LOUIS Baseball players with big wads munity. Bay Rays.
of chewing tobacco in their cheek are now a The St. Louis law applies to all facilities host- Baseball Hall of Famer Tony Gwynns death
Cardinals spokesman Ron Watermon said the
thing from the past at Busch Stadium. ing professional, collegiate, high school or from oral cancer two years ago spurred a renewed
team supported the ban.
The St. Louis Board of Aldermen voted Friday organized amateur sporting events. In addition look at the risks of smokeless tobacco, which
to prohibit the use of smokeless tobacco prod- Understanding the dangers and risks associ- has been connected to a higher risk of several
ated with the use of smokeless tobacco, we join to the teams themselves, the law applies to
ucts like chewing tobacco, dip and snuff at all fans, employees and others in the venue. types of cancer and other ailments.
sports venues, including Cardinals games at with MLB in supporting a ban at all levels of
Busch Stadium. The measure provides no baseball, he said. We strongly believe that Matthew L. Myers, president of the Other communities where action has been
exemption for players or anyone else on the children should not be exposed to smokeless Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, applauded taken to prohibit the use of smokeless tobacco
field or in the dugouts. tobacco or see such products being used by their passage of the bill. include New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San
Today, St. Louis is sending a loud and clear on-field sports heroes. Our national pastime should be about pro- Francisco, Milwaukee, Boston and
message that baseball players and other athletes Busch Stadium becomes the 14th venue in moting a healthy and active lifestyle, not a Washington. Three others Anaheim,
are role models for our nations youth, and Major League Baseball where smokeless tobac- deadly and addictive product, Myers said in a Oakland and San Diego are covered by a
tobacco should no longer be associated with the co is banned. Last month the city council in St. news release. statewide law that is to take effect in California
sports culture, said Alderwoman Dionne Petersburg, Florida, banned smokeless tobacco In addition to laws, baseballs new labor con- before the start of this season.

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14 Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Cho was there to grab the rebound her score the next six points to take a quick 8-2 San Mateo managed to hit 3 of 4 free

Continued from page 11
11th of the night and despite being bent
over backward in what looked like could
have been a gruesome knee injury, she man-
We knew we had the size on them,
Dinges said, as San Mateo out-rebounded
throws over the last minute and trailed by
just one, 20-19, at halftime.
The Bearcats came out firing on cylinders
aged to hang onto the ball and pass it out to Hillsdale (7-2, 14-7) 41-29. to start the third quarter, opening the second
Fakava. She missed the putback but the Fakava added two more buckets late in the half on a 10-0 run to take their biggest lead
to score all seven of their teams points. buzzer sounded, giving the Bearcats a hard- first quarter as the Bearcats led 13-8 after of the game, 29-20 with 3:48 left in the
Cho opened overtime with two free throws fought victory. one quarter. third.
and then used a nice up-and-under move to Cho finished with a double-double, scor- San Mateo increased its lead to 16-9 fol-
score a layup to put the Bearcats up 43-39. First thing I asked them (in the locker
ing a game-high 15 points to go along with lowing an Osaki base-line jumper with 6:23
Hillsdale cut the lead to one, 43-42, fol- room at halftime ) was, Do you want to
her 11 rebounds. Shen finished with 11. to play in the second quarter before the
lowing a Marissa Otonari 3-pointer, but win? Dinges said. They looked me
San Mateo struggled with its shooting Bearcats went cold.
Shen answered by hitting 3 of 4 free throws straight in the eye and said, Yes.
from the field, connecting on just 13 of 48 And the Knights heated up. They scored
to push the Bearcats lead to four, 46-42, shots, but they made up for at the free-throw 11 unanswered points to take a 20-16 lead Again Hillsdale responded, outscoring
with 1:43 left in overtime. line where the Bearcats went 19 for 30. with three minutes left in the second. After the Bearcats 8-3 the rest of the period to
Rachel Tjan scored off the bounce to get Dinges said the plan was to go at the Izumi hit a pair of free throws, Caitlyn Low trail by four, 32-28, going into the fourth
the Knights to within two, 46-44, with Hillsdale defense with post players Katie and Tjan buried 3-pointers, sandwiched quarter.
1:32 left. San Mateo had a chance to ice the Osaki, Cho and Fakava and the Bearcats did around a free throw. A base-line jumper from Hillsdale tied the game at 32 on a Mary
game with just over two seconds left, but that all game long. Those three combined Helena Vejvoda ended the run for the Ellen Paran bucket and again at 37 on a
Anaseini Fakava missed a pair of free for 31 points. After Shen opened the game Knights, who didnt score the rest of the Vejvoda layup to set up the final frantic
throws. with a layup, Fakava and Osaki combined to half. minutes of regulation.

3.25 3.36






THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 15
tion announced earlier this week. FIBA, headgear was banned for safety rea- sponsor for Patrick.
Sports briefs The move comes following a two-year sons in case it fell off and someone would The lawsuit filed Friday in state superior
study and not long after a letter published slip on it or become entangled. court indicates Natures Bakery had cash flow
Basketball inches closer to on social media and sent to FIBA president Other sports have already relaxed such issues not long after signing its sponsorship
ending ban on religious headgear Horacio Muratore. It called for the end of the regulations. agreement and asked to rework the payment
rule, and was signed by a dozen WNBA play- schedule on the more than $15 million the
NEW YORK The international group
that governs basketball is close to elimi-
ers including Breanna Stewart, tennis greats Danica Patricks sponsor company owes the team each season. SHR
Billie Jean King and Martina Navratilova, sued by racing team also accused the company of eventually con-
nating a longstanding ban on religious
and U. S. Olympic fencer Ibtihaj cocting a scheme to avoid further payments
headgear in competition, clearing the way CHARLOTTE, N.C. Stewart-Haas Racing
Muhammad. by claiming Patrick had been endorsing com-
for athletes to wear hijabs, turbans and has filed a breach of contract lawsuit against
The rule banning religious headgear was peting products and was not using her social
yarmulkes in international competitions. Natures Bakery, accusing the company of
enacted 20 years ago and wasnt meant as a media presence enough to promote Natures
FIBA told its playing rules committee at a refusing to pay millions of dollars it owes the
ban against any religion, and stood without Bakery.
recent meeting to create a proposal that out- team to sponsor Danica Patrick this season.
lines how headgear can be worn safely dur- complaint until recently. Some groups have The suit says Natures Bakery sent a letter to
ing games. The goal is to approve the interpreted the provisions of the rules on Natures Bakery was scheduled to sponsor at the team on Jan. 19 terminating the sponsor-
changes at a meeting in May, the organiza- uniforms as a ban against the participation least 20 races this NASCAR season, the sec- ship agreement, and that the company has
of players of certain faiths. According to ond year of a three-year deal to be the primary missed several scheduled deadlines to pay.

when he slows the game down, but the junior didnt seem to
have any trouble at the end of those two steals, outrunning
pursuing defenders to thunder to the hole.
Continued from page 11 Sammy has been playing better, Forslund said. If we
can get him just to slow down when he goes to the basket,
because virtually every time he does it he blows up. When he
Then Treanor took over, burying a 3-pointer and going on stops, he makes play after play after play. And thats what
to score 11 of HMBs next 14 points as the Cougars hes got to do.
outscored the Grizzlies 21-8 in the quarter. HMB took a 33-
Jefferson looked to stagger HMBs fluid offense with con-
19 lead into halftime and never let Jefferson back into the
sistent attempts at the full-court press. Here again, Treanor
game after the break.
proved a weapon. Instead of trying to weave its way through
I just felt like the energy was kind of low, Treanor said. the full-court press, HMB hardly ever passed its way up the
I felt like we could have had a bigger lead. So, I just wanted court at all, instead relying on Treanors smooth ball-hand-
to break the lead a little more so I took it upon [myself] to ing ability to simply force the Grizzlies to back off.
try to get some more scoring for the team. Im comfortable, Treanor said. Ive played a lot of
The Cougars (9-0 in PAL North, 15-6 overall) were nails games so I get used to it over time. Youve just got to put
on offense, shooting 54.2 percent (26 of 48) from the floor, pressure on the pressure and then they have to retreat.
including 8 of 19 from 3-point range. While, at times, for- Benjamin tried to work similar magic in the second half,
ward Ryan Yerby has been a one-man show from beyond the but the Grizzlies simply couldnt find the cylinder. Benjamin
arc this season, the senior hit just one trey in the game, his scored a team-high 13 points and swooped in for a game-
only points on the night. But HMB spread the wealth with high eight rebounds, including four offensive boards in the
four different players dropping 3s, including Tomberlin fourth quarter. Jefferson, however, shot just 3 of 16 from the
knocking down four to total 12 points. floor in the final period, including 0 of 6 from 3-point
But it was the HMB defense that set the tone, with a furi- range.
ous man-to-man look through the first eight minutes that The kids got a motor, Falabella said. Hes our leader.
absolutely wore out Jefferson. The Grizzlies converted four As he goes, we go, and hes setting the example of how we
field goals in the opening quarter, including three 3-point- want to play 32 minutes every game. And hes going to play
ers. Any time Jefferson tried to penetrate, HMB collapsed on start to finish and set the example for everyone else to do the
them with abandon. same.
They were putting their hands in the passing lanes and With three games to go in the PAL North regular-season
making sure our guards couldnt get the pass down, schedule, HMB now holds a commanding two-game lead
Jefferson center Rodney Lawrence said. But well work on atop the standings. Hence, something catastrophic would
that when we go to practice and draw up our game plan for have to happen in the Cougars final three games against
next time. Westmoor, Terra Nova and Oceana to derail their quest for
The Grizzlies (7-2, 13-8) went on to shoot just 32.6 per- a three-peat as North champions.
cent from the floor to settle for their second lowest scoring One more win clinches at least co-title for HMB. Two more
total of the season. Last Saturday, Jan. 28, Jefferson scored wins clinches the championship[ outright.
just 39 points, but in a 39-37 winning effort against The Grizzlies are now looking towards the postseason.
Westmoor to take sole possession of second place in the Having already clinched a Central Coast Section playoff
PAL North. berth by virtue of a .500 record in non-league and league
[The Cougars] always defend well, Jefferson head coach play, Jefferson is still eyeing a run in the context of PAL
John Falabella said. We know that. Theyre a great team. play. Even with the North Division title all but out of reach,
The tale of the tape saw turnovers loom large in the first the Grizzlies are looking for one more rematch with HMB in
half. Jefferson committed 19 turnovers throughout, includ- the PAL posteason tournament.
ing 11 in the opening half. Treanor produced two of those [Tonight] was just a game to get us ready for actual PAL
turnovers via back-to-back steals during his second-quarter (playoffs), Lawrence said. We did our best and they
run. brought their best. But were going to give it to them next
Forslund said Treanor is better at driving to the basket time. Were going to see then at the PAL playoffs for sure.

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16 Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Warriors brief
18 up for NFLs Hall of Fame
By Barry Wilner Taylor, Tomlinson and former Eagles safety Brian
Warriors waive center
Varejao to clear roster room
OAKLAND The Golden State Warriors have waived cen-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Dawkins yes, also a member of that all-decade team ter Anderson Varejao to clear a roster spot on the NBAs top
are first-year eligibles. team as it deals with depth issues and injuries.
HOUSTON It seems that one word is commonly used by Also on the ballot that a panel of 46 media members and Golden State announced the move Friday, a day after the
candidates for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. two former players already in the hall, James Lofton and Brazilian big man played eight-plus minutes in a road win at
LaDainian Tomlinson says it. So does Jason Taylor, and Dan Fouts, will consider are: quarterback Kurt Warner; run- the Clippers. The Warriors are gearing up for the return of
Tony Boselli. ning back Terrell Davis; receivers Isaac Bruce and Terrell David West from a nondisplaced fracture of his left thumb
Throw in the rest of the 18 finalists, too. Owens; tackles Joe Jacoby and Tony Boselli; center Kevin sustained Jan. 18 against Oklahoma City. Starting center
Humble. Mawae; guard Alan Faneca; kicker Morten Andersen; cor- Zaza Pachulia is sidelined until at least next week with a
On Saturday night, at the NFL Honors TV show when nerback Ty Law; and safety John Lynch. strained rotator cuff in his right shoulder.
the Associated Press will announce its NFL individual award Also on the ballot are former Cardinals and Chargers Varejao averaged 1.3 points and 1.9 rebounds in 6.6 min-
winners, the nation will learn who comprises the halls coach Don Coryell, an offensive mastermind; senior candi- utes per game for Golden State, playing 14 games with one
class of 2017. One guarantee: whether date Kenny Easley, one of the hardest-hitting and versatile start.
they are in or out, they will be humbled safeties the NFL has seen; and contributors Paul Tagliabue,
the former league commissioner, and Dallas Cowboys

by their inclusion in the process.
Ive never really put myself in their owner Jerry Jones.
league, says defensive end Jason Among their credentials, Andersen is the leagues career
Taylor, who starred with the Dolphins scoring leader and played for 25 seasons. Warner won a
Continued from page 11
and made the NFLs All-Decade Team of Super Bowl and two league MVP awards. Davis rushed for
the 2000s. Its really, really cool to be more than 2,000 yards in a season and owns a regular-sea-
mentioned with those guys. It humbles son and Super Bowl MVP honor. Boselli, Faneca and Mawae draw high ratings thanks to the decades-long hold the NFL
has held over American sports fans. That the infatuation will
Jason Taylor you. were the premier players at their positions on the O-line for
last indefinitely, however, may no longer be a given.
Taylor, who now hosts a program on years.
SiriusXMs NFL Radio, spent portions of his 15 pro sea- It feels like there are people that feel pretty strongly that Baseball, boxing and horse racing once consumed the
sons being humbled by Tomlinson. So were most defenders I deserve to be in there. That is humbling that there are peo- American public, but they dont anymore.
in the league as the Chargers and Jets standout won an MVP ple that feel that strongly, Boselli says. Youve got bad games, (concussions) and drugs, and a
award, two rushing titles, and set a record with 31 touch- You look at that list of guys, 15 guys, and those other declining interest in the game in general, said Orin Starn, a
downs and 186 points in 2006 on his way to the same all- 14, I can make an argument for every one of them to be in Duke professor who studies sports in society. When you
decade squad. the Hall of Fame. You dont get this far, get to the next throw in this welfare for billionaires with these stadium
Im lost for words when I think about the Hall of Fame, stage, and it should be hard. Theres barely over 300 guys in shakedowns, you wonder at what point the good will of Joe
Tomlinson said. Im a small-town kid and no one that I the Hall of Fame. Theres a very small group of individuals NFL Fan is going to dissipate and people are going to lose
ever knew went to the Hall of Fame. No one that I grew up to be enshrined, and the process should be tough. interest in the NFL.
watching, being around, had ever made it to the Hall of It is. A candidate must receive 80 percent positive votes One big question: Does the average fan even matter any-
Fame or even was considered to be a Hall of Famer. from the selectors on hand, with a minimum of four more in the NFLs math?
And so just thinking about that, thinking about a little inductees and a maximum of eight. The Rams and Chargers each moved out of cities where
kid from a small country town possibly, you know, going The class of 2017 will be inducted into the Canton, Ohio, theyd played for decades unable to strike deals in their
to the Hall of Fame, it chokes me up. shrine on Aug. 5. existing homes, and with the lure of a $2.6 billion stadium
being funded by Rams owner Stan Kroenke too enticing to
astounding successes, this feat is a true testament to her stead- ignore. Luxury boxes and ancillary revenue from attractions

Continued from page 11
fast commitment to excellence at Stanford and her lasting adjacent to the stadium will help pay some of the bills. A
legacy on the entire sport of basketball. bundle of TV contracts worth nearly $40 billion through
And, she certainly plans for many more wins in fact, 2022 will bankroll the rest.
some of her former players believe she could take a crack at Actual fans? The Chargers clearly dont need them too
2,000. badly. While Kroenkes palace is under construction, theyre
Kristen Simon led cold-shooting USC (12-10, 3-8) with 11 She very well could, athletic director Bernard Muir said willing to play in a 30,000-seat soccer venue near down-
points. Friday, it wouldnt shock me. town LA that is smaller than two-thirds of the stadiums in
With a pair of NCAA titles in 1990 and 92, an Olympic college footballs Mountain West Conference.
gold medal at the 1996 Atlanta Games and 11 Final Four berths Congrats pour in You look at that, and on some level, there is some
including five straight from 2008-2012 VanDerveer has assumption that they take fans for granted, said Eric
Former Stanford star Nicole Powell now coaches on the Simons, author of The Secret Lives of Sports Fans.
meant so much to womens basketball on the court and far
Oregon staff, so she still sees VanDerveer occasionally from Theres this idea that fans will follow or that fans dont
beyond it as a positive influence and mentor to so many.
the other bench. matter. That theyll sell out their boxes to big corporations
The 63-year-old VanDerveer did this one in front of the Its incredible what Tara has accomplished the consis- no matter where they go.
home fans at Maples Pavilion, after winning No. 800 against tency of winning year in and year out over the course of her
Azzi at the University of San Francisco in December 2010 and During his state-of-the-league news conference
career is truly special, Powell wrote in an email. Shes Wednesday, Goodell spelled out no fewer than four tweaks
her 900th in November 2013 at a Thanksgiving tournament stayed true to herself, leading in her own unique way and all the NFL is considering to decrease the amount of dead time
in Mexico. Former Stanford star Ros Gold-Onwude, the while evolving in her approach to the game, yet never getting during games. Changing the instant replay protocol, short-
Golden State Warriors sideline reporter, called Fridays game away from her core values. Its hard to capture what she means ening breaks between scores and the ensuing kickoffs and
for TV. to womens basketball. Ive encountered so many people that repackaging commercial breaks are among the possibili-
On behalf of the Pac-12, I would like to congratulate Coach seem to have a favorite Tara or Stanford Womens basket- ties. What he cant control is making the games themselves
VanDerveer on the amazing and rare accomplishment of 1,000 ball moment that runs the gamut from the 90s up until now. I competitive. Average score of this years playoff games: 32-
wins, Commissioner Larry Scott said. In a career full of think that speaks volumes. 17.
What were trying to do is make our ... games as exciting
and as action-packed as possible, Goodell said.
In building new stadiums and retrofitting old ones, the
league has acknowledged, on some level, that the game
itself is no longer enough to keep fans in the stands
engaged. TVs on seatbacks and improved internet connec-
tions are all part of the reality of 21st-century fandom.
But in the NFLs case, that also speaks to the reality that
fantasy football drives a huge segment of its current growth:
In many cases, fans are every bit as interested in the per-
formance of the players they drafted as of the players wear-
ing the jersey of the team they grew up rooting for.
It didnt help the fantasy industry when a DraftKings
employee won $350,000 in a FanDuel contest in 2015
leading to trust issues for the two largest daily fantasy com-
panies, which had gone largely unregulated.
Peter Schoenke, president of, which churns
out millions of bits of information for fantasy players, said
hes optimistic that fantasy will rebound.
I think this year, a lot of people got thrown off their
rhythm. They were watching the debates, (ticked) off about
Kaepernick, Schoenke said. It threw a big chunk of people
off. I think next year, it could settle back down.
At stake is a $9 billion-a-year business that, in trying to
increase its global footprint, has brought three games to
London and one to Mexico, all of which were international
It also brought football back to Los Angeles, times 2, and
could be moving the Raider Nation to the desert.
When you lose people in cities, lose people for enter-
tainment reasons, lose people who identify with certain
teams and because theres this weird mercenary element to it
all, it can be a problem, Simons said. Youve also got a
replacement, in the NBA, thats at its most-entertaining
moment in decades. All that can be a real threat, and you
have to be careful, or you can go the way of boxing.
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 17
U.S. wrestlers in limbo after NHL GLANCE
Iran bans them from tourney Atlantic Division

Montreal 52 30 15
49 27 16
Atlantic Division

2 1/2
Girls soccer
Carlmont at Woodside, 11 a.m.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Feb. 16-17 in Boys soccer
Boston 54 26 22 6 58 138 143 New York 22 29 .431 10 1/2 St. Francis at Serra, 11 a.m.
the western Florida 52 23 19 10 56 124 143 Philadelphia 18 31 .367 13 1/2
American wrestler Jordan Iranian city of Toronto 49 23 17 9 55 149 144 Brooklyn 9 41 .180 23 Boys basketball
Detroit 51 21 21 9 51 131 152
Burroughs saw this months tour- Kermanshah. Buffalo 50 20 20 10 50 121 143 Southeast Division
Serra at Riordan, 6:30 p.m.
nament in Iran as a chance to The decision Tampa Bay 52 22 24 6 50 141 155 Washington 29 20 .592 Girls basketball
redeem himself after a rough per- marks the first Atlanta 29 21 .580 1/2
Charlotte 23 27 .460 6 1/2 ICA at Alma Heights Christian, 3:30 p.m.
Metropolitan Division
formance at the Rio Olympics. action taken by Washington 51 34 11 6 74 167 112 Miami 20 30 .400 9 1/2
Orlando 20 32 .385 10 1/2 Wrestling
It looks like that wont be hap- Iran in response Columbus 50 33 12 5 71 169 122
Serra at Mission San Jose-Fremont tournament, all
Pittsburgh 50 32 13 5 69 180 146
pening. to Trumps N.Y. Rangers 51 32 18 1 65 173 136 Central Division day
Iran on Friday banned U.S. Cleveland 33 15 .688 CCS girls tournament at Oak Grove High School, 9
Jordan executive order Philadelphia 52 26 20 6 58 144 161
N.Y. Islanders49 22 18 9 53 143 143 Indiana 27 22 .551 6 1/2
wrestlers from the freestyle World Burroughs banning visas Carolina 50 23 20 7 53 133 142 Chicago 25 26 .490 9 1/2
Cup in response to President for seven New Jersey 52 21 21 10 52 120 151 Detroit 23 27 .460 11 MONDAY
Milwaukee 21 28 .429 12 1/2 Girls soccer
Donald Trumps executive order for- Muslim countries. Ghasemi said Sequoia at San Mateo, Mills at Oceana, South City
bidding visas for Iranians, the offi- the policy of the new U.S. adminis- Central Division WESTERN CONFERENCE at El Camino, Capuchino at Hillsdale, 3 p.m.
cial IRNA news agency reported. tration left Iran no other choice but Minnesota 50 33 12 5 71 166 116 Southwest Division
Chicago 53 31 17 5 67 147 138 San Antonio 38 11 .776 Boys basketball
A senior Iranian cleric vowed, to ban the wrestlers. Nashville 51 25 18 8 58 142 134 Houston 37 17 .685 3 1/2 Jewish Community at The Nueva School, 6:30 p.m.
meanwhile, that his country would USA Wrestling, the sports St. Louis 51 25 21 5 55 146 158 Memphis 30 22 .577 9 1/2
Winnipeg 54 25 25 4 54 159 167 Dallas 19 30 .388 19 Girls basketball
continue its missile program domestic governing body, said in a New Orleans 19 31 .380 19 1/2 LCPA at The Nueva School, 5 p.m.
Dallas 52 21 21 10 52 144 164
despite threats from the Trump statement it hasnt officially been Colorado 48 13 33 2 28 94 166
Northwest Division
administration that it was prepar- told it wont be allowed to com-
ing to levy new sanctions. pete. The group added that if that is Pacific Division
Sharks 52 33 17 2 68 142 118
Oklahoma City

Training comes to a halt. Were Denver 22 27 .449 8 1/2
the case, USA Wrestling is Anaheim 53 28 16 9 65 139 132 Portland 22 28 .440 9 BASEBALL
like OK, what do we do now? extremely disappointed in what Edmonton 54 28 18 8 64 155 141 Minnesota 19 31 .380 12
Calgary 54 27 24 3 57 143 153 American League
Where do we go? Where do we com- it calls an unacceptable situa- Los Angeles 51 26 21 4 56 131 123 Pacific Division KANSAS CITY ROYALS Agreed to terms with
pete? said Burroughs, a four-time tion. Vancouver 51 23 22 6 52 120 144 Warriors 43 7 .860 RHP Kelvin Herrera on a one-year contract.
Arizona 50 16 28 6 38 113 159 L.A. Clippers 31 19 .620 12 MINNESOTA TWINS Designated 1B-DH Byung
world champion. Im just U.S. freestyle wrestlers have
Sacramento 19 30 .388 23 1/2 Ho Park for assignment. Agreed to terms with RHP
bummed. I love Iran. I love their competed in Iran since the 1998 Saturdays Games L.A. Lakers 17 36 .321 27 1/2 Matt Belisle on a one-year contract.
people, and I dont get into poli- Takhti Cup in Tehran, which fol- Los Angeles at Philadelphia, 10 a.m. Phoenix 15 34 .306 27 1/2
Washington at Montreal, 10 a.m. OAKLAND ATHLETICS Named Carlos Chavez
tics. I wasnt going to make a lowed an absence of nearly 20 Winnipeg at Colorado, noon Saturdays Games
pitching coach at Beloit (MWL), Bryan Corey pitch-
ing coach at Vermont (NYP), Shane Zdebiak athletic
political stance. I was going to years. Since then, Americans have Toronto at Boston, 4 p.m. Detroit at Indiana, 4 p.m. trainer at Stockton (Cal), and Ed Gitlitz minor league
Anaheim at Tampa Bay, 4 p.m. New Orleans at Washington, 4 p.m.
compete. attended Iran-hosted wrestling New Jersey at Columbus, 4 p.m. Orlando at Atlanta, 4 p.m.
technology and development manager.
IRNA quoted Iran foreign min- competitions 15 times. Carolina at N.Y. Islanders, 4 p.m. Philadelphia at Miami, 4:30 p.m. TAMPA BAY RAYS Agreed to terms with INF
Ottawa at Buffalo, 4 p.m. Cleveland at New York, 5:30 p.m. Rickie Weeks and RHPs Cory Rasmus and David
istry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi The Iranians have made 16 visits Chicago at Dallas, 5 p.m. Charlotte at Utah, 6 p.m. Carpenter on minor league contracts.
as saying a special committee to the U.S. as guests of USA Detroit at Nashville, 5 p.m. Denver at San Antonio, 6 p.m. National League
reviewed the case of the U.S. team Wrestling since the 1990s. Pittsburgh at St. Louis, 5 p.m. Memphis at Minnesota, 6 p.m.
Minnesota at Vancouver, 7 p.m. Milwaukee at Phoenix, 6 p.m. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES Agreed to terms with
for the tournament, and eventually The 2018 freestyle World Cup is Arizona at San Jose, 7:30 p.m. Golden State at Sacramento, 7:30 p.m. 2B Cesar Hernandez on a one-year contract and
OF Chris Coghlan on a minor league contract.
the visit ... was opposed. The in Iowa City, Iowa, and the Iranian Sundays Games Sundays Games
Los Angeles at Washington, 9 a.m. Toronto at Brooklyn, 9 a.m. WASHINGTON NATIONALS Agreed to terms
competition, one of the sports team is expected to qualify. Edmonton at Montreal, 10 a.m. L.A. Clippers at Boston, 11 a.m. with RHP Jeremy Guthrie on a minor league con-
most prestigious events, is set for Calgary at N.Y. Rangers, 11 a.m. Portland at Oklahoma City, noon tracts.
18 Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

paign statements and the executive order, The state has met its burden of demon-

body accountable to it, and that includes the
president of the United States. Robart asked. I think its a bit of a reach to strating immediate and irreparable injury,
Gillian M. Christensen, a spokeswoman say the president is anti-Muslim based on he said. I find the TRO is in the public
for the Department of Homeland Security, what he said in New Hampshire in June. interest.
Continued from page 1
said the agency doesnt comment on pend- Purcell said there was an overwhelming Up to 60,000 foreigners from the seven
ing litigation. The judges ruling could be amount of evidence to show that the order majority-Muslim countries had their visas
The Department of Homeland Security appealed the 9th U. S. Circuit Court of was directed at the Muslim religion, which canceled because of the executive order, the
wouldnt comment, but the State Appeals. is unconstitutional. State Department said Friday.
Department had previously ordered visas Federal attorneys had argued that When the judge questioned the federal That figure contradicts a statement from a
from the seven countries revoked. Congress gave the president authority to governments lawyer, Michelle Bennett, he Justice Department lawyer on the same day
Washington became the first state to sue make decisions on national security and repeatedly questioned the rationale behind during a court hearing in Virginia about the
over the order that temporarily bans travel immigrant entry. the order. ban. The lawyer in that case said about
for people from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, The two states won a temporary restrain- Robart, who was appointed the federal 100,000 visas had been revoked.
Somalia, Libya and Yemen and suspends the ing order while the court considers the law- bench by President George W. Bush, asked The State Department clarified that the
U.S. refugee program. suit, which aims to permanently block if there had been any terrorist attacks by higher figure includes diplomatic and other
State Attorney General Bob Ferguson said Trumps order. Court challenges have been people from the seven counties listed in visas that were actually exempted from the
the travel ban significantly harms residents filed nationwide from states and advocacy Trumps order since 9/11. Bennett said she travel ban, as well as expired visas.
and effectively mandates discrimination. groups. didnt know. Ferguson, a Democrat, said the order is
Minnesota joined the lawsuit two days later. In court, Washington Solicitor General The answer is none, Robart said. harming Washington residents, businesses
After the ruling, Ferguson said people Noah Purcell said the focus of the states Youre here arguing we have to protect and its education system.
from the affected countries can now apply legal challenge was the way the presidents from these individuals from these countries, Washington-based businesses Amazon,
for entry to the U.S. order targeted Islam. and theres no support for that. Expedia and Microsoft support the states
Judge Robarts decision, effective imme- Trump has called for a ban on Muslims Bennett argued that the states cant sue on efforts to stop the order. They say its hurt-
diately ... puts a halt to President Trumps entering the country, and the travel ban was behalf of citizens and the states have failed ing their operations, too.
unconstitutional and unlawful executive an effort to make good on that campaign to show the order is causing irreparable Lawyers for Washington state said anoth-
order, Ferguson said. The law is a powerful promise, Purcell told the judge. harm. er hearing was expected in the next few
thing it has the ability to hold every- Do you see a distinction between cam- Robart disagreed. weeks.

House, which provides care for older adults web of senior services in the area. Jeanne

finding activities that bring meaning to
their older years. The initiative has pro- during the day, in Menlo Park. Loveland, a San Mateo psychotherapist and
duced a free directory website, phone line I think one of the things that happens is social worker, said she spent hours trying
and network of social workers who can we all know what we do, but were waiting to find a board and care facility for her father
Continued from page 1 make home visits to refer older adults to an when he moved from Kansas to San Mateo
for the world to come to us, she said.
estimated 300 partners providing resources Minden is hopeful 70 Strong will help her to be closer to her five years ago.
move away. They dont know what to do available to them in their communities. Its a very lonely, isolating and exhaust-
and other care providers increase their
with their lives. Theodora Kyle-Singer, a social worker ing experience, she said.
clients exposure to the community while
Inspired by research on blue zones, or and the lead community navigator for the simultaneously addressing their health Loveland, 61, said she was given lists of
regions of the world where people seemed to initiative, said she has had several experi- needs. resources with outdated information on care
live the longest, Michelson has made it a ences with seniors who arent aware of the Kyle-Singer said the 70 Strong initiative providers, and found bearing the burden of
mission to find ways to connect older adults many resources available right around the is expected to go one step further in con- finding the right place for her father, who is
with activities and others, as well as pro- corner. necting older adults with resources. Her now 83, to be overwhelming. She has
gramming that does both. Ive had conversations with people who team of social workers will not only inform already been in touch with a 70 Strong
The key is for people to be socially con- didnt know resources were available, but seniors about programs and services bene- social worker and was impressed with her
nected, engaged, for there to be some reason they were right near them, she said. fitting them, but will also call them back or knowledge about available resources and
for people to wake up in the morning, he For those providing services, having a connect with partner care providers to reliable follow-up.
said. The social engagement was really a better sense of the range of resources pro- ensure their clients made it to the programs Kyle-Singer is looking forward to seeing
health issue as much as getting therapy and vided is helpful for providing a more com- or followed through on their plans to seek a growing number of older adults able to
seeing a doctor. prehensive set of resources for seniors, who services. enjoy their later years.
Michelsons curiosity about strengthen- may benefit from programs offered through There isnt another district locally thats Were creating a new problem which is a
ing these connections has fueled the several partners included in the network. done this, she said. This program is doing larger population of older adults, she said.
Sequoia Healthcare Districts role in funding Kathi Minden, a family services manager it right, which means there is proper fol- Which is not a bad problem.
the 70 Strong initiative, launched this at Peninsula Volunteers, helps connect sen- low-up. For more information visit
month in partnership with Peninsula iors with recreational activities and group For those providing care for older adults, or call (650) 780-7547 to connect with a 70
Family Service, to support older adults in therapies at facilities such as the Rosener 70 Strong offers much-needed clarity to the Strong community navigator.

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"4,"#065063 DAILY SPECIALS

Laurence Fishburne
calls Nelson Mandela
role life-changing

Instant gratification
By Megan Tao

What does the word vernacular mean?

I dont know. Google it.
Hey Alexa, whats the weather going to
be today?
The weather today is 60 degrees
Nowadays, almost everything is accessi-
ble through a click of a button or the sound
of ones voice.
If one wants a song to
be played, they just have
to tell Siri to play that
song. If one doesnt
know the definition of a
word, they can save pre-
cious time by just
Googling it instead of
searching through a
physical dictionary.
Since people are getting more of their
wants instantly through the power of the
I Am Not Your Negro is inspired and informed by Remember This House, an unfinished manuscript by James Baldwin in which he aspired internet and advanced technology, more
to tell the story of America through the death of three friends Medgar Evers, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. people expect other actions and objects to

I Am Not Your Negro is

also become easily accessible. People have
built an expectation for everything to be
instantly gratifying.
Instant gratification is wanting to experi-
ence happiness, fulfillment or some kind of
desire without delay.
Human wants are insatiable. And because

radical, of the moment By Lindsey Bahr

of the rising accessibility to these wants,
they are not only insatiable, but they are
expected to be relieved as quickly as possi-
Another downside to believing in instant
gratification, especially when using the
internet as a vehicle for it, is that not only
Fire of Baldwins words burn anew THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Somewhat deep into the searing and utter-

do people expect to obtain their wants
quickly, but also with minimal amounts of
By Jake Coyle Baldwins influence in ly necessary documentary I Am Not Your For example, its a lot faster to go to the
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS literature or interpreta- Negro, director Raoul Peck overlays audio store and buy a ream of binder paper.
tion of his politics. But from a 1960 U.S. Government film The However, it takes less effort to order a ream
NEW YORK One of the surest ways to there is his voice: clear, Land We Love, in which the narrator extols of binder paper on Amazon because its done
see the power and relevance of James direct and piercingly the virtues of America and the freedoms in the comfort of ones home and the wait
Baldwins words today would be to look at prescient. afforded all citizens, with images from the time is usually only two days.
some of the signs of recent protesters. If I I wanted the con- 1965 Watts Riots. While the juxtaposition At first, it seems like waiting for two days
love you I must make you conscious of frontation to be direct might not be a revolutionary technique to for the binder paper contradicts the idea of
things you do not see, read one. The only from his words, himself convey incongruities, in this film it cap- instant gratification because its not achiev-
way to be really despicable is to be con- James Baldwin to the audience, Peck, tures the sum of the essential American ing happiness in the fastest way possible.
temptuous of other peoples pain, read who shares his screen- hypocrisy: Black people suffer while the However, we are now factoring in effort to
another. writing credit with Baldwin, said in a recent white people play. this idea of achieving happiness.
Or you could see Raoul Pecks urgent and interview. I was the messenger. Pecks restraint to build to and save that Minimal amounts of effort is the new phi-
clarion documentary I Am Not Your It took Peck, the Haitian-born filmmaker gut punch for a moment when hes certain losophy coupled with instant gratification
Negro. It resurrects Baldwins words of Lumumba and Sometimes in April, the audience can comprehend not just the that plagues millennials. Reason being, the
his eloquent poetry of injustice with the years to find the right avenue into Baldwin images but the ideas behind it, is a testa- majority of the newfound gadgets that tech-
same fire with which they were blazed. for I Am Not Your Negro, which opens in ment to the studied excellence of the film. It nology companies have produced over the
Pecks film, which is nominated for best theaters Friday. A great responsibility is not only a must see, but one that should past couple of years such as Amazon Echo
documentary at the Academy Awards, bears
no talking heads. Theres no analysis of See BALDWIN, Page 22 See NEGRO, Page 22 See STUDENT, Page 22

Super Bowl advertisers tread carefully in divisive climate

By Mae Anderson Clean, Honda is featuring nine celebrities prises during Foxs Super Bowl broadcast ; the website suggests excised
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and Snickers is running a live ad. Sunday. At $5 million for a 30-second spot, footage will be shown.
Others are touching on social issues, and an expected U.S. audience of more than And Kia attempts a humorous approach.
NEW YORK Super Bowl advertisers are without being too blunt about it. Budweiser 110 million, the pressure is on. In an ad for the Niro car, Melissa McCarthy
treading carefully this year to avoid alienat- won the pre-game buzz with a sweeping cin- takes on political causes like saving
ing customers as a divisive political cli- ematic ad showcasing founder Adolphus TIPTOEING AROUND POLITICS whales, ice caps and trees, each time to dis-
mate takes some of the buzz away from what Buschs 1857 immigration from Germany Audis spot addresses gender equality as a astrous effect. The message: Its hard to be
is usually the biggest spectacle on TV. to St. Louis. Although it has been in the man muses about his daughter receiving an eco-warrior, but its easy to drive like
Ad critic Barbara Lippert says that while works since May , the ad felt topical, as it equal pay as men one day. one with a fuel-efficient Niro.
people need an escape, like the Super was released online just days after President Building supplies retailer 84 Lumber had Though advertisers are being extra care-
Bowl, this years matchup on the field feels Donald Trumps travel ban against people to revise its original ad because a scene fea- ful, taking on any sort of political topic
so much less important than whats going from seven Muslim-majority countries. The turing a border wall was deemed too contro- might backfire, says Mark DiMassimo,
on politically. ad got more than 8 million views on versial by Fox. The new ad shows a CEO of ad agency DiMassimo Goldstein.
To get the attention back, some advertis- YouTube in just four days. Mexican woman and her daughter making a Against the backdrop of an emboldened,
ers are turning to nostalgia, celebrities and Although many brands released ads trip by foot across Mexico. The ads ending
marketing stunts. P&G is sexing up Mr. online ahead of time, there will still be sur- will be revealed at halftime at See ADS, Page 23

By Susan Cohn


Drer, Picasso, Rembrandt, Dali. No one
would be surprised to see works by these
artists in the museums of major cities. But
Charles City, Iowa, a community of 7,500
people, holds them as well, all because of tiple facets of life: its joys, its griefs and its
the generosity of a man who remembered wonders.
the kindness of his hometown. The story A GALLERY B ORN FROM THE
began 150 years ago. In 1867, when INS PIRATION OF COMMUNITY
Charles City was a frontier village of a few MEMBERS. The Mooney Art Collection
hundred, 8-year-old Arthur Mooney moved hangs in a dedicated gallery within the
there with his mother and sister. When he Charles City Public Library. Library
was 12, his mother died and the boy went to Director Kim Jones said: The Mooney Art
live with a local photographer through Gallery was born from the inspiration of
whom he developed a lifelong interest in art community members who knew of this col-
and photography. Mooney eventually left lection here in our library and wanted to
Charles City to attend art school in share it with others. Charles City is a mini-
Minneapolis and then moved to New York mecca for area artists and culture seekers and
City where he worked for the Eastman- the Art Gallery is a calming balm to many.
Kodak Company as a photographer. It was We are fortunate to have so many people
in New York and later in Europe that he col- from all over, coming to see our exquisite
lected fine art prints. His acquisitions were art collection. People are amazed that this
all original, not to be confused with photo- level of a collection can be seen for free in a
mechanical reproductions of works of art, small city in Iowa. Students from area
also misleadingly called prints. The schools schedule field trips to the Gallery to
artists represented in what became Arthur see first hand what these incredible artists
Mooneys exceptional 79-piece collection have created. It is an excellent introduction
included Rembrandt van Rijn, Pablo to classic art from the 15th century to the
Picasso, Grant Wood, Marc Chagall, Paul present. Local young people hear about
Cezanne, James Whistler, Paul Gauguin, Arthur Mooney, a young boy who lived here
Edouard Manet, Salvador Dali, Thomas Hart in Charles City, and how he became notable
Benton, Jan Van Eyck, Alexander Caulder in his career to the point that he was able to
and Henri Matisse. acquire this level of a collection of art. It
THE DISTANT DAYS AND THE PEO- also inspires civic pride that someone from
PLE WHO WERE SO KIND. Toward the a small town can do well in the big world.
end of his life, Mooneys thoughts turned to MOONEY ART COLLECTION PAR-
finding a fitting home for his beloved TICULARS. The Arthur Mooney Art Print
prints, as well as his books, manuscripts, Collection is located within the Charles
monographs and biographies on art and City Public Library, 106 Milwaukee Mall,
artists of the Renaissance. He settled on Charles City, Iowa. The Collection is open
Charles City, recalling the distant days and for free public viewing during regular
the people who were so kind in so many library hours. Although the art prints are
ways. Mooney made his first gift to the best appreciated in person, the Collection
Albrecht Drers 1505 woodcut Adoration of the Magi is among the works on permanent Charles City Public Library in December of may visited by an interactive tour found at
view as part of The Mooney Collection in the Charles City, Iowa, Public Library. 1930, and at his death in 1941, at the age of charles-city. lib. ia. us/artgal.
82, the remainder of his art library and print More information may be found at
collection came to the Library as well. or by calling (641)
iSmile Implant Center ITS JOYS, ITS GRIEFS AND ITS
WONDERS. Art historian Arthur C. Frick,
AND REMEMBER: Its a funny thing
coming home. Nothing changes.
who curated the collection for Charles City, Everything looks the same, feels the same,
said: It is hard to determine without use of even smells the same. You realize whats
Implant Specialist IMPLANT 4,000 conjecture as to what Mr. Mooneys origi- changed is you. Eric Roth.

Dr. Kim $OFF frormprtichee nal reasons were with regard to starting his
collection; for it is believed that he had not
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left a declaration of intent regarding its Susan Cohn is a member of the North American
Founder of iSmile Dental. financing available final care of treatment. However, by look-
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The Comedian a love letter to New York comics

By Sandy Cohen his date for his nieces wedding if hell
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS accompany her to a birthday dinner
with her smarmy, overbearing father,
While there are a few good laughs to Mac (Harvey Keitel).
be had in The Comedian and great The wedding scene which goes on
cameos by myriad comics Taylor way too long (do we really need to see
Hackfords film isnt exactly a come- the wedding band perform two songs?)
dy. hints that Jackie may have a tender
Its a portrait of an aging entertain- heart under his gruff exterior.
er, unfortunately hampered by the tired But the awkward and ill-conceived
trope of a May-December romance and dinner with dad sets Harmony up as a
the implication that men find redemp- pawn between the two men: Will she
tion in success while women find it in sleep with Jackie, who declares his
motherhood. Such outdated elements intention to do so directly to her
detract from an otherwise interesting father, or will she give into Macs
character study and heartfelt love letter pressure to move back to Florida to
to New York City and the camaraderie work at the old-age home he owns? Its
among its comedians. gross and trite to have these old guys
Robert De Niro is Jackie Burke, a competing for the younger womans
once-famous sitcom star who yearns affections (especially since one of
for respect as a standup comic. He them is her dad), and its an odd conun-
resents his fans for associating him drum for a woman in her 40s to be fac-
with the character he used to play on ing in 2017.
the hit Eddies Home, and he bristles But this isnt Harmonys story, its
when they call him Eddie. Jackie isnt Jackies. De Niro was on board early:
always kind to his long-suffering His friend Art Linson, who came up
manager (Edie Falco, disappointingly with the story concept, co-wrote the
underused) and insults the patrons at screenplay and produced the film, cre-
the small-town clubs where he per- ated the character for him.
forms. Though Jackie bears some resem-
After tussling with a heckler at one blance to Jack Byrnes from the
of his shows, Jackie is sentenced to Fockers films, De Niro does more
jail and community service. Hes than put on a sour mug here. He sells In The Comedian, Robert De Niro is Jackie Burke, a once-famous sitcom star who yearns for respect as
working at a New York City soup Jackie as a standup, and spent months a standup comic.
kitchen when he meets Harmony with real comics to prepare for the The Comedian is all about
(Leslie Mann), whos also clocking part. Insult comic and frequent celebri- standup, the culture among comics and
community-service hours. She tells ty roaster Jeff Ross helped write what makes them assume that vulnera-
Jackie that she watched Eddies Jackies routines. ble and powerful position behind the
Home as a kid. It was her dads The cast is a hoot, including Danny microphone each night. Thats such
favorite show. DeVito and Patti LuPone as Jackies rich territory, why muck it up with
Jackie eventually asks Harmony put-upon brother and sister-in-law, misguided romance?
out, and she tells him straight away Charles Grodin as chief of the Friars The Comedian, a Sony Pictures
that she wont have sex with him Club and Cloris Leachman as a grand Classics release, is rated R by the
(handsome as he may be, theres an dame of comedy, plus cameos by Motion Picture Association of
obvious 30-year age difference comics such as Hannibal Burress, America for crude sexual references
between them). He takes her to a com- Richard Belzer, Brett Butler, Billy and language throughout. Running
edy club, and the friendly outing turns Crystal, Gilbert Gottfried, Jim Norton time: 120 minutes. Two and a half stars
into a quid pro quo: She agrees to be and Jessica Kirson. out of four.

Tickets Start
at $15!
Restrictions, exclusions and additional charges may apply.
Subject to availability. Tickets at market pricing.

FEB 22 26 MAR 1 5

Aisha Karefa-Smart, Baldwins niece, says

poison a populace, whether through the dis-

Continued from page 19

Pecks film, which includes excerpts from
the FBIs extensive file on Baldwin, was
revelatory. It made me understand my fami-
ly more in terms of the hushed tones that
Continued from page 19
tractions of mindless reality television or
the not-so-subtle othering of black people
in films that made Baldwin feel outside the
system of reality.
people spoke in and the unspoken fears that I Am Not Your Negro being a film
hung over the decadelong endeavor, Peck permeated the household. be studied and absorbed over many view-
says, to bring Baldwin to the forefront. makes Baldwins criticisms of the medium
At festival screenings, she has watched ings. even more powerful. We get to see the terri-
I read Baldwin as a teenager and his writ- the film help resurrect her uncle. A lot of I Am Not Your Negro is inspired and
ing never left me, said Peck. His writing fied black janitor being told by police that,
kids are upset they didnt know who he informed by Remember This House, an justly or not, he will likely be accused of
structured the man I am today and the film- was, says Karefa-Smart. He was kind of unfinished manuscript by James Baldwin in
maker I am today. I wanted to make sure the raping and murdering a local girl in They
the background for a while. which he aspired to tell the story of America
next generation had access to Baldwin. Wont Forget, or a light-skinned girl
That has changed in recent years. Baldwin through the death of three friends Medgar (Dorothy Black) getting exposed as
Peck was welcomed by Baldwins estate, is widely taught in universities. The Library Evers, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King
which is managed by Baldwins younger sis- black to her white classmates when her
of America has published his essays, novels Jr. Baldwin had written only 30 pages
ter, Gloria Karefa-Smart. But the key to the mother (Louise Beavers) comes to pick her
and stories with introductions from Toni before his own death in 1987.
film only emerged when Karefa-Smart gave up from school in John M. Stahls
Morrison. The James Baldwin Review was Peck uses Baldwins words (read by
Peck the pages of Remember This House, begun in 2015. When Chris Rock spoke at a Imitation of Life.
Samuel L. Jackson) from Remember This But perhaps some of the most powerful
which Baldwin completed 30 pages of Harlem church on Martin Luther King Day House and archival footage of various
before his death in 1987 at age 63. The last year, shortly after a second-straight moments come just from watching Baldwin
speeches and interviews to create an urgent himself so eloquent and perceptive and
unfinished book was intended to stitch year of all-white acting nominees to the narrative of race in America that encom- so misunderstood by those around him
together reflections on three assassinated Oscars, he read My Dungeon Shook, passes past and present. Baldwin was writ- whether speaking to Dick Cavett on nation-
civil rights leaders: Malcolm X, Martin Baldwins letter to his nephew.
Luther King Jr. and Medgar Evers. ing and speaking about his time, his friends al television or standing in the front of a
And perhaps most influential has been and their moment, but his ideas and truths
Remember This House is used as the author Ta-Nehisi Coates, whom Morrison banquet hall. His eyes get wide and large
prism through which to view the novelist, transcend the specificity of the 1960s. It with urgency as he explains his ideas. His
famously called the spiritual heir to makes sense when Peck fast-forwards to
essayist and activist. Passages from the Baldwin. His best-selling Between the forehead crinkles when someone else tries
manuscript and other works by Baldwin are images of Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin and to tell him hes got his own experience
World and Me was modeled on Baldwins Amir Brooks, or headlines about mass
narrated by Samuel L. Jackson. And there is My Dungeon Shook, from The Fire Next wrong.
copious footage of Baldwin speaking and of shootings.
Time. History is not the past, its the present, Baldwins words, Jacksons reading and
his arresting appearances on shows like What many respond to in Baldwin is his Pecks elegant and scorching composition
The Dick Cavett Show. Jackson says for Baldwin. We are our his-
searing directness, his willingness to con- tory. will resonate for years to come.
But I Am Not Your Negro isnt a time front the deep-seated ills of America and to I Am Not Your Negro, a Magnolia
capsule. Its about today. Peck juxtaposes Using Baldwins words and ideas as a
reposition questions of race. The countrys guide, Peck seamlessly connects segrega- Pictures release, is rated PG-13 by the
Baldwins words with images of police bru- image of the Negro, which hasnt very much tion, civil rights and Black Lives Matter Motion Picture Association of America for
tality, the Black Lives Matter movement to do with the Negro, has never failed to while also offering a radical and undeniable disturbing violent images, thematic mate-
and other recent events. Other images flick- reflect with a kind of frightening accuracy
er at times John Wayne and Doris Day indictment of the way in which media can rial, language and brief nudity. Running
the state of mind of the country, he wrote in time: 95 minutes. Four stars out of four.
that question the white picture of America Nobody Knows My Name.
promoted by Hollywood. Peck believes his film is ultimately an position because theyre so used to obtain-
As he toiled, Peck found his film increas-
ingly timely, a relevance that has only
increased since the election. When the
Ferguson protests grew, he sent a crew to
intimate one intended to provoke the kind
of personal inquiry demanded by Baldwin,
who warned against purposeful blindness.
You cannot, whether you are white or
Continued from page 19
ing that position in an instant thanks to
Its almost impossible to not have any
document it. wants and having wants is not bad.
black or Latino or whoever, you cannot
I knew how fundamental Baldwins words Believing that one can achieve these wants
come out of this film an innocent person, have been built with the purpose to help
were and I knew they were important to instantly is where the problem comes in.
says Peck. You know. You know all you people get what they want in the easiest way
understand the confusion we were in, said need to know in order to face it, to react, to Believing that one can achieve these wants
Peck. What I did not expect is that it would possible. without effort is where the issue needs to be
do something or not. As far as Baldwin is Therefore, this idea of thinking is most
become so obvious and I would have so concerned, you have no excuse anymore. solved.
many examples and illustrations of what I commonly cultivated by millennials
The elements, as he would say, are all on the Technology, for the most part, makes our
was working on. because they have experienced more of this
table. lives easier and helps us perform mundane
technology-driven society.
tasks. The help should stop there.
According to author Simon Sinek, the
problem with instant gratification and its Being able to differentiate a simple task
effect on millennials can be seen in the such as looking up the weather and a more
workplace. For example, usually when peo- difficult task such as getting a job promo-
ple enter a new company and its one of their tion is crucial in breaking the idea of instant
first real jobs they start at an entry level gratification in all aspects of life.
position. Most people, especially driven, Even with our vast improvements in tech-
power-hungry millennials, want to be at the nology, some tasks still need to be per-
top. However, they cant seem to grasp that formed with old-fashioned human spirit to
getting from an entry level position to achieve the end result.
some sort of management position doesnt
come instantly and doesnt come without
effort. Megan Tao is a senior at Carlmont High School in
Essentially, millennials dont see the hard Belmont. Student News appears in the weekend
edition. You can email Student News at
work and time it takes to achieve a greater [email protected].
Laurence Fishburne calls Nelson Mandela role life-changing
By Mark Kennedy The result is Madiba, a six-hour canvas, said Fishburne. We can
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS film broadcast over three nights on introduce people to the audience who
BET. It takes its title from the clan were instrumental not only in bring-
NEW YORK There are a handful name of Mandela, who became one of ing apartheid down but also people
of roles that every good actor is more the worlds most beloved statesmen. who very influential in Nelson
than honored to play. So when The star of The Matrix and Man Mandelas life people who helped
Laurence Fishburne was asked to por- of Steel has played real people to guide him, shape him, counsel
tray Nelson Mandela in a new minis- before Thurgood Marshall and Ike him, oppose him, challenge him.
eries, he didnt hesitate. At first. Turner but Mandela is in a special Orlando Jones, who plays Tambo,
I was offered the part. I said yes class. Theres Christ. Theres noted that the vast majority of the
immediately, was completely hon- Gandhi, he said, listing options. A cast in Madiba is South African,
ored to be asked. And then, 15 min- couple of Shakespearian kings and plus it marks the first time an
utes later, panic set in. I was like, queens, if you will. Popes. Some African-American director has helmed
What are you doing? recalled the Roman emperors. And perhaps a few a story about Mandelas life and also
Emmy- and Tony Award-winner. gods, some Olympian gods. the first time a South African actress
Fishburne put aside his fears when Producer Lance Samuels reached out has played Winnie Mandela. South
he learned hed be filming exclusive- to Mandela to get his blessing Africans finally have a voice in this
ly in South Africa with South African almost eight years ago. The only South African story, said Jones.
actors helping tell the story Mandela directive Mandela had was he wanted Director Kevin Hooks, who direct-
told in his own autobiographies. the film to explore the less well- ed Fishburne in Fled, put the actor
Our storytelling is really about known figures in the anti-apartheid at the top of his list when it came to
the man, more so than the myth. struggle, like Walter Sisulu and casting. Hooks knew he made the
Weve tried to reveal how the man Oliver Tambo. right choice while filming Fishburne
became the myth, he said. It was a The fact that we have the six hours in a scene in which the imprisoned
life-changing experience. to work with gives us a much larger Mandell learns his son has died. Madiba is a six-hour film broadcast over three nights on BET.

Continued from page 19

enraged or traumatized audience, he says, themes that might

have been innocuous in the past seem more strident and jar-
ring this year.
Your Local Newspaper Supporting

Our Community
In turbulent times, brands can count on celebrities to ensure
goodwill among consumers.
And why use one celebrity when you can have many? In
Hondas ad , the high-school yearbook photos of Amy
Adams, Steve Carell, Viola Davis, Missy Elliott, Tina Fey,
Magic Johnson, Jimmy Kimmel, Stan Lee and Robert Redford
come to life with special effects. The animations encourage
people to follow their dreams in a nod to Hondas longtime
slogan, The Power of Dreams.
Website hosting company Squarespace shows an intense
John Malkovich berating the owner of
domain name.
Justin Bieber shows off dance moves to tout T-Mobile cell-
phone offerings. For the baby boomer crowd, Mercedes-Benz
shows a biker gang being amazed by Peter Fondas AMG GT
roadster to the tune of Steppenwolfs Born to be Wild.
The proliferation of athletes and more personalities is a
reflection of not taking too much risk, says Kelly OKeefe As your local newspaper on the Peninsula it is important to be involved in the community and to support local
from Virginia Commonwealth Universitys advertising grad-
uate program. When in doubt get a personality. charitable organizations, fundraisers and events. We are proud to have supported the following events last year.
Anheuser-Busch joins Mercedes-Benz in trying to reach Events supported by the Daily Journal in 2016
consumers with nostalgia. The brewers ad shows a mountain
man opening a can of Busch beer to the sound of Jan. 18 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration, San Mateo July 16 Family. Fitness. Fun., Burlingame
Buschhhhh. Its a nod to the brands ad campaign, intro-
duced in 1978, which lasted for decades. Jan. 23 Health & Wellness Fair, Millbrae Aug. 20 Senior Showcase, Menlo Park
Meanwhile, Bud Light is bringing back the ghost of its
Feb. 6 Wounded Warrior Football Game, San Mateo Aug. 27 Citywide Yard Sale, San Mateo
1980s spokesdog Spuds Mackenzie literally. In its ad, the
dog appears as a ghost dangling in the air, urging a Bud Light March 22 Diversity Career Fair, San Mateo Aug. 27 Symphony at Sunset, San Carlos
drinker to go out and join his friends, like the ghosts in the
holiday classic A Christmas Carol. March 25 Loving Life After 55 Information Fair, Redwood City Aug. 27 Fisher House Foundation Fundraiser, Redwood City
And P&G sexes up its Mr. Clean mascot, introduced as an April 21-23 Play at Hillsdale High School: Anthrax Factory, San Mateo Sep. 3-4 Millbrae Art and Wine Festival, Millbrae
animated character in 1958. In the new ad , he distracts a
woman as he cleans her kitchen. April 29 -May 1 New Living Expo, San Mateo Sept. 5 Burlingame Community Education Spirit Run, Burlingame
Emotions are the secret sauce of getting people to do
things, and nostalgia is a great reason for people to pay atten- April 29 Todays Senior Showcase, Belmont Sept. 10 Downtown San Mateo Wine Walk, San Mateo
tion, says Devra Prywes of video analytics firm Unruly. May 11 Pacic Stroke Association Stroke Conference, Millbrae Sept. 10 Veterans Memorial Senior Center Fundraiser, Redwood City
HERES TO HEALTH May 16-20 Innovation Week, San Mateo Sept. 16-18 Library Foundation Book Sale, San Mateo
After 10 years, Frito-Lay has retired its Crash the Super June 4 College of San Mateo Jazz on the Hill, San Mateo Oct. 8-9 San Carlos Art & Wine Faire, San Carlos
Bowl campaign for Doritos. Those ads, created by con-
sumers, were usually filled with slapstick humor. June 4 PRIDE Celebration, San Mateo Oct. 9 Tiny & Tot Expo, San Mateo
Taking its place? A healthier approach. PepsiCo is featuring
its new bottled water called LifeWTR and its sugar-free soft June 8 Peninsula Sports Hall of Fame, Millbrae Oct. 16 Hillsdale High School Golf Tournament, San Mateo
drink, Pepsi Zero Sugar. Bai Brands investor Justin June 10 Seniors on the Square, Redwood City Oct. 23 Rotary Club Fun Run, San Mateo
Timberlake helps promote the companys antioxidant-
infused drinks. And one of Wonderful Co.s 15-second ads pro- June 11-19 San Mateo County Fair, San Mateo Oct. 24 Notre Dame Inaugural Scholarship Luncheon, Belmont
motes the health benefits of its pistachios.
June 11 Disaster Preparedness Day at Nov. 11, 2016 Jan. 16, 2017
Avocados from Mexico is focusing on its healthy fats in
a humorous ad showing a secret society subliminally influ- San Mateo County Fair, San Mateo San Mateo on Ice, Ice Rink in Central Park, San Mateo
enced by Jon Lovitz to chow down on guacamole. June 14 Senior Day at San Mateo County Fair San Mateo Nov. 18 Senior Showcase, Foster City
SURPRISES June 18-19 SummerFest San Mateo Dec 3-4 Caltrain Holiday Train throughout San Mateo County
The biggest buzz may come from what hasnt been revealed June 26 Ryans Ride Burlingame
ahead of time.
Snickers ad with Adam Driver and a Wild West theme will
be performed live during the third quarter.
Hyundai tapped Deepwater Horizon director Peter Berg to To inquire about Daily Journal event sponsorship call (650) 344-5200 ext 128
shoot an ad during the game itself for airing right after the
game ends.
Chrysler, long known for its surprise two-minute ads star-
ring celebrities like Eminem and Clint Eastwood, wont even
say whether its advertising this year. Coca-Cola says it
bought two spots, but its keeping the topic a mystery.

credit cards, she said. I just kept female roles and casts as well as voices
doing balance transfers, I didnt know
when it would end.
A year and a half later, the theater
from marginalized groups.
Hagedorn said all of the actors per-
forming in Dragon Theatre plays live
Continued from page 1 SATURDAY, FEB. 4 and practice basic steps, form and
was out of debt because of Hagedorns in the Bay Area, and almost all of them Affordable Health Screening. 9 technique and choreographed
commitment to leveraging the have day jobs. Scheduling times when a.m. to noon. New Leaf Community dances. Meets every Monday. $15.
ater for the past six years, and said it is resources she had, finding creative cast members can rehearse is increas- Classroom, 150 San Mateo Road, Half For more information and to register
starting to take on a role as a commu- Moon Bay. West Coast Health visit
ways to use the same costumes and ingly challenging, with staff members Services licensed phlebotomist will
nity resource, a place where organiza- technical equipment for the wide vari- working long into the night to accom- conduct screenings including cho- Personal Tax Workshop: Keep
tions with no space to call their own ety of stories the theater was telling. modate practices after normal business
lesterol, glucose and HbA1c tests for More of What You Make. 6:30 p.m.
diabetes, and bone density. No Burlingame Main Library, 480
can meet. hours. appointment necessary. Results in Primrose Road, Burlingame. With Tax
These lessons are ones the theater is
Rent is something that informs minutes. For more information and Law changes and updates, learn
eager to pass along to aspiring theater Its getting harder and harder to do to register visit how you may jump-start your tax
everything in Silicon Valley, she performers. Close to half of the the- what we do, she said. Being in the savings in 2017. For more informa-
said. There are a lot of community aters shows are dedicated to their 2nd Bay Area, you have to work around tion call 401-4662.
organizations that have programs that Farm Tour. 10 a.m. Ouroboros Farms,
Stages Series, which gives emerging their conflicts. If you cant be an actor 12511 San Mateo Road, Half Moon TUESDAY, FEB. 7
dont have a home. directors and actors a chance to bring full time and have all your other prior- Bay. $15 per person, children 12 and Computer Coach. 10 a.m. to noon.
under free. For more information San Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San
Wadycki said she has been in con- productions, or their versions of them, ities go out the window when you are visit Carlos. Free one-on-one technical
versation with church groups and to life. Though the theater supports cast in a show, she said. help. Every Tuesday. For more infor-
libraries looking for space for work- Overeaters Anonymous. 10:15 a.m. mation call 591-0341 ext. 237.
the projects with some seed funding, Hagedorn said the theater receives to noon. San Carlos Library, 610 Elm
shops and after-school programming. the guidance the staff provides on con- about half of its support from ticket St., San Carlos. For more information AARP Tax Aide Income
She and Hagedorn are hoping to better call 591-0341 ext. 237. Preparation Seminar. 10:30 a.m. to
cepts like marketing, ticket sales and sales and venue rentals, and the other 2:30 p.m. 1877 S. Grant St., San
utilize the theater and classroom fundraising proves powerful for less half from contributions, the majority My Very First Concert: What does Mateo. Free. For more information
spaces at its 2120 Broadway location experienced playmakers. of which come from individuals. She is the conductor do? 10:30 a.m., 11:15 contact 286-9622.
a.m., noon. Oak Room, Main Library,
during the day, when the theaters Its not something you can learn in hoping venue rentals from other 55 W. Third Ave., San Mateo. Short 20 E-Book Coach. 10 a.m. to noon. San
schedule is free of rehearsals and school, how to bring it all together, events and community organizations minute concerts for the very young Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., San
plays. by the San Francisco Chamber Carlos. For more information call
said Wadycki. help with a recent rise in rent, but is Orchestra. For more information call 591-0341 ext. 237.
For Hagedorn, the struggle to find Wadycki and Hagedorn have created working closely with the theaters 522-7838.
Textile Tuesday: Valentine Cotton
space is one she remembers well. She protocol and benchmarks for all the board and advisors to draw more peo- Creativity 101 with Aubrey Vora: a Undies. 1 p.m. South San Francisco
said the theaters productions traveled aspects of making a production possi- ple into shows. Comic Art Fest 2017 event. 11 a.m. Main Library, 840 W. Orange Ave.,
all over the Bay Area when it first Grand Avenue Library, 306 Walnut South San Francisco. For more infor-
ble that most never consider. Theyve But for the team at the Dragon Ave., South San Francisco. For more mation email [email protected].
started, from conference rooms to worked out everything from how to get Theatre, even these obstacles do not information email [email protected].
schools and any other available venue. stand in the way of bringing non-tradi- Afternoon Breathing and
several actresses with wide skirts Whats Happening at the Library- Meditation. 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 1
After seven years of this nomadic through a small door to make an tional productions to a vibrant com- Public Workshop. 11 a.m. South San Library Ave., Millbrae. Drop-ins are
lifestyle, Hagedorn realized the theater entrance, to how to fundraise for a pro- munity looking for thought-provok- Francisco Main Library, 840 W. welcome, RSVPs at
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. are
would need a permanent home to duction and pay actors a fair wage for ing art. For more information email appreciated. For more information
thrive. their work. They are eager to pass their Everyone who comes here they talk [email protected]. call 697-7607.
I decided I was tired of the shows knowledge and love of theater onto a about how it makes them look at their La Nebbia Winery Craft Faire and Kids Craft with Sophies World. 4
living in my car, we really thought it new generation. own lives differently, said Hagedorn. Wine Tasting. 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. p.m. South San Francisco Main
would be key to have a specific space 12341 San Mateo Road, Half Moon Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South
We are training the next audience. For Wadycki, the fact that fewer peo- Bay. Food, handmade jewelry, arts San Francisco. For more information
that you knew you were going to go, We do want them to have an apprecia- ple ask her what the Dragon Theatre and crafts and wine tasting. Free email [email protected].
she said. tion for theater and to actually teach does is encouraging. She noted that admission. For more information call
591-6596. Adult Craft: Glass Etching. 6 p.m. to
Even after Hagedorn settled on a however we can, said Hagedorn. more people attend shows and are 8 p.m. 1 Library Ave., Millbrae. Ages
2, 000-square-foot office space off reflecting fondly on their own experi- Wildlife Care Center Open House. 16 and up. For more information call
Though the theater is doing its best Noon to 4 p.m. 1450 Rollins Road, 697-7607.
Alma Street in downtown Palo Alto, to extend a hand to other groups of ences with performing arts. Burlingame. Learn about wild ani-
the path to meet all of the theaters artists and organizations, it is not The number of people who have mals that the Peninsula Humane Mindset for Maximum Success in
Society cares for and why they need Your Job Search. 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
expenses was a long one. She quickly immune to the same challenges of come to our productions and said, human intervention. The event will First Presbyterian Church, 1500
learned how to negotiate a path toward operating in the Bay Area that its part- When I was in high school, I was a include crafts, a raffle and fun educa- Easton Drive, Burlingame. Come to
tional activities. For more informa- hear from guest speaker Daniel
the appropriate tenant improvements ners are facing. With rising rent this backstage hand, or I was in the band, tion call 340-7022. Kimble, CEO of Resonance Executive
and the budget necessary to operate a year and overhead costs that wont she said. Its about getting people to Coaching, a Silicon Valley firm spe-
theater as well as its individual produc- Shaolin Culture Centers Lion cializing in peak performance and
budge, the theater will continue to use remember that that is a critical part of Dance. 1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 1 Library leadership. For more information go
tions. creativity to support the shows slated their childhood and we are giving peo- Ave., Millbrae. For more information to
We built the first theater on eight for 2017, which will feature powerful ple tools to express themselves. call 697-7607.
Information Meeting Foster Care
Adult Crafts: Heart Wreath. 1 p.m. Program. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 400
480 Primrose Road, Burlingame. For Harbor Blvd., Building B, Belmont.

Jennys arrival also highlights resulted in sharp timing as well as more information or to sign up visit Foster Care is a program that match-
some of the cultural differences she spot-on casting of both themselves es caring families with children and
represents. The Leonards are just an and the plays three other characters. youth who need safe, temporary
Get Cozy DIY Series: Sugar homes. At this meeting, learn more
ordinary Midwestern, middle class In addition to Jenny and Barbara, Scrubs. 2 p.m. Grand Avenue about how you can make a positive
Continued from page 1 impact in a childs life. For more
family, while shes a snob from a theres the amiable Phil (Brian Library, 306 Walnut Ave., South San
information, call 722-3035.
Francisco. For more information
wealthy, old-money family in New Flegel), Jacks longtime friend who email [email protected].
help their mother, Barbara (Jackie York. has had a crush on Lorna for years. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8
OKeefe), a devout Catholic, care for Live Piano Per formance with Fall Prevention Workshop. 10:30
Talking on the phone with someone, Running about an hour and 45 min- Mackenzie Melemed. 4 p.m. to 5 a.m. San Mateo Main Library, 55 W.
their seriously ill father (not seen). she derides the linoleum floor and the Third Ave., San Mateo. For more
utes with one intermission, the play p.m. Miramar Room, Ritz Carlton
When Jenny unexpectedly shows up, Hotel, 1 Miramontes Point Road, Half information call 522-7818.
Corelle dishes. She rejects Lornas ends ambiguously, leaving the audi- Moon Bay. Come hear the music of
she drops the big zinger Jack has offer of Franzia wine from a box. ence to try to figure out what Jack will award-winning Juilliard School of Midday Meditation. Noon to 1 p.m.
siphoned $27 million from dead Music student Mackenzie Melemed. New Leaf Community Classroom,
Jack isnt any great prize either. Hes do. Nevertheless, its time well spent, 150 San Mateo Road, Half Moon Bay.
accounts at the bank. These are For more information call 712-7000.
especially unlikable with his loud, especially with the issues it raises and Learn and practice meditation tech-
accounts whose owners either have profanity-laced dialogue in the open- the laughs it produces. San Francisco Banjo Band niques. Meets again Feb. 22. $5. For
Concert. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. 1655 more information and to register
forgotten about them or have died ing scene with Lorna. He remains Dead Accounts will continue visit
Mission Road, Colma. Music for all
without anyone else knowing about hyper through most of the play, but he through Feb. 19 at Dragon Theatre, ages from all genres. Free. For more
them. information call 544-3623. Free Adventures Kids Club
cleans up his language. 2120 Broadway, Redwood City. For Valentines Day Arts and Crafts
He seems to think theres nothing Champlin and Lo, who portray the tickets and information call (650) SUNDAY, FEB. 5 Event. 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. The Shops at
Line Dancing. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. San Tanforan, 1150 El Camino Real, San
wrong. She thinks hes a thief, as do brother and sister, also direct the play. 493-2006 or visit dragonproduc- Bruno Senior Center, 1555 Crystal Bruno. For more information email
his mother and sister. The partnership works well and has Springs Road, San Bruno. Come for [email protected].
line dancing with fellow seniors.
Admission is $5. For more informa- Make and Take: Playful Geometry.
tion call 616-7150. 5 p.m. Grand Avenue Library, 306
Walnut Ave., South San Francisco. For
Super Bowl Party. 2:30 p.m. more information email valle@plsin-
Peninsula Vet Center, 345
Middlefield Road, Menlo Park. Watch
a live stream of the big game on a Shakespeare on Tour: Twelfth
big screen. Snacks will be provided. Night. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. 1 Library Ave.,
No alcohol. For more information Millbrae. RSVP at
contact [email protected]. For more
information call 697-7607.
Fiction Book Club. 10 a.m. to 11 Master Resource Conservation
a.m. San Carlos Library, 610 Elm St., Course. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. 455 County
San Carlos. Discussing Pope Joan: A Center, Room 405, Redwood City.
novel by Donna Woolfolk Cross. For Learn various sustainability topics
more information call 591-0341 ext. and ensure awareness of local
237. resource conservation issues and
efforts. A 40-hour volunteer commit-
Hearing Loss Association ment is required. For more informa-
Meeting. 1:30 p.m. 1455 Madison tion contact RecycleWorks@smc-
Ave., Redwood City. Sequoia
Healthcare District offers a free CPR
program. For more information con-
tact 345-4551. PoetryMusic. 7 p.m. Menlo Park
Main Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo
English: The Easy Way. 3:30 p.m. Park. The chamber duo of Chris Lee
Grand Avenue Library, 306 Walnut and Colleen OBrien will be playing
Ave., South San Francisco. For more poems that have been set to music.
information email [email protected]. Admission is free. For more informa-
tion call 330-2501.
Drawing Circle. 4 p.m. South San
Francisco Main Library, 840 W. Estate Planning Seminar. 7 p.m. to
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. 8:30 p.m. 864 Laurel St., Suite 4, San
For more information email Carlos. Free, 30 minute private con-
[email protected]. sultation to answer any questions
about setting up a Living Trust. For
Hula for Heart. 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. New more information call 463-1550.
Leaf Community Classroom, 150 San
Mateo Road, Half Moon Bay. For more events visit
Beginner/intermediate class. Learn, click Calendar.
THE DAILY JOURNAL COMICS/GAMES Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 25



1 Morose
48 Miller or Blyth
49 Salamanders
23 Dab on
24 Sneads game
5 Racing circuit 53 Pitchers coup (hyph.) 25 Lhasa
8 Lattice piece 56 Attention-getter 26 Walked heavily
12 Modicum 57 J. Thaddeus 27 Feeling
13 Crack pilot 58 Technique 30 Adroit
14 Real estate unit 59 Pamplona runner 31 Lox purveyor
15 Do in 60 Scepter go-withs 32 Wine glass feature
16 Very hot day 61 Strong soap 34 Waistcoat
18 Skiing mecca 62 Chirped 35 Pops Carly or Paul
20 Time period 37 Aries
21 Fair-hiring letters DOWN 39 House for lease
22 Tearing 1 Main idea 40 Stubborn
GET FUZZY 25 Off-road vehicle 2 Kinks tune 43 Straw item
28 PC fodder 3 Bryce Canyon locale 44 Installs in office
29 Vegas data 4 Town official 45 A law itself
33 Hedge 5 Vegas lead-in 46 Peaty tract
35 Icy precip 6 Go along with 47 Obsessed whaler
36 Not pickled 7 Will it play in ? 50 Pony command
37 Leaf through 8 Shellac resin 51 Gull cousin
38 Horaces poetry 9 Dull pain 52 Urban woe
39 Prowl 10 Nesting place 54 Badges
41 Robbins of Mystic River 11 Beloved of Leander 55 I-90
42 Lunchbox partner 17 Bled, as a color
45 Emma in The Avengers 19 Fluffy quilt


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TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Share your knowledge you present yourself will have a bearing on the people SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Physical
and learn from information offered to you in return. you attract. Romance is in the stars. alterations to your surroundings or personal
Youll be enlightened if you interact with people who VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Protect your home, appearance will encourage you to bring about positive
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Size up situations and come from a different background than you. family and finances. Be smart when it comes to changes to your lifestyle. Love and romance will
make your move based on what you discover. Refuse GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Be a Good Samaritan. investments. Not all deals will be in your best improve your existence.
to get involved in other peoples problems or let anyone Indulge in activities that are geared toward helping interest. Travel and communication will lead to CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Avoid excessive
meddle in your affairs. others in order to feel satisfaction as well as have valuable information. behavior or impulsive actions. A stable, steady
PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Thinking about days the good fortune to meet people who will influence LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Look for unique solutions pace toward a safe and happy lifestyle is in your
gone by will help you reflect on what and whom you your future. to any problems that transpire. Getting along with your best interest, regardless of what anyone else does.
miss from your past. If you plan a get-together for old CANCER (June 21-July 22) Dont expect everyone peers and your family or roommates will make the Distance yourself from self-destructive people.
friends, youll encourage new beginnings. to agree with you. Arguing will not solve problems, but difference between success and failure.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) Do something that will offering incentives and finding ways to compromise SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Be brave and ready to COPYRIGHT 2017 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
make you and the ones you love happy. Plan a trip or will help you reach your goals. express your feelings. You wont be able to clear up
an outing that will bring you closer together. Love and LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Travel, education and what isnt working if you arent honest about what you
romance are featured. personal improvements are all highlighted. The way want out of life.
26 Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 203 Public Notices


The Daily Journal is looking for in-
The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking
for ambitious interns who are eager to
jump into the business arena with both
The following person is doing business
as: Merry Moppet Preschool and Bel-
mont Oaks Academy, 2200 Carlmont
Drive, BELMONT, CA 94002. Registered
terns to do entry level reporting, re- feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs
The best career seekers search, updates of our ongoing fea- of the newspaper and media industries.
This position will provide valuable
Owner: The Merry Moppets Nursery
School, Inc., CA. The business is con-
read the Daily Journal. tures and interviews. Photo interns al-
so welcome. experience for your bright future.
Email resume
ducted by a Corporation. The registrants
commenced to transact business under
the FBN on 1960.
[email protected] /s/Pamela G. Clarke/
We expect a commitment of four to
We will help you recruit qualified, talented eight hours a week for at least four This statement was filed with the Asses-
individuals to join your company or organization. months. The internship is unpaid, but sor-County Clerk on 01/12/2017. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
intelligent, aggressive and talented in- 127 Elderly Care 1/14/17, 1/21/17, 1/28/17, 2/4/17).
terns have progressed in time into
The Daily Journals readership covers a wide paid correspondents and full-time re-
range of qualifications for all types of positions. porters. FAMILY RESOURCE
College students or recent graduates gUIDE
For the best value and the best results, are encouraged to apply. Newspaper The San Mateo Daily Journals STATEMENT #271999
recruit from the Daily Journal... experience is preferred but not neces- twice-a-week resource guide for The following person is doing business
sarily required. children and families. as: Rubi Threading And Beauty, 37 E 3rd
Every Tuesday & Weekend Ave, SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Regis-
Contact us for a free consultation Please send a cover letter describing tered Owner: Kamala Pokhrel, 460 N.
your interest in newspapers, a resume Look for it in todays paper to Humbolt St., Apt #4, SAN MATEO, CA
and three recent clips. Before you ap- find information on family 94401. The business is conducted by an
ply, you should familiarize yourself Individual. The registrants commenced
Call (650) 344-5200 or with our publication. Our Web site: resources in the local area,
including childcare.
to transact business under the FBN on
Email: [email protected] /s/Kamala Pokhrel/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
Send your information via e-mail to
[email protected] or by reg- sor-County Clerk on 01/11/2017. (Pub-
MARkET RESEARCH ANALYST, ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul- 200 Announcements lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
1/14/17, 1/21/17, 1/28/17, 2/4/17).
F/T, Master Degree in Business or Relat- gas #112, San Mateo CA 94403
ed. Job & Interview in San Bruno, CA, SEEkINg JANET and Becky Castro,
Mail Resume to: AT Bay Appliances, Inc. graduated in 1960s from Terra Nova HS,
104 Training 110 Employment 1224 Montgomery Ave. San Bruno, CA Pacifica. (650)952-7158
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi- Multiple shifts to meet your needs. Great
fieds will not be responsible for more pay & benefits, Sign-on bonus, 1yr exp
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia- required. Starting at $15 per hour. SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales
bility shall be limited to the price of one Matched Caregivers (650)839-2273, Representative needed to sell newspa-
insertion. No allowance will be made for (408)280-7039 or (888)340-2273 per print and web advertising and event
errors not materially affecting the value marketing solutions. To apply, please call
of the ad. All error claims must be sub- 650-344-5200 and send resume to
mitted within 30 days. For full advertis- HOUSE CLEANERS [email protected]
ing conditions, please ask for a Rate
Up to $15 per hour. Company Car.
Call Molly Maid at (650)837-9788.
110 Employment 90 Glenn Way #2, SAN CARLOS

2 years experience
San Mateo County Harbor District
Position Available:
Positions Needed:
Immediate placement t Housekeeping t Laundry Attendant
on all assignments. Open-Competitive Recruitment for:
Administrative Assistant I t Cooks t Bussers t Floor Care Janitor
Call $3,926.00 - $5,265.86 per month t On Call Banquet Server
Plus 3% salary increase effective July 2017 t On Call Banquet Set Up
(650)777-9000 Excellent Benefits Package
Deadline for application:
AM & PM Shifts Available
SERvICES SOFTWARE ENgINEER. February 10, 2017 Employee Benefits Package
Redwood City, CA. MS in CS, Engr or
rltd + 3 yrs exp in job offered or rltd.
Kenandy, Inc., [email protected].
For application/inquiries contact Betty Cortes at: Call Michelle D. (650) 295-6141
[email protected]
SMCHD is an Equal Opportunity Employer 1221 Chess Drive Foster City 94010

Caregivers Needed

What we offer:
Excellent work environment
SPECIAL HIRINg EvENT Flexible work schedule
for Training, PTO, Health Insurance
Opportunities for professional advancement
RWC - Kitchen Help - Our minimum requirements:
Must be compassionate & kind
4 hours, 3-7p & on call Must possess verbal & written skills to
communicate with clients & team members
RWC & SM - Caregivers * not one Must pass criminal background check,
on one TB test, drug screening
Part time - 4 to 8 hr shifts Must be able to work in a team environment
Full time - Mixed shifts and work with minimum supervision
On Call - All shifts Submit resume to [email protected] or
Call or text 650-224-8853 mail to 1616 Gordon Street, Redwood City, CA 94061
EOE or call us at 650.562.0555
THEDAILYJOURNAL Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 27
Tundra Tundra Tundra

Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge

203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices

The following person is doing business The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
as: Freyja Clinic, 570 Price Ave, Suite as: Alianca International, 197 87th
100, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063. Reg- as: Ramen Hachi, 1861 El Camino Real,
Street, DALY CITY, CA 94015. Regis-
istered Owners: 1) Jan Rydfors, MD, tered Owner: Joab Nascimento, 161 BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Registered
same address 2) Mary Pravdin, MD, Country Club Apt 25, SOUTH SAN Owner: Hamadaya Inc., CA. The busi-
same address 3) Lori Bluvas, MD, same FRANCISCO, CA 94080. The business ness is conducted by a Corporation. The
address 4) S. Mimi Wang, MD, same is conducted by an Individual. The regis- registrants commenced to transact busi-
address. The business is conducted by trants commenced to transact business ness under the FBN on 2/1/2017.
CoPartners. The registrants commenced under the FBN on 5/19/00. /s/Mutsuo Hamada/
to transact business under the FBN on /s/Joab Nascimento/ This statement was filed with the Asses-
N/A. This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 1/26/2017. (Publish-
/sMary Pravdin/ sor-County Clerk on 12/30/2016. (Pub- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
This statement was filed with the Asses- lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
sor-County Clerk on 01/13/2017. (Pub- 2/04/17, 2/11/17, 2/18/17, 2/25/17).
1/28/17, 2/4/17, 2/11/17, 2/18/17).
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
1/21/17, 1/28/17, 2/4/17, 2/11/17).


The following person is doing business
as: El Rancho Apartments, 1260 El Ca-
mino Real, MILLBRAE, CA, CA 94030.
Registered Owner: 1) John Wilms, 1660
Aetna Springs Ln., POPE VALLEY, CA
94567 2) Susan Wiilms, same address
3) Paul Wilms, 2309 James Creek Rd.,
POPE VALLEY, CA 94567 4) Betty
Wilms, same address. The business is
conducted by a Trust. The registrants
commenced to transact business under
the FBN on 1-18-17. Immediate need for Full Time/Part Time
/sJohn Wilms/
This statement was filed with the Asses- Home Care Providers
sor-County Clerk on 01/18/2017. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal, $250 Sign on Bonus*
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 1/21/17, 1/28/17, 2/4/17, 2/11/17).
Paid Training & Benefits
STATEMENT #272025 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Must have valid DL and reliable transportation
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business The following person is doing business STATEMENT #272077
as: Excelion Data Management, 1014 as: San Bruno Kwik Serv, 2101 San Bru- as: Affinity Group Reality, 1590 El Cami- The following person is doing business Call or stop by TODAY!
Woodside Road Suite 11, REDWOOD no Ave. W, SAN BRUNO, CA 94066. no Real, Ste. K, SAN BRUNO, CA as: Acto Car Services, 1239 Oak Grove
CITY, CA 94061. Registered Owner: Registered Owner: Tuite Inc., CA. The 94066. Registered Owner: Par Rate Ave Apt 315, BURLINGAME, CA 94010.
Christopher Aubert, same address. The
business is conducted by an Individual.
business is conducted by a Corporation.
The registrants commenced to transact
Mortgage, Inc., CA. The business is
conducted by a Corporation. The regis-
Registered Owner: Max Nilton Alves De
Costa, same address. The business is Dont wait, call or stop by TODAY! Ask for Carol
The registrants commenced to transact business under the FBN on March 23, trants commenced to transact business conducted by an Individual. The regis-
business under the FBN on N/A.
/s/Christopher Patrick Aubert/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
/s/Carolyn A. Tuite/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
under the FBN on 1/13/2017.
/s/William D Chow/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
trants commenced to transact business
under the FBN on 1/17/17. (650) 458-2200
/s/Max Nilton Alves De Costa/
sor-County Clerk on 01/5/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
sor-County Clerk on 01/5/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
sor-County Clerk on 01/13/2017. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 1/18/2017. (Publish-
1/14/17, 1/21/17, 1/28/17, 2/4/17). 1/14/17, 1/21/17, 1/28/17, 2/4/17). 1/14/17, 1/21/17, 1/28/17, 2/4/17).
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 1660 S. Amphlett Blvd. #115 in San Mateo
1/28/17, 2/4/17, 2/11/17, 2/18/17).
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
as: Artists On Wheels, 3201 Fleetwood as: 1) Le Travel Cafe 2) Le Travel Cafe as: Builder and Developer, 173 Frankfort
and Concierge 3) Le Travel Cafe and Street, DALY CITY, CA 94014. Regis-
Drive, SAN BRUNO, CA 94066. Regis-
tered Owner: Liselle Claudine Gutierrez
Maalona, same address. The business
is conducted by an Individual. The regis-
trants commenced to transact business
under the FBN on N/A.
Boutique, 961 East Grant Place, SAN
MATEO, CA 94402. Registered Owner:
Phoebe Pluchar, same address. The
business is conducted by an Individual.
The registrants commenced to transact
business under the FBN on Jan. 12,
tered Owner: Design - Build & More, Inc.,
CA. The business is conducted by a
Corporation. The registrants com-
menced to transact business under the
FBN on August 2016.
/s/Daniel Sun/
The Future
of local news content
/s/Liselle Claudine Gutierrez Maalona/ 2017. This statement was filed with the Asses-
This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/Phoebe Pluchar/ sor-County Clerk on 01/13/2017. (Pub-
sor-County Clerk on 01/6/2017. (Publish- This statement was filed with the Asses- lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
sor-County Clerk on 01/12/2017. (Pub- 1/14/17, 1/21/17, 1/28/17, 2/4/17). is actually right here in the present, as it has been for centuries The local community
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
1/14/17, 1/21/17, 1/28/17, 2/4/17). 1/14/17, 1/21/17, 1/28/17, 2/4/17). newspaper. We ignore the naysayers and shun the "experts" when it comes to the "demise" of
The following person is doing business
the newspaper industry.
as: Dads Luncheonette, 225 Cabrillo
Highway South, HALF MOON BAY, CA
94019. Registered Owner: Luis & Clark The leading local daily news resource for the You will be offering a wide variety of
IMMEDIATE OPENINg LLC, CA. The business is conducted by
a Limited Liability Company. The regis-
trants commenced to transact business
under the FBN on N/A.
SF Peninsula seeks an entreprenuerial
Advertising Account Exec to sell advertising
marketing solutions including print advertising,
inserts, graphic design, niche publications,
NEWSPAPER /s/ Livia Alexis LIu/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 01/19/2017. (Pub-
and marketing solutions to local businesses.
We are looking for a special person to join our
online advertising, event marketing, social media
and whatever else we come up with if as the
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
1/21/17, 1/28/17, 2/4/17, 2/11/17).
team for an immediate opening. industry continues its evolution and our paper
STATEMENT #272084 You must be community-minded, action- continues its upward trajectory.
The following person is doing business
as: Aguilar Tile, Stone, and Brick, 784 oriented, customer-focused, and without fail, a Experience with print advertising and online
SAN MATEO Walnut St, SAN BRUNO, CA 94066.
Registered Owner: Alejandro Aguilar
Flores, same address. The business is
conducted by an Individual. The regis-
self starter. You will be responsible for sales
and account management activities associated
marketing a plus. But we will consider a
candidate with little or no sales experience as
trants commenced to transact business
under the FBN on N/A. with either a territory or vertical category. long as you have these traits:
/sAlejandro Aguilar Flores/
This statement was filed with the Asses-

SOUTH SF sor-County Clerk on 01/19/2017. (Pub-

lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
1/21/17, 1/28/17, 2/4/17, 2/11/17).
The following person is doing business
as: Acts House Cleaning Services, 319
Requires early morning work six days per week Mon-Sat. 6th Lane, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Join us, if you check off on these qualities and also believe in the future of newspapers.
Papers are picked up early morning between 3am and 4:30am CA 94080. Registered Owner: Jaderson
Rodrigues Bastos, same address. The Please email your resume to [email protected]
business is conducted by an Individual.
The registrants commenced to transact A cover letter with your views on the newspaper industry would also be helpful.
Call Roberto 650-344-5200 business under the FBN on 12/28/16.
/s/Jaderson Rodrigues Bastos/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 12/28/2017. (Pub-
lished in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
1/28/17, 2/4/17, 2/11/17, 2/18/17). Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula
28 Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

304 Furniture 306 Housewares

Marich Confectionery
LEgAL NOTICES ANTIqUE DININg table for six people
with chairs $99. (650)580-6324
SOLID TEAk floor model 16 wine rack
with turntable $60. (650)592-7483

Fictitious Business Name Statements, ANTIqUE MAHOgANY Bookcase. Four

308 Tools
Marich Confectionery Co. ISSUES ALLERGY ALERT ON feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966.
POTENTIAL UNDECLARED ALMONDS IN PRODUCT Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate, ANTIqUE MAHOgANY double bed with BENCH SAW - 8 INCH includes attach-
Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons, adjustable steelframe $225.00. OBO. ed table and accessories $35 (650)368-
Marich Confectionery of Hollister, California is voluntarily Notice of Public Sales and More. 0748
recalling 4.25oz Valentine Chocolate Caramel Hearts UPC BAR STOOLS 2 (matching) Wood Cush-
BOSTITCH 16 gage Finish nailer Model
CODE 797817-44440-9 because it may contain Triple Choco- Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County. ioned Fair Condition $20 each. (510)363
SB 664FN $99 (650)359-9269
late Toffee which contains almonds. People who have an al- 4865
lergy or severe sensitivity almonds run the risk of serious or BOSTITCH 16 gage Finish nailer Model
Fax your request to: 650-344-5290 BEIgE SOFA $99. Excellent Condition SB 664FN $99 (650)359-9269
life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these prod- (650) 315-2319
ucts. Email them to: [email protected] CRAFTSMAN 10" Mitre Saw $25
BRAND NEW Bookcase 72"x30" still in (650)595-3933
box $45. (415)231-4825.
Product was distributed in California, Oklahoma and Minne- CHAIRS 2 Blue Good Condition $50
CRAFTSMAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6"
dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402
sota in retail form. OBO (650)345-5644
210 Lost & Found 299 Computers CRAFTSMAN RADIAL Arm Saw Stand.
COAT/HAT STAND, solid wood, for your In box. $30. (650)245-7517
The product can be identified by its Valentines Day themed FOUND: kEYS at Westwood Park in RECORDABLE CD-R 74, Sealed, Unop- mountain cabin/house. $50. (650)520-
packaging. It comes in a 4.25oz (120g) bright red and pink box Redwood City, off of Fernside. Call to ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12x, 7045 CRAFTSMAN RADIAL SAW, with cabi-
with the product name of Chocolate Caramel Hearts. The lot claim (650)714-8893 (650) 578 9208
net stand, $200 Cash Only, (650)851-
code being recalled is 0031711 with a best by date of 9/30/17 LOST - MY COLLAPSIBLE music stand, Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409
and can be found on the bottom of the package. clip lights, and music in black bags were 300 Toys CRAFTSMEN 3 saw blades $20. new.
COMPUTER TABLE, adjustable height, (650)573-5269
taken from my car in Foster City and may chrome legs, 29x48 like new $30 (650)
No illnesses have been reported to date. have been thrown out by disappointed 2 STORY dollhouse w/ furniture 24 x 24 697-8481
thieves. Please call (650)704-3595 DELTA CABINET SAW with overrun ta-
good condition $50. joe (650)573-5269 ble. $650/obo. (650)342-6993
COUCH, CREAM IKEA, great condition,
The recall was initiated after it was discovered that product 3-STORY BARBIE Dollhouse with spiral $89, light-weight, compact, sturdy love- LEAF BLOWER electric 7.5 amps brand
containing almonds was distributed in packaging that did not LOST - Womans diamond ring. Lost staircase and elevator. $60. (650)558- seat (415)775-0141 new 30.00 joe, (650)573-5269
12/18. Broadway, Redwood City. 8142
reveal the presence of almonds. Subsequent investigation in- REWARD! (650)339-2410 CUSTOM MADE wood sewing storage ROUTER TABLE ryobi $ 99. like new
dicates the problem was caused by a temporary breakdown in ALLOYED LINOTYPE (BNH ~18) for cabinet perfect condition $75. (650)483- (650)573-5269
the company's packaging processes that resulted in the pack- LOST CAT Our Felicity, weighs 7 lbs, casting miniature/board-game figurines. 1222
she has a white nose, mouth, chin, all 10#, $15.00. (650) 591-4553 SHOPSMITH MARk V 50th Anniversary
aging mix up. four legs, chest stomach, around her DINETTE TABLE with Chrome Legs: 36" most attachments. $1,500/OBO.
neck. Black mask/ears, back, tail. Nice LARgE STUFFED ANIMALS - $3 each x58" (with one leaf 11 1/2") - $50. (650)504-0585
Consumers who have purchased 4.25oz Valentine Chocolate REWARD. Please email us at Great for Kids (650) 952-3500 (650)341-5347
[email protected] or call 650-576- vINTAgE CRAFTSMAN Jig Saw. Circa
Caramel Hearts are urged to return it Marich Confectionery 8745. She drinks water out of her paws. STAR WARS one 4 orange card ac- DINETTE TABLE, 3 adjustable leaf.$30. 1947. $60. (650)245-7517
for a full refund. Consumers with questions may contact the tion figure, Momaw Nadon (Hammer- (650) 756-9516.Daly City.
head). $8 Steve (650)518-6614 vINTAgE SHOPSMITH and BAND
company at 1-800-624-7055 Monday through Friday 8:00 am SAW, good shape. $500/obo. Call
LOST CAT. Black and White. Black DININg ROOM table Good Condition
to 5:00 pm PST STAR WARS SDCC Stormtrooper $90.00 or best offer ( 650)-780-0193 (650)342-6993
patch on right eye. REWARD. Commander $29 OBO Dan,
Call (323) 439-7713. (650)303-3568 lv msg DRESSER 4-DRAWER in Belmont for
LOST SMALL gray and green Parrot. $75. Good condition; good for children.
Call (650)678-8585 309 Office Equipment
Redwood Shores. (650)207-2303. 302 Antiques
DRUM TABLE - brown, perfect condi-
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices Books ANTIqUE BUFFET Cabinet, with 2 large
drawers w/skeleton key, needs refinish-
tion, nice design, with storage, $45., NEAT RECEIPTS Mobile Scanner new
in box $79, call (650)324-8416
qUALITY BOOkS used and rare. World ing. $700/obo.. ANTIqUE CHINA cabi-
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR & US History and classic American nov- net, with doors and legs, dark wood.. ENTERTAINMENT CENTER for $50. 310 Misc. For Sale
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME CHANgE OF NAME els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502 $500/obo. (650)952-5049 Good shape, blonde, about 5' high.
STATEMENT #272252 CASE# 17CIV00493 (650)726-4102 "MOTHER-IN-LAW TONgUES" plants,
The following person is doing business SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, ANTIqUE ITALIAN lamp 18 high, $70 3 in 5-gal cans. $10.00 each. (650)593-
as: 1) CloudQuote, 2) PRConnect, 3) Fi- COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, 294 Baby Stuff (650)387-4002 ESPRESSO TABLE 30 square, 40 tall, 7408
nancialContent Services Inc., 195 Glenn 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, $95 (650)375-8021
PETITION OF seat - $5 (650)592-5864. 500-600 BIg Band-era 78's--most mint,
94070. Registered Owner: Financial Side Sewing Table, All original. Rose- gLIDER rocker and ottoman, oak, excel- no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459
Content Services Inc., CA. The business Rosalyn B. Montenegro wood. Carved. EXCELLENT CONDI- lent condition. $100 650-345-5644
is conducted by a Corporation. The reg- Dexter P. Verzosa 296 Appliances TION! $350. (650)815-8999. 8 TRACkS, billy Joel, Zeppelin, Eagles
istrants commenced to transact business TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: LAWN CHAIRS (4) White, plastic, $8. ,Commodores, more.40 @ $4 each , call
under the FBN on 2/1/2017. Petitioner: Rosalyn B. Montenegro and 1960'S AvOCADO Osterizer blender MAHOgANY ANTIqUE Secretary desk, each, (415)346-6038 (650)393-9008
/s/Thomas McAleer/ Dexter P. Verzosa, a petition with this excellent condition $20.00 (650)596- 72 x 40 , 3 drawers, Display case, bev-
court for a decree changing name as fol- 0513 elled glass, $400. (650)766-3024 LEATHER SOFA Set (3 Pcs), black, ex-
This statement was filed with the Asses- cellent condition. $160 o.b.o. CHRISTMAS TREE, 7.5 Oregon pine,
sor-County Clerk on 2/1/2017. (Publish- lows: 1225 tips, hooked construction with
Present name: Paulo Mikael Bioy Verzo- OLD vINTAgE Wooden Sea Captains (650)245-1832.
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, AIR CONDITIONER 10000 BTU w/re- stand. Used once. $49. (415)650-6407
2/04/17, 2/11/17, 2/18/17, 2/25/17). sa mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG Tool Chest 35 x 16 x 16, $65
Proposed Name: Paulo Mikael Montene- (650)591-3313 LEATHER SOFA, black, excellent condi-
brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- tion. $100 obo. (650)878-5533 ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER, good
gro Verzosa 0898 condition $50 (650)878-9542
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons SINgER SEWINg MACHINE (Childs)
interested in this matter shall appear be- Vintage (1962) Perfect. Includes original LIvINg ROOM table 36"x19" exc condi-
AIR CONDITIONER, Portable, 14,000 tion $30.(415) 231-4825. gAME "BEAT THE EXPERTS" never
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME fore this court at the hearing indicated BTU, Commercial Cool model case and instruction booklet. $49. used $8., (408)249-3858
STATEMENT #272281 below to show cause, if any, why the pe- CPN14xC9, almost like new! All acces- (650)260-0057 LOvE SEAT, Upholstered pale yellow
The following person is doing business tition for change of name should not be floral $99. (650)574-4021 INCUBATOR, $99, (650)678-5133
sories plus remote included.
as: Master Builders Dojo, 166 Broadway granted. Any person objecting to the 20 x 16-5/8 x 33-1/2 $345.
St, REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063. Regis- name changes described above must file STORE FRONT display cabinet, From NEW DELUXE Twin Folding Bed, Lin- LARgE BLACk Ciao Luggage 26"
(650)345-1835 w/wheels, Good Condition $35 (650)952-
tered Owner: Nicolas Chaumont, same a written objection that includes the rea- 1930, marble base. 72 long x 40 tallx ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must
address. The business is conducted by sons for the objection at least two court 21 deep. Asking $500. (650)341-1306 Sell! (650) 875-8159. 3500
an Individual. The registrants com- days before the matter is scheduled to CHARCOAL gRILL with cover, 24, al-
menced to transact business under the be heard and must appear at the hearing most new $25. (650)368-0748 LIONEL CHRISTMAS Boxcars 2005,
303 Electronics NEW TWIN Mattress set plus frame
FBN on1/6/17. to show cause why the petition should $30.00 (650) 347-2356 2006, 2007 New OB $90 lot (650)368-
CHEFMATE TOASTER oven, brand 7537
/s/Nicolas Chaumont/ not be granted. If no written objection is new, bakes, broils, toasts, adjustable
This statement was filed with the Asses- timely filed, the court may grant the peti- 46 MITSUBISHI Projector TV, great OAk BOOkCASE, 30"x30" x12". $25.
temperature. $25 OBO. (650)580-4763 condition. $400. (650)261-1541. LIONEL CHRISTMAS Holiday expan-
sor-County Clerk on 2/2/2017. (Publish- tion without a hearing. A hearing on the (650)726-6429
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, petition shall be held on 3/16/17 at 9 sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
CIRRUS STEAM mop model SM212B 4 ANTARES DOLLARS Bill Changer ma- OAk CLAW foot coffee table, needs
2/4/17, 2/11/17, 2/18/17, 2/25/17). a.m., Dept. PJ, Room 2D, at 400 County new extra cleaning pads,user manual. LIONEL WESTERN Union Pass car and
Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A chine s never used for small bus. $95 some refinishing $35 (650)646-8530
$45. (650)588-5487 (650)992-4544. dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
copy of this Order to Show Cause shall
be published at least once each week for OAk SIx SHELF Book Case 6FT 4FT
COLEMAN LXE Roadtrip Grill - ANTARES DOLLARS Bill Changer ma- $55 (650)458-8280 RMT CHRISTMAS Diesel train and Ca-
four successive weeks prior to the date Red Brand New! (still in box) $100 boose. Rare. New OB $99 (650)368-
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME set for hearing on the petition in the fol- chine s never used for small bus. $95
(650)918-9847 (650)992-4544. OFFICE TABLE, 24"x48" HD. folding 7537
STATEMENT #272273 lowing newspaper of general circulation:
The following person is doing business legs each end. 500# capacity. Cost
San Mateo Daily Journal EUREkA POWER Plus Upright Vacuum, $130. Sell $60, (650)591-4141 SAMSONITE 26" tan hard-sided suit
as: Choco Studio, 711 S Idaho St, SAN Filed: 02/02/17 BLAUPUNkT AM/FM/CD Radio and Re-
Hepa filter, extra belt, bags, model 4468 ceiver with Detachable Face asking case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new.
MATEO, CA 94402. Registered Owner: /s/Susan Irene Etizadi/ $20 (650)952-3500 $60. (650)328-6709
Michael Peyzner, same address. The Judge of the Superior Court $100. (650)593-4490
business is conducted by an Individual. Dated: 2/01/2017 gOOD MICROWAvE 1100 watt $40 Da- obo Retail $130 (650)873-8167 SILk SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for
The registrants commenced to transact (Published 2/04/17, 2/11/17, 2/18/17, BULOvA WINDUP Travel clocks.Vin-
ly City (415) 231-4825. tage. Set of eight. $99. gene (650)421- $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in-
business under the FBN on 10/28/2006 2/25/17). PAPASAN CHAIRS (2) -with cushions formation.
/s/Michael Peyzner/ JACk LALANE'S power juicer. $40. 5469
$45. each set, (650)347-8061
This statement was filed with the Asses- Call (650)364-1243. Leave message. ULTRASONIC JEWELRY Cleaning Ma-
sor-County Clerk on 2/2/2017. (Publish- COMPLETE COLOR photo developer RECLINER CHAIR blue tweed clean
Besler Enlarger, Color Head, trays, photo chine Cleans jewelry, eyeglasses, den-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, good $75 Call (650)583-3515 tures, keys. Concentrate included. $30
2/4/17, 2/11/17, 2/18/17, 2/25/17). NSA AIR PurifierGood Condition Paid tools $50/ (650)921-1996
$190Yours for $20. (510)363 4865 RECLININg SWIvEL chair almost new
THE USE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS IPHONE 5 Morphie Juice Pack with $99 (650)766-4858
NAME STATEMENT 265560 charger, Originally $100, now $85. UNIDEN HARLEY Davidson Gas Tank
Name of the person abandoning the use UPRIgHT vACUUM Cleaner, $10. Call phone. $100 or best offer (650)863-8485
Ed, (415)298-0645 South San Francisco (650)766-2679 ROCkINg CHAIR fine light, oak condi-
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME of the Fictitious Business Name: Cleuse- tion with pads, $85/OBO. (650)369-9762
STATEMENT #272290 nir B. Dias. Name of Business: Alianca vASE WITH flowers 2 piece good for the
WHIRLPOOL WASHER DRYER, GE kINDLE FIRE 8 in. Case and Charger Holidays, $25., (650) 867-2720
The following person is doing business International. Date of original filing: Refrigerator all working and in good con- incl. 64 gig $75 Jeff 650-208-5758 ROCkINg CHAIRS solid wood, great
as: Momentia Connections, 700 Promon- 6/3/15. Address of Principal Place of dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240. shape asking 30 dollars each. Call vINTAgE WHITE Punch Bowl/Serving
tory Point Ln, Unit 1307, FOSTER CITY, Business: 197 87th Street, DALY CITY, LEFT-HAND ERgONOMIC keyboard (650)574-4582 Lily Bowl Set with 10 cups plus one extra
CA 94404. Registered Owners: Sophia CA 94015. Registrant: Cleusenir B. WHIRLPOOL. HIGH Efficiency Washer. with 'A-shape' key layout Num pad, $20 $30. (650)873-8167
Victoria Hutson, same address. The Dias, 2259 Kenry Way, South San Fran- White. Like new. Top load. $250.00. (650)204-0587 RUMMY ROYAL poker table top $30.00
business is conducted by an Individual. cisco, CA 94080 The business was con- (650)483-9226 (650)573-5269 WAgON WHEEL Wooden, original from
The registrants commenced to transact ducted by an Individual. MOTOROLA BRAvO MB 520 (android Colorado farm. 34x34 very good
business under the FBN on02/03/17. /s/Cleusenir B. Dias/ 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD SHELF RUBBER maid new $20.00
297 Bicycles contact joe (650)573-5269 aged condition $200 San Bruno
/s/Mehjabeen Khan/ This statement was filed with the Asses- card Belmont (650)595-8855 (650)588-1946
This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo
sor-County Clerk on 2/3/2017. (Publish- County on 12/30/16. (Published in the ADULT BIkES 1 regular and 2 with bal- NEW HP Desk Jet 1112 Printer plus ex- SOFA PROTECTOR for Lounging Pets.
Washable polyester. Non-slide. Brown WATER STORAgE TANk, brand new,
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, San Mateo Daily Journal, 1/28/17, loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356 tra cartridges- $50. Call (650)345-1234 275 gallons. 48" x 46" x 39" $250.
2/4/17, 2/11/17, 2/18/17, 2/25/17). 2/4/17, 2/11/17, 2/18/17). tweed. Excellent condition. $89. 650-
ONkYO Av Receiver HT-R570 .Digital 260-0057 (650)771-6324
CHILDS BICYCLE in good condition.
$30. (650)355-5189 Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready,
Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393 TEAk-vENEER COMPUTER desk with
single drawer and stacked shelves. $30 311 Musical Instruments
298 Collectibles OPTIMUS H36 ST5800 Tower Speaker obo. (650)465-2344
36x10x11 $30. (650)580-6324 BALDWIN gRAND PIANO, 6 foot, ex-
1920'S AqUA Glass Beaded Flapper THOMASvILLE BEvELED mirror 22" x cellent condition, $8,500/obo. Call
Purse (drawstring bag) & Faux Pearl ORIgINAL AM/FM 1967/68 Honda Ra- 12" $50. Call (650)834-4833 (510)784-2598
Flapper Collar. $50. (650)762-6048 dio for $50. (650)593-4490
WALNUT CHEST, small (4 drawer with
PIONEER HOUSE Speakers, pair. 15 upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429 EXCELLENT vIOLIN, previously owned,
1940 vINTAgE telephone bench maple first violinist SF Symphony, Mellow
antiques collectibles $75 (650)755-9833 inch 3-way, black with screens. Work
great. $99.(650)243-8198 WOOD - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x sound. Dated 1894. $5,500/best offer.
BILLY DEE Williams autographed Star 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311 (415)751-2416
Wars action figure: Lando Calrissian, SAMSUNg FLAT TV 20"
VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544 WOOD FURNITURE- one end table and
space smuggler. $35 Steve (650)518- coffee table. In good condition. $30 gULBRANSEN BABY gRAND PIANO -
6614 OBO. (760)996-0767. Appraised @ $5450., want $1800 obo,
SONY DHg-HDD250 DVR and program-
able remote. (650)343-4461
DOLLIES, 30 various sizes, hand cro-
chet dollies.$30.(650)596-0513 Record OTA. Clock set issues $99 306 Housewares
(650)595-8855 HAMMOND B-3 Organ and 122 Leslie
LENNOX RED Rose, Unused, hand BRASS FIREPLACE screen $30. Speaker. Excellent condition. $8,500. pri-
painted, porcelain, authenticity papers, SONY PROJECTION TV 48" with re- vate owner, (650)349-1172
mote good condition $99 (650)345-1111 (650)348-2306
$12.00. (650) 578 9208.
MILLER LITE Neon sign , work good vINTAgE g.E. radio, model c-430-a CHRISTMAS TREE China, Fairfield HARMONICA. HOHNER Pocket Pal.
$59 call (650)218-6528 $60. (650)421-5469 Peace on Earth. Complete Set of 12 (48 Key of C. Original box. Never used.
pieces) $75. (650)493-5026 $10. (650)588-0842
RENO SILvER LEgACY Casino four vINTAgE g.E. radio, model c-442c $60.
rare memorabilia items, casino key, two (650)421-5469 COMPLETE SET OF CHINA - Windsor
coins, small charm. $95. (650)676-0974 vINTAgE g.E. radio, model c1470 $60. Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings, MONARCH UPRIgHT player piano $99
(650)421-5469 20-pieces in original box, never used. (650) 583-4549
SCHILLER HIPPIE poster, linen, Sparta $250 per box (3 boxes available).
graphics 1968. Mint condition. $600.00. vINTAgE zENITH radio, model L516b (650)342-5630
(650)701-0276 PIANO, UPRIgHT, in excellent condi-
$75. (650)421-5469 tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769
opened, in wood box, great gift $30.
299 Computers 304 Furniture (650)578-9208. UPRIgHT PIANO. In tune. Fair condi-
tion. $300 OBO (650) 533-4886.
kOgI 15 inch computer monitor. Model 5 FOOT resin folding table, still in the
L5Qx. $25. PH(650)592-5864. box $20.00 (650)368-0748 SMOkE ALARMS with batteries $4 650- YAMAHA PIANO, Upright, Model M-305,
595-3933 $750. Call (650)572-2337
THEDAILYJOURNAL Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 29
312 Pets & Animals 316 Clothes 318 Sports Equipment 318 Sports Equipment 620 Automobiles 640 Motorcycles/Scooters
AIRLINE CARRIER for cats, pur. from MEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new, gOLF CLUBS, new, Warrior woods WET SUIT - medium size, $95., call for 89 gOLD WING. 1500 CC. 39K miles.
Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40 3/15 degree 5/21 degree 7/24 degree info (650)851-0878 Dont lose money Call Joe (650)578-8357
(505)228-1480 local. (650) 578-9208 $15 ea (650)349-0430
WOMEN'S LADY Cougar gold iron set on a trade-in or ALPINE STAR motocross boots Tech 8s
CANARY BIRD cage 24 x 16 for sale. NEW WITH tags Wool or cotton Men's Golf Clubs, used set with Cart for $50. set - $25. (650)348-6955 consignment! size 14 good cond. $75. (650)345-5642
$40.00 firm. Used, good condition. Call pullover sweaters (xL) $15/each (650)593-4490
(650)766-3024 (650)952-3466 WOMEN'S NORDICA ski boots, size 8
BMW 03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call
IgLOO BLUE 38-Quart Wheelie Cool 1/2. $50 (650)592-2047 Sell your vehicle in the (650) 995-0003
Cooler/Ice Chest $14 (650)952-3500
ONE kENNEL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani-
mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60..
PARIS HILTON purse white & silver un-
used, about 12" long x 9" high
YAMAHA ROOF RACK, 58 inches $75. Daily Journals
(650)458-3255 MOTORCYCLE SADDLEBAgS, with
(650)593-2066 $23. (650)592-2648 kASTLE 190CM xcountry skis+poles Auto Classifieds. mounting hardware and other parts $35.
$29 650-595-3933
Call (650)670-2888
PARROT CAgE, Steel, Large - approx SIzE 38 tan gabardine navy officers uni- kAYAk 12' sit on top 2 storage compart-
345 Medical Equipment
4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best form great condition Perfect for that cos- ments baby blue must see $99.00 john
Just $45
offer. (650)245-4084 tume party. Free. (650)322-9598 (650)483-8152
BATH CHAIR LIFT. Peterman battery Well run it 645 Boats
operated bath chair lift. Stainless steel
PET CARRIER, brown ,Very good condi- vELvET DRAPE, 100% cotton, new LADIES MCgREgOR Golf Clubs
frame. Accepts up to 350lbs. Easily in- til you sell it! 16 FT SEA RAY. I/B. $1,200. Needs Up-
tion, $15.00 medium zize leave txt or call beautiful burgundy 82"x52" W/6"hems: serted I/O tub.$250 OBO. holstery. Call (650)898-5732.
Right handed with covers and pull cart (650) 739-6489.
(650)773-7201 $45 (415)585-3622 $150 o.b.o. (650)344-3104 Reach 83,450 drivers 2003 P-15 West Wight Potter sailboat,
SOFA PROTECTOR for Lounging Pets. vINTAgE 1970S Grecian made dress, MEN'S CALLAWAY Rain Jacket xL . from South SF to excellend condition. $5,500. Call
Washable polyester. Non-slide. Brown size 6-8, $35 (650)873-8167 Mint Condition worn only a few times. DENTAL LABORATORY Jelblast sand- (650)347-2559
tweed. Excellent condition. $89. 650- $50 650-208-5758 blaster. New. Older model.#32000. In- Palo Alto
260-0057 WILSON'S Lg Green Suede Jacket cludes 5 lb. Quartz Abrasive Sand. $450.
$50.00 (650)367-1508 MEN'S ROSSIgNOL Skis. $95.00, 650-947-3396. Call (650)344-5200 650 Rvs
[email protected]
316 Clothes good condition, (650)341-0282. Rv - 2013 WINNEBAgO ITASCA Na-
317 Building Materials NEW WEIgH bench With 200lbs, plus
garage Sales vion, 25 with sideout. 4000 miles. Mer-
BLACk DOUBLE breasted suit size 38 free weights. $50. (510)943-9221.San cedes Benz Sprinter chassis,. diesel,
excellent condition $25 (650)322-9598 CULTURED MARBLE 2 tone BR vanity BMW 07 x-5, One Owner, Excel. Condi- loaded, like new! $85,500.
counter top. New toe skin/ scribe. 29 x Mateo.
tion Sports package 3rd row seats re- Call (650)726-8623 or (650)619-9672.
BLOCH Black Boost Dance Sneakers 19 $300 (408)744-1041
POWER PLUS Exercise Machine $99 gARAgE SALES duced $19,995 obo Call (650)520-4650
S0539L Good Condition $20 (650)952- (650)368-3037 670 Auto Service
3500 LIkE NEW Oak bath fittings $5 ESTATE SALES CADILLAC 02 Deville, 8 cylinder, per-
650-595-3933 PRINCE TENNIS 2 section nylon black fect condition, like new, cashmere out-
BOY SCOUT canvas belt with Boy Scout
Buckle. Vintage. Fair condition. $5.
SHUTTERS 2 wooden shutters 32x72
like new $50.00 (650)368-7891
Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket-
Make money, make room! side white inside 4787 miles $13,000.
List your upcoming Complete Repair & Service
PURSUIT SCOOTER. $99. (650)348- CADILLAC 99 DeVille Concours, $24.75 plus certificate fee
FAUX FUR Coat Woman's brown multi WHITE DOUBLE pane window for $29
color in excellent condition 3/4 or Best offer. Call Halim @ (650) 678-
2235 garage sale, 98,500 miles, $3,500 or best offer. (most cars)
length $50 (650)692-8012 5133. SkI RACk Thule, roof mounted to roof
load bars. Holds three pairs. $85, OBO
moving sale, 869 California Drive .
IRON AgE steel toe work/safety boot. In 318 Sports Equipment 650-594-1494 estate sale, CHEvY 10 HHR . 68K. ExCELLENT
box, size 10 1/2
yard sale,
CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284. (650) 340-0492
$50, OBO 650-594-1494 SOCCER BALLS - $8.00 each (like new)
15 SF Giants Posters -- Barry Bonds, CHEvY HHR 08 - Grey, spunky car
Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4
4 available. (650)341-5347 rummage sale, loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500.
LADIES BOOTS size 8 , 3 pairs different
styles , $20/ pair. call (650)592-2648
each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno TOTAL gYM xLS, excellent condition. clearance sale, or (408)807-6529.
Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call
LADIES SEqUIN dress, blue, size xL, BRIDgESTONE WHOPPER Golf Club (650)588-0828 whatever sale you DODgE 99 MAINTENANCE Van, ,
Smog Check
$2,500, call (650)481-5296
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208 #1 Driver Fair Condition Paid $295 Yours
for $20. (510)363 4865 TREADMILL BY PRO-FORM. (Hardly
have... Repair Services
LEATHER JACkET, New Black Italian Used). 10% incline, 2.5 HP motor, 300lb gOT AN OLDER Collision and Body Work
style, size M Ladies $45 (650) 875-1708 CHILDS kICk scooter by razor with hel- weight capacity. $329 (650)598-9804 Burlingame & San Mateo Locations
Reach over 83,450 readers CAR, BOAT, OR Rv?
met $25 obo (650)591-6842
LOUIS vUITTON monogram leather vINTAgE ENgLISH ladies ice skates - from South San Francisco Do the humane thing. (650) 340-0026
clutch/computer carry case 10.25x13.5. EASTON FULL size pitching target with up to size 7-8, $40., (650)873-8167 to Palo Alto. Donate it to the SEE OUR AD FOR DISCOUNTS!
Inside zipper $95. (650)591-6596 pockets. $25.(650)646-8530
vINTAgE NASH Cruisers Mens/ Wom- in your local newspaper. Humane Society.
MAN'S BLACk leather jacket, size 40, gOLF CLUBS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all-- ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz Call 1- 800-943-8412
like new. $85.00 (650)593-1780 $90.00 (650)341-8342 6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439 Call (650)344-5200
LEXUS 01 IS300, 132K, clean. $6,500
670 Auto Parts
(650)302-5523 BRIDgESTONE ALENzA 235/65R17,

RELEASE DATE Saturday, February 4, 2017

$50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

MAzDA 12 Cx-7 SUV Excellent con- used less than 10k. (650)593-4490
379 Open Houses dition One owner Fully loaded Low
miles reduced $18,995 obo (650)520- BRIDgESTONE TURANzA RFT (Run
4650 Flat) 205/55/16 EL42 used 70% left $80.

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

OPEN HOUSE SAAB 06 5 speed, 113K, clean. $4,200

(650)302-5523 BRIDgESTONE TURANzA RFT (Run
LISTINgS Flat) 205/55/16 EL 42 All Season Like
29 Fictional Soviet 45 Kicked to the TOYOTA 06 Prius, 149K, clean. $6,400 New $100. (650)483-1222
1 Runway 1 Big top, e.g. sub curb List your Open House (650)302-5523
in the Daily Journal. COBRA CABLE chains for radial and
covering 2 Water color 33 Chorus line? 50 A little of this, a
625 Classic Cars regular tires - never used - $45.00 call
11 Border 3 Groovy things 37 Voice of little of that Reach over 83,450
15 Hedge 4 Street Master Viper in 51 One of the 1955 CHEvY BEL AIR 2 door, Standard
potential home buyers & Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000 COBRA CABLE chains for radial and
16 Mellow, with performer Kung Fu March renters a day, obo. (650)952-4036. regular tires, never used $65.00
5 Claim Panda films sisters from South San Francisco (650)593-1780
6 Minor players 40 Flamenco 52 __ time to Palo Alto. 1969 DODgE CORONET 500, V8,
17 Source of 4-door, excellent condition. 78K original FIRESTONE TIRES 215/70/R16 good
7 Perform guitarist Carlos 53 Tribulations in your local newspaper. miles. Asking $10K (650) 267-9831. condition $50. (650) 504-6057
spice 8 War-torn 41 Social worker? 54 No. 2 Call (650)344-5200 gOODYEAR TIRE P245/70R-15 Like
86 CHEvY CORvETTE. Automatic.
18 Car alarm Sudanese 43 Whats the 55 Headland 93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800 New, really $55. (650) 637-9791
region rush? 58 Light head? obo. (650) 952-4036.


19 What suspects NEW CONTINENTAL Temporary tire
9 Got stuffed CORvETTE 69 50.000 miles. Best Cash mounted on 5 lug rim Size T125/70/R17-
may be charged
10 Join for a drink, 470 Rooms Offer. (650)481-5296. 98M $100. (650)483-1222
say FORD 64 Falcon. 4DR Sedan. 6 cyl. NEW SNOW Cables SZ327 $19 650-
20 Grease, often HIP HOUSINg auto/trans $3,500.00. (650) 570-5780.
11 Close behind Non-Profit Home Sharing Program 595-3933
21 Squeezed 12 Library feature San Mateo County
(out) (650)348-6660 630 Trucks & SUvs SHOP MANUALS for GM Suv's
13 Not yet on the Year 2002 all for $40 (650)948-0912
22 Something shelves LINCOLN 02 Navigator, excellent condi-
else 14 Gentle quality 620 Automobiles
tion. Runs great! Must sell! $4,400/obo. 680 Autos Wanted
23 First name in 22 Flat-panel TV Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
legal fiction 02 CHEvY Trailblazer, 200k miles, 635 vans Novas, running or not
component $2,600. (650)302-5523 Parts collection etc.
24 Good yield 24 1956 rockabilly CHEvROLET 06 Mini VAN, new radia- So clean out that garage
30 Not a good CHEvROLET 86 ASTROVAN, 63K tor, tires and brakes. Needs head gasket. Give me a call
hit miles, $3800 (650)481-5296 $1,500. (650)481-5296 Joe 650 342-2483
look 25 Hardly fresh
31 Made possible 26 Code-breaking
32 Pan Am game with
competitor colored pegs
34 Darken, in a 27 __ Kids:
way Sesame Street
35 Ordered brand
[email protected] 02/04/17
36 Manage 28 Am or Fm
38 Leftover bit
39 Kids cry
41 Dresses
42 Like some
44 Hunting dogs
46 Business
47 Letter-shaped
48 Depict
49 Certain game
50 Force user
56 Hand or foot
57 Flipper, for one
59 Constant
Craving singer
60 Police may look
for one
61 Gucci or Rossi
62 Some talk
By David C. Duncan Dekker
2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
30 Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

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32 Weekend Feb. 4-5, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

A Free Community Event for Older Adults, their Families and Caregivers

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*While supplies last. Events subject to change.

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