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BILIRAN all set for EVRAA Meet

by: Ireneo P. Napalit, Gladys B. German and Felecesimo N. Palconit

Were ready! Playground dancers in their final rehearsal for the grand opening
already started arriving last January 31.
With about five months ball, futsal, gymnastics, sepak takraw, Aside from promoting
of intense preparation of the softball, swimming, table tennis,taek- physical education and sports as es-
different sports venues and facili- wondo, tennis and volleyball, wres- sential parts of the basic education
ties, the Provincial Government tling and wushu Sanda. Demonstration curriculum, EVRAA also aims to wi-
and SDO- Biliran are now all set and sports are Dance Sports, Walkathon den the base for talent identification,
ready for the 2017 Eastern Visayas and Aerobic Gymnastics. selection, recruitment, training and ex-
Athletic Association (EVRAA) Meet When asked about the posure of students to serve as athletes
with the theme Bracing Sports, preparation made by Biliran athletes, roster for national and international
Breaking Barriers, and Braving to Mr. Bayon-on stated that they have sports competitions.
LEAD on February 5-10. just finished the last Phase of their Dr. Carmela R. Tamayo,
Most of the athletes from the 13 concentration training in Biliran Sports Schools Division Superintendent said
participating Divisions in the Region complex. Our athletes are now ready that if she will rate the preparations of
are now in Biliran and have started their for the different games. In fact, they EVRAA in a scale of 1-10 is 9.5.
concentration and training for familia- conducted a two week concentration I would like to take this
rization on the various playing venues for the athletes prior to the conduct of opportunity to thank the Navaleos,
of the said regional sports event. EVRAA 2017. the Biliranons all the National and
Mr. Francisco L. Bayon-on, I am not sure that we can get NGOs and even the private individuals
Division Sports Coordinator, said that more gold but we are doing our best, and private institutions for taking part
the playing venues are now set and he added. in the preparation for EVRAA Kasi
some are still on going. Meanwhile, A total of 7,629 athletes, ang EVRAA preparation will never
the events to be played are archery, coaches and delegation officials are the be realized by the DepEd alone- its
arnis, athletics, badminton, base- expected numbers of participants for a community working together, she
ball, basketball, boxing, chess, foot- the said meet. Other delegations have stressed.
Mr. & Ms. DepEd EV... p. 3 Padar champs NFOT... p. 4 Biliran joins NSPC... p. 5
2 February 3, 2017
SDO-Biliran identifies Billeting
Quarters for EVRAA 2017
by: Roniel Cris Sarsalejo,
Sheryl Caparro & Judy
Ann Alambag
National High School Baluarte for
Samar Division; Larrazabal Elemen-
tary School for Southern Leyte
Division; Naval SPED Center for Of-
ficiating Officials and Naval National
High School for Biliran Division and
Regional Officials.
Dr. Carmela Tamayo, Schools
Division Superintendent, Mrs. Lani
Cervantes, ASDS, Dr. Jose Mondido,
Chief CID, Mrs. Lucille Roa, Chief
SGOD, Dr. Catalina Cordeta, EPS, and
Mr. Ronico Amistoso, EPS, visited the
identified schools as billeting quarters
and conducted an intense monitor-
ing to ensure the cleanliness and the
STAY CALM. Naval National High School as one of the billeting readiness.
schools in Biliran for the EVRAA Meet Coordination really matters.
We thank all the Principals and School
To accommodate delegates sion; Naval Central School for Bo-
Heads of the different billeting quar-
from other Divisions, the host rongan City Division; Naval State
ters for responding to our request.
Division identified schools as University which cater Calbayog City,
We really have worked hard to
Billeting Quarter for the upcoming Catbalogan City, Tacloban City and
provide comfort and ease to every
Eastern Visayas Regional Athletics Maasin City Divisions; Caraycaray
delegates. We never left any stone
Association (EVRAA) Meet 2017 on Central School for Eastern Samar Di-
unturned, Mr. Francisco Bayon-on,
February 5-10. vision; Naval School of Fisheries and
Jr. Chairman, Preparation of Billeting
The schools identified as the Naval Night High School for Leyte Di-
Quarters, stated.
billeting quarter and the assigned vision; Calumpang Elementary School
Every billeting quarter also
delegation are Almeria National High for Northern Samar Division; Almeria
organizes welcome night.
School- Main for Baybay City Divi- Central Schoool Main and Almeria

Maloloy-on, Gabisay bag awards in NSPC tilt

John Philip Maloloy-on,
Kawayan National High School,
and Claire Angelie C. Gabisay,
Naval School of Fisheries, landed
places during the National Schools
Press Conference (NSPC) on Febru-
ary 20-25, 2017 at Pagadian City,
Zamboanga Peninsula.
Among the 18 regions in the
country, Maloloy-on was declared 3rd
Place while Gabisay bagged 5th Place
in Science and Technology Writing Sweet Success. Maloloy-on (left) and Gabisay (right) with their coaches are
(Filipino) and Editorial Writing respec- all smiles while receiving their medals and certificates.
tively. Photos by: Wilma Carreon
When my name was called
up, I just cant believe that I did it. I Region 8. I am so glad that all of our gy Writing), Mona Pearl Rosaupan
was very much overwhelmed and efforts have been paid off, he added. (News Writing), Francis Lea Saludo
delighted because I know our awards Maloloy-on and Gabisay, both (Pagwawasto at Pag-uulo ng Balita),
could make our respective schools, Grade 10 students, were coached by Mac Neil Malesido (Pagkuha ng La-
division, and the region happy, Claire Emma Salloman and Ryan Japay. rawan), and Archie Gabriel Jabuen, the
Gabisay proudly stated. Hardwork, prayer, constant practice only qualifier for the elementary level,
In a separate interview, John and proper preparation greatly aided us (Pagsulat ng Editoryal).
Philip Maloloy-on expressed his joys to achieve such award, Japay said. Mrs. Delia Quijano, EPS in
and gratitude to those who extended Other national qualifiers from English and Journalism Coordina-
their help and support. I humbly of- SDO-Biliran were Steve Arthur Aga- tor, and Mrs. Wilma Carreon, EPS in
fered my medal to God, to my family, jan (Editorial Writing), Jean Lorraine Filipino, headed the Biliran team.
to Biliran Division, and to the whole Madarimot (Science and Technolo- by: Ryan G. Japay & Anne V. Pacad
NEWS February 3, 2017
Mr. & Ms. DepEd EV candidates
attend general orientation
Twenty contestants and
13 coaches from the different
delegations attended the General
Orientation for the Search for Mr.
and Ms. DepEd Eastern Visayas
2017 held at SDO-Biliran Teachers
Arena on February 2, 2017 at 9:00 in
the morning.
Foremost, I would like to
thank everyone for coming and for at-
tending this orientation. All candidates
and coaches should strictly follow the
rules and regulations of the pageant;
this is to observe fairness during the
contest, Mr. Elwin Moncada, SEPS
in Planning and Research and Pageant Mr. Elwin Moncada, SEPS, orients the candidates about the rules
Committee Member, stated. and regulations
The candidates will be vying
to represent my division in this kind of and when everything has made clear,
for the title during the pageant night on
competition. It is a great honor for me candidates immediately had their
February 06, 2017 at 7:00PM in Naval
to bring the name of Eastern Samar in pictorial session and rehearsal.
State University-Gymnasium.
this pageant, Ms. Flerzia D. Robin,
Right now, I feel overwhelmed
Eastern Samar candidate said. by: Dyan Mas , Jelesa S. Cabuquin &
because this is a one time opportunity
After the general orientation Elpie P. Leanda

13 Divisions gear up for EVRAA Meet Fernando P. Medrina, Division In-

formation Officer of Calbayog said.
LGU has been supportive as always
and allotted five thousand pesos (PHP
5,000.00) per athlete he added.
Meanwhile, Leyte Divi-
sion with 710 delegates has always
proven their tagline Leyte will always
be number 1. Adaptable, United, and
well prepared athletes are our key for
being on top, Dr. Rodelina G. Orbino,
SGOD Chief - Leyte Division.
However, Eastern Samar
Delegations are thankful to the Local
READY. SET. GO. Athletes from Catbalogan, Calbayog, and Biliran division Government Unit for the financial and
during their concentration training in preparation for the upcoming EVRAA moral support. Last year has already
Meet 2017 this Feb. 5-10. been a history but hopefully, this year
Despite the scorching We are 101 percent ready and we will improve and exceed our stan-
heat of the sun and their hectic optimistic with the whole event to home ding, Mr. Mariano C. Cafe, Planning
schedules, 13 Divisions of Region higher place this year compared to last Officer - SDO Eastern Samar.
VIII are all geared to the 2017 year that we are in 10th place, Dr. Ma. Biliran Division, the host of
Eastern Visayas Regional Athletic Linda S. Legarse, Division Information 2017 EVRAA Meet, is confident that
Association (EVRAA) Meet on Feb- Officer of Catbalogan City said. they will outshine last years ranking.
ruary 5-10. Intense days of concentra- Anchored with the theme,
Athletes, coaches, officiating tion were conducted by the different Bracing Sports, Breaking Barriers,
officials, trainers and other personnel divisions to improve every athletes and Braving to Lead, the 13 Divisions
from Baybay City, Biliran, Borongan, performance and gain advantage in the of Region VIII are all set.
Calbayog City , Catbalogan, Eastern different events. Let the games begin!
Samar, Leyte, Maasin City, Northern We have conducted 15
Samar, Ormoc City, Samar, Southern days concentration training for our by: Henry T. Jarina, Micah dela Pena
Leyte, and Tacloban City Division athletes because our goal is to sur- & Judith Verunque
arrived earlier than expected. pass our previous rank standing. Mr.
February 3, 2017

Mr. & Ms. DepEd EV to highlight EVRAA 2017 (Ormoc City), Aldrick D. Cabeling and
Kimberly D. Morales (Samar), Regin
Ray A. Niepes and Rechel A. Niepes
(Southern Leyte), and Glenn T. Caidic
and Nigel D. Bandoy.
All the candidates indeed
look handsome and gorgeous. With
the strong support of the Provincial
Government headed by Gov.
Gerardo Espina and our Schools
Division Superintendent Dr. Carmela
Tamayo, we know we could give a
good show for everyone to enjoy, Mr.
Benjamin Medallo, Pageant Director,
declared in an interview.
Series of activities are set for
the candidates to embark such as the
general orientation, photo shoots, and
I am inviting everyone to
Bonny and glamours. Contenders for Mr. and Ms. DepEd EV in their pictorial. watch this celebration of beauty and
wit. Pageant night will be on Febru-
To give highlight and to make S. Cairo (Biliran), Roman Anthony ary 06, 2017 at 7:00PM in Naval State
the conduct of Eastern Visayas P. Yabora and Carl Antonette R. Co University-Gymnasium, Mr. Medallo
Athletic Association (EVRAA) (Borongan City), Daryl C. Beso and further said.
Meet more colorful, the Province of Evanina Chelsea N. Tamanan (Cal- At the end of the pageant, there
Biliran with the strong partnership bayog City), Leonard Van E. Jaboli and would only be five pairs to be chosen
of Schools Division Office-Biliran Amanda Rudi B. Cinco (Catbalogan to receive the major awards, such as
will be holding the search for Mr. and City), Franz Angelo B. Afable and the 4th runner-up, 3rd runner-up, 2nd
Ms. DepEd Eastern Visayas 2017. Flerzia D. Robin (Eastern Samar), runner-up, 1st runner-up, and the Mr.
Twenty-six candidates from Matthew Genesis Renomeron and Kim and Ms. DepEd Eastern Visayas 2017.
the 13 different participating Divisions Christine Boja (Leyte), Bernard A. Aside from the major awards, some
will be vying for the coveted crown Gaviola and Donna O. Caube (Ma- minor and special awards will also be
namely: Jules Uel Evan C. Boldo and asin City), Felipe O. Sosing Jr. and Lyra given.
Melanne G. Sacro (Baybay City), Kim E. Dulay (Northern Samar), Keith by: Ryan Japay, Elwin
Ronn Lennard R. Napala and Alyza Ranold Co and Aubrey O. Larrazabal Moncada and Elpie Leanda

Padar champs NFOT fish processing by: Monique C. Corpin and Aubrey Rose L. Desoyo
Aicca Mae J. Padar, a Grade tion, Aicca Mae Padar and her coach
10 student from Cabucgayan Adelfa L. Maloloy-on rehearsed
National School of Arts and Trades, tirelessly a week before the contest to
won first place in Agri-Fishery Arts master the said dish.
Fish Processing category in the Coming up with our dish is not
recently concluded National Festival easy because we have undergone trial
of Talents in Dipolog, City, January and error until my coach came up with
24 26. the idea of having a fish dish in a boat
Padar defeated her 17 tart, stressed Padar in an interview.
opponents with her dish Fish Pastel in Asked how she developed her
Boat Tart Crust with Wild Sauce. The cooking skills, she proudly shared that
judges were impressed by the way she it was her mother who greatly
presented her product. It is a unique influenced her.
one-dish meal which only costs P10 Padar is the only representa-
per piece. tive from Region 8 who bagged gold.
The contest was not all Meanwhile, Maasin City and Biliran
about cooking only but also we have Divisions won second place in Bazaar
to answer tough questions from the exhibit.
judges and we have to present the over- It was hard and tiring but its
all package of our product. I could say Unexpected Victory. Aicca Mae Pa- all worth it. It was already a great ho-
that one must have good communica- dar beamed with her coach Adel- nor for me to participate in a national
tion skills and confidence, she shared. fa Maloloy-on after winning their contest and winning 1st place was be-
As part of their prepara- category. yond expectations, Padar concluded.
NEWS February 3, 2017
Four new sports for athletes to clutch gold by: Tessie F. Rosario and Maylene Grafil
Wrestling, wushu, futsal, cues into pockets around the cannot be possible for the new sports
and billiards-these are the four new edge of the table. to be included in the regional competi-
sports all geared up in the upco- tion if there will be
ming Eastern Visayas Athletics Being in- less participation
Association (EVRAA) Meet 2017 cluded in this years EVRAA, be- cause it
and for each competitor to catch these new sports are now tagged
the highest achievable rewards- the as regular sports;
gold medal and the prestige
to represent the Region to the would be
Palarong Pambansa 2017. h o w e v e r, too hard
These four newly introduced being called to spot
sports in the regional competition as such, poten-
offer an exciting and fresh ambience these sure- tial
for the contestants and spectators ly passed the
because they present diverse perfor- basic guide-
mance and entertainment levels. lines or
Wrestling, a combat
sport involves grappling type
technique such as clinch, fight-
ing, throws, takedowns and
other grappling holds while wushu standards. athletes. Moreover, the additional sports
is a full-contact sport derived from In an interview with Mr. entail additional officiating officials
traditional Chinese martial arts. Like- Francisco L. Bayon-on, Division Sports who are trained for that specific game
wise, futsal is a variant of association Coordinator, new sports can only be and its rules.
football played on a hard court small- regularly competed once a number of To sum up all the regular
er than a football pitch and mainly participating delegations are more than sports including the new ones, a total
indoors. fifty percent and this year, thirteen of twenty-two sports are now set to
Meanwhile, billiard, a game for delegations or all delegations from the be competed and so, athletes must be
two people, played on a billiard table, region are set to vie for gold. armed with power to break barriers,
in which three balls are struck with Bayon-on also revealed that it and brave enough to lead in order to

Biliran joins NSPC 2017; garners awards


Eight student-writers, eight by: Jonald Jarina and Kent John Dico
coaches/advisers, and two Division
Journalism Coordinators from Biliran
Division, who represented Region VIII,
participated in the National Schools
Press Conference with the theme
Strengthening Freedom of Informa-
tion Through Campus Journalism in
Pagadian City, Zamboanga Peninsula,
on January 20-25, 2017.
Claire Angelie Gabisay (NSF),
Steve Arthur Agajan (CSN), Jean
Lorraine Madarimot (NSF), John Phi-
lip Maloloy-on (KNHS), Mona Pearl HAPPY AND PROUD. Biliran team student-writers, coaches/advisers, &
Rosaupan (NSU), Francis Lea Saludo journalism coordinators pose with a smile as they waited for the parade.
(NSU), Mac Neil Malesido (ANHS), Salloman while Claire Angelie Ga- next years NSPC, Mrs. Quijano said
and Archie Gabriel Jabuen (Bilwang bisay became a victor ranking 5th in in an interview.
ES) competed in the different catego- Editorial Writing (English), together She further extended her thanks
ries such as Editorial Writing, Science with her coach, Mr. Ryan G. Japay. to Congressman Rogelio Espina, Gov.
and Technology Writing (English & Mrs. Delia Quijano and Mrs. Gerardo Espina, Jr, and SDS Dr. Car-
Filipino), News Writing, Pagwawas- Wilma Carreon, Education Program mela Tamayo for the continuous sup-
to at Pag-uulo ng Balita, Pagkuha ng Supervisors and Division Journalism port and assistance and for making the
Larawan, at Pagsulat ng Editoryal. Coordinators, led the team. NSPC 2017 journey come into reality.
Among the 5, 180 student- We are very much proud of our NSPC 2017 started with a grand
writers, two Biliran journalists grabbed student-writers in Biliran because they parade and opening program with Ms.
some medals increasing its last years really represented the Division and the Malou C. Mangahas, GMA News TV
performance; Jhon Philip Maloloy-on, Region well. We are happy with our Investigative Journalist, as the Keynote
3rd place in Science and Technology achievement and we are looking for- Speaker.
(Filipino), with his coach, Mrs. Emma ward to garnering more awards in the
6 February 3, 2017

Strength in Unity duct of the meeting of all minds

and hardworking hands all for
its glory. Provincial and local officials,
Division Superintendents and its
personnel, teachers, students, and other
external stakeholders merged and built
a strong foundation for a remarkable
conduct. In the course of its underta-
king and if unity has been truly felt, no
one will falter, mistakes wont happen,
decision-making will be certain.
It may sound true that the thir-
teen participating divisions are con-
tending for the championships and
aiming for medals, but the spirit of
unanimity is still evident. Delegation
Unity is the ultimate game velopment of the youth, inculcates
heads, officiating officials, coaches,
development platform. This is a the spirit of discipline, teamwork,
and athletes are sharing the same force,
word for togetherness, oneness, and excellence, fair play, well-being,
stage, and venue, a wonderful testimo-
solidarity. It calls for collaboration, sportsmanship, and other inherent
ny of strength is being accorded. In all
participation and involvement among values such as trust, respect, humility,
these things, what counts most is we are
everyone. Internalizing its very essence and personality development.
all hitting the very same spot-we want
would greatly serve as an ultimate Eastern Visayas Regional
to yield the best representatives for the
weapon for the weak to become strong Athletic Association Meet (EVRAA)
Palarong Pambansa.
and for the coward to become mighty. is a perfect avenue to employ diligent-
Exercising unity in sports ad-
The expression Sport for ly the significance of sports to achieve
mires diversity and makes it a chance
All can take on different meanings one common goal. When every-
of creating a pleasant and sound
and, thus, there exist different inter- one help each other and join all its
relationship with others. It is then that
pretations with regard to its contents, forces in embracing sports, breaking
athletes and coaches too could put
its development and its goals. At any barriers and any obstacles that hinder
much value of humility in victory.
rate, this expression also encom- the enhancement of an individual
For us to achieve this target we
passes the elements which are called will certainly be achieved. When we
must put in mind Woodrow Wilsons
strategies in today's most industrialized exert our effort together, braving to
words, We cannot be separated in
countries and which aim at making lead could be an integral tool in accom-
interest or divided in purpose. We stand
sports accessible to everyone. plishing success.
together until the end.
Sports promotes holistic de- EVRAA Meet is a by-pro-

Editorial Board Aubrey Rose Desoyo

Editor-in-Chief Reinhard Bon Tan Anne Pacad
Ryan G. Japay Jorge Don Fabon Judy Ann Alambag
Jeremiah Vertulfo Tessie Rosario
Associate Editors Francisco Dagohoy
Rose Leslie R. Gumanit Layout artist Felecisimo Palconit
Jonald Jarina Rosary Gene E. Obispo (NSF student) Glory Stephanie Calves
Gladys German
Managing Editors Writers Micah Magdalene Dele Pea
Judith Verunque Roniel Cris A. Sarsalejo Kent John Dico (NSF student)
Elpie Leanda Ireneo Napalit
Monique Corpin Advisers
Circulation Manager Mailyn Grafil Elwin Moncada
Ronald Q. Olaivar Dyan Mas Rey Fajardo
Henry Jarina
Editorial Cartoonists Sheryl Lantaca Consultants
Mark Cyril Licaros Dante Patac SDS Carmela R. Tamayo
Rey Desoyo Jelesa Cabuquin ASDS Lani H. Cervantes
Ton Sierolf Cairo ( NSF student) Alejandro Montilla CES Jose B. Mondido
CES Lucille C. Roa
Feature 7
The Thing That Matters by: Kent John Dico & Rosary Gene Obispo (Student-Correspondents)
Spilled blood, Nasty days,
There is no beauty without pain. acts lazy cant express true
Aching body, Painful inju-
An athlete is like a moth. happiness in winning and being
ries, Self-sacrifice all of these
A Taekwondo player cant win fair in a game is a rule applied
happen during the prepara-
without being injured. A Weight- to all. A trickster cant be called
tion to overcome a storm, as an
lifter cant be a victor without a competitor, because a true
athlete, and grab the title of
experiencing pain through lifting contestant is defined as a person
being on the top and be tagged
and throwing barbells multiple who is trained and risking his/
times. her life to survive in a battlefield.
Being a challenger, a
Players also learn To be the champion, you
tournament may be called by
lessons in life aside from the also need to have self-content-
many names: Obstacles day,
t e c h - niques ment. Whether you win or lose,
Prep for the worst, or simply,
their as long as you believe in your-
day. Bottom line is, its a day
coaches self that you can be anything,
that has been linked to sacrifice,
taught them. youd always be the winner. One
or anything using a lot of time
People of- t e n problem for some athletes is that
and energy to achieve ones goal,
state that we can learn they lack confidence. How can
is capable of winning.
from our past. For you be the number one when
And this day, given that
example; y o u youre so shy showing youre
person, maybe considered a
l o s e , then fullest potential in front of many
day of joy, delight, and some-
y o u audience? A swimmer cant do
times, agony. Why, its not a joke
his freestyle properly if he is
to succeed and find out that,
afraid to get drown in
despite your e f f o r t s ,
the wa- ter.
there is noth-
S o be-

d o
picked lieve
when you lose that
yourself up from losing, in yourself because
crucial moment. How hurting it
you learn something from it and you are the one controlling your
is when you are so dedicated to
grow. Once a small seedling now heart, mind, body, and soul, and
victory but your best is denied,
blooms into a large beautiful tree. that creates self-motivation.
slighted, and not enough!
Especially in Sports, we Oh goodness... The sights of
Thats too painful,
also learn how to unite and contenders weeping tears, shed
indeed. But its not prohibited
apply sportsmanship. There was thousands liters of sweat the
to try until you feel satisfaction.
a famous quote stating, Uni- day of hardships turns into a
In a match, it could be described
ty is Strength This is the point day that they will have a huge
as tossing a coin, the probabili-
why we hold sports meets. Its to smile, a fortunate day filled
ty is to win or lose. Despite the
see other athletes, discover each with bliss because their journey
troubles you experienced, is it
others talents, and be friends. in overcoming the huge storm
impossible to win?
Because of these, it deserves as succeeded.
Imagine that you are a
your inspiration to strive harder At the end of all the
moth, and in your front glows a
and surpass that person. struggles and race for medals,
beautiful flame. Will you avoid it
Competitors dont only what matters most in a day is
or approach it? There was once
join to get medals but they could ATTITUDE. An athlete should
a moth that decided to go to the
also make precious memories remember that it is not all about
fire and was asked, Why would
with it. They will have lots of fun the ranks and number of wins
you throw yourself at the fire
while doing each challenge. They and losses, but the kind of mo-
knowing that youll die? The
will get closer to each other and ments shared among others. It
moth answered, The fire is too
learn each other more. is being HUMBLE in victory and
beautiful not to throw myself at.
A player who cheats and accepting defeat with DIGNITY.
8 February 3, 2017
Event Name Division
1.Archery -Myra Saludario -Northern Samar
2.Arnis -Gerard Jude Herodias -Catbalogan City
3.Athletics (Track) -Reynaldo Renomeron -Leyte
4Athletics (Field) -Enrique Enciso -Leyte
5.Badminton -Jeania Tiston -Leyte

6.Baseball -Rommel Abeto -Tacloban City
7.Basketball -Rito Maitem -Southern Leyte
8.Billiards - Socrates Marmita -Leyte

OF 9.Boxing -Alvin Azucena -Leyte

10.Chess -Eulizer Cano -Leyte
11.Football -Leodegario Tinoc -Tacloban City

SELECTED 12.Futsal
13.Gymnastics (MAG)
14.Gymnastics (WAG)
-Jose Dindo Pogoy
- Alfredo Gutay, Jr.
-Jo-Ann Cerna
-Ormoc City
-Catbalogan City
-Baybay City

TOURNAMENT 15.Gymnastics (RG) -Vivian Valeriano -Leyte

16.Sepak Takraw (Jr./SG) -Franklin Viagedor -Leyte

17.Sepaktakraw (SB) -Orlando Tan -Leyte
18.Softball -Rodolfo Flores -Southern Leyte
19.Swimming -Paquito Luces -Catbalogan City
20.Table Tennis -Gideon dela Torre -Ormoc City
21.Taekwondo -Nilo Baldelobar -Eastern Samar
22.Tennis -Sherwin Balicat -Eastern Samar
23.Volleyball -Adelfa Juan -Leyte
24.Wrestling -Noel Labaniego -Ormoc City
Compiled by: Rose Leslie Gumanit 25.Wushu -Danilo Amante -Leyte
Note: February 6-Weighing (Wushu) Venue: Teachers Arena; February
8- Tournament Proper after event

Shellfish Bulletin No. 02
Series of 2017
14 January 2017
Based on the latest laboratory
results of the Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and Local
Government Units (LGUs), shellfishes
collected at Coastal waters of Daram
Island, Irong-Irong and Cambatutay
Bays in Western Samar; Matarinao
Bay in Eastern Samar; Coastal waters
of Leyte and Carigara Bay in Leyte;
Coastal waters of BIliran Province;
Coastal waters of Gigantes Islands in
Carles, Iloilo;and Coastal waters of
Dauis and Tagbilaran City in Bohol are
still positive for paralytic shellfish poi-
son that is beyond the regulatory limit.
Moreover, Coastal waters of Maqueda
and Villareal Bays Samar are now pos-
itive for red tide toxin.
All types of shellfish and acetes
sp. Or alamang gathered from the area
shown above the NOT SAFE for human
consumption. Fish, squids, shirmps and
crabs are safe for human consumption
provided that they are fresh and washed
thoroughly, and internal organs such as
gills and intestines are removed before
Do not harvest.
Do not sell.
Do not buy.
Do not eat.

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