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To unlock this spreadsheet, purchase Gantt Chart Template Pro:

[Project Name]
[Company Name] Today's Date: 2/24/2009 Tuesday
(vertical red line)
Project Lead: [Name]
Start Date: 1/2/2012 Monday
[42] First Day of Week (Mon=2): ###

Days Remaining
Duration (Days)

Days Complete
Working Days

07 - May - 12

14 - May - 12

21 - May - 12

28 - May - 12
06 - Feb - 12

13 - Feb - 12

20 - Feb - 12

27 - Feb - 12

06 - Aug - 12

13 - Aug - 12

20 - Aug - 12
05 - Mar - 12

12 - Mar - 12

19 - Mar - 12

26 - Mar - 12
02 - Jan - 12

09 - Jan - 12

16 - Jan - 12

23 - Jan - 12

30 - Jan - 12

04 - Jun - 12

18 - Jun - 12

25 - Jun - 12
11 - Jun - 12
02 - Apr - 12

09 - Apr - 12

16 - Apr - 12

23 - Apr - 12

30 - Apr - 12

02 - Jul - 12

09 - Jul - 12

16 - Jul - 12

23 - Jul - 12

30 - Jul - 12
% Complete
WBS Tasks Lead Start End
1 Task Category 1 [Name] 1/2/12 1/31/12 30 0% 22 0 30
1.1 Sub Task level 2 1/2/12 1/6/12 5 0% 5 0 5
1.2 Sub Task level 2 1/7/12 1/11/12 5 0% 3 0 5
1.2.1 Sub Task level 3 1/12/12 1/16/12 5 0% 3 0 5
1.2.2 Sub Task level 3 1/17/12 1/21/12 5 0% 4 0 5
1.3 Sub Task level 2 1/22/12 1/26/12 5 0% 4 0 5
1.4 Sub Task level 2 1/27/12 1/31/12 5 0% 3 0 5
2 Task Category 2 [Name] 1/2/12 1/27/12 26 25% 20 6 20
2.1 Sub Task level 2 1/2/12 1/6/12 5 25% 5 1 4
2.2 Sub Task level 2 1/9/12 1/13/12 5 25% 5 1 4
2.3 Sub Task level 2 1/16/12 1/20/12 5 25% 5 1 4
2.4 Sub Task level 2 1/23/12 1/27/12 5 25% 5 1 4
3 Task Category 3 [Name] 1/2/12 1/28/12 27 50% 20 13 14
3.1 Sub Task level 2 1/2/12 1/7/12 6 50% 5 3 3
3.2 Sub Task level 2 1/9/12 1/14/12 6 50% 5 3 3
3.3 Sub Task level 2 1/16/12 1/21/12 6 50% 5 3 3
3.4 Sub Task level 2 1/23/12 1/28/12 6 50% 5 3 3
4 Task Category 4 [Name] 1/2/12 1/21/12 20 0% 15 0 20
4.1 Sub Task level 2 1/2/12 1/6/12 5 0% 5 0 5
4.2 Sub Task level 2 1/7/12 1/11/12 5 0% 3 0 5
4.3 Sub Task level 2 1/12/12 1/16/12 5 0% 3 0 5
4.4 Sub Task level 2 1/17/12 1/21/12 5 0% 4 0 5

Gantt Chart Template by 2008 Vertex42 LLC

Gantt Chart Template Pro

Gantt Chart Template Pro is similar to this free version,

but it is unlocked, more feature-packed, and includes other
bonus content such as sample project schedules.

Already spent a lot of time working with this free version?

That's okay. In addition to downloading the Gantt Chart Template Pro
files, you will be given the password for unlocking this spreadsheet.

Learn More About Gantt Chart Template Pro

- View screenshots

- Watch demo videos

Benefits and Features of Gantt Chart Template Pro

Unlocked (worksheets are not password-protected)

By unlocking the free version or using Gantt Chart Template Pro, you will be able to use
all of the functions and features available in Excel, such as formatting cells, inserting
columns, and grouping rows.

More Ways to Define a Task

Choose from a larger set of template rows that provide more options for
defining the Start date, End date, duration, and dependency of tasks.
Define a task based on the
- Start date and End date
- Start date and Work days
- Start date and Calendar days
- Predecessor and End date
- Predecessor and Work days
- Predecessor and Calendar days

Easily Create Task Dependencies

Though you can still use your own formulas for creating task dependencies,
the new Predecessor options make it very simple. One of the demo videos
discusses this in detail.

Exclude Holidays from Work Days

List holidays in a separate sheet that you want to exclude from work days.

Sample Project Schedules

To get a head start on defining your project schedule, you can use
one of the 3 sample gantt charts:
- Home Construction Project Schedule
- Custom Software Project Schedule
- Website Development Project Schedule

New Excel 2007+ Version (XLSX)

In addition to Gantt Chart Template Pro for Excel 2003, you will be able to download
an XLSX version, for Excel 2007 or later, that allows you to easily color-code the
bars of the gantt chart.

Learn More About Gantt Chart Template Pro

this free version,
, and includes other

this free version?

the Gantt Chart Template Pro
unlocking this spreadsheet.

art Template Pro

Terms of Use
2006 - 2012 Vertex42 LLC. All rights reserved.

This template is considered a copyrighted work under the Unites States and other copyright laws
and is the property of Vertex42 LLC. The items listed below are additional points to help clarify how
you may use this template.

Not for Resale or Public Sharing

You may make archival copies and customize this template only for your personal use or use
within your company or organization and not for resale or public sharing.

You may not remove or alter any logo, trademark, copyright, disclaimer, brand, terms of use,
attribution, or other proprietary notices or marks within this template.

This template and any customized or modified version of this template may NOT be sold,
distributed, published to an online gallery, hosted on a website, or placed on a public server.

Limited Private Sharing

Provided that you observe the above terms, you may share your edited version of this template
*privately* with those specific people who **require** access to it within your immediate family,
organization, or company.

* "Privately" means only accessible to those few people who you expressively give permission to
view or edit your file. It is your responsibility to ensure that adequate security measures are used so
that your file is not available to the public.

** Examples of acceptable private sharing with people who "require access" may include (a)
sharing a budget spreadsheet with a spouse, (b) sharing a project schedule with your project team,
or (c) sharing a timesheet with your employee or manager.

See the following page on for the complete license agreement and examples of
other allowed uses:

This template is provided for informational or educational use only and is not intended to be relied
on as medical, financial, legal, or other professional advice.

Vertex42 LLC makes no guarantee or representations about this template, or the accuracy or
completeness of the content contained within this template.

Vertex42 LLC encourages you to seek the aid of a qualified professional before making decisions
regarding health, financial, or legal issues.

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