Chapter-3. Raw Materials Used in Steel Plant

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The raw materials required for the production of iron and steel can
be grouped as follows:

 Ferrous materials (Iron ores, Scrap).

 Fuels and reducing agents (Coke, coal, oil, gas)

 Fluxes (Lime, Alloying agents)

 Refractories

The most important raw materials for melting iron and steel are the
iron ores. As iron and steel is produced at high temperatures, refractory
for lining the production installations are also of considerable
Mainly compounds of iron and oxygen (= iron oxides) mixed with
impurities (gangue) are called ores of Iron. Among the elements in the
earth’s crust, iron, Fe, with an occurrence of about 5.6 percent ranks
fourth, after oxygen, silicon and aluminum. Iron does not occur in a
pure form in nature but only in compounds. The most frequent are the
iron-oxygen compounds (iron oxides). Iron oxides are always mixed
with impurities which are called the gangue. This mixture of iron oxides
and gangue is classified as iron ore, provided melting is economically
feasible. Gangue plays an important melting is economically feasible.
Gangue plays an important part in the melting of iron ores. If the
gangue contains mainly lime (CaCo3) the ore is “basic”, if silicic acid
(SiO2) predominates, the ore is “acid”. Further impurities are
aluminums and phosphates. The appearance of the iron ores varies
considerably according to geographical origin. Iron ores mostly take the
from of a hard rocky mass. The colour varies generally between reddish
and brownish shades and a metallic black. The weight is determined by
the iron content. (IS-5842, 5843, 11093, 11373) (16)
Grades of iron ores:
Corresponding to the varying iron compounds we find a great
number of different grades of iron ore. They are characterized by the
type of iron oxygen compound as well as by the tramp elements,
gangue and other non-metallic and non-ferrous oxides. The most
important grades of iron ores are briefly described. (IS-7438)
 Magnetite, magnetic iron ore, Fe3O4-
Magnetite is an iron ore which possesses a large share of iron (60
to 70 percent) and which is to a high degree free from undesired tramp
elements. The gangue is of a siliceous nature (acid). Iron and oxygen
atoms are very closely combined with each other in magnetite, thus
making magnetite “difficult to reduce”. As the name indicates
magnetite is very magnetic.
 Hematite, red iron ore, Fe2O3-
Hematite possesses likewise a high Fe content and has mostly
low phosphorus and sulphur contents with a siliceous and clay gangue
(acid). The typical reddish colour is caused by the iron (III) oxide. In the
case of red iron ore, the compound of iron and oxygen is not so “tight”
and so the hematite is regarded as “easily reducible”. Workable
deposits are found in all parts of the world. Special forms of the red iron
ore are taconites, itaborites and laterites.
 Limonite, brown iron ore, Fe2O3. H2O-
Limonite contains water, which means that the iron oxides have
formed a stable compound with water (water of crystallization).
Limonite is the most widespread iron ore but manly contains a low
concentration of iron. Exploration is only economically feasible if the
deposits are fairly large. Special forms of brown hematities are the
oolitic or bean ores, lake iron ores and bog iron ores. Important
deposits have been the Lorrainese minette and the Salzgitter ores.
Both grades of the ore have lost their economic importance.
 Siderite, spathic iron ore, FeCO3
Containing 30 to 49 percent Fe, siderites are relatively easy to
reduce: mostly they contain lime and manganese and a low amount of
phosphorus. Variations of spathic iron ore originate from clay and coal
(black band) contamination. Depisits of siderites are no longer of
economic significance. (3, 16)

Composition of different ferroalloys:

1. High carbon ferro-manganese- (IS-4763)
Analysis Mn S C Pb Si P
75-80% <0.025% 6-8% 0.1% <1% <0.1%
2. Low Carbon Ferro-manganese- (IS 4763)
Analysis C Si Mn P Pb S
0.4-1.5% <1% 85-90% <0.1% <0.04% <0.02%
3. Ferro-Saudamet (Medium carbon ferromanganese)- (IS 4763)
Analysis Mn C
75-85% 2.5- 3.5%
4. Silicon Manganese- (IS-13164)
Analysis Si Mn C S Pb
20-25% 65-70% 0.501% <0.04% <0.04%
5. Ferro-Silicon-
There are several grades of this alloy available depending upon
the amount of silicon present-two are usually used in steel making:

a) Silicon 75-80%. This grade is usually used for increasing the

silicon content of the steel. (C-0.1%, P<0.05%)
b) Silicon 45-50%. This grade may be used for either increasing
the silicon content of the steel or increasing the silicon content of
the steel or blocking the bath. (P< 0.05%). (IS-1110)
6. Calcium silicide (CaSi)-
Analysis Ca Si C A1 Calcium silicate
30-33% 60-63% 0.05% 1% 0.5%
7. Ferro-chrome high carbon- (IS-1170)
Analysis Cr C Si Mn S P
65-75% 6-8% 0.2-1% 0.1-0.5% <0.05% <0.05%
8. Low Carbon Ferro-chrome- (IS-13452)
Analysis Cr C Si Mn S P
62-67% 1.58 max 0.2-1 0.1-0.5% <0.05% <0.05%
9. Ferro-molybdenum- (IS-1469)
Analysis C Mo Si P S Mn
0.5-1.4% 65% <0.5 <0.05% <0.1% traces
10. Ferro-titanium- (IS-1468)
Analysis Ti
11. Pure nickel-
This is usually in the form of shot and is of over 90 per cent purity.
0=<0.05%, Ni+Cr=>99%, Si=<0.03%, Mn, S&P= trace, Co=0.1%. (IS-
12. Ferro-tungsten- (IS-1467)
Analysis C W
1% Maximum80%

14. Ferro-Vanadium- (IS-1466)

Analysis C V Si S Mn Al P
0.01% 50-60% 0.5-1.5% <0.05% <0.2% 1%
15. Ferro-niobium- (IS-3014)
Analysis Nb + Ta (Niobium + tantalum)
40 30%
 Manganese ores:
Apart from their main content of various manganese oxides, they
also contain considerable amounts of iron oxides. Ferrous manganese
used in alloying is melted from manganese ores.
(IS-4763 & 11895)
 Iron silicates:
These ores are found in very large quantities, but for economic
reasons have rarely been melted, with the continuing depletion of
remaining iron ore deposits, iron silicates may gain insignificance.
 Titanium ironstone:
Also found in large quantities, this represents, just as the iron
silicates, until now rarely used reserves. (IS-1468)
• Scrap:
Worldwide, scrap participates 40 percent in steel production input
and must therefore be considered as an important raw material. Its use
in steelmaking varies, depending on the production process applied. In
BOF steelmaking, scrap accounts for about 20 percent while in electric
steel production, it is 100 percent. In contrast, the use of scrap in blast
furnaces is of minor significance nowadays. Scrap occurs, in particular,
during rolled steel production at the steel plants (ends, edges, etc).
Another important source of scrap is the metal working industry. In
fact, scrap from these two sources is highly appreciated because of its
good quality. So-called capital or collective scrap must first be sorted

and the impurities and undesired tramp elements, e.g. non-ferrous
metals, removed in special dressing plants. Nowadays this is frequently
done in modern pressing and crushing or shredding equipment. Using
the various kinds of commercial scrap (e.g. packets, loose scrap, chips,
shredding) helps to promote recycling. (16)


The fuels and reducing agents required for metallurgical
processes enter the blast furnace as coke, coal, oil or gas. These fuels
are mainly used for reducing the iron oxides into metallic iron and for
carburizing the iron. The most important reducing agent is coke. The
coking process converts coal into this valuable agent. The coal has a
low content of sulphur (coking coal, gas coal), good baking qualities
and a not too high amount of volatile components. Coking is the
heating up of the coal with the exclusion of air (dry distillation). In the
process, the volatile components, coke-oven gas, tar, benzol, sulphuric
hydrogen, ammonia are driven out, collected and used for other
purposes. The ground coal mixture is coked in large horizontal chamber
ovens at temperatures of 900 to 1,2000C. Many such units combine to
form a battery of coke ovens. Coking takes 14 to 20 hours. Then
scrapers push the carbonized coke on to a wagon which travels to a
quenching tower where the coke is cooled down-quenched- as quickly
as possible. This is followed by screening. (IS-1353, 5052, 5451, 9949).
Now processes for producing coke use briquetted, lower grade
coal, which is continuously coked. The “formed coke” derived from this
process meets the requirements of the blast furnace operation for a
defined grain size. However, this new technology has. Yet to gain
industrial acceptance.

The coke has several jobs to perform in the blast furnace. It is the
reduction agent, supplies the heat and carries the whole bulk column in
the blast furnace. The size of the coke grain, larger compared to that of
the ore, sinter and pellet, and its porosity increase the voids fraction
and allow good permeability of the column. Characteristic and
continuously tested features of the coke are its strength and grain size.
The share of ash, sulphur and water should be as low as possible. The
consistency of these features i.e. their variation within limits as narrow
as possible, are of special significance for trouble free furnace
operation, high output and low coke consumption. Some of the coke in
the blast furnace can usefully be replaced by coal, oil or gas. Complete
displacement of coke, however, will not be possible, as the mechanical
functions cannot be taken over by other reducing agents. (IS-7189 for
B.F. Coke, 1752, 5018 & 5081))

3.4. FLUXES (19)

The gangue of the ores and the ashes of the coke have a high
melting point of about 1,700 to 2,0000C depending on the gangue
constituents. These constituents would melt only with difficulty or not
at all at the working temperature of the blast furnace and so fluxes
have to be added which lower the gangue melting point to 1,300 to
1,4000C. The outcome is a low-viscosity slag. Fluxes are used at all
stages of iron and steel production, in pre-treatment and post-
treatment. In secondary metallurgy and in steel casting as fluid slags,
they absorb undesired tramp elements, mainly silicon, aluminum,
phosphorus and sulphur. The most important fluxes are lime, applied
as burnt lime or limestone, as well as lime hydrate, olivine and
dolomite. Other fluxes used in the metallurgical industry are bauxite,
fluorspar and quartz. (IS-10346- for Dolomite flux, IS-3605, 5953 &
8988 – for Bauxite flux)


Reactions during the production of iron and steel take place at
temperatures from 1,000 to 2,5000C. These temperatures and the
additional mechanical demands made on the equipment used in iron
and steelmaking can only be matched bylining the reaction vessels
with refractory material. These are mainly non-metallic (i.e. metallic
oxide) heavy duty ceramics with a heat resistance of at least 1,5800C
(pyrometric cone equivalent). Besides temperature stability and
resistance to mechanical loads, these refractories should under no
circumstances participate or intervene in the chemical reactions.
Refractory linings consist of moulded, burnt or unbrunt (chemically
compounded) or else cast products (bricks) or unshaped refractory
materials. They are dressed with a liquid to develop their bonding
capacity (mortar, mass flux, concretes). In iron and steel industry, the
following groups of refractory are used: silica products, fire clay
products, mullite and corundum products, magnesia and chromium
products, dolomite products, carbon bricks and compounds.
(IS-14852 – Carbon Bricks, IS – 3305-For chrome Magnesite bricks, IS-
14296- for Dolomite bricks, IS- 195, for- Fireclay bricks, IS- 1527, 2043-
for Silica bricks). (19)



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