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CW Tube

Leading technology for individual solutions



Inspired by concept of efficiency Experience, knowledge and precision

Making proven solutions even better Kelvion has conducted development work in collaboration with
The hot dip galvanized elliptical fin tube with its favorable the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Gelsenkirchen,
flow characteristics has been proving its marketability for Germany. Their work has shown that the elliptical fin tube still
decades and will continue to play an outstanding role on the offered room for optimization.
heat exchanger market in the future.
With the method of numerical flow simulation (CFD) we have
Wherever heat transfer is needed in industrial production e.g. investigated the effects of new turbulators on the fins. The
processes, the elliptical fin tube has demonstrated its high results were validated by wind tunnel measurements. A patent
efficiency in areas of application that include the following: was applied for the new invention which is called: CW Tube
R efineries
Petrochemical industry High efficiency
S teel mills and the rest of the steel industry in heat transfer
Natural-gas facilities flow performance results in a product with
P ower plants - low operating expenses
P aper industry - less material usage
T extile industry - low CO2 -emissions
and others - low noise emissions
Lighter, higher efficiency and more silent Reduction of ... Increase of ...
The CW Tube redefines standards
As a result of reduction in specific air-side pressure drop, while
achieving a higher heat transfer coefficient at the same time, Power consumption Efficiency
the CW Tube reaches the following:
Material usage Thermal performance

 p to 25 % less requirement of heat exchanger tubes Carbon footprint Solidity
up to 30 % less electrical power consumption of the fans Weight Corrosion resistance

This pays off in many respects: Both investment and operating Noise level Cleanability
costs can be saved. In parallel the environment will be protec- and more... and more...
ted by reduction of CO2 - and noise emission.

These benefits get together with a high degree of product

reliability, even under extreme conditions.

Pressure drop Heat transfer

conventional elliptical fin tube conventional elliptical fin tube

CW Tube CW Tube
Heat transfer rate
Pressure drop

Air velocity Air velocity

Kelvion GmbH. All rights reserved. EN_01/2016

S ales Air Heater, Air Dryer: Bjrn Stemmann
Phone +49 234 980-1926, [email protected]
S ales Air Preheater: Joachim Postert
Phone +49 234 980-1975, [email protected]
Sales Air Fin Coolers: Frank Floreck
Kelvion GmbH Phone +49 234 980-1958, [email protected]
Dorstener Strae 484, 44809 Bochum, Germany A fter-Sales & Service: Waldemar Nowinski
Phone +49 234 980-1961 Phone +49 234 980-1744, [email protected]
Fax +49 234 980-2014 R esearch & Development: Christian Wllner Telefon +49 234 980-1969, [email protected]

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