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Is the eclipse of Sunday July 11, 2010 that is pinpointing Easter Island signifying the
Rupturing Easter parade of the
“Grandest Lady” in her new Easter
bonnet (crown shockra)? It has been said
that mankind’s soul has been locked in
the Giza Pyramid in Egypt (crypt).
If you drill a hole from Easter
Island on through the center of the earth
to the other side you will come out in the
Giza Pyramid. Will the umbra
(sword/word of destiny) pierce through
the earth to free the souls under the altar?
Is the Pyramid our cocoon? Are we
about to be metamorphosised into a new creature?
In the so-called mythology of the Anunnaki aliens Marduk was locked in the
Giza Pyramid for 3 days until Thoth chiseled a hole from the subterranean chamber on up
to the ascending passage to release him. Why in-fact do we notice today as evidence (see
drawing above) that crudely chiseled tunnel in the pyramid? Did this really happen is
time repeating? Does all this symbolism really mean something? Will you be a conqueror
in this final blood magnetizing ecliptic event that will remove the remaining animalistic
san grail blood of the lion in us and replace it with the Holy/universal Grail/fire of Christ
which is the ticket through the gate to the heavens.

It seems that the July 11 eclipse scenario can be summed up in the following
excerpt from my book. First read what the bible says about the Giza Pyramid as being
God’s alter in the midst of Egypt. In Isaiah 19:19 “In that day shall there be an altar to the
LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD”
19:20 “and he shall send them a savior, and a great one, and he shall deliver And it shall
be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall
cry unto the LORD because of the oppressors them. Then we see in the opening of the
fifth seal of the seven seals of Revelation in the bible. John the revelator is shown the
souls under the altar/Pyramid.
"When He opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been
slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, 'How long, O Lord, holy and true, until you
judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth? 'And a white robe was
given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer,
until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed
as they were, was completed."
This all seem to fall into place as time passes. The scenario I was led to show in
my book about the soul of mankind being locked in the pyramid seems to be coming

In many of the ancient myths the planets were considered to be gods. This was the
case in the Mayan myth and these nine gods including Nibiru were the nine planets. The
orbital motion of all these planets is in perfect synchronism with each other and in
harmony with the Ether flow relative to the galactic center. But because of earth's wobble
due to the collision with Nibiru, earth is not in synchronous motion with the other planets
during the 25920-year time-flow. This fact resulted in the ancients believing that during
that time of the Precessonal cycle, the earth was in sin. But in 2012 when the Earth's pole
shifts and it's Precessonal time is speeded-up to the 24000-year time-flow it will join and
as the Mayan prophecy says be greeted by the nine gods/planets to be in perfect
synchronism with them and the Galaxy. The resulting energy at this time being greater on
earth will awaken man's awareness to a higher level.
In other versions of the legend it is said that the god of the nine winds/planets will
come through the hole in the sky to greet us. In these versions this god is the planet
Nibiru. This is also the case in the fairy tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. One of the ways
the truth of the past is kept alive is in the fairy tales of old. In the story of Jack and the
beanstalk the giant is the giant planet Nibiru and Jack is the Earth. Jack climbs the
beanstalk/serpent rope up through a hole in the sky where he meets the giant/Nibiru and
steals his goose that lays the golden egg. In fairy tales a goose symbolizes ghost. It could
mean the Holy Ghost or a spirit. In this case the ghost is the spirit of perfect harmony or
synchronism with the orbit of Nibiru. Nibiru's orbit is 3600 years long and earth's orbit is
365.82 days long but when the hole opens in the sky and the pole shifts it will be 360
days long. The difference between 360 and 365.82 is 1.61803399, which is the golden
mean ratio number “phi”. This number is called phi because it relates to the physical (phi
cycle) realm. The symbol used to indicate this number is the Greek letter phi. It is no
coincidence that the letter phi is a zero with a slanted line drawn through it just like the
earth is indicated with a circle with its pole as a line drawn through it on an angle. When
the earth’s pole shifts the new angle of the pole will result in a 360, day-year and cancels
out the phi/physical to bring us to the spiritual. This will tie earth back into all the
golden/egg numbers of the Galaxy. I will show more about this relationship to phi further
on in the book.
While speaking of fairy tales I should also mention that the song "Rock a by Baby on the
Treetop" is referring to the coming pole shift also. The polar axis of the earth is in some
myths referred to as a tree. This is the case in this song. The cradle is the earth rocking
during the pole shift.
There is an old legend called "The legend of Akakor" that will come alive with what
is about to be shown here. This legend speaks about two sky brothers visiting our planet
long ago. Early man was shown how to live by these brothers. Then it came time for the
brothers to leave the planet but before they left they told the earth people that there would
come a world cataclysm in the future. They said that they would leave a tightly sealed
box in their care and when the box begins to sing as though it contained a host of bees,

that they will know that it will be time for the cataclysm to happen. The singing would
also signal them to return to help them through the cataclysm.
The tribe of people that were left to watch the box was called "Amazonians" because
they lived near the Amazon River. The tightly sealed box is the Great Pyramid of Giza in
Egypt. The sky brothers were Enki and Enlil from the planet Nibiru.
The Jews were bound in slavery for 400 years in Egypt (Egypt-crypt). Then
God/Yahweh/Enlil sent Moses to free them. And on the path to the freedom of their
Promised Land, they went astray again to be bound in the wilderness of the desert for 40
years. Notice what we are seeing here is cyclic patterns that seems to be repeating over
again. The truth is this pattern didn't start with Moses. It started with mankind 4000 years
ago in Abraham's generation. But the cycling of patterns started on Earth 4 billion years
ago when time, as we know it began with the battle of the planets Tiamat and Nibiru.
The Builder of the Giza Pyramid complex was Thoth and he used what we call
today, "Sacred Geometry" in the design of it. One of the reasons it was built was to be as
a counter weight to stabilize the Earth's Precessonal wobble or timing of the equinoxes.
But because the underlying collective subconscious mind of man is affected by the
Precession of the equinoxes he locked the souls of mankind in the Great Pyramid as a
tomb during the 25920-year time flow. (Notice here the resemblance to the Osirian
legend). But by tuning it periodically to Nibiru's orbit we will emerge out of the tomb.
Now just before the pole shift on that day in 2012 that synchronizes us with Nibiru’s orbit
the box/Pyramid is singing or buzzing as with a host of bees like the sky brothers said.
The bees/souls of mankind are singing their song like the rooster crowing as he sees the
dawning of a new day coming over the horizon as they are being released out of the
The location of the Pyramid in Egypt is called the navel of the Earth because it is at
the exact center of the landmass of earth. The Giza Pyramid was originally used by the
Anunnaki to hold a light beacon to guide their incoming space ships to earth. It also
housed a transmitter and receiver used to bond the Earth to their home planet Nibiru.
Eventually during a battle between the aliens, its beacon and radio facilities were
destroyed. These facilities were then moved to Jerusalem and the bond between
heaven/Nibiru and earth was reestablished there. Jerusalem was the site where Solomon’s
temple was built. The temple was built on the same spot the Anunnaki built their new
bond to heaven. It has always remained a mystery how man could have laid the huge
stone slabs that Solomon’s temple was built on. The truth is the Anunnaki laid the slabs
there they were leftover from their communication facilities. The link between the two
planets was called the Duranki in Sumerian. I hope to show that it was not a random
event when the Anunnaki picked Jerusalem for the location of the new Duranki. This is
because I believe the underlying mind or the collective subconscious mind of man was at
work here. Through the process of time repeating it’s as though it knew that after the pole
shift the new navel or center of the landmass of earth would be located in Jerusalem and
as a result caused this spot to be chosen. The path the pole will take when the shift
happens will cause the new navel to follow the same path Moses and Joshua took from
Egypt to Israel during the Exodus. This path was programmed in the Pyramid when it
was built.
The Jews believe they will build a new temple and reestablish the sacrifices again in
Jerusalem when the Messiah comes and are preparing for this today. But when the new

navel or landmass center is centered in Jerusalem after the pole shift, the Earth will have
a different view of the heavens (born again) and the speed of the precessional wobble will
increase raising the Earth’s consciousness. This will remove the sin on Earth by
synchronizing us with the Galaxy and the rest of our solar system. There will be no need
for sacrifices in a temple because God’s consciousness will fill the whole world and the
world will become God’s temple. The underlying mind of the ancients knew all this and
through myths and legends this knowledge was programmed in our genes to be revealed
at the proper time.

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