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Embracing a Dictionary of Briticisms, Americanisms, Colloquinl Phrases,
etc., in current use ; the Grammatical Uses of Prepositions and
Prepositions Discriminated; a List of Homonyms und Ilomo-
phonons Words ; a Collection of Foreign FLrases,
and a Completa List of Abbreviations and
Contractions used in Writing
ana Printing.


L,atoProfessor elect of Logic and Rhetoric in the University of Wisconsin, late
Superintendent of Public Instruction State of Wisconsin, Ei-Presiaent
Illinois Wesleyan University, Member of tho Philosophical
Society of Great Britain, author of "The Sup-
plemental Dictionary," "Hand Book
of Abbreviations," &c.

/? .
to. si

New York :
Chicago : Toronto

Fleming H. Revell Company

London and Edinburgh

UOPYRIGHT 1S83-1886, 1898,

This work is designed to aid students, literary men, public

speakers and others, in finding the best word to express the

thought they wish to convey.

The author believes that the Antonyms will be of as great

assistance in furnishing words of opposite meaning as the

Synonyms in supplying synonymous words.

The special works of Roget, Soule, Skeats, Campbell,
Archdeacon Smith, etc., and the various standard dic-

tionaries, have been laid under contribution for this work.

For the solution of -Cross Word Puzzles special attention

is called also to the lists of Americanisms and Briticisms and

the immensely valuable table of Homonyms (words spelt
alike but differing in use) original features of easily

recognized importance.


ABACK. SYN. Backwards, rearwards, ble, disconcert, dishearten, moitlty,

behind, back.
aft, abaft, astern, shame, humiliate.
ANT. Onwards, forwards, ahead, be- ANT. Countenance, cheer, uphold,
fore, afront, beyond, afore. encourage, rally, inspirit, animate, in-
Abandon. SYN. Leave, forsake, de- cite,embolden, abet, buoy.
sert,renounce, cease, relinquish, dis- Abate. SYN. Terminate, remove, sup-
continue, cast off, resign, retire, quit, press, lower, reduce, mitigate, dimiu-
forego, forswear, depart from, vacate, ish,moderate,lessen, subside,decrease.
surrender, abjure, repudiate. ANT. Prolong, continue, revive, de-
ANT. Pursue, prosecute, undertake, velop, increase, aggravate, magnify,
seek, court, cherish, favor, protect, brew, ferment, rage, extend, enlarge,
claim, maintain, defend, advocate, re- amplify, raise, enhance.
tain, support, uphold, occupy, haunt,
Abbreviate. SYN. Shorten, reduce,
hold, assert, vindicate, keep. abridge, contract, curtail, epitomize,
Abandoned. SYN. Profligate, wick- condense, prune, compress.
ANT. Lengthen, prolong, extend,en-
ed, vicious, unprincipled, reprobate,
large, produce, elongate, amplify, ex-
incorrigible, sinful, graceless, demor-
pand, dilate.
alized, dissolute, depraved, bad, licen- Abbreviation. SYN. Abridgment,re-
tious, corrupt.
duction, contraction, curtailment, ab-
ANT. Virtuous, conacientious, cor-
stract, summary, epitome, condensa-
rect, upright, worthy, righteous, self- tion, compression.
controlled, high-principled, steady, ANT. Elongation, prolongation, ex-
good. tension, production, amplification, en-
Abase. SYN. Degrade, disgrace, bring
largement, expansion, dilation, expa-
low, reduce, humble, demean, stoop, tiation, explication, dilution.
humiliate, depress, lower, sink, dis- Abderite. SYN. Cynic, sardonic, de-
risive, sarcastic, jocular, flippant, non-
ANT. Promote, exalt, honor, raise, chalant, sportive, sprightful, buoyant.
elevate, dignify, aggrandize. ANT. Lachrymose, plaintive, maun-
Abasement. SYN. Degradation, de- dering, querimonious, plaintive, dole-
pression, disgrace, humiliation, ab- some, lackadaisical, grumbling, croak-
jection, dishonor, shame. ing, lugubrious.
ANT. Promotion, elevation, honor, Abdicate. SYN. Abandon, relinquish,
exaltation, dignity, aggrandizement. resign, surrender, vacate.
Abash. SYN. Confound, confuse, dis- ANT. Retain, maintain, claim, occu-
compose, bewilder, daunt, cow, hum- py, assert, grasp, seize, usurp.
Abdomen. STN. Belly, paunch. tolerate, anticipate, confront, await,
Abduction. STN. Abstraction, sub- bear, face, watch.
traction, deprivation, ablution, rape, ANT. Deport, migrate, move, jour-
seizure, appropriation. ney, proceed, resist, mislike, forefend,
ANT. Addition, adduction, replace- avoid, shun, reject, abandon, forfeit.
ment, restitution, restoration, surren- Ability. STN. Power, cleverness, fac-
der, reinstatement. ulty, skill, capacity, talent, expertness,
Aberrant. STN. Erratic, devious, di- aptitude, dexterity, efficiency, compe-
vergent, incontinuous, desultory, dis- tency, qualification.
connected, wandering, idiotic, incon- ANT. Weakness, incapacity, imbe-
sistent, inconsecutive, abnormal, ex- cility, inability, unreadiness, rnala-
ceptional. droitness.
ANT. Continuous, rectilineal, true, Abject. STN. Degraded, outcast, mis-
consistent, uniform, consecutive, nor- erable, vile, pitiable, worthless, des-
mal, natural, faithful, regular. picable, groveling, fawning, squalid,
Aberration. STN. Wandering, diver- base-minded, slavish, beggarly,servile,
gence, deviation, desultoriness, ram- cringing, low, wretched, sordid.
bling, disconnectedness, hallucination, ANT. Honorable, dignified, eminent,
inconsecutiveness, idiocy, insanity, ex- exalted, esteemed, worthy, venerable,
ception, abnormity. noble, princely, illustrious, independ-
ANT. Uniformity, consecutiveness, ent, self-assertive, self-reliant, vain,
continuity, connectedness, principle, arrogant, insolent, haughty.
law, order, type, norm, project, line, Abjure. STN. Renounce, deny, apos-
tenor, progression, rectiliuearity, reg- tatize, discard, recant, disclaiir, disa-
vow, repudiate, revoke, retract, dis-
Abet. STN. Aid, support, promote, own.
countenance, uphold, assist, instigate, ANT. Profess, assert, demand, vindi-
encourage, incite, advocate, sanction, cate, claim, cherish, advocate, retain,
subsidize, embolden.
ANT. Thwart, contradict, obstruct, acknowledge, appropriate, hug.
Able. STN. Strong, powerful, clever,
oppose, baffle, confound, discourage,
skillful, talented, capable, fitted, effi-
disapprove, disconcert, counteract,de- mas-
cient, effective, learned, gifted,
ter, dissuade, frustrate, impede, de-
nounce, expose. terly, telling, nervous, vigorous.
Abettor. STN. Supporter, advocate, ANT. Weak, inefficient, unskillful,
instigator, promoter, assistant, com- silly, stupid, incapable, ineffective,
panion, accomplice, ally, encourager, unqualified.
associate, adviser, confederate, par- Ablution. STN. Washing, purifica-
ticfjis criminis, coadjutor, accessary, tion, cleansing, abstersion, defecation.
helper. ANT. Pollution, soilnre, defilement,
ANT. Opponent, connteracter, foe, dirt, contamination, taint, stain.
adversary, detector, baffler, antago- Abnegation. STN. Denial, disallow-
nist, disconcerter, dissuader, rival. ance, renunciation, abjuration, stint,
Abeyance. STN. Suspension, reser- abstinence.
vation, dormancy, expectation, inter- ANT. Assertion, vindication, claim,
mission. indulgence, concession, license.
ANT. Revival, renewal, operation, Abnormal. STN. Irregular, erratic,
resuscitation, action, enjoyment, pos- peculiar, unusual, exceptional, mon-
session, exercise, force. strous, aberrant, devious, divergent,
Abhor. STN. Hate, abominate, detest, eccentric, strange.
loathe, despise, dislike, eschew, nau- ANT. Typical, normal, regular, or-
seate. dinary, usual, natural, customary, il-
ANT. Love, admire, enjoy, approve, lustrative.
affect, covet, relish, crave, desire. Aboard. STN. Afloat.
Abide. STN. Dwell, stay, inhabit, con- ANT. Ashore.
tinue, rest, tarry, lodge, reside, live, Abode. STN. Home, stay, placa, resi-
wait, sojourn, remain, expect, endure, dence, domicile, habitation, lodging*.
berth, quarters : with the idea of per- Above-named. SYN. Above-men-
manence. tioned, above-tlescribftl, above-cited,
ANT. Halt, perch, tent, named above, aforesaid, mentioned
avansary with the idea of transience.
: above.
&boliNli. SYN. Destroy, eradicate, in- ANT. Named below, described be-
validate, make void, obliterate, extir- low.
pate, abrogate, annul, subvert, cancel, Above. SYN. Over, beyond, exceeding,
revoke, quash, nullify, overthrow, an- ANT. Below, within, beneath.
nihilate, supersede, suppress,expunge. Abreast. SYN. Beside, alongside.
ANT. Support, sustain, cherish, pro- ANT. Ahead, astern.
mote, continue, confirm, restore, re- Abridge. SYN. Abbreviate, diminish,
pair, revive, reinstate, enact, institute, shorten, lessen, curtail, restrict, con.
re-enact. tract, condense, epitomize, compress.
Abominable. SYN. Abhorrent, foul, ANT. Amplify, expand, spread out.
accursed, detestable, hateful, horrible, Abridgment. SYN. Abstract, abbre-
loathsome, odious, offensive, execra- viation, contraction, summary, synop-
ble, nauseous, impure. sis, epitome, compendium, analysis,
ANT. Delectable, desirable, admira- outline, digest.
ble, enjoyable, lovable, charming, de- ANT. Amplification, expatiation, ex-
lightful, grateful, pure. pansion, disquisition, dilution, com-
Abominate. SYN. Abhor, loathe, de- ment, annotation, exposition, para-
test, execrate, hate. phrase.
ANT. Desire, like, long for, love. Abroach. SYN. Aflow, afloat, abroad,,
Abomination. SYN. Loathing, de- revealed.
testation, hatred, abhorrence, plague, ANT. Close, fast, tight, secret, re-
nuisance, evil, annoyance, infliction, served,
curse. Abroad. SYN. Far, away, apart, dis-
ANT. Love, affection, desire, enjoy-
persed, aloof, adrift, about, distracted,
ment, longiug, acquisition, gratifica- confused.
tion, blessing, treat, delight, benefit. ANT. Near, close, housed, collected,
Iboriglnal. SYN. Primordial, pri- fast.
meval, pristine, autochthonic, imme- Abrogate. SYN. Abolish, cancel, eet
morial, indigenous, native, original. aside, annul, repeal, expunge, rescind.
ANT. Subsequent, adventitious, im-
ANT. Enact, re-enact, confirm, en-
ported, exotic, immigrant, recent, up- . force, continue, revive.
start, modern, late, novel, fresh.
Abortion. SYN. Failure,miscarriage, Abrogation. SYN. Abolition, repeal,
discontinuance, dis-establishment.
misadventure, downfall, mishap, mis-
ANT. Institution, establishment, en-
production, defect, frustration, blun-
der, mess. actment, confirmation, continuance,
ANT. Success, consummation, com- sanction.
pletion, achievemenl,realization, per- Abrupt. SYN. Sudden, steep, precip-
fection, exploit, feat, development. itous, craggy, coarse, curt, blunt, vio-
Abound. SYN. Stream, swell, flow, lent, harsh, unceremonious, rugged,
increase, overflow, superabound, lux- rough.
ANT. Undulating, easy, gliding, pol-
uriate, teem, swarm, flourish, prevail,
be plentiful, wanton, revel, multiply. ished, smooth, blending, courteous.
ANT. Fall, waste, dry, lack, wane, Abscond. SYN. Decamp, bolt, depart,
evaporate, drain, die, decay, vanish, disappear, stenl away, run off, hide,
lessen, decrease. withdraw, retreat.
About. SYN. Almost, with respect to, ANT. Show, emerge, appear.
near, nearly, touching, concerning, Absence. SYN. Want, departure, In-
surrounding, relative to, relating to, attention, non-existence, failure, sepa-
in relation to, approximately, touch- ration, lack, non-appearance, distrac-
ing, roughly, generally. tion.
ANT. Afar, away or afar from, pre- ANT. Presence, supply, appp.nn.iice,
cisely, exactly. existence, manifestation, evidence, at-
tention, immanence, inherency, con- ANT. Contaminative, offensive, cor.
sideration. ruptive.
Absent, a. STN. Not present, gone Abstinent. STN. Temperate, abstem-
away, elsewhere, inattentive, thought- ious, continent, sober, self-denying,
less, listless, preoccupied. austere.
ANT. Present, in this place, here, ANT. Self-indulgent, sensual, intem-
attentive. perate, epicurean, dissipated, inconti-
Absent. . STN. Keep away, depart, nent, debauched.
withdraw. Abstract, v. STN. Separate, detach,
ANT. Be present, stay, remain. [See part, eliminate, draw away, remove,
ABSCOND.] take away, appropriate, purloin, steal,
Absolute. STN. Perfect, complete,un- thieve, draw from.
conditional, irrelative, irrespective, ANT. Add, unite, conjoin, adduce,
supreme, despotic, autocratic, certain, impose, restore, surrender, return.
authoritative, unqualified, unequivo- Abstract, n. ("See ABRIDGMENT.]
cal, irresponsible, arbitrary. Abstraction. STN. Separation, poi-
ANT. Imperfect, incomplete, condi- loining, removal, appropriation, gene-
tional, conditioned, contingent, rela- ralization, classification, reverie, ab-
tive, dependent, constitutional, dubi- sorption, inattention, absence.
ous, accountable, responsible. ANT. Addition, conjunction, union,
Absolve. STN. Acquit, release, exon- adduction, importation, restoration,
erate, liberate, exempt, discharge, ex- restitution, individualization, enume-
culpate, pardon, forgive, free, clear. ration, analysis, specification, observ-
ANT. Charge, accuse, compel, bind, ation, attention.
Abstracted. [See ABSTRACT and AB-
obligate, convict, condemn, inculpate,
impeach, oblige. STRACTION.]
Absonant. STN. Dissonant, discord- Abstruse. STN. Hidden, recondite,
ant, contrariant, repugnant, inconso-
difficult, profound, deep, curious, ob-
scure, mystical, occult, hard, dark.
nant, inharmonious, incompatible, in- ANT. Patent, popular, superficial,
appropriate, impertinent.
ANT. Consonant, agreeable, consist- simple, obvious, trite, intelligible, lu-
cid, plain, easy, manifest, clear.
ent, harmonious, compatible, appro-
Absurd. STN. Irrational, ridiculous,
priate, pertinent, congruous, suitable,
proper. monstrous, senseless, asinine, stupid,
Absorb. STN. Swallow, drown, con- chimerical, unreasonable, preposter-
sume, imbibe, engross, drink in, suck ous, silly, nonsensical, foolish.
ANT. Sensible, rational, reasonable,
np, engulf, monopolize, exhaust.
consistent, sound, substantial, logical,
ANT. Eject, emit, exude, disgorge,
wise, sagacious, reflective, philosoph-
dissipate, distract, distil, disperse. ical.
Abstain. STN. Refrain, forbear, re- Abundance. STN. Plenty, largeness,
fuse, demur, avoid, cease, stop, keep copiousness, sufficiency, plentitude,
back, desist, discontinue, withhold, exuberance, ampleness, profusion, lux-
scruple. uriance, wealth.
ANT. Indulge, exceed, reveal, wan- ANT. Karity, scarcity, paucity, defi-
ciency, scantiness, dearth, failure,pov-
Abstemious. STN. Abstinent, mod- erty.
erate, self-denying, sober, temperate, Abundant. STN. Plentiful, copious,
sparing, frugal. plenteous, large, ample, overflowing,
ANT. Sensual, self-indulgent, glut-
teeming, full, lavish, luxuriant, boun-
tonous, greedy, intemperate. tiful, abounding, profuse, liberal, rich.
Absterge. STN. Wipe, cleanse, puri- ANT. Rare, scarce, scant, deficient,
fy, sponge, scour, scrub.
short, insufficient, niggardly, sparing,
ANT. Foul, bespatter, contaminate,
dry, drained, exhausted, impover-
bedaub, soil, pollute, begrime. ished.
Abstersive. STN. Scouring, purify- Abuse, v. STN. Injure, damage, spoil.
ing, detergent. r^tUartio. vaaltreat. treat-ill, ill-use, ill-treat, re-
Tile, scandalize, disparage, reproach, ant, welcome, agreeable, pleasuraM
upbraid, asperse, malign, slander, vi- seasonable, gratifying.
tuperate, prostitute, defame, pervert, ANT. Urgrateful, unwelcome, dis
misuse, misemploy, vilify. greeable, unpleasant.
ANT. Tend, protect, conserve, con- Acceptation. SYN. Meaning, sig
sider, regard, shield, cherish, praise, nincanco, signification.
extol, laud, vindicate, panegyrize, re- Access. SYN. Approach, adit, course
spect. entrance, avenue, admittance, mod
Abuse, n. SYN. Mistreatment, invec- way, passage, road.
tive, ill-treatment, opprobium, scur- ANT. Exit, egress, departure, excld
rility, vituperation, ribaldry, oblo- sion, repulse. /

quy, reproach, insolence, misusage, Accessible. SYN. Affable, approach

ill-usage. able, easy, conversible.
ANT. Good-usage, good-treatment, ANT. Distant, cold, difficult, unap
kindness, praise, deference, respect. proachable.
Abusive. SYN. Insulting, insolent, of- Accession. SYN. Arrival, addition,
fensive, opprobrious, reproachful, vi- increase, influx, augmentation, rein-
tuperative, rude, denunciatory, scur- forcement, enlargement, extension.
rilous. ANT. Departure, abandonment, re-
ANT. Respectful, kind, panegyrical, iguatiou, retirement, diminution, de-
laudatory, attentive. crease, efflux, ebb, drain, subsidence,
Abut. SYN. Extend, project, impinge, Accessory or Accessary, a. SYN.
approximate. Assistant, additive, additional, auxil-
ANT. Recurve, retreat, diverge, re- iary,supplementary, conducive
turn, recede.
ANT. Essential, inherent, immanent,
Abyss. SYN. Gulf, profound, gorge, incorporate, superfluous, irrelevant,
deep, pit, chasm, depth. malapropos, obstructive, cumbersome.
ANT. Surface, cavity, depression, in- Accessory, n SYN Accomplice, as-
dentation. sociate, abettor, ally, colleague, con-
Academical. SYN. Collegiate, clas- federate, helper.
sical, learned.
ANT. Foe, antagonist, adversary, ri-
ANT. Illiterate, nncollegiate. val.
Accident. SYN. Chance, fortuity, dis-
Academy. SYN. School, seminary, aster, incident, adventure, casualty,
college, university, educational estab-
hazard, contingency, calamity, misad-
lishment, institute,
venture, mishap.
Accede. SYN. Assent, consent, acqui- ANT. Law, purpose, appointment,
esce, comply with, accept, concur, ap- ordainment, provision, preparation.
prove, coincide. Acclamation. SYN. Applause, hom-
ANT. Dissent, decline, withdraw, re- com-
age, gratulation, salutation, joy,
fuse, protest, demur.
mendation, plaudit, hosanuau, cheer,
Accelerate. SYN. Hasten, urge, ex- shouting, exultation, triumph, ap-
pedite, quicken, speed, urge on, press proval.
forward, hurry, promote, dispatch, fa- ANT. Obloquy, censure, execration,
contumely, outcry, sibilation, denun-
ANT. Delay, obstruct, impede, clog, ciation.
retard, hinder, shackle, drag. Acclivity. SYN. Ascent, rise, incline.
Accent. SYN. Stress, rhythm, pulsa- ANT. Declivity, descent.
tion, beat, emphasis. Accommodate. SYN. Convenience,
ANT. Smoothness, inaccentuation, oblige, adapt, supply, reconcile, suit,
monotony, equableness, babble, flow. fit, adjust, furnish, serve, harmonize.
Accept. SYN. Welcome, hail, admit, ANT. Inconvenience, disoblige, dis-
recognize, avow, acknowledge, take, turb, misfit, incommode, deprive, ag-
accede to, receive, assent to. gravate.
ANT. Refuse, decline, reject, disown, Accommodating. SYN. Kind, on-
disavow, ignore, repudiate. selfish,obliging, polite^
Acceptable* SYN. Grateful, plea*- yielding, conciliatory.
ACT. Disobliging, selfish, churlish, ANT. Autocratic, Independent, irre.
rude, imperious, dictatorial, exacting, eponsible, absolute,supreme, despotic.
inconsiderate, unaccommodating. Accoutre. STN. Adorn, fit out, equip,
Accompany. STN. Follow, consort, furnish, dress, furnish with arms.
attend, join, co-exist, escort, convoy.
ANT. Desert, abandon, leave, avoid, Accredit. STN. Believe, trnst, en-
eschew, quit, discard. trust, delegate, depute, commission,
Accomplish. STN. Execute, perfect, ANT. Disbelieve, distrust, suspect,
perform, fufil, do, carry out, attain,
recall, supersede, discard, dismiss.
realize, consummate, achieve, finish, Accredited. STN. Authorized, com
ANT. Fail of, frustrate, defeat, dis- missioned, acknowledged, confiden-
tial, trusted.
concert, destroy, baffle, mar, spoil. ANT. Unauthorized, unacknowledg-
Accomplice. STN. Abettor, confede- ed, distrusted.
rate, accessory, ally, associate, part- Accumulate. STN. Collect, gamer,
ner,' colleague, coadjutor, assistant.
grow, mass, heap, store, bring togeth-
particips criminit. er, hoard, gather, agglomerate, hus-
ANT. Rival, foe, adversary, antago-
band, augment, amass, increase.
ANT. Dissipate, disperse, diminish,
Accord. STN. Agree, consent, harmo-
scatter, expend, waste.
comport, consist,
nize, tally, answer, Accumulation. STN. Heap, collec-
conform, grant, concede, surrender, tion, store, mass, aggregation, hoard.
ANT. Disagree, differ, misfit, mis- ANT. Segregation, separation, unit,
comport, miscouform, withhold, deny, individual.
Accuracy. STN. Exactness, correct-
Accordingly. STN. Agreeably, suit- ness, strictness, precision, exactitude,
ably, conf or mably,hence, consequently,
nicety, fidelity.
ANT. [SeeAGRKEABLY.J ANT. Inexactness, looseness, sloven-
Accordant. STN. Compatible, conso- liness, incorrectness.
nant, harmonious, consistent, consent- Accurate. STN. Careful, exact, faith-
ing, acquiescent. ful, precise, correct, close, truthful,
ANT. [See COMPATIBLE.] strict, just, actual, nice.
Accost. STN. Address, salute, invoke, ANT. Careless, inexact, faulty, in-
hail, greet, stop, apostrophize, speak correct, inaccurate, loose, defective.
to, call to. Accusation. STN. Charge, indict-
ANT. Shun, avoid, elude, pass, ig- ment, imputation, impeachment, ar-
nore. raignment.
Account, n. STN. Narration, report, ANT. Acquittal, absolution, vindica-
rehearsal, story, statement, narrative, tion, discharge.
recital, relation, description, motive, Accuse. STN, Charge, incriminate,
value, importance, advantage, ground, impeach, arraign, tax, taunt, censure,
reason, profit. cite, summon, criminate.
ANT. Silence, suppression, project, ANT. Defend, vindicate, discharge,
misannouncement, of no account, at- acquit, absolve, condone, pardon, ex-
tempt, without value, deed, project. onerate, release.
Account, v. STN. Deem, esteem, con- Accustom. STN. Habituate, familiar-
sider, regard, hold, judge, rate, esti- ize, form, inure, train, reconcile.
mate, value, reckon, explain, solve. ANT. Disaccustom, dishabituate, es.
ANT. Disfteem, misestimate, mys- trauge, wean, alienate.
tify, under-* ate, under- value, perplex, Ace. STN. Unit, atom, point, title, jot,
darken. item.
Accountable. STN. Responsible, li- ANT. Numbers, quantity, bulk, gum,
able, amenable, punishable, answera- mass, collection, aggregate, total.
ble, accredited, delegated, eubordj. Acerbity. STN. Harshness, acridity,
tartness, acidity, bitterness, acrimony,
ACS 18 A01
erabbedness, moroeeness, sourness, Acquirement. Snr Knowledge, at.
roughness. tainment, accomplishment, learning,
ANT. Sweetness, mildness, softness, erudition, acquisition.
mellowness, gentleness, amiableness ANT. Intuition, inspiration, genius.
Ache. n. STN. Pain, suffering, smart, Acquit. STN. Discharge, exonerate,
anguish, pang. absolve, exculpate, release, dismiss,
ANT. [See PAIN.] liberate pardon.
Achieve. SYN. Accomplish, do, gain, ANT. Charge, accuse, impeach, con-
perform, execute, effect, fulfil, finish, strain, implicate, bind, compel, con-
attain, win. demn, oblige, sentence.
ANT. [See Do.] Acquittance. STN. Release, receipt,
Achievement. STN. Exploit, feat, discharge.
attainment, accomplishment, perform- ANT. Bond, claim, charge, obliga-
ance. tion.
ANT. [See ATTAIN and ATTAIN- Acrid. STN. Harsh, sour.
MENT.] ANT. Mellow, sweet, luscious.
Articular. STN. Spinous, sagittate, Acrimonious. STN. Sharp, biting,
prickly, thorny, sharp-pointed, has- stinging, pungent, acrid, ill-natured,
tate, bristly. sarcastic,
ANT. Obtuse, blunt, abrupt. ANT. Smooth, sweet, pleasant,good-
Acid. SYN. Sharp, acidulous, acetous, natured, bland.
vinegarish. Acrimony. STN. Sharpness, bitter-
ANT. Mellow, luscious, mealy, rich. ness, sourness, causticity, acerbity, as-
Acknowledge. STN. Avow, admit, perity, tartness, ill-feeling, hostility,
recognize, own, accept, profess, en- animosity.
dorse, grant, concede, concern. ANT. Smoothness, courtesy, mild-
ANT. Disavow, disclaim, disown, re- ness, blandness, pleasantness, friend-
pudiate, ignore, deny. ship, amiability.
Acknowledged. STN. Agreed, set- Across. STN. Athwart, against, trans-
tled,understood, decided, customary. versely. Transverseness to a line of
ANT. Not agreed, undecided, unset- movement becomes, opposition.
tled, not customary. ANT. Lengthwise, along, concur-
Acme. STN. Summit, zenith, climax, rently, parallel.
apex, pitch, culmination, meridian. Act. v. [See Do.]
ANT. Base, floor, ground, founda- Act. n. STN. Deed, performance, ac-
tion, nadir, depth, depression, foot, tion, movement, proceeding,
root. operation, play.
Acquaint. STN.
Advertise, inform, ANT. Inaction, rest, repose, cessa-
impart, make known, divulge, teach, tion, suspension, quiet, immobility,
notify, apprise, advise, tell. inertia, quiescence.
ANT. Misinform, deceive, delude, Action. [See ACT.]
mislead, misguide, hoodwink. Active. STN. Nimble, agile, lively,
Acquaintance. STN. Knowledge, in- sprightly, brisk, quick, expert, dex-
timacy, familiarity, experience, com- terous, supple, wide-awake, prompt,
panionship. busy, industriout,diligent.
ANT. Ignorance, tmfamiliarity, in- ANT. Slow, inactive, Indolent, slug-
experience. It has also the collo- gish, heavy.
quial meaning of a person with whom Activity. STN. Agility, quickness,en-
one is acquainted. ergy, briskness, vivacity, promptness,
Acquiesce. STN. Assent, concur, alertness, celerity, rapidity.
repose, agree, yield, be resigned, ANT. Inactivity, awkwardness, IH-
comply. dolence, slowness, sloth, clumsiness,
ANT. Dissent, demur, object. heaviness, sluggishness, lassitude.
Acquire. STN. Gain, earn, procure, Actor. STN. Doer, worker, agent, per-
obtain, get, realize, win, reap. former, principal, player, tragedian,
ANT. Lose, forfeit, surrender, miss, comedian.
forego. ANT. [See Aoxmr.]
Actual. Developed, positive, un-
STIC. extend, enlarge, sum up, cast up, sub-
questionable, demonstrable, certain, join, amplify, annex.
real, authentic. ANT Deduct, subtract, dissever, ab-
ANT. Potential, undeveloped, hypo- stract.
thetical, supposition, possible, vir- Addendum. STN. Acquisition, im-
tual, theoretical, fabulous, fictitious, provement, supplement, complement,
unreal. desideratum, concomitant, annexa-
Actually. STN. Verity, truly, deci- tion, appendage.
dedly, assuredly, positively. ANT. Surplusage, detriment, dete-
ANT. Potentially, hypothetically, rioration, detraction, drawback.
theoretically Addicted. STN. Given, accustomed,
Actuate. STN. Urge, instigate, stir, prone, inclined, disposed, habituated.
induce, influence, incline, dispose, in- ANT. Unaddicted, disinclined, unac-
cite,impel, prompt, drive. customed, indisposed, averse, free.
ANT. Deter, discourage, retard, in- Addltament. STN. Adjunct, annex-
hibit, hinder, prevent, impede, dis-
ation, supplement, addition, acquisi-
tion, increase, augmentation, access-
Acuity. STN. Pointedness, aculea- ion.
tion, acumination. ANT. Deduction, detraction, draw-
ANT. Bluntiiess, hebetude, obtuse-
ness. back, decrement, deterioration.
Aculeated. SYN. Armed, epinous, Addition. STN. Accession, enlarge-
acuminated, punctuous. ment, increase, extension, accretion,
ANT. Unarmed, blunt, obtuse, sting- appendage.
less, pointless.
Ac men.
ii STN. Point, penetrative-
Address, n. STN. Tact, manners.
ANT. Awkwardness, unmannerli-
ness, sharpness, discernment, talent, ness.
sagacity Address, v. STN. Accost, greet, sa-
ANT. Bluntness, obtuseness, stupid-
lute,approach, apostrophize, appeal,
ity, dulness, indiscernment, hebetude.
hail,woo, court.
Acute. SYN. Pointed, penetrating, sa- ANT. Elude, avoid, shun, ignore,
gacious, perspicacious, keen, astute, pass.
piercing, sharp, shrewd, keen-sighted, Adduce. STN. Allege, apply, cite, ad-
severe, distressing, vance, offer, introduce, produce, add,
ANT. Dull, blunt, obtuse, stupid,un-
import, name, mention, quote.
discerning, heavy, chronic, stolid. ANT. Retract, except, withdraw, de,
Acutely. STN. Sharply, deeply, pain- duct, deduce, suppress.
fully, poignantly, intensely.
ANT. Bluntly, obtusely, stupidly, Adept. STN. Expert, adroit, handy,
master, performer, professor, artist.
stolidly, pleasantly, ANT. Awkward, clumsy, inexpert,
Adage. STN. Maxim, saying, motto, tyro, novice, lubber, blunderer.
saw, apothegm, aphorism, by-word, Adequate. STN. Equal, sufficient,
proverb, dictum. fit, satisfactory, full, competent, capa-
ANT. Discourse, disquisition, yarn,
ble, able.
harangue. ANT. Unequal, insufficient, incom-
Adapt. STN. Fit, accommodate, suit,
petent, inadequate.
adjust, conform, admeasure, harmo- Adhere. STN. Stick, cohere, cleave,
nize, attune.
hold, attach, unite, fix, join, cling.
ANT. Misfit,misconform, misapply. ANT. Disunite, part, separate, di-
Adaptation. STN. Accommodation, vide, secede, sunder, sever.
adjustment, admeasurement, conform- Adherence. STN. Adhesion, attach-
ity, coincidence. ment, devotion, fidelity, cleaving to,
ANT. Inconfonnity, incongruity, in- constancy, endearment.
compatibility, disharmony, misfi ^mal- ANT. Separation, disunion, unfaith-
formation, mismeasurement. fulness, desertion, treachery.
Add. STN, Adduce, adjoin, increase, Adherent, SYN. Follower, supporter,
ally, disciple, admirer, backer, aid, expostulate, warn, dissuade, prohibit,
partisan. inhibit, defy.
ANT. Opponent, deserter, ad versa: y Adjust. SYN. Harmonize, collocate,
renegade, antagonist. arrange, localize, adapt, affix, right,
Adhesion. [See ADHERENCE.] suit, classify, set in order, reconcile,
Adhesive. SYN. Sticky, viscous, glu- accommodate, compose.
tinous. ANT. Dislocate, disarrange, disturb,
ANT. Inadhesive. confound, dismember, disorder, con-
Adieu. SYN. Good-bye, (which ls,"God fuse, discompose, derange.
be with ye,") farewell, leave-taking,
Adjuvant. SYN. Accessary, auxili-
parting salutation, valediction. ary, promotive, productive, assistant,
ANT. Greeting, welcome, recogni- rnini<=trative, ancillary, useful, con-
tion, salutation. ducive.
Adipose. SYN. Obese, corpulent, se- ANT. Obstructive, detractive, re-
baceous, oleaginous, pinguetudinous. tardative, preventive, counteractive,
ANT. Leathery, skinny, bony, thin, irrelevant, useless.
anatomical, mummified. Admeasurement. SYN. Size, ad-
Adit. SYN. Entrance, ingress, access,
justment, dimensions, adaptation.
approach, avenue. ANT.
ANT. Exit, egress, month, outlet, Misshapement, misconforml-
debouchure. ty, misfit, mismatch, mismeasure-
Adjacent. SYN. Near, neighboring, Administer. SYN. Distribute, award,
contiguous, close, nigh, bordering,
conterminous. accord, dole, give, impart, afford, dis-
ANT. Remote, distant, separate, charge, dispense, execute, perform,
Adjoin. SYN. r. t. annex, add, con- furnish, contribute, conduct.
ANT. Withdraw, withhold, refuse,
nect, append, supplement, attach,
unite, v. i. Border, neighbor, touch, retain, assume, resume, resign, deny,
abut, approximate, verge, trench. divert, appropriate, misadminister,
ANT. v. t. Disjoin, dismember, dis- betray, misconduct, mismanage.
connect, detach, disintegrate, disu- Admirable. SYN. Wonderful, excel-
nite, v.i. Part, separate, recede, re- lent, surprising, astonishing, praise-
turn, diverge, be distant, removed, worthy, pleasing.
remote, incontiguous. ANT. Commonplace, mediocre, ri-
Adjourn. SYN. Postpone, suspend, diculous, abominable, displeasing.
defer, prorogue, delay, protract, put Admiration. SYN. Wonder, appro-
off. val, appreciation, adoration, rever-
ANT. Expedite, despatch, urge, ence.
hasten, conclude, complete, seal, con- ANT. Disapproval, disesteem, con-
summate, terminate. tumely, opprobrium, ridicule, con-
Adjudge, Adjudicate. SYN. Con- tempt, dislike.
fer, award, assign, present, decide, Admire. SYN. Wonder, gaze, ap-
arbitrate. prove, appreciate, extol, esteem, love,
ANT. Withhold, reserve, retain, re- applaud, affect, adore, revere, re-
fuse, dismiss, relegate; spect.
Adjunct. SYN. Addition, additament, ANT. Abhor, ridicule, disesteem,
attachment, appendage, auxiliary, execrate, abominate, contemn, mis-
appurtenance, aid, acquisition, advan- like, despise, slight.
tage, help. Admissible. SYN. Allowable, per-
ANT. Essence, substance, body, missible, probable, reasonable, just,
clog, detriment, impediment, draw- proper, fair, right, qualified.
back, hindrance, obstruction, detrac- ANT. Unallowable, inadmissible,
tion. improper, unreasonable, absurd, pre-
Adjure; SYN. Conjure, entreat, en- posterous, monstrous, unfair, wrong,
join, urge, supplicate, move, beseech, unqualified, excluded.
command. Admission. SYN. Concession, al-
ANT. Deprecate, remonstrate, dare, lowance, acknowledgment, acceptance.
AST. Denial, protestation, nega- Adventitious, superfluous, redund-
ant, alien, artificial, spurious, smug-
tion, contradiction, rejection.
wdmlt. SYN. Receive, pase, permit, gled.
ANT. Essential, necessary, verit-
accept, grant, concede, allow, ac-
able, regular, ingenerate, ingrained,
knowledge, confess,own, avow, suffer.
ANT. Exclude, debar, disallow, re- congenital, fundamental, genuine, in-
herent, proper.
ject, deny, discharge, dismiss, eject, Adulation. SYN. Flattery, com-
extrude, repudiate, disavow, disown.
pliment, sycophancy, courtship, in-
Admittance. SYN. Introduction, cente, praise, blandishment, fawning,
entrance, pass, permit, passport,
re- cringing.
privilege, acceptance, welcome, ANT. Detraction, obloquy, defama-
ception. tion, calumny, traducement, sarcasm,
AST. Exclusion, denial, ejection,
ridicule, satire, bespatterment.
prohibition, bar, hindrance, rejec- Adult. SYN. Man, woman.
tion, repudiation. ANT. Youth, stripling, boy, child,
Admonish. SYN. Remind, fore- infant
warn, advise, warn, dissuade, cau- Adulterate. SYN. Debase, corrupt,
tion, counsel, reprove, censure, deteriorate, vitiate, contaminate.
buke. ANT. Make pure, genuine, unde-
Encourage, instigate, abet, teriorate.
applaud, countenance.
incite, urge, Adulterated. SYN. Impure, nn-
Admonition. SYX. Warning, ad- genuine, spurious, concocted, mixed,
vice, counsel, caution, reproof. falsified, deteriorated, garbled, viti-
ANT. Applauding, encouraging, in- ated.
citing, urging, countenancing. ANT. Pure, genuine, original, un-
Ado. SYN. Hubbub, commotion, mixed, unadulterated,undeteriorated,
fuse, excitement. sound.
AWT. Calm, composure, quiet, or- Adumbration. SYN. Shadow, fore-
derliness, staidness, tranquillity. shadowing, presage, prognostic, de-
Adopt* SYN. Assume, select, affillt- lineation, premonition, hint, sketch,
ate, take, elect, arrogate, choose, en- prototype, suggestion.
dorse, avow, appropriate. ANT. Body, substance, fulfillment,
ANT. Reject, decline, repudiate, realization, substantiation, antitype.
disavow, discard, renounce, abandon, Advance, v. SYN. Propel, elevate,
disown, disclaim. promote, further, lend, propagate,
Adore. SYN. Admire, hallow, glo- progress, increase, prosper, rise,
rify, praise, venerate, reverence, wor- ANT. Retard, hinder, withhold,
ship, idolize. withdraw, recall, depress, degrade,
ANT. Abhor, despise, disesteem, suppress, oppose, retreat, decrease.
abominate, execrate, blaspheme. Advancement. [See ADVANCE.]
Adorn. SYN. Beautify, bedeck, or- Advantage. SYN. Gain, success,
nament, decorate, embellish, deck, superiority, help, assistance, benefit,
garnish, gild, enrich. good, avail, interest, utility, service,
ANT. Mar, spoil, deform, deface, profit, acquisition.
disfigure, impoverish, denude, des- ANT. Loss, disappointment, defeat,
poil, strip, bare, disembellish. frustration, inferiority, obstacle, ob-
4 drift. SYN. Loose, afloat, agog, struction, difficulty, dilemma, disad-
abroad, abroach, distracted, disor- vantage, drawback.
dered. Advent. SYX. Approach, arrival,
ANT. Fait, tight, right, lashed, accession, coming.
moored, secure, collected, composed. ANT. Departure, exit, exodus, re-
Adroit. SYN. Handy, skillful, dex- tirement, relinquishment, quittance.
terous, expert, proficient, clever. Adventitious. SYN. Extrinsic, re-
ANT. Awkward, clumsy, unskillful, dundant, superfluous, adscititiouSs ir-
inexpert, lubberly. regular, casual, imported.
A dfttitit iou*,or A vcitltious. SYN. ANT. Regular, proper, pertinent.
essential, appropriate, necessary, In- strain, curb, mislead, misadvise,
trins! }. hoodwink, deceive, delude,misinform.
Adventure. SYN. Incident, crisis, Advisable. SYN. Politic, judi-
chunee, hazard, occurrence, event, cious, expedient, desirable, wise, pru-
enterprise, casualty, undertaking, dent, beneficial, profitable.
experiment, venture, trial, romance. ANT. inadvisable, impolitic, In-
ANT. Matter-of-fact, matter-of- judicious, inexpedient, undesirable,
course. unprofitable.
Adventurous. SYN. Bold, brave, Advocate, n SYN. Pleader, coun-
daring, enterprising, courageous, gal- sellor, upbolder, propagator, promo-
lant, venturesome, rash,
fearless, ter, supporter, countenancer, defend-
chivalrous, hazardous. er, maintainer.
ANT. Timid, unenterprising, inad- ANT. Opponent, adversary, dis-
venturous, cowardly, nervous, hesita- countenancer, accuser, impugner,
ting, cautious. gainsayer.
Adversary. SYN. Antagonist, foe, Advocate, [See NOUN.]

enemy, rival, assailant. Afar. SYN. Abroad, away, aloof.

ANT. Accessory, abettor, alder, ANT. Near, at home, close.
Triend, helper, assistant, ally, accom- Afluble. SYN. Courteous, accessible,
plice. condescending, conversible, gracious,
Adverse. SYN. Opposed to, un- sociable, gentle, complaisant, urbane,
lucky, hard, hostile, antagonistic, un- polite, easy, approachable.
propitious, opposite, conflicting, con- ANT. Exclusive, discourteous, dis-
trary, unfavorable. tant, inaccessible, unapproachable,
ANT. Favorable, friendly, amic- incooversible, haughty, contemptu-
able, propitious, fortunate, lucky. ous, supercilious.
Adversity. SYN. Ill-luck, misfor- Affair. SYN. Matter, business, con-
tune, misery, calamity, disaster, dis- cern, subject, topic, transaction.
tress, uusuccess, failure, ruin,trouble, ANT. Detail, item, point, feature,
affliction, sorrow. circumstance.
ANT. Good-luck, prosperity, hap- Affect. SYN. Like, desire, favor,
piness, success, advancement. seek, assume, move, influence, con-
Advert to. SYN. Refer to,allude to, cern, interest, feign, pretend.
ANT. Dislike, .eschew, shun, repel,
notice, remark, glance at, regard,
touch upon, hint at. repudiate.
ANT. Ignore, pass, drop, omit, Affectation. BYN. Pretence, arti-
overlook. fice, hypocrisy, assumption, simula-
Advertent. SYN. Attentive, re- tion, mannerism, euphuism, airs.
ANT. Genuineness, naturalness, un
gardful, mindful, watchful, thought-
ful, observant, considerate. affectedness, simplicity, artlessness.
ANT. Affectlblllty. SYN. Sensibility,
Inattentive, inadvertent,
casual, thoughtless, heedless, inob- sensitiveness, susceptibility, impressi-
servant, inconsiderate. bility, excitability, irritability, ner-
Advertise. SYN. Publish, inform, ANT. Insensibility, inseusateness,
advise, circulate, announce, notify, cal
hebetude, unimpresslbleness,
proclaim, promulge. lousness.
ANT. Suppress, hush, conceal, ig-
Affection. SYN.
Influence, condi-
nore, hoodwink, misguide, mislead,
misinform. tion, state, inclination, bent, mood,
humor, feeling, love, desire, pro-
Advice. [SeeADVisi.] pensity.
Advise. SYN. Admonish, warn, de- ANT. Insensibility, indifference,
liberate, counsel, persuade, urge, repugnance, disaffection, repulsion.
prompt, instigate, incite, instruct, ac- Affiance. Homage, trust, confidence,
quaint, inform. reliance, betrothal, fealty, faith,
ANT. Dissuade, dwtor, expostulate, plighting.
rwnoastraVe, prohibit, UiiiibiV, r AT. Unfealty, disloyalty, distn/
treason, suspicion, Infidelity, false- Affray. STN. Broil, tumult, brawl,
ness. meltfe, fracas, disturbance, uproar,
Affiliate. STN. Annex, graft, in- quarrel, strife, wrangle, altercation.
ANT. Order, tranquillity, pacifica-
corporate, unite, adopt, inoculate.
ANT. Dismember, disannex, dis- tion, dispersion, quelling.
affiliate, sever, transplant, separate, Affright. STN. Startle, astonish,
disjoin, disunite. terrify, alarm, dismay, cow, frighten,
A ffl 1 iatlon . [See AFFILIATE. ]
ANT. Encourage, re-
STN. Relationship, rela- embolden,
Affinity. assure.
tion, kindred, conformity, connection,
Affront. STN.
alliance, similarity, analogy, homo- Outrage, provoca-
geneity, harmony, correlativeness, tion, insult, ill-treatment, abuse,
sympathy, interdependence, inter- wrong, offence, Indignity.
connection, intercommunity.
ANT. Homage.salutation, courtesy,
ANT. Dissimilarity, discordance, apology, amends, compliment.
disconnection, independence, antag- Afire. STN. Ablaze, alight, burning,
onism, antipathy, repugnance, inter- ignited.
repulsiveness. ANT.Out, extinguished, quenched.
Affirm. STN. Assert, swear, testify, Afloat. STN. Adrift, abroad, at sea,
tell, aver, propound, asseverate, de- abroach, loose, distracted, dazed.
pose, state, declare, endorse, main- ANT. Ashore, snug, tight, close,
tain. fast, collected, concentrated.
ANT. Deny, dispute, doubt, demur, Afoot. STN. Working, launched,
negative, contradict, gainsay, oppugn, aSoat, agoing, inaugurated, started,
impugn, oppose. instituted, established.
Affix. STN. Attach, annex, subjoin, ANT. TJncommenced, Incomplete,
adjoin, connect, fasten, unite, append. projected, proposed, contemplated,
ANT. Detach, disunite, separate, designed.
remove, disengage, unfasten. Afore. STN. Precedent, antecedent,
Affliction. STN. Trouble, trial, foregoing, ahead, a-front, before, b<u-
grief, pain, disease, misery, hardship, yond, sooner.
sorrow. ANT. Behind, following, subse-
ANT. Consolation, relief, allevia- quently, after, astern, aback, rear-
tion, assuagement, or, more positive- wards.
ly :
boon, blessing, gratification, Aforesaid. STN. Above-mentioned,
pleasure. stated, fore-named, foregoing, pre-
Affluence. STN. Abundance, plenty, ceding, fore-mentioned.
wealth, riches, opulence. ANT. Following, subjoined, after-
ANT. Want, scarcity, penury, in- cited, forthcoming.
digence, poverty, impecuniosity, Afraid. STN.
straitness, lack.
Fearful, apprehen-
Afflux. sive, timid, timorous, cowardly, faint-
STN. Accession, importa- hearted, cautious, careful, frightened,
tion, augmentation, increase, addi- alarmed, terrified, suspicious, dis-
tion, influx.
trustful, anxious.
ANT. Decrease, detriment, detrac- ANT. Fearless, inapprehensivn, un-
tion, diminution, exhaustion, failure,
ebb. solicitous, easy, indifferent, secure,
confident, bold, hopeful, eager, reck-
Afford. BTH. Produce, supply, give,
less, audacious, venturesome.
yield, grant, confer, bestow, impart, Afresh. STN.
administer, extend.
Anew, again, fre-
ANT. quently, repeatedly, intermittently.
Withhold, deny, withdraw, ANT. Continuously, uniformly, un-
retain, stint, grudge.
interruptedly, unintermittently, con-
Affranchise. STN.
Free, liberate, nectedly,
enfranchise, manumit, qualify, open. Aft. [SeeAsAS-r.]
ANT. Enthral, enslave, subjugate, After. STN. Behind, following, BU*
disfranchise, disqualify, close. ceedlng.
ANT. Afore, before, Introducing, ANT. Dissipation, dispersion, sepa-
preceding. ration, division, segregation,disunion,
A^aiii. SYN. Anew, afresh, repeat- individual, unit, element, ingredient,
edly, frequently. item.
ANT. Continuously, uniformly, un- Aggression. SYN. Invasion, attack,
interruptedly, unintermittently, once. offence, onslaught, encroachment, as-
Against. SYN. Over, opix>site, sault, provocation, incursion.
abutting, opposing, resisting, despite, ANT. Resistance, retaliation, re-
across, athwart, counter. pulsion, withdrawal, retreat, evacua-
ANT. With, for, accompaning, aid- tion, accession, acceptance, qualifica-
ing, suiting, promoting. tion.
Agape. SYN. Astare,agog, aston- Aggrieve, SYN. Wound, trouble,
ished, curious, inquisitive, enter- annoy, hurt, vex, disappoint, molest,
tained, amused, eager. maltreat, grieve, afflict, injure, wrong,
ANT. Incurious, listless,lukewarm, ANT. Soothe, conciliate, assuage,
absent. console, satisfy, compensate.
Age. SYN. Period, generation, era, Aghast. SYN. Affrighted, aston-
epoch, date, century, antiquity, se- ished, astare, dumbfounded, be-
nility, eldership, seniority. wildered, horror-struck.
ANT. Youth, infancy, boyhood, ANT. Cool, fearless, unaffected, un-
childhood, moment, instant. moved, indifferent, unexcited, un-
Aged. SYN. Old, ancient, antiquated, alarmed.
elderly, senile, patriarchal, primeval, Agile. SYN. Nimble, active, fleei,
time-honored, olden. brisk, alert, fetitly, lithe, prompt,
ANT. Juvenile, youthful, young,up- ready, quick, supple, nimble, swift,
start, recent, fresh. sprightly.
Agency. [See AGENT.] ANT. Slow, heavy, awkward, inert,
Agent. SYN. Doer, performer, ac-
clumsy,bulky, ponderous,elephantine.
tor, force, means, instrument, influ-
ence, cause, promoter, operator.
Agitate. SYN. Disturb, trouble, ex-
cite, ruffle, stir, fluster, oscillate, insti-
ANT. Counteragent, counteractor,
gate, convulse, shake.
counteraction, opponent, neutralizer, ANT. Calm, compose, allay, pacify,
Agglomerate. SYN. Accumulate,
conglomerate, lump, agglutinate, en- It is sometimes used of argumenta-
tangle, heap, confuse, amalgamate. tive consideration, as, to agitate a
ANT. Scatter, dissipate, sift, sepa-
rate, disentangle, disject, divide, dis- SYN. Start, moot, ventilate, pro-
unite, part, unravel, detach, differ-
ence. pound.
ANT. Solve, settle, determine.
Aggrandize. SYN. Promote, dig- Ago. SYN. Past, gone, since.
nify, exalt, ennoble, enrich, advance, ANT. Coming, future, hence, here*
augment, make great, magnify, ele- after.
vate, signalize.
ANT. Depress, degrade, enfeeble, Agog. SYN. Abroad, abroach, astir,
Impoverish, debase, humiliate, lower, adrift, agoing.
ANT. Asleep, indifferent,incnriou8,
abase, disgrace, dishonor.
Aggravate. SYN. Exasperate, pro- somnolent, heedless, collected, cool.
voke, wound, heighten, intensify, ir- Agony. SYN. Pain, torture, tor-
ritate, make worse, increase, enhance ment, distress, woe, throe, suffering,
embitter, magnify. pang, excruciation.
ANT. Soothe, conciliate, assuage, ANT. Assuagement,comfort, peace,
diminish, palliate, neutralize, soften, ease, relief, gratification, enjoyment,
lessen, alleviate. attenuate,mitigate. rapture, ecstacy, composure.
Aggregate, Aggregation. SYN. Agree. SYN. Suit, tally, accord, fit,
Sum,result,total, mass, whole, totality, harmonize, combine, assent, concur,
collection, amount, collation, combi- acquiesce, admit, consent, conforr*
nation. consort, comport, coincide.
Avt Differ, disagree, revolt, pro- Airy. SYN. Light, ethereal, spiritual,
test, decline, refuse, dissent, demur. joyous, sprightly, lively, animated,
frolicsome, fairy-like.
Agreeable. SYN. Obliging, pleas- ANT. Dull, inert, stony, ponderous,
ant, accommodating, grateful, accept-
able, welcome, suitable, consistent,
plow, heavy, cheerless, sullen, dole-
consonant, amiable, gratifying, pleas- some, lugubrious, leaden, wooden.
ing, good-natured, complaisant.
Akin. SYN. Related, agnate, cognate,
ANT. Disobliging, unpleasant, un- homogeneous, similar, consanguine-
accommodating, disagreeable, ob- ous, congenial, allied, sympathetic.
noxious, ungrateful, unwelcome, unac- ANT. Unrelated, unconnected, for-
ceptable, offensive. eign, alien, heterogeneous, uncon-
SYN. con- genial, hostile, unallied, antagonistic,
Agreeably. Suitably,
unsympathetic, dissimilar.
formably, consistently, accordingly,
pleasantly, acceptably, gratefully. Alacrity. SYN. Quickness, readiness,
ANT. Unsuitably, inconsistently, briskness, activity, cheerfulness, com-
impertinently, inappropriately, inhar- pliance, willingness, promptitude.
moniously,unbefittingly,unpleasantly. ANT. Slowness, reluctance, repug-
SYN. Contract, com- nance.
Agreement. Alarm, n. SYN. Apprehension, fright,
pact, bond, concord, concurrence,con-
formity, harmony, unison, conso- fear, timidity, consternation, tocsin,
nance, bargain, covenant, obligation, war-cry, war-note, reveille, dread, af.
undertaking, treaty. fright, disquietude, dismay.
ANT. (As without legal force or ANT. Confidence, security, quiet.
bond). Understanding, promise, pa- Alarm, v. SYN. Warn, wake, terrify,
role. intimidate, frighten.
Agriculture. SYN. Cultivation, hus- ANT. Compose, embolden, reassure,
bandry, farming, tillage. rally.
ANT. Sterility, unproductiveness, Alarming. SYN. Terrible, fearful,
waste, fallowness, inculture. frightful, portentous, ominous, threat-
Aground. SYN. Stranued, ashore. ening.
ANT. Afloat, off. ANT. Soothing, assuring, encourag-
Ahead. SYN. Forward, afore, afront, ing, inviting, propitious, hopeful, al-
onwards. luring, enticing, attractive.
ANT. abaft, astern, behind, aback, Alert. SYN. Active, brisk,nimble, pre-
aft, pared, prompt, vigilant, ready, wake-
Aid. SYN. Help,assist,guccor, support, ful,watchful, on the watch, lively.
befriend, co-operate, contribute^ avor, ANT. Slow, sleepy, lazy, absent, un-
foster, protect, abet, encourage, insti- ready, oblivious, sluggish, inactive,
gate, subsidize. unwatchful, dilatory, drowsy.
ANT. Oppose, resist, counteract, dis- Alien. SYN. Foreign, strange, undo-
courage, thwart, withstand, confront, mesticated, inappropriate, irrelevant,
deter, baffle. impertinent.
Ailment. SYN. Complaint, sickness, ANT. Pertinent, essential, proper,
illness, disease. appropriate, relevant, germane, afcin,
ANT. Recovery, convalescence, san- apropos, naturalized.
health, robustness, vigor, salubri-
ity, Alienate. SYN. Estrange, abalienate,
ousness. transfer, wean, disaffect. convey.
Aim. n. SYN. Tendency, intent, aspira- ANT. Conciliate, retain, endear, en-
tion, bent, drift, object, scope, goal, tail, bind, secure.
purpose, mark, end, design, intention. Alienation. SYN. Insanity, aberra-
ANT Shunning, disregarding, dis- tion, hallucination, derangement, im-
alfecting, overlooking, avoiding. becility.
Aim. v. SYN. Seek, level, propose, de- ANT. Sanity, soundness, sobriety,
sign, affect, intend, mean, purpose. rationality.
ANT. Shun, disregard, disaff ect, ig- Alight. SYN. Perch, drop, descend,
nore, overlook, avoid. dismount.
ANT. Mount, ascend, spring, soar, apportion, deal, dispense, parcel, dte
start. tribute, divide, mete out, portion out.
Alike. SYN. Resembling, similar, to- ANT. Refuse, withhold, retain, ap-
gether, twin-fellow, analogous, identi- propriate, resume, mlsapportion, mis-
cal, equal, equivalent, same, homo- denl.
geneous, akin, equally. Allotment. SYN. Piece, assignment,
ANT. Unlike, heterogeneous, apart, parcel, award, apportionment.
dissimilar, variously, differently, un- ANT. Misappropriation, seizure,en-
equally. oroacumeut.
Ailment. SYN. Food, sustentation, Allow. SYN. Concede, apportion, al-
nutriment, pabulum, victuals, provis- lot,assign, afford, tolerate, authorize,
ion, meat, sustenance, nourishment. grant, remit, recognize, acknowledge,
ANT. Poisou, bane, venom, starva- avow, confess, admit, permit, suffer,
tion, exhaustion. sanction, yield.
Alive. SYN. Quick, living, breathing, ANT. Withhold, withdraw, resume,
warm, lively, vivacious, alert, exist- refuse, deny, disallow, repudiate, pro-
ing, existent, safe, subsisting, active, test, \vithstuud, resist, disapprove, r&>
brisk, animated. ject.
ANT. Dead, departed, cold, lifeless, Allowance. [See ALLOW.]
defunct, inanimate, dispirited, du.. Alloy. SYN. Admixture, deterioration,
All. SYN. Whole, complete, entire, adulteration, drawback, diminution,
total, every, integral, perfect, full. decrement, impairment, debasement^
ANT. (preceding). Some, part. depreciation, disparagement.
Allay. SYN. 8oothe,alleviute, repress, ANT. Purity, genuineness, enhance,
mitigate, quiet, moderate, appease, muiit, integrity.
compose, soften, pacify, mollify as- Alloyed. SYN. Mixed, deteriorated,
suage,tranquilize, palliate, culm. impaired, diminished, adulterated.
ANT. Excite, rouse, aggravate, stir, ANT. Pure, absolute, perfect, com-
kindle, fan, impassion, provoke, in- plete, genuine, unmixed, unimpaired,
cite. undeterioMtted, uudimiuished,un adul-
Allege. STN. Declare, affirm, assert, terated, enhanced.
asseverate, depose, plead, cite, quote, Allude. SYN. Point, indicate, suggest,
assign, advance, maintain, say. hint, signify, insinuate, refer, imply,
ANT. Contradict,gaiusay, refute, de- intimate.
ny, disprove, neutralize, quash, repel. ANT. Specify, demonstrate, declare,
Allegiance. SYN. Subjection, obedi- mention, state.
ence, loyalty, fealty, homage. Allure. SYN. Entice, seduce, attract,
ANT. Disloyalty, rebellion, resist- tempt, decoy, inveigle, wheedle, lure,
ance, disaffection, malcontentment, cajole.
treason. ANT. Alarm, deter, terrify, scare,
Allegory. SYN. Parable, metaphor, warn.
fable, illustration, image. Allurement. [See ALLURE].
ANT. History, fact, narrative. Allusion. SYN. Reference, insinua-
Alleviate. SYN. Lighten, lessen, as- atiou.
suage, mitigate, soothe, moderate, re- ANT. Specification, demonstration,
lieve, remit, diminish. mention.
ANT. Aggravate, enhance, increase, Ally. SYN. Friend, companion, sup-
embitter, augment. porter, aider, abetter, accomplice, as-
Alliance. SYN. Compact, treaty, co- sistant, confederate, helper, associate,
operation, union, connection, partner- accessory, colleague, coadjutor.
ship, league, combination, coalition, ANT. Foe, enemy, opponent, adver-
confederation, friendship, relation, sary, baffler, counteractor, antagonist.
relationship. Aloof. SYN. Apart, away, separately.
ANT. Disunion, enmity, divorce, dis- ANT. Close, near, together.
cord, disruption, antagonism, separa- Aloud. SYN. Audibly, loudly, clamor-
tion, estrangement, hostility. ously, sonorously, vociferously, ob
Allot. SYN. Assign, grant, award, give, etreperousljr.
AWT. Softly, 6ilently,inaudibly, sup- Amazement. SYN. Astonishment^
pressedly. awe, wonder, bewilderment, surprise,
Alter. SYN. Substitute, change, vary, stupefication, marvel.
modify, exchange, diversify, remodel. ANT. Expectation, preparation, an-
ANT. Retain, perpetuate, conserve, ticipation, familiarity, calmness, com-
stereotype, arrest, solidify, stabilitate. posure, coolness, self-possession.
Alterable. SYN. Variable, mutable, Amazing. SYN. Astounding, aston-
changeable, movable, revocable. ishing, bewildering, marvellous, pro-
ANT. Invariable, immutable, fixed, digious, miraculous, vast, portentous,
unchangeable, permanent, perpetual, ominous, striking, wonderful, surpris-
unalterable, immovable. ing, astounding, extraordinary.
Alteration. SYN. Variation, differ- ANT. Common, ordinary, familiar,
ence, diversification, shifting, modifi- trivial, commonplace, customary, frt
cation, change,pennutation, mutation, quent, usual.
mutability. Ambagious. SYN. Tortuous, indi-
ANT. Retention, perpetuation, con- rect, anfractuous, circumlocutory, cir-
servation, changelessness, identity, cuitous, periphrastic, ambiguous, un-
stabilitation, nxity.permanence. intelligible, pointless, disjointed.
Altercation. SYN. Dispute, wrangle, ANT. Simple, straightforward, plain,
contentious, quarrel, dissension, com- direct, obvious, intelligible, lucid, con-
motion, variance, disturbance, affray, densed, pointed, terse, pungent, teU-
controversy, brawl. ing.
ANT. Unanimity, concord, compro- Ambiguous. SYN. Equivocal, vague,
mise, agreement, reconciliation, con- doubtful, enigmatical, uncertain, ob-
sonance, conversation,harmony. scure, unintelligible, perplexing, in-
Alternative. STN. Choice, resource, distinct, dubious.
opinion. ANT. Univocal,pbvious, plain, clear,
ANT. Compulsion, quandary, neces- unambiguous, indisputable, necessary,
sity, fix. unmistakable, unequivocal, lucid.
Altiloquence. SYN. Bombast, in- Ambition. SYN. Aspiration, emula-
flatedness, turgidity, euphuism, mag- tion, appetition.
niloquence. ANT. Indifference, inappetency,con-
ANT. Plain-spokenness, vernacular, tentment, moderation.
mother-tongue, Ameliorate. SYN. Improve, raise,
Altitude. SYN. Height, tallness, ver-
better, advantage, promote, advance,
ticality, ascent, loftiness, eminence,
elevation. amend, rectify, meliorate.
ANT. Debase, depress, deteriorate,
ANT. Lowness, depression, descent,
injure, impair, vitiate, spoil, mar.
declination, depth.
Altogether. SYN. Collectively, com- Amenable. SYN. Liable, dependent,
bined, in one, totally, entirely, wholly, responsible, answerable, accountable,
fully, completely, utterly, thoroughly. subject, pliant, impressible,ductile,dc-
ANT. Separately, individually, par- cile.

ANT. Independent, autocratic, un-
Amalgamate. SYN. Fuse, commix, amenable, irresponsible, refractory,
in- obstinate.
mix, compound, unite, consolidate,
corporate. Amend. SYN. Improve, mend, repair,
ANT. Separate, disintegrate, decom- correct, rectify, better, ameliorate, re-
pose, disunite, dissipate, detach, dis- form.
perse, analyze. ANT. Deteriorate, degenerate, neg-
Amalgamation. [See AMALGA- lect,aggravate, tarnish, blemish, spoil,
MATE ]7 corrupt, vitiate, impair, mar.
Amass. SYN. Collect, accumulate, ag- Amends. SYN. compensation, satis-

gregate, heap, gather, store up, hoard, faction, acknowledgment, atonement,

pile up. expiation, recompense, indemnity, re-
ANT. Divide, dissipate, waste, scat- muneration, apology, reparation, res-
ter, disperse, parcel, portion, spend. titution.
ANT. Iiisult, fault, offense, injury. Amount, r. STN. Reach, rise, come,
Amenity. SYN. Pleasantness, mild- attain, extend.
ness, blandness,graciousness,geniiility, ANT. Fall, recede, relapse, decline,
compliableness, courtesy, obliging- fail.
ness. Amount, n. STN. Total, aggregate,
ANT. Unpleasantness, moroseness, sum, whole, quantity,totality,equality.
harshness, austerity, roughness, un- ANT. Failure, decrease, deficiency,
graciousness, bearishness, rigor, as- portion, instalment, deficit, insuffi-
perity, angularity, discourtesy. ciency.
Amerce. STN. Find, bind, mulct, con- Ample. STN. Large, bountiful, liberal,
demn. copious, spacious, roomy, diffusive,
ANT. Remit, acquit, absolve, indem- full,complete, sufficient, plentiful
nify, release. abundant.
Amiable. STN. Lovable, good, kind, ANT. Narrow, niggardly, insuffi-
benevolent, charitable, delectable, en- cient, stingy, scant, mean, stint, bare.
gaging, fascinating, agreeable, lovely, Amplification. [See AMPLIFY].
pleading, charming, attractive. Amplify. STN. Enrich, enlarge, in-
ANT. Churlish, disagreeable, hate- crease, augment, multiply, dilate, de-
ful, abominable, ill-natured, ill-con- velop, swell, expatiate, expand, dis
ditioned, unamiable. cuss, unfold, extend,
Amicable. Srn. Friendly ,propitious, ANT. Retrench, amputate, curtail,
favorable, kind, cordial, neighborly, condense, abbreviate, epitomize, gath,
sociable. er, collect, sum.
ANT. Unfriendly, unpropitious, un- Amplitude. [See AMPLE].
favorable, unkind, cold, distant, an- Amputate. STN. Prune, lop, curtail,
tagonistic, hostile, adverse. clip,remove.
Amidst. STN. Between, among, be- ANT. Extend,enlarge,augment,elon-
twixt. gate, amplify, t rain, trail, develop,pra
ANT. Outside, without, beyond. duce.
Amiss. STN. Wrong,untrue, wide, Analogy. STN.Relation,resemblance.
bad, false, defective, short, inappro- proportion, similarity, similitude, co-
priate, inopportune, injudicious, un- incidence, affinity, comparison, par-
timely, abortive. . ity.
ANT. Right, true,good, complete, ef- ANT. Disproportion, dissimilarity,
fective, successful, satisfactory, con- disharmony, irrelativeness, heteroge-
summate, expedient, appropriate, op- neousness, incongruity, inaffinity.
portune. Analysis. STN. Dissection,separation,
Ami) Y. STN. Friendliness, peace, eo- anatomy, segregation, decomposition,
ciableness, good-will. resolution, partition.
ANT. Coolness, distance, indiffer- ANt. Composition, synthesis, aggre-
ence, hostility, opposition, acrimony, gation, combination, coalition, amal-
antagonism, asperity, hatred, dislike, gamation, coherence.
repugnance, unfriendliness. Anarchy. STN, Disorder, tumult, re-
AiiiiK-Mly . STN. Pardon, acquittal, re- bellion, riot, misgovernment, insubor-
mission, condonation, oblivion, dis- dination.
pensation, absolution. ANT. Order, subjection,government,
ANT. Penalty, retaliation, punish- organization, control, law.
ment, retribution, requital, visitation, Anatomy. STN. Dissection, division,
infliction, exaction, trial, account. segregation, analysis, resolution, dis-
Among. Sro AMIDSI
j. memberment.
Amorphous. STN. Shapeless, un- ANT. Synthesis, collocation, organi-
arranged, unformed, incompact, in- zation, union, construction, structure,
choate, incomplete, unordered, float- form, body.
ing,unmouldcd, natant, discurrent. Ancient. STN. Old, antiquated, old-
ANT. systematized, arranged, com- fashioned, antique, obsolete, old-time,
pact, finished, shapely, crystallized,de- aged, primeval, primordial, immemo
, stereotyped, moulded. rial, time-honored.
AKT. New, young, modern, juvenile, Animate. SYN. Enliven, Inspirit, iik
upstart, fresh, parvenu. stigate, quicken, exhilarate, embolden,
Ancillary. SYN. Assistant, subservi- rouse, revivify, cheer, gladden, stir,
ent, promotive, auxiliary, accessory, prompt, incite, stimulate.
ANT. Dishearten, deter, cow, stifl<S
conducive, available, useful, applic-
able. depress, damp, deaden, discourage.
ANT. Insubservient,redundant, inap- Animated. SYN. Boused, excited, in-
propriate, irrelevant, alien, inopera- spirited, exhilarated, enlivened, viva-
tive, unconducive, adverse, counterac- cious, stirred, lively, brisk, enlivening,
tive, obstructive,impertinent, prevent- inspiring, spirited.
ive. ANT. Sluggish, indolent, indifferent,
Anew. SYN. afresh,again, repeatedly. dull, languid, flat,tame.
ANT. Of old, continuously, uninter- Animation. SYN. Life, vivacity, live-
ruptedly. liness, airinesp,cheerfulness,brisknes ;

Anlractuoslty. SYN. Tortnousness, alacrity, buoyancy,spirit,exhilaration,

ambagiousness, angularity,ambiguity, sprlghtliness, promptitude, alertness,
circumlocution, disjointedness. activity.
ANT. Straightforwardness, direct- ANT. Expiration, spiritlessness, dul-
ness. ness, dolerulness, deadness, stolidity,
Angelic. SYN. Pure, ethereal, spirit- inertness.
ual, lovely, heavenly, seraphic, rap- Animosity. SYN. Hatred, antipathy,
turous, divine. dissention, aversion, acrimony, feud,
ANT. Foul, hideous, demoniacal, di- strife, rancor, antagonism, bitterness,
abolical, hellish, fiendish. acerbity, hostility, enmity, malice, an-
Anger, n. SYN. Ire,incen8ement,vexa- ger, malevolence, ill-will, malignity,
tion, grudge, pique, exasperation, in- feeling against.
dignation, enmity, displeasure, irrita- ANT. Congeniality, companionship,
tion, passion, spleen, gall, resentment, friendship, sympathy, fellow-feeling,
rage, animosity, fury, choler, wrath. unanimity, harmony,concord, regard,
ANT. Peace,peacefulness, peaceable- alliance, kindliness.
ness, appeasement, forgiveness, good- Annals. SYN. Chronicles, memorials,
will, patience, forbearance, reconcili- records, registers, history, archives.
ation, conciliatoriness, mildness. ANT. Tradition, legend, romance,
Anger, v. SYN. Enrage, vex, kindle, lays.
fret, ruffle, chafe,infuriate,exasperate, Annex. SYN. Add, attach, fasten, affix,
provoke, irritate, incense, wound, in- subjoin, append, connect, unite.
flame, imbitter. ANT. Withdraw, detach, disconnect,
ANT. To appease, compose, forbear,
separate, disengage, disunite, remove.
allay,soothe, calm, conciliate, heal.
Angry. SYN. Wrathful, irate, resent- Annihilate. SYN. Abolish, destroy,
ful, ireful, incensed, furious, irficible, bring to nought, uproot, eradicate,
choleric, moody, nettled, toucl y, sul- nullify, exterminate, end, extinguish,
len, piqued, excited, provoked,! iging, demolish, obliterate, efface.
chafed, hasty, hot, exasperated, indig- ANT. Keep, conserve, preserve, fos-
nant, passionate. ter,tend, protest,cherish,develope,sta-
ANT. Peaceful, forgiving, fo -bear- bilitate, augment, cultivate, perpetu-
ing, calm,good-ternpered, unrest ntful.
Anguish. SYN. Pain, pang, wo ), sor- Annotation. SYN. Explanation, crit-
row, distress, grief, discomfor ,
tor- icism, remark, note,commeutary, elu-
ture, excruciation, agony, tormt at. cidation, observation, comment.
ANT. Ease, pleasure, eiijoymei t, ec- ANT. Statement, assertion, proposi-
stasy, rapture, relief, solace, coi ifort, tion, narrative, text.
assuagement. Announce. SYN. Declare, propound,
Animadversion. SYN. Rebukt, dis- give notice, enunciate, advertise, pub-
approval, censure, blame. lish, report, notify, make known, give
ANT. Praise, approval, encourage- out, reveal, herald, proclaim, intimate,
ment, eulogy. pvomulge.
AST. Conceal, suppre?. hush, rtiflf, Antagonist. SYN. Adversary, oppo-
withhold, shroud, bury, burke. nent, rival, competitor, foe, enemy.
Annoy. SYN. Tease, vex, irritate, dis- ANT. Aider, abettor, accomplice, a<v
turb, affront, molest, pain, eessoiy, ally.
commode, tantalize, bother, weary, in- Antagonistic. SYN. Adverse, oppos-
convenience, plague, discommode, ha- ing, inimical, hostile, repugnant, con-
rass, chafe, trouble. trary.
ANT. Soothe, conciliate, appease, re- ANT. Favoring, aiding, harmonious,
gard, quiet, accommodate, study , tend, friendly, agreeable to.
foster, cherish, smooth, gratify Antecedence. SYN. Anteriority, pri-
Annoyance. SYN. Trouble, discom- ority, precursorship, premonition, In-
fort, vexation, worry, nuisance, both- troduction, preparation, pre-existence.
er, uneasiness, plague, bore. ANT. Posteriority, subsequence, suc-
ANT. Joy, gladness, gratification, de- cession, sequel, supervention, conse-
light, ease, pleasure. quence.
Annul. SYN. Cancel, obliterate, make Antecedent. [See ANTERIOR.]
void, quash, nullify, revoke, rescind, Anterior. SYN. Prior, foregoing, an-
destroy, set aside, abrogate,extiuguish, tecedent, previous, precursive, prece-
abolish, repeal. dent, earlier, Introductory, prelimina-
ANT. Foster, protect, conserve, con- ry, former.
firm, maintain, enact, re-enact, insti- ANT. Posterior, later, subsequent,
tute, establish. consequent, succeeding.
Anomalous. SYN. Irregular, abnor- Anticipate. SYN. ForestalUprejudge,
mal, exceptional, unusual, eccentric, expect, foretaste, apprehend, prevent,
ANT. Regular, normal, usual, ordi- prearrange, prepare, prejudge, meet,
nary, common, wonted, in theorderof obviate, intercept, forecast.
things. ANT. Remember, recollect, remedy,
Anomaly. SYN. Irregularity, abnor- undo, cure, misapprehend.
mity, exception, informality, peculiar- Anticipation. SYN. Prevention, ex-
ity, eccentricity. pectation, forestallment,awaiting,pre-
ANT. Conformity, regularity, illus- occupation, preconception, foresight,
conformance, exemplification,
tration, forethought,foretaste,prelibation,pre-
specimen. elusion, pregustation, antepast, fore-
Anon. SYN. Soon, shortly, presently. cast, provision.
ANT. Hereafter. ANT. Surprise, unpreparedness. un.
Anonymous. SYN. Nameless, unat- expectedness.inexpectation, actual en-
tested, authorless, unidentified, unau- joyment, non-expectation, realization,
thenticated, consummation.
ANT. Authenticated, attested, identi- Antipathy. SYN. Repugnance, dis-
fied,authorized, verified, signed. like,hatred, detestation, contrariety,
Answer. SYN. Reply, response, coun- aversion, distaste, uncongeniality, an-
ter-argument.confutation, acceptance, tagonism, hostility, opposition, abhor-
(as of a challenge), tally, counterpart, rence.
solution, vindication, apology, excul- ANT. Sympathy, kindliness, congen-
pation, defense, rejoinder, repartee, iality, fellow-feeling,amnity, harmony.
retort. Antiquated. SYN. By-gone, quaint,
ANT. Challenge, question, defiance, old-fashioned, obsolete.
summons, interrogation, query. ANT. Fashionable, modish, stylish,
&n*werable. SYN. Liable,amenable, modern.
accountable, responsible, correspond- Antique. SYN. Archaic, ancient, an-
ent, agreeing, cestral.
ANT. Independent, unanswerable, ir- ANT. Modern, recent, new-fangled.
responsible, different, unsuitable, dis- Antithesis. SYN. Contrast, opposi-
agreeing, disMmilHr. tion, contradiction, antagonism.
Antagonism. SYN. Hostility, oppo- ANT. Identity, sameness, converti-
sition, animosity, enmity. bility, coincidence, coalescence.
ANT. Amity, alliance, association. Anxiety. SYN. Care, trouble, eager-
ness, disquiet, apprehension, careful- latively, indiscriminately, confusedly,
ness, diffidence, solicitude,misgiving. synthetically.
ANT. Carelessness, ease, confidence, Apocalypse. SYN. Revelation, man-
contentment, acquiescence, content- if estation, unveiling, exhibition, divest-
edness, apathy, light-hear tedness, non- ment, exposure, disclosure.
chalance. ANT. Concealment, suppression, ob-
Anxious. SYN. Solicitous, careful, scuration, veiling, shrouding, eclipse,
uneasy, concerned, restless, watchful, envelopment.
disturbed, unquiet. Apocryphal. SYN. Obscure, doubt-
ANT. Without care, careless, inert, ful, unauthorized, unauthentic, spuri-
ease, unconcerned, calm, composed. ous, legendary, uncertain, unauthenti-
cated, unverified.
Apaee. SYN. Rapidly, fast, astride, ea- ANT. Palpable,acoepted, authorized,
gerly, ahead, expeditiously, speedily.
ANT. Slowly, imperceptibly, leisure- authentic, genuine, current, undispu-
ted, verified, attested.
ly, creepingly, crawlingly, sluggishly,
tardily. Apologue. SYN. Fable, fiction, para-
Apart. STN. Aloof, away, separately,
ANT. Precept, history, narrative.
secret, asunder, privately, aside, se-
cretly, separate.
Apology. SYN. Defense,justification,
ANT. Close, together, united, along plea, exculpation, excuse, vindication,
acknowledgment, confession.
with, hand hand.
ANT. Charge, imputation, impeach-
Apartment. SYN. Koom, chamber, ment, offense, incrimination, injury,
hall, lodging, berth. accusation, wrong, insult.
ANT. Resident, dweller, lodger, oc-
Apostate. [See RENEGADE].
cupant, inmate,tenant, housebuilding. Apothegm. SYN. Proverb,adage, dic-
Apathy. SYN. Indifference, insensi- tum, maxim, saw, saying.
bility, unfeelingness in company, in- ANT. (As not so condensed). Exhor-
susceptibility, unconcern, sluggish- tation, sermon, discourse,disquisition.
ness, hebetude. Appal. SYN. Affright, alarm, terrify,
ANT. Anxiety, care, eagerness, in- scare, daunt, cow, shock, frighten, dis-
terestedness, sensibility, susceptibili- couraged, dishearten, horrify, dismay,
ty, sensitiveness,irritability, curiosity. astound.
Apathetic. SYN. Unfeeling, stoical, ANT. Encourage, rally, assure, em-
cold, frigid, indifferent, impassive, in- bolden, reassure.
sensible, insensitive. Apparel. SYN. Clothes, robes, vest-
ANT. Anxious, careful, sympathetic, ure, vestments, raiment, garniture,
sensitive, susceptible. habiliments, habit, dress, clothing, ca-
Ape. v. SYN. Mimic, imitate, simulate, parison, trappings, housings.
personate, represent. ANT. Nudity, disinvestiture, desha-
ANT. Not to imitate, vary, modify, bille, tatters, rags.
change. Apparent. SYN. Obvious, plain, con-
Aperture. SYN. Opening, gap,chasm, spicuous, manifest, appearing, unmis-
fissure, cleft. takable, clear, probable, seeming, pre-
ANT. Closure,blocking up,seclusion, sumable, likely, patent, ostensible,vlsl-
imperviousness, blank wall, shutting ble, evident,indubi table,notorious,cer-
up. tain.
Apex. [See ACME]. ANT. Uncertain, dubious, inappar-
Aphorism. SYN. Adage, apothegm, ent, minute, unobservable, improba-
maxim, saying, precept, rule, prov- ble, insupposable, hidden, real.
erb. Appeal. SYN. Accost, address, apos-
ANT. Lecture, exhortation,desserta- trophize, invite, cite, invoke, urge, re-
tion, disquisition. fer, call upon, entreat, request, resort.
Apiece. SYN. Distributively, individ- ANT. Deprecate, repudiate, protest,
ually, separately, severally,analytical- disavow, disclaim, defy, abjure.
ly- Appearance. SYN. Advent, coming,
ANT. Collectively, together, aceuniu- arrival, presence, apparition, aspeot.
tnamfestatlon,probablliry,llkeness, ex- A.NT. Spontaneity, growth, produo.
hibition, mien, manner,semblance,air, tion, evolution, development.
show, look, pretense, likelihood, pre- Applicable. SYN. Available, ancilla.
snmption. ry, convenient, useful, pertinent, con-
ANT. Departure, disappearance, un- ducive, appropriate.
jikelihood, non-appearance, conceal- ANT. Useless, unavailable, incondo-
ment, evanition. cive, inapplicable, irrelevant.
Appease. SYN. Pacify. BSPURRO, miti- Application [See DILIGENCE].
gate, conciliate, propitiate, moderate, Apply. SYN. Adduce, use, employ, al-
satisfy, stay, allay, quiet, soften, calm. lot, dedicate, devote, exercise, appor-
compose, soothe, hush, cool, tranquil- tion, direct, engage.
ize. ANT. Disuse, divorce.discard, super-
ANT. Excite, provoke, aggravate, ex- sede, alienate, remove, misapply, mis-
asperate, inflame,embitter,incense, in- direct, divert, misappropriate, misem-
tensify, stimulate, kindle. ploy.
Appellation. SYN. Name,patronym- Appoint. SYN. Fix, determine, instal,
ic, cognomen, style, description,desig- allot, order, prescribe, institute, em-
iiation, title, denomination, term. ploy, apportion, apply, designate, as-
ANT, Namelessness,non-description, sign, intrust, invest, ordain, arrange.
anonymousness. ANT. Reverse, cancel, recall, with-
Append. SYN. Affix, supplement,sub- draw, reserve, withhold, retain, undo,
join, attach. suspend, disarrange, disappoint.
ANT. Separate, disengage, discon- Apportion. SYN. Assign, deal, allot,
nect, detach. grant, share, divide, dispense, admin-
Appendage, Appendix, n. SYN. ister, distribute, appoint.
ANT. Reserve, retain, refuse, with-
Addition, annexation, adjunct, supple-
ment. hold, assume, resume, cancel, divert,
ANT. Subtraction, separation, amal- suspend, reapportion, reappoint.
gamation, disconnection, detachment, Apportionment. [See APPORTION].
Apposite. SYN. Suitable,appropriate,
disjunction, division, incorporation.
Appended. SYN. Added, joined, nf- befitting, timely, congruous,
fixed, subjoined, attached, appended, consistent, pertinent, seasonable, rele-
additional, concomitant. vant, fit, meet, adapted, apropos.
ANT. Detracted, disconnected, sepa- ANT. Untimely, irrelevant, imperti-
rated, disjoined, divided nent, unfitting, mistimed, misplaced,
misspoken, inappropriate,misjudged.
Appertaining. [See CONCERNING].
Appraise. SYN. Value, survey, esti-
Appetite. SYN. Passion, desire, pro-
mate, price.
pensity, proclivity,inclination,propen- ANT. Undervalue.discard, condemn,
sion, appetency, want , craving, dispo-
brand, misappreciate, misestimate.
sition, tendency, proneness.
ANT. Repugnance, aversion, antipa- Appreciate. SYN. Esteem.recognize,
thy, loathing, indifference, apathy. acknowledge, respect, value, prize, re-
gard, reckon, estimate.
Applaud. SYN. Laud, praise, extol, ANT. Undervalue, misconceive, mis-
approve, eulogize, commend, cry up, judge, ignore, misappreciate.
magnify, encourage, cheer. Apprehend. SYN. Comprehend, un-
ANT. Disapprove, denounce, decry,
derstand, take, expect, seize, conceive,
censure, execrate. arrest, fancy, dread,imagine,presume,
Applause. SYN. Praise, plaudit, laud- anticipate, fear, conjecture.
ation, encomium, commendation, ap- ANT. Ignore, miss, lose, misconjec-
probation, acclamation, approval, eu- ture, misconceive, misapprehend, mis-
logy, acclaim. anticipate.
ANT. Obloquy, condemnation, de- Apprehension. [See APPREHEND].
nunciation, dissatisfaction, contempt, Apprise, or. Apprize. SYN. Tell,
ceasure.blame,vituperation,sibilation. inform, disclose, publish, advise, ad-
Appliance. SYN. Contrivance, mech- vertise, communicate, enlighten, i\

anism, arrangement, means, agency. quaint.

ANT. Hoodwink, mystify, deceive, Arbitrary. SYN.Tyrannlcal,
mislead. harsh, dictatorial, imperious,
Approach. STN. Access, avenue, en- bearing, overbearing, selfish, absolute,
trance, adit,vestibule, arrival, approx- irresponsible, tyrannous, domineer-
imation, advent, Bearing, admission, ing,peremptory.
appropinquation, admittance, mode, ANT. Mild, modest, lenient, consid-
path, way, advance, similarity. erate, obliging, limited, equitable,
ANT. Exit, egress, debouchure, out- constitutional.
let, departure, recession, distance, di- Arbitrate. STN. Settle, adjust, com-
versity, disparity. pose, decide, determine,accommodate,
Approbation. STN. Approval, satis- adjudicate.
faction, praise, encouragement, con- ANT. Dispute, claim, appeal, misde-
firmation, assent, consent,permission, termine, litigate, contend, misjudge.
commendation, concurrence, accept- Archaic. [See ANCIENT].
ANT. Disapproval, censure, blame,
Architect. STN. Constructor, con-
triver, designer, builder, surveyor,
dissatisfaction, discouragement, repu-
diation, protest, denial, refusal, dis- ANT. Workman
claimer, disavowal, disparity, dissimi-
carrying out plans,
destroyer, extinguisher.
Ardent. SYN. Longing, passionate, as-
Approval. [See APPROBATION]. piring, -warm, eager, fervent, excited,
Approve. STN. Like, comment, sanc- fiery, glowing, zealous, fervid, fierce,
tion, praise, support, second,
promote, keen, vehement, hot, affectionate, im-
encourage, authorize.
ANT. Disapprove, dislike, censure, passioned, burning, heated.
ANT. Cool, cold, indifferent, dis-
blame, disown, disavow.
passioned, apathetic, passionless, un,
Appropriate. [See FIT]. impassioned, phlegmatic, platonic.
Approximate. STN. Approach, re- Ardor.
semble, border, abut, near, trench. [See ARDENT].
ANT. Separate, differ, vary, recede, ArdlloiiM. STN. Difficult, hard, lofty,
diverge, deviate. onerous, laborious, steep, precipitous.
Appurtenant. STN. Belonging, con- f v r. Easy, practicable,unlaborious,
nected, appropriate, appended, homo- light, trivial.
geneous, attached, co-ordinate, con- Argue. SYN. Discuss, debate, prove,
comitant. question, evidence, establish, imply,
ANT. Unconnected, disconnected, sift.dispute, persuade, controvert,con-
Inappropriate, detached, isolated, in- tend, demonstrate, reason.
congruous, unallied, unrelated, inde- ANT. Dictate, assert,propound,com-
pendent, heterogeneous. mand.
Apt. STN. Fit, apposite, clever, meet, Argument. STN. Reasoning, contro-
liable, becoming, appropriate, ready, versy, evidence, discussion, topic, dis-
fitting, suitable, pertinent, qualified, pute.
prompt, adapted, likely. ANT. Assertion, assumption,without
ANT. Unfitted, ill-timed, awkward, proof or evidence.
unlikely, inapt. Arid. STN. Dry, parched, sterile, un-
Aptitude. STN. Fitness, liability, sus- productive.
ceptibility, suitableness, read'iness, ANT. Moist, dewy, watered, fertile,
quickness, cleverness, proneness, ten- luxuriant, exuberant, verdant, bloom-
dency. ing, productive.
ANT. Unfltaess, nnsuitableness, in- Aright. STN. Right, well, rightly, cor-
susceptibility, slowness, stupidity, un- rectly, truly, properly, uprightly, un-
readiness, awkwardness. exceptionably, justly, suitably, appro-
Arbiter. STN. Arbitrator, judge, um- priately.
pire, moderator, director, referee, ad- ANT. Wrongly, awry, incorrectly,
judicator. improperly, defectively, erroneously.
ANT. Appellant, claimant,disputant, Arm. STN. Equip, gird, accoutre, ar-
litigant. ray.
ANT. Disarm, ungird, divest, dis- ANT. Bash fulness, servility, consld-
array. erateness, deference, courtesy, mod-
Army. SYN. Troops, soldiery, legion, esty, shyness, diffidence, politeness.
soldiers, military, phalanx, host, mul- Arrogate. SYN. Claim, assume, vin-
titude. dicate, assert, demand.
ANT. Fewness, a small number, In- ANT. Forego, waive, resign, surren-
dividual, paucity, single person. der, abandon, disclaim.
Aromatic. [See FRAGRANCE]. Art. SYN. Science, literature, aptitude,
Around. SYN. About, environing, en- readiness, adroitness, skill, dexterity,
circling. cunning, deceit, duplicity, tactics, pro-
ANT. Within, amid, among. fession, artifice, management, trade,
Arouse. SYK. Stir, excite, disturb, an- business, calling.
imate, wake up, stimulate, alarm, pro- ANT. Inaptitude,maladroitness,can-
voke, cheer. dor, openness, frankness, mismanage-
ANT. Allay, assuage, mitigate, paci- ment.
compose, moderate, still, quiet.
fy, Artful. SYN. Cunning, designing, ma-
Arraign. SYN. Summon, accuse, cen- neuvering, sharp, knowing,subtle, sly,
sure, indict, charge, impeach. crafty, wily, shrewd.
ANT. Acquit, eoiidoue, discharge, re- ANT. Simple, undesigning, artless,
lease. open, innocent, unsophisticated.
Arrange. SYN. Order, put In order, Artifice. SYN. Maneuvre, cheat, wile,
group, array, place, adjust, range, lo- contrivance, craft, trick, fraud, mach-
cate, dispose, assort, deal, sort, parcel, ination, punning, imposture, strata-
classify. gem.
ANT. Derange, disarrange, confuse, ANT. Fairness, candor, simplicity,
disturb, disperse, jumble, disorder. openness.
Afrangement. [See ORDER]. Artificial. SYN. Invented,fabricated,
Arrant. SYN. Notoriousvconsummate, fictitious, constructed, manufactured,
atrocious, vile, flagrant, veritable, un- pretended, simulated, false, assumed,
qualified, utter, infamous, cinphii! ic. concocted, contrived,deceptive, artful,
ANT. Suspicious, slight, mitigated, affected, unnatural, constrained.
likely. ANT. Natural, inartificial, genuine,
Array, v. SYN. Vest, deck, equip, dec- spontaneous, transparent, artless, un-
orate, rank, adorn, dress, accoutre, in- affected. [See ARTFUL].
vest, attire, place, arrange, draw up, Artless. [See ARTFUL].
marshal, set in order, dispose. Ascend. SYN. Rise, mount, soar, sur-
ANT. Disarray, disarrange, confuse, mount, go up, climb, tower, scale.
jumble, divest, denude, strip. ANT. Fall, descend, sinl..
Array, n. Arrangement, order, dispo- Ascendancy. SYN. Superiority, ad-
sition, sight, exhibition, show, parade. vantage, mastery, control, influence,
ANT. Disarray, disorder, confusion, supremacy, sway, domination, author-
confusedness, jumble. ity.
Arrest, r. SYN. Seize, take, stop, cap- Ascertain. SYN. Prove, verify, find
ture, withhold, restrain, hold, detain, out, discover, confirm, detect, deter-
apprehend. mine, learn, discern.
ANT. Release, dismiss, liberate, free, ANT. Guess,conjecture,surmise,3up-
discharge, expedite. pO3e, presume.
Arrival, [^oo ARRIVE]. Ascribe. SYN. Assign, attribute, im-
Arrive. SYN. Reach, attain, come to, pute, refer, render, allege, charge.
enter, get '.
>, land. ANT. Deny, refuse, exclude, disso-
ANT. Embark, depart, start. ciate, disconnect, dissever.
Arrogance. SYN. Haughtiness, con- Askant. SYN. Awij, r-^ew, asquint,
temptuousness, overbearingness, hau- obliquely, aslant.
teur, browbeating, loftiness, self-con- ANT. Stralghtforwards, forwards,
ceit, stateliness, vainglory, insolence, rectili nearly,
ahead, straight.
self-importance, assumption, discour- Aspect. SYN. Front, face, phase, side,
tesy. appearance, presentation," exhibition,

rposure, feature, view, air, mien, de- nounce, depose, maintain, state, avet-,
portment, countenance, bearing, com- avow, avouch, affirm, allege, protest,
plexion, sight. claim.
ANT. Back, obverse, rear. ANT. Deny, contradict, contravene,
Asperity. SYN. Acerbity, harshness, waive, abandon.
acrimony, bitterness, sharpness, tart-
Assets. SYN. goods, proceeds, posses-
ness, sourness, roughness,moroseness, sions, effects, property.
severity, crabbedness.
ANT. Debts, liabilities.
ANT. Mildness, softness, sweetness, Asseverate. [Set- ASSERT].
gentleness, pleasantness, smoothness. Assiduity. SYN. Attention, persever-
Asperse. SYN. Slander, calumniate, ance, puiiis, patience, exertion, labor,
bespatter, befoul, defy, attack.defame, application, effort, iuteiitness, con-
vilify, traduce, scandalize, malign, de- stancy, sedulousnes?, diligence.
tract from, blacken, tarnish, befoul, ANT. Indolence, remissness, inat-
backbite. tention, desultoriness, inconstaney,
ANT. Clear, defend, eulogize, vindi- Assiduous. [See ASSIDUITY].
cate, shelter, shield, praise, laud, ex- Assign. SYN. Attribute, apportion,.al-
tol, uphold. lege, refer, specify, consign, intrust,
Aspiration. SYN. Longing, desire, commit, point out, allot to, adduce, ad-
aim, wish, craving, ambition, endeav- vance, appoint, convey.
or, hope, appetition, effort, eagerness. ANT. Withhold, withdraw, resume,
ANT. Apathy, indifference, aimless- retain, refuse, disconnect, dissociate.
ness, lulness, inertia,callousness,care- Assimilate. SYN. Compare, liken,
lessness, aversion, avoidance, reject- match, engross, identify, incorporate,
ion, repudiation. absorb, appropriate.
Assail. [See ASSAULT]. ANT. Separate, segregate, part, con-
Assault. SYN. Onset, attack, aggres- trast, reject.
sion, onslaught. Assist. SYN. Help, succor, aid, support,
ANT. Defense, resistance, repulsion, relieve, befriend, second, co-operate
retaliation, undermining, sapping, with, back, benefit, further.
stratagem. ANT. Hinder, resist, oppose, antag-
Assay. SYN. Test, endeavor, prove, onize, counteract, clog, prevent.
try. Assistance. SYN. Help, aid, counte-
ANT. Survey, conjecture,guess,scan. nance, support, abettance, protection,
Assemble. SYN. Gjuther, collect, con- maintenance, coadjutorship.
gregate, amass, muster, call together, ANT. Resistance, obstruction, op-
convoke, convene. position, counteraction, antagonism,
ANT. Scatter, disperse, go away, dis- drawback, clog, preventive.
miss. Assistant. SYN. Helper, aider, at-
Assembly. SYN. Meeting, concourse, tendant, coadjutor, auxiliary, ally, as-
assemblage, multitude, group, synod, sociate, contributor, partner, confed-
conclave, conference.convocatioa, uni- erate.
son, company, congregation, collec- ANT. Hinderer, opposer, rival, foe,
tion, crowd, gathering, convention, ag- antagonist.
gregate. Associate. SYN. Companion, friend,
ANT. Dispersion, dissipation, disun- ally, coadjutor, consort, helpmate,
ion, disruption. comrade, partner.
Assent, n. SYN. Coincidence, agree- ANT. Rival, alien, foe, antagonist.
ment, concert, acknowledgment, con- Association. SYN. Union, connec'
sent, acquiescence, approval, concur- tion, conjunction, con^ortment,com-
rence, approbation, compliance. com-
panionship, alliance, familiarity,
ANT. Dissent, disagreement, differ-
munity, membership, society, com,
ence, disavowal, repudiation, declen- pany, denomination, partnership, fel-
sion, disclaimer, protest. lowship, fraternity, frieadship.
Assent, r. [See CONCEDE], ANT. Disunion, disconnection, es-
Assert. SYN. Asseverate, declare, pro- trangement, separation, severance, in-
Aba 31 AT*
dependence, avoidance,dlsniption,cHs- A NT. Calm, tranquil, assured, bold,
membermeut, solitude, individuality. undisturbed.
Assorted. SVN Separated, chosen, Astonishing. SYN. Amazing, won-
selected, clarified. drous, surprising, wonderful, striking,
ANT. Mingled, mixed, confused, un- marvelous.
classified, jumbled, heaped up. ANT. Foreseen, unamazed, common,
Assortment. SYN. Collection, dispo- astonished at nothing, ordinary, nat-
sition, distribution, class, quantilx sr-
ural, usual, every-day, trite.
lection, stock, miscellany, lot, variety. Astonishment. KYN. Wonder, sur-
ANT. lliMmogamexn, disarrange- prise, marvel, amazement, admiration,
ment, displacement, misplacement. uwe, bewilderment, stupefaction, fas-
A *u ;::. SYN. Mitigate, soothe, con- cination.
sole, soften, moderate, pacify, lenify. ANT. Expectance, expectation, anti-
allay, ease, alleviate, abate, diminish, cipation, foreseeing, at>sence of won-
lessen, compose, appease, calm, tran- der, awe, etc.
quillize. Astray.SYN. Loose, abroad, missing,
ANT. Exasperate, excite, increase, about, at large, wrong, erring, wan-
stimulate, incite, provoke, inflame, em- dering.
bitter, aggravate. ANT. Right, close, at home, safe.
Assuagement. [See ASSUAGE]. Astute. SYN. Crafty, shrewd, knowing,
Assume. SYN. Take, appropriate, ar- sharp, discriminating, sagacious, pen-
rogate, wear, exhibit, postulate, sup- etrating, acute, discerning, keen.
pose, presume, usurp, claim, pretend, ANT. Dull, unobserviug, undiscrim-
feign, affect. mating, stolid, asinine,auserine,blind.
ANT. Waive, allow, doff,render, sur- Asunder. SYN. Separate, apart, dis-
render, concede, grant, demonstrate, united, divided, in twain.
abandon, argue, prove. ANT. In one, close, united, together.
Assumption. SYN. Arrogance, bold- Athletic. SYN. Strong, vigorous, pow.
ness, impudence, self-confidence, self- erful, stalwart, brawny,muscular, able-
reliance, effrontery, presumptiou.con- bodied, lusty, sinewy, robust.
viction, certainty, self-assertion. ANT. Weak, puny, effeminate, nerv-
ANT. Distrust,timidit" ,bashfulness, less, strengthless,unbraced.
misgiviug,self-distrust, consternation, Atom. SYN. Molecule, particle, mote,
dismay, alarm. speck, scrap, bit.
Assure. SYN. Advise, advertise, prom- ANT. Mass, whole, aggregate, lump.
ise, infor; i, rally, console, encourage, Atonement. SYN. Reconciliation. ex-
countenance, aid, support, convince, piation, compensation, preparation,
uphold, certify. satisfaction, recompense.
ANT. Misinform,mlsadvise, mislead, ANT. Alienation, separation,enmity,
deceive, discomfit, disconceit, deter, estrangement, division, offense, trans-
discourage, warn, dissuade, unsettle, gression.
intimidate. Atrocious. SYN. Monstrous, nefari-
Assurance- SYN. Arrogance, impu- ous, wicked, outrageous, villainous,
dence, boldness, self-conndence, self- enormous, shameful, heinous, cruel,
reliance, promise, assertion, presump- flagrant, facinorous, flagitious.
tion, effrontery, self-assertion. ANT. Laudable, noble, honorable,
ANT. Distrust, timidity, bashfuluess, generous, humane, admirable, chival-
mis^ivin^', #elf-distrust,consternation. rous.
Astonish. SYN. Startle, surprise. eon- Attach. SYN. Fasten, apply, append,
fouii'l, amaze, astound, fill with won- add, fix, subjoin, annex, unite, concili-
der, stupefy, alarm, terrify, electrify, ate, tie, connect, conjoin, attract, win,
scare, dumbfounder. bind.
ANT. Rally, encourage, assure, em- ANT. Unfasten, Ioose,di8unite, untie,
bolden. disconnect, detach, alienate, estrange,
Astonished. SYN. Amazed, astound- repel.
ed, overwhelmed, dumbfounded, thun- Attachment. [See ATTACH].
derstruck. Attack. (-. SYN. Assail, assault, iuvad%
32 ATT
encounter, charge, besiege, Impugn, prove, involve, demonstrate, establish,
contravene. imply, bespeak.
ANT. Defend, resist, repel, protest, ANT. Deny, controvert, contradict,
withstand oil one's own part, or for contravene, disprove, disestablish, ex-
another, support, aid, shield, uphold, clude, neutralize, upset, oppugn, re-
vindicate, shelter. fute.
Attack, n.SYS. Invasion, assault, Attestation. [See EVIDENCE].
onset, aggression, onslaught. Attire. SYN. Robes, garments, cloth-
ANT. Defense, resistance, repulse, ing, vestments, habiliment, habit, rai-
protection, aid, vindication, support, ment, clothes, garb, apparel, accoutre-
maintenance, shelter. ment, livery, uniform, costume.
Attain. SYN. Reach, extend, master, ANT. Nudity, divestment, exposure,
arrive at, compass, earn, win, achieve, denudation, bareness, disarray, disha-
accomplish, get, obtain, acquire, gain, bille, tatters, rags, patches, shreds.
secure, grasp. Attitude. SYN. Posture, position, sit-
ANT. Lose, fail, forfeit, miss, aban- uation, standing, composition, colloca-
don, resign. tion, aspect, pose, lie.
Attainment. SYN. Information, ac- ANT. Evolution, exercise, bearing,
quirements, accomplishments. deportment, movement, gesticulation,
ANT. Intuition, inspiration, genius. maneuvre, gesture.
Attract. SYN. Influence, induce, dis-
Attemper. SYN. Moderate, subdue,
compound, commingle, adapt, adjust, pose, incline, tempt, prompt, allure,
harmonize, modify, blend, attune,mix, charm, fascinate, invite, entice.
ANT. Repel, deter, indispose, disin-
mold, work, medicate, amalgamate, nc-
commodate. cline, estrange, alienate.
ANT. Discompose, confuse, spoil, ag- Attraction. SYN. Inducement, influ-

gravate, mar. ence, adduction, inclination, disposi-

Attempt. SYN. Try, endeavor, strive, ^iou, charm, beauty, allurement.
ANT. Repulsion, disinclination,aver-
undertake, seek, essay, attack, violate,
force. sion, indisposition, deformity, repug-
ANT. Disregard,abandon, pretermit, nance.
dismiss, neglect, shun, drop.
Attractive. SYN. Winning, alluring,
tempting, inviting, engaging, captivat-
Attempt, n. [See EFFORT]. ing, fascinating, enticing, interesting,
Attend. SYN. Listen, heed, notice, ob- charming, pleasant, beautiful, agree-
serve, wait on, serve, mind, watch, ac- able.
company, consort, follow, imply, in- ANT. Unattractive, repugnant, re-
pulsive, uninteresting, disagreeable,
ANT. Wander, disregard, leave, for-
unpleasant, deformed, ugly, deterrent,
sake, abandon, desert, exclude, neu- loathsome, forbidding.
Attribute, v. SYN. Refer, assign, asso-
Attention. SYN. Observation, notice, ciate, apply, ascribe, charge, impute,
regard, watchfulness, heed, considera- connect.
tion, circumspection, study, vigilance, ANT. Divorce, disconnect,dissociate,
ANT. Disregard, inadvertence, re- Attribute, n. SYN. Property, quality,
mission, indifference, carelessness,ab- characteristic, attainment, sign, mark,
straction, distraction, absence.
indication, manifestation.
Attentive. [See OBSEKVANT]. ANT. Its correlative, viz. Essence,
Attenuate. SYN. Educe, elongate, re- nature, substance, etc., or, spuriously,
duce, fine-drawn, narrow, contract, affectation, misnomer, semblance, as-
diminish, compress. sumption, mask, veil.
ANT. Broaden, increase, expand, di- Attrition. SYN. Sorrow, repentance,
develop, amplify.
late, swell, enlarge, penitence, compunction, re-
Attest. SYN. Vouch, aver, assert, cer- morse, self-reproach.
tify, witness, vouch for, affirm, testify, ANT. Impenitence, callousness, ob-
evidence, support, confirm, suggest, duracy, reprobation, relentlessnesa.
Ai-1 33

Attune. SYN. Temper, attemper, har- ANT. Mild, affahle, kindly, tender,
monize, adjust, accommodate. feeling, bland, inaalgent, genial.
ANT. Unstring, disharmonize, disar- Authentic. SYN. Genuine, veritable,
range, discompose, dislocate, disturb, reliable, real, original, trustworthy,
disconcert. uot spurious, true, legitimate,certain,
Audacious. SYN. Insolent, adventur- accepted, current, received.
ous, venturesome, presumptuous, val- ANT. Unreliable, spurious, false,
iant, rash, bold, daring, reckless, en- apocryphal, disputed, exploded, re-
terprising. jected, counterfeit, unfounded, unau-
ANT. Timid, cowardly, cautious, in- thorized, baseless, fabulous, fictitious.
adventurous,un venturesome, unenter- Authenticate. SYN. Confirm, settle,
prising. establish, verify, substantiate, identify.
Audacity. SYN. Boldness, rashness, ANT. Contravene, disprove, dises-
temerity, recklessness, hardihood. tablish, refute, upset.
ANT. Caution, self-preservation, ti- Author. SYN. Creator, producer, in-
midity, calculation, forethought, fore- ventor, originator, pareut,cause, con-
sight, diffidence, inadventurousness. structor, agent, maker, composer, fab-
Audience. SYN. Hearers, assembly, ricator, committer, perpetrator, doer.
auditory, conference, parley, recep- ANT. Destroyer, annihilator, de-
tion, interview. molisher, spoiler, undoer, reverser.
ANT. Soliloquy, monologue, apos- Authoritative. SYN. Decisive, sure,
trophe. conclusive, authentic, powerful, firm,
Augment. [See ENI^RGE]. potent, dictatorial, imperious, arbi-
Augmentation. SYN. Increase, en- trary, arrogant. imperative, dogmatic,
largement, amplification, enrichment, commanding.
supply, enhancement, addition, acqui- ANT. Weak, inconclusive, vague, in-
sition, improvement. determiuate, indefinite, vacillating, un-
ANT. Deduction, detraction, diminu- decisive, bland, conciliatory, affable,
tion, contraction, withdrawal, reserva- lenient, persuasive.
tion, expenditure, loss, waste, detri- AuV/ority. SYN. Ground, justifica-
ment, deterioration, impoverishment, tion, authenticity, genuineness, con-
reduction, curtailment. jh'cj en3ss, decisiveness, control, di-
Augury. SYN. Prophecy, prediction, ec' 'on, jurisdiction, government, reg-
divination,conjecture, omen, prognos- ulation, power, right, rule, sway, suf-
tication. ferance, supremacy, dominion.
ANT. Experience, science, observa- ANT. Groundlessness, spuriousness,
tion. indecision, inconclusiveness. inoper-
August, a. SYN. Majestic, dignified, ativeness, incompetency, weakness,
stately, noble, pompous, imposing, usurpation, wrong.
grand, solemn, exalted. Authorize. [See EMPOWER].
ANT. Mean,undignified,unimposing, Autocracy. [See AUTOCRATIC].
common, vulgar, despicable, paltry, Autocratic. SYN. Independent, ar-
unnoticeable, beggarly, common- bitrary, despotic, irresponsible, abso-
place. lute.
Auxpiclons. SYN. Propitious, lucky, ANT. Dependent, subordinate, re
favorable, encouraging, satisfactory, sponsible, constitutional, limited.
successful, hopeful, promising, happy, Auxiliary. SYN. Helpful, abetting,
golden, fortunate, opportune, pros- aiding, accessory, promotive, condu-
perous. cive, assistant, ancillary, assisting,
ANT. Unpropitious, unfavorable, subsidiary, helping.
discouraging, unsatisfactory, inau- ANT. Unassisting, unconducive, un-
i>icio u s,unpromising, abortive, hope- promotive, redundant, superfluous,
WMl obstructive, retardative. irrelevant,
Austere. SYN. Hard, rigid, stern, se- cumbersome.
vere, morose, unrelenting, unyield- Avail, v. SYN. Suffice, hold, stand, en-
ing, strict, rigorous, harsh, sour, re- dure, answer, tell, proflt,help, benefit,
lentless. advantage, service, use, utility.
ANT. Fail, fall, disappoint, betray. lot, employment, vocation, occupa-
Avail. SYN. Profit, help, benefit, tion, business, pursuit, line.
advantage, uso, utility, service. ANT. Holiday, leisure, idleness,
ANT. Disadvantage, hindrance, help- self-abandonment, misemployment.
lessness, tility. Avoid. SYN. Quit, shun, abandon, de-
A valla b SYN. Useful, appropri- sert, forsake, relinquish, fly, eschw,
able, convertible, attainable, handy, elude, dodge, escape, shirk.
conducive, applicable, procurable, ad- ANT. Seek, court, approach, accost,
vantag helpful, profitable, suit- address, affect.
able, serviceable. Avouch. SYN. Aver, protest, declara,
ANT. Useless, inappropriate, inap- propound, asseverate, profess.
plicable, unprocurable, inconducive, ANT. Deny, contradict, oppose, op,
irrelevant, Inoperative, unavailable. pugn, contravene, coatrovert,gainsay
Avarice. SYN. Greed, cupidity, ra- Avow. [See AVOUCH].
pacity, penuriousness, niggardliness, Awaken. [See BOUSE].
miserliness, stinginess, covetousness,
acquisitiveness, griping, greediness.
A ward. Assign, apportion, attribute
ANT. Large-heartedness, unselfish- accord, grant, distribute, divide, allot^
ness, liberality, bountifulness, pro- give, determine, decree, order, ad-
fuseness, squander, prodigality, ex- judge.
travagance, waste. ANT. Refuse, withhold, withdraw,
Avaricious. [See LIBERAL. ANT]. retain, misappropriate, misapportion.
Avenge. SYN. Vindicate, right, visit, Aware. SYN. Conscious, sensible, in-
retaliate. formed, certified, assured, known, ap-
ANT. Waive, don, forego, con- prised, cognizant.
done, remit, forgive, overlook. ANT. Unconscious, insensible, igno-
Avenue. SYN. Approach, adit, access, rant, unaware, uninformed.
entrance. Away. SYN. Far, afar, separate, de-
ANT. Exit, egress. tached, loose, abroad.
ver. SYN. Assert, asseverate, affirm, ANT. Close, near.
-'depose, avouch, protest, oblige, de- Awe. SYN. Fear, dread, veneration,
clare. reverence.
ANT. Deny, contradict, contravene, ANT. Fearlessness, contempt, disre-
disavow, disclaim, repudiate, gainsay, spect, familiarity, irreverence.
oppugn. Awful. SYN. Fearful, direful, appall-
Average. SYN. Mean, medium, mid- ing, terrible, alarming, dreadful, hor-
dle, mediocre. rible, solemn, portentous, horrific.
/ ANT. Extreme, excess, defect, per- ANT. Inocuous, informidable, un-
fectness, perfection. imposing, unastonishing, common-
Averse. SYN. Hostile, disinclined, in- place, unnoticeable, unalarming, al-
disposed, repugnant, backward, un- luring.
willing, reluctant, loath. Awhile. SYN. Briefly, a little.
ANT. Keady, disposed, eager,prone, ANT. Ever, always, forever, ever,
inclined, desirous more.
Aversion. SYN. Hatred, dislike, dis- Awkward. SYN. Ungainly, clown-
taste, repugnance, uucongeniality, ab- ish, clumsy, maladroit, unhandy, un-
borrence, antipathy. couth, rough,boorish,bungling,gawky.
ANT. Love, desire, affection, liking, ANT. Neat, clever, dexterous, skil-
congeniality, cyn.pathy, ardor, eager- ful, adroit, handy.
ness, avidity. Awry. SYN. Crooked, aslant, askew,
Avidity. SYN. Cupidity, avarice, de- atwist,bent,cnrved, distorted, twisted,
sire, greed, longing, rapacity, eager- wrong.
Bess. ANT. Right, straight, true, direct.
ANT. Coldness, indlfference,apathy, Axiom. SYN. Self-evident truth, aph-
insensibility, antipathy, nausea, aver- orism, truism, apophthegm, maxim.
sion, repugnance, loathing. ANT.Nongense,absurdity,8tultiloquy.
.zure. a. SYN. Blue, cerulean, eky- Balance. SYN. Weigh, poise, pit, et,
olue, bluish, blue-colored. counterpoise, counteract, neutralize,
ANT. Orange, ochreous, orange-col- equalize, estimate, redress, adjust.
red, orange-flame. ANT. Upset, tilt, cant, subvert, mis-
po.ise, overbalance.
Balderdash. SYN. Gasconade, flum.
mery, rhodomontade,bombast, fustian,
BABBLE, v. SYN. Prate, prattle, froth.
dribble, chatter, gabble, twaddle, ANT. Sense, wisdom, logic, reason,
blab, cackle. sobriety, truthfulness.
ANT Enunciate, vociferate, hush, Balk. SYN. Estop, bar, thwart, frus-
suppress. trate, foil, stop, prevent, hinder, neu.
Babbler. SYN. Blab, chatterbox, gos- tralize,nulliry, mar, counteract, disap.
sip, tattler, tell-tale. point, defeat, baffle.
ANT. Confident, confessor. ANT. Aid, abet, promote, advance,
Babbling. SYN. Prating, blabbing, encourage, instigate.
talkativeness, tattling,cackling,gossip, Balmy. [See AROMATIC].
loquacity, garrulity. Bandy. SYN. Interchange, exchange,
ANT. Reticence, reserve, secretive- reciprocate, cross, pass.
Bess, closeness, refrain, incommuni- ANT. Quash, silence, drop, burke,
cativeness, taciturnity. close, stifle, extinguish.
Babel. SYN. Hubbub, confusion,clam- Baneful. [See PERNICIOUS].
or, jargon, din, discord, clang. Banish. STN. Expel, abandon, dispel,
ANT. Elocution, articulation,monot- eject, extrude, exclude, relegate, expa-
ony, distinctness, consecutiveness, in- triate, repudiate, disclaim.
tonation, enunciation, unisonousness. ANT. Cherish, foster, protect, con-
Backbiter. STN. Detractor, traduc- sider, encourage, locate, retain, enter-
er, calumniator, slanderer, cynic, ma- tain, domiciliate, domesticate, harbor.
ligner, defamer. Banishment. SYN. Outlawry, ostra-
ANT. Vindicator, upholder, pallia- cism, expatriation, expulsion, perse-
tor, advocate, mitigator, defender, be- cution.
friender. ANT. Remaining, cherishing, foster-
Backslider. STN. Kenegade, abjur- Ing, retaining.
er, recreant, apostate. Banquet. STN. Feast, festivity, treat,
ANT. Professor,confes8or,adherent, entertainment, festival, carousal, ca-
zealot, bigot. rouse, regalement, cheer.
ANT. Fast, abstinence, starvation.
Backsliding. [See BACKSLIDER]. Banter. SYN. Badinage, chaff, mock-
Backwardness. SYN. Reluctance,
ery, derision, ridicule, irony, jeering,
slowness, shyness, hesitation, unwill- raillery.
ingness, repugnance. ANT. Discussion, discourse, argu-
ANT. Forwardness, readiness, will- ment.
ingness, promptitude, alacrity. Barbarous. SYN Rude, strange, un-
Backward. [See BACKWARDNESS]. civilized, brutal, cruel, ferocious, in-
Bad. [See GOOD). human, merciless, outlandish, savage,
Bailie. STN. Frnstrate,counteract,eB- uncouth, atrocious, flagitious, unfet-
top, disconcert, elude, mock, thwart, tered, nefarious, gross.
confound, defeat,perplex, restrain, up- ANT. Polite, civilized, refined, hu-
set, foil, mar, balk, neutralize, dodge, mane, urbane.
counterfoil. Barely. [See HAKDLY].
ANT. Point, aid, abet, enforce, pro- Bargain. SYN. Transaction, negotia-
mote, advance, encourage.
assist, tion, business, profit, speculation, hig-
Bait. SYN. Morsel, snare, decoy, en- gling, gain,hawking,chaffer, haggling.
ticement, allurement, inducement. ANT. Loss, misprofit.
ANT. Warning, scarecrow, dissuas- Barren. [See STERILE].
ive, deterrent, prohibition, intimida- Base., adj. SYN. Vile, dishonorable,
tion, threat. low, sordid, ignoble, worthiest*, mean.
infamous, shameful, grovelling, disin- sition, appearance, direction, course.
genuous, disesteemed, cheap, corrupt, ANT. Misbehaviorjiuisdirectioi^miB-
deep. observation.
ANT. Lofty, exalted, refined, noble, Beastly. [See BBUTAL].
esteemed, honored, valued, pure, cor- Beat. SYN. Strike, pound, batter, sur-
rect, shrill. pass, thrash, cudgel, overcome, de-
Baseless. [See GROUNDLESS]. feat, conquer, worst, whack, belabor,
Bashful. STN. Modest, diffident, shy, vanquish.
retiring, reserved. ANT. Defend, protect, shield, fall,
ANT. Bold, impudent, forward, un- shelter, surrender, stroke,caress, pat.
reserved, pert, conceited,ostentatious, Beatitude. STN. Blessedness, bliss,
egotistic. beatification.
Bask. STN. Luxuriate, repose, lounge, ANT. Misery, pain, suffering, pun-
dally. ishment.
ANT. Stir, work, toil, slave, drudge,
Beautiful. [See BEAUTY, and HAND-
Baste. STN. Buffet, cudgel,pound,beat. SOME].
ANT. Soothe, tickle, caress, sti oke. Beautify. STN. Decorate, adorn, or-
Battle. SYN. Fight, conflict, contest, nament, deck.
ANT. Deform, mar, stain, de-
combat, engagement, encounter, ac- spoil,
tion. face, disfigure, befoul, soil, denude,
ANT. Peace, truce, pacification, ar- bare, strip.
bitrament, council, mediation. Beauty. STN. Loveliness, grace, fair-
Bauble. STN. Toy, trifle, plaything, ness, seemliness, comeliness, pictur-
knicknack, gewgaw, gimcrack, kick- esqueness, exquisiteness, adornment,
shaw. embellishment.
ANT. Valuable, possession, acquisi- ANT. Foulness, ugliness, deformity,
tion. gera, ornament, decoration, jewel. hideousness, bareness, unattractive-
Basis. [See FOUNDATION]. ness.
Bawl. STN. Shout, vociferate, halloo, Because. STN. Owing, consequently,
roar, bellow. accordingly.
ANT. Whisper, mutter, babble.mum- ANT. Irrespectively, independently,
ble. inconsequently, unconnectedly.
Bays. STN. Laurels, trophy, success, Beck. STN. Nod, sign, signal, symbol,
prize,premium, achievement, victory, token, indication, authority, orders,
triumph. instruction, subserviency, influence,
ANT. Failure, defeat, disgrace, stig- call, command, control, mandate.
ma, brand. ANT. Independence, insubservi-
Beach. STN. Shore, coast, strand, sea- ence.
coast, seaboard, seashore. Become. STN. Befit, grace, beseem,
ANT. Sea, ocean, deep, main. behove.
Beaming. STN. Shining, gleaming, ANT. Misbeeeem, misfit, misbecome,
bright, radiantjbeautiful, transparent, disgrace.
translucid. Becoming. STN. Beseeming, neat,
ANT. Dull, opaque, dingy, beamless, proper, decorous, comely, seemly,

wan, matt. befitting,graceful, decent, suitable,

Bear. STN. Carry, lift, transport, con- improving.
vey, maintain, uphold, suffer, undergo, ANT. Unbeseeming, unseemly, un-
support, tolerate, waft, yield, sustain, comely, unbecoming, unbefitting, un-
hold, harbor, entertain, fill, enact, en- graceful, indecent, unsuitable, miino-
dure, admit, produce, generate. proving, derogatory.
AWT. Drop, refuse, decline, resign, Bedaub. STN. Bespatter, befoul, dis-
expel, eject, resist, repel, protest, re- color, mar, disfigure, deface, besmear,
sent, reject. spoil, soil, stain.
Bearing. STN. Behavior, deportment, ANT. Cleanse, absterge, purify, em-
manner, aspect, carriage, mien, de- bellish, whiten, decorate, beautify.
eanor, port, conduct, inclination, po- Bedeck. iSee DBCH&
Bedizen. SYN. Tawdry, betinselled, Beginning. SYN. Commencement,
gaudy, flashy, bespangled. prepara-
start, origin, rise, initiation,
ANT. Adorned, robed, decorated, tion, preface, prelude, inauguration,
beautified. inception, threshold, opening, source,
Befall. SYN. Happen, occur, betide, outset, foundation.
fall, supervene, bechance. ANT. End, close, termination, con-
ANT. Miss, pass, spare, pretermit. clusion, consummation, completion.
Befitting. SYN. Fitting, decent, be- Beguile. [See BEFOOL].
coming, suitable, appropriate, proper, Behalf. SYN. Side, interest, advan-
consistent, expedient, desirable. tage, aid, bestead.
ANT. Obligatory, compulsory, unbe- ANT. [See BESTEAD].
fitting, indecent, unbecoming, unsuit- Behavior. SYN. Conduct, bearing,
able, inappropriate, incompatible, in- demeanor, proceeding, comportment,
expedient, improper. action, manner, deportment.
Befool. SYN. Deceive, cheat, mystify, ANT. Misdemeanor, misbehavior,
bamboozle, ensnare, hoodwink, mis- misconduct.
ANT Behest. SYN. Injunction, command,
Guide, enlighten, advise, un-
instruction, mandate, commission, re-
deceive, lead.
Before. SYN. Precedently, anteriorly,
quirement, trust.
ANT. Option, liberty, non-interfer-
antecedently. ence, discretion.
ANT. After, afterwards, subsequent-
ly, posteriorly, later, behind.
Behind. [See BEFORE].
Befriend. SYN. Assist, countenance, Behold. SYN. Look, discern, regard,
support, advocate, promote, protect, view, descry, look upon, gaze,contem-
defend. plate, observe, see, scan, survey.
ANT. Oppose,di?countenanced,with- ANT. Overlook, disregard, ignore,
etand, thwart, decry, defame, oppress, miss, blink, wink, connive.
annoy. Beholden. SYN. Bound, obliged, in-
Beg. SYN. Ask, request, entreat, sup- debted, thankful, grateful.
plicate, beseech, implore, pray, peti- ANT. Unindebted, unobliged, un-
tion, crave. bound, unthankful, ungrateful.
ANT. Insist, exact, extort, require, Beholder. SYN. Spectator, observer,
bystander, witness, looker-on.
Beggar. SYN. Mendicant, petitioner, ANT. [See BEHOLD].
suitor, suppliant, applicant.
ANT. Exactor, extortioner. Belief. SYN. Assent, faith, trust, cre-
dence, avowal, assurance, admission,
Beggarly. Miserable, poor, stinted,
conviction, opinion,permission, creed,
wretched, niggardly, stingy, scant, il-
liberal. reliance, concession, confidence.
ANT. Noble, princely, stately, prod- ANT. Dissent, unbelief, distrust, de-
nial, misgiving, disavowal, rejection,
igal,sumptuous, liberal, profuse, gor- disbelief.
geous, magnificent.
Beggary. SYN. Want, penury, desti- Bellicose. SYN. Quarrelsome, pug-
tution, indigence, mendicancy. nacious, belligerent, irascible, conten-
ANT. Affluence, riches, abundance, tious.
ANT. Peaceful, peaceable, unquar-
relsome, pacific, uuwarlike, unexcita-
Begin. SYN. Initiate, commence, pre- ble,good-tempered, genial.
pare, start, originate, arise, inaugu-
rate. Belligerent. SYN. Contending, en-
ANT. Achieve, complete, terminate, gaging, fighting, opposed, adverse, ri-
conclude, consummate, finish, close, val, conflicting, antagonist, assailant,
end. hostile.
Beginner. SYN. Tyro, novice, neo- ANT. Neutral, pacific, peaceful, non-
phyte, learner, pupil. belligerent, appeased, reconciled.
ANT. Adept, expert, master, au- Bellow. [See BAWL].
thority. Belonging. SYN. Related, connected.
appertaining, cognate, congenial, ob- ANT. Evil, loss, disadvantage, detri.
ligatory, ment, damage, calamity, bereavement,
ANT. Unrelated, unconnected, Irrel- injury, privation.
evant, impertinent. alien, uncongenial, Benevolence. SYN. Kindness, good-
discretional, optional, uninvolved, un- will, charity, philanthropy,kindliness,
implied, independent. kind-heartedness, benignity, benefi-
Belong to. SYN. Pertain to,appertain cence, liberality.
to, regard, relate to. ANT. Unkindness,harshnas3,barbar-
ANT. Not to belong to, not to apper- ity, niggardliness, maleficence, malig-
tain to, not to relate to. nity, illiberality, ill-will, churlishness.
Beloved. SYN. Cared for, cherished, Benevolent. [See BENEFICENT],
ANT. Hated, loathed. Benignant. [See BENEFICENT].
Below. SYN. Under, beneath, adown, Benison. [See BENEDICTION],
underneath. Bent. SYN. Inclination, angle, direc-
ANT. Above, over, aloft. tion, bias, determination, disposition,
Bend. SYN. Curve, deviate, incline, intention, prepossession, propensity,
tend, swerve, diverge, mold, persuade, predilection, turn, leaning.
influence, bias, dispose, direct, lower, ANT. Indisposition, aversion.
subordinate to, lean, deflect, bow, con- Bequeath. SYN. Give, grant, leave by
descend, yield, stoop, submit. will, devise, will,bestow, impart, de-
ANT. Proceed, continue, extend, ad- mise,leave. To
n. Legacy,inheritance.
vance, stand, stiffen, break, crush, re- ANT. Withhold, alienate. To n. Dis-
gist. inheritance, transference, abaliena-
Beneath. SYN. Below, underneath, tion,dispossession.
under, adown. Bereave. SYN. Rob, deprive, divest,
ANT. Above, over, overhead, aloft.
Benediction. SYN. Blessing, com- dispossess, impoverish, reduce, spoil,
mendation, approval, benison, grati- ANT. Replenish, compensate, rein-
tude, thankfulness, thanksgiving. state, satisfy, enrich, benefit.
ANT. Curse, malediction, disapprov-
al, censure, obloquy, execration, in-
Bereavement. SYN. Destitution, af-
gratitude. fliction, deprivation, loss.
Benefaction. SYN. Grant, gratuity, ANT. Gift, blessing, donation, bene-
boon, donation, aims, present, gift, faction, compensation,reparation, res-
toration, reinstatement, substitution,
endowment, bequest, favor, presenta-
tion. restitution, consolation.
ANT. Deprivation, reservation, dis- ANT. [See BENEFACTION, and BENE-
favor, presumption, confiscation, dis- FIT],
endowment. Bereft. SYN. Robbed, deprived, des-
Benefactor. SYN. Friend, supporter, titute, denied, spoiled.
contributor, upholder, well-wisher, fa- ANT. Endowed, enriched, compen-
vorer, well-doer, patron. sated, consoled, possessed.
ANT. Foe, opponent, dtsfavorer, an- Beseech. SYN. Entreat, pray, solicit,
tagonist, rival, backfriend, oppressor. ask, implore, crave, request, suppli-
Beneficial. SYN. Profitable,salutary, cate, petition, beg.
advantageous, wholesome, salubrious. ANT. Insist, demand, exact, intimi-
ANT. Prejudicial, noxious, hurtful, date, command, coerce.
unprofitable, detrimental. Beseem. SYN. Befit, suit, belong, ap-
Beneficent. SYN. Bountiful, benevo- pertain.
lent, benignant. ANT. Unbeseem, disgrace.
ANT. Hard, uncommiserating, grip- Beseeming. SYN. Befitting, belong-
ing, unbenencent,illiberal, oppressive, ing, suitable, appertaining, consistent,
compatible, requisite, decent, grace-
Benefit. SYN. Boon, behoof, service, ful.
utility, avail, use, good, advantage, ANT. Unbefitting, unseemly, unsnit 1

profit, favor, blessing. able, improper, indecent, ungraceful.

Benrt. STN. Hem, surround, environ, ANT. Misindicftte. mislead, mlsde-
encircle, besiege, beleaguer, embar- clare, misteach, belie, mask, hide.
rass. Betray. SYN. Deceive, delude, dupe,
ANT. Liberate, abandon. circumvent, ensnare, dishonor, mani-
Beside. SYN. Close, near, alongside, fest, indicate, reveal.
additionally, over and above, together, ANT. Protect, preserve, guard, con-
moreover. serve, foster, cherish, fence, conceal,
ANT. Separate, apart, inclusively. cover, suppress.
Besiege. SYN. Beset, beleaguer, sit, Between, Betwixt. [See AMIDST].
invest. Bevy. n. SYN. Assembly, parterre,gal-
ANT. Abandon. (Phrase, "Raise the axy, constellation, nock.
siege"). ANT. Gang, crew, herd, mob.
Besmear. [See BEDAUB]. Bewail. SYN. Lament, deplore, rue,
Besotted. STN. Intoxicated, steeped, bemoan, sorrow, grieve, mourn for.
stupefied, drunk, drenched, doltish, ANT. Exult, hail, rejoice, welcome,
grosu, prejudiced. greet.
ANT. Sober, temperate, clear, un- Beware. SYN. Care, refrain, consid-
biased, unprejudiced, enlightened, re- er, heed, look, fear, avoid.
fined. ANT. Ignore, overlook, neglect, in-
Bespatter. STN. Besprinkle, befoul, cur, brave, dare.
bedaub, revile, vilify, asperse. Bewilder. SYN. Daze, dazzle, con-
ANT. Absterge, sponge, cleanse, pu- found, mystify, puzzle, embarrass, as-
rify, vindicate, defend, clear. tonish, perplex, confuse, mislead.
Bespeak. SYN. Betoken, foreorder, ANT. Guide, inform, lead, instruct,
forestall, provide, prearrange, indi- enlighten, edify.
cate, evidence. Bewildered. [See CONFUSED].
ANT. Belie, resign, countermand. Bewitch. SYN. Enchant, fascinate,
Bestead, r. SYN. Convenience, serve, charm, captivate, entrance.
uphold, assist, accomodate, benefit. ANT. Exorcise, disillusionize, disen-
ANT. Thwart, damage, incommode, chant.
oppose, injure. Beyond. SYN. Over, further, past,
Bestead, n. SYN. Interest, behalf, ad- more.
vantage, benefit, part, side. ANT. Here, close, near, hither, less,
ANT. Injury, disadvantage, opposi- short.
tion, detriment, damage. Bias. [See BENT].
Bestir. Commonly used reflexively Bicker. SYN. Wrangle, quarrel, jar,
for, to stir one's self. [See STIB]. dispute, contend.
Bestir, n. [See STIB]. ANT. Chat, gossip, converse, agree.
Bestow. SYN. Confer, give, present, Bickering. SYN. Wrangling, dis-
award, accord, grant. puting, contention, strife, altercation,
ANT. Withhold, withdraw, reserve, dispute.
alienate, transfer, appropriate,usurp, ANT. Conversing, chatting, agree-
seize. ing.
Better. t>. SYN. Meliorate, improve, Bid. SYN. Tell,reque8t,instruct,direct,
amend, emend, ameliorate, order, proffer, charge, command, pro-
form. pose, offer.
ANT. Make worse. ANT. Forbid, deter, prohibit, re-
Betide. SYN. Befall, occur, happen. strain.
ANT. [See BEFALL]. Bide. SYN. Wait, remain, tarry, stay,
Betimes. SYN. Early,beforehand,pre- await, expect, anticipate, continue,
paredly, readily. bear, abide, endure.
ANT. Behindhand, slowly, eluggish- ANT. Quit, depart, migrate, move,
ly. belatedly. resist, resent, repel, abjure, protest,
Betoken. SYN. Teach, indicate, pro- rebel.
claim, presage, augur, portend, fore- Big. SYN. Large, great, wide, huge,
ebow, signify, forebode, evidence, de- bulky, proud, arrogant, pompous, fat,
clare, manifest, involve, imply. massive, gross.
ANT. Little, nnall, narrow, minute, ANT. Acquit, exculpate, exonerate,
ulight, lean, affable, easy, unaffected. encourage, praise, approve.
Bigoted. STN. Prejudiced,intolerant, Blamable. [See BLAMELESS].
narrow-minded, blindly devoted, one- Blameless. STN. Pure, innocent, ir-
sided, confined. responsible.
ANT. Unprejudiced, open-minded, ANT. Criminated, implicated, an-
large-minded, broad, comprehensive, swerable, blameworthy, faulty, guilty,
liberal. hlamable.
Bigotry. STN. Prejudice, Pharisaism, Blancb. STN. Bleach, whiten.
obstinacy, credulity, fanaticism, in- ANT. Darken, color, obfuscate.
tolerance, superstition. Bland. STN. Soft, mild, gentle, com-
ANT. Liberality, charity, enlight- plaisant, courteous, affable, gracious,
enment, toleration, eclecticism, lati- tender, benign.
tudinarianism. ANT. Harsh, abrupt, rough.
Bill. SYN. Account, reckoning, score, Blandiloquence. STN. Glossiness,
charges, jaw, mandible, beak. blarney, humbug, flattery, specious-
Bind. STN. Fetter, engage, tie,fasten, ness, adulation.
secure, lace, twine, oblige, compel, re- ANT. Bluntness, roughness, abrupt-
strict, restrain, secure. ness.
ANT. Untie, loose, unfaster., acquit, Blandishment. STN. Coaxing,flat-
free, liberate. tery, wheedling, fawning, cajolery.
Binding. STN. Restrictive, obliga- ANT. Roughness, bluutuess, unTnan-
tory, restraining, stringent, styptic, nerliness.
costive, astringent. Blank. STN. Bleak, bare, utter, un-
ANT. Loosening, opening, enlarging, mitigated, broad.
distending. ANT. Modified, qualified, mitigated.
Birth. STN. Parentage, extraction, Blasphemy. STN. Swearing, pro-
nativity, family, race, origin, source, faneness, impiety.
rise, lineage, nobility. ANT.Reverence,veneration,godliness.
ANT. Death, extinction, plebeianism. Blast, v. STN. Blight, shrivel, de-
Bit. STN.Morsel, piece,fragment, part. stroy, wither.
ANT Mass, whole. ANT. Restore, expand, swell.
Biting. STN. Pungent, censorious, Blast, n. STN. Breeze, efflation, ex-
piercing, gnawing, sarcastic,sardonic, plosion, blight, burst, blaze, frustra-
trenchant. tion, destruction, squall, gale, tem-
ANT. Pleasant, genial, soothing,com- pest, hurricane, afflation.
placent, flattering. ANT. Zephyr, gentle breeze, neu-
Bitter. STN. Harsh, eour, sharp, tart, tralization.
acrimonious, sarcastic, severe, sad, Blatant. STN. Noisy, bellowing, vocif-
afflictive, intense, stinging, pungent, erous, clamorous, braying.
acrid, cutting. ANT. Quiet, low-toned, gentle.
ANT. Sweet, mellow, pleasant, affa- Blaze. [See BLAST].
ble, kindly, genial, light, mitigated, Blazon. STN. Notify, signalize, pnb-
trivial. licate, adventure, circulate, propa-
Bitterness. [See ANTIPATHT]. gate, disseminate.
Blacken. STN. Bespatter, befoul, be- ANT. Cover, conceal, hide, suppress,
daub, defame, decry, calumniate, dis- hush, palliate, shroud, bury.
honor, asperse, traduce, vilify, slan- Bleach. STN. Whiten, blanch.
der, malign. ANT. Darken, blacken, soil. [See
ANT. Vindicate, clear, eulogize. BLANCH].
Blackguard. STN. Scoundrel, ras- Bleak. STN. Blank, bare, open, cold,
cal, rapscallion, blackleg, villain. exposed, stormy, nipping.
ANT. Gentleman. ANT. Warm, sheltered, verdant, lux-
Blame. STN. Censure, chide, rebuke, uriant, zephyrous, balmy, halcyonic.
reproach, vituperate, dispraise, disap- Blemish. STN. Spot, blur, blot, flaw,
prove,condemn, reprehend,reprobate, speck, fault, imperfection, stain, daub,
reprove. taruish,defacement, discoloration, di-

flgureraent, disgrace, dishonor, defect. murderous, inhuman, cruel, ruthless,

ANT. Purity, unsulliedness, honor, savage.
intactness. ANT. Humane, kind, merciful.
Blench. SYU. Start, shy, shudder, re- Bloom. SYN. Blossom, bud, flower,
coil, shrink. sprout, germinate, beauty, freshness,
ANT. Encounter, dare, venture,face, delicacy.
stand. ANT. Decay, decadence, coarse-
Blend. SYN. Mix, harmonize, unite, ness, blight, blast, harshness, rough-
combine, fuse, merge, amalgamate, ness, toughness, superannuation, ca-
mingle, commingle, coalesce. daverousness, ghastliness.
ANT. Run, separate, divide, dissoci- Blooming. SYN. Flourishing, fair,
ate, confound. flowering, blossoming, young, beauti-
Bless. SYN. Felicitate, endow, enrich, ful.
gladden, rejoice, cheer, thank. ANT. Fading, waning, blighted, old,
ANT. Deprive, sadden, impoverish, blasted, paralyzed, superannuated, un-
ignore, curse, anathematize. sightly, deformed.
Blessedness. [See JOT]. Blot. v. SYN. Obscure, tarnish, spoil,
Blessing. SYN. Felicitation, benedic- sully, spot, discolor, pollute, obliter-
tion, endowment, donation, gift, grat- ate, erase, blur, stain, blotch, smear,
itude, thankfulness, thanks, benefit. smutch.
ANT. Impoverishment, deprivation, ANT. Elucidate, clear, absterge,per-
bereavement, malediction, thankless- petuate, cleanse, manifest, conserve.
nees, obliviousness, catastrophe, disas- Blot out. STN. Erase, efface, cancel,
ter, calamity, detriment, curse, dam- expunge, wipe out, obliterate,destroy.
ANT. Restore, replace.
Blight. [See BLAST]. Blotch. [See BLOT].
Blind. SYN. Sightless, unseeing, eye- Blow. SYN. Puff, blast, breath, stroke,
less, depraved,undiscerniog, ignorant,
infliction, wound, disappointment, af-
prejudiced, uninformed, unconscious, fliction, knock, shock, calamity, mis-
unaware. fortune.
ANT. Far-sighted, penetrating, sen- ANT. Assuagement, consolation, re-
sitive, keen, discriminating, clear- comfort, blessing, sparing.
sighted,pure-minded,aware,conscious. Bluff. SYN. Bare, open, bold, abrupt,
Blink. SYN. Wink, ignore, connive, frank, plain-spoken, blunt.surly, rude,
blustering, swaggering, brusque, hec-
ANT. Notice, visit, note, mark.
toring, coarse, discourteous, rough,
Bliss. SYN. Blessedness, joy, ecstasy,
rapture. Ant. Undulating,inclined, inabrupt,
ANT. Condemnation, accnrsedness,
courteous, polished, reserved.
suffering, misery, woe. Blunder. SYN. Error, mistake, mis-
Blithe. SYN. Light, merry, joyous,
understanding, fault, oversight, inac-
happy, bright, elastic, gladsome, bon-
curacy, delusion, slip.
ny, vivacious, lively, cheerful, blithe- ANT. Accuracy, truthfulness, exact-
some, gay.
ANT. Heavy, dull, dejected, sullen. ne86,correctne6s,faultle66ness,ratiflca-
Block. SYN. Stop, arrest, flll,obstruct. tion, atonement, foresight,prevention,
ANT. Free, liberate, open, pave. hit, success, achievement, correction.
Blunt, a. SYN. Dull, obtuse, pointless,
Blockhead. SYN. Dolt, dunderhead, edgeless, insensitive, bluff, coarse, im-
jolterhead, dunce, ninny, numskull, polite, plain-mannered, uncivil, rude.
dullard, simpleton, booby, loggerhead, ANT. Sharp, keen, pointed, acute,
ignoramus. aculeated, sensitive, polished, bland.
ANT. Sage, adept, luminary, school-
iloquent, courteous, reserved.
man, philosopher, savant. Blunt, i' SYN. To subdue, repress,
Bloodshed. SYN. Slaughter, massa- tranquilize, discourage, ossify, numb,
cre, carnage, butchery. harden.
Bloodthirsty. SYN. Gory, bloody, ANT. Quicken, sharpen, instigate,
suscitate, stimulate, animate, excite, ANT. Depress, dispirit, relax.

vitalize. Bombast. STK. Rhodomontade,brag-

Blur. [See BLEMISH]. ,

gadocio, gasconade, bluster, inflated-

Jtluxli. SYN. Bloom, color, carnation, ness, pomposity, exaggerativeness,
complexion, aspect, shame, confusion, fustian.
guiltiness, self-reproach. .- ANT. Truthfulness, moderation, re-
. ANT. Innocence, purity, guiltless- frain, veracity,modesty, temperate-
ness, unconsciousness, boldness, ef- ness, humility.
Bluster. SYN. Storm,
Bombastic. [See OSTENTATION].
rage, puff, in- Bond. SYN. Tie, fastening, chain, as-
sult, blow, swagger, fume, brag.
ANT. [See BRAG]. sociation, manacle, fetter, compact,
obligation, security.
Blustering. [See BLUFF]. ANT. Freedom, option, discretion,
BO.ISJ. r. SYN. Vaunt, brag, swagger,
honor, parole.
swell, bluster, vapor, triumph, glory.
ANT. [See BRAG.]. Bondage. SYN. Servitude, confine-
ment, imprisonment, incarceration,
Boasting. [See OSTEKTATION]. subjection, serfdom, thraldom, captiv-
Bode. SYN. Foretell, betoken, fore-
ity, slavery.
shadow, presage, predict, prophesy, ANT. Freedom,
promise, forebode, herald, announce,
liberty, independ-
ence, manumission, liberation.
prognosticate, portend, augur.
ANT. Relate, record, narrate, re-
Bondsman. SYN. Slave, serf, pris-
member. oner, captive, vassal.
SYN. Collectively, wholly, ANT. Freeman, yeoman, gentleman,
summarily, unitedly, compactedly, to- lord, master.
gether, corporeal, fleshy, material, Bonny. SYN. Fair, pretty, pleasant,
physical. lively, cheerful, shapely, buxom.
ANT. Piecemeal, partially, ghostly, ANT. Dull, unseemly, ill-favored,de-
fragmentarily, gradually, spiritual.
Body. SYN. Substance, mass, .whole, Bonus. SYN. Premium, douceur,boon,
substantiality, collectiveness, assem-
blage, collection, matter, association,
ANT. Fine, penalty, mulct, amerce-
organization. ment, discount.
ANT. Spirit, soul, individual. Booby. SYN. Idiot, dunce, numskull.
Boggle. SYN. Halt, hesitate, dubitate, ANT. Wiseacre, solon, oracle.
faltev, blunder, blotch, botch, spoil, Booklsli. SYN. Studious, erudite, pe-
mar. dantic, learned.
ANT. Encounter, face, advance, re- ANT. Unbookish, unstudious, ineru-
fine, clear, work, perfect, complete, dite, unlearned, ignorant, uneducated.
beautify. :
Boorish. [See CLOWNISH].
Boll. SYN. -Bubble, effervesce, rage, Bootless. SYN. Useless,profitless, un-
explode, fume. availing, abortive.
ANT. Calm, subside, recover, cool. ANT. Useful, profitable, availing, ef-
Boisterous. SYN. Loud, violent, un- fective, effectual.
restrained, tempestuous, stormy, un- Booty. SYN. Plunder, blackmail, loot,
controlled, intemperate. spoils, prey, pillage.
ANT. Peaceful, calm, serene, self- ANT. Restitution, fine, confiscation,
possessed. forfeiture, amercement, penalty.
Bold. SYN. Courageous, fearless, ad- Border. SYN. Limit, boundary,brink,
venturous, brave, self-confident, for- rim, verge, brim, edge, edging, band,
ward, intrepid, dauntless, valiant,dar- hem, enclosure, confine.
. ing, aiv-laric in-, lion-hearted, doughty. ANT. Land, tract, iuterior, substance,
ANT. Timid, fearful, inadventur- space, centre.
ous, shy, bashful, retiring. Border on. SYN. Be contiguous to,
Bolster. SYN. Support, prop, help, be adjacent to, conterminous with,ad-
id, sustain, subsidize, patch, tinker, join, adjacent to.
fcuoy. ANT. Remote from, away from.
Bore. SYN, Perforate, pierce, weary, Braggart. [SeeBiuoJ.
penetrate. Braid. SYN. Bind, tie, weave, plait.
ANT. Please, gratify, delight. ANT. Unbind, dishevel.
Bottom. SYN. Breast, hollow, valley, Branch. SYN. Member, bifurcation,
deep, bed, centre, heart, mind, soul, bough, limb, offspring, shoot, spray,'
will. sprig, twig, ramification, offshoot, rel-
AWT. Surface, exterior, manner, de- ative, scion.
portment, demeanor. ANT. Trurik, stock, stem, race, fam-
Botch. SYN. Patch, cobble, blunder, ily, house.
clump, disconcert, spoil, jumble,mess, Brand, v. SYN. Denonnce.stigmatize.
bungle, mar, blacksmith. disgrace, mark.
ANT. Fine-draw, trim, harmonize, ANT. Distinguish, honor, decorate.
mend,beautify,embroider,manipulate, Brand, mlj. SYN. Disgrace, stigma, in-
handle, manage. famy, mark.
Both. SYN. Twain. ANT. Decoration, badge,distinction,
ANT. Neither. honor.
Bother. SYN. Fuse, worry, pester, Brandish. SYN. Flourish, fence, ag-
excitement, stir, plague, vex, annoy, whisk, shake, wave.
itate, wield,
tease, confusion, vexation, flurry, ANT. Stay, arrest, suspend.
trouble. Bravado. SYN. Boasting, bragging,
ANT. Calm, composure, orderliness, vaunting, bluster.
peace, quiet. ANT. [See OSTENTATION].
Bottom. SYN. Deep, profound, floor, Brave. [See GALLANT].
groundwork, depth, ground, foot. Brawl. SYN. Wrangle, broil, scold,
ANT. Top, summit, apex, crown, brow, roar, shout, vociferate.
surface. ANT. Whisper, softness,mellowness,
Bound, n. SYN. Limit, boundary, in- melodiousness, intonation.
closure, confine, border. Brawny. SYN. Muscular, powerful,
ANT. [See BORDER]. strong, athletic, sinewy, herculean,ro-
Bound, t
. SYN. Confine, limit, cir-
bust, stout.
cumscribe, terminate.restrict, restrain. ANT. Lean, weak, fragile, delicate,
ANT. Enlarge, open, extend; spread effeminate, feeble.
Bound, r. SYN. To leap, jump, Bray. SYN. Pound, bruise, beat, pul-
frisk, verize.
spring, skip. ANT. Compact, compound, amalga-
ANT. Hobble, limp, crawl, creep, mate, conglomerate.
shamble. Breach. SYN. Rupture,divulsion, gap,
Boundary. [See BOUND]. quarrel, violation, non-performance.
Boundless. SYN.TTnbounded,immeas- ANT. Integrity, conservation, heal-
urable, infinite, unlimited, illimitable, ing, reconciliation, inviolateness, ful-
unmeasurable. fillment.
ANT. Narrow, restricted, limited, Break. SYN. Fracture, rupture, shat-
confined, circumscribed. ter, shiver, destroy, tame, curb, de-
Bountiful. [See LIBERAL]. molish, tear asunder, rend, burst, sev-
Bounty. SYN. Liberality, bounteous- er, smash, split, subdue, violate, in-
ness, benevolence, munificence, dona- fringe.
tion, gift, generosity, charity,benigni-
ANT. Heal, piece, conjoin, protect,
ty. conserve, encourage, rally, observe,
ANT. Illiberality, closeness, hard- obey. ,
i\ess,churlishness, stinginess, niggard- BreaMt. [See BOSOM].
liness. Breath. SYN. K.>-pi r;tt ion, inspiration
Bower. SYN. Shady recess, arbor, expiration, inhalation, exhalation,
retreat, alcove. Met. Life..
ANT. Open place. ANT. To latter. Cessation, passing,
Brae. SYN. Boast, vaunt, swagger, departure, perishing, dying, death.
bully. Breathe. [See BREATH].
ANT. Cringe, whine, whimper. Breathless. SYN. Exhausted, eager,

absorbed, fascinated, attentive, bewil- Bristling. STN. Full, stocked, multi-

dered, astounded. tudinous, crowded, swarming, multi-
ANT. Cool, calm, collected, unex- farious.
cited, fresh, indifferent, inattentive, ANT. Bare, nude, scant, devoid, va-
unastonished. cant.
Dreed* v. STN. Generate, procreate, Brittle. [See FRAGILE].
engender, propagate, produce, beget, Broach. STN. Moot, start, launch,
hatch, nourish, train, instruct, evolve, originate, suggest, exhibit, propound.
cause. ANT. Reserve, secrete, seal, repress,
ANT. Destroy, eradicate, extinguish, cork, bottle.
extirpate, stifle. Broad. STN. Wide, extensive, expan-
Dreed, n. [See LINEAGE]. sive, ample, liberal, comprehensive,
Dreedlng. STN. Nurture, education, unreserved, indelicate, coarse,generic.
training, discipline, instruction, man- ANT. Narrow, restricted, confined,
ners, air, demeanor, decorum. limited, bigoted, prejudiced, illiberal,
ANT. Ill-manners, ill-training, ill- narrow-minded, reserved, veiled, enig-
behavior, ignorance. matical, shrouded,shaded, refined, del-
Drevlty. SYN. Shortness, closeness, icate, sketchy, specific, pointed.
conciseness, succinctness, terseness, Broadcast. STN. Scattered abroad,
compendiousness, pointedness, abbre- dispersed, profusely, unsparingly, in-
viation, abridgment. discriminately, injudiciously, exten-
ANT. Length, protraction, elonga- sively.
tion, extension, prolixity, diffusive- ANT. Collectedly, concentratively,
ness, interminableness, tediousness. sparingly, reservedly, locally, partial-
Drew. STN. Concoct, compound, mix, ly, discreetly, charily.
hatch, prepare, season, threaten, im- Droll, n. [SeeAFFRAT].
pend, increase, collect, form, gather, Drook. i'. STN. Bear, tolerate, suffer,

grow. endure, undergo, submit to, permit.

ANT. Pass, disperse, break, spoil, ANT. Resist, resent, reject.
miscompound, mar. Brotherhood. STN. Fraternity, as-
Bridle. STN. Curb, restrain, govern, sociation, fellowship, society, sodality.
control, master, moderate, compress. Brotherly. SYN. Fraternal, kind, af-
ANT. Loosen, liberate, relax, vent, fectionate, tender.
discharge. ANT. Unkind, hard, harsh, unf rater-
Brief. [See SHORT]. nal.
Dright. STN. Shining, brilliant, bur- Browbeat. STN. Intimidate, bully,
nished, luminous, lucid, sparkling, overbear, cow, overawe, boycott,
limpid, clever, happy, witty, joyous, bulldoze.
cheerful, radiant. ANT. Encourage,rally, countenance,
ANT. Opaque, dull, dead, muddy, support.
stupid, slow, sullen, dejected, cheer- Bruise, v. [See BREAK].
less, joyless, imbecile. Drunt. STN. Impulse, attack, aggres-
Brilliant. STN. Flashing, radiant, sion, onslaught, onset, assault, shock.
shining, lustrous, glorious, luminous, ANT. Resistance, endurance, repul-
effulgent, beaming, sparkling. sion.
ANT. [See BRIGHT]. Brutal. STN. Savage, inhuman, rude,
Bring. STN. Fetch, procure, convey, unfeeling, merciless, ruthless, brut-
carry, bear, adduce, import, produce, ish, barbarous, sensual, beastly, ig-
cause, induce. norant, stolid, dense, cruel, violent,
ANT. Export, remove, abstract, sub- vindictive, bloodthirsty, intemperate.
tract, prevent, exclude, debar, trans- ANT. Humane, civilized, generous,
port. intelligent, polished, chivalrous, con-
Mr ink. STN. Quick, lively, vivacious, scientious, self-controlled.
active, alert, nimble, sprightly, spirit- Brutish. [See BRUTAL].
ed, animated, prompt, effervescent. Bubble. SYN. Trifle, toy, fancy, con-
ANT. Slow, heavy, dull, inactive, in- dream, froth, trash.
ceit, vision,
^k)lent,6luggisb.unenergetic, stagnant. ANT. Acquisition, prize, treasury
reality, substance, verity, jewel, good, ANT. Heavy, depressed, cheerless,
advantage. joyless, dejected, moody, desponding.
Bud. r. SYN. Sprout, blossom, bloom, Burdoii. v. [See LOAD].
germinate. Burden, n. SYN. Load, weight, Incu-
Buffoon. SYN. Wag, clown, jester. bus, obstruction, oppression, grief,
ANT. Wit, genius, philosopher, pe- difficulty, affliction.
dant, visionary, dissembler, prig, en- ANT. Ease, lightness, airiness, expe-
thusiast, hypocrite. dition, facility, acceleration, abjuga-
tion, liberation, light-heartedness, al-
Bugbear. SYN. Hobgoblin, goblin,
leviation, assuagement, mitigation,
gorgon, ghoul, spirit, spook, specter,
ogre, scarecrow. consolation, disburdenment.
Burial. SYN. Interment, sepulture,
Building. SYN. Edifice, architecture, inhumation, entombment.
construction, erection, fabric, struc-
ture. ANT. Exhumation, disinterment.
ANT. Ruin, dilapidation, dismantle- Burke. SYN. Stifle, shelve, strangle,
ment, demolition.
Builder. ANT. Enucleate, propound, pro-
Bulk. SYN. Mass, whole, entirety, in- mulge, publicate, promote, foster, re-
animate, eliminate, ventilate, bruit,
magnitude, ex-
tegrity, majority, size, suscitate.
tension, body, volume, bigness, large- SYN. Parody, travesty,
ness, massiveness, dimension.
satire, caricature, grotesque, droll,
ANT. Tenuity, minority, dismem-
farcical, comic, ludicrous.
berment, disintegration, diminution, ANT. Classic, pure, severe, tragic,
portion, contraction, section, atom,
historic, grave, truthful.
Bulk. [See SIZE]. Burly. [See BULKY].
Burn. SYN. Ignite,kindle, brand, con-
Bulky. SYN. Huge, unwieldy, heavy, sume, cauterize, rage, glow, smoulder,
large, ample, ponderous, burly, cum-
blaze, flash, cremate, incinerate.
brous, gigantic, brawny, massive. ANT. Extinguish, stifle, cool, wane,
ANT. Small, light, slight, airy, thin,
subside, glimmer, lower, pale.
delicate, nimble, attenuated, slender,
sylph-like, puny, tiny.
Burning. [See ARDENT].
Bully. BYN. swash-buckler, swag- Burnish. SYN. Brighten, glaze, pol-
ish, gloze, gloss.
gerer, braggadocio.
ANT. [see BLUSTERER]. ANT. Scratch, dull, abrade, bedim,
Bullying. [See BLUSTERING]. cloud, frost, matt.
Bulwark. SYN. Rampart, fortress, Burst, v. SYN.
Extrayasate, displode,
explode, discharge, shiver,shatter,dia-
fortification, palladium, citadel, in-
rupt, rend, break, split.
trenchment, stronghold, parapet, bas- ANT. Cohere, hold, etand.
ANT. Storming, seige, investment, Bury. SYN. Inter, inhume, conceal,
repress, suppress, obliterate, cancel,
bombardment, cannonade, boarding. entomb, compose, hush.
Bungler. SYN. Botcher, clown, lub- ANT. Disinter, exhume, bruit, exca-
ber, fumbler, novice. vate, expose, resuscitate,publicate,ag-
ANT. Adept, adroit, master, artist, gravate.
workman, proficient, professor. Business. SYN. Occupation, profes-
Buoy. SYN. Float, support, sustain, sion, vocation, transaction, trade, call-
elevate, elate, assure, animate, cheer, ing, office, employment,interest, duty,
inspire. affair, matter, concern.
ANT. Sink, drown, depress, swamp, ANT. Stagnation, leisure, inactivity.
overcome, deject, crush, fail, betray. Bustle. SYN. Business, activity, stir,
Buoyant. SYN. Sprightly, spirited, commotion, energy, excitement, haste,
vivacious, lively, light, floating, hope- hurry, eagerness, flurry.
ful, cheerful, elastic, JOY"> ANT. Idleness, vacation, inactivity.
Indolence, Indifference, unconcerned- Cajole. SYN. Tempt,lure,coai,flatter,
ness, coolness, calm, stagnation,quiet, wheedle, delude, cheat, inveigle,
desertion. dupe.
Busy. SYN. Industrious, diligent, as- ANT. Chide, rate, scold, warn."
siduous, engaged, occupied. Calamity. SYN. Disaster, misfortune,
ANT. Idle, slothful, lazy, indolent, mishap, catastrophe, misadventure,
unoccupied. trouble, visitation, affliction, reverse,
But. SYN. Save, except, barring, yet, blight.
beside, excluding, still, excepting, not- ANT. God-send, blessing, boon.
withstanding. Calamitous. SYN. Disastrous, ill-
ANT. With, including, inclusive, fated, fatal, unlucky, hapless, unfor-
nevertheless, however, notwithstand- tunate, inauspicious, troublous, ill-
ing. starred, ill-omened.
Butchery. [See CARNAGE]. ANT. Felicitous, fortunate, auspic-
Buxom. SYN. Bonny, blithe, shapely. ious, favorable, propitious, advanta-
ANT. Lean, slender, ill-shaped. geous.
Buy. SYN. Purchase, bribe, subsidize, Calculate. SYN. Estimate, consider,
suborn. weigh, number, count, apportion, pro-
ANT. Sell,vend, hawk, retail. portion, investigate, reckon,rate,com-
Buyer. [See BUY]. pute.
ANT. Guess, conjecture, hit, chance,
C risk, stake, miscalculate.
Calculated. SYN. Fitted, congenial,
Cabal. SYN. Confederacy, conspiracy, adapted, conducive.
combination, coterie, gang, faction, ANT. Unfitted, unadapted, unconge-
plot, political intrigue, junto, league. nial,unconducive, adverse, unqualifi-
ANT. Parliament, legislation, coun- ed, unsuited, miscalculated, ill-adapt-
cil, government, empire, synod. ed.
Cabalistic. SYN. Mystic, symbolical, Calculating. SYN. Wary, cautious,
fanciful, occult. circumspect, sagacious, careful, far-
Am. Patent, practical, instructive, sighted, guarded.
lucid, simple. ANT. Shortsighted, dull, obtuse,
Cabbage. SYN. Rob, steal, filch, crib, improvident, incautious,rash,careless.
pocket, ehirk,pillage,abstract,purloin. Calculation. SYN. Estimation, con-
ANT. fSee PURLOIN]. sideration, balance,apportionment, in-
Cachinnation. SYN. Grin, chuckle, vestigation, reckoning, computation,
giggle, snigger, titter, cackle. anticipation, forethought, regard, cir-
ANT. Long-facedness, whine, whim- cumspection, watchfulness, vigilance,
per. caution, care.
Cackle. [See CACHTNNATION]. ANT. Inconsiderateness, inconsider-
Cadaverous. SYN. Pale, exsanguine- ation, incaution, indiscretion, miscal-
ous, bloodless, hueless, pallid, ghastly,
cnlation.misconception.exclusion, ex-
ashy. ception, omission, carelessness, sepd
ANT. Rosy, incarnadine, sanguine,
chubby, brawny.
Calibre. SYN. Gauge, diameter, abil-

Caducity. SYN. Decline, infirmity, ity, capacity, force, strength, power.

decrepitude, senility, decadence, tran-
ANT. Its correlative, as character,
sience, delicacy. mind, etc.
ANT. Vigor, youth, freshness, vitali- Call back. [See RECALL].
renovation, permanence.
ty, Call out, [See PROCLAIM],
Cage. SYN. Imprison,immure, confine, Call together. [See CONVENE].
incarcerate, cabin, crib. Called. SYN. Named, designated, de-
ANT. Liberate, free, dismiss, unbar. nominated, yclept termed.
Caitiff*. SYN. Rascal, miscreant,rogue, Unnamed, undesignated, mis*
churl, villain, ruffian. named, misdesignated.
ANT. Worthy, gentleman, patriot, Calling. [See BUSINESS].
philanthropist. Callous. [See HABD].
Calm. SYN. Smooth, pacify, compose, tonnage, calibre, ability, faculty, om.
allay, still, soothe, appease, assuage, pability, cleverness, talents, magni-
quiet, tranquilize. tude, parts, competency, comprebea.
ANT. Stir, excite.agitate,disconcert, siveness, accommodation.
ruffle, lash. heat, discompose. ANT. Narrowness, restriction, Inca-
Calumniate. [See SLANDER]. pacity, coarctation, coutractedness.
Calumniator. [See BACKBITER]. Capital. SYN. Chief, excellent, im-
Calumnious. STN. Slanderous, de- portant, cardinal, principal, consum-
famatory, scurrilous, abusive. mate, high.
ANT. [See ABUSIVE]. ANT. Inferior, unimportant, subor-
Calumny. SYN. Slander, defamation, dinate, minor, defective, mean.
detraction, libel, tradiicement, back- Capitulate. SYN. Stipulate, yield,
biting, opprobrium, aspersion. surrender, submit.
ANT. Vindication,clearance, eulogy, ANT. Resist, struggle, contend.
panegyric. Caprice. [See VAGARY].
Camp. SYN. Encamp, bivouac. Capricious. STN. Wayward, uncer.
Cancel. SYN. Efface, blot out, annul, tain, fanciful, freakish, fitful, fickle,
expunge, nullify, quash, rescind, re- changeful, whimsical, humorsome, in-
peal, revoke, abrogate, obliterate, dis- constant, crotchety.
charge, era-e, abolish, countervail. ANT. Firm, unchanging, inflexible,
ANT. Enforce, enact, re-enact, con- decided, unswerving, constant.
firm, perpetuate, contract. Captious. SYN. Carping, caviling,
Candid. STN. Fair, honest, open, sin- censorious, hypercritical, cross, fault*
cere, frank, artless, impartial, plain, finding, critical, cynical, petulant, ir-
straightforward, aboveboard, transpa- ritable, splenetic, touchy, peevish,
rent, unreserved, ingenious. fretful.
ANT. I'nfair, close, mysterious, re- ANT. Appreciative, commendatory,
eerve 1, shuffling, disingenuous, iusin- encouraging, complimentary, approv-
ce-e. Jesuitical. ing, laudatory, flattering.
Candidate. SYN. Aspirant, petition- Captivate. [See BEWITCH].
er, canvasser, applicant, claimant, so- Captivated. SYN. Taken, charmed,
licitor. smitten, fascinated, enslaved,. captur-
ANT. Waiver, decliner, abandoner, ed, enthralled.
resigner. abjurer, non-competitor. ANT. Free, unaffected, uninflu-
Canon. STN. Rule, measure, regula- enced, unscathed, insensible, insens-
tion, test, law. itive.
ANT. Misguidance, antinomy, Irreg- Captivating. SYN. Charming, be-
ularity, misrule. witching, fascinating, alluring, se-
Canvass, r. SYN. Question, Investi- ductive, attractive.
gate, challenge, test, dispute, solicit, ANT. Hideous, loathsome,repulsive.
sift, examine, discuss, apply for, re- uucapt iviit ing. uninteresting.
quest. Captivity. [See THRALDOM.]
ANT. Pretermit, allow, ignore, dis- Capture, v. Tsee SEIZE],
regard, admit, pass, misexamine, mis- Capture, n. [See PRIZE].
investigate. Care. SYN. Attention, pains, anxiety,
Capable. [See ABLE]. concern, trouble, circumspection, re-
Capability. SYK. Cleverness, apti- gard, solicitude, caution, prevention,
tude, talent, capacity, power, facility, custody, preservation, thrift, heed,
faculty. foresight, wariness, economy, pru-
ANT. Dulness, inaptitude, awkward- dence.
ness, difficulty. ANT. Inattention, neglect, disregard,
Capacious. SYN. Spacious, compre- carelessness, indifference, temerity,
hensive, voluminous, ample, accom- remissness, improvidence, unguard-
modative, extensive, wide. edness, incaution.
ANT. Narrow, restricted, limited, Career. SYN. Course, success, walk,
confined, shallow, contracted, petty. line, progress, history, way of llf%
Capacity. STN. Space, size, volume, passage, race.
ANT. Misproceeding, misdeport- Carriage. SYN. Transportation, con-
ment, unsuccess, miscarriage. veyance, bearing, manner, conduct, de-
Careful. [See THOUGHTFUL]. meanor, walk, gait, mien, behavior,
Careless. [See THOUGHTFUL. ANT]. deportment, vehicle.
Caress, v. [See FONDLE]. ANT. Misconveyance, miscarriage,
Caress, n. SYN. Endearment, bland- misconduct, misconsignmeat.
ishment, wheedling, fondling, strok- Carry. [See BEAK].
ANT. Vexation,
Carry on. [See TRANSACT].
irritation, annoy-
ance, teasing, persecution, provoca-
Carry through. [See COMPLETE].
Case. SYN. Occurrence, circumstance,
Cargo. STN. Freight, burden, load, contingency, event, plight, predica-
consignment, merchandise, lading, ment, fact,subject, condition, instance.
ANT. Hyppthesis,supposition, fancy,
AWT. Conveyance, bearer, carrier. theory, conjecture.
Caricature. SYN. Mimicry, parody, Cash. SYN. Money, specie, coin, cur-
travesty, burlesque, extravagance, ex-
rency, capital.
Cast. f. SYN. Hurl, send down, throw,
aggeration, hyperbole, monstrosity,
farce. fling, pitch, impel, project, construct,
ANT. Portraiture, representation, mold, frame.
ANT. Kaise, elevate, recover, erect,
resemblance, justice, fidelity, truth-
f u Iness. accept, approve, retain, carry, ignore,
miscalculate, misprovide, break, dis-
Carnage. SYN. Massacre, slaughter, sipate, dismember, dislocate.
bloodshed, butchery.
ANT. Ransom, deliverance, quarter. Cast, n, SYN. Mould,stamp,kind,fignre,
Carnal. SYN. Fleshly, sensual, self- form, aspect, mien, air, style, manner,
indulgent, licentious, animal, coarse,
base, worldly, impure, libidinous,
ANT. Malformation, deformity, ab-
secular. normity.
ANT. Spiritual, ethereal, pure, self- Cast away. [See REJECT.].
controlled, temperate, exalted, re- Cast down. [See MELANCHOLY].
fined. Cast out. [See EJECT].
Carnival. SYN. Revel, rout, fes- Caste. SYN. Order, class,rank,lineage,
tivity, masquerade. race, blood, dignity, respect.
ANT. Fast, mortification, lent, ANT. Degradation, taboo,disrepnte,
retirement. abasement, reproach.
Caroi. SYN. Sing, warble, chirp, trill, Castigate. SYN. Whip, flagellate,
whistle, chirrup, chant, hum. cane.
ANT. Whine, croak, cry, dirge, la- ANT. Reward, encourage, decorate,
ment. caress.
Carouse. SYN. Festivity, feast, ban- Casual. SYN. Accidental, occasional,
quet, revel, debauch. incidental, contingent,unforeseeu, for-
ANT. Fast, starvation, maceration, tuitous.
abstinence. ANT. Regular, ordinary, systematic,
Carousal. SYN. Wassail, revel, ban- periodic, certain, fixed. [See CAS-
quet, orgies. UALTY!.
ANT. [See BANQUET]. Casualty. SYN. Accident, contingen-
arp. SYN. Cavil, censure, challenge, cy, chance, fortuity, hap, misfortune,
overhaul, canvass, hypercriticise, ob- occurrence, mischance. [See ACCI-
ject, catch. DENT].
ANT. Allow, concede, admit, com- ANT. Appointment,assignment, pro-
pliment, encourage, approve, applaud, vision, ordinance, enactment.
endorse, acquiesce, assent. Casuistry. SYN. Sophistry, Jesuitry,
Carpet. (Metaphorical). SYN. Table, fallacy, refinement, quibble, straw-
board, consideration, consultation. splitting.
ANT. Shelf, rejection, disposal, ob- ANT, Reason, conscience, commoo-
ttTion. sense.

Catalogue, n. [See RECORD]. Cavalier, [See ABROGANT!

Catastrophe. SYN. Revolution, dis- Cavil. [See CARP].
aster, calamity, misfortune, misad- Cavity. [See OPENING].
venture, reverse, blow, visitation. Caviller. [See CAVILJ.
ANT. Blessing, victory, triumph, fe- Cease. SYN. Intermit, stop, desist, alv
licitation, achievement, ovation, suc- stain, discontinue, quit, refrain, end,
cess, godsend. pause, leave off.
Catch. SYN. Take, seize, grip, clutch, ANT. Ceaseless, never-ending, ever-
capture, secure, ensnare, snatch, hit, lastmg,constant,incessant. [See ETV>
arrest, comprehend, overtake, appre- NAL].
hend. Ceaseless. [See CEASE],
ANT. Lose, miss, misapprehend, es- Cede. [See RELINQUISH].
cape. Celebrate. [See HONOR].
Catching. [See PESTIFEROUS]. Celebrated. SYN. Famed, renowned,
Catechlsni. SYN. Erotetics, socratics, illustrious, eminent, glorious, fa.
interrogation, creed, system, compend- mous, noted, distinguished, notable,
ium. exalted.
ANT. Reading, excogitation, elab- ANT. Unrenowned, obscure, undis.
oration. tinguished, unknown, disgraced,mean.
Catechumen. SYN. Tyro, learner, Celebration. SYN. Commemoration,
pupil, novice, scholar. solemnization, observance.
ANT. Master, doctor, professor, ANT. Oblivion, inobservance, ob-
teacher, savant. solescence, desuetude.
Categorical. SYN. Plain, positive, Celebrity. SYN. Fame, honor, glory,
declaratory, peremptory, affirmative, star, reputation, distinction, renown,
absolute, demonstrative, distinct. notability, eminence, notoriety.
ANT. Obscure, uncertain.ambiguous, ANT. Obscurity, meanness, inglori-
dubious, contingent, hypothetical, ha- ousness, ignomiuy,disgrace,contempt,
zy, oracular, enigmatical, mystical. cipher, nobody.
Category. STN. State, kind, predica- Celerity. SYN. Rapidity, speed, haste,
ment, condition, nature, order, mode, velocity, swiftness, quickness, fleet-
sort, class. ness, despatch.
ANT. Essence, truth, being. ANT. Slowness, inertness, slaggish-
ne-s. tardiness, cnmhrnnsnees.
Causality. SYN. Eventuality, oper-
Celestial. SYN. Heavenly,
ativeness, potentiality, effectuality, ethereal,
productiveness, conduciveness. atmospheric, supernal, angelic, ra-
ANT. Prevent! veness, retardative- diant, eternal, immortal, seraphic, di-
vine, godlike, elysian.
ness, obstructiveness, counteractivity,
ANT. Earthly, terrestrial, terrene,
unproductiveness, ineffectiveness, in-
operativeness, barrenness. sublunary, human, mortal, hellish, in- .

Causation. [See CAUSALITY]. Cement. SYN. Bind, bond, unite, per-
Cause, r. [See PRODUCE].
Cause, n. SYN. Source, origin, petuate, consolidate.
pro- ANT. Detach, dissolve, dissociate,
ducer, agent, creator, purpose, induce-
disintegrate, divorce.
ment, reason, account, principle, mo- Censorious. [See CAPTIOUS].
tive, object, suit, action. Censure, r. [See BLAME].
ANT. Effect, result,accomplishment, Censure. SYN. Blame, stricture,
end, production, issue, preventive.
reproach, reprobate, inculpate, re-
Caustic. SYN. Burning, mordant, pun- prove, condemn, reprehend, chide,
gent, irritating, biting, pointed, sar- berate, scold, upbraid, disapproval,
castic, trenchant, severe. remonstrance, rebuke, reprimand,
ANT. Pointless, mild, soothing, con- dispiaise.
ciliating, vapid, flat, tame. ANT. Praise, eulogy, approbation,
Caution. SYN, [See CARE and CALCU- encouragement, commendation.
LATION]. Central. SYN. Mediate, accessible
Cautious. [S"e CIRCUMSPECT], convenient
ANT. Remote, inaccessible, incon- Chafe. SYN. Gall, rub, vex, irritate,
yenient. chagrin, tease, harass, disappoint,
Centralize. SYN. Concentrate, fix, grieve, annoy, worry, calcitrate, re
localize, collect. sent, resist, fret, fidget, writhe.
ANT. Disperse, disseminate, distrib- ANT. Soothe, smooth, coax, calm,
ute, apportion, divide, delocalize. humor, console, submit, endure, sue-
Ceremonial. SYN. minis-
Official, cumb, crouch, truckle.
terial, functional, pompous, imposing,
tli a II". SYN. Banter, badinage, non-
sumptuous, scenic. sense, frivolity, trash, chaffer.
ANT. Ordinary, private, unimpos- ANT. Emphasis, seriousness, sense,
ing, unostentatious, undramatic. substance, reason, argument, marrow,
Ceremonious. SYN. Punctilious, pith, gist.
Chaffer. SYN. Haggle,
formal, prim, precise. bargain, hig-
ANT. Brusque, blunt, supercilious, gle, stickle, boggle.
ANT. Close, conclude, agree, negoti-
bluff, unceremonious.
Ceremony. SYN. Display, pageant, Chagrin, v. [See CHAFF.].
solemnity, rite, formality.
ANT. [See FASHION]. Challenge, v. SYN. Defy, summon,
Certain. SYN. True, fixed, regular, dare, question, investigate, brave, can-
established, incontrovertibie,undoubt-
ANT. Pass, allow, grant, concede.
ful, indubitable, infallible, unmistak-
able, sure, unfailing, real, actual, un- Champion, n. SYN. Hero, warrior,
deniable, positive, convinced, assured. combatant, vindicator, challenger, de-
ANT. Uncertain, dubious, excep- fender, protector.
ANT. Renegade, deserter, poltroon,
tional, irregular, casual, occasional,
questionable, doubtful, vacillating, un- miscreant, traitor, coward, adversary,
decided, uncertain. opponent.
Certainly. SYN. Surely, positively, Chance, v. [See HAZARD].
Chance, n. SYN. Accident, fortuity,
ANT. Possibly, probably, perhaps, hazard, haphazard, fortune, random,
contingently, doubtfully, occasion- casualty, bef ailment, luck.
ANT. Law, rule, sequence, conse-
Certainty. SYN. Assurance, demon- quence, causation, effectuation, in-
strableness, positiveness, unquestion- tention, purpose, design, certainty.
ableness, confidence, conviction. Change, v. BYN. Vary, alter, modify,
ANT. Dubiousness, precariousness, diversify, qualify, transmute, eubsti
casualty, vicissitude, uncertainty, ir- tute, fluctuate, shift, veer, exchange.
ANT. Conserve, retain, stabilitate,
regularity, hesitation, doubt, mis-
fix, clinch, stand, endure, last, hold.
giving, conjecture, indecision.
Certify. SYN. Acknowledge, aver, at- Change, n. [See VABIATION].
test, vouch, avow, avouch, testify, pro- Changeable, Changeful. [See
test, declare, demonstrate, prove, evi- CAPKICIOUS and CHANGELESS].
dence, inform, assure. Changeless. SYN. Regular, settled,
ANT. Disprove, disavow, misinform, steady, firm, stationary, consistent,
misadvise. resolute, reliable, undeviating, uni-
Cessation. SYN. Stopping, halt, dis- form, immutable, immovable.
continuance, quiescence, suspension, ANT. Irregular, unsettled, unsteady,
intermission, lull, respite, stop, rest, wavering, fluctuating, capricious, ir-
abeyance, pause. resolute, vacillating, variable, muta-
ANT. Continuance, uninterrupted- ble, plastic.
ness, unintermission, incessancy. Chaplet. SYN. Garland, wreath, cor-
Cession. SYN. Concession, yielding, onal.
surrender, abandonment, relinquish- Character. SYN. Symbol, letter, na-
ment, grant. ture, type, disposition, genius, tem.
ANT. Retention, claimanee, mainte- perament, cast, estimation, repute, of-
nance, appropriation, usurpation, vin- fice, reputation, part, aapacity, class,
dbmtkm, assumption. ^rder, sort, stamp, kind, quality,
species, sign, tone, mark, figure, rec- Chaste. SYN. Pure, modest, nncotv
ord. laminated, spotless, immaculate, un-
ANT. Vagueness, anonymousness, dented, virtuous, incorrupt, simple,
nondeseription, disrepute. unaffected, nice.
Characteristic. SYN. Distinction, ANT. Impure, corrupt, meretri-
peculiarity, diagnosis, idiosyncrasy, cious, gaudy, flashy, over-decorated.
speciality, individuality, personality, Chasten. SYN. Purify, discipline,
singularity. chastise, correct, castigate, improve,
ANT. Nondescription, abstracted- spiritualize, afflict, refine.
ness, generality, miscellany. ANT. Indulge, sensualize, brutalize,
Characterize. SYN. Mark, distin- degrade, corrupt, pamper, carnalize,
guish, describe, particularize, style, spoil, demoralize.
designate, individualize, specify,iden- Chat, See BABBLE].

tify. Chattels. SYN. Effects, goods, wares,

ANT. Hint, insinuate, sketch, sug- movables, furniture.
gest, adumbrate. ANT. Freehold.
Charge. SYN. Direct, enjoin, ad- Chatter. SYN. Rattle, jabber, cackle,
vise, admonish, arraign , inculpate, en- prattle, twaddle.
trust, commit, load, accuse, impeach, ANT. Reason, sense, argument, re-
attack, assault, impute, carry. ticence, philosophy, conversation.
ANT. Clear, free, discharge, acquit, Cheap. SYN. Common, inexpensive,
liberate. uncostly, mean, vile, worthless, low-
Chargeable. SYN. Attributable, as- priced.
cribable, imputable. ANT. Rare, costly, worthy, expen-
ANT. Not attributable, not ascriba- sive,honorable, noble, high.
not imputable.
ble, Cheat, v. SYN. Overreach, fleece, si-
Charity. [See BENEVOLJSNCE]. lence, trick, gull, cozen, juggle, de-
Charitable. SYN. Kind, benign, be- fraud, swindle, dupe, beguile, deceive,
nevolent, beneficent, liberal, consid- deprive, hoodwink, prevaricate, dis-
erate, forgiving, compassionate, pla- semble, shuffle, inveigle.
cable, inexacting, inextreme. ANT. Enlighten, guide, remunerate,
ANT. Uncharitable, unkind, harsh, compensate, undeceive, disabuse.
selfish, churlish, illiberal, censorious, Cheat, n, SYN. Deception, fraud, im-
unforgiving, uncompassionate, im- position, trick, artifice, illusion, im-
placable, extreme, exacting, retalia- posture, swindle, finesse, deceit, lie,
tive, revengeful. fiction.
Charlatan. [See QUACK]. ANT. Troth, reality, verity, fact,
Charm, v. SYN. Bewitch, enchant, certainty, genuineness, verification,
fascinate, lay, soothe, mesmerize, de- honesty, authenticity.
light, enrapture, transport, entice, al- Check, n. SYN. Repulse, hindrance,
lure, entrance, captivate, subdue. set back, rebuff.
ANT. Disenchant, disillusionize, ex- ANT. Encouragement, freedom, lib-
cite, rouse, disturb, annoy, Irritate, erty.
alarm, terrify, repel, disgust. Check, SYN. Curb, restrain, stop,
Charm, n. SYN. Spell, incantation, en- stay, repress, hinder, impede, inhibit,
chantment, fascination, attraction, al- cohibit, bridle, control, obstruct.
lurement. ANT. Loose, liberate, instigate, nc-
ANT. Disenchantment, repulsion, celerate, license, indulge, allow, abet.
fear. Cheer, v. [See ENCOURAGE].
Chary. SYN.
Careful, cautions, cal- Cheer, n. SYN. Hope, happiness, com-
culating, frugal, shy, wary, sparing, fort, hospitality, plenty, conviviality.
slow, saving, reluctant. ANT. Dejection, sullenness, gloom,
ANT. Liberal, lavish, profuse, eager. starvation, niggardliness, dearth, in*
Chase, v. SYN. Pursue, hunt, follow, hospitableness, churlishness, unsocia-
drive, prosecute. bleness.
ANT. Abandon, relinquish, discard, Cheerful. SYN. Lively, gay, bright,
dismiss, avoid, elude, evade. happy, bonny, merry, joyful, pleaa*
nt, buoyant, stmnY, enlivening, In Choice, a. STN. Select, exquisite, pre>
good spirits, sprightly, blithe, joy- cious, dainty, cherished, valuable, ex.
ous. eellent, rare.
ANT. Lifeless, dull, gloomy, un- ANT. Common, ordinary, Inferior,
happy, dejected, depressed, sullen, cheap, valueless,despicable, trumpery.
joyless, melancholy, depressing, dis- Choke. STN. Throttle, strangle, gag,
piriting. smother, burke, suffocate, stifle.
Cheerfulness. [See CHEEBFUL]. ANT. Eliminate, educe, promote,de-
Cheerless. [See CHEERFTTL]. monstrate, discuss, disseminate, moot,
Cherish. STN. Foster, nurse, pro- bruit, ventilate.
mote, nourish, nurture, comfort, pro- Choler. [See ANGEK].
tect, entertain, value, encourage. Choleric. STN. Hasty, testy, impetu-
ANT. Stifle, abandon, discard, dis- ous, irascible.
courage, check. ANT. Cool, phlegmatic, serene, plac-
Chew. STN. Masticate, munch, eat. id, dispassionate, stoical.
ANT. Gorge, bolt whole. Choose. STN. Select, elect, prefer, ap-
Chicanery. STN. Artifice, subtlety, propriate, adopt, cull, pick out.
sophistry, subterfuge, prevarication, ANT. Leave, dismiss, reject, refuse,
shift, trickery, dodge, quibble, mysti- disclaim, repudiate, ignore, decline.
fication, pettifogging, underhanded- Chronicle, v. STN. Record, register.
ANT. Chronicle, n. [See ANNALS].
Openness, candor, fairness,
cogency, demonstrativeness, sound-
Chuckle. STN. Grin, crow, cackle.
ness. ANT. Cry, wail, grumble, whimper,
Chide. STN. Kate, scold, trounce, re- whine.
prove, reprimand, rebuke, blame, ad- Churchyard. STN. Burying-ground,
burial place, cemetery, God's acre, ne-
monish, objurgate.
ANT. Applaud, flatter, compliment. cropolis, graveyard.
Chief, adj. (chef, the head). [See CAP- Churlish. STN. Illiberal, niggardly,
ITAL]. inhospitable, unsociable, unneighbor-
Chief, n. [See CHIEFTAIN]. ly.
Chiefly. [See MAINLT]. ANT. Liberal, bountiful, hospitable
Chieftain. STN. Captain, general, neighborly, sociable.
chief, commander, head man, leader. Cipher. STN. Nonentity, dot, nothing,
ANT. Follower, attendant, retainer, trifle, button, (flg.) straw, pin, rush,
subaltern, vassal, satellite, rninion,ad-
herent. ANT. Somebody,big-wig,Bomethlng.
Childish. STN. Weak, silly, puerile, notability, celebrity, triton, colossus,
infantine, imbecile, foolish, trifling, star.
paltry, trivial.
Circuit. STN. Tour, circumference.
ANT. Strong, resolute, manly, wise, ANT. Line, straightness, directness.
judicious, sagacious, chivalrous, pro- Circuitous. STN. Indirect, tortuous,
found, politic. devious, serpentine, round about, sin-
Chimerical. [See VISIONABY]. uous, winding.
Chivalrous. STN. Courageous, gener- ANT. Linear, direct, straight.
ous, knightly, gallant, heroic, adven- Circular. STN. Round, spherical.
turous, valiant, spirited, handsome, ANT. Lineal, direct.
high-minded. Circulate. STN. Disseminate^lSuse,
ANT. Unhandsome, dirty, sneaking, propagate, publish, notify, spread,
pettifogging, scrubby, dastardly, .;-9o- travel.
reant, ungenerous, ungentlemanly. ANT. Suppress, avert, hush, cease,
Choice, n. STN. Option, adoption, se- stagnate.
lection, election, preference, alterna- Circumference. STN. Periphery,en-
tive. closure, circuit, outline, boundary.
ANT. Compulsion, necessity, rejec- ANT. Diameter, crossing, bi-section,
tion, refusal, unimportance, indiffer- transection, transverslon.
ence, refuse. Circumlocution. STN. Periphrasis,
verbosity, inconciseness, insuccinct- ANT. Demoralization, savagery, nn-
ness, ambiguousness, anfractuosity. civilization, barbarism, rudeness,
ANT. Terseness, point, conciseness, brutality.
succinctness, condensation, directness, Claim, v. SYN. Demand, ask, require,
plainness, simplicity, coherence. insist, pretense, right, privilege, title,
Circumscribe. SYN. Define, desig- request, maintain.
nate, delineate, limit, enclose. confine, ANT. Forego, waive, disclaim, ab-
restrict, fence. jure, disavow, abandon, concede, sur-
ANT. Expand, dilate, dissipate, die- render, repudiate.
enclose, distend. Claim, n. SYN. Assertion, vindication,
Circumscribed. SYN. Limited, nar- pretension, title, right, privilege, ar-
row, restricted. rogation, demand.
ANT. Limitless, ample, unconflned. ANT. Waiving, abjuration, dis-
Circumspect. SYN. Cautious, wary, claimer, surrender.
careful, heedful, attentive, prudent, Claimant. SYN. Assertor, vindica-
watchful, scrupulous, vigilant. tor, appellant, litigant.
ANT. Heedless, incautious, careless, ANT. Rt'liuqui.-her, resigner, con-
reckless, invigilant. incircumspeot. ceder, waiver, renouncer, abjurer.
Circumstance. SYN. Detail, feature, Clamor. SYN. Contention, conten-
point, event, occurrence, incident, sit- tiousness, squabble, tumult, hubbub,
uation, position, fact, topic, condition, noise, uproar, outcry, obloquy.
particular, specialty.
ANT. Silence, acquiescence, ret-
ANT. Deed, case, transaction. icence.
Circumstantial. SYN. Inferential, Clamorous. [See NOISY].
constructive, minute, detailed, elabor- Clandestine. SYN. Furtive, secret,
ate, specific. ely, stealthy, surreptitious, hidden,
ANT. Jocular, positive, inaccurate, disguised, concealed, private, under-
loose, general. hand.
Circumvent. SYN. Ensnare, entrap, Clasp. SYN. Grasp, connect, unite,
outwit, diplomatize. bracket, concatenate, embrace.
ANT. Force, subjugate, reduce, com- ANT. Relax, sever, unclasp, discon-
pel. nect, detach, exclude.
Circumventlon.fSee CIRCUMVENT]. Class. [See ORDER].
Citadel. SYN. Fortress, castle, strong- Classical. SYN. Pure, refined, ele-
hold, acropolis. gant, polished, chaste, augustan.
Cite. SYN. Summon, call,quote, adduce, ANT. Corrupt, debased, inelegant,
mention, name, select, refer to. harsh, barbarous, uiielassical, un-
ANT. Discard, dismiss, canvass, dis- couth.
pute, reject, contradict, disprove, dis- Classification. (tXao-ic- SYN. Order,
credit, challenge. species, nature, character, cast,stamp,
Citizen. SYN. Townsman, inhabitant, group, kind, section, sect, category,
burgess, subject, denizen. assortment, designation, description,
ANT. Alien, foreigner, visitor, exile. genus.
Civic. SYN. Municipal, corporate, ur- ANT. Individuality, speciality, isola-
bane, oppidan. tion, alienation, division, distinction,
ANT. Suburban, provincial, rural, singularity, exclusion, heterogenity.
cosmopolitan. Classify. SYN. Arrange, systematize,
Civil. SYN. Well-mannered, political, adjust, rank, class, tabulate, dispose,
courteous, well-bred, complaisant, af- collocate, assort.
fable, urbane, polite, obliging, accom- ANT. Derange, confound, disorder,
modating, respectful. disorganize, intermix.
ANT. Disobliging, unaccommodat- Clause. SYN. Portion,paragraph, stip-
ing, disrespectful, boorish, clownish, ulation, provision, article, condition,
churlish, uncivil. chapter, section, passage.
Civilization. SYN. Amelioration, ANT. Document, instrument, muni-
culture, cultivation, humanization, re- ment.
finement. Clean, t. SYN. Purify, clarify.

ANT. Pollute, befoul, bespatter, summation, acme, point, head, merid.

defile. ian, culmination, zenith.
Clean, adj. SYS. Pure, neat, cleanly, ANT. Base, floor, bathos, anti-climax,
clear, purified, cleansed, untarnished, depth, gulf, nadir.
spotless, uuclogged, upright. Climb. SYN. Ascend, mount, clamber,
ANT. Impure, untidy, dirty, entan- swarm, surmount, scale, escalade,soar,
gled, hampered, unclean. creep up, rise.
Clean v. SYN. Clarify, disencumber, ANT. Descend, drop, fall, slip, tum-
disentangle, disembarrass, vindicate, ble, swoop.
liberate, set free, release, exonerate, Cling. SYN. Fasten, hold, adhere, em-
exculpate, justify, retrieve, acquit,ab- brace, stick, cleave, hang, twine, hug.
eolve, whitewash, extricate, eliminate. ANT. Drop,recede,secede,apostatize,
ANT. Befoul, contaminate, pollute, abandon, relax, forego, swerve, sur-
clog, encumber, embarrass, involve, render.
implicate. Clip. SYN. Curtail, prune, contract,
Clear, adj. SYN. Open, pure, bright, abridge.
transparent, free, disencumbered, dis- ANT. Elongate, cherish, grow, nour-
entangled, disengaged, absolved, ac- ish.
quitted, serene, unclouded, evident, Cloak. SYN. Conceal, disguise, mask,
apparent, distinct, manifest, conspic- veil, hide, cover, palliate, screen, mit-
uous, unobstructed, plain, obvious, in- igate, extenuate.
telligible, lucid. ANT. Exhibit, propound, promulge,
ANT. Thick, muddy, foul, opaque,
portray, aggravate, expose, demon-
encumbered, entangled, condemned, strate, reveal.
convicted, turbid, dubious, indistinct, Close. Adj. SYN. Narrow, limited, re-
stricted, condensed, packed, secret,
Clearly. SYN. Plainly, obviously, dis-
compressed, solid, firm, compact, re-
tinctly, evidently, palpably, lucidly,
served, niggardly, shut, fast, dense.
explicitly, perspicuously. ANT. Wide, open, ample, spacious,
ANT. Opaquely, indistinctly, Imper-
airy, unconfined, dispersed, rarefied,
fectly, confusedly.
Cleave. SYN. Sunder, subtle, vaporous, patent, public, ad-
split, divide,ad-
vertised, open-handed, liberal, frank.
here, rend, di?sever, stick.
ANT. Conserve, unite, splice, bond, Close, v. SYN. Shut, conclude, stop,
cement, agglutinate, consolidate, sep- complete.
ANT. Open, initiate, conduct, pro-
arate, depart, desert, apostatize, se-
cede. tract.

Clemency. [See MEBCY], Clothe, f. SYN. Invest, robe, drape,

Clergyman. SYN. Pastor, divine, par- dress, array, attire, cover.
ANT. Denude, strip, divest.
son, preacher, presbyter, minister, el-
der, deacon, bishop, dominie, rector,
Clothes. [See HABILIMENTS].
prelate, priest, monk, friar, vicar, Cloudy. [See MUGGY and OBSCURE].
curate. Clownish. SYN. Bustic, boorish,
ANT. Layman, laic, congregation,la- bucolic, boeotiau, awkward, clumsy,
ity, flock. cloddish, untutored, rude.
Clever. SYN. Able, ready, talented, ANT. Polite, civil, urbane, affable,
quick, ingenious, dexterous, adroit, ex- graceful, polished, refined, courtly,
pert, gifted, quick-witted, skillful, well- high-bred, intelligent, educated.
ANT. Weak, dull, stupid, slow, ill-
Clumsy. SYN. Awkward, inexpert, un-
couth, maladroit, botching, bungling,
contrived, doltish, uninventive, awk- unskillful, unwieldly, unhandy, ill-
ward, clumsy, bungling, botched. shaped.
Climate. SYN. Air, atmosphere, tem- ANT. Neat, workmanlike, artistic,
perature, weather, clime, sky, region, handy, skillful, clever, expert, adroit,
sphere, latitude. dexterous.
ANT. Earth, globe, world, sphere. Cluster. SYN. Bunch, group, gather*
Climax. SYN. Summit, height, con- ing. muster, throng.
ANT. Scattering, sprinkling, die- compel, drive, counteract, check, con-
torsion. strain, force, confine, intimidate.
Clutch, r. SYN. Grasp, grab, seize, ANT. Permit, persuade, urge, insti-
catch, grip, grapple with, snatch, gate, encourage, liberate, induce, se-
pounce. duce, tempt.
ANT. Liberate, release, emancipate. CoetaneouB. SYN. Coeval, contem-
Coagulate. SVN. Mix, blend, fuse, porary, synchronous.
coalesce, amalgamate, condense. ANT. Incoincident, inoontemporane-
ANT. Rarefy, expand, dissipate, sub- ous, anachronistic, asynchronous.
tilize, Coeval. [See COETANEOUB].
Coadjutor. SYN. Assistant, ally, co- Coexist. SYN. Concur, comport, ac-
operator, accessory, accomplice. company, coalesce, coincide.
ANT. Opponent, counteractor, an- ANT. Disconcur, discomport.
tagonist, baffler, adversary. Coexistent. SYN. Concurrent, co-
Coalesce. SYN. Harmonize, blend, etaneous, contemporary, coincident,
mix, combine, join, unite, amalga- compatible, correspondent, correla-
mate, cohere. tive.
ANT. Disagree, discomport. ANT. Discurrent, incontemporane-
.Coalition. SYN. Combination, con- ous, incompatible, adverse, repugnant,
sentaneity, compromise, consociation, antagonistic.
union, alliance, league, compact, amal- Coextenslon. SYN. Commensurate-
ness, equality, parallelism, conter-
gamation, composition, confederacy.
ANT. Dissociation, disruption, dis- minousness.
ANT. Incommensurateness, inade-
agreement, dissentience.
Coarse. SYN. Common, ordinary, in- quacy, inconterminousness, disparity,
delicate, vulgar, gross, unrefined, im- divergency, inequality.
modest, rough, rude, unpolished. Coextensive. [See COEXTENSION!.
ANT. Fine, refined gentle, polished, Cogent. SYN. Forcible, powerful, po-
delicate, choice. tent, strong, persuasive, influential.
Coax. SYN. Wheedle, fawn, flatter, ANT. Weak, ineffectual, powerless,
ca.ole, persuade, overcome, seduce, feeble.
allure, circumvent. Cogitate. SYN. Think, ruminate, re-
ANT. Intimidate, coerce, impel, in- meditate, brood, speculate, con-
stigate, drive. template, ponder, muse.
Cobble. SYN. Patch, botch, bungle, ANT. Idle, maunder, dream.
clout. Cogitation. [See COGITATE].
ANT. Repair, manipulate, fine- Cognizance. SYN. Notice, observa-
draw. tion, recognition, knowledge, experi-
Cobweb. SYN. Trifle, cipher, moon- ence.
shine, prejudice, bugbear, phantasy, ANT. Inadvertence, neglect, ignor-
caprice. ance, inexperience, oversight, con-
ANT. Substance, verity, axiom, law. nivance.
reality, perpetuity, institution, truth. Cognizant. SYN. Aware, informed.
Cockney. SYN. Londoner, citizen, ANT. Unaware, ignorant, unin-
swell. formed.
ANT. Clodhopper, bumpkin, lout. Cohere. SYN. Stick, adhere, conform,
Coddle. SYN. Spoil, humor, pamper, unite, coalesce.
nurse, caress. ANT. Sever, separate, disunite, dis-
Codger. SYN. Gaffer, churl, curmud- integrate.
geon. Coherent. SYN. Consecutive, consist-
ANT. Swell, fop, spendthrift, scape- ent, complete, sensible, compact, log-
grace, puppy. ical, close.
Codify. SYN. Summarize, digest, in- ANT. Inconsecutive, rambling, dis-
corporate, embody, condense. united, inconsistent, discursive, loose,
ANT. Expunge, abrogate, annul, silly, illogical, aberrant.
disembody, disincorporate, rescind. Colilblt. SYN. Prevent, hinder, curb,
Coerce. SYN. Restrain, inhibit, impel, restrain, inhibit.
ANT. Indulge, permit, incite, insti- Colloquy. SYN. Conference, consul-
gate, encourage, urge. tation, conversation, council, confabu-
Coin. SYN. Fabricate, counterfeit, in- lation.
vent. ANT. Clamor, outcry, tumult, ba-
ANT. Misform, miscontrive. bel.
Coincide. [See AGREE]. Collnctatlon. SYN. Wrestling, con-
Coincidence. SYN. Chance, fortuity, tention, competition.
casualty, concurrence, correspon- ANT. Coadjutorship, assistance, sup-
dence, contemporaneousness, coni- port, backing.
mensurateness, harmony, agreement, Collusion. SYN. Connivance, accom-
consent. pliceship, confederacy.
ANT. Design, purpose, adaptation, ANT. Baffling, frustration, counter-
asynchronisin, anachronism, dishar- action,defeat,discomfiture,discoDcert-
mony, incommensurateuess, discord- ment, betrayal, exposure, informer-
ance, variation, difference. ship, traitorship.
Cold. [See FRIGID]. Color. SYN. Hue, tint, complexion,pre-
Collate. SYN. Adduce, collect, com- tense, speciousness, tinge, garbling,
pare, gather, induct, extract, cite. falsification,distortion, perversion,
ANT. Verify, identify, recognize, varnish.
authenticate. ANT. Achromatism, paleness, naked-
Collateral. SYN. Indirect, related, ness, openness, genuineness, transpar-
connected, parallel. ency, truthfulness.
ANT. Direct, linear, essential, in- Colorable. SYN. Specious, ostensible,
tegral. deceptive, dressed, tinged, warped.
Colleague. SYN. Helper, companion, ANT. Genuine, candid, open, naked,
associate, ally, confederate, coadjutor, transparent.
partner, assistant, adjutant, assessor. Colossal. [See GIGANTIC].
ANT. Co-oponent, co-rival, counter- Combat, v. f See RESIST J.
agent, co-antagonist, competitor, col- Combat, n. SYN. Encounter, conflict,
luctator. contention, struggle, contest, engage-
Collect. SYN. Collate, gather, glean, ment, arms, battle.
sum, infer, learn, congregate, assem- ANT. Surrender, submission, media-
ble, convoke, convene, muster, amass, tion, reconciliation, truce, arbitration.
garner, accumulate. Combination. SYN. Union, associa-
ANT. Classify, arrange, distribute, tion, consortment, concert, confedera-
dispose, dispense, divide, sort, deal. cy, alliance, league, coalition, cabal,
Collected. SYN. Calm, composed, ynthesis, co-operation.
cool, attentive, self-possessed, firm, ANT. Division, disunion,disruption,
placid, serene, unmoved. dissolution, dispersion, analysis, oppo-
A.NT Excited, distracted, wander- sition, resistance, inter-repellence.
ing, dazed, scared, bewildered. Comely. SYN. Seemly, graceful, ele-
Collection. SYN. Assembly, assem- gant, shapely, suitable, fitting, hand-
blage, store, gathering, collation. some, decent, becoming.
ANT. Dispersion, distribution, dis- ANT. Unseemly, ungraceful, inele-
pensation, division, arrangement, dis- gant, unshapely.
posal, classification. Comfortable. SYN. Snug, satisfied,
Collision. SYN. Encounter, conflict, pleasant, agreeable, cozy, commodi-
crash, opposition, impact, concussion, ous, convenient, consoled.
clash. ANT. Uncomfortable, dissatisfied,
ANT. Interswerving, interdlver- troubled, miserable, wretched, cheer-
gence, shave. less, unhappy, disagreeable, forlorn.
Collocate. SYN. Place, locate, ar- Comfortless. [See COMFORTABLE].
range, classify, tabulate, allocate. Comic. [See LUDICROUS].
ANT. Move,dislocate, distribute, Comity. SYN. Urbanity, pleasantness,
dispense, disturb, disperse, confound, affability, blandness.
confuse, displace, misplace. ANT. Rudeness, d'-tantness, rough-
Collocation. [See COLLOCATE]. ness, churlishness.
Command, r. SYN, Order, direct, in- Commodious. SYN. Ample, easy,
struct, charge, bid, enjoin. convenient, spacious, suitable, com-
ANT. Supplicate, entreat, persuade, fortable.
beg, petition, suggest, represent. ANT. Inconvenient, incommodious,
Command, n. [See MANDATE]. narrow, ill-contrived, incommensur-
Commanding. [See AUTHORITA- ate, discommodious.
TIVE]. Commodity. SYN. Staple, ware, ar-
Commemorate. SYN. Perpetuate, ticle, stock.
celebrate, solemnize, keep. ANT. Drug, offal, refuse, garbage.
ANT. Ignore, drop, abolish, forget, Common. SYN. Ordinary, familiar,
obliviate. habitual, every-day, frequent, coarse,
Commence. SYN. Begin, start, open, vulgar, low, mean, universal.
initiate,inaugurate, enter upon, eet ANT. Unusual, exceptional, scarce,
about, undertake. rare, uncommon, refined, partial, in-
ANT. Finish, terminate, conclude, frequent, sporadic, egregious, ex-
consummate, complete. cellent.
Commend. SYN. Praise, laud, extol, Commotion. SYN. Agitation, dis-
approve, recommend, encourage, ap- turbance, tumult, excitement, turmoil,
plaud, eulogize. perturbation.
ANT. Blame, censure, disapprove, ANT. Quiescence, calm, subsidence;
discourage, denounce, condemn, dis- pacification, tranquillity, mitigation,
commend. appeasement, soothing, allaying, mod-
Commendation. [See APPROBA- erating.
TION], Communicate. SYN. Adjoin, join,
Commensurate. SYN. Equal, ade- touch, reveal, disclose, divulge, pro-
quate, sufficient, co-extensive, conter- mulgate, publish, attach, co-operate,
minous. unite, impart, tell, announce, declare.
ANT. Unequal, short, scant, inade- ANT. Separate, disjoin, recede, stop,
quate, insufficient, incommensurate. suppress, conceal, secrete, withhold,
Comment, v. SYN. Note, observe, reserve.
interpret, illustrate, expound, dilate, Communication. [See INTER-
explain, expatiate, criticise. COURSE].
ANT. Confound, confuse, obscure, Communion. SYN. Participation,
mystify, misinterpret, misapprehend, share, converse, agreement, partner-
misconceive, misrepresent. ship, comportjonment, fellowship, as-
Comment, n. [See OBSERVATION]. sociation, intercourse.
Commentator. SYN. Interpreter, ANT. Exclusion, deprivation, non-
explainer, note-maker, scholiast, ex- participation, disqualification, discon-
positor, glossarUt, elucidator. nection, alienation, disruption.
ANT. Mystifier, misinterpreter, Community. SYN. Aggregation, as-
puzzler, enigmatist, CEdipus. sociation, commonwealth, co-ordina-
Commerce. SYN. Trade, traffic, mer- tion, society, sympathy, order, class,
chandize, barter, exchange, business, brotherhood, fraternity, polity, unity,
communication, dealing, intercourse. nationality, similarity, homogeneity.
ANT. Stagnation, exclusion, inac- ANT. Segregation, secession, inde-
tivity, interdict, embargo, dullaese. pendence, dissociation, disconnection,
Commiserate. SYN. Despise, con- rivalry, hostility, animosity, estrange-
temn, pity, compassionate, condole, ment, dissimilarity, contrariance,
sympathize. heterogeneity.
ANT. Admire, envy, disregard, mal- Commute. SYN. Alter, mitigate, sub-
treat, molest, ignore, condemn. stitute, exchange, compensate, barter,
Commiseration. [See PITY], equalize, balance, modify.
Commit. SYN. Perpetrate, execute, ANT. Misappropriation, misconvert,
confide, do, relegate, intrust, assign, misappropriate, disallow, stabilitate,
allocate, consign. perpetuate, stereotype.
ANT. Miscommit, xnisconsign, mis- Compact, n. [See AGREEMENT],
intrust, omit Compact. Adj. SYN. Dense, close.
hard, solid, firm, pithy, concise, con- round, enclose, environ, circumscribe,
densed, contracted, compendious, con- embrace, achieve, effect, effectuate,
yenient, concentrated, consolidated, consummate, complete, circumvent.
concrete. ANT. Expand, dispand, unfold, am-
ANT. Ductile, brittle, friable,diffuse, plify, display, dismiss, liberate, dis-
unshapely, straggling, sparse, broad- card, fail, bungle, botch, misconceive,
cast, dispread. mismanage, miscontrive.
Companion. SYN. Associate, mate, Compassion. SYN. Pity, sympathy,
comrade, colleague, ally, partner, ac- condolence, tenderness,fellow-feeling,
complice, coadjutor commiseration, pardon.
ANT. Rival, toe, antagonist, adver- ANT. Hard-heartedness, unforgive-
sary. ness, cruelty,antipathy, denunciation,
Companionable. SYN. Pleasant, af- condemnation, vindictiveness, retali-
fable, sociable, convertible, friendly, ation.
easy, agreeable, gregarious. Compassionate. [See KINO].
ANT. Disagreeable, churlish, unso- Compatible. SYN. Consistent, con-
ciable, distant, reserved, ungeuial, sentaneous, harmonious, co-existent,
cold, inaccessible, unneighborly, soli- correspondent, congruous, accordant,
tary. agreeable, congenial, consonant.
Companionship. SYN. Converse, ANT. Incompatible, impossible, in-
acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy, supposable, inconsistent, discordant,
friendliness, association. hostile, adverse, antagonistic, incon-
ANT. Ignorance, distance, avoid- gruous, destructive, inter-repugnant,
ance, estrangement, alienation, un- contradictory.
familiarity, wlitude, isolation.
Compeer. SYN. Equal , co-ordinate,
Company. SYN. Aggregation, asso-
peer, fellow, mate, compatriot, com-
ciation, union, sodality, order, fra- rade.
ternity, guild, corporation, society, ANT. Inferior, superior, solitary.
community, assemblage, assembly,
crew, posse, gang, troop, audience,
Compel. SYN, Force, oblige, drive,
constrain, necessitate, make, coerce,
congregation, concourse. bind.
ANT. Rivalry, opposition, disquali- ANT. Persuade, convince, coax, al-
fication,antagonism, counter-agency,
lure, egg, induce, tempt, seduce, ac-
competition, counter-association.
quit, cozen, liberate, release.
Compare. SYN. Assimilate, collate,
parallel. Compendious. SYN. Condensed,
ANT. Contrast, oppose, dissociate, concentrated, brief, short, succinct,
disconnect, pit, distinguish. concise, abridged, commodious, con-
Comparable. SYN. Resembling, ap- venient, useful, handy, comprehen-
proximate, similar. sive,compact.
ANT. Dissimilar, unlike, remote, in- ANT. Diffuse, vague, prolix, shape-
ferior. cumbrous, undigested.
Comparative. SYN. Relatively, pro- Compendium. [See ABRIDGEMENT].
portionately. Compensate. SYN. Atone, satisfy,
ANT. Absolutely, actually,positively, remunerate, indemnity, reimburse,
superlatively. pay, requite, reward, recompense,
Comparison. [See LIKENESS]. make amends for.
Compartment. SYN. Division, par- ANT. Defraud, deprive, cheat, dis-
tition, allotment, sphere, space. satisfy, injure, damage.
ANT. Its correlative; viz., anything Compensation. SYN. Remunera-
of which a compartment.
it is
tion, equivalent, wages, pay, allow-
Compass, n.SYN. Area, enclosure, ance, restoration, restitution, satisfac-
circuit, circumference, horizon. tion, atonement, expiation, indemnifi-
ANT. Common, space, tract, expanse, cation,amercement, damages.
boundlessness, limitlessness, inden- ANT. Deprivation, injury, non-pay-
niteness. ment, gratuity, donation, fraudulence,
Compass, v. SYN. Encompass, sur- damage.
Compete. SYN. Contend, rival, cope, fold, involved, deep, many-sided, ab-
emulate. struse, close, tangled, obscure.
ANT. Participate, share. ANT. Obvious, plain, simple, direct,
Competence. SYN. Power, adequacy, inobscure, superficial, vague, loose,
sufficiency, wealth, ability. unraveled.
ANT. Incompetence, weakness, in- Complexion. SYN. Face, aspect, col-
ability, insufficiency, want, poverty, or, look, feature, appearance, charac-
impecuniosity, indigence. ter, hue, interpretation, indication.
Competent. [See ADEQUATE]. ANT. Unindicativeness,concealment,
Competition. SYN. Rivalry, emula- reticence, inexpression, heart, core.
tion, race, two of a trade. Complexity, n. [See COMPLEX].
ANT. Association, colleagueship, al- Compliance. SYN. Yielding, sub-
liance, joint-stock, copartnership, mission, obedience, acquiescence, eou-
confederation. sent, ductility, docility.
Competitor. SYN. Rival, emulator, ANT. Resistance, repulsion, disobe-
opponent, adversary, antagonist. dience, refusal, non-compliance.
ANT. Participator, partner, auxil- Compliant. [See SUBMISSIVE].
iary, colleague. Complicated. SYN. Confused, intri-
Compilation. SYN. Collation, com- cate, involved, perplexed, entangled.
position, patchwork. ANT. Clear, simple, uninvolved, lu-
ANT. Effusion, creation. cid, unraveled.
Complacent. SYN. Pleased, satisfied, Compliment, v. [See PRAISE].
content, pleasant, affable, kind, man- Compliment, n. SYN. Homage, cour-
nerly, acquiescent, amiable. tesy, fl attery, praise.
ANT. Dissatisfied, irritated, churl- ANT. Insult, discourtesy, contempt.
ish, unmannerly, morose, austere, Complimentary. SYN. Commend-
grudging. atory, laudatory, panegyrical, eulo-
Complain. [See GROWL]. gistic, encomiastic, lavish of praise.
Complaint. SYN. Murmur, discon- ANT. Disparaging, condemnatory,
tent, repining, grievance, damnatory, denunciatory, reproach-
remonstrance, expostulation, lamen- ful, abusive, objurgatory, vitupera-
tation, sickness, disease. tive, defamatory.
ANT. Congratulation, rejoicing, ap- Comply. [See YIELD].
probation, complacency, boon, bene- Component. SYN. Ingredient, ele-
fit, applause, jubilee, health, sanity. ment, constituent, factor, con tent, rud-
Complaisant. [See POLITE], iment.
Complement. SYN. Completion, ful- ANT. Aggregate, sum, entirety, ad-
nllment,totality, supply, counterpart, ventitious, compound,nou-constituent,
correlative. foreign, heterogeneous.
ANT. Deficiency, deficit, insufficien- Comport. SYN. Demean, conduct,car-
cy, abatement, detraction, defalcation, ry, bebuve, tally, consist, harmonize,
diminution, drawback. match, agree, suit, coincide.
Complete, v. [Ste ACCOMPLISH]. ANT. M isdt'iiieau, misconduct, forget,
Complete, adj. SYN. Full, perfect, fin- rary, differ, disagree, contrast, mili-
ished, adequate, entire, consummate, tate.
total, exhaustive, thorough, accom- Compose. SYN. Construct, compile,
plished soothe, allay, calm, put together, con-
ANT. Incomplete, partial, imperfect, stitute, draw up, frame, form, pacify,
unfinished, inadequate. mitigate, settle, adjust, write.
Completely. SYN. Fully, totally, al- ANT. Analyze, awaken, etir, dissect,
together, wholly, perfectly, entirely, criticise, irritate, excite.
thoroughly. Composed. [See COLLECTED and
ANT. Partially, incompletely, Imper- PLACID].
fectly. Composition. SYN. Compound, con-
Completion. [See TERMINATION]. formation, structure, mixture, combi-
Complex. SYN. Intricate, multifari- nation, compromise, adjustment, set*
ous, compound, complicated, mulfcl- tlement, commutation.
ANT. Analysis, segregation, exami- ANT. Persuasion, coaxing, alluring,
disturb- Inducing.
nation, criticism, discussion,
ance, aggravation, perpetuation.
Compunction. SYN. Contrition, pen-
ee- itence, misgiving, remorse, regret,
Composure. SYN. Tranquillity sorrow.
reneness, self-possession, sedateness, ANT. Satisfaction,self-complacency,
calm, repose. assurance.
ANT. Perturbation, restlessness,mo- SYN. Calculate, reckon,
bility, disturbance.
count, number, appraise, value, esti-
Compound, v. SYN. Concert, mix,
mate, cast up, rate.
amalgamate, fuse. ANT. Conjecture, guess, surmise.
ANT. Resolve, analyze. Comrade. [See COMPEEK].
Compound, n. SYN. Mixture, com- Concatenation. SYN. Linking, con-
bination,amalganiiitiou, juuction,unifi- nection, stringing, continuity.
cation, coalescence. ANT. Discatenation, unlinking, un-
ANT. Decomposition, analysis, dis- changing, severance, intermission,dis-
section, resolution. connection.
Comprehend. SYN. Comprise, em- Concave. SYN. Hollow, scooped, pit-
body, grasp, understand, conceive, ap- ted, excavated, retreating, alveolar.
prehend, enclose, include, involve,em- ANT. Convex, tumular, protuberant,
brace. relievant, embossed, intumescent.
ANT. Exclude, except, misunder- Conceal. SYN. Hide,secrete,disguise,
stand. keep secret, dissemble, screen, sup-
Comprehension. SYN. Understand-
ing, conception, capacity, perception, ANT. Reveal,manifest, exhibit,avpw,
apprehension. confess, expose, promulgate, publish,
ANT. Misunderstanding, misconcep- divulge.
tion. Concede. SYN. Surrender, grant, al-
Comprehensive. SYN. Wide, ample, low, yield, admit, resign.
general, extensive, large, broad, all, ANT. Refuse, withhold, deny, con-
embracing, generic, significant, capa- tradict, contest, claim, contend.
cious, inclusive, compendious, preg- Conceit. SYN. Idea, notion, thought,
affectation, vanity, abstraction, imag-
ANT. Narrow, restricted, shallow, ination, conception, whim, vagary,
exclusive, adversative, exceptive. egotism.
Compress. SYN. Condense, compact, ANT. Substance, reality, verity, con-
crowd, squeeze, contract, abridge, cretion, body, fact, naturalness, sim-
epitomize, summarize. plicity, unaffectedness, humility.
ANT. Expand, dilate, diffuse, colli- Conceited. SYN. Egotistical, self-con-
quate. ceited, vain.
Compression, f Sec COMPRESS]. ANT. Self-depreciating, simple, un-
Comprise, v. SYN. Embrace, include, assuming, unaffected.
comprehend, imply.
involve, contain, Conceive. SYN. Imagine, apprehend,
ANT. Exclude, except, discard, bar, believe, suppose, design, think,under-
omit, reject. 6land.
Comprobation. SYN. Induction,co- ANT. Produce, express, propound,
evidence, co-testimony. declare, execute, misconceive.
ANT. Disprpof,counter-evldence,ref- Conception [See CONCEIVE].
utation, rejoinder, intercontrariance. Concentrate. SYN. Asaemble, con-
Compromise, v. SYN. Arbitrate, ad- verge, muster, congregate, convene,
just, compose, settle, endanger, impli- draw, conglomerate, condense, local-
cate, involve. ize, centralize.
ANT. Aggravate, excite, foster, per. ANT. Disperse, scatter, dismiss, de-
petuate, exempt, enfranchise, disen centralize.
gage, extricate, exonerate. Concentration. [See CONCEN-
Compulsion, n. 8YN.For.ce,restraint, TRATE).
control, coercion. Concern* SYN. Interest, regard, anx-
iety, matter, affair, institution, solic- Concomitant. SYN. Accompanying
itude, moment, regret, sympathy, sor- attending, attendant, synchronous.
row. ANT. Precedent,subsequent, diverse,
ANT. Indifference, disregard, care- unconnected, independent, irrelative.
lessness, congratulation, chuckling. Concord. SYN. Harmony, accord-
Concerning. SYN. About, of, relat- ance, agreement, peace, union, unity,
ing, regarding, touching, in relation unanimity, amity.
to, respecting, with respect to, with ANT. Discord, disagreement, vari-
regard to, with reference to, relative ance, animosity.
to. Concordance. [See CONCORD].
ANT. Omitting, disregarding. Concourse. SYN. Assembly, assem-
Concert, v. [See CONTRIVE]. blage, crowd, throng, convergence,
Concert, n. SYN. Onion, combination, mob.
ANT. Cabinet, conclave, cabal, dis-
concord, harmony, agreement, associ-
ation, co-operation. persion, desertion, solitude.
ANT. Dissociation, counteraction, Concrete. SYN. Firm, compact, con-
opposition. solidated, indurated, embodied, par-
Concession. ticularized.
[See CONCEPE]. ANT. Loose, sloppy, luteous, shift-
Conciliate. SYN. Win, gain, enlist,
ing, boggy, swampy, yielding, unre-
pacify, make friendly, reconcile, pro-
sisting, abstract, generalize.
ANT. Lose, estrange, excommuni-
Concur. SYN. Approve, acquiesce, as-
dis- sent, coincide, meet, converge, con-
cate, eject, alienate, irritate,
please. centrate, agree.
Concise. SYN. Condensed, terse, preg- ANT. Diverge, radiate, disagree,
nant, expressive, pointed, neat, com- dissent, part, differ.
pendious, succinct, summary, brief,
Concussion. [See COLLISION and
short. COMMOTION],
ANT. Diffuse, prolix, verbose, cir- Condemn. SYN. Blame, convict, re-
cumlocutory, rambling, discursive. prove, cast, censure, denounce, doom,
Conclave. SYN. Council, assembly, ANT. Absolve, acquit, exonerate,
bureau, synod, cabiuet, caucus. pardon, justify, r.pprove.
ANT. Crowd, multitude, assemblage, Condense. [See ABRIDGE].
population, throng, populace, mob, Condescend. SYN. Stoop,
concourse. descend,
Conclude. SYN. Close, terminate, deign, vouchsafe.
ANT. Disdain, scorn, spurn.
complete, end, decide, finish, infer, Condescension, n. [See CONDE-
deduce, determine, argue.
ANT. Begin, initiate, start, opeo,pro- SCEND].
SYN. Affability, graciousness, favor,
long, protract, perpetuate, doubt, dis-
pute. ANT. Haughtiness, arrogance, pride,
Conclusion. [See CONCLUDE and
TERMINATION J. superciliousness, disdain, scorn.
Conclusive. SYN. Definitive, indis-
Condign. SYN. Deserved, merited,
meet, just, adequate.
putable, final, positive, decisive. ANT. Undeserved, unmerited, scant,
ANT. Uncertain, dubious, question- excessive.
able, hypothetical, !?upposititious,prob- Condiment. SYN. Sauce, pickle, pre-
lematical, theoretical, vague, indeter- serve, seasoning.
minate, inconclusive. ANT. Gall, wormwood, ashes, aloe*
Concoct. SYN. Compound, prepare, Condition. SYN. State, case, mood,
mix, hatch, brew. term, mode, qualification, requisite,
ANT. Spoil, upset, disconcoct, dis-
stipulation, predicament, proviso, sit.
concert, mar, misprepare. uation, circumstances, plight.
Concoction. SYN. Brew, mixture, ANT. Relation, dependence, situa.
compound. tiou, circumstance, concession, ht-
ANT. Crudity, rawness, ingredient. fillmeut, adaptation.
Conditionally. SYN. Provisionally, ANT. Monologue, silence. [See CON-
relatively, provided, hypothetical^, VENTION].
contingently. Confess. SYN. Avow, aver, own, re-
ANT. Absolutely, unconditionally, veal, disclose, acknowledge.
categorically, positively. ANT. Disaver, disavow, suppress,
Condole. SYN. Sympathize, console, silentiate, deny.
commiserate. Confession. SYN. Creed, catechism,
ANT. Congratulate, exhilarate, dis- articles, doctrines, tenets, profession,
regard, rally, discompassionate, dis- declaration, subscription.
commiserate. ANT. Heresy, apostacy, protest, con-
Condolence. [See CONDOLE]. demnation, refutation, index, renun-
ciation, abjuration.
Condonation. SYN. Indulgence, ex-
cuse, amuesty, pardon, forgiveness.
Confidant. SYN. Confessor, adviser,
ANT. Expiation, satisfaction, atone- confederate.
ment. ANT. Traitor, betrayer, rival.
Conduce. SYN. Concur, contribute,
Confide. SYN. Trust, lean, hope, be-
avail, aid, tend, coincide, converge, lieve,depend, rely.
ANT. Doubt, distrust, disbelieve.
assist, help, make for, conspire, lead,
subserve. Confidence. SYN. Trust, faith, be-
ANT. Indispose, counteract, defeat, lief, self-reliance, assurance, depend-
neutralize. ence, reliance.
Conducive. [See CONDUCE]. ANT. Distrust, mistrust, doubt, mis-
SYN. Contributive, promotive, sub- giving.
sidiary, causative, effective, produc- Confident. SYN. Positive, assured,
tive. sure, certain, impudent, bold, san-
ANT. Preventive, counteractive, guine.
contrarian t, repugnant, destructive. ANT. [See CERTAIN].
Conduct* v. SYN. Lead, bring, carry, Confidential. SYN. Private, secret,
transfer, direct, guide, control, man- trustworthy, intimate.
age, administer. ANT. Public, open, patent, official,
ANT. Mislead, miscarry, mismanage, treacherous, insidious.
misconduct, misadminister.
Conduct, n. [See BEHAVIOR]. Configuration. SYN. Shape, outline,
delineation, form, figure, conforma-
Confabulation. [See COLLOQUY]. tion, contour.
Confection, n. [See CONCOCTION, ANT.
CONDIMENT and COMPOUND. Used of Shapelessness, amorphous-
ness, formlessness, iadelineation, con-
sweet compounds].
tortion, distortion, deformity.
SYN. Sweetmeat, sugarplum, cake,
Confine. SYN. Immure, limit, bound,
imprison, circumscribe, restrict, en-
Confederacy, Confederation. close,narrow, incarcerate, bind.
SYN. Alliance, treaty, league, union,
ANT. Dilate, expand, extend, widen,
association. unfasten, liberate, loosen, disenclose.
ANT. dis-
Confined. [See CIRCUMSCRIBE],
Disruption, secession,
union. Confirm. SYN. Strengthen, stabilitate,
Confederate. SYN. Leagued, allied, establish, substantiate, settle, prove,
united, combined. fix, perpetuate, sanction, corroborate,
ANT. Disunited, dissolved. ratify.
Confederate, n. [See COMPANION]. ANT. Weaken, shake, upset, cancel,
Confer. SYN. Compare, collate, die- abrogate, repeal, annul, confute, re-
cuss, deliberate, converse, consult,
give, present. Confirmation. [See CONFIRM].
ANT. Dissociate, contrast, hazard, Confiscate. SYN. Seize, escheat, dis,
conjecture, withhold, withdraw. possess, sequestrate, distrain.
Conference. SYN. Discussion, dis- ANT. Restore, release, refund.
course, consultation, parley, conven- Conflagration. SYN. Ignition, fire,
tion convocation, meeting. combustion, arson, incendiarism.
AWT. Extinction, smoulder, quench- ant, dissonant, disagreeable, ungrate
f ul, antagonistic, alien,dissimilar, un-
Conflict. SYN. Encounter, engage- congenial.
ment, contest, battle, fight, combat. Congenital. SYN. Coeval,coetaneous.
ANT. Reconciliation, pacification, natural, inherent, innate, immanent,
amity, arbitration. ingrained, incarnate, connate, iugeu-
Conflicting. SYN. Adverse, opposed, erate.
opposing, dashing, discordant, irrec- ANT. Unnatural, uncongenial, ac-
oncilable, contradictory. quired, habitual, extraneous, artificial,
ANT. Harmonizing, consistent, con- ascititious, adventitious, assumed.
sentaneous, congruous. Congestion. SYN. Congeries, accu-
Confluence. SYN. Conflux, meeting, mulation, glomeration, redundancy,
concourse, convergence, concurrence. plethora.
ANT. Reflux, refluence, dispersion, ANT. Dissipation, diffusion, clea>
overflow, diffluence. ance, evacuation, colliquatioa.
Conform. SYN. Agree, consent, har- Conglomerate. [See AGGLOMER-
monize, adapt, fit, tally, suit, obey, ATE].
comply, unite, yield. Conglutlnate. [See AGGLUTINATE].
ANT. Disagree, dissent, vary, disso- Congratulate. SYN. Felicitate.
ciate, secede, misfit, di^similate, mis- ANT. [See CONDOLE].
adapt. Congregate. [See AGGREGATE].
Conformation, n, [See CONFORM
and CONFIGURATION]. Congregation. [See AGGREGATION],
Congress. SYN. Parliament,council,
Conformity. [See CONFORMATION], conclave, assembly, syiiod,legislature,
Confound. SYN. Confuse, disorder, convention.
trouble, disarrange, intermix, abash, ANT. Cabal, conclave, mob.
astound, mystify, obscure, stupefy, Congruous. SYN. Agreeing, harmo.
disconcert, mix, Iblend, intermingle,
uious, coherent, homogeneous, conso
perplex, discompose. nant, accordant.
ANT. Arrange, classify, order, allo- ANT. Discordant, dissonant, inconv
cate, distribute, dispense, unravel,
gruous, heterogeneous.
enucleate, eliminate, elucidate, rally,
Conjecture, v. SYN. Gues.,divination,
hypothesis, theory, notion, surmise,
Confraternity. [See COMPANY]. supposition.
Confront. SYN. Oppose, face, en- ANT. Computation, calculation, in-
counter, resist, intimidate, menace.
ANT. Rally, encourage, abet, counte- ference, reckoning, proof, deduction.
nance. Conjecture, n. [See SUPPOSE].
Confuse. [See CONFOUND]. Conjoin. [See CONCATENATE].
Confusion. [See ORDER]. Conjuncture. SYN. Crisis, turning-
Confused. SYN. Abashed, embar- point, contingency, occasion, oppor.
rassed, perplexed, disconcerted, dis- tunity, exigency, emergency.
organized, promiscuous.chaotic, com- ANT. Arrangement, provision, or,
plex, involved, disarranged, disor- dainment, preparation, course.
dered. Conjure. SYN. Implore, importune;
ANT. Unab ashed, unembarrassed, crave, entreat, beseech, supplicate.
systematic, unconfused, organized, ar- ANT. Deprecate, protest, remon.
ranged. strate, expostulate.
Confute. [See REFUTE]. Connect. [See UNITE].
Congeal. SYN. Freeze, benumb, con- Connection. SYN. Junction, con.
gelate. junction, union, association, concate-
ANT. Thaw, relax, melt, chafe, dis- nation, relation, affinity, relevance,
solve. intercourse, communication, Unarm an,
Congenial. SYN. Natural, concord- relationship, kindred.
ant, consonant, grateful, sympathetic, ANT. Disconnection, disjunction,
kindred. dissociation, independence, irrele-
Ai. Unnfrnnral.ahbi vance, disunion.
Connive. SYN. Wink, pretermit, pass, Consentaneous. SYN. Agreeing,
overlook. correspondent, consonant, congruous.
ANT. Notice, visit, censure, investi- [See HARMONIOUS.].
gate. Consequence. SYN. Effect, issue,
Connubial. SYN. Conjugal, matri- result, inference, coherence, deduc-
monial, nuptial. tion, conclusion, outcome, import-
ANT. Single, celibate, illicit, adul- ance, note, moment, dignity.
terous. ANT. Cause, causation, antecedence,
Conquer. SYN. Subdue, vanquish, sur- premise, origin, datum, postulate,
mount, overcome, overpower, over- axiom, unimportance, insignificance,
throw, defeat, crush, master, subju- inconsequence, inconsecutiveness, ir-
gate, prevail over. relevance, meanness, paltriness.
ANT. Fail, fall, retreat, succumb, Consequent. SYN. Inferred, deduced,
fly, submit, surrender, lose, forfeit, resultant, accruing, attendant.
sacrifice, resign, cede. ANT. Assumed, conjectured, ante-
Conquest. [See CONQUER]. cedent, conducive, productive, incon-
SYN. Victory, triumph, overthrow, sequent.
discomfiture, subjugation. Consequential. SYN. Coherent, con-,
ANT. Failure, defeat, retreat, sur- nected, cogent, logical, pompous, ar-
render, forfeiture, submission, dis- rogant.
comfiture. ANT. Incoherent, disconnected, in.
Consanguinity. SYN. Kindred, valid, illogical, inconsequential, af-
blood, lineage. fable, conversible, accessible, easy,
ANT. Disconnection, dissociation. humble-minded.
Conscience. SYN. Sense, intuition, Consequently. SYN. Accordingly,
integrity, principle.
therefore. [See ACCORDING].
ANT. Irresponsibility, license. ANT. Irrelevantly, inconsequently.
Conscientious. SYN. Scrupulous, Conservation. SYN. Preservation,
exact, equitable, strict, upright, high- keeping, protection, guardianship,
principled. maintenance, stabilitation, perpetua-
ANT. Unscrupulous, lax, unprinci- tion.
pled, reprobate, unconscientious. ANT. Neglect, exposure, abrogation,
Conscious. SYN. Aware, 'cognizant, destruction, abolition.
sensible. Conservative. SYN. Undestroyed,
ANT. Unaware, unconscious, in- unsuppressed, stationary, unrepealed.
sensible. ANT. Changed, new-fangled, radical,
Consciousness. SYN. Sense, sensa- progressive, modifiable, alterable,
tion, intelligence, perception. transitional.
ANT. Insensibility, unconsciousness. Consider. SYN. Attend, revolve, med-
Conscription. SYN. Impressment, itate, think, reflect, investigate, re-
drafting. gard, observe, judge, opine, infer, de-
ANT. Enlistment, volunteering. duce, weigh, cogitate, deliberate, pon-
Consecrate. SYN. Dedicate, devote, der, deem.
enshrine, hallow, sanctify. ANT. Disregard, ignore, pretermit,
ANT. Desecrate, secularize, pro- despise, guess, conjecture, hazard.
fane. Considerable. SYN. Important,
Consecration. [See CONSECRATE large, extensive.
and DEVOTION]. ANT. Unimportant, trifling, incon-
Consecutive. SYN. Orderly, ar- siderable.
ranged, coherent, continuous. Considerate. SYN. Thoughtful, at-
ANT. Disordered, undigested, inco- tentive, forbearing, unselfish, judi-
herent, rambling, inconsequent, in- cious, ser ious,pr ud ent, circumspect, r
consecutive, discursive. flective, careful, cautious.
Consent. SYN. Submit, agree, ac- ANT. Thoughtless, inconsiderate
quiesce. inattentive, rude, overbearing,selflsl^
ANT. Eesist, disagree, dissent, de- injudicious, rash, careless.
Aline, refuse.
Consideration. SYN. Importance, ANT. Invisible, Inconspicuous, In.
suspect, consequence, motive, induce- observable, noticeable, microscopic.
ment, compensation, subsidy, remu- Conspiracy. SYN. Intrigue, cabal,
neration. plot, treason, treachery, machination,
ANT. Meanness, insignificance, un- coalition.
Importnijce. ANT. Legislation, parliament, con-
Considering. SYN. Because, regard- gress, synod. Comp. Conclave and ca-
ing. bal.
ANT. Irrespectively, independently. Conspire. SYN. Concur, conduce, con.
Consign. [See ASSIGN]. tribute, agree, unite, hang, pull to-
Consignment. SYN. Custody, com- gether, co-operate, league, baud.
mission, delegation. ANT. Oppose, counteract, withstand,
A> L.
Miscommitment, misconsign- run counter to.
nT>nt. Constant. SYN. Uniform, regular, in-
Coi.slst. [See CONSTITUTE]. variable, perpetual, continuous, firm,
Consistence. [See CONSISTENCY]. fixed, steady, immutable.faithf ul,truo,
Consistency. SYN. Consistence, con- trustworthy.
gruity, composition, substance, mate-
ANT. Irregular, exceptional, vari-
rial,amalgamation, compound, mass, able, casual, accidental, incidental,
density, solidity, closeness, compact- broken, interrupted, inconstant, fickle,
ness, coherence, uniformity,harmony, untrustworthy, faithless, treacherous,
analogy, proportion.
ANT. Volatility, vaporousness, sub- Consternation. SYN. Amazement,
tility, tenuity, sublimation, incohe- bewilderment, astonishment, astound-
rence, inconsistency, incongruity, dig- ing, horror, terror, dismay.
proportion, contrariety, contradiction.
ANT. Encouragement, boldness,
Consistent. SYN. Congruous, accord- fearlessness, assurance, anticipation,
ant, consonant, agreeing, compatible,
welcome, expectation, greeting, con-
harmonious. gratulation.
ANT. Incongruous,at variance with,
Constituent. SYN. Voter, returner,
not agreeing with, incompatible, in- sender, deputer, appointer, patron,
harmonious. ingredient, element, component.
ANT. Representative, nominee, com-
Consociation. [See ASSOCIATION
and COMPANY]. mittee, constitution, system, whole.
"Console. SYN. Relieve, soothe, solace, Constitute. SYN. Form, make, com-
pose, appoint, depute, organize, insti-
encourage, comfort, assuage. tute.
ANT. Congratulate, felicitate, aggra-
ANT. Dissolve, destroy, discompose,
vate, oppress, disturb, trouble, annoy,
irritate, irreconcile, dissatisfy.
decompose, disorganize, abrogate, an-
nul, unmake.
Consolidate. SYN. Condense, incor- Constitution. SYN. Temperament,
porate, conglutinate, cement, solder, frame, temper, character, habit, na-
bond, weld, thicken, strengthen, fuse. ture, government, polity, state, con-
ANT. Weaken, dissipate, disunite,
sistence, composition, substance, or-
dismember, disintegrate, colliquate, ganization, structure, regulation, law.
dissolve, melt, vaporize, sublimate,at- ANT. Accident, habituation, modifi-
tenuate, triturate, lulverize. cation, Interference, anarchy, despot-
Consonant. [See CONGRUOUS and ism, tyranny, rebellion, revolution,
CONSISTENT]. dissipation, disorganization, demoli-
Consort, r. SYN.
Associate, herd, com- tion, destruction.
pany, fraternize. Constitutional. SYN. Fundamental,
ANT. Avoid, abandon, excommuni- legal, lawful, legitimate, natural.
cate, black-ball, banish, exclude. ANT. Unconstitutional, illegal, Ille-
Conspicuous. SYN. Visible, easily gitimate, unnatural, unchanged.
seen, prominent, distinguished, mani- Constrain. [See COERCE].
fest, eminent, famous, noted, salient, Construct. SYN. Compose, build, fab-
observable, noticeable, magnified. ricate, form, erect, invent, frame.
ANT. Derange, destroy, demolish, ANT. Sporadic, endemic, prevent-
overthrow. ive, antipathetic.
Construction. SYN. Composition, Contain. SYN. Hold, include, com-
fabrication, explanation, rendering, prise,embrace, comprehend, inclose.
erection, fabric, edifice, reading, un- ANT. Drop, exclude, extrude, emit,
derstanding, interpretation, view. discharge, afford, yield, produce.
ANT. Dislocation, dismemberment, Contaminate. SYN. Defile, taint,
demolition, displacement, misplace- corrupt, sully, befoul, soi' .

ment, misconstruction, misunder- ANT. Purify, cleanse, lave, clarify,

standing, miscoDception, misinterpre- sanctify, chasteu.
tation. Contemn. SYN. Despise, disdain, de-
Construe. SYN. Parse, resolve, ana- ride, vilify, slight, disregard, scorn.
lyze, interpret, understand, render. ANT. Respect, revere, venerate, re-
ANT. Nullify, neutralize, mystify, gard.
aistort, falsify, misconstrue, misinter- Contemplate. SYN. Meditate, be-
pret, misconceive, mistranslate. hold, observe, ponder, study, purpose,
Consult. SYN. Interrogate, canvass, design, intend, project.
question, deliberate, confer, advise ANT. Ignore, overlook, waive, aban-
with, regard, consider, ask advice of, don.
care for, promote. Contemporary. [See COETANE-
ANT. Resolve, explain, expound, di- ous].
rect, instruct, dictate, counteract, con- Contempt. [See CONTEMN].
travene. Contemptible. SYN. Despicable^
Consume. SYN. Use, appropriate, mean, vile, pitiful, disreputable, pal-
burn, oat up, devour, spend,squander, try, trifling, trivial.
assimilate, occupy, absorb, employ, ANT. Important, grave, weighty,
utilize, waste, destroy, spoil, ravage, honorable, respectable, venerable.
expend, pine, wither, decay. Contemptuous.
ANT. Reject, supersede, disuse, dis- [See SUPERCILI-
card. Contend. SYN.
Consummate, v. SYN. Complete, Strive, compete,
cope, dispute, vie, contest, struggle,
perfect, execute, finish, accomplish, grapple, argue, maintain, disagree,
conclude, seal, end.
ANT. Neglect, drop, interrupt, nul- wrangle.
ANT. Resign, concede, allow, relin-
lify, undo, baffle, frustrate, mar, de-
quish, forego, surrender, waive.
feat, spoil.
Consummate, a. SYN. Perfect, Content. SYN. Full, satisfied, pleased,
gratified, contented, willing, resigned.
egregious, excellent, complete, fin- ANT. Unsatisfied, dissatisfied, un-
ANT. Imperfect, rude, common, me- willing, reluctant, discontented.
diocre, faulty, defective, ordinary. Contented. [See CONTENT].
Consummation. [See CONSUM- Contention. [See STRIFE].
MATE and COMPLETION]. Contentious. [See CONTEND and
Consumption. SYN. Decline, de- QUARRELSOME], SYN. Litigious, per-
cay, expenditure, waste, decrement, verse, wayward, splenetic, cantanker-
lessening, decrease. ous, exceptions.
ANT. Growth, development, en- ANT. Pacific, obliging, considerate,
largement, augmentation. obsequious, accommodating, easy.
Contact. SYN. Touch, contiguity, Conterminous. SYN. Commensu-
continuity, apposition, adjunction. rate, adjoining, contiguous, abutting.
AST. Proximity, adjacence, inter- ANT. Unequal, inconformable, ad-
ruption, disconnection, separation, jacent, proximate, remote, inconter-
distance, isolation, non-contact. minous.
Contagious. SYN. Catching, epidem- Contest, v. [See CONTEND].
ic, infectious, pestilential, commu- Contest, n. [See CONTENTION].
nicated, transferred, transmitted, in- <' ntext. SYN. Tenor, treatment, tex>
fections. ture. composition, matter.
ANT. Text, quotation, citation, pas- decrease, retrench, curtail, form,
sage, extract. agree.
Contexture. [See TEXTURE]. ANT. Expand, amplify, dilate, elon-
Contiguous. [See CONTAGIOUS, gate, reverse, cancel, abandon. t

ADJACENT and CONTERMINOUS]. Contract, n. STN. Covenant, 'agree-

Continence. STN. Abstinence, self- ment, compact, bond, pact,stipulation,
control, refrain, (n). Chastity, sobri- bargain.
ety,temperance. ANT. Promise, assurance, parole.
ANT. Licentiousness, self-indulg- Contradict. STN. Oppose, dissent,
ence, incontinence, dissoluteness, in- negative, controvert, deny, disprove,
temperance. confute, refute, gainsay, contravene.
Contingency. [See ACCIDENT]. ANT. State, propound, maintain,
Contingent, a. STN. Dependent, in- argue, confirm, affirm, endorse.
cidental, resultant, co-emcieiit, hy- Contradiction. STN. Repugnance,
pothetical, uncertain, conditional. contrariety, inconsistency, incompati-
ANT. Positive, absolute, independ- bility.
ent, unmodified, unaffected, uncon- ANT. Harmony, coincidence, con-
trolled, irrespective. currence, alh'rmatiou, proof, state-
Contingent, n. SYN. Contribu- ment.
tion, subsidy, supply, succor, rein- Contraposition. STN. Oppositeness,
forcement, auxiliaries, donation, sub- confrontment, facing.
scription. ANt. Side, flank, collateralness.
ANT. Army, sum, host, campaign, Contrarious. [See CONTENTIOUS],
fund, capital. Contrary. STN. Opposed, opposite,
Continual. [See CONSTANT and repugnant, antagonistic, adverse, in-
EVERLASTING]. compatible, inconsistent.
Continually. STN. Constantly, per- ANT. Agreeing, consentaneous,com-
sistently,always, ever, perpetually, patible, kindred, coincident, consist-
unceasingly, repeatedly, frequently, ent.
continuously. Contrast. STW. Opposition, contra-
ANT. Casually, occasionally, contin- riety, dissimilarity.
gently, sometimes, rarely, fitfully, in- ANT. Harmony, similarity, compari-
termittently. son, similitude.
Continuation. STN. Sequence, con- Contribute. STN. Conduce, add, sub-
tinuance, continuity, duration, suc- scribe, give, co-operate, assist, tend,
cession, connection, extension, pro- supply.
longation, perpetuation, concatena- ANT. Refuse, withhold, misconduce,
tion. misapply, contravene.
ANT. Interruption, cessation, dis- Contribution. STN. Donation, obla-
continuance, break, gap. tion, offering, gift, subscription, sub-
Continue. STN. Last, persist, en- sidy, aid, assistance.
dure, remain, abide, stay, persevere, ANT. Withholding, retention, disal-
proceed. lowance, misappropriation, misappli-
ANT. Cease, fail, stop, pause, break, cation, contraventioQ.
discontinue. Contrition. [See ATTRITION].
Continuity. [See CONTINUATION]. Contrivance. [See CONTRIVE and
Contortion. STN. Twisting, writh- DEVICE].
ing, wresting, distortion, deformity, Contrive. STN. Plan, design, arrange,
convolution. fabricate, adapt, manage, scheme, de-
ANT. Symmetry, uniformity, shape- vise, concert, adjust.
liness, configuration, contour. ANT. Hit, hazard, run, chance, ven-
Contour. [See CONFIGURATION]. ture, bungle, over-vault, over-do.
Contraband. STN. Illicit, inter- Contriving. [See CONTRIVE].
dicted, smuggled. Control, v. STN. Chec-, curb, mode-
ANT. Licit, uninterdtated, free. rate, repress, guide,regulate,restrain,
Contract, v. STN. Abridge, abbrevi- coerce, manage, administer, govern.
ate, narrow, lessen, reduce, compress, ANT. Neglect, abandon, license,

Hberate,free, mismanage, misconduct. Converge. SYN. Tend, bear, incline,

Control, n. [See VEKB and COMPUL- lead, coincide, conduce, contribute,
SION J. meet, concentrate, corradiate.
Controversy. SYN. Dispute, dis- ANT. Diverge, deviate, radiate, mix,
agreement, quarrel, strife, alterca- foul, enter gle.
tion, contention, disputation, wrangle, Conversant. SYN. Familiar, ae.
bickering, question. quainted, proficient, experienced,
ANT. Agreement, unanimity, coin- versed, learned.
cidence. ANT. Unfamiliar, unacquainted, ig-
Coiitrovertlble. SYN. Questionable, norant, unversed, unlearned, strange,
dubious. inconversant.
ANT. Unquestionable, incontrovert- Conversation. SYN. Converse, dia-
ible. logue, talk, conference, colloquy, con-
Contumacy. SYN. Rebelliousness, fabulation, chat.
stubbornness, restiveness, wayward- ANT. Speech, oration, harangue,
ness, self-will, untractableness. babel, jabber, babble, prattle, dribble,
ANT. Submissiveness, docility, tract- mutter, soliloquy, apostrophe, mono-
ableness, servility, cringing, fawning, logue, interpellation, interruption,
flattery. silence, taciturnity,
Contumely. SYN. Contemptuous- Converse, v. SYN. Talk, discourse,
ness, scornfulness, arrogance, disre- speak, chat.
spect, obloquy. ANT. Keep silent.
ANT. Respect, regard, obligingness, Converse, a. SYN. Opposite, reverse,
accommodation, considerateness, flat- contrary, opposed, contradictory,
tery, adulation, obsequiousness, fawn- counter, relative, correlative.
ing. ANT. Identical, same, one, insepa-
Contusion. SYN. Bruise, knock, rable, ir distinguishable, connate, uni-
blow. form, direct, primary, uninverted.
ANT. Soothing, smoothing, stroking, Conversion. SYN. Change, altera-
caress, pat. tion, transmutation, transformation,
Convene. SYN. Assemble, collect, iiitercharge,
gather, meet, congregate, call togeth- ANT. Persistence, permanence, con-
er, levy, convoke.
summon, muster, servation, retention, identity.
ANT. Disperse, dismiss, disband. Convert, v. SYN. Change, alter,
Convenient. SYN. Handy, apt, transmute, transform, apply, appro*
adapted, fitted, suitable, helpful, com- priate, turn.
modious, useful, timely, seasonable, ANX, Conserve, perpetuate, stabil-
opportune. itate, stereotype, clinch, alienate,
ANT. Inconvenient, awkward, ob-
divert, misappropriate, misapply.
structive, useless, superfluous, unsea-
sonable, untimely, inopportune.
Convertible. SYN. Identical, com
Convention. SYN. Assemblage. meet- mensurate, conterminous, equivalent,
ing, gatheriug, conference, cabinet,
ANT. Variant, incommensurate, un-
convocation, congress, session, synod,
treaty, compact. equ'valent, contrary, contradictory,
ANT. Recess, non -convention, disso-
lution, prorogation, promise, under- Convey. SYN. Take, carry, transfer,
standing, word, parole. relegate, bear, transmit, consign,
Conventional. SYN. Customary, transport, remove.
usual, ordinary,
ANT. Bring, adduce, fetch, drop,
stipulated, preva-
lent, social, house, stow, deposit.
ANT. Unusual, unsocial, legal, com- Conveyance. [See CONVEY].
pulsory, s tutu table, immutable, nat- Convict. SYN. Sentence, condemn.
ural, invariable. ANT. Acquit, discharge.
Conventual. SYN. .Cosnobitual, reg- Conviction. SYN. Assurance persua-
ular, monastic. sion, belief.
ANT. Social, secular, laic. ANT. Doubt, rf*" giving, disbelief.
Convince. SYN. Persuade, enlighten, ANT. Negotiate, arbitrate, compro.
inoculate, indoctrinate. mise, surrender.
ANT. Misguide, mislead, misadvise, Copious. [See ABUNDANT].
mystify, puzzle, perplex, mispersuade, Copy. n. SYN. Imitation, portraiture,
unsettle. fac-simile, counterfeit, duplicate, im-
Convivial. SYN. Hospitable, social, age, likeness, transcript.
festive, gay, festal, jovial, jolly. ANT. Original, prototype, model,
ANT. Inhospitable, unsociable, un- example, pattern.
neighborly, churlish, abstemious, aus- Cordial. SYN. Warm, earnest, pin-
tere, ascetic. cere, reviving, invigorating, affection-
Convocate. [See CONVENE]. ate, hearty.
Convocation. [See CONVENTION]. ANT. Cold, distant, formal, cere-
Convoke. [See CONVENE]. monious.
Convolution. SYN. Coil, involution, Core. SYN. Heart, kernel, nucleus,
implication, spiral, twist, contortion. centre.
ANT. Unravelling, explication, evolu- ANT. Face, exterior, aspect, appear-
tion, enucleation. ance, complexion, ostensibility, pre-
Convoy. SYN. Escort, guard, protec- text.
tion, conduct. Corner. SYN. Cavity, hole, nook, re-
ANT. Loss, betrayal, capture, inter- cess, retreat.
ception. ANT. Coin, abutment, prominence,
Convulse. SYN. Agitate, shake, per- salience, angle, protrusion, elbow,
turb, disturb. protection, convexity.
ANT. Soothe, collocate, compose, as- Cornice. SYN. Beading, moulding,
suage. projection.
Cool. v. SYN. Ventilate, refrigerate, al- ANT. Entablature, fluting, corruga-
lay, damp, temper, moderate. tion, cavity, groove.
ANT. Warm, heat, chafe, irritate, Corollary. SYN. Inference,deduction,
excite, inflame. additament, superadditior.
Cool. a. SYN. Cold, frigid, unim- ANT. Problem, proposilion.
passioned, calm, indifferent, self-pos- Corporal. SYN.Bodily. fleshly, physi-
sessed, deliberate, dispassioned, col- cal, material, corporeal.
lected, apathetic, composed. ANT. Mental, moral, spiritual.
ANT. Warm, hot, ardent, eager. Corps. SYN. Body, regiment, band,
Coolness. SYN. Coldness, indiffer- spuadron, troop, compai y.
ence, self-possession, distance, calm- ANT. Aggregate, army, host, force,
ness. mass, organization.
ANT. Heat, ardor, eagerness, pas- Corpse. SYN. Carcass, remains, dust,
sion, excitement, warmth, heartiness. clay.
Coop. [See CONFINE], ANT. Soul, person, individual.
Co-operate. SYN. Assist, abet, Corpulent. SYN. Stout, burly, fat,
contribute, concur, work together, portly, gross, lusty, plethoric, fleshy.
help, conspire. ANT. Lean, thin, attenuated, slight,
ANT. Thwart, oppose, counteract, emaciated.
rival. Corpuscle. SYN. Atom, particle,
Co-operation. [See CO-OPERATE monad, jot,molecule.
and UNION]. ANT. mass, body, aggregate, or-
Co-ordinate. SYN. Consociate, co- ganization, matter.
incident, equal, coequal, equivalent, Corpuscular. [SEE CORPUSCLE].
tantamount, equipollent, interequiv- Corradlate. SEE [CONVERGE].
alent. Correct, adj. SYN. True, exact,fault-
ANT. Extraneous, diverse, alien, less, accurate, proper, decorous, right.
unequal, unequivalent, in co-ordinate, ANT. False, untrue, incorrect,
disparate. faulty, wrong.
Copartner. [See PARTNER]. Correct, v. SYN. Chasten, punish,
Cope. SYN. Contend, vie, struggle, rectify, amend, reform, emend, re-
compete, strive. dress, set right, improve.
ANT. Spare, falsify, corrupt. ANT. Mend, repair, purify, cleanse
Correctloiie SYN. Ainendment. dis- correct, ameliorate, better.
cipline, emendation, chastisement, Corrupt, a. SYN. Defiled, polluted^
punishment. vitiated, decayed, depraved, putrid,
ANT. Deterioration, debasement, rotten, infected, tainted, profligate,
retrogradation, reward, recompense. contaminated
Corrective. SYN. Regulative, al- ANT. Pure, uncorrupt, undented.
terative, preventative, restorative. Corruption. SYN. Decomposition,
ANT. Confirmative, conducive, pro- decay, putrescence, adulteration, dev.
vocative, stimulative, intensitive. pravity, rottenness, defilement, de
Correlation. SYN. correspondence, terioration, perversion, debasement,
interrelation, interdependence, mu- taint, contamination, putrefaction.
tuality, apposition. ANT. Vitality, organization, purity,
ANT. Contradiction, independence, purification, amelioration.
inter-repugnance. Coruscate. SYN. Blaze, flame, flash,
Correlative. [SEE COBBEIATION]. scintillate, glisten.
Correspond. SYN. Match, tally, ANT. Pale, smoulder, darken, loom,
fit, answer, agree, suit, harmonize. lower, glimmer, gleam, glare, beam,
ANT. Vary, differ, disagree, jar, shimmer.
clash, Coruscation. [See CORUSCATE].
Correspondence. SYN.
Fitness, Cosmlcal. SYN. Universal, general.
agreement, adaptation, congruity. ANT. Local, topical, national, per x
answerableness, match, congeniality, sonal.
communication, letter, writing, des- Cost.u. SYN. Requlre.consume, absorb.
patches. ANT. Bring, produce, yield, afford,
ANT. Conversation, tolloquy, con-
fetch, return.
fabulation, reservation, withdrawal, Cost. n. SYN. Expenditure, outlay,
withholding, non-intercourse, differ-
disbursement, payment, compensa-
ence, repugnance.
tion, price, worth, expense, charge,
Correspondent, a. [SEE SUITABLE].
Corrigible. SYN. Amenable, docile, ANT. Receipt, income, emolument,
ANT. Intractable, return, profit, perquisite, revenue.
stubborn, incor-
rigible. Costly. SYN. Valuable, expensive,
Corroborate. SYN. Strengthen, con- high-priced, rich, precious, sumptu-
firm, fortify, support.
ANT. Weaken, invalidate, shake,
ANT. Valueless, cheap, low-priced,
confute, rebut, enfeeble. mean, worthless, beggarly, paltry.
Corrpboratioii. SYN. Confirmation, Costume. SYN. Uniform, livery,
fortification, strengthening. robes.
ANT. Counterevidence, contradic- ANT. Disguise, transformation, in-
tion, irvalidation, shaking.refutation. cognito.
Corrode. SYN. Eat, rust, gnaw, Cosy. SYN. Snug, comfortable, chatty
canker, wear, crumble. ANT. Bare, comfortless, cross.
ANT. Repair, renew, furbish, con- <
'otemporary. [See COETANEOUS].
solidate. Council. SYN. Cabinet, bureau,

Corrosion. See COBBODW and BUST].

[ chamber, consultation, conclave, par-
Corrosive. [See CORRODE]. liament, congress,synod, company,
Corrugate. SYN. Furrow, groove, assemby. meeting, conference, con-
rumple, crumple, wrinkle, ruffle, vention, convocation.
crease. ANT. League, conspiracy, cabal, in-
ANT. Plane, flatten, roll. trigue, mob, multitude, crowd.
Corrugation. [See COBBUGATE]. Counsel, n. SYN. Advice, instruction,
Corrupt, v. SYN. Spoil, deteriorate, monition, admonition, warning, rec-
impair, putrefy, vitiate, demoralize, ommendation.
debase, defile, contaminate, pollute, ANT. Misguidance, misinstructiou,
deprave. betrayal.
Connsel. v. SYN. Advise, instruct, Countervail. SYN. Counteract, o^.
warn, guide, admonish. pose, withstand.
ANT. Misguide, misinstruct, be- ANT. Aggravate, intensify.subserve.
tray. Countless, a. SYN. Innumerable,
Counselor* {See COUNSEL]. numberless, unnumbered.
Count. SYN. Compute, reckon, enu- ANT. Few, scant, sparse.
merate, estimate, number, sum, cal- Countryman. SYN. Rustic, clown,
culate. boor, compatriot, swain, yeoman, bus.
ANT. Hazard, conjecture, guess, bandman, farmer, agriculturist, la-

lump, confound. borer, peasant, fellow-countryman,

Countenance, v. SYN. Help, aid, fellow-subject, fellow-citizen, subject,
abet, favor, sanction, patronize, sup- citizen, inhabitant, native.
ANT. Oppidan, townsman, cockney,
port, encourage.
ANT. Oppose, confront, discourage, foreigner, alien, stranger.
discountenance, browbeat. Couple, v. Bracket, link, conjoin,
Countenance, n. SYN. Aid, abet, en- unite, splice, buckle, button, clasp,
pair, yoke, connect, tie, brace.
courage, support. ANT. Loose, part, isolate, separate,
ANT. Discountenance.
Counter. SYN. Opposed, detach, divorce, uncouple, unclasp,
contrary, untie.
ANT. According, coincident. Courage. SYN. Bravery, boldness,
valor, pluck, fortitude, resolution,
Counteract. SYN. Counterinfluence, gallantry, fearlessness, intrepidity.
counterfoil, foil, baffle, neutralize, op- ANT. Timidity, cowardice, pusilla-
pose, rival, thwart, hinder. nimity, poltroonery, dastardliness.
ANT. Aid, help, abet, promote, con-
serve, co-operate, subserve.
Course. SYN. Order, sequence, con-
SYN. Contradic- tinuity, direction, progress, line, way,
Countereyidence. mode, race, career, road, route, series,
tion, confliction.
ANT. Corroboration, confirmation. passage, succession, round, manner,
plan, conduct, method.
Counterfeit, v. SYN. Simulate, mis-
ANT. Disorder, discursion, solu-
represent, impersonate. tion, interruption, deviation, hin-
ANT. Expose, unmask, detect.
drance, error, conjecture, hazard,
Counterfeit, n. SYN. Cheat, trick, speculation, caprice.
juggle, fraud, artifice, fabrication, pre- Court, v. SYN. Woo, seek, affect,
tense, ruse, sham. flatter, pursue.
ANT. Exposure, detection, unmask- ANT. Repel, abjure, disaffect, in-
ing, unveiling, reality, verity, fact, sult, avoid, hnn, repudiate.
truth. Courteous. [See POLITE].
Counterfeit, a. [See FALSE]. Courtesy. SYN. Politeness, urban-
Counterfoil. [See BAFFLE]. graciousness.
ity, civility, affability,
Countermand. [See COMMAND]. ANT.
Churlishness, rudeness, arro-
Counterpart. SYN. Match, fellow, gance, ungraciousness, incivility.
tally, brother, twin, copy. Courtly. SYN. Dignified, polished,
ANT. Correlative, complement, sup- refined, aristocratic, high-bred, man-
plement, opponent, counter-agent,re- nerly.
verse, obverse, opposite, antithesis, ANT. Undignified, rough, unpolish-
contrast, contradiction. ed, coarse, unrefined, plebeian, awk-
Counterpoise, v. SYN. Balance, ward, boorish, rustic, unmannerly.
equalize. Covenant, n. SYN. Agreement,
ANT. Over-balance, aggravate. bond, stipulation, compact, contract,
Counterpoise, n. SYN. Makeweight, league, bargain.
equilibrium. ANT. Promise, intimation, assur-
ANT. Preponderance. ance, parole, understanding.
Counterpressure. SYN. Resistance, Cover, v. SYN. Hide, conceal, cloak,
etubborness, renitency. screen, secrete, protect, meet, secure,
ANT. Yielding, giving, resilience. overspread, clothe, shield, shelter.
cov 72 CKB
ANT. Expose, reveal, betray, ex- deranged, creaky, touched, cranky,
hibit,produce, mis-suffice. chiuky.
Covert, a. [See COVEB and SECRET]. ANT. Sound, sensible,clear-headed,
Coverture. SYS. Marriage, matri- shrewd, strong-minded, sane.
Craft. STN. Art. artifice, cunning,
mony, wedlock.
ANT. Celibacy, virginity. guile, stratagem, maneuvre, wiliness,
trickery, duplicity, chicanery, in-
Covet. STN. Long for, wish for, trigue, underhandedness, dodge.
yearn for, hanker after, desire. ANT. Openness, fairness, candor,
ANT. Despise, dislike, undervalue,
honesty, frankness, sincerity, artless-
ness, ingenuousness, str aightf or ward-
Covetous. STN. Acquisitive, avari- ness.
cious, greedy, grasping, rapacious. Crafty. [See CKAFT and SL.T].
ANT. Unselfish, liberal, self-sacri- Cram. STN. Stuff, choke, squeeze,
ficing, profuse, bountiful, charitable. ram, pack, gorge.
Covetousness. [See COVETOUS and ANT. Disgorge, vent, discharge,
AVABICE]. unload, unpack, eviscerate, empty,
Cow. STN.
v. Frighten, abash, in- eliminate.
timidate, oppress, browbent. Cramp, t'. STN. Bind, narrow, re-
ANT. Countenance, rally, encour- strict, confine, clog, hamper, fetter,
age, inspirit. cripple.
Coward. STN. Craven, dastard, re- ANT. Free, liberate, loose, relieve.
creant, poltroon, renegade. extricate,enlarge, widen, expand,ease,
ANT. Champion, hero, daredevil, unfetter.
desperado. Cranky. STN. Crotchety, queer.
Cowardly. [See TIMID]. [See CRACKED].
Cower. STN. Shrink, stoop, crouch. Crapulence. STN. Surfeit, head-
ANT. Rise, stand, dare, face, con- ache, dissipation, debauchery, excess,
front. muddiness.
Coxcomb. STN. Fop, dandy, puppy, ANT. Temperance, sobriety, clear-
prig, pedant. ness, freshness.
ANT. Genius, savant, authority, Crash, n. STN. Jar, clang, clash, res-
celebrity, philosopher, sage. onance.
Coxcombical. STN. Vain, affect- ANT. Murmur, whisper, babble,
ed, conceited, dandified, p dantic, rumbling, reverberation, din.
priggish. Crassitude. STN. Density, thick-
ANT. Unaffected.unconceited, sensi- ness, corpulence, obesity, burliness,
ble. brawniness, animalism, pinguitude,
Coy. STN. Shy, reserved, bashful, lumpish uess, besottedness.
shrinking, retreating, modest. ANT. Tenuity, spareness, slight-
ANT. Bold, forward, rompish, hoy- ness, agility, activity, spirituality, in-
denish. tellectuality.
Cozen. STN. Circumvent, wheedle, Crave. STN. Intreat, implore, beg,
swindle, gull, cheat, dupe, overreach, ask, beseech, supplicate, cry.
coax, seduce, deceive. ANT. Demand, insist, require,
ANT. Enlighten, undeceive, dis- seize.
abuse. Craven. [See COWARD].
Crabbed. STN. Sour, morose, cross- Crazy. STN. Idiotic, broken-down,
grained, petulant, churlish, irritable, mad, crazed, crack-brained, lunatic,
crusty. demented, daft, insane, aberrant.
ANT. Pleasant, open, easy, genial, ANT. Sound, robust, vigorous, un-
conversable, warm, cordial, hear^. impaired.
Crack, t. STN. Split, break, splinter, Cream. STN. Marrow. pitb,gist,acme.
chip, snap. ANT. Refuse, offal, dregs, dross,
ANT. Mend, repair, unite, piece, garbage.
Bplice. Crease. [See CORRUGATE].
Cracked. STN. Crazy, flighty, queer, Create. STN. Form, produce, make,
compose, constitute, beget, engender, ANT. Lawful, virtuous, right, jurt
generate, fashion, originate, educe, innocent, moral, meritorious, credit-
invent, imagine, cause. able, honorable, praiseworthy, laud-
ANT. Annihilate, destroy, demolish. able.
Creature. SYN. Being, animal, thing, Criminality. [See CRIMINAL and
body, brute. GUILT].
ANT. Chimera, ghost, bugbear. Criminate. SYN. Charge, implicate,
Credence. SYN. Belief, faith, trust, accuse, impeach, arraign.
credit, confidence. ANT. Acquit, extricate, absolve.
ANT. Disbelief, distrust, denial. Crimp, v. [See CORRUGATE].
Credential, or Credentials. Crimp, a. SYN. Brittle, friable, crisp.
SYN. diploma, title, testa-
Missive, ANT. Tough, stubborn, viscous,
ment, seal, warrant, letter, vouchers, pasty, lentous.
certificates, testimonials. Crlmple. [See CRUMPLE].
ANT. Self-license, Belt-constitution, Cringe. SYN. Crouch, bend, bow,
self-appointment, autocracy. fawn, grabble, grub.
Credible. SYN. Probable, likely, ANT. Face, confront, defy, dare.
trustworthy. Crinkle. [See CBIMPLE].
ANT. Improbable, incredible, un- Cripple. SYN. Weaken, impair, cur-
likely,untrustworthy, tail, cramp, disable.
Credit, n. SYN. Belief, trustworthi- ANT. Strengthen, renovate, aug-
ness, reputation, security, honor, ment, liberate, free, ease, enlarge, ex-
praise, merit, confidence, faith. pedite.
ANT. Disbelief, distrust, untrust- Criterion. SYN. Test, touchstone,
worthiness, shame, insecurity, dis- proof, standard, measure.
grace, censure. ANT. Eye, glance, intention, con-
Creditor. SYN. Claimant, lender, jecture, scan.
mortgagee. Critic. SYN. Judge, censor, arbiter,
ANT. Debtor, borrower, mortgagor. savant.
Credulity. SYN. Gullibility, eimplic- ANT. Author, writer, performer, ar-
ANT. Incredulity scepticism, suspi-
Critical. SYN. Nice, delicate, axact,
ciousness, shrewdness. fastidious, discriminating.censorious,
Creed. SYN. Belief, catechism, articles, accurate, dubious, precarious. ticklish,
confession, subscription. crucial, important, momentous, haz-
ANT. Protest, abjuration, recanta- ardous.
tion, retractation, disbelief, non- ANT. Inexact, popular, loose, easy,
subscription. undiscriminating, safe, determined,
Crest. SYN. Top, summit, apex, bead, decided, settled, retrieved, redressed.
crown. Criticise. SYN. Examine, scan, per-
ANT. Base, foot, bottom, sole. pend, analyze, discuss, anatomize, ani-
Crestfallen. SYN. Castdown, humil- madvert.
iated, abashed. ANT. Slur, survey, overlook, skim.
ANT. Inspirited, elated, confident. Criticism. SYN. Stricture, censure,
Crew. SYN. Complement, company, animadversion.
gang, herd, set, miscellany, horde, ANT. Approval, praise. [See
swarm, band. APPROBATION].
ANT. Supercargo, bevy, galaxy, con- Croak. SYN. Complain, murmur,
stellation, picking, cream, elite. grumble.
Crime. SYN. Offense, misdeed, wrong, ANT. Crow, whistle, sing, chirp
misdemeanor, felony, enormity. chuckle, cackle, rejoice.
ANT. Good deed, well-doing, duty, Crone. SYN. Hag, witch, beldame.
obligation, exploit, achievement. ANT. Lass, damsel, maiden, belle.
Criminal. SYN. Illegal, felonious, Crony. SYN. Ally, chum, mate.
vicious, culpable, wrong, iniqu'tous, ANT. Foe, rival, back-frierd.
sinful, immoral, guilty, nefarious, Crooked. SYN. Bent, incurved, angu-
flagitious. lar, deformed, bowed, disfigured,
CEO 74 cuar
turned, curved, awry, anfractuous, Cruel. SYN. Savage, barbarous, piti.
tortuous, underhanded. less, inexorable, unrelenting, ruthless,
ANT. Straight, linear, direct, hon- truculent, hard-hearted, harsh, un-
est, straightforward. merciful, brutal, inhuman, maleficent,
Crop. v. SYN. Mew, reap, reduce, malignant.
shave, shorten, curtail. ANT. Humane, forbearing,generous,
ANT. Elongate, grow, foster, raise, merciful, forgiving, benevolent,benef-
trail, train. icent.
Crop. n. SYN. Reaping, harvest, in- Crumble. SYN. Disintegrate, pulver-
gathering. ize, triturate.
ANT. Produce, yield, abundance, ANT. Consolidate,conglutinate,bond,
growth, fruit. amalgamate.
Cross. SYN. Ill-tempered, fretful, ill- Crumple. [See CBINKLE and CORRU-
humored, crusty, peevish, pettish, GATED
snarling, snappish, spleeny, splenetic, Crusli. v. SYN. Pulverize, triturate,
petulant, fractious. pound, bray, crumble, overpower, de-
ANT. Amiable, good-tempered, good- molish.
humored, blithesome, genial. ANT. Consolidate, compact, cake,
Cross-grained. SYN. Perverse, way- solidify, compress, amalgamate, up-
ward, peevish, morose, cantankerous, raise, stabilitate, aggrandize.
ill-conditioned. Crusty. [See CROSS].
ANT. Genial, pleasant, agreeable, Cudgel, v. SYN. Pound, bruise.buffet,
jolly, obliging, accommodating. batter.
Crotchety. [See CAPRICIOUS]. ANT. Stroke, pat, clap, tickle.
Crouch. [See CRINGE and COWER], Cuff. v. SYN. Slap, box, smack,
Crow. v. To make a noise like a cock. punch, pummel, hustle, buffet.
Used metaphorically. ANT. Cudgel, flagellate, thrash,
SYN. Exult, rejoice, cackle, chuckle, cane, strap, lash, whip.
boast. Cull. SYN. Bunch, gather, pick, col-
ANT. Whine, howl, grumble, croak, lect.
cry, whimper. ANT. Scatter, drop, throw, dissemi-
Crowd. SYN. Throng, mob, swarm, nate.
pack, herd. Culmination. SYN. Consumma-
ANT. Cream, elite, bevy, galaxy, tion, zenith, acme, meridian, apex,
constellation, cabinet. success, completion.
Crown, n. SYN. Top, crest, summit, ANT. Fall, descent, decline, failure,
head, brow, apex. downfall, degradation, defeat, abor-
ANT. Basement, base, bottom, floor, tion.
pavement, pedestal, foundation, foot, Culpability. [See CULPABLE and
sole. GUILT].
Crown. . SYN. Complete, consum- Culpable. SYN.
Blamable, blame-
mate, seal, conclude. worthy, censurable, guilty.
ANT. Mar, spoil, frustrate. ANT. Blameless, innocent, excus-
Crucial. SYN. Searching, probing, able, laudable, praisworthy.
severe, discriminating, sharp, critical, Culprit. SYN. Offender, criminal,
piercing. delinquent, malefactor.
ANT. Superficial, indifferent, mild, ANT. Example, pattern, model,
uncritical, lenient, lax. hero, saint.
Crude. SYN. Raw, undigested, nn- Cultivate. SYN. Promote, foster,
considered, half-studied, harsh, un- study, improve, fertilize, till, advance,
ehaped, unchastened, unfinished, un- refine, improve, civilize, nourish,
refined, ill-prepared. cherish.
ANT. Well-prepared, well-digested, ANT. Neglect, desert, abandon,
well-considered, well-studied, ripe, stifle, prevent, discourage, abolish,
well-adapted, well-proportioned, well- blight, blast, paralyze, eradicate, ex-
expressed, classical, finished, refined, tirpate, uproot.
artistic, elaborate, highly-wrought. Cumber. SYN. Clog, impede, op*
j>ress, load, incommode, obstruct. ecration, imprecation, denunciation,
ANT. Liberate, expedite, alleviate, anathema, bane, blight.
extricate, lighten, relieve, support, ANT. Blessing, benediction, joy,
free, rid. crown, glory.
Cunning. [See CRAFT], Curse, v. SYN. Execrate.
Cupidity, n. SYN. Avarice, ac- ANT. Bless.
Cursory. SYN. Rapid, hasty.desultory,
quisitiveness, covetousness, stingi-
ness. careless, superficial, slight, summary.
ANT. ANT. Searching, minute, elaborate,
Prodigality, extravagance,
liberality. profound.
Curb. v. SYN. Restrain, cohibit, Curtail. [SEE ABBREVIATE].
hold, repress, check, moderate. Curve, v. SYN. Incurve, bend, infiex,
ANT. Indulge, liberate, release, falcate, arcuate.
emancipate, loose, urge, free, incite, ANT. Straighten, unbend, rectil-
instigate, impel. ineate.
Curdle. SYN. Coagulate, condense, Curve, n. SYN. Incurvation, flexion,
thicken. deflexion.
ANT. Colliquify, diffuse, circulate. ANT Rigidity, inelasticity, inflexi-
Cure. n. SYN. Kemedy, alleviation, bility, rectilinearity.
restorative, heal-all, amelioration, re- Custody. SYN. Keeping, guardian-
instatement, restoration, renovation, ship, conservation, care.
convalescence. ANT. Neglect, betrayal, exposure,
ANT. Aggravation, confirmation, abandonine.U, desertion, liberation,
complaint, disease, ailment, inocula- jeopardy, discharge.
tion, contagion, corruption. Custom. SYN. Manner, habit, use,
Cure. v. [See HEAL]. usage, fashion, practice, prescription.
Curiosity. SYN. Inquisitiveness, ANT. Law, regulation, dictate, com-
interest, wonder, marvel, interroga- mand, rule, disuse, non-observance,
tiveness, rarity, phenomenon, celeb- desuetude.
rity, oddity, lion. Cut. 11. SYN. Sever,elice,sunder, cleave,

ANT. Indifference, heedlessness, shear, carve, chop, gash, avoid, elude.

disregard, abstraction, absence, weed, ANT. Unite, splice, accost, approach,
drug, dirt, cipher, bagatelle, song. court, address, salute.
Curious. SYN. Inquiring, inquisi- Cutting. SYN. Sharp, biting, mordant,
tive, scrutinizing, prying, meddling, trenchant, piercing, bitter, sarcastic,
singular, searching, interrogative, provoking, stinging, sardonic, exas-
peeping, peering, rare, unique, odd, perating, satirical, severe, disappoint-
recondite. ing, cruel.
ANT. Indifferent, uninquiring, in- ANT. Mild, conciliatory (Compliment-
curious, uninterested, trite, common, ary, soothing, flattering, indulgent,
superficial. consoling, gratifying.
Curmudgeon. SYN. Miscreant, Cynical. SYN. Sarcastic, snarling,
wretch, rascal, churl, ill-conditioned snappish, sneering, cross-grained, cur-
rish, carping,
ANT. Trump, good fellow, brick. ANT. Genial, lenient, complaisant,
Currency. SYN. Circulation, vogue, urbane.
publicity, prevalence.
Suppression, repression, re-
call, stagnation, rejection, disbelief, I> A BBLE.SYN. Meddle, mix, trifle,
withdrawal. skim.
Current. SYN. Running, prevalent, ANT. Study, elaborate, investigate,
ordinary, present, popular, general, delve, dig, fathom, gauge.
floating, exoteric, vulgar. Daft. SYN. Silly, innocent, idiotic,
ANT. Rejected, obsolete, exploded, lunatic, light-headed, cracked.
confined, private, secret, esoteric. ANT. Sane, sound, sensible, prac-
Curse, n. SYN. Malediction, ex- tical, rational, shrewd, deft.
mealy-mouthed, delicious, toothsome, vert, detrude, drive, rush, s^nd, fly,
delicate, fastidious. speed, dart, scatter, strike, cour Be.
Daiiity. SYN. Choice, rare, refined, ANT. Raise, reinstate, erect, creep,
tasty, exquisite, luxurious, epicurean, crawl, lag, hobble.
ANT. Common, coarse, unrelishing, Dashing. SYN. Adventurous, showy,
nasty, dirty, omnivorous, greedy, brave.
gluttonous. ANT. Shrinking, dowdy, timid.
Dally. SYN. Trifle, play,wanton,sport, Dastard. fSeeCowAKDj.
fondle, delay, procrastinate, dawdle. Data. SYN. Facts, grounds, basis,
ANT. Toil, labor, work, study, fag, axioms, postulates.
stir, bustle, hasten. ANT. Conjecture, assumption, prob-
Damage. SYN. Injury, hurt. loss,mis- lem, proposition, inference, deduc-
chief, detriment, impairment. tion.
ANT. Compensation, recovery, rein- Date. [See TIME].
statement, advantage, benefit, repara- Daub. [See BEDAUB].
tion, blessing.
Damnable. [SEE EXECRABLE). Daunt. SYN. Terrify, scare, frighten,
Damp. SYN. Coo), blunt, dishearten, cow, dishearten, appall, intimidate,
quench, slack, moderate, humid, wet,
moist, discourage, discountenance, ANT. Countenance, encourage,rally,
repress. inspirit.
ANT. Urge, inflame, incite, fan, ex- Dauntless. SYN. Yaliant, gallant,
cite. fearless, lion-hearted, intrepid.
Danger. SYN. hazard, risk,
Peril, ANT. Cautious, cowardly, timid.
jeopardy, insecurity, venture. Dawdle. SYN. Lag, dally, idle.
ANT. Security, custody, defense, ANT. Haste, speed, dash, rush, work,
safety, premunition, precaution. fag.
Dapper. SYN. Spruce, neat, natty,
Daw SYN. Gleam, begin, appear,
open, break.
ANT. Slovenly, awkward, unwieldy, ANT. Wane,set, sink, close, depart.
untidy. Dazzle SYN. Daze, bewilder, con-
Dare. SYN. Venture, face, brave, haz- fuse.
ard, risk, defy, challenge. ANT. Enlighten, illumine.
ANT. Shrink, shun, dread, cower.
Daring. SYN. Adventurous, dashing, Dead. SYN. Defunct, deceased, de-
bold, courageous.venturesome, daunt- parted, gone, inanimate, lifeless, in-
less, foolhardy, fearless, brave, intre-
sensible, heavy, unconscious, dullj
pid, valorous. spiritless, cheerless, deserted, torpid,
ANT. Cautious, timid,inadventurous.
ANT. Vital, living, animate, viva-
Dark. SYN. Black, dusky, sable,
cious, susceptible, alive, joyous, stir-
swarthy, opaque, obscure, enigmatical,
ring, thronged, bustling.
recondite, abstruse, unintelligible,
blind, ignorant, besotted, benighted,
Deaden. SYN. Benumb, paralyze,
dim, shadowy, inexplicable, secret, blunt, damp, subdue.
ANT. Sharpen, quicken, enliven.
mysterious, hidden, murky, nebulous,
cheerless, dismal, dim,gloomy,8ombre. Deadly. SYN. Mortal, fatal, malig-
joyless, mournful, sorrowful. nant, baleful, pernicious, noxious,
ANT. White, fair, light, radiant, venomous, destructive, baneful, im-
bright, lucid, crystalline, transparent, placable.
brilliant, plain, intelligible, enlight- ANT. Vital, life-giving, healthful,
ened, glaring, dazzling, illumined, wholesome, nutritious.
festive, luminous. Deadneas. SYN- Torpor, flatness,
Darling. SYN. Pet, love, sweet, faintness, heaviness.
pretty, dear, favorite, delight. ANT. Quickness, vitality, life, vivac-
ANT. Antipathy, abomination, hor- ity-
ror. Deaf. SYN. Surd, hard of hearing,
Dash. SYN. Burl, cast, throw, sub- disinclined, averse, inexorable, in-
sensible, rumbling, inaudible, heed- Debauch, Debauchery, n. SYS.
less, dead. Riot, revel,excess, orgies, gluttony.
ANT. Acute, listening, disposed, in- ANT. Meal, moderation, frugality,
terested, attentive, willing, suscepti- asceticism, abstinence, fast, macera-
ble, sensible, alive. tion.
Deal. SYN. Bargain, chaffer, trade, Debauch, v. SYN. Seduce, corrupt,
dispense, market, communicate, nego- ravish, violate, pollute, defile, vitiate.
tiate, traffic. ANT. Purify, enlighten, ameliorate,
ANT. Hold, close, stop, fail. elevate, make better.
Dealing. SYN. Intercourse, commu- Debility. SYN. Weakness, feebleness,
nication, trade, traffic, negotiation, frailty, infirmity, incapacity, imbecil-
commerce, practice. ity,enervation, lassitude, languor.
ANT. Lack, failure, closing, bank- ANT. Strength, vigor, robustness,
ruptcy, stagnation, withdrawal, non- energy, tone, nerve, muscularity.
communication. Debt. SYN Debit, liability,default, ob-
Dear. SYN. High-priced, costly, ex- ligation, claim, score, something due.
pensive, beloved, precious, loved. ANT. Liquidation, assets, credit,
ANT. Cheap, inexpensive, misliked, trust, grace, favor, obligation, accom-
vile. modation, gift, gratuity.
Dearth. [See ABUNDANCE"]. Debtor. [See CREDITOR].
Death. SY>'. Departure, demise, de- Decadence. [See DECAY].
cease, dissolution, mortality, fall, Decamp. SYN. Start, fly, bolt, ab-
failure, termination, cessation, expira- scond.
tion, release, exit. ANT. Appear, answer, show.
.ANT. Birth, rise, life, growth, vigor, Decay, v. SYN. Decline, wane, sink,
animation, spirit, activity, operation, dwindle, rot, wither, perish, waste,
action, commencement, vitality, au- ebb, decrease.
spices, inauguration. ANT. Rise, grow, increase, flourish,
Deathless. SYN. Undying, immortal, luxuriate, vegetate, expand, enlarge.
unfading, everlasting. Decay, n. SYN. Declension, waning,
ANT. Mortal, ephemeral, fragile, sinking, wasting,decrease, corruption,
fugitive, momentary, transient, fleet- decadence, putrefaction, rottenness,
Ing. dry rot, consumption, decline.
Debar. SYN.Exclude, stop, thwart, ANT. Rise, growth, birth, increase,
obstruct, hinder, prevent, deter, de- fertility,exuberance. luxuriance, pros-
prive, disqualify, deny, prohibit, pre- perity.
clude. Decayed. SYN. Rotten, corrupt, un-
ANT. Inclose, embrace, admit, per- sound, decomposed, declined, faded,
mit, aid, allow, indulge, qualify, en- unprosperous, impoverished,
title. wasted away.
Debase. SYN. Degrade, lower, de- ANT. Sound, wholesome, healthful,
press, deprave, deteriorate, corrupt, fresh, prosperous, flourishing, wealthy
alloy, impair, disgrace, humble. Decease. [SEE DEATH].
ANT. Raise, enhance, exalt, honor, Deceit. SYN. Cheat, imposition, trick,
promote, ameliorate, purify, improve. fraud, deception, double dealing, de-
Debased. [See DEBASE]. lusion, circumvention.g-uile, be;*uile-
Debate. SYN. Contend, dispute, argue, nuMit treachery, sham, insidiousness,

moot, controvert, contest, wrangle, indirection, duplicity, cunning, arti-

discuss, deliberate,question, ventilate. fice.
ANT. Yield, concede, surrender, ad- ANT. Enlightenment, instruction,
mit, allow. guidance, reality, verily, fair dealing,
Debatable. SYN. Dubious, doubtful, honesty, openness.
inestimable, uncertain, problematical, Deceitful. SYN. Deceptive, delusive,
floating, unsettled, disputable. fraudulent, fallacious.
ANT. Certain, sure, unquestionable, ANT. Open, fair, honest, truthful,
Indisputable, self-evident, incontest- veracious.
Deceive. SYN. Trick, cheat, beguile,
delude, gull, dupe, take in, over reaoh, ANT. Bise, improvement, advance-
mislead, betray, eusnare, entrap, cir- ment, culmination.
cumvent. Decline. [See DECLENSION and Ao.
ANT. Enlighten, advise, illumine, CEPT].
guide, disabuse, undeceive, deliver. Declivity. SYN. Descent, fall, slope,
Decency. SYN. Modesty, propriety, incline, devexity.
Ascent, rise, verticality.
Deceiver. [SEE DECEIVE]. Decoction. SYN. Concoction, dish,
Decent. [SEE BECOMING]. compound, plate, platter, mess, ex-
Deception. [SEE DECEIT]. ANT. Crudity, infusion, rawness,
Deride. SYN. Determine, fix, settle,
adjudicate, terminate, resolve. greenness, maceration.
ANT. Waver, raise, moot, drop, Decompose. SYN. Analyze, segre-
doubt, waive, suspend, misjudge, mis- gate, individualize, resolve, dissolve.
determine. ANT. Compound, concoct, mix, or-
Decided. SYN. Determined, ruled, ganize, compose.
resolute, firm, unwavering. Decomposition. [See DECOMPOSE].
ANT. Undecided, unsettled, irreso- Decorate. [See ADORN].
lute, vacillating. Decorum. SYN. Seemliness, pro-
Deciduous. [See EPHEMERAL]. priety, dignity, order, decency, good
SYN. Bead, spell, inter- manners, good behavior, modesty.
Decipher. ANT. Unseemliness, impropriety,
pret, solve, unravel, explain, unfold.
ANT. Cipher, symbolize, impuzzle. disturbance, disorder.
mystify, enigmatize. Decoy. SYN. Allure, entice, ensnare,
entrap, seduce, mislead, inveigle,
Decision. SYN. Determination, con- lure, tempt.
clusion, sentence, judgment, resolu- ANT. Guide, instruct, warn, con-
tion, firmness. duct, disabuse, extricate.
ANT. Irresoluteness, vagueness,
indecision, uncertainty, unsettlement.
Decrease, v. SYN. Diminish, les-
sen, subside, abate, lower, decline,
Decisive. [SEE CONCLUSIVE]. retrench, curtail, reduce, wane.
Deck. [SEE ADORN.] ANT. Increase, grow, amplify, ex-
Declaim, SYN. Harangue, recite, pand, augment, extend, enlarge.
apostrophize, speak, debate, inveigh. Decree. SYN. Decision, determi-
ANT. Bead, study, compose, elabor-
nation, mandate, law,edict. manifesto,
rule, verdict, order, judgment, ordi-
Declamation. SYN. Oratory, elo- nance, proclamation.
cution, harangue, effusion, debate. ANT. Cue, hint, suggestion, intima-
ANT. Stammering, titubancy, hesi- tion, request.
tation, tardiloquence. Decrement. [See AUGMENTATION].
Declamatory. SYN. Loud, noisy,
Decrepit. SYN. Infirm, weak, crip-
incoherent, discursive, loose, inconse- pled, superannuated, effete, broken
cutive, grandiloquent,rbetorical,high- down, enfeebled, tottering, aged.
Bounding. ANT. Strong, robust, agile, youth-
ANT. Close, connected, logical, stud- ful, active.
ied, exact, quiet, consecutive. Decrepitude. [See DECREPIT].
Declaration. SYN. Avowal, exhibi- Decry. SYN. Depreciate, traduce,
tion, manifestation, statement, ordi- vituperate, disparage, defame, vilify,
nance, assertion, affirmation, profes- derogate, detract, censure, abase, de-
sion. nounce.
ANT. Denial, concealment, suppres- ANT. Extol, laud, praise, eulogize,
sion. panegyrize.
Declare. f see ANNOUNCE]. Dedicate. SYN. Devote, consecrate,
Declension. SYN. Decay, deca- offer, set, apportion, assign, apply,
dence, degeneration, deterioration, separate, hallow, set apart.
fall. ANT. Alienate, misapply, dese.
crate, misappropriate, misconvert, ANT. Victory, triumph, success.
misuse. Defeat, v. SYN. Conquer, overcome,
Deduce. SYN. Draw, Infer, con- worst, beat, baffle, rout, overthrow,
clude, gather. vanquish, frustrate, foil.
ANT. State, premise, hazard, con- ANT. Secure, promote,lnsure,speed,
jecture, guess, induce, anticipate, fore- advance, establish, aid.
see, predict, induct. Defect. SYN. Shortcoming, omission,
Dednclble. [See DEDUCE]. fault, imperfection, flaw, blemish,
Deduct. SYN. Subtract, bate, re- want.
move. ANT. Supply, sufficiency, emenda-
ANT. Add, annex, subjoin. tion,compensation, virtue, ornament,
Deduction. SYN. Conclusion, in- complement.
ference, abatement. Defection. SYN. Failure, dereliction,
ANT. [See CONCLUSION]. abandonment, rellnquishment, deser-
Deed. SYN. Act, action, commis- tion.
sion, achievement, perpetration, in- ANT. Substitution, supply, super-
strument, document, muniment, ex- abundance, adherence.
ploit, feat. Defective. SYN. Faulty, imperfect,
ANT. Omission, failure, abortion, insufficient, deficient, wanting, short.
false-witness, innocence, cancelling, ANT. Correct, complete, sufficient,
disproof, invalidation, retractation, im- full, ample, abundant, satisfactory.
possibility, non-performance, recall, Defense. SYN. Resistance, protec-
reversion, undoing. tion, vindication, plea, justification,
Deem. SYN.
Judge, estimate, con- excuse, rampart, bulwark, apology,
sider, believe, think, suppose, con- shelter, guard.
ceive. ANT. Abandonment, surrender, be-
ANT. Misjudge, misestimate, mis- trayal, exposure.
consider. Defenseless. SYN. Unsheltered, ex-
Deep. SYN. Profound, subterranean, posed, unguarded, unprotected, un-
submerged, designing, abstruse,recon- armed.
dite, learned, low. sagacious, penetra- ANT. Sheltered, guarded, fortified,
ting, thick, obscure, mysterious, oc- defended, protected, armed.
cult. Intense, heartfelt. Defendant. SYN. Accused, prisoner.
ANT. Shallow, superficial, artless, ANT. Prosecutor, accuser, plaintiff.
undesigning, familiar, commonplace. Defensible. SYN. Vindicable, justifi-
Deeply [SEE DEEP].
able, tenable.
Deface. SYN. Mar, spoil, injure, dis- ANT. Unjustifiable, untenable, un-
figure, deform, damage, mutilate, des- warrantable, indefensible.
troy. Defer. SYN. Delay, postpone, waive,
ANT. Decorate, adorn, embellish. adjourn, prorogue, put off, retard,
Defalcation. SYN. Failure, non-pay- procrastinate, protract, hinder, pro-
ment, arrears, deficit. long.
ANT. Payment, acquittal, balance, ANT. Expedite, hasten, quicken,
satisfaction, assets. press, urge, hurry, overdrive, de-
Defame. [SEE DECRY]. spatch.
Detainer. [SEE DEFAME]. Deference. SYN. Respect, considera-
Default. SYN. Lapse, forfeit, omis- tion, condescension, contention, re-
sion, defect, delinquency, absence, gard, honor, veneration, submission,
want, failure. reverence, obedience, homage, allegi-
ANT. Maintenance, appearance, plea, ance.
satisfaction, forthcoming, supply, pres- ANT. Disrespect, contumely, contu-
ence. macy, disregard, slight, impudence,
Defaulter. SYN. Debtor, insolvent, disobedience, non-allegiance, defi-
bankrupt. ance, attention.
ANT. Defrayer, liquidator. Defiance. [SEE DEFERENCE].
Defeat, n. SYN. Frustration, over- Deficiency. SYN. Want,inperfecti,
throw, discomfiture. lack, short-coming.
ANT. Fullness, abundance. ANT. Disgorgenieiit, vomit.
Deficient. [SEE DEFECTIVE]. Degradation. [See DEBASE].
Defile. [See CONTAMINATE]. Degrade. [See DEBASE].
Define. SYN. Mark out, limit, desig- Degree. SYN. Grade, rank, stage,
nate, specify, eliminate, elucidate, ex- step, extent, measure, mark, rate,
plain, fix, settle, determine,
bound. position, quality, class, station, range,
ANT. Confound, confuse, obscure, quantity, amount, limit, order.
mystify, misstate, misconceive, mis- ANT Space, mass, magnitude, size,
construe, misdeflne. numbers.
Definite. SYN. Clear, specified, de- Doliortatlon. [See DISSUADE].
termined, definitive, restricted, spe- Deign. [See CONDESCEND].
cific, certain, ascertained, precise, Dejected. SYN. Dispirited, gloomy,
exact, fixed, limited, bounded, posi- melancholy, desponding, depressed,
tive. downcast, low-spirited.
ANT. Vague, unspecified, undeter- ANT. Elated, inspirited, blithe, gay,
mined, indefinite, obscure, confused, cheerful.
intermingled, Dejection. [See DEJECTED].
Definition. SYN. Determination, Delay, v. [See DEFER].
limitation, specification, restriction. Delectable. SYN. Pleasant, amiable,
ANT, Confusion, vagueness, accepta- agreeable, enjoyable.
tion, description, explanation, ANT. Unpleasant, unamiable, dis-
ception, misstatement. agreeably un enjoyable.
Deflect. SYN. Turn, deviate, diverge, Delegate. SYN. Appoint, depute,
swerve, divert, rocurve. commission.
ANT. Continue, proceed, straighten, ANT. Recall, supersede, relegate,
unbend, prolong, produce. discommission.
Deflection. SYN. Deviation, diver- Deleterious. SYN. Destructive, nox-
gence, alienation, swerving, incurva- ious, injurious, poisonous, pernicious.
tion, curvity, falcation. ANT. Wholesome, nutritious, escu-
ANT. Straightness, directness, rec- lent, conservative, beneficial.
tilinearity, inflexibility, prolongation, Deliberate, v. SYN. Consider, medi-
prosecution, undeviatingness. tate, consult, weigh, reflect, ponder,
Deforni. [See ADORN]. debate, perpend.
Deformity. SYN. Ugliness, disfigure- ANT. Shelve, burke, discard, hazard,
ment, hideousness, abnormity, mon- chance, risk.
strosity. Deliberate, a. SYN. Grave, pur-
ANT. Grace, beauty, decoration, posed, intentional, designed, deter-
ornament. mined, resolute, earnest, unbiased,
Defraud. [See CHEAT]. unprejudiced.
Defray. SYN. Meet, liquidate, pay, ANT. Playful, jocose, facetious, ir-
settle, bear, discharge, quit. resolute, unresolved, undetermined,
ANT. Dishonor, repudiate.dissatisfy, dubious, compulsory, suggested, dic-
misappropriate, embezzle. tated, instigated, biased, prejudiced.
Defrayment. SYN. Payment, quit-
Deliberation. [See DELIBERATE
tance, liquidation, compensation, dis- and COOL].
ANT. Non-payment, failure, insolv-
Deliberately. [See DELIBERATE].
ency,appropriation,misappropriation, Delicacy. SYN. Nicety, dainty, mor.
embezzlement, repudiation. sel, refinement, tact, softness, luxury,
Defy. SYN. Scorn, challenge, provoke, modesty, scruple, sensitiveness, fra-
despite, brave. [See DABE]. gility.
ANT. Coarseness, rudeness.rawness,
Degenerate. SYN. Deteriorate- de-
cline, grow worse, retrograde. mughness,indelicacy,commons,neces-
ANT. Recover, improve, Jiend, ad- saries, fare, physic, vigor, robustness.
vance. Delicate. [See DELICACY and COARSE].
f)o<rliitition. SYN. Swallowing, gorg- Delicious. SYN. Exquisite, luxurious,
ing, gluttony, absorption. delightful, dainty, choice.
ANT. Coarse, common, unsavory, un- Demesne. [See DOMAIN].
palatable, nauseous, loathsome. Demise, t [See BEQUEATH],

Delight. SYN. Enjoyment, pleasure, Demise, n. [See DEATH].

happiness, transport, ecstasy, joy, Democratic. SYN. Popular, level,
gratification, gladness, rapture, bliss. ing, radical, subversive, unlicensed,
ANT. Pain, suffering, sorrow, unarc.iica.. destructive, republican.
trouble, misery, displeasure, dissatis- ANT. Kegul. imperial, aristocratic,
faction, disappointment, discomfort, oligarchical, constitutional, conserva-
dejection, depression, distress, melan- tive,tyrannical, despotic, autocratic.
choly, discontent. Demolish. [See DESTROY].
Delightful. [See DELIGHT]. Demoniacal. SYN. Fiendish, hell.
Delineate. SYN. Describe, figure, Ish, diabolical.
sketch, portray, depict, draw, repre- ANT. Angelical, seraphic, heave-'ly.
sent, paint. Demonstrate. SYN. Prove, s-how,
ANT. Misrepresent.caricature, exag- exhibit, manifest, evince, illustn'o.
gerate, misportray. A r. Di sprove, conceal, misdemoi -
Delinquency. SYN. Crime, offense, strate, misexeniplify.
guilt, culpability, criminality. Demoralize. [See DISHEARTEN].
ANT. Innocence, blamelesscess. Demulcent. SYN. Soothing, soft-
Delinquent. SYN. Criminal, cul- ening, allaying, lenitive.
prit, offender. ANT. Irritating, chafing, blister-
ANT. Worthy, paragon, pattern. ing.
Delitiscence. SYN. Concealment, Demur. SYN. Dubitate, hesitate,
hiding, skulking, shirking. halt, pause, doubt, scruple, object.
ANT. Appearance, publicity, for- ANT. Approve, acquiesce, agree,
wardness, self-presentation, openness. assent, consent.
Deliver. SYN. Liberate, free, save, Demure. SYN. Sedate, staid, grave,
uttar, set free, surrender,yield, trans- modest, downcast, sober, dispassion-
mit, concede, give up, rescue, pro- ate, prudish, discreet.
nounce, hand, give, entrust, consign. ANT. Lively, vivacious, facetious,
ANT. Confine, capture, suppress, wanton, wild, noisy, boisterous, rom-
retain, betray, withdraw, assume, ap- pish, hoydenish, indiscreet.
propriate, misdeliver. Denial. [See DENT],
Delude. [See DECEIVE]. Denizen. SYN. Citizen, subject, in-
Deluge. SYN. Inundation, rush, flood, uabitant, sojourner, dweller, freed-
redundance. man.
ANT. Mist, moisture, dearth, ANT. Foreigner, alien, stranger,
drought, aridity, subsidence, exsicca- exile, traveler.
tion. Denominate. SYN. Name, call,
Delusion. [See DECEIT], designate, specify, denote, style, title.
Delve. SYN. Dig, penetrate, dive, in- ANT. Misname, miscall, describe,
vestigate, search. delineate, suggest.
ANT. Scratch, rake, slur, dabble, Denomination. SYN. Name, des-
dally, skim. ignation, description, kind, class,
Demand. SYN. Claim, require, ask order, appellation.
for, call for, insist. ANT. Non-description, misnomer.
ANT. Disclaim, waive, forego, peti- Denote. [See DENOMINATE],
tion, request, supplicate. Denounce. SYN. Reprobate, decry,
Demarcation. SYN. Definition, con- proscribe, brand, stigmatize, vituper-
nguration,outline, sketch,delineation, ate,defame.
bounding, inclosure, plan, limita- ANT. Applaud, eulogize, vindicate,
tion. panegyrize, uphold.
ANT. Indeflnitenes8,openness,space, Dense. SYN. Slow, thick, stupid,
waste, plain, void. stolid, solid, stout, compact, consoli-
Demean, f See BEHAVB and CONDE- dated, condensed, close, thick-set.
SCEND J. ANT. Quick, clever, intelligent,
Demerit. [See MERIT and FAULT]. rare, rarefied .
uncompacted, sparse.
Dent. SYN. Indentation, notch,cavity. Deportation. SYN. Arrival, impor.
ANT. Tumor, protuberance, but- tation, placement, reconsignment.
ton, knob, tooth. ANT. Exportation, emigration, dis-
Denticulated. SYN. Notched, crenel- placement.
lated, indented. Deportment. SYN. Behavior, car.
ANT. Toothed, serrated. riage, movement, demeanor, charac-
Dentlculation. [SEE DENTICULA- ter, conduct.

TED]. AIJX. Misbehavior, misdeport-

Denude. SYN. Strip, divest, bare, ment.
spoil. Depose. [SEE ENTHRONE].
ANT. Invest, drape, decorate, en- Deprave. [SEE DEBASE].
rich,ornament. Deprecate. SYN. Disavow, disclaim,
Denunciation. [SEE DENOUNCE]. expostulate, intercede.
ANT. Beg, supplicate, ask, entreat,
Deny. SYN. Refuse, reject, withhold, request, imprecate, invoke.
negative, contradict.gainsay.disclaim,
disavow, disown, oppose.
Depreciate. [SEE. DISPABAGE].
ANT. Grant, accept, concede, ad- Depredation. SYN. Havoc, robbery,
mit, affirm, confirm, afford, yield, in- spoliation, plunder, trespass, invasion,
dulge. encroachment.
Depart. SYN. Leave.quit, go, decamp, ANT. Pilfering, perquisite, abstrac-
start, sally, retire, withdraw, aban- tion, pocketing, restitution, compen-
don, remove, vanish.
ANT. Stay, cling, remain, come, ar- Depredator. [See DEPBF.DATION],
rive, alight. Used also for die. Depress. [See ELEVATE].
Departed. [See DEPART and DE- Depression. SYN. Lowering, degra-
FUNCT]. dation, debasement, dejection, dis-
Department. SYN. Section.division, couragement, hollow, valley, dip.
portion, function, office, branch, pro- ANT. Raising, elevation, exaltation,
vince, line. promotion, preferment, amelioration,
ANT. Institution, establishment, art, encouragement, rallying, rising, emi-
science, literature, service, state, nence, mound, prominence.
whole, organization, community, so- Deprive. SYN. Strip,bereave. despoil,
ciety, body. rob, divest, dispossess,abridge,depose,
Dependence. [SEE DEPENDENT prevent, hinder.
and RELIANCE], ANT. Invest, endow, compensate,
Dependent. SYN. Hanging, resting, enrich, supply, present, reinstate, in-
contingent, trusting, relying, subject, demnify.
relative. Depute. SYN. Appoint, commission,
ANT. Independent, irrelative, irre- charge, entrust, delegate, authorize,
spective, absolute, free. accredit, constitute.
Depict. STN. Portray, color, paint, ANT. Recall, discard, dismiss, dis-
draw, delineate. commission, supersede.
AST. Misrepresent, exaggerate, de- Deputy. SYN. Vicegerent, lieuten-
form, caricature. ant, representative, agent, commis-
Deplorable. SYN. Lamentable, mis- sioner, legate, envoy, delegate, proxy,
erable, pitiable, sad, calamitous, disas-
trous ANT. Principal, master, chief, gov-
ANT. Welcome, glad, acceptable, ernor, sovereign, ruler, head.
felicitous, beneficial, joyous. Derange. [See ABBANGE].
Deplore. SYN. Regret,lament,moorn, Derangement. [See AKFRR^.
bewail, bemoan. Dereliction. SYN.
ANT. Welcome, hail. Abandonment,
failure, short-coming, desertion, re-
Depopulate. SYN. Waste, dispeople,
linquishment, neglect.
desert, coandon, unpeople. ANT. Performance, observance, ad-
ANT. Occupy, tenant, colonize, in-
herence, attention.
habit, settle, replenish, stock, fill, Deride. [See DEBISION].
DEB 83 DE8
Derision. SYN.Scorn, contempt, Desert. .
mockery, irony, sarcasm, contumely, Deserter. SYN. Renegade, run.
disrespect. away, recanter, abjurer, apostate,
ANT. Respect, regard, admiration, traitor, forsaker.
reverence. ANT. Adherent, supporter. ally,be-
Derisive. SYN. Scornful, contemptu- friender, disciple, bigot, slave.
ous, disrespectful. Deserve. SYN. Merit, earn, justify,
ANT. Respectful, deferential, rev- win.
erential. ANT. Forfeit, misdeserve, lose.
Derivation. SYN. Origin, source, Desiderate. SYN. Desire, want;
descent, beginning, cause, etymology, need, require.
root, spring, analysis. ANT. Disregard, forget, supersede,
ANT. Result, issue, formation, ap- discard
plication, use. Desideratum. SYN. Requisite,
Derive. SYN. Deduce, trace, follow, complement, essential, want.
track, draw, resolve. ANT. Surplusage, superfluity, in.
ANT. Misdeduce, misattribute, mis- cumbrance', drawback.
trace. Design. SYN. Comtemplate, pur.

Derogate. SYN. Detract, dispar- pose, intend, plan, prepare, project.

age, depreciate, decry, deteriorate. ANT. Hit, risk, guess, conjecture
ANT. Esteem, value, laud, enhance, chance, fluke, misconceive, miscon
extol, exaggerate, over-estimate,over- trive.
value. Design, n. SYN. Contemplation, pur
Derogation. [See DEBOGATE]. pose, plan, preparation
Descant. SYN. Dissert, discuss, ex- draft, delineation, sketch, drawing
patiate, enlarge, talk, dwell, amplify. artifice, cunning, artfulness, guile,
ANT. Condense, abridge, abbre- contrivance, intent, project, scheme.
viate, curtail, confine, clip, delineate. ANT. Execution, performance, re-
Descend. [See ASCEND]. sult, issue,construction, structure,
Descendant. SYN. Offspring, prog- candor, fairness, openness, artless-
eny, stock, scion, seed, branch, issue, ness, sincerity, simplicity, change,
house, family, lineage. incident.
ANT. Author, founder, parent, an- Designate. [See DENOMINATE].
cestor, progenitor, stock, root, source, Designation. [See DESIGNATE].
origin. Designed. [See DESIGN]. SYN. In-
Descent. [See DESCEND], tended, prepared, purposed, adapted,
Describe. SYN. Draw, delineate, calculated, planned, contrived, inten-
portray, explain, illustrate, define, tional.
picture, depict,represent, relate, nar- ANT. Fortuitous, casual, accidental,
rate, recount. miscalculated, miscontrived, unin-
ANT. Confound, confuse, mystify, tended.
misrepresent, caricature, distort. Designing. [See DESIGN aad ART-
Description. [See DENOMINATION]. FUL] .

Descry. SYN. Discern, recognize, Desinence. SYN. Termination, con-

discover, distinguish, espy, detect, clusion, cessation, discontinuance, ca-
observe, mark, perceive. dence, period, finality.
ANT. Miss, overlook, misobserve. ANT. Origination, initiation, inaug-
Desecrate. SYN. Profane, secu- uration, continuance, progression,
larize, misuse, abuse, prostitute, pol- commencement, inception.
lute. Desirable. SYN. Expedient, advisa-
ANT. Use, employ, devote, dedi- ble, valuable, acceptable, proper, ju-
cate, consecrate, solemnize, sanctify, dicious, beneficial, profitable,good,en-
purify, reconcile. viable, delightful.
Desert, n. SYN. Wild, waste, wil- ANT. Undesirable, unadvisable,inex-
derness, solitude, void. pedient, objectionable, improper, in-
ANT. Inclosure, field. oasture,gar- judicious, unprofitable, evil.
den, oasis. Desire, n. SYN. Longing, affection,
propension, craving, concupiscence, Despotic. SYN. Autocratic, domi-
appetency. neering, arbitrary, arrogant, imperi-
ANT. Loathing, hate, repugnance, ous, seii-willed, irresponsible,absolute,
disgust, aversion, abomination, hor- cruel, tyrannical.
ror. ANT. Limited, constitutional, hu-
Desire. [SEE COVET]. mane, merciful.
Desist. Sins. Cease, stop, discontinue, Destine. SYN. Purpose, intend, de-
drop, abstain, forbear, leave off. sign, doom, ordain, devote.
ANT. Continue, proceed, persist, ANT. Allieuate, divorce, misapply,
persevere. divert.
Desolate, a. SYN. Bereaved, forlorn, Destination. SYN. Purpose, inten-
forsaken, comfortless, deserted, unin- tion, design, consignment, object, end,
habited, desert, wild, waste, bare, fate, doom, arrival, application, use,
bleak, lonely. scope, appointment, point, location,
ANT. Cheered, cheerful, consoled, goal, aim.
attended, cultivated, sheltered, fertile, ANT. Operation, tendency, exer-
luxuriant, animated, lively, gay, fre- cise, action, movement, design, initia-
quented. tion, project, effort.
Desolate, v. SYN. Waste, spoil, sack, Destiny. SYN. Fate, decree, lot, for-
plunder, pillage, ravage, devastate, tune, predestination, necessity, doom,
depopulate. end.
ANT. People, colonize, plant, de- ANT. Will, volition, choice, deliber-
velop, fertilize, cultivate, enrich, en- ation, freedom, freewill.
liven. Destitute. [See DEPRIVE and
Desolation. [See DESOLATE]. NEEDY].
Despair, n. SYN. Hopelessness, de- Destroy. SYN. Demolish, annihilate,
spondency, desperation. subvert, ruin, overthrow, undo, waste,
ANT. Hopefulness, elation, antici- consume.
pation, hilarity, confidence, sanguine- ANT. Eestore, reinstate, repair,
ness, expectation. fabricate, make, construct, create.
Despair, v. SYN. Despond, faint. Destructive. SYN. Detrimentai.hurt-
ANT. Hope, trust,confide, rely, pre- ful, noxious, injurious, deleterious,
sume, rally. baleful, baneful, ruinous, subversive.
Desperate. SYN. Wild, daring, au- ANT. Wholesome, conservative, pre-
dacious, determined, reckless, aban- servative, beneficial, reparatory, sub-
doned, rash, furious, frantic, despair- sidiary, restorative.
ing, regardless,mad,desponding,hape- Desuetude. SYN. Disuse, obsolete-
less, inextricabJe,irremediable, ness, non-observance.
ANT. Cool, calm, cautious, timid, ANT. Use, vogue, custom, practice,
ehy, irresolute, remediable, hopeful, observance, exercise, operation, per-
promising, propitious. manence, perpetuation.
Despicable, f See CONTEMPTIBLE]. Desultory. SYN. Rambling, discur-
Despise. [See DESPICABLE and CON- sive, loose, unmethodical, superficial,
TEMN]. unsettled, erratic, inexact, spasmodic,
Despite, prep. SYN. Notwithstanding, fitful, freakish, aberrant, unsystemat-
opposing, resisting. ic, cursory, roving, hasty, slight.
ANT.Concurrently,consentaneously, ANT. Settled, consecutive, earnest,
ai .ling, abetting. serious, persevering, continuous, me-
Despite, n. [See DESPITE, prep, and thodical, exact, diligent, untiring, re-
SPITE]. current, periodical, systematic.
Despoil. SYN. Strip, denude, ravage, Detach. [See ATTACH].
devastate, rob, havoc, spoliate. Detail, v. SYN. Particularize, enu-
ANT. Decorate, adorn, embellish, merate, recount, individualize, sift,
enrich, reinstate, rehabilitate. analyze, specify.
Respond. [See DESPAIR]. ANT. Generalize, condense, con-
Despot. SYN. Tyrant, autocrat. glomerate, gather, sketch, suggest
ANT. Slave, subject. abstract, classify, amalgamate.
Detail, n. SYN. Element, compo- Detractor. SYN. Slanderer, cynic,
nent, particular, specialty, point. backbiter.
ANT. Account, statement, recital, ANT. Flatterer, sycophant, eulogist.
totality, representation. Detriment. SYN. Loss, harm, hurt,
Detain. STN. Stay, keep, arrest, injury, deterioration, impairment,
check, withhold, delay, restrain, em- disadvantage, prejudice, damage, in-
bargo, stop. convenience.
ANT. Liberate, expedite, acceler- ANT. Enhancement, improvement,
ate, dismiss, loose, disembargo. remedy, reinstatement, repair, aug-
Detect. SYN. Discover, descry, un- mentation.
mask, expose. Detrimental. SYN. Injurious, hurt-
ANT. Miss, lose, misobserve,ignore, ful,pernicious.
connive. ANT. Beneficial, profitable, aug-
Detention. STN. Retention, re- mentative.
taining, hindrance. Detrude. [See DASH].
ANT. Relinquishment, abandon- Detruncatioii. SYN. Lopping, dis-
ment, letting go. ramification, pollarding, dismember-
Deter. SYN. Warn, stop, dissuade, ment, discorporation, amputation,
disincline, indispose, dispirit, hinder, stripping.
prevent, discourage, dishearten, ter- ANT. Training, trailing, grafting,
rify, scare. inoculation, luxuriance.
ANT. Encourage, incite, provoke, Develop. SYN. Educe, enucleate,
move, allure, prompt, tempt, seduce, eliminate, enunciate, lay open, dis-
persuade. close, unravel, unfold, clear, am-
Deterge. [See ABSTERGE]. plify, expand, enlarge,
Deteriorate. [See AMELIORATE]. ANT. Envelope, wrap, obscure, mys-
Determinate. [See DEFINITE]. tify, conceal, narrow, restrict, con-
Determination. [See DEFINITION tract, condense, compress, involve.
and DECISION]. Development. SYN. Outgrowth,
Determine. [See DEFINE and DE- fruit, crop, harvest, product, bud.
CIDE]. ANT. Cause, origin, source, princi-
Detersloii. [See DETERGE]. pal.
Detest. [See ABOMINATE]. Devexlty. [See DETORTION].
Detestable. [See DETEST and ABOM- Deviate. SYN. Digress, wander,
INABLE]. swerve, deflect, err, sway, depart, di-
Dethrone. SYN. TIncrown, depose. varicate, diverge.
ANT. Anoint, enthrone, crown. ANT. Continue, advance.
Dethronement. [See DETHRONE]. Device. SYN. Artifice, expedient,
Detonate. SYN. Explode, pop. design, plan, stratagem, project,
ANT. Smoulder, hang, puff. symbol, emblem, show, invention,
Detortlon. SYN. Wresting, viola- contrivance, cognizance.
tion, twisting, distortion, perversion, ANT. Fair-dealing, openness, mis-
decurvity, devexlty, recurvation. contrivance, abortion, fortune, luck,
ANT. Direction, aim, rectilinearity, hazard, hit, incognito.
rectification. Devil. SYN. Satan, lucifer, fiend,
Detract. SYN. Lessen, deteriorate, arch-fiend, foul fiend, demon.
depreciate, disparage, defame, decrj, ANT. Arch-angel, angel, seraph,
derogate, calumniate, scandalize, vil- cherub.
ify, diminish. Devllisli. [See ANGELIC].
ANT. Augment, enhance, raise, in- Devious. SYN. Tortuous, circu-
rrease. itous, untracked, trackless, pathless,
Detraction. SYN. Diminution, de- ambagious", roundabout, distorted.
terioration, depreciation, slander, ANT. Direct, plain, trodden, fre-
backbiting, derogation. quented, straightforward.
ANT. Augmentation, improvement, Devise. SYN. Contrive, plan, ma-
enhancement, eulogy, compliment, neuvro, concert, manage.
flattery. ANT. Mii-contrive, mismanage.

Devoid. SYN. Void, wanting, desti- Dictate. SYN. Prompt, suggest, en-
tute,unendowed, unprovided. join, order, direct, pre.--crit)e, decree,
ANT. Furnished, supplied, replete, instruct, propose, command .

provided, gifted. ANT. Follow, repeat, obey, echo,

Devolve upon. SYN. Impose, answer.
place, charge, commission, depute, Dictation. SYN. Imperative, imperi-
accrue, attach, befall, fall. ous, domineering, arbitrary.
ANT. Deprive, withhold, recall, can- ANT. Condescending, affable, indiil-
cel, alienate, miss, pretermit, pass, gent, modest, unassuming, suppliant,
lapse, skip. supplicatory, precatory, persuasive,
Devote. [See DEDICATE]. insinuating.
Devoted. SYN. Attached, fond, ab- Dictatorial. [See DICTATE and AR-
sorbed, consecrated, ardent, loving, BITRARY].
dedicated, given, abandoned. Diction. SYN. Style, expression,
ANT. Alienated, estranged, averse. rhetoric, phraseology, language,
Devotion. SYN.
Piety, devoutness, grammar.
Ayr. Solecism, provincialism, mis-
religiousness, dedication, self-aban-
donment,cousecration, ardor, self -sur- pronunciation.
Dictionary. SYN. Lexicon, word-
render, self-sacrifice, love, attach-
ment. book, vocabulary, glossary.
ANT. Impiety, profanity, selfish- Didactic. SYN. Instructive, direc-
ness, aversion, alienation, antipathy, tive, moral.
indifference, apathy. ANT. Unsound, misinstructive, er-
Devour. SYN. Eat, consume, swal- roneous, pernicious, misleading.
low, gorge, gobble, bolt, absorb. Die. SYN. Expire, depart, perish, de-
ANT. Disgorge, vomit. cline, decease, disappear, wither, lan-
Devout. SYN. Eeligious, pious, guish, wane, sink, fade, decay, cease.
godly, saintly, holy, prayerful. ANT. Begin, originate, rise, live, de-
ANT. Irreligious, impious, pro- velo.fte l grow, strengthen, flourish,
fane, unholy. luxuriate, vegetate.
Devoutless. [See ANT. to DEVO- Diet. SYN. Food, victuals, nourish-
TION]. ment, viands, nutriment, sustenance,
Dexterity. [See ABILITY]. fare, cheer, regimen.
Dexterous. [See AWKWARD]. ANT. Starvation, fasting, abstinence,
Diabolical. [See DEVILISH], gluttony, omnivorousness.
Diadem. SYN. Crown, coronet, Differ. SYN. Vary, dissent, be unlike,
coronal, chaplet, wreath, fillet, tiara, disagree, dispute, contend.
circlet. Ayr. Agree, assent, f See ASSCNT].
ANT. Liberty-cap, fool's-cap, daisy- Difference. SYN. Separation, de-
chain. struction, dissimilarity, unlikeness,
Diagnostic. SYN. Symptom, in- disagreement, dissonance, discord,
dication, feature, sign, cue. contrariety, dissent, distinction, dis-
ANT. Development, crisis, forma- similitude, estrangement, variety.
tion, consummation, head, deception, ANT. Community, consociation, con-
illusion, misindication. donation, similarity, likeness, agree-
Dialect. SYN. Provincialism, ac- ment, sympathy, consonance, har-
cent, idiom, tongue, language, speech, mony, consentaneousness, reconcilia-
phraseology. tion, uniformity, identity.
Dialectic. SYN. Khetorical, logical, Differentiate. SYN. Particularize,
argumentative. individualize, distinguish, identify,
ANT. Conversational, colloquial, verify, specify, segregate, dissemi-
common-place. nate, fuse, lump, mass.
Dialogue. SYN. Tete-a-tete, con- ANT. Generalize, classify, confound,
versation, discourse, colloquy, con- amalgamate, confuse.
fabulation. Differentiation, n. [See DIF*KR-
ANT. Monologue, oration, solilo- ENTIATE].
quy, apostrophe. Difficult. SYN. Hard, intricate, ID*
87 DIR
volved, perplexing, enigmatical, ob- Diligence. SYN. Care, assiduity, at-
scure, trying, arduous, troublesome, tention, application, heed, industry.
up hill, unmanageable, unamenable, ANT. Indifference, carelessness,
reserved, opposed. neglect, inattention, heedlessness,des-
ANT. Easy, plain, straight, pimple, ultoriness, inertness, idleness.
lucid, categorical tractable, amenable,

unreserved, favorable. Dimension. SYN. Measurement,size,

Difficulty. [See DIFFICULT]. configuration, delineation, mass, bulk,
Diffident. [See MODEST]. ""extent.
Diffuse. PYN. Discursive, prolix, ver- ANT. Mismeosurement, segment.
bose, diluted, copious. Dimidiate. SYN. Halve, bisect.
ANT. Laconic, epigrammatic, terse, ANT. Unite, integrate.
condensed. Diminish. SYN. Lessen, reduce,con-
Dig. [See DELVE]. tract, curtail, dwarf, decrease, sub-
Digest, v. SYN. Sort, arrange, dis- side, shorten, abate, retrench.
pose, order, classify, study, ponder, ANT. Increase, enlarge, expand, ex-
consider, prepare, assimilate, incor- tend, amplify, magnify.
porate, convert, methodise, tabulate. Diminutive. [See DIMINISH and
ANT. Displace, confound, compli- SMALL].
cate, derange, disorder, discompose, Dimness. [See DIM and OBSCURE],
eject, refuse, reject, disturb. Din. SYN. Racket, clamor, rattle, res
Dignified. SYN. Exalted, stately, ononce, clangor, reverberation.
noble, grand, august, lofty, pompous, ANT. Crash, report, burst, explo-
honored, elevated. sion, pop, bang.
ANT. [See LOFTY]. Dingy. SYN. Dull, dusky, rusty, be-
Dignify. SYN. Aggrandize, elevate, dimmed, soiled, tarnished, dirly,dim,
invest, adorn, exalt, advance, pro- colorless, obscure, dead, soou.-tj.
ANT. Bright,burnished,f?lossy,higb-
mote, honor.
ANT. Degrade, disinvest, humiliate, colored. radiant, luminous, gleaming,
Dint. SYN. Agency, instrumentality,
Digress. [See DEVIATE].
force, power, emcacy.
Dllaceratlon. (See LACERATION]. ANT. Weakness, inoperativeness,
Dilapidation. SYN. Ruin, decay, inefficacy, uselessuess, helplessness,
disintegration, downfall, crumbling, opposition, counterforce.
demolition, dismantlement. Dip. t>. |
ANT. Solidity, reparation, integrity, Dip. n. SYN. Declination, depression,
soundness, construction, fabric, struc- devexity, slope.
ture. ANT. Elevation, ascent, acclivity,
Dilate. SYN. Stretch, widen, expand, gradient.
swell, distend, enlarge., descant, ex- Diplomacy. SYN. Embassoge, min-
patiate. istry, ambassadorship,representation,
ANT. Narrow, contract,r'estrict,con- tact, contrivance, management, nego-
strtct,particularize, dissect, anato- tiation, out-witting, circumvention.
mize, concentrate, epitomize, con- ANT. Cancel, recall, conge, miscon-
dense. trivonce, mismanagement, mal-admin-
Dilatory. SYN. Tardy, procrastina- istration, over-vaulting, self-entangle-
ting, slow, loitering, behindhand, lag- ment, self-defeat, self-stultification.
ging, dawdling. Diplomatic. SYN. Judicious, know-
ANT. Quick, prompt, beforehand, ing, wise, prudent, well-contriver^
vigilant, eager, alert,
hasty, precip- clever, astute, politic, discreet, well-
itate, rash, ardent. planned, well-conceived, sagacious,
Dilemma. SYN. Fix, hobble, quan- well-managed.
dary, doubt, difficulty, scrape. ANT. Injudicious, bungling, stulti-
ANT. Extrication, rebutment, free- fying, ill-managed, undiplomatic.
dom, advantage, superiority, escape, Dire. See DREADFUL].

solution, retort. Direct. [See INSTBUCT].

Direct. [See STRAIGHT]. Disburse. [See EXPEND].
Direction. SYN. Course, tendency, Discern. SYN. Descry, observe, re-
inclination, line, control, command, cognize, see, distinguish, discover, be-
bearing, superscription, order, ad- hold, penetrate, discriminate, differ-
dress. entiate, separate, perceive.
ANT. Misdirection,deviation,miscon- ANT. Overlook, confound, mis-
trol, misinstruction, aberration. discern.
Directly. SYN. Straightly, straight- Discernible. SYN. Visible, conspic-
way, immediately, undeviatingly, at uous, manifest, palpable, apparent,
once, promptly, quickly, instantly. plain, perceptible, evident.
ANT. Indirectly, by-and-by, inter- ANT. Invisible, inconspicuous, ob-
veniently. scure, indiscernible, impalpable,micro-
Director. SYN. Ruler, controller, *C3pic, minute.
manager, master, leader, guide. Discernment. SYN. Discrimination,
ANT. Body, company, institution, far?ightedness,clearsightedness, pene-
concern, subordinate, follower. tration, observation, sagacity, judg-
Dirge. SYN. Requiem, lament, thren- ment.
ody, elegy, wake, coronach. ANT. Heedlessness, blindness, inob-
ANT. Anthem, Te Deum, Jubilate. servance, shortsightedness, duluess,
Dirt. SYN. Foulness, dung, filth, un- den-ity, hebetude.
cleanness, meanness, sordidness . Discharge. SYN. Liberate, empty,
ANT. Cleanness, purity, ablution, dismiss, acquit, release, free, execute,
integrity. perform, send away.
Dirty. [See DIET and NASTY]. ANT. Confine, charge, detain.
Disability. SYN. Disqualification, Disciple. SYN. Follower, student,
impotency, unfltness, incapacity, for- believer, votary.
feiture, incompetency.
ANT. Master, teacher, leader, pro-
ANT. Qualification,recommendation, fessor.
deserving, merit.
fitness, Disciplinarian. SYN. Martinet,
Disabled. [See DISABILITY]. tight hand.
Disabuse. SYN. Undeceive, inform, ANT. Sloven, kingdog.
coriect, enlighten, rectify. Discipline. SYN. Order, strictness,
ANT. Deceive, mislead, prejudice, training, government, instruction.
prepossess, hoodwink, inveigle, stulti- drilling,control,coercion, punishment,
fy, bamboozle. organization.
Disadvantage. [See ADVANTAGE]. ANT. Disorder, confusion.rebellion,
Disaffection. [See AFFECTION]. mutiny, encouragement, reward, dis-
Disagreeable. [See AGREEABLE], organization.
Disagreement. fSee QUARREL]. Disclaim. [See CLAIM].
Disallow. [See ALLOW]. Disclose. SYN. Discover, reveal, con-
Disannul. [See ANNUL]. make known, pro-
fess, detect,divulge,
Disappear. [See VANISH]. mulgate.
Disappoint. SYN. Betray, deceive, ANT. Cover, conceal, lock, suppress.
frustrate, baffle, delude, vex, mortify, Discolor. SYN. Daub, stain, taint, dis.
defeat, foil. figure.
ANT. Realize, justify, verify, fulfil, ANT. Paint, color, embellish, tin's
encourage, satisfy, gratify. decorate, illuminate.
Disapprobation. [See APPROBA- Discomfit. [See DISCONCERT].
TION]. Discomfort. SYN. Disquiet, vexation,
Disarm. [See ARM]. annoyance, trouble, unpleasantness,
Disarrange. [See ARRANGE]. disagreeableness.
Disarray. [See ARRAY]. ANT. Comfort, ease, pleasantness,
Disaster. [See CALAMITY]. agreeableness.
Disavow. [See ACKNOWLEDGE]. Discommendation. [See COM.
Disband. [See MUSTER]. MENDATION].
Disbelief. [See BELIEF]. Discompose. [P"e T^RANGF ]

Disburden. [See BURDEN]. D.sco^.vei'1.. SYN. Aoa.-u, co-fuse.


confound, upset, baffle, derange, dis- Discretion. [See DISCREET].

compose, thwart, disturb, defeat, fret, Discretional. SYN. Optional.
interrupt, vex, ruffle, disorder, unset- ANT. Compulsory, obligatory.
tle, frustrate, discomfit. Discrimination. SYN. Penetration,
i\ST. Encourage, rally,countenance, sagacity, acuteness, nicety, shrewd-
aid, concert, concoct, arrange, order, ness, judgment, discernment, insight,
prepare, scheme, contrive, hatch, de- distinction.
sign. ANT. Dullness, confusedness, indis-
Disconcerted. [See DISCONCERT]. criminateuess, shortsightedness, heb-
Dlscouforuiity. [See CONFORM- etude, indiscernment.
ITY]. Discursive. [See CONSECUTIVE].
Discongriiity. [See CONGRUOUS]. Discuss. SYN. Debate, argue, sift
Disconnect, Disconnected, Dis- canvass,examine.
connection. [See CONNECTION]. ANT. Mystify, confound, obscure.
Disconsolate. SYN. Sad, forlorn, Disdain, n. SYN. Contempt, sooru,
melancho'y, inconsolable, broken- haughtiness, disregard, supercilious-
hearted, sorrowful, unhappy, desolate, ness.
woful. ANT. Respect, reverence, admira-
ANT. Joyous, cheerful, merry, hap- tion, respectfulness, considerateness,
py, gay, jovial, gladsome, blithe. humility.
Discontent. [See CONTENT]. Disdain, r. [See SCORN].
Discontented. [See CONTENTED]. Disdainful. [See DISDAIN].
A CONTINU- Disease. SYN. Complaint, disorder,
JP ~"-r~tiiiuaiice. [See
ANCEj. illness, indisposition, distemper, ail-
Discontinuity. [See CONTINUA- meiit, malady, sickness.
TION). ANT. Health, convalescence, sanity,
Discord. [See CONCORD]. salubrity.
Discordance. See ACCORD].
[ Disembody. [See EMBODY].
Discountenance. [See COUNTE- Disenable. [See ENABLE].
NANCE!. Disenchant. [See ENCHANT].
Diseiithrone. [See ENTHRONE]. Disencumber. [See ENCUMBER].
Discourage. [See ENCOURAGE]. Disengage. [See ENGAGE].
Discouragement. [See ENCOUR- Disentangle. fSee ENTANGLE].
AGE]. Disentitled. [See ENTITLE].
Discourse. [See CONVERSATION]. Disesteem. [See ESTEEM].
Discourtesy. [See COURTESY]. Disfavor. [See FAVOR].
Discover. SYN. Find, invent, de- Disfigure. [See ADORN].
scry, disclose, unearth, ferret out, as- Disfranchise. [See ENFRANCHISE].
certain, discern, make known, detect, Disgorge. (See GORGE].
betray, indicate, manifest. Disgrace, v. tr. [See DISHONOR],
ANT. Conceal, suppress, repress, Disgrace, n. [See HONOR].
miss, lose, overlook, mask, cover, Disguise. [See GUISE].
screen. Disguised. [See GUISE.].
Discredit. [See CREDIT]. Disgust. SYN. Nausea,loathing,abom-
Discreditable. [See DISREPUTA- ination, aversion, dislike,repugnancs,
BLE]. abhorrence, distaste.
Discreet. SYN. Discerning, wise, ANT. Desire, liking, partiality, pre-
prudent, circumspect, cautious, wary, dilection, reltsh, fondness, longing,
regulative, sensible, judicious. avidity.
ANT. Undiscerning, blind, foolish, Dishearten. [See ENCOURAGE].
imprudent, indiscreet, unrestrained, Dishevel. SYN. Disorder, entangle,
reckless, injudicious, silly. disarrnnge.
Discrepancy. SYN. Dissonance, dis- ANT. Tire, dress, plait, bind, weavft.
harmony, discord, contrariety, dis- braid.
agreement, difference, variation. Dishonest. [See HONEST!.
ANT. Consonance, harmony,accord- Dishonor, n. [See HONOR].
nce, agreement, correspondence. Dishonorable. ISee HONORABUK],
f>licllnc. [See INCLINE]. ANT. Equal, co-ordinate, well-ai.
Disinfect. [See INFECT]. sorted, well-matched.
Disingenuous. (See INGENUOUS]. Dispasslon. [See PASSION],
Disiiiiiiherlt. [See INHERIT and Dispatch. SYN. Expedite, send,
DISOWN]. accelerate, hasten, execute, conclude.
Disintegrate. ]See INTEGRATE]. Used also in the sense of kill.
Disinter. [See INTER]. ANT. Retard, detain, obstruct, im-
Disinterested. [See INTERESTED pede.
and SELFISH]. Dispel. SYN. Disperse, scatter, dissi-
Disenthral. [See ENTHRAL] .
pate, drive away, dismiss.
Disjoin. [See JOIN]. ANT. Collect, recall, summon, con-
Dislike. [See LIKE]. vene, congregate, conglomerate,mass,
Dislocate. [See LOCATE]. accumulate.
Dislodge. [See LODGE], Dispensation. SYN.
Disloyal. [See LOYAL]. iug, revelation, distribution, arrange-
Dismal. [Lat. dies inalus, evil day.] ment, visitation, exemption, immu-
STN. Dreary, ominous, foreboding, nity, privilege, abandonment, dis-
lonesome, cheerless, gloomy, sad, de- missal, disuse, indulgence.
pressed, lugubrious, funereal, sorrow- ANT. Reservation, injunction, pro-
ful, melancholy, tragic, blank. hibition, enfoicement, retention, re-
ANT. Gay, propitious, promising, striction.
cheerful, lively, elated, joyous, laugh- Dispeople. [See PEOPLE].
able, ridiculous, comic. Disperse. SYN. Dispel, scatter, dis-
Dismantle. SYN. Disrobe, divest, seminate, separate, break up, spread
denude, despoil, disarm, strip. abroad, deal out, distribute, dissipate.
ANT. Kobe, invest, drape, adorn, ANT. Collect, summou, recall,gather,
arrange, equip, endue. concentrate, meet.
Dismay, v. STN. Affright, astonish, Dispirit. [See ENCOURAGE].
terrify, dishearten, daunt, scare, Displace. [See PLACE].
frighten, appall. Displant. [See PLANT].
ANT. Encourage, rally, inspirit, Display. SYN. Show, exhibit, unfold,
assure, allure. evidence, evince, flaunt, vault, ex-
Dismay, n. [See TERROR]. pose,ostentation, spread out, parade.
Dismember. SYN. Disintegrate, ANT. Hide, conceal, dissemble, sim-
disincorporate, detruncate. ulate, suppress, wrap, cloke.
ANT. Integrate, incorporate, or- Displease. [See PLEASE].
ganize, engraft, reorganize. Displeasure. [See PLEASURE].
Dismiss. SYN. Banish, discard, aban- Disport. [See SPORT].
don, cashier, send off, divest, dis- Dispose. [See ARRANGE and IN.
charge. CLINE].
ANT. Retain, detain, keep, main- Disposition. [See DISPOSE, AB-
Dismount. SYN. Alight, descend. Dispossess, See POSSESS].

ANT. Mount, start. Dispraise. [See PRAISE].

Disobey. [See OBEY], Dlspread. [See SPREAD].
Disoblige. [See OBLIGE]. Disprlze. [See PRIZE].
Disorder. [See OKDER]. Disproof. [See PROOF].
Disorderly. [See ORDERLY]. Disprove. [See PROVE].
Disorganize. [See ORGANIZE]. Disproportion. [See PROPORTION].
Disown. [See OWN]. Disputant. SYN. Litigant, competi-
Disparage. SYN. Depreciate, decry, tor, claimant.
undervalue, derogate, lower, detract, ANT. Partner, auxiliary, advocate.
underestimate. Disputatious. SYN. Litigious, ar-
ANT. Extol, laud, panegyrize.over- gumentative, cantankerous, quarrel-
estimate. exaggerate. some, querulous.
Disparate. SYN. Unequal, differ- ANT. Conciliatory, unquarrelsome,
eat, ill-assorted, ill-matched. in querulous.

Dispute. Argue, question, can-

SYN. Dlssilieiice. SYN. Avoidance, repul-
vass, contest, contend, challenge, de- siou,aversion,di3like,interrepugnance,
bate, controvert, controversy, differ- antipathy.
ence, gainsay, impugn, quarrel, al- ANT. Approach, attraction, appe-
tercation. tency, desire, affection, sympathy, in-
ANT. Waive, concede, allow, forego. terest.
Disqualify. See QUALIFY]. [
Dissimilar. [See SIMILAR].
Disquiet. See QUIET].
Dissimilitude. See SIMILITUDE].

Disquietude. STN. Anxiety, solici- Dissipate. [See SQUANDER].

tude, uneasiness, embarrassment, ap- Dissociate. [See ASSOCIATION and
prehension, agitation, disturbance, SEVER].
commotion, dissatisfaction. Dissolute. SYN. Abandoned, profli-
ANT. Peace, pacification, assurance, gate, loose, licentious, wanton, vi-
calmness, confidence, contentment,
acquiescence. ANT. Upright, conscientious, strict,
Disquisition. SYN. Essay, treatise, self-controlled, correct.
discussion, dissertation. Dissoluteness. [See DISSOLUTE].
ANT. Effusion, tirade, diatribe.rhod- Dissolution. [See DECOMPOSITION].
omontade, blarney. Dissolve. [See MELT and CONSOLI-
Disregard. See REGARD].
Disrelish. [See RELISH]. Dissonance. [See CONSONANCE].
Disreputable. See REPUTABLE]. [
Dissuade. [See PERSUADE].
Disrespect, f See RESPECT].
Disrobe. See DISMANTLE].
Distance. SYN. Interval, removal,
Disruption. SYN. Disintegration, separation, interspace, remoteness,
discord, dissension, a breaking up, absence, space, length.
separation, alienation, hostility. ANT. Proximity, nearness, adja-
ANT. Union, amalgamation, recon- cency, contiguity, neighborhood, pro-
ciliation. pinquity, contact, presence.
Dissatisfaction. [See SATISFAC- Distant. SYN. Far, remote, aloof,
TION]. apart, asunder,separate,indistinct, ob-
Dissect. SYN. Take to pieces, anat- scure.
omize, scrutinize, investigate. ANT. Close, near, adjacent, contig-
ANT. Or asp, comprehend, slur, uous.
skim, unite, integrate, organize, com- Distaste. [See TASTE].
pound, collocate, conjo' n, confound. Distasteful. [See TASTE].
Dissemble. SYN. Disguise, conceal, Distemper. SYN. Disorder, disease,
repress, smother, restrain, cloke. ilment.
ANT. Exhibit, manifest, protrude, ANT. Health, sanity, vigor, conva-
vaunt, pretend, simulate, feign, as- lescence.
sume, expose, profess, proclaim. Distend. [See DILATE].
Dissembler. SYN. Feigner, hypo- Distil. SYN. Drop, emanate, drip,
crite, disguiser, suppressor, con- percolate.
caler. ANT. Absorb, condense, retain,suck,
ANT. Exhibitor, vaunter, pretender, hold.
simulator. Distinct. SYN. Separate,independent,
Disseminate. SYN. Spread, propa- unconnected, detached, disjoined, un-
gate, preach, proclaim, publish, pro- like, definite, obvious, different, dis-
mulgate, scatter, circulate. similar, clear, conspicuous, plain, per-
ANT. Repress, suppress, stifle, dis- spicuous.
countenance, extirpate, eradicate. ANT. United, consolidated, con-
Dissent. [See ASSENT and CON- joined, one, obscure, dim, confused,
SENT]. indistinct.
Dissertation. [See DISQUISITION]. Distinction. SYN. Difference, sepa-
Disservice. [See SERVICE]. ration, dignity, eminence.
Dissever. [See SEVER]. ANT. Unity, identity, debasement
IM**ldeuce. jSee A. HIKE 1. insignificance, degradation.
Distinctness. SYN. Clearness, plain- Diversify. SYN. Vary, alter, change
ness, conspicuousness, perspicuity. modify, variegate.
ANT. Confusion, indistinctness,bazi- ANT. Conserve, prosecute stabili-
ness. tate, settle, fix, stereotype, crystallize,
Distinguish. SYN. Discern, descry, arrest.
perceive, characterize, make famous, Diversity. SYN. Difference, dissimi
know, discriminate, see,discover, sepa- larity, variation.
rate, divide, dissimilate. differentiate. geueousuess, dissonance.
ANT. Miss, overlook, confound, con ANT. Similarity, identity, unifo--m-
fuse. ity, homogeueousness, co-ordination,
Distinguished. SYN. Illustrious, coincidence, consonance.
noted, celebrated, conspicuous, emi- Divert. SYN. Alter, change, deflect,
nent, marked, famous. alienate, delight, please, gratify., en-
ANT. Obscure, inconspicuous, hid- tertain, amuse.
den not famous.
, ANT. Continue, prosecute, prolong,
Distinguishable. [See DISTIN- produce, restrict, confine, pain, annoy.
GUISH). Divest. SYN. Disruan'le, denude.strip,
Distortion. [See DETORTION and disrobe, unclothe, disencumber, de.
Distract. STN. Divide, dissipate, dis- ANT. Clothe, robe, irvest, shroud,
sever, disconcert,discompose,perplex, envelop, encumber, indue.
bewilder, convulse, madden, disturb. Divide. SYN. Separate, dissect, bi-
ANT. Unite, fix, concentrate,collect, sect, portio., part, divo;-ce,segiegate,
compose. sever, sunder, deal out, disunite, keep
Distraction. SYN. Inattention, mad- apart, part among, allot, distribute,
ness, absence. multiply.
ANT. Attention, composure. ANT. Unite, collocate, classify, cou-
Distress, v. SYN. Harass, embarrass, vene, congregate, conglomerate, con-
trouble, grieve, annoy, vex, mortify, glutinate, commingle, join,consociate,
pain, disturb, afflict, worry. co-ordinate.
ANt. Soothe,compose,please,gratify, Divination. SYN. Prediction, sor-
gladden, console, elate, comfort. cery.magic, witchcraft, augury. omens.
Distress, n. [See AFFLICTION and ANT. Instruction, information, in-
TROUBLE]. vestigation, study, learning
Distribute. [See DISPENSE]. Division.
District. See CIRCUIT and REGION]. [See DIVIDE ar.d SEPA-
Distrust. See TRUST].
[ Divorce, v. SYN. Separate, discon-
Disturb. SYN. Derange, discompose, nect, dissever, divert, alienate.
disorder. discommode,plague,comuse, ANT. Conjoin, unite, connect, ap-
rouse, agitate, annoy, trouble, inter- ply, reconcile, reunite.
rupt, incommode, worry, vex, molest, Divorce, n. [See verb].
disquiet. Divulge. [See CONCEAL].
ANT. Order, collocate, arrange, Do. SYN. Work, act, accomplish, exe-
pacify, soothe, quiet, compose, leave. cute, achieve, transact, finish, enact,
Disunion. [See UNION], perform, produce, complete.
Disuse. [See USE and DESUETUDE]. ANT. Undo, mar, neglect, omit.
Divarication. SYN. Deviation, di- Docile. SYN. Compliant, amenable,
vergence, digression, diversion. easily managed, yielding, gentle,quiet,
ANT. Continuity, rectilinearity, di- pliant, tractable, teachable, tame.
rectness, prolongation, ANT. Intractable, stubborn, obsti.
Diversion. SYN. Detour, divergence, nate, self-willed, dogged.
deviation, recreation,amusemeut,pas- Dock. SYN. Curtail, lop, abbreviate,
time, sport, enjoyment. prune.
ANT. Continuity, directness, pro- ANT. Grow, elongate, nourish, p*Ot
cedure, business, task, work, study, long, train, coax.
labor, avocation. Docked. [See POCK],
Doctrinal. SVN. Didactic, catechet- Dominance. SYN. Lordship, ma
ical, theological. tery, superiority, preponderance,
ANT. Practical, operative. prevalence.
Doctrine. SYN. Tenet, article* belief, ANT. Inferiority, subjection, servi.
creed, dogma, teaching, precept, tude, weakness, inprevalence, mi-
principle. nority.
ANT. Practice, operation, duty, con- Dominant. [See DOMINANCE].
duct, action. Domination. [See DOMINANCE].
Dodge, [See BAFFLE].
i). Domineer. SYN. Lord, tyrannize, as-
Dodge, n. [See ARTIFICE]. sume, u^urp.
Doer. SYN. Agent, actor, performer, ANT. Submit, succumb, defer, yield,
originator, perpetrator, maker. bow, patronize.
ANT. Undoer, preventer, hinderer, Domineering. [See ARROGANT].
baffler, neutralizes marrer. Dominion. SYN. Power, authority,
Dogged. SYN. Obstinate, morose, rule, tyranny, despotism, govern-
sullen, impracticable, prejudiced. ment, control, empire, sway, realm,
ANT, Docile, genial, agreeable, con-
territory, jurisdiction.
ciliatory, easy, indulgent, liberal,com- ANT. Weakness, submission, subju-
plaisaut. gation, Inferiority, servitude.
Dogma. [See DOCTRINE]. Doll. SYN. Assume, wear.
Dogmatic. SYN. Doctrinal, theolog- ANT. Doff, cast.
ical, imperious, dictatorial, authorita- Donation. [See PRESENTATION and
tive, nrrogart, magisterial, self-opin- GIFT].
ioriated, positive. Doom. SYN. Judgment, fate, sentence,
ANT. Practical, active, moderate, verdict, condemnation, lot, destiny.
mode- 1, diffident, vacillating. ANT. Liberation, respite, escape,
Doleful. SYN. Dolorous, rueful, mel-

pardon, acquittal, approval.

ancholy, piteous, somber, sorrowful, Dormant. 2vN. Sleeping, slumber-
woebegone, dismal. ing, latent, undeveloped, quiescent,
ANT. Merry, joyful, gay, blithe, inert.
beaming. ANT. Vigilant, wakeful, active,
Dolt. SYN. Numskull, ignoramus, dul- operative, developed, energetic.
lard, ass.
ANT. Savant, genius, philosopher, Dotage. SYN. Imbecility, senility, fa-
scholar, luminary. ANT. Intelligence, acuteness, judg-
Dollish. SYN. Stolid, jolterheaded,
thick-skulled. ment, penetration, vigor.
ANT. Quick, sharp, acute, long- Doubt, n. SYN. Dubiousness, dubita-
headed. tion, scruple, hesitation, snspense,dis-
Domain. SYN. Estate, lordship, ter- trust, suspicion, perplexity, uncer-
ritory, inclosure. tainty, ambiguity, difficulty, indecis-
ANT. Waste, wilderness, wild. ion.
Domestic. SYN. ANT. Certainty,clearness, precision,
Domiciliary, pri-
vate. determination, decision, conviction,
ANT. Foreign, public. satisfaction.
Domestication. SYN. Settlement, Doubt, v. SYN. Dubttate, hesitate,
colonization, localization, tamiug. vacillate, waver, demur.
ANT. Dissettlement, displacement, ANT. Decide, determine, resolve,
dislodgment. ejection, deportation, assent.
exile, dispeoplement. Doubtful. [See DOUBT and EQUIV-
Domicile. SYN. Kesidence, abode, OCAL J.
settlement, home. Doubtless. SYN. Certainly, clearly,
ANT. Estrangement, migration, precisely, indisputably.
homelessness, houselessness, wilder- ANT. Perhaps, probably, possibly.
ness, wild, world. Doughty. SYN. Redoubted, redoubt-
Domiciliary. [See DOMICILE and able.
ANT. Craveo, puny.
Dowdy. SYN. Dull, shabby, common, Drench. SYN. Wash, inundate, soak,
plain, homely, dingy, scrubby, saturate, steep, shower, drown.
ANT. Stylish, dressy, gay, modish, ANT. Drain, strain, sponge, mop,
gorgeous, dandified, tawdry. dry, exsiccate.
Downfall. [See FALL]. Drenched. [See DRENCH].
Downright. [See ABSOLUTE]. Dress. SYN. Garniture, preparation,
Downwards. SYN. Below, beneath, arrangement, clothing, habiliments,
adown. accoutrements, vestments, uniform,
ANT. Upwards, aloft. raiment, apparel, attire, clothes, ar-
1 trail, n. Syn. Copy, transfer, tran- ray, garments, livery, costume, garb,
script, sketch, abstract, order, check. investiture.
ANT. Original, deed, cash. ANT. Nudity, disorder, disarrange-
Draft, v. SYN. Draw, drain, exhaust. ment, undress, deshabille.
ANT. Supply, replenish, import. Driblet. SYN. Drop, dole, instalment,
Drag. SYN. Draw, pull, haul, bring. scrap, morsel, bit, particle.
ANT. Carry, convey, push, propel, ANT. Total, whole, aggregate, mass.
raise, heave. Drift. SYN. Tendency, direction, mo-
Drain, v. SYN. Draw, strain, drip, tion, tenor, meaning, purport, ob-
percolate, drop, exhaust, empty, dry. ject, intention, purpose, scope, aim,
ANT. Replenish, fill, supply, pour, result, issue, inierence, conclusion,
moisten, drown, inundate, drench, end, course.
swill. ANT. Aimlessness, pointlessness,
Draught. SYN. Drink, traction, vagueness, uumeaninguess, iadefinite-
breeze, check. ness, coufuj-edness, aberrancy.
ANT. Drought, burden, non-ventila- Drill. SYN. Teach, exercise, instruct,
tion, deposit. train, ordinate, discipline.
Draw. SYN. Drag, pull, attract, in- ANT. Confuse, disarrange, disorder,
duce, haul, entice, inhale, sketch, de- misinstruct, miseducate, dishabituate.
lineate, describe. Drink. SYN. Imbibe, swallow, quaff,
ANT. Push, carry, propel, throw, re- absorb, drain, draught.
pel, drive, compel, impel, thrust. ANT. Disgorge, replenish, pour,
Drawback. [See DETRIMENT]. exude, water, moisten.
Drawl, v. SYN. Drag, lag, drone. Drip. SYN. Drop, ooze, percolate.
ANT. Gabble, rattle, prattle. ANT. Imbibe, swallow, absorb, suck,
Dread, n. SYN. Fear, shuddering, dry, retain, hold.
terror, horror, alarm, intimidation, Drive, See DRAW].

apprehension. Drivel. SYN. Fatuity, nonsense, tri-

ANT. Courage, confidence, welcome, fling, snivel, babble.
assurance. ANT. Soundness, coherence, sub-
Dreadful. SYN. Fearful, shocking, stance, solidity.
monstrous, dire, terrible, frightful, Driveller. SYN. Idiot, babbler, do-
terrific, horrible, alarming, awful. tard.
ANT. Encouraging, inspiriting, as- ANT. Speaker, debater, logician,
suring, promising, hopeful. orator.
Dream, n. SYN. Trance, vision, fancy, Droll. STN. Whimsical, comical, odd,
reverie, hallucination, romance. queer, amusing, laughable, funny,
ANT. Fact, reality, substance, verify, comic, fantastic, farcical.
realization. ANT. Sad, lamentable, tragic, lu-
Dreamy. SYN. Fanciful, visionary, gubrious, funereal.
speculative, abstracted, absent, foggy. Drollery. SYN. Fun, whimsicality,
ANT. Collected, earnest, attentive, comicality, trickery, buffoonery, face-
awake, active, energetic, practical. tiousness, pleasantry.
Dreary. [See DISMAL]. ANT. Gravity, dismality. rueful-
Dregs. SYN. Refuse, sediment, offal, ness, priggishness, starch, lugubrious-
lees, offscouring, dross, trash. ness.
ANT. Cream, flower, pink, pickings, Drone. [See DBAWL].
, sample. Droop. SYN. Sink, flag, decline.
pine, languish, drop, bend, incurve, Dulcify, Dulcorate. [See
fade. EN I.

ANT. Revive, flourish, luxuriate, Dull. SYN. Stupid, stolid, doltish,

prosper, rally, raise. insensible, callous, heavy, gloomy,
Drop. SYN. Ooze, emanate, distil, dismal, cloudy, turbid, opaque, dowdy,
percolate, fall, decline, descend, faint, sluggish, sad, tiresome, commonplace,
droop. dead.
ANT. Evaporate, rally, rise, soar, ANT. Sharp, clever, lively, ani-
ascend, recover. mated, sensible, cheerful, exhilara-
Dross. SJTN [see CREAM]. ting, brignt, transparent, brilliant,
Drought. SYN. Dryness, aridity, burnished.
parching, thirst. DullarU. [See BLOCKHEAD].
ANT Moisture, refreshment, dew, Dumb. SYN. Inarticulate, mute,
deluge, slakiug, quenching, watering, silent, still.
irrigation. Ant. Clatter, tumult, uproar.
Drown. SYN. Sink, immerse, Dumbfounded. [See ASTONISH].
swamp, overwhelm, engulf, deluge, Dunce. n. [See BLOCKHEAD].
inundate, submerge. Dupe. [See CHEATJ.
ANT. Dry, drain, expose, air, ven- Duplicity. [See ARTFUL].
tilate. Durable. SYN. Lasting, perma-
Drowsy. SYN. Heavy, drooping, nent, stable, persistent, abiding, con-
sleepy, dozy, comatose, torpid, stu- stant, continuing.
pid, somnolent. ANT. Evanescent, transient, im-
ANT. Light, vigilant, alert, awake. permanent, unstable.
Drudge, v. SYN. Slave, labor, plod. Durance. SYN. Confinement, in-
ANT. Bask, luxuriate, hit off, play,
carceration, imprisonment.
dally. ANT. Liberty, largeness.
Drug. [See CIPHER]. Duration. SYN. Period, continu-
Dry. v. SYN. Drain, parch.
ance, term, space, protraction, pro-
ANT. Drench, moisten, wet.
Dry. SYN. Arid, parched, moisture- ANT. Momentariness, instantane-
less, juiceless, barren, tame, sar- ousness, infinity, eternity.
castic, vapid, lifeless, dull, tedious, Dutiful. SYN. submis-
uninteresting, monotonous.
ANT. Moist, fresh, juicy, lively, en- sive, respectful, docile, deferential,
tertaining ANT.
Dubious. Disobedient, intractable, re-
Ductile. SYN. exten- bellious, undutiful.
Duty. SYN. Obligation, part, busi-
sible, tractile, extensile, tractable, do-
cile, irresolute. ness, responsibility, allegiance, func-
ANT. Inelastic, inflexible, tough, tion,omce, province, calling, trust,
obdurate, resolute, firm, obstinate. commission, service.
Dudgeon. SYN. Indignation, spleen, ANT. Freedom, exemption, immu-
resentment, umbrage. nity, license, dispensation, desertion,
ANT, Complacency, contentment,
serenity, satisfaction.
Dwarf, i'. SYN. Lower,stunt, depress.
Dr . SYN. Owing, attributable, just, ANT. Heighten, elevate, raise.
fair, proper, suitable, becoming, tit, Dwarf, n. SYN. Pigmy, imp, abor-
owed, appropriate, obligatory. tion, puck.
ANT. Irrelative, unattributable, in- ANT. Giant, monster, Hercules.
dependent, undue, unfair, improper, Dwell. SYN. Stop, stay, rest, in-
extravagant, deficient. habit, sojourn, lodge, linger, tarry,
Dulcet. SYN. Sweet, soothing, melo- live, reside, abide.
dious, soft, warbling, euphonious. ANT. Move, travel, hasten, speed,
ANT. Harsh, grating, discordant, migrate, wander, depart, flit, roam.
noisy, clamorous, dissonant, rancor- Dweller. [See DWELL and DENIZKV
ou*, cacophonous. Dwelling. See A BODE J.
Dwindle. SYN. Pine, waste, dimin Eclectic. SYN. Exceptive, selective,
ish, decrease, fall off, decline,
melt. broad.
ANT. Expand, enlarge, increase, ANT. Narrow, prejudiced, petty, par-
grow, flourish, augment, develop. tial, intolerant, biased, warped, dog-
Eclipse, n. SYN. Failure, obscuration,
overshadowing, shading, diminution,
EARLY. SYN. Soon,betimes,forward,
outshining, outdoing, outri vailing.
ANT. Illumination, effulgence, re-
shortly, quickly, ere long, anon,
utiual, beforehand. appearance, brightness, lustre, re-
ANT. Late, tardily, backward, ves- nown, re-illumination, re-effulgence,
pertinal, belated.
Earn. SXN. Merit, acquire, achieve, Eclipse, v. SYN. Obscure, outdo, out-
realize. shine, overshadow, outvie, outrival,
obtain, win, gain, deserve,
ANT. Forfeit, forego, waste, lose, darken, shade, overcast, dim, cloud.
spend, squander.
ANT. Recommend, brighten, illus-

Earnest. SYN. Eager, serious, intent, trate,enhance, heighten.

determined, strenuous, solemn, grave, Economy. SYN. Administration, dis-
warm, ferveut, intense, ardent. pensation, management, rule, arrange-
ANT. Indifferent, idle, playful, des- ment, distribution, husbanding.
ultory, irresolute, uoiearnest, spor- ANT. Maladmmistration,waste, mis-
tive, jesting, flippant. rule, mismanagement, disorder, prod-
"Ease. SYN. Enjoyment, comfort, rest, igality.
repose, tranquillity, refreshment, re- Economize. SYN. Husband, devel-
lief, quiet, contentment, satisfaction, op, utilize.
favx'lity, readiness. ANT. Waste, misuse, sacrifice.
ANT. Trouble, annoyance, vexation, Ecstasy. SYN. Rapture, inspiration,
disquiet, difficulty, awkwardness. fervor, frenzy, transport,emotion,joy,
Easy. SYN. Quiet, comfortable, man- delight, enthusiasm, happiness.
ageable, indulgent, facile, lenient, un-
ANT. Indifference, cooluess,dulness,
constrained, gentle, not difficult, un- weariness, tedium,bore, fidget, misery
ooncerned, self-possessed. Ecumenical. SYN. Universal, cath-
ANT. Uneasy, disturbed, uncomfort- olic.
able, difficult, unmanageable, hard, ex- ANT. Partial, national, private, lo-
acting, anxious,awkward, embar rassed. cal,domestic.
Ebb. SYN. Retire, recede, decrease, Edible. SYN. Esculent, wholesome,
sirk, decline, decay, wane. culinary, eatable.
ANT. Flow, increase, abound, swell. ANT. Noxious, poisonous, uneat-
Ebriety. SYN. Soberness, freshness, able, deleterious.
temperance. Edifice. SYN. Structure, building,
ANT. Inebriety, intoxication, crap- tenement, fabric.
ulence. ANT. Ruin, heap, demolition, dis-
Ebullition. SYN. Boiling, efferves- mantlement.
cence, outburst, paroxysm, eruption. Edify. SYN. Enlighten, instruct, im-
ANT. Refrigeration, cooling, subsi- prove.
dence, composure. ANT. Misguide, mislead, misinform.
Eccentric. SYN. Peculiar, singular, Educate. SYN. Instruct, nurture, dis-
idiosyncratic, flighty, aberrant, anom- cipline, train, teach, develop, ground,
alous, wayward, strange, irregular, school, initiate.
abnormal, odd, whimsical, erratic. ANT. Miseducate, misinstruct, mis-
ANT. Regular, ordinary, customary, nurture.
normal, common, usual, unuoticeable, Educe. SYN. Draw, eliminace,produce,
wa remarkable. elicit.
Echo. SYN. Reverberation, resonance, ANT. Adduce, apply, insert, deposit,
repetition, imitation, answer. bestow.
ANT. Sound, voice, original, ques- Efface. SYN. Erase, obliterate, eradi-
tion, proposition, statement, opinion. cate, destroy, blot out.caucel.expuugtt.
ANT. Eestore, revive, delineate, Im- ANT. Refluence, infusion, aosorp.
print, portray. tiou, retention, exhaustion.
EttV'-t. v. SYN. Produce, cause, com- Effluvium. SYN. Exhalation, emana-
plete, achieve, accomplish, fulfil, real- tion, malaria,miasma, stink.
ize, execute, consummate. ANT. Ventilation, scent, disinfectant,
ANT. Prevent, obviate, frustrate, zephyr, balm.
mar. Effort. SYN. Trial, attempt, endeavor,
Effect, n. SYN. Result, consequence, exertion.
issue, pi. Goods, chattels, property, ANT. Failure, misadventure, unsuc-
movables, commodities. cess, frustration, futility, inactivity,
ANT. Origin, cause. ease, facility, spontaneity.
Effective. SYN. Powerful, conducive, Effrontery. SYN. Barefacedness, im-
operative, cogent, telling, able, po- pudence, brass.
tent, talented, efficacious, efficient,ser- ANT. Modesty,timidity,bashfalne3s,
viceable, effectual. coyness.
ANT. Weak,ineffeetive,inconducive, Effulgence. SYN. Splendor, lustre.,
inoperative, futile, nugatory. brilliancy, luminosity.
Effectuate. SYN. Produce, ensure, ANT. Darkness, obscuration, ten-
secure, stabilitate,compa3s, complete, ebrosity.
establish. Effuse. SYN. Copious, effluent, abuu-
ANT. Prevent, hinder, nullify, de- dant.
feat, nip, blight, strangle, stifle, abol- ANT. T^y, scanty, sparing, jejune.
ish. Effiisioflr SYN. Pouring, discharge,
Effeminate. SYN. Feminine, deli- emission, effluence, oration, speech,
cate, womanly, womanish, timorous, address.
feeble, mild mannered, soft, unmanly, ANT. I uf usion, refluence, absorption,
weak, enervated, emasculated. essay, document, instrument, reading.
ANT. Manly, robust, vigorous, vi- Egotism. SYN. Conceit, vanity, self-
rile, hardy. assertion, self-conceit, self-praise,
Effervesce. SYN. Boil, bubble, foam, self-exaltation, conceitedness.
mantle, froth, ferment, sparkle, ex- ANT. Considerateuess, deference,
plode, bluster. self-abnegation .

ANT. Subside, bear, brook, digest, Egregious. SYN. Remarkable, pecu.

acquiesce, refrain, flatten. consummate.
liar, excellent,
Effete. SYN. Worn, exhausted, barren, ANT. Ordinary, commonplace,every.
decrepit. day, mediocre.
ANT. Productive, vigorous, fertile, Egress. SYN. Exit, departure, sally,
prolific,exuberant. outlet.
Efficacy. SYN. Efficiency, compe- ANT. Adit, inlet, approach, avenue,
tency, virtue, agency, capability, use- entrance.
fulness, energy,productiveness,effect- Eitlier. ANT. Neither (ne being th
iveness. negative prefix).
ANT. Inefficiency, inutility, ineffect- Ejaculate. [See EJACULATION].
iveness. Ejaculation. SYN. Exclamation, ut-
Efficiency. [See EFFICACY], terance, cry.
Efficient. [See EFFECTIVE]. ANT. Obmutescence, silence,speech-
Effigy. SYN. Statue, figure, represen- lessuess, dumbfoundedness, oration,
tation, image. speech, drawl.
ANT. Caricature, misrepresentation, Eject. SYN. Cast, throw, discharge,
distortion, daub. dislodge, emit, thrust out, oust, cast
Efflorescence. SYN. Budding, luxu- out, expel, extrude, evert.
riance, outburst, ci-ystallizatiou,gran- ANT. Accept, receive, retain, house,
ulation. store, lodge, accommodate, admit,
ANT. Nudity, bareness, denudation, welcome, introduce, inject.
defloresceuce, absorption, desiccation. Ejection. [See EJECT].
Effluence. SYN. Outpouring, emis- Eke* SYN. Help, increase, augment!
sion, discharge, abundance, overflow. raise.
98 ELU
ANT. Stop, diminish, stint, with- rudimental, simple, inchoate, compo.
hold, drain, exhaust. nent, constituent, ultimate.
Elaborate. SYN. Execute, forge, pre- ANT. Immaterial, incorporeal, in-
pare, concoct, mature. palpable, compound, collective, aggre-
ANT. Misconceive, mismanage, mis- gate, developed, organized.
contrive, hit, conjecture, guess, ex- Elevate. SYN. Raise, dignify, en-
temporize, chance. noble.
Elapse. SYN. Pass, slip, lapse, glide ANT. Lower, degrade, depress, hum-
away, intervene. ble, demean debase.

ANT. Wait, abide, hold, continue, Elevation. SYN. Height, rise, rais-
halt, endure. ing, altitude, loftiness, tallness, im-
Elastic. SYN. Ductile, extensile, alter- provement, amelioration, tefinement,
able, resilient, modifiable, flexible, superiority, eminence.
buoyant, springy. ANT. Depth, fall, decline, depres-
ANT. Tough, unchangeable, rigid, sion, shortness, stuntedness, deterior-
inflexible, inelastic, crystallized, dull, ation, debasement, degradation, in-
inert. feriority.
Elated. SYN. Cheered, joyed, inspir- Elicit. SYN.
Draw, evoke, educe,
ited,overjoyed, proud, inflated. enucleate,
eliminate, express, ex-
ANT. Depressed, dispirited, disap- tract, evolve.
pointed, abashed, confounded, humil- ANT. Insert, implant, introduce, in-
iated, disconcerted, dejected. oculate, insinuate, infuse, instil, in-
Elder. SYN. Senior, father. corporate, suggest, extort.
ANT. Junior, son. Eligible. SYN. Capable, suitable,
Elect, a. SYN. Elite, choice, accepted, worthy, desirable, preferable, choice,
chosen. prime.
ANT. Rejected. reproba f e. ANT. Undesirable, worthless,unprof-
Elected, f See ELECTION]. itable, ordinary, indifferent, ineligi-
Election. SYN. Choice, acceptance, ble.
selection, preference. Eliminate. SYN. Cast out, exclude,
ANT. Postponement,rejection,repro- eject, reject, elucidate, explain, enu-
bation. cleate, segregate.
Electrify. SYN. Astonish, astound, ap- ANT. Mystify, obscure, involve,
amaze, dumbfounder.
pall, thrill, smuggle, foi?t, import, confound.
ANT. Soothe, compose, cairn, mes- Elision. SYN. Omissio-i. ejection, ex-
cerption, abridgment, ellipse.
Elegance. SYN. Beauty, grace, re- ANT. Insertion, introduction, im-
finement, symmetry, gracefulness, plantation, augmentation, elongation,
taste. inoculation.
ANT. Deformity, awkwardness, in-
Elliptical. SYN, Suggestive, latent,
elegance, disproportion, ungraceful- pregnant, significant, allusive, subau-
ness, coarseness, rudeness. ditive.
Elegant. SYN. Graceful, lovely, well ANT. Categorical, full, expository,
formed, well made, symmetrical, ac- explanatory, declaratory, enunciative.
complished, polished, refined, hand- Elocution. SYN. Oratory, declama-
some. tion, eloquence.
ANT. Inelegant, deformed, unsym- ANT. Reading, lection, balbutiation.
metrical, ill-proportioned, ungrace- Elongation. SYN. Production, ex-
ful, coarse, rude. tonsiou.
Elegy. SYN. Dirge, threnody, lament, ANT. Apocope, curtailment.
jeremiad. Eloquence. [See ELOCUTION].
ANT. Psean, jubilee. Elucidate. SYN. Explain, clear. 11.
Element. SYN. Component, part, lustrate, make plain, expound.
atom. ANT. Mystify, obscure, confuse.
ANT. Whole, total, mass, aggregate. Elude. SYN. Escape, avoid, baffle,
Elementary. SYN. Physical, mate- shun, eschew, evade, parry, fence,
rial, natural, elementary, primary, mock, frustrate.
LU i
ANT. Encouiiter, meet, confront, folded, wrapt, enveloped, surrounded,
court, dare, defy. begirt, encircled.
jGlusory. SYN. Slippery, intnngible, ANT. Exposed, unfolded, open, un-
indetaiuable, fugitive, shadowy, un- encircled.
substantial. Embrace. SYN. Clasp, comprehend,
ANT. Persistent, stable, solid. include, hug, comprise, contain, close,
Emaciation. SYN. Leanness, atten- embody, incorporate.
uation, wasting. AKT. Exclude, reject, except.
ANT. Fatness, obesity, corpulence. Embroider. SYN. Emboss, enrich,
Emanate. SYN. Originate, flow, emblazon, embellish.
spring, rise, proceed, issue. ANT. Botch, patch, cobble, darn.
ANT. Terminate, culminate, end, Embroil. SIN. Implicate, commingle,
eveae, issue, arrive, eventuate. entangle (in quarrel), disturb, dis-
Emanation. [See EMANATE]. tract, trouble.
Emancipate. SYN. Liberate, en- ANT. Extricate, separate, remove,
franchise, rescue. arrange, compose, pacify.
ANT. Enthrall, subjugate, enslave, Embryo. SYN. Germ, nucleus, rudi-
bind, disqualify. ment, origin.
Embalm. SYN. Conserve, preserve, AIIT. Development, shape, com-
treasure, store, enshrine, consecrate. pletion, maturity.
ANT. Expose, desecrate, abandon, Emendation. SYN. Correction,
vulgarize. amendment, rectification, reforma-
Embargo. SYN. Restraint, detention, tion.
prohibition, stoppage. ANT. Error, defect, incorrectness,
ANT. Permit, permission,discharge, fault, corruption.
liberation, dismissal, conge. Emerge. SYN. Escape, issue, evene,
Embark. SYN. Launch, eu'er, start. appear.
ANT. Arrive, anchor, land. ANT. Enter, incur, retreat, recede,
Embarrass. SYN. Entangle, uiscon- abscond.
cert, trouble, perplex, contuse, ham- Emergency. SYN. Crisis, conjunc.
ture, pitch, embarrassment, strait,
per, clog, distress, puzzle, encumber.
ANT. Extricate, liberate, expedite, necessity, exigency, casualty, diffi-
facilitate, accelerate, assist, disen- culty.
cumber. ANT. Bescue, deliverance, solution,
Embellish. [See ADORN]. subsidence, provision, anticipation,
Embezzle. SYN. Appropriate, con- arrangement.
Emersion. [See IMMERSION].
fuse, falsify, peculate, misappropri-
ate. Emigration. SYN. Exodus, coloni-
zation, flit.
ANT. Square, balance, clear.
ANT. Abode, sojourn, settlement,
Embitter. SYN. Aggravate, molest.
stay, domiciliation, immigration.
ANT. Alleviate, soothe, sweetea. Eminence. [See HEIOHT].
Emblazon. [See BLAZON]. Eminent. [See HIGH].
Emblem. SYN. Device, cognizance, Eminently. See HIGHLY].|

sign, token, symbol, representation, Emission. [See DISCHARGE].

type, badge, mark. Emollient. SYN. Softeuiug, laxative,
ANT. Disguise, decoy, incognito, balsamic.
domino, blind, ruse. ANT. Astringent, irritant, galling.
Embody. SYN. Express, methodize, Emolument. [See PROFIT].
systematize, codify, incorporate, ag- Emotion. SYV. Passion, feeling, ex-
gregate, integrate, compact, intro- citement,agitation, perturbation,
duce, enlist, combine. trepidation, tremor.
ANT. Eliminate, segregate, analyze, ANT. Indifference, insensibility, im-
dissipate, disintegrate, dismember, passiveness, imperturbability, stoi-
colliquats disband, disembody. cism.
Embolden. [See ENCOURAGE]. Emphatic. SYN. Earnest, forcible
Embosomed. SYN. Concealed, en- strong, energetic, impressive, posi-
tivf ,
important, special, egregious, brace, gird, engird, hem in, beset, en
consummate. compass.
ANT. Mild, unemphatic, cool, unim- ANT. Disenclose, disencircle, disen-
passioned, unimportant, ordinary, coinpass.
unnoticeable, common-place. Enclose. SYN. Shut, encircle,environ,
Empierce. (See PIERCE j. include, circumscribe, envelop, wrap,
Empire. SYN. Dominiou,sovereigiity, afforest.
rule, sway, kingdom, realm. ANT. Open, disclose, exclude, bare,
ANT. Independence, insurrection, diseucircle, expose, develop, disaf-
anarchy. forest, disenclose.
Empirical. SYN. Experimental, ten- Enclosure. SYN. Fence, ring, limit,
tative, quackif-h. boundary, park, close,circle,fieJd, pre-
ANT. Scientific, regular, inductive, cinct.
uniform, constant. ANT. Space, common, waste, wild,
Employ. YX. U-e. apply, economize, desert, wilderness, void.
occupy, engage, engross. Encomium. SYN. Panegyric, lauda-
ANT Discard, dismiss, misuse, mis- tion, praise, compliment, commenda-
employ. tion, eulogy.
Empower. SYN. Enable, commission, A.NT. Vituperation, vilification, ob-
encourage, qualify, delegate, warrant, loquy, taunt, invective.
sanction, diiect, authorize. Encompass
ANT Hinder, [See ENCIRCLE].
prevent, discourage, Encounter. SYN. Meet, confront,
disable, disqualify.
face, withstand, attack, assault, com-
Empty. SYN. Vacant, void, clear, un-
bat, engagement.
encumbered, unobstructed, unoccu- ANT
pied, waste,uninhabited,nnfrequented,
Elude, avoid, escape, miss,
devoid, vacuous, def.titute,unnlled,un- En, ourage. SYN. Embolden, rally,
furnished, untenanted, evacuated, de-
ficient, weak, Billy, idle, senseless.
enhearten, cheer, incite, stimulate,fos-
ANT. Full, occupied, encumbered, ter, cherish, promote, urge, impel, ad-
obstructed, cultivated, colonized, in- vance, coui.tenance,forward,reassure,
habited, informed, well-instructed, ex- animate, inspirit, prompt, abet.
ANT. Deter, discourage, dissuade,
perienced, sensible, significant, forci-
ble, important, substantial.
Emulate. SYN. Rival, vie, compete, Encroach. SYN. Invade, trespass, in-
trude, transgress, infringe.
aspire. ANT. Respect, recognize, observe.
ANT. Disaffect, shun, forego, aban-
Encrust. SYN. Coat,line, plaster,face.
don, despise, contemn, waive. ANT. Expose, abrade, scrape.
Enable. SYN. Empower, strengthen,
Encrustation. SYN. Plaster.coating,
ANT. Disqualify, hinder, disable. lining, integument.
ANT. Abrasion, exfoliation, peeling.
Enact. [See ACT ami ABROGATE].
Eiiamor. SYN. Captivate, fascinate, Encumber. SYN. Oppress, obstruct,
enslave, charm, endear, bewitch, en- ANT. Disencumber, free, disburden.
AST. Repel, disgust, estrange, dis- End. [See TERMINATION].
enchant, horrify. Endanger. SYN. Imperil,expose,per
Encamp. SYN. Settle, pitch, quarter, il, jeopardize, hazard, risk.
ANT. Cover, defend, protect, shield,
AST. March,decamp, retire, retreat. screen.
Enchain. SYN. Bind, fetter, manacle, Endear. SYN. Attach, conciliate, gain.
enslave. ANT. Estrange, alienate, embitter.
ANT. Loose, liberate, extricate, dis- Endearment. [See BLANDISH-
enthrall, manumit. MENT].
Enchant. [SeeENAMOR]. Endeavor. [See ATTEMPT].
Encircle. SYN. Surround, environ,in- Endless. SVN. Interminable, illim-
ti, hem, circumscribe,compass.eui- itable,, unceasing, bound-
101 ENO
less, deathless,imperishable, ever- Engender. SYN. Generate, produow.
lasting, perpetual, eternal, infinite. create, breed, propagate.
ANT. Terminable, limited, tem- ANT. Stifle, destroy, extinguish, neu-
porary, brief, transient, periodic, tralize, blight, prevent.
ephemeral, fugitive, finite. Engird. [See GIRD].
Endow. SYN. Present, enrich, Engorge. |
furnish, qualify, adorn, invest, supply, Engrave. SYN. Print, imprint, sculp-
clothe, endue. ture, stereotype.
ANT. Denude, spoliate, strip, dis- ANT. Obliterate, erase, levigate.
endow, deprive, divest. Engross. [See ABSORB].
Endowment. SYN. Gift, provis- Engulf. [See ABSORB].
ion, benefit, benefaction, taleut,capac-
Enhance. [
ity, attainment, qualification.
Enigmatical. SYN. Puzzling, per-
ANT. Impoverishment, spoliation, plexing, obscure, mystic.
ANT. Lucid, explanatory, plain, self-
disendowment, incapacity, poverty, evident.
Endue. [See CLOTHE and ENDOW].
Enjoin. SYN. Impress,com.mand,com-
Endure. mission, direct, order, ordain, admon-
JSee LAST and TOLERATE]. ish, appoint, oblige, prescribe.
Enemy. [See FRIEND]. ANT. Recall, dispense,remit,absolve,
Energy. [See ACTIVITY]. release, exonerate, dissuade.
Enervate. SYN. Weaken, enfeeble,
unnerve, deteriorate, debilitate, re- Enjoy. SYN. Like, relish, possess.
ANT. Dislike. disrelish.sufl"er,loathe,
lax, unstring, unhinge.
ANT. Strengthen, brace, invigor- forfeit, lose, tolerate, endure.

ate, harden, nerve.

Enkindle. [See KINDLE].
Enfeeble. [See ENERVATE]. Enlarge. SYN. Amplify, expand, aug-
Enfold. SYN. Wrap, envelop, en- ment, broaden, swell, stretch out, ex-
tend, stretch, dilate, increase.
close, embrace, comprise. ANT. Narrow, lessen, contract, re-
ANT. Unwrap, develop, disclose.
strict, diminish, curtail, reduce.
Enforce. SYN. Urge, compel, re-
quire, exact, exert, strain.
Enlighten. SYN. Illumine, edify, in-
struct, illuminate, inform, teach.
ANT. Kelax, waive, forego, remit, ANT. Mislead, darken, confound, ob-
scure, mystify, perplex.
Enfranchise. SYN. Libernte,qualify.
Enlightened. [See ENLIGHTEN and
Disfranchise, disqualify. Enlist. SYN. Enter, register, enroll,
Engage. SYN. Promise, undertake, incorporate, embody.
vouch, employ, occupy, hire, gain, at- ANT. Withdraw, erase, expunge, dis-
tract, enlist, stipulate, pledge, agree, miss, disband, disembody.
buy, adopt, involve. Enliven. SYN. Wake, cheer, vivify,
ANT. Decline, refuse, withdraw, dis- quicken, invigorate, exhilarate, rouse,
miss, discard, extricate, disengage. inspirit, amui-e, excite, animate.
Engaged. SYN. Occupied, employed, VNT. Oppress, depress, stupefy,wea-
selected, intent, chosen, affianced, be- ry, tire, paralyze, deaden.
trothed. Enmity. SYN. Discord, hate, hostility,
ANT. Free, unemployed,disengaged, malevolence, maliciousness, aversion,
unaffiauced. malignity, ill-feeling, animosity, oppo-
Engagement. (For military sense, sition, bitterness, acrimony, asperity.
see BATTLE.) SYN. Promise, pledge, ANT. Friendship, love, affection, es-
agreement. teem, friendliness, cordiality.
ANT. Release from engagement, re- Ennoble. SYN. Exalt, dignify, elevate,
lease, liberation. ameliorate, aggrandize.
Engaging. SYN. Attractive, interest- ANT. Debase, degrade, deprave, de-
ing, winning. teriorate, depress.
ANT. Unattractive, Enormity. SYN. Atrocity, perpetra-
pultiive. tion, abomination, sin.
ANT. Innocence, guiltlessness, clean ANT. Disentangle, unravel, extrt-
hands, clear conscience. cate.
Enormous. SYN. Huge, immense, gi- Enter. STN. Invade, penetrate.
gantic, colossal, elephantine, vast, ANT. Issue, depart, leave, quit,
gross, monstrous, prodigious. vacate.
ANT. Diminutive, insignificant, triv- Enterprise. [See ADVENTURE].
ial, venial, average, ordinary, regular. Enterprising. STN. Active, bold,
Enough. STN. Sufficient, ample, plen- daring, adventurous, speculative,
ty, abundance. dashing, venturesome.
ANT. Bare, scant, insufficient, inade- ANT. Inactive, timid, inadventur-
quate, short. ous, cautious.
Enrage. STN. Provoke, incite, mad- Entertain. STN. Harbor, main-
den, incense,excite,aggravate,irritate, tain, conceive, foster, receive, rec-
inflame, embitter, infuriate, exasper- amuse.
ate. ANT. Eject, exclude, deny, debar,
ANT. Soothe, conciliate,pacify,tame, annoy, weary, bore, tire.
mollify, allay, quiet. Enthrall. [See ENSLAVE].
Enrapture. SYN. Beatify, entrance, Enthrone. SYN. Crown, install.
enchant, fascinate, bewitch, captivate, ANT. Depose, dethrone, debase, de-
transport, charm, attract, ravish. grade.
ANT. Disgust, nauseate, torture,hor- Enthusiasm. STN. Excitement,
rify, frenzy, sensation, inspiration, trans-
Enrich. STN. Aggrandize, endow, port, rapture, warmth, fervor, fer-
store, augment, fertilize, decorate,en- vency, zeal, ardor, vehemence, pas-
hance. sion, devotion.
ANT. Impoverish, reduce, rob, beg- ANT. Coldness, callousness, indif-
gar, fleece, denude, disfigure. ference, disaffection, repugnance,
Enrobe. STN. Drape, invest. alienation, contempt.
ANT. Disrobe, divest. Enthusiastic. [See ENTHUSIASM].
Enroll. [See ENLIST.). EKtice. SYN. Allure, seduce, lurej
Enrollment. [See ENROLL]. tempt, attract, decoy.
Ensconce. [See HIDE]. ANT. Deter, warn, hinder, repel.
Enshrine. STN. Consecrate, treas-
ure, embalm, cherish. Enticing. [See ENTICE].
ANT. Expose, desecrate, forget. Entire. STN. Whole, complete, un-
Enslave. STN. Captivate, charm,
impaired, total, perfect, all, full, solid,
integral, undiminished.
subjugate, enthrall. ANT. Partial, broken, impaired, in-
ANT. Eepel, disgust, alienate, es-
trarge, liberatt. manumit, disen-
thrall. Entirely. [See ENTIRE].
Ensue. STN. Follow, accrue, super- Entitle. SYN. Qualify, empower.
vei.e, befall. tit, enable, name, style, denominate,

ANT. Precede, threaten, premon- designate, characterize.

Jsh, forewarn.
ANT. Disqualify, disentitle, dis-
Ensure. STN. Fix, determine, se- able, not designate, not characterize.
cure, eeal. Entity. STN. Existence, being.
ANT. Imperil, hazard, jeopardize, ANT. Nonentity, chimera.
forfeit. Entomb. STN. Bury, inter, inhume.
Entail. STN. Bequeath, leave, de- ANT. Disinter, exhume.
volve, demise, involve, necessitate, in- Enatrammel. STN. Entangle, im-
duce. pede, obstruct, hamper, decoy, en-
ANT. Alienate, supersede, nullify, trap.
prevent, obviate. ANT. Disentangle, liberate, extri-
Entangle. STN. Knot, mat, en- cate, expedite, disentrammel, disen-
trap, ensnare, ravel, implicate, in- thrall.
volve, perplex, embarrass, inveigle, Entrance, n. STN. Introduction,
compromise. opening, entry, iulet, porch, admia*
sion, penetration, avenue, portal, rate, co-ordinate, adequate, alike
ingress, adit. equivalent, even, equable, sufficient,
ANT. Exit, egress, departure, de- impi 'tial, co-extensive, smooth.
bouchure. ANT. [Inequal, incommensurate, in-
Entrance, r. [See ENnAPTUKE]. co-ordinate, inadequate, disparate,
Entrap. [See ENTBAMMEL]. variable.
Entreat, v. tr. SYS. Implore, Equality. [See EQUAL].
obsecrate, beg, beseech, importune, Equanimity. SYN. Calmness, com-
crave, solicit, supplicate, pray, ask, posure, tranquillity, collectedness,
urge, petition. even-mindedness.
ANT. Command, insist, bid, enjoin. ANT. Restlessness, disquiet, pertur-
Entry. SYN. Entrance, initiation, bation, impatience.
beginning, record, note, minute, reg- Equip. SYN. Accoutre, garnish, in-
ister, memorandum. vest, prepare, furnish, arrange.
ANT. Conclusion, quittance, dis- ANT. Divest, dismantle, denude,
posal, blank, omission, falsification, despoil, derange.
misentry, misrecord. Equipage. SYN. Accoutrements,
Kiit wine. SYN. Lace, convolve, in- trappings, furniture, habiliments, ap-
terlace, weave. paratus, carriage, attendance, reti.
ANT. Disentwine, dissever. nue.
Enumerate. SYN. Specify, name, ANT. Dismantlement, unstateliness,
number, recount, detail, reckon, com- Equipment. [See EQUIP].
pute, calculate, call over. Equipoise. [See BALANCE].
ANT. Confound, Miscount, mis- Equipollent. [See EQUIVALENT].
reckon. Equiponderant. [See EQUIPOISE
Enunciate. SYN. propound,
State, a. id EQUIVALENT],
pronounce, syllable Equitable. SYN. Fair, just, propor-
ANT. Mutter, babble, balbutiate, tionate, impartial, upright, proper,
stammer. reasonable, even-handed, honest.
Envelop. [t-eeDEVEiop]. SYN.
. ANT. Unfair, unjust, dispropor-
Wrap, enfold, encase, environ, in- tionate, partial.
wrap, enclose, cover. Equity. [See EQUITABLE].
ANT. Unwrap, develop, reveal, Equivalence. [See EQUIVALENT].
expose, unfold, extract. Equivalent. SYN. Equiponderant,
Envelope, n. [Seetwr^L equipollent
Envenom, [see POISON]. .A NT. Unequal, vmequivalent.
.Environ. SYN. Surround, hem, in* Equivocal. SYN. Dubious, am-
close, encircle, enfold. biguous, doubtful, double-sided.
ANT. Disinclose, disenfold. ANT. Uuivocal, plain, direct, clear,
Envy. SYN. Grudging, jealousy, Eradicate. SYN. Extirpate, abolish,
suspicion. extinguish, exterminate, excise, up-
Ephemeral. Transient, eva-
SY.V. root, destroy, root out.
nescent, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, ANT. Implant, import, instil, foster,
momentary. propagate, cherish, encourage.
ANT. Abiding, persistent, perma- Eradication, See ERADICATE J

nent, perpetual, eternal, perennial, Erase. SYN. Obliterate, efface, ex-

immortal. punge, blot, cancel.
Epigrammatic. SYN. Pointed, ANT. Mark, write, delineate.
terse, graphic, concise, laconic. Erasure. [SEE ERASE].
ANT. Diffuse, circumlocutory, point- Erect. SYN. Elevate, raise, establish,
less. plant, uplift, construct, build, found,
Epitome, [see ABBREVIATION]. institute, set up.
Equable. SYN. Uniform, regular, ANT. Lower, supplant, subvert, der
proportionate, even, smooth, easy. press, remove, destroy, demolish.
ANT. Irregular, desultory, vari Erection. [See ERECT].
able, fitful, disjointed, uneasy. Erode. [See COUROUE].
Equal. SYN. Uniform, commence* Err. SYN. Deviate, wander, mistak*
ERR 104

blunder, misjudge, stumble, stray, go promotive, regulative, in

astray, misapprehend. duced, imported, adventitious, asci-
ANT. Succeed, prosper, correct, rec- titions, redundant, superfluous.
tify. Establish. SYN. Plant, fir, settle,
Errand. STN. Message, commission, fouud, demonstrate, organize, confirm,
mission, delegation, charge. institute, prove, substantiate.
ANT. Misdelivery, misannounce- ANT Suppliant, unsettle, break-up,
ment. disestablish, misstate, confute, refutej
Erratic. STN. Desultory, aberrant, upset, subvert, presumn, suppose,
abnormal, flighty, changeful, capri- guess, conjecture, surmise.
cious. Established. [See ESTABLISH].
ANT. Regular, normal, methodical, Estate. SYN. Lands, fortune. property,
calculable, unalterable, steady, unde- possessions, demesne, order, rank,
viatir.g. condition, freehold, domain.
Erring. STN, Misguided, misled, sin- ANT. State, community, country,
ful, wandering. waste, chattels, goods, effects.
ANT. Virtuous, good, upright. Esteem. SYN. Price, value, consider,
Error. SYN. Fault, mistake, blunder, deem, judge, believe, estimate, think,
falsity, deception, fallacy, untruth, regard, affect, appreciate, revere,
hallucination. honor, respect, admire, venerate,
ANT. Correction, correctness, truth, prize, love, like.
accuracy, soundness, rectification. ANT. Disregard, disconsider, dis-
Erudition. STN. Learning, lore, let- affect, dislike, undervalue, underrate,
ters, scholarship. decry, depreciate.
ANT. Illiterateness, duncedom, Estimable. STN. Amiable, delect-
sciolism. able, worthy, good, meritorious, de-
Eruption. STN. Outburst, explosion, berviag, lovable, praiseworthy.
discharge, eructation, exsumation. ANT. Un amiable, iiidelec table, un-
ANT Absorption, engulfing, en- worthy, bad.
grossment, swallowing, irruption, in- Estimate. [See ESTEEM].
burst, devourment. Estimatior . [See ESTEEM].
Escape. SYN. Elude, decamp, ab- Estrange. See ALIENATE].

scond, fly, flee, evade, avoid. Esurient. [See STAHVED].

ANT. Incur, confront, encounter, Eternal. STN. Infinite, endless,
meet, suffer. everlasting, deathless, imperishable,
Escheat. [See CHEAT]. never-dyh.g, ceaseless, ever-living,
Eschew. See AVOID!.
I perpetual, undyirg, unceasing.
Escort. [See CONVOY]. ANT. Ephemeral, transient, tem-
Esculent. [See EDIBLE]. poral, fleeting, evanescent, sublunary.
Esoteric. SYN. Piivate, special, ex- Etiquette. SYN. Manners, breed-
acter, advanced. ing, fashion, conventionality.
ANT. Public, popular, rudimentary, ANT. Boorihness, rudeness, misob-
exoteric. servance, singulaiity, uon-conform-
Especial. [See SPECIAL] ance.
Espousal. [See MAHBIAGE], Eulogy. [See PRAISE].
Espy. [SeeSpT.]. Euphonious. SYN. Musical, mellif-
Essay, v. [See ASSAY]. luous, silvery, sweet-toned.
Essay, n. [See ASSAT and DISQUISI- ANT. Harsh, dissonant, discordant.
TION]. Euphuism. SYN. Affectation, pe-
Essence. STN. Being, life, entity, na- dantry, purism, highflying, finical-
ture, substance. ity, factitiousness.
ANT. Accident, property, addita- ANT. Simplicity, rusticity, blunt-
ment, garb, clothing, surroundings. ness, naturalness, mother-tongue,
Essential. STN. Innate, inherent, vernacular.
requisite, necessary, vital, immanent, Euphuistlc. [See EUPHUISM].
'vjndispensable, leading. Evacuate. SYN. Void, abandon,
Axi Accidental, qualitative, quan- desert.
Occupy, seize, fill, hold. spicuous, manifest, indisputable, ob-
Evade. (See ELUDE] vious, clear, palpable, incontrovert-
Evanescent. [See EPHEMERAL], ible.
Evaporate. SYN. Melt, colliquute, ANT Doubtful, obscure, question-
liquefy, vaporize, disappear, dissolve, able, uncertain, dubious.
exhale, distil. Evil. SYN 111, noxious, deleterious,
ANT. Consolidate, compact,solidify, wrong, bad, mischievous, hurtful, sin-
Indurate, crystallize. ful, unhappy, adverse, unpropitious,
Evaporation. [See EVAPORATE]. wicked, corrupt, harmful, unfair, no-
Evasion. SYN. Prevarication, torious, miserable, sorrowful
shuffle, fencing, shiit,subterfuge,quib- ANT. Wholesome, beneficial, right,
bie, equivocation. virtuous, holy, pure, happy, fortu-
ANT. Answer, counter-argument, nate, felicitous, joyous, welcome,
grappling grateful, good.
Even. SYN. Level, smooth, uniform, Evince. SYN. Exhibit, evidence,
equable, plain, flush, well-balanced, show, prove, manifest, demonstrate.
equal. ANT. Suppress, disprove, negative,
ANT. Inclined, abrupt, rugged, conceal.
variable, uneven. Eviscerate. SYN. Disembowel, draw,
Event. SYN. Occurrence, circum- ANT. Stuff,cram, pad.
stance, episode, adventure, issue, acci- Evoke. SYN. Excite, educe, pro-
dent, result, fact, incident. voke, elicit,produce, eliminate, ex-
ANT Cause, antecedent, opera- tract, summon, call out.
tion, inducement, contribution, con- ANT. Allay, stifle, stop, silence, pre-
vergence, predisposition, tendency. vent, seal.
Eventful. SYN. Remarkable, mem- Evolution. [See ALTITUDE].
orable, signal, important, marked, Exacerbate. [See EXASPERATE],
noted, critical, stirring, notable. Exact. [See ACCURATE].
ANT. Ordinary, unmarked, unim- Exactly. SYN. Precisely, accurately,
portant, eventles8,uninteresting, char- correspondeutly
acterless, trivial. ANT Loosely, inadequately, incor-
Ever. SYN. Always, continually, for- rectly, differently, otherwise.
ever, eternally, constantly, inces- Exaggerate. SYN. Amplify, en-
santly large, heighten, magnify, overstate,
ANT Never. overdraw, strain, overpaint, overesti-
Everlasting. SYN. Infinite, end- mate.
less [See ETERNAL]. ANT. Disparage, attenuate, palli-
Everslon. SYN. Evolution, Expli- ate, understate, underestimate, lenity,
cation. mitigate, soften, qualify, modify.
ANT. Inversion, Involution, impli- Exalt. [See ELEVATE],
cation. Exalted. [See EXALT].
Every. SYN. AIL Examine. SYN. Weigh, ponder, in-
ANT. None. vestigate, perpend, test, scrutinize,
Evict. SYN Dispossess, eject. criticize, prove, study, discuss, in-
ANT. Reinstate, admit, settle, lo- quire, search, ovvjrua-il, explore, ii
cate, lodge. spect.
Eviction. [See EVICT]. ANT. Discara, conjecture, guew,
Evidence. SYN. Manifestation, at- slur, misconsider, misinvestigate.
traction, averment, testimony, dep- Examination. [See INQUIRY],
osition, declaration, appearance, Example. SYN. Sample, specimen,
sign, token, proof, indication, exem- pattern, model, copy, illustration, in.
plification, illustration. stance, issue, development.
ANT. Surmise, conjecture, counter- ANT. Stock material, substanct/,
evidence, disproof, refutation, con- law, rule, character, principle, sys-
cealment, suppression, misindication, tem, quality, case.
fallacy. Exanimate. [See INANIMATE].
Evident. SYN. Pluin, visible, con- Exasperate. [See AOOBAV^TX].
Excavate. SYN. Dig, hollow, trench, A.NT. Guess, surmise.
discover, disirter Excommunicate. SYN. Exclude^
ANT. Bury, fill level, conceal, inter, banish, bar, eject, black-ball.
inhume. ANT. Admit, readmit, inaugurate,
Exceed . [See SURPASS]. enroll.
Exceeding. [See EXCEED]. Excrescence. SYN. Superfluity, re-
Exceedingly. [See EXCEED] dundancy, imposthume, tumor.
Excel. r see SURPASS] . ANT Eradication, extirpation, ex-
Excellence. [See EXCEL]. cision, levigation, exsection.
Except, prep. SYK. Excepting, sav- Excruciate. SYN. Agonize, torture,
ing, without, unless, exclusive of torment, rack.
Except, v SYN Exclude, save, ANT. Soothe, please, tranquilize.
bar, *egre!,'ate, negative Excruciating. [See EXCRUCIATE]
ANT Count, include, reckon, state,
classify, propound, affirm, admit.
Exculpate. SYN. Defend, vindicate,
exonerate, acquit, release.
Exception. SYN. Qualification, sep- ANT. Charge, inculpate, Implicate.
aration, exclusion.
ANT. Statement, rule, class, propo-
Excursion. SYN. Trip, ramble, tour,
sition journey, jaunt.
Exceptionable. SYN. Objection- Excursive. [See DISCURSIVE].
able, undesirable. Excusable SYN, Justifiable, venal,
ANT Unobjectionable, desirable, pardonable
unexceptionable, exemplary. ANT. Inexcusable, unpardonable
Exceptional. SYN. Kare, peculiar, Excuse. SYN. Exculpate, absolve,psr-
uncommon, irregular, unusual, ab- don, forgive, over look, condone, i emit,
normal. indulge, justify, vindicate, defend, ac-
ANT. Common, regular, normal, quit, mitigate, extenuate, release, ex-
usual, ordinary empt, exonerate,
Exceptions. [See CONTENTIOUS]. ANT. Charge, inculpate, condemn,
Excess. SYN. Advance, increase, sentence, exact, strain, accuse.
abundance, redundancy, superfluity, Execrable. SYN. Detestable, loath-
extravagance, surplus, debauchery, some, accursed, cursed, villamous,dia-
intemperance. bolical,hateful,abominable,danjiable.
ANT. Deficiency, failure, short- ANT. Desirable, eligible,respectable,
coming, insufficiency, temperance, laudable.
sobriety. Execrate. [See ABOMINATE].
Excessive* SYN. Enormous, un- Execration. SYN. Curse, impreca-
due, exorbitant, overmuch, super- tion, denunciation, anathema, detesta-
abundant, superfluous, unreasonable, tion, malediction.
immoderate, inordinate, extravagant. ANT. [See BENEDICTION].
ANT. Insufficient, scant, inade- Execute. [See CONSUMMATE].
quate. Exemplary. SYN. Laudable, praise-
Exchange. [See CHANGE] worthy, conspicuous, honorable, wary,
Excision. [See ERADICATION]. meritorious, worthy, excellent.
Excitability. SYN Sensibility, ANT. Detestable, objectionable, ex-
sensitiveness, irascibility, irritability. ceptionable.
ANT. Immobility, imperturbability, Exemplify. SYN. Illustrate, mani-
Insensitiveness-composure-hebetude. fest,embody, exhibit, represent.
Excitation. [See ROUSE!. ANT. Betray, falsify, misrepresent,
Excite. SYN. [See ALLAY]. belie.
Exclaim. [See EJACULATE], Exempt. SYN. Free, irresponsible,
Exclude. [See ADMIT]. unamenable, clear, liberated, privi-
Exclusive. [See EXCLUDE and COM- leged, absolved.
PREHENSIVE]. ANT Subject, responsible, liable,
Excogitation, n. A complete cogita- amenable.
tion, (q.v.) SYN. Elaboration, deduc- Exemption. SYN. Freedom, immu-
tion. nity, dispensation, privilege, license.
107 EXP
ANT. Liability, amenableness, sub- Exorbitant. [See EXCESSIVE].
jection, responsibility. Exoteric. [See ESOTERIC J.
Exercise, v. SYN. Practise, train, cul- Exotic. [See FOREIGN].
tivate, develop. Expand. SYN. Swell, dilate, spread,
ANT. Rest, ease, disuse, respite, re- extend, open, diffuse, develop, unfold,
lax, recreate. enlarge, amplify.
Exercise. SYN. Exertion, use,prac-
. ANT. Contract, curtail, attenuate,
tice, application, training) employ- restrict, condense.
ment, drill. Expanse. SYN. Vast, void, space,
ANT. Rest, ease, relaxation, recrea- breadth.
tion. ANT. Limit, enclosure, confine,
Exertion. SYN. Effort, labor, toil. bound.
ANT. Relaxation, recreation, rest. Expatiate. SYN. Amplify, enlarge,
Exhalation. SYN. Mist, damp, efflu- dilate.
vium. ANT. Contract, condense, epit-
ANT. Absorption,exsiccation,inhala- omize, summarize.
tiou. Expatriate. [See BANISH].
Exhale. SYN. Emit, give out,breathe Expect. SYN. Anticipate, await,
out, evaporate. forecast, forebode, wait for, rely on,
ANT. Inhale, breathe in, Inspire, look for, foresee.
contain. ANT. Welcome, hail, recognize,
Exhaust. SYN. Empty, spend, con- greet, realize.
sume, debilitate, waste, void, drain, Expectation. SYN. Expectancy,
weaken, weary. trust, confluence. See HOPE].

ANT. Fill, replenish, augment, in- Expediency. SYH. Utility, advan-

vigorate, refresh. tage, interest.
Exhaustion. [See EXHAUST]. ANT. Inexpediency, disadvantage,
Exhibit. SYN. Show, manifest. inutility, detrimeat.
evidence, evince, betray, demonstrate, Expedient. [See EXPEDIENCY],
ANT. Suppress, conceal, secrete,
Expedite. [See ACCELERATE].
mask, hide.
Expedition. SYN. Haste, speed,
Exhibition. SYN. Representation, despatch.
ANT. Delay, tardiness, procrasti-
sight. [See PAGEANT]. nation.
Exhilarate. SYN. Gladden, re- Expel. [See EJECT].
joice, inspirit, elate.
ANT. Depress, dispirit, unnerve, Expend. SYN. Spend, disburse, lay
unhinge. out, waste, consume, use.
Exhort. SYN. Urge, advise, counsel, ANT. Save, husband, economize.
enjoin, incite, animate. Expense. SYN. Price, cost, charge,
ANT. Deprecate, dissuade, warn, payment, expenditure, outlay.
remonstrate. ANT. Income, profit, receipt.
Exhume. [See INTER]. Expensive. SYN. Costly, valuable,
Exigency. SYN. Urgency, press- rich, high-priced, dear, extravagant.
ure, emergency, conjuncture, crisis. ANT. Cheap, worthless, poor, eoo
ANT. Provision, preparation, sup- nomioel.
ply, rule, course. Experience, v. SYN. Try, feel, un-
Exile, v. SYN.
Banish, relegate. dergo, encounter, endure.
ANT. Welcome, reinstate, domesti- ANT. Evade, escape, miss, lose.
cate, domiciliate. Experience, n. SYN. Experiment,
Exile, n. [See BANISHMENT]. trial, test, proof, habit, knowledge.
Existence. SYN. Being, entity, ANT. [ See TRIAL].
creature. Experienced. SYN. Skilled, prac-
ANT. Nonenity, non-existence, ticed, familiar, accustomed, conver-
chimera. sant.
Exit. [See APPROACH and BORES*]. ANT. Inexperienced, strange, un-
Exonerate. [See EXCULPATE 1. practiced.
Experiment. SYN.
Trial, illustra- misslatement, solecism,
tion, test, exemplification. enigma, suppression.
ANT. Conjecture, assumption, hy- Expulsion. fSee EXPEL].
pothesis. Expunge. SYN. Efface, obliterate,
Expert. [See CLEVER]. erase, cancel, blot out.
Expiate, See ATONEMENT).
ANT. Write, delineate, mark, trace.
Expire. [See DIE and TERMINATE]. Expurgation. [See ABSTERGE].
Explain. SYN. Expound, teach, illus- Exquisite. SYN. Choice, rare, re-
trate, clear up, interpret, elucidate, fined, delicate, perfect, matchless, in-
decipher. tense, consummate, delicious.
ANT. Mystify, obscure, darken, be- ANT. Common, coarse, ordinary.
wilder, misinterpret. Exquisitely. [See EXQUISITE].
Explanation. SYN. Exposition, ex- Exsufflation. SYN. Ebullition,
plication, interpretation, sense, de- eruption, eructation.
scription. ANT. Absorption, inhalation, gorge-
ANT. Mystification, obscuration, ment, deglutition.
confusion, misinterpretation. Exsuscitate. [SeeSusciTATE].
Explanatory. (See EXPLAIN]. Extant. SYN. Existent, surviving, cur-
Explication. [See EXPLANATION], rent, forthcoming, present.
Explicit* STN. Plain, detailed, inob- ANT. Defunct, lost, obsolete, past
scure, declaratory, categorical, stated, Extempore. SYN. Offhand, unpre-
distinctly stated, express, definite, meditated.
determinate. ANT. Studied, prepared, premedi-
ANT. Implicit, implied, hinted, sug- tated.
gestive, obscure. Extend. SYN. Prolong, stretch, ex-
Explode. [See BURST]. pand, enlarge, increase, augment,
Exploit. L See ACHIEVEMENT J. reach, spread, amplify, avail, apply.
Explore. [See EXAMINE]. ANT. Curtail, contract, restrict, nar-
Explosion. [See EXPLODE]. row, limit, recur, return, miss, fail.
Exponent. SYN. Interpreter, pro- Extensile. [See EXTEND and DUC-
pound* r, advocate, representative. TILE J.
ANT. System, opinion, creed, prin- Extension. [See EXTEND and
ciple. SPACE].
Expor~ t>iN. S lip. produce. Extensive. [See SPACIOUS].
ANT. Import, consume. Extent. SYN. Degree, distance, quan-
Expos< {'lee CONCEAL].
tity, space, size.
Expose d. SYN. Unprotected, un- ANT. Diminution, restriction, limit-
guarde \ 61* langered, defenseless.
ANT. Guarded, defended, pro- Extenuate. STN. Mitigate, qualify,
tected. palliate.
Exposition. [See EXPONENT and ANT. Aggravate, heighten, enhance.
EXPLANATION] . Exterior. SYN. Outside, surface,face,
Expositor. [See EXPONENT]. aspect, phase.
Expository. [See EXPLANATORY]. ANT. Interior, heart, core.
Expostulate. SYN. Object, remon- Exterior, a. SYN. Outer, outward,
strate. external, on the outside, foreign.
ANT. Coincide, abet. ANT. Inner, inward, internal, do-
Expound. [See EXPLAIN]. mestic.
Exterminate. EXTERMINA-
Express, v. SYN. [See ENUNCIATE [See
and STATE]. TION].
Express, a. SYN. Specific, pointed, Extermination. STN. Eradication,
direct. extirpation, abolition, destruction.
ANT. General, vague, leisurely. ANT. Settlement, replenishment,
Expression. SYN. Countenance, augmentation, colonization, popula-
'ook, indication, phrae. term. tion, propagation, increase.
ANT. Face, features, lineament, External. STN. Outer, exterior, ap-
parent, manifest, superficial, visible, Extreme. SYN. Terminal, final, re-
palpable. mote, utmost, farthest, ln*t, extrava-
ANT. Inner, internal, inappareut, gant, immoderate, most violent, dis-
hidden, inmost, intestine. tant, ultimate.
Extinction. SYN. Destruction, sti- ANT. Initial, primal, moderate, ju-
fling, suffocation, death, cessation, dicious.
annihilation, obsolescence. Extremity. SYN. End, termination,
ANT. Origination, inception, plant- close, conclusion.
ing, birth, fife, course, operation, ac- ANT. Beginning, commencement,
tion, exercise, prosperity, continu- opening, origin, body, centre, bulk.
ance, survival. Extricate. ISee INVOLVE].
Extinguish. SYN. Abolish, destroy, Intrinsic. [See EXTBANEOUS].
extirpate, eradicate, kill, quench, an- Extrude. SYN. Thrust out, eject, ex-
nihilate, put out. pel.
ANT. Implant, replenish, cherish, ANT. Intrude, insert, introduce.
promote, invigorate, propagate, es- Exuberant. [See ABUNDANT],
tablish, confirm, secure. Exudation. SYN. Ooze, drip, perco*
Extirpate. 8 >e ERADICATE].
Extol. [SeePKAisEj. ANT. Absorption, aridity, parching.
Extort. SYN. Wring, despoil, fleece, Exude. [See EXUDATION].
exact, express, squeeze out, wrench, Exult. See EXULTANT].

wrest, extract. Exultant. SYN. Rejoicing, elated,

ANT. Coax, wheedle, cajole, cheat. jubilant, joyous, triumphant.
Extortionate. SYN. Hard, close- ANT. Mournful, depressed, dispir-
fisted, severe, rigorous, exorbitant, ited.
preposterous, monstrous, exacting. Exultation. SYN. Transport,delight,
ANT. Liberal, indulgent, bountiful, triumph, joy, ecstasy.
reasonable, fair, moderate. ANT. Mourning, depression.
Extract. SYN. Draw, educe, elicit,
cite, excerpt, select, take out, gather,
quote, collect, extol.
ANT. Replace, insert, restore, im- FABLE. SYN. Apologue, fiction, par-
pose, incorporate, reinsert. able, allegory, romance, invention,
Extraneous. SYN. Extrinsic, exter- fabrication, untruth, novel, falsehood.
nal, foreign, outside, alien, uncon- ANT. History, narrative, fact.
nected, unrelated, ascititious, adven- Fabric. SYN. Work, construction, edi-
titious. fice, tissue, structure, web, texture.
ANT. Intrinsic, internal, vital, con- ANT. Destruction, dismantlement,
nected, essential. demolition, fragment, wreck, tatters,
Extraordinary. SYN. Unwonted, ruin, rags, shreds.
uncommon, peculiar, unusual, un- Fabricate. SYN. Construct, make,
precedented, wonderful, marvelous, form, forge, invent, falsify, manu-
prodigious, monstrous, remarkable, facture, produce, frame, devise, coin,
strange, preposterous. misrepresent.
ANT. Wonted, common, usual, or- ANT. Demolish, tear, spoil, lacerate,
dinary, frequent, unremarkable, un- dismember, destroy, narrate, copy,
important. represent, portray, repeat.
Extravagance. SYN. Waste, waste- Fabulous. SYN. Fictitious, incredi-
fulness, prodigality, profusion. ble, feigned, imaginary, pretended,
ANT. Carefulness. tSee ECONOMY]. false, monstrous.
Extravagant. SYN.Wild,monstrous, ANT. Actual, real, historic, authen-
preposterous, absurd, prodigal, waste- tic, reasonable, fair. true.
ful, reckless, excessive,lavi8h,profuse, Face. [See ASPECT].
abnormal. Facetious. SYN. Witty, funny, hu-
ANT. Sound, sober, consistent, ra- morous, jocular, waggish, playful,
tional, fair, economical, frugal, care- droll, jocose.
ful, regular, usual. ANT. Heavy, matter-of-fact, dulL,
grave, serious, lugubrious, sombre, daring, resolute, prominent,
saturnine. marked, conspicuous, glaring.
Facile. SYN. Docile, tractable, man- Fair. STN. Open, clear, spotless, un-
ageable, indulgent, weak, irreso- spotted, untarnished, reasonable, un-
lute, easy, affable, flexible, character- blemished, serene, beautiful, just,
less, pliable. honorable, equitable, impartial.
ANT. Sturdy, obstinate, determined, ANT. Lowering, dull, foul, disfig-
resolute, pig-headed,crusty,inflexible, ured, ugly,unfair,dishonorable,fraud-
self-willed, self-reliant. ulent.
Facilitate, f See FACILE and EXPE- Fairly. [See FAIB].
DITE]. Fairness. [See FAIR].
Facility. STN. Ease, address, readi- Faith. [See BELIEF].
ness, quickness, adroitness, dexterity, Faithful. STN. True, firm, attached,
pliancy. loyal, accurate, close, consistent, cor-
ANT. Labor, effort, awkwardness, respondent, exact, equivalent, stauneh,
difficulty. incorruptible.
Facinorons. [See ATROCIOUS], ANT. False, fickle, capricious, wa-
Fact. STN. Truth, deed, occurrence, vering, inaccurate, untrue, faithless,
certainty, circumstance, event,reality. inexact.
ANT. Fiction,supposition,falsehood, Faleation, Falciform. [See
unreality, lie, delusion, chimera, in- CURVE],
vention, romance. Fall. SYN. Drop, descend, droop, de-
Faction. [See CABAL]. cline, gravitate, sink, lapse.
Factious. STN. Oppositions, excep- ANT. Kise, ascend, soar, mount, re-
tions, litigious, crusty, malcontent,ad- cover, climb.
versative. Fallacy. STN. Sophistry, error, blun-
ANT. Agreeable, genial,complaisant, der, misconception, bugbear, fiction,
amenable, loyal, public-spirited, har- delusioQ, chimera.
monious, co-operative, auxiliary,sym- ANT. Truth, verity, fact, iOgic.argu-
pathetic. ment, soundness, proot, postulate, ax-
Factitious. STN. Artificial, affected, iom.
euphuistic, conventional, cramped, Fallible. SYN. Erring, uncertain, ig-
finical, ascititious, norant, weak.
ANT. Natural, unaffected, genial, ANT. Infallible, certain, omniscient,
truthful, genuine, pure. unerring.
Faculty. [See CAPABILITY]. Fallow. STN. Quiescent, idle, uncul-
Facuiidity. [See ELOQUENCE]. tivated, unproductive, uutilled.
Fade. SYN. Fall, fail, decline, sink, ANT. Cultivated, worked, tilled,
droop, dwindle, vanish, change, pale, sown, productive, operative, prolific,
bleach, set, etiolate. fruitful.
ANT. Kise, increase, grow, bloom, False. STN. Untrue, erroneous, falla-
flourish, abide, stand, last, endure. cious, sophistical, spurious, deceptive,
Fading, Faded, v. [See FADE]. fabrication, counterfeit, mendacious,
Fag. STN Work, toil, slave, drudge. sham, mock, bogus, unfaithful, fib,
ANT. Bask, idle, lounge, dawdle, falsity, fiction, dishonorable, faithless.
strike. ANT. True, correct, sound, conclu-
Fail. SYN. Fall, miss, miscarry, fall sive, authentic, real, genuine, candid,
short, trip, lose. honorable, faithful.
ANT. Succeed* exceed, surpass, ex- Falsehood. STN. Untruth, error, fal-
cel, achieve, abound, yield. lacy, sophistry, deception, forgery,lie,
Pain. adj. and adv. [See GLAD and cheat.
GLADLY]. ANT. Truth, correctness, verity,fact,
Faint. STN. Weak, languid, fatigued, authenticity, genuineness, honesty,
unenergetic, timid, irresolute, feeble, honor, reality.
exhausted, half-hearted, obscure,dim, Falsify. STN. Mistake, misinterpret,
pale, faded, inconspicuous. misrepresent, belie, betray, garble,
A*T. Strong, vigorous, energetic, cook.
ANT. Verify, correct,rectify,certify, ANT. Grave, serious.solemn, dismal,
beck, justify, exhibit, publicate, ex- tragical, funereal, ghastly.
iose, declare. Fare. v. SYN. Do, live, feed, subsist,
fewlter. SYN. Halt, hesitate, hobble, speed.
slip, dubitate, stammer, demur, waver, ANT. Toil, fast, fail, droop, sink,
flinch, vacillate. drop, faint, halt, falter.
ANT. Proceed, run, speed, flow, dis- Fare. n. SYN. Provision, passage-
course, determine, persevere, resolve, money.
career. ANT. Starvation, famine, absti-
Fame. SYN. Beport, rumor, bruit, nence, pauperism, mendicity.
news, tidings, renown, glory, honor, Fascinate. [See BEWITCH].
laurels, celebrity, reputation, credit. Fascination. [See FASCINATE].
ANT. Silence, suppression, hush, dis- Fashion. SYN. Form, shape, guise,
grace, dishonor, disrepute. style,appearance, character, figure,
Familiar. SYN. Household, com- mould, mode, custom, practice, usage,
mon, free, frank, affable, every-day, manner, way, ceremony.
well-acquainted, accustomed, conver- ANT. Person, work, dress, speech,
sant, ictimate. formlessness, shapelessness, derange-
ANT. Uncommon, rare, strange, ex- ment, eccentricity, strangeness, out-
traordinary, unaccustomed, unac- landishuess.
quainted, new, inconversant, unfamil- Fast. SYN. Firm, secure, fixed, con-
iar. stant, steadfast, stab1e,unyieldiug, tin-
Family. [See ^AMTLIAB]. swerving, rapid, accelerated, wild,
Famous. SYN. Renowned, glorious, reckless, dissipated, pay.
celebrated, illustrious, far-famed. ANT. Loose, insecure, slow, tardy,
ANT. Unknown, obscure, unsung, steady, sober, virtuous.
inglorious. Fasten. SYN. Secure, hold, compact,
Fail . f See ALLAY]. tie, bind, join, unite, affix, annex,
Fanatic. SYN. Enthusiast, bigot, vis- grapple, attach, fix.
ionary, zealot. ANT. Undo, loose, sever, relax, de-
ANT. Skeptic, unbeliever, cynic. tach, remove, unfasten.
Fanatical. [See FANATICISM], Fastidious. SYN. Critical, over-nice,
Fanaticism. SYN. Frenzy, enthusi- over-refined, censorious puuctillious,
asm, superstition, bigotry. particular, squeamish, dainty.
ANT. Indifference, latitudinarian- ANT. Easy, indulgent, uncritical,
ism, disbelief, profanity, disregard, coarse, omnivorous.
skepticism, coldness, cynicism. Fat. SYN. Corpulent, fleshy, brawny,
Fanciful. SYN. Grotesque, chimeri- pursy, rich, luxuriant, portly, stout,
cal, unreal, imaginary, quaint, eccen- fertile, unctuous, obese, oleaginous.
tric, freakish, humorsome, erroneous, ANT. Lean, slender, attenuated,
capricious, whimsical, erratic, absurd, emaciated, barren, poor, scant, raar-
fitful. rowless, exsanguineous, anatomical.
ANT. Natural, literal, regular, real, Fatal. SYN. Calamitous, deadly, de-
sober, ordinary, truthful, accurate, structive, mortal, lethal.
correct, orderly, calculable. ANT. Beneficial, wholesome, nutri-
Fancy. SYN. Thought, belief, idea, tious, vitalizing, salubrious, restora-
supposition, imagination, caprice, no- tive, slight, superficial, harmless.
tion, conceit, vagary, inclination, Fate. SYN. Necessity, destiny, lot,
whim, humor, predilection, desire. end, fortune, doom.
ANT. Object, subject, fact, reality, ANT. Will, choice, decision, free-
order, law, truth, system, verity, aver- dom, independence.
sion, horror. Fathom. SYN. Gauge, pierce, meas-
Fantastic. fSee FANCIFUL]. ure, sound, probe.
Fantasy. [See FANCY]. ANT. Survey, glance, scan, over-
Far. [See DISTANT], look, miss, graze, skim.
Farcical. SYN. Ludicrous, comic, Fathomless. SYN. Bottomless, pro-
funny, nonsensical, droll, pantomimic. found, abysmal.
ANT. Superficial, shallow, skin-deep. shocking, terrific, afraid, horrible,
fatigue, n. SYS. Weariness, languor, dreadful.
enervation, exhaustion, lassitude. ANT. Bold, venturesome, confident,
ANT. Freshness, vigor, activity, audacious, consolatory, inspiriting,
indefatigability. assuring, alluring, attractive, hope-
Fatigue, v. SYN. Harass, -weary, tire, ful, inviting.
jade. Fearless. See COURAGEOUS].

ANT. Inspirit, refresh, animate, en- Feasible. SYN. Possible, manageable,

1'vfll. coutrivable, permissible, practicable.
Fatuity. SYN. Folly, imbecility, ANT. Impossible, unallowable.
idiotcy, infatuation. Feat. [See ACHIEVEMENT].
ANT. Wisdom, sense, soundness, Featly. [See FEAT]. SYN. Neatly,
discernment, sobriety. cleverly, dexterously, adroitly.
Fatuous. [See FATUITY]. ANT. Clumsily, hardly, bunglingly.
Fault. SYN. Defect, error, imperfec- Feature. SYN. Component, element,
tion, flaw, misdeed, failure, omission, characteristic, indication, portion,
want, drawback. mark, lineament, sign.
ANT. Sufficiency, correctness, com- ANT. Whole, system, countenance,
pleteness, perfection. case, arrangement. (Here the anto-
Faultless. SYN. Complete, perfect, nym is the Correlative.) Misindica-
correct, accurate, stainless, blame- tion, falsification, excrescence, blind,
less mask, disguise.
ANT. Incomplete, imperfect, incor- Federation. [See CONFEDERACY].
rect, inaccurate,defective, corrupt, er- Feeble. SYN. Wretched, weak, poor,
roneous, faulty. frail, debilitated. dull,forceless, puny,
Faulty. [See FAULT]. nerveless, enfeebled, enervated,faint,
Favor. SYN. Permission, grace, con- infirm, incomplete, vain, fruitless,
cession, predilection, gift, civility, scanty, pitiable.
benefit, kindness, good-will, regard, ANT. Strong, robust, active, effec-
condescension,prefurence,boon, coun- tive, successful, abundant.
tenance, patronage. Feeling. SYN. Touch, sensation, con-
ANT. Refusal, denial, prohibition, tact, pathos, tenderness, impression,
disfavor, withdrawal, withholding, consciousness, sensibility, emotion,
frowu, disapproval, injury, discounte- sentiment, passion, sensitiveness.
nance. ANT. Insensibility, callousness. Im-
Favorable. SYN. Permissive, indul- perturbability, inexcitabil ty, cold-
gent, propitious, concessive, partial, ness, insensateness.
fond, liberal, advantageous, auspi- Feign. [See PRETEND].
cious, friendly. Feint. [See FEI-JN].
ANT. Rei'actant, nnpropitious, un- Felicitate. [See CONGRATULATE].
favorable, impartial. Felicitous. SYN. Happy, timely,
Favoritism. SYN. Partiality, iu- successful, opportune, joyou.
vidiousuess. ANT. Unfortunate, unhappy, un-
ANT. Odium, nrejudice, antipathy. timely, unsuccessful, disastrous, inop-
Fa\vii upon. S N. Flatter, wheedle, portune, sad.
cajole, cringe, palaver, slaver Felicity. I See FELICITOUS].
ANT. Insult, deride, satirize, cen- Fell. SYN. Cruel, barbarous, inhuman,
sure, rebuke, reprimand, defy, dare. savage, bloody, direful, merciless, pit-
Fealty. [See FIDELITY]. iless, ruthless, remorseless,relentles,
Fear. SYN. Apprehension, solicitude fierce, truculent.
alarm, fright, dread, terror, trepida- ANT. Generous, chivalrous, hu-
tion, dismay, consternation, misgiv- mane, lenient, propitious.
ing, horror, timidity, awe. Fell. SYN. Cut, level, prostrate, de-
ANT. Assurance, confidence, cour- molish, subvert, waste, bare.
age, fearlessness, trust, boldness. ANT. Plant, erect, support, propa-
Fearful. SYN. Timid, hesitating, ter- gate, stock, upraise, rear.
rible, awful, apprehensive, frightful, Fellow. &YN. Companion, adherent-
FEL 113

mate, equal, compeer, comrade, col- geniality, clanship, pacification, recon-

league, member, match, tally, correla- ciliatiou, sociality, ueighborliness,.
tive, partner, friend, associate. Fever. SYN. Heat, ardor, fervor,
ANT. Foe, opponent, stranger, mis- broil, flush, ferment, passion.
match, opposite, antagonist. ANT. Coolness,composure, frigidity,
Fellowship. s\s. Association, iciuess, indifference.
membership, company, partnership, Few. SYN. Scant, rare, lacking.
sociality, brotherhood, familiarity, ANT. Many, abundant, numerous.
intimacy, society, acquaintance. Fibre. SYN. Strength, sinews, thews,
ANT. Severance, disconnection, dis- toughness.
memberment. ANT. Laxity, debility, flabbiness.
Felonious. FSee CRIMINAL], Fickle. SYN. Fanciful, fitful, capri-
Feminine. STN. Delicate, cious, irresolute, changeable, vacil-
womanly, lating, mutable, unreliable, veering,
tender, modest, soft.
ANT. shifting, variable, restless, inconstant,
Robust, manly, indelicate, unstable.
rude, rough, unfeminine. ANT. Sober, orderly, reliable, welt
Fence. STN. Circumscribe, enclose,
regulated, calculable, trustworthy,
protect, elude, parry, stave. steady, uniform.
ANT. Open, disenclose, catch, re- Fiction. SYN. Invention, fabrica-
ceive, suffer. tion, creation, figment, fable, false-
Ferine. [See SAVAOE]. hood, romance, myth.
Ferment. SYN. Seethe, concoct,brew, ANT. Fact, truth, verity, reality.
warm, chafe, effervesce, rankle, fes- Fictitious. SYN. Unreal, supposi.
ter. tious, spurious, imaginary.
ANT. Damp, cool, dissipate, sub- ANT. Real, true, historical, genu-
side, disperse, evaporate, heal. ine, authentic, veritable.
Ferocity. [See FIERCENESS], Fidelity. SYN. Fealty, attachment,
Fertile. SYN. Rich, luxuriant, teem- truthfulness, allegiance, accuracy,
iug, productive, exuberant, causative, closeness, exactness, faithfulness, in-
conducive, pregnant, fraught,prolific, tegrity, loyalty, honesty.
fecund, fruitful, ingenious, invent- ANT. Treachery, disloyalty, disaf-
ive. fection, untruthfulness, inaccuracy,
ANT. Poor, sterile, barren, unpro- inexactness, infidelity.
ductive, ineffective, inconducive,fruit- Field. SYN. Ground, scope, province,
less, inoperative, uuinventive, un- arena, scene, opportunity, room.
imaginative. ANT. Circumscription, constraint,
Fervor. [See ARDOR], exclusion, debarment, interdiction,
Fester. [See FERMENT]. Fiendish. [See ANGELIC].
Festive. SYN. Convivial, jovial, gay, Fierce. SYN. Wild, savage, violent,
merry. raging, fiery, furious, impetuous, fe-
ANT. Solitary, deserted, ascetic, rocious.
gloomy. ANT. Mild, tame, docile, harmless,
Festivity. [See FESTIVE]. calm, gentle.
Fetch. [See BRING], Fierceness. [See FIERCE].
Fetid. SYN. Stinking, corrupt, foul. Fiery. SYN. Hot, vehement, ardent,
ANT. Inodorous, fresh, perfumed, fervent, fierce, passionate, irascible,
scented, balmy. choleric, excited, enkindled, glowing,
Fetter. SYN. Manacle, hinder, re- fervid, impassioned, irritable, hot-
impede, shackle.
strain, clog, brained.
ANT. Free, liberate, expedite, ac- ANT. Cold, icy, indifferent, phleg-
celerate. matic, passionless, unimpassioned,
Feud. SYN. Fray, affray, broil, con- mild, quenched, extinguished, tame.
tention, enmity, antipathy, animosity, Fight. SYN. Battle, contention, strug*
quarrel, strife, bitterness, dissension, gle, conflict, combat, contest, action,
hostility. engagement, encounter.
ANT. Friendliness, sympathy, con- ANT. Pacification, reconciliation.
Figurative. SYN. Metaphorical, po- showy, elegant, ostentatious, presump
etical, tropical, rhetorical, symboli- tuous, nice, casuistical, subtle.
cal, typical, emblematical. ANT. Coarse, large, rough, blunt,
ANT. Literal, prosaic, unpoetical, rude, unfinished, mean,petty,illiberal,
nnmetaphorical. unimposing,paltry,modest, unaffected,
Figure. SYN. Aspect, shape, emblem, affable, categorical, plain-spoken, un-
type, image, condition, appearance, analyticai, unreflective, indissectlve.
form, symbol, metaphor, likeness, de- Finery. SYN. Over-ornament,tawdri-
lineation, illustration. ness, tinsel, gewgaw, trinkets, trash,
ANT. Misrepresentation, deformity, dressiness, bedizenment.
disfigurement. ANT. Ornament, dress, decoration,
Filch. [See CABBAGE]. adornment, chastity, simplicity, sobri-
File. STN. Rasp, polish, smooth, fin- ety.
ish, perfect, improve, refine. Finical. SYN. Affected,over nice, dan-
ANT. Roughen, denticulate,
jag, dyish, dallying, foppish, spruce, fac-
acuminate, barb, cusp, notch. titious, euphuistic.
Filiation. [See AFFILIATION]. ANT. Unaffected, .effective, practi'
cal, energetic, real, genuine, natural,
Fill. STN. Replenish, content, supply,
outspoken, blunt, coarse, rude.
satisfy, gorge, glut, occupy, appoint,
etuff, store, rise, swell, grow, expand,
Finish. SYN. Complete, perfect, ac-
increase. complish, conclude, achieve, end,
ANT. Exhaust, deprive, drain, dis- shape, terminate.
ANT. Begin, commence,start,under-
eatisfy, stint, vacate, misappoint, sub-
take, fail, miscoutrive, mismanage,
side, shrink, ebb, evaporate, diminish.
botch, mar.
Filter. SYN. Strain., percolate, refine, Finished. SYN. Artistic, perfect, re-
ooze, exude, leak, depurate,
fined, high.
defecate, clarify. ANT. Inartistic, incomplete, rude,
ANT. Befoul, muddle, disturb, thick-
poor, coarse, unfinished.
Finite. SYN. Limited, bounded, termi-
Filthy. SYN. Dirty, nasty, dingy, im- nable, restricted.
pure, unclean, squalid, foul. ANT. Uuiimited.unbounded, infinite.
ANT. Pure, sweet, clean. Fire. [See FIERY].
Filtration. [See FILTER], Firm. SYN. Fast, secure, strong,stead-
Fiinbriated. SYN. Fringed, tasselled, fast, solid, stable, established, rooted,
filamentous. immovable, robust, uushaken,sturdy,
ANT. Bound,hemmed,unfringed,sel- resolute, determined, fixed, decided,
Flnal. SYN. Terminal, last, latest,con- ANT. Loose, insecure, weak, ill-
clusive, definite, developed, ultimate, rooted, tottering, vacillating, irreso-
decisive. lute, ductile, exorable, indulgent, dis-
ANT. Initiative, open, unconcluded, affected, wavering, unreliable.
progressive, continuous, current, in- First. SYN. Leading,primary,pristine,
cipient, inaugural, inchoate, rudi- original, foremost, primitive, princi-
mental, nascent. pal, primeval, highest, chief, earliest,
Finality. [See FINAL]. onmost.
Find. SYN. Meet, confront, ascertain, ANT. Subsequent, secondary, subor-
experience, perceive, discover, fur- dinate, subservient, lowest, unimpor-
nish, invent. tant, last, hindmost.
ANT. Miss, elude, overlook, lose, Fit. SYN. Decent, befitting, meet, apt,
withhold, withdraw, miscontrive. fitting, adapted, seemly, appropriate,
Fine. SYN. Thin, minute, slender, deli- becoming, decorous.qualified, congru-
cate, pure, smooth, filmy, gaozy,keen, ous, peculiar, particular, suitable.pre-
artistic, choice, finished, high, granrl, pared,adequate, calculated, contrived,
noble, sensitive, refined, generous, expedient, proper, ripe.
honorable, ex.^ellent, superior, pre- ANT. Awkward, ungainly,misfitting,
>retty, beautiful, ill-euited, unseemly, inappropriate,
unsuitable, unprepared, Inadequate, cede, ekulk, hide, shrivel, collapsa,
miscalculated, miscontrived, inexpe- furl.
dient, improper, unfit. Flavor. SYN. Taste, savor, smack,
Fitful. SY.V. Capricious, fickle, un- odor, relish, zest.
stable, restless, inconstant, mutable, ANT. Insipidity, tastelessness, in-
impulsive, desultory, fanciful, une- odorousness, inawkishnesm, scentless-
qual, irregular. ness.
ANT. Regular, equable, systematic, Flaw [See BLEMISH].
orderly, calculable. Flee [See ESCAPE],
Fitness [See FIT]. Fleece. SYN. Strip, despoil, shear.
Fitting [See FIT]. ANT. Invest, endow, endue.
Fix. SFN. Place, settle, fasten, link, lo- Fleet [See SWIFT).
cate, attach, consolidate, tie, plant, Fleeting [See FLEET].
root, establish, secure, determine, de- Fleshy [See FAT].
cide. Flexible. SYN. Pliant, lithe, supple,
ANT. Displace, unsettle, disarrange, elastic, easy, indulgent, ductile, flex-
remove, uproot, transfer, transplant, ile, yielding, pliable.
disestablish, weaken, shake, reverse, ANT. Tough, rigid, inelastic, inflex-
disturb, change, unfix. ible, hard, inexorable.
Flaccid. SYN. Flabby, limber, lax, Flexion [See FLEXIBLE].
tabid. Flexure [See FLEXION].
ANT. Firm,muscular,braced,plump, Flicker. SYN. Flutter, quiver, bick-
chubby, brawny, er, falter, waver, glimmer, shimmer,
Flag. SYN. Droop, pine, weary, tire, scintillate.
give in, faint, succumb, languish, de- ANT. Stream, blaze, gleam, shine,
cline. beam.
ANT. Hold, freshen, flourish, perse- Flight. SYN. Volitation, departure,
vere, battle, struggle, persist, recruit, escape, evasion, disappearance, fly-
recover. ing, stampede, soaring, hegiru, flee-
Flagitious. SYN. Facinorons. atro- ing, exodus.
cious, enormous, monstrous, disgrace- ANT. Recurrence, return, reappear-
ful, nefarious, scandalous, flagrant, ance, perching, alighting, repose.
heinous, aggravated, Flighty [See ECCENTRIC].
ANT. Noble, creditable, honorable, Flimsy. SYN. Gauzy, poor, thin,
meritorious, distinguished, pardon- transparent, trifling, trivial, puerile,
abie, ju>tifiable.excusable,extenuated. inane, slight, superficial, weak, shal-
Flagrant [See FLAGITIOUS], low.
Flaring. SYN. Flaming, glaring.con- ANT. Solid, sound, irrefragable, sub-
spicuous, gaudy, bright, over-colored, stantial, cogent.
flaunting, flashy, showy, tawdry, os- Flinch. SYN. Blench, swerve, wince,
tentatious. recoil.
ANT. Toned, subdued, harmonized, ANT. Dare, face, bear, meet, en-
dull, dim,dowdy, dingy, neutral, col- dure.
orless. Fling. SYN. Cast, throw, emit, toss,
Flashy [See FLARING]. hurl, ejaculate.
Flat. SYN. Dull, tame, insipid, vapid, ANT. Snatch, grasp, hold, keep, re-
spiritless, level, horizontal, tain, arrest.
even, downright, mawkish, tasteless, Flippant. SYN. Pert, forward, super-
lifeless. ficial, thoughtless, saucy, malapert.
ANT. Exciting, animated, interest- ANT. Flattering, servile,obsequious,
ing, thrilling, sensational. accurate, considerate, deferential,
Flatter [See FAWN]. complimentary, respectful.
Flatterer [See FLATTER]. Flit [See FLUTTER].
Flaunt, r. SYN. Boast, vaunt, flout, Flitting [See FLUTTER],
flutter, flounce, display, flourish, par- Float. SYN. Swim, spread, prevail.
ade, figuie. AVT. Sink, drown, die, founder,
ANT. Suppress, conceal, retire, re- vanish.
Flock, v. SYN. Herd, congregate, subside, collapse, rest, lull, pause, re.
tli, one. assemble, crowd. pose, sink.
ANT. Disperse, scatter, separate, Flux. SYN. Flow, motion, progres-
segregate. sion, change, substitution, transmuta-
Flock, n. [SeeF^ocK, v.~\. tion.
Flood. SYN. Deluge, inundation, ANT. Stagnation, stillness, invari-
abundance. ableness, identity, immutability, crys-
ANT. Drought, drain, ebb, scarcity, talliza'ion. arrestation.
subsidence. Fly [See FLEE].
Florid. SYN. Rubicund, flowery, san- Focus. SYN. Centre, stand-point, ren-
guine, ornate, overwrought, meretri- , dezvous, convergence, nucleus.
cious. ANT. Circle, dispersion, dissipation,
ANT. Pallid, exsanguineous, bare, divergence.
unadorned, nude, sober, chaste. Foe [See FRIEND].
Flounce [See FLAUNT]. Foggy. SYN. Confused, dazed, absent,
Flounder. SYN. Roll, blunder, stupid, hazy, obscure, misty.
bungle, boggle, wallow, tumble. ANT. Clear, alive, alert, awake,
ANT. Emerge, flow, course, career, luminous, lucid, bright, shrewd,sharp.
speed, rise, flourish, skim. Foible. SYN. Peccadillo,failmg, fault,
Flourish. SYN. Prosper, thrive, weakness, infirmity.
speed, triumph, brandish, wave. ANT. Crime, atrocity, enormity,
ANT. Fail, fade, decline, miscarry, sin.
founder, arrest, sheath, ground. Foil v. [See BAFFLE].
Flout [See FLAUNT]. Foil. n. SYN. Set-off, background, con-
Flow. SYN. Stream, issue, progress, trast, enhancement, setting, elucida-
glide, course, career, run. tion.
ANT. Halt, stick, stickle, stop, hesi- ANT. Eclipse, outshining, extinc-
tate, fail, stint, beat, recoil, regurgi- tion, overshadowing.
tate, ebb. Foist. SYN. Falsify, counterfeit, palm,
Flower. SYN. Perfection, blossom, pass.
bloom, acme, pride, ornament, gem, ANT. Expose, detect, verify, authen-
cream. ticate.
ANT. Disappointment, deformity, Fold. SYN. Double, enfold, embrace,
blot, abortion, scum, dregs, blight. envelop, inclose, wrap.
Flowing. SYN. Copious, abundant, ANT. Unfold, disengage, expose.
fluent, exuberant, easy, eloquent. Follow. SYN. Pursue, chase, accom-
ANT. Dribbling, dry, strained, pany, obey. Imitate, succeed, result,
meagre, labored, unready, difficult. ensue, attend, shadow, observe, copy.
Fluctuate. SYN. Waver, oscillate, ANT. Avoid, elude, quit, disobey,
hesitate, vacillate, vary, veer. precede, cause, produce, abandon,
ANT. Persist, abide, stay, stick, ad- shun.
here. Follower. SYN. Partisan, adherent,
Fluent [See FLOWING]. disciple, henchman, retainer, pursuer,
Flummery. SYN. Nonsense, trash, attendant.
emptiness, froth. ANT. Leader, teacher, antagonist,
ANT. Sense, nourishment, satisfac- opponent, rival.
tion, solidity, reason. Folly. SYN. Madness, nonsense, mis-
Flurry, v. SYN. Agitate, excite, worry, conduct, imprudence, silliness, fool-
ruffle, fluster. ishness, weakness, absurdity, imbe-
ANT. Soothe, compose, quiet, calm, cility.
mesmerize. ANT. Sense, wisdom, sanity, judg-
Flurry n. [See VERB]. ment, prudence, sobriety.
Fluster [See FLURRY]. Foment. SYN. Excite, cherish, fan,
Fluted [See CORRUGATE]. propagate, encourage.
.Flutter. SYN. Vibrate, quiver, palpi- ANt. Allay, extinguish, discourage,
tate, flicker, flit. extirpate, quench.
ANT. Perch, roost, nestle, settle, Fond. SYN. Loving, attached, affeo-
tionate, foolish, silly, weak, doting, Forerunner. SYN. Predecessor, pre-
empty, enamored, devoted. cursor,harbiuger, herald, omeu,avaut-
ANT. Unloving, averse, uuaffection- courier.
ate,strong-minded, austere, rational, ANT. Successor, follower.
well-grounded, sensible, undemonstra- Foresee. SYN. Predict, anticipate,
tive. foretell, forecast, foreknow, forebode,
Fondle. SYN. Dandle, pet, caress. divine.
ANT. Tease, worry, annoy, chafe, ANT. Reflect, remember, recollect,
irritate, ruffle. recuil.
Fondness [See FOND]. Forestall [See ANTICIPATION]
Foolish. SYN. Senseless, idiotic, Forestallmeiit [see FOKBBTAXX].
crazed, shallow, weak, silly, injudi- Foretell. SYN. Predict, preindicate,
cious, irrational, absurd, contempti- prognosticate, forebode, prophesy,
ble, objectionable, witless, brainless, presage, augur, foreshow, betoken,
imbecile preposterous, ridiculous, portend, forewarn.
nonsensical, simple. ANT. Recite, narrate, detail.
ANT. Sensible, sane, deep, clear- Forewarn [See WARN].
sighted, sound, sagacious, strong- Forfeit. SYN. Fine, penalty, mulct,
minded, wise, prudent, judicious, cal- amercement, damages, loss.
culating, advisable, eligible. ANT. Premium, bribe, douceur, re-
Footing. SYN. Standing, status, con- muneration, compensation, reward,
dition, foundation, foothold. gratuity.
ANT. Dislodgment, ousting. Forefeud. SYN. Stave, obviate, pre-
Foppish. SYN. Finical, coxcombical, vent.
dandified, dressy. ANT. Rectify, mend, cure, redress,
ANT. Modest, unassuming, unaf- remedy.
fected, dowdy, slovenly, clownish. Forge. SYN. Work, frame, produce,
Foray. SYN. Raid, sally, inroad, drag- elaborate,fabricate, counterfeit, feign,
make falsely.
onade, escapade. falsify, form, shape,
ANT. Flight, retreat,recall, decamp- ANT. Shatter, batter, shiver, blast,
ment, stampede. fuse, detect, expose, verify, miscon-
Forbear. SYN. Abstain, refrain, strue, misfabricate, misshape.
withhold, forego, avoid. Forgery. SYN. Falsification, counter-
ANT. Seek, indulge. feit.
Forbid [See BID J. ANT. Signature, verification,attesta-
Forbidding. SYN. Repulsive, de- tion.
ter rent, prohibitory, offensive. Forget. SYN. Lose, pretermit, un,
ANT. Attractive, ent ouraging,allur- learn, obliviate, overlook.
ing, seductive, permissive. ANT. Acquire, learn, remember, rec-
Force. SYN. Power, strength, agency, ollect, mind, retain, treasure.
instrumentality, compulsion, cogency, Forgive [See PARDON].
vigor, might, dint, vehemence, pres- Forgotten. SYN. Unremembered. by-
sure, host, army, coercion, validity, gone, slighted, overlooked, obsolete,
violence. disregarded, neglected.
ANT. Feebleness, weakness,crmnter- ANT. Remembered, present, treas-
action, neutralization, inefficiency, ured, guarded, regarded, cherished.
inconclusiveness, debility, pointless- Forlorn. SYN. Abandoned, deserted.
ness. forsaken, solitary, destitute, desolate,
Forego. SYN. Waive, drop, abandon, hapless, luckless, helpless, disconso-
abjure, renounce, give up, relinquish, late, lone, woe-begone, lonesome,
yield, surrender, resign. wretched.
ANT. Claim, assume, vindicate, seize, ANT. Supported.attended, cherished,
grasp, retain. protected, befriended, cheered.
Foreign. SYN. Strange, exotic, out- Form. SYN. Shape, mould,fashion,con-
landish, alien, irrelevant, extraneous. stitute, arrange, frame, construct,con-
ANT. Domestic, native, congenial, trive. conceive, make, produce,create,
pertinent, germane. devise.
ANT. Deform, dislocate, distort,di8- Fortunate. SYN. Lucky, propitious,
sipate, derange, dismember, disinte- happy, felicitous, prosperous, auspi-
grate, analyze, disorganize. cious, providential, successful.
Formal. SYN. Regular, complete, ANT. Unlucky, unfortunate, unhap-
shapely, sufficient, correct, stately, py, infelicitous.
dignified, ceremonious,pompou=, stiff, Fortune [See CHANCE].
precise, explicit, exact, affected, me- Forward. SYN. Advanced, ready,
thodical. eager, anxious, obtrusive, self-assert-
ANT. Irregular, incomplete,inform- ive, impertinent, progressive,onward,
al, inadequate, incorrect, easy, un- confident, bold, presumptuous.
assuming, unceremonious. ANT. Tardy, backward, reluctant,
Formalism. SYN. Rigidity,ceremo- indifferent, slow, retiring, modest.
niousness, pomposity, externalism, pa- Foster [See CHERISH].
rade, punctilio. Foul [See CORRUPT].
ANT. Simplicity, unostentatious- Found. SYN. Establish, institute, fix,
ness, unaffectednesg, unceremonious- set, build, setup, base, endow, rest,
ness. ground, plant, root.
Formality. SYN. Ceremony, parade, ANT. Disestablish,subvert,supplant,
affectation, stateliness, punctilious- uproot.
ness, etiquette. Foundation. SYN. Institution, es-
ANT. See Formalism. tablishment, footing, base, basis, ori-
Formation. SYN. Shape, structure, gin, ground, groundwork, rudiments,
construction. substratum, underlying principle.
ANT. Deformity, malformation, dis- ANT. Disestablishment, superstruc-
location, distortion. ture.
Former. SYN. Preceding, antecedent, Founder, n. SYN. Author, instituter,
previous, prior, earlier, ancient, by- establishes originator, planter.
gone, anterior, first-mentioned, fore- ANT. Subverter, destroyer.
going. Founder, v. [See FOUND and SINK].
ANT. Succeeding, subsequent, pos- Fractious. SYN. Snappish, peevish,
terior, latter, modern, coming, future. cross, pettish, fretful, touchy, petulant,
Formidable. SYN. Awful, terrible, testy.
alarming, terrifying, discouraging, se- ANT. Good-humored, blithesome,
rious, appalling.fe.,rful, dreadful,hor- genial, agreeable, complaisant-
rible, shocking. Fragile. SYN. Delicate, frail, brittle,
ANT. Despicable, weak, contempti- weak, slight, frangible.
ble, light, trivial. ANT. Tough, hardy, stout, strong.
Formless [See FOBM]. Fragment. SYN. Piece, bit, chip,mor-
Forsake [See ABANDON]. sel, driblet, scrap, remnant.
Forswear [See ABJURE]. ANT. Bulk, body, mass, whole.
Forthwith. SYN. Immediately, in- Fragrant. SYN. Odorous, scented,
stantly, directly, instantaneously. perfumed, balmy, sweet-smelling,aro-
ANT. By-and-by, hereafter, soon, matic, sweet-scented, odoriferous, spi-
presently. cy.
Fortify. SYN. Strengthen, confirm, ANT. Inodorous, scentless, fetid.
corroborate, garrison, brace, intrench. Frail. SYN. See Fragile. Add. Irres-
ANT. Weaken, invalidate, dismantle. olute, erring, mutable.
Fortitude. SYN. Courage, endurance, ANT. Resolute, virtuous, lasting.
braveness, calmness, resignation, har- Frame [See FORM].
dihood, composure, resolution, stoi- Franchise. SYN. Freedom, immuni-
cism, firmness. ty, exemption, right.
ANT. Timidity, flinching.impatience, ANT. Obligation, disability, juris-
irritation, faintness, delicacy, effemi- diction, liability, disqualification.
nacy, womanishness, childishness. Frangible [See FRAGILE].
Fortuitous. SYN. Accidental, unde- Frank. SYN. Ingenuous, cnndid,open,
signed. unreserved, artless,free, familiar, hon-
AMT. Designed, purposed. est, easy, sincere, out-spoken, plain.
ANT. Disingenuous, close, reserved. ANT. Patient, forbearing,contented,
Frantic. SYN. Mad, raving, furious, meek, resigned, unmurmuring.
distracted, wild, frenzied, maniacal. Friable [See FRAGILE].
ANT. Sane, sober, calm, collected, Fribble [See TRIFLE].
cool, unruffled, composed. Friction. SYN. Rubbing, grating, at-
trition, abrasion, contact.
Fraternity [See BROTHERHOOD]. ANT. Lubrication, detachment, iso-
Fraternize. SYN. Sympathize, con-
lation, non-contact.
sort, co-operate, associate with. Friend. SYN. Associate, companion,
ANT. Renounce, abjure, forswear.
Fraud acquaintance, familiar, ally, chum,
[See CHEAT.).
messmate, coadjutor, confidant, adhe-
Fraught. SYN. Loadal,full,pregnant, rent.
teeming, abounding, charged. ANT. Opponent, foe, adversary, an-
ANT. Devoid, divested,exempt,emp- tagonist,enemy.
ty, wanting, poor, scant. Friendless [See FRIEND and FOR-
Freakish. SYN. Sportful, frisky, LORN].
whimsical, fanciful. capricious, erratic. Friendly. SYN. Well-inclined, well-
ANT. Steady, sober, demure, un- disposed, amicable, kindly, social,
whimsical, unfanciful, reliable, con- neighborly, sociable, affectionate, fa-
sistent, uniform, equable. vorable, cordial.
Free. SYN. Detached, playing, opera- ANT. Ill-inclined, ill-disposed, hos-
ting, open, unoccupied, unobstructed, tile, inimical, adverse, antagonistic.
unimpeded,permitted, unhindered,ex- Friendship [See FRIEND].
empt, gratuitous, unconditional, at Fright [8e ALARM].
liberty, clear, liberal, untrammelled, Frightful. SYN. Terrible, horrible,
uncounued, careless, loose, easy, mu- alarming, ugly, hideous, monstrous,
nificent, unreserved, frank, bountiful, dreadful, direful, awful, shocking,
generous, bounteous. horrid, terrific.
ANT. Subservient, bound, shackled, ANT. Pleasing, attractive, beauti-
restricted, clogged, occupied, ob- ful, fair, encouraging, lovely.
structed, impeded, compulsory,unlaw- Frigid. SYN. Cold, inanimate, life-
ful, biased, subject, liable, amenable, less, passionless, distant, forbidding.
conditional, qualified, niggardly, stin- ANT. Warm, ardent, impassioned.
gy- Fringed [See FIMBRIATED].
Freight [See CARGO]. Frippery. SYN. Trumpery, finery,
Frenzy. SYN. Fanaticism, madness, tawdrinese.
raving, fury, fire. ANT. Apparel, costume, uniform,
ANT. Calm, composure, collected- dress, decoration, ornament.
ness, coolness, sanity, sobriety, equa- Frisk. SYN. Sport, leap, jump, play,
nimity. dance, wanton.
Frequent. SYN. Many, repeated, nu- ANT. Lie, ruminate, rest, repose,
merous, recurrent, general, continual, roost, mope, sulk.
usual, common. Frisky. SYN. Sportive, playful, wan-
ANT. Few, solitary, rare, scanty,cas- ton.
ual. ANT Demure, sedate, meditative,
Fresh. SYN.New, young, vigorous, pensive.
cool, recent,renewed, unimpaired. un- Fritter. SYN. Dribble, waste, idle,
tarnished, unfaded, blooming, ruddy, dissipate.
novel, untried, modern, unskilled. ANT. Economise, husband, culti-
ANT. Old, stale, jaded, weary, for- vate.
mer, stagnant, ordinary, original, im- Frivolous. SYN. Trifling, silly, triv-
paired, tarnished, faded, decayed, pal- ial, petty, worthless.
lid, sickly, putrid, mouldy, musty, fus- ANT. Serious, earnest, important,
ty. grave.
Fret [See CHAFE]. Frolic. SYN. Play, game, sport, fes-
Fretful. SYN. Irritable, fractious, tivity, entertainment, gambol, gayety,
peevish, impatient, petulant, waspish. lark, spree, merry-making, prank.
ANT. Study, undertaking, purpose, Fumbler [See BUNGLER].
engagement, occupation. Fume. SYN. Vapor, chafe, frown.
Frolicsome. SYN. Playful, game- ANT. Acquiesce, smile.
some, sportive, wanton, festive. Function. SYN. Office, part, charac-
ANT. Serious, grave, studious, la- ter, capacity, business, administra-
borious, earnest. tion, discharge, operation, exercise,
Front [See FACE]. power, duty, employment.
Froth [See BALDERDASH]. ANT. Usurpation, maladministra-
Froward. SYN. Contrary, perverse, tion, misconduct, misdemeanor.
untoward, wayward, refractory, frac- Functionary. SYN. Official, officer,
tious, disobedient. servant, personage.
ANT. Favorable, docile, amenable, ANT. See Function.
ductile, obedient. Fund. SYN. Stock. capital,investment.
Frown agreeable,
[See FAVOR]. ANT. Expenditure, outlay, disburse-
Frugal. SYN. Sparing, economical, ment.
parsimonious, abstinent, abstemious, Fundamental. SYN. Primary, im-
temperate, saving, thrifty, provident. portant, indispensable, essential.
ANT. Profuse, luxurious, extrava- ANT. Secondary, unimportant, ad-
gant, prodigal, self-indulgent, intem- ventitious, ascititious, non-essential.
perate. Funereal. SYN. Lugubrious, dismal,
Fruit. SYN. Production, outcome, woeful, sombre, mournful, plaintive,
outgrowth, result, consequence, pro- deathlike, solemn.
duce, reward. ANT. Joyous, festive, ridiculous,
ANT. Seed, origin, cause, growth, funny, stirring, lively, farcical.
operation. Funny. SYN. Sportive, droll, comical,
Fruitful. SYN. Productive, prolific, laughable, humorous, jocose, ridicu-
pregnant, fraught, causative, effect- lous, ludicrous, diverting.
ual, useful, successful, fertile, abun- ANT. Dull, tedious, mournful, lugu-
dant, plenteous, fecund, plentiful. brious, dismal, grave, serious, sad,
ANT. Unproductive, sterile, barren, lamentable.
fruitless, ineffectual, useless,abortive. Furbish. SYN. Brighten, polish,
Fruition. STN. Eeaping, attainment, burnish.
enjoyment, use, possession. ANT. Dull, cloud, tarnish.
ANT. Disappointment, loss, non- Furious [See FRANTIC].
attainment. Furnish SYN. Supply, provide,
Fruitless [See FRUITFUL]. equip, afford, yield, bestow, purvey,
Frustrate [See BAFFLE]. give.
Frustration [See FRUSTRATE and ANT. Withhold, withdraw, disman-
Fugacious. SYN. Ephemeral, fugi- Further [See ADVAJTCEJ.
tive, fleeting, transient. Furtive. SYN. Stealthy, clandestine,
ANT. Persistent, perennial, perpet- secretive, secret, sly.
ual, permanent. ANT. Open, public, undisguised, un-
Fugitive [See FUGACIOUS]. reserved, unconcealed.
Fulfil. SYN. Fill, complete, discharge, Fury [See FUBIOUS].
verify, accomplish, achieve, execute, Fuse. SYN. Liquefy, melt, smelt,
effect. amalgamate, commingle, consolidate.
ANT. Neglect, ignore, disappoint, ANT. Disunite, disincorporate, dif-
falsify. fuse, disamalgamate.
Fulminate. SYN. Thunder, clamor, Fusion [See FUSE and BLEND].
roar, vociferate, denounce. Fuss. SYN. Stir, excitement, tumult,
ANT. Laud, panegyrize, eulogize.
worry, ado, bustle, flurry, fidget.
Fulsome. SYN. Excessive, gross, ANT. Quiet, peace, sedateness, tran-
loathsome, nauseous, sickening, fawn- quillity, composure, calm.
ing, offensive. Fustian [See BOMBAST].
ANT. Chaste, sober, nice, delicate.
Fumble Fusty [See FRESH].
[See BUNGLE]. Futile. SYN. Weak, ineffective, use-
less, nugatory, unavailing, vain, tri- Gamesome [See GAME and MKB.
fling. KYj.
ANT. Powerful, effective, cogent, Gang [See CREW].
useful, solid, substantial. Garb. SYN. Dress, uniform, clothing,
future. SYN. Forthcoming, coming, costume, vestments, apparel.
advenient. ANT. Undress, tatters, rags, shreds,
ANT. Gone, bygone, past. nudity.
Garble. SYN. Misrepresent,misquote,
G. mutilate, cook, dress, color, falsify,
pervert, distort.
ANT. Quote, cite, extract, recite.
'GABBLE, n. SYN. Prate, jabber, jar- Garbled [See GABBLE],
gon,stuff, babble, rattle, twaddle, gib- Garnish. SYN. Deck, furnish, adorn,
ber, chatter, gibberish.
ANT. Conversation, speech, elo- dress, furbish, beautify, embellish,,
decorate, ornament.
quence, reticence, taciturnity, minc- ANT. Denude, strip, dismantle.
ing, mouthiness, euphuism, grandilo-
Garniture [See GARNISH].
Garrulity. SYN. Verbosity, loquaci-
Gabble^ v. [See GABBLE, n.]. talkativeness, chatter.
Gaffer [See CODGER]. ty,
ANT. Reticence, taciturnity, lacon-
Gag. SYN. Silence, stifle, burke, muz- ism.
zle, hush.
ANT. Evoke, provoke, inspire, ani- Garrulous [See GARRULITY].
mate. Gather [See COLLECT].
Gage. SYN. Engage, bind, pledge, se- Gaud. SYN. Trinket, trumpery,flnery,
cure, pawn, deposit. gewgaw, bauble, kickshaw, gimcrack,
ANT. Intimate, promise, acquit, re- whim.
lease, ANT. Decoration, ornament, gem,
Gaiety [See GAY]. jewel, valuable.
Gain. v. SYN. Acquire, get, win, pro- Gaudy. SYN. Tawdry, fine, meretri-
cure, obtain, profit, benefit, earn, at- cious, bespangled, glittering, showy,
tain, realize, achieve, reap, reach. gay, garish.
ANT. Lose, forfeit, suffer. ANT. Rich, simple, hnndsorae, chaste.
Gain. n. [See GAIN, t'.J. Gauge. SYN. Measure, fathom, probe.
Gainful. SYN. Profitable, beneficial, AJJT. Survey, conjecture, view,ecan,
advantageous, winning. guess, observe, mismeasure.
ANT. Unprofitable, detrimental, in- Gaunt. SYN. Grim, savage, lean,lank,
jurious, disadvantageous, gainless, hungry, thin, spare, attenuated, ema-
losing. ciated.
Galiiless [See GAINFUL]. ANT. Docile, tractable, tame, sleek,
Gainsay [See AFFIRM]. well-fed.
Galaxy f Seo BEVY]. Gawky. SYN. Awkward, ungainly, un-
Gallant. SYN. Brave, chivalrous, in-
couth, clumsy, clownish.
trepid, courteous, heroic, fearless, ANT. Neat, handy, graceful, hand-
courageous, valiant, bold, splendid, some.
showy, gay. Gay. SYN. Merry, blithe, lively, jol-
ANT. Cowardly, churlish, discourte- ly, sportive, sprightly, smart, festive,
gladsome, pleasuresome, cheerful.
Gambol, v. SYN. Frolic, sport, frisk, ANT. Heavy,melancholy,grave,sad,.
play, caper, jump. sombre, dull, dowdy.
ANT. Tire, wenry, droop, flog. Gaze. SYN. Stare, contemplate, scan,
Gambol, n. [See GAMBOL, u. '). behold, regard, view, glower, gloat.
Game. SYN. Sport, recreation, pas- ANT. Wink, ignore, overlook, ogle r
time, amusement, frolic, diversion, disregard, glance.
play. Gelatinous. SYN. Viscous, albumin-
ANT. Study, toil, labor, business, ous, mucilaginous, gumuiy,glairy,tfl
duty, weariness, flagging. tiaous, semifluid, lentous.
\NT. Limpid, sparkling, crystalline. Germ. SYN. Seed, nucleus, embryo,
Gelid. SYN. Frigid, cold, icy. origin, bud.
ANT. Warm, genial. ANT. Fruit, development, result.
Generality. SYN. Mass, bulk, body, Germane. SYN. Allied, kindred, re-
majority. lated, homogeneous, appropriate,
ANT. Section, minority, exception, akin, pertinent, relative.
Individuality. ANT. Unconnected, foreign, alien,
Generalization [See ABSTRAC- irrelevant.
TION]. Germinate. SYN. Sprout, shoot, bud,
Generate. SYN. Engender, produce, vegetate.
propagate, originate, beget, breed. ANT. Rot, decay.
ANT. Stifle, extinguish, terminate. Gesticulate [See ATTITUDE].
Generation. SYN. Age, period, era, Gesture [See ATTITUDE].
epoch, lifetime, offspring, stock, race, Get. SYN. Gain, procure, acquire, earn,
origination, breed, progeny, forma- obtain, attain, secure, achieve.
tion. ANT. Lose, forfeit, surrender, fore-
ANT. Perpetuity.eterni*T,immortal- go-
Generic. SYN. General, common, col-
Gewgaw SYN.
[See GAUD],
Ghastly. Deathlike, -wan, grim,
lective. cadaverous, spectral, pallid, hideous,
ANT. Particular, personal, specific. shocking.
Generous. SYN. Noble, chivalrous, ANT. Blooming, fresh, comely,
liberal, disinterested, bountiful, mag- seemly, buxom, ruddy.
nanimous, open-hearted, munificent, Ghost. SYN. Spectre, apparition,
honorable. spirit, vision, shade, phantom.
ANT. Mean, ignoble, illiberal, self- ANT. Body, animal, organism.
ish, churlish. Gibe. SYN. Sneer, scoff, ridicule, jeer,
Genial. SYN. Warm, cordial, balmy, mock, deride, rail at, taunt.
cheering, merry, festive, joyous, ANT. Salute, compliment.
nearly, revivifying, restorative. Giddy. SYN. Whirling, vertiginous,
ANT. Cold, cutting, harsh, deleteri- thoughtless, inconstant, unsteady,
ous, noxious, deadly, blighting, de- lofty, beetling, dizzy, hare-brained,
structive, uugenial, lethal. flighty.
Genius. SYN. Taleut,cleverness,inven- ANT. Stationary, slow, ponderous,
tiveness, creativeness, intellect, skill, thoughtful, earnest, steady, low, un-
giftedness, ideality, endowment, na- elevated, wary, circumspect.
ture, gift, character, faculty. Gift. SYN. Donation, present, grant,
ANT. Stolidity, stupidity, inanity, boon, gratuity, benefaction, endow-
imbecility. nent, talent, faculty, alms, douceur.
Genteel. SYN. Polite, well-bred, re- ANT. Reservation, refusal, wages,
fined, courteous, fashionable, elegant, purchase, earnings, compensation, re-
aristocratic, polished, graceful. muneration, inanity, stupidity, for-
ANT. Rude, boorish, ill-bred, clown- feit, penalty, fine, surrender.
ish, unfashionable, unpolished, inele- Gigantic. SYN. Colossal, huge, enor-
gant, plebeian. mous, herculean, giant, cyclopean,
Gentility [See GENTEEL]. vast.
Gentle. SYN. Courteous, polite, high- ANT. Puny, dwarfish, feeble.
bred, mild, bland, tame, docile, ami- Giggle, n. SYN. Cachinnation, grin,
able, meek, soft, placid, tender. titter.
ANT. Rough, rude, coarse, fierce, ANT. Sob, whimper, whine, blubber.
savage. Giggle, v. [See GIGGLE, n.].
Genuine. SYN. Authentic, true, real, Gild [See ADORN].
pure, unalloyed, natural, unaffected, Gird. SYN. Surround, encircle, hem,
sincere, unadulterated, veritable, environ, belt, enclose, engirdle, en-
sound. compnss, girdle, begird.
ANT. Spurious, fictitious, adulter- ANT. Disclose, open, expand, disen-
ated, apocryphal. circle, disengm.le, ungird.
Girdle [See GIRD]. Glister [See GLARE],
Girth [See GIRD] . Glitter [See GLARE].
Gist. SYN. Essence, pith, marrow, sub- Gloat. SYN. Revel, glut, feast.
stance, kernel, force, main point. ANT. Avoid, shun, loathe, abomin-
ANT. Surplusage, redundancy, ad- ate.
ditament, environment, accessories, Glomeratlon [See CONGLOMERA-
garb, clothing. TION].
Give. SYN. Bestow, grant, confer, im- Gloom. SYN. Gloaming, twilight, ob-
part, yield, produce, surrender, con- scurity, shadow, obscuration, dull-
cede, present, afford, communicate, ness, cloudiness, cloud, dejection, sad-
furnish. ness.
ANT. Withhold, withdraw, refuse, ANT. Light, radiance, clearness,
retain, grasp, fail, restrain, deny. brightness, daylight,
Glabrous. SYN. Smooth, polished, Glorify. SYN. Exalt, honor, elevate,
bald, shiny, sleek, glacial, glassy. laud, praise, signalize, magnify, ag-
ANT. Rough, hairy, bristly, hank, grandize, adore, panegyrize, extol.
wrinkled, shaggy, hirsute. ANT. Depress, debase, abuse, cen-
Glad. SYN. Happy, joyous, pleased, sure, degrade, decry, abase, defame.
gratified, blithesome, gleeful, glad-
Glorious [See CELEBRATED].
some, delighted, cheerful, elated, joy- Glory. SYN. Brightness, radiance,
ful. effulgence, honor, fame, celebrity,
ANT. Unhappy, sorrowful, disas- pomp, luster, magnificence, splendor,
trous, sorry, disappointed, dismal. renown.
Gladden. SYN. Bejoice,cheer,gratify, ANT. Obscurity, ignominy, cloud,
exhilarate. dishonor, degradation.
ANT. Grieve, dispirit, disappoint, Gloss, n. SYN. Polish, luster, misin-
depress, afflict, trouble, wound. terpretation, distortion, perversion,
Glance [See GAZE]. twist, plea, pretense, speciousness.
Glare. SYN. Beam, shine, gleam, ray, ANT. Nebulousness, haze, literal-
radiate, glow. ness, truth, representation, interpre-
ANT. Shimmer, scintillate, glitter, tation, reality, verity.
smoulder, glimmer, glisten, glister, Glow [See GLARE].
sparkle, flash, flicker. Glowing. SYN. Shining, intense,hot,
Glassy. SYN. Vitreous, smooth, pof- ardent, fiery, fervent, fervid.
ished, glacial, glabrous, brittle, trans- ANT. Dull, languid, cool.
parent, crytalline, pellucid, limpid, Gloze [See GLOSS].
glossy, silken. Glut. v. SYN. Gorge, fill, stuff, cram,
ANT. Rough, uneven, rugged,pliant, satiate, cloy, surfeit.
tough, opaque, luteous, muddy,turbid, ANT. Disgorge, empty, void.
scabrous. Glut. n. SYN. Surplus, redundancy,
Glaze. SYN. Vitrefy, gloss, polish, superflui'y, overstock.
burnish, furbish. ANT. Sca-ci y.<lrainage,exhaustion,
AKT. Roughen, corrugate, rumple, dearth, fnilare. scantiness.
crumple. Glutinous (See GELATINOUS].
Gleam [See GLARE j. Gluttony. SYS. Greed, gormandize-
Glee [See GLAD]. ment, voracity, deglutition.
Glib. SYN. Slippery, voluble, smooth, ANT. Abstinence, frugality, abste-
fluent, ready, talkative, flippant. miousness, temperance, vegetarian-
ANT. Rough, abrupt, hesitating, ism.
stammering. Go. SYN. Move, depart, pass, travel,
Glimmer [See GLARE], vanish, reach, extend, proceed, stir,
Glimpse. SYN. Sight, inkling, glance, set out, budge.
glimmering, survey. ANT. Stand, stay, come,remain, per-
ANT. Observation, scrutiny, investi- sist, abide, rest, endure, lack, fail.
gation, inspection, analysis, examina- Godless [See WICKED].
tion, Godliness [See FIKTY ].

Glisten [See GLARE]. Good. adj. SYN. Bight, complete, vir-

tnous, sound, pious, benevolent, pro- Gracious. SYN.Affable, courteous,
pitious, serviceable, suitable, efficient, benignant, kind, civil, condescending,
sufficient, competent, valid, real, ac- merciful, friendly, tender, gentle, be-
tual, considerable, honorable, repu- neficent.
table, righteous, proper, true,upright, ANT. Haughty, discourteous, ill-
just, excellent. disposed, ungracious, churlish.
ANT. Wrong, imperfect, unsound, 'Gradation. SYN. Stage, tier, degree,
vicious, profane, niggardly, unpropi- rank, standing, graduation, ordina-
tious, unserviceable, unsuitable, in- tion,arrangement, precedency.
efficient, inadequate, incoinpetent,in- ANT. Equality, uniformity, frater-
valid, ncticious, supposititious, incon- nity, abruptness, saltation.
siderable, mean, disgraceful, disrepu- Grade [See GRADATION].
table, bad, evil. Gradual. SYN. Slow, continuous, un-
Good. n. SYN. Boon, benefit, advan- intermittent, gradational, regular,
tage,gain,blessing,mercy, virtue, pros- .step by step, progressive.
perity, weal, profit, interest, welfare. ANT. Sudden, momentary, instanta-
ANT. Hurt, injury, loss, detriment, neous, periodic, recurrent, intermit-
evil, disadvantage, ill, calamity, inflic- tent, discontinuous, broken, discon-
tion, curse. nected.
Good-humored. SYN. Good-na- Graduate [See CLASSIFY].
tured,good-tempered, amiable,cheer- Grand. SYN. Large, dignified, im-
ful. posing, important, eventful, magnif-
ANT. Ill-humored,ill-natured, cross, icent, grandly, majestic, august, ex-
unamiable. alted, stately, splendid, lofty, eleva-
Goodly. SYN. Pleasant,desirable,ex- ted, pompous, gorgeous, sublime, su-
cellent, fair, coMc'y, considerable, perb.
graceful, fine. ANT. Little, undignified, unimpos-
ANT. Unpleasant, undesirable, un- ing, secondary, interior, unimpor-
comely, inconsiderable. tant, petty, paltry, beggarly, mean,
Goods [See CHATTELS]. common, insignificant.
Gorge [See GLUT and SWALLOW]. Grandeur. SYN. Dignity, magnifi-
Gorgeous. SYN. Magnificent, splen- cence, display, pomp, ostentation.
did, costly, rich, superb, grand, ANT. Meanness, paltriness.
strong. Grandiloquence. SYN. Verbosity,
ANT. Poor, naked, bare, cheap, din- pomposity, mouthiness, grandiosity,
gy, threadbare. antiloquence, stiltedness, euphuism,
Govern. SYN. Kule, direct, control, turgidity, fustian, bombast.
moderate, guide, sway, supervise, ANT. Simplicity, plain-spokenness,
manage, command, conduct. naivete, unaffectedness, vernacular.
ANT. Misrule, misdirect, miscon- Grandiose [See GRAND]. SYN. See
Governor [See GOVERN]. Grant. SYN. Give, allot, bestow, con-
Grab [See SNATCH], fer, transfer, admit, allow, concede,
Grabble [See GROVEL]. convey, impart, yield, cede.
Grace. SYN. Favor, beauty, conde- ANT. Withhold, withdraw, reserve,
scension, kindness, elegance, charm, resume, deny.
excellence, pardon, mercy. Graphic. SYN. Picturesque, illustra-
ANT. Disfavor, deformity, unkind- tive, descriptive, pictorial, forcible,
ness, pride, inelegance, awkward- vivid, feeling, described, pictur-
ness, gawkiness. esquely.
Graceful [See GRACE, GOODLY and ANT. Unpicturesque, unillustrative,
GRACELESS]. undescriptive.
Graceless. SYN. Ungraceful, vicious, Grapple [See CONTEND].
scampish, reprobate, abandoned, Grasp. SYN. Seize, hold, clasp, re-
worthless. tain, comprehend, catch, grip, clutch,
ANT. Graceful, virtuous, conscien- grapple.
tious, upright, worthy. ANT. Loose, lose, abandon, relin-
quish, surrender, release, miss, mis- ANT. narrow, puny, scanty,
understand. few, short, mean, ignoble, weak, un-
Grasping [See AVARICIOUS?]. important.
Orate. SYN. Bub, scrape, jar, scratch. Greediness. SYN. Voracity, rapac-
ANT. Glide, slip, lubricate. ity, [See AVIDITY].
Crateful. SYN. Pleasant, acceptable, Gree'*~. ANT. Gluttonous, voracious,
agreeable, thankful, obliged, wel- hungry, desirous, avaricious.
come. ANT. Abstemious, abstinent, indif-
ANT, Unpleasant, unacceptable, dis-
ferent, contented.
agreeable, ungrateful, disobliged. Greet [See ADDRESS].
Gratification. SYN. Pleasure, en- Gregarious. SYN. Social, sociable,
joyment, satisfaction, indulgence, de- cousociative.
light, reward. ANT. Unsocial, unsociable, solitary.
ANT. Pain, dislike, disappointment, Grief. SYN. Trouble, tribulation, woe,
abstinence, abnegation, stinting, in- mourning, regret, affliction, sorrow,
urement, discipline. sadness.
Gratify. SYN. Please, satisfy, indulge, ANT. Joy, exultation, delight, ela-
humor. tion, hilarity.
ANT. Displease, dissatisfy, disap- Grievance. SYN. Burden, injury,
point, stint, discipline, inure, harden, complaint, trouble, oppression, hard-
deprive, deny. ship, injustice.
Gratitude. SYN. Thankfulness,grate- ANT. Congratulation, boon, rejoic-
fulness. ing, benefit, alleviation, disburden-
ANT. Unthankfulness, ingratitude, ment, riddance, privilege.
thanklessness, oblivion, resentment, Grieve. SYN. Trouble, burden, annoy,
indignation. distress, bewail, wound, pain, sorrow,
Gratuitous. SYN. Free, uncompens- hurt, afflict, mourn, lament, complain,
ated, voluntary, unwarranted, ground- deplore.
less, wanton, unnecessary, unsought. ANT. Ease, console, soothe, please,
ANT. Compulsory, involuntary, rejoice, exult, gratify, alleviate.
obligatory, necessitated, warranted, Grievous. SYN. Sad, heavy, afflic-
well-founded .
tive, lamentable, deplorable, sorrow-
Gratuity [See GRATUITOUS and ful, painful, burdensome, calamitous,
BONUS]. baleful, hurtful, disastrous, unhappy.
Gratulatlon [See CONGRATULA- ANT. Joyous, delightful, pleasant,
TION J. glad, consolatory, grateful, welcome,
Grave. SYN. Sad, serious, momen- acceptable, trifling, light, trivial.
tous, weighty, pressing, sedate, de- Grievously [See GRIEVOUS].
mure, thoughtful, sober, sombre, sol- Grim. SYN. Fierce, ferocious, terri-
emn, important, aggravated, heavy, ble, hideous, ugly, ghastly, sullen,
cogent. stern.
ANT. Joyous, merry, facetious, un- ANT. Mild, docile,attractive, placid,
important, ridiculous, trivial, light, benign.
frivolous, futile. Grind. SYN. Crush, pulverize [See
Gravity [See WEIGHTY and SOL- OPPRESS].
EMNITY]. Gripe. SYN. Grasp, seize.clutch, gnaw,
Gravely [See GRAVE]. pain, squeeze, screw, pinch, lay hold
Graze. SYN. Shave, scrape, skim, of.
abrade, shear. ANT. Abandon, relax, soothe, ease,
ANT. Strike, impinge, collide, en- relieve.
counter. Grisly [See GHASTLY].
Great. SYN. Big, wide, huge, numer- Gr<an. SYN. Moan, whine, growl,
ous, protracted, excellent, large, im- grumble.
mense, bulky, majestic, gigantic, vast, ANT. Giggle, cackle, chuckle, tit-
grand, sublime, august, eminent, ter, laugh.
magnanimous, noble, powerful, ex- Grope. SYN. Feel, search, grabble,
alted, noticeable. fumble.
ANT. Grasp, seize, hold, expose. Gruff*. SYN. Rough, surly, bearish,
Gross. SYN. Entire, vulgar, vicious, harsh, rude, blunt.
impure, coarse, bloated, sensual, ani- ANT. Smooth, mild, affable, court-
mal, bulk, indelicate, outrageous,
unseemly, shameful. Grumble [See GROWL].
ANT. Partial, net, pure, refined. Grumpy [See GRUMBLE and SURLY].
Grotesque. SYN. Whimsical, quaint,
Grunt [See GROWL].
old, burlesque, archaic, caricatured,
Guarantee, v. SYN. Insure, answer
distorted. for, pledge [See WARRANT].
ANT. Classic, chaste, fina, fashion- Guard [See PROTECT].
able, graceful, severe. Guarded [See CALCULATING].
Ground, v. [See FOUND]. Guardian. SYN. Keeper, protector,
Ground, n. SYN. Basis, foundation, conservator, custodian, preserver,
premise, reason, cause, account, plea. warder.
ANT. Superstructure, statement, ar- ANT. Traitor, betrayer, pupil. ward.
gument, inference, deduction. Guess. SYN. Conjecture, siirmise, di-
Grounded. SYN. Rooted, established, vine, suppose, suspect, fancy, im-
initiated, inaugurated, prepared, in- agine.
doctrinated, trained.
ANT. Examine, prove, investigate,
ANT. Ungrounded, untangled, un- establish, demonstrate, elaborate, de-
prepared, uninitiated, baseless, un-
founded, unauthorized, groundless.
Guest. SYN. Visitor.
Groundless. SYN. Vain, suppositi- ANT. Entertainer, host.
tious, unfounded, baseless, fanciful,
Guidance. SYN. Direction, control
gratuitous, chimerical, false. [See MANAGEMENT].
ANT. Well-founded, substantial, au- Guide. SYN. Lead, direct, conduct,
thoritative, actual, authentic. pilot, regulate,superintend,influence,
Group. SYN. Cluster, bunch, knot, train,manage.
assemblage, collocation, class, collec- ANT. Mislead, misconduct, misdi-
tion, clump, order, assembly. rect, mismanage, misregulate, mis-
ANT. Isolation, individual, crowd, guide, miseducate, betray, deceive.
confusion, medley. Guile. SYN. Craft, treachery, deceit,
Grovel. SYN. Crawl, cringe, wallow, cunning, insidiousness, artifice, fraud,
creep, grub, fawn, grabble. hypocrisy, trickery.
ANT. Soar, aspire, mount, rise. ANT. Honesty, simplicity, frank-
Grow. SYN. Increase, advance, ex- ness, generosity, candor, sincerity.
tend, expand, enlarge, gain ground, Guileless [See GUILE and CRAFT].
accrue, become, develop, amplify. Guilt. SYN. Criminality, sin, offence,
ANT. Dimmish, recede, contract, culpability [See GUILE and CRIME].
fail, stop, die, wane. Guiltless [See GUILE and INNO-
Growl. SYN. Snarl, grumble, com- CENT].
plain, remonstrate, murmur, grunt. Guise. SYN. Aspect, garb, semblance,
ANT. Chuckle, cackle, grin, purr, plea, demeanor, dress, appearance,
acquiesce. fashion, mien, manner.
Growth [See ADVANCEMENT and ANT. Character, person, individual,
PROGRESS]. sentiment, disposition, opinion, life,
Grudge. SYN. Spare, retain, covet,
t>. mind, soul, self.
envy, withhold. Gulf [See ABYSS].
ANT. Spend, impart, welcome, sat- Gull [See CHEAT].
isfy, gratify. Gulp [See SWALLOW].
Grudge, n. SYN. Spite, grievance, Gumption. SYN. Shrewdness, clever-
aversion, rancor, hatred, pique, dis- ness [See ACUTENESS].
satisfaction, discontent, refusal. Gush. SYN. Burst, stream, flow, gush,
ANT. Welcome, satisfaction, ap- spout, rush, pour out, flow out.
proval, contentment, complacency, ANT. Drip, drop, dribble, trickle,
bestowal, benefaction. strain, drain, ooze, filter, percolt{<
Gust, SYN. Squall, blast, puff, fit,
n, reverence, enshrine, sanctify, dedi-
outburst, gale, breeze. cate.
ANT. Calm, tranquillity subsidence, ANT. Desecrate, profane, blaspheme,
re^tr^int, composure, zephyr. abominate, execrate.
Out. t. SYN. Disembowel, eviscerate. Halt. SYN. Stop, rest, limp, falter,
(in*. SYN. Entrails, viscera, bowels. hammer, stammer, demur, dubitate,
intestines. pause, hold, stand still, hesitate.
Guzzle [See GORGE]. ANT. Advance, decide, determine,
speed, flow, career.
H Hamper. SYN. Hinder [See FET-
1IAKILI.1IICNT, HABILI- Hand. SYN. Laborer, workman, opera-
MENTS. SYN. tive, artisan, agency, influence, index.
Dress, vestments, ANT. Employer.
robes, uniform, apparel, garb, cloth-
ing, clothes.
Handle. SYN. Feel, treat, use, man-
ANT. Deshabille, undress. age, manipulate, touch, wield, discuss.
Habilitate ANT. Drop, mismanage, bungle.
[See HABILIMENTS and Handmaid. SYN. Servant, auxiliary,
Habllltatlon. SYN. Qualifieation,en- supporter.
ANT. Antagonist, opponent.
titlement, empowerment.
ANT. Disqualification, depression, Handsome. SYN. Comely,good-look-
debasement, dishabilitation. ing, generous, liberal, beautiful, am-
Habit. SYN. Habituation, custom, ple, pretty, graceful, lovely, elegant.
familiarity, association,
ANT. Uncomely, ill-looking, ungen-
usage, practice, way, manner. erous, illiberal, unhandsome.
ANT. Dishabituatiou, inexperience, Handy. SYN. Near, convenient, use-
iaconversance, desuetude [See HA- ful, helpful, manageable, dexterous,
BILIMENT]. ready, expert.
Habitation [See ABODE]. ANT. Remote, Inconvenient, awk-
Habitual. SYN. Regular, ordinary, ward, useless, cumbrous, unwieldy,
perpetual, customary, usual, familiar, unhandy.
accustomed, wonted. Hang. SYN. Rest, lean, depend, sus-
A.NT. Irregular,extraordlnary,occa- pend, poise.
sional, unusual, exceptional, rare. ANT. Stand.
Habituate [See HABIT and ACCUS-
Hanker [Used with the prep, after],
TOM J. SYN. Long, yearn, crave, hunger.
Haggard. SYN. Wild, wasted, worn, ANT. Dislike, shun, loathe, abomi-
attenuated, wrinkled, ghastly, hollow- nate, detest, abhor,>avoid.
eyed, lean, gaunt. Hap [See LUCK].
ANT Sleek, smug, chubby, plump. Hapless [See LUCKLESS].
Haggle. SYN. Higgle, chaffer, bar- Haply [See PERHAPS].
gain, stickle. Happen [See LUCK and BEFALL].
ANT. Yield, deduct, abate, reduce, Happiness. SYN. Enjoyment, well-
discount. being [See BLISS].
Hail. SYN. Accost,address,salute,call, Happy. SYN. Lucky, fortunate, felici-
welcome, greet. tous, successful, delighted, joyous,
ANT. Ignore, pass, cut, avoid. merry, blithesome, prosperous, glad,
Hale [See HEALTHY]. blissful.
Halcyon. SYN. Calm, serene, balmy, ANT. Unlucky, unfortunate.infelici-
unruffled. tous, unsuccessful, sorrowful, sorry,
ANT. Stormy, troublous, tempestu- disapointed, dull, lugubrious, de-
ous, blustering, boisterous. sponding, unhappy.
Hall'. SYN. Moiety, bisection, dlmidi- Harangue. SYN. Speech, oration, dec-
ation. lamation, effusion, rant.
ANT. Integrity, entirety, totality, ANT. Stammer,stutter,mutter,mmn-
whole. ble, drawl, insinuation, suggestion,
Hallow. SYN. Consecrate, venerate, reasoning, blandiloquence.
Harass. SYN. Weary, annoy, fatigue, Harm. SYN. Hurt, mischief, injury,
jade, tease, irritate, chafe, molest, detriment, damage, evil, wrong, mis-
worry, vex, harrow, pester, tor a. ent, fortune, ill, mishap.
tire, perplex, distress. ANT. Beuefit, boon, ainel (oration,
ANT. Refresh, comtort, solace, re- improvement, reparation, compensa-
lieve, soothe,animate, inspirit. tion, healing, remedy.
Harbinger. SYN. Announcer, her- Harmless. SYN. Innocuous, innox-
ald, precursor, forerunner. ious, inoffensive, innocent, gentle.
ANT. Reporter, narrator, relator, ANT. Nocuous, noxious, hurtful,
historian, follower, attendant. savage, cruel, deadly, violent, mis-
Harbor, n. SYN. Haven, rest, refuge, chievous, destructive, pernicious.
shelter, anchorage, home, asylum, Harmonious. SYN. Congruous, ac-
port. cordant, proportioned, uniform, me-
ANT. Labor, toil, peril, exposure, lodious, musical, dulcet, tuneful, con-
voyage, roving, roaming, wandering, sistent, peaceful, agreeable, amica-
pilgrimage, tossing. ble, friendly, concordant.
Harbor, v. SYN. Cherish, accommo- ANT. Incongruous, discordant, dis-
date, entertain, encourage, indulge, proportioned. unshapely, harsh, nn-
shelter, foster, lodge. melodious, sharp, grating, unfriend-
ANT. Eject, expel, discard, discour- ly, riotou, unpeaceful. quarrelsome.
age, stifle, exclude, banish, dismiss. Harmonize fSee ACCORD].
Hard. SYN. Firm, dense, solid, com- Harmony [See AGREEMENT and
pact, unyielding, impenetrable, ar- CONCORD J.
duous, difficult, grievous, distressing, Harness, n. [See ACCOUTREMENTS],
rigorous, oppressive, exacting, un- Harp. v. (Metaphor.) SYN. Strum,
feeling, stubborn, harsh, forced, con- hammer, drum, peg.
strained, inexplicable, flinty, severe, ANT. Touch, handle, treat, man-
cmel, obdurate, hardened, callous. age, illustrate.
ANT. Soft, fluid, liquid, elastic, brit- Harrow [See HABASS].
tle, penetrable, easy, mild, lenient, Harsh. SYN. Rough, grating, severe,
tender, ductile, uninvolved, simple, sharp, rugged, acrimonious, abusive,
intelligible, perspicuous. soul-jarring, rancorous, rigorous,
Harden. SYN. Inure, train, habituate, discordant, gruff.
confirm, indurate, consolidate, com- ANT. Smooth, melodious, lenient,
pact. suave, bland, gentle, genial, kindly.
ANT. Disinure, relax, enervate, de- Harshly [See HARSH].
bilitate, dishabituate, soften, melt, Haste. SYN. Speed, celerity, expedi-
mollify, colliquate, vaporize. tion, hurry, despatch, excitement,
Hardened [SeeHAKD].- heedlessness, swiftness.
Hardihood. SYN, Resolntion, in- ANT. Slowness, tardiness, delay,
trepidity, pluck [See AUDACITY J. coolness, reflection, moderation,
Hardly. SYN. Barely, just, scarcely, steadiness.
narrowly, merely. Hasten. SYN. Accelerate, urge, ex-
ANT. Fully, amply, easily, largely, pedite, speed, press, hurry, haste,
abundantly. quicken.
Hardship. SYN. Trouble, burden, ANT, Retard, impede, obstruct, de-
annoyance, grievance, calamity, in- mur, hesitate, halt.
fliction, endurance, affliction. Hasty. SYN. Speedy, rapid, superfi-
ANT. Pleasure, amusement, allevia- cial, hurried, irascible, impetuous,
tion, recreation, gratification, relief, reckless, headlong, crude, incom-
assuagement, facilitation, boon, treat. plete, undeveloped, immature, swift,
Hardy. SYN. Inured, robust, strong, precipitate, fiery, passionate, slight,
resolute, stout-hearted, vigorous, in- quick, excitable, rash, cursory.
trepid, brave, manly, valiant. ANT. Slow, leisurely, careful, close,
ANT. Weak, uninured, delicate, ir- reflective, developed, matured, com-
resolute, enervated, debilitated, ten- plete, elaborate, thoughtful, delib-
der, fragile. erate.
HAT 129 HEA.

Hatch. SYN. Prepare, conooct, de- ANT. Harm, hurt, wound, pierca,
vise, scheme, brew, plot, contrive, in- ulcerate.
cubate. Healthy. SYN. Vigorous, sound, ro-
ANT. Disconcert, upset, expose, dis- bust, strong, hale, salubrious, whole-
sipate, counteract, baffle, mar, spoil, some, hearty, healthful.
frustrate, neutralize. ANT. Unhealthy, unsound, weak,
Hate [See ABHOR]. delicate, fragile, noxious, pernicious,
Hateful. SYN. Abominable, detesta- insalubrious.
ble, vile, odious, heinous, execrable,
Health [See HEALTHY].
loathsome, repulsive. Heap [See ACCUMULATE].
ANT. Lovable, lovely, desirable, Hearsay. SYN. Report, rumor, gos-
delightful, attractive, enticing, en- sip.
joyable, tempting, pleasant. ANT. Personal knowledge.
Haughty [See AFFABLE]. Heart. SYN. Core, nucleus, kernel,
Hani [See DRAG]. interior, center, character, disposi-
Haunt [See ABANDON], tion, courage, hardihood, nature, life,
Have. STN. Own, possess, feel, enter- feeling, benevolence.
tain, accept, bear, enjoy, keep.
ANT. Exterior, hand, action, aspect,
ANT. Want, need, lose, forego, dis- manifestation, conduct, deed, tim-
card, reject, miss, desiderate, covet, idity.
desire. Heart-broken. SYN. Disconsolate,
Haven [See HARBOR]. broken-hearted, woe-begone, incon-
Havoc. SYN. Desolation, ruin, waste, solable.
wreck, ravage,demolition,destruction, ANT. Cheerful, hopeful, trusting.
devastation. Heartiness [See HEABTY].
ANT. Conservation, enhancement, Hearty. SYN. Healthy, robust, cor-
enrichment, augmentation, develop- dial, sound, warm, honest, earnest,
ment, producti veness,luxuriance,pros- genuine, well, sincere, heartfelt,
perity. hale.
Hawk. STN. Sell, peddle, retail. ANT. Unhealthy, delicate, infirm,
ANT. Reserve, store, suppress, with- cold, insincere.
hold, house, bond. Heartily. SKN. Cordially, zealously,
Hawker, n. [See HAWK]. sincerely, earnestly.
Hazard. SKN. Peril, risk, jeopardy, ANT. Half-heartedly, insincerely.
danger, chance, imperil, dare. Heat. SYN. Warmth, ardor, passion,
ANT. Safety, security, protection, excitement, fever, ebullition, intens-
warrant, certainty, calculation, law. ity.
Hazy. SYN. Foggy, nebulous, misty, ANT. Coolness, indifference, subsi-
filmy, gauzy, cloudy, murky, calig- dence, calmness, composure, reflec-
inous. tion.
ANT. Diaphanous, clear, crystal- Heathenish. SYN. Unconverted, un-
line, transparent. christian, pagan, uncivilized, unbe-
Head. SYN. Top, crown, chief.leader, lieving.
ruler, mind, source, section, division, ANT. Christian, believing, polished,
topic, gathering, culmination, ciisis, refined, civilized.
leadership, guide, commander, acme, Heave. SYN. Lift, raise, uplift, up-
summit. raise, sublevate, hoist.
ANT. Tail, bottom, foot,
follower, ANT. Dash, sink, lower, detrude,
servant, retainer, subordinate, sub- precipitate.
ordination, inferiority, body, bulk, Heavenly [See CELESTIAL and Atr-
subject, continuation. OELIOJ.
Heading [See TITLE"!. Heaviness [See HEAVY].
Headlong [See HASTY]. Heavy. SYN. Weighty, ponderous,
Headstrong [See OBSTINATE], inert, slow, stupid, dull, impenetrable,
Hi-ill. SYN. Cure, repair, restore, stolid, cumbrous, grievous, afflictive,
remedy, assuage, cicatrize, recon- oppressive, burdensome, sluggish, la*
cile. borious, depressed.
-tir-C 180 HUT
ANT. Light, trifling, trivial, agile, ANT. Acquisition, merit, wages,
active, quick, brisk, joyous, allevia- compensation.
tive, condolatory, inspiriting, ani- Hermetically. SYN. Air-tight, close-
mating, buoyant. ly.
Hector, v. SYN. Bully, swagger, an- ANT. Loosely, misfittingly.
noy, bluster, boast, vaunt, harass,
Hero [See CHAMPION!.
threaten, tease, worry. Heroic. SYN. Brave, undaunted, chiv-
ANT. Cower, shrink, hide, skulk, ab- alrous, daring, romantic, gallant, fear-
scond. less, courageous, intrepid, dauntless.
Hector, [See HECTOR, .]
n. ANT. Dastardly,cowardly, cravenly,
Heed. v.SYN. Mind, regard, notice, poltroonish.
Hesitate. SYN. Dubitate, waver, de-
aitend to, observe.
ANT. Disregard, slight, ignore. mur, scruple, falter, stammer, pause,
Heed. n. [See HEED, t>.]. doubt
ANT. Decide, determine, run, flow,
Heedful. SYN. MindfuJ, careful, con- career.
siderate, cautious, wary, circumspect. Heterodox.
ANT. Unmindful, careless, heedless,
SYN. Unsound, hereto
reckless, unheedful. ANT. Sound, orthodox.
Heedless [See HEEDFUL]. Heterogeneous. SYN. Strange, dis-
Height. SYN. Altitude, elevation, similar, alien, discordant.
talluess, summit, exaltation, culmina- ANT. Accordant, congruous, homo-
tion, top, apex, climax, acme, crisis. geneous, sLuilar.
ANT. Depth, lowness. depression, Hew. SYN. Cut. hack, chop, fall.
littleness, base, abasement. ANT. Mould, model, form, carve, en-
Heighten. SYN. Exalt, increase, en- grave, sculpture, levigate, turn.
hance, intensify, color, vivify, aggra- Hibernal. SYN. Wintry, arctic, bru-
vate, raise, exaggerate, lift up, ampli- mal, glacial.
fy- ANT. Summerly, zephyrous, balmy,
ANT. Lower, depress, diminish, de- halcyonic.
teriorate, abase, temper, tone, exten- Hide. SYN. Conceal, secrete, mask,
uate, modify, quality. dissemble, store, protect, disguise, en-
Heinous. SYN. Hateful, fragrant, Jo sconce, screen, cover, burrow.
testable, flagitious, atrocious, odious, ANT. Expose, discover, exhibit,man-
abominable, execrable, enormous. ifest, betray, strip.
ANT. Excellent, laudable, merito- Hideous. SYN. Frightful, unshapely,
rious, praiseworthy, distinguished, monstrous, horrid, horrible,ugly,gris-
justifiable, excusable, palliable. ly, grim, ghastly.
Hellish [See AHGELIC]. ANT. Graceful, beautiful, captiva-
Help. v. SYN. Aid, succor, remedy, ting, attractive.
prevent, avoid, assist, promote, co- Hie. SYN. Fly, haste, speed.
operate, relieve, second. ANT. Falter, stop, stay, lag, stick.
ANT. Oppose, obstruct, aggravate, Higgle [See HAGGLE].
incur. High. SYN. Elevated, lofty, tall, emi-
Help. n. [See HELP, .]. nent, excellent, noble, haughty, vio-
Helpless [See FORLORN]. lent, proud, exalted.
Hem. r. [See BORDER]. ANT. Depressed, low, stunted, ig-
Herald, n. [See HARBINGER]. noble, mean, base, affable.
Herculean [See GIGANTIC]. Highly. SYN. Greatly, exceedingly,
Herd. r. [See CONGREGATE]. extremely, very much.
Hereditary. SYN. Inherited, ances- ANT. Hardly, barely, scarcely.
tral, lineal. Hilarity [See DESPAIR].
ANT. Conferred, acquired, won, Hinder. SYN. Prevent, interrupt, ob-
HerenF. SYN. Schism, unorthodoxy. struct, retard, debar, embarrass, im-
ANT. Orthodoxy, catholicity pede, thwart, block, stop.
Heritage. SXN. Inheritaace, entail- AT. Accelerate, expedite, enable,
ment, legacy, Uoquvst. promote, facilitate.
flinderance [See HINDER]. ANT. Profane, evil, impure, on
Hinge. STN. Move, turn, hang, de- holy.
pend, work, rotate, circulate. Homage. STN. Fealty, allegiance,
ANT. Halt, crepitate, jar, grate. submission, worship, deference, al,
Hint. n. [See CUE]. fiance, respect, veneration.
Hint. v. [See SUGGEST], ANT. Treason, rebellion, disaffeo.
Hire. STN. Engage, commission, em- tion, insubordination, defiance.
ploy, rent. Home [See ABODE J.
ANT. Buy, purchase. Homely. STN. Plain, course, un-
Hit. STN. Strike,succeed, chance, comely.
reach, hazard, mistake, touch. ANT. Handsome, beautiful, re-
ANT. Fail, mischance, err. miss. fined, courtly.
Hitcb. STN. Stick, stickle, oar, jam, Homogeneous [See HETEBOGENE-
catch, hang. ousj.
ANT. Run, glide, elide, rotate, flow. Honest. STN. Honorable, upright,
Hoard. STN. Treasure, accumulate, virtuous, proper, right, sincere, con-
husband, store up, amass, heap up, scientious.
lay up. ANT. Dishonest, dishonorable, vi-
ANT. Waste, squander, dissipate. cious, improper, wrong, insincere.
Hoarse. STN. Harsh, grating, husky, Honesty. STN. Integrity, probity,
raucous, rough, gruff. uprightness, straightforwardness,
ANT. Mellifluous,inellow,rich,6weet, fairness, sincerity, honor, rectitude,
melodious. virtue, justice, veracity.
Hoary. SYN. White, gray, silvery, ANT. Dishonest,chicanery,trickery,
frosty. insincerity, deception, fraud, unfair-
ANT. Dark, raven, jet. ness, guile.
Hoax. STN. Befool, gammon, bam- Honor. STN. Respect, reverence, no-
boozle, dupe, trick, trepan. eminence, reputation,
bility, dignity,
ANT. Guide, enlighten, undeceive,
fame, high-mindedness, spirit, self-
inform, direct, correct, regulate. respect, renown, grandeur, esteem.
Hobby. STN. Limp, falter. ANT. Disrespect, contempt, irrever-
ANT. Bun, course, speed, leap. ence, slight, obscurity, degradation,
Hobble. STN. Pursuit, whim, amuse- disgrace, abasement, demoralization,
ment, specialty, idiosyncrasy. cowardice, dishonor, infamy.
ANT. Nuisance, horror, aversion, Honorable. STN. High-minded, up-
bugbear, scarecrow, incubus. right [See HONEST J.
Hoyden. STN. Romp, tomboy. Honorary. STN. Gratuitous, uno*-
ANT. Prude. ficia'i, unremunerative, nominal, titu-
Hold. STN. Keep, grasp, retain, sup- lar.
port, restrain, defend, maintain, oc- ANT. Official, remunerative, pro-
cupy, possess, sustain, regard, con- fessional, jurisdictional.
eider, cohere, continue, have. Hoot. SifN. Hiss, execrate, denounce,
ANT. Drop, abandon, surrender, sibilate, decry.
fail,release, desert, forego, vacate, ANT. Cheer, honor, acclaim, eulo-
concede, break, cease. gize, salute, welcome.
Hollow, adj. (Metaphor.) STN. Emp- Hope. STN. Anticipation, prospect,
ty,concave, foolish, weak,faithless, in- vision, longing, confidence, desire,
sincere, artificial, unsubstantial, void, expectation, trust,
flimsy, transparent, senseless, vacant, ANT. Despair, despondency, dis-
unsound, false. trust, disbelief, abandonment, abjura-
ANT. Full, solid, well-stored, strong, tion.
firm, sincere, true, genuine, substan- Horrible. STN. Abominable, detest-
tial, able, dreadful, fearful, hideous, ghast-
Holy. STN. Sacred, reverend, pure, ly, terrific, hateful, direful, horrid,
consecrated, religious, saintly, pioUB, awful, frightful.
devout, divine, hallowed, devout, ANT. Lovely, desirable, enjoyable,
HOB 133

attractive, beautiful, fair, pleasant, Humble. SYN. Low, lowly, obscure,

amiable. meek, modest, unassuming, unpre-
Horrid [See HORRIBLE]. tending, submissive.
Horror. SYN. Fear, dread, shrink- ANT. High, lofty, eminent, proud,
ing, loathing, detestation, awe, dis- boastful, arrogant, assuming, preten-
may, fright, terror, excessive fear. tious.
ANT. Love, attraction, allurement, Humid. SYN. Moist, wet, vaporous,
enticement. spongy, damp.
Horse. SYN. Steed, charger, courser, ANT. Dry, arid, parched, moisture-
Bozinante, nag, barb. less.
Hospitable. SYN. Sociable, neigh- Humiliate [See HUMBLE and
borly, charitable. ELEVATE].
ANT. Unsociable, exclusive, retired, Humiliation [See ABASEMENT].
unueighborly, churlish, recluse. Humility [See HUMBLE].
Host. SYN. Multitude, number, assem- Humor. SYN. Disposition, temper,
blage, army. mood, caprice, jocoseness, pleasantry,
ANT. Handful, sprinkling, knot, frame, drollery, fun.
group, corps, section. ANT. Nature, personality, mind,
Hostage. SYN. Sponsor, bail, surety. will, purpose, seriousness.
ANT. Dictator, conqueror. Humorous. SYN. Facetious, comical,
Hostility [See ANIMOSITY]. witty, funny,
Hot. SYN. Fiery, burning, fervent, ANT. Grave, serious, sober, matter-
glowing, pungent, violent [See AR- of-fact.
DENT]. Humorsome [See FANCIFUL].
Hound. SYN. Pursue, hunt, prose- Hunt See HOUND,].

cute. Hurl [See DABT].

ANT. Liberate, discard, abandon, Hurry (See ACCELERATE].
spare. Hurt. v. SYN. Wound, bruise, harm,
House [See ABODE]. damage, pain, grieve.
Hubbub [See BABBLE]. ANT. Heal, soothe, console, repair,
Huddle. SYN. Mix, confuse, derange, reinstate, compensate, benefit.
heap. Hurt. n. SYN. Harm, injury, damage,
ANT. Assort, arrange, adjust, clas- wound, detriment, mischief.
sify. ANT. Benefit, pleasure.
Huge. SYN. Enormous, monstrous, Hurtful. SYN. Mischievous, injuri-
colossal, vast, bulky, large, great, ous, pernicious, baleful, deleterious,
prodigious, immense, stupendous, baneful, noxious, detrimental, preju-
gigantic. dicial
ANT. Petty, undersized, pigmy, Husband [See ECONOMIZE],
puny. Ilusli [See SILENCE].
Human. SYN. Ethnical, cosmical, an- Husky [See HOARSE].
thropological, rational, civilized. Hustle [See JOSTLE J.
ANT. Inhuman, beastly, irrational. Hybrid. SYN. Mixed, impure, mon-
Humane. SYN. Benign, kind, tender, grel, mule.
mercif ul, benevolent, compassionate. ANT. Pure, unmixed, thoroughbred.
ANT. Unkind, cruel, unmerciful, in- Hypocrisy [See HYPOCRITE].
human. Hypocrite. SYN. Feigner, pretender,
Humanity. SYN. Man, mankind, dissembler, imposter, cheat, deceitful
kindness, tenderness, compassion, person.
sensibility,philanthropy,benevolence. ANT. Saint, believer, Christian, sim-
ANT. Unkindness, cruelty, inhu- pleton, dupe, bigot, fanatic, lover of
manity, bestiality, irrationality, bar- truth.
barity. Hypocritical. SYN. Pharisaical,
Humanize. SYN. Civilize, ameli- ^anctimoftious, smug, smooth, mealy,
orate, enlighten, christianize, refine. unctuous, mincing.
ANT. Barbarize, degrade, debase, ANT. Plain-spoken, candid, truth-
depress, brutalize. ful, sincere, genuine, transparent.
133 ILL
ANT. Loathe, execrate, abominate.
Ignite [See KINDLE].
Ignoble. SYN. Mcun, base, dishonor-
able, humble, plebian, lowly.
IDEA. SYN. Image, notion, concep- ANT. Honorable, noble, eminen ,

tion, belief, doctrine, supposition, un- exalted, lordly, grand, notable, illus-
derstanding, fiction, fancy, thought, trious.
opinion, impression, sentiment. IgiiominiouH. SYN. Shameful, scan-
ANT. Object, iorm, subject, thing,
dalous, dishonorable, infamous.
reality. ANT. Honorable, reputable, credit-
Ideal. SYN. Mental, notional, concep- able.
tional, intellectual, creative, spiritual, Ignominy. SYN. Disgrace, reproba-
poetical, supposititious, fictitious, un- shame, reproach, contempt, dis-
real, imaginary, chimerical, fanciful, honor, infamy, obloquy.
imaginative. ANT. Credit, reputation, honor, dis-
ANT. Physical, visible, material,
tinction, glory, lustre, renown.
tangible, historical, real, actual, pal- Ignoramus. SYN. Dunce, dullard.
pable, substantial. ANT. Savant, luminary.
ideality. SYN. Fancy, creativeness, Ignorance [See KNOWLEDGE].
genius. Ignorant. SYN. Untaught, uneduca.
ANT. Imitation, uninventiveness, ted. uninformed, unlearned, illiterate,
unimaginativeness, copyism. unlet tered.
Identity. SYN. Unite, integrate, re- ANT. Wise, learned, cultured, cul-
cognize, verify, incorporate. ti vat cd ,irell-informed.
ANT. Divide, disunite, confound,
confuse, overlook, mistake.
Ignore SYN. Disown, repudiate, over-
Identical. SYN. Same, self-same, ANT. Own, notice, mark, visit, rec-
particular. ognize.
ANT. Different, separate, contrary.
111. n. SYN. Evil, misfortune [See
Identity. SYN. Oneness, unity, same- HARM and MISCHIEF].
ness, personality, individuality, con- 111. a. SYN. Bad, sick, unwell, indis-
ANT. Difference, distinctness, sepa- posed, poorly, out of sorts, diseased.
ANT. Well, healthy, strong, vig-
rateness, plurality, contrariety. orous See GOOD).
Idiocy. SYN. Imbecility, aberration,
Ill-bred. SYN. Impolite, uncivil, ill-
insanity, fatuity.
ANT. Sanity, sagacity, intelligence, mannered, rude.
ANT. Polite, well-behaved, civil,
sense, judgment.
Idiom. SYN. Specialty, peculiarity, courteous, refined. .

characteristic, phrase, turn.

Illegal See LEGAL].

ANT. Solecism, barbarism. Illegible [See LEGIBLE].

SYN. Peculiarity,
Illegitimate [See LEGAL],
Idiosyiicracy. Illiberal [See LIBERAL].
constitution, temperament, specialty, Illicit [See LICIT],
characteristic, individuality, SI^KU- Illiterate [See LITERARY].
larity, eccentricity. Illogical [See LOGICAL].
ANT. Community, universality, Ill-treat. SYN. Maltreat, abuse, ill-
generality. use, misuse.
Idiot. SYN. Imbecile, fool. . ANT. Treat well [See ABUSE].
ANT. Luminary, sage, authority. Illuminate. SYN. Lignceu, enlight-
Idle. SYN. Void, unoccupied, waste, en, emblazon, irradiate.
vain, empty, unemployed, useless, in- ANT. Darken, obscure, bedim.
active, lazy, indolent. Illusion. SYN. Dream, mockery, de-
ANT. Tilled, occupied, populated,
ception, delusion, hallucination, p.ian-
filled, employed, assiduous, industri-
ous. tasm, vision, myth, false show, er-
ror, fallacy.
Idolize. SYN. Worship, adore, ven- ANT. Fora, reality, body,substa ice.
Illusive. SYN. Deceptive, vision try,
unreal, disappointing, fugitive, erro-

Imbolden. SYN. Enhearten, em-

neous, false, imagmary,chimerical,de- bolden, inspirit [See ENCOURAGE].
lusive, illusory. Imbrue. SYN. Wet, moisten, soak,
ANT. Substantial, satisfactory, real, drench.
true, permanent, solid. ANT. Wring, dry, wipe, drain.
Illustrate. SYN. Elucidate, inter- Imbue. SYN. Tmge, dye, stain, im-
pret, exemplify, demonstrate, repre- preguate, inoculate, ingrain, affect,
sent, explain, embody, paint, image, infect.
make clear. ANT. Disimbue, disinoculate, dis-
ANT. Obscure, misinterpret, mys- abuse, cleanse, clear, purge, disin-
confuse, misrepresent, darken.
tify, fect.
Illustrative [See ILLUSTRATE]. Imitate. SYN. Represent, copy, re-
Illustrious. SYN. Renowned, glori- semble, follow, portray, depict, re-
ous, brilliant, deathless, eminent, peat, pattern after, mock, ape, coun-
distinguished, celebrated, conspicu- mimic.
ous, noble, famous. ANT. Misrepresent, caricature, al-
ANT. Ignominious, disgraceful, dis- ter, vary, dissimilate, differentiate,
reputable, inglorious, infamous. modify, remodel, distort.
Ill-will. SYN. Antipathy, hatred, Imitation [See IMITATE].
malevolence, dislike, aversion [See Imitative. SYN. Mimicking, carica-
ENMITY and AVERSION]. turing, copying, unoriginal, servile,
Image. SYN. Statue, likeness, repre- apish.
sentation, effigy, copy, metapnor, ANT. Original, creative, inventive.
idea, conception, fiction, shadow, Immaculate. SYN. Pure, sinless,
picture, vision. spotless, stainless, virgin, unpolluted,
ANT. Person, original, substance, undefiled, unsullied, unblemished,
subject, object, reality, truth, ver- unspotted.
ity. ANT. Impure, corrupt, sinful, con-
Imagery. SYN. Poetry, fancy, illus- taminated, denied, tainted, polluted,
tration, metaphor, similitude. spotted.
A.N r . Prose, statement, fact. Immanent. SYN. Inherent, innate,
Imaginary, adj. [See IMAGE and subjective, indwelling, internal, in-
ILLUSIVE]. trinsic, congenital, ingrained, natu-
Imaginative. SYN. Creative, con- ral, implicit.
ceptive, ideal, poetical, romantic, in- ANT. Emanent, transitive, pro-
ventive, original. jective, developed, exsilient. phe-
ANT. Unimaginative, unpoeticai, nomenal, explicit, accidental, asci-
unromautic, prosaic, matter-of-fact, titious.
literal, Immunity. SYN. Cruelty, atrocity,
Imagine. SYN. Conceive, suppose, savagery, ferocity, truculeiice.
Rurmise, understand, fancy, fabricate, ANT. Mildness, gentleness, tender-
deem, presume, think, appreuead. ness, docility, mansuetude.
ANT. Kepresent, exhibit, demon- Immaterial. SYN. Spiritual, incor-
strate, prove, substantiate, verify, poreal, unimportant, insignificant,
depict. trivial, trifling, unessential.
Imbecile. SYN. Foolish, idiotic, fat- ANT. Material, physical, corporeal,
uous. essential, Important.
ANT. Shrewd, sagacious, clever. Immature. SYN. Unripe, green,
Imbecility. SYN. Feebleness, se- crude, imperfect, unfinished, unde-
nility, weakness, dotage. veloped.
ANT. Strength, energy, vigor, vi- ANT. Ripe, complete, finished, ma-
rility, power. ture, developed.
Imbibe. SYN. Acquire, leam. assim- Immeasurable. SYN. Vast, bound-
ilate, absorb, drink, swallow, take in, less, illimitable, immense, unfath-
suck in. omable, infinite.
ANT. Discard, reject, renounce, ANT. Finite, bounded, limited, cir-
disavow, abjure, repudiate. cumscribed, shallow, restricted.
Immediate. SYN. Proximate, con- Imp. STN. Brat, scamp, devil, do-
tiguous, present, direct, instant, mou.
next. ANT. Cherub, angel.
ANT. Distant, remote, future, me- Impact. SYN. Contact, application,
diate. impression, collision.
Immediately. SYN. Without delay, ANT. Isolation, separation, inter-
instantly, forthwith, directly, pres- val, removal, avoidance, non-con-
ently, straightway. tact, shave.
ANT. With delay, after a while. Impair. SYN. Deteriorate, injure, re-
Immemorial. SYN. Primitive, an- duce, damage, enfeeble, vitiate, di-
cient, archaic, primordial, time- minish, lessen.
honored, remote. ANT. Enhance, improve, augment,
ANT. Recent, modern, late, up- repair.
start, fresh. Impalpable [Soe PALPABLE].
Immense [See IMMEASURABLE and Imparity [See PARITY].
Immerse. SYN. Dip, plunge, sink, Impartial [See PARTIAL],
soak, steep, macerate, duck, sub- Impassable [See PASSABLE],
merge, drown, inundate, douse, over- Impassible. SYN. Immaterial, im-
whelm. mortal.
ANT. Dry, drain, parch, ventilate, ANT. Passible, mortal.
air. Impassioned. SYN. Excited, fervid,
Immersion [See IMMERSE]. passionate, glowing, vehement, im-
Imtnetliodical [See METHODI- petuous, spirited.
ANT. Unimpassioned, cool, impas-
STN. Migration, col- sive.
onization, settlement. Impassive [See IMPASSIONED].
ANT. Emigration, exodus. Impatient [See PATIENT].
Imminent. SYN. Impending, hov- Impawn [See PAWN].
ering, threatening. Impeach. SYN. Accuse, arraign, in-
ANT. Warded, staved, escaped. dict, criminate.
ANT. Acquit, absolve, abet, vin-
Immiscibility [See MISCIBLE]. dicate.
Immissioii. SYN. Introduction, in-
jection, insertion.
Impeccability [See PECCABILITY].
ANT. Ejection, emission, discharge. Impede [See ACCELERATE],
Immitigable [See MITIGATE]. Impediment. SYN. Hindrance, ob-
Immobility [See MOBILE]. stacle, obstruction, stumbling block.
Immoderate [See MODERATE]. ANT. Aid, aidance, help, assistance,
Immodest. SYN. Indecent, shame- succor, support, furtherance, coad-
ful,impudent, indecorous. jwvancy.
ANT. Modest, decorous, becoming, Impel [See URGE],
proper [See BECOMING]. Impend. SYN. Hover, threaten.
Immolate. SYN. Sacrifice, victim- ANT. Pass, spare.
ize. Impenetrable [See PENETRABLE].
ANT. Spoil, humor, indulge, feed, Impenitent [See PENITENT].
pamper. Imperative. SYN. Urgent, irresist-
Immoral [See MORAL], ible, dictatorial, inexorable,p%rempio-
Immortal [See MORTAL]. rily, compulsory, obligatory.
Immovable [See MOVABLE]. ANT. Indulgent, lenient, mild, en-
Immundicity [See MUNDICITY]. treative, supplicatory, optional, dis-
Immunity. SYN. Exemption, dis- cretional.
pensation, freedom, privilege. Imperceptible [See PERCEPTIBLE].
ANT. Liability, obligation, juris- Impercipieiit [See PBRCIPIENT].
diction, impost, burden, amenabil- Imperfect [See PERFECT],
ity. Imperfection. SYN. Deficiency,
Immure [See INCARCERATE]. fault, failing, blemish, vice [See DB-
Immutable [See MUTABLE].
Imperlorate [See PERFORATE]. Implore [See ENTREAT].
Imperial. SYS. Majestic, royal, mag- Imply. SYN. Involve, mean, indicate,
nificent, supreme, superb. suggest, hint, import, denote, include.
ANT. Ignoble, servile, slavish.mean, ANT. Express, declare, state, pro-
paltry, beggarly. nounce.
Imperil [See ENDANGER]. Impolite [See POLITE].
Imperious. SYN. Arrogant, exacting, Impolitic [See POLITIC].
dictatorial, authoritative, domineer- Imponderable [See PONDERABLE],
ing, haughty, lordly. Imponderous See PONDEROUS].
ANT. Yielding, submissive, com- Imporous [See POROUS],
pliant, docile, ductile, lenient, gentle, Import. SYN. Introduce, bring.
mild. ANT. Export, banish.
Imperishable [See PERISHABLE]. Import. SYN. Purport, meaning,
Im permanence [See PEBMA- drift, tenor, significance.
ANT. Statement, proceeding.
Impermeable [See PERMEABLE] Importance. SYN. \V eight, moment,
Impersonal [See PERSONAL] consequence, significance, significa-
Impersonate. SYN. Act, enact, rep- tion, avail, concern.
resent. ANT. Unimportance, insignificance,
ANT. Detect, unmask, expose. nothingness, immateriality.
Impertinent [See PERTINENT]. Important. SYN. Significant, express-
Imperturbable [See PERTURB and ive, relevant, main, leading, consid-
STOICAL]. erable, great, dignified, influential,
Impervious [See PERVIOUS]. weighty, momentous, material, grave,
Impetrate. SYN. Entreat, implore, essential.
obsecrate, pray, imprecate. ANT. Insignificant, trivial, inex-
ANT. Demand, command, claim, in- pressive, irrelevant, inconsiderable,
sist, deprecate, debort, dissuade, ex- petty, mean, uninfluential.secondary,
postulate, remonstrate. unimportant, minor.
Impetuous [SK- HASTY], Importation [See IMPORT. .].
Impiety [See PIETY]. Importunate. SYN. Over-urgent,
Impious. SYN. Profane, irreverent, over-entreative, pressing.
godless, wicked, blasphemous. ANT. Modest, diffident.
ANT. Reverent, pious, godly, de- Importune. SYN. Pester,
solicit, ask
vout, reverential. urgently, press.
Implgiiorate [See PAWN]. ANT. 8urrender,abandon,sacrifice.
Impinge [See IMPACT]. Impose. SYN. Lay, inflict, fix, set,
Implacable [See PLACABLE]. place, enjoin.
Implant [See PLANT]. ANT. Remove, disburden.
Implement. SYN. Instrument, uten- Impose on. SYN. Delude, deceive,
sil, tool, appliance. dupe, circumvent [See CHEAT, .].
AN*. Labor, work, science, art, Imposing. SYN. Striking, effective,
manufacture, agriculture. dignified, grand, impressive, majes-
Impletion. SYN. Filling, satisfac- tic,august, commanding.
tion, supply. ANT. Ineffective,undignified, petty.
ANT. Failure, exhaustion, depriva- Imposition [See CHEAT, n.J.
tion, disappointment. Impossible [See POSSIBLE].
Implicate. SYN. Connect, associate, Impost. SYN. Imposition, tax, bur-
charge, criminate, involve, entangle, den, custom, toll, tribute, excise,duty.
infold, compromise. ANT. Exemption, immunity, pro-
ANT. Disconnect, dissociate, acquit, ceeds, revenue.
extricate. Impostor. SYN. Cheat, deceiver, dis
Implication [See IMPLICATE]. tembler, charlatan, knave.
Implicit. SYN. Implied, involved, in- ANT. Detector, undeceiver, guide,
dicated. enligh tener.
ANT. Expressed, explicit,developed. Imposture [See IMPOSTOR and
Implied [See IMPLICIT 1. CHEAT!.
Impotence. SYN. Incapacity, weak- lent, saucy, shameless, brazen-faced,
ness, disqualification, disability. rude, bold, immodest.
ANT. Capacity, vigor, ability, qual- ANT. Servile, obsequious, syco-
ification. phantic, bashful, retiring, diffident,
Impotent. SYN. Weak, powerless, deferential, modest.
useless, feeble, helpless, nerveless, Impudence. STN. Impertinence, in-
enfeebled. solence, assurance, effrontery, rude-
ANT. Strong, vigorous, powerful, ness, sauciness, shamelessnet-s, au-
virile. dacity, hardihood.
Impound [See POUND"]. ANT. Obsequiousness, subservi-
Impoverish fSee ENKICHJ. ency, abasement, sycophancy, flunk-
Impracticable [See PBACTICA- eyism, humility [See MODESTT].
BLEj. Impugn. STN. Gainsay, controvert,
Imprecate [See IMPETRATE]. oppose, deny, attack, blame.
Impregnable [See PREGNABLK]. ANT. Declare, state, allege, pro-
Impregnate. SYN. Fill, insert, im- pose, defend, repel, approve, com-
bue, mix, combine, saturate, steep, mend.
vivify, fecundate, teach. Impulse. STN. Incentive, push, in-
ANT. Remove, evolve, extricate, citement, force, influence, instiga-
render simple, separate, destroy, ex- tion, feeling, sudden thought, mo-
tinguish, quench, be studious, learn. tive.
Impress, n. STN. Imprint, print, ANT. Rebuff, repulse, premedita-
device, motto, impression, stamp tion, deliberation [See
[See DEVICE and STAMP]. Impulsive. SYN. Rash, hasty, way-
Impress, v. STN. Stamp, print, im- ward, impressible [See RASH].
print, inculcate, fix deeply. Impure. STN. Foul, unchaste, dirty
ANT. Learn, be Impressed, be stu- [See PUBE].
dious, be mindful. Impute. SYN. Ascribe, refer, charge.
Impressive. STN. Forcible, sol- ANT. Withdraw, retract.
emn, affecting, imposing, impor- Inability [See ABILITY].
tant. Inaccessible [See ACCESSIBLE].
ANT. Weak, unimpressive, feeble, Inaccurate [See ACCUBATE].
tame, jejune, dry, vapid, unimpor- Inaction [See ACTION].
tant, insignificant. Inactive. STN. Idle, lazy, inert, in-
Imprison. SYN. Immure, incarce- dolent, sluggish, slothful.
rate, shut up, confine. ANT. See Active.
ANT. Free, liberate, open, set free. Inactivity [See ACTIVITY].
Imprisonment. SYN. Restraint, Inadequate [See ADEQUATE].
incarceration, durance, confinement. Inadmissible [See ADMISSIBLE],
ANT. Freedom, liberation. Inadvertence. SYN. Inadvertency,
Improper [See PBOPEB]. oversight, negligence, inattention,
Improve. STN. Better, amend, ame- carelessness [See BLUNDER].
emend, correct, mend, rec-
liorate, ANT. Correction, attention.
reform [See AMELIORATE].
tify, Inadvertent. STN. Inobservant,
Improvement. SYN. Advancement, careless, heedless.
amendment, progress, increase, cor- ANT. Careful, observant, accurate.
rection, proficiency. Inalienable. STN. Alien, entailed,
ANT. Degeneracy, degeneration, in transferable.
deterioration, debasement, retrogra- ANT. Unentailed, transferable.
datlon, retrogression. Inane. SYN. Empty, pointless, vapid,
Improvident. SYN. Imprudent, i
feeble, characterless.
wasteful, prodigal, reckless, care- ANT. Significant, pointed, power-
less, thoughtless; shiftless. ful, sensible, forcible.
ANT. Prudent, careful, saving, eco- Inanimate [See ANIMATE].
nomical, provident [See THOUGHT- Inanition. SYN. Emptiness, exhaus-
FUL], f tion, starvation.
Impudent. STN. Impertinent, inso- ANT. Fullness, plethora, repletion.
Inanity. SYN. Emptiness, vacuity, ANT. Whiten, pale, etiolate.
pointlessness,unmeaningness [See Incarnation. SYN. Embodiment,
INANITION]. impersonation.
ANT. Meaning, significance, signifi- SYN. Disembodiment, spiritualizn-
cation. tion, abstraction.
Inappetency [See APPETITE]. Incase. SYN. Inclose, enshrine, im-
Inapplicable [See APPLICABLE]. panel, board, batten.
Inapposite [See APPOSITE J. ANT. Unpack, extract, expose, dis-
Inappreciable. SYN. Infinitesimal, close.
minute, imperceptible. Incautious [See CAUTIOUS].
ANT. Perceptible, ponderable, ap- Incendiarism. SYN. Arson, confla-
preciable, calculable. gration.
Inappropriate [See PROPER]. ANT. Extinction, quenching, anni-
Inapt [See APT]. hilation.
Inarticulate. SYN. Dumb, mute, Incendiary [See INCENDIARISM].
confused, inorganic. Incense. SYN. Inflame, irritate, pro-
ANT. Articulated, enunciated, or- voke, sting, nettle, exasperate, chafe,
ganic. compound. gall.
Inartificial [See ARTIFICIAL]. ANT. Allay, soothe, pacify, appease,
Inattention [See ATTENTION], mollify, conciliate.
Inaudible. SYN. Low, inarticulate, Inception [See BEGINNING].
suppressed, muttering, mumbling, sti- Incentive. SYN. Inducement, excita-
fled, muffled. tion, rousing, motive, stimulus, spur.
ANT. Audible, outspoken, sonorous, ANT. Discouragement, warning, dis-
articulate, clear, ringing, loud. suasive, prohibition, deterrent.
Inaugurate. SYN. Initiate, com- Inceptor [See INCEPTION].
mence, install. Incertitude [See CERTAINTY].
ANT. Deprive, divert, conclude, ter- Incessant. SYN. Continual, uninter-
minate. rupted, unintennittent, perpetual, un-
Inauguration [See INAUGURATE ceasing.
and TERMINATION]. ANT. Periodic, occasional, inter-
Inauspicious [See AUSPICIOUS]. rupted, intermittent.
Inborn [See CONGENITAL]. Inclioatlon [See BEGINNING and
Incalculable [See CALCULATE]. Incidence. SYN. Impingement, im-
Incandescence. SYN. Incalescence, pact, stroke.
glow, white heat ANT. Reflectlon,resilience.rebound.
ANT. Iciness, congelation, refrig- Incident [See INCIDENCE and
eration, crystallization. EVENT].
Incantation. SYN. Recitation, spell, Incidental. SYN. Casual, occasional,
charm, invocation. appertinent, concomitant, concurrent,
ANT. Exorcism, evocation. accidental, fortuitous.
Incapable. SYN. Unqualified, un- ANT. Systematic, regular, indepen-
able, incapable, unfitted, weak, in- dent, disconnected, irrelative, essen-
competent, feeble, disqualified, in- tial, immanent, inherent, uniform,
sufficient. invariable.
ANT. Qualified, able, fitted, strong, Incipience [See INCEPTION].
clever. Incipient [See INCEPTION and BE-
Incapacious [See CAPACIOUS]. GINNING].
Incapacity [See CAPACITY]. Inclrcumspect [See CIRCUM-
Incarcerate. SYN. Immure, impris- SPECT].
on. Incite (See URGE],
ANT. Liberate, release. Incivility. SYN. Discourtesy, ill-
Incarceration [See IMPBLSON- breeding, ill-manners, uncourteou*-
Incarnadine. SYN. Redden, rubri- ANT. Civility, urbanity, good
cate. crimson. ners, politeness.
Inclement, SY-T.
Harsh, tyrannical, Incomprenensible. SYN. Myste-
cruel, unmerciful, severe, stormy, rious, unfathomable, enigmatical.
rough, rigorous. ANT. Comprehensible, cognizable,
ANT. Mild, benign, clement, genial, plain.
merciful. Incomprehension [[See COMPRE-
Incline, r. BYN.Slope, bear, lean, HENSION],
point, tend, dispose, induce, dip, bias, Incompressible [See COMPRESS].
prompt, slant, be disposed. Inconceivable [See CONCEIVE].
ANT. Trend, diverge, ascend, deter, Inconclnnlty. SYN. Inelegance
rise, indispose, disincline. stiffness, barbarism, slang, euphuism,
Inclination. SYN. Leaning, elope, cacophony .

tendency, disposition, proneness, apt- ANT. Concinnity, elegance, ease,

ness, predilection, bias, bent, attach- purity, grace, gracefulness, euphony.
ment, affection, liking, wish. Inconclusive [See CONCLUSIVE],
ANT. Inaptitude, inaptne'ss, dislike, Incongruous [See CONGRUOUS.]
disinclination [See BENT]. Inconsiderable [See CONSIDERA-
Inclose [See CONFINE and COVJIR]. BLE].
Include [See CONTAIN and EM- Inconsiderate [See CONSIDERATE].
BRACE]. Inconsistent [See CONSISTENT.]
Inclusive. SYN. Comprehensive, em- Inconsolable. SYN. Cheerless, joy-
bracing, additive, implied. less, spiritless, melancholy, gloomy,
ANT. Exclusive excepted, renuncia- disconsolate, comfortless, forlorn,
tive, adversative. heartsick, in dispair.
Incognizable [See COGNIZANCE]. ANT. Cheerful, hopefnl. consolable.
Incoherence. SYN. Disunion, dis- Inconsonant [See CONSONANT].
ruption, inconsecutiveness, solution, Inconstant. SYN. Fickle, mutable,
disconnection. variable, fitful, unstable, unsteadfast,
ANT. Coherence, continuity, close- changable (See CAPRICIOUS and
Incoherent. SYN. Unconnected, in- Incontestable. SYN. Indisputable,
congruous, inconsequential, loose. unquestionable, unassailable, impreg-
ANT. Coherent, connected [See CO- nable.
HERENT]. ANT, Dubious, questionable, prob-
Incombustible. SYN. Uninflamma- lematical, supposititious, aroitrary,
ble, aphlogistic. assumptive, hypothetical.
ANT. Inflammable, combustible. Incontiguous [See ADJACENT and
Income. SYN. Proceeds, pay, allow- CONTERMINOUS] .

ance. Incontinent (See CONTINENCE].

ANT. Disbursement, expenditure. Incontinently [See INCONTINENT],
Incommensurable [See COMMEN- Incontrovertible FSee CONTRO-
Incommode [See ACCOMMODATE]. Inconvenience, v. SYN.
Incommunicable. SYN. Intrans- mode, discommode, disturb, molest.
ferable, inalienable. ANT. Suit, aid, benefit, subserve, as-
ANT. Transferable, alienable, com- sist, help.
municable. Inconvenient [See CONVENIENT],
Incomparable. SYN. Matchless, Inconversible (See AFFABLE].
unique, consummate, transcendent. Inconvertible [See CONVERTIBLE].
ANT. Common, orflinary, average. Incorporal [See CORPORAL].
Incompasslonate. SYN. Hard- Incorporate [See INTEGRATE].
hearted, unmerciful. Incorrect [See CORRECT].
ANT. Clement, benignant, compas- Incorrigible [See CORRIGIBLE].
sionate, merciful. Incorruptible [See CORRUPT],
Incompatible [See COMPATIBLE]. Interruption [See CORRUPTION],
Incompetence [See COMPETENCE], Incrassate [See THICKEN].
Incompetent [See ADEQUATSJ. Increase v. SYN. Advance, heighten,
Incomplete [See COMPLETE! dilut- enhance, aggregate, pile up,
INC 140 INT)

raise,magnify, spread [See DE- A.NT. Reversible, alterable, muta-

CBEASE]. ble.
Increase, n, SYN. Accep?ion,growth, Indefensible [See DEFENSIBLE].
extension [See AUGMENTATION]. Indefinite [See DEFINITE].
Incredible. SYN. Surpassing belief, Indelible. SYN. Indestructible, in-
fabulous, marvelous [See CREDI- defeasible, ineffaceable, persistent,
BLE] irreversible.
Incredulity [See CREDULITY]. ANt. Mutable, evanescent, tran-
Increment [See AUGMENTATION]. sient, eff aceable.
Incrnst. SYN. Coat, overlay, plaster. Indelicate. SYN. Coarse, broad, in-
ANT. Scrape, abrade, levigate, ex- decent.
foliate. ANT. Nice, refined, modest, deli-
Inculcate. SYN. Impress, urge, en- cate.
force, Infuse, instil, implant, press, Indemnify. SYN. Compensate, se
teach. cure, satisfy, reimburse.
ANT. Insinuate, suggest, disavow, ANT. Fine, mulct, amerce.
abjure, denounce. Independent [See DEPENDENT].
Inculpate. SYN. Charge, criminate. Indescribable. SYN. Unaccount-
[See IMPLICATE]. able, inexpressible, ineffable, unutter-
Incumbent. SYN. Pressing, binding, able.
coercive, indispensable, urgent, de- ANT. Familiar, ordinary.
volvent, obligatory. Indestructible. SYN. Imperishable,
ANT. Optional, discretional. indiscerptible.
Incur. SYN. Meet, run. ANT. Perishable, destructible, dis-
ANT. Avoid, Bhun, elude, escape. soluble.
Incurable. SYN. Irremediable, irre- Indeterminate [See DETERMIN-
deemable. ATE].
ANT. Tractable, removable, rem- Indicate. SYN. Show, evidence, be-
ediable. tray, evince, manifest, declare, speci-
Incuriosity [See CURIOSITY]. fy, denote, point out, betoken, desig-
Incursion. SYN. Invasion.encroach- nute, mark.
ment, inroad, irruption, foray, raid, ANT. Conceal, contradict, negative,
dragonnade, sally. misindicate, misdirect, falsify.
ANT. Encampment, settlement, Indication. SYN. Sign, token,man-
abode, retreat. ifestation, evidence, demonstration,
Incurvation [See BEND]. note, symptom, proof, mark,proguc 3-
Iiidagation [See EXAMINE]. tic.
Indebted. SYN Obliged, beholden. ANT. Silence, undemonstrativeness,
ANT. Disobliged, unbenolden. surmise, misdirection, misindication,
Indecent. SYN. Indelicate, immod- misguidance.
est, improper [See BECOMING and Indict [See CHARGE].
INDELICATE]. Indifference. SYN. Triviality, un-
Indecision See DECISION].
importance, insignificance, coolness,
Indecisive [See DECISION]. carelessness, apathy, insensibility,
Indecorum. SYN. Impropriety, composure.
coarseness, incorrectness. ANT. Importance, significance,
ANT. Propriety, decorum, correct- weight, gravity, eagerness, interest,
ness. affection, ardor.
Indeed. SYN. Truly, verily, certain- Indifferent. SYN. Luke-warm, care-
ly, really, in truth, in fact. less, unconcerned [See APATHETIC].
ANT. Erroneous, untrue, void of Indigent. SYN. Poor, straitened,
truth, false, fallacious. needy, impecunious.
Indefatigable. SYN. Unwearied, in- ANT. Wealthy, rich, monied.
cessant, persistent, indomitable. Indigestible. S.
Crude, raw,
ANT. Indo'ent, indifferent, idle. heavy.
Indefeasible. SYN. Irreversible, ANT. Digestible, nutritive, light.
unalterable, immutable. Indignation. SYN. Resentment, an-
IND 141

ger, denunciation, displeasure, exas- biguous, imperfect, uncertain fse

peration, ire, wrath, protestation. DISTINCT].
ANT. Gratification, admiration, ap- Indistinguishable. SYN. Indis-
plause, approval, complacency. cernible, inappreciable, minute, con-
Indignity. SYN. Insult, rudeness, fused.
contemptuousness, opprobrium, dis- ANT. Distinguishable, conspicuous.
grace, slight, reproach, ignominy, dis- Indite. SYN. Prompt, suggest, di<x
respect, outrage, affront. word, compose.
tat c,
ANT. Deference, compliment, hom- ANT. Write, transcribe, pen (as un
age, respect. amanuensis).
Indulgence [See DILIGENCE]. Individual. SYN. Personal, specific,
Indirect [See STBAIGHT and IN- peculiar, indivisible, identical, singu-
STBUCT]. lar, idiosyncratic, special, single, sep-
Indiscernible [See DISCERNIBLE]. arate, particular.
Iiidlscerptible [See INDESTBUCTI- ANT. General, common, collective,
BLE]. plural.
Indtscpverable. SYN. Untraceable, Invisible. SYN. Minute, atomic, ulti-
incognizable. mate.
ANT. Cognizable, traceable, discov- ANT. Divisible, discerptible, sep-
erable. arable.
Indiscreet [See DISCBEET]. Illdocillty. n. SYN. Inefficiency, in-
Indiscretion. SIN. Misconduct, mis- competence, inaptitude, ineptitude,
behavior, misdoing, misdeed, derelic- imbecility, incapacity, obstinacy, dog-
tion, delinquency, lapse, trip, slip, gdduess stubbornness.
flaw, blot, omissiou,trespass,/auxpa, ANT Efficiency, competency, apti-
peccadillo tude, power, pliancy, teachableness,
ANT. Guilt, crime, innocence, good willingness.
behavior, guiltlessness, incorruption, Indoctrinate [See INSTBTJCT].
impeccability. Indolence [See ACTIVITY],
.Indiscriminate. SYN. Mixed, con- Indolent [See ACTIVE].
fused, medley, promiscuous, ill-as- Indomitable. SYN. Invincible, un-
sorted, undiscerning, uudisiingUish- tamable, irrepressible, indefatigable.
ing, undiscrimiuating. ANT. Effortless, feeble, languid.
ANT. Careful, sorted, select, dis- Indorse. SYN. Sanction, approve,
cerning. subscribe, accept.
Indiscrimination. SYN. Indis- ANT. Protest, repudiate, cancel, ab-
tinctness, indistinction, uncertainty, jure, renounce.
doubt, confusion,promiscuousness. Indubitable [See DOUBT and IN-
ANT. Discrimination, distinctness, CONTESTABLE].
distinct! m, differentiation. Indubious. SYN.TTnambiguous,plain,
Indispensable. SYN. Necessary, es- apparent, clear [See EQUIVOCAL],
sential, requisite, needful, expedient. Induce, v. Produce, cause, prompt,
ANT. Unnecessary, unessential, in- persuade, instigate, impel, actuate,
expedient, dispensable. urge, influence, move, prevail on.
Indisposed. SYN. Disinclined, un- ANT. Slave, prevent, disincline, dis-
willing, reluctant, sick, ailing. suade.
ANT. Inclined, prompt, ready, will- Induction. SYN. Collection, colla-
ing, eager, desirous, sound, healthful. tion, gathering, application (as cor-
Indisputable. SYN. Unquestionable, relative to it).
indubitable, infallible, sure, certain ANT. Statement, generalization,
[See INCONTESTABLE]. proposition, class, principle, law, de-
Indissoluble. SYN. Inviolable, in- duction, inference, argumentation,
separable, indis^erptible, indestructi- discourse.
ble. Indue [See DIVEST].
ANT. Separable, terminable, dis- Indulge. SYN. Spoil, pamper, humor,
cerptible, dissoluble. gratify, cherish, bask, revel, grovel,
Indistinct. SYN. Indiscriminate, am- foster, favor, allow.
ANT. Thwart, deny, contradict, dis- Inexhaustible. SYN. Incessant, un-
appoint, discard, abjure, counteract, wearied, Indefatigable, perennial, il-
renounce, mortify, discipline. limitable.
Indulgent. SYN. Compliant, for- ANT. Limited, scant, poor.
bearing, tender, tolerant. Inexistence [See EXISTENCE].
ANT. Harsh, severe, rough [See Inexorable. SYN. Merciless, unre-
SUBMISSIVE]. lenting, implacable, unalterable.
Indurate [See HARDEN]. ANT. Lenient, exorable, indulgent,
Industrious. SYN. Diligent, labori- benignant, clement.
ous, busy, assiduous active, hard- Inexpedient. SYN. Undesirable, in-
working. advisable, disadvantageous.
ANT. Lazy, shiftless, idle. ANT. Advisable, profitable, expedi-
Industry. SYN. Activity, toil, assi- ent.
duity, diligence, perseverance. Inexpensive [See EXPENSIVE].
ANT. Inactivity, ease, indiligence,
Inexperience. SYN. Ignorance, in-
conversance, unfamiliarity, strange-
Inebriety [See EBKIETY]. ness.
Ineffable. SYN. Inexpressible, in- ANT. Experience, familiarity.
conceivable, insurpassable, indeclar- Inexpert [See EXPERT].
able, indescribable, exquisite, perfect.
ANT. Common, trivial, superficial,
Inexpiable. SYN. Unatonable, un-
vulgar, conversational, colloquial, ob- ANT. Expiable, redeemable, par-
vious, commonplace. donable, atonable.
Ineffectual. SYN. Fruitless, useless,
vain, idle, unavailing, abortive, in-
Inexplicable. SYN. Mysterious,
operative, ineffective. ANT. Obvious, plain, easy.
ANT. Effective, effectual, success-
ful [See EFFECTIVE].
Inexpressible [See INDESCRIBA-
Inelastic [See ELASTIC]. BLE JT
Inelegant [See ELEGANCE].
Inexpressive. SYN. Characterless,
Ineligible [See ELIGIBLE]. ANT. Expressive, telling, speaking.
Inept See A.FT ).
Inextensive [See SPACIOUS].
Inequality. SYN. Disparity, dispro-
portion, unevenness, inadequacy, dis-
Inextension [See EXTEND and
similarity, imparity. SPACE].
ANT. Equality, parity, co-extension, Inextinguishable [See EXTIN-
adequacy, similarity, level, balance, GUISH].
identity. Inextricable. SYX. Overwhelming,
Inequitable [See EQUITABLE]. irredeemable, fatal.
Inert. SYN. Indolent, slothfnl, lazy,
ANT. Remediable, redeemable.
sluggish, heavy, inactive, passive, dor-
Infallible [See FALLIBLE].
mant. Infamous. SYN. Disgraceful, vile,
ANT. Active, energetic, alert, brisk. shameful, dishonorable, scandaloul
Inertness [See INEHT]. [See HONORABLE].
Inestimable. SYN. Priceless, pre- Infamy. SYN. Despair, degredation,
cious, invaluable [See ESTTMABLY]. disgrace, ignominy, obloquy, extreme
Inevitable. SYN. Unavoidable, in- vileness, dishonor.
fallable, certain, irresistable, fixed. ANT. Honor, reputation, celebrity,
ANT. Avoidable, uncertain, indeter- glory, renown.
minate. Infantile. SYN. Puerile, childish, im-
Inexact [See ACCURATE]. becile.
Inexcitable [See EXCITABILITY]. ANT. Manly, mature, vigorous, ro-
Inexcusable. SYN. Unmitigated,un- bust.
pardonable, indefensible, unjustifi- Infatuation. SYN. Fatuity, halluci-
able. nation, madness, self-deception.
ANT. Mitigahle. paliable, justifiable, ANT. Clear-sightedness, sagacity,
vindicable, defensible, pardonable. wisdom, sanity, soundness.
Jnn-H*lfole [See FEASIBLE]. ANT. Firm, strong, sure, cogent,
Infect. SYN. Taint, corrupt, contami- forcible, sound.
nate, pollute, defile [See CONTAMI- Infirmity. SYN. Weakness, decrepi-
NATE ]. tude, unsoundnesa [See INFIRM].

Infection. SYN Taint, poison, con- ANT. Strength, vigor, healthfulness,

tamination, corruption, contagion. soundness.
ANT. Purification, disinfection, an- Infix [See Fix].
tidote. Inflame. SYN. Fire, kindle, excite,
Infectious [See CONTAGIOUS]. rouse, fan, incense,madden, infuriate,
infelicity. SYN. Unhappiuess, mis- exasperate, Irritate, Imbitter, auger,
ery. enrage.
ANT. Felicity, happiness, blessed- ANT. Quench, extinguish, allay, cool,
ness, joyousm-*. pacify, quiet.
filler. SYN. Gather, collect, conclude, Inflate. SYN. Distend, expand.
derive, deduce, argue. ANT. Exhaust, empty, squeeze, flat-
ANT. State, enunciate, propound, ten, compress.
anticipate, progiiosticate, conjecture, In tin led. SYN. Pompous, turgid, bom-
assume, guess. bastic.
knference. SYN.Deduction,corollury, ANT. Plain, unaffected, simple.
conclusion, consequence. Inflect [See BEND].
ANT. Statement, proposition, enun- Inflection. SYN. Bend, curvature,iu-
ciation. flexion, flexion.
Inferiority. SYN. Subordination, ANT. Straightness, rectilinearity,
minority, poverty, mediocrity, subjec- directness.
tion, servitude, depression. 1 11 fl e x I b 1 e [ See FLEXIBLE].

ANT. Superiority, majority, excel- Inflexion [See INFLECTION].

lence, eminence, independence, mas- Inflict. SYN. Impose, put, lay on.
ttry, exaltation, elevation. ANT. Remove, alleviate, suspend,
Infernal [See ANGELIC], spare.
Infertility. SYN. Barrenness, pov- Infliction. SYN. Grievance, trouble,
erty,sterility,unproductiveness, waste. nuisance.
ANT. Richness, exuberance, fruit- ANT. Gratification, pleasure, accom-
fulness, productiveness. modation, sparing, remission, condo-
Infest. SYN. Trouble, harass, tease, nation.
annoy, pester,molest, plague, disturb. Influence, n. SYN. Effect, control,
ANT. Comfort, gratify, regale, re- causation, affection, impulse, power,
fresh. credit,cbaracter,sway, weight, ascend-
Infidel. SYN. Skeptic, unbeliever,her- ancy, prestige, authority.
etic, freethinker. ANT. Inefficiency, ineffectiveness,
ANT. Believer, Christian, devotee, imperativeness, nullity, neutrality,
Infidelity. SYN. Unbelief, disbelief, Influence, v. SYN. Move, affect,
skepticism. sway, persuade, direct, bias [See Mo VK
ANT. Belief, faith, religiousness and AFFECT],
[See FIDELITY]. Influential. SYN. Potent, powerful,
Infiltrate. SYN. Instil, inoculate, per- etflcuciou*, forcible, persuasive, con-
meate, saturate, soak. trolling, guiding, considerable.
ANT. Strain, draw off, defiltrate. ANT. Weak, ineffective, inoperative,
Infinite [See IMMEASURABLE]. nnpersuasive, inconsiderable.
Infinitesimal. SYN. Inappreciable, I n II u \

inconspicuous, minute, microscopic, Infold [See ENFOLD].

indiscernible, atomic. Inform. SYN. Enlighten, instruct.edi-
ANT. Enormous, immeasurable, fy, educate, acquaint, apprise, com-
vast. municate, notify, tell, impart.
Infirm. SYN. Weak, decrepit, lame, ANT. Misjudge, mieinstruct, mis-
ioforcible.unsound, failing,irresolute, lead, deceive, hoodwink, mystify.mis-
feeble, enfeebled. inform.

Informal [See FORMAL]. Inhabit. SYN. Tenant, colonize, set-

Information. SYN. Instruction, ad- tle,dwell in, reside in, live in, oc-
vice, counsel, notice, notification, cupy.
knowledge. ANT. Abandon, forsake, migrate.
ANT. Concealment, biding, occulta- Inhabitant. SYN. Occupant, tenant,
tion, mystification, resident, native, inmate.
Infraction. SYN. Violation, infringe- ANT. Stranger, traveler, foreigner,
ment, breaking, disturbance, breach, visitor, intruder.
non-observance. Inhale. SYN. Inspire, snuff, absorb.
ANT. Observance, maintenance,con- ANT. Exhale.
servation, respect, integrity. Inharmonious [See HARMONI-
Infrangible [See FRANGIBLE]. OUS],
IB frequency. SYN. Rarity, fewness, Inherent. SYN. Innate, congenital,
paucity, dearth, scantiness. imminent, ingrained, _inborn, intrin-
ANT. Multitude,abundance,frequen- sic, natural, inbred.
cy, recurrence. ANT. Foreign, ascititious, tempo-
Infrigidatiou [See INCANDES- rary, separable, extraneous.
CENCE], Inherit. SYN. Occupy, possess, en-
Infringe. SYN. Break, violate, trans- joy.
gress, contravene. ANT. Acquire, earn, gain, squan-
ANT. Observe, conserve, preserve, der, alienate, dissipa'ce, bequeath,
keep within bounds. leave, demise, devise.
Infuriate [See INFLAME], Inheritance. SYN. Beouest, legacy,
Infuse. SY>. Steep, soak, water, in- heritage, hereditament, patrimony,
insinuate, breathe into,
stil, infiltrate, possession.
introduce, inspire, impart. ANT. Purchase, donation, acquisi-
ANT. Strain, dry, drain, unteach,re- sition, dissipation, alienation, for-
tract, divert. feiture, lapse, escheatmen*.
Ingenious. SYK. Skillful, adept,clev- Inheritor. SYN. Heir, successor, dev-
er, inventive, ready, frank, sincere. isee, legatee.
ANT. Unskillful, slow, uninventive, ANT. Devisor, testator.
unready. Inhesion. SYN. Introsusception, m-
Ingenuous. SYN. Noble, candid, gen- nateness, inherence, indwelling, in-
erous, frank, sincere, straightfor- grainedness, immanence.
ward, honorable, open, artless, hon- ANT. Emanence, emission, ejec-
est. tion, extrusion, extraction.
ANT. Mean, reserved, sly, disin- Inhibit. SYN. Prevent, hinder, pro-
genuous, insincere. hibit, restrain, debar.
Inglorious. SYN. Shameful, dis- ANT. TJrge incite, permit, er cour-

graceful, uurenowued. age, impel.

ANT. Illustrious, glorious, renown- Inhospitable [See HOSPITABLE].
ed. Inhuman [See HUMANJ.
Ingraft [See GBAFT]. Inhume [See INTER].
Ingratiate. SYN. Kecommend, in- Inimical [See FRIENDLY].
sinuate. Inimitable. SYN. Transcendent,
ANT. Discommend, alienate, es- matchless, incomparable.
trange. ANT. Ordinary, mediocre.
Ingratitude [See GRATITUDE]. Iniquity. SYN. Injustice, wrong, sir ,
Ingredient. SYN. Element, ingredi- evil-doing, wickedness, crime, grie^
ent,component, constituent. ance.
ANT. Non-ingredient, refuse, resi- ANT. Justice, integrity, virtue, ho
duum, counter-agent, incongruity. liness.
Ingress [See EGRESS], Initiate [See INAUGURATE].
Ingulp [See GULP]. Initiative. SYN. Start, leadership
Ingurgitate [See SWALLOW], commencement, example.
Inhabile [Se- *ni" -nd AWK- ANT. Wake, rear, prosecution, ter
INJ 115

Inject [See EJECT]. ANI Disabuse, unteach, prnne, dl>

In ju<li< ion* [See JUDICIOUS]. vest.
In junction. SYN. Mandate, order, Inodorous. SYN. Inodorate, scent-
command, exhortation, precept. less,without smell, wanting smell.
ANT. Disobedience, Insubordina- ANT. Odorous, odoriferous, strong
tion, non-compliance, non-observ- scented, redolent, uidorous, pun-
ance. gent.
Injure. SYN. Damage, wound, hurt, Inoffensive [See OFFENSIVE].
wrong, impair, maltreat, cripple,mar, Inofficious [See OFFICIOUS].
spoil, sully, harm. Inoperative [See OPERATIVE].
ANT. Benellt, profit, repair, ad- Inopportune [See OPPORTUNE].
vance, advantage. Inordinate. SYN. Extravagant, dis-
Injurious. SYN. Hurtful, deleteri- proportionate, unregulated, exorbi-
ous, prejudicial, noxious, detrimen- tant, excessive, Immoderate, irregu-
tal, baleful, pernicious, wrongful, lar.
mischievous, damaging, baneful. ANT. Regular, just, moderate.
ANT. Helpful, beneficial, advanta-
Inorganic. SYN. Inanimate, azoic,
geous [See PERNICIOUS]. mineral.
Injustice [See JUSTICE and INIQUI- ANT. Organic, organized.
Inlet. SYN. Opening, com- Inosculate. SYN. Blend, unite, in-
mencement, entrance. tertwine, solidify, anastomose, inter-
ANT. Outlet, egress, debouchure. sect, interpenetrate.
I innate [See INHABITANT]. ANT. Separate, diverge, bifurcate,
Inn. SYN. Hotel, tavern, public house. disunite, divorce.
Innate [See CONGENITAL]. Inquietude [See QUIET, .].
Inner, Inmost. SYN. Interior, vi- Inquiry. SYN. Interrogation, ques-
tion, asking, investigation, search, ex-
tal, secret, close.
ANT. Exterior, outer, amination, research, scrutiny, explo-
outermost, ration.
open. ANT. Conjecture, guess, intuition,
Innocence. SYN. Innocuousness, In-
offensiveness, guilelessness, guiltless- hypothesis, assumption, supposition.
ness, simplicity, purity, sinlessness. Inquisitive. SYN. Prying, peeping,
ANT. Hurtfulnesp, offensiveness, meddling, curious [See CURIOUS].
guile, guilt, contamination, corrup- Inquisitorial. SYN. Minute, arbi-
tion, impurity, sinfulness. trary, over-curious, scrutinizing.
Innocent. SYN. Sinless, harmless, ANT. Superficial, perfunctory, unin-
innoxious, lawful [See BLAMELESS]. quisitive, incurious, Inobservant, un-
Innocuous SYN. Inoffensive, harm- scrutinizing.
less,wholesome. Inroad. SYN. Invasion, raid, incur-
ANT. Obnoxious, hurtful, deleteri- sion, dragonnade, irruption, trespass,
ous, insidious. infringement.
Innovation. SYN. Alteration, rever- ANT. Occupation, settlement, evac-
sal, novelty, newfangledness. uation, retreat, sally, outbreak, excur-
ANT. Conservation, maintenance, sion, egress.
archaism, old-fashion, obsoleteness. Insalubrity [See SALUBRITY].
Innoxious. SYN. Wholesome, harm- Insane [See MAP].
less [See NOISOME]. Insanity. SYN. Mental aberration,
Innumerable [See NUMBERLESS]. mental uneoundness [See LUNACY].
Innutritions. SYN. Indigestible, Insatiable. SYN. Voracious, unap-
harmful, ungeoial, uncongenial. peasable, omnivorous, ravenous, rapa-
ANT. Digestible, healthful, conge- cious greedy.
nial. ANT. Moderate, delicate, fastidious,
Inobservance [See OBSERVANCE]. dainty, squeamish.
Inoculate. SYN. Impregnate, indoc- Inscribe. SYN. Letter, write, label,
trinate, tinge, insert, imbue, instil, designate, delineate, mark, imprint,
ingrain, ingraft. eugrave, dedicate, address.
ANT. Erase, efface, cancel, obliter- I
Insolence. SYN. Arrogance, aseump.
ate, expunge. tion, impudence.
Inscroll. SYN. Enlist, register, en- ANT. Deference, consideration,
roll, pattern, flourish, record, calen- politeness, modesty, bashfulness.
dar. Insolent. SYN. Haughty, overbear,
ANT. Erase, disenroll, cashier, ex- ing, contemptuous, abusive, saucy,
punge, obliterate, efface, deface. impertinent, opprobrious, offensive,
Inscrutable. SYN. Unintelligible, pert, outrageous, scurrilous, rude
untraceable, mysterious, unfathom- [See ABUSIVE and PERT].
able, profound, insolvable, impenetra- Insoluble [See SOLUBLE],
ble, hidden. Insolvable [See INSCRUTABLE].
ANT. Obvious, self-evident, famil- Insolvent. SYN. Bankrupt, ruined,
iar, intelligible, explainable. penniless, beggared.
Insecure [See SECURE]. ANT. Flush, flourishing, monied,
Insensate. SYN. Brute, insensitive, thriving.
insensible, unfeeling, stolid,insuscept- Inspect. SYN. Scrutinize, examine,
ible, unimpressible. investigate, search, overhaul, look
ANT. Sensitive, feeling, quick, saga- into, supervise.
cious, discriminating, observing, sus-
ANT. Overlook, connive, dismiss,
ceptible, acute, impressible. glance, misobserve, misinvestigate,
Insensibility [See SENSIBILITY]. Inspector
Insensible [See SENSIBLE]. [See INSPECT],
Inspiration. SYN. Poesy, frenzy,
Inseparable [See SEPARABLE]. impulse, revelation,intuition, afflatus.
Insert [See INTRODUCE]. ANT. Study, elaboration, learning,
Inside. SYN. Within, internally. acquirement, observation, education.
ANT. Without, outside, extraneous-
ly,externally. Inspire. SYN. Animate, inspirit, in-
Insidious. SYN. Wily, treacherons, flame, imbue, impel, encourage, in-
designing, dangerous, deceitful, ely, hale, enliven, cheer, breathe in, in-
fuse, exhilarate.
crafty, artful.
ANT. Straightforward, sincere, un- ANT. Depress, dispirit, discourage,
designing, innocuous.
Insignificant [See SIGNIFICANT]. Insplssatlon. SYN. Thickening, tur-
Insincere [See SINCERE]. bidity, incrassation, densiflcation.
Insinuate. SYN. Introduce, insert, ANT. Helming, straining, percola-
tion, precipitation, clarification, tenu-
worm, ingratiate, intimate, suggest,
infuse, hint.
ANT. Withdraw, retract, alienate,ex- Instability. SYN. Mutability, waver-
tract. ing, fickleness, inconstancy.
ANT. Stability, firmness, constancy.
Insipid. SYN. Tasteless, vapid, unin-
teresting, characterless, flavorless, Install. SYN. Establish, institute, in-
flat, insulse, lifeless, prosy, stupid.
duct, invest, inaugurate, invest with
ANT. Tasty, sapid, relishing, racy, office.

interesting, engaging. ANT. Deprive, disinstal, strip, de-

Insist. SYN. Stand, demand, main- grade, di sin vest, eject.
tain, contend, persist, persevere, Instalment. SYN. First-fruits, part-
urge. payment, driblet.
ANT. Abandon, waive, concede, sur- ANT. Payment, reimbursement, ac-
render, yield, forego quittal, liquidation, cancelment.
Insnare. SYN. Intrap, cajole, decoy, Instance. SYN. Entreaty, request,
allure, catch, inveigle, net, enmesh, prompting, persuasion, example, so-
entoil, entangle, entrap. licitation, case, illustration, exempli-
ANT. Enlighten, warn, deter, dis- fication, occurrence,point,precedence.
suade, rescue, liberate, release, extri- ANT. Dissuasion, deprecation, warn-
cate. ing, rule, statement, principle, mis-
Insobriety [See SOBRIETY]. exemplification.
Instant. SYN. Momeni, second, min- property, quality,
ity, efficacy, virtue,
ute, twinkling, trice, flash. force, counteragency, neutralization.
ANT. Period, duration, cycle, time, Iiisuavlty [See SUAVITY].
permanence, perpetuity, eternity. Insubordinate. SYN. Resistant,re-
Instantaneous. SYN. Immediate, calcitrant, rebellious, undutiful, re-
instaut,niomentary [See IMMEDIATE]. fractory.
Instantly, svx. Immediately, forth- ANT. Submissive, dutiful, docile,
with, straightway, directly, presently, obedient, subject.
at once, without delay. Insubstantial [See SUBSTANTIAL].
ANT At a future time, with delay, liistibstantiality [See SUBSTAN-
in the future [See DIRECTLY.]. TIAL].
Instigate [See URGE]. Insufferable. SYN. Intolerable, im-
Instil SYN Pour, infuse, introduce, permissible, unallowable, unendur-
import, implant, insinuate, inculcate. able, unbearable.
ANT Drain, strain, extract, eradi- ANT. Tolerable, allowable, endur-
cate, eliminate, remove, extirpate. able, supportable.
Instinct. SYN. Prompting, impulse, Insufficient [See SUFFICIENT].
intuition, iuc.inaticn. Insult, v. SYN. Affront, outrage, dis-
ANT. Reason, reasoning, abstrac- honor, provoke, mock, ridicule.
tion, deliberation, experience, experi- ANT. Respect, salute, honor, praise,
ment, elaboration, judgment. flatter, compliment, gratify.
Instinctive. SYN. Natural, volunta- Insult, n. SYN. Affront, abuse [See
ry, spontaneous, intuitive, impulsive. INDIGNITY].
ANT. Cultivated, forced, reasoning, Insuperable [See SUPERABLE].
rationalistic. Insupportable. SYN. Unbearable,
Institute. STN. Found, establish, in- intolerable, insufferable, unendur-
vest, erect, instal, appoint, induct, or- able.
dain, originate, begin, form, organ- ANT. Endurable, comfortable, to be
ize. borne.
ANT. Disestablish, subvert, disin- Iiisuppresslble [See SUPPRESS-
vest, degrade, deprive. IBLE].
Instruct. STN Enlighten, educate, Insure. SYN. Provide, stabilitate,
inform, indoctrinate, acquaint, teach, guarantee, secure, warrant.
edify, train, discipline, direct, initi- ANT. Imperil, jeopardize, shake,
ate, command. stake.
ANT. Misinform, mlseducate, mis- Insurgent, n. SYN. Malcontent, reb-
instruct, misguide, mislead, misac- mutineer, rioter.
el, traitor,
quaint, deceive, neglect, barbarize, ANT. Patriot, adherent, supporter,
brutalize. constabulary, executive, ruler, magis-
Instruction. SYN. Teaching, edu- trate.
cation, information, counsel, advice, Insurgent, a. SYN. Rebellious, un-
direction, order, command. ruly.
ANT. Misteaching, misinformation, ANT. Loyal, patriotic, obedient.
misguidance, misdirection, misiu- Insurmountable [See INSUPER-
struction, obedience, pupilage. ABLE].
Instructor [See^lNSTRUcrj. Insurrection. SYN. Rebellion, riot,
Instrument. SYN. Implement, uten- rising, anarchy, tumult, mutiny, sedi-
sil, tool, document, deed, record, me- tion, emeute, pronouncement, revolt.
dium, muniment, means, channel, ANT. Law, peace, order, obedience,
machine, agent. government, submission, subjection,
ANT. Misapplication,connteraction, servitude, bondage, subsidence, pacifi-
counteragent, neutralizer, opponent, cation, acquiescence.
bar, obstruction, preventive, stop. Insusceptible [See SUSCEPTIBLE].
Instrumentality. SYN. Agency, in- Intact. SYN. Pure, undented, uneon-
tervention, medium, use, employment, taminated, oncorrupted, Bafe, unin-
means. jured, unhurt, scatliiess, inviolate,
ANT. Non-intervention, epontane- sacred-
ANT. Foul, defiled, contaminated, tention, drift, meaning, purport, aim,
corrupt, hurt, touched, affected, in- view.
jured. ANT. Chance, lot, fate, accident.
Intangible [See TANGIBLE]. Intent, adj. STN. Eager, fixed, Vjent.
Integrate. STN. Sum, complete, so- ANT. Indifferent, diverted, dis-
lidity, consolidate, incorporate, unite, tracted.
combine, mix, blend. Intention [See PURPOSE].
ANT. Disintegrate, discompound, Intentional. STN. Purposed, de-
analyze, dismember, amputate, dis- signed, deliberate, intended, done on
unite, detach, remove. purpose, contemplated, premedita-
Integration [See INTEGKATH]. ted, studied.
Integrity. STN. Uprightness, honor, ANT. Undesigned, casual, uninten-
honesty, probity, truthfulness, can- tional, accidental, fortuitous.
dor, single-mindedness.con.<cientious- Inter. SYN. Bury, inhume, entomb.
ness, entireness, rectitude, complete- ANT. Exhume, disinter.
ness, parity. Intercede. STN. Mediate, inter-
ANT. Unfairness, sleight, nnder- pose, interfere, advocate, plead.
handedness, meanness, chicanery, du- ANT. Abandon, incriminate, charge,
plicity, fraud, roguery, rascality. inculpate, accuse.
Integument. STN. Covering, pro- Intercept. SYN. Arrest, stop, catch,
tection, envelope, crust. seize, neutralize.
ANT. Nudity, bareness, callowness, ANT. Send, despatch, forward, de-
abrasion, exposure. pute, commission, delegate, inter-
Intellect. STN. Understanding, mind, change, exchange, intercommuni-
reason, instinct, consciousness, sense, cate.
brains, ability, talent, genius. Intercession [See INTERCEDE].
ANT. Matter, mechanism, organiza- Interchange, n. STN. Barter, recip-
tion, force, growth, propension, pas- rocation, reciprocity, intercommuni-
cation, correspondence, intercourse,
Intellectual. SYN. Mental, meta- mutuality.
physical, psychological, inventive, ANT. See Intercept.
learned, cultured. Intercommunication [See IN-
ANT. Unintellectual, unmetaphysi-
cal, unlearned.
Intercourse. STN. Correspondence,
Intelligence. STN. Understanding, dealing, intercommunication, intima-
apprehension, comprehension, con- commerce.
cy, connection,
ception, announcement, report, ru- ANT. Reticence, suspension, cessa.
mor, tidings, news, information, pub- tioii, disconnection, interception, in-
lication, intellectual capacity, mind,
knowledge, advice, notice, instruc-
tion, intellect
Intercurrence. STN. Intervention,
ANT. Misunderstanding, misinfor- intrusion, intervenience, intercep-
mation,misconception, stupidity, dull-
ness, suppression, ignorance, dark-
ANT. Non-intervention, non-inter,
ness, concealment, silence, non-publi- ception, unobstucted:ie~s.
cation, misguidance, misintelligence, Interdict. STN. Prohibit, restrain,
misreport, misapprehension. estop, disallow, debar, proscribe, for
Intelligible [See INSCRUTABLE]. bid.
Intemperate, a. [See TEMPERATE]. ANT. Concede, indulge, grant, air
Intend [See PURPOSE]. low.
Intensity. STN. Tension, force, con- Interest, n. STN. Concern, business
centration, strain, attention, eager- advantage, profit, attention, curiosity
ness, ardor, energy. behalf, cause, share.
ANT. Laxity, debility, relaxation, ANT. Unconcern, disconnection, re-
languor, indifference, coolness, hebe- pudiation, disadvantage, loss, inatten-
tude, diminution. tion, incuriosity, indifference.
fulfill, n. STN. Design, purpose, in- Interfere [See INTEBPOSE].
Interior. STN. Inside, innei,, toward, ANT. Desultory, incursive, maraud-,
internal, inland. ing, buccaneer! ig, freebootiug, fili-
ANT. Exterior, outside. bustering, skirmishing, guerilla.
Interjacent [See INTERMEDIATE]. Interpellation. STN. Interlocution,
Interject [See INJECT]. suspension, interference.
Interlace. STN. Cross, reticulate, in- ANT. Promotion, prosecution, flow,
tertwine, interweave, intersect. conduct, uniuterrupteduess.
ANT. Radiate, diverge, unravel, dis- Inter penetration. STN. Interiu.
connect. gression, iuterdigitation, dovetail, in-
Interlocution. STN. Interruption, oculation.
interpellation. ANT Interseparation, interreour-

ANT. Speech, oration, flow, uniu- ren?e, interdivergence.

terruptedness Interpolate. STN. Interlard, inter-
Interloper. STN. Intruder, super- weave, import, garble, gloss, inter-
numerary. sperse, furbish, introduce.
ANT. Member, constituent. j
ANT. Expunge, elide, erase, verify,
Intermeddle [See INTERPOSE]. authenticate, expurgate.
Intermediate. STN. Intervening, '

Interpose. STN. Introduce, insert,

included, interposed, comprised, mid- intervene, interfere, meddle, inter-
die, moderate, interjacent. cede, arbitrate, mediate.
ANT. Circumjacent, surrounding, ANT. Withdraw, retract, retire, re-
enclosing, embracing, outside, ex- cede, remove, extract.
treme, excluded, exclusive. Interpret S>TN Translate, render,
Interment [See INTER]. construe, explain, expound, expone,
interminable. STN. Unending, end- represent, declare, understand, eluci-
less, everlasting, perpetual, infinite, date, decipher, solve.
boundless, illimitable, limitless ANT. Misinterpret, misunderstand,
ANT. Terminable, brief, moderate, mistake, misconceive, falsify, distort,
curt, short, momentary. mlsdeclare, misrepresent.
Intermingle [See MINGLE]. Interpretation. STN Version, ex-
Intermission. STN. Cessation, in- planation, rendering, exposition, defi-
terruption, discontinuance, suspen- nition, sense, solution.
sion, recurrence, pause, rest, stop, ANT. Misinterpretation, misrender-
interval ing, problem, difficulty, text.
ANT. Continuity, continuance, per- Interpreter [See INTERPRET].
manence, perpetuity, constancy, un- Interrogate See QUESTION].

interruptedness. Interrupt. STN. Break, disconnect,

Intermit. STN. Suspend, relax, dis- discontinue, intersect, disturb, stop,
continue, break. hinder.
ANT. Continue, prosecute, urge, dis- ANT. Continue, prosecute, expedite.
patch. Intersect [See INTERLACE].
Intermix [See MINGLE]. Intersperse. STN. Interlard.powder,
liitermutation. n. STN. Intervari- scatter.
ation, interdiscrepancy, interreci- ANT. Expunge.
procity, interchange, mutuality. Interstice. STN. Chink, interval, in-
ANT. Unity, uniformity, interresist- terspace, cleft, cranny, fissure, gap,
ance, interdependence. crack.
Internal. STN. Inner, interior, In- ANT. Seam, suture, stop-gap.
side. Intertwine [See INTERLACE].
ANT. Outer, exterior, outside. Interval. STN. Interim, meantime,
International. STN. Interpolitical, period, gap, intermission, Interspace,
interdiplomatic. cessation, space between, season.
ANT. Independent, non-interven- ANT. Continuity, simultaneousness,
tive, intestine, uninterruptedness.
Internecine. STN. Exterminating, Intervention. SYS. Intrusion, in-
deadly, irreconcilable, inextinguish- sinuation, interference, intercession,
able. mediation, agency, interposition.
ANT. Continuance, non-interven- ANT. Wall, rampart, mound, mole,
tion, uninterruptedness, noninterfer- embankment, glacis, bastion, forbear-
ence. ance, deference, respect.
Interview. SYN. Colloquy, confab- Intrepid. SYN. Fearless, brave, un-
ulation, consultation, conference, terrified, courageous, valorous, he-
meeting. roic, chivalrous, doughty [See DAUNT-
ANT. Isolation, independence, ex- LESS].
clusion, avoidance. Intricacy. SYN. Complexity, com-
Interweave [See INTERLACE]. plication, entanglement, perplexity,
Intestate. SYN. Unwilled, undevised, confusion.
unbequeathed. ANT. Directness, obviousness,
ANT. Willed, bequeathed, devised. method, disposition, array, system.
Intestine. SYN. Interior, domestic, Intricate. SYN. Complicated, in-
civil. volved, mazy, labyrinthine,entaugled,
ANT. External, foreign, internation- tortuous.
al. ANT. Simple, uninvolved, plain, di-
Inthrall. SYN. Confine, cage, impris- rect, obvious.
on, incarcerate, intomb, enslave. Intrigue. SYN. Cabal, plot, conspir-
ANT. Liberate, release, disengage, acy, machination, artifice, design,
free, unfetter. manoeuvres, cunning, duplicity, trick-
Intimate, t-. SYN. Impart, commu- ery,* chicanery, love affair, amour,
nicate, announce,declare,tell.suggest, ruse.
hint, insinuate, mention briefly. ANT. Insurrection, rebellion, con-
ANT. Reserve, repress, withhold,
gress, assembly, force, violence, as-
sault, openness, candor, sincerity,
Intimate, adj. SYN. Close, familiar, honesty, probity, straight-forward-
exact, nice, near, friendly, conver- ness.
sant. Intrinsic. SYN. Native, inherent, in-
ANT. Distant, unfamiliar, superfi-
nate, genuine, immanent, natural,
true, real, iuward.
Intimidate. SYN. Frighten, alarm, ANT. Extrinsic, acquired, adventi-
threaten, deter, dishearten, scare, tious, borrowed,pretended,ascititious,
appall, browbeat, cow. external, added, assumed.
ANT. Encourage, inspirit, animate,
Introduce. SYN. Present, u=her in,
conduct in, make known, bring in,
Intolerable [See INSUFFERABLE],
Intolerant [See TOLERANT]. preface, begin.
Intomb. SYN. Inter, bury, inhume,
ANT. Come after, succeed, follow,
end, conclude.
incarcerate, imprison, immure.
ANT. Exhume, disinter, disentomb, Introduction. SYN. Induction, im-
liberate, release. portation, leading, taking, presenta-
Intonation. SYN. Melody, accentua- tion, insertion, commencement, pre-
tion, resonance, ring. liminary, preface, initiative, portico,
ANT. Jar, jabber, gabble, babel,gib- vestibule, entrance, gate, preamble,
ber, rattle. prelude.
Intoxication. SYN. Venom, poison, ANT. Eduction, extraction, exporta-
obfuscation, bewilderment, delirium, tion, elimination, ejection, encircle-
hallucination, ravishment, ecstasy, ation, estrangement, conclusion, com-
inebriation, drunkenness, inebriety. pletion, end, egress.
ANT. Antidote, clarification, so- Introductory. SYN. Prefatory,
briety, sanity, ebriety, melancholy, initiatory, commendatory,precursory,
depression. preliminary, preparatory.
Intractable [See TRACTABLE]. ANT. Completive, final, conclusive,
Intransient [See TRANSIENT]. alienative, supplemental, terminal,
Intreiichmeiit. SYN. Ditch, dyke, valedictory.
moat, circumvallation, encroachment, Introvert. SYN. Involve, invert,
infringement, trespass. replicate.
ANT. Explicate, evolve, encircleate, ANT. Exculpate, advocate, defend,
eliminate. laud, eulogize, panegyrize.
Intrude [Sec INTEBFEBE]. Inveigle. SYN. Cajole, wheedle [See
Intrusion [See INTBUDE]. DECOY].
I ii t rust. SYN. Put in trust, consign, Invent. SYN. Discover, contrive, con-
commit [See CONFIDE]. coct, imagine, elaborate, conceive, de-
Intuition. SYN. Instinct, apprehen- sign, devise, fabricate, originate, find
sion, recognition, insight. out, frame, forge, feign.
ANT. Information, learning, in- ANT. Imitate, copy, execute, repro-
struction, elaboration, acquirement, duce.
induction, experience. Inventive [See INGENIOUS].
Intuitive [See INSTINCTIVE"). Inventor. SYN. Creator, contriver,
Intumescence. SYN. Swelling, pro- originator, author.
tuberance, turgescence. ANT. Destroyer.
ANT. Subsidence, evenness,attenua- Inventory. SYN. Schedule, register,
tion, concavity. catalogue [See RECOBD, n.J.
I lit \viue. SYN. Twist, wreath, plait,
Invert. SYN. Upset, reverse, over-
interlace, braid, bind. turn, subvert [See OVEBTHBOW].
ANT. Untwist, disengage, untie, un- Inversion. SYN. Reversal, deflec-
lace, unravel, unbind. tion, alteration, permutation, viola-
Inundate. SYN. Overflow,submerge, tion, transposition.
deluge, flood, overwhelm. ANT. Verticality, erectness, stabil-
ANT. Drain, reclaim, dry, desic- ity, permanence, persistence, con-
cate, parch. servation, sequence, fixity, state, or-
Inurbanltr. SYN. Boorishnees, der.
coarseness, rudeness. Invest [See DrvESTj.
ANT. Urbanity, politeness, refine- Investigate [See EXAMINE].
ment. Investigation. SYN. Examination,
Inure [See ACCUSTOM]. search, scrutiny, research, study, in-
Inutility. SYN. Uselessness, ineffl- quiry, exploration, ventilation.
cacy, futility. ANT. Discovery, solution, clue, in-
ANT. Utility, usefulness, efficiency, dication, thread.
efficacy. Investiture. SYN. Investment.
Invade. SYN. Attack, assault, en- ANT. Divestiture, divestment.
croach, occupy, assail, violate, en- Investment [See INVESTITUBE].
croach upon, intrude upon, infringe Inveterate. SYN. Confirmed, incar-
upon, trench upon. nate, ingrained, deep-rooted, chronic,
ANT. Vacate, abandon, evacuate, re- habitual.
linquish. ANT. Incipient, undeveloped, un-
Invalid. SYN. fafirm, sick, weakly, formed.
frail, feeble. Invidious. SYN. Unfair, gratuitous,
ANT. Strong, vigorous, healthy, partial, inconsiderate, hateful, en-
well. vious, offensive.
Invalidate. SYN. Annul, overthrow ANT. Fair, impartial, due, just, con-
[See ANNUL]. siderate.
Invaluable. SYN. Inestimable, pre- Invigorate [See ENEBVATE].
ciou?, priceless [See VALUABLE]. Invincible. SYN. Impregnable, im-
Invasion. SYN. Irruption, encroach- movable, inexpugnable, unsubduable,
ment [See INCURSION]. irresistible, indomitable, unconquer-
Invective. SYN. Obloquy, denuncia- able, insuperable, insurmountable.
tion, castigation, vituperation, repro- ANT. Weak, spiritless, powerless,
bation, abuse, railing, sarcasm,satire, puny, effortless.
diatribe, reproach. Inviolable. SYN. Impregnable, in-
ANT. Commendation, encomium, vincible, strict, immovable, unim-
eulogy, panegyric, laudation. peachable, unalterable.
Inveigh. SYN. Denounce, reprobate, ANT. Alterable, weak, frail.
attack, vituperate, abuse. Inviolate. SYN. Guarded, treasured,
close, virgin, intact, uninjured, sa- Ironical. [See IRONY].
cred, unprofaned. Irradiate [See ILLUMINATE].
ANT. Betrayed, surrendered, di- Irrational [See RATIONAL].
vulged, entered into, profaned. Irreclaimable [See RECLAIMABLE].
Invisible [See VISIBLE]. Irreconcilable [See RECONCIL-
Invite. SYS. Ask, summon, call, chal- ABLE].
lenge, attract, allure, tempt, incite, Irrecoverable. SYN. Past, hopeless,
request, solicit. irredeemable.
ANT. Forbid, exclude, discard, dep- ANT. Hopeful, saved, redeemable.
recate, repel. Irredeemable [See REDEEMABLE].
Inviting. STN. Attracting, calling, Irreducible. SYN. Uncongenial, un-
summoning, alluring, tempting.
commensurable,discordant, unchange-
ANT. Forbidding, repelling, re- able, out of order.
jecting. ANT. Congenial, commensurable,
Invoke. STN. Summon, call, impre- reducible, concordant, in order.
cate, conjure, invite, challenge, in-
Irrefragable [SeeREFBAGABLE].
vocate, implore, beseech, appeal to. Irrefutable [See REFRAGABLE].
ANT. Deprecate, ignore, warn, in-
Irregular [See REGULAR].
hibit, elude, defy, deter. Irrelevant [See RELEVANT].
Involuntary [See VOLUNTARY]. I r religion [See RELIGION].
Involution. SYN. Complication, en-
tanglement, implication, mingling. Irreligions.SYN .Undevout,ungodly,
ANT. Evolution, evolvement, sep- godless, profane, impious.
ANT. Religious, godly, reverent,
aration, extrication, disconnection.
reverential, pious, devout.
Involve. SYN. Implicate, confound, Irremediable [See REMEDIABLE].
mingle, envelop, compromise, in- Irremlssible. SYN. Unjustifiable,
clude, complicate, entangle.
ANT. Separate, extricate, discon- indefensible, inexpiable, unpardon-
Involved. SYN. Implicated, con-
ANT. Justifiable, defensible, re-
missible, pardonable.
cerned, complicated, confused, com- Irremovable. SYN.
promised. Immovable,
ANT. Unconnected, unconcerned, fixed, rooted, firm, steadfast, riveted,
simple, lucid, uncompromised. ANT. Inconstant, unsteady, unstable,
Invulnerable [See VULNERABLE].
Inward. SYN. Internal, interior, in- unsettled, unfixed, unfastened.
ner. Irreparable [See REPARABLE],
ANT . External, exterior, outward. Irreprehensible [See REPREHEN-
Iota. SYN. Jot, particle, tittle, trace, SIBLE].
atom. Irrepressible. SYN. Unrepressible,
ANT. Whole, mass. ungovernable, uncontrollable, insup-
Irascible [See HASTY and ANOBY]. pressible, free, unconfined, excitable.
Irate [See HASTY and AGBY]. ANT. Repressible, governable, con-
Ire [See WBATH]. bound down.
trollable, calm,
Iridescent. SYN. Prismatic, opaline, Irreproachable [See BLAMELESS].
polychromatous, nacreous. Irreprovable. SYN. Irreproach-
ANT. Achromatic. blanched,neutral. able, irreprehensible, unexception-
dingy, colorless, etiolated, monochro- able, unobjectionable, unimpeach-
matic. able.
Irk. SYN. Weary, tire, tease, bore, op- ANT. Culpable, peccable,reprehensi-
press, jade. ble, nn commend able, blameworthy,
ANT. Interest, rivet, animate, re- impeachable.
fresh, inspirit Irresistible [See RESISTIBLE].
Irksome [See TEDIOUS]. Irresolute [See RESOLUTE].
Irony. SYN. Satire, banter, quiz, rally, Irrespective [See RESPECTIVE].
taunt, sarcasm, raillery, ridicule. Irresponsible. SYN. Unbound, un-
ANT. Compliment, seriousness. encumbered, unaccountable, not an-
1KB 153 JOG
rwerable, excusable, lawless, arbi- ANT. Refresh, recruit, bait, invig-
trary, despotic. orate, inspirit.
ANT. Responsible, obligatory, bind- Jangle, SYN. Jargon, babel, con.
ing, imperative, chargeable on, under temion, wrangle, bickering, squabble,
obligation, lawful, legal, legitimate. quarrel.
Irretrievable [See RETRIEVABLE.]. ANT. Argument, debate, discourse.
Irreverence [See REVERENCE]. Jangle, v. SYN. Bicker, wrangle,
Irreversible [See REVERSIBLE]. squabble, quarrel, dispute, nag, jar.
Irrevocable [See REVERSIBLE]. ANT. Agree, hunuouize, accord,
Irrigate. SYN. Water, wet, inundate, concur.
submerge. Jauty, or Jaunty. SYN. Flighty,
ANT. Dry, drain, parch. airy, fantastic, showy, flaunting.
Irrigation [See IRRIGATE], ANT. Staid, sober, sedate, demure,
Irritable [See HASTY]. dignified.
Irritant [See LENIATIVE]. Jar. SYN. Interfere, clash, quarrel
Irritate SYN. Tease, provoke, annoy, |
exasperate, worry, incense. Jargon. SYN. Gibberish, jangle,
ANT. Soothe, caress, pacify, tame, slang, cant, lingo, patois, confused
Irritation [See IRRITATE]. ANT. Speech, conversation, litera-
ture, discourse, oration, eloquence.
Irruption. SYN. Incursion, invasion,
Jaundiced. SYN.
inundation, inburst. Biased, preju-
ANT. Eruption, excursion, sally, re- diced, warped, prepossessed.
treat, outburst.
ANT. Unbiased, unprejudiced, un-
Isolate. SYN. Insulate, dissociate, janndiced.
Jealous. SYN. Envious, self-anxious,
ANT. Unite, associate. covetous, invidious, suspicious.
ANT. Unenvious, liberal, genial,
Isolation. SYN. Segregation, de-
self-denying, indifferent, unjealous.
tachment, disconnection, insularity,
self-containedn ess. Jealousy. SYN. Suspicion, envy,
ANT. Organization, co-membership, rivalry, solicitude.
community, connection, concatena- ANT. Certainty, magnanimity,
tion, continuity. friendliness, guuerousness, without
Issue. SYN. Effect, outcome, manifes- Jeer. SYN. Sneer, taunt, scoff, deride,
tation, end, result, progeny, posterity,
scout, flout, mock, rally, banter.
conclusion, consequence, upsbot, ANT. Flatter, auulate, fawn, cringe,
children, offspring.
ANT. Cause, operation, working, compliment, eulogize.
principle, law, system, action, in-
Jejune. SYN. Bare, scant, poor, thin,
fluence, origination, commencement,
weak, barren, sterile, poverty-struck,
paternity, ancestry. ANT. Rich, exuberant, racy, abun-
Iteration. SYN. Repetition, reitera- dant, interesting, overwrought, re-
tion, harping, recurrence, succession. dundant.
ANT. Single statement.
Jeopardy. SYN. Danger, peril, haz-
Itinerant. SYN. Wandering, travel- ard, risk.
ling, locomotive, roving, roaming, ANT. Safety, security, provision, in-
journeying, nomadic. surance.
ANT. Stationary, domestic, fixed, Jest. SYN. Joke, raillery, fun, sport,
settled, allocated, local. quip, witticism.
ANT. Earnest, seriousness, gravity.
Jilt. SYN. Flirt, coquette.
Jingle. SYN. Rhyme, chime, tinkle,
JABBER. SYN. Prate, mumble tingle.
[ ANT. Euphony, consonance, mel-
Jade. SYN. Fatigue, tire, weary, op- ody, harmony.
press, wear, harass, exhaust, worry. Jocose. SYN. Humorous, funny, jocu-
waggish, jolly, merry, facetious.
lar, ANT. Sorrow, pain, trouble, misery,
ANT. Melancholy, serious, earnest, melancholy, grief, affliction, tears,
grave, lugubrious, lackadaisical. depression, despondency, despair.
Jocular [See JOCOSE], Joylul. SYN. Happy, joyous, glad-
Jocund. SYN. Merry, joyous, jovial, some, blissful [See JOCUND].
gay, gleeful, blithesome, careless, Jubilant. SYN. Joyous, triumphant,
mirthful, hilarious, sprightly, spor-
festive, congratulatory, exultant.
tive, joyful, lively, vivacious.
ANT. Doleful, mournful, sorrowful,
ANT. Melancholy, dull, grave,
wailing, penitent, penitential, lugu-
mournful, sorrowful, darksome, cheer-
brious, remorseful.
less, woful, rueful, doleful, careworn.
Join. JSYN. Unite, adhere, adjoin, Jubilee. SYN. Holiday, feast, rejoic-
add, couple, connect, associate, an- ing, merriment, festivity, revel,paean,
nex, append, combine, link, accom- carnival, high-day.
ANT. Fast, humiliation, mourning,
pany, confederate.
ANT. Separate, disjoin, subtract, penitence, lent.
disconnect. Judge. SYN. Justice, magistrate, ar-
Joint. SYN. Articulation, junction, bitrator, umpire, referee, critic, con-
flexure, elbow, knee. noisseur, authority, arbiter.
ANT. Solution, disconnection, dis ANT. Criminal, ignoramus, novice,
junction, uniformity, continuity. tyro.
Joke [See JEST]. Judgment. SYN. Decision, deter-
Jollification. SYN. Revelry, fes- mination, adjudication, sagacity, pen-
tivity, conviviality, fun, carnival, etration, judiciousness, sense, intel-
merry-making. lect, belief, estimation,opinion, ver-
ANT. Weariness, tediousness, so- dict, sentence, discernment, discrimi-
berness, tedium, monotony. nation, intelligence, prudence, award,
Jolly. SYN. Gay, joyful, gladsome, condemnation.
mirthful, genial, jovial, jubilant, ro-
ANT. Argument, consideration, in-
bust, lively,plump, merry. quiry, speculation, proposition, in-
ANT. Sad, mournful, joyless, cheer- vestigation, pleading, insagacity, in-
less, unmirthful, lugubrious, morose, judiciousness, evidence, pronuncia-
gloomy, lean.
Jollity [See JOVTAUTY]. Judicial. SYN. Juridical, forensic.
Jostle. SYN. Hustle, push, thrust,jog, Judicious. SYN. Wise, sagacious, ex-
jolt, incommode. pedient, sensible, prudent, discreet,
ANT- Clear, lead, extricate, convoy, well-judged, well-advised, polite, dis-
escort, precede, pilot, attend. cerning, thoughtful.
Jot. SYN. Tittle, cipher, trifle, rush,
ANT. Foolish, unwise, silly, impru-
fig, particle, atom, thought, idea, bit, dent, indiscreet.ill-judged, ill-advised,
scrap, morsel, fraction, iota, whit. impolitic, inexpedient, rash, blind, in-
ANT. Deal, power, world, mass, jurious.
light, load, ocean. Juggle. SYN. Conjure, cheat, bam-
Journey. SYN. Travel, excursion, boozle, shuffle, trick, beguile, circum-
tour, voyage, trip. vent, swindle, overreach, mystify,
Jovial. SYN. Jolly, genial, convivial. mislead.
ANT. Ungenial, melancholy, uncon- ANT. Expose, correct, enlighten,
vivial, saturnine, lugubrious, guide, lead, undeceive, disillusion-
Joviality. SYN. Merriment, jollity, ize, detect.
mirth, hilarity. Jugglery. SYN. Trickery, impos-
ANT. Sadness, seriousness, sober- ture, cheating [See DECEIT].
ness. Jumble [bee ABRANGE].
Joy. SYN. Gladness, pleasure, delight, Jump. SYN. Leap, bound, spring,skip,
happiness, exultation, transport,felic- bounce.
ity, ecstasy, rapture, bites, gaiety, ANT. Walk.
mirth, merriment, festivity, hilarity, Junction. SYN. Joining, connection,
union, combination, coalition, attach-
ment, fastening, annexation, alliance, ANT. Mature, later, manly, woman-
confederacy. ly, elderly, aged, senile, anile, super-
ANT. Separation. disconnection,dis-
annuated, adult.
uniou, division, segregation, disper-
Juxtaposition. SYN. Proximity,
sion, loosening, unfastening, unifor-
contiguity, contact [See CONTACT].
mity, continuity.
Juncture [See CONJUNCTURE].
Jungle. SYN. Thicket, brake, involu-
tion, ravelling, entanglement, laby-
rinth, wilderness. KEEN. SYN. Eager, vehement, sharp,
ANT. Open place, order, arrange- piercing, penetrating, acute, cutting,
ment, array, system. biting, severe, sarcastic, satirical, ar-
Junior. SIN. Younger. dent, prompt, shrewd.
ANT. Senior, elder. ANT. Indifferent, languid, blunt,
Jurisdiction. STN. Administration, dull, blind.
cognizance,government,control,8way, Keep. SYN. Hold, restrain, retain, de-
power, legalization, magistracy, lia- tain, guard, preserve, suppress, re-
bility. press, conceal, tend, support, main-
ANT. Freedom, independence, Im- tain, conduct, continue, obey, haunt,
munity, exemption. observe, frequent, celebrate, protect,
Just. SYN. Exact, fitting, true, fair, adhere to, practise, binder, sustain.
proportioned, harmonious, honest, ANT. Release, acquit, liberate, send,
reasonable, sound, honorable, nor- dismiss, betrnj^ neglect, divulge, dis-
mal, impartial, equitable, upright, card, abandon, intermit, disobey, dis-
regular, orderly, lawful, right, right- regard, transgress, forsake, desert,
eous, proper. oblivate.
ANT. Inexact, misfitted, dispropor- Keeper [See KEEP].
tioned, ill-proportioued, untrue, in- Keeping. SYN. Care, guardianship,
harmonious, unfair, unreasonable, un- maintenance, custody [See CARE].
sound, dishonorable, partial, unequit- Keepsake. SYN. Souvenir, remem-
able, unjust, irregular, abnormal, dis- brancer, a gift of affection.
orderly. Ken. SYN. View, survey, knowledge,
Juwtlce. SYN. Efluity, impartiality, cognizance.
fairness, right, reasonableness, pro- ANT. Oversight, ignorance, incog*
priety, uprightness, desert, integrity. nizance. inobservance, inexperience,!
ANT. Injustice, wrong, partiality,un- mdisceruibility.
fairness, unreasonableness, unlawful- Kernel [See CORK].
ness, uiadequateness. Key. SYN. Clew, guide, explanation,
JuMtlflciitlon. SYN. Vindication, solution [See EXPLANATION].
apology, defence, advocacy, mainte- Kick. SYN. Oaloitrate, rebel, resist,
nance, plea, exoneration, exculpa- spurn.
tion. ANT. Caress, soothe, flatter, obey,
ANT. Condemnation, censure, con- yield.
viction, protest, abandonment, incul- Kill. SYN. Slay, murder, assassinate,
pation, crimination, implication, ag- destroy, slaughter, butcher, immolate,
gravation. massacre, deaden, put to death, de-
Justify. SYN. Clear, vindicate, exon- spatch.
erate, defend, absoh e, excuse. ANT. Resuscitate, revivify, vivify,
ANT. Condemn, censure, convict, reanimate.
criminate. Kin. SYN. Race, kindred, offspring,
JuMtiieKH. SYN. Exactness, correct- kind, family, sort, ilk, genus, kidney,
ness, propriety [See ACCURACY]. class, r elationsh ip, consanguinity, kins-
Juntle [See JOSTLE]. folk, blood.
Juvenile. SYN. Youthful, young, in- ANT. Foreignership, strangership,
fantine, boyish, girlish, early, imma- disconnection, inaffinity, irrelation.
ture, adolescent, pubescent, child- Kind, n, SYN. Style, character, <l-
i*iu puerile. aeriptkm. designation, denomination.
genus, species, sort, class, nature, set, notice. information,instruction,le*i--
breed. ing, enlightenment, scholarship, *t-
ANT. See Kin, dissimilarity. tainments, acquirements.
Kind. a. SYN. Benevolent, benign, ANT. Misapprehension, inobserv-
tender, indulgent, humane, clement, ance, incomprehension, misunder-
lenient, compassionate, gentle, good, standing, misconception, incouver-
gracious, forbearing, kind-hearted. sance, inexperience, ignorance, un-
ANT. Unkind, harsh, severe, cruel, familiarity, incognizance, misintor-
hard, illiberal. mation,deceptlon, misinstrnctioa, an-
Kindle. SYN. Light, ignite, excite, educatedness, untutorediiess, rude-
inflame. ness, illiterateness.
ANT. Extinguish, suppress, quench,
Kindness [See KIND].
Kindred, n. [See KIN]. LABOR. SYN. Work, toil, burO-n,
Kindred, a. SYN. Congenial, allied, drudgery, exertion, effort, industry,
cogi. ate, akin, related. task, duties.
ANT. Uncongenial, unallied, unre- ANT. Indolence, ease, inactivity,
lated. facility, skill, recreation, rest, re-
Kingdom. SYN. Empire, realm, do- freshment.
minion, sovereignty, monarchy. Labored. SYN. Elaborate, studied,
Kingly. SYN. Royal, regal, imperial, carefully wrought.
magnificent, noble. ANT. Not elaborate, unstudied, easy,
ANT. See Magnificent off hard.
Knave. SYN. Hogue, cheat, rascal, Laborer. SYN. Workman, working-
villain, miscreant, scoundrel. man, employe, operative, bread-win-
ANT. True-penny, gentleman, inno- ner, hand.
cent, dupe, simpleton, gull, oaf. ANT. Employer.
Knavery [See KNAVE]. Laborious. SYN. Assiduous, diligent,
bkimvisli. SYN. Fraudulent, villain- painstaking, indefatigable, arduous,
ous, dishonest [See HONEST]. burdensome, toilsome, wearisome, in-
Knit [See JOIN and INTERLACE]. dustrious, hard-working, active, diffi-
Knot. SYN. Tie, bond, intricacy, diffi- cult, tedious.
culty, perplexity, cluster, collection, ANT. Idle, indiligent, lazy, indo-
band, group, protuberance, joint. lent, easy, facile, light, feasible, sim-
ANT. Loosening, unfastening, disso- ple.
lution, solution, explication, unravel- Labyrinth. SYN. Maze, complexity,
ling, dispersion, multitude, crowd, in- bewilderment, involution, perplexity,
dentation, evenness, smoothness, cav- inexplicable, difficulty.
ity. ANT. Clue, explication, elimination,
Knotty. SYN. Tough, bard, difficult, enucleation.
complicated. Lace [See BIND].
ANT. Plain, simple, easy, obvious. Lacerate [See TEAR].
Know. SYN. Perceive, understand, Lack. n. SYN. Failure, scarcity, defi-
comprehend, recognize, apprehend, ciency, want, need, demand, insuffi-
distinguish [See PEHCEIVEJ. ciency.
Knowing. SYN. Shrewd, nstnte, dis- ANT. Fulness, abundance, sufficien-
cerning, sharp, acute, sagacious, pen- competence.
cy, satisfaction, supply,
etrating, proficient, skillful, intelli- Lack. v. SYN. Want, require, need,
gent, experienced, well-informed, ac- be destitute of.
complished. ANT. Supply, have abundance of.
ANT. Simple, dull, innocent, gulli- Laconic. SYN. Terse, curt, epigram-
ble,undiscerning, stolid, siuy. matic.
Knowledge. SYN. Apprehension, ANT. Prolix, wordy, tedious, prosy,
comprehension, recognition, under- garrulous, circumlocutory, loqua-
standing, conversance, experience, ac- cious.
quaintance, familiarity, cognizance, Lade [See LOAD].
till cl" 11 [SeeLOAD]. flow, flux, progress, escheatinent, dev-
Lading [See LOAD]. olution, reversion, elapsing.
Lag. sy.x. Loiter, linger, saunter,
ANT. Stability, uprightness, station-
dn \vdlj, dally, tarry, Idle. ariness, fixture, nrrestation, stoppage,
ANT. Press, hasten, ipeed, ruh, retention, inheritance, possession.
hurry, stir. Large. 6YN. Big, bulky, extensive,
Laggard. SYN. Loiterer, saunterer, abundant, capacious, ample, liberal,
dawdler, slow goer, sluggard. comprehensive, enlightened, catholic,
ANT. One moving quickly. great, vast, wide.
Laical* SYN. ANT. Small, mean, narrow, -circum-
Secular, non-li^el, civil,
temporal. scribed, contracted, scanty, illiberal,
ANT. Clerical, legal, ministerial, ec- niggardly, bigoted, petty, sordid.
clesiastical, sacerdotal,priestly,oaoon-
Lascivious. SYN. Lustful, libid-
ical, spiritual. inous, lewd, lecherous, wanton.
ANT. Pure, chaste, continent.
Lull}' |_8ee CLERGYMAN].
Lame. SYN. Weak, faltering, hobbling, Lasli. SYN. Censure, castigate, satir-
ize, beat, tie, fasten, bind, flog, strike,
hesitating, ineffective, impotent, srip-
whip, scourge.
ple<i, halt, defective, imperfect. ANT. Extol, compliment, eulogize.
ANT. Robust, agile, potent, efficient,
Lassitude [See LANGUOR
satisfactory, cogent, convincing, tol- Last. v. SYN. Continue, remain, hold,
ling, effective.
endure, abide, live.
Lament. SYN. Deplore, mourn, be- ANT. Cease, fail, fade, fly, wane,
wail, regret, grieve tor, bemoan, wail depart, disappear, terminate.
for. Last. a. SYN. Latest, ending, linal,con-
ANT. Welcome, hall.
cluding, hindmost, past, extreme,low-
Land. SYN. Plant, place, fix.
e?t, remotest, ultimate.
ANT, Extricate, rt-iiiovu, disestablish, ANT. First, introductory, initiatory,
upset. opening, foremost, ensuing, highest,
Language. SYN. Speech, talk, con-
minor, next, nearest.
versation, dialect, discourse, tongue,
Lasting. SYN. Enduring, abiding,
diction, phraseology, articulation, ac- permanent, perpetual, durable [See
cents, vernacular, expression. PERPETUAL].
ANT. Jargon, jabber, gibberish, ba- Late. SYN. Slow, tardy, delayed, ad-
bel, gabble, cry, whine, bark, howl,
vanced, deceased, past, recent.
roar, &c., obniutescence, dumbness, ANT. Early, present, existing, forth-
muteness, inarticulat6ness,speechles8- coming, coming, future.
Lately. SYN. Recently, of late.
Languid. SYN. Faint, weary, feeble, ANT. Formerly, remotely.
unnerved, unbraced, pining, droop- Latent. SYN. Invisible, inapparenl,
ing, enervated, exhausted, flagging, unobserved, hidden, concealed, un-
spiritless. developed, implicit, potential, inhe-
ANT. Strong, healthy, robust, rig- rent, secret, occult.
orous, active, braced. ANT. Visible, apparent, manifest,
Languish. SYN. Pine, droop, sink, conspicuous, exposed, unconcealed, aiv
faiiit, wither, sigh, decline. tive, developed, explicit.
ANT. Flourish, luxuriate, bloom, Lateral. SYN. Indirect, oblique, sec-
prosper, thrive. ondary. resultant,collateral,deviative
Languor. SYN. Lassitude, weariness, additive, parallel, adjunct! ve, inci-
weakness. dental.
ANT, Strength, vigor, freshness, ANT. Lineal, direct, primary, imme-
energy, lithesomeness. diate.
Lank. SYN. Lean, loose, slender, slim, Latter [See LAST].
long, lax, raw-boned. Laud [See PRAISE].
ANT. Plump, short, full, rounded, Laudable [See PRAISEWORTHY].
crisp, curled. Laudation [See PANEGYRIC].
Lapse. SYN. Gliding, falling, flow, on- Laughable [See RIDICULOUS J.
Lan<r1i at. SYS. Mock at, ridicule, gurate, convoy, persuade, direct, it*
deride FSee MOCK j. fluence.
liauirliter. SYS. Merriment, glee, de- ANT. Misconduct, mislead, follow,
rision, ridicule, cachinnation, con- dissuade, abandon, leave, misguide.
tempt. Lead. n. SYN. Priority, pre-eminence,
ANT. Weeping, tears.mourning, sor- initiative, guidance, control.
row, admiration, veneration, respect, ANT. Subordination, inferiority,
whimper, whine. submission.
Launch. SYN. Propel, hurl, embark, Leader. SYN. Chief, director, guide,
expatiate, enlarge. pioneer, head.
ANT. Repress, recall, ignore, avoid. ANT. Follower.
Lave [See WASH]. Leading [See LEAD].
Lavish. SYN. Profuse, unsparing, ex- League. SYN. Bond, combination, al-
travagant, bountiful, wasteful, prod- liance, compact, confederacy, union,
igal. coalition, confederation.
ANT. Chary, sparing, niggardly, ANT. Dissolution, disconnection,
economical, dainty, close, retentive. neutrality, secession, disunion, dis-
Lavish, v. SYN. Pour, heap, squander, ruption, alienation, divorce.
waste. Leak [See OOZE].
ANT. Husband, store, keep, retain, Lean. v. SYN. Incline, rest, support,
accumulate, hoard, treasure, spare. tend, bend, depend, hang, repose,con-
Law. SYN. Rule, edict, regulation, de- flde, slope.
cree, command, order, statute, enact- ANT. Stabilitate, erect, re-erect,
ment, mode, method, sequence, prin- raise, rise, straighten.
ciple, code, legislation, adjudication, Lean. a. SYN. Meagre, lank, tabid,
jurisdiction, jurisprudence. emaciated, shrivelled, bony, thin,
ANT. Misrule, disorder, anarchy, scraggy, skinny, slender, scanty.
rebellion, insubordination, hazard, ANT. Fat, brawny, plump, well-con-
chance,irregularity, caprice, casualty, ditioned.
accident. Leaning. SYN. Tendency, inclina-
Lawful. SYS. Legal, permissible, or- tion, proclivity, propensity,partiality,
derly, right, allowable, fair, constitu- bias, liking.
tional, rightful, legitimate. ANT. Avoidance, aversion, repug-
ANT Illegal, impermissible, unlaw- nance, loathing.
wrong, lawless, unfair.
ful, Leap. SYN. Jump, bound, bounce,
Lawless. SYN. Wild, rebellious, dis- spring, vault, hop.
orderly, savage, marauding, violent. ANT. Plunge, dip, dive, duck. walk.
ANT. Peaceful, loyal, orderly, civil- Learn. SYN. Acquire, attain, imbibe,
ized, honest, tractable, well-disposed collect, glean, understand, gatner.
Lawyer. SYN. Counsellor, attorney, ANT. Lose, forget, teach, instruct.
counsel, advocate. Learned. SYN. Conversant, erudite,
ANT. Client. read, skilled, scholarly, literary,
Lax. SYN. Loose, vague, incoherent, knowing, well-informed, versed.
dissolute, licentious, unprincipled, re- ANT. Inconversant, illiterate, ig-
miss, flabby, slack. norant, unlearned, unscholarly.
ANT. Concise, coherent, compact, Learner. SYN. Tyro, novice, pupil,
strict, rigid,severe, principled, con- student, beginner, scholar, disciple,
scientious, attentive. catechumen.
Lay. SYN. Place, establish, deposit, al- ANT. Teacher, master, professor,
lay, prostrate, arrange, dispose, put, adept, authority.
spread, set down. Learning. SYN. Knowledge, erudi-
ANT. Erect, raise, lift, excite, dis- tion, literature, lore, letters, acquire-
arrange, disorder, scrape, abrade. ments, attainments, scholarship, edu-
Layman [See CLERGYMAN]. cation, tuition, culture.
Lazy [See LABORIOUS]. ANT. Ignorance, boorishness,
Lead. v. SYN. Conduct, guide,precede, literiteness, emptiness, sciolism, in-
induce, spend, pass, commence, inau- tuition, revelation, inspiration.
Least. RVN. Smallest, lowest, mean- Lentous [See GELATINOUS].
est, last. I.,rs.'ii See DIMINISH].

ANT. Greatest, highest, first, nuiin, Lesson. SYN. Precept, warning, in-
principal. struction, lecture, homily, informa-
Leave, v. [Bee ABANDON and BE- tion.
QUEATH]. ANT. Misiustruction, misguidance,
Leave, n. SYN. Liberty,pennission, li- misinformation .

cense, concession. Let. SYN. Permit, allow, suffer.

ANT. Restriction, prohibition, pre- ANT. Prevent, hinder.
vention, inhibition, refusal. Let. v. SYN. Hinder [See Above].
Legal. SYN. Legitimate, lawful, al- Lethal. Deadly, mortal, fatal, poi-
lowable, juridical, constitutional. sonous, venomous.
ANT. Illegal, illegitimate, unlawful, AKT. Invigorative, remedial, sana-
unallowable, lay, unconstitutional. tive, wholesome, restorative, vivify-
Legend. SYN. Myth, fable, marvel- ing, vital, genial.
lous story, fiction. Lethargy. SYN. Drowsiness, torpor,
ANT. History, fact, actual occur- oblivion, stupor, swoon, trance.
rence. ANT. Vigilauce,alertness,live]ine88,
Legible. SYN. Plain, decipherable, mindfuluess, wakefulness, alacrity,
well-written, caligraphic. activity, life.
ANT. Obscure, undecipherable, ill- Letter. SYN. Epistle, note, communi-
written, illegible, cabalistic, crypto- cation, message, missive.
graphic. Lettered. [See LEARNED].
Legitimate. SYN. Allowable, nor- Level, n. BYN. Plane, surface, floor,
mal, fair, licit, real, genuine, fairly equality, aim, platform, ground, co-
deduced, lawfully begotten. ordinateness, horizontally.
ANT. Illegitimate, unallowable, un- ANT. Unevenness, acclivity, decliv-
fair, illicit. ity, inequality, inco-ordinateness,
Leisure. SYN. Freedom, vacation, op- verticality.
portunity, convenience, ease, quiet, Level, v. SYN. Plane, smooth, roll,
retirement, spare time, unoccupied flatten, equalize, raze.
time. ANT. Roughen, furrow, disequalize,
ANT. Constraint, employment, oc- graduate.
cupation, distraction, labor, bustle, Level, a. Horizontal, plain, flat, even,
toil,busiuess, absorption, engagement. smooth.
Leisurely. SYN. Easy, deliberate, ANT. Rough, uneven, broken, roll-
sauuteriug. ing.
ANT. Eager, hurried, precipitate, Levigate. SYN. Comminute, tritu-
rapid, expeditious. rate, pulverize, smooth, polish, plane.
Lend. SYN. Advance, loan, grant, af- ANT. Compound, amalgamate, in-
ford, present. dent, roughen, batter.
ANT. Resume, retract, appropriate, Levity. SYN. Lightness, frivolity, in-
retain, withhold, refuse. constancy, flightiuess, vanity, thought-
Lengthen. SYN. Elongate, stretch lessness.
out, prolong [See EXTEND]. ANT. Earnestness, gravity, serious-
Lengthy. SYN. Diffuse, prolix, te- ness.
dious, long-drawn, verbose. Levy. SYN. Baise,impose, muster, ex-
ANT. Concise, compendious, curt, act.
short, brief, laconic, compact, con- ANT. Forego, surrender, reimburse,
densed, succinct. repay, liquidate.
Lenient [See MILD and KIND], Liable [See AMENABLE].
Lenitive. SYN. Palliative, initiative, Libel. SYN. Defamation, detraction,
soothing. traducement, calumny, slander, de-
ANT. Inflammatory, exaggerative, famUory publication, lampoon.
provocative, aggravating, Irritant, ANT. Retraction, vindication, apol-
exasperating. ogy, eulogy, panegyric, puff, advo-
Lenity [See KINDNESS], cacy, encomium.
LIB 160 Lll

Libellous. BYN. Defamatory, calum- ANT. Mortality, decease, death,

nious. noa-eristence, dullness, torpoi, por-
ANT. Laudatory, eulogistic. traiture, lethargy, lifelessm-ss.
Liberal. SI-N. Free, gentle, refined, Lifeless [See LIFE and DEAD].
polished, generous, bountiful, catho- Lift. SYN. Raise, elevate, upraise, up-
lie, enlarged, copious, ample, profuse, heave, exalt, hoist, elate, erect.
large, handsome, munificent, abun- ANT. Lower, sink, depress, crush,
dant, noble-minded, bounteous, toler- overwhelm, degrade, dash, cast, hurl.
ant, plentiful. Ligament-. SYN. Bond, band, band-
ANT. Churlish, low, mean, boorish, age, ligature, brace, strap, girth.
ungenerous, illiberal, grasping, nig- ANT. Divulsion, discerption, discon-
gardly, avaricious, greedy, gainful, nection, fracture, dislocation, sever-
narrow-minded, bigoted, prejudiced, ance, laceration, splinter, breach, dis-
contracted, scanty, inadequate. bandment, shield, fender, discon-
Liberate [See CONFINE]. nector.
Libertine. SYN. Kake, debauchee. Light, n. SYN. Luminosity, radiance,
ANT. Ascetic, anchorite, recluse, beam, gleam, phosphorescence, scin-
hermit, puritan, saint. tillation, coru.- cation, flash, bright"
Liberty. SYN. Freedom, leave, in- ness, brilliancy, effulgence, splendor,
dependence, permission, privilege, li- blaze, candle, lamp, lantern, explana-
cense, franchise, immunity, insult, tion, instruction, illumination, under-
impropriety, volition, voluntariness, standing, interpretation, day, life.
exemption. ANT. Darkness, dimness, obscurity,
ANT. Slavery, servitude, restraint, ehade, duskiness, gloom, extinction,
constraint, submission, dependence, misiaterpretation, ignorance, nusun-
obligation, compulsion, deference, re- derstanding, night, death, confusion,
spect, considerateness, necessity, fa- mystification, tenebrosity.
tality, predestination. Light, a. SYN. Imponderous, port-
Llbrate [See BALANCE]. able, unweighty, buoyant, volatile,
Licence, n. [See LIBERTY]. easy, digestible, scanty, active, unen-
License, t. SYN. Permit, allow, in- cumbered, empty, slight, gentle, un-
dulge. steady, capricious, vain, frivolous,
ANT. Restraint, disallow, withhold, characterless, thoughtless, unthought-
forbid, prohibit. ful, unconsidered, inadequate, incom-
Licentious. SYN. Voluptuous, disso- pact, unsubstantial, inconsiderable,
lute, rakish, debauched, self-indul- not difficult, bright, whitish, trifling.
gent, lax, profligate, loose, unbridled. ANT. Heavy, ponderous, weighty,
ANT. Temperate, strict, sober, immovable, leaden, solid, hard, in-
self-controlled, ascetic, self-denying, digestible, full, lazy, encumbered, bur-
rigid. dened, oppressed, weighed, loaded,
Licit. SYN. Lawful, legal, allowable, laden, ballasted, grave, serious, im-
equitable. portant, violent, steady, firm, prin-
ANT. Illegal, illicit, unfair. cipled, cautious, reflective, reliable,
Lie. n.SYN. Falsehood, untruth, fabri- liable, sensible, earnest, thoughtful,
cation, subterfuge, evasion, fib, fic- well-considered, well-weighed, ade-
tion, falsity. quate, stiff, compact, dark, dark-col-
ANT. Truth, fact, veracity. oreci.
Lie. v. SYM. Rest, repose, be, remain. Lightsome [See CHEERFUL,].
ANT. Rise, move, stir. Like. n. SYN. Equal, correspondent,
Lief. SYN. Gladly, willingly, readily. similar, resembling.
ANT. Slowly, unwillingly, reluctant- ANT. Unequal, different.dissimilar.
ly, !oth. Like. t;. SYN. Love, approve, enjoy,
Life. SYN. Vitality, duration, exist- relish, affect.
ence, condition, conduct, animation, ANT. Hate, dislike, loathe, mislike,
vivacity, personality, etate, society, detest, abhor, abominate.
morals, spirit, activity, history, ca- Likely [See PROBABLE].
reer. Likelihood. [See PROBABILITY],
Likeness. SYN. Similarity, resem- Liquidate [See FAY].
blance, correspondence, similitude, List. SYN. Catalogue, roll, register,
parity, copy, imitation, portrait, rep- inventory, schedule I See KECOSD].
resentation, image, effigy, carte de Listen. SYN. Hear, attend, hearken,
visite, picture. incline, give ear, heed.
ANT. Dissimilarity, dissimilitude, ANT. Disregard, ignore, refuse, re-
disparity, inequality, unlikeues:-, orig- pudiate.
inal. Listless. SYN. Indifferent, careless,
Likewise. SYN. So, also, too, as well, uninterested, vacant, languid, indo-
to boot, besides. supine, lackadaisical, torpid,
ANT' Not, otherwise. heedless.
Liking. SYN. Love, approval, relish, ANT. Eager, interested, curious, ar-
nifection, taste, inclinatiou,partiolity, dent, attentive, absorbed, active, en-
fondness. gaged, earnest.
ANT. Hatred, dislike, disrelish, Literal. SYN. Exact, grammatical,
aversion, repugnance, loathing, disin- verbal, close, real, positive, actual,
clination, abhorrence. plain. it [See BOUND].
i ANT. General, substantial, meta-
Limitless [See INFINITE]. phorical, free, spiritual.
Limpid. SYN. Transparent, translu- Literary. SYN. Erudite, scholarly,
cent, crystalline, pure, lucid, clear. studious.
ANT. Opaque, turbid, luteous, foul, ANT. Illiterate, unscholarly, un-
muddy. studious.
Line. SYN. Cord, thread, length, out- Literature. SYN. Lore, erudition,
line,row, direction, verse, course, reading, study, learning, attainment,
method, succession, sequence, con- scholarship, literary works.
tinuity. ANT. Genius, intuition, inspiration.
ANT. Breadth, contents, space, di- Litlie. SYN. Pliant, flexible, limber,
vergency, deviation, fluctuation, vari- supple, elastic, agile, pliable.
ation, interruption, discontinuance, ANT. Tough, inflexible, inelastic,
solution. stiff.
Lineage. SYN. Descent, house, fam- Litigious. SYN. Quarrelsome, disputa-
ily, race, ancestry, progeny, breed, tious, contentious.
descendants. ANT. Complacent, contented, ac-
ANT. Ancestor, founder, source, quiescent, genial, facile.
origin. Litter. SYN. Scatter, mislay, discom-
Lineament. SYN. Line, mark, fea- pose, disorder, derange.
ture, form, profile. ANT. Clear, clean, order, lay, meth-
ANT. Face, countenance, visage, as- odize, arrange.
pect. Little. SYN. Small, tiny, pigmy,dimin-
Linear. SYN. Direct, straight, recti- utive, short, brief, scanty, unimpor-
linear. tant, insignificant, slight, weak, in-
ANT. Incurved,divergent,collateral, considerable, trivial, illiberal, mean,
lateral, curvilinear, zigzag. petty, paltry, dirty, shabby, dwarf.
Linger. SYN. Tarry, loiter, saunter, ANT. Big, bulky, large, enormous,
lag, hesitate, wait. huge, monstrous, full-sized, long, full,
ANT. Haste, speed, press, push. developed, much, important, grave,
Link [See CONNECTION]. serious, momentous, liberal, gene-
Liquefaction [See MELT]. rous, noble, high-minded, handsome.
Liquescence [See MELT]. Live. v. SYN. Vegetate, grow, survive,
Liquid. SYN. Fluid, liquescent, melt- continue, abide, dwell, last, subsist,
ing, running, watery, fluent, soft, behave, act, breathe, exist.
mellifluous, limpid, flowing, clear, ANT. Die, perish, wither, demise,
smooth. migrate, vanish, fade, fail, languish,
ANT. Solid, solidified, concrete, con- depart, drop, decease.
gealed, hard, dry, indissolvable, in- Live. a. SYN. Animate.
soluble, harsh, discordant. ANT. Inanimate, defunct.
Livelihood. SYN. Maintenance, sup- ANT. Chat, colloquy, conrfcrsatioo,
port, living, substance, sustenance. confabulation.
ANT. Privation, starvation, want, in- Loiter [See LAO].
anition, beggary. Loll. SYN. Lounge, recline.
Lively. SY>". Brisk, animated, keen, ANT. Rise, stir.

eager, blithe, alert, vivid, vivacious, Lonely [See LONESOME].

quick, spirited, vigorous, sprightly, Lonesome. SYN. Forlorn, dreary,
active. forsaken, \vild,;olitary. desolate, lone-
ANT. Lifeless, torpid, dull, inani- ly-
mate, indifferent, listless, insensate. ANT. Cheerful, befriended, festive,
Livery. SYN. Uniform, garb, badge, frequented, populous, gay, animated,
dependence, servitude, retainership, bustling.
retinue, subservience. Long. SYN. Protracted, produced, dil-
ANT. Freedom, immunity, nisub- atory, lengthy, tedious, prolix, exten-
servience. sive, diffuse, far-reaching.
Living, a.
[See LIVE, a.]. ANT. Short, curt, curtailed, brief,
Living [See LIVELIHOOD].
71. speedy, quick, concise, condensed.
Load. SYN. Weight, lading, cargo,
ti. Longing. SYN. Eagerness, desire, as-
oppression, incubus, drag, burden. piration, craving, yearning, wishing.
ANT. Refreshnjent, support, solace, ANT. Indiffereuce,repugnance,aver-
alleviation, emptiness, lightness. sion.
Load. i SYN. Burden, charge, lade,
. Look. n.
cargo, cumber, oppress. Look. SYN. See, behold, contem-
ANT. Disburden, unload, disencum- seem, appear, face.
plate, observe,
ber, lighten, alleviate, believe. ANT. Overlook, miss, misobserve,
Loan. SYN. Advance, mortgage, hy- misbeseem, lurk, smoulder.
pothecation. Look at. SYN. See, view, eye, gaze
ANT. Recall, resumption, foreclo- at, behold, witness, inspect.
sure. ANT. [See LOOK],
Loatbe [See ABOMINATE]. Loom. SYN. Glimmer, lower, gloam.
Loathsome [See ABOMINABLE]. ANT. Dwindle, pale, recede, fade,
Locality [See PLACE]. vanish, disappear.
Locate. SYN. Place, establish, settle, Loose, v. SYN. Untie, unfasten, let
fix, dispose, lodge. go-
ANT. Displace, disestablish, dis- ANT. Tie, fasten, hold, retain.
lodge, remove. Loose, a. SYN. Unbound, detached,
Location [See LOCALITY]. flowing, scattered, sparse, incompact,
Locomotion. SYN. Movement, mi- vague, inexact, rambling, dissolute,
gration, travel, passage. licentious.
ANT. Stationariness, stoppage, rest, ANT. Bound, tied, fastened, tight,
abode, remanence, fixture. moored, lashed, secured, thick, close,
Locomotive. SYN. Migratory. dense,compact, pointed, accurate.exact,
ANT. Stationary. consecutive, strict, logical, scientific,
Lodge [See LOCATE]. conscientious.
Lofty. PYN. Elevated, towering, high, Lop. SYN. Prune, curtail, shorten, re-
dignified, eminent, stately, haughty, trench, amputate, truncate.
majestic, airy, tall. ANT. Grow, trail, train, elongate,
ANT. Depressed, low, stunted, un- lead.
dignified, ordinary, unstately, mean, Loquacity. SYN. Talkativeness.
unimposing, unassuming, affable. ANT. Taciturnity.
Logical. SYN. Close, argumentative, Lordly. SYN. Lofty, magnificent, ma-
ound. jestic, noble, proud, imperious.
AST. Inconclusive, illogical, falla- ANT. Mean, beggarly, ignoble, un-
cious. imposing, humble, servile, lowly.
Logomachy. STN. Wrangle, strife, Lordship. SYN. Rule, dominion, ja-
tontenrion. debate. risdictioa.
ANT. Homage, subjection, subser- ANT. Elevated, lofty, tall, amend-
vience. ing, rising, high, exorbitant, violent,
Ijore [See LEARNING], loud, excited, elated, eminent, consid-
Lo*<>. SYN. Hiss, drop, mislay, for- erable, influential, high-minded, hon-
feit. orable, proud, strong, aggravated, in-
ANT. Keep, retain, find, recover, lo- tensified, raised, wealthy, rich.
cate, earn, guard, treasure, econo- Lower, v. SYN. Depress, decrease,re-
mize, utilize, preserve, abandon, dis- duce, bate, abate, drop, humiliate,
card, reject. sink, debase, humble, diminish.
Loss. SYN. Mislaying, dropping, for- ANT. Hoist, raise, heighten, exalt,
feiture, missing, privation, increase, aggrandize, elevate.
riment, damage. Lower, a. SYN. Inferior.
ANT. Preservation, recovery, earn- ANT. Higher, superior.
ing, satisfaction, restoration, econo- Lowering. SYN. Dark, threatening,
my, augmentation, advantage, gain. gloomy, murky, lurid, overcast.
Lot. SYN. Chance, fortune, fate, haz- ANT. See Muggy.
ard, ballot, doom. Lowly. SYN. Mean, low, common,
ANT. Law, provision, arrangement, humble, meek.
disposal, design, purpose, plan, por- ANT, Lofty, elevated, eminent ,li>nl-
tion, allotment. ly, proud.
Loth. SYN. Reluctant, unwilling. Lowiiess [See Low].
ANT. Ready, willing, lief. Loyal. SYN. Submissive, obedient,
Loud. SYN. Sounding, sonorous, re- faithful, allegiant, true, constant.
sonant, noisy, audible, vociferous, ANT. Insubmissive, insurgent, mal.
clamorous, obstreperous. content, rebellious, disobedient, uu.
ANT. Soft, gentle, subdued, whisper- faithful, unallegiant, untrue, incon-
ing, rustling, murmuring, babbling, stant, disaffected.
pattering, tinkling, dulcet, inaudible, Loyalty. SYN. Fidelity, fealty, alle-
quiet. giance, faithfulness.
Lounge [See LOLL and LOITER]. ANT. Disloyalty, unfaithfulness,
Lout. SYN. Clown, looby, clodhopper, treason.
clod. Lubricate. SYN. Oil, ease, grease,
ANT. Dandy, fop, cockney, prig. levigate, gloze, glaze.
Love. SYN. Affection, attachment,pa8- ANT. Rust, clog, indent, roughen,
sion, devotion, benevolence, charity, corrugate.
kindness. Lucent [See LIMPID and LUCID].
ANT. Hatred, dislike, disaffection, Lucid. SYN. Shining, bright, resplen
alienation, estrangement, bitterness, dent, Incident, luminous, clear, trans
coldness, Indifference, repugnance, parent, crystalline, pellucid, distinct,
infidelity, desertion, unkindness, mal- intelligible, rational, persplcuous,or.
ice, uncbaritubleness. derly, limpid, lucent, easily under,
Lover. SYN. Suitor, wooer, sweet- stood.
heart, swain, beau. ANT. Dark, unlustrous, opaque, tur-
ANT. Husband, wife, mate. bid, muddy, obscure, unintelligible,
Lovely. SYN. Amiable, lovable, en- confused, insolved, insane, mystified.
chanting, beautiful, pleasing, delight- Luck [See CHANCE].
f ul.
charming. Luckiest* [See CHANCE and LUCKTJ.
ANT. Unamiable, unlovable, hate- Lucky. SYN. Fortunate, auspicious,
ful, hideous, plain, homely, unat- prosperous, successful, favorable.
tractive, unlovely. ANT. Unlucky, unfortunate, inau-
Low. SYN. Abated, sunk, depressed, spicious, unprosperous, adverse, ill-
stunted, declining, deep, subsided, in- fated, disastrous, luckless.
audible, cheap, gentle, dejected, de- Lucrative [See PROFITABLE].
graded, mean, abject, base, unwor- Lucre. SYN. Gain, profit, greed,mmm.
thy, lowly, feeble, moderate, frugal, mon, wealth, money.
repreewed, subdued, reduced, poor, ANT. Loss, poverty, failure, priva*
kwnUe. fcoa, TOM, refuse.
Lucubration. SYN. Study, medita- gary, honied, delightful, toothsome,
tion,work, cogitation. delightsome.
ANT. Idleness, vacuity, incogitancy, ANT. Sour, sharp, tart, bitter.
torpor. Lustration. SYN. Purification, ex-
Luculent [See LUCID]. purgation, expiation.
Ludicrous. SYN. Ridiculous,farcical, ANT. Desecration, defilement, con-
laughable, comic, droll, funny, comi- tamination.
cal. Lustre. SYN. Brightness, splendor,
ANT. Serious, momentous, grave, brilliancy, effulgence, glory, renown
ead, sorrowful, mournful, tragic, lu- [See EFFULGENCE].
gubrious, melancholy, sombre, dole- Lusty. SYN. Robust, vigorous, strong,
stout, able-bodied, burly, brawny,
Lugubrious [See LUDICROUS]. muscular, healthy, corpulent.
Lull, SYN. Calm, quiet, hush, still,
v. ANT. Infirm, weak, disabled, ailing,
tranquilize [See ASSUAGE]. effete, listless.
Lull. n. SYN. Quiet, assuagement, ces- Lu lose [See LIMPID],
sation, quiescence, subsidence. Luxuriant [See EXUBERANT].
ANT. Tumult, excitement, storm, Luxuriate [See BASK].
tempest. Luxurious. SYN. Voluptuous, self-
Lumber, n. SYN. Trash, rubbish,ref-
use. indulgent, pleasurable, sensual, pam-
ANT. Valuables, commodities, stock. pered.
Lumber, v. SYN. Choke, crowd, ob-
ANT. Hard, painful, self-denying,
encumber. ascetic, hardy.
ANT. Clear, disencumber, utilize, Luxury. SYN. Effeminacy, epicur-
economize. ism, voluptuousness, wantonness, self-
indulgence, softness, animalism, deli-
Luminary. SYN. Sage, savant, celeb-
cacy, dainty, profuseness.
rity, light, genius.
ANT. Fool, ignoramus, dunce, lout, ANT. Hardness, asceticism,stoicism,
self-denial, hardship.
Luminous [See LUCID]. Lying. SYN. Mendacious, false, un-
true, untruthful.
Lump. SYN. Mass, hunk, hunch,slice.
ANT. True, veracious.
Lumpish. SYN. Heavy,cloddish, slug-
gish, clumsy.
ANT. Light, airy, agile, sylph-like,
nimble, active.
Lunacy. SYN. Madness, Insanity, de- MACERATE. SYN. Attenuate, rot,
rangement, craziness, mania, aberra- waste, wither, steep, madefy.
tion, hallucination. ANT. Fatten, replenish, pamper,
ANT. Sanity, reason, intellect, intel- repair, swell.
ligence, rationality, lucidity. Maceration [See MACERATE],
Lunatic. SYN. Madman, maniac, mo- Machination. SYN. Contrivance,
nomaniac. plot, intrigue, conspiracy, stratagem,
ANT. Solon, philosopher, luminary, artful scheme, design.
genius. ANT. Detection, counteraction,over-
Lure. n. SYN. Allurement [See AT- throw, baffling defeat, exposure, defi-
TRACTION J. ance, challenge, conflict, competition.
Litre, v. [See DECOY]. Maculated. SYN. Spotted, speckled,
Lurid. SYN. Murky, lowering, wan, mottled, dotted.
dismal, gloomy. ANT. Unspotted, spotless, speckless,
ANT. Bright, luminous. immaculate.
Lurk. SYN. Hide, lie, skulk, abscond, M[ad. SYN. Insane, demented, furious,
lie hid, lie in wait. lunatic, infuriated, crazy, maniacal,
ANT. Rise, spring, ehow, emerge, frantic, rabid, wild, distracted.
flash. ANT. Sane, sound, sensible, quiet,
.Luscious. SYN. Sweet, delicious, su- composed, unexcited, sober.
MAD 165

ITIaddeu. SYN. Infuriate, enrage, ex- cipal, trunk, chief, leading, most im-
asperate, inflame. portant, first.
ANT. Calm, pacify, assuage, mes- ANT. Portion, section, minority,
merize, lay. branch, limb, tributary, member, sub-
madefactlon. SYN. Wetting, macer- ordinate, inferior.
ation, moUteniug, moisture, humec- mainly. SYN. Principally, largely,
chiefly, primarily.
ANT. Exsiccation, drying, arefac- ANT. Somewhat, partially, slightly,
tion. subordinately.
Madman [See LUNATIC]. maintain [See SUPPORT].
madness. SYN. Insanity, frenzy,rage, maintenance. SYN. Livelihood, de-
fury. means of support.
fence, subsistence,
ANT. Sanity, calmness, soberness
majestic [See MAGNIFICENT].
magic. SYN. Enchantment, sorcery. majesty. SYN. Dignity, grandeur, au-
magisterial. SYN. Dictatorial, con- gustness, stateliness [See GRAND-
sequential, authoritative, imposing. EUR].
ANT. Submissive, docile, undigni- majority. SYN. Superiority, elder-
fied, uuimposing, unassuming, mod- ship, priority, bulk, preponderance,
est. seniority.
ANT. Inferiority, juniority, minor-
magistrate [See JUDGE].
magnanimous. SYN. Noble, high- make.
SYN. Create, produce, fashion,
minded, exalted, high-souled, great-
souled, lofty, honorable. frame, fabricate, construct, effect, do,
ANT. Mean, little-souled [See NO- perform, execute, find, gain, compel,
BLE]. reach, mould,
establish, constitute,
Magnanimity. SYN. High minded- shape, form, bring about.
ANT. Annihilate, unmake, undo,
ness, generosity, forbearance, soft-
ness, clemency. dismember, disintegrate, destroy, de-
ANT. Meanness, pettiness, paltri- feat, miss, lose, mar, disestablish.
ness, spitefulness, spleen. maker. SYN. Creator, manufacturer.
magnificent. SYN. Grand, magnani- ANT. Destroyer.
mous, noble, spJendid, super b.august, maladministration. SYN. Mis-
imposing, gorgeous, stately, majestic, rule, misgovernment, malversation.
dignified, sublime, pompous. ANT. Rule, government, administra'
ANT. Petty, mean, little, paltry.flat, tlon.
beggarly, small minded, ordinary, malady. SYN. Disorder, distemper,
tawdry, uuircposing. tame. sickness, ailment, disease; complaint,
magnify. SYN. Enlarge, amplify, in- illness.
crease, augment, exaggerate, laud, ex- ANT. Health, sanity, soundness,
tol. heartiness, vigor, bloom.
ANT. Diminish, contract, curtail, malcontent [See INSURGENT].
palliate, extonuate, decry. malediction [See BENEDICTION],
magniloquent. SYN. High-flown, malefactor [See CULPRIT].
altiloquent, bombastic, tumid, turgid, Kalefieent [See Bnrsnorarr].
boastful. malevolent [See BENEFICENT].
ANT. Simple, unaffected, vernacu- malformation [See DEFORMITY],
lar, plain-spoken. .Haliee [See SPITE].
magnitude PSee SIZE]. malign [See TRADUCE].
maid. SYN. Maiden, girl, damsel, lass, malignant [See BENEFICENT].
virgin. malignity [See SPITE].
ANT. Matron, married woman. .Tlalloable [See DUCTILE].
maim. SYN. Disable, cripple, mar, maltreat [See INJURE].
mutilate, mangle, disfigure, lame. malversation. SYN. Malpractice,
ANT. Restore, reinvigorate. mend, corruption.
strengthen. ANT. Integrity, uncorruptness, up-
9Ialn. SYN. Bulk, majority, body,prin- rightn.
]Tlanacle. SYN. Shackle, hand-cuff, ANT. Divinity, Deity, God, Heaven,
fetter, chain. nature, earth, world, creation, cattle.
ANT. Unbind, unfetter, unchain. manlike. SYN. See Manly, a cor-
Ulaiiage. SYN. Handle, manipulate, ruption of Manlike.
control, conduct, administer, mould, manly. SYN. Bold, courageous, gen-
regulate, contrive, train, husband, di- erous, open, chivalrous, frank, firm,
rect, wield. noble, stately, fine, mature, mascu-
ANT. Mismanage, misconduct, up- line, brave, fearless, hardy, vigorous,
set, derange, misuse. manlike, manful, dignified.
manageable. SYN. Easy, feasible, ANT. Womanish, childish, timid,
possible, docile, tractable, practica- unmanly, dastardly, weak, puny, un-
ble. grown. boyish.
ANT. Difficult, impracticable. Im-
manner. SYN. Mode, method, style,
possible, unmanageable, intractable, form, fashion, carriage, behavior, de-
refractory, untameable. portment, habit, sort, kind.
ANT. Work, project, design, per-
management. SYN. Treatment, con-
formance, life, action, proceeding,
duct, administration, government, ad-
appearance, being.
dress, skill, superintendence, skillful mannerism. SYN. Self-repetition,
ANT. Maltreatment, misconduct, affectation, euphuism, self-conscious,
maladministration, misgoverDment, ANT. Naturalness, unaffectedness,
character, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy,
manager. SYS. Director, superin- genuineness, specialty.
tendent, overseer, supervisor.
ANT. Workman, follower, working- mannerly. SYN. Polite, well-behaved,
well-bred, courteous, civil.
mandate. SYN. Command, edict, or-
ANT. Unmannerly, rude, coarse,
der, bidding, injunction, behest, rule, manners. SYN. Deportment, behav-
ANT. Suggestion, petition, request, ior, carriage, courtesy, politeness,
intercourse, demeanor.
entreaty. ANT. Misdemeanor, misbehavior,
manful [See MANLY]. unmannerliness.
ITIangle [See MAIM and LACERATE]. manoeuvre. SYN. Operation, tactics,
manhood. SYN. Humanity, virility, contrivance, movement.
maturity, manfulness, manliness. ANT. Counteraction, defeat, baffle-
ANT. Divinity, womanhood, child-
ment, detection, countermovement,
hood, childishness.
mania [See LUNACY]. neutralization, check.
maniac [See LUNATIC]. mansuetude. SYN. Docility, mild>
uess, gentleness, tameness.
manifest, a. SYN. Visible,obvious,di- AST. Ferocity, wild: ess, fierceness,
tinct, conspicuous, indubitable, clear,
savageness, untamableness.
evident, plaia, patent, apparent, manufacture. SYN. Make, produc-
open. tion, fabrication, composition, con-
ANT. Invisible, dubious, inconspicu- struction, manipulation, molding.
ous, indistinct. ANT. Use, employment, consump-
manifest, v. [See EXHIBIT]. tion, wear.
manifold. SYN. Numerous, multi- manumit [ See ENSLAVE].
plied, multigenous, multifarious, va- manumission. SYN. Liberation,
ried, various, multitudinous, sundry, release, emancipation, enfranchise-
divers. ment, discharge, dismissal.
i.T. Few, scant, rare, scarce, uni- ANT. Restraint, coercion, slavery,
form, limited. cohibition, repression.
manipulate [See HANDLE and MAN- manure, v. SYN. Fertilize, enrich.
AGE]. many. SYN. Numerous, abundant, fre-
mankind. SYN. Humanity, society, quent, manifold, divers, sundry, muV
man, men. tifarious.
ANT. Few, scarce, rare, infrequent. ANT. Unmartial, unmilitary, peace,
M:ir. SYN. Spoil, hurt, damage, in- ful.
jure, defeat, impair, maim, deform. Martyrdom. SYN. Confession.
Am. Make, restore, mend, improve, ANT. Kenegation, abjuration.
reinstate,promote, enflance, conserve. Marvel. SYN. Wonder, prodigy, ad-
marauder. SYN. Plunderer, invader, miration, portent, miracle, astonish-
rover, free-booter, moss-trooper, fili- ment, amazement, phenomenon.
buster, pillager, guerilla, bush- ANT. Incuriosity, unconcern, joke,
whacker. trifle,farce, bagatelle, moonshine,
ANT. Kanger, guard, sentry, keeper, cipher, drug, imposture, juggle.
outpost, marcher. Marvellous [See WONDERFUL].
Margin. SYN. Edge, lip, boundary, Masculine. SYN. Male, manly, man-
iiititude, room, loophole, brink, ex- ful, hardy, courageous, virile.
tremity. ANT. Female, feminine, womanish,
ANT. Figure, space, centre, limita- womanly, effeminate.
tion, restriction, stringency. Ma Mil. SYN. Mix, knead, compound,
71 a ri uc. SYN. Oceanic, sea, nepturian, amalgamate.
maritime, navnl, salt-water, nautical.
ANT. Discompound, sift, winnow,
ANT. Terrestrial, terrene, laud, disamalgamate.
fro<h-water. Mask. n. STN. Pretext, screen, pre-
Marital. SYN. Matrimonial, conjugal, tence, ruse, cover, hypocrisy.
ANT. Truth, nakedness, detection,
connubial, nuptial, hymeneal.
ANT. Single, celibate, unwedded, exposure, unmasking, verity, open-
nncoimubial. ness, candor.
Maritime [See MARINE]. Mask. v. SYN. Hide, screen, blink,
Mark. n. SYN. Trace, token, sign,
cloke, disguise.
ANT. Expose, unmask, detect.
symptom, impression, vestige, indica- Mass. SYN. Lump, body, bulk, concre-
tion, note.
ANT. Erasure, obliteration, efface- tion,magnitude, majority, heap.
ANT. Fragment, bit, portion, mor-
ment, uniudicativeness,plainuess. sel, section,
Mark. v. SYN. Stamp, label, sign, in- Ma*sucre [See CARNAGE].
dicate, decorate, brand, stigmatize, Massive. SYN. Solid, huge, colossal,
signalize, uote, observe, regard, heed, weighty, mighty, vast.
specify, specialize. ANT. Slight, petty, stunted, frail,
ANT. Ignore, overlook, omit, mis-
slender, airy.
label,mismurk. misindicate, misob- Master, n. SYN. Lord, ruler, gover.
serve, misspecify. nor, owner, possessor, proprietor,
Marked. SYN. Notable, remarkable,
teacher, professor, adept, chief.
noticeable, conspicuous. ANT. Servant, slave, subject, prop-
ANT. See Remarkable.
erty, learner, pupil, tyro.
Marriage. SYN. Nuptials, matri- Master. SYN. Conquer, overcome,

mony, espousals, wedding, wedlock. subdue, overpower.

ANT. Celibacy, virginity. ANT. Yieid, fail, surrender, suc-
Marrow. SYN. Pith, gist, substance, cumb.
essence life, cream, kernel.
, Masterly. SYN. Finished, artistic,
ANT. Surplusage, redundancy, ex- consummate, skillful, clear,dexterous,
crescence,superfluity, clothing,dress- expert.
ing, amplification, volume, mass, ANT. Clumsy, rude, bungling, un-
body. skilled, botchy, maladroit.
Marsh. SYN. Swamp, fen, quagmire, Mastery. SYN. Authority, leadership,
bog, slough, morass. headship, proficiency, success, su-
ANT. Solid ground. periority, victory, advantage.
Marshal [See ORDEB and AR- ANT. Subservience, tutelage, sub-
RANGE]. mission, guidance, obedience, inex-
Martial. SYN. Military, brave, war- pertness, ignorance, failure, defeat,
like. surrender.
!Ha*tlcate. STN. Manducate, chew. indication, incompletion, abortion,
ANT. Bolt, gobble. decrease, wane, minimum, morsei,
Match, n. STN. Equal, mate, com- fragment.
pauion. contest, competition, tally, Maybe. SYN. Perhaps, possibly, may-
equality, pair. hap, perchance.
ANT. Superior, inferior, mismatch, Maze [See LABYBINTH].
oddity, disparity, inequality. Meagre. STN. Thin, lean, lank,
Match, v.Equal, compare,oppose, pit, scanty, barren, dry, tame.
adapt, sort, suit, mate. ANT. Stout, fat, brawny, abundant,
ANT. Fail, exceed, preponderate, fertile, copious.
surpass, mismatch, dissociate, sepa- Mean. a. STN. Common, low, base,
rate, tuisflt, misadapt, missort. spiritless, dishonornble.contemptible,
Malt-Ill* **. SYN. Consummate, in-

despicable, beggarly, sordid, vulgar,

comparable, peerless, surpassing, in- niggardly, vile.
imitable. ANT. High, exalted, eminent, spir-
ANT. Common, ordinary,every-day, ited, honorable, lordly, princely,
commonplace. munificent, liberal, generous.
Mate [bee MATCH]. Mean. a. STN. Middle, intermediate,
material, n. STN. Substance, stuff. average.
ANT. Work, production, design. ANT. Extreme, excessive, exorbi-
Material, a. [See ESSENTIAL]. tant.
Matrimony [See WEDLOCK]. Mean. n. STN. Medium, moderation,
matron. STN. Mother, woman, dowa- balance, average.
ger, dame. ANT. Extreme, excess, preponder-
ANT. Girl, lass, damsel, spinster, ance, disproportion, deficiency, short-
miss, virgin, maid, maiden. coming, inadequacy.
Matter. STN. Substance, stuff, sub- Mean. v. STN. Intend, purpose, de-
ject, Dody, importance, (or, prefixing sign, signify, denote, indicate, hint,
the definite article) the visible, tangi- suggest.
ble, substantial, corporal, physical, ANT. Say, state, enunciate, do, exe-
ponderable. cute, perform.
ANT. Immateriality, spirituality, Meaning. STN. Signification, im-
mind, intellect, spirit, the invisible, port, significance, purport, sense,
unseen, spiritual, moral, mental, in- aim fSee IMPORT].
tellectual. Meanness. SYN. Penuriousness,
Mature [See RIPE]. littleness, selfishness, baseness, small-
Matutinal. SYN. Early, morning, ness, .illiberality, ungenerousnees,
waking, dawning. sordidness.
ANT. Vespertinal, late, slumbering, ANT. Nobleness, unselfishness,liber-
evening, waning. ality.generousness,large-heartedness.
Maudlin. STN. Intoxicated, t emu- Means. STN. Resources, instrument,
lent, sentimental, mawkish, mellow. media.
Sot. Sensible, unromantic, unsenti- ANT. End, purpose, object.
mental, dry, sober. Measure, n. [See DIMENSION].
Ma\vkih. STN. Sickly, sentimental, Measure, r. STN. Mete, estimate,
maudlin, insipid, loathsome, nauseous, gauge, value, appraise.
flat. ANT. Misfit, mifcouform, mismeas-
AST. Savory, sensible, sound, fine, ure, misdeal, misapportion.
pungent, palatable. Measureless [Se<^ INFINITE].
Maxim. STN. Adage, rule, axiom, Mechanic. STN. Artisan, craftsman,
apothegm, proverb, precept, saying. workman, artificer.
ANT. Absurdity, sophism, quibble, Mechanical. STN. Habitual, auto-
paradox, enigma. matic, unreflective, spontaneous, ef-
Maximum. STN Ultimatum, climax, fortless,unimpassioned.
zenith, apex, completion, utmost, con- ANT. Labored, self-conscious, feel-
summation, culmination, acme. ing, forced, appreciative,
AMT. Initiative, commencement , lifelike, lively, animated,iiupassiooed.
Meddle [See INTKRPOSE]. gleesome, blithesome,happy,cheerful,
Meddlesome. SYN. OtHcious, ob- gamesome, mirthful, merry.
trusive, intrusive, interfering.
ANT. Unomcious, iuootrusive, un-
Melancholy, n. [See MELANCHOLY,
meddlesome. Meliorate [See AMELIORATE].
Mutilate. SYN. Intercede, interpose Mellifluous. SYN. Duicet, euphoni-
ous, silvery, flowing, smooth.
Mediation. SYN. Interference, in- ANT. Harsh, hoarse, abrupt, rancor-
terposition, reconciliation, atone- ous, rough, discordant, broken.
ment, arbitration, adjustment. Mellow. SYN. Ripe, rich, full-flavored,
ANT. Neutrality, non-interference,
indifference. mature, soft.
ANT. Unripe,harsh, sour, acid,acrid,
Medicament [See REMEDY]. crabbed, sober, dry.
Medicate. SYN. Treat, compound, Melodious [See MUSICAL],
amalgamate, adulterate, sophisticate,
drug. Melody. SYN. Music, song, tune, air,
ANT. Clarify, analyze, purify, def- minstrelsy.
ANT. Discord, dissonance.
ecate, sLuplify, disadulterate. Melt. SYN. Dissolve, liquify, colli-
Medicine. SYN. Remedy, physic, an-
quate, run, flow, fuse.
tidote, therapeutics, salve, cure, cor- ANT. Consolidate, crystallize, indu-
ANT. Aggravation,
poison, virus, Member. SYN. Limb, part, portion,
SYN. Mean, common- constituent, component.
Mediocrity. ANT. Body, whole, entirety, consti-
place, medium, average, sufficiency. tution, organization, community, as-
ANT. Excellence,superiority, rarity,
brilliance, distinction.
Meditate. SYN. Think, cogitate, pur-
Memoir. SYN. Biographical sketch,
personal narrative, familiar biogra-
pose, ruminate, contemplate, plan, re-
volve, consider.
phy, narrative, chronicle, record, reg-
ister, journal, life.
ANT. Execute, enact, complete, con-
summate. Memorable. SYN. Great, striking,
Medium [See MEAN, n.]. remarkable, conspicuous, prominent,
Medley. SYN. Jumble, tumult, con- noticeable, illustrious, extraordinary,
fusion, mixture, hodge-podge, litter, famous, distinguished.
ANT. Petty, trifling, ordinary, in-
diversity, miscellany.
ANT. Assortment, arrangement, dis- significant, unnoticeable, trivial, me-
position, classification, iuterdistiuc- diocre, slight.
tion,grouping, collocation.
Memorial. SYN. Monument, record,
Meed. SYN. Guerdon, premium, prize, memento, celebration, remembrance,
reward. relic, inscription.
ANT. Penalty, punishment, brand, ANT. Obliviation, silentiation, ob-
stigma, amercement. literation, effacement, erasure.
Meek. SYN. Mild, gentle, submissive, Memory. SYN. Remembrance, remi-
modest, yielding, unassuming. niscence, perpetuation, recollection,
ANT. Bold, arrogant, self-asserting, retention, retrospect, fame.
irritable, proud, high-spirited. ANT. Forget fulness, oblivion.
Meet. SYN. Encounter, confront, en- Menace, n. SYN. Threat, denuncia-
gage, as.-v-inhK-, unite, coalesce, con- tion, threatening.
verge. ANT. Good-will, blessing.
ANT. Miss, pass, escape, elude, de- Mend. SYN. Repair, restore, correct,
cline, avoid, disperse, diverge, sepa- promote, improve, rectify, reform,
rate, vary, disagree. amend, ameliorate, better.
Melancholy, a. SYN. Gloomy, sad, ANT. Damage, impair, pervert, re-
dejected, disconsolate, dismal, moody, tard, deteriorate, falsify, spoil, cor-
hypochondriacal, cast down. rupt.
ANT. Lively, sprightly, gladsome, Mendacity. SYN. Falsehood, lying.
nntruthfulness, deception, prevarica- ANT. Mixed, compound, impure,
tion, duplicity. biased.
ANT. Veracity, truthfulness, frank- Meretricious. SYN. Tricksy, un-
ness, candor, Ingenuousness. chaste, gaudy, impure, tawdry, flashy.
flleiidlcity. SYN. Mendicancy, beg- ANT. Solid, good, chaste, simple,
gary. pure.
ANT. Industry, labor. Merge [See SINK].
Menial. M YS Domestic, attendant, de-
Meridian. SYN. Zenith, summit, cul-
pendent, servile, drudge. mination,height,apex, acme, pinnacle.
ANT. Paramount, sovereign, su- ANT. Nadir, depth, depression, pro-
preme, lordly, independent, uncon- fundity, base.
trolled, autocratic. Merit. SYN. Goodness, worth, worthi-
mensuration. SYN. Geometry, sur- ness, desert, excellence.
veying, geodesy [See MEASUBEJ. ANT. Badness, demerit, unworthi-
IQental. SYN. Intellectual, subjective, ness, worthlessness, weakness, imper-
metaphysical, psychical, psycholog- fection, error, defect, fault, failing.
ical. Merry [See MELANCHOLY].
ANT. Corporal, objective, physical, Mesh. SYN. Intricacy, entanglement,
bodily. involution, snare.
Mention, n. SYN. Declaration, no- ANT. Extrication, escape, deliver-
tice, announcement, observation, re- ance.
mark, hint, communication. Message. SYN. Communication, in-
ANT. Silence, suppression, forget- timation, missive, notice.
fulness, omission. ANT. Non-communication, inter-
Mephitic. SYN. Malarious, mias- ception.
matic. Messenger. SYN. Courier, carrier,
ANT. Balmy, genial, salubrious. emissary, harbinger, herald, fore-
Mercantile. SYN. Commercial, In- runner.
terchangeable, wholesale, retail, mar- Metaphor. SYN. Similitude, image.
ketable. ANT. Letter, literalness.
ANT. Stagnant, unmarketable, un- Metaphorical. SYN. Figurative,
mercantile. symbolical, allegorical, typical.
Mercenary. SYN. Sordid, venal, self- ANT. Literal.
ish, avaricious, griping. Metaphysical. SYN. Mental, intel-
ANT. Liberal, generous, disinter- lectual, abstract, Ideal, conceptional,
ested, profuse, prodigal. subjective, relational, notional, ab-
Merchandise. SYN. Goods, com- struse, psychical.
modities, wares, stock. ANT. Physical, physiological, pal-
Merchant. SYN. Trader, dealer, im- pable, external, substantial, practical,
porter, tradesman, trafflcer. corporal, material, objective.
ANT. Shopman, salesman, hawker, Mete. SYN. Measure, apportion, dis-
huckster, pedler, chandler, coster- tribute.
monger. ANT. Misdeal, misapportion.
Merciful. SYN. Compassionate, kind- Meteoric. SYN. Momentary, flash-
hearted, clement, gracious, kind. ing, displosive, phosphorescent, pyro-
ANT. Pitiless, unrelenting, remorse- technic, coruscant, volcanic.
less, inexorable [See KIND.H ANT. Permanent, beaming, burning,
Mercy. SYN. Compassion, clemency, steady, persistent, enduring.
forgiveness, forbearance, grace, ben- Method. SYN. Order, system, rule,
efit, gift, pity, leniency, tenderness. way, manner, mode, course, process,
ANT. Exaction, harshness, cruelty, regularity, arrangement.
vengeance, unpityingness, unforgive- ANT. Disorder, conjecture, quack-
ness. ery, empiricism, experimentation, as-
Mere. SYN. Pure, unmixed, absolute, sumption, guess-work.
uninfluenced, unadulterated, unaf- Methodical. SYN. Methodic, orderly.
fected, simple. systematical, systematic, regular.
AWT. Disorderly, unmethodical, un- Milky. SYN. White, emulcont, chalky.
y*tematical,irregular See METHOD],
ANT. Inky, irritant, luteous.
methodize. SYN. Shape, arrange, Mimic. SYN. Copy, ape, imitate, rid-
order, marshal, enucleate, eliminate, icule,mock, follow.
organize. ANT. Praise, lead [See IMITATE].
ANT. Confuse,jumble, disorder, dis- Minatory. SYN. Menacing, threaten-
organize. ing.
Mettle. SYN. Ardor, spirit, life, fire, ANT. Warning.
animation. Mince. SYN. Attenuate, comminute,
ANT. Hebetude, insensibility, cal- palliate, extenuate.
lousness, placidity, stoicism, coward- ANT. Exaggerate, amplify, mag-
ice, submissiveness, slavishness. nify.
mettlesome. SYN. Spirited, fiery, Mincing. SYN. Slow, affected, pedan-
ardent, lively, gay, brisk [See AR- tic, syllabical, euphuistic.
DENT and GALLANT]. ANT. Rapid, voluble, unaffected, nat-
Mew. SYN. Imprison, shut up, coop, ural, bluff.
incase [See CONFINE]. Mind. SYN. Soul, spirit, intellect, un-
Miasmatic. SYN. Eflluvions, mala- derstanding, opinion, sentiment, judg-
rious, foetid, polluted, noxious, me- ment, belief, choice, inclination, de-
phitic. sire, will, liking, purpose, spirit, im-
ANT. Balmy, pure, untainted, salu- petus, memory, remembrance, recol-
brious. lection.
Middle [See MEAN]. ANT. Body, limbs, organization, ac-
Middling. SYN. Ordinary, average, tion, proceeding, conduct, object, in-
pretty well, not bad, well enough [See difference, coolness, aversion, forget-
TOLERABLE]. obviousness.
f illness,

Midst. SYN.
Middle, centre, thick, Mindful. SYN. Regardful, attentive,
throng, heart. thoughtful, careful, recollective.
ANT. Outskirt, confine, edge, limit, ANT. Regardless, inattentive, mind-
extreme, purlieu, margin. less, oblivious.
Mien. SYN. Look, aspect, air, manner, Mingle. SYN. Mix, compound, blend,
appearance, carriage, beariug.deport- confound, confuse, intermingle, asso-
ment. ciate, amalgamate.
ANT. Character, disposition, tem- ANT. Separate, segregate, sift, sort,
perame::i, constitution, nature, being, analyze, discompouud, eliminate, class-
personality. ify, unravel, avoid.
Mi:r lit. SYN. Strength, force, power, Minimum [See MAXIMUM].
ability. Million. SYN. Favorite, darling, pet
ANT. Weakness, infirmity, feeble- ANT. Antipathy, horror, aversion,
ness. bugbear.
Mijjlity [See MIGHT]. Minister, n. SYN. Servant, officer,
Migratory. SYN. Nomadic, wander- delegate, official, ambassador, subordi-
ing, roving, vagrant. nate, ecclesiastic, clergyman, priest,
ANT. Settled, fixed, permanent. parson, divine, preacher, pastor,shep-
Mild. SYN. Moderate, lenient, calm, herd, reverend, curate, vicar.
gentle, genial, tempered, soft, meek, ANT. Monarch, government,master,
tender, placid. superior, principal, head,laymau,told,
ANT. Violent, wild, fierce, savage, flock, congregation.
strong, severe, merciless, harsh, bit- Minister, v. SYN. Attend, subserve,
ter. wait, supply.
Military. SYN. Soldierly, soldier- ANT. Lead, rule, command, exact.
like [See MARTIAL]. Ministry. SYN. Cabinet, council, ad-
Militate, v. int. [See MILITARY]. ministration, office of a minister or
SYN. Contend,conflict,jar,clash,dis- clergyman, ecclesiastical function
agree. [See MINISTER].
ANT. Harmonize, agree, suit, coin- Minor. SYN. Less, inferior, junior,
cide. younger, unimportant.
ANT. Major, greater, superior, el- ANT. TJncompoundable, immisci-
der, senior, main, important. bla
Minstrel. SYN. Singer, musician, Miscompute [See COMPUTE].
bard. Misconceive [See CONCEIVE].
Minute. SYN. Diminutive, micro- Misconduct [See CONDUCT j.
scopic, tiny, exact, searching, specific, Miscoiijecture. SYN. Miscalcula-
detailed. tion, missuppositioi..
ANT. Monstrous, enormous, huge, ANT. Hit, discovery, ascertain.
inexact, superficial, general, broad, Misconstrue [See CONSTRUE].
com prehensive. Miscount [See COUNT].
Miraculous. SYN. Supernatural, by- Miscreant. SYN. See Rogue.
perphysical. Misdeed [See DEED and CRIME].
ANT. Ordinary, natural. Misdemeanor. SYN. Transgression,
MIsacceptation. SYN. Misunder- trespass, fault, misdeed [See CRIME
standing, misinterpretation, misuse. and FAULT].
ANT. Acceptation, meaning. Misdirect [See STRAIGHT].
Misadventure. SYN. Failure, mis- Misdoing [See MISDEED].
hap, misfortune. Misemploy [See EMPLOY].
ANT. Success, achievement. Miser. SYN. Niggard, churl, skinflint,
Misanthropy. SYN. Egotism, in- curmudgeon, screw, scrimp, hunks.
civism, man-hating, cynicism, woman- ANT. Prodigal, spendthrift, rake.
hating. Miserable. SYN. Abject, forlorn, pit.
ANT. Philanthropy, humanity, hu- iable, wretched, worthless,despicable.
maniarianism, universal benevolence. disconsolate.
Misapply [See APPLY]. ANT. Respectable, worthy, happy,
Misapprehend [See APPREHEND], contented, comfortable.
Misappropriate. SYN.
Misassign, Miserly [See LIBERAL].
purloin, misdistribute, abuse, misuse. Misery. SYN. Wretchedness, heart-
ANT. Assign.distribute.employ, use. ache,woe, broken heart, bleeding heart,
Misarrange [See ARRANGE]. great unhappiiiess [See CALAMITY and
Misbecome [See BECOME]. MISFORTUNE].
Misbehavior see BEHAVIOR].
Misestimate [See ESTIMATE and
Misbelief [See BELIEF]. VALUE].
Miscalculate [See CALCULATE]. Misfortune [See DISASTER and MIS-
Miscall. SYN. Misname, misindicate. ADVENTURE].
ANT. Name, call, indicate, denote, Misgiving [See DOUBT and DIS-
specify, denominate. TRUST].
Miscellany. SYN. Mixture, Inter- Misgovern [See GOVERN].
mixture, jumble, medley, variety, di- Misguide [See GUIDE].
versity. Mi*hap. n. [See HAZARD and MISAD-
ANT. System, collection, classifica- VENTURE].
tion, assortment, group, selection. Misinform [See INFORM].
Mischance. SYN. Misfortune, mis- Misinstruct [See INSTRUCT].
adventure, mishap [See CHANCE and Misintelligeuce [See INTELLI-

Mischief. SYN. Damage, hurt, detri- Misinterpret [See INTERPRET].

ment, disservice, annoyance, injury, Misjoill [See JOIN and MATCH].
ill-turn, damage, barm. Mislay [See LAY and LOSE].
ANT. Compensation, good-turn, Mislead [See LEAD].
benefit, favor, gratification. Mislike [See LIKE].
Mischievous. SYN. Detrimental, Mismanage [See MANAGE].
injurious, spiteful, wanton. Mismatch [See MATCH].
ANT. Beneficial, advantageous, re- Misname [Sea NAME].
parstory, conservative, careful, pro- Misnomer See NAME].|

tective. Mispersuade [See PERSUADE].

Miscible. SYN. Compoundable, amal- Misplace [See PLACE].
gamate. Mispronounce [See PRONOUNCE!
Mispro portioned. SYN. Ungainly, Model. SYN. Standard, pattern, ex-
minfuriut'tl. ill-shaped. ample, type, mould, design, copy.
ANT. Well-proportioned, elegant, ANT. Imitation, copy, production,
harmonious, shapely. execution, work.
Misquote [See QUOTE]. Moderate. SYN. Control, soften, al-
Misreckon [See RECKON]. lay, regulate, repress, govern, tem-
Misreport f See REPORT]. per.
Misrepresent [See REPRESENT], ANT. Disturb, disorganize, excite,
Mtwrule [See RULE]. misconduct.
Miss [See LOSE and MEET]. Moderate, a. SYN. Limited, tem-
Misshapen [See SHAPELESS]. perate, calm, dispassionate, sober, ab-
Missile. SYN. Projectile. stinent, sparing, steady, ordinary.
ANT. Artillery, band-arms, eide- ANT. Extravagant, intemperate,
arm-t. rigorous, excessive, violent, extraor-
.Tlission. SYN. Commission, trust, of- dinary.
nce. delegation, ministry, embassy, Moderation. SYN. Temperance,
legation, deputation, errand, message. sobriety, frugality, calmness, sedate-
ANT. Assumption, usurpation, self- ness, mildness, coolness, delibe-
appointment. rateness.
Mi.ivr. SYN. Communication, des- ANT. Immoderation, intemperance,
patch, message [See MISSION]. hastiness, rashness, precipitation.
ANT. See Message. Moderator. SYN. Chairmnn, regu-
.T|j*l>fiil [See SPEND]. lator, conductor, manager, presi-
Misstate [See STATE]. dent.
Misstatetheiit. SYN. Misrepresen- ANT. Disturber, agitator.
tation, wrong statement, falsification.
Modern. SYN. Present, existent,
ANT. Correct statement, true state-
ment. new, new-fangled, new-fashioned, re-
cent, late, novel, later.
vIlMt. SYN. Fog, obscurity, bewilder- ANT. Past, bygone, former, olden,
ment, perplexity, haze. ancient, old-fashioned, antiquated,
ANT. Brightness, clearness, lucidity. obsolete.
Vliwtake [See ERROR].
Misteach [See TEACH].
Modest [See CHASTE and MEEK].
Mistranslate. SYN. Misconstrue, Modesty. SYN. Sobriety, diffidence,
misrender [See CONSTRUE]. bashfulness, humility, pure-minded-
Mistrust, v. [See TRUST[. ness.
ANT. Vanity, conceit, self-suffi-
Misunderstanding [See UNDER- ciency, self -admiration, foppery, cox-
Misuse, v. [See USE]. combry, wantonness, shamelessness,
Misuse, n. SYN. Abuse, perversion, effrontery.
prostitution [See ABUSE],
Modification. SYN. Alteration,
Mitigate [See AGGRAVATE]. revision, variation, qualification, spe-
Mix [See MINCJLE],
Moan [See BEWAIL]. ANT. Retention, stereotype, stabil-
Mob. SYN. Disorderly crowd, tumult- itation.
uous rabble, rude multitude [See Modish. SYN. Fashionable, stylish,
BFVY]. modern.
Mobile. SYN. Movable, sensitive, ANT. Unfashionable, quaint, un-
fickle, inconstant, variable, ductile. gawky, dowdy.
ANT. Immovable, inexorable, un- Modulation. SYN. Harmonization,
feeling, unvarying. harmonies.
Mock. SYN. Jeer, ridicule, flout, ANT. Intonation, recital, mono-
mimic, insult, ape, deride, deceive, tone.
imitate. Moil. SYN. Daub, stain, dirt, muck,
ANT. Salute, welcome, respect, ad- soil.
mire, compliment. ANT. Cleanse, clean, absterge, pu-
Mode [See METHOD]. rify.
ItEolst. SYN. Damp, humid, dank, wet. ANT. Varying, changing.
ANT. Arid, dry. Monotony. SYN. Sameness, unva-
moisture. SYN. Dampness, humid- ryingness, tedium.
ity. ANT. Variation, relief, diversion.
ANT. Drynes. Monster. SYN. Prodigy, portent, mar-
molecule. SYN. Atom, monad. vel, 'deformity, abnormity, fright, co-
ANT. Body, bulk, organism, com- lossus, monstrosity, leviathan, fiend,
pound, structure. brute.
Molest. SYN. Trouble, disturb, tease, ANT. Beauty, Venus, Adonis, Nar-
annoy, irritate, vex, plague, worry, cissus, gem, pet, jewel, angel, augury,
discommode. harbinger.
ANT. Soothe, caress, pacify, as- Monstrous. SYN. Prodigious, por-
suage, pet, mollify. tentous, marvellous, deformed, abnor-
Mollify [See MOLEST]. mal, hideous, preposterous, intoler-
Moment. SYN. Instant, second, im-
ANT. Ordinary, familiar, unnotice-
portance, twinkling, trice, weight,
able, fair, comely, shapely, regular,
force, gravity, consequence, avail.
ANT. Age, period, century, genera- natural, reasonable, just.
tion, triviality, insignificance, worth-
Monument [See MEMORIAL].
lessness, unimportance, inefficacy.
Mood. SYN. State, temper, humor,
feeling, vein, disposition.
Momentary. SYN. Instantaneous, ANT. Mind, character, disposition,
fleeting, transitory [See INSTANT.). nature.
Momentous. SYN. Significant, im- Moody. SYN. Sullen, humorsome,
portant,material, weighty [See IM- gloomy, morose.
PORTANT]. ANT. Blithe, genial, sociable, mer-
Monad [See MOLECULE]. ry-
Monarch. SYN. King, sovereign, Moot. SYN. Agitate, discuss, venti-
despot, tyrant, czar. late, argue.
ANT. Peer, subject. ANT. Suppress, stifle, burke, hush,
Monarchical. SYN. Kingly, royal, shelve.
despotic. Moral. SYN. Mental, ideal, intellect-
ANT. Republican, democratic, oli- ual, spiritual, ethical, probable, infer-
garchical, autocratic. ential, presumptive, analogous, virtu-
Monastic. SYN. Conventual, ceno- ous, well-conducted.
bitical, regular, ANT. Physical, material, practical,
ANT. Unconventual, social, secular. demonstrative, mathematical, im-
Monition [See ADMONISH]. moral, vicious.
Monitor. SYN. Adviser, instructor, Morals. SYN. Manners, conduct, be-
mentor, warner. havior, morality, habits [See MAS-
ANT. Misadviser, misinetructor, NEKS].
deceiver, misdirector, back-friend, Morass [See MARSH].
seducer. Morbid. SYN. Diseased, unsound, un-
Monitory. SYN. Advisory, horta- healthy, sickly.
tory. ANT. Wholesome, healthy, sound.
ANT. Deceptive, seductive. Mordent. SYN. Biting, keen, pun.
Monkish [See MONASTIC]. gent.
Monopoly. SYN. Privilege, engross- ANT. Mellow, mild, soothing.
ment, appropriation, exclusiveness, Moreover. SYN. Besides, also, lika
preoccupancy, impropriation. wise, furthermore [See LIKEWISE].
ANT. Participation, partnership, Morose. SYN. Sullen, austere, moody,
community, competition, free-trade. crabbed, surly, crusty.
Monotheism. SYN. Deism. ANT. Genial, indulgent, kindly.
ANT. Polytheism. Morsel [See BIT].
Monotonous. SYN. Uniform, unva- Mortal. SYN. Human, ephemeral, sub-
ried, dull, humdrum, undiversified, lunary, short-lived, deadly, fatal, per-
tedious. ishable, destructive.
ANT. Divine, Immortal, celestial, Much. SYN. Abundant, plenteous,
life-giving, veuial, saluliferous, super- greatly, abundantly, fur, considerable,
ficial. ample.
"Mortality fSee DEATH]. ANT. Little, scant, slightly, shortly,
Mortify. SYN. Deaden, subdue, mas- short, near.
ter, vex, disappoint, annoy, rot, fes- Mucilaginous. SYN. Gelatinous, al-
ter, humble, abash, chagriu, dis- buminous, creamy, glairy, viscous,
place, putrefy. lentous.
ANT. Feed, pamper, indulge,plea?e, ANT. Limpid, crystalline, bubbling,
gratify, delight, satisfy, heal, re- frothing, foaming,effervesceut,spark-
cover. liag, spirituous.
Mostly. SYN. Mainly, chiefly, in Muddle. SYN. Fail, waste, fritter
great measure, for the most part, away, confuse, derange, misarrange.
for the greatest part See MAINLY].
ANT. Clarify, manage, economize,
Motherly. SYN. Maternal, affection- classify, arrange.
ate, tender, kind [See KIND], Muddy. SYN. Luteous, ewampy, tur-
Motion [See MOVEMENT]. bid, clayey.
Motionless [See STILL]. ANT. Dry, arid, rocky, arenaceous,
Motive. SYN. Inducement, purpose, sandy, limpid, pellucid, crystalline.
design, prompting, stimulus, reason, Muflle. SYN. Shroud, enfold, disguise,
impulse, incitement. conceal, envelop.
ANT. Execution,action, effort, deed, ANT. Unmuole, unfold, exhibit, re-
attempt, project, preventive, deter- veal.
rent, dissuasive.
Motley. SYN. Parti-colored, varie-
Muggy. SYN. Foggy, misty, dank,
damp, murky, dim, vaporous, cloudy.
gated, mixed, medley, heterogeneous, ANT. Clear, bright, vaporless.
ANT. Uniform, homogeneous, alike,
Mulct, n. SYN. Amercement, damages,
monochromatic. forfeiture, penalty.
ANT. Guerdon, douceur, bonus, re-
iflottled [See MOTLEY and MACU-
ward, premium.
LATED]. Mulish. SYN. Stubborn, obstinate,
Mold. SYN. Fashion, shape, manipu-
headstrong, cross-grained, intractable
late, for.n, cast, configure.
ANT. Distort, strain, pervert, mis [See TRACTABLE].
Multifarious. SYN. Various, varied,
multigenerous, multitudinous, multi-
Moldy. SYN. Green, rusty, fusty,
fold, manifold, multiform.
musty, over-ripe. ANT. Single, uniform, unvaried.un-
AST. Fresh, wholesome, pure,
varying, few.
sweet, recei.t. Multifold [See MULTIFARIOUS].
Mount [See ASCEND].
Multiform S je MULTIFARIOUS].
]T otirn [See GBIEVE and BEWAIL].
ff [

Mournful. SYN. Sad, melancholy, Multiplication. SYN. Multiplicity,

tearful, doleful, depressing, wailing, plurality,inultitudinousne-s,mult;fari-
lugubrious. ousness, multitude, repetition, reiter
ANT. Joyous, mirthful, exhilara- ation, reproduction, augmentation,
ting. swarming, teeming.
Movable [See STATIONARY]. ANT. Singularity, unity, scantiness,,
Move. SYN. Change, go, progress, rarity, diminution, extinction.
stir, affect, agitate, actuate, impel, Multisonous. SYN. Many-voiced,
propose, advance, propel, instigate, tuneful.
provoke. ANT. Unisonous, droning, monoto-
ANT. Stand, stop, lie, rest, stay, al- nous.
lay, deter, prevent, arrest, withdraw. Multitude. SYN. Crowd, swarm, ac-
Movement. SYN. Motion, move, cumulation, throng, concourse, num-
change of place. ber, host, mob. rabble.
ANT. Stop, rest, pause, stillness, ANT. Paucity, scantiness, sprink-
quietness. ling.
Multitudinous [See MULTIFARI- Mutter. SYN. Murmur, mumble.
OUS]. ANT. Enunciate,exclaim,pronounce,
Mummery. SYN. Antics,masquerade, vociferate.
vagary, buffoonery. Mutual. SYN. Reciprocal, common,
ANT. Pageant, procession, exhibi- interchangeable, alternate.
tion. ANT. One-sided,unreciprocated,un-
Mundane. SYN. Worldly, secular, mutual.
temporal, earthly. Muzzle. SYN. Silence, burke, re-
ANT. Unworldly, spiritual, heaven- strain, gag, stop.
ly, ethereal, supramundaue. ANT. Belease, liberate, open, un-
munificent. SYN. Liberal, princely, muzzle, free.
bounteous, generous. Mysterious. SYN. Dim, obscure, un-
ANT. Niggardly, beggarly. revealed,unexplained, unaccountable,
Murky [See MUGGY_|. reserved, veiled, hidden, secret, in-
M urtmir. SYN. Undertone, whisper, comprehensible, mystic, inexplicable.
mutter, grumble, complaint, repin- ANT. Clear, plain, obvious, ex-
ing. plained, understood, easy, explain-
ANT. Clamor, vociferation,bawling, able, simple, frank, communicative.
outcry, defiance, execration, saluta- Mystery. SYN. Enigma, puzzle, ob-
tion, acclamation. scurity, secrecy, veil, shroud, ar-
Murmur, v. [See GROWL]. canum.
Muscular. SYN. Powerful, brawny, ANT. Publication, solution, com-
robust, sinewy, strong, stalwart, ath- mon-place, truism, matter-of-fact.
letic, lusty, sturdy. Mystic. SYN. Mysterious, cabalistic,
ANT. Debile, flabby, feeble, lanky. magical.
Muse. SYN. Reflect, ponder, cogitate, ANT. Plain, matter-of-fact, every-
dream, think, meditate. day, familiar, commonplace, obvious,
ANT. Stir, act, move. household.
Musical. SYN. Melodious, harmoni- Mystify. SYN. Confuse, bamboozle,
ous, dulcet, concordant, rythmical, hoodwink, puzzle, confound, mislead,
tuneful, mellifluous. obfuscate.
ANT. Unmelodious, inharmonious, ANT. Illumine, enlighten, inform,
harsh, discordant. guide.
Muster, v. SYN. Marshal, collect, as- Myth. SYN. Fable, legend, parable,
semble, rally, enroll, gather. supposition, fiction, allegory, fabu-
ANT. Dismiss, disperse, relegate, lous story, fabrication.
remit, disband. ANT. Fact, history, narrative,
Musty. SYN. Fusty, rank, mouldy, Mythological. J$V:N. Fabulous,
frowzy, stale, sour, fetid, mildewed. mythical.
ANT. Fragrant, fresh, balmy, aro- H
matic, odorous.
Mutable. SYN. Changeable, change- NAB. (coll.) SYN. Catch, clutch,
ful, mobile, transient, ephemeral, in- grasp, seize, lay hold on, lay hands on
constant, unsteadfast, fickle, fitful, [See CATCH J .

undecided, restless. Nabob. SYN. Millionaire, Croesus.mau

ANT. Unchanging, permanent, im- of wealth,man of fortune, very rich
mutable, persistent, changeless. man, man of great distinction.
Mutation [See VARIATION]. ANT. Man not wealthy, man not
Mute. SYN. Silent, speechless, dumb, distinguished.
taciturn, voiceless, still, death-liKe. Nacreous [See IRIDESCENT].
ANT. Chattering, talkative, garru- Naked. SYN. Nude, bare, unclothed,
lous, loquacious, vocal, tuneful, loud. denuded, undraped. defenceless, des-
Mutilate [See MAIM]. titute, unqualified, uucolored, unvar-
Mutinous. SYN. Turbulent, seditious, nished, mere, simple.
insurgent, riotous, tumultuous, un- ANT. Dressed, robed, draped,
ruly, refractory, insurrectionary. muffled, protected, qualified, veiled,
ANT. Obedient, loyal, submissive. shrouded, colored, varnished.
Name. n. SYN. Designation, cognomen- ANT. Thing, object, subject, man,
ation, appellation, title, fame, repu- being, creuiure, monstrosity, unnat-
tation, authority, appointment, stead, urulut'ss, art, fiction, romance, in-
representation. vention.
ANT. Namelessness,anonymousness, Naught. SYN. Nothing.
misnomer, pseudonym, obscurity, iu- ANT. Aught, anything, everything.
gloriousness, disrepute,individuality, Naughty. SYN. Worthless, vile, cor-
person. rupt, bad, froward, refractory, wick-
Name, v, SYN. Speciry,designate, call, ed, perverse.
Indicate. ANT. Worthy, good, precious, pure,
ANT. Misname, miscall, misdesig- docile, tractable, well-behaved.
nate, misiudicate, hint, suggest, shad- Nausea. SYN. Loathing, disgust,
ow, adumbrate. abomination, qualm, sea-sickness.
Narrate. SYN. Hecite, tell, report, ANT. Taste, relish, enjoyment.
detail, relate, rehearse, recount. Nauseous. SYN. Loathsome, sicken-
ANT. Suppress, conceal, blink, mis-
ing, disgusting [See ABOMINABLE].
report, misrepresent, misrelate, mis- Nautical. [See MARINE].
stale. Near. SYN. Nigh, close, adjacent,
Narrow. SYN. Straight, straighten- neighboring. (Sometimes used in
ed, slender, thin, spare, contracted, the sense of parsimonious. )
limited, cramped, pinched, scant, ANT. Far, distant, remote.
close, scrutinizing, near, bigoted, nig-
gardly, tight.
Nearly. SYN. Almost, closely, ap-
ANT. Wide, broad, ample, thick, proximately.
ANT. Quite, entirely, distantly, re-
expanded, easy, liberal. motely.
Nascent. SYN. Youthful, rising, Neat [See TIDY].
green, incipient, embryo, rudimeu-
tal, budding. Necessary. SYN. Certain, inevita-
ANT. Mature, aged, confirmed, de- ble, indispensable, requisite, essen-
tial, compulsory, neediul, expedient.
veloped, grown. ANT. Contingent, casual, optional,
Nasty. SYN. Fool, offensive, odious,
disagreeable, indelicate, impure, discretional, unnecessary, unessen-
tial, free.
gross, unclean, obscene.
ANT. Nice, pleasant, sweet, savory, Necessitate [See COMPEL].
agreeable, pure. Necessity. SYN. Indispensableness,
Nation. SYN. Race, people, realm, inevitableness, need, indigence, re-
community, commonwealth, state quirement, want, fate, destiny.
[SeeCOMMUNITY and PEOPLE]. ANT. Dispensableness, uncertainty,
Native. SYN. Indigenous, home, superfluity, uselessness, competence,
exported, artless, natural, proper, affluence, casualty, contingency, free-
suitable, congenital, inbred, ver- dom, choice.
nacular. Need [See NECESSITY].
ANT. Foreign, Imported, exotic,
Needful [bee NECESSARY].
alien, artificial, acquired, assumed, Needless. SYN. Unnecessary, use-
affected. less,superfluous, gratuitous.
Natural. SYN. Intrin=i", ewentlal, ANT. Needful, useful, helpful,
regular, normal, cosmical, true, prob- obligatory.
able, consistent, spontaneous, unless, Nefarious [See ATROCIOUS].
original. Negation [See ASSERT].
ANT. Acititiou, adventitious, ab- Negative. SYN. Denying, privative,
normal, monstrous, unnatural, ficti- disclaiming, indirect.
tious, improbable, unsupposable, ANT. Assertive, attributive, posi-
forced, artful, affected. tive, direct.
Nature. SYN. Essence, creation, con- Neglect, v. SYN. Slight, overlook,
stitution, structure, disposition, truth, omit, disregard, dleesteem, despU^.
regularity, kind, sort, character, spe- contemn.
cies, affection, naturalness. ANT. Consider, respect, notice, ob-
178 NOM
serve, regard, esteem, tend, attend, ANT.Coarseness, inaccuracy,
foster, study. rudeness, roughness.
Neglect, n. SYN. Negligence, dis- Niggard [See MISER].
regard, omission, failure, default, Niggardly [See LIBERAL].
slight, carelessness, remissness. Nimble. SYN. Agile, quick, lively,
ANT. Attention, consideration, sprightly [See SLOW].
respect, notice, regard, esteem. Nobility. SYN. Distinction, dignity,
Negotiate. SYN. Transact, effect, rank, peerage, lordship, loftiness,
pass, perform. generosity, rank, aristocracy.
ANT. Mismanage, misconduct, ANT. Obscurity, meanness, com-
quash, stop. monalty, serfdom, paltriness, con-
Neighborly [See SOCIABLE]. tempttbleness, plebeianism.
Nerve. SYN. Strength, firmness, Noble. SYN. Grand, aristocratic.gen-
resolution. erous, illustrious, exalted, worthy,
ANT. Nerveless, forceless, feeble, magnanimous, dignified, excellent,
weak, enfeebled, impotent, palsied, lofty-minded, honorable, fine.
[See COURAGE]. ANT. Mean, plebeian, ignoble,
Nervous [SeeViooRous and TIMID]. paltry.
Nettle. SYN. Sting, fret, provoke Nobody [See CIPHER].
[See INCKNSE]. Nocturnal. SYN. Nightly, dark,
Neutral.SYN. Uninterfering, impar- gloomy, tenebrose.
tial, indifferent, negative, unavowed. ANT. Diurnal, light,brilliant,solar.
ANT. Partial, interested, inter- Nodosity. SYN. Protuberance, pro-
fering, active, positive, declared, tuberousness, knottiness, tuberos-
avowed. ity, lumpiness.
Neutrality. SYN. Non-interfer- ANT. Planenes=, evenness,
ence, indifference. smoothness polish, levigation.
ANT. Interference, activity. Noise. SYN. Sound, clamor, rattle,
Neutralize. SYN. Counteract, com- din, uproar, tumult.
pensate, counterbalance, counter- ANT. Note, voice, music, melody,
poise, countervail. silence, still n ess, voicelessness, hush.
ANT. Aggravate, enhance, In- NToiseless [See NOISY].
tensify. Noisome. SYN. Hurtful, harmful,
New. SYN. Novel, recent, fresh, nocuous, pestilential.
modern. ANT. Wholesome, salutary, salu-
ANT. Old, ancient, antique, anti- brious, beneficial.
quated, obsolete. Noisy. SYN. Loud, clamorous, stun-
News. SYN. Intelligence, Informa-
tion. tidings [See
INTELLIGENCE]. ANT. Still, soft, inaudible, whis-
New-fangled. SYN. Upstart, new- pering, soothing, musical, melodi-
light, innovating, strange, odd, ous, harmonious, tuneful, subdued,
fantastic, novel. gentie, noiseless.
ANT. Venerable, time-honored, es- Nomad. SYN. Pastoral, vagrant,
tablished, ancient, old.old-fashioned. Arab, Scythian, roving, migratory.
Nibble. SYN. Carp, cavil, peck, ob- ANT. Fixed, unwandering, agri-
ject, demur. cultural, unroviug, urban.
ANT. Accept, eulogize, command,
endorse, allow.
Nominal. SYN. Trifling, supposi-
Nice. SYN. Fastidious, scrupulous, tious, ostensible, professed, pre-
accurate, neat, discerning, dainty, tended, formal.
ANT. Real, deep, serious, impor-
pleasant, agreeable, exact, fine,
finished, particular. tant, grave, substantial, actual, in-
ANT. Coarse, unscrupulous, inac- trinsic, veritable, essential.
curate, rude, rough, undiscrimina- Nominate. SYN. Name, specify, ap-
ting, nasty, nauseous, disagreeable. point, individualize, define, invest,
Sleety. SYN. Fastidiousness, scru- present, entitle.
pulousness, accuracy. ANT. Suggest, indicate, conjecture,
describe, recal, deprive, cancel, center, kernel [See CORE].
withdraw, divert. Nudity. SYN. Nakedness, bareness,
Nonsense. SYN. Absurdity, trash, exposure.
folly,pretense, jest, balderdash. ANT. Clothing, drapery, invest-
ANT. Sense, wisdom, truth, fact, ment, dress
gravity, philosophy, science, reason. Nugatory. SYN. Trifling, vain, in-
Nonsensical [See FOOLISH], operative, ineffectual, null, void.
Normal. SYN. Regular, typical, usu- ANT. Grave, serious, important,
al, recognized, natural, ordinary. potent, efficacious, momentous, suc-
ANT. Abnormal, irregular, un- cessful, satisfactory.
natural, exceptional, monstrous. Nuisance. SYN. Offence, annoy-
Notable [See REMARKABLE]. ance, plague, pest, trouble.
Note, n. [See SIGN]. ANT. Gratification, blessing,
Note. v. [See NOTICE]. pleasure, delight, benefit.
Notice, n. SYN. Observation, cogni- Null [See VOID].
zance, heed, advice, news, consider- Nullify. SYN. Abrogate, neutralize,
ation, visitation, mark, note. cancel, abolish, extinguish, annul,
ANT Oversight, disregard, misin- quash, repeal.
formation, mistidings, neglect, ANT. Confirm, perpetuate, re-
slight, connivance, ignorance, in- enact, stabilitate, establish, cherish.
cognizance, heedlessness, amnesty, Number [See COUNT].
omission. Numberless. SYN. Countless, in-
Notice, v SYN. Mark, note, observe, numerable infinite.
attend to, mention, heed, regard, ANT. Few, scarce, rare
give heed to [See RFGARD]. Numbness. SVN. Hebetude, callous-
Noticeable [See REMARKABLE]. ness, insensibility.
Notification. SYN. Notice, declara- ANT. Acutenes-s, sensibility, live-
tion, publication [See NOTICE]. liness, sensiiiveness.
Notify. SYN. Intimate, declare, an- Numerous [See MANY!.
uounce.give notici to, Nuptial. SYN. Connubial, hymeneal,
municate, apprise, inform, warn. bridal.
ANT. Suppress, withhold, con- Nuptials. SYN. Wedding, marriage,
ceal, miereport. espousal [See MARRIAGE].
Notion. SYN. Apprehension, idea, Nurse [See NOURISH].
conception, judgment, opinion, be- Nursery. SYN. Seed-plot, seminary,
lief, expectation, sentiment. plantation, school.
ANT. Misapprehension, falsifica- ANT. World, life, education, pro-
tion, misbelief, misjudgment, frus- fession.
tration, misconception. Nurture [See NOURISH] .

Notoriety.SYN. Publicity, vogue, re- Nutriment. SYN Aliment, food,

pute.celebrity .knowledge certainty. sustenance nourishment, replen-
ANT. Privacy, secrecy, conceal- ishment, susientation, p ibalum.
ment, obscurity, mystery, suspicion, ANT. Starvation, languishment,
rumor, whisper. decay, inanition, exhaustion, poi-
Notorious. SYN. Known, undis- son, detriment.
puted, recognized, allowed. Nutrition. SYN. Alimentation, sus-
ANT. Suspected, reported, reputed. tentation f eding.
Nourish. SYN. Nurture, fed, foster, ANT. Exhaustion, starvation, in-
cherish, nurse, tend, support, pro- anition.
mote. O
ANT. Starve blight, destroy, kill,
wither. OAF [See BOOBY].
Nourishment [See ALIMWNT]. Obdurate. SYN. Hardened, obsti-
Novel [See NEW-FANGLED]. nate, stubborn, impenitent, repro-
Novice [See TYRO]. bate, callous, unfeeling, insensible ;

Noxious [See NOISOME]. unyielding.

Nucleus. SYN. Core, central part, ANT. Softened, flexible, tender,
teachable, yielding, penitent, docile, ANT. Remembrance, recollection,
amenable. memory, reminiscence, commem-
Obedience. SYN. Submission, com- oration, celebration.
pliance, subservience. Obloquy. SYN. Censure, blame, def-
ANT. Resistance, rebellion, viola- amation, contumely, reproach.
tion, transgression, antagonism, ANT. Praise, panegyric, acclama-
disobedience. tion, encomium.
Obedient [See SUBMISSIVE]. Obnoxious. SYN. Odious, detri-
Obesity. SYN. Fatness, fleshiness, mental, pernicious.amenable, liable,
corpulence, plumpness, corpulency, blame worthy,offensive, answerable.
embonpoint. ANT. Pleasant, grateful, whole
ANT. Leanness, thinness. some, salutary, beneficial, uname-
Obey. SYN. Submit, comply, yield. nable, independent, exempt.
ANT. Resist, disobey, refuse [See Obscene. SYN. Impure, immodest,
OBEDIENCE]. indecent, lewd, foui, indelicate,
Object, n. SYN. Appearance, sight, filthy, disgusting, foul-mouthed.
design, end, aim, motive, intent, ANT. Pure, modest, decent.
view, goal. Obscure, a. SYN. Dark, dim, lower-
ANT. Idea, notion.conception, fancy, ing, indistinct, enigmatical, uncer-
subject, proposal, purpose, effect. tain, doubtful, unascertained, hum-
Object to. v. SYN. Oppose, contra- ble, unintelligible, mean.
vene, obstruct, demur to, except to, ANT. Bright, luminous, distinct,
gainsay, disapprove. lucid, plain, plain spokeu, intelligi-
ANT. Approve, approve of. ble, unambiguous, ascertained,
Objective. SYN. Extrinsic, con- eminent, prominent.
crete, external. Obscure, v. SYN. Conceal, darken.
ANT. Intrinsic, abstract, notional, ANT. Reveal, make known, discover
subjective. Obsequious. SYN. Submissive,
Objurgate [See SCOLD]. servile, deferential, cringing, syco-
Oblation. SYN. Offering, present- phantic, flattering.
ment, gift. ANT. Insubmissive, independent,
ANT. Spoliation, sacrilege, with- arrogant, self assertive, impudent
holding, resumption, refusal, nega- Observance. SYN. Attention, ful-
tion. filment, respect, celebration, per-
Obligation. SYN. Duty, necessity, formance, ceremony, custom, form,
compulsion, contract, bond, cove- rule, practice.
nant, belioof. ANT. Inobservance, inattention,
ANT. Promise, word, choice, free- breach, disrespect, disregard, des-
dom, assurance, declaration, inten- eutude, disuse, non-performance,
tion, exemption. informality, unceremoniousness
Oblige. SYN. Compel, coerce, neces- omission.
sitate, force, benefit , favor .accommo- Observant. SYN. Regardful, atten-
date, gratify, bind, constrain. tive, mindful, obedient, watchful
ANT. Release, acquit, induce, per- heedful.
suade, annov, disoblige. ANT. Disregardful, neglectful
Obliging. SYN. Kind, consideiate, unmindful, disobedient, heedless
compliant, complaisant, accommo- Observation. SYN. Contempla-
dating. tion, study, remark, attention, no-
ANT. Discourteous, rude, cross- comment.
grained, perverse, unaccomodating, ANT. Disregard, oversight, inad-
disobliging. ventence, inattention, silence, ig-
Oblique. SYN. Divergent, diagonal, norance.
lateral, angular. Observe. SYN. Remark, mark,
ANT.Straight.rectilineal.forward. watch, note, behold, perceive keep,
Obliterate, v. [See EFFACE]. heed, respect [See PERCKIVE].
Oblivion, n. SYN. Forgetfulness, Obsolete. SYN. Antiquited. past. ef-
disremembrance. fete, disused, archaic, old-fashioned-
ANT. Fashionable, modern, cur- Occasionally. SYN. Sometimes,
rent, customary, operative, extant. casually, rarely.
Obstacle. SYN. Impediment, ob- ANT. Always, regularly, con-
struction, hindrance, objection, stantly, frequently.
bar, difficuky, check, obstruction. Occult. SYN. Latent, hidden, un-
ANT. Course, proceeding, career, revealed, mysterious, secret, dark,
advancement. unknown.
Obstinate. SYN. Headstrong, stub- ANT. Developed, plain, patent
born, refractory, self-willed, pertina- clear, familiar, exposed, open.
cious.obJurate. perverse, intractable Occupancy. SYN. Possession, en
ANT. Amenable, complaisant, joyment, tenure.
yielding, docile, ductile, character- ANT. Ejection, evict-on, dispoa
less, irresolute, wavering. session.
Obstinacy [See OBSTINATE]. Occupant. SYN. Owner, resident,
Obstreperous. SYN, Noisy, up- proprietor, tenant, occupier.
roarious, clamorous, rattling. ANT. Foreigner, stranger, visitor,
ANT. Subdued, quiet, noiseless, intruder, usurper.
inobstreperous. Occupation. SYN. Employment,
Obstruct. SYN. Bar, block, choke, avocation, possession,
hinder, impede, interrupt, retard, encroachment, tenure, calling, pur-
clog. suit, trade, business,
ANT. Open, clear, pave, facilitate, ANT. Idleness, vacancy, leisure,
expedite, further, advance, pro- abandonment, vacation re siguation, .

mote, accelerate, aid. Occupier [See OCCUPANT].

Obstruction. SYN. Hinderance,ob- Occupy. SYN. Hold, possess, em-
stacle, impediment [See OBSTACLE]. ploy, fill, busv [See HOLD] .

Obtain [See ACQUIRE] . Occur. SYN. Befall, happen, betide,

Obtestation. SYN. Entreaty, sup- supervene, take place, appear, arise.
plication, adjuration. ANT. Pass, threaten, impend.
ANT. Abjuration, deprecation, Occurrence. SYN. Event, affair,
defiance. incident, transaction, adventure
Obtrude. SYN. Force, thrust, in- [See EVFNT].
terfere, intrude. Ocular. SYN, Visible.demonstrable,
ANT. Suggest, insinuate, retire, palpable.
withdraw. ANT. Inferential, auricular, hear-
Obtuse. SYN. Dull, stupid, unin- say, circ mstantial, deductive, con-
telligent, stolid, doltish. structive.
ANT. Acute, clever, intelligent, Odd. SYN. Alone, sole, unmatched,
quick, sharp. remaining, over, fragmentary, un-
Obumbrate. SYN. Shade, over- even, singular, peculiar, queer,

shadow, darken. quaint, fantastical, uncommon,

ANT. Lighten, illuniine,elucidate. nondescript.
Obverse._SYN. Opposite, facing. ANT. Aggregate, consociate,
ANT. Hinder, reverse. matched, balanced, squared, inte-
Obvious. SYN. Plain, self-evident, grant, even, common, usual, regu-
manifest, explicit, apparent, open, lar, normal.
patent. Odious. SYN. Hateful, offensive, de-
ANT. Remote, obscure, far- testable,abominable ha'ed.
fetched, involved, latent. ANT. Delectable, grateful, accept-
Occasion, n. SYN. Conjuncture, able, pleasant.
opportunity, occurrence, cause, Oil in ill. SYN. Hatred, offensiveness,
need, event, reason, necessity, dislike, invidiousuess, jealousy,
opening, ground. unpopularity, grudge.
ANT. Untimeliness, unseasonable- ANT. Love, tastelulnees, accepta.
ness, frustration, bleness, popularity, ungrudging.
Occasion, v. SYN. Cause, make, ne~s, welcome.
create ISee PRODUCE and CREATE] . Odor. SYN. Smell, scent, fragrance,
perfume, redolence, efflu-
, unofficious, retiring, modest, back-
vium, fume, trail, nidor. ward.
ANT. luodorousness, absence of Often. SYN. Frequently, repeatedly.
smell, waut of smell. ANT. Infrequently, seldom.
Odorous [See FRAGRANT]. Ogre. SYN. Spectre, goblin hobgob-
Offal [See CREAM]. lin, bugbear, [See SPECTRE].
Offence r Offense. SYN. Attack, Oily [See OLEAGINOUS].
sin, crime, umbrage transgression, Old. SYN. Aged, pristine long-stand-
crime, misdeed, injury, wrong, af- ing, ancient, preceding, antiquated,
front, outrage, insult, trespass, in- obsolete, senile antique.
dignity, misdemeanor. ANT.Youthful, young, recent,
ANT. D fence, innocence, guilt- modern, subsequent, new-
lessness. fashioned, current.
Offend. SYN. Displease, affront, out- Oleaginous. SYN. Oily, unctuous,
rage, irritate, shock, annoy, pain, piuguetudinous.
wound, n<-ttle. vtx, err, fall. ANT. Harsh, dry, sour, acid,
ANT. Conciliate, gratify, please. moisturelt-ss.
Offender [See CULPRIT]. Omen. SYN. Augury, sign, presaee,
Offensive. SYN. Aggressive, obnox- portent, furboding, prognostic [See
ious, distasteful, displeasing, foul, PRESAGE].
fetid. unsavory. Ominous. SYN. Portentous, sug-
ANT. Defensive, grattful, pleas- gestive, threatening, foreboding,
ant, savory. premonitory, unpropitious.
Offer. SYN. Propose, exhibit.proffer, ANT. Auspicious, propitious, en-
present, tender, extend, adduce, couraging.
volunteer. Omission. SYN. Oversight, exclu-
ANT. Withhold, withdraw, re- sion.
tract, retain, alienate, diveit. ANT. Attention, insertion, notice.
Offering: [See OFFER AND OBLA- Omit. SYN. Neglect, fail, miss, leave
TION]. pass by, overlook [See NEG-
Off-hand. SYN Impromtu, unpre- LECT].
medi ated, extemppie unstudied. Omnipotent. SYN. Al powerful,
ANT. I'remeuitnted, studitd, Almighty irresistible.
thought out, elaborate. ANT. PowerKs-, inefficient.
Office. SYN. Service, duty, appoint- Omniscient. SYN. All-knowing,
ment, function, employment, sta- all-wise, infallible.
tion, business post. ANT. Short sight, ignorant, falli-
ANT. Leisure, vacancy, resigna- ble.
tion, sinecure. One. SYN. Single, undivided, indi-
Officer. SYN. vidual.
conductor, director, administrator, ANT. Many.
manager, dignitary, official. Oneness [See UNITY].
ANT. Member, servant, private,
Onerous. SYN. Burdensome, toil-
sinecurist. some, heavy, responsible, oppres-
Official, n. [See OFFICER]. sive, laborious, opcrose, difficult.
Official, n. SYN. Administrative, ANT. Light, easy, trivial, inop-
authoritative, negotiative, function- pressive.
al, professional. Only. a. SYN. Single, sole, alone,
ANT. Private, unofficial, unpro- solitary.
fessional. ANT. Many, together, mixed.
Officiate. SYN. Act, serve, perform, Only. adv. SYN. Solely, singly,
ANT. Retire, witness. merely, simply, barely.
ANT. Among, amongst, together,
Officious. SYN. Meddling, inter- collectively.
fering, pushing, forward, intrusive,
intermeddline. Onset [See ATTACK] .

ANT. Backward, negligent.remiss, Onslaught [See ATTACK].

Onward. ST::. 'X'War.'. ahead, in Oplnlonatlve. SYN. Dictatorial,
advance. dogmatical, self-conceited, oracular.
ANT. Backward, astoru, aback. ANT. Modest, diffident, inquiring,
Ooze. fciYN.
Distill, drop, drip, perco- vacillating, cautious, undemonstra-
late, perspire, sweat, drain, leak,
transude. Opponent [See ADVERSARY].
ANT. POTIT. rush, flow, stream, dis- Opportune. SYN. Timely, season-
gorge. able, appropriate, felicitous, suitable,
Opaque [See TRANSPARENT]. fit, meet, auspicious.

O;en. r. SYN. Unclose, lay open, lay A_T. Inopportune, untimely, un-
Dare expose, explain, disclose,, ini- seasonable, infelicitous.
tiate, begin, commence. Opportunity. SYN. Occasion, turn,
ANT. Close, shut up, conceal, in- opening, convenience.
close, mystify, misinterpret, con- ANT. Inopportuneness, unseason-
clude, cover. ableness, lapse, omission, contre-
Open. a. SYN. Accessible, free, avail- temps.
able, unshut, unfolded, public, free, Oppose. SYN. Withstand, resist,
unrestricted, unreserved, unaffected, mutch, obstruct, confront, oppugn,
genuine, barefaced, undisguised, bar, hinder, contravene,check, thwart.
above-board, liberal, unclosed, can- ANT. Aid, abet, back, support, ad-
did,frank, ingenuous, unsettled, unde- vance, expedite.
termined. Opposition. SYN. Resistance, hos-
ANT. Inaccessible, closed, barred, tility, obstacle, obstruction [See AN-
unavailable, shut, close, secretive, IMOSITY ].
reserved, settled, determined. Opposite. SYN. Facing, adverse, re-
Opening. SYN. Aperture, gap, oppor- pugnant, inconsistent, irreconcil-
tunity, space, commencement, initia- able, contrary, antagonistic, counter,
tion, start, inauguration, hole, fissure, contradictory.
chink, beginning. ANT. Agreeing, coincident, consen-
ANT. Occlusion, obstruction, stop- taneous.
gap, unreasonableness, contretemps, Oppress. SYN. Burden, grind, weigh
inopportuneness, enclosure, termina- down, persecute, aggrieve, maltreat,
tion, close, end, conclusion. abuse, overbear, constrain.
Operate. SYN. Act, work, produce, ANT. Encourage, support, patroU*
produce an effect, have effect.
effect, ize, assist, befriend!
ANT. Cease, rest, fail, misoperate. Oppression. SYN. Cruelty, tyranny,
Operation. SYN. Agency, action, ex- severity, injustice, hardship.
ercise, production, influence, per- ANT. Kindness, inercy, clemency,
formance. leniency, justice [See TYRANNY].
ANT. Cessation, inaction, rest, in- Oppressive. SYN. Hsavy, overpower-
operattveness, inefficacy, inefficiency, ing, unjust, gaLLug, extortionate,
misoperation. grinding.
Operative. SYN. Active, efficacious, ANT. light, just, compassionate
serviceable, binding. FSee CBTJKLJ.
ANT. Inefficacious, inoperative. Opprobrious. SYN. Insulting, in-
Operose. SYN. Onerous, laborious, famous [beo ABUSIVE].
burdensome, tedious, wearisome, toil- Opprobrium. SYN. Reproach, scan-
some. Jal, disgrace, obloquy, ignominy, odi-
ANT. Light, nnburdensome, etiin um [See OBLOQUY and ODIUM],
ulating, refreshing. . SYN. Discretion, choice,
Opine. SYN. Think, believe, conjec- preference, deliberation, wish, elec-
ture, suppose, judge, surmise. tion.
ANT. Know, ascertain, verify. ANT. Obligation, necessity, burden,
Opinion. SYN.
Conviction, view. compulsion.
judgment, notion, idea, impression, Opulence. SYN. Wealth, affluence,
estimation, theory riches, fortune.
OPU 184 OU8
ANT. Poverty, indigence, impecuni- ANT. Disorganization.
osity. Organize. SYN. Shape, adjust, con-
Opulent. SYN. Rich, well to do, mon- stitute, frame, dispose, arrange, con-
eyed, affluent [See RicnJ. struct.
Oracular [See OPINIONATITE]. ANT. Distort, break up, annul, dis-
Oral. SYN. Unwritten, traditional, vo- organize, dismember, disband.
cal, spoken, verbal. Orifice. SYN. Aperture, perforation,
ANT. Written, documentary. inouth,opening. hole, bung, bung-hole.
Oration [See HABANOUEJ. ANT. Obstruction, stopper, plug,
Oratory. SYN. Eloquence, rhetoric, imperforation.
elocution, declamation. Origin. SYN. Source, commencement,
ANT. Hesitation, tardiloquence, im- spring, cause, derivation, rise, begin-
perfection of speech. ning.
Orb. SYN. Sphere, circle, ball, g]obe. ANT. Termination, conclusion, ex-
Orbit. SYN. Revolution, path, circuit, tinction.
sphere. Original. SYS. Primary, initiatory,
ANT. Eccentricity, deviation, per- primordial,peculiar, pristine, ancient,
turbation. former, first.
Ordain. SYN. Set, appoint, decree, ANT. Subsequent, terminal, mod-
institute, prescribe, arrange, direct, ern, later, derivative.
regulate, dictate, establish. Originate. SYN. Commence, spring,
ANT. Subvert, revoke, cancel, an- rise, start, initiate, invent, create,
nul, disestablish, countermand. cause to be made, proceed, emanate.
Ordeal. SYN. Test, trial, probation, ANT. Prosecute, conduct, apply.
experiment. Ornament, n. SYN. Decoration, em-
ANT. Argument, plea, discussion, bellishment.
Investigation, evidence. ANT. Disgrace, brand, disfigure-
Order, n. SYN. Arrangement, con- ment.
dition, sequence, direction, rank, Ornament. [See ADORN].
grade, class, decree, succession, se- Ornate. SYN. Decorated, embellished,
ries, method, injunction, precept, rich, high-wrought, ornamented.
command. ANT. Plain, chaste, nude, naked,
Order, t,-. SYN. Arrange, dispose, reg-
bare, bald.
ulate, adjust, direct, command, class-
Orthodox. SYN. sound,
ordain, enjoin, prescribe,appoint, Correct,
ify, true.
manage [See AKRANGE]. ANT. Heretical, unorthodox.
ANT. Disarrangement, confusion,
inversion, execution,
Ostensible. SYN. Avowed, pretended,
disorder. declared, professed, manifest, visible,
Orderly. SYN. Regular, equable, nominal, apparent, outward.
ANT. Real, genuine, concealed, un-
peaceable, methodical, quiet.
ANT. Irregular, disorderly, riot- pretended, actual, veritable.
ous. Ostentation. SYN. Show, parade,
Ordinance. SYN. Statute, Institute, display, flourish, pomp, vaunting,
decree, law, edict, regulation, rule. boasting.
ANT. Custom, usage, prescription. ANT. Reserve, retirement, modesty,
Ordinary. SYN. Settled, wonted, con- concealment, unobtrusiveness, quiet,
ventional, plain, inferior, common- diffidence.
place, humdrum, matter of fact. Ostentations. SYN. Showy, vain,
ANT. Extraordinary, unusual, un- boastful, vain-glorious.
common, superior [See USUAL]. ANT. Modest, quiet, retired,
Organic. SYN. Fundamental, consti- Ostracism. SYN. Banishment, expul-
tutional, radical. sion, blackball.
ANT. Non-essential, circumstantial, ANT. Admittance, enlistment, out
contingent, provisional. voting.
Organization. SYN. Structure, Oust. SYN. Eject, dispossess, deprive,
form, construction. evict, eject, dislodge, remove.
ANT. Install, reinstate, readmit, re- Outshine. STN. Surpass, eclipse,
store. overshadow.
Outbreak. SYN. Outburst, tumult, ANT. Foil, relieve, back.
commotion, insurrection, rebellion, .Outskirts. STN. Border, outpost,
ebullition. purlieu, environs, precincts.
ANT. Subsidence, pacification, quell- ANT. Interior, centre, bulk, body,
ing, quiet, order, cooling. mass, heart.
Outcast. SYN. Castaway, reprobate, Outspoken. STN. Plain, frank, un-
vagrant, vagabond, exile [See VAGA- reserved, candid.
BOND]. ANT. Mysterious, enigmatical, re-
Outcry. SYN. Clamor, tumult, denun- served, taciturn, secretive, uncom-
ciation, hullabaloo, yell, noise,scream. municative.
ANT. Acclamation, plaudit, quiet, Outspread. STN. Expanded, un-
silence. folded, wrapped, patent, dispread,
Outdo. STN. Outstrip, transcend, open, outstretched.
eclipse [See SUKPA.SS and TRANS- ANT. Folded, contracted, closed,
CEND]. furled, collapsed.
Outer. STN. Outward, outside, exter- Outstanding. STN. Unappropri-
nal, exterior. ated, uncollected, ungathered.
ANT. Inward, inside, internal, in- ANT. Appropriated, collected, gath-
terior [See OUTWARD]. ered.
Outlandish. SYN. Strange, queer, Outstep. STN. Exceed, transgress,
grotesque, foreign, rustic, barbarous, outstrip, outwalk.
rude. ANT. Observe, regard, accompany,
ANT. Fashionable, modish, native. attend.
Outlaw. STN. Brigand, bandit, rob- Outstretched [See OUTSPREAD],
ber, highwayman, freebooter [See Outstrip. STN. Surpass, beat, dis-
ROBBER], tance, eclipse.
Outlet. STN. Egress, exit, vent ANT. Follow, succeed.
ANT. Ingress, entrance. Outvie [See VIE and ECXJPSE].
Outline. STN. Delineation, sketch,con- Outward. STN. External, apparent,
tour, draft, plan. visible, sensible, superficial, osten-
ANT. Form, substance, figure, ob- sible, forthcoming, extrinsic, extrane-
ject, subject, field, ground, bulk, ous.
space. ANT. Internal, intrinsic, with-
Outlive. STN. Outlast, survive. drawn, inapparent, inward.
ANT. Die, perish. Outweigh. STN. Outbalance, over-
Outlook. STN. Prospect, view, eight balance [See PREPONDERATE],
[See PROSPECT]. Outwit. STN. Outgeneral, circumvent
Outrage. STN. Outbreak, offence, (See CIRCUMVENT].
wantonness, mischief, abuse, ebulli- On I work. SYN. Screen, abattis, pro-
tion, violence, indignity, affront, fn- pugnation, fortification, escarpment.
sult ANT. Stand, position, ground, cen-
ANT. Moderation, self-control, self- tre.
restraint, subsidence, coolness, calm- Ovation [See TRIUMPH].
ness. Overawe [See BROWBEAT].
Outrageous. STN. Excessive, un- Overbalance [See BALANCE].
warrantable, unjustifiable, wanton, Overbearing. STN. Bullying, dom-
flagrant, nefarious, atrocious, vio- ineering [See ARROGANCE].
lent, Overcast. STN. Cloudy, nubilous,
ANT. Moderate, justifiable, reason- lowering, murky.
able. ANT. Cloudless, clear, luminous,
Outset. STN. Opening, start, com- azure.
mencement, exordium, beginning, in- Overcharge. STN. Overload, sur-
auguration, preface. feit [See CHARGE and EXAGGERATE].
ANT. Close, termination, conclu- Overcome. STN. Vanquish, get the
sion, peroration. better of, surmount [See
OVE 136 P.EA

Overestimate [See DISPARAGE]. ceited, haughty, egotistical [See A*.

Overflow. SYN. Redundancy, exu- FABLE and VAIN].
berauce, superabundance, deluge, in- Overwhelm. SYN. Crush, quell, ex-
undation. tinguish, drown, subdue, swamp.
ANT. Deficiency, exhaustion, sub- ANT. Raise, reinvigorate, reinstate,
sidence. re-establish, rescue, extricate.
Overflowing [See ABUNDANT].
Owe. SYN. Borrow, hypothecate, attri-
Overjoyed. SYN. Transported, de-
ANT. Requite, repay, liquidate, de-
lighted, enraptured.
ANT. Saddened, depressed, dis- fray.
O wing. SYN. Due, impu table, as-
Overlook. SYN. Condone, connive, cribable, attributable.
ANT. Casually, perchance, by
disregard,oversee, supervise, inspect,
chance, by accident.
survey, review, excuse, pardon, for- Own. SYN. Possess, hold, have, ac-
give, neglect.
ANT. investigate, knowledge, avow, admit, confess.
Visit, scrutinize, ANT. Alienate, forfeit, lose, dis-
SYN. Surplus, surplusage, claim, disavow, disinherit, disown,ab-
Overplus. jure, abandon.
residue, excess [See REMAINDER]. Owner. SYN. Proprietor, possessor.
Overpower [See MASTER].
Overreach [See CIRCUMVENT]
Overruling. SYN. Governing, con-
trolling, superior, predominant. PARl'LAlt. SYN. nutri-
ANT. Governed, controlled, inferior Esculent,
tious, comestible, alimental.
[See SUPERIOR]. ANT. Uneatable, innutritions.
Overrun. SYN. Lay -waste, devastate Pace. SYN. Step, stride, tread, gait.
[See RAVAGE], ANT. Standing still.
Oversee. SYN. Superintend, super- Pacific. SYN. Conciliatory, mild, ap-
vise [See OVERLOOK].
peasing, calm, tranquil, peaceful.
Oversight. SYN. Error, omission, ANT. Unconciliatory,harsh,quarrel-
mistake, neglect, slip, inadvertence, some, exasperating, irritating, turbu-
inspection, superintendence. lent, noisy, tumultuous, warlike.
ANT. Scrutiny, correction, emenda- Pacification. SYN. Conciliation,
mark, notice.
tion, attention, reconcilement, ar-
Overt. SYN. Deliberate, public, open, rangement, compromise, adjust-
avowed, manifest. ment.
ANT. Covert, secret, implied, clan- ANT. Warfare, fighting, hostilities,
destine, furtive. war, arms, the sword.
Overthrow. SYN. Destroy, subvert, Pacify. SYN. Appease,conciliate,calm,
upset, overturn, ruin, demolish, de- still, soothe, quiet, tranquillize.
feat, rout, overcome, discomfit, in- ANT.
Exasperate, agitate, excite,
vert, overset, reverse. provoke.
irritate, rouse,
ANT. Restore, reinstate, construct, Pack. n. SYN.
Burden, bundle, pack-
regenerate, redintegrate, revive, re- age, lot, parcel, load [See BURDEN].
edify. Pack. v. SYN. Stow, compact, com-
Overture. SYN. Prelude, advance, press, cook.
proposal, offer, invitation, lead, in- ANT. Unpack, unsettle, jumble, dis-
itiation. place, misarrange, dissipate, neutral-
ANT. Inaction, undemonstrative- ize.
ness, quiescence. Pact. SYN, Agreement, bargain, cov-
Overturn [See OVERTHROW]. enant, league, bond, alliance, stipula-
Overvalue. SYN. Overstimate,over- tion.
prize, overrate. ANT. Understanding, promise, pa-
ANT. Underestimate, underprize, role,ho- or.
underrate. Paean. SYN. Jubilation, Te Deum, Al-
Overweening. SYN. Vain, con- leluiah.
A NT. Dirge, miserere, threnody, ANT. Quicken, sharpen, inspirit,
jeiemiade. whet.
Pas an. n. SYN. Heathen, idolater, Palliate. SYN. Cloak, cover, con-
Gentile. ceal, extenuate, mitigate, soften,
ANT. Believer, Christian. soothe, gloze.
Pagan, a. SYN. Heathenish, idola- ANT. Expose, denounce, exagger-
trous. ate, aggravate, magnify.
ANT. Christian. Pallid [See PALE].
Paganism. SYN. Heathenism, poly- Palm. SYN. Trophy, prize, crown,
theism, pantheism, ditheism, trithe- laurels, bays.
ism, dualism, heathendom. ANT. Brand, stigma, shame, blot.
ANT. Christianity, Christendom. Palmy. SYN. Prosperous, glorious,
Pageant. SYN. Pomp, procession, distinguish ed, victorious, flourishing
exhibition .display, spectacle, show, ANT. Depressed, inglorious, un-
ceremony. distinguished, unflounshing.
ANT. Dream, illusion, phantas- Palpable. SYN. Material, corporal,
magoria, mockery. tangible, obvious, gross, percepti-
Pageantry. SYN. Parade, pomp, ble, evident, distinct.
show, splendor, magnificence [See ANT. Immaterial, incorporal, in-
POMP] . visible ethereal, impalpable, indisi
Pain. n. SYN. Penalty, suffering, tinct, dubious, imperceptible.
distress, uneasiness, grief, (tabor, Palpitate. SYN. Throb, flutter,
effort. In the />/. pains) anguish, beat, pulsate, pant.
torture, agony. ANT. Pause, stop, cease.
ANT. Reward, remuneration, ease, Palter. SYN. Shuffle, prevaricate,
gratification, joy, pleasure, felicity, trifle, shift, dodge, haggle.
relief .alleviation, enjoy ment, delight ANT. Act, determine, decide.
fain. v. SYN.
Hurt, grieve, afflict, Paltry. SYN. Mean, shabby, shuf-
torment, rack, agonize, trouble, fling, trifling, prevaricating, shifty,
torture, aggrieve, annoy, distress. contemptible, pitiable, vi e, worth-
ANT. Gratify, please, delight, re- less, beggarly, trashy.
charm, relieve, ease, refresh.
jo'ce. ANT. Noble, honorable, candid,
Painful. SYN. Afflicting distressful, conscientious, determined, straight-
grieving.grievous.excruciating [See forward, estimable, admirable,
GRIEVOUS and PLEASANT]. worthy, magnificent.
Painfully [See PAINFUL]. Pamper. SYN. Feed, glut, spoil, in-
Painstaking, a. SYN. Careful, at- dulge, cocker.
tentive, diligent, laborious [See OB- ANT. Harden, starve, inure, stint,
SERVANT and THOUGHTFUL]. discipline.
Paint, v. SYN. Co:or, tinge, tint, Panegyric. SYN._ Eulogy, encom-
portray, represent, delineate, de- ium, praise, eulogium. laudation.
pict, sketch, describe. ANT. Stricture, sa ire, sarcasm,
ANT. Daub, caricature, mispor- lampoon, invective, philippic, tirade
tray, misrepresent, misdehneate, Pang. SYN Paroxysm, throe, agony,
misdepict. convulsion, smart, anguish, pain,
Pair. SYN. Two. couple, span, brace, twinge.
ANT. One, several. ANT. Pleasure, enjovment, grati-
Palatable. SYN. Tasteful, savory, fication, delight, delectation, fasci-
appetizing, delicious, toothsome nation, refreshment.
[See DELICIOUS ] Pant. SYN. Palpitate, throb, gasp,
Pale. SYN. Pallid, wan, faint, dim, puff, long, yearn [See PALPITATE
undefined, etiolated, sallow, cadav- and YEARN].
erous. Parable. SYN. Apologue, simili-
ANT. Ruddy, high-colored, con- tude, fable, allegory.
spicuous, deep. ANT. History, fact, narrative.
Pall. SYN. Blunt, dispirit, satiate, Parade. SYN. Vaunt, flaunt, dis-
cloy. play.
ANT. Suppress, veil, conceal. Parody. STN. Travesty, burlesqva
Parade, n. SYN. Vaunting, flaunting, [see BuBLESQUzJ.
display, pomp, ostentation, show, pa- Parsimonious. STN. Sparing, close,
geant, procession, spectacle. penurious, frugal, niggardly, illiberal,
AST. Suppression, concealment, stingy.
modesty, humility, simplicity, ua- ANT. Liberal, unsparing, profuse,
demonstrativeness, plainness, retire- extravagant.
ment, unceremoniousness. Parson [See CLEBGTMAN.]
Paradise. SYN. Heaven, bliss, ecsta- Part. n. SYN. Portion, piece, fragment,
sy. Eden, Elysium. fraction, division, member, constit-
ANT. Purgatory, hell, misery, tor- uent, element, ingredient, share, lot,
ture. concern, interest, participation, side,
Paradox. STN. Contradiction, enig- party, interest, faction, behalf, duty.
ma, mystery, absurdity, ambiguity. ANT. Whole, completeness, en-
ANT. Precept, proposition, axiom, tirety, integrity, totality, mass bulk,
truism, postulate. body, compound, transaction, affair.
Paradoxical. STN. Contradictory, Part. v. [See SEPABATE].
absurd, enigmatical, mysterious. Partake. SYN. Share, participate,
ANT. Self-evident, axiomatic, lucid, accept, derive.
obvious. ANT. Forfeit, relinquish, forego,
Parallel. STN. Correspondent, con- cede, yield, afford.
gruous, correlative, analogous, con- Partial. SYN. Restricted, local, pe-
current, equidistant. culiar, specific, favoring, inequitable,
ANT. Different, opposed, incongru- unfair, biased, particular.
ous, irrelative, unanalogous, diver- ANT. Unrestricted, total, universal,
gent, contrariant. general, impartial, equitable, just,
Paralyze. STN. Deaden, benumb, fair, unbiased.
prostrate, enervate, debilitate, en- Partiality. STN. Preponderance,
feeble. fondness, relish, love.
ANT. Give life, strengthen, nerve, ANT. Indifference, impartiality,
lift up, restore. apathy.
Paramount. STN. Superior, pre- Partially [See PABTLT].
eminent, chief, principal, supreme. Participate. SYN. Share, join in,
ANT. Subordinate, minor, inferior, have a share [See PABTAKE].
secondary. Particle. SYN. Bit, grain, jot, mite,
Parasite. STN. Sycophant, flatterer, tittle, atom [See ATOMJ.
toady, courtier, toad-eater, time- Particular, o, SYN. Local, specific,
subordinate, detailed, partial, spe-
ANT. Detractor, calumniator, tra-
cial, fastidious, minute, scrupulous,
ducer. careful, accurate, exact, circumstan-
Parcel. STN. Package, bundle.
tial, precise, delicate, nice.
Pardon. STN. Forgive, condone, ANT. Universal, general, unspe-
absolve, acquit, remit, excuse, over- cial,comprehensive, unscrupulous,
look. uncareful, inaccurate, inexact, rough,
ANT. Condemn, punish, visit.
coarse, indiscriminate, undisci imina-
Pardonable. STN. Venial, excusa- ting.
ble. Particular, n, SYN. Detail, point,
ANT. Inexcusable, unpardonable. feature.
Pare. STN. Peel, cut off, shave off, ANT. Whole, subject, case.
skin, clip, diminish [See DIMINISH]. Particularly. SYN. Specially, chief-
Parentage. STN. Descent, extrac- ly, in particular, especially, distinct-
tion, lineage, birth, stock, pedigree ly [See MAINLY].
[See BIRTH and LIKEAGE]. Parting. SYN. Separation, detach,
Parity. STN. Analogy, correspon- ment, division, disruption.
dence, equality, resemblance [See ANT. Union, attacnmeut, cleaving

n. Adherent, follower,
SYN-. Puss over. SYN. Omit, overlook
party muu, heiiclmwu, clansman, sup- [
porter, disciple [See ADHERENT], Past. SYN. Spent, gone by, elapsed,
Partition. SYN. Barrier, division. departed, late.
enclosure, compartment, interspace,
ANT. Present, unspent.
separation, distribution, allotment,
Pastime. SYN. Kecreation, enter?
screen. tainmeut, amusement, diversion, play,
ANT. Non-partition, non-distinc- sport.
ANT. Business, study, labor, task,
tion, non-separation, inclusion, com-
prehension, combination, amalgama- occupation, work.
tion, incorporation, coalition, union,
Patch. SYN. Botch, bungle, cobble,
concatenation, generalization, col- clout, piece.
lection. ANT. Fine-draw, embroider.
Partly. SYN. In part, somewhat, In Patent. SYN. obvious, evident, in-
some degree, to some extent, in a disputable, plain.
.INT. Dubious, ambiguous, ques-
measure, not wholly, partially.
ANT. Altogether, in whole, entire- tionable.
ly, to the full extent, completely. Paternal. SYN. Fatherly, careful,
Partner. SYN. Associate, sharer, tender, hereditary.
colleague, coadjutor, ANT. Uufatherly, careless, rough,
accomplice, partaker,
harsh [See HEREDITARY].
companion, spouse. Path. SYN. Footpath, pathway,
<.:IT. Kival, alien, competitor, op- road, track, course, route, method.
ponent, counter-age at.
Pathetic. SYN. Affecting, moving,
Partnership. SYN. Union, connec- emotional, tender, melting, tender.
tion, company, firm, joint interest,
ANT. Ludicrous, unlmpassioned,
co-operation, society, house [See CON- farcical, unaffecting.
Patience. SYN. Endurance, resig
Pacts. SYN. Go, move, proceed, go by, nation, submission, perseverance.
ANT. Resistance, insubmissiveness,
slip away, glide, eiape [See ELAPSE].
Passable. repining, rebellion, inconsistency,
SYN. Traversible, navi-
gable, penetrable, admissible, toler- Pathless. SYN. Trackless, Untrod-
able, ordinary. den.
ANT. Impasable, impervious, im-
ANT. Trodden, frequented.
penetrable, inadmissible, excellent. Patient. SYN. .Resigned, uurepining,
Passage. SYN. Journey, thorough- enduring.
fare, road, course, avenue, route, ANT. Impatient [See PASSIVE].
channel, clause, phrase, sentence, Patrician. SYN. Noble, senator, ar-
paragraph. istocratic.
ANT. Chapter, book [See COURSE]. ANT. Plebeian, churl.
Passible. SYN. Susceptible, sensible, Patrimony. SYN. Inheritance, her-
sensitive, impressible. itage.
AXT. Insusceptible, insensitive, Patronzte. v. SYN. Countenance, be-
impassible. friend, favor, support, help.
Passion. SYN. Emotion, desire, ar- ANT.
Oppress, depress, oppose,
dor, vehemence, lust, auger, anima- withstand, disfavor, discountenance.
tion, excitement, warmth, feeling. Pattern. SYN. Model, sample, arch-
ANT. Coolness, indifference, apa- etype, exemplar, specimen, shape,
thy, coldness, frigidity, iciness. precedent, mould, design, plan.
Passionate [See ANOBY and HASTY]. ANT. Monstrosity, caricature, per-
Passive. SYN. Inactive, inert, quies- version, misrepresentation.
cent, unresisting, unquestioning, neg- Paucity. SYN. Rarity, scantity, few-
ative, enduring, patient. ness, deficiency, lack [See DEFI-
ANT. Active, alert, resistant, pos- CIENCY].
itive, tosubmissive, malcontent, vehe- ANT. Frequency, quantity, num-
ment, impatient. ber, abundance.
Pauperism [See BEGGABY and MEN- special, specific, particular, unusual,
DICITY]. singular, uncommon, strange.
Pause, n. SYN. Stop, cessation, sus- ANT. Public, common, general, uni-
pension, halt, intermission, rest. versal, unspecial, ordinary.
ANT. Continuance, advancement, Peculiarity. SYN. Speciality, indi-
perseverance. viduality, distinctiveness, idiosyncra-
Pa n so. v. SYN. Cease, suspend, inter- sy.
mit, forbear, stay, wait, hesitate, de- ANT. Generality, universality, com-
mur, stop, desist. munity, uniformity, homology, honux
ANT. Continue, proceed, advance, geneity, connaturality.
persist, persevere. Pedantic. SYN. Pedagogical, prig-
Pave. SYN. Prepare,facilitate,smooth, gish.
expedite, adapt, fit, mature, arrange, ANT. Unaffected, slipshod.
dispose, qualify. Pedigree. SYN. Descent, parentage,
ANT. Obstruct, indispose, disqual- genealogy, lineage [See BIRTH and
ify. LINEAGE].
Pawn. SYN. Pledge, impignorate. Pedler. SYN. Huckster, hawker, shop-
ANT. Ransom, redeem. man, trader.
Pay. n. SYN. Wages, salary, stipend, Peer. n. SYN. Mate, equal, compeer.
recompense, payment [See WAGES], ANT. One unequal in rank, state or
Pay. r. SYN. Compensate, remunerate, condition.
satisfy, discharge, expend, disburse, Peer. v. SYN. Peep, pry, look nar,
requite, liquidate. rowly.
ANT. Deprive, defraud, exact, dis- Peerless. SYN. Matchless,paramount,
satisfy, hoard, retain, invest, fund. unique, unequaled.
Payment [See PAY, n.]. ANT. Mediocre, commonplace, or-
Peace. SYN. Quiet,tranquillity, calm, dinary.
repose, pacification, order, calmness, Peevisli. SYN. Fretful, querulous,
reconciliation, harmony, concord. petulant, testy, captious, waspish,
ANT. Noise, disturbance, tumult, splenetic, ill-natured, irascible.
agitation, hostility, disorder, embroil- ANT. Genial, complaisant, insen-
ment, war, discord, variance, strife. good-natured,
sate, inquerulous, easy,
Peaceable. SYN. tin warlike, inof- good-tempered.
fensive, quiet, peaceful, innocuous,
Pelf. SYN. Lucre, mammon.
mild, unquarrelsome, serene, placid.
ANT. Reward, compensation, wage.
ANT. Pugnacious, warlike, litigious, Pellucid. SYN. Translucent, limpid,
quarrelsome, savage, fierce, hostile, crystalline, vitreous.
violent, bellicose, restless. ANT. Opaque, semi-opaque, luteous,
Peasant. SYN. Countryman, hind, turbid.
clown, laborer, villager, swain, rustic. Penal. SYN. Retributive, coercive,
ANT. Citizen, cockney, townsman. visitatorial, castigatory,inflictive, cor-
Peccability. SYN. Frailty, sinful- rective, punitive.
ness. ANT. Remunerative, reparatory,
ANT. Impeccability, perfection. decorative, honorary.
Peccable. SYN. Frail, sinful.
Penalty. SYN. Pain, punishment, for-
ANT. Impeccable, perfect, incor-
feiture, price, fare, retribution,
rupt. amercement.
Peccant. SYN.
Morbid, corrupt, ANT. Guerdon, wages, reward, pre-
criminal, offensive, objectionable, mium, prize, douceur, sop, bribe, hon-
vicious, erring, guilty, transgressing. orarium, compensation, remunera-
AST. Pure, incorrupt, wholesome. tion.
Peculator. SYN. Defaulter, delin- Pendent. SYN. Pendulous, hanging,
quent, thief, embezzler [See DE- suspended, drooping, projecting.
FAULTER and ROBBER]. ANT. Supporting, sustaining, sup-
Peculiar. SYN. Private, personal. ported.
characteristic, exceptional, exclusive, Penetrate. SYN. Pierce, enter, enter
into, permeate, make one's
reach, Perception. SYN. Cognizance, appre-
way, disclose, fathom [See PIERCE]. hension, sight, understanding, dis-
Penetrable. SIN. Pervious, perme- cernment.
able. ANT. Incognizance, ignorance, im-
ANT. Impervious, impermeable. perception, misapprehension, misun-
Penetration. SVN. Discernment, ob- derstanding.
servation, sagacity, acuteness, dis- Perceptive. SYN. Cognitive, appre-
crimination, insight, sharpness. hensive, sensitive, percipient.
ANT. Indiscernment, dulness. indis- ANT. Reflective, reminiscent, in-
crimination, stolidity, hebetude,short- sensible, impercipient, inobservant,
sightedness, shallowness, obtuseness. iuapprehensive, insensitive.
Penitence. SYN. Repentance, contri- Percipient [See PERCEPTIVE].
tion, sorrow, remorse.
Percolate. SYN. Strain, niter, exude,
ANT. Congratulation, self-approval, ooze.
obduracy, hard-heartedness. ANT. Absorb, retain [See OOZE].
Penitent [See PENITENTIAL]. Percussion. SYN, Collision, shock,
Penitential. SYN. encounter, crash,
Wailing, mourn- ANT. Graze, touch, recoil, rebound,
ful, dirgeful, sorrowful, contrite, pen-
itent. repercussion, reverberation.
ANT. Impenitent, hard-hearted, ob- Perdition. SYN. Destruction, ruin,
durate. loss, demolition,
Pensive. SYN. Meditative, ruminat- ANT. Restoration, recovery, reno-
ing, thoughtful, musing, reflective, vation, rescue, salvation,
impressed, melancholy, sober, de- Peregrination. SYN. Wandering,
jocted. travel, perambulation, perenatiou.
ANT. Vacant, joyous, unreflecting, ANT. Domiciliatiou, residence,
careless, thoughtless, unmeditative, Peremptory. SYN. Decisive,, ex-
incogitaut. uureflective. press, absolute, authoritative, arbi-
Penurious. SYN.
Niggardly, par- trary, dogmatical, imperious, despot-
simonious, avaricious, griping, miser- ic, positive.
ly, close-fisted, sordid, stingy.
ANT. Suggestive, entreative, mild,
ANT. Liberal, open-handed, bounti- postulatory. hortatory.
ful. Perennial. SYN. Perpetual, un-
Penury. SYN. Wart, privation, pov- ceasing, unfailing, ceaseless, inces-
sant, constant, permanent, uninter-
erty, indigence, impecuniosity, desti-
tution, beggary. mittent, continual, undying.
ANT. Competence,wealth,affluence, ANT. Periodical, occasional, inter-
pecuniosity. mittent, failing, deficient, uncertain.
People. SYN. Nation, community, Perfect. SYN. Consummate, com-
populace, mob, crowd, vulgar, herd, plete, full, indeficient, immaculate,
mass, persons, inhabitants, common- absolute, faultless, impeccable, infal-
alty, fellow-creatures, tribe, race. lible, unblemished, blameless, unex-
ANT. Aristocracy, nobility, govern- ceptionable, mature, ripe.
ment, ruler, oligarchy. ANT. Incomplete, meagre, faulty,
Perceivable. SYN. Cognizable, ap- scant, short, deficient, defective, im-
preciable, perceptible, sensible, dis- perfect, peccable, fallible, blemished,
tinguishable. marred, spoilt.
ANT. Incognizable, inappreciable, Perfection. SYN. Perfectness, com-
imperceptible, insensible, indistin- pletion, consummation, wholeness, ex-
guishable. cellency.
Perceive. SYN. Discern, distinguish, ANT. Imperfection, incompletion,
descry, observe, feel, touch, see, re- imperfectness,
cognize, understand, know. Perfectly. SYN, Fully, wholly, en-
ANT. Miss, misobserve, overlook, tirely, completely, totally, exactly,
misunderstand, misconceive, misper- accurately.
ceive. ANT. Imperfectly, incompletely,
Perceptible [See PERCEIVABLE]. partially, inaccurately.
Perfidious. SYN. False, treacher- ttble, imperishable, persistent, petV
ous, faithless, traitorous, deceptive, petual, permanent.
disloyal, insidious. Permanent [See PERISHABLE].
ANT. True, staunch, faithful, Permeable. SYN. Penetrable, per-
Perforate. SYN. Bored, pierced, vadible, percolable.
drilled. ANT. Impenetrable, impermeable.
ANT. Unpierced, imperforate. Permeate [See PEBMEABLE].
Perform. SYN. Accomplish, do, act, Permissable. SYN. Allowable, suf-
transact, achieve, execute, discharge, ferable. lawful.
fulfil, effect, complete, consummate, ANT. Unallowable, insufferable, un-
enact. lawful.
ANT. Miss, mar, misperform, mis- Permission. SYN. Leave, license,
execute, botch, misenact, misconduct, dispensation, allowance, liberty, con-
spoil. sent, sufferance, compliance, endur-
Performance. SYN. Accomplish- ance.
ment, act, execution, deed, exploit, ANT. Prohibition, refusal, denial,
work, achievement, enterprise, opera- prevention, hinderance, resistance.
tion [See ACHIEVEMENT and DEED]. Permit [See ALLOW].
Perfume. SYN. Odor, scent, fra- Permutation. SYN. Interchange,
grance, redolance, aroma, smell, in- transference, transposition.
cense, ANT. Stabilitation, retention, fixity,
ANT. Fetor, stench, stink. sequence, order, series, succession.
Perfunctory. SYN. Uninterested, Pernicious. SYN. Hurtful, harmful,
routine, mechanical, careless, sloven- noxious, deleterious, detrimental, de-
ly- structive, deadly, injurious, baneful.
ANT. Interested, zealous, spirited, ANT. Beneficial, wholesome, innoc-
animated, ardent, assiduous, careful. uous, undetrinieutal, innocent, sal-
Perhaps. SYN. Possibly, peradven-
ture, perchance, may be. Perpendicular. SYN. Vertical, up-
ANT. Certainly, inevitably.
right, standing upright.
Peril. SYN. Danger, risk, hazard, ANT. Horizontal.
jeopardy, insecurity, uncertainty, uu- SYN. Commit.
safety, venture.
ANT. Security, safety, certainty. ANT. Achieve, perfect.
Perilous. SYN. Hazardous, danger- Perpetual. SYN. Constant, unceas-
ous. ing, endless, eternal, everlasting, un-
ANT. Safe, secure, certain. failing, perennial.continual, enduring,
Period. SYN. Time, date, epoch, era, incessant, uninterrupted.
duration, continuance, limit,
ANT. Inconstant, periodic, recur-
bound, end, conclusion, determina- rent, temporary, transient, falliog,
tion. exhaustible, occasional, momentary,
ANT. Eternity, datelessness, im- casual.
memoriality, infinity, perpetuity, il- Perpetuate [See PEBPETUAL,].
limitability, endlessness, indefinite-
SYN. Continue, stabilitate, eternize.
ness, indeterminateness.
ANT. Discontinue, abolish, erad-
Periodical. SYN. Stated, recurrent, icate, cancel, disestablish, break.
regular, systematic, calculable. Perpetuity. SYN. Constancy, per-
ANT. Indeterminate, eccentric, ir- manence, perennity, persistence, con-
regular, incalculable, spasmodic, fit- tinuity, fixity.
ful. ANT. Impermanence, transience,
Perish. SYN. Decay, waste away, be evanescence, discontinuance, casual-
ruined, be destroyed, die, expire, momentariness.
fade away [See DECAY]. Perplex. SYN. Embarrass, puzzle,
Perlsuable. SYN. Frail, evanescent, entangle, involve, encumber, compli-
fragile, destructible, fleeting, tran- cate, confuse, bewilder, mystify, har-
sient, ephemeral, impermanent. ass, entangle.
ANT. Enduring, lasting, inde=true- ANT. Clear, enlighten, explicate^
disentangle, simplify, elucidate, dis- eistent, wilful, dogged, persevering,
encumber. determined, unyielding.
Perplexity. STN. Embarrassment, ANT. Flexible, inconstant, irreso-
difficulty, uncertainty. lute, volatile.
ANT. Certainty, certitude, sure- Pertinacity. SYN. Obstinacy, tena-
ness [See DILEMMA]. ciousness, adherence, resoluteness.
Persecute. SVN. Harass, molest, an- ANT. Irresoluteness, irresolution,
noy, worry, vex. indecision, hesitancy, vacillation,
ANT. Encourage, inspirit, abet, changeableuess.
support. Pertinent. SYN. Related, connected,
Perserverance. SYN. Persistence, appertaining, appropriate, fit, appo-
steadfastness, constancy, indefatiga- site, just, proper, congruous, applic-
bleness, resolution, tenacity. able.
ANT. Inconstancy, unsteadfastness, ANT. Unrelated,unconnected, alien,
fitfulnoss, caprice, irresoluteness, va- inappropriate, impertinent, incongru-
cillation, wavering, indecision, varia- ous, discordant, repugnant.
bleness, levity, volatility. Perturb [See AGITATE].
Persevere. STN. Persist, insist, con- Pervade. SYN. Permeate, fill, satu-
tinue, keep on. be steadfast, hold out rate, color, tinge, fill, diffuse.
[See CONTINUE]. ANT. Touch, affect.
Persist [See PEBSEVEBE]. Perverse. SYN. Froward, untoward,
Persistence [See PEBSEVEBASCE stubborn, fractious, wayward, unman-
AND PEBISHABLE]. ageable, intractable, crochety.
Person. SYN. Individual, special, pe- ANT. Docile, ductile, amenable,
culiar, idiosyncratic. governable, complacent, accommo-
ANT. Generic, common. dating, pleasant, obliging.
Persons. SYN.Men folks, people, Perversion. SYN. Abuse, misrepre-
beings, living souls, individuals. sentation, distortion, corruption, mis-
ANT. Single persons. interpretation, caricature, sophistry.
Perspicacity. SYN. Acuteness, dis- ANT. Use, conservation, represen-
cernment, sagacity, penetration. tation, right, truth, portraiture, mani-
ANT. Hebetude, dullness, stolidity, festation, explanation, interpretation,
inobservance. reason, correction, authentication,
Perspicuous LUCID and verification.
PLAIN). Pervert. SYN. Twist, distort, corrupt,
Perspicuity. SYN. Clearness, lucid- falsify, misrepresent [See REPRE-
ity,transparency, intelligibility. SENT and TWIST].
ANT. Obscurity, turbidity, unintelli- Pervious. SYN. Penetrable, travers-
gibility, mystification,coufusedness. able, explorable.
Persuade. SYN. Induce, influence, ANT. Impenetrable.impervlous, im-
incline, convince, dispose, urge, al- pregnable, iuexplorable.
lure, incite. Pest. SYN. Plague, nuisance, curse, an-
ANT. Deter, disincline, indispose, uoynnce, blight, bone, scourge.
mispersuade, misinduce, coerce, com- ANT. Benefit, blessing, acquisition.
pel. Pester. SYN. Plague, worry, vex,
Persuasion. SYN. Conviction, in- harass, disquiet, annoy, tease, tor-
ducement, creed, belief, opinion, ment, chafe, harry, badger, incom-
[See CONVICTION]. mode, gall.
Pert. a. SYN. Flippant, saucy, impu- ANT. Treat, regale, amuse, refresh,
dent, forward. , gratify, soothe.
ANT. Modest, retiring, bashful, de- Pestiferous. STN. Insalubrious, pes-
mure, staid. tilential, deleterious, mephitic, viru-
Pertain to. SYN. Belong to, relate to, lent, mortiferous, infectious, conta-
appertaiu to, regard, concern. gious, catching, lethal, morbific.
ANT. Be foreign to. ANT. (ifiiiiil, salubrious, balmy,
Pertinacious. SYN. Obstinate, per- salutiferous, sanitary, innocuous.
remedial, wholesome, nutritive, pure, conclusive, scientific, accurate, en*
sanative, disinfectant. lightened, rational, calm, unpreju-
Pestilential. SY.V. Nxious,ruinous, diced.
deadly, deleterious, mischievous [See ANT. Unsound, crude, vague, loose,
PESTIFEROUS]. inaccurate, popular, unscientific,
Pet. n. SYN. Darling, fondling, favor- sciolistic, unphilosophical.
ite, cosset, jewel, minion, idol. Phlegmatic. SYN. Sluggish, cold,
ANT. Horror, bugbear, aversion, apathetical, dull, frigid, cold-blooded,
scarecrow. unfeeling.
Pet. v. [See FONDLE]. ANT. Quick, lively, warm-Hooded,
Petition. SYN. Supplication,entreaty, susceptible.
craving, application, appeal, saluta- Phrensy. SYN. Madness, insanity,
tion, prayer, request, instance. delirium, mania, raving, hallucina-
ANT. Deprecation, expostulation, tion, afflatus, inspiration.
protect, command, injunction, claim, ANT. Sanity, sobriety, rationality,
demand, requirement, exaction, dic- lucidity.
tation. SYN. Natural, material,
Petriiy. SYN. Astound, electrify, dis- visible, tangible, substantial, corpo-
may, horrify, appal, stun, stupefy, real.
dumbfounder. ANT. Mental, moral, intellectual,
ANT. Reassure, tranquillize. spiritual, immaterial, invisible, in-
Pettish. SYN. Petulant, testy, pee- tangible, unsubstantial, supernatural,
vish, waspish, querulous. hyperphysical.
ANT. Easy, jovial, good-humored, Pick. SYN. Choose. cull,select, gather,
genial. pluck, eliminate, enucleate, extract,
Petty. SYN. Small, mean, paltry, ig- glean.
noble, trifling, narrow, trivial, con- ANT. Reject, discard,repudiate, rel-
temptible. egate, bunch, grasp, clutch.
ANT. Large, large-hearted, noble, Pictorial. SYN. Illustrated, pictur-
generous, chivalrous, magnificent, esque, artistic, imaginative, graphic.
liberal, broad. ANT. Plain, unembellished, un-
Petulant [See PEEVISH]. adorned.
Phantasm. SYN. Chimera, phan- Picture, n. SYN. Likeness, resem-
tasma, phantom, specter, illusion, de- blance, drawing, painting, representa-
lusion, unreality, phantasy, bugbear, tion, image, engraving.
vision,dream, hallucination, shadow. ANT. Original.
ANT. Reality, truth, fact, substance, Picture, v. SYN. Delineate, draw,
verity. paint, represent [See REPRESENT].
Phantom [See PHANTASM], Picturesque. SYN. Comely, seemly,
Pharisaical. SYN. Sanctimonious, graceful, scenic, artistic, pictorial,
formal, ceremonious, precision. graphic.
ANT. Sincere, guileless, genuine, ANT. Unseemly, uncouth, rude, un-
godly, unpharisaical. picturesque, beautiless, flat, tame, mo-
Philanthropic. SYN. Humane, notonous, dead.
large-hearted, public-spirited, charit- Pierce. SYN. Perforate, bore, drill,
able, kind. penetrate, excite, affect, rouse, touch,
ANT. Selfish, cynical, egotistical, move, enter, stab, transfix.
morose, misanthropic. ANT. Deaden, quiet, blunt, soott,
Philanthropy. SYN. Humanity, allay, lull, compose.
love of mankind, good will to all men, Piercing. SYN. Penetrating, perfor-
general benevolence. ating, sharp, keen, acute, thrilling
ANT. Misanthropy, hatred of men. [See ACUTE],
Philosopher. SYN. Doctor, savant, Piety. SYN. Religion, devotion, god-
teacher, master, schoolman. liness, holiness, grace, reverence,
ANT. Ignoramus, sciolist, freshman, sanctity.
tyro, greenhorn, fool, booby, dunce. ANT. Irreligion, impiety, ungodli-
Philosophical. SYS. Wise, sound, ness, einfulness, profanity, hypocrisy.
formalism, sanctimoniousness, phari- Pltiaulc [See PITEOUS].
Fuism. Pitiful [See PITILESS].
Pile. SYN. Heap, accumulate, gather, Pitiless. SYN. Merciless, unsparing,
store, stuck, nmuss, collect. inexorable, cruel.
ANT. Demolish, dissipate,squander, ANT. Pitiful, tender, merciful, com-
scatter, separate, disperse, deal, dis- passionate, lenient, iuduigeut. ^
tribute. Pittance. SYN. Itole, driblet, drop,
Pilfer. STN. Abstract, peculate, filch, drain, scantling.
purloin, smuggle, cabbage, steal, ANT. Exuberance, abundance, pro-
thieve. fusion, lavishmeut.
ANT. Pillage, ransack, plunder,rifle, Pity. SYN. Mercy, compassion, ten-
spoil. derness, commiseration, ruth, sym-
Pillage [See PILFER], pathy, condolence.
Pillar. SYN. Column, shaft, post, sup- A.NT. Cruelty, hardheartedness, re-
port. lentlessness, pitilessuess, ruthless-
Pilot, SYN. Steer, guide, direct,
v. ness.
conduct, lead, couvoy, escort [See Placard. SYN. Handbill, poster, bin,
CONDUCT]. broadside.
Pimple. SYN. Pustule, blotch, erup- Place. SYN. Locate, assign, fix, es-
tion. tablish, settle, attribute, situate.
Pincli. [See EMERGENCY],
n. ANT. Disturb, remove, unsettle, dis-
I'i ncli. v. SYN. Squeeze, grip, press, arrange, disestablish, misplace, mis-
compress, nip, distress [See GBIPE]. attribute, misassign, uproot, trans-
Pine, v. SYN. Waste away, droop, plant, extirpate, eradicate, transport.
fade, wither, decline, decay, sink [See Placid. SYN. Calm, quiet, serene,
LANGUISH]., composed, gentle, unruffled, still, hal-
Pious. SYN. Devout, saintly, holy, re- cyonic, unexcited, imperturbable, pas-
ligious, godly [See DEVOUT]. sionless.
Piquant. SYN. Pungent, sharp, live- ANT. Rough, troubled, unquiet, dis-
ly, racy, severe, biting, cutting, composed, agitated, ruffled, disturbed,
smart, stimulating, keen, stinging, irritated, stormy, excited, Impas-
tart. sioned.
ANT. Tame, dull, flat, characterless, Plain. SYN. Level, eveli, flat, smooth,
insipid. open, clear, unencumbered, unob-
Pique. SYN. Grudge, offence, um- structed, uninterrupted, manifest, evi-
brage, spite, resentment (slight), dent, obvious, unmistakable, simple,
wounded pride [See GRUDGE]. easy, natural, unaffected, homely, un-
Pirate. SYN. Corsair, sea-robber, buc- sophisticated, open, unvarnished, un-
caneer, free hooter, sea rover. embellished, unreserved, artless.
Pit. SYN. Hollow, gulf, trench, excava- ANT. Uneven, undulating, rugged,
tion [See ABYSS]. rough, abrupt, broken, confused, en-
Pitch. SYN. Throw, fling, cast, hurl cumbered, obstructed, interrupted,
[See FUNG]. questionable, uncertain, dubious, am-
Piteous. HYN. Sad, miserable, de- biguous, enigmatical, hard, abstruse,
plorable, lamentable, distressing, affected, fair, beautiful, sophisticated,
doleful, pitiable, mournful, woful, artful, varnished, embellished.
affecting, sorrowful. Plaintive. SYN. Mournful, sorrow-
ANT. Joyous, enviable, comfort- ful, sad, doleful, melancholy, wailing,
able, pleasant, desirable, delectable. touching, moaning.
Pitli. SYN. Kernel, marrow, gist, sub- ANT. Joyous, exultant, glad, jubi-
stance , essence, cream, root. lant, cheerful, cheering, gladdening.
ANT. Surplusage, surroundings, Plan. n.
Design, drawing, sketch,
dressing, verbiage. draft, scheme, ground-plot, project,
Pitliy. SYN. Terse, laconic, pregnant, contrivance, statagem, device [See
expressive, nervous. DESIGN ].

ANT. Weak, characterless, diluted, Plan. r. Contrive, devise, sketch out,

design, hatcb [Set* fjowwv* 1.


pointless, flat, vapid.

FLA. 198 PLO
Plant. SYN. Set, insert, settle, estab- ANT. Pain, suffering, affliction,
lish, introduce, stock, fix, place. trouble, asceticism, self-denial, absti-
ANT. Remove, extract, eradicate, nence, disinclination, aversion, iiidit-
extirpate, disestablish, transport, de- position, denial, refusal.
nude, transplant, displace. Plebeian. SYN. Low, vulgar, low-
Plaster. SYN. Palliate, patch, ramp, born, low-bred, coarse, ignoble.
tinker, cobble, bolster. A>:T. Patrician, noble, aristocratic,
ANT. Expose, repair, restore, reno- refined, high-born, high-bred.
vate, redintegrate. Pledge, n. SYN. Security, guarantee,
Plastic. SYN. Ductile, pliant, yield- warrant, hostage, surety, pawn, earn-
ing, malleable, tractile, flexible. est.
ANT. Stubborn, unyielding, inert, ANT. Word, promise, assurance,
unmalleable, inflexible, intractile. parole,
Platitude. SYN. Commonplace, gen- Pledge,
?ie v. SYN. Pawn, hypothecate.
erality, truism, triviality. ANT. Redeem.
ANT. Sophism, laconism, enigma, Plenary. SYN. Full, abundant, com-
dictum, oracle. plete, entire, unreserved, unstinted,
Platonic. SYN. Cold, intellectual, un- unrestricted.
seusual, mental, philosophical. ANT. Partial,incomplete, restricted,
ANT. Ardent, animal, sensual, pas- reserved, contingent, temporary.
sionate, sexual. Plenitude. SYN. Fulness, copious-
Plaudit [See APPLAUSE]. ness, repletion, abundance, amplitude,
Plausible. SYN. Specious, superfi- exuberance, largeness, liberality,
passable, unctuous, fair-spoken,
cial, height, maximum, richness, complete-
pretentious, ostensible, right, appar- ness.
ently, colorable, feasible. ANT. Scantiness, Insufficiency, re-
ANT. Genuine, 8terlmg,transparent, striction, partiality, stint, narrowness,
unmistakable, profound. poverty, incompleteness, reserve^
Play. n. SYN. Sport, pastime, amuse- minimum.
ment, diversion, recreation, gambol, Plentiful [See ABUNDANT].
frolic, opportunity, scope, room [See Plenty. SYN. Enough,sufficiency, fuU
PASTIME and SPORT]. supply, / profusion, copiousness [Seu
Playful. SYN.Lively, sportive, jo- PLENITUDE].
cund, frolicsome, gay, vivacious, Pleonastic. SYN. Redundant, super-
sprightly [See LIVELY]. fluous, surplus, inconcise.
Plea. SYN. Excuse, vindication, justi- ANT. Requisite, necessary, essen-
fication, ground, defence, apology, tial,terse, concise, succinct.
entreaty. Pliable. SYN. Flexible, supple, lim-
ANT. Charge, accusation, impeach- ber, like, ductile, yielding, manage-
ment, action. able, facile, lithe, pliant.
Pleasant. SYN. Grateful, agreeable, ANT. Stiff, stubborn, brittle, nn-
acceptable, pleasurable, desirable, bending, unyielding, unmanageable,
gratifying, cheerful, enlivening, spor- inexorable.
tive, delicious, delectable, jocular, Pliant [See PLIABLE].
satisfactory, exquisite, merry. Plight, n. SYN. Situation, condition^
ANT. Unpleasant, ungrateful, dis- predicament, difficulty, dilemma [See
agreeable, obnoxious, unacceptable, DILEMMA].
offensive, nnlively, lugubrious, dull, Plight, v. SYN. Vow, pledge.
ill-humored. Plodding. SYN. Painstaking, indus-
Please. SYN. Delight, content, glad- trious, persevering, laborious, studi-
den, fascinate [See GRATIFY]. ous.
Pleasing [Sse AGREEABLE]. ANT. Indiligent, unindustrions, dis-
Pleasure. SYN. Enjoyment, gratifi- tracted, inattentive, impatient, unper-
cation, sensuality, self-indulgence, severing, flighty, fitful.
voluptuousness, choice, preference, Plot. n. SYN. Scheme, plan, stratagem,
vill, inclination, purpose, determina- combination, conspiracy, machinrt
tion, favor, satisfaction, indulgent % tiou See SCHEME].
Plot, v. SYN. Devise, concoct, con- ANT. Purify, disinfect, depurate.
spire, contrive, frame, batch [See Poisonous. SYN. Venomous, infect
ant, vicious, corruptive, vitiative,
Pluck see COURAGE].
noxious, baneful, malignant, morbific,
Pluck up. BIN. Eradicate, root out, peccant, virulent, pestiferous, me-
exterminate [See ERADICATE].
phitic, deleterious.
Plump. SYN. Well-conditioned, well- ANT. Wholesome, genial, beneficial,
rounded, chubby, strapping, bounc- sanative, invigorative, healthful, in-
ing, fleshy, brawny, full, fat, round, noxious, restorative, remedial, hy-
massive, portly. geian.
ANT. Ill-conditioned, lean, ema-
Policy. SYN. Plan, device, system,
ciated, scragfcy, weazen, nmcilent, lank, prudence, management, cunning [See
raw-boned, shrivelled, flaccid, tabid. DEVICE],
Plunder f See PILLAGE J. Polish. SYN. Burnish, furbish, levi-
Plunge. SYN. Dip, dive, douse, duck, gate, brighten, refine, make glossy.
submerge, immerse, precipitate, sink, ANT. Abrade, scratch.
overwhelm, thrust under, pitch head- Polite. SYN. Elegant, refined, well-
long. bred, court eous,obHging,complaisant,
ANT. Emerge, issue, soar, raise, ex- civil, courtly, polished, geuteel, ac-
tricate, rescue. complished.
Plurality. SYN. Multitude, mnlti- ANT. Awkward, rude, uncouth, ill-
tudinousness, number, uumerousness, bred, discourteous, boorish, clownish,
profusion, host, legion, collection. disobliging.
ANT. Unity, singularity, oneness, Politeness. SYN. Courtesy, refine-
solitude, individuality, singleness, iso-
ment, good breeding, court eou^ness,
urbanity, civility,gentility [See COUR-
Ply. SYN. Work, urge, practice, exer-
cise, apply steadily [See URGE]. Politic. SYN. Prudent, wlse,sagacious,
Poet. SYN. Bard, singer, rhymer,
l> nvuient, diplomatic, judicious, cun-
rhymster, author of poems. ning, wary, well devised, discreet
Poetical. SYN. Metrical, rythmic, ver- ANT. Imprudent, unwise, improvi-
sified, lyric, rhyming, imaginative,
dent, undiplomatic, impolitic.
creative, romantic, fictitious, dreamy, Pollute. SYN. Befoul, taint, poison,
ANT. TTnmetrical, unrythmical, pro- corrupt, tarnish, stain, contaminate,
soil, vitiate, deprave.
saic,unpoetical, unversifled, unim- ANT. Purify,clarify, disinfect, filter.
aginative, commonplace, historical,
mathematical, logical, matter-of-fact, Poltroon. SYN. Scoundrel, coward,
veracious, sober. hound, skulk, dastard.
Poignant. SYN.Stingiug,sharp,keen, ANT. Hero, philanthropist, gentle-
penetrating, severe, biting, iuteuse, man, benefactor, model, example.
piercing [See KEEN]. Pommel. SYN. Beat, thump, baste,
Point, v. SYN. Aim, level, direct, thrash, strike, cudgel.
show, indicate See INDICATE]
[ . ANT. Smooth, caress, pat, stroke.
Point, n. SYN. Apex, top, summit, Pomp. SYN. Ostentation, magnifi-
sharp end, aim, purpose, subject mat- cence, parade, ceremony, show, dis-
ter, object [See ACME]. play, gorgeousness, grandeur, splen-
Pointed. SYN. Peaked, keen, sharp, dor, pageantry, publicity.
marked, severe, telling [See KEEN]. ANT. Quiet, retirement, simplicity,
Pointless, a. SYN. Vague, vapid, aim- unceremoniousness, unadornment,
less, inexpressive, feeble. privacy, plainness.
ANT. Close, sharp, telling,pregnant, Pompous. SYN. Magnificent, gor-
significant, expressive, forcible, epi- geous, splendid, showy, sumptuous,
grammatic. ostentatious, stately, lofty, grand,
Poise [See BALANCE"]. bombastic, turgid, stiff, Inflated, pre-
Poison. SYN. Vitiate, taint, infect, tentious, coxcombical, assuming.
envenom, pollute. ANT. Unpretending, unobtrusive,
1-ON 198 PO8
modest, unassuming; plain-mannered, ing, assuring, animating, encourag-
humble-minded . ing, joyous.
Ponder. SYN. Think over, meditate Portion [See PART].
on, weigh, consider, cogitate, de iber- Portly. SYN. Dignified, burly, im-
ate, ruminate, reflect, amuse, study, posing, stately, corpulent, stout,
resolve [See CONSIDER]. plump.
Ponderable. SYN. Appreciable, de- ANT. Undignified, unimposing,
terminable, palpable. mean.
ANT. Inappreciable,indetenninable, Portray. SYN. Draw, delineate,
impalpable, imponderable. represent, depict, describe, sketch,
Ponderous. Weighty, bulky, mas- paint.
sive, burdensome, heavy, onerous. ANT. Misrepresent, caricature, mis-
ANT. Light, trifling, airy, volatile, portray.
Pose. SYN. Puzzle, perplex, bewild-
Poor. SYN. Indigent, moneyless, im- er, dumbfounder, mystify, embarrass,
pecunious, penniless, weak, meagre, daze, confound.
insufficient, deficient, faulty, unsatis-
ANT. Enlighten, unmystify. indoc-
factory, inconsiderable, thin, scanty, trinate, initiate.
bald. Position [See SITUATION].
ANT. Eich, wealthy, copious, afflu- Positive. SYN. Beal, actual, sub-
ent, abundant, liberal, large, ample, stantial, absolute, independent, un-
moneyed, sufficient, satisfactory, con- conditional, unequivocal, explicit,
siderable. fixed, settled, definitive, indisputable,
Popular. SIN. Common, current, decisive, express, enacted, assured,
vulgar, public, general, received, la- confident, direct, dogmatic, overbear-
vorite, beloved, prevailing, approved, ing, dogmatical.
wide-spread, liked. ANT. Negative, insubstantial, un-
ANT. Exclusive,restricted, scientific, real, fictitious, imaginary, relative,
esoteric, unpopular, odious, detested. contingent, dependent, conditional,
Populous. SYN. Crowded, dense, implied, dubious, questionable, mor-
swarming, thronged. al, uncertain, doubtful, indirect, oc-
ANT. Deserted, thin, scanty, unfre- casional, suspicious.
quented, unoccupied, uninhabited. Possess. SYN. Occupy, enjoy, have,
Porch. SYN. Portico, vestibule [See hold, entertain, own.
ENTRANCE]. ANT. Abandon, renounce, abjure,
Porous. SYN. Foraminous, pervious, surrender, lose, forfeit, resign.
permeable, percolable. Possession. SYN. Holding, owner-
ANT. Impervious, impermeable, im- ship, tenure, occupation.
percolable. ANT. Abandoning, renouncing, re-
Port. SYN. Haven, harbor, mien.bear- signing, surrendering.
ing, demeanor, carriage, deportment, Possible. SYN. Practicable, feasi-
air [See DEPORTMENT and MLEN]. ble, likely, potential.
Portable. SYN. Movable, haLdy, ANT. Impracticable, impossible.
manageable, light. Possibly. SYN. Perhaps, perchance,
ANT. Ponderous, immovable, awk- uaply, maybe [See PERHAPS].
ward, unmanageable, unhandy. Po~t [See SITUATION J.
Portal. SYN. Gate, entrance, gate- Posterior. SYN. Later, subsequent.
way [See ENTRANCE]. ANT. Earlier, precedent, antece-
Portend. SYN. Indicate, threaten, dent, prior.
prognosticate, forbode, augur, pre- Posterity. SYN. Futurity.
sage, herald, foreshow, betoken. ANT. Ancestry.
ANT. Contradict, negative, preclude, Postpone. SYN.
Defer, delay, pro-
forefend, nullify, contravene, avert. rogue, procrastinate.
Portentous. SYN. Indicative, sug- ANT. Expedite, despatch, acceler-
gestive, threatening, prophetic, pre- ate.
dictive, ominous, premonitory. Postulate. SYN. Assume, presup-
A.NT. Auspicious, hopeful, cheer- pose.
ANT. Prove, elaborate, exemplify, meddle-
sy, consequential, officious,
argue. some.
Posture [See SITUATION], ANT. Reserved, uninterfering, dis-
Potent. SYN. Powerful, efficacious, ef- tant, unconcerned, inobtrusive, un-
fective, active, strong, energetic. medlesoiue, inofficious.
ANT. Weak, impotent, inefficient, Praise, r. SYN. Eulogize, laud, com-
ineffective, inactive, fruitless, inoper- mend, honor, glorify, compliment,cele-
ative. brate, puff, extol, applaud, panegyr-
Potential. SYN. Possible, implicit, un- ize.
developed, germiiiative, immanent, ANT. Blame, censure, discommend,
virtual. reprove..
ANT. Actual, explicit, developed, Praise [See APPROBATION].
objective, real, express. Praiseworthy. SYN. r-onunendable,
Pound. SYN. Imprison, cage, coop. laudable, meritorious, honorable,
ANT, Discharge, liberate, release. worthy.
Pound. SYN. Beat, bruise, pulverize, ANT. Blameable, censureable, rep-
triturate. rehensible.
ANT. Soothe, stroke, amalgamate, Prank. SYN. Caper, antic, capricious
compound. action, frolic, trick, gambol, escapade,
freak [See FROLIC].
Poverty. SYN. Want, need, indigence, Prate. SYN. Babble, prattle, chat,
destitution [See WANT],
Power. SYN. Faculty, capacity, capa- chatter, tattle, gossip [See BABBLE].
bility, potentiality, ability, strength,
Pray. SYN. Beg, beseech, entreat,
force, might, energy, susceptibility, implore, solicit, supplicate, adjure,
influence, dominion, sway, command, invoke, crave [See BKSEECHJ.
government, agency, authority, rule, Prayer. SYN. Petition, supplication,
jurisdiction, effectiveness. entreaty, orison, benediction, suit,
A.NT. Incapacity, incapability, im- request [See BENEDICTION].
potence, inability, weakness, imbecil-
Preamble. SYN. Preface, introduc-
ity, inertness, insusceptibility, subjec-
tion, exordium, opening, introduc-
tion, power lessness, obedience, sub- tory, part.
ANT. Close, termination, perora-
servience, ineffectiveness.
tion, finale, conclusion.
Powerful. SYN. Strong, potent, pu-
Precarious. SYN. Hazardous, peril,
issant, masterful, mighty [See
STRONG]. ous, uncertain, riskful, unassured, in-
Practicable. SYN. secure, dubious, doubtful.
Possible, feasible, ANT. Assured, certain, systematic,
ANT. Impossible, impracticable, un- Precaution. SYN. Forethought, pro-
vision, premunition, anticipation, pre-
Practical. SYN. Useful, serviceable, arrangement, cnre, providence.
skilled, trained [See USEFUL]. ANT. Carelessness, thoughtlessness,
Practically. SYN. Really, actually, improvidence.
substantially, in fact, in effect [See Precede. SYN. Lead, introduce, her-
ACTUALLY!. ald, go before, usher, head.
Practice, n. SYN. Usage, habit, exer- ANT. Succeed, follow.
cise,experience, exercitation, action, Precedence. SYN. Superiority, lead,
custom, manner, performance. . priority, preference, antecedence, su-
ANT. Disuse, dishabituation, Inex- premacy, pre-eminence.
perience, theory, speculation, nonper- ANT. Inferiority, sequence, subor-
foruiauce. dination, posteriority.
Practise, SYN. Perform, exercise,
v. Precedent. SYN. Anterior, prior,
deal in, carryon [See PERFORM]. earlier.
Practised. SYN. Trained, experi- ANT. Subsequent, posterior, Inter.
enced, proficient, accomplished [See Precedent, n. SYN. Instance, exam-
PROFICIENT a. I. ple, authority, warrant, antecedent,
Pragmatical. SYN. Over-busy, fus- pattern.
ANT. Prohibition, diswarrant, dis- Preconception. SYN. Forethought,
allowance. anticipation, fore-understanding.
Preceding. SYN. Precedent, former, AST. Copy, portraiture, observa-
foregoing, prior, previous, antece- tion, vision, representation, delinea-
dent, anterior [See ANTERIOR] . tion.
Precept. SYN. Rule, maxim, injunc- Preconcerted. SYN. Prearranged,
tion, commandment, doctrine, direc- concocted, prepared, premeditated.
tion, law, mandate, principle, instruc- ANT. Extemporized, unprepared,
tion, command, order. unconcocted, unpremeditated.
ANT. Suggestion, prompting, insti- Precursor. SYN. Forerunner,harbin-
gation, impulse. ger, herald, pioneer, advance-guard,
Preceptor. STN. Master, teacher, cause.
pedagogue, tutor, instructor, school- ANT. Follower, consequent, result,
master. effect, event.
ANT. Pupil, learner, scholar, stu- Precursory. SYN. Prevenient, ante-
dent. cedent, introductory, prefatory, ini-
Precinct, Precincts. SYN. Pur- tiatory, prior, premonitory, prog-
lieus, environs, limit, bounds, boun- uosticative.
dary, confine, district. ANT. Subsequent, consequent, pos-
ANT. Heart, centre, nucleus. terior, entailed, supervenient, event-
Precious. SYN. Dear, valuable, cost- ual.
ly, cherished, treasured, beloved, es- Predaceons. SYN. Ravenous, rapa-
timable, of great value. cious, carnivorous.
ANT. Cheap, valueless, worthless, ANT. Innocuous, herbivorous, gram-
unvalued, disesteemed, unapprecia- inivorous.
ted, vile. Predatory. SYN. Pillaging, plunder-
Precipice. SYN. Cliff, crag, steep de- marauding, rapacious, greedy,
scent, headlong, steep [See ABYSS].
AST. Ouarding, keeping, watching,
Precipitate [See RASH].
protecting [See RAPACIOUS].
Precipitous. SYN. Steep, headlong, Predecessor. SYN. Ancestor, fore-
abrupt, sheer, perpendicular, beetling,
runner, elder.
rash, dangerous. ANT. Posterity, junior, successor.
ANT. Shallow, graduated, inclined,
Predestination. SYN. Foreordain-
Precise. SYN. Definite, exact, nice, ment, foredoom, necessity, fate, elec-
tion, preordination, predetermina-
pointed, accurate, correct, particular, tion.
formal, explicit, scrupulous, terse, ANT. Free-will, freedom, volition,
punctilious, ceremonious, formal.
ANT. Indefinite, vague, inexact, choice, spontaneity.
rough, inaccurate, loose, circumlocu-
Predicament. SYN. Difficulty, try.
tory, ambagious, tortuous, informal,
ing position, state, condition, dilem-
unceremonious. ma, situation [See DILEMMA].
Precision. SYN. Exactness, nicety, Predicate, v. SYN. Assert, aver,
affirm, declare [See ASSERT].
precisensss, accuracy [See ACCURA-
Predict. SYN. Prophesy, foretell,
Preclude. SYN. Prevent, obviate, forecast, prognosticate, forebode, fore-
bar, debar, impede, hinder. shadow [See FORETELL.].
ANT. Admit, promote, further, ad- Prediction. SYN. Prophecy, prog-
vance. nostication, vaticination, fore-an-
Precocious. SYN. Premature, prede- nouncement, premonstration, fore-
veloped, over-forward. telling, forebodement, presage, au-
ANT. Tardy, backward, s ow-grow- gury, foreshowing.
tog, crude. ANT. Narration-, relation, history,
Precognltion. GYN. Foresight, fore- account, report.
knowledge. Predilection. PYN. Prepossession,
ANT. Reflection, recollection. preference, leaning, liking, fondness,
bias, inclination, predisposition, ten- detriment, partiality, disadvantage,
dency, prejudice, partiality. damage.
ANT. Prejudice, aversion, inrnnposi- ANT. Judgment, fairness, impar-
tion, antipathy, disiuelmatkm,apathy .
tiality, advantage.
Predisposition [See PREDILEC- Pre-iidtcial. SYN. Harmful, hurtful,
TION]. injurious, disadvantageous [See
Predominance. SYN. Prevalence, HARMLESS].
superiority, ascendancy, rule. Preliminary. SYN. Previous, pro-
ANT. Inferiority, subjection, mi- emial, precursive, prelusory, antece-
nority, paucity. dent, preparatory.
Predominant. SYN. Prevailing, as- ANT. Subsequent, consequent, fol-

cendant, prevalent, superior, over- lowing.

ruling [See SUPERIOR],
Prelude. SYN. Introduction, prepa-
Pre-eminent. SYN. Paramount, pre- ration, preface, proem, preli*ion,
overture [See PREFACE],
dominant, egregious, consummate, ANT. Sequel, conclusion.
prevailing. Premature. SYN. Hasty, crude, un-
ANT. Subordinate, inferior, minor,
authenticated, untimely, precocious,
precipitate, too early, rash, unseason-
Preface. STN. Introduction, proem, able.
prelude, prologue, preamble, pre- ANT. Ripe, timely, seasonable, op-
ANT. Peroration, sequel, appendix, Premeditate. SIN. Plan, propose,
epilogue, postscript. plot, prearrange, prepare, precom-
Prefatory. SYN. Introductory, pre- pose, preconcert.
clusive, initiative, preliminary, an- ANT. Extemporize, hazard.
tecedent, preveuient, proemial. Premeditation. SYN. Forethought,
ANT. Subsequent, concluding, ter- deliberation.
minal, peroratioaal. ANT. Without forethought, without
Prefer. SYN. Choose, elect, select, deliberation.
fancy, promote, advance, further. Premise. STN. Announce, forestate,
ANT. Reject, postpone, defer, with- preface.
hold, degrade, depress. ANT. Add, append, infer, gather,
Preferment. SYN. Dignity, promo- supplement, subjoin.
tion, benefice, advancement, exalta- Premises. SYN. Antecedent, ground.
tion. ANT. Consequent, inference, de-
ANT. Degradation, deprivation, sus- duction, conclusion.
pension. Premium. SYN. Reward.guerdon, en-
Preflguratloii. SYN. Type, adum- couragement, douceur, enhancement,
bration. bribe, recompense, bonus, prize,
ANT. Antitype, fulfillment. bounty.
Prefix. SYN. Preface. ANT. Penalty, fine, amercement,
ANT. Append, subjoin, suffix, sup- mulct, forfeit, depreciation.
plement, add.
Preordain. SYN. Foreordain, pre-
determine, foredoom, predestine.
Pregnant. SYN. Procreant, genera- Preparation. SYN. Provision, mak-
tive, prolific, teeming, significant,
ing rrady.
fraught, fruitful, replete, with child, ANT. Without preparation, without.
ANT. provision.
Sterile, unproductive, barren, Preparatory [See PRELIMINARY].
void, meaningless.
Prepare. SYN. Fit, adapt, qualify, ad.
Pregnable. SYN. Weak, exposed, just, provide, arrange, order, lay,
pxpugnable, defenceless. plan, equip, furnish, make ready.
ANT. Impregnable, inexpugnable. ANT. Misfit, misadapt, misprovide,
Prejudice. SYN. Prepossession, pre- derange, disarrange, demolish, sub-
judgraent, predisposition, bias, un- vert, disconeert.
fairness, injury, harm, impairment, Preponderant. SYN. Outweighing,
overcoming, superior [See SUPE- foretaste, forethought, prescience,
BIOB]. forecast, anticipation.
Preponderate. STN. Predominate, ANT. Surprise, inexpectancy, mis-
prevail, overbalance, outweigh, out- calculation.
balance. Presently. STN. Shortly,soon, imme-
ANT. Fail, sink, succumb. diately, directly[See DIKECTLTJ.
Prepossessing. STN. Attraetive, al- Preservation. STN. Safety,securitv,
luring, charming, winning, taking, conservation, integrity, protection,
engaging. nurture, guardianship, care.
ANT. Repulsive, unattractive, sinis- ANT. Abandonment,exposure, peril,
ter. insecurity, impairment,] nfringement,
Preposterous. STN. Monstrous, ex- injury, damage.
orbitant, unreasonable, absurd, irra- Preserve. STN. Defend, guard, save,
donal, foolii-h, ridiculous. keep safe, uphold, protect, maintain,
AST. Just, due, fair, reasonable,
rescue, spare [See PBOTECT].
moderate, right, judicious, orderly, Preside. SYS. Manage, superintend,
STN. Eight, privilege, direct, control,govern [See MANAGE],
Prerogative. President. STN. Chairman, moder-
ANT. Disqualification, disfranchise- ator, principal, superintendent.
mem. ANT. Member, subordinate, constit-
Presage, n. STN. Omen, indication, uent, corporation, society, ward, in-
prognostic, premonition.
ANT. Fuiailment,event, occurrence, Press, v. STN. Urge, crowd, compel,
realization. force, squeeze, crush, compress, ex-
Presage, r. STN.Predict, foresee, press, constrain, hurry, instigate, in-
roreteil, prognosticate, betoken, por- culcate, impress, throng, encroach,
lean, weigh, harass.
:eud, threaten, augur [See PORTEND].
ANT. Relax, inhibit, persuade, en-
Prescribe. STN. Enjoin, order, im-
tice, allure, solicit, touch,skim, graze,
pose, recommend, indicate, decree,
free, liberate, ease, avoid, relieve.
ANT. Inhibition,prohibit,discounte- Pressing. STN. Urgent compulsory,
uance, discommend. importunate.
ANT. Unimportant, slight, trivial,
Prescription. STN. Direction, or-
ier, recipe, usage, custom [See CUS- Pressure, n. STN. Exigency, urgency,
Presence. STN. Nearness, constraining, hurry, influence [See
jitercourse, closeness.
ANT. Remoteness, absence, separa- Presume. STN. Suppose, anticipate,
tion, distance.
apprehend, venture, take for granted,
Present, a. STN. At hand, existing, conjecture, believe, deem.
ANT. Infer, deduce, prove, argue,
not absent, nigh, instant, immediate,
current [See ABSENT]. retire, withdraw, hesitate, distrust.
Present, n.STN. Donation, gift, of- Presumption. STN. Anticipation,
supposition, hypothesis, probability,
fering, grant, benefaction [See BENE-
FACTION J. assumption, understanding, condition,
concession, forwardness, arrogance,
Present, r STN. Give, offer, bestow,
audacity, boldness.
introduce, exhibit, confer upon [See ANT. Proof, deduction, inference,
BESTOW]. demonstration, verification, fact, cer.
Presentation. STN. Introduction, tainty, modesty, diffidence, backward-
exhibition, offer, delivery, gift, dona- ness, bashfulness, hesitation.
tion, bestowal, grant, endowment. Presumptive. STN. Probable, an
ANT. Withdrawal, removal, conceal- tecedent.
ment, suppression, retention, with- ANT. Demonstrative, established.
holding, refusal, nonpresentation. Presumptuous. STN. Presuming
Presentiment. STN. Foreboding, bold, over-confident, forward, rashly
confident, arrogant, bold, i-ash, irrev- Prevent. SYN. Hinder, obstruct, bar,
erent, wilful, foolhardy [See RASH], neutralize, nullify, thwart, intercept,
Presuppose. SYN. Presume, assume, anticipate, forefend, frustrate, obvi-
postulate, surmise. ate, checkmate.
ANT. Prove, establish, infer,deduce, ANT. Promote, aid, facilitate, ex-
argue, demonstrate. pedite,encourage, advance,accelerate,
Pretence. SYN. Excuse, pretext, fab- induce, cause, produce.
rication, simulation, cloak, mask, Prevention. SYN. Obstruction,
color, show, garb, plea, assumption, stoppage, interruption, hinderance.
make believe, outside show, preten- AKT. Help, aid, succor,acceleration.
sion. Previous. SYN. Antecedent, prior,
ANT. Verity, reality, truth, sim- preceding, anterior, foregoing, form-
plicity, candor, guilelessness, open- er, earlier.
ness, veritableness, actuality, fact. ANT. Subsequent, posterior, suc-
Pretend. SYN. Feign, aimilate, offer, ceeding, following, later.
allege, exhibit, propound, affect, pro- Prey. SYN. Spoil, booty, plunder,
fess. rapine, pillage, victim, seizure, loot.
ANT. Verify, unmask, detect, test, ANT. Earnings, uues, rights.
substantiate, refute. Price. SYN. Cost, figure, charge, ex-
Pretentloii. SYN. Claim, show, pre- pense, compensation, value, appraise-
tence, demand, profession, alleged ment, worth.
right [See PRETENCE and CI^AIM_|. ANT. Donation, discount, allow-
Pretext [See PRETENCE], ance, remittance, abatement.
Pretty, a. SYN. Handsome,attractive, Priceless. SYN. Inestimable, invalu-
neat, trim, tasteful, pleasing, beauti- able, precious.
ful, fine, comely [See ATTRACTIVE and ANT. Cheap, valueless.
HANDSOME]. Pride. SYN. Loftiness, haughtiness,
Pretty, adv. SYN. Moderately, toler-
lordliness, self-exaltation, arrogance,
ably. conceit, vainglory.
Prevail. SYN. Predominate, over- ANT. Lowliness, meekness, mod-
come, obtain, succeed, be in force, esty, self-distrust.
induce, persuade [See CONQUER]. Priggish. SYX. Coxcombical, dandi-
Prevailing. SYN. Controlling, ruling, fled, foppish, affected, prim, con-
influential, operative, predominant, ceited.
prevalent, rife, ascendant, most gen- ANT. Plain, sensible, unaffected,
eral, most common.
simple-minded, simple-mannered.
ANT. Mitigated, diminishing, sub-
ordinate, powerless.
Prim. SYN. Formal, precise, demure,
starched, stiff, self-conscious, unbend-
Prevalence. SYN. Custom, power,
influence, operation, extension, pre- ing, priggish.
ANT. Unformal, easy, genial, un-
dominance, superiority, influence, ef-
affected, natural, free, naive.
ficacy, preponderance.
ANT. Disuse, desuetude, obsolete- Primary. SYN. First, original, earli-
ness, decay, evanescence, disappear- est, elementary, chief, principal, im-
ance, mitigation, subordination, col- portant, leading, primitive, pristine.
lapse,abandonment,abolition, diminu-
ANT. Secondary, subordinate, pos-
tion, subsidence, subjection. terior, unimportant, inferior, subse-
Prevaricate. SYN. Shuffle, quibble, quent, later [See PRINCIPAL].
equivocate, palter, sophisticate, Prime, n. SYN. Zenith, culmination,
evade. perfection, dawn, spring, cream,
ANT. Affirm, asseverate, maintain, flower.
reiterate. ANT. Decadence, wane, evening, ref-
Prevenlent. SYN. Preliminary,pref- use, winter, decay.
atory, antecedent, initiatory, intro- Prime, a. SYN. Excellent, super-
ductory. excellent, first-rate, perfect, consum-
ANT. Subsequent, consequent, fol- mate.
lowing, attending.
ANT. Inferior, impaired, waning,
deteriorated, ordinary, second-rate, munity, franchise, right, liberty, ad-
defective. vantage, claim, exemption.
Primeval. SYN. Archaic, primordial, ANT. Disfranchisement, disqualifi-
indigenous, autochthon ic, aboriginal, cation, exclusion, prohibition, inhibi-
pristine. tion.
ANT. Subsequent, recent, modern, Privy. SYN. Secret, clandestine, cog-
imported, adventitious. nizant of,acquainted with.
Primitive. SYN. Old-fashioned, pri- ANT. Open, unsealed, not acquainted
meval, ^quaint, simple, unsophistica- with, not cognizant of [See PRIVATE].
ted, archaic, pristine. Prize, n. SYN. Booty, spoil, plunder,
ANT. Modern, new-fangled, sophis- prey, forage, trophy, laurels, guer-
ticated, modish. don, premium, honors, ovation, palm.
Primordial [See PRIMEVAL]. ANT. Loss, forfeiture, fine, penalty,
Princely. SYB. Imperial, munificent, amercement, sacrifice, disappoint-
magnificent, superb, august, regal, ment, failure, brand, stigma, infamy,
royal, supreme. mulct.
ANT. Beggarly, mean, niggardly, Prize, v. [See VALUE.]
poverty-struck. Probability. SYN. Likelihood, pre-
Principal. SYN. Highest, first, main, sumpton, verisimilitude, chance, ap-
leading, chief, primary, foremost, pearance.
pre-eminent, prominent. ANT. Unliklihood, improbability,
ANT. Inferior, subordinate, sec- Impossibility, inconceivableness.
ondary, supplemental, subject, aux- Probable. SYN. Likely, presumable,
iliary, minor. credible, reasonable.
Principle. SYN. Source, origin, mo- ANT. Unlikely, unreasonable, in-
tive, cause, energy, substance, ele- cred ble.
ment, power, faculty, truth, tenet, Probation. SYN. Essay, examina-
law, doctrine, axiom, maxim, postu- tion, test, trial, experiment, proof,
late, rule. criterion, touchstone, ordeal, verifica-
ANT. Exhibition, manifestation, ap- tion.
plication, development, issue, exer- ANT. License, irresponsibility, non-
cise, operation, formation, action. probation.
Prior. SYN. Preceding, previous, Probe. SYN. Prove, test, scrutinize,
former, an tecedent,preced en t, earlier, verify, investigate, examine, search,
anterior, foregoing [see POSTERIOR]. silt, explore.
Prismatic. SYN. Iridescent, opales- ANT. Skim, misinvestigate, blink,
cent, polychromatous. misexamine, slur, miss, gloss.
ANT. Achromatic, colorless.
Pristine [See PRIMEVAL and PRIMI-
Probity. SYN. Soundness, virtue, in-
tegrity, honesty, uprightness, recti-
TIVK]. tude, principle, conscientiousness.
Privacy. SYN. Retirement, secrecy,
ANT. Dishonesty, disintegrity. un-
solitude, seclusion, retreat, conceal-
ment. soundness, vice, unconscientiousness,
.ANT. Publicity, currency, notoriety, roguery, rascality.
Problematical. SYN. Dubious,
Private. SYN. Special, peculiar, in- questionable, uncertain, doubtful.
ANT. Evident, obvious, self-evident,
dividual, secret, not public, retired,
certain, demonstrable.
privy. Procedure. SYN. Proceeding, act,
ANT. 'General, public, open, uncon-
cealed. progress, course of conduct, process.
Privation. SYN. Deprivation, desti- [See ACT.]
tution, absence, negation, loss, be- Proceed. SYN. Move, pass, advance,
reavement, hardship, want. progress, continue, issue, emanate,
ANT. Accession, supply, restoration, flow, arise.
benefaction, restitution, presence, ANT. Recede, deviate, retreat,
compensation, recovery, privilege. stand, stop, stay, desist, discontinue
ebb, retire.
Privilege. SYN. Prerogative, im-
Proceeding. SYN. Step, measure, Produce, n.SYN. Product,yield,fruit,
transaction, performance, procedure, profit, effect, consequence, result,
conduct, behavior, action, process. amount [See RESULT].
ANT. Abandonment, desisteuce, de- Product. SYN. Fruit, result, issue,
viation, discontinuance, inaction. consequence, effect, emanation, work.
Proceed*. SYN. Receipts, produce, ANT. Cause, principle, power, mo-
returns, avail, profits, income See tive, energy, operation, action, ten-
INCOME]. dency, law.
Procession. SYN. Train, march.cara- Production. SYN. Origination, evo-
van, file, cortege, cavalcade, retinue. lution, formation, genesis, product
ANT. Rabble, herd, rush, disorder, [See CAUSE].
mob, confusion, rout. Productive. SYN. Fruitful, prolific,
Proclaim. SYN. Announce, publish, fertile, efficient, tausative.
promulgate, declare, enunciate, ad- ANT. Unfruitful,barren, sterile, un-
vertise, call out, report, utter. productive, inefficient, effete.
ANT. Repress, conceal, silentiate, Proemlal [See PREFATORY].
obliviate, secrete. Profane, a. SYN. Unconsecrated, secu-
Proclamation. SYN. Announce-
lar,temporal, unsanctifled, unholy, ir-
ment, edict, decree, notice, ordinance religious, irreverent, ungodly, wicked,
godless, impious, blasphemous.
Proclivity. SYN. Tendency, pro- ANT. Holy, consecrated, sacred,
pensity, bias, gravitation, disposition,
spiritual, sanctified, reverent, reli-
inclination, proueness.
gious, godly, pious, devout.
ANT. Aversion, disinclination, in-
Profane, r. SYN. Defile, pollute, des-
Procrastinate [See DEFER]. ecrate, abuse [See CONTAMINATE and
Procrastination. SYN. Dilatori- POLLUTE].
Profess. SYN. Declare, avow, ac-
ness, delay.
ANT. knowledge, own, confess, pretend,
Timeliness, punctuality, proclaim, lay claim to.
promptitude, alacrity. ANT. Conceal, suppress, disown, dis-
Procure. SYN. Acquire,provide,gain, avow, repudiate, renounce, abjure.
get, contrive, effect, reap, win, earn, Profession. SYN. Avowal, declara-
bring about.
ANT. Miss, lose, forfeit, misprovide, tion, business, occupation, trade, call-
miscoutrive. ing, vocation [See DECLARATION],
Prodigal. SYN. Lavish, profuse, ex- Proffer. SYN. Offer, propose, tender,
travagant, reckless, wasteful, squan-
dering, improvident.
ANT. Withhold, detain.
ANT. Frugal, saving, hoarding, eco- Proficiency. SYN. Success, advance-
nomical, niggardly, miserly, close, ment,progress,improvement,forward-
close-fisted. ness, dexterity.
Prodlglo*'S. SYN. Marvellous, por- ANT. Failure, backwardness, unsuo-
tentous, wonderful, astounding, enor- cess, tardiness, relapse.
mous, monstrous, amazing, surpris- Proficient, n. SYN. Adept,master,ex-
ing, remarkable, extraordinary, huge, pert.
vast. ANT. Tyro, novice, ignoramus,
ANT. Ordinary, common-place, dunce.
every-day, usual, familiar, moderate. Proficient, a. SYN. Expert, clever,
Prodigy. SYN. Wonder, marvel, por- practised, skilled, trained, versed, ad-
tent, monster, miracle [See MON- vanced, conversant, skilful, compe-
STER]. tent, well qualified.
Produce. SYN. Exhibit, bear, fur- ANT. backward. ignorant,nnskilled,
bish, afford, cause, create, originate, inconversant,ill-versed, awkward,
yield, extend, prolong, lengthen. clumsy.
ANT. Withdraw, retain, stifle, with- Profit. SYN. Gain, emolument, ad-
hold, neutralize, destroy, annihilate, vantage, avail, acquisition, benenW
curtail, shorten, contract, reduce. service, uae, improvement.
ANT. Loss, detriment, damage, dis- vance, movement, proceeding, Way,
advantage, waste. journey, proficiency, speed, growth.
Profitable. SYN. Gainful, advan- ANT. Delay, stoppage, re'jreat, stay,
tageous, desirable, beneficial, useful, retrogression, failure, relapse.
productive, remunerative, lucrative. Progress, v. [See ADVANCE].
ANT. Unprofitable,disadvantageous, Progression. SYN. Series, grada-
undesirable, detrimental,unbeneficial, tion, rate.
unprofitable, useless, vain, fruitless, ANT. Inversion, diminution.
unproductive, unremunerative. Prohibit. SYN. Forbid, interdict,
Profitless [See PROFITABLE]. debar, hinder, check, prevent, disal-
Profligacy. SYN. Shamelessness, dis- low, inhibit.
soluteness, depravity, reprobation. ANT. Permit, grant, allow, sanction.
ANT. Virtue, probity, integrity,prin- Prohibition. SYN. Interdiction, in-
ciple, conscientiousness. hibition, interdict, embargo, disal-
Profligate. SYN. Abandoned, de- lowance.
praved, dissolute, degenerate, cor- ANT. Allowance, permission.
rupt, vicious, shameless [See ABAN- Project, v. SYN. Throw, cast, hurl,
DONED]. propel, shoot, discharge, propound,
Profound. SYN. Deep, fathomless, intend, forecast, jut, extend, reach,
abysmal, penetrating, intimate, sol- bulge, stand out.
emn, abstruse, recondite, philosoph- ANT. Recal, withdraw, draw, retract,
ical, strong, vivid, intense, deep- pull, attract, rebound, recoil, adduce,
seated. revert, rebate.
ANT. Shallow, superficial, common Project, n. SYN. Plan, purpose, de-
place. sign, scheme, contrivance, device.
Profuse. SYN. Copious, lavish, prodi- ANT. Hazard, chance, venture.
gal, bountiful, extravagant exuber- Projectile. SYN. Missile.
ant, excessive. ANT. Weapon, side-arms, hand-
ANT. Scanty, sparing, chary, par- arms.
simonious, niggardly, churlish, poor. Projection. SYN.
Profusion. SYN. Copiousness, prod- prominence, convexity, propulsion,
igality, abundance, exuberance, ex- emission.
travagance, multitude, mass, heap, ANT. Recess, cavity, concavity, re-
load, flood, wealth. turn, indentation, hollow, attraction,
ANT. Scarcity, economy, poverty, recoil, rebound, ricochet, reaction.
parsimony, drain, dole, driblet, pit- Prolific [See PRODUCTION].
tance. Prolix. SYN. Diffuse, lengthy, tedi-
Progeny. SYN. Offspring, young, is- ous, circumlocutory, prosaic, verbose,
sue, scion, offshoot, descendants, pos- minute, toilsome, wordy.
terity, race. ANT. Condensed, terse, epigram-
ANT. Stock, parentage, ancestry. matic, curt, brief, laconic.
Prognostic. SYN. Sign, indication, Prolong. SYN. Lengthen, extend,
symptom, premonition, harbinger, protract, continue, delay, retard.
token, presage, signal. ANT. Curtail, shorten, contract, dis-
ANT. Result, reminder, memorial, continue,
record, register, misindication, mis- Prominent. SYN. Jutting, p^-otu-
token. berant, relieved, embossed, extended,
Prognosticate. SYN. Foretell, pre- manifest, conspicuous, eminent, dis-
sage, predict,forebode,foretoken, au- tinguished, main, important, leading,
gur, portend, indicate, betoken. characteristic, distinctive.
A.NT. Record, register, recal, re- ANT. Receding, concave, rebated,
member, note, rehearse. indented, hollowed, engraved, in-
Programme. SYN. Advertisement, tailed, withdrawn, inconspicuous, mi-
notice, plan, catalogue. nor, secondary, unimportant, indis-
ANT. Review, rehearsal, repetition, tincnve, undistinguishable, subordi-
resume, analysis, precis. nate.
Progress, n. SYN. Advancement, ad- Promiscuous. SYN. Mingled, coo-
undistinguished, nnselected, probation, demonstration, evidence,
un arranged, undistributed,unassorted, testimony, scrutiny.
common, unreserved, casual, disor- ANT. Disproof, failure, invalidity,
derly, unordered. short-coming, fallacy, undemonstra-
ANT. Sorted, select, orderly, ar- tiveness, reprobation.
ranged, distributed, reserved, as sorted, Prop. n. SYN. Support, stay, but-
exclusive, nice. tress, shore, strut, pin.
Promise, r. To engage by word of ANT. Superstructure, superincnm-
mouth, as distinguished from a bond. bency, top- weight, gravitation, extir-
SYN. Engage, assure. pation, subverter, destroyer.
ANT. Covenant, pledge, stipulate. Prop. v. SYN. Sustain, support, stay,
Promise, n. SYN. Engagement, assur- maintain [See SUPPORT].
ance, word, pledge [See ASSURANCE]. Propagate. SYN. Breed, generate,
Promontory. SYN. Headland, jut- produce, originate, spread, extend, ex-
land. cape. pand, disseminate, diffuse, increase,
ANT. Bay, cove, recess. multiply, promulgate, propound,
Promote. SYN. Aid, further, ad- broach.
vance, excite, exalt, raise, elevate, ANT. Extinguish, strangle, stifle,
prefer. neutralize, reduce, contract, suppress,
ANT. Discourage, repress, hinder, diminish, fail, dwindle, die, contra-
check, allay, depress, degrade, dis- dict.
honor. Propel. SYS. Hurl, project, drive,
Promotion. SYN. Furtherance, ad- urge.
vancement, encouragement, prefer- ANT. Retard, detain, withhold.
ment, elevation. Propensity. SYN. Bent, predilee-
ANT. Hinderance, obstruction, im- tion, proclivity [See PROCLIVITY}.
pediment, retardation. Proper. SYN. Peculiar, appertinent,
Prompt. SYN. Ready, alert, respon- personal, own, constitutional, special,
sive. active, quick, brisk, apt, unhesi- befitting, adapted, suited, suitable, ap-
tating. propriate, just, fair, equitable, right,
ANT. Unready, sluggish, irrespon- decent, becoming, fit.
sive, inactive. ANT. Common, inappertinent,
Promptitude. SYN. Readiness, alien, universal, non-special, unbefit-
promptness, quickness, alertness, ting, unadapted, unsuited. unsuitable,
alacrity, activity. inappropriate, wrong, indecent, un-
ANT. Unreadiness, sluggishness, in- becoming, improper.
action, inertness, tardiness, hesita- Property. SYN. Quality, attribute,
tion. peculiarity, nature, characteristic,
Promulgate. SYN. Divulge, an- possessions, goods, wealth, estate,
nounce, publish, spread, propound, gear, resources, ownership [See AT-
disseminate, proclaim, advertise. TRIBUTE, and ESTATE].
ANT. Repress, conceal, suppress, Prophesy [See FORETELL].
stifle, hush, burke, discountenance.
Prophetic. SYN. Predictive, omi-
Prone. SYN. Disposed, inclined, bent, nous, portentous, premonitory, fatid-
tending, apt, recumbent, prostrate, ical, oracular, sibylline.
flat. ANT. Historic, narrative, chronicled,
ANT. Indisposed, disinclined, un- recorded, recitative, commemora-
apt, averse, upright. tive.
Pronounce. SYN. Articulate, utter, Propinquity. SYN. Nearness, prox-
declare, propound, deliver, assert, imity, contiguity, adjacence.
affirm, enunciate, express. ANT. Distance, remoteness, longi-
ANT. Mispronounce, mispropound, tude, separation.
misaffirm, suppress, stifle, silence, Propitiate. SYN. Conciliate, secure,
choke, swallow, gabble, mumble. appease, win, reconcile, pacify.
Proof. SYN. Test, trial, examination, ANT. Exasperate, alienate, offend,
criterion, essay, establishment, COLU- estrange.
Propitious. SYN. Timely, favorable, misconduct, mlsinvestigate, miss, no-
auspicious, oeneficial, friendly, well- erate, exonerate, acquit.
disposed, gracious, benign, lortunate. Proselyte. SYN. Convert, catechu-
ANT. Untimely, untoward, unsea- men, neophyte.
sonable, unfavorable, inauspicious, ANT. Misbeliever, infidel, habitue,
unfriendly, hostile, antagonistic, ad- pillar, prop, buttress.
verse, ill-disposed, unpropitious. Prospect. SYN. View, vision, field,
Proportion. SYN. Adaptation, rela- landscape, hope, anticipation, proba-
tion, rate, distribution, adjustment, bility.
symmetry, interrelationship,uiiiform- ANT. Viewlessness, dimness, obscu-
ity, correlation. rity, darkness, cloud, veiling, occulta-
ANT. Misproporrion, misadjnst- tion, hopelessness, improbability.
ment, incongruity, disparity, dishar- Prospectus. SYN. Programme,
mony, disorder, irrelation, dispro- plan, catalogue, announcement, bill,
portion. scheme, compeadium.
Proposal. SYN. Offer, overture, ten- ANT. Subject, transaction, proceed-
der, suggestion, design, proposition, ing, &c.
scheme. Prosperity. SYN. Success, weal,
ANT. Withholding, withdrawal, re- welfare, good fortune, well-being,
tention, reticence, dissuasive, warn- good luck.
ing, prohibition. ANT. Unsuccess, woe, adversity,
Propose. SYN. Offer, tender, prof- failure, reverse.
fer, bring fonrard, purpose, intend, Prosperous. SYN. Successful, fortu-
mean, propound, move, design [See nate, thriving, well off, well to do,
OKFKB], happy, lucky [See FORTUNATE].
Proposition. SYN.
Statement, af- Prostrate. SYN. Fallen, flat, pro-
firmation, declaration, sentence. cumbent, lifeless, ruined, overpow-
ANT. Misstatement, interjection, ered, oppressed, prone.
babel, jargon, sound, riddle, paradox. ANT. Risen, vertical, erect, up-
Propound. SYN. Propose, promul- right, rei'f/igorated, revived, re-
gate, express, declare, maintain, ad- stored.
vocate, propagate, broach. Prostration. SYN. Overthrown,
ANT. Repress, suppress, contradict, demolition, destruction, depression,
withdraw, repudiate, renounce, ab- exhaustion r<JTO DEPRESSION].
jure, recal, retract. Protect. Srs. Defend, fortify, guard,
Propriety. SYN. Fitness, appropri- shield, preserve, cover, secure, save,
ateness, justness, correctness, expe- vindicate.
diency,decorum [See EXPEDIENCY AST. Betray, endanger, imperil,
and DECORUM]. abandon, expose.
Prorogation [See PROROGUE"). Protection. SYN. Shelter, defence,
Prorogue. SYN. Adjourn, postpone, security, safety, refuge, guard [See
defer. SECURITY].
ANT. Convene, continue, prolong, Protest. SYN. Expostulate, remon-
expedite, despatch. strate, denounce, repudiate, depre-
Prosaic. SYN. Pull, matter-of-fact, cate, affirm, aver, assure,.
tedious, prolix. ANT. Acquiesce, coincide, sanction,
ANT. Poetic, animated, interesting, subscribe, endorse, agree.
lively, fervid, eloquent, graphic. Protract. SYN. Prolong, produce,
Proscribe. SYN. Denounce, con- elongate, defer, extend, lengthen,
demn, reject, interdict, ostracize, dis- continue, draw out.
allow, prohibit, forbid. ANT. Shorten, abbreviate, curtail,
ANT. Permit, sanction, encourage, contract, reduce.
enjoin. Protrude. SYN. Extend, project,
Prosecute. SYN. Follow, pursue, in- abut, jut, demonstrate, expose, bulge,
vestigate, conduct, summon, arraign, thrust forward.
persevere, carry on, persist, sue. ANT. Recede, retract, adduce, re-
ANT. Drop, discontinue, abandon, press, suppress, conceal.
Protrusion. SYN.
Projection, pro- nexed, outlying, rural, countrified,
tuberance, convexity, tongue. rustic, bucolic.
ANT. Ilecess, cavity, hollow, con- ANT. Central, metropolitan, mod-
cavity, mouth. ish, fashionable, courtly.
Protuberance. SYN. Lump, swel- Provision, Provisions. SYN.
ling, excrescence, convexity. Preparation, arrangement, produce,
ANT. Cavity, smoothness, plane- supply, anticipation, food, supplies,
ness, concavity, indentation, hollow. victuals, edibles, eatables.
Proud. SYN. Arrogant, haughty, im- ANT. Neglect, misprovision, forget-
perious, supercilious, presumptuous, fulness, thoughtlessness, oversight,
boastful, vain glorious, vain, ostenta- destitution, want, dearth, starvation,
tious, elated, self-satisfied, lofty, im-
dole, pittance.
posing, magnificent, self-conscious.
Provisional. SYN. Conditional,
ANT. Deferential, humble, affable, contingent, hypothetical, temporary.
nnpresuming, meek, lowly, ashamed, ANT. Unconditional, absolute, per-
unircposing, mean. manent, perpetual.
Prove. SYN. Trv, assay, test, estab- Provocation. SYN. Incitement,
lish, demonstrate, ascertain, argue, stimulus, stimulant, provocative, af-
show, confirm, examine, substantiate,
front, indignity, insult [See INDIO-
make trial of, verify, ascertain.
ANT. Pass, pretermit, misdemon- Provoke. SYN. Educe, summon,
strate, misindicate, refute, disprove, rouse, irritate, excite, challenge, vex,
contradict, disestablish, neutralize. impel, offend, exasperate, anger, tan-
Proverb. SYN. Maxim, apothegm,
ANT. Allay, relegate, pacify,
adage, saw, dictum, by word. soothe, conciliate,
ANT. Essay, dissertation, disquisi-
Prowess. SYN. Bravery, valor, gal-
tion, oration, diatribe, yarn.
lantry, might, courage, intrepidity,
Proverbial. SYN. Notorious, cur- fearlessness, heroism.
rent, acknowledged, unquestioned. ANT. Cowardice, weakness, pol-
ANT. Dubious, unfounded, suspi-
troonery, dastardliness.
cious, suspected, questionable. Prowl. SYN. Rove, roam, wander,
Provide. SYN. Prepare, arrange, prey.
procure, afford, supply, contribute, ANT. Fly, swoop, chase, scour.
yield, cater, furnish, get, agree, pro-
duce, collect, stipulate.
Proximity. SYN. Neighborhood, vi-
ANT. Misprovide, neglect, over- cinity [See PROPINQUITY).
look, withhold, retain, appropriate,
Proxy. SYN. Agency, substitution,
misem- representation, agent, substitute, rep-
refuse, den.* , alienate, divert,
resentative, deputy, commissioner,
ploy, mismanage. lieutenant, delegate.
Provided. SYN. Granted, suppos- ANT. Principalship, personality,
ing. principal, person, authority, deputer.
ANT Barring, saving, excluded. Prudent. SYN. Wise, wary, cautious, 1

Providence. SYN. Forethought, circumspect, discreet, careful, judi-

timely care, forecast, divine govern- cious.
ment, divine superintendence. ANT. Foolish, unwary, incautious,
ANT. Improvidence, recklessness, uncircumspect, indiscreet, rash, im-
prudent, silly, reckless, audacious.
Provident. SYN. Forecasting, fore- Prudish. SYN. Coy, over modest, af-
seeing, cautious, considerate. fectedly modest, over nice, squeam-
ANT. Improvident, reckless, care-
ish, reserved, demure [See DEMURE].
less, inconsiderate. Prurient. SYN. Craving, itching,
Province. SYN. Tract, region, de- hankering, longing, lustful.
partment, section, sphere, domain, ter- ANT. Disliking, loathing, pure.
ritory. Prune. SYN. Trim, lop, drees, ampu-
ANT. Metropolis, centre, capital. tate.
Provincial. SYM. Appendant, an- ANT. Pamper, train.
PRY 210

Pry. SYN. Peer, peep, scrutinize, in- AN*, iafe, tardy, behindhand, be.
quire. lated, dilatory, uupunctual.
AST. Connive, overlook, disregard, Puncture,, v.[See PUNCH].
pretermit. Pungent. SYN. Pricking, piercing,
Prying. SYN. Peering, inquisitive, acrid, mordant, biting, stiiging,
scrutinizing, curious. stimulating, keen, trenchant, caustic,
AST. Incurious [See CUBIOUS]. piquant, sarcastic.
Public. SYN. Open, notorious, com- ANT. Soothing, mellow, luscious,
mon, Bocial, national, exoteric, gene- unctuous.
ral, generally known. Punish. SYN. Chastise, castigate,
ANT. Close, secret, private, domes- chasten, correct, whip, scourge.
tic,secluded, solitary, personal, indi- ANT. Reward, recompense, remu-
vidual. nerate, indemnify.
publication. SYN. Promulgation, Puny* SYN. Petty, undeveloped, un-
notification, proclamation, divulga- dersized, feeble, pigmy, dwarfish,
tion. small, inferior, tiny.
ANT. Suppression, reservation, ANT. Great, developed, fine, ro-
concealment. bust, vigorous, oversized, colossal,
Publicity. STN. Notoriety, currency gigantic.
[See NOTORIETY j. Pupil. SYN. Scholar, learner, stu-
Publish [See ANNOUNCE]. dent, tyro, novice, ward.
Puerile. SYN. Childish, boyish, in- ANT. Teacher, master, proficient,
fantile, youthful, nonsensical, futile, adept, guardian.
nugatory, weak, silly, trifling. Pupilage. SYN. Minority, disciple-
ANT. Manly, vigorous, effective, ship, wardship, tutelage, depend-
powerful, cogent, weighty. ence, government.
Puerility. SYN. Childishness, boy- ANT. Majority, mastership, guard-
ishness, juvenility, youthfulness. ianship, discretion, independence.
ANT. Maturity, ripeness, manli- Puppet [Fr. poupee, a do//, Lat.
ness. pupa], SYN. Doll, image, lay-figure,
Puff. SYN. Flatter, advertise, hawk, tool.
ventilate. ANT. Personality, power.
ANT. Squash, disparage, lash, chas- Puppy. SYN. Fop, coxcomb, prig.
tise, blast. ANT. Boor, clown, lout.
Pugnacious. SYN. Quarrelsome, Purblind. SYN. Blinkard, owl-
bellicose, contentious. eyed, short-sighted.
ANT. Peaceable, conciliatory, su- ANT. Eagle-eyed, hawk-eyed, lynx-
avity. eyed, Argus-eyed, far-sighted.
Pull. STN. Draw, drag, adduce, ex- Purchase [See BUY].
tract, tug, haul, pluck. Pure. SYI*. Clear, unmixed, simple,
ANT. Push, eject, extrude, propel. genuine, sheer, mere, absolute, un-
Pummel [See POMMEL]. adulterated, uncorrupted, unsullied,
Pump. SYN. Cross-examine, inter- unblemished, chaste, real, clean,
rogate, cross-quest iou. spotless, immaculate, undefiled, un-
ANT. Prime, indoctrinate, instruct, spotted, guileless, innocent, guilt-
cram. less.
Punch. SYN. Perforate, poke, pierce, ANT. Foul, turbid, impure, adul-
puncture, terebrate, bore. terated, corrupt, sullied, stained,
ANT. Stop, plug, seal, bung. tarnished, defiled, mixed, guilty.
Punctilious. SYN. Ceremonious, Purgation. SYN. Clearing, cleans-
nice, scrupulous, exact, particular, ing, purification, lustration, clarifi-
excessively nice, over scrupulous, cation, defecation, deterMon.
precise. ANT. Imputation, contraction, de-
ANT. Unceremonious, -unscrupu- filement, befoulment.
lous. Purgative, a. SYN. Evacuant, ca-
Punctual. Srs. Exact, prompt, thartic, abstergent.
early, timely. ,
AST. Binding [See ABSTERSIVE].
Purge. STN. Cleanse, clear, clarify, timorous, falnt-heartedness, mean-
purify [See CLEAR]. spirited [See GALLANT].
Purify [See PURGE]. Putt SYN. Place, lay, set, propose.
Puritanical. SYN. Prudish, ascetic, ANT. Remove, raise, displace,
demure. transfer, withdraw.
ANT. Genial, dissolute, voluptuous, Putative. SYN. Reckoned, supposed,
rakish. deemed, reputed, reported.
Purity. STN. Cleanness, clearness, ANT. Real, authenticated, veri-
immaculatenes", guiltlessness, inno- table, established.
cence [See INNOCENCE]. Putrefy. SYN. Rot, corrupt, decom-
Purlieu. SYN. Environ, precinct, pose, decay.
suburb. ANT. Preserve, embalm, freshen,
ANT. Centre, heart. Vit lize, purify, depurate, disinfect.
Purloin. SYN. Steal, filch, thieve, Putrid. SYN. Stinking, corrupt, of-
seize, plunde. fensive, decayed, decomposed, rot-
ANT. Keinstate, restore, To ten, foul, mean, base, worthless.
sin. ANT. Wholesome, sound, inoffens-
Purport. SYN. Tendency, meaning, ive, pure, redolent, fresh, healthful,
import, bearing, signification, drift, sweet, honorable, worthy.
tenor, current, intent, spirit. Puzzle, v. STN. Pose, perplex, em-
ANT. Statement, assertion, dec- barrass, bewilder, confound, mys-
laration, proposition, announce- tify, confuse.
ment. ANT. Enlighten, instruct, illumine.
Purpose, v. SYN. Intend, deter- Puzzle, n. STN. Embarrassment, be
mine, design, resolve, mean, pro- wilderment, enigma, confusion, con-
pose. undrum, intricacy, labyrinth.
ANT. Chance, risk, hazard, revoke, ANT. Disentanglement, solution,
Miscalculate, venture, stake. explanation, extrication, clue.
Purpose, n. SYN. Intention, de-
sign, mind, meaning, view, object,
aim, end, scope, point, resolve.
ANT. Chance, fortune, fate, acci- QUACK. STN. Empiric, mountebank,
dent, hazard, lot, casualty, lottery, charlatan, imposter, pretender, hum-
hit. bug.
Pursue. STN. Chase, follow, track, ANT. Dupe, gull, victim.
hunt, continue, prosecute [See PBOS- Quaff*. STN. Drink, swallow, imbibe.
ECUTE]. ANT. Disgorge, spew, vomit.
Pursy. STN. Short-winded, thick- Quagmire [See MAKSH].
winded, short-breathed. Quail. STN. Sink, shrink, cower, suc-
ANT. Lithe, agile, long-winded. cumb, crouch, flinch, blench, tremble.
Purulent. SYN. Feculent, festering, ANT. Stand, defy, withstand, face,
corrupt. endure.
ANT. Secretional, healthy. Quaint. SYN. Curious, recondite,
Purvey. STN. Provide, cater, pro- abstruse, elegant, nice, affected, whim-
vide food [See PROVIDE]. sical, odd, antique, archaic, fanciful,
Push. STN. Press, drive, impel, singular, old-fashioned.
shove, press against, propel, butt, ANT. Commonplace, ordinary,usnal,
thrust, urge, expedite, accelerate, coarse, common, modern, modish,
reduce. fashionable, dowdy.
ANT. Pull, draw, drag, adduce. Quake. STN. Tremble, shake, shud-
Pusillanimity. SYN. DactardlineM, der, vibrate, quiver, quaver.
cowardice, meanspiritedness, faint- ANT. Stand, rest, root.
heartedness, timidity, poltroonery. Qualification. STN. Capacity, fit-
ANT. Magnanimity, fortitude, cour- ness, condition, capability, accomplish-
age, bravery, venturesomeness, dar- ment, requirement, limitation, modi-
ing, heroism. fication.
Pusillanimous. SYN. Cowardly, ANT. Incapacity, unfltnees,absolute-
QUA 212 QUJfi

ness, disqualification, non-qualifica- Quarter. SYN. Region, district, lo-

tion, unrestrictedness. cality, territory, mercy, forbearance,
Qualified. SYN. Fitted, adapted, pity.
ompetent, suitable [See SUITABLE]. ANT. Extermination, mercilessnecs,
tjiinlify. SYN. Fit, prepare, adapt, unsparingness, pitilessness, ruthless,
capacitate, limit, restrict, enable, ren- ness,
der capable. Quash. SYN. Crush, extinguish, over-
ANT. Unfit, rtdsprepare, misqualify, throw, annihilate, annul, nullify, sup-
disqualify, incapacitate, free, absolve. press, cancel, vacate.
Quality. SYN. Condition, character, ANT. Sap, undermine, disorganize,
property, attribute, peculiarity, dis- decompose.
position, temper, sort, kind, descrip- Quaver, v. [See QUAKE].
tion, capacity, power, virtue, nature, Queer. SYN. Odd, whimsical quaint,
tendency. cross, strange, crochety, singular, ec-
ANT.Anomalousness,heterogeneons- centric.
ness, nondescript, incapacity, weak- ANT. Ordinary, common, usual, fa-
ness, in Jistinctiveness, ineffectiveness, miliar, customary.
disqualification, negation, disability. Quell. SYN. Extinguish, destroy,
Qualm. SYN. Misgiving, remorse, crush, reduce, allay, stifle, quiet,
scruple, penitence. pacify, quench, repress, suppress,
ANT. Comfort, ease, self-satisfac- calm, put out, subdue, quench, over-
tion, self-approval. power.
Quandary. SYN. Hobble, difficulty, ANT. Foster, excite, fan, aggravate,
doubt, puzzle, uncertainty, perplexity, stir, irritate, disturb, raise, inflame.
bewilderment, dubitation, baiting, di- Quench. [See QUELL].
lemma, embarrassment. Qiierlmonlous. SYN. Malcontent,
ANT. Clearsightedness, resolution, dissatisfied, opposititious, litigious.
plainness, clearness, obviousness, fa- ANT. Contented, satisfied, compla-
cility, disencumbrance, disentangle- cent, amenable, conformable.
ment, disembarrassment. Querulous. SYN. Quarrelsome, com-
Quantity. SYN. Measure, amount, plaining, fretful, repining, discon-
bulk, size, sum, portion, aggregate, tented, dissatisfied, chiding, murmur-
muchness, part, share, division. ing, whining, peevish, fastidious, ir-
ANT. Margin, deficiency, deduction, ritable.
want, inadequacy, scantiness, insuffi- ANT. Easy, uncomplaining,satisfied,
ciency, loss, deterioration, diminu- contented, submissive, genial, com-
tion, waste, wear, leakage. placent, cheerful, good-tempered.
Quarrel, n. SYN. Brawl,altercation, af- Query. SYN. Question, interrogation,
fray, squabble, feud, tumult, dispute, inquiry.
wrangle, variance, disagreement, mis- ANT. Answer.
understanding, hostility, quarreling, Question, v, SYX. Ask, inquire, in-
embroilment, bickering, broil. terrogate, doubt, investigate, dubi-
ANT. Confabulation, conversation, tate, controvert, dispute.
chat, pleasantry, conciliation, agree- ANT. Dictate, state, assert, pro-
ment,harmony ,understanding,friend- nounce, enunciate, concede, endorse,
liness, peace, amity, good-will. affirm, grant, allow.
Quarrel, v. SYN. Wrangle, squabble, Question, n. SYN. Inquiry, interro-
dispute, spur, jangle, fall out, bicker, gation, doubt, scrutiny, investigation,
brawl [See BRAWL]. topic.
Quarreling [See QUARREL]. ANT. Reply, response, solution, an-
Quarrelsome. SYN. Choleric, irasci- swer, explanation, admission, conces-
ble, petulant, litigious, pugnacious, sion.
brawling, fiery, hot-tempered, con- Questionable. SYN. Doubtful, du-
tentious, irritable. bious, problematical, disputable, de-
ANT. Peaceable, amenable, genial, batable, uncertain, suspicious.
unquarrel?ome, inoffensive, mild, ANT. Certain, evident, self-evident,
meek, conciliatory, bland, suave. obvious, indisputable.
213 RAI
Quibble, RTK. Shuffle, evade, trifle,
v. pose, contradict, traverse, misquote,
cavil, equivocate, prevaricate. misadduce, rebut.
ANT. Reason, argue, enunciate, in-
vestigate, discuss.
Quick. SYN. Fast, rapid, speedy, ex-
peditious, swift, hasty, prompt, ready, RARBL.1%. SYN. Crowd, mob, scum,
clever, sharp, shrewd, adroit, keen, dregs, riff-raff, vulgar herd, disorder-
fleet, active, brisk, nimble, lively, ly crowd, canaille.
agile, alert, sprightly, transient, in- ANT. Elite, aristocracy, galaxy, up-
telligent, irascible. per ten (U. S.).
ANT. Slow, tardy, sluggish, inert, Rabid. SYN. Furious, raging, mad,
inactive, dull, insensitive. infuriated, maniacal, frantic, raving.
Quicken. SYN. Accelerate, animate, ANT. Rational, sane, reasonable,
revive, re-invigorate, resuscitate, vivi- sober.
fy, stimulate, hurry, hasten, urge, ex- Race. SYN. Course, pursuit, career,
cite, promote, expedite, family [See LINEAGE],
ANT. Retard, delay, enctunber, clog,
drag, detain, discourage, allay.
Racy. SYN. Fine-flavored, fresh, rich,
pungent, piquant, spirited, smart,
Quickness. SYN. Liveliness, velocity, lively, vivacious, spicy.
speed, swiftness, celerity, fleetuees, ANT. Flavorless, dull, stupid.
haste. Rack [See TOKTUBE].
ANT. Slowness, tardiness, dilatori- Radiance. SYN. Brightness, splen-
dor, lustre, brilliancy, brilliance, ef-
Quiescence. SYN. Repose,rest, quiet,
fulgence, glare.
quietude, dormancy, tranquillity, si- ANT. Dullness, opaque.
lenoe, stillness [See AcTrvrrrJ. Radiant. SYN. Beaming, lustrous,
Quiet, n. SYN. Resr, repose, stillness, brilliant, glittering, splendid, shin-
calm, appeasement, pacification, si- ing, sparkling, luminous, glorious,
lence, peace. beauteous.
ANT. Unrest, motion, noise, agita- ANT. Dull, lustreless, non-luminous.
tion, excitement, disturbance, turmoil, Radiate. SYN. Shine, sparkle, gleam,
emanate, coruscate, shimmer [See
Quiet, v. SYN. Allay, appease, still, SHINE].
pacify, hush,lull, tranquillize, soothe, Radical. SYN. Original, fundamen-
tal, thorough-going, unsparing, ex-
ANT. Rouse, excite, disturb, agitate,
treme, entire, innate, natural, essen-
stir, urge, goad. tial, immaueut, ingrained, underived,
Quit. SYN. Leave, resign, abandon, re- deep-seated.
linqui^h^lischarge^elease, surrender, ANT. Derived, ascititiou ", adventi-

give up, depart from, forsake. tious, superficial, extraneous, partial,

ANT. Seek, occupy^ invade, bind, moderate, conservative, acquired.
enforce, haunt, enter.
Rage. n. SYN. Fury, rabidity, choler,
Quite. SYN. Perfectly, entirely, com- indignation, frenzy, auger, ire, dud-
pletely, wholly, truly, altogether, to- geon, mania, passion, madness, fero-
tally. city.
ANT. Partially, imperfectly, barely, ANT. Reaon, moderation, gentle-
insufficiently, hardly. ness, temperateuess, calmness, quies-
QniltaiK <. SYN. Discharge, abso- cence, mitigation, assuagement, tran-
lution, remission, release. quillity, mildness, softness.
ANT. Distraint, exaction, bond, Rage. v. HYN. Rave, storm, fume, be
debt, obligation. furious, be violent,
Quiver. SYN. Shake, shiver, vibrate, ANT. Be calm, be composed, be
tremble, quake [See QUAKE j. peaceful.
Quote. SYN. Cite, name, adduce, Raging. SYN. Vehement, violent,
plead, allege, note, repeat. impetuous, infuriate, furious.
ANT. Disprove, refute, retort, op- Rail. r. SYN. Censure, scold, bluster.
scoff, chide, objurgate [See CEN- ANT. Non-fortification, defeuceless-
SURE]. ness, exposure, insecurity, vulner-
Raillery [See BANTER]. ability.
Raiment. SYN. Clothing, vestments, Rancid. SYN. Sour, tainted, rank,
garb, apparel, dress, attire, vesture, frowzy, fetid, musty.
olid, reasty,
garments. ANT. Sweet, pure, untainted, fresh,
ANT. Rags, nudity, nakedness. fragrant.
Raise. SYN. Lift, heave, elevate, ex- Rancor. SYN. Ill-blood, spite, grudge,
alt, advance, promote, heighten, en- animosity, hatred, malice, malignity,
hance, awaken, rouse, excite, call enmity, antipathy, vindictiveness,
forth, cultivate, rear, produce, col- malevolence.
lect, summon, erect, originate, propa- ANT. Good-feeling, friendliness,
gate. kindliness, forgiveness, geniality,
ANT. Lay, cast, depress, degrade, sympathy, congeniality, unvindictive-
retard, dishonor, lower, depreciate, noss.
lull,compose, quiet, calm, blight, de- Random. SYN. Haphazard, stray,
stroy, disperse, disband, stifle, hush, chance, wild, aimless, purposeless,
silence, neutralize, confute. unpremeditated, casual, vague, acci-
Rake. SYN. Libertine, roue", deb- dental.
auchee. ANT. Steady, aimed, intended, reg-
Rakish. SYN. Licentious, dissolute, ular, controlled, purposed, intention-
wanton, lewd, loose [See LICEN- al, deliberate, designed, normal, sys-
TIOUS]. tematic.
Rally, v. t. and i. SYN. Eecal, re-
unite, inspirit, assemble, congregate,
Range, v. SYN. Rank, dispose, class,
place, order, collocate, file, concate-
animate, recover, reassure.
ANT. Demoralize, disperse, dis- nate, ramble, stroll, rove.
ANT. Disturb, disconnect, disorder,
derange, intermit, disconnect, remain,
Rally, v. SYN. Banter, satirize, chaff, be stationary.
taunt, mock, deride, ridicule, joke,
Range, n. [See ORDER and RANK].
ANT. Compliment, flatter, pane-
Rank. n. SYN. Row, line, tier, order,

gyrize, eulogize. degree, grade, dignity.

Ramble, v. SYN. Rove, roam, wan- ANT. Disconnection, disorder, in-
der, range, stroll, saunter, stray. continuity, solution, intermission, hici-
ANT. Course, speed, hasten, drive, tus, plebeianism, meanness, commoa-
run. alty.
Ramble, n. SYN. Jaunt, tour, wan-
Rank. a. SYN. Luxuriant, exuberant,
dering, strolling, excursion. extreme, excessive, rampant.
Ramification. SYN. Branching,
Rankle. SYN. Fester, smoulder,
branch, off-shoot, division, diver- burn, irritate, gall, disquiet.
ANT. Heal, cool, close, calm, quiet,
gence, subdivision.
ANT. Line, trunk, stem, bole, compose.
course, thread, sequence, continuity, Ransack. SYN. Rummage, rifle, ex-
prosecution, rectilinearity, indiver- plore, pillage, ravage, overhaul.
genco, indivision, non-ramification. ANT. hkim, su. . ^y, reconnoitre.
Rampant. SYN. Unbridled, uncon- Ransom, bra. Redeem, release, in-
trolled, wanton, headstrong, luxu- demnify, emancipate, free, liberate,
riant, furious, rank, violent, licen- unfetter, redeem.
tious, vehement. ANT. Prosecute, indict, fine, mulct,
ANT. Demure, self-restrained, re- forfeit, damnify.
atraiued, self-controlled, disciplined, Rant. SYN. Bombast, rhodomontade,
curbed. flummery, declamation, raving,
Rampart. SYN. Bulwark, fortifica- boasting.
tion, security, wall, defence, embank- ANT. Reason, argument, eloquence,
ment, mound, mole, outwork, breast- logic, rhetoric.
work. Rapacious. SYN. Greedy, ravenous*
voracious, predace</,<s, avaricious, endorse, secure, approve, validity,
grasping, extortionate. establish, substantiate, settle.
ANT. Bountiful, liberal, contented, ANT. Negative, reject, repudiate,
frugal. disaffirm, invalidate, abrogate, annul
Rapid. Bra. Quick, swift, speedy, nullify.
accelerated, flying. Ratiiicatloii. SYN. Confirmation,
ANT. Slow, tardy, retarded, cum- Hubst initiation, establishment, corrob-
brous, lazy. oration.
Rapidity. SYN. Quickness, swiftness, ANT. Negation, disafflrmation, ab-
speed, velocity, celerity, dispatch. rogation, nullifying.
ANT. Slowness, tardiness, cum- Rational. SYN. Sane, sound, intelli-
brousness, delay. gent, reasoning, reasonable, judi-
Rapture. SYN. Ecstacy, transport, cious, sober, sensible, probable,
bliss, ravishment, delight. equitable, moderate, fair.
ANT. Agony, torture, pain, tedium, ANT. Iiisane, unsound, weak, silly,
ennui, irksoiueuess. unintelligent, absurd, injudicious,
Hare. SYN. Scarce, choice, infre- fanciful, extravagant, preix>sterous,
unreasoning, unreasonable, irra-
quent, excellent, few, exceptional,
tional, exorbitant.
sparse, unusual, singular, uncommon,
incomparable, extraordinary, unique, Ravage, n. SYN. Devastation, deso-
dispersed, valuable, precious, thin, lation, waste, pillage, plunder, sack,
volatile. ruin, spoil.
ANT. Common, frequent, abundant, ANT. Sparing, conserving, preser-
numerous, mean, ordinary, usual, ving.
regular, crowded, dense, vulgar, Ravage, v. SYN. Spoil, devastate,
worthless, cheap, valueless. despoil, destroy, desolate, ransack,
Rarefy. SYN. Expand, lighten, atten- waste, ruin, overrun, plunder.
ANT. Spare, conserve, preserve, in-
uate, sublimate.
ANT. Solidify, condense, thicken. demnify.
Rascal. SYN. Rogue, scoundrel, vag- Rave. SYN. Wander, drivel, rant.
ANT. Converse, reason, discourse.
abond, scamp, villain, knave.
ANT. Gentleman. Ravel. SYN. Separate, undo, uutwis;,
Ra&h. SYN. Headstrong, audacious, unwind, disentangle.
ANT. Entangle, complicate, con-
hiisiy, precipitate, reckless, foolhardy,
careless, adventurous, thoughtless, in- glomerate, contuse.
discreet, venturesome, overventure- Ravenous. SYN. Voracious, hungry,
some, incautious, unwary, heedless. gluttonous, rapacious, omuivorous.
ANT. Wary, cautious, calculating, ANT. Listless, inappeteut, fastid-
discreet, unventuresome, dubitating, ious, dainty, nice.
hesitating, reluctant, timid. Raving. SYN. Delirious, furious, vio-
Rashness. SYN. Hastiness, precipi- lent, mad, distracted, frantic.
tancy, recklessness, veuturesomeuess, ANT. Calm, collected, reasonable,
temerity, precipitation, indiscretion. sensible.
ANT. Slowness, carefulness, cau- Ravish. SYN. Entrance, transport,
tiousness, discretion. enchant, enrapture, charm, violate,
Rate. n. SYN. Tax, impost, assess- outrage, deflour, debauch [See DE-
ment, duty, standard, allowance, ra- BAUCH],
tio, quota, worth, price, value [See Raw. SYN. Uncooked, unprepared,
PRICE]. unfinished, unripe, crude, unseasoned,
Rate. v. SYN. Compute, calculate, inexperienced, fresh, green, unprac-
estimate, value, scold, abuse, ap- tised, untried, bare, bald, exposed,
praise [See APPRAISE, COMPUTE and galled, chill, bleak, piercing.
ABUSE]. ANT. Cooked, dressed, prepared,
Ratlier than. SYN. Sooner than, in mature, mellow, sea-
finished, ripe,
preference to. soned, experienced, expert, adept,
Ratify. SYN. Sanction, seal, confirm. habituated, familiar, practised,
trained, tried, covered, healed, quire, gain, reap, make, verify, con-
balmy, genial. ceive.
Raze. SYN. Demolish, level, prostrate, ANT. Lose, miss, invalidate, dissi-
overthrow, dismantle, subvert, re- pate, misrepresent, falsify, neutral-
duce, ruin, destroy, debase. ize,misconceive.
ANT. Raise, erect, build, rear, re- Really. SYN. Veritably, truly, in-
pair, restore. deed, unquestionably.
Reach. SYN. Extend, thrust, stretch, ANT. Questionably, possibly, per-
obtain, arrive at, attain, gain, grasp, haps, falsely, untruly, fictitiously.
penetrate, strain, aim. Realm. SYN. Kingdom, province,
ANT. Fail, stop, cease, revert, re- state, empire, dominion, country [See
bate, miss, drop. EMPIRE] .

React. SYN. Recoil, result, counter- Reap. SYN. Gather, obtain, receive,
act, rebound. get, acquire, realize, derive, gain.
ANT. Act, influence, strike, im- ANT. Scatter, squander, dissipate,
press. waste, lose.
Read. SYN. Peruse, interpret, deci-
Rear. n. SYN. Back, end, tail.
ANT. Van, front, face.
pher, unravel, discover, recognize, Rear. v. SYN. Raise, elevate, breed,
ANT. Misread, misinterpret, over- discipline, erect, train, educate, in-
struct, foster, establish, construct,
look, misobserve. lift.
Readiness. SYN. Promptness, pre- ANT. Stifle, extinguish, kill, de-
paredness, aptness, alacrity, knack, press, subvert, demolish, destroy.
willingness [See ALACRITY]. Reason, SYN. Ground, account,
Ready. SYN. Prompt, alert, expedi- cause, explanation, motive, proof,
tions, speedy, unhesitating, dexter- apology, understanding, reasoning,
ous, apt, skilful, handy, expert, facile, rationality, right, propriety, justice,
easy, opportune, fitted, prepared, dis- order, object, sake, purpose.
posed, willing, free, cheerful, com- ANT. Pretext, pretence, misinter-
pliant, responsive, quick. pretation, falsification, misconcep
ANT. Unready, tardy, elow, hesita-
tion, disproof, unreasonableness, ab-
ting, reluctant, dubitating, surdity, fallacy, irrationality, wrong,
unhandy, clumsy, remote, inaccessi- unreason, impropriety, unfairness,
ble, unavailable, inopportune, un- folly, aimlessness, unaccountable-
ruited, unfitted, unprepared, indis- ness.
posed, unwilling, constrained, grudg- Reason, v. SYN. Debate, discuss, ar-
ing, unaccommodating, incompliant, gue, infer, deduce, conclude [See
irresponsive. ARGUE].
Real. SYN. Actual, veritable, exist- Reasonable [See RATIONAL].
ent, authentic, legitimate, true, gen- Reassure. SYN. Rally, restore, en-
uine, developed. courage, inspirit, animate, counte-
ANT. Fictitious, imaginary, un- nance.
real, non-existent, untrue, false, arti- ANT. Discourage, cow, brow-bnat,
ficial, spurious, counterfeit, facti- intimidate, discountenance.
tious, adulterated, assumed, pre- Rebel, n. SYN. Revolter, insurgent,
tended, potential, possible. traitor.
Reality. SYN. Verity, substance, ANT. Supporter, adherent.
truth, existence, genuineness, sub- Rebel, v. [See REVOLT].
stantiality. Rebound, n. SYN. Reaction, ri-
ANT. Fiction, falsehood, untruth, cochet, reverberation, recoil, resil-
hypothesis, supposition, image, fancy, ience.
shadow, figment, fabrication, insub- ANT. Impression, impact, collision,
stantiality, emptinessj hollowuess, percussion.
chimera, unreality. Rebound, v. SYN. Recoil, spring
Realize. SYN. Substantiate, effectu- back, reverberate [See REVKB-
ate, accomplish, exhibit, produce, ac- BKBATB}.
Rebuff, SYN. Rebuke, repel, re-
v. discardment, renunciation, abjur-
pulse, check, snub, oppose [See RE- ation.
PEL,]. Recess. SYN. Cavity, nook, with-
Rebuff", n. SYN. Rebuke, discourage- drawal, retirement, retret, seclusion,
ment, repulsion, check. privacy, vacation, holiday.
ANT. Welcome, acceptance, encour- ANT. Promontory, protrusion, pro-
agement. jection, publicity, work-time.
Rebuke, v. s-, Reprove, chide,
Reciprocal. SYN. Alternate, inter-
rebuff, reprimand, censure. changed, mutual, Interchangeable, re-
ANT. Approve, encourage, eulogize, flexive.
applaud, incite. ANT. One-sided, unreciprocated,
Rebut. SYN. Meet, retort, annul, unreturned.
confute. Reciprocation. SYN. Interchange,
ANT. Accept, sanction, recognize, exchange, reciprocity.
confirm. \NT. Non-interchange.
Recal. SYN. Restore, reassemble, Recital. SYN. Recitation, repetition,
revoke, supersede, recollect, call rehearsal, relation, description, ac-
back, remember, cancel. count, statement, narrative [See AC-
ANT. Relegate, dismiss, dispense,
delegate, appoint, commission, for- Recite. SYN. Narrate, recapitulate,
get. say by heart, repeat, rehearse, quote,
Recant. SYN. Retract, unsay, recal, speak, tell, recount, enumerate.
revoke, abjure, renounce. ANT. Misquote, misdeliver, misre-
ANT. Propound, profess, assert, de- count, misreuumerate, misrepre-
clare, enunciate, vindicate, maintain, sent.
hold, retain. Reckless. SYN. Careless, heedless,
Recapitulate. SYN. Summarize, incautious, foolhardy, thoughtless,
rehearse, enumerate, recite, repeat. rash, over-venturesome, regardless,
ANT. State, deliver, propound. inconsiderate, improvident.
Recede. SYN. Retire, withdraw, ANT. Cnreful, heedful, cantious,
retreat, retrograde, return, ebb. timid, chary, thoughtful, calculating,
ANT. Approach, advance, flow, pro- provident, considerate, wary, cir-
ceed. cumspect.
Receipt, n.SYN. Acknowledgment, Reckon. SYN. Compute, calculate,
reception, voucher. count, regard, estimate, value, ac-
Receive. SYN. Take, accept, admit, count, consider, argue, infer, judge.
hold, entertain, assent to. ANT. Mis-compute, miscalculate,
ANT. Give, impart, afford, reject, misestimate, misreckon.
discharge, emit. Reckoning. SYN. Computation, ac-
Received. SYN. Accepted, current, cmint, score, bill, charges.
ordinary, common. Reclaim. SYN. Refo m, recal, re-
ANT. Rejected, exceptional, unu- cover, regain, rescue, restore,
sual, uncommon. amend, convert, better.
Recent. SYN.Late, new, fresb, ANT. Vitiate, corrupt, sterilize,
novel, modern, new-fangled. worsen.
ANT. Ancient, antiquated, primi- Reclalmable. SYN. Recoverable,
tive, archaic. amendable, corrigible, convertible,
Receptacle. SYN. Repository, lodg- improvable, cultivable, redeemable.
ment, recipient, magazine, store, ANT. Irrecoverable, incorrigible,
case, berth. unimprovable, reprobate, desperate,
ANT. Carrier, carriage, convey- hopeless, irredeemable.
ance, discharger, consigner. Recline. SYN. Lean, slope, rest, lie,
Reception. SYN. Admission, ad- repose.
mittance, acceptance, acceptation, ANT. Erect, raise, rise, stand.
entertainment. Recluse. SYN. Shut, sequestered, re-
ANT. Denial, protest, repudiation, tired, apart, solitary, conventual, reg-
rejection, non-acceptance, dismissal, ular, dissocial.
ANT. Public, exposed, frequented, ANT. Obliteration, oblivion, non-
social, secular, unsequestered, conviv- registration, desuetude, obsolescence,
ial, companionable. imuiemoriality, disreuiembrauce.
Ret- Munition. SYN. Kecollection, Record*. SYN. Archives, annals,
remembrance, memory, coufession, chronicles, proceedings [See AN-
avowal, acknowledgment [See MEM- NAL8J.
ORY]. Recount. SYN. Rehearse, recite,
Recognize. SYN. Identify, ac- narrate, detail, enumerate, specify.
knowledge, concede, know again, ANT. Falsify, misrecite, misnarrate,
avow, own, allow. misenumerate, misrehearse.
ANT. Ignore, overlook, misobserve, Recourse. SYN. Reference, aid, ap-
repudiate, disavow, disown, disallow. plication, betaking, refuge.
Recoil fSee REBOUND]. ANT. Avoidance, independence,
Recollect. SYN. Recover, recal, re- omission, abstinence, dispensation,
member, bethink, bring to mind, call disu**.
up, think of. Recover. SYN. Regain, repossess,
ANT. Forget, lose. resume, retrieve, recruit, heal, cure,
Recommend. SYN. Commend, con- revive, restore, reanimate, save.
fide, praise, applaud, approve, ad- ANT. Lose, forfeit, miss, sacrifice,
vise. deteriorate, impair, decay, decline,
ANT. Discommend, disapprove, relapse.
warn, dissuade. Recovery. SYN. Repossession, re-
Recompense. SYN. Requite, re-
. gaining, reinstatement, vindication,
munerate, reward, indemnify, satisfy, renovation, restitution, re-establish-
repay, reimburse, compensate. ment, retrieval, rectification, replace-
ANT. Damnify, injure, misrequite, ment, reanimation, resuscitation, re-
dissatisfy. vival, redemption.
Recompense, n. SYN. Reward, in- ANT. Loss, forfeiture, privation, de-
demnification, satisfaction, remu- prival, sacrifice, abandonment, re-
neration, amends [See SATISFAC- lapse, retrogression, decay, declen-
TION]. sion, incurablenes^, ruin.
Reconcilable. SYN. Congruous, Recreant. SYN. Apostate, traitorous,
harmonious, compatible, consistent, dastardly, craven, false, cowardly,
forgiving. unfaithful, renegade, base, recusant.
ANT. Incongruous, antagonistic, in- ANT. Staunch, true, faithful, chiv-
consistent, incompatible, irreconcil- alrous, knightly, gallant, loyal, re-
able, inexcusable, unforgiving. doubtable.
Reconcile. SYN. Unite, conciliate, Recreation. SYN. Refreshment,
propitiate, pacify, harmonize, adjust, cheer, reanimation, amusement, di-
adapt, suit, reunite. version, revival, holiday, sport, pas-
ANT. Separate, sever, dissever, es- time, relaxation.
trange, disharmonize, derange, alien- ANT. Weariness, toil, lassitude, la-
ate. bor, fatigue, employment, assiduity,
Recondite. SYN. Deep, hidden, ab- work.
struse, profound, concealed, remote. Recriminate. SYN. Retort, return
ANT. Superficial, obvious, self-evi- an accusation [See RETOBT].
dent, patent, familiar, trite. Recrimination. SYN. Eetor*.
Record, r. SYN. Register, enter, counter-imputation, counter-charge,
note, chronicle. counter-accusation.
ANT. Obliviate, eilentiate, sup- ANT. Acquiescence, acceptance, con-
press. fession, silence, assent, avowal.
Record, n. SYN. Registry, entry, en- Recruit. SYN. Repair, refresh, re-
rolment, list, index, catalogue, regis- new, restore, recover, recreate, in-
ter, schedule, roll, scroll, enumera- vigorate, revive, reinforce.
tion, inventory, muniment, instru- ANT. Waste, lose, impair, relapse,
ment, archive, memorandum, remem- decay, decline [See RECOVEB].
b-anoe. Rectify. SYN. Straighten, correct.
KEO 219

a neud, better, adjust, emend, reform, Redolent [See FBAGBANT].

redress, regulate, rearrange, re- Redouble. SYN. Augment, midtiply,
model. intensify, reiterate.
ANT. Pervert, corrupt, derange, ANT. Diminish, slacken, weaken,
disorder, distort. reduce, abate.
Rectilinear. SYS. Straight, unde- Redound, followed by the prep. to.
viatlng, right-lined, point-blank. SYN. Add, result, issue, tend, accrue,
ANT. Curvilinear, deflexed, wind- contribute, lead, incline, conduce.
ing, tortuous, curved, serpentine. ANT. Fail, miss, swerve, nullify,
Rectitude. SYN. Straightforward- defeat, disappoint, frustrate, injure.
ness, uprightness, conscientiousness, Redress. SYN. Right, order, revise,
integrity, right, uprightness, incor- amend, rectify, remedy, repair.
ruptness. ANT. Aggravate, impair, wrong,
ANT. Obliquity, perverseness, worsen, intensify, establish, confirm,
crookedness, tortuousness, wrong, reiterate, sanction, deepen, per-
underhandedness, iniquity, immo- petuate.
rality, impropriety, depravity, cor- Reduce. SYN. Lessen, diminish, cur-
ruption. tail, attenuate, impoverish, narrow,
Recumbent. SYN. Lying, leaning,
contract, weaken, impair, subdue,
trailing, reclining, prostrate, re- subjugate, bring, refer, subject, clas-
posing, horizontal. sify, convert.
ANT. Vertical, erect, uninclined, ANT. Enlarge, magnify, increase,
standing. augment, produce, extend, amplify,
Recur. SYN. Return, come back, be
broaden, expand, renovate, invigor-
repeated, run in the mind, revert, re- ate, restore, repair, liberate, free,
sort, have recourse [See UETUBN j. except, dissociate, transform.
Recurrent. SYN. Returning, peri- Reduction. SYN. Diminution, con-
odic, frequent, repeated, reiterated, traction, decrease, abatement [See
intermittent ABRIDGMENT].
ANT. Momentary, continuous, un- Redundant. SYN. Superfluous, ex-
broken, unintennitted, solitary, tran- cessive, unnecessary, overflowing,
sitory, evanescent. luxuriant.
Recusant [See RECREANT, which, ANT. Requisite, defective, neces-
however, has a wore unfavorable sary.
sense]. Re-echo. SYN. Resound, rever-
Redeem. SYN. Repurchase, regain,
berate, repeat [See REVERBERATE].
retrieve, make amends for, recom- Reel. SYN. Totter, stagger, falter.
pense, ransom, liberate, rescue, re- ANT. Stand firm, stand steady.
cover, satisfy, fulfil, discharge. Re-establish. SYN. Reinstate, re-
ANT. Pledge, lose, forfeit, abandon,
store, refix, renew, confirm again
betray, surrender, sacrifice.
Redeemable. SYN. Retrievable, [See REINSTATE].
recoverable, reservable. Refer. SYN, Attribute, associate, as-
ANT. Irretrievable, irrecoverable, advert, connect, relate, point,
irredeemable. belong, allude, apply, appeal.
Redemption. SYN. Repurchase, re- ANT. Disconnect, dissociate, mis-
trieval, ransom, rescue, recovery, sat- apply, misappertain, alienate, inisbe-
isfaction, fulfilment, discharge, expi- seern, disresemble.
ation, compensation, atonement, sal- Referable. SYN. Ascribable, attrib-
vation, indemnification. utable, owing, imputable.
ANT. Forfeiture, abandonment, ANT. Not referable, not attrib-
loss, deprivation, sacrifice, betrayal, utable.
damnification. Referee. RYN. Umpire, arbitrator.
Redolence. SYN. Perfume, savor, ANT. Litigant, opponent, adver-
scent, odor. sary.
ANT. Fetor, stink, ill-savor, Reference. SYN. Relation, regard,
intimation, allusion [See RELATION}
Refined. SYN. Courtly, polished, ac- Refresh. SYN. Cool, refrigerate, In.
complished, genteel [See POLITE j. vigorate, revive, reanimate, reno>
Refinement. SYN. Clarification, vate, recreate, renew, restore, cheer
purification, filtration, sublimation, freshen, brace.
polish, elegance, cultivation, civili- ANT. Heat, oppress", weary, bur-
zation, subtilty, finesse, sophistry. den, afflict, annoy, tire, fatigue, ex-
ANT. Turbidity, grossness, foul- haust, debilitate, enervate, relax.
ness, coarseness, impurity, unrefine- Refreshment. SYN. Relief, invig-
ment, rudeness, inelegance, boorish- oration, regalement, entertainment,
ness, broadness, bluntness, unso- food, nourishment [See RELIEF].
phisticateduess. Refuge. SYN. Protection, shelter,
Refit. SYN. Repair, rearrange, read- harbor, asylum, retreat, covert,
just, reprovide, reinstate, reorganize. hospitality, sanctuary, hiding-place.
ANT. Relegate, disuse, discard, dis- ANT. Ex{>osure, inhospitableness.
organize, dismantle. peril, pitfall, snare, Scyila, <Jha-
Reflect. SIN. Return, image, mir- rybdis.
ror, exhibit, consider, think, cogi- Refund. SYN. Repay, return, re-
tate, meditate, contemplate, ponder, store, pay back, reimburse.
muse, ruminate, heed, advert, ani- ANT. Appropriate, withhold, divert,
misapply, embezzle, alienate, misap-
ANT. Divert, dissipate, idle, dream,
propriate, expend, misspend.
wander, rove, star-gaze, wool-gather, Refuse, v. SYN. Deny, withhold, re-
connive, disregard, overlook.
ject, decline, repudiate.
Reflection. SYN. Reflecting, medita- ANT. Grant, afford, yield, concede,
tion, thought, cogitation [See acquiesce.
THOUGHT]. Refuse, n. SYN. Offal, scum, dregs,
Refinx. SYN. Return, ebb, redound.
sediment, recrement, sweepings,
ANT. Flow, flux, stream.
trash, offscourings, debris, remains,
Reform. SYN. Amend, ameliorate, dross.
correct, rectiiy, better, reclaim, re- ANT. Cream, pickings, first-fruits,
generate, remodel, reconstitute, re- flower, prime.
organize, improve. Refute. SYN. Negative, disprove,
ANT. Corrupt, vitiate, worsen, de-
neutralize, controvert, repel, confute.
teriorate, perpetuate, stabilitate, con- ANT. Prove, confirm, establish.
firm, impair, deform, stereotype. Refutable [See REFRAGABLE j.
Reformation. SYN. Amendment,
reform, improvement, correction Regain. SYN. Recover, react, repro-
cure, re-obtain, retrieve, repossess.
[See CORRECTION]. ANT. Miss, lose, forfeit.
Refraction. SYN. Disradiation, ob-
liquity. Regal, a. SYN. Kingly, royal, splen-
ANT. Incidence, rectilinearity, non- did, imperial, magnificent, princely.
refraction. ANT. Beggarly, miserly, mean,
Refractory. SYN. Perverse, contu- shabby.
macious, stubborn, unruly, obstinate, Regale. SYN. Feast, entertain, grat-
unmans geable, mutinous, rebellious, ify, delight, refresh.
recalcitrant. ANT. Starve, stint, tantalize.
ANT. Obedient, docile, amenable, Regard, v. SYN. Behold, view, con-
manageable. template, esteem, consider, deem,
Refragable. SYN. Refutable, weak, respect, reverence, revere,
questionable, deniable, fallacious. value, conceive, heed, notice, mind.
ANT. Irrefragable, sound, indis- ANT. Miss, overlook disregard, de-
putable, unquestionable, undeniable. spise, dislike, contemn, hate, loathe,
Refrain. SYN. Forbear, hold, ab- niisconsider, misconceive, misesti-
stain, keep, restrain, withhold, de- mate, misjudge.
sistfrom. Regarding. SYN. Touching, con-
ANT. Indulge, venture, continue, cerning, respecting, with respect to,
persist. about, in relation to, in reference 'o.
ANT. Barring, disregarding, omit- Rehearsal, n.SYN. Repetition, re-
ting. cital, narrative [See ACCOUNT, it.].
Regardless, a. SYN. Heedless, in- Rehearse. SYN. Repeat, recite, nar-
considerate, careless, unmindful, in- rate, recount, relate, tell, recapitu-
attentive, unobservant, disregarding, late, recount, detail.
indifferent, derpising. ANT. Mlsrepent, misrecite, misre-
ANT. Careful, considerate, regard- count, misrelate, misrepresent, niis-
ful, attentive, prudent, cautious, cir- detail. ,
cumspect, scrupulous, mindful. Reign. SYN. Rule, govern, prevail,
Regards. SYN. Compliments, re- command.
spects, commendations. ANT. Obey, submit.
Regenerate. SYN. Reproduce, ren- Reimburse. SYN. Refund, repay,
ovate, resuscitate, revive, revivify, indemnify, satisfy.
restore, reintegrate. ANT. Embezzle, appropriate, mis-
ANT. Waste, corrupt, vitiate, dete- apply, alienate, damnify, defraud.
riorate, degenerate. Rein. SYN. Curb, bridle, restrain,
Region. SYN. Country, clime, terri- moderate, control, govern, check,
tory, district, tract of land, portion, hold.
part. ANT. Indulge, loose,vent, discharge,
Register [See RECORD]. humor.
Regression. SYN. Retreat, return, Reinforce [See RECRUIT].
retrogradation, retrogression, retire- Reinstate, SYN. Rehabilitate, re-
store, reinstal, replace, reinvest.
ANT. Advancement, progression, ANT. Degrade, remove, relegate,
aggression, procession. dethrone, banish, deprive, divest.
Regret, v. SYN. Grieve, lament, re-
Reinvest [See REINSTATE].
pent, miss, desiderate, deplore. Reiterate. SYN. Repeat, re-express,
ANT. Welcome, hail, approve,
re-enunciate, renew, reproduce.
abandon, abjure, forget, disregard. ANT. Cancel, withdraw, reverse,
Regret, n. 8 :N. Sorrow, grief, con- retrnct.
cern, remorae, lamentation, repen- SYN. Repel, renounce, throw
tance [See GRIEF]. Reject.
by, cast away, repudiate, decline, dis-
Regular. SYN. Customary, normal, card, refuse, exclude.
ordinary, orderly, stated, recurrent, ANT. Hail, welcome, accept, appro-
periodical, systematic, methodic, priate, choose, select, admit.
established, recognized, formal, sym-
metrical, certain. Rejoice. SYN. Delight, glory, exult,
ANT. Unusual, exceptional, abnor- joy, triumph, gladden, delight, revel,
be glad, cheer, please, enliven, grat-
mal, capricious, rare, irregular, dis-
ordered, fitful, unsymmetrical, va- ANT. Mourn, grieve, lament, weep,
riable, eccentric, erratic, uncertain.
Regulate. SYN. Methodize, organ- sorrow, repent, trouble, afflict, op-
govern [See ARRANGE and
ize, rale,
weary, depress, disappoint,
ORGANIZE]. burden, darken, distress, pain, sad-
Regulation. SYN. Rule, law, ad- den, vex, annoy.
justment, disposal, method, govern- Rejoinder. SYN. Retort, replication,
ment, order, control, arrangement. reply, answer, rebutter, parry.
ANT. Misrule, disorder, anarchy, ANT. Sally, banter, rallying, sar-
misgovernment, maladministration, casm, attack, hit.
disarrangement, nonregulation, ca- Rekindle. SYN. Reignite.resuscitate,
price, license, insubjectiou, uncou- reiuspire, fan, refocillate, reinforce.
trol. ANT. Stifle, extinguish, smother,
Rehabilitate. SYN. Reinstate, re- suppress, damp, quench.
empower, recapacitate, requalify. Relapse, v. SYN. Retrogress, recede,
ANT. Denude, divest, disempower. deteriorate,.
Incapacitate, disqualify, strip, de- ANT. Recover, amend, progress,
prive. advance, improve.
KEL 222

Relapse, n. SYN. Falling back, retro- unyielding, remorseless, unmerciful,

gression, returning to a former state truculent.
(especially a bad state). ANT. Yielding, humane, feeling,
ANT. Kecovery, return, improve- clement, murciful, compassionate.
ment. Relevancy. [See RELEVANT].
Relate. SYN. Tell, recite, narrate, re- j
Relevant. SYX. Appropriate, perti-
count, rehearse, report, detail; de- nent, apt, applicable, bearing.
scribe. ANT. Inappropriate, impertinent,
ANT. Misrecite, misrecount, mis- irrelevant.
represent, misreport, falsify, pervert, Reliance. SYN. Confidence, trust,
distort, misrelate. dependence, assurance.
Related. SYX. Kindred, cognate, ANT. Distrust, misgiving, suspicion,
akin, allied, connected. diffidence.
ANT. Unrelated, unconnected, -ot Relief. SYX. Succor, support, release,
allied. extrication, alleviation, mitigation,
Relation. SYX. Beference, aspect, aid, holp, assistance, remedy, re-
connection, narration, proportion, dress, exemption, deliverance, re-
bearing, affinity, homogeneity, associ- freshment, comfort.
ation, relevancy, pertinency, fitness, ANT. Oppression, aggravation, in-
harmony, ratio, relative,
agreement, tensification, burdensomenoss, troub-
kinsman, kindred, appurtenancy. le, haustion, weariness, discomfort.
ANT. Irrelation, disconnection, dis- Relieve. SYN. Help, succor [See AL.
sociation, irrelevancy, impertinency, LEVIATE].
disproportion, Disproportion, unfit-
Religion. STN. Faith, creed, theofc
ness, unsuitableness, heterogeneity, ogy, belief, profession, piety, sanctity,
disharmony, disagreement, alien. godliness, holiness.
Relative. SYN. Referring to, not ANT Unbelief, irreligion, godless-
absolute. ness, atheism, impiety, sacrilege,
ANT. Absolute. Bcoffing, blasphemy, scepticism, pro-
Relatives. SYX. Relations, kinsfolk, fanity, hypocrisy, sanctimoniousness,
kindred, kinsmen. [See KIN]. Pharisaism, formalism, reprobation.
Relax. SYN T
. Slacken, loosen, remit, Religious. SYN. Pious, godly, de-
abate, mitigate, release, unbend, re- vout, devotional, divine, holy, sacred.
lent, divert, recreate, rest, enervate, ANT. Impious, ungodly, undevout,
Unstring. sacrilegious, blasphemous, sceptical,
ANT. Tighten, increase, intensify, profane.
stretch, bend, brace, invigorate, re- Relinquish. SYN. Resign, leave,
double, grow, heighten, strengthen. quit,forsake, abandon, desert, re-
Relaxation. [See RELAX]. nounce, give up, lay aside, cede. fore-
Relay. SYX. Reinforcement, recruit- go, repudiate, surrender, discontinue.
ment, refreshment, supply, relief. ANT. fr-'eize, retain, assume, en-
ANT. Exhaustion, consumption. force, vindicate, assert, maintain.
Release, v. SYX. Free, loose, liberate, prosecute, defend, continue.
discharge, quit, acquit, exempt, ex- Relish, v. SYN. Like, approve, enjoy,
tricate, disengage, indemnify. appreciate.
ANT. Bind, constrain, confine, ANT. Repudiate, nauseate, reject,
shackle, fetter, yoke. abominate, loathe.
Release. n.SYN Liberation,discharge, Relish. n. SYN. Zest, recommenda-
freedom [See BONDAGE]. tion, enhancement, flavor, savor,
Relegate. SYN. Remove, transfer, gusto, taste, appetite, piquancy, sa-
banish, transport, exile, deport, des- pidity.
patch. ANT. Drawback, disflavor disrecom-
ANT. Recal, locate, reinstate. mendation, nauseousness, disrelish,
Relent. SYN. Yield, relax, soften. insipidity, unsavoriness.
ANT. Persist, harden. Relucent. a. SYN. Bright, shining,
Eelentle**. SYX. Cruel, inexorable. gleaming, glittering, flashing, lum
nous, radiant, crystalline, pellucid, ef- Remember. SYN. Recollect, recai,
fulgent. retain, bear in miml. uuuil.
ANT. Dull, opaque, rayless, leaden, ANT. Forget, obiiviate, disregard,
dark. overlook.
Reluctance. SYN. Aversion, repug- Remembrance. SYN. Recollection,
nance, unwillingness, dislike, regret, memory, memorial, token, souvenir,
misgiving. memento, reminiscence.
ANT. Desiro. readiness, willingness, ANT. Forgetfulness, oblivion.
promptitude, alacrity, welcome, for- Reminiscence. SYN. Remnant,
wardness, eagerness. relic, trace, savor, leavings.
Reluctant. SYN. Averse, unwilling, ANT. Prognostic, indication, sug-
disinclined, loth, backward. gestion, warning, announcement, re-
ANT. Willing, inclined, eager, for- ministration.
ward. Remiss. SYN. Slack, careless, negli-
Rely. [See TRUST]. gent, i
wanting, flow, slotii-
Remain, svx. Stay, continue, wait, ful, idle, lax, dilatory, tardy, remiss-
stop, tarry, halt, sojourn, rest, dwell, ful.
abide, last, endure, accrue, survive. ANT. Energetic, careful, attentive,
ANT, Fly, vanish, remove, depart, active, assiduous, alert, painstaking,
speed, hasten, press, flit, disappear, diligent, strict.
pass. Remlasful [See REMISS].
Remainder. SYN*. Rest, residue, Remit. STN. Relax, pardon, absolve,
remnant, balance, surplus, leavings, forego, discontinue, surrender, foi-
relics, difference. give, resign.
ANT. Expenditure, loss, outgoings, ANT. Increase, intensity, enforce,
issue, waste. exact.
Remark. STN. Observe, note, heed, Remittent. SYN. Periodic, recur-
comment, assert, say, notice. rent.
ANT. Misobserve, disregard, over- ANT. Chronic, continuous, constant.
look, miss. Remnant [See REMAINDER].
Remarkable. SYN. Observable, no- Remonstrate. SYN. Expostulate,
ticeable, extraordinary, unusual, rare, rebel, protest, recalcitrate, object,
striking, noteworthy, notable, dis- admonish.
tinguished, famous, peculiar, promi- ANT Acquiesce, submit coincide.
nent, singular. Remorse. SYN. Compunction, an-
ANT. Unremarkable, unnoticeable, guish, ttelf-condemnation, penitence,
ordinary, mean, commonplace, every- sting of conscience
day, undistinguished. ANT. Complacency, self-approval,
Remediable. SYN. Curable, rectifl- self-congratulation.
able, removable. Remorseless. hYN. Cruel, truculent
ANT. Incurable, irremediable, re- inexorable, ruthless, pitiless, unre-
mediless, desperate, hopeless, unal- lenting, merciless, implacable.
terable. ANT. Mild, humane, gentle, feel-
Remedial. SYN. Sanatory, sanative,
ing, compunctious, lenient, remorse-
alterative, ameliorative, mitigating, ful, self-condenming, regretful, com-
corrective, curative, healing, restora- passionate.
tive, salubrious.
ANT. Noxious, hurtful, exaggera-
Remote. SYN. Distant, indirect, un-
connected, unrelated, foreign, alien,
tive, confirmative, morbific, deleteri- heterogeneous, separate, contingent.
ous, inducive, provocative. ANT. Near, close, direct, connected,
Remedy. SYN. Cure, restorative, related, lomogeneous, immediate,
counteraction, reparation, redress, proximate, essential, present, press-
relief, help, specific. ing, urgent, actual.
ANT. Evil, disease, hurt, infection, riomove. SYN. Displace, separate,
plague, ill, impairment, deterioration, abstract, transport, carry, transfer,
aggravation, provocation. eject, oust, dislodge, suppress, mi-
grate, depart.
224 REP
ANT. Restore, conserve, stabilitate, Renowned. SYN. Famous, eeie.
perpetuate, establish, reinstate, rein- brated, wonderful, illustrious [bee
Btal, instal, fix, fasten, stay, remain, FAMOUS].
dwell, abide, stand. Rent. SYN. Laceration, rupture, fis-
Remunerate. SYN. Reward, recom- sure, divulsion, schism, solution.
pense, satisfy, compensate, repay, ANT. Suture, junction, union, con-
requite, reimburse. tinuity, integrity, reparation, redin-
ANT. Defraud, misreqnite, misre- tegration, reunion, consolidation.
pay, dissatisfy, damnify. Renunciation. SYN. Rejection,
Remuneration. SYN. Payment, repudiation, abjuration, abnegation,
compensation, recompense, reward. abandonment, cession, surrender [See
Rend. SYN. Tear, lacerate, divide, Reorganize. SYN. Rearrange, re-
separate, split, disintegrate, disunite, re-assemble.
rive, tear asunder. ANT. Dissolve, disband, dissipate,
ANT. Repair, place, patch, con- disperse, derange, dismember, disin-
serve, nnite, perpetuate, continuate. tegrate,
Render. SYN. Give, present, return, Repair. SYN. Restore, recover,
restore, give up apportion, assign, mend, retrieve, relit.
surrender, pay, requite, deliver. ANT. Impair, waste, wear, dete-
ANT. Keep, retain, withhold, appro- riorate, injure.
priate, alienate, misapportion, mis- Reparable. SYN. Recoverable,
appropriate, misreqnite. curable, retrievable.
Renegade. SYN. Apostate, traitor, ANT. Irreparable, incurable, ir-
deserter, heretic, betrayer, back- retrievable.
slider, vagabond, turncoat, recreant Reparation. SYN. Restoration,
ANT. Supporter, adherent, de- repair, restitution, compensation,
fender, bigot, zealot, dogmatist, fa- satisfaction, amends, indemnifica-
natic. tion, atonement.
Renew. SYN. Recreate, restore, re- ANT. Jijur;-, Impairment, deteri.
fresh, renovate, rejuvenate, furbish, oration, waste, wear, defective-He**,
recommence, repeat, reiterate, re- damnification.
issue, regenerate, reform, trans- KV :pay. SYN. Eemuneratv;, reimburse,
form. recompense, reward, retaliate, re-
ANT. Impair, wear, deteriorate, quite, r.fnnd.
vitiate, exhaust, discontinue, corrupt, ANT. Defraud, misappropriate, em-
weaken, defile, deprave. bezzle, waste, alienate, extort, con-
Renitent. SYN. Resistent, elastic, ns^ ate, xact.
resilient, reluctant, stubborn, tough, 2lo; al . t>. (From Lat. re appellare,
counteractive. t' SYN. Abolish, revoke,
--U back.)
ANT. Yielding, lentous, flexible, rescind, cancel, .-unul. recal, abro-
docile, pliant. gate, reverse, discontinue, rescind
Renounce. SYN. Reject, abjure, dis- make void.
claim, disown, forego, disavow, deny, ANT. Continue, establish, pass, in-
quit, resign, abandon, recant, relin- stitute, sanction, enact, perpetuate,
quish, repudiate. confirm.
ANT. Acknowledge, recognize, Repeal, n. SYN. Abrogation, rescis-
claim, maintain, assert, propound, sion, revocation, annulment.
own, vindicate, avow, profess, hold, ANT. Continuance, establishment,
retain, defend. perpetuation.
Renovate. [See RENEW]. Repeat. SYN. Reiterate, iterate, re-
Renown. SYN. Fame, distinction, new, cite, quote, relate, rehears^
note, notability, eminence, celebrity, recapitulato, reproduce.
glory, reputation, lustre, honor. ANT. Discontinues, drop, discard,
ANT. Disgrace, meanness, ignoble- abandon, ignore, suppress, misre*
ness, degradation, taint, stain, brand, peat, misquute, nisrecite, misrepre.
discredit, dishonor, disrepute. sent, misinterpret, misconvey.
report, misrepresent, miarelato, fal*.
Repeatedly. SYN. Frequently ify.
aK'iin and aain, often.
ANT Seldom, rarely. Report, n. SYN. Tiding*, announo*.
ment, relation, narration, recital, de-
Kepel. SYN. Repulse, reject, refuse, scription, communication, declara-
deter, resist, check.
tion, news, rumor, fame, repute,
ANT. Promote, propel, welcome, noise, reverberation.
advance, accept, encourage, fur- ANT. Silence, suppression, misan-
nouDcement, fabrication, noiseless*
Repent. SYN. Grieve, regret, sor- ncs*.
row, rue, repine, deplore, lament.
ANT. Rejoice, persist. Repose, v. SYN. Lio, recline, couch
rest, settle, abide, stay, acquiesce,
Repentance. SYN. Penitence, con- lodge, lace, deposit.
trition, compunction regret, re- ANT. Rise, stand, vo, wander,
morse, borrow, eelf-reproach, self- flit, flutter, remove, trr-jsfer.
AKT. Impenitence, obduracy, re- Repose, n. SYN. 1 lest,
quiet, stillness,
ruclinati .n, tranquilli'v, calmness,
cusancy, hardness, repr~jation, self-
approval. peaceful^.ess, ea_, _.eace, quiescence.
ANT. Movement, disquiet, unrest,
Repercussion. SYN. Recoil, rever-
agitaiicn,restlessness, disturbance,
beration, ricochet, rebound.
ANT. Impaot, stroke, shock, collis- commotion, tumult, distraction, un-
ion, contact.
Repetition. SYN. Iteration, reiter- Repreb -d. SYN. Blam chide, re-
ation, dwelling upon, diffuseness,
pro v, . usure, repriman

ANT. 1 raise, lax. I. eulogize, sanc-

verbosity, relation, [See RELATION].
SYN. tion, appi-ve.
Vlcpine. Murmur, grumble,
complain. Ro;>r-ili iil.tle. SYN. Blamable,
ANT. Acquiesce, submit, emile, re- blamew- -*';;, culpable, censurable,
joice. reproa^habl?, reprovable, objection-
Replace. SYN. Restore, supply, sub-
ANT. Laudable, praiseworthy, irre-
stitute, reinstate, rearrange, re-estab-
lish. proacha, it, irreprovable, unexcep-
ANT. Move, abstract, withdraw, re- tionable innocent, unobjectionable.
move, damage, deprive. Represent. *N. Portray, delineate,
Replenish. SYN. Fill, refill, resup-
) rodu exhibit, personate, state,
t. scrib Indicate, embody, enact,
ply, stock, satisfy, furnish, enrich.
ANT. Waste, empty, exhaust, re- illnstrate, denote, play, dramatize,
duce, drain, impoverish. resi -nble.
Replete, [^ee EMPTY]. ANT. Misportray, misdellneate, dis-
Repletion. SYN. Fulness, abun- misrepresent.
tort, falsify, caricature,
dance, amplitude, superabundance, Repr .'.entail <n. STN. Likeness,
overfulness. personation, semblance, exhibition
ANT. Exhaustion, emptiness, want, [8o- LIKENESS].
inanition. R -pr3sentative. n. STN. Agent,
Reply, v. SYN. Replicate, answer, re- commissioner, proxy, deputy, substi-
spond, rejoin. tute, embodiment, personation, dele-
ANT. Ignore, drop, pretermit, pass, gate, vicar, vicegerent, principal,
disregard. bovereign, Constituency.
Reply, n. SYN. Answer, rejoinder, ANT. Autocrat, dictator.
response, replication. Representative, a. STN. Figura-
ANT. Pass by, ignoring. tive, symbolical, delegated to others
Report. .. SYN. Announce, relate, [See FIGURATIVE and REPRESENT],
tell,circulate, notify, narrate, recite, Repress. SYN. Crush, quell, subdue,
describe, detail, communicate, da* check, restrain, curb, overpower,
mitigate, damp, calm, control.
ANT. Silence, hush, suppress, au*- ANT. Raise, rouse, eatcite, agitate.
aggravate, foment, intensify, foster, ANT. Charming, agreeable, attract,
encourage, stimulate, incite, fan. ive, winning, captivating, fascina-
Reprieve, n. SYN. Respite, acquittal, ting, alluring, seductive, pleasant.
suspension, delay, interval, pardon, Reputable. SYN. Respectable, cred-
amnesty, intermission. itable,honorable, estimable.
ANT. Condemnation, conviction, ANT. Uurespectable, discreditable,
reprisal, retribution. dishonorable, disgraceful, disreputa-
Reprimand [See REPREHEND]. ble.
Reprisal. SYN. Retaliation, retribu- Request. t>. SYN. Ask, desire, beg,
tion, self-compensation, self-indemni- entreat, beseech, petition, supplicate,
fication. demand.
ANT. Condonation, grace, remis- ANT. Command, order, insist, di-
sion, reprieve. rect, dictate, enjoin, require, demand,
Reproach, SYN. Blame, censure,
v. exact.
taunt, rebuke, upbraid, reprobate, re- Request, n. [See PETITION].
prove. Require. SYN. Demand, claim, exact,
ANT. Laud, praise, approve, com- insist upon [See REQUEST, ANT.].
mend. Requital [See SATISFACTION].
Reproach, n. [See APPROBATION]. Requite. SYN. Repay, reward, com-
Reprobate, v. SYN. Condemn, da- pensate, recompense, remunerate,
nounce. satisfy, retaliate, punish, avenge, re-
ANT. Sanction, commend, approve. venge.
Reprobate, a. SYN. Abandoned, cast- ANT. Misrequite, defraud, con-
away, irredeemable, lost. done, absolve, pardon.
ANT. Hopeful, redeemable, salva- Rescind. SYN. Revoke, repeal, an-
ble. recoverable. nul, cancel, recal, reverse, abrogate.
Reprobate, n. SYN. Castaway, vil- ANT. Perpetuate, enforce, main-
lain, ruffian, miscreant, scapegrace, tain, re-enact.
scalawag. Rescue, v. SYN. Retake, recover, re-
ANT. Example, pattern, mirror, capture, liberate, extricate, save, de-
model, paragon. liver, preserve.
Reproduce. SYN. Generate, propa- ANT. Eudanger, imperil, betray,
gate, imitate, exhibit, represent, copy. surrender, abandon, expose.
ANT. extinguish, extermi-
Stifle, Rescue, n. [See SALVATION].
nate misrepresent, misportray. Research. SYN. Investigation, in-
Reproduction, n. [See REPRO- quiry, scrutiny, examination, explor-
DUCE]. ation, learning, lore, discovery, elab-
Reproyable. SYN. Censurable, rep- oration, elimination.
rehensible [See CULPABLE]. ANT. Ignorance, superficiality,
Reprove [See REPROACH]. sciolism, misinvestigatiou, shallow-
Repudiate. SYN. Disavow, disown, ness, oversight, iuobservance.
discard, cast off, abjure, renounce, Resemblance. SYN. Likeness, sim-
disclaim, divorce. ilarity, similitude,semblance, repre-
ANT. Avow, own, vindicate, assert, sentation, portrait, reflection, image.
retain, vaunt, claim, profess, recog- ANT. Unlikeness, dissimilarity, dis-
nize, acknowledge, accept. resemblance, difference, contrariety.
Repugnant. SYN. Hostile, antago- Resent. SYN. Repel, resist, rebel, re-
nistic, averse, reluctant, unwilling, ir- calcitrate, take ill.
reconcilable, incompatible, inimical, ANT. Acquiesce, submit, condone,
adverse, contradictory, loath, hetero- pardon, overlook.
geneous. Resentful. SYN. Choleric, malicious,
ANT. Friendly, coincident, harmo- vindictive, intolerant, insubmissive.
nious, compatible, willing, consistent, ANT. Meek, mild, placable, toler-
homogeneous, congruous. ant, forgiving, submissive.
Repulsive. SYN. Forbidding, deter- Resentment. SYN. Anger, ire, in-
rent, ungenial, odious, ugly, unat- dignation, animosity.
tractive, disagreeable, revolting. ANT. Calmness, acquiescence, toler-
ation, mildness, endurance, forgive- irrefragable, resistless, overwhelm-
ness. ing, conclusive.
Reserve. SYN. Reservation, reten- Resolute. SYN. Determined, de-
tion, limitation, withholding, appro- cided, steadfast, fixed, steady, con-
priation, coyness, shyness, backward- stant, persevering, stout, pertina-
ness, secretiveness, taciturnity, mod- cious, energetic, dogged, stout heart-
esty, restraint, constraint. ed, inflexible, undaunted, uudevi-
ANT. Abandonment, non-reserva- ating, unflinching.
tion, surrender, absoluteness, open- ANT. Uneiie rgetic, fitful, vacil-
ness, frankness, forwardness, pert- lating, irresolute, dubious, shilly-
ness, unrestraint, undisguise, trans- shally, capricious, variable, ductile,
parency, shazuelessness indiscretion. undetermined, undecided, weak.
Reserved. SYN. Backwardness, cold, Resolution. SYN. Separation, de-
silent, cautious, unsociable, sly, composition, analysis, uu ravelling,
ful See FRIGID and SLY].
| disentanglement, disintegration, con-
Reside [See ABIUEJ. version, nrnuiess, &c., as under res-
Residence. SYN. 8tny, sojourn, oc- olute.
cupation, abode, peruoctatiou, dwell- ANT. Aggregation, composition,
ing, location. union, amalgamation, integrity, to-
ANT. Migration, travel, locomo- tality, incorporation, synthesis, col-
tion, absenteeism, non-residence, location, conservation, entangle-
alibi. ment, confusion, conglomeration.
Resident, a. SYN. Abiding, dwelling, Resolve [See DECIDE].
residing, inhabiting. Resonant. SYN. Resounding, sono-
ANT. Migrating, moving. rous, musical, metallic, vibratory,
Resident, n. SYN. Occupant, dwell- acoustic, shrill, loud, sharp, vocal,
er, tenant, sojourner, inhabitant. ringing.
ANT. Stranger, foreigner, visitor. ANT. Mute, silent, dead, dumb,
Residue [See REMAINDER], muffled, wooden, voiceless, stifled,
Resign. SYN. Surrender, abandon, non-resonant.
return, withdraw, abdicate, submit, Resort, v. SYN. Repair, fly, retire,
leave, relinquish, forego, renounce. retreat.
ANT. Retain, claim, appropriate, ANT. Shun, ignore, avoid, discard.
vindicate, grasp. Resort, n. SYN. Assembly, betaking,
Resignation. SYN. Surrender, re- repairing, haunt, frequeutation, em-
liuquishment, forsaking, abandon- ployment, recourse.
ment, abdication, renunciation, sub- ANT. Shunning, avoidance, for-
mission, acquiescence, patience, en- saking, abandonment, desertion.
durance. Resound. SYN. Ring, reverberate,
ANT. Retention, claim, appropria- echo, re-echo, respond.
tion, vindication, grasp, resistance, ANT. Whisper, murmur, breathe,
rebellion, murmur, dissatisfaction, mutter, hum.
discontent, contumacy, contention, Resource, Resources. SYN. Ma-
protestation, remonstrance. terial,means, productions, supplies,
Resist. SYN. Withstand, oppose, expedients, contrivance, wealth, rich-
hinder, check, thwart, rebuff, stem, es, device.
combat. ANT. Destitution, barrenness, in-
ANT. Encourage, promote, aid, ad- anition, exhaustion, lack, drain, non-
vance, help, succor, acquiesce, sub- plus, poverty, sterility.
mit, suffer, allow, tolerate, permit. Respect, v. SYN. Notice, regard,
Resistance. SYN. Opposition, hin- honor, prefer, venerate, esteem.
drance [See CHECK]. - ANT. Overlook, disregard, dis-
Resistible. SYN. Weak, refutable, honor, despise, contemn.
nugatory, trifling, childish, worth- Respect, n. SYN. Reference, i elation,
less. regard, honor, deference.
ANT. Overpowering, irresistible, ANT. Irrelativeness, disregard, con-
tempt, dishonor, insult, contumely, parture, injury, waste, abstraction,
disrespect. seizure, wrong.
Respectable, a. SYN. Worthy, Restorative. SYN. Compensatory,
good, considerable, laudable. remedial, reparatory, invigorating.
ANT. Unworthy, bad, unrespectable, ANT. Exhaustive, debilitating, wast-
mean, inconsiderable. ing, consumptive.
Respective. SYN. Eelative, apper- Restore. SYN. Return, replace, re-
taining. fund, repay, reinstate, re-establish,
ANT. Absolute, irrespective. renew, repair, recover, heal, cure, re-
Respite [See REPRIEVE]. fresh.
Resplendent. SIN. Brilliant, gor- ANT. Abstract, remove, displace,
geous, luminous, glittering, flashing, appropriate, alienate, deprive, im-
burnished. pair, wound, injure, dilapidate, shat-
ANT. Dead, som- ter.
dull, lustreless,
bre. Restrain. SYN. Check, repress, hin-
Respond. SYN. Answer, reply, re- der, limit, confine, restrict, withhold,
join, correspond, tally, accord, meet, curb, coerce, prohibit, narrow, cir-
suit. cumscribe, reduce.
ANT. Propound, disagree, disac- ANT. Promote, advance, urge, in-
cord, jar, differ. cite, aid, liberate, indulge, loose,
Response [See ANSWEB]. vent, amplify, enlarge, expand, ex-
Responsible [See ACCOUNTABLE], Restraint [See CHECK, n.].
Responsive. SYN. Answering, cor-
respondent, echoing, sympathetic,
Restrict [See RESTRAIN].
obedient. Result, v. SYN. Terminate, end, en-
ANT. Alien, unsympathetic, strange, sue, eventuate.
irrespousive. ANT. Originate, arise, precede,
Rest, n. SYN. Quiet, repose, cessa- spring, commence, start, begin.
tion, tranquillity, peace, security, Result, SYN. Termination, end,
pause, interval, intermission. issue, consequence, product,
ANT. Tumult, commotion agita- fruit, outcome, upshot, development,
tion, disquiet, unrest, insecurity, con- conclusion, remainder.
tinuity, uninterruptedness, progres- ANT. Beginning, commencement,
sion, restlessness. initiative, cause, rise, spring, origin,
Restitution. STN. Restoration, re- operation, causation, tendeucy, pro-
turn, indemnification, reparation, duction, antecedent, premonition,
compensation, amends. prognostic, indication.
ANT. Fraud, deprivation, wrong, Resume. SYN. Recommence, renew,
robbery, abstraction, injury. return, begin again.
Restive. SYN. Stubborn, obstinate, ANT. Drop, discontinue, intermit,
uneasy, balky, recalcitrant. interrupt.
ANT. Docile, manageable, tracta- Resumption [See RESUME].
ble. Resurrection. SYN. Rising, reno-
Restless. SYN. Unquiet, uneasy, dis- vation, resuscitation, regeneration.
turbed, sleepless, agitated, roving, ANT. Death, burial, interment, ex.
incessant, tossing. tinction.
ANT. Calm, quiet, reposing, still, Resuscitate. SYN. Revive, re-excite,
motionless. reanimate, reimrigorate, revivify.
Restoration. SYN. Recovery, re- ANT. Extinguish, lay, prostrate,
placement, renewal, renovation, quench.
redintegration, re-establishment, re- Retain. RYN. Keep, hold, restrain.
turn, revival, restitution, reparation, ANT. Abandon, forfeit, surrender.
compensation, amends. Retaliate. SYN. Avenge, retort, re-,
ANT. Loss, lapse, forfeiture, dis- pay, requite.
placement, deterioration, impair- ANT. Pardon, condone, forgive.
ment, deprivation, abandonment, de- Retaliation. SYN. Revenge, repay-
ment, retribution, requital, reprisals, menf, reward, compensation, punish-
reciprocation. ment, visitation.
ANT. Pardon, condonation, forgive- ANT. Condonation, remission, par-
ness, r mission. don, reprieve, non-retribution, spar-
Retard. SYN. Clog, hinder, obstruct, ing.
impede, defer. Retrievable. SYN. Recoverable, re-
ANT. Accelerate, expedite, pro- deemable, hopeful, salvable, reform-
mote. able, amendable.
Retentive. SYN. Preservative, close, ANT. Hopeless, desperate, irre-
teuacious, mindful deemable, irrecoverable, reprobate,
ANT. Loose, leaky, oblivious lost, irreformnble, uuamenduble.
Reticence. SYN. Reserve, eilent- Retrieve. SYN. Recover, regain, res-
ue>s, refrain, repressiveness. cue, repair, restore.
ANT. Unreserve, abandon, garru- ANT. Lose, forfeit, abandon, betray,
lity, freedom. surrender, inipa r, deteriorate.
Reticent. SYN. Silent, taciturn, Retrogression. SYN. Retreat, re-
voiceless, still [See RESERVED and tirement, decline, relapse.
TACITURN]. ANT. Advance, progress, improve-
Retinue. SYN. Retainers, attendant?, ment, amelioration.
suite, pomp, followers, tail, satellites, Retrospect. SYN. Review, survey,
escort, cortege. recollection, reminiscence, reconsid-
ANT. Non-attendance, unslateliness, eration.
solitariness. ANT. Prognostication, anticipation,
Retire. SYN. Withdraw, retreat, de- speculation, forecasting, prophecy,
part, secede, shrink, repair. prospect.
ANT. Approach, advance. Return. SYN. Recur, revert, reap-
Retirement. SYN. Solitude, privacy, pear, come back, repay, requite, rec-
departure, seclusion, recess, con- ompense, retaliate, render, restore,
cavity, retreat. yield, produce, give back, repay.
ANT. Publicity, approach, advance, ANT. Depart, remove, vanis-h, dis-
prominence, protrusion, convexity. appear, retain, appropriate, misap-
Retort, n.SYN. Rejoinder, replica- propriate, alienate, withhold.
tk>", repartee, reciprocation, retalia- Reveal. SYN. Unveil, disclose, show,
tion, reply, answer. communicate, divulge, discover, ex-
ANT Concession, confession, ac- pose, unearth, make known.
quiescence, acceptance. ANT. Hide, obscure, conceal, sup-
Retort, v. [See REPLY and RETALI- press, cover, cloak.
ATE]. Revel. SYN. Carouse, feast, banquet,
Retract. SYN. Withdraw, recal, re- luxuriate, wallow.
voke, unsay, disavow, recant, abjure, ANT. Fast, abstain, nauseate.
renounce. Revelation. SYN. Discovery, disclo-
ANT. Reiterate, repeat. sure, divine communication, apoca-
Retreat, v. [See RETIRE], lypse.
Retreat, n. SYN. Retirement, de- ANT. Concealing, veiling, shroud-
parture, withdrawal, seclusion, soli- ing,keeping back.
tude, privacy, asylum, shelter, refuge, Revelry. SYN. Carousal, noisy, fes-
recess [See RETIREMENT]. tivity, feast, orgies, wassail.
Retrench. SYN. Reduce, abbreviate, ANT. Fast, abstinence.
diminish, limit, contract, curtail, les- Revenge, n. SYN. Retaliation, ven-
sen, economize. geance, retribution, requital.
ANT. Enlarge, increase, extend, ex- ANT. Condonation, pardon, com-
pand, multiply, amplify, augment. passion, remission.
Retrenchment, n. SYN. Curtail- Revenge, v. [See AVKNOE and RE-
meut, diminution, reduction. TALIATE].
ANT. Enlargement, expansion, ex- Revengeful. SYN. Vindictive, unfor-
tension. giving, uucoinpassionate, spiteful,
Retribution. SYN. Penalty, repay- resentful.
ANT. Unvindictive, forgiving, com- braid, malign, slander, calumniate,
passionate, unresentful, generous, vilify, abuse, blaspheme.
chivalrous. \NT. Flatter, compliment, eulogize,
Revenue. SYN. Income, produce, re- paue-ryrize, laud, extol.
turn, proceeds, fruits, wealth, enrich- Revise. SYN. Alter, amend, re-exam-
ment. ine See REVIEW].

ANT. Outgoings, expenditure, waste, Revive. STN. Reanimate, revivify,

deductions, exhaustion, expense, im- refresh,
res-j-icitate, reassure, re-
poverishment. cover, awake, live.
Reverberate. SYN. Echo, recoil, re- ANT. Extinguish, kill, depress, ex-
flect, revert, resound. hau-j. discou rage, droop, fade, wither,
ANT. Strike, impinge, beat. decline, die.
Reverberation [See ECHO]. Revivify [See REVIVE].
Reverence. SYN. Honor, awe, ven- Revocable [See REVOKE and RE-
eration, adoration, deference, devo- VERSIBLE].
tion, respect, worship, homage. Revoke. SYN. Recal, withdraw, can-
ANT. Dishonor, contempt, slight, ir- cel, annul, rescind, repeal, declare
reverent*, contumely, contumacy. void
Reverie. SYN. Dream, day-dream, ANT. Sanction, enact, perpetuate,
trance, vision, phantasy, ideality, enforce, reiterate, renew.
wool-gathering, wandering, musing. Revolt, v. int. SYN. Rebel, struggle,
ANT. Study, attention, diligence,
kick, resist, rise, recalcitrate.
application. ANT. Acquiesce, obey, submit.
Reverse, SYN. Invert, derange,
Revolt, n. SYN. Insurrection, sedi-
upset, overturn, subvert, annul, coun-
tion, rebellion, mutiny.
terchange. ANT.
ANT. Order, arrange, place, collo- Submission, acquiescence,
cate, range.
Reverse, n. SYN. Inversion, derange- Revolting. SYN. Shocking, repul-
ment, counterchange, counterposi- sive, disgusting, offensive, horrible,
hideous, abhorrent.
tion, opposition, contrariety, contra-
ANT. Attractive, genial, pleasing,
diction, alteration, change, mutation,
charming, captivating.
rear, back, evolution, counterexhibi-
tion. Revolution. SYN. Rotation, peri-
ANT. Version, arrangement, se- odicity, return, change, alteration,
quence, order, collocation, position, revulsion, revolt, reconstitution,
perpetuation, continuance, stability,
ANT. Fixity, permanence, stability,
identity, uniformity, regularity, ob-
verse, front. conservation, allegiance, stabilitation,
Reversible. SYN. Changeable, ex- perpetuation, suppression.
changeable, countercbangeable, alter- Revolve. SYN. Contemplate, turn,
able, mutable, revocable, discretional. consider, weigh, ponder, examine,
I_HT. Perpetual, unalterable, un- wheel, rotate, circulate.
changeable, irreversible, absolute, ANT. Discard, disregard, dismiss,
undiscretional. misconsider.
Revert. SYN. Return, refer, accrue, Revulsion, n. SYN. Revolution, ab-
reaccrue, recur. horreuce, estrangement, antagonism.
ANT. Depart, escheat, ignore, drop, ANT. Coincidence, harmony, acq'ii-
dismiss, discard. escence, sympathy, reconcilement,
Review, v. SYN. Reconsider, revise, familiarity, reciprocity.
examine, survey, inspect. Reward, v. 'SYN. Compensate, hon-
ANT. Discard, dismiss, overlook, or, decoiate, remunerate, pay, recom-
skim, disregard, mi ^examine. pense.
Review, n. SYN. Resurvey, retro- ANT. Punish, misrequite.
spect, reconsideration, revisal, re-ex- Rhetorical. SYN. Declamatory, per*
amination, critique, criticism. suasive, oratorical, lively, animated,
Revile. SYN. Reproach, asuerse, up- spirited.
K10 33* mm
ANT. logical, calm, cool, deliber- ANT. Crooked,
indirect, wrong,
ate. unlawful, inexact, unjust, unfair, un-
Ricb. SYN. Wealthy, opulent, affluent, fit, improper, unsuitable.
abundant, generous, productive, co- Righteous. SYN. Upright, just, god-
pious, fertile, fruitful, valuable, cost- ly, virtuous, uncorrupt, rightful,
ly, high-flavored, luscious, oleagin- equitable, truthful, conscientious.
ous, vivid, deep, bright, superb, gor- ANT. Unrighteous, perverse, evil,
geous. unjust, ungodly, vicious, corrupt,
ANT. Poor, impoverished, impecuni- wrongful, false, uncouscientious, un-
ous, needy, indigent, reduced, ex- principled, unjustifinble, abandoned,
hausted, unproductive, scanty, nig- profligate, dishonorable, unfair.
gardly, barren, sterile, unfruitful, Righteousness, n. [See PIETY and
valueless, tasteless, watery, pale, beg- *
garly, nude, bald, cold. Rigid. SYN. Stiff, unpliant, unflexi-
Riches. SYN. Wealth, opulence, afflu-
ble, stubborn, tough, stark, staunch,
ence, wealthlness, richness, plenty, unswerving, exact, unbending, unde-
abundance, treasure, possessions. viating, austere.
ANT. Poverty, pauperism, impecu- ANT. Pliant, docile, flexible, varia-
nlosity, neediness, indigence, des- ble, mild, lenient, inexact, yielding,
titution, necessity, lack, privation, inconstant, inconsistent.
beggary, insolvency. Rigor, n. [See RIGID and ASPERITY].
Riddance. SYN. Quittance, dispensa- Rill. SYN. Streamlet, brook, brooklet,
tion, liberation, escape.
ANT. Entanglement, burden, nui- creek, rivulet.
ANT. River, large stream.
sance, annoyance.
Riddle. SYN. Puzzle, enigma, am- Kind. SYN. Skin, peel, bark, husk.
ANT. Kernel, meat, wood, pulp,
biguity, problem, paradox.
ANT. Solution, explanation, state-
ment, proposition, axiom.
Riot. SYN. Noise, uproar, tumult, fray,
Ridicule, n. SYN. Derision, banter, outbreak, mutiny, row, revel, dis-
turbance, turbulence.
raillery, burlesque, caricature, mock- ANT. Peace, pacification, sobriety,
ery, irony, satire, sarcasm, jeer,
quiescence, orderliness.
sneer, cachinnation, disrespect.
ANT. Veneration, respect, defer- Ripe. SYN. Perfect, developed, full,
ence, salutation, honor, homage. matured, seasoned, ready, prepared,
Ridicule, v. SYN. Lampoon, deride, mellow, mature, advanced, consum-
mock at, laugh at, jeer [See JKER |. mate.
Ridiculous. SYN. Laughable, ludi- ANT. Raw, crude. Immature, imper-
crous, droll, contemptible, preposter-
fect, undeveloped, blighted, unsea-
ous, absurd, grotesque, trifling,
soned, sour, unready, unfit, unpre-
trivial. pared, unmellowed, green, withered.
ANT. Serious, grave, important, Rise. r. SYN. Ascend, mount, float,
weighty, considerable, venerable, im- soar, grow, arise, tower, slope, ap-
posing, majestic. pear, emerge, spring, originate, ex-
Rifle, n. [See RANSACK]. tend, expand, swell, increase, excel,
Right, n. SYN. Rectitude, correctness, prosper, climb,
straightuess, integrity, justice, truth,
ANT. Descend, decline, smfc, drop,
propriety, fitness, suitableness, claim, diminish, fall, subside, crouch, nestle,
power, privilege. dip, set, wane, vanish, disappear, ter-
A.NT. Wrong, incorrectness, per- minate, end, debouch, contract, de-
crease, fail.
verseness, crookedness, disintegrity,
injustice, falsehood, impropriety, un- Blse. n. KYN. Spring, fountain head,
fitness, usurpation, encroachment, source [See SOURCE].
force, violence. Risible. SYN. Laughable, ludicrous
Right, a. SYN. Straight, upright, di- [See RIDICULOUS].
rect, lawful, correct, exact, just, fair, Risk. n. SYN. Hazard, danger, peril,
fit,proper, suitable, equitable. exposure, jeopard*.
KI8 233 BOT
ANT. Safety, security, insurance, Roll. SYN. Revolve, wheel, rotate,
protection, prophylactic. turn over and over, rock, trundle
Risk. v. SYN. Hazard, peril, jeopard, wallow.
veuture, stake [See HAZABD]. Roll. n. ("See RECORD, n.].
Rite. SYN. Form, custom, ceremony, Rollicking. SYN. Roystering, frolic-
observance, usage, celebration. some, hoydeuish, blustering.
ANT. Inobservance, disuse, obso- ANT. Staid, sedate, demure.
leteness, non-observance, non-cele- Romance. SYN. Fable, fiction, nov-
bration, desuetude. el, marvel, rhapsody, rodomontade,
Rival, n. SYN. Antagonist, competi- gasconade, balderdash.
tor, co-suitor. ANT. History, narrative, truth,
ANT. Adherent, supporter, com- fact.
rade, coadjutor, neutral. Romantic. SYN. Fabulous, rhapso-
Rival. t>. SYN. Emulate, challenge, dical, wild, extravagant, fanciful,
equal, contend, strive, compete. fictitious, sentimental.
ANT. Succumb, surrender, yield, ANT. Historical, literal, truthful,
promote, reverence, retire, defer. unromantic, unvarnished, unadorn-
Road. SYN. Public way, highway, ed.
route, thoroughfare, course, patn- Room. SYN. Space, ground, com-
way. path. pass, extent, locality, opportunity,
Roaiu. SYN. Wander, rove, range, capability, (xicasion, margin, capac-
stroll, ramble, stray, saunter. ity, admission.
ANT. Hurry, speed, fly, hasten, ANT. Restriction, limitation, con-
press. finement, incapability, exclusion,
Roar. SYN. Howl, vociferate, peal, neutralization.
yell, boom, resound [See BAWL]. Roomy [See SPACIOUS].
Rob. SYN. Plunder, deprive, denude, Root. SYN. Radix, radicle, stem, ori-
strip, pillage, defraud, cheat, inipov- gin, source, spring, rise, commence-
eri-h. ment, parent.
ANT. Compensate, endow, enrich, ANT. Branch, ramification, out-
invest, indemnify. come, product, issue, progeny.
Robber. SYN. Thief, depredator, Rooted. SYN. Fixed, established,
plunderer, freebooter, brigand, pi- grounded, based, inveterate, domi-
rate, highwayman, footpad. ciled, naturalized, installed.
AST. Guard, esort, protector. ANT. Unestablished, insecure, un-
Robbery. SYN. Theft, larceny, pil- certain, wavering, unsettled, oscil-
lage, plundering, depredation, spoli- lating, dubious, precarious, super-
ation. ficial, specious, propped, bolstered,
ANT. Guarding, protecting, indem- shored.
nifying, compensating, enriching. Rot. SYN. Putrefactiou,corruption,pu-
Robe. SYN. Invest, clothe, deck, trescence, mouldiness, mildew, decay.
drape, array. ANT. Integrity, wholesomeness,
ANT. Divest, disrobe, unclothe, de- soundness, vigor, preservation, pu-
nude, strip. rity, healthiness, sweetness.
Robust. SYN. Strong, lusty, brawny, Rotation. SYN. Turn, series, order,
able-bodied, sturdy, sinewy, muscular, succession, revolution, course, rever-
hale, hearty, vigorous, sound, iron. sion, recurrence.
ANT. Weak, frail, puny, fragile, ANT. Simultaneity, perpetuity, con-
weakly, delicate, sickly. stancy, uon-intermittence, contempo-
Rogue. SYN. Vagabond, scamp, ras- raneousness.
cal, villain, cheat, swindler, sharper. Rotten [See PrrrEm].
ANT. True-penny, gentleman. Rotundity. SYN. Roundness, con-
Roguery. SYN. Trickery, cheating, vexity, circularity, sphericity, glob-
chicanery, swindling, vagabondism, osity, prominence, protuberance, in-
mischief, fraud, knavery. tumescence.
Axr. Honesty, integrity, honor, ANT. Concavity, flataeaa, angu-
uprightness, conscientiousness. larity.
Rough. SYN. Uneven, harsh, bristly, ereu, shapeless, unfashioned, artless,
scabrous, rugged, knotty, unpolished, unpolished, uncouth, inelegant, rus-
boisterous, tempestuous, stormy, tic, coarse, vulgar, clownish, raw, un-
coarse, craggy, gruff, crude, severe, skilful, untaught, illiterate, ignorant,
shaggy, disordered, unrefined, un- uncivil, saucy, impolite, impudent,
courteons, rude, unghaped, churlish, insolent, surly, currifb, churlish, bru-
blunt. tal, uncivilized, barbarous, savage,
ANT. Even, smooth, level, polished, violent, tumultuous, turb'ilent. Im-
glabrous, glossy, glassy, silky, sleek, petuous, boisterous, harsh, inclem-
velvety, calm, tranquil, refined, ent, severe, Insulting, grotesque,,
courteous, courtly, shapely, shaped, barbaric, archaic.
finished, oily, specious. ANT. Modest, bashful, civil, court-
Round. SYN. Circular, globular, eous, ceremonious, deferential,
spherical, entire, complete, rotund, smooth, even, artistic, polished, fash-
smooth, plump. ioned, courtly, elegant, high-wrought,
ANT. Flat, angular, concave. polite, accommodating, considerate,
Roundabout [See CIRCUITOUS]. refined, gentle, peaceful, culm, genial,
Rouse. SYN. Wake, excite, agitate, balmy, halcyonic, eerene, placid,
startle, surprise. modern, modish, fashionable.
ANT. Compose, allay, calm, soothe, Rudiment. SYN. Principle, begin,
quiet, repress. ning, germ, seed, embryo, element,
Rout [See DEFEAT], nucleus, initiation, commencement.
Route. SYN. Way, course, passage, ANT. Perfection, comp'etion, de-
march, path, track, direction. velopment, expansion, organization,
Routine. SYN. Round, course, suc- fruit, maturity, consummation, pro-
cession, order, rule, custom, system, duct, issue.
sequence, gradation, rotation, ster- Riidimental [See ELEMENTARY].
eotype, prescription, tenor, uniform- Rue [See REPENT].
ity, method, settlement, regulation. Ruffle. SYN. Wrinkle, roughen, dis.
ANT. Casualty, chance, lottery, compose, disturb, agitate, disorder,
fortune, impulse, interest, individu- derange, disarrange, confute, excite.
ality, merit, spontaneity, alterable- ANT. Smooth, allay, equalize, com
ness, margin, deviation, modifica- pose, quiet, arrange, caitu, btroka
tion. conciliate.
Rove [See ROAM]. Rufllan. SYN. Villain, cut-throat,
Row. n. SYN. Series, order, rank, brutal fellow, bully.
sequence, continuation, continuity, Rugged. SYN. Uneven, bristly, shag-
file, string, concatenation, thread. gy, rough, wrinkled, rude, harsh,
ANT. Dissociation, disconnection, hard, crabbed, severe, austere, surly,
rupture, intermission, hiatus, solu- turbulent, inclement, bluff, blunt, un-
tion, failure, gap, discontinuance, tutored, churlish, unpolished, dim.
dissolution, inconsequence, derange- cult
ment, deviation, flexion, deflexion, ANT. Even, smooth, polished, gla-
irregularity, sinuosity, flexuosity. brous, silky, glassy, refined, fine, fin-
Row. n. [See RIOT]. ished, soft, mild, courtly, courteous
Royal [See REGAL]. [See RUDK].
Rubbish. SYN. r>e"bris, waste mat- Ruin. SYN. Fall, destruction, defeat,
ter, fragments, litter, dross, refuse, overthrow, lapse, collapse, desolation,
lion sense, trash. downfall, perdition, subversion, de-
ANT. [met] See Cream and Non- cay, decadence, prostration, dilapida-
sense. tion, disorganization.
Rubicund. SYN. Ruddy, flushed, ANT. Rise, success, prosperity, sal-
red, sanguine, blushing. vation, rescue, recovery, stabilitatiou,
ANT. Pale, wan, pallid, exnanguin- conservation, regeneration, revivifi-
eous. cation, reparation, renascence, er-
Ruddy [See RUBICUND]. gauization, construction.
Rude. SYN. Impertinent, rough, un- RiiinotiM [See PKBNICIOUS].
Rule. n. SYN. Regulation, law, pre- Rust. SYN. Corrosion, crust, dross,
cept, principle, maxim, practice, indolence, inactivity, decay, canker,
guide, canou, order, method, direc- inaction.
tion, authority, control, mastery, ANT. Polish, attrition, use, action,
government, decision, determination, operation, activity, exercise, indus-
habit. try
ANT. Irregularity, non-conformity, Rustic, n. SYN. Clown, boor, clod,
exception, deviation, eccentricity. s-wu. j. luuc, booby.
Rule. v. SYN. Govern, manage, con- ANT. Beau, savant, dandy, man of.
trol, direct, command, dominate [See the wond.
CONTBOL and GOVEKNJ. Rustic, a. SYN. Rural, agricultural,
Ruling. SYN. Governing, reigning, bucolic, nomadic, sylvan, verdant,
controlling, masterful, predominant, pastoral, rude, awkward, unpolished,
regulating, prevalent. clownish, clumsy, rough, coarse,
ANT. Obeying, yielding, subserv- plain, unsophisticated, simple, art-
ient. less, primitive.
Ruminate. SYN. Muse, meditate, ANT. Urban, oppidan, civic, fash-
ionable, modish, elegaut, sophistica-
ponder, think, reflect, cogitate,
brood. ted, refined, courtly, polished.
ANT. Unbend, gape,
relax, idle, Rusticity. SYN. Rudeness, clown-
wool-gather. istmess, boorishness, coarseness,
Rumor. SYN. Report, repute, hear- simplicity, artlessness.
ANT. Courtliness, refinement, pol-
say, publication, bruit.
ANT. Authentication, verification, ish, gentility, urbanity.

proof, evidence, notoriety. Rustle. SYN. Quiver, whisper, susur-

Rumple. SYN. Ruffle, wrinkle, ration, murmur, sighing.
ANT. Hubbub, blast, din, racket,
crease, crumple, pucker, corrugate,
derange, roughen, crashing.
ANT. Smooth, flatten, arrange. Ruthless. SYN. Unpitying, unrelent-
Run. SYN. Course, go, speed, hasten, ing, truculent, unsparing.
ANT. Tender, regretful, lenient,
hurry, fly, rush, escape, retreat, pass,
proceed, flow, ooze, leak, melt, fuse, compassionate, forbearing, long-suf-
confuse, blend, extend, reach, work, fering.
operate, traverse, tend, incline.
Rutilant. SYN. Igneous, flammifer-
ANT. Walk, saunter, lounge, drag, ous, flaming, blazing, coruscant, me-
stay, stop, halt, hobble, resist, hold, teoric, flashing, scintillant.
stanch, stand, fail, drop, expire, dis-
ANT. Glowing, incandescent, gleam-
incline, hesitate. ing.
Rupture. SYN. Breaking, bursting,
tearing, laceration, partition, disrup-
tion, breach, dissolution, fracture, SABLE. SYN. Dark, black, sombre,
break, severance, disseverance, dis- ebon.
cerption, disorganization, separation,
ANT. Bright, light, white, ivory.
dilaceration, dismemberment. Sacerdotal. SYN. Priestly, hierarch-
ANT. Union, uniting, healing, fu- ical, clerical.
sion, amalgamation, coalition, suture, ANT. Laic, congregational.
junction, reunion. Sack. SYN. Plunder, pillage, ravage,
Rural. SYN. Countrified, rustic, agri- waste, spoil.
cultural, bucolic, verdant, sylvan, ANT. Spare, indemnify, protect,
grassy, arcadian, pastoral. preserve.
ANT. Urban, oppidan, civic. Sacred. SYN. Holy, divine, hallowed,
Rush. SYN. Speed, course, dash, consecrated, religious, inviolable.
sweep, hurry, stream, roll, charge, ANT. Unholy, common, profane,
drive, fly, burst. uuconsecrated.
ANT. March, saunter, lag, retreat, Sacrifice, v. SYN. Offer, immolate,
bait, hesitate. destroy, su -render, forego.
ANT. Reserve, retain, appropriate, Sally. SYN. Burst, start, issue.
withhold. ANT. Retire, retreat, withdraw.
Sacrifice, n. SYN. Offering, oblation, Salubrious (See HEALTHY],
surrender, destruction, Salubrity. SYN. Healthiness, th-
atonement, propitiation, appease- fuluess, wholesomeness, salutarines*.
ANT. Unwholesomeness, unhealthi-
ment, expiation. ly--, insalubrity.
ANT. Reservation, appropriation,
retention, salvation, rescue, offence, Salutary [See WHOLESOME].
Salutation [See WELCOME].
Sad. SYN. Heavy, grave, dull, sorrow- Salute. SYN. Hall, compliment, ac-
ful, woe-begone, calamitous, dismal,
cost,welcome, greet.
ANT. Ignore, insult, pass, disregard,
doleful, mournful, gloomy, dejected,
dishonor, scorn, affront.
depressed, cheerless, serious, down- Salvation. SYN. Preservation, sav-
cast, grievous, melancholy, satur-
nine. ing, redemption, rescue, deliverance.
ANT. Light, light-hearted, cheerful, ANT. Destruction, perdition, dam-
joyful, joyous, gay, glad, exhilarating, Salve. SYN. Heal, cure, mollify, re-
exhilarated, happy, blithe.
Saddle. SYN. Impose, burden, load, dress, remedy, mend, relieve.
ANT. Wound, hurt, irritate, injure,
shackle, clog, charge, encumber.
ANT. Rid, relieve, exonerate, dis- aggravate, scarify.
Same. SYN. Identical, self-same, sim-
burden, liberate, disencumber. ilar, corresponding.
Safe. SYN. Secure, unendangered, se- ANT. Other, different.
cured, sure, protected, impregnable, Sameness [See IDENTITY].
trustworthy, certain. Sample. SYN. Specimen, pattern,
ANT. Insecure, imperilled, danger-
illustration, case, exemplification,
ou;-, Hazardous, exposed.
Safeguard. SYN. Security, pro- ANT. Exception, deviation, abnor-
tection [See DEFENSE]. mity, monstrosity, variety, nonde-
Sagacious. SYN. Intelligent, dis- script, hybrid, nonsuch.
criminating, acute, wise, prudent, Sanative See |
foreseeing, shrewd, penetrating, sa- HEALTHFUL].
pient. Sanatory. SYN. Curative, sanative,
ANT. Dull, obtuse, unintelligent, remedial, therapeutic, hygienic, san-
stolid, uudiscerniug. itary.
Sage. SYN. Philosopher, savant, lit- ANT. Morbific, pestilential, noxious,
erate. unwholesome, pernicious.
ANT. Fool, Imbecile, Colt, block- Sanctlflcation. SYN. Justification,
head. absolution, consecration, holiness.
Sailor. SYN. Seaman, mariner, nav- Sanctify. SYN. Consecrate, hallow,
igator, seafarer, tar. celebrate, purify, justify, sanction,
ANT. Landsman. ratify.
Saintly. SYN Pure, holy, spiritual, ANT. Desecrate, profane, miaob-
heavenly-minded, pious, godly. serve, pollute, disannul.
ANT. Impious impure, unholy, un- Sanction, n. SYN. Rectification,
spiritual, ungodly, carnal, foul, authorization, authority, counte--
worldly, earthly-minded, sinful. nance, support, seal, allowance.
Sake. SYN. Account, behalf, purpose, ANT. Nullification, disallowance,
end, regard, reason, cause [See BE- discountenance, prohibition.
HALF J. Sanction, v. SYN. Authorize, coun-
Salient. SYN. Projecting, springing, tenance, confirm, ratify [See AP-
jutting, abutting, prominent, con- PROVE].
tpicuous, important, noteworthy. Sanctity. SYN. Holiness, sacrednesg,
ANT. Retreating, retiring, return- godliness, piety, solemnity.
Ing, rebated, unimportant, minor, in- ANT. UnholiuesH, profai eness, un-
considerable, subordinate. godliness, impiety, secularly.
Sanctuary. SYN. Shrine, adytum, Satirical. SYN. Cutting, poignan^
asy.urn, refuge, security, protection, sarcastic, bitter, ironical, invective.
inviolability ANT. Complimentary, flattering,
ANT. Pitfall, trap, snare, betrayal, laudatory, panegyric, eulogistic.
violation, extradi'ion. Satisfaction. SYN. Contentment,
Sanguinary. HVN.
Bloody, trucu- content, complacency, pleasure, re-
lent, bloodthirsty, murderous. compense, compensation, amends, re-
ANT. Lenient, moderate, chival- muneration, indemnification, atone-
rous, generous, sparing, forbearing. ment.
Sanguine. SYN. Warm, ardent, live- ANT. Discontent, grievance, dissat-
ly, animated, hopeful, confident, isfaction, pain, vexation, annoyance,
trustful. injury, wrong, fraud, robbery, obli-
ANT. Cold, frigid, desponding, dis- gation, demand, claim, damnification,
trustful, croaking, misgiving, suspi- transgression, offence.
cious, cautious, unventuresome, Satisfy. SYN. Satiate, content, sate,
timid, anxious, diffident, solicitous. please, fill, gratify, suffice, recom-
Sanitary [See SANATOBY_|. pense, compensate, remunerate, in-
Sanity. SYN. Rationality, soundness, demnify, assure, convince, meet, ful-
reasonableness, lucidity, wisdom. fil.
ANT. Insanity, madness, lunacy, ANT. Stint, starve, deprive, dissat-
derangement, alienation, dementa- isfy, tantalize, half-satisfy, annoy,
tion, hallucination, folly. displease, defraud, deprive, injure,
Sapid. SYN. Tasty, relishing, savory, cheat, shak*, disown, repudiate, stag-
piquant, palatable, toothsome, deli- ger, pore, embarrass, puzzle.
cious. Saturate. SYN. Soak, impregnate,
ANT. Dry, flavorless, distasteful, infuse, steep, sate.
nauseous. ANT. Wring, drain, exsiccate, dry,
Sapidity. SYN. Sapidness, savori- divert, empty, deprive, disiinpreg-
ness, taste, eavor. nate.
ANT. Savorless, tasteless, insipid, Saturnine. SYN. Dull, heavy, grave,
vapid. phlegmatic, gloomy, leaden, som-
Sapient. SYN. Sage, sagacious, know- bre.
ing, wise, discerning. ANT. Jovial, gay, light-hearted,
ANT. Foolisn, uudiscerning, blind, joyous, bright, merry.
stoli I.
Saucy. SYN. Pert, forward, flippant,
Sarcasm. SYN. Gibe, chaff, ironv, impudent, insolent, disrespectful.
jeer, satire, ridicule, taunt, sardoni- ANT. Deferential, civil, respectful,
cism. fair-spoken, gloziug, mealy-mouthed,
ANT. Eulogy, compliment, panegy- obsequious, servile, snivelling, slav-
ric,eulogium. ish.
Sarcastic. SYN. Satirical, ironical, Saunter. SYN. Roam, loiter, linger,
taunting, severe [See SATIRICAL]. stroll, wander, lag, dawdle, lounge,
Satanic. SYN. Fiendish, devilish, in- linger.
fernal. ANT. Speed, course, press, hasten,
ANT. Angelic, seraphic, heavenly. drive, push, scramble.
Sate. SYN. Satiate, glut, surfeit. Savage. SYN. Ferocious, ferine,
ANT. Stint, starve. wild, uncultivated, untamed, un-
Satellite. KYN. Attendant, follower, taught, uncivilized, unpolished, rude,
subordinate, shadow, associate, brutish, brutal, heathenish, barba-
hanger-on, second. rous, cruel, fierce, inhuman, trucu-
ANT. Leader, principal. lent, pitiless, merciless, murderous,
S*tiate. SYN. Gorge, cloy, satisfy violent, malevolent.
fully [See SATF.]. ANT. Mild, docile, domesticated,
Satire. SYN. Invective, sarcasm, bur- tame, tractable, meek, timid, shrink-
lesque, lampoon, pasquinade, irony, ing, cultivated, tamed, taught, civ-
ridicule. ilized, educated, refined, Christian-
ANT. Eulogy, panegyric, laudation. ized, polished, humane, generous,
chivalrous", merciful, clement, for- valueless, thick, plentiful.
bearing, courtly, subdued, self-con- Scarcity. SYN. Deficiency, lack, in-
trolled. frequency, want, dearth, rarity.
Save. SYN. Preserve, rescue, secure, ANT. Plenty, abundance, fre-
reserve, spare, hiuder, obviate, pre- quency.
vent, snatch, catch, economize, hus- Scare. SYN. Terrify, affright, intim-
band. idate, frighten, deter, dismay, daunt.
\NT. Lose, betray, abandon, de- ANT. Reassure, encourage, entice,
stroy, surrender, iiupo-r, facilitate, allure.
promote, induce, occasion, cause, Scarify. SYN. Cut, scratch, incise,
miss, expose, imperil, endanger, risk, Irritate, torment.
waste, lavish. ANT. Heal, salve, soothe, mollify,
Saving |
s, .
FRUGAL]. assuage.
Savior. SYN. Redeemer, JESUS Scatheless. SYN. Unhurt, unscath-
CHRIST, Mediator, Messiah, The ed, uninjured, undamaged, whole,
Anointed, The Word. sound.
Savory [See SAPID]. ANT. Wounded, injured, damaged.
Say. SYN. Utter, tell, speak, pro- Scatter. SYN. Strew, sprinkle, dis-
nounce, declare, assert, allege, affirm, perse, spread, broadcast, dissipate,
repeat, rehearse, recite, judge. disseminate, propagate, squander.
ANT. Suppress, secrete, silentiate, ANT. Collect, accumulate, heap,
repress, misdeclare, misrecite, mis- gather, save, husband.
deliver, missay, misjudge, mispro- Scene. SYN. Spectacle, show, exhi-
nounce. bition [See PAOEAKT].
Saying. SYN. Assertion, maxim, saw, Scent. SYN. Odor, perfume, tmeU
dictum, declaration, speech, byword, [See PERFUME].
proverb, aphorism, apothegm. Sceptic. SYN. Doubter, infidel, un
ANT. Dissertation, disquisHion, es- beUever, deist.
say, ratiocination, rigmarole, yarn, ANT. Believer.
circumlocution. Scepticism. SYN. Doubt, unbelief,
Scale. SYN. Layer, lamina, flake. infidelity, incredulity.
Scandal. SYN. Offence, reproach, ANT. Faith, belief, credulity.
disgrace, defamation, libel, shame, Scheme. SYN. Plan, project, design,
in'amy, detraction, slander, calumny, contrivance, purpose, draft, propo-al,
opprobrium. device, plot, theory, intrigue, mach-
ANT. Eulogy, fame, honor, respect, ination.
credit. ANT. Miscontrivance, bungle, mis-
Scandalize. SYN. Disgrace, dis- arrangement, blunder.
gust, shock, offend, defame, re- Schism. SYN. Division, separation,
proach. disruption, secession, diversity, sec-
ANT. Honor [See REPROACH]. tarianism, breach, dissent, disco- d.
Scant. SYN. Short, insufficient, mean, ANT. Unity, integrity, catholicity,
niggardly, stingy, narrow, limited, communion.
chary, sparing. Scholar. SYN. Pupil, learner, dis-
ANT. Full, ample, liberal, gen- ciple, student, schoolman, scientist,
erous, bountiful, unmeasured. savant, gownsman, linguist.
Scanty [See SCANT]. ANT. Master, teacher, preceptor,
Scantling [See SAMPLE]. professor, ignoramus, dunce.
Scar. n. SYN. Cicatrix, blemish, dis- Scholarship. SYN. Lore, learning,
figurement, mark, seam, spot, re- erudition, attainments, culture [See
proach. LEARNING].
ANT. Obliteration, effacement. Science. SYN. Knowledge, Informa-
Scarce. SYN. Rare, infrequent, in- tion, skill, experience, expertness,
abundant, unique, uncommon, unu- comprehension, understanding, in-
sual, singular, precious, choice, few, vestigation, truth.
wanting, sparse. ANT. Ignorance, inexperience, Tin-
ANT. Common, frequent, abundant, familiarity,incomprehension, error,
fallacy, empiricism, smattering, scio- Scraggy. SYN. Jagged, lean, bony,
lism. uneven, gaunt, skinny, raw, angular.
Scientific. SYN. Philosophical, ac- ANT. Plump, fat, round, rounded.
cording to general principles, or Scramble, v. SYN. Struggle, hurry,
laws. bustle.
ANT. Unscientific. ANT. Lag, dawdle, loiter, saunter.
Sciolism. SYN. Shallowness, super- Scramble, n. SYN. Hurry, bustle,
licialness, smattering, imperfect struggle, confusion, turmoil, ferment,
knowledge. commotion, bear-garden, babel, vor-
ANT. I)epth, profundity, profouud- tex.
ness. ANT. Order, orderliness, arrange-
Scion. SYN. Slip, off-shoot, cadet, ment, leisureliness, method, uniform-
branch, child. ity.
ANT. Stem, stock, parent, root. Scrap. SYN. Scantling, piece, morsel,
Scoffi SYN. Sneer, mock, jibe, jeer, fragment, atom, bit, portion.
contemn, scout, deride, ridicule. ANT. Whole, integrity, mass, lump.
ANT. Compliment, salute, respect, Scrape, v. SYN. Grate, abrade, con-
honor. fricate, rasp, scratch, mark, groove.
Scold. SYN. Chide, rail, reprimand, ANT. Lubricate, polish, levigate,
reprove, bra-vl, rebuke, abuse. dig. indent, wound.
ANT. Praise, encourage, compli- Scratch, v. [_See SCRAPE].
ment, laud, flatter. Scream. SYN. Screech, shriek,
Scope. SYN. Aim, object, mark, end, yell.
design, purpose, intention, drift, Screen, v. SYN. Shelter, protect, de-
room, occasion, opportunity, liberty. fend, hide, palliate, mitigate, curtain,
ANT. Avoidance, non-intention, cloak, defend, harbor, fence, ward,
pretermission, inadvertence, acci- shade.
dent, aimlessness, deviation. ANT. Open, expose, surrender, be-
Scorn, v. SYN. Contemn, despise, tray, aggravate, exaggerate, prose-
slight, disdain, disregard, sibilate, cute.
vilipend, spurn, scout. Scriptural. SYN. Biblical, orthodox,
ANT. Honor, regard, esteem, ven- revealed, inspired.
erate, respect, applaud, salute. ANT. Profane, unrevealed, unor-
Scorn, n. SYN. Mockery, disdain, thodox, unbiblical, unscriptural.
contempt, sneer, slight, opprobrium Scruple, n. SYN. Misgiving, doubt,
[See SNEER]. hesitation, qualm, reluctance, ques-
Sconndrel. SYN. Villain, vagabond, tion.
knave, swindler, miscreant, repro- ANT. Becklessness, unscrupulous-
bate. ness, confidence, assurance, self-satis-
ANT. Man of honor, gentleman. faction, self-approval, self-compla-
Scour. SYN. Purge, cleanse, rinse, cency.
scrub. Scruple, v. [See HESITATE].
ANT. Soil, begrime, besmear, foul, Scrupulous. SYN. Conscientious,
pollute, aefile, dirt. dubious, diffident, punctilious, exact,
Scourge. SYN. Punishment, bane, cautious, nice, precise, reluctant.
curse, undoing, visitation. ANT. Beckless, unscrupulous, un-
ANT. Blessing, redemption, saving, hesitating, confident, self-satisfied,
reward, benefaction. self-complacent, eager.
Scoiirings. SYN. Offal, dregs, lees, Scrutinize. SYN. Examine, probe,
off-scourings, refuse, dross, scum. search into, sift [See EXAMINE].
AHT. Cream, elite, pickings, bloom, Scrutiny. SYN. Search, investiga-
flower. tion, sifting, inspection.
Scout, [See SCORN, .]
v. ANT. Oversight, misobserva ion,
Scowl. SYN. Frown, discountenance, disregard, connivance.
browbeat, lower, glower. Sculpture. SYN. Statuary, carving,
ANT. Smile, encourage, coun- plastic work, carved art.
tenance. Scurrilous. SYN. Opprobrious, foul-
sou 239 SED
mouthed, obscene, offensive, re- covert, clandestine, privy, unreveul-
prouchtul [See ABUSIVE]. ed, mysterious, underdosed.
Scurrility. SYN. Buffoonery, deri- ANT. Open, public, unconcealed,
sion, ecomng, mockery, jeering, known, notorious, un reserved, dis-
abuse. closed.
ANT. Deference, eulogium, flattery, Secrete. SYN. Hide, conceal.
compliment. ANT. Expose, publish, manifest,
S-a. SYN. Ocean, deep, main. exhibit, disclose.
ANT. Shore, land. Sectarian. SYN. Party, schismatical,
jieal. SYN. Close, fasten, confirm, narrow, bigoted, exclusive, denomi-
sanction, ratify. national, divisional, intolerant.
ANT. Unseal, unclose, open, annul, ANT. Broad, catholic, comprehen-
cancel, abrogate, disratify, disaffirm, sive, tolerant, latitudiuarian, indiffer-
contravene. ent, universal.
Search, v. STN. Inspect, explore, Secular. SYN. Worldly, profane, civ-
scrutinize, seek, investigate, inquire. il, unmonastic, temporal, laic.
ANT. Pretermit, disregard, aban- ANT. Regular, religious, monastic,
don, misinvestigate. spiritual, clerical.
Search, n. SYN. Exploration, pur- Secure, a. SYN. Safe, easy, fixed,
suit, quest, inquiry [See SCRUTINY]. sheltered, fast, sure, certain, con-
Season. SYN. Period, time, conjunc- fident, unanxious, careless, protected,
ture, while, occasion, opportunity,
suitableness, timeliness.
ANT. Anxious, distrustful, suspi-
ANT Untimeliness, unsuitableness, cious, careful, unsafe, insecure, pre-
contretemps, unseasonableness. carious, hazardous.
Seasonable. SYN. Convenient, fit, Secure, v. SYN. Fasten, guard, pro-
grateful, welcome, timely, suitable, tect, assure, ensure, close, enclose,
periodical, normal, opportune. detain, arrest.
ANT. Ungrateful, unwelcome, un- ANT. Loos-en, betray, surrender,
timely, unsuitable, unexpected, ab- expose, imperil, endanger, open, lib-
normal, inopportune, unseasonable. erate, free.
Secede. SYN. Withdraw, retire, re- Security. SYN. Pledge, guarantee,
warranty, protection, safe-guard,
cede, separate, dissent, segregate.
ANT. Adhere, accord, concur, con- pawn, deposit, bond, defence, guard,
shelter, safety, certainty, ease, assur-
form, unite, amalgamate.
ance, carelessness, confidence.
Secession. SYN. Separation, with- ANT. Parole, word, understanding,
drawal. defencelessness
honor, exposure,
ANT. Union, adherence.
danger, peril, insecurity, uncertainty,
Secluded. SYN. Retired, retreating, care, anxiety, precariousness.
hidden, withdrawn, secret, private, Sedate. SYN. Sober, demure, se-
sequestered, shaded.
ANT. Public, exposed, frequented, rious, calm, thoughtful, grave, set-
tled, composed, unimpassioned, se-
Seclusion. SYN. Retirement, pri- rene, passive, quiet.
ANT. Flighty, frolicsome, indis-
vacy, retreat, solitude, secrecy fSee creet, insedate, ruffled, agitated, dis-
SOLITUDE]. turbed.
Secondary. SYN. Subordinate, in- Sedative. SYN.
ferior, minor, unimportant, result- Allaying, tranquil-
ant, induced. lizing, composing, soothing, demul-
ANT. Primary, leading, Important, cent, palliative, assuasive, lenient,
prominent. anodyne, hypnotic.
ANT. Disturbing, exciting, irri-
Secrecy [See SECLUSION]. tant.
Secret. SYN. Hidden, concealed, se-
cluded, retired, unseen, unknown, Sedentary. SYN. Close, assiduous,
private, obscure, recondite, latent. studious.
8ED 240 SEM
ANT. Active, free, erratic, locomo- ANT. Unbecoming, unsuit-
tive. able, improper, inappropriate, in-
Sediment. SYN. Settlement, lees, convenient, indecent, incongruous,
dregs, grounds, refuse, dross, resi- unmeet, indecorous.
duum, precipitate. Segment. STN. Section, part, por-
ANT. Elutriation, lixiviation, clari-
tion, limb, member.
fication, colature, edulcoratiou, nitra- ANT.
Whole, totality, integrity,
Sedition. STN. Secession, insurrec-
tion, rising, outbreak, treason, tu-
Segregate. STN. Separate, select,
part, secede, localize, exclude.
mult, riot, rebellion, revolt, mutiny, ANT. Unite, confound, fuse, amal-
insubordination .

ANT. Union, allegiance, fealty, paci- gamate, mix, collect, gather, congre-
appeasement, quiet, orderli-
Seize. STN. Catch, grasp, clutch,
ness, subordination, obedience.
snatch, apprehend, arrest, hold, grip,
Seditious. STN. Insurgent, rebel- grapple, hook, take, capture.
lious, tumultous, turbulent, factious, ANT. Loose, dismiss, liberate, aban-
don, drop, unhand, unhook, unfasten.
ANT. Loyal, quiet, peaceable.
Seduce. SYS. Tempt, entice, allure, Seldom. STN. Rarely, infrequently,
overpursnade, mislead, inveigle, de- occasionally, inconstantly, hardly
coy, corrupt, deprave, lead astray,
attract. ANT. Commonly, frequently, uni-
ANT. Force, compel, overpower. formly, systematically, habitually, reg-
Seducing. STN. Alluring, enticing, ularly, often, invariably.
seductive, attractive.
Select, v. STN. Cull, picb choose,
ANT. Repellent, repulsive, abhor- segregate, elect, prefer.
rent, forbidding. ANT. Lump, confound, sweep.
Sedulous. STN. Assiduous, diligent,
Select, a. STN. Choice, picked, fine,

industrious, laborious, painstaking,

prime, chosen, selected, excellent.
ANT. Haphazard, common, average,
persevering, close, unremitting, in-
unselect, coarse, ordinary.
defatigable, constant. Selection. STN.
ANT. Indiligent, idle, unpersever- Choice, option, elec-
ing, inattentive, distracted, wander-
tion, excerption, gathering, preop-
tion, segregation, adoption, prefer-
ing, inconstant.
See. STN. Perceive, behold, descry, ence.
ANT. Rejection, repudiation, refus-
discern, look, view, conceive, distin-
al,exclusion, postponement.
guish, understand, comprehend, at-
tend, beware, visit, experience. Self-conceit. STN. Self-esteem, ego-
ANT. Miss, overlook, disregard, tism [See VANITT].
misconceive, misunderstand, ignore. Self-willed. STN. Wilful, head-
Seed. STN. Spring, origin, cause, strong, stubborn. [See OBSTINATE].
germ, embryo, root. Selfish. STN. Egotistical, self-minded,
ANT. Issue, result, birth, product, self-indulgent, self- worshipful, world-
developmeut. offspring, fruit. ly, illiberal, ungenerous, narrow-
Seek. STN. Search, inquire, pursue, minded, mercenary, greedy.
solicit,endeavor, attempt, strive, in- ANT. Disinterested, generous, un-
vestigate, trace, prosecute, follow, selfish, handsome, liberal, high-mind-
court, affect. ed, self-denying, magnanimous, pa-
ANT. Ignore, disregard, avoid, triotic, public-spirited, considerate,
shun, elude, pretermit, discard, aban- accommodating.
don, relinquish, drop. Sell. STN. Vend, retail, hawk, dispose
Seem. STN. Look, appear. of.
ANT. Belie, misrepresent, differ. ANT. Give, bestow, present.
Seemly. S\N. Becoming, fit, suitable, Semblance. STN. Seeming, appear-
proper, appropriate convenient, de- ance, form, show, likeness, mien, as-
cent, congruous, meet, decorous. pect, bearing, similitude.
ANT tJnlikeness, disparity, differ- ANT. Unimpressible, not easily af-
ence, contrariety, dissimilitude. fecied.
Seminary. SYN.
Nursery, garden, Sensual. SYN. Carnal, fleshly, ani-
seed-plot, academy, college, school, mal, voluptuous, lewd.
propaganda. ANT. Spiritual, intellectual, self-
ANT. Waste, wilderness.
denying, abstinent, abstemious, con-
Send. SYN. Despatch, transmit, impel, tinent, ethereal, ascetic.
cast, bestow, grant.
ANT. Detain, withhold, arrest, with- SritNiious. SYN. Material, esthetic,
draw, deny, recal. embodied, representative, symbol-
Send back. SYN. Relegate, remand, ANT. Abstract, conceptional, image-
Senile. SYN. Aged, less, contemplative, intellectual, un-
imbecile, doting.
ANT. Juvenile, vigorous, virile,man- embodied, unsymbolical, immaterial,
pictureless, formless.
Seniority. SYN. Eldership, priority, Sentence. SYN. Judgment, decree,
superiority. decision,
doom, phrase, passage [See
ANT. Juniority, inferiority, posteri- JUDGMENT].
ority, subordination. Sententious. SYN. Pithy, pregnant,
Sensation. SYN. Affection, appre- thoughtful, axiomatic, antithetical,
hension, sentiment, feeling, percep- pointed, nervous, didactic.
tion, surprise, impression. ANT. Dull, dry. inane, vapid, point,
ANT. Apathy, insensibility, non- less, jejune, trashy, bald, watery,
perception, unsurprise. prosy.
Sense. SYN. Perception, sensation, Sentient. SYN. Feeling, percipient,
feeling, apprehension, recognition, conscious, intelligent, cognizant.
understanding, discernment, appreci- ANT. Insentient, insensate, mind-
ation, sentiment, view, opinion, judg- less, unconscious, unintelligent, non-
ment, reason, consciousness, notion, percipient, incognizant,
meaning, import, signification, pur- Sentiment. SYN. Thought, feeling,
port, significance, soundness, sagaci- notion, opinion, maxim, susceptibil-
ty, wisdom. emotion, apprehension, impres-
ANT. Non-perception, insensibility, sion, conviction.
misapprehension, misunderstanding, ANT. Vacuity, ignorance, nonsense,
stolidity, nonappreciation, miscon- crudity, bugbear, conjecture, assump-
ception, unsoundness, folly, nonsense, tion, impression, hypothesis, precon-
misinterpretation. ception, prejudice.
Senseless. SYN. Nonsensical, un-
Sentimental. SYN. Didactic, moral,
meaning, stupid, brainless, uncon- instructive, romantic.
scious, foolish, silly, objectless, ab- ANT. Undidactio.
surd. unsentimental,
ANT. matter-of-fact, unpoetical, prosaic.
Sensible, significant, wise,
practical. Sentinel. SYN. Watch, guardian,
Sensibility. SYN. Susceptibility, guard, keeper, warden, sentry, watch-
delicacy, ieeling, refinement, impres- man, patrol, vedette. i

eibleness, sensitiveness. ANT. Traitor, decoy.

ANT. Insensibility, insusceptibility, Separable. SYN. Dissoluble, remov-
coarseness, unimpressibloness. able, movable, distinguishable, acci-
Sensible. SYN. Tangible, palpable, dental, divisible.
perceptible, visible, appreciable, ju- ANT. Indissoluble, irremovable,
dicious, sound, conscious, aware. permanent, immovable, indistinguish-
ANT. Intangible, impalpable, im- able, essential, inseparable, indivia-
perceptible, invisible, inappreciable,
Separate, SYN. Part, never, dis-
insensible, unconscious, unaware.

Sensitive. SYN. Sentient, percep- join, disunite, divorce, tear, rend, re-
move, disintegrate, detach, discon-
tive, impressible, easily affected.
nect, divide, dissipate, scatter, segre- tor, noble, landowner, liege, liege-
gate, diverge. lord.
ANT. Unite, fasten, tie, conjoin, Series. STN. Order, course, sequence,
wed, link, amalgamate, consolidate, succession, train, rotation [See SE-
integrate, incorporate, connect, fuse, QUENCE J.
confound, mass, herd, congregate, Serious. STN. Grave, thoughtful,
convene, gather, collect, meet, con- careful, earnest, solemn, important,
verge. weighty.
Separate, a. STN. Disunited, dis- ANT. Volatile, gay, thoughtless,
joined, disconnected, unconnected, careless, joking, jocose, insignificant,
detached, severed, different. unimportant, trifling, trivial, light.
ANT. Connected, conjoined, united, Serpentine. STN. Winding, mean-
dering, tortuous, anfractuous, undu-
Separation. STN. Disunion, disjunc- lating, sinuous, anguilliform, vermic-
tion, disconnection, disengagement, ular, coiled.
dissociation [See ISOLATION]. ANT. Straight, unbending, unwind-
Sepulchral. STN. Hollow, death- ing, rectilinear.
like, ghastly, infernal, gloomy. Servant. STN. Retainer, domestic,
ANT. Genial, healthful, cheerful, attendant, minister, maid, abigail,
vital, lively, sunny. handmaid.
Sepulture. STN. Burial, interment, ANT. Lord, master, mistress, em-
humation. ployer.
ANT. Exhumation, disinterment. Serve. STN. Obey, minister, subserve,
Sequacious. STN. Pliant, ductile, help, work for, forward, attend, suf-
obsequious, traditional, servile, un- fice for, answer, pro-
assist, benefit,
original, unimaginative. mote, tend, accommodate.
ANT. Independent, refractory, self- ANT. Command, disobey, thwart,
willed, self-opinionated, original, ori- oppose, resist, counteract, con-
ginative, imaginative. tradict, neutralize, baffle, retard,
Sequel. SYN. Event, result, conse-
quence, conclusion [See EVENT]. Service. STN. Labor, employment,
advantage, use, utility, benefit [See
Sequence. STN. Following, order,
succession, series, consequence, pro-
gression, continuity, posteriority. Serviceable. STN. Useful, bene-
ANT. Precedence, anteriority, pri- tidal, advantageous, profitable, sound,
ority, disorder, disconnection, incon- well -conditioned.
sequence, irregularity, solution, in- ANT. Useless, profitless, ill-condi.
termission. tioned, unserviceable, unsound.
Sequestered. STN. Retired, with- Servile. STN. Obsequious, cring-
drawn, private, hidden, unfrequented, ing, sequacious, menial, sneaking,
secluded. low, abject.
ANT. Public, exposed, frequented, ANT. Independent, fractions, refrac-
unsecluded, unsequestered. tory, recalcitrant, dogged, stubborn,
Seraphic. STN. Angelic, heavenly, defiant, rebellious.
blissful, pure, rapturous, holy, ethe- Servility. STN. Slavery, bondage,
real. slavishness, baseness, meanness, fawn-
ANT. Fiendish,hellish, devilish, de- ing, sycophancy [See BONDAGE and
moniacal, infernal. OBSEQUIOUS].
Serene. STN. Clear, calm, unruffled, Servitude. STN. Service, subordi-
undisturbed, halcyonic. nation, obedience, ministry, submis-
ANT. Turbid, stormy, agitated, tem- sion.
pestuous, ruffled. ANT. Mastery, lordship, command,
Serf. STN. Slave, servant, villain, la- dictation, sway, rule, government.
borer. Set. v. t. STN. Seat, place, locate, sit-
ANT. Lord, baron, squire, provrie- uate, settle, fix, bu'ld, rest, establish,

ground, perpetuate, stabilitate, con- fling, inconsiderable, inexact, loose,
firm, strengthen, determine, appoint, uncritical, lenient, inextr erne, moder-
assign, cast, risk, wager, surround, ate, kind, considerate, feeling, ten-
bedeck, garnish, stud. der, gentle.
ANT. Remove, disestablish, lift, Shabby. SYN. Ragged, threadbare,
raise, transfer, uproot, eradicate, contemptible, beggarly, paltry [See
unfix, disperse, discard, unsettle, CONTEMPTIBLE and PALTKYJ.
demolish, destroy, weaken, loosen, Shackle, n. SYN. Fetter, gype, chain,
detach, misarrange, misdetermine, obstruction, embarrassment.
denude, divest ANT. Aid, assistance, subsidiary,
Set. v. i. SYN. Sink, settle, subside, help.
decline, compose, consolidate, harden. Shackle, v. SYN. Fetter, bind, chain,
ANT. Rise, ascend, soar, mount, hamper, harness, impede [See
stir, agitate, loosen, run, soften, melt, FETTTEB].
mollify, fuse, flow. Shade, n. SYN. Shadow, adumbra-
Set. o. SYN. Fixed, established, firm, tion, umbrage, darkness, gombreuc-^,
determined, regular, formal [See obscurity, seclusion, protection, shel-
FIBM]. ter, screen, oscuro, minuteness, touch,
Settle. SYN. Fix, establish, regulate, degree.
arrange, compose, adjust, determine, ANT. Illumination, light, daylight,
decide, adjudicate, quiet, allay, still, sunshine, brightness, radiance, glare,
Miik, fall, subside, lower, calm, acqui- chiaro, amount, largeness, consider-
esce, abate, agree. ableness, quantity, publicity, defence-
ANT. Remove, disestablish, mis- lessness, exposure.
regulate, derange, discompose, aggra-
Shade, v. SYN. Shelter, screen,
vate, disorder, disturb, confuse, mis- obscure, darken, cloud [See SHEL-
determine, misarrange, misplace, un- TER].
settle, rise, ascend, move, disagree
ANT. Illuminate, brighten, make
increase, heighten. light.
Settlement. SYN. Subsidence, dregs, Shadow. SYN. Umbration, reflec-
residuum, precipitation, colonization, tion, image, sham, unsubstentiality,
immaterial, phantom, attendant.
location, colony. ANT. Body, substance, materiality,
ANT. Excitement, perturbation,
form, principal.
turbidity, fluctuation.
Sever. SYN. Separate, divide, disjoin,
Shadowy. SYN. Dim, cloudy, ob-
scure, dark, murky, gloomy, myste-
distinguish, part, discommunicate, rious [See OBSCURE].
sunder, disengage, detach, break, Shake. SYN. Agitate, weaken, oscil-
except, disconnect. late, totter, convulse, loosen, tremble,
ANT. TJnite, conjoin, confound, con-
jar, quiver, shiver.
fuse, amalgamate, associate, include, ANT. Secure, fix, fasten, strengthen,
stabilitate, confirm, stand.
Several. SYN. Separate, distinct, Shallow. SYN. Shoal, slight, flimsy,
diverse, sundry, divers, various, trifling, simple, superficial, unpro-
different. found.
ANT. One, same, identical, indis- ANT. Deep, profound.
tinguishable, inseparable,united, total, Sham. SYN. Phantom, ghost, delu-
integral. sion, illusion, mockery, shadow, pre-
Severe. SYN. Serious, austere, stern, tence, counterfeit, unreality.
grave, strict, harsh, rigid, rigorous, ANT. Substance, reality, verity, sub-
sharp, afflictive, distressing, violent, stantiality, truth.
extreme, exact, critical, censorious, Shame, n. SYN. Abashment, humilia-
caustic, sarcastic, cutting, keen, bit- tion, modesty, shamefacedness, de-
ter, cruel. cency, decorum, reproach, dishonor,
ANT. Gay, smiling, cheerful, re- iguominy, contempt, degradation, dis-
laxed, jocose, jocund, joyous, mild, credit, dispraise.
genial, *dulgent, light, trivial, tri- ANT. Shamelessness,barefaceduM.
immodesty, impudence, indecency, in- ANT. Construct, organize, collocate,
decorum, impropriety, honor, glory, fabricate, compose, rear, constitute,
exaltation, renown, credit. Shed. SYN. Emit, diffuse, cast, drop,
Shame, r. SYN. Abash, humiliate, fill scatter, spill, pour, throw off.
with shame, disgrace [See ABASH]. ANT. Absorb, collect, assume, re-
Shameful. SYS. Disgraceful, degrad- tain.
ing, scandalous, outrageous, dishon-
Sheer. SYN. Pure, mere, unmixed,
orable, indecent, unbecoming [See unqualified, unmitigated, absolute,
BECOMING]. simple, unadulterated.
Shameless. SYN. Vicious, sinful, im- ANT. Mixed, qualified, adulterated,
modified , partial.
modest, indelicate, unblushing, braz- Shelter, v. SYN. Shield, conceal, cov-
en, audacious, bold-faced, impudent,
cool [See AUDACIOUS and INDEL- er, protect, screen,
ANT Expose, surrender, betray, im-
peril, endanger.
Shape, v. SYN. Form, mould, figure,
Shelter, n. SYN. Refuge, cover, har-
adapt, delineate, adjust, contrive, cre-
bor, asylum, retreat, shield, security,
ate, execute, make.
ANT. Pervert, distort, misadapt, sanctuary f See KEFUGE].
Shelve. SYN. Dismiss, discard,
misdelineate, derange, discompose,
swamp, stifle, shift.
miscontrive, misproduce, caricature. ANT. Start, prosecute, pursue, re-
Shape, n. SYN. Figure, form, outline, vive, agitate.
mould, fashion, pattern, cast, model Shield [See SHELTER].
[See FIGURE and MODEL]. Shift, v. SYN. Change, alter, transfer,
Shapeless. SYN. Amorphous, un- shelve, displace, remove.
formed, formless, chaotic, shadowy, ANT. Fix, fasten, locate, insert,
undefined, monstrous, misshaped, ug- pitch, plant, place.
ly, unsymmetrical, rude, uncouth, Shil't. n. SYN. Contrivance, expedi-
grotesque. ent, substitute, pretext, motive,
ANT. Comely, shaped, formed, change, evasion, device, artifice, re-
shapely, compact, trim, neat, well-de- source, transference.
fined, handsome, symmetrical. ANT. Miscontrivance, fixity, steadi-
Shapely [See SHAPELESS]. ness, reteniion, location, permanence.
Share, n. SYN. Portion, apportion- Shiftless. SYN. Thriftless, improvi-
ment,lot, division, partioipation.allow- dent, imprudent, wasteful, prodigal.
ance, quota, contingent, allotment. ANT. Pro vident, prudent, careful
ANT. Whole, mass, aggregate, en- [See PEODIGAL].
tirety. Shine. SYN. Beam, brighten, gleam
Share, SYN. Divide, distribute,
give light, glow, sparkle, glitter, re'"
portion out [See DIVIDE]. ate, glisten, excel.
Sharp. SYN. Thin, fine, keen, shrewd, ANT. Fade., wane, loom, glimm _,
discerning, clever, sarcastic, acute, gleam, fail.
pointed, aculeated, penetrating, pun- Shiver, v. [See SHATTEB].

gent, acid, shrill, piercing, afflictive, Shiver, i. SYN. Quake, tremble, vi-
distressing, harsh, severe, cutting, brate, quiver, shudder.
eager, active, ardent, sore, hard, ani ANT. Hang, stand, stiffen, steady,
mated, spirited. rigidity.
ANT. Thick, blunt, dull, obtuse, Shock. SYN. Surprise, disgust, of-
knobbed, rounded, bluff, mellow, bass, fend, dismay, astound, appall, hor-
hollow, deep, light, trifling, trivial, rify, shame.
mild, gentle, soft, tender, lenient, ANT. Gratify, please, delight,
sluggteh, inactive, indifferent, care- amuse, ertify.
less, spiritless, tame. Shocking. SYN. Sad, horrible, dis-
Shatter. SYN. Split, dissipate, di- graceful, hateful, revolting, abomina-
rupt, derange, break in pieces, rend, ble, loathsome, foul.
demolish, shiver, dismember, disin- ANT. Pleasing, honorable, charm-
tegrate. ing, delightful, creditable,
8HO : 5 810
exemplary, attractive, alluring, en- ANT. Angel, dove.
ticing. Shrewd. SYN. Sagacious, penetra-
Shore. SYN. Coast, bench, strand. ting, astute, discriminating, intelli-
ANT. Ocean, sea, main, deep. gent, discerning, acute.
Short. SYN. Brief, limited, scanty, ANT. Stolid, uudiscerning. unsaga-
inadequate, insufficient, lacking, de- cious, stupid, dull.
ficient, defective, imperfect, incom- Shrill. SYN. Sharp, piercing, acute,
plete, soon, near, narrow, weak, in- high pitched.
comprehensive, inextensive, less, ANT. Low, deep, base, hollow, mur-
abrupt, blunt, concise, condensed. muring, rumbling.
ANT. Lon,?, protracted, extended, Shrink. SYN. Contract, shrivel, with-
unlimited, plentiful, ample, abundant, draw, retire, recoil, revolt.
adequate, sufficient, exuberant, lib- ANT. Stretch, expand, dilate, ven-
ernl. large, copious, complete, distant, ture, dare.
deferred, wide, strong, comprehen- Shrivel. SYN. Contract, dry up,
sive, extensive, exceeding, bland, wither, wrinkle, corrugate, decrease.
courteous, inabrupt, expanded, dif- ANT. Kxpan 1. flatten, develop, un-
fuse. fold, spread, dilate,
Shorten. SYN. Curtail, lessen, Shroud. SYN. Cover, hfHe, veil, ob-
abridge [See ABRIDGE]. scure, darken, palliate, envelop, shel-
Shout, n. SYN. Exclamation, uproar, ter.
clamor, vociferation, ANT. Expose, reveal, nnvefl, eluci-
ANT. Sibilation, hissing, reticence, date, discover, uncover.
silence, hush.
Shuffle. SYN. Confuse, interchange,
Shout, v. SYN. Cry out, exclaim, vo- shift, intershift, intermix, derange,
agitate, evade, prevaricate, equivo-
ciferate, yeH, halloo, hollo, holla,
ANT. Be cate, quibble, cavil, sophisticate,
silent, speak low, speak in
a natural tone. mystify, palter, dissemble.
ANT. Deal, distribute, order, ar-
Show. v. SYN. Exhibit, present, de-
range, compose, confess, propound,
monstrate, unfold, reveal, teach, in- declare, explain, elucidate, reveal.
form, conduct, manifest, evince, evi- Shun. SYN. Avoid, escape, discard,
dence, prove, explain.
ANT. Conceal, suppress, hide, with- eschew, keep clear of, elude.
ANT. Court, seek, affect.
hold, obscure, mystify, wrap, misde- Shut. SYN. Close, contract, confine,
monstrate, niisdeclare, contradict, re-
preclude, bar, fasten.
fute^ deny, disprove), misinterpret, ANT. Open, expand, unclose, unbar,
falsify, mfeexplaii* unfasten.
Show. re. SYN. Appearance, exhibi- Shy. SYN. Timid, reserved, modest,
tion,demonstration, parade, pomp, bashful, Kuspiciou, shrinking, chary.
semblance, likeness, pretext, profes- ANT. Bold, brazen-faced, hiipudent,
sion, pretence, illusion. audacious, reckless.
ANT. Non-appearance, disappear- Sibilation. SYN. Hissing, outcry,
ance, concealment, suppression, se- disfavor.
creoj, disguise, dissimilarity, unlike- ANT. Acclamation, cheers, popular-
ness, genuineness, reality, sincerity, ity.
substance. Sick. SYN. Diseased, ill, disordered,
Showy. SYN. Oajv gaudy, high-col- distempered, indisposed, weak, riling,
ored, gorgeous, flashy, tinsel. feeble, morbid, nauseated, disgusted,
ANT. Inconspicuous, uunoticeable, corrupt, impaired, valetudinarian.
quiet, subdued, ANT. Whole, well, healthy, sound,
Shred. SYN. Strip, fragment, ras, robust, strong, well-conditioned, salu-
tatter,oddment, scrap, paring, chip. brious,
ANT. Fold, mass, piece, entirety, Sickly. SYN, Weak, diseased, disor-
integrity, whole. dered, ailing, feeble, pining, droop,
Shrew. SYN. Vixen, scold, virago, ing, morbid, unhealthy, vitiated, deli-
termagant. cate, tainted valetudinary.
ANT. Strong,healthy, vigorous, cate, misdenote, nullify, refute, neu-
flourishing, salubrious, sound, robust. tralize, preclude.
Sickness. SYN. Indisposition, illness, Silence, n. SYN. Taciturnity, still-
disease. ness, calm, peace, hush, muteness, se-
ANT. Health, soundness. crecy, oblivion.
Side. SYN. Margin, edge, verge, bor- ANT. Garrulity, loquacity, talka-
der, laterality, face, aspect, plane, tiveness, chatter, noise, brawl, clamor,
party, interest, cause, policy, behalf. clatter, din, Babel, tumult, agitation,
ANT. Centre, body, core, interior, restlessness, storm, unrest, roar,
essence, neutrality, disconnection, bruit, reverberation, resonance, com-
severance, secession, opposition. motion, cackling, proclamation, pub-
Sidereal. SYN. Astral, heavenly, star- licity, fame, rumor, remembrance,
ry, celestial. repute, celebrity.
ANT. lerrestrial, terrene, earthly. Silence, v. SYN. Still, stifle, hush,
Sift. SYN. Screen, analyze, scrutinize, allay, quiet, calm [See STIFLE].
1 robe, examine
critically, investigate, Silent. SYN. taciturn, speech-
winnow, sort. less, dormant, quiet, noiseless.
ANT. Confound, fuse, confuse, amal- ANT. Noisy, loquacious, garrulous.
gamate, conglomerate, compound. Silly. Germ, selig. SYN. Simple, fool-
Siglit. SYN. Seeing, perception, view, ish, weak, shallow, witless, unwise,
vision, visibility, s-pectacle, show, in- indiscreet, imprudent, absurd.
spection, examination, representa- ANT. Sagacious, intelligent, astute,
tion, appearance. wise, deep, discreet, prudent, sound,
ANT. Non-perception, invisibility, rational.
blindness, obscuration, disappear- Similar. SYN. Correspondent, re-
ance, oversight, non-appearance, un- sembling, alike, common, homogene-
discernment. ous, concordant, harmonious, con-
Sign. SYN. Token, indication, proof, gruous.
memorial, expression, symbol, em- ANT. Different, unlike, dissimilar,
blem, prefiguratiou, badge, type, pre- heterogeneous, discordant, in-
monition, symptom, prognostic, mark, congruous.
wonder, presnge, signal. Similitude. SYN. Likeness, resem-
ANT. Misindication, misrepresenta- blance, comparison, similarity [Ser
tion, misleader. LIKENESS].
Signal. SYN. Eminent, conspicuous, Simple. SYN. Single, incomplex, un-
remarkable, extraordinary, notable, compounded, unblended, isolated,
memorable, illustrious, important, pure, unmixed, mere, absolute, plain,
sali n', di tinguished. unadorned, unartincial, artless, sin-
AM. Ordinary, common, unnotice- cere, undesigning, single-minded, un-
able, mediocre, unmemorable, unim- affected, siily, weak, unsophisticated,
portant. humble, homely, lowly, elementary,
Signalize. SYN. Distinguish, exalt, ultimate, primal, rudimentary.
dignify, immortalize, cele- ANT. Double, complex, compound-
rate. ed, blended, mixed, fused, multiform,
ANT. Disgrace, dishonor, discredit. multigenerous, various, compound,
Significant. SYN. Expressive, mo- articulated, subdivided, organized,
mentous, suggestive, indicative, forci- connected, modified, complicated,
ble, weighty, symbolical, telling, elaborate, artificial, artful, design-
speaking. ing, insincere, double-minded, affect-
ANT. Inexpressive, meaningless, ed, self-conscious, sagacious, sophis-
expressionless, unindicative, mute. ticated, great, eminent, illustrious,
Signify. SYN. Portend, purport, complete, developed, perfect.
prognosticate, mean, represent, indi- Simplicity. SYN. Artlessnesa, sin-
cate, communicate, denote, betoken, cerity, plainness, frankness.
declare, utter, forebode, presage. ANT. Artfulness, insincerity, guile,
ANT. Conceal, suppress, misindi- deceit.
8IM 247 SLA
Simplify. SYN. Facilitate, disencum- Fide, penetrate, soak, droop, decline,
ber, elucidate. weary, flag, decay, decrease, dimin-
ANT. Embarrass, complicate, en- ish, abate, lower, immerse, submerge,
cumber, obscure. depress, degrade, drown, reduce, at-
Simulate. SYN. Feign, counterfeit, tenuate, suppress.
pretend, impersonate, assume. ANT. Rise, ascend, soar, swell. In-
ANT. Disresemble, discard, mis- crease, flourish, revive, float, height-
represent, mis-exhibit, misbeseem. en, promote, exalt, enhance, rescue,
Simultaneous. SVN. Synchronous, foster, encourage, perpetuate, pro-
concomitant, concurrent. mulgate, divulge.
ANT. Inconcurrent, separate, apart, Slimoua. SYN. Coiled, convolute, un-
Intermittent, periodic. dulating, curved, serpentine, wind-
Sin. SYN. Transgression, iniquity, un- ing, tortuous, anfractuous, waving,
righteousness, ungodliness, wicked- flexuous.
ness, evil, impurity, crime, wrong- ANT. Unoo'led, rectilinear, unin-
doing, ungodliness. flected.
ANT. Sinlessness, obedience, holi- Situation. SVN. Locality, position,
ness, righteousness, purity, godliness, top litmjihy. sti.te, seat, post, place,

goodness. condition, residence, aspect, footing,

Sincere. SYN. Pure, unmixed, genu- office, birth, plight, predicament,
ine, unadulterated, hearty, honest, standing.
ANT. Non-situation, non-location,
unaffected, unvarnished, candid, ~or-
dial, frank, unfeigned, true. absence, non-assignment, unfixeduess,
ANT. Impure, adulterated, dishon- displacement, dislodgement.
est, insincere, hypocritical, feigned, Size. SYN. Greatness, magnitude,
pretended, false. largeness, extent, dimension, bulk,
Sinful [See WICKED]. extent, bigness.
ANT. Smallness, littleness, tenuity,
Single. SYN. One, unique, only, in- minuteness.
dividual, sole, solitary, separate, un- Sketch, n. SYN. Outline, draught,
combined, unmarried, uncompound- skeleton, delineation [See OUT-
ANT. Plural, many, collective, uni- LINE].
Sketch, v. SYN. Outline, draw, de-
ted,numerous, frequent, married. pict, portray, paint, delineate [See
Singular. SYN. Single, individual, DELINEATE].
unique, eminent, extraordinary, con- Skilful. SYN. Expert, clever, dexter-
spicuous, consummate, unusual, un- ous, apt, well-versed, adroit [See
common, odd, whimsical, quaint, pe- ADROIT].
culiar, unexampled, unprecedented, Skill. SYN. Expertness, aptitude [Se
solitary, sole, eccentric, fantastic, ex- ABILITY]
ceptional, particular, remarkable, cu- Skim. SYN. Brush, glide, graze,
rious, queer. touch.
ANT. Common, frequent, numer- ANT. Enter, penetrate.
ous, ordinary, usual, unn'sticeable, Skirt. SYN. Boroer, trim, confine,
every-day, customary, general, reg- bound, surround, encircle.
ular. ANT. Penetrate, enter, interpene-
Sinister. SYN. TTnlueky,inauspicious, trate.
ill-omened, portentous, disastrous, Skulk. SYN. Hide, sneak, cower, lurk,
unfavorable, wrong, unfair, under- abscond, slink.
handed, evil, foul, dishonest, dishon- ANT Appear, issue, parade, show.
orable, forbidding, repulsive, lower- Slack. SYN. Loose, weak, remisfl,
ing. backward, indiligent, slow, remisv,
ANT. Lucky, fortunate, propitious, tardy, lax.
auspicious, favorable, right, fair, ANT. Tight, tense, strong, active,
open, honest, honorable, attractive, prompt, diligent, alert, quick, eager.
winning, engaging, assuring, frank. Slacken. SYN. Loosen, abate, with-
Sink. SYN. Fall, descend, drop, sub- hold, remit, languish, flag, moderate.
ANT. Tighten, increase, freshen. ANT. Trim, neat, careful, orderly,
Slander. HYN. Asperse, defame, ca- tidy, precise.
lunmiate, vilify, abuse, scandalize, Slow. SYN. Sluggish, inactive, Inert,
traduce, belittle, blacken. lazy, unready, tardy, late, gradual,
ANT. Praise, laud, honor, vindi- tedious, dull, dilatory, lingering,
cate, defend, panegyrize, eulogize, slack.
shield, commend. ANT. Active, quick, rapid,
Slaughter, n. [See CARNAGE]. alert, ready, prompt, early, sudden,
Slave. SYN. Bondman, thrall, vassal, Immediate.
drudge [See SERF). Sluggard. SYN. Idler, drone, lazy-
Slavery, n. [See BONDAGE], bones, laggard [See LAGGARD].
Slavish. SYN. Servile, drudging, me- Sluggish. SYN. Slow, inert, indo-
rual,mean. base, abject. lent, phlegmatic, slothful, Inzy.
ANT. Independent, free, voluntary. ANT. Active, quick, nervous, la-
Slay [See KILL]. borious.
Slt'fk. SYN. Glossy, velvety, satin, Sly. SYN. Cunning, subtle, crafty,
silken, shiny, smooth. artful, wily, underhanded, astute,
ANT. Bough, hairy, hirsute, bristly. stealthy.
Sleep, v. SYN. Slumber, doze, drowse, ANT. Open, frank, artless, unde-
snooze, repose. siguiug.
ANT. Be awake. Small. SYN. Little, diminutive, slight,
Sleepy. SYN. Slumberous, somnolent, minute, feeble, trivial, insignificant,
drowsy, sluggish, lazy. paltry, narrow, mean, weak, slender,
ANT. Wakeful, vigilant, alert, fine, inferior.
awake, active. ANT. Great, large, big, consider-
Slender. SYN. Thin, narrow, slight, able, bulky, extensive, ample, spa-
slim, small, trivial, spare, inadequate, cious, stout, strong, important, broad,
fragile, feeble, flimsy, meagre, incon- liberal.
siderable, superficial. Smart. SYN. Keen, pungent, pier-
ANT. Stout, thick, broad, robust, cing, quick, vigorous, sharp, severe,
massive, considerable, ample, deep. active, clever, brilliant, vivacious,
Sliiiht. a. [See SLENDER]. witty, ready, spruce, brisk, fresh,
Slight, v. SYN. Disregard, disdain, dressy, showy.
ecorn, overlooK, disparage. ANT. Dull, heavy, aching, slow, in-
ANT. Kegard, respect, notice, ob- active, stupid, sluggish, unready,
eeive. slow-minded, unwitty, dowdy, shabby,
Slight, n. SYN. Neglect, contempt, clownish.
scorn, disregard. Smear. SYN. Daub, plaster, spatter,
ANT. Kespect, regard, honor. tarnish, besmear, coat, begrime, var-
811in (See SLENDER]. nish, iucrust.
SYN. Sticky, viscous, viscid, ANT. Abrade, levigate, polish,
glutinous [See \iscu>]. scour, scrape.
Slink [See SLUNK].
Smell [See PERFUME].
Slippery. SYN. Smooth, glassy, lu- Smite. SYN. Strike, beat, buffet, chas-
bricated, insecure, perilous, unsafe, tise, blast, afflict, kill, slay, punish,
unstable, shifty, elusive, shuffling, un- surprise, captivate.
ANT. Soothe, smooth, caress, re-
principled, deceptive, evasive, un-
trustworthy, uncertain. lieve, console, repel, alienate,
ANT. Rough, firm, unslippery, se- Smoke, n. SYN. Fumigation, fumes,
cure, safe, stable, solid, trustworthy. vapor, insubstantiality, nothingness,
Slough. SYN. Mire, difficulty, de- moonshine, triviality, trifle.
spond. ANT. Substance, reality, realiza-
ANT. Footing, stand-point. tion, moment, importance.
Slovenly. SYN. Loose, negligent, Smoke, v. SYN. Eeek, fume, steam.
disorderly, untidy, unclean, sluttish, Smooth, a. SYN. Even, plain, level,
slatternly. flat, polished, glossy, sleek, soft, un-
ruffled, unobstrusted, bland, oily, unr<*aonnWp agitated, furious, pas-
suave. sionite, extravagant, extreme, exor-
ANT. Uneven, rough, rugged, bitant, immoderate, flighty, erratic,
abrupt, precipitous, unpolished, eccentr'c.
harsh, blunt. Sobrlet}* SYN. Soberness, temper-
Smooth, SYN. Flatten, level, ease,
r. ance, abstemiousness.
soften, calm, allay, mitigate [See ANT. Intemperance.
CALM]. Sociable. SYN. Companionable, geni-
Smolder. SYN. Reek, simmer, seethe, al, social, conver9ible,friendly,acces8-
ferment, work. ible, gregarious.
ANT. Burst, blaze. ANT. Unsociable, uncompanio--
Smother. SYN. Suffocate, stifle, re- able, unconversibie* ungeuiul, in
press, gag, conceal, suppress, choke, friendly, Inaccessible, re iring, mo-
rose, solitary, uncommunicative
strangle, allay, swallow.
ANT. Fan, ventilate, foster, cher- Social. SYN. Collective. oiitical

ish, nurture, publish, promulgate, di- gregarious [See SOCIABLE"".

ANT. Individutl. solitnr\ personal
vulge, spread, excite, vent.
Snare, n. SYN. Net, trap, gin, noose, Society. SYN. Communiiy, pobiy,
device, springe. association, collection, companion-
ship, fellowship, connection, partici-
Snarling. SYN. Cross, crabbed, pation, company, sociality, com-
peevish, cynical, snappish [See munion, intercourse, sodality.
CROSS]. ANT Individuality,personality,seg-

Snatch. SYN. Twitch, pluck, pull, regation, separation, solitariness, mi-

catch, grasp, gripe, clutch. sociality, privacy, dissociation, dis-
ANT. Unclutch, restore, unhand, connection.
release. Soft. SYN. Yielding, pressible, im-
Sneak. SYN. Slink, skulk, steal away, pressible, smooth, delicate, fine,
lurk, cringe, crouch, truckle [See sleek, glossy, mild, gentle, balmy,
CRINGE and SKULK]. kind, feeling, flexible, effeminate,
Sneer. SYN. Scoff, gibe, jeer, taunt, luxurious, unmanly, tender, irreso-
disparagement, contempt, scorn, lute, undecided.
superciliousness, disdaiu. ANT. Hard, tough, stubborn, un-
ANT. Compliment, eulogy, com- yielding, rigid, unimpressible, rough,.
mendation, deference. coarse, harsh, abrupt, ungentle,
Snub. SYN. Mortify, check, rebuke, rigorous, cutting, severe, unkind,
reprimand [See REBUKE and MOR- unfeeling, sharp, inflexible, stern,
TIFY j. austere, ascetic, self-denying, reso-
Snug. SYN. Close, housed, compressed, lute, determined.
compact, comfortable, sheltered. Soften. SYN. Mollify, palliate, com-
ANT. Exposed, loose, disordered, pose, mitigate, assuage, dulcify, leni-
incompact, uncomfortable, bare, ty, yield, macerate, humanize, abate,
shivering. moderate.
Soak. SYN. Wet, steep, drench, ANT. Harden, indurate, aggravate,
macerate, moisten, submerge. excite, infuriate, consolidate.
ANT. Dry, air, wring, exsicoate, Soil. SYN. Stain, tarnish, begrime, be-
aridify, bleach. foul, contaminate.
Soar. SYN. Rise, mount, tower, as- ANT. Purify, bleach, cleanse, ab-
pire, ascend, uprise. sterge.
ANT. Drop, sink, descend, alight. Sojourn. SYN. Rest, rb''<-. reside,
Sober. SYN. Temperate, unintoxi- tarry, lodge, halt, stay, quarter.
cated, cool, dispassionate, reasonable, ANT. Migrate, move, \vuuder, de-
culm, self-possessed, sound, unex- part, travel, journey.
cited, serious, grave, sedate, steady, Solace. SYN. Consolation, comfort,
abstemious, moderate. alleviation, relief, sympathy.
ANT. Intemperate, drunk, intoxi- ANT. Affliction, aggravation* war
cated, heated, excited, impassioned, bitterment.
Vole. SYN. Single, solitary, only, in- Solution. STN. Separation, discerp-
dividual, exclusive, by one's self, tion, disruption, breach, discontin-
Alone, one, singular. uance, disconnection, disentangle-
ANT. Plural, numerous, combined, ment, elucidation, explanation, key,
collective. answer, resolution, disintegration.
Solemn. SYN. Sacred, formal, devo- ANT. Union, combination, amalga-
tional, reverential, ritual, ceremonial, mation, continuity, connection, con.
inpressive, religious, grave, serious. junction, entanglement, complica-
ANT. Profane, undevotional, secu- tion, confusion, mystification, ob.
lar, light,gay, trivial, unceremonial, scurity, integration.
informal, unsolemn. Solve, SYN. Explain, resolve, unfold,
.Solemnity. STN. Celebration, rite, work out, clear up [See EXPLAIN].
office, ceremony, function, pomp, Sombre. SYN. Dull, grave, gloomy,
parade, seriousness, pomposity, grav- dark, murky, cloudy, funereal, sable,
ity, sacredness, awe, sanctity, irn- mournful, dusky, pensive, melan>
pressiveness, imposingness. choly.
ANT. Non-celebration, secularity, ANT. Bright, gay, sunny, joyous.
simplicity, triviality, gaiety, profani- Somnolent. SYN. Sleepy, drowsy,
ty, desecration, unimpressiveness, dozy, dreamy.
meanness, tawdriness, vulgarity, un- ANT. Wakeful, vigilant, alert.
imposingness. Song. SYN. Poem, lay, ballad, strain.
Solicit. SYN. Entreat, beg, urge, pray, ditty, carol, anthem, epic, lyric.
ask, crave, implore, importune. Sonorous. SYN. Resonant, louc'
ANT. Demand, require, exact, claim. audible, ringing, clear, trumpet-like,
Solicitous. SYN. Desirous, anxious, high-sounding.
apprehensive, uneasy, careful, con- ANT. Mute, muffled, dumb, soft
cerned [See ANXIOUS]. weak, inaudible, confused, powerless?
Solicitude. STN. Anxiety, concern, Soon, SYN. Shortly, quickly, prompt-
trouble, carefulness, uneasiness, care. ly, before long, early.
ANT. Indifference, unconcern, care- ANT. Late, slowly, tardily.
lessness, ease. Soothe. SYN. Soften, assuage, allay,
Solid. SYN. Hard, firm, compact, re- compose, mollify, tranquillize, pacify,
sistant, dense, substantial, weighty, lull, mitigate, flatter, appease, re-
strong, valid, just, sound, impenetra- lieve.
ble, stable, cubic. ANT. Rouse, excite, irritate, ruffle,
ANT. Soft, hollow, yielding, frail, exasperate, exacerbate, agitate, infu-
brittle, flimsy, elastic, resilient, mal- riate, aggravate, annoy, dissatisfy.
leable, impressible, fluid, liquid, Sophism. SYN. Fallacy, quibble,
frivolous, light, trifling, weak, in- paralogism.
valid, unsound, fallacious, weakly. ANT. Truth, argument, reason, log-
ic, syllogism.
Solitary. SYN. Sole, single, only,
lone, lonely, private, remote, retired, Sophisticate. SYN. Artificialize, de-
sequestered, desolate, uninhabited, moralize, debase, corrupt, vitiate,
desert [See SINGLE and DESOLATE]. spoil, pervert.
Solitude. SYN. Loneliness, remote- ANT. Naturalize, simplify, purify,
ness, seclusion, retirement, isolation, train, Improve, correct, refine, re-
wildness, desertion, barrenness, wil- form.
derness, privacy. Sophistry [See SOPHISM].
ANT. Publicity, populousness. so- Soporific. SYN. Somniferous, nar-
ciety, frequentedness, intercourse, cotic, anodyne, opiate.
resort, meeting, reunion, throng, ANT. Antisoporific, antinarcotic.
crowd. Sorcery. SYN. Magic, enchantment,
Soluble. SYN. Separable, discerpti- witchcraft, divination, glamour, pos-
ble, divisible, dissoluble. session.
ANT. Indivisible, inseparable, indis- ANT. Disenchantment, exorcism,
eerptible, insoluble, indissoluble. ,
exsufflation, dispossessing.
8OR 351 SPA
Sordid. SYN. Dirty, filthy, foul, gross, wholenonie, incorrect, unsubstantial
vile, base, mean, avaricious, covetous, invalid.
selfish, venal, niggardly, beggarly, Sound, t-. t. SYH. Probe, gauge, in-
close-fisted, hide-bound, greedy. vestigate.
ANT. Pure, liberal, generous, un- ANT. Overlook, disregard, misex-
selfisn, honorable, nncovetous, open- amine, misinvestigate.
handed, high-minded, profuse, lavish, Sour. SYS. Tart, rancid, coagulated,
prodigal, extravagant, over-liberal. turned, harsh, crabbed, austere, mo-
Sore. a. SYN. Painful, irritated, rose, pungent, crusty, acid, churlish,
susceptible, excoriated, raw, scarified, bitter, acetous, acrimonious, peevish.
ulcerous, grievous, afflictive, heavy, ANT. Sweet, wholesome, untainted,
burdensome. mellow, geninl, kindly.
ANT. Painless, sound, whole, health- Source. SYN. Rise, origin, spring,
ful, healed, unbroken, unscarifled, fount, fountain, cause, commence-
light, trivial, unburdensome, pleasant, ment, beginning.
untroublesome, grateful. ANT. Mouth, debouchure, termina-
Sore. n. SYN. Pustule, abscess, ulcer. tion, end, exit, issue, result, effect.
Sorrow. SYN. Affliction, grief, sad- Sovereign. SYN. Paramount, su-
ness, trouble, regret, distress, mental preme, primary, chief, certain, effica-
pain, ruth, mourning. cious, principal, predominant, supe-
ANT. Joy, gladness, rejoicing. rior, imperial, regal.
Sorry. SYN. Grieved, pained, hurt, ANT. Inferior, ministerial, subser-
afflicted, woe-begone, doleful, down- vient, subordinate, subject, secondary,
hearted, mortified, vexed, dejected, weak, uncertain, inefficient, unettica-
poor, mean, vile, shabby, wo thless.
r cious.
ANT. Glad, rejoiced, delighted, Sow. v. SYN. Scatter, disseminate,
pleased, gratified, fine, choice, hand- plant, strew [See SCATTEK].
some. Space. SYN. Extension, room, inter-
Sort. SYN. Kind, species, nature, class, val, boundlessness, immeasurable-
order, character, rank, manner, qual- ness, illimitBbleness, distance, meas-
ity, condition, description, designa- ure, quantity, intervenience, inter-
tion, genus. space.
ANT. Non-description, solitariness, ANT. Limitation, iuextension, re-
uniqueness, non-classification, hetero- striction, coarctation, confinement,
geneity. proximity, scantiness, contiguity, un-
Soul. SYN. Spirit, vital principle, life, interruptedness, continuity.
reason, intellect, vitality, fire, leader, Spacious. SY.V. Ample, extensive,
inspirer, energy, courage, fervor, af- broad, vast, capacious, large, wide,
fection, feeling, being, person, innu. roomy, expansive.
ANT. Soullessness, irrationality, ANT. Narrow, restricted, limited,
unintellectuality, deadness, unfeeling- cramped, conilued, inexteusive.
ness, spiritlessaess, coldness, mind- Spare, r. SYV. Save, afford, grant,
k'ssuess, nonentity, nullity. reserve, do wi;hout, husband, econo-
Sound, n. SYN. Resonance, audibil- mize, retniJi, s o-o, grudge, discard,
ity, noise,report. omit, forbear, withhold, refrain, ab-
AXT. Silence, stillness, muteness, stain.
voicelessness, abmutescence. ANT. Spend, squander, waste, lavish,
Sound, a. SYN. Entire, unbroken, scatter,expend, pour, indulge, vent.
whole, perfect, unhurt, well-grounded, Spare, a. SYN. Scanty, uu plentiful,
uninjured, unimpaired, healthy, firm, inabundaut, meagre, economical, fru-
strong, vigorous, weighty, solid, irre- gal, stinted, restricted, parsimonious,
fragable, irrefutable, thorough, valid, niggardly, chary, superfluous, dispos-
wholesome, correct, substantial. able, available, lean, thin, ill-coudi-
ANT. Partial, broken, injured. Im- tioned.
paired, unhealthy, unsound, weak, ANT. Ample, plentiful, abundant,
frail, fragile, light, trivial, unfounded, profuse, liberal, unrestricted, gener-
hollow, fallacious, imperfect, un- ous, bountiful, unsparing, unstinted.
unbounded, available, well-condition- Spectre. SYN. Apparition, ghost,
ed. shade, shadow, spirit, larva.
Sparing [See FRUGAL]. ANT. Body, substance, flesh, per-
Sparkle. SYN. Scintillate, flash, glis- sonality.
ten, glitter, gleam, shine, bubble, ra- Speculate. SYN. Consider, medi-
diate, coruscate, effervesce.
ANT. Smoulder, wane, stagnate, ex-
tate, theorize, cogitate [See COG-
Sparse. SYN. Scattered, sprinkled,
Speculation. SYN. Contemplation,
consideration, weighing, thought,
few, scanty, thin, meagre, innumer-
ous. theory, scheme, hypothesis, view,
ANT. Dense, multitudinous, numer- conjecture.
ANT. Realization, proof, fact, veri-
ous, frequented, thick, crowded, pop-
ulous. fication, certainty.
Spatter. SYN. Speecli. SYN. Address, oration,
Besprinkle, besmear.
Speak. SYN. Converse, discourse, harangue, discourse [See HARANGUE].
talk, utter, pronounce, say, express, Speed. SYN. Despatch, expedite, ac-
accost, address, tell [See ACCOST celerate, urge, hasten, hurry, press.
and CONVERSE]. ANT. Retard, delay, postpone, ob-
Special. SYN. Particular, specific, struct, drag, loiter, dawdle, linger,
peculiar, appropriate, proper, dis- lag, stay.
tinctive, extraordinary, especial, ex- Speedy. SYN. Early, quick, rapid,
ceptional. fast, accelerated, prompt, nimble,
ANT. General, universal, common, swift, fleet.
generic. ANT. Late, slow, dragging, loiter-
Species [See SORT]. ing, lingering, tardy, sluggish.
Specify. SYN. Particularize, indi- Spend. SYN. Bestow, waste, exhaust,
vidualize, indicate, designate, detail, squander, expend, lay out, consume,
determine, state, enumerate, mention. disburse, lavish.
ANT. Generalize, classify, amalga- ANT. Retain, save, hoard, accumu-
mate, confound. husband, economize.
Specimen. SYN. Sample, mode, Spbere. SYN. Globe, ball, region,
pattern, model, illustration, instance, realm, circuit, orb, department, voca-
type, exemplar. tion, rank, standing, order [See VO-
ANT. Anomaly, exception, nonde- CATION].
script, monster, freak, misillustration. Spirit. SYN. Air, breath, life, soul,
Specious. SYN. Plausible, showy, vital force, essential quality, essence,
ostensible, colorable, fair-spoken. immateriality, intelligence, disembodi-
ANT. Inadmissible, self-contradic- ment, spectre, apparition, ghost, ener-
tory, absurd, unreasonable. gy, ardor, enthusi asm, activity, ear-
Speck, a. SYN. Blemish, mite, bit, nestness, courage, zeal, disposition,
spot, particle [See BLEMISH and temper, principle, motive, distilla-
MASS]. tion.
Spectacle. SYN. Sight, exhibition, ANT. Substance, body, corporeity,
display, parade, demonstration, pict- materiality,flesh, organization, frame,
ure, scene, representation, gazing- embodiment, spiritlessness, listless-
etock, show, pageant, flourish. ness, soullessness, lifelessness, torpor,
ANT. Xonnienioustratiou, non-cele- deadness, timidity, dejection, s*ow-
bration. ness, sluggishness.
Spectator. SYN. Observer, witness, Spirited. SYN. Animated, lively,
beholder, gazer, looker-on, bystander vivacious, ardent, buoyant, sprightly,
[See WITNESS]. courageous.
Spectral. SYN. Ghostly, ghastly, ANT. Dull, dispirited, depressed,
cadaverous, shadowy, visionary, illu- cowardly.
sionary. Spiritual. SYN. Divine, religions,
ANT. Bodily, substantial, corporal, holy, ghostly, ethical, immaterial,
fleshly, palpable. incorporeal, intellectual.
S08 8QTT
ANT. Carnal, fleshly, unspirltual, lish, disperse, diffuse, overlay, dis-
gross, material, sensuous. tribute, scatter, circulute,dissemiuate,
Spite. SYN. Malice, malevolence, ramify.
grudge, pique, hatred, Ill-will, vindic- ANT. Contract, furl, gather, fold,
tiveness, rancor, spleen. close, shut, secrete, suppress, confine,
ANT. Good-will, benevolence, kindli- restrict, repress, hush, conceal, recal,
ness. collect, stagnate, concentrate, localize.
Spiteful. SYN. Malicious, malevolent, Sprightly. SYN. Blithe, lively, gay,
malignant, malign, ill-natured, evil- vivacious, alert, agile, brisk, animated-
minded. airy.
ANT. Kind, benevolent, good-na- ANT. Sombre, dull, lifeless, slug-
gish, inanimate, heavy.
Spleen. SYN. Anger, eplte, cha rriii,
Spring:, n. SYN. Origin, source, foun-
annoyance, rancor, hypochon Iria, tain, beginning, rise [See OBIOINJ.
melancholy, irnscibilily,gall,vexa ion,
ill-humor. Spring, v. SYN. Leap, bound, jump,
ANT. Kindliness, benevolence, grati- start, emerge, issue, proceed, origi-
nate, rise, emanate, germinate, burst,
fication, mirth,cheer fulne ;s,geuiality,
high-spirits, gratulation, pacification.
ANT. Settle, alight, land, drop,
Splendid. SYN. Brilliant, showy, arrive, issue, eventuate, end, term)
magnificent, sumptuous, gorgeous, nate, debouch, disembogue.
glorious, pompous, imposing, illustri-
ous, superb, famous, heroic, grand,
Sprite. SYN. Spirit, specter, ghost,
shade, fairy, elf [See GHOST |.
ANT. Dull, obscure, tame, somber, Sprout, n. SYN. Bud, germ, shoot,
poor, beggariy, uuimposiug, ordinary, twig, stem, scion [See SCION].
ineffective, inglorious. Sprout, v. SYN. Shoot, germinate,
Split. SYN. Divide, separate, rive, spring, vegetate, bud.
ANT. Blight, wither, decay.
cleave, crack, splinter, burst, rend,
sunder, disagree, secede, disunite. Spruco. SYN. Neat, finical, trim, smug,
ANT. Cohere, unite, amalgamate, tidy, smart, foppish, dandified, jaunty.
coalesce, conform, agree, splice, con- ANT. Slovenly, untidy, uutrim, dis-
solidate, integrate. orderly.
Spoil. SYN. Plunder, strip, rob, de- Spur. SYN. Incite, goad, Instigate,
vastate, pillage, denude, corrupt, impel, urge, stimulate.
vitiate, mar, deteriorate. ANT. Rein, inhibit, hold, discourage,
ANT. Invest, enrich, endow, re- deter, dissuade, restrain, temper,
plenish, renovate, improve, better, moderate.
ameliorate, rectify, preserve. Spurious. SYN. Counterfeit, false,
not genuine, unauthentic, forged,
Spontaneous. SYN. Voluntary, self-
generated,self-originated, ^elf-evolved, adulterate, ungenuiue, bastard, sup-
willing, unbidden, gratuitous. posititious, groundless, ascititious.
ANT. Involuntary, imposed, com- ANT. True, genuine, veritable, un-
pulsionary, unwilling, necessitated, adulterated, legitimate, authentic.
coercive. Spurn [See REJECT].
Spy. v. SYN. See. espy, discern, dis-
Sport. SYN. Play, frolic, wantonness,
joke, diversion, merriment, gaiety, cover, explore, view, inspect.
fun, amusement, recreation, game, ANT. Miss, overlook, misexplore,
pastime. misobserve.
ANT. Work, seriousness, business, Spy. n. SYN. Emissary, detective,
earnestness. scout.
Spot. n. SYN. Stain, blot, blemish, ANT. Sentinel, watchman, warder,
locality, site, place See BLEMISH].
[ patrol.
Spotless [See PURE]. Squalid. SYN.Foul, dirty, un-
Spread. SYN. Extend, stretch, expand, tended, filthy, nasty, unclean, mucky,
open, unfurl, divulge, propagate, pub- poverty-stricken.
ANT. Wholesome, cleanly, tended, faithful, unswerving, reliable, sincere,
trim, tidy. trusty, zealous, fast, sound, steadfast.
Squander. SYN. Waste, dissipate, ANT. Untrustworthy, vacillating,
spend wastefully. unsound, unsteady, unreliable, treach-
ANT. Save, conserve, be frugal. erous, precarious.
Stab. SYN. Pierce, transfix, thrust. Stand. SYN. Rest, remain, stop, be,
Stable. SYN. firm, established, se- exist, keep one's ground, insist, de-
cure, steady, constant, unwavering, pend, await, consist, hold, continue,
durable, stanch, permanent, firmly endure, pause, halt.
fixed, solid, steadfast, steady, lasting, ANT. Progress, move, proceed, ad-
perpetual. vance, fall, fail, yield, succumb, drop,
ANT. Infirm, tottering, weak, inse- lie, vanish, fade, run, depart.
cure, precarious, inconstant, waver- Standard. SYN. Measure, gauge,
ing, frail, transient, ephemeral, evan- criterion, test, rule, exemplar, banner,
escent, unstable. flag, type, model, scale, plummet,
Stagnant. SYN. Motionless, cur- trutination.
rentless, tideless, unflowing, uncir- ANT. Mismeasurement, misrule,
culating, still, dull, torpid, lifeless, misadjustineiit, miscomparisou, in-
quiescent. conforniity, misfit, incommensurate-
ANT Brisk, flowing, circulating, ness, non-criterion.
rapid, lively, agitated, seething, effer- Standing, n. SYN. Status, position,
vescent, restless. ground, duration, continuance, foot-
Staid. SYN. Grave, demure, steady, ing, stand-point, foundation.
sober, sedate. ANT. Baselessness, evanescence, in-
ANT. Unsteady, flighty, indiscreet,
security, precariousncss.
wanton, insedate, erratic, eccentric, SYN. Established, last-
agitated, discomposed, ruffled.
Standing, a.

Stain, n. SYN. Color, dye, tinge, dis- ing [See FiKMj.

Start. SYN. Set out, initiate, begin,
coloration, blemish, blot, stigma, slur, seton foot, rouse.
shame, taint [See BLEMISH J. ANT. Carry on, end, complete.
Stain, v. SYN. Dye, color, tinge,
slur, Startle [See AFFRIGHT] .

shame, paint, blot, soil, sully, dis- Starved. SYN. Lean, thin, meagre,
color, tarnish, taint, disgrace, dis-
attenuated, famished, hungry, ema-
honor, befoul, blemish, stigmatize.
ANT. Purify, wash, cleanse, ab- ciated, ill-fed, ill-conditioned.
ANT. Fat, plump, well-conditioned,
eolve, ornament, decorate, emblazon, well-fed.
signalize, honor. State, n. SYN. Position, condition,
Stale. SYN. Vapid, tasteless, thread-
situation, circumstances, plight, pre-
bare, common-place, hackneyed.
ANT. Fresh [See VAPID]. dicament, case, province [See CON-
Stalk. SYN. Stride, promenade, pa- DITION].
State, v. SYN. Say, declare, propound,
rade, pace, march.
ANT. Sneak, crawl, grovel, creep. aver, set forth, narrate, specify, par-
ticularize, avow, recite.
Stalwart. SYN. Powerful, able-bod- ANT. Suppress, repress, suppose,
ied, strong, robust, resolute, brave.
ANT. Weak, timorous, irresolute. imply, deny, contradict, retract.
Stammer. SYN. Stutter, hesitate, Stately. SYN. Dignified, imposing,
falter. lofty, elevated, lordly, proud, majes-
ANT. Speak clearly, speak unhesi- tic, pompous, magnificent, grand.

ANT. Undignified, unimposing, vuv
Stamp, n. SYN. Genus, kind, descrip- stately, commonplace, mean.
tion, make, mark, impression, im- Station. SYN. Standing, post, posi-
print, print, brand, cast, mould, char- tion, office,occupation, business,
acter, type. place, situation, state, rank, location.
ANT. Heterogeneity, non-descrip- ANT. Dielodgment, displacement,
tion, formlessness. non-position, ejectment, non-location*
Stanch. SYK. Firm, steady, constant, removal, departure, locomotion.
8TA 355 STI
Stationary. SYN. Fixed, Immovable, progression, track, trice,
motionless, unalterable, quiescent. walk, gait, proceeding, action, meas-
ANT. Movable, unfixed, migratory, ure.
removable, changeable, alterable. ANT. Retreat, recession, baiting,
Statute. SYN. Enactment, law, act, station, standing, non-graduation,
decree, ordinance, legislation, edict. non-progression, stand-still, stop,
ANT. Custom, conventionality, pre- tracklessness, uutraceableness, non
scription, use, precedent, usage. impression, desinence, desistance, In-
Stave, v. SYN. Parry, fend, forefend. action.
ANT. Attract, court, draw, invoke, Sterile. SYN. Barren, unfruitful, un-
provoke. productive. desert, infertile.
ANT. Fruitful, fertile, productive,
Stay. n. SYN. Abode, continuance, so-
journ, support, prop [See ABODE and luxuriant, exuberant, cultivated.
PBOPJ. Sterling. SYN. Sound, substantial,
Stay. v. SYN. Hold, stop, restrain, unalloyed, pure, unadulturnted, stand-
withhold, arrest, hinder, delay, ob- ard, genuine, essential, solid.
ANT. Fictitious, ungenuine, asciti-
struct, support, rest, repose, remain,
continue, dwell, await, halt, abide, tious, specious, pretentious, ostensi-
ble, plausible.
wait, tarry, confide, trust, lean.
ANT. Loose, liberate, send, expe- Stern. SrN. Severe, austere, rigid,
dite, speed, free, accelerate, hasten,
harsh, strict, rigorous, unrelenting,
oppress, depress, burden, fail, fall, unyielding, forbidding.
ANT. Lenient, genial, kindly, easy,
proceed, move, depart, overthrow,
mistrust. flexible, encouraging.
Steadfast. SYN. Firm, rooted,
Stick, v. SYN. Hold,
adhere, cleave
grounded, fixed, established, resolved, [See Anni'.uK |.

Stiff". SYN. Unbending, inflexible,

constant, steady, unswerving, stanch,
resolute. rigid, unyielding, uupliant, stroux,
ANT. Infirm, weak, vacillating, ca- stubborn, obstinate, pertinacious,
constrained, affected, starched, for-
pricious, uncertain, irresolute, wa-
vering, dubious, half-hearted, half- mal, ceremonious, difficult.
minded. ANT. Pliant, flexible, flaccid, yield-
SYN. Firm, fixed, constant, ing, easy, unaffected, genial, affabie.
Steady. unceremonious.
uuiform, consistent, equable, regular,
Stifle.SYN. Choke, suffocate, sniotfapr,
ondeviating, well-regulated.
ANT. Infirm, variable, unsteady, throttle, quench, repress, suppress,
inconstant, changeable, wavering, ill- extinguish, burke.
ANT. Ventilate, discuss, promul-
Steal. SYN. Filch, pilfer, purloin, gate, propound.
swindle, take by theft, peculate, em-
Stigma. SYN. Brand, mark, infamy,
disgrace, blot, stain.
bezzle, smuggle.
ANT. Eob, plunder, ravage, maraud, ANT. Decoration, feather, laurels,
Back, pillage.
Steep, v. SYN. Dip, soak, immerse, Stigmatize. SYN. Brand, denounce,
macerate, submerge, drench, imbue. reprobate, censure.
ANT. Air, dry, ventilate, fan, sun, ANY. Panegyrize, land, eulogize.
aridity, exsiccate.
Still. SYN. Quiet, calm, uoiM-U .

SYN. hushed, silent, pacific, serene, m< >:it>n-

Steep, a. Abrupt, precipitous,
less. stagnant, peaceful, quiescent,
elevated, inaccessible, hilly, craggy.
ANT. Easy, level, undulating, ac- tranquil, stationary.
ANT. Unquiet, disturbed, agitated,
cessible, gradual.
Stem. v. SYN.Oppose, breast, with- moved, noisy, resonant, turbulent,
stand, obstruct, confront [See OP-
moving, transitional.
Stimulate [See SPUR and UBOE].
Step. n. SYN. Advance, pace, space, SCiiisr y. SYN. Close, avaricious, mean,
grade, remove, degree, gradation, niggardly, close-fisted, hide-bound
8TI 256

parsimonious, sparing, sordid, penu- ANT. Emptiness, lack, misprovision,

rious. failure, exhaustion, want, expend-
ANT. Liberal, generous, large, iture, disjxjsal, consumption.
handsome, lavish, bountiful, unspar- Store, v. [See SAVE].
ing. Storehouse. SYN. Warehouse, re-
Stink, n. SYN. Stench, fetor, bad pository, treasury, depot, magazine.
smell. Stormy [See BOISTEROUS].
ANT. Sweet odor, fragrance. Stout. SYN. Strong, lusty, vigorous,
Stint. SYN. Stop, limit, restrict, robust, sturdy, brawny, corpulent,
bound, dole. resolute, brave, valiant, redoubtable.
ANT. Lavish, pour, heap, squander. ANT. Weak, debile, frail, attenu-
Stipend [See WAGES]. ated, thin, slender, lean, irresolute,
Stipendiary. SYN. Paid, remune- feeble, cowardly, timid.
rated, compensated, hired. Straight. SYN. Direct, rectilinear,
ANT. Unpaid, uuremunerated, vol- undeviating, unswerving, right, near-
untary, gratuitous, honorary. est.
Stipulate. SYN. Bargain, agree, con- ANT. Indirect, w'nding, incurved,
tract, covenant, engage, condition, tortuous, sinuous, serpentine, circu-
provide. itous, waving, crooked.
ANT. Retract, decline, refuse, with- Strain. SYN. Stretch, tighten, force,
draw, revoke, disagree, deprecate, exert, filter, filtrate, percolate, depu-
protest, recant. rate, purify, clarify, defecate, lix-
Stir. SYN. Agitate, incite, Instigate, iviate.
prompt, awaken, stimulate, animate, ANT. Loosen, relax, remit, slacken,
arouse, budge, excite, provoke, raise, thicken, incrassate, inspissate, be-
ruffle. foul.
ANT. Soothe, compose, quiet, allay, Strait, a. SYN. Close, strict, narrow
pacify, still, repress, deaden, tran- [See NARROW].
quillize. Strait, n. [See DISTRESS].
Stock, n. STN. Store, hoard, supplv, Strange. SYN. Foreign, alien, exotic,
fund, accumulation [See ACCUMULA- unfamiliar, unusual, odd, irregular,
TION]. abnormal, exceptional, surprising,
Stoical. SYN. Philosophical, Indiffer- wonderful, marvellous, astonishing,
ent, apathetic, phlegmatic, patient, uncommon, peculiar.
inexcitable, imperturbable. ANT. Home, domestic, familiar, us-
ANT. Sanguine, excitable, sensitive, common, regular, cus-
ual, ordinary,
impatient. tomary, commonplace, unsurprising,
Stolid. SYN. Stupid, dull, heavy, universal, general.
senseless, mindless, doltish, foolish, Stranger. SYN. Foreigner, alien.
obtuse, unintelligent. ANT. Countryman, acquaintance,
ANT. Acute, sensitive, sagacious, friend.
quick, clever, bright. Stratagem. SYN. Artifice, taotics,
Stoop. SYN. Beud, condescend, yield trick, contrivance, generalship, ma-
[See BEND]. noeuvre, device, machination, plot,
Stop. v. SYN. Close, obstruct, plug, plan, deceit, imposition.
cork, bar, seal, arrest, suspend, end, ANT. Blunder, defeat, misma-
rest, halt, hinder, suppress, delay, noauvre, miscontrivance, mismanage-
cease, terminate. ment.
ANT. Open, expedite, clear, broach, Stray. SYN. Wander, deviate, digress,
unseal, promote, advance, farther, ramble, go astray, err, depart, rove.
continue, proceed, speed, hasten. ANT. Adhere, abide, stick.
Stop. n. SYN. Pause, cessation, inter- Stream. SYN. Current, course, flow,
mission, rest, quietus [See REST]. exit, drift, tide, tendency.
Store, n. SYN. Treasure, treasury, ANT. Stagnation, desistance, arrest-
garner, provision, supply, fund, ac- ation, station, stand-still, stillness,
cumulation, hoard, abundance, shop, halting, cessation, stopping, interrup*
place of business, ammunition, stock. tion.
8TR 257 8TTT

. SYN. Force, vigor, power, admirable, wonderful, surprising

security, validity, vehemence, inten- Isi-i-
sity, hardness, soundness, nerve, Strip. SYN. Divest, denude, bare, pull
fibre, sinew. off, despoil, dismantle, disencumber,
ANT. Weakness, imbecility, feeble- flay, fleece, rob.
ness, insolidity, insecurity, invalidity, ANT. Invest, endow, clothe, enrich,
frailty, delicacy, softness, flimsiness, compensate.
hollowness. Strive. SYN. Labor, endeavor, aim,
Strengthen. SYN. Confirm, estab- contest, toil, try, struggle, contend,
lish, fix, corroborate, secure, invig- vie.
orate, fortify, incri-Hso. ANT. Relax, surrender, succumb,
ANT. Weaken, di-c ftablish. shike, submit, yield, withdraw.
loosen, sap, undermine, debilitate, di-
Stroll, r. SYN. Ramble, wander, rov,

minish. roam [See RAMBLE],

Strenuous. SYS. Strong, res ilute, Strong. SYN. Powerful, vigorous, sol-
id, secure, fortified, forcible, impet-
determined, earnest, vigorous, ar-
uous, hale, hearty, brawny, sinewy,
dent, bold, energetic, vehement.
ANT. Weak, irresolute, undeter- sound, robust, cogent, influential,
zealous, potent, pungent muscular,
mined, unearnest, debile, feeble,
emasculate. hardy, stanch, tenacious.
ANT. Powerless, weak, frail, inse-
Stress. SYN. Force, strain, weight,
cure, defenceless, feeble, mild, calm,
importance, pressure, urgency, em- gentle, delicate, sickly, inefficacious,
phasis. unsatisfactory, unconvincing, unim-
ANT. Alleviation, sli^itness, light-
pressive, vapid, impotent, unavailing,
ness, unimportance, casualty, touch, lukewarm, debile, flaccid, nerveless,
triviality. tender, moderate, indifferent.
Stretch. SYN. Extend, expand, elon- Structure. SYN. Construction, erec-
gate, draw out, spread, strain, tighten, tion, building, constitution, constitu-
reach. ency, organization, make, edifice,
ANT. Contract, fold, curtail, shrink, composition, texture.
shorten. ANT. Destruction, subversion, dem-
Strict. SYN. Close, exact, accurate, olition, disorganization, analysis, de-
rigorous, severe, stringent, nice, pre- composition, resolution.
cise. Struggle, v. [See STRIVE].
ANT. Loose, inexact, inaccurate, le- Struggle, n. BYN. Contest, violent
nient, mild, indulgent, lax. effort, labor, pains, agony [See
Stricture. SYN. Censure, criticism, STRIFE].
animadversion, reprobation, dis- Strut [See STRIDE].
praise, blame, reprehension. Stubborn. SYN. Tough, unbending,
ANT. Praise, commendation, eulo- unyielding, hard, obstinate, intract-
gy, compliment. able, obdurate, stiff, harsh, inflexible,
Strife. SYN. Struggle, contention, con- headstrong, refractory, heady, con-
test, animosity, quarrel, wrangle, dis- tumacious, pig-headed.
agreement, discord, bickering, emula- ANT. Docile, tractable, manageable,
tion. pliant, pliable, malleable, flexible.
ANT. Good-will, peace, amity, Studied. SYN. Premeditated, thought
friendliness. out, elaborate, learned, thoughtful.
Strike. SYN. Smite, impel, give a ANT. Unpremeditated, extempore,
blow to, stamp, impress, penetrate, careless.
insert, drive, lower, startle, surprise, Studious. SYN. Literary, diligent,
collide, touch. desirous, attentive, careful, thoughtful,
ANT. Smooth, soothe, caress, pat, assiduous, reflective.
stroke, efface, levigate, withdraw, ANT. Cnliterary, illiterate, idle, In-
raise, hoist, calm, graze, escape, dulgent, careless, regardless, indiffer-
avoid, pass. ent, inattentive, negligent, thought-
Striking. SYN. Impressive, affecting, less.
8TO 258 SUB
Study, n. SYN. Application, learning, ANT. External, objective.
meditation, diligence, consideration, Subjugate [See SUBDUE].
tt ought, contemplation,care, endeavor, Sublimate. SYN. Vaporize, refine,
research, intention, purpose. heighten, elevate,
ANT. Indulgence, idleness, illiterate- ANT. Solidify, crystallize, indurate,
ness, thoughtlessness, ease, indiffer- coarsen, worsen, degrade, deprave,
ence, carelessness, unstudiousness, lower.
negligence. Sublime. SYN. Raised, exalted, lofty,
Study, v SYN. Examine, con over, elevated, eminent, grand, stately,
consider [See CONS DEB]. <

high, noble, majestic, glorious, mag-

Stuff, n. SYN Matter, substance, nificent.
trash, nonsense [See NONSENSE], ANT. Low, depressed, unexalted, in-
Stun. SYN. Confound, bewilder, dumb- conspicuous, unimposrag, ordinary,
founder, astonish, stupefy,overwhelm, mean, ignoLle, inglorious, base, ridic-
overpower, electrify ulous.
ANT. Encourage, animate, inspirit, Submerge. SYN. Drown, plunge,
reassure. overwhelm, deluge, inundate, fink,
Stupendous. SYN. Amazing, over- steep, immerse
whelming, marvellous, wondrous, ANT. Raise, extricate, educe.
vast, astounding. Submission. SYN. Yielding, sur-
ANT. Ordinary, tinimposing. render, inferiority, dependence,
Stupid. SYN. Dull, senseless, stolid, meekness, resignation, patience, ac-
doltish, besotted, insensate, obtuse, quiescence.
prosy, addle pated, dull witted. ANT. Resistance, insurrender, in-
ANT. Quick, sharp, bright, sensible, subordination, independence, antag-
sagacious, penetrating, clever. onism, self-assertion, impatience.
Sturdy. SYN. Well-set, thick-set, Submissive. SYN. Obedient, com-
strong, stout, stubborn, firm, resolute, pliant, yielding, obsequious, humble,
forcible, hardy, robust. docile, modest, passive, acquiescent,
ANT. Lank, weak, ill-set, lean, subservient.
fragile, weakly. ANT. Disobedient, incompliant, un-
Style. SYN. Phraseology, diction, yielding, inobsequious, recalcitrant,
fashion, mode, name, title [See DIC- refractory, prov.d, resistent, renitent,
TION], malcontent, recusant.
Sujvity. SYN.
Mildness, softness, Submit. SYN. Yield, resign, surren-
pleasantness, gentleness, affability, der, comply, refer, propose, suggest,
courtesy, conciliatoriness, complai-
present, acquiesce, succumb.
sance, sweetness, urbanity. ANT. Recalcitrate, oppose, resist,
ANT. Koughness, harshness, rude-
object, withdraw, resume, rescue, re-
ness, haughtiness, superciliousness,
cover, vindicate, retain, reserve, hold,
pride, hauteur, moroseness, austerity.
Subdue. SYN Conquer, reduce, over- keep, contend.
Subordinate [See SUBJECT].
power, break, tame, quell, vanquish,
subdue, master, subjugate.
Subscribe. SYN. Affirm, maintain,
ANT. Aggrandize, exalt, fortify, support, endorse, assent.
ANT. Deny, disavow, repudiate, pro-
strengthen, empower, liberate, en-
franchise. test.
Subsequent. SYN. Posterior, later,
Subject, a SYN. Subordinate, sub-
servient, exposed, liable, prone, dis- succeeding, following, after.
posed, obnoxious, amenable.
ANT. Prior, former, earlier, pre-
ANT. Superior, independent, ex- cedent anterior.
empt, indisposed, unliable, unamen-
Subservient [See SUBJECT].
able. Subsidence. SYN. Settlement, sink-
Subject, SYN. Question, matter,
n. ing, retreat, refluence, ebb. decrease.
material, theme, topic. ANT. Rising, affluence, flow, inun-
Subjective. SYN. Mental, internal, dation, agitation, swelling, intumes-
intellectual. cence, increase.
SUB 259 8UF
Subsidiary. SYN. Assistant, ancil- ANT. Stabilitate, perpetuate, COB.
lary, helpful, adjuvant, conducive, f u- serve.
vorable, promotive, adniinicular, cor- Siu-'-ed. SYN. Follow, supervene,
roborative, tending. prosper, flourish, ensue, thrive.
ANT. Opponent, obstructive, pre- ANT. Preceed, anticipate, fall.
veutative, inconducive, unfavorable, Success. SYN. Achievement, luck,
retardative, subversive, counterac- consummation, prosperity, victory,
tive. good-tortunt).
Su bist. SYS. Be, live, feed, continue, ANT. Failure, defeat, disaster, ruin.
exist. Successful. SYN. Lucky, fortunate,
ANT. Fail, starve, decay, die. happy, auspicious, prosperous [Sea
Substance. SYN.
Matter, material, LUCKY ).

body, pith, gist, import, essential, Succession. SYN. Following, super-

meaning [See PITH]. vention, consecution, sequence, order,
Substantial. SYN. Existing, real, series, rotation, continuity, supply,
solid, true, corporeal, material, suite.
strong, stout, massive, bulky, tangi-
ANT. Precedence, anticipation, pre-
ble. vention, antecedence, irregularity,
ANT. Imaginary, unreal, insubstan- disorder, non-sequence, solution, fail-
tial, fictitious, supposititious, incor- ure, intermission, break, gap, incon-
poreal, chimerical, visionary, immate-
rial, weak, frail, airy, disembodied, Succinct. SYN. Brief, close, concise,
spiritual, ghostly. short, summary, terse, compendious,
Substitute. SYN. Exchange, com- condensed.
mute, represent, replace, supply, de- ANT. Prolix, diffuse, discursive, cir-
pute. cuitous, circumlocutory.
ANT. Retain, fix, continue, per- Succor. SYN. Aid, support, console,
petuate, stabilitate, establish. alleviate, befriend, comfort, help, as-
SYN. Shift, evasion, ar- sist, relieve.
Subterfuge. ANT. Distress, oppress, maltreat, in-
tifice, excuse, pretext, dodge, under-
handedness, sophistry. jure, thwart, burden, persecute, hurt.
ANT. Assertion, promulgation, chal- Succumb. SYN. Surrender, comply,
lenge, exhibition, manifestation, open submit, acquiesce, yield, sink, resign.
haudedness, frankness, daylight, vin- ANT. Resist, rise, contend, battle,
dication. surmount.
Subtile. SYN. Fine, thin, rare, re- Suck In. SYN. Absorb, imbibe.
fined, volatile, delicate, nice, acute. ANT. Throw out, eject.
ANT. Coarse, thick, gross, crass,
Sudden. SYN. Unanticipated, hasty,
Subtle. STN. rash, quick, unexpected, abrupt.
Sly, artful, cunning, in-
ANT. Gradual, expected, transi-
sinuating, wily, astute, nice, discrim-
tional, slow, premonished, antici-
inating, crafty, fine, shrewd, sophisti-
cal, Jesuitical. Suffer. SYN. Bear, endure, eunain,
ANT. Open, frank, honest, artless,
undergo, let, permit, allow, admit,
nndiscriminating, rough, blunt, nn- tolerate, experience, support.
discerning, unsophisticated, simple. ANT. Resist, repel, expel, reject,
Subtract. SYN. Withdraw, remove, disallow, repudiate, forbid, ignore.
deduct, take. Sufferance. SYN.
ANT. Add, import, adduce, give, Toleration, per-
bring. mission, allowance, endurance, mod-
Suburbs. SYN.Precincts, purlieus, eration, self-control, long suffering,
outskirts, confines, environs. patience.
ANT. Centre, heart, citadel, acrop- ANT. Prohibition, resistance, non-
olis. endurance, impatience, insubmiseion,
Subvert. STN. Overturn, overthrow, Suffering [See AFFLICTION n4
destroy. TBOUBLlL
Suffice. SYN. Satisfy, content, be Sultry. SY. Close, oppressive, de-
enough [See SATISFY]. pressing.
Sufficiency ABUNDANCE and ANT. Open, fresh, invigorating,
COMPETENCE]. bracing, elastic, exhilarating, breezy.
Sufficient. SYN. Adequate, equal,
Sum. n. SYN. Aggregate,total, example,
competent, satisfactory, tit, qualified, problem, whole, amount, quantity,
collection, substance, gist, tenor,
adapted, suited, enough, ample.
ANT. Inadequate, unequal, incom- height, completion, drift, bearing.
ANT. Part, portion, item, imper-
petent, unqualified, unadapted, insuf-
ficient, unsuited, meagre, bare,scanty, fection, incompleteness, miscalcula-
short, deficient. tion, misinterpretation.
Suffix. ?i. M.S. Affix, post-fix. Summary, a. SYN. Compendious,
short, succinct, brief, off-hand, de-
ANT. Prefix.
cisive, quick, sharp, unceremonious,
Suffocate [See SMOTHER].
informal, rapid, concise.
Suffrage. SYN. Vc.o, voice, support. ANT. Tedious, circuitous, round-
Suggest. SYN. Hint, insinuate, pro- about, protracted, formal, ceremoni-
pose, allude to, recommend, intimate. ous, punctilious, slow.
ANT. Declare, propound, enunciate, Summary, n. SYN. Analysis, tabula-

insist, demand, dictate. tion,abridgment, resume, compen-

Suit. v. SYN. Fit, adapt, match, ad- dium, digest, epitome, abstract.
ANT. Dilatation, expansion, dilu-
just, harmonize, apportion, befit, be- tion.
seem, tally, correspond, answer, com- Summit. SYN. Top, height, apex,
port, please, serve, agree, become, culmi nation, zenith.
ANT. Bottom, depth, base, foot,
ANT. Misfit, misadapt, mismatch, nadir.
misapportion, unbeseern, vary, differ,
disagree, miscomport.
Summon. SYN. Call, cite, challenge,
convene, convoke, invite, bid.
Suit. n. SYN. Solicitation, petition, re- ANT. Discharge, remit, relegate,
quest, action at law, wooing, court- send, disband, prorogue, dissolve, dis-
ship, process, series [See PETITION]. card, dismiss.
Suitable, a. SYN. Proper, fitting, be- Sumptuous. SYN. Costly, gorgeous,
coming, seemly, befitting, adequate, superb, splendid, expensive, magnifi-
eligible, agreeable, appropriate, de- cent, prodigal, princely, lavish, mu-
cent, convenient, accordant, compe- nificent.
tent, correspondent, harmonious, uni- ANT. Poor, mean, inexpensive, sor-
form, homogeneous. did, niggardly, economical, illiberal,
ANT. Improper, unfitting, unbe- beggarly, frugal, parsimonious, sav-
coming, indecent, inconvenient, iuac- ing.
cordant, various, heterogeneous, un- Superable. SYN. Feasible, possible,
suitable, incompetent, manageable, surmountable.
Sulky. SYN. Sullen, gloomy, splenetic, ANT. Insuperable, indomitable, in-
churlish, ill-tempered, fretful, mo- vincible, unmanageable, impossible,
rose. insurmountable.
ANT. Genial, kindly. Superannuated. SYN. Effete, time-
Sullen. SYN. Gloomy, heavy, dismal, worn, decrepit, passe'.
foreboding, sulky, moody, lowering, ANT. Vigorous, energetic, active,
cheerless. efficient.
ANT. Bright, light, cheerful, favor- Superb. SYN. Grand, magnificent,
able, genial, kindly, glad, gladsome, elegant, princely, splendid, showy,
blithe. proud, august, stately, gorgeous.
Sully. SYN. Soil, efface, dirty, taint, ANT. Mean, common, commonplace,
tarnish, spot, stain, spoil, disgrace, unimposing, shabby.
dishonor. Supercilious. SYN. Haughty, con-
ANT. Purify, cleanse, ennoble, temptuous, disdainful, arrogant, i
dignify, signalize, glorify, honor. solent.
ANT. Affable, courteous, respectful, Superstition. STN. Bigotry, fanat-
modest, bashful. icism.
Supererogation. SYN. Superfluity, ANT. Infidelity, skepticism, disbe-
excess, superabundance, supervaca- lief, rationalism, religion, devotion,
neousness, needlessness. worship, reason.
ANT. Necessity, unprofitableness, Supervene. SYN. Happen, accrue,
duty, shortcoming, deficiency. succeed, occur.
Superficial. STN. Light, slight, im- ANT. Pass, depart, disappear, van-
perfect, showy, external, flimsy, sur- ish.
face, shallow, smattering, skin-deep. Supervise. STN. Superintend, con-
ANT. Deep, profound, abstruse, re- trol, manage, direct, visit, inspect,
condite, accurate, exact, deep-seated. overlook.
Superfluous [See REDUNDANT]. ANT. Mismanage, miscontrol, mis-
STN. regulate, misdirect.
Superfluity. Redundance,
needlessness, supererogation, pleo- Supine. SYN. Lazy, indolent, indif-
nasm, excess. ferent, listless, inactive, negligent,
ANT. Necessity, necessary, require- inattentive, careless, sluggish, otiose,
ment, short-coming, deficiency. torpid.
ANT. Active, energetic, laborious,
Superhuman. SYN. Supernatural, diligent, indefatigable.
miraculous, divine, hyperphysical,
preternatural. Supple. SYN. Pliant, bending, yield-
ANT. Natural, human, physical, un- ing, flexible, elastic, servile, fawning,
miraculou*. cringing, adulatory, sycophantic,
lithe, limber, compliant.
Superintend [See SUPERVISE], ANT. Firm, unbending, unyielding,
Superintendence [See OVER-
stiff, stubborn, inflexible, inelastic,
SIGHT]. independent, self-assertive, super-
Superintendent. SYN. Inspector, cilious.
overseer, controller, director, man- Supplement, n. SYN. Addition, ap-
ager, visitor, head, principal, super- pendix [See ADDENDUM].
ANT. Subject, subordinate, servant, Supplicate. SYN. Pray, beg, entreat,
beseech, implore, solicit, crave, im-
Superior. SYN. Higher, upper, bet- ANT. Order, command, insist, dic-
ter, preferable, surpassing, loftier, tate, demand.
excellent, remarkable, eminent, con- SYN. Furnish, afford, pro-
vide, accoutre, give, minister, yield,
ANT. Inferior, lower, worse,subordi- contribute.
nate, ordinary, common, unremark- ANT. Expend, use, consume, waste,
able, average, mean, mediocre.
exhaust, absorb, demand, withhold,
Superiority [See INFERIORITY]. withdraw, retain.
Superlative. SYN. Supreme, tran- Support, r. SYN. Bear, uphold, sus-
scendent, greatest, highest, extreme, underlie, befriend, assist, ser-
surpassing, consummate, extraordi- ond, promote, further, suffer, defend,
nary. foster, nurture, nourish, cherish, en-
ANT. Common, ordinary, unremark- dorse, maintain, continue, counte-
nance, patronize, subsidize, help,
Supernal. SYN. Celestial, heavenly. back, stay, favor, prop.
ANT. Terrestrial, earthly, infernal, ANT. Drop, betray, surrender,
lower, sublunary. abandon, discontinue, oppose, dis-
Supernatural [See SUPERHUMAN]. courage, weaken, exhaust, thwart,
Supersede. SYN. Remove, displace, discountenance, disfavor, subvert,
obviate, oust, recal, neutralize, over- suppress.
rule, suspend, supplant. Support, n. SYN. Prop, stay, founda-
ANT. Confirm, perpetuate, continue, tion, buttress, help, aid, assistance,
introduce, supply. influence, maintenance, living, pat.
ronage, subsistence, livelihood, food bail, hostage [See CJEBTATNTY and

Supporter [See ADHERENT]. Surfeit. SYN. Superabundance, ex-

Suppose. SYN. Assume, presume, be- cess, glut, nimiety, plethora
lieve, divine, deem, fancy, think, re- ANT. Scantiness, stint, defect, star-
gard, conceive, imagine, imply, pre- vation, inanition, insufficiency.
suppose, conjecture, guess, conclude, Surly. SYN. Snarling, splenetic,
judge, consider. rough, crabbed, gloomy, uncivil [See
ANT. Prove, demonstrate, substan- SULKY and SULLEN]
tiate, realize, disbelieve, negative, Surmise, v. SYN. Suspect, imagine,
deny. guess, fancy, presume,
Supposition. SYN. Conjecture, sur- suppose [ See SUPPOSE and SUSPECT],
mise, assumption, hypothesis, specu- Surmount [See SUCCUMB].
lation, theory, guess, presumption SYN. Eclipse, outvie, excel,
[See SPECULATION]. outstrip, exceed, outdo, outstep, sur-
Supposititious. SYN. Fictitious, mount, transcend.
ascititious, adventitious, spurious, ANT. Fail, foil, equal.
counteneit, fancied, imaginary, sham, Surplus. SYN. Redundancy, re-
false. mainder, rest, overplus, residue, ex-
ANT. True, genuine, authentic, cess, balance.
veritable, actual, real. ANT. Deficiency, deficit, shortcom-
Suppress. SYN. Overpower, extin- ing-
guish, repress, check, subdue,
stifle, Surprise. SYN. Startle, astonish,
quell, era h, destroy, restrain, con- alarm, amaze, confuse.
ceal, hu n, stop, smother. ANT. Prepare, premonish, fore-
ANT. Raise, support, fan. excite, warn.
strengthen, incite, instigate, increase, Surprising [See WONDERFUL],
aggravate, vent, publish, promulgate, Surrender. SYN. Yield, submit, cede,
spread, disseminate, intensify. relinquish, abandon, resign.
Suppresslble. SYN. Extinguishable, ANT. Withhold, vindicate, retain,
restrainable. resist, contend, strive.
ANT. Inextinguishable, irrestrain- Surreptitious. SYN. Stealthy, fur-
able, irrepressible, indomitable. tive, unauthorized, fraudulent, under-
Supremacy. SYN. Sovereignty, non- handed, clandestine.
subjection, lordship, autocracy. ANT. Open, openhanded, frank,
ANT. Inferiority, subordination, honest, ingenuous.
subjection. Surround [See EN CIRCLE].
Supreme. SYN. Greatest, highest, Survey. SYN. Scan, view, inspect, re-
first, predominant, paramount, prin- connoitre, overlook, scruitinize, ex-
cipal, sovereign [See PARAMOUNT and amine, superintend, review, contem-
Sure. SYN. Certain, secure, safe, as- ANT. Ignore, miss, disregard, mis-
sured, unmistakable, stable, firm, observe, misview, overlook.
knowing, believing, confident, trust- Susceptible. SYN. Capable, impress-
ing, unquestioning, positive, unfail- ible, te::der, sensitive.
ing, strong, permanent, abiding, en- ANT. Incapable, unimpressible, in-
during, infallible, indisputable, fast. sensitive, insusceptible, impassible.
ANT. Uncertain ignorant, dubious, Suscitate. SYN. Rouse, excite, vital-
doubtful, hesitating, distrustful, ques- ize, fan, inflame.
tioning, vacillating, weak, untrust- ANT. Soothe, calm, allay, repress,
worthy, precarious, insecure, imper- deaden, mesmerize, extinguish, con-
manent, transient, evanescent, falli- pose, repress, lay.
ble, disputable, loose. Suspect. SYN. Imagine, eurmi,
Surety. SYN. Certainty, safety, se- guess, conjecture, aujfur, doubt, mis-
curity, guaranty, pledge, boudsumu, trust, distrust.
ANT. Disbelieve, discredit, trust, Swear. RYN. Depose, affirm, testify,
confide, credit, accredit. declare, blaspheme, curse [See AJT-
Suspend. SYN. Attach, hang, rest. FIRM and CURSE].
interrupt, delay, iutermit, stop, dis- Sweat. SYN. Perspiration, exudation,
continue. sweating, excretion [See EXUDA-
ANT. Detach, drop, remove, con- TION].
tinue, expedite, protract, prolong. Sweep, v. SYN. Remove, clean,
Suspense. SYN. Protraction, uncer- brush, carry destroy [See CLEAN
tainty, doubt, solicitude, cessation, and DESTROY J.
pause, waiting, intermission, discon- Sweep, n. SYN. Compass, range,
tinuance, abeyance, stoppage, inde- stroke [See COMPASS].
termination, indecision. Sweet, a. SYN. Saccharine, luscious,
ANT. Determination, settlement, fragrant, dulcet, melodious, harmo-
execution, continuance, uninterrup- nious, musical, beautiful, lovely,
tion. revival, determination, decision, wholesome, pleasing, pure, mild, win-
finality. ning, agreeable, fresh, gentle, ami'
Suspicion. SYN. Distrust, misgiving, able.
mistrust, jealousy [ See TBDST], ANT. Sour, bitter, unsweet, fetid,
Sustain [See SUPPORT]. offensive, nauseous, olid, stinking,
Sustenance. SYN. Support, food, nasty, inharmonious, discordant, un-
aliment, living, subsistance, liveli- lovely, repulsive, unwholesome, pu-
trid, tainted, ungentle, unamiable.
hood, alimony, provision, nourish-
ment, nutriment, nurture, sustenta- Swell. SYN. Dilate, extend, enlarges
tion, nutrition, pabulum, mainte- heighten, heave, enhance, rise, ex-
nance. pand, increase, augment, protuberate,
ANT. Starvation, Inanition, non- aggravate, amplify, distend,
subsistance, innutrition, exhaustion. ANT. Contract, curtail, shrivel, di-
Sustentatlon [See SUSTENANCE]. minish, lessen, retrench, reduce, col-
Kwaln. SYN. Peasant, rustic, hind, lapse, fold, narrow, condense, concen-
countryman, lover [See RUSTIC].
Swallow. SYN. Absorb, gorge, en- Swerve. SYN. Deviate, diverge, stray,
devour, exhaust, wander, divaricate, bend, incline,
gross, appropriate, trend.
consume, imbibe, engulf, brook. ANT. Continue, disincline.
ANT. Vomit, disgorge, eructate, dis- Swift. SYN. Rapid, speedy, headlong,
charge, economize, save, eschew, re- accelerated, nimble, expedi-
pudiate tious, fleet, fast,ready, quick, eager,
Swamp [See MARSH]. alert, prompt.
Swarm. SYN. Multitude, crowd, ANT. Slow, tardy, lingering, lazy,
throng, cluster, host, mass, press, loitering, inexpeditious, inactive,
posse, bevy, flock, troop, drove, herd, sluggish, unready.
horde, crew, gang, shoal, army, host, Swindle [See CHEAT].
regiment, myriad, inundation. Swindler. SYN. Rogue, impostor,
ANT. Paucity, sprinkling, scantling,
sharper, knave, cheat [See CHEAT,
Sway. n. SYN. Wield, influence, rule,
Swing. SYN. Oscillate, dangle, wave,
authority, government, superiority, vibrate.
bias, dominion, control, preponder- ANT. Be stationary.
ance, domination, supremacy,
tery, ascendency, weight, force, Sycophant. SYN. Parasite, flatter-
er, toady, lick-spittle, hanger-on, flat-
power. terer [See PARASITE].
ANT. Weakness, Inferiority, subor-
dination, irresintance, obedience, sub-
Symbol [See SIGN],
servience, subjection. Symmetrical. SYN. Regular, shape-
ly, well proportioned [See HARMONI-
Sway. v. SYN. Influence, govern,
wiel< [See OUS J.
rule, bias, wave, swing,
OOVERK and WIELD]. Symmetry. SYH. Harmony, proper-
tion, conformity, interrelation, inter- ANT. Open, avowed,
coincidence, shapeliness, agreement, formal, declared.
form. Taciturn. SYN. Silent, reserved, in-
ANT. Disharmony, disproportion, con versible, uncommunicative, close,
Incouformity, shapelessness, disagree- mute, pauciloquous, reticent.
ment, iuterdisparity, interrepug- ANT. Open, unreserved, convers-
nauce, incoucinnity. ible, communicative, fluent, chatty,
Sympathy. SYN. Fellow-feeling, talkative, garrulous, chattering, lo-
congeniality, commiseration, compas- quacious, multiloquous, prating, prat-
sion, pity, concert, tenderness, agree- tling, twaddling, verbose, gabbling,
ment, condolence. cackling.
ANT. Antipathy, antagonism, in- Taciturnity [See SILENCE].
congeniality, pitilessness, merciless- Tact. SYN. Nicety, perception, ad-
ness, compassionlessness, unkindness, dress, adroitness, expertness, faculty,
harshness, unkindliuees. knack, dexterity, sensitiveness, skill,
Cymptom. SYN. Concurrent, con- taste, discrimination, judgment,
comitant, premonition, indication, critique.
mark, note, sign, token. ANT. Coarseness, insensitiveness,
ANT. Misiiidication. awkwardness, indiscrimination, indis-
fiyiiod. SYN. Conference, convention, cretion.
conclave, ecclesiastical council. Tactics. SYN. Manosuvre, policy,
Syiionomous. SYN. Equivalent,
strategy, diplomacy, management,
tantamount, alike in meaning, identi- temporization.
ANT. Blunder, impolicy.
cal, interchangeable.
ANT. Opposed in meaning, not Taint. SYN. Imbue, impregnate, in-
identical. fect, defile, corrupt, stain, sully, tar-
Synonym. SYN. Equivalent, equiva- nish, contaminate, vitiate, poison,
lent term. pollute, blot, disgrace, dishonor.
ANT. Antonym, counter tevm, op- ANT. Disinfect, purify, cleanse, ef-
posite term. face, signalize, credit.
Synopsis. SYN. Abstract, epitome, Take. SYN. Seize, grasp, catch, cap-
summary, abridgment [See ABRIDG- ture, siege, use, obtain, piu.-ue, u-
MENT]. ploy, follow, assume, procure, capti-
System. SYN. Method, scheme, or- vate, engage, interest, charm, choosp,
der, regularity, classification, arrange- select, admit, accept, receive, con-
ment, rule, plan. duct, transfer.
ANT. Disorder, derangement, con- ANT. Drop, reject, abandon, sur-
fusion, fortuity, chance, medley, hap- render, lose, miss, repel.
hazard, incongruity, non-arrange- Tale. SYN. Story, narrative, incident,
ment, non-classification. fiction, fable, romance, legend, reci-
Systematize. SYN. Methodize, re- tal, anecdote, relation [See RO-
duce to a system, arrange, regulate, MANCE].
order [See ARRANGE]. Talent. SYN. Genius, ability, apti-
tude, cleverness, gift, endowment,
T faculty, parts, capacity.
ANT. Inability, stupidity, imbecility,
TABERNACLE. SYN. Tent, pavil- incompetence.
Talkative [See TACITURN].
ion, habitation, temple, meeting
house, church. Tall. SYN. High, lofty, towering, ele-
Tabid. SYN. Wasting, consumptive, vated.
phthisical, morbid, declining, vitiated, ANT. Low.
lean, shrivelled. Tally. SYN. Match, suit, accord, cor-
ANT. Hearty, robust, sound, vigor- respond, fit, harmonize, agree, coin-
ous, stout. cide, comport.
Tacit. SYN. Silent, implied, under- ANT. Piffw. disagree, disaccord,
stood, implicit, unexpressed. miscompotv.
Tame. STN. Domesticated, reclaimed, Task. STN. Work, function, labor,
tamed, subjugated, broken, gentle, job, operation, business, undertaking,
mild, docile, meek, spiritless, tedious, drudgery, toil, lesson.
dull, flat. ANT. Relaxation, leisure, amuse-
ANT. Undomeeticated, unreclaimed, ment, hobby.
untamed, unbroken, savage, wild, Taste. STN, Gustation, savor, flavor,
fierce, spirited, animated, ferine, in- sapidity, relish, perception, judg-
teresting, exciting, stirring, lively. ment, discernment, nicety, critique,
Tamper. STN. Meddle, intermeddle, sensibility, choice, zest, predilection,
dabble, intrigue, deal secretly [See delicacy, elegancy, refinement.
INTER POSE}. ANT. Non-gustation, ill-savor, in-
STN. sipidity, disrelish, non-preception, in-
Tangible. Palpable, tactile,
discrimination, indiscernment, in-
substantial, substantive, per-
delicacy, coarseness, iuelegancy.
ceptible, corporeal, material, com-
prehensible. Tasteful. STN. Sapid, relishing, sa-
ANT. Impalpable, intangible, spirit- vory, agreeable, tasty, toothsome,
ual, incorporeal, immaterial, incom- palatable, elegant, refined.
ANT. Insipid, unrelishing, unsa-
vory, unpalatable, nauseous, inele-
Taugle. STN. Intertwist, interlock, gant, tasteless, unrefined, vapid.
snarl, complicate, insnare, mat.
ANT. Unravel, disentangle, un- Tasteless [See TASTEFUL].
twine. Tattle. STN. Babble, gabble, chatter,
Tantalize. STN. Disappoint, frus- gossip, twaddle [See BABBLE].
trate, torment, vex, provoke, irritate, Taunt. STN. Reproach, upbraid, re-
tease. buke, censure, jeer, scoff, deride,
ANT. Gratify, satisfy. gibe, sneer, mock, revile, twit.
Tantamount. STN. Equal, equiva- ANT. Compliment, congratulate.
lent, equipollent, Tautology. STN. Verbo-ity. re-
ANT. Unequal, unequivalent. dundancy, needless repetition, pleon-
Tardy STN. Slow, sluggish, dilatory, asm, reiteration.
behindhand, backward, reluctant, ANT. Conciseness, brevity, lacon-
loitering, late. ism, compression.
ANT. Quick, rapid, alert, active, Tavern. STN. Public house, hotel,
prompt, willing, eager, early. inn.
Tarnish. STN. Bedim, bedarken, Tawdry. STN. Showy, flashy, tinsel,
dull, stain [See TAINT]. gaudy, meretricious.
ANT. Chaste, rich, elegant, hand-
Tarry. STN. Rest, abide, halt, awnit,
flag, lag. continue, remain, sojourn, some, sumptuous.
delay, stop, stay, loiter, linger.
Tax. STN. Duty, rate, impost, assess-
ANT. Press, push, speed, haste, pro- ment, toll, tribute [See IMOS |. i

ceed. Teach. STN. Impart, tell, direct, in-

Tart. STN. Sharp, acid, sour, acidu- struct, inform, counsel, admonish,
lous, keen, pungent, acerbous, educate, inculcate, enlighten, advise,
vere, acrimonious, biting, bitter, indoctrinate, train.
harsh, rude, irascible. ANT. Withhold, misteach, misdi-
ANT. Mellow, sweet, luscious, mild, rect, misinstruct, misinform, mis-
genial, suave, kindly, unctuous, oily, guide, mislead.
smooth, bland, blandiloquent, court- Teacher. STN. Instructor, school-
eous, deferential, polite,
ceremoni- master, preceptor, tutor, professor,
ous. pedagngun, educationist, educator,
Tartness. STN. Sourness, sharpness, school-mistress.
harshness, bitterness, asperity, acri-
ANT. Pupil, scholar, disciple, learn-
mony, acerbity.
ANT. Sweetness, gentleness, kind- Teaching. STN. Training, edue*-
tinii. instruction.
ANT. Learning, absorbing, receiv- ANT. Immoderate, self-indulgent,
ing knowledge. intemperate, torrid, frigid, rigorous.
Tear. SYN. Rend, lacerate, shatter, Tempest. SYN. Blast, storm, gale,
sever, sunder. hurricane, tornado, squall, excite-
ANT. Mend, unite. ment, commotion, tumult [See BLAST].
Tease. SYN. Vex, harass, annoy, dis-
Tempestuous. SYN. Stormy, boist-
turb, irritate, plague, torment, tanta- erous, violent, squally, turbulent.
lize,provoke, worry, badger. ANT. Calm, peaceful, quiet, serene,
ANT. Soothe, gratify, please, de- composed.
light, fascinate, enrapture. Temporal. SYN. Secular, worldly,
Tedious. SYN. Wearisome, tiresome, civil, political, transient, fleeting,
monotonous, dilatory, dreary, slug- laical, terrestrial, sublunary, mun-
gish, irksome, dull, flat, prolix. dane.
ANT. Interesting, exciting, stirring, ANT. Religious, spiritual, ecclesias
charming, fascinating, delightful, tical, eternal, sacerdotal.
amusing. Temporary. SYN. Present, imme-
Teeming. SYN. Present, prolific, diate, partial, limited, transient,im-
fraught, fruitful, productive, over- perman^nt.
flowing, abundant, swarming, multi- ANT. Perpetual, lasting, confirmed,
tudinous, numerous. complete, nnal, perfect, permanent,
ANT. Barren, scanty, wanting, rare, entire.
sparse, few. Temporize. SYN. Play, fence, trim,
Tell. SYN. Mention, number, enu- manoeuvre, procrastinate.
ANT. Act, decide, determine, con-
merate, count, recount, utter, recite, elude.
state, narrate, disclose, publish, be-
tray, divulge, promulgate, acquaint, Tempt. SYN. Entice, allure, try, se-
teach, inform, explain, communicate,
duce, attract, solicit, decoy.
ANT. Dissuade, deter, warn.
report, rehearse, discern, judge, dis-
criminate, ascertain, decide, describe. Tenable. SYN. Maintainable, de-
ANT. Ropres=, suppress, misrecouut, fensible, justifiable, sound, reason-
mitnarrate, miscommuuicate, misde- able, consistent.
clare, misrecite, misjudge, misde-
ANT. Untenable, indefensible, un-
scribe. weak, hollow, fallacious,
Telling. SYN. Effective, powerful, unreasonable, inconsistent, irrational,
pointed. Tenacious. SYN. Retentive, adhe'
ANT. Weak, ineffective, pointless.
sive, obstinate, pertinacious, stub-
Temerity. SYN. Rashness, audacity, born, jealous, chary.
precipitancy, overventuresomeness, ANT. Irretentive, inadhesive, pliant,
fool hardiness.
intenacious, yielding, liberal, prodi-
ANT. Timidity, caution, circum- gal, bountiful.
spection, wariness, calculation. SYN. Retentiveness, cohe-
Temper, n. SYN. Temperament, dis- siveness, stubbornness, fixity, perti-
position, constitution, frame, mood, nacity [See PEBTINACITY].
spirit, irritability, heat, humor, pas- Tenant. SYN. Occupant, lessee, oc-
sion. cupier, resident, dweller.
Temper, v. SYN. Modify, accom- ANT. Owner, landlord, lessor.
modate, qualify, soften, assuage, Tend. SYN. Nurture, guard, watch,
soothe, adapt, restrain [See SOFTEN]. manage, serve, keep, aid, incline,
Temperament. SYN. Organization,
verge, lean, aim, contribute, conduce,
attend [See ATTEND].
idiosyncrasy, disposition
tion [See TEMPER, n.]. ANT. Betray, desert, abandon
Temperate. SYN. Moderate, ab- Tendency. SYN. Vergency, prone-
stemious, reasonable, sober, calm, ness, bias, gravitation, drift, scop*,
cool, sedate, mild, genial. I aim, disposition, predisposition, pro-
TEN *57 TE3
cllvlty, leaning, inclination, attrac- Term. v. SYN. Denominate, name,
tion, conduclveness, course. call, style, characterize, designate,
ANT. Disinclination, aversion, re- entitle [See DENOMINATE],
pulsion, contravention, deviation, di- Terminal. SYN. Final, ultimate,
vergency, tangency, divarication, marginal.
opposition, renitency, reluctance, ANT. Central, primal, preconclu-
prevention, neutralization, termina- sive.
tion. Terminate. SYN. Limit, end, put an
Tender, SYN. Offer, proffer, pro-
v. end to. close, finish, complete, stop,
pose, bid, produce, present. conclude [See BOUND, v. and AC-
ANT. Withhold, withdraw, retain, COMPLISH].
appropriate. Termination. SYN. Ending, con-
Tender. SYN. Dellcate,frall,impres-
clusion, fulfilment, achievement, com-
sible, suroeptible, yielding,soft,effemi- pletion, accomplishment, consumma-
nate, weak, feeble, compassionate, af- tion, limit, extent, bound, end, final-
fectionate, careful, jealous, gentle, ity, effect, consequence, result, issue,
mild, meek, pitiful, merciful, pathet- exit.
ic. ANT. Beginning, inception, initia-
ANT. Strong, sturdy, hardy, robust, tion, inchoation, start, origin, rise,
tough, iron, pitiless, unmerciful, source, commencement, cause, opera-
cruel, hard-hearted, careless, liberal, tion, process, course, tendency.
lavish, unchary, ungentle, rough, Terms. SYN. Provisions, conditions,
rude, coarse, unsentimental, unmov- stipulations.
ing, unfeeling, unimpressive, unim- Terrestrial. SYN. Earthly, subluna-
passioned, unimpressed. ry, worldly, mundane, terrene.
Tenderness. SYN. Delicacy, soft- ANT. Celestial, infernal, aquatic,
ness, kindness, sensibility, pity, be- aqueous.
nevolence, humanity, clemency,benef- Terrible. SYN. Awful, fearful, dread-
Icence, benignity [See BENEVO- ful, formidable, terrific, frightful,
LENCE and PmcJ. tremendous, horrible, shocking.
Tenet. SYN. Dogma, article, princi- ANT. In formidable, unastounding,
ple, creed, doctrine, opinion, belief, nnstartling, un astonish Ing.
persuasion. Terrific [See TXRKIBIJE].
ANT. Disbelief, renunciation, pro- horri-
test, abjuration.
Terrify. SYN. Frighten, scare,
fy, shock, appal [See APPAL].
Tenor. SYN. Drift, purport, Intent,
course, character, sense, stamp, Territory. SYN. Province, region,
meaning, effect, aim, scope, direc- domain, country.
tion. Terror. SYN. Fear, dread, alarm,
ANT. TTnmeanlngness, purposeless- flight, consternation, horror, dis-
ness, irrelevance, discursiveness, In- may.
coherence, variance, divergence. ANT. Confidence, fearlessness, bold-
Tension. SYN. Stretch, strain, intent- ness, reassurance.
ness, tightness, stiffness, force, tone, Terse. SYN. Neat, smooth, pithy, ex-
effort. pressive, forcible, energetic, compact,
ANT. Looseness, relaxation, laxity, concise, succinct.
atony, slackness. ANT. Coarse, rough, rude, unpol-
Tentative. SYN. Experimental, em- ished, inconcise, insuccinct, prolix,
pirical, speculative.
ANT. Uniform, certain, sure, neces- Test. STN. Cupel, trial,examination,
proof, criterion, standard, experi-
Mry, unfailing.
Term. boundary, con-
n. SYN. Limit, ment, touchstone, experience, or-
dition, time, season, period, express- deal.
ion, designation, word, name, article, ANT. MUtndication, mUjudgmeut,
proviso, stipulation [8e BOUND and mipproof.
T*tify. STN. Depoce, swear, declare,
witness, protest, affirm, verify, attest, solid, bulky, deep, confused, inarticn>
confirm, certify, asseverate. late.
ANT. Misdeclare, misaffirm, misde- ANT. Rare, fine, thin, sparse,
pose, mistestify, falsify. strained, pure, percolated, limpid,
Testimonial. SYN. Credential, rec- crystalline, scanty, incompact, slight,
ommendation, monument. shallow, laminated, clear, articulate,
Testimony. SYN. Witness, evidence,
Thicken. SYN. Condense, inspissate,
attestion, affirmation, corroboration,
incrassate, compact, solidify, befoul,
confirmation, proof. obscure, bemire, becloud, increase,
ANT. Refutation, contradiction, dis-
coagulate, amalgamate, commingle,
proof, confutation, contravention, in-
validation. intermix, crowd, multiply, enlarge,
SYN. Irritable, peevish, fret- expand, extend, broaden, deepen, ob-
Testy. struct, confuse.
touchy, cross, fractious, captious,
ful, ANT. Rarify, dissipate, refine, atten-
petulant [See PEEVISH].
uate, clear, purify, strain, percolate,
Thankful. SYN. Grateful, Indebted, clarify, defecate, depurate, brighten,
beholden, obliged. lighten, open, filtrate, diminish, sep-
ANT. Ungrateful,thankless,unthank-
arate, reduce, narrow, contract, libe-
rate, free, extricate, unravel, disen-
Thankfulness. SYN. Gratitude, tangle, loosen.
gratefulness. Thicket. SYN. Copse, grove, wood,
ANT. Thanklessness, ingratitude.
jungle, forest.
Thankless. SYN. Ungracious, unprof- ANT. Open place, cleared place,
itable, unthankful, profitless, unrecip- prairie.
rocal. Thin. SYN. Slim, slender, flimsy, at-
ANT. Profitable, reciprocated. tenuated, diluted, watery, meager,
Thaw. SYN. Dissolve, melt, liquefy. unsubstantial, lean [See THICK].
ANT. Freeze, congeal, harden. Think. SYN. Ponder, meditate, con-
Theatrical. SYN. Dramatic, ecenic, sider, reflect, contemplate, conceive,
melodramatic, ehowy, ceremonious, imagine, apprehend, fancy, hold, r^
gesticulatory, pompous, meretricious, gard, believe, deem, opine, purpose,
tinsel. judge, reckon [See CONSIDER and
ANT. Chaste, genuine, simple, unaf- REFLECT].
fected, quiet, subdued, mannerless, Thorough. SYN. Entire, complete,
_plain. thorough-going, powerful, drastic,
Theft. SYN. Robbery, thieving, steal- perfect [See COMPLETE and EN-
ing, pilfering, filching, larceny, dep- TIRE!.
redation TSee DEPBEDATION]. Thought. SYN. Reflection, reason-
Theme. SYN. Topic, thesis, disquisi- ing, cogitation, supposition, view, sen-
tion, subject, discourse, essay [See timent, meditation, conception, idea,
DISQUISITION]. opinion, judgment, conceit, fancy, de-
Theory. SYN. Speculation, assump- sign, purpose, intention, cogitation,
tion, doctrine, scheme, system, suppo- deliberation, care, provision.
sition, hypothesis, plea. ANT. Vacuity, incogitation, thought-
ANT. Fact, *,ruth. lessness, dream, hallucination, aberra-
Theoretical. SYN. Speculative, hy- tion, misconception, incogitancy,
pothetical, presumptive. carelessness, improvidence, unrefleo-
ANT. Practical, positive, definite. tiveness.
Therefore. SYN. Accordingly, con- Thoughtfbl. SYN. Careful, provi-
sequently, hence, for this reason [See dent, contemplative,considerate, anx-
CONSEQUENTLY]. ious, pensive, cogitative, reflective,
Thick. SYN. Dense, condensed, in regardful, mindful, heedful, diligenv.
spissated, close, compact, turbid, lu ANT. Careless, improvident, un.
teous, coagulated, muddy, dull, misty thinking, thoughtless, inoontempla.
y, vaporous, crowded, numerous tive, mindless, inconsiderate, regard"
TliO 19 TIM
less, heedless, rash, trifling, wanton, ANT. Draw, retract, snatch, ex-
Idle, dreamy. tract.
Thoughtless [See THOUGHTFUL]. Thwart. SYN. Oppose, cross, frus-
Thorny. SYN. Spiny, prickly, harass- trate, oppugn, defeat [See OPPOSE].
ing, troublesome. Tickle. SYN. Titillate, please, grati-
fy, amuse.
Tli raldom. SYN. Servitude, vassalage, ANT. Irritate, hurt, annoy, vex.
slavery, bondage, confinement, serf- Tide. SYN. Flow, course, current,
rush, inundation, influx, stream,
ANT. Liberty, freedom, unrestraint,
movement, flood.
liberation, independence. ANT. Stagnation, arreetatfon, stop-
Thread. SYN. Line, course, tenor, page, cessation, motiouiessness, sub-
continuity. sidence.
ANT. Deviation, divergence, aberra- Tidings. SYN. News, announcement,
tion, solution, intermission, interrup- information, rumor, report, intelli-
tion gence, advice.
Threadbare. SYN. Hackneyed, com- ANT. Suppression, non-announce-
monplace, trite, stale, worn out [See ment, misreport, misinformation.
TBITEJ. Tidy. SYN. Neat, orderly, spruce,
Threat. SYN. Menace, browbeating, clean, cleanly, tight.
denunciation, intimidation. ANT. Disorderly, untidy, slovenly.
ANT. Encouragement, allurement, Tie. n. SYN. Band, ligature, ligament,
enticement, promise. fastening, knot, bond.
Threatening. SYN. Menacing, in- Tie. v. SYN. Bind, restrict, restrain,
timidating, minatory, comminatory, fasten, confine, unite, secure, oblige,
minacious, foreboding, unpromising, join [See BIND].
imminent, impending. Tight. SYN. Firm, compact, fast,
ANT. Encouraging, promising, re- close, tidy, neat, smart, uatty, tense,
assuring, enticing, passed, overpast, stretched.
withdrawn. ANT. Loose, incompact, open, flow-
Thrift. SYN. Frugality, economy, sav- Ing, loose-fltting, large, untidy, lax,
ing, gain, profit. relaxed.
ANT. Prodigality, waste, loss, ex- Till. SYN. Plow, prepare, cultivate,
penditure. dress, tend.
Thrifty. SYN. Prudent, careful, eco- ANT. Neglect, waste, abandon, fal-
nomical saving, frugal, flourishing, low.
provident, sparing. Time. SYN. Period, duration, season,
ANT. Thriftless, unthrifty, waste- interval, date, opportunity, age, era,
ful,prodigal [See FKUGAI.J. occasion, term, space, span, spell.
ANT. Neverness, eternity, non-du-
Thrilling. SYN. Arousing, stirring, ration, indetermination, indetermina-
exciting, affecting, pleasing. bleness.
ANT. Calming, composing, allaying,
offending, paining.
Timely. SYN. Early, seasonable, op-
Thrive. SYN. portune, prompt, judicious.
Prosper, increase, ANT. Late, unseasonable, inoppor-
flourish, grow, succeed, fatten, luxu-
tune, injudicious, ill-timed, untimely.
ANT. Decay, lade, wane, wither, de- Timeserving. SYN. Temporizing,
diminish, versatile, servile, trimming.
cline, waste, languish,

ANT. Independent, high-spirited,

droop, pine. on timeserving.
Throw SYN. Fling, cast, hurl, toss, Timid. SYN. Fearful, pusillanimous,
project, propel. 8hy,difndent,coy,timorous,afraid,cow
ANT Ketain, recal, revoke, hold, ar.lly. faint-hearted, inadventurous.
restrain, draw, haul. ANT. Bold, confident, venturesome,
Thriiftt. SYN. Push, drive, force, courageous, overventuresome, ruab,
Dress, shove, impel, urge. audacious.
Cincture, SYN.
n. olor, slight simultaneously, coincidently, eon
taste [See TINGE, n.J. comitantly, concurrently.
Tincture, r. SYN. Tinge, color, dye, ANT. Separately, disconnectedly,
stain, shade, impregnate [See TIFGE, independently, variously, incoinci-
t>.J. dently, inconcurrently.
Tinge, n. SYN. Tincture, color, tint, Toll. n. SYN. Labor, pain, fatigue,
dye, stain, shade, flavor. drudgery, work, exertion, task, trav-
Tinge, v. Color, dye, stain, imbue, ail.
impregnate, affect. ANT. Ease, relaxation, rest, recrea-
ANT. Disimbue, disinfect, disindoc- tion,amusement, pleasure.
trinate. Toll. v. SYN. Labor, work, drudge,
Tinsel. SYN. Tawdriness, spangle, strive [See DBUDGE].
frippery, glitter.
ANT. Costliness,
Toilsome. SYN. Wearisome, tire-
richness, chaste-
some, laborious, fatiguing, hard, dif-
ness, gorgeousness, sumptuousness, ficult, painful [See DIFFICULT and
magnificence, splendor. TIBESOME].
Tint. SYN. Color, hue, tinge, dye, Token. SYN. Evidence, exhibition,
complexion. demonstration, sample, illustration,
ANT. Achromatism, decoloration, memorial, symbol, indication, badge,
paleness, pallor, bleaching, etiolation, index,symptom, diagnosis, sign.
colorlessuess, sallowness, wanness, ANT. Misindication, misrepresen-
cadaverousness, exsanguineousness. tation, falsification, misillustration.
Tiny. SYN. Puny, wee, small, little, Tolerable. SYN. Endurable, beara-
diminutive, Lilliputian, microscopic. ble, supportable, sufferable, allow-
ANT. Huge, bulKy, gigantic, cyclo- able, permissible, sufficient, passable.
pean, sizable, considerable. ANT. Unendurable, unbearable, in-
Tip. SYN. Point, extremity, end, top, supportable, insufferable, unallow-
cap [See TEBMINATION]. able, impermissible, insufficient, in-
Tipsy. SYN. Drunk, Intoxicated, Tolerant. SYN. Forbearing, indul-
fuddled, inebriated, muzzy. gent, large-minded.
ANT. Sober, temperate. ANT. Intolerant, bigoted, extreme.
Tire. SYN. Exhaust, weary, fatigue, Tolerate. SYN. Suffer, allow, permit,
dispirit, jade, harass, bore. admit, bear, endure.
ANT. Enliven, animate, refresh, ANT. Bepel, disallow, prohibit, re-
amuse, excite. pudiate, reject, resist.
Tired. SYN. Wearied, fatigued, -worn
Toll. SYN. Impost, tax, rate, duty, as-
out, jaded.
ANT. Rested, refreshed, unwearied. sessment, contribution, tribute, de-
Tireless. SYN. Unwearied, untiring, mand, exaction [See IMPOST].
indefatigable [See TIBE and TIBED].
Tomb. SYN. Grave, vault, catacomb,
sepulcher, crypt, house of death,
Tiresome. SYN. Fatiguing, weari- narrow house, long home.
some, exhausting, irksome, tedious Tone. SYN. Pitch, loudness, mood,
[See TEDIOUS], intonation, sound, temper, tenor,
Title. SYN. Inscription, heading, de- character, drift, effect.
nomination, style, designation, ap- ANT. Atony, laxity, tuuelessness.
pellation, distinction,
address, epi- Tongue. SYN. Discourse, speech,
thet, language, dialect, idiom [See LAN-
ANT. Non-designation, indistinc- GUAGEj.
tion, nondescript, namelessness, inde Tool. SYN. Utensil, implement, ma-
nomination. chine, instrument, dupe, cat's-paw,
Tittle. SYN. Jot, particle, iota, whit, hireling [See IMPLEMENT and AGENT].
scintilla, spark, grain, atom [See Top. SYN. Apex, head, culmination,
ATOM and IOTA], extreme, summit.
Together. SYN. Unitedly, conjointly, ANT. Foot, bottom, root, base tail.
eutemporaueously, concertedly, Topic. SYN. Question, theme, sub-
ject,subject-matter [See THEME and ANT. Yielding, tender, soft, brittle,
DISQUISITION J. fragile, frangible, friable.
Torment. SYN. Tease, worry, perse- Tour. SYN. Trip, excursion, jaunt,
cute, rack, plague, tantalize, palu, dis- ramble, turn, outing.
tress, afflict, torture, harass, impor- Tow. SYN. Drag, draw, pull, haul
tune. [See PULL].
ANT. Soothe, gratify, please, enter- Toy. v. Play, fondle, caress, sport,
tain, delight, amuse. frolic, dally, trifle [See DALLY].
Torpid. SYN. Numb, sense-
lifeless, Toy. n. SYN. Bauble, trifle, bagatelle,
less, dull, sluggish, inactive, hibernat- gewgaw, plaything.
ing, insensible, inert. ANT. Implement, utensil, weapon.
ANT. Lively, animated, gay, brisk, Trace. SYN. Explore, track, follow,
nimble, active, restless, energetic, derive, deduce, thread, investigate,
vivacious, sensitive, alive. delineate, pursue.
Torrid. SYN. Hot, burning, arid, ANT. Miss, lose, misinvestigate,
heated, parching, scorching, sultry. misdelineate.
ANT. Temperate, fresh, cool, Track, [See TRACE J.

breezy, gelid, frigid, arctic, brumal, Track, SYN. Mark, footprint,

wintry trace, course, trail, way, vestige [See
Tortuous. SYN. Devious, circuitous, VESTIOEJ.
anfractuous, ambiguous, complicated, Trackless*. SYN. Untrodden, unfre-
sinuous, deceitful, crooked, twisting, quented, pathless, wild.
indirect, sinister, indexed. ANT. Frequented, trodden, well-
ANT. Right, straight, direct, rec- marked.
tilinear, straightforward, uudeviating. Tract. SYN. District, quarter, region,
Torture. SYN. Agony, anguish, rack- piece, patch.
ing, torment. Tractable. SYN. Docile, manage-
ANT. Ecstasy, rapture, bliss. able,amenable.
TOMS. SYN.Pitch, cast, hurl, shake, ANT. Unmanageable, unamenable,
roll, rock, buffet [See CAST]. refractory, intractable.
Total, a. SYN. Whole, entire, com- Trade, n. SYN. Traffic,
plete, undivided, gross [See WHOLE]. and selling,
dealing, exchange, buying
Total, n. SYN. Aggregate, whole, en- employment, occupation [See COM-
tirety,sum, completion. MKBCE and OCCUPATION],
ANT. Part, item, portion, contribu- Traditional. SYN. Transmitted,
tion. oral, unwritten.
Totally. SYN. Entirely, wholly, fully, ANT. Written, documentary.
quite, altogether Traduce. SYN. Malign, asperse,
ANT. Partially, incompletely. calumniate, vilify, defame, slander,
Totter. SYN. Stagger, reel, shake, decry.
tremble, rock, falter [See TREMBLE |. ANT. Praise, commend, eulogize.
Tottering. SYM. Nodding, faltering, Traffic. SYN. Commerce, exchange,
shaky, vacillating, reeling, ruinous. intercourse [See TRADE].
ANT. Firm, unfaltering, steady, Tragedy. SYN. Disaster, calamity,
solid, immovable. affliction, adversity, catastrophe,
Touch, v. SYN. Handle, reach, feel,
arrive at, affect, impress, move [See ANT. Joy, delight, boon, prosperi-
AFFECT]. ty, comedy.
Touching. SYN. Affecting, tender, Tragic. SYN. Mournful, fatal, calam-
moving, pathetic [See PATHETIC]. itous, sorrowful, shocking [See CA-
T ;ehy. SYN. Testy, peevish, Irri-
table [ See PEEVISH]. Train, v. SYN. Lead, rear, accustom,
Tough. SYN. Resistent, stubborn, habituate, inure, drill, exercise, pruo-
lentous, fibrous, difficult, refractory, Use, discipline, Instruct, bend, *k>
hard, unmanageable, tenacious, firm, cate.
ANT. Force, break, trail, disaccus- ANT. Ketain, withhold, fix, appro
tom, dishabituate, miseducate, die- priate, keep.
qualify. Transfigure [See TRANSFORM].
Train, n. SYN. Suite, procession, Transform. SYN. Transfigure, meta-
retinue, cortege, course, series [See morphose, change, transmute.
RETINUK]. ANT. Stabilitate, arrest, perpetu-
Trait. SYN. Feature, characteristic, ate, conserve.
touch, stroke, line [See FEATURE]. Transgress. SYN. Break, violate,
Traitor. SYN. Kebel, renegade, be- pass, disobey, contravene, sin, offend,
trayer, turncoat [See RENEGADE]. infringe, trespass.
Traitorous. SYN.
ANT. Observe, keep, obey, fulfil, re-
false, perfidious, treason-
able, disloyal [See LOYAI. and PER-
Transgression. SYN. Offence,
FIDIOUS J. fault, sin, crime [See OFFENCE],
Trammel. SYN. Restraint, shackles, Transgressor. SYN. Offender,
fetters, impediment, clog, hindrance.
wrong-doer, sinner, culprit [See Cui^
ANT. Liberation, freedom, extrica- PRIT].
Transient. SYN. Fleeting, fugitive,
tion, unconfinement, unrestraint,
transitory, temporary, passing, eva-
Tranquil. SYN. Quiet, peaceful,
nescent, ephemeral, momentary,
calm, still, undisturbred, unruffled, ANT. Abiding, permanent, perpetu-
composed, unaiixious, smooth.
ANT. Unquiet, agitated, disturbed, al, persistent, lasting, enduring.
anxious, excited, restless, uneasy.
Translate. SYN. Construe, render,
SYN. interpret, transfer,transform [Sea
Tranquillize. Calm, quiet, INTERPRET and TRANSFER],
appease, pacify, allay, assuage, Transmit [See TRANSFER].
soothe [See SOOTHE].
Transact. SYN. Conduct, perform, Transmute [See TRANSFORM].
treat, complete, carry on, manage, Transparent. SYN. Pellucid, crys-
negotiate. talline, translucent, limpid, diapha-
ANT. Mistransact, misconduct, mis- nous, obvious, clear, indisputable,
manage, misnegotiate. self-evident.
Transaction. SYN. Business, affair, ANT. Thick, turbid, opaque, in-
negotiation, occurrence,performance,
transparent, mysterious, dubious,
proceeding, action.
ANT. Non-performance, desistance, Transpire. SYN. Escape, appear,
mistransaction, mismanagement, sus- ANT. Lurk, latitate, lie.
pension, postponement, adjournment,
non-transaction .
Transport, v. SYN. Bear, carry,
Transcend. SYN. Surmount, sur- vey, banish, enrapture, delight, rav-
ish [See ENRAPTURE and. TRANS-
pass, out-top, outstrip, excel, exceed,
ANT. Fail, fall, foil.
Transport, n. SYN. Ecstasy, rap-
ture, enravishment, bliss.
Transcendent. SYN. Consummate,
ANT. Agony, paroxysm, mortifica-
egregious, superior, unexampled, in-
tion, distress, auuoyauot, vexauu....
eurpassable, unattainable, surpas-siiig, SYN. Change, trans-
supreme, matchless, unrivalled, peer-
mute, interchange, reverse, shift,
incomparable, supereminent.
transfer, displace.
ANT. Ordinary, attainable, average, ANT. Stereotype, stabilitate, fix, re-
common, unsurprising. tain.
Transcribe. SYN. Copy, transfer. Transverse. SYN. Athwart, cross-
Transfer. SYN. Convey, transport, wise, across, rectangular.
remove, assign, remand, make
sell, ANT. Parallel, rectilinear.
over, transplant, give, alienate, trans- Trap. SYN. Snare, ambush, stratagem,
late, transmit, forward, exchange. noose, pitfall.
ANT. Warning, beacon, signal-post, ANT. Drop, waive, abandon, decline,
lighthouse, premonition. suppress, mismanage, misuse, mis-
Trapping;, Trappings. SYN. treat, maltreat, misconduct, miscon-
Gear, adornments, decorations, orna- pider, misarrange, trifle.
ments, apparatus, paraphernalia, Treatise. SYN. Tract, essay, paper,
tackle, harness, housings. pamphlet, disquisition, brochure, dis-
ANT. Divestment, dismantlement,
sertation, tractate, monograph, arti-
stripping. cle.
Trash. SYN. Nonsense, refuse, vile- ANT. Jottings, notes, adversaria,
ness, superfluity, offal, worthlessness, memoranda, effusion, ephemera.
dross, trifles, stuff, waste matter, sea- SYN. Contract, agreement,
weed, sawdust, twaddle.
ANT. Sense, soundness, usefulness, league, covenant, alliance, negotia-
tion, convention.
wisdom, treasure. ANT. Neutrality, non-interference,
Travail. SYN. Labor, toil, heaviness,
non-alliance, non-agreement, non-con-
ANT. Ease, rest, lightness, joy.
Travel. SYN. Journey, wandering,
Treble. SYN. Sharp, acute, highest
ANT. Base, low, deepest.
migration, rustication, pilgrimage,
excursion, tramp, expedition, trip, Tremble. SYN. Shake, quake, quiver,
ramble, voyage, tour, peregrination. totter, shiver, shudder, vibrate, jar.
ANT. Best, settlement, domestica- ANT. Stand, steady, settle, still,
tion. calm.
Traveler. SYN. Tourist, passenger, Tremendous. SYN. Terrible, dread-
voyager, itinerant, wayfarer. ful, awful, fearful, appalling.
ANT. Unimposing, unappalling, in-
Traverse. SYN. Cross, thwart, ob- considerable.
struct, survey, explore. Tremulous. SYN. Vibratory, shiver-
ANT. Pass, omit, sanction, permit,
ing, shaking, trembling, jarring,
overlook, disregard, elude, avoid, pre-
termit. quivering.
ANT. Equable, motionless, smooth,
Travesty. SYN. Burlesque, parody, invibratory, vibrationless.
disguise, caricature, misrepresenta-
tion, misportraiture.
Trench, n. SYN. Moat, ditch, drain,
ANT. Representation, reproduction, fosse.

portraiture, copy, exhibition, recast.

Trench, v. SYN. Trespass, infringe,

Treacherous encroach [See INFRINGE].

Treachery. SYN. Insidiousness,
Trenchant. SYN. Sharp, cutting,
faithlessness, perjury, betrayal, frac- severe, sarcastic, unsparing, incisive
["See SHABP].
tiousness, treason.
ANT. Openness, fidelity, honor,
Trend. SYN. Deviate, diverge, tend,
chivalry, generosity.
bend, curve, incline, bear.
Treason ANT. Continue, proceed, advance.
Treasure, n. SYN. Jewel, store, val- Trepidation. SYN. Terror, trem-
uable, bullion, accumulation,
cash, bling, excitement, alarm, fright, pe-
abundance, stock, wealth, riches, turbation,tremor, hurry, emotion, dis.
hoard, gem, paragon, model. turbance, agitation, panic, demoral-
ANT. Trash, offal, refuse, scum, ization.
dregs, dirt. ANT. Immobility, firmness, bold,
Treasure, r.SYN. Hoard, accumu- ness, steadfastness, courage, conn.
late, save, value, enshrine, idolize. dence, self-command.
ANT. Scatter, squander, dissipate, Trespass, r. [See TRANSGRESS].
disregard, disesteem, prostitute, Trespass, n. SYN. Infringement, viola-
waste, betray. tion, transgression, encroachment,
Treat. SYN. Handle, manage, use, damage [See DAMAGE and TRANS-
bargain, discuss, entertain, discourse, GRESSION],
write, speak, negotiate. Trial. SYN. Test, gauge, experiment.
temptation, trouble, affliction, grief, unimportant, inconsidera-
burden, suffering, attempt, endeavor, ble, worthless [See TRIVIAL.].
proof, essay, criterion, ordeal, tribu- Trim. SYN. Prepare, order, deck, ad-
lation, verification. just, clip, embellish, arrange.
ANT. Non-trial, non-probation, mis- ANT. Disorder, derange, dismantle,
measurement, miscalculation, mises- denude, divest, disarrange.
timate, trifle, triviality, alleviation, Trip. SYN. Bound, skip, taunt, fail,
relief, disburdenment, refreshment, stumble, mistake, offend, err, fall.
non-attempt, pretermission, over- ANT. Stand, succeed, speed, pros-
eight, disregard, non-verification. per.
Tribulation. SYH. Trouble, distress, Trite. SYN. Worn, hackneyed, stale,
woe, sorrow, persecution, suffering, threadbare, commonplace, obvious,
familiar, trivial.
AST. Joy, rejoicing, gladness, rest, ANT. Original, novel, startling, in-
deliverance. ventive.
Tribunal. SYN. Judgment seat, Triumph. SYN. Victory, success,
court of justice, bench, bar, court. ovation, achievement, conquest, ex-
ultation, trophy.
Tributary. SYN. Subject, subor- ANT. Defeat, discomfiture, failure,
dinate, inferior, dependent, acces-
nnsuccess, abortion, baffling, disap-
sory, auxiliary. pointment.
ANT. Independent, unsubdued, un-
conquered, unreduced.
Triumphant. SYN. Victorious, suc-
cessful, rejoicing, exultant, elated,
Tribute. STN. Tax, impost, subsidy, boastful.
duty, charge, customs, offering, con- ANT. Unvictorious, baffled, humil-
tribution, acknowledgment. iated, unsuccessful, discomfited, beat-
Trice. SYN. Twinkling, flash, instant. en, worsted.
Trick. SYN. Artifice, contrivance, Trivial. SYN. Trifling, trite, common,
machination, guile, stratagem, wile, unimportant, useless, nugatory, paltry,
fraud, cheat, juggle, antic, vagary, inconsiderable.
finesse, sleight, deception, imposition, ANT. Important, weighty, critical,
delusion, legerdemain. original, novel.
ANT. Blunder, exposure, bungling, Troop. SYN. Crowd,
mishap, botch, fumbling, inexpert- multitude, herd, collection, band,
ness, maladroitness, genuineness, company, gang, horde, throng.
epenbandedness, artlessness, ANT. Paucity, selection, bevy, elite.
Trickery. SYN. Deception, fraud, Trophy. SYN. War-spoil, acquisition,
laurels, palm, bays, wreaih, prize,
artifice, chicanery, knavery [See AR-
TIFICE]. medal, feather.
Trickle. SYN. ANT. Brand, stigma, tarnish, stain,
Drip, drop, dribble,
ooze, percolate, distil.
ANT. Flow, rush, stream, pour, Trouble, v. SYN. Disturb, vex, agi-
gush, burst. tate, confuse, perplex, distress, an-
Trifle, n. SYN. Bauble, bagatelle, toy, noy, harass, tease, molest, grieve,
straw, nothing, triviality, levity, joke, mortify, oppress.
ANT. Compose, calm, allay, ap-
cipher, bubble, gewgaw, kickshaw,
rush. pease, pleaee, soothe, delight, gratify,
ANT. Treasure, portent, phenom- recreate, entertain, relieve, refresh.
enon, crisis, conjuncture, importance, Trouble, n. SYN. Affliction, disturb-
urgency, weight, necessity, serious- ance, annoyance, perplexity, molesta-
ness. tion, vexation, inconvenience, calam-
Trifle. . SYN. Toy, play, dally, ity, distress, uneasiness, tribulation,
wanton, quibble, fribble. disaster, torment, misfortune, ad-
ANT. Treat, cope, tackle, grapple, versity, anxiety, embarrassment, sor-
deal. row, misery, grief, depression, diffi-
Trifling. SYN. Trivial, slight, petty, culty, labor, toil, effort.
AWT. Alleviation, composure, pleas- believe, charge, deposit, entrust, re-
ore, appeasement, delight, assuage- pose, hope.
ment, happiness, gratification, boon, ANT. Distrust, suspect, discredit,
blessing, exultation, joy, gladness, doubt, disbelieve, resume, withdraw,
ease, facility, luck, recreation, amuse- despair.
ment, carelessness, indifference, in- Trust, n. STN. Faith, confidence, re-
dolence, inertia, indulgence. liance, belief, hope, expectation,
Troublesome. STN. Tiresome, irk- credit, duty, commission, charge
some, difficult, tedious, arduous, la- [See CONFIDENCE].
borious, grievous, importunate, vexa- Trusty. STN. Faithful, honest, firm,
tious. reliable, strong [See FAITHFUL,].
ANT. Easy, pleasant, amusing, fa- Trust worthy. STN. Faithful, trusty,
cile, light, unlaborious, untrouble- honest, strong, firm, reliable [Se
some. FAITHFUL],
Troublous. STN. Afflictive, agitat- Truth. Si'N.
Veracity, verity, fact,
ed, tumultuous, trying. exactness, accu-
fidelity, faithfulness,
ANT. Soothing, healing, calming, racy, precision [See VERITY].
comforting. Truthful. SIN. Sincere, veracious,
Truant. STN. Vagabond, loitering, correct, accurate [See VERACIOUS],
idling, shirking, vagrant, loose, apos- Truthless [See VERACIOUS],
tate, renegade.
ANT. Sedulous, domestic, Industri- Try. STN. Attempt, endeavor, strive,
ous, diligent, loyal, adherent, faith- aim, examine, test, sound, gauge,
ful, attached. probe, fathom.
Truck, v. STN. Barter, deal, traffic, ANT. Ignore, pretermit, reject,
exchange [See DEAL], abandon, discard, misexamlne, misin-
Truckle. STN. Cringe, stoop, crouch, vestigate.
bend the knee, yield, submit servilely, Tuft. STN. Bunch, cluster, knot,
[See CRINGE]. plume.
Truculent. STN. Tug. STN. Pull, drag, haul, draw
Fierce, savage,
ruthless, destructive, barbarous, [See PULL].
cruel, bloodthirsty.
Tuition. STN. Teaching, training,
ANT. Mild, inoffensive, gentle. discipline, schooling [See DISCI-
True. a,. STN. Veritable, veracious, PLINE].
ex. ict, precis.;, accurate, faithful, ac- Tumble. STN. Fall, topple, precipi-
tual, loyal, genuine, pure, real. tate, derange, rumple [See FALL and
ANT. Fictitious, unreliable, unhis- RUMPLE].
torical, untrustworthy, inveraclous, Tumid. STN. Swollen, distended, pro-
false, inaccurate, unfaithful, faith- tuberant, inflated, turgid, bombastic,
less, fickle, treacherous, erroneous, pompous, high-flown, stilted, grandil-
spurious, perfidious, counterfeit, oquent.
adulterated. ANT. Smooth, flat, level, plane,
Truism. SYN. Commonplace, plati- equable, uninflated, subdued.
tude. Tumult. STN. Uproar, ferment, dis-
ANT. Discovery, originality, para- turbance, turbulence, mutiny, insub-
dox. ordination, excitement, outbreak,
Truly. STN. Really, actually, verily, fray, bustle, distraction, turmoil, dis-
sincerely, truthfully, surely, in truth, order, confusion, noise, bluster, brawl,
[See ACTUALLY J. riot
Trumpery. STN. Trash, tinsel, non- ANT. Peace, pacification, subsidence,
sense, tawdriness, trifles, rubbish. quiet, tranquillity, order, orderli-
ANT. Treasure, valuables, sense, ness.
wisdom, truth. Tumultuous. STN. Disorderly, dis-
Trunk. STN. Stem, stock, body, turbed, confused, turbulent, agitate^,
shaft. seditious, lawless, riotous, unruly
Tract* . STN. Confide, rely, credit, OKDBJU.T, ANT.].
Tune. SYN. Strain, melody, air. entwine, wreath, bind, unite, braid,
Tuueiul. Srs. Musical, melodious, bend, meander.
harmonious [See MUSICAL]. AXT. Untwist, unwind, separate, dis-
unite, detach, unwreath, unravel, dia-
Turbid. SYN. Foul, thick, muddy,
eutwine, continue, straighten.
impure, unsettled, disordered, roiled. Twirl. SYN. Revolve, whirl, turn
ANT. Clear, limpid, crystalline.
Turbulence [See TUMULT]. round [See REVOLVE].
Twist. SYN. Contort, convolve, com-
Turbulent [See TUMULTUOUS]. plicate, pervert, distort, wrest,wreath,
Turgid [See TUMID]. wind, encircle, form, weave, insinu-
Turmoil [See TUMULT]. ate, unite, interpenetrate.
AST. Straighten, untwist, rectify,
Turn. SYN. Round, shape, mold,
verify, represent, reflect, render, pre-
adapt, spin, reverse, deflect, alter, serve. express, substantiate, unwreath,
transform, convert, metamorphose, unwind, detach, disengage, separate,
revolve, rotate, hinge, depend, devi- disunite, disentangle, disincorporate
ate, incline, diverge, decline, change. unravel.
ANT. Misshape, misadapt, perpet- Twit. SYN. Taunt, gibe, reproach,
uate, stabilitate, stereotype, nx, ar- upbraid, jeer, scoff f See JEER].
rest, continue, proceed.
Turn. n. SYN. Revolution, rotation, re- Type. SYN. Mark, stamp, emblem,
kind, character, sign, symbol,pattern,
currence, change, alteration, vicissi-
archetype, form, model, idea, image,
tude, winding, bend, deflection, curve, likeness, expression, cast, mold, fash
alternation, opportunity, occasion, ion.
time, deed, office, act, treatment, pur- ANT. Non-description, non-classifi-
pose, requirement, convenience, tal- cation, inexpression, misrepresenta-
ent, gift, tendency, character, exi- tion, misindication, falsification, ab-
gence, crisis, form, cast, shape, man- normity, deviation, caricature, mon-
ner, mold, fashion, cut. strosity.
ANT. Stability, fixity, immobility, SYN. Prefigure, adumbrate,
stationariness. unchangeableness, uni-
predelineate, prerepresent, foreshow,
formity, rectilinearity, indeflection, predemonstrate, foreshadow.
continuity,un timeliness, incognizance, ANT. Verify, fulfill, realize.
oversight, independence, non-require-
ment, malformation, ehapelessness. Tyrannical. SYN. Arbitrary, des-
Turncoat. SYN. Trimmer, deserter, potic, cruel, severe, high-handed
renegade [See RENEGADE].
STN. Baseness, vileness,
Tyranny. SYN. Despotism, inclemen-
Turpitude. cy, persecution, autocracy.
depravity, badness, wickedness, dis- AST. Freedom, independence, hu-
gracefulness. manity, clemency, constitutionalism.
ANT. Goodness, nobility, commend-
ableness. excellence. Tyrant. SYN. Despot, persecutor, op-
pressor [See DESPOT].
Tutelage. STN. Protection, guardian- Tyro. SYN. Beginner, novice, neo-
ship, minority, training, pupilage. phyte.
ANT. Majority, non-tutelage, inde- ANT. Professor, adept, expert, mas-
pendence, discretion. ter.
Tutor. SYN. Guardian, governor, in-
structor, teacher, preceptor, profes- V
sor, master, savant.
ANT. Ward, pupil, scholar, student,
(For the words compounded of the
disciple, learner, tyro.
negative prefix Un reference may be
Twaddle. SYN. Balderdash, tattle, made to the words themselves as, for

nonsense, rigmarole [See TRASH]. Unbelief See Belief; for Unfair See
Twig. SYN. Sprig, spray, shoot, Fair.)
Twine. SYN. Twist, wind, embrace, UBIQUITY. SYN. Omnipresence,
all-pervasiveness, boundlessness. Unbounded. STY. Boundless, ex-
ANT. Nullibiety, localization, limi- cessive, unsparing, unstinted, inter-
tation. minable [See BOUNDLESS).
Ugly. SYN. Loathsome, hideous, hate- Unbridled. STN. Wanton, licentious,
ful, frightful,uncouth, ill-favored, un- dissolute, loose, lax [See LICEN-
sightly, ill-looking, plain, bomely, de- TIOUS ).
formed, monstrous, ungainly. Unceasing. STN. Endless, continual,
ANT. Attractive, fair, seemly, shape- continuous, perpetual, incessaut,ever-
ly, beautiful, handsome. lasting, eternal [ See ENDLESS].
Ulterior. STN. Further, remote, Uncertain. SYN. Doubtful, dubious,
more distant, remoter, succeeding, questionable* fitful, equivocal, ambig-
beyond. uous, indistinct, variable, fluctuating
ANT. Immediate, present, prior, [See CERTAIN].
hither. Uncertainty [See CERTAINTY].
Ultimate. SYN. Last, final, extreme,
Unchangeable [See MUTABLE and
conclusive, remotest, farthest.
ANT. Prior,intermediate,proximate, PERISHABLE].
Uncivil. SYN. Rude, discourteous,
preliminary. disobliging [See CIV-
Umbrage. STN. Offence, dissatisfac- IL].
tion, resentment, jealousy, displeas- Unclean. SYN. Dirty, foul, filthy, sul-
lied [See CLEAN, a.].
ANT. Complacency, satisfaction, Uncommon. SYN.
Rare, strange,
scarce, singular, choice, unique, un-
Umpire. STN. Judge, referee, arbi- usual [See COMMON].
ter, arbitrator.
ANT. Litigant, disputant. Unconcerned. SYN. Careless, In-
different, apathetic [See THOUGHT-
Unaccountable. STN. Strange, in-
explicable [See STBANGE]. Uncouth. SYN. Odd, unseemly, awk.
Unadvised. STN. Indiscreet, impru- ward, boorish, clumsy, clownish, un-
dent, thoughtless, inconsiderate, rash graceful, strange, underbred, un-
[See DISCREET and BASH], gainly.
Unaffected. STN. TJnraoved, nnshak- ANT. Quaint, neat, polite, trim,
en, simple, sincere, natural, real [See modish, fashionable, graceful, courtly,
STABLE and SINCERE]. well-mannered, refined, polished,
Unalterable. [See MUTABLE and well-bred.
PERISHABLE]. Uncover. SYN. Reveal, strip, expose,
Unanimity. STN. Accord, concord, lay bare, divest, unveil, reveal [See
unity, agreement, consent, consensus. COVER].
ANT. Variance, discord, disagree- Unction. SYN. Life, spirit, force, an-
ment, dissent, disseutience. imation, fervor, power.
Unaiiimoiiw. SYN. Of one mind, ANT. Flatness, lameness, weakness,
agreeing, like-minded. Inanimateness, coldness, perfunetori-
ANT. Discordant, disagreeing. ness, lifelessness, diluteduess, vapid-
Unanswerable. SYN. Unquestion- ity.
SYN. Oily, smooth, fawn-
able, indisputable, undeniable, incon-
trovertible [See CONTBOVEBTIBLE ing, flattering, fulsome, sycophantic,
and INDISPUTABLE]. complimentary.
AMI. Abrupt, unmannerly, uncom-
Unavoidable. SYN. Necessary, cer-
tain [See INEVITABLE]. plimentary, sarcastic, cynical, blunt.
Unbecoming I s<v BECOMING]. Undecided. STN. Wavering, hesita-
Unbelief [See BELIEF]. ting, irresolute, undetermined [Se
Unbeliever [See INFIDEL]. Undeniable. SYN. Incontestable, In-
Unbind. SYN. Set free [See BTKD]. disputable, unquestionable, incontro-
Unblemished. SYN. Pure, spotless, vertible [See CONTBOVKBXLBJLK and
nncpotted, unsullied [See 1'uur.J. INDISPUTABLE.}.
UNO 278 UN?
Under. STN. Below, underneath, be- ANT. Standing, arrestation, res^
neath, subordinate, lower, inferior flattening, table-land, plain.
[See BELOW and BENEATH]. Uneasy. STN. Restless, disturbed, un.
Underestimate. STN. Underrate,
quiet, stiff, awkward [See EAST].
undervalue, disparage. Uneducated. SYN. Ignorant, uncul-
ANT. Overrate, overvalue, exagger- tivated [See LEARNED].
Undergo. STN. Bear, rafter, endure, Unequal. STN. Uneven, not alike, ir-
sustain, experience [See BEAU and regular, insufficient, inadequate, ill-
matched [See EQUAL].
Underhand. SYN. Clandestine, fur- Unequalled. STN. Matchless,
tive, dishonest, unfair, fraudulent, unique, unparalleled, novel, new, un-
heard of [See MATCHLESS].
ANT. Openhanded, straightforward, Unerring. STN. Infallible, sure [See
fair, honest, undisguised. FALLIBLE].
Underling. STN. Menial, subordi- Unexpected. STN. Unforeseen, un-
nate. locked for, sudden.
ANT. Master, superior. ANT. Expected, provided for, fore-
Undermine. SYN. Sap, subvert, seen.
counteract, baffle, thwart. Unfair. STN. Wrongful, dishonest,
ANT. Prop, support, countenance, unjust, disingenuous, trickish [See
promote, aid, corrobora'e. HONEST].
Underrate [See UNDERESTIMATE]. In faithful. STN. Disloyal, Incon-
Understand. STN. Apprehend, com- treacherous [See FAITHFUL].
prehend, know, perceive, discern, Unfavorable [See FAVORABLE].
conceive, learn, recognize, Interpret, Unfeeling. STN. Insensible, cruel,
imply. hard-hearted, callous [See HARD].
ANT. Misapprehend, miscompre-
hend, ignore, misinterpret, declare,
Unfeigned. STN. Clear, undisguis-
ed, veracious, sincere [See SIN-
state, enunciate, express.
Understanding. STN. Knowledge, Unfit, o. STN. Improper., unsuitable,
discernment, interpretation, con-
incousistent, untimely, incompetent
struction, agreement, intellect, intel-
[See TIT].
ligence, mind, sense, conception, rea- Unfit, v. Disable, incapacitate, dis-
son, brains. qualify, render unfit [See QUAIOFT].
ANT. Ignorance, misapprehension,
Unfitiiess. STN. luaptness, inapti-
misunderstanding, misinterpretation, tude, incapacity, iucompetency, dis-
misconstruction, mindlessness, irra-
qualification [See QUALIFICATION].
Undertake. STN. Engage, attempt, Unfold. STN. Unravel, disclose, un-
enter upon, agree, set about, embark bosom, divulge, display, spread out,
in, stipulate, project, commence, expand, reveal, develop, explain, de-
clare [See EXPAND and REVEAL].
ANT. Decline, abandon, drop, dis- Unforgiving. STN. Implacable, vin-
continue, desist. dictive, relentless [See RELENTLESS
Undertaking. STN. Enterprise, ad- and VINDICTIVE],
venture, attempt, effort, project, Unfortunate. STN. Calamitous, Ill-
business [See ADVENTURE and BUSI- fated, unlucky, wretched, unhappy,
NESS], miserable [.See HAPPY].
Undervalue [See VALUE]. Unfounded. SYN. False, groundless,
Undisturbed. STN. Quiet, still, tran- baseless, vain, idle [See FALSE and
quil, placid, peaceful [See TRANQUIL]. GROUNDLESS].
Undo. STN. Annul, frustrate, untie, Unfrequented. STN. Unvisited, un-
unfasten, destroy [See ANNUL]. inhabited, lone, solitary, deserted.
Undulation. STN. Wave, vibration, ANT. Frequented.
wwlling, oscillation, bill. Unfriendly. STN. Inhospitable, oa>
jenial, unkind, disobliging fSee Unit. Bnr. Ace, item, part, Individ-
Unfruitful [See FRUITFUL]. ANT. Total, aggregate, collection,
Ungainly. 8 vs. Clumsy, awkwnrd, sum, mass.
lumbering, uncouth [See UNCOUTH J.
Unite. SYN. Join, combine, link, at-
tach, amalgamate, associate, coalesce,
Ungovernable. SYN. Unrmly, un- embody, merge, be mixed, conjoin,
manageable, refractory, disobedient,
lawless [See LAWLESS and REFRAC- connect, couple, add, incorporate
with, cohere, concatenate, integrate,
Ungraceful. SYN. Awkward, Inele- converge.
ANT. Disjoin, sever, dissociate, sep-
gant [See UNOAINLYJ.
arate, dtaamalgamate, resolve, discon-
Ungrateful. SYN. Thankless, un- nect, disintegrate, disunite, disrupt,
thankful [See GRATEFUL].
divide, multiply, part, sunder, di-
Unhandy. SYN. Awkward, clumsy, verge.
uncouth [See AWKWARD].
Unity. SYN. Oneness, singleness, in-
Unhappiiien*. SYN. Misery.wretch- dividuality, concord, conjunction,
edness, distress, woe [See Buss]. agreement, uniformity, indivisibil-
Unhappy. SYN. Miserable, wretch- ity.
ANT. Plurality, multitude, complex-
ed, distressed, afflicted, painful,
disastrous, drear, dismal [See HAP- ity, multiplicity, discord, disjunction,
PY]. separation, severance, variety, hetero-
Unhealthy ["See HEALTHY]. geneity, diversity, incongruity, divisi-
Uniform. SYN. Unvarying, invari-
able, conformable, homogeneous, con-
Universal. SYN. All, embracing, to-
tal, unlimited, boundless, comprehen-
sistent, equal, even, alike, unvaried,
sive, entire, general, whole, exhaust-
regular, symmetrical, equable.
ANT. Varying, variable, inconform- ive, complete.
ANT. Partial, local, limited, incom-
able, incongruous, diverse, heteroge-
neous, inconsistent, irregular, unsym- plete, exclusive, particular ^exhaust-
ive, exceptional.
metrical, multifarious, multigenous,
polymorphic, bizarre, eccentric, er- Unjust [See JUST and HONEST].
ratic. Unknown. BYN. Mysterious, hid-
Uninteresting. SYN. Dull, tedious, den, obscure, unrecognized [See OB-
tiresome, unattractive [See ATTRAC- SCURE].
TIVE and DULL]. Unlawful [See LAWFUL].
Uninterrupted. SYN. Continuous, Unlearned [See LEARNED].
perpetual, unceasing, incessant, end- Unlike [See LIKE].
less [See PERPETUAL].
Union. SYN. Junction, coalition, com- Unlimited [Se BOUNDLESS].
bination, agreement, harmony, con- Unlucky [See LUCKY],
junction, concert, league, connection, Unmistakable. SYN. Unambiguous,
alliance, confederacy, concord, con- evident, manifest, clear, un-
federation, consolidation. equivocal [See AMBIGUOUS].
ANT. Disjunction, separation, sever- Unnecessary. SYN. Uncalled for,
ance, divorce, disagreement, discord, useless, needless [see NECESSARY].
disharmony, secession, disruption, Unpardonable. SYN. Inexcusable,
multiplication, diversification, divis- unjustifiable [See PARDONABLE].
ion. Unpleasant [See PLEASANT].
Unique. RYN. Sole, matchless, singu- Unprecedented. SYN. Unrivalled,
lar, rare, choice, uncommon [See unexampled, unequalled, rare [See
Ciiison. STW. flarmony, agreement, Unprincipled [See WICTTD].
concord, union. Unprofitable. SYN. Useless, boot
ANT. Discord, disharmony, disagree- less, futile, fruitless [See Pnorr*
ment, disunion, variance. ABUj.
Unqualified. STN. Absolute, uncon- persevering, tireless [See INDEFATIO.
ditioned, outright [See ABSOLUTE]. ABLE].
Unquestionable. SYN. Irrefraga- Unwilling. STN. Averse, backward,
ble, incon krovertible, indubitable, un- disinclined, loth, reluctant [See RE-
deniable, indisputable [See INDIS- LUCTANT J.
PUTABLE and INCONTESTABLE]. Unyielding. STN. Inflexible, un-
Unreasonable. SYN. Foolish, silly, bending, stanch, stiff, determined,
absurd, preposterous, immoderate, obstinate [See FLEXIBLE and OBSTI-
exorbitant, ridiculous [See RATIONAL NATE],
and EXCESSIVE]. Upbraid. STN. Beprove, taunt, re-
Unrelenting. STN. Inexorable, un- proach, chide.
yielding, pitiless, stem, cruel, bard ANT. Commend, praise, eulogize,
[See HABD], laud, compliment, applaud.
Unrighteous. STN. Wrongful, un- Uphold. STN. Support, sustain, ele-
just, unfair, unequitable [See RIGHT- vate, raise, countenance, advocate,
EOUS] sanction, encourage, defend, maintain,
Unrivalled. STN. Unequalled, vindicate, stand by.
unique, unexampled, Incomparable, ANT. Subvert, drop, discard, betray,
matchless [See INCOMPARABLE]. discountenance, oppose, discourage,
Unroll. STN. Unfold, open, discover attack, repudiate, abandon, abjure,
[See DISCOVEB]. renounce.
Unruffled [See TRANQUIL]. Upright. STN. Vertical, erect, per-
Unruly. STN. Ungovernable, unman- pendicular, honest, honorable, pure,
ageable, refractory [See RRTBACTO- principled, conscientious, just, fair,
RT]. equitable.
Unsafe [See SAFE]. ANT. Inverted, Inclined, dishonest,
Unseasonable [See SEASONABLE], dishonorable, corrupt, unprincipled,
Unseemly. SYN. Unbecoming, in- unconscientious.
decorous, unsuitable, unfit, unbefit- Uproar [See TUMULT].
ting [See SEEMLT]. Uproot. STN. Eradicate, extirpate,
Unselfish. [See SELFISH], weed, deracinate, exterminate, de-
Unseen. STN. Invisible, unnoticed, stroy.
uaperceived [See VISIBLE]. ANT. Implant, sow, foster, nurture,
Unsettle. STN. Disturb, derange, dis- cultivate.
place, ruffle [See SETTLE]. Upset. STN. Overturn, overthrow,
Unskillful [See CLUMST]. capsize, overbalance, subvert, dis-
Unsophisticated [See SIMPLE]. establish.
Unsound [See SOUND], ANT. Establish, plant, stabilitate,
Unspeakable rse ISDESCBIB- corroborate, confirm.
ABLEJ Upshot. STN. Result, conclusion, out-
Unsteady. STN. Wavering, unstable, come, Denouement, issue, finale [See
variable, fickle, restless, fitful
STEADT]. Upstart. SYW. Plebeian, mushroom.
Unsuccessful. STN. Futile, vain, ANT. Personage, pptrician.
ineffectual, fruitless, unfortunate [See Urbane. STN. Affable, courteous, re-
FUTILE]. fined, polite.
Untrodden. STN. Trackless, path- ANT. Boorish, discourteous,
less. fined, coarse.
ANT. Trodden, frequented. Urbanity. STN. Politeness,
Untruth. STN. Lie, falsehood, fib, fic- ment, courtesy, polished manners,
tion, fabrication, deception. suavity, good breeding, civility [Sea
ANT. Truth, fact, verity. REFINEMENT].
Unusual. STN. Ear e,unwonted, singu- Urge. SYN. Press, push, drive, impel,
lar, uncommon, remarkable, strange, propel, force, importune, solicit, ani-
extraordinary [See USUAL]. mate, incite, instigate, stimulate, ha*
Unwearied. STN. Indefatigable, ten, expedite, accelerate, despatch.
ANT. Repress, bold, retain, inhibit, ANT. Recal, suppress, repress,
coerce, restrain, cohibit, hinder, re- hush, stifle, check, swallow.
tard, discourage, damp, obstruct. Utter, SYN. Extreme, perfect, com-
Urgent. SYN. Pressing, imperative, plete, unqualified, absolute, thorough,
immediate, importunate, forcible, consummate, entire, sheer, pure.
strenuous, serious, grave,momentous, ANT. Imperfect, incomplete, im-
indeferrible. pure.
ANT. Uuiuiportaut, insignificant, Utterly. SYN. Totally, completely,
trifling, trivial, deferrible. wholly, quite, altogether, entirely
Linage. STN. Custom, use, fashion, [See ALTOGETHER and COMPLETELY].
prescription, treatment [See FASH-
Use. n. STN. Advantage, custom, hab-
it, practice, service, utility, usage VACANCY. SYN. Empty, emptiness,
Use. v. SYN. Employ, exercise, treat, space, vacuity, leisure, void.
ANT. Fullness, business, occupa-
practice, accustom, habituate, inure. tion.
ANT. Discard, suspend, ignore, Vacant. SYN. Empty, leisure, unem-
avoid, disaccustom, dishabituate, dis-
inure. ployed, unencumbered, unoccupied,
Useful. SYN. Advantageous, profit- void, unfilled, mindless, exhausted.
ANT. Full, replenished, business,
able, helpful, serviceable, beneficial,
employed, engaged, occupied, filled,
available, adapted, suited, conducive.
ANT. thoughtful.
Disadvantageous, unprofit- Vacate. SYN. Resign, surrender, an-
able, obstructive,retardative, prevent-
nul, invalidate, abrogate, neutralize.
ative, antagonistic, hostile, cumber- ANT. Hold, retain, fill, occupy, sub-
some, burdensome, unbeneflcial, un- stantiate.
available, inconducive, useless, fruit- Vacation. SYN. recrea-
less, ineffectual.
Useless [See USEFUL]. ANT. Term, business.
Usher. SYN. Herald, introduce, pre- Vacillate. SYN. Fluctuate, dubitate,
cede, announce. waver, be unsteady.
ANT. Follow, attend, succeed. ANT. Determine, abide, adhere.
Usual. SYN. Common, customary, or- Vacuity. SYN. Emptiness, inanity,
dinary, normal, regular, habitual, nihility, space, void.
wonted, accustomed, general. ANT. Fullness, substance, matter,
ANT. Uncommon, rare, exceptional, occupation, quantity, bulk.
uncustomary, extraordinary, abnor-
mal, irregular, unusual.
Vagabond. SYN. Wanderer.vagrant,
SYN. Seize, arrogate, appro- rogue, tramp.
Usurp. ANT. Worker, laborer.
priate, assume.
ANT. Receive, inherit, accept. Vagary. SY:.. Whim, fancy, crotchet,
freak, caprice.
Utility. SYN. Usefulness, benefit, ANT. Purpose, determination, judg.
profit, advantage, advantageousnees, ment, conviction, seriousness.
service [See ADVANTAGE]. Vagrant. SYN. Vagabond, strolling,
Utilize. SYN. Localize, economize, itinerant, wandering, sauntering,
husband. roaming, roving.
ANT. Dissipate, waste, squander, ANT. Domestic, established, local,
sacrifice, lose.
Utmost. SYN. Farthest, remotest, ut- Vague. SYN. General, lax, indefinite,
Unroot, greatest. undetermined, popular, intangible,
AVT. Nearest, smallest. equivocal, unsettled, uncertain, ill

Utter, v. SYN. Circulate, issue, pro- fined, pointless.

mulgate, express, articulate, pro- ANT. Strict, definite, determined,
nounce, speak limited, scientific, pointed, specific.
VAI 282

Vain. SIN. Empty, worthless, fruit- ANT. Spirited, animated, pungent,

less, unsatisfying,unavailing, idle, in- trenchant, pithy.
effectual, showy, unreal,
egotistic, Vapor. SYN. Steam, fog, mist, fume,
conceited, arrogant. gas, exhalation [See EXHALATION ].

ANT. Solid, substantial, sound, wor- Variable. SYN. Changeable, mutable,

thy, efficient, effectual, cogent, potent, fickle, capricious, wavering, unsteady,
uuconceited, modest, real. inconstant, shifting.
Valediction. SYN. Leave-taking, ANT. Unchanging, unchangeable,
farewell, adieu. immutable, constant, firm, true, fast,
ANT. Salutation, hail, welcome, re- stanch, unwavering, steady, unalter-
ception, recognition. able, invariable.
Valiant. SYN. Intrepid, heroic, cou- Variance. SYN. Difference, disagree-
rageous, brave, redoubtable, stout ment, discord, estrangement, antag-
hearted, valorous, gallant. onism, strife, hostility, discrepancy.
ANT. Timid, puny, cowardly, cra- ANT. Unity, reconciliation, har-
Valid. SYN. mony, agreement, pacification, peace,
Strong, powerful, cogent, accommodation, consent.
weighty, sound, substantial, available, Variation. SYN. Deviation, altera-
efficient, sufficient, operative, conclu- tion, mutation, diversity, departure,
change, abnormity, exception, dis-
ANT. Weak, invalid, powerless, un-
souml, unsubstantial, unavailable, in- ANT. Continuance, fixity, indlver-
efficient, insufficient, inoperative, ob-
gency, exemplification, law, rule, uni-
solete, effete, superseded, inconclu- formity, harmony, agreement.
Valor [See COURAGE]. Variegated. SYN. Diversified, di-
vers-colored, parti-colored, mottled
Valuable. SYN. Precious, costly, es-
ANT. Cheap, value- Variety. SYN. Difference, diversity,
vile, worthless, medley, miscellany, multiplicity, mul-
tiformity, abnormity.
Value, SYN. Appreciate, compute,
ANT. Uniformity, species, type,
rate, estimate, esteem, treasure, ap-
praise, prize. Various. SYN. Different, diverse,
ANT. Miscompute, misestimate, dis-
multiform, multitudinous, several,
esteem, disregard, vilipend, under- sundry, uncertain, manifold, diversi-
rate, undervalue, underestimate, de- fied.
spise, contemn, cheapen, vilify. ANT. One, same, identical, uniform,
Value, n. [See WORTH], few, similar.
Vanish. SYN. Disappear, dissolve, Varnish. SYN. Glaze, gloss, disguise,
melt, fade away. palliate, embellish, sophisticate, fur-
ANT. Appear, approach, loom. bish.
Vanity. SYN. Emptiness, unsub- ANT. Simplify, divest, disembellish,
stantiality, unreality, falsity, conceit, disencumber.
self-sufficiency, ostentation, pride, Vary. SYN. Alter, dissimilate, change,
worthlessness, triviality. modify, variegate, diversify, differ,
ANT. Substance, solidity, substan- deviate, disagree.
tiality, reality, truth, modesty, self- ANT. Perpetuate, stabilitate, assim-
distrust, simplicity, uuosteutatious- ilate, stereotype, harmonize, con-
ness, husoility. form.
Vanquish. SYN. Conquer, surmount, Vast. SYN. Waste, wild, desolate, ex-
subdue, discomfit, confute, overcome, tensive, spacious, wide spread, gigan-
defeat, master. tic, wide, boundless, measureless,
ANT. Succumb, yield, faint, fail. enormous, mighty, huge, immense,
Vapid. SYN. Flat, dull, spiritless, colossal, prodigious, far-reaching.
irtiilw, taatuless,
flavorless, insipid, ANT. Narrow, close, confined, fr*-
tarn*. queated, populated, cultivated, tend-
d, tilled, limited, bounded, circum- absolution, oblivion, indulgence, re-
scribed, moderate. prieve.
Vaticination. SYN. Prophecy, div- Venial. SYN. Pardonable, excusable,
ination, augury, prediction. remissible, justifiable.
ANT. Retrospection, realization, re- ANT. Unpardonable, inexcusable,
hearsal, verification, fulfillment, ac- irremissible, mortal.
Venom. SYN. Poison, virus, malice,
Vaunt. SYN. Boast, brag, puff, hawk, malignity, spite.
ANT. Antidote [See SPITE].
trumpet, cackle, advertise, make a
display of, flourish, cry, parade. Venomous. SYN. Poisonous, malig-
ANT. Repress, suppress, conceal, nant, virulent, slanderous.
disparage, decry, detract. ANT. Wholesome, salubrious, ge-
Ver. SYN. Shift, tergiversate, trim, nial, flattering, kindly.
temporize. Vent. SYN. Outlet, opening, discharge,
ANT. Stand, stick, persist, remain, passage, utterance [See OPENING J.
adhere. Venture, n. SYN. Speculation, risk,
Vegetate. SYN. Grow, sprout, ger- chance, hazard, stake, undertaking,
minate, idle, bask, pullulate, hiber- luck, experiment, throw.
nate. ANT. Non-speculation, caution, res-
ANT. Fade, pine, wither, decay, rot, ervation, calculation, certainty, law,
work, energize, operate.
stir, bustle, method.
Vehement. SYN. Violent, impetu- Venture, v.
ous, ardent, burning, fervent, raging, Venturesome. SYN. Risky, intrepid,
furious, passionate, fervid, urgent, foolhardy [See ADVENTUROUS].
forcible, eager.
ANT. Mild, feeble, inanimate, sub- Venturous. SYN. Daring, rash, in-
trepid, audacious.
dued, controlled, un impassioned, pas- ANT.
sionless, cold, stoical, gentle, weak,
Unveuturesome, cautious,
timid, unenterprising.
Veil. SYN. Intercept, hide, screen, dis- Veracious. SYN. True, credible, re-
guise, palliate, mask, cover, conceal. liable, honest, truth-loving, truthful,
ANT. Expose, unveil, strip, denude, historical.
exaggerate. ANT. False, mendacious, invera-
Velocity. SYN. Quickness, swiftness, cious, deceitful, unhistorical, roman-
speed, celerity, rapidity, fleetness. tic, imaginative.
ANT. Slowness, sluggishness, tardi- Veracity. SYN. Truth, truthfulness,
ness, ientor, languor, cumbrousness, credibility, exactness, accuracy [Sea
inactivity. FALSEHOOD].
Venal. SYN. Sordid, mercenary, pros- Verbal. SYN. Oral, spoken, parole,
titute, pelfish, selfish, held for pay, vocal, unwritten, unrecorded.
ANT. Written, documentary, episto-
ANT. Disinterested, unmercenary, lary, recorded.
Verbose. SYN. Windy, prolix, prosy,
Vnd [See Btrr].
ANT. Curt, laconic, succinct, terse,
Venerate [See ADOBE]. concise.
Venerable. SYN. Sage, wise, grave Verdict. SYN. Finding, judgment, an-
[See QRAVE and FOOLISH j. swer, opinion, decision, sentence.
Veneration. SYN. Reverence, adora- ANT. Non-declaration, indecision,
tion, worship. indetermination.
ANT. Contempt, disesteem, loathing, Verge, n. SYN. Border, brim, edge, rim,
vilification. limit, margin, brink, eve.
Vengeance. SYN. Retribution, re- ANT. Heart, depth, center, midst.
taliation, revenge. Verge, v. SYH. Tend, bend, slope, in-
ANT. Forgiveness, pardon, condo- cline, approach, approximate, trend,
ation, amnesty, grace, remission, bear.
ANT. Decline, deviate, revert, de- ANT. Misindication, obliteration,
part, recede, return, back, retrooede. effaceroent, non-indication, indemon-.
Verify. SYN. Establish, confirm, ful- strableness, deletion.
fill, authenticate, substantiate, iden- Veteran. SYN. Habitue", expert, adept,
tify, realize, test, warrant, demon- proficient.
strate. ANT. Tyro, recruit, novice, lubber.
ANT. Disestablish, subvert, fail, Vex. SYN. Tease, irritate, provoke,
falsify, mistake, misrepresent, mis- plague, torment, tantalize, bother v
state, disappoint, misdemonstrate. worry, pester, trouble, disquiet, af-
Verisimilitude. SYN. Probability, flict, harass, annoy.
ANT. Soothe, appease, gratify,
consistency, likelihood.
ANT. Improbability, inconsistency, quiet, please.
Vexation. SYN. Chagrin, uneasi-
Veritable. SYN. True, ness, mortification.
actual, real,
ANT. Pleasure, enjoyment [See
authentic, original.
ANT. False, fictitious, unreal, un- PLEASURE].
Vibrate. SYN. Oscillate, swing, un-
anthentic, spurious, supposititious,
feigned, sham, untrue. dulate, shake, quiver, wave.
ANT. Be at rest [See QUAKE].
Verity. SYN. Truth, reality, actuality,
i existence. Vicarious. SYN. Substitutive, de-

ANT. Falsity, unreality, supposi- puted, delegated, representative, pro-

) tion, hypothesis, conjecture, chimera, curatorial.
dream, delusion, fancy, phantasy. ANT. Personal, self-performed.
Vernal. SYN. Spring, youthful, ge- Vice. SYN. Corruption, fault, defect,
evil, crime, immorality, sin, bad-
nial, balmy, nascent.
ANT. Wintry, aged, brumal, hiber- ness.
ANT. Purity, faultlessness, perfec-
nal,harsh, ungenial, cutting, au-
tion, virtue, immaculateness, good-
tumnal, decadent, declining.
ness, soundness.
Versatile. SYN. Changeable, un-
Vicinity. SYN. Juxtaposition, neigh-
steady, unfixed, capricious, varied, borhood, nearness, proximity.
many-sided, multigenous, manifold, ANT. Distance, remoteness, separa-
variable, mobile, plastic, ready.
tion, removal.
ANT. Immovable, immutable, fixed, Vicious. SYN. Corrupt, faulty, de-
unvaried, unvarying, one-sided, uni- fective, bad, morbid, peccant, de-
form, invariable, stolid, immobile, un- based, profligate, unruly, impure, de-
Versed. SYN. Skilled, practiced, con- praved.
ANT. Pure, sound, perfect, virtuous,
versant, acquainted, initiated, indoc- healthy.
trinated, clever, familiar, thoroughly Vicissitude. SYN. Change, alterna-
acquainted, proficient. tion, interchange, revolution, muta-
ANT. Unskilled, ill-versed, unprac-
tion, ups and downs.
ticed. inconversant, unfamiliar, unin-
ANT. Perpetuity, stability, change-
itiated, ignorant, awkward, strange,
lessness, immutability, fixity.
unversed, untaught. Victim. STN. Sufferer, prey, sacri-
Version. SYN. Kendering, statement,
account [See INTERPRETATION]. fice, martyr, dupe, giill.
ANT. Sacrificer, seducer.
Vertical. SYN. Perpendicular, up- Victorious [See TRIUMPHANT].
ANT. Inclined, sloped, scarped. Victory. SYN. Conquest, triumph,
Vest. SYN. Kobe, clothe, furnish, en- ovation, success.
dow. ANT. Failure, defeat, frustration,
ANT. Divest, strip, unrobe, denude, disappointment, abortion, miscar-
deprive. riage, non-success.
Vestige. SYN. Trace, mark, indica- Victuals. SYN. Food, fare, provis-
tion, sign, token, remnant, record, ions, bread, viands, meat, repast.
trail, scent. Vie. SYN. Strive, contend, contest,
wpe, compete, emulate, rival.
ANT. Yield, succumb, retire, sur- Vindicate. SYN. Assert,maintain,
render. uphold, clear, support, defend, claim,
View. SYN. Behold, examine, Inspect, substantiate, justify, establish.
explore, survey, consider, contem- ANT. Waive, abandon, surrender,
plate, reconnoitre, observe, regard, forego, disprove, disestablish, neutral-
estimate, judge. ize, nullify, destroy, subvert, annul,
ANT. Ignore, overlook, disregard, vitiate.
misconsider, misinspect, mlsobserve, Vindictive. SYN. Revengeful, spite-
misestimate, misjudge. ful, unforgiving, unrelenting, Implac-
View. SYN. Sight, vision, survey, ex- able, rancorous, unmerciful.
amination, inspection, judgment, es- ANT. Forgiving, generous, forbear-
timate, scene, representation, appre- ing, merciful, unvindictive.
hension, sentiment, conception, opin- Violate. SYN. Ravish, injure, abuse,
ion, object, aim, intention, purpose, disturb, hurt, rape, outrage, debauch,
design, end, light, aspect. break, infringe^ profane, transgress,
ANT. Blindness, occultation, obscu- disobey.
ration, darkness, rnisexammatiou, de- ANT. Respect, foster, observe, re-
ception, error, delusion, inisjudg- gard, preserve, cherish, protect,
ment, misrepresentation, misconcep- obey.
tion, airalessness, non-intention. Violence. SYN. Vehemence, impetu-
Vigilance. SYN. Watchfulness, ob- osity, force, rape, outrage, rage, pro-
servance, wakefulness, sleeplessness, fanation, injustice, fury, infringe-
carefulness, activity, circumspec- ment, fierceness, oppression.
tion. ANT. Lenity,milduess,self-restralnt,
ANT. Drowsiness, inattention, care- feebleness, gentleness, respect, for-
lessness, indulgence, somnolence, bearance, self-control, observance,
inobservance, inactivity, indifference, obedience, preservatiou,conservation,
connivance, unwatchfulness. protection.
Vliiilaiit [See WATCHFUL]. Violent. SYN. Vehement, raving, fu-
Vigorous. SYN. Strong, lusty, pow- rious, forcible, outrageous, raging,
erful, energetic, efficacious, nervoun, passionate fSee FRANTIC].
robust, virile, manly, active, reso- Virago. SYN. Termagant, vixen, a
scold, a shrew, a Jezebel.
ANT. Weak, feeble, powerless. In-
Virgin, n. SYN. Maid, maiden, dam-
active, nerveless, enervated, debile,
sel, girl.
debilitated, effete, emasculated, inac- ANT. Matron, married woman,
tive, irresolute, indolent.
Vile. SYN. Cheap, worthier, value- strumpet, whore, prostitute, bawd.
less, low, base, mean, despicable, Virgin, a. SYN. Maidenly. nndefiled,
hateful, bad, impure, vicious, aban- unpolluted, untouched, fresh.
doned, abject, sinful, sordid, ignoble, ANT. Unmaidenly, defiled, polluted,
wicked, villainous, degraded, wretch- ravished, used, cultivated.
ed. Virile. SYN. Manly, masculine, ro-
ANT. Costlv, rare, precious, valu- bust, nervous, vigorous.
able, high, exulted, noble, honorable,
ANT. Feeble, debile, puerile, effem-
lofty, venerable. inate, emasculate.
Vilii'y. SYN. Debase, degrade, spoil, Virtual. SYN. Potential, implied,
deteriorate, mar, defame, traduce, ns- constructive, practical, substantial,
perse, stigmatize, slander, upbraid, indirect, essential, implicit.
abuse, decry, cheapen. ANT. Stated, expressed, categorical,
ANT. Purify, refine, exalt, raise, im- direct, sensible, material, definite, de-
prove, enhance, eulogize, praise, veloped, explicit.
laud, panegyrize, commend. Virtue. SYN. Power, capacity,
Villain. SYN. Scoundrel, ruffian, strength, force, efficacy, excellence,
wretch FSee RASCAL.]. value, morality, goodness, upright-
Villainous. SYN. Base, knavish, de- ness, purity, chastity, salubrity.
uraved, inlarnous [See Vm:]. ANT. Weakness, incapacity, iuabiii-
ty, inefficacy, badness, corruption, '

obscure, rayless, lurid, somber, non-

vice, immorality, impurity, unchastity, reflecting, dim, dusky, cloudy, nebu-
virulence, malignancy. lous, pale, wan, caliginous.
Virtuous. SYN. Upright, moral, Vixen. SYN. Scold, shrew [See VIRA-
chaste, modest, pure [See PTJBE and ooj.
UPBIGHT]. Vocation. SYN. Profession, office,
Virulence. SYN. Venom, poison, calling, function, mission, avocation,
acrimony, malignity, malignancy, bit- trade, business, capacity, employ-
terness, malevolence. ment, occupation
ANT. Mildness, salubriousness, as- ANT. Inconversance, Incapacity,
suagement, abatement, virtue, benev- non-employment.
olence. Vogue. SYN. Way, custom, fashion,
Viscid. SYN. Glutinous, ropy, gelat- repute, use, usage, practice.
inous, sticky, cohesive ANT. Desuetude, disuse. diseteem,
ANT. Watery, limpid, intenacious, nnfashlonableness, disrepute, aboli-
incohesive. tion.
Visible. SYN. Perceptible, apparent, Voice. SYN. Tone,ntterance.language,
clear, plain, obvious, conspicuous, ob- articulation, words, expression, sig-
servable, discernible, palpable, mani- nification, opinion, vote, suffrage, say,
fest, distinguishable, evident. control.
ANT Imperceptible, non-apparent, ANT Aphony, muteness, obmntes-
inconspicuous, impalpable, microscop- cence, voicelessness. silence, inarticu-
,ic, invisible, inobservable, concealed, lation, inexpression, dumbness, in-
eclipsed, withdrawn, indiscernible, in- authoritative ess.
1 1

distinguishable. Void. SYN. Wanting, empty, vacant,

Vision [See VrewJ useless, nugatory, destitute, bereft,
unoccupied, unfilled, unsubstantial,
Visionary. SYN. Fanciful, dreamy, lacking, invalid, null.
chimerical, baseless, shadowy, imagi- ANT. Possessed, endued, furnished,
nary, unreal, fabulous, romantic.
ANT. Actual, real, truthful , sound, full, occupied, solid, substantial, rich,

substantial, palpable, unromantic, so- valid, operative, good, efficacious.

ber, veritable. Volatile. SYN. Vaporizable, sublim-
Vital. STN. Living, animate, life-sup- able, distillable, airy, spirituous.evap-

porting, life-containing, essential, orating, gay, Iively,flip hty,capriciou8,

necessary, important, indispensable,
inseparable, paramount, material.
ANT. Fixed, solid, persistent, dull,
ANT. Mortal, lethal, cadaverous, somber, demure, steady, determined,
lifeless, inanimate, unessential, unim- resolute, involatile.
portant, secondary, separable, imma-
Volition. SYN. Will, choice, prefer-
terial. ence, determination, purpose, delib-
Vitiate. SYN. Impair, corrupt, spoil, eration, free-will.
injure, invalidate, deteriorate, taint.
ANT. Force, fate, necessity,mechan-
ANT. Corroborate, confirm, substan- ism, compulsion, predestination, coer-
tiate, justify, vindicate, sanction.
Vivacious. SYN. Alive, lively, ani-
Voluble. SYN. Boiling, running,
coursing, fluent, rapid, loquacious,
mated, sprightly, sportive, active,
glib, fluent, talkative.
brisk, gay, merry. ANT. Stagnant, creeping, tardy,
ANT. Dead, lifeless, inanimate, dull,
slow, sluggish, lazy, torpid,hesitating,
stolid, moody, heavy, wooden, leaden, tardiloquent, stammering, stuttering.
torpid, sluggish, spiritless.
Vivid. SYN. Bright, brilliant, lumi-
Volume. SYN. Size, body, bulk, di-
nous, resplendent, lustrous, radiant, mensions, book, work, tome, capacity,
graphic, clear, lively, animated, stir- magnitude, compass, quantity.
ring, striking, glowing, sunny, bright,
ANT. Diminutiveuess, tenuity, mi-
cintillant. nuteness, smallness.
'VMT. Pull, opaque, non-luminous, Voluntary. SYN. Deliberate, spaa-
imneous, free, intentional, optional, ANT. Speea, hasten, press.
discretional, unconstrained, willing. Waive. SYN. Forego, abandon, re.
ANT. CompuUory, coercive, neces-
mit, cancel, drop, relinquish, cast off.
sitated, involuntary. ANT. Press, urge, enforce, assert,
Volunteer. SYN. Offer, proffer, tend, claim, vindicate.
originate. Wake. SYN. Rouse, suscitate, excite,
ANT. Withhold, refuse, suppress. reanimate, revive, awake, watch,
Voluptuous. SYN. Sensual, luxuri- revel, evoke, summon, provoke, call.
ous, Keif-indulgent, licentious, highly ANT. Soothe, allay, appease, lay,
pleasant. hush, lullaby, mesmerize, tranqull-
ANT. Unsensual, abstinent, self-de- ize. quiet.
nying, ascetic, sober. Wakeful. SYN. 'Watchful, sleepless
Voracious. SYN. Hungry, absorbent, (See WATCHFUL].
ravenous, rapacious, insatiate, omniv- Walk. SYN. Step, stride, march,
orous, gormandizing. stalk, plod, tread, tramp, trudge.
ANT. Epicurean, f-quenmish, fastid- ANT. Halt, stop, stand still, ride.
ious, delicate, dainty, nice.
Vouch. STN. Attest, undertake, prom-
Wan. SYN. Pale, livid, lurid, dusky,
bloodless, haggard.
ise, assure, warrant, vow. ANT. Fresh-colored, lively, bright,
ANT. Demur, repudiate, decline, ab-
incarnadine, sanguine, chubby.
negate, abjure, renounce, protest. WiMider. SYN. Ramble, range, stroll,
Vouchsafe. SYN. Grant, accede, con- rove, expatiate, roam, deviate, stray,
cede, deign, condescend.
ANT. Refuse, withhold, deny. depart, err, swerve, straggle, saunter,
Vow [See VOUCH].
navigate, circumnavigate, travel.
ANT. Re*t, stop, perch, bivouac,
Vulgar. SYN. Popular, general, halt, lie, anchor, alight, settle, moor,
loose, ordinary, public, vernacular, pause, repose.
plebeian. uncultivated, unrefined, Wandering. SYN. Roving, vagrant,
low, mean, coarse, underbred. rambling, strolling, discursive {See
ANT. Strict, scientific, philosophi- VAGRANT and DISCURSIVE].
cal, restricted, technical, accurate, 'Wane. SYN Fade, pale, decrease, di-
patrician, select, choice, cultivated, minish, decline, fail, sink, ebb, de-
refined, polite, high-bred, stylish,
teriorate, recede, pine, droop, atten-
uate, contract.
Vulnerable. SYN. Assailable, weak, ANT. Brighten, increase, improve,
exposed, tender, delicate. mend, advance, rally, develop, re-
ANT. Unassailable, impregnable,
invulnerable. cover, expand.
Want. SYN. Deficiency, lack, failure,
W insufficiency, scantiness, shortness,
omission, neglect, non-production, ab-
'WAFT. SYN. Float, transport, sence.
bear. ANT. Supply, sufficiency, provision,
ANT. Sink, depress, bear down. abundance, production, allowance,
Wag. SYN. Joker, jester, droll fellow, supplement, adequacy.
humorist. Wanton. SYN. Wandering, roving,
ANT. Sober fellow, serious fel- sportive, playful, frolicsome, loose,
low. unbridled, uncurbed, reckless, unre-
Wage. v. SYN. Carry on, make, un- strained, irregular, licentious, disso-
dertake (as war), bet, stake, pledge. lute, inconsiderate, heedless, gratui-
Wages. SYN. Remuneration, hire, tous.
compensation, stipend, salary, allow- ANT. Stationary, unrovlng, un^por-
ance. tive, unplayful, unfrolicsome, joyless,
ANT. Gratuity, douceur, premium, thoughtful, demure, sedate, discreet,
bonus, grace. staid, self-controlled, well-regulated,
Walt. SYN. Stay, tarry, rest, stop, formal, austere, purposed, deliberate,
bide, expect. oold-blooded, determined.
Ward. BTN. Watch, avert, defend, ANT. Unwary, unsuspecting, in-
parry, guard, fend, repel. cautious, invigilant, un watchful, un-
ANT. Betray, surrender, admit. guarded, uncircumspect, heedless.
Warfare. SYN. War, hostilities, an- Wash. STN. Lave, cleanse, bathe,
tagonism, campaign, rinse, absterge.
engagement, ANT. Soil, foul, contaminate.
ANT. Peace, truce, pacification, ac- Washy. STN. Weak, vapid, diluted,
commodation, reconciliation, armis- spiritless, pointless.
tice, neutrality, friendliness. ANT.Vigorous, nervous, forcible,
Warlike. STN. Military, martial, pregnant, trenchant, pungent.
soldierly, hostile, bellicose, soldier- Waste. STN. Kuin, destroy, devastate,
like, belligerent. impair, consume, squander, dissipate,
ANT. Peaceful, civil, unwarlike, pa- throw away, diminish, impair, lavish,
cific, unmilitary. desolate, pine, decay, attenuate,
Warm. STN. Blood-warm, thermal, dwindle, shrivel, wither, wane.
genial, irascible, hot, ardent, affec- ANT. Restore, repair, conserve,
tionate, fervid, fervent, fiery, glowing, preserve, perpetuate, protect, hus-
enthusiastic, zealous, eager, excited,. band, economize, utilize, hoard, treas-
Interested, animated. ure, accumulate, enrich, flourish,
ANT. Frigid, cold, tepid, starved, luxuriate, multiply, augment, develop.
indifferent, cool, unexcited, passion- Wasteful [See EXTRAVAGANT].
less. Watch. STN. Wait, wake, contem-
Warmth. STN. Ardor, glow, fervor, plate, observe, note, tend, guard.
zeal, heat,excitement, intensity, ANT. Disregard, overlook, niisob-
earnestness, cordiality, animation, eerve.
eagerness, vehemence, geniality, sin- Watchful. STN. Vigilant, expectant,
cerity, passion, irascibility, emotion, wakeful, heedful, careful, observant,
attentive, circumspect, wary, cau-
ANT. Frigidity, frost, congelation, tious.
iciness, coldness, calmness, coolness, ANT. Unwatchful, invigilant, tm-
indifference, torpidity, insensitive- wakeful, slumbrous, drowsy, heedless,
ness, apathy, slowness, nngeniality, careless, inobservant, inattentive, un-
insincerity, passionlessness, hypoc- circumspect, unwary, incautious, dis-
risy, good-temper, death. tracted.
Warn. SYN. Premonish, monish, ad- Waver. STN. Hesitate, dubitate, halt,
monish, notify, dissuade, deter, fluctuate, vacillate, alternate, scruple,
alarm. be undetermined, totter.
ANT. ANT. Determine, decide, rest, re-
Encourage, incite, instigate,
induce. pose, settle.
Warning. STN. Caution, premoni- Wavering [See STEADY].
tion, notice, admonition fSee NO- Way. STN. Form, fashion, practice,
TICE]. habit, method [See ROAD and
Warp. STN. Turn, twist, shrink, give, COURSE].
contort, bias, unhinge, distort, preju- Wayward. STN. Willful, froward,
dice, corrupt, narrow, pervert, perverse, refractory, disobedient, ob<
ANT. Stand, hold, direct, guide, con- stiuate, stubborn.
trol, correct, regulate, train, conduct, ANT. Docile, manageable, amena-
rectify, expand. ble.
Warrant. STN. Secure, undertake, Weak. STN. Feeble, infirm, en-
authorize, empower, engage, support, feebled, powerless, debile, fragile,
justify, assure. incompact, inadhesive, pliant, frail,
ANT. Imperil, endanger, repudiate, oft, tender, milk and water, flabby,
nullify, invalidate. flimsy, wishy washy, destructible,
"Wary. STN. Suspicious, cautious, watery, diluted, imbecile, inefficient,
watchful, guarded, circumspect, pru- spiritless, foolish, injudicious, un-
#lent, vigilant. sound, undecided, unconfirmed, im-
pressible, wavering, ductile, easy, ANT. Fresh, rigorous, recruited,
malleable, unconvincing, inconclu- renovated, hearty.
sive, vapid, pointk-ss. Weary, r. SYN. Tire, fatigue, fag,
ANT. Strong, vigorous, robust, mus- jade, harass, exhaust [See TIRE].
cular, nervous, powerful, tough, stout, Weave. SYN. Interlace, brukl, inter-
lusty, sturdy, compact, adhesive, re- twine, intermix, plait, complicate, in-
sistant, fibrous, hard, iudistruetible, tersect.
potent, intoxicating, efficient, spirit- ANT. Unravel, untwist, disunite,
ed, animated, wise, sound, judicious, disentangle, extricate, simplify, enu-
cogent, valid, decided, determined, cleate, dissect.
unwavering, stubborn, unyielding, Weazen. SYN. Wizened, withered,
inexorable, conclusive, irresistible, dried up.
forcible, telling. ANT. Fresh, plump, fair, rounded
Weaken. SYN. Debilitate, enfeeble, out, full.
enervate, dilute, impair, paralyze, Wed. SYN. Link, marry, espouse.
attenuate, sap. ANT. Separate, divorce.
ANT. Strengthen, invigorate, em- Wedding. SYN. Espousals, marriage,
power, corroborate, confirm. nuptials [See MARRIAGE ].

Weakness. SVN. Debility, feeble- Wedlock. SYN. Marriage, matri-

ness, enervation, dilution, impair- mony, espousals, nuptials, coverture,
ment, languor, imbecility, infirmity, match.
decrepitude, frailty, faintness, iucon- ANT. Celibacy, singleness, misog-
ciusiveness, worthlessness, want. amy, divorce.
ANT. Strength, power, nerve, spirit, "Weep. SYN. Cry, sob, bewail, lament,
renovation, vigor, lustiness, tone, co- bemoan, deplore.
gency, activity, conciusiveness, effi- ANT. Laugh (See BEWAIL].
ciency, value, abundance. AVelght. SYN. Gravity, ponderosity,
Weal. SYN. Welfare, prosperity, hap- heaviness, pressure, burden, impor-
piness, advantage [See WELFARE and tance, power, influence, efficacy, con-
ADVANTAGE]. sequence, moment, impressiveuess.
Wealth. SYN. Influence, riches, ANT. Lightness, levity, portable-
mammon, lucre, plenty, affluence, ness, alleviation, unimportance, in-
abundance, opulence. significance, weakness, inefficacy, uu-
ANT. Indigence, poverty, scarcity, impressiveuess, triviality, worthless-
impecuniosity, ness.
Wo a SYN. Disaccustom,
ii. dishabitu- Welcome, n. SYN. Reception, saluta-
ate, detach, alienate, withdraw, ablac- tion.
tate. ANT. Repudiation, repulsion.
ANT. Accustom, habituate, inure, Welcome, a. SYN Grateful, accept-
reconcile, attach, associate,conciliute, able, pleasant, agreeaole, gratifying,
enlist, draw, attract. pleasing.
Weapon. SYN. Instrument, imple- ANT. Unwelcome, ungrateful, unac-
ment, utensil, arm. ceptable, distasteful, unpleasant, dis-
ANT. Shift, makeshift, contrivance. agreeable.
Wear. SYN. Carry, bear, exhibit, Welfare. SYN. Well-being, weal, suc-
sport, consume, dou, waste, impair, cess, good fortune, prosperity, happi-
rub, channel, groove, txcavate, hol- ness, luck, thrift.
low, diminish. ANT. Adversity, reverse, unsuccess,
ANT. Doff, abandon, repair, reno- nnprosperousness, unhappiness, ill-

Tate, renew, increase, swell, augment. luck, harm. hurt.

Wearisome. SYN. Tedious,tiresome, Well. adv. SYN. Rightly, thoroughly,
fatiguing, toilsome, laborious, annoy- properly
ing [See LABORIOUS and TEDIOUS J. ANT. Wrongly, imperfectly, im-
Weary, a. SYN. Fatigued, tired, ex- properly.
hausted, worn, jaded, debilitated, Well. a. SYN. Hale, healthy, hearty,
pent, toil-worn, faint. sound [See HEALTHY].
Well-bred. SYN. Well-behaved, town, huzzy, of the deml monde, fllle

well-mannered, courteous, polite [See de joie.

CLOWNISH J. ANT. Virgin, pure woman.
Wet. SYN. Moist, damp, humid [See Wicked. SYN. Evil, bad, godlesR,
DRY]. sinful,immoral, iniquitous, criminal,
Wheedle. SYN. Coax, cajole, decoy, unjust, unrighteous, irreligious, pro-
flatter, entice, inveigle. fane, ungodly, vicious, atrocious,
ANT. Deter, chide, scare, unde- black, dark, foul, unhallowed, nefari-
ceive, disabuse. ous, naughty, heinous, flagitious,
Whereas. SYN. Since, seeing, foras- abandoned, corrupt.
much as, inasmuch as, when in ANT. Good, virtuous, just, godly,
fact. moral, religious, upright, honest,
Whet. SYN. Sharpen, incite, stimu- pure, honorable, incorrupt, sinless,
late, excite, provoke. spotless, immaculate, stainless.
ANT. Blunt, pall, deaden, satiate, Wickedness. SYN. Vice, evil, wn,
nauseate. turpitude, immorality, offence, vile-
Whim [See VAGABY]. ness, villainy, badness, corruption
Whimsical. SYN. Freakish, capri- [See VICE].
fanciful, quaint,
Wide. SYN. Broad, ample, expanded,
cious, fantastic,
large, extensive, spacious, distant,
crotchety, droll, farcical. remote [See AMPLE and BROAD],
ANT. Staid, serious, sober, orderly,
demure, sedate.
Wield. SYN. Manage, handle, em-
Whip. SYN. Scourge, flagellate [See ploy, sway, brandish.
ANT. Mismanage, misemploy, dis-
Whirl. SYN. Twirl, spin round, gy- card, resign, depose, surrender, de-
rate [See REVOLVE]. posit, abdicate.
Wife. SYN. Consort, spouse, help-
White. SYN. Colorless, pure, snowy, meet, helpmate.
unblemished, unspotted, stainless, in- ANT. Mistress, husband.
nocent, clear. Wild. SYN. Untamed, undomes-
ANT. Black, impure [See BLAME- ticated, uncultivated, uninhabited,
LESS I. desert, savage, uncivilized, unrefined,
Whole. SYN. Total, entire, all, well, rude, ferocious, untrained, violent, fe-
complete, sound, healthy, perfect, rine, loose, disorderly, turbulent, nn-
unimpaired, undiminished, integral, govemed, inordinate, disorderly,
undivided, gross. chimerical, visionary, incoherent,
ANT. Partial, imperfect, incom- raving, distracted, haggard.
plete, unsound, sick, impaired, di- ANT. Tame, domesticated, culti-
minished, fractional, divided, sec- vated, inhabited, frequented, popu-
tional. lous, civilized, polite, refined, re-
Wholesome. SYN. Healthful, salu- claimed, gentle, mild, subdued, regu-
brious, salutary, salutiferous, bene- lated, orderly, rational, collected,
ficial, nutritious, healing. coherent, sane, sober, sensible, calm,
ANT. Unhealthy, uuhenlthful, insa- trim.
lubrious, insanitary, prejudicial, un- Wile. SYN. Guile, craft, cunning,
wholesome, deleterious, detrimental, artifice, art, device, machination,
morbific. plot, design, stratagem.
Wholly. SYN. Entirely, complete- ANT. Openness, candor, ingenu-
ly, totally, altogether, quite, utterly, ousness, friendliness, frankness, art-
fully [See ALTOGETHER and COM- lessness.
PLETELY]. Will. v. SYN. Devise, direct, be-
Whore. SYN. Harlot, prostitute, queath.
courtesan, cyprian, drab, night- ANT. To die without will.
walker, street-walker, wench, strum- Willful. SYN. Purposed, deliberate,
pet, woman of ill fame, Magdalen, designed, intentional, prepense, pre-
bawd, punk, demirep, woman of the meditated, preconcerted, wayward,
refractory, stubborn, self-willed, Witchery. SYN. Enchantment, fas.
headstrong. cination, glamour.
ANT. Undesigned, accidental, unin- ANY. Discouragement, damper, sad
tentional, unpremeditated, docile, reality.
obedient, amenable, manageable, Withdraw. SYN. Retract, recal, re-
deferential, considerate, thoughtful. voke, wrest, retreat, retire, recede,
Willing. SYN. Ready, voluntary, take back.
disposed, desirous, inclined. ANT. Offer, proffer, propound, pro-
ANT. Unwilling, disinclined [See' duce, afford, confirm, reiterate, re-
Willingly. SYN. Voluntarily, spon- Wither. SYN. Shrivel, dry, collapse,
taneously, gratuitously, freely. shrink, blast, blight.
ANT. Unwillingly. ANT. Swell, grow, freshen, luxuri-
ate. wanton, refresh, expand, develop.
Wily. SYN. Artful, crafty, cunning,
Withhold. SYN. Retain, keep,inhibit,
subtle, sly [See ABTFUL].
cohihit, stay, restrain, refuse, stint,
Will. SYN. Allure, procure, gain, ob- forbear, detain.
tain, conciliate, earn, succeed, get, ANT. Grant, afford, furnish, pro-
achieve, accomplish, conquer. vide, allow, permit, encourage, incite,
ANT. Repel, forfeit, miss, alienate, concede, lavish.
Wind. SYN. Coil, twine, wreath, turn,
Withstand. SYN. Oppose, resist,
confront, thwart, face.
bend, curve, twist, wriggle [See ANT. Yield, surrender, submit, ac-
quiesce, countenance, support, en-
Winding [See SINUOUS]. courage, aid, abet, back.
Winning. SYN. Alluring, engaging, Witness. SYN. Attestation, testi-
attractive, seductive. mony, evidence, corroboration, cog-
ANT. Repulsive, unpleasing, unat- nizance, corroborator, eye-witness,
tractive,unwinning. spectator, auditor, testifler, voucher,
Winnow. SYN. Sift, simplify, elim- ear-witness.
inate,disencumber, sort. ANT. Invalidation, Incognizance,
ANT. Confuse, amalgamate, con- refutation, ignorance, alien, ignoram-
found, intermix. us, stranger.
Wisdom. SYN. Knowledge, erudi- Witty. SYN. Jocose, humorous, face-
tion, learning, enlightenment, at- tious, acute.
tainment, information, discernment, ANT. Stupid, sober, dull, stolid.
judgment, sagacity, prudence, light. Wizard. SYN. Juggler, magician,
ANT. Ignorance, illiterateness,
sciolism, indiscerument, injudicioue- conjuror, necromancer, sorcerer.
ness, folly, imprudence, darkness, em- Woe. SYN. Grief, sorrow, misery, ca-
piricism, smattering, inacquaintance. lamity, affliction, distress, disaster,
Wise. SYN. learned, trouble, malediction, curse.
ANT. Joy, gladness, comfort, boon,
skilled, judicious, rational, discreet,
happiness, prosperity, weal, bene-
prudent [See LEARNED and RATION-
diction, blessing.
AL]. Woful. SYN. Doleful, sorrowful, rue-
Wi*h. v. SYN. Desire, long for, yearn,
ful, wretched, piteous [See WRETCH-
hanker, covet, crave [See COV*T].
Wit. SYN. Mind, intellect, sense, rea- Womanish. SYN. Feminine, effemi-
son, understanding, humor, ingenuity, nate, weak, tender.
imagination. ANT. Masculine, strong, vigorous,
ANT. Mindlessness, senselessness, rough.
irrationality, dulness, stolidity, stu- Wonder. SYN. Amazement, aston-
pidity, inanity, doltishness, wash, va- ishment, surprise, admiration, phe-
pidity, platitude, commonplace. nomenon, prodigy, portent, miracle,
Witchcraft. SYN. Enchantment, sign, marvel.
A.NT. iBastonishnent, Indifference,
magic, necromancy, sorcery.
apathy, unamazement, anticipation, Worship, n. See verb.
expectation, familiarity, triviality.
Worth. SYN. Value, rate, estimate,
Wonderful. SYN. Amaziug. aston- cc.8t, price, merit, desert, excellence!
ishing, wondrous, admirable, strange, rate
striking, surprising, awful, prodig- ANT Inappreciableness, cheapness,
ious, portentous, marvelous, mirac- worthlessness, demerit.
ulous, supernatural, unprecedented, Worthless. SYN. Cheap, vile, value-
startling. . less, useless, base, contemptible, des-
ANT. TJnamazing, tmastonlshing, picable, reprobate, vicious.
unsurprising, common, every-day, ANT. Costly, rich, rare, valuable,
regular, normal, customary, usual, worthy, useful, honorable, estimable,
expected, anticipated, calculated, cur- excellent, noble, precious, admirable,
rent, natural, uuwonderful, unuiarvel- virtuous.
Wondrous. SYN.
Worthy [See WORTHLESS].
Extraordinary, Wound. SYN. Rend, cut, hurt, in-
miraculous [See WONDERFUL].
Wont. SYN. Rule, custom, use, habit. jure, harm, damage, paiu, mortify,
annoy, gall, irritate, lacerate.
ANT. Exception, deviation, disuse, ANT. Heal, soothe, allay, repair,
mollify, soften, gratify, please.
Wood. SYN. Thicket, grove, forest, Wrangle. SYN. Altercate, bicker,
cop?e. brawl, jangle, contend.
ANT. Open place. ANT. Converse, confabulate, har-
Word. SYN. Term, expression, mes- monize, accord.
sage, account, tidings, order, vocable, Wrap. SYN. Wind, fold, muffle, cover,
signal, engagement, promise. involve, infold, envelop, encumber.
ANT. Idea, conception. ANT. Unwind, unfold, develop, un-
Work. SYN. Exertion, effort, toil, la- wrap, eliminate.
Wrath. SYN. Ire, passion, rage, fury,
bor, employment, performance, pro-
duction, product, effect, result, com- anger, exasperation, indignation, re-
position, achievement, operation, is
ANT. Gratification, approval, de-
sue, fruit.
ANT. Effortlessness, inertia, rest, in- light, appeasement, pacification,
operativeness, nou-emp'oyment, non- reconciliation, compassion, leniency,
performance, non-proJuction, abor- mercy.
tion, miscarriage, frustration, neu-
Wrathful. SYN. Angry, ireful, en-
tralization, fruitlessness. raged, infuriated, raging, exasper-
Workman. SYN. Artisan, mechanic, ated See ANGRY].

craftsman, artificer, baud, journey-

Wreath, n. SYN. Chaplet, garland,
man, operative, toiler, laborer [See
crown, diadem.
Wreathe, v. SYN. Turn, twist, in-
Workmanship. SYN. Handiwork, terweave, enfold [See TWIST].
handicraft, manipulation. Wreck. SYN. Debris, ruins, havoc,
World. SYN. Globe, earth, universe, rubbish, remains, destruction [See
cosmos people. HAVOC].
Worldly. SYN. Terrestrial, mun- Wrench. SYN. Wrest, twist, distort,
dane, temporal, secular, earthly, car- strain, extort, wring [See TWIST and
nal. PERVERT].
ANT. Heavenly, spiritual. Wrest. SYN. Wrench, twist, distort,
Worry. SYN. Harass, irritate, tantalize, writhe, pervert [See WRENCH].
importune, vex, molest, annoy, tease, Wretched. SYN. Miserable, debased,
torment, disquiet, plague, fret. humiliated, fallen, ruined, pitiable,
ANT. Soothe, calm, gratify, please, mean, paltry, worthless, vile, despic-
amuse, quiet. able, contemptible, sorrowful,afflicted,
Worship, r. SYN. Adore, reverence, melancholy, dejected.
revere, deify, idolize, honor, exalt. ANT. Flourishing, prosperous, hap-
ANT. Abominate, loathe, contemn. py, unfalien. adujiraWe, noble, honor-
Wftft 293 ZES
able, worthy, valuable, enviable, joy- Yielding. SYN. Conceding, produ-
ous, felicitous, elated. cing, surrendering, eupple, pliant,
Wrong. SYN. Unfit, unsuitable, im submissive, accozninodiag, unresist-
proper, mistaken, incorrect, errone- ing.
ous, unjust, illegal, inequitable, im- ANT. Firm, defiant, stiff, hard, un-
moral, injurious, awry. yielding, resisting, unfruitful.
ANT. Fit, suitable, proper, correct, Yoke. SYN. Couple, conjoin, connect,
accurate, right, just, legal, equitable, link, enslave, subjugate.
fair, moral, beneficial, straight. ANT. Dissever, divorce, disconnect,
Wrong-doer. SYN. Delinquent, sin- liberate, release, manumit, enfran-
ner, culprit, offender, evil-doer, mal- chise.
efactor f See CULPRIT]. Young [See YOUTHFUL].
Wrong-doing. SYN. Evil-doing, Youth. SYN. Youngster, young per-
wickedness, injustice, crime [See son, boy, lad, minority, adolescence,
WICKEDNESS and VICE). juvenility [See AGE].
Wrongful. SYN. Unfair, unjust, dis- Youthful. SYN. Juvenile, young,
honest, wrong, iniquitous [See JUST early, fresh, childish, unripe, puerile,
and HONEST]. callow, immature, beardless.
Wrought. SYN. Performed, effected, ANT. Aged, senile, mature, decrepit,
executed, done, produced, manufac- decayed, venerable, antiquated, super-
tured. annuated.
ANT. Begun, initiated, attempted.
Wry. SYN. Atwist, askew, contorted,
distorted, deformed, deranged.
ANT. Straight, right, just, fit, prop- ZEAL. SYN. Ardor, interest energy,
er, shapely, comely. eagerness, eugagedness, Heartiness,
earnestness, fervor, enthusiasm.
ANT. Apathy, indifference, torpor,
coldness, carelessness, sluggishness,
in cordiality.
YEARN. SYN. Long, hanker, crave, Zealot. SYN. Partisan, bigot, enthusi-
covet, desire. devotee, visionary.
ast, fanatic,
ANT. Loathe, revolt, recoil, shud- ANT. Renegade,traitor, deserter.
der. Zealous. SYN. Ardent, anxious, earn-
Yearn for. SYN. Long for, be eager est, enthusiastic, fervid, eager, stead-
for [See YEABN]. fast [See ARDENT].
Yearly. SYN. Annually, year by year, Zenith. SYN. Height, highest point,
every year, per annum. pinnacle, acme, summit, culmination,
Yet. SYN. Besides, nevertheless, not- maximum.
withstanding, however, still, eventual- ANT. Nadir, lowest point, depth,
ly, ultimately, at last, so far, thus minimum.
far. Zephyr. SYN. West wind, mild breeze,
Yield. SYN. Furnish, produce, afford, gentle wind.
bear, render, relinquish, give in, l*t ANT. Gale, furious wind.
go, forego, accede, acquiesce, resign, Zero. SYN. Naught, cipher, nothing.
surrender, concede, allow, grant, sub- ANT. Something, an existence, crea-
mit, succumb, comply, consent, ture.
agree. Zest. SYN. Flavor, appetizer, gusto,
ANT. Withdraw, withhold, retain, gust, pleasure, onjoyment, relish,
deny, refuse, vindicate, assert, claim, sharpener, recommendation, enhance-
disallow, appropriate, resist, dissent, ment.
protest, recalcitrate, struggle, strive. ANT. Distaste, disrelish, detriment

Lines and hyphens are used when words or phrases in the

same group have syllables or parts in common.

The following are a few examples:
" Be all -over
-, up- with ;
means " be all over with ; " " be all
up with." " Make interest -, etick up -, take up the cudgels-

for;" means "make interest for ;" "stick up for;" "take up

" luck would have
the cudgels As -good -, bad -,
for.'' ill- it ;"

means " as good luck would have it " ;

as bad luck would have
it; "as ill luck would have it."
ABBREVIATION* n. noon; pAr. phrase; v. verb: adj. adjective; adv. advtrb.

ABSENCE, fhr. Nowhere to be crow to pluck with; put in the -lock OR

found; not a soal; nobody present; -watch hou^e, -house of detention.
the bird being flown; one's back being
Acquaintance, phr. Xo know the
turned; behind one's back; minus; ropes.
satis; nan eat inventus.
Abode. Acquisition, n. Gleaning; picking;
Pen; casement; thorp; dorp; winnings; loaves and nsnes.
ham; suburb; provence; country; phr. and v. To make the pot boil;
wynd; ehebaug; cafe"; estaminet, po- to raise the wind; to come in for; step
tada; rus in urbc; chalet; chateau; into; come by; scrape up; scrape to-
dulce domum; lures et fenates; sanct-
um sanctorum; habitat; shack. gether; get hold of; to bag; to coin
money; to turn a penny; to turn to
Absurdity, phr. A cock-and-bull account; to nil one's purse, pockets,
Etory; a mare's nest; a wild-goose coffers, &c.; to bring grist to the
chase; fiddle-faddle; neither rhyme mill; to feather one's nest; to step in-
nor reason; tell it to the marines. to the shoes of; to come into posses-
n. Stultiloquy; slip-slop; galimathi- session; to keep the wolf from the
as; amphigouri;; Irishism; door.
Hibernicism. Action, phr. and v. To betake one's
v. Play the fool; talk nonsense; par- self to; to ply one's task ; to put or
ler a tort t a travers; bat t re la cham- carry into execution; to pursue the
pagne. even tenor of one's way to take or play

int. Fiddle-de-dee t pish pho

! 1 In part; to have in hand; to lay one's
the name of the Prophet figs I hand to the plough; to turn one's
hand to; to do business; to pull the
Accusation, phr. and r. To twit; to
saddle on; to bring home to; to lay to oar; to have a finger in the pie; to
one's door; to lay to one's charge; to go the whole hog.
throw in one's teeth; to call to ac- phr. Full chisel; full swing; hurry
count; to bring to book; to take to np the cakes; lickety split; right
task; to pick a hole in one's coat; to away; right off; right straight; right
catch tripping; to put in the black straight off; to right; let her
book; trump up a charge; to keep a rip; in short metre; you can't
rod in pickle for; to brand with re- catch a weasel asleep; up and dust;
proach; to go for one; to make it live- on the jump; on the keen jump; a
ly for one; to make one sweat; to blow power of work; while one's hand Is
one up; to bullyrag; to squib; to rake in; not a moment that one can call
down; to row up; to saw; to have a cue's own; carp* dirm; nuiUt du* lint
Hnea; nee mora nee requies; the plot hindhand in the world; ill off; having
thickens; no sooner said than done; seen better days; born with a wooden
vent, t-idi. vici. laaie in one's n.outh.
adv. Be alive; with -life and spirit, - 11. Frowns of fortune; evil -dis-
might and muiu; with wiugo; full pensation, -star, -genius; ups and
tilt; in mediis rebus. downs of life; broken fortunes; hard
int. Be sharp look sharp
! ! move -, - -
-case, lines, life; a peck of troubles;
push- on keep moving go ahead hell upon earth; slough of despond;
1 I

stir your stumps age quod agis !

! pressure of the times; iron age; evil
Activity, v. To stick to; to buckle to; day; time out of joint; hard times.
f. Togo -downhill, -to rack and ru-
to peddle; to potter; to pudder.
phr. and v. Tbe thick of the notion ; in, -to destruction, -to the dogs; fall,
- from one's high estate; to
too many cooks; new brooms; too go down
in the world; bring down one's grey
many irons in the fire: to look sharp; hairs with sorrow to the grave; come
to bear a hand; to lay about one; to
to grief; be all -over, - up- with;
have one's hands full; to kick up a
dust; to stir one's stumps; to set or
bring a -wasp's, -hornet's- nest
about one's ears.
put one's shoulders to the wheel; to
adj. On the road to ruin; on its last
tug at the oar; to put one's best leg
legs; on the Wane; in one's utmost
foremost; to do one's best; to do all need.
one can; to leave no stone unturned;
to have phr. One's star is on the wane; one's
all one's eyes about one; luck -turns, -fails; the game is up;
to make the most of one's time; to one's doom is sealed; the ground
make short work of; to take time by crumbles under one's feet; tic transit
the forelock; to make hay while the
eun shines; to strike the iron while it gloria mundi; tant va la cruche d
is hot; to kill two birds with one
i'eau qu j d la Jin elle se casse.

stone; to move heaven and earth; to Affirmation, phr. Roundly to as-

go through lire and water; to steal a sert; toswear till one is black in the
march upon; to do wonders; to go all face; I doubt not; I warrant you; I'll
lengths; to stick at nothing; not to engage; depend upon it; I'll be bound;
suffer the grass to grow under one's I am sure; sure enough; quoth he;
feet; to have a hand in; to thrust dixi.
one's nose in; to put in one's oar; to I must say; indeed; i' faith: let me
put one's foot iu it; to mix one's tell you; why; give me leave to say;
self with. marry; you may be sure; I'd have you
phr. Up and stirring; up in arms; to know; upon my -word, - honor; by
up to one's ears in; bu?y as a bee; my troth; egad; I assure you; by
- George, -&c.; troth;
busy as a hen with one chicken; brisk -jingo -Jove,
as a bee; quick as a lamplighter; - in sober -sad-
seriously; sadly; in ,

nimble as a squirrel; the fingers itch- ness, - truth,

- earnest; of a truth;
ing; a rolling stone gathers no moss: truly; perdy; in all conscience; upon
the used key is always bright; having oath; be assured &c.
one's hands full; having much upon I'll -warrant, - warrant you, - en-
- -
one's hands. gage, - answer for it, be bound, ven-
n. Kip snorter; rip etaver; a Eon- ture to say, - take my oath; forsooth;
cher; a sockdologer; a live man; perf- joking apart; so help me God; not to
ervidum ingenium; empressement ; mince the matter.
pervigilium; insomnium ; racketing. Age. phr. The vale of years; the de-
Adjunct, phr. More last words. cline of life; "the sere and yellow
leaf;" having one foot in the grave;
Advantage, phr. To walk into; to advanced in life or in years; stricken
walk round; to have the bulge on one. in years; marked with the crow's
n. A big thing; a find; a bonanza. foot.
Adversity, phr. The frowns of for- phr. Gray as a rat; of an uncertain
tune; the time being out of joint; be- age; of a certain age; no chicken; old

as Methuselah; not a spring chicken; legs; playful as a kitten; frolicsome

not in her teens; past the meridian; a^ a lamb; on the light fantastic toe.
on the wane; seen his best days. Ancient, adj. Time-worn; second-
Agreement. Phr. Whom the cap hand; old as the -hills,
Adam, - his-
may fit; at home; in one's proper ele- tory.
ment; just the thing; quite the thing; adv. Since the -world
- year one, -
to lit like a glove; rent acu tvtiyisti; days of Methuselah.
adv. apropos of.
Appearance, phr. To make its ap-
Agitation, n. Twitter; bobbing; pearance; to show its face; to speak
ground-swell. for itself; to offer to one's view;
v. To twitter; bob; flop; 'quake; wag- to appear to oue's-eye; to put in an
gle; go pit-a-pat; jog; joggle; hustle; appearance; to come upon the stage;
jounce; wallop. to happen around; coup d'oeil; look
adv. By fits and starts; subsultorily; out; out-look; bird's-eyo view; mine en
per saltum; hop skip and jump; in scene; rising of the curtain; ombres
- fits.
chinoises; coup-, jeu- de theatre;
phr. To jump like a parched pea; to first blush; face of the thing; point of
shake like an aspen leaf; to move, or view; cast of countenance; tournure;
drive from pillar to post; to be the cut of one's jib; cut a figure; present
sport of the winds and waves; to keep to the view; to turn up.
between hawk and buzzard. adv. As it seems; on the face of it;
Aid. phr. and v. To take the part of; primd facie; at the first blush; in the
to take up or espouse the cause of; eyes of; to the eye; at first sight
to enlist under the banners of; to join
hand in hand; to lend or bear a hand; Approach, phr. To tread on the
to hold out a helping hand; to come to heels of ; to hug the shore; make the
the aid of; to give one a lift; to play land; hug the land; bear up.
into the hands of; to give one a turn; Approbation, n. A peal, shout, or
to take in tow; to help a lame dog over chorus, or thunders of applause.
a stile; to beat up for recruits; to phr. To say a good word for; to
Huckle; to dry nurse; to lend one's self sing, sound, or resound the praises
to; to consult the wishes of. of; to extol to the skies; to win gold-
v. To pay the piper; make inter- en opinions; to bring down the house;
est -, stick up -, take up the cudgels- to applaud to the echo.
for; press into the service; squire; Lavish of praise; lost in admira-
give moral support to; keep in counte- tion; meed-, tribute- of praise; tloge;
nance; lend -oneself, - one's counte- hero worship; resound the praises of;
nance- to; smile -, shine- upon; side sing praises to; cheer; applaud to the
with. very echo; redound to the -honor,
int. Save us! to the rescue) - credit- of; do credit to; de-
Amusement, n. Quip; quirk; rig; serve praise; gain credit; find favor
with: stand well in the opinion of;
lark; hop; jollification; regale: jun-
ket; wake; solace;
laudari a laudato viro; probatum
heyday; antic;
polka, jig, fling; convivialty; a break
int. Hear hear! well done! bravo!
down; hoe down; jamboree; a shin
bravissimo! euge! macte virtutef so
dig; skylarking.
phr. and v. To cut up; to go on a far so good; that's right; quite right;
bender; to carry on; to go it while optime! one cheer more; may your
you're young; to cut up carlicues or
shadow never be less; esto perpetua'
carlycues; to cut up shines; to cut up long life to! viva! evviva! God
monkey shines; to skylark; to sling a speed! valete et plavdite! encore!
leg; to run upon; to saw; to game;
dally; foot it; junket; to play the fool; Arrival, n. Terminus.
to jump over the moon; to cut didoes, r. To pop upon; bounce upon;
or capers; to dance one's self off one's plump upon bump against.
phr. To be in at the death; to beat stick; to slat; to smack (slap tba
up the quarters; to get home; tut 1
face); to smouch; to smouze; to wipe
welcome hail ! ! all hail !
good day 1 out; to sock; to crown (i. e. to knock
good morrowl one's hat over his eyes); to spat; to
Anns. n. Magazine; fire-ball; bat- spunk up; to swat or swot: sloshing
tery; siege train; battering train; bat- about; sloshing around; a rough and
tering ram; bolt; slug; carcass; con- tumble fight.
greve; shrapnell; Brown Bess; bilbo; Attention, r. To .bend, scrutinize,
glave; Ferrara; bodkin; basilisk; fal- revise, revert to.
conet; jingal; swivel; pederero; bouche phr. To trouble one's head about;
a feu; mitrailleu -r, -se; infernal ma- to take cognizance of; to prick up the
chine; smooth bore; rifled cannon; ears; to lend or incline an ear to;
A rmstrong - , Lancaster - , Paixhan -, to have one's eyes open; to have one's
WhitwBrth - , Parrot - , Krupp - , Dahl- eyes upon; to bear in mind; to come to
gren - , Rodman - , Catling- gun. the point; to take into account.
Ascent, phr. To get up on one's int. See look, - here, - you, - to It !

hind soho hark,

- ye lo and behold
! I
nota bene; N. B.; *. fi I'd have you to
A**ent . phr. To be
one with; to be
notice: O
of one mind; with one consent; with know; yes Oyez! !

one accord; by common consent; in phr. This is - , these are- to give no-
chorus; to a man; without a dissen-
tient voice; as one man; one and all; Attribution, phr. To put the saddle
on all hands; una voce; nem. con.; on the right horse; to point out the
nemine -contradicente, - dissentiente. reason, ground, &c. ; lay to the door
Atonement, phr. To wipe off old of; tell how it comes; that is why;
hinc illce lachrymoe.
scores; to set one's house in order;
to pay the forfeit or penalty; apolo- adv. Why? whereforeT whence?
gize; beg pardon; faire I'amende hon-
how -comes, -is, -happens- it? how
orable; give does it happen? in -some, -some such
satisfaction; come-,
fall- down on one's -knees, -marrow- -way; somehow, -or other.
bones. Authority, phr. To have the upper
Attack, n. A kick; yerk; a run at; a hand; to have the whip hand; to have
dead set at; a lunge; a platoon-fire; a the whip row; to have one's own way;
cut; passado. to rule the roast; to have under one's
phr. and v. To have at; run at; make thumb; to keep under; to turn round
a run at; poke at; pitch into; kick; one's little finger; to lead by the nose;
yerk; lay about one; lift a hand to wear the breeches; to have the
against; come on; have a fling at; ball at one's feet; to boss.
slap on the face; throw stones; pop The gray mar being the better
at; let off a gun; pepper. horse; lord it over; hold in hand;
To lay about one; to strike home; keep under; make a puppet of; bend
to spring a mine; to assume or take to one's will; hold one's own; have
the offensive; to take the bull by the -the ball at one's feet, - it all one's
horns; to have a cut at; to ride full own way. -the game in one's own
tilt against; to run a muck; to show hand, - on the hip; be master of the
fight; to aim a blow at. situation; take the lead; play first
To raise one's
hair (i. ., to scalp); fiddle; set the fashion; give the law
to raise the hatchet; to dig up the to; carry with a high hand; lay down
the law;
" ride the whirlwind and
hatchet; to rub out; to thrap; to be
on the war path; to save (i. ., to direct the storm;" rule with a rod of
make sure, to kill game or an enemy iron.
either man or beast); to settle one's Auxiliary, n. Right-hand man; bot-
hash; to put a head on; to cook his tle-holder; right-hand supporter; can*
goose; to wax; to whale; to whop die-holder; fidus Avhates; pal; alter
ver; to b after on* with a sharp tgo; accessory; after the fact; tnrH
ep erlminis; cat's-paw; jackal; tool; down the throat; to pass current; to
dme damne; friend at court; friend in be received, admitted, 4c.; to go
need; Jack at a pinch; deus ex machi- down; to take for granted; to coma
nd; guardian augel; tutelary genius. round to an opinion; to swallow it
Avoidance, v. and i>hr. To shirk; whole; to take it ail in; to gulp it
to dodge; to steer or keep clear of; to down.
adv. In the -opinion, -eyes of; me
tight shy o!; to give the slip, or go-by;
to lead one a dance; to beat about the judice; me -seems, - thinks, to the best
of one's beliaf; I -dare say, - doubt
bush; to take to one's heels; to have
nothing to do with; to keep out of the not, - have no doubt, - am sure; suro
way; to keep at a respectful distance; enough; depend rely- upon it; be-,
to stand or keep aloof; to beat a re- rest- assured; I'll warrant you.
treat. Benevolence, The milk of
To clear out; to mizzle; to slope; to human kindness; having one's heart
vamoose; to vamoose the ranch; to in the right place.
jump bail; to mosey; to make one's adv. With -a good intention, - the
self scarce; to skedaddle; to skip; to best intentions.
slide; to ilide out; to bo. to squiggle;
; tut. God speed! much good may It
to take a shute; to take the back track; dol
to cheese to crawl through a knot- v. To squeal; to peach; to
blow; to go back on oue.
Blackness, n. Soot; smut; blacka-
moor; lividity.
BADNESS, phr. To play the deuce jilir. Black as my hat; black as a

with; to break the back of; to crush to shoe; black as ink; black as Novem-
pieces; to crumble to dust; to grind to ber; black as a thunder cloud.
powder; to ravage wii^ fire and Blunder, phr. To miss a figure.
Bad is the best; the wfeat come to
Blusterer, n.
Roister; prig; puppy;
the worst. saucebox; malapert; jackanapes; jack-
adv. To one's cost; whore the shoe pudding; jack-in-omce; draw-cansir;
swash-buckler; Captain Bobadil; Sir
pinches, Lucius O'Trigger.
n. A bad egg.
adj. Thrasouic; fire-eating, full of
Beauty, v. To dight; bedight; smart- sound and fury.
en; prank; prink; embroider; to be adv. With a high hand; excathedrd.
beautiful; to shine; beam; bloom; to phr. One's bark being worse than
Adonize; to slick up; 10 pruce up; to his bite.
adj. Fait u peindre; well-composed, Boasting, n. Crake; braggardlsm;
flourish of trumpets ; jactitation; jao-
-grouped, -varied; tight; natty;
smart; jaunty; tricksy; trig. v. To crake; crack; trumpet; to
n, Veuus; Hebe: the Graces; Peri; take merit to one's self; croak; neigh;
Houri; Cupid; Apollo; Hyperion; talk big.
Adonis; Antinous; Narcissus. phr. Much cry and little wool;
Beginning, phr. The rising of the great I and little you; on stilts; cock-
curtain; to make a beginning; to a-hoop; exultant; in high feather;
break ground; to break the ice; le flushed,
- with
premier pas; first move; narrow-, Boldness, phr. To sail in.
thin- end of the wedge; fresh start;
new departure. Borrowing, phr. To raise the wind;
Belief, phr. To pin one's faith upon; fly a kite; raise -, take up- money;
to take at onn's word; to take it into
borrow of Peter to pay Paul; run into
one's head; to run away with the no-
tion; to carry conviction; to cram Bungler, n. Marplot; lubber; fum
bier; Bloven; a bad hand at; the awk- better part of valor; the Fabian
ward squad; a fresh-water sailor; one policy; to look before one leaps; to
who would not set the river on fire; see which way tbe wind blows; to
land lubber; fresh water -, fair weath- have one's wits about one.
er- sailor; horse-marine; fish out of Think twice; count the cost; look to
water; ass in lion's skin; jackdaw in the main chance; cut one's coat ac-
peacock's feathers; Lord of Misrule; cording to one's cloth; feel one's
trapes. -ground, - way; see hew the land lies;
phr. II n'apos invente la poudre; wait to see how the cat jumps; bridle
hewill never set the Thames on fire. one's tongue; reculer pour mieux
Business, phr. To have to do with: sauter; let well alone; ne pas rev-
to have on one's hands; to have one's eiller le chat qui dort.
hands full; to betake oue's self to; to Keep out of -harm's way, - troubled
occupy or concern one's self with; to waters; keep at a respectful distance;
have on one's shoulders; to make stand aloof; keep - , be- on the safe
it one's business; to go to do; to
side; husband one's resources.
act a part; to perform the office or
functions of; to drive a trade; to Certainty, phr. A. dead certainty; a
spend time upon; to do chores; a fixed fact; sure as fate; sure as a gun;
press of business. sure as death and taxes; clear as day,
adj. Buei ness-like; -work - a - day ; as noonday.
on - , in- -hand,- one's hands; on -foot, To stand to reason; to make assur.
- the anvil; going on. ance doubly sure; cela va sans
adv. In the course of business; all dire; there is -no question, -not a
in one's day's work. shadow of a doubt; the die is cast.
adv. For certain; certes; no doubt;
and no mistake; flay rattle delicto;
CAIiEFACTION. n. Calcination. sure enough; to be sure: of course;
v. To stive. as a matter of course; a coup sur; t
a certainty; in truth; at -any rate,
phr. To apply the match to; stir the - all events; without fail; coute -que
fire; blow the
fire; fan the flame; to
make a bonfire of;^to set on fire; to coute, qu'il coute; whatever may
burn to a cinder; petroleuse; apozem; happen; if the worst couie to the
moxa; coup de soleil; insolation. worst; come -. happen- what -may,
Caprice, adj. Cross-grained; can- -will; sink or swim.
tankerous. Cessation. v. andpftr. To lay aside;
phr. The head being turned; to have done with; suspend; to blow
take it into one's head; to strain at a over; to shut up shop; to stay one's
gnat and swallow a camel; nil hand; to hang up one's fiddle; "a
unqwim sic impar sibi; the deuce is change came o'er the spirit of my
in him. dream;" nous avons change tout cela;
adv. By fits and starts; without tempora mutantur nos el mutamur in
rhyme or reason. Hits; non sum qualis eram.
Care. phr. Catching a weasel asleep; adv. Mutatis mutandis.
the eyes of Argus; to keep an eye int. Quantum mutatus!
upon; to be on the look-out; to look
sharp; to keep a sharp look-out; to Chance. Hap; pot-luck; long odds.
have all one's eyes about one; to phr. A blind bargain; a toss up; a
mind one's Ps and Qs; to speak by the turn of the cards; a pig in a poke; to
card; to pick one's steps; guts cus- stand the hazard of the die; tne die IB
todiet istos custodies? cast; as luck would have it.
Cause, phr. Behind the scenes; to adj. By -chance, -accident; for
have a hand in; to have a finger in aught one knows: as -good, - bad, - ili-
the pie; to open the door to; to be at luck- would have it; as it may -be,
the bottom of; les dessous des cat tea. A chance, - turn -
up, happen; as the
Caution, phr. Discretion being the case may be.

Change of mind. Ratting; a rat; a phr. To lead a pretty dnnce; to go

turn-coat; Janus; Vicar of Bray. the rouud; going round Robin Hood's
phr. To back out of; to eat one's barn; put a girdle round the earth;
words; to swallow the leek; to turn go the round; make the round of;
over a new leaf; to box the compass; turn - , round- a corner; double a
turn a pirouette; go over -, pass -, point.
change - ,skip- from one side to Circumstance,
another; go to the right about; shift phr. According to
one's ground; go upon another tack. circumstances; as it may happen, or
turn out; as the case may be; accord-
Come -over, - round- to an opinion; ing as the wind blows; sink or swim; at
draw in one's horns; eat the leek; all events; pro re natu.
swerve; flinch; back out; retrace one's
steps; think better of it; come back-, Cleanness, phr. Clean as a whistle;
return- to one's first love. clean as a penny; like a cat in pattens.
P. ay fast and loose; blow hot and Closure. To ram down;
. stuff up.
cold; hold with the hare but run with pUr. Hermetically sealed.
the bounds; nager entre deux eaux!
Chaiigeableness. phr. Changeable
Clothing. Fancy dress; head-gear.
v. To lap up; dight; fig out; huddle
as themoon, -as o weathercock; here
to-day and gone to-morrow; Cynthia on; perk.
of the minute; April showers; wheel Coherence, phr. To stick like a
of Fortune: to veer with the wind; to leech; to stick like a burr; to cling
change with the thermometer. like ivy; to cling like a burr; to stick
like wax; to hang on like a puppy to
Cheapness, phr. Absence of charge;
a root.
peppercorn rent; to have one's
money's worth; cheap as dirt; dog Cold. phr. Goose-skin; clay-cold; cold
cheap; ridiculously cheap. as a stone, as marble, as a frog, aa
ml a. For a mere song; at -cost charity, as Christmas; cool aa a cu-
- prime cost, - a reduction. cumber; cool aa a custard.
Cheerfulness, phr. A flow of spirits; adj. A pierre fendre.
the sunshine of the mind. Color, n. Pure or positive color;
v. To clap the hands. primitive color; broken color; sec-
phr. To drive dull care away; to ondary, tertiary color.
give a loose to mirth; to keep up one's phr. The ^lay of colors; all the
spirits; in high feather; gay as a lark; colors of the rainbow; all manner of
playful as a kitten; merry as a grig. colors.
int. Never say die come cheer
! !
adj. Kaleidoscopic; nacreous; gorge
up hurrah t
! hence loathed melan-

de pigeon, chatoyant,
choly !" begone dull carel away with
melancholy 1
Combatant, n. Fighting-man; blud-
Choice, geou-mau; rough; the fancy; fighting-
phr. To offer for one's
cock; fire-eater; Amazon; Puiadin;
choice; to set before; to hold out, Guerilla; Cossack; Turk; sepoy; spa-
present, or offer the alternative; to bee; janissary; light-horse; horse and
winnow the chaff from the wheat; to foot; train baud.
pick one's way; to indulge one's Mama -,
fancy; to make no bones; to make or
Myrmidon; Mamo-Inke;
have no scruples; to pass the Rubi- spahi; Croat; Pandour: irregular;
franc-tireur; bashi-bazouk; guerilla
con; to swallow the bait; to gorge the
condottiere; mercenary; chasseur;
hook; left to one's self; take a -de-
gouave; voltigeur; Uhlan; corpsd'or-
cided, - decisive- step; commit one's
self to a course. mee; war-borse; charger destrier.
Circuit, n. Circumbendibus; north- Command, n. The word of com-
west passage. mand; hutti-sheriff.
To heel; twill; raddle; circumam- phr. To putin requisition; by a
bulate. stroke or dash of the pen; at beat of
dram; on the first summons; mot mala; every -whit,
- inch; forehand
d'ordre; order of the day. cap-a-pie; to the end of the
Commonalty, n. Rabble-rout; ver- chapter; up to the -brim, - ears,- eyes?
min; nobody; a proletary, as . as can be.
carl, churl,
kern, tyke, chuff, regot, fellah. A On all accounts; sous tons les rap-
hind, clod-hopper, bog-trotter, bump- ports; with a -vengeance, -witness.
kin, ploughman, gaffer, loon, looby, Compulsion, phr. To pin down; to
lout, skipjack, gaberlnnzie, muck- cram down the throat; to say it must
worm; one of the people, plebeian, be done; to make a point of; under
proletaire, roturier, Mr. Snooks, bour- the lash.
geois, epicier, Philistine, cockney, By force of arms; on compulsion;
grisette, demi-monde; proletariat; ft et arm is; at the point of the
oi iroAAoi, great unwashed;
-sword, - bayonet; by a strong arm;
King Mob; residuum profanum -, under protest; in spite of one's teeth;
ignobile- vulgus.
against one's will; nolens volens; by
phr. A man of straw; nobody one stress of -circumstances, - weather;
knows; the swinish multitude; fntges under press of.
consumerenati; rag-tag and bobtail;
riff-raff; an unlicked cub.
Concealment, phr. To draw or
close the curtain; to play at bo-peep;
adj. Earth-born; scrubby; mush- to play at hide and seek; to hide un-
room; dunghill; loutish; churlish; der a bushel; to throw dust in the
eyes; to keep dark; to keep shady;
Compact, v. To haggle or higgle; clos as wax; like a thief iu the night;
stickle for. not to be spoken of; under the seal of
phr. To come to an understanding; secrecy; under the table.
take at one's word; come to terms; To hold one's tongue; to hold one's
caveat emptor; bargain by inch of peace; to keep one's own counsel; to
candle. seal the lips; not to breathe a syllabi*
ad}. Agreed, &c. about; in the background.
v. Conventional; under hand and It -must, - will -go no further; "tell
seal. it not in Oath;" nobody the wiser;
phr. To split the januis clausis; with closed doors; a
Compensation, huis clos, hugger -mugger, d la Air-
difference; as broad af> it's long: it is
obee; under the -cloak of, - rose,
an ill wind that blows nobody any
-table; sub rosa; en tapinois; on the
good; measure for measure.
sly; with bated breath; sotto voce; in
adv. For all that; even so; on the a whisper; without beat of drum; d
Other hand; at the^ same time: quoad la sourdine.
minus; quand meme; however that In -, in strict- confidence; between
may be; after all, - is said and done; -ourselves, you and me; entre nous,
taking one thing with another. inter nos; in camera; under the seal
Completeness, phr. To give the of secrecy; behind -the scenes, - the
last finish, or finishing touch; to put -
curtain, -one's back, screen.
the last or finishing hand to; supply Conciseness, adj. Curt, summary.
deficiencies; to go the whole length;
to put the seal to; to get in the har- phr. The short and the long; it
comes to this; for shortness sake;
ness; from -first to last; from begin- to -come to the point, - make a long
ning to end the race being run.
story short, -be brief; the long
To the top of one's bent; as far as and short of it is.
possible; tt outrance; throughout;
from -first to last, - beginning to end, Concord, phr. The bond of harmony;
- end to end, - one end to the other, the happy family; to understand one
-head to foot, - top to toe, - top to bot- another; to remain at peace; to enter
into the ideas or feelings of; to ling
tom; de fond en comble; a fond, a
in chorus; Uk turtle dovao; to ke*y
capite ad calcem; at> ovo usque ad
the pence; in still water: at one with; speak peace; to one's heart's content;
keep in good humor; render accord- so be it; itcanuot be helped; so much
ant; of one accord; put in tune; come the better; well and good; it -, that-
to aii understanding; meet half-way; will do; nothing comes amiss.
keep the-, remain at- peace, Contention. Steeple-chase, bick-
Conformity, phr. The common run erment; mill; spree; rumpus; brabble;
of things; matter of course; regular brigue; tussle; shindy; bout; battle*
as clockwork; being the order of the royal.
day; fall into a -custom, - usage; fol- v. To square; buckle with; wrestle;
low the -fashion, - multitude; pass to church maul.
mutter; do as others do; hurler aveo A
let loups; do at Rome as the Romans jihr. stand-up fight; a hand-to-
hand fight; bush fighting; to be at
do; go-.swim- with the -stream, -cur- foul of; to join
- loggerheads; to fall
rent, tide; tread the beaten track:
issue; to join battle; to bandy, or try
keep one in countenance; cela, va tans conclusions with; to have a brush
dire; ex pede Herculem, noscitur a
with; to break the peace; to take up
the cudgels; to measure swords; to
Confutation. A retort, a settler. nnsheatb or draw the sword; to couch
phr. A knock-down argument; to one's lance; to run a tilt against; to
clinch an argument or question; hav- let slip the dogs of war; hard knocks;
a single combat; a triangular duel;
ing exhausted the subject; at the end
of one's tether; having got to the end a verbis ad verbera; a word and a
of one's rope; on the adversary's own blow; single combat; d'armes; pas-
showing; condemned out of his own sage of arms; affair of honor.
mouth; for he himself hath said it; Continuance, phr. To let be; to
to give one a set-down; the argument keep going; to keep np the ball; to
falls to the ground; 'cadit qucettio; it hold on the even tenor of one's ways;
does not hold water; "auo tibigladio stare super antiquas vias; quieta non
huno juglo." movers; let things take their course.
Contempt, phr. Not to care a straw, Contraction, phr. To wizen, purs*
fig, button, &c., for; to turn up one's up, pinch; to grow small by degrees
nose at; to shrug one's shoulders; to and beautifully less; to hide its di-
snap one's fingers at; to turn a cold minished head.
shoulder upon; to laugh to scorn; to
take the shine out of; to bring down a Contrariety, phr. The reverse of
the medal; the other side of the
peg; to take the starch out of; to
tread or trample under foot; to sit shield; the tables being turned.
down on; to point the finger of scorn As opposite as black and white, as
at; you can't come it over me; not to light and darkness, us fire and water,
care a continental; not to care a red; the poles.
to frump; all poppycock. Differing toto ceelo; diametrically
opposite; Hyperion to a satyr; quite
n. Small potatoes and few in a hill; the contrary; no such thing; just the
email fry; a squirt; a great outside other way; tout au contraire.
nothing; a bag of wind; an empty
noodle; a stop-gag; a soft-horn; a Co-operation, phr. A long pull, a
urrel-top (a red-haired person). strong pull, and a pull all together;
to understand one another; to be in
adj. Squirtish. the same boat; to cotton to; to chip
Content, phr. "Patience sitting on a in; to hunt in couples; to play La the
monument;" "patience sovereign hands of.
over transmuted UL" To take in Wind and weather permitting; m
good part; to make the best of; to one man; to sail in the same bo^t;
bear with; to let well enough alone; to sail on the same tack; shoulder *r
Mt can's heart at M*e or r*t; to shoulder.
Con rage. n. Hector, Hotspur, Ama- phr. To stoop to conquer; to know
zon, tire-eater, &c. ; a lion, tiger, bull- on which side one's bread is buttered;
dog, game-cock, fighting-cock. cunning as a fox.
phr. To look in the face; clear grit; v. To have cut one's eye-teeth; to
bull-dog courage; to enow a bold live by one's wits; finesse; reculer
front; to come to the scratch; to screw pour mieux sauter; steal a march
one's courage to the sticking place; to upon; throw off one's guard; snatch a
face the music; to bell the cat; to keep verdict; play -a deep game, - tricks
a stiff upper lip; to take the bull by with; ambiguas in vulgum sparger*
the horns; to march up to the cannon's voces.
mouth; to go through fire and water; Curiosity, n. A quidnunc; news-
up to the scratch; brave as a lion; monger; Paul Pry; Peeping Tom of
bold as brass; brave to the backbone;
never say die; don't give up the ship;
never despair; upon one's mettle; phr. All agog; on tip-toe; with open
one's blood being up. mouth.
Soft words; sweet words; Danger, phr. A storm brewing; the
Courtesy. ground sliding from under one; the
scrape; salaam; capping; kissing sword of Damocles; breakers ahead;
handt>; presenting arms; hob and nob.
Mother Carey's chickens.
v. To kiss hands; bid welcome; bid To be on the edge, brink or verge o/
God speed; drink to; take off the hat. a precipice; to hang by a thread; to
stand on a volcano; to sit on a barrel
adj. Well-spoken; fair-spoken; soft-
of gunpowder; to engage in a forlorn
spoken; fine-spoken.
phr. To make a leg; to touch; with Not out of the wood; out of the fry-
open or outstretched arms; with a ing-pan into the fire; between two
good grace; a bras ouverts; suaviter fires; between Scylla and Charybdis;
in modo; in good humor. leap in the dark; road to ruin; facilis
int. Well met ave! all hail good
! !
descensus Averni; hair-breadth es-
day !
good morrow God speed pax
I 1
cape; abundanti cautela; with im-
vobiscum! punity; all's well; salva reseat; suave
mari may no.
Cowardice, n. The white feather;
Dutch courage; shy-cock; dunghill- Darkness, phr. Dark as pitch; dark
as a pit; dark as Erebus; darkness;
cock; milk-sop; white-liver; nidget;
coistril; a Bob Acres.
the palpable obscure.
v. To fight ehy; shy, turn tail, cut Deafness, phr. Deaf ns a post; deaf
and run; fly for one's life. as a beetle; deaf as a trunk-maker;
Lily-hearted; pigeon-hearted;
milk-livered; smock-faced. Dearness. v. To fleece; to rise in
phr. To show the white-feather; in
face a lion, but in heart a deer; the phr. To pay too much; to pay
devil take the hindmost; suave qui through the nose; to pay too dear tor
peut ! ante tubam trepidat; one's one's whistle; worth a Jew's eye.
courage oozing out. Death, phr. The ebb of life; the jaws
Credit, adv. On tick or tally. of death; the Stygian shore; dead and
phr. To get a thing charged.
gone; to pop off; break one's neck; to
give up the ghost; to be all over with
Cunning, n. Dodge; fetch; doubling; one; to pay the debt to nature; to
sharp practice; back-stairs influence; take one's last sleep; to shuffle off
a sly-boots; Ulysses; Machiavel; fox, this mortal coil; to go the way of all
reynard; Scotchman; Yorkshire; Jew; flesh; to kick the bucket; to hop the
Yankee; intrigant. twig; to cross the Sty*, or the Stygian
ferry; to go to the wall; to go off like the best on the top); to stick (cheat);
the snuff of a caudle; to come to au to suck; to suck iu; to Wabash; to
untimely end; to be numbered with draw or pull the wool over one's eyes;
the dead; to make one's will; to go to under -false colors, - the garb of,
one's last home; to die u natural death. - cover
of; over the left; fronti nulla.
Dead as a doornail; dead as mutton; fides,
dead as a door- post; dead as a herring; n. A suck; a suck a put up job.
dead as nets; dead as Chelsea;
launched into eternity; gone to one's Defeat, phr. and v. To row up Salt
last home; gathered to one's fathers; river; to skunk; to throw up the
gone to Davy Jones's locker. sponge; to squeal.
At death's door; on one's death-bed; Astern of the lighter; brought up all
at the point of death; in the jaws of standing; coming to grief; came out
death; death staring one in the face; spindigo.
one's days being numbered; having Deptli. phr. Deep as a well; knee-
one foot in the grave; one's hour deep; beyond - out of- one's depth;

being come; being on one's last legs; over head and ears.
at the last gasp; life hanging by a
Defiance, phr. To set at naught; to
thread; catch one's death; go oft the
hooks; turn up one's toes; die a vio- snap the fingers at; to bid defiance to;
to set at defiance; to hurl defiance at;
lent death, &c.
to double the fist at; to show one's
Life -ebbs, - fails, - hangs by a
thread; one's -days are numbered, teeth; to stand akimbo; to show a bold
<- hour is
come, - race is run, - doom front; to show fight; to throw down
the gauntlet, or glove; to call out.
is sealed; death -knocks at the door,
- stares one in the face; the breath is In -defiance, - the teeth of; under
one's very nose; do your worst come !
out of the body; the grave closes over
if you dare !come on marry come1
one; sto itur ad astra. noli me tangere; nemo me impune
up I

Debt. n. Score; floating debt; bad lacessit.

debt; floating capital. Dejection, n. Dolesomeness; mumps;
phr. To runup a bill or score; to go dumps: blue-devils; megrims; vapors.
on tick; involved in debt; run - , get-
phr. The cave of despair; the cave
into debt; outrun the constable. of Trophonius: a hypochondriac; a
Deception. Hocus-pocus; coggery; seek-sorrow; a self-tormentor; grave
humbug; gammon; make-believe; as a judge; down in the mouth; sick
hum; bubble; fetch; reach; go-by; at heart; in the suds; in the sulks;
dodge; bite; forgery; stalking-horse; with a long face; a prey to melan-
gouge; book; blind; feint; thimble-rig. choly; dull as a beetle, dull as ditch-
v. To hum; hocus; nick; give the water; as melancholy as a gibcat.
To take to heart; to look blue; to
go-by; diddle; nab; chouse; fob off. hang down the head; to make a long
phr. To throw dust in the eyts; to face; to wear the willow; to laugh on
hang out false colors; to gild the pill; the wrong side of the mouth; to look
to spread the toils; to play one a trick; like a drowned man (rat); to prey on
to make a fool of; to cog the dice; to the mind or spirits.
fool at the top of one's bent; to throw
adj. Grim-faced; chop-fallen; jaw-
a tub to the whale; to practice on one's
fallen; soul-sick; dumpish; mumpish;
credulity; to make one believe the lackadaisical; tristful; cut-up; hypped;
moon is made of cream cheese; to pull atrabilious.
wool over one's eyes; a sell; to get
v. To take on; to lower; pout;
A painted sepulchre; to lead one a yearn; frown,
pretty dance; to play booty; to cook Demonstration, To set the v.
tip a charge; to cook up accounts; to question at rest; to make out a case;
deacon apples, berries, etc., (to put to bring home as a matter of course;
there is nothing more to be said; pro- to go to pot; to go by the board; to be
bar urn est; Q.E.D., it must follow. all over with; to go all to smash; to

To remove, go over the dam; to go to wreck.

Departure, t-.
spring, To quash, rout out, burke.

fhr. The foot being in the stirrup; phr. To lay the ax to the root of;
to make short work of; make a clean
to take leave; say good-by; bid or
take adieu; bid farewell; to fly oft at sweep of; to cut up root and branch;
a tangent; to hoist blue Peter; get un- to make mince meat of; to scatter to
der way; weigh anchor; strike tents; the winds; to throw overboard; to
decamp; walk one's chalks; cut one's trample under foot; to give a death
blow to; to nip in the bud; to strike
stick; to make tracks; to pull up
at the root of; to sap the foundations
stakes; to take one's departure; to
make one's exit; to take one's self of; to pluck up by the roots; to ravage
with fire and sword; delenda eat Car-
int. Got begone get yon gone! get

away! go along! be oftl off with -, Destiny, phr. The decrees of fate;
get along- with youl go about your the wheel of fortune; the die being
business; go your way a vaunt aroint
I I 1 cast; it is written; it must or will be
farewell! adieu! good-by! by-by! fare so; it must have its way; the plot
bless you! au revoir; thickens.
you welll God
ta-ta. adv. In -the event of, - case; in the
course of things', in the -natural,
Depression, phr. To take down a - ordinary- course of
things; as
peg; to pull about one's ears. -things,
- times- go; as the world
-goes, wags; as the -tree falls,
- cat
Desire, phr. The edge of appetite; a
wistful eye; a lickerish tooth; object jumps; as it may -turn out, - happen.
of desire; fancy; whim; whimsy; Deterioration, phr. To go to rack
maggot; hobby-horse; the height of and ruin; to fall into the sere and
one's ambition; the wish being father yellow leaf; to go on from bad to
to the thought. worse; to sap the foundations of; to
v. To die for; catch at; jump at; go further and fare worse; to play
the deuce with.
gape; gasp.
Out of the frying-pan into the fire;
phr. To have at heart; to find in nodding to its fall; the worse for
one's heart; to set one's eyes upon;
wear; worn to a thread; worn to a
to cast a sheep's eye upon; to set
one's cap at; to run mad after; to
shadow; reduced to a skeleton; out
at the elbow; run -to seed, - waste;
whet the appetite; to make one's
swale; sweal; be the worst for; break,
mouth water.
-down; spring a leak; magni nomini*
adj. Fain; dying for; sharp-set; umbra; cegrescit medendo.
peckish; athirst; dry; open-mouthed. Detraction, phr. To view in a bad
phr. Pinched with hunger; greedy
M a dog; hungry as a horse; hungry
light; tospeak ill of one behind one's
back; to damn with faint praise; as-
ae a hunter; hungry as a hawk; hun- sent with civil leer; and without
gry as a church mouse; hungry as a sneering, others teach to sneer.
bear; having a sweet tooth; devoured
by desire; nothing loth; the mouth
Detractor, n. Word-catcher; fron-
deur; Sir Benjamin Backbite; daw-
watering; the hands itching for; suo
euiguevoluptai; hoc erat in votis; the plucker; Thersites; Zoilus; good-
natured friend (satirically); laudatw
fingers itching; aut Caesar aut nuUui.
temporit acti.
int. Would -that, - it were ! O for
Deviation, phr. To fly off at
ttto perpetua!
gent; to face to the right about; to go
Dectruction.piir. To go to the dogi; out of one's way; to loose one's way;

manner of ways; in all directions;

all Dimness. Owl's light, Debate, au-
like th move of a knight on a chess- rora, dusk, starlight.
phr. Shorn of its beams.
Difference, phr. As different as
chalk is from cheese; this, that, or Dlmslghtedness. Lippitude; nic-
titation; double-eight.
the other; U v a fagots et fagot*.
Color blindness; chromatopsend-
Difficult}'. Hobble, pinch, pickle, oblepsis; Daltonism.
scramble, pitch, dead set, set fast, Limitation of vision; blinker-
stand, dead stand, dead lock, hard screen; blind as a bat.
work, hard task. adj. Myopic; presbyopic; moon-
phr. A ticklish card to play; a screw eyed; mope-eyed; goggle-eyed; one-
loose; where the shoe pinches; the eyed; blind of one eye; monoculous.
horns of a dilemma; up-hill work;
a sea of troubles; a peck of troubles;
Direction, phr. To ascertain one's
a heap of trouble on the old man's direction; to see which way the wind
blows; as the crow flies; by way of;
mind; a kettle of fish; "Ay, there's in all - directions,- manner of ways;
the rub;" a hard row to hoe; a hard
nut to crack; mighty hard sledding. quaquaversum ; from the four winds.
To stand in one's own light; to Disagreement, phr. To have no
stick in the mud; to get into hot wa- business there; to bring, drag, or
ter; to be in a perpetual stew; to get lug in, head and shoulders.
into a mess (into a muss); to hold a Out of character; out of keeping;
wolf by the ears; to shear a wolf; out of tune; out of place: out of
to fish in troubled waters; to buffet season; at odds; a fish out of water;
the waves; to be put to one's shifts; on all fours; neither here nor there;
to go hard with; not to know whether humano capiti cervicem Jungere equi-
one stands on one's head or one's nam; a tort et a t ravers.
heels; to be at one's wit's end. Not in
To leave in the lurch; to lead a Disappearance. phr.
sight; out of sight; lost in the clouds;
pretty dance; to put a spoke in one's leaving no trace of.
wheels; to be in the way of.
Disappointment, v. To see the
adj. Uncomeatable; water-logged;
elephant to shoot one's grand-
thrown out; abroad. ;

mother ;
to shoot your granny.
phr. At a stand still; against the
n. A sore head.
grain; surrounded with shoals and
breakers; thrown on one's beam Disapprobation. i>hr. A rap on
ends; at a pinch; between two stools; the knuckles; a slnp on the face; not
out of one's depth; driven to one's being able to say much for; to set
wit's end; in a cleft stick; in hot one's face against; to view with dark
water; on a wrong scent; driven or jaundiced eyes; to bend or knit
from pillar to post; driven to the the brows; to pick a hole in; to pluck
wall; things being come to a pretty a crow with; to have a fling at; to
pass; out of the frying-pan into the read a lecture; to take to task; to
fire; against the stream; against the bring to book; to call over the coals;
grain; hie labor hoc opus; a rebouer; to haul over the coals; to overhaul;
inrita Minerva; au bout de ton to give a rap on (or over) the knuck-
Latin. les; to pick to pieces; to cast in one's
Diffuseness. phr. To best about teeth; to abuse like a pickpocket; to
treat like a dog; to speak daggers;
the bush; to spin a long yarn; to to forfeit the good opinion of; to
branch out
come (down) upon one for; to come
adj. Washy, slipslop, down upon one like a thousand of
adv. At large; in actento; about brick; to overwhelm one; to paral-
it and about it. yze one; to mako one look sick; to
snap one up; to call to account; to odds; at loggerheads; at daggers
rail in good st>t terms; to pitch into drawn; at variance; at issue; at cross
one; to handle one without gloves; to purposes; at sixes and sevens; at
come down upon one like a house on feud; at high words; up in arms; to-
fire; to pulverize one; to get away gether by the ears; in hot water: em-
with one; to take the conceit out of broiled; quot homines tot sentential;
one; to knock the spots out of one. no love lost between them; non no*.
To get a bad name; forfeit one's trum tantas componere lite*.
good opinion; be under a cloud; come Discourtesy. Inurbanity; contume-
under the ferule; come under the ly; crossness; morosity; sauciness;
lash; to be under the ban of displeas-
procacity; sulks, dudgeon, mumps,
ure; to bring a hornet's nest about black looks; a short answer; black-
one's ears; to be having a hot time;
guard; an unlicked cub.
making it rather warm for one; to
be after one with a sharp stick; to v. To glower; snap, snarl, pout, to
visit with censure; to take blame; cut.
to stand corrected; to have to answer phr. To turn one's back upon; to
for; to be disciplined; to stand the take a liberty; to turn on one's heel;
strictures; to take his lecture like a to look black upon; to turn a cold
little man. shoulder on.
Disclosure, phr. To let Into the adj. Ill conditioned, cantankerous,
secret; to let the cat out of the bag; curst, froward, glum, grim, glower-
to take the cat from under the meal; ing, sinistrous, growling.
to hustle the nigger from under the phr. Cross as a cat; cross as a bear;
wood-pile; to own to the soft im- with a sore head; cross as two sticks;
peachment; to acknowledge the corn; cross as a dog; cross as the tongs;
to give in to it; to make a clean cross as an X; sour as a crab; surly aa
breast of it; to tell tales out of a bear. ..

school; not to mince the matter; to

be on the tip of the tongue; to leak Discrimination, phr. To split
out. hairs; to cut blocks with a razor; il ya
To get wind; the murder will out; fagots fagots; remacu tetigisti.

a light breaks in upon one; the scales Disease, phr. To keep one's bed; to
fall from one's eyes; the eyes are lay (lie) by; to feign sickness; to sham
opened. Abraham.
Discontent. Taking on. Out of sorts; out of joint; out of
heart; good for nothing; on the sick
phr. To take on; to look blue; to list; in a bad way; worn to the stump;
make a wry face. on one's last legs; at the last gasp;
Cut up, gium, home-sick; out of under the weather; martyr to disease;
sorts; in the dumps; down in the
cripple; the halt, the lame, and the
mouth; so much the worse that -, it- blind; the "sick, lame and lazy."
will never do.
Discord. Hubbub, tiff, snip-snap,
Dislike, phr. To shrug the shoulders
at; not to be able to bear or endure;
sing-song, brabble, a bone to pick,
a bobbery. to go against the grain; to conceive or
entertain an a version to; to tnrn one's
v. To squabble, brangle, brawl.
stomach; to go against the stomach;
phr. To misunderstand one an- to make one's blood run cold; to have
other; to have words with; to have a enough cf; to make a wry face; to
bone to pick with; to be at variance turn up one's nose at.
with; to join issue with; to pick a adv. Usque ad nauseam,
quarrel with; to break squares with; f oh
to live like cat and dog. int. Faugh ! !
ugh I

To set together by the ears; to Dismission, phr. To turn off; to

kick up a bobbery; to fall foul of; at send about one's buisness; to send to
the right about; to turn adrift; to put to scorn: smoke; fool; make -game,
one's nose out of joint. - fool, - an April fool- of; play a prac-
tical joke; lead one a dance; run the
Disobedience, v. To shirk, kick,
strike. rig upon; have a fling at.

phr. To champ the bit; to raise the Dissent, phr. To shake the head; tn
fire-cross. shrug the shoulders; to join issue; to
The gray mare being the better give the lie; a flat contradiction;
horse. many men many minds.
int. God forbid not for the world;
Disorder. phr. Wheels within wheels; I'll be hangad if; never tell me; your
confusion worse confounded; most ad- humble servant; pardon me; guot
mired disorder; hell being broke homines tot sententice; tants'cnfaut;
loose. il f'enfaut bien.
A pretty kettle of fish; all the fat
being in the fire. Displacement, v. Tounhouse;take
The cart before the horse, by fits oft; take away; blow away.
and -snatches; - i tarts; pell-mell; phr. To make a clean sweep of.
higgledy - piggledy ; helter - skelter,
harum-scarum; in a ferment; at sixes Dissimilarity, phr. Nothing of the
and seven?, cross purposes; upside kind; far from it; cast in a different
down; vvrtpov irporcpoy, chaos is come mould; as like a dock as a daisy; very
like a whale.
Dissuasion, phr. To throw cold
Dispersion, phr. To scatter to the water upon; to turn a deaf ear to; a
winds; to sow broadcast; to spread like
wet blanket.

phr. A burning shame;

Distance, phr. The uttermost parts
Disrepute, of the earth; the jumping-off place;
a crying shame; the bend sinister; a
far and near; far and wide; over the
badge of infamy; a blot on one's es- bills and far away; from end to end;
cutcheon; a byword of reproach.
To feel disgrace; to take shame to from pole to pole; from China to
one's self; to hide one's face; to look Peru; from Dan to Beersheba; out of
the sphere of; from Maine to Georgia;
foolish; to hang one's head; not to
dare to show one's face; to hide its out of hearing; nobody knows where;
diminished head; to lose caste; to hold a perte de true; wide of the mark;
to shame. wide-apart,- asunderjJonpo intervallo;
up at arm's length.
To be put to the blush; to cut a
poor figure; to put out of countenance; Distinction, n. Some pumpkins.
to draw in one's horn; to cast in the
Disturbance, phr. and r. To raise
shade; shorn of its beams; in bad a racket; to raise Cain; to raise a
odor; branded with shame, infamy, row; to be on the rampage; to tear
round; to wake snakes.
adv. To
one's shame be it spoken. Disuse, jihr. To send packing: to lay
int. shame for shame proh
Fie ! ! ! on the shelf; to lay up hi ordinary;
pudor! O tempora O mores! ough !*c to lay up in a napkin; to cast, heave,
transit gloria mundi! or throw overboard; to cast to the
winds; to turn out neck and heels.
Disrespect, phr. To make game of;
to point the finger at; to make a fool Drawing, phr. A long pull, a strong
of; to turn into ridicule; to laugh to pull, and a pull all together.
scorn; make- mouths, faces; bite the Dress. To slick up.
thumb; take -, pluck- by the beard; Drunk,
toss in a blanket; tar and feather. adj. Shinny; shot in the
neck; shot in the head; shinny tight;
Have-, hold- in derision; laugh at;
whisky-sodden; whittled; paralyzed.
snigger; niggle; gleek; gird; flout;
fleer; roast; turn into ridicule; laugh Drunkard, n. A soaker; a sucker; a
Book; suckerdom (drunkards); a vention of waste; savingness; a
whisky bloat. all.

Drunkenness, phr. To take a drop phr. Cheese-parings and candle-

too much; to drink like a fish; to get ends.
into the head; to splice the main To cut one's coat according to one's
brace; to take a hair of the dog that cloth; to make both ends meet; to
bit you; to liquor up; to take a horn; keep within compass; to save against
to spree It; to steam; to steam it; to a rainy day; ne quid nimis.
coge or coag it. Ejection, v. To gut; spirt; slop.
adj. Fuddled; fuzzled; groggy; To keck; retch; sputter; splutter;
whittled; corned; screwed; raddled; slobber; slaver; slabber; squirt; to
sewed up; lushy; nappy; boozy; mad- unship; bundle out; drum out; turn
died; muzzy; tight; slewed. adrift.
phr. In one's cups; the worse for phr. To elbow out; throw overboard;
liquor; having had a drop too much; to make a clean sweep of.
half seas over; three sheets in the The rogue's march; give the sack
to; send -packing,
- about one's busi-
wind; under the table; drunk as a
piper; drunk as a fiddler; drunk as a ness, to the right about; strike off
lord; drunk as Chloe; drunk as an the roll; turn out -neck and heels,
- head and shoulders, - neck and
owl; drunk a? David's sow; drunk as crop;
a wheelbarrow; nunc est bibendum. pack off; send away with a flea in the
ear; send to Jericho; bow out; show
Dry. phr. Dry as a bone: dry as dust;
the door to.
dry as a stick; dry as a mummy; dry
as a biscuit; dry as a chip. Elegance, phr. A ready pen; flow-
Duliiess. phr. To throw cold water ing periods.
on; to lay a wet blanket; to catch To rounda period; to point a moral
napping. or adorn a tale; point an antithesis.
Dull as a beetle. Elevation, v. To give a lift; up.
Duty. pftr."The still small voice with- hoist; buoy.
in;" to be upon one's good behavior. phr. On -stilts, - the shoulders of,
To be at one's post ; to lie at one's - one's legs, - one's hind legs.
door; to be in duty bound; to do jus-
tice to; with a safe conscience. Emergency. t>. To shin; to shin
On one's own responsibility; at round.
one's own risk; uo periculo; in foro End. Fate; doom; doomsday.
conscience; quamdiu se bene ge-
serit. phr. The fall of the curtain; the
turning-point; to wind up.
phr. Dura lex ted lex. To make an end of; to cut the
matter short; to shut up shop; break
up; commencement de la fin; last
stage; turning point; coup de grdce;
EARL.INESS. phr. To take time by Endearment. Billing and cooing;
the ixneiock; to be beforehand with; blandiment; buss; smack; osculation;
to steal a march upon; to be pressed deosculation; philandering; gallivant-
for time. ing.
In good time; in military time; in
v. To wheedle; pat; dally; coddle;
pudding time; at sunrise; with the
lark; on the stroke of the clock; touch cockle; cosset; clasp; hug; cuddle.
and go; no sooner said than done. phr. To make much of; to smile
upon; to pat on the cheek; make
Easily. Slick as a whistle; slick as love; pay one's -court, - addresses, -
grease; slick as ile (oil). attentions- to; serenade; court; woo;
Economy. Good housewifery; pre- set one's cap at; be -, look sweet upon;
ogle; cast sheep's eyes upon; faire let Exaggeration. Bant; caricature;
ye-ux doux; fall in love with; win the high coloring.
phr. To color too highly; to stretch
Endurance. To stick it out a point; to spin a long yarn; to shoot
with a long bow; to deal in the marvel-
Error, phr. To take the shadow for lous; to make a mountain of a mole-
the substance; to go on a fool's er- hill; to out-Herod Herod.
rand; to bark up the wrong tree; wide All his geese are swans; much
of the mark; on the wrong scent;
(great) cry and little wool; to talk at
in the wrong box; not having a leg to random.
stand upon; quite used up; at cross
purposes; all in the wrong. Excess, phr. To run into the
ground; to go it strong; to overdo the
Escape, phr. To whip off;take thing.
one's self off; to play truant; to beat
a retreat; to slip the collar; to make Exceedingly. Thundering; boom-
one's self scarce; to take French ing.
leave; to take to one's heels; to cut Excitability. Fidgetiness; whiff;
and run; to get clear of; to run for the blood boiling; Quixotism.
one's life; to save one's bacon; to flud
a hole to creep out of; to cut stick; to phr. To be all out of patience; to
vamose; to elope; to absquatulate; to be in a stew, or in a pucker; to fly off
take leg-bail; to be among the miss- at a tangent; to fly off the handle.
ing; to turn up missing. cilj. Over head and ears; hurried;
Give one the slip; slip through the wild; madcap; boiling; heart-swell-
-hands, - lingers; wriggle out of; ing; heart-thrilling; stanchless.
break -loose, - from prison; break To tear; go -, run- -wild, - mad;
-, slip -, get- away; find -vent, -a go into hysterics; run -riot, - a
hole to creep out of; the bird has muck; battre la campagne; faire le
flown. diable a guatre; play the deuce.

Essay, phr. To do one's best; to Excitement, v. To rip up; give a

tempt fortune; to feel the pulse; to nlip; fluster.]
take one's chance; to put out or throw
out a to send up a pilot bal- phr. To come home to one's feel-
feeler; one on one's mettle; to
loon. ings; to put
prey on the mind; to go to one's
Evening, phr. The dead of night; heart; to give one a turn; to cut to
the witching hour of night; dewy eve. the quick; to go through one; to lash
into fury; to strike one all of a heap;
Eventuality, phr. Stirring events;, to make one's blood boil.
the ups and downs of life; the chapter
of accidents; the cast of the die; the
Being all of a twitter; all in a
pucker; in a ferment; ready to sink;
plot thickening. on one's high ropes; the heart -beat-
In the course of things; in the long
ing high, - going pit-a-pat, - leaping
run; as it may happen; happen what into one's mouth; the blood -being
may; at all events; come what may or up,
boiling in one's veins; the eye
will; as the tree falls; as the cat jumps; - " in a fine frenzy roll-
as the world goes.
Evidence, phr. Quotation of chap- Exclusion. Cut direct; dead cut;
ter and verse; the casein point; spec-
a Troglodite,
ial pleading; to hold good; to hold
Santon, pilgarlic, ru-
ralist, outcast, Pariah.
water; to speak for itself; to tell its
own tale; to speak volumes. phr. To keep snug; to send to COY-
A tu qunque argument; the other entry; to look cool upon; to shut the
side of the shield; to tell another door upon; to retire from the world;
story; with grains of allowance. lft to shift for one's self; not putting
up horas together; playing a lone phr. To have it all one's owk
hand; playing at soltaire. way; to walk over the course; to go
adj. Bye, sung, cui, blackballed, off with the stream; to make noth-
unwelcome, lorn. ing of; to leave a hole to creep out
of; the coast being clear.
Excuses, phr. To whip the devil
around the stump. Being quite at home; being in one's
element; on friction wheels; on ve 1 -
Exertion. A stitch of work; a dead vet; the matter open; give -the reia a
lift. to,
- full play, - full swing; make
phr. To set one's shoulder to the way for; open the -door to, - way.
wheel; to strain every nerve; to put Failure. Cross; blot; footfall; split;
one's best leg foremost; to do as mess; lurch; stale-mate; botchery.
much as in one lies; to work day and
night; to do double duty; to work
phr. A flash hi the pan; a losing
double tides; to pat forth one's game; the bubble bursting; a wild-
strength, bend the bow, &c. ; to move
goose chase; a mare's nest; a sleeve-
heaven and earth; to make a Hercu- less errand; a fizzle; a flunk.
lean effort; to work like a galley- v. To go cross.
slave; to work like a trooper; to leave To make nothing of; to bring to
no stone unturned, &c. naught; to limp, miss one's footing;
By the sweat of one's brow; with to make a mess of; to tuna, le; to
all one's might; with might and fizzle; to flunk; to flat out; to fizzle
main; with tooth and nail; hammer out; to flummux; to funk out; to petre
and tongs; through thick and thin; out; to fush out; to give out; to flunk
through fire and water; the best of out.
one's abilities; totis viribus; ri ft
phr. To come to nothing; to come
armis; inanibus pedibusque; ungui- oft second best; to end in smoke; to
bus et rostro.
slip through one's fingers; to fall to
xpectation. phr. On the tiptoe the ground; to fall still-born; to take
of expectation; looming in the dis- an ugly turn; to go hard with one; to
tance; the wish being father to the hang fire; to miss fire; to miss stays;
thought; to have in store for; with to flash in the pan; to split upon a
breathless expectation; with bated rock; to be thrown on one's back; to
breath; arrectis auribus; we shall miss one's aim; to bite the dust; to be
see; nous verrons. thrown on one's beam ends; to go to
the wall; between two stools to fall to
Expenditure. Money going out; to the ground; to ride two horses; to
out-goings; appointments; batta; come out the little end of the horn;
shot; scot. to come out second best; to put one's
To come down with; to come
v. foot in it; to make a baulk of it; to go
down handsome; to fork out; to fork to the dogs, to go to the bow-wows.
over; to pony up; to plank down the To break one's back; to have
cash; to bleed; to loose the purse- the kinks taken out of one; to
strings; to pay the piper; to dis- be brought down a peg; to be all over
gorge the spondulux; to shell out the with; to be all up with; to be in the
shekels; to scatter the ducats; to wrong box; to stand in one's own
shell out. light; to catch a Tartar; to slip up;
phr. To go through to get hold of a wrong sow by the
the mill; to have one's eye teeth cut; ear; to get the wrong pig by the ear;
to " know how it is yourself." to bark up the wrong tree; to burn
one's fingers; to shoot at a pigeon anif
kill a crow; to miss one's calculations;
to beat the air; to skin a flint, to wash
a blackamoor white; to draw a blank;
FACILITY. A. clear stage; a holi- to turn up the wrong card; to roll
day task. the stone of Sisyphus.

adj. Out of luck; capsized; dished; " commend the

colors; poisoned
planet-struck. cbalice to the lips;" ambifjiuis in
phr. Wide of the mark; left In the vulgum spargere voces.
lurch; on a fool s earand; being nil FastldiousneM. adj. Queasy;
up; not having a leg to stand upon; squeasy.
ruined root and branch; the sport of
fortune; hoisted by one's own petard; phr. To turn up one's nose at;
to have the spots knocked out of one; mince the matter; look a gift horse in
rowed up Salt river; out of the frying- the mouth; see spots on the sun.
pan into the fire; in hot water; to have Fatigue, adj. Ready to drop.
a wet blanket thrown over one; to go
further and fare worse. phr. Off one's legs; on one's last
Little end of the horn; to change legs; tired to death; pulled down;
one's tune; to sing email; to haul in foot-sore; having too much.
one's horns; the bubble has burst; the Broken, - short -winded.
balloon has collapsed; the game is up;
Ready to drop; more dead than
all is lost; gone by the board; the alive; dog-weary; walked off one's
devil to pay; parturiunt monies, etc,.
legs; played out; hor$ de combat.
Fashion, phr. The height of fash- Fear. Ague-fit; heart-sinking; heart-
ion; a star of fashion; man of the
ache; stampede.
world; to fall in with the prevailing
taste or fashion; to have a run or be Object of fear; bugaboo; bogie;
the rage. gorgon; mormo; ogre.
adj. Distingue; dfgage; fast; re- phr. Raw head and bloody bones.
cherche; new f angled; in -court, - v. To wince; boggle; skulk; cower;
- evening- dress; en grande ten-
crouch; funk; flutter.
ue; set the -, bring into- fashion;
give a tone to -, cut a figure in- so- phr. To smell a rat; to grow pale;
ciety; to lead the swell mob; one of to stand aghast; to shake all over; to
the upper-ten: of the beau monde; to shake like an aspen leaf; to fe*l
keep one's carriage; a la mode; com- streaked; to fright from one's p/o-
me il faut; admitted -, admissible - priety.
in society, &c. White as a sheet; pale as death; tb
hair standing on end; not daring t t
Falsehood. Humbug; mealy mouth-
say one's soul's one's own: more
edness; malingering; a Roorback; a frightened than hurt; afraid of one's
whopper; a fib. shadow; fright out of one's -wits,
v. To belie; maligner. - senses, - seven senses; strike -all of
To play the hypocrite; to sham a heap, - an awe into, - terror; har-
phr. row up the soul; make one's flesh
Abraham; to give the go-by; to beat
creep, - hair stand on end,
- blood
about the bush; to play fast and
to blow hot and cold; to look run cold, - teeth chatter; take away -,
as if butter would not melt in one's stop -one's breath; make one -trem-
to steal the livery of heaven ble, &c.
to serve the devil in; to go back on
Feeling. Fluster; twitter; ruffle;
one; all is not gold that glitters; Ma-
" hurry of spirits; thumping.
chiavelism; organized hypocrisy'" To come home to one's feel-
crocodile tears; gammon; bun-kum, phr.
-come; flam; bam; flim-flam; Judas ings, orbosom; to swallow the pill; to
kiss; il volto sciolto i
pcnsieri stretti; pocket the affront; the fulness of the
play the hypocrite; faire pattes de heart; from the bottom of one's
velours; put on the mask; clean the
outside of the platter; lie like a con- adv. Heart and soul; nb imo pec-
juror; shoemakers' promises; hang tore; at heart; con amore; heartily;
out -, hold out -, sail under- false devoutly; over head and ears.
phr. The heart -big, - full, - swell- ass; goose; booby; noodle; nizy;
- beating, - pulsating, - throb- noddy; owl; goose-cap; lack-wit;
- thumping, - beating high, ninnyhammer; natural; lackbrain;
- melting, - overflowing, - bursting, loon; oaf; lown; dullard; dull-head;
breaking. doodle; calf; colt; buzzard; block;
put; stick; stock; numps; gowk; clod-
Flatness, phr. Flat as a pancake;
as a flounder; flat as a board: flat poll; clodhopper; lubber; bull-calf;
bull-head; thick-skull; dunder-head;
as my hand; a dead flat; a dead level.
addle-head; dizzard; hoddy-doddy;
Flattery, phr. To curry favor with; nonny; looby; nincompoop; shallow-
to hang on the sleeve of; to lay it on brain; a poor head; loggerhead; sot;
thick; to lay it on with the trowel; to jolt-head; beetle-head; jobber-nowl;
lick the dust; to lay the flattering gross-head; moon-calf; giddy-head;
unction to the soul; to soft sawder; to rantipole; old woman; crone.
soft soap; to stuff; to give one taffy. April fool; Cyclops; bushwhacker.
Flatterer. Whitewashes toady; phr. One who would not set the
toad-eater; touter; spaniel; claw- Thames en fire; one who is no con-
back; flunkey; lick-spittle; pick-thank; jurer; one who did not invent gun-
ear-wig; doer of dirty work; Sir powder; one who could not say
Pertinax MacSycophant; hanger on;
Boh " to a goose; men of Bo3otia;
flaneur; yroneur; claqueur. sawney; wise men of Gotham; un tot
a triple etage; gobtmouche.
Fold. Rimple; crinkle; crankle;
crumple; rumple; ruck; dog's ear; Foolery, n. Skulldrnggery; shenan-
frounce; pucker. igan.
v. To cockle up; cocker; frizzle; Fop. Jemmy; spark; swell; fast man;
crimple; turn under; tuck; ruck; turn popinjay; puppy; prig; jackanapes;
down. jack-a-dandy; squirt; dude; masher.
Folly, phr. The fool's paradise; one's Foresight, v. To salt down.
wits going a wool gathering.
To play the fool; to play the Forgiveness, phr. To heal the
breach; to shake hands; to reconcile.
monkey: to go on a fool's errand; to Let by-gonos be by-gones; cry you
pursue (go on) a wild-goose chase; to mercy; leniampetimusque damusque
reckon without one's host; to quarrel vicissim.
with one's bread and butter; to go on
a sleeveless errand; to strain at a Freedom, phr. To have the run of;
gnat and swallow a camel; to get hold to have one's own way; to stand on
of the wrong sow by the ear; penny- one's legs; to stand on one's rights; to
wise and pound-foolish; Davua sum have a will of one's own.
non CEdipua. To take a liberty; to make free
with; to give a loose to; a cat may
adj. Beetle-headed; beef-witted; fat- look at a king; laisser, -faire, - alter;
witted; spoony; blunder-headed; ad- live and let live; leave to oneself;
dle-headed; clod-pated; shallow-
leave -, let- alone.
paled; dull-brained; dim-sighted;
short-sighted; vacant; muddle-headed; Fret. To stew.
muddy-headed. To be acquainted
Friendship, v.
Food. Fodder; ration; keep; prog; with; to have a leaning to.
belly-timber; flesh-pots; feed; spread; phr. To take in good part; to hold
junket; bever; tiffin; snack; dainty; out the right hand of fellowship; to
whet; bait: pot-luck; collation. be in one's books; to hitch horses to-
Mouthful; bolus; gobbet; sip sop. gether.
phr. The staff of life; bread and adj. Thick; hand in glove; hand
cheese. and glove; shopmate; crony; bed-
Fool. Blockhead; tomfool; simpleton; fellow.
Pylades and Orestes; Castor and
Pollux; Nisus and Euryalus; Damon ft.
and Pythias.
In one's good graces; hall fellow
well met; free aud easy; with open
HABIT, phr. To run on in a groove;
to follow the multitude; to go with th
arms; sans ceremonie; arm in arm. current, stream, &c.; to move in a
Futurity, phr. The crack of doom; rut; to gain upon one; to run in the
the future in rus. blood; bred in the bone; running in
To be in the wind; to loom in the the blood; according to custom.
future; all in
good time. One's old way; old school; veteris
vestigia flammce; laudatur temporia
Gluttony, phr. To eat out of house ooti.
and home; to have the stomach of an
ostrich; to play a good knife and fork.
Hardness, phr. Hard as iron, &o.;
hard as a brick; hard as a nail; hard
n. Batterie de cuisine. as a deal board; stiff as buckram; stiff
as a poker.
Going before. To go
in the van;
take the lead; lead, the way; the Harshness. Soprano; falsetto;
dance; get - have- the start; steal a penny trumpet
march; get -before, -in front take
phr. To set the teeth on edge; to
precedence. grate upon the ear.
phr. Seniores priorea. Haste, To make the best of
Going after, phr. To go in the rear one's time; to loose not a moment; no
or in the wake of; tread in the steps sooner said than done; pressed for
of; tread on the heels of; to lag be- time; in full tilt.
hind. To be on one's taps; to snap np; to
Goodness, phr. To bear the bell; to spudgel.
challenge comparison; to pass muster.
To come it strong; to go it; to go it
Of the first water; precious as the strong; to come up to the chalk; to
crack on; to egg on; to go it with a
apple of the eye; worth a Jew's eye;
Bound as a roach; worth its weight looseness; to go it with a rush; to
in gold; crack; bang-up; up to the rush it; to make tracks; to peel it; to
mark. scoot; to skite about.
To bone into it; to cut throat; to
Gratitude, phr. To overflow with break out in a new spot; to cut stick;
gratitude;to thank or bless one's to cut one's stick; to shin round.
stars;never to forget. To dust; to make the dust fly; to fire
Thanks many thanks
! gram- !
away; to fly around; to giggit; to go
mercy much obliged thank Heaven
! 1 1
ahead; to go a cruise; to go the whole
Heaven be praised t figure; to pull foot; to put out; to
moun- the licka in; to put in the best
Gravity. Lead; a millstone; cks; to put through; to let out
tain Ossa on Pelion.

another link; to rip; to tear; to split;

phr. Heavy as lead. to make short metre of; to let slive*
Greatness, adj. Signal; crass; (i.e. to fire); to stampede; to streak;
matchless; unconscionable; stark; to streak it; to up jib; to keep up the
steep; tall. the ball.
adv. On a large scale; all lengths; Helter-skelter; hurry-skurry; slap-
to the back-bone; with a witness; dash, -bang; full -tilt, -drive; heels
with a vengeance; famously; se- over head; head and shoulders; head-
long; & corps perdu.
verely; paimfully; miserably.
By fits and starts, - spurts; bop
skip and jump.
phr. Sauve qui prut; devil take the
hindmost; no time to l* lout; no
sooner said than done; a word and a Hope. phr. A ray, gleam or flash of
blow. hope; a bright prospect; a clear sky;
Hate. The owe smooth waters; placid waters; a tran-
phr. phials of hate; to
a grudge; to bear malice; to conceive quil sea; smooth waters; unruffled
an aversion to; to take a spite to; to waters; an azure sky; cerulean blue;
to see the land; to look on the bright
make one's blood run cold; mutual
side of; to be of good hope or cheer:
hate; there being no love lost between
to live in hope; to cling to hope; to
them; being at daggers drawn.
pin one's hope or faith upon; the
Health, phr. To keep on one's legs; rainbow of promise; the anchor of
to take a new or fresh lease of life; faith; to apply the flattering unction
having a clean of health; being
bill to one's soul; to catch at a straw; to
on one's legs; fresh as a rose; hearty to hope against hope; a forlorn
as a buck; bright as a daisy; in fine or hope.
high feather; in good case; sound as a Nil desperandum; never say die;
bell; in full bloom; pretty bobbish; don't give up the ship; don't give up
tolerably well; as well as can be ex- the ship; hold to the last plank;
pected. cling to the last spar; reach for an
Heat. phr. Hot as fire; warm as toast; olive-branch; clutch at a straw; dum
warm as wool; piping hot; sissing spiro spero; latet scintillula forsan;
hot; too hot to live; not a breath of all is for the best; spero miliora; the
air. wish being father to the thought;
To hang upon "hope told a flattering tale;" "hope
Hearing, phr. the ever on a radiant wing;" rusticus
lips of; to prick up one's ears; to be expectat dum defluat amnis.
all ear.
Horse. Hunter; jument filly; foal;
adv. arreotis aurlbus.
barb; pad; cob; plug; tit punch; road-
int. Hark, - ye! O yesl Oyezf ster; goer; ketch; shelty; Pegasus;
Bucephalus; Rozinante; January.
Height, adj. Perked up; heaven-kiss-
ing; top-gallant. Humiliate. To take down; to cover
phr. Tall as a May- pole; tall as a
with shame; to expose to derision; to
steeple; tall as a poplar; over head
unmask one's faults; to lay bare one's
and ears. defects; to point out one's blemishes;
to heap ridicule; to cover with con-
Hindrance. Let; pitch; turnpike; tumely.
mill-stone; night-mare; a head wind. Womble-cropped.
phr. A. spoke in the wheel; a wet Humility, phr. To lower one's flag;
blanket; the old man of the sea; to lay to haul down one's colors; to lower
under restraint; to nip in the bud; to one's note, fall on one's knees; to
tie the hands; to cross the path of; to knock under; to take a back seat; to
to stop the way; a lion in the way;
disappear from the fore-ground; to
throw cold water on; lay -, throw- a
sing small; to eat humble pie; to
wet blanket on; cut the ground from eat dirt; to swallow one's own words;
under one; take the wind out of one's to pocket an affront; to get a set-
sails; be -, stand- in the way of; act
as a drag; hang like a millstone round
down; to be sat upon; to have the
conceit taken out of one; to stoop to
one's neck.
conquer; to snub; to throw into the
Honorable. Straight; straight-out; shade; to put out of countenance; to
straight^spoken; straight up and teach one one's distance; to make one
down; square; sure enough; whole know oae's place; to take down a peg
eouled. lower; to take the wind out of one's
To lie to one; to toe the mark; to sails; to take starch out of one; to
come up to the scratch; to come up to take the stiffness out of one; to send
the rack; a
squar' man"; to tote away with a flea in one's ear; to teach
fair; to walk the chalk. one a lesson.
Oat of countenance; shorn of one's give tne reins to the imagination; t
glory; down in the mouth; down on set one's wits to work; to strain or
one's knees; down on ouu's marrow- crack one's invention; to rack or cud-
bones; bumbled in the dust; made to gel one's brain; to build castle* in
eat dirt; made to eat humble-pie; not the air; to follow the flight of poesy;
" Boh " to a to have a vivid imagination; to visit
being able to say goose;
beggiug pardon of all flesh for being the land of dreams.
In the world; with -downcast eyes, -
bated breath; - bended knee; on all n. The Ultima Thule; flying
fours; on one's feet. Dutchman, Wandering Jew; great
seu-serpeut; mermaid; man in the
Humorist. \\* it snapper; spark; Joe
moon; wood-fairies; castle in the air;
Miller; scaramouch; pickle-herring. chateau en Espagne; Utopia; Atlan-
tis; happy valley; fairy land, land of
phr. The life of the party; life of Prester John; kingdom of Micom-
the occasion; professional journalistic
icon; le, pot au lait; dream of Alnas-
"funny man." char; day -, golden- dream.

Imperfection, adj. Seedy; gim-

crack; gingerbread.
IGNORANCE, phr. To be caught phr. To play second fiddle; barely
tripping; not to know what to make to pass muster; to bave a screw loose;
of; not to be able to make head or no great catch; no great shakes; milk
tail of; not to know a hawk from a and water; only better than nothing;
handsaw; having a film over the surgit amari aliquid.
eyes; unable to make anything of; to
make nothing of. Importance, phr. To be some-
In the dark; au bout de son latin; body, or something; to make much
at the end of his tether; at fault; at on or by; to lay stress
of; to set store
sea, &c.; caught tripping; for -any- upou; to make a stir, a fuss, a piece
aught- one knows; not that of work, or much ado about; a matter
one knows. of life and death; being no joke; not
to be sneezed at; in the main; above
in*. God -, Heaven -, the Lord -, to crown
all; par excellence; all.
nobody- knows.
Impossibility, phr. To wash a
Illegality, phr. To take the law blackamoor white; to make a silk
into one's own hands; to set the law
purse out of a sow's ear; out of the
at defiance; to drive a coach-and-siz
question;out of -, beyond- one's power,
through a statute; the law being a depth, - reach, - grasp; too much
dead letter; might makes right. for; the grapes are sour; non possu-
Mob -, Lynch -, club -, Lyd- mus; non nostrum tantas componera
ford, -, martial -, drumhead- law; lites.
coup d'etat; IB droit du plus fort;
argumentum baculinum. Impotence, phr. To break the
neck of; break the back; to spike the
Imagination, phr. The mind's guns; to clip the wingn of; laid on the
eye; all in one's eye; prophetic vis- shelf; laid on the back; not having a
" a fine fren-
ion; a flight of fancy; leg to stand on.
zy; thick-coming fancies;" the
coinage of the brain; a stretch of im- Improbability, phr. Contrary to
all reasonable expectation; having
agination; castle-building; a Canter-
bury tale; air-drawn dagger; the man scarcely a chance, &c.
in the moon; men in buckram; Will-
o'-the-wisp; Jack-o'-lantern; Utopia.
Improbity. Roguery; job; job-
To take into one's head; to figure to bing.
one's self; to strike out something adj. Low-thoughtod; scabby; scrub-
new; to give a loose to the fancy; to by.
phr. Double-tongued; lost to shame; ning to draw straws; in the arms of
dead to honor. Morpheus; gone to the land of Nod.
v. To sneak; derogate. Inattention, phr. A cursory view;
caught napping; to take no account of;
phr. To break one's word; to sell to come in at one ear and go out at
one's self; to play false; to go over to
the other.
the enemy.
phr. The attention wanders; one's
Improvement, phr. To take a wits gone a -wool-gathering, - bird's
new lease; to be one's self again; to
nesting; it never entered one's head;
turn over a new leaf; to come about; the mind running on other things;
to go ahead. one's thoughts being elsewhere; had
it been a bear it would have bitten
Impudence, n.
Chin; chinning;
chin-music; too much lip; an unbri-
dled tongue; back talk. phr. Not to trouble
v. To sauce. one's self about; the devil may care;
a matter of indifference; to cars
Impulse, phr. On the spur of the
nothing about.
moment, or of the occasion; extem-
pore; off-hand. Inelegance, phr. Words that dislo-
cate the jaw, that break the teeth; jaw-
Inaction, phr. To let well alone;
to bide one's time; to take one's crackers; to smell of the lamp; offen-
sive to ears polite.
time; to cool one's heels; to stay one's
hand; to wash one's hands of; to take Inequality, phr. To have or give
it easy; to leave in the lurch: not to the advantage; to turn the scale; to
stir a peg; to have other fish to fry. kick the beam; to topple over; baud
passibus cequig.
Inactivity. Snooze; dream; trance;
snore; a wink of sleep; forty winks; a Ineprcltability. v. To stand, bide,
do-little; lubber; slow-back; marmot; abide, abide with, rub on.
stick-in-the-mud; slow-coach; dilly- phr. To pocket the affont; to swal-
dally. low the pill; to swallow the leek; to
phr. The Castle of Indolence; the kiss the rod; to shrug the shoulders;
Fabian policy; masterly inactivity; to bear it like a philosopher: to set
the thief of time; a waiter on Provi- one's heart at rest or ease; gentle as a
dence. lamb; patient as Job; armed with pa-
c. To hang tience; quiet, - as a mouse; cool, - as
slouch; loll; drawl;
-a cucumber, - custard.
slug; dally; dawdle; to fool away
time. Inexlstenee. phr. To be null and
phr. To play truant; to weigh down void; to "leave not a wreck behind."
the eyelids, to fold one's arms; to rest
Inexpcctatlon. phr. To reckon
upon one's oars; to burn daylight; to without one's host; to count one's
lie fallow; to while away the time; to
chickens before they are hatched; to
take a nap; go off to sleep; to sleep
like a top; to sleep as sound as a top; drop from the clouds; to trust to a
broken reed; to dash the cup from
to sleep like a log; to sleep like a dor-
the lips; the mountain bringing forth
mouse; to eat the bread of idleness; a mouse.
to loll in tha lap of indolence; to lie
low. Without -notice, - warning, - say-
Ing "by your leave;" like a -thief in
adj. Faddling; tardigrade; lackadai- the night, - thunderbolt; in an un-
sical; fiddle-faddle; shilly-shally; nam-
guarded moment; suddenly; little did
by-pamby. one -think, - expect; nobody would
phr. With folded arms; with the ever -suppose, - think, - expect; who
hands in the pockets; the eyes begin- would have thought?
Infant. Bairn; bratling; whipper- wits going a wool-gathering, or
snapper. bird's-nesting; out of one's mind; out
In of one's senses; out of one's wits;
I'lir. leading-strings; at the
like one possessed: the mind having
breast; in one's arms; in one's teens.
lost its balance; having rats in the
Inferiority, phr. To hide its dimin- upper story; a candidate for Bedlam.
ished head; to throw into the shade; Touched -, wrong -, not right- in
weighed in the balance, and found one's head, - mind, - wits, - upper
wanting. story; not in one's right mind; ttte
Under -, below- -the mark, - par; -cxaltee.- montee.
at -the bottom of the scale, - a low Insensibility. Coma; trance; heb-
ebb, - a disadvantage. etation; stock and stone; neutrality.

Influence, r. To tell; to rage; to be v. To numb; case-harden; hebetate.

adj. Thick-skinned; pachyderma-
phr. A tower of strength; to be in tous; case-hardened; chloroformed.
the ascendent; to spread like wildfire;
phr. With dry eyes; with withers
with telling effect: have -, get -, gain-
-the upper hand, - full play.
nnwrung; having a rhinoceros hide;
no matter; it matters not; it does not
Ingratitude, phr. To look a gift- signify; it is of no consequence or im-
horse in the mouth; thank you for portance; it cannot be helped; noth-
nothing. ing comes amiss; being all the same
to; never mind; being all one to; hav-
Ingress, phr. To pop into; ram into; ing, i<- ling, or taking no interest in;
to find one's way into; to creep into; nonchalant; pococurante; insouciant;
to worm one's self into; to open the sans souci.
door to.
Insertion, v. To foist in; stick in;
Inhabitant. Backwoodsman; a new ram in; plough in; souse; douse;
comer. drown; plunge; in medial ret.

Injury, phr. To play the deuce with; Instantanelty. phr. Qnick aa

to break the back of; to crush to thought; quick aa lightning; rapid as
pieces; to crumble to dust; to grind electricity; before one can say "Jack
to powder; to ravage with fire and Robinson; " between the cup and lip:
sword. on the spur of the moment; on the in-
fltant; in lees than no time; right
Inquiry, phr. The threshold of an
inquiry; to scratch the head; to slap Presto; subito; instanter; suddenly;
the forehead; to look, peer, or pry
at a stroke; like a shot; in a -moment,
Into every hole or corner; to beat the
&c. n.; in the twinkling of -an eye;
bushes; to leave no stone unturned; - a bed post; at one jump; in the
to seek a needle in a pottle of hay (or
in a hay-mow); to mouse, dodge.
same breath; per faltum; tmosaitu;
at -, all at- once; plump; slap; at one
To subject to examination; to put fell swoop; at the same instant; ex
to the proof; to pass in review; to
take into consideration; to grapple tempore; on the -spot, - spur of tho
with a question; to ventilate a ques- moment; just then; slap-dash; touch
and go; no sooner said than done.
tion; to seek a clue; how -comes,
-happens, - is- it? what is the reason! Insolence. Dicacity; malapertness;
what's -the matter, - in the wind? a hardened front; procacity.
what on earth T v. To roister; make bold; snub; huff;
phr. To addle the wits; outface; bluff; out-look; out-stare;
the head being turned; having a bee in out-brazen; hector; to swear; rap
one's bonnet; far gone; stark staring out oaths.
mad; mad as a March hare; the devil adj. Malapert; roistering; rollick-
being in one; giddy as a goose; one's ing; high-flown; aweless.
phr. To give one's self airs; to kick Seek -, strive- after- impossibilities;
np a dust; to lay down the law; to put labor in vaiti; roll the stone of Sisy-
on big looks; to ride the high horse; phus; battre Veau avec un baton;
to lord it over; to ride rough-shod donner un coup d'epee dans Veau'
over; to carry with a high band; to fish in the air; drop a bucket into an
tread under foot; to talk big; to take empty well; sow the sand; bay the
a liberty. moon; preach-, speak- to the winds;
" whistle jigs to a milestone; kick
Instrumentality. Open sesame;"
against the pricks; se battre contre
a go-between; a cat's paw; main-stay;
des moulins; lock the stable door
trump-card. when the steed is stolen; hold a
phr. Two strings to one's bow; by farthing candle to the sun cast pearls ;

dint of; wherewithal. before swine; carry coals to New-

adv. By the agency -, by dint- of; castle;, wash a blackamoor white.
by -, in- virtue of; through -the me- Inversion, phr. The cart before the
dium, &c. n., of; along with; on the horse; heels over head, or head over
shoulders of; by means of, &c.; by -, heels; the wrong side up; top-side
with- -the aid of ; per fas et nefas; by t'other way; sens dessus dessous; uir-
fair means or foul; somehow, - or die-girdie.
other; by book or by crook. Irascibility. Hufflness; protervity.
Insufficiency. A thimbleful; deple- A brabbler,
tion; ebbtide; low water; short com- v. To fire up.
mons; a banyan day. adj. On the fret; over-hasty; quick;
phr. A beggarly account of empty techy; snappish; peppery; exceptions;
boies; out at elbows; not having a fro ward; shrewish; cantankerous;
leg to stand upon; to be put upon cross-grained.
one's shifts; to be put on short allow- phr. Like touchwood, or tinder; a
ance. word and a blow.
Intelligibility, v. To throw light Irresolution, phr. To hang fire; to
upon. hum and Iiaw; not to know one's
phr. Clear as day; clear as noon-
mind; to will and to will not; yes or
no; infirm of purpose; being without
day; not to be mistaken; he that runs which way the
ballast; waiting to see
may read; to see with half an eye; to cat jumps, or the wind blows.
enter into the idea of; plain as a pike-
staff; in plain terms; read between
Think twice about; remain neuter;
the lines. dilly-dally; hesitate; boggle; coquet
with; chasser-balancer; go half-way;
Intention, phr. In the wind; on the make a compromise; be thrown off
anvil; in right good earnest; to find one's balance; stagger like a drunken
in one's heart. man; let "I dare not " wait npon "I
With -a view, - an eye- to; for the would;" in faltering accents; off and
purpose -, with the view -, in contem- on; from pillar to post; see-saw &c.
plation -, on account- of; quo animo; int. "How happy could I be with
to all intents and purposes. eitherl"
Interchange. Castling (at chess);
phr. A Bx)land for an Oliver; tit for JOURNEY, t- . To foot it; stump; peg
tat; vice versa; mutatis mutandis; on; bundle; toddle; shuffle on; tramp;
backwards and forwards; turn and tread a path; jog on; fisk.
turn about; each -, every one- in his phr. To have a run, gallop, &c;on
turn. -foot,
- horseback, - Shank's mare;
Inutlllty. phr. To use vain efforts; by the Marrow-bone stage; in trans-
to beat the air; to lash the waves; to itu; en route.
Wilk theram. int. Come along I
Judgment, and phr. To be near
the truth; to burn; to stumble upon;
to pop upon; lay the finger on; smoke;
grub up; to disinter; to verify. LAITTENTATION. phr. The melt-
To hold the scales; to set in judg- ing mood; a flood of tears; wringing
ment; to lay one's finger or one's of hands and gnashing of teeth.
hand upon; on the whole; all things v. To bibber; maunder; pule; take
on; grunt; mew; mewl; squeak.
Junction, v. To put together; to
phr. To melt or burst into tear-";
bridge over; to latch; belay; clap to- to cry one's self blind; to cry one's
gether; bracket; impact; wedge; rab- eyes out; to beat one's breast; to
bet; jam. wring one's hands; to gnash one's
adj. Jammed. teeth; to tear one's hair; to roll on
phr. Rolled into one. the ground; to roar like a bull; to
bellow like an ox.
Jurisdiction. Catch-poll; bum-bai- Being in the melting mood; with
liff; sbirri; alguazil; coram judice. tears in one's eyes; bathed or dis-
solved in tears; the eyes suffused,
swimming, brimful, or overflowing
with tears; with moistened or watery
eyes; the tears standing in the eyes,
KILLING, v To burke; do for; put or starting from the eyes.
an end to; bowstring; turn off.
phr. To put to the sword; to run
Lateness, phr. A day after tha
fair; at the eleventh hour.
through the body; to put to the edge An afternoon man.
of the sword; to blow the brains out;
to make daylight shine through; to
To tide it over; to push or drive to
the last; to let the matter stand
give a quietus to; to give a death-blow over.
to; to knock on the head; to launch
into eternity. Lawyer. Bencher; protector: no-
Cut off; nip in the bud; send to tary; equity; draughtsman; scriv-
one's last account; sign one's death rener.
warrant; strike the death knell of; Learning, v. To grind, cram,
give no quarter; pour out blood like coach.
water; decimate; run a muck; wade
knee deep -, imbrue one's hands- in phr. To flash on the mind.
blood; die a violent death; welter In To run away with an idea; to catch
one's blood; dash -, blow- out one's the idea; to catch on; to make one's
brains; commit suicide; kill -, make self acquainted with; to turn over
away with -, put an end to- oneself. the leaves; to make one's self mas-
ter of; to go to school; to get up a
Knowledge, phr. The march of in- subject; to get scent of; to serve one's
tellect; the progress, advance, &c., of apprenticeship; to serve one's time.
science; the schoolmaster being
abroad. Length, phr. To make a long
To have in one's head; to have at arm; to drag its slow length along;
one's fingers' ends; to know what's tttere being no end of.
what As long as my arm; as long as to-
At hom in; behind the scenes; day and to-morrow.
one's eyes being open; the scales fall- Levity, adj. Imponderons; weight-
ing from one's eyes; to the best of less;uncompressed; volatile.
one's knowledge.
phr. Light as a feather; light as
adj. Educated; enlightened; shrewd; thistle-down; light as air.
blue; recognized; hackneyed; trite; Liberation, To out and run; to
commonplace. cast oft trammels; slip the collar;
shake the yoke; tear asunder one's
off to set one's affections on; to lose one's
bonds: break prison; to unhand; get heart; to become enamored, &c.; to
clear of. curry favor with; to pay one's court
Life. Life-blood; the breath of one's to; to set one's cap at.
Over head and ears in love; love-
sick; sweet upon; mashed; all broke
phr. To see the light; to come Into up.
the world; to draw the breath of life. To one's mind, taste, or fancy; in
To keep life and soul (soul and body) one's good graces; dear as the apple
together; all alive and kicking. of one's eye; nearest to one's heart;
like an angel; the idol of the people.
Light, phr, A flood of light; to tlrike
Bright as silver; bright as day;
bright as noonday.
List. Tally; panel; ledger; synopsis; MALEDICTION, phr. To devote
bill of fare. to destruction; to invoke or call down
Littleness. A dwarf; curses on one's head; to swear like a
runt; pigmy;
pigwidgeon; urchin;
lilliputian; chit; trooper; to rap out an oath; to curse
with bell, book, and candle.
puppet; Tom Thumb; mani-
elf; doll:
kin; skeleton; shadow; mouse; pol- Int. Woe to'.beshrew! ruat ccelumf
lard. ill -, woe- betide! confusion seize!
out with! a plague -, out- upon! ar-
adj. Wee; minikin; hop-o'-my-
thumb. oynt! honi soil! delenda est Car-
phr. In a small compass; in a nut-
shell; on a small scale; thin as a lath; malevolence, phr. To dip or im-
worn to a shadow; shin and bone. brue one's hands in blood.
Location. Betraying the cloven foot; having
Settlement; lodge. no bowels.
To domesticate; put up at.
Mankind. Earthling; folk; the
phr. To pitch one's tent; to put up masses; blade; chap; gaffer.
one's horses at
phr. The lords of the creation; the
Loquacity. Gab: gabble; jabber; body politic.
cackle; clack; rattle; bibble-babble;
Manifestation, phr. To lay one's
finger upon; to hold up the mirror; to
phr. A thrice-told tale; a long yarn. draw, lift up, raise, or remove the
To din in the ears; to drum into curtain; to throw off the mask: to
the ear; to spin a long yarn; to talk at crop out; to speak for itself; to give
random; to talk one's self out of vent to; on the stage; plain as a pike-
breath; to bandy about; hoarse with staff.
talking; trippingly on the tongue; off Hold up -, expose- to view; set-,
the reel; the tongue running -fast, place before -one, - one's eyes;
-, lay-
- loose, - on wheels. tell to one's face; trot out; put through
Loss. phr. To allow to slip through one's paces; bring to light; draw-,
the fingers. bring- out; bring out in strong relief;
call -, bring- into notice; hold up the
Londness. phr. To din in the ear; to
mirror; wear one's heart upon his
shout, or thunder at the pitch of one's - colors;
breath or at the top of one's voice. sleeve; show one's -face,
manifest one's self; speak out; make
Enough to split the head or ears; in no -mystery. - secret- of; unfurl the
fall cry; the air rings with.
flag; proclaim.
Love. phr. To take to; to take a fancy Cela saute aux yetac: he that run*
to; to cotton to; to make much of; to may read; you can see it with half an
look sweet upon; to fall in love with; ye; it need* no ghost to tell us; thf

meaning lies on the surface; cela va tar; to get the wrong L.JW oy the ear;
sans dire; res ipsa loquitur. to slop over; to be too previous.

IHarrlage. Hymen; spousals; the Moderation, phr. To pour oil oa

torch of Hymen; nuptial benediction; the waves; to pour balm into.
the honeymoon. Gentle as a lamb; mild as mother'!
phr. To lead to the altar; to take to milk; milk and water.
one's self a wife; to take for better or
Modesty, phr. To draw in one's
worse; to give one's hand to; to be- horns; to give way to; to cast a sheep's
stow one's hand upon.
To tie the nuptial knot; to give in eye; to keep one's distance.
Without ceremony; without beat of
marriage. drum; poor in spirit; at one's feet.
Rlean*. phr. Wheels within wheels. Under easy sail; at half speed;
within -bounds, - compass; reason;
By hook or by crook; by all manner est modus in rebus.
of means; somehow or other; for love
or money; cards to play; expedients; Money. Bullion; ingot; nugget;
two strings to one's bow; sheet an- greenback.
chor. Ready; rhino; sponduliz; blunt;
Memory, phr. The tablet of the dust; piece; mopus; Vargent; for;
tin; red cent; nickel; a pile; stuff;
memory; memory's scroll.
To have at one's fingers ends. fancy stocks; hard cash; the shining
To call to mind; to jog or refresh metal; hard money; the coin of the
the memory; to pull by the sleeve; to realm; national currency; circulating
bring back to the memory; to carry medium; dosh; mint drops; yellow
one's thoughts back; to revert to the eagle; buzzard dollar; yellow boys.
Flash note; bank note; slip; kite;
past; to put in remembrance; dream
of departed days; memories of lang kite-paper; shin-plaster; bogus; wild
cat money; Continental currency;
To say by heart; repent by rote; say Confederate currency; postal cur-
one's lesson; speak a piece; give rec- rency; the pocket; breeches'-pocket.
itations; repeat as a parrot. phr. The almighty dollar; "gold,
To task the memory: to treasure up gold, gold!" the sinews of war; the
in the memory; to keep the memory Archimedian lever; the "power be-
alive; to keep the memory green; hind the throne;" the power of mon-
fresh in the memory; to keep the ey; the wherewithal; the needful.
mound green. To touch the pocket.
Manet alta mente repostum; forsan
et hcec olim meminisse juvabit. Motive, phr. To pat on the back* or
shoulder; to talk over; to lead by the
misinterpretation, phr. To put nose; to bait the hook; to tamper
a bad or false construction on; give with; to lash into fury; to act on pr'ii-
a false coloring; to play at cross ciple;to turn the head; to go or come
purposes. round a person; to set an example;
to keep in countenance.
Party spirit; parti- To follow the bent of; to follow the
sanship. dictates of; to make no scruple; to
adj. Pig-headed; one-sided; bias- make no bones; tamper with; bribe;
Bed; intolerant; infatuated; fanatical; suborn; grease the palm; bait with a
self-opinioned; opinionative; un- silver hook; gild the pill; make things
persuadable. pleasant; put a sop into the pan;
phr. Wedded to an opinion; noth-
throw a sop to; the forbdden fruit.
ing like leather; the wish the father to Multitude. Profusion; array; gal-
the thought. axy.
Mistake, v, and phr. To wake up A hundred, thousand, myriad, miU>
the <**ong passenger; to catch a Tar- ion, &c.
great many; teeming; populous;
phr. A Bight; in profusion; thick
coming; many more; more than one NARROWNESS, adj. Spindle-
can tell; a world of; no end -of, - to; shanks; skin and bone.
cum multis aliis; thick as -hops, -
phr. Slender as a thread; thin as a
hail; plenty as blackberries; numer-
lath; thin as a whipping-post; thin as
ous as the -stars in the firmament, - a thread -paper; thin as a wafer; thin
sands on the sea-shore, - hairs on the as a shadow; thin as a shad; thin as a
- heaven knows
head; and-what not.
name rail; lank as a greyhound; thin as a
what; endless &c.; infinite: their
match; tabid; marcid; bare-bone; raw-
is "Legion." boned; herring-gutted; worn to a
Music. Aria; sonata; fantasia; fugue; shadow; lean as a rake; hatchet-faced;
pibroch; jig; dithyramb; score; full lantern-jawed.
score; canzonet; catch; canon; mad- Necessity, phr. Hobson's choice; a
rigal; opera; operetta: solo; duet; blind bargain; a stern, iron necessity.
trio; quartet; opera boufEe; song; To make a virtue of necessity; to be
lyric; arietta. pushed to the wall;/aute de mieux; by
Waltz; schottische; polka; reel; ma- stress of; if need be.
zourke; fling; quickstep; march; It cannot be helped; there is no
dead-march; triumphal-march; sacred -help for,
helping- it; it -will, -
music; martial music; operatic airs; must, - must needs- be, - be so, -
instrumental music; vocal music; have its way; the die is castjjocta est
" chin " music
music;" by the alea; che sara sara; "^t is written;"
band." one's days are numbered, - fate is
Apollo; The Muses; Erato; Euterpe; sealed; Fata obstant; diis aliter vis-
Terpsichore. urn.
Siren; nightingale; Philomel;
thrush; &c.
Neglect. Laches; perfunctoriness; a
slattern; slut.
v. To strum; grind; tweedle. phr. To blink; to take or make no
" the tune-
phr. The tuneful nine; account of; not to take into account; to
ful quire;" "Heavenly music, soft
" the give to the winds; to give the go-by to;
and sweet;" delightful harp of not to mind; not to trouble one's self
Eden;" the music of the spheres; the with, or about; to think no more of; to
soul attuned to sweetest melodies. set at naught; to leave out in the cold;
adv. Adagio: to care naught for.
largo; larghetto;
andan-te; -tino; alia capella; maes- Heels over head; in an unguarded
toso; moderate: allegr-o, -etto; spirit-
moment; buried in a napkin.
oso; vivace; veloce: prest-o, -issimo; Newness, phr. Fresh as a rose;
capriccioso; scfterz-o, -ando; legato; fresh as a daisy; fresh as paint; bran
ttaccato; crescendo; diminuendo; ral- new; spick and span new.
lentando; affettuoso; obbligato; piz- Nomenclature, phr. Convertible
zicato. terms.
musical Instruments. Stringed
To call a spade a spade; to rejoice
In the name of; to take the name of;
instruments; monochord; polychord;
to go or pass under the name of.
Kit; cremona; viol d'amor; violone; phr. Yclept, known as; what on*
bassetto; hurdy-gurdy; ophicleide; may well, - fairly, - properly, - fit-
union pipes; vibrating surfaces; mu- ly- call.
Bical glasses; musical stones; &c. Non-completion. A drawn battle;
Vibrating bars; Jews-harp. a drawn game.
phr. Toscotch the snake, not kill it;
fall short of; do things by halves; hang
fire ;b slow to.

Non-olk*orvance. phr. To wipe To turn

the occasion to account; to
off; to fob off. strike the iron while it is hot; to make
To stretch a point; to go from one's hay while the sun shines.
word; to apply tie sponge; to drive a lii the nick of time; in pudding
coach and six through. time; in the fulness of time; between
the cup and the lip; on the spur of
Non-payment. Application of the the moment or occasion; all in good
sponge. time; now or never; at the eleventh
phr. To be gazetted; to pay under hour; the third time of asking.
protest; to apply the sponge; to draw
the purse-strings; to pay over the left Cirpe diem; occosionem cognosce;
shoulder; to get white- washed. one's hour has come; the time is up;
Being minus, or worse than noth- that reminds me.
ing; deep in debt; plunged or over Offer. Oblation; bid; sacrifice; immola-
head and ears in debt; in the gazette; tion.
a lame duck.
v. To start; hawk about.
Nudity, phr. -In -a state of nature, -
nature's garb, buff,
- native buff, - Oldnesn. phr. Nothing new under
the sun; old as the hills; old as Methu-
birth-day suit; in puris naturalibus; -
with nothing on; stark naked; bold as selah; old as Adam; once, upon a
a coot; bare as the back of on >'s hand; time; from time immemorial: in the
out at elbows; leaf-, nap-, hair-r ~s. memory of man; time out of mind; up
to this time; ex post facto.
Time was; the time -has, - bath-
X> been.
Opening. Mouse-hole; eye of a nee-
OBEDIENCE, phr. To kiss the rod; dle; wizen; main; colander; honey-
to lick the dust; to eat humble pie; to comb.
play second fiddle; to draw in one's phr. To cut a passage through.
horns; to dance attendance on; to hear
is to obey; as -, if- you please.
int. Open sesame!
Oblivion, phr. Buried or sunk in Opportunity, n. A smart chance; a
oblivion; clean out of one's head or right smart chance.
recollection ; clean forgotten; consign- . _ owltlon. phr. To set one's (one's
ed to the tomb of the Capulets. self) face against; to turn one's back
To come in at one ear and go out at upon; to make a stand against; to fly
the other; to think no more of it; to in the face of; to fail foul of; to be or
cast behind one's back; to have a short to play at cross purposes; to spoil
memory; to have no head; to apply the one's trade; to kick against the pricks;
sponge; to let by-gones be by-gones. to stem the torrent; to buffet the
A'on mi rtcordo; the memory -fail- waves; to cross one's tracks; to take
- deserting one, - being at (or one down a peg; to take the starch
in) fault. out of him; to pitch into; to polt one.
In spite of one's teeth; with a head
Obstinacy, phr. To stick at nothing;
wedded to an opinion; obstinate as a wind; with the wind ahead; with the
over wind in one's teeth; up in arms; dead
mule; heels head; at any risk; at
set against; death on a thing; don't
any rate, price, cost, or sacrifice; non hitch horses.
possumua; no surrender.
n. A dead set; a polt.
Obstruction, phr. To throw sand in
I the wheels; put a spoke in the wheel; Order. ;./<-. To red up (as room);

lead a pretty dance. to right up.

Occasion, phr. A stitch in time; a Ornament, adj. Bedight;janty;gair-
golden opportunity; a well-timed op- ish (or garish); pranked out; glitter-
portunity. ing; flashy; tricksy.
phr. Fine as a May-day queen; fine phr. To sit on thorns; to be on pins
as a five-pence; fine as a carrot fresh and needles; to take to heart; to take
scraped. on; to labor under affliction; to drain
OMt-illatlon. phr. To and fro; up the cup of misery to the dregs.
and down; backwards and forwards; Palnfulness. Cross; pother; worm;
see-saw; zigzag; wibble-wabble; in canker; cancer; ulcer; whip; lash;
and out; from side to side; like buck-
rack; wheel; sword; dagger.
ets in a well.
Ostentation. Splash; splurge; stage phr. A thorn in one's side; a bitter
effect; clap-trap; flourish of trumpets; pill; where the shoe pinches.
salvo of artillery; set-out. v. Tobother, pester, pother, irk,
v. To prink, splash; make a splurge; regrate, gnaw, prick, cut, cut up,
to spread one's self; to make a show; stick, gravel, smite, twinge, gripe,
to make a shine. badger, harry.
phr. Gaudy as a peacock, butterfly, To turn the stomach, mumble, dis-
tulip, &c. enchant, shock.
With flourish of trumpets; with beat phr. To barb the dart; to set th
of drum; en grande tenue; in best bib teeth on edge; to stink in the nostrils;
and tucker; in Sunday best; endiman- to tweak the nose; to break the
che; with flying colors; ad captandum heart; to add a nail to one's coffin;
wigus. to plant a dagger in the breast; to
Outwit, phr. To get ahead of. put to the question; to break on the
wheel; to wound the feelings; to put
to the rack.
Like a toad under the harrow; hinc
illae lachrym<z! surgit amari aliquid;

PACIFICATION. phr. Hollow the place being too hot to hold one;
the iron entering into the soul.
truce; settle -, arrange -, accommo-
date- - differences; set
-matters, Paleness, adj. Cold; ghastly.
straight; make up a quarrel; tantas phr. Pale as death; pale as ashes;
componere lites; come to -an under- pale as a witch; pale as a ghost; pale
- terms; bridge over; hush
as a corpse.
up; make -it, - matters- up; shake
hands. Part. Rag; tag; snatch; flitter; cut;
Raise a seige; put up -, sheathe- snip; snick; collop; odds and ends;
the sword; bury the hatchet; lay down shadow.
one's arms; turn swords into plough- adv. Bit by bit; by inches; foot by
shares; smoke the calumet of peace; foot; drop by drop; in lots.
close the temple of Janus; keep the
peace; be - pacified &c; come round; Participation, phr Snacks; co-
requiescat in pace. portion; par-ticipate, -take; share, -
Pain. in; come in for a share; go -shares, -
Botheration; cark; dole; fret;
snacks, - halves; share and share
cut; twitch; dolor; sufferance; rack;
alike; have -, possess -, be seised- -in
cruciation; crucifixion; martyrdom;
purgatory; hell.
common, - as joint tenants.
phr. The canker-worm of care; a Parsimony. Tenacity; straight-
peck of troubles; a sea of troubles; A churl; screw; skinflint; crib; cod-
the ills that flesh is heir to; the iron
entering the soul. ger; muckworm; scrimp; lickpenny;
v. To ache, ail, bleed, shoot, twinge,
hunks; curmudgeon; harpagon.
gripe, lancinate. phr. To skin a flint; to drive a cloM
adj. Cut up, ungratified; sorry; fret- bargain.
ted; carking; the heart bleeding; ac- adj. Close-handed; fast-handed;
cursed. hide-bound; griping; pinching.

phr. Haying an itching palm; adv. Speciali gratia; under fa vat

with a sparing hand. of; ad libitum; by all means.
Passion. To get one's dander up; Perpetuity, phr. Stretching to the
to have one's dander raised; to raise crack of doom; forever and a day; for
one's dander; to fly off the handle; to ever and ever; always; till the SUB
snap up; to go off on a tangent. shall no longer run its course; world
without end; to the end of time; till
Past Time, phr. Lang syne; the doomsday.
good old time; time out of mind; the One's days are numbered; the time
rust of antiquity; old mortality. is up; here to-day and gone to-mor-
Payment, phr. To fork out mon- row; non semper erit cestas; eheuf
ey; to fork over the amount; spot
fugaces labuntur anni; sic transit
cash; to pay on the nail; to pay as you gloria mumli.
go; to honor a bill; to foot the bill; to Piety, phr. Spiritual existence; the
fhave the bill; to strike a balance; to odor of sanctity; the beauty of ho-
quit scores; to do the needful: to fur- liness; flowery paths of peace.
nish the sinews of war; to settle, bal- To work out one's salvation; the
ance, or square accounts with; to children of God; the Lord's anointed;
wipe off old scores; to satisfy all de- the chosen few; children of the king-
mands; to pay in full of all demands; dom; children of light.
to take up a note; to the tune of; on
money down.
the nail; Pity. phr. The melting mood; bow-
els of compassion; a fellow feeling;
Penitence, phr. The stool of re- tender as a chicken.
pentance; an awakened conscience;
the cutty stool; a sadder and a wiser int. For pity's sake! mercy! have
man; be penitent; think better of; -, cry you- mercy 1 God help you!
knock under; plead guilty; sing- mis- poor -thing, dear, - fellow! woe be-
- de profundia: cry peccavi; tide! quis talia fando temperet a
own oneself in the wrong. lachrymis!
To eat humble pie; to own the soft phr. One's heart bleeding for;
impeachment; to turn over a new
haud ignara mali miseris succurre-
leaf; to put on the new man; to have r disco.
a weight on one's mind; to make a
clean breast of; down on one's mar- Plan. Great gun; trump-card.
row-bones; mea culpa; peccavi; eru~ phr. To have many irons in the
buit salra res est. fire; to dig a mine; to spring a pro-
Perfection, phr. The philoso- ject; to take or adopt a course; to set
pher's stone; the flower of the flock; one's wits to work.
the pink of perfection; the cock of Pleasure. Empyrean; third heaven.
the roost; the acme of perfection.
v. To
solace one's self; to be on
Permanence, phr, The law of the velvet; in clover; in heaven; in high
Medes and Persians; stand fast; the daddy; exalted to the seventh heaven;
rock of ages; the everlasting hills; to hug one's self.
"rock-ribbed and ancient as the phr. To slake the appetite; to baek
gun;" as enduring as the pyramids; In the sunshine; to feel so good one
to keep one's footing. wants to die; to tread on enchanted
adv. For good; finally; at a stand; ground.
at a stand-still.
adj. Tickled; on velvet; in clover;
Permission, To among the daisies; on a bed of roses;
phr. give carte
in heaven; in paradise.
blanche; to give one rope; to give a
horse his head; to stretch a point; phr. With a joyful face; with
leave the door open; to let one paddle sparkling eyes; happy as a king;
one's canoe; to give the reins to. pleased as Punch; in the lap of lux-
ury; happy as the day is long; one's ahead, - in the van, - In advance; pre-
heart leaping with joy. cede; forerun; usher in; introduce;
herald; head*, take the lead; lead, -
Pleasurableness. Welcomeness; the way, - the dance; get, - nave- the
attractability; takingness; invHiug- start; steal a march; get before.
A treat: tid-bit. Preparation, phr. A stitch in
time; clearing decks; a note of prep-
phr. To one's heart's content; to
- tickle-, hit- one's fancy; meet one's
To prepare the ground; to take
wishes; win -, gladden -, rejoice -,
warm the cockles of- the heart; do steps; lay or fix the foundations, the
one's heart good; decies repetitapla- basis, groundwork, &c.; to lay the
- first stone; to clear the ground; clear
cebit; welcome, as the roses in May;
the way; smooth the way; clear
the buttercups and daisies; to one's
- - decks; clear for action; close one's
-taste, mind, liking. ranks; form line of battle; de-
Plunge. To souse; plump; squash; ploy as skirmishers; man the guns;
douse. uuhmber the battery, plough the
Get out of one's depth; go -to the ground; till the soil; sow the seed;
bottom, - down like a stone. open the way; pave the way; lay a
Possession, v. To be
seized of ; to train; dig a mine; prepare a charge;
have in hand, or on hand; to get into to get up the steam; to charge the
one's hands. batteries; to lay the cases; to erect
the scaffolding.
phr. A bird in hand; nine points To hold one's self in readiness; to
of the law; in one's -hands, -grasp, - have steam up; to have the forms
- dis-
possession; at one's -command, ready for press; to keep one's pow-
posal. der dry; to shoulder arms; to be in
Possibility, phr. Wind and weath- the saddle; to be at the outpost; to be
er permitting; within the bounds of in battery; to be on deck; to be at
if God Deo the guns.
possibility; willing;
volente. To beat up for recruits; to sound
the note of preparation.
Poverty, phr. To live from hand Armed to the teeth; the coast be-
to mouth; to come upon the parish;
ing clear.
to go to the dogs; not to have a penny; In--full feather, - best bib and tuck-
to bring to the parish.
er; in -, at- harness; in -the saddle,
adj. Seedy; hard-up; dowerless; - arms, - battle array, - war
fortuneless; bereft; bereaved. up in arms; armed -at all points, - to
the teeth, - cap-a-pie; sword in hand;
phr. Unable to make both ends booted and spurred.
meet; out at elbows; under hatches; In utrumque -, semper- paratus;
not having a stiver, or a doit; dead on the alert; at one's post.
broke; without a nickle; not a cop-
per; not a red; not having a shot in Present Time. phr. At this time
one's locker; not having a penny; not of day; to-day; uow-a-days; already;
worth a farthing; not worth a sou; even -, but -, just- now; on the pres-
strapped; not well fixed; poor as a ent occasion; for the -time being, -
rat; poor as a church mouse; out at
nonce; pro hoc vice; on the -nail, -
the heels; poor as Job, as Job's tur-
spot; on the spur of the -moment, -
key; to go to rack and ruin; to beg occasion; until now; to -this, - the
one's bread.
present- day.
Have seen better days; go down in
the world; of the lower million; tirer Price. Figure; run upon.
le diable par la queue; run into
debt. phr. To run up a bill; to amount t%
come to, mount up to.
PreceMion. phr. To go -before,
- To stand on* in; afford.

adj. Priced, charged, &c.; to the Progression, phr. To make up lee-

tune of. way; to go with the stream; to go full
No tilt at; to get along; jog on; to make
phr. penny, no pater nosier; no
Joiiger pipe; no longer dauce; what it rapid strides; to push or elbow one's
will fetch. way.
Pride, phr. To bridle; look big; toss the Promise. Troth; plight.
head; hold up one's head; perk one's r. To pass, or plight one's word, &c.;
self up; to carry with a high hand; to to be sworn.
be upon stilts; to take the wall; to give phr. To hold out an
expectation; to
one's self airs; to ride the high horse; call heaven to witness; to swear by
to put a good face upon. bell, book, and caudle; to take upon
adj. Blown perked up. one's self; to tie one's self; to be in
for it; under one's hand and seal; as
phr. High and mighty ;on one's high
horses; on one's tight ropes; proud as one's head shall answer for; to give
a peacock; proud as Lucifer; on one's one's note.
high ropes; on stilts; en grand seig- Property. Things; traps; trappings;
neur; with head erect. stuff; plunder; paraphernalia lug-
Prison. gage; baggage; bag and baggage; car-
Cage; coop; den; jug; toll-
booth; black hole; paddock; bilboes; go; lading; heirloom.
jihr. What a man is worth; what a
gag; muzzle; leading-string.
man will cut up for; placed to one's
Probability, phr. Not the ghost of account; placed to one's credit.
a chance.
Propulsion, v. To shy at, chuck,
Probity, phr. The court of honor. flirt.
To give the devil his due; to put the
saddle on the right horse; jealous of phr. To carry one off one's legs;
to put to flight.
honor; as good as one's word.
Prosperity. Fair weather; sunshine;
Prodigality, adj. Full-handed; dis-
fair wind.
phr. A run of luok; the emiles of
phr. Penny wise and pound foolish;
with an unsparing hand; money burn- fortune; a made man; a lucky dog;
skipjack; to one's
feather nest; tc
ing in one's pocket. bask in the sunshine ; to rise in the
v. Be prodigal; sow broadcast; pour
world; to make one's way; to have a
forth like water; pay through the run.
nose; eat out of house and home; out-
run the constable; run -out, - adj. Well to do; set up.
through; throw -good money after i>hr. The spoilt child of fortune;
bad, - the helve after the hatchet; born with a silver spoon In one's
burn the caudle at both ends; make mouth; as good luck would have it;
ducks and drakes of one's money; beyond all hope; one's star in the
fool -, potter -, muddle -, fritter -, ascendant; all for the best; one's
throw- away one's money; pour water course runs smooth.
into a sieve; kill the goose that lays Publication, phr. To proclaim at
the golden eggs; manger ton tile en Charing Cross; to proclaim from the
herbe. house-tops; to publish iu the gazette;
Proficient. Dnb; dabster master- to send round the crier; to announce
head; jobber; sharp-blade; old file; old with beat of drum; in every one's
stager; topsawyer; cunning man; mouth; as the story runs; pass cur-
- the round of
rope-dancer; funambulist; prodigy; rent; go -the rounds,
witch. the newspapers, - through the length
phr. A good hand at; a nice hand; a and breadth of the laud; rt'mm volt-
tare per ora; spread; run -, spread-
capital hand; a clean hand; a dead
like wildfire.
shot; a Jack-of -all-trail OH; pantologist;
admirable Crichton; prodigy of learn- Pungency. Race; caviare; dram;
ing. cordial; condiment.
phr. gait as brine: salt as a herring; one; a corps perdu; tete baissee, hap
salt as Lot's wife; not as pepper. pen what may.
Punishment. A .blow; slap; hit;
Reasoning, phr The horns of a di-

knock; rap; thump: bang; stroke; cuff; lemma; a paper war; to take one's
kick; thwart; douse; oox; punch; pum- stand upon; to chop logic; to try con-
mel; dressing; lacing; cobbing; fusti- clusions; to cut the matter short; to
gation; picketing; leathering; decapi- have the last word; to impale on the
tation;ducking stool. horns of a dilemma; au bout du comp-
v. To pay, do for, serve out, visit te; on the whole; taking one thing
upon, lynch, lay on, leather, cane; to with another.
bang, thwack, thump, fib, punch, pum- Receipt. Money coming in; incom-
mel, drub, wallop, lapidate. ings; rent-roll; rental.
phr. To make an example of; to phr. To get what will make the pot
serve one right; to give a dressing; to boil; to keep the wolf from the door.
lace one's jacket; to apply the oil of
Receptacle. doghole;
birch; to ride on a rail; to tan one's poke; kit; stoup; hutch; dorser; rum-
hide; to tweak or pull the nose; to box mer; horn; posnet; thimble.
the ears; to give a black eye; to beat
black and blue; to lay about one; to
Dining-room; pew; sitting-room; of-
beat to a mummy, or jelly; to tar and
feather; to be hanged, &c.; to be Reception. Gulp; gulping; epula-
tion; carousal.
spread-eagled; to come to the gallows;
to die in one's shoes. v. To ingest, take down, gulp, in-
int. A la lanterne' gulp, bolt, snap, get down, worry
Pursuit, v. To fish, angle, bob for;
down, give entrance to.

to run down; to snatch at. To tuck in, lick, pick, peck, gobble,
guttle, raven.
phr. To run or ride full tilt at. To munch, cranch, royne, mum-
In full cry after; on the scent of; to ble.
follow the scent; to ride one's hobby- To guzzle, swill, swig, drench, sup,
tipple, drink in, drink up, toss off,
toss one's glass, empty one's glass.
phr. To wet one's whistle.
Recession, phr. To turn tart; to
QUANTITY. Definite or finite quan- take one's self off; to take to one's
tity; handful, mouthful, &c., batch, heels; to take French leave; to sound
lot. or beat a retreat; to cut and run; to
Quiescence, phr. Not to stir a peg hop the twig; to cut one's stick; to
or step; to go to bed; to come to a cut stick; to give leg bail; the devil
stand-still; to come to a dead lock; to take the hindmost.
bring to a stand-still; to lay an em- Record. Muniment, magazine.
bargo on; still as a statue; still as a Commit to -, reduce to- writing;
post; quiet or still as a mouse. put -, set down- in writiag, - in
61a ok and white; put -, jot -, take -,
write -, note -, set- down; note; min-
ute; put on paper; take -, make- a
-note, minute, - memorandum;
RASHNESS. ?>.Yr. A blind bargain; make a return.
s rashlmg; dare-devil. adv. Under one's hand and seal.
To buy a pig in a poke; to go on a
forlorn hope; to tempt Providence; to Redness, adj. Reddish; lurid; car-
rush on destruction, to have too many roty; brick-colored; sorrel-top; ru-
bescent; blowsy; stammel.
eggs in one basket; to go further and
fare worse; without ballast; hand phr. Red as -fire, - blood, - soar-
over head; post haste; neck or noth- let.
turkeycock, - a lobster; warm;
ing; bead foremost; the devil being in hot; foxy.
Redundance. Being a drug, au To tickle one's fancy; to net the ta-
expletive. ble in a roar; to convulse with laugh-
To put butter upon bacon; ter; to be the death of one.
to carry coals to Newcastle; it never Ready to burst or split; convulsed
rains but it pours; to go a begging;
with laughter; "laughter holding
both his sides;' 1 the heart leaping
over head and ears; having too many
with joy.
irons in the fire; enough and to
int. Hurrah! hosaniiah! bail! tolde-
rollolll Heaven be praised! to tri
adj. Too much; too far; without -, umphe! tant mieux! so much tin*
beyond -, out of- measure; up to one's better.
-eyes, ears; the mark.
Relinqnlshmnt. r. To let go, get
Refusal, r. To iiill; grudge; be- rid of, spare, cast away, fling away,
grudge; to forswear. let slip, make away with, make way
phr. Not to near of; to turn a deaf for.
ear to; to shake the bead; to send to int. To drop all idea of; to back
the right about; to hang fire; to wash out of; to think better of it; to wash
one's hands of; to have nothing to do one's hands of; to turn over a new
with; being out of the question; not leaf; to pass to the order of the day;
for the world; no, thank you; thank to throw up the game, or the cards;
you most to death; cannot entertain to shut up shop; to take leave of; to
the proposition; no, most decidedly; have other fish to fry; to draw in
cannot give an affirmative; must an- one' s horns.
swer in the negative; no, point blank: Remainder. Heel-tap: cheese par-
not uot till water runs up hill. ings; candle-ends; off-scouriugs.
A'on possumus; (ironically) your
humble servant; bien oblige. Repetition. Cuckoo-note; harping;
Regression. Reflexion; reflex. phr. To do or say over again; to
phr. Turn, -tail, - round,
upon ring the changes on; to harp on the
one's heel. - one's back upon; retrace same string; to din or drum in the
one's steps; dance the back step; ear; to conjugate in all its moods, ten-
sound -, beat a retreat; go home; to ses, and inflexions.
take the back track. Regular as clock-work.
Again and again; over and over,
To the right about; It reculons;
rebours; revenons a nos moutons; as again; many times over; time after
you were. time: year after year; day by day;
To lay on the many -, several -, a number of-
Rejection, phr. times; many -, full many- a time; ecce
shelf; to make a virtue of necessity; iterum Crispinus; toujours perdrix;
to throw overboard. cut and come again; to-morrow and
First come first served; Hobson's to-morrow.
Rejoicing. Crow; cheer; horse- Repose. To rest upon one's oars; to
laugh; revelling; sardonic grin; guf- take a holiday; to shut up shop; time
to spare; time on one's hands.
faw; roar; cachinnation; Momus; De-
mocritus the Abderite. Repute. Chief; leader; cock of th
r. To crow, tickle, cackle, snicker, roost; cock of the walk; first fiddle.
chuckle. phr. A feather in one's cap; a oicha
phr. To laugh in one's sleeve; to in the temple of fame; a halo of glory;
rub one's hands; to shake one's sides; a fair name; blushing honors.
to leap with joy; to bless one's stars; To acquire or gain honor, &c.; to
to hold both one's sides; to split take precedence; to bear the palm; to
one's sides; to roar with laughter; to bear the bell; to redound to one's
burst into a fit of laughter; to die honor; to win laurels; to win one'a
with laughter. spurs; to make a uoise in the world;
to exalt one's horn; to exalt to the Fen-ens difficili bile jecur; hoeret
Gkies; redounding to one's honor; lateri lethalis arundo; tantcene ani-
one's name living forever. mis ccelestibus irce! marry come upl
zounds! 'sdeath!
Bequest. Postulation; impetration;
instance: obsecration; interpellation; Resistance. Oppugnation; relucta-
apostrophe; orison; incantation; men- tion; kicking.
dicancy; begging letter; revendica- phr. To keep
at bay; to champ the
tion. -
bit; to -stand up,- strive, bear up, -
To beg a boon, call npon, ply. be proof, - make head- against; stand
phr. To pop the question; to fall on - firm, - one's ground, - the brunt
one's knees; to come down on one's - out; hold -one's ground, - one's
inarrow-bones; to beg from door to own, - out.
door; to dance attendance ou; to
throw one's self at the feet of. Breast the -wave, - current; stem
the - torrent; face, confront,
To evoke, kneel to, impetrate, ap- -tide,
ply to, put to, call for, tax, cry to; to grapple with; show a bold front; pre-
sent a front; make a -, take one's-
tout, revendicate.
Cap in hand; be so good as; be good stand.
enough; have the goodness; vouch- To kick against; recalcitrate; kick
safe; will you; I pray thee; if you against the pricks; oppose; fly in the
face of; lift the hand against; rise up
in arms; turn out; draw up a round
int. For -God's, - heaven's - good-
- mercy's- sake. robin; make a riot; prendre le mors
aux dents; take the bit between the
Resentment. Tantrum, pucker, teeth; sell one's life dearly; die
dander, taking, huff, tiff. hard.
The Furies; the Eumenides.
Resolution, phr. To pass the Ku-
phr. Black looks; the blood being bicou; to scale the Alps; to swim the
np; the blood rising; the blood boil- Hellespont; to take a decisive step; to
ing; a towering passion; on the ram- nail one's colors to the mast; to screw
page; the phials of wrath; fire and up one's courage to the sticking
fury; a sore subject. place; to keep a stiff upper lip.
v. To take huff; gnash, pout; bri-
Firm as a rock; steady as time; true
to one's self; master of one's self.
dle up, flare up, snarl; growl, gnarl,
snap; to froth up, to fire up, rage,
Through thick and thin; through
fire and water.
&c., fly out; fire, boil, boil over.
On one's mettle; manfully; like a
phr. To take in bad part; to lose man; with a high hand; at any -rate,
one's temper; to take it ill; to take - risk, - hazard, - price, - cost, - sac-
exception; to stick in one's crop; to rifice; at all -hazards, - risk,
- events;
stick in one's gizzard; to stand on cost what it may; coute que coiite; a
one's hind legs; to show one's teeth; tort et a travers; once for all; neck or
to stamp the foot; to swell or foam
nothing; spes sibi quisque; with a
with rage; to breathe revenge; to
strong hand.
get mad; to be raving; to be tearing
mad; to pour out the phials of one's Restraint. Cohibition; coarctation;
" durance vile."
wrath. entombment;
To stir up one's bile; to put out of v. To pin down; clap up; pen;
humor; to lash into fury; to raise coop; jam in; box up; mew; wall in;
one's dander or choler; to make one's rail in; cloister; bolt in; close the
blood boil; to drive one mad; to work door upon.
Bp into a passion; one's monkey be- phr. To put
in irons; to put in a
ing up; to put out; one's back being
straight waistcoat (jacket); to put in
up; flushed with anger, rage, Ate.; up bilboes.
in arms; in a stew; the gorge rising;
nn one's high ropes; in the height of adj. Buttoned np; pent up; crib-
passion; the eyes flashing fire. bed; cabined.
In limbo: in Lob's pound; in quad: the fool; to make a fool of one's self;
Aid by the heels; bound hand and to laugh in one's sleeve; to poke fun;
foot. to make a butt of; to run a saw upon;
Retaliation, phr. Tit for tat; a to cut up shines with; shoot the
Roland for an Oliver; Rive and take; - dress, - -
-hat, boots, breeches.
measure for measure; cake for taffy; Right, phr. The scales of justice;
giff-gaff; diamond cut diamond; the even-handed justice; a clear stage
biter bit; catching a Tartar. and no favor; a fair field and no fa-
To turn the tables; to return the vor: fair play; square dealing; a pen-
compliment; to hoist on one's own ny for a penny; a pound for a pound.
petard; to throw a stone In one's To see justice done; to hoid the
garden; to pay in one's own coin; to scales even; to see fair play; to see
pay back as good as one sends; to ona righted; to serve one right; equal
give a quid pro quo; to give a Roland and exact justice to all men; to put the
for an Oliver. saddle ou the right horse; to give every
Retention. one his due; to do justice to; to give
Fangs; teeth; clutches; and take; without d stinctiou of, or re-
claws; talons; nails; paws.
gard or respect to, persons.
phr. A bird in hand; hold, - fast, -
- one's Roll. rub-a-
tight, own, - one's ground; Ding-dong; rat-a-tat;
clinch: clench; clutch; grasp; gripe; dub; clutter.
hug; have a firm hold of. phr. The devil's tattoo.
Revenge, phr. To wreak one's Rotation. Circulation; whirl; tor-
vengeance; to visit the sins on; to nado; axle; verticity surge; Teetotum;

breathe vengeance; to have a crow Gimbals.

(a bone) to pick with; to have ac- v. To gyre; to bowl ( or boll ) .
counts to settle; to have a rod in
pickle; to harbor vindictive feelings; phr. To box the compass; to spin
to have an old score to settle; to like a top or teetotum; head over
watch for an opportunity to settle an heels.
old score; anxious to wipe out an old Roiiglmesft. adj. Salebrous; fim-
score; to rankle in the breast; re- brated; tomeutous; setaceous; setous;
vengeful as an Indian. "like quills upon the fretful porcu-
pine;" rough as a -nutmeg grater, -
Reversion, phr. The turning point;
bear, - barbed fence;
the turn of the tide; undoing the against the
work of Penelope. grain.

Ridicule. Scurrility; scoffing; sat-

ire; monkey-trick; monkeying; tum-
bling. SAFETY, phr. To light upon one's
v. To fleer, flout, gleek, roast, feet; to weather the storm. To mount
bamboozle, toast on a spit. guard. Under lock and key; on sure
ground; under cover; under the shad-
phr. To raise a smile; to set the ow of one's wing; the coast being
table in a roar; to convulse with
clear; the danger being past; out of
laughter; to turn into ridicule; to the wood; out of harm's way; the
make merry with; to make a fool of ;
storm having blown over.
to make fun of; to poke sticks at;
to make game of; to make faces at; Sale. phr. To put up to sale or auc-
to make mouths at; to turn up one's tion; to bring to the hammer; under
nose at; to lead one a dance; to laugh the hammer; in the market; for sale.
to scorn; to point the finger of scorn Satiety, v. To tire, spoil.
at; to run a rig upon; to make an phr. Spoiled child; enfant gdte ; too
April fool of; to send on a Tom fool's much of a good tiling; toujcntri perd-
errand; to guy one. rlx; crambe repetita.
To play tricks or pranks; to play Have -enough of, - quite enough
of, one's - too much of; be satia- hand; to bear or lay a heavy hand on;
ted. to lord it over; to carry matters with

adj. Blase; used up; sick of; heart- a high hand; to ride rough-shod over;
Bick. to rule with a rod of iron; an iron
int. Enough ! hold ! eheu jam satis! rule; the reign of terror; at the point
of the sword, - bayonet; delirant re-
Scourge. Cat-o'-uine-tails; rope's
ffes plectuntur Achivi.
end; ducking-stool; triangle; wooden
horse. Servility. Mealymouthedness; a
Secrecy, phr. To keep one's own toad-eater; dough-face; tool; toady;
counsel; to seal the lips; not to spaniel; lick-spittle; tuft-hunter; rep-
breathe a syllable about; no news be- tile.

ing good news. phr. To pay court to; to dance at-

adv. By a side wind; sub silentio; tendance on; to pin one's self upon;
in the background; behind -the to hang on the sleeve of; to go with
- one's back; on the tip of the stream; to worship the rising sun;
one's tongue, to hold with the hare aud run with
the hounds; hat -, cap- in hand.
phr. "Thereby hangs a tale."
Selfishness, phr. Be -selfish &c. Sharpness, phr. Sharp as a needle;
adj. Please -, indulge -, coddle- sharp as a razor; keen as a brier.
oueself; consult one's own -wishes; Ship. Snow; ketch; hoy; buss; scow;
- pleasure; look after one's own in- ark; seventy-four; gig; funny; dingyt
terest; feather one's nest; take care bum-boat; cobble; punt; cog; ketlge;
of number one; have an eye to the outrigger; catamaran; coracle; caique;
main chance; know on which side alley-foist; bilan^er; dagger; how-
one's bread is buttered; give an inch fer; argosy; polacca; tartane; praam;
and take an ell; to gain some private eaic;prahu; sampan; xebec.
ends; from interested motives; apres adv. Afloat; aboard; on -board, -
nous le deluge: the dog in the man- ship board.
ger; the charity that begins at home.
Silence. A mute; a dummy.
Sensibility, phr. To be without a phr. To speak low or softly; to close
skin; to be thin-skinned; to "die of a one's lips; to shut up; to dry up; to
rose in aromatic pain;" to feel where
stick in the throat; to keep silence; to
the shoe pinches; to the -quick, - in-
most core. hold one's tongue; to hold one's peace;
mute as a fish; hoarse as a raven; with
Sequence, phr. To go in the rear, or bated breath; with the fingers on the
in the wake of; to tread in the steps,
lips; still as a mouse; deathlike si-
or on the heels of; to follow as a shad-
lence; silent as the grave; shut up
ow; to lag behind; to get behind; to your clam shell.
bring up the rear. int. Hushl silence! soft! mum!
Servant. Bondswoman; help; depen- whist! tush! chut! tutl
dant; creature; maid-of -all- work; a
mercenary; henchman; led captive ; Similarity, phr. True to -nr> hire, -
the life; the -very image, - picture-
douzel; trainbearer; gyp; flunkey;
of; for all the world like; comme deux
jockey; tiger; cad; gillie; hireling;
whipper-in; castellan. gouttes d'eau; as like as -two peas, -
it can stare; instar omnium; cast in
phr. To hang on the sleeve of; to the same mould; ridiculously like.
pin one's self upon; to dance atten- As if; so to speak; as -, as if- it
dance upon; in one's pay or employ;
in the train of. were; quasi: just as; veluli in specu-
lum; pendant; one's second self; alter
Severity. A tyrant; disciplinarian; ego; chip of the old block; par nobile
martinet; bashaw; a strong hand; a fratrum; Arcades ambo: birds of a
tight hand. feather; et hoc genus omne.
phr. To stretch a point; to put on Sinner. Rake-hell; raff; rapscallion;
the screw; to hold or keep a tight culliou; roister; hell-cat.
Devil incarnate; demon in human Slowness. Shambling; dawdle.
shape; Nana Sahib; Samuel; hell- v. To slug; bundle on; toddle; wad-
hound; Satan's imp; the devil's cub; dle; wabble; shuffle; lose ground;
bad woman; jade; Jezebel; scamp; claudicate.
scapegrace; rip; runagate; ne'er do To march in slow time; in funeral
well; reprobate; roue; rake; one who
procession; "lo drag its slow length
has sold himself to the devil; fallen
along;" to take one's time; to bang
angel; dmc damnee; vaurien; mau- fire.
vaissujet; loose fish; sad dog; lost, - To take In sail; to put on the drag;
black- sheep; castaway; recreant; de- to apply the break; to clip the wings;
faulter; prodigal; &c. to reef the sails.
Rough; rowdy; ugly customer; ruf-
fian; bully; Jonathan Wild; hang- adj. Leaden; tardigrade.
man. phr. Piano: adagio; largo; largh-
etto; at half-speed; under easy sail;
Size. Corporation: flesh and blood.
at a -foot's, - snail's, - funeral -pace;
A giant; AnUeus; monster; mam- in slow time; with -mincing steps, -
moth; Cyclops; whale; leviathan; sea
clipped wings; haud passibus a*jim.
serpent; elephant; mastodon; por-
poise; colossus; monolith; tun; lump; By -degrees, - slow degrees, - inch-
- little and little;
block; mass; bushel; thumper; whop- es, step by step; inch
per; spanker; bouncer; Great East- by inch; bit by bit; little by littte; "by
ern; Washington monument; Brook- slow degrees we reach the steep de-
lyn bridge; Chicago court house; &c. clivities of time."

plir. The largest portion, &c.; the Smallness. A dot; speck; ace;
lion's share. thought; idea; smack; scantlet; dole;
adj. Mighty; swag bellied; pre- thimbleful; spoonful; handful, mouth-
ful; couplet; triolet; sonnet; an epit-
posterous; Brobdignagian; in good
condition. ome; digest; summary.
A Triton among the minnows; phr. Co lie in a nutshell; the shad-
Gulliver xiiiontr the
ow of a shade; a drop in the bucket,
Lilliputians; or in the ocean.
large as life; fat as a pig; fat as a
quail; plump as a partridge; corpu- SmoottineftK. r. To Macadamize; to
lent as an alderman; fat boy; fat tone down the asperities; to take oft
as a bear; fat as butter; plump as a the feathery edge.
duippling; plump as a pigeon; fat as phr. Smooth as glass; smooth as
brawn; fat aa bacon; right smart velvet; smooth as oil; slippery as aa
chunk. eel.

Skill. Sleight of hand. Sociality. A rout; a spree; a jollifi-

To play one's cards well; to cation: jolly time; at home; house-
know what one is about; to stoop to warming; standing treat; uetting 'em
conquer; to cut one's coat according up for the boys; festival.
to one's cloth; to look after the main phr. To pick or scrape acquaint-
chance; to know which side one's ance with; to beat up one's quarters;
bread is buttered. to make one's self at home; to be on
Sharp as a needle; sharp as a wo- good or friendly terras with; to be at
man's tongue: bang-up; right smart; home; to hangout; to leave the latch
keen as a razor; up to snuff; up to string hanging out; to give a warm
tricks; up to snuff and a pinch above reception to; to make it pleasant for;
it; up to the racket; knows a thing or to make it enjoyable; to make it too
two; as keen as they make 'em; cu- delightful, just too lovely, quite too
rious; np to trap; up to all the too; to receive with open arms; to
- con-
dodges; all sorts of; with -skill, ptepare a banquet; to kill the fatted
summate skill; secundum artem; tuo calf.
Marte: to the best of one's abilities. Free and easy; hail fellow well mot;
band in glove with; no freedom no word of month: viva voce; from the
friendship; en families in the family lips of; quoth -, said- he, &c.; to give
circle; sans -fa(on, - ceremonie; arm utterance to.
in arm.
Stage, phr. Put on the stage; play. -
Softness, phr. -
Soft as butter; soft act, go through, - perform- a part;
us down; yielding as wax; soft as silk; rehearse; spout; gag; rant; ''strut and
tender as a chicken. fret one's hour upon a stage;" tread
the -stage, - boards; come out; star
Solecism, phr. To mnrder the -
it; on the -stage, boards; before- the
king's (or people's) English; to break - an
Priscian's head. floats, audience; behind the
Sophistry, phr. Begging the ques-
tion; reasoning in a circle. Stammering. Trualism; a broken or
The meshes or cobwebs of cracked voice.
try; a flaw in the argument; an argu- v. To haw; hum and haw; splutter;
ment falling to the ground. mump.
To throw off the scent; to beg the phr. To clip the king's English;
question; to reason in a circle; to split not to be able to put two words te-
hairs; to cut blocks with a razor; to gether; snuffle; clip one's words; mur-
lose one's reckoning. der the -
-language, King's (or
Away from the point; foreign to Queen's) English.
the purpose or subject; having noth-
ing to do with the matter; not bearing State. Pickle; plight; fix.

upon the point in question; traveling phr. As the matter stands.

out of the record.
Stealing. Black-mail; piracy; pri-
Sourness, phr. Sour as vinegar; vateering; filibustering; confiscating;
sour as a crab; sour as an old maid; foraging; bumming; rapacity; klep.
sour as swill. tomania; plagiarism.
Space. Elbow-room. v. To nab; mm: prig; grab; make
off with; crimp; crib; ransack; gut;
phr. The length and breadth of
the land; from north to south, trom forage; pluck; pigeon-sweep; levy
black mail; pickeer.
east to west; the country roundabout;
from mountain to mountain; from phr. To live by one's wits; to rob
sea to sea; from ocean to ocean; from Peter to pay Paul; to set a thief to
Maine to Oregon; far and near; from catch a thief; to lift cattle; to run off
pole to pole; from center to circum- horses; to raid a melon patch; sic vo
ference; far and wide; right and left; non voftts.
all over; all the world over; through- Store, phr. To husband one's re-
out the world: under the sun; in every sources; to have two string's 10 one's
quarter; in all quarters; in all lands; bow.
here, there, and everywhere; from Strength, phr. A tower of strength;
China to Peru. made of iron; deep-rooted; strong as
-a lion, - a horse, - brandy; sound as
Speech, phr. The gift of the gab; a roach; in -fine, - high- feather: like
a giant refreshed; "our withers are
To say one's say; to epit it out; to un wrung. "
unbridle the tongue; to give the
tongue loose rein; to unlimber the Subjection, phr. To drag a chain;
tongue; to loosen the jaw-tackle; to to be led by the nose; to be or lie at
have a tongue in one's head; to have the mercy of; to wear the collar; to
at the end of one's tongue; to have on have one on the hip; to break in.
one's lips; to wag the tongue; to fall Under the thumb of; not daring to
from or escape the lips or mouth; to say one's soul's one's own; at or un
open the lips; to give vocal utterance; der one's command; at the feet of;
articulate sound; to speak one's under the lash; at the call or beck of;
mind; to exercise tb.e gift of gab; by ,
at the mercy of.
Submission, v. To truckle to, flowing with milk and honey; enough
knuckle to, Knock under, knuckle tin- in all conscience; the measure be inn
der. full.
jihr. To beat a retreat; to strike Superiority, phr. To have the ad-
one's flag or colors; to surrender at vantage; to kick the beam; to turn
discretion; to cry quarter; to cry the scale; to beat all hollow; to beat
quits;have it your own way; It can't all to smash; to beat all to pieces.
be helped. A Triton among the minnows; of all
things; the most; to crown aft; par ex-
Substitution, phr. To stand in the
cellence; a fortiori; yea; still more;
shoes of; take the place of; supply the
- - - "we shall not look upon his Ilka
place of; in -place, lieu, the stead,
the room- ot;faute de mieux.
Support. Stirrup; girder; lintel;
Success. Trump-card; stroke; the floor; mantel-piece; squab.
whip-hand. phr.To bolt; to bolster up.
v. To have the best of It; to worst, Surpass. To take the rag off; to take
lick, trip up; beat hollow, elude, trip the shine off.
up the heel* of, drown, to roll in the Swallow.
dust. Gulp; gulping.
v. To take down, gulp, ingulp bolt.
phr. To sail before the wind; to run
hard; to swim with the
tide; to walk Sweetness, phr. Sweet as -a ant,
over the course; to rule the roost; to - -
stem the torrent; to turn a corner;
to weather a point; to trample under
foot; to fall on one's legs or feet; to
go on well; to go on swimmingly.
To turn up trumps; to have the TACITURNITV. v. To put to si.
game in one's hands; to work or make leace; stop one's mouth; to hold one'*
one's way; to have the ball at one's jaw.
feet; to comeoff with flying colors; to adj. Costive; buttoned up; mum.
have one's own way; to win, car-
it all phr. Silent as the grave; keep si-
ry, or gain the day; to win the palm; lence; hold one's -tongue, - peace,
to make short work of; to run on all - jaw; not to speak; say nothing;
fours; to get the upper hand; to get the seal -, close -, put a padlock on- the
whip-hand of; to have on the hip; to lips,
- mouth; put a oridle on one's
carry the prize. tongue; keep one's tongue between
To light on one's legs like a cat; to one's teeth; make no sign; not let a
make the enemy bite the dust; to get word escape one; keep a secret; not
the start of; to have a run of luck; to have a word to say; lay -, place- the
make a hit; to hit the right nail on the finger on the lips; render mute.
head; to reap or gather the harvest;
to carry all before one. Taste, phr. To one's -taste, - mind;
Flushed with success; one's course after one's fancy; comme ilfaut;

tetigit quod nun ornavit.

being smooth.
To shine; to strike oil; to make a ten Teaching, v. To put up to, cram,
strike; a strike; to strike twelve; coach; to beat into, initiate,
to raise a bead. phr. To sharpen the wits; to beat
A bumper: a bellyful; a into the head; to teach the young idea
^Sufficiency. bow to shoot; impress upon the -mind,
cart-loud: a ship-load; a plumper. - memory; beat into; convince; belief;
phr. The horn of plenty; cornuco- the schoolmaster abroad.
Having two strings to one's bow, Thought, phr. To chew the cudwith up-
enough and to spare; cut and come on; to take counsel; to commune
one's self; to collect one's thoughts;
again; full as an egg; full as a vetch;
to revolve in the mind; to engrosa the
ready to burst; plenty as blackberries;
thoughts; to turn or run over in the ban; Jsop; monstrum horrendttm
mind; to advise with one's pillow; to informe ingens cui lumen ademptum.
rack, beat, or cudgel one's brains. phr. A forbidding countenance; a
To flash on the mind; to flit across hanging look; a wry face: to make
the view; to come uppermost; to run faces.
in one's head. adj. Hard-favored; ill-tavored; awk-
Having the mind on the stretch; the ward; stiff; awful-looking.
mind or head running upon; in a Bandy-legged; stumpy; dumpy;
brown study. squat; stubby.
Threat, phr. To hurl defiance; to phr. Ugly as sin; ugly as a toad;
throw down the gauntlet: to show ugly as a dead monkey; ugly as a
one's teeth; to shake the fist at. scarecrow; curtailed of its fair pro-
Touch. Organ of touch; hand; finger; portions; ugly as satan; ugly as the
forefinger; thumb; paw; feeler.
v. To thumb; paw; fumble; grope; Ulnlatlon. Yap; gruntle: caterwaul-
grabble. V ing; gaggle; squeak; chuck; belling;
hulla-balloo; screak.
Tough, phr. Tough as leather; tough phr. To bay the moon; to roar like
as tripe; tough as a boiled owl; tough
as a pine knot. a bull or a lion.
Translentnesg. phr. A nine days Unbelief, phr. To hang in suspense;
wonder; one's days being numbered. to have one's doubts; not to be be-
Slap-dash; at short notice; the time lieved; not to know what to make of;
being np; before the ink is dry; here to smell a rat; to float in a sea of
to-day and gone to-morrow; non sem- doubts.
per eritaestas- eheu! fugaces labuntur With grains of allowance; fronti.
anni; sic transit gloria mundi. nulla fides, nimium ne crede colori;
Treasury. Stronghold; till; tiller:
"Mmeo Danaos et dona ferentes ;" ere-
dat Judaus Apella; let those believe
purse-strings; breeches-pocket; fisc;
locker. who may.
Truth, phr. Theplain truth; honest, Uncertainty, phr. To be in a state
naked, sober truth; the very thing; a of uncertainty; to be at fault; to lose
stubborn fact; not a dream, fancy, il- the clue or the scent.
lusion, &c. ; the exact truth; the real To tremble in the scale; to hang by
Simon Pure. a thread; pendente lite, heaven
Just the thing; neither more nor knows; who can tell? who shall decide
less; an unvarnished tale; joking when doctors disagree?
apart; in good earnest; in sober ear- Unconformity, phr. Out of one's
nest; sooth to say; at the bottom of element; a fish out of water; neither
the well. one thing nor another; neither fish,
Ad amussim : verbatim, - et literatim , flesh nor fowl, nor yet a red herring.
word for word, literatim; totidem ver- To have no business there; to beg-
bis; sic; to the letter, chapter and
gar description; unlike what the world
verse; ipsissimis verbis; ad unguem: ever saw; without a parallel; none but
to an inch; to a- nicety, - hair, - tit- himself could be his parallel; never
- turn, - T; au pied de la lettre
tle, was -seen, - heard, - known- the
neither more nor less; in -every re- like.
- all respects; sou* tons les rap-
spect, int. What -on earth! - in the world
- all events. 1

ports, at -any rate,

Underestimation, phr. To map
U one's fingers at; to throw into the
shade; not to care a pin, rush, straw,
&c. for; to slur over; make -light, -
UGLINESS. An object; a figure :harri- little,
- nothing, - no account- of;
dan; satyr; sibyl; toad; baboon; Cali- think nothing of; set -no store by,
- at nanght; shake off aa dewdrops stand in one's own light; to quarnl
from the lion's mane. with one's bread and butter.
Undertaking, t. To make a begin- Not to know what one is about; to
have too many irons in the fire; to
ning; to be in for it; to put one's foot
in it; to break cover; to set op shop; to have too many egga in one basket; to
spring a mine. play at cross purposes; to kill the
goose which lays golden eggs.
phr. To break the neck of the bus-
One's fingers being all thumbs; the
iness; to pass the Rubicon; to take
upon one's self; to take on one's right hand forgets its cunning; it se
shoulders. noyerait dans une goutte d'eau; inci-
To take the boll by the horns; to dit in SeyUam qui i-ult vitare Charyb-
rash in median res; to have too many dim; out of the frying pan into the
irons in the fire; to attempt impossi-
billities. Untruth. Flam* bam; hum; bounce;
gammon; nursery-tale; flim-flam?
Unimportance. Nonsense; fudge;
phr. The thing that is not; a tnb'to
flummery; nonentity; a bulrush. the whale; a cock-and-bull story; un-
phr. Leather or prunella; tweedle- true -, false -, trumped up- -story, -
dum and tweedle-dee; much ado about statement; thing devised by the en-
nothing; much cry and little wool. emy; canard; traveler's tale; Canter-
To catch at straws; to make much bury tale: clap-trap.
ado about nothing.
Not worth a straw; not worth men- Myth; moonshine; bosh; all my eye
and Betty Martin; mare's nest; half
tioning, or speaking of; nothing to truth; white lie; pious fraud; mental
speak of; as light as air; it being no reservation.
int. No matter! pish! tush! tut!
Empty words; Judas kiss; have a
pshaw! pugu! pooh, -pooh! fudge I
Void of -, without- foundation; far
bosh! humbug! fiddlestick, - end! fid- from the truth; false as dicers' oaths;
dlededee! never mind! n'importe.' ben trovato; soi-disant; se non evero
what -signifies, - matter. - boots it, e ben trovato.
- of that,- 's the odds! a fig forl stuff!
stuff and nonsense! Unwillingness, phr. To stick in
the throat; to set oue's face against;
phr. Magno conatu magnas nugas; the grain; will be nil he; not
le jeu ne vaut pas la chandelle; it -mat- against
for the world; for worlds; with a bad
ters not, - does not signify; it is of
no - grace.
-consequence, importance.
Use. phr. To take advantage of; to
Unintelligibillty. phr. Not to turn to account; to make the most of;
know what to make of; not to be able to make the best of; to put in requisi-
to make either head or tail of; to play tion; to play off; to bring to bear up-
at cross purposes; to pass comprehen- on; to press or enlist into the service;
sion. to make shift with.
Not understand, lose. - the clue; To pull the strings or wires; to make
miss; not know what to make of; be a cat's paw of; to lay one's hands on;
able to make nothing of; give it up; to bring into play.
not to be, able to -account for, - make
Unreasonableness, phr. As ill
any sense out of; be at sea; won- luck would have it; in evil hour: after
der; see through a glass darkly; not
understand one another. meat, mustard; after death, the phy-
sician; the time having gone by; "a
UnskillfulneciM. phr. To make a pardon after execution-" to let slip
mess or bash of; to begin at the through the fingers.
wrong end; to make sad work of; to
put one's foot in it; to do things by
halves; to lose or miss one's way; to
throw a stone in oae's own garden; to
like a shot; quick as lightning; quick
as thought; quick as a flash; quick as a
VANITY, phr. To have a high or adv. Slap; slap-dash; hurry-sknrry.
overweening opinion of one's self, phr. Under press of sail or canvass;
one's talents, &c.;to blind one's self by forced marches; on eagle's winga;
as to one's own merit; not to think in double quick time; with giant or gi-
small beer, or vin ordinaire, of one's gantic steps; in seven-league boots;
self; to put one's self forward; to be whip and epur; as fast as one's legs or
forth-putting; to fish for compli- heels will carry one; the devil take
ments. the hindmost.
Wise in one's own conceit; vato as a phr. Not to mince the
peacock; to cut a %wathe; to cut a matter; in plain English; without
splurge; with beat of drum, &c.; how mincing the matter; without equivoca-
we apples swim! tion.
To ring one's own bell; to be one's Vesture. Traps; slops; Haik; smock-
own trumpeter; to blow your own frock; blouse; wrap-rascal; poncho;
phr. Big I and little you; stuck up. v. To lap up; dight; fig out.
adj. Bumptious; consequentious. To huddle on, perk.
n. Consequentiousness.
Vice. phr. The cloven foot; the low-
Vigor, phr. A whole team; a full est dregs of vice; a sink of iniquity.
team. To deviate from the line of duty, or
from the path of virtue, rectitude, &c. ;
Vehicle. Turn-out; break; wagon- to hug a sin or fault; to sow one'*
ette; drag; curricle; tilbury; whisky; wild oats.
landau; barouche; victoria; brougham- Not having a word to say for one's
clarence; calash; caleche; britzska; self.
araba; bibitka; berlin; sulky; des-
obligeant; sociable; vis-d,-vis; dor- Vindication. To put in a good
meuse; jaunting -, outside- car. word for; to plead the cause of; to put
Post-chaise; stage -, mail -, hack-
a good face upon; to mince the mat-
ney -, glass- coach; stage-wagon; cab- ter; to make allowance for; to help &
riolet; shone; four-wheeler; growler; lame dog over a stile; to take the will
droshki; drosky; volante; coupe; her- for the deed; look at home; tu. guo-
etic. que.
Violence. Ferocity; effervescence?
Velocity. Eagle-speed; pernicity;
shog; row; outburst; rush; tumult; to
hand-gallop; spurt;
rip out; to rock; rumpus.
rush; bounce; full gallop; a rattling A fury; dragon, demon, tiger, bel-
Cannon-ball; wind; quicksilver. dame, Tisiphone, Megaera, Alecto.
Mercury; Ariel; Camilla; Harle- phr. To break the peace; to out-
quin. Herod Herod; to run amuck; to add
fuel to the flame.
v. To whip, bounce, flounce, bolt,
Fierce as a tiger; all the fat being
in the fire.
phr. To mend one's pace; to make
haste; to make the best of one's way;
By might and main, tooth and nail;
at the point of the sword; at one fell
to put one's best leg foremost; to take
to one's heels; to fly off at a tangent; to swoop.
whig one's way; to clap spurs to one's Virtue, phr. To have one's heart in
horse; to carry sail; to crowd sail; to the right place; to keep in the right
run a race; to run like mad; to go off path; to set an example; to be on one's
like a shot; to outstrip the wind; to fly good behavior.
on the wings of the wind; to streak it. Above or beyond all praise.
Swift as an arrow; swift as a doe; off Visibility, phr. To break through

the clouds; to heave in Bight; to show Water. . To souse, swash, douse,

its colors; to tell its own tale; to stare slop, slobber.
one in the face.
as day; clear as noon-day;
nilj. Squashy; splashy; slobbery;
Open sodden; soaked; drenched.
plain as a pike-staff; uiider one's nose; phr. Wet as a drowned rat; wet as a
plain as the nose on one's face; staring rag; wringing wet; wet as water; wet
one in the face; there being no mis- as a drenched hen; wet as wet can be;
taking; in full view; before -, under- the waters are out.
pne's eyes; before one; & vue d'trtJ; Water In motion.
in one's eye; oculis subjectaftdelibus; Squirt; linn or
in sight of; before one's eyes; veluti lin; scud;mizzle; gill; gullet; rillet;
in speculum. sike; burn; beck; river; flush; swash;
Vulgarity. A hoyden, torn-boy, dow- rush; bore.
dy, cub. v. To dribble, swash, guggle, sput-
phr. To smellof the shop. ter.
tuij. unlicked; uugenteel; phr. To rain,- hard, - in torrents,
tramontane; gawk; gawkey; contra - cats and doga; - pitchforks;
bonus mores. with rain; drizzle; set in.

W Wcaknegg. A reed; a thread; a rope

of sand; a house of cards.
aflj. Incapable; inadequate: mar-
"WALKING, phr. To take shank's rowless; poor; infirm; decayed.
mare; to take shank's nag. Unarmed; aidless; defenceless; in-
Warfare, v. To tussle, tilt, box,
stickle; to serve; to see service. phr. On one's last legs; weak as a
phr. To go to war; to take up arms; child; weak as a baby; weak as a
to draw, or unsheath the sword; to ap- chicken; weak as a cat; weak as water;
peal to the sword; to come to blows; to
weak as water- gruel; weak as ginger-
spill the blood; to lay about one; to bread; weak as milk and water; not
measure swords; to throw away the having any back-bone; good for noth-
scabbard; to give satisfaction; to break ing.
a lance with; to fight like devils; to Wraith, phr. A well lined purse: th
fight hand to hand; to go to battle; to purse of Fortunatus; a mint of money;
engage in battle; to enter the lists; to a flush of money; loaves and fishes;
join battle; to give battle: to wage war; rhino.
to carry on war; to come to clone quar- To roll in riches: to wallow in
ters with; to carry on hostilities; to let wealth; to hold oiie's bead above wa-
slip the dogs of war; to take the field; ter.
keep the field; to sell one's life dearly; Made of money; well to do; well off;
to fight it out; to fight one's way. rich as Croesus; rich as a Jew; rolling
Together by the ears; the tug of in riches, &c.
war; sword iu baud; in the thick of WhlteneciB.
the fray. phr. White as -a sheet,
- driven - a
snow, lily, -silver; like
Warning, phr. The writing on the -ivory &c. n.
wall; the yellow flag.
To put on one's guard: to sound the Whole. Head and shoulders; neck
alarm. and heels; hulks; teetotal.
Tut! beware! take care! mind, or take phr. The lion's share; Benjamin's
care what you are about; ne reveilles mess; (out ensemble; length aud
pas If. chat qui dart; fcenum habet in breadth of; Alpha and Omega; be all
cornu. and end all.
Wtte. phr. To cast pearls before The long and the short; from begin-
swine; to employ a steam-engine to ning to end; from first to last; from
crack a nut; to break a butterfly on a head to foot; from top to toe; fore and
wheel. aft.
Will. phr. To have a will of one's duck in a thunder storm; one's hair
own; to know one's own mind; to Standing on end; vox faucibus hcesit.
know what one is about; to see one's Lo, - and behold! O! heyday! hal-
way; to lend one's self to. loo! what! indeed! really! surely!
With one's eyes open; in cool blood; humph! hem! good -lack, - heavens,
as -one thinks - it seems - gracious 1 gad so! well a day! dear
good to. me! only think! lack-a-daisy! my
Of one's own -accord, - free will; -stars,
- goodness! gracious good-
proprio -, suo -, ex meromotu; out ness! goodness gracious! mercy on us!
of one's own head; stet pro ratione heavens and earth! God bless me! bless
voluntas; sic volo sic jubto. -us,
- my heart! odzookens! O gemini!
adzooks! hoity-toity! strong! Heaven
Willingness, phr. To find in one's save -, bless- the mark! can such
heart; to set one's heart upon; to thing* be! zounds! 'sdeath! what -on
make no bones of; to have a mind to; earth, - in the world! who would have
to have half a mind to; to have a great thought it! you don't say so! what do
mind to. you say to that! bow now! where
A labor of love; in the vein or hu- am I?
mor; nothing loth; without reluctance, Woman.
&c., of one's own accord; with all Goody; gammer; good wife;
one's heart; with heart and soul; good woman; petticoat.
heart in hand; by all means; by all phr. The weaker vessel; the better
manner of means; a to bonne heure; half.
to one's heart's content. Uncial writing: cuneiform
Wind. Whiff ;samiel: hannattan; ven- characters; runes; a good running,
or cursive (current) hand; a
to.-ity; jEolus; Boreas; the cave of flowing,
jEolus. bad, cramped, crabbed, illegible hand:
ill-formed letters; pot-hooks and
phr. A capful of wind; a fresh
breeze; to blow great guns.
phr. A dash of the pen; to take up
Wisdom, phr. Wise a serpent; wise the pen; to take pen in hand; to spill
as Solomon; wise as Solon. ink; to set or put pen to paper; to put
Wit. on paper; to commit to paper; to
phr. A flash of wit; the cream of
the a capital joke.
throw on paper; to dash off; under
Toset the table in a roar; to cut one's hand; in black and white; off
jokes; to crack a joke; to perpetrate a hand; currents calatno.
joke or a pun; to make fun of; to make
merry with.

Wonder, phr. To look blank; to turn

up the eyes; to open one's mouth or YEIAOWTVESS. adj. Fulvid; lute-
eyes- to stand agog; to stand aghast; eous; Claude-tint; primrose-colored;
not to believe one's eyes; not to be corn-colored.
able to account for; not to know
phr. Yellow as a quince; yellow as a
whether one stands on one's head or
guinea; yellow as a crow's foot; yel-
one's heels. low as saffron.
To beggar description; to take away
roe's breath. Youth. Boyhood; pupilage; green;
callow; budding: sappy; puisne; un-
Taken aback; flabber-gasted;
adj. der age; in one's teens; in statu pu-
dropped from the clouds; open-mouth- pillari.
ed; planet-struck.
phr. The prime or flower of life; the
phr. Struck all of a heap; like a rising generation.


As a general rale the noun is followed by the same preposition as follows Its rela
tive verb, thus "Accuse o/," to make an "accusation of."
Also, as a genera)
rule, Greek, Latin and French derivatives are followed by a preposition corres.
" To absolve from.' ' To
ponding with that used in the compound word, thus :
1 ''

sj/wipathize with." "To adhere to." There are some exceptions to this rule; as,
" To submit to " "
(not under). ".Aversion to (not from).

Abh Adh
abhorrence of. accord with (v. n.), to (v. t.)
He has an abhorrence of sin. His language accorded with his
abhorrent to (formerly from}. thought.
Abhorrent to his sense of justice. He accorded to him honesty ot
abound iu< with. purpose.
Abounding in words. accusation of, against.
The city abounded with churches. An accusation of cowardice hung
over him.
abridge of, rarely from. An accusation lay against him.
To abridge him of his rights.
accuse of (not with nor for).
To be abridged from such a noble rate. He was accused of carrying con-
cealed weapons.
absolve from, rarely of.
acquaint with, rarely of.
To absolve the subject /rom his alle- He was acquainted with poverty.
accede to. To acquaint her of it Shak.
They acceded to the request ;
to the acquit of (formerly from).
terms ; to the treaty. To acquit him of blame.
accept of. adapted to, for, or from.
He accepted of the conditions (may A book adapted to the times.
be used without of ). Arguments adapted to sway th<.
accommodate to, with. reason.
He accommodated himself to the A pavement ill adapted for the
weather, the marble to the statue, his street.
friend ivith money. A play adaptedfrom Shakespeare.
accompanied >> . with. adequate to.
He was accompanied by two sol- He was not adequate to the situa-
diers. tion.
The moving train is accompanied adhere to.
vrith the idea of power. He od/>ered to his purpose.
admission to, into, within. angry with (a person), at (a
Aii admission to membership into ; thing).
the house within the circle.
; Angry with his brethren ;
at the
admit to, into, within, of. dog.
Admitted to his friend into school ; ; antagonistic to.
within the gates. Truth is antagonistic to error.
The language will admit of this inter- antagonism to, between.
pretation. (Of may be used or omit- The one race to an-
antofironiam of
ted). other between foes.
admonish of, against.

antipathy to, against.

He is admonished of his duty ;
An antipathy to ii-u-k antipathies ;
aqainst doing wrong. against monopolies.
advantage of over (not above'',. anxious for, about, on.
Taking advantage of circumstances. Anxious for the children about, the
Be had an advantage over his oppo- election on ihe

tariff question-
advocate appoint to. over.
of, for- .

An advocate of truth ; for the weak Appointed to the superintendence;

pnd oppressed. over his contestant.
affinity with, between, of.for. applicable to.
Music has affinity u-ith poetry: the His illustrations were applicable to
affinity between congenial spirits ; the the subject.
affinity of oxygen for hydrogen. apprehensive of.
agreeable to. He was apprehensive of danger.
The decision was agreeable to justice. appropriate to.
agree with, to, upon, oil, in, The windows were appropriate to
among. the house.
They agreed with their friends, to approve of (with or without of).
the conditions imposed ; upon the He approved of the work.
plan of action ; on the course to be array with, in.
pursued ; in believing the cause hope- Arrayed with splendid trappings ;
less in doing nothing more ; among
in gorgeous apparel.
alien from, to. arrive at, in, from.
.drrit-ed at New York; in a snow
An alien from home ; to the truth.
allied to, with. storm; from Philadelphia.
Arrived at man s estate ; in port
Nations allied to one another ;
ascertain from.
strength allied u-ith beauty. Ascertained the news from home.
alter from, to, into. ask
He altered it from bis first of, for (a person or a thing),
design, to after (what we wish to hear of or
a circular form.
The box was altered into a bureau. cee).
alteration in. He asked pardon of his friend ; /of
the magazine after the reported
He made an alteration in his plans.

ambitious failure of his brother.

of, for, alter.
Ambitious of seeing the city ; for aspire to, after.
power , after wealth. He aspired to the throne ; after
amuse with, at, in. fame.
Amused with what he sew at what ;
assent to.
he heard in the exposition. He assented to the statement
analogous to. assimilate to, with.
Sleep is analogous to death. Assimilated to each other.
analogy between, to, with. One substance assimilating with
Analogy between the customs of the another.
English and American people. astonished at, by.
A plant has some analogy to or with Astonished at the intelligence; by
an his appearing.

attend to (listen), upon (wait). ed up; the store burned down,' the
He attended to the narrative up- ;
fire burned out.
on the general. The mount burned ut'th fire.
lirut. ix, ft.
attended by, with, upon, to
on. It was burned with gasoline.
He was attended by a guard, with
unusual care, upon a great occasion,
to a fort on the river.
avail one's self of. capable of (being or doing).
He availed himself of the grand He was capable of being a scholar;
opportunity. of doing nobler things.
avenge (one's self), on
(a person),
call on, or upon (a person, to
rarely of. visit him), after, by (the name),
He avenged himself on his enemy. in (question), at (-a house).
Avenge me of mine adversary. He caHed on him yesterday.
St. Luke, xviii 3.
They were called upon at once.
adverse to (formerly also from). He called him after the illustrious
Adverse to military life. Washington.
Call him by the name of John.
They called tbe action of the meet-
ing tn question.
She called at the houses of the poor.
banish from, out of.
care for, of, about.
Banished from home out of the ;

country Galllo cared for none of these thinm.

AH*, itriU, 17.
base on, or upon.
Based on right. They have no care for the future.
Such us do b<ir their faith upon H takes no care of himself.
The holy test of pike and guu She did not care about him In the
HudOmu. least.
believe In, on. careful of, In, rarely for.
To believe in is to regard come one Careful of the right.
as the object of faith. To believe on Careful in Imitating the teacher.
is to rest upon with full faith, cre- Be rarrful for nothing. Phil, iv, t.
dence or confidence.
caution against.
Te Mien in God, believe also in me.
Exercise caution against the chang-
St. John, xiv, I.
es of the weather.
The Lord on whom they belirrfd
Matt, aciv, t cautious against (avil or danger),
or In (doing).
bestow on, upon, rarely He was warily couHoned against
with. the approach of the Indians. ^
He bestowed his fort-one on his son, Be cautious in your planning.
hie daughter upon her suitor.
celebrated for.
Bestow ti'iUi a friend. The place was celebrated for H
bound for. springs.
.Bound for London ; for Paris ; for certain of.
New York. Be not too certain of that seeming
brag of.
He brags of his ancestors. chaws'e for, from, Into, to,
bump agalilMt (not on) wiVh, by.
He bumped against the log. Change one for the other.
They were bumping against each Changed from water into steam
other. The coarse is changed to fine.
burn up, down, out, with. 1 11 chanat that name trith you. Skalt
to burn
To burn up or doum, is
wholly, completely. The house burn-
Changed by the course of events.
charge on, against (a crime or complaint against, of.
delinquency on or against a person), They lodged a complaint against
with (a crime, delinquency, trust, the chairman.
obligation, duty), to. The complaint of treachery was
Charged on him the sin, the blun- made.
der. compliance frith (request, de-
They charged against him treason. mand, duty), notto or of.
He charged the sentry with his duty. In compliance with the public de-
The charge to the minister was mand he issued the volume.
given. comply with.
cheat of, out of, with, by. He complied with the order.
Cheated of his money out of his ; composed of.
property with counterfeit coin ; by
The army was composed of brave
appearances. men.
clear of (difficulty or harm), from concerned at, for, with (a per
(a charge, guilt). son),in (result, proceeding).
He was cleared of all entangle- He was concerned at the condition
ments. of his friend for his safety.

He was cleared from the charge They were concerned with others in
brought against him. the decision.
coincide with. concur with (a person), in (an
He coincided with the gentleman in opinion).
one view of the case. The chief justice concurred with
collide with (not against). the judges in their opinion.
The steamer collided with a sailing condole with (a person), for
vessel. (a grief, affliction, loss).
combine with, into. He was condoled with, for the loss of
citizens combined with the con- his child.
ductors. confide (v. t.) in, not on, (v. t.)
The two factions were combined in- to.
to one harmonious whole. He confided in the lawyer.
common to, with. The case was confided to him.
The scandal was common to him, conformity with, to.
icttfi the rest of the officials. Conducted in conformity with good
communicate (v. t.) to, (v. i.), sense.
with. In strict conformity to a theory.
He communicated the information Conformity to conscience; to the
to the President, with the name of his wish of others.
informant. congenial to.
compare to (for illustration), with He was congenial to the company.
(similar things with respect to class, congratulate on, or upon.
nature or quality). He was congratulated on his nomi-
He compared truth to a streaming nation ; upon his election.
fountain. connect with (as an equal), to
His book compared man with man, (as a subordinate).
nation u-ith nation, the laborer with Connecting the great events of his-
the capitalist. tory with their providential causes.
comparison with, between. The principal sentence was connec-
This case cannot bear a comparison ted to the dependent clause.
u-ith that. connive with (a person), at (
There is no comparison between proceeding).
them. He was connivinff with the trustees
compatible with. at the course pursued towards the
The explanation is compatible with professor.
the circumstances. consist with (to be harmonious or
complain of. to agree),of (to be composed), in.
He complained of their conduct Prosperity consists with prudence.
Man consists of body, soul, and There is a contrast between an oak
spirit. and a shrub, a cottage and a castle.
Virtue consists in doing right.
controversy with (a person), be-
consistent with, In.
tweeu (two or more), about (a
not consistent with idle- subject).
Success is
He had a controversy with the law-
They were not consistent in their
action. If there be a controversy between
men. Deut. xxv, l.

consider of. No room for controversy about the

He considered thoughtfully of the title. Locke.
results to which his course was lead- convenient to, or for.
ing, (generally without of). It was convenient to the place.
considerate of. Arts convenient to some particular na-
He was considerate of his mother's tions. Tillotaon.
feelings. Food convenient for me. Prov. xxx. 8.
JEneas is considerate of his people. conversant about. In, with.
Dryden. Education ia conversant about chil-
considered by. dren. Wooton.
The question was considered by the
Conversant in their books. Booker.
Conversant with them all. Pope.
consonant to, sometimes with.
His opinion is consonant to the convert to, Into, from.
words. The love of wicked friends convert*
Words consonant with the thought. to fear. Shak.
Music consonant with the feelings. Water converted into ice.
contend with (a person, difficulties, He that convrrteth the sinner from
the error of his way. James v, no.
trials, temptations, etc.), for (a prin-
ciple, a truth), against
(an obstacle), convict of (a crime), by (con-
for (an object). science, a court, etc. ).

Neither contend with them in battle.

He was convicted of theft.
own conscience.
Convicted by their
Contend earnestly for the faith. Jno. viii. 9.
copy after (a person, a model, an
Contend for what you only can be- example), from
(life, nature),
stow. Dryden. from, out, or out of (a work).
Contend for empire. Shale. The pupil copied after the teacher.
I did contend against thy valor. Shak.
The painter copied from the nude.
These proverbs .... Hezekiah copied
to. Prov. xxv, l.
contiguous out.
The land was contiguous to the town. The words were copied out of the
contradictory to, not of.
It was contradictory to the facts. correspond with, to.
Not for three yean to correspond
contrary to (not from, nor than). with home. Tennyson.
The statement was contrary to the The book corresponds with his style.
Words correspond to these ideas.
contrast with, to, between. Locke.

England stands in contrast with correspondence with, be-

America. tween, to.
In lonely contrast to this glorious Corrtifondenoe with the other gnat
Thornton. men. Bacon.
To facilitate correspondence between delighted by, at, with, in.
one part of London and another. He was delighted by the news; at th%
Macautay. coming of his friend; with the present
The correspondence of an event to brought; in journeying home.
the prediction. deliver from, out of, of, to, at,
couple by, together, with, to, over.
or in. From Philistine yoke deliver.
Nouns coupled by conjunctions. Milton.
The five curtains shall be coupled to- He was delivered out of prison.
gether. Ex. xxvi, 3.
We'll deliver you o/your great dan.
Chaste conversation coupled with fear. ger. Stiak.
1 Peter Hi, 2.
him of all his fears.
The dogs were coupled to one The book was delivered to the ap-
plicant at the house.
Coupled in lasting bonds.
The constables have delivered her
covered by, with* ot-er. Shak.
Covered by a cloak.
The valleys are covered with corn. demand of, from.
Ps. Ixv, 13. Pope Innocent I do demand e/thee.
cure of, with, toy.
He was curedof his ficknes-; with They demanded the contract from
medicine; by the physician. him.
denounce upon, against.
Woes were denounced upon them.
Curses denounced against thee. Shak.

danger of, from. depend on, upon, from, in.

In danger of the judgment He depended on the money.
In danger from disease. They were depending upon his com-
dated at, from. ing.
The bond was dated at the court It depended from the ceiling.
house. And ever burning lamps depend in
The letter was dated from Boston. rows. Pope.
deal with, by, out. dependent on.
He dealt mercifully with his foes. They were dependent on their wages.
He dealt impartially by them.
Heed-ate cm this gold. deprive of.
He was deprived of his pension.
defend from, with. against,by. derogate from.
Defend me/rowi harm. Would Charles X derogate from hi*
Defend us with your forces. ancestors? Hazlitt.
Defend us against our enemies.
A village near it was defended by the derogation to, from, of.
No derogation to the Christian religion.
river. Locke.
deference to, for, towards. It was no derogation from his high
Deference to authority. manhood.
Dfference for your judgment. No derogation of his manhood to b
Tillotson. Bobtrtson.
teen to weep.
Deference toward* the fair Bex. derogatory to.
deficient In. The report was derogatory to his
He was deficient in common eense. character.
deserve of, from. I differ with the honorable gentleman.
The brave soldiers deserve well of Lord Brougham.
their country. I differ as heartily with him the
One man may deserve of another honorable gentleman. Canning.
difference with (a person), be*
H deserved a reward from the tweeii (things compared), of, In.
bank. He hud a difference with bin partner.
desire of, for, after. There was a great difference be-
The desire of fame. tween the two samples of tea.
A desire for power. The difference of quality in the
The desire after ricbes. workmanship.
desirous of (or followed by the in-
A difference in the heating capacity
of the stoves.
Desirous of knowing the truth In different ) *v
from ?(not to or
the case. dllferently \ J 'ton).
Desirous to see home again. The sample was different from the
desist from. goods furnished.
He desisted from the attempt. He handled the question differently
devolve on, or upon, through,
from his coadjutor.
(Many writers in England use to
to, into. instead of from, which is hardly cor-
The duty was devolved on him.
They devolved, a considerable share
of their power upon their favorite. difficulty In, of.
Burke. There was a difficulty in treating
Through splendid kingdoms he de- the case properly.
volves his maze. Thomson. The difficulty of the task was great.
Every headlong stream devolves his dilate on, upon, In, by.
winding waters to the main. Akenxide. They dilate on their lineage.
They devolved their whole authority The subject was dilated upon too
t'n.'o the hands of the sixty. Addison. much.
die of, sometimes with His heart dilates in his strength.
(as to die of
famine, u-itii thirst, fatigue, etc.),
from, by (as to die by drowning,
The air was dilated by the heat.
fire, pi >i- in.
etc.), for (a person, diminution of.
cause, etc. ), to. The world's diminution of me.
They died of sorrow; o/ hunger. Charleil.
To die away with horror. Addison. disagreeable to, In.
To die from hardships. Conduct disagreeable to her natural
They died by the poisonous com- sincerity. *oin.
pound. Disagreeable in a lees degree.
To die for one's country. Wotouton.
They died for Rebecca. Tattler. Disagreeable in his manners.
differ (themselves), from
among disallowed by, of.
(one another), from, or with (in Those tint councils disallowed by me.
judgment, opinion, etc.), about, Dryden.
concerning (a question, subject, A living stone disallowed indeed of
etc. ). men. l ftt. ii, 4.
The members differed among them-
selves about the tariff; concerning disappointedweofhave
(what we do not
the adjournment. get),In (what obtained).
One star differed from another star In Disappointed of his wagea; in the
glory. l Cor, xv, 41. goods.
To differ from him. disapprove of (or without of), by.
The project was disapproved of by our dislike to, of.
own courts. Swift. Dislike to personalities.
Mild Heaven disapproves that case. Dislike of a bigoted sect.
Milton. disloyal to.
The sentence was disapproved by They were disloyal to their country.
the commander in chief. displeased at.
disavowauce of. He was displeased at his improper
Disavowance of the point. conduct.
disbelief of. displeasing to.
It was displeasing to the General.
Our disbelief of a thing does not alter
the nature of the thing. Tillutson. dispose to.
Suspicious kings dispose to tyranny.
discharge of.
Discharge of artillery. Shak.
He was disposed to the plan.
The discharge of a cargo ; of a
debt. dispossess of, by.
He shall dispossess the inhabitants oj
disciplined by, with, for. the land. JVum. xxxiit, 63.
He was disciplined by his bereave-
ments. He was dispossessed by the lawful
Disciplining appetites with fasting.
Scott. disproof of.
Disciplined for confirmation. I need not offer anything in disproof
Addison. of the other. Rogers.
discontented with. disproportion to.
Discontented with his lot.
The arms were disproportioned to
discourage from, in. the body.
They were discouraged from em- disprove by.
barking in their enterprise.
The charges were disproved by the
discouragement to. evidence.
Great discouragement to virtue.
disqualify by, for, from.
discriminate (between two or He was disqualified by his age for
more things), from (one thing from the office.
another). They were disqualified from ever
He discriminated between the prop- holding any office of profit or trust.
The righteous will be discriminated disquieted within, at.
from the wicked. Why art thou disquieted within me.
disdain for. Pa., xliii, S.
He felt a disdain /or the offer. Disquieted at the news.
disengaged from. dissent from, not to.
We should disengage our minds from Opinions in which multitudes of men
other things. Beattie. dissent from us. Addition.

disgusted with (a person), at, dissimilitude between, of.

by, with (a thing). The dissimilitude between the Divinity
Disgusted with his partner. and images. Stillingfteet.
Disgusted at foppery. Dissimilitude of condition. Johnson.
Disgusted at failing. Newman. dissuade from.
Disgusted by the proceedings. Th-.y were dissuaded from attempt-
Jlacaulay. ing to cross the river.
To disgust him with the world. distasteful to.
frescott. Distasteful to my noble mind.
dishonored by. Drai/ton.
The father was dishonored by the distinction between, sometimes
conduct of hie eon. betwixt, from.
The distinction between man and due from, to.
ibe monkey. The honor due from the pupil to the
The itistiiu-tinn betwixt the animal teacher.
kingdom and the inferior parts of mat-
ter. Locke
A drop of water in distinction from eager lor, after, in (also followed
a drop of alcohol. by the infinitive).
Eager for the journey. Dryden.
distinguished by, for, from.
Distinguished by her purple vest.
Eager after wealth.
Dri/den. Eager in the chase.
earnest iii, for.
Dinguished by elocutionary powers. Earnest in their convictions,
Distinguished for natural grace. Earnest for success.
Graham. embark in (a vessel, an enterprise,
To distinguish good from evil. not on), at, for.
Watts. They embarked at New York, in *
distracted by, with, sometimes Cunard steamer, for Liverpool.
from. embarrassed by, in.
Dintrttcted by fear. Embarrassed by debts.
Dmtracte-l with, cares. Embarrassed in company.
Built ad a city districted from itself.
embellished by (an artist, design-
Fuller. er), with, or by.
The work was embellished by Dore",
distressed in, by. with appropriate engravings.
Distressed in feelings ; by misfor- Embellished with rich t nipping* ; by
tune. beautiful illustrations; by nue cathe-
distrustful of. drals.
Distrustful of appearances. employ in, about.
divest of. Employ them in the siege.
Deut. xx, a.
He was divested of his regalia.
To employ in work about the house.
divide between, with (two), enamored of, with.
among (two or more), in, into He was enamored of her beauty.
(.parts), within, from, upon. They were enamored with each oth-
Ha divided the apple between them. er.
Master speak to my brother that he enchant with, by.
divule the inheritance with me. Enchanted with her manners; by
Luke xii, IS. her siugiug.
The estate was divided among the encounter with (generally with
heirs. the direct accusative).
Divide the living child in two. To encounter with particulars.
Knitfi HI, 25. Tatham.
The whole was divided into its con- 1 will encounter with Andronicun.
stituent parts. Okofe

Every family fliveded within itself encouragement to.

frescott. His words gave great encouragement
to the workers.
Let it divide the waters from the wa-
ters. Gt n. i. i<i. encroach on, or upon.
Critics have divided upon this matter. They encroached on his domains.
Waterland. No sense must encroach upon the duty
divorce from, of. of another. Oouth.

Divorce from bed and board.

encumber in, with.
Divorce of affections. K.. Charles. Encumbered in his vast. Dryden.
To encumber the estate with debts. environ with.
endeavor alter (often with the di- Environed with, many foes. Shak.
rect accusative).
Endeavored after peace.
envy at, of, to.
Envy withers at another's joy.
engage In. Thomson.
Engaged in milling, milling, lam- Envy of that opinion. Bacon.
be ring, etc.
Done in envy to the genius of Cs-
engrave on, In, with. ar.
.Letters engraved on the plate.
equal to, with .

Principles engraved in men's minds. Drvaen

Locke. Equal to your merit.
Thou shalt r ngrave the two stones with Equal the angels.
to Luke rx, 3S.
the names of the children of Israel, Making himself equal with God.
Ex. xxviii, 11, John v, IS.

enjoin on, or upon, to, from. equally with.

To enjoin on, or upon children the Entitled to a share equally with the
duty of obedience to parents
A suit to enjoin the defendents/rom equivalent to (formerly with >.
entering the premises. One term equivalent to another.

enrage with, at, against. escape from, out of, with, for.
Enraged with the judge at the de-
My escape front the . . .
cision. Ps. Iv, 8.
Enraged against bis opponents. He escaped out of their hands.
enrich by, with. John x. S9.
The language was enriched by ad-
ditionswith new words.
Escaped with life. Macaulay.
entangle In, among. Escape for thy life. Gen. xix, 17.
Entangled in briers. espouse to.
Entangled among the anecdotes. They were espoused to each other.
Jeffrey. example to, for.
enter in, into, on, or upon. Made an example to us.
A fool' slips enter into contention, An example for mankind.
Prov. xviii, 6.
exasperate at (conduct, proceed-
Enter in at the door. ing), against (a person).
Entered in the books. Add/son. Exasperated at his vanity.
Exasperated against the informer.
Water enters into the ship. except from, to, sometimes a-
He entered on the enterprise upon ;
his duties. Except from this consideration.
entertain by, with. He excepted to the testimony.
Entertained by the orchestra with
Thou wilt except against my love.
entrance into.
An entrance was effected into the exception to, at, against (not
house. from).
entrap by. To take exception to the ruling of
Entrapped by cunning wiles. the judge.
envious of, against, at. She takes exceptions at your person.
Envious of his success. Shak.
Envious o/his health. Bp. Taylor. Thou hast taken against me an excep-
tion. Shak.
Neither be thou envious against evil
men. Prov. xxiv, 1. excite with, by, to.
.!>either be thou envious at the wicked. Excited with wine.
Prov. xxiv, It. Excited by his entrance.
Excited to glorious deeds.
exclude from. Lord thou hast been favorable unto
Excluded from the company. thy land. P*. Ixxxv, I.
exclusive of. favorite of, with.
A thousand troops exclusive of cav- Peter Parley was a great favorite of
alry. the young people.
exhaust by, \\iili. of. She was & favorite uHththo school.
Soldiers exhausted by inarching. flction of.
Workmen exluiusted with their la- A flction o/the mind. Stillingflttt.
bors. filled with.
A well exhausted of water. Filled with envy, pride.
exonerate from. fit with, lor.
Exonerated from blame. fit his customers irfth gloves. StiaM
expect from, or of.
much from his The time isflttedfor the duty.
They expected
speech. flatter by, with.
Great things were expected of him.
Flattered by asking their advice
expel from, out of. Prencott
Expelled from school.
Expelled out of the country.
Flatter my sorrow with report of it.
at. Shak,
expert in,
Flattered with the friendly notice.
Expert in keeping books.
Expert at his trade. followed by.
to A \erbfollowed by Its object.
expose to, or for (view, sale,)
(danger, death, loss, etc.). forbear from (followed by the ver-
Expose goods to the public, for sale. bal in -ing, and the infinitive).
Barometers exposed to sale.
Forbear from giving, or forbear giv-
Miicaulay. ing, or forbear to give.
Forbear thee from meddling with
Exposed to great perils.
God. i Chron. xxxv, it.
expostulate witli. Forbear to murder me. Shak.
I'll not expostulate with her. Shak.
foreign to, from.
exult over. Foreign to the purpose.
He exulted over his victory. Design uot foreign from gome people'*
thoughts. Swift.
forfeit by.
Forfeited their by their
fall under (censure, observation, crimes.
etc.), from (a high place), Into
(water, hole, bad habits, etc.), on,
or formed of, from, for.
upon (a foe), among
(thieves), Ood formed man of the dust of the
to, or on
(the ground). ground. Oen. ii, 7
He/eH under suspicion. Formed into beauty from the clay.
Apples fall from the tree on the Formed for speed. Dryden.
ground ; into the stream.
He fell among thieves. found on, or npon, on, or in.
familiar to, with. Founded his good fortunes on you*
love. Shak.
The scene was familiar to him.
They were/amiHar with the circum- Founded on (or upon) a rock.
stances. Founded on (or in) truth, justice,
favorable for, to, or unto. mercy, etc.
A place fa vorable for the making lev- free from, (rarely of) with, for,
ies of men. Clarendon. in.
The was favorable to hi* Free from faction. A. Man-fit*
cause. Frte from obligations. Bunutt,
free only with a few. Miltcard. grieve at, for.
Free for me as you. Shak. Grieved at his son, for what he hod
Free in their censures. Felton.
guilty of.
friendly to, with. Guilty of arson.
Friendly to the enterprise; with his
frightened at.
Frightened at his own shadow.
frown at, on, or upon.
hanker after, for, about.
He frowned at him; on his conduct ;
Hankering after plunder.
upon his project. Hankering for a tight.
frugal of. Hankering about the church door.
Frugal of his means. Thackeray.
fruitful In, of. happen to, on.
Fruitful in devices. There shall no evil happen to the just,
Prov. xii, 21.
Fruitful of immortal lays. Addison.
full of. happened on some other accounts.
Full of joy, sorrow, etc. harass by, with.
Harassed by creditors.
G Harassed with debts.
hatred to, of.
glad of, at. He bore hatred to his accusers.
Glad of our success. Shak. Hatred of wrong doing.
Glad at calamities. Prov. xvii, S.
healed of.
Healed of his Infirmities.
glance at, upon, from. hinder trom.
Glanced at a certain reverend doctor. Hindered from coming, going, do-
Swift. ing, etc.
He glanced upon him. hold of, on.
The ball glanced from the tree. He had hold of the handle.
good at, for, to, towards. Take fast hold of instruction,
Good at excuses. Prov. iv, IS.
Good for nothing.
Good to (or towards) his friends. My soul took hold on thee. Addison.

graduate at, from, In. Courage to lay hold on the occasion.

He graduated at Cambridge.
To graduate from Oxford, in arts. hunger for, after.
graft on, or upon, In, Into. They hungered for fruit.
Hunger after righteousness.
Graft my love immortal on thy fame. Matt. v. t.
Grafted on (or upon) the family
stock. Ill Of.
Grafted in (or into) the tree. Ill of fever.
grapple with. Illustrated by (an artist), with,
Grappling with difficulties. or by (engravings, cuts, etc.).
grateful to (.a person) for (a fa- Illustrated by Nast with caricatures.
vor). Immersed In.
Grateful to his countrymen for Immersed in cares.
their esteem.
greedy of, after. Impatient with (a person), at
(conduct, delay, etc.), for (something
Not yrtedu of filthy lucre. 1 Tim. Hi, t. under
expected), (grief, misfortune,
Greedy after fame. etc.).
Impatient with the officer at his ; Intent on, or upon.
tardiness for his coming under the
; ; He was intent on doing the work;
disappointment. intent upon his studies.
Impose 011, or upon. interfere with, in, between.
Imposing on (or upon) his good na- He interfered with the workmen;
ture. in the settlement of the question;
Impress on, or upon, -with, by. between the contending parties.
The lesson waa impressed on (or up- intersperse among, through,
on) the pupil's mind, with great force, with.
by the teacher. Flowers of rhetoric were inter-
Imprint on, or upon. ifersed among his sentences.
Truths imprinted on (or upon) the Fabulous accounts were interspersed
mind. through the history.
Incapacitate by, from. The beautiful prairies interspersed
Incapacitated by sickness from go- with flowers.
ing abroad. Intervene between.
Incensed with, against. Great events intervened between the
He was incensed with the speech. periods.
Incensed against the slanderer. introduce Into (a place), to (a
incentive to. person).
Introduced into the best society.
Money was a great incentive to his Introduced to the Governor.
include In. Intrude Into (aplace),on, or upon
Included in the account. (a person).
He intruded into the office; upon
inconceivable to. the Secretary.
Inconceivable to us how the will Intruded on the privacy of the
acts. Professor.
Inconsistent with. Intrust to, with.
Inconsistent with, politeness. He iiiii-ii^tfd to him his son.
Addison. They intrusted him u-ith their valu-
incorporate with. inure to
Painters' colors incorporate with oil. (not in).
It inured to his benefit.
Bacon. Invest with.
Independent of, rarely on. Invested with office; uritA his regalia.
Independent of authority. Involve in (difficulties, perplexity,
Insinuate into, through, to, doubts, obscurity, mystery, darkness,
sometimes with. etc. ), not urif ft..
The water easily insinuate* itself in- Irritated against, by (a person),
to the vessels of vegetables. at and by (a thing, p act).
Woodward. Irritated against tiie ntudents.
He insinuated himself into his good Irritated by the opposition; at the
barrier in his way; at the course taken.
The charge was insinuated through Issue from, out of.
his very manner. The stream issued from the foun-
The plan was adroitly insinuated to tain; out of the rock.
He would insinuate with thee, but to
make thee sigh. Sltak.
join to (something more numerous,
inspection into, over. greater), \vllli (something equal).
The officer made an inspection into He joined himself to the patriot!*
the accounts. ranks.
An inspection over all the lumber They were joined with their com-
was made. panions in the undertaking.
A look into the past was taken,
Looked one another in the face.
They gave a last look into the deep
killed by (an accident, enemy ),wlth recess
(a weapon). She looked into the mirror.
Killed by the Indians, with a toma- love of, for, to.
hawk. The love of home.
know about, of, under (the His love for the cause.
name of) He sent love to all the family.
He knew all about the affair; of the
They Icnew it under the name of M
make of, from, out of, with,
The shoes were made of leather,
lean against (any support), on, or from the skins of goats.
upon (a crutch, staff, etc.), to, or Out of the refuse lumber he made
to wards. a table.
They were leaning against the wall. Beer made with aloes instead ot
Be leaned on his staff hops
In opinion he leaned to the other He made a boat for the boy.
to, some times with (or
The tree was leaning towards the marry
the accusative without a preposition).
South. Married to a charming wife
liberal of, In. He married with her a great fortune.
Liberal of counsels. She married him against her rela-
Liberal in opinion. tives' wishes.
light (v. descend) from, down martyr for, or to (a cause), to
from, off. (disease, disappointment, sorrow,
The bird lighted from the tree; etc.).
down from the vane; off the chimney. A martyr for the truth.
listen for (a sound, news, etc., ex- A martyr to the country.
pected), to (a sound, story, news, etc., A martyr to the gout.
heard). mastery of, over.
He listened for the footstep. A mastery of his subject.
He eagerly listened to the story. The mastery over his auditors.
live at (a village, small place, a city matter with (not of).
very remote, a foreign city. etc. ), In What is the matter with your voicel
(a city, or country), on (.the earth, meddle with. In.
the hill side, the mountain top, etc. ), He meddled irith the settlement
on or upon (food). He was meddling in the matter.
long for, after (or followed by an mindful of.
infinitive). Be mindful of your health; of your
I have longed for thy salvation conduct.
Ps. cxix, 40. mix In, with.
I have longed after thy precepts. Mixed up in politics.
Ps. cxiz, Hi. Mixed with the best society; with
He longed to see home once more. the crowd.
look for (somethiug expected, de- model (v.) after, on, In.
sired), for, or alter (something
He modeled after the teacher; on the
lost, mislaid), on, or upon (with prevailing type; in wax.
regard, esteem, pity, consideration,
mortified at, with.
affection, etc.). Mortified at his friend's appearance.
look In, Into. Mortified with the faint praise h
Looked in the glass. received.
mourn for, over. offended at, by, with.
He mourned for his son; over his They were jjf 'ended j.1 the extrava-
great loss. gfaut cis-play bu hie superciliou;- miiii-
ncr; tcjt/i the committee for .-electing
N him.
opinion about.
name after, sometimes from (not He bad no fixed opinion on the ques-
for). ,
He was named after his uncle: from Public opinion about him was un
the ancestor of an illustrious house. settled.

necessary to, for. opportunity of (or an infinitive),

Repose is necessary to the active
He had no opportunity of displaying
business man.
his genius.
It is necessary for him to go.
An opportunity to go was given him.
necessity for, of. The fit opportunity for the assault
A stern necessity fortheir action.
came the next day.
No necessity of an increase of salary.
need (n.) of (not for). opposite to (also without to).
There was no need of hurrying. They stood opposite to each other.
The city had no need of the sun. They sat opposite each other.
Rev. xxi, 23. opposition to.
Strenuous opposition to hli election.
O originate In, from.
It originated in his own brain.
object (r.) to, formerly against. Bitter quarrels have originated from
He objected to the arrangement. religious controversy.
objection to, against. overwhelmed with, by, in.
There was a great objection to the They were overwhelmed with work.
course indicated. She was overwhelmed by her misfor-
They presented strong objections tunes.
against his appointment. Overwhelmed in grief.
oblivious of.
He was oblivious of the time; of
the company; of danger.
obnoxious to.
He was obnoxious to his colleagues; parallel to, with.
to the charge of treachery. The streets were parallel to the
observance of. river.
A proper observance of the Sabbath; Honor runs parallel tcith the Divine
of the rules of grammar; of the de-
mands of society. part from, with (i. e., surrender,
obtain from, of. resign, give up).
i. promise was obtained from him.
He parted from his companions.
He obtained a loan of him. They parted with their only son.
occasion for, of. partake of, or without of.
There was occasion for the com- They partook ofthe sacrament.
A meal was partakenwith them.
No occasion of the unpleasantness partial to, sometimes towards.
existed. The English are partial to roast
occupy by, with, In. beef.
Occupied by numerous subjects. The mother was partial towards th
The space was occupied with bun- youngest child.
dles. partiality to, for.
He occupied the position in a worthy A partiality to Americans.
A partiality for strong tea.

participate in, sometimes of. The preference of this one before

He participated in the contest. that.
They participated of his unhappy He had the preference over his com-
spirit. petitor.
patient of. with, towards, His was a preference above the things
under. ordinarily chosen.
Patient of cold. They had a preference for mathe-
Patient with the thoughtless; to- matics.
ward the unfortunate; under afflic- prefix to.
tions. The syllable was prefixed to the
peculiar to (not from). word.
The gait was peculiar to him. prejudice against (not to nor
pendent from. for).
The pendent from the bough.
fruit The prejudice was strong against
penetrate into, within, to. them.
They penetrated into the recesses of prejudicial to.
the forest; within the forbidden en- It was prejudicial to their interests.
closure; to the end of the mystery. present to, with.
perish of, by, sometimes with. He presented to his mother the
I shall perish of hunger, or by the money.
hand of my adversary, or with wast- He was presented with a suit of
ing disease.
persevere in. preside over.
He persevered in his plan of going The convention was presided over
through college. by him.
pity on. prevail on, or upon, with (to
Have pity on the poor. persuade), over, or against (to
play at (as a sport or game. At overcome).
may be omitted). They prevailed on him to go.
The children played at keeping He was prevailed upon to stay.
school, and then played blind man's
She may prevail with him.
buff. He prevailed over his enemies; over
the stubbornness of the materials na-
pleased with, at. ture had furnished him.
The father was pleased with his
success, and at the
effect he produced. prevent from.
possessed of, with, by. They were prevented from going.
Possessed of a great fortune. productive of.
Possessed with a fault-finding spirit. Itwas productive of good.
Possessed by the idea. profitable to, for.
predispose to, towards. Profitable to the owner.
He was predisposed to the stranger; Profitable for righteousness; fov
towards his project. instruction.
prefer to, before, above. prohibit from.
She preferred him to the rest of her They were prohibited from voting.
suitors. prolific of.
This one was preferred before the It was prolific of good.
other. proper to.
The colonel was preferred above the Proper to the sage; to the clown; to
general. the character assumed.
preferable to. proportion to.
The participle is preferable to the In proportion to the amount in-
infinitive in that sentence. vested.
preference to, before, over, protect from, against.
above, for. He was protected from assault.
He was chosen in preference to the They protected him against all
other. onoomers.
provide with, for, against. Be reconciled to thy brother.
They were provided with weapons, He was reconciled to his fate.
for their journey, against the attacks They reconciled hard work with
of wild beasts. play.
punish i\ itli. for.
by recover from, sometimes of.
Punished, with imprisonment, by the He recovered from the effects of his
judge, for stealing. wound.
purge from, of. The boy recovered of the bite
Purged from their offences.
recreant to.
Purged of guilt. He was recreant to his trust.
pursuance of (not with.}. reduce to (a state, condition), under
It was done in purtuance of their
request. He was reduced to poverty, under
put Into, In. the sway of this king.
With reference to a literal use, as
real entrance, into is employed; as, to regard for, to.
put wheat into the bin, the purse into
He had regard for his feelings.
his pocket, the watch into his hand. They had regard to the promised
He was put into jail or in jail. reward.
"In regard to," and "with regard
Arguments put into his mouth.
When used figuratively (generally to," are used interchangeably. "la
with abstract nouas) in is commonly regard of," is seldom employed.
employed; as, to put in motion, in a regret for.
rage, in place, in type, in print, in
He expressed great regret for his
jeopardy, in effect, in position, in conduct.
action, in execution, in operation, in rejoice at (an occurrence, event,etc.),
practice, in writing. In (personal qualities, possessions,
Put yourself in his place (idiomatic etc.).
phrase). They rejoiced at the victory.
Rejotceth in the truth.
Rejoicing in his manly vigor.
relieve from, of.
rail at, against. They were relieved from their dis-
They railed at him. tressing condition.
He was railed against. He was relieved of pain.
read In, out of, from, over. relish for, of.
They'll read it in the paper.
A relish for. may be regarded as a
He may read it out of this book. disposition to taste; a relish of, at
Yon can read from the beginning. actual taste.
She may read Hover again. He had a relish for literature.
There was a relish of the olden time
receive of, from. about it.
They received of him the money.
A letterwas received from them. rely on, or npon (not in).
recite out of, from. They relied on his statement.
His assurances were relied upon.
They recited out of Homer.
It was recitedfrom memory. remark upon, or on.
reckon on, or npon. His vote was remarked upon.
They reckoned on his coming. They remarked on his peculiar con-
His support was reckoned upon, duct.
recline upon, or on. remedy for, against.
They reclined upon the couch. A remedy for sickness.
The child reclined on his mother's A remedy against malaria.
arm. remonstrate with (a person).
reconcile to (to unite, accept, make against (a proceeding).
friendly), with (to make congruous He remonstrated with the driver,
or consistent). against his slow movements.

repeat (a portion, a passage), of,

from, ont of. s
He repeated some glowing lines of
Keats, from the Endymion, out of the sail tor, to, in.
collection of poetry. They sailed for London.
He was sailing to Liverpool in the
rep en t of. Servia.
They repented of their misdeeds. sated with.
repine at (the present condition, They were sated with the feast.
what is), for (the past, what is not). satisfy with.
They were repining at their hard The child was satisfied with its toy.
lot. search for, or after (a person or
They repined for the pleasures thing), into (the merits, particulars,
which had gone. etc.),out (the facts, truth, etc.).
He was searching for the book he had
replete with. lost.
It was replete with
good things. They were searching after the miss-
requisite for, to. ing child
The missing manuscript was requi- The author was searching into the
site for the book. old volumes.
His course was requisite to success. The detective was searching out all
the facts.
reproach with, for. secure from, of, against.
He was reproached with bitter words, He was secure from harm.
for his actions. They were secure of their property.
research into. He had been secured against loss by
His research into the ancient phi- fire.

losophies was profound.

seek for, after.
Seek for wisdom as hidden treasures.
resemblance to (not with}. Seek after realities, not fictions.
He bore a strong resemblance to his seized by (an inimical person, ani-
brother. mal, etc.), with (disease).
reside at, in.
He was seized by the Sepoy; by th
He resides at Auburn, in the State tiger.
ofNew York. He was seized with cholera.
sell for, by auction (in England),
resolve on, or upon. at auction (in United States).
They resolved on taking the river It was sold for one hundred dollars.
road. The house was sold by auction.
He was resolved upon entering Con- share in, of.
gress. He shared in the reward.
They received their share of the
respect for, to. money.
He had great respect for the clergy. sick of, with.
He had respect to the recompense of He was sick o/his bargain
reward. Heb. : sick o/a
fever sick withague ; with famine.
We use "with respect to," and "in similar to

" is (not with).

resj>ect to." "In respect of rarely
used now. They wer very similar to each
reward with, by, for. similarity to, between, of (not
The Major was rewarded with the with).
rank of Colonel, by the Governor, for The similarity to his brother was
his gallant conduct. noticeable.
rich in, sometimes with, formerly There was a wonderful similarity
of. between the twins.
Rich in faith. Rich Kith all his The similarity of one class to an-
family about hinn. other

situated on (an eminence, tome The fumpathy between them wm

blue ni the load), ill (.a street.;. manifest.
i in- luiu-e was situated on the hill
side on the east Bide of the road in.
; ;

AclUlllrt St
skillful in, of, at. taste of, for.
Skiilful 1 11 diplomacy. He had a taste o/the viands o/the

Skillful of ullertiLice. intellectual feast.

Skillful at draughts. She had a taste for music, painting,
smile at, upon. drawing, needlework, etc.
He smiled ut the remark. thick with.
She smiled The path was thick with dangers.
upon, the child.
solicitous about, for.
think of, about, on.
Think of him.
They were solicitous about the fu- Think about the matter.
ture. Think on these things.
She was solicitous for Us welfare. thirst for, alter.
cpeak to (an assembly), to, or with They thirsted for blood.
(a person), about (a subject). He thirsted after knowledge.
He spoke earnestly to the congrega- threaten with, by.
tion. The country was threatened with
He spoke to the governor about the destruction by the general.
pardon ; u-itft the senator on the pen- tire of, with, by.
sion question. He was tired of life with their non-
til rive with, or against (a person sense by the work he had done.

opposed, or a thins,' in opposition), translate from, out of, into.

for (something to be obtained). He translated from Homer.
He strove with his fellow students It was translated out of Latin into
for the prize. German.
He was striving against great diffi- treat of.
culties. He treated of the question, of the
sufficient for, unto. subject, o/ the nation, etc.
Sufficient for his needs. trust in (not on), to.
Sufficient unto the day is the evil Put your trust in God.
thereof. Do not trust to that man's prom-
suitable to, for. ises.
Suitable to his station.
Suitable for his purpose.
surprised at, by, with.
Surprised at the size of the city. unison Uli.
Surprised by the man's appearance. In unison with his sentiments.
Surprised with the suddenness of unite to, with, in. by.
the storm. United to the brotherhood.
surround by, with. I'ltitfd with them in their enter-
He was surrounded by friends. prise.
The shepherds were surrounded with The opposing chiefs united in repel-
their flocks. ling the invader.
swerve from. They were united by ties of blood.
He did not swerve from his duty. unworthy of (or with the infini-
sympathize with (a person), in tive).
Unworthy o/belief ; to be trusted.
(affliction, grief, etc.).
He sympathized with them in the
loss of their child.
sympathy with, for, between.
He had sympathy with the workmen variance with.
ad for their cause. At variance with one another.
versed In. worthy of (or with the infinitive).
WelJ versed in literature. Worthy of a reward o} a place.

vest lii, with. Wortiiy to be promoted.

The property was vested in the write from (a place), down,
trustees. out.
Tbe magistrates were vested with He wrote from home.
great prerogatives. The newspapers wrote down all op-
vexed with, at. position.
They were vexed with his friends. He wrote down the deposition.
Vvxtd at what has happened. H9 wrote out the contract in full.
view of, to.
It was with the view of forming a
new party.
With a view to a settlement of the
country the laud was given. yearn for, after, towards.
He ytu.rn.ed J or
liie oid home.
The father yearned after the wan-
dering bo> .

His heart yearned towards the

wait on, or upon, for. stranger.
Wait on the Lord. yoke with.
Wait uiion. the issue. The ox was yoked with his mate.
Wait for his coming. yoked with his friends in the good
want with. cause.
Do you want money of ine T
What do you want with iny cornet?
zeal for, of.
weary of, with, In. Zeal for the truth.
Weary of work of play of life.
; ;
The zeal of thine house hath eaten
Weary with the search with watch-
me up.
ing. zealous for, In, formerly also of.
Be act >cfvry *n well doing. Zealous for party success.
Qal. vi, .
Zealous in the undertaking.

about ) About, around and round used interchangeably; as, "The sky
around > ore often used inter- above us, or over us." ".Above ten
round ) chaiigeably, as they fre- thousand men were in the army." " He
quently coincide in meaning. was seen of above five hundred breth-
A lace collar about her neck, around ren at once." 1 Cor. xv. 6.
her neck. More than, upwards of, are also
He looked about him, around him. used by good writers.
about "1 These are frequently across )
frequently coincide in mean-
concerning! used interchangeably. over ) ing. To go over a bridge
respecting f A question about, or across a bridge over a stream

touching J concerning, respect- or across a stream. A bridge across,

ing, touching, landed interests. or over the river.
above "] Above has reference to a Over carries the idea of something
over '

higher position in space. more than length merely. " To ride

over a field " does not carry the same
upon Over relates to an ex- "
OCTOM" it.
beyond j tension along the superior meaning as to ride
surface of another object. across ?"He went OCTOM the
Upon relates to the contact of a through ) room " means he went
from " He went
body with the superior surface of side to side. through
another. the room" means he went from
Beyond refers to the greater dis- outside to outside.
tance of a body. after are often used interchangea-

.Above does not carry the idea of for ) bly, especially after word*
contact with a body below it; over expressing desire, striving, search,
may or may not carry the idea. etc.
Figuratively, above " conveys the To thirst after truth or for truth,
idea of superiority; as, The prince is to search after, or for knowledge,
above the peasant "; over, the idea of hunt after, or for riches, strive after,
" The church has over or for fame,
authority; as, eager /or, or afttr
her, bishops." South. position.
Upon, "the idea of immediate Influ- against) are often Interchangeable;
ence; as. The effect of oratory upon from J as, "Shelter from the blast

an audience"; beyond, the idea of or against the blast."

" The Thus we may say, "Defend as
extent; as, power of Providence
beyond the stretch of human against, or from, protect us ayainit, or
" Thomson. from, secure us againtt, or from, oar
Above and over are aometimes enemies."
or art midst ) These prepo- cificthan by, giving the Idea of a
among or amonget J sitions dif- customary, or particular nearness.
" He stood at
fer to some extent from each other. the entrance " would
Amid (a poetical form) and mean more than " He stood by it,"
amidst, denote in the midst or the the one indicating the closest prox-
middle of, or surrounded by; as, imity in front, the other in the
"A tree amidst the garden." "A neighborhood
of it, or near to it.
task performed amidst many inter- They sit at the table " differs
ruptions." Among or amongst, as from "They sit by the table." The
its etymology implies, denotes an first means they face the table, the
intermixture or a mingling. It im- second does not.
plies a collection of objects with at At is less definite than in. At the

which something is intermixed or In ) church may mean in, or near the

" He .was church. Hence, at does not make a
mingled ; as, among his
friends." ''Pamphlets were found reference to the interior prominent.
among the books." We may say It is proper to use at before the
among the schoolmen; among the names of small towns, villages, for-
philosophers, among the Americans, eign cities far remote, and houses ;
among the Orientals, among the ideas as, He lived at Fishkill, lectured at
advanced, among the arguments Winnebago, died at Pekin.
used. In none of these cases could In should be used before the
amid, or amidst, be used. So we may names of the great geographical,
say amidst temptations, amidst suffer- or political divisions of the globe,
ings, amidst difficulties, amidst the countries, and large cities; as, He
waves. Amotiy, or amongst, could teaches in Paris. She sings in New
not be used in these cases. Wheu the York. At should be used before the
idea of quantity is conveyed, or can number of a street, and in (not on)
be considered, amidst is generally before the name of the street ; as.
used. Hence, we can say, "Apples The officer was found at the Court
gleaming rosy-red amidst the leaves." House in Clark street.
If the idea of number Is conveyed At or in may often be used inter-
we should use amongst. changeably as, He was crowned in,

Milton says of the seraph Abdiel : or at Paris. Both at Belfast and in

Dublin riots occurred.
"Faithful found
At is used after the verb TOUCH ;
Among the faithless, faithful only he,"
as, The vessel touched at Queens-
because he had been one of the num- town. At or in may be used after
ber of the rebellious host before the verb ARRIVE; as, They arrived
they had fallen, and was yet inter- at, or in Liverpool. At or in may
mingled with them. But when he be used after the verb TO BE; as,
determined to leave them, Milton He has been at Boston, in Balti-
discriminatingly adds more.
beside ) These words are inter-
From amidst them forth he passed." besides \ changeable in the mean-
" distinct
around are used ings of ''over and above,"
J interchange- from," although besides is more fre-
round ) ably. quently used in this sense as,
To stand around, or round. To There were learned men besides

throw his eyes around, or round. these." Beside means, " By, or at
To travel around. To send invita- the side of," " on one side of" as,
tions round. To rally round the "He sat beside me." Also, "aside

flag. To join hands round the tree. "apart from," or "out of;"
Round is perhaps more frequently from,"
as, Paul, thou art beside thyself."
used than around. All round means Besides " more-
specially means,
in every direction j over the whole " in addition to " " There
over," ;as,
place. were other nations besides these."
at ) While these two words both Indi-
toy J oate nearness, at is more spe- NOT*. Skeats contends that the
use of
besides as a preposition, for These words are
f reqnent-
which is a later development of be- durlng I y used interchangeably.
tide, is, strictly, incorrect, but is as through ) He remained
there for
old as the twelfth century. twenty-five years, or during a quarter
but These words are almost of a century.
besides all used in
nearly the They had a happy married life for,
or during
except V same sense. Excepting fifty years.
The war was protracted through
save is the game I as except,
without but not so often used.
four years.
Save Is generally used in poetry. for ~)
For and not-
iiot \vitliNtaiidlllg V
He could do nothing but for me, is withstanding
the same as he could do nothing concerning ) are some-
without me. times interchangeable.
He will go to destruction for all
NOTE. Skeats very properly gives we can do to restrain him.
the synonym without. Webster and This may be the book for anything
Worcester omit it. we may know.
He will go notwithstanding our
by By and beside are sometimes
beside interchangeable.
1 He sat For and concerning are often used
near by me, or beside me. These
on J
terms indicate a little
for the particulars of the case we
more closeness 'of proximity than refer you to the attorney.
the word near.
By and on are often interchange- from ) These two words are sorne-
able; as, By land and by water, or against \
times interchangeable.
on land and on water they engage in A shelter from, or against the
the fight. stormy blast.

by n Whenever
conscious We may say, Defend us from, or
\v i tli

agent is mentioned, and

!- against, protect us from, or against,
secure us from, or against, our
through the instrument
employed enemies etc.
to accomplish his purpose, by must
be used to denote the agent, and from ) From, with a verb of
with, in
" He wasgeneral,
the instrument ; as, away from ) motion, means away
slain by his enemy with the from. Its correlative and opposite U
sword." to, or towards.

Thus, by denotes in general the es- He went from Philadelphia to, or

sential or immediate agent, and towards Newark.
with, carrying the idea of companion- from ) These words are interchange-
ship, the means or instrument em- out of) able as denoting origin,
ployed by the agent. being, emanation and the like.
He was struck by the sun. The Truth shall spring out of the earth.
sun struck him with its rays. The
Ps. Ixxxv. 11.
tree was shaken by the wind. The
wind shook the tree with its strong is the opposite of in and
Out of
hand. into. After a verb of motion it has
The city was destroyed by fire. the meaning of forth from. He went
Here fire is the essential agent. out of the house. He was driven
He destroyed the city with flre. from, or out of the country. He
Here fire is the auxiliary means or leaped from, or out o/the carriage.
instrument. from I From is sometimes inter-
By attention and prompt action he of f changeable with of, not as
won his case, these being the essen- often as formerly.
agents of success.
tial We may say, To be rid of these
He won his case through attention question able characters." 'Til rid
and prompt action, these being the you from further fear concerning
Important auxiliaries. tneia."
He arose of the dead. Old Eng- out, i. e., in office, or out 01 -jftice.
lish. Come in, i. e., come into the house.
" The ship has come
Hence, we may say, Demand of, in, i. e., come
or from ; received of, or from ; clear into port.
of, or from ; learn of, or from ;
We may say cut, tear, break <n,
secure of, or from. Cleanse us of into, or to pieces.Separated, or di-
our sins, or from our sins." vided into several parts. He fell
from )Are interchangeable in deeply in love into a melancholy;

by and of) such cases as, " He condition into a decline.

; He was
" put in a hard place, or into a sad
judged from the evidence." He de- perplexity. Their conduct came in
termined to proceed from the in-
formation he had gained." question. They examined into his
They determined their action by the Jnto indicates motion, change, en-
Report. They judged of the matter
trance, in a more marked degree
carefully. than in.
from These words often are inter-
off changeable.
) Off is merely in ) We
say he went on the steam'
another form of of. In the old au- on J he got on the steam car,
thprs there is no distinction between horse car etc., when these simply in-
the words. dicate points of temporary destina-
" Smiteth
of my bed, is equivalent
tion. But we say he went in the
to " smite off my head." Chaucer. steamboat when a passage is taken ;
he rode in the cars.
Thou art mon off strange land. We also eay, " He read the first
Bob. of Qlouc. line in the page " (preferable to on
" the page). He paid seventy cents in
Hence, we mayHe fell/rom
the horse, or off the horse." the dollar, or on the dollar four ;

in ) When these words denote time shillings in, or on the pound. Eng-
at > we may say, " At the hour of lish usage is in the pound as, " Sir ;

on ) 12, on the 24th of September, shillings in the pound."

in the year 1881."
" The
old, old story was told again
in In a few cases these words

at five o'clock in the morning. " within ) are interchangeable. With-

"At nine o clock on the morning in, however, is more emphatic than
of May 4th." in.

We may say within the range of his
Whenever a verb of motion is
influence, or in the range etc. ; with-
into )employed, or when entrance in his power, or in his power ; urithin
or insertion is denoted, into should ten minutes, or in ten minutes.
be used and not in.
He went info the hall. She rode In my Father's house are many man-
into the park. sions. John xiv. 2.
They took a ride
with their friends in Central Park. In cases like the following, how-
Many innovations were introduced ever, within does not mean the same
info the College. as in, and is less emphatic. It was
They looked into the book. within his grasp. It was in his
He infused life into the Review. grasp. In the first instance it may
When a change is made from one simply mean it was in the limits, or
form or state into another, into is compass of his grasp in the other ;

used. instance it would mean that it was

Water is convertible into vapor. actually in his grasp.
He was led by evidence into a be- Within means "in the inner or
lief of the truth. The manuscripts interior part ; "
" inside of " "with-

were put into shape. in the limits of ;" and is opposite to

In is often used for *nto when the without. Within these doors ; within
noun is omitted to which it properly this roof ; within this house ; within
belongs ; as, These are in, those are himself ; within one's income ; within
ten miles. We may say, "Is Mrs. to) the Palmer House. They were at
Potter within, or in t " the concert. He set himself to the
task. He is going to his trade.
or. See from and to. We may say, " They have been to
London." " He has been to supper."
on ) Are interchangeable words. "
They have been to church." These
upon J Sometimes on account of forms are permissible on account of
elegance or euphony, upon is the the idea of motion.
more preferable word. Generally, At indicates the relation of action
however, on is now used in place of or employment, of state or condition.
upon. We may say, Play on, or He was set at work. He worked at
upon the harp, the piano, the violin, the carpenter's bench, at wood carv-
the drum, etc. On would be chosen, ing, at printing.
as a rule.
They were at war, at peace, at
On is omitted before the words supper. They have been at a great
" " to-morrow " "
to-day";" yester-
" this ; deal of trouble.
day ;" last evening " mor-;

ning." to ) To and of frequently denote th

We should say, " On the 8th of
of ) same meaning.
June." He was nephew to the President, or
on. See In. a nephew, or the nephew of the Pres-
previous to ) These may be re- He is a friend of, or to the Sen,
prevlously to C garded as prepo-
He was successor to the Governor,
sitional phrases and are used quite
generally in the sense of before, both or the successor of the Governor.
in order and time.
We may say, previous to the an- toward )Are interchangeable. To-
nouncement ; previous to the publica- towards toarda ie the later form,

tion ; previously to the year 1882 ; pre- due to adding the adverbal suffix es
viously to the American war ; previous (originally the mark of a genitive
to this event. case) to the shorter, toward.
We may use both forms, but to-
through > Throughout is a little ward* is more frequently employed.
throughout \ more emphatic than
through, in regard to space. under "\
Under denotes a low-
Throughout the years throughout the ; below er position with re-
generations throughout the United
; beneath spect to being COT-
States, England, etc. uiiderueathj ered, overtopped,
The difference in force in these or overhung by some upper body. It
words is scarcely perceptible ; as, is the opposite of over, above, upon
through life throughout the years,
; or on.
etc. Below and beneath refer to a lower
position. They are interchangeable
till )Are used interchangeably. when they are used with reference to
until \ Wait until, or till the time a lower place, or to something direct-
come. Till now, or until now. "
ly over, or on ; as, Beneath, or below
Till, or until six o'clock ; till then, or this stone he lies." Under is some-
until then. times interchangeable with them.
under the sun, below the
to ) To primarily denotes approach "Nobody
at and arrival, movement or di- moon, or beneath the stars." It is
under the table, or beneath the ta-

rection towards a place or thing.

At primarily means contiguity, ble
Beneath is a stronger term than
nearness, or presence, in reference
to locality. below. We say of a thing that li

He went to Chicogo. He is at (not simply lower thn our position, It

isbelow us." When very far below, Under one's signature should b
"It is beneath us." used instead of over one's signature,
for the paper is under the hand when
When figurative language is em-
ployed to express contemptuously signed, as it is sealed.
something very low, we should use Under the breath. Very eoftly,
beneath, and not below. with a low voice.
He is beneath (not below) our no-
tice. It is beneath the character of a its etymology im-
Underneath, as
gentleman, beneath the dignity of the plies under and lower, is a somewhat
audience, the occasion, the subject, Stronger term than under.
Somonyms are words spelt alike, but differing in use. In a few cases we include
different uses of what is either exactly, or nearly the same word, at the same
time noting that the forms are allied ; but in most cases, the words are of differ-
ent origin.
Balk (2), to hinder. (E. ) Allied to
ABIDE (1), to wait for. (E.) Ball (1), a dance. (F.-L.)
Auiue (.2), to suffer for a thing.
Ball r/i, a spherical body. (F.-G.)
Allow (.1), to assign, grant. (F.-L.) Band (1), also Bond, a fastening.
Allow (2), to approve of. (F.-L.'* J (E.)
Au (1), the indef. article. (E.) Band (2), a company of men. (F.-G/)
An (2), if. (Scand.) Bang (1), to beat violently. (Scand.)
Ancient (1), old. (F.-L.) Bang (2), a narcotic drug. (Persian.)
Ancient (2), a banner, standard- Bank (1), a mound of earth. (E.)
bearer. (F.-L.) Bank (2), a place for depositing
Angle (1),
a bend, corner. (F.-L.) money. (F.-G.)
Angle (2), a fishing-hook. (E.) Barb (.1), the hook on the point of an
Arcll (1 ), a construction of stone or arrow. (F.-L.)
wood, &c., in a curved form. (F.-L.) Barb (2j, a Barbary horse. (F.-Bar-
ArcU (2), roguish, waggish, sly. (E. .) bary. )

Arcn-, chief; used as a prefix. (L.- Bark (1), Barque, a sort of ship. (F.-
Gk.) LowL.-Gr.)
Ann (1), the limb extending from
Bark 2 the rind of a tree. (Scand.)

the shoulder to the hand. (E.) Bark (3j, to yelp as a dog. (E.)
Arm (2), verb, to furnish with weap- Barm (I i, yi-ust. (E.)
(2), the lap. (E.)
ons. (F.-L.)
Art verb sub- Barnacle (1), a species of goose.
(1), 2 p. s. pros, of the
stantive. (E.) (L.?)
Barnacle (2), a sort of small shell-
Art (2), skill, contrivance. (F.-L.) fish. (L. or C.)
As (1), conj.
and adv. (E.) Barrow a burial-mound. (C. T)
As (2), rel. pronoun. (Scand.) Barrow (1),
(2), a wheel-barrow. (E.)
Ay! inter j. of surprise. (E.) Base (1), low. humble. (F.-L.)
Ay, Aye, yea, yes. (E.) Base (2), a foundation. (F.-L.-Gk.)
Aye, adv., ever, always. (Scand.) Bass (1), the lowest part in a musical
composition. (F. )
Bass (2), Barse, Brasse, a fish. (E.)
Baste (1), vb., to beat,trike. (.Scand. )
(1), travelers' luggage. over meat. (Co-
Baste (2), to pour fat
(F.-C.) known.)
Baggage (2), a worthless woman. H.
Baste (3), to sew slightly. (F.- O.
Bale a package. (F.-M. H. G.) G.)
(1), Bat (1), a short cudgel. (C.)
(2), evil. (E.) Bat (2), a winged mammal. (Scand.)
Bale (3), to empty water
out of a ship.
Bate (1), to abate, dimmish. (F.-L.)
Balk (1), abeam; a ridge, a division Bate (2), strife. (F.-L.) AUied to
>f land. (E.)
Bate (1).
Batten (1), to grow fat; to fatten. Bleak (2), a kind of fish. (E.) The
(Scand.) same as Bleak (1).
Batten (2), a wooden rod. (F.) Blot (1), a spot; to spot. (Scand.)
Batter (1), to beat. (F.-L,.) Whence lilot (2), at backgammon. (Seand.)
Batter (2). Blow (1), to puff. (E.)
Batter (2 ), a compound of eggs, Blow (2), to bloom, flourish as a
flour, and milk. (F.-L.) flower. (E.)
Bauble (1), a fool's mace. (C.? with Blow (3), a stroke, hit. (E.)
E. suffix. ) Boil (l), to bubble up. (F.-L.)
Baufole 4 (2), a plaything. (F.-Ital.) Boil (2), a small tumor. (E.)
Bay a reddish brown. (F.-L. ) Boom (1), to hum, buzz. (E.)
(2h a kind of laurel-tree. (F.-L.J Boom (2), a beam or pole. (D.) . .

Bay (3). an inlet of the sea: recess. Boot and

1), a covering for the leg
(F.-L.) foot. F.- O. H. G. )

Bay (4), to bark as a dog. (F.-L.)

Boot 2), advantage, profit. (E.)
Bay (5), inphr. atbay. (F.-L.) Allied Bore 1), to perforate. (.)
Bay (4). Bore 2), to worry, vex. (E.) The

Beam (1), a piece of timber. (E.) same as Bore 1 ( ) .

Beam (2), a ray of light. (E.) The Bore (3), a tidal surge in a river.
same as Beam (1). (Scand.)
Bear (1), to carry. (E.) Botch (1), to patch; a patch. (O. Low
Bear (2), an animal. (E.)
Beaver (1), an animal. (E.)
Botch (2), a swelling. (F.-G.)
Beaver (2), the lower part of a hel- Bottle (1), a hollow vessel. (.F.-Low
met. (F.) Lat.-Gk.)
Beck. a nod or sign. (E.J Bottle (2), a bundle of hay. (F.-O.
Beck a stream. (Scand.) H. G.)
an insect. (E.) Allied to
Bound (1), to leap. (F.-L.)
Beetle (3). Bound (2), a boundary, limit. (F.-
C. )
Beetle (2),
heavy mallet. (E.)
Bound (3), ready to go. (Scand.)
Beetle (3), to jut out and hang over. Bourn (1), a boundary. (F.-C.)
Bid Bourn, Burn (2), a stream. (E.)
(1), to pray. (E.)
(2). to command. (E.)
Bow (1), vb., to bend. (E.)
Bile (1), secretion from the liver.
Bow (2), abend. (E.) Allied to Bow
Bo w
Bile (3), a weapon to shoot with. (E.)
(2), aboil. (E.) Allied to Bow (1).
Bill (1), a chopper, battle-are, bird's Bow (4), the bow of a ship. (Scand.)
beak. (E.)
Bill (2), a writing, account. (F.-L.; or
Bowl (1), a round wooden ball. (F.-
L. )
Billet (1), a note, ticket. (F.-L.)
Bowl (2), a drinking-vessel. (E.)
Billet (2), a log of wood. (F.-C.)
Box (l), the name of a tree. (L.)
Bit a small piece, a mouthful.
Box (2)i a case to put things in. (L.)
(1), Allied to Box (1).
Box (3). to fight with fists; a blow.
(2), a curb for a horse. (E.) Allied
to Bit (1). (Scand.)
Bland! Brake (l), a machine for breaking
(1), v., to whiten. (F.) hemp, &c. ( O. Low G. )
Blaiicli (2), T., to blench. (E.) Brake (2), a bush, thicket, fern. (O.
Blaze (1), aflame; to flame. (E.) Low G. ; perhaps E. )
Blaze (2), to proclaim. (E.) Brawl (1), to quarrel roar. (C.) ,

Blazon a proclamation; to pro-

(1), Brawl (2), a sort of dance. (F.)
claim. (E.) Allied to Blazon (2). Bray fl), to bruise, pound. (F.-G.)
Blazon (2), to portray armorial bear- Bray (2), to make a loud noise, as an
ings. (F.-G.) ass. (F.-C.)
Bleak (1), pale, exposed. (E.) Braze (1), to harden. (F.- Scand.)

Braze (2), to ornament with brass. (2), a support for a woman's

(E). Allied to Braze (1). stays. (F.) .
Breeze (1), a strong wind. (F.) Bus* (1), a kiss; to kiss. (O. prov. G.,
Breeze (2), cinders. (F.) confused with F.- L. )
Brief (1), short. (F.-L.) BUM (2), a herring-boat (F.-L.)
Brief (2), a letter, &c. (F.-L.) The But (1), prep, and conj., except. (E.)
same as Brief (1). But (2), to strike; abutt-end; gee be-
Broil (1), to fry, roast over hot coals. low.
(F.-Teut.) Butt (1), an end; a thrust; to thrust.
Broil (2), a disturbance, tumult. (F.) (F.-M. H. G.)
Brook Butt (2), a large barrel. (F.- M. U.
(1), to endure, put up with.
Brook (2), a small stream. (E.) C
Budge (1), to stir, move from one's
place. (F.-L,.) CAB (1), an abbreviatioa of cabriolet.
Budge (2), a kind of fur. (F.-C.) (F.-L.)
It It Vr (1), a foolish follow. (F.)
11 Cab (2), a Hebrew measure, 2 Kings
Perhaps allied to Buffer (2). vi. 25. (Heb.)
Butler (2), a cushion with springs Cabbage (1), a vegetable with a large
used to deaden concussion. (F. ) head. (F.- ItaL- L. )
Buffer (3), a metal polisher. (E.) Cabbage (2), to steal. (F.)
Buffet (1), a blow; to strike. (F.) Calf the young of the cow. (E.)
Bullet (2), awide-board. (F.) Calf a part of the leg. (Scand.?)
Bug (1), Bugbear;
a terrifying spec- Can (1), I am able. (E.)
tre. (C.) Can (2), a drinking vessel. (E.)
Bug (2), an insect. (C.) The same as Cant (1), to talk hypocritically. (L.)
Bug (l). Cant (2), an edge, corner. (Dutch.)
Bugle (1), a wild ox; a horn. (F.-L.) Cape ( 1 ), a covering for the shoulders.
Bugle (2), a kind of ornament. (M. (F.-Low Lat.)
H. O.) Cape (2), a headland. (F.-Ital.-L.)
Bulk (1), magnitude, size. (Scand.) Caper (1), to dance about. (Itnl.-L.)
Bulk 1,2), the trunk of the body. (O. Caper (2), the flower-bud of the caper-
LowG.) bush, used for pickliug. (F.-L.-Gk.-
Bulk (3), a stall of ashop. (Scand.) Pers.)
Bull (1), u male bovine quadruped. Capital (1), relating to the head;
(E.) chief. (F.-L.)
Bull (2), a papal edict. (L.) Capital (2), wealth, stock of money.
Bump (1), to thump, beat; a blow, (F.-L.)
knob. (C.) Capital (3), the head of a pillar. (Low
Bump (2), to make a noise like a bit- Lat.-L.)
tern. (C.) (1), apiece of paste board. (F.-
Bunting (1), the name of a bird. Gk.)
(E.?) Card (2), an instrument for combing
Bunting a thtn woollen stuff of
(2), wool. (F.-L.)
which ship's flags are made. (E.?) Carousal (1), a drinking-bout. (F.-
Burden (1), Burthen; a load carried. G.)
kind of
Carolina! (2), a pageant
Burden (2). the refrain of a song. (F.-Ital.)
(F.-Low Lat.) Carp (1), a fresh
Bury (1),
to hide in the ground. (E.) Carp (2), to cavil at. (Scand.)
Bury (2), a town, as in Canterbury. Cage (1), that wkich happens;
(E). Allied toBnry (1). event, &c. (F.-L.)
BiiKll (1), a thicket. (Scand.)
Cae (2), a receptacle, cover. (F.-L.)
BiiBli (2), the metal box in which
an Chap (1), to cleave, clack; Chop, to
axle works. (Dutch.) cut. (E.)
BiiNk (1), to get oneself ready. Chap (2). a fellow; Chapman, a mer-
chant. (QT Is origin.)
Char (1), to turn to charcoal. (E.) Cockle (3), to be uneven, shake or
Char (2), a turn of work. (E.) Allied wave up and down. (C. )
to Char (1). Cocoa (1), the cocoa nut palm-tree.
Char (3), a kind of fish. (C.) (Port.)
Chase (1), to hunt after, pursue. (F.- Cocoa (2), corrupt form of Cacao.
L. ) (Span.- Mexican. )
Chase (2), to enchase, emboss. (F.- Cod (1),
a kind of fish. (K?)
L.) Allied to Chase (3). Cod. (2), a husk, shell, bag, bolster.
Chase (3i, a printer's frame for type. t.E.)
(F.-L.) Codling: (1),
young cod. (E.T)
Chink (1), a cleft, crevice. (E.) Codling (2), Codlin, a kind of apple.
Chink (2), to jingle. (E.) (E.)
Chop (1), to cut suddenly. (E.) Cog (1), a tooth on the rim of a wheel.
Chop (2), to barter, exchange. (O. (C.)
Du.-L.) Cog (2), to trick, delude. (C.)
Chuck (1), to strike gently; to toss. Coil (1), to gather together. (F.-L.)
(F.-O. LowGer.) Coil (2), a noise, bustle, confusion.
Chuck (2), to cluck as a hen. (E.) (C.)
Chuck (3), a chicken. (E.) Allied to Colon (1), a mark printed thus (:).
Chuck (1). (Gk.)
Cleave (1), strong verb, to split asun- Colon (2), part of the intestines.
der. (E.) (Gk.)
Cleave (2), weak verb, to stick, ad- Compact (1), close,firm. (F.-L.)^U-
here. (E.) lied to Compact (2).
Close (1), to shut in, shut, make close. Compact (2), a bargain, agreement.
(F-L.) Whence Close (2). (L. )

Close (2), adj., shut up, confined, nar-

Con (1), to enquire into, observe
row. (Fi-L.) closely. (E.)
Clove (I'l, a kind of spice. (F.-L.) Con (2), used in the phrase pro and
Clove (2), a bulb or tuber. (E.) con. (L.)
Club (1), a heavy stick: a cudgel. Contract (1), todrawtogether,short
en. (L. Allied to Contract (~2).
(Scand.) Allied to Club (2). Contract
a bargain, agreement.
Club (2), an association of persons. (2),
(Scand.) Allied to Club (3). (F.-L.)
Club (3), one of a suit at cards. Cope (1), a cap, hood, cloak, cape.
(Scand.) (F.-LowLat.)
Clutter (1), a noise, great din. (E.) Cope (2),
to vie
with, match. (Du.)
Clutter (2j, to coagulate, clot. (E.) Corn (l), grain. (E.)
Clutter (3), a confused heap; to heap
Corn (2), an excrescence on the foot.
up. (W.) Corporal (1), a subordinate officer.
Cob (1), a round lump, or taiob. (C.)
Cob (2), to beat, strike. (C.) frob. al- Corporal (2), belonging to the body.
lied to Cob (1). Cotton (1), a downy substance. (F-
Cobble (1), to patch up. (F.-L.) Arabic. )
Cobble (2). a small, round lump. (C.) Cotton (2), to agree. (W.)
Cock (1), the male of the .domestic Count (1), atitleof rank. (F.-L.)
fowl. (E.) Count (2), to enumerate, compute.
Cock (2), a small pile of hay. (Scand.) (F.-L.)
Cock (3), to stick up abruptly. (C.) Counterpane (1), a coverlet for a
Cock (4), part of the lock of a gun. bed. (F.-L.)
(Ital.) Counterpane the counterpart
Cock (5), Cockboat, a small 'boat (F.- of a deed. (F.-L.)
L.-Gk.) Court (1), a yard, enclosed space, tri-
Cockle (1), a sort of bivalve. (C.) bunal, &c. (F.-L.)
Cockle (2j, a weed auioug corn dar- Court (2), to woo, seek favor- (F.-L.)
.neL (C.) Al lied to Court (1).
Cow (l\ the female of the bull. (E.) Dare be bold; to venture. (E.)
(1), to
Cow (2), to subdue, dishearten. Dare a dace. (F.-O. LowO.)
(Scand.) Dale an epoch, given point of
Cowl (1), a monk's hood, a cap, hood. time. (F.-L.)
(E.;orL.T) Date (2), the fruit Of a palm. (F.-L.-
Cowl (2), a vessel carried on a pole. Gk.)
(F.-L.) Deal (1). a share; a thin board of tim-
Crab (1), a common shell-fish. (E.) ber. (E.)
Crab (2), a kind of apple. (Scand.) Deal 12), to distribute; to traffic. (E.)
Crank (1), a bent ixrm, bend in an \a 1 foDeal (1).
1. 1

axis. (E.) Allied to Crank (2). Defer (1), to put oft*, delay. (F.-L.)
Crank (2). liable to be upset, said of
Allied to Defer (2).
a boat. (E.) Allied to Crank (3). Defer (2), to submit, submit oneself.
Crank (3), lively, brisk. (E.) (F.-L.)
Crease a wrinkle, small fold.
Defile (1), to make foul, pollute.
(Hybrid; L. and E.)
(c.?) Defile
Crease (2), to pass along in a file.
(2), Creese, a Malay dagger.
Cricket (1), a shrill-voiced insect.
Demean (1), to conduct; refl. to be-
have. (F.-L.)
Cricket (2), a game with bat and
Demean (2), to debase, lower. (F.-
ball. (E.)
Desert (1), a waste, wilderness. (F.-
Croup (1), an affection of the larynx.
(E.) Desert
the hinder parts of a (2), merit. (F.-L.)
Croup (2), Deuce (1), a two, at cards or dice.
horse. (F.-Teut)
Crowd (F.-L.)
(1), to push, press, squeeze. Deuce (2), an evil spirit, devil. (L.)
Crowd Die (1), to lose life, perish. (Scand.)
(2), a fiddle, violin. (W.)
Die (2), a small cube, for gaming,
Cuff (1), to strike with the open hand.
(Scand.) [F.-L.)
Diet (1), a prescribed allowance of
Cuff (2), part of the sleeve. (E.T) food. (F.-L.- Ok.)
Culver (1), a dove, (E. or L.) Diet (2), an assembly, council. (F.-
Culver (2), another form of Culverin L.-Ok.) See Diet (1).
(F.,-L.) Distemper (1), to derange the tem-
Cunning (1), knowledge, skill. perament. (F.-L.)
(Scand.) DiMtemper (2), a kind of painting.
Cunning (2), skilful, knowing. (E.) (F.-L.) From Distemper (1).
Allied to Cunning (1). Do (1), to perform. (E.)
Curry (1), to dress leather. (F.-L. Do (2), to be worth,
be fit, avail. (E.)
and Teut. ) Dock (1), to cut short, curtail. (C.t)
Curry (2), a kind of seasoned dish. Dock (2), akindof plant. (C.T)
(Pers.) Dock (3), a basin for ships. (Du.-
Cypress (1), a kind of tree. (F.-L.- LowLat.-Ok.T)
Ok.) Don (1). to put
on clothes. (E.)
Cypress (2), Cypress-lawn, crape. Don Spanish a title. (Span.-L.)
Down(2),(1), soft plumage, (rand.)
Down (2), a (C.) Whence Down
D (3).
Down (3). adv. and prep., in a de-
DAB to strike gently. (E.)
(1), scending direction. (A. from C.) 8. ;

Dab expert. (L.?)

(2), Dowse to strike in the face. (1),
Dam an earth-bank for restrain-
(1), (Scand.)
ing water. (E. )
10 plunge Into water. (2),
Dam a mother, chiefly applied to
(2), (Scaud.
Dowse to

animals. (F.-L.) (3), extinguish. (E.)

Drab (1), alow, sluttish woman. (C.)
Drab (2), of a dull brown color. (F.)
Dredge (1), a drag-net. (F.-Du.)
Dredge (2), to sprinkle flour on FAIR (1), pleasing, beautiful. (E.)
meat, &c. (F.-Prov.-Ital.-Gk.) Fair (2), a festival, market. (F.-L.)
Drill (1), to pierce, to train soldiers. Fast 11), firm, fixed. (E.)
(Du.) Fast (2), to abstain from food. (E.)
Drill to sow corn in rows. (E. ) Allied.
(1), to make a murmuring Fast (3), quick, speedy. (Scand.)
sound. (E.) Fat (1), stout, gross. (E.)
Drone (2), a non-working bee. (E.) Fat (2), a vat. (North E.)
From Drone (1). Fawn (1), to cringe to. (Scand.}
Duck (1), a bird. (E.) From Duck Fawn (2), a young deer. (F.-L.)
(2). Fell (1), to cause to fall; cut down.
Duck (2), to dive, bob the head. (E.) (E.)
Duck (3j, a pet, darling. (O. Low G. Fell (2),
a skin. (E.)
or Scand. ) Fell (3). cruel, fierce. (E.)
Duck (4), light canvass. (Du.) Fell (4), a hill. (Scand.)
Dudgeon (1), resentanent. (C.) Ferret (1), an animal of the weasel
Dudgeon (2), the haft of a dagger. tribe. (F.-LowLat.)
(Unknown.) Ferret a kind of silk tape. (Ital.-
Dun (1),
of a dull brown color. (C.) L.)

Dun (2), to urge for payment. Feud (1), revenge, hatred. (F.)
(Scand.) Feud (2), a fief. (LowLat.-O. H. G.)
E File (1), a string, line,
list. (F.-L.)
File (2), a steel rasp. (E.)
EAR (1), the organ of hearing. (E.) Fine (1), exquisite, complete, thin.
Ear (2), a spike, or head, of corn. (F.-L.)
(E.) Fine (2), a tax, forced payment.
Ear (3). to plough. (E.) (LawLat.) Allied to Fine (1).
Earnest (1), eagerness, seriousness. Fit (1), to suit; as adj., suitable.
(E.) (Scand. )
Earnest (2), a pledge, security. (C.) Fit (2), a part of a poem; a sudden
Egg (1), the oval body from which attack of illness. (E.)
chickens are hatched. (E.)
Flag (1), to droop, grow weary. (E.)
Egg (2), to instigate. (Scand.) Flag (2), an ensign. (Scand,) Allied
Eke (1). to augment. (E.) to Flag (3).
Eke (2), also. (E.) From. Eke (1). Flag (3), a water-plant, reed.
Elder (1), older. (E.) Allied to Flag (4).
Elder (2), the name of a tree. (E.) (Scand.)
Embattle (1), to furnish with bat- Flag (4), Flagstone; a paving-stone.
(Scand.) Allied to Flag (3).
tlements. (F.)
Fleet a number of ships. (E.)
Embattle (2), to range In order of From
Fleet (4).
battle. (F.)
Fleet (2), a creek, bay. (E.)
Emboss (1), to adorn with raised
work. (F.) (4).
Emboss (2), to shelter In a wood.
Fleet (3), swift. (E.) From Fleet (4).

Fleet (4), to move swiftly. (E.)
Entrance (1), ingress. (F.-L.)
Flock (1), a company of birds or
Entrance (2), to put into a trance. sheep. (E.)
Flock (2), a lock of wool. (F.-L.)
Exact (1), precise,
measured. (L.) Flounce (1), to plunge about
Exact (2), to demand, require, (F.- ( Swed. )
L ) From Exact (1). Flounce (2), a plaited, border on a
Excise (1). a duty or tax. (Du.-F.- dress. (F.-L.l
L.) Flounder (1), to flounce about. (O.
Excise (2), to cut out. (L.) LowG.)
Flounder (2), the name
of a fish. Fret (3), a kind of grating. (F.-L.)
Allied to Flounder (1), See Fret (4).
Flue (1), an air-passage, chimney- Fret i4'. a stop on a musical instru-
pipe. (F.-L.) ment. (F.-L.)
Flue (2), light floating down. (F.- Frieze (1), a coarse, woollen cloth.
L. ) (F.-Du.)
Fluke (1), a flounder, kind of fish. Frieze (2), part of the entablature of
(E.) a column. (F.)
Fluke (2), part of anchor. (Low G.) Frog (1), a small amphibious animal.
Flush (1), to flow swiftly. (F.-L.) (E."
Flu xli (2), to blush; to redden. Frog (2), a substance in a horse's
(Scand.) foot.
Flush (3), level, even. (Unknown.) Fry (1), to dress food over a flre.
Perhaps from Flush (1). (F.-L.)
Foil (1), to disappoint, defeat. (F.- Fry (2). the spawn of fishes. (Scand.)
Full (1), filled up, complete. (E.)
Foil a set-off, hi the setting of a
Full (2), to whiten cloth ; to bleach.
gem. (F.-L.) (L.)
Font (1), a basin for baptism. (L.) Full (3), to full cloth ; to felt. (F.-
Allied to Font (2). L.) Allied to Fall (2).
Font (2), Fount, an assortment of Fuse (1),
to melt by heat. (L.)
types. (F.-L.)
Fuse (2), a tube with combustible ma-
For (1), in the place of (E.) .
terials. (F.-L.)
Fusee a fuse or match. (F.-L.)
For (2), only in composition. (E.) (1),
For (3), only in composition. (F.-L.) Fusee (2), a spindle in a watch. (F
Force (1), strength, power. (F.-L.) L.)
Force to stuff fowls, &c. (F.-L.) Fiiwll (1),
light musket.
Force (3), Foss, a waterfall. (Scand.)
Fusil (2), a spindle,
in heraldry. (L,)
Fore-arm (1), the fore part of the Fusil (3), easily molten. (L.)
arm. (E.) Fust (1), to become moldy or rusty.
Fore-arm (2), to arm beforehand. (F.-L.) From Fust (2).
(Hybrid; E. andF.)
Fust (2), the shaft of a column, (F.-
Forego (l), to relinquish; better
Forgo. (E.)
Forego (2), to go before. (E.)
GAD a wedge of steel, goad.
Foster (1), to
nourish. (E.) (1),
Foster (2), a forester. (F.-L.)
Found (1), to lay the foundation of.
Gad (2), to ramble idly. (Scand.)
From Gad (1).
Found (2), to cast metals. (F.-L.) Gage (1), a pledge. (F.-L.)
Fount (1), a fountain. (F.-L) Allied
Gage (2), toguage. (F.-LowLat.)
to Fount <.ain (1), profit, advantage. (Scand.)
Fount (2), aa assortment of types. Gain (2), to acquire, get, win.
(Scand.) From Gain (1).
(F.-L.) Gall bitterness. (E.)
Fratricide (1), a murderer of a (1), bile,
brother. (F.-L.) Gall (2), to rub a sore place ;
to vex.
Fratricide (2), amurder of abroth- (F.-L.)
er. (L.) Allied to Fratricide (1).
Gall (3), Gall-nut, a vegetable excre>
sconce produced by insects. (F.-L.)
Fray (1), an affray. (F.-L.) Gammon (1), the pickled thigh of
Fray (2), to terrify. (F.-L. and O. hog. (F.-L.)
H. G.)
Fray (3), to wear away by robbing. Gammon (2), nonsense, a jest (E.)
Gang (I), a
crew. (Scand.) From
Freak (1), a whim, caprice. (E.) Gang (2).
Freak (2), to streak, variegate. (E.) Gang (2). logo. (Scand.)
Fret Gantlet (1), the same as Gauntlet, a
(1), to eat away. (E.)
Fret (2), to ornament, variegate. (E.) glove. (F.-8caud.)
Gantlet (2), also
Gantlope,a military Graze (1), to scrape slightly, rub
punishment. (Swed.) lightly. (F.?)
Gar (1), Garfish, a kind of pike. (E.) Graze (2), to feed cattle. (E.)
Gar (2), tocanse. (Scand.) Greaves (1), Graves, the sediment o*
Garb (1). dress, manner, fashion. melted tallow. (Scand.)
(F.-O. H. G.) Greaves (2), armor for the legs.
Garb (2), a sheaf. (F.-O.H. G.) (F.)
Gender (1), kind, breed, sex. (F.- Greet (1), to salute. (E.)
Greet (2), to weep, cry, lament. (E.)
Gender (2), to engender, produce. Gull (1), a web-footed sea-bird. (C.)
(F.-L.) From. Gender (1). Gull (2), a dupe. (C.) The same as
Gill (1), an organ of respiration in Gull (1).
fishes. (Scand.) Gum the flesh of the jaws. (E.)
Gill (2),ravine, yawning chasm.
a Gum (2), the hardened juice of cer-
(Scand.) Allied to Gill (1). tain trees. (F.-L.-Gk.)
Gill (3), with g soft ; a quarter of a Gust (1), a suaden blast or gush of
pint. (F.) wind. (Scand.)
Gill with g soft ; a woman's name;
^_,, \
(4), Gust (2), relish, taste. (L.)
ground-ivy. (L.)
Gin (1), to begin; pronounced with g
Lard. (E.)
Gin (2), a trap, snare. (1, Scand. ; 2, HACK (1), to cut, chop, mangft
Gin a kind of spirit. (F.-L.)
Hack See Hackney.
(2), a hackney.
Gird (1), to enclose, bind round, sur-
round, clothe. (E.) Hackle (1), HatcheL, an instrument
Gird (2), to jest at, jibe. (E.) for dressing flax. (Du.)
Glede (1), the bird called a kite. (E.) Hackle (2), any flimsy substance un-
Glede (2), a glowing coal; obsolete. spun. (Du.) From Hackle (1).
Glib voluble.
Haggard (1), wild, said of a hawk.
(1), smooth, slippery, (F.-G.)
Glib (2), a lock of hair. (C.) Haggard (2), lean, hollow-eyed,
meagre. (E.)
Glib (3), to castrate; obsolete. (E.) Haggle (1), to cut awkwardly, man-
Gloss (1), brightness.lustre. (Scand.) gle. (E.)
Gloss (2), commentary, explanation. Haggle (2), to be slow in making a
(L.-G.) bargain. (E.) From Haggle (1).
Gore (1), clotted blood, blood. (E.) Hall (1), frozen rain. (E.)
Gore (2), a triangular piece let into a Hall (2), to greet, call to, address.
garment; a triangular slip of land. (Scand.)
(E. ) Allied to Gore (3). Hale fl), whole, healthy, sound.
Gore (3), to piece, bore through. (E.) (Scand.)
Gout (1), a drop: a disease. (F.-L.)
Hale (2), Haul, to drag, draw violent-
Gout (2), taste. (F.-L.) ly. (E.- Scand.)
Grail (1), a gradual, or service-book. Hamper (1), to impede, hinder,
harass. (E.)
Grail (2), the Holy Dish at the Last
Hamper (2), a kind of basket. (Low
Supper. (F.-L.-Gk.)
Grail (3), fine sand. (F.-L.)
Handy (1), dexterous, expert. (E.)
Grate (1), a framework of iron bars. Handy (2), convenient, near. (E.)
Allied to Handy (1).
Grate Harrier a hare-hound. (E.)
(2), to rub, scrape, scratch,
creak. (E.) Harrier a kind of buzzard. (E.)
Grave (l), to cut, engrave. (E.) Hatch (1), a half-door, wicket. (E.)
Grave (2), solemn, sad. (F.-L.)
Whence Batch (2).
Hatch (2). to produce a brood by in- Hold (2), the "bold" of ship. (Du.)
cubation. (E.) 1'Htfvr Hole.
Hatch (3), to shade by minute lines. Hoop (1), a pliant strip of wood or
(F.-G.) metal bent into a band. (E. )
Hawk a bird of prey. (E.) Hoop (2), to call out, shout. (F.
Hawk (1),
(2), to carry about for sale. Teut. )
j (O. LowG.) Hop 1,1), to leap on one leg. (E.)
.Hawk the throat. (W.)
(3), to clear Hop (2), the name of a plant. (Du.)
Heel (1), the part of the foot project- Hope (1), expectation; as a verb, to
ing behind. (E. ) expect. (E.)
Heel (2), to lean over, incline. (E.) Hope (2), a troop; In the phr. "for-
Helm (1), the instrument by which a
lorn hope." (Du. )
ship is steered. (E.) Hoot (1), one who entertains guests.
Helm (2), Helmet, armor for the
(F.-L.) From Host
an army, (F.-L.)
head. (E.) (2),
Hem (I*), the border of a garment.
Host (3),
the euchariet.
the consecrated bread of
Hem (2), a slight cough to call atten-
How (

(1), in what way. (E.)


tion. (E.) How (2), a hill. (Scund.)

Herd. (1), a flock of beasts, group of Hoy (1), a kind of sloop. (Du.)
animals. (E.) Hoy (2), interj. stop! (.Du.)
Herd (2), one who tends a herd. (E.)
Hue (I), show, appearance, color,
From Herd (1). tint (E.)
Hernshaw (1), a young heron. Hull Hue (2). clamor, outcry. (F.-8cand.)
F.- O. H. G.
( See below.
(1), the husk or outer shell of
Hernshaw (2), a heronry. (Hybrid; Hullgrain or of nuts. (E.)
F.-O. H. G.; andE.) (2), tho body of a ship. (E.)
The same a* Hull (1).
Heyday (1), interjection. (G. orDu.) Hum(l), to make a low buzzing or
Heyday (2), frolicsome wildness.
droning sound. (E.)
1), to cover, conceal. (E.)
Hum (2), to trick, to cajole. (E.>
Hide From Hum i
2), a skin. (E.)
Hide 3),
to flog, castigate. (E.)
Hide 4), a measure of html. (E.)
Hind (1), the female of the stag. HJ- (1), a form of the prefix in- Lat,
Hind (2), a peasant. (E.) prep. in. (L., or F.- L.)
II- (2), a form of the prefix in- used
Hind (3). adj.. in the rear. (E.) negatively, (L., or F.-L.)
Hip (1). the haunch,upper part of the Im- (1), prefix. F.-L., or E.) (_

thigh. (E.) Im- (2), prefix. (L.)

Hip (2), also Hep, the fruit of the in- (3), negative prefix. (F.-L.)
dog-rose. (E.) In- (1), prefix,
Hob (1), Hub, the nave of a wheel; In- (2), prefix, in. (L..
or F.-L.)
part of a grate. E. ( ) In- (3), prefix with negative force.
Hob (2), a clown a rustic ;
a fairy. (L., or F.-L.)
(F.-O. H. G.) Incense (1), to inflame. (L.) Hence
Hobby (1), Hobby-horse: an am- Incense (2).
bling nag; a favorite pursuit. (F.-O. Incense (2), eplces; odor of spice*
Low G.) Allied to Hobby (2). burned. (F.-L.)
Hobby (2), a small species of falcon. Incontinent (1),
unchaste. (F.-L.)
(F.-O. LowG.) Incontinent (2), immediately. i.K-
Hock (1), Hough, back
of the knee- L.) Same at the above.
joint. (E.) Indue (1), to invest or clothe with,
Hock (2), the name of a wine. (G.) supply with. (L. )
Hold (1), to keep, retain, defend, Indue (2), a corruption of Endue, q.
restrain. (K.)
Interest (1), profit; premium for use
of money. (F.-L. )
Interest (2). to engage the attention.
F.- L.) Allied to Interest (1). (1), to warp a ship.
Intimate (1), to announce; bint. (Scand.)
(L.) Kedge (2), Kidge, cheerful, lively.
Intimate (2), familiar; close. (L.) (Scand.)
Allied to Intimate (1). Keel (1), the bottom of a ship. (.,
Ir- (1), prefix. (L., orF.-L.) or Scand. )
Ir- (2), negative prefix. (F.,orF.-L.) Keel (2), to cool. (E.)
Kennel (1), a house for dogs ; pack
of hounds. (F.-L.)
Kennel (2), a gutter. (E.-L.)
Kern (1), Kerne, an Irish soldier.
(1), a saucy fellow; sailor. (F. (Iribh.)
L.- Gk.- Heb. ) Kern (2), the same as Quern, a hand-
Jack (2), a coat of mail. (F.) Per- mill. (E.)
haps from Jack (1). Kind (1), adj., natural, loving. (E.)
Jade (1), a sorry nag; an old woman. Kind (2), sb., nature, sort, charac-
(Unknown.) ter. (E.) From Kiud
Jade (2), a hard dark green stone. Kindle (1), to
set fire to, inflame.
Jam (1), to press, squeeze tight.
(Scand.- E.-L.-)
Kindle (2), to bring forth young.
(Scand.) Hence Jam (2) ?
Jain (E.)
(2), a conserve of fruit boiled Kit a
wi Ih sugar. ( Scand. ) T (1), vessel, milk-pail, tub;
Jar (1), to make a discordant noise, hence, an outfit. ( O. Low G. )
Kit (2), a small violin. (L.-Gk.)
creak, clash, quarrel. (E.)
Jar (2), an earthen pot. (F.-Pers.) Kit 1.3,1, a brood, family, quantity,
Jet (1), to throw out; fling about; Knoll (1), the top of a hill, a hillock,
spoilt. (F.- L.) mound. (C.)
Jet (2), a black mineral, used for or- Knoll (2), Knell, to toll a belL (E.)
naments. (F.-L.-Gk.)
Jib (1), the foremast sail of a ship.
Jib (2), to shift a sail from side to
side. (Dan.) LAC (1), a resinous substance. (Pers.
Jib (3), to move restively, as a horse. -Skt.)
(F.- Scand.) Iiac (2), a hundred thousand. (Hind.-
Job (1), to peck with the beak, as a Skt.) 'Allied to Lac (1).
bird. (C.) Lack (1), want. (O. Low G.)
Job (2). a small piece of work, (F.- Lack (2), to want, be destitute of.
C.) From Job (2). (O. Low G.) From Lack (1).
Jump (1), to leap, spring, skip. Lade (D, to load. (E.)
(Scand.) Lade (2), to draw out water, drain
Jump (2), exactly, just, pat. (Scand.) (E.) Same cu Lade (1).
From Jump (1).
Lake (1), a pool. (L.)
Junk (1), a Chinese three-masted Lake (2), a color, a kind of crimson.
vessel. (Port.- Chinese.) (F.-Pers.- Skt.)
Junk (2), pieces of old cordage. Lama (1), a high priest. (Thibetan.)
(Port.-L.) Lama (2), the same as Llama, a
Just I'D, righteous, upright, true. quadruped. (Peruvian.)
(F.-L.) Lap (1), to lick up with the tongue.
Just (2), the same as Joust, to tilt (E.)
(F.-I,) Lap (2), the loose part of a coat an ;

apron; part of th body covered by

an apron a fold, flap. (E.)
Lap (31, to wrap, Involve, fold. (E.) Lie (2), to tell a lie, speak falsely.
Lark (1), the name of a bird. (E.) (E.)
Lark (2), a game, sport, fun. (E.) Lilt (1), toel3vnte, raise. (Scand.)
Lash (1), to fasten firmly together. Lilt (/), to steal. (E.)
(Du.) Light (1), illumination. (E.)
La*h (2), a thong; flexible part of a Light (2). active, not heavy, unim-
whip; a stroke, stripe. (O. Low O. or portant. (E.)
(Scand.) from Lash (1). Liiflit (3), to settle, alight, descend.
Last (1), latest, hindmost. (E.) (E.) From Light (2).
Last (2), a mould of the foot on which Lighten (1), to illuminate, flash.
shoes are made. (E.) (E.)
Last (3), to endure, continue. (E.) Lighten (2), to make lighter, alle-
From Last (2). viate.
(E.) See Light (2).
Lash (4), a load large weight ship's
; ;
Lighten (3), to descend, settle, a-
cargo. (E.) lisfht. (E.) See Light (3).
Lathe (1), a machine for "turnicg" Like (1), similar, resembling. (E.)
wood and metal. (Scand. ) Like (2), to approve be pleased with. ;

Lathe (2), a division of a county. (E.) From Like (1).

(E.) Limb (1), a jointed part of the body,
Lawn (1), a smooth grassy space of member. (E.)
ground. (F.-O. or C.) Limb (2), the edge or border of a
Law u (2), a sort of fine linen. (F. Limber sextant, &c. (L.)
L. ?) (1), flexible, pliant. (E.)
Lay (1), to cause to lie down, place, Limber (2), part of a gun-carriage.
set. (E.) Scand.
Lay (2), a song, lyric poem. (F.-C.) Lime (1), viscous substance, mortar,
oxide of calcium. (E.)
Lay (3), Laic, pertaining to the laity. Lime (2), the linden tree. (E.)
Lead (1), to bring, conduct, guide, Lime (3), a kind of citron. (F.-Pers.)
precede, direct. E. ( )
Lead (2), a well-known metal. (E.)
Limp (1), flaccid, flexible, pliant,
w<iak. (E.)
League (!) a bond, alliance, confed- Limp (2), to walk lamely. (E.) Com-
eracy. (F.-L.) pore Limp (1).
League (2), a distance of about fcree Lillg (1). akindoffl=h. (E.)
miles. (F.-L.-C.) Lillg (8), heath. (Scand.)
Lean (1), to incline, bend, stoop. Link (1), a ring of a chain, joint
(F.) (E.)
Lean (2), slender, not fat, frail, thin. Link (2), a torch. (Du.)
(E.) From Lean (1). List (1), a > or border of cloth,
Lease (1). to let tenements for a term selvage. ( 7 )
of years'. (F.-L.) List (2), 11 caUlojjue. (F.-O.) Allied
Lease (2), toglean (E.) to List (I'l.
Leave (1), to quit, abandon, forsake. List (3), gen. in p!.. Lists, space for a
(E.) tournanitfiit. (F.-L.)
L.ave permission, ftirewelL (E.)
(2), List (4), tc choose; to desire; have
Leech a physician. (E.)
JlJ, pleasure in. (E.)
Leech a blood-sucking worm.
(2), List (5), to listen. (E.)
(E.) Same as Leech (1). Litter (1), a portable bed. (F.-L.)
Leech (3), Leach, the edge of a sail Hence Litter (2).
at the sides. (Scand.) Litter (2), materials for a bed a eon- ;

Let (1), to allow, permit, suffer, fused mass. (F.-L.)

grant. (E.) Litter (3), a brood. (Scand.)
Let (2), to hinder, prevent, obstruct. Live (1), to continue in life, exist,
(E.) Allied to Let(l). dwell. (E.)
**? 'M. tr* rmt, Wn, lay oneself Live (2), adj., alive, active, burning.
4own ie ; aitua.te. (.E. ) (E.) Allied to Live (1).
Lock (1), an instrument to fasten
doors, &c. (E. ) M
Lock (2), a tuft of hair flock of wool.
MACE (1), a kind of club. (F.-L.)
Log (1), a block, piece of wood. Mace (2), a kind of spice. (F.-L.-
( Scand. ) Gk.-Skt.?)
Mail (1), steel network forming body-
Log (2), a piece of wood with aline,
armor. (F.-L.)
for measuring the mte of a ship.
ITIail (2), a bag for carrying letters.
(Scand.) The same as Log (1).
(F.-O, H. G.)
Log (3), a Hebrew liquid measure.
Main (1), sb., strength, might. (E.)
(Heb.) Allied to Main (2i.
Long (11. extended, not short, te-
Main (2), adj.. chief, principal. (F.-
diouA (E.) L. )
Long\2), to desire, yearn ; to belong. Mall (1), a wooden hammer or beetle.
(E.) From Long (1). ( F.- L. )
Eeiu-e al 1 li M i

Loom (1), a machine for weaving Mall the name of a puhUc walk.
cloth. (E.) (F.-Ital.-L.)
Loom (2), to appear faintly, or at a Mangle (1), to render maimed, tear,
distance. (Scand.) mutilate. (L. With E. suffix. )
Loon (1), Lown, a base fellow. (O. Mangle (2), a roller for smoothing
linen (Du.-Low L.-Gk.)
LowG.) March
Loon a diver. (F.) a border, frontier. (E.)
From Loon
(1) ?
March (2), to walk witu regular
steps. (F.-L.? or G.?)
Low (11, inferior, deep, mean, hum- March (3), the name of the third
ble. (Scand.) month.
Low (2), to bellow as a cow or ox. Mark (L.a stroke, outline, bound, (I'l,

(E.) trace, line, sign. (E.)

Low (3), a (E.) hill. Mark (2), the name of a coin. (E.)
Low (4). flame. (Scand.) From Mark (1).
Lower (1), to let down, abase, sink. Maroon (1), brownish crimson. (F.
(E.) Ital.)
Lower (2), to frown, look sour. Maroon (2), to put ashore on a deso-
(E.r) late island. '(F.- Span.- L.-Gk.)
Lumber (1), cumbersome or useless Mass a lump of matter, quantity, ri'i.
furniture. (F.-G.) pize. (F.-L.-Gk.)
Lumber (2). make a great noise,
to Mass (2), the celebration of the Eu-
as a heavy rolling object. ( Scand. ) charist. (L.)
Lurch (1), to lurk, dodge, steal, pil-
Mast (1). a pole to sustain the sails of
a ship. (E.)
(Scand.) Mast (2'i, the fruit of beech and for-
Lurch (2), the name of a game. (F.-
e>t-trees. (E.)
L. ?)
Lurch devour ;
Match (1), an equal, a contest, game,
(3), to obsolete. (L.)
marriage. (E. )
Lurch (4), a sudden
roll sideways. Match (2\ a prepared rope for fir-
(Scand.) See Lurch (1). ing a cannon. (F.-L. - Gk. )
Lustre (1), splendor, brightness. (F. Mate 1 a companion, comrade.

equal. (E.)
Lustre (2), Lustrum, a period of five Mate v2 to check-mate, confound.

years. (L.) (F.-Pers.-Arab.)

Lute a stringed instrument of
(11, Matter i;l\ the material part of a
music. (F.-Arab. ) thing, substance. (F.-L.)
Lute (2). a composition like clay Matter (2). pus, a fluid in abscesses.
loam. (F.-L.) ( F.- L. ) Same at Matter ( 1 ).
May (1), I am able, I am free to act*
I am allowed to. (E.)
Way (21, the fifth month. (F.-L.) Mole (2). a small animal that bur-
?..! (1), a drink made from honey. rows. (E.)
(E.) Mole (3), a break-water. (F.-L.)
Mead (2), Meadow, a grass-field, a Mood (1), disposition of mina, tem-
pasture-ground. (L'.) per. (E.)
Meal (ll, ground graiu. (E.) Mood (2), manner, grammatical
iTlcal ('21, a repast, share or time of form. (F.-L.)
food. (E.) Moor (1). a heath, extensive waste
ITIean fl), to have in the mind, in- ground. (E.)
tend, signify. (E. ) Moor (2), to fasten a ship by cable
Mean (2), common, vile, base, sor- ami anchor. ( Du. )
did. (E.)
Moor (3), a native of North Africa.
(3), coming between, Interme- (F.- L.-Gk.)
moderate. (.F.- L.

(1), fitting, according to meas-

Mop (1), a implement for washing
floors, &c. (F.-L.?)
ure, suitable. (E.)
Meet (2), to encounter, find, assem-
Mop (2), a grimace, to grimace.
ble. (E.) Mortar Morter, a vessel in which
Mere (1), a lake, pool. (E.) substances are pounded. (L.)
Mere (2), pure, simple, absolute. Mortar (2), cement of lime, &c. (F.-
(L.) L.. Allied to Mortar (1).

Mess (1), a dish of meat, portion of Mother (1), a female parent. (E.)
. .

food. (F.-L.) Mother

other (2), the
th hysterical passion.
Mess (2), a mixture, disorder. (E. or (E.) .

Soand.) Mother (3), lees, sediment. (E.)

Mew (1), to cry as a cat. (E.) Mould (1), earth, soil, crumbling
Mew (2), a sea-fowl, gull. (E.) From ground. (E. )
Mew (1). Mould (2), a model, pattern, form,
Mew (8), a cage for hawks, &c. (F.- fashion. (F.-L.)
Mount (1), a bill, rising ground.
L. )
Might (1), power, strength. (E.) (L.)
Might (2), was able. (E.) Allied to Mount (2), to ascend. (F.-L.) From
Might (1). Mount (1).
Milt (1), the spleen. (E.)
Mo\v (1), to cut down with a scythe.
Milt (E.)
(2), soft roe of fishes.
Mine (1), belonging to me. (E.)
Mow (2), a heap pile of hay or corn.
Mine (2), to excavate, dig for metals. Mow (3), a grimace; obsolete. (F.-
(F.-L.) O. Du.)
Mint (1). a place where money is Muff(l), a warm soft cover for the
coined. (L.) hands. (Scaud.)
Mint (2), the name of an aromatic MuiT(2), a silly fellow, simpleton.
plant. (L.-Gk.) (E.)
ITlis- (1), prefix. (E. and Scand.) Mullet (1), a kind of fish. (F.-L.)
Ml- (2), prefix. (F.-L.) Mullet (2), a five-pointed star. (F.-
Mls (1), to fail to hit, omit, feel the L.)
want of. (E.) Muscle the fleshy part of the
MI*s (2), a young woman, a girl. body. (F.-L.)
(F.-L.) Muscle (2), Mussel, a shell-fish. (L.)
Mite a very small insect. (E.)
(1), The same as Muscle (1).
Mite a very small portion. (O.
(2), Muse (1), to meditate, be pensive.
Du.) Allied to Mite (1). Muse (2), one of nine fabled god-
Mob (1), a disorderly crowd. (L.) dosses. (F.-L;-ak.)
Mob (2), a kind of cap. (Dutch.) Must (1), part of a verb Implylr^c 'ob-
Mole (1), a spot or mark on tie body. llgUion.' (E.)
Must (2), new wine. (L.)
Mute (1), dumb. (F.-L.) Own possessed by anyone, be-
Mute (2), to dung; used of birds. longing to oneself. (E.
(F.-O. LowG.) Own (2), to possess. (E.) From Owa

Mystery (1), anything kept conceal-

ed a secret rite. (L.- Gk. )
: Own (3), to grant, admit. (E).
Mystery (2), Mistery, a trade, handi-
craft. (F.-L.)

PAD (1), a soft CGshion, kc. (Scand.t

or C.?)
NAG (1), a small horse. (O. LowG.) Pad (2), a thief on the high road.
Nag (Du.)
(2), to worry, tease. (Scand.)
Paddle (1), to finger; to dabble in
Nap (1), a short sleep. (E.)
water. (E.
Nap (2), the roughish surface of )
Paddle (2), a little spade, esp. for
cloth. (C.)
cleaning a plow. (E.)
Nave (1), the central portion or hub Paddock
of a wheel. (E.) (1), a toad. (Scand.)
Nave (2), the middle or body of a Paddock (2), a email enclosure.
church. (F.-L.) (E.)
Neat (1), black cattle an ox, cow, Page (1),
a young male attendant.
(E.) (F.-LowLat.-L.?)
Neat (2), tidy, unadulterated. (F.- Page (2), one side of the leaf of a
L. ) book. (F.-L.)
Net (1), an implement for catching Pale (1), a stake, enclosure, limit,
&c. (E.) district (F.-L.)
Net (2), clear of ail charge?. (F.-L.) Pale (2), wan, dim. (F.-L.)
Nick (1), a small notch. (O. LowG.) Pall (1), a cloak, arch-
Nick (2), thedeviL (E.) bishop's scarf, shroud. (L.)
No Pall (2), to become vapid, lose taste
(1), a word of refusal or denial. or spirit. (C.)
(E.) Pallet (1), a kind of mattress or
No (2), none. (E.) couch. (F.-L.)
Not (1), a word expressing denial. Pallet an instrument used by
Not (2), I know not, or he knows not. potters, &c. (F.-Ital.-L.)
Pap (1), food for
infants. (E.)
Pap (2), a teat, breast. (Scand.) Al-
lied to Pap
O Partisan
(1), an adherent of a party.
O (1), Oh, an interjection. (E.)
Partisan (2). Partizan, a kind of
O fa), a circle. (E.)
halberd. (F.-O. H. G.?)
One (1), single, undivided, sole. (E.)
Pat (1), to strike lightly, tap. (E.)
Eence One (1). Pat (2), a small lump of butter. (C.)
One (2), a person, spoken of indefi- Pat (3), quite to the purpose. (E.)
nitely. (E.) Allied to Put (I).
Or (1), conjunction, offering an al- Patch (1), a piece sewn on a garment,
ternative. (E.) a plot of ground. (O. Low G.)
Or (2), ere. (E.I Patch (2), a paltry fellow. (O. Low
Or (3), gold. (F.-L.) G.) From Patch(1).
Ought (1), past tense of Owe. (E.) Pawn (1), a pledge, security for
Ought (2), another spelling of repayment of money. F.- L. ( )

Aught, anything. (E.) Pawn (2), one of the least valuable

Ounce (1). the twelfth part of a pieces in che=s. ( F.- L. )
pound. ((F.-L.) Pay (1), to discharge a debt (F.-L.)
Ounce (2), Once, a kind of lynx. Pay (2), to pitch the seam of a ship.
(F.-Pers.?) (Span.?-L.)
Peach (1), a delicious fruit. (F.-L.- Pine (1), a cone-bearing, resinouj
Pers.) tree. (L.)
Peach (2), to inform against. (F.-L.) Pine (2), to suffer pain, be consumed
Peck (1), to strike with something with sorrow. (L.)
pointed, snap up. Scand.- C. (
Pi ilk (1), to pierce, stab, prick. (C.)
Peck (2), adry measure, two gallons. Allied toPlrif. (2).
(8cand.-C.) From Peck (1). Pink (2), half-shut, applied to tb
Peel (1). to strip off the skiu or bark. eyes. (Du.-C.) Allied to Pink (3).
(F.-L.) Pink (3), the name of a flower and of
Peel (2), to piilage. (F.-L.) u color. (C. )
Peel (3), afire-shovel. (F.-L.) Pink (4), a kind of boat. (Du.)
Peep (1), to cry like a chicken. (F.- Pip (1), a disease of fowls. (F.-L.)
L.) Hence Peep (2) f
Pip (-2), the seed of fruit. (F.-L.!*
Peep (2), to look through a narrow Gk.?)
aperture, look (F.-L.)
elily. Pip (3), a spot on cards (F.-C.)
Peer (1), an equal, a nobleman. (F.- Pitch (1), a black, sticky substance.
L. )
Peer look narrowly, (L.)
(2), to to pry.
Pitch (2), to throw, fall headlong,
(O. LowG.) fix a camp, c. (C.
Peer (3), to appear. (F.-L.) Plane (1), a level
surface. (F.-L.)
Pellltory (1), Paritory,a wild flower. Hence Plane (2).
Plane (2), a tool; also to render a
Pellitory (2), Belleter. plant surface level. (F.-L.)
pyrethrum. (F.-L.-Gk.) Plane (3), Plane-tree, the name of a
Pelt (1), to throw or cast, to strike by tree. (F.-L.-Gk.)
throwing. (L.) Pl:ih (1). a puddle, a shallow pool.
Pelt (2), a skin, esp. of a eheep. (F.- (O. Low G.)
L. ) PlaKh another form of Pleach,
Peu (1), to shut up, enclose. (L.) to intertwine. (F.-L.)
Pen (2), an
instrument used for Plat (1), Plot,
a patch of ground.
writing. (F.-L.) (E.)
Perch (1), a rod for a bird to sit on; Plat (2), to (F.-L.)
a measure. (F.-L.) dangerous condition, con-
Perch (2). a fish. (F.-L.-Gk.) Plight (1),
dition, promise. (E,)
Periwinkle (1). a genus of ever- Plight (2), to fold; as sb., a fold.
green plants. (L. ) (F.-L.)
Periwinkle (2), a small univalve Plot
lot (1), a co conspiracy, strategem.
mollusc. (E. ; tcith L. ( ?) prefix.) (F.-L.)
Pet (1), a tame and fondled animal or lot (2), Plat, a small piece of ground.
child. (C.) (E.)

Pet (2), a sudden fit of peevishness. Plump (1), full, round, fleshy. (E.
(C.) from Pet (1). or O. Low G.)
Pie a magpie; mixed printer's
(1), Plump (2), straight downwards. (F.-
type. (F.-L.) Hence Pie (2). L.)
Pie book which regulated di-
(2), a
Pouch (1), todresseggs. (F.-O.
vine service. (F.-L.) G.)
Pie (3), a pastry (C.) Poach intrude on another'i
(2), to
Pile (1), a roundish mass, heap. (F.- preserves of game. (F.-O. Low Q.J
Per/iaps allied to Poach (1).
L.) Poke
Pile a pillar; a large stake to (1), a bag, pouch. (C.)
support foundations. (L. ) Poke (2), to thrust cr push, eep. with
Pile (3) a hair, fiber of wool. (L.) something pointed. (C.)
Pill (1), a little ball of medicine. (F.- Pole (1), a stake, long thick rod. (L.)
Pole (2), a pivot, end of the earth's
Pill axis. (F.-L.-Gk.)
(2), to rob. plunder. (F.-L.)
Pool (1), a pond, email body of water. Prime (2), to make a gun quit* ready
(C.) (F.-L.)
Pool the receptacle for the stakes
(2), Prior former, coming before in
at cards. (F.-L.) time. (L. ) Hence Prior (2).
Pore (1), a minute hole in the skin, Prior (2), the head of a priory OP
(F.-L.-Gk.) convent, (F.-L.)
Pore (2), to look steadily, gaze long. Prize (1), a thing captured or won.
(Scand.-C.) (F.-L.)
Port (1), demeanor, carriage of the Prize (2), to value highly. (F.-L.)
body. (F.-L.) Prize (3), Prise, to open a box. (F.-
Port (2), a harbor, haven. (L.) Al-
L.) From Prize (I).
lied io Port (1).
Port (3), a gate, port-hole. (F.-L,) Prune (1), to trim trees.&c. (F.-L.T)
Allied to Port (2). Prune (2), a plum. (F.-L.-Gk.)
Port (4), a dark purple wine. (Port.- Puddle (1), a small pool of muddy
water. (C. )
L.) Allied to Port (3).
Porter (1), a carrier. (F.-L.) Puddle (2). to close with clay, to
Porter (2), a gate-keeper. (F.-L.) work iron. (C.) From Puddle (1).
Allied to Porter (1). Puke (1), to vomit. (E.?)
Porter (3), a dark kind of beer. (F.- Puke (2), the name of a color ; obso-
L.) Allied to Porter (2).
lete. (Unknown.)
Pose (1), a position, attitude. (F.- Pulse (1), a throb, vibration. (F.-L.)
L.-Gk.) Hence Pose (2). Pulse (2), grain or seed of beans,
Pose (2), to puzzle, perplex
by ques- pease, &c. (L.) .

tions. (F.-L. and Gk.) Pump (1),a machine for raising

Pose (3), a cold in the head. (E.T) water. (F.-Teut.-L.?)
Post (1), a stake set in the ground, a Pump (2), a thin-soled shoe. (F.-L.-
pillar. (L.) Allied to Post (2). Gk.)
Post (2), a military station a stage ;
Punch (1), to pierce with a sharp in-
on a road, &c. (F.-L.) strument. (F.-L.)
Pounce (1), to seize with the claws, Punch (2), to beat, bruise. (F.-L.)
as a bird to dart upon. (F.-L.)
Punch (3), a beverage. (Hindi.-
Pounce (2), fine powder. (F.-L.) Skt.)
Pound (1), a weight; a sovereign.
Punch (4), a hump-backed fellow in
a puppet show. (I-al.-L. )
Pound (2), an enclosure for strayed Puncheon (1), a steel tool for
animals. (E.) stamping a punch. (F.- L. ; )

Pound (3), to beat, bruise in a mor- Puncheon

(2), a cask a measure of ;

tar. (E.) gallons. (F.-L.?)

Pout (1), to look sulky or displeased. Punt (1), a ferry-boat ;
a flat-bot.
(C.) tomed-boat. (L. )

Pout (2), a kind of fish. (C.) Per- Punt (2), to play at basset. (F.-
haps from Pout (1). Span.- L. )
Prank (1),
to deck, adorn. (E.) Pupil a scholar, award. (F.-L.)
Prank (2), a trick, mischievous ac- Hence Pupil (2).
tion. (E.) From Prank (1). Pupil (2), the central spot of tb
Present (l)i near at hand, in view, eye. (F.-L.)
at this time. (F.-L.) Puppy (1), a whelp. (F.-L.)
Present (2), to give, offer, exhibit to Puppy (2), a dandy. (F.-L.) Allied
view. F.-L.) From Present (1). to Puppy (1).
Press 1 ), to crush strongly, squeeze, Purl (1), to flow with a murmuring
push. F.-L.) sound. (Scand. )
Press 2), to hire men for service. Purl (2), spiced or medicated beer or
(F.-L.) nle. (F.-L.)
Prime (1), first, chief, excellent. Purl (3). to form an edging on too*.
( F.- L. ) Hence Prime (2).
Purl (4), to upset (E.) Allied to rack, a neck of mutton : from A. 8.
Purl (1). hrocco, neck according to Somner.
Purpose (1), to intend. (F.-L.-(ak.; Also (7), rack, for reck, to care ; see
with. F. prefix. , Reok. Also (8) rack, to relate, from
Purpose (2), intention. (F.-L.) A. 8. reccan ; see Reckon. Also (9),
rock, a pace of a horse (Palsgrave),
i.e. a rocking pace see Rock (2).

Also (10), rack, a track, cart-rut; of.

Icel. reka, to drive see Rack (2).
(1), to make a noise like a ;

Racket (1), Raquet, a bat with a

Quack (2.i, up pretended
to cry nos- blade of net-work. ( F.- Span.- Arab. )
trums. (E.) From Quack (1). Racket (2), a noise. (C.)
Quail (1), to cower, shrink, fail in Rail (1), a bar of timber, an iron bar
spirit. (E.) for railways. (O. Low G.)
Quail (2), a migratory bird. (F.-Low' Rail (2), to brawl, to use reviling
Lat.-Low G.) language. (F.-L.)
Quarrel (1), a dispute, brawl. (F.- Rail (3), a genus of wading birds.
to (F.-Teut.)
Quarrel a square-headed cross-
(2), Rail (4), a part of a woman's night-
bow bolt.
(F.-L.) dress. (E.)
Quarry (1), a place where stones are Rake (1), an instrument for scraping
dug for building. (F.-L.) things together. (E. )

Quarry (2), a heap of slaughtered Rake (2), a wild, dissolute fellow.

game. (F.-L.) (Scanrt.)
Quill (1), a feather of a bird, a pen. Rake (3), the projection of the ex-
(F.-O. H. G.) tremities of a ship beyond the keel ;

Quill (2), to plait a ruff. (F.-O. H. the inclination of a mast from the per-
G. orL.| pendicular. (Scand.)
Quire (1), a collection of so many Rally (1), to gather together again,
sheets of paper. ( F.- L. ) reassemble. (F.-L.)
Quire (2), a choir, a band of singers. Rally (2), to banter. (F.-Teut.)
(F.-L.-Gk.) Rank (1), row or line of soldiers,
Quiver (1), to tremble, shiver. (E.) class, grade. (F.-O. H. G.)
Quiver (2), a case for arrows. (F.- Rank (2), adj., coarse in growth,
0. H. G.) strong-scented. (E. )

R Rap (1). to strike smartly, knock.

RACE (1), a trial of speed, swift
Rap (2), to snatch, seize hastily.
course, swift current. (E.) Rape (1), a seizing by force, viola-
Race (2), a lineage, family, breed. tion. (Scand.)
(F.-O. H. G.)
Race (3). a root. (F.-L)
Rape (21, a plant nearly allied to the
turnip. (F.-L. or L.
; )
Rack (1), a grating above a manger Rape (3), a division of a county in
for hay, an instrument of torture; as Sussex. (Scand.)
a verb, to extend on a rack, to tor- Rasb (1), hasty, headstrong. (Scand.)
ture. (E.?) (2), Kiix.Ii a
slight eruption on th*
Rack (2), light vapory clouds, the body. (F.-L.)
clouds generally. ( Scand. ) Ita-li (3), to pull or tear violently.
Rack (3), to pour off liquor. (F.- (F.-L.)
Rate (1), a proportion, allowance,
Rack (4), another spelling of Wrack, price, tax. (F.-L.)
1.e., wreck. (E. ) Rate (2), to scold, chide. (Scand. !)
Rack (5), a short form of Arrack. Raven (1). a well-known bird. (E.)
(Arab. ) Raven (2), to plunder with violence,
Rack (6), &c. We find (6) prev. E. devour. (F.-L.)

Ray (1), a beam of light or heat. (F.- Ripple (2), to show wrinkles. (E.)
L.) Kipple (3), to scratch slightly.
Ray a class of
(2), fishes, such as the (Scand.) Allied to Ripple (1).
Rock a mass of stone. (F.-C. f)
skate. (F.-L.) (1),
Reacli (1), to attain, extend to, ar- Rock (2) to cause to totter, to tot-
rive at, gain. (E. ) ter. (Scand.)
Reacli (2), Retch, to try to vomit. (E.) Rock (3), a distaff. (Scand.) Perhaps
Real (1), actual, true, genuine. (F.- from Rock (2).
L. ;or L.) Rocket (1), a kind of fire- work.
Real (2), a email Spanish coin. (Ital.-G.)
(Span.-'L.) Rocket (2), a plant. (F.-Ital.-L.)
Rear (1), to raise. (E.) Roe fl),
a female deer. (E.)
Rear (2), the back part, last part, esp.
Roe (2), spawn. (Scand.)
of an army. (F.-L.) Rook (1), a kind of crow. (E.)
Rear (3), insufficiently cooked. (E.)
Rook (2), u castle, at chess. (F.-
Reef (1), a ridge of rocks. (Du.)
Root (1), part of a plant. (Scand.)
Reef (2), portion of a sail. (Du.) Al- Root (2), Kout, to grub up. (E.)
lied to Reef (1). From Root (1).
Reel (1), a small spindle for winding Rote (1), routine. (F.-L.)
yarn. (E. ) Rote (2), an old musical instrument.
Reel (2), a Highland dance. (Gael-
Ree /e (1), to pass a rope through a
Rouse (1), to excite. (Scand.)
Rouse (2), a drinking bout (Scand.)
ring. (LMI.)
Reeve Row (1), a Hue, rank. (E.)
(2), a steward, governor. (E.)
Row (2) to propel with oars. (E.)
(1), to restrain, forbear.
Row an uproar. (Scand.)
Refrain the burden of a song.
Kuck (1), a fold, crease. (Scand.)
(2), Itin-k (2), aheap. (Scand.)
Relay (1), a fresh supply. (F.-L.?)
Rue (1). to be sorry for. (E.)
Rue (2), a plant. (F.-L.-Gk.)
Relay to lay again. (E.)
Ruff(l), a kind of
(1), a substance for coagula-
Ruff (2), a bird. (E. ?)
frill. (E.)
ting milk. (E.)
Rennet (2), a kind of apple. (F.- Ruff
1C u ill
(3), an^h. (E. ?)
disorder a
(1), to wrinke, <
L.) dress. (E.)
Rent (1), a tear. (E.) Ruflle (2), to be turbulent, to bluster.
Rent (1), annual payment. (F.-L.) (0. Du.)
Repair (1), to restore, mend. (F.- Rum (1), a kind of spirit. (Malay?)
L. ) Rum (2), strange, queer. (Hindi.)
Repair (2), to resort,goto. (F.-L.) Ittisli (1), to move forward violently.
Rest (1), repose. (E.) (Scand.)
Rest (2), to remain ; remainder. (F.- Rush (2), aplant. (E. orL.)
Riddle an enigma. (E.)
Rut fl), a wheel- track. F.-L.)
(1), Rut (2), to copulate, as deer. (F.-L.)
Riddle (2), a large sieve. (E.)
Rifle (IV to plunder. (F.-Teut.)
Rifle (2), a kind of musket. (Scand.)
Rig (1), to fit up a ship. (Scand.) SACK (1), a bag. (L.-Gk.-Heb.-
Rig (2), a frolic. (E. Egypt. ?)
Rig (3), a ridge. (E..) Sack plunder
(2), to plunder.

Rime (1), Rhyme, verse. (E.) (Same.) From Sack (1).

Rime (2), hoar-frost. (E.) Sack (3). an old Spanish wine. (F.-
Ring (1), a circle. (E.) L.)
Ring (2), to tinkle, resound. (E.) Sage fl), discerning, wise. (F.-L.)
Ripple (1), to pluck the seeds from Saire (2), a plant. (F.-L.)
flax. (Scaud.> Sallow (1), Sally, a willow. (E.)
Sallow (2) s of a wan
color. (E.) Scam (2), a horse-load. (E. T)
Sap (1), juice of plants. (E.) See (1), to behold. (E.)
Sap (2), to undermine. (F.-Low L.- See (2), the seat of a bishop. (F.-L.)
Gk.) Sell (1), to deliver for money. (E.)
Sardine (1), a email fleh. f F.-L.- Sell (2), a saddle. (F.-L.)
Gk.) Settle (1), a long bench also to sub- ;

Sardine (2), a precious stone. (L.- side. (E.)

Gk.) Settle (2), to adjust a quarrel. (E.)
Sash (1), a frame for glass. (F.-L.) Sew (Ik tt fasten together with
(2), a scarf. (Pers.) thread. (E.)
aw m,
fash a cutting instrument (E.) Sew
(2), to follow. (F.-L.)
Saw a saying. (E.)
(2), (1),
a large drain. (F.-L.)
Say (1), to speak, tell. (E.)
Sewer (2), an officer who arranged
Say (2), a kind of serge. (F.-L.-Gk.)
dishes. (E.)
Say (3), to essay. (F.-L.-Gk.)
Share (1), a portion. (E.)
Scald (1), to burn with hot liquid. Share (2), a plough-share. (E. Al-
lied to Share (1).
(F.-L.) Shed
Scald (2), scabby. (Scand.) (1), to part, scatter. (E.)
Scald Shed (2), a slight shelter. (E.)
(3), a poet. (Scand.)
Scale (1), a shell. (E.)
Sheer (1), bright, clear, perpendicu-
lar. (E.)
St-ale (2), a bowl of a balance. (E.)
Front Scale (1). Sheer (2), to deviate from a course.
Scale (3), a ladder, gradation. (L.)
Shingle (1), a wooden tile. (L.)
Scar (1), mark of a wound. (F.-L.-
Gk.) Shingle (2), coarse round gravel.
Scar (2), Scaur, a rock. (Scand.) (Scand.)
Shiver (1), to shudder. (Scand.)
Scarf (1), a light piece of dress. (E.) Shiver J). a splinter. (Scand.)
Scarf (2), to join timbers together. V
Shoal (1), a troop, crowd. (L.)
(Scand.) Shoal (2), shallow a
Sconce a small fort.
(1), (Du.-F.-
L. ) (Scand.)
Sconce (2), a candle-stick. (F.-L.)
Shock (1), a violent concussion. (F.-
Allied to Sconce (1). Teut.)
Scont (1), a spy. (F.-L.)
Shock (2), a pile of sheaves. (O. Low
Scout (2,i, to ridicule an idea. G.)
Shock (3), a shaggy-coated dog. (E.)
Scout (3), a projecting rock. Shore (1), the strand. (E.)
Shore (2), Shoar, a prop. (Scand.)
Screw (1), a mechanical contrivance. Allied to Shore (1).
(F.-L. ? or Teut. ?)
Shore (3), Sewer, a ewer. (F.-L.)
Screw (2), a vicious horse. (E.) Shrew (1), a scolding woman. (E.)
Scrip a small wallet. (Scand.) The same ca Shrew (2).
Scrip (2), a piece of writing. (F.-L.) Shrew (2), Shrew-mouse, a quadru-
Scull (1), Skull, the cranium. ped. (E.)
Shrub (1), a low dwarf tree. (E.)
Scull (2), a small light oar. (Scand.) Shrub (2), a beverage. (Arab.)
Allied to Scull (1). Size (11, a ration ; magnitude. (F.-L.)
Scull (3), a shoal of fish. (E.) Size (2), weak glue. (Ital.-L.) Al-
Scuttle a shallow vessel. (L.)
(1), lied to Size (1).
Scuttle (2). an opening in a ship's
Skate (1), a large flat fish. (Scand.-
hatchway. ( F.- Span.- Teut. ) L.)
Scuttle (3), to hurry along. (Scand.) Skate (2), Scate, a contrivance for
Seal (1), a stamp for impressing wax. sliding on ice. (Dn.)
Slab (1), a thin slip of timber,
Seal (2), a sea-calf. (E.) (Scand.)
fteam (1). a suture. (E.) Slab (2). viscous, slimy. (OJ
Slay (1), to kill. (E.) Spittle (1), saliva. (E.)
Slay (2), Sley, a weaver's reed. (E.) Spittle (2), a hospital. (F.-L.)
From Slay (1). Spray (1), foam tossed by the wind.
Slop (1), a puddle. (E.) (E. ?)
Slop (-2),a loo*e garment. (Scand.) Spray (2), a sprig of a tree. (Scand.)
Slot (1). a broad, flat wooden bar. (O. Spurt (1), Spirt, to spout, jet out as
LowG.) water. (E. )
Slot (2), track of a deer. (Scand.).
Spurt (2), a violent exertion.
Smack (1), taste, savor. (E.) (Scand. Allied to Spurt (1).
Smack (2), a sounding blow. (E. ?) Squire an esquire. (F.-L.)
Smack (3), a lishing-boat. (Du. )
a carpenter's rule.
Smelt (1), to fuse ore. (Scand.) L.I
(2), (F.-
Smelt (2), a fish. (E.) Stale
Suite (1, to wipe the nose. (1), too long kept, vapid.
Suite (2), a snipe. (E.) (Scand.)
(Allied to Stale
Snite (1). (2), a decoy, snare. (E.)
Snuff (1), to sniff draw in air. (Du.)
Stale (3), Steal, a handle. (E.)
Sinilt'i to

a candle-wick.
Stalk (l), astern. (E.)
, snip Stalk fit to stride along. (E.) Allied
(Scand.) to Stalk (1).
Soil (1), ground, mould, country. (F. Staple (1), a loop of iron. (E.)
Soil (2), to defile. (F.-L.) Staple (2), a chief commodity. (F.-
Soil ("i'. to feed cattle with green
Low G. ) From Staple (1).
Stare (1), to gaze fired ly. (E.)
grass. '(F.-L.)
Sole (1), the under side of the foot. Stare (2), to shine. (E. ) The same a*
Stare (1).
Sole Stay (1), to remain. (F.-O. Du.)
(2), a flat fish. (F.-L.) Allied to
Sole (1). Stay (2), a large rope to support a
Sole mast. (E.
(3), alone, only. (F.-L.)

Sorrel (1), a plant. (F.-M. H. O.)

Stem (1), trunk of a tree. (E.)
Sorrel (-2), of a reddish-brown color. Stem (2), prow of a vessel. (E.) Al-
lied to Stem (1).
Sound (11, whole, perfect. (E.)
Stem (3), to check, resist. (E.) Allied
Sound (2), strait of the sea. (E.)
to Stem (2).
Sound (3), a noise. (F.-L.)
Stern (1), severe,
harsh. (E).
Sound (4), to try the depth of . (F.-
Stern (2), hinder part of a ship.
Scand.) .From Sound (2). (Scand.)
Sow (1), to scatter seed. (E.) Stick (1), to stab, pierce ; to adhere.
Sow (2), a female pig. (E. ) (E.)
Spark (1), a small particle of fire. Stick (2), a small staff. (E.) From
(E.) Stick (1).
Spark (2), a
gay young fellow. Stile (1), a set of steps at a hed s e.
(Scand.) Allied to Spark (1). (E.)
Spell (1), an incantation. (E.) Stile (2), the correct spelling of Style
Spell (2), to tell the letters of a word. (1). (L-)
(E.) From Spell (1). Still (1), motionless, silent. (E.)
Spell (3), a turn of work. (E.) Still (2), to distil; apparatus for distil.
Spell 14), Spill, a splinter, slip. (E.) ling. (L.)
Spill (1), Spell, a splinter, slip. (E.) Stoop (1), to bend the body, conde-
Spill (2), to destroy, shed. (E.) scend. (E. )
Spire (1), a tapering sprout, a steeple. Stoop (2), a beaker, also Stoup. (E.)
(E.) Story (1), a history, narrative. (F.-
Spire (2), acoil, wreath. (F.-L.), L.-Gk.)
Spit (1). a pointed piece of wood or Story (2), the height of one floor in a
iron, (E.) building. (F.-L.)
Spit (2), to eject from the mouth. Strand (1), the beach of a sea or
lake. (E.)
Strand (2), part of a rope. (Du. T) Taftnel (1), a hanging ornament. (F.-
Stroke iii. a blow. K. >

Stroke I* 1 tomb gently. (~E.) Allied TahMel (2), the male of the goshawk.
to StroKe (1). (F.-L.)
Strut (1), to walk about pompously. Tattoo (1), the beat of a drum. (Du.
(Scand.) or Low G. )
Strut (2), a support for a rafter. Tattoo (2), to mark the skin with fig-
(Bound.) Allied to Strut (1). ures. (Tahiti.)
Stud (1), a collection of horses. (E. ) Tear U <. to rend, lacerate. (E.)
Stud (2), a nail with a large head, riv- Tear (2), a drop of fluid from the eye.
et. (E.^ (E.)
Sty (1). an enclosure for swine. (E.) Teem (1), to be fruitful. )E.)
Sty (2), a small tumor on the eye-lid. Teem (2), to think fit. (E.)
(E. )Allied tu Sty (1). Teem (3), to empty, pour out.
Style (1), a mode of writing. (F.-L.) (Scand.)
Style (2). the middle of a flower's pis- Temple (1), a fane, divine edifice.
til. (Gk.) (L. )
Summer (1), a season of the year. Temple (2), the flat part above the
(E.) cheek-bone. (F.-L.)
Summer (2), a cross-beam. (F.-L.- Temporal (1), pertaining to time.
Gk.) (F.-L.1
Swallow (1), a migratory bird. Temporal (2), belonging to the
(E.) temples. (F.-L.)
Swallow (2), to
absorb, engulf. (E.) Tend (1), to aim at, move towards.
Swim (1). to move about in water. (F.-L.)
(E.) Tend (2), to attend to. (F.-L.) From
Swim (2), to be dizzy. (E.) Tend (1)
Tender (1), soft, delicate. (F.-L)
Tender (2). to proffer. (F.-L.) At*
Tender (3).
lied to
TACHE (1), a fastening. (C.) Tender (3) an attendant vessel or
Tache (2), a spot, blemish. (F.-C.) carriage. (F.-L.)
Tense (1), part of a verb. (F.-L.}
Allied to Tache (!)
Tall (1),a hairy appendage. (E.) Tense (2), tightly strained. (L.)
Tall Tent (1), a pavilion. (F.-L.)
(2). a law-term, applied to an Tent (2), a roll of lint. (F.-L.)
estate. (F.-L.)
Tent (3), a kind of wine. (Span.-L.)
Tang ill, a strong taste. (Bu.)
Tent (4), care, heed. (F.-L.) Allied.
Tang (2), to moke a shrill sound. (E.)
to Tent (1).
Tang (31, part of a knife or fork.
Terrier (1), a kind of dog. (F.-L.)
(Scand.)' Allied to Tang (1). Allied to Terrier (2).
Tang (4), sea-weed. (Scand.) Terrier (2), a register of landed
Tap (1), to knock gently. (F.-Tout.)
property. (F.-L.)
Tap (2). a plug to taku liquor from a The (1), def. article. (E.)
cask. (E.)
Taper (11, a small wax-candle. (C.) The (2), in what (or that) degree.
Taper (2), loi.g and slender. (C.) Thee (E.) From The (1).
From Taper (1.) personal pronoun. (E.)
Tare (1), a vetch-like plant. (E.) Thee (11,
(2), to thrive, prosper. (E.)
Tare (2) an allowance for loss. (F.- There (1), in that plice. (E.)
as a There- (2), Allied U prefix. (E.)
Tart(l) acrid, sour, sharp. (E.) There (1).
Tart (2), a small pie. (F.-L.) Thole ni. Thowl, an oar-pin. (E.)
Tartar (1). an acid fait; a concre- Thole (a), toendure.
t'E. i

tion. ( F.- Low L.- Arab. ) Thrum (1), end of a weaver's thread.
Tartar (2), a native of Tartary. (Scand.)

(Per* ) Thrum (2), to play noisy anisic.

Tartar (3). Tartarus, hell. (L.-Gk.)
Thrush (1), a small staging-bird. Trepan (2), Trapan,to ensnare. (F.-
(E.) Teut.)
Tlii-usli (2), a disease in the mouth. Trice (1), a short space of time.
(Scaiid.) (Span.)
Tick (1), an insect infecting dogs. Trice (2), Trise, to haul up, hoist.
(E.) ( Scand. )
Tick (2), part of abed. (L.-Ok.) Trick (1) a stratagem. (Dn.)
Tick (3J, to beat as a watch. (E.) Trick (2). to dress out. (Du.) Allied
Tick 14), to touch lightly. (E.) to Trick (1).
Tick (5), credit. (F.-G.) Trick (3), to emblazon arm . (Du. )
Till (1), to cultivate. (E.) Allied to Trick (2).
Till (2), to the time when. (E.) Al- Trill (1), to shake. (Ital.)
lied to Till (1). TrllJ (2), to turn round. (Scand.)
Till (3), a drawer for money. (E.) Trill (3), to trickle. (Scand.)
Tilt (1), the cover of a cart. (E.) Trinket (1), a small ornament. (F.-
Tilt (2), to ride in a tourney. (E.) L.?^
Tip (1), the extreme top. (E.) Trinket (2), the highest sail of a
Tip (a), to tilt over. (Scand.'' ship. (F.-Span.-Du.?)
Ttre (I i, to exhaust, fatigue. (E.) Truck (1), to barter. (F.-Span.-
Tire (1 a headdress. (F.-Teut.) Gk. >

Allied fc. Tire (3). T uck (2). asmallwheel. (L.-Gk.)

Ti^e (3), a hoop for a wheel. (F.- Trump (1), a trumpet. (F.-L.)
Tire a prey. (E.) Allied to
Trump (2), one of the highest suit at
(4), to tear cards. (F.-L.)
Tire (1). Tuck (1). to fold or gather in a dress.
Tire (5), a train. (F.-Teut.) (O. LowG.)
To- (1), prefix, in twain. (E.) Tuck (2), arapier. (F.-Ital.-G.)
To- (2), prefix, to. (E.) Tult (1), a small knot, crest. (F.-
Toast (II, roasted bread. (F.-L.) Teut. )
Hence Toast (2). Tult (2), Toft, a green knoll. (Scand.)
Toast a whose health is
Turtle (1), a turtliMlove. (L.)
drui.k. (F.-L.)
..person Turtle (2), a sep-tortoise. (L.) Con-
Toll 1), laboi-, fatigue. (F.-Teot.T)
fiised with Turtle (1).
Toll 2), a net, a snare. (F.-L.)
Toll 1), a tax. (E.) Twig (1), a email branch of a tree.
Toll 2), to sound a bell. (E.) (E.)
Toot (1),
to peep about. (E.) Twig (2), to comprehend. (C.)
Toot (9), toblowahorn. (O. LowG.) V
Top (1;, a summit. (E.)
Top (2), a child's toy. (E.) From Top UN- (1), negative prefix. (K.)
(1). Un- (2), verbal prefix. (E.)
Tow (1), topull along. (E.) Un- (3), prefix in un^to. (E.)
Tow u), the coarse part of flax. (E.) Union (1), concord. (F.-L.)
Trace (1), a mark left, footprint. Union (2), a large pearl. (F.-L.)
(F. L.) Allied to Trace (2). Allied to Union (l).
Trace (2), a strap to draw a carriage. Utter (1), outer. (E.)
(F.-L.) Utter (2), to put forth. (E.) Allied to
Tract (1),B region. (L.) Utter (1).
Tract (2),a short treatise. (L.) Al- Utterance (1), a putting forth. (E.)
lied to Tract (1). Utterance (2), extremity. (F.-i-J
Trap (1), akind of snare. (E.)
Trap (2), to adorn, decorate. (F.-
Trap (3). a kind of igneous rock. VAIL (1), Veil, a slight covering.

(Scand.) Allied to Trap (1). (F.-L.)

Vail (2), to lower. (F.-L.)
Trepan (1), a small cylindrical saw. Vail
tF.-L.-Gk.) a to a servant. (3), gift (F.-L.\
Van (1), the front of an army. (F.- Wlok (21, a town. (L.)
L. ) Wi<-k (3), a bay. (Scand.)
Van (2), a fan for winnowing. (F.- Wijilit (1), a creature, person. (E.)
L. ) Wight (2'l, iiimble. (Scand.)
Van (3), a caravan. (F.-Span.-Pers.) Will (1), |'o desire, to be willing. (E.N
Vault (l), an arched roof. (F.-L.) Will (2), desire, with. (E.) From
Vault (2), to leap or bound. (F.- Wil- (1)
Ital -L. ) Allied to Vault (1). Wimble (1), a kind of auger. (F.-
Veilt (1), an opening for air. (F.-L.) TeuO
Vent (2), sale, utterance, outlet (F.- Wimbl (2), quick. (Scand.)
L. ) Wind (11, air iuuioti>.n, breuth. (E.)
Vent (3), to snuff up air. (F.-L.) Wind (2), to turn round, coil. (E. )

Verge (1), a wand of office. (F.-L.) Wimllas* (1), a machine for rais-
Verge (2), to tend towards. (L. ) ing weights. (Scand. )
Vice (1), a blemish, fault. (F.-L.) Windlass (2), a circuitous way.
Vice (2), an instrument for holding (E.anrfF.-L.)
fast. (F.-L.)
W Wine
(1) having knowledge. (E.)
(2), way,
Wise (1)
manner. (E.) From
WAKE (1), to cease from sleep. (E.) "Wit (1), to know. (E.)
"Wake (2), the track of a ship. Wit (2). insight, knowledge. (E. )
(Scand.) From Wit(l)
Ware (1), merchandise. (E.) Allied "Wood (1), a collection of trees. (E.)
to Ware (2) Wood (2), mad. (E.)
"Ware (2), aware. (E.) Wort (1), a plant, cabbage. (E.)
WaJC to grow, increase. (E.) Wort (2), infusion of malt. (E.)
Wax (1),
(2), a substance in aioneycomb. From Wort (1).
(h. Worth (1), value. (E.)
Weed (1), a useless plant. (E.) Worth (2). to be, become. (E.)
Weed (2), a garment. (E.) Wrinkle (1), a slight ridge 011 a sur-
Weld to beat together. (Scand.) face. (E.)
Weld (1),
(2), a plant; dyer's weed. (E.) \Vrlnkle (2), a hint. (E.) Allied to
Well (1), in agood state. (E.) Wrinkle (1).
"Well (2) toboi up. (E.)

Wharf (1), a place for lading and un-

lading vessels (E.) YARD (1), an enclosed space. (E.)
Wharf (2). the bank of a river in ; Yard (2), a rod or stick. (E.)
Shakespeare (E."
Yawl (1), a small boat. (Du.)
Wheal (1), a swelling, a pimple. (E.) Yawl (2), to howl, yell. (Scand.)
Wheal (2), a mine. (C.) Yearn (i), to long for. (E.)
Wick (1), the cotton of a lamp. (E.) Yearn (2), to grieve for. (E.)


Kate There are often found two or more word* which ire pronounced alike, or nearly alike,
trom each
are different in spelling and meaning ; these, in wntiiig, should be carefully distinguished
ante, a prefix, meaning before.'
able, qualified; skilful.
Abel, a mart's name. arc, part of a circle.
does add; joins. ark, as Noah's ark; a chest
adze, an odgo tool somewhat like an ascent, going up; a rising height.
axe. assent, to agree to.
adieu, a farewell, ate, did eat.
a dew, moisture deposited on the eight, twice four.
surface of the ground from the air.
a duo, a tax. aught, or ought, anything.
ought, is bound in duty.
air, that which we breathe.' bad, ill; wicked.
ere, a contraction of before.*
' bade, did bid,
e'er, a contraction of ever.'
heir, one that Is to inherit. baize, a kind of cloth.
bays, the plural of bay; tho laurel
ale, malt liquor. tree.
nil, to be sick or in grief. beys, Turkish governors.
:.M, the whole. baken, hardened or dressed by firo.
awl, a shoemaker's tool
bacon, swine's flesh salted and
allegation, an assertion. dried.
alligation, a rule in arithmetic. bale, a bundle of goods. [

aloud, with a high tone of voice. bail, surety for another.

allowed, permitted. bald, wanting hair on the head.
altar, communion table. bawled, cried out with a loud sound.
alter, to change. ball, anything round; an entertain-
an, the indefinite article. ment.
Ann, a woman's name. bawl, to shout; to cry out.
anker, a Dutch liquid measure. band, that which binds; a narrow
anchor, an iron grappling instru- strip.
ment for the sea-bottom. banned, interdicted.
ant, an insect. bare, naked; carried.
aunt, a father or mother's sister. bear, to carry; a wild beast.
anti, a prefix, meaning 'against 1
or bard, a poet.
'opposite.' barred, hindered; shut out.
base, the lowest part; moan. bough, tho branch of tree.
bxtfeM, the lowest part ui harmonized bow, to benii down; polite r.cknowJ

MDO, edgment.
Note. Bass, a door-mat; a kind of boy, a mole child.
perch. buoy, a floating mark.
back, to lie in the BUD or before a bow, for shooting arrows.
fire. beau, a man of dress; a lover.
Basque, a language.
braid, a flat cord; to plait.
bate, to lessen; to take away. brayed, cried as an ass; poundcxL
bait, anything to allure or entico. brake, a thicket.
bay, an ocean inlet; tree; a color. break, to split,
bey, a Turkish governor. k>ruy, as an ass.
baa, the cry of a sheep. brae, in Scotland, a steep elope.
be, part of verb am.'
bmys* as an ass; bruises in a mortar.
bee, the honey-maker. braze, to solder with brass.
beech, a tree. bred, reared.
beach* y land next
.: '.'-so aea.
bread, baked flour.
been, pert. part, of be. breech, the lower or hinder part o-G
bean, ^-rown in fields with peas. thing.
beer, a sort of drink. breach, a gap or openinc-
bier, anything on which tho dead are brewed, did brew.
carried to the grave. brood, to sit over eggs, as =. bird.
bcre, a vcriety of barley,
brews, does brew.
beet, a vegetable. bruise, to crush; a contusion.
beat, to strike.
broach, a spit; to pierce.
berrj a small fruit.
brooch, an orinameut for the breast.
bury, to inter; to conceal.
bell, c.hollow metal body that rings brown, plur., the forehead. leaver ot
or tolls. browse, to eat the tender
shrubs, as sheep.
lelle, a gay young lady; a lady much
admired. brute, a beast.
t coil of c rope. bruit, to noise abroad.
bight, a small bay:
bite, to seize with the teeth; a morsel. burrow, rabbit holes.
borough, a corporate town.
birth, being born; descent.
berth, sleeping place in a ship. bull, male of the cow.
buhl, a metal, or mother-oi-potrl,
blue, a color. etc., for inlaying.
blew, did blow.
but, unless; except.
board, a plank of wood; a table. butt, a cask; to push with tho head-, =,

bored, perforated. mark for a target.

bold, daring; courageous. by, a preposition.
bowled, rolled as a bowl. buy, to purchase.
boiled, formed into a seed vessel.
bye, as in good-bye; bye-laws.
bole, the trunk of a tree. calendar, an almanac.for
boll* a measure of two bushels. calender, a hot press linens, etc.
bowl, a circular hollow vessel.
call, to name; a short visit.
bore, to make a hole in; did bear. caul, a netted membrane.
boar, male of a sow. cane, a walking-stick; a reed.
border, the edge or margin. Cain, the brother of Abel.
boarder* one furnished with food at
canon* a law; a role.
cannon, a groat gun. collar, the neck; something worn
canvas, a coarse cloth. round the neck.
canvass, to colicit votes or interest. cite, to summon.
cask, a barrel. site, place; position.
casque, a helmet, sight, the sense of seeing; a look.
cast, to throw. Clarke, a common surname.
caste, a tribe; a class. clerk, one engaged to write in an of-
fice; a reader of responses in church.
cause, a reason; a motive.
caws, cries as a crow. clause, part of a sentence.
cede, to give up. claws, of a bird.
seed, the embryo of a future plant. clime, a region; a country.
climb, to mount upwards with the
ceiling, of a room. hands and feet; to ascend.
sealing, with wax.
cell, a small cavity.
close, to shut up.
sell, to give for a price. clothes, articles of dress.
coarser, more coarse.
cellar, a house below ground. courser, a swift horse.
seller, one who sells.
cobble, to mend, as shoes.
cent, a hundred. colile, or cobble, a fishing
sent, to direct to go and act.
scent, perfume; to smelL coddling, pampering.
codling, a young cod-fish.
cere, to cover with wax.
sear, dry; withered. cold, not warm or hot.
seer, a prophet. coaled, supplied with coals.
sere, another spelling of sear. coin, a piece of money.
cereal, pertaining to grain. coigne, a corner; a jutting angle.
serial, a book in successive parts. cole, cabbage.
cereous, of or like wax. coal, for fuel.
kohl, a variety of cabbage.
serious, grave; in earnest.
compeer, an equal.
cession, a giving up. compear, in Scotch, to appear in a
session, a sitting; tho time from the law court.
opening to the vacation of a school or an expression of
college. compliment, re-
spect or regard.
chagrin, ill-humor; vexation. complement, that which fills up or
shagreen, colored leather, with completes.
round granulations, on one side.
coquette, a woman who flirts and
chair, a moveable seat with a back. jilts.
char, to work by the day. coquet, to flirt
champaign, the open country. cord, string or twine.
champagne, a kind of wine. chord, a line joining the two ends of
chard, the centre stalks of artichokes, a part of a circle; a term of music.
core, the inside or heart of anything.
charred, blackened by fire.
corps, a body of soldiers.
chaste, pure; undented. course, a place for running; career.
hawed, followed eagerly after. coarse, not fine.
check, to restrain. corse, used in poetry for corpse.
cheque, an order for money. courser, a swift horse.
chews, grinds with the teeth. coarser, ruder; rougher.
choose, to take by preference.
cousin, a blood relation.
cboler, bile; anger. cozen* to cheat.
coward, one wanting in courage. dough, formed of floor, yeast, and
cowered, crouching through fear. salt.

crawl, to creep as a worm. dole, a part or share.

kraal, a Hottentot village. dobl, a kind of small pea.
creek, a narrow inlet of the sea. done, performed.
creak, to make a harsh, grating dun, a color; to importune for debt.
doze, to be half asleep.
crews, bodies of seamen for ships. does, females of the fallow deer.
cruise, to sail from place to place on dose, a quantity taken at one time.
the ocean.
draft, a bill of exchange.
cruse, a small cup; a small bottle. draught, a drink; a number taken
cue, a hint or intimation to speak. away from the main body.
Kew, name of a place. dram, a weight; a small quantity to
queue, the hair as tied behind. be drunk at once.
culler, one who culls or selects. drachm, or dram, a small weight.
color, as red, blue, etc. ducks, the plural of duck.
' '

currents, streams. dux, in Scotland, the head or chief

currants, small fruit. pupil of a class in a public school.
dust, fine dry particles.
dam, the mother; a mound or bank to dost, past of verb
do. '

confine water.
damn, to condemn. dying, ceasing to live.
Dane, a native of Denmark. dyeing, shading or coloring.
deign, to condescend. earnest, zealous; sincere.
earnest, or arles, first fruits;
day, time from sunrise to sunset. pledge.
Dey, the name of the governor of Al-
giers, before occupied by the eaves, part of a roof which overhang!
French. the wall.
' eves, the plural of eve.'
plural of day.
daze, to stupefy with excess of light ether, an air a gas.

or cold. either, one of two.

deer, wild animals. eye, organ of sight.
dear, too much in price; loved. 1, 1st personal pronoun.

depositary, one entrusted with any- fane, a temple.

thing for safe keeping.
Iain, anxious; desirous.
depository, a place for the safe feign, to pretend.
keeping of a thing. faint, very fatigued; to swoon.
feint, a pretence.
deviser, one who devises; a contri-
ver. fare, money paid for a journey; food.
divisor, in arithmetic. fair, beautiful; right; a market.
dew, moisture found on the ground fate, fixed lot
after sunset. fete, a merry-making.
due, what is owing. faun, a sylvan deity.
fawn, a yoong deer; to flatter mono-
die,to cease to live; c -ttirsp.
dye, to color; to stain.
fays, fairies; elfo.
discreet, prudent; cautions. phase, aspect; appearance.
discrete, distinct; disjoined.
feet, plural of foot
I^e, female of buck, one of the deer feat, a trick: an exploit
d a musical name sound. fellow, f companion; on* of a pair.
felloe, also spelt felly, a part of the furs, ririns with their soft hair.
woouen rim of a wheel. furze, prickly shrubs.
few, not many. firs, kind of trees.
leu, a perpetual ground-rent. gage, a pledge or pawn.
fewer, smaller in number. gauge, to measure.
feuar, one holding laud on a feu-rent. gall, bile; rancour.
feud, a quarrel between clans or fam- Uaul, ancient name of France.
gate, entrance; door.
feod, also spelt feud, a freehold; a gait, one's way of walking.
' ' gild, to overlay and adorn with gold.
feu*, the plural of feu.
guild, a society or corporation.
fuse, to melt by heat.
gilt, overlaid with gold.
fillip, a stroke with the finger-nail let
go from the thumb. guilt, being charged with crime; op-
posite of innocence.
Philip, a man's name.
glare, a bright, dazzling light.
filter, a strainer.
philter, a charm to excite love. glair, the white of an egg.
find, to discover. gloze, to natter.
fined, subjected to a money penalty. glows, shines with heat.
fizz, to make a hissing sound. gore, clotted blood; to wound with
phiz, the face in contempt. horns.
flee, to run quickly. goar, a piece of cloth inserted to widen
a garrrent.
flea, an insect.
goer, one who goes.
flew, did fly.
flue, a pipe. great, large.
grate, for containing fire; to rub
flour,fine part of meal.
flower, blossom of a plant.
foaled, brought forth young. greater, larger.
fold, a place to confine sheep.
grater, a kitchen rasp.
fore, in front graze, to rub or scratch slightly.
four, a number. grays, white* tempered with blacks.
fort, a small castle. Greece, a country in Europe.
forte, what a person can do best. grease, melted fat.
forth, forward; out. grieves, laments; causes grief.
fourth, the ordinal of four. greaves, armor for the legs.
fowl, a bird. grizzly, a mixture of white and
foul, unclean: unfair. black.
grisly, frightful; horrible.
frays, quarrels; to rub.
phrase, an expression or short sen- groan, to utter a deep moaning
tence. sound.
freteze, to congeal. grown, increased in growth.
frieze, a coarse woollen fabric; part grocer, one who sells tea, sugar, etc.
of a column in architecture. grosser, fatter; ruder.
full, up to the brim. grot, a cave; a summer-house.
fool, a silly person. groat, old silver coin; fourpence.
fungus, a mushroom or toadstool. guest, one entertained in the houst
fungous, spongy; soft. of another.

fur, dressed skin with soft hair. guessed, conjectured.

fir. a tre. hale, strong in health: to drag.
ball, ruiii frozen iu coming from the I, a pronoun.
clouds. yes; but aye, erer.
hair, of the head. eye, organ of sight.
bare, a wild auimaL In, a preposition.
hall, a large room. Inn, a tavern; an hotel.
liaul, to drag; to poll. Indite, to prompt what to write; to
liart, a stag or male deer. compose.
heart, the vital organ of life; the in- Indict, to charge or accuse formally.
ner part.
Isle, a contraction for island.
heel, the hind part of the foot. aisle, passage in a church,

lieal, to cure; to grow sound.'

I'll, for I will. '

he'll, contraction for he will. jam, fruit and preserved

herd, a collection of cattle. with sugHr.
heard, did hear. jamb, support, as of door or mantel-
here, in this place. piece.
hear, to listen to. derides; scoffs.
hew, to chop; to cut down. ears, tackles for hoisting or lower-
hue, a dye; a shade. ing-
Hugh, a man's nameV jerking, giving a sudden pull or
to twitch.
hie, go in haste. the search of a ship by aa
heigh! an exclamation. jerquing,
officer of customs.
high, elevated; lofty.
hied, gone in haste. jest, not in earnest.
hide, to conceal. gest, a deed; an act.
higher, more elevated. jib, the foremost sail.

hire, wages for service. gib, part of a fixed wedge.

him, a pronoun. jury, a number of men sworn to give
hymn, a divine song. a true verdict.
ho! an interjection. Jewry, Judea; a district inhabited by
hoe, a garden tool.
hoar, white as with frost. kernel, the central part
hoer, one who hoes. colonel, chief officer of a regiment
hoard, to lay past in secret. key, to open a lock.
a wandering tribe; a savage quay, a raised roadway on the bank*
horde, of a river, or round a harbor.
hock, Rhenish wine. kill, to slay: to deprive of life.
hough, the lower part of the thigh. kiln, a place in which u> dry or burn
anything, as a lime-kiln.
hoes, does hoe.
hose, stockings. kissed, saluted with the lips.
hole, a pit or cavity in the ground. klst, in Scotland, a chest.
whole, entire; the total. lac, a kind of gum; 100,000, also im
holed, put into a cavity or hole. this -ITI-" spelt lakh.
hold, to keep steady; to contain. lack, need; want
holy, pure and sacred. lacks, needs; wants.
wholly, completely. lax, loose; not strict
home, a dwelling-house. lacs, resinous substance*.
holm, low land on a river bank. lakhs, as of rupees.

hoop, a band of metal. lade, to loud.

whoop, a shrill prolonged sound. laid, placed; deposited.

lane, a narrow passage. look, to direct the eye to.

lain, p. p. of verb lie; to rest length- Luke, a man's name.
wise on or against. a lazy, useless fellow.
Latin, ancient Boman language. lune, a crescent-shaped figure.
latten, fine sheet brass. loot, theft or plunder.
leaf, as of a book, a tree, etc. lute, a musical instrument.
lief, willingly. low, not high.
little beyond all others. lo, behold.
leased, held on lease. made, done; finished.
led, participle of verb
maid, a young woman.
lead, a metal. male, opposite of female.
mail, armor; bag for letters.
lee, sheltered side.
lea, land under grass. mane, the long hair on the neck of an
animal, such as a horse or lion.
leek, a vegetable.
main, the sea; principal; chief.
leak, to let out.
mandrel, a round bar.
lessen, to make less. mandrill, a species of monkey.
lesson, a school task; reproof.
lesser, smaller; inferior.
mangel, as in mangel-wurzel.

lessor, one who grants a lease.

mangle, to hack or lacerate.

levy, to raise; to collect.

manner, method or wav.
levee, an assembly of visitors receiv-
manor, a district ruled by a lord> *
ed by a sovereign.
mantle, a cloak; a cover.
liar, one who tells lies. mantel, the slab above a fire-place.
Her, remains in wait. mark, a visible impression: a sign.
lyre, a musical instrument.
marque, a commission for a priva-
lie, a falsehood. teer.
lye, water impregnated with an alka- marshal, an officer of the highest
military rank.
lightning, electric flash preceding martial, warlike.
ligliteiftng, making less heavy;
marten, a kiud of weasel.
martin, a swallow.
limb, a part of the body, as a leg or mast, the large, upright pole of a
an arm. ship.
limn, to paint. massed, formed into a body or lump.
links, plu. of
link.' maze, an intricate place.
lynx, a wild beast. maize, Indian corn.
load, a burden; to lade. mean, shabby; low; to intend.
lowed, uttered sounds as cattle. mien, manner of look or appearance.
lock, as of a door. meddle, to interpose officiously.
locb, a lake. In Scotland the'ch'in medal, a stamped round pieca of
loch '
is guttural. metal.
lough, a lake in Ireland. medlar, a tree or its fruit.
lone, solitary; alone. meddler, one who meddles.
loan, a grant of the use for a time; a meed, reward; recompense.
shady lane. JTIede, a native of Media.
loo, a game at cards. mead, a liquor; a meadow.
lieu, place; stead. meet, fit; to assemoit..
mete, to measure. need, want; poverty.
meat, food; flesh. kneud, to work the materials into
metal, as silver, copper. dough.
mettle, spirit; courage. neeze, old form of sneeze. 1 '

meter, -a measure for gas, etc.

knees, joints of the legs.
metre, in verse. now, not old.
mind, the understanding. knew, did know.
gnu, a wild ox.
mined, excavated. cuts or notches.
a worker in mines.
miner, pnyx, assembly of the Athenians.
minor, one under age.
night, opposite of day.
mint, floating vapor. knight, a title of honor.
miMMed, failed in reaching or obtain-
ing. nit, the egg of a louse.
mite, a very email insect in cheese. knit, to weave by the hand.
might, power; strength. no, opposite of yes.
mlty, full of mites. know, to understand.

mighty, very powerful. none, no one.

moan, to lament. nun, a woman devoted to a religion*
mown, cut down. life.

nose,the organ of smell.

mode, rcanner; fashion.
mowed, cut down as grass. plural of 'no.'
number or degree,
knows, Joes know; understands.
more, greater in
a word expressing denial.
etc. not,
mower, one who mows down grass. knot, a tie; a difficulty.

mote, a very small particle. oar, for rowing a boat.

moat, a deep ditch or trench. ore, metal as it comes from the earth.
o'er, a contraction for 'over.'
much, greater in quality or amount.
a short poem.
mutch, in Scotch, a woman's cap. ode,
owed, Indebted to.
mule, a kind of ass.
o soft mud.
mewl, to cry as a child. >;'.!,
Or no, a river iu England.
muse, to meditate.
or jr, a pronoun.
mews, stables; a place of confine-
hour, sixty minutes.
imiMMel, a shell-fish. owe, to be indebted to.
muscle, the fleshy parts of an animal O, oh, an interjection.
body. packs, binds closely.
miiMtard. a plant and its seed. pax, a small crucifix.
mustered, assembled together. pact, an agreement
nap, a short sleep; the smooth short packed, pressed together.
hair on cloth. pall, a kitchen utensil.
knap, to bribe; a small protuberance, pale, wan in color; white.
in the latter seuse also spelt 'knop.'
pain, soreness.
nay, not; no. pane, a piece of glass.
iielgh, cry of a horse. pair, two; a couple.
naught, worthless; nothing. pare, to slice thinly.
nought, nothing. pear, a kind of fruit.
nave, the middle part of a wheel. payer, one who pays.
knave, a rogue. pallet, a smull humble bed.
palette, or palot, a small flat oval plum, 100, 000; a fruit.
fora painter's colors while painting. plumb, a leaden weight hung at the
passed, gone through; gone. end of a line to ascertain whether a
past, not present or future. wall be perpendicular.
paten, the plate with bread in the pocks, pustules on the skin.
celebration of the Eucharist. pox, another spelling of above.
patten, a wooden sole with an iron pole, a staff; a measure of length; N.
or S. extremity of the earth.
ring beneath.
poll, the head; the place where votes
Paul, a man's name. are taken.
pall, a cloak; a covering for a coffin:
pore, of the skin; spiracle for perspi.
to become insipid. ration.
pan, a fortified stockade. pour, to
empty out.
paw, the foot of an animal with
practice, n., doing anything; cus-
pause, a stop. to do, as a custom.
practise, v.,
paws, of a beast.
pray, to entreat.
peace, quietness; rest. prey, plunder.
piece, a part of a thing.
prays, supplicates Go<i.
peak, a point; the top of a hill. praise, approbation expressed.
pique, to auuoy to pride oneself on.
; preys, spoils of a wild beast.
peel, skin; outside. president, one who presides.
peal, of bells. precedent, an example to be follow-
peer, an equal; a nobleman.
pier, a structure running into the premises, the things, as houses or
sea. lands.
premisses, first two propositions of
petre, a stone, as in saltpetre. a syllogism.
Peter, a man's Christian name.
picks, iron tools; selects. prest, ready; prompt.
pyx, box for the compass; for the pressed, crushed; embraced.
host. primmer, more prim.
primer, a child's first reading-book.
place, situation; rank.
plaice, a flat fish. principal, chief.
plate, a flat piece of metal; a shallow principle, a primary truth.
dish; articles of silver. prize, a reward; booty; to esteem.
plait, to fold; to braid. pries, inspects closely.
played, did play. prise, to force open by leverage pow-
plaid, a long woollen checkered
cloth. profit, pain.
plane, a term in mathematics for prophet, one who foretells.
any perfectly level surface; a tool; a psalter, book of Psalms.
tree. salter, more salt.
plain, level; flat country. pyx, or plx, a trial of the purity of
silver plate.
phlox, flowering plants.
flocks, as of sheep or birds. picks, pulls off; selects.
phrase, two or more words of a sen- quarts, measures of two pints each.
tence. quartz, a variety of rock crystal.
frays, contentions; disturbance*. queen, wife of a king.
quean, a worthless woman.
please, to delight or gratify.
pleas, pleadings in iaw; excuses. quire, 24 sheets of paper.
choir, a company of siugers; place rode, did ride.
wbere they sing. rowed, propelled with oars.
radicle, the part which becomes the roc, a fabled monstrous bird.
root. rock, a large mass of stone.
radical, pertaining to or arising
roe, the female of the hart; the egg* of
from the root. ML
raid, a predatory incursion. row, a line; a series; to propel with
rayed, branched out oars, as a boat.
rain, water from
clouds. roes, plu. of roe.'
ret n, of a horse; to check. rows, does row; plu. of row.'
reign, to rule as a king. rose, a beautiful flower.
rancor, deep-seated hate. role, a part in acting a play.
ranker, more strongly offensive. roll, a round thing; a register.
rap, to strike sharply,
Rome, capital of Italy.
wrap, to fold up.
roam, to wander.
rapt, or rapped, transported; ray- rood, fourth part of an acre.
ished. rude, uncultivated; rough.
wrapped, folded; enclosed. rued, grieved for.
rays, of light.
raise, to exalt; to lift up.
room, space; an apartment
raze, to destroy utterly.
rheum, an increased secretion of the
mucous glands caused by a cold.
read, as a book.
reed, a hollow cane. root, of a plant or tree.
route, direction; the way by which.
receipt, a written acknowledgment.
re-seat, to seat again. rote, got by memory only.
wrote, did write.
reck, to care or heed. rows, noisy disturbances.
wreck, destruction; to shatter.
rouse, to raise from sleep or Inactivi-
red, a color. ty.
read, did read past of 'read.'
ruff, an article of dress.
reek, smoke; vapor. rough, unpolished; rugged.
wreak, to execute vengeance rung, sounded, as a bell.
rest, peace; quiet. wrung, twisted.
wrest, to twist; to wrench.
ruse, a trick or artifice.
rex, the Latin for ' king. 1 rues, grieves for.
Wrecks, destroys or shatters. rye, a sort of corn.
recks, cares or heeds not. wry, crooked.
retch, to make an effort to vomit.
w re tcli, a worthless, degraded crea-
sac, a membranous receptacle.
sack, a large, strong bag.

right, just; not wrong. sail, of a ship.

rite, a particular ceremony. sale, act of selling.
write, as a letter. sailer, as a ship.
wriglit, a carpenter. sailor, a seaman.
rime, hoar-frost sane, sound; healthy.
rhyme, lines or verses terminating
Seine, a river in France.
in similar sounds.
satire, a written composition censur-
ring, a circle; to sound. ing vice and folly with witty keen-
wring, to twist. ness.
road, a path; a way. satyr, a sylvan deity.
sea, a wide expanse of water. cinqne, French for 'five'; five Eng-
see, to perceive. lish ports so called.

seal, a stamp; a sea animal covered size, bulk; a glutinous substance.

with hair. sighs, deep and audible respirations,
ceil, to cover the inside roof, as with as in grief or pain.
plaster or wood. sice, the number six at dice.
seel, to close the eye of a hawk. skull, the whole bone of the bead.
sealing, stamping; fishing for seals. scull, a small boat; a light short oar,
ceiling, the inner roof of a house. slight, small; trivial; to neglect.
seed, of plants. sleight, a dexterous trick.
cede, to give up; to yield. slew, did slay.
seem, to appear. slue, or slew, to turn round on its
in sewing; a working in coal- axis, as a mast.
mines. slow, not swift; dull.
een, beheld; observed. sloe, a wild plum.
scene, many objects displayed at one soared, mounted up on the wing.
view; a part of a play. sword, a weapon of war.
seine, a large fishing net
sold, given for a price.
seer, a prophet. soled, furnished with a sole.
cere, to cover with wax.
sere, or sear, withered. sore, what cause? pain.
soar, to mount up.
sees, beholds. ' soul, the spirit.
seas, plural of sea.' sole, only; hollow of the foot; a fish.
seize, to snatch; to take forcibly.
sow, to scatter seed.
sell, to give for a price. sew, with a needle.
cell, a confined place. so, in this manner.
sent, did send. sower, one who sows seed.
scent, a smell. sewer, one who sews cloth.
cent, a hundred. stake, part of a paling.
serious, grave; in earnest. steak, a slice of beef.
cereous, like wax; waxen. staid, steady; grave.
Seth, a man's name. '
stayed, supported with a strong rope,
saith, old 3d pers. sing, of say.' as the mast of a ship.
sneer, straight up and down; pure or stair, steps for ascending.
unmixed. stare, to look at broadly.
shear, to clip or cut.
stationary, at rest.
shier, one who shies. stationery, writing materials.
shire, a county. steal, to take unlawfully.
shore, land lying next the sea. Steel, refined iron.
sewer, channel or pipe for used or
surface water.
step, an advance; a pace.
one who shows. steppe, an extensive barren plain or
hewer, waste.
side, the margin; the edge. story, a narrative; a falsehood.
sighed, expressed by sighs. story or storey, a single sta0 at
sign, a token; a symbol. floor.
sine, a line in trigonometry. straight, direct onwards.
signet, the sovereign's seal. strait, narrow; confined.
cygnet, a young swan. strewed, did strew.
sink, to fall or go downwards. strode, did stride.

style* manner of writing. thrown, flung; sent to a distance,

tile, steps over a wall.
throw, to cast; to fling.
Styx, a river of Hades. throe, extreme pain.
sticks, long small pieces of wood.
tic, a convulsive motion of muscles,
sucker, a young shoot of a tree. tick, a small quick noise; a cover.
succor, help; to relieve.
sum, the amount of anything; to add tide, the flow and ebb of the sea.
up. tied, fastened as with a cord.
some, expressing a quantity more or time, fit season.
thyme, a garden plant.
sun, the luminary of the day.
a male child.
toe, of the foot.
son, tow, coarse part of flax; to drag.
sutler, one who follows a camp to sell told, expressed in words.
provisions, etc. tolled, rung, as a bell.
subtler, more cunning; more acute.
tract, a quantity of land.
swear, to affirm on oath. tracked, followed by the marks Inft.
8 ware, did swear.
tray, on which tea-things and articles
sweet, pleasant; delightful. of food are carried.
suite, attendants; a set of apartments. trey, a three at cards or dice.
trait, a feature or characteristic.
tacks, small nails.
tax, a duty or rate; to charge or ac- NOTE. trait is now pronounced
1 '
cuse. trSt '
as well as tr3.'

tact, nice skill; adroitness. travel, to journey over.

tacked, fastened slightly to. travail, to labor with pain.
tale, a story. treatise, a written composition.
tall, of an animal; hinder part. treaties, formal agreements.
taper, a small wax candle. trlse, to hanl up by a rope.
tapir, a creature like a pig. tries, does try.
tare, a weed among corn; deduction troop, a company; a division of caval-
from gross weight. ry.
pull to pieces; a rent.
tear, to troupe, the performers in a play.
taught, instructed. tun, a large cask; a measure of four
taut, tight; properly ordered. hogsheads.
ton, twenty hundred weights.
tear, water from the eye.
tier, a row; a series. two, a pair; twice one.
too, art v also; excess, as too much.
tease, to card flax or wool; to annoy to, preposition.
or irritate. to apply or handle for some pur-
plu. of tea.'
a river. pose.
Tees, ewes, female sheep.
teem, to produce in abundance. yews, evergreen trees. *
team, a yoke of horses or oxen. vain, fruitless; meanly .proud; showy.
thee, a pronoun. vane, a weathercock.
the, definite article. vein, a blood-vessel.
their, possessive of 'they.' vale, a low district of country betweea
there, adv., in that place. rising ground.
threw, did throw. vail, a large covering.
through, from side to Bide, or from veil, a covering for the face.
end to end. Venus, the goddess of beauty and
throne, m royal M*U. love.
Tenons, pertaining to the veins. weald, a forest; a low country so
wade, to walk through water. named.
weighed* to ascertain the beavi- wield, to sway; to govern.
ii ess. weather, state of the air in respect
of heat, cold, wet, etc.
wale, a projecting part of the timber
wether, a male sheep castrated
on a ship's side; a ridge or streak on when a lamb.
the surface, as of cloth.
wail, to cry out in sorrow for. weighed, tried how heavy; ponder-
Wales, a country.
wade, to step through water.
walls, cries out in sorrow.
week, the space of seven days.
wane, to grow less; to decline. weak, feeble; infirm.
wain, a wagon.
ween, to imagine; to think.
wait, to remain; to stay. wean, to accustom to want, as a
weight, heaviness; importance. child the breast.
wind, to turn or move around.
ward, watch; guard. in Scotland, a lane or alley.
warred, carried on war. \vynd,
waste, to squander; a moor.
won, did win.
one, in number. .

waist, the middle part, as of the

body. wood, a forest; timber.
would, pt. of 'will.'
ware, sing, of wares,' goods.

wear, to last; to endure. wort, new beer fermenting.

wert, pt. of verb 'be.'
wave, of the sea; to undulate. yoke, a curved collar of wood for
waive, to defer.; to abandon. joining a pair of oxen in the plough;

way, a road; manner. a couple; bondage.

weigh, to try how heavy; to ponder, yolk, the yellow part of an egg.
wey, measure of weight.
a '
you, the plu. of thou.'
we, a pronoun. yew, a tree,
wee (Scotch), little; emalL ewe, the female sheep.



ABBREVIATIONS. Or. Greek. Lat. Latin. Dan. Danish. D. Dutch. Fr. French.
Oer. German. It. Italian. Port. Portuguese. Sp. Spanish.

A, [Ir.] At ; after the manner of ; ac- As you do to another, expect another

cording to to.;
to do to you.
J, or -4.6. [Lat.] From by; of.
Abamicishonestapetamus. [Lat.] We
must ask what is proper from our
A adem, a mulher,e a cobra, he ma count friends.
sendo magra. [Port.] A goose, a wo- Abandon fait larron. [Fr.] Negligence
man, and a goat, are bad things lean. (that is, want of watchfulness) makes
Aan den verstandigen is een woord gen- the thief.
oeg. [D.] A word is enough to the A barbe <ie/oJ, on apprend a raire. [Fr. ]
wise. Men learn to shave on the face of a
Aan een krank touic zal men zachkens fool (Men love to make experiments
at the expense of others).
trekken. [D.] Pull gently at a weak
rope. A bos. [Fr.] Down ; down with.
Aangeboden dienst is ontrnord. [D.] Abbiamo pur florini <!>, trnrrrrma cu-
Proffered service is little valued. gini. [It.] Let us have florins and we
Proffered service stinks. shall find cousiiis.
Aaret har en ritl Mund og en ftor lUave. Abbipiuttostoit piccolo peramico, i-hr it

[Dan. ] The year has a wide mouth and grande pernemico. [It.] Itather have
a big stomach. a little one for your friend, than a
great one for your enemy.
4l> actu ad posse valet Hint in. [Lat.]
Abbonrlanza genera fastidio. [It.] Plen-
From what has happened we may infer makes daintiness.
what will happen.
A beau demandeur. beau rtfusrur. [Fr.]
Abad avariento par un bodigo pierde Handsomely asked, handsomely re-
ciento. [Sp.] A covetous abbot for one fused.
offering loses a hundred. A beau jeu beau rrtour. [Fr.] One good
Ab olio species alteriquodfeceris. [Lat.] turn deserves another.
A beau mentir qui vient de loin. [Fr.] [FT.] A good dog never gets a good
He may lie boldly who comes from bone.
afar. Abandonee de biens ne nuit pas. [Fr.]
Abends wird der faule fleitzig. [Ger.] Store is no sore.
At evening the sluggard is busy. A bon entendeur demi-mot. [Fr.] A
Abeunt studio, in mores. [Lat.] Pur- word to the_wise.
suits become habits (Use is second A bon marche. [Fr.] Cheap.
Abonnement. [Fr.] Subscription.
Abhocet ab hoc. [Lat.] From this and A bon pecheur echappe anyuille. [Fr.J
that ;
in a mixed manner ; confusedly. An eel escapesfrom a good fisher-
Ab honesto virum bonum nihil deterret. man.
A bon vin point d'enseigne. [Fi .] Good
[Lat.] Nothing deters a good man wine needs no
from the performance of his duties. sign.
Abiendo escalera por do bajar, buscais
-46 origine. [Lrt. J From the origin.
sogaparaoscolgar.[Sp.~] With a stair-
Aborigines. [Lat.] The
firot inhabi-
tants of a country (as the Indians in
case before you, you look for a rope to
go down by. America).
Abiinpace. [Lat.] Depart in peace.
A bove majori discit arare minor.
Abiit nemine salutato. [Lat.J He went [Lat.] The young ox learns to plough
from the older.
away without bidding any one fare- Ab ovo. [Lat. From the egg hence,
] ;
well. from the beginning.
.46 inconvenienti. [Lat.] From the Ab ovo usque ad -mala. [Lat.] From
inconvenience. The Argume ntum ab
inconvenientiis an argument to show
the egg to the apples. From the
commencement to the end eggs be-
that a proposition will be unlikely to

ing the first, and apples the last,

meet the expected end, and will there- dish served at the Roman entertain-
fore be inexpedient. ments.
Ab incitnabilis. [Lat.] From the cradle. A bras ouverts. [Fr.] TiVith open
Ab initio. [Lat.T From the beginning. arms.
Abintra. [Lat.J From within. Abrege. [Fr.] Abridgment.
A bis et a blanc. [Fr.] At the brown and Absence d'esprit. [Fr.J Absence of
the white. By fits and starts. mind.
A bisogni si conoscon gli amid. [Sp.] Absent hceresnon erit. [Lat.] He who
Friends are known in time of need. is at a distance will not
be the heir ;

(Friends in need are friends in- i out of sight out of mind.

. <'..

deed.) Absent em Icedit cum ebrio qui litigat.

Abite nummi, ego vos mergam, ne merg- [Lat. ] He who disputes with a drunk-
ar a vobis. [Lat.] Away with you, en man, offends one who is absent.
money, I will sink you, that I may (The senses of a drunken man may
not be sunk by you. be considered as absent. )
Abnormis sapiens. [Lat.] A person Absente reo. [Lat.J The defendant
whose wisdom is not derived from being absent.
instruction a mother wit, and wise tibsit invidia. [Lat.] All envy apart ;

without the schools. without being supposed to speak in-

Abocanaoadmitte.Jiador. [Port.] The vidiously.
stomach does not accept bail. Absque argento omnia vana. [Lat.]
A boi velho nao cates abrigo. [Port.] Without money all is in vain.
You need not find a shelter for an Absque hoc, &c. [Lat.J Law term.
old ox. Without this, &c the technical ;

A ban appetit il ne faut point de sauce. words of exception used in pleading a

[Fr.] Hunger is the best sauce. traverse.
A bon chat ban rat. [Fr.] To a good Absque sudore et labors nullum opus
cat a good rat. perfectum est. [Lat.J Without
A bon cheval point d'eperon. [Fr.] sweat and toil no work is made per-
Spur not a willing horse. fect without exertion and diligence

A bon ehien it ne vient jamais un bon o. success is rarely attained.


Abtque tali causd. [Lat.] Law Term. Every fool is pleased with his bau-
Without such cause. ble.
Absque ulla condition*. [Lat.] Un- A coder vachi troppo in alto tale. [It.]
conditionally. He who climbs too high is near a
Abstineto a fabis. [Lat. Abstain]
from beans. An admonition of A can che fugge, dagli, dagli. [It.]
Pythagoras. Equivalent to saying, When a dog runs away, hit him hit I

Have nothing to do with elections. him!

Absurdum est ut olios regat, qui seipsum
A can che leccht cmere, non gli fldar
Law Maxim. farina. [It.] The dog that licks
regere nescit fLat.J ashes is not to be trusted with flour.
It absurd that he should govern
others who knows not how to govern A cane tcottato I' acqua fredda pare
himself. calda. [It.] A scalded dog thinks
Abundans cautela non cold water hot.
nocet. [Lat.]
Excess of precaution can do no A capite ad calcem. [Lat.J From
h<-iii M heel ; from top to toe.
harm. c

Abundat dulctbus vitiis.

[Lat.J He A eareme-prenant chacun a besoin de
abounds with alluring faults (said in so poile. [Fr.J At shrove-tide every
allusion to an author the very faults one has need of his frying-pan.
of whose style are fascinating). A carne de lobo, diente de perro. [Sp.]
Ab uno disce omnes. [Lat.) From To wolf's flesh dog's tooth.
one learn all ; from this single in- A caridtre. [Fr.J Cross; crabbed;
stance, you may infer the nature of
the whole. A casa do amigo rico iras endo rrquer-
A buona derrata pensaci su. [8p.J At ido, e a casa do necessitado tern ser
a good bargain pause and ponder. chamado. [Port.] Go to your rich
friend's house when invited ; to your
A buon cavaliere non mancu Utncia.
poor friend's without invitation.
fsp. A good cavalier never lacks a
A cattivo cane corto legame. [Port.]
A buon cavallo non mancasella. [8p,J A mischievous dog must be tied
A good horse never lacks a saddle. A causa persa, parole assai. [It.]
A buon cavallo non occorre dirgli trotta. When the cause is lost, there is
[Sp.] No need to say "trot" to a enough of words;i.e.,do not discuss that
good horse. which is already decided.
A buon intenditor poche parole. [Sp.J Accedas ad curiam. [Lat.] You may
A word to the wise is enough. approach the court a name given to
A buon vino non l-is gn-t frasca. [Sp.] a writ by which proceedings may be
Good wine needs no bush. removed from an inferior to a supe-
Ab Urbecondita. [Lat.] Usually denoted rior court.
in the Latin writers by the initials Accede ad ignem /mne, jam calfscesplus
A. U. C., signifying, From the Build- satis. [Lat.] Approach this fire,
ing of the City (of Home), B. C. and you will soon be too warm (said
753. in allusion to the seductive beauty of
Abusus non tollit usum. [Lat.] Abuse the courtezan Thais).
is not an argument against a proper Accensa domo proximi, tua quoque per-
use. iclitatur. [Lat.] When the house of
A eabo de den anas todos seremos your neighbor is in flames, your own
calvos. [Sp.] A hundred years hence is in danger. [See Proximus order,
we shall all be bald. &c.J
A cobra de minha visinha. mats leite Accepta. [Lat.J The receipts in ac-
da que a minha. [Port] My neigh- counts.
bor's goat gives more milk than Accejitissima semper munrra mint,
mine. auctor qvas pretiosa fecit. [Lat.J
4 coda male su'did malo. [Sp.J To Those gifts are ever the most aocept-
every evil doer his evil day. ble which the giver has made pre-
A coda necio agrada tu porrada. cious.
Accessit. fLat.j He came near ; used A chi ruote, non e cosa difficile. [It]
in reference to a testimonial to one Nothing is difficult to a willing mind.
second in merit. Achter iederen berg ligt weer ten dot.
Accidit in puncto, et toto contingit [D.J Behind every mountain lies a
in anno. [Lat. It happens in an
| vale.
instant, and occurs throughout the Acierta errando. [Sp.J He blunders
whole year. into the right.
Accidit in puncto, quod non contingit A compte. [Fr.] On account ;
in part
in anno. [Lat.] That may happen in a payment.
moment, which does not occur in a A perdu.
corps [Fr.] With might
whole year. and main.
Accipere quam factre prcestat injuriam. A coup tur. [Fr.] With certainty ;

[Lat. ] It is better to receive than to surely.

do an injury. A couvert. [Fr.] Under cover; pro-
Acoueil. f Fr.J Greeting reception ; ;
tected ; sheltered.
welcome. Acqua To/ana. [It.] Subtle deadly
Aocusare nemo se debet nisi coram Deo. poison.
[Lat.J No man is bound to accuse Acqua Ion tananon spegne fuoco tncino.
himself except before God. [It,] Water afar does not quench a
A celui quia ton pilttau four on peut fire at hand.
donner de son giiteau. [Fr. J To one Acqua. passata non macina piu. [It.]
who has a pie in the oven you may Water past will not turn the mill.
give a bit of your cake. Acqua torbida non fa specchio. [It.]
Acenai ao discrete, dai-o por feito. Muddy water won't do for a mir-
[Port.] Give a hint to the man of ror.
sense, and consider the thing done. Acqua torbida non lava. [It.] Dirty
( A word to the wise is enough. ) water does not wash clean.
Acer et vehemens bonus orator. [Lat.] Acquit. [Fr.J Discharge ; receipt for
A good orator is pointed ai^d forcible. payment.
Acfrrima proximorum odia. Acribus initiis, incurioso fine. [Lat. ]
The hatred of those most nearly con- Zealous at the commencement, care-
nected is the bitterest of alL less towards the conclusion (said of
Acerrimus ex omnibus nostris sensibus those who commence an undertaking
est aenus videndi. The keen- with more zeal than perseverance
[Lat. j
or discretion).
est of all our senses is the sense of
A cruce sal us. [Lat.J Salvation from
Acervatim. the cross.
[Lat.] By heaps. Acta. [Lat] Proceedings in court
A chacun son fardeau pfse. [Fr.]
Every one feels his own burden Acta exteriora indicant interiora secre-
ta. [Lat] Law Maxim. By the
A chaque saint sa chandelle. [Fr.] outward acts we are to judge of the
To each saint hi? candle that is, con- ;
inward thoughts.
ciliate all who may do you good or Aeti laborei, jucundi. [LatJ Labors
evil. completed are pleasant.
A chaurge. [Fr.] At expense. Actionnairo. [Fr.J A share-holder.
rne. [Fr.] Bloodthirsty; cruel; Ad nauseam. [Lat.] To disgust, or
savage. satiety.
Acharnement .
[Fr. ] Deep rooted ani- Ad nomen rJ*us sustuht ilia fuos.
mosity ; savageness. [Lat.] On hearing her name she
A cheral. [Fr.] On horseback. raised her eyes.
A chi troppo ride gli duole il cuore. Ad nullum consur(,it opus, cum cor-
[It.] He who laughs overmuch may pore lanyutt. [Lat.J The mind can-
have an aching heart. not grapple with any task when the
A chi t-eglia tutto si rivela. [ItJ To body is languid.
hi who watches, everything reveals Ad occhio infermo nuoce la luce. [It]
ttMtt. T he light is painful to sore eyes.
Ad ogni uceeHo, suo nido e bello. [It.] A droite. fFr.J To the right.
With every bird its own iiest is Adscriptus gletne. [Lat.J Attached, or
charmiiig. belonging, to the t.oil disposable ;
Adolescentem verecundum esse decct. with the land.
[Lat.J It becomes a young man to be Ad a a in ilium. [Lat.J To the highest
modest. point.
Ad omnem libidinem projectus homo. Ailsuumquemque cequum est qucestu^n
Lat. J A man disposed to every spe-
[ esse it ill H in. ,-i i
It is only
cies of dissipation.
right that every one should be alive
A dono nuovo non convien grazia vec- to his own advantage.
chia. [It.J Old thanks are not for Ad tristem partem strenua susplcio.
new gifts. [Lat. The minds of men who have

Adorer le veau d'or. [Fr.J To wor- been unfortunate are prone to sus-
ship the golden calf. picion.
Adomare verbis benefacta. [Lat.] To Ad turpia virum bonum nulla apes
enhance the value of a favor by kind invitat. [Lat.J No expectation can
expressions. allure a good man to the commission
Ad patres. [Lat.] Gathered to his of evil.
fathers ; i. e., dead. Ad unguem. [Lat.] To the nail, or
Ad perditam to the touch of the nail ; nicely ;
securim manubrium ad-
jicere. To throw the helve perfectly ; exactly.
[Lat.J Ad utrumque paratus.
after the lost hatchet. To give way to [Lat.J Pre-
despair. pared for either alternative.
Ad perniciem
solet agi sinceritas. [Lat.] Ad valorem.[ Lat. J According to thevalue.
Sincerity is frequently impelled to Duties are imposed on certain arti-
its own destruction. cles of merchandise ad valorem, or
Ad pcenitendum properat, cito qui ju- according to their value.
<i ifnt.
f Lat.J He hastens to repent- Ad vivum. f Lat.J To the life.
ance, who judges hastily. jEgrescit medendo. [Lat.] It becomes
Ad populum plialeras, ego te intus et
worse from the very remedies used.
in cute novi. [Lat.l Display thy JEgri somnia vana. [Lat. The idle I

trappings to the vulgar, I know thee dreams of a sick man ; the fickle fan-
inside and out. <!- of a distempered brain.
Ad prcesens ova eras pullix sunt mc- &>iual>iliter et tliiipenter. [Lat.J E-
liora. [Lat.J Eggs to-day are better quablytmd diligently.
than chickens to-inorrow. JSquanHuiter. [Lat.J With equanimity.
Ad qucEstionem Juris respondeant ju- .-t.'i/iid tellus ptiupcri recluditur regum-
dii-es, ad qucestionem facti responde- quepueris. [Lat.J The earth opens
jura<ore.[Lat.]lt is the duty of the equally for the poor man and the
judge to decide as to the point of law, prince.
of the jurors to decide as to the mat- &<inr pauperibus prodest, locupletitnut
ter of fact. ceque. [Lat.J Equally profitable to
Ad quod damnum. [Lat.] To what the rich and to the poor.
damage. A writ which ought to be &quitas enim lucet ipsa per se. [Lat.J
issued before the grant of certain Equity shines by her own light.
liberties, such as u fair or market, jEquitas fequitur legem. [Lat.J Eq-
ordering the sheriff to inquire what uity follows the law. Equity can not,
damage the king, the country, or auy however, make a different rule
person would be liable to suffer in from that which the law has estab-
consequence of such grant. lished.
Ad referendum. [Lat.J To be re- :./>/<> 1 1 a i inn. [Lat.] With an equable
ferred, or to await further consid- mind.
eration. JEre perenniut. [Lat.] More lasting
Ad rem. [Lat.] To the point; to the than brass ; everlasting.
ii ni mi.
purpose. >i/!/ i

rubigo ingenii. [Lat.]

Ad respondendum qucestioni. [Lat.] To Thernstof the mind is the blightof
answer the question. genius (said of idleness).
&tatis tuae. [Lat.J Of his or her A la campagne. [Fr.J In the couic-
age. try.
Affaire d'amour. [Fr.] A love af- A la Chinoise. [Fr.J After the Chi-
fair. nese fashion.
Affaire d'honneur. [Fr.] An affair of A laderobee. [Fr.J By stealth.
honor ;
a duel. A la faveur. [Fr.J By the favor of .

Affaire du coeur. [Fr.] An affair of A la Franfaiae. [Fr.J After the

the heart. French mode.
Affiche. [Fr.J A placard. Al agradecido, mas de lo
A fin. [Fr.J To the end or object. pedido. [Sp.J
To the grateful man give more than
.4 fin de. [Fr.J To the end that. he asks.
Affirmatim. Lat.J Affirmatively.

Affreux. [Fr.J Frightful.

A la Grecque. [Fr.J After the Greek
A fond. [Fr.J To the bottom; thor- fashion
A la guerre comme a la guerre. [Fr.J
A forfait. [Fr.] By the job ; by the At the wars as they do at the wars.
contract. A la Americaine. [Fr.J After the
A fortiori. [Lat.J With stronger rea- American fashion.
son. A la mode. [Fr.J According to the
Agacerie. [Fr.] Enticement ; allure- custom or fashion.
ment ; caressing treatment. A Tumour et au feu on s'habitue. [Fr.]
A gauche. [Fr.J To the left. One grows used to love and to fire.
Agenda. [Lat.J Things to be done. A VAnglaise. [Fr.J After the English
A genoux. [Fr.J On the knees. fashion.
Age quod agis. [Lat.J Attend to what A la Parisienne. [Fr.] After the Pa-
you are about. risian fashion.
Agere considerate pluris est quam cogi- A la primera azadonada quiere sacar
tare prudenter. [Lat.] It is better agua. [Sp.J He expects to find wa-
to act considerately than to think ter at the first stroke oE the spade,
wisely. A la Tartuffe. [Fr.J Like Tartuffe,
Agiotage. [Fr. ] Stock brokerage. the hero of a celebrated comedy by
Agnus Dei. [Lat.J The Lamb of God. Molte're ; hypocritically.
A gran saUta gran discesa. [ItJ The Al buon vino non bisogna frasca. [It. ]
higher the rise the greater the fall. Good wine needs no bush,
A grands frais. [Fr.J At great ex- Al b ugiardo non si crede la verita. [It. ]
pense. The liar is not believed when he
A grassacucina poverta evicina. [It.]
speaks the truth.
A fat kitchen is next door to pov-
Al confessore, medico, e arvocato, non
tenere il ver celato. [It.J Hide not
Agrement. [Fr.J Agreeable quality;
the truth from your confessor, your
ornament; embellishment.
A haute voix. [Fr.J Aloud. doctor,or your lawyer.
A huit clos. [Fr.J With closed doors ;
A Venvi. [Fr.J Emulously.
secretly. Alere flammam. [Lat.] To feed the
Aide toi, et le del Paidera. [Fr.J flame.
Help yourself, and Heaven will help A levant. fFr -] To the eastward.
you. A Vexterieur. [Fr.J Externally.
Aimable. [Fr.] Amiable. A rextremite. fFr.J At the point of
A ^abandon. [Fr. J Disregarded ; left death; in extremity; without resource.
uncared-for. Al fresco. [It.J In the open air; cool.
A la belle etoile. [Fr.] Under the stars; Alias. [Lat.J Otherwise as, Robin-;
in the open air. son allow Robson. An alias is also a
A la bonne heure. [Fr.] Well timed; name given to a second writ, issued
in good or favorable time excellent. ; after a first writ has been sued out
A Vabri. [Fr.J Under shelter. without any effect. At another time
A la burlu. dejarla quando mas aqrado. or place elsewhere.

[Sp. ] Leave the jest at its beet lij. teuton l-t via est. [Lat] Another

way must be tried. We must di- AW alba. [It] At day-break.

versify our means to uttnii. our end. Alia Siciliana. [It.] In the Sicilian
Alibi. [Lat.] Elsewhere. Law Term. manner ; in shepherd's dre<--8.
When a person accused of an offence Alia -i >/>;*i.
It. |
In a halting, lame,
endeavors to prove that he was ab- imperfect manner.
sent from the place at the time when Allfgrease. fFr.] Sprigbtliness ; live-
the crime was committed, he is said liness geniality.;

to set up an alibi. Aller bride en main. [Fr.] To go

Aliena negotia euro, excussis propriis. with a loose rein.
[Lat.] I attend to other men's bus- Alle ffogle ere ei bundne ved en Konen
iness, neglecting my own. I. in r.
Dun.) All keys hang not at

Aliena nobis, nostra plug aliis placent. one woman's girdle.

[Lat.] That which belongs to others Allez vousen. [Fr. J Away with you.
pleases us most, while tl at which Allans. [Fr.] Let us go come on ; ;
belongs to us is most valued by come.
others. Almn mater. A
kind, or be-
Aliena optimum frui insania. [Lat.] nign mother ;
a term originally used
It is of the highest importance to be in reference to the earth, but em-
able to derive instruction from the
ployed by students to designate the
madness of another.
university in which they were edu-
Aliena vttia in oculis habemus a tergo cated. It is said to have been first
nostra sunt. [Lat. J We have the applied to Cambridge.
vices of others always before our Al occorrenza. [It] According to
eyes our own behind our backs. circumstances.
Alieni appetens, sui profusus. [Lat.] A tongue corde tire qui d'autrui mort
Coveting the property of others, and desire. [Fr.J He pulls at a long
lavish of his ow n. rope who desires another man's
Alieni temporis flores. [Lat.] Flowers death.
of past time. A rordinaire. [Fr.J In the ordinary
Alienos agros irrtgas tuis sitientibus. manner.
{Lat.] You are watering your neigh- A routmnce. [Fr.J To the utmost ;

bors' fields, while your own are without sparing.

parched with drought. Al piu. [It. ] At most.
A Vimproviste. [Fr.J On a sudden; Alter ego. [Lat. Another self. |

unawares. Alter idem. [Lat.J Another exactly

Alind corde premunt, aliud ore pro- similar.
munt. [Lat.J They keep back oue Alter ipue amicus. [Lat.] A friend is
thing in the heart, they express an- another self.
other thing with the mouth. .(Hi i-ii in niii'i-iuK auxilio eget. [Lat.]
Aliiiiiniulo bonus dormitat Homerus. The one needs the assistance of the
[Lat.J Even the good Homer some-
times nods. Alterum tantum. [Lat] As much
Aliquis nun debet esse Judex in pro- more.
No man ought Alto rilievo. [It] In high relief.
pria causa. [Lat. )

to be judge in his own cause. A main armee. [Fr.] With force of

He (or arms.
Alia volat propriis. Lat.J
she) file- with his (or her)
own A mal enfourner on /oit leu paint
cornus. [Fr.] Loaves put awry into
wings. He is able to take care of
himself ; motto of Oregon and the the oven come out crooked.
Atiiiintiutii tree amoris redintegratio
Earl of Tbanet.
A ritalienne. [Fr.] After the Italian eat. [Lat.] The quarrels of lovers
is the renewal of love.
Alitur vttium, vivitque tegendo. [Lat.] A ma puissance. [Fr.] To my power.
Vice is nourished and lives by con- Amare et tapere vix deo conceditur.
cealment. [Lat.] To love and to be wise IB
Alia breve.[It.] Quickly. scarcely granted to the highest-;
love and prudence are absolutely in- perde nsinha. [Port.J A woman and
compatible. a hen are soon lost through gad-
A marmite qui bout mouche ne s'af- ding.
tai/ue. [Ft.] Flies will not lighten Amor nummi. [Lat.] Love of money.
a boiling pot. Amor patrice. [Lat.J Love of coun-
Amur y saber, no puede ser. [Sp.J To try.
love and be wise is impossible. Amoroso. A lover teiiderly.
[It.] ;

Amour faitbeaucoup, mats argent fait

A. mauvais chien Ton ne pent montrer
tout. [Fr.JLove is potent, but
le loup. [Fr.J There's no showing
the wolf to a bad dog. money is omnipotent.
Amour propre. [Fr.J Self-love van-
A maximis ad minima. [Lat.J From ity.

the greatest to the least. A mucho hablar, mucho errar. [Sp.]

Ambiguas in vulgum spargere voces. Much talking, much erring.
[Lat.J To scatter doubtful rumors
amongst the vulgar. Anceps remedium est melius quam nut-
A mediant chien court Ken, [Fr.] A lum. [Lat. J A doubtful remedy is
better than none.
vicious dog must be tied short.
Ancien regime. [Fr.J The ancient or
Ame de boue. [Fr.] A soul of mud ; a former order of things.
base-minded creature.
Amende honorable. [Fr.] Satisfactory An der Armuth will jede den schuh
apology ; reparation.
wischen. [Ger. Every one likes to

A mensa et thoro. [Lat.] From table

wipe his shoes on poverty.
and bed,or from bed and board(not of Aneantissement. [Fr.J Annihilation.
BO decisive a nature as the divorce Anglice. [Fr.] In English according ;

A vinculo matrimonii). to the English fashion.

A merveille. [Fr.J To a wonder; Anguis in herba. [Lat.] A snake in
rarely ; marvelously. He executed the grass.
his part a merveille. Animal disputans. [Lat.] A dispu-
Amici probantur rebut adversif. fl.nt.J tatious creature.
Friends are proved by adversity. Animal implume^ bipes. [Lat.] An
animal without leathers, and walking
Amicos res opimce pariunt, adversce
on two legs. (Plato's definition of a
probant. [Lat.] Prosperity begets
friends, adversity proves them.
Animis opibusque parati. [Lat.] Ready
Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.
(to defend it) with our lives and our
[Lat.] An undoubted friend shows property. Motto of the stale of

himself in doubtful circumstances. South Carolina.)

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Animo et fide. [Lat.] By courage and
Amicus curia. [Lat.] A friend of the faith.
court. A member of the bar who Animo, non astutia.
makes a suggestion on any point of [Lat.] By cour-
age, not by craft.
practice as to which the judge is in Animus cequus optimum est cerumnce
doubt is so called.
Amicus humani generis. A condimentum. [Lat.J A patient mind
friend of humanity.
is the best remedy for affliction.
Amicus usque ad aras. [Lat.] A Animus est in patinis. [Lat.J My
friend even to the altar ; i. e., to the thoughts are among the saucepans ; I
last extremity. am thinking of something to eat.
Ami de cour. [Fr.] A friend of the Animus furandi. [Lat.] The inten-
court a false friend one not to be
; ; tion of stealing. It is the animus,
depended on. and not the act, that constitutes an
Ami des noirs. [Fr.] A friend of the offence.
negro. .Animus lOmtni, quicquid sibi imperat,
Amitie. [Fr.J Friendship. obtinet. [Lat.J Whatever it resolves
A moitie. [Fr.J Hy halves. on, che human mind can effect.
A mother, e a yailinttu par andar se An tutus hominis semper appetit agere
aliquid. The mind of man is
[Lat] Apeupret. [Fr.] Nearly.
always longing to do something. A pczzi. pt.J By the pieoe piece by
Anno cetatis mice. [Lat.J In the year piece.

of his (or her) age. Apiacere. At pleasure.

Anno Christi. [Lat.J In the year of A pied. [Fr.] On foot.
Christ. A plomb. [Fr.J Perpendicularly ; firmly.
Anno Domini. [Lat J In the year of A point. [Fr.] To a point;
our Lord. just in
time; exactly right.
Anno, mundi. [Lat.] In the year of A posse ad ease. [Lat. ]
the world.
From possibility
to reality.
Anno urbis conditce. [Lat.J In the year A
from the time the city (Rome) was
posteriori.[Lat.] From the latter.
built Apparatus belli. [Lat.] The materiel
Annus mirabilis. [Lat.J Year of won- (or materials) of war.
ders ; wonderful year. Apparent rari nantes in gurgite vatto.
Ante. [Lat] Before. [Lat.] A few are seen here and there,
Ante bellum. [Lat.] Before the war. swimming in the boundless deep.
Ante lucem. [Lat.J Before light. Appetitus rationi pareat. [Lat.J Let
Ante meridiem. [Lat.J Before noon. your passions be obedient to reason.
Antequam incipias consul to, et ubi Appui, or Appuye. [Fr.] Mil. Term.
oonsulueris facto opus est. [Lat.J
The point to lean on. The support,
Before you begin, consider, and when strength, defence.
you have considered, act Ctc. Aitrimavista. [ItJ At first sight
Antes de Ja hora gran denuedo; renidos A priori. [Lat.] From the former;
al punto, venidos al miedo. [Sp.J in the first instance ; from the cause
Before the time great courage; when to the effect
at the point, great fear. Apropos. [Fr.] To the purpose ; sea-
Ante tubam trepidat. [Lat.1 He trem- sonably ; to the point.
bles before the trumpet sounds. Apropos de bottes. [Fr.] Apropos to
Ante victoriam canere triumphum. boots ; without reason foreign to the

[Lat.] To celebrate the triumph subject or purpose ; apply to any

before victory ; to count our chickens absurd collocation of ideas or subjects.
before they are hatched. A propos de rien. [Fr.J Apropos to
Ante victoriam ne canas triumphum. nothing without a motive ; for noth-

[Lat] Don't sing your triumphs ing at all.

before you have conquered; don't Aptat se pugnce. [Lat.] He prepare*
halloo before you are out of the for the fight.
wood. Aqua et igne interdictus. [Lat] Inter-
Anti. [Lat] Against dicted of fire and water.
Antigua homo virtute et fide. [Lat] Agua vitas. [Lat] Water of life;
A man of the virtue and fidelity of brandy alcohol.

the olden time. Aquam ploratcum lavat fundere. [Lat]

Antiquum obtinens. [Lat] Possessing He weeps at throwing away the water
in which he was washed (said of a
A outrance. [Fr.] To the utmost. miser).
Combat d outrance, a desperate battle. AquiUi non capit muscat. [Lat J The
A ixirtrantr. [Lat.] Relating to some- eagle does not stoop to catch flies.
thing which preceded. Eternity a Arbeid verwarmt, luiheid verarmt. [D.]
part?, ante, a past eternity. Labor warms, sloth harms.
A pas de giant. [Fr.J With a giant's Arbeide har en bitter rod, men sOd smog.
stride. [Dan.] Labor has a bitter root, but a
A peindre. [Fr.] A model for a painter. sweet taste.
Aperfu. [Fr. J Survey's sketch. Arbiter elegantiarum. [Lat] A judge
A nerte de we. [Fr. J Till beyond one's or supreme authority in matters of
view; out of sight. taste.
Aperto vivere voto. [Lat.] To live Arcana coelestia. [Lat] Secrets of
with every wish revealed. Heaven.
Arcana ir, i perii. [Lat.] State secrets ; Asinus ad lyram. [Lat.] An ass at
the mysteries of government. the lyre: an awkward fellow.
Arcanum, pi. Arcana. [Lat.] A secret Asperius nihil eft humili cum surgit in
or secrets. altum. [Lat.J Nothing is more un-
Arcanum demens detegit ebrietas. ["Lat.J endurable than a low-bred man, when
Frantic drunkenness reveals every he attains an elevated station.
secret. Assumpsit. [Lat.J He engaged to pay.
Arc-en-ciel. [Fr.] Rainbow. Astra castra, Ifumen lumen. [Lat.]
Ardentia verba. [Lat.] Words that The stars my camp, the Deity my
burn; glowing language. fight.
A rebours. [Fr.] Reversed. A tdtons. [Fr.] Groping.
A reculons. [Fr.] Backward. A tempo )
In equal or just

Arendcn brengen geene duiven voort. A tempo giusto ) time."-

D. J Eagles don't breed doves.

A teneris anni&. [Lat.] From tender
A rez de chaussee. [Fr.] Even with years.
the ground. A tort et a trovers. [Fr.J At random;
Argent comptant. [Fr.] Beady money. without consideration.
Argent comptant porte medecine. [Fr.J A lamenta del mare, chi due
torto si
Ready money brings a remedy. vuol tornare.
volte ci [It.] He
Argilla quidvis imitaberis uda. [Lat.] ought not to complain of the sea
With moist clp.y you may imitate any- who returns to it a second time.
thing you please. A toute force. [Fr.J With all one's
Argumentum ad crumenam. [Lat.J An force.
argument to the purse; an appeal to A tout hasard. [Fr.] At all hazards;
interest. at all events.
Argumentum ad hominem. [Lat.] An A tout entrance. [Fr.] To the ut-
argument to the individual man; most.
i. .,
to his interests and prejudices. A tcutprix. [Fr.] At any price.
Argumentum ad ignorantiam. [Lat.] At spes non fracta. [Lat.J But hope is
An argument founded on an adver- not yet crushed or dispelled.
sary's ignorance. Au bon droit. [Fr.J To the just right.
Argumentum ad invidiam. [Lat.J An Au bout du compte. [Fr.J At the end
argument appealing to low passions. of the account after all. :

Argumentum ad judicium. [Lat.] Ar- Aubout de son latin. [Fr.] At the

gument appealing to the judgment. end of his Latin to the extent of his

Argumentum ad verecundiam. [Lat.] his knowledge.

Argument appealing to modesty. Au contra ire. iFr.] On the contrary.
Argumentum baculinum. [Lat.] The ar- Au courant. [Fr.J Fully acquainted
gument of the cudgel; appeal to force. with matters.
"Apicrrof utrpov (Ariston metron.) [Gr.J Auctor pretiosa facit. [Lat.] The giver
A mean is best in every thing; the enhances the value 01 the gift.
middle course is the best; the golden Audaces fortuna jurat timidosgue re-
mean. pellit. [Lat.J Fortune favors the
A Hvederci. [It.] Adieu until we meet bold, and repels the timid,
again. Audacter et sincere. [Lat.J Boldly and
Arrectis auribus. [Lat.] With pricked sincerely.
up ears; attentive ears. Audax ad omnia fcemina, quce vel amat
Arriere pensee. [Fr.] Hidden thought; vel odit. [Lat.J A woman, when in-
mental reservation. flamed by love or by hatred, will dare
Ars eft celareartem. [Lat.] It ie true everything.
art to conceal art. Audax et cautus. [Lat.] Bold and wary.
Ars longa, vita brevis. [Lat.] Art is Audendo magnus tegitur timor. f Lat.J
long, life is short. Fear is often concealed by a show of
Aries honorabit. [Lat.] He will honor daring.
the arts. Audentes fortuna juvat. [Lat.J For-
Artium magister [Lat.] Master of tune assists the bold.
Arts. Aude tapere. [Lat. J Dare to be wise.
Au desespr-i . In despair.
[Fr.J d'avis. [Fr.] So many men, so
Audi alteram partem. [Lat.] Hear the many minds.
other side. Aiitiintde trous, autant de chevillea.
Audita querela. [Lat.] The complaint
[Fr.J A peg for every hole.
of the defendant having been heard.
The name of a writ by which a defend- Mutant en emporte. le vent. [Fr.J So
ant appealed against a judgment given
much the wind carries away; this is all
idle talk.
against him. Autant peche celiti qui tient le sac que
Audit vocatus Apollo. [Lat.] Apollo
hears when invoked.
celui qui met dedans. [Fr.] He sins
as much who holds the bag as he who
Audi, vide, tace. si vis vivere in pace.
Lat. J Listen, laok on, and hold your puts into it.
Aut Ccesar aut nullus. [Lat.] Either
tongue, if you would live in peace. Cwsar or nobody.
Au fait. [Fr.J Well acquainted with ; Ant insanit homo, aut versus facit.
Au [Lat.] The man is either mad, or ha
fond. [Fr.] ^At the bottom. is making verses.
Aujourd'hui marie, demain tnarri. [Fr.] Aut nunquam tentes autperflce.
Married to-day, marred to-morrow. [Lat.]
Either never attempt, or accomplish
Aujourd' hui rot, dfimiin rien.

[Fr.J what you undertake.

To-day a king, to-morrow nothing. Auto de ft. [Port.] An act of faith;
Au pis alter fFr.J At the worst.

the name given, in Spain and Por-

Aura popularis. [Lat.J The breeze of
tugal, to the broiling of Jews and
popularity. heretics for the love of God!
Aura seminalis. [Lat.] An impregnat-
Autre droit. [Fr.] Another's right.
ing atmosphere. Thus a person may sue or be sued
Aure^i, mediocritas. [Lat.J The golden
in another's right, as a trustee, ex-
or happy mean.
Aurea ne credos qucecunque nitescere ecutor, etc.
Autrefois acquit. [Fr.] Formerly ac-
cernis. [Lat.] Think not that every-
quitted; a plea by which the culprit
thing that shines is gold ;
all is not
states that he has been tried before for
gold that glitters. the same off ence, and found not guilty.
Aureate. [Fr.J As for the rest.
Au revoir. Adieu until we meet Autre vie. [Fr.] Another's life.
Au troisieme. [Fr.J On the third
Auribus teneo lupum. [Lat.] I hold a floor.
wolf by the ears I have caught a Tar-
Aut vincere aut morl. [Lat.] Either
tar. to conquer or to die; death or victory.
Auri sacra fumes. [Lat.] The cursed Aux Armes. [Fr.J To arms.
greed of gold. Auj-iliiim ab alto. [Lat.] Help from
Aururn omnes, victa pietate, coluuf. on high.
[Lat.] All men now worship gold, all Avant-coureur (courier.) [Fr.] A fore-
other reverence being done away. runner.
Aurum potabile. [Lat. ] Liquid, or Arant propos. [Fr.] Preliminary mat-
potable gold. ter; preface.
Auspicium melioris tevi. [Lat.] A Avec permission. [Fr.] With per-
pledge of better times. mission.
Auxxitot dit, aussitot fait. [Fr.J No A verbis ad
verbera. [Lat.] From
sooner said than done. words to blows.
Aut amat, aut edit mulier; nil est A verdade, e o ateite andao de cima.
tertium. [Lat.] A woman either [Port.] Truth and oil come to the
loves or hates ; there is no medium ; surface.
her passions are ever in extremes. Ai-i>-nii. pregonado vino, venden vin-

Autant depend chiche que large, et a la agre. [Sp.J After having cried np
Jin plus davantage,. [Fr.] The nig- their wine, they sell us vinegar.
gard spends as much as he who is A t'inculo matrimonii. [Lat.] From
liberal, and in the end more. the chiln or tie of marriage; * final
Autant dt fete* (d'hommea), autant divoroa.
Avi numerantur avorum. [Lat] They Beaux yeux. [Fr.] Handsome eyes ; a
exhibit a long line of ancestors. beautiful face attractive looks.

Avind kommer ikke i Ode Huus. [Dan.] Bel esprit. [Fr.] A person of wit or
Envy does not enter an empty house. genius a brilliant mind.

Bella, femina die ride, vuol dir, borsc,

Avifdsyg er sin egen BOddel. [Dan.] che jiiange. The smiles of a
Envy is its own torturer. [It.]
Avise lefln. [Fr J Consider the end.
handsome woman are the tears of the
He flour- purse.
Avito viret honore. [Lat.] Bella..' horrida bella! War
ishes upon ancestral honors. [Lat] !

horrid war
A volonte. [Fr.] At pleasure.

Bella matribus detestata. [Lat. J War,

A vostra salute. [It,] To your health. so detested by mothers.
A votre sante. [Fr.] To your health. Bella nullos habitura triumphos. [Lat.]
A vuestra salud. [Sp.l To your health. Wars which will leave no cause for
Aymez loyaute. [Fr.J Love loyalty.
triumph (most truly said of civil war).
Bella suscipienda sunt ob earn causam,
ut sine inju ria in pace vivatur. [ Lat. J
Wars are to be undertaken in order
Bacio di bocca spesso cuor nan tocca. that we may live in peace without suf-
[It] A kiss of the mouth often does fering wrong.
not touch the heart. Belle ttage. | Fr. ] The second story ol
Banco regis. [Lat.] On the king's a house, or the best story.
bench. Belle narras. You tell a very
di signer, cappel da mat to. [Lat. J
Faith in a lord, a cap for the pretty story (said ironically).
[It] Bellum internecinum. [Lat] A war of
Bandiera vecchia, onor di capitano. Bellum ita suscipiatur, ut nihil aliud
[It] An old flag is an honor to its nisi pax gucedsita videatur. [Lat]
captain. War should be so engaged in, that
Barbae tenus sapientes. [Lat.] Philos-
nothing but peace should appear to be
ophers, or wise as far as the beard. aimed at.
Earn skal krybe til det Uerer at gaae. Bellum lethale. [Lat.] A deadly war.
[Dan.] A child must creep until it Bclta efollia vanno spesso in compagnia.
learns to walk. [It.] Beauty and folly are frequent
Borne Sorg rarer stakket. [Dan.] A companions.
child's sorrow is short lived. Bern perdido, he conhecido. [Sp.] A
3a bleu. [Fr.] A blue-stocking ;
good thing is known when it is lost.
literary woman. Beneflcium acciperc, libertatem render*.
Basis virtutum constantia. [Lat,] Stead-
[Lat.J To receive a benefit is to sell
iness is the foundation of all virtue. one's liberty.
Bastardus nullius est filius, aut filing Bene orasse e*t bene studuisse. [Lat.]
populi. [Lat.J A bastard is the son To have prayed well is to have studied
of no man, or the son of the people. well.
Battre la compagne. [Fr. To scour ] Beneplacito. [Lat.] At pleasure.
the country to heat the bush.
: Bcnigno nuiniiit. [ Lat.J By the favor
Barardute. [Fr.J Prattle ;
idle lalk; of Providence.
garrulity. Ben trovato. [It.] Well-invented; a
Beater, memoriae. [Lat.] Of blessed happy solution: nn ingenious answer.
memory. Besoin. [Fr.J Need; want; necessity.
Beau uieuJ. [Fr. Ideal beauty. A
Bt'te. [Fr.J A beast.
model of ideal perfection one created ; Btte noire. [Fr.J A black beast; a
by fancy, and existing in the imagina- bugbear.
tion alone. Bien embarrass'- ce/ut qui tient la. queue
Beau monde. TFr.] The gay world ;
de la pv le. [Fr.J He ha? enough t->

the world of fashion. do who holds the handle of the frying-

Beaux esprits. Fr. J [ Gay spirits men ; pan.
of wit Bienheureux qui peut fit-re en i-aix.

(Fr.J Happy he who can live in Bonhomie. [Fr.] Good-natured sim,

peace. plicity.
Bieniiium. [Lat.] A period of two Bonis avibua. [Lat.J With good
years. omens.
Bienseance. [Fr.J Decorum; civility. Bouts nocet quisquis pepercerit malts.
[Sp.J Wel- Lat.J He hurts the good who spare*
/*< rie/ies, si t-ienes solo. [
come if you come aloue (.spoken of the bad.
misfortune). Bon jour. [Fr.J Good day ; good
Bienvenue. [Fr.J Welcome. morning.
Eij de vromen wordt men vroom. [D.J Bon. jour, bunne ceuvre. [Fr.J A good
With the good we become good. day, a good deed ; the better day, the
Billet d'amour, or Billet doux. better deed.
A love-letter. Bonne. [Fr.] A governess; a lady's
Bis. [Lat.] Twice, or repeated. maid ; a nurse.
Bis dat quicitodat. [Lat.J He gives Bonne bouche. [Fr.J A delicate bit ;
double who gives quickly, or season- a sweet morsel.
Bonne et belle. [Fr.J Good and hand-
Bis some.
gratum quod opus est, si ultro
offeras.[Lat.J Doubly grateful is a
et belle assez. [Fr.] Good and
needed favor, if proffered sponta- beautiful enough.
Bonne foi. [Fr.J Good faith.
Bis peccare in bello non licet. [Lat.J Bonne journee fait qui de fol se dflivre.
To blunder twice in war is unallow- [Fr.J He does a good day's work who
able. rids himself of a fooL
Biffe. [Fr.J Canceled; erased; blotted Botinement. [Fr.] Exactly ; precisely.
out. Bonne renommeit vaut mieux que
Bis puert senes. [Lat.] Old men are ceinture doree. [Fr.J A good name
twice children. is better than a golden girdle.
Bis vincit, qui se vincit in victoria. Bonnes nouvelles adoucissent le sang.
[Lat.J He conquers twice, who re- [Fr.J Good news sweetens the blood.
strains himself iu victory. Bon soir. [Fr.J Good evening.

Bizarre. [Fr.J Fantastic; outre odd. ;

Borgen maakt zorgen. [D.J Borrowing
Blase. [Fr.J Wearied; worn out; sur- brings care. (He that goes a borrow-
feited; made incapable of further en- ing goes a sorrowing. )
joyments. Borne. [Fr.] Limited ; narrow-mind-
Blandae mendacia linguae. [Lat.J Lies ed.
of a flattering tongue. Bouche serree, mowshe n'y entre. [Fr.]
Blondine. [Fr.J A blonde; a lady with No flies get into a shut mouth.
fair hair and complexion. Bouillon. [Fr.J Soup.
Bveotum in crasso jurares acre natum. BouleversS. [Fr.J Upset ; overturned.
[Lat 1 You would swear he was born Bouleversement. [Fr.] Subversion ;
iu t ho thick air of B<eotia. overturning.
Boistotiufaitfeudroit. [Fr.J Crooked Boutez en avant. [Fr.] Push for-
wood makes a straight fire. ward.
Bolte. [Fr.J A small case or box for Boutique. [Fr.] A stall 'or the sale of
work, carried by ladles. goods.
Bom saber he caiar, ate ser tempo de Bruf/iium seculare out civile. [Lat.]
fallar. [Port.J It is well to know The civil arm or secular power.
Low to be silent till it is time to speak. Brui-o. [It.] Well done.
Brevet d'tnvent ion. [Fr.J A patent.
Bonujtde. [Lat.J In good faith.
Bon ami. [Fr.J Good friend. Brevete. [Fr.J Patented.
Bondens Fied gior Ageren fed. [Dan.] Brevi manu. [Lat.J With a short
The foot of the farmer manures the hand ; offhand extemporaneously.

field. Brevis esse laboro, obscurus flo. [Lat]

Bon mal With good 1 st rive to be concise, and I become ob-
qre, gre.
or srrace; willing or unwilling.
ill > scure.
Brincai eom o asno, dar-vos-ha na Cambio non e furto. [It.] Exchange
barba com o rabo. [Port.J Play with is no robbery.
au ass, and he will slap your face with Camera lucula. [Lat ] An instrument
his tail. for making the image of an object
Brouillerie. [Fr.] Disagreement; appear on a light surface.
strife. Campus ilariius. [Lat.] A place for
Br tiler la chandelle parbouts.
les deux military exercises.
[Fr.] To burn the candle at both Can che morde non abbaia in rano.
ends to squander; to be extravagant.
[It.] The dog that bites does not
Brutum fulmen. [Lat.J A harmless bark in vain.
thunderbolt. Candida Pax. [Lat.] White-robed
Buena es la gallina que otro cria. [Sp.] Peace.
Good is the fowl which another rears. Candide et c&nstanter. [Lat.] Can-
Buen principio, la mitad es hecha. didly and with constancy.
[Sp.J Well begun is half done. Canes t i midi vehementius latrant. [Lat.]
Bugen vil intet borge. [Dan.] The Cowardly dogs bark loudest.
belly gives no credit. Cantabit vaccuus coram latrone viator.
Buona incudine non feme martello. [Lat.J The penniless traveler will
[It.] A good anvil does not fear the sing before the robber.
hammer. Cantate Domino. [Lat.] Sing to the
Buona mano. [It] A slight present. Lord.
Capias ad respondendum. [Lat.] You
may take the answer; a writ holding
the defendant to answer to the suit.
Cabaretier. [Fr.] An innkeeper. Capaisad satisfaciendum. You
Cobra manca nao tern sesta. [Port.] may take to satisfy; a writ for taking
The lame goat does not take a siesta. and holding the body of the defend-
Cachot. [Fr.] A dungeon. ant till satisfaction is given.
Cacoethes. [Lat.] An evil habit; a bad
custom. Capitutum or Caput. [Lat.] Section;
Cacoethes carpendi. A rage for chapter.
[Lat.] Captatio benevolentice. [Lat.] Be;
finding fault.
Cacoethes loquendi. A mania speaking the favor of an audience,
for speaking. currying favor.
Cacoethes scribendi. An itch Captus nidoce culince. [Lat.] Capti-
[Lat.] vated by the smell of the kitchen.
for writing.
Cada hum estenda a perna ate onde tern Caput. [Lat.J Head; chapter.
acuberta. [Port.] Every one stretches Caput mortuum. [Lat.] The worthless
his leg according to his coverlet. remains.
Carbonari. [It.] Members of a se-
Cada uno tiene eu alguazil. [Sp.] cret political society in Italy.
Every one has his governor. Careme. fFr-J Lent; fast.
Cadit qucestio. [Lat.] The question Caret. [Lat.J It is wanting; pi.
falls; there is no further discussion. carent.
Oadono 1e miglior pere in bocca a' porci. Caret initio et fine. [Lat.] It wants
[It.] The best pears fall into the beginning and end.
pigs mouths.
Curo cuesta el arrepentir. [Sp.] Re-
Coxa eat invidia. [Lat.] Envy is pentance costs dear.
blind. Carpe diem. [Lat.] Enjoy the present
Caeca,regent vestigia filo. [Lat.] Direct- day; embrace the opportunity; im-
ing his blind steps by a clew or thread. prove time.
Ccecus iter monstrare vult. [Lat.] A Carpe diem, quam minime credula po-
blind man wishes to show the way. ttero. [Lat.] F-njoy the present day,
Ctztera deaunt. [Lat.] The rest is distrustful of to-morrow.
wanting. Curp et colligere. [Lat.J To pluck
Cceteris parttnu. [Lat.] Other things and bind, or collect together.
being equal. Cur( de vitite, [Fr.J A small photo*

graphic picture upon a cara; origin- \TT.-\ i,augmr noes not prove a
ally a visiting card. mind at ease
Caserne. \ Fr.J Barrack. Ce n'est pas tout gve drs choux, ilfaut
Cussa. [It.] A money-chest; cask. fin'iire de la graisse. [Fr.J It is not
Cassia tutissinia rirtus. [ Lat.J Virtue enough tr> h:ive cabbage, one nm-t have
the safest shield. M .11 ic thing to grease it.
Costello die la orecchia si vital ren- Ce nYst que le premier pas qui coiite.
dere. [
It. ] The fortress that parleys [Fr. j Ouly the first step costs, or is
soon surrenders. difficult.
CitstillH aperoebido no es decebido. | Sp. ] Cmti'ii-u-ijshetden daalder domheid.
A fortress on its guard is not sur- [D.J Cont-wisdom and dollar-folly;
prised. penny wise and pound foolish.
Casus belli. [Lat.] That which causes Centum. [Lat.] A hundred.
or justifies war. Ceniit omnia Deus vindex. [Lat.] God,
Casus consvientice. [Lat.J A case of the avenger, sees all.
conscience. Certiorari. [Lat.] To be made more
Casus fnederis. [Lat.J The end of the certain.
league. Certum pete flnem. [Lat.] Aim at a
Casus fortuitus. [Lat.] A fotuitous certain end.
occurrence. Cessante causa, cessat effectus. [Lat.]
Catalogue raisonne. [Fr.] A catalogue When the cause ceases, the effect
of books arranged according to their ceases.
subjects. West a dire. [Fr.J That is to say.
Causa latet, vis est notissima. [Lat. | C'est line autre chose. [Fr.] That's
The cause is hidden; the effect is no- quite another thing.
torious. Chacun d. son gout. [Fr.] Every one
Causa sine qua non. [Lat.] An indis- has his taste.
pensable cause or condition. Chacun est artisan de sa fortune. [Fr.]
Cautionnement. [Fr.J Bail; security. Every man is the architect of his own
Cavallo formoso de potro sornoso. |Sp.J fortune.
A ragged colt may make a handsome Cliacun tire de son cote. [Fr.J Every
horse. one inclines towards his own side.
Cavallo, que voa,nao quer espora. [Sp."| Champs Elyfees. [Fr.] Elysian Fields ;

A fast horse does not want the spur. Paradise ;

a beautiful public park in
Caveat actor. [Lat.J Let the doer be- Paris.
ware. Chanson. [Fr.] A song.
Caveat emptor. Let the buyer
[Lat.] Chapeau baa. [Fr.] Hats off.
beware. bras. [Fr.] A military cocked
Safe through Chapeau
Cavendo tutus. . [Lat.] hat.
caution. room
Chapelle ardente. [Fr.] The
Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui. [Lat] where a dead body lies in state ; can-
Be careful as to what you say, when, dles round a coffin.
and to whom. Chapelle ejcjiiatoire. [Fr.] An expia-
Cedant arma togce. \lAt.\ Let arms
tory chapel, on th8 site of a mur-
yield to the gown; let military author- der, kc.
ity yield to civil power. Chaque mtdaille a son revert. [Fr.J
Cede Deo. Yield to God or
[Lat.] Every medal has its reverse.
Oraii. Chaque pays a sa guise [Fr.] Every
Cedite, Romani scriptores, eedit custom.
country has its
[Lat.] Yield, ye Roman, yield, ye Chaque potier vante son pot. [Fr.]
Greek, writers. Every potter vaults his own pot.
Ce monde est plein de fous. [Fr.] Th.s Charbonnier est maitre chez toi. [Fr.]
world is full of fools. The coalheaver ia master nt home.
CTenestfaitdelui. [Fr.] It is all over Charlie bien ordonnee commence par
with him. toi-meme. [Fr.] Well-regulated cur
V". n'eat pat etre bien-aise quederire.
itj beginBwith one's ee If.
Charmante. [Fr.j A charming lady; a demi vendue. [Fr.]
CFtosr quiplatt est
a charmer a lady-love.
; The thmg which pleases is half sold.
Chasse cousin. [Fr.J Bad -wine given Qhrunique scandaleuse. [Fr.] An ac-
to drive away poor relations. count of follies arid vices; a scandal-
Chateaux en Espugne. [Fr.J Castles ous chronicle police record.

in Spain ; castles in the air. Cii-ervne. [It.] A guide who explains

Chef. [Fr.] The head the leading
person or part ; hence, a chief or pro- Civisbeo. [It.] A male attendant on a
fessed cook. married lady.
Chef de bataillan. [Fr.] A major. Ci-devant. [Fr.] Formerly ; former.
Chef de cuisine. [Fr.] Head cook. Ct git. [Fr.J Here lies.
Chef-d'(fuvre. [Fr.] A masterpiece. Cingulum Veneris. [Lat.j The girdle
Chemin convert. [Fr.] A covered way of Venus.
or passage. do ctie Dio vuole. io voglio. [It.] What
Chemin defer. [Fr.] Iron road; a God wills, I will.
railway. Circuilus verborum. [Lat.] A circum-
Chemin faisant. [Fr.] By the way; locution.
in passing. drculus inprobando. [Lat.] A circle
Chercher midi a guatorze heures. [Fr.] in the proof using the conclusion as

To look for noon at fourteen o'clock. one of the arguments.

Chercher une aiguille dans une botte de Cis. [Lat.] This side of.
foin. [Fr.] To look for a needle in Citius venit periculum cum contemnitur.
a bundle of hay. [Lat.j Danger comes soonest when
ChZre ami e. [Fr.] A dear (female) it is despi-ed.
friend a mistress.
; Cito. [Lat.] Quickly.
Che sara, sara. [It.] Whatever will be. Cito maturum, cito putridum. [Lat.]
will be. Soon ripe, soo-i rotten.
Cheval de bataille. [Fr.] A war-horse ;
Civilitas siicccssi* barbarum. [Lat.]
main dependence or support. Civilization succeeds barbarism ter- ;

Chevalier d' Industrie. [Fr.J A knight ritorial motto of Minnesota.

of industry one who lives by perse-
; Clarior e tend ris. [Lat.] Brighter
vering fraud. from obscurity.
Chiaroscuro. [It.] Distribution of Clarum et venerabile nomen. [Lat.]
light and shade in painting. -4n illustrious ami venerable name.
Chi Colombo,si fa, il falcon se lamangin. Classes aiailes. [Fr.] Classes well to
[It.] He who makes himself a dove is do.
eaten by the hawk. Ctflebs quid arjam? [Lat.] Being a
Chi compra a tempo, compra a buon bachelor, what shall I do?
mercato. [It.] He who buys betimes Ccelitusmihi vires. [Lat.j From Heav-
buys cheaply. en is my strength.
Chi da presto raddoppia il dono. [It.] Caelum, non animum, mutant, qui trzns
He that gives quickly doubles the gift. mare currunt. [Lat.] They who
Chi dinanzi mi pinge, di dietro mi tinye. cross the sea, change their sky, not
[It.] Who paints me before, blackens their affections.
me behind. Coena Domini. [Lat] The Lord's
Cfct non sa niente, non dulita di niente. Supper.
[It.] He who knows nothing, doubts Cogenda mens est ut incipiat. [Lat.]
about nothing. The mind must be excited to make a
Chi non s' arrischia, non guadagna. beginning.
[It.] Nothing venture, nothing have. Cogi quipotest nescit mori. [Lat.] He
Chi risponde presto, sa poco. [It.] who can be compelled knows not how
Who answers suddenly knows little. to die.
Chi face confessa. [It.] He who keeps Cogito, ergo sum, [Lat.] I think, there-
silence confesses. fore I exist.
Chi '
offeso, non
perdona mai. ti Cognatio movet invidiam. [Lat.] Re-
[It.] He who has injured you will lationship gives rise to envy.
never forgive you. Cognovit actionem. [Lat.] He has con-
teased the action. The case is BO called Communi consentu. [Lat.] By common
where a defendant confesses the consent.
plaintiff's cause against him to be true, Compaynonde voyage. [Fr.J A travel-
and suffers judgment to be entered ing companion.
against him without t.-ial. Componere lites. [Lat.] To settle dls-
Coiffeur. [Fr. A hair-dresser.
Coiffure. [Fr.J A head-dress. Componitur orbis regis ad exemplum.
Collectanea. [Lat] Passages collected [Lat.] The world forms itself after
from authors. the example of the king.
Colubrem in sinu fovere. [Lat.] To Compoxitum Jos fasque animt. [Lat.]
cherish a serpent in one's bosom. Law and equity.
Comes jucundus in via, pro vehiculo iff. Compos mentis. [Lat.] Of sound mind.
[Lat.J A pleasant companion, upon Compos vvti, or compos rofo. [Lat.J
a journey, is B-> g >od as a carriage. Having obtained one's wish.
Comis et humanus erga alios. [Lat.] Con te rendu. [Fr.J An account ren-
One courteous and humane towards dered ; a report.
others. Comptoir. [Fr.J Counting-room.
Comis in uxmem. [Lat.J A man at- Comte. [Fr.] Count.
tentive to his wife. Comtesse. [Fr.] Countess.
Comitas inter gentes. [Lat.] Comity Conamore. [It] With love ; earnest-
between nations. Courtesy in their ly
intercourse, and consideration for Con area. [It] With the bow.
the interests and feelings of each oth- Codciliat animos comitas affabilttasyua
er. sermonis. [Lat.] Courtesy and affa.
Commandez a vos valets. [Fr.] Com- bility of address conciliate the feel-
mand your servants t. e. only those
; Ings.
who owe you obedience. Concio ad clerum. [Lat ] A sermon or
Comme il faut. [Fr.] As it should be. address to the clergr.
Commejefus. [Fr.J As I was. Concordia discors. [Lat.] A discord-
Commodum ex injuria, sua nemo habere ant concord (expressive of a harmo-
debet. [Lat.] No man ought to de- nious union of things of different
rive advantage from his own wrong. natures).
Commota ervet plebecula bile, [Lat.J Concordia res parvce orescunt, discordt*
Its anger moved, the rabble is excited. 1,111. ri HI tr ill In hun tin: With
Commune bonum. [Lat.J A common concord, from small beginnings things
good. increase; with discord, the greatest
Commune periculum concordiam partt* advantages are frittered away.
[Lat.] A common danger produces
Con commodo. [It ] At a convenient
uuanmity. rate.
Commune naufragium omnibus est con- Concours. [Fr.] Competition; contest,
u for a prize.
[Lat.J A general shipwreck
isa consolation to all. Con diligema. [It] With diligence.
Communia proprie dicere. [Lnt.J To Conilitio sine qua non. [Lat.] A ueo>
express common-place thiug.s with essary condition.
propriety. Con dolore. [It] With grief.
Communibus annis. |Lat.] One year Confldo, et conquiesco. [Lat.J I trust,
with another on the annual average.
: and am content
Communist utilltas societatis *tuvrimiim Ciin.tirmtit usum qui tollit abusum.
estvinculum. [Lat.] The -xnnmon [Lat] He confirms the use of a
good is the great chain which binds thing, who takes away the ulm-c.
men together in society. Conflteor t si quid prodest delict ufateri.
Communiter negligitur, quod communi- [I-at.] I confess my errors, if it is of
ter possidetur. [Lat.J That fs neg- any use to acknowledge them.
lected by all, which is possessed by Confrire. [Fr.] A brother belonging
all. Every man's business is nobody's to the some monastery; an axtM>cuit><.
business. Con fu rut. |It.J With fury or force.
Conge d'elire. [Fr.] Permission to Coram non judice. [Lat.J Not before
elect. the proper judge.
Conjugium vocat. hoc prcetexit nomine Cordon sanitaire. [Fr.J A line of
culpam. [Lat.] She calls it wedlock, guards to prevent the spreading of
by this name Bhe glosses over her contagion or pestilence.
fault. Corps de garde. [Fr.] A body of
Conjunct viribus. [Lat.] With united men who watch in a guard-room, or
powers. the guard-room itself.
Conoscente. [It] A connoisseur. Corps diplomatique. [Fr.] A diplo-
Conquiescat in pace. [Lat.] May he matic body.
or she rest in peace. Corpus delicti. [Lat.] The body, sub-
Conseil de famille. [Fr.] A family stance, or foundation of the offense.
consultation. Corpus juris canonici. [Lat.J The
Conseil d'etat. [Fr.] A
council of body of the canon law.
state; a privy-council. Corpus juris civilis. [Lat.J The body
Consensus facit legem. [Lat.] Con- of the civil law.
sent makes the law. Corpus sine pectore. [Lat.] A body
Consilio el animis. [Lat.] By wisdom without a soul.
and courage. Corrigenda. [Lat.] Corrections to be
Consilio et prudentia. By wis- made.
dom and Corrumpunt bonos mores colloquia
Con spirito. [It.] With animation. prava. [Lat.J Evil communications
Constantia et virtute. [Lat.J con- By corrupt good manners.
stant y and virtue. Corrupti mores sunt depravatique ad-
Consuetudo pro tege servatur. [Lat.J
miratione divitiarum. [Lat.J Man-
Custom is held or observed as a law. ners become corrupted and depraved
Conto spesso e amicizia lunga. [It.] through the hankering for riches.
Short reckonings make long friend- Corruptio optimi pessima. [Lat.J The
ships. corruption of the beat produces the
Contra bonos mores. [Lat.] Against worst.
Corruptissima in republica plurimee
good manners. In the state which is the
Contra fortuna no vale arte ninguna. leges. [Lat.J
most corrupt, the laws are always the
[Sp.J There is no fence against for- most numerous.
Contra stimulum calcas. You Cor unum, via una. [Lat.] One heart,
[Lat.J one way.
kick against the prick, goad or spur.
Cosa ben fatta, e fatta due volte. [It.]
Contra verbosos noli contenders verbis. A thing which is done well is twice
[Lat.] Strive not with words against done.
the contentious. Cosa fatta capo ha. A thing
Contrefait. [Fr.] Counterfeit; imita- which is done has a head.
tion; copy. Cos ingeniorum. [Lat.J A whetstone
Centre fortune bon cceur. [Fr.] A for the wits.
good heart against fortune. Couleur de rose. [Fr.J Rose color;
Contre-temps. [Fr.J A disappointment; flattering hue; an aspect of attractive
a mischance ness and beauty.
Conventio privatorum non potest pub- Cowp. [Fr.J A stroke. Coup d'essai, a
lico juri derogare. [Lat.] An agree- first attempt. Coup d'etat, a sudden
ment between private persons cannot decisive blow in politics; a stroke of
derogate from the rights of the pub- policy. Coup de grace, a finishing
lic. stroke. Coup de main, a sudden at-
Conversazione. [It.] Conversation; a tack or enterprise. Coup de maitre,
meeting for conversation. a master-stroke. Coup d'ceil, a rapid
Copia verborum. [Lat.J Rich supply glance of the eye. Coup de pied, a
of words. kick. Coup de plume, a literary at-
Caram nobis. [Lat.] Before us; in our tack. Cowp d*. suleil, sunstroke.
presence. Coup de thedtre, a theatrical effect.
Coupons. [Tr.] Dividend or interest who can see the faults of others, but
warrants. who can not discern their own.
Coupon detache. [Fr.] A dividend or Cruci dum spiro fldo. [Lat.] Whilst I
Interest warrant cut off, as the divi- breathe, I trust in the cross.
dend or Interest becomes due. Crux eriticorum. [Lat.J The puzile
Courage sans peur. [Fr.] Courage of critics.
without fear. Crux mathematicorum .
[Lat.] The
Coureurs des bois. [Fr.] Forest-run- puzzle of mathematicians.
ners ; Canadians formerly employed Crux medicorun. [Lat J The puzzle
by the far companies. of physicianii.
Coute gu'ttcorffe. [Fr.] Let it cost Crux mihi anchora. [Lat.] The cross
what it may. is my anchor.
Craignez honte. [Fr.J Fear disgrace Cucullus non faeit monachum. [T,at]
or shame. The cowl does not make the monk.
Cras credemus, hodie nihil. [Lnt] To- CuibonoT [Lat] For whose benefit T
morrow we will believe, not to-day. Cui Fortuna ipsa eedit. [Lat.] To
Credat Judasus Apella! [Lat'J Let whom Fortune herself yields.
Apella, the circumcised or supersti- Cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad octlum.
tious Jew, believe it. [Lat.] He who
has the property in
Crede quod habes, et habes. [Lat. J Be- the has the same up to the sky.
lieve that you have it, and you have it. Culpam puna premit comes. [Lat]
Credo quia impossibile est. [Lat.J I Punishment follows hard upon crime.
believe it, because it ia Impossible. Cum bona venia. [Lat] With kind
Creduta res amor eat. [Lat.] Love is a permission.
credulous thing. Cum grano salis. [Lat.] With a grain
Crescentem sequitur euro, pecuniam, of salt ; with some allowance.
Majorumque fames. [Lat.] The ac- Cum prtvilegio. [Lat] With privi-
cumulation of wealth is followed by lege.
an increase of care, and by an appe- Cuneus cuneum trudtt. [Lat] One
tite for more. wedge drives another.
Crescit amor nummi quantum ipsa pecu- Curce levee loquuntur, ingentes stupent.
nia crescit. [Lat.J The love of money [Lat.] Light griefs
are loquacious;
increases with its gain. great ones are silent
.Crescite et multiplicamini. [Lat] In- Curiosa felicitat. [Lat] Nice felicity
crease and multiply. of expression ; a felicitous tact.
Crescit eundo. [Lat.] It Increases In Current* ootomo. [Lat.J With a run-
its course. ning or rapid pen.
dirus Gustos morum. [Lat] The guardian
Crescit indvtyens sibi hydrops.
The fatal dropsy gains on of morality.
[Lat.] The guardian of
the patient from his gratifying his Gustos regni. [Lat]
thirst. the realm.
vir- Custos rotu Jorum. [Lat] The master
Crescit sub pondere virtus.
tue grows under the .imposed weight. of the rolls.
Cutrm gerit laceratam canis
Creta an. carbone notandum. [Lat.] To A snapping dog wears a torn
be marked with chalk or charcoal ; to [Lat.J
be regarded as lucky or unlucky.
Creve occur. [Fr.] Great affliction ;
deep grief ; Borrow. Dabit Deus hit quoque flnfm. [L*t]
Crimenfalti. [Lat] Falsehood ; per-
Gk>d wiU also put an eud to these.
in tune.
CrtmZn loses majestatis. [Lat.] The D'accord. [Fr.J Agreed ;

Da locum mdioribus. [Lat] Give plaoe

crime of wronging or injuring majes-
ty ; high treason. Bepeat from the
Crimina gui cernunt aKorum, non sua
eernunt: Hi sapient aliis, desipiunt- Maid <X bor.
[L*t] There are those

yut tibi.
Dame* de la halle. [Fr.] Market Davus sum, non (Edipug. [Lat.] I am
women. Davus not CEdipus I am no conjuror,
Damna minus eonsueta movent. [Lat.] I cannot solve the question.

Misfortunes to which we are used Debito justitice. [Lat.] By debt of

affect us less severely. justice.
Damnant quod non intelligunt. [Lat.] De auctoritate mihi commissa. [Lat.]
They condemn what they do not un- By the authority intrusted to me.
derstand. De ban augure. [Fr.] Of good omen.
Oamnati ad metalla. fLat.] Condemned De fronts non. [Lat. ] Of the goods not
to the mines. yet administered on.
Damnoia hiereditas. [Lat.] A losing De bonne grdce. [Fr.] With good
property a property, the possession
; grace ; willingly.
of which entails loss on the owner. De bon vouloir servir le roy. [Fr.] To
Damnosa quid non imminuit dies* serve the king with good will.
[Lat.] What does not all-destructive Debouchure. [Fr.] The mouth or open-
time impair? jug of a strait or river.
Damnosa senem juvat alea, ludit et Debut. [Fr.J First appearance (on
hares. [Lat.] If the destructive dice the stage, in public life, &c. &c).
have pleasures f qr the father, his son De calceo sollicitus, at pedem nihil cur-
be a gamester.
will ans. [Lat.j Anxious about the shoe,
Damnum absqueinjuria. [Lat.] Loss but careless about the foot.
without injury loss by fair competi-
Deceptio visus. [Lat.] An optical illu-
tion. sion.
cum mala Decies repetita placebi t. [Lat.] It will
J)amnum appellandum est
continue to please, though ten times
fama lucrum. [Lat.] That ought to
be called a loss, which is gamed by the repeated.
sacrifice of character. Decipimur specie recti. [Lat.] We are
deceived by the appearance of what
Pans lespetites bottes les bans onguens. is right.
[Fr.] Good ointments are in small
Decori decus addit avito. [Lat.] He
adds an honor to those of his ances-
Dapesinemptas. [Lat.] Unbought viands tors.
or dainties. Decrevi. [Lat.] I have decreed.
Dare portdus fumo. [Lat.] To give De die in diem. [Lat.J From day to
weight to smoke to give importance
to trifles. Dedimus potestatem. [Lat.] We have
Data. Lat.J Things given or granted
\ ;
given power.
premises. De facto. [Lat.J From the thing done;
Data etaocepta. [Lat.] Expenditures because it is so.
and receipts. Defumo disceptare. [Lat.] To dispute
Data fata secutus. [Lat.] Following about smoke ;
to wrangle about
his declared destiny. trifles.
Dat Deus immiti cornua curia bovi. De fumo in, flammam. [Lat.] Out of
[Lat.J God gives short horns to the the smoke into the flame. Similar
mischievous ox. to our provero, "Out of the frying-
Date obolum Belisario. [Lat.] Give a pan," &c.
penny to Belisarius. Degage. [Fr.] Easy and unconstrained.
Dat gij wiltalleen weten,zeg het niemand. De gaiete de cceur. [Fr.] Sportively.
[D.J Tell no one what you would
have known only to yourself. Degeneres animos timor arguit. [Lat.]
Ditt muigje zal een staart hebben. [D.]
Fear shows an ignoble mind.
That mouse will have a tail (i. e. The Degoitt. [Fr.] ; disgust.
De gustibusnon est disputandum. [Lat]
thing will have a long train of conse- There is no disputing about tastes.
Dat veniam corrfe, vexat censura colum- De haute lutte. [Fr.] By a violent
bas. [Lat.] Censure pardons the struggle.
De hoc multi omnia aliquid.
crows, whilst it harasses the dovea. tnulta,
nemo satis. [Lat.] On this subject, amantque. [Lnt.] All men, in fact,
many persons have said much, every do not admire and love the
body something, and no man enough. things.
Dehors. [Fr.J Without; out of; irrele- De novo. [Lat.] Anew.
vant; foreign. Deo adjuvante, non timrndum. .
Dei gratia. Lat.] By the grace of
God assisting, nothing is to be feared.
God; an addition sometimes made Dfodate. [ Lat.l Give to God.
by kings to their titles. Deo duce, [Lat. j God for my leader.
De integra. [Lut.J Anew; from the Deofavente. [Lat.l With God's favor.
start. I Deo gratias. TLat.1 Thanks to God.
Dei plena aunt omnia. [Lat.] All Deo Juvante. [Lat] With God's help.
things are full of God. Deo monente. [Lat.] God giving war Q-
Dejeuner a la fourchette. [Fr.J A meat ing.
Deo, non fortuna. [Lat.] From God,
De jure. [Lat.] From the law; by not fortune.
right. Deorum cibus est. [Lat.] 'Tis food fit
De lana caprina. [Lat.] About goat's for the gods.
wool; a dispute, de lana caprina, re- Deo volente. [Lat.] God willing; by
specting a matter not worth discussion. God's will.
De la Vanite nait la Honte. [Fr. J Van- Dfpeche. [Fr.] A message; a dispatch.
ity is the parent of shame. Depressus, extollor.
Del credere. A guarantee, or [Lat.] Having
[It.] been depressed, I am exalted.
warranty, given by factors; who, for De profundis. [Lat. ] Out of the depths.
an additional premium, become bound Dernier ressort. [Fr.J A last resource.
when they sell goods upon credit to
warrant the solvency of the parties. Desagrement. [Fr.] Something dis-
This is called a Commission del credere. agreeable.
Delectando pariterque monendo. [Lat.] Deshabiller un saint pour en habiller
By giving equal pleasure and instruc- autre. [Fr.J To undress one saint
tion. to dress up another.
Delegata potestas non potest delegari.
Desiderata ouriosa. [Lat.] Curious
[Lat.J A power that is delegated desiderata; things to be desired and
cannot again be delegated; i. p., by that are curious.
the person to whom it is delegated. Desideratum. [Lat.] A thing desired.
Delenda est Carthago. [Lat.j Carthage Desipere in loco. [Lat] To jest at the
must be destroyed. proper time.
Deliberando scepe merit occasio. [Lat.] Dtsobligeante. [Fr.] A carriage hav-
The* opportunity is often lost by de- ing but one sea' a sulky.

liberating. Desordre de pensees. [Fr.J Confusion

Deliberandum diu quod statuendum
est of thought, or ideas.
est semel. [Lat.] Time must be taken Desorientt. [Fr.J Having lost one's
for deliberation, where we have to bearings; muddled; confused.
determine once for all. Desperandum. [Lat.J A thing, or
Deliramenta doctrince. [Lat.] The event to be despaired of.
ravings of the learned. Desunt c&tera. [Lat.J The remainder
De mat en pis. [Fr.J From bad to is wanting.
worse. Desunt inoi>ias multa, avaritife omnia.
Demeure. [Fr.] Dwelling; residence. TLat.J Poverty is in want of much,
Demi-jour. [Fr.J Partial illumination; put avarice of every thing.
faint or obscure light. Detacher un coupon. [Fr.J To take off
De minimis non curatur. [Lat.] No or detach a coupon, a dividend, or
notice is taken of trifles. interest warrant.
De mortuis nil nisi bonum. [Lat.] Say Deteriores omnes sumut licentia. [Lat.]
nothing but good of the dead. We are all the worse for unrestrained
Do nihilo nihil fit. [Lat] Of nothing indulgence.
nothing is made. Detour. [Fr. 1 A circuitous march.
non omnes eadem mirantur Detrop. [Fr.J Too much, or too many ;
not wanted ; better away than pres- Dieu avec nous. [Fr.] God with us.
ent. Dieu defend le droit. [Fr.] God defends
Vetur aliquando otium quiesque fessis. the right.
[Lat.] Let ease and rest be some- Dieu est toujours pour lea plus grot
times granted to the wearied. bataillons. [Fr.] God is always on
Detur digniori. [Lat.] Let it be given the side of the largest battalions ; the
to the more worthy. largest army has the best chance of
Detur dignissimo. [Lat.] Let it be victory.
given to the most worthy. Dieu et mon droit. [Fr.] God and my
Detur pulchriori. [Lat.] Let it be right.
given to the fairest. Dieu me conduisse. [Fr.] May God
jdeum cole, regem serva. [Lat.] Wor- conduct me.
ship God, preserve the king. Dieu voua garde. [Fr.] God protect
Deus est summum bonum. [Lat.] God you.
is the supreme good. Difficile est satiram non scrCbere. fLat.J
Deus id vult. [Lai.] It is the will of It is difficult not to write a satire.
God. Difficilem oportet aurem habere ad crim-
*)t'us major columna. [Lat.] God is ina. [Lat.] One should not lend
the greatest support God is the ;
an easy ear to criminal charges.
strongest pillar. Dignus vindice nodus. [Lat.] A knot
Deus misereatur nobis. [Lat.] God be worthy of being untied by such hands.
merciful unto us. Di grado in grado. [It.] By degrees.
Deus nobis hceo otia fecit. [Lat.] God Di grand'' eloquenza picciola coscienza.
has granted unto us this repose, or [It.] Great eloquence, little con-
ease. science.
J>eus omnibus quod sat est suppeditat. Di il vero e affronterai il diavolo. [It.]
[Lat.] God supplies enough to all. Speak the truth and you will shame the
Dens vobiscum. [Lat.] God be with devil.
you. Dii majorum gentium. [Lat.] The gods
Ifextra dare. [Lat.] To interchange of the superior class; the twelve
right hands. superior gods.
Dextro tempore. [Lat.] At a propi- Diipenates. [Lat.] Household gods.
tious time. Diis aliter vtsum. [Lat.] It has seemed
Di bene vertant, tene crumenam. [Lat.] otherwise to the gods.
May the gods send luck take the Di laneos pedes habent. [Lat.] The
purse. gods have feet made of wool .

Dicta probantia, [Lat.] Proof-texts. Dilettante. [It.] A lover of the fine

Dictum. [Lat.] A saying a decision. ;
pictum de dicto. [Lat.] Beport upon Dimidium facti qui c&pit, habet. [Lat.]
hearsay vague report.
'What's well begun is half done.
"fties datus. [Lat.] The day given. Diner. [Fr.] Dinner.
The day or time appointed for the Di nobis laboribus omnia vendunt.
answer of the tenant or defendant. [Lat.] The gods sell us everything
Viesfaustus. [LatJ A lucky day, and, for our labors.
JMe* infaustus. [Lat.] An unlucky Di novella tuttopar bello. [It.] All that
day. These were marked by the su- is novel seems fine.
perstitious Romans, the former with Dios me libre de hombre de un libro.
a white, and the latter with a black [8p.] God deliver me from a man
stone. of one book.
fies tree. fLat.] Day of wrath a Dirigo. [Lat.] I guide or direct (mot-
famous Latin hymn. to of Maine).
Diet juridici. [Lat.] Court days, or Diruit, cediflcat, mutat quadrata rotun-
days on which the law is administered, dis. [Lat.] He pulls down, ne builds
and, up, he changes the square into the
Dies non (The word Juridici being un- round.
derstood). The days on which no Di salto. [It.] By steps or leaps.
legal proceedings cau take place. Discipulut est priorit posterior dit*
[Lat.] Each succeeding day la the Doctrina eat ingenil natural* quodriam
scholar of that which preceded. pabulum. [Lat.J Learning in as it
Discite justitiam moniti, et non temnere were the natural food of the mind.
divot. [Lat] Learn justice, being Dolce. [It.] In music, soft, pleasant
admonished, and not to despise the and agreeable.
gods. Dolce eose a vedere, edolci inganni. [It. ]
Discrepant facta cum dictis. [Lat.J Things sweet to see, and charming
The facts differ from the statement. deceptions; applied to specious but
Dixeur de bon mots. [Fr, ] A sayer of deceitful appearances.
good things. Dolce far niente. [ItJ Sweet doing-
Disjecta membra. [Lat.] Scattered nothing; sweet idleness.
remains. Dolcemente. [It. J Softly.
Disjecti membra poetce.
[Lat.] The Dli oapax. [Lat.] Competent to dis-
limbs of the dismembered poet. cern evil, and, to commit a crime.
Di/tponendo me, non mutando me. [Lat] Doli incapax. [Lat.J Incapable of dis-
Disposing of me, not changing me. cerning evil or criminal intention.
Dissimile est, pecunice debitis et gra- Dolor decrescit, ubi quo orescat non
tiae. [Lat.] There is a difference habet. [Lat. J Grief decreases, when
between the owing of money and of it has nothing to make it increase.
gratitude. Doloroso. It. J In music, soft and pa-

Distingue. [Fr.] Distinguished ; thetic.

eminent. Dolus versatur in generalibus. [Lat]
Distrahit animum librorum multitudo. Fraud employs generalities.
[Lat.] A multitude of books distracts 1 >n in in in in a possessione ciepisse dicitur.
the mind. [Lat.] Right is said to have had its
Distrait. [Fr.] Absent in thought; beginning in possession. Length of
absent minded. possession Is sufficient to give a legal
Distrinyas. |Lat.J You may distrain; a title.
writ to empower the sheriff to that Domino. [It] A mask robe.
effect. Dominus vobiscum. [Lat J The Lord be
Di tibi dent annosf [Lat.] May the with you.
gods grant thee length of years. DomitK natures, [Lat.J Of a tame na-
Di tibi sint facile*.
[Lat.J May the ture.
gods be propitious to thee. Domus arnica domus optima. [Lat]
Divertissement. [Fr.J Amusement; sport. The house of a friend is the best of
Dives agris, dives positit in fcenore num- houses.
mis. [Lat.J A person rich in lands, Domus et placens uxor. [Lat J A house
and in money placed at usury. and pleasing wife.
Divide et impera. [Lat.] Divide and Domus procerum. The house of
[Lat. J

rule. peers. Often written Dam. proc.

virum faciunt. [Lat] Money
Divitiee Domus sua est unirui<tue tutissimum
makes the man (untrue). refugium. [Lat] Every man's house
Divitiarum formce gloria fluxa atque
et ishis safest refuge; every man's
fragilis; virtus clara cEtemaque ha- house is his castle.
betur. ["Lat.J The glory of wealth and Donatio mortis causa. [Lat] A gift
of beauty is fleeting and unsubstan- made in apprehension of death.
tial;virtue is brilliant and everlasting. Donee eris felix multos numerabis ami-
Divoto. [It.] Devoted. cos; Tempora si fuerint nubila, solus
Dixi et salvavi animam meant. (Lat.1 eris. [Lat.] So long as you are pros-
Ihave spoken, and saved my soul. perous you will reckon many friends;
Docendo dicimus. [Lat] We learn by the times become cloudy, you will
teaching. be alone.
Docti rationem artis intelligent, indocti Donum exitiale Jtinervce. [Lat] The
voluptatem. [Lat] Learned men un- fatal gift of Minerva; the wooden
derstand the principles of art, the un- horse, by means of which the Oreeks
learned have a perception of the pleas- gained possession of Troy.
ure only. Dono molto aspettato e venduto, non
donato. [It.] A gift long waited for ed to have companions in their sor-
is sold, not given. row.
Dorer la pilule. [ Fr.] To gild the pill. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mart,
Dormiunt aliquando leges, nunquam [Lat.] It is sweet and gJorious to die
moriuntur. '

[Lat.] The law some- for one's country.

times sleeps, it never dies. Dulcibus est verbis alliciendus amor.
Dos d'ane. [Fr.J The back of an ass; [Lat.J Love must be allured with
a ridge. kind words.
Dos est magna parentum virtus. fLat.] Dulcior est fructus post multa pericula
The virtue of parents is in itself a ductus. [Lat.J The fruit is sweetest
great portion. that is gained after many perils.
Double entente. [Fr.] Double mean- Dulcique aniinos novitate tenebo. [Lat.]
ing; a play on words; a word or phrase
A will enthral your mind with the
capable of being interpreted in more charms of novelty.
than one way; often incorrectly writ- Dulcis amor patrice, dulce videre suos.
ten double-entendre. [Lat.] Sweet is the love of one's
Douceur. [Fr.] Sweetness; gentleness; country, sweet to behold one's kin-
a bribe; a compensation; an induce- dred.
ment Dum spiro, spero. [Lat.] While I
Doux yeux. [Fr.J Soft glances; to breathe, I hope.
interchange tender looks. Dum tacent, clamant. [Lat.] While
Dramatis persona^. Characters silent, they cry aloud.
[Lat. ]
of the drama characters represented.
Dum vires annique sinunt, tolerate la-
bores. [Lat.] While strength and
Drap d'argent. [Fr.J Silver lace.
Drap d'or. [FrJ Gold lace. years permit, endure labor.
Dum vitant stulti vitia, i?i contraria
Doit au travail. [Fr.] The right of currunt. [Lat. J While fools are for
by labor.
living avoiding one fault, they run into the
Droit d'aubaine. [Fr.] The right of opposite one.
escheat. Dum vivimus, vivamus. [Lat.] While
Droit des gens. [Fr.] The law of nations. we live, let us live.
Droit et avant. [Fr.J Right and for- Dum hominem noveris; ubi mor-
ward. tuus While he
est, quiescas.[Lat.J
Drole. [Fr.] A droll or comical fel- is alive, you may know a person;
low ; a buffoon a queer case.
when he is dead, keep yourself quiet.
Duces tecum. [Lat.l Bring with you ;
Duos gui sequitur lepores neutrum capit.
a writ which commands a person to He who follows two hares
appear in court on a certain day, and catches neither.
bring with him certain writings or evi- Durante bene placito. [Lat.] During
Duci tamor patrias. [Lat. ] The love of good pleasure.
Durante vita. [Lat.] During life.
my country leads me. Durate, et vosmet rebus serrate secundis.
Due teste valganopiu c fie una sola. [It.]
Two heads are better than one. [Lat.J Hold out, and preserve your-
selves for better circumstances.
Du fort au foible. [Fr.] From the Durum! sedlevius fit patentia^ quicquid
strong to the weak ; one with another. corrigere est nefas. [Lat.] It is
Dulce bellum inexperto. [Lat. J War is hard but that which it is impossible

sweet to him who has not tried it. to correct, becomes more light by pa-
Dulce Domum. fLat.J Sweet homeward !
from the song sung by the students of Durum telum necessitas. [Lat.] Ne-
Winchester College at the close of the
cessity in a hard weapon.
term. Dux foemi na facti. A woman
Dulce est detipere in loco. [Lat] It is was *he leader to the deed.
pleasant to play the fool on the proper
Dulce est miseris socios habuisse doloris.
[Lat. j It is a comfort for the "vretch-

He who despises death, escapes
E It, while the most cowardly it over-
JSafama ragatur. [Lat.J That report Eflamma eibnm petere. [Lat.] To get
ia in circulation. food out of the fire ; to live by des-
Ea tfub oculisposita negligimus; proxim- perate means.
orum incuriosi, longinqua sectamur. Egal. [Fr.J Equal.
[Lut.] Those things which are placed Egalite. [Fr.] Equality.
under our eyes, we overlook indiffer- ; Egarement. [Fr.J Confusion; bewil-
ent as to what is near us, we long for derment.
that which is distant. Egli fa come la volpe delV we. [It,]
Eau benite de cour. [Fr.] The holy He acts like the fox with the grapes.
water of the court ; court promises. Ego apros orcido, ted alter utitur pulpa-
Eau de Cologne. [Fr. J Cologne water. mento. [Lat.J I kill the boars, while
Eau de lavande. [Fr.J Lavender wa- another enjoys the flesh.
ter. Ego ero post princijiia. [Lat.] I will
Eau & vie. [Ft.] Water of life; be behind the first rank ;
I will get
brandy. oct of harm's way.
Ebauche. [Fr.] A first or rough draw- Ego ilium periisse duco, cui j eriit pudor.
ing; outline, sketch. [Lat. I deem him lost wuose shame

Ebranlement. [Fr. J Violent agitation; la lost.

violence; shock. Ego, si bonam famam mihi servasso, sat
E cattico vento che non {mono per ero dives. [Lat.] If I keep a good
qua'cuno. [It.] 'Tis an ill wind that character for myself, I shall be quite
blows nobody good. rich enough.
Ecce homo. [Lat.J Behold the man. Ego spent pretio non emo. [Lat.J I
The title given to pictures of our will not purchase hope with gold. I
Savior, wearing the crown of thorns will not throw away what is of value
and the purple robe when Pilate upon empty hopes.
said, Behold the man." John, xix, 5. Xheu ! fuyaoet tafxmhtr **< . AIM
Ei-fe iterum Crispinus! (Lat.J Behold I
how swiftly oar yean paM away.
Crispinus once again! A notorious thtru ! fuam brtvitnu prrrvnt inyrntia
debauchee and favorite of the em- eauii* ! [Lat.] AIM I by what trifling
peror Domitian. causes are great utate* overthrown.
Ecce sifjnum. [Lat.] Behold the sign
or badge. Dint ! Tuam pinyui maoer et mihi tawr
tu in art'o. [Lak] Alan how lean

[Fr.] Splendor, pomp, glory, la my bull amid the rich pant urea.
brilliancy; also, rumor, noise, talk.
Ecole de droit. [Fr.J Law-school. JBapco tomporw. [Lat.] The dm* hav-
Ecole de medecine. [Fr.] A medical ing elapsed,
school. Xlati animi ootpriiniui< runt. [Lat.]
Ecole militaire, [Fr.] A military Mind* which ar too much elated
school. moat b homblwL
Ecole polytechnique. [Fr.] A poly- Elegit. [Lat.J Law Term. He has chos-
technic school. en. A writ of execution that lies for
E contrario. [Lat.] On the contrary. one who has recovered a debt, to levy
Econverso. [Lat.J Reversing the order from a moiety of the defendant's lands:
of a proposition. while holding which moiety the credi-
Ecquem ease dices in mart piscem meumf tor is tenant by legit.

[Lat.] Of which fish in the sea can Elephantem ex muscafacit. [Lat.] You
you say, "That i* mine t" are making nn elephant of a fly.
Editio princeps. [Lat.] The first Elephantuf non cnpit murem. [Lat.J
edition. The elephant does not catch mice.
Edition de luxe. [Fr.] A splendid and El corazon manda la carnet. [Sp.]
expensive edition of a book. The heart bears up the body.
Effugit mortem quisquis contemserit, Eliae eum cujus tibi placuit et vita et
timidissimum quemque consequitur. oratio. [Lat.] Make choice of him
whose mode of living and whose con- En famine. [Fr.] With one's family;
versation are pleasing to you. in a domestic state.
Xligito tempus, captatum scape, rogandi. Enfans de famille. [Fr.J Children of
[Lat.] Choose your time for asking, the family.
after having often watched for it. Enfant gdte. [Fr.] A spoiled child.
Eloge. [Fr.J A funeral oration. Enfants perdus. [Fr.J Lost children ;
Eloignement. [Fr.J Estrangement. in milit. a forlorn hope.
Emax foemina. [Lat.] A woman who Enfant trouve. [Fr.J A foundling.
is always buying ; a lover of bargains. Enfermer le loup dans la bergerie. [Fr.J
Embonpoint. [Fr.J Good plight of To shut up the wolf in the sheepfold ;
body ; plumpness. metaphorically, to patch up a disease.
E meglio coder dallaftnestre che dal tetto.
Enfilade. [Fr.] A row. Where a bat-
fit.] It is better to fall from the win- tery is placed so that it can fire along
dow than the roof that ; is, of two a pass, it is said to enfilade that pass.
evils, choose the lesser. The troops within its range are enfil-
Emere malo quam rogare. [Lat.] Bet- aded.
ter to have to buy than to beg (as in
Enftn. LFr.J In short : at last ; finally.
the former case there is no obligation ).
Emeritus. [Lat.] One retired from ac- En flute. [Fr.] Having guns on the
tive official service or duties. upper deck only.
Emigre. [Fr.] An emigrant.
En foule. [Fr.] In a crowd.
Emitur sola virtute potestas. [Lat.] En grand. [Fr.] Of full size.
(True) power is purchased by virtue
En grande tenue. [Fr.] In full dress.
En habile homme. [Fr.] Like a skilful
Employe. [Fr.] A person employed by man.
another a clerk one in service.
; ;
En habiles gens. [Fr.J Like able men.
Emportement. [Fr.] Transport; great En haut. [Fr.] On high above. ;

passion. En! hie declarat, quales sitis judices!

Empressement. [Fr.] Ardor; zeal; Look This shows what
! sort of judges
you are.
Empta dolore docet experientia. [Lat.] En la rose je fleuris. [Fr.J I flourish
Experience bought by pain teaches us in the rose.
a lesson. En masse.
A man [Fr.J In a body.
EmunctcR naris homo. [Lat.] Ennui. [Fr.] Weariness ; lassitude.
of sharp nose ; one of quick percep- En parole je vis. [Fr.J I live in the
tion. word.
En ami. [Fr.] As a friend. En passant. [Fr.] In passing by the
En arriere, [Fr.] In the rear behind ; ;

Enpleinjour. [Fr.] In open day.
En attendant. [Fr.] In the meant hue. En queue. [Fr.J 111 the rear ; behind.
En avant. [Fr.J Forward. En rapport. [Fr.] In harmony ; in
En badinant. [Fr.] In sport in jest. ;
agreement in relation.

En bagatelle. [Fr.] Triflingly ; con- En regie. [Fr.J According to rules ;

temptuously. in order.
Enceinte. [Fr.J Pregnant ; with child ; En retraite. [Fr.] In retreat ; retreat-
in the family way.
En cueros. [Sp. ] Naked. En revanche. [Fr.] In requital ; in re-
En cueros or En cueros I'ivos. [Sp.] turn.
Stark naked ; without clothing. En route. On the way.
En deshabille. [Fr.] In undress. Ense petit pladdam sub libertate quie-
En Dieu est ma fiance. [Fr.] In God Is tem. [Lat. J He seeks, with his sword,
my trust. for peace and liberty; Motto of
En Dieu est tout. [Fr.] In God is alL the State of Massachusetts.
En echelon. [Fr.] In steps like st airs. ; Xns rationis. [Lat.J The creator* of
En effet. [Fr.] In effect substantially
; ;
rsally. In suite. [Fr.] In company; in a set
tn suivant la verite. [Fr.] In follow- Eqvanimitet [Lat.] With equanimity.

ing the truth. Eques ipso melior Bellerophonte. [Lat.]

Entente cordiale. [Fr.] Cordial un- A bettor horseman than Bellerophon
derstanding, especially between two hims( If. ( Bellerophcn was matter of
states. the winged horse Pegasus. )
Entete. [Fr.] Obstinate; stubborn; Equo frcenato est auris in ore. [Lat.]
headstrong. The ear of a bridled horse is in hut
Entetement. [Fr.] Obstinacy; stub- mouth. He is guided by the bit, not
by words.
Entourage. [Fr.] Surroundings; ad- E re nata. [Lat] According to the
Entre chien Between
et loup. [Fr.] Ergo cunctt celebremu*
agite, et la-turn
dog end wolf; or, as we say in Eng- in IK in- in.
[Lat.J Come on then, and
lish, between hawk and buzzard. let us all celebrate this joyous festi-
Sntre deux feux. [Fr.J Between two val. .

Eripite isti gladium, qui sui eat tmpo
Entre deux vins. Between two
[Fr.] iiniuii. Take away the sword
wines; neither drunk nor sober; half- from him who is not in possession of
drunk. his senses.
Entremets.. [Fr.] Small dishes with
Eripit interdum, modo dat medicina
delicacies set between the principal salutem. Lat. | Medicine sometimes
ones at table. takes away health, sometimes be-
Kntrenous. [Fr.] Between ourselves.
Ei stows it.
Entrepot. [Fr.] A warehouse, depot,
Eripuit ccelo fulmen, sceptrumque
or magazine.
tyrann is. [Lat.J He snatched the
Entreprenant. [Fr.J Enterprising. thunder from heaven, and the sceptre
Xntre-sol. [Fr.] A suite of apartments from tyrants. (Said of Franklin. )
between the ground floor or basement, Erramus si ullam terrarum partem
and the second story. immunem a periculo credimus. [Lat. J
En vtrite. [Fr.J In truth; verily. We are mistaken if we believe that
En vigueur. [Fr.] In force; forcibly. there is any part of the world free
Xnvoye. [Fr.] An envoy or messenger. from danger.
Eo animo. Lat. J With that design.
[ Errantem in viam rerlucito. [Lnt. Bring ]

Eodem collyrio mederi omnibus. [Lat.J back him who has strayed, into the
To cure all by the same salve. right way.
Eodem modu quo quid constituitur eodem Errare est humanum. [Lat.] To err Is
modo dissolvitur. [Lat.J In the same human.
manner in which an agreement is
Erratum pi. Errata. [Lat.J An Error.
made, it dissolved (if made by
Erubutt, talva res eat. [Lat.J He
deed, it must be dissolved by deed).
Eo instanti. [Lat.] At that instant. blushed, all is safe.
Eo magis prcefulgebat quod non vide- Escritura, buena memoria. [Sp.J Writ-
batur. He shone with the ing, the best memory.
greater splendor, because he was not
E ftnxit velut araneus. [Lat.] He
spun from himself like a spider ;
dei>ended solely on his own
Eo nomine. [Lat.] By that name. sources.
Epicuri de grege porous [Lat.] A
Espagnol. [Fr.] Spanish ; a Spaniard.

swine belonging to the herd of

Epicurus. Esperance et Dieu. [Fr.J Hope and
E pturibus unum. [Lat.] One of many; Sod.
the motto of the United States as be- Espieglerie. [Fr.J Sportive or playful
ing one federal national government tricks.
Esprit borne. A contracted or
by the union of the several constituent [Fr.]
states. narrow mind.
fpulis accumbere divum. [Lat.] To sit Esprit de corps. [Fr.] The animating
spirit of a collective body, .as
a regi-
at the feast of the god* or the groat.
ment. one of the learned professions, Est modus in rebus. [Lat.] There is a
or the like. medium in all
Esprit des lois. [Fr.] Spirit of the Esto perpetua. [Lat.] Let it be per-
laws. petual; let it endure forever.
Esprit follet. [Fr.J A ghost ; a spec- Esto quod esse videris. [Lat.] Be
ter. what you seem to be.
Esprit fort. [Fr.] A freethinker; a liberal Est pater ille quern nuptice demonstrant.
in belief. [Lat.J He is the father whom the
Essayez. [Fr.J Make the attempt ; try. marriage-rites point out as such.
Esse. [Liit.J To be; existence. Est profecto Deus, qui quce nos gerimus
Esse bonum facile est, ubi quod vetet auditque et videt. [Lat.] There is
ease remotum est. [Lat.J It is easy to undoubtedly a God who both hears
be good, when that which would for- and sees the things which we do.
bid it is afar oft. Est proprtum stultifies aliorum cernere
Esse quam videri. [Lat.] To be rather vitia, oblivisci suorum. [Lat.] It is
than to seem. the province of folly to discover the
Esse solent magno damna minora bono. faults of others, and forget its own.
[Lat.J Trivial losses are often of Est qucedam flere voluptas. fLat.]
great benefit. There is, in weeping, a certain luxury.
Est amicus socius mensoe, et non per- Est quiddam gestus edendi. [Lat.]
manebit in die necessitatis. [Lat.] One's mode of eating is of some im-
Some friend is a companion at the portance.
table, and will not continue in the day Est quoquecunctarum noi-itas carissima
of thy affliction. rerum. [Lat.] Novelty is, of -all
Est animus lucis contemptor! [Lat.] things, the most sought after.
My soul is a contemner of the light. Est rosa flos Veneris. [Lat.] The rose
Est aviditas dives, et pauper pudor. is the flower of Venus.

[Lat.J Covetousness is rich, while Esurienti ne occurras. [Lat.] Do not

modesty starves. encounter a starving man.
Est bonus ut melior vir Non alius Stage. [Fr.] A story of a house.
quisquam. [Lat.] He is so good a E tardigradis asinis equus non prodiit.
man, that no one can be better. [Lat.J The horse does not spring
Est brevitate opus, ut cwrrat sententia. from the slow-paced ass.
[Lat.] There is need of conciseness Etats Generaux. [Fr.J The States
that the sentence may run agreeably. General.
Est demum vera felicitas, felicitate dig- Et ccetera. [Lat.J And the rest &c. ;

num videri. [Lat.] The truest hap- Et cui per mediam nolis occurrere noct-
piness, in fine, consists in the con- em. [Lat.] And he is one whom you
sciousness that you are deserving of w 'itd be on willing to meet at mid-
happiness. niV-
Est egentissimus in sua re. [Lat ] Etcum spiritu tuo. [Lat.] And with
He is much straitened in circum- thy spirit.
stances. Et U.KCUS etpretium recti. [Lat.J The
Est etiam miserispietas, et Inhosteprob- ornament and the reward of rectitude.
atur. [Lat.] Towards the wretched Et dubitamus adhuc rirtutem. exteiiilrni
there is a duty, and even in an enemy factis? [Lat] And do we hesitate
it is praised. to extend our glory by our deeds?
Est etiam, ubi profecto dammim prasstet Et facere et pati fortia Romanum est.
facere, quam lucrum. [Lat.J There [Lat.J To act bravely and to suffer
are occasion? when it is undoubtediy bravely is the part of a Roman.
better to make loss than gain. Et genus et formam regina petunia
Est in aqua dulci noninvidiosa voluptas. donat. [Lat.] Money, that queen, be-
[Lat.] In pure water there is a stows both birth and beauty.
pleasure begrudged by none. Et hoc or Et id genus omne. [Lat.J
Est ipsi res ingusta domi. [Lat.] His And everything of the sort.
means are but very limited. Etiam sanato vulnere cicatrix manet.
("Lat. ] Even when the wound is healed pay even life for the truth ; keep the
the scar remains. truth at the risk of life.
Etiam Cato dicat. [Lat.] Even if
si t:\ini niifciiltii, mi quatuor sunt aurft.
Cato were to say so, I would not te- [Lat.J Listen to him who has four
lieveit. ears; attend to person* who show
Etiam stultis acuit ingenimn fames. themselves more ready to hear than to
|Lat.] Hunger sharpens evtn the spc.-lk.
wits of fools. Eureka (vp>)ica, hfl-rC'ka). [Or. |
Et lateat vitium proximitale boni. have found it the motto of Cali-
[Lat.] And let each fault lie foncb.ued fornia.
under the name of the good quality Entitlement. [Fr. |
An event.
to which it is the nearest akin. Ecentus stultorum magister eat. [Lat.J
FA latro, et cautus prcecingitur ense Experience is the master or teacher
viator. [Lat.J Both the cut-throat of fools.
and the wary traveler is girded with Evestigio. [Lat.] Instantly.
the sword. Ex abrupto. [Lat.J Abruptly ;
Et mihi non me
rebus, submittere
res, denly.
conor. [Lat.] I endeavor to couquer Ex abundantia. [Lut.J Out of the
circumstances, not to submit to them. abundance.
jSt monere, et moneri, prnnrium est Ex abundanti cautela. [Lat.J From
verce 'amicitice. [Lat.] To advise,
excess of precaution.
and be advised, is the duty oil true Ex abusu non tirt/nitttr ad union. [Lat ]

friendship. We must not argue, from th abuse

Et nati natorum, qui nascentur ab
et of a thing, against the use of it.

illis. [Lat.] The children of our Ex abusu non argumentum a<l desue-
children, and their descendants. twlinem. [Lat.J The abune of a thing
Et nos quoque tela sparsimus. [Lat.J is no argument for discontinuance.
And we too have flung our weapons. Rradverso. [Lat.J From the opiHwite
Et quiescenti agendum est, et agenti side.
quiescendum est. [Lat.J He who is Ex a? quo et [Lat,] Agreeably to
indolent should labor, and he who what good and right.

labors should take repose. Ex annio tt bono jwlicare. [Lat] To

Et re pauvre sans etre libre, c'est le pire judge in fa. -ness and equity.
etat OM Vhomme puisse tomber. f Fr. J Exanimo. [Lat.J Heartily uinc*rely. ;
To be poor without being free, is the
worst state into which man can fall. S? areri funiculum ntftit. [Lat.]
You are for making a rope of sand;
Etre sur un grand pied dans le mondf.. you are aUempiiug an impossibility.
[Fr.J To be on a great foot (or foot-
ing) in the world. Ex auctoritate mihi commissa. [Lat.]
Et rident gtolidi rerba Latina. [Lat.] By the authority intrusted to me.
And the fools laugh at Latin words. Ex auribus cognoscitur asinut. [Lat.J
Et sanguis et sinrilus pecunia mortal- An as is known by his ears.
ibiis. Money is both blood aud Ex beneplacito. [Lat.] At pleasure.
life to men. Ex capite. [Lat.J From the head;
Et sequentes. [Lat.] And those that from memory.
follow. Ex cathedra. |Lat.] the chair From
Et sequentia. [Lat.] And what fol- or pulpit. An ordinance, ex cathedra,
lows. pronounced from high authority
Etsic decceteris. [Lat.] And so of the (originally from the Pope).
rest. Excelsior. [Lat.J More elevated High- ;

Et sic de similibus. [Lat.] And so of er ; Motto of the state of New York.

the like. Ex.-eptio probat regulam. [Lat.J The
Et tu, Brute! [Lat.J And thou also, exception proves the rule.
Brutus 1 Exceptis excipiendis. [Lat.J The due
Et vitam impendere vero. [Lat.J To exceptions being made.
Escerpta. [Lat.J Extracts.
Ex concesso. [Lat. ] From what has Exiglt et a statute farinas . fLat.} H
been conceded. exacts meal from a statue even; He
Kx [Lat.] From contract.
contractu. can get blood out of a stone.
Excuderunt. [Lat.J They made it. Exiijui numero, sed bello vivida virtu*.
Excudit. [Lat.] He beat out or fash- [Lat.J Few in number, but valiant in
ioned it ;
he made it. spirit.
X.x curia. [Lat.] Out of court. Exiguum estad leg em bonum esse. [Lat. ]
Ex debito justitice. f.Lat.J From what It is but a slight matter to be good to
is due to justice. the letter of the law only.
Kx delicto. [Lat.] From the crime. Ex inimico cogita posse fieri amicum.
Ex desuetudine amittuntur privilegia. [Lat.] Think that you may possibly
[Lat.] Bights are forfeited by non- make of an enemy a friend.
user, Exit. [Lat.] He goes out; death.
Ex dlutumitate temporis omnia prces- Exitus acta probat. [Lat.] The event
umuntur esse solemniter acta. [Lat.] justifies the deed. (Motto of Wash*
From length of time everything is ington. )
presumed to have been solemnly Ex malis moribus bonce leges natoe sunt.
done. [Lat.] From bad manners good laws
Exdono. [Lat.] By the gift. have sprung.
Exeat. [Lat.] Let him depart; the Ex mera gratia. [Lat.] Through mere
leave given for temporary absence favor.
from college is so called. Ex mero motu. [Lat.] From his own
Exeat auto gui wit esse pius. [Lat.] impulse; from his own freewill.
Let him, who will be good, retire from Ex more. [Lat.] According to custom!
the court. a phrase used in grants, charters,
Exegi monumentum cere perennius. etc.
[Lat.] I have reared a monument Ex necessitate rei. [Lat.] From the
more lasting than brass. necessity of the case.
Exempla sunt odiosa. [Lat.] Examples Ex nihilo nihil fit. [Lat.] From, of
are offensive. out of, nothing, nothing comes; noth-
Exempli gratia. [Lat.] For example; ing produces nothing.
for instance. Ex offioio. [Lat.J By virtue of hi
Exemplo plus quam ratione vivimus. office.
[Lat.J We live more by example Ex opere operate. [Lat.] By outward
than by reason
(the tyranny of acts.
fashion). Ex otio plus negotii quam ex negotio
Jtx eodem ore calidum et frigidum efflare. habemus. [Lat.] From our leisure
[Lat.] To blow hot and cold with the we get more to do than from our busi-
same mouth. ness.
" On one
Exercitatio optimus eat mogister. [Lat.] Ex parte. [Lat.] Law term.
Practice is the. best master. part." Evidence given on one side
Exercitato potest omnia. [Lat.] Con- only is called ex parte.
tinued practice can accomplish every Ex pede Herculem. [Lat.] From the
thing ; practice makes perfect. foot we recognize a Hercules; we judge
Exeunt omnes, [Lat.] All depart; of the whole from the specimien.
they go out. Experientia docet. [Lat.] Experience
Ex factis non ex dictis amid pensandi, teaches.
[Lat.] Friends are to be estimated Experientia docet stultos. [Lat.J Ex-
from their deeds, not their words. perience instructs fools.
Ex facto jus oritur. [Lat.] The law Experimentum cruets.[Lat.] The
arises from the fact. trial or experiment of the cross; aq
Ex habitu homines metientes. [Lat.] experiment of a most searching na-
Estimators of men from their outward ture.
appearances. Experto crede. [Lat.J Trust one who
Exigeunt. [Fr.] Exacting; requiring has had experience.
too much. Expert ut, [Lat.} An expert.
fxperto credf Roberto. [Lat.] Believe E.c nnaut leonem. [Lat.] The lion U
Robert, who speaks from experience. known by his claws.
Ejcpertus metuit. [ Lat.J Having ex- Ex uno disce omnes. [Lat.] From one
perience, he fears it. learn all; from this specimen judge of
Kaspetuntur divitice ad perflciendas the rest.
voluptates. [Lat.J Riches are sought Ex usu. [Lat.] From, or by, use.
to minister to our pleasures. Ex vi termini. [Lat.] By the meaning
Explicite. [Lat.J Explicitly. or force of the expression.
Expose. [Fr.J An exposition; recital. Ex vitio aiferfus, sapiens emendat cuum.
Ex post facto. [Lat.J After the deed [Lat.] From the errors of others, a
is done; retrospective. wise man corrects his own.
Expressa nocent. non expressa non Exvoto. [Lat] According to TOW.
nocent. [Lat.] What is expressed
may be Injurious, what is not ex-
pressed is not so; said in reference to
written contracts. Fabas indulcet fames. [Lat] Hunger
Kxpressio unfits est exclusio alterius. sweetens beans.
[Lat.J The naming of one man is Faber compedes quas fecit ipse Oestet.
the exclusion of the other. [Lat] Let the blacksmith wear the
Express** verb in. [Lat.J In express fetters which he himself has forged
terms. Faber quisque fortunes suae. [Lat]
Expressum faott cessare taciturn. [Lat.] Every man is the architect of his
A matter expressed, causes that to own fortune.
cease which, otherwise, by intend- Fabricando fabri flmus. [Lat] By
ment of law, would have been im- working we become workmen; practice
plied. makes perfect.
Ex professo. [~Lat. ] Professedly. Facetiae. [Lat.] Humorous writings
Ex proprite,
[Lat.] From one's own or sayings; jokes.
resources. Fdcheux. [Ft.] Troublesome; vexa-
Ex quocunque capite. [Lat.J For what- tious; annoying.
ever reason. Fades non omnibus una. [Lat] The
Ex tacit o. [Lat.J Tacitly. features are not the same in alL
Ex tempore. [Lat.] Out of hand; with- facie* tua computat annos. [Lat.]
out delay, or premeditation. Your face reckons your years; or, your
Extinctus amobitur idem. [Lat.] The face tells your age.
same man when dead will be loved. Tacileestimperiuminbonls. [Lat] The
Extrait. [Fr.J Extract sway is easy over the good.
Extra lutum pedes habes. [Lat.] You Facile est inventisaddere. [Lat] It Is
have got your feet out of the mud; easy to improve what has been already
you are well out of that difficulty. invented.
Extra muros. [Lat.] Beyond the walls. Facile improbi malitia sua asperyunt
Extra telorum jactum. [Lat.J Beyond probos. [Lat.J Wicked men with
their malice easily asperse the char-
bow-shot; out of harm's way.
acters of the good.
Extrema gaudii luctus occupat. [Lat.] Facile princeps. [Lat.] Easily pre-emi,
Grief borders on the extremes of
nent; indisputably the first; the ad.
gladness. mitted chief.
Extrema manus nondum operibus ejus tst desccntus Averni (or Avrrno).
impost ta est. [Lat.J The finishing [Lat.] The descent to Avernus (of
hand has not yet been put to his work. hell) is easy; the road to evil is easy.
Extremis Aigitis attingere. [Lat.] To Facilius crescit quam inchoatur diyni,
touch with the finger ends; to handle a tat. [Lat] Increase of dignity U
matter lightly. more easily gained than the first step.
Extremis malis extrema remedia. [Lat. ] Fnf i'iu. rit .Vi'/f oaput invenire. [Lat]
Extreme evila require extreme reme- It would be easier to discover the
dies. sources of the Nile.
facinus quos inquinat cequat. [Lat.] Fames optimum condimenttm. [Lat]
Those whom guilt defiles, it places on Hunger is the best sauce.
a level. fames, pestis, et bellum, popxli suntpen
Facit gratumfortuna, quam nemo vtdet. nicies.[Lat.] Famine, pestilence,
[Lat.] The good fortune which no and war, are the scourges of man-
one sees, makes a man grateful for it kind.
(because he is not the object of envy ). Familiare est hominibus omnft sibi
Facit indignaHo versus. [Lat.] Indig- ignoscere. [Lat.] It is usual witaouan U>
nation inspires the verses. forgive all his own faults.
Fafon. [Fr.] Manner; style.
Fantoccini. [It.J Dramatic rep'een-
tations with puppets as, Pui cli &
Faron de parler. [Fr.] Manner of ;

speaking. Judy, etc.

Fac simile. Do the like; a close Fare, foe. [Lat.] Say, do.
[Lat.] Far niente. [It.] The doing of notn-
Fcex populi. [Lat] The dregs of the Farrago The medley of
libelli. [Lat]
Faineant. [Fr.] Idle. my book.
Faire bonne mine. [Fr.] To put a Fas ob hoste doceri. [Lat] It la
eat et

good face upon the matter. right to be taught by an enemy even.

Faire Vhomme ^importance. [Fr.] To Paste. [Fr.] Showy dress, or gaudy
assume an air of importance. display.
Fastidientis est stomachi mu.Ua degus-
Faire man devoir. [Fr.] To do my
tare. [Lat.] To taste of many dishes
is a sign of a delicate stomach.
Faire sans dire. [Fr.] To do, not to
Fata Morgana, fit] Atmospheric phe-
say; to act without ostentation.
nomena seen on the coast of Sicily;
Fait accompli. [Fr.J A thing already
done. mirage looming.

Fallacia alia aliam trudit.

Fata obstant. [Lat] The fates oppose
One deception makes way for another. Fata viam Invenient. [Lat] The fates
Fallentis semita vitce. [Lat.J The will find their way.
path of life that passes unnoticed. Fata volemtem ducunt, tra-
FalUt enim vitium, specie virtutis et hunt. [Lat.] The fates lead the will-
umbra. [Lat.J For vice deceives us, ing and drag the unwilling.
under the form and guise of virtue. Fatetur /acinus is qui judiciwn f'tgit.
Falsa grammatica non vitiat conces- [Lat.] He confesses his crime who
sionem. [Lat.J Bad grammer does flies from judgment.
not vitiate a grant. Fatigatis humus cubile est. [Lat-] To
Falsus in uno^falsus in omnibus. [Lat.] the weary the earth is a bed.
He who is false in one particular, will Fauteuil. [Fr.] An easy-chair.
be so in all. Foux pas. [Fr.] A false step; a mis.
Falsi crimen. [Lat.] The crime of take a deviation from rectitude.

forgery. Favete linguis. [Lat.] Favor by your

Fama clamosa. [Lai] A current scan- tongues.
dal a prevailing report.
Fax mentis ineendittm gloria;. [Lat]
Ftimce damna majora sunt, quam quce The passion of glory is the torch oi
cestimari possint. [Lat. ] The loss of the mind.
reputation is greater than can be Fecit. [Lat. ] He made or eieccuted it
possibly conceived. (put after an artist's name).
FamcB laboranti non facile succurritur. Fecundi calices quern non fecere diter*
[Lat. J It is not easy to repair a charac- tumt [Lat.] Whom have not flow-
ter when falling. Ing cups made eloquent?
Fama nihil est celerlus. [Lat.] Noth- Felicitas multos habet amicos. [Lat.J
ing travels swifter than scandal. Prosperity has many friends.
lama semper vivat. [Lat.] May his Felicitas nutrix est iracundiae. [Lat]
fame endure for ever. Prosperity is the nurse of auger.
Felieiter. [Lat.] Happily ; successfully. |
Ffttinatio tarda ett. [iMt.] Hat in
Feiisiter is upit, qui jiericulo (ili> no nlow.
sapii. [Lat. j He is happy in his wis- Fete champttre. [Fr.J A rural feast.
dom, who is wise at the expense of Fete Dieu. |Fr.] The Corpus Chrixti
another. festival in the Roman Catholic
}'<li.r tst fiii quantulumcunque temporis church.
contigit, bene collvcatum eft. [Lat. | Feu de joie. [Fr.l A firing of guna in
Happy is he who has well employed token of joy ; a bonfire.
his time, however short it may have t'ruillftii-t. [Fr.J A small leaf ; a rap-
been. piement to a newspaper devoted to
Felix quern faciuntalienapericula caut- light, ntertainiug matter.
um. [Lat.] Happy is he whom the Feux d'artiflce. [Fr.J Fire-works.
perils of others put on his guard. Fiat. [Lat] Let it be done. A word
Felix quern faciunt aliorum cornua used to signify a peremptory and de-
caulum. [Lat.j Happy the man cisive order.
whom the horns of others make wary Fiat justitia, ruat cerium. [Lat.J Let
Felix qui nihil debet. [Lat. J Happy is justice be done, though the heavens
he who owes nothing. shall fall. Though rum should en-
Felix qui potuit rerum cognotcere caus- sue, let justice taxe it - course.
ai. [Lat. j Happy is he who can Fiat Itur. [Lat.J Let there be light
trace the causes of things. Fiat mirtitra ircundum artem. [Lat.]
Felodese. [Lat.J A suicide. Let the mixture be made according to
Femme couverte. [Fr.J A married wo- the rules of art
man. Ficos dividerr. [Lat] To split fig*.
Femme de chambre. [Fr.J A chamber- Said of persons who would, as we say,
maid. " a flint."
Femme de charge. [Fr.] A house- Ficus ftcus, ligonem ligonem vooat.
keeper. [Lat] He calls a fig a fig, a spade a
Femme sole. [Fr.] A spinster; a woman spade.
unmarried. Fide tibrogata, omnit humana toctetas
Fendre un cheveu enyuatre. [Fr.] To toll it in: |
Lnt. 1
Good faith abol-
split a hair in four ;
to make a very ished, all human society is destroyed.
subtle distinction. f'iile et amort. [Lat.J By faith and
Ferae natural. [Lat] Of a wild na- love.
ture. Fide et flducia. [Lat] By fidelity and
Feras, culpes, quod mutari nonjnot-
non confidence.
est.[Lat.J You must endure, uot Fide et fortitudine. [Lat] With
blame, that which cnniiot be altered. faith and fortitude.
FeraH quod la'dit, ut id quod prodest Fidri coticula crux. [Lat] The crow
You must bear that is the touchstone of faith.
perfrras. \ Lat. |

which hurts, that you may gain that Fidei defensar. [Lat.J Defender of the
which profits. faith.
Fere libenter homines id quod volnnt Fideli certa merces. [Lat ] The re-
credunt. [Lnt. Men generally are
ward of the faithful i* certain.
willing to believe what they wish to Fidelitrr. [Lat] Faithfully.
be true. Fidelius ridt-nt tugurin. [Lat.] The
Ftrme ornee. [Fr. ] A decorated farm.
laughter of the cottage in the uio-t
Fermete. [Fr.J Firmnt - hearty.
Fervet of/a, vivtt anticilia. [Lnt.J Fuifm qui perdit prrdere ultrn nil
While Hie pot boils, Irifndship lusts. potent. [Lat] He who lo-<-- Ins
Festina leute. [Lat.J Ha-teu siowly. goo<l faith has nothing else to lose.
Feslinare noeet, nocet et cutu-tntio Fiilem qui jterdit, quo se teri-at in rel-
aoepe. [Lnt.J lt is injurious to ^ i i/ 1, a, >i T [Lat J He who tins lost his
also fre- credit, with what shall he sustaiu liiui-
precipitate, and delay ia
self in future i
quently injurious.
Fide non armis. [Lat.] By faith, not Flebile Indibrium. [Lat] A sad
by arms. mockery.
Fide, sed qui vide. [Lat.] Trust, but cantabitur urbe.
Flebit, et insignis, tota
see whom.
fLat.J He shall regret it, aiid be-
Fides et justitia, [Lat.] Fidelity and come the sad burden of some merry
justice. song.
Fides Punica. [Lat.] Punic faith Fleche. An arrow. A small
treachery. fort open to your army, but with a
Fides servanda est. [Lat.] Faith ditch and breastwork towards the
must be kept. enemy. It is so called from its re-
Fides sit penes auctorem. fLat.] Let semblance to that weapon.
due faith be given to the author. Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta
Fidus Achates. fLat.J Faithful Acha- moi-ebo. fLat.] If I cannot influ-
tes ; t. e., a true friend. ence the gods, I will move all hell.
Fidus et audax; Faithful and Flecti non frangi. [Lat] To bend
[Lat. J
bold. not to break.
Fieri curavit. [Lat] Caused this to Fleurd'eau. [Fr.] Even with the sur-
be done. face of the water.
Fieri facias. [Lat.] Cause It to be Fleur de terre. [Fr.J Even with the
done. A writ by which the sheriff is surface of the ground.
commanded to levy the debt, or Floriferis ut apes in saltibus omnia lim-
damages, on the defendant's goods. ant. fLat] As bees taste of every
Sometimes called, for brevity, a thing in flowery lawns.
ft fa. Flosculi sententiarum. [Lat] Flow-
Figulus fiffulo invidet, faber fabro. era of fine thoughts of wit.
[Lat.J The potter envies the potter, Flumina jam lactis, jam flumina nect-
the blacksmith the blacksmith. aris ibant. [Lat.] Now rivers of
Filii non plus quam milk, rivers of nectar, were flowing.
morborum tueredes sumus, fLat.J As Flux de bouche. [Fr.] An inordinate
sons we are heirs, no less to diseases flow of words ; garrulity.
than to possessions. Fcedum inceptu, fcedum exitu. [Lat]
Filius nullius. [Lat.] The son of no A bad beginning leads to a bad ending.
man. Foenum in cornu habet. [Lai.] He has
Filius populi. [Lat.] A son of the hay upon his horn (the sign of a dan-
people. gerous bull) take care of him.

Filius ferae. [Lat] A son of the Foldtre. [Fr.] Frolicsome; playful;

earth one of low birth.
; wanton.
Fille de chambre. [Fr.] A chamber- Fans et origo. [Lat] The source and
Filledejoie. [Fr.J A woman of li- Fans omnium viventium. [Lat.] The
centious pleasure a prostitute.
; fountain of all living things. The
Fille d'/ionneur. [Fr.J A maid of Deity.
honor. Fontes ipsi sitiunt. [Lat.J Even the
Fils. [Fr.] Son. fountains are athirst. Said ironically
Finem respice. [Lat.] Look to the of wealthy men who are covetous.
end. Forma bonum fragile est. [Lat]
Finis coronat opus. [Lat.] The end Beauty is a frail advantage.
crowns the work. Formaliter. fLat.J In form.
Flagrante hello. [Lat] During hos- Forma pauperis. [Lat.J In form of a
tilities. poor man.
Flagrante delicti). pLat.J In the com- Forma viros neglecta decet. [Lat] A
mission of the crime. neglect of personal appearance be-
Flare simul et sorbere hand facile est. comes men. (Questionable.)
TLat] It is not easy to drink and Forensis strepitus. [Lat] The clam-
whistle at the same moment. or of the forum.
Forsan olim meminissejnruttit.
et here Fortunce filius. Lat. A *on of for-
\ ]
[Lat. ] Perhaps it will be pleasant tune. A person highly favored by
hereafter to remember these things. that blind deity.
Fortem facit vicina libcrtas senem. Fortunce majoris honos. erectus et aeer.
fLat.J The prospect of liberty [Lat.J
A man who reflects honor on
makes even an old man brave. his distinguished situation of au :

Fortem posce animum erect and bold spirit.

[Lat.J Pray
for strong resolve. Foy pour devoir. [Fr.J Faith for
forte scutum talus ducum. [Lat.] A duty.
strong shield ia the safety of lead- Foy en tout. [Fr.J Faith in every-
ers. thing.
Fortes fortuna juixit. Fortune Fra. ( It.] Brother ; friar : applied
helps the brave. chiefly to monks of the lower order.
Forti et fldeli nihil difficile. [Lat.J
Fraicheur. I Fr.J Coolness; freeh-
Nothing is difficult to the brave and D68S.
faithful. Frais. [Fr. ] Expense cost ;

Fortior et potentior est dispositio legis Fraise. [Fr.J Pointed stakes used In
quam hominis. fLat. J The control fortification.
of the law is stronger and more pow- Frangas, non flectes. [Lai.] You may
erful than that of man. break but shall not bend me.
Fortiter et recte. [Lat. \ With forti- Fraudare eos qui sciunt et connentivnt
tude and rectitude. nemo videtur. [Lat. It is not deem- |

Fortiter, fldeliterjeliciter. [Lat.] Bold- ed that a fraud is committed upon

ly, faithfully, successfully.
those who are aware of the act and
consent to it.
Fortiter geret crucem. |Lat.J He will
bravely support the cross. Fraus est celare fraudem. [Lat] It is
Fortiter in re. With firmness a fraud to conceal fraud.
ir acting. Fraus pia. [Lat.J A pious fraud.
Fortitudine et prudentia. [Lat.J By Friponnerie. [Fr.J Kogui.sli tricks or
fortitude and prudence. roguery.
Fortuna favet fatuin. [Lat.] Fortune Froides mains, chaude amour. [Fr.]
favors fools. Cold bauds and a warm heart.
Fortuna multis dat nimium, nulli satis. Front d, front. [Fr.J Face to face.
Fortune gives too much to Fronti nulla fides. [Lat.J There is no
many, but to none enough. trusting to appearances.
Fortuna, nimium quern, fouet, stultum Fruges consumere nati. [Lat.] Born
facit. [Lat. J Fortune, when she ca-
to consume fruits born only to eat.

resses a man too much, makes him a Frustra flt per plura, qiiw. fieri potest
fool. per pauciora. [Lat.J It U useless
Fortuna, non mutat genus. [Lat] to do by many, that which may be
Wealth cannot change your origin. done by a few.
Fortuna opes auferre, non animum Frustra Hercult. [Lat.] It is in vain
potest. |Lat. J Fortune can take you speak against Hercules.
away riches, but cannot deprive of FruKtra laoorat qui omnibus placere
courage. studet. [Lat.J He labors in vain
Fortuna sequatur. [Lat.J Let fortune who tries to please everybody.
follow. Fucum facere. I.ut.J|
To give a false
Fortuna vitrea est. turn cum splendet color to a thing.
franoitur. [Lat.J Fortune is made Fugam fecit. Lat. ] He has taken to

of glass, when she shines she is flight Said of a person \vho has fled
broken. from trial.
Fortunce ccetera mando. [Lat-1 I com- Fuyere est triumphus. [Lat. ] Flight
mit the rest to fortune. I have is a triumph. Said In the case of
made the wisest arrangements in my flight from temptation.
power, but I still know that I am not Fugit hora. [Lat.J Time >*--.
beyond the reach of accident. Fugit irreparabiU tempus. [Lat] Ir-
recoverable time flies on. Oarde mobile. A
[Fr.] guard liable to
Fuimus Troet. [Lat.J We were once general service.
Trojans. Garde royale. [Fr.] Royal Guard.
Fuit Ilium. [Lat.]. Troy has been.
fulmem brutum. A harmless Gardez. [Fr.] Be on your guard;
[Lat.J take care.
Functus offii-io. Gardez bien. [Fr.J Take good care.
fLat.] Having per- Gardez la foi. [Fr. Guard tho
formed oue's office or duty ; hence,

cut of office.
Fundamentum est justifies fides.
Gaudeamus igitur. [Lat.] So let us
[ Lat.l be joyful.
The foundation of justice is good
Gaudet tentamine virtus. [Lat.] Vir-
Funebre tue rejoices iu temptation.
fFr.J Funereal; mournful. Gaulois. [Fr.J Oidlreuch.
Funen abrumpere minium tendendo.
[Lat.] To break the cord by stretch- Genius loci. [Lat.] The genius of the
ing it too tight. place. munere. [Lat.] I shall Gensd'armes. [Fr.] Guards.
discharge an unavailing duty. Gens de condition. [Fr.J People of
Fungino genere est, subito crevit de rank.^
nihilo. [Lat.J He is of the mush- Gens d'eglise. [Fr.] Churchmen.
room genus, he has suddenly sprung Gens de guerre. [Fr.] Jkl Hilary men.
np from nothing. Gens de langues. [Fr.] Linguists.
Funiculis ligatum vel puer verberaret. Gens de lettres. [Fr.J Literary men.
fLat. jA man bound with cords even Gensdelois. [Fr.J Lawyers.
a child can beat. Gens de meme famille. [Fr.] Birds of
Furari litorii arenas. fLat.] To steal a feather.
the sands of the sea-shore. Gens de peu. [Fr.] The meaner class
Furiosus absents loco est. fLat.J A of people.
madman is looked upon as absent. Gens togata. [Lat.] Civilians.
Because of the absence of reason. Gentiltumime. [Fr.] A gentleman.
Furiosus furorf. suo punitur. [Lai.] Genus ignavum, quod tecto gaudet et
A madman is punished by his own umbra. [Lat.] A lazy race, who love
madness. the house and the shade.
Furor arma ministrat. [Lat.] Rage Genus irritabile vatum. ["Lat.] The
provides arms. sensitive race of poets (who are pe-
Furor fit Icesa scepius patientta. [Lat] culiarly tenacious of their literary
Patience, when trespassed on too fame).
often, is into rage. Germanice. [Lat.] In German.
Furor loquendi. [Lat.J A rage for Gibier de potence. [ Fr -] A gallows-
speaking. bird; one deserving to be hung.
Furor poeticus. [Lat.J Poetical fire. Giovine Italia. [It.] Young Italy.
Furor scribe ndi. [Lat.] A rage for
Giovine santo, diavolo vecchio. [It.]
Fuyez les dangers de loisir. [Fr.] Avoid
A young saint, an old devil.
the dangers of leisure. Gitano. [Sp.J A gypsy.
Giuocodi mano, giucoco di villano. [It.]
G Practical jokes belong to the vulgar.
Glebce ascriptus. Lai.] A servant be.

Oaiete de caeur. [Fr.] Gaiety of longing to the soil.

heart. Gli assent i hanno torto. [It.] The ab-
Oallice. In French. sent are in the wrong.
Garfon.^ (
Fr. |
A boy a waiter.
Gloria in excelsis. [Lat.] Glory to
Garde a cheval. [Fr.] A mounted God in the highest
guard. Gloria vana florece y no grana. [Sp.]
Oarde du corps. [Fr.] A body-guard. Vain-glory flower?, but yields no fruit.
Garde fou. Fr.J Fool-preserver;
Gloria virtutis umbra. [Lat.J Glory
parapet of a bridge. is the shadow of virtue.

CHorice et famf jnctura factenan est, emrttat. [Lat.] Nothing is really

jiuolii-n' ulilitatia causa. [Lat.J A heavy to a man, which uecet>ity
sacrifice must be made of glory und brings upon him.
fame for the public advantage. Grave paupertas malum est, et intnlrr-
Qnothi seauton, (I~vut8t.afa.vrov) [Gr.J iil'il,; qua magnum doniat populum.
Know thyself. fLat.J The poverty which weighs
Gvbe-mouche. [Fr.] A fly-catcher. down a great people is a grievous and
One who eagerly listens to every idle intolerable evil.
report. Grave pondus ilium, magna nobititat
Gorge. [Fr. J A strait or narrow pass. premit. [Lat.J A grievous burden,
Goutte a goutte. his exalted rank weighs heavy on him.
[Fr.J Drop by drop.
Grave teneftut eft hominibus pondut.
Gouvernante. [Fr.] A governess.
Grdce 0. Dieu. [Fr.J Thanks to God. [Lat J Old age is a heavy burden to
Qradatim. [Lat.J Gradually ; step by man.
Graviora matient. [Lat.] Greater af-
Grodu diverse, via una. f Lat.J The flictions await us.
same road by different steps. Graviora qucedam un( remedia peric-
Gradus ad Parnassum. [Lat.J A step ilis. [Lat.J Some remedies are
to Parnassus aid in writing Greek or worse than the disease.

Latin poetry. Gravis ira regum semper. [Lat.J The

Grammativi certant. et adhuc rub ju- anger of kings is always terrible.
dicelisest. [ Lat.J The grammarians Grarifsimum est imperium contve-
disagree, and the matter in dispute is
tudinis. [Lat.] The empire of
custom is most mighty.
Grande chere et beau feu. [Fr.J Good Gregatim. [Lat.J Gregariously.
cheer and a good fire ; comfortable Grex venalium. [Lat.J A venal throng,
quarters. Gross* fete et peu de tens. A
Grande parure. \ rv -.,, ..__-.
Fr J Full dress.
' large head and little M-II.-I-.
Grande toilette. \ L Gurrra at cuchillo. [Sp. J War to the
Grand merci. [Fr. ] Many thanks. knife.
Gratia ab officio quod morn tardat abest. Guerre a mart. [Fr.] War to the
[Lat.J Thanks are lost for a service death.
tardily performed. Guerre a outrance. [Fr.J War to the
Gratia gratuim parit. [Lat.J Kind- uttermost.
ness produces kindness. Gutta cnvat lapidem non ri, sed scrpe oa-
Gratia placendi. [Lat.J The delight deruto. [Lat. The drop hollows the

of pleasing. Ptone by frequent falling, not by

Gratia pro rebus merito debetur inemtis. force.
[Lat.] Thanks are justly due for Gutta fortunes prce dolio sapientiae.
things obtained without purchase. [Lat.J A drop of fortune is worth a
Gratioe expcctativae. [Lat.J Antici- cask of wisdom.
pated benefits. Advantages ill per-
Gratior et pulchro veniens in eorpare
virtus. [Lat.J Even virtue appears Habeas corpus. [Lat.J You may have
more lovely, when it inhabits a beauti- the body.
ful form. Habeas corpus ad prosequendum. [Lat.J
Gratia anhelans, multa agenda nihil You may have the body in order to
agent. [Lat.J Out of breath about prosecute. A writ fur the removal of
nothing, with much ado doing nothing. a percon for the purpose of proseca-
tiou in d trial in the proper county.
Gratis assei-itur. [Lat.J It is asserted,
but not proved. Habeas corpus ad respond endum. [I.ut.]
Gratis dictum. [Lat.J Said to no pur- You may have the body to answer.
pose; irrelevant to the present ques- A writ to remove a person confined
tion. in any other prison, to answer to an
Grave nihil et hominl quod fert ne- action in the court.
Habeas corpus ad satisfaciendurn. grandfather, aa representing hi*
[Lat.] You may have the body to father.
satisfy. A writ which lies against a H<eres legitimus eat quern n-uptice dem-
person in prison, &c., to charge him onstrant. [Lat.] He is the legitimate
in execution. heir, whom the marriage ceremony
Babemus confitentem reum. [Lat.] We points out as such. To be au heir, a
have before us a criminal who con- person must be born, though he may
fesses his guilt. not have been procreated, in wedlock.
Habere facias possessionem. [Lat.] Hceret lateri lethalis arundo. [Lat]
Law term. You shall cause to take The deadly arrow sticks in his side.
possession. Hanc veniam petimusque damusque vic-
Habere facias visum. [Lat.] You i*s int. [Lat.] In turn we both give
shall cause a view to be taken. and receive this indulgence.
Habet et musca splenem. [Lat.] A fly Han-
even has its anger.
Hannibal ante portas. [Lat.]
nibal before the gates; the enemy
Habet iracundia hoc mali, non vult close at hand.
regi. [Lat.] Anger has this evil, Hardi comme un coq sur son fumier.
that it will not be governed. [Fr.] Brave aa a cock on his own
Habet salem. [Lat.j Be has wit; he dunghill.
is a wag. Haraiesse. [Fr.] Boldness.
Habet suum venenum blanda oratio. Haro. [Fr.J Hue and cry.
[Lat.] A soft speech has its poison. Haud facile emergunt quorum virtut-
Habile. [Fr.] Able skillful.
ibus obatat res anyusta domi. [Lat.]
Habla poco y Men, tenerte han par al- They do not easily rise in the world,
guein. [Sp.] Speak little and well, whose talents are depressed by
and people will take you for some- poverty.
body. Haud ignara mali miseris succurrere
Hablen cartas, y callen barbas. [Sp.") disco. [Lat.] Not ignorant of mis-
Let writings speak, and beards fortune, I learn to succor the misera-
(mouths) be silent. ble.
Hoc lege. [Lat.j With this condition Haud longis intervallis. [Lat.] At
or law. short intervals.
Hceo generi incrementa fides. [Lat.] Haut et bon. [Fr.] Lofty and good.
This faith will furnish new increase Hauteur. [Fr.] Height. Metaphori-
to our race.
cally used, Haughtiness.
Hcec dim meminissejuvabit. [Lat.j It Haut gout. [Fr. j High flavor; fine or
will be pleasant to remember these
elegant taste.
things hereafter. Helluo librorum. [Lat.] A devourer
Hcec Vivendi ratio miht non convenit. of books; a book-worm.
[Lat.] This mode of living does not Heupietus! heu prisca fldes. [Lat.]
suit me.
Alas for piety 1 alas for the ancient
Hceredem Deusfacit, non itomo. [Lat.] faith !

It is God that makes the heir, not Heu' quam difficile est crimen non
man. Because no man is the heir of How difficult,
another who is alive. prodere vultu. [Lat.]
alas to prevent the
I countenance
Hceredis fletus sub persona risus st. from betraying guilt.
[Lat.] The tears of an heir are Heu quam difficilis glorias custodia est!
laughter beneath a mask. [Lat. ] How difficult, alas is the cus-

Hasredum appellations veniunt Kceredes tody of glory.

hceredum in inflnitum. [Lat.] Under Heureka (eiipijica-) [Gr.] I hare found
the appellation of heirs come the it
heirs of heirs for everlasting. Heureusement, [Fr.] Happily.
Hceres jure reprcesentationis. [Lat.] Hiatus valde deflendus. [Lat.] A
An heir by right of representation. chasm or deficiency much to be re-
Thus. * crrandson inherits from his gretted.
Hie et ubique. [Lat.] Here and every- flominum sententia fallax. [Lat]
where. The opinionsof men are fallible.
Hie jaett. [Lat.] Here lies: sepultia, Homme de him. [Fr.J A good man ;

buried. an upright man.

Hie labor, hoc opus. [Lat] This la Homme de cour. [Fr.] A man of the
labor, this is work. court a courtier.

Hie palet inyeniis campus. [Lat] Homme defortumc. [Fr.] A fortunate

Here is a field open for genius. man.
Hie fooor, hoc opus est. [Lat.] This la Homme de lettres. [Fr.] A man of
letters a literary man.
labor, tins is toil. ;

Hio sepultus. [Lat] Here buried. Homme de epee. [Fr.J A man of the
sword ;a soldier.
Hino illee lacrimte. [Lat] Hence these Homme de robe. [Fr.] A man in civil
tears. office.
Bistoriette. [Fr.] A short or little his- Homme drs affaires. [Fr.] A man of
tory; a story; a tale. business.
Hoc age. [Lat.] Do this; attend to Homme d' esprit, [Fr.] A man of wit
what you are doing. or genius.
Hoc anno. [Lat.] In this year. Homme d'etat. [Fr.] A statesman.
Hoc loco. [Lat J In this place. Homo alieni. A man under the
[Lat. ]
Hoc saxum posuit. [Lat] He placed control of another.
this stone. Homo extra cum iran-
est corpus suum,
Hoctempore. [Lat.]- At this time. citur. [Lat.] A man, when angry, U
Hodie mihi, eras tibi. [Lat.J To-day beside himself.
be mine, to-morrow be yours. Homo foetus ad unguem. [Lat] A
Hoi polioi. (ot iroAAoi-) [Gr.J The highly-polished man ; one finished to
many the vulgar.
; the highest degree.
Sombre de un libra. [Sp. ] A man of Homohomtniaut deus aut lupus. [Lat]
one book. Man is to man either a god or a
Homines ad deos nulla re propius ac- wolf.
cedunt quam salute in hominibus Homo Tiomini deus, si officium seiat.
dando. [Lat.J In nothing do men Man to man is a god, if he
more nearly approach the gods* than [Lat]
knows how to do his doty.
in giving health to men. Homo homini lupus. [Lat] Man to
Homines amplius oculis quam auribus man is a wolf. One man's loss is, too
creduni; longum iter est per prce- often, another man's gain.
cepta, breve et efficax per exempla. Homo Justus nil cuipiam detrahit.
[Lat] Men believe their eyes rather [La*.] A just man speaks 111 of no
than their ears the road by precept one.
is long, by example short and sure.
H:i> mulla habet instrumenta ad ad-
Homines nihil agenda discunt male iiiixi-f..uam xupientiam. [Lat] Man
agere. [Lat.] By having nothing to POSM--.M uiuerous means of acquir-

do, men learn to do evil. ing wi.-doiu.

Homines proniores sunt ad voluptatrm, Homo muff arum Hterarum. [Lat.] A
quam ad virtutem. [Lat.J Men are man of many letters. A man of ex-
more prone to pleasure than to virtue. tensive learning.
-Homines quo plura habent, eo amplinra
Homo muffi consiM et optimi. [Lat]
The more men A man always ready to give life ad-
cupiunt. [Lat] vice, and that the best
have, the more they want Homo sine religione, sicut equus sin*
Horn in i et errare. [Lat] To err is
human. frcmo. [Lat] A man without reli-
Bominit fruffi et temperantis functus gion la like a horse without a bridle.
offlcio. [Lat] One who has acted Homo solus aut deus out daemon. [Lat]
the part of a virtuous and temperate A man to live alone niuut b either
man. god demoa.
Homo sui juris. [Lat.] A man who is Hostishumani generis. [Lat.] An
his own master. euemy of the human race.
Homo gum; humani nihila me alienum Hotel de ville. [Fr.J A Town Hall.
puto. [Lat.J I am a man: I count Hotel Dieu. [Fr.J The House of God.
nothing human indifferent to me. A common name in France for an
Eonesta more turpi i-ita potior f Lat.] hospital.
An houoraole death is better than an Hotel garni. [Fr.] A furnished lodg-
ignominious life. ing-house.
Honesta paupertas prior quam opes Huissier. [Fr.J Door-keeper; usher.
maUe. [Lat.j Poverty with honesty Hunianinilntulienuni. Lat.J Nothing

is tetter than ill-acquired wealth. which relates to man is foreign to me.

Honesta qucsdam see/era successor facit. Humanum est errare. [Lat.J To err
is human,
[Lat.] Success makes some sorts of
wickedness appear honorable. Hunc tu caveto. [Lat.] Beware of him.
Honestum non est semper quod licet. Hurtar para dar por Dios. [Sp.J To
steal for the purpose of giving to God.
|Lat.j What is lawful its not always
honorable. "Y&rtpov vpoTepov [Gr.J Husteron
Honestus rumor alterum pat^imonium proteron. Last put first. The posi-
tions or arguments inverted from
est. [Lat.J A good name is a second
their natural order or, as we fa-

floni soi qui mat y pense. miliarly say, The cart put before the
[O. FT.] horse.
Evil to him who evil thinks.
Honor est a. Kilo. Honor is Huyendo del toro. cayo en el arroyo.
from the Nile, an anagram on " Hora- [Sp.J Flying from the bull, he fell
into the brook.
tio Nel on," referring to the famous
battle of the Nile.
Honores mutant mores. [Lat.] Hon-
ors change men's manners or char-
Ich dien. [Ger.] I serve.
lave fixe. [Fr.] A fixed idea.
Honos habet onus. [Lat] Honor Idem sonans. [Lat.J Signifying the
brings responsibility same.
flora e sempre. [It.] It is always
Idem velle atque idem nolle. [Lat.J To
flora fvgit. [Lat] The hoar flies.
have the same likes and dislikes.
Id genus omne. [ Lat. J All of that sort
Harce canonicce. [Lat.J Prescribed or description.
hours for prayer canonical hours.
; Id maxime quemque decet, quod est cw-
Horresco referens. [Lat.] I shudder jusque suum inaxime. [Lat.J That
as I relate. thing best becomes us, which belongs
flora de combat. [Fr.] Out of condi- to our station.
tion to fight. Id mutavit quia me immutatum i-idet.
Hors de la lot. [Fr.] In the condition [Lat.] Because he sees me unchanged
of an outlaw. he has changed.
Hortde propos. [Fr.] Not to the point Idoneus homo. [Lat.] A fit man. A
or purpose. man of known ability.
flors de saison. [Fr. I Out of season. Id usitatissimum. [Lat.] That most
flors d' ceuvre. Out of course trite or hackneyed phrase.
[Fr.J ;

out of order. I frutti proibiti sono i piu dolci. [It.]

Hortus siccus. FL&t.] Literally, a dry
Forbidden fruits a.'e sweetest.
garden. A collection of dried plants Ignem ne gladio fodito. [Lat.] Stir
for the purpose of classification. Ap- not the fire with a sword. Do not ir-
plied figuratively to a recital of dry ritate an angry person.
and uninteresting details. Ignis fatuus. [Lat.] A deceiving light ;
Hosptfurn. [Lat.J An inn a place ; the Will o' the Wisp.
where travelers are entertained. Ignoramus. [Lat.] We are ignorant.
Hostis honori invidia. [Lat.] An en- A term employed when a grand jurj
emy 'b envy is an honor.
Ignores an indictment. The word ia IHacos infra muros prrmtur et
jokingly applied to an ignorant man, [Lat.J Errors are committed, both
a dolt. within and without the walls of Troy.
Jgnorantia facti exeusat. [Lat.] Ig- Ilias malorum. [ An Iliad of
norance of the fact excuses. ills ; a host of evils.
Ignorantia legis neminem excusat. Ilium fuit. [Lat.J Troy has existed.
[ Lat. Ignorance of the law excuses
Ille crucem sceleris pretium, hie diad-
nobody. ema. [Lat.] For a crime for which
Ignorantio eJenchi. [Lat.] Ignorance one is hauged, another is crowned.
of the point in question the logical ; Jllifite. |Fr.J Unlawful.
fallacy of arguing 10 the wrong point. lllotis manibut. [Lat.J With un-
Ignoscas aliis unit to, nil tibi. [Lat.]
washed hands; without preparation.
Pardon others for many an offense, niotis pedtbut ingrrdi. [Lat.J To en-
yourself for none. ter with uuwashed feet. Sometimes
Ignoscite stvpe alteri, nunquam tibi. applieil to those who talk Irreverently
[Lat.] Pardon another often, your- of sacred subjects. /_

self never. II n'o ni bouche ni iperon. [Fr.] He

Jgnoti nuila cupido. [Lat.] No desire has neither mouth nor spar: neither
is felt for a thing unknown. wit nor courage.
Ignotum per ignotius. fLat.] That n n'o pat inventS la poudre. [Fr.]
which is unknown by that which is He was not the inventor of gun-
still more unknown. powder ; he is no conjurer.
II above a toute le monde. [Fr.] He line faut jnmais de/ler un fou. [Fr.]
snarls at every body. Never defy a fool.
II a lamer a boirr. [Fr.] He has to 71 n'est tauce que d'appetit. [Fr.]
drink up the pea. Hunger is the best sauce.
II a le diable au corps. [Fr.] The II n'i/ a Hen de beau, que Vutile. [Fr.]
deril is in him. There is nothing but the useful which
II a le fin mauvais. fFr.] He is quar- is beautiful.
relsome when ill his cups. Ilpenseroso. [It.] The pensive man.
II a seme desfleurn sur un terrain aride. II sabio muda conscio, il ntscio, no,
He had planted flowers oil a [Sp.J The wise man change hit
Darren soil. mind, the fool, never.
11 conduit bien sa barque. [Fr.J He Il sangue del toidato fa grande il capit-
i-tcers lii- boat well. ano. It is the blood of th
II croit qu'U trompe. parce qu'tl mente. soldier that makes the general great.
[Fr.] He thinks ho deceives, because II te noyerait dans un verre d'eau.
he lies.
[Fr.J He would drown himself la a
II en Jait srs chovx gras. [Fr.J He glass of water.
thereby makes his cabbage fat. He II ent le fagot. [Fr.] He rmeUs of
feathers his iiest by it. the faggot ; he Is suspected of heresy.
II ennuie gut attend. [Fr.J Waiting II vavt mieux tucher oublirr ses ntal-
is tedious. heurs, que d'en purler. [Fr.J It l*
It est comme Voiseau sur la branctie. better to forget one's misfortune
He is like the bird on the than to talk about them.
ranch. His disposition is too waver- II vino e una mezza cnrda. [It.]
ing. Wine brings ont the truth.
II rst plus aist d'etre r
sage pour les
II volto tciolto, gli pentieri ttretti. [It]
autres, que pour goimeme. Fr. J It | The countenance open, but the
is more easy to be wise for other thought closely concealed.
persons than for ourselves. II y a anguille sous la roohe. fFr.J
Ilfaut attendre It boiteux. [Fr.J We There IB an eel under the rock.
must wait for the lame man. There is a mystery in the affair.
Itfaiit (le fargent. |Fr.J Money is II y a oien des f/rns gu'on esti me, paro~
wanted or must be had. (fu'on ne ut vonnoit point. l.Fr.J
There are many persons who are es- Index expur gator ius. [Lat.] A purg-
teemed, only because they are not ing or purifying index.
known. Indignante invidia florebit Justus.
II y a encore de guoi glaner. [Fr.] [Lat.] The just man will flourish in
There is something yet to be gleaned. despite of envy.
The subject is not wholly exhausted. Indocti discant, et ament meminikt,e
fmitatores, servum pecus. [Lat.] Im- periti. [Lat.J Let the ignorant
itators, a servile herd. learn, and let the learned improve
Imo pectore. [Lat. j From the bottom their recollection.
of the breast. In dubiis. [Lat.] In matters of doubt.
Impart Marte. [Lat.] With unequal In cases of uncertainty.
military strength. Indulio. [Lat.] In doubt.
Impedimenta. [Lat.] Travelers' lug- In equilibria. [Lat.J In equilibrium ;
gage ; the baggage of au army. equally balanced.
Imperium in imperio. [Lat.J A state In esse. [Lat.J In actual being.
within a state ; a government within Inest dementia, forti. [Lat.J Clemency
belongs to the brave.
ImpHcite. [Lat.] By implication. Inest sua gratia part-is. [Lat.] Even
Jmpoli. [Fr.] Rude ; unpolished. little things have their peculiar grace.
Jmpolitesse. [Fr.] Coarseness ; rude- In extenso. [Lat.J In full at large. ;

ness ; boorishness. In extremis. [Lat.] At the point of

Impos animi. [Lat. J Of weak mind. death.
Improbe amor, quid non mortalia pect- Infandum renovare dolorem. [Lat.]
oracogis [Lat.] Remorseless love,
1 To revive unpleasant recollections.
to what do you -not compel mortal Inferrumpro libertate ruebant. [Lat.]
bosoms ! For freedom they rushed upon the
Improbis aliena virtus semper formid- sword.
olosaest. [Lat.J The virtue of others Inflnita est velocitas temporis. [Lat.]
isalways a terror to the wicked. The swiftness of time is infinite.
In avtu. [Lat.J In act or reality Infinito. [Lat.] Perpetually.
In cequilibrio. [Lat.] In equilibrium. In flagrante delicto. [Lat.J Taken hi
In ceternum. [Lat. J For ever. the act.
In ambiguo. [Lat.] In doubt. In forma pauperis. [Lat.] As a poor
In armis. [Lat.J Inarms. man. To admit one to suein/oria
In articulo mortis. [Lat.] At the pauperis is to relieve him of paying
point of death in the last struggle.
; any fees to the counsel, attorney, or
In bianco. [It.] In blank; in white. clerks.
In capite. [Lat.] In chief .
In fora conscientice. [Lat.] Before
Incedimus per ignes suppositos cineri the tribunal of conscience.
dotoso. [Lat.] We walk over fires Infra dignitatem. [Lat.J Below one's
placed beneath deceitful ashes. dignity.
Incidit in Scyllam, gui vult vitare In future. [Lat.] In future.
Charybdin. [Lat.J In striving to Ingenii largitor venter. [Lat.] The
avoid Charybdis, he falls upon Scylla. belly (hunger) is the bestower of
In ccelo ouies. [Lat.J There is rest in genius.
heaven. Ingenio stat sine marie decus. [Lat.]
Incognito. [Lat.J Unknown ;
In dis- The ornament or honors of genius are
guise. eternal.
In eommendam. [Lat.] In trust or Ingenium res adversce nudare solent,
recommendation to denote a person celare secundte. [Lat] Adversity is
"commended." apt to discover the genius, prosperity
Incubus. [Lat.J The night-mare. to conceal it.
Jn curia. TLat.J In the court. Ingens telum necessitas. [Lat.] Ne-
IndeircB. [Lat.J Hence these reeent- cessity is a powerful weapon.
uem. Ingratum i dixeris, omnia dicit. [Lat J
II 7ou a man ungrateful, you say
call In propria pmona. [Lat.] In person.
everything against him. In puris naturaiibus. [Lat.J Quite

Jn hoc sicfno spes mea. Lat J In this naked stark naked.


is my hop. In re. [Lat.J In the matter of.

JLn hoc signo viruses. [Lat.J Under In rerun natura. [Lut.J In the na-
this sign or standard thou shalt con- ture of things.
quer. In scEcula sitculorun. [Lat J For
Iniquissimam pacem justissimo hello ages on ages.
antefero. [Lat.J I prefer the most Jn sano tentu. [Lat] In a proper
unjust peace to the moat just war. sense.
In limine. [Lat.J At the threshold. / omnis furere credit cceterot.
In [Lat.J Every madman believes all
loco. [Lat.] In the place; in the other persons are mad.
natural or proper place.
Insculpserunt. [LatJ They engraved it
In loco parentig. [Lat.J In the place Insculpsit. [Lat.J He engraved it
of a parent. In solo Deo solus. [Lat.J In God alone
Jn medias res. [Lat.] Into the midst is safety.
of things. Insonciance, [Fr.] Carelessness ; in-
In media tutissimus ibis. [Lat.] Yon difference.
will go saf in a middle course. Insonciant. [Fr.J Careless; indifferent
In memoriu.r.1. Lut.J To the memory
[ Instanter. [Lai. 1 Instantly.
of ; in me-iory.
In the name of. Instar omnium. [Lut.J Like all the
[n nomine. [Lat.J an example to others.
In nubibus. Lut] In th ; clouds. rest;

In nuce. [Lat.J In a nut-shell.

Zn atatu quo. [LatJ In the farmer
In omnia paratus. [Lat.J Prepared for Zn statu QUO ante helium. [Lat] In the
all things. same state as before the war.
In omnibus aUquid, in toto nihiL Zn suspense. [LatJ In suspense or
[Lat.] A J'ttle in everything, in uncertainty.
nothing complete. Intamin<itis fulget honoribus. [Lat]
In omnibus fere minorl astati succurr- He shines with unstained honors.
itur. T In all cases relief is af-
at.] Zn te, Domino, speravi. [Lat] In
forded under age.
t>> :>ers<. <t
thee, O Lord, have I put my trust
In omnibus quidem, marime tamen in Integra mens augustissima possessio.
Jure, jEqui tas est. [Lat.J In all [Lat] A mind fraught with in-
things, but particularly in the law, tegrity is the noblest possession.
there is equity. Integros haurire fontes. [Lat.] To
Inopem copia fecit. [Lat] Abundance drink frcm overflowing fountains.
made him poor. Inter i~lia, [Lat.] Among other thing ). 1

Inovo. [Lat.J In the egg. Inter arma silent leges. Laws

In pace. [Lat.] In peace. [Lat]
are silent in the midst of arms.
In partibus infldelium. [Lat.] In Inter canem et lupum. [LatJ Be-
parts belonging to infidels, or coun- tween a dog and a wolf; at evening
tries not adhering to the Roman twilight
Catholic faith. Interdum stultus bene loquitur. fLat.)
Zn perpetuum ret memoriam. [Lat.] Sometimes a fool speaks to the pur-
In perpetual remembrance of the pose.
thing. Interdum vulgus rectum vidrt. [Lat]
In perpetuam. [Lat.] Forever. Sometimes tbe rabble discover what
In petto. [It.] Within the breast ; in is right
reserve. Inter fontes et flumtna nota. [Lat]
In plena. [Lat.] In full. Among familiar fountains and riven.
In pose. [Lat.J In possible existence; Inter nos. [Lat J Between ourselves.
in possibility. Inter pocula. [LatJ la his cups.
In prcesenti. [LatJ At th* present Z terrorem. [Let] In telror; by
waj of warning.
inter ae. [Lat.j Among themselves,
In tottdem verbii. ILatJ In so many
In toto. [Lat.] In the whole; entirely. Jacta et alea. [Lat.] The die is cast
Intro, mure*. [Lat.J Within the walla. J\ii bonne cause, [Fr.] I have a good
In transitu. [Lat.] On the passage.
Intro, parietes. Within walls; Jalousie. [Fr.] Jealousy; a Venetian
in private. window-blind.
Intriguant. [Fr.J An intriguing fel- Jactitatio. [Lat.] A boasting. Jacti-
low. tation of marriage is a false boasting
Intus et in cute novi hominem. [Lat.] of a person thai he, she, is married
I know the man thoroughly. I have to another, suuli being the case.
a thorough knowledge of his charac- Jamais arriere. [ir. Never behind.
ter. Jamais ban coureur ne fut pris. [Fr.]
Jntuta quas tndecora. [Lat.] Those A good runner is never caught; an
things that are unseemly are unsafe. old bird is not to be caught with
In tm baiter d' occhio. [It.] In the chaff.
twinkling of an eye; instantly. Januis clausis. [Lat] With closet!
In usu. [Lat.J In use. doors.
In usum Delphint. [Lat.] lor the use Jardin det Planter. [Fr.J The botani-
of the Dauphin. cal garden in Paris.
In utroque ftdelis. [Lat.] Faithful in Jejunus raro stomachus vulgaria temnit.
both. [Lat] A hungry stomach rarely de-
In utnimque paratus. [Lat.] Pre- spises plain food.
pared foi eithe- event. Je maintiendrai le droit. [Fr.] I will
In vacuo. [Lat.J In empty space, or maintain the right
in a vacuum. Je ne cherche qu'un. [Fr.] I seek but
In verba magistri jurare. [Lat.] To one.
swear to, or by, the words of another; Je ne sais quoi. [Fr.] I know not
to adopt opinions on the authority of what
another. Je n'oublierai Jamais. [Fr.] I will
Inversa online. [Lat.] In an inverse never forget.
order. Je sui pret. [FT.] I am ready.
In vino veritas, [Lat.] There is truth Jet d'eau. [Fr.J A jet of water; ft
in wine; truth is told under the influ- fountain.
ence of intoxicants. Jeu de main, jeu de viJain. [Fr.]
Invita Minerva. [Lat] Against the Prm-tical tricks belong only to the
will of Minerva; at variance with lowest classes.
one's mental capacity; without ge- Jeu de mots. [Fr.] A play on words;
nius. a pun.
Ipse dixit. [Lat] He himsplf said it; Jeu d'esprit. [Fr.] A display of wit;
a dogmatic saying-or assertion. a witticism.
Ipsissima verba. [Lat] The very Jeu de theatre. [Fr.] Stage-trick;
words. attitude; clap-trp.
Jpsissimis verbis. [Lat] In the very frune, on conserve pour la vteillesse:
word. vieux, on epargne pour la mort. [Fr. ]
Jpso facto. [Lat.] In the fact itself. When young, men lay up for old age;
Jpsojure. [Lat] By the law itself. when aged, they hoard for death.
furor brevis Anger is Je vis en espoir. [Er.J I live in hope.
Ira. est, Lat]
a short madness. Joci cauta. [Lat] For the sake of a
Jta eat. [Lat] It is so. joke.
It a lex tcripta. [Lat] Thus the law Joli. [Fr.] Pretty.
is written. Jourde ma vie. [Fr.J The day of my
Jtalicc. [Lat] In Italian. life.
Ivresse. [Fr..] Intoxication: drunk- Jot-is omnia plena.[Lat.] All things
WU1668. are full of Jove; the hand of Pruvv
deuce is visible everywhere.

jubilate Deo. f Lat.] O, be joyful In Junto totat aperire feneitrai. [Lat]

the Lord. The beginning of the Hun- Would you open all the windows.
dredth tsalm. Juniert dextras, [Lat.] To
join rinht
Jucunda et idonea dicer e vitcr. (Lat.] hands; or, as we say, "to shake
To relate what is agreeable and suited hand*."
to our conduct in life; the useful as Juniorti ad labor**. [Lat.] Young
well as the amusing. men for labors.
Jucunda eat memoria prteteritorum Jupiter tonaiu. [Lat.] Jupiter the
malorum. [Lat.] The recollection thunderer.
of past evils is pleasant. Jure divino. [Lat] By divine law.
Jure [Lat.] By human law.
Jucunda, rerun vicissitudo. [Lat.] A
Juris peritut. [Lat.] One learned ia
delightful change of circumstances.
the law.
Jucundi acti labores. [Lat.] The re- Juri* utriutque doctor. [Lat] Doctor
membrance of difficulties overcome of both the civil and canon law.
is delightful.
et carum sterttis facit uxor Jus canonicum. [Lat] The canon law.
Jucundum Jus civile. [Lat] The civil law.
amicum. [ Lat. J A barren wife
Jus dii-inum. [LatJ The divine law.
makes a dear and interesting friend.
To those, namely, who are looking Jus tt norma loquendi, [Lat.J The
for her husband's money after his de- law and rule of speech.
cease. Jus gentium, [Lat] The law of na-
Jucundum nihil eft, nisi quod reflcit tions.
varieta*. [Lat.] Nothing is pleasant Jus gladii. [LatJ The right of th
that isnot enlivened with variety. word.
Jus possessioni*. [Lat.J Right of pos-
Judex damnatur cum nocens absolvitur. eession.
[Lat.J The judge is condemned Jus proprietatis. The
when the guilty is [Lat.] right of
Judex non potost esse testis in propria property.
Juste milieu. [Fr.] The golden mean.
causa. [Lat.] A judge cannot be a necesaarium.
Justum helium quibut
witness in his own cause. War whom
[Lat.] is just to those to
Judex non solum quid possit, ted etiam it is necessary.
quid deceat ponderare debet. [Lat. J A Justum et tenacem propositi virum.
judge ought to weigh well not only [Lat] The man who is just and de-
what he may do, but also what he termined in his resolution.
ought to do. Juvenile vitium regere non pone impet-
Judicandum et legibu,non exemplis. um. [I^at] It is the falling of youth
[Lat.] We must judge according to not to be able to restrain Its own im-
law, not by precedent. petuosity.
Judicis offlcium eat, ut res, ita tempora Juxta. [Lat] Nearby.
rerun Qucerere. [Lat.] It Is the du- Juxta fluvium puteum fodit. [Ltt]
ty of a judge, to consider not only He digging a well close by a river.
the facts, but the circumstances of the Said of a person ndding to a supply
caoe. which is already more than suffi-
Judicium Dei. [LatJ The judgment cient
of God.
Judicium parium out lege* term.
[Lat.] The judgment of our peers^
or the lawn of the land.
Judicium videndis artlbus.
subtile La beaute MM
vertu et VIM Jliir
acute discernment In un-
An an* por/um. [Fr.] Beauty withcut
[l,at J
the arts. virtue is like a flower without per-
Jugulare mortuof. [Lat] To stab the fume. ,
L'dMto una teconda natura, [It/
United, they Hnblt a second nature.
ANNS* Jvvant. [LatJ
Labitur oooufU, falUtyu* voittMito sm
flat.] Age glides stealthily on, and fFr.] The tongue of a woman is hef
beguiles us as it flies. sword, which she seldom suffers to
la bonne fortune, et la tnauvaise sont rust __

necessaires a Vhomme, pour le rendre La liberalite consiste mains a donnet

habile. [Fr.] Good and bad fortune beaucoup, qu'a donner a propos.
are necessary to a man in. order to [Fr.] Liberality does not consist sa
make him adroit and capable. much in giving a great deal, as in
Itabure et honore. [Lat. J By labor and giving seasonably.
honor. L'allegro, [It.] The merry man.
Labor ipse voluptas. [Lat.] Labor it- La maladie sans maladie. [Fr.] The
self is a pleasure. disease without a disease ; hypochon-
Labor omnia vincit. [Lat] Labor driacism.
conquers everything. L'amour et la fumee ne peuvent se
Laborum dulce lenimen. [Lat.J The cacher. [Fr.] Love and smoke can-
sweet solace of our labors. not concea.1 themselves.
Ldche. [Fr.J Lax; relaxed. amour-propre est le plus grand de
La critique est aisee, et Varl est difficile, tout let flatteurs. fFr-J Self-love is
[Fr.] Criticism is easy, and art is the greatest of all flatterers.
difficult. _
La mentira tiene las piernas cortas.
L'adversite fait les hommes et le bon- f Sp. J A lie has
short legs.
heurles monstres. Adversity
(Fr.] Lana caprina. Goat's wool ;
makes men, but prosperity makes hence, a thing of little worth or con-
monsters. sequence or which does not exist
La faint chasse le loup du bois. [Fr.] Langage des holies. [Fr] The language
Famine drives the wolf from the of the markets ; profane or foul lan-
wood. guage or abuse ; billingsgate.
La fame non vuol leggi. [It.] Hunger La patience est amere, mats son fruit
obeys no laws. estdoux. [Fr.] Patience is bitter,
IM faveur met Vhomme au-dessua de but its fruit is sweet
tes egaux, et sa chute au-dessous.
Lapis philosophorum. [Lat.] The
[Fr.] Favor places a man above his
philosopher's stone.
equals, and his fall or disgrace, be- La j-overta e la madre di tutte learti.
neath them.
[It.] Poverty is the mother of all
Vaffaire s'achemine. [Fr.] The busi- the arts.
ness is going forward".
La foiblesse de Vennemi fait notre Lafisus calami. [Lat.] A slip of the
The weakness pen.
propre force. [Fr.]
of the enemy forms a part of our own Lapsus linguae. [Lat.] A slip of the
La fortune passe partout. For- Lapsus memoriae. [Lat.] A slip of the
tune passes everywhere; all suffer memory.
Lares et penates. [Lat] Household
change or vicissitude.
La genie pone, y Dios dispone. [Sp.] gods.
Men purpose, but God doth dispose. La reyne (or le roy) le veult. [Norm.
Fr.] The queen (or the king) wills
La gmnde sagetse de I'homme consiste itthe formula expressing the sov-

a oonnoitre get foliet. [Fr.] The ereign's assent to a bill which has
great wisdom of man consists in the passed both Houses of Parliament.
knowledge of his follies. Vargent. [Fr.] Honey.
Laguna. [It.] A. moor; a fen. LSargent est un ban serviteur, et wn
La, la. [Fr.J So, so ; indifferently. mechant maltre. [Fr.] Money is a
Laifsex nous faire. [Fr.] Let us act good servant D|rt a bad master.
for (or take care of) ourselves ; let L'a.rt de vaincre ett celui de mfpriter
as alone. la mart. [Fr.] The art of conquer*
la lanffue det femmet et leur epee, ing is that of despising death.
ft eUet ne la laittent pas rouiller. la tilence ett la vertu Ac oeum yvi ft*
wont pas gages. [Fr.] Silence is the not consist in the absence, but iu the
virtue, or the best quality of the mastery, of '*is passions.
foolish. Le ban temps viendrm,. [Fr.] To*
La tperanza e il pan de miseri. [It.] good time will come.
Hope is the poor man's bread. Le tout en 6te le gout. [Fr.] The
Las riyuezas son bagajes de la fortuna. cost takes away the lasts).
[Sp.J Riches are the baggage of Lector benevoU. [Lat.J Kind or gen-
fortune. tlereader.
t'oventr. [Fr.] Tne future. Le desoous des cartes. [Fr.] The low-
Latent scintillula forsan. [Lat.] Per- er side of the card*. Ilestaudesttmt
haps a small spark may lie hid. des cartes he sees the faoe of th
Latet anguis in herba. [Lat.J A snake cards. He is in the secret.
lies hid in the grass. The lams
Le diable boiteux. [Fr.]
Latine dictum. [Lat.] Spoken in devil, or the devil on two sticks.
Legatus a latere. A papal am-
Latitat. [Law Lat.] He lurks. A bassador.
writ of summons issuing from the
King's Bench, which, by a fiction, Legerete. [Fr.] Lightness ; levity.
states the defendant to be in a state Le grand monarque. [Fr.] The great
of concealment. monarch a name applied to Louis

Lauda la moglie e tienti donzello. [It.] XIV. of France.

Commend a wife, but remain a bach- Le grand oiuvre. [Fr.] The great
elor. work in alchem. the philosopher's

Laudari a viro laudato. [Lat.] To be stone.

praised by one who is himself Le jeu n'en vauf pas la chnndelle. [Fr.]
praised. The game is not worth the candle ;
Laudator temporis acti. [Lat.] One the object is not worth the trouble.
who praises time past. Le mieux est Vennemi du blen. [Fr.]
Laudum immensa cupido. In-
[Lat.J The best is the enemy of well.
satiable desire for praise.
taus Deo. [Lat.] Praise to God. Le moineau en la main vaut mieum
Laus propria sordet. [Lat.J Praise of que Voie qui vole. [Fr.] A sparrow
one' s own self denies. in the hand is better than a goose on
t'oventr. [Fr.] The future. the wing.
Le monde est le livre des femmes. [Fr.]
La write ne fait pat autant de blen The world IB woman's book.
dans monde, que set apparencet
Le mot d'eniome. The key of
Vfontdemal. [Fr.] Truth does not the mystery.
BO much good in the world, as its ap-
Vempire des lettres. [Fr.] The re-
pearances do mischief.
la. vertu est -la seule noblesse. [Fr.] public of letters.
Leonem larva terres. [Lat.] You r
Virtue is the only nobility.
for frightening a lion with a mask.
La vertu n'irott pas si loin, si la van-
tie ne lui tenoit compagnie. [Fr.] Leonina sooietas. [Lat.] A lion's
Virtue would not go so far, if vanity company.
did not bear it company. Le pas. [Fr ] Precedence In place or
L'eau en vient a la bouche. [Fr.J rank.
That makes one's mouth water. Le plus lent d promettre est toujours
Le beau monde. [Fr.J The fashiona- le plus ftdih u tenir. [Fr.] The
ble world. man who most slow in promis-
Le bien ne e fait Jamais mieux. que ing is the most sure to keep his
lorsquHl s'opere lentement. [Fr.J word.
Good is never effected more happily, Le plus sape est eelui qui ne pn* feint
tnaii when it
produced slowly.
is rt'tre. [Fr.] The wisest man. in
he who does not think
Le bonheur de Vhomme en cette vie ne general, is

eonsiste pas a etre sans ^passtons: il

he is BO.
oonaisto a en etre to ma^tre. [Fr.J Le point de four. [Fr.] Daybreak.
of man In "" U*e doel Leporis vitam v*vit. [Lat.] He UT*
The happiness
the life of a hare. He is always full pptest. [Lat.] That grief is nut
of fears ami anxiety. light which can take counsel.
lie roi et i' etat. [Fr.] King and Lerius solet timere qui propius timet.
[Lat] A man's fears are diminished
Leroileveut. [Fr.] The king wills it. when the danger is near at hand.
Lerois^avisera. [Fr.J The king will
consider or deliberate.
Le vrai n'eat pas toujours vraisembto-
ble. [Fr.] The truth is not alwayi
Let absent ont toujours tort. [Fr.] probable.
The absent are always in the wrong. Lex appetit perfectum. [Lat.] The
Lea affaires font les homines. [Fr.] law aims at perfection.
Business makes men.
Le savoir faire. See Savoir Lex citius tolerare vultprivatum dam-
num quam publicum malum. [Lat.]
Let bras croises. With folded The law will sooner tolerate a private
[Fr.] loss than a public evil.
Les doux yeux. [Fr.] Soft glances. Lex loci. (Lat.J The law or custom
of the place.
Lese-majeste. [Fr.J High treason. Lex neminem cogit ad impossibilia.
Let extremes se touchent. [Fr.] Ex-
tremes meet. [Lat.J The law compels no man to
Les larmes aux yeux. Tears in do impossibilities.
one's eyes.
Lex non scripta. [Lat.] Unwritten
Lea murailles ont des oreilles. [Fr.]
law ; common law.
Walls have ears. Lex scripta. [Lat .] Statute law.
Les plussages ne le sont pas toujours. Lex talionis. [Lat.] The law of re-
[Fr.] The wisest are not so always. taliation.
L'etoile du nord. [Fr.J The star of Lex terrcB. [Lat.] The law of the
the north ;
the motto of Minnesota. land.
Le tout ensemble. [Fr.] The whole L'homme n'est jamais moins miserable^
together. que quand il paroit depuurvu de tout.
Lettre de cachet. [Fr.] A sealed letter [Fr.J Man is never less miserable
containing private orders ; a royal than when he appears to be deprived
warrant. of everything.
Lettre de change. [Fr.] Bill of ex- L'homme propose, et Itieu dispose.
change. [Fr.] Man proposes, and God dis-
Lettre de creance. [Fr.] Letter of poses.
credit. L'hypocrisie est un hommage que la
Letter de margin. [Fr.] A letter of vice rend a la vertu. [Fr. J Hypoc-
marque or of reprisal. risy is an homage, which vice renders
Leve quod btne fertur onus. [Lat.]
fit to virtue.
The load becomes light which is Liaisons dangereuses. [Fr.] Danger-
borne with cheerfulness. ous alliances or connections.
Leves homines futuri sunt improvidi. Libertas et natale solum. [Lat.] Lib-
[Lat.] Light-minded men are care- erty, and my native soil.
less of the future. Libertas est potestas faciendi id quod
Levia perpessi sumus, si flenda pati- jure liceat. [Lat.] Liberty consists
mur. [Lat. ) We have had to suffer in the power of doing that which
but trifles if our sufferings are merely is permitted by the law.
such as we should weep for. Liberte toute entiere. [Fr.] Liberty
Leviora sunt injuria, qucB repentino complete.
aliquo motu accidunt, quant ea qute Liberum arbitrium. [Lat.] Free-
meditate prceparata inferuntur. [Lat.] will.
The injuries which befall us unex- Libraire. [Fr.] A bookseller.
pectedly are less severe than those Licentia vatum. [Lat.J The license of
which we are deliberately antic- the poets ; poetical license.
ipating. Limce labor et mora. [Lat.] The labor
Levia est dolor out copcre consiUwn and delay of the file ; the slow ua4
laborious polishing of a literary com- Loynute n'a honte. [Fr.] Loyalty ha
position. no shame.
L'inconnu. The unknown.
[Fr.] Lubrica statio et proximo prcccipitio.
Vincroyable. [Fr.J The incredible. [Lat.] A slippery spot, and on th
The mixed edge of a precipice.
Lingua Franca. [It.] Lubrici sunt fortunte gressus. [Lat.]
language used between Europeans The footsteps of fortune are slippery.
and Orientals in the Levant. Lubiicum linguae nun facile in pa-niim
its Htem general. Strife be-
[Lat.] est trahendum. [Lat.J A slip of the
gets strife. tongue ought not to be punished with-
Lis sub judice. [Lat.] A case not out due consideration.
yet decided. Lucidus ordo. [Lat.J Perspicuous ar-
iff cm lite resolvere. [Lat.] To settle
strife by strife to remove
; one diffi- Lucri causa. [Lat.] For the Bake of
culty by introducing another. gain.
Lit de justice. [Fr.] The king's throne Lucrnm malum cequale ditpendio.
in the parliament of Paris ; also, the I.ut. J An evil gain is equal to a loos.

sitting of this parliament in the king's Lttcus a non lucendo. [Lat.] The
presence. word "lucus," a grove, is derived
Lite pendent e. [Lat.] During the trial. from " Juccre," to shine, because the
Litera scripta manet. [Lat.] The rays of the sun are supposed rarely to
written letter remains. penetrate through its foliage. The
Literatim. [Lat.] Letter by letter. phrase is generally used to mark an
Littus ama, altum alii teneant. [Lat.] absurd or discordant etymology.
Do you keep close to the shore ; let Ludere cum sacris. [Lat.J To play
others venture on the deep. with holy things to jest on sacred

Livre rouge. [Fr.] The red book. subjects.

The increased and increasing history Ludit inhumanis Divina potentia rebus.
of pensions. [Lat.] The Divine power finds sport
Locale. [Fr.] A place or station. in the affiurs of men.
Loci communes. [Lat.J Common places. Ludus animo debet aliquando darl.
Loco citato. [Lat.] In the place cited. [Lat.] Recreation ought sometimes
to be given to the mind.
Locos y ninos dicen la verdad. [Sp.J
Children and fools speak truth. Lugete Veneres Oupidinesque. [Lat. J
Locum tenens. fLnt.] One occupying Mourn, ye V onuses and Cupids.
the place a deputy or substitute a Lumen soli mutuum dus. |
Lat. ] You
; ;
are lending light to the sun.
proxy. The wolf in
Locus classicus. [Lat.] A classical pas- Lupus infabula. [Lat.]
the fable.
Locus criminis. [Lat.] Place of the Lupus pilummutat, nonmentem. [Lat.]
The wolf changes his hair, but not
his nature.
Locus in quo. [Lat.] The place in
A freak of
Lusus naturae. [Lat.] na-
Locus penitential. [Lat.] Place for re-
Lutum nisi tundatur, non flt urceus.
[Lat. ] Unless the clay be well pound
Locus [Lat.] The place of the
sigilli. <v no pitcher can be made.
usually abbreviated to L. 8.

seal ;

Longo intervallo. [Lat.] By or with Luxuriae desunt multa, avaritiee omnia.

Luxury is in want of many
long interval. [Lat.]
Longe aberrat scopo. [Lat.] He goes things ; avarice, of everything.
far from the mark.
Loyal devoir. [Fr.J Loyal duty.
ioyal en tout. [Fr.] Loyal in every-
thing. Ma chtre. [*T.] My dear.
Loyauti m'oblige. [Fr.] Loyalty binds Jtacte virtute. [Lat.J Be strong or pro-
me. ceed in virtue.
Kafoi, [Fr.] Upon my faith. Magni animt est injuring despicere.
Maggiore fretta, minore atto. fit.] [Lat.J It is the duty of a great mind
The more haste, the worse speed. to despise injuries.
Magit ilia juvant quce plurii emuntur. Magni est ingenii revocare mentem a
[Lat.J Those things please most sensibus. [Lat.] It requires great
which cost most. intellect to release the mind from the
Magi* magni clerici non runt magi's sap- thraldom of the senses.
ient es. [Lat.J The greatest scholars Magni nominis umbra. [Lat.] The
are not the wisest men. shadow of a great name.
Magis mutus quam piscis, [Lat.J More Magnum bonum. [Lat.J A great good.
dumb than a hsh. Magnum est vectigal parsimonia. [Lat.}
Mayistcr alius casus. [Lat.J Chance a great revenue.
is a second master.
Economy is itself
Magnum opus. [Lat.J A great work.
Magister ceremoniarum. [Lat.J Mas-
ter of the ceremonies. Magnus Alexander corpore parvut erat.
Magistratus indicat virum. [Lat.J The [Lat.] The great Alexander was
magistrate shows the man. small in stature.
Magna Charta. [Lat.J The great Magnus Apollo. [Lat.] Great Apollo;
Charter. The charter of English lib- one of high authority.
erties obtained from King JOHN, by Maigre- [Fr. J jfastiiig ; fish-diet.
the Barons of England Ann. 1215. Main de justice. The hand of
Magna ci vitas, magma solitudo. [Lat.] justice ; scepter.
A great city is a great desert. Maintien. [Fr.J Deportment ; carriage;
Magnce spes altera Romce. [Lat.J An- address.
other hope of great Borne. Maintien le droit. [Fr.] Maintain tha
Magna tst admiratio copiose saplenter- right.
que d icentis. [ Lat. J Great is our ad-
Maison decampagne. [Fr.J A country
miration of one who expresses him- house.
self with fluency and wisdom. Maison de sante. [Fr.J A private asy-
lum or hospital.
Magna eat veritos et prcevolebit. [Lat.] Maison de ville.
[Fr.] A town-house.
Truth is powerful, and she will pre-
vail. Maitre de requites. [Fr.J Master of
Hagna est vis consuetudinis. requests; the member of a council of
Great is the power of habit. state next in rank to the commander.
Jfagnanimiter crucem sustine. [Lat.J Maitre de* basses ceuvrei. [Fr.J A
Bravely bear the cross. uight-man.
Magna servitus est magna fortuna. Maitre des hautes eeuvres. [Fr.] An
[Lat.] A great fortune is a great executioner ; a hangman.
servitude. Maitre d'hotel. [Fr.J A house-steward.
Magnas inter opes inops. [Lat.J Poor Maitresse. Mistress.
in the midst of great wealth.
Major domo. [ It. ] The master of tha
Magna vis est conscientice. The
[Lat. 3
of conscience is great. bouse, or he who for the time, offi-
power ciate;! as such ; a steward, or chief
Magna vis est, magnum nomen, ttnum servant.
etidem sentientis senatus. [Lat.J Major e longinquo reverentia. [Lat.J
Great is the power, great the name, Bespect is greater at a distance.
of a senate which is unanimous Mala -xiusa silenda est. [Lat.J It 1*
in its opinions. best to be silent in a bad cause.
Magnoe felicitates multum caliginis ment- Mala conscienta etiam solitudine anfia
ibushumanis objiciunt. [Lat.J Great atque tollicita est. [Lat.J An evil
prosperity involves the human mind conscience is anxious and solicitous
in extreme darkness. even in solitude.
Magnce fortunes come* adest adulatio. Malade. [Fr.J Sick.
[Lat.J Adulation is the attendant on Maladiedupays. [Fr.] HomeglclrBM*
great wealth. [ Lat.J Bad faitk.
Vala menu, maJus animus. [Lat.] Bad Manum non verterim, digit urn non
heart, bad disposition. porrexerim. [Lat. j I would not turn
Wai apropos. fFr.J Ill-timed. my hand, or hold out my finger for it.
Mai de dents, f Lat. J Toothache. With one's own
Mai de mer. [It. | Sea-sickness. Manupropria. [Let]
Hal delete. [Fr.] Headache. Manns manumfricat, et manus manum
Mai entendre. [Fr.J A misunderstand- lavat. [Lat.] Hand rubs hand, and
ing a mistake.
; band washes hand.
Malgre nous. [FT.] In spite of us. Mardi gras. [Fr.] Shrove-Tuesday.
Malheur ne vient januiis seul. [Fr.]
Misfortunes never come singly. Hare apertum. [Lat.] A sea open, to
Mali exempli. [Lat.J Of a bad example. commerce.
Mali principii malus flnis. [Lat.J Bad Mare clausum. [Lat.] A sea Fhnt up,
beginnings have bad endings. against the commerce of the world
at large.
Malis avtbus. [Lat.J With unlucky
birds ; with bad omens. Mare quidem commune certo est omni-
Halo accepto stultus sapit. bus. [Lat J Surely the sea is common
[Lat.] to all.
After suffering an evil the fool be-
comes wise. Margarita stercore. [Lat.] A pearl
Jtalo turn Platone errare, quam cum from a dunghill.
aliis recte sentire. I would
Marechal. [Fr.] Marshal.
rather be wrong with Plato, than Mariage de conscience. [Fr.] A private
think aright with the others. marriage.
Halo indisertam prudentiam, quam lo- Mariagede convenance. [Fr.] Marri-
quacem stultitiam. [Lat. J I prefer age from motives of interest rather
ineloquent prudence to fluent folly. than of love.
Jtalo mihi male quam molliter esse. Mariage de la main gauche. [Fr.] Left-
[Lat.] I prefer being unfortunate to handed marriage ; morganatic marri-
being eft emint te. age.
Jfulo modo. Lat.J In a bad manner.
| Mars gravior sub pace latet. [Lat.] A
Halo mori quam fcedari. [Lat.J I severer war lies hidden under peace.
would rather die than be debased. Mas vale saber que habcr. [8p. ] Better
Halo nodo mains qua-rendus cuneus. be wise than rich.
[Lat.J For a hard knot a hard tool Mas vale ser necio que porflado.
must be sought. [8p.]
Better be a fool than oostinate.
Jfalpropre. [Fr.J Unclean ; slovenly.
Haluminse. [Lat.] Evil or an evil in
Mas vale tarde que nunoa. [Sp. J Better
itself. late than never.
Malum prohibitum. [Lat.] An evil pro- Materiam super'ioit opus. [Lat.J The
hibited; evil because prohibited. workmanship will prove superior to
Jfaluspudor. [Lat.J False shame. the material.
JSalus usus abolendus est. [Lat.J An Muuvaisn honte. [Fr.] False modesty.
evil custom ought to be abolished. Maura is gout. [Fr.] Bad taste.
Mandamus. [Lat.J We
command. A Mauvaissujet. [Fr.] A bad subject ; a
writ or command
issuing from the worthless scamp.
Queen's Bench, commanding certain Maxima debetur pueris reverentia.
things to be done, which it lies within [Lat.] The greatest respect is due to
its power to enforce.
Mandare suspendium aUcut. [Lat.] To Maxima illecebra est peccandi impuni-
bid a man go aud be hanged. tatis spes. [Lat.] The greatest al-
Manet alta mente repostum. It lurement to guilt, is the hope of es-
remains deeply fixed in the mind. caping with impunity.
Haximus in minimis. [Lat] Very
Manibus pedibusque. [Lat.] With hands great in trifling things.
and feet; with all one's energies. Mea culpa, Deus. [Lut.J My fault, O
fcnu/ortf. [Lat.J With strong baud. God.
Mearum ra -urn vie norisse cequum est Jfens sibi conscia recti. [Lat.] A mint
ordinem. [Lat.] It is right that I conscious ot rectitude.
should know the state of my own cir- jfeo perieulo. [Lat.] At my own flsk.
cumstances. Meo veto. [Lat.J According to my wish.
Mediocra flrma. [Lat] The middle Merumsal. [Lat.] Pure salt; genuine
station is surest. Attic wit
Medecine expectante. [Fr.] A mode of Mesalliance. [Fr.] Improper associa-
treatment which trusts to time for the tion; marriage with one of lower
remedy. station.
Medecin, gueris-tot toi-meme. [Fr.] Phy- Mettre les points sur lea i. [Fr.J To
sician, cure thyself. dot every i; to be scrupulously exact.
Mediocria flrma. [Lat.] Moderate or Metu cooctus. [Lat.j Impelled by fear.
middle things are surest. Metuenda corolla draconis. [Lat] The
Media tutissimus ibis. [Lat ] In a dragon's crest is to be feared.
medium course you will be safest. Meum et tuum. [Lat.J Mine and
Medium tenuere beati. [Lat.j Happy thine.
are they who have kept the middle Mi date creta per cacio. [It.J Yo
course. give me chalk for cheese.
Meya 0iAiot>, ntya. KOJCOV (Jlegabiblion, Mihi euro futuri. [Lat.J My care is
megakakon.) [Or.j A great book is for the future.
a great evil. Mirabito diotu. [Lat] Wonderful to
Me judice. [Lat.] I being judge; in relate.
my opinion. Mirabile visu. [Lat] Wonderful to
Me justum esse gratia oportet. [Lat.] It see.
is my duty to be just without reward. MirabWa. [Lat.J Wonders.
Mellitum venenum, blandaoratio. [Lat.] Mirum! [Lat.] Wonderful I

A flattering speech is honied poison. Mirum in modum. [Lat.J In a won-

derful manner.
Memento mori. [Lat.J Remember death. Mise en scene. [Fr.] The getting np,
Memorabilia. [Lat.] Things to be re- or putting in preparation, for the
membered. theatrical stage.
Memor et fldells. [Lai J Mindful and Misera est sen-itus, ubi jus est aut vag-
faitbfu!. um aut incognitum. [Lat.] The
Hemoria in ceterna, [Lat.] In eternal servitude Is there miserable, where
remembrance. the law is either vague or unknown.
Memoria technica. [Lat.] An artificial Miserabile vulgus [Lat.J A wretched
memory. crew.
Mendacem memorem esse oportet. [Lat.] Mist'ram pacem vel bello bene mutari.
A liar should have a good memory. [Lat.] A peace may be so degrading
Mendaci homini, ne verum quidem di- as not to be ill-exchanged for war.
centi credere soiemus. [Lat.J We are Miseris tuccurrete disco. [Lat] I
accustomed to give no credit to a liar, learn to relieve the wretched.
even when he tells the truth. Miserrima fortuna est quae inimico
Mendici, mimi, balatrones. [Lat.] Beg- caret. [Lat] That is a most wretch-
gars, buffoons, and scoundrels; tag, ed fortune which is without an en-
rag, and bobtail. emy.
Mendico ne parentes quidem amid run/. Miserum est aliorum ineumbere famte.
[Lat.] To a beggar not even his own [Lat] It is despicable to live on th
parents are friendly. fame of others.
Mens offitat molem. [Lat] Mind moves Misnomer. [Fr.J Law. The mistak*
matter. of a name or, the using of one nam

Mem divinior. [Lat] The inspired for another.

mind of the poet. Misprision. [Fr.] Late. The eon-
Mens legit. [Lat] The spirit of the cealment of treason or felony.
law. Mittimus. [Lat.] Law. We send,
Men* sana in corpore sano. [Lat] A The writ by which a magistrate com-
ound mind in a sound body. mits an offender to prison.
Habile perpetuum. [Lat.J Something A sound conscience is a brazen wall of
in constant motion; pevpetual mo- defence.
tion. Mug in pice. [Lat] A moose in
Modo et forma. [Lat.] In manner and pitch barrel.
form. Mutare vel timere sperno. [Lat] I
Modus. [Lat] Manner; mode. scorn to change or fear.
Modus operandi. [Lat.] Manner of Mutata forma, interimitur prope sub-
working. stintia rei. [Lat.] The form being
Mole ruit sufi. [Lat.] It is crashed by- changed, the substance of the thing is
its own weight. destroyed.
Mollia tempora fandi. [Lat.] Times Mutatis mutandis. [Lat.] The neces-
or opportunities favorable for speak- sary changes being made.
ing. Mutato nomine. [Lat] The name be-
Mon ami. [Fr.] My friend. ing changed.
Man cher. L^-J My dear. Mutum ett pictura poema. [Lat] A
Monstrum horrendum, informs, ingens, picture is a poem without words.
cui lumen ademptvtn. Lat. J A hor- Jtutuua consensus. [Lat] Mutual con-
rid monster, misshapen, gigantic,
Hontani temper libcri. [Lat.] Moun-
taineers are always freemen; the
motto of West Virginia. [Fr.] Birth.
Monumentum cere perennius. [Lat.] Natalesolum. [Lat] Natal noil.
A monument more lasting than brass. Natura lo fece,
po< ruppe la itampa.
ifore Hibernico. [Lat.J After the
[It.l Nature made him, and then
Irish fashion. broke the mold.
More majorum. [Lat.] After the man- Naturam expellas /urea, tamen usque
ner of oar ancestors. reourret. [Lat] Though you drive
More nut, [Lat.] In his own way. out Nature by force, yet will she .al-
Mors omnibus communis. [Lat.] ways return.
Death is common to all. Naturel. [Fr.] Nature ; disposition ;

Mos pro lege. [Lat.J Custom or usage temper.

for law. Ne ad aures quidem scalpendas otium
Mot du guet. [Fr. ] A watchword. est. [Lat.J He baa not time even to
scratch his ears.
Motive. [Fr.] Supported by a otate-
ment of reasons or arguments alleg-
Ne JEsopum quidem trirlt. [Lat.] He
has not so much as thumbed Jsop.
Words in com- Said of a person extremely illiterate.
Mots d' usage. [Fr.]
mon use. Neo cupias, neo metuas. [Lat] Neith-
Motu proprio. [Lat] Of his own ac- er desire nor fear.
cord. He cede malis. [Lat] Yield not to
Mucho en el ruelo, potso en el cielo. misfortune.
[Sp.J Much on earth, little in Necetsitat non habet legem. [Lat]
heaven. Necessity has no law.
Muet comme un potMon. [Fr.] Mate Nee mora, neo requiei. [Lat] Neither
as a ash. delay nor rest.
Multagemenx. [Lat] Groaning deep- Neo pluribus impar. [Lat.] Not an
unequal match for numbers.
Multum in parvo. [Lat] Much In Neo prece, neopretio. [Lat] Neither
little. by entreaty nor by bribe.
Mundus wit deeipi. [Lat] The Jfee qucerere, nee spernere hcmoiom.
world wishes to be deceived. [Lat.] Neither to seek nor to con-
Jfunu* Apolline dignum, I Lat.] A temn honor R.
gift worthy of Apollo. Nee scire fas est omnia. [Lat] It ta
Mvr-us cetuus oonsoientta tana. [Lat] not permitted to know all thinga,
Nee temere, nee timide. [Lat.] Neith- imperio. [Lat.] No man Is folly
er rashly nor timidly. able to command, unless he has first

Ne cuivis dextram injeeris. [Lat. ] learned to obey.

Don't give your right hand to every Nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto.
one. [Lat.] No one is twice punished for
Ne depugnes in alieno the same offence.
negotio. [Lat. ]
Figi)t not in another person's con- N-mo dat quod non habet. [Lat.] No
cerns. n>aa gives that which he does not pos-
Nee. [Fr.] Born as, Madame de <JSS.

whose maider. Vemo dexterius fortuna sit usus.

StaSl, nee (that is,
name was) Necker. [Lat.] No man has more judiciously
Ke exeat. [Lat.] Let him not de- employed his good fortune.
part. Nemo doctus mutationem consilii ineon-
Nefasti dies. [Lat.] Days or which stantiam dixit ease. [Lat.J No well-
judgment could not be pronounced, instructed man has called a change of
nor assemblies of the people be held ; opinion inconstancy.
hence, unlucky days. Nemo est ob oinni parte beatus. [Lat.]
Ke fronti orede. [Lat. J Trust not to No man is happy in every respect.
appearances. Nemo est hceres viventis. [Lat.] No
Neglige. [Fr. J A morning dress. man is the heir of one who is alive. He
fie Jupiter quidem omnibus
is only an "heir apparent."
[Lat.] Not even Jupiter pleases ev- Memo me impune lacestit. [Lat.] No
ery one. one assails me with impunity; the
Kemine contradicente. [Lat.] With- motto of Scotland.
out opposition; no one speaking in op- Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit.
position. [Lat.J No one is wise at all times.
Kemine [Lat.] No one
Nemo reclamat, nuttus obsistit. [Lat.]
dissenting ; without a dissenting No one protests, no one makes opposi-

Keminem id agere, ut ex alterius prce- Nemo repente fuit turpissimus. [Lat.J
detur inscitia. [Lat.] No man should
so act as to take advantage of another
No man ever became a villain at
man's ignorance. Nemo solus sapit. No on* is
Keminem tibi adjungas amicum prius- wise alone.
quam exploraveris quomodo prioribus Ne plus ultra. [Lat.] Nothing fur-
amicis sit vsus. [Lat.J Make no ther ; the uttermost point perfec- ;

man your friend before you have as- tion.

certained how he has behaved to- Ne pour digestion. [Fr.] Born for di-
wards his former friends. gestion ; that is, merely to eat and
Nemini quce nolis efferri. drink.
[Lat.] Tell no one that which you do Ne puero gladium. [Lat] Intrust not
not wish repeated again. a sword to a boy.
Nemini cum quo priut modi- Neque semper arcum tendit Apollo.
fldas, nisi
urn salts absumpseris. Trust [Lat. ] Apollo does not always bend
[Lat.J his bow.
no man till you have eaten a bushel of Ne quid detrimenti respublica capiat.
salt with him.
[Lat.] That the republic receives no
Nemo allegans suam turpitudinem audi- injury.
endus eat. [Lat.J No man bearing Ne quid nimis. [Lat.J Do not take
testimony of his own baseness ought too much of any thing; avoid ex-
to be heard. tremes.
Nemo an bonus, an dives omnes quoeri- Nervus probandi. [Lat.] The sinews
mus. [Lat.] No one asks whether a of the argument.
man la good we ;
all ask whether he is Nescio quid curtee semper abest ret.
rich. [Lat.] Something is always wanting
Nemo bene imperat nisi qui varuerit to our scanty fortune.
Ife tutor ultra crepidam. [Lat.J Let [Lat] XotVng is Invented and
not the shoemaker go beyoud his brought to perfection mt the same mo-
lat-t. ment.
Ne tentes, aut perflce. [Lat.] Attempt Nihil sub sole noH. [Lat.] There it
not, or accomplish thoroughly. no new thing under the sun.
tfettete. [Fr.] Neatness; cleanness; .\ilnltarn absurdum did palest ut non
nicety. dicatur a philotopho. fLat.] There
Ne vile fano. [Lat. ] Let there b no- is nothing so absurd but what it may
thiiig vile in the temple. have been said by come philosopher.
Ife vile velis. [Lat.] Desire nothing Nihil turn difficile est, quin qucerendo
base. invi-Ktigari possit. [Lat.] There is
Niaiserie. [Fr.] Silliness, foolish- nothing HO difficult, but what it may
be found ont by revest -:h.
Ifi firmes carta que no leas, ni babes Nihil tamftrmum est, cut periculum non
agua que no veas. [Sp.J Sign no pa- sit etiam ab invalido. [Lat.J There
and drink uo is nothing so secure, but what there
per without reading it,
water without looking into it. may be danger from even the weak-
Nihil ad rem. [Lat.] Nothing to the Nihil tarnflrmum est, quod non expug-
point. nari pecunia possit. [Lat. ] Nothing
Jfihil ad versum. [Lat.] Not corres-
" if eo well fortified that It cannot be
ponding to the words, meaning, not taken by money.
to the purpose."
Xil actum reputans, dum quV superes-
Nihil agenda homines male agere dis- set agendum. [Lat.] Thinking noth-
cunt. [Lat.'J By doing nothing, men
ing done, while anything was left
learn to do ill. to be done.
Nihil debet. [Lat.] He owes nothing. Nil admirari. [Lat. 1 To be astonish-
A plea denying a deb;. ed at nothing.
ffihil doli subessc credens. [Lat.] Sus- At! conscire sibi, nulla pallescere 7n/pa.
pecting no deceit. [Lat.J To be conscious of no crime,
Nihil eripit for tuna nisi quod et dedit.
and to turn pale at no accusation.
I. at. Fortune takes nothing away
Nil desperandum. [Lat. | There In no
tut what she has given. reason for despair. Never despair.
Iflhilpotest rex nisi quod dejure potest. Nil tlicit. [Lat.] He Bays nothing. He
fLiit.] The king can do nothing but
makes no auswer.
what he is allowed to do by luw. Nil dictum quod non dictum print.
Nihil pretio parco, amico dum opitulor. [Lat.] Nothing can be said which
I spare no expense so long as has not been raid before.
\ Lat.J
I cau serve my friend. Xil mihi vobiscum est ; httc meus ardor
Nihil prodest improbam mercem emrre.
erit. [Lat.] I have nought to do
with you t*he shall be my flame.
f Lat. ] There is DO advantage in buy- ;

ing bad wares. Nil mortalibus arduum est. [Lat.]

Jfihil quod tetiQit non ornavit. [Lat.] Nothing is too arduous for mortals.
He touched nothing without embellish- Xil nisi cruce. [Lat.] No dependence
ing it. but on the cross.
Nihil scire est vita jucundissima. Nil sine magno vita labore dedit mor-
[Lat.] To know nothing at all is tbe talibus. [Lat] In this life nothing
happiest life. is given to men without great labor.
ffihil scriptum miraculi causa. [Lat.] Nil sine numine. [Lat.J Nothing
There is nothing written here to ex without U...1.
cite Xi Tun ni I'uutrr. [Fr.] Neither the
tfihil semper floret ; celas succedtt aetati. one nor the other.
[Lat.J Nothing nourishes for ever; Nimium ne erede colori. [Lat.] Trust
age succeeds age. not too much to looks.
Nihil titnul inventum est et perfection. Nimportt. L*"r. J It matters not
Nisi Dominus frustra. fLat.] Unle=s Non datur tertium. [Lat.] There i^
God be with us all our labor is in not given a third one or a third
vain. chance.
Ifitor t,i adversum. [Lat.J I strive Non deflciente crumena. [Lat.] The
against opposition. purse not failing if the money hold*

Nobilitas sola est atque unica virtus. out.

[Lat.] Virtue is the true and only Non ens. [ Lat. J Nonentity.
nobility. Non est arctius vinculum inter homines
Noblesse oblige. [Fr.] Rank' imposes quam jusjurandum. [Lat.J There
obligations ; much is expected from is no stronger bond among men than
one in good position. an oath.
No es oro todo lo que reluce. [Sp.] All Non est inventus. [Lat.] He has not
is not gold that glitters. been found.
No hay cerradura de oro la gan zua.
si es Non sed valere vita. ^Lat]
est vivere,
There is no lock but a golden Not merely to live is life, but to have
key will open it. good health.
Nolens volens. [Lat.] Willing or un-
Non est jocus esse malignus. [Lat.]
There is no joke in being malignant.
Noli me tangere. [Lat.J Touch me Non exercitus, neque thesauri, prcesidia,
not. regni sunt, verum amid. [Lat.]
Nolle prosequi. [Lat.] To be unwil- The safety of a kingdom does not
ling to proceed. depend so much upon its armies, or
Nolo episcopari [Lat.] I do not wish
. ite treasures, as on its alliances.
to be made a bishop. Noi expedit omnia videre, crania au-
Horn de guerre. [Fr. ] A war name ;
dire. [Lat.J It is not expedient to
an assumed travelling name : a pseu- see or to hear all that is done or
donym. said.
Nom de plume. [Fr.] A pen name ; ATon facias malum ut inde veniat bo-
an assumed nau.e of a writer. num. [Lat. ] You must not do evil
Nomen amicitia est, nomen inane fldes. that good mny come of it.
\Lat.J Friendship is but a name, Non far mai il medico tuo erede. [It.]
constancy an empty title. Never make your physician your
Nomen et omen. (Lat. Name and ]
omen ; a name that i* ominous. Non fas est scire omnia. ^Lat.] We
Nomina honesta prcetenduntur vitiis. are not allowed to know everything.
[Lat.] Honorable names are giveu Non fldateri al alchemista povero, o
as a screen to vices. al medico ammalato. [It.] Do noi
Nomina stultorum parletibus haerent. trust to a poor alchemist, or a sick
[Lat.] Fools' names are seen upon physician.
the walls. Non fiirmosus erat, sed erat facundus
Nomine paence. [Lat.] Under name Ulysses. [Lat.] Ulysses was not
of a penalty. A penalty agreed to be handsome, but then he was eloquent.
incurred on non-payment of rent by Non fumuin ex fulgore, sed ex fumo
a given day. dare lucem. [Lat.J Not to produce
Non assumpstt. [Lat.] The plea of smoke from light, but light from
a defendant in an action of assump- smoke.
" he did not undertake and Non
sit that (ienerant aquilce columbas. [Lat.]
promise/' &c. Eagles do not bring forth pigeons.
Non compos mentis. [Lat.] Not in Non haec in foedera. [Lat.J Not into
sound mind. such leagues or alliances as these.
Kon constat. [Lat.] It does not ap- Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere
pear. disco. [Lat.] Not being myself a
Non cuivit homini contingit adire Cor- stranger to suffering, I have learned
inthum. [Lat.J Every man has not to relieve the calamities of others.
tiie fortune to go to Corinth. .Von libet. [Lat.] It does not please m*.
Non liquet. [Lat,] It is not clear; Notre Dame. [Fr.] Our Lady ; a ca-
one undecided in raiud.
applied to thedral in Paris.
Non mi recordo. [It.J I do not re- N^oubliet pas. [Fr.] Don't forget.
Aon multii, sed multum. [Lat.] Not
Nous avons change tout cela. [Fr.J
have changed all tliut.
many things but much. Nous verrons. [Fr.J We shall see.
Non nobis so/urn. [Lat.] Not to our- Nouvelle*. [Fr J News.
selves alone. Nouveliette. fFr.J A short tal or
Non nostrum tantat componere lite*.
est novel ;
a novelette.
[Lat.j our duty to settle
It is not Novus homo. [Lat.J A new man, or
such grave disputes. one who has raised himself from ob-
Non oosiant clameur de haro. [Fr.] scurity.
Notwithstanding the hue and cry. Nuance. [Fr.] Shade ; gradation tint.;
Non obstante. [Lat.j Notwithstanding. Nudis verbis. [Lat.J ID plain words.
Non omne Ucitvm honestum. [Lat.J Nudumpactum. [Lat.] A mere agree-
Not every lawful thing is honorable. meut, unconfirmed by writing.
Non omniapossumus omnes. [Lat.] We Nugoe canorcE. [Lat.J Melodious trifles.
cannot all of us, do everything. Nugia armatut. [Lat.J Armed with
Nun omnis mortar. [Lat.j 1 shall not trifles.
wholly die. Nul bien sans peine. [Fr.] No pains,
tfon gut's,sed quid. [Lat.] Not who no gains.
but what ; not the person but the Nulla bona. [Lat.] No goods. A re-
deed. turn made by a sheriff to an execu-
Non quo, sed quomodo. [Lat.] Not by tion, where he can find no property
whom, but how. belonging to the defendant.
Non sequitur. [Lat.] It does not follow ; Nulla est sincera voluptas, sollMtumque
an unwarranted conclusion. aliquid laetis advenit. [Lat.j No joy
Non sibi, sed omnibus. [Lat.J Not for comes unmixed, and something of
itself, but for all. anxiety attends every pleasure.
Non sibi, ted patrice. [Lat.] Not for ATitiia dies sine Unea. [LatJ Not a
himself, but for his country. day without a line ; no day without
Non si male nuno et olim sic erit. [Lat.J something done.
Though matters may be bad to-day, Nulla falsa doctrlna est, qua non fwr-
they may be better to-morrow. misceat aliquid veritatis. [Lat.J There
Non sum qualis eram. [Lat.] I am not it no doctrine so false, but that it may
what I once was. be intermixed with some truth.
Non sum uni angulo natus: patria mea Nulla frrefuuaa eft, in qua non fcemtna
totus hie est mundus. [Lat.J I was litem Mover-It. [Lat.] There are few
not born for one corner all the ; disputes in life, which may not, when
world is my country. traced, be found to originate with a
Non sunt amid qui degunt proaul. woman.
[Lat. They are not your friends
Nulla nuora, buona nuova. [Lat.] The
who live at a distance. best news is no news.
Non sunt judiciis omnia danda meis. Nulli secundus. [Lat.J Second to none.
[Lat.] Every point is not to b Nulliun addictus jurare in verba magis-
yielded to my recommendations. tri. [Lat.] Not bound to swear to
Non tali auxilio, nee defensoribus istts. the dogmas of any master.
[Lat. J Not with such aid, or such de- Nullius filius. [Lat.J The son of no-
fenders. body.
\ni'.i secundus. [Lat.] Second to none.
Nonumque prematur in annum. [Lat.J
Let It be kept for nine years. Nullum imperium tutum ntti benevol-
Nosce teipsum. [Lat.] Know thyself . entia munitum. |Lat.] No empire
Noscitur e sociis. |Lat.] He is known is secure, unless it is supported by the

by his companions. good will [of the people.]

Nota bene. [Lat J Mark well. Nullum infortunium solum. [Lat.J H
Notatu diffnum. [Lat.] Worthy of note. misfortune comes singly.
iniquum in jure prcesumendum
est. [Lat.J No injustice is to be
presumed in the law.
Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura
Obitt. fLat.] He, or she died.
dementice. [Lat.] There is no great
genius without a tincture of madness. Obiter dictum. [Lat.] A thing said bf
Nvllum magnum malum quod extremum the way, or in passing.
et. [Lat.] No >_vil is great if it is
Obra de comun, obra de ningun. [Sp.]
the last we have to bear. Death being What is every body's work, or busi-
ness, is nobody's.
the last.
Nullum numen attest si sit pruder.tia. Obruat illud male par turn. [Lat.]
Peris!: that power which has been ob-
[Lat.] No protecting deity is wanting, tniued by ovil means.
if there is prudence.
Oliscuris vera involvent. [Lat.] In-
Jfullum simile quatuor pedibus currit. volving the truth in obscure terms.
[Lat.] No simile runs on all fours. Obscuris per obscuriiis. [Lat.] To
Nullum sine nomine saxum. Not reveal what was obscure by some-
a stone is without :i name. thing less obscure.
Nullum tempns occurrit regi. [Lat.] No Obs quium ainicos, veritax odium r>nrit.
time precludes the king No lapse of [Lat.] Obsequiousness procures
time bar the rights of the ciown. friends, truth hatred.
Observanda. [Lat ] Things to be ob-
Ifullus eommodum capere pottst de in- served.
juria sua prapria. [Lat.] No person Obsta principiis. l.esist the
may take advantage of his own wrong. first beginnings.
Nunc aut nunquam. [Lat.] Now or
never. Obstupui, steteruntque comae. (Lat.J
I was amazed, and my hair stood on
Nunc pro tune. [Lat.] Now for then. end.
Nunc tuurti ferrum in igni est. [Lat.]
Now your iron is in the fire. Occurrent nubes. [Lat.] Clouds will
Nunquam a& liquidum Jama, perducitur O curas hominum! O quantum est in
[Lat.] Rumor never can be brought rebus inane. [Lat.] O the vain cares
to state things with clearness. of men! how unsatisfying their
Nunquam aliud natura, aliud sapientia enjoyments.
dicit. [Lat.] >ature never says one Oderint dum meluant. [Lat.J Let
thing, wisdom another. them hate, provided they fear.
Odia in longum jaciens, qua reconderet,
Nuitquam trit alienis gravis, qui suit
se conciiinat levem. He will auctaque promeret. [Lat.] Treasur-
never be despised by others, who ing hatred, to be long stored up, and
makes himself respected by his own brought forward with an increase of
relations. virulence.
Odia qui minium timet, regnare nescit.
Nunquam minus solus, quam cum solus.
He who too much fears ha-
Never less alone than when [Lat.]
alone. tred, is unfit to reign.
Nunquam non paratus. [Lat.] Never Odimus accipitrem quia semper tinit in
armis. [Lat.] We hate the hawk ba
unprepared; always ready. cause he always lives in a state of
Nuptice. [Lat.] Nuptials; wedding.
warfare. This line was held to ap-
Ifutyuam lutafldcs. [Lat.] ConCdeace
is nowhere ply not inaptly to the first emperor
--feiy placed.
tfutrit -jox Corerm, pads ar.iica Cera. Odiosa est oratio, cum rem agas, longin-
Peace nourishes Ceres, Cores
is the friend of peace. quum loqui. [Lat.] It is a tiresome
tfutu Dei, non cceco east*, regimur et way of speaking, when you should
nos et nc3tra. [Lat. J By the will of despatch the business, to be beating
about the bush.
God, not by blind chancy are and ..
Odi profanum, vulgus et arceo. [Lat.]
>U things belonging to us governed.
hate the profane vulgar, and I Omen faustum. [Lai] A taroraoln
spurn them. omen.
Qdi puerulos prcecoci ingenio. [Lat] O miseras hominum mentr*, O ! peeto-
I hate your bits of boys of precocious ra oceca! [Lat.] How wretohed an
talent. the minds of men, and ho* blind
Odium effugere est triumphare. [Lat.] their understandings
To escape hatred Is to gain a tri- Owing ocium 06 agentit intention*

umph. judicandum. [Lat.] Every act is 10
Odium Y;j longum
jacens. [Lat.] be judged from the intention of the
Long-lasting hatred ; an old grudge. agent
Odium medicum. [Lat.] The hatred Omn animal .-i;wum diligit. [Lat 1
of rival or contending physicians.
Every animal love* Itself.
Odium theologicum. [Lat.J Theologi- Omnf. nnimi vttium tanto conspectiu* in
cal hatred. se crimen habel, quanta
Odoro canum vis. [Lat.] The sharp major gut
peccat habetur. [Lat.J Every fault
scent of the hounds. of the mind becomes tho more con-
CEuvres. [Fr.l V.'orks.
spicuous and more culpable, the high-
(Eil de bceuf. [Tr.] A bull's eye. er the rank of the person who is
Offlcina gentium. [Lat.J Workshop of guilty.
the world. Omne bonum desuper. [Lat.] All
Qfflcit <.dulatio veritati. [Lat.] Flat- good is from above.
tery is hurtful to truth. Omne ignotum pro magniflco. [Lat.]
O fortunatos nimium, sua si bona norint, Whatever is unknown is thought to be
agricolas, [Lat.] O too happy hus- magnificent
bandmen, if they only knew their own Omne matum nascent facile opprimitur:
blessings. inveteratum fit plerumque robustivs.
Ofrecer mucho, especie es de negar. [Lat] Every evil at its birth is easi-
[Sp.] To offer much is a kind of de- ly rooted out when grown old, Ik

nial. mostly becomes stronger.

Ogni medc^glia ha il suo river so. [It.] Omnem movere lapidem. [Lat] To
Every medal has its reverse. turn every etone to leave no stone

Ogniuno per se, e Dio per tuttt. [It.] unturned.

Every man for himself, and God for Omne nimium vertitur in vitium.
us all. [Lat.] Every excess becomes a vice.
Ohe !j-m satis est. [Lat.] Hold, there Omne solum forti patria est. [Lat.J
is now enough. To the resolute man every soil is hii
C : iroAAoi (Hoi polloi). [Or.] The country.
'.anr ; the rabble ; the vulgar. Omne trinum perfectum. [Lat.] Eve-
Otc-> tranquillior. [Lat.J More ry perfect thing is threefold.
smooth than oil. Omnia ad Dei gloriam. [Lat] All
Olet lucernam. [Lat.] It smells of things to the glory of Ood.
the lamp. Omnia bona boni*. [Lat] All thing*
Oleum adde camino. [Lat.] Add oil to are good with good men.
tho flro. Omnia bonos viros decent. [Lat] All
Oleum et operam perdere. [Lat.J To things aru becoming to good men.
lose cue's oil and pains. Omnia cum arnica delibera, sed dt ttipto
Olimmr.ninissejuvabit. [Lat] It will prtus. 1, nt.|
Commit with jour
oae day be pleasing to remember friend on every thing, but particular-
those sufferings. ly on that which respects yourself.
O Vutile secret que de mentir Apropos. Omnia cum Dro. [Lat.J Every thing
Ob! what a useful secret it is with God's help.
to '
e able to lie to the purpose. Omnia fert cetas, animum awogv*.
O major, tandem parcas, insane, minori. [Lat] Age bear* avay with it all

[Lit. ] Oh thou who art greatly mad,

! things, even power* of tte mind.

deign to spare me the lesser mad- Omnia ejusdemfarinas, (LatJ All

things are of the same grain.

Omnin vii>ctt amor. [Lat.] I-ove con- Opera illins mra lunt. [Lat.] His
quers ail things. works are mine.
Omnia vincit labor. [Lat.] Labor Opinionum commenta deletdies.naturct
overcomes all things. judicia confirmat. [Lat.] Time ef-
Omnibus hoc ritium est. [Lat.] All faces speculative opinions, but con-
have this vice. firms the judgments of nature.
Omnibus invideas, Zoile ; nemo tihi. Optima interpret legum consuetudo.
[Lat.] You may envy every body, [\ at.] Custom is the best interpreter
Zoilus; nobody envies yon. of the laws.
Onmt* amans amen*. [Lat.] Every Opttmates. [Lat.] Of the first rank or
lover is deranged. quality.
On commence par dupe etrt,
flnlt ; on Opus npfratum. [Lat.] A mere out-
far etrt frip"n. [Fr.] They begin ward work.
by being fools, and end in being Opusepificem probat. [Lat.] The
knaves. work proves the workman.
On cimnatl Vami au besoin. [Fr.] A Ora e sempre. [It.] Kow and al-
friend is known in time of need. ways.
On (lit. ['.<! It is said; it is an on Oraetlabora, [Lat.] Pray and work
dit ; it is a loose report. Ora pro nobn. [Lat.] tray for us.
On fait tmivent tort a la verite, pardn
maniere dont on se sert pour li de- Orator fit, poeta nascitur. [Lat ] The
An injury is frequent- orator is made, but the poet is born.
Jendre. [Fr.]
ly done to the cause of truth, by the
Ore rotundo. [Lat.] With round full
manner in which some men attempt voice.
to defend it. Ore tenvs. [Lat.] From the mouth.
On n'a jamais bon marcJte de mauraise Origo mali. [Lat.] Origin of the evil.
merchandise. [Fr.] You can not Os si sic omnta. [Lat.] O that he had
make a good bargain in the purchase always done or spoken thus.
of bad articles. Os rotundum. [Lat.] A round mouth ;

On n'auroit yuere de plaisir. sil'on no an eloquent delivery.

te flattoit point. [Fr.] A man would O lempora I O mores ! [Lat.] O the
have but little pleasure, if he did not times O the manners
! !

sometimes flatter himself. Otia dant vitia. [Lat.] Idleness tends

On ne cherche point a primrer /<i hi mi- to vice.
ere. [Fr.] There is no necessity for Otiosn srdulftas. [Lat.] Leisurely in-
proving the existence of light. du-try : trifling labonousnes-s.
On nf don ne rien si liberaltment qnf les Otium cum dignitate. [Lat ] Ease
eonseils. ]Fr.] Men give away noth- with oiynity dignified leisure.

ing so liberally as their advice. Otiam sine dignitate. [Lat.] Ease

On ne loue d'ordinaire que pour etrt, without dignity.
Inue. [Fr.] Praise is generally given Otiunt sine literis mors esi. [T,at.]
only that it may be returned. Leisure without literature is death.
On pent etre utilt sang atteindre a la Oublierje ne puis. [frr] I can never
perfection. [Fr.] All men may be- forget.
come useful (in an art), without at- Oui-dire. [Fr.] 1'earsay.
taining to perfection. Ou la chevteeU at/a* hee.":l fautqu'elU
On prenA le peuple par les orHlles, brnute. [Fr.] Where the goat is
cnmme on prend un pot par lesansis. tied, there it must browse.
[FT ] The people are to be taken by Ouvert. [Kr ] Open.
the ears, as a pot is by the handles. Ouvrage. [Fr.] A work.
Onus probandi. [Lat.J The burden Ouvtagf Intigue haleine. [Fr.]
lie A
of proving. long-winded business.
Ope et eonsiHo. [Lat.] With assis- Ou-'rirrs. [Fr.] Artisans; operatives;
tance and counsel. workmen.
Operas pretium est. [Lat.] It is Ovem lupo cnmmittrrf. ft at.] To to-
worth while. trust the eheep to the wolf.
ame mean we do not always arrive
t the Home enda.
v<na verretsa queue.

Pabulum Acherontis [Lat.] Food for

Acheron, or the grave; said of a Purlee nev et Wen, rt vous vault t
7* 'on
person about to die. vout regards comme un homme dt
Pacem hominibus habe, bellum cum merite. [Fr.J Speak but little and
titiis. [Lat.] Be at peace with men, well, if you would be esteemed as r
at war with vices. man of merit
Pace tanti viri. [Lat.] With the Par maniere d'acqnit. [Fr.] By wa*'
leave of so great a man. Sometimes of discharge ; carelessly.

said ironically. ** MV M ' J

. </ tvpra. [Latl
, tJ
Pace tua. [Lat.] With your consent. Neither above nor below his bosi
Pacta connenta. [Lat.] The condi- 11698.
tions agreed upon. far nobile fratrum. [Lat] A noble
Padrone. [It.] Master; employer; pair of brothers ; two just alike, or
landlord. one as good, or as bad, as the other.
Palem mutire piaculum est.
plebeio fbrote d'honncur. [Fr.] Word of
[Lat.] It is a
dangerous thing for honor.
a man of humble
birth to mutter in Par oneri. [Lat] Equal to the bur-
public. (Hardly applicable now.) den.
Paltida mors. [Lat.] Pale death. Par part refero. [Lat] I return
Pallida mors cequo pulsat pede paupo- like for like.
rum tubernas, regumque turret. Pari past*. [Lat] YTlth equal pace :

[Lat.l Pale death with impartial together.

foot knocks at the cottages of the Far pr' lufton. [Fr.] By way of
poor, and the palaces of kings. precai. .on.
Palmam qui meruit ferat. (Lat.} Let Part adverta. [Lat] The adverse
him who has won it bear the palm. party.
Palma non sine puhere. (Lat.] The Pars benendi est, quod petitur si eito
palm is not gained without the dust neges. [Lat.) It is something like
of labor; no excellence without kindness, immediately to refuse, what
it is intended to deny.
great labor.
Par acces. [Fr.] By snatches or Pan minima tui. [Lat] The smallest
starts. part of the man, or of the thing : the
Par accident. [Fr.] By chance. poor shadowy remains of the man
Par accord. [Fr.l By agreement. or the frittered remnant of the sub-
Par avance. [Fr.J In advance. ject.
Par ci par I A. [Fr.] Here and there. Par* anitatis, velle ranari. fuit.
Par complaisance. [Fr.] From com- [Lat.] The wish to be cured is, of
itself,na advance to health.
Par de-pit. [Fr.] Out of spite. Par signe Oe meprit. [Fr.] As a token
Parem non fert. [Lat.] He endures of contempt
no equal. Pars pro toto. [Lat] Part for the
Par exemple. [Fr.] For example. whole.
Par excellence. [Fr.] By way of emi- farticuUer. [Fr.] A private gentle-
nence. man.
Par faveur. [Fr.) By favor. Parti* carrc'. [Fr.l 4 party of four
Par force. [Fr.] By force; perforce. persons especially a party of two

Paritur pax bello. [Lat.] Peace is men and two women.

produced by war. Particeps oriminU. [Lat.] An accom-
Par le droit du plus fort. [Fr.] By plice.
the right of the strongest. Partovt. [Fr.] Everywhere.
Par lea mimes voies on n ta pas tou- Parturlunt montet, natcetvr riditmha
jourt aux mtmet fint. [Fr.] By
the m. [Lat.] The moontaU* are ia
labor ;
a ridiculous mouse will be [Lat.] Rashness brings luck to a few,
brought forth. .misfortune to most.
Partus sequitur ventrem. [Lat.] The Fauci vident morbum suum, omnee
offspring follows the condition of the amant. [Lat.J Few see their own
mother. failings, all are in love with them.
pdrum Claris lucem dare. [Lat.] To Paulum sepultCB distat inertioe celate
throw light upon an obscure subject. virtus. [Lat.J Valor unsung is little
Parva componere magnis. [Lat.] To better than cowardice in the grave.
compare small things with great. Pave. [Fr.J Pavement.
Parva leves capiunt animos. [Lat.] Pax in bello. [Lat.J Peace in \rar.
Little minds are caught with trifles. Peccavi. [Lat.J I have sinned.
Parvum parva decent. [Lat.J Little Pecunice obediunt omnia. [Lat.] All
things bent a little person. things are obedient to money.
Pus a pas on va bien loin. [Fr.] Step Pecuniam in loco negligere interdum
by step one goes very far. maximum est lucrum. [Lat.J To de-
POssager. [Fr.J A passenger. spise money on proper occasions is
Passe-partout. [Fr.J A master-key. sometimes the greatest gain.
Pasticcio. [ It.J Patchwork. Pedir peras al olmo. [Sp.J To seek
Pdte de foie gras. [Fr.J Goose-liver pie. pears upon the elm.
Paterfamilias. [Lat.] The father of a Peine forte et dure. [Fr.] Strong and
family. severe punishment.
Paternoster. [Lat.J Our Father ; the Pendente lite. [Lat.J Pending the suit.
Lord's prayer. Penetralia. [Lat.J Secret recesses.
Pater patrice. [Lat.] Father of his Pensee. [Fr.J A thought.
country. Per ambages. [Lat.] By circuitous
Patience passe science. [Fr.] Patience ways ;indirectly or figuratively meta- ;

exceeds knowledge. phorically; circumlocutory.

Pdtisserie. [Fr.J Pastry.
Perangustaadaugusta. [Lat.J Through
Patres conscripti. [Lat.J The conscript difficulties to grandeur.
fathers the Roman senators. Per annum. [Lat.J By the year.
Patrice fumus igne alieno luculentior. Per aspera ad astra. [Lat.J Through
[Lat.J The emoke of our own country trials to glory.
is brighter than the fire of another. Per capita. [Lat.J By the head.
Patrice pietatis imago. [Lat.J The Per centum. [Lat.J By the hundred,
image of filial affection. Per contra. [Lat.] Contrariwise.
Patrueque impendere vitam. [Lat.] To Per contante. [It.J For cash.
devote his life to his country. Perconto. [It.] Upon account.
Patriis virtutibus. [Lat.J By ances- Per diem. [Lat.J By the day.
tral virtue. Perdu. [Fr.J Lost.
Patrimonium non comesum sed devora- Peredefamille. [Fr.] The father of a
tum. [Lat.] An inheritance, not family.
merely eaten, but devoured. Per fas et nefas. [Lat.] Through right
Patris est filivs. [Lat.J He is his father's and wrong.
eon ; he is a chip of the old block. Per gradus. [Lat.J Step by step.
Pauca abunde mediocribus sufficiunt. Periculosae plenum opus alece. [Lat.] A
[Lat. J A few things suffice abun- work full of dangerous hazard.
dantly for the moderate. Periculosior casus ab alto. [Lat.J A
Pauca verba. [Lat.J Few words. fall from on high is most dangerous.
f*"uci ex multis snnt amid homini qui Periculum in mora. [Lat.] There ia
certisient. [Lat.J Out of many, there danger in delay.
are but few friends on whom a man Per interim. [Lat.] In the mean time.
can depend. Per mare, per terras. [Lat.J Through
Paucis carior est fides guam pecunia. sea and land.
[Lat] To few good faith more
is Permese. [It.] By the month.
valuable than money. Permitte divis ccetera. [Lat.J Lear*
Paucis temeritat ett tamo, multis malo. the rest to the gods.
Per pa ret. [Lat.] By one's peers. Pofasond'ai-riJ, [Fr.] April fool
Per petuum silcntium. [Lat.J Perpetual Pondere, non numero. [Lat.J By
silence. weight, not by number.
Per saltum. [Lat.] By a leap or jump. Pon* asinorum. [Lat.J An ass's bridge ;
Per te. [Lat.J By itself considered. a help to dull pupils.
Per troppo dibatter la verita si perde. Populus vult decipi. [Lat] People
[It.] Truth is lost by too much con- like to be deceived.
troversy. Porte-chaise. [Fr.J A sedan.
Per viam. fLat.] By the way of. Porte-vote. [Fr.J A speaking-trumpet
Pessimi exempli. [Lat.J Of the worst Posse comitatus. [Lat] The power
example. of the county.
Petit. [Fr.] Small. Possessio fratris. [Lat.] The pos-
Petit coup. [Fr. J A small mask, cover session of the brother.
i ing only the eyes and nose. Posse videor. [Lat.J I seem to be able.
Petitio principii. [Lat.J A begging of
the question.
Pount quia posse videntur. [Lat]
Petit-maitre. [Fr.] A fop. They are able because they seem to
be able.
Peu-a-peu. [Fr.J Little by little; by Post bellumauxilium. [Lat] Aid after
degrees. the war.
Pen de bien, pen de soin. [Fr.] Little Post cineres gloria venit. [Lat J Glory
wealth, little care.
comes after death.
Peu de chose. [Fr.] A trifle.
Paste restante. [Fr.] To remain until
Peu de gens savent ftre views. [Fr.J called for; applied to letter* in a
Few persons know how to be old. post office.
Pezzo. [It. J Piece ; piece of money ; a Post mortem. [Lat] After death.
Piccolo. [It.] Small.
Postnubila jubila. [Lat] After sorrow
Pico. [It.J A peak. comes joy.
Pied uterre. [Fr.] A temporary lodging. Post nubila Phosbut. [Lat.] After clouds
A the sun shines.
Pietra mossa non fa muschio. [It.]
Post obi turn. [Lat] After death.
rolling stone gets no moss.
Pis oiler. [Fr. J The last or worst shift. Potage au qras. [Fr.] Meat soup.
Piu. [It] More. Potentes ne tentes annular I. [Lat.J At-
Piuttosto mendicants che ignorante. tempt not to rival your superiors.
[It.] Better be a beggar than ig- Potentia cautls quam acribus consiHif
norant. tutius habetur. [Lat] Power is more
Plebs. [Lat.] Common people. securely maintained by prudent than
Plein pouvoir. [Fr.] Full power.
Plena jure. [Lat.] With full authority. by harsh counsels.
Potentissimus est qui se habet fn potet-
Plus aloes quam mellis habet. [Lat.] tate. [ Lat J He is the most powerful
He has more gall than honey ; said who can govern himself.
of a sarcastic writer. Potest exercitatio et temperantia etiam
Plus on est defous,plus onrit. [Fr.] in senectute conservare aliyuid prit-
The more fools, the more fun. tini roboris. [Lat] Exercise and
Plus sage que Us sages. [Fr.J Wiser
temperance may preserve some por-
than the wise. tion of our youthful strength, even in
Poca barba, poca verguenza. [Sp.J old age.
Little beard, little shame. Pour acquit. [Fr.] Received ; paid ;
Poca roba, poco pensiero. [It.] Little written at the foot of a paid bill.
wealth, little care. Pour fair 6 rire. [Fr.J To exclU
Poco. [It] A little.
Poco o poco. [It] Little by little. Pourfaire visite. [Fr.] To pay a rirft
Poeta noscirur, non fit. [Lat] The Pour paster le tempt. [Fr.J To pas*
away the time.
poet is born, not made.
Point d'appui. [Fr.] Point of sup- Pour prendre oonge. [Fr.J To MM
port prop.
Pour y parvenfr. [Fr.] To accomplish Pro Deo et ecclesia. [Lat.] For Qod
the object. and the church.
Prcecognita. [Lat.] Things previously Pro et con. [Lat] For and against.
known. Profanum vulgus. [Lat] The profane
PrcpTOonitu*, prcemiinitus. [Lat.] Fore- vulgar.
warned, forearmed. Pro forma. [Lat] For the sake of form.
frescriptum. [Lat.J A thing prescribed. Pro hoc vice, [Lat.] For this turn or
Presto mature, presto marcio. [It.]
Sponiipe, soon rotten. Prohpudor. fLat] O, for shame.
Fret d'accomp/ir. [Fr.J Beady to ac- Projet de loi. [Fr.] A legislative bill.
complish. Pro memoria. [Lat] For a memorial.
Pret pour mon pays. [Fr.] Keadyfor Pro nunc. [Lat.J For the present
my country. Propone Deum ante oeulos. [LatJ
Preux chevalier. [Fr.~| A brave knight. Have God before your eyes.
Primcc vice. [Lat] The first passages. Propria dotnus omnium optima. [Lat]
Prima facie. [Lat.] Ou the first view. One's own hous. is the best of alL
Primo. fLat.J In the first place. Proprittaire. LFr.] A proprietor.
Pro rata. [Lat] In proportion.
Prime uomo. fit.] The
best or most
Pro rege, lege, et grege. [Lat.] For
prominent actor or singer. the king, the law, and the people.
Primus inter pares. [Lat.] Chief
Pro re nata. [Lat.J For a special
among equals.
Principia. non homines. [Lat] Princi- emergency ; according to the circum-
not men. stances.
Pro salute animce. [Lat.] For the
Principiis obsta. [Lat] Besist the soul's health.
first beginnings.
Prior tempore, prior jure. [Lat] First Pro tanto. [Lat] For so much.
in time, first by right ; or first come, Protege. [Fr.] One protected or
first served. patronized by another.
Pro aria etfocis. [Lat.] For oar altars Pro tempore. [Lat] For the time being.
and firesides. Pro virili parte. [Lat.] For a man's
Probatum est. [Lat] It has been tried part ; according to one's power.
and proved. Prudens futuri. [Lat] Thoughtful of
Probitas laudatur et alget. [Lat] Hon- the future.
esty is praised and freezes. Publice. [Lat] Publicly.
Pro bono publico. [Lat.] For the public Pugnis et calcibus. [Lat.J With fists
good. and heels ; with all the might.
Probum patrem esse oportet, qui gnatum Punctum saliens. [Lat] A salient or
suum esse probiorem, quam ipsefuerit, prominent point
postulet. [LatJ It befito the father Punico fides. [Lat.] Punic faith;
to be virtuous who wishes his son to treachery.
be more virtuous than himself. Purpura indutus pauper, sui ipsius im-
Procfllre quanta plus habent ririum memor est. [Lat] A beggar clothed
tanto minus temporis. [LatJ Storms, in purpleis unmindful of himself.
the more violent they are, the sooner Purpureus late qui splendeat unus et
they are over. alter assuitur pannus. [LatJ One
Proces verbal. [Fr. ] A written state- or two verses of purple patch-work, to
ment. make a great show, are tagged on.
Proconfesso. [Lat] As if conceded.
Procul a Jove, procul a fulmine. [Lat]
Far from Jupiter, far from his thun-
ProouJ, O procul ette,profani{ [Lat] Qucefuerunt vitia, mores sunt. [Lat]
Far, far hence, O ye profane 1 What were once rices are now man-
Prodent auctorem vires. [Lut.] His ners or customs.
powers betray the author. Qua: nocent docent, [Lat] Things
which injore Instruct ; we learn by
what we suffer. Qui aptt,foelt, [Lat] fle who takes
it, makes it
Quaere. [Lat.j Query ; inquiry. Quicquid prcecipiet, esiobrevit. [Let]
Quceritur. [ Lat. J The question arises. Whatever precepts you give, be
Qutilisabincepto. [Lat.] The same as
at the beginning. Quid de ouoque viro, et cut dims, seepe
caveto. [Lat.J Be very careful what
Qualis hero, tales pedissequce. [Lat.]
Like mistress, like maids. you speak of any one, and to whom.
Qualis rex, talis grex. Like Quid faciendumT [Lat What is to be
[Lat.] done?
king, like people.
Qualis vita, finis ita. [Lat.J As life Quid non mortalia pectora cogis, nuri
is so is its end. sacra fames f [Lat.J Accursed
thirst for gold to what dost thoa
Quam diu te bene gesserit. [Lat.] Dur- I

not compel human heart*?

ing good behavior.
Quand les vices nous quittent, nous Quid nuncf [Lat.J What now? a
nous flattens que c'est nous que les newsmonger.
quittons. [Fr.J When vices quit us, Qui doctt, discit. [Lat.] He who
we flatter our selves that we quit them. teaches, learns.
Qui donne t6t donne deux fois. [Fr.]
Quand on emprunte, on ne choisit pas. He who gives promptly gives twice
[Fr.] When one borrows, oiie can- as much.
not choose. Quiil pro quo. [Lat] One thing for
Quand on voit on croit. [Fr.]
la chose, another an equivalent.
What we see, we believe. Quid ridest [Lat] Why do yo
Quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus. InughT
[Tat.] Sometimes even the good Quid Roma faciamf mentire nescio.
EOIEVT nods. [Lat] What should I do in Borne 1 1
Quando ttllum inrenirmus paremf cannot lie.
[Lat] When shall we look upon his Quid times f C&sarem vehis. [Lat.]
like again T What do you fear? You carry Caear.
Quanti est sapere f [Lat.] How valu- Quien mucho abrata poco aprieta,
able is wisdom 1
[Sp.] Who grasps much holds little.
Quantum. [Lat.] The quantity or Quien pregunta no yerra. Sp.J Who
amount. asks errs not
Quantum est in rebus inane humani.*' Quien tien tienda, que atienda. [Sp.]
JLat] How much folly there is in If one has a shop, let him tend it.
the affairs of men 1 Qui facit per aliitm,facit per se. [Lat.J
Quantum libet. [Lai.] As much as He who does a thing by the agency of
you please. another, does it himself.
Quantum meruit. As much as
[Lat.] Qui fallere possit amantemf [Lat]
he deserved. Who can deceive a lover?
Quantum mutatus ab illo ! [Lt] Qui invidet minor est. [Lat.] He who
How changed from what he once envies is inferior.
was I Qui m'aime, aime mon chirn. [Fr.]
Quantum sufflclt. [Lat.] A sufficient Love me, love my dog.
quantity. Qui n'a santt n'u rien. [Fr.] He who
Quantum vis. [Lat.J Aa much as you wants health wants every thing.
will. Qui nimium probat, nihil probat.
Qucifi. [Lat.] in a manner.
As if ; |
Lat. J He who proves too much,
Quasi agnum committere lupo. [Lat.] prove* nothing.
Like intrusting the lamb to the wolf. Qui non proftcit, deficit. [Lat] H
Quelque chose. [Fj. ] A trifle. who does not advance, goes tack-
Questo vento non cribra la biada. [It.] ward.
This wind winnows no corn. Qui penseT [Fr.] Who thinks?
Qui aime bien, bien chdtie. [Fr.] He Qui perd ptche. [Fr.j Loeen are al-
who loves well chastises well. ways in the wrong.
Qufs custodiet ipsoa custodesf [Lat.] every where, what by all has been
Who shall guard the keepers ? held to be true.
Qui e fait brebis, le loup le mange. Quod vide. [Lat.] Which see.
[Fi.] Whoever makes himself a Quo Fata vacant. [Lat.J Whither the
sheep, devoured by the wolf.
is Fates call.

Quis talia fando temperet a lachrymis. Quo jure? [Lat] By what right?
[Lat.J Who, in relating such things, Quo pax et gloria ducunt. [Lat.]
can refrain from tears. Where peace and glory lead.
Quis tulerit Gracchos de seditione quer- Quorum pars magna fuit. Lat.] Of \

eiitest [Lat.J Who would endure whom, or which, I was an important

the Gracchi complaining of sedition. part.
Quoi Deus vult perdere, prius dementat.
Qui facet consentit. [Lat.] He who is
|Lat.J Those whom God wishes to
silent consents.
destroy, he first makes mad.
Qui tarn? [Lat.] Who as well?
Quot homines, tot sententioe. [Lat.J
Qui timide rogat, docet negare. [Lat.] Many men, many minds.
He who asks timidly, teaches denial. Quot servi, tot hostes. [Lat.] As many
Qui transtulit, sustinet. [Lat.] He servants, somany enemies.
who brought us over, still sustains sunt partium jura obscura, reo
us ; motto of Connecticut. Quum
potius favendum est quam auctori.
Qui uti scit, ei bona. [Lat.] He [Lat.J When the rights of the par-
should have wealth who knows how ties are doubtful, favor must be shown
to use it. to the defendant rather than the com-
Quivala? [Fr. Who goes there?
| plainant.
Qui vive? [Fr.J Who goes there?
hence, on the qai rtre, on the alert. B
Quoad hue. [Lat.J To this extent.

Q"io animof [Lat.] With what mind Rabat. [Fr.] Reduction of price.
or intention? A commercial com-
hagione. [It.]
Quocunque modo. [Lat.] In whatever pany a firm.
manner. Raison

d'etat. A reason of
Quocunque nomine. [Lat.] Under what- state.
ever name. Rara avis. [Lat.] A rare bird a pro-
Quod avertat Jjeus! [Lat.] Which

may God avert !
Rara avis in terris, nigroque simillima
Quod bene notandum. [Lat.J Which cygno. [Lat.J A rare bird on the
must be particularly noticed.
earth, biid very like a black swan.
Quod bonum, felix, faustumque sit. Rari nantet in gurgite rasto. [Lat.]
[Lat. J M ay it be good, fortunate, and
favorable. Swimming, here and there, in the
wide waters.
Quod Deus bene vertat. [Lat.] May Rata. [Lat.J Rate one's own share.
God direct it to a good end. ;

Quod erat demonstrandum. [Lat.] Ratione soli. [Lat.J As regards the

Which was to be demonstrated faci- ;
endum, done. Racixsement. [Fr.J Ravishment;
Quod hoc sibi vultf [Lat.] What does trans- port.
this mean ? Rechauffe. [Fr.J Warmed over, as
Quod ignotum pro magniflco est. food hence, old ; stale ; insipid.

[Lat.J That which is unknown is Recoje tu heno mientraa que el sol lusiere.
thought to be great. [Sp.J Make hay while the sun
Quod non opus est, asse carum est. shines.
[Lat.] What is not wanted is dear at Rente et suaviter. [Lat.] Justly and
a copper. mildly.
Qutjd semper, quod ubique, quod ab om- Rectus in curia. [Lat.] Upright la
nibu*. [Lat.J What always, what the court ; with clean hands.

Refu. [Fr.] Received ; receipt. Renommee. fFr.]Benown ; fame.

Reculer pour mieux tauter. [Fr.] Renovate aniinoi. [Lat.J Bonuw your
To go back in order to get a better courage.
leap. Renovato nomine. [Lat.] By a revived
Redeunt Saturnia regna. [Lat.] The name.
Sat urinaii reign returns. Renovet print inn bella. [Lat] Let
Redolet lucerna. [Lat.j It smells of him-ngbt lii- battles over again.
the lamp ; it is a labored effort. K< nlt'.i. (Fr. Funds bearing interest ;

Reductio ad absurdum. [Lat.J A re- stocks.

ducing a post t ion to an absurdity. Reparabilis adsonat echo. [Lat.] Re-
Regium donum. [Lftt.J A royal gift ; peating echo resounds.
applied in England to a yearly grant Repente dives nemo foetus est bonux.
of public money, for the maintenance [ I.iit.J No good man ever became
of the Presbyterian clergy in Ire- rich all of a sudden.
land. Reperit Deus nocentem. [Lat.] God
Regnant populi. [Lat.] Tle people finds out the guilty man.
rule : the motto of Arkansas. [Jiore Repondre en Normand. [Fr.] To give
correctly, Reg nut pop ul us.] an evasive answer.
Reinfecta. f Lat.J The business being Reprise. [Fr.J Reprisal.
unfinished. Requiem ceternam dona eit. [Lat.]
Reldche. f Fr.] Intermission ; respite ; Orant them eternal rest, O Lord ;

relaxation. the beginning of the Requiem, or

Relata refero. [Lat.] I repeat it as it chant for the dead.
was told. Requiescat in pace. [Lat.] May he
Relegare bona religionibus. [Lat.] To rest in peace. A common inscription
bequeath one's property for pious on tomb stones. It is sometimes used
purposes. ironically reference to the de-
Relicta, non bene parmula. [Lat.] In- parted greatness of persons dismissed
gloriously leaving my shield behind. from office.
Religentem esse oportet, religiosum ne- Rerum ipsarum cognitio vrra, e rrtnit
fas. [Lat.j A man should be religious, ipsis est. [Lat.] The true knowledge
not superstitious a play upon the
of things must be derived from tao
resemblance of the two words. things themselviv-.
Religieuse. [Fr.j A nun. Rerum primordia. [Lat.J The first
Religieux. [Fr.J A monk a friar. ;
elements of things.
loci. The Res amlcot invenit. [Lat.] Money finds
Religio [Lat.] religious
spirit of the place.
Rem acu You have Res angiista domi. [Lnt.] Narrowed cir-
tetigisii. [Lat.J cumstances at home limited means.
touched the thing with a needle (that ;

is, exactly). Ree est blfinda citnor; dixcnnt cimtare

Rem tibi quam nosces aptam, dimittere puellee. [Lat.J Music is an insinuating
noli. [Lat. J Lose not the thing that thing ; let the fair learn to sing.
thou knowest to be suitable for thee. Res sacra miser.
est [Lat.] A suffer-
Rem tu strenuus auge. [Lat.] Exert ing person is a sacred thing.
every endeavor to increase your Res gestce. [Lat.J Exploits; deeds.
Remis velisque. [Lat.] With oars and Rest ice flnem. [Lat.] Look to the end.
sails ; using every possible endeavor ; Respublica. [Lat.J The commonwealth.
with tooth and nail. Resurgam. [Lat.J I shall Hue again.
Rtsume. [Frf] An abstract or Humnnrr.
Remisso animo. [Lat.] With listless
mind. Retinens vestigia famce. [Lat.] Keep-
Remucta de pasturage haze bizerros ing in the steps of an honorable au-
gordos. [Sp.J Change of pasture cestry.
makes fat calves. Revenoni a no moutons. [Fr.] Let
Renaissance. [Fr.] Revival, M of us return to our eheap, or to the
letters or art. matter in hand.
Bidentem dicere verum, quid vetat? Scepe summa ingcnia in occulto latent*
[ Lat.J What hinders one, though [Lat] The greatest talents often li
laughing, from speaking the truth. concealed.
Ridere in slomacho. [Lat.] To laugh Scepe tacens vocem verbaque vultus habet.
inwardly ; to laugh in one's sleeve. [Lat. J The silent features havt- often
both words and expression of their
Ride, si sapis. [Lat.] Laugh, if you own.
are wise.
Bien n'est beau que le vrai. [Fr.] Scepe via obliqua prcestat quam tenders
recta. [Lat. ] The circuitous road is
Nothing is beautiful but the truth. often better than the direct one.
Rifacimento. fltj Renewal ; re-es-
tablishment. Saggio fanciullo e chi conosce il suo vero
Rira bien, qui rira le dernier. [Fr.] padre. [It.] He is a wise child who
He laughs well, who laughs last. knows his own father.
Rire entre cuir et chair. [Fr.] To Sal Attioum. [Lat 2 Attic salt; that
laugh in one's sleeve. is, wit.
Risum teneatis, amicif [Lat. J Friends, Salle. [Fr/] Hall.
can you refrain from laughing? Sal 113 popult
suprema est lex. [Lat.]
Rixator de lana caprina. [Lat.] He The welfare of the people is the su-
- law the motto of Missouri.
quarrels -about goat's wool, about a preme ;

mere trifle.
Salvo jure. [Lat.] Saving the right
Robe de chambre. [Fr.] A dressing A grant made salvo Jure regis,
gown or morning gown. "saving the right of the king," his
Role d'equipage. [Fr.j A list of the
rights and prerogatives being pre-
crew. served from encroachment.
Ruat Caslum. r
Fr.] Let the heavens
Salvo pudore. Without a vio-
lation of modesty.
Rudis indigestaque moles. [Lat.] A Salvo sensu. [Lat] The sense being
rude and undigested mass.
Ruit mole sua. [Lat.J It falls to ruin preserved ; without violence to the
by its own weight. Salt-urn fao regem. God save
Ruse centre ruse. [Fr.] Trick against [Lat.]
the king !
trick a counter plot.
Salvam fao reginam. [Lat.] God save
Ruse de guerre. [Fr. J A stratagem of the queen !
Rus in urbe. [Lat.] The country in S'amuser a la moutarde. [Fr.} To
stand on trifles.
the city.
Rusticus expectat dum defluat amnis. Sanctio justa, jubens honesta, et pro-
hibens contraria. [Lat] A just or-
[Lat.] The rustic waits until the
river all runs by. dinance, commanding what is honest,
and torbidding the contrary.
Sanctissima divitiarum majestas. [Lat]
S The most holy majesty of wealth.
Used ironically.
Scepe est sub pallia sordido tapientia. Sanctum sanctorum. [Lat.] The Holy
[Lat.] Wisdom is often found under of Holies.
a mean cloak. Sangfroid. [Fr.] Cold blood ; in-
Scepe etiam est olitor valde opportuna difference : apathy.
locutus. [Lat.J Even a costermonger Sans ceremonie. [Fr.] Without cere-
very often speaks to the purpose. mony.
Scepe stylum vertas. [Lat.] Often in- Sana changer. [Fr.J Without changing.
vert the style, or writing instrument : Sans compliments. [Fr.] Without com-
make frequent corrections. pliments.
Scepe sub attrita latitat sapientia veste. Sans Dieu rien. [Fr.J Nothing with-
[Lat.] Often does wisdom lie con- out God.
cealed beneath a threadbare garment. Sana doute. [Fr.] Without doubt.
Sang fafon. [Fr.] Without form or Sed hcxc hactenus. [Lat.] So much for
trouble. this.
Sans pareil. [FrJ Without equal. Sed post eft Occasio calva. pLa*-] But
Sanspeine. JFr.J Without difficulty. Opportunity is bold behind seize :

Sans peur et sans reproche. [Fr.] With- Time bj the forelock.

out fear and without reproach. SelonUs regies. [Fr.J According to
Sans rime et sans raison. [Fr.J With- Semel abbas,
out rhyme or reason. temper
abbas. [Lat.]
Once an abbot, perpetually an abbot.
Sanstaohe. [Fr.J Without Bpot; stain- Semel et simul. [Lat.] Ouoe and to-
Sapereauae. [Lat] Dare to be wise. Scniflinsanivimus Omnes. [Lat ] We
Sapientes principes sapientum con- have all, at some time, been mad.
gressu. [Lat.J Princes become wise Semel pro semper. [Lat.J Once for all.
from their intercourse with wise men. Semper avarus eget. [Lat.] The avari-
Sartor resartus. [Lat.] The cobbler cious man is always hi want.
mended. Semper felix. [Lat] Always fortu-
Sat cito, si sat bene. [Lat.] It must be nate.
done soon, if done well. Semper ftdelis. [Lat.] Always faith-
Satis dotata, si benemorata. [Lat.] ful.
Well enough dowered, if well princi- Semper idem. [Lat] Always the
pled. same.
Satis eloquentice, sapiential parvum. Semper para t us. [Lat.] Always
[Lat. ] Plenty of eloquence, but little ready.
wisdom. Semper timidum icelut. [Lat] Guilt
Satis, superque. [Lat.] Enough, and is always timid.
more than enough. Semper vivit in armis. [Lat] He ev-
Satis verborum. [Lat.] Enough of er lives in arms.
words you need say no more.
; Sempre il mal non vien per rvuocere.
Sat puh-hra, si sat bona. [Lat.] Hand- [It] Misfortune does not always
gome enough, if good enough. come to Injure.
Saure qui pent. [Fr.] Save himself Senutus consultum. [Lat.] A decree
who can. of the Senate.
Savoir-faire. [Fr.] Ability ; contrivance Senrx, bispuer. [Lat.] An o!d man in
or skill.
twice a boy.
Savoir-vivre. Good breeding Se non e vero, e ben trovato. [It] If
[Fr.] ;

refined manners. not true, 'tis well feigned.

Sensu bono. [Lat] In a good sense.
[Fr.] Soap.
Scandalum maynatum. Defam- Sensu tna/o. [Lat] In a lnl sense.
atory speech or writing to the injury Separatio a mensa et thorn. [Lat.J
of persons of dignity. (Lav.) Separation from bed and
Seire facias. tLat.J Cause It to be board.
known. Sequiturque patrem hand passibus cequ-
Scribendi recte sapere est et principium is. [Lat.] He follows his father, but
et fans. [
Lat. ] The first principle and not with equal steps.
source of all ejood writing is to think Sero, sed serio. [Lat] Late, but seri-
justly. ously.
Scribimus indocti doctique poematapas- Sero venientibut otto. [Lat.] The
sim. [Lat.] Learned and unlearned, bones for those who come late.
we are all scribbling verses. Serus in otelum redeas. [Lat.] Late
Secundum artem. [Lat. j According to may you return to heaven, may you
rule ; scientifically. live long.
Secundum naturam. [Lat.] According Servabo flaem. [Lat] I will keep
to toe course of nature. faith.
Secundum or dine m. [Lat.] In order. Servare modum. [Lat] To keep
fie dffendendo. [Lat J In self-defense. within bounds.
Servus servorum Dei. [Let.] A ser- [Lat] Each passing year robs u* of
vant of the servants of God. something.
Sesquipedalia verba. [Lat.J Words a Si parva licet eomponere magni*.
foot and a half long. f Lat. j If small things may be com-
Sic eunt fata hominum. [Lat.] Thus pared with great
go the fates of men. Si quceris peninsulam amoenam, circum-
Sic itur ad astra. [Lat.] Such Is the spice. [Lat.] If thou seekest a beau-
way to immortality. tiful peninsula, behold it here; the
Sic passim. [Lat.] So every where. motto of Michigan.
Sic semper tyrannis. [Lat.J Ever so Si quireres ver cuanto vale un ducado,
to tyrants ; the motto of Virginia. buscadlo prestado. [Sp.] Would
Sit transit gloria mundi. [Lat.J So you like to know how much a ducat is
passes away earthly glory. worth, try to borrow one.
Sicut ante. [Lat.] As before. Si sit prudentia. [Lat] If there be
Sicut patribus, sit Deus nobis. [Lat.] but prudence.
Let God be with us, as he was with State, viator. [Lat.] Stop, traveller.
our fathers. Sit tibi terra levis. [Lat.J Light lie
Sic t-oto, sic jubeo; stat pro ration* vol- the earth on thee, or on thy remains.
untas. [Lat.] Thus I will, thus I Sit ut est aut non sit. [Lat.J Let it be
order ; let my will stand for a reason. as it is, or not at all.
Sio i-os non vobis. [Lat.] Thus you Sit venia verbo. [Lat] Excuse the ex-
toil, but not for yourselves.
Si diis placet. [Lat.] If it pleases the Si vis me flere, dolendum est primum
Si je puts. [Fr. J If I can.
ipsi tibi. [Lat] If you wish me to
weep, yon must yourself first shed
Site, et philosophus esto. [Lat.] Keep tears.
silence, and be a philosopher. Si vis pacem, para bellum. [Lat] If
Siirntium altum. [Lat.J Deep si-
you wish for peace, prepare for war.
The Soccorso non viene mai tardi, [It]
Silent leges inter arma. [Lat.]
laws are silent amidst arms. Help never comes too late.
5010 nobilitas virtus. [Lat] Virtue la
Similia similibus curantur. [Lat.] the only true nobility.
Like things are cured by like. 5011 Deo gloria. [Lat] To God alone
Similis simili gaudet. [Lat.J Like is be glory.
pleased with like. Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant,
Si m^iumentum requiris, circumspice. [Lat] They make a desert of a coun-
[Lat.] If you seek bis monument, try, and call it peace.
look around you.
Solvuntur tabula:. [Lat.] The bills
Simplex munditiis. [Lat.] Of simple are dismissed the defendant is ac-
quitted. Used in legal language.
Sine cura. [Lat] Without care;
ini'idia, envy : odio, hatred. Songes sont mensonges. [Fr. J Dreams
Sine die. [Lat] Without a day ap- are lies.
pointed. S'orienter. [Fr.J To find one's bear-
Sinedubio. [Lat.] Without doubt. ings.
Sine invidia. [Lat.J Without envy. Sors tua mortalts, non est mortals quod
optas. [Lat] Thy lot is mortal;
Sine ira et studio. [Lat] Without an- that which thou desirest belongs not
ger or partiality. to mortals.
Sine mom. [Lat.] Without delay. Sottise. Foolishness ;
[Fr.J follyi
Sine odio. [Lat] Without hatred. nonsense.
Sine prcejudicio. [Lat] Without pre- Soubrette. [Fr.] An Intriguing wo
judice. man.
Sine qua non. [Lat.J An Indispensa- chaud et lefroid.
Souffler le [Fr.J Tl
blow hot and cold.
<i>iifi cte nobl* anni prcedantur eunte*. Soupfon, [Fr.] Suspicion.
[Fr.] Supper. Sternftur alitno vulnere. [Lat.] Hell
tuna to us let rapport*. [Fr.] In all slainby a blow aimed at another.
respects. Stet. [Lat] Let it stand.
Soyezferme. [Fr.] Be firm. ratum super stratum, [Lnt.] One
Spargers voces in vulgum ambiguas. layer upon another.
[Lat.J To spread ambiguous reports Studio fallente laborem. [Lat.J With
among the common people. a zeal which beguiles labor.
Spectas, et tu spectabere. [Lat.] Yon Stiuiium immune loquendi. [Lat |
see, and you shall be seen. The insatiable desire of talking.
Spectemur agenda. [Lat.J Let na be Stylo inverso. [Lat] With an upturned
tried by our actions. stylus.
Spem pretio non emo. [Lat.] I do not Sua cuique voluptas. [Lat.] Every
buy hope at a fixed price. man has his own pleasures.
Sperate, miseri; cavete, felicei. [Lat.] Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re. [Lat]
Let the wretched hope, and the pros- Gentle in manners, but forcible in
perous be on their guard. deed.
Spero meliora. [Lat J I hope for bet- Sub color e juris [Lat.] Under color
ter things. of law.
Spes mm Christus. [Lat] Christ la Sub condition*.
[Lat] Under the
my hope.
Sub hoc signo vinces. Under
Spes sibi quisque. [Lat.] Let every [Lat.]
one hope in himself. this standard you shall conquer.
tutissima ccrlis. The Subjudice. [Lat.J Under consideration.
Spes [Lat] Sub judicelis est. Lat.J The cause is
safest hope is in heaven. |

yet before the judge.

Spirituel, [Fr.] Intellectual ; peculi- Sublata causa, tollitur effectut. [Lat. J
arly refined ; intelligent ; witty. The cause being removed, the effect
Splendide mendax. [Lat.J Nobly ceases.
false ; untrue for a noble object. Sub porno. [Lat.] Under a penalty.
Spolia opima. [Lat] The richest Sub prcetexta Juris. [Lat.] Under the
booty. pretext of justice.
Sponte sua. [Lat.J Of one's own ac-
Sub quocunque titulo. [Lat] Under
cord. whatever title.
Sponte sua, sine lege, fidem rectumque Sub rosa. [Lat] Under the rose;
colebant. [Lat] Of their own ac-
without law, they cherished
Sub silentio. [Lat] In silence.
Spreta: injuria formce. [Lat] The In- Sub specie. [Lat] Under tbe appear-
ance of.
sult to her despised beauty. Sub voce. [Lat] Under the voice.
Stans pede in uno. [Lat] Standing Succedaneum. [Lat J A substitute.
on one foot. ,'re por saber, y trabaja por tener.
Statmagni nominis umbra. [Lat] He Sp.J Suffer in order to know, and
stands the shadow of a mighty name. .abor in order to have.
Stat pro ratione voluntas. [Lat] My Suggestio falsi. [Lat J Suggestion of
will stands in the place of a reason. falsehood.
Sui generis. [Lat] Of Its own peculiar
Statu quo ante bellum. [Lat.J The kind.
state in which things were before
the war. Sui Juris. [Lat] In one's own right.
Status uo. The state In Summa summarum. [LatJ Sum total.
[Lat.J The
which. Summum bunum. [Lat] chief
Stava bene, ma,perstarmeglio,*toqui.
to be Summum tumma injurta. [Lat]
[It] I was well, but wishing
better, I am here let well enough
The rigor of the law may be the great-
alone. An epitaph. est oppression.
At the
Stemmata quid faciuntt [Lat] Of SumpHbu* pubJteia, [Lat.]
what value are pedigrees t public expense.
Sum quod erts; fui quod es, [Lat.] I Tcedium vita:. [Lat.J Weariness ot
I ntt wliat you will be ; I was what you life.
are. Taille. [Fr.] Form ;
stature j shape.
Bunt lachrymce rerun. [Lat.] There Tarn Marte qiuim Minerva, [Lat.]
are tears for misery. As much by Mars as Minerva as fit :

8uo Mane. [Lat.J By his own might. for war as business ; having equallj
Suo siai gladio hunc jugulo. [Lat.J courage and genius.
I cut his throat with his own sword. Tandem flt surculus arbor. [Lat.]
Superbi homines in conviviis stultisunt. The shoot at length becomes a tree.
[Lat.J Proud men in their cups be- Tanyere vulnus [Lat.J To touch a
come fools. sore place.
Supersedfas. ("Lat.] Yon may super- Tantcene animis ccelestibus irce*
sede ; you may set aside or annul. The Can
such wrath dwell in
title of a writ to stay proceedings in
heavenly minds?
any ca?e. Tant mieux [Fr.] So much the bet-
Superstitio, in qua inest inanis Di; ter ; pis, the worse.
religio quce Dei cultu pio continetur. Tanto buim, che val niente [It.] So
[Lat. ] Superstition is a senseless good, that he is good for nothing.
fear of God ; religion, the pious wor- Tantum vidit Virgilium [Lat.J He
ship of God. merely saw Virgii, or the great man.
Super visum corporis. [Lat.J Upon a Tel notre plaisir
esl [Fr.J Such is
view of the body our pleasure.
Supplosio pedis. [Lat.J A stamping Tel maftre. tel valet. [Fr.] Like mas-
with the feet. man
ter, like
Suppressio vert. [Lat.] The suppres- Telum imbflle, sine ictu. [Lat.] A
sion of the truth. feeble weapon, thrown without ef-
Suppressio veri, suaaeotio falfi. [Lat.] fect.
A suppression of the truth is the sug- Tempora ~ Tmutantur, et nns mutamur tn
gestion of a falsehood. illi. J Times change, and we
Burgit anuiri aliquid. [Lat. ' Sorie- ~h:-nge with them.
thing bitter rises. Tempori parendum. [Lat.] We must
Suum cuique. [Lat.J Let every one yield to the times.
have his own. Tempus edax rerum. [Lat.J Time the
Suns cuique mos. [Lat.] Every one devourer of all things.
has hi.-i own peculiar habit. Tempus fugit [Lat. Time flies. |

tiylosnntis clilamys. [Lat.J scarf The Tempus ludendi. [Lat.J The time for
of Syloson. SyJoson gave to king Dari- play.
us a rich scarf or mantle, and in re- Tempus omnia revelat. [LMI.] Time
turn received the sovereignty of ga- discloses all things.
mes. Hence, this term was applied to Tenax propositi. [Lat.J Tenacious of
the fts of those who "Throw a sprat

his purpose.
to catch a herring." Tentanda via eat. [Lat. ] A way must
be tried.
Teres atque rotundus. [Lat.] Smooth
and round in himself ; polished and
Tableau vivant. The represen-
[Fr.] Terminus ad quern. [Lat.J The time
tation of some scene by means of per- to which.
eous grouped in appropriate pos- Terminus a quo. [Lat.J The time
tures, and remaining silent and mo- from which.
tionless. Terra cotta [It. ] Baked earth.
Tabula rasa. [Lat.] A smooth or TerrcB ftiius. [Lat.J A son of the
blank tablet. earth ; that is, a human being.
Tdche sans tnche [Fr.] A Work Terra flrma. [Lat.J Solid earth ; f
withont a stain. safe footing.

terra incognita. p-,at.J An inumcnra fortes onortca.* often ai.

land. Tot is viribut, With all bit
Tertium quid. [Lat.] third some- A might.
thing. .
Toto cceto. [Lat.] By the whole hea*
Tertius e ctelo cecidit Cafo [Lat.J A ens.
third Cato has dropped from the Totum. [Lat.] The whole.
clouds Totus mundutagit histriimfm. [La*.]
Tlln seris, tibt metis [Lat.] on sow T Everybody is an actor ; all the
for yourself, you reap for yourself. world's a stage.
Tiens <3t lu verite. [Fr.] maintain the Totus^ feres, a'que, rotundui. [Lat.] Ev-
truth. ery way rouuu and smooth.
Tienatafoi. [Fr.] Keep thy faith. ToujuiiisjWt. f.Fr.1 Alwaysrendy.
Timeo Daruios ft dona, ferenti'S. [Lat.] Tour de force. [Fr.J A feat of strength
I fear the Greeks, even when bring- or skill.

ing gifts.
Tour d^expresfion. [Fr.] An idiom
Tintumarre. fFr. A confused noise or peculiar force of expression.
racket din.
j ;
Toun>cr cusaque. [Fr.J To luiu one's

~*itnidi estoptare necem. [Lat. 1 It is coat; to change sides.

the act of a cownrd to wi*h for death ; Tous /rats j'aits. [Fr.] All expenses
cowards hiiste to u>, tne brave live. paid.
mater non fLnt. J The Tout-a-fait. [Fr.] Entirely ; wi.olly.
'<* '. .'

mother of the coward does not weep: Tinit-a-Wieure. [Fr.J Iusint!y.

c<tut-e hu will land cm e >o keep out
Tout aucontraire. [r'r.J Jut the con-
oi danger. trary.
Tout&voug. [Fr.] 'Wholly yonr<>.
Ti nidi nunquam statuencnt trophceum. Tout bien ou rien. [Fr.J The whole or
[Lat.J The timid never erected a n"'h'ntf.
trophy. Tout commeehtt nous. [Fr.J Just as t
Ti'indus Plutii*. [Lnt.] Plutns is full is with Us it In 1,1. u.
of fears ; riches are cau -e of anxie- Toutcourt. [Fr.J Very shor'.
ty. Tout de meme. [ Fr -L Precisely the
Timidus se vocat cautum, parcum sord- same.
id us. Lat. The coward calls him-
| j Tout de suite. [Fr.1 Immediately.
self cautious, the miser thrifty. Tout ensemble. [Fr.J The whole taiteo
Timor unu erat; faciea non, una tim- together.
oris. [Lat.] Their fear was the Tout est pris. [Fr.] All is taken er- ;

eauie ; but. not go the symptoms of ery avenue preoccupied.

their fear. Tout frais fait. [Fr.J All expense de-
lirer a binilei rouge. [Fr.J To shoot frayed.
with a red bullet. Tout le monde rst sage apres coup. [Fr.J
Toga virilia. [Lat.] The gown of Every bxly is wise after the event
manhood. Tout lui rit. [Fr.J All goes well wtth
To kMon, ro ita\ov. [Gr.] The beauti- him.
ful the chief good. Tracatserie. [Fr.J Chicanery; trick-

TO irperrov To prepon. [Or.] The be-

TnZt'ant fabrilia fabri. [Lat.] Me-
coming the proper. ;
chanics use mechanics' tools.
Tomava la for rasa, mas dei-enia cardo.
I took her for a rose, but she
Trahit tua quemyue voluptas, [Lat]
[Sp. j by his
Every one is attracted pe-
proved a thorn culiar pleasure. des nues [Fr.] Fallen from the
Transtat in exemplum. [Lat.J May u
become an example.
Tot homines, guot sententice. [Lat.] Tret chretiennement. [Fr.] Very pK
So many men, so many minds.
Totidem verbia. [Lat.] In so many Tria juncta in MW>. [Lat] Thr*
word*. joined in one.
Tripotage. [Fr.j Medley; miscel- Una scopa nuora spazza bene. [It J A
lany. new broom sweeps clean.
Tristeise. [Fr.] Sadness ; sorrow. Una voce. [Lat.J With one voice;
Troja [Lat.J Troy was ; that Is, unanimously.
Troy is no more. Una volta fur/ante, e sempre furfante.
Troppo disputare la verita fa errare. [It.] Once a knave, always a knave.
lit.] Too much dispute puts truth Un bienfait n^est jamais perdu. [Fr. ]
to flight A kindness is never lost.
Trot, Tyriusve, mihi nidlo discrimint Un cabello haze sombra. [Sp.J The
agetur. [Lat.l No distinction shall least hair makes a shadow.
be made by me between the Trojan Un Dieu, un roi. [Fr.J One God, one
and {he Tyrian. king.
Trottoir. [Fr J Sidewalk. Une affaire Flambee. [Fr.] A gone
Truditur dies die. [Lat.] One day is case.
pressed onward by another. Une fois n'est pas coutume. [Fr.] One
Tu ne cede malis. [Lat.] Do not act does not make a habit.
yield to evils. Unguibus et rostro. [Lat. With talons

Tu quoque, Brute! [Lat.] And thou and beak ; tooth and nail.
too, Brutus I Unyuit in ulcere. [LatJ A claw, or
Tutor et ultor. [Lat.] Protector and nail, in the sore.
avenger. Un homme cossu. [Fr.J A rich, sub-
Tuum est. [Lat] It is thine own. stantial man.
Uni cequus virtuti, atque ejus amicis.
U [Lat.J Friendly only to virtue, and
to her friends.
Unica virtus necessaria. [Lat.J Virtue
Uberrima fides. [Lat.] A superabun- is the only thing necessary.
dant faith. Un jesevirai. [Fr.] One I will serve.
Ubi bene, ubi patria. [Lat.J Where Una non deficit alter.
atwteo, [Lat.]
it it is well with me, there is my coun-
When one is snatched away, another
try. will not be wanting.
Ubi Jus inccrium. ibi jus nullum. Un sot a triple etage.[Fr.] An egre-
[Lat, J ( Law. ) Where the law is un-
gious blockhead.
certain, there is no law. Un " tiens " vaut mieux "que deux " tit
Ubi lapsust [Lat.] Where have I J'auros." [Fr ] One hold fast " is
fallen! better than two
" thou-sh alt-have-
Ubi libertas, ibi patria. [Lat.] Where it's ;" a bird in the hand is worth two
liberty is, there is my
country. in the bush.
Ubi mel, ibi apes. [Lat.J Where the
Usque ad aras. [Lat.] To the very
honey is, there are the bees. altars.
Ubique. [Lat.J Everywhere. Usus loquendi. [Lat.] Usage in
Ubique patriam reminisci. [Lat.] To speaking.
remember our country every where. Ut ameris, amabilis esto. [Lat] That
Ubi supra. [Lat] Where above men- you may be loved, be amiable.
tioned. Ut apes geomelriam. [Lat.J As bees
Ultima ratio regum. [Lat] Tha last practice geometry.
argument of Icings military weapons
; ;
Utatur motu animi, qui uti ratione non
war. potest. fLat] Let him be guided by
Ultima Thule. [Lat] The utmost impulse who cannot be guided by
boundary or limit. reason.
Ultimatum. [Lat] The last or only Utcunque in alto ventus est, exin velum
condition. vertitur. [Lat.] Whichever way the
Ultimu-s regum. [Lat] The last of kings. wind is at sea, in that direction the
Ultra lioitum. [Lat.J Beyond what is sail is shifted.
allowable. Utendum est cetate; cito pede labitut

tft(is. [Lat. j We must make use of Valtnnt mrndaeiti rafum. [Lat.]

time ; time flies with rapid foot. Farewell to the fictions of the poetn.
(Rerfjue bonus belli pacisque minister. Waleat quantum valere potest. Lat] |

[Lat. J Skilled equally in the admin- Let It have weight, so far as it may.
istration of peace or of war. Valere malo quam divra ease. [Lat. J
Utile dulci. [Lat.J The useful with I would rather be in good health than
the agreeable. rich.
Utilitas juvandi. [Lat.] The advan- Valft anchora virtus. [Lat] Virtue
tage of assisting others. is a sheet-anchor.
Utilitas lateat ; quod rum profltebere Valet de ohambre. [Fr.] An atten-
flet. [Lat. ] Let your object lie con- dant ; a foocnian.
cealed ; that will come to pass which >'^l.:te ao plaudite. [Lat] Farewell
you shall not avow. .".nil applaud.
Ut infra. [Lnt.J As below. Vale, vale. [Lat.J Farewell I fare-
Uti possidetis. [Lat.] As you now well !

possess. Its opposite is the Status Viiliiliun est naturce testimontum qunm
quo. doctrince argumentum. [Lat.J The
Ut pignut am id (ice. [Lat.] As a testimony of nature is of greater
pledge of f Headship. weight than the arguments of learn-
Vt prosim. [Lat.] That I may do ing.
Valor eeelesiastieut. [Lat.] The eccle-
Ut guocunque paratus. [Lat.] Pre- siastical value.
Vana quoque ad reros accessit fama
pared for every event. timores. [Lnt.] Idle rumors, too,
Utrum horum mavis accipe. [Lat.] were added to well-.'ounded fears.
Take which you will of the two.
Utrumque vitium eat, et omnibus credere Fare, redde legiones! [Lat] Varua,
give me back my legions I
et nulli. [Lat.] It la equally a fault Varice lectiones. [Lat.] Various read-
to confide in and in :-.oue.
Vt supra. [Lat.] As above stated. Variorum note. [Lat] The notes of
\Jvaque conspecta livorem ducit ab uva. various authors.
[Lat.] And grape contracts paleness Varium ct mutabile semper fof^mt.
from the grape which it has faced. [Lat. .*i ;ver-changeful and capri-
Uxorem fato credat obesse suo. [Lat.] cious thing Is wni nan.
He may think that his wife Is an ob- Faurtc.i. [Fr.] A worthless fellow.
stacle to his success. Vehimur in altum. [Lat] We are
Uxorem malam obolo non emerem.
launching into the deep.
[Lat.] I would not give a doit for a
Vel <xeco appareat. \ Lat. It would be
bad wife. evident to a blind man even.
Vel cappillua hobet umbra suam.
[Lat.] Even a hair has its shadow.
Vacare eulpa magnum eat solatium. Velim mehercule cum iftls errarr, quam
| Lat.] It is a great solace to be free cum aliia recte sentire. [LatJ By
from fault. Hercules, I would rather be in the
Vacuus cantat coram latrone viator. wrong with these men than think
[Lat.] The penniless traveller singe aright with the other*.
in the presence of robbers. Velim ut velles. [LatJ I would wish
Vade in pace. [Lat.] Go in peace. as you would wish.
Vade mecum. [Lat.] Go with me. Velis et r > in in. [Lat.] With nails and
Vae misero mihif quanta de ape deoidi.' oars ;
with all possible expedition.
[Lat.J Woe unto wretched me from I
non licet. [ Lat J You
Velle licet, potiri
what hopes have I fallen I may wish, but you may not enjoy ;

ros victit! [Lat] Woe to the con- you may "look and long."
VtlU t*um cuiquam, nto voto vivituf
quered 1
uno. [Lat.J Every man has his own Venue. [Fr.J Arrival"; coming ; ad.
fancy, and the tastes of all are not vent.
alike. Vera incessu patuit dea. [Lat.] The
Velocem tardut assequitur. [Lat.J true goddess was recognized by her
The slow overtakes the swift. In al- walk.
lusion to the Fable of the Hare and Vera pro gratiis. [Lat.] Truth before
the Tortoise. favor.
Vel prece, vel pretio. [Lat.] For Vera prosperita e non aver nectssita.
either love or money. [It] 'Tis true prosperity to have no
Vfluti in speculum. [Lat.J As in a want
mirror, Verba animi proferre et vitam impend-
Venalis populus, venalis curia patrum. ere vero. [Lat.J To give utterance
[Lat] The people are venal, the sen- to the sentiments of the heart, and to
ate too is venal. stake one's life for the truth.
Vendidit hie auro patriam. [Lat.] He Verba dat omnis amant. [Lat] Every
sold his country for gold. lover gives fair words.
Venenum in auro bibitur. [Lat.] Foi- Verba de praesenti. [Lat.] Promise
son is drank from golden vessels. made on the instant as a pledge for
Penerari parentes liberos decet. [Lat.] the future.
It is the duty of children to rev- Verba fides sequitur. [Lat] Fulfil-
erence their parents. ment attends his words ; no sooner
Venerit insitio ; fac ramum ramus said than done.
Verba flunt mortuo. [Lat] You are
adoptet. [Lat] The time for grafting
is now come ; make branch adopt talking to a dead man; you are taiving
branch. to one who will not heed you,
Venia necessitati datur. [Lat.] Par- Verba ligant homines, taurorum cornua
don is granted to necessity necessity
; funes. [Lat.] Words bind men,
has no laws. ropes the horns of bulls.
Feni, Creator Spiritug. [Lat.] Come, Verbatim et literatim. [Lat] Word for
Holy Ghost, Creator, come. word, letter for letter.
Venire facia*. [Lat.] You are to Veritas odium pant. [Lat.] Truth
cause to come together. A judicial often causes hatred.
writ, whereby the sheriff is command- Veritas prevalebit. [Lat] Truth will
ed to cause a jury to appear, in order prevail.
to try a cause. Veritas vincit. fLa*-] Truth con-
Peni, Sancte Spiritus. [Lat] Come, quers.
Holy Ghost. Veritatis simplex oratio est. [Lat]
Venite, exultemus Domino. [Lat] Oh The language of truth is simple.
come, let as sing onto the Lord. The Verite sans peur. [Fr.] Trath with-
beginning of the 95th Psalm. out fear.
Veniunt a dote sagittal. [Lat.] The Vermoulu. [Fr] Worm-eaten.
darts come from her dowry. Ver non semper viret. [Lat.J Spring
Fen<, vidi, vici. [Lat] I came, I saw, does not always flourish.
I conquered. Veros amicos reparare difficile est.
renter famelicus auricuJis caret. [Lat.J It is a difficult thing to re-
[Lat] A hungry belly has no ears. place true friends.
Venter non habet aures. [Lat.] The Versus. [Lat.J Against ; toward.
belly has no ears. Vestigia. [Lat] Tracks vestiges. ;

Ventis secundis. With a fair

[Lat.J Vestigia nulla retrorsum. [Lat] No
wind with prosperous gales. Motto
; footsteps backward.
of Lord Hood. Vestis virum facit. [Lat.] The gar-
Ventis verbafundit. [Lat] Yon poor ment makes the man. It is so in the
forth words to the winds. You talk to opinion of the vulgar.
no purpose. Vet era extollimus recentium incuriosl.
Ventum ad supremum est. [Lat] Mat- [Lat] We extol things that are an-
ters have come to the last extremity. cient, heedless of those of later date.
Vetera nunc sunt fuerunt olim
qv.ce Virtu acquirit eundo. [Lat.] She mo-
nova. [Lat Things which are now
| quires strength in her progrera.
old, were once new. Vir sapit qui pauna loquitur. [Lat.]
Vexata quastio. [Lat.J A disputed He is wise who talks but little.
question. Virtus in action* consittit. [Lat]
Via. [Lat.] By the way of. Virtue consists in action.
Via media. [Lat.] A middle course. Virtus in arduis. [Lat] Courage or
Via militaris. [Lat.J A military virtue in difficulties or trials.
road. Virtus incendit vires. [Lat] Virtue
Via trita, via tut a. [Lat.] The beat- kindles the strength.
en path is the safe path. Virtus laudator, et alget. [Lat] Vir-
Vice. [Lat.J In the place of. tue is praised, and starves.
Vice versa. [Lat.] The terms being
Virtus millia scuta. [Lat] Virtue U
exchanged. a thousand shields.
Videlicet. [Lat.] To wit; namely;
usually abbreviated to vie. Virtus probata florebit. [Lat] Ap-
Vide et [Lat.] See and be-
proved virtue will flourish.
lieve. Virtus semper viridis. [Lat.] Virtu*
Video meliora proboque, deteriora seq- ever green and nourishing.
uor. {Lat.J I see and approve of Virtus tola nobilitat. I Lat] Virtue
the better things, I follow the worse. alone enobles.
Videtur. [Lat.J It appears. Virtus vincit invidiam. [Lat] Worth
Vide ut supra. [Lat.J See what is overcomes ill will.
Virtut* et fide. [Lat] By, or with,
stated above.
virtue and faith.
Vidit et erubuit lympha pudica Deum. Virtute et labore. [Lat] By virtue
[Lat.J The modest water saw its Ood and labor.
and blushed. Virtute, non astutia. [Lat] By vir-
Vi et armis. [Lat.] By force and tue, not by craftiness.
arms by main
Virtute, non verbis. [Lat] By virtue,
Vif. [Fr.J Vivid ;
intense ; lively. not by words.
Vigilate et orate. [Lat.] Watch and Virtute, non viris. [Lat] From vir-
pray. tue, not from men.
Viyueur de dessus. [Fr.] Strength Virtute offlcii. [Lat] By virtue of of-
from on high. fice.
Fin. [Fr.] Wine. Virtute quiet. [Lat] Rest or content
Vincit patrice. [Lat.] Love of
amor in virtue.
Virtute securus. [Lat] Secure
country prevails.
Vincit omnia veritat. [Lat.] Truth through virtue.
conquers all things. Virtuti nihil obstat et armis. [Lat]
Vincit qui patitur. [Lat] He con- Nothing can resist valor and arms.
quers who endures or bears. Virtuti non armis fldo. [Lat.J I trust
Vincit qui sevincit. [Lat.J He Is in- to virtue, not to arms.
deed a conqueror who conquers him- Virtutis amore. [Lat] From love of
self. virtue.
Vincula da linguae, vel tibi vincla dabit. Virtutis fortuna comes. [Lat] Good
or fortune is the companion of virtue or
[Lat.] Put a curb on your tongue,
it will put a curb on you. courage.
Vinculum matrimonii. [Lat.] The Virum bonum neo pretio, nee gratia, nee
bond of marriage. periculo a via recti deduct oportet.
[Lat.] A good man ought
not to *>
Vindex injuries. [Lat.] An avenger
of injury. drawn from the path of rectitude by
Vir bonus dicendi peritus. [Lat.J A wealth, by favor, or by danger.
Virum improbum vel mus monf*U.
good man skilled in the art of speak-
ing. The ancient definition of an ora- [Lat] A mouse even may bite th
tor. wicked man.
Vie a tergo. [Lat.] A. propelling force Vive le rot. [Fr.] Long live the king-
from behind. Vive memor lethi. [Lat.] Live mind-
Via & vis. [Fr.] Opposite facing.
; ful of death.
Vis eomica. [Lat.] Comic talent. Vivere sat vincere. [Lat.] To con-
Vis eonaervatrix natural. [Lat.] The quer is to live enough.
preservative tendency or power of Vivere si recte nescis, decede peritis.
nature. [Lat.] If you know not how to live
Vis inertice. [Lat] The power of in- aright, make way for those who do.
Vive sine invidia. [Lat.J Live with,
ertia ; resistance. out envy.
Vis medicatrix naturae. [Lat.] The Vive, vale. [Lat] Farewell and be
healing tendency of nature. happy.
Vis pregervatrix. [Lat.j A preserving Vivida vis animi. [Lat.] The lively
power. vigor of genius.
Vis unita fortior. [Lat.] Strength Vivida vis animi. [Lat.] The strong
united is stronger. force of the mind.
Vis vitce. [Lat. J The vigor of life. Vivimus aliena flducia. [Lat.] We
Vita brevis, ars longa. [Lat.] Life is live by trusting one another.
short, and art is long. Vivimus in posteris. (Lat.J We live
Vitce via virtus. [Lat.] Virtue the in our posterity.
way of life. Vivit adhuc, vitamque tibi debere fate-
Vita sine literis mors est. [Lat.] Life tur. [Lat.] He lives still, and ac-
without literature is death. knowledges that he owes his life to
Vitam impendere vero. [Lat] To you.
stake one's life for the truth. Vivit post funera virtus. [Lat.] Vir-
Vitiit nemo sine nascitur; optimus ille tue survives the grave.
qui minimis urgetur. [Lat.] No Vivite felices. [Lat.J Live happily.
man is born without faults ; he is the Vivite fortes. [Lat.] Live as brave
best who is bnrthened with fewest. men.
Vitiis suis pervidendis CCECUS est homo, Vivite exiguo melius. [Lat] Men
in alienis perspicax. [Lat.] Man is live best upon a little.
blind to his own faults, but quick at Vix mihi credetis, sed credite. [Lat]
perceiving those of others. You will hardly believe me, yet may
Vitium capiunt ni moveantur aquae. believe me.
[Lat.] Water becomes putrid if kept Voila. [Fr.J Behold ; there is, or
tagnant there are.
Vitium exemplo principis inolescit. Voila tout. [Fr.] That's all.
[Lat.] Vice, through the example of Voila une autre chose. [Fr.] That's
the prince becomes fashionable. quite a different matter.
Vitium fuit, nuno mos est, assentatio. Voir le dessous des cartes. [Fr.] To
[Lat.] Flattery, which was formerly see the under side of the cards ; to be
a vice, is now a fashion. in the secret
Vivat. [Fr.] A shout of "Long live." Volens et potens. [Lat.] Willing and
Vivat regina. [Lat.] Long live the able ; the motto of Nevada.
queen. Volente Deo. [Lat.] God willing.
Vivat rex. [Lat.] Long live the king. Volenti non fit injuria. [Lat] No in-
Viva voce. | Lat.J By the living voice; jury is done to a consenting party.
by oral testimony. This applies only to those who are by
Vivat respublica. [Lat] Live the r- law considered responsible for their
pnblic. actions.
Vive la republique. [Fr.] Long live Volitareper ora virum. [Lat.] To
the republic. hover on the lips of men.
Vive la bagatelle. [Fr.] Success to Volo, non valeo. [Lat.J I am willing
trifling. but unable.
Vift remptreur. [Fr.] Long live the Voluntas non potest cogi. [Lat.] The
emperor. will cannot be forced.
feluptas est malorum tsca. fLat.] mu if a, cettimat. [Lat.] Tbe popu-
Pleasure is the bait of misfortune. lace judge of few thing* on truthful
Voluptates commendat rarior usut. grounds, of many from prejudice.
[Lat.J Pleasures sparingly eu joyed Vulnera niti tint tacta tractutaque mn-
have a higher relish. ari non posxunt. [Lat.J Unless
Voluptati mceror stquitur. [Lat.J wounds are handled and drtesed they
Sorrow follows indulgence. cannot be healed.
Voluptati obsequent. [Lat.] Devoted Vulnua alii venis, et ececo carpitur ig-
to pleasure. ni. [Lat.] She nourishes the poi-
Vota vita mea. [Lat.] My life is de- son in her veins, and is oonumd by a
voted. secret flame.
Votum castitatis. [Lat.J A vow of Vulnus immedicabile. [Lat.] An irre-
chastity. parable injury.
Vous y perdrez vos pas, [Fr.] You FuitiM cst index animi. [Lat.] The
will lose your labor. face is the index of the mind.
Vox, et prceterea nihil. [Lat.] A Vultus animi janua et tabula. [Lat]
voice, and nothing more; i. e., sound The countenance is the very portal
without sense. and portrait of the mind. So Rn-lut,
Vox faucibus hcuit. [Lat.] The voice at>, 19, "A man is known by the eye,
(or words) stuck in the throat. and the face discovers wisdom."
Vox populi, vox Dei. [Lat.] The Vultuf, ett index animi. [Lat.] The
voice of the people is the voice of countenance is the index of the mind.
God. The opinion of Lavater and the physi-
Vulgo. [Lat.] Commonly. ognomists.
Vulgut amicitias militate probat.
[Lat] The multitude estimate
friends by the advantages to be de-
rived from them. Zonam perdidit. [Lat.] He ban lost
Vulgus consuetttdinem pro lege habet. his purse ; he is in desperate or dis-
[Lat.] It is a common error to con- tressed circumstances.
sider usage as law. Zonam tolvere. [Lat] To lo*" **
ex veritate pauea, &x opinion* virgin i



A, or a- (Alpha. ) Greek A, a. A. A. S. ( Academics Americanae Sodus. )

A., orAts. Answer. Fellow of the American Academy.
a. are (of the French Metric Sys- A. A. S. S. (Academics Antiquariance
tem). Societatis Sodus.) Member of Amer-
A., or a. Acre, Afternoon, Adjective, ican Antiquarian Society.
Alto, Acting. A. B. Able-bodied seamen.
A. (Commerce.) Accepted. A. B.(Artium Baccalaureus. ) Bachelor
Al. First-class or rate. of Arts. [See B. A.]
At, or to.
Abb. Abbott, or Abbess.
a., or @.
a., or aa. (Ana, Or. ava.) In med., of
Abbr., or Abbrevr. Abbreviated, or Ab-
each the same quantity. breviation.
A. A. Associates of Arts. A. B. C. F. M. American Board of Com-
Aa. Aaron. missioners for Foreign Missions.
.1-1.1. (Amalgama.) Amalgamation. Abd. Abdallah.
[See AMM.j Ab ex. (Ab extra.) From without.
A. A. A. Q. Acting Assistant Adjutant A. B. I. S. W. Associated Brotherhood
of Iron and Steel Workers.
A- B- K- (AA</>a Sera KairTra-) Alpha
A. A. A. S. American Academy of Arts
Beta Kappa (College Society).
AA. 8. Autartio Circle. Abl. Ablative.
A. A. O. Assistant Adjutant General. Abp. Archbishop
Abr. Abridge, or abridged.
A. A. P. S. American Association for the
A. B. S. American Bible Society.
Promotion of Science. Abs. (med.) Absinthe.
X. A. Q. M. Acting Assistant Quarter Abs. re. ( Absente rea. ) Law. While tha
Master. defendant was absent.
A. A. Q. M. G. Acting Assistant Quarter A. C. (Ante Christum.) Before Christ
Master General. A. C. Arch-Chancellor.
A. A. S. American Academy of Sci- A. C. Army Corps.
ences. Aoad. Mia. Academy of Music.
4cc. Accusative. A. II. (.4nno Hegira'.) In he Year of

/Ice., or iicct. Account. the Hegira, or Flight (if MOUH iwl.

Acct. Cur. Account Current. A. II. M.S. American Hume .>.i-.-..,..t. y
Acct. Salea. Account of S:iU-<. Society
A. C. O. H. Acting Commissary General A. I. American Institute.
of Subsistence. A. I. A. American Institute of Arch-
Ach. Achilles. itecture.
A. C. S. American Colonization Society. A. I. O. Assistant Inspector General.
A. C. S. Acting Commissary of Sub- Aj. Ajax.
sistence. Al. Alley, Aluminum.
Act., or act. Active. Ala. Alabama.
A. D. (Anno Domini.) In the Year of A. L. A. C. Abraham Lincoln Associa-
our Lord. tion of Connecticut.
a. d. After date. Alas. Alaska Territory.
Ad., or adv. Adverb, Advertisement Alb. Albany, Albanian, Albemarla,
Adag. (Adagio. ) lu mus., a slow move- Albion.
ment. Aid. Alderman.
A.D.C. Aid-de-Cump. Alex. Alexander, Alexandria, Alexis.
Ad capt. (AJ captandum.) For the Alf. Alfred, Alfrediun.
purpose of captivating. Alg. Algebra, Algiers.
Ad. Ex. Adams Express. All,. Alhambra.
Ad Inf. (Ad Inflnitun.) Without limit. Ali. (Alibi.) Elsewhere.
Ad Int. (Ad Interim.) In the mean- Al Kor. Al Koran.
while. AUeg. Alleghauy.
Adj. Adjective. Alt. Altitude.
Adjt. Adjutant Alt. eg. (Alter ego.) My other sell.
Adjt. Oen., or A. O. Adjutant General. Alt. id. (Alter idem.) Another exactly
Ad lib., or Ad libit. (Ad libitum.) At similar.
pleasure. Aliim. Yalen. (Alumni Yalentia.) Alum-
Adm. Admiral, Admiralty. ni of Yale College.
Adm. Co. Admiralty Court. A. M. (Artium JUagitter.) Master of
Adtnr. Administrator, Administration. Arts. [See Jtf. ^l.J ( Ante Meridiem.)
A- A- * ( AA<J>a AeAra *i-) Alpha Delta Before Noon. (Anno ilundi.) In the
Phi (College Society j. Year of the World. ( Ante ifortem.)

Adv. ( Ad i-alorem At the value.

. "I Before death. (Annut Mirabilif.t
Adv. Advocate, Advent. In the Year of Wonder. ( A ImaM to. )
A, E. R. A. Associate Engraver of the My dear. (Alma Mater.) Cherish-
Royal Academy. ing Mother.
Am. Amos.
&., or JEt. ( AXatis. ) Of age, Aged.
A. F., or A. fir. Firkin of Ale. Am., or Amer. America, American.
Af., or Afr. Africa, African. Am. U. A. American Humane Associ-
A. F. A. M. Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons. A. H. A. American Medical Association.
A. E. I. O. U. (Austrice est Imperare Am. Ant. Soc. American Antiquarian
Orbi Universo, or Alia Erdreich lot Society.
Oestereich Unterthan.) It i? given to Am. Asn. Sci. American Association for
Austria to Rule the whole Earth. the Advancement of Science.
(The device of Austria first adopted Am. Asn. Soc. Sci. American Associa-
tion for Advancement of Social Sci-
by Frederick in.)
A. O. Adjutant General, Accountant ence.
General. Amb. Ambassador.
Ag. (Argcntum.) Silver. Am. Col. Hoc. American Colonization
Agr., Agri., or Agric. Agriculture. Society.
A. O. S. S. American Geographical and Am. Cont. American Continent
Statistical Society. Am. Cyc. American Cyclopedia,
Agt. Agent.
Am. Ex. American ExpreM.
Amer. Phar. Soc. American Pharma- An tig. Antigua,
ceutical Society. A. O. F. Ancient Order of Foresters.
A. M. O. Assistant Major General. A. O. H. Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Amh. Coll. Amberst College. Aor., or aor. Aorist, Aoristic.
Am. L. of H. American Legion of A, O. S. S. (Americana Orientalis Soci-
Honor. etatis Socius. ) Member of the Amer-
AMM. (Amalgama.) Amalgamation. ican Oriental Society.
[See AAA. \ A. O. U. W. Ancient Order of United
Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. American Museum Workmen.
of Natural History.
Ap. Apostle, April, Appius.
Am. Num. Arch. Soc. American Numis-
Ap. (Apud.) In the writings of, As
matic and Archaeological Society.
quoted by.
Am. Philog. Soc. American Philological A. P. O. Professor of Astronomy in
Society, Gresham College.
Am. Phil. Soc. American Philosophical A. P. H. A. American Public Health
Society. Association.
Amt. Amount. A. P. M. Assistant Pay Master.
Am. Vet.Coll. American Veterinary Apo. Apogee.
College (New York). Apoc. Apocraphy, Apocalypse.
An. ( Anno. ) In the Year. Appen. Appenine.
An., or Ans. Answer. Apr. April.
Ana. (med.) In like quantity. Apri. (A priori.) Beforehand.
Ana. Anacosta. Aq. (Aqua.) Water.
An. A. C. (Anno Anti Christum.) In the A. Q. M. Assistant Quarter Master.
Year Before Chri?t. .4. Q. M. G. Assistant Quarter Master
Anas, (med.) Anesthesia. General.
Anal. Analysis. A. R. (Anno Regni.) In the Year of the
Anap. Annapolis. Reign. ( Anna Regina. ) Queen Anne.
Anarch. Anarchiad. A. R. A. Associate of the Royal Acad-
Anat. Anatomy.
Annt. Mus. Anatomical Museum. Arab. Arabic, Arabian.
Anc. Ancient, Anciently. Arc. Circ. Arctic Circle.
Anc. Hist. Ancient History. Arch. Architect, Architecture, Arch-
And. Andrew, Andre, Andrea, Ander- ibald, Archer, Archery.
son, Andersonville, Andalusia, Andes. An-hd. Archdeacon.
And. J. Andrew Jackson, Andrew Arg. (Argumento.) By an argument
Johnson. drawn from such a law.
And. Theol. Sem. Andover Theological Arg. Rep. Argentine Republic.
Seminary. A. R. H. A. Associate of the Royal Hi-
Ang. Angelica. (Anglica.) In Eng- bernian Academy.
lish. Arith. Arithmetic.
Ang.-Sax. Anglo-Saxon. Ariz. Tcr. Arizona Territory.
Anno. Annotate, Annotation. Ark. Arkansas.
Anon. Anonymous. Arl. Arlington.
Ans. Answer. Arm. Armenian.
A^n't, or a^n't. Am not, or are not. Armor. Armorie.
Ant. or Antiq. Antiquity, or Antiq- Arn. Arnold.
uties. Arr. Arrived, Arrow.
Ant. Antique, Antonym, Antigua, An- A. R. R. (Anno Regni Regis, or Regi-
tipathy, Antipodes. nae.) In the Year of the King * or

Ant. Fed. Anti Federalists. Queen's Reign.

Ant. luc. (Ante lucem.) Before day- Ars. Arsenal.
light. A. R. S. A. Associate of the Royal Scot-
Anth. .Anthony. tish Academy.
Anthr. Soc. Anthropological Society. A.R. S. S. (Antiquariorum Regime Sod*
tatis Sochis.) Fellow of the Royal Avoir. Avoirdupois.
Society of Antiquaries. A. Y. X. Ancient York Masons.
Art. Article, Artificer, Artemus, Ar- Azo. Azores.
tistic, Artificial, flo. Artemisia.
Arth. Arthur, Arthurean.
A. S. Academy of Science.
A. S., or Assist. Sec. Assistant Secretary. B, or 0- (Beta.) Greek B, b.
A. S. Assistant Surgeon. B. Base or Bass (in music), Baron.
As, Arsenic, Arkansas, Astronomy, Book, Bay.
Asia, Asiatic. b. Born, Book.
A. S. A. American Statistical Associa- B. A. Bachelor of Arts. [Sea A. B.]
tion. British America.
A.S., A-S., A S., A. Sax., or Ang.-Sax. /i. Barium.
Anglo-Saxon. Baa. Baal, Baalam.
A. S. A. S. Member of the American B. Ac. Bachelor of Accounts.
Statistical Association. Bach. Bachelor.
A. S. C. E. A. American Society of Civil B. Agr. Bachelor of Agriculture.
Engineers and Architects. Bah. Bahamas.
Ash. Aehantee. Bal. Balance, Balloon, Ballet, Balcony,
A. S. P. C. A. American Society for Pre- Balustrade.
vention of Cruelty to Animals. Bal. Cast. Balmoral Cap tie.
AssWd. Assorted. Bald. Baldwin, Balderdash.
Asst. Surg. Assistant Surgeon. Bait. Baltimore, Baltic.
A. S. S. U. American Sunday School Bait. Mon. Baltimore Monument.
Union. Bank. Banker, Banking.
Astrol. Astrology. Bar. Barrel, Barleycorn, Barnch, Ba-
Astron. Astronomy. rometer,Barringtou.Barter, Barrister.
A. T. Arch-Treasurer. B. Arch. Bachelor of Architecture.
Ath. Athens, Athenian, Athol. Bark. Barkhampsted.
Atl. Atlanta Atlantic. B. Arn. Benedict Arnold.
Atl. C. Atlantic City. Barn. Barnum, Barnard.
Aton. Atonement. Bart, or Bt. Baronet.
A. T. S. American Tract Society, Amer- Bast. Bastile, Bastinado.
ican Temperance Society. Ba<. Batavla, Battle, Battery, Battalion.
Ats. At suit of. Bat. Mon. Battle Monument.
Atty. Attorney.
Bav. Bavarian.
Boor. Baxter.
Atty.-Oen. Attorney General. B. B. Bill Book.
A t. Wt. Atomic Weigl t.
Au. ( Aunes. ) French ells. B. B. C. Base Ball Club.
Au. (Aurum.) Gold. B. Bisc. Bay of Biscay.
Hi>l. Barrel, Barrels.
A. U. A. American Unitarian Associa-
tion. B. C. Before Christ, Board of Control,
Aub. Theol. Sem. Auburn Theological Bachelor of the Classics.
Seminary. B. C. E. Bachelor of Civil Engineering.
A. U. C. (Anno UrbisConditce, or Ab B C.L. Bachelor of Civil Law.
Urbe Condita.) In the Year from the B. D. Bachelor of Divinity
Building of the City (Rome.) Bd. Bound, Bond, Bound in.
Aud. Treas. Dept. Auditor Treasury l';t.-.. or bds. Boards.
Department. B. /.".Bachelor of the Elements.
Aug. August. Be. (Beryllium.) Gluclnmn.
Aug., or mi,!. Augmentative. Beau. Beaufort, Beauregard.
Aur. (Avrum.) Gold. Beech. Beecher.
Auth. Ver., or A. V. Authorized Ver- Belg. Belgium. Belgravia.
sion (of the Bible). B. Eng. Lit. Bachelor of English Lit-
Av. Average, Avenue- erature.
Ave. Avenue. Benj. Benjamin.
Ber. Beranger. B. P. B. Bank Post Bills.
Berk. Berks, Berkshire. B. Pd. Bachelor of Pedagogic*
Berks. Berkshire. Bp. Heb. Bishop Heber.
Beth. Bethel. Bethlehem, Bethesda, Bp. McF. Bishop McFarland.
Bet..aiiy, Bethune. B. P. O. Elks. Benevolent and Pro.
Bev. Beverley. tective Order of Elks.
Bey. Beyrout. Bp. Wms. Bishop Williams.
B F., or B. fir. Firkin Of Butter. B. R. The King's or Queen's Bench.
B. I. British India. Br. Brother, Bromine, Brig.
Bi. Bismuth. Braz. Brazil, Brazilian, Brazos.
Bib. Bible, Biblical. B. Rec. Bills Receivable.
Biog. Biography. Bret. Breton.
Bis. Bismarck, Bismuth, Bissextile. Bridg. Bridgewater, Bridgeport-
Bisc. Biscayan. Brig. Brigade, Brigadier.
B. Jon. Ben Jonson. Brig. Gen. Brigadier General.
Bk. Book, Bank. Brig. Y. Brigham Young.
Bk. Comr. Bank Commissioner. Brit. British, Britain. Britannia, Brit,
Bk. Ei: Book Exchange. tanicus, Brittany, Briton.
Bk.-Kr. Book-Keeper. Brit. Mus. British Museum.
Bk. PI. Bank Place. Bro., Bros. Brother, Brothers.
B. L. Bachelor of Laws. [See LL. B.] Brook. A". >'. Brooklyn Navy Yard.
B,L. (com.) Bill of Lading. Brunt. Brummell.
Br. Univ. Brown University.
Bl.,orBls. Barrel, Barrel*.
Black. Blackstone, Blackman, Black- Brus. Brussels.
well. Bry. Bryant.
B. S., or B. Sc. Bachelor of Science
B. Lit.(Baccalaureus Literarum.) Bach-
elor of Letters. B/S. Bill of Sale.
B. LL. (BaccalaureusLegum.) Bach- Bu , or Bush Bushel.
. .

elor of Laws. Bucks. Buckinghamshire.

B. 3f. ( Baccalaureus Medicince. ) Bach- Buf. Buffalo, Buffoon, Buffer.
Bui. Bulletin, Bulwer, Bulwark.
elor of Medicine. [See Bj M .

Bulg. Bulgaria.
B. M. (Bedce Memoriae.) Of blessed Bun. Bunyan.
Memory. Burg. Burgomaster, Burgess, Burgun-
B. M. E. Bachelor of Mechanical En-
dy, Burgoyne.
gineering, Bachelor of Mining En- Burl. Burlesque, Burlington, Bnrlin-
B. Jfech. Bachelor of Mechanics. game.
B. r. (Bena Vale.} Farewall. (Beat*
B. Mus. Bachelor of Music
Boo. Boccacio. Virgo.) Blessed Virgin.
B. Vet. Med. Bachelor of Veterinarr
Bog. Bogota.
B. O. H. Band of Hope. Medicine.
Bohem. Bohemian. B. V. if. Blessed Virgin Marr
Bol. Bologna, Bolivia, Bolivar, Bolton.
B.W. r. A. British Woman's Tempac*
Bon. Bonaparte. Bonneterie. a nee Association.
B. Or. Bachelor of Oratory. B. dt Fl., or Beau. Fl. Beaumont St

Bar. Borough, Boron, Fletcher.

Bord. Bordeaux.
Bos. Bosphorus.
Bott. Boston, Bostonian.
Bot. Bought. C. Chairman, Conductor, Carbon, Car-
Sot. Botany, Botanical, Botanist. Church, Consul, Chap-
tons, Caesar,
Boul. Boulevard. ter, Congress, Celtic.
Bowd. Coll. Bowdoin College. C. (Centum.) A Hundred, Cent, Cent-
Bp. Bishop. ime.
BJP. Bill of Parcels. C. ( Congius. ) Gallon.
B.Pay. BilisPayable C/ . Currency, Coupon.
Ca. About.
(Circa.) Account Current, Crown Clerk, Coon-
Co.. Centiare (metric system). ty Court, County Clerk, Consular
C. A. Commercial Agent, Comptroller Clerk, County CommiMioner, Con-
(or Controller) of Accounts, Chief tra.
Accountant, Chartered Accountant, C. C. A. Chief Clerk of the
Confederate Army, Christian Army. C. C. C. Corpus Christ! College.
Ca. Canada, Canadian. Christ's College, Cambridge.
Cab. Cabinet, Cabalistic. C. C. /. Collegiate and Commercial In-
Cadav. (med.) Cadaver, Cadaverous. stitute.
Oal. Calcium, California. C. C. P. Court of Common Plea*.
Cat. ( Calendce. ) Calends, Calendar. <'<i. Cadmium.
Cald. Caldwell. C. Cerium.
Cam. Camas, Camanches, Camden, C. K. Civil Engineer, Canada East.
(med.) Camphor. CeJ., or Celt. Celtic.
Cam., or Camb. Cambridge. Cm. Century, Centennial.
Camb. Obs. Cambridge Observatory. Cent. (Centum.) A Hundred.
Can. Canon, Canada. C/., or c/. (Confer.) Compare.
Cant. Canticles, Canterbury. C. F. I. Cost, Freight and Insurance.
Can't or can't. Can not.
C.O. Commissary General, Cental Gen-
Canto*. (Cantab riff iensis.) Of Cam- eral, Captain of the Guard, Coaxt
bridge. Guard.
Oantuar. Of Canterbury. C. (f. a. Cape of Good Hope.
Cap., or c. (Caput,capitulum.) Chap- C. O. S. Commissary General of Sub-
ter. sistence.
Cap. Capitol, Capital, Capital Letter. C. //. Court House, Captain of the
Caps. Capitals. Host, Custom House.
Capt. Captain. Ch. Church, Chapter, Charlotte, Chal-
Capt. Gen. Captain General. dron, Charles.
Car. Carat, Carpenter, Caricature, Cha. Charon.
Caroline, Carolina, Carson. Cham. Chamois, Chameleon, (mad.)
Carri. Cardinal. Cbamomile.
Ca. resp. (Capias ad respondendum.) Chamb. Chambers, Chamberlain.
A legal writ. Champ. Champion, Champlain.
Carp. Carpenter, Carpentery. Chal.. or Chn'ti. Chaldron, Cbaldee,
Carth. Carthage, Carthagenia. Chaldaic, Chaldean.
C. A. ( Connecticuttensis Academiee
S. Chamb. Encvc. Chambers' Encyclope-
Sot-ius.) Fellow of Connecticut Acad- dia.
emy. Chanc. Chancellor.
Co. so. (Capias ad satisfaciendum.) Chanf. Chanfran.
A legal writ. Chap. Chapter, Chaplain.
Cash. Cashier. Char. Charter, Character, Character-
Cast. Castle, Castinet, Castile, Casttl- istic.
ian, Castelar, Castellate, Castlnate, Chat. Charles.
Chat. Chattel, Chatterbox, Chatelaine,
Cat. Catalogue.
Cat., or Catal. Catalan, Catalonlan.
Chauc. Chaucer.
Cath. Catherine, Catholic, Cathedral.
Cher. Cherub, Cherubim, Chembusco. Inst. Catholic Institute.
Cans. Causative. Chem. Chemistry, Chemical, Chemist,
Car. Cavern, Cavity, Cavalry. Chemise, Chemisette.
C. B. ( Communis Bancus. ) Common Cheth. Episc. Aoad. Cheshire Epl*co-
Bench. pal Academy.
C. B. Companion of the Bath, Cape Chest. Chesterneld,Cbeter,Chertrtoa.
Breton. Chey. Cheyenne.
Ct>. Colum'oium. Chf. Chief.
C. C. Cubic Centemetre. Chf. Con. Chief of Conrtrnctlon.
C. C. C -us College. (Oompte Ccmrante.) Chf. E., or Chf. Eng. Chief Engineer.
Chf. Med. Pur. Chief Medical Pur- Coll., or Colloq. Colloquial, Colloqui-
veyor. ally.
Ohf. Ord. Chief of Ordinance. Colo. Colorado.
Chftn. Chieftain. Col. Sergt. Color Sergeant.
Chi. (\-) Greek Ch, or ch. Com. Commerce, Committee, Commen-
Chi. Chichester.
tary, Commissioner, Commodore,
Chic. Chicago, Chichester, Chickahom- Commune, Community, Common,
iny, Chicfcamauga. Commoner, Commission, Communi-
Chin. Chinese. cation, Communicant, Communipaw,
Ohio, (med.) Chloroform, Chloride. Comprehensive, Combination, Com-
Chop. Chopin. mentator, Compromise, Commutation,
t., or Xn. Christian. Commuter, Commissary.
jnty., or Xnty. Christianity. Com. Agric. Committee on Agricul-
Chr. Christopher, Christian. ture.
Chr. Ch. Christ Church. COOT. Arr. Committee of Arrange-
tmos., or Xmas. Christmas. ments.
Chron. Chronicles, Chronology. Com. Bk. Committee on Banks.
Cic. Cicero. Com. Cor-t. Elec. Committee on Con-
Cin. Cincinnati.
tested Elections.
Cit. Citizen, Cited, Citation, Citadel.
Civ. Civil, Civilian, Civilization.
Com. Cant. Ex. Committee on Contin-
C. J. Chief Justice. gent Expenses.
Com. Dept Commissary Department.
Clergyman, Chlorine, Clerk.
Cl. Centimetre (metric system). Comdg. Commanding.
C. L. A. Lake Assembly. Comdt. Commandant.
Class. Classical. Com. Ed. Committee on Education.
Cleop. Cleopatra.
Com. Fin. Committee on Finance.
Cleve. Cleveland. Com. Fin. Adj. Committee on Final
C7d.,orcM. Cleared. Adjournment.
Clk. Clerk. Com. For. Rel. Committee on Foreign
C. L. S. C. Chautauqua Literary and
Scientific Circle. Com. Gov. Mes. Committee on Gov-
ernor's Message.
C. Jf. (Congregatianis Missionum. )"Vin-
centians or Lazarists.
Com. H. Committee of the House.
Com. Hum. Inst. Committee on Hu-
C. M. (Chirurgice Magister.) Master mane Institutions.
in Surgery, Certificated Master. Com- Com. Inc. Committee on Incorpora-
mon Meter. tions.
C.M. G. Companion of the Order of St. Comm. Commentary.
Michael and St. George. Com. M. and R. Committee on Manual
Co. Company, County, Cobalt. and Boll.
C. O. Colonial Office, Crown Office, Com. Kerch. Commission Merchant.
Criminal Office. Com. Mil. Aff. Committee on Military
Good. (Cum jure sue.) Coadjutor, Affairs.
with right of succession. Commo. Commodore.
Good. Bp. Coadjutor Bishop. Com. Off. Commissioned Officer.
Coch., or cochl. (Cochleare.) A tea- Comp. Compare, Compound, Compos-
spooiif ul. a spoonful. itor, Composition, Comparative, Com-
C. O. D. Cash (or collect) on delivery. pounded.
Cog. Cognate, Cognate with. Compar. Comparative.
Col. Colonel,Colossians, Colorado, Col- Com. Pard. Commission of Pardons.
umn, Colonial, Color, Columbia, Com. Pub. Qds. and Bldgs. Committee
Oolumbiad. Columbus. on Public Grounds and Buildings.
Col. Corp. Color Corporal. Com. R. R. Committee on Railroads.
Col. Od. Color Guard. Com. Sen. Committee of the Senate.
Coll. Collector, Colleague, College, Col- Com. Sergt. Commissary Sergeant.
lectinn. Com. S. P. Committee on State Prison,
Cam. Temp. Committee on Temper- Ores. Crescent. (mu.) Crescendo.
ance. Cres. tub. pond. virt. ( Cretcit tub pona-
Com. Bus.
U-nf. Committee on Unfin- ere virtut. ) Virtue Increases under a
ished Business. weight or burden.
Com. Ver. Common Version (.of the Cri. Crime, Crimean.
Bible). crim. Criminal, Criminally.
Con. (Con fro.) Against, In opposition. Crim. Con. Criminal Conversation or
Con. Convert, Constitution, Constan- Adultery.
tinople, Concord, Concordance, Con- <Mt. Critic, Criticise, Criterion.
tract. Crom. Cromwell.
Conch. Conchology. emu. Cronstadt.
Con. Cr. Contra credit. C. R. P. (Calendarium Rotulorum Pat-
Confee. Confectioner, Confectionery. entium.) Calender of the Patent Rolls.
fong. Congress, Congregation, Con- Crystal., or Crystottog. Crytallogro-
gregationalist. phy.
Cong Lib. Congressional Library. Crutfc. Cruikfhank.
Cong>. Rec. Congressional Record. ,
or X. Cross.
Conj., or corij. Conjunction. John, or X John. Job a Hughes,
Conn., Conn't., Con.,or Cf. Connecticut. Archbishop of New York.
Con. Sect. Conic Sections. Cs. Caesium.
Co?is. ft Prud. ( Consilio et Prudentia. ) C. S. Court of Sessions, Commissary
By counsel and prudence. of Subsistence.
Cons. Mus. Conservatory of Music. C. S. (Cuatos SigiUi.) Keeper of the
Cont. ( Contra. ) On the other hand. Seal.
Cont. ban. mor. (Contra bonus mores.) C. S. A. Confederate States of America,
Contra to good manners. Confederate States Army.
Contr. Contradict, Contraction. C. S. /. Companion of the Star of India.
Conv. Convent. C. S. If. Confederate Stated Navy.
Conner. Conversation, Conversazione C. S. O. Chief Signal Officer.
(social gathering). Ct., orcf. Cent. (Centum.)
A hundred.
Cop. Copper, Copernican. Ct. Connecticut, Court, Count.
Cop., or Copt. Coptic. C. T. Certificated Teacher.
Cor. Corsica, Corsair, Corporation, C. Theod. (Codice Theodofiano.) In
Correspondent, Correction, Corinthi- the Theodoeian Code.
ans, Corner, Coral. Coroner. Cta., or cts. Cents.
Cor. Mem. Corresponding Member. Cu. (Cuprum.) Copper.
Corn. Cornellsville, Cornell, Coruwal- Cum d/ . With Dividend.
lis, Cornucopia.
Cur.,or Curt. Current (*. e. this
month ).
Corn. Univ. Cornell University. a hundred,
Curt., or curt. (Lat. Centum,
CoroJ. Corollary. and Eng. weight. ) Hundred weight.
Corr. Corrupt. Corruption.
Cym. Cymric.
Cor. Sec. Corresponding Secretary.
CVP. Cypress, Cyprus, Cyprian.
Cos. Cosine.
Consuls. Cyr. Cyrus.
Coss. ( Consules. )
Cutflrr. Cotgrave.
Couldn't, or coukTnt. Could not.
Counc. Bfs. Council Bluffs.
A. or 5- (AeAra-) Greek D, d.
C. P. Common Pleas. Chief Patriarch,
Court of Probate, Clerk of the Peace. D. David. Duke, Duchess, Dowager,
C. P. C. Clerk of the Privy Council. Dldymium, Dutch, Dose.
C. P. S. (Gustos Privati Sigilli.) Keep- D. or d. Day, Died. Dime, Deputy,
or Of
er of the Privy Seal. Daughter, Degree. (Denarius,
C. R. (Custus Rotulorum.) Keeper of the
narii. ) A penny or pence.
Rolls. (Civis Romanus.) A Roman Cit- D. Five Hundred.
izen. (Carolus Rex.) King Charles. Dah. Dahomey.
Dahi. DahUren.
(Carolina Regina.) Queen Caroline. Dakota Territory.
Cr. Creditor, Credit, Chromium, Crown. Dak. Ter.
Dam. Damocletian.
'Dhiujclese, Diam., or diam. Diameter.
Dan. Daniel, Danish. Diet. Dictator, Dictionary.
Dur. Darwiu, Darwinian. Didn't, or didn't. Did uot.
Dart. Coll. Dartmouth College. Dil. Dillon, Dilioway.
Dut.,ordut. Dative. Dilet. (DiLUtaJite. ) A lover of flue
D. .B., or DomejKt. B. Domesday Book. arts.
Dtik. Drawback. Dim. Diminutive, Dimunition.
D.C. Deputy Consul. (Da Capo. ) Again, Dim. (In Mus.,) Diminuendo
or from the beginning. Dioe. Dioce?e, Diocesan.
D. C. District of Columbia. Dioc. Sent. Diocesan Seminary.
D. C. L. Doctor of Civii (or Canon) Diosc. Dioscoudes.
Law. Dir. (Diriyo.) I guide.
D. D. (Divinatis Doctor.) Doctor of Di- Dis., or di. Distance, distant.
vinity. Dis., Disc., or Disci. Discount.
d /
<i .
Days' date. Diss. Dissertation.
D. D. Doctor of Dental Surgery.
Dist. District.
D. E. Dynamite Engineer, Disf. Atty. District Attorney.
De. Delaware. Disus. Disused.
Dea. Deacon. Div. Divide, Divided, Division, Divi-
Deb. (Debut.) First appearance. dend, Divisor.
Dec. December, Declaration, Declina- dl. deciliter (metric system).
Deca- Dl. Dekaliter (metric system >
tion, Declension, Decimate,
tur, Decemdentate, Decemfid, De- D. Lit. {Literarum Doctor.) Doctor of
cempedal, Decemvirate. Literature.
Decid. Deciduous. D. L. O. Dead Letter Office.
Df/., or def. Definition. Dm. Dekametre (metric system).
Deft., or deft. Defendant D. M. Doctor of Music.
Deg., or deg. Degree, or degrees. D.M. D. Doctor Deutal Medicine.
Del. Delaware, Delegate. Do., or do. (ditto.) The same.
Del., or del. (Delineavit.) He (or she) Dot., Dots., t.
drew it, prefixed to the draughts- D.O.M. (Deo Optimo Maximo.) To
man's name. God, the best, the greatest.
Dom. Dominion, Domineer.
Dem^ Democrat, Democratic. Dom. Econ. Domestic Economy.
Den. Denmark, Denouement.
Dent. Dentist, DentaL Do/n. Prel. Domsetic Prelate.
Denv. Denver. Don't, or don't. Do not.
Dep. Deputy, Department. Dorch. Dorchester.
Dep. Q. a. G. Deputy Quarter Master
Doub. Ent. (Double Entente.) Double
General. manning,
Doz. Dozen.
Dept. Department, Deponent.
Deriv. Derivative, Derivation. D. P. Doctor of Philosophy. [See P.
Desid. Desideratum. D. and Ph. D.]
Det. Detroit. D. P. O. Distributing Post Office.
D. F. Dean of the Faculty. (Fidei Dpt. Deponent.
Dr. Debtor, Doctor, Dram.
Defensor. ) Defender of the Faith.
Dft. Draft.
Dram. Pen. Dramatis Persons.
Dft., or dft. Defendant. d I s. Days' sight.
D. G. (Dei gratia.) By the Grace of D. S. Dal Segno. ) From the eign.

God. (Deo gratias. ) Thanks to God. da. Decistere (metric system).

dg. decigram (metric system). D.S. Dekastere (metric system).
Dg. Dekagram (metric system). d. 6.
(Debit tans brene.) Charge
D. H. juead Head. without abatement.
D. H. L. (Literarum Humaniorum Doc- D. Sc. Doctor of Science.
tor.) Doctor of Polite Literature. [See D. T. (Doctor Theologies.} Doctor of
L. H
D.J Theology, Dakota Territory.
Vi. Didymium, Dub. Dublin.
Dut. Duluth. 'em. Them.
Dur. Durango. Emp. Emperor, Empress, Empire.
D. V. (Deo wlente.) God willing. Ency., or incut; EiiCycloptedia.
DM'/.., or diet. Denarius and Eng.
(,Lat. Encvc. Anter. E^cyclopa'dia Amer>
weight.) Pennyweight, or Penny- catia.
weights. Encyv. Brit. Eucyclopxdiu Briltuuiica.
Dun. Liynaniics, Dynamical. E.X.E. Eust-Nonhi'ii-t.
Eng. England, English.
E Eng. Cyc. English Cyclopaedia.
J-:>nji. Efguievruig.
E, or (EirtriAov) Greek E, e.
Eng. in ciif. E^gii,oer in Chief.
E. East, Jb&stern (.Postal District, Ens. Ensign.
London), Eail, Ediuburg, Erbium. Ent ., or Entom. Entomology.
Ea. Each. Env. Ext. Euvoy Extraordinary.
Eb. Erbium. Ep. Epistle.
E.B. English Bible. Eph. Ephesians, Eparaim.
Eben. Ebenezer. Elites. Ephesiaus.
E. by S. East by South. Epiph. Epiphuuy.
Ebor ( Eboi-acutii, ) York. (Ebaracensis. ) Ejiin. Episcopal.
Of York. Eq., or c<j. Equal, Equivalent.
E.C. Eastern Central (Postal District,
Equiv.,OTequiv. Equivalent.
London), Established Church. E.S. Ell* Scotch.
Ecc. Horn. (Owe Ltomo.) Behold the Ead. L-iii ,i-.
iii tin.
E.S.E. East-Southeast.
Eccl. Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastical. Esp., oresp. Especially.
Ect-l. Hist. Ecclesiastical History.
Esq., or Esqr. Enquire
Ecclus. Ecclesiasticus. Esq., or &<i. Esquires.
Ed. Editor, Edition. Eat. Estate, Estimate.
E.D. Eastern District (of Brooklyn EstoJb. Established, Establishment.
N.Y.). Kith. Esther.
Eilin. Ediiiburg. E.T. E.:glish Translation.
Edit. Edition. et til. (Et alii, or alia.) And others.
Eilm. Edmund. (Et alibi.) And elsewhere (some-
Eds. Editors. times improperly written, et alt. ).
Edw. Edward, Edwin. Etc., etc., or &c. ( Et cacteri, ccetercf,
E. E. Errors Excepted. ctvtera). And other thinKS, and so
E. E. and M.P. Euvoy Extraordinary forth.
and Minister Plenipotentiary. Eth. Ethiopia
.E'er, or e'er. Ever.
et sea. (Et sequentia, or et trqurnttt.)
E. F. East Florida. And what follows, and the following.
E. Fl. Ells Flemish.
E. Fr. Ells French. Etym. Etyn.ology.
Foi example. Evang. Evangelical, Evangi-li-i.
e. g. (exempli gratia.) Ex. Example, Exception, Exodus.
(ex grege. ) From the flock, among Exc. Excellency, Exception.
Exch. Exchequer, Exchange,
Kguvt. Egyptian. Ex. op-, or xcp- Excoupon.
E.I. East Indies, or East India.
Ex. d., or ;<!. Exdividend.
E.I.C., or E.I. Oo. East India Company.
Exec. Executor.
E. I. C. S. East India Company's 8er- Executive Committee.
F-rrc. Com.
Electric. Execx. Executrix.
Eleo. Electricity, Electrical,
ex. g. (exempli gratia.) Forexampl*
KHz. Elizabeth.
Exod. Exodus.
E. Lon. East Longitude.
(Equitum Sxon. (Exonia.) Exeter.
E.M. Mining Engineer.
JHagister. )
Master of the Horse. Exr.,orKxec. Executor, Executrix.
Emily. Emmanuel, Em-
E*. Ezra.
Mm. Emma, Ezek. EzekieL
E. A O. E. Errors and omissions ex- Fig.,orflg. Figure, Figures, Figura-
cepted. tive, Figuratively.
Fin. Finland.
Finn. Finnish.
F. France, Folio, Fellow, Fluorine, Fir. Firkiu.
Friday, Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit's F .K. Q. C. F. I. Fellow of King and
Thermometer. Queen's College of Physicians in Ire-
F., or /. Franc, Francs,
Feminine, land.
Florin, Florins, Farthing, Farthings, Fl. Florida,Flemish,Flourished,Florm,
Foot, Feet. (Fiat. ) Let it be made. Florins.
Fa. Florida. Fl. E. Flemish Ells.
F. A. A. Free of all Average. Flor. Florence, Florentine, Florist,
Fahr. Fahrenheit. Florida.
F. L. S. Fellow of the Linnaean Society.
Fair. Fairfield, Fairhaven, Fairmont,
Fairview. F. M. Field-marshal.
F. A. M. Free and Accepted Masons. Fo.,/o., FoJ., or/oi. Folio.
Far. Farthing, Farrier, Farmer, Fargo. F. O. Field-officer.
F. A. S. Fellow of the Antiquarian F. O. B., or /. o. 6. Free on Board.
Society, Fellow of the Society of Arts. For. Foreign.
F. A. S. E. Fellow of the Antiquarian For. Sec. Foreign Secretary.
Society of Edinburgh. Fort. Fortification.
F. B. S. E. Fellow of the Botanical F. P. Fire Plug.
Society of Edinburgh. F. P. A. Free of Particular Average.
F. C. Free Church (of Scotland). F.P.S. Fellow of the Philological
Fcap ,/cap., or/cp. Foolscap. Society.
F C. P. Fellow of College of Precep-
Fr. Franc, Francs, French, France,
tors. Fragment, Francis, Friar, Frank.
F. C. P. S. Fellow of the Cambridge fr. From.
Philosophical Society. Frankl. Intt. Franklin Institute, Phil-
F. C. S. Fellow of the Chemical So- adelphia.
F. R. A. S. Fellow of the Boyal Astro-
nomical Society.
F. D. (Fdei Defensor, or Defengatrix.)
Defender of the Faith. F. R. C. P. E. Fellow of the Koyal Col
Fe. (Ferrum.) Iron. lege of Physicians, Edinburgh.
F.E. Flemish Ells. F. R. C. S. Fellow of the Royal College
Fel>. February. of Surgeons.
Fee. (Fecit.) He did it. F. R. C. S. E. Fellow of the Royal Col-
F.E.I.S. Fellow of the Educational lege of Surgeons, Edinburgh.
Institute of Scotland. F R. C. S. I. Fellow of the Royal Col-

Fern., or /em. Feminine. lege of Surgeons, Ireland.

Fern. Ac., or Acad. Female Academy. F. R. C. S. L. Fellow of the Royal Col-
F. E. S. Fellow of the Entomological lege of Surgeons, London.
Society, Fellow of the Ethnological Fr. E. French Ells.
Society. Fred. Frederick.
Feud. Feudal. Freq., orfreq. Frequentative.
F F. P. S. Follow of the Faculty of
. F.R.O.S. Fellow of the Royal Geographi-
Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow). cal Society.
F. F. V. First Families of Virginia (hu- Fri. Friday.
morous). F. R. S. Fellow of the Royal Society.
F. O. A. Foreign General Average. Frs. Frisian, or Friesic.
F. O. S. Fellow of the Geological Soci- F. R. S. E. Fellow of the Royal Society,
ety. Edinburgh.
F. H. S. Fellow of the Horticultural F.R. S. L. Fellow of the Royal Society,
Society. London, Fellow of the Royal Society
Fid. Def. (Fidei Defensor or Defensa- of Literature.
trix. ) Defender of the Faith. F.S.A. Fellow of the Society of Arts,or
Jl. fa. (Fieri facia. )Cause
it to be done. of Antiquaries.
F.S.A.E. Fellow of the Society of Anti- G. M. Grand Master.
quaries, Edinburgh. G. M. P. K. Grand Master of the
F.S.S. Fellow of the Statistical KniahU
Society. of St. Patrick.
Ft. Fortification. G. O. General Order.
ft., or ft. Foot, Feet, Fort. Go., or Goth. Gothic.
F. T. C. D. Fellow of Trinity College, Gott.
Dublin. Gottingen.
Gov. Governor.
Fth. Fathom. Gov.-Gen. Governor-General.
Fur. Furlong.
Fut. Future.
Gov. of Tongue. Government of th
F. Z. S. Fellow of the Zoological Socie- Tongue.
G. P. (Gloria Patrt.) Glory to the Fath-
G er.
G. P. 0. General Post Office.
G. R. (Georgius Rex.) King
T, or y (Gamma.) Greek Q, g. Grand Recorder.
0. Guide, Glucinum, Genitive.
Or. Greek, Gross, Great.
G., or g. Guineas, Guinea, Gulf.
O. A. General Assembly. Or., orjrr. Grain, or grains.
Go,. Georgia.
Gram. Grammar.
Gael. Gaelic. Gris. Orisons.
Gal. Galatians, Galen. Gro., or gro. Gross.
Grot, ( jus, Grotto, Groton.
Oaf., or gal. Gallon, Gallons.
Galv. Galvanism, Galvanic. G. S. Grand Secretary, Grand Sentry,
G.A.R. Grand Army of the Republic. Grand Sentinel.
O. B. Great Britain. G. T. Good Templars", Grand Tyler.
G. B. &
I. Great Britain and Ireland. Gtt.,orgtt. (Gutta. or guttce.) Drop,
G. C. Grand Chancellor, Grand Con- or drops.
ductor, Grand Chapter.
Gun. Gunnery.
G.C.B. Grand Cross of the Bath.
G. C. H. Grand Cross of Hanover.
O. C. L. H. Grand Cross of the Legion H, or 9- ( Theta. ) Greek H, Th, or th.
of Honor. H. Hydrogen.
G. C. M. G. Knights Grand Cross St. H., orfc. Hour, Height, High, Harbor.
Michael and St. Husband.
O. C. S. I. Knight Grand Commander H., h., or hr. Hour, hours.
of the Star of India. H. A. Holiness Army, Hosanna Army.
G. D. Grand Duke, Grand Duchess. h. a. ( Hoc anno. ) This Year.
G. E. Grand Encampment. Ha. Hektare (metric system).
Gen. Genesis, General, Geneva,or Gen- Hob. Habakkuk.
evan. Hob. corp. ( HabtMt corpus. ) You may
Gen., or gen. Genitive, Generally. have the body.
Gent. Gentleman. Hub. fa. ;xw. ( Habrre fnciat potaatxion-
Gent. Mag. Gentleman's Magazine. >n. ) Law. A writ to put the plain-
Geo. George, Georgia. tiff in possession.
Geog. Geography, Geographer. Hob. fa. sets. ( Habere facias seitmam. )
Geol. Geology, Geological, Geologist. Law. A writ now superseded by the
Geom. Geometry, Geometer. preceding.
Qeor. Hist. Soc. Georgia Historical So- Hiuln't, or hadn't. Had not.
ciety. Hag. Haggai.
Qer., orger. Gerund. Hal. Pvc. Soc. Halifax Psychological
Ger. German, Germany. Society.
G. F. G. Governor's Foot Guard. Ham. Coll. Hamilton College.
G. H. G. Governor's Horse Guard. Hanti. Hampshire.
Gi.,orgi. Gills. H. B. Hallelujah Band.Hollnes* Band.
G. L. Grand Lodge, //. B. C. Hudson's Bay Company.
Gl. (Glosm.) A Gloss. B.B.M. Hi-* (or her) Britannic Uj-
Glaa. Glasgow.
S. C. House of Commons, Herald's Hasp. Stew. Hospital Steward.
College. H. P. Horse Power, Half -pay, High
H. C. M. His (or Her) Catholic Maj- Priest.
esty. Hr., Hrn., Herr., Herrn. Gentleman,
EdkJ., or hdkf. Handkerchief. gentlemen.
B. E. His Eminence, Hygienic Elec- H. R. House of Representatives.
trician, Hydraulic Ecgineer. H. R. E. Holy Roman Emperor, or
h. e. (Hoe eat, or Hie est. ) That is, or Empire.
this is. H. R. H. His (or Her) Pvoyal Highness.
Heb., or Hebr. Hebrew. Hebrews. H.R.I. P. (Hie Requiescit In Pace.)
Bectol. Hectolire (.memo s-yr-tem ... Here he rest a in peuce.
He'd, or lie'd. He would, or he had. H. 6'. (Hie situs, j Here lies.
H. E. I. C. Honorable East India Com- H. -S. H. His (or Her) Serene High-
pany. ness.
H. E. I. C. S. Honorable East India H.S.S. (Historic* Societatis Socius.)
Company's Service. Fellow of the Historical Society.
He'll, or he'll. He will. A. t. (Hoc titulo.) This title, In or
H. Em. His Eminence. under this title.
Her. Heraldry. Hum., or Humb. Humble.
Herp. Herpetology. Hum. Humanitarian, Humanitarians.
H. Exc. His Excellency. Hun., or Hung. Hungry, Hungarian.
B. F. Holy Father.
Hf.-bd. Half-bound, Half-breed. Hund.y orhund. Hundred, Hundreds.
h. v. (Hoover-bum.) This word. (His
Hf. of. Half calf. verbis. ) In these words.
Hg. (Hydrargyrum.') Mercury. Hy. Art. Heavy Artillery.
H. G. Horse Guards. Hyd. Hydrostatics.
H. H. His Holiness (the Pope), His (or Hydraul. Hydraulics.
Her) Highness. Hydros. Hydrostatics.
Hhd., or hhd. Hogshead, Hogsheads. hypoth. Hypothesis, Hypothetical.
Eier. ( Hierosolyma. ) Jerusalem.
H. I. H. His (or Her) Imperial High-
Bil. Hilary.
Hindo- I, on- Iiiro- (Iota.) Greek I, L
Hind. Hindoo, Hindostan,
1. Island, Iodine.
/, II, ///. One, two, three, or, first,
Hipp. Hippocrates. second, third.
Hist. History, Historical. la. Iowa.
H. J. S. (HicJacet Sepultus.) Here
lies buried.
/&., ib., Ibid., or ibid. (Ibidem.) In th
same place.
H. K. A. Hotel Keepers' Association. or
Ice., Iceland, Icelandic.
H. L. House of Lords.
HI. Hectoliter (metric system). /. C. E. Institution of Civil Engineers.
H. M. His (or Her) Majesty, Hope Ich., or Ichth. Ichthyology.
Mission. Icon. Encyp. Iconographic Encyclo-
H. if. C. His (or Her) Majesty's Cus- paedia.
toms. I. C. P. Institute of Christian Phi-
H. X. P. (Hoc monumentum posuit.) losophy.
Erected this monument. /. TH. U. S. (Gr. lesous Christos,
H. 31. S. His (or Her) Majesty's Steam- Theou Huios, Scter.) Jesus Chris*,
er, Ship, or Service.
the Son of God, the Savior.
Ho. House. Ictus. (lurisconsultus.) Counselor at
Hon. Honorable. Law.
Hand. Honored. Id., or id. (Idem.) The same.
Hor. Horace, Horizon. I'd. I would.
Hort. Horticulture. Id. Ter. Idaho Territory.
Eos. Hosea. I. e., or t. e. (Id est. ) That U.
Hasp. Sergt. Hospital Sergeant I.G. Inside Guardian.
i H. 31. (lesus [or Jesus] .Vuiuii Sal- injir. (In principio.) In the begin-
vutor.] Jesus the Savior of toe ning and before the first paragraph of
world. law.
I.H.S. (leant [or Jesus] Hominum /. .V. R. I. (Ittvs [or Jesua] .Vtuurrnu*.
Sulvator.) Jesus the Savior of Men. Rex Juticevrum [or ludcrvrum].)
[S*eJ.H.S.] (In hoc [crucej Solus.) Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
In this (cross) salvation. Ins. Inspector, Insurance, Instant.
NOTE. This was originally written Inep., or inaep. Inseparable.
1H2, an abbreviation of '1H2OY2, the Insp. (fen. Inspector General.
Greek word for Jesus. This t acthaviug st., or inst. Instant (the present
been forgotten, the Greek H (eta) was month).
supposed to be theLatinH (aitc/i),and Inst. Institute, Institutes, Institution.
the Latin 8 was substituted for the Act. Institute of Actuaries.
Greek E. Three separate, words were Inst.Bks. Institute of Bankers.
therefore found to correspond with Inst. C. E. Institution of Civil Engi-
the three initials. neers.
ii. Two (medical). Inst. r/irn. Phil., or /. C. P. Institute
III. Illinois. of Christian Philosophy.
ini. 1 will. E. Institute of Mechanical En-
Imp. Imperial. (Imperator.) 'Em- gineers.
peror. Inst. N. A. InsUtutiou of Naval Archi-
Imp., imp., Imper., or imper. Impera- tects.
tive, Imperious. In sum. (In ntmma.) In the sum-
Imp., imp., Imperf., or imperf. Imper- mary.
fect. Int., or int. Interest.
Impers. Impersonal. Int. Interpreter.
In., or in. Inch, Inches. Intens. Intensive.
Inc., or Incor. Incorporated. Inter}. Interjection.
Incept. Inceptive. Inir. Introduction.
Inch., or inch. Inchoative. Intrant., or i(itran. Intransitive.
Incog. (Incognito.) Unknown. in (ran*. (In transit*.) In the p-
Inc. Ch. Bldg. Soc. Incorporated sage.
Church Building Society. Introd. Introduction.
Inc. L. S. Incorporated Law Society. Inv. Invoice.
Ind. India, Indian, Indiana, Index. lo. Iowa.
Ind., ind., Indie., or indie. Indica- I. O. B. B. Independent Order of B'nal
tive. BTith.
I.N. D. (In Nomine Dei. ) In the name I. O. F. Independent Order of Forert-
of God. ers.
Ind. Ch. Eng. Independent Church of /. O. F. S. I. Independent Order of the
Free Sons of Israel.
Indef. Indefinite. I. O. O. T. Independent Order of Good
Ind. Meth. Independent Methodists. Templars.
IndjEur. Indo European. Ion. Ionic.
I. O. O. F. Independent Order of Odd
Ind. Rel. Ref. Independent Religions
Reformers. Fellows.
Ind. T.,orlnd. Ter. Indian Territory. I. O. R. X. Independent (or Improved)
ind. Vn. Independent Unionists. Order of Red Men.
O. S. H. Independent Order Som of
Inf. ( Infra. ) Beneath or below.
MA, or inf. Infinitive, Infantry. O. S. Independent Order of U
inf. (in fine.) At the end of the title, /. if.
Sons of Malta.
law, or paragraph quoted. I owe you. An acknowledg-
7. O. U.
Ing. Ingamhites.
In lim., or in Urn. (In limine. ) At the ment for money.
/ P. D. (In Pratentia Dominontm. )
or in In the la presence of the Lord* (of 8-
In Joe., (In looo.)
place, on the passage.
Ipecac. Ipecacuanha. Jour. Journal, Journeymen.
/. q. (Idem quod.) The same as. J. P. Justice of the Peace.
Jr. Ireland, Irish, Iridium. J. Prob. Judge of Probate.
Iran. Iranian, Iranistan. J. K.(Jacobus Rex. King James. ')

Ire. Ireland. Jr. Junior.

/. R. O. Internal Revenue Officer. Ju. (lamed.) Julep.
Irreg., orirreg. Irregular. J. U. D., or J. V. D. (Jurui utriusque
/. S. Inside Sentinel, Irish Society. Doctor.) Doctor of both Laws, Canon
Is., or Isa. Isaiah. and CiviL
Isl., or isl. Island. Jud. Judith.
/. S. M. (Jesus [or Jesus] Salvator 3fun- Judg. Judges, Judge.
di. ) Jesus the Savior of the World. Judge- Adv. Judge-Advocate.
It. Italy, Italian. Jul. July.
/. T. Indian Territory, Inner Temple. Jul. Per. Julian Period.
It.,OTltal. Italic, Italian, Italy. Jun. June.
Itin., or Iliner. Itinerant, Itinerary. Jun., Jun., Junr., orjunr. Junior.
IV. Four or Fourth. Jun. Part. Junior Partner.
IX. Nine or ninth. Jus. Justice. (Used to denote Associate
Justices. )
Jus. P. Justice of the Peace.
Just. Justinian, Justice.
J. V. D. (Juris t'triusque Doctor.)
J. Justice or Judge, Julius, Julian.
Doctor of both Civil and Canon
JJ. Justices. Law.
j. (In medicine. ) One. J. W. Junior Warden.
J/a. Joint account.
J. A. Judge Advocate.
Joe. Jacob.
J. A. O. Judge Advocate General.
K, or KaTTjra- (Kappa.) Greek K, k.
Jam, Jamaica.
Jan. January. K. King, Knight. (Kalium) Potas,
Jap. Japan.
Jos. James.
K. A. Knights of St. Andrew (in Rus-
J. C. JESUS CHRIST, Justice Clerk, sia).
Kal. Kalends.
Julius Caesar.
J.C. (Juris Consultus.) Jnris-Consult K. A. N. Knight of St. Alexander Ne-
J. C. D. (Juris CivUis Doctor. ) Doctor voskoj (in Russia).
of Civil Law. Kan. Kansas.
K. B. King's Bench, Knight of the
J. D. (Jurum Doctor.) Doctor of Law, Bath (in Great Britain).
Junior Deacon.
Je. June. K. B. A. Knight of St. Bento d' Avis
Jeho. Jehosaphat. (in Portugal).
Jer. Jeremiah, Jerusalem, Jericho, K.B.E. Knight of the Black Eagle
Jersey. (in Russia).
J. G. W. Junior Grand Warden. K. C. Knight of the Crescent (in Tur-
J. H. S. (Jesus Hominum Salvator.) key), King's Council.
Jesus Savior of Mankind. (See/. H. K. C. B. Knight Commander of the
S.) Bath (in Great Britain).
Jno. John. K. C. H. Knight Commander of Han-
Jnt, Joint over.
Jnt. Stk. Joint Stock. K. C. M. O. Knight Commander of St.
int. Stk. Co. Joint Stock Company. Michael and St. George (in the Io-
To. JoeL nian Isles).
Join. Joinery. K. C. S. Knight of Charles III, of
Jona. Jonathan. Spain.
Jot. Joseph, Josephine. K. C. S. I. Knight Commander of the
Joth. Joshua. Star of India.
K. K. Kmgftt of the Elephant (In Den- K. 5. A. Knight of St. Anne (In Rus-
mark). sia).
Ken. Kentucky, K. S. B. Kerher 8hel Banel.
Kew Obs. Kew Observatory (England) K. S. E.
K. F. Knight of Ferdinand (in Spain ). Knight of St. Esplrit (In
K. F. 31. Knight of St. Ferdinand and K. S. F. Knight of St. Fernando (of
Merit (in Sicily).
Kg. Kilogram (metric system). K.S. F.M. Knight of St Ferdinand
K. O. Knight of the Garter (in Great and Merit (in Naples).
Britain). K. S.O. Knight of St George (In
K. O. C. Knight of the Grand Cross Russia).
(hi Great Britain), Knight of the K. S. H. Knight of St Hubert (in
Golden Circle (in the United States). Bavaria).
X. G. C. B. Knight of the Grand Cross K. S. I. Knight of the Star of India,
of the Bath (in Great Britain). K. S. J. Knight of St. Januarius (of
K. O. F. Knight of the Golden Fleece Naples).
(in Spain or Austria). K. S. L. Knight of the Sun and Lion
K. O. H. Knight of the Guelphs of (in Persia).
Hanover. K. S. M. <5t S. O. Knight of St Michael
K. O. V. Knight of Gustavus Vasa and St George (in the Ionian
(in Sweden). Islands).
K. B. Knight of Hanover. A". S. P. Knight ofSt. Stanislaus in
Ki. Kings. Poland.
Kit.,or kil. Kilderkin. K. S. S. Knight of the Southern Star
Kingd. Kingdom. (hi Brazil), Knight of the Sword in
K. J. Knight of St. Joachim. Sweden,
Kl. Kiloliter (metric system). K. S. W. Knight of St. Wladlmir (In
K. ., or K. L. A. Knight of Leopold Russia).
of Austria. K. T. Knight Templar, Knight of the
1C.L. H. Knight of the Legion of Thistle (in Scotland).
Honor. Kt. Knight.
Km. Kilometer (metric system). K. T. S. Knight of the Tower and
Km. Kingdom. Sword (in Portugal).
K. Mess. King's Messenger. K. W. Knight of William (in the Neth-
K. if. H. Knight of Merit in Hol- erlands).
etein. A". H: E. Knight of the White Eagle
K. M. J. Knight of Maximilian Joseph (In Poland).
(in Bavaria). Ky. Kentucky.
K. M. T. Knight of St. Maria Theresa
(in Austria).
K. N. Kuow-Nothing.
Knick. Knickerbocker. A, or A- \dnP$a.- (Lambda.) Greek L, I.
K. N. S. Knight of the Royal North L. Fifty or fiftieth, Laity, Latin, Low,
Star (in Sweden). Lord, London (after title%), Lithium.
Knt. Knight. (Liber.) Book.
K. of H. Knighbt of Honor. L.,or i. League, leagues, Lake, Lane,
K. of P. Knight, or Knights of Pyth- I .ink, link, Line, lines.
ias. L., I, or fi>. (Libra.) A pound in
K. P. Knight of St. Patrick, Knight of weight.
Pythias. L., JB, or 1. (L<bna,or Librae.) Pound, or
Kr. Kreutzer (German coin). pounds sterling.
K. R. C. Knight of the Red Cross. .,or d. (I.ii'nr. tolidt, denarii.)

K. R. E. Knight of the Red Eagle (in Pounds, shillings and pence.

Prussia). La. Louisiana, Lanthanum.
Kg. Kansas. L. A. C. Licentiate of the Apotheca-
K. S. Knight of the Sword (in Swe- ries' Company.
den). Ladp. Ladyship.
Zam. Lamentation*. L. L. I. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.
Lapp. Lappish. LL. M. (Legum Magiater.) Master of
L. A. S. Lord Advocate of Scotland. Laws.
Lat., or lat. Latitude, Latin. Joe. cit. (loco citato.) In the place
Lb., or Ib. (Libra, or librae. ) Pound, cited.
or pounds in weight. Lon., or Ion. Longitude.
I. c. Lower case (.in printing). Lon., or Lund. London.
.1. c. (loco citato.) In the place before Long., or long. Longitude.
cited. Lou., or La. Louisiana.
.L/C. Letter of Credit. Lp., or Ldp. Lordship.
L. C. Lord Chancellor, Lord Cham- L. P. Lord Provost, Large Paper.
Lower Canada. L. P. S. Lord Privy Seal.
L. C. B. Lord Chief Baron. L. R. C. P. Licentiate of the Royal
L. C. J. Lord Chief Justice. College of Physicians.
Ld. Lord. L. R. C. S. Licentiate of the Koyal
L. D. Lady Day, Light Dragoons. (Lep- College of Surgeons.
fcJe Dictum. ) Finely said. L. S. Leftside. (Locus Sigilli.) Place
Ldp., or Lp. Lordship. of the Seal.
Lea., or lea. League. L. S. A. Licentiate of the Apotheca-
Leg. (Legato.) Smoothly, Legate. ries' Society.
_Leg.,or Legis. Legislature. L. S. D., or J. *. d. (Libra, Solidi, Den-
Leip. Leipsic, or Leipzig. arii.) Pounds, Shillings, Pence.
Lett. Lettish. The Turkish
Let-it. Leviticus.
L. T. (Lira Turca. )
Lex. Lericon, Lexicographer, Lex-
Lt., or Lieut. Lieutenant.
ington. Lt. Batt. Light Battery.
Leyd. Leyden. Lieutenant Com-
L. G. Life Guards, Low German. Lt., or Lieut. Com.
L. H. A. Lord High Admiral.
L. H. C. Lord High Chancellor. Lt., or Lieut. Gen. Lieutenant Gen-
L. H. D. (Literarum Hutnaniorum
Lt. Inf., or Infy. Light Infantry.
Factor.) Doctor of Polite Literature.
L. H. T. Lord High Treasurer. if., or Iv. Livre, livres.
L. I. Long Island, League Island, LX. Sixty or sixtieth.
Light Infantry. L XX. Seventy or seventieth.
Li. Lithium. LXX. The Septuagint (Version of the
Lib., or lib. (Liber.) Book.
Old Testament).
Lib. Library, Librarian. LXXX. Eighty or eightieth.
Lieut., or Lt. Lieutenant.
Lieut. Col. Lieutenant Colonel.
Lieut. Gen. Lieutenant General.
Lieut. Gov. Lieutenant Governor.
M, or ii- Mir (Jfu.) Greek M, m.
Linn. Linnean, Linnaeus.
Linn. Soc. Linnsean Society (London).
Jf. Monday, Middle, Morning, Mon-
sieur. (Meridies. ) Meridian, or
Liq. Liq or. noon. (Mille.) Thousand.
Lit. Literature, Literary.
m. Married, Meter (metric system).
Lit., or Jit. Literally.
Lit. D. Doctor of Jf., or m. Moon, Masculine, Minute,
(Literarum Doctor.)
Letters. minutes, Month, months, Mile, miles,
Lith. Lithuanian. Mill, mills. (Misce.) Mix. (Mani-
I>iu., or liv. Livre. pulus.) A handful. (Xistura. ) Mix-
ture. (Hensura.) Measure, by meas-
L. L. Low Latin, Late Latin.
L. Lat. Low Latin, Law Latin.
LL. B. (Legum Baccalaureus.) Bach- M. A thousand ; as, e. g., 50'm., flftj
elor of Laws. [See B. L. and B. LL.~\ thousand.
J^L. D. (Legum Doctor. ) Doctor of a., or Mons. (Monsieur.) Sir, Mia
Laws. [See ter.
If. A. Master of Arts. [See A. Jf.] Mfd. Dir. Medical Director.
Military Academy. M. E. O. H. P. Most Excellent Grand
tlii. Minnesota. High Priest.
Mac., or Mace. Maccabees. 31, in. Memorandum, Memoranda.
Maced. Macedonian. (Memento.) Komember.
Much. Machinist, Machinery. Mer. Meridian, Meriden.
Had. Madam, Madrid. Merc. Mercury.
Mmlni. Madam. Messrs., or MM. (Messieurs.) Ge-
Mad. Univ. Madison University. tlemeu, or Sirs.
Mug. Magazine. Met. Metaphysics, Metaphor, Meta-
Maj. Major. phorically, Metropolitan.
Mnj. Oen. Major General. Metal. Metallurgy.
Mai. Malachi. Metaph. Metaphysics.
Malay. Malayan. Meteor. Meteorology.
Man. Manege, or Horsemanship, Man- Meth. Methodist.
ual. Metr., or Metrop. Metropolitan.
Man. Manasses. Mex., or Mexic. Mexico, or Mexican.
M. A. N. S. Member of the Academy M. ft. ( Mistura flat. ) Let a mixture
of Natural Sciences. be made.
Hanuf. Manufactory, Manufacture, mg. Milligram (metric system).
Manufacturing. Mg. Magnesium, Myriagram (metric
Mar. March, Marshall, Maratime. system).
March. Marchioness. M. O. Major General.
Marg. Margin. M. O., or M. Goth. Moesco-Gothic.
Marg. Tran. Marginal Translation. M. B. O. Middle High German (Ety-
Marq. Marquis. mological).
Mas., or mas. Master. M. Hon. Most Honorable., or masc. Masculine. M. H. S. Massachusetts Historical So-
Mass., or Ms. Massachusetts. ciety. Member of the Historical So-
Math. Mathematics, Mathematician. ciety.
Matt. Matthew. Mi. Mississippi.
Max. Maxim. Mi., or mi. Mill, mills.
M. B. (Medicince Baccalaureus.) Bach- Ma-. Micah.
elor of Medicine. [See B. M.] M. I. C. E. Member of the Institution
M. B. (Musicce Baccalaureus. ) Bach- of Civil Engineers.
elor of Music. Mifh. Michigan, Michaelmas.
Mbco. Marks banco. Mill. Midshipman.
M. B. o. e t H. (Magna Britannia, Oal- Mi<l., or mid. Middle (voice).
lia, et Hibernia.) Greut Britain, Mil. Military.
France, and Ireland. jtfin. Mineralogy.
If- G. Member of Congress, Master of Min.. or inid. Minute, minutes.
Ceremonies, Master Commandant, Jlftnn. Minnesota.
Master of the Clnw.-ic"<. .Win. rien. Minister Plenipotentiary.
M/C. Metallic Currency. Min. Res. Minister Ki .

Mo'i. March. Mir. fur Mag. Mirror for Magistrates.

M. D. (Medicinal Doctor.) Doctor of Miss. Misaes, Mississippi.
Medicine. ml. millillter (metric system).
Md. Maryland. Ml. Myrialiter (metric system).
M/d. Months' date.
M. L. (Legum Magister.) Master of
ME. Middle English (Etymological).or Lnws.
Mercantile Library AMO-
M E Methodist Episcopal, Military 3f. L. A.

Mechanical Engineer. Master of the

Mile. Mademoiselle.
Elements, Most Excellent
Me. Maine.
mm. millimeter (metric ystem).
Meas. Measure.
Mm. Myriameter (metric yvtmnV '

MM. Their MajectiM. (M

Mrch. Mechanic!!, Mechanical.
tied. Medicine. Gentlemen, or bira
NOTE. The initial letter of a word M. R. S. L. Member of the Royal So-
is sometimes doubled to signify the ciety of Literature.
plural as in LL. B., LL. D.
; M S. Months' sight.
KM. Two thousand. M. S. (Memories Sacrum.') Sacred to
Mme. Madame. the memory.
Mmes. Mesdamea (pronounced m5 M.S. (Magister Scientiae.) Master of
dam'). Science.
X. M. S. Moravian Missionary So- MS. (Manuscriptum.) Manuscript.
ciety. MSS. (Manuscripta.) Manuscripts.
M. M. S. S. Massachusettensis Medici- Mt. Mount, or Mountain.
rue Societatis Socius.) Member of M. T. C. Marcns Tullius Cicero.
the Massachusetts Medical Society. Mt. Rev. Most Reverend.
Xn. Michigan. Manganese. Mts. Mountains.
31. -V. S. Member of the Numismatical Mus. Museum, Music.
Society. Mas. B. Bachelor of Music.
Mo. Missouri. Month, Molybdenum. Mus. D., Mus. Doc., or Mas. Doct. Doc-
Mo., or mo. Month. tor of Music.
Hob. Mobile. M. W. Most Worthy, Most Worship-
Mod. Modern. (Moderate. ) Moder- ful.
ately. M. W. G. C. P. Most Worthy Grand
Man. Monday, Monastery. Chief Patriarch.
Mond. Mond ay. M. W. G. M. Most Worthy (or Wor-
Moris. Monsieur, or S?r. shipful) Grand Master.
Jfonsig. Monsignor. M. W. P. Most Worthy Patriarch,
Iforn., or morn. Morning. M. W. S. Member of the Wernerian
Mas., or mos. Months. Society.
Most Rev. Most Reverend. M. W. V. Mexican War Veterans.
Mon. Ter. Montana Territory. Myth. Mythology.
U. P. Member of Parliament, Mem-
ber of Police, Municipal Police. N
Methodist Protestant, or Protestant
Methodist. N, or v Nu- (Nu. ) Greek N, n.
M. P. C. Member of Parliament in A'. North, Number, Note, Name, New,
Canada. Nitrogen, Northern (Postal District,
M. P. P. Member of Provincial Par- London).
liament. A"., or n. Noun, Neuter, Nail, nails.
M. P. S. Member of the Pharmaceut- N. A. North America, North Amer-
ical (or of the Philological) Society. ican.
M. R. Master of the Rolls. Na. Nebraska. (Natrium.) Sodium.
Mr. Mister, or Master. .Vr/., or na. Nail, nails.
M. R. A. S. Member of the Royal Nah. Nahum.
Asiatic Society, Member of the Roy- Nap. Napoleon.
al Academy of Science. Nat. Natural, National, Natal.
M. R. C. C. Member of the Royal Nat. Hist. Natural History.
College of Chemistry. Nath. Nathanael. or Nathaniel.
M. R. C. P. Member of the Royal Nat. ord. Natural order.
College of Preceptors. Naut. Nautical,
3f. R. C. S. Member of the Royal Col- Nav. Navigator, Navy.
lege of Surgeons. Nav. Con. Navy Constructor.
M. R. G. S. Member of the Royal Geo- If. B. New Brunswick, North British,
graphical Society. North Britain. (Nota bene.) Note
M. R. I Member of the Royal Insti- well, or take notice.
tution. N. C. North Carolina, New Church.
M. R. I. A. Member of the Royal N. D., or n. d. No date.
Irish Academy. A'. E. New England, Northeast, Nor-
Ifrs. Mistress (pronounced mis 'sis thern Eastern (Postal District, Lou*
when written as an abbreviation). don).
JV6. Nebraska. ff. P. D. North Polar Distance.
AVer, or nrVr. Never. N. R. North River.
or neg. NegaUve.
Neh. Nehemiah.
N. S. New Style (since 1752). NOT*
n. e. i. (A'on eat int-enru*.) Be (XotreSriyneur.) Our Lord
is not Numismatic Society.
found. AT S. J. C. ( Nottrr Salvntor Jena ChrM-

Nem. Con., or n-m. con. (A>m<nCon K.) Our Savior Jesu Christ <>r
tradicente. ) No one contradicting, (.\otrr Sfiyneur Jetu Christ.) Our
unanimously. Lord Jesus Christ
AVm. Z>HW. (AVtnine TWsgenffcnfe.) No ff. T. New Testament New Transla-
one dissenting, uiianimously. tion.
fffth. Netherlands. AT W. T. 3f. A.
Northwestern Traveling
A>ut., or neuf. Neuter (gender). Men's Association.
Nev. Nevudn. ., or n. u.
AVto Am. New American
Name, or named, un-
Cue. Cyclo- known.
ptedii. Num. Numeral.
AVtc New Mexico.
A'um., or Numb. Numbers.
New Test. New Testament. A'umu. Numismatics.
AT. F. Newfoundland. A'ung of the v. Nuns of the visita-
ff. G. 'New Granada, Noble Grand. tion.
N. H. New Hampshire, New Haven. A'ua; t-otn. Nuxvomlca.
N. H. H. S. New Hampshire Histori- -V. V. 31. Nativity of the Virgin Mary.
cal Society. Ar W..
North-western, Northern West-
ffi. Nickel. ern (Postal District, London).
Jfi. Nisi Prlus (law).
pri. AT W.
. T. Northwest Territory.
N. J. New Jersey. .v. r. New York.
AT .L., or n. I. (non liguef.) It does A'. V. n. S. New York Historical So-
not appear, the case is not clear. ciety.
N. L., or N. Lut. North Latitude. A*. Z., or A'. Zeal. New Zealand.
If. Jtf., or If. Hex. Ter. New Mexico
JV. N. E. North-Northeast
ff. N. W. North-Northwest w
ff. O. New Orleans. Q, or Gjya' (Omrgn.) The great
or loi.g (), p, of the Greek alphabet.
.No., or no. (Numero.) Number. . or o- Ojutxpof. ( Omicron. ) Greek O, o.
ffol. pros. (Nolle prosequi.) Unwil- O. Ohio, Old, Oxygen. (Octariia.) A
ling to prosecute, or proceed. pint
ffotn., or nom. Nominative. Ob.,or 06. (obiit.) He or she died.
Aon Con., or non 'on. Not content Obad. Obadiah.
dissenting, dissentient (House of Obj. Objective, Objection, Object.
Lords). Otis.,or ob. Obsolete, Observation.
Noncul. (Non culpabilis. ) Not guilty. Obs. Observatory.
Non obst . , or non obst. ( Non obstante. ) Obt., or obdt. Obedient
Notwithstanding. O. C. C. (OnHnit Carmelitarum Calce-
A'on Pros., or A'on proa. (A'on Pros- alorum.) Carmelites Calced.
equitur. ) He does not prosecute, a O. C. D. (Ordtnis Ourmelitarum Dit-
judgment entered against the plain- calceatorum. ) Carmelites Dlmalced.
tiff wben he doea not appear to O. Citt. (Ordinit Citterciemit.) Ci-
prosecute. tercian.
ffonseq., or non seq. (Non sequitur.) Oct. October.
It does not follow. O. F. Odd Fellow or Odd Fellows Old
Nor, Fr., or A'orm. Fr. Norman French (etymological).
French. O. F. O. C.Old Free Order of Chal-
fforw. Norway, Norwegian. deans.
A'o*., or no. Numbers. O. O. Outride Guardian.
tfov. November, Novitiate. O. H. G. Old High German (etymo-
K. P. Notary Public, Providence. Nw logical.)
O. K. (Oil Korect.) All right, or correct. P. A. E. Passed Assistant Engineer.
Ot. (Oleum.) OiL Paint. Painting.
Old Teat., or O. T. Old Testament. Pal., or Paleon. Paleontology.
Olttm. Olympiad. P. A. P. it. Passed Assistant Paymas-
O. M. Old Measurement. ter.
O. X. Conv. (Ordinis Minorum Con- Par., or *[. Paragraph.
ventualium.) Minor Conventuals. Par., or |j. Parallel.
O. M. I. Oblates of Mary Immacu- Pari. Parliament, Parliamentary.
late. Paroch. Lib. Parochial Library.
O. Min. Cap. ( Ordinis Minorum Capu- Par. Pas. Parallel Passage. ; Capuchins. Part., or part. Participle.
On. Oregon. Pass., or pass. Passive.
Ont. Ontario. Pass. Passionist,
O. P., or O. S. D. (Ordinis Preedi- Past. Pastor.
catorum, or Ordinis Sancti Dowit- P. A. Surg. Passed Assistant Surgeon.
nici. ) Dominiciaos. Pathol. Pathology.
Opt. Optics. Pay Dir. Pay Director.
Or. Oregon. Pay Ins. Pay Inspector.
O. R. C. Order of the Bed Cross. Pay if. Paymaster.
Ord. Ordnance, Ordinance, Ordinary. Paj/t.,or payt. Payment.
Ord. Dept. Ordnance Department. Pb. (plumbum. ) Lead.
Oriflr., or orig. Original, Originally. P. B. (Philosophise Saccalavreus,)
Ornith. Ornithology. Bachelor of Philosophy.
O. S. Old Style (before 1752), Outside *, B, K. (*r Bijra Kiirira.) Phi Beta
Sentinel. Kappa (College Soeiety).
Os. Osmium. P. C. (Patres Conscripti.) Conscript
O. S. A. (Ordinis Sancti Auyustini.) Fathers, Senators, Privy Council, or
Augustinians. Councilor, Police Constable, Princi-
O. S. B. (Ordinis Sancti Benedicti.) Commander.
pal Conductor, Post
P. C. P. Past Chief Patriarch.
O. S. F. (Ordinis Sancti Francisci.)
P. Cyo. Penny Cyclopedia.
P. K. ( Philosophic Doctor.) Doctor of
O. T. Old Testament.
O. U. A. Order of United Americans. Philosophy.
Pd. Paid, Palladium.
Oxf. Oxford. Psi Epsilon (Col-
Oxford Glossary of Arch- *. E. (+i Ei^Aoc.)
Oxf. Gloss.
itecture. lege Society).
Ox- P. E. Protestant Episcopal, Presiding
Oxon. (Oxonian.) Of Oxford, at
Pe. Pelopium.
OB., or oz. Ounce.
P. E. I. Prince Edward Island.
NOTE. The z is used to represent
Penn. Pennsylvania.
the character 3, the ancient abbrevi- Pent. Pentecost.
ation for terminations.
Per., or Pen. Persia, Persian.
Per., pr., or ^R. By the, or per Bt>,

oz. etc.
Greek P, Per an. (Per annum.) By the year.
n, or Ht. (Pi.) p.
P. (Pandere.) By weight, By the Pro- Per cent., per cent., Per ct., or per ot.
Tincial. (PugiUua.) A pugi!, the ( Per centum. ) By the hundred.
quantity of any substance which may Per/., or per/. Perfect
be taken with the ends of the thumb Pern. Perhaps.
and two Peri. Perigee.
or p. Page, Part, Participle, Pole, Per*., or pert.Person.
Phosphorus, Pint, Pipe, Pope. Persp. Perspective.
Pa. Pennsylvania. Peruw. Peruvian,
Parti cipal adjective. Pet. Peter.
f. a.
P. A. Poet Adjutant. P. O. Paat Grand.
Pg. Portuguese. Pol. Polish.
Phar. Pbarmacy. Polit.Kcon. Political Economy.
Phar. D. Doctor in Pharmacy. P. O. O. Post Office Order.
Phar. O. Graduate in Pharmacy. Pop. Population.
Phar. M, Master in Pharmacy. Port. Portugal, Portuguese.
Ph.B. (Philosophic Bachelor.) Bach- Pm., poi., POM., or post. Possess! Ye.
elor of Philosophy. Pot. Pottle.
Ph.D. (Philosophise Doctor.) Doctor P.P. (Pater Patrice.) The father of
of Philosophy. his country.
Phil. Philip, Philippians, Philosophy, P. P. Parish Priest, Popish Priest.
Philosopher, Philosophical, Phile- P. p. (Per procurationem.) Please
mon. pay.
Phil., or Phila. Philadelphia. Pp., or pp. Pages.
Philem. Philemon. p. p. Past Participle.
Philom, (Philomathet ) A lover of P. P. C. ( Pour Prendre Cong/. ) To
learning. take leave.
Philomath. (Philomathematicus.) A Pph., or pph. Pamphlet
lover of mathematics. P. P. /. Policy Proof of Interest,
Philos. Philosophy. p. pr. Participle present.
P. Q. Previous Question.
Phil. Trans. Philosophical Transac-
tions. Pr. Priest, Prince, Provencal.
Phonog. Phonography. Pr.,or pr. Preposition, Prince, Pro-
Photog. Photography. noun.
Phren. Phrenology. Pr., pr., or$ (Per.) By the.
P. H. S. Pennsylvania Historical So- P. R. (Powtlus Romania.) The Ro-
ciety. man people, Prire Ring, Porto Rico.
Phys. Physics, Physiology, Physician. P. R. A. President of the Royal Acad-
Physiol. Physiology. emy.
Pinx.. pinx.. Pxt., or pxt. (Pinxit.) P. R. C. (Poit Romanum Conditum.)
He (or she) painted it. After the building of Rome.
P. J. President Judge, Police Justice. Preb. Prebend, Prebendary.
Pit., or pk. Peck. Pref., or pref. Preface. Prefix.
Pks., or pks. Pecks. Prep^ or prep. Preposition.
P. L. Poet Laureate. fret. President.
PI., or pi. Place, Plate. Pres., or pres. Present.
PI., pi., or plur. Plural. Presb. Presbyterian.
P.L.C. Poor Law Commissioners. Fret., or pret. Preterit.
Plff. Plaintiff. Prim Primate, Primitive.
Plin. Pliny. Prin. Principles.
Plup., plup., Plupf., or plupf. Pluper- prin. Principally.
fect. Print. Printing.
Plur., or plur. Plural. Priv., or priv. Privative.
Pm. Premium. Priv. Chamb. Private Chamberlain.
P. M. (Post Meridiem.) Afternoon, Pro*., or prob. Problem, Probably.
evening. Prof. Professor.
P. a. Post Master, Passed Midship- Pron., or pron. Pronoun, pronounced,
man, Pay Master, Past Master. pronunciation.
P. Jtf. O. Post Master General. Pay Pron. o., or pron. a. Pronominal ad-
Master General, Professor of Music jective.
in Gresham College. Prop., or prop. Proposition, Properly.
Promissory Note. Prot. Protestant.
P/N. Prot. Ap. Prothonary Apostolic.
P. O. Post Office.
Pro tern., or pro tern, (Pro tempore.)
P.O.D. Post Office Department. For the time.
Poet. Poetry, Poetical. Pror. Proverb*, Proverbially. Pro-
P. O. H. Patrons of Husbandry.
vort. Provincial.
p. of B. Patroos of Husbandry.
or (Quantum libet.) As
Prov. Mar. Provost Marshal. Q. L., q. I.

Prov. Sew. Provincial Seminary. much as

you please.
Next, or Qm., or qm. (Quomodo.) By wbat
Prox., or prox. (Proximo.) means.
of the next month, In tho next.
Q. M. Quarter Master.
P. R. S. President of the Royal So-
Q. Mess. Queen's Messenger.
ciety. Q. M. O. Quarter Master General.
Prus. Prussia, Prussian.
Q. P., q. p., or q. pi. (Quantum pla-
P. S. (Postscriptum.) Postscript. Prin- cet. ) As much a? you please.
cipal Sojourner, Permanent Secre- Qr.,or qr. Quarter (28 Ibs.), Far-
tary, Privy Seal. thing, Quire.
Ps. Psalm, or Psalms. Qrs., or qrs. Quarters, Quires, Jar-
P*i. (*, or <Ji.) things.
Pgs. Postscripts. Q. S. Quarter Sessions.
Pt. or pt. Part, Pint, Payment, Port, Q. S., or q. s. Quarter Section. ( Quan-
Point. tum sufflcit.) Sufficient quantity.
Qt.) or qt. Quart, Quantity.
Pt. Platinum.
P. t., or p. t. Post-town. Qts., or qts. Quarts.
P. T G. Professor of Theology in Qu. Queen, Question.

Qu., qu., Qv., or qu. (Quaere.) In-

Gresham College.
P. T. O. Please turn over.
quire, Query.
Quad. Quadrant, Quadrate.
*, Y. (*i'Y<lA6'.) Psi Upsilon (Col- Quar. Quarterly.
lege Society). Question.
Pub. Publisher, Publication, Public, Q. .. or q. v. (Quod vide.) Which
Published. see. (Quantum vis.) As much as
Pub. Dvc. Public Documents. you please.
Pulv. (Pulvis.) Powder. Query.
Pun., or pun. Puucheon.
P. r.,or p. v. Post-village.
P. "IT. P. Past Worthy Patriarch. P, or p- 'Pu>. (Rho.) Greek R, r.
Pu>t., or pwt. Pennyweight, Penny- ^ (Recipe.) Take.
weights. R. Response (in church books).
Pxt. (Pinxit.) He (or she) painted it.
R. (Reyina.) Queen. (Rex.) King.
Railway, Rare, Rhodium, Rises, Riv-
er, Read, Resides, Retired, Resi-
Q. Question, Quintius. E., or r. Rood, roods, Rod, rods.
q. ( Quant. ) As it were, Almost. V (=r, for radix). The sign of the
Q., or q. (Quadrans.) A farthing. square root.
Q. y or Qu. Queen, Question, Query, R. A. Royal Academy, Royal Academi-
Quintius, Quintus. cian, Royal Arch, Royal Artillery,
Q. B. Queen's Bench. Rear Admiral, Russian American,
Q. C. Queen's College, Queen's Coun- Right Ascension.
sel,or Council. R. A. C. Royal Arch Chapter.
Q.d.,orq.d. ( Quasi dicat.) As if he Rod., or rod. (Radix.) Root, Rad-
should say. (Quasi dictum.) As if ical.
said. ( Quasi dixisset. ) As if he had R. Adml. Rear Admiral.
said. R. A. K. T. P. Royal Arch Knight
Q. e.,or q. e. (Quodest.) Which i*. Templar Priest.
Q. B. Z>., or q. e. d. (Quod Erat Dem- R. A. M. Royal Ark Mariners.
onstrandum. ) Which was to be dem- Rb. Rubidium.
onstrated, or proved. RC. A Rescript, Re-written.
Q. E. .F., or q. e. f. (Quod Erat Fac- R. D. Royal Dragoons.
iendum. ) Which was to be done. R. D.,or Rur. Dn. Rural Dean.
9. S. I., or q. e. i. (Quod Erat Inveni- R. E. Royal Engineers, Royal Er
endum. ) Which was to be found out. change, Right Excellent.

R. E. Reformed Episcopal. R. R. Railroad*.

Rec. Recorder. R. S. Recording Secretary, Right
Bee., or B. Recipe. Side.
Reed. Received. Rs. (Responrum.) Answer. (Retpon-
Recpt. Receipt dere. ) To answer.
Rec, Sec. Recording Secretary. R. S. A. Royal Society of Antiquaries,
Rect. Rector, Receipt. Royal Scottish Academy.
Ref. Reference, Reformed, Refo rmer, R S. C. C. Republican State Central
Reformation. Committee.
Ref. Ch. Reformed Church. R. S. D. Royal Society of Dublin.
Ref. Episl. Reformed Episcopal. R. S. E. Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Reg., or Regr. Register, Regular, Reg- R. S. L. Royal Society of London.
istrar, Registry. R. S. \'. P. (Repondu, S' Vout Plait. )
Reg., or Regt. Regent. Answer, If you please.
Reg. Prof. Regius Professor, at. Hon. Right Honorable.
Regr. Registrar. lit. Rev. Right Reverend.
Regt. Regiment. Rt. Wpful. Right WorshlpfoL
Rel. Religion. Iln. Rutherium.
Rel. Pron. Relative Pronoun. Ruts. Russia, Russian.
Rem. Remark, or Remarks. R. V. Revised Version (Scriptures).
Rep. Representative, Report, Report- R. W. Right Worthy, or Right Wor-
er, Republican, Republic. shipful, Railway.
Repub. Republic. R. W. D. a. X. Right Worshipful Dep-
Rev. Reverend, Revelation (Book of), uty Grand Master.
Review, Revenue, Revise, Revolu- R. W. o. S. Right Worthy Grand Seo-
tion. retary.
Revd. Reverend. R. W. O. R. Right Worthy Grand
Rei-s. Plural of Reverend. Representative.
Rev. Ver. Revised Version (Scrip- R. W. O. T. Right Worthy Grand
tures). Treasurer, Right Worshipful Grand
R. G. G. Royal Grenadier Guarde. Templar.
R. H. A. Royal Hors Artillery, Royal R. W. O. W. Right Worthy Grand
Hibernian Academy. Warden.
Rhet. Rhetoric. fi.W. J O. W. Right Worshipful Jun-
R. H. O. Royal Horse Guards. ior Grand Warden.
R. I. Rhode Island. R. W. O. (Riddnre of Wan Orden.)
Richd. Richard. Knight of the Order of Wasa.
R. J. H. S. Rhode Island Historical B. W. S. O. w. Right Worshipful Sen-
Society. ior Gra-d Warden.
Kir., or riv. River. ft'tf. R-illwny.
R. Jt. Royal Marines, Royal Mail, R'us. lluilw
Resident Magistrate.
R. SI. A. Royal Military Asylum.
R. M. S. Royal Mail Steamer. 2, or v Si'-y^a. (Sigma,)
<; Greek 8 ..
R. Ar .
Royal Navy. S. South. Saint, Scribe, Sulphur. *.

R.N.O. (Riddare of tfordttjeme.) 11 r day,Sunday, Sign, Slgnor, Sex.

Knight of the order of the Polar tii-. (Semit.) Half, Southern (Post-
Star. al District, London).
Ro. (Rectn.) Right-hand page. S.,or. (Solidvt.) A Shilling, Beo.
Rob*. Robert. ond. Sun, See, Sets, Solo, Stern, Seo.
R. of Gl. Robert of Gloucester. tion, Series, Singular, Son.
Rom. Roman, Romans (Book of), S. A. South America, South Atrlea.
Rom. Cath. Romnn Catholic. South Australia.
R. P. Regius Professor, The King's S. A.,nr *.a. (Secwidvm Artam.) A*.
Professor. cording to art.
R. R. Railroad, Right Reverend. Sam. Samuel, Samaritan.
Sani., or Sansc. Sanscrit. Sen. Senate, Senator, Senior.
S. A. S. (Societatis Antiquariorum So- Sep., or Sept. September, Septuagint,
oius. ) Fellow of the Society of Anti- Seq., seq., Seqq.. or Sqq. ( Sequentia, AT
quaries. sequentes. ) The following, the next.
Sat. Saturday. (Sequitur.) It follows.
Sax. Saxon, Saxony. Ser. Series.
Sax. Chron. Saxon Chronicles. Serb. Serbian.
86. (Stibium. ) Antimony. Serg., or Serj. Sergeant, or Serjeant.
K. B South Britain (t. e., England and Serg. Maj. Sergeant Major.
Wales). Serv., or Servt. Servant.
t. C. (Senatus Consultum.) A decree S. O. (Salutis Gratia. ) Tor the sake
of the Senate, South Carolina, Small of safety (t. e., insured).
Caps. S. <?. Solicitor General.
Sc.,sc., or Sculp. (Sculpsit.) He (or Sh., sh., S., or s. Shilling.
she) engraved it. S/iak. Shakspeare, Shakespeare, 02
e., or soil. (Scilicet.) To wit, name- Shakspere.
ly, being understood. Shan't, or shan't. Shall not.
Scan. Mag. (Scandalum magnatum, or S. Hist. Soc. Southern Historical So-
Scandalum magnum.) A great scan- ciety.
dal, Defamatory expressions tending Shouldn't, or shouldn't. Should not.
to the injury of persons of impor- S. H. S. (Societatis Historiar Socius.)
tance. Fellow of the Historical Society.
S. caps. Small capitals. St. Silicium.
S. C. Hist. Soc. South Carolina Histor- Sing., or sing. Singular.
ical Society. S. Isl. Sandwich Islands.
Sch., or Schol. (Scholium.) A note. Sist. Sister
Sc/i., sch., Schr., or sehr. Schooner. S. J. Society of Jesus.
Set. Science. S. J. C. Supreme Judicial Court.
Set. fa. (Scire facias.) Make known Skr. Sanscrit.
(law). Skt. Sanscrit.
Soil., soil., or *c. (Scilicet.)
Sc., To S. L. Solicitor at Law.
wit, namely, being understood. S. L., or L. S. (Sigilli, or Sigillo Lo-
S. C. L. Student of the Civil Law. cum. ) Place for the Seal.
Sclav. Sclavonic. S. L., or S. Lat. South Latitude.
Scot. Scotland, Scottish, Scotch. S. Lat. South Latitude.
Scr., or scr. Scruple. Slav. Slavonic, Slavonian.
Script. Scripture, Scriptural. Sid., or sld. Sailed.
Sculp., or sculp. (Sculpsit.) He (or S. M. Short Meter, Ser-
State Militia,
she) engraved it geant Major, Sous of Malta, Sewing
Sculp., or sculpt. Sculpture. Machine.
S. D. (Salutem dicit.) Sends health. S. M
(Sa Majeste.)
. Hia (or Her)
. D. (Scientice Doctor.) Doctor of Majesty.
Science, Senior Deacon. Sm. C. Small Capitals.
S. D. U. K. Society for the Diffusion of S. MI. .
(Sa Majeste Imperiale.) Hi
Useful Knowledge. or Her ) Imperial Majesty.
S. E. Southeast, South Eastern (Post- Smith. Inst. Smithsonian institution.
al District, London). S. U. Land. Soc. (Societatis Medicte
Se. Selenium. Londinienis Socius.) Member of the
Sec. Secretary. London Medical Society.
Sec., or sec. Second, Section. S. Af. Land. Soc. Cor. (Societatis Med-
Sec. Leg. Secretary of Legation. icce Londiniensis Socius Cor.) Cor-
Sec. leg. (Secundum legem.) Accord- responding Member of the London
ing to law. Medical Society.
Sec. reg. (Secundum regulam.) Ac- or s. n. (Secundam naturam.}
S. If.,
cording to rule. According to Nature.
Sect., or sect. Section. Sn. (Stannum.) Tin.
flam. (Semble.) It seems. Soc. Society.
Soc. Isl. Society Island*. at. Saint, Street, Strait, Stone. (Sr.)
S. of Sol. Song (or Songs) of Bolo- Let it -tiin.i.
omon. fit-it.
Statute, Statutes, Statue, Statu-
S. of T. Sons of Temperance. ary.
Sot Solomon. Solution, Solicitor. S. T. D. (Sacrte Theologies Doctor.)
Sol. Oen. Solicitor General. Doctor of Sacred Theology, Doctor of
S. P. (Sine Prole.) Without Issue, Divinity.
Supra Protest. Ster., Oi- stg. Sterling.
S. P. (Salutem precatur.) He prays S. T. P. (Sacroe Theologies Professor.)
for his prosperity. Professor of Theology.
Sp. Spain, Spanish Spirit. , Sts. Streets.
S. P. A. S. (Societatis Philosophical Su. Sunday.
Americance Socius.) Member of the Subj., or tubj. Subjunctive.
American Philosophical Society. Subst., or subst. Substantive, Substi-
S.P.C.A. Society for the Prevention tute.
of Cruelty to Animals. Suff., or suff. Suffix.
S. P. C. K. Society for the Promotion Su.-Goth. Suio-Gothic, or None.
of Christian Knowledge. Sun., or Smut. Sunday.
S. P. D. (Salutem plurimam dtcit.) Sup. Supplement, Superfine, Superior,
He wishes much health, or sends his Superlative.
best respects. Sup. C. Superior Court.
S. P. O. Society for the Propagation Super. Superior, Superfine.
of the Gospel. Super!., or super I. Superlative.
Sp. gr. Specific gravity. Supp. Supplement,
S. P. Q. R. (Senatus Populusque Ro- Supt. Superintendent.
manus. ) The Senate and the People Sur0. Surgeon, Surgery.
of Rome. Sun;. Oen. Surgeon General.
Sq.. or sq. Square. Surv. Surveyor, Surveying.
Sq. (Sequens.) The following. Surv. Oen. Surveyor General.
3q.ft., or sq.ft. Square foot or square Sus. Susannah.
feet. S. r., or v.
(Sub verbo, or Sub txxw.)
Sq. in., or 9q. in. Square inch or Under the word or title.
inches. S. W. Southwest, South Werteni
Sq. m., or sq. in. Square mile or (Postal District, London), Senior
miles. Warden.
Sq. r., or sq. r. Square rood or roods. Sir. Swedish, Sweden.
Sq. yd., or sq yd. Square yards. Suntz. Switzerland.
Sq. yda., or sq. yds. Square yards. Syn. Synonym, Synonymous.
Sr. Sir or Senior, Sister. Synop. Syiiiip-U.
S. R. I. (Sacrum Romanum Imperlim.) Syr. Syria, Syrian, Syrlac, Syrup.
Holy Roman Empire.
S. R. S. (gocietatis Regies Socius.) Fel-
low of the Royal Society.
S. S. Sabbath School, or Sunday School, T, or T- Toi>. (Tau.) Greek T, t
Saint Simplicius (the mark on the (. tonneau (metric system).
collar of the Lord Chief Justice of r., or t. Territory, Town, Townahip,
England). Ton, or Tun.
SS. Saints. T. (Tutti.) All together, Taoor, Ti-
S3., or ss. To wit, namely.
(Scilicet.) TuUius, Tuesday.
(Semis.) Half. T., or Tom. Tome, Volume.
S. S. C. Solicitor before the Supreme Ta. Tantalum (Columbituo).
Courts. TVj'en, or ta'on. Taken.
S. S. E. South-Southeast. Tal. qual., or tal. qval. (Tali* fitaits.)
S. S. W. South-Southwest. Just as they come, average quality.
2- T- (JUfia Tai-) Sigma Tu (Col- Tan., or (an. Tangent.
Tart. Tartarlo.
lege Society.)
St. Stanza. Tb. Terbium.

T. C. D. Trinity College, Dublin. 'Tteere, or ''twere. It wer.

Te. Tellurium. 'Twill, or 'ticill. It will.
T. E. Topographical Engineers. 'Twould, or 'twould. It would.
Tel. Telegraph, Telegram. Typ.,OT Typo. Typographer.
Ten., or Tenn. Tennessee. Typog. Typography, Typographical,
Ter. Territory.
Term., or term. Termination.
Teut. Teutonic.
Tex. Texas. Y, oru- Y\jii\6v (Upsilon.) Greek U, n.
Text. Rec. (Textua Receptus.) The U. Uranium.
Received Text. U. A. O. D. United Ancient Order of
, or # 6. eip-a. (Theta.) Greek Th,th. Druids.
77i. Thomas, Thorium. From the
U. C. ( Urbis
Th., or Thurs. Thursday. Conditas.)
Theo. Theodore. Theodosia. building of the city (Borne), Upper
Theol. Theology, Theological. U. C. ( Urba Condita. ) Year of Rome,
Theoph. Theophilug.
Theor, theor. Theorem.
U. E. I. C. United East India Com.
Thess. Thessalonians. pany.
U. O. R. R. Underground Railroad.
They'd, or they'd. They would, or
had. Uh. Utah.
They'll, or they'll. They wilL
V. J. D. (Utriusque Juris Doctor.!
Doctor of both Laws (i. e., the Causa
Thn', or tho'. Though.
and the Civil Law). See J. U. D.
Tho., or T/ios. Thomas.
U. K. United Kingdom.
Thro', or thro' Through.
U. K. A. Ulster Kins? at Arms.
TViu., Thur., or Tfturs. Thursday.
T. W. M. Water U. L. A. Union League of Amer-
if. Trinity High ica.
Ti. Titanium. C7.,or ult. (Ultimo.) Last, or of th
'ast month.
Tier., or tier. Tierce.
rim. Timothy. um. Unmarried.
Unit. Unitarian.
Tis, or Vis. It is.
Tit. Titus, TiQe. Univ. University.
Tl. Thallium. Dmi'., or univ. Universally.
T. O. Turn over. Up. Upper.
Tot>. Tobii. U. P. United Presbyterian.
Tom. Tome, or volume. U. P. C. United Presbyterian Church.
U. S. United States, United Service.
Tonn.,or tonn. Tonnage.
U. S., or u. s. (ut supra. ) As above.
Topog. Topography, or Topograph-
ical. U. S. A. United States Army, United
T other, or father. The other. States of America.
Tr. Transpose, Translator, Transla- U. S. Ex. United States Express.
tion, Treasurer, Trustee. U. S. L. United States Legation.
*r. ( Trillo. ) shake. A U. S. M. United States Mail, Unitd
Trans. Translator, Translation, Trans- States Marine.
lated, Transaction, Transportation. U. S. X. United States Mint (Phila-
Trav. Travels. delphia).
Trav. Agt. Traveling Agent. U. S. M. A. United States Military
Treat. Treasurer. Academy.
Trin. Trinity. U. S. M. C. C. United States Mint
Trin. Coll. Trinity College. (Carson City).
Trs., or Trus Trustees. U. S. M. S. United States Mint (San
Ts. Texas. Francisco).
T. T. L. To take leave. 17. S. If. United States Navy.
Tu., or IHtes. Tuesday. U. S. A". A. United States Naval Acad-
Turk. Turkey, or Turkish. emy.
Tims, or 'twas. It was. U. S. R. Usher of the Scarlet Rod.
V. S. S. United States Senate, United 7i*. (videHcit.) Namely; to wit [See
States Ship or Steamer). NOTK under Ot.]
Usu., or u. (.

Usual or usually. V. n., or v. n. Verb neuter.

U. S. V. United States Volunteers. Vo. (verso.) Left-hand page.
U. T. Utah Territory. Too., or voe. Vocative.
Vol., or vol. Volume.
Volt., or t ols. Volumes, Volunteer*.
V. P. Vice President.
V. Vanadium. Victoria. Viscount. V. R. (Victoria Reyina.) Queen Vic-
V. Five or fifth. toria, Very Reverend.
V., or v. Violin. VV. Violins. V. r., or v. r. Verb reflective, or re-
F., or v. Verse, Verb, Village, Voca- flexive.
tive, Volume. (t-ersua.) Against. V. Rev. Verr Reverend.
(vide.) See.
(Versiculo.) In such Vs. (versus.) Against, or In opposi-
a way. tion.
V. a., or v. a. Verb active. V. s. Veterinary Surgeon.
V. A. Vicar Apostolic, Vicar Apos- Vt. Vermont
tle, Vice Admiral. V. t., or r. t. Verb trnndtive.
Ta. Virginia. Fu/.,or Vulg. Vulgate.
Vat. Vatican. Vulg.,or vulg. Vnlijftr. or vulgarly.
V. aux., or v. aux. Verb auxiliary. re. II. (varies lectiones.) Dlfferwit
Vb. n., or vb. n. Verbal noun. readings.
V. C. Vice Chancellor, Vice Chair- V. Y. Various Tears.

man, Victoria Cros*.
V. O. Q. Vice Consul General.
def., or v. def. Verb defective.
V. dep.,or v. dep. Verb deponent. W. Wednesday, Weloh.
V. D. L. Van Dtemen's Land. W. West, Western (Postal Dlrtrlct,
V. D. M. ( Verbi Dei Minister.) Minis- London), Warden. ( Wolfranium. )
ter of the Word of God. Tungsten.
Yen. Venerable. >T.,or tr. Week.
Ven., or ven. fa. ( Venire facias. ) A if. .1. West Australia, West Africa.
writ to a sheriff to summon a jury. Wold. Waldennere.
Ven. Ex. (rendition* exponas.) A W. A M. Coll. William and Mary's
writ of execution to a sheriff to sell College.
good*, etc. Wall. Wallachlat. Wallingford.
Ver., or tier. Verse, verses. Wall. Com. Walliugford Community.
Ver. Vermont. Wash. Washington.
Vet. Surg. Veterinary Surgeon. W. O. Wnter-closet, Western Ontral
V. F. Vicar Forane. (Postal District, London), Wesleyan
V. O. Vicar General, Vice Grand. Chapel.
V. g., or v. g. (verbi gratia.) For ex- W. C. T. U. Womans Christitn Tem-
ample. perance Union.
Vi., or H. (Vide.) See. Wed. Wednesday.
V. i. Verb intransitive. We 'H, or wt '//. We will.
VI. Six or Sixth. West. Rts. Coll. Western Reserve
VII. Seven or Seventh. College.
VIII. Eight or eighth. Wrs. I' nir. WeMeyan University.
Vie. Ap. Vicar Apostolic. W. F. W>t Florida.
Vice Pres. Vice President. to./., or tr/. Wrong font (in print-
Vic. Gen. Vicar General. ing).
Vid.,or vid. (vide.) See. W. O. C. Worthy Grand Chaplain,
Vil. Village. Worthy Grnnd Conductor.
V. imp., or v. imp. Verb impersonal. W. O. O. Worthy Grand Guide, Wor-
V. irr., or V.irreq. Verb irregular. thy Grand Guardinm.
Via., or Vise. Viscount. W. O. H. Worthy Grand Herald.
Vitr. Vitruvlus. W. (i. M. Worthy Grand Manual.
W. G. S. Worthy Grand Sentinel. Xtian. Christian.
JK/i/., or -ehf. Wharf. Xty. Christianity.
W.I. W st
Indies, West
Wind. M
in dhaia, \Vinderniere.
Wis., or Vise. Wisconsin.
Wisd. Wit dom (Book of). Y. Yttrium.
Wk., or wk Week, Work. 1'., or yr. Year.
W. Lon. Wist Longitude. Yank. Yankee, Yankton.
Wm. William. y. B. Year-Book.
W. M. WorsMpful Master. Y. C. Yale College.
W. M. S. Wesleyan Missionary So- Yd., or yd. Yard.
ciety. Yds., or yds. Yards.
K* N. W. West-Northwest. ye ., or i/. The or Thee. NOTE. The
Won't, or won't. Will not. Y in this, and similar instances, is a
Wouldn't, or wouldn't. Would not. substitute for, or representative of
W. P. Worthy Patriarch. the Anglo Saxon th.

Wpful. Worshipful. Yed. Yeddo.

W. R. William (Rex) Bang, West y., or t/m. Them.
Biding. Y. M. C. A. Young Men's Christian
IT. S. Writer to the Signet. Association.
W. S. W. West-Southwest. Y. X. Calh. A. Young Men's Catholic
W. T. Washington Territory. Association.
n Then.
Wt., or ict. Weight. yn.,or j/ .

W. Va. West Virginia. You'd, or you'd. You would, or Yon

Wvo. Ter. Wyoming Territory, had.
You'll, or you'll. You will.
yr., or y. Their.
I'r. Your.
Yr. B. Year-Book.
H, or ( Ei. (Xi.) Greek X, x.
Yrs. Yours, Years.
X. Christ. NOTE. The X in this ys., or V*. This.
and the following cases represents yt., or j/t. That.
the Greek X
(=CH) in XPI2T02 Yuc. Yucatan.
(xpioros, Christos), y. W. C. A. Young Woman's Chris*
X. Ten or tenth. tian Association.
X. St. Andrew's Cross, Exchange, His y. W. C. T. U. Young Woman's Chris-
(or her) Mark. tian Temperance Union.
XI. Eleven. y. W. C. U. Young Woman's Christian
XII. Twelve. Union.
XIII. Thirteen.
XIV. Fourteen.
XV. Fifteen. Greek Z, z.
XVI Sixteen. Z, or ZJJTO.
. (Zeta.)
XVII. Seventeen. Z. Zero.
XVIII. Eighteen. Z. Zinc. Zoar.
XIX. Nineteen. Z. Zone.
XX. Twenty. Z., or Zr. Zirconium.
XXX. Thirty. Zach. Zachary.
XL. Forty. Zeb. Zebulon, Zebedee, Zebra.
XC. Ninety. Zech. Zechariah.
Xdr., or -^dr. Crusader. Zeph. Zephaniah.
Xen. Xenophon. Z. O. Zoological Gardens.
Jmas., or Xm. Christmas. Zim. Zimmerman.
Zn. Zi.:c.
Jn., or Xtian. Christian.
Zod. Zodiac.
Xnty.,OT Xty. Christianity.
Xper.. or XT'. Christopher.
Zool. ZoMogy or Zoological
Xt. Christ. Zr.

Printed in the United State* of jl nteriea.

PE Fallows, Samuel, Bp.
1591 A complete dictionary of
F35 synonyms and antonyms




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