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05, 2013 o If you are sued against such obligation and through
presentation of evidence you are found guilty, you are
o Can be enforced by reason of law.
OBLIGATIONS part is more difficult.
o REASON: provisions are intended to cover all ESSENTIAL REQUISITES OF AN OBLIGATION:
o The wordings of provisions are very BROAD,
GENERAL, and you have to use imagination. 1. Juridical or legal tie.
Pre-law courses: accountancy and commerce. 2. Active subject: creditor.
CONTRACTS part is less difficult. 3. Passive subject: debtor.
4. Fact, prestation or service: object.
MAIN REFERENCE: Justice Jurado.
o Supplement: cases (in the original).
o To acquire working knowledge by reading the
decisions. ART. 1157: The law even enumerates the sources.
ADVICE TO STUDENTS: do not confine yourself in reading
only law books. Enumeration is exclusive.
o To improve mastery of the English language and There are no other sources of obligations aside from them.
communication skills. BUT there are some civilists that have argued that there are
Primary tool of lawyers. only two sources (law and contracts ONLY).
To complement the law and to communicate QUESTION: if as we have stated, civil obligations are those
your thoughts to convince the judge. which are legally enforceable, does that mean in reality, all civil
EXPECTATIONS: not too many cases those that I will give obligations arise from law itself? NO.
you better understanding. o Such ultimate analysis is NOT correct.
Almost all provisions are IMPORTANT, unlike in PFR. o The law itself enumerated the sources.
o Family Code: duties of Civil Register. o The problem is hen the obligation arises from the law or
o ADVICE: to master the provisions PREREQUISITE. OTHER sources.
Then understand them. o What is the RULE as regards to sources?
Read commentaries (Tolentino, Paras). 1. LAW: if the law itself creates the obligation.
Studies will be greatly delayed; prerequisite to most subjects 2. ACT: if the law merely recognizes /
(Property, Partnership, Sales).
acknowledges or regulates the obligation.
o A good example of a law being the source (PELAYO
Second semester is a FAST semester: TIYAGA.
Constitutional Law 2 (rights); Criminal Law 2 -- love is lovelier
Obligation to support between spouses.
the second time around.
FACTS: The wife got sick while the husband
was away. Somebody else called a doctor. The
NOV. 07, 2013 doctor treated her, thus, he is entitled to
professional fees. He tried to collect the fees
NOTE: ABSENCES: must not incur a lot of absences. from the husband. But the husband said that he
was not the one who called the doctor in the
ARTS. 1156 TO 1162 are some of the most basic provisions. first place.
HELD: The husband is obliged to pay as the
ART. 1156: one of the shortest provisions. obligation arose from the law itself (husband
and wife are obliged to support one another).
To give, to do or not to do. Medical attendance, even
The definition at first glance is incomplete (no not to give). transportation.
But if you look closely, there is no omission or inaccuracy of the The law created the obligation, not from
definition. a contract between the husband and the
o Not to give is included to not to do (all doctor.
JURIDICAL NECESSITY: principally about CIVIL obligations. ART. 1159: OBLIGATIONS arising from CONTRACTS.
There are various kinds of obligations:
o Example: feed the hungry, help the less fortunate. They have the force of law between the contracting parties and
o If we do not comply with those obligations, we will be must be complied with good faith.
bothered by our conscience. Whatever is agreed upon, that is the law within the two
We may feel embarrassed for not helping the contracting parties.
needy. There is a general rule, then there is an exception.
o But if we fail to do such obligations, there is nothing in
the law against such omission.
MORAL in character: demandable in MACASAET VS. COA: this is the application of the general rule of Art.
conscience. 1159.
CIVIL OBLIGATION: non-compliance necessitates sanctions
- The petitioner is entitled of 7% of the final actual construction
from the law behind them. cost.
- But along the way, there was an escalation in the cost: PTA
paid an additional amount to the supplier.


- The agreement between PTA and petitioner was very clear it The RPC punishes all forms of negligence
included everything, including the escalation of costs. (even simple ones).
Culpa aquiliania (had been existent since the
Romans): we cannot simply let it vanish.
2. In a criminal case, you cannot claim liability unless the
accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
AGCAOILI VS. GSIS: departure from the general law.
But in civil cases, you only need preponderance
- GSIS, through its housing project, granted Agcaoilis of evidence.
application. It will be UNFAIR if we cannot do so because in
- The AGREEMENT was for him to live in the house and is to some cases, it will be very difficult to gain
pay the cost in instalments. liability, leaving the injured party with no
o He paid the first instalment and he found out that the remedy.
house was inhabitable merely a shell of a house 3. Expediency in recovery by the injured party.
without the usual amenities.
The injured party will have to proceed to the
o It was not fit for human habitation.
- GSIS attempted to recede the contract. criminal liability. But what if the driver is
- SC: GSIS cannot arbitrarily cancel the contract. insolvent (which is what happens in most of the
- Rescission of contracts only the injured, not the guilty, party. cases)?
- Did the SC, in applying Art. 1159, order GSIS to complete the The employer only has a subsidiary liability.
house? NO, because it was neither fair nor equitable. Why not allow a direct action against the
- HELD: to lower the monthly instalment. Agcaoili should only
pay the value of house in its unfinished state.
- UNFAIR because there was a great change in the cost of labor If we can hardly recover from the driver, you
and materials. can proceed directly against the owner.
- The Court exercised its equity jurisdiction: to adjust the rights at
the time of the rendition of the judgment.
- Although Art. 1159 seems absolute, nonetheless, there are ELCANO VS. HILL
situations that call for the declaration from rigidity of law
matter of equity and fairness. Rather than simply what has - Court: even if the act is criminal, intentional and voluntary, it
been agreed upon. can still be considered as quasi-delict.
- Man (Reginald Hill, emancipated by marriage ergo, no
longer a minor) kills somebody and was acquitted.
- The relatives of the victims, who had reserved a separate civil
QUASI-CONTRACTS: negotiorum gestio and solutio indebiti. action, sued on the basis of quasi-delict.
- The act can still proper.
- Court: anact can give rise to distinct liabilities: killing civil
liability (delict, quasi-delict).
The acquittal of Reginald does not mean that he was
free from liability for quasi-delict.
- The lawyer is the retained counsel of the union.
Fact: Atty. Hill (father) was supposed to be liable
- For what services: counselling, consultation, but NOT actual
because Reginald was emancipated.
handling of cases such involves a separate agreement.
- STRANGE CASE: a case of responsibility without any
- But the union is saying that the retainer agreement covers the
authority; UNFAIR.
fee for actual handling of cases, as well.
Well, the SC can also be wrong.
- Lawyer is entitled by virtue of a quasi-contract.
o Otherwise, the Union will be unjustly enriched.
- SC used the principle of quantum meruit to determine the
additional fee.
REMEDY: for Court expanded the idea of quasi-delicts (even
for voluntary and intentional acts).

DELICTS: Art. 100 of the RPC (anyone who is criminally liable

is civilly liable as well). AIR FRANCE VS. CARRASCOSO: the mere fact that there is a
o Arising from a criminal offense. contract does not preclude one party from the commission of quasi-
delict to the other party.
o If you kill somebody, you are to pay damages, as well.
o BEFORE: if the act is punishable by law, it cannot be - BACKGROUND: there was a time when Filipinos were being
considered quasi-delict (Barredo vs. Garcia). discriminated by the airlines even if their seat is confirmed,
Justice Bocobo, one of the codifiers of the New they can still be bumped off to another seat (Lopez vs. PAN
Civil Cide. AM).
Previously, those which are NOT considered as - SC awarded huge amounts of damages to serve as a deterrent
from acts of discrimination.
delicts are quasi-delicts (they are mutually
- It is a common practice of airlines to overbook their flights.
exclusive). - The Filipino first-class passenger was unceremoniously
o NOW, even if an act is delict, it can still be considered bumped to an economy class seat.
quasi-delict. OBVIOUSLY a BREACH of contract liability from
o The act involved is a negligent act. contract of air carriage.
REASONS for such change: - If you are not taken safely from one place to another breach
1. If we say that only delicts are punishable by law, then of contract.
- SC: quasi-delict? YES.
NOTHING will be quasi-delict.
- Even if the nature of the relationship is contractual, both in
nature and origin, the act breaching the contract may constitute


- MORAL: the contract does not prevent one of them from A and B entered to a contract (agreed that for Php5,000) for B to
committing quasi-delicts to another that will give rise to a civil deliver a particular horse on his yard to A the next day. The next day
obligation. came and went but no delivery was made. B made the delivery 10
- It does not mean that you were transferred from economy to days after when B learned that the cow was pregnant. B waited for the
first-class = no liability upon compelling such transfer: there is cow to give birth before making the delivery.
still BREACH of contract.
POINT: that was not what was agreed upon. 1. When would A have acquired ownership of the cow? Date of
- Actual delivery constitutes ownership.
- It is not by agreement but by delivery that ownership is
NOV. 12, 2013 transferred.
2. Who was the owner of the cow when it gave birth? B (no
delivery to A yet).
ART. 1163 TO 1171: ways of committing a breach of obligation.
3. Who owns the calf? A. Art. 1164.
- From the time the obligation arises (date of delivery
ART. 1163: the proper diligence of a good father of a family. agreed upon), A owned the fruits already.
4. Was B already in delay? NO. No delay, no demand. Or is it
Why does the law require such until the object has been under the exceptions? Not under the exception. General rule
delivered? Why does the law require it to be taken care? applies.
ANSWER: It will ensure the compliance of the obligation. - If it is state in the agreement the date of the delivery,
Art. 1169 applies. BUT there are 3 exceptions.
o So that the obligation will be complied with.
- If the party simply agreed on the date, that does not
o If it was lost or damaged, it cannot be delivered dispense with demand. It is still necessary.
anymore (qualification: determinate). 5. When does the obligation to deliver arise? The date agreed
If I say deliver of a horse (generic) the obligation is upon.
complied with upon delivery of any horse. - Normally, when does it arise? From the perfection of
o Does Art. 1163 apply to this case? NO. Why? Art. 1163 the contract; from the meeting of the minds.
only applies to determinate obligations. - Is this case an exception? YES. Why? If the obligation
to deliver has a suspensive term or condition.
GENERIC: a white horse there are thousands of white
6. B delivered the calf two days after the delivery of the cow.
horses in the world. When did A acquired ownership? Two days after the delivery of
DETERMINATE: a while horse that won the Senior Grand the cow (date of delivery of the calf).
Derby in 1979. 7. What is the nature of the right to the calf before delivery?
Is loss possible in obligations to deliver for indeterminate Personal, not real right over the cow.
objects? NOT POSSIBLE. From the legal point of view, is it
possible for an entire genus to perish? NO. What is the nature of my right over my pen? REAL RIGHT: right
enforceable against the whole world / against anybody and not just
o A genus can never be wiped out. against a debtor or a specific individual.
o Since it is legally impossible to lose an indeterminate
object, is there an obligation to take care of it with
proper diligence? NO.
If the obligation is to deliver a cow, I do not have PERSONAL RIGHT: can only be enforced against a specific or
to take care of all of the cows in the world. particular person (e.g. debtor).
If a particular cow is the object, is it generic or
specific? SPECIFIC. Can I deliver another
horse? NO. Lets assume that A and B entered a contract where B obliged himself
To ensure compliance of determinate of a delivery of a specific cow.
obligations, we apply Art. 1163.
1. What are the rights of A (creditor)?
Diligence of a good father of the family.
a. To compel specific performance.
o Converted to a more familiar legal term: is it b. To recover damages if there was no delivery.
extraordinary diligence? NO. Simple diligence? NO. c. Entitlement to fruits and interests from the time the
Ordinary diligence? YES. obligation to deliver it arises.
o When do you say that a person is exercising ordinary d. Accessions (naturally of artificially produced or
diligence? incorporated; e.g. improvements if parcels of lands
Acts of a prudent man. even though not included or mentioned in the contract
to deliver) and accessories (embelishment: necessary
Nothing more or less that an ordinary man of
or convenient for the perfection of the use of the thing;
reasonable prudence would have done in car spare tire).
certain situations / circumstances. - Can they be excluded? YES, upon stipulations
Generic: there is no obligation to be take care of the object. of the parties.
Determinate: loss is possible, so it is required to be taken care
of with the diligence of a good father.
In the absence of a stipulation in the contract, ordinary
diligence is the one required to be exercised.
But sometimes, the law may fix a standard of care common BASIC PRINCIPLE: will of the contracting parties as long as it is not
carriers, medical practitioners. against public policy.
o Extraordinary diligence / highest degree of care to
transport the passengers and cargos safely. - EXCEPTION: a stipulation to the contrary.
- Obligations can be extinguished by the creditor (waiver).


o Might even constituted involuntary servitude.
- Can you do a lesser thing and waive a future right? NO.
What is the debtor does the act poorly? What are the options of
a creditor?
1. To undo what has been done.
2. Make another person do the act, at the expense of the
A and B entered into a contract where B is to deliver 3 cases of a
particular red wine. B cannot produce the red wine on time. What will
As options be?
1. To recover damages.
2. Compel specific performance or the performance of a third - Application of Art. 1167.
party on Bs expense. - Gonzales was held liable for the cost of the repair.

What if the car is generic? Can I (debtor) compel you (creditor) to TANGUILIG VS. CA
accept a car of superior quality? Would there be any prejudice to the
creditor upon such delivery? Is there anything in the law? Stipulation? - Contractor was saying that the strong wind that caused the
damage of the windmill was caso fortuito. NO. The strong
- ART. 1246: nothing suggests something of superior quality to wind in this case was not unforeseen. Precisely the winds on
be delivered. that place had to be strong for the windmill to work.
- What is prohibited is for the creditor to demand something of - The issue of the two different tractors?
superior quality. But he can demand something of inferior in
- If the parties cannot agree thats the time the court will come
in. ART. 1168: Obligations NOT to do.
- As long as B is willing and able to deliver something of superior
quality, nothing can stop him from doing so. What he cannot do Remedy of the creditor:
is to deliver something of inferior quality.
1. To undo what has been done.
a. When the effect was permanent in nature.
b. When there is physical and legal impossibility
Lets say that I obligated myself to deliver to you a particular horse. We to undo the action.
agreed that the delivery is Dec. 10. On Dec. 10, you demanded the o Example: the agreement of first to
delivery. I only got to deliver the horse on Dec. 15. While I was sell. What has been sold to a third
delivering it, lightning struck and obliterated the horse. party who is in good faith cannot be
1. Am I liable to damages? Yes. I am in delay.
2. To recover damages.
2. What if I obligated myself to deliver that same horse to Mr.
Ticman, and on my way to its delivery, the horse was lost due
to a fortuitous event? (debtor has obligated himself to deliver ART. 1170: Breach of an Obligation.
the same object to two or more persons of different interest).
1. Default (mora)
2. Deceit / fraud (dolo)
3. Negligence (culpa)
GENERAL RULE: for caso furtuito, the liability is extinguished. 4. Manner that contravenes the tenor of the obligation
covers a whole multitude of things.
1. When the obligor is in delay BECAUSE it is not the loss TELEFAST vs. CASTRO
that governs, it is the event that is (delayed already). If
only the debtor complied with the obligation on time,
there would have been no loss. RUFUS vs. RODRIGUEZ (not assigned)
2. What the obligor obliged himself to deliver the object to
two or more persons BECAUSE it is not legally possible - FACTS: Rufus was a congressman involved in an association
of law students. Later on, he organized a meeting of the world
to comply with the obligation.
law students in Africa (?) so he sent telegrams to the
- From the moment he promised to deliver the participants about the details of the event. Rufus then flew to
same things, I already made it impossible to do Sudan and when he arrived there, there was no one there. He
such delivery to the both of them. had to spend the night in the airport (great inconvenience on
- Regardless of the nature of the obligation. his part).
- The telegrams were not delivered and he sued for damages.
ART. 1167: Obligations to do. - SC said: do not organize an international conference by
telegrams alone.
- Still, he was awarded damages.
Can a creditor comply the debtor to do a specific action? The
general rule is NO!
o WHY NOW? The remedy of compulsion is an
infringement of a persons freedom.


ART. 1169: DELAY
GENERAL RULE: no demand (judicial or extrajudicial), no
- Delay was another way of breaching a contract. delay.
- GENERAL RULE: no demand, no delay.
1. The law or stipulation expressly states so not just
fixing the date.
KINDS OF DEMANDS: - Those situations where the parties specifically
agreed on automatic delay.
1. Judicial: through court action. - without need of any demand.
2. Extra-judicial: through a written or oral demand. - If you are the lawyer of the creditor, you should
- A written document has more probative value. make sure that such is stated in the contract.
- The law requires an act to be done (contract of - If you are the lawyer of the debtor, you should
partnership) only the date for the performance assigned move heaven and earth for that phrase not to
DOES NOT dispense with the need for demand. be included and make demand still necessary.
2. When time is of the essence.
EXCEPTIONS of the necessity of demand to incur delay: 3. When the obligor has rendered the object useless.
1. Stipulation or law specifically provides. - Beyond the obligors control.
- Must categorically state that demand is not RECIPROCAL OBLIGATIONS the performance of one party
necessary. renders the other in delay only if simultaneous.
2. By the nature of the obligation (time is of the essence) o If not, then the general rule applies: no demand, no
controlling nature. delay (e.g. when there are different dates of
- Certain contracts have to be performed at a performances).
particular time. o If neither party has delivered or performed his
- Milling contracts (sugar has to be milled, obligation, there is NO DELAY.
otherwise it will rot), baked goods, wedding
gown. BSP 799: prevailing rule, overturning Eastern Shipping vs. CA
3. Demand will be useless. (ponente: Vitug).

RECIPROCAL OBLIGATION: where the GENERAL RULE is the If parties agreed in the penalties for breach of contract, that
demand is NOT necessary (but delay is possible). should be followed.
EASTERN: if there was no agreement: for loans and
The obligations are conditioned upon another. forbearance of money: 12%.
Compliance of one party makes another in delay. o Otherwise: 6%.
Created at the same time and same causes that result in the o From the moment the decision was rendered by the
mutual relation of creditor and debtor. Court (regardless of the nature): 6%.
Would it make any difference if I agree that I deliver the object o BSP fixed the rate of interest so WON it is a loan and
on Dec. 10 and you pay me on Dec. 20? YES, BUT in this forbearance UNIFORM RATE: 6%.
case, it is an exception (so no demand, no delay applies).
If the parties agreed on the dates have been agreed upon, NEGLIGENCE
demand becomes necessary. Only when there is demand that
debtor be considered in delay. Omission of the diligence which is required and corresponds
As long as performance is simultaneous, demand is NOT with the circumstances of ART. 1173.
necessary. When a person omits the degree of care of a reasonable man
of ordinary prudence would have done.
NOV. 14, 2013 o If yes, there is no negligence.
o If no, there is negligence.
LAST MEETING: the topic on different ways of breaching a contract.

FRAUD conscious, deliberate and intentional non-compliance of


Cangco is always at such great hurry to reach home. So he

You cannot waive future fraud. Why? The creditor can easily has a habit of alighting the train even when it is still moving.
condone the fraud so why are waivers for future fraud void? It Unfortunately for him, he did the same thing one night (it was
seems to be an easier thing to do. dark in the area) and he was injured from stepping on sacks of
o If the law will allow that, then we are allowing melon.
ILLUSORY actions. Not guilty of contributory negligence.
o If the creditor will be allowed to do such, then in reality,
there is no longer a juridical necessity.
o What is only left is the faade of the obligation, not the
substance of the obligation.
o The result is that the debtor will be FREE not to oblige.
Only after fraud that you can waive the right to institute an RAKES VS. ALTANTIC GULF
action against it.


They were unloading barges. Rakes and eight other negros SC: fire is not considered a caso fortuito because it invariably
were transporting rails on open railroad cars. The company has rises from ACTS OF MEN.
a policy not to walk beside the car (only behind or in front of it) Rule of res ipsa loquitur: where the thing is under the
as a precautionary measure. Because of a typhoon, part of the management of the defendant. such accident does not
railroad track was damaged. While transporting, the car titled necessarily happen when proper care was employed.
and Rakes, who was walking beside the car, was injured
While the proximate cause was the tilting of the car, he was
NEGLIGENT for not following company rules. FABRE VS. CA negligent.

There was a group going to La Union and the group hired a

school bus to go there. The experience of the bus driver was
PROXIMATE CAUSE: natural and continuous sequence, without only to fetch students from their houses to the school. Then the
which the damage will not have been made. bus got into an accident.
SC: it is unnecessary for us to determine if there was a breach
In resolving negligence cases res ipsa loquitur: where a of contract (of carriage) or quasi-delict.
AIR FRANCE: the nature of the obligation is a contract of
thing is under the management of the obligor or his employees
carriage but the issue WON an act constituted an injury.
and something happened to that thing, then there rises a o Was there due diligence in the selection or the
presumption that they had not been careful. management of the driver? NO. His qualifications
should have also been examined.
o Due diligence requires that the owner must have rules
Where you were walking in front of PS and it was a sunny day (no and regulations which should also be examined
wind) and the electricity snapped and fell down and you were constantly by supervising actual activity.
electrocuted. You sue for damages to the local electric company for And as a common carrier: EXTRAORDINARY DILIGENCE.
damages. Is it case fortuito? NO, it is not a valid defense by the o Mere diligence is not enough the law requires the
company for that happened due to want of care. highest degree of care.
Award of damages owners are solidarily liable.
- In the normal course of things, a high voltage cable will not The Court cited earlier decisions: if a passenger of a public
break if those people required to maintain it had taken due care utility has been injured because of a collision of two vehicles,
to ensure the maintenance of the cable. their driers ad owners of the vehicles are SOLIDARILY LIABLE.

REPUBLIC VS. LUZON STEVEDORING: caso fortuito: [1] inevitable Lets assume that you are a jeepney passenger and it collided with a
[2] unforeseeable. bus due the negligence of both drivers. What are your options?

Stevedoring was engaged of towing barges and one day, after 1. Sue the operator: breach of contract of carriage it is very
several days of rain, the Pasig River was swollen and its easy to recover damages from that.
current was strong. Stevedoring still pursued with the operation - All you need is proof of the contract and its breach,
and deployed its most powerful tugboats. It also used the most 2. Quasi-delict: driver of the jeepney, joined with the operator, and
experienced patrons to man the tugboats while towing the can include the driver and the operator of the bus.
barge. The barge then hit one of the supports of the Nagtahan 3. Civil liability based on delict by instituting a criminal case.
Bridge (made of wood during that time).
Stevedoring said they were diligent.
SC: the very precautions undertaken by the company simply
shows this is not caso furtuito.
o The company clearly FORESAW what will happen. MMTC VS. CA
NOTE: for caso fortuito, if the client took all necessary A collision between jeepney and a bus of MMTC. The accident
precautions, such defense can be used against you. happened because no two things can occupy the same space
at the same time (in the intersection). The passenger was
injured (awarded damages) and the bus company appealed.
MMTC said they were diligent in supervising and managing its
employees (quasi-delict).
SICAM VS. JORGE SC: to be freed from liability due to supposed diligence, it is not
enough that you have guidelines to be followed by your
The pawnshop was held up. The pawnshop said not liable for workers. There must further be PROOF of implementation (e.g.
loss because they were not negligent: they hired a security disciplinary actions for erring drivers, actual monitoring).
guard, and they asked for safety deposit boxes. MERE ALLEGATIONS of having procedures is decidedly no
SC: the very precautions it took showed that this is NOT caso sufficient to overcome the presumption of negligence.
o It knew they will be robbed: so robbery is NOT

1. Independent of the will of the obligor.

2. Unforeseeable or inevitable that even if one takes precaution,
AFRICA VS. CALTEX it may still happen.


3. Render impossible for obligor to fulfil his obligations.
4. Obligor must be free from participation.

RULE: For the debtor to be exempted due to caso, it must be the BMMC VS. CA PHILCOMSAT VS. GLOBE
SOLE and not just the PROXIMATE CAUSE of the injury.

NOT fortuitous. Fortuitous.

If negligence of the debtor mingles with the caso fortuito, then
the debtor is still liable.

VASQUEZ VS. CA: calculated risk LIABLE.

The BMMC could have done Globe or Philcomsat can NOT do
Typhoon per se is caso fortuito. something about it. anything about its ratification
BUT there was co-mingling negligence of defendants or his the decision was between two
workers. sovereign powers.

AUSTRIA VS. CA CO VS. CA: illustrates the application of CF.

Robbery if caso fortuito (early 19602): the crime situation in Involves the application of Art. 1165 (delay has been incurred).
Manila was not as high as it was when the decision was Maintenance of a car: the shop owner was supposed to finish
rendered (1970). fixing it but he said the cars battery was weak. The owner of
Manila was a lot more peaceful during that time so it was not the car bought a new battery.
NEGLIGENT to walk with a valuable item at night, by yourself. o The shop owner was delayed. Result: no waiver of
The car was carnapped while it was being test-driven.
Court: NOT caso fortuito car napping (forceful taking) per se
is not caso fortuito.
MIAA VS. ALA o Must be established and proved as an action solely of a
third party the basis was ONLY the police report.
Christmas holiday is not a fortuitous event. Of course it is not. o The business of car maintenance invokes the risk of car
It is an unforeseeable event: it happens every year (duh). napping.
Art. 1265: if a thing is lost, it is assumed that it was the fault of
the person whos in possession of it upon its lost. EXCEPTION:
natural calamity.


The explosion of the right rear tire is not fortuitous.

If the tire is brand new (defective): NECESITO VS. PARAS SOUTHEASTERN VS. CA
in law, the manufacturer is an agent of the carrier.
The road was rough, and he was over speeding, aside from it Typhoon can constitute caso fortuito.
being overloaded. In order for petitioner to be liable, there must be PROOF of
o Accident was caused by defective parts. negligence, BUT IN THISE CASE, nothing like that was
o It does not matter if the manufacturer is reputable or SHOWN.
not. There was no evidence that the proper building plans approved
by the building official were different from that which is

USURY LAW: now in a suspended animation
They were to use a railroad track in Hacienda Helvetica and
their right of way has expired so respondents cannot deliver. ART. 1176:
The expiration of the contract is NOT force majeur.
It was clearly foreseeable no other means were taken by the Presumption No. 1: Reason normally, if the debt produces
petitioner to prevent the expiration of the contract.
an interest, you first pay the interest and not the principal.
o Otherwise, the interest paid will decrease, to the
detriment of a creditor.
Presumption No. 2: clearly stating the receipt of a particular

The expiration of the RP-US Military Bases Agreement NOT

ratified by the Senate.
FORTUITOUS: it is clearly foreseeable (the date of expiration
was set). But both of the parties took the risk.


If an obligation is pure, is it immediately demandable? YES;
Does that mean just after 5 minutes, the creditor can already
It is not enough that it is dated, it must be of a particular make his demand? NO. There must be a reasonable grace
period for the compliance on the part of the debtor.

A borrowed 1 million pesos to B and B agreed to pay A as soon as

ART. 1177: Basic rights of a Creditor:
possible / whenever his means permit him to do so.
1. Exhaustion - Period or condition? PERIOD.
2. Subrogation - What is As (creditors) remedy? Art. 1197: to ask the court to
3. Impugn / recission of acts and contracts recissory contracts. fix a period. Any action of collection before court action is
deemed premature.
ART. 1178: unless there is a law or stipulation to the contrary, rights
are transmissible.

Leasehold rights of tenants are transmissible to his heirs.

NOV. 21, 2013
The fulfilment of an obligation The fulfilment of an obligation
DIFFERENT KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS results to the acquisition of rights. results to the extinguishment of
ART. 1179: PURE OBLIGATIONS: when is it considered pure?

When its effectivity or extinguishment is NOT dependent in the A term / period may also be suspensive and resolutory; same effect.
fulfilment of a condition.


Future AND uncertain event. A obliged himself to give B 1 million pesos if B gets a grade of 85 in
Constitutional Law 2?
o Is it the concurrence of the two? Or either of the two?
(re: Art. 1179: future or uncertain event ) a. Period or condition? CONDITION. Why? Futurity and
o MUST BE BOTH AND uncertainly. B may or may not be able to get a grade of 85.
o It does not mean that as long as it satisfies either the b. Suspensive or resolutory? SUSPENSIVE. The fulfilment of the
futurity or uncertainty of the obligation, its alright. obligation results to the acquisition of a right over the money.
o This does not make Art. 1179 erroneous. c. Is that condition potestative, casual or mixed? MIXED. The
fulfilment depends partly on B, on Bs professor and any other
o Used the process of exclusion: condition / event.
circumstances (e.g. being lucky / divine providence).
TERM / PERIOD futurity AND certainty of an event.

Something that would surely come to past.

How can a past event satisfy futurity? It is not the past event
itself but the ascertainment of the past event which is the focus,
for that can only be done in the future. The fulfilment of the The fulfilment of the The fulfilment of the
condition depends on condition depends on condition depends
the will of either of chance / the will of partly on the will of
TERM / PERIOD CONDITION the parties. third parties. one party and partly
on chance / the will
of third parties.
Futurity and certainty. Futurity and uncertainty.

If A obliged himself to give B 1 If A obliged himself to give B 1

million pesos upon the death of million pesos if B can prove to A PARKS VS. PROVINCE OF TARLAC (not assigned; in the book)
Mr. C. that the funds of the Philippine
revolution were actually hidden in CONDITION: the local government should construct a park and
- His death is certain. Tarlac. central school within six months, otherwise the donation will be
What is the nature of the condition here? RESOLUTORY
If A obliged himself to give B 1 (condition subsequent).
million pesos if Mr. C died from RATIO: condition of such nature could NOT be complied with
pneumonia. except when rights had already been transferred.
The LGU can only comply with the condition if it already
acquired ownership of the land.



A obligated himself to give B 1 A obligated himself to give B 1
million pesos if A wants to. million pesos if B wants A to. Real parcel of land; initial payment.
Is that conditioned MIXED? YES. Dependent partly to the
- POTESTATIVE: illusory; eviction and ejectment of informal settlers and partly of the will
there is no actual of the debtor.
obligation for the fulfilment
of the debtor.


Whats the reason for the difference? How different are the effects of a
condition depending on the sole will of a creditor or a debtor?
The consideration is embedded in the contract of lease itself.

LIM vs. CA: Contract of lease Last month, A borrowed 1 million NOV. 26, 2013
with the tenant determining how pesos from B. today, A stipulated
long the lease will be. that he will pay B when A wants ART. 1188: intended to cover a situation where there is a
- Potestative; dependent to
the tenant; in violation of - Previous indebtedness.
Answers the question: what can the creditor do prior to the
CONTRACTS (position of fulfilment condition to protect his intended?
relative equality. What rights of the debtor have if it fulfil his obligation by
A borrowed 1 million from B and ART. 1188, PAR. 1 early remedy before condition fulfilled
A obligated himself to pay B as will be in the nature of JUDICIAL ACTION? NO.
soon as A receive funds from
o Appropriate actions.
selling his house.
Normally, when you bring an action, what does that connote?
- Mixed; depends on the will Does not necessarily always involve court action in spite the
of the debtor and of third wordings of the law (i.e. Registration).
parties (buyer). o The creditor does not necessarily have to title that land.
o A has to deliver a piece of land to B. While waiting for
the end of the academic year, B has the right to
preserve its rights. if B knew A will sell the land to
The GENERAL RULE does not apply to pre-existing another person, B can have it registered and have it
obligations. annotated at the back of the title. The third person
cannot invoke any protection as he had been notified.
o Remedies available to preserve his rights that does
NOT involve court action.
- The Bank engaged the services of the respondents for the
construction of its building within a definite period and agreed
cost. In the escalation provision, cost escalation will be CONDITION PERIOD
determined upon mutual agreement.
- Did the bank pay the contractor after the demand for payment
of cost escalation? No. Reason: there was no mutual Futurity and uncertainty. Futurity and certainty (even
agreement between the two. though not known exactly when.
- SC: Potestative; INVALID.
o How could that possibly be a potestative condition
when it is not dependent to the sole will of one part? ART. 1188: by its very nature, a SUSPENSIVE: is there any doubt
How do you reconcile that? condition is uncertain. at all that the obligation will be
o ANSWER: you can more or less assume that the fulfilled and be demandable?
contractor will agree to be paid the additional cost so YES, there is no doubt.
the only missing consent is of the banks.
o Ergo, dependent only to the will of the bank: INVALID.
The very life / existence of the By its very nature, a period will
obligation still hangs in a balance surely come to pass.
because if the condition is
fulfilled, then thats good. If NOT,
RUSTAN VS. IAC the obligation will be
It is upon Rustans decision WON delivery can be stopped.
Raw material for pulp: WOOD.
POTESTATIVE: depends on Rustans will only.
When will the deliveries will be made, stopped, resumed. If the law allows recovery of fruits and interest (Art. 1195:
Violate the mutuality of contracts. mistake of delivery), should not this law, by reason, also gives
rights to the recovery of fruits and interest? YES.


o Despite the silence of ART. 1188 about the return of the Regardless of the presence of good or bad faith, D is entitled to
fruits and interest, they should still be allowed to be reimbursement.
recovered by those who have delivered by mistake. USEFUL IMPROVEMENTS: for mere pleasure (i.e. gate).
o NO right to reimbursement.
o USUFRUCT: Art. 579; set off or compensate damages
A obliged to give B a determinate car subject to the condition that (Art. 580).
within 4 years, B will graduate with a GWA of 90. Before B could Example of an improvement by time: WINE. The more aged
graduate, A destroyed the car. Can B recover damages right after A
the wine is, the more expensive it becomes.
damaged the car?

- ANSWER: Is A liable? NO. the basic assumption for applying ART. 1190: what is the difference between Art. 1190 and 1187?
11189 is that the condition is already fulfilled. Only at the time
you graduated and got the GWA of 90 that A will be held liable.
- What if the car was lost in a fortuitous event? A not liable. ART. 1190 ART. 1187

The resolutory condition is Retroactivity of effect but the

ART. 1189: when is a thing considered lost? fulfilled. Effect: return of the parties are still deemed
1. Perish.
EXCEPTION: fruits and interest.
2. Goes out of commerce when it is impossible to legally Do we have to account for the
transfer or reacquire it. interest? YES. NO
3. Disappears in such a way that its existence is unknown or it EXCEPTIONS; absolute
cannot be recovered. obligation.

A obliged himself to deliver B a particular ring. While A was traveling The obligation to return is
by boat, that particular ring fell. So when is a thing considered gone out ABSOLUTE. Manresa: quite
of commerce? If a thing is no longer manufactured? radical.

- Not necessarily; when it cannot be legally acquired or The obligation ceases to be and
transferred from A B. will not leave any effects.

****ART. 1191 (VIP; five-star provision)

A obliged himself to deliver to B a carton of cigarettes (suspensive
condition). By the time the condition is supposed to be fulfilled, an RA RECIPROCAL OBLIGATION: each obligation is conditioned
(law) made it illegal to possess, sell and manufacture cigarettes. upon each other. There must be intimate correlation upon each
- Can cigarettes then be considered to have gone out of Refers to the power to RESCIND reciprocal obligations
commerce? YES.
implied in case one does not comply with what is incumbent
upon them.


A is obliged to deliver to B a house and lot if B gets a GWA of 90 after
graduating. The only problem is that 1 year before Bs graduation, the
same house was completely wrecked by a typhoon.
Covered by Art. 1191. NOT covered by Art. 1191
- Can you recover damages? NO, fortuitous.
- Supposing the house was partially burned because of As
negligence. Is A liable for damages? YES; Art 1189. Options: Ownership is already transferred Agreement: once the payment is
1. Rescission of the obligation. to the buyer. completed (through instalment),
2. Specific performance. then the ownership can be
- Creditor would have to bear the impairment; no right to recover transferred.
Non-payment: BREACH OF Non-payment of the full payment
CONTRACT. is NOT a breach of contract.
Improvements caused by nature and time. The creditor is PAYMENT: positive suspensive
entitled without any additional costs. condition.
o If due to the efforts of the debtor he has
o Right or enjoyment of a thing.
o NECESSARY IMPROVEMENTS (vis--vis Only the injured party can have the right to rescind, not the
unnecessary expenses): expenses for the preservation infractor.
of a thing.
o You can ask for reimbursement.


payment, has to assume the amortization of the sellers loan to
- The seller not wants to rescind the contract for buyers non-
- P.S. clause. payment of the amortization: CANNOT BE, as such is only a
- Is the obligation reciprocal? NO. minor and casual breach of the obligation.
- ISSUES: WON the Alviars had forfeited their right to - MAIN CONSIDERATION OF THE SALE: the payment of
repurchase. NO, Alviars have two alternative persiond (30 days P200k to the vendors within the agreed period.
or 1 year, 10 months and 18 days. How much area Songcuan
is entitled to lease? 1/3 of 1st floor.


- INDISPENSABILITY OF NOTICE: the infractor must always be

To reconvey the property. To lease to Songcuan the informed of the rescission.
subject premises. - WHY? To give him the opportunity to contest the validity and
propriety of the rescission.
o Cannot be lightly taken.
NOT dependent on the Only AFTER the Songcuan had - NO written notice so resolution of petitioner of the contract was
obligation of the Alviars to lease reconveyed the realties to them. INEFFECTIVE and INOPERATIVE.
the premises to the former. - RA 6551: the indispensability of notice of cancellation to the


ART. 1191: Remedies are alternative (you can only avail either of the
The obligation to execute the lease emerges only if the Alviars had
already repurchased and obtained possession of the repurchased
properties. Partial rescission, generally, NO!

TOLENTINO VS. CA (not assigned; but discussed in class)

If there is a contract between parties gave rise to a reciprocal - Tolentino applied for a loan in a bank of P80k and mortgaged
obligation, but nothing in the contract mentions the option of his land of 100 hectares and the bank approved it. Although the
bank approved the loan, it only released P17k. There is a huge
rescission, is rescission still applicable? YES, despite the
unreleased amount (P63k). In the meantime, the bank was
stipulations in the contract are silent regarding it. mismanaged and was ultimately prevented to do business. The
IMPORTANT NOTE: as long as the obligation is reciprocal, bank tried to foreclose the property.
rescission is always available as a remedy to the injured party. - SC: it is not certainly fair for the foreclosure of the entire land
Would there be any material different if the contract is silent for the loan when P17k was the only amount released.
regarding rescission and when is it not? Are they the same? o He bank cannot be compelled to give the rest of the
NO. When there is no provision in the contract, there is a need loan: P63k cannot be fulfilled.
o PARTIAL fulfilment; PARTIAL rescission.
to file for rescission and ask the court.
Rescission can only be made for a substantial breach, not
casual or slight breach of obligation.
RA 6552: MACEDA LAW (Sale of land through instalments).
o Mandatory 30 days of grace period.
o Rescission for 30 days from notice from notarial act.
- There was a few days of delay in clearing the title. ART. 1592: in the sale of immovable property (land): rescission
- Mere delay for a few days in clearing the title to the property: of contract.
NOT substantial breach. o Even after the vendee, the buyer may pay even after
- Where there is nothing in the contract empowering the expiration when there is NO DEMAND for rescission
petitioner to rescind it without resort to the courts, the either judicially or through a notary.
petitioner's action in unilaterally terminating the contract in this o Once there has been demand, even a mere crossclaim
case is unjustified.
for a counterclaim will suffice to be constructively
- Time not being of the essence in the agreement, a slight delay
on the part of the private respondents in the performance of notified.
their obligation, is not sufficient ground for the resolution of the
agreement, more so when the delay was not totally attributable NOV. 28, 2013
to them.
ART. 1191: the power to rescind is always there for RECIPROCAL
OBLIGATIONS (conditioned upon each other).

The moment one party does not comply, the rescission as a

BARREDO VS. LEANO remedy becomes available.
- Contract TO SELL: the buyer, aside from paying the down


despite repeated demands from the latter because that that
WITH STIPULATION WITHOUT STIPULATION (when land is still under contest between A and C. C won.
the contract is silent) - What will happen for the action of fulfilment of B? It will be
rendered impossible.
- Can you now opt for rescission? YES.
In case one of the parties does The injured party must first go to
not comply, the obligation can be court.
rescinded / once the breach is
made, the injured party can ART. 1192: effects of breach by both parties will be equitably
exercise his right to rescind. tempered by the courts.

If the infractor does not agree, When the injured party

litigation will ensue. communicates (notice) to the PERIOD CONDITION
infractor the rescission, and the
latter disagrees, then they go to
court. Futurity and certainty of the fact Futurity and uncertainy: may or
or event, though sometimes not may not happen.
known exactly when.
Since the contract itself provides There is a need to file for a case
for rescission, the courts decision for rescission to prove that the
will not be the operative act breach was substantial and not Example: death. Example: Dies from AIDS.
only confirmatory or declaratory. merely a sight and casual breach.

ROQUE vs. LAPUZ: paid 6 out of The decision of the court will be Sometimes, the contract between parties may contain an
the 120 installments the operative act that will affect ACCELERATION CLAUSE.
SUBSTANTIAL BREACH. the rescission. o For certain payments which can be paid by instalments.
o If there is non-payment, all the remaining instalments
will immediately be due and demandable.
Infractor is liable for damages in both remedies.


- No delivery can be made during the war (6 years in total; caso

PALAY, INC VS. CLAVE fortuito). After 30 years, planters said they should make up to it.
- Should they? NO.
- There must always be NOTICE given to the infractor. - Performance was excused. It is baseless for the milling
o To give them an opportunity to contest the rescission. company to demand for another 6 years of delivery.
o There is NO WAIVER OF NOTICE: especially in
contracts of adhesion.

ART. 1194 = ART. 1189: only demandability is suspended, but the

obligation can still be fulfilled.
GENERAL RULE: the remedies are alternative in character,
though in either case, recovery of damages is still allowed, with
ART. 1195: ART. 1188: debtor pays something by mistake, including
the right belonging to the INJURED PARTY.
fruits and interest.
When the injured party chose rescission, only damages
compatible to rescission will be granted.
ART. 1196
o A agreed that B can occupy As property with rent for 5
years. B has not paid any rent. A filed for the action for
GENERAL RULE: whenever an obligation is subject to a
rescission after 1 year.
period, it is presumed that the benefit is for both of the parties.
o A cannot recover for the damages for rentals which
would have been paid but has not been used (for the
remaining 4 years). A will pay B P1M on Dec. 31, 2013.
o WHY? The relationship will be terminated.
- Can A compel B to accept payment? NO. Can B compel A to
pay? NO.
CENTAL BANK VS. CA - A may have his own reasons why he does not want to be paid
- Partial fulfilment / partial rescission possible only under very - Supposing the agreement is that he will pay on or before Dec.
exceptional circumstances. 31, 2013. Can A compel B to receive payment before that
date? YES. Can B compel A to pay before the date? NO.
Obviously, this period is for the benefit of the DEBTOR.

AYSON vs. ADAMOS: The injured party may still opt for rescission
when fulfilment becomes impossible.
ART. 1197
- A sold a parcel of land to B and A could not deliver the title to B


If a period was intended by the parties, but it has not been accident, then the debtor will have to give another
fixed. What is the remedy of the creditor? chattel mortgage.
To file an action in the court for the fixing of the period. An
action for collection before that is premature.
o Only once the court has fixed the period, then the GAITE vs. FONACIER: surety bond expired after two years.
obligation will be due and you can maintain an action
- SC: there is no uncertainty that the balance will be paid its a
for collection.
TERM, NOT a condition.
EXCEPTION: - Liable to pay the ore.

4. When the debtor violates any undertaking, in consideration of
- FACTS: people involved here were two friends (Villamor
which the creditor agreed to the period;
borrowed from Borromeo a certain amount of money). Villamor
issued a promissory note that he would pay on Nov. 29, 1933. - A has 5 years to pay B, as long as A does not smoke.
Since they were friends, they agreed that the borrowed money One month later, he did. RESULT: A will lost the benefit
can be paid even beyond the prescriptive period (waiver of of the period. He can be demanded to pay now.
prescription). The complaint was filed on Jan. 7, 1953. 5. When the debtor attempts to abscond.
- Has the action prescribed? NOT YET. - Mere attempt is enough, even though it was not
- Basic principle: you cannot waive future prescription (to end
possible litigation).
- 10 YEARS: prescription for actions of written documents.
- Court: Since there was an agreement of the payment being
able to be demanded beyond the prescribed period, then the CENTRAL PHIL. UNIV. vs. CA: after 50 ears, the condition still has
first ten years are NOT COUNTED. It was filed within the not been fulfilled.
prescriptive period: Nov. 29, 1953.
- Did the court simply fix a period? NO. They did not require the - Petitioner was given enough time.
fixing of the period. They immediately demanded payment. - There is no judicial obstacle for the rescission of the donation
o Why not? It will further delay litigation. (Bellosillo).
o Same evidences will be presented. - Dissenting opinion (Davide): for the court to first fix a period.
- Combination of fixing a term and collection.
- The decision was rendered: Sept. 1972 a long time has
DEC. 05, 2013

Essential differentiation of ALTERNATIVE and FACULTATIVE

GENERAL RULE: a court must first fix a period. If an action for obligation.
collection is first filed before the fixing of a period, then that is
clearly premature. The NUMBER of object or prestation.
PAR. 3: once the period has been fixed by the court, it cannot o Alternative: several objects are due and demandable.
be changed. o Facultative: only one object is due and demandable,
The choice is upon the discretion of the DEBTOR.

If A filed an action against B for fixing the period and it is granted: Dec.
01, 2013. B went to A a week before the date, and B asked for another A and B agreed that A will deliver his car. If he cannot deliver his car
extension of 1 year (Dec. 01, 2014). Out of the goodness of As heart, on the agreed date, he will deliver his motorcycle instead. One day
he agreed. before the agreed date, the car was lost by caso fortuito. Can B legally
demand the delivery of the motorcycle?
- Is that a valid agreement? YES. They are not prohibited to do
so. - FACULTATIVE: there is only one object due.
- Only the court is prohibited to fix another period: res judicata. - NO, B cannot legally demand the delivery of the object, as the
- A can even condone the non-payment. obligation has already been extinguished.

ART. 1198: the debtor shall lose every right to make use of a period:

1. When after the obligation has been contracted, he becomes A obliged himself to deliver either Object 1, Object 2 or Object 3 on
insolvent, unless he gives a guaranty or security for the debt; Dec. 1. What kind of obligation is that?
- Debtor is considered insolvent when he has more
- ALTERNATIVE: several objects are due.
liabilities than he has assets.
- On Dec. 1, A brought on Dec. 1 Object 1 and tendered it to B.
2. When he does not furnish to the creditor the guaranties or Can A legally insist on the delivery of Object 1?
securities which he has promised; YES. The debtor has the right of choice in the absence
3. When by his own acts he has impaired said guaranties or of any stipulations to the contrary.
securities after their establishment, and when through a
fortuitous event they disappear, unless he immediately gives
new ones equally satisfactory;
- A borrowed P500k to B and I provided a chattel Can the right be granted to the creditor in a facultative
mortgage over my car. A broke the car through an obligation?


o NO. Only in alternative obligation can the right be o If they were lost through caso fortuito, then the debtor is
granted to anyone besides the debtor (e.g. to the released from the obligation / the obligation will be
creditor). extinguished.

A obliged himself to deliver either Object 1, Object 2 or Object 3 on Assume that A and B agreed on the delivery of specific and
Dec. 1. Then Object 1 was lost because of caso fortuito. Can the determinate objects: 1, 2, 3 on Dec. 1. On Nov. 27, we met, and A said
debtor be held liable? he will deliver Object 1 on Dec. 1. On Nov. 29, Object 1 was lost. On
Dec. 1.
- NO, the debtor will not be liable.
- Can B legally demand the delivery of Object 2 instead? NO.
- Upon the communication of the choice of the debtor, the
obligation already becomes simple.
The loss of the object extinguishes the obligation.
A obliged himself to deliver either Object 1, Object 2 or Object 3 on - Once a choice has been made, the legal effect of that is that
Dec. 1. Then Object 1 was lost because of the debtors fault. Can the the obligation ceases to be alternative.
debtor be held liable?

- NO. There are still 2 other objects that can be delivered.

- The debtor will simply select Object 2 or 3.
- There is no basis for making the debtor liable. A and B entered into a contract where either A will build Bs two-storey
house in Angeles City or his swimming pool in San Fernando City. Bs
lot was expropriated by the government because of the road
construction. What is the effect of such?
- The right of choice of B is lost.
A obliged himself to deliver either Object 1, Object 2 or Object 3 on - Only one option is practicable, which is to build the swimming
Dec. 1. Then all three objects were lost because of the debtors fault. pool.
Can the debtor be held liable?

- YES. It is now impossible for him to comply with the obligation.

- In the determination of the amount of damages, its basis is the
value of the last object which was lost. A and B entered into a contract where either A will build Bs two-storey
- RATIO: it was still possible for him to comply with the obligation house in Angeles City or his swimming pool in San Fernando City. B
when he still has that last object. Only upon the loss of the then sold his lot in Angeles City to C. What is the effect of such?
remaining object that will make him liable.
- B would have been prejudiced as he will be left of no other
choice than to build the pool.
- What are the rights of B?
1. Either choose to build the swimming pool, OR
A obliged himself to deliver either Object 1, Object 2 or Object 3 on 2. The rescission of the contract with the recovery of
Dec. 1. If the right of choice now belongs to B (creditor), and then damages.
Object 1 was lost through caso fortuito, can A (debtor) be liable?

- NO. B (creditor) can still select the delivery of Object 2 or 3.

SOLIDARY OBLIGATION: where each creditor is bound to the entire
credit, and each of the debtors is bound to the whole debt.

A obliged himself to deliver either Object 1, Object 2 or Object 3 on A, B, C are indebted to X for an amount of P12,000. Joint or solidary
Dec. 1. If the right of choice now belongs to B (creditor), and then obligation?
Object 1 was lost through the fault of the debtor.
- JOINT. There was no express stipulation of the solidary nature
- Can A (debtor) be liable? A has a choice: of the debt.
1. Select the delivery of Object 2 or 3. - Can X collect the entire amount from A alone?
2. Select Object 1, with indemnity for damages. NO. A only has a proportionate share of P4,000 from
- If A chooses Object 2, can he receive damages? the whole debt.
o NO, the obligation to deliver Object 2 can still be - When parties (debtors) are jointly bound: KKB (kanya kanyang
complied with. bayad ).
o It is only is the creditor has been given the right of
choice and his choice was lost due to the fault of the
debtor can he recover the value of the lost thing with
A, B, C are jointly and severally indebted to X for an amount of
P12,000. How much can X collect to A?

When all objects were lost due to the fault of the debtor, then - The entire amount (P12,000).
the creditor can recover: the value of any one of them + - Individually and collectively.


What if, in the promissory note, it contains: I promise to pay X.
Signed, A B C?
A, B, C obliged themselves to pay P12,000 to X and Y: JOINT
- SOLIDARY OBLIGATION: due to use of the singular I. OBLIGATION.

- How many obligations in total are there? SIX.

- A is obliged to pay P2,000 to X and P2,000 to Y. B is obliged
to pay P2,000 to X and P2,000 to Y. C is obliged to pay P2,000
A, B, C bound themselves to deliver an indivisible object, a car, to X. to X and P2,000 to Y.

- The car cannot be partially delivered.

- It is not susceptible of partial performance / delivery.
- Can the parties be jointly bound? MIXED OBLIGATION: there is solidarity on either part of the debtor or
YES. It does not follow that the object is indivisible that of the creditor.
the obligation automatically becomes solidary.
In the absence of any express stipulation of the
contrary, it is presumed to be joint (indivisible).
In other words, if A, B, and C obligated themselves to deliver a
particular horse worth P12,000 to X and Y.
How much X, acting alone can collect from A? P3,000.
- Since the contract is silent, or there is no express stipulation
that it is solidary or provision of law, it does not matter if the Theoretically, can X collect the entire debt? YES.
object is indivisible or not. But the maximum liability is P3,000 only, his share of the debt.
obligation solidary. A X
DEBATABLE: Can X acting alone compel A, B and C to SOL. JOINT
comply? Cannot X act on behalf of Y?

How much can X acting alone collect from A? P6,000.

If an act is beneficial, rather than prejudicial, can a single creditor act
on behalf of creditors? TWO VIEWS. Theoretically, can A be made liable to all of the debt? YES. But
here, X cannot represent Y.

MANRESA: Since Art. 1209 TOLENTINO: the basic

merely provides that the right of underlying principle of joint and INCHAUSTI & CO. VS YULO (solidarity)
the creditors may be prejudiced solidary obligation. In solidary,
only by their collective acts, it there is mutual representation. A X Co.
can, therefore, be inferred that Creditor can act on behalf of B
should the act of a joint creditor others. In a joint obligation, none C
be per se beneficial to the others, of the parties can represent the D
as for instance the interruption of others. They must act together E
the period of prescription, the act and proceed to the joint debtors. F
of one would be sufficient. Otherwise, an act of one creditor P200,000
alone is legally inefficacious.
- Debt is supposed to be paid in instalments with an acceleration
More logical explanation. - They failed to pay the first instalment, so the entire payment
became demandable.
- X Co. then proceeded to demand payment from A while B, C,
and D talked to X Co. X Co. agreed for the extension of their
payment and a partial remission of the debt (P120,000).
X and Y demanded a delivery of a particular object from A, B and C - ISSUE: what effect, if any, will the agreement affect the case of
and the object was not delivered through the fault of C. Can X and Y X Co. against A?
recover the entire value of the object to C alone? - ANSWER: The extension of payment to B, C and D will also
benefit A. How? He can only be held responsible of his and E
- NO. In joint obligations, the debt is presumed to be equally and and Fs shares because B, C, and Ds shares were not yet due.
proportionally divided. Half of debt (3/6) can only be made accountable to X Co., as of
- X and Y can only recover from C his [1] share of the debt and now.
[2] damages. - What is the amount A has to pay? P60,000 only.
- If C turns out to be insolvent, then A and B are not liable for the - The partial remission of debt is also beneficial to all the
payment of his share. All X and Y can do is to hope and pray debtors.
that C will earn money. - We have to wait for the period and for the maturity of B, C, and
Ds share before the full amount can be demanded.


MANRESA: C may collect the entire amount to any solidary debtors C
minus the shares of the others shares that are not yet due. D
ART. 1213 - X compelled A to pay P12,000 (the entire amount). Let us
assume that under a different transaction, X became indebted
A solidary creditor cannot assign his rights to another. to A for P12,000 and both debts became demandable
o A solidary creditor can act on behalf of his co-creditors. - The result: the obligation was completely distinguished, but that
His acts are actually binding and the co-creditors might is not the end of the story:
be prejudiced by acts of the solidary creditor. 1. A can demand reimbursement from B, C, and D.
2. Y can ask for reimbursement from X.
o If the act in in favour of his co-creditors, the law can
assume trust and confidence exist in solidary creditors.
What is the solidary creditor assigns his rights to a third
person? The law doesnt answer that.
o The parties might not accept such (Art. 5: Acts CONFUSION: when one and the same person becomes the creditor
executed against the provisions of mandatory or and the debtor of the same obligation.
prohibitory laws shall be void, except when the law itself
authorizes their validity). A X
o JBL Reyes: it will be better if the law makes the creditor
subsidiarily liable. D
ART. 1214
- X and Y were brothers and they both perished in an accident. It
turns out that their nearest relative is A.
Example: X demands payment from A alone, even though there are - The entire estate of X and Y now goes to A.
other solidary debtors (B, C, D) and solidary creditors (Y). - RESULT: A is both a creditor and a debtor.
- A can demand reimbursement from B, C, D but the obligation
- EFFECT: if A wants to pay, he should pay to X only. of A to X and Y is now extinguished.
- Can D pay Y? Yes, he can as there had been NO DEMAND
(thus, not bound by 1214).
- Supposing X went after A alone, but A pays to Y instead of X,
what is the consequence?
Y who has received payment, which is a VALID REMMISSION
PAYMENT, must give to X his corresponding share.

NOVATION: X and Y are to receive a particular ring that is worth - X happens to be interested to the sister of A and condone the
P12,000 from A, B, C and D. X alone entered to an agreement that the entire debt. Can A demand reimbursement from B, C, and D?
debtors will instead deliver a particular bracelet worth P24,000. When NO. The remission of the debt if gratuitous. Di mo siya
the agreed date of delivery came, Y is now demanding the delivery of pwedeng pagkakitaan.
the ring. Can Y legally compel A, B, C and D to do so? RESULT if yes: unjust enrichment.
- X does not condone the entire debt but only As (P3,000). Is
- NO. Even though Y was not aware of the changes, due to that valid?
mutual representation, X can bind Y to the new / substitute YES. Effect: the debtor A is completely released from X
obligation. and Y but he is still bound by his ties of co-solidarity.
- Once the bracelet is delivered, how much is Ys interest / The P3,000 will be condoned so the maximum amount
share? of the P24,000 = P12,000. that can be collected is P9,000.
- If the thing substituted (bracelet) is worth less, he gets of the - A is still liable by his co-debtors. If B pays the P9,000, he can
P12,000 (value of the original object) = P6,000. claim reimbursement from C and D. IF D becomes insolvent,
- MORAL OF THE STORY: A solidary creditor who does not the continuing liability of A comes in. The P3,000 that D cannot
participate in the novation shares the benefits, but not the pay will be borne by A, B, and C.

DEC. 10, 2013

COMPENSATION (quits): A owes you P10,000 and you owe A

P10,000, both payments due and demandable. A and B are solidary debtors of P12,000 in favour of X. When the debt
became due, A paid X P6,000. Can A claim reimbursement from B?
- TOTAL COMPENSATION: both amounts are the same.
- PARTIAL COMPENSATION: if they are not the same, only on NO. Can you at least demand P3,000 from B? NO, because
concurrent amount. you only paid your won share.
Actual case: no reimbursement was granted.


If A paid the entire debt, is A entitled to reimbursement from B? him arose at the same time the debt was contracted (before the
o YES, for the amount of P6,000. war), rendering the schedule of values inapplicable.
o With interest starting from the date of the maturity of the COURT: there was no real case of subrogation when the debt
debt, assuming that the date of payment and the date was paid during the war. The original debt to the bank was
of maturity are the same. extinguished and a new obligation had arose, which is the
If A paid 6 months before the maturation of the debt. reimbursement of the debtor who paid from his co-debtors
o Still entitled to reimbursement but without interest. which happened during the war, making the Ballantye schedule
If A paid X P12,000 after the prescription. Is A entitled to of values applicable.
o No reimbursement.
o A should not have paid for it the first place as the debt
has already prescribed.
If A paid X P12,000 upon the maturation of the debt. A week EFFECT OF REMISSION
later, X condoned the entire share of B. can I claim
ENTIRE REMISSION of the debt of 1 solidary debtor his
o YES. The obligation between A and B to X has already
been extinguished, but not the relationship between A obligation to the creditor is extinguished.
and B as solidary debtors. But the debtor is still liable to his co-debtors, as when there is a
case of insolvency against the remaining debtors.


When a solidary debtor pays a solidary creditor, does the payment of
that debt in the nature of subrogation? 1. Defenses derived from the nature of the obligation.
2. Defences personal to him.
NO. The debtor does not step into the shoes of the creditor. 3. Defences pertaining to his own share.
Each debtor is still liable to pay for their respective shares, 4. Defences personal to the others, but only as regards that part
including the debtor who paid in full. of the debt for which the latter is responsible.
The co-debtors only have to pay their respective share of the
debt, not the whole amount, as in the case of their obligation to
the creditor.
B Y Particular car
P12,000 A, B, and C obliged themselves to deliver a particular car to X and Y
but they were not able to do so because of Cs fault. What are the
A paid the entire amount to X and Y. We do not say that A would be rights and obligation of the debtors?
subrogated to the rights of X and Y.
The obligation is transformed to its monetary value (obligation
As rights after payment are different from those of X and Y. of indemnity for damages), but the solidary character of the
A can only claim P4,000 each from B, and C (reimbursement). obligation remains.
Right of X and Y is to collect the entire amount. Can X proceed to A? YES. With damages? YES.
Not a real case of subrogation. For solidary obligations, the creditors can proceed to any,
some, or all the debtors for the entire debt with damages.


Three individuals borrowed from a bank and bound themselves The delivery or the rendering of the service must be whole,
in a solidary manner. Then came the war where the Japanese otherwise, there will be non-compliance.
occupied the Philippines. The Japanese forces issued a form of EXCEPTIONS:
Japanese money. In the course of their occupation and when 1. When the obligation expressly stipulates the contrary.
the liberation was fast approaching, the value of those notes 2. When the different prestations constituting the objects
dropped. After the war, the Japanese war notes were of no
value. If you borrowed P10,000 during the war, can you pay it of the obligation are subject to different terms and
in peso after the war? A scale has been made to determine the conditions.
amount and value of Japanese notes in peso at specific times 3. When the obligation is in part liquidated and in part
in the war. The scale was called the BALLANTYNE unliquidated.
SCHEDULE OF VALUES. The rule was that if a debtor has - UNLIQUIDATED PART: damages due to any
contracted the loan during the Japanese occupation, it can be fault of the debtor (i.e. accident).
paid with the corresponding value of the Japanese notes in
- LIQUIDATED PART: the exact amount is
peso using the scale of values.
The obligation was contracted before the war and was paid certain (i.e. P1M + 12% interest).
during the war using Japanese war notes by only one of the
solidary debtors. The bank accepted the payment. After the
war, he was asking for his co-debtors reimbursement. His co-
debtors said that they should convert the amount into peso
using the values (applying the Ballantye schedule of values).
But the debtor who paid said that the obligation to reimburse


EXAMPLES: cannot exempt himself from the demand the fulfilment of the
performance of the principal principal obligation and demand
A X obligation by paying the stipulated the satisfaction of the penalty at
B penalty. the same time.
Construction of a
12km stretch of EXCEPTION: unless this right EXCEPTION: unless the right has
road. has been EXPRESSLY reserved been CLEARLY granted to him.
for him.

1. DIVISIBLE (based on metrical units); joint (no express

stipulation of otherwise).
2. A particular horse or a car: INDIVISIBLE Express grant of rights of CREDITOR: need not be express,
GENERALLY, for a sum of money: principal + 12%/annum.
PURPOSES OF PENALTY o Authorizes that debtor to pay the principal and the
1. Funcion coercitiva o de garantia: ever present. But if it is express, doesnt that may it facultative?
2. Funcion liquidatoria: to liquidate the amount of damages to be 1. YES: Justice Caguioa.
awarded in a case. 2. NO: Justice Vitug. We must put prime importance to the
- From the very moment the parties agreed, they already intention of the parties.
determined the amount of damages upon breach of o If they intend to create a penal clause, then it
contract. must be followed.
3. Function escritamente penal It possesses legal consequence.
o Court has inherent power to reduce the penalty.
A obliged himself to build B a 10-storey building worth P10M. A
has to turn over the building not later than Dec. 1, 2013. If not, DEC. 12, 2013
by way of penalty, A will pay B P10k/day of delay. The reason
for that is loss of income / rent. A was not able to finish the ART. 1231: mode of extinguishment of the obligation.
building on time. Can B recover the agreed penalty without
proof of actual damages? Various modes of extinguishing the obligation.
Is this enumeration exclusive?
o YES, not necessary.
o NO, there are other ways.
o If B actually suffered a loss of P100k/day because of
Those mentioned are the PRINCIPLE ways of extinguishing an
the loss of rentals, can B recover that amount instead?
NO. The penalty stipulated constitutes as obligation.
damages (GENERAL RULE).
NOT ABSOLUTE (penalty + damages).
Does this refer solely to the delivery of a sum of money?
a. When there is a stipulation to the
o NO. There are other normal voluntary fulfilments of
b. When the obligor refuses to pay that
A obliged himself to deliver B something, and A did: PAID.
o A obliged himself to render a service to B, and A did:
c. When the obligor is guilty of fraud.
Do you have to prove actual damages? YES.
ART. 1229: reduction or mitigating of damages when penalty is
iniquitous or unconscionable.
COMPLETENESS: debt not considered paid as long as to the
thing / service is not complete.
To this rule of completeness and integrity, the law admits two
Despite the usury law being in suspended animation, the BSP
recognizes the validity of the stipulations of the parties.
o There are situations that although the payment or the
Court can still intervene when the interest rate is
rendering of the service is not complete, they were still
considered paid.
ART. 1230: principal obligation.
1. Substantial performance in good faith (ART. 1234).
If principal obligation is void, penal clause shall also be void - If the debtor complies with the obligation in a
because the penalty the penalty is merely an accessory substantial manner in good faith, minus the
- If A obliged himself to deliver B 100 bottles of
But if penal clause is void, principal obligation is NOT affected.
red wines, but despite exhausting all of his
ART. 1227: means, A was only able to provide 98 bottles,
then Art. 1234 is applicable.

GENERAL RULE: the debtor GENERAL RULE: creditor cannot


a. X D: payment was to the benefit of the debtor:
DIESEL VS. UPSI: subrogation.
b. If D had earlier paid P4k out of his debt of P12k:
- The construction company has finished 97.56% of the building, i. X D: only P8k was beneficial to him, despite
the SC held that such is already a substantial compliance.
- If only 60% was finished, then probably Art. 1234 cannot be X paying P12k. what X can claim is only what
invoked. was beneficial to D (P8k only).
ii. X C: X can recover the excess payment from
C; unjust enrichment.
c. Can X G? NO. there was no subrogation of Cs
2. The creditor accepts without any objection the payment rights to X. The third person, having not obtained the
despite the irregularity or incompleteness (ART. 1235). consent of the debtor, certainly cannot be subrogated to
- Based on the principle of estoppel. the rights of C, which includes the right to go after G.
- If the creditor said, okay na yan, then the
debtor is deemed to have complied with the D C
The creditor is not allowed to change his
1. The debtor himself or his legal representative. G X
There was no partial payment and the payment of X was made
2. Any third person.
with the knowledge of D. X intended his payment of Ds debt as
a gift. X told D, do not worry about it. You do not even have to
o A owes B P1M. C paid the obligation to A. Can B legally
reimburse it. But D does not want to accept the gift for some
refuse to accept Cs payment?
reason. Will there be a valid gift in the light of Ds refusal?
YES. Whats wrong with that? TRUST and
- NO. Basic principle of donation: there is a right to
refuse for no one can force a gift down your throat
Why does the law give prerogative to B not to
(personal human dignity).
accept payment from a third person?
REASON: the creditor might not want anything
- Can X return to C to ask his money back?
to do with the third person.
o NO. C has already accepted in. X cannot
Its a matter of trust: fake money,
demand its return.
bouncing checks.
- Can X now go after D?
The creditor might have his own
o YES.
personal reasons for his refusal, and
- Will X be subrogated to the rights of C?
such cannot be taken against him.
o NO, since Xs payment is done without Ds
o YES. If here is no compulsion, then the payment is
***ART. 1239: in obligations to give, payment made by one who does
not have the free disposal of the thing due and capacity to alienate it
o Different from persons interested: debt secured by a
shall not be valid.
mortgage as a security for debt. Valid? YES (as in
guarantors, sureties). Without prejudice to Art. 1427 (natural obligation).
Supposing the third person is a joint debtor with me, can the Minor between 18 to 21 the age of majority has already
third person compel the creditor to receive the payment? been lowered so this is no longer a valid exception.
o YES. Joint debtors are persons interested.
If the third person is not a person interested but offered to pay ART. 1240: answers the question to whom payment must be made.
As debt in full and B agreed. WHAT RIGHTS DOES THE
THIRD PERSON HAVE? 1. The person in whose favour the obligation has been constituted
o With As consent: full reimbursement and subrogation. (creditor).
If the debt is secured by a guarantor, then the 2. His successor in interest.
third person can also ask for full reimbursement 3. Any person authorized to receive it by law or by the creditor
and subrogation of rights against the guarantor. at the time when payment is due and not when the obligation
o Without As consent. was constituted.

D C Is the creditor the only one authorized to appoint a person to

receive payment?
o NO. The law can also appoint such.


- Petitioner borrowed from the bank. When the WWII broke out,
1. Payment of X to C with the knowledge and consent of D: China Bank was considered as an enemy asset and was
subrogation and reimbursement. sequestered by the Japanese authorities. They designated the
2. Payment of X to C without the knowledge and consent of D: Bank of Taiwan (liquidator bank) and it was authorized to


accept payments. The petitioner paid to the Bank of Taiwan his TOPIC: payment / performance as a mode of extinguishing an
debt during the war. After the war, China Bank is trying to obligation.
collect from the petitioner.
- Under the norms of international law: VALID. ART. 1246: different types of objects.
- MORAL OF THE STORY: the authority need not come from the
creditor. In this case, it came from international law.
a. Specific or determinate objects: no substitute.
b. Generic: delivery of something of the same genus.

PAYMENT MADE TO SOMEBODY ELSE NOT VALID. A creditor cannot demand a thing of superior quality.
o A has a business and was getting goods from B, so A is NOT IN THE LAW: that debtor cannot deliver a thing of
indebted to B. C came to A, saying that he was Bs superior quality.
collector, so A paid C. it turned out, C was an impostor o WHAT IS IN THE LAW: he cannot deliver a thing of
A was required to pay B again. inferior quality.
o MORAL: make sure that the persons claiming as o So there is nothing in the law that prohibits the debtor to
agents of your creditor are real agents deliver a thing that is better.
Supposing A borrowed P10M to B. when the debt became due,
A went to B with a bayong of money. A left it to B. Unknown to ART. 1248: rule on partial payments, subject to 3 EXCEPTIONS:
A, B was already crazy during that time. B then used the
money as pangatong, all of it. Can A be required to pay again? 1. When the obligation expressly stipulates the contrary.
o YES. Art. 1241: when payment is valid: 2. When the different prestations constituting the objects of the
1. Kept. obligation are subject to different terms and conditions.
2. Beneficial (but using the money as pangatong is 3. When the obligation is in part liquidated and in part
not the rational use of money). unliquidated.
If payment is made to a 3rd person, GENERALLY, the payment
ART. 1249
is VALID if it redounded to the benefit of the creditor.
1. Ratification.
A borrowed P1K from B and they entered into an agreement that A will
2. Estoppel. pay B in US dollars. Is such stipulation valid?
3. Subrogation.
Payment made to a third person in possession of the credit: - YES, it is valid.
VALID. - Can B legally insist on being paid in US dollars? YES.
o A was indebted to B. To whom will A pay? To B. - Is RA 4100 still in effect? Not anymore; repealed.
o Unknown to A, B assigned the credit to C. will A be It is NOT impossible for parties to stipulate such (as of
July 1996).
justified to still pay to B? YES; good faith.
There is no legislative prohibition in the currency of
A will still be released from his debt as he made payment.
a VALID PAYMENT, despite not being able to
pay C.

ART. 1243: One needs to follow a court order asking him not to pay When there is no currency stipulated by the parties or when it
(as in a notice of garnishment or attachment). becomes impossible to deliver such currency; CURRENCY TO
BE USED: currency which is legal tender in the Philippines.
Otherwise, he needs to pay again. Are all notes and coins issued by the Central Bank legal tender
MORAL: follow court orders. of all types of debts (public and private)? YES.
o If A owes B P10M, can A pay B using P20 bills? YES.
ART. 1244: if the object is particular the same one agreed upon o Can A pay B using P10 coins? NO.
must be delivered. o Circular No. 537:
a. P1, P5, P10 coins: only until P1,000.
DATION: happens when the debtor has outstanding debt of money b. Centavo coins: only until P100.
and he is having liquidation problems. o If I ride a taxi, and my fare amounted to P98, can I pay
using centavo coins alone? YES.
o If I buy 1kg of meat (P140), can I use centavo coins to
If A is indebted to B, and A does not have cash, one of As property
pay? NO, it is not legal tender. The price is higher than
can be alienated B.
- As the accepted equivalent of the monetary obligation:
1. There must be an agreement.
2. There is no dation unless ownership is transferred from A owes B P1M and when it became due, A issued a check worth P1M.
the debtor to the creditor. Can B refuse the check?
- If there is none, then, such is only a security.
- YES, why? A check is not a legal tender.
- Will there be a difference if it is a cashiers check? NO.
Whatever kind of check NOT legal tender.
DEC. 17, 2013 - A check is not legal tender and may thus be validly refused.


If As debt of P10M becomes due and A paid using a check to date of sale came, the car was being
B, and B accepted such, as of that moment, is the debt paid driven by As brother to La Union
already? difficult to locate precisely.
o NOT YET. When is the debt considered paid? - WHAT IT MEANT: where it is habitually kept.
1. When it has already been encashed. b. Domicile of the debtor.
2. When due to the creditors fault, the check was
impaired. If you are the lawyer of the creditors, you need to make sure
that there is a stipulation for the place of payment.
o You need to stipulate payment must be made in the
A issued a check for P10M. B did not encash it and instead, kept it in residence or office of your client to avoid
his drawer, where every morning, he looks at it for the next 8 months. inconveniences on your clients part.
- DISHONORED: stale validity of a check (6 months).
JAN. 07, 2014
- Since it was impaired because of the failure of the creditor to
present it, does that mean the debt is already paid? NO; no
prejudice to the debtor. APPLICATION OF PAYMENT
- If A issued a check, with the amount due deposited in the bank,
but B failed to enchash it within 6 months. STILL, there is no IMPORTANCE: why is there a need for these provisions?
impairment on As part.
EXCEPTION: when the bank was closed (bank run). In
that case, the debt is considered paid in such a way A owed B 3 debts (1 creditor; 1 debtor but several debts of the same
that B cannot go after A anymore. kind): P500k, P1M, P500k = P2M. All of them are due and
demandable. If A pays B P1M and there are no provisions in the
Civil Code about application of payment, then there will be a

IMPAIRMENT: more applicable with merchantile documents - Which debt/s had already been paid, then?
(issued by third persons). - Its possible that the 2nd debt was paid in full, or the 1st and
o Ordinarily, impairment happens to checks and 3rd debts.
documents issued by third persons. If there is such due Payment of P1M does not mean its for the 2nd debt
(P1M), considering the identity of the payment and of
to the creditors fault, then the debt is considered paid.
the debt.
The mere fact that the amount pain is identical to one
ART. 1250: EXTRA-ORDINARY INFLATION of the debts does not mean it should be applied for
that debt.
There is still room for Application of Payment.
A owed B so they entered a contract that A will pay B in US dollars, - When there are provisions about application of payment, the
where the prevailing exchange rate of Peso and US dollars is 40:1. creditor and debtor will know which debt/s will be paid.
When the payment became due, the exchange rate became 44:1. Is - Applicable only when the debts are of the same kind /
such inflation extraordinary? nature.
- If the debts are not of the same kind (P500k, delivery of a
- NO. The value of any currency would usually fluctuate on a particular car), then there is no doubt which is paid.
daily basis ORDINARY FLUCTUATIONS only. If A paid B P500k, then that payment is for the P500k
- The change must be SO BIG and completely debt.
UNFORESEEABLE / totally beyond the contemplation of the


Many of our cases: no extraordinary inflations, MOSTLY 1. ONE CREDITOR and ONE DEBTOR.
ORDINARY. - Remember: there are still some situations when there
EXAMPLES OF EXTRAORDINARY INFLATION: will be more than one creditors or debtors, yet AP is still
1. FILIPINO PIPE VS. NAWASA: when Germany lost in applicable.
WWI. They were forced to pay huge reparations so the A. Is A is a debtor of B for P500k in one
value of their currency spiralled down/ transaction and in another, A became solidary
2. Japanese war notes during the WWII. liable to B, with other debtors C and D.
NOTE: according to (someone) there is a need for official o There is one creditor, but there are more
government declaration of the existence of an extraordinary than one debtors.
inflation. o AP is possible if A pays B P500k.
B. ART. 1792 (PARTNERSHIP): if A is a managing
partner (one that manages the affairs), then by
its very nature, there must be trust and
1. In the place stipulated by the parties.
confidence among its partners.
2. If there is NO express stipulation:
o WHY? The actions of the managing
a. DETERMINATE THING: where the thing is located.
partner can bind his partners.
- NOT LITERAL: not the precise place where it is
If A obliged himself to deliver a Here is a person who is a debtor of a partnership, X. That same person
particular car to B, and when the agreed


also owes the managing partner = debtor has 2 debts. o Pro-rata: of the same nature and burden.

- If the debtor pays and the managing partner issued a receipt of

payment for his (not the partnership) debt alone = cannot be A owed B P500K and P800K. A paid P500K. can there be in reality a
done. partial payment in AP? YES. Pro-rata.
- The payment made must be applied to the two debts in
proportion to their amount. - RESULT: partial payment.
WHY? To protect the welfare of the partnership.
RESULT: both debts are to be partially extinguished.

As to which amount is more onerous, it does not follow that a

debt that is of bigger amount is more onerous than the one with
2. TWO OR MORE DEBTS OF THE SAME KIND. a smaller amount.
3. ALL OF THE DEBTS MUST BE DUE. The question will depend on other circumstances: interest,


A owes B in 1 transaction P500K and A said he will pay on or before

Dec. 1, 2014. Under another transaction, A was indebted for another Incurred at different dates. Older ones.
P500k, due on or before Dec. 1, 2014. Which debt is due and
demandable as of today?
- Can A make AP? YES. The term or benefit of the period was Debts bearing interest against Debt which incurs the interest.
for the debtor. those which are not.
- If it only says on Dec. 1, 2014, then AP is not possible.

2 debts both incurring interest. Debt with higher interest.

- Who makes the AP? The DEBTOR.

o When? At the time he makes the payment. Secured and not secured debts. Secured ones.
- If the debtor does not tell the creditor which debt will be
paid upon his payment, then the initiative passes to the
Principal vs. surety. Debt covering that of the
creditor where the latter can propose an AP.
o How? By issuing a receipt which must be
accepted by the debtor. Solidary debtor vs. sole debtor. JURADO: Solidary debtor.
o Mere statement of accounts does not constitute TOLENTINO: Sole debtor.
the acceptance and the receipt contemplated by
law. Example: table.

PACULDO VS. REGALADO Indemnity vs. penalty obligation. Indemnity.

- TWO OBLIGATIONS: rentals to a wet market and the payment

for the purchases of heavy equipment. Liquidated vs. unliquidated. Liquidated (because it is already
- Paculdo made payments not sufficient to cover all of his debts determined. Unliquidated ones
and Regalado applied some of those payments to the formers still need to be agreed upon, or
purchases of heavy equipment, which not seems that some of settled by the courts).
the rentals were not paid.
- SC emphasized:
1. The debtor has the right to make AP.
2. Mere silence of the debtor as regarding to AP does not Sometimes, it is not easy to determine which is more onerous.
constitute consent. What is contemplated is not mere REMEDY: apply the payment proportionately.
silence not it estoppel. PARAS: two debts:
3. A mere statement of account not the receipt 1. P4,000 with 12% interest per annum, secured by a
contemplated by law.
mortgage, and the debt is relatively new.
- In fact, the more onerous obligation was that of the rentals, not
the payment of the purchases for the former is an on going 2. P6,000, with 24% interest per annum, unsecured, and
business. comparatively an old debt.
o If the debtor pays P4K, then the payment will be
applied proportionately: P2,000 each.

***ART. 1254: ART. 1253

1. When the payment cannot be applied in accordance with the If the payment made by the debtor bears interest, the interest
preceding rules, or has to be paid first before the principal.
2. If application cannot be inferred from other circumstances. NOT MANDATORY.
If the creditor agrees with the payment of the principal first,
Then payment is to be applied to the most onerous ones. then its alright.


ART. 1255 GENERAL RULE: tender of payment must precede
Payment by CESSION. o ART. 1256: EXCEPTIONS:
Happens when the debtor has too many obligations and 1. When the creditor is absent or unknown, or
surrenders all of his assets to his creditors. does not appear at the place of payment;
o The creditors can then dispose of the property. 2. When he is incapacitated to receive the
payment at the time it is due;
Art. 1241. Why? Is payment to an
CESSION VS. DATION incapacitated person generally valid?
NO, it is a dangerous thing to do.
Plurality of creditors NUMBER OF There may be only
is essential. PARTIES one creditor. a. Redounded to the benefit of the
b. He kept/retained it.
Debtor is in partial or FINANCIAL Debtor not 3. When, without just cause, he refuses to give
relative insolvency. CONDITION OF THE necessarily in a receipt;
PARTIES financial difficulty. Does that not presuppose a previous
tender? NO. Example: When even
Assignment gives the EFFECT Transfer of beforehand the creditor said he will not
power to the ownership accept the payment.
creditors to possess (alienation) as an 4. When two or more persons claim the same
and dispose them. accepted equivalent right to collect;
of the object. You might tender payment to the wrong
REMEDY: wait for those two people to
settle things out / to litigate.
JAN. 09, 2014
5. When the title of the obligation has been lost.
Example: promissory note.
Mere tender does not extinguish an obligation.
o But does that mean there is absolutely no legal
Can mere tender of payment produce extinguishment?
consequence or effect of tender of payment? Is tender
Generally, NO.
of payment totally useless? NO.
o It is a preliminary act alone: must be followed by
Can you resort to consignation before making a tender of A borrowed B P1M with 12% interest. A tendered payment and B
payment? Generally, NO. refused without any justifiable cause. Should A continue paying the
o TENDER OF PAYMENT: manifestation of the debtor to interest?
immediately comply with the obligation.
- Debt of money.
If A owes B P1M. How can A make tender of payment? - The debtor is exempted from that point on he tried tendering
- A actually offers B the P1M. the debtor manifest his ability and
willingness to comply with the obligation.
- Assuming, instead, A tried offering B a personal check. B
refused. Is a personal check a valid tender? NO. o When what is involved is a RIGHT and not an
What if the personal check is a certified check? Does obligation.
that make any difference? Isnt that already good as Thats when mere tender of payment is
cash? enough to preserve a right.
But when A owes B P1M, such is an obligation. Mere tender of
- As long as what is being offered is not legal tender, the creditor payment is not sufficient. There must be consignation.
has the perfect right to refuse the tender.

A sold B a parcel of land with the right to repurchase.

- Mere tender is enough.

A owed B P1M. A then gave B P100K only. Is that valid tender? - It is enough to preserve the right to repurchase if tender was
made within the period of redemption.
- NO. For tender to be valid, it must be of the exact amount.
- Must also be in the currency stipulated or the legal tender in
the Philippines.
IMPOTANT NOTE: mere tender is sufficient to preserve a right
is made in a timely manner.

Mere tender of payment is enough. CONSIGNATION


There must be strict compliance of its requisites (5). o Before the court has decided, the debtor can simply
But sometimes, based on considerations of justice and equity, withdraw the deposit and the obligation will still remain
non-compliance with any of them can be justified. in force.
o Matter of PRIVILEGE.
When the court has already rendered a judgment, can the
RURAL BANK VS. CA debtor still withdraw the deposit? YES, but this time with the
- FACTS: an old woman was borrowing from the petitioner bank,
NOTE: when the creditor filed in his answer as a prayer that the
and she was not the well-educated kind. There was a good
Samaritan (Valencia) who helped her borrow P3,000 with the thing be adjudicated in his favour, the court will deem such as
old womans property as its security. It turns out that the good an acceptance on the part of the creditor.
Samaritan also used the old womans property as collateral. o The debtor can no longer withdraw the consignation
The properties were foreclosed. When the old woman learned without the consent of the creditor.
about it, she resorted to consignation without any tender of Effects of a valid consignation made and AUTHORIZATION OF
payment made. The record of deposit served as the notice to BY THE CREDITOR TO THE DEBTOR TO WITHDRAW THE
the Bank.
- Is that a valid consignation even without tender? YES.
- Court: justified under the liberal consideration of equity as time 1. The creditor loses any preference.
was already running out. 2. Co-debtors shall be released.
That was what the best the old woman could do. 3. Solidary debtors: solidary liability only, not their shares
of the obligation.

JAN. 16, 2014

Generally, property as tender of payment is NOT VALID.
Supposing you deposited it in the bank. Is that valid? LOSS OF THE THING DUE:
o NO. It was not deposited to a competent court (with
judicial authority). QUIZ:

1. Action of C will prosper because money is generic: its loss will

A is the debtor of B a sum of money. T extinguish As obligation, what not extinguish the obligation.
should A do first? 2. Doctrine of UNFORESEEN EVENTS (ART. 1267): you cannot
invoke this doctrine anytime there are changes in
1. As debt must be already due. circumstances.
2. A must make a tender of payment. o If you can, that will give rise to the instability of
If B accepts the tender, well and good. The contractual relations.
obligation will be extinguished. o Can only be applied if change is so radical and
If B does not, then litigation will ensue. fundamental (affect the juridical loss of the contract).
3. There must be previous notice to the creditor and to the
other interested parties.
What is the tenor of the notice? NAGA TELEPHONE CO. INC:
Can you give notice simultaneously with tender
of payment? YES. Kapag di mo to tinanggap, - FACTS: it entered into an agreement with CASURECO II. Naga
idedemanda kita. Tel. will provide CASURECO 10 telephones, and CASURECO
REASON OF SUCH NOTICE: to allow the will allow Naga Tel. to use CASURECOs electric posts for their
creditor to rethink his refusal. telephone wires. As time passed, the wires became heavier
OTHER FORMS OF NOTICE: you file a case. and heavier due to their growth of subscribers. CASURECO
4. Consignation: Debtor vs. Creditor. now filed an action for reformation of their contract.
House and lot: immovable property. - HELD: for Naga Tel. to pay the prevailing rate: P10/post and
Deposit the documents (registration) for CASURECO to pay for the telephones due to such a great
and the court will appoint a receiver. change in the situation of the parties.
Money: deposit to the court. - Only in the case on absolute and exceptional changes, when
5. Subsequent notice to the creditor. equity would really demand the application of this doctrine.
REASON: for the creditor to withdraw the
money or to pursue with litigation.
SUMMONS: where the creditor is directed to file
an answer.
Sufficient as notice. PNCC VS. CA

- FACTS: ONCC is a company (Marcos crony) who could not

pay for its rent for a property it was leasing for a rock crushing
Defenses of the CREDITOR: project. It argued a great change in the political climate after
1. Question the tender of payment. the EDSA Revolution.
2. That there has been no previous notice. - Court: mere pecuniary inability to fulfil an engagement does not
discharge a contractual obligation or does it constitute a
3. The debt is not yet due.
defense to an action for specific performance.
PRAYER: of the DEBTOR upon filing the case: extinguishment
of the obligation.
In the meantime, during the pendency of the case, can the
debtor change his mind? YES.


- REMEMBER: the Court emphasized that Art. 1267 is not Presumption: if the thing is in possession of the debtor, its loss
applicable to obligations to give. was due to his fault.
o Only in obligations to do. UNLESS there is proof to the contrary.
EXCEPTION: when the loss happened during a natural
ART. 1266 calamity.

Obligations to do: if there is a legal impossibility, then the ART. 1268

debtor is released.
If A obliged himself to do a personal service to B, but A was Obligations arising from a criminal offense.
called to active military responsibility, then there is a legal Example: in a crime of theft, one is ordered to return the thing
impossibility of As performance. he has stolen.
o If its lost, it was his fault.
o EXCEPTION: when one tried to return it and the injured
LABAYEN (see Jurado) party refused to accept it without just cause.

- There was a standard miller contract signed by the planter and

the milling company. There was a provision in the contract that
the milling company will extend its railroad lines. Later on, it
turned out that due to the contour of the land, it will be very - END -
dangerous to life in extending the railroad lines.
- Art. 1266 applicable.

ART. 1262

Generally, loss: obligation that involves the delivery of a

specific or a determinate thing extinguishes the obligation.
1. Stipulation.
2. By law.
3. Nature.
4. Negligence on the part of the debtor for the loss must
be not due at all to the debtor (sole and proximate
5. In delay.
6. 2 or more persons.
What would be the effect of loss in a reciprocal obligation?
Example: If A is obliged to deliver to B a car and B will render a
kind of service to A in return. Unfortunately, the car was loss
due to caso fortuito. Is B still obliged to render his service?
A. REYES: Art. 1191, the non-fulfillment must be due to
his negligence for the other party to rescind the
o The other obligation remains.
o Three exceptions:
i. Art. 1504: sale f personal property when
the goods are lost before delivery.
ii. Art. 1655: leases extinguishment of
the payment.
iii. Art. 1717: contract for a piece of work.
B. TOLENTINO: he who does not give anything does not
have the right to receive anything.
o The other obligation becomes extinguished.
o We can deduce such (proof) from the
exceptions mentioned by REYES.

ART. 1264

Partial loss is equal to the complete loss based on the

circumstances it is for the court to decide.
Example: A certain race horse or a fighting cock. When a leg or
wing is broken, its considered lost.

ART. 1255:


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