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Government of Ghana






4th cycle
Baseline year: 2010
Implementation year: 2012
Disbursement year: 2012

December, 2011
MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................iii

1. INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background .................................................................................................................1
1.2 The Purpose and Users of this Manual ........................................................................1
2.0 The FOAT Process ..............................................................................................................2
2.1 Guiding Principles.......................................................................................................2
2.2 The Processes ..............................................................................................................2
2.2.1 Minimum Conditions (MCs) ........................................................................................................ 2
2.2.2 DDF Performance Measures (PMs)............................................................................................... 3
2.2.3 UDG Performance Measures (PMs) .............................................................................................. 4
3.0 THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS .........................................................................................4
3.1 The Pre-assessment activities .......................................................................................4
3.2 The actual assessment activities ...................................................................................5
Identification of Capacity Building Needs ............................................................................................................ 5
3.3 Post-assessment activities ............................................................................................6
3.3.1 Verification of the assessment reports submitted by consultants .................................6
3.3.2 Notification of assessment score ......................................................................................6
3.3.3 Processing of complaints from MMDAs by the MLGRD. ..................................................................... 6
3.3.4 Consolidation of FOAT results ........................................................................................................ 7
3.3.5 Consolidation of capacity building needs by LGSS .............................................................................. 7
3.3.5 Preparation of Consolidated Assessment Report.................................................................................. 7
3.3.6 Submission and approval of the FOAT Results by the Steering Committee.............................................. 7
3.3.7 Dissemination to the MMDAs of the approved FOAT results ............................................................... 7
3.3.8 Public dissemination of the FOAT results and corresponding DDF allocations. ....................................... 7
4.0 FLOW CHART OF THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS ..........................................................8
5.0 FOAT MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION ........................................................9
5.1 The Steering Committee ..............................................................................................9
5.1.1 Responsibilities of the Steering Committee........................................................................................... 9
5.1.2 DDF Secretariat ................................................................................................................................. 10
5.1.3 Local Government Service Secretariat ................................................................................................ 10
6.0 MONITORING, REPORTING AND REVIEW PROCESS ..............................................10
7.1 Monitoring Schedule .................................................................................................11
Annex 1: Outline of Minimum Conditions and Performance Measures............................................................................. i
Annex 2: Reporting Formats............................................................................................................................................ xvii

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MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

List of Abbreviations

AAP Annual Action Plan (district level)

ARIC Audit Report Implementation Committee
CB Capacity Building
CBG Capacity Building Grant
CIDA Canadian International Development Agency
DACF District Assemblies Common Fund
DANIDA Danish International Development Assistance
DCD District Coordinating Director
DCE District Chief Executive
DDF District Development Facility
DESSAP Development of Environmental Sanitation Sub-Sector
Strategy and Action Plan
DPCU District Planning Coordinating Unit
FOAT Functional and Organisational Assessment Tool
GAS Ghana Audit Service
IGF Internally Generated Funds
ILGS Institute of Local Government Studies
KfW Kreditanstallt fr Wiederaufbau (German Development
LGA Local Government Act
LGSS Local Government Service Secretariat
LI Legal Instrument
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MCs Minimum Conditions
MLGRD Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development
MMDAs Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies
MoFEP Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
MTDP Medium Term Development Plan (district level)
NALAG National Association of Local Authorities in Ghana
NAT National Assessment Team
NDPC National Development Planning Commission
OM Operation and Maintenance
PBGS Performance Based Grant System
PMs Performance Measures
RPCU Regional Planning Coordinating Unit
SC Steering Committee
TWG Technical Working Group
UDG Urban Development Grant
WB World Bank

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MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


1.1 Background

The Government of Ghana as part of its efforts to improve the performance of the
District Assemblies in terms of efficiency, accountability and delivery of basic
community services has introduced a performance base grant system. Under the
system, the District Assemblies are assessed on agreed indicators on a yearly basis
using the Functional Organisational Assessment Tool (FOAT).

Assemblies that perform well in the FOAT assessment are rewarded with financial
resources from Ministry of Local Government and Rural Developments (MLGRD)
performance based grant system, which consist of:

The District Development Facility (DDF) which is available for all 170
Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs), and
The Urban Development Grant (UDG) which is available only to the 46
Metropolitan and Municipal Assemblies (MMAs)

The objectives of the FOAT are to:

Provide incentive for performance for complying with the legal and
regulatory framework
Identify performance capacity gaps of the MMDAs
Establish a link between performance assessments and capacity building

1.2 The Purpose and Users of this Manual

This manual seeks to ensure an efficient and transparent assessment of the

performance of the District Assemblies by providing operational guidance for the
management, implementation and administration of the FOAT. It outlines the
principles, processes and indicators of the assessment.

The target groups for this manual are:

The MMDAs who are being assessed

Staff of sector ministries involve with the management of the
Assembly Members who are to ensure accountability in the utilization of the
fund resources
Staff of the Regional Coordinating Councils who are to provide technical
backstopping to and monitoring of the MMDAs
Development Partners who are contributing to the DDF and UDG
Members of Civil Society and the general public interested in the performance
of the MMDAs

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MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

Consultants involve with the assessment of the MMDAs

Members of Parliamentary Select Committee on Local Government

2.0 The FOAT Process

2.1 Guiding Principles

The following principles apply to the FOAT and the Assessment Process:

The MMDAs are strictly assessed against their legal obligations and
issues that fall within their direct span of control; Consequently, all
indicators are anchored in existing legal, regulatory and policy
The indicators acknowledge the specific legal, political, administrative
and fiscal environment in which MMDAs operate
The indicators capture both the administrators and the elected
representatives in the MMDA structure
In order to minimise discretion in the assessment process, the
indicators are objectively verifiable and simple to assess
The assessment process facilitates a clear translation of identified
capacity building needs into corresponding institutional strengthening
The assessment process ensures that capacity building is fully
integrated into the budgeting cycle of the MMDAs

2.2 The Processes

The actual assessment is broken down into Minimum Conditions (MCs) and
Performance Measures (PMs).

2.2.1 Minimum Conditions (MCs)

The MCs are those conditions that an MMDA needs to fulfil in order to qualify to
access the Basic Grant component of the DDF and to qualify for the UDG. The MCs
are formulated under the following five sub-themes:

Development Planning
Financial Management and Accounting
Public Procurement
Implementation Capacity
Functioning of the General Assembly

The MCs to be fulfilled are as follows:

Functional District Planning Coordinating Unit (DPCU)

Annual Action Plan (AAP) formulated
Annual Statement of Accounts prepared
No adverse audit comments bordering on dishonesty

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MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

Procurement plan prepared

Minimum number of General Assembly meetings held
Progress reports submitted on Implementation of AAP

See Annex 1 for the details.

2.2.2 DDF Performance Measures (PMs)

The PMs are those conditions that will be used to determine each MMDAs
allocation of the DDFs performance grant. The PMs involve detailed indicators to
measure performance are classified under nine sub-themes as follows:

Management and Organisation

Transparency, Openness and Accountability
Planning System
Human Resource Management
Relationship with sub-district structures
Financial Management and Auditing
Fiscal Capacity
Environmental Sanitation Management

A summary of the thematic areas and the maximum scores that can be obtained is
presented in Table 1. The scoring system for each indicator ranges from zero (0) to
four (4).

Table 1: Summary of Scores for each DDF Thematic Area

Performance Measures
Management and organisation 10
Transparency, openness and accountability 12
Planning system 16
Human resource management 7
Relationship with sub structures 6
Financial management and Auditing 16
Fiscal capacity 15
Procurement 12
Environmental Sanitation Management 6
Total 100

See Annex 1 for more details.

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MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

2.2.3 UDG Performance Measures (PMs)

The PMs are those conditions that will be used to determine each MMAs allocation
of the UDG grant. The PMs involve detailed indicators to measure performance are
classified under five sub-themes as follows:

Reporting and Auditing
Asset Management
Revenue Management
Social Accountability

A summary of the thematic areas and the maximum scores that can be obtained is
presented in Table 2. The scoring system for each indicator ranges from zero (0) to
twenty-five (25).

Table 2: Summary of Scores for each UDG Thematic Area

Performance Measures
Budgeting 15
Reporting and Auditing 15
Asset Management 20
Revenue Management 35
Social Accountability 15
Total 100

See Annex 1 for more details.


There are three main activities in the assessment processes, and they can be classified
as follows:

Pre-assessment activities
The actual assessment activities
Post-assessment activities

3.1 The Pre-assessment activities

Activities to be done include:

Procurement of the Consultants through a competitive bidding process

as prescribed in the Public Procurement Act, 2003 Act 663
Orientation of the Consultants on the indicators, scoring and reporting
Orientation of the MMDAs on the indicators

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Communicate to MMDAs on the timing of the assessment, the specific

documents required for the assessment and the indicators a month
before the Consultants start the assessment
A month before the assessment obtain all reports from central agencies
which are required by the assessment teams

3.2 The actual assessment activities

The assessment is conducted on the agreed indicators on the nine thematic areas.
Details of the indicators are described in Annex 1. Activities to be done for the actual
assessment include:

Consultants undertake a two or three day assessment in each MMDA

assigned to them. Two days are assigned to the DDF PMs at MMDAs
while three days are assigned to MMAs to allow for an additional day
for the UDG PMs.
Consultants are to hold introductory meeting with key district officials
including at least the District Chief Executive (DCE), the District
Coordinating Director (DCD) and Presiding Member (PM). The
purpose of the meeting is to set the agenda and agree on the time
schedule for the assessment
Monitoring by the DDF Secretariat to conduct quality verification as
part of quality assurance of the work of the consultants

Identification of Capacity Building Needs

Derivation of capacity building needs of the MMDAs is a key element of the FOAT
exercise for the DDF. As part of the assessment of the MCs and DDF PMs, the
Assessment Consultants will assist the MMDAs to determine their capacity building
(CB) needs through the following steps:

Identify logistics, skills and organisational gaps based on the FOAT

Explore further to establish the specific capacity implications
Identify CB needs in relation to various indicators
Record in the appropriate indicator column
Document all the capacity needs in the format provided
Debrief MMDA leadership on the outcome of the assessment

Following the annual FOAT assessment, each MMDA will ensure that the demand driven
capacity building needs form an integral part of the Annual Action Plan for implementation
the following year when the allocations are communicated to them by MLGRD. This process
implies that demand driven capacity building needs identified by the assessment of any
particular year will be planned for implementation in the following year.

At the end of the assessment, the Overall Team Leader (lead consultant) will prepare
and submit an Assessment Report to the DDF Secretariat on each of the assigned
MMDAs using the formats provided. With the overall report, there will be two

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separate chapters that provide the individual scores and the total score for DDF PM
indicators and UDG PM indicators respectively. See Annex 2 (A I) for details for
the formats.

The Assessment Report Forms must be signed by the DCE, DCD, and the Team
Leader of the Assessment Consultants irrespective of the outcome of the assessment.
The Assessment Reports will include an explicit reference to the nature and
substance of any disagreement.

3.3 Post-assessment activities

3.3.1 Verification of the assessment reports submitted by consultants

The DDF Secretariat, upon the receipt of the FOAT reports from the consultants, will
verify the accuracy and consistency of the responses to and scores of the indicators.

3.3.2 Notification of assessment score

The Minister, through the DDF Secretariat will provide official notification of
assessment scores to all MMDAs, following receipt and verification of all reports.

3.3.3 Processing of complaints from MMDAs by the MLGRD.

Complaint Procedures

Where an MMDA is not satisfied with the outcome of the assessment, a complaint
should be submitted to the Minister, MLGRD through the Coordinator, DDF
Secretariat (MLGRD) not later than two weeks following receipt of notification of
official scores.

When submitting the complaint, the MMDA must enclose any relevant
documentation in support of the issues in question. A Complaints Resolution
Committee will review and examine the complaint and recommend action to be
taken on the complaints.

Composition of Complaints Resolution Committee:

Representative from MLGRD

Representative of NALAG
Representative of Regional Coordinating Council (respective)
Independent Expert in the area of concern
DDF Coordinator
DP funding representative

Based upon the report from the Complaints Resolution Committee, the DDF
Secretariat will prepare a full report of all complaints and the outcome thereof for

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the consideration of the Steering Committee and the necessary action shall be taken
within one month after receipt of the complaint.

The examination of the complaint will lead to one of the following results:

1. Correction of errors
2. Re-assessment in case of laxity by the assessment team
3. Rejection of the complaint

3.3.4 Consolidation of FOAT results

Following the verification and subsequent submission of the final reports by the
consultants, the individual results for DDF and UDG as well as capacity building
needs of the MMDAs will be consolidated by the DDF Secretariat with the support
of the Technical Working Group.

3.3.5 Consolidation of capacity building needs by LGSS

Upon verification of results by the DDF Secretariat, the LGSS will consolidate and
harmonise the capacity building needs of all the MMDAs and prepare a mandatory
(generic) capacity building plan and budget for review and approval by the Steering

3.3.5 Preparation of Consolidated Assessment Report

The DDF Secretariat will prepare a FOAT Consolidated Report based on the results
and the reports received from the Consultants. The Consolidated Report will contain
an analysis and the individual score for both the DDF and the UDG assessments.

3.3.6 Submission and approval of the FOAT Results by the Steering Committee
The Consolidated FOAT report and copies of individual assessment reports of all
MMDAs will be submitted by the DDF Secretariat for the consideration of the TWG,
and subsequently for the Steering Committees approval.

3.3.7 Dissemination to the MMDAs of the approved FOAT results

Each of the assessed MMDAs will receive a copy of their assemblys final assessment

3.3.8 Public dissemination of the FOAT results and corresponding DDF

To ensure transparency and accountability of the assessment system, and to increase
stakeholders involvement, the MLGRD will publish the FOAT results and the
corresponding DDF allocation and UDG allocation in the national dailies.

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Actions Required Process Implications

MLGRD issues circular to all MMDAs one month

Should include before Assessment
changes to conditions
& indicators (if any)
An orientation of Consultants

Consultants call on DCE and holds Introductory

Meeting with DCE, DCD and Presiding Member

DCD assigns Officers to be contacted for

If not met, the
If not met, proceed assessment is only
Consultants check fulfilment of MCs to determine CB
with assessment

Determine CB needs as Consultants assesses Performance Measures and

part of the process Scores as per the indicators

MMDAs with a complaint

on Assessment formally Consultants finalises scoring and discusses with
forward it to MLGRD DCE, DCD & PM for signing on day 3
within 2 weeks after the

Consultants prepare the Assessment Reports and Copy of consultants report

submit to the MLGRD with CB needs with CB needs is forwarded
to LGSS to determine CB
DDF Sec. determines
allocations MLGRD verifies consolidates results and categorises
MMDAs and prepares Consolidated Report for SC

MMDAs prepare AAP

including capacity
building plans based on SC approves results and allocations for publication

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5.1 The Steering Committee

The DDF Steering Committee will be responsible for the overall management of the

The Minister of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) will chair the
expanded Steering Committee (SC) with the following institutional representatives:

Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD)

Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MOFEP)
National Development Planning Commission (NDPC)
Local Government Service Secretariat (LGSS)
District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF)
National Association of Local Authorities in Ghana (NALAG)
Civil Society (LOGNET)
The Coordinator, DDF Secretariat
DPs supporting the co-financing agreement on DDF and UDG (non-
voting members)
Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS)
Office of Head of Civil Service

The Ghana Audit Service and the Controller and Accountant Generals Department
shall be ex-officio members of the Committee.

5.1.1 Responsibilities of the Steering Committee

The responsibility of the SC will be to:

Provide overall policy guidance and directives for the implementation of the
FOAT assessment
Review the merits of MMDAs complaints on the assessment and determine the
action to be taken, based on the recommendations of the DDF Secretariat
Approve FOAT results, and DDF and UDG allocations and ensure their
Consider remedial actions in case of weaknesses of the system
Review reports of the relevant institutions
Endorse work plan and budget for the management and implementation of the
FOAT Assessment

The SC has two regular meetings per year. The DDF Secretariat of MLGRD serves as
the secretariat of the SC. The Secretariat headed by the DDF Coordinator will be
supported by a Technical Working Group (TWG) made up of representatives from
the following institutions:

Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD)

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Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS)

Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MOFEP)
Local Government Service Secretariat (LGSS)
Management Services Division (MSD) of OHCS
Controller and Accountant Generals Department (CAGD)
Ghana Audit Service (GAS)
National Development Planning Commission (NDPC)
Development Partners (co-financing partners)
Development Partners providing technical assistance
National Association of Local Authorities of Ghana (NALAG)

The responsibilities of the TWG will be to provide technical backstopping to the

DDF Secretariat and make recommendations on policy issues to the SC. This would
include FOAT related issues:

Support the DDF Secretariat to collate and analyse the FOAT data
Assist in reviewing consultants' technical and financial FOAT proposal
Assist in the orientation of the selected FOAT consultants
Assist in the review of the FOAT indicator list
Other areas as needs arise

5.1.2 DDF Secretariat

 Manage the procurement process for the recruitment of the Consultants to

undertake the FOAT assessment
 Organise and facilitate orientation sessions of the Consultants prior to the
 Monitor the work of the Consultants in the field to conduct quality
 Organise and facilitate orientation sessions for the MMDAs on the FOAT
 With the support of the TWG provide the data from FOAT assessment on
CB needs to LGSS
 Inform the district assemblies about their demand-driven capacity
building gaps identified

5.1.3 Local Government Service Secretariat

 Collate and consolidate capacity building needs from the FOAT
assessment data
 Identify generic training needs of MMDAs based on the FOAT assessment
and prepare workplan and budget proposal


Monitoring, reporting and review processes of the FOAT will consist of the

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Composition and operation of a field monitoring team to provide for

quality assurance during the assessment
Periodic review of the assessment indicators and the FOAT process
Establishment and annual update of a FOAT database
Periodic analysis of FOAT data for reference, comparison and decision

7.1 Monitoring Schedule

Table 7.1: Monitoring Schedule

Activity Responsibility Timeline Recipient

Preparation of TOR DDF Secretariat 2 months before Monitoring Team
Constitution of Monitoring Team DDF Secretariat 1 month before Monitoring Team
Preparation of a Monitoring work Monitoring 2 weeks before Monitoring Team
plan. Team/DDF Secretariat assessment
Conducting orientation sessions DDF Secretariat 1 weeks before Monitoring Team
Undertake Field Monitoring Monitoring Team During assessment Steering Committee
Preparation and collation of Monitoring Team In time for the DDF Secretariat
monitoring reports verification review of
consultants reports
Submission of monitoring DDF Secretariat First SC meeting after Steering Committee
findings assessment

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Annex 1: Outline of Minimum Conditions and Performance Measures

FOAT Minimum Conditions

Minimum Condition Indicators of Minimum Condition Information Source and Assessment Procedure
Functional Capacity Establishment of a DPCU based on From the District Coordinating Director (DCD) obtain information on membership and signed
in Development the Guidelines for the minutes of the quarterly meetings as well as dated invitation letters to members of the DPCU.
Planning Operationalisation of DPCUs &
RPCUs, 2004 If minimum of 80% of members have attended each meeting and minutes duly recorded and
signed by the Secretary and the Chairman, the MC is fulfilled.
(Section 2.2 of Guideline for Operationalisation of DPCUs & RPCUs)
Annual Action Plan has been From DCD receive a copy of the 2010 approved Annual Action Plan (AAP) prepared for
formulated on the basis of the MTDP implementation of the 2010-13 MTDP to verify link between MTDP and the AAP.

If AAP is prepared and 80% of the number of programmes and projects in the AAP conform to
MTDP, the MC is fulfilled.
(Section 7.10 of Draft NDPC Guidelines on the preparation of the MTDP)
Functional Capacity Annual Statement of Accounts From the DCD obtain information on whether the Annual Statement of Accounts for 2010 has
in Financial prepared and submitted according to been prepared and submitted by the 31st March 2011.
Management and the Financial Administration Act, 654,
Accounting Financial Administration Regulation If this has been done, the MC is fulfilled.
LI1802/ and Financial Memorandum (Financial Administration Regulation and the Financial Administration Act)
No adverse comments bordering on From the DCD receive a copy of the Auditor Generals Audit report for 2009 and the
dishonesty on audit conducted Management Letter for 2010. If no adverse comments in the management letter bordering on
dishonesty have been reported, the MC is fulfilled. ***

Preparation and submission of From DCD obtain and review copies of monthly financial reports prepared and submitted to
monthly financial reports to CAGD CAGD.

If all twelve monthly financial reports for 2010 were prepared and submitted to CAGD by 15
January 2011 and at least 9 reports were submitted within 15 days after the month to which
they relate, the MC is fulfilled
(FAR LI 1802, section 189)
Functional Capacity District procurement plan available From the DCD receive information on the preparation and approval of the 2010 Procurement
in Procurement and prepared based on Public Plan by 30th November 2009 and obtain quarterly updated plans on the procurement plan for
Procurement Act (PPA) 663 of 2003 2010.
and the Guidelines
If the plan and quarterly updated plans follow the PPA guidelines, the MC is fulfilled.
(Part III Section 21, Sub section 1, PPA 663, 2003 on the preparation of procurement plan)

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Functional Capacity Assembly meeting according to From the DCD receive a copy of invitation letters and signed minutes of meetings of the
of Assembly minimum demands General Assembly held in 2010.

If the assembly has met at least three times and minutes duly recorded and signed by PM and
DCD in 2010, the MC is fulfilled.
(Section 18 of Local Government Act, Act 462)
Plan Progress Reports on the From the DCD obtain information whether the MMDA has submitted quarterly and annual
Implementation implementation of activities in the progress reports on the implementation of the 2010 Annual Action Plan to the Regional
Capacity Annual Action Plan Coordinating Council (RCC).

If the quarterly reports for 2010 have been prepared and submitted by the 15th of April, 15th of
July and 15th of October and the annual report prepared and submitted before the 28 of
February 2011, the MC is fulfilled.
(NDPC District M&E guideline 2009)
*** Examples bordering on dishonesty are embezzlement, misappropriation, over invoicing for purchasing, inflation of contract sums

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PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Management and Meetings of the political From the DCD receive and review the composition, attendance and minutes of
Organisation structure: the meetings:
a) Executive a) If at least a meeting of the EC/A was held prior to each of the three
Total Score - 10 Committee/Authority mandated General Assembly meetings in 2010 and minutes duly
(EC/A) recorded and signed by DCD and DCE respectively, score 2, else
score 0

(Section 19 of the Local Government Act, Act 462)

b) Sub-committees of the b) If each of the 5 Statutory Sub-committees held at least one meeting
Assembly prior to each of the three meetings of the EC/A in 2010 and minutes
are recorded and signed, score 2, else score 0 2

(Section 24 of the Local Government Act, Act 462

c) District Security c) If District Security Committee held quarterly meetings in 2010 and
Committee minutes duly recorded, score 1, else score 0
Accessibility of public places From the DCD receive information on plans and efforts that have been put in
to the physically challenged place (plans and progress reports) to enhance access for the physically
challenged to offices, new construction or renovation of classroom blocks,
sanitation facilities, water points, and markets etc. in 2010. 1

If there is evidence of provision of access or efforts to provide access to the

physically challenged for all projects, score 1 else score 0.
Regular management From the DCD, receive copies of duly recorded and signed minutes of
meetings management (Departments of the District Assembly + DA core staff) meetings
held in 2010.

If management meetings were held at least quarterly and duly attended by at

least 80% of heads of departments of the District Assembly, score 1, else
score 0.

If 2 of these quarterly meetings were held under the chairmanship of the Chief
Executive score an additional 1, else score 0.
(Departments of the District Assembly as stated under schedule 1 of LI 1961

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Follow up to management From the DCD, receive signed minutes of meetings and review it against
meetings implementation reports on decisions taken in 2010.
If at least 75% or more of decisions have been implemented score 2, if 50-
74% score 1, below 50% score 0.

PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Transparency, Establishment and From the DCD receive information on the establishment (secretariat with staff)
Openness and functionality of the Public and operationalization, list of empanelled for the purpose of complaints
Accountability Relations and Complaints received, complaints received and actions taken.
Committee (PRCC)
Total score - 12 If there is a secretariat/desk with staff, score 1 2

If files/records are available on complaints , score an additional 1

(Section 27 of the Local Government Act, Act 462)

Information to the Public From the DCD receive information on evidence of dissemination of the
Assemblys activities to the public (e.g. public hearings, consultations,
publications, available newsletters, letters of notice boards, receipt for radio
discussions and announcements).

If evidence of dissemination to public exist score 1, else score 0.

Publication of annual From the DCD receive documentation of publication of the 2010 annual
statement of accounts (LGA statement of accounts which should include the following:
Section 125)
Balance sheet
Revenue and expenditure statement
cash flow statement
Notes to the account

If copies of 2010 statement of accounts have been given to DA members,

score 1, and if published on notice board score an additional 2. If not, score 0.
Availability of the External From DCD receive a copy of the external auditors report, review the report
Auditors Report and establish actions taken on the issues raised in the report.
If the latest audit report has been made available to the public (notice board,
website or in other ways) score 2, else score 0.

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(Section 125 of the Local Government Act, Act 462)

Publication of draft Annual From DCD receive documentation of publication of draft annual budget.
If the 2010 draft Budget was made available to DA members (despatch book)
two weeks before Assembly meeting, score 1, if not score 0.
(Part V, Section 40 of the Financial Memoranda, 2004 of the MLGRD)
Submission of Monthly From DCD receive documentation on submission of monthly financial
Financial Statement. statements. (I.e. trial balance, revenue & expenditure statement and balance

If 12 monthly financial statements for 2010 have been submitted to the F&A 3
Sub-committee within 15 days after the month to which they relate, score 3,
else score 0.

(Part VII, Section 75 of the Financial Memoranda, 2004 of the MLGRD)

PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Planning system Involvement of key From DCD receive and review implementation reports on key stakeholders
stakeholders in plan participation in non-physical programmes (e.g. sensitisation, capacity building
Total score - 16 implementation and monitoring and extension services) identified in the 2010 Annual Action Plan.

If minutes or records exist for participation by key stakeholders (beneficiaries, 1

DA members and service providers) in 80-100% of the non-physical
programmes exist for 2010, score 1, else score 0.

(Section 5 of NDPC M&E Guideline 2009)

From DCD receive monitoring reports on physical projects identified in the
Annual Action Plan.

If minutes or records of participation by key stakeholders (beneficiaries, DA 1

staff and contractor and other stakeholders depending on the nature of the
project) exist for more than 75% of the monitoring undertaken in 2010, score
1, else score 0.
Level of plan implementation From DCD obtain information on projects in the Annual Action Plan for 2010.
If 75% or more of the total number of projects in the Annual Action Plan have

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been implemented or are being implemented, score 2. If 50%-74% score 1, If

less than 50% score 0.
Internal monitoring and From DCD receive minutes of quarterly M&E meetings (district administration
evaluation of plan and departments of the District Assembly).
If review meetings have been held within the framework of the M&E system
with 4 meeting minutes duly recorded and signed and submitted to NDPC 2
within 15 days, score 2, if 3 meeting minutes score 1, if less than 3 meetings
score 0.

(Section 3.3 of NDPC M&E Guideline 2009)

Linkage between planning and From DCD obtain information on the annual plan and budget for 2010 and
budgeting establish the linkage between the two documents.
If 80% or more of investment budgetary estimates conforms to the annual plan
score 1, else score 0.
Work planning by departments From the DCD receive copy of departments of the District Assemblys annual
of the District Assembly action plans and review these in line with the 2010-13 MTDP.
If 90% or more of departments of the District Assembly projects and
programmes are integrated into the AAP score 2, if 80-89% score 1, else
score 0.
Socio economic data From DCD receive information about databank of the Assembly
collection and management
If there is a consolidated databank (2006-2009) of sex disaggregated data of 2
the district for revenue potential and data from health, education, roads, water
and sanitation and agriculture departments exists score 2, if not score 0.
Support to the poor and From DCD receive information on programmes for the poor and vulnerable
vulnerable (Women, Children, Aged, Disabled and People Living with HIV/AIDS).
If 20% or more of the projects in the AAP focus specifically on the poor and
vulnerable score 2, if between 10-19%, score 1, if less than 10%, score 0.
Climate change interventions From DCD receive information on climate change and disaster risk reduction
(CC-DRR) programmes in the District.
If 5% or more of the projects in the AAP focus specifically on CC-DRR issues
score 1, if not score 0
Gender Mainstreaming From the DCD find out if the assembly has initiated or implemented
programmes aimed at bridging gaps between males and females.

Page vi
MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

Score 1 for indications of interventions related to promoting womens and

marginalised groups advancement into public office and leadership

Score an additional 1 for the availability of a district plan based on a gender

profile demonstrating use/analysis of sex disaggregated data from databank
for programme formulation and implementation.

PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Human Resource Overall vacancy level From DCD receive a copy of the actual staff ledger of the Assemblys central
Management administration and the departments of the District Assembly for 2010. If the
Total max. score ledger is available and has been revised quarterly, score 1.
If evidence of efforts (letters) to fill all vacancies has been taken within a
month also exist, score an additional score 1.

(Office of Head of Civil Service Guidelines)

Staff development From DCD receive copy of training needs assessment for the Assemblys
central administration and heads of departments of the District Assembly.
If training needs assessment was done for 2010, score 1, else score 0.

(Office of Head of Civil Service Guidelines)

Training and capacity building From the DCD receive a copy of the staff capacity building plan prepared for
implementation in 2010 and accompanying implementation capacity building

If the staff capacity building plan (including those identified from FOAT) is
available and based on TNA score 2, else score 0.
If 60% or more of programmes in the plan has been implemented, score an
additional 1

If all quarterly reports on DDF capacity building activities has been submitted
to LGSS, score an additional 1

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MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Relationship with Revenue sharing between From the DCD, obtain information (payment voucher/receipts) on transfer or
sub structures Assembly and sub structures remittance of 50% of revenue collected by sub structures on behalf of the
(transfer to sub-districts 50% District Assembly.
Total max. score of ceded revenues collected in
6 sub structures) If the MMDA has evidence on remittance of funds to 50% or more of sub
structures score 3, else score 0.

(Legislative Instrument 1967)

Extent to which sub district From the DCD receive quarterly progress report for 2010 from the sub-
structures have been structures on the implementation of their mandated functions, and the extent
mandated to perform functions to which these functions are being performed.
outlined in LI 1967
If at least one quarterly report for 2010 is available from at least 50% of the
sub-structures, score 3

(Legislative Instrument 1967)

PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Financial Functionality of Budget From the DCD receive information on the composition and functionality of the
Management and Committee Budget Committee.
If Budget Committee is functional and duly recorded and signed minutes of 4
Total max. score meetings of 75% of members are available and demonstrate consideration
16 and decision /recommendation on all mandated items, score 1 or else score 0.

(Section 150 Financial Administration Regulations LI 1802)

Compliance with budgetary From the DCD obtain information on the annual expenditure returns of the
provisions. Assembly.

If annual expenditure returns are kept within budget approvals, AND 2

expenditures returns relate to items in the approved budget, score 2

(Financial Memoranda issued by MLGRD 2004)

Procedure for funds From the DCD obtain information on the process of disbursing funds for IGF,
disbursement DACF, HIPC, Health Fund, DDF, GETFund and Donor Funds for specific

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


If ALL disbursements have been done according to procedures for utilisation

of IGF, HIPC, DACF, Health Fund, GETFund, DDF and Donor Funds score 1,
else score 0.

(Guidelines from Administrators of various funds )

Approval of the budget From the DCD obtain minutes of Assembly meetings for the approval of the
2010 budget.

If the budget was presented by the Executive committee to the General

Assembly for approval in time (latest by 30th November 2009), score 2 else
score 0.

(Section 11 of the Local Government Act, Act 462)

Estimation of revenue from From the DCD obtain information on the basis for estimation of revenue from
fees and licences fees and licences (data on target group e.g. chop bars, drinking bars etc.)

If estimation was based on data provided score 1, else score 0. 1

(Schedule 6 and Section 86 of the Local Government Act, Act 462) (Financial
Memoranda issued by MLGRD 2004).
Board of Survey From the DCD, obtain report of the Board of Survey for 2010 on both stores
and funds.

If Board of Survey was conducted not later than 31st December 2010, signed
and dated report available, score 2, else score 0

(Section 30 of Part X and Section 50 of Part XII of Financial Memorandum

issued by MLGRD 2004)
Prompt responsiveness to From DCD obtain evidence on queries from the management letter for 2009
external audit queries on the external audit and whether the report was submitted to the Audit Report
Implementation Committee within the specified period and actions taken on
the queries.
If the management letter was submitted to ARIC within 30 days of receipt of
management letter, score 1
If the management letter has been responded to (status report) within 30 days
by the district management, score an additional 2

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MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

(Section 121 of the Local Government Act, Act 462, 1993)

(Part 3, section 29 of Audit Service Act , Act 584, 2000)
Functionality of Internal Audit From the DCD obtain quarterly internal audit reports submitted to the
Unit Presiding Member of the Assembly.
If this has been done on a quarterly basis score 2, else score 0.

( Section 120 of the Local Government Act, Act 462)

Responsiveness to the internal From the DCD obtain evidence on ARICs comments to the internal audit
audit observations reports for 2010 and DA managements implementation of these
If the Chief Executive has acted on the recommendations in the 4 internal
audit reports score 2, else score 0.

PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Fiscal Capacity; Absolute Size of IGF From the DCD obtain information on average annual growth in IGF between
2009 and 2010.
Total max. score
15 If growth has been higher than 20%, score 3
If growth has been 10% - 19%, score 2
Or else score 0.

(Please show basis for calculation in the report)

Efforts to improve Internally From the DCD obtain a copy of the Revenue Improvement Action Plan.
Generated Fund (IGF)
If the plan is available score 2. If 75% of the activities in the plan for 2010 have 4
been implemented accordingly and an average annual growth rate of 20% has
been realized, score an additional 2.
Collection cost of Internally From the DCD obtain information on the collection cost of IGF. If the collection
Generated Fund (IGF) cost of IGF is less than 30% of the total IGF score 2, else score 0.

Observe the following and sum up to arrive at the cost of revenue collection: 2
- Salaries of revenue staff on central government payroll
- Commission received by revenue collectors
- Cost of value books used

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MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

Share of Internally Generated From the DCD obtain information from the trial balance on the use of the IGF
Fund (IGF) used for for development (investment) and maintenance from the Assemblys internal
Development Expenditure revenue sources.
If at least 15% or more of the IGF was spent on investment and maintenance
in 2010, score 2. If 10%-14%, score 1, else score 0.
Operation and maintenance From the DCD obtain information on the percentage of the approved budget
plan for operation and maintenance as against capital budget.
If there is a plan for O&M and activities are captured in the annual budget,
score 1. If the percentage for O&M is 10% or higher, score an additional 1.
Preparation of Asset Registers From the DCD obtain a copy of the Asset Register.

If the Register is available score 1, if it has been updated annually in 2010,

score an additional 1.

(Financial Memoranda 2004, Part XII Section 64)

PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Procurement; Meetings of Procurement From the DCD obtain information on minutes of meetings of the Tender
Entities Committee.
Total max. score
12 If the Tender Committee met as required by law and have duly recorded and 3
signed minutes, score 3, else score 0.

(Section 17-20 of Public Procurement Act, Act 663)

Record on procurement From the DCD obtain information on the record of procurement proceedings
If done according to the Act, score 3, else score 0. 3

(Section 28 of Public Procurement Act, Act 663).

Contract Mobilisation From the DCD obtain information on all contract mobilisation paid in 2010.

If mobilisation payments are within 15% of the contract sum and appropriate
and redeemable bonds have been secured score 2, else score 0

(Part IX Section 69 and 70 of the Financial Memoranda)

Contract management Obtain from the DCD the percentage of projects completed on schedule for

Page xi
MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

2010. (Examine contracts file or register)

If 80% or more projects have been completed on schedule or on-going in 2010
score 3. If 60-79% have been completed score 1. If less score 0.
Contract Retention From the DCD obtain information on contracts completed in 2010.

If the minimum of 10% retention was withheld on EACH and fully released
after the defect liability period (normally not less the six months) on ALL 1
contracts score 1, else score 0.

(Part IX Section 72 of the Financial Memoranda)

PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Environmental Development of Environmental From the DCD obtain a copy of the DESSAP and annual action plan on its
Sanitation Sanitation Sub-Sector implementation
Management Strategy and Action Plan
(DESSAP) If provision was made for 2010 activities in the Assemblys 2010 Annual Env.
Total Max. Score Sanitation Plan and Annual Work Plan and approved Budget for the 2
6 implementation, score 1. If 75% of the activities (by number) were
implemented, score an additional 1.

(National Environmental Sanitation Policy 1999)

Data on environmental From the DCD find out if data exist on environmental facilities (latrines,
facilities dumping sites, urinal, butcheries etc.).
If data on the facilities exist and was updated in 2010, score 1,

(National Environmental Sanitation Policy 1999)

Market Facilities From the DCD obtain information on available market facilities i.e. place of
convenience (latrines and urinals), solid waste disposal facilities (waste
containers and litter bins) in the main market.
If a place of convenience exists in the market and can be confirmed to be
functioning and usable, score 1. If containers and litter-bins are in place for
solid waste disposal in the market, score an additional 2.
(National Environmental Sanitation Policy 1999)

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MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Budgeting Credibility From the DCD obtain information on the percentage variance of budgeted versus
actual expenditures for 2010 fiscal year.
Total Max. Score
15 It should be measured as total actual expenditures divided by adjusted budget
less transfers budgeted for but not received. (total actual expenditure divided by
total received budgetary allocation from all revenue sources)

If the variance is 10% or smaller, score 7 points

If the variance is between 10% and 15%, score 3 points
If the variance is higher than 15%, score 0 points
From the DCD obtain information about the number of revised budgets within the
2010 fiscal year

It should be measured as the number of revised budgets within 2010 financial

year excluding the number of supplementary budgets that are required by central
government/DP transfers)

If one revised budget, score 3 points

If two revised budgets, score 1 point
If more than two revised budgets, score 0 points
Timeliness From the DCD obtain signed minutes of Assembly meetings for the approval of
the 2010 budget

If the budget was presented by the Executive Committee to the General Assembly 5
for approval (latest by 30th November 2009), score 5 else score 0

(Section 11 of the Local Government Act, Act 462)

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Reporting and Timeliness From the MLGRD receive information about the timely submission of the monthly
Auditing financial statements by MMAs to the MLGRD

Total Max. Score Receipt by MLGRD (Inspectorate Division) of monthly financial statements within
15 15 days of the ensuing month.
If all 12 monthly financial statements were submitted on time, score 5 points
If 8, 9, 10 or 11 monthly financial statements were submitted on time, score 3
If less than 8 monthly financial statements were submitted on time, score 0 points

(Part VII, section 75 of the Financial Memoranda, 2004 of the MLGRD)

Quality From the DCD receive a copy of the Auditor Generals audit report for the 2009
audited account.
If the audit report for the 2009 audited account contains an unqualified audit
opinion, score 6 points. If the annual report contains a qualified, adverse or a
disclaimed opinion, score 0 points
Oversight From the DCD obtain evidence on queries from the latest Management Letter on
the external audit report and whether the report has been submitted to the Audit
Report Implementation Committee and actions taken on the queries.

If report has been submitted to ARIC within 30 days of receipt of the Management
Letter and ARIC has acted on Management Letter within 30 days after receipt of
the report, score 4 points, or else score 0 points

(section 121 of the Local Government Act, Act 462, 1993)

(part 3, section 29 of Audit Service Act, Act 584, 2000)

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Asset From the DCD obtain the percentage of projects completed on schedule for 2010.
Management (Examine contract file or register)

Total Max. Score If 80% or more of the projects were completed on schedule in 2010, score 5
20 points 5
If between 60 and up to 79% of the projects were completed on schedule in 2010,
score 2 points
If less than 60% of the projects were completed on schedule in 2010, score 0
Obtain from the DCD information for all contracts (infrastructure, services etc.) on
the signed contract price and the estimated price in the procurement plan
Costing 5
If the percentage variation of the total sum of the price of all signed contracts
versus the total sum of the estimated prices in procurement plan for the same
contracts is 10% or below, score 5 points. Else score 0 points
From the DCD obtain a copy of the Asset Register.

If the Asset register was officially updated (as of December 31, 2010), certified
and submitted to the DCD by March 31, 2011, score 5 points
Oversight and control 5
If the Asset register was officially updated (as of December 31, 2010) and certified
score 3 points, or else score 0 points

(Financial Memoranda 2004, part XII, section 64)

From the DCD obtain information on the total sum of expenditure on maintenance
as a percentage of total recurrent expenditure.

If the total sum of the Maintenance, Repairs and Renewals expenditures as a

percentage of the total expenditures is between 10% and 15%, score 5 points.
Sustainability 5
If it is between 5% and 10%, score 2 points
If it is less than 5%, score 0 points
If it is more than 15% score 0 points

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MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Revenue Fiscal effort From the DCD obtain a copy of the Revenue Improvement Action Plan and the
Management information on the actual IGF collection.
Total Max. Score If the percentage of the actual IGF amount collected in 2010 divided by the
35 estimated IGF in the Revenue Improvement Action Plan is higher than 90%, score
10 point. If it is 80% and up to 90%, score 5 points, or else score 0 points
From the DCD obtain information on the property tax collection for 2010.

If the year on year percentage growth in property tax collection between 2009 and
2010 was 20% or more, score 25 points.
If it was 15% and up to 19%, score 15 points
If it was 10% and up to 14%, score 10 points
If it was 5% and up to 9%, score 5 points
If it was lower than 5%, score 0 points

PMs Indicators Information source, Assessment basis and Scoring Max Scoring
Social Obtain from the DCD information on the annual public disclosure of fee fixing
Accountability resolutions at offices at the assembly, all zones and sub-metros.
Total Max. Score If resolution has been posted on a notice board at the assembly building and on a
15 notice board in one randomly selected zone or sub-metro in the first quarter of
2010 (as evidenced by date on document posted), score 2 points, or else score 0
From the DCD obtain signed minutes/report on Public Finance Management
(PFM) town meetings held in 2010.

If two PFM town meetings in assembly with civil society participation (as required
per existing regulation) and if Q1 meeting was about the annual budget and the
Participation 6
Q3 meeting was on budget/planning) were held as evident by the minutes, score 6

If only one town meeting was held, score 3 points

If no town meeting was held, score 0 points
Additional free points to be given to all qualifying MMAs 7

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

Annex 2: Reporting Formats


Name of MMDA: Zone:

Date of Assessment:.

Thematic Areas Needed Documents Tick
If available
Functional Membership and minutes of meetings of the Functional DPCU
Capacity in
Development 2010 Annual Action Plan
Functional 2010 Annual Statement of Accounts
Capacity in
Auditors report on the last audited accounts.
Management and
Functional Procurement Plan for 2010
Capacity in
Functional Minutes of meetings of the General Assembly for 2010
Capacity of
Project Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports on the implementation of
Implementation projects in the 2010 Annual Action Plan


Thematic Area Needed Documents Tick if

Management and Minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee (EC)
Organisation Minutes of meetings of the statutory sub committees of the EC
Minutes of meetings of the District Security Committee
Minutes of management (heads of departments+ DA core staff)
meetings during the last fiscal year
Transparency, List of members (including a desk officer) and minutes of meetings of the
Openness and Public Relations and Complaints Committee
Accountability Annual report on the MMDAs activities for the previous year.
Annual statement of accounts
Latest external auditors report
Monthly financial statements
Despatch book
Planning System Implementation Report for the previous year
Monitoring reports of previous years projects and programmes
Annual Plan and Budget
Minutes of half year composite review meetings on planning,
implementation and monitoring of MTDP.

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

Reports on public hearings at sub district structure levels in connection

with the preparation of Medium Term Development Plan
Last updated socio-economic databank
Gender profile of the MTDP
Human Resource Nominal Roll (Central administration and decentralised departments)
Management Establishment schedule
Copy of annual staff development plans
Copy of TNA
Capacity Building Plan and Implementation Report
Relations with Record of transfer of funds to sub district structures
sub structures Documents indicating functions transferred and actually being performed
by sub district structures
Financial Composition and minutes of meetings of the Budget Committee
Management and Monthly expenditure returns and incomes of the MMDA
Auditing Bank Reconciliation Statement
Monthly Trial Balance
Annual Balance Sheet
Annual Statement of Accounts
Board of Survey Report
Database on taxable units including property roll
Report on internal audit work carried out and submitted to the Presiding
Member of the MMDA.
Minutes of Audit Review Implementation Committee meeting
Copies of ARIC implementation reports
Minutes of management meetings
Minutes of General Assembly meeting
Fiscal Capacity Monthly Trial Balances
Operation and maintenance plan
Revenue and expenditure records
Audited Accounts
Annual budget
Records of DACF Receipts
Procurement Document describing the procedure for inviting tenders
Progress Reports on the implementation of projects
Minutes of the procurement entities
Annual Procurement Plan and quarterly updates
Contracts Register/Certificates of Payments
Environmental Development of District Environmental Sanitation Sub-Sector Strategy
Sanitation and Action Plan
Management Data on Environmental Sanitation Facilities


Thematic Area Needed Documents Tick if
Budgeting 2010 Annual Action Plan
2010 Approved Budget
2010 Annual Financial Statement
Approved revised budgets in 2010

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

Minutes of Assembly meeting to approve 2010 Budget

Reporting and 2010 Monthly Financial Statements
Auditing Auditor Generals report for 2009 audited account
Latest External Auditors management letter
Meeting minutes of ARIC meetings
Asset 2010 Contract File
Management 2010 Procurement plan
2010 Contracts Register
Asset Register
2010 Operation and Maintenance plan
Revenue 2010 Revenue Improvement Action Plan
Management 2010 Revenue and Expenditure Records
2009 December Monthly Trial Balance
2010 December Monthly Trial Balance
Social Fee Fixing file
Accountability Minutes of Public Finance Management Town Hall meetings

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: Zone: Date of Assessment:.

Tick as appropriate
Minimum Indicators of Minimum Condition Fulfilled Not Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
Condition Fulfilled (indicate source documents to support response)
Functional Establishment of a DPCU based on the
Capacity in Guidelines for the Operationalisation of
Development DPCUs & RPCUs, 2004
Planning Annual Action Plan has been formulated
on the basis of the MTDP
Functional Annual Statement of Accounts prepared
Capacity in and submitted according to the Financial
Financial Administration Act, 654, Financial
Management Administration Regulation LI1802/ and
and Financial Memorandum
Accounting No adverse comments bordering on
dishonesty in the Audit conducted.
Preparation and submission of monthly
financial reports to CAGD
Functional District procurement plan available and
Capacity in prepared based on Public Procurement
Procurement Act (PPA) 663 of 2003 and the
Functional Assembly meeting according to
Capacity of minimum demands
Plan Progress Reports on the implementation
Implementation of activities in the Annual Action Plan

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MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators for MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATION Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
Total Score score (indicate source documents to support Response)
Meetings in the political management institutions:
Executive Committee (EC) 2

EC Sub-committees
District Security Committee
Accessibility of public places to the physically challenged
Regular management meetings

Follow up to management meetings


SUB TOTAL Please transfer sub total score to DDF composite score

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators for TRANSPARENCY OPENNESS AND Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
ACCOUNTABILITY Total Score score (indicate source documents to support response)
Establishment and appropriate work of the Public
Relations and Complaints Committee (PRCC) 2

Information to the Public

Publication of annual statement of accounts
Publication of latest auditors report (LGA Section 125)
Publication of Annual Budget
Publication of Monthly Financial Statement
Sub total score Please transfer sub total score to composite score sheet

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators for the PLANNING SYSTEM Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
Total Score score (indicate source documents to support Response)
Involvement of key stakeholders in plan implementation
or monitoring 2

Level of plan implementation


Internal monitoring and evaluation of plan implementation


Linkage between planning and budgeting


Work planning by departments


Socio economic data collection and management


Support to the poor and vulnerable


Climate change interventions


Gender Mainstreaming

Sub total score Please transfer sub total score to composite score sheet

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators for HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
Total Score score (indicate source documents to support Response)
Overall vacancy level

Staff development

Capacity building Plan and Training


Sub total score Please transfer sub total score to composite score sheet

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators for RELATIONSHIP WITH SUB Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
STRUCTURES Total Score score (indicate source documents to support Response)
Revenue sharing between Assembly and district sub-

Extent to which district sub-structures have been

mandated to perform functions as outlined in LI 1967 3

Sub total score Please transfer sub total score to composite score sheet

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators for FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
AUDITING Total Score score (indicate source documents to support response)
Functionality of Budget Committee

Compliance with budgetary provisions


Procedure for funds disbursement


Approval of the budget


Estimation of revenue from fees and licenses


Board of Survey

Prompt responsiveness to external audit queries


Functionality of an Internal Audit Unit


Responsiveness to the internal audit observations


Sub total score Please transfer sub total score to composite score sheet

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators of FISCAL CAPACITY Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
Total Score score (indicate source documents to support response)
Absolute Size of IGF

Efforts to improve Internally Generated Fund (IGF)


Collection cost of Internally Generated Fund (IGF)


Share of Internally Generated Fund (IGF) used for

Development Expenditure

Operation and maintenance plan


Preparation of Asset Registers


Sub total score Please transfer sub total score to composite score sheet

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators of PROCUREMENT Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements

Total Score score (indicate source documents to support Response)
Meetings of Procurement Entities

Record on procurement proceedings


Contract Mobilisation

Contract management

Contract Retention

Sub total score Please transfer sub total score to composite score sheet

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators of ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
MANAGEMENT Total Score score (indicate source documents to support Response)
Development of District Environmental Sanitation Sub-
Sector Strategy and Action Plan 2

Data on environmental facilities


Market Facilities

Sub total score Please transfer sub total score to composite score sheet

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators for BUDGETING Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
Total Score score (indicate source documents to support Response)
Variance of budgeted versus actual expenditures

Number of revised budgets within a financial year


Approval of annual budget by the General Assembly by

November 30 5

SUB TOTAL Please transfer sub total score to the UDG composite score
15 sheet

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators for REPORTING AND AUDITING Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
Total Score score (indicate source documents to support Response)
Receipt by MLGRD of monthly financial statements within
15 days of the ensuing month 5

Annual Financial Audit Reports with unqualified audit

opinions available. 6

Follow up on issues raised in external audit report


SUB TOTAL Please transfer sub total score to the UDG composite score
15 sheet

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators for ASSET MANAGEMENT Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
Total Score score (indicate source documents to support Response)
Contract management (% of projects completed on
schedule) 5

The percentage variation of signed contract prices versus

estimated prices in procurement plan (sum of all 5
Asset register (as of December 31) officially updated and
submitted to DCD by March 31. 5

Maintenance, Repairs and Renewals expenditures as a

percentage of total recurrent expenditures 5

SUB TOTAL Please transfer sub total score to the UDG composite score

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators for REVENUE MANAGEMENT Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
Total Score score (indicate source documents to support Response)
Collection efficiency measured by actual IGF collections
as a percentage of estimated revenue 10

% year on year growth in property tax collection


SUB TOTAL Please transfer sub total score to the UDG composite score
35 sheet

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMA: .. Zone: Date of Assessment:

Indicators for SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY Maximum Actual Responses incl. Capacity Building Requirements
Total Score score (indicate source documents to support Response)
Annual public disclosure of fee fixing resolutions in
Assembly offices, all zones and sub-metros. 2

Two PFM townhall meetings (Q1 on annual budget and

Q3 on budget/planning) in assembly with civil society 6
Additional free points to be given to all qualifying MMAs

SUB TOTAL Please transfer sub total score to the UDG composite score

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: . Zone:

Date of Assessment:

Performance Measures Maximum Score Actual Score

Management and Organisation 10

Transparency, Openness and

Accountability 12

Planning System 16

Human Resource Management 7

Relationship with Sub-Structures 6

Financial Management and Auditing 16

Fiscal Capacity 15

Procurement 12

Environmental Sanitation Management 6

Total 100

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMA: . Zone:

Date of Assessment:

Performance Measures Maximum Score Actual Score


Reporting and Auditing


Asset Management

Revenue Management

Social Accountability 15

Total 100

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: Zone:

Date of Assessment:..

MINIMUM CONDITIONS Capacity Requirements

Functional Capacity in Development

Functional Capacity in Financial

Management and Accounting

Functional Capacity in Procurement

Functional Capacity of Assembly

Project Implementation Capacity

DDF Performance Measures

Management and Organisation

Transparency, Openness and


Planning system

Human Resource Management

Relationship with Sub Structures

Financial Management and Auditing

Fiscal Capacity


MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

Environmental Sanitation Management

UDG Performance Measures


Reporting and Auditing

Asset Management

Revenue Management

Social Accountability

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: . Zone:

Date of Assessment:..

MINIMUM CONDITIONS Specific Disagreements

Functional Capacity in Development

Functional Capacity in Financial

Management and Accounting

Functional Capacity in Procurement

Functional Capacity of Assembly

Project Implementation Capacity

DDF Performance Measures

Management and organisation

Transparency, Openness and


Planning System

Human Resource Management

Relationship with Sub Structures

Financial Management and Auditing

Fiscal Capacity


Environmental Sanitation Management

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

UDG Performance Measures


Reporting and Auditing

Asset Management

Revenue Management

Social Accountability

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle

I. Assessment Report


YEAR (.)












MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


1. Acknowledgement
2. Methodology used for the assessment
3. Summary of the results (fill in overview schemes for MCs and DDF PMs and UDG
PMs and draw conclusions)
4. Summary of Capacity Building Requirements
5. Challenges in the Assessment
6. Specific and General Comments to individual aspects of the Assessment Process (a
summary of the most important comments during the assessment of the MCs and
both sets of PMs)
7. Notification of disagreement with the outcome of the Assessment

Annex 1 Assessment of the Minimum Conditions

Annex 2 Separate scoring sheets for the DDF Performance Measures and the UDG
Performance Measures
Annex 3 Summary Scoring Table for both Performance Measures (DDF and UDG)
Annex 4 Summary of capacity building requirements (by districts and region)
Annex 5 Summary of Complaints
Annex 6 List of persons met (provide name and designation of persons)
Annex 7 List of documents consulted (from the checklist)

This format is to used for district specific and consolidated reports

MLGRD Operational Manual for FOAT 2010 4th Cycle


Name of MMDA: .. Zone:

Date of Assessment:..

No Name Position Tel/Email Signature

This is only required for the District Report


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